Let's Build a Goddamn Tesla Museum, by Indiegogo/Matt Inman

For those absolutely devoid of scruples, charity fraud is the field par excellance, in which you can simultaneously harvest kudos for your humanitarianism and make off with vast bundles of untaxed cash. Convictions for charity fraud are so rare as to be nonexistent, so any criminals operating in other fields of endeavor are incurring unnecessary risks.

Let's Build a Goddamn Tesla Museum, by Indiegogo/Matt Inman

Postby admin » Fri Aug 29, 2014 10:30 pm

Let's Build a Goddamn Tesla Museum
by Indigogo / Matt Inma



[LIBRARIAN'S COMMENT: The truth that is revealed in this post is that the Tesla Museum Fundraising was in fact a seven figure swindle of the gullible Tesla-loving tech "community." Congratulations, suckers: you've been had by the pterodactyl!

A "Tesla Exhibit" is not a "Tesla Museum," and a "Science Museum" is not a "Tesla Museum" -- and that's the crux of the whole thing. If I said "Let's Build a Goddamn Thomas Paine Museum," you wouldn't expect the plan to be a museum to revolutionaries of the world, which would "also" contain a permanent Thomas Paine exhibit. No, you'd expect the entire thing to be devoted to Thomas Paine.

And why would you put it on a toxic waste dump? That's just asking for bad luck.

Of course, it is relevant that, once again, Matt Inman has jumped into eager violation of the law, this time the charitable donation laws of the State of New York, by raising money for an entity that was not registered as a charitable entity under New York law. While he was guilty of this during the Bear Love campaign, which is why Charles Carreon sued him, and why the Judge ordered Matt Inman to deposit copies of his checks paying the money to the charities into court, Matt Inman didn't really get in any trouble. Of course, it was frustrating for Inman that he wasn't able to misdirect any of the money to his best friends in the charity fraud business, so he saved up his energy to pull the "Tesla Museum" job. And word is that Eric Schneiderman, New York Attorney General, kicks a lot more financial ass than Tamara Harris, the California AG.

So the Tesla Museum Fraud is just one click away from being exposed to the New York Attorney General Charities Bureau, that "has jurisdiction to investigate complaints that concern the public interest and involve 1) charitable corporations, foundations, trusts, or organizations; 2) solicitation of money for charitable purposes; and 3) failing to pay monies bequeathed to charity."

Feeling public spirited? Feeling ripped off and bullshitted? Stand up and tell Eric Schneiderman!]


Let's Build a Goddamn Tesla Museum
by Indiegogo and Matt Inman

We're trying to raise money to buy back Nikola Tesla's old laboratory, known as the Wardenclyffe Tower, and eventually turn it into a museum.

161% 0 time left
Flexible Funding
This campaign ended on September 29, 2012


Nikola Tesla was the father of the electric age. Despite having drop-kicked humanity into a second industrial revolution, up until recently he's been an unsung hero in history books. If you don't know who Tesla is, go read this.


Why Nikola Tesla was the greatest geek who ever lived
The Oatmeal http://theoatmeal.com

Geeks stay up all night disassembling the world so that they can put it back together with new features.

They tinker and fix things that aren't broken.

Geeks abandon the world around them because they're busy soldering together a new one.

They obsess and, in many cases, they suffer.

Over one hundred years ago, a Serbian-American inventor by the name of Nikola Tesla started fixing things that weren't broken.


In a time when the majority of the world was still lit by candle power, an electrical system known as alternating current was invented and to this day is what powers every home on the planet.

Who do we have to thank for this invention that ushered humanity into a second industrial revolution?


Nikola Tesla.

"But I thought Thomas Edison was the father of the electric age!" -- everyone

Nope. It was Tesla.

When most people think of Thomas Edison, they think of the man who invented the light bulb.

Edison did not invent the light bulb, he improved upon the ideas of 22 other men who pioneered the light bulb before him.

Edison simply figured out how to sell the light bulb.

Tesla actually worked for Edison early in his career.

Edison offered to pay him the modern equivalent of a million dollars to fix the problems he was having with his DC generators and motors.

Tesla fixed Edison's machines and when he asked for the money he was promised, Edison laughed him off and had this to say:

"Tesla, you don't understand our American humor."

Edison is a good example of a non-geek who operated in a geeck space.

He believed the value of his inventions could be gauged by how much money they made. He was neither a mathematician nor a scientist -- he believed he could just hire people to do that for him.

Edison was not a geek; he was a CEO.

Tesla was known for discovering amazing things and then forgetting to write them down.

Edison was known for rushing to the patent office as soon as one of his employees had something.

After his falling out with Edison, Tesla went to work on his alternating current electrical system.

This ignited a feud with Edison, who at the time was trying to sell the world his direct current system.

Edison's DC system required a power plant every square mile and couldn't transmit electricity very far. AC used thinner wires, had higher voltages, and could transmit electricity over long distances.

So what did Edison do?

Families living in the neighborhood near Edison's laboratory began to notice that their pets were disappearing. This was because Edison had been paying schoolboys twenty-five cents a head for live dogs and cats.

He then put these dogs and cats on display and publicly electrocuted them using Tesla's alternating current.

His goal was to publicly smear Tesla's AC and convince the public that it was too dangerous for home use.

In short: the only thing Edison truly pioneered was douchebaggery.


Ever heard of a man by the name of Marconi? He won a Nobel Prize in Physics for inventing Radio.

Did you know that everything he did was based on work previously done by Tesla? After Marconi became world-famous for sending the first transatlantic message, this was Tesla's response:

"Marconi is a good fellow. Let him continue. He is using seventeen of my patents."

Basically, Tesla = Nicest. Inventor. EVER.


Ever heard of RADAR?

AKA. That awesome technology that lets us detect objects like cruise missiles and latte-sipping SUV-driving imbeciles who do 85 in a 45.

An English scientist by the name of Robert A. Watson-Watt was credited with the invention of radar in 1935.

Can you guess who came up with the idea in 1917? 18 years before Watson-Watt.

Nikola Tesla.

He pitched it to the U.S. Navy at the beginning of World War I when the world was getting its butthole forcibly imploded by German U-boats.

Unfortunately, Thomas Edison was the head of R*D for the U.S. Navy at the time and he managed to convince them that it had no practical application in war.




Wilhelm Rontgen is typically credited as the discoverer of X-rays.

Can you guess the mustache-donning inventor who beat him to it and got basically ZERO credit?

Nikola Goddamn Tesla.

Also, when X-rays were initially discovered it was believed that they could cure blindness and other ailments. Tesla warned that X-rays could be dangerous and he refused to conduct medical experiments with them.

Edison, not skipping a beat when the opportunity to be awful presented itself, got to work right away on human trials in X-ray experimentation. One of his employees, Clarence Dally, was exposed to so much radiation that his arms had to be amputated to save his life. It didn't work though, and he eventually died from mediastinal cancer.

Dally is considered to be the first American to die from experimentation with radiation -- FINALLY Edison invents something original!

In addition to killing his assistant, Edison nearly blinded himself by repeatedly firing X-rays at his own eyes. When asked about X-rays later on, this was Edison's reply:


"Don't talk to me about X-rays, I am afraid of them -- Thomas Edison, 1903"

Fucking idiot.

Ever wonder who built the first hydroelectric plant at Niagara Falls and proved to the world that this type of power was a practical energy source?

Nikola Tesla.

Who was experiementing with cryogenic engineering nearly a half century before its invention?



Who held patents over a hundred years ago that were later used in development of the transistor?

The transistor is the device which makes the information age possible so you can refresh your Facebook page and download donkey porn and whatnot.


Who was the first person to record radio waves from outer space? (inadvertently making himself the father of radio astronomy}



Who discovered the resonant frequency of the earth?


This is something scientists couldn't confirm until 50 years later when technology had caught up to what Tesla's amazeballs brain figured out in the 1890s.

Who built an earthquake machine that nearly demolished an entire neighborhood in New York City when it was turned on?



Ever heard of ball lightning?

It's lightning that appears in the form of a sphere and travels slowly while hovering a few feet above the ground.

It's an extremely rare phenomenon and even today no scientists have ever successfully produced it in a laboratory.

Oh, except Tesla did it back in the 1890s.

Ever wonder who invented remote control?


Neon lighting?


The modern electric motor?


Wireless communications?



You know how when you need electricity for your home it simply rains down from the earth's ionosphere and charges everything wirelessly?

Oh right, that was something Tesla invented but didn't share with the world probably because he was afraid of uninspired jackasses stealing his patents.

Without question, Tesla was a genius.

He spoke eight languages: Serbian, English, Czech, German, French, Hungarian, Italian, and Latin.

Most of us only speak one language (and poorly at that).

He could memorize entire books and recite them at will.

Most of us can't even remember our passwords.

He could visualize devices entirely in his head and then build them without ever writing anything down.

Most of us only spend time visualizing things like naked women and greasy sandwiches.

And even more impressive, the man lived to be 86 and was celibate his entire life.

Despite being 6'6" (200cm) tall in the 1890s and mega popular with the ladies, Tesla refused to date because he believed it would interfere with his work.


Tesla: a handsome dude who turned down sex for 86 years because he was too busy creating artificial lightning storms in his apartment.

P.S. Thomas Edison married a sixteen year old girl.

P.P.S. That's the last time I'll bitch about Edison in this comic, I swear.


How to tell if someone is a geek.

A Geek:
[Girl] Hey, let's smoosh our privates together!
[Geek] I can't. I'm busy callibrating this thing.

Not a Real Geek:
[Girl] Hey, let's smoosh our privates together?
[Not a Real Geek] Well, okay.

So with this incredible mind and all these inventions behind him, Tesla should have been rich and famous, right?

Unfortunately, no.

Tesla lived in a time when the world demanded results that were practical and profitable. We didn't want radio astronomy; we wanted light bulbs and toaster ovens.

Tesla's contributions were not incremental; they were revolutionary.

One of Tesla's final gifts to the world was a tower near New York City that would have provided free wireless energy to the entire planet. The man who financed the construction of the tower shut it down when he learned that there would be no way to regulate the energy and therefore it wouldn't make money.

This acquisitiveness and greed plagued most of Tesla's career, and he spent the majority of it being broke. In addition, Tesla also suffered from a disorder we now commonly refer to as "being batshit insane."

Tesla hallucinated and often had a hard time differentiating between reality and his imagination, which is why he spent years alone in his laboratory working day and night.

He often said that the only time he was truly happy was when he was cooped up in his lab.

Tesla died broke and alone in a NYC hotel room. He'd been living on milk and Nabisco crackers, and in one of his final interviews he revealed something of a very personal nature:

"I have been feeding pigeons, thousands of them, for years. But there was one pigeon, a beautiful bird, pure white with light gray tips on its wings; that one was different. It was a female. I would know that pigeon anywhere. No matter where I was that pigeon would find me, when I wanted her I had only to wish and call her she would come flying to me. She understood me and I understood her.

I loved that pigeon.

Yes, I loved her as a man loves a woman, and she loved me.

As I looked at her I knew she wanted to tell me -- she was dying. And then, as I got her message, there came a light from her eyes -- powerful beams of light."



THAT was Tesla's reward for all the things he gave to humanity?!

Dear Nikola Tesla,

I'm sorry.

I'm so very very sorry.

You were a man displaced in time; on Archimedes, Steve Wozniak, Tony Stark of the 19th century

You were the greatest geek who ever lived in a time when the human race was crappier than usual.

And there are not enough nouns in the English language to append to the word "douche" when describing Thomas Edison, but I will try anyway:

Douchebucket, Douchebagel, DoucheBuffalo, DoucheMouth, DoucheSplosion, DoucheThunder, DoucheFace, DoucheMc.DoucherDouche, Quarter pounder with douche, DoucheCopter, DoucheBalloon, DouchePickle, Mixed greens with a douche Vinaigrette, RaisinBallsDoucheSkull

July 10th is Nikola Tesla day, and I will be editing Wikipedia in your honor.


On behalf of those who obsess, tinker, and fix things that aren't broken consider it my way of saying

Thank you, Nikola Tesla.

-- The Oatmeal


8/15/2012: IMPORTANT UPDATE! I need your help! I am trying to raise money to buy back Tesla's old laboratory and turn it into a museum.

Nevermind! We got it! As of May 2nd, 2013, the former laboratory of Nikola Tesla has been SAVED!

Tesla's final laboratory is located in the sleepy town of Shoreham, New York. It's known as Wardenclyffe and it's where Tesla attempted to build a tower that would provide free wireless energy to the entire earth. Unfortunately, Tesla lost his funding before the project was completed and in 1917 the Wardenclyffe tower was demolished. Subsequently, the land was sold to a film and paper manufacturer.

However, the land, laboratory, and foundation beneath the tower are still there and very recently went up for sale. And right now a non-profit is trying to buy the property and turn it into a Nikola Tesla Museum. The property is listed at $1.6 million, and this non-profit has received a matching grant from New York State of up to $850k. This means that if we can raise $850k, New York State will match us for that same amount -- putting the total raised at $1.7 million.

There is currently another offer on the table from someone who wants to purchase the property potentially tear it down or turn it into a retail establishment. There is no Tesla museum in the United States, despite Tesla's extraordinary accomplishments. If we can outbid this other person and buy the land it will permanently be protected as a historic site and eventually converted into a Nikola Tesla Science Center.

The folks behind this project are a 501(c) non-profit organization and they've spent the past 15 years trying to find a way to save this property. This IndieGoGo account is linked directly to their bank and all the funds will go directly to them.

Even if we raise the full amount and end up with $1.7 million, this isn't enough to build an actual museum / science center. But it will effectively put the property into the right hands so it can eventually be renovated into something fitting for one of the greatest inventors of our time.

Internet, this is where you come in: HELP ME BUILD A GODDAMN TESLA MUSEUM.

More details about the campaign can be found over here.

The Indiegogo campaign is linked directly to the bank account of Tesla Science Center at Wardenclyffe, formerly known as Friends of Science East, Inc. It is a 501(c)3 not-for-profit organization registered with the State of New York.

*Wardenclyffe photo via DamnInteresting.com
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Re: Let's Build a Goddamn Tesla Museum, by Indiegogo

Postby admin » Fri Aug 29, 2014 10:32 pm


Why Nikola Tesla was the greatest geek who ever lived
The Oatmeal http://theoatmeal.com

Geeks stay up all night disassembling the world so that they can put it back together with new features.

They tinker and fix things that aren't broken.

Geeks abandon the world around them because they're busy soldering together a new one.

They obsess and, in many cases, they suffer.

Over one hundred years ago, a Serbian-American inventor by the name of Nikola Tesla started fixing things that weren't broken.


In a time when the majority of the world was still lit by candle power, an electrical system known as alternating current was invented and to this day is what powers every home on the planet.

Who do we have to thank for this invention that ushered humanity into a second industrial revolution?


Nikola Tesla.

"But I thought Thomas Edison was the father of the electric age!" -- everyone

Nope. It was Tesla.

When most people think of Thomas Edison, they think of the man who invented the light bulb.

Edison did not invent the light bulb, he improved upon the ideas of 22 other men who pioneered the light bulb before him.

Edison simply figured out how to sell the light bulb.

Tesla actually worked for Edison early in his career.

Edison offered to pay him the modern equivalent of a million dollars to fix the problems he was having with his DC generators and motors.

Tesla fixed Edison's machines and when he asked for the money he was promised, Edison laughed him off and had this to say:

"Tesla, you don't understand our American humor."

Edison is a good example of a non-geek who operated in a geeck space.

He believed the value of his inventions could be gauged by how much money they made. He was neither a mathematician nor a scientist -- he believed he could just hire people to do that for him.

Edison was not a geek; he was a CEO.

Tesla was known for discovering amazing things and then forgetting to write them down.

Edison was known for rushing to the patent office as soon as one of his employees had something.

After his falling out with Edison, Tesla went to work on his alternating current electrical system.

This ignited a feud with Edison, who at the time was trying to sell the world his direct current system.

Edison's DC system required a power plant every square mile and couldn't transmit electricity very far. AC used thinner wires, had higher voltages, and could transmit electricity over long distances.

So what did Edison do?

Families living in the neighborhood near Edison's laboratory began to notice that their pets were disappearing. This was because Edison had been paying schoolboys twenty-five cents a head for live dogs and cats.

He then put these dogs and cats on display and publicly electrocuted them using Tesla's alternating current.

His goal was to publicly smear Tesla's AC and convince the public that it was too dangerous for home use.

In short: the only thing Edison truly pioneered was douchebaggery.


Ever heard of a man by the name of Marconi? He won a Nobel Prize in Physics for inventing Radio.

Did you know that everything he did was based on work previously done by Tesla? After Marconi became world-famous for sending the first transatlantic message, this was Tesla's response:

"Marconi is a good fellow. Let him continue. He is using seventeen of my patents."

Basically, Tesla = Nicest. Inventor. EVER.


Ever heard of RADAR?

AKA. That awesome technology that lets us detect objects like cruise missiles and latte-sipping SUV-driving imbeciles who do 85 in a 45.

An English scientist by the name of Robert A. Watson-Watt was credited with the invention of radar in 1935.

Can you guess who came up with the idea in 1917? 18 years before Watson-Watt.

Nikola Tesla.

He pitched it to the U.S. Navy at the beginning of World War I when the world was getting its butthole forcibly imploded by German U-boats.

Unfortunately, Thomas Edison was the head of R*D for the U.S. Navy at the time and he managed to convince them that it had no practical application in war.




Wilhelm Rontgen is typically credited as the discoverer of X-rays.

Can you guess the mustache-donning inventor who beat him to it and got basically ZERO credit?

Nikola Goddamn Tesla.

Also, when X-rays were initially discovered it was believed that they could cure blindness and other ailments. Tesla warned that X-rays could be dangerous and he refused to conduct medical experiments with them.

Edison, not skipping a beat when the opportunity to be awful presented itself, got to work right away on human trials in X-ray experimentation. One of his employees, Clarence Dally, was exposed to so much radiation that his arms had to be amputated to save his life. It didn't work though, and he eventually died from mediastinal cancer.

Dally is considered to be the first American to die from experimentation with radiation -- FINALLY Edison invents something original!

In addition to killing his assistant, Edison nearly blinded himself by repeatedly firing X-rays at his own eyes. When asked about X-rays later on, this was Edison's reply:


"Don't talk to me about X-rays, I am afraid of them -- Thomas Edison, 1903"

Fucking idiot.

Ever wonder who built the first hydroelectric plant at Niagara Falls and proved to the world that this type of power was a practical energy source?

Nikola Tesla.

Who was experiementing with cryogenic engineering nearly a half century before its invention?



Who held patents over a hundred years ago that were later used in development of the transistor?

The transistor is the device which makes the information age possible so you can refresh your Facebook page and download donkey porn and whatnot.


Who was the first person to record radio waves from outer space? (inadvertently making himself the father of radio astronomy}



Who discovered the resonant frequency of the earth?


This is something scientists couldn't confirm until 50 years later when technology had caught up to what Tesla's amazeballs brain figured out in the 1890s.

Who built an earthquake machine that nearly demolished an entire neighborhood in New York City when it was turned on?



Ever heard of ball lightning?

It's lightning that appears in the form of a sphere and travels slowly while hovering a few feet above the ground.

It's an extremely rare phenomenon and even today no scientists have ever successfully produced it in a laboratory.

Oh, except Tesla did it back in the 1890s.

Ever wonder who invented remote control?


Neon lighting?


The modern electric motor?


Wireless communications?



You know how when you need electricity for your home it simply rains down from the earth's ionosphere and charges everything wirelessly?

Oh right, that was something Tesla invented but didn't share with the world probably because he was afraid of uninspired jackasses stealing his patents.

Without question, Tesla was a genius.

He spoke eight languages: Serbian, English, Czech, German, French, Hungarian, Italian, and Latin.

Most of us only speak one language (and poorly at that).

He could memorize entire books and recite them at will.

Most of us can't even remember our passwords.

He could visualize devices entirely in his head and then build them without ever writing anything down.

Most of us only spend time visualizing things like naked women and greasy sandwiches.

And even more impressive, the man lived to be 86 and was celibate his entire life.

Despite being 6'6" (200cm) tall in the 1890s and mega popular with the ladies, Tesla refused to date because he believed it would interfere with his work.


Tesla: a handsome dude who turned down sex for 86 years because he was too busy creating artificial lightning storms in his apartment.

P.S. Thomas Edison married a sixteen year old girl.

P.P.S. That's the last time I'll bitch about Edison in this comic, I swear.


How to tell if someone is a geek.

A Geek:
[Girl] Hey, let's smoosh our privates together!
[Geek] I can't. I'm busy callibrating this thing.

Not a Real Geek:
[Girl] Hey, let's smoosh our privates together?
[Not a Real Geek] Well, okay.

So with this incredible mind and all these inventions behind him, Tesla should have been rich and famous, right?

Unfortunately, no.

Tesla lived in a time when the world demanded results that were practical and profitable. We didn't want radio astronomy; we wanted light bulbs and toaster ovens.

Tesla's contributions were not incremental; they were revolutionary.

One of Tesla's final gifts to the world was a tower near New York City that would have provided free wireless energy to the entire planet. The man who financed the construction of the tower shut it down when he learned that there would be no way to regulate the energy and therefore it wouldn't make money.

This acquisitiveness and greed plagued most of Tesla's career, and he spent the majority of it being broke. In addition, Tesla also suffered from a disorder we now commonly refer to as "being batshit insane."

Tesla hallucinated and often had a hard time differentiating between reality and his imagination, which is why he spent years alone in his laboratory working day and night.

He often said that the only time he was truly happy was when he was cooped up in his lab.

Tesla died broke and alone in a NYC hotel room. He'd been living on milk and Nabisco crackers, and in one of his final interviews he revealed something of a very personal nature:

"I have been feeding pigeons, thousands of them, for years. But there was one pigeon, a beautiful bird, pure white with light gray tips on its wings; that one was different. It was a female. I would know that pigeon anywhere. No matter where I was that pigeon would find me, when I wanted her I had only to wish and call her she would come flying to me. She understood me and I understood her.

I loved that pigeon.

Yes, I loved her as a man loves a woman, and she loved me.

As I looked at her I knew she wanted to tell me -- she was dying. And then, as I got her message, there came a light from her eyes -- powerful beams of light."



THAT was Tesla's reward for all the things he gave to humanity?!

Dear Nikola Tesla,

I'm sorry.

I'm so very very sorry.

You were a man displaced in time; on Archimedes, Steve Wozniak, Tony Stark of the 19th century

You were the greatest geek who ever lived in a time when the human race was crappier than usual.

And there are not enough nouns in the English language to append to the word "douche" when describing Thomas Edison, but I will try anyway:

Douchebucket, Douchebagel, DoucheBuffalo, DoucheMouth, DoucheSplosion, DoucheThunder, DoucheFace, DoucheMc.DoucherDouche, Quarter pounder with douche, DoucheCopter, DoucheBalloon, DouchePickle, Mixed greens with a douche Vinaigrette, RaisinBallsDoucheSkull

July 10th is Nikola Tesla day, and I will be editing Wikipedia in your honor.


On behalf of those who obsess, tinker, and fix things that aren't broken consider it my way of saying

Thank you, Nikola Tesla.

-- The Oatmeal


8/15/2012: IMPORTANT UPDATE! I need your help! I am trying to raise money to buy back Tesla's old laboratory and turn it into a museum.

Nevermind! We got it! As of May 2nd, 2013, the former laboratory of Nikola Tesla has been SAVED!
Site Admin
Posts: 36489
Joined: Thu Aug 01, 2013 5:21 am

Re: Let's Build a Goddamn Tesla Museum, by Indiegogo

Postby admin » Fri Aug 29, 2014 10:33 pm

by Matt Inman
the oatmeal.com


Are you familiar with this handsome gentleman?


No? Go read this:


Got it?

Okay, moving right along.

Tesla's laboratory, known as Wardenclyffe was built to provide wireless energy for the entire earth.

Tesla's laboratory in Shoreham, NY

Unfortunately, funding for this project was cut off and in 1917 the Wardenclyffe tower was demolished and the land was sold to a photographic film manufacturer.


However, the land, laboratory, and foundation underneath the tower are still there and very recently went up for sale.


And right now a non-profit organization is trying to buy the property and turn it into a Nikola Tesla Museum.

The property costs $1.6 million and this non-profit has received a matching grant from New York State for $850,000.

What this means is: if they raise $850k NY State will give them another $850k. Which will put the raised funds at $1.7 million total.


There is currently another offer on the table from someone who wants to buy the land and potentially tear the laboratory down and turn it into a retail establishment.

There is no Tesla museum in the United States, and if we outbid this other person and buy the land it will permanently be protected as a historic site and eventually be converted into a Nikola Tesla Science Center!

Internet, this is where you come in.


DONATE HERE! Operation Let's build a goddamn Tesla Museum NOW COMMENCING!


I'm hoping enough people will donate to raise the amount we need, but it's a huge sum of cash and the $1.6 million will ONLY get us the land. Building an actual museum will take a lot more.

This is an open invite to any corporate sponsors who want to help us out.

J.P. Morgan, you there? One hundred years ago you believed in Tesla and backed him financially. Honor his legacy and help him out again!

General Electric: Thomas Edison founded GE and screwed Tesla out of A TON of money. It's never too late to make amends. Sponsor this museum! The itnernet will love you forever, I promise.

Google: I read that Larry Page is a huge fan of Tesla. And I beleve that if Tesla were alive today he'd rock the shit out of Gmail and spend a lot of time making fun of Bing.

Tesla Motors: It'd be good PR for your awesome cars, yes? If we get the property I hereby give you permission to do donuts in the Wardenclyffe parking lot.

Christian Bale? It'd be good PR for your upcoming Tesla movie, yes? If Batman were real he'd totally sponsor the shit out of this museum.

Someone? Anyone?

Sponsoring this museum would be the PR equivalent of having your CEO jump into an icy river and save a herd of drowning kittens.

Don't you want to save some kittens?



Tesla loved the number three and often surrounded himself with things that were multiples of three, so we added some perks that are increments of this fantastic number.

$3. If you donate $3, you get to sleep at night knowing that you did something seriously awesome. And if Tesla were alive today he'd totally high-five you and possibly let you touch his mustache.

$33. A Tesla greater than Edison bumper sticker


$333. Signed Tesla Geek Booklet. I'll be signing and numbering booklets of the comic. "Why Nikola Tesla was the greatest geek who ever lived"


(I don't sell these on my website, so the only way to get them is to donate.)


$3,333. Custom portrait of you drawn by The Oatmeal. I will draw a portrait of you in the style of an Oatmeal comic. In this masterpiece will happily give you extra eyeballs or beaver feet or whatever other body parts and accessories you require.


$33,333. Feature on TheOatmeal.com


If you donate $33,333 I will write a blog post about you, your company, or your product on TheOatmeal.com. My site averages 7 million unique visitors and 30 million page views. In the three years TheOatmeal.com has been online it's been read by over 100 million people and received nearly one billion page views.

When I link to things I have a tendency of crashing websites due to the massive storm of traffic, so getting featured here would be fantastic for your business. Plus everyone would know you did it to help save Tesla's Museum.


Potential sponsors: Contact the charity!

All other media inquiries: Email us!

Everyone else: Donate!

FAQ (read this before emailing us)

Why not Kickstarter?

Two reasons: 1. Kickstarter doesn't allow charities 2. Indiegogo was wonderful to work with during my last fundraiser so I decided to stick with them.

What happens if we don't raise the entire $850,000?

The Indiegogo campaign is set up as a flexible funding campaign, so no matter how much we raise it will still go to the non-profit and toward making an offer on the property. $1.6M is the asking price, but we're hoping to buy it for less and then use the remainder of the money renovating the property.

What happens if we raise more than we need, or if you make a lower bid on the property and there's money left over?

Any money left over will be spent renovating the property and put toward turning it into a Tesla Museum.

If this is a success, can you build a museum right away? What happens next?

The property the laboratory is on is a bit of mess. It needs to be cleaned up, restored, and there's a ton of work to be done to actually turn this into something worthy of Tesla's legacy. The money we're raising is simply to secure the property so no one can ever mess with it and guarantee that it's a historic site. It opens up years and years of time to figure out how to build a proper Nikola Tesla museum.

However, I would love to have some kind of Nikola Tesla festival on the property on July 10th of 2013 (Nikola Tesla Day), and have some kind of zany Tesla-coil-BBQ-cookout.

Who is handling the money?

The Indiegogo campaign is linked directly to the bank account of Tesla Science Center at Wardenclyffe, formerly known as Friends of Science East, Inc. It is a 501(c)3 not-for-profit organization registered with the State of New York. You can read more about them and their board of directors here: Tesla Science Center at Wardenclyffe.

I want to make a donation!

You can donate on this Indiegogo page.

I want to become a corporate sponsor of this project!

Contact the Tesla Science Center at Wardenclyffe

I want to do an interview or I have a media inquiry about this campaign

Contact us
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Re: Let's Build a Goddamn Tesla Museum, by Indiegogo

Postby admin » Fri Aug 29, 2014 10:34 pm


The Tesla Science Center at Wardenclyffe, also known as Friends of Science East, Inc., a not-for-profit organization incorporated by the State of New York, was established with the specific purpose of developing a regional science and technology center on eastern Long Island. It is the hope of Friends of Science East, Inc. to be able to establish this center at the site of the former Peerless Photo plant in Shoreham, New York.

The Science and Technology Center and Museum would be a place dedicated to science education and to introducing visitors to the rich scientific opportunities on Long Island. This center and museum would complement the educational efforts of the schools within this region as well as the community outreach activities of other prominent science institutions. It would also look to provide possible space for fledgling companies engaged in scientific research.

The historic significance of the Shoreham site presents a unique opportunity as it contains the only remaining laboratory where Nikola Tesla, the famous inventor of alternating current electricity and neon lighting, conducted research. The building which he used as his laboratory was designed by the renowned architect Stanford White in the Italianate style. Among the programs and permanent exhibits envisioned for the center are the following:


Visiting experts/presentations/lecture series
Science teacher associations conferences and symposia
Week-long or day-long field trips by students
Future association with science competitions involving mentoring and workshops
Saturday Science programs

Permanent Exhibits:

Tesla Exhibit
Exploratorium-type exhibits
Gift shop. Book shop
Cafeteria (‘Neon Cafe’)
Science research space (living museum)
Possible incubator space
Changing exhibition space

Further reading: A brief history of Friends of Science East, Inc./Tesla Science Center.
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Re: Let's Build a Goddamn Tesla Museum, by Indiegogo

Postby admin » Fri Aug 29, 2014 10:34 pm

Tesla Science Center at Wardenclyffe
by Wikipedia

Tesla Science Center at Wardenclyffe
Wardenclyffe Tower.jpg
Location Tesla Street, East Shoreham, NY 11786
Coordinates 40.948401°N 72.898248°W
Director Jane Alcorn
Website teslasciencecenter.org

The Tesla Science Center at Wardenclyffe is a nonprofit organization established to develop a regional science and technology center at the site of Nikola Tesla's former Wardenclyffe laboratory on Long Island, New York.[1] The center raised money through crowdfunding to purchase the property.


Early history of the site

In 1898, electrical engineer, inventor, and pioneer of electrical power technology, Nikola Tesla began planning and designing the Wardenclyffe Tower, a wireless transmission tower intended for commercial trans-Atlantic wireless telephony, broadcasting, and proof-of-concept demonstrations of wireless power transmission.[2] [3]

In 1901 construction began on the land near Long Island Sound, with initial funding from J. P. Morgan and other venture capitalists.[4]

In June 1902 Tesla moved his laboratory from Manhattan to Wardenclyffe but the project ran into many problems including numerous design changes. In 1903 Guglielmo Marconi's wireless system was making regular transatlantic transmission with far less expensive equipment. That, plus a downturn on wall street,[5] caused financing to start drying up for Tesla's project. Tesla tried to generate more interest in Wardenclyffe by revealing its ability to transmit wireless electricity, but Morgan and other financiers such as John Jacob Astor were reluctant to come forward with more money. By July 1904 the investors ceased additional financing. In May 1905, Tesla's patents on alternating current motors and other methods of power transmission expired, halting royalty payments and causing a severe reduction in the funds he had to put toward the Wardenclyffe Project and most of the site's activity had to be shut down for lack of funding. Attempts to resurrect the project failed and the facility was partially abandoned around 1911, and the tower structure ultimately deteriorated. The transmission tower was never fully operational.[6]

More recently, the Wardenclyffe site became a processing facility for a photography company. Eventually the site was turned into a Superfund hazardous waste site, taking years to clean up. [7]

In 1994, acting on the advice of the President's Advisory Council on Historic Preservation, a formal nomination process was initiated by the Tesla Wardenclyffe Project seeking placement of the Wardenclyffe laboratory-office building and the Tesla tower foundation on both the New York State and National Registers of Historic Places. This would result in the creation of a monument to Tesla out of the Wardenclyffe site itself.[8]

As of August 2012, the site was owned by Agfa.[9]

Funding effort

Jane Alcorn, president of the nonprofit group The Tesla Science Center at Wardenclyffe, and Matthew Inman, creator of web cartoon The Oatmeal, joined forces in 2012 to honor "the Father of the Electric Age", by preserving the Wardenclyffe facility as a science center and museum. They initiated the Let's Build a Goddamn Tesla Museum fund-raising campaign on the Indiegogo crowdfunding site, to raise funding to buy the Wardenclyffe property and restore the facility. The project reached its goal of raising $850,000 within a week, after a $33,333 donation from the producers of the Tesla film "Fragments from Olympus-The Vision of Nikola Tesla" put them over the top. The campaign also attracted donations from benefactors such as Elon Musk, co-founder of Tesla Motors.[10]

The money raised within one week was enough to get a matching grant from the state of New York, allowing the project to be able to meet the seller's asking price of $1.6 million.[10][7] Including the grant, the crowdfunding campaign raised approximately $1,700,000 in six days, with the campaign originally slated to run 45 days.[11]

On May 2, 2013, The Tesla Science Center at Wardenclyffe announced that they had purchased the 15.69 acre laboratory site from Agfa Corporation and will begin to raise "about $10 million to create a science learning center and museum worthy of Tesla and his legacy."[12]

On May 14th, 2014, Tesla Motors founder Elon Musk agreed to donate $8 million toward the construction of a museum on the Wardenclyffe property.[13]

Programs and exhibits

The center plans to offer several programs, including science teacher associations, conferences, symposia, field trips, associations with science competitions, and other science programs.

Planned permanent exhibits include a Tesla exhibit, exploratorium-type exhibits, and a living museum.[1]

On 23 September 2013, the president of Serbia, Tomislav Nikolić, unveiled a monument to Tesla at the Wardenclyffe site. Nikolić said that he had planned to push for the monument to be displayed at the United Nations, but chose Wardenclyffe once he learned it had been purchased for the center.[14]


"About Tesla Science Center at Wardenclyffe". Friends of Science East, Inc. Retrieved 23 August 2012.
Anderson, Leland I., ed. (July 2002). Nikola Tesla on His Work With Alternating Currents and Their Application to Wireless Telegraphy, Telephony, and Transmission of Power: An Extended Interview. Twenty First Century Books. pp. 106, 153, 170. ISBN 978-1893817012.
"The Future of the Wireless Art," Wireless Telegraphy & Telephony, Van Nostrand, 1908
Broad, William J. (May 4, 2009). "A Battle to Preserve a Visionary’s Bold Failure". New York Times. Retrieved May 5, 2009.
Cheney, Margaret (2011). Tesla: Man Out of Time. pp. 203 – 208. ISBN 978-0743215367.
Cheney, Margaret (1999), Tesla Master of Lightning, New York: Barnes & Noble Books, ISBN 0-7607-1005-8, p. 107.; “Unable to overcome his financial burdens, he was forced to close the laboratory in 1905.”
Greenfieldboyce, Nell (24 August 2012). "Zap! Cartoonist Raises $1 Million For Tesla Museum". NPR. Retrieved 24 August 2012.
"A MUSEUM AT WARDENCLYFFE The Creation of a Monument to Nikola TeslaT". Tesla Wardenclyffe Project, Inc. Retrieved 23 September 2010.
Li, Anita (22 August 2012). "The Oatmeal's Tesla Museum Campaign Hits Goal". Mashable. Retrieved 24 August 2012.
Frum, Larry (21 August 2012). "Backers raise cash for Tesla museum honoring 'cult hero'". CNN. Retrieved 24 August 2012.
"Tesla museum campaign exceeds fund-raising target". BBC News. 22 August 2012. Retrieved 23 August 2012.
Press Release: Tesla Wardenclyffe Laboratory Purchased For Museum
Elon Musk Will Help Fund Tesla Museum
Gabbatt, Adam; Popovich, Nadja (24 September 2013). "Serbian president unveils Nikola Tesla monument in New York". The Guardian. Retrieved 3 October 2013.

External links
Official site
NY Times article
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Re: Let's Build a Goddamn Tesla Museum, by Indiegogo

Postby admin » Fri Aug 29, 2014 10:34 pm

by Wikipedia

Agfa-Gevaert N.V.
Agfa logo.svg
Type Public
Traded as Euronext: AGFB
Industry Imaging and IT company
Founded 1867 (Aktiengesellschaft für Anilinfabrikation)
1894, Gevaert & Co.
1964 (Agfa-Gevaert)
Headquarters Mortsel, Belgium
Key people Christian Reinaudo, CEO
Revenue € 3,023 million (2011)
Employees 11,728 (Dec. 2011)
Website http://www.agfa.com

Agfa logo.

Agfa-Gevaert N.V. (Agfa) is a Belgian multinational corporation that develops, manufactures, and distributes analogue and digital imaging products and systems, as well as IT solutions. The company has three divisions. Agfa Graphics offers integrated prepress and industrial inkjet systems to the printing and graphics industries. Agfa HealthCare supplies hospitals and other care organizations with imaging products and systems, as well as information systems. Agfa Specialty Products supplies products to various industrial markets. It is part of the Agfa Materials organization. In addition to the Agfa Specialty Products activities, Agfa Materials also supplies film and related products to Agfa Graphics and Agfa HealthCare.

In the past, Agfa film and cameras were prominent consumer products. However, in 2004, the consumer imaging division was sold to a company founded via management buyout. AgfaPhoto GmbH, as the new company was called, filed for bankruptcy after just one year.[1] The brands are now licensed to other companies by AgfaPhoto Holding GmbH, a holding firm. Following this sale, Agfa-Gevaert's commerce today is 100% business-to-business.

Company structure

Headquartered in Mortsel, Belgium, Agfa has sales organizations in 40 countries. In countries where Agfa does not have its own sales organization, the market is served by a network of agents and representatives. At the end of 2011, the company had 11,728 employees (full-time equivalent permanent) worldwide. Agfa has manufacturing plants around the world. The largest production and research centers are based in Belgium, the United States, Canada, Germany, France, Italy and China. Net sales for 2011 totaled 3,023 million euros.

Agfa is organized into three business groups as follows:

Agfa Graphics

Digital and analogue prepress systems, software, and consumables.

Computer-to-film and computer-to-plate equipment.
Prepress & publish workflow software.
Consumables: graphic film, analogue and digital printing plates.
Digital proofing systems.
Technical services.

Industrial inkjet systems and solutions.

Wide format printing systems.

:Anapurna and :Jeti printer families: typically used to produce posters, banners and displays.
:M-Press family: high-end flatbed presses, designed to replace traditional equipment for all possible screen printing jobs.
Wide format media.

Agfa HealthCare

Medical Imaging systems

Conventional radiography.

Screen films (conventional X-ray films).
Developing equipment.

Digital radiography.

Integrated computed radiography solutions.
Integrated direct radiography solutions.
Hardcopy printers and film.

IT solutions

Developer of medical imaging information systems. Agfa Healthcare's main offices are in Mortsel (Belgium), Ghent (Belgium), Waterloo (Ontario Canada), Vienna (Austria) and Bonn (Germany).

Radiology IT (brand name IMPAX).

Picture Archiving and Communication Systems(PACS).
Radiology Information Systems (RIS).
Speech recognition.
Imaging repositories.

Cardiology IT.

PACS for cardiology IT and CardioVascular Information Systems.
ECG management systems.

Enterprise IT (main brand name: ORBIS).

Hospital Information Systems (HIS).
Clinical Information Systems (CIS).
Laboratory Information Systems (LIS).
Document Management Systems.

Agfa Specialty Products

Agfa Specialty Products supplies products to a variety of industries.

Traditional film products

Sound recording film and print film for the movie industry.
Films, chemicals, photo paper and software for aerial photography.
Photo-tooling films for the production of Printed Circuit Boards.
Nondestructive testing (NDT) film (as the exclusive manufacturer of General Electric's NDT X-ray films and related chemistry.

New developments

Synthetic paper (SYNAPS brand).
Materials and consumables for the production of ID-documents.
Conductive polymer materials (printing inks, pastes and emulsions) for the production of transparent electrodes used in compact electronic devices (Orgacon brand).
Industrial inkjet inks.
Membranes for the electrolysis of water (Zirfon Perl brand).


1867 The company Aktiengesellschaft für Anilinfabrikation (Corporation for Aniline Production) was founded in Rummelsburg (now in the Lichtenberg borough of Berlin) as a manufacturer of dyes and stains. It became a public limited company in 1873. The founders were Paul Mendelssohn Bartholdy (son of composer Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy) and Carl Alexander von Martius.
1894 The company L. Gevaert & Cie was founded in Antwerp, Belgium, arising from the workshop for the manufacture of photographic paper belonging to Lieven Gevaert.
1897 Appearance of the Agfa trade mark.
1898 Introduction of X-ray plates and film products.
1903 Production of first cinematographic film.
1925 As part of the consolidation of the German chemical industry, Agfa became part of IG Farben.[2] The photographic activities are combined with those of Bayer, including a camera factory in Munich.
1928 Acquired Ansco, an American photographic manufacturer, whose products were sold under the Agfa-Ansco brand name.
1936 Agfacolor Neu a pioneering color film for amateurs and professionals.
1940 Agfacolor negative-positive color material is used for the first time for a feature film "Frauen sind doch bessere Diplomaten" (Women are the better diplomats) by the German UFA production company.
1941 American assets were seized during World War II as enemy property and became General Aniline and Film Corp., whose photographic products reverted to the Ansco brand name.
1942 Introduction of intensifying screen products.
1945 When the Allies broke up IG Farben to reduce the size of German chemical industry, Agfa reappeared as an individual business. An Agfa plant located in what was to become East Germany became the foundation of ORWO.
1952 Re-establishment of Agfa AG as a wholly owned subsidiary of Bayer in Leverkusen.
1964 Merger of Agfa AG and Gevaert Photo-Producten N.V. with Bayer AG and Gevaert each holding a 50% interest in the new operating company.
1972 Introduction of mammography film / screen products.
1981 Bayer buys out Gevaert and becomes 100% owner.
1988 Acquisition of Compugraphic Corporation (prepress systems).
Sale of magnetic tape business.
Introduction of Computed Radiography (CR) products.
1994 Introduction of PACS products.
1996 Acquisition of Hoechst's printing plate and proofing business.
1997 Sale of the company's film recorder division to German CCG Digital Image Technology.[3]
Acquisition of Dupont's offset printing and graphic arts film business.
Sale of the company's Copier Systems business to Lanier Worldwide Inc.
Acquisition of CEA AB (X-ray film products).
Acquisition of Monotype Typography Inc.
Acquisition of Sterling Diagnostic Imaging (X-ray film and equipment).
Separation of Agfa from Bayer. Initial public offering of Agfa-Gevaert shares on June 1. Agfa listed on Brussels and Frankfurt stock exchanges.
Acquisition of Krautkramer, a producer of ultrasonic systems for non-destructive testing.
Acquisition of Quadrat, a Ghent based European producer of radiology information systems.
Acquisition of Autologic, an American producer of systems for prepress automation.
Acquisition of Talk Technology, a producer of medical voice recognition systems.
Acquisition of the German company Seifert and the American company Pantak, producers of industrial X-ray equipment for non-destructive testing applications.
Acquisition of a minority interest in MediVision, a developer and manufacturer of digital imaging systems for ophthalmology.
Agfa stopped its desktop scanners and digital camera business in September 2001. Agfa does not provide any further support.
Acquisition of Mitra Imaging Inc., a developer of medical imaging and information systems for healthcare.
Bayer sells its remaining 30% stake in Agfa.
Opening of new printing plate factory in Wuxi, China.
Sale of non-destructive testing business to General Electric.
Acquisition of Dotrix, a Belgian producer of digital color printing systems for industrial applications.
Acquisition of Lastra, an Italian manufacturer of plates, chemicals and equipment for the offset printing industry.
Sale of the consumer imaging division to a company founded via management buy out, named AgfaPhoto, and held by an investment company. After one year, AgfaPhoto files for bankruptcy.
Acquisition of ProImage, an Israeli developer of browser-based digital workflow solutions for the newspaper and printing industries.
Acquisition of Symphonie On Line, a French information technology company and developer of EPR (electronic patient record) systems.
Sale of Agfa Monotype Corporation, a provider of fonts and font-related software technology, to Boston based private equity investor TA Associates.
Acquisition of GWI, a German developer of healthcare information systems for medical records, nursing, business management, and facility administration.
Acquisition of Heartlab, Inc., a U.S. developer of cardiology image and information management systems.
Acquisition of Med2Rad an Italian developer of radiology information systems.
Introduction of industrial inkjet products.
Acquisition of Insight Agents, a European developer and producer of contrast media.
Acquisition of Gandi Innovations, a producer of large-format inkjet systems.
Agfa Graphics and Shenzhen Brothers create the Agfa Graphics Asia joint venture to reinforce their position in the Greater China and ASEAN region.
Acquisition of the Harold M. Pitman Company a US supplier of products and systems for the graphic industry.
2011 Acquisition of WPD, a Brazilian supplier of healthcare IT systems.

Agfa photographic products

In 2004, Agfa-Gevaert withdrew the consumer market, including photographic film, cameras and other photographic equipment.

Because Agfa-Gevaert still produce photographic films for the aerial photography market, it is still possible to buy fresh, Agfa-produced photographic films for use in consumer cameras. These are sold by the Lomography Society and Rollei and are branded accordingly. This is because those companies purchase the aerial photography film from Agfa-Gevaert, and then cut and package it into consumer photographic formats.

As of 2012, such products carry a small Agfa logo discreetly on their packaging, but are not sold as Agfa branded products.

By contrast, Agfaphoto branded photographic films are not made by Agfa-Gevaert at all, originally having been made by the now closed Ferrania plant in Italy. Agfaphoto films are now produced by Fujifilm in Japan for Lupus Imaging Media.

Agfa Cameras

Agfa produced a range of cameras which included:

Agfa Optima 1a
Agfa Optima 200 Sensor
Agfa Optima 335 Sensor
Agfa Optima 535 Sensor
Agfa Optima 1035 Sensor
Agfa Optima 1535 Sensor
Agfa Optima Flash Sensor
Agfamatic IIS
Agfa Mini


Agfa Selectronic 2[4]
Agfa Selectronic 3[5]

Agfa Slide Projectors

Roughly in temporal order, including:

Agfa Opticus 100
Agfa Agfacolor 50 automatic
Agfa DIAMATOR 1500 autofocus
Agfa DIAMATOR 1500 reflecta CS System

Agfa Consumer and Professional Films

Black & White films:

Agfa PD16
Agfapan AP 100
Agfapan AP 400
Agfapan APX 25
Agfapan APX 100. A revival of this emulsion has been announced by ADOX[6]
Agfapan APX 400. The production of a virtually identical material was started in 2010 by ADOX[6]
Isopan ISS (Super Special)
Isopan F - Portrait film
Isopan F
Isopan Ultra
Isopan Super Special
Isopan Fine Grain
Isopan Record
Agfa Vario-XL (C-41 process chromogenic film)
Dia-Direct (reversal film)
Scala (reversal film)
AGFACONTOUR Professional film

Colour Reversal (slide) films:

Agfacolor Neu
Agfa CT18
Agfachrome 50 S / 50 L
RSX series.

Colour Negative films:

Agfacolor Negative
Agfacolor CN17
Agfa CNS
Agfacolor Pcket Special
Agfa Optima
Agfa Portrait
Agfa Ultra

While former AGFAPHOTO, has disappeared, the surviving Belgian Branch of AGFA continues to produce, among other things, b/w, colour negative and colour reversal materials for aerial photography. Some of these are cut to the usual 135 and 120 formats by MACO PHOTO[7] and distributed under the brand name ROLLEI. Specifically, these re-branded AGFA materials include ROLLEI RETRO 80S, 200S and 400S, DIGIBASE CN200 and CR200.

Agfa Darkroom Equipment

Agfa Varioscop enlargers
Agfa Variomat print easels for automatic exposure
Darkroom safety lights
Agfa Rondinax and Rondix daylight developing tanks

Agfa Papers

Agfa photographic papers were of very high quality and included brands such as:

Portriga Rapid

The production of material identical to the last generation of fibre-based and resin coated photographic AGFA MULTIGRADE papers has been resumed by ADOX.[6]

See also

Portal icon Companies portal
Wikimedia Commons has media related to Agfa-Gevaert.
André Leysen
List of photographic equipment makers
Christian Reinaudo


AgfaPhoto files for insolvency, dpreview.com. Article dated 2005-05-27, retrieved 2007-03-04.
Ernst Bäumler: "100 Jahre Chemie", 1963, issued on the 100th anniversary of the Farbwerke Hoechst AG
About CCG Digital Image Technology, definity35mm.com, retrieved 2009-01-11.
By alf sigaro Alfred+ Add Contact. "Agfa Selectronic 2". Flickr.com. Retrieved 2012-01-07.
By alf sigaro Alfred+ Add Contact. "Agfa Selectronic 3". Flickr.com. Retrieved 2012-01-07.

External links

Official website
AgfaPhoto GmbH - Consumer imaging division which was sold off.
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Re: Let's Build a Goddamn Tesla Museum, by Indiegogo

Postby admin » Fri Aug 29, 2014 10:35 pm

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Re: Let's Build a Goddamn Tesla Museum, by Indiegogo

Postby admin » Fri Aug 29, 2014 10:35 pm

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Re: Let's Build a Goddamn Tesla Museum, by Indiegogo

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Re: Let's Build a Goddamn Tesla Museum, by Indiegogo

Postby admin » Fri Aug 29, 2014 10:36 pm

James H. Yeck to become new CEO of the European Spallation Source project

by European Spallation Source

THU, OCT 04, 2012 06:45 EST

James H. Yeck has been selected to be the next Chief Executive Officer of the European Spallation Source project. In March 2013, James Yeck will take over from Colin Carlile, the founding CEO, in time for the launch of the construction of the ESS facility. Colin Carlile, the current CEO, was responsible for winning the bid to locate the ESS in Lund, and will complete his contract at the end of February 2013.

James Yeck is currently the Director of the IceCube neutrino telescope project, an international project under construction at the South Pole, and based at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, USA. James Yeck will start at ESS on 1 January, and will become CEO on 1 March.

When completed, the ESS will be the world-leading centre for materials research and life science with neutrons, and one of the world’s largest research facilities. When the ESS project in early 2013 will move from Pre-Construction to Construction Phase, the project will change in character. James Yeck has been recruited to lead the Construction of ESS to the planned inauguration in 2019. He has a long experience of leading the construction of similar large-scale research projects.

- I am very pleased to have been able to attract such a respected person as James H. Yeck to the ESS project, said says Sven Landelius, the Chair of the ESS AB Board, when making the announcement. His proven ability to manage large-scale science projects and lead in a complex environment, will be a great asset for ESS.

- Colin Carlile has been the crucial driving force behind the realisation of ESS as a concrete project on the global science arena. He lead the successful establishment of the ESS project and the building up of a solid foundation, and with James Yeck continuity will be assured.

Colin Carlile has been leading the ESS project since 2007, as Director-General and CEO for ESS AB, and earlier as Director for ESS Scandinavia. Together with Allan Larsson, former Swedish Finance Minister and Lund University Board Chairman, he led the campaign to bring the ESS to Lund. That bid led Europe’s Research Ministers to choose Lund as the location for ESS. Colin Carlile has built up the ESS organisation from a small secretariat to a large project team with close to 150 staff, 60 Partner Laboratories around the world, and partnered by 17 European countries.

- I am very satisfied with how far we have brought the ESS project from modest but ambitious beginnings. We have got to the point where it is natural to change leadership, says Colin Carlile, ESS Director-General and CEO. James Yeck is the right person to take this project forward into Construction, and I warmly welcome him to ESS.

- I am proud over having received the confidence to head this world-leading, but challenging, project to completion. We have a great journey in front of us, and I am very much looking forward to embarking upon it together with the talented team of the people working in the project right now, says James H. Yeck.

Besides leading the construction of the IceCube Neutrino Observatory since 2003, James Yeck also worked from 2006-2009 to help launch construction of the National Synchrotron Light Source II project at Brookhaven National Laboratory, Long Island, USA, serving as Deputy Project Director during this critical phase of the project. Earlier in his career he served as Project Director for the U.S. contribution to the CERN Large Hadron Collider construction project, managing the delivery of 531 million dollars of accelerator and detector hardware. His career in project management started as the US Department of Energy’s Project Manager for the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider. James Yeck has a B.S. in engineering and an M.S. in mechanical and nuclear engineering, and studied risk assessment for large science projects as part of graduate work at the University of Pennsylvania.

James Yeck has received several prestigious awards for good project management, including the prestigious Project Manager of the Year from the U.S. Department of Energy. The awards have cited his talent for managing large-scale projects and his ability to combine good judgment with leadership and people skills.

For more information, please contact:

Marianne Ekdahl, Communications Officer Press & Public Affairs, marianne.ekdahl@esss.se, 46 (0)46 - 888 30 66


The European Spallation Source – the next generation facility for materials research and life science

The European Spallation Source (ESS) will be a multi-disciplinary research laboratory based on the world’s most powerful neutron source. ESS can be likened to a large microscope, where neutrons are used instead of light to study materials – ranging from polymers and pharmaceuticals to membranes and molecules – to gain knowledge about their structure and function. ESS will be around 30 times better than existing facilities, opening up new possibilities for researchers in for example health, environment, climate, energy, transport sciences and cultural heritage.

ESS is an intergovernmental research infrastructure project, and it will be built in Lund in southern Scandinavia. Currently 17 European countries are Partners in the ESS project, and will take part in the construction, financing and operation of the ESS. Sweden and Denmark will co-host the ESS and cover 50 percent of the 1,4 B€ investment costs and 20 percent of the operating costs together with the Nordic and Baltic states.

The European Spallation Source ESS AB is a public limited company, today owned by the Swedish and the Danish states. ESS AB is currently working on finalizing the ESS technical design, planning the future research at ESS, preparing for construction, and planning the future international ESS organisation. This is done in collaboration with a large number of research institutes, universities and laboratories around the world. Construction is expected to start in 2013, the first neutrons to be produced in 2019 and the facility to be fully operational around 2025.

ESS is expected to support a user community of at least 5000 European researchers and will have great strategic importance for the development of the European Research Area. Near by there will be complementary laboratories, such as the synchrotron MAX IV in Lund and XFEL and PETRAIII in Hamburg.


science , Research , ESS , European Spallation Source , Colin Carlile , physics , research infrastructure , IceCube , James Yeck
About Us
European Spallation Source, ESS, will be a multi-disciplinary research laboratory based upon the world’s most powerful neutron source. The main facility will be built in Lund, Sweden, with a Data Management Centre in Copenhagen, Denmark, at an investment cost of 1.8 B€. Construction will start in 2014 and the first neutrons to be produced in 2019. ESS will be fully operational around 2025.

European Spallation Source AB
info@esss.se Carolin Holgersson
Press Contact

+46 46 888 32 42
+46 721 79 22 42
carolin.holgersson@esss.se Roger Eriksson
Communications Officer
Site Admin
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Joined: Thu Aug 01, 2013 5:21 am


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