Excerpt from "My Kid Could Paint That," directed by Amir Bar

Re: Excerpt from "My Kid Could Paint That," directed by Amir

Postby admin » Sat Nov 23, 2013 5:05 am


[Man] I like the little Mickey Mouse ears.

[Anthony Brunelli, Gallery Owner] It was exciting for me to actually be in the same room with you when you watched Ocean for the first time. Because I've always felt that you have been neutral. You kept your, kind of, opinion to yourself. But I don't think anybody who can watch this footage could come out of it feeling anything other than the fact that Marla completely does these paintings.





Mosquito Bite

Blue Sun

Asian Sun


Ode to Pollock



Zane Dancing

[Anthony Brunelli, Gallery Owner] And I would admit, that 60 Minutes painting was not as strong as the others. Ocean, on the other hand, I think, is right up there.
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Re: Excerpt from "My Kid Could Paint That," directed by Amir

Postby admin » Sat Nov 23, 2013 5:06 am



[Anthony Brunelli, Gallery Owner] I can't tell you the excitement of having this show and being able to debut the DVD. Anybody that walks in here, sees this work and watches that DVD, I don't think there's a person that can walk out of these doors feeling anything but the fact that she is, truly, I mean, I really feel that she's a genius.


I mean, she really is. It boggles my mind each time I get a new painting. And they're all so different. Yet, they're all Marla's. You can definitely see her thumb in every single one of them. That one is called Gorgeous and that's $20,000.


That almost looks like a Dali.



And then the triptych is $20,000 as well, the three-panel piece.


Sick Teeth is $11,500.


This is At the Lake.

[Woman] "At the Lake."'

[Anthony Brunelli, Gallery Owner] I think it looks like a Monet.

[Woman] Yeah, this is, like, from the water. I like Monet a lot.


[Anthony Brunelli, Gallery Owner] And then this is the one on the DVD. I like it. This is where she's starting to get a little bit more figurative.

[Woman] Kathleen says, "Don't get the one with the Mickey Mouse."

[Man] Well, that's why you buy it.

[Woman] That's why you buy it.

[Man] Because she said not to.


[Anthony Brunelli, Gallery Owner] Who said that?

[Woman] My daughter-in-law. She was looking at the pictures, she said, "Oh, I like all of them." Ocean was the one, she said. Because of the Mickey Mouse ears, she said, "It looks like Mickey Mouse."


[Anthony Brunelli, Gallery Owner] This is on the DVD, so this painting becomes special.

[Woman] Right.

[Anthony Brunelli, Gallery Owner] This becomes almost like a landmark painting.


[Woman] This is easy on the eyes. This one.


I look at that, and my mind is working hard. It's not relaxing.


[Anthony Brunelli, Gallery Owner] What's going to happen is .... I know what's going to happen. If this doesn't sell opening night, people are going to go watch this DVD, and then they're going to come back and say ... Because they're going to see how this little girl created it. And you will be so amazed when you see how she created it.


[Man] Why don't you buy it?

[Woman] Because it doesn't look like the same person's painted it. It looks like it was painted by ... I mean, I know it wasn't. It's just different than ... It's different from the normal painting that she does.

[Anthony Brunelli, Gallery Owner] I don't know if you remember, the expert did say in the very beginning, "This kid could be right in the Metropolitan and you could get away with it." Whatever. This stuff is amazing. Clearly this is her.


So now it goes back to, this kid belongs in the Metropolitan.



[Man] That's on the DVD. Works for me. Buy it.


[Woman] Well, I suppose I'll get the Mickey Mouse one, and my daughter-in-law will just never talk to me again.

[Man] Is that your choice?

[Woman] I guess.

[Man] Ocean?

[Woman] I guess, yeah.


[Anthony Brunelli, Gallery Owner] Congratulations. In my opinion, you picked the right one. All right. See you tomorrow.

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Re: Excerpt from "My Kid Could Paint That," directed by Amir

Postby admin » Sat Nov 23, 2013 5:08 am


[Anthony Brunelli, Gallery Owner] They've opened their lives. I've opened my life. We're an open slate to you. What, specifically, are you looking for now? That's kind of where I'm at a loss because ... Is it ... Where are you going with it now? What is it? If you were to walk out of here today, and the Olmsteads called you up and said, "Whatever you want. What is it that you want? Let's do it." What is that?


[Amir Bar-Lev] I want footage of Marla painting. That will put my doubts to rest.

[Anthony Brunelli, Gallery Owner] Yeah, yeah. It's, you know ... The problem that we have here ...


and it's happening with you now, which I didn't think it was going to happen, is that I think that ... Everybody's trying to shape the story into something that they want it to be. And not letting the story be what it is.
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