The impulse to believe the absurd when presented with the unknowable is called religion. Whether this is wise or unwise is the domain of doctrine. Once you understand someone's doctrine, you understand their rationale for believing the absurd. At that point, it may no longer seem absurd. You can get to both sides of this conondrum from here.


Postby admin » Thu Oct 22, 2015 9:24 pm

Father Francis J. Gallagher


Father Francis' J. Gallagher was arrested in Sea Isle City, New Jersey, on December 28, 1989, for soliciting sex with two young men -- ages 18 and 20 years old. He later admitted to sexually abusing two adolescent brothers.

With information about the priest's abuse of minors in Archdiocese files, Archbishop Bevilacqua appointed Fr. Gallagher, in May 1991, as parochial vicar at Immaculate Conception, a parish with a school in Jenkintown. In 2000, Fr, Gallagher was transferred to another parish with a school -- Mary, Mother of the Redeemer in North Wales. In choosing this parish for Fr. Gallagher, Secretary for Clergy William Lynn noted that "because of past difficulties, he needs to be in Montgomery or Bucks County."

Cardinal Bevilacqua never limited Fr. Gallagher's ministry or restricted the priest's access to minors. Not only were parishioners not warned about Fr. Gallagher's past, but deliberate efforts were made to place him among unsuspecting families. As with other priests, the Archdiocese did not act in the absence of pressure from parents or fear of scandal. Church officials did not act even when the priest's abuse of minors was admitted and possibly ongoing. There is no indication in Archdiocese records that efforts were ever made to identify Fr. Gallagher's known victims, to ascertain if their abuse was continuing, or to notify their parents.

Father Gallagher, ordained in 1973, remained an active parish priest until March 2002 when publicity from the scandal in Boston prompted the Cardinal to remove several priests still ministering despite histories of abusing minors.

Father Gallagher is arrested and sent for treatment.

In 1989, Fr. Francis Gallagher was a teacher at Cardinal Dougherty High School in Philadelphia, where he had been transferred after teaching for 13 years at Cardinal O'Hara High School in Springfield. Two weeks after resigning his job at Cardinal Dougherty, Fr. Gallagher was arrested on December 28, 1989, in Sea Isle City, New Jersey, for offering money in exchange for sex to two young men, ages 18 and 20. On January 5, 1990, then-Secretary for Clergy John J. Jagodzinski learned that a news reporter was calling the Archdiocese to inquire about the arrest.

The Secretary for Clergy arranged for Fr. Gallagher to go to Saint John Vianney Hospital that same day. After an evaluation there, he was transferred on February 5 for treatment to Saint Luke Institute in Suitland, Maryland. He remained at Saint Luke for nine months.

On February 22, 1990, while Fr. Gallagher was at Saint Luke, his attorney succeeded in having the criminal charges against him dismissed. The attorney informed the New Jersey court that his client was already engaged in an extensive rehabilitation program. It was agreed that if Fr. Gallagher completed the program, he could file for expungement of his record.

Upon his release from Saint Luke on October 23, 1990, Fr. Gallagher resided at Immaculate Conception, a Philadelphia rectory used by the Archdiocese to house recovering priests. He reported that he attended AA meetings, meetings for sex addicts, and individual and group therapy sessions as mandated by Saint Luke's continuing care program. He assisted part-time at Saint Cecilia in North Philadelphia.

Father Gallagher returns to parish ministry without any restrictions.

On May 24, 1991, Archbishop Bevilacqua welcomed Fr. Gallagher back to active ministry and appointed him as parochial vicar at Immaculate Conception Church in Jenkintown. Four days later, Archbishop Bevilacqua wrote, on a note attached to a report from Saint Luke, that he was "deeply concerned about [Fr. Gallagher's] move." The Archbishop was concerned, apparently, because he was aware that in addition to being arrested for solicitation, Fr. Gallagher had admitted to abusing two adolescent brothers (an admission he repeated years later to Msgr. Lynn). Despite Archbishop Bevilacqua's expressed concern, however, there is no indication that Archdiocese managers made any effort to determine if that abuse was ongoing, or to warn the boys' parents. Nor did the Archbishop restrict Fr. Gallagher's faculties even though his new parish had a grade school.

Father Gallagher remained at Immaculate Conception for nine years with free access to parish children. The only thought given to removing him was to place him in a bigger parish with more families. A note dated November 30, 1993, from Msgr. Lynn to his assistant Fr. James Beisel suggested: "I think we should interview [Fr. Gallagher and] see if he is ready for assignment elsewhere -- Less families in Jenkintown."

On January 18, 1996, the Office for Clergy again took up the subject of moving Fr. Gallagher. Another assistant of Msgr. Lynn, Msgr. Michael T. McCulken, interviewed Fr. Gallagher and wrote that the priest "reminded me that he had been arrested one time in Sea Isle City and that an assignment in Delaware County probably would not be prudent." Father Gallagher was left in place.

Three years later, on June 2, 1999, Msgr. Lynn met with Fr. Gallagher to discuss the priest's future. Archdiocese officials had determined that Immaculate Conception no longer needed a parochial vicar, and Msgr. Lynn was considering what would be a suitable assignment for the priest. Father Gallagher expressed an interest in becoming a pastor. Monsignor Lynn recorded in a memo of their meeting that as they were discussing Fr, Gallagher's career, "I remembered in my own mind that Father Gallagher had some kind of difficulty with sexually acting out." Monsignor Lynn wrote that Fr. Gallagher brought the subject up himself, stating that he "lived in fear every day" that something from his past would "come back to haunt him or the Archdiocese." According to Msgr. Lynn's notes, Fr. Gallagher "said it would be best for him to stay away from Cardinal O'Hara territory," meaning the high school where the priest had taught from 1976 to 1989.

Father Gallagher told again of his sexual abuse of two young brothers. Monsignor Lynn did not record, if he even asked, the names of these boys or when or where the abuse occurred. Even though Msgr. Lynn had been Secretary for Clergy for six years, and his office had considered reassigning Fr. Gallagher several times during that period, Msgr. Lynn wrote in his memo for the file that he had not been aware of Fr. Gallagher's abuse of the two minor brothers. Father Gallagher's prior admission that he abused those boys had been in his Secret Archives file since February 23, 1990. Monsignor Lynn was claiming in effect that, for six years, while stories about priests' abuses of minors were erupting around the country, he knew that Fr. Gallagher had "some kind of difficulty with sexually acting out," but had failed to look at the priest's Secret Archives file, even when considering assignments, to find out whether his "difficulty" involved children.

Even when Msgr. Lynn undeniably had the information that Fr. Gallagher had a history of abusing minors, the Secretary for Clergy did not act immediately to remove the priest from his parish assignment or to restrict his access to the children at Immaculate Conception or its grade school. It was not until March 6, 2000 -- nine months later -- that Msgr. Lynn met with Fr. Gallagher ''as a follow up to our June 2, 1999, meeting." Monsignor Lynn did inform the admitted child molester that he "would not be considered a viable candidate for a pastorate," but he entertained the priest's request for a parochial vicar position "commensurate with his skills and education." This is when Msgr. Lynn noted that "ecause of past difficulties, he needs to be in Montgomery or Bucks County."

On May 26, 2000, Cardinal Bevilacqua appointed Fr, Gallagher parochial vicar at Mary, Mother of the Redeemer, in North Wales, Montgomery County -another parish with a school. There is no indication on record that the Cardinal placed any limitations on Fr. Gallagher's faculties or even notified the parish pastor or school principal about his past.

[b]Cardinal Bevilacqua asks Father Gallagher to resign only under pressure from the Boston abuse scandal.

Finally, on February 13, 2002, in response to the scandal in Boston, Cardinal Bevilacqua removed Fr. Gallagher from ministry. Monsignor Lynn met with Fr. Gallagher on that day and followed up with a letter explaining that the Archdiocese had changed its "policy" of allowing limited and supervised ministry by priests who had abused minors. According to notes recorded for the file, Msgr. Lynn told the priest that the Archdiocese was prompted by events in Boston now to remove such priests from ministry altogether.

Father Gallagher must have been baffled by Msgr. Lynn's description of the supposed "old" policy, since his ministry had been neither limited nor supervised following his admission that he sexually molested two boys. Nevertheless, Fr. Gallagher informed the Archdiocese that he would comply with the Cardinal's request that he petition for laicization.

In discussing the priest's future, Msgr. Lynn suggested that Fr. Gallagher's skills and degree in education would be useful in finding another job. Assuming that Fr . Gallagher were to have followed this suggestion, because of the Archdiocese managers' failure to report the priest's criminal behavior, a background check by potential employers in the field of education would not have alerted them to the risk he posed to children.

According to the most recent documents presented to the Grand Jury, Fr. Gallagher has been teaching undergraduates and graduate students at two local "institutions of higher learning." As of September 2004, he was still considering requesting voluntary laicization.

Father Gallagher appeared before the Grand Jury and was given an answer questions concerning the allegations against him. He chose not to do so.
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Postby admin » Thu Oct 22, 2015 9:26 pm

Father Thomas F. Shea


It was a victim's lawyer who, on October 26, 1994, brought the first recorded sexual abuse allegation against Fr. Thomas Shea to the attention of the Archdiocese. By November 2, 1994, the accused priest was at Saint John Vianney Hospital for evaluation, never to return to his Philadelphia parish, Saint Clement, or to active ministry. The Grand Jury would commend this prompt handling of a sexually abusive priest, except that it merely illustrates what Cardinal Bevilacqua did when a victim's lawyer was involved -- and what he did not do in other cases.

Documents in the Secret Archives file of Fr. Shea, who was ordained in 1964, reveal why Archdiocese officials acted promptly in this case. They clearly did so not to protect the children of the Church, but only because legal action was threatened. A contemporaneous case -- that of Fr. Stanley Gana, who was sent for evaluation as a sexual offender at the same time as Fr. Shea -- demonstrates how differently cases that did not immediately threaten the Archdiocese with public scandal or legal liability were handled. Cardinal Bevilacqua had received reports for year' earlier that Fr. Gana had molested and anally sodomized an altar boy for years, beginning when the victim was 13 years old. Yet the Cardinal did not remove Fr. Gana from ministry until 2002, seven years after Fr. Shea's forced retirement.

A lawyer reports to Archdiocesan legal counsel in 1994 that his client was sexually abused by Father Shea for several years in the mid-1970s.

On October 26, 1994, Secretary for Clergy William J. Lynn learned from John O'Dea, the Archdiocese's lawyer, that Fr. Thomas Shea had been accused of sexually abusing one, and maybe two, boys when he was assigned as assistant pastor at Saint Helena parish in Philadelphia from 1969 until 1975. It was a lawyer representing a man named "Scott" who informed O'Dea of the abuse. The lawyer told O'Dea that Fr. Shea had abused Scott when he was an altar boy, that the abuse lasted several years, and that it took place in the rectory and at a motel in Cape May, New Jersey. The lawyer said that he had been in contact with another man who said that Fr. Shea had also abused him.

Monsignor Lynn, accompanied by his assistant, Msgr. Michael T. McCulken, interviewed Fr. Shea the next day. According to a memo recording the meeting, Fr. Shea admitted having "genital contact" with Scott and another boy -- "Alfred." He said that he did not know if Alfred was the other victim that Scott's lawyer referred to. Father Shea told Msgr. Lynn that he did not know how many times he had genital contact with Scott and did not remember abusing any others.

Father McCulken's October 27, 1994, memo describes the Secretary for Clergy assessing for Fr. Shea the likelihood of a lawsuit or adverse publicity. It records Msgr. Lynn explaining that the reason for psychological treatment "right away" is to "show responsibility by Father Shea and by the Church in this situation." Finally, after Fr. Shea claimed he was not Scott's first sexual experience, Msgr. Lynn suggested to the accused priest that perhaps he "was seduced into it" by the altar boy. (Appendix D-27)

The same day that he met with Fr. Shea, Msgr. Lynn sent Cardinal Bevilacqua a memo describing the allegations against Fr. Shea, as well as the priest's admission that he had sexually abused at least two minors at Saint Helena parish. The Secretary for Clergy recommended that Fr. Shea be sent to Saint John Vianney Hospital for inpatient treatment. The Cardinal approved sending the priest to the hospital, but questioned whether the usual procedure wasn't to have the hospital evaluate the priest before deciding whether inpatient treatment was called for.

On November 2, 1994, Fr. Shea was sent to Saint John Vianney.

Monsignor Lynn reports to the Cardinal that Father Shea has admitted many more acts of pedophilia to therapists.

On December 27, 1994, Msgr. Lynn forwarded to Cardinal Bevilacqua a letter from a therapist outlining his diagnosis. In Msgr. Lynn's accompanying memo, the Secretary for Clergy informed the Cardinal that the therapist had told Msgr. Lynn that he thought pedophilia would be the diagnosis, based on many more acts of sexual contact with children. The letter was in response to Msgr. Lynn's request that the therapist put his diagnosis in writing as soon as it was determined.

Cardinal Bevilacqua discussed Fr. Shea' s situation with his top aides at an issues meeting on January 3, 1995. According to a January 13 memo to Msgr. Lynn from Msgr. Joseph R. Cistone, then Assistant to the Vicar for Administration, the Cardinal had several questions he wanted answered before deciding what to do with Fr. Shea. His first question, as recorded by Msgr. Cistone, was: "When was the last act of pedophilia? Are we within the statute of limitation on anyone of these acts?" The Cardinal also wanted to know if the victims were now older than 28, a factor relevant to the statute of limitations. He wondered if Fr. Shea would willingly seek laicization.

On January 20, 1995, Msgr. Lynn met with Fr. Shea and a therapist. Monsignor McCulken recorded the meeting in a memo dated January 24, 1995. According to that memo, the Secretary for Clergy tried to get the answers Cardinal Bevilacqua sought. Father Shea, however, was not forthcoming and refused to admit even relationships that he had previously acknowledged. He would not repeat the admission made to the therapist that there had been many more acts of pedophilia. He denied any victims other than Scott, even though he had told Msgrs. Lynn and McCulken in October that he had sexually abused a boy named Alfred as well.

Uncharacteristically, the Secretary for Clergy pushed Fr. Shea to reveal the existence, if not necessarily the names, of other victims. Monsignor Lynn told the priest that based on "the evidence of the medical profession," it was "very unusual for such instances to be with only one youngster." Monsignor Lynn asked Fr. Shea to "seriously reflect on this question." According to Msgr. McCulken's handwritten notes (but not transcribed into the typed version), the Secretary for Clergy even told the priest that if there were "other times," that "probably won't change status." The therapist counseled his patient "that if there are other occurrences, not brought out into the open, then the pain of shame is a very heavy cross." According to Msgr. McCulken's memo, Fr. Shea said "that he will really have to think about this."

Had Fr. Shea confessed to recent acts of pedophilia, the Archdiocese could have proceeded to laicize the priest without his consent. As was detailed in documents in the file of Fr. Peter Dunne, another diagnosed pedophile that the Cardinal was dealing with at this time, the Archdiocese could only laicize a priest against his will for an offense committed within five years. (Handwritten notes kept by Msgr. McCulken record Msgr. Lynn telling Fr. Shea, incorrectly, that the Cardinal "can't impose laicization" unless there were incidents "last week;" Msgr. McCulken changed this to "unless misconduct was recent" in his typed memo.) The documents in Fr. Dunne's file also reveal that the Cardinal' s aides and lawyers were advising him at this time that laicization could protect the Archdiocese from liability for future acts of sexual abuse by an accused priest. Accordingly, Msgr. Lynn told Fr. Shea that it would be problematic for him to remain a priest and live at home with his mother, even with no ministry, because "[t]he Archdiocese continues to be legally responsible."

Monsignor McCulken recorded that after Fr. Shea left the room, the therapist and Msgr. Lynn continued to discuss the case. Monsignor Lynn's assistant wrote: "It is believed that there are more incidents than what has so far been reported by TFS. The diagnosis is pedophilia with the strength of the diagnosis being very strong because TFS was in a relationship with the boy, rather than just anonymously acting out."

Father Shea refuses to seek laicization and is permitted to retire in 1995.

On May 20, 1995, Msgr. Lynn sent a memo to the Cardinal about the January meeting at which Fr. Shea refused to admit to more than one victim -Scott. The Secretary for Clergy reported that on May 5, 1995, the priest, still at Saint John Vianney, had admitted to having one more victim, who had since died in a motorcycle accident. According to Msgr. Lynn's memo, Fr. Shea had been paying the victim to remain silent. Monsignor Lynn answered the Cardinal's questions concerning the statute of limitations, writing: "The known acts of pedophilia in this case are beyond the statute of limitations. The first known act occurred over ten years ago. The one known living victim is in his thirties." Monsignor Lynn also informed Cardinal Bevilaqua that Fr. Shea "will not seek laicization. " Having failed to elicit evidence of a more recent incident that could support involuntary laicization of the priest, the Secretary for Clergy recommended that Fr. Shea be permitted to retire and live at Villa Saint Joseph, a home for retired priests.

Although Fr. Shea was only 59 years old, Cardinal Bevilacqua in June 1995 permitted him to retire, and expressly allowed him to participate in "celebrations with permission of Secretary of Clergy." Father Shea has lived at Villa Saint Joseph ever since. For nearly 10 years, he was without apparent supervision. The Archdiocese has never made public that he retired early because he sexually abused minors.

In July 2002 Cardinal Bevilacqua receives allegations against Father Shea from his assignment at Saint Joseph in Collingdale in the late 1970s.

On July 25, 2002, Cardinal Bevilacqua received a letter alleging that Fr. Shea had sexually abused minors at Saint Joseph parish, in Collingdale, where he was assistant pastor from June 1975 until February 1979. The letter was anonymous, but came from someone who said he or she was "privy" to abuse perpetrated by Fr. Shea on a "male family member." The author, who explained that he/she could not break the victim's trust by revealing names, said that the victim "can not to this day stop running away from his life."

The writer told Cardinal Bevilacqua that the victim's mother had relied heavily on Fr. Shea to guide her son because the boy's father was absent. The priest betrayed this trust, according to the letter, by providing alcohol to the boy and sexually abusing him "from an early age, well through adulthood." The writer said that Fr. Shea had paid the victim money "at first to continue with this misconduct and later to ensure its secrecy." These payments were said to continue until just a few years before the letter was written. The writer encouraged the Archdiocese to investigate the payments, saying that they were made with checks. The writer also claimed to know that Fr. Shea had been "affiliated with" at least three altar boys from Saint Joseph parish.

Father Shea was living at the Villa Saint Joseph retirement home when this letter was received. The only response documented in Archdiocese files is that the letter was forwarded to legal counsel.

Church officials' strategy for handling Father Shea's case reflects their priorities.

Father Shea's case demonstrates how the Archdiocese molded its strategy for handling abuse allegations to fit its exposure to legal liability. This case was different because it was a client's lawyer who brought forward the allegation. For this reason, it could not be ignored for four years, like the allegation against Fr, Gana, which was brought by a seminarian who could be intimidated and silenced. And because Fr. Shea admitted the sexual abuse, there was no benefit in attacking or questioning the victim's credibility. The Archdiocese's therapist had expressly diagnosed the priest as a pedophile, so that made him ineligible for the usual response in such cases: reassignment.

The only option left was to try to distance the Archdiocese from its priest in order to avoid liability for his crimes. This could explain why the Secretary for Clergy would so uncharacteristically seek evidence of more recent misconduct, and why he would note that, according to medical evidence, it would be "very unusual" for an abuser of minors to have just one victim. An admission to the existence of recent victims, particularly if unnamed, could serve the Archdiocese's legal purposes by providing grounds for involuntary laicization. The case of Fr. Shea was not about actually looking for much less helping or protecting them. It was about cynical legal maneuvers shield the Archdiocese from responsibility.

On October 8, 2004, Fr. Shea agreed to live "a supervised life of prayer penance."

Father Shea appeared before the Grand Jury and was given an opportunity answer questions concerning the allegations against him. He chose not to do so.
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Postby admin » Thu Oct 22, 2015 9:26 pm

Father John A. Cannon


Father John A. Cannon, ordained in 1948, molested teenage boys at a Church summer camp from 1959 through 1964. Eight boys reported the sexual abuse in 1964. Father Cannon admitted to some, but not all, of the sexual abuse. The Archdiocese responded by ordering the priest to "desist" and by transferring him to a different parish, with no restrictions on his conduct. In 1992, one of the priest's victims contacted Archdiocese officials to report the continuing effect of Fr. Cannon's abuse. The victim was assured that in cases such as Fr. Cannon's, sexually abusive priests are removed from their present situation, evaluated and treated, and not allowed again to work with children.

That was not true in the case of Fr. Cannon. He failed to undergo treatment, yet Cardinal Bevilacqua allowed him to continue teaching at a girls' school in Holland, Pa., until he retired in February 2004, In March 2004, following an Archdiocesan Review Board inquiry that found the reports of Fr. Cannon's victims' credible, the priest's faculties were restricted.

The Archdiocese responds to Father Cannon's abuse of teenage boys at a summer camp by transferring his residence.

On July 5, 1964, five boys -- "Harry," "Mario," "Frank," " Ralph," and "Ted" -- reported to priests at Saint Monica's Church in Philadelphia that Fr. John Cannon had, a week earlier, sexually abused them in their cabin at a summer camp run by the church. The boys were 16 and l7 years old. They said that Fr. Cannon had come into the cabin in the middle of the night and "touched them sexually." He molested one of them a second time on a different night. According to a report by Fr. Joseph Curran to the Chancery office, the boys told the priests that "such things have been happening for the past two to three years." Father Curran wrote that he felt "many questions are left unanswered," but that he did not want to "probe too deeply until seeking further counsel," He stated that he and another priest who received the complaints, both of whom lived at Saint Monica's rectory with Fr. Cannon, "believe entirely the statements of these boys."

Also in July 1964, another priest living at Saint Monica, Fr. John Murphy, provided Chancery officials with a list of other boys who had reported being molested by Fr. Cannon at the church-run camp near Harrisburg. It was recorded that one boy, "Herbert," had "sinned once and been solicited 15 times" in the summer of 1962. Another, "Arthur," had been "solicited and sinned" during the summers of 1959,1960, 1961, and 1962. A third, "Emmanuel," was said to have stopped the priest's "advances." The boys reported that Fr. Cannon sometimes brought another priest, an order priest who taught at Reading Central High School, to the camp and that that priest "also has the same problem." (Appendix D-28)

Father Cannon was questioned by then-Chancellor John Noone and, according to notes from the meeting, admitted "two incidents but only of masturbation." An August 19, 1964, note in Archdiocese files records Fr. Cannon's pastor, Msgr. Aloysius X. Farrell, reporting that "Fr. Cannon is still going to the camp," and the Vice Chancellor, Thomas Welsh, ordering Fr. Cannon to "desist." Monsignor Farrell asked that Fr. Cannon be moved to a different residence. In September 1964, Cardinal Krol assigned the priest to the rectory of Saint Gertrude in West Conshohocken.

Nine months later, Fr. Cannon was named assistant pastor at Saint Eugene parish in Primos. In 1966, he began teaching at Cardinal O'Hara High School in Springfield. Father Cannon was reassigned to become Chaplain at Villa Joseph Marie High School for Girls in Holland, and at Saint Joseph Home for the Aged in November 1985.

In 1992 a victim who first reported his abuse in 1964 again complains to the Archdiocese and receives false assurances.

On October 28, 1992, Herbert, one of the victims whose name had been in Fr. Cannon's Secret Archives file since 1964, wrote to Cardinal Bevilacqua telling the Cardinal of his abuse and his years of suffering as a result. According to notes from a subsequent meeting with Secretary for Clergy William J. Lynn, Herbert said that Fr. Cannon had molested him and asked for "sexual favors" during the boy's 7th- through his 9th-grade years. Monsignor Lynn told Herbert "that such priests are immediately removed from the situation and sent for evaluation and treatment." He further promised Herbert that "they are never assigned where children are involved."

Despite these assurances, Fr. Cannon never underwent treatment, even though, as Msgr. Lynn informed Cardinal Bevilaequa, an evaluation performed at Saint John Vianney Hospital in February 1993 called for "inpatient hospitalization." Cardinal Bevilacqua, nevertheless, permitted Fr. Cannon to remain the chaplain at a girls' high school for 10 more years. The report from Saint John Vianney stated: "He has a small house on the property and enjoys the privacy it affords him. Although teaching was not a part of his assignment there, he has become involved with teaching three classes and doing some tutoring at the Girls' Academy on the grounds."

Feeling that Msgr. Lynn had not believed his allegations in 1992, Herbert, in July 2002, sought help from the Bishop of Harrisburg, Nicholas Dattilo. Herbert now lived within that diocese, and Saint Monica's summer camp was located in the Harrisburg diocese as well. Bishop Dattilo called Msgr. Lynn on Herbert's behalf and the Secretary for Clergy promised to review the file again. Monsignor Lynn informed Cardinal Bevilacqua of Bishop Dattilo's call. He reported that legal counsel advised that there was "no legal liability in this situation," and offered his own opinion that there was not "enough evidence to restrict [Fr. Cannon's] priestly service ..." (Appendix D-29) Monsignor Lynn reached this conclusion despite Fr. Cannon's 1964 admission to two incidents of "masturbation" with boys and despite the fact that Herbert's 1992 allegation was corroborated by the 1964 report naming him as a victim. Cardinal Bevilacqua allowed Fr. Cannon to continue to minister at the school as well as the home for the aged.

In 2004, based on adverse findings by the Review Board, the Archdiocese finally restricts the faculties of Father Cannon, who has by then retired.

In November 2003, an investigator with the Archdiocese Review Board interviewed Herbert and found him "extremely credible." Father Cannon repeated to the investigator the admission he originally made in 1964 -that he had molested boys at the camp. Elaborating on his 1964 admission, he told the investigator and Msgr. Lynn that he had abused three boys on two occasions, fondling their genitals when he thought they were sleeping. The Review Board also unanimously concluded that after fondling the boys Fr. Cannon guided their hands to his own genitals to have them masturbate him. Father Cannon retired in February 2004. On March 5, 2004, the Archdiocese restricted his faculties. The priest agreed in October 2004 to live "a supervised life of prayer and penance" at Villa Saint Joseph, a retirement home for priests.

Father Cannon appeared before the Grand Jury and was given an opportunity to answer questions concerning the allegations against him. He chose not to do so.
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Postby admin » Thu Oct 22, 2015 9:27 pm

Father Michael C. Bolesta


The case of Fr. Michael C. Bolesta, who was ordained in 1989, might at first seem distinctive: the Archdiocese hierarchy appeared unusually responsive to the allegations against him. The Grand Jury finds, however, that its intent -- as usual -- was to shield a sexually abusive priest from criminal prosecution. And the effect -- once again -- was to facilitate the priest's continued predations.

When a group of parents in July 1991 accused Fr. Bolesta of improper sexual behavior with as many as 10 teenage boys, Cardinal Bevilacqua's delegates, Msgrs. James E. Molloy and William J. Lynn, were immediately dispatched to interview the complaining parishioners at Saint Philip-Saint James Church in Exton. In response to a separate request by the parents of grade school children in the parish, the Archdiocese sent a counselor to talk with the 7th- and 8th-graders, some of whom had been involved with Fr. Bolesta as altar boys.

The reason for this unusual show of concern? The parents had taken their complaints to the Chester County District Attorney, and county detectives had arrived unannounced at the church rectory. The detectives informed Pastor John Caulfield that the accusations against Fr. Bolesta were numerous, including "a lot of touching" and grabbing at least one boy's genitals. They asked pointedly what the Archdiocese was going to do about it. The pastor immediately notified the Secretary for Clergy, John J. Jagodzinski, and offered his opinion that the parents would drop the criminal charges if the Archdiocese acted.

In contrast with their normal practice, Church officials this time sought out the names of victims. But the victims whom Msgrs. Lynn and Molloy sought out were those whose parents had gone to the District Attorney. In conducting their interviews, they did not press reluctant victims for the details of their encounters, but did ask what the parents wanted the Archdiocese to do. Their purpose, clearly, was not to discover or prevent criminality. It was to stop a criminal investigation from going forward.

The parents told Msgr. Molloy they wanted to be sure that Fr. Bolesta would never again be assigned where he would have access to children. The Cardinal's delegate repeatedly assured that "the practice is when there is doubt, we err on the side of caution." Apparently reassured, the parents did not pursue their criminal charges. Meanwhile, Msgrs. Molloy and Lynn kept Fr. Bolesta apprised of the families' intentions and the Archdiocese's efforts to avert legal action, informing him at one point: "we are not completely out of the woods yet as far as a lawsuit is concerned."

The true extent of Church officials' concern for Fr. Bolesta 's victims -- past and potential -- became clear when assignments were made the next spring (in 1992). After his delegates had reassured victims' parents that "every caution will be exercised" in future assignments, Cardinal Bevilacqua appointed Fr. Bolesta parochial vicar at Saint Agatha-Saint James, a parish in West Philadelphia. Among his pastoral duties was to minister at Children's Hospital of Pennsylvania.

The Archdiocese investigates complaints, previously ignored, because parents report Father Bolesta's behavior to law enforcement.

On July 17, 1991, just hours before Cardinal Bevilacqua was to celebrate 7:00 p.m., Mass at Saints Philip and James Church in Exton, two county detectives came to the rectory to investigate allegations of sexual abuse brought against the parish's associate pastor, Fr. Michael Bolesta. The detectives, Steven Mills and Donna Carroll, interviewed the pastor, Fr. John Caulfield. The detectives told Fr. Caulfield that parents of parish children had reported "a lot of touching going on." One boy had said Fr. Bolesta had "grabbed him by the balls." The detectives wanted to know what the Archdiocese was going to do about it.

Father Caulfield had, in fact, received similar complaints from parents 10 months earlier. He had done nothing in response. Now, with the police at his door, he immediately reported the detectives' visit to Cardinal Bevilacqua's Secretary for Clergy at the time, Msgr. John J. Jagodzinski, who, in turn, forwarded the information to Msgr. James E. Molloy, an assistant to the Vicar for Administration "for [his] urgent attention." In a memo, Msgr. Jagodzinski emphasized and seconded Fr. Caulfield's opinion that "if the Church acts on this, the matter is likely to be dropped by the parents."

Monsignor Molloy, assisted by Msgr. William J. Lynn, conducted a prompt investigation. They initially interviewed the families of five boys who had told their parents about Fr. Bolesta's unwelcome touching and his persistent efforts to see the boys undressed. Four of these boys -- Nicholas" (age not recorded), "Chuck" (16 years old), "Jamie" (age not recorded), and "Jason" (16 years old) -worked at the parish grade school, painting, cleaning, and performing other maintenance jobs. One -- "Dave" (13 years old) -- was a younger brother. In interviews with these boys' families, Msgrs. Molloy and Lynn learned of at least five other boys who were said to have had similar experiences with Fr. Bolesta in the previous two years: "Gerry," "Luis," "Noah," "Nate," and "Eric."

The interviews, recorded in memos by Msgrs. Lynn and Molloy, seemed designed to let the parents have their say and to find out what they knew and what they wanted the Archdiocese to do, not to get at the entire truth. The interviews with boys were all conducted in the presence of their parents. Sometimes only the parents were interviewed. One parent, whose child had been mentioned by the other boys, said she was grateful for the opportunities Fr. Bolesta had offered her son -- baseball games and swimming -- and had no complaints. The Archdiocesan managers did not ask to interview her son. When another parent told them that her son did not want to ruin Fr. Bolesta's reputation -- and worried what other boys would think because he had spent more time with the priest than had other boys -Msgr. Molloy suggested to the mother that "if others ask questions, it is important to tell the truth but not necessarily all the details."

What came out was that the boys had discovered they were all experiencing the same things, but always one-on-one with Fr. Bolesta -- constant invitations to go swimming, suggestions by the priest that they swim in the nude and shower with him, games of one-on-one basketball in the pool in which Fr. Bolesta touched them allover, the priest's pulling towels off them after they showered and throwing them back in the pool nude, and inappropriate conversations about masturbation. When the boys began to hear each other's stories as they worked at the parish school, they realized that Fr. Bolesta' s actions were purposeful and not innocent.

Two boys discovered that they both had been asked to try on shorts and shirts in front of the priest in his bedroom. One was told that the clothes were for Fr. Bolesta's cousin; the other that they were for the poor. As the boys compared notes, they discovered they had been trying on the same clothes.

Father Bolesta manipulated the boys into swimming with him even when they did not want to do so. He told one boy that he needed him to work, but when the boy arrived at the church, the priest told him there was no work to do, that they were going swimming. Father Bolesta offered one boy a ride home after work, then insisted on taking him swimming at the indoor pool of a parishioner who was away. Both boys protested that they did not want to swim because they did not have their bathing suits. The priest then tried to get them to swim nude. He lured one reluctant boy to swim by telling him that a whole group was going. It ended up being just Fr. Bolesta.

One boy reported that, while standing in the church, Fr. Bolesta reached between the boy's legs and grabbed his genitals. Archdiocese memos record that another boy was touched "on his butt" as he fixed an air conditioner. To an adolescent whose mother was in the hospital, Fr. Bolesta recommended masturbation as a good way to relieve stress. Yet another boy he invited to go overnight with him to Canada to pick up vestments. When the boy declined, Fr. Bolesta had the vestments mailed.

Eventually, the boys shared their concerns about Fr. Bolesta with Richard Miteh, a man who supervised their work at the grade school. Alarmed, Mitch advised them to tell their parents what the priest was doing. Several of the parents, knowing that Pastor Caulfield had failed to act on earlier allegations, reported Fr. Bolesta's behavior directly to the Chester County District Attorney.

Archdiocese officials work to keep outraged parents from pressing charges.

With Fr. Caulfield, Msgr. Jagodzinski, and the Vicar for Chester County, Msgr. James McDonough, all advising that the Exton parents would likely drop their criminal complaint if the Archdiocese acted, Msgrs. Molloy and Lynn conducted unusually extensive interviews. They also showed particular interest in finding out which parents were talking to the District Attorney. Monsignor Molloy told one of the families, the parents of Nicholas, that "the Archdiocese is attempting to make contact with all the parties affected by this situation and that it would help to know if anyone who may have contacted the District Attorney's office was from a family whose name had not yet been brought to us."

Monsignors Lynn and Molloy asked the families what they wanted the Archdiocese to do. Several sought guarantees that Fr. Bolesta would never work with children again. Monsignor Molloy assured them that Cardinal Bevilacqua would be fully informed of their concerns. When pushed by one parent what would happen if an evaluation showed even a minimal "ten percent chance of Father Bolesta acting out," Msgr. Molloy wrote: "I stated that when there is so much at stake, if there is any doubt, it is best to err on the side of caution. I assured her that every caution will be exercised."

Father Bolesta left the parish shortly after the detectives showed up at the church in July 1991, but the possibility of criminal charges remained. Throughout the summer and fall of that year, Archdiocese managers made considerable efforts to mollify the families at the Exton parish. When informed in September that boys in the grade school who had had encounters with Fr. Bolesta were still upset, the Archdiocese sent a counselor to the school to meet with them. When the mother of one of Fr. Bolesta's victims was hospitalized with emotional problems which she attributed to the priest's abuse of her child, the Archdiocese offered to pay her medical bills.

Denying or excusing his own actions, Father Bolesta is sent to Saint Luke Institute for evaluation.

Meanwhile, in an August 1, 1991, interview with Msgrs. Molloy and Lynn, Fr. Bolesta made excuses for, or denied, his predatory activities. Monsignor Molloy, apparently more concerned with avoiding legal action than with the danger the priest posed to parishioners, cautioned Fr. Bolesta "that we are not completely out of the woods yet as far as a lawsuit is concerned." Monsignor Molloy informed Fr. Bolesta that the families interviewed had demanded that Fr. Bolesta "should not be assigned to a place where he would be working with children." The Archdiocese managers asked the priest to go for a one-week evaluation at Saint Luke Institute in Suitland, Maryland. Father Bolesta agreed.

The Archdiocese sought to mislead parishioners about the reason for Fr. Bolesta's absence. According to a memo written by Msgr. Molloy, the priest "agreed that if he were questioned, he could say he was taking time off for health considerations because he has been under stress and needs an assignment that would be less demanding." On the same day that Fr. Caulfield announced Fr. Bolesta's departure from the parish, he informed the parishioners that he -Fr. Caulfield -had been made a Monsignor. On this pastor who had silently ignored allegations of improper behavior by Fr. Bolesta for 10 months -- while the priest continued to abuse numerous boys -- Cardinal Bevilacqua chose to bestow an honor rather than a reprimand.

When Fr. Bolesta returned from his one week at Saint Luke, he was assigned to live in the rectory of Immaculate Conception in Philadelphia. A Philadelphia therapist, Phillip J. Miraglia, Ph.D., told Archdiocese managers that he agreed with Saint Luke's recommendation that Fr. Bolesta should "be enjoined from any one-on-one contact with youths under the age of eighteen." On April 21, 1992, Msgr. Molloy forwarded this recommendation to the Vicar for Administration, Edward P. Cullen.

Cardinal Bevilacqua ignores recommendations regarding Father Bolesta and the danger he presents to young people.

Despite Dr. Miraglia's explicit warning, and Msgr. Molloy's assurances to the Exton parish families that "the practice is when there is doubt, we err on the side of caution ... we cannot take chances," Cardinal Bevilacqua appointed Fr. Bolesta as an associate pastor at Saint Agatha-Saint James Church in West Philadelphia on May 22, 1992. In his appointment letter, Cardinal Bevilacqua instructed Fr. Bolesta "to teach the youth" (emphasis supplied). One of the priest's primary duties in his new assignment was to minister to sick children at Children's Hospital of Pennsylvania.

Even grade school children knew it was wrong to appoint Fr. Bolesta to another parish less than a year after he had left Exton. Father Thomas F. O'Brien, the counselor who had been asked to meet with 7th and 8th graders in Exton in November 1991, was called back to the school on October 8, 1992. He wrote to Msgr. Molloy that there was "much anger among eighth grade boys" when they learned that "Father Mike" had been reassigned to a parish. Father O'Brien said that the boys "related in detail what he had tried to do with some of them." He told Msgr. Molloy that "the reassignment was perceived as a disregard for what he had done as a priest and a blatant insensitivity or concern for the welfare of other children in other parishes." The 8th graders thought that the children at Fr. Bolesta's new parish should be told "to be more cautious and careful around him."

Father O'Brien said that he assured the students "that the Archdiocese of Philadelphia. ..and indeed every decent moral person is concerned for their welfare and those who would be victimized." As a word of caution to the Archdiocese hierarchy, Fr. O'Brien wrote: "The published reassignment of Father Michael Bolesta in the Catholic Standard and Times was the cause of this issue resurfacing ..."

Monsignor Lynn, now Secretary for Clergy, responded to O'Brien. Focusing on the mistake of publishing, rather than that of reassigning, Msgr. Lynn thanked O'Brien "for your note of caution regarding the publishing of reassignments of priests accused of such actions ..." Father Bolesta was left in his new assignment.

It was not until July 1994 that some Exton parents discovered that Fr. Bolesta's new assignment included ministering at Children's Hospital, and it was not until they complained that action was taken. A father, whose 7th-grade son had been taken swimming by Fr. Bolesta, called Msgr. Molloy on July 1. He said he was calling behalf of "parents whose children were in Children's Hospital (CHOP) and were outraged that Fr. Bolesta was assigned to a parish responsible for a children's hospital." He said he wanted to be able to tell the parents that Fr. Bolesta would not return to CHOP.

On September 15, 1994, Cardinal Bevilacqua reassigned Fr. Bolesta to be Chaplain at Holy Redeemer Health System in Huntingdon Valley. Father Bolesta remained in that assignment until January 2, 2004, when he died at the age of 42.
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Postby admin » Thu Oct 22, 2015 9:29 pm

Father Robert L. Brennan


Father Robert L. Brennan. ordained in 1964, was made a pastor by Archbishop Bevilacqua in 1988. Since that time, the Archdiocese has learned of inappropriate or suspicious behavior by Fr. Brennan with more than 20 boys from four different parishes. He was psychologically evaluated or "treated" four times. Depending on the level of scandal threatened by various incidents, Cardinal Bevilacqua either transferred Fr. Brennan to another parish with unsuspecting families or ignored the reports and left the priest in the parish with his current victims. The Cardinal's managers advised Fr. Brennan to "keep a low profile," but never restricted or supervised his access to the youth of his various parishes.

When Cardinal Bevilacqua retired, Fr. Brennan was still a parochial vicar at Resurrection parish in Philadelphia, despite reports from parish staff that he had inappropriate contact with several students from Resurrection's grade school. In June 2004, Fr. Brennan was appointed Chaplain at Camilla Hall, a retirement home for nuns.

Cardinal Bevilacqua responds to parental pressure while ignoring children whose parents remain unaware.

Archbishop Bevilacqua made Fr. Robert L. Brennan a pastor, appointing him in June 1988 to Saint Ignatius Parish in Yardley. In November of that year, the assistant pastor, Fr. John C. Marine, reported his concerns about Fr. Brennan to then-Chancellor Samuel E. Shoemaker. According to Msgr. Shoemaker's notes, "from the first day Father Brennan appeared as pastor, his actions with young boys and teenagers caused Father Marine to feel very ill at ease." The Archdiocese's response to these reports, and far more explicit ones, was to measure whether the reports would lead to scandal, not to take action against Fr. Brennan.

Testifying before the Grand Jury, Msgr. Marine, now Regional Vicar for Montgomery County, claimed that the behavior he reported to Chancery in 1988 was that Fr. Brennan was occasionally "very warm and welcoming of [the altar servers] and basically giving them a hug" when they came into the sacristy. He added that Fr. Brennan was just "always warm and affectionate with all the parishioners," and that his behavior with children was no different.

Monsignor Marine's Grand Jury testimony is undermined by documentary evidence in the Archdiocese's files. In 1988, according to Msgr. Shoemaker, Fr. Marine described Fr. Brennan's interest in boys as "extreme." Father Marine told the Chancellor how "Father Brennan touched, rubbed the boys front and back, hugged them and kissed them in an inappropriate manner." Father Marine told the Assistant Chancellor, John W. Graf, that Fr. Brennan forced the grade-school boys who worked in the rectory to sit on his lap. He was seen kissing one boy "on the face." Father Marine said boys from Fr. Brennan ' s prior assignment at Saint Helena's were frequent visitors at the rectory , and he confirmed reports from the rectory cook and secretary that a college-age youth and a 13- year-old boy spent nights at the rectory.

Father Marine told Msgr. Shoemaker that he had observed this behavior since the beginning of Fr. Brennan's assignment, that he was concerned something more might be happening, and that he had expressed his concerns to his friends, Msgrs. William J. Lynn and Alexander J. Palmieri, yet "he kept denying the obvious until Mrs. [M] confronted [him] on the issue concerning her son and insisted on some action."

Mrs. M's son, "Luke," was a 13-year-old 8th grader at the parish school. Described by Fr. Marine as quiet and "handsome," Luke was an altar boy and worked at the rectory answering phones in the evenings. Father Marine told the Chancery officials that Fr. Brennan had been observed engaging in "extreme hugging and forcing [Luke] to sit on his lap." The cook, Ruth Wilson, had seen the boy "very embarrassed" with his head held down while Fr. Brennan held him tightly on his lap. Father Marine said that Luke was frightened of Fr. Brennan and asked not to work in the rectory when the priest was present.

Notes made by Chancellor Shoemaker of a November 13, 1988, meeting with Luke and his parents record that Luke told Msgr. Shoemaker that Fr. Brennan regularly held him tightly on his lap, so that the boy could not escape, and rubbed his "belly" and touched his "butt." Luke said that this happened every time he worked at the rectory, and that it happened to other boys who worked there as well.

In response to the parents' complaint, the Archdiocese sent Fr. Brennan for psychological evaluation. From their interviews with Luke's parents, Fr. Marine, the rectory secretary , and the cook, the Archdiocese managers learned the names of six boys from Saint Ignatius with whom Fr. Brennan had been acting, at the very least, "inappropriately" (to use Fr. Marine's term) -- Luke, "Will," "Jonathan," "Colin," " Archie," and "Micky." In addition, there were the two unnamed boys -- the college (Ursinus) student and the 13-year-old -- who spent nights at the rectory. Father Marine mentioned a Cardinal Dougherty High School student who went out to dinner alone with Fr. Brennan when the priest was supposed to be at an important parish meeting. Father Marine also noted there were many families with boys that Fr. Brennan visited often - including a family named "Quinn," with two teen-aged boys, who invited Fr. Brennan to stay at the shore. Three or four boys from Saint Helena's parish were also known to be frequent visitors at the rectory.

Father Marine made a point of telling Msgr. Shoemaker that, aside from Luke's, "the parents of the boys are unaware of Father's behavior and no contact has been made by the parish to inform them." The concern, then, was in keeping the information away from parishioners, not with protecting them.

On December 13, 1988, six months into his new job, Archbishop Bevilacqua met with Luke's parents. According to notes kept by Msgr. Shoemaker, the Archbishop gave Luke's parents an autographed photograph of himself and told them "several times that the welfare of their son was paramount in his mind." The Chancellor also noted that the parents "intend no publicity or financial remuneration for damages."

Arehbishop Bevilacqua offered to pay for counseling for their son. There is no evidence in the Secret Archives file or elsewhere that he did anything about the boys whose parents were unaware of the harm Fr. Brennan was doing to their children.

Father Brennan resigns from Saint Ignatius; the Archdiocese sends him for treatment, but fails to provide his therapist with information necessary to assess the danger he presents to children.

On November 12, 1988, the day after Luke's mother came forward and demanded action of Fr. Marine, Fr. Brennan was sent to Saint John Vianney Hospital in Downingtown. He remained there for 30 days. The Archdiocese instructed Fr. Marine to tell the parishioners of Saint Ignatius that Fr. Brennan was "on retreat." Monsignor Edward P. Cullen, the Archdiocese's Vicar for Administration, testified that Cardinal Bevilacqua was firm that, in all cases involving sexual abuse, parishioners were not to be told the true reason for removal.

On December 24, 1988, Fr. Brennan tendered his resignation as pastor of Saint Ignatius. He was living at that time at Saint Eleanor Church in Collegeville, where he remained as resident priest, with full faculties, until September 1989.

During the nine months Fr. Brennan was without formal assignment, Msgr. Shoemaker arranged for a second psychological evaluation by a therapist. The results of that outpatient evaluation were sent to Archbishop Bevilacqua on May 5, 1989. In stating that his "evaluation of Fr. Brennan does not indicate any history of sexual acting out or homosexuality." The therapist relied on Fr. Brennan's denials of any improper behavior, even having a child sit on his lap. Archdiocese managers, however, knew from Fr. Marine that such denials were suspect. Several people from the Saint Ignatius rectory told of Fr. Brennan's habit of forcing young boys to sit on his lap. The therapist did not know any of this, however, because Fr. Marine refused to talk to the therapist. The therapist, therefore, qualified his opinion, stating: "However, I have not had an opportunity to talk to those who have made the allegations ..."

After getting the therapist's report on the record, Archbishop Bevilacqua met on July 17, 1989, with Fr. Brennan to discuss his future. In a memo to the Secretary for Clergy, John J. Jagodzinski, Archbishop Bevilacqua wrote: "1 assured him that he would be given a pastorate. I told him, however, that it might take several months before a parish adequate for his abilities would be available."

Cardinal Bevilacqua appoints Father Brennan pastor of Saint Mary's Parish -- and begins receiving new complaints.

In September 1989, Archbishop Bevilacqua appointed Fr. Brennan the parochial administrator of Saint Mary's parish in Schwenksville. In June 1990, he became the parish pastor.

From the start at Saint Mary's, Fr. Brennan continued his inappropriate behavior with boys, often at Saint Pius X, a high school associated with the parish. On December 13, 1990, Fr. Gerald J. Hoffman, the principal at Saint Pius X, contacted Msgr. James E. Molloy, an assistant to the Vicar for Administration, to report that Fr. Brennan was, against rules, taking students out of classes. Although Fr. Hoffman had been told nothing of Fr. Brennan' s history, he was suspicious because all of the students were boys and because the priest was arranging meetings with them furtively rather than following established procedure. The principal also reported that faculty members were concerned because a "cult" of students would "flock around" Fr. Brennan when he came to the school.

On March 18, 1991, five 7th-grade boys from Saint Mary's grade school went to their principal, Karen Coldwell, to tell her they were having problems with Fr. Brennan touching them in inappropriate ways. The youths were altar boys or worked in the rectory answering the phone. Coldwell told the Grand Jury that she was unsure how to handle a sexual-abuse complaint against a priest and whether she was required by law to report it to civil authorities. The principal called the Archdiocese Office for Clergy for guidance. Monsignor Molloy assured her that she had done the right thing in bringing the information to the Archdiocese and proceeded to listen to her account of the meeting with the boys.

Monsignor Molloy recorded, third-hand, that the boys complained of Fr. Brennan's "wrestling them in some fashion." One boy, "Geoff," reportedly was visibly upset and told of an occasion when Fr. Brennan had grabbed the boy's hands and forced them toward his genitals (in a report sent to Archbishop Bevilacqua, Msgr, Molloy said that it was unclear whose genitals). Another boy reported fainting and waking to find Fr. Brennan rubbing his leg "up high" on the thigh.

Had Archdiocese managers questioned Geoff or any of the other students, they could have learned more alarming information. Geoff testified before the Grand Jury that, in addition to what he reported to the principal, Fr. Brennan touched his genitals sometimes when the priest "wrestled" with him. Fr. Brennan also once summoned the boy into the rectory sitting room where the priest was watching a pornographic movie on television.

Geoff also testified that high school boys from Saint Pius X were all over the rectory, including upstairs where Fr. Brennan's bedroom was. The high school students were at the rectory when the boy arrived to work at 5:00 p.m. and were still there when he left at 9:00 p.m. He knew the names of two of the high school boys -- "Ray" and "Graham."

Geoff told the Grand Jury that another boy, "Conner," had been so "freaked out" by what Fr. Brennan had done to him (Geoff could not remember specifically what the priest was said to have done), that he left the rectory and never came back. Geoff also provided to the Grand Jury the names of other 7th graders who he knew had complained among friends about Fr. Brennan's behavior -- "Bob," "Arnold," "Gus," "Dimitri," and "Josh."

Immediately after hearing the principal's report, Msgr. Molloy informed Msgr. Cullen as the Vicar General headed to a meeting with Archbishop Bevilacqua on March 18, 1991. Monsignor Molloy also called Fr. Joseph F. Rymdeika, a teacher at Saint Pius X High School who, months before, had complained to the principal about Fr. Brennan's suspect behavior with students. Father Rymdeika testified before the Grand Jury that in their phone conversation he told Msgr. Molloy about behavior he found "very alarming." Monsignor Molloy's reaction, according to Fr. Rymdeika, was disgust.

Church officials fail to probe new allegations or monitor Father Brennan.

Yet, after hearing from both the high school and the grade school, the Archdiocese took no action either to investigate the new allegations or to remove Fr. Brennan. Church officials did track the progress of a report that Geoff s parents made to the Montgomery County Office of Children and Youth, but the Grand Jury finds no evidence of Archdiocese concern for the welfare of the five 7th-grade boys or curiosity about what one of its priests had done to them. Monsignor Molloy's reports do not record the boys' names, other than Geoff's. Monsignor Molloy notified both Msgr. Cullen and Archbishop Bevilacqua about the grade-school boys on March 18, 1991, when the principal came forward. He sent another memo to them on April 3, 1991, including a report about the complaints from the principal at Saint Pius X. Still the Archbishop ordered no action.

There is nothing in the files to suggest that Archdiocesan managers shared what they knew about Fr. Brennan's behavior at Saint Ignatius, which he had been forced to leave in 1989, with either the grade school and high school principals or the civil authorities investigating Geoff's family's complaint. Working without benefit of what the Archdiocese knew -- that Fr. Brennan had reportedly inappropriately touched numerous boys, some of whom he invited to stay overnight with him at the rectory -- the Montgomery County officials found the behavior toward Geoff alone insufficient to pursue charges.

Once the threat of legal action subsided, nothing more appears in the Archdiocese file. According to the Saint Mary's principal, Karen Coldwell, Fr. Brennan continued with full access to the altar boys and those who worked in the rectory. She could not understand why the Archdiocese did nothing to supervise Fr. Brennan and said she took it upon herself to go over to the rectory occasionally to check on him. She was surprised that no one ever came to interview the boys.

Principal Coldwell explained that, rather than report to the civil authorities herself, she accepted Msgr. Molloy's assurance that she had brought the allegations to the right place. She assumed the Archdiocese would report to the authorities.

Principal Coldwell testified that she was exasperated with the Church hierarchy in 1992 when she learned that, because of its inaction, another boy from her school, "Hal," was subjected to Fr. Brennan's unwelcome and inappropriate touches. Hal was a 7th- grade student and altar boy at Saint Mary's when his mother complained to Archdiocese managers. On June 10, 1992, the boy told Msgrs. Molloy and Lynn that Fr. Brennan, while offering "private lessons" on serving First Communion, hugged Hal, "put his hand on [the boy's] butt," and forced Hal onto his lap. The boy also described how Fr. Brennan caressed his fingers as he held the sacramentary book during Mass. Hal said he knew Fr. Brennan did these things to other boys as well. His mother, who accompanied him to the interview, reported that Fr. Brennan took high school boys out to dinner and movies.

Hal told Church managers that Geoff had been victimized by Fr. Brennan and said that, even after Geoff's molestation had been reported to civil authorities the year before, Fr. Brennan had tried to "touch" the boy again. Hal described what Fr. Brennan had done to Geoff as "weird things ... touching him and stuff."

After talking with Hal and his mother, Msgr. Molloy spoke to a nun who worked at Saint Mary's rectory. She confirmed that Fr. Brennan grabbed at and wrestled with altar boys and high school students. She said he had "special ones," including one whom she described as a "disturbed" boy named "Ricky" in the youth education program, "CCD" (Confraternity of Christian Doctrine). She told Msgr. Molloy she had seen Fr. Brennan with his hand up Ricky's back, underneath his shirt.

On June 10, 1992, Msgrs. Lynn and Molloy questioned Fr. Brennan about Hal's and his mother's allegations. He denied the allegations and suggested that Hal's mother was angry that she had not been chosen as a soloist for Saturday Masses. The Archdiocese managers advised Fr. Brennan to "keep a low profile in the parish" where he was pastor until they "receive[d] further direction on the matter."

Pressured by complaints and gossip, the Archdiocese again sends Father Brennan for treatment and, despite therapists' warnings, Cardinal Bevilacqua reassigns him to a parish with a grade school.

On July 22, 1992, a month and a half after Hal's mother brought allegations to the Archdiocese, Cardinal Bevilacqua removed Fr. Brennan from his parish and sent him for a third psychological evaluation. Father Brennan began a four-day outpatient evaluation at Saint John Vianney on July 27, 1992. One of the questions Msgr. Lynn asked the treatment center to answer was: "Should Father remain in his present assignment since there seems to be much gossip throughout the parish about his behavior?" This question is remarkable: its focus is on the alleged gossip rather than on the serious allegations that Fr. Brennan was having inappropriate physical contact with pubescent boys. Monsignor Lynn's focus suggests that the protection of children was subservient to other interests, notwithstanding the Archdiocese's claims to the contrary.

The therapists at Saint John Vianney recommended inpatient treatment. On August 6, 1992, Fr. Brennan resigned as pastor of Saint Mary's, citing "reasons of health." (One parishioner remembers being told to pray for Fr. Brennan, who was "being treated for Lyme Disease.") On August 25, 1992, he returned to Saint John Vianney for treatment for the second time. This time, he stayed in treatment for nearly 10 months. The therapists at Saint John Vianney, while praising his hard work and personal growth, warned that Fr. Brennan, like "anyone with a recurring problematic behavior pattern presents future risk." The therapists did not opine as to whether he could be safely returned to ministry , but said that if he was reassigned, it was important to have a strong accountability system in place. They recommended that a ministry supervision team include the pastor of the rectory where Fr. Brennan would reside.

In the months following Fr. Brennan's June 14, 1993, release from Saint John Vianney, but before he received a permanent assignment, the Archdiocese managers placed no restrictions on Fr. Brennan' s faculties to minister throughout the diocese. They received a letter from a parishioner reporting that he was engaged in ministry .In November 1993, five months after Fr. Brennan was released, one of the therapists from Saint John Vianney wrote to Msgr. Lynn that "it is a grave concern to the treatment team that Fr. Brennan does not have a functional ministry supervision team."

On November 23, 1993, Msgr. Lynn sent a memo to Cardinal Bevilacqua recommending that Fr. Brennan be assigned as assistant pastor at Resurrection of Our Lord Parish in Philadelphia. In recommending Fr. Brennan for an assignment to a parish with a grade school attached, Msgr. Lynn stated carefully that "Father Brennan is not clinically diagnosed as a pedophile or a homosexual." Monsignor Lynn never talked to 10 of the II boys whose names were registered in the Archdiocese's files as victims of Fr . Brennan. (He could have had the names of nine more had he asked rectory staff or the principal at Saint Mary's.) Yet Msgr. Lynn stated: "It should be noted there was never any genital contact between Fr. Brennan and the adolescents." The Secretary for Clergy named members of a "ministry supervision team," some of whom would never know they were on such a team.

Monsignor Molloy told the Grand Jury that he disagreed with Msgr. Lynn's recommendation. In an effort to fully inform the Cardinal of the risk that he believed Fr. Brennan's reassignment would present to teenaged boys, Msgr. Molloy forwarded four reports on the priest's mental health to the Cardinal. He also sent copies to Msgr. Cullen. Included in the packet was the Assessment Report from Saint John Vianney (July 27-30, 1992) from which Msgr. Lynn had reported that Fr. Brennan was "not diagnosed" a pedophile. The oddly worded diagnosis in the report was "rule out pedophilia"; what this diagnosis actually meant, as the Assessment indicated and as Msgr. Molloy explained, was that there were in fact indications of pedophilia, but that the therapists could not come to a conclusive determination on the diagnosis. Nowhere did they conclude that he was not a pedophile. Monsignor Molloy included a May 26, 1993, letter from another of Fr. Brennan's therapists at Saint John Vianney, which noted that "anyone with a recurring problematic behavior pattern presents future risk."

Monsignor Molloy also included a letter, dated August 20, 1992, to Msgr. Cullen from the therapist who had evaluated Fr. Brennan in 1989 for the Archdiocese. The therapist wrote that at the time he had only "scanty historical information." The allegations, he said, ''as far as [he] knew, were limited solely to having children sit on his [Fr. Brennan's] lap." The therapist said that after he submitted his evaluation, he "called Msgr. Father Jagodzinski and told him that I had strong suspicions that Fr. Brennan might have significant problems but that I had no clinical proof." His letter said that he had spoken recently with Msgr. Lynn "and informed him also of the limitations of my evaluation, my views, and conversations with Msgr. Father Jagodzinski."

The therapist in his letter warned Msgr. Cullen that in view of the recent allegations, his clinical opinion was that Fr. Brennan has very serious problems which might predispose this Archdiocese to major scandal and, possibly, litigation in the future. He also asserted that he believed that had he had the opportunity to speak to the parents of the children from Yardley [St. Ignatius parishioners] or with the associate pastor that the conclusions he reached in 1991 would have been very different.

This letter, too, was given to Cardinal Bevilacqua. Yet, despite one therapist's assessment that Fr. Brennan "presents future risk" and another's dire predictions, Cardinal Bevilacqua appointed Fr. Brennan assistant pastor at Resurrection parish, effective December 15, 1993. In approving the appointment, Cardinal Bevilacqua created an extraordinary series of instructions that he directed Msgr. Lynn to pass on to Fr. Brennan, confirming that the Cardinal was well aware of the danger posed by the priest.

According to the Cardinal's instructions recorded in Archdiocese files, Msgr, Lynn was to inform the pastor at Resurrection, Fr. Thomas C. Scanlon, of Fr. Brennan's background and direct the pastor to supervise the priest closely, and to report any suspicious incident. Father Brennan, moreover, was to "be kept as much as possible away from youth." Most striking1y, Fr. Brennan was "to be told to keep his hands off everyone ... He is not even to put his hand on someone' s shoulder as a sign of congratulations or anything."

Finally, Msgr. Lynn was to check with legal counsel and ask, in the event of a "public relations crisis in this case, can we say that Fr. Brennan had been sent away and can we have a statement that he is not a pedophile?" The expression of such a concern and the advance plans to minimize liability for Fr. Brennan's anticipated future misconduct speak for themselves about whether the Cardinal himself saw a risk in returning Fr. Brennan to active ministry.

Father Brennan remains an assistant pastor with full and unsupervised access to children for more than 10 years despite continuing complaints of inappropriate touching of boys.

Father Brennan began as assistant pastor at Resurrection on December 15, 1993. Despite the strict-sounding instructions officially recorded in the Archdiocese files, none of the restrictions was implemented. Monsignor Lynn did not make the pastor, Fr. Scanlon, aware of Fr. Brennan's history. Nor was the pastor asked to supervise carefully or report suspicious behavior. Father Scanlon was never told to keep Fr. Brennan away from youth. And so, as assistant pastor, Fr. Brennan did all the usual things. He celebrated Mass, visited schools, provided counseling, and heard confession -- even in the grade school -- all the while socializing as a priest with the parish 's children.

Father Scanlon was never told he was a member of a "ministry supervision team." He was not even aware there was supposed to be such a team. The "team" apparently never met, despite the therapists' insistence that a supervisory group was crucial if Fr . Brennan was to continue ministering. Even the therapists' repeated entreaties to Msgr. Lynn (in letters by one therapist in May and June 1994, and by another in November 1994) to meet just once with the alleged team, in order to explain each member's role, went unheeded.

In the absence of any instruction to report suspicious behavior immediately, Fr. Scanlon ignored, for months, reports of Fr. Brennan's inappropriate and sexual behavior with adolescent boys. The social minister at Resurrection, Marie McGuirl, testified that she repeatedly reported the priest's inappropriate actions to the pastor and begged him to do something. Her entreaties were so persistent, she said, that the usually polite and gentlemanly pastor told her to "shut up" more than once. McGuirl told the Grand Jury what she had reported to Fr. Scanlon. At least as early as the fall of 1995, McGuirl began to observe Fr. Brennan's improper, and sometimes bizarre, behavior. That fall, she saw Fr. Brennan grabbing a 15-year-old boy from behind and "wrestling" with him. The boy, "Stuart," was a sophomore at Father Judge High School and worked in the rectory. McGuirl described another occasion when she overheard Fr. Brennan speaking to Stuart in a "very seductive" manner, "like how a woman would flirt with a man."

McGuirl testified that Fr. Brennan had two 8th-grade boys -- "Walt" and "Robbie" -- in the rectory with him at times when they should have been in school. She said he took them on outings -- to the mall, for ice cream, to a bookstore. She described in particular Fr. Brennan' s enthusiasm as he prepared to take boys out in his car.

McGuirl also testified that she thought the church organist, Tina Nase, had reported to Fr. Scanlon that she had seen Fr. Brennan on top of a boy in the sacristy.

Father Scanlon finally reported these incidents to Msgr. Lynn and his assistant, Msgr. Michael T. McCulken, on June 11, 1996. The pastor said he was aware that Fr. Brennan had had some difficulties in the past, but was unaware exactly what they were. Even at this point, when it had become clear that Fr. Brennan was acting out again and that Fr. Scanlon did not know what he was dealing with, Msgr. Lynn was not forthcoming with information that might have helped protect the children he was being warned were at risk.

Monsignor Lynn began the meeting with Fr. Scanlon by describing Fr. Brennan's problems as merely "boundary issues." The Secretary for Clergy reiterated his carefully worded assurance that Fr. Brennan was "not diagnosed" a pedophile. Monsignor Lynn told Fr. Scanlon that the accusation of inappropriate behavior at Saint Mary's -- which included at least seven children Msgr. Lynn knew of and multiple complaints -- "was simply that he touched the altar boy's hand who was holding the book during Mass." Even after this meeting, Fr. Scanlon said he did not fully understand the extent of Fr. Brennan's problems or the danger that he posed to the children of the parish.

Although Msgr. McCulken's handwritten notes from the meeting include Walt's last name next to the description "very vulnerable," the typewritten memo to the official Archdiocese file omitted this. Also omitted was Msgr. McCulken's handwritten recording of Msgr. Lynn's comments: "may want to move but maybe shouldn't" and "powder-keg situation I believe." Father Scanlon reassured the Archdiocese managers that he did not believe there was "any parish-wide concern, just among rectory staff."

Perhaps because of this assurance that parishioners were not aware of the priest's continuing misconduct with boys, Fr. Brennan was never moved or sent for another evaluation. Monsignors Lynn and McCulken met with Frs. Brennan and Scanlon on June 13, 1996. At this meeting, Msgr. Lynn belatedly passed on the Cardinal's instructions to Fr. Brennan never to touch a child. Monsignor Lynn acknowledged that he had never "fully" informed Fr. Scanlon about Fr. Brennan's history. But Msgr. Lynn still did not tell Fr. Brennan or his pastor that Fr. Brennan was not to work with the youth of the parish.

Monsignor McCulken' s handwritten notes from the meeting used the initials "BC" to identify another boy whom Fr. Brennan was seen "touching" in the sacristy: Again, this identifying information was excluded from the typed memo to the official file.

A week after Fr. Scanlon's allegations were brought to the Archdiocese, Fr. Brennan's therapist reported to Msgr. Lynn, as he'd been doing for years, on Fr. Brennan' s supposed progress in therapy. In his letter, the therapist stated that Fr. Brennan had "shown positive growth in being able to establish and maintain boundaries." Monsignor Lynn, a member of the phantom "ministry supervision team," wrote back on June 28, 1996, thanking the therapist for his report, never mentioning the many "boundary" violations of which Msgr. Lynn had recently learned.

Cardinal Bevilacqua allowed Fr. Brennan to remain at Resurrection with no restrictions on his ministry or his access to children. Father Scanlon and Marie McGuirl, both of whom had complained to the Archdiocese about Fr. Brennan's misconduct with boys, however, were both removed. The pastor appointed by Cardinal Bevilacqua to replace Fr. Scanlon, Fr. Michael J. Ryan, told the Grand Jury that he was told nothing about Fr. Brennan's history. The new pastor further said that, as a result, he permitted Fr. Brennan full access to the parish youth.

Ignoring the therapists' warnings of "risk," of "serious problems which might predispose [the] Archdiocese to major scandal," and of indications of pedophilia, Cardinal Bevilacqua told the Grand Jury that he viewed Fr. Brennan' s problems as innocuous-sounding "boundary issues," which "he has to take up with ... himself." The Cardinal expressed satisfaction with his administration's actions that left Fr. Brennan in place with full faculties and access to parish youth despite complaints about his behavior with more than 20 boys from four parishes.

The Cardinal testified he did not recall being told of the 1996 complaints from Resurrection, and would not be concerned, in any case, if he had not been notified. He explained that only "serious matters" needed to come to his attention. Father Brennan 's behavior, including being caught on top of a boy in the sacristy, was merely a matter of "boundary Issues."

Monsignor Cullen told the Grand Jury that assigning Fr. Brennan to Resurrection and leaving him there, without restrictions, endangered the children of the parish. Nevertheless, Fr. Brennan remained an assistant pastor at the parish until June 2004.

Father Brennan is appointed Chaplain at Camilla Hall, a retirement home for nuns.

On June 28, 2004, Fr. Brennan was appointed Chaplain at Camilla Hall, a retirement home for the Sister Servants of the Immaculate Heart of Mary. The reassignment followed a finding by the Archdiocesan Review Board that Fr. Brennan's actions did not violate the "Essential Norms" defining sexual abuse of a minor contained in the Charter for the Protection of Children and Young People adopted in 2002 by the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops. Despite this finding, Msgr. Lynn acknowledged in a letter to Fr. Brennan on June 10, 2004, that "there is convincing evidence that over a number of years, you have engaged in behavior that is entirely inappropriate and unacceptable for a priest."

According to a September 23, 2004, memo from Msgr. Timothy Senior, who succeeded Msgr. Lynn as Secretary for Clergy in July 2004, Fr. Brennan does not now minister outside of the retirement home "on any regular basis," although he is not precluded from doing so in the future. Monsignor Senior wrote that Fr. Brennan's supervisor is aware of his situation. The priest has been warned that if his inappropriate behavior is ever repeated, he will be removed from ministry.

Father Brennan appeared before the Grand Jury and was given an opportunity to answer questions concerning the allegations against him. He chose not to do so.
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Postby admin » Thu Oct 22, 2015 9:29 pm


All Saints Church. Philadelphia. PA (Parish school)
I. Rev. John A. Cannon (Resident) 9/48-9/56
2. Rev. William J. Dougherty (Chaplain) 6/70-9/70
3. Rev. Albert T. Kostelnick (Assistant Pastor) 5/54-5/56
4. Rev. James E. McGuire (Assistant Pastor) 6/72-10/72
5. Rev. David E. Walls
-Assistant Pastor -5/60-9/61
-Resident -5/61¬ 7/62

Annunciation B.V.M. Church, Havertown, PA (Parish school)
Rev. Thomas J. Smith (Assistant Pastor) 1/82-6/87

Annunciation B.V.M. Church, Philadelphia, PA (Parish school)
I. Rev. Pasquale R. Catullo
-Pastor -6/93-6/96
-Pastor Emeritus -Assigned on 6/17/96
2. Rev. Francis X. Trauger (Assistant Pastor) 9/88-6/89

Archbishop Carroll Boys High School, Radnor, PA (Consolidated into Archbishop John Carroll High School
in September 1986 with Archbishop Carroll Girls High School)
Rev. Joseph R. Monahan (Chaplain) 12/67-6/68

Archbishop Carroll Girls High School, Radnor, PA (Consolidated into Archbishop John Carroll High School
in September 1986 with Archbishop Carroll Boys High School)
Rev. Francis A. Giliberti (Chaplain) 12/71-6/73

Archbishop Kennedy High School, Conshohocken, PA
I. Rev. Pasquale R. Catullo (Faculty) 6/64-6/69
2. Rev. Nicholas V. Cudemo (Faculty) 2/69-6/73
3. Rev. Leonard A. Furmanski
Faculty -9/60-6/64
Director of Vocations -9/63-9/64
Principal -6/75-6/77
4. Rev. Thomas J. Grumm (Faculty) 6/87-1/89

Archbishop Prendergast High School for Girls, Drexel Hill, PA
I. Rev. Robert L. Brennan (Chaplain) 1/86-6/86
2. Rev Thomas J. Smith (Chaplain) 10/82-10/86, 10/89-6/91

Archbishop Wood Boys High School, Warminster, PA (Consolidated with Archbishop Wood Girls
High School into Archbishop Wood Catholic High School in July 1990)
1. Rev. Stanley M. Gana (Chaplain) 9/72-12/74
2. Rev. William T. Joseph (Chaplain) 10/72-6/76

Archbishop Wood Girls High School (Consolidated with Archbishop Wood Girls High School into
Archbishop Wood Catholic High School in July 1990)
Rev. Peter J. Dunne (Faculty) 9/71-9/74

Ascension of Our Lord Church, Philadelphia, PA (Parish school)
Rev. Stanley M. Gana (Assistant Pastor) 10/74-6/80

Assumption B.V.M. Church, Feasterville, PA (Parish school)
1, Rev, Joseph P. Gallagher (Assistant Pastor) 6/86-7/86
2. Rev. Stanley M. Gana (Assistant Pastor) 6/70-8/74
3. Rev. Albert T. Kostelnick (Senior Priest) 6/97-5/02

Assumption B.V.M. Church, West Grove, PA (Parish school)
1. Rev. Craig F. Brugger (Assistant Pastor) 7/82-8/82
2. Rev. Sylwester Wiejata (Parochial Vicar) 1/99¬ 7/99

Bishop Conwell High School, Fairless Hills, PA (Consolidated into Conwell-Egan Catholic High School
in June 1993)
I. Rev. Michael J. Dollofrio (Chaplain) 1/77-1/79
2. Rev. Carmen F. Taraborelli (Chaplain) 9/79-6/83

Bishop Kenrick High School, Norristown, PA (Consolidated into Kennedy-Kenrick Catholic High School in
1. Rev. James E. McGuire (Faculty) 6/74-9/77
2. Rev. Richard J. McLoughlin (Faculty) 6/73-6/77
3. Rev. John P. Schmeer (Faculty) 9/77-8/90

Bishop McDevitt High School, Wyncote, PA
I. Rev. Craig F. Brugger (Principal) 6/93-6/94
2. Rev. Edward M. DePaoli (Faculty) 6/79-6/85
3. Rev. James T. Henry (Faculty) 9/69-3/71

Blessed Virgin Mary Church, Darby, PA (Parish school)
Rev. John H. Mulholland (Assistant Pastor) 6/73-9/77

Boy Scouts of America
I. Rev. Peter J. Dunne (Chaplain) 11/66-6/71,2/72-9/74
2. Rev. Stanley M. Gana (Chaplain) 3/72-6/74
3. Rev. Thomas M. Kohler (Chaplain) 7/69-9/72
4. Rev. Thomas J. Smith (Chaplain) 3/74-3/76

Camilla Hall, Immaculata, PA
I. Rev. Robert L. Brennan (Chaplain) Assigned on 6/28/04
2. Rev. Richard J. McLoughlin (Chaplain) 1/01-3/02

Camp Neumann, Jamison, PA
I. Rev. Peter J. Dunne
-Resident -9/67-9/74
-Chaplain -6/66-9/66,6/67-9/67, 6/68-9/69, 6/69-9/69
2. Rev. Richard J. McLoughlin (Director) 6/77-8/81

Cardinal Dougherty High School, Philadelphia, PA
I. Rev. LeonardW. Broughan,O.Carm. (Faculty) 9/57-1/61
2. Rev. Nicholas V. Cudemo (Faculty) 6/73-9/77
3. Rev. William J. Dougherty (Faculty) 9/70-6/93
4. Rev. Peter J. Dunne (Faculty) 9/58-6/71
5. Rev. Francis J. Gal]agher (Faculty) 9/89-6/9 1
6. Rev. Thomas J. Grumm (Faculty) 6/77-6/87, 1/89-4/02
7. Rev. Albert T. Kostelnick (J;aculty) 9/56-6/82
8. Rev. Henry J. Nawn (Facu]ty) 9/58-6/78
9. Rev. Charles J. Siegele (Faculty) 9/58-10/67
10. Rev. Michael W. Swierzy
-Faculty -6/82¬ 7/91
-Principal -7/91-6/92

Cardinal O'Hara High School, Springfield, PA
1. Rev. John A. Cannon (Faculty) 6/66-11/85
2. Rev. Leonard A Furmanski (Faculty) 6/64-6/75
3. Rev. Francis J. Gallagher (Faculty) 6/76-9/89
4. Rev. Francis A. Giliberti (Faculty) 6/73-6/78
5. Rev. Richard G. Jones (Faculty) 9/70-6/87
6. Rev. Raymond 0. Leneweaver (Faculty) 6/66-9/71
7. Rev. Michael J. McCarthy (Faculty) 6/65-6/89
8. Rev. Richard J. McLoughlill (Faculty) 6/73-6/77

Cardinal's Commission on Human Relations
Msgr. Philip J. Dowling (Executive Director) 1964¬ 73

Cathedral Basilica of SS. Peter/Paul, Philadelphia, PA (Students attend St. Francis Xavier School)
I. Rev. Thomas J. Smith (Parochial Vicar) 6/91-6/96
2. Rev. Camlen F. Taraborelli (Assistant Pastor) 9/75-2/79

Catholic Committee on Scouting
Rev. Peter J. Dunne (Assistant Director) 6/77-10/83

Catholic University of America, Washington DC
1. Rev. John E. Gillespie (Student priest) 7/62-8/62
2. Rev. Michael J. McCarthy (Student priest) 6/65-9/65
3. Rev. David E. Walls (Student priest) 7/62-6/65

Christ the King Church, Philadelphia, PA
Rev. James T. Henry (Parochia] Vicar) 6/95-6/00

Conference of Christian Doctrine
1. Rev. Robert L. Brennall (Associate Director) 9/77-10/85
2. Rev. David C. Sicoli (Associate Director) 10/82-9/83, 10/84-9/86
3. Rev. Thomas J. Smith (Associate Director of Delaware County) 10/81-1/82

Convent of Divine Love, Philadelphia, PA
Rev. Henry J. Nawn (Resident) 6/67-9/67

Corpus Christi Church, Lansdale, PA
Rev. Henry J. Nawn (Assistant Pastor) 2/86-9/87

Corpus Christi Church, Philadelphia, P A (Closed in 1987, Records stored at St. Martin de Porres Church)
I. Msgr. Philip J Dowling (Assistant Pastor) 1957-64
2. Rev. John P. Schmeer (Resident) 6/71-9/72

CYO Regional
] .Rev. Robert L. Brennan (Associate Director) 6/68-6/70
2. Rev. Craig F. Brugger (Associate Director) 1/76-6/76
3. Rev. Michael J. Donofrio (Associate Director of Region 19¬ Lower Bucks County) 9/77-9/79
4. Rev. Wil!iam T. Joseph (Associate Director) 6/68-3/69
5. Rev. Thomas J. Smith (Associate Director) 9/88-9/90, 10/91-10/93
6. Rev. Michael W. Swierzy (Associate Director) 9/75-6/77

Delaware County Vicariate
Rev. Thomas J. Smith (Regional vicar) 6/98-1/03

Department of Continuing Formation for Diocesan Priests
Rev. Matthew J. Komacki (Assistant Director) 6/00-8/03

DeSales Centre, Childs, MD
Rev. Robert J. Hermley, O.S.F.S. (Resident) Assigned on 2/23/05

Discalced Carmelite Monastery, Philadelphia, PA
I. Rev Stanley M. Gana (Chaplain) 9/97-4/02
2. Rev. Michae] W. Swierzy (Chaplain) 9/82-6/85

Epiphany of Our Lord Church, Philadelphia, PA (Parish school)
Rev. Nicholas V. Cudemo (Assistant Pastor) 6/87-6/89
Epiphany of Our Lord Church, Norristown, PA (Parish school)
1. Rev. Michael J. McCarthy (Pastor) 10/92-6/93
2. Rev. James E. McGuire (Resident) 6/76-9/77

Excardinated from Archdiocese of Philadelphia and lncardinated into the Archdiocese of St. Louis
Rev. Joseph R. Monahan -1980

Father Judge High School for Boys, Philadelphia, PA
Rev. Robert J. Hermley, O.S.F.S. (Faculty) 1966-]978

Glastonbury Monastery, Massachusetts
Rev. Leonard W Broughan, O.Carm. (Release to Outside Service) 61/66-6/67

Good Shepherd Church, Philadelphia, PA
I. Rev. Joseph P. Gausch
-Pastor -4/80-6/92
-Pastor Emeritus -6/92-5/99
2. Rev. Matthew J. Kornacki (Assistant Pastor) 3/81-11/85
3. Rev. Thomas J. Smith (Pastor) 6/96-6/98

Holy Angels Church, Philadelphia, PA (Students attend St. Helena School and St. Joseph School, Cheltenham)
I. Rev. William J. Dougherty (Resident) 6/83-9/86
2. Rev. Joseph McGovem (Extern priest) --(Resident) 1987-1990
3. Rev. Michael W. Swierzy
-Resident -6/82-6/85
-Assistant Pastor --6/82-9/82

Holy Child Church, Philadelphia, P A (Closed in 1993, Spiritual records stored at Our Lady of Hope Church)
I. Rev. William J. Dougherty (Resident) 9/80-6/83
2. Rev. John H. Mulholland (Assistant Pastor) 9/77-9/82
3. Rev. Henry J. Nawn (Resident) 1/78-6/78
4. Rev. Charles J. Siegele (Pastor) 3/79-7/83

Holy Cross Church, Springfield, PA (Parish school)
1 Rev .Tames T. Henry (Assistant Pastor) 6/85-12/87
2. Rev. Francis x. Trauger (Assistant Pastor) ( 11/76-6/80)

Holy Family Church, Philadelphia, PA (Parish school)
Rev. John E. Gillespie (Assistant Pastor) 6/53-10/54

Holy Martyrs Church. Oreland. PA (Parish preschool and school)
I. Rev. Edward M. DePaoli (Resident) 6/80-6/85
2. Rev. Francis P. Rogers (Assistant Pastor) 5/52-5/53

Holy Redeemer Health System, Huntingdon Valley, PA
I. Rev. James J. Coonall (Chaplain) 6/99-2/01
2. Rev. Joseph P. Gallagher (Chaplain) 6/01-3/02

Holy Rosary Church, Reading, PA
Rev. Joseph M. McKenzie (Assistant Pastor) 6/51-5/52

Holy Saviour Church, Linwood, PA (Parish school)
I. Rev. Thomas J. Durkin (Assistant Pastor) 6/65-6/66
2. Rev. Henry J. Nawn (Resident) 9/57-9/58, 6/59-9/59

Holy Saviour Church, Norristown, PA (Parish school)
I. Rev. Pasquale Catullo
Resident (9/64-9/68)
Assistant Pastor (6/76-6/77)
2. Rev. Matthew J. Komacki (Assistant Pastor) I 1/77-3/81
3. Rev. Joseph M. McKenzie (Assistant Pastor) 5/52-8/53

Holy Spirit Church, Sharon Hill, PA (Parish school)
Rev. Thomas J. Durkin (Assistant Pastor) 6/66-12/66

Holy Spirit Church, Philadelphia, PA (Parish school)
Rev. David C. Sicoli (Pastor) 6/99-7/04

Immaculate Conception Church, Jenkintown, PA (Parish school)
I. Rev. John J. Delli Carpini (Assistant Pastor) 6/82¬ 7/82
2. Rev. Francis J. Gallagher (Parochial Vicar) 6/9] -6/00
3. Rev. Henry J. Nawn (Resident) 9/58-6/59,9/94-8/95

Immaculate Conception Church, Marcus Hook, PA
Rev. Richard J. McLoughlill (Assistant Pastor) 6/73-9/73

Immaculate Conception Church, 1020 North Front Street, Philadelphia, PA 19123 (Students attend St. Michael's)
I. Rev. Michael C. Bo]esta (Resident) 8/91-6/92
2. Rev. Edward M. DePaoli (Resident) 12/92-11/95
3. Rev. Joseph P. Gallagher (Resident) 1 1/96-10/97
4. Rev. Stanley M. Gana (Resident) 12/95-4/02
5. Rev. Richard G. Jones (Resident) 6/71-6/73

Immaculate Conception Church, Saint Clair, PA
Rev Joseph F. Sabadish (Assistant Pastor) 3/45-9/45

Immaculate Conception B. V .M. Church, Levittown, PA (Parish school)
I. Rev. John E. Gillespie (Assistant Pastor) 10/54-6/62
2. Rev. Matthew J Komacki (Parochial Administrator) 3/00-6/00
3. Rev. John H. Mulholland (Parochial Vicar) 6/96-6/02
4 Rev. David C. Sicoli (Assistant Pastor) !/78-6/93

Immaculate Heart of Mary Church, Chester, PA (Closed in 1993, Spiritual records stored at St. Katharine Drexel Church)
I. Rev. Edward V. Avery (Pastor) 6/72-2/76
2. Rev. Raymond 0. Leneweaver (Assistant Pastor) 6/62-6/64

Immaculate Heart of Mary Church, Philadelphia, PA (Parish school)
1. Rev James T. Hem-y (Assistant Pastor) 6/64-6/69
2. Rev. Matthew J. Komacki (Parochial Vicar) 6/92-6/97
3. Rev Thomas J Smith (Assistant Pastor) 6/73-1/78

Immaculate Mary Home, Philadelphia, PA
I. Rev. John H. Mulholland (Chaplain) 6/02-present
2. Rev. Thomas J. Wisniewski (Chaplain) 6/95-3/02

Incarnation of Our Lord Church, Philadelphia, PA (Parish school)
I. Rev. Francis P. Rogers (Assistant Pastor) 1/65-9/71
2. Rev. Nilo C. Martins, S.D.V. (Visiting priest from Brazil)
-Assistant Pastor -5/84-2/85

Kennedy-Kellrick Catholic High School, Norristown, P A (Merger of Bishop Kenrick High School and Archbishop Kennedy High School in 1993 )
Rev. Craig F. Brugger (President) 6/94-6/96

King of Peace Church, Philadelphia, PA
] .Rev. Pasquale R. Catullo (Pastor) 6/83-8/83
2. Rev. Nicho]as V. Cudemo (Pastor) 6/89-6/91

Legion of Mary
I. Rev. John E. Gillespie (Spiritual Director) 3/63-5165,3181-6184
2. Rev. Francis P. Rogers (Spiritual Director) 8/74-6/76

Little Flower High School for Girls, Philadelphia, PA
Rev. Michael J. Donofrio (Chaplain) 9/88-6/90

Malvern Preparatory School for Boys, Malvern, PA
Rev. Richard J. Cochrane, O.S.A. (Resident) 3/95-5/00

Mary. Mother of the Redeemer Church. North Wales. PA (Parish school)
Rev. Francis J. Gallagher (Parochial Vicar) 6/00-3/02

Mercy Vocational High School. Philadelphia. PA
Rev. William J. Dougherty (Minister) 6/93-6/94

Mother of Divine Providence Church. King of Prussia. PA (Parish school)
I. Rev. Edward M. DePaoli (Assistant Pastor) 6/75-6/79
2. Rev. William J. Dougherty (Parochial Vicar) 12/96-6/98
3. Rev. James E. McGuire (Resident) 9/74-6/75
4. Rev. Joseph R. Monahan (Assistant Pastor) 6/62-6/68

Motherhouse, Grey Nuns of the Sacred Heart, Yardley, PA (Grey Nuns Academy)
Rev John E. Gillespie (Chaplain) 6/00-4/02

Nativity B.V.M., Media, PA
1. Rev. Francis A Giliberti
Resident 9/73-2/87
Assistant Pastor 5/82-6/82
Pastor 6/91-12/03
2. Rev. Thomas J. Wisniewski (Assistant Pastor) 8/82-6/87

Nativity B.V.M., Philadelphia, PA (Parish school)
I. Rev. Gerard W. Chambers (Assistant Pastor) 10/55-1 1/56
2. Rev. James J. Coonan (Assistant Pastor) 1/75-6/80
3. Rev. William J. Doughelty (Resident) 6/73-10/77
4. Rev. Thomas J. Grumm (Resident) 8/85-6/87

Nativity of Our Lord. Warminster. PA (Parish school)
I. Rev. James J. Coonan (Assistant Pastor) 6/73 -1/7 5
2. Rev. William J. Dougherty (Parochial Vicar) 6/98-9/99
3. Rev. Peter J. Dunne (Assistant Pastor) 9/87-6/90
4. Rev. Joseph M. McKenzie (Resident) 9/58-5/59

Nazareth Academy Convent
Rev. William J. Dougherty (Resident) 10/77-6/78

Nazareth Hospital, Philadelphia, PA
I. Rev. Edward A. A very (Chaplain) 12/93-12/03
2. Rev. Leonard A. Furmanski (Chaplain) 11/99-10/03

Neuman Apostolate, Lincoln University, Lincoln University, PA
Rev. Peter I. Dunne (Chaplain) 9/83-12/86

Newman Apostolate
I. Rev. Edward M. DePaoli (Chaplain) 9/71-6/75
2. Rev. Francis A. Giliberti (Chaplain) 9/70-9/71 ,9/74-9/75
3. Rev. William T. Joseph (Chaplain) 9/67-6/71
4. Rev. A]bert T. Kostelnick (Chaplain) ]2/59-]0/63
5. Rev. John J. Murray (Chaplain) 10/63-9/67

Newman, Temple University, Ambler, PA
Rev. James E. McGuire (Chaplain) 9/70-6/72

Newman, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA
Rev. James E. McGuire (Chaplain) 6/87-9/83

Norristown State Hospital, Norristown, PA
Rev. John E. Gillespie (Chaplain) 6/62-9/67

Notre Dame High School for Girls (Closed in 1981, Students and records were transferred to Cardinal O'Hara High School, Springfield, PA)
Rev. Richard J. McLoughlin (Chaplain) 9/70-6/73

Office for Youth and Young Adults
Rev. David C. Sicoli (Associate Director) 10/76-1/78

Office of Catholic Education, Philadelphia, PA
I. Rev John A Cannon (Assistant Vicar) 6/63-6/65
2. Rev. David E. Walls
-Assistant Vicar -6/65-6/85
-Superintendent of Schoo]s 6/85-6/87
-Vicar 6/87-6/88

Office of the Chancellor, Philadelphia, PA
Rev. John J. Delli Carpini (Staff) 9/98-4/02

Office of the Metropolitan Tribunal, Philadelphia, PA
1. Rev. Craig F. Brugger (Auditor) 9/96-3/02
2. Rev. Francis J. Ga]lagher (Auditor) 9/96-3/02
3. Rev. Michael W. Swierzy
-Approved Advocate -10/79-6/82
-Part-time Advocate 10/92-5/97
4. Rev. Thomas J. Wisniewski
-Staff¬ 9/93-6/95
-Part-time Advocate -2/91 -7/92

Old St. Mary's Church, Philadelphia, PA (St. Mary's Interparochial Grade School)
Rev. Thomas F. Shea (Assistant Pastor) 3/79-6/80

Our Lady Help of Christians Church, Philadelphia, PA (Parish school)
I. Rev. Leonard W. Broughall, O. Carm. (Residellt) 9/58-1/61,9/69-6/72
2. Rev. Joseph P Gausch (Assistant Pastor) 3/53-5/56
3. Rev. Raymond 0. Leneweaver
-Resident -6/64-6/65
-Assistant Pastor -6/64-6/65

Our Lady of Angels Church, Philadelphia, PA (Parish school)
I. Rev. Nicholas V. Cudemo (Assistant Pastor) 6/68-9/68
2. Rev. Richard G. Jones (Resident) 6/73-6/87
3. Rev. Joseph M. McKenzie (Chaplain) 8/53-9/53

Our Lady of the Assumption Church, Strafford, PA (Parish pre-school and kindergarten, Students attend St. Katherine of Siena School, Wayne, PA)
Rev. Francis A. Giliberti (Assistant Pastor) 6/70-6/73

Our Lady of Calvary Church, Philadelphia, PA
I. Rev. Robert L. Brellnan (Assistant Pastor) 6/70¬ 11/74
2 Rev. Stanley M. Gana (Assistant Pastor) 6/80-12/84
3. Rev. John E. Gillespie
-Parochial Administrator -6/84-6/85
-Pastor -6/85-6/00
-Pastor Emeritus -Assigned on 6/00
4 Rev. Sylwester Wiejata (Parochial Vicar) 6/96-1/99

Our Lady of Charity Church, Brookhaven, PA (Parish school)
Rev. Craig F. Brugger (Resident) 3/80-9/85

Our Lady of Fatima Church, Bensalem, PA (Parish school)
Rev. Robert J. Henn]ey, O.SF.S.

Our Lady of Fatima Church, Secane, P A (Parish school)
Rev. John J. Murray (Assistant Pastor) 3/53-5/58

Our Lady of Good Counsel Church. Southampton, PA (Parish school)
1 Rev. James T. Heru-y (Parochial Vicar) 6/00-12/04
2 Rev. Thomas M. Kohler (Assistant Pastor) 9/72-6/77

Our Lady of Good Counsel Church. Vienna, VA
Rev. Robert J Hermley, O.S.FS. (Assistant Pastor) Assigned on 12/7/82

Our Lady of Grace Church, Penndel, PA (Parish school)
Rev. Richard G. Jones
-Assistant Pastor -9/68-6/70
-Resident --9/70-6/71

Our Lady of the Holy Souls Church, Philadelphia, PA (Closed in 1993)
Rev. David C Sicoli (Pastor) 1/90-7/93

Our Lady of Hope Church, Philadelphia, PA
Rev. David C Sicoli (Pastor) 7/93-6/94

Our Lady of Hungary Church, Northampton, PA
Rev. James M. Dux (Assistant Pastor) 6/48-6/55

Our Lady of Loreto Church, Philadelphia, P A (Closed in 2000, Spiritual records stored at St. Barnabas Church)
Rev. Carmen F. Taraborelli (Parochial Vicar) 6/89-6/93

Our Lady of Lourdes Church, Philadelphia, PA (Parish school)
I. Rev. John E. Gillespie
-Parochial Administrator -3/78-6/78
-Pastor 6/78-6/84
2. Rev. James T. Henry (Assistant Pastor) 12/87-1/88
3. Rev. Louis M. Steingraber (Assistant Pastor) 6/83-11/83

Our Lady of Mt. Carmel Church, Doylestown, PA (Parish school)
I. Rev. Gerard W. Chambers (Assistant Pastor) 5/44¬ 1 2/45
2 Rev. Edward M DePaoli (Assistant Pastor) 6/70-6/75
3. Rev. William I. Dougherty (Parochial Vicar) 6/94¬ 7/96
4. Rev. William T. Joseph (Assistant Pastor) 6/66-6/71

Our Lady of Peace Church, Milmont Park, PA (Parish school)
I. Rev. Joseph P. Gausch (Assistant Pastor) 5/6] -8/64
2. Rev. Richard J. McLoughlin (Assistant Pastor) 6/69-6/73

Our Lady of Perpetual Help Church, Seaside Heights, NJ
Rev. Robert 1. Hermley, O.S.FS. -8/78¬ 7/80

Our Lady of Pompeii Church, Philadelphia, PA (Closed in 1993, Spiritual records stored at St. Veronica Church)
I. Rev. Pasquale R. Catul]o (Assistant Pastor) 6/64-9/64
2. Rev. Charles J. Siegele (Assistant Pastor) 6/68-6/73

Our Lady of Ransom Church, Philadelphia, PA (Parish school)
Rev. James T. Henry (Assistant Pastor) 6/80-6/85

Our Lady of the Assumption Church, Strafford, PA (Parish pre-school and kindergarten, Students attend St. Katharine of Siena, Wayne, PA)
Rev. Char]es 1. Siegele (Assistant Pastor) 6/73-3/79

Our Mother Mercy Chapel, Philadelphia, PA
Rev. William J. Dougherty (Resident) 9/70-6/73

Our Mother of Sorrows, Bridgeport, PA (Closed in 2001, Records stored at Our Lady of the Sacred Heart Church, Hilltown, PA)
Rev. Stanley M. Gana
-Parochial Administrator 3/86-6/86
-Pastor --6/86¬ 12/95

Padua Academy, Wilmington, DE
Rev Robert J. Hermley, O.S.F.S. (Religious-in-Charge) 8/80-1982

Padua Retreat House
Rev. Joseph M. McKenzie
-Resident -9/54-6/55
-Health Leave -12/60-6/72

Parroquia San Pedro (Diocese of Abancay, Peru)
Rev. Michael J. Donofrio -8/95-7/03

Pastoral Care Services, Holy Redeemer Health, Philadelphia, PA
Rev. Michael C. Bolesta (Chaplain) 10/94-1/04

Philadelphia State Hospital, Philadelphia, PA (Closed in 1990)
Rev. Peter J. Dunne (Chaplain) 6/81-6/82

Pontificial North American College, Rome, Italy
Rev. James E. McGuire (Student priest) 10/72-6/74

Presentation B.V.M, Church, Wynnewood, PA (Parish school)
I. Rev. Richard J. McLoughlin (Resident) 4/94-5/95
2. Rev. Joseph R. Monahan (Assistant Pastor) 6/68-6/74

Provincialate, Sisters of Holy Redeemer, Huntingdon Valley, PA
Rev. Joseph P. Ga]lagher (Resident) 6/01-3/02

Queen of Peace Church, Ardsley, PA (Parish school)
Rev. Leonard W. Broughan, O.Carm. (Assistant Pastor) 6/83¬ 7/84

Queen of the Universe, Levittown, PA (Parish school)
I. Rev. James J. Coonan (Assistant Pastor) 6/65-6/70
2. Rev. Michael J. (Assistant Pastor) 6/76-6/81
3. Rev. Joseph P. Gausch (Assistant Pastor) 6/73-2/77

Release to Outside Services
Rev. Michael J. Donofrio
-Puerto Rico -6/88¬ 7/88
-Society of St. James the Apost]e -6/90-8/95

Resurrection of Our Lord, Philadelphia, PA (Parish school)
Rev. Robert L. Brennan (Parochial Vicar) 12/93-6/04

Resurrection of Our Lord, Chester, PA (Closed in 1993, Spiritual records stored at St. Katharine Drexel Church)
I. Rev. Craig F. Brugger
-Resident -9/76-6/79
-Assistant Pastor -6/76-9/76
2 Rev. Richard G. Jones (Assistant Pastor) 6/87-6/88

Roman Catholic High School. Philadelphia, PA
I Rev. Leonard W. Broughan. O.Carm. (Faculty) 6/68-6/78
2. Rev. John A. Cannon (Faculty) 9/58-6/63
3. Rev John J Delli Carpini (l~acuJty) 6/82-6/86
4. Msgr. Philip J. DowJing (Facu]ty) 1957-58
5. Rev. Raymond 0. Leneweaver (Faculty) 6/64-6/66
6. Rev Richard J. McLoughlin (Principal) 8/81-6/90
7. Rev. John P Schmeer (Faculty) 6/65-9/77
8. Rev. David E. Walls (Faculty) 9/61¬ 7/62

Sacred Heart Church, Clifton Heights, PA (Only pre-school, nursery and kindergarten)
I. Rev. Leonard A. Furmanski (Resident) 9/70-6/75
2. Rev. Raymond 0. Leneweaver (Resident) 6/65-6/68

Sacred Heart Church, Havertown, PA (Parish school)
I. Rev. James J. Coonall (Assistant Pastor) 9/85-6/88
2. Rev. Stanley M. Gana (Assistant Pastor) 1/85-3/86
3. Rev. John J Murray (Assistant Pastor) 6/48-3/53
4. Rev. John P. Schmeer
-Assistant Pastor 6/64-6/65
-Resident -9/65-9/66
-Resident -9/85-8/90

Sacred Heart Church, Oxford, PA (Parish school)
Rev. Peter J. Dunne (Pastor) 4/83-12/86

Sacred Heart Church, Palmerton, PA
Rev. Albert T Kostelnick (Weekends) 5/56-9/56

Sacred Heart Church, Phoenixville, PA (Holy Family Elementary School)
Rev. Stanley M. Gana (Assistant Pastor) 9/74-10/74

Sacred Heart Church, Swedesburg, PA (School parish)
Rev. Leonard A. Furmanski (Pastor) 6/77-6/89

St, Agatha/St. James Church, Philadelphia, PA (St. Francis de Sales and St. Ignatius Schools)
I. Rev. Edward V. Avery (Assistant Pastor) 9/78-6/84
2. Rev. Michael C. Bolesta (Parochial Vicar) 6/92-10/94
3. Rev. James E McGuire (Resident) 6!87-6/93

St. Agnes Church, West Chester, PA (Parish school)
I. Rev. Joseph P. Gallagher (Parochial Vicar) 12/87-3/96
2. Rev. Raymond 0. Leneweaver (Assistant Pastor) 9/75-6/80

St. Agnes Medical Center, Philadelphia, PA
Rev. Joseph M. McKenzie (Chaplain) 5/53-12/53

St. Agnes/St. John Neoomucene Church. Philadelohia. PA
Rev. John A. Cannon (Assistant Pastor) 7/82-8/82

St. Albert the Great Church, Huntingdon Valley, PA
Rev. Edward M. DePaoli (Resident) 9/79-6/80

St. Alice Church, Upper Darby, PA (Parish school)
1. Rev. James T. Henry
-Resident -6/71-6/74
-Assistant Pastor 6!74-6/80
2. Rev. William T. .Joseph (Assistant Pastor) 6!85-6/90

St. Aloysius Church, Pottstown, PA (Parish school)
I. Rev. Joseph P. Gallagher (Assistant Pastor) 4/80-6/85
2. Rev. Joseph P. Gausch (Assistant Pastor) 2/77-4/80

St. Alphonsus Church, Maple G1en, PA (Parish school)
I. Rev. James E. McGuire (Assistant Pastor) 6/70-6/72
2. Rev. Joseph R. Monahan (Assistant Pastor) 6/74-6/75

St. Ambrose Church, Philadelphia, PA (Parish school)
Rev. Francis P. Rogers (Assistant Pastor) 6/76-6/83

St. Ambrose Church, Schuylkill Haven, PA
Rev. John J. Murray (Assistant Pastor) 6/47-6/48

St. Anastasia Church, Newton Square, PA (Parish school)
I. Rev. John H. Mulholland (Assistant Pastor) 6/68-6/73
2. Rev. Carmen F. Taraborelli (Assistant Pastor) 3/86-6/89

St. Andrew, Drexel Hill, P A (Parish school)
I. Rev. John A. Cannon
-Resident -9/66¬ I] /85
-Assistant Pastor -6/66-9/66
2. Rev. Thomas J. Smith (Parochial Vicar) 6/87-6/91

St. Ann Church, Phoenixville, PA (Holy Family Elementary School)
Rev. Cyaig F. Brugger (Assistant Pastor) 6/73-6/76

St. Anthony of Padua Church, Chester, PA (Closed in 1993, Spiritual records stored at St. Katharine Drexel Church)
Rev. Pasquale R. Catullo (Pastor) 6/89-6/93

St. Anthony of Padua Church, Ambler, PA (Ambler Catholic School)
Rev. James M. Dux (Assistant Pastor) 6/74-2/75

St. Anthony of Padua Church, Easton, PA
Rev. Joseph P. Gausch (Assistant Pastor) 3/49-3/53

St. Athanasius Church, Philadelphia, PA (St. Athanasius-Immaculate Conception School)
I. Rev. Leonard W. Broughan, O. Carm. (Resident) 9/57-9/58
2. Rev. Joseph M. McKenzie (Assistant Pastor) 5/59¬ 12/60
3. Rev. David C. Sicoli (Assistant Pastor) 6/83-9/86

St. Augustine Church, Bridgeport, PA (St. Augustine-Our Lady of Mt. Carmel)
Rev. William J. Dougherty (Assistant Pastor) 6/69-6/70

St. Barbara Church, Philadelphia, PA (Parish school)
I. Rev. Francis A. Giliberti (Pastor) 2/87-6/91
2. Rev. Matthew J. Kornacki (Parochial Administrator) 6/99-12/99

St. Barnabas Church, Philadelphia, PA (Mary, Mother of Peace School)
1. Rev. Francis P. Rogers (Assistant Pastor) 9/7 I -9/77
2. Rev. John P. Schmeer (Resident) 9/72-9/77
3. Rev. Thomas F. Shea (Assistant Pastor) 6/80-6/85
4. Rev. Charles J. Siegele
-Parochial Administrator -7/83-6/84
-Pastor 6/84-1/89

St. Bartholomew, Philadelphia, PA (Parish school)
Rev. Peter J. Dunne (Resident) 9/58-6/67

St. Bede the Venerable Church, Holland, PA (Parish school)
Rev. Richard J. McLoughlin (Parochial Vicar) 6/90-4/94

St. Bernadette Church, Drexel Hill, PA (Parish school)
I. Rev. Edward V. Avery (Assistant Pastor) 6/70-6/72
2. Rev. Michae] J. McCarthy (Resident) 9/65-6/75
3. Rev. Thomas J. Wisniewski (Parochial Vicar) 6/87-6/91

St. Bernard Church, Philadelphia, PA (Parish school)
I. Rev. John J. Murray (Assistant Pastor) 6/70¬ 1 1/78
2. Rev. Henry J. Nawn (Assistant Pastor) 10/79-2/86

St. Bonaventure Church, Philadelphia, PA (Closed in 1993, Spiritual records stored at St. Veronica Church)
I. Rev. Leonard W. Broughan, O. Carm. (Resident) 9/68-9/69
2. Rev. Nilo C. Martins, S.D.V (Visiting priest from Brazi])
..Assistant Pastor 11/78-3/79
3. Rev. Carmen F. Taraborelli (Assistant Pastor) 6/74-9/75

St. Bridget Church, Philadelphia, PA (Parish school)
I. Rev. Leonard W. Broughan, 0. Carm. (Assistant Pastor) 1/61-6/62
2. Rev. Joseph P. Gausch (Assistant Pastor) 8/64-6/73
3. Rev. John J. Murray (Assistant Pastor) 6/63-6/65

St. Cabrini Home, Senior Sisters Resident
Rev. John J. Delli Carpini (Chap]ain) 9/98-4/02

St. Callistus Church, Philadelphia, PA
1. Rev. Nicholas V. Cudemo (Pastor) 6/91-5/96
2. Rev. Thomas M. Kohler (Assistant Pastor) 6/84-6/85
3. Rev. Carmen F. Taraborelli (Parochial Vicar) 6/93-6/99
4. Rev. Thomas J. Wisniewski (Resident) 6/01-3/02

St. Canicus Church, Mahanoy City, PA
Rev. Gerard W. Chambers (Assistant Pastor) 6/37-6/39

St. Carthage Church, Philadelphia, PA (Closed in 2000, Spiritual records stored at St. Cyprian Church)
I. Rev. James J. Coonan (Assistant Pastor) 6/70-3/7 1
2. Rev. Francis P. Rogers (Assistant Pastor) 5/61-9/62

St. Catherine of Siena Church, Allentown, PA
Rev. Joseph F. Sabadish (Assistant Pastor) 5/52¬ 7/53

St. Cecilia Church, Philadelphia, PA (Parish school)
1 Rev. James J. Brzyski (Assistant Pastor) 8/81-8/84
2. Rev. William T. Joseph (Assistant Pastor) 9/80-6/85
3. Rev. John P. Schmeer (Parochial Vicar) 8/90-1/91

St. Charles Borromeo Church, Assistant Pastor, Bensalem, PA (Parish school)
I Rev. Thomas J. Durkin (Assistant Pastor) 6/64-6/65
2. Rev. Thomas M. Kohler (Resident priest) 2/86-6/94

St. Charles Borromeo Church, Drexel Hill, PA (Parish school)
Rev. Thomas M. Kohler (Assistant Pastor) 6/68-9/72

St. Charles Borromeo Seminary, Overbrook, PA
I. Rev. John J. Delli Carpini (Dean) 6/86-3/98
2. Msgr. Philip J. Dow]illg (Faculty) 1958-64
3 Rev. Leonard A. Furmallski (Deputy) 12/81 -II /83
4. Rev. John E. Gillespie
-Spiritual Director 9/67-6/78
-Deputy .-]2/81-1 1/83
5. Rev. Matthew J. Kornacki
-Director of Spiritual Year Program -6/03-8/03
-Asst. Director, Past/ Apos. F orm
-Seminary Professor -6/00-6/03

St. Christopher Church, Philadelphia, PA (Parish school)
Rev Leonard A. Furmanski (Assistant Pastor) 5/60-9/60

St. Clement Church, Philadelphia, P A (Suppressed on July 1,2004, Spiritual records stored at Divine Mercy Church)
] .Rev. Thomas F. Shea (Parochial Vicar) 6/89¬ I 1/94
2. Rev. Thomas J. Wisniewski (Assistant Pastor) 1 1/78-8/82

St. Columba, Philadelphia, P A (Closed in 1993, Spiritual records stored at St, Martin
de Porres Church)
Rev. Henry J. Nawn (Resident) 9/66-6/67

St. Cosmas/St. Damian Church, Conshohocken, PA (SS. Cosmas and Damian Primary Campus, St. Matthew Elementary School)
I. Rev. John A. Cannon (Assistant Pastor) 6/48-9/48
2. Rev. Pasquale R. CatuJJo (J~esident) 9/68-2/69
3. Rev. Nicholas V. Cudemo (Resident) 2/69-9/69

St. Cyril of Alexandria Church, East Lansdowne, P A (Parish school)
Rev. James J. Coonan (Assistant Pastor) 6/80-6/71

St. David Church, Willow Grove, PA (Parish school)
Rev. James T. Henry (Resident) 9/69-3/71

St. Dominic Church, Philadelphia, PA (Parish school)
I. Rev. James V. Avery (Parochial Vicar) 9/86-9/90
2. Rev ThQmas M. Kohler (Assistant Pastor) 1/79-6/84
3 Rev. Henry J Nawn (Resident) 9/67-6/77

St. Dorothy Church, Drexel Hill, PA (Parish School)
Rev. James E. McGuire (Resident) 9/77-6/82

St. Edmond Church, Philadelphia, PA (Parish school)
Rev. Henry J. Nawn (Parochial Vicar) 9/87-6/91

St. Edward the Confessor Church, Philadelphia, p A (Closed in 1993, Spiritual records stored at Visitation B.V.M. Church)
I. Leonard w. Broughall (Assistant Pastor) 5!57-9/57
2. Rev. Hem-y J. Nawn (Resident) 9/59-9/66

St. Eleanor Church, Collegeville, PA (Parish school)
Rev. Robert L. Brennan (Resident priest) 1/89-9/89

St. Elizabeth Church, Philadelphia, PA (Parish closed in 1993, Spiritual records stored at St. Martin de Porres Church)
Msgr. Philip J. Dowling (Pastor) 1973¬ 1987

St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Church, Bensalem, P A (St. Charles Borromeo and Our Lady of Fatima Schools in Bensalem, St. Thomas School)
I. Rev. Peter J. Dunne (Resident) 6/82-4/83
2. Rev. Leonard A. Ful111anski
-Parochial Administrator -6/98¬ 7/98
-Pastor -7/98¬ 11/99
3. Rev. William T. Joseph (Pastor) 6/96-6/98

St. Ephrem Church, Bensalem, PA (Parish school)
I. Rev. Matthew J. Kornacki (Assistant Pastor) 6/73¬ II /77
2. Rev. James E. McGuire
-Parochial Vicar -6/95-6/96
-Pastor 6/96-5/02
3. Rev. Cal111en F. Tarabore]li (Assistant Pastor) 2/79-6/83

St. Eugene Church, Primos, P A (Parish school)
I. Rev. John A. Cannon (Assistant Pastor) 6/65-6/66
2. Rev. James M. Dux (Assistant Pastor) 6/66-6/74

St. Francis County House
Rev. Joseph M. McKenzie (Assistant Chaplain) 12/82-7/83

St. Francis de Sales Church, Lenni, PA (Parish school)
I. Rev. Gerard W. Chambers (Assistant Pastor) 6/41-8/43
2. Rev. Thomas J. Smith (Assistant Pastor) 1/78-1/82

St. Francis de Sales Church, Philadelphia, PA (Parish school)
Rev. Francis x. Trauger (Assistant Pastor) 10/82-6/85

St. Francis of Assisi, Norristown, PA (Parish school)
I. Rev. John E. Gillespie (Resident) 6/62-9/67
2. Rev. John H. Mulholland (Parochial Vicar) 6/87-9/96
3. Rev. Francis P. Rogers (Assistant Pastor) 5/59-5/61

St. Francis of Assisi, Springfield, PA (Parish school)
1. Rev. Michael J. McCarthy (Resident) 6/75-6/89
2. Rev. Thomas J. Smith (Resident priest) Assigned on 1/23/03

St. Francis Orphanage, Orwigsburg, PA
Rev. Gerard W. Chambers (Chaplain) 1/57-7/57

St. Francis Vocational School
Rev. Peter J. Dunne
-Administrator -9/74-4/83
-Counselor 6/73-9/74

St. Francis Xavier Church, Philadelphia, PA (Parish school)
Rev. Thomas J. Durkin (Assistant Pastor) 2/67-3/68

St. Gabriel Church, Norwood, PA (Parish school)
Rev. Henry J. Nawn (Assistant Pastor) 5/57-9/57

St. Gabriel Church, Philadelphia, PA (Parish school)
Rev. Louis M. Steingraber (Assistant Pastor) 3/77-6/82

St. Gabriel of the Sorrowful Mother Church, Stowe, P A (Students attend St. Aloysius and St, Peter Schools, Pottstown)
1. Rev. Gerard W. Chambers (Assistant Pastor) 5/61-9/63
2. Rev. Edward M. DePaoli (Resident) 11/95-12/02

St. Gabriel's Hall, Audobon, PA
Rev. Richard J. McLoughlill (Resident) 6/74-6/77

St. George Church, Glenolden, PA (Parish school)
I. Rev. Robert L. Brennall (Assistant Pastor) 6/8]-6/86
2 Rev. William T. Joseph (Pastor) 6/90-6/96

St. George Church, Philadelphia, PA (Parish school)
I. Rev. Leonard W. Broughan, 0. Carm. (Assistant Pastor) 6/68-9/68
2 Rev. Thomas J. Grumm (Resident) 10/79-6/81

St. Gertrude Church, West Conshohocken, PA (Students attend St. Katharine of Siena School in Wayne and Conshohocken Catholic School)
Rev. John A. Cannon (Resident) 9/64-6/65

St. Gregory Church, Philadelphia, PA (Closed in 1981 Spiritual records stored at St. Rose of Lima Church)
Rev. Gerard W. Chambers (Assistant Pastor) 7/57-9/59

St. Helena Church, Philadelphia, PA (Parish school)
I. Rev. Robert L. Brennan (Assistant Pastor) 6/86-6/88
2. Rev. Craig F. Brugger (Pastor) 6/96-3/02
3. Rev. Thomas F. Shea (Assistant Pastor) 6/69-6/75

St. Helena Church, Center Square, PA (Parish school)
I Rev. Pasquale R. Catullo (Resident) 6/96-5/97
2. Rev. Nicholas V. Cudemo (Resident) 9/69-] 1/71
3. Rev. James T. Henry (Assistant Pastor) 6/88-11/88

St. Henry Church, Philadelphia, PA (Closed, Spiritual records stored at Incarnation Church)
I. Rev. Leonard W. Broughan, 0. Carm.
-Assistant Pastor -6/62-6/66
-Pastor 6/78-6/81
2. Rev. Michael J. Donofrio (Assistant Pastor) 6/86-6/90
3 Rev. Francis J. Gallagher (Pastor) 6/76-9/76
4. Rev Nilo C. Martins, S.D.V, Visiting priest from Brazil
-Assistant Pastor Pro-tem¬ 1/84-5/84

St. Hubert Catholic High School for Girls, Philadelphia, PA
Rev. Francis X. Trauger (Chaplain) 1/74-11/76

St. Hugh of Cluny Church, Philadelphia, P A (Parish school)
Rev. Francis P. Rogers (Assistant Pastor) 6/49-5/52

St. Ignatius Church, Yardley, PA (Parish school)
I. Rev. Robert L. Brennan (Pastor) 6/88-1/89
2. Rev. James E. McGuire (Parochial Vicar) 6/93-6/95

St. Ignatius of Loyola Church, Philadelphia, PA (Parish school)
Rev. Edward V. Avery (Assistant Pastor) 6/84-9/86

St. Irenaeus Church, Philadelphia, PA (Suppressed on July 1,2004, Worship site of Divine Mercy Parish, Spiritual records stored at Divine Mercy Church)
I. Rev. Pasquale R. Catullo (Assistant Pastor) 6/77¬ 12/81
2. Rev. Nicholas V. Cudemo (Assistant Pastor) 1/82-6/87

St. Isaac Jogues Church, Wayne, PA (Students attend St. Monica's School in Berwyn and St. Katharine of Siena's in Wayne)
I. Rev. Leonard W. Broughan, 0. Carm. (Assistant Pastor) 6/81-6/83
2. Rev. James E. McGuire (Resident) 6/75-6/76

St. James Church, Philadelphia, PA (Consolidation of St. Agatha and St. James Parishes on August 12, 1976, Spiritual records stored at St. Agatha-St. James Church)
Rev. John P. Schmeer (Assistant Pastor) 6/65-9/65

St. Isidore Church, Quakertown, PA (Parish school)
Rev. Matthew J. Komacki (Parochial Vicar) 11/85-6/92

St. James Catholic High School for Boys, Chester, PA (Closed on June 18, 1993, Records were transferred to Msgr. Bonner High School, Drexel Hill, PA)
I .Rev Craig F. Brugger
-Faculty -6/76-6/86
2. Rev. Henry J. Nawn (Faculty) 9/57-9/58

St. Jerome Church, Philadelphia, PA (Parish school)
I. Rev. William J. Dougherty (Resident) 9/86-6/94
2. Rev. Thomas M. Kohler (Assistant Pastor) 6/77¬ 1/79
3. Rev. Joseph M. McKenzie (Assistant Pastor) 6/72-9/72
4. Rev. Louis M. Steingraber (Assistant Pastor) 6/73-3/77

St. Jerome Church, Tamaqua, PA
Rev. Charles J. Siegele (Assistant Pastor) 2/57-9/58

St. Joachim Church, Philadelphia, PA (Parish school)
I. Rev. John J. Murray (Assistant Pastor) 6/65-6/70
2. Rev. Henry J. Nawn (Resident) 6/77-]/78
3. Rev. Francis P. Rogers (Assistant Pastor) 9/62-1/68

St. Joan of Arc Church, Philadelphia, PA (Parish school)
I Rev. Francis J. Gallagher (Resident) 9/89¬ 1/90
2 Rev. Thomas J. Grumm (Resident) 6/81-8/85
3. Rev. Francis P. Rogers (Parochial Vicar) 6/83-6/91

St. John Chrysostom Church, Wallingford, PA (Parish school)
I. Rev. Craig F. Brugger (Resident) 9/89-6/93
2. Rev. Francis J. Ga]lagher (Resident) 9/76-9/89

St. John Neumann Church, Bryn Mawr, PA (Parish school)
Msgr. David E. Walls (Resident) 6/87-3/02

St. John Neumann High School, Philadelphia, PA
I. Rev. John A. Cannon (Facu]ty) 9/48-9/58
2. Rev. Pasquale R. Catullo (Faculty) 6/69-6/72
3. Rev. Nicholas v. Cudemo (Faculty) 6/68-2/69
4. Rev. James T. Henry (Faculty) 9/72-6/74

St. John of the Cross Church, Roslyn, PA (Parish school)
I. Rev. James T. Henry (Assistant Pastor) 3/71-6/71
2. Rev. William T. Joseph (Assistant Pastor) 6/71-6/76
3 Rev. Albert T. Kostelnick (Resident) 9/56-6/82

St. John the Baptist Church, Philadelphia, PA (Parish school)
I. Rev. Edward M. DePaoli (Parochia] Vicar) 7/9 1¬ 12/92
2 Rev. James M. Dux (Parochial Vicar) 2/75-2/94
3. Rev. Thomas J. Grumm (Resident) 6/88-4/02

St. John the Evangelist Church, Morrisville, PA (Parish school)
I. Rev. Leonard W. Broughan, 0. Carm. (Assistant Pastor) 6/67-6/68
2. Rev. James J. Brzyski (Assistant Pastor) 6/77-8/81
3. Rev. James T. Henry (Assistant Pastor) 6/69-9/69
4. Rev. Michael W. Swierzy (Parochia] Vicar) 6/92-5/97

St. John the Evangelist Church, Philadelphia, PA (Students attend St. Mary's Interparochial Grade School)
I. Rev. John J. Delli Carpini (Assistant Pastor) 8/79-6/82
2. Rev. Albert T. Koste]nick (Assistant Pastor) 5/56-9/56

St. John Vianney Church, Colonia, NJ
Rev. Edward M. DePaoIi (Parochial Vicar) 6/88¬ 7/91

St. Josaphat Church, Philadelphia, PA (Parish school)
Rev. Leonard A. Furmanski (Pastor) 12/94-6/98

St. Joseph Church, Ambler, PA (Ambler Catholic Elementary School)
Rev. David C. Sicoli (Assistant Pastor) 6/75-9/75

St. Joseph Church, Aston, PA (Parish school)
1. Rev. Craig F. Brugger (Resident) 9/85-9/89
2. Rev. Leonard A. Furmanski (Resjdent) 6/64-9/70
3. Rev. Joseph P. Gal!agher (Assistant Pastor) 6/74-9/74
4. Rev. James M. Iannare]la (Parochial Vicar) 6/96¬ 10/99
5. Rev. Francis X. Trauger (Parochial Vicar) 6/89-6/93

St. Joseph Church, Cheltenham, PA (Parish school)
Rev. James T Henry (Assistant Pastor) 11/88-6/89

St. Joseph Church, Collingdale, PA (Parish school)
Rev. Thomas F. Shea (Assistant Pastor) 6/75-2/79

St. Joseph Church, Downington, PA (Parish school)
Rev. Henry J. Nawn (Assistant Pastor) 5/56-5/57

St. Joseph Church, Jim Thorpe, PA
I Rev. Gerard W. Chambers (Assistant Pastor) 6/34-10/35
2. Rev. Joseph P. Gausch (Assistant Pastor) 12/45-6/48
3. Rev. Charles I. Siegele (Assistant Pastor) 6/53-2/57

St. Joseph Church, Reading, PA
Rev. Gerard W. Chambers (Assistant Pastor) 6/36-9/36

St. Joseph Church, Spring City, PA
I. Rev. Leonard A. Furmanski (Assistant Pastor) 5/59-5/60
2. Rev. Richard G. Jones (Assistant Pastor) 6/63-9/68

St. Joseph Church, Warrington, PA (Parish school)
Rev. John H. Mulho]land (Assistant Pastor) 6/66-6/68

St. Joseph Home for Aged
Rev. John A. Cannon (Chaplain) 11/85-11/03

St. Joseph the Worker Church, Fallsington, PA (Parish school)
Rev. Raymond O. Leneweaver (Assistant Pastor) 9/80-12/80

St. Justin Martyr Church, Narberth, PA (Students attend St. Margaret's School in Narberth)
I. Rev. Thomas J. Grumm (Resident) 6/87-6/88
2. Rev. Thomas J. Wisniewski (Resident) 9/93-6/01

St. Katherine of Siena Church, Wayne, PA (Parish school)
Rev. Francis J. Gallagher (Assistant Pastor) 6/73-6/76

St. Kevin Church, Springfield, PA (Parish school)
Rev. Michael J. McCarthy (Parochial Administrator) 6/89¬ 10/92

St. Laurence Church, Upper Darby, PA (Parish school)
I. Rev. Raymond 0. Leneweaver (Resident) 6/68-9/71
2. Rev. Thomas F. Shea (Assistant Pastor) 6/85-6/89
3. Rev. Carmen F. Tarabore]li (Parochial Vicar) 6/99¬ 10/99

St. Laurentius Church, Philadelphia, PA (Parish school)
Rev. Michael W. Swierzy (Assistant Pastor) 6/75-6/77

St. Leo Church, Philadelphia, PA (Parish school)
I. Rev. James I. Coonan (Parochial Vicar) 2/96-6/99
2. Rev. Francis X. Trauger (Assistant Pastor) 6/72-11/76

St. Louis Church, Yeadon, PA
I Msgr. Philip I. Dowling (Pastor) 1987-91
2. Rev. David C. Sicoli (Assistant Pastor) 9/86-1/88

St. Luke the Evangelist, Glenside, PA (Parish school)
Rev. John J. Delli Carpini (Assistant Pastor) 6/76-8/79

St. Madeleine Sophie Church, Philadelphia, p A (St. Martin de Porres Interparochial School)
Rev. Gerard W. Chambers (Assistant Pastor) 2/61-5/61

St. Madeline Church, Ridley Park, PA (Parish school)
1. Rev. James J. Coonan (Assistant Pastor) 3/71-6/73
2. Rev. Joseph P. Gallagher (Parochial Vicar) 10/97-6/01

St. Malachy Church, Philadelphia, PA (Parish school)
Rev. Peter J. Dunne (Assistant Pastor) 5/58-9/58

St. Margaret Church, Reading, PA
Rev. Joseph F. Sabadish (Assistant Pastor) 8/53-5/57

St. Maria Goretti High School for Girls, Philadelphia, PA
I. Rev. Michael J. Dollofrio (Chaplain) 10/81-3/82
2. Rev. Carmen F. Taraborelli (Chap]ill) 9/70-6/71

St. Mark Church, Bristol, PA (Parish school)
I. Rev. Albert T. Kostelnick
-Pastor -6/82-6/97
-Pastor Emeritus -l\ssigned on 6¬ 16-97
2. Rev. Joseph F. Sabadish (Assistant Pastor) 6/62-12/67

St. Martha Church, Philadelphia, PA (Parish school)
Rev. William T. Joseph (Assistant Pastor) 6/76-9/80

St. Martin of Tours, New Hope, PA (Parish school)
I. Rev. Thomas J. Grumm (Assistant Pastor) 6/77-9/77
2. Rev. Richard G. Jones (Assistant Pastor) 6/70-9/70
3. Rev. James E. McGuire (Assistant Pastor) 6/74-9/74
4 Rev. John P. Schmeer (Pastor) Assigned on 1/1 3/91

St. Martin of Tours, Philadelphia, PA (Parish school)
I. Rev. Leonard A. Furmanski (Pastor) 6/89-6/91
2. Rev. Matthew J. Kornacki (Parochial Vicar) 6/97-8/98, 12/98-6/99, ]2/99-3/00
3. Rev. David C. Sicoli (Assistant Pastor) 9/75-1/78

St. Mary Church, Beaver Meadows, PA
Rev. Joseph F. Sabadish (Assistant Pastor) 9/45-5/52

St. Mary Church, Conshohocken, PA
Rev. Leonard A. Furmanski (Resident) 9/60-6/64

St. Mary Church, Fredericksburg, VA
Rev. Robert J. Hermley, O.S.F.S. -Assigned on 9/12/91

St. Mary Church, Saint Clair, PA
Rev. Henry J. Nawn (Assistant Pastor) 10/55-5/56

St. Mary Church, Schwenksville, PA (Parish school)
Rev Robert L. Brellnan
-Parochial Administrator -9/89-6/00
-Pastor 6/90-9/92

St. Mary Magdalen Church, Lost Creek, PA
Rev. Gerard W. Chambers (Assistant Pastor) 9/36-6/37

St. Mary Magdalen Church, Media, PA (Parish school)
I Rev. Craig F. Brugger (Resident) 6/79-3/80
2. Rev. Richard G. Jones (Assistant Pastor) 6/82-7/82

St. Mary Magdalen De Pazzi Church, Philadelphia, PA (Suppressed on July 1, 2000, Worship Site of St. Paul Parish, Spiritual records stored at St. Paul parish)
I. Rev. Pasquale R. Catullo
-Resident -2/69-6/72
-Assistant Pastor 6/72¬ 12/8 1
2. Rev. Camlell F. Taraborelli (Assistant Pastor) 6/70-6/71

St. Mary of Providence Center
Rev. James E. McGuire
-Resident -6/82-6/X7
-Chaplain -6/82-6/87

St. Mary of the Assumption Church, Coaldale, PA
Rev. Gerard W. Chambers (Assistant Pastor) 9/47-6/48

St. Mary of the Assumption Church, Phoenixville, PA (Students attend Holy Family Elementary School)
Rev. Joseph M. McKenzie (Assistant Pastor) 6/55-9/55

St. Mary's Villa
Rev. Leonard A. Furmanski (Resident) 6/75-6/77

St. Matthew Church. Conshohocken, PA (Conshohocken Catholic School)
I. Rev. John P. Connor, Extem priest (Parochial Vicar) 10/88-9/93
2. Rev. Francis X. Trauger (Assistant Pastor) 6/85-9/88

St. Matthew Church, Philadelphia, PA (Parish school)
Rev. Francis X. Trauger (Assistant Pastor) 9/81-8/82

St. Matthias Church, Bala Cynwyd, PA
I. Rev. Joseph P. Gallagher (Assistant Pastor) 6/85-6/86
2. Rev. David E. Walls (Resident) 6/65-6/87

St. Michael of the Saints Church, Philadelphia, PA (Closed in 1982)
Rev. Pasquale R. Catullo (Assistant Pastor) 6/63-6/64

St. Michael the Archangel Church, Levittown, PA (Parish school)
1 Rev. James T. Henry (Parochia] Vicar) 6/89-6/93
2. Rev. Joseph F. Sabadish (l\ssistant Pastor) 5/57-6/62
3. Rev. Francis X. Trauger (Parochial Vicar) 6/93-12/03

St. Monica Church, Berwyn, PA (Parish school)
I. Rev. Gerard W. Chambers (Assistant Pastor) 6/39-6/41
2 Rev. Thomas J. Wisniewski (Assistant Pastor) 6/74-11/78

St. Monica Church, Philadelphia, PA (Parish school)
I Rev. John A. Cannon (Resident) 9/56-6/94
2. Rev. John J. Delli Carpini (Resident) 9/82-6/86
3. Rev. Francis J. Gallagher (Assistant Pastor) 6/73-2/74
4 Rev. Raymond 0 Leneweaver (Assistant Pastor) 9/71-6/75
5. Rev Carmen F. Taraborelli (Assistant Pastor) 6/83-3/86

St. Patrick Church, Kennett Square, PA (Parish school)
1. Rev. Pasquale R. Catullo (Assistant Pastor) 1/82-6/83
2. Rev.. Francis A. Giliberti (J~esident) 6/73-9/73
3. Rev. John H. Mulholland (Assistant Pastor) 6/65-6/66
4. Rev John J. Murray (Pastor) II/78-6/92

St. Patrick Church, Malvern, PA (Parish school)
Rev. Joseph M. McKenzie (Assistant Pastor) 6/77¬ 10/81

St. Patrick Church, McAdoo, PA
1. Rev. Gerard W. Chambers (Assistant Pastor) 6/48-6/49
2. Rev. Henry J. Nawn (Assistant Pastor) 6/55-10/55

St. Patrick Church, Norristown, P A (Students attend St. Francis, St. Paul, St. Titus, Holy Saviour, St. Helena Schools)
I. Rev. Thomas J. Grumm (Parochia] Vicar) 6/75-6/77
2. Rev. James T. Henry (Parochial Vicar) 6/93-6/95

St. Patrick Church, Philadelphia, PA
Msgr. Philip J. Dowling (Pastor) 1991-04

St. Patrick Church. Pottsville, PA
Rev. Francis P. Rogers (Assistant Pastor) 6/46-6/49

St. Paul Church, Norristown, PA (Parish school)
Rev. Thomas F. Shea (Assistant Pastor) 6/64-6/69

St. Paul Church, Philadelphia, PA (Students attend Annunciation, St. Mary's Interparochial and St. Nicholas Schools)
I. Rev. Pasquale R. Catullo (Assistant Pastor) ] /88-6/89
2. Rev. Nicholas V. Cudemo (Resident) 9/68-2/69

St. Paul Church, Reading, PA
Rev. James M. Dux (Assistant Pastor) 6/55-5/60

St. Philip Neri Church, Lafayette Hill, PA (Parish school)
Rev. James M. Dux (Assistant Pastor) 5/60-6/65

St. Philip Neri Church, Pennsburg, PA (Parish school)
] .Rev. Edward V. A very (Assistant Pastor) 2/76-9/78
2. Rev. Joseph R. Monahan (Assistant Pastor) 6/75-12/75

St. Philip Neri Church, Philadelphia, PA (Students attend Sacred Heart of Jesus School)
I. Rev. Leonard W. Broughan, O.Carm. (Resident) 9/72-6/78
2 Rev. James M. Dux (Assistant Pastor) 6/65-6/66

St. Philip/St. James Church, Exton, PA (Parish school)
1. Rev. Michael C. Bolesta (Parochial Vicar) 6/89-8/91
2. Rev. Joseph F. Sabadish (Assistant Pastor) 7/82-1 0/85

St. Pius X Church, Broomall, PA (Parish school)
I Rev. Robert L. Brennan (Assistant Pastor) 6/94-6/70
2 Rev. Thomas J. Wisniewski (Parochial Vicar) 6/91-7/92

St. Pius X High School. Pottstown, PA
Rev. James E McGuire (Principal) 6/82-9/93

St. Raymond of Penafort Church, Philadelphia, PA (Parish school)
] .Rev. Martin J Satchell (Parochial Vicar) 6/93-9/93
2. Rev. David C. Sicoli (Assistant Pastor) 1/88-1/90

St. Richard Church, Philadelphia, PA (Parish school)
Rev. Leonard W. Broughan, 0. Carm. (Resident) 6/72-9/72

St. Robert Church, Chester, PA (Closed in 1993, Spiritual records stored at St. Katharine Drexel Church)
I. Rev. Henry J. Nawn (Assistant Pastor) 6/78¬ 10/79
2. Rev. Joseph F. Sabadish (Assistant Pastor) 10/79-4/82
3. Rev. Louis M. Steingraber (Assistant Pastor) 7/82-2/83

St. Rose of Lima Church, Eddystone, PA (St. Madeline-St. Rose School)
Rev. Francis P. Rogers (Assistant Pastor)

St. Rose of Lima Church, North Wales, PA (Parish school)
I. Rev. Gerard W. Chambers (Assistant Pastor) 12/45-9/47
2. Rev. Richard J. McLough]in (Resident) 9/73-6/74

St. Rose of Lima Church, Philadelphia, PA (Parish school)
Rev. John P. Schmeer (Resident) 1/67-6/67

St. Stanislaus Church, Lansdale, PA (Parish school)
I. Rev. Leonard W. Broughan, O. Carm. (Assistant Pastor) 6/55-5/57
2. Rev. James J. Coonall (Assistant Pastor) 6/83-9/85
3. Rev. Nicholas V. Cudemo (Assistant Pastor) 6/63-6/68
4. Rev. Joseph P. Gausch (Assistant Pastor) 5/56-5/61
5. Rev. Joseph F. Sabadish (Parochial Vicar) 6/94-1/97
6. Rev. John P. Schmeer (Resident) 9/66-1/67

St. Theresa Church, Hellertown, PA
Rev. Joseph F. Sabadish (Assistant Pastor) 7/53-8/53

St. Therese of the Child Jesus Church, Philadelphia, PA (Parish school)
I. Rev. Edward V. Avery (Pastor) 9/90-8/93
2. Rev. Craig F. Brugger (Resident) 6/93-6/96
3. Rev. William J. Dougherty (Resident) 6/78-9/80

St. Thomas Aquinas Church, Croydon, PA (Parish school)
I. Rev. Pasquale R. Catullo (Assistant Pastor) 10/86-1/88
2. Rev. Joseph F. Sabadish (Assistant Pastor) 6/74-2/76

St. Thomas Aquinas Church, Philadelphia, PA (Parish school)
Rev. Michael J. Donotrio (Assistant Pastor) 6/81-6/86

St. Thomas More Church, Pottstown, PA
Rev. Craig F Brugger (Assistant Pastor) 7/84-8/84, 6/85¬ 7/85, 7/86¬ 7/86

St. Thomas of Villanova Friary, Villanova, PA
Rev. Richard J. Cochrane, O.S.A. (Resident Priest) 5/00¬ 7/03

St. Thomas the Apostle Church, Chester Heights, PA (Parish school)
I. Rev. Gerard W Chambers (Assistant Pastor) 10/35-6/36
2. Rev. Richard G. Jones (Assistant Pastor) 6/88¬ 10/88

St. Timothy Church, Philadelphia, PA (Parish school)
I. Rev. Francis P. Rogers (Parochial Vicar) 6/91-6/95
2. Rev. Joseph F. Sabadish (Assistant Pastor) 6/73-3/74

St. Titus Church, Norristown, PA (Parish school)
I. Rev. Nicholas V. Cudemo (Resident) I 1/71-9/77
2. Rev. Leonard A. Furmallski (Pastor) 6/91-121'94
3. Rev. John P. Schmeer
-Resident -9/77-9/85
-Assistant Pastor -6/82¬ 7/82
4. Rev. Francis X. Trauger (I\ssistant Pastor) 6/80-9/81

St. Ursula Church, Fountain Hill, PA
Rev. Peter J. Dunne (Assistant Pastor) 5/54-5/58

St. Veronica Church, Philadelphia, PA (Parish school)
Rev. Carmen F. Taraborelli (Assistant Pastor) 6/71-6/74

St. William Church, Philadelphia, PA (Parish school)
I. Rev. Joseph F. Sabadish (Assistant Pastor) 12/67-6/73
2. Rev. Michael W. Swierzy
-Assistant Pastor -6/77 -6/82
-Resident -6/85-5/92

Serra Club
I. Rev. James J. Brzyski (Chaplain) 4/78-8/81
2. Rev. Francis A. Giliberti (Chaplain) 2/71-6/73

Seton Home School, Arlington, VA
Rev. Robert J. Hermley, O.S.F.S. (Chaplain, Curriculum Consultant) Assigned on 5/92

Seven Dolors Church, Wyndmoor, PA (Suppressed July 1, 2003, Worship site of St. Genevieve Parish, Spiritual records stored at St. Genevieve Church, Flourtown, PA)
Rev. Gerard W. Chambers (Assistant Pastor) 9/59-10/60

Stella Maris Church, Philadelphia, PA (Parish school)
I. Rev. Robert L. Brellnall (Assistant Pastor) 11/74-6/75, 9/76-6/81
2. Rev. Pasquale R. Catullo (Assistant Pastor) 8/83-10/86
3 Rev. John H. Mulholland (Assistant Pastor) 9/82-6/87

Teachers Service in Religious, OCE
Rev. James E. McGuire (Director) 9/77-6/82

Temple University, Philadelphia, PA
Rev. John J. Delli Carpini (Student priest) 6/85-6/86

Thomas Jefferson University Hospital, Philadelphia, PA
Rev. John J. Delli Carpini (Chaplain) 8/79-6/82

Transfiguration of Our Lord Church, Philadelphia, P A (Closed in 2000, Records stored at St. Cyprian Church)
Rev Matthew J Komacki (Parochial Administrator) 8/98-12/98

U.S. Air Force (Reserve)
I. Rev. James J. Coonan (Chaplain) 6/88-1/96
2. Rev. William J. Dougherty (Chaplain) 2/76-6/78

Villa Joseph Marie
Rev. John A. Cannon ( Chaplain) 11/85-11/03

Villa Nazareth
Rev. Richard J. McLoughlin (Resident) 8/81-6/90

Villa St. Joseph, Darby, PA
Rev. Henry J. Nawn (Retirement and Resident) 7/91 -1/96

Villa St. Teresa
Rev. Pasquale R. Catullo (Chaplain) Assigned on 6/17/96

Visitation B. V .M. Church, Norristown, PA (Parish school)
I. Rev. Peter J. Dunne (Parochial Vicar) 6/90-1/94
2. Rev. James T. Henry (Resident) 1/88-6/88

Visitation B. V .M. Church, Philadelphia, P A (Parish school)
Rev. Thomas J. Grumm (Resident) 9/77-10/79

Vocation Office for Diocesan Priesthood
Rev. William T. Joseph (Director) 8/68-10/71

West Catholic Boys High School (Consolidation of Boys and Girls High School into West Philadelphia Catholic High School on September 6, 1989)
Rev. Francis A. Giliberti (Faculty) 6/78-2/87

West Catholic Girls High School (Consolidation of Boys and Girls High School into West Philadelphia Catholic High School on September 6, 1989)
Rev. Matthew J. Kornacki (Chaplain) 3/82-10/85
Site Admin
Posts: 36228
Joined: Thu Aug 01, 2013 5:21 am


Postby admin » Thu Oct 22, 2015 9:33 pm




As revealed by Richard B. Spence in Secret Agent 666: Aleister Crowley, British Intelligence and the Occult, in the 1930s, Crowley was recruited by MI6 or the SIS (Secret Intelligence Service) to spy on German occultists with political links to the emerging Nazi Party and Marxists revolutionaries. One of Crowley's possible targets was Theodor Reuss, who began working for German counterintelligence on the Dutch border. According to his Jewish homosexual lover, Victor Neuburg, Crowley confided to Aldous Huxley when they met in Berlin in 1938 that Hitler was a practicing occultist, and also claimed that the OTO had helped the Nazis to gain power. One member of Hitler's inner circle claimed that several meetings took place between Crowley and Hitler, a claim repeated by Rene Guenon. In a letter to Julius Evola, his leading heir in Traditionalism, who would become the chief philosopher of post-war occult fascism, Guenon suggested that Crowley "had probably gone to Berlin to assume the role of Hitler's secret advisor." Crowley famously wrote in a 1933 article for the Sunday Dispatch, the "before Hiter was, I am." Crowley later boasted that Hermann Rauschning's Hitler Speaks -- a book intended to reveal Hitler's nihilism, fanaticism, warmongering and unstable personality -- that Hitler seemed to be quoting from his own The Book of the Law." Crowley's propensity for fascism is evident in the claims of the Liber LII: Manifesto of the O.T.O. which lists as predecessors of the OTO many of the leading occultists of history, and includes among recent personalities, his hero Sir Richard Francis Burton, as well as Nietzsche, Richard Wagner and his patron "Mad King Ludwig" of Bavaria, and also Franz Hartmann, Eliphas Levi and Papus.

As Peter Levenda points out in Unholy Alliance, it is likely that the homosexuality of the Nazi hierarchy was inherited from sexual practices promoted by Aleister Crowley. Historian Frank Rector records that the German Workers Party, the forerunner to Hitler's Nazi Party, "was founded at a gay bar in Munich called the Bratnorstglockl." Details of the rampant homosexuality within the upper ranks of the Nazi party are detailed in the Pink Swastika by Scott Liveliy and Kevin Abrams. Among their numerous sources is Jewish historian Samuel Igra, who in 1945 published Germany's National Vice, which called homosexuality the "poisoned stream" that ran through the heart of Nazism. Igra, who escaped Germany in 1939, claims that Hitler "had been a male prostitute in Vienna at the time of his sojourn there, from 1907 to 1912, and that he practiced the same calling in Munich from 1912 to 1914." Desmond Seward, in Napoleon and Hitler, says Hitler is listed as a homosexual in Viennese police records. Although there were at least four women, including his own niece, with whom Hitler had sexual relations, as noted by historian Robert G.L. Waite as well as Walter Langer, his sexual encounters with women included his coprophilic perversion as well as other extreme forms of masochisms. Langer, a psychiatrist, was commissioned by the Allies in 1943 to prepare a thorough psychological study of Hitler. His report, undisclosed for 29 years, was published in 1972 as The Mind of Adolf Hitler. Langer writes that Hitler was certainly a coprophile, a person who is sexually aroused by human excrement. One shudders to think what horrors Hitler would have been subjected to as a youth during his Sabbatean upbringing that could have produced such perversions.

Whether or not Hitler was involved personally in homosexual relationships, the evidence is extensive that he surrounded himself with practicing homosexuals. Both Jorg Lanz Von Liebenfels and Guido von List, who influenced Hitler's ideas, were also homosexuals. Jonathan Katz, a Holocaust historian, writes that most if not all of the founding members of the German Workers Party were either homosexuals or bisexuals. Langer notes that Hitler's personal bodyguards were "almost always 100 percent homosexuals." SS Chief Heinrich Himmler's "pederastic proclivities" were captured on film by Nazi filmmaker Walter Frenz. In The Twelve Year Reich, Richard Grunberger tells of a party given by Nazi propagandist, Joseph Goebbels, which degenerated into a homosexual orgy.

It is well known that the Nazis persecuted homosexuals, as they did Jews, Gypsies and other "inferiors." But as the authors of The Pink Swastika demonstrate, homosexualilty was widely prevalent in the Nazi hierarchy. Though, their book has received rather severe condemnation from other academics, who are more concerned with what they see as the "anti-gay" bias of the authors, and who therefore fail to comprehend the significance of their conclusions. As openly gay columnist for the London Independent, Johann Han, in an article titled "The Strange, Strange Story of the Gay Fascists," dared to acknowledge, "there has always been a weird, disproportionate overlap between homosexuality and fascism." As the authors of The Pink Swastika demonstrate, the Nazi persecution of homosexuals was reflective of a conflict that typically divides the gay community, between "fems" and "butches." As Han further explained, the Nazis "promoted an aggressive, hypermasculine form of homosexuality, condemning "hysterical women of both sexes," in reference to feminine gay men."

Effectively, the Nazis perceived the height of veneration of the purported masculine virtues to be fulfilled through homosexual relations, a practice common in warrior societies like ancient Sparta. Eve Cantarella, a classicist at the University of Milan stated that, "The most warlike nations have been those who were most addicted to the love of male youths." Such societies are profiled in The Sambia, by anthropologist Gilbert Herdt, who studied homosexuality in various societies, and wrote that "ritual homosexuality has been reported by anthropologists in scattered areas around the world [revealing a] ... pervasive link between ritual homosexuality and the warrior ethos ... We find these similar forms of warrior homosexuality in such diverse places as New Guinea, the Amazon, Ancient Greece, and historical Japan."

According to the authors of The Pink Swastika, the Nazi homosexuals "were militarists and chauvinists in the Hellenic mold. Their goal was to revive the pederastic military cults of pre-Christian pagan cultures, specifically the Greek warrior cult." Plutarch, a Greek historian of the first century AD, stated: "It was chiefly warlike peoples like the Boeotians, Lacedemonians and Cretans, who were addicted to homosexuality." Cantarella notes that Plutarch wrote of "the sacred battalion" of Thebans made up of 150 male homosexual pairs, and of the legendary Spartan army, which inducted all twelve-year-old boys into military service where they were "entrusted to lovers chosen among the best men of adult age." Sparta was the inspiration for the fascist state found in Plato's The Republic, and Plato had Phaedrus, in the opening speech of the Symposium, praise homosexuality in the following manner:

For I know not any greater blessing to a young man who is beginning life than a virtuous lover, or to the lover, than a beloved youth. For the principle which ought to be the guide of men who would live nobly -- that principle, I say, neither kindred, nor honour, nor wealth, nor any other motive is able to implant so well as love ... And if there were only some way of contriving that a state or an army should be made up of lovers and their loves, they would be the very best governors of their own city... and when fighting at each other's side, although a mere handful, they would overcome the world.

Since the open homosexuality of the Greeks was the ideal, German psychoanalyst Wilhelm Reich in his 1933 classic, The Mass Psychology of Fascism, explained:

For the fascists, therefore, the return of natural sexuality is viewed as a sign of decadence, lasciviousness, lechery, and sexual filth... the fascists ... affirm the most severe form of patriarchy and actually reactivate the sexual life of the Platonic era in their familial form of living ... Rosenberg and Bluher [the leading Nazi ideologists] recognize the state solely as a male state organized on a homosexual basis."

Hitler was closely associated with homosexuals Ernst Rohm, the founder of the Sturmabteilung (SA), and Rudolf Hess who was known in homosexual circles as "Fraulein Anna." On June 30th, 1934, Hitler had Ernst Rohm arrested and shot on suspicions of disloyalty, being the most high-profile execution of the massacre known as "the Night of the Long Knives." Rohm's execution was also the beginning of a massive crackdown on homosexuals. According to German historian Lothar Machtan, however, Rohm and the large number of homosexual figures within the S.A. were killed by Hitler to silence speculation about his own homosexuality. A great number of the S.A., also known as Brownshirts, were homosexuals. "Theirs was a very masculine brand of homosexuality," wrote historian of homosexuality Alfred Rowse. "They lived in a male world, without women, a world of camps and marching, rallies and sports. They had their own relaxations, and the Munich SA became notorious on account of them." Louis Snyder, prominent historian of the Nazi era related, "What was needed, Rohm Believed, was a proud and arrogant lot who could brawl, carouse, smash windows, kill and slaughter for the hell of it. Straights, in his eyes, were not as adept in such behavior as practicing homosexuals." As Rohm admitted in his autobiography, "Since I am an immature and wicked man, war and unrest appeal to me more than the good bourgeois order." The officer corps of the SA became the Sicherheitsdienst (SD), organized by Reinhard Heydrich, Himmler's second in command. It was this branch of the SS security service, that controlled the concentration camps. Of the three SS divisions, notes Kevin E. Abrams, co-author of The Pink Swastika, the Sicherheitsdienst was the most sadistic."

The Nazis were also heavily influenced by Nietzsche, who was also reportedly a homosexual, and from whom they appropriated the ideas of the "Superman" and the "Will to Power." Nietzsche went insane because of syphilis which, according to Sigmund Freud and Carl Jung, he contracted at a homosexual brothel in Genoa. Nietzsche's works, according to Rosemary Agonito, in History of Ideas on Woman, were "peppered with attacks against women," and he relegated women to the role of breeders and sexual slaves. Men, on the other hand were to be bred for war. Joachim Kohler wrote Zarathustra's Secret, to make the case for Nietzsche's homosexuality. For Kohler, explains his reviewer A.C. Grayling, "Nietzsche's swingeing attack on Christian morality is the product of this repressed and unfulfilled erotic longing, and explains his ideal of the "Superman," who overthrows traditional pieties and life-denying inhibitions in order to live passionately and supremely."

-- Black Terror White Soldiers: Islam, Fascism & the New Age, by David Livingstone


Rev. Edward V. Avery, c/o Secretary for Clergy 222, North 17th Street, Philadelphia, PA 19103; Status: Administrative Leave, Diocesan; Ordination 5/16/1970; Ordaining Bishop: John Cardinal Krol


Rev. Michael C. Bolesta; DOB: 9/30/1961; Status: Deceased; Ordination 0S/20/89; Ordaining Bishop: Anthony Cardinal Bevilacqua


Rev. Robert L. Brennan, Camilla Hall, King & Frazier Roads Immaculata, PA 19345-0100; DOB: 2/14/1938; Status: Diocesan, In Service; Ordination 5/16/64; Ordaining Bishop: John Cardinal Krol


Rev. Leonard W. Broughan, O.C arm.; DOB: 1/21/1929; Status: Deceased Religious; Ordination 5/19/1955; Ordaining Bishop: John Cardinal O'Hara, C.S.C.


Rev. Craig F. Brugger, c/o Secretary for Clergy 222, North 17th Street, Philadelphia, PA 19103; Status: Administrative Leave, Diocesan; Ordination 5/19/1973; Ordaining Bishop: John Cardinal Krol


Rev. James J. Brzyski; DOB: 3/18/1961; Status: Left/Resigned Active Ministry, Diocesan; Ordination 0S/21/1977; Ordaining Bishop: John Cardinal Krol


Rev. John A. Cannon, c/o Secretary for Clergy 222, North 17th Street, Philadelphia, PA 19103; Status: Retired, Diocesan; Ordination OS/22/1948; Ordaining Bishop: Most Rev. J. Carroll McCormick


Rev. Pasquale R. Catullo, Villa Saint Joseph, 1436 Lansdowne Avenue, Darby, PA 19023-1298; DOB: 1/12/1930; Status: Retired, Diocesan; Ordination 5/18/1963; Ordaining Bishop: John Cardinal Krol
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Postby admin » Thu Oct 22, 2015 9:35 pm



Rev. Gerard W. Chambers; DOB: 9/10/1907; Status: Deceased; Ordination: 02/26/1934; Ordaining Bishop: Archbishop Gerald P. O'Hara


Rev. Richard J. Cochrane, O.S.A.; Status: Religious; Ordination 8/12/1972; Ordaining Bishop: Other


Rev. John P. Connor


Rev. James J. Coonan, Villa Saint Joseph, 1436 Lansdowne Avenue, Darby, PA 19023-1298; Status: Retired, Diocesan; Ordination OS/22/1965; Ordaining Bishop: John Cardinal Krol


Rev. Nicholas V. Cudemo, 1310 Grovania Avenue, Abington, PA 19001; DOB: 8/5/1936; Status: Retired, Diocesan; Ordination 5/18/1963; Ordaining Bishop: John Cardinal Krol


Rev. John J. Delli Carpini, c/o Secretary for Clergy 222, North 17th Street, Philadelphia, PA 19103; DOB: 2/17/1949; Status: Administrative Leave, Diocesan; Ordination 5/15/1976; Ordaining Bishop: John Cardinal Krol


Rev. Edward M. DePaoli, c/o Secretary for Clergy 222, North 17th Street, Philadelphia, PA 19103; Status: Administrative Leave, Diocesan; Ordination 5/16/1970; Ordaining Bishop: John Cardinal Krol


Rev. Michael J. Donofrio, c/o Secretary for Clergy 222, North 17th Street, Philadelphia, PA 19103; DOB: 1/12/1950; Status: Administrative Leave, Diocesan; Ordination 5/15/1976; Ordaining Bishop: John Cardinal Krol


Rev. William J. Dougherty, c/o Secretary for Clergy 222, North 17th Street, Philadelphia, PA 19103; DOB: 10/30/1942; Status: Administrative Leave, Diocesan; Ordination 5/17/1969; Ordaining Bishop: John Cardinal Krol


Rev. Msgr. Philip J. Dowling, 1037 East Hunting Park Avenue, Philadelphia, PA 19124; DOB: 7/13/1929; Status: Retired, Diocesan; Ordination 7/15/1956; Ordaining Bishop: Luigi Cardinal Traglia Named Honorary Prelate of His Holiness


Rev. Peter J. Dunne, 815 Haycock Run Road, Kintnersville, PA 18930; DOB: 5/6/1926; Status: Retired, Diocesan; Ordination: 5/8/1954; Ordaining Bishop: John Cardinal O'Hara, C.S.C.


Thomas J. Durkin; DOB: 6/16/1938; Status: Left/Resigned Active Ministry, Diocesan; Ordination: 5/16/1964; Ordaining Bishop: John Cardinal Krol

Edward J. Durkin
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Postby admin » Thu Oct 22, 2015 9:37 pm



Rev. James M. Dux, Villa Saint Joseph, 1436 Lansdowne Avenue, Darby, PA 19023-1298; DOB: 11/14/1922; Status: Retired, Diocesan; Ordination: OS/22/1948; Ordaining Bishop: Most. Rev. J. Carroll McCormick


Rev. Msgr. Leonard A. Furmanski, c/o Secretary for Clergy 222, North 17th Street, Philadelphia, PA 19103; Status: Administrative Leave, Diocesan; Ordination: 5/7/1959; Ordaining Bishop: John Cardinal O'Hara, C.S.C.; Named Honorary Prelate of His Holiness: 3/14/1998


Rev. Francis J. Gallagher, c/o Secretary for Clergy 222 North 17th Street, Philadelphia, PA 19103; DOB: 3/26/1945; Status: Administrative Leave, Diocesan; Ordination: 5/19/1973; Ordaining Bishop: John Cardinal Krol


Rev. Joseph P. Gallagher, c/o Secretary for Clergy 222, North 17th Street, Philadelphia, PA 19103; Status: Adminsitrative Leave, Diocesan; Ordination: 5/19/1973; Ordaining Bishop: John Cardinal Krol


Rev. Stanley M. Gana, c/o Secretary for Clergy 222, North 17th Street, Philadelphia, PA 19103; Status: Administrative Leave, Diocesan; Ordination 5/16/1970; Ordaining Bishop: John Cardinal Krol


Rev. Joseph P. Gausch; DOB: 4/3/1917; Status: Deceased; Ordination: 12/15/1945; Ordaining Bishop: Mot Rev. Hugh L. Lamb


Rev. Msgr. Francis A. Gillberti, Villa Saint Joseph, 1436 Lansdowne Avenue, Darby, PA 19023-1298; DOB: 4/27/1937; Status: Retired, Diocesan; Ordination: 5/16/1970; Ordaining Bishop: John Cardinal Krol; Named Honorary Prelate of His Holiness: 3/14/1998


Rev. Msgr. John E. Gillespie, Villa Saint Joseph, 1436 Lansdowne Avenue, Darby, PA 19023-1298; DOB: 6/2/1928; Status: Administrative Leave, Diocesan; Ordination: 5/30/1953; Ordaining Bishop: John Cardinal O'Hara, C.S.C.; Named Honorary Prelate of His Holiness: 12/18/1985


Rev. Thomas J. Grumm, c/o Secretary for Clergy, 222 North 17th Street, Philadelphia, PA 19103; DOB: 2/17/1949; Status: Administrative Leave, Diocesan; Ordination: 5/17/1975; Ordaining Bishop: John Cardinal Krol


Rev. James T. Henry, Our Lady of Good Counsel Rectory 611, Knowles Avenue Southampton, PA 18966-4198; DOB: 2/16/1938; Status: Diocesan, In Service; Ordination: 5/16/1964; Ordaining Bishop: John Cardinal Krol


Rev. James M. Iannarella; DOB: 10/21/1968; Status: Left/Resigned Active Ministry, Diocesan; Ordination: 5/18/1996; Ordaining Bishop: Anthony Cardinal Bevilacqua
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Postby admin » Thu Oct 22, 2015 9:39 pm



Rev. Richard G. Jones; DOB: 4/22/1932; Status: Left/Resigned Active Ministry Diocesan; Ordination: 5/18/1963; Ordaining Bishop: John Cardinal Krol


Rev. William T. Joseph, Villa Saint Joseph, 1436 Lansdowne Avenue, Darby, PA 19023-1298; DOB: 6/8/1938; Status: Retired, Diocesan; Ordination: OS/21/1966; Ordaining Bishop: John Cardinal Krol


Rev. Thomas M. Kohler, c/o Secretary for Clergy, 222 North 17th Street, Philadelphia, PA 19103; DOB: 8/23/1941; Status: Administrative Leave, Diocesan; Ordination: 5/18/1968; Ordaining Bishop: John Cardinal Krol


Rev. Matthew J. Kornacki, c/o Secretary for Clergy, 222 North 17th Street, Philadelphia, PA 19103; DOB 5/11/1947; Status: Administrative Leave, Diocesan; Ordination 5/19/1973; Ordaining Bishop: John Cardinal Krol


Rev. Albert T. Kostelnick, Villa Saint Joseph, 1436 Lansdowne Avenue, Darby, PA 19023-1298; DOB: 7/11/1927; Status: Retired, Diocesan; Ordination: 5/8/1954; Ordaining Bishop: John Cardinal O'Hara, C.S.C.


Rev. Raymond O. Leneweaver; DOB 1/19/1934; Status: Left/Resigned Active Ministry, Diocesan; Ordination: 5/19/1962; Ordaining Bishop: John Cardinal Krol


Joseph McGovern


Rev. Joseph M. McKenzie; DOB: 10/24/1923; Status: Deceased; Ordination: 5/19/1951; Ordaining Bishop: Most Rev. Hugh L. Lamb


Rev. Richard J. McLoughlin, c/o Secretary for Clergy, 222 North 17th Street, Philadelphia, PA 19103; DOB: 10/27/1943; Status: Administrative Leave, Diocesan; Ordination: 5/17/1969; Ordaining Bishop: John Cardinal Krol


Rev. Joseph R. Monahan; DOB: 12/10/1936; Status: Excardinated; Ordination 5/19/1962; Ordaining Bishop: John Cardinal Krol


Rev. John H. Mulholland, Immaculate Mary Home, 2990 Holme Avenue, Philadelphia, PA 19136-1997; DOB: 12/13/1938; Status: Diocesan, In Service; Ordination OS/22/1965; Ordaining Bishop: John Cardinal Krol
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