, by Christopher Recouvreur

Re:, by Christopher Recouvreur

Postby admin » Tue Nov 26, 2013 10:10 pm


4 Comments (Independence Day)

Shannon Lynch
/ July 4, 2012
So you put your wife and twto daughters to cyber attacks and troll tomfoolery which drove your wife to further insanity and your kids to blow up on twitter….for….alright then Octomom.
Charles Carreon IV
/ July 4, 2012
Now that you’ve dropped the suit, what will you do to get dinosaurs? I was hoping to ride on your coat tails so I could have a velociraptor.
Charles Carreon IV
the other other charles.

/ July 4, 2012
Well California Law is so large… there’s got to be something there. Also I still will be pursuing my legal actions against Paul Levy, Cathy Gellis, and Ken “The Illuminati Master” White.

/ July 5, 2012
maybe you could sue the illuminati? I mean to show you a well grounded guy sticking to rational causes, rather than tilting at windmills, of course.
plus I have all this popcorn

7 Comments (A question)

Witless Protection Program
/ July 4, 2012
I’ll bet SharpWriter would be happy to let you use this image for the Ask Charles section: ... -312025579

/ July 4, 2012
Wow, enter my new desktop wallpaper.

/ July 4, 2012
Who’s ‘Wow’ and why should he enter your wallaper? And, doooode, screw the Bavarians… all they wanna do is yodel and suck each others Weisswurst.

/ July 4, 2012
Wombat Felcher
/ July 5, 2012
Someone posted this about Laywers in general. Should you sue?
There was once a lawyer named Rex,
who was small in the parts used in sex,
When charged with exposure,
He replied, with composure,
“De minimus non curat lex.”

/ July 5, 2012
I mean… it’s true for me…
/ July 7, 2012
I voted for the third option because I’d really like a dinosaur. YOU OWE ME!!!

22 Comments (From the director's chair)

Adam Steinbaugh
/ July 5, 2012
Hooray! I get to be my own first client!
As an aside, my client is an IDIOT.
/ July 5, 2012
George Washington, I presume?

/ July 5, 2012
(did I screw up the link?) let’s see…
George Washington, I presume
/ July 5, 2012
Well if you are going to sue me you’ll need to serve me. To assist you, I’ve provided my number and address for service below.
1313 Disappointment Rd.
Norgood CO 81423

/ July 6, 2012
Going to send a process server now.
Witless Protection Program
/ July 5, 2012
No cannibals? I was promised cannibals!

Charles Carreon IV
/ July 6, 2012
What about velociraptors? Got to have velociraptors.
the other other Charles

/ July 6, 2012
They are the cannibals, and velociraptors are hard to train. Very stubborn and free willed.

Charles Carreon IV
/ July 6, 2012
Wow you’re right about velociraptors. I googled training them and found this on
They tend to be a very independent breed, which can make it a lot harder to housebreak them.
However, don’t mistake their stubborness for stupidness! They are very intelligent and can learn many things with proper motivation. Have you tried crate training? This usually works, but it can be hard to not only find a large enough crate, but also a strong enough one. They tend to resist cages and crates, so you’ll want to make sure that you get a good strong steel barred crate.
Another thing to consider is, have you gotten him neutered? Velociraptors are very prone to having dominance and marking issues, especially if they have hatched too early. You’ll want to see a specialist to get that done, which should help somewhat with marking in the house.
Anyway, good luck with the potty-training, and just be glad you didn’t get a Deinonychus – larger
body, larger waste!
the other other charles

/ July 8, 2012
Yo dawg, I heard you like Charles Carreons, so I put a Charles Carreon in your Charles Carreon so you can sue while you sue!
Joe Pullen
/ July 6, 2012
Whoo hooo the moose is loose. I’m not getting sued!

/ July 6, 2012
I don’t like moose.
Nibor Sypher
/ July 6, 2012
Didn’t I say I do not want to be in the system (see the about section of this blog) mann now I really got to delete my identity, being named in the attachments of a lawsuit that doesn’t personaly involves me (which only entertains me), is one thing but being threatened to be the objective in/with such a lawsuit is a totally other thing.
I commencing the deleting of my identity when I dare to come out of the corner, where I am now crawled into quivering, mumbling comforting sounds and rocking back and forth out of pure fear.
(Please serve the papers yourself and give me a heads-up when you coming over, so I can buy you a souvenir to take back with you to the US, like an inflatable dinosaur with wooden shoes and a delft’s blue windmill between his teeth)
/ July 6, 2012
Dear Charles,
I wanted to read more about your Psycho Santa movie, and respond to your lovely wife Tara, in hopes that I could play the role of Santa (I already have a grey beard, and am working on the Beer-belly).
Unfortunately, it seems that Tara’s democratic forum can only be posted to by – um – Tara, are you able to help?
Thank you!
PS – someone should tell Tara that the particular photo she’s chosen makes her look a bit crazy. Oh – and so do her posts.
Nicholas Weaver
/ July 6, 2012
I’m only 9th? After all the beer money I spent on PACER digging up Charles Carreon’s history of abusive Pro Se lawsuits and tossing them onto RECAP for all to see and I only get NINTH!?! I coulda gotten myself a nice pony keg for the amount I spent shoving public records online…
I woulda hoped that ensuring that a Pro Se litigant’s abusive history was forever immortalized in the public records would get me into the top 5, because, you know, reporting on the public record is defamatory, and trademark violation, and copyright violation and stuff…
Oh, and Charles, you forgot Doe 2, Doe 3, Doe Pi, Doe E, Doe Ray Me, etc…

Nicholas Weaver
/ July 6, 2012
Oh, and Bambi’s mom.
You do realize that, in California, standard deer tags are only for bucks, not does, right?

/ July 6, 2012
You didn’t use my name enough to crack the top 5. Trademark infringement and all. Tara is actively keeping count.
W Ross
/ July 7, 2012
I noticed Tara was sweet on me, and I had a question. Could I pay off me settlement in sessions of tender, yet naughty love making? I promise to give it like 20-30% tops so I don’t ruin her for you, but I don’t have a lot of cash due to a persistent narcotics problem. Oh, I guess I could pay you in narcotics, also.
Get back to me when you have time, Tara has my number.
W Ross
/ July 7, 2012
I noticed Tara was sweet on me, and I had a question. Could I pay off me settlement in sessions of tender, yet naughty love making? I promise to give it like 20-30% tops so I don’t ruin her for you, but I don’t have a lot of cash due to a persistent narcotics problem. Oh, I guess I could pay you in narcotics, also.
Get back to me when you have time, Tara has my number.

/ July 7, 2012
My apologies for the double post. Please let me know how much in monetary damages the second post has caused you, plus billable hours, plus pain and suffering and mail it to my people. We’ll figure out how much I owe you and get things settled, as is good and proper.
/ July 7, 2012 — you call this a movie?

/ July 7, 2012
It took Tara and I 4 days of nonstop work to make that. I call it a masterpiece

3 Comments (Democracy!)

/ July 7, 2012
Holy shit, you have to see this!
/ July 7, 2012
You’re part of the distributed rapeutational assault against CC, you know.
/ July 7, 2012
I am highly offended that he would describe people making fun of him as the same thing as rape. Like dude has hit a new low on the sensitivity scale.

5 Comments (Rapeutation)

Witless Protection Program
/ July 7, 2012
Dear Charles,
When Tara compared you to John Lennon, I thought she’d hit bottom. When she called all of your many detractors nazis, cannibals and latent mass murderers, I was sure *that* was the bottom.
But you two just keep digging, like Deepwater Horizon, discovering rich new deposits of douchebaggery. Calling your self-propelled public humiliation rape? Brilliant!
Keep eating all of those clothespins, Charles – it’s working for you.
Joan Jett
/ July 9, 2012
The site is currently down. I hope it stays that way. Trying to gain sympathy by comparing your pain to that of a rape victim is tasteless.

/ July 9, 2012
Sadly, it looks like they are just working on the site. “Rapeutation” is now in spooky, dripping letters. Everytime i think Carreon can’t be more tasteless he proves me wrong. Has he realized that his own childish behavior is why I belive him to be a terrible lawyer.
Albert Wang
/ July 10, 2012
How does that amount of crazy work between two people? The “lyrics” to their “music video” make no sense as does their website. I’m not so sure what Charles Carreon and family intend to do other than PROVE to everyone else how utterly insane they are.
I mean, this man comes off as insane and he is still practicing law. His wife comes off as insane too. I’m not going to slam the rest of his family, but I do want to mention that his only son is dead. Died in 2007. This may have possibly cranked up the “crazy” of this esquire.

2 Comments (Oh no, she bought more ammo ...)

/ July 8, 2012
Posted at Nadar library now:
“Another time Robert Anton Wilson (Uncle Bob) sent two of his goons to visit us: Eddy Nix and his beautiful “friend.” Besides wanting to have sex with us, Eddy Nix (an Illuminati name) wanted to get Charles to help jack a rich Buddhist heiress named Mimi Hohenberg out of 5 million.”
Why the fuck did she memory-hole the earlier post about the CIA? The one that is up there now seems to follow in sequence from the deleted one: “Actually, a few times they DID identify themselves…” ... &start=100

/ July 8, 2012
She thinks if she formats the paragraph differently she’ll be able to communicate her real intentions. As far as I can tell, no one can understand “BLU ARG HUMINITY NAZI BLAH BUM ILLUMINATI”

2 Comments (Be Heard Part 2)

Be Heard 1
/ July 9, 2012
I have moved well past being scared. I have been debating starting my own blog or being more active here. I agree that we should stand up to them.

/ July 9, 2012
If you do let me know and I’ll add it to the blogroll. I am glad you commented.

11 Comments (Bang?)

/ July 9, 2012
This is beginning to have that surreal quality normally associated with watching a suicide on chat roulette. She’s amping up the crazy.
You *say* you’re out doing dinolitigation all day, Charles. But I think you’re just driving around all day, pretending to be at work.
When will you file again? Will it be for divorce, this time?

/ July 9, 2012
No, first I file for a TRO. Then divorce. You got to think through your actions man. I learned that from uh… last week.
/ July 9, 2012
So she thinks yelling at the internet is:
1. intimidating
2. useful
…. Aside from sexist cartoons and crying rape I am curious what she thinks she can actually offer the world? And fyi, if you have a locked forum where you shout at people you are not debating. I love how much they have to control what is said about them.
Witless Protection Program
/ July 9, 2012
Before you file anything, make a reservation for a hotel room. In another state. Under an assumed name. One that Tara can’t guess easily.

/ July 9, 2012
Carl Jung maybe?

/ July 9, 2012
I can’t tell what is satire and what she intends. I think some of this stuff is “satire”. Then you get this and i wonder if their forum was hacked or if she had a break down.
and i’f advise Chas Addams. She’ll never think of that.

/ July 9, 2012
Think “A Beautiful Mind” without the penchant for math.

/ July 9, 2012
Yeah, more than likely. I googled that Chamberlin guy she babbled about. He was a German nationalist philosopher pre-WWII. So our secret is still nazis? She really is just spreading poo on the walls for her own amusement at this point. Reading anything she writes involves a save and sanity loss.
Shannon Lynch
/ July 9, 2012
Maybe your wife just wants a Big Bang Theory viewing party with you and all the Nader supporters that showed up last time.
/ July 9, 2012
Charles, I think you need to change your focus for this dinolitigation.
I’m not saying that dinosaurs being brought back is a bad thing, but if you are going to resurrect them, do it in style: ... riders.jpg

/ July 9, 2012
Please provide me with all genetic samples of said dinosaurs and technical schematics for their armor before I sue.

9 Comments (How many times do I have to win?)

Allen Garvin
/ July 10, 2012
Mr. Inman claims to have raised “$211,223.04,” and yet, in the third photo from the top ( ... ney/fu.jpg) you can clearly see that there are 6 distinct coins laying out. This is just like in that story ‘The Gift of the Magi’ ( ... -the-magi/). The only way the 6-photographed coins would make sense is if it consists of 2 one-cent coins, and 4 half-cents (not minted since 1857, which is, suspiciously, the last date the last surviving wild dinosaur was slaughtered in north America, as most scholars refuse to believe the wild stories of T-Rexes battling union troops during the civil war ... -civil-war).
I fear Inman has made a fatal mistake here, which fully warrants re-opening the federal case against him. Fraud involving coins may prompt the Treasury Department/Secret Service to get involved as well.
/ July 10, 2012
“Do you think this letter will make me look strong to Tara?”
Only if you remove the genital cuff she attached to you, and if you hold the letter while dressed up like Rosie O’Donnell in a Nazi uniform. With fur glued to your chest.
BTW, your middle name isn’t ‘Ruprecht’, is it??
/ July 10, 2012
Mister Carreon!
…that representation of your meat ferret is disingenuous of the true amount of hair garnering your fleshy pink beanbag.
Tara told me so.
Charles Carrion (@charlie_carrion)
/ July 10, 2012
Zombie Charles urge young Charles not try so hard for Tara. Maybe look strong now, but eventually, Zombie Tara just think young Charles look delicious.

/ July 10, 2012
I knew I should have never told her to “bite me” back in the 90′s.
Nicholas Weaver
/ July 10, 2012
You need to be as Winning as Charlie Sheen! You’re not there yet, but on the right track

/ July 10, 2012
I want to be a White Hat Internet Lawyer version of a Charlies Sheen / DJ Khaled love child.
The Crafty Polymath
/ July 10, 2012
My first thought when I saw this picture was “YES! I have ‘Mrowwy Night’ on my wall, too!” Not sure exactly what that says about me…or the crudely drawn penis. Oh, wait, that isn’t drawn? Oops.
/ July 13, 2012
I don’t want here to make fun of you either.

5 Comments (I have a dream)

Shannon Lynch
/ July 11, 2012
I weeped tears of joy.
/ July 11, 2012
Well, I knew you were a Lawpoet, but not a warrior poet.
A Canadian
/ July 11, 2012
Yeah, I believe you now have the right to sue the Chicago Tribune. ... 6081.story

/ July 11, 2012
Those bastards tried to steal my speech? Dinosaurs! They owe me dinosaurs!
/ July 11, 2012
This poem touched my heart…and stirred within me a passionate fire to help you succeed in whatever it is you are doing.
Mister Carreon…you have my bow.

5 Comments (Viva La Raza!)

Shannon Lynch
/ July 11, 2012
I got a shattered foot, which is mostly metal and I need crutches to walk. I think that’s an even match.
/ July 11, 2012
Is there going to be any nudity with this mud wrestling?

/ July 11, 2012
If by nudity you mean roving packs of velociraptors, then yes.

/ July 11, 2012
Carreon, cloning dinosaurs is one thing, but NUDE DINOSAURS?!
I think you’ve gone mad with power.
/ July 12, 2012
He is as Mexican as I am an Anglo Saxon male.

6 Comments (I am an expert because I say so)

Nicholas Weaver
/ July 11, 2012
Oh, this case was Global Innovations, Inc. et al v. ALS Scan, Inc. et al
From what I can tell, there was going to be a suit in Maryland against Global Innovations, to which Charles & his client filed a case in California. Charles’s case was dismissed due to lack of jurisdiction.
The suit in Maryland, where EVERYONE was based, was alleging that Global Innovations (Chuckle’s client) was doing DMCA shell games: setting up tons of adult sites and, when a DMCA complaint came in, remove the image from one such site and move it to another.
So what does the Great Charles Carreon, Legal Eagle ™ do? RUN to the courthouse in California to file a suit seeking Declaratory Relief.
Oh, and a GREAT strategy Charles:
Far from being worried, Mr. Carreon stated that he was pleased that negotiations had not proved successful because it allowed him to “bond with [his] clients and get more money out of them.” (Declaration of ROBERT L. LOMBARDO)
OTOH, opposing council seems cut from the Charles Carreon School of Law: Call the other guy’s parents and threaten with a RICO suit.
Hey Charles, could you scan the attachments for amusement value.

/ July 12, 2012
More to come soon.
Nicholas Weaver
/ July 12, 2012
AH, more lessons from Charles Carreon ™ in the proper practice of law: That complaint is great
1) Don’t let conflict of interest stop you from filing a harassing suit
2) Don’t forget, if you are going to accuse someone of practicing law without a license (when everything the person says includes “I am not a lawyer”), it helps to work with them first.
/ July 12, 2012
Satirical Charles, I have conceived a master plan:
1. Now that Douchebag Charles has outed you, surf over to your blog and post a comment (what a douche bag).
2. Incite you to sue Douchebag Charles for defamation, as your blog now has a comment in it, whereas he is clearly defaming you by saying that there are no comments there.
3. ???
4. Dinosaurs!
However, upon mature reflection I realized that you would probably REALLY like to keep Carreon out of your personal projects, so I posted this Carreon-related post here.
I have, however, bookmarked your “personal blog”. Someone as cool as you deserves to have readers, and I hope to leave non-Carreon related comments in the future.
(please feel free to moderate or remove this post should you feel the need)

/ July 12, 2012
He’s making fun of a blog I created, used for 4 days and decided I wasn’t very good at desktop wallpapers. Not really hurting my feelings there. I could even delete those pages if it really bothered me. I’ll leave them up so he thinks he’s gotten me, wink wink, nudge nudge. Thank you for your kind wishes though. I will probably create a “real” blog at some time soon, as I didn’t know before now how much I enjoyed writing.
Carly Rae Jepsen Esq MD
/ July 12, 2012
I just met you.
And this is crazy.
But you’re a douchebag!
Sue me, maybe?
All the other boys.
DMCA me.
But you’re a fuck towel!
Sue me, maybe?
Before you came into our lives we were so bored…
We were so bored!
We were so so bored…..

8 Comments (Did I ever tell you about the time ...)

/ July 12, 2012
Why always insist on payment in dinosaurs? The illuminati prefer ponies, fire breathing ponies that fort rainbows and glitter. Have you tried a pony? Has Tara tried a pony (wait don’t answer that I really don’t want to be scared for life)?

Satirical Charles
/ July 12, 2012
Dinosaurs > Ponies fyi.
/ July 12, 2012
Having read this, it disgusts me to no end that you would post the personal information of a Jon Doe in a public forum. That said, your ‘rapeutation’ website is only serves to mock and and deride you for your continued insanity and unfiltered bullshit.
Congratulations! You are officially the most public figure of general scorn imaginable. Momma would be proud.
Nicholas Weaver
/ July 12, 2012
Actually, charles, you should make it a habit of being paid in laptops you take from your clients, not dinosaurs.
After all, you yourself said “As a practical matter, it would probably make sense to have me retain the laptop, which has a market value of around $650 US, accoridng to current bids on 700MHz Acer laptops on, and the content, which may have a few hundred dollars of retail value, and I will write off the outstanding bill for services.”
Allen C
/ July 12, 2012
This all suddenly becomes clear. When Carreon worked for Sweet Entertainment (a Canadian company) he finalized a lawsuit against an American company that has stolen some of Sweet’s media.
He takes the money and puts it in a trust. He was not supposed to do this, his orders were to deliver it to Sweet Entertainment. Instead he sticks it into a trust. He then withdraws some of the money for personal needs (his condo in Vancouver).
Suddenly the whole “I want to put Inman’s money in a trust” makes a lot of sense. Scroll down to the telephone memo by Lynn Bey-Roode for sourcing on this. The condo and trust are on page 3.
Charles Carreon IV
/ July 12, 2012
I’ve been DICKed! So has my wife. People all over the internet are making fun of our postings on and This Distributed Internet Collaborative Kick-down [DICK] is causing my wife, Tarda, and myself great emotional distress. Not to mention these terroristic CIA operatives taking the Carreon name in vain. Will you sue them for us. We want velociraptors. Tarda wants to ride one. I figure why not, she been ridden by most everything else on the planet.
Charles Carreon IV
the other other Charles

/ July 12, 2012
So, Mr. TM is actually posting people’s information publicly and seems to be putting pressure on the employers (or at least mentioning them) for all three people he named. I think he might be getting close to wildly tresspassing into dangerous legal territory. Keep up the good work SC. Oh, and he can’t read a tos for crap (photobucket,, indiegogo). Excellent internet skills.
Wonder how long until he sues photobucket.

4 Comments (I am not a hypocrite)

/ July 13, 2012
Lordy Chas! I wish you’d stop. I come here for a few minutes of respite from the work I should be doing and I end up spurting tea through my nose because I’m laughing so hard. Now my boss is going to find out I’m reading about carrion and not doing my job. Oh wait I am my boss – get to work bitch!!!!
Shannon Lynch
/ July 13, 2012
The Oatmeal gave you faulty crayons. It all makes sense now!
/ July 14, 2012
What I really like about this supidity of it is, that he linked to other websites, that I was un- aware of, and now will start reading. Hes a gift that keeps on giving, in a wierd, creepy and mentaly ill way.

3 Comments (A cave. A Man. A cloning machine)

/ July 14, 2012
You do realize that with expressions such as ‘weapons grade plutonium’, ‘centrifuges’ and ‘sporks’, you’re most likely to attract the attention of ECHELON, right? Especially the ‘sporks’ part.
Evil Supergenious Lawyer
/ July 14, 2012
Charles, I am hoping I can help you stockpile some food and you can help me by taking about 100 lbs of zucchini off of me. Mrs. Evil Supergenious planted too many and I am eating zucchini’s till they come out of my ears. I am sick of zucchini – I don’t care how nutritious they are. Maybe you can use them to feed some livestock that would be meals for your new T-Rex. They could also make for excellent targt practice.
Also, I have a centrifuge I could lend you along with a weapons grade detonator but unfortunately I left it in my other secret lair inside the Mountain of Despair beyond the River of Fire guarded by the Dragons of Eternity. The Dragons have very nasty tempers and I am still missing my eyebrows from my last encounter

4 Comments (Captain Obvious is obviously ...)

/ July 15, 2012
The dinosaurs with the lazers, epicness of epic dino pictures? It was a tv show ... 152AApWE7a
/ July 15, 2012
Well Charles, if at first you don’t suceed, keep flushing.

Satirical Charles
/ July 16, 2012
Stop hacking my comment section.
/ July 16, 2012
Would you please tell Tara that Douglas Adams is dead. And, he wasn’t trying to be anyone’s hero. And he didn’t write “the movie,” he wrote 4 little remarkable books.
By the way. . . . . .
Charles – why do I only get to comment on a parody site? Why oh why can’t I say anything at American Buddha or Nader Library. How will you know if Ralph wants to talk to you?

10 Comments (Get Dave!)

/ July 17, 2012
Stephen King vs. Charles Carreon
King is sueing for trademark enfringement for the use of “dear readers” and/or “fellow reader”
Now that’s two lawsuits against you, sir, including the one with the mysterious John Doe.

Satirical Charles
/ July 17, 2012
What is he a king of anyways? NOTHING. He better dismiss his case before I win and seek attorney fees. Or he better have a few Tyrannosaurus Rex laying around.

/ July 17, 2012
He’s more of a dragon person actually.
Allen C
/ July 17, 2012
Tara actually seemed to be coming down off her rage high until Oat’s packaged arrived. It provoked a whole new disjointed storm of rambling. My favorite part is after all the Carreon whining and crying about internet hordes being sent to attack them, they don’t bother to censor the addresses on the package.
I know the address was out there before, but come on… Also they need to work on their yard and pool. The yard looks horrible in both Bing anf Google maps. The pool is an unseemly shade of green in the Bing maps photo.

Satirical Charles
/ July 17, 2012
I will be suing Google Maps and Bing Maps to take more flattering pictures of my pool.

/ July 17, 2012
Yeah, you should sue and make them replace the image of your house with Streisand’s house. That’ll show them.
Nicholas Weaver
/ July 17, 2012
Hey charles, since Inman’s mailing is intended for your client care of you, shouldn’t you open it? Just saying, because you are like an attorney and all…

Satirical Charles
/ July 17, 2012
Matthew Inman is part of the mafia, had I accepted his package I could be prosecuted under the RICO Act.

5 Comments (Dave Thomas Writes In)

/ July 17, 2012
Who would have known that Dave Fulton is the man on the blurred picture called ‘Dave.Felton.blur_.jpg’?

/ July 18, 2012
/ July 18, 2012
Hey I just met you, but you look crazy, so don’t carreon maybe?
/ July 18, 2012
Dave wins 1,000,000 dinosaurs for $20,000 asking price.
/ July 18, 2012
Hey, Chas, congratulations on your new ad campaign!

4 Comments (Be Heard III)

/ July 18, 2012
Hi Richard,
I like your picture and I appreciate the fact that you tried to contact Charles to tell him that you were concerned that his actions would bring him no good.
I too did the same thing. We even had some correspondence. I don’t think that he will put my email in his “hatemail” page because of the way we interacted, but I could be totally wrong since several of the emails on that page were pretty nice.
You seem to be a sweet young man, and since we can’t post on the Rapeutation-y site, I just wanted to tell you not to be frustrated by this man’s actions. Sometimes this is what people do. They don’t address the fact that they acted like a twit, they just get pissed because everyone tells them that they acted like a twit.
And remember that bad thinks can come from this. As funny as it all seems over at the NaderLibrary site right now, I really do worry about this mans wife. She is twirling like a top and this stress is obviously not good for her. Go read the information on Wikipedia about Chas and think how hard is was when she lost a child who was older than you look to be.
None of us has all the answers, but we all have the ability to have empathy.
You cannot help these people by keeping them from doing what they are doing. They are going to do just what they want to do. But you can hold love in you heart and tell yourself, “There but for the grace of the gods, go I.”
/ July 18, 2012
Hey Richard!
I’m #24 of the 28 letters Mr. Carreon has posted so far. If you read it, you will see I was simply looking for a reasonable explanation of the FunnyJunk situation. Yes, I was also trying to be a bit cheeky, but the whole thing was becoming laughable. Mr. Inman was doing his best to get out of a bad situation and since I enjoy his work I felt the need to offer my support. What harm could come of writing a letter? Like Tootie, I was looking for some sort of response, however brief would have been fine.
When I was notified today that rather than respond to my email Mr. Carreon had instead posted it on the Internet for the world to see, I had mixed emotions. I sent that email knowing full well that he could do with it whatever he pleased. But to post it on a site called “RAPEutationists” and to include my full name, city of residence and the email address I have had for business and personal use for over 15 years? Come on! And this supposed new “legal term” he suggests is so extremely offensive. Where in my letter did I write anything to suggest this sort of truly ugly response?
It also appears that he plans on “outing” each one of us “rapeutationists” on his website. To save time, here is what you get if you Google my name. Some positive comments I made after attending a medical billing seminar ten years ago were widely published by the seminar sponsor. There are some adorable pictures of my dog Bill on Facebook but I would have to “Friend” you for you to see them. I am one of five hosts for my high school’s 30 year class reunion this September. Go Pirates!
Luckily, I’m a big girl and can spot a bully a mile away. Over the past years, I’ve developed my own blend of religion, a mix I call “Catholic Karma.” I truly believe that what you put out into the Universe is what will come back to you. If you don’t want it to bite you in the butt, be nice. It’s that simple! None of us are perfect and we are given a new chance every day to live a good and kind life. I quote the great Justin Timberlake when I say, “What goes around, goes around, goes around, comes all the way back around.”
If you are reading this Mr. Carreon, give it a try. It’s a nice way to live.
/ July 18, 2012
This letter renewed my hope for the future.
/ July 18, 2012
Most of the letters on the Rapeutation site that were categorized as ‘hatemail’ were not. Most were people trying to reach out to Mr. Carreon. Yes, there were some horrible ones, but putting you and the other people in that ‘hate’ category wasn’t right and just made Mr. Carreon look more like a child having a tantrum.
The only thing I can say is that Mr. Carreon will get what he deserves in one form or the other. Karma is just builing like a snowball effect for him. But who knows, he’ll just blame the internet mafia and General Oats for what happpened instead of taking responsibility.
But Tootie makes a good point. Tara did lose a son, but Charles lost a son too. No matter how many years passed that family loss will never go away and I sympathize whole heartedly with them. It doesn’t excuse any of their behavior but it helps understand a flavor of it? It that makes any sense.

1 Comment (Goodbye)

/ July 21, 2012
I cannot begin to express my gratitude. I have seen some responses to this which made me question the decency of humanity. Thank you for making such a compassionate and heartfelt post.

1 Comment (The conspiracy continues)

/ July 22, 2012
I notice that Tara’s shifted into high gear, again, suggesting on her site that your chosen nemesis, Matt Inman, is secretly being paid by the FBI to draw his cartoons. And what’s with the dangling, unreferenced mention of Jeph Jacques of Questionable Content? Has she even slept, in the past month? Or are the Tyrannosaurs in the back yard corral keeping her up, again? Charles, you really should take better care of her.

4 Comments (WordPress is part of the Nazi conspiracy)

/ July 23, 2012
Charles, that is so outrageous. You should definitely sue – they owe you at least $20000 and 2 T-rex. Seriously, how dare they suppress your free speach. It’s not like they are a successful internet lawyer, or something….
/ July 23, 2012
Charles, I have a feeling that these dinosaurs, wordpress, open source and illumnati are all part of a grand conspiracy to use Denver International Airport to transport droves of reptilian invaders to our doorstep.
Now is the time to act…

Satirical Charles
/ July 23, 2012
What they don’t know is that we know they know we know they know we know they know.

/ July 23, 2012
Touche’ Mister Carreon, touche’

1 Comment (Be Heard V)

/ July 26, 2012
His latest is mental disorders and personally it is aggrivating as hell.
He’s taking the idea of cyberbullying and saying you have a mental disease if you do it, and if you are a victim of it, a mental disorder as well.
Speaking as a family member who lives with someone with a mental disorder I’m outraged Carreon has taken his buthurt to this level making the stigma for mental disorders worse than it already it is.
But I won’t stress out and “carreon” about it.

3 Comments (SMISH, SMIDS, and Smurfs)

/ July 27, 2012
The voices in my head tell me your crazy, so if they are truth…well then…
oh and Dr. Sues wants to notify you that you are under trademark infringement with the Smishes and Smids. He’s looking for an attorney to sue to protect his copyright
Evil Supergenious Lawyer
/ July 29, 2012
If a smurf suffered from SMISH and couldn’t breath? What color would he turn?

Satirical Charles
/ July 29, 2012
Humans turn blue so Smurfs turn human colored.

1 Comment (All charity is scam. AKA Relinquish your money to I)

Satirical Tara
/ July 29, 2012
This post is brilliantly written, Charles, in as much as that is possible for a man, but you left out the part about Matthew Inman fornicating with beast-thief-Hellmonkeys in a cesspool of rotten cerebro-spinal lava.

1 Comment (Guest Blog!)

/ August 1, 2012
You talk a lot about Communism, but have you actually read the Communist Manifesto?
(i don’t know if the real TC has read it just made me wonoder)

4 Comments (The People Rise Up!)

/ August 1, 2012
Is there a way we can save money by using poor people as Prius fuel?
/ August 2, 2012
@lowest. You could, but you’d have to cut down so many trees for firewood in order to render enough poor person oil that you’d lose all the shade. Not to mention losing the privacy buffer that the trees provide, keeping the poor people from peeking into our humble solidarity abode.
Evil Supergenious Lawyer
/ August 2, 2012
Perhaps the sweat from their hard labor could water your many trees.
Satirical Charles
/ August 2, 2012
Poor people eat a lot of fast food, so they should be abundant in oil…

2 Comments (Guest Post II (Reposted)

/ August 9, 2012
You need to up the crazy in this post – she is now sharing her creepy, maternal revenge fantasies about spanking the “soft and tender ass[es]” of the good people at Popehat, including our good friend Angus, who she also calls out for being an advocate for Jung, Cato the elder, and the ability to procreate without women.
Also some new poetry from peace loving Chuckles that advocating killing nihilists and using black hole vacuum cleaners that digest your wife.
/ August 11, 2012
Valerie is right SC. She was truly crazed this last Friday. Poor thing!
Sarcastically Charles I must ask you, because I can’t read through all of her posts, why is it we are we Illuminati, again?
I’m sorry, I’ll try to pay better attention from now on.

1 Comment (Ken the lawyer)

/ August 10, 2012
He also has lead-based paint for hair. That can’t be good.

1 Comment (I am running for President)

/ August 26, 2012
Hey there, Charlie! You know what? You should also make cybersquatting on sites that are in use a crime. Maybe then you’ll actually get some money out of that douchebag who registered your name as a domain name for the purposes of parody, even when you eventually drop the case because you don’t care how much it costs you, as long as it costs the other side more.

1 Comment (Travis Tygart and Kickbacll)

/ August 24, 2012
yeah, but this douche actually WON not withdrew his lawsuit and claimed victory =P

3 Comments (Matthew Inman has raised 1 million dollars)

/ August 30, 2012
Charles, be careful…the title of that book sounds like an up and coming Cinemax late night show.
/ September 4, 2012
dude, give it up. The majority of the internet has forgotten about C.C. and his wife. Let it go and do something useful with your entertainment time.
/ September 6, 2012
it may seem silly and pointless to an outsider, but satirical charles was threatened legally to pull this website down and silence his speech. It is not a matter of harping on something, but rather defending his right to write whatever he wants. If Carreon didn’t threaten him with charges in the six figures and more I bet you Satirical Charles WOULD have let this die. Now he can’t. It is a matter of principle. I’m not even sure how this lawsuit is going but I wish the writer the best and I support the blog no matter how it goes.
in good faith,
Shan Ban

11 Comments (This is how I thug)

/ September 6, 2012
Fight the good fight, sir. I can offer you little but moral support, but you may have that in quantity.
/ September 6, 2012
What does Chris’s employer have to do with anything? Does he really think Chris would use a Walgreens company computer to set up or run the parody site? Would Walgreens even care? Oh yeah, I forgot Charles is the same guy that was accused of using a work laptop for personal use and letting his family have access to it. So I guess if Charles is unethical enough to do that he assumes everyone else is as well.
/ September 6, 2012
I’m surprised he didn’t ask Walgreens to preserve record of all database inquiries into the Carreon family medication history, since he assumes unethical behavior of everyone.
/ September 7, 2012
I would say that he can’t stoop any lower…but asshats like him have a knack for finding ways of becoming fouler as time goes on.
I’m sorry you have to deal with his thuggery.
John Smith
/ September 8, 2012
I would have thought Walgreens would jump at the opportunity to make some easy buck$ by filing a counter suit for the value of the “nuisance” plus a nice hefty “and don’t do it again!” penalty.
Judges love to rule hard on lawyers who act like cunts.
/ September 9, 2012
I worked at Walgreens nearly forty years ago when I was 16 and they were a scrappy group of folks from Chicago. I hope Chucky Carreon is aware of the big bull he’s thrown a red flag at. Particularly after the lawyer from the EFF has a little conversation with the Walgreens lawyer.
It’s weird isn’t it, every time he strikes he comes up with a false premise then runs and jumps on it. “Chris is using Walgreens equipment so I get to pull Walgreens into my little fray and maybe hurt him that way.”
Don’t you know the judge is going to get very cranky about this bull….
Hey, on the other hand, he continues to draw attention to himself and he is almost as funny as Clint Eastwood yelling at an empty chair.
DeMarco Fishpower
/ September 11, 2012
Charles, you misspelled immediately on your cover sheet. That’s like -2 thug points right there.
Nicholas Weaver
/ September 11, 2012
You forgot #7 and #8
#7: Don’t bother filing a reply, and wait for the other side to move for a default judgment.
#8: Bankruptcy. After all, its nice being judgment proof in a state with a large enough homestead exemption. Anyway, the second time is always easier.
Satirical Charles
/ September 13, 2012
I don’t know of any lawsuit Mr. Weaver. How can I reply when I’ve only heard of it through certain “channels?”

Nicholas Weaver
/ September 14, 2012
Ah, you don’t know anything about “Doe v Carreon, UCDC N.D.Cal C 12-03435 NC”?
Then you must have a super EXTRA super secret thug-ability! Wow!

1 Comment (My letter to my new guest post author!)

Zombie Charles
/ September 17, 2012
Zombie Charles say you should focus on hiring of more zombies. They don’t cost much since they are already dead – after all who else will take a dead end job. Only downside is cleaning staff upset with cleaning up dead zombie parts that fall off.
You can check it out at which is a professional staffing agency that specialises in the placement of authentic zombie temp staff. Zombie are particularly skilled at working with T-Rex since if T-Rex eat them it doesn’t matter since they dead anyway.

1 Comment (What if they have a T-Rex?)

s o m e 0 n e
/ September 25, 2012
charles, keep your dinosaurs safe! others want them! ... eationists

7 Comments (Does anyone have an airplane?)

Nicholas Weaver
/ October 19, 2012
I’ll airdrop you supplies. Wrapped in this bit of paper I have here…
Tali McPike
/ October 19, 2012
Maybe we could get that trained Nazi fighting dinosaur to serve him…it would be the last thing he would expect.
/ October 20, 2012
I had wondered what had made Tara STFU. Little did I know the Carreon family had their own special rock to hide under.
/ October 23, 2012
Tell the process server to hang out at the Sky Bar on Wednesdays in Tuscon. The Carreons (the real ones) like to hang out there and terrorize the paying customers during open-mike night.

Tali McPike
/ October 23, 2012
And by “terrorize” do you mean subject them to performances of Pterodactyl Killa?

/ October 23, 2012
Worse. I mean with stuff like this on their Nader Library forums: ... e6796b7b6c

Tali McPike
/ October 27, 2012
Oh God.

3 Comments (Guest Post "United Against Ken Popehat")

Jay Aitch
/ November 3, 2012
Love it! But, *site, not sight

/ November 3, 2012
Careful, Jay…I feel like you might be insulting my intelligence there. I would watch your step, or you could end up being named in my defamation suit.

Satirical Charles
/ November 3, 2012
We are totally naming Jay in the defamation suit!

6 Comments (Ghastly Enemies At The Gate)

Nicholas Weaver
/ November 27, 2012
Oh, and worse! Now that evil Paul Levy is trying to collect attorneys fees in conjunction with the cost of service! ... 1.32.0.pdf
Ohh noooez!

Satirical Charles
/ November 27, 2012
Joke’s on Paul. All I have is some pocket lint, 14 dried macaroni, some left over tin foil, and 1987 Oregon Ducks hat.
/ November 27, 2012
Charles, I have sent you a secret Communique via Messenger Zombie Kitten. But just in case the Popehate Illuminati intercept it, I have posted it to my blog. Look for the ping-back, because if I link it here it will go through the Spam Filters, and we all know those are under the control of the Illuminati Conspiracy.

Satirical Charles
/ November 27, 2012
I thank you for your continued support, I agree with the majority of your points. However I wanted to know if you were successful in making a hybrid Dave Thomas / Thomas Paine clone yet?

/ November 27, 2012
Not yet. The DNA didnt hold up so well after Sandy hit New York, so I am trying to re-construct the DNA. I do however have a successful Andy Griffith ready to go…

Comment (I have triumphed!)

Nicholas Weaver
/ December 19, 2012
Wow, victory! I must admire your grand legal strategy of delay, delay, delay, then fold. It costs your opponents tons of time writing motions, responses, responses to motions, yet it ends just before you end up having to pay the costs of your delay, delay, delay strategy. It worked for Toyota. It worked for debt collectors. It worked here. (Too bad Penguin isn’t playing along…)
I especially love the idea of ducking service as a lawyer. Thats just genius. It probably violates CA Bar ethics standard, but genius.
I’m just disappointed I never got to see your arguments claiming that California is the wrong venue to sue you in because you have no actual connection to the state, being a resident of Arizona and all.

2 Comments (A Change To Feed My Dinosaurs)

Captain Obvious
/ January 6, 2013
You forgot I’m also Marco Randazza.

Satirical Charles
/ January 6, 2013
You villanos fiend.

2 Comments (You can't turn shields into swords!)

/ March 21, 2013
I’ve heard the “For the children” plea before but…. for the taco bells? That completely changes my perspective.

Satirical Charles
/ March 22, 2013
Ollie, as I surmised. This is typical of generation “me.” Tell them it’s for their children and they don’t care, but as soon as their tasty grease laden beef products are threatened, there is an uproar.

2 Comments (Litigation Playwriting)

/ March 23, 2013
I like the way you phrased that: Levy retained the Gripesite Operator as a client. What do you suppose Levy paid the Gripesite Operator? Enquiring minds want to know. Do you think Levy and the Gripesite Operator might be involved in dinosaur cloning themselves, planning to go into competition with you?
Satirical Tara
/ March 26, 2013
Charles – please pick up some paste on your way home from the Jurasic DNA repository.

4 Comments (Zounds! I am undone!)

Witless Protection Program
/ April 13, 2013
Careful not to show too much weakness, Charles – you know what that does to Tara.
(And congrats on your victory, dude – you were due!)
Mr. Potter
/ April 13, 2013
$46,100.25, not $45,100.25.

Satirical Charles
/ April 13, 2013
Sssh. I was trying to confuse them and save myself a grand!
/ April 15, 2013
*discreetly throwing confetti*
*leaves a couple of stacks of popcorn*
(because we know it’s not the end, by a long chalk)

1 Comment (Fluoride)

Satirical Tara
/ April 24, 2013
Look Charles; I was right! The Popehat Illuminati have publicly declared that their Plan For World Domination Proceeds Apace! ... eds-apace/
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Re:, by Christopher Recouvreur

Postby admin » Thu Dec 12, 2013 10:10 pm

by Christopher Recouvreur
June 23, 2012

I am not the real Charles Carreon. Charles Carreon is a character I play on this blog. Think of it as a giant internet soap opera. If you don’t get the joke, I’m sorry.

A few clarifications:

1.I do not believe parody and satire should die in the face of legal challenges. The First Amendment is too important for us not to challenge those who would wipe it clean.

2.I do not place ads on this domain or request to do commerce on it. I have had multiple offers to monetize this blog within the first 3 days of it’s existence. I have and will reject them all.

3.I think using someone else’s name to promote your goods or services is amoral.

4.I want you to be mean to my character, don’t hold back.

5.If I offend you, remember it’s all a joke, only by participating can you become part of the joke.

If you must contact me:

Update 2012.06.25

Also apparently, which I say because I never intended it to go there, my character Charles Carreon Esq. has an obsession with dinosaurs. Just go with it.

Update 2012.06.27

By far my favorite search phrase that has brought people to this site is:

“why is charles carreon such a prick?”

Who ever found this site searching that, pat yourself on the back.
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Re:, by Christopher Recouvreur

Postby admin » Thu Dec 12, 2013 10:11 pm

Ask Charles
by Christopher Recouvreur
June 22, 2012

Due to an overwhelming majority vote there will now be an Ask Charles section for real! Here are the official results for my question “Do you want an actual ‘Ask Charles’ section”:

Yes, please do so as the Charles Carreon Esq. character. 71.89% (463 votes)

Yes, but I’d rather you do it as the actual author. 7.45% (48 votes)

No. That’s a stupid idea. You now owe me dinosaurs for your ridiculousness. 20.65% (133 votes)

So send me your questions ( and I’ll reply to them as Charles Carreon in posts when I get enough. This will be a regular section on this blog and you can ask really about anything. Try not to be too lewd though, it makes me uncomfortable thinking about Mr. Carreon that way. Seriously. I get kind of sick.
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Re:, by Christopher Recouvreur

Postby admin » Thu Dec 12, 2013 10:11 pm

Be Heard
by Christopher Recouvreur
June 26, 2012

If anyone wants to speak out against Charles Carreon or his wife please email me:

I know some people are afraid. I am not saying you shouldn’t be as there have been implicit threats against bloggers by the Carreon clan. I will publish anything you have to say under whatever pen name you so choose. I will not let them censor you. We all deserve a voice.
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Re:, by Christopher Recouvreur

Postby admin » Thu Dec 12, 2013 10:11 pm

by Christopher Recouvreur

Help me help Charles Carreon. Even though I think he is a censorious douchebag, he still deserves his own right to free speech. We cannot stop censors by becoming censors ourselves. Tell to refund his membership fee and make their objectional content terms of service more clear. Everyone, no matter how distasteful their speech is, is entitled to freedom of expression.
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Re:, by Christopher Recouvreur

Postby admin » Thu Dec 12, 2013 10:11 pm

by Christopher Recouvreur
July 5, 2012

The author of this blog recommends you waste your time in these places:

The Oatmeal


Bear Food

Popehat’s take on the current lawsuit



The Dawg Dish

How I see the Carreon Clan

The Google of Science

Disclaimer. I am not the owner/creator of the below site/song. I receive no compensation if you choose to download the song. Unfortunately this needs to be said due to circumstances found here. I just thought you might like the song. The story behind it is amazing. If the Charles Carreons of the world are getting you down, give it a listen.

chillout zefrank
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Re:, by Christopher Recouvreur

Postby admin » Thu Dec 12, 2013 10:12 pm

by Christopher Recouvreur
July 13, 2012


Help me make aware that unmasking their client’s identities before receiving a court order is bad business. Together we can protect other customers.


Twitter use this when communicating with them #PRIVACYFAIL


Bronze Member: Donate 1 dinosaur egg.

With a bronze membership you will receive a thank you note written by me. If your egg hatches you will also receive an invite to take me out for coffee.

Silver Member: Donate 1 dinosaur hatchling.

Silver members receive everything bronze members receive plus a hand drawn picture of a dinosaur. You will also be invited to my next barbecue.

Gold Member: Donate a full grown dinosaur.

Gold members receive everything silver members receive plus a poem dedicated to their heroic efforts to help bring reptilian domination at my hands.

Platinum Member: Donate a fully armored dinosaur.

Platinum members receive everything gold members receive plus an invitation to guest write a blog entry!

Diamond Member: Donate a Tyrannosaurus Rex fully trained for futuristic space combat or a time machine.

Diamond members receive everything platinum members receive plus I will save a puppy from being euthanized and name it in your honor.
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Re:, by Christopher Recouvreur

Postby admin » Thu Dec 12, 2013 10:12 pm

by Christopher Recouvreur
November 26, 2012

Got a case of censorious douchebaggery I should know about? Just go on and email me at and I’ll do the rest. I am always looking for new material to relate into my blogs. I would love to find some local news that might not be getting mainstream media attention. Remember, we parody censorship every day at
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