Excerpt from "My Kid Could Paint That," directed by Amir Bar

Excerpt from "My Kid Could Paint That," directed by Amir Bar

Postby admin » Tue Nov 26, 2013 8:58 pm

Excerpt from "My Kid Could Paint That," directed by Amir Bar-Lev


[Woman] They're going to ask you questions that we've asked you on the phone.


Jane's going to say things like, "What did you think when you saw her first picture?

Did you think it was extraordinary? Did she get better as she painted more?"


[Mark Olmstead, Marla's father] These kids have been in New York City, over the past month-and-a-half, three times. Which is pretty cool. A lot of these experiences are just awesome. We're doing our best to document everything. Oh, that's a good smile right there.

[Laura Olmstead, Marla's mother] It's actually kind of a comfort, because now when we go do these things, we sort of know what we're doing.

[Amir Bar-Lev] Would you consider it fun?


[Laura Olmstead, Marla's mother] No.

[Elizabeth Cohen, Columnist -- The Press & Sun Bulletin] You know how sometimes you have a feeling, an instinctive feeling, and you don't follow it? And then sure enough, down the line, you know your instinct was right?


I think that's what happened with Laura. I think that her inner voice, her inner mother, was saying, "Let's don't go down this road." And she got, kind of, talked into it by everybody around her.


She was one voice in the chorus, and I think she got out-sung.


[Jane Pauley] Parents, Laura and Mark, are up here with me. Wow, your heads must be spinning.


[Laura Olmstead, Marla's mother] That's true. They are.

[Elizabeth Cohen, Columnist -- The Press & Sun Bulletin] The way I saw the Marla story was, it was one of those stories that big media latches onto, and there's quite a number of them now, because they have to fill time and sell advertisement. It's like a hungry monster. It can't get fed enough.


So a story like this comes along, this is lunch. This is what they wait for.


[Jane Pauley] Do you help her paint?

[Mark Olmstead, Marla's father] No.

[Jane Pauley] No? Well, I'm asking all the questions that people are thinking at home.



[Elizabeth Cohen, Columnist -- The Press & Sun Bulletin] What happens with a story like this is that, at a certain point, because of the nature of media, the story itself has to change to maintain the interest of the public.


I think that's what Laura was afraid of.
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