Dr. Michael Hill, 2004 Virginia League of South Meeting

Dr. Michael Hill, 2004 Virginia League of South Meeting

Postby admin » Mon Sep 16, 2013 4:11 pm



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Dr. Michael Hill, September, 2004 Virginia League of the South State Meeting
The Patrick Henry Chapter
Virginia League of the South
[Transcribed by Tara Carreon, ABOL Librarian]

[Dr. Michael Hill] When God foiled the building of the Tower of Babel on the Plains of Shinar, he did so in order that the people might be scattered into separate nations, and no longer be one people with one language. That's Genesis 11, verses 1-9.

In the previous chapter of Genesis, we are told that the sons of Noah, Shem and Japheth. and their descendants would occupy specified parts of the earth. For example, we read in Genesis 10:5 regarding the sons of Japheth, "By these were the isles of the Gentiles divided into their lands, every one after his tongue, after their families, in their nations." It's clear then that God intended man to live separately, with their own languages, kith and kin, and nations. Therefore nations, that is peoples, have a biblical mandate to exist, and thereby to protect their interest from those who would destroy them, either by war, genocide, or more subtle means.

Because of a resurgence of godless multiculturalism and universalism, which is the new Tower of Babel, white Western Christians are threatened with extinction as a separate and identifiable people, because of their own weakness and lack of Biblical understanding about the God-ordained principles of nationhood.

While all other nations, or peoples, groups based on race, ethnicity, and blood and soil, are encouraged today to preserve themselves and their cultures, white Christians in the West are told that we must give up everything we have in order to placate those who are different from ourselves, and who bear some alleged grievance toward us, whether it be slavery, racism, hatred, you name it.

And sadly, as has been alluded to earlier, it is often Christian ministers who lead the charge toward multiculturalism, pluralism and universalism in the name of God himself. But these are false teachers. You can see them as that way.

By the Grace of God -- I'll repeat that phrase -- by the Grace of God, the philosophies and institutions of Christian liberty, are the creation of Western European thoughts. In an age of rabid political correctness, this salient truth is buried beneath the monumental lie that all men, and hence all cultures and civilizations, are created equal.

You know, but the truth is a stubborn and resilient thing. And the truth is that at least for the past 400 years, Western Christian -- that is, European -- American civilization alone -- ALONE! -- has enjoyed the fruits of order, liberty and abundant material prosperity. Elsewhere in the world, despotism, sloth and poverty have been the order of the day.

However, let us not boast for the simple reason that God has ordained things thusly out of his eternal wisdom. The Western world's blessings of the gospel, liberty and prosperity are just that: a blessing.

In Acts 16, verses 6-9, Paul and Silas were headed to Asia to spread the gospel, but the holy spirit forbade them to go into that region. Instead, the spirit led them by means of Paul's dream westward, into Macedonia. Thus, the gospel was forbidden in Asia in that day. Conversely, it was God's will that they be spread into Europe. Of this we cannot boast. Rather, we can only thank God that in his providence he saw fit to bless our ancestors with his Word, and all that flows from obedience to it.

Our white, European, American ancestors had no trouble enunciating the obvious truth that Western Christian civilization was superior to all others. When I taught at the University of Alabama, and taught Western Civilization for almost 20 years, I wish I had a quarter for every time I got called to the Dean's office or the Department of Chair's office because of some irate, left-wing student who says, "Dr. Hill is saying that Western white civilization is superior to everything else, and we just don't like that." Well, the Dean and the Department Chair just finally got tired of it, and just left me alone.

But this is the truth. And I thought that that's what universities sought to give to their students, is truth.

Well, our ancestors in the South had no trouble understanding this truth. Moreover, they had no hesitation about defending it. Defending it as their God-given patrimony against those who would denigrate it or destroy it.

And just a century and a half ago, right before the war, our civilization was still distinguished by a robustness and self-confidence, born out of the realization of the natural superiority of the West and its ways. None but the most cracked-brain utopians believed in social, political, economic, and cultural equality. Nor did they believe in the equality of the races, in intellect and accomplishment.

Unfortunately, our present century, and the previous century, has witnessed this old order turned upside-down on its head. Today, the descendants of those European-Southern white folks who are our ancestors, today we their descendants behave as a shamed and defeated people.

Not only do we refuse to proclaim the God-ordained superiority of our own civilization, and its venerable institutions, we also refuse to defend the very ethnic and racial peculiarities that gave form and definition to our civilization. "White" has become a dirty word, and we have no one but ourselves to blame for letting it happen. Few whites today can even use the term without wincing and casting furtive glances to and fro. I mean, we're afraid to call ourselves what God created us. And to deny one's identity in such a manner is to dishonor the God who made us what we are, and who separated us apart from the other races and peoples for his own eternal purposes. While Blacks, Hispanics, Asians and other groups revel in their natural peculiarities, whites will not even dare admit that race is one of the primary factors that determines who we are, and what we create on this earth. This is a simple and fundamental fact of God's creation. We are who we are simply because he's commanded it.

Because Christian liberty has been the product of Western civilization, should the white European stock of America disappear, then both liberty and civilization as we have come to know them, will cease to exist for us.

As we have lost the will to defend our inheritance, there has been a corresponding increase in the willingness of others to destroy our civilizations. I don't have to tell you that when our enemies see and sense that we are weak, they will strike. Other people see today that Western white Christians, and their civilizations, will not defend themselves; therefore, they seek to replace it with their own vision of what they consider to be the good society. That vision -- or for us, nightmare -- will have no truck with the rule of law, equity or fairness. It will be predicated on what I like to call the intimidation factor, the employment of brute force of the strong against the weak. In short, it will be payback time for the alleged mistreatment that minorities -cum-majorities have suffered at the hands of what they so often now call the White Devils.

Why do we Southerners, in particular those of us who can trace our lineage back to the founding stock, lack the backbone to stand for the civilization that was given to us by our forbears? That's the question that we have to answer. Why will we not defend our patrimony? What is it that has paralyzed us to the point that we are about to commit suicide if we do not stand?

A major reason is a thing called "collective guilt." When the white man first came into contact with the darker races through the institution of slavery in the 17th century, slavery, and not man-stealing, was successfully defended from a Biblical standpoint through the war for Southern Independence and beyond. But after the South's defeat and subsequent reconstruction, the institution's legitimacy was systematically undermined in the name of equality, and misappropriated Christian ethics. By World War I, Communists in Europe and America seized on the issues of equality, racism, and white guilt, and began to use them as battering rams to knock down the gates of the old social, political, and economic order in the West.

Moreover, the bogus work of leftist intellectuals such as Franz Boas and Margaret Mead, told white Europeans and Americans that all cultures were basically equal, which has come to be known today as "cultural relativism." Slavery and racism, and as was pointed out earlier, the latter term -- I think Stan pointed it out -- was coined by the Communists. Because of these things, they become instruments wielded by the left to destroy the very civilization which allows them freedom and leisure to formulate and articulate their ideas in the first place.

This nihilistic predilection shared by all leftists, appears paradoxical at first glance. However, upon closer inspection, it reveals a deep-seated hatred of God-given order and rationality, hallmarks of the White western Christian world. The leftists' embrace of the antithesis of ordered Christian liberty manifested itself early on in a fascination with the primitiveness of non-white, non-Christian peoples and cultures. It was the enlightenment philosophers after all, in France, who first became enamoured with the idea of the noble savage: those who had not been corrupted by the vile civilization of the west. The leftists' success in introducing the concept of racism into the American social and political lexicon, has today led to increasingly shrill demands from Black leaders for reparations. This is clearly a policy of economic blackmail, and intended to transfer yet more wealth from whites to blacks. It is also, more importantly, another means of eliciting from whites an admission of guilt in order that their civilization might further be discredited.

But instead of whites owing blacks reparations for slavery, and its alleged attendant ills, blacks in reality owe White America, especially the South, a debt that will not be acknowledged and certainly not repaid. As Donny Kennedy said to me as we were discussing his new book on American slavery -- I think it's called "American Slavery" -- he said basically, the Blacks owe us for the boatride over here. And I tend to agree.

Now, let's see what they left here.

Sold into slavery by their own people, or by the Muslims who so many Blacks seem to hold in such high regard today, which I could never quite understand why, Africans were transported out of a heathen and idolatrous continent, and set down in the most Christian section of America. There they were instructed in the Christian religion of their masters, given cradle-to-grave security, and generally treated quite humanely. In short, they were given a chance to live in an advanced civilization.

And because of this, they have prospered mightily. All you have to do is contrast the lot of today's black Americans with that of his brethren back in Africa to see the truth of this assertion. Yet, you'll never get them to admit that that is where this has all led to. Why? Because it's too good of a weapon to use against us.

The South's military defeat in 1865 and the sudden, subsequent emancipation of 3-1/2 million slaves, was a disaster for whites and blacks alike. Former slaves who found themselves on top in many areas of the reconstruction of the South, generally proved unfit to hold positions of authority. Spurred on by the radical Republican leaders, these black legislators, and newly-enlisted soldiers, earned the enmity of disenfranchised whites who saw the destruction of their society at hand. Therefore, once the Union military occupation forces were withdrawn from the south in 1876, white southerners immediately began to reassert their authority over a war-ravaged society. During the period of reconstruction, 12 years, 1865-77, whites in the south had seen enough of negro rule to understand that their civilization would perish should blacks be given the vote and thus be permitted to control the political system.

Whereas whites and blacks in the antebellum south lived and worked in close proximity, once the situation changed at the end of the war, especially with the passage of the reconstruction amendments, some new arrangement became necessary if our white ancestors were to conserve the society that they had built. Few southerners of the late 19th century believed that whites and blacks could live together in a state of equality without serious consequences for both races. If you don't believe that, just go back and read what they had to say, all the way back to Jefferson. Therefore, postbellum Southern blacks were disenfranchised, and Jim Crow laws resulted in a segregated south. And I must admit that as much as I would like to claim authorship of this next clever term I'm about to use, I can't do that. I'm going to have to give credit where credit is due to John Vincent. Today, Jim Crow has been replaced by what might become "Jim Snow" policies that discriminate against whites. Thank you, John.

Through these measures, white southerners were able to exert some control over a still primitive and uneducated black population during the period of reconstruction. Nonetheless, the black community of the late 19th century, began to experience problems largely absent prior to 1865. I talked to Clyde Wilson who studied this, and he says it's almost impossible, it is impossible to find the levels of illegitimacy, poverty, family disintegration, crime among southern blacks before 1865. He said that about the 1890s, these problems -- black on black crime, illegitimacy, abject poverty, family disintegration, among others -- became an epidemic within the black community. And this was only one generation removed from emancipation.

Despite trillions of dollars spent on welfare and other programs in the past century, these problems, and many others, still plague the black community to the present day. Clearly there's an ever-present problem here, that emancipation and money did not solve and cannot be explained away by a white [inaudible].

Today it's fashionable for black leaders, hispanic leaders, and their white liberal allies, to blame slavery, racism, you name it, for the continuing ills that beset the black and other minority communities. These ills were not eradicated by the civil rights revolution, and now black and other minority failure must have a fresh excuse, and that excuse is institutional racism. To the Jesse Jacksons and Al Sharptons of the world, the only remedy is the destruction of our civilization, white western European civilization, in which blacks and other minorities cannot compete. And this society, in their view, must be replaced with a society based on the principles and mores of dark-skinned people, usually some form of Marxism. This is why whites, beginning with southerners, the easiest targets, and their way of life, must be demonized and eradicated. Blacks and other minorities claim they simply cannot get a fair shake in a white man's world, therefore the white man must give up his world.

The cold facts of history give the lie to the claims of the afro-centrist, who says that we stole their civilization. You know, it started with the Greeks and it never stopped. We stole their civilization and made it our own. Well let me tell you this, having studied the European colonial history of the 19th century, I can say this: that the little light that did shine on what has been called "the dark continent," came only as a result of 19th century European colonialism. Once these colonial regimes were dismantled after World War II, Africa began a steady descent into decadence and barbarism. And all you need to do is look at the poster child, Robert Mugabe -- he's it.

You know, I will not call Rhodesia Zimbabwe. I just simply refuse to do it. To me it will always be Rhodesia. And Nelson Mandela's South Africa.

What you see here are the deleterious effects of white disestablishment and black rule. And anyone with half a brain and one eye can see that. That is simply the truth that can't be covered up. These were two prospering countries in Africa, and now they are no different from any other place in Africa.

Again, it is a cold and hard fact that if white Christian Americans should lose control over the North American continent to non-white, non-Christian minorities, then this will cease to be the civilized place we've known for the past several hundred years. And I do not want my children and grandchildren to live in such a place. I mean, we're talking about a matter of our own survival here, folks. That is what it is. And the time for mincing words and dancing around the subject is over. Because this is about our survival as a people.

As minorities have gained political control over towns and cities, the decline in the quality of life for whites has become precipitous. Whites have very quietly deserted the places their forefathers built, rather than stay and be subjected to the crime and disorder that frequently comes with minority rule. Especially intolerable is the never-reported epidemic of black on white violent crime. Whites then don't leave because they are "racists," whatever that means. But they leave because they fear for their lives and property in an unfamiliar and inhospitable environment. They become outsiders.

You know, I have two grown daughters, and I have one daughter who is 12, and I learn a good deal about current popular culture through them as sort of conduits. But I also learn a lot by simply observing things on the streets. And when I see a blonde-haired, blue-eyed boy walking around with his britches hanging down, and his underwear showing, and a backwards baseball cap on, listening to rap music, you know what the first thing I say is? We have failed. We have failed. There's a cultural vacuum that that kid's trying to fill. And we have failed to give him the true fundamentals of his own culture to fill it.

And the idea that, you know, you have this TV-Hollywood nexus today. It's the epitome of cool among young people, I don't care whether they're white or black or hispanic or whatever. To act in the manner that they see put forth on the television, and that's why as Franklin Sanders has said before, one of the three things that we all ought to do is kick out our television sets, because that has been the purveyor of this kind of sewage through our living rooms. And we're surprised that our children act like this when they watch four or five or six hours of TV in a day after being at government schools for the other 8 hours? And we're surprised that they act like this?

You know, why listen to Mozart when you can listen to rap? I mean, I know why, but you know a lot of young folks think rap is cool, and Mozart is just a old dead white European male. In fact, what we're seeing today is the descent of our culture to the lowest common denominator.

And stemming naturally from this very sad state of affairs is not a sense of cultural equality, but of cultural superiority. And if you want to see a representation of that, just look at how white men, particularly fathers, are portrayed on television programs and movies. The squarest, most unhip, uncool characters that you can imagine. And everybody else is portrayed as cool and hip and witted. So this is not about cultural equality, it's about cultural superiority. And it's not our culture that's elevated to the superior place.

Now, its I think a short series of steps from white guilt over slavery and racism, to equality, to multiculturalism, and diversity, to hate crimes, and hate speech, and then to the ultimate compromise of racial extinction through either genocide or miscegenation. At that point, our civilization won't be needed. For whatever reason, it will be gone. And our question again today that I'm putting to you is, "Are you willing to do and say and write what is necessary and true regarding the questions of our survival as a people?"

What will happen when America is no longer a predominately white Christian nation? Already we've seen that the civil rights revolution of the 1950s and 60s, what I like to call "the second reconstruction," was more about special privileges for blacks and other minorities than about equality. Moreover, guilt-ridden whites have acquiesced to a campaign of silence about the epidemic of black on white violent crime. That's the biggest dirty little secret, that's the 2-ton elephant at the tea party that everybody plays like it's not there.

There are, however, some blacks who see the truth, and are willing to speak it. One is syndicated columnist and George Mason University economist Walter Williams [libertarian], who recently said that the antebellum south was absolutely right to defend its largely anglo-celtic civilization from the machinations of Yankee abolitionist meddlers.

Then there is Elizabeth Wright. Do any of you know who Elizabeth Wright is? Elizabeth Wright and her views undoubtedly shape the liberal egalitarians to their very core. Elizabeth Wright is a black woman, and she wrote this: "I'm not fooled by the diversity folk into believing that the institutions of this society will be preserved and honored by those who happen to share my gene pool. The multicultural ideologues make it clear that they view these institutions with contempt. They are working for nothing less than total control of the [inaudible]."

Well, Wright has indeed pegged the multicultural egalitarians correctly. Raw power is their one and only end, and they'll use any means necessary to obtain it. And when they do, we, as white European-Southerners, will be their first target. They've made that clear. Then we'll understand what "equality" really means. When they get in control, we'll understand. Wright believes, and I quote: "when these people -- meaning blacks and other minorities -- come to power, their major aim will be to institute their enlightenment policies in all quarters of society. I have heard them refer to liberties such as freedom of speech as no more than 'jive ass claptrap'." She continues: "I predict that, once in power, they will actually create laws to impose interracial unions, in order to finally bring about the 'raceless' dream society. He who insists on union with his own kind will be dubbed an intractable racist, and sent off for further re-education."

Now, it goes without saying -- but I'm going to say it anyway -- that few whites today would have the intestinal fortitude to say what Elizabeth Wright has said. And this is the problem. Even in the benighted and racist South, most whites will no longer speak and act in their own interests. However, the situation here, as bad as it is, particularly in the big cities, the yuppie suburbs, and the big wimpy churches, it's worse elsewhere. If a spirited defense of white, Western, Christian civilization is to be mounted on these shores, then it will be in the South among the remnant of proud Anglo-Celts who remember the glories of their past. As likely as not, the South will find it necessary to break away from a decrepit Union that has already succumbed to the poison of multiculturalism, and then form a new confederacy dominated by the mores and institutions of our own people and our civilization.

Once again, Elizabeth Wright -- and don't you feel ashamed that a black woman has to do our talking for us? -- here she says, she seems to understand the predicament better than we do. She sees, "no deep-seated, heartfelt opposition to this trend -- and it's multiculturalism -- except among white Southerons. Other types of conservatives talk tough," she says, "until an epithet is hurled their way. Then they fold." Undoubtedly she's talking here about the Republican Party.

Wright concludes her remarkable essay with a call to arms for white Southerners. And remember, it's the Wright woman. Man, we can't do our talking for ourselves! Quote: "Who is most likely to fight the hardest to maintain and conserve this extraordinary experiment in freedom? Who else but the actual descendants of those Founders, that's who. That means you, white Southerons. Once you lay down the sword, that will be the end of resistance. I view the battle," she writes, "as one that can be only accomplished by white southerners. I would think that most whites would want to be among the last who would destroy that which came out of the genius of their own ancestors." And she concludes, "So, if a white South would guarantee the preservation of those institutions, then let's have a White South."

Now, this is a refreshing column. But look, we can say, "Man, aint it great that the Elizabeth Wright woman is on our side?" Yeah, I'd rather have her as a friend as an enemy. But it is not her job to do this. Is it? It is our job to defend our heritage, our culture, as a thing bequeathed us by our ancestors. If we can't do it for ourselves, then it won't last.

Yeah, this is a refreshing column, but it is white southerners themselves who must muster the courage to act, and act very soon. Demographers predict that whites will be a minority in this country by 350?, and this is already true today -- a little bit ahead of schedule -- in California and Texas, and, I believe, Arizona and New Mexico. If we are not willing to fight to preserve the glorious heritage bequeathed us by men of honor, genius, and principle, then we truly deserve the disinheritance that's going to befall us for sure in the next half century. We are sowing the wind because of our inaction regarding immigration, in particular, and the spread of multiculturalism. We will likely reap the whirlwind.

I thank you for your attention. I thank Randy for inviting me to speak. And may God save the South!
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