Poetry & Songs, by Charles Carreon

Identified as a trouble maker by the authorities since childhood, and resolved to live up to the description, Charles Carreon soon discovered that mischief is most effectively fomented through speech. Having mastered the art of flinging verbal pipe-bombs and molotov cocktails at an early age, he refined his skills by writing legal briefs and journalistic exposes, while developing a poetic style that meandered from the lyrical to the political. Journey with him into the dark caves of the human experience, illuminated by the torch of an outraged sense of injustice.


Postby admin » Wed Sep 25, 2013 8:39 pm

Moth, by Charles Carreon

There's a moth in a
flickering light bulb;
It drew too near,
but didn't get burned,
Just trapped inside the
And now it can never
turn itself off.
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Postby admin » Wed Sep 25, 2013 8:42 pm

Mother's Day, by Charles Carreon


I was a young kid out of high school
Way too soon
She was a willow-wand
Blonde as the sun
The world was a hot place
With water here and there
The shade of the cool trees
Was always where
We would love
With the innocence of childhood,
With an angelic grace
We would love
Away all the hours that we could take
We would love
Like innocent flowers
In eternal embrace
It's time for love
So throw off the chains,
Don't be afraid to say

The kids come along then
And love fills the room
Her heart is open
to every little wound
She feels what they suffer,
She makes it her own pain,
And the only reward she asks
Is to do it all again

Out of love
with an innocence of childhood
with an angelic grace
It's just love
She has in abundance
It shows in her face
A mother's love
Is the one sure thing
You'll take from this place
A mother's love
A mother's love
A mother's love

You can buy her a card, son,
Or any little thing
Just one thing you must not
Forget to bring
Your innocent smile now,
Your loving face
That's the only treasure
That can't be replaced
She needs love
'Cause she has given all
She had to you
Wants your love
There's no other thing
That you have to do
You need to give
To the one who gave to you
A mother's love
A mother's love
A mother's love
A mother's love

Don't buy her a card, son,
That's not quite the thing
Unless it's got love, son,
No joy can it bring
Bring her a flower
A kindly word
Ease her hours as she fades
Into the waning of the day

Yeah, I'm just an old guy
But I know what I say
A mother's love will not fade away
No her love
Will not fade
Not today, not tomorrow,
Not any other day
A mother's love
lasts forever
Until that happy day
When she finds her own mother
In that perfect Mother's Day
Mother's Day
Mother's Day
Mother's Day
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Postby admin » Wed Sep 25, 2013 8:45 pm

Mother's Voice, by Charles Carreon


And upon the scattered shores
In every place
The ocean roars with
darkened face
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Postby admin » Wed Sep 25, 2013 8:48 pm

Multiple Gunshot Suicides, by Charles Carreon


(dedicated to Gary Webb, Judy Barry, Danny Casolaro, and all the other victims of dirty wars against not only human freedom, but basic dignity)

Multiple gunshot suicides,
Too many goddamn of them.
Multiple gunshot suicides,
What do you think about them?

Two bullets to the head,
That muthafucka’s dead.
You can tuck him in one last time
He obviously wasn’t fine,
He’s a multiple gunshot suicide
When the sirens roll,
He’ll take his long, last ride
To the undertaker’s vault,
Well it’s nobody’s fault.
He got mixed up in somethin’
I don’t know nothin’,
But it ain’t nobody’s fault

He’s a multiple gunshot suicide
Time to take him for his long, last ride,
You can write his name in the record books,
But look away now friend,
No long last looks.
He’s a multiple gunshot suicide
Time to bury his name with his shame
He knew he was playin’ a dangerous game,
So when the sirens roll,
He’ll take his long last ride
To the undertaker’s vault,
Well it’s nobody’s fault.
He got mixed up in somethin’.
I don’t know nothin’
But it ain’t nobody’s fault
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Postby admin » Wed Sep 25, 2013 8:52 pm

Murder Czar, by Charles Carreon


Well life can put some boulders
In a young man’s way,
No sex, no money, no nothin’ funny,
That’s what they seem to say.

When all roads lead to Paradise
And a credit card for a key
There’s Playboy bunnies and Christmas money,
And nothin’ left to see.

Well a young man craves some action,
Can’t find none on the streets,
And when you’re out of high school
There’s no place to park your feet.

“Till one day on the streets
There comes by in a pimpin’ ride
A man with a plan
And a gun in his hand,
Says boy, won’t ya’ come with me.

He's a military man
He's extending his hand
He wants to take you for a ride
In his long black car.
He's the murder czar.

His path is always secret,
‘Cause need-to-know’s the game.
He’s got your DNA code,
And won't give you his name.

If you serve some time on the pipeline
All this could be yours, son,
With a wink and a clink
And a flash of pink,
It’s all he needs to say.

He's a military man
He's extending his hand
He wants to take you for a ride
In his long black car.
He's the murder czar.

“Just give me the pen,”
You say with a grin,
You think you’ve got some play.
If you’d watched real close
You’d a seen like a ghost
As your freedom slipped away.

Now the bombs are falling
And the devil’s calling
And he’s got your number today.
You’re sure it’s over
Then you live to suffer
One more fucking day.

You’re a military man
You took that fucker’s hand
You let him take you for a ride
In his long black car.
You knew damn well
He was the murder czar.
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Postby admin » Wed Sep 25, 2013 8:56 pm

My Red Sky, by Charles Carreon


My red clouds in my red sky
Deepen red mountains with red light.
I play my zither
And red tones sound --
Carnelian, carmine,
Crimson and rust --
Alizarine smooth as a red moth's dust

Red is the voice
Of passion and trust.
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Postby admin » Wed Sep 25, 2013 8:57 pm

Nailed, by Charles Carreon

Big, burly guys
Seize and immobilize you,
And start workin' on your arms to see if they'll break.
When they call you asshole, yell it into
your ear, you get the point: "Don't
fuck with us."

FREE ADVICE: Shortly after you meet a cop you will
have an opportunity to kiss his ass. Take that opportunity;
it may not present itself again.
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Postby admin » Wed Sep 25, 2013 8:58 pm

National Roulette, by Charles Carreon

It's very simple, really,
National roulette.
Pick a country, any country,
Spin the dial, and wait.
Aha, you see it's not the same
Today as yesterday.
A different flag and credo
Rides a wind of change.
The Shah is cooked,
Somozo split
Afghanistan's been blitzed.
It's national roulette,
And no one's got it sewed up yet
So step right up and place your bets
It's national roulette.
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Postby admin » Wed Sep 25, 2013 8:59 pm

New Season, by Charles Carreon

It's a new season,
a break in the weather --
I look through a window
And breathe in the blue.

One dead end behind me,
A mind that can't find me,
An old bag of bones on a bench.

Saints get the run-around
With their ears close to the ground,
And their noses to the grindstones,
They're flunkies,
Hustling for a buck in a company town,
Where the demons flock like shadows
When the sun goes down.

Outside the window
There's a cool moon rising

Outside the window
There's a lone cloud drifting.
Stars come out, one by one.
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Postby admin » Wed Sep 25, 2013 9:01 pm

Nice, by Charles Carreon


The word is so often slighted
As if nothing could really be nice.
But it is nice when the trees
Planted in the middle of the road
Rise up into the blue sky. It is very nice.
As we go motoring down the road
The deep blue of the sky
Anticipates the approach of the sea,
And this is also very nice.

It is nice when the child
Plays with the colored ball in the sunshine,
And it is nice when the mother
Pushes the infant in the stroller--
The infant is very pretty,
And this is also very nice.
Oh yes, from here to infinity,
Stretching out through all the extent of the clear, permitting sky--
Nice, nice, very nice,
Like a child's game
Of me discovering myself,
Which is, in fact, nicest of all.
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