Excerpt from "My Kid Could Paint That," directed by Amir Bar

Re: Excerpt from "My Kid Could Paint That," directed by Amir

Postby admin » Sat Nov 23, 2013 3:38 am


[Laura Olmstead, Marla's mother] It's amazing how quickly the 60 Minutes piece has receded in our minds. We've survived. Everything's okay and just, sort of, it's a relief. It's over.



[Elizabeth Cohen, Columnist -- The Press & Sun Bulletin] So, it seems like controversy is a positive thing. When I found out she was having another show, I felt like ...


"Wow, you know, catch your breath and think about this." I mean, in one year, a girl has been globally famous and then debunked. And now she's getting famous again. And it just seems like, doesn't every child deserve a childhood?


Isn't that one of those inalienable rights?


To just be a child? She doesn't need to be on TV anymore. She doesn't need to be in a movie.

[Amir Bar-Lev] So, if you were in my position ...

[Elizabeth Cohen, Columnist -- The Press & Sun Bulletin] Well, I did just kind of jump on you, there.

[Amir Bar-Lev] No, that's okay.

[Elizabeth Cohen, Columnist -- The Press & Sun Bulletin] And I'm sorry about that, but it has occurred to me that this is a continuation of what's happened to her. You're going to make a documentary about this little girl, and it's just like, one more throwing Marla out there. It's kind of, at a certain point, like being thrown to the wolves.


And by the way, mea culpa. Because I'm just another person who's writing about Marla. I think I've written my last column about it. I followed the arc of the story, but I feel like the story's reached its logical conclusion for this reporter at this time.
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Re: Excerpt from "My Kid Could Paint That," directed by Amir

Postby admin » Sat Nov 23, 2013 3:43 am

[Elizabeth Cohen, Columnist -- The Press & Sun Bulletin] To me, in my mind, it's a story about what happens with stories. This 4-year-old girl, who is now five, has had world fame, plus she's had an expose.


The whole story, really, is about grownups. It's really not about this kid.



She's just a little girl, painting in her house.
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