Journalism: Scientology - L. Ron Hubbard's Brainchild

The impulse to believe the absurd when presented with the unknowable is called religion. Whether this is wise or unwise is the domain of doctrine. Once you understand someone's doctrine, you understand their rationale for believing the absurd. At that point, it may no longer seem absurd. You can get to both sides of this conondrum from here.

Re: Journalism: Scientology - L. Ron Hubbard's Brainchild

Postby admin » Tue Jul 23, 2019 2:40 am

What Happened in Vegas
by Joe Childs and Thomas C. Tobin
Tampa Bay Times
November 2, 2009

Scientology: What happened in Vegas, Part 2 of 3 in a special report on the Church of Scientology

One of the guys. David Lubow, top right, infiltrated a group of former Sea Org members living in Las Vegas. Partying at summer’s end are, from left, Terri and Fernando Gamboa, non-Scientologist Jack Trostle and Janis Grady.

They squeezed into a two bedroom apartment, all they could afford. Two couples and a single guy had left the Church of Scientology and joined up in Las Vegas, starting a mortgage business near the Palace Station Casino.
They were faces in the crowd.

Except that the two wives were important in Scientology history, sisters Terri and Janis Gillham. They were two of the original four "messengers'' for L. Ron Hubbard.

The founder ran his church from his ship, the Apollo, handwriting bulletins in red ink and policy orders in green. For eight years starting when Terri was 13 and Janis 11, they saw Hubbard most every day. As his messengers, they fetched people for private audiences and carried his handwritten notes to the Scientology world.

Their parents had opened one of Australia's first Scientology missions, in their home in Melbourne. By 1969, the girls were aboard ship with Hubbard, and their parents were needed to help grow Scientology in the United States.

Hubbard's wife, Mary Sue, became legal guardian to Terri and Janis. Hubbard was a father figure. He looked after their studies and their well-being.

Twenty years later they had become disaffected. Still believers, the sisters and their husbands left the church. They disagreed with the direction Hubbard's successor, David Miscavige, was taking it, and they found him too controlling.

On their own now in Vegas, they processed mortgage applications and lounged around the pool at their apartment complex, the Polo Club.

They didn't know it, but they were being watched.

Terri and her husband, Fernando Gamboa, left the Sea Org first, in January 1990.

Eight months later, Janis and her husband, Paul Grady, took off from the church's 500-acre compound east of Los Angeles after a sudden, hard rain and a Miscavige tongue-lashing.

Mud washed down an arroyo and into villas the staff had spiffed up for a coming visit by Tom Cruise and Nicole Kidman. Miscavige blamed the staff for goofing up the grading of a hillside and said they would work around the clock to clean up the mess.

Not the Gradys. They bolted for a little town north of Los Angeles.

Mark Fisher left that night, too, and made it to his sister's couch in Hollywood. A church security guard was there when he woke; his sister had turned him in.

Fisher had been Miscavige's aide de camp for nearly seven years. He and his staff woke up Miscavige and his wife, and they walked their beagles, Chesley and Chelsea. They cleaned the leader's guns after target practice and, when he was in a good mood, piled in a car and went with him to the movies.

For leaving without permission, Fisher had to pull weeds and was questioned for hours daily for a month. On Sept. 15, 1990, Fisher said goodbye to his wife in a church security office. He wrote her a check for $8,000, half their savings, and gave her their furniture and art work. He took their Honda and drove off.

By year's end, opportunity knocked in Las Vegas.

A Scientology parishioner opening a mortgage office there told Janis, Terri and their husbands he would teach them the business. If they did well, they could take over. Janis contacted Fisher; he was in, too.

Janis was five months pregnant when they moved into the Polo Club. She and Paul got one bedroom. Terri and Fernando got the other. Fisher got the sofa.

After two months, their little startup, City Mortgage, needed another mortgage agent.

David Lubow answered their Help Wanted ad. He said the market was tough in the San Fernando Valley, where his wife worked and they lived with their two children. He would make the four-hour drive home on weekends. Terri hired him.

"Dave was a really friendly guy,'' Fisher said. "A really nice guy. Somebody you would want to have a beer with.''

The Gamboas and the Gradys declined to be interviewed for this report. But Fisher and other former Scientology staffers who were hired at City Mortgage described what they saw and heard.

Lubow got an apartment at the Polo Club and hung around with the five from the office.

He had never played racquetball, but he played often with Fernando. He saw the five at the pool and grilled out with them. He was as thrilled as they when Janis, with the help of a midwife, delivered her son in the living room.

Conversation would get around to Scientology. Terri and Janis told Lubow about their early days with Hubbard, how they watched him build the church from the ground up. They all said he should read Dianetics.

Lubow asked the obvious: So why did you leave?

Because of Miscavige, they said. If he were gone, they might go back.

Good talker, that Dave Lubow. His apartment was across the tiny parking lot. From his front door, he could see theirs.


A short walk down Hollywood Boulevard from where tourists take pictures of sidewalk shrines to movie stars is the Hollywood Guaranty Building, 12 floors of Scientology offices. The top floor is "OSA-Intel,'' the Office of Special Affairs' intelligence unit.

That's where David Lubow sent his reports. Church staff routed them to Mike Rinder, the director of OSA, and Marty Rathbun, Inspector General of the Religious Technology Center, the church's top ecclesiastical authority. Staff knew him as Miscavige's right hand man. Rathbun said he routinely forwarded Lubow's reports to the leader.

Rathbun worked with Rinder's OSA team, which handled legal matters, investigations and media relations. Rinder was the church's chief public spokesman for 20 years, nationally and internationally, defending the church in countless interviews.

Rathbun left Scientology in 2004, Rinder in 2007. This past June, both spoke out about the physical abuse they said they saw Miscavige administer, assertions the church vehemently denied. Now they say Miscavige ordered spying on those he considered potentially threatening to himself and the church.

"Miscavige was intensely obsessed with that Las Vegas crowd,'' Rathbun said.

Church attorneys and spokesman Tommy Davis said the church does not hire private investigators, its attorneys do. Miscavige has nothing to do with the investigators. "Any claim or inference that Mr. Miscavige was involved in any way with attorney use of private investigators is false,'' Davis wrote.

Before they left Scientology, the Gillham sisters transitioned from teenaged messengers to powerful roles. Terri was executive director of Author Services Inc., the corporation Hubbard set up distinct from Scientology to control rights to his books, lectures and other intellectual property. At ASI, she worked closely with Miscavige, who was its chairman of the board.

Janis led a team in 1988 that readied the church's new cruise ship, the Freewinds, for its maiden voyage. From 1987 through 1990, she oversaw the church's international management team.

They and Fisher told Lubow about how things soured. They joked about going back to the compound in the desert, maybe drive a van up to the front gate and yell out to staff: All aboard!

Rathbun and Rinder said Miscavige viewed the Las Vegas clique as potential agitators or even motivated to start an anti-Scientology crusade. Rathbun said Miscavige "ordered'' him to arrange for someone to infiltrate the five in Vegas and find out what they were up to.

Rathbun said he instructed OSA-Intel chief Linda Hamel to consult a private investigator who had worked for the church for years and find someone with a high social I.Q for the job. Lubow.

"He got deep in and became a close friend and was reporting back,'' Rathbun said. "Quite frankly, the more reporting he did, the more obsessed Miscavige became. Those people all pinned their gripes about their experiences in Scientology to their personal experiences with Miscavige.

"They were consistently communicating about how they were just waiting for this guy to burn out and maybe they even would go back some day.''

Instructions for Lubow: Keep the reports coming.


Terri Gamboa fired Fisher before City Mortgage was a year old. Badly needing a commission check, Fisher had chewed out a support staffer for not processing a loan application quickly enough.

"I blew my stack. Got really angry,'' Fisher said.

Lesson learned. "You deal with people a certain way in the Sea Org,'' he said, "but when you come out in the real world, you can't treat people like that.''

He moved to Houston, for a promotions job with an adult entertainment club owner he knew. Fisher was settling in when Lubow called. He was in town on a real estate deal, they should do lunch. Lubow picked Fisher up in a rented Cadillac.

"We're driving around, I'm showing him around Houston — I'd only been there about a week or so — and he started asking me questions,'' Fisher said.

What did he really think about Scientology?

What did he think about David Miscavige?

Did he really want to get rid of him?

Would the five really go back if Miscavige was gone?

Enough questions that Fisher noticed. "Why would he be working on some deal in a little town out in Texas, when we were based in Las Vegas? I mean, nothing added up.''

After lunch, Fisher called Vegas. "Janis, I think Dave Lubow is a plant.''

Janis said City Mortgage didn't send him there, it didn't have any business in Houston.


In Vegas, Fernando Gamboa took an intriguing phone call. A business contact at a bank in Los Angeles said two investors were headed their way, and Fernando and Terri should meet them.

They had dinner at Caesars Palace. The men said they were dealmakers from Hong Kong whose clients expected royal treatment. They wanted Terri and Fernando to go to Australia and find a scenic horse ranch. The dealmakers would buy the ranch and pay the Gamboas to run it and host their clients.

Terri could go home to Australia and do what she loved: Be with horses. With their living expenses covered, she and Fernando could bank most of their salaries.

They left for Melbourne. Who showed up in a matter of weeks? Lubow, on vacation with his wife. They all went to the beach.

"They (the Gamboas) thought it was bizarre he came all the way down there,'' Fisher said. "That's when we really started to suspect him.''

Back at City Mortgage, everybody wondered: Where does Lubow get his money? They didn't pay him salary, just commission. And he'd closed only one mortgage there.


Rathbun and Rinder now say the church was the silent partner paying for the Gamboa's diversion to Australia.

"It definitely was a church maneuver,'' Rathbun said. "I was involved in that.''

Lubow had filed intelligence reports for seven months when the dealmakers took the Gamboas to dinner. Many of his reports, sometimes just a long paragraph, sometimes two or three pages, highlighted Terri as especially critical of Miscavige, Rathbun said.

"I know there were reports coming out that she was considering lending assistance to people who were going after DM (David Miscavige) on the outside,'' he said, referring to former church officials suing Scientology.

Rathbun said Miscavige also was concerned. Terri could undermine Scientology's settlement talks with the IRS, in 1992-93, over whether to restore the church's tax-exempt status.

Rathbun said Miscavige told him to get her far away. Rinder said the church strategy was: "Get them out of the U.S.''

"We had some guy who was super well-heeled. He was out of Hong Kong,'' Rathbun said. "I set the thing up with Linda (Hamel, church intelligence chief). He was some British guy. He invited them down … wined and dined (them) … we literally were going to buy a horse ranch.''

The Gamboas found a ranch in the high country north of Melbourne that the investors could rent. They stayed two years.

Rathbun and Rinder said they don't know how much the operation cost, only that the church underwrote it.


Seeking comment from the church, the St. Petersburg Times posed written questions about Lubow's involvement with the five former church staff in Las Vegas. Responding in writing, the church addressed its practices but made no mention of Lubow.

Scientology spokesman Tommy Davis said neither Miscavige nor church officials hired private investigators, church attorneys did. Davis said the church directs its attorneys and their agents to conform to all laws, regulations and the highest ethical standards.

Davis gave the Times declarations from longtime church attorneys Elliot Abelson and Kendrick Moxon that stated it's routine for lawyers to retain PIs to acquire useful information and to disprove false allegations by potential adversaries. They said they instructed the investigators to comply with state and local laws and the rules of their profession. The attorneys said they never communicated with Miscavige about PIs or investigations.

"He is simply not involved,'' Abelson said.

Rinder, who oversaw intelligence efforts as OSA's director for 25 years, said it's done that way to shield the church.

"It's a protection,'' he said. "You can always come back and say, 'This guy is retained by a lawyer.' ''

OSA's own intelligence staff vetted the investigators, Rinder said, then Abelson or Moxon hired them. The private attorneys worked as independent contractors and had offices on the 10th floor of the church building on Hollywood Boulevard.

Rinder said the attorneys worked out fee agreements with the PIs and sent them to OSA for assignment, and the church transferred funds to Abelson and Moxon to pay the PIs.

"We'd use the same people over and over,'' Rinder said, about 10 of them. "It was as big as it needed to be.

"If you need 10 PIs working on it, then you get 10 PIs working on it. If there was one needed, you'd have just one.''

Church intelligence mostly targeted those it feared might hurt Scientology, on the streets, in court or in the media, Rinder and Rathbun said.

In the early 1980s, Miscavige, joined by Rathbun, Rinder and others, reformed the church's previous intelligence division, the Guardian's Office. Its director, Mary Sue Hubbard, and 10 other Scientologists were convicted in October 1979 on federal charges of conspiring to steal government documents or obstruct justice.

But Rathbun said Miscavige still believed it was important to anticipate the moves of potential enemies.

Prediction — "that became our watchword,'' Rathbun said.

"That actually was our initial justification and our initial standard. In other words, it was okay to infiltrate somebody, provided it was done solely for prediction.''

If someone caused trouble, a plaintiff in a lawsuit or a reporter stirring controversy, that triggered ODC, Overt Data Collection, Rathbun said. The church's intelligence staff followed a form and culled information from public sources.

"Any character that pops up in the mix, ODC is almost automatic,'' Rathbun said. But if the church saw serious threat, it commissioned covert work. "Now that it's an attack, CDC.''

Covert Data Collection involved informants and private investigators.

"You're looking for two things,'' Rinder said. "One, connections. Two, dirt, crimes, whatever it is that may be able to be used to expose the source of attack as having their own dirty laundry so … they are not a credible source.''

The church has a term for it. To "dead agent'' someone is to destroy an adversary's credibility.

Lubow did not respond to an interview request.

Responding to questions about Rathbun and Rinder's accounts, the church provided the declaration of Rinder's top deputy for 20 years, Kurt Weiland. It states that Rathbun and Rinder are "omitting context'' about OSA and mischaracterizing the work of "experienced legal professionals.''

"The allegations are made to appear extraordinary to most readers who are not aware that it is a common factor in litigation — pending and anticipated.''

Of Rathbun and Rinder, Weiland's declaration concluded: "They are now employing the very tactic they decried in the past, complete with false claims and innuendo, and have created a web of lies and deceit about the church. Paradoxically, they are the very individuals who directed and controlled the very activities they are now saying 'the church' did wrong.

"If their claims about the 'the church' were true, which they are not, as I have made clear in this declaration, they would have to point the finger directly at each other and no one else.''


By 1994, the original cast was back at City Mortgage. The Gradys, who had kept the business going, rehired Fisher. The Gamboas were back from Australia.

Lubow had cleaned out his desk and moved back to California. But he visited Vegas and palled around with his friends. The five ex-Scientology staffers didn't confront him about spying; they assumed the church would just send in somebody else.

"Then we'd have to figure it out all over again,'' Fisher said.

Four years old now, City Mortgage had new faces. On the team were former Sea Org members Kenny Lipton and Gene Decheff.

Lipton worked there until 1998, when he died of cancer. Decheff, who lives in Spokane now, said his colleagues warned him to be leery of Lubow. "It was suspected he might be there to watch us, or get information about us, for somebody.''

The office needed more support staff. Terri hired Pam Khan, who lived in Vegas with her husband.

Pam quickly made friends and told her bosses she knew someone who would make a good loan officer. Her husband, Ferris.

Pam was right. Ferris Khan wrote loans and was fun outside work.

On Sept. 7, 1996, Vegas was abuzz. Mike Tyson was fighting Bruce Seldon at the MGM Grand. The Gamboas hosted a dinner party to watch the closed circuit telecast. Khan took over the kitchen and presented a multi-course salmon feast.

"It was fantastic,'' Fisher said.

In 1998, Pam Khan announced she was pregnant. Her friends at City Mortgage gave her a baby shower and, when she moved home to Phoenix, a going-away party.

Khan stayed on a few more months and left to join her. He and Fisher called each other nearly every day.

Fisher said Khan told him he was starting a cell phone company and said he would pay Fisher $7,500 to write the employee manual.

Khan asked about Scientology. By 1999, anti-Scientology sites were getting traffic on the Internet. What did Fisher know about those? And what did he know about the protest group in Clearwater inspired by the death of Lisa McPherson, the Scientologist who died in 1995 after 17 days in care of church staffers?

Fisher knew plenty about the protesters. Two of the ringleaders, Jesse Prince and Stacy Brooks, were friends, former Scientologists Fisher worked with in the '70s and '80s.

Let's go to Florida, Fisher told Khan, "It might be fun to poke my finger in DM's eye.''


Miscavige was in Clearwater then, with Rathbun and Rinder, working to contain the fallout surrounding McPherson's death.

The judge in the McPherson family's wrongful death lawsuit was considering a motion that Miscavige be added as a defendant. The family's lawyer argued that he was involved in day-to-day operations of the church. Scientology lawyers said he was the ecclesiastical leader and not involved in day-to-day operations.

On Dec. 14, 1999, the judge granted the family's motion. Miscavige was a defendant.

Soon after came an intelligence report out of Las Vegas. Mark Fisher was planning to come to Clearwater.

"Miscavige was freaked,'' Rathbun said. "He was certain that Fisher, having worked directly for Miscavige for a number of years, was coming down to testify about Miscavige's control of the church.''

Rathbun said Miscavige summoned him and Rinder. "He said to Mike and me, 'You make sure Mark Fisher does not come to Florida.'"

Rathbun said he called Linda Hamel, the intelligence chief in California. Rathbun asked: "Hey, what happened to your guy Lubow? Can't he come up with a distraction for Mark Fisher?''

Lubow had been pulled out of Vegas for other work for the church. "But we got another guy who substituted for Lubow,'' Rathbun said Hamel told him.

"We worked out this whole plan, Linda and I,'' Rathbun said.


Forget Clearwater, Khan told Fisher.

"He goes, 'Look it, we got to meet this investor I know in Puerto Vallarta. It'll be a lot more fun.'''

The financier lived in Italy but was traveling to Puerto Vallarta the same week they were headed to Florida. Khan said they needed to meet and get his backing for the cell phone company Khan was starting.

Instead of protesting in Clearwater, Khan and Fisher spent five days at a luxury resort, parasailing, snorkeling and partying. They dined with the investor the third night, and Khan gave him the manual Fisher wrote. Then it was back to the clubs.

"We were on vacation,'' Fisher said.

Khan paid for everything, Fisher said, at least $7,000.

Back in Clearwater, Hamel sent Rathbun a video of Fisher partying at a bar in Puerto Vallarta. He played it for Miscavige.

"He got a great kick out of it,'' Rathbun said.

Rathbun and Rinder said they never knew the name Ferris Khan, but they knew an operative replaced Lubow and took Fisher to Mexico.

The church paid all expenses for diverting Fisher, Rathbun said. "Every penny of it.''


Only once did Fisher confront his friend Ferris about the possibility he lived a double life. About four years ago, in one of their many phone calls, he said:

"Hey, you know Janis thinks you are spying for Scientology,'' Fisher said, half joking.

What a laugh, Khan said. Why would I do that?

Fisher dropped it. He and Khan were pals.

"Any time I had a business decision or a financial decision or if I was going to buy or sell a stock, I would call him. He seemed to have a lot of expertise in those areas. … We were intimate in terms of my finances and anything else I was doing …

"He was the type of person that I would call up and say, Hey, how's it going? And we'd shoot the s--- for 20, 30 minutes. We'd talk politics … whatever.''

Khan did not return phone messages seeking comment.

This past July, 12 years since they met, Fisher realized he had been betrayed.

Late that month, Khan called from Dubai, where he was on business. Did Fisher know anything about a story the Times was preparing?

No, Fisher said. How did Khan know to ask? Fisher hadn't told anybody he had been interviewed. But he knew the Times had sent the church questions about the people in the story.

He had another piece of evidence, the church magazine Freedom, published days before the Times story. One paragraph jumped off the page at Fisher. It described one of the Times' sources as a bankrupt taxi driver.

Fisher drove a cab for about six weeks and had filed for bankruptcy. He had told just one person: Ferris Khan.


Fisher still hasn't told Khan that he figured him out. "I considered him my best friend. I even told him a couple of times, 'Man, you are like a brother to me.' ''

Khan stopped calling every day, but did check in on Aug. 29, to wish Fisher happy birthday, his 51st.

In declining to be interviewed for this report, Janis Grady said she and her sister fear speaking out would damage relationships with family members who are Scientologists. She gave this written statement:

"We were aware that Scientology officials had sent private investigators to keep an eye on us. We had nothing to hide and just wanted to get on with building our new lives.

"If the Church of Scientology officials chose to spend their money that way, that is their poor judgment. To my knowledge the PIs caused no adverse effect on our lives so they were of no concern to us. My priority was/is raising my children."

Joe Childs is Managing editor/Tampa Bay. He has supervised the Times' coverage of Scientology since 1993. He can be reached at

Thomas C. Tobin is a Times staff writer who has covered the Church of Scientology off and on since 1996. He can be reached at
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Re: Journalism: Scientology - L. Ron Hubbard's Brainchild

Postby admin » Tue Jul 23, 2019 2:47 am

by Wikipedia

As a racial epithet in British English

Wog is in the UK usually regarded as an offensive slang word referring to dark skinned, non-white people from Africa or Asia. The origin of the term is uncertain. Many dictionaries say "wog" possibly derives from the Golliwogg, a blackface minstrel doll character from a children's book published in 1895. An alternative is that "wog" originates from Pollywog, a maritime term for someone who has not crossed the equator.

It was first spotted by a lexicographer, F.C. Bowen, who recorded it in 1929 in his Sea slang: a dictionary of the old-timers’ expressions and epithets, where he defines wogs as “lower class Babu shipping clerks on the Indian coast”. [1]

The use of the word is discouraged in Britain, and most dictionaries refer to the word with the caution that it is derogatory and offensive slang.

The saying "The wogs begin at Calais" was originated by George Wigg, Labour MP for Dudley, in 1949. In a parliamentary debate concerning the Burmese, Wigg shouted at the Tory benches, "The Honourable Gentleman and his friends think they are all 'wogs'. Indeed, the Right Honourable Member for Woodford [i.e. Winston Churchill] thinks that the 'wogs' begin at Calais."[2] Wigg's coinage, sometimes paraphrased as "Wogs start at the Channel" or "Wogs start at Dover", is used to characterise a stodgy Europhobic viewpoint, and more generally the view that Britain (more so England) is inherently separate from (and superior to) the Continent. In this case, "wog" is used to compare any foreign, non-English person to those more traditionally labeled "wogs".

As a synonym for "illness" in Australian English

Wog was originally used in Australia as a slang term for illnesses such as colds, the flu or malaria. This usage has been in existence since at least the early 1940s. It is recorded in the 1941 Popular Dictionary of Australian Slang by S. J. Baker as meaning a germ or parasite.[3]

A once common expression in Australia when you had an illness (such as cold or flu) was "I am in bed with a wog." It was said jokingly and was a double entendre referring to the use of the word "wog" to describe illness and also persons of Mediterranean origin (as described below).

Another use of the term, which dates from 1909, was to describe insects and grubs, particularly if they were hunting insects or regarded as being unpleasant in some way.[3]

As an ethnic reference in Australian English

Wog is also an ethnic slur in Australian English to denote immigrants of predominately Middle Eastern and eastern or southern European origin.

The "ethnic" character of the term "wog" came into popular use in the 1950s when Australia accepted large numbers of immigrants from Mediterranean/Eastern European countries, in contrast to the then overwhelmingly dominant ethnic white Australian stock of the population. Although originally used pejoratively, the term is increasingly used more affectionately, especially by the individuals the term is used to describe.

The term "wogball" refers to soccer (association football), coming from its popularity among such people. Australians of non-Mediterranean ancestry traditionally favour the games of Rugby football and Australian Rules, although this is a generalisation.

The term was often used in popular Australian comedy Kingswood Country between 1979-84 and was used in a sense that was sometimes pejorative, sometimes affectionate and sometimes neutral.

The word was prominently used in the popular early 1990s stage show Wogs Out of Work, created by Greek-Australian Nick Giannopoulos and Spanish-Australian Simon Palomares. The production was followed on television with Acropolis Now, starring Giannopoulos, Palomares, George Kapiniaris and Mary Coustas, and in film with The Wog Boy.

Nevertheless, the term remains quite offensive to many people in Australia, particularly people of Southeastern European and Eastern European origin who grew up in Australia through the 1950s to 1980s as it was still very much an ethnic slur or insult.

The derogatory nature of the term when used as an ethnic slur largely succeeded in overtaking and driving out use of the term Wog to describe illness or undesirable insects.

Maritime usage

Wog is a shortened version of the word pollywog, frequently modified with the word slimy, used for sailors during the Line-crossing ceremony on the first time they cross the equator. Pollywog or polliwog is an increasingly obsolete synonym for tadpole which has been traced back to Middle English.

This use of pollywog goes back to at least the 19th century and thus may be the oldest source of wog, although Eric Partridge missed it in his Dictionary of Slang and Unconventional English (1937).

Maritime wog is a possible alternative ancestor of the racial wog, particularly since Partridge does record a usage for presumably annoying Bengali bureaucrats:

"A lower-class babu shipping-clerk: nautical: late C.19-20" - Concise Dictionary of Slang, Eric Partridge, 1989

As a term in Scientology

Amongst Scientologists, wog is used as a disparaging word for non-scientologists.[4] Scientology's founder L. Ron Hubbard defined wog as a "common, everyday garden-variety humanoid ... He 'is' a body. [He] doesn't know he's there, etc. He isn't there as a spirit at all. He is not operating as a thetan. The term comes from 'Worthy Oriental Gentleman', from the days of the British in Egypt. [sic]"[5]

L. Ron Hubbard employed the term frequently in his lectures and writings.[6]

Since wog is not in general use in American English, it is most likely that Hubbard picked it up during his period of service as a US naval officer during World War II (1941-1945). An alternative source would be England, where he resided 1953-1966.

In Scientology, wog lacks racist overtones, even in the UK where that meaning is prevalent. From a 2004 Church of Scientology magazine: "I arrived at Saint Hill shy, introverted and somewhat out of valence. I had been working at a wog job, and I knew my priorities had to change ..."[7]

As a piping component term

WOG appears on certain types/models of block or check valves, indicating they are suitable for "water-oil-gas" service, where gas normally means natural gas or propane. The letters "WOG" are always in capital letters and are usually raised, having been cast with the valve body. This abbreviation sometimes appears as "W.O.G."

Folk etymology

The term wog is often given a folk etymology as an acronym for various phrases:

• Western/Westernized/Wild Oriental Gentleman
• Worthy Oriental Gentleman
• Whole Of Government. Used to describe Australian Government-wide outsourcing contracts

No evidence has been found for any of these putative explanations. The Western/Westernized/Wild Oriental Gentleman acronym only appeared in the 1950s and 60s, although the term wog had been in use for considerably longer.

See also

List of ethnic slurs
The Wog Boy
Guido (slang)


1. ... _with_wog/
2. Hansard, House of Commons 5th series, vol. 467 col 2845.
3. Ramson, W. S. (Ed). The Australian National Dictionary: A Dictionary of Australianisms on Historical Principles. Melbourne, Oxford University Press, 1988. ISBN 0-19-554736-5. p. 741.
4. Ex-scientologists speak — "Warrior"
5. Saint Hill Briefing Course-82 6611C29
6. "You'll find out most people, wog people have mock-ups which are two-dimensional" — "Creative Admiration Processing" lecture, 10 January 1953
"We're making a new [society]. So let's skip the approval button from a lot of wogs and settle down to work to make new people and better people." — HCOPL 26 May 1961
"We work in a jungle of noncompliance and false reports called the wog world." — HCOPL 5 Jan 1968
7. The Auditor UK #318 June 2004 p5
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Re: Journalism: Scientology - L. Ron Hubbard's Brainchild

Postby admin » Tue Jul 23, 2019 2:50 am

by Wikipedia
Accessed: 7/23/19

Xenophobia is a dislike and/or fear of that which is unknown or different from oneself. It comes from the Greek words ξένος (xenos), meaning "stranger," "foreigner" and φόβος (phobos), meaning "fear." The term is typically used to describe a fear or dislike of foreigners or of people significantly different from oneself, usually in the context of visibly differentiated minorities.


A political poster of the far right National Democratic Party of Germany. The text reads, "We clean up."

According to the Oxford English Dictionary (OED), the word xenophobia consists of two parts: xeno (a combining form meaning "guest, stranger, person that looks different, foreigner") and phobia, ("fear, horror or aversion, especially if morbid").[1]

It is more broadly defined in the Dictionary of Psychology "a fear of strangers". [2] As defined by the OED, it can mean a fear of or aversion to, not only persons from other countries, but other cultures, subcultures and subsets of belief systems; in short, anyone who meets any list of criteria about their origin, religion, personal beliefs, habits, language, orientations, or any other criteria. While some will state that the "target" group is a set of persons not accepted by the society, in reality only the phobic person need hold the belief that the target group is not (or should not be) accepted by society. While the phobic person is aware of the aversion (even hatred) of the target group, they may not identify it or accept it as a fear.

As with all phobias, a xenophobic person has to genuinely think or believe at some level that the target is in fact a foreigner. This arguably separates xenophobia from racism and ordinary prejudice in that someone of a different race does not necessarily have to be of a different nationality. In various contexts, the terms "xenophobia" and "racism" seem to be used interchangeably, though they can have wholly different meanings (xenophobia can be based on various aspects, racism being based solely on race and ancestry).

Xenophobia has two main objects:

The first is a population group present within a society that is not considered part of that society. Often they are recent immigrants, but xenophobia may be directed against a group which has been present for centuries, or became part of this society through conquest and territorial expansion. This form of xenophobia can elicit or facilitate hostile and violent reactions, such as mass expulsion of immigrants, pogroms or in the worst case, genocide.

The second form of xenophobia is primarily cultural, and the objects of the phobia are cultural elements which are considered alien. All cultures are subject to external influences, but cultural xenophobia is often narrowly directed, for instance, at foreign loan words in a national language. It rarely leads to aggression against individual persons, but can result in political campaigns for cultural or linguistic purification. Isolationism, a general aversion of foreign affairs, is not accurately described as xenophobia.

See also

Racism by country
Ethnic cleansing
Intercultural competence
List of phobias
List of xenophobic terms
Race and crime


1. Oxford English Dictionary' (OED). Oxford Press, 1971, eighteenth printing 1979.
2. Dictionary of Psychology, Chapman, Dell Publishing, 1975 fifth printing 1979.
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Re: Journalism: Scientology - L. Ron Hubbard's Brainchild

Postby admin » Tue Jul 23, 2019 2:54 am

by Wikipedia

Xenophon, Greek historian

Xenophon (Ancient Greek Ξενοφῶν, Xenophōn; Modern Greek "Ξενοφών", Xenophōn; "Ξενοφώντας", Xenophōntas; ca. 430 - 354 BC), son of Gryllus, of the deme Erchia of Athens, also known as Xenophon of Athens and Xenophon of Thebes, was a soldier, mercenary, and a contemporary and admirer of Socrates. He is known for his writings on the history of his own times, preserving the sayings of Socrates, and the life of ancient Greece.

Life and writings

Soldier of fortune

Xenophon's birth date is uncertain, but most scholars agree that he was born around 431 BC near the city of Athens[1]. Xenophon was born into the ranks of the upper classes, thus granting him access to certain privileges of the aristocracy of ancient Attica. While a young man, Xenophon participated in the expedition led by Cyrus the Younger against his older brother, the emperor Artaxerxes II of Persia, in 401 BC. Xenophon writes that he had asked the veteran Socrates for advice on whether to go with Cyrus, and that Socrates referred him to the divinely inspired Delphic oracle. Xenophon's query to the oracle, however, was not whether or not to accept Cyrus' invitation, but "to which of the gods he must pray and do sacrifice, so that he might best accomplish his intended journey and return in safety, with good fortune." The oracle answered his question and told him to which gods to pray and sacrifice. When Xenophon returned to Athens and told Socrates of the oracle's advice, Socrates chastised him.

Route of Xenophon and the Ten Thousand

Under the pretext of fighting Tissaphernes, Cyrus assembled a massive army composed of native Persian soldiers, but also a large number of Greeks, whom he viewed as superior and stronger fighters. Prior to waging war against the emperor, Cyrus proposed that the enemy was the Pisidians, and so the Greeks were unaware that they were to battle against the larger army of King Artaxerxes II. At Tarsus the soldiers became aware of Cyrus' plans to dispose of the king, and as a result refused to continue. Clearchus, however, convinced the Greeks to continue with the expedition. The army of Cyrus met the army of Artaxerxes II in the Battle of Cunaxa. Despite effective fighting by the Greeks, Cyrus was killed in the battle. Shortly thereafter, the Greek general Clearchus of Sparta was invited to a peace conference, where, alongside four other generals and many captains, he was betrayed and executed. The mercenaries, known as the Ten Thousand, found themselves without leadership far from the sea, deep in hostile territory near the heart of Mesopotamia. They elected new leaders, including Xenophon himself, and fought their way north through hostile Persians, Armenians, and Kurds to Trapezus on the coast of the Black Sea. They then made their way westward back to Greece. Once there, they helped Seuthes II make himself king of Thrace, before being recruited into the army of the Spartan general Thibron.

Xenophon's book Anabasis ("The Expedition" or "The March Up Country") is his record of the entire expedition against the Persians and the journey home. It is worth noting that the Anabasis was used as a field guide by Alexander the Great during the early phases of his expedition into Persia.

Exile and death

Xenophon was later exiled from Athens, most likely because he fought under the Spartan king Agesilaus II against Athens at Coronea. (However, there may have been contributory causes, such as his support for Socrates, as well as the fact that he had taken service with the Persians.) The Spartans gave him property at Scillus, near Olympia in Elis, where he composed the Anabasis. However, because his son Gryllus fought and died for Athens at the Battle of Mantinea while Xenophon was still alive, Xenophon's banishment may have been revoked. Xenophon died in either Corinth or Athens. His date of death is uncertain; historians only know that he survived his patron Agesilaus II, for whom he wrote an encomium.


Diogenes Laertius states that Xenophon was sometimes known as the "Attic Muse" for the sweetness of his diction; very few poets wrote in the Attic dialect. Xenophon is often cited as being the original "horse whisperer", having advocated sympathetic horsemanship in his "On Horsemanship".

Xenophon's standing as a political philosopher has been defended in recent times by Leo Strauss, who devoted a considerable part of his philosophic analysis to the works of Xenophon, returning to the high judgment of Xenophon as a thinker expressed by Shaftesbury, Winckelmann, and Machiavelli.

Ponting (1991) cites Xenophon as one of the first thinkers to argue that the ordered world must have been conceived by a God or gods.[2] Xenophon's Memorabilia poses the argument that all animals are "only produced and nourished for the sake of humans" (Ponting, 1991 p. 142[2]) and Ponting argues that this reasoning is not undermined until the emergence of scientific thought and Darwinian evolution in the nineteenth century.[2] Though he spent much of his life in Athens, Xenophon's involvement in Theban drama and politics has led to him being closely associated with the city.

List of works

Xenophon's writings, especially the Anabasis, are often read by beginning students of the Greek language. His Hellenica is a major primary source for events in Greece from 411 to 362 BC, and is considered to be the continuation of The History of the Peloponnesian War by Thucydides, going so far as to begin with the phrase "Following these events...". The Hellenica recounts the last seven years of the Peloponnesian war, as well as its aftermath. His Socratic writings, preserved complete, along with the dialogues of Plato, are the only surviving representatives of the genre of Sokratikoi logoi.

Historical and biographical works

• Anabasis (also: The Persian Expedition or The March Up Country)
• Cyropaedia
• Hellenica
• Agesilaus

Socratic works and dialogues

• Memorabilia
• Oeconomicus
• Symposium
• Apology
• Hiero

Short treatises

• On Horsemanship
• The Cavalry General
• Hunting with Dogs
• Ways and Means
• Constitution of Sparta

In addition, a short treatise on the Constitution of Athens exists that was once thought to be by Xenophon, but which was probably written when Xenophon was about five years old. This is found in manuscripts among the short works of Xenophon, as though he had written it also. The author, often called in English the "Old Oligarch", detests the democracy of Athens and the poorer classes, but he argues that the Periclean institutions are well designed for their deplorable purposes. Leo Strauss has argued that this work is in fact by Xenophon, whose ironic posing he believes has been utterly missed by contemporary scholarship.

In Popular Culture

Anabasis was the (loosely-adapted) basis for Sol Yurick's novel The Warriors, which was later adapted into a 1979 cult movie of the same name, and finally a Rockstar Games video game in 2005. Each re-imagining relocates Xenophon's narrative to the gang scene of New York. After a gang meeting ends with a murder, the falsely accused Warriors gang have to get home to Coney Island by traveling through territory controlled by hostile gangs who include The Lizzies (Sirens), The Baseball (Furies), The Orphans and The Turnbull A.C.s.[3]


1. "Xenophon". Encyclopedia Brittanica. ... 8/Xenophon. Retrieved 21 September 2009.
2. Ponting, C. A Green History of the World: The Environment and the Collapse of Great Civilisations, Penguin: New York
3. Xenophon, Hellenica - A History of My Times: Books I-VII Complete, El Paso Norte Press, 2009 ISBN 1-93-4255-14-9.

References and further reading

Anderson, J.K. Xenophon. London: Duckworth, 2001 (paperback, ISBN 1-85399-619-X).
Bradley, Patrick J. "Irony and the Narrator in Xenophon's Anabasis", in Xenophon. Ed. Vivienne J. Gray. Oxford University Press, 2010 (ISBN13: 978-0-19-921618-5; ISBN10: 0-19-921618-5).
Dillery, John. Xenophon and the History of His Times. London; New York: Routledge, 1995 (hardcover, ISBN 0-415-09139-X).
Evans, R.L.S. "Xenophon" in The Dictionary of Literary Biography: Greek Writers. Ed.Ward Briggs. Vol. 176, 1997.
Gray, V.J. "The Years 375 to 371 BC: A Case Study in the Reliability of Diodorus Siculus and Xenophon, The Classical Quarterly, Vol. 30, No. 2. (1980), pp. 306–326.
Higgins, William Edward. Xenophon the Athenian: The Problem of the Individual and the Society of the “Polis”. Albany: State University of New York Press, 1977 (hardcover, ISBN 0-87395-369-X).
Hirsch, Steven W. The Friendship of the Barbarians: Xenophon and the Persian Empire. Hanover; London: University Press of New England, 1985 (hardcover, ISBN 0-87451-322-7).
Hutchinson, Godfrey. Xenophon and the Art of Command. London: Greenhill Books, 2000 (hardcover, ISBN 1-85367-417-6).
The Long March: Xenophon and the Ten Thousand, edited by Robin Lane Fox. New Heaven, CT; London: Yale University Press, 2004 (hardcover, ISBN 0-300-10403-0).
Moles, J.L. "Xenophon and Callicratidas", The Journal of Hellenic Studies, Vol. 114. (1994), pp. 70–84.
Nadon, Christopher. Xenophon's Prince: Republic and Empire in the “Cyropaedia”. Berkeley; Los Angeles; London: University of California Press, 2001 (hardcover, ISBN 0-520-22404-3).
Nussbaum, G.B. The Ten Thousand: A Study in Social Organization and Action in Xenophon's “Anabasis.” (Social and Economic Commentaries on Classical Texts; 4). Leiden: E.J. Brill, 1967.
Phillips, A.A & Willcock M.M. Xenophon & Arrian On Hunting With Hounds, contains Cynegeticus original texts, translations & commentary. Warminster: Aris & Phillips Ltd., 1999 (paperback ISBN 0-85668-706-5).
Rahn, Peter J. "Xenophon's Developing Historiography", Transactions and Proceedings of the American Philological Association, Vol. 102. (1971), pp. 497–508.
Rood, Tim. The Sea! The Sea!: The Shout of the Ten Thousand in the Modern Imagination. London: Duckworth Publishing, 2004 (paperback, ISBN 0-7156-3308-2); Woodstock, NY; New York: The Overlook Press, (hardcover, ISBN 1-58567-664-0); 2006 (paperback, ISBN 1-58567-824-4).
Strauss, Leo. Xenophon's Socrates. Ithaca, NY; London: Cornell University Press, 1972 (hardcover, ISBN 0-8014-0712-5); South Bend, IN: St. Augustines Press, 2004 (paperback, ISBN 1-58731-966-7).
Stronk, J.P. The Ten Thousand in Thrace: An Archaeological and Historical Commenary on Xenophon's Anabasis, Books VI, iii–vi – VIII (Amsterdam Classical Monographs; 2). Amsterdam: J.C. Gieben, 1995 (hardcover, ISBN 90-5063-396-X).
Usher, S. "Xenophon, Critias and Theramenes", The Journal of Hellenic Studies, Vol. 88. (1968), pp. 128–135.
Waterfield, Robin. Xenophon's Retreat: Greece, Persia and the End of the Golden Age. Cambridge, MA: The Belknap Press of Harvard University Press, 2006 (hardcover, ISBN 0-674-02356-0); London: Faber and Faber, 2006 (hardcover, ISBN 978-0571223831).
Xenophon, Cyropaedia, translated by Walter Miller. Harvard University Press, 1914, ISBN 978-0-674-99057-9, ISBN 0-674-99057-9 (books 1-5) and ISBN 978-0-674-99058-6, ISBN 0-674-99058-7 (books 5-8).

External links

Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy: Xenophon
Graham Oliver's Xenophon Homepage
Xenophon's Education of Cyrus (Cyropaedia) Web directory
Xenophon's Works at The University of Adelaide
Famous Quotes by Xenophon
Sanders (1903) Ph D Thesis on The Cynegeticus
Xenophon on Lycurgus.orgall about Xenophon.

Project Gutenberg e-texts

Works by Xenophon at Project Gutenberg (U. Penn. mirror)
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Re: Journalism: Scientology - L. Ron Hubbard's Brainchild

Postby admin » Tue Jul 23, 2019 2:57 am

Yes, There Was A Book Called "Excalibur" by L. Ron Hubbard
by Arthur J. Burks
Excalibur Revisited -- The Akashic Book of Truth, by Geoffrey C. Filbert
From "The Aberee", Dec 1961

I'M GOING to try to tell something of "Excalibur" - as much as I remember, without having the manuscript by me. If its author, L. Ron Hubbard, told me the truth, I am the first person to read "Excalibur". If it is true that the first half dozen who read it went crazy, then I've been crazy for a long time and I just haven't gotten caught at it. There is some question as to whether there was such a manuscript, but I assure you there was, and probably still is, somewhere. It was a source of considerable disappointment to Ron Hubbard that he didn't get it published.

I think the time was about mid-1938 - maybe a little earlier, May or June. I had known Ron off and on for six or seven years. We 'd gone thru part of the depression together; he came to New York from his home near Seattle, Wash. I had met his first wife, Polly, and both his parents.

I 'd read a lot of material by Ron, and didn't especially like it - and he'd read a lot of material by me and didn't particularly like it. I wouldn't say we were very close friends, but I knew him, I guess, as well as anybody. For instance, I knew Ron was a night owl - he'd sleep all day and work all night - and didn't pay any attention to your working hours at all He was apt to call you at 4 o'clock in the morning and hold you in conversation for an hour or more until you felt like you could break his neck. Then he'd pull down all the curtains and sleep all day.

Ron called me one day - the strange thing about this was that he called during the day - and said, "I want to see you right away. I have written THE book." I never saw anybody so worked up - and he was disturbed over a lot of angles. Apparently, he started to write the book, and had written it without sleeping, eating, or anything else - and had himself literally worked to a frazzle.

He was so sure he had something "away out and beyond" anything else that he had sent telegrams to several book publishers, telling them that he had written "THE book" and that they were to meet him at Penn Station, and he would discuss it with them and go with whomever gave him the best offer.

Whether he actually did this or not, I don't know, but it is right in line with something he would do. For example, Ron would send stories to various magazines without a return address (and if you know anything about the publishing business you could know how this would irritate people), and then call up and ask for a report on it.

He used very heavy paper, which made it very expensive to mail stuff, and he'd mail his manuscripts, not in professional envelopes, but say in a light blue one so that it would stand out from the others.

Also, he was a little careless occasionally - and his stuff needed editing, but he didn't want anybody to edit it. He had a lot of odd ideas about writing. For example, he didn't feel he had to write a certain stint, so when he would do a manuscript, he wouldn't number the pages - just pile them up beside his typewriter. Thus he couldn't see how much he had done so might kid himself into doing 13 pages when he only intended to do 10.

He didn't number the pages until he finished, and then he'd number them in pencil.

Going back to "The Book", I don't remember how long it was. It probably was under 70,000, which is considered an average book.

He told me what he wanted to do with it - it was going to revolutionize everything: the world, people's attitudes toward one another. He thought it was somewhat more important, and would have a greater impact upon people, than the Bible.

After I'd read the manuscript, we got to arguing over different titles. I asked him what he wanted to accomplish. He wanted to make changes. He wanted to reach inside people and really work them over, and he had to have a title that would be attractive. I am the one who suggested "Excalibur", because Excalibur was King Arthur's sword. This had a certain mystical meaning that suited Ron, and so "The Book" became "Excalibur".

As I remember "Excalibur", it started - in the introduction only - with a king who got all his wise men together and told them to prepare and bring to him all the wisdom of the world contained in 500 books. In the course of time, they succeeded, and the king was very pleased and said so. Then he told them to go away and cut down these 500 books into 100 books. It took them a bit longer this time, but they did it and came back and insisted all the wisdom of the world was contained in these 100 books. He said, "Now, do it over again, and bring it to me in one book."

This was quite a trick, but they did it, and came back some years later and they had, indeed, reduced all the wisdom of the world into one book.

Then he really gave them an assignment. He said, "Now go away and bring to me all the wisdom of the world in one word."

What was the one word? I don 't know how many times we argued, Ron and I, to discover what this one word was. It may have been the creative fiat, it might have just been the word "Be", it might have been the word "Survive". I don't think we ever settled it. But the book "Excalibur" from there on had to do with survival.

I'll try to remember some of it, chapter by chapter, and to explain why it was so squirmy. For example, he started with the very first life - the very first cells - how they struggled for survival - how they tried to be and be "it" the whole time. I'm order to do it, gradually thru the ages they associated with other cells, one with another, and they reached the place where they could divide so they would become bigger. This is strictly science as far as it's gone.

After awhile, this conglomeration of cells that would reach down a stream of warm water, would bend its way back in order to catch more - it would extend across the stream, or across a little rill or something like that - and all the time it was gaining more sensitivity and ways of the world in which it finds itself. It finds out that by working together, it can accomplish a great deal more: it can find more to eat - it can eat more and grow faster. So the idea is to survive and reproduce - and this is what the early cell does.

He'd begin to picture the ocean and the seas and ponds as having the life cells growing on them like scum. These are ourselves, our beginnings, our own beginnings because in the womb we start in this very way.

Away back then, we began to develop motives for things. Now, it is seldom that what we tell somebody our motive is, is the real one - and this is where you start to squirm. Somebody will say, "Well, I'd like to do a certain thing," "I would like to do this with you," or something or other, and you look at this person and realize, "I wonder why he's doing that." And you look into yourself and think if you were doing that, what would your motive be and whether you would hide it. You think that perhaps he's hiding his real motive and trying to get you to do something because he's giving you to understand that his motive is thus and so because that appeals to your vanity - and of course this makes you look at yourself to see about this business of vanity - and why you 're likely to do that. All the time, looking at this other person, you can see squirmy things in him. You can see squirmy things in him that make him look like an entity peering at you thru gauze, or around a corner. You don 't see all of him. He's like the iceberg that's seven-eighths submerged - you can' t tell anything about him.

As these things are pointed out to you by Ron in the first chapter, or thereabouts, you begin to see that the cells in any body that you're looking at are all endowed with this ability to survive - a determination to survive - and with motives to survive that are sometimes extremely questionable. When you look at a person, the lips may say one thing, the eyes may say something else, or nothing, and the flesh may say something entirely different. Literally, your right hand doesn't know what your left hand is doing. You shake hands, and this is a friendly gesture, but behind your back you may be holding a knife to plunge into him and he may be holding one for you. You can't tell just by looking at people. One of the things Ron intended to do with "Excalibur" was to make it possible to see and look into this, Other things I remember is Ron's explanation as to why there is no such thing as a crowd - that a group of people actually still consisted of individuals - but a crowd could get out of hand and do things other people wouldn't. He showed how that could happen by explaining the relationship of people to each other in the same way that he explained the relation of cells to each other before they were people away back when life was developing into different shapes. He would take two persons, for example, and put them side by side, and show how the two of them were both less and more than one person, and yet each one was an individual. Each individual could think of himself as being individual, but being somewhat "crutched", as it were, or held up by the other person. These two people were very wary of each other, like a couple of bantam roosters running around waiting to get in a thrust, but they knew that they needed each other, and each one felt that he needed the other more and that he didn't wish to be taken advantage of, and so there was always this pulling and hauling between two people that kept them at razor's edge all the time.

Each one, to some extent, gradually - a little bit at a time - gave away some of his sovereignty to the other. In other words, he let the other fellow lean, provided the other fellow would let him lean, and the two people became somewhat less than they would have been if they had stayed apart. The relationship between the two people became something that would really get you.

Then he moved in with these two people a third person - could be of the same sex - and you still have all the difficulties, all the problems, and all the squirminess - the questioning as to motive and everything, and wondering why, for example, three males would get together, or three women. If you have a person of the other sex come in on two who were together, you begin to see where the problems are. Of course, he went into this business of sexual attraction to a considerable extent in a way that just made you wonder whether or not your attitude toward sex was reasonable or wrong, whether it was a horrible thing or a beautiful thing spiritual or whatever. I think perhaps it would make you think about it to the point where you'd be almost afraid to perpetrate the act of sex, even with someone you loved tremendously.

Probably the part of the book that has stuck with me the most thru this period of time was the story of the lynch mob going to the prison to take out somebody to be lynched. He puts you with the person who is waiting to be lynched. The warden comes and looks at the person and says, "Well, they're coming for you, Bud. I don't know whether I'm going to be able to stop them, but I'll tell you one thing, it's not going to cost me my life to do it. If they come in and get you, they'll get you." The warden just looked and sort of gloated over the person who couldn't get away. He enjoyed the sadistic feeling of seeing a person who was bound and hog-tied and couldn't get away. He goes on with this to the place where you were both the warden and the person in the cell, and you really get to feel pretty terrible for everybody connected with it.

Then you take a look at the stiff-legged march of the lynch mob.

This is something I'll never forget. I don't remember a single word Ron used, but he started back from there with showing how a lynch mob started - somebody got up and said something, and somebody pulled others together - and as soon as they were together, the person who had started it might or might not lead, but the chances were that he would vanish into the mob that he had started in order not to be responsible. Each person knew that very dreadful things were going to be done, but he scarcely would be responsible. He would be there but he wouldn't actually do much taking part in it.

Each one felt he was going along for the ride, so to speak, but he walks just as stiff-legged as the other fellow.

Ron has them marching down the street at night, blazing torches to show the way. And when the mutter, or the growl, of this crowd comes to you, it's something that just simply makes the shivers move up your back from your heels to the top of your head. It really ate into you. Not one of these persons was real if you looked at him from the outside as an observer, yet when he'd take you into the heart of each one, you'd find each person going along because the others were going to do it, and he had to go and see.

If you would go into each person's mind this way, you'd find each had exactly the same idea. Yet they were moved along by something and they went and, I suppose, got the guy out and lynched him. I don't remember whether they did or not - all I remember actually is the march.

I was so impressed with the book I wanted to publish it. I was interested in a small publishing company called Egmont Press. I took it to my associates. I took it to my managing editor, who sat down and started to glance thru it. When he realized he couldn't get any place by thumbing thru it, he went back and read a little of it. I could see a strange look come into his face as he read it. Then he passed it on to a reader, and after awhile, there were several people involved in it, and it was being passed, page by page, to others, and they were having all kinds of results. It was a squirmy thing - and I watched it. I watched, in fact, until that manuscript was scattered all over East 41st Street in New York.

The upshot of it was that they were afraid to publish it. Ron was angry, and threatened: "You will publish this book and I will have a half-interest in the company that publishes it or we'll know the reason why." But it never came to that. Ron did something that he's frequently done: he went sour on the idea and went back to Seattle I don't believe "Excalibur" ever would have sent anybody insane - altho you can't be sure. I have the feeling that, unquestionably, if "Excalibur" were in the hands of every person in the world, the world would be that many times different than it is right now. But whether it would make it worse or better, I have no way of knowing.

Some persons are so intent in looking "over the border", they can't see the boredom.
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Re: Journalism: Scientology - L. Ron Hubbard's Brainchild

Postby admin » Tue Jul 23, 2019 3:05 am

The History of Excalibur


Gustave Le Bon 1841-1931 is most likely source for Excalibur
Author of "The Psychology of Crowds" French edition 1895
"THE CROWD" -- English Edition Macmillan and Co 1896
Republished by Viking press New York 1960
Paperback edition 1969


(Perhaps a related book) THE PSYCHOLOGY OF SUGGESTION by Boris Sidis 1898 New York, D Appleton and co.

Brief teaser:

Gustave Le Bon, founder of social psychology Father of collective behavior theory, THE CROWD gives the basic principles of manipulating crowds into servile flocks, a "group mind" concept.

"I have heard that Lenin, Hitler, Stalin, [Mussolini] and deGaulle were at one time or another, all close students of Le Bon's work.

THE CROWD has probably had as much practical influence on modern political behavior as any single document, including THE PRINCE"


An inside, aside:

"Imagine my delight in finding the dynamic duo of the rules of mayhem merged in one sentence, married to one concept and under the umbrella of Lenin, Hitler, and Stalin. I sez to me, "This is the stuff of EXCALIBUR." "This is the inspirational, practical, and spiritual, "source" of "Excalibur".

THE CROWD, the bible of "brainwashing", is the technical handbook of manipulative persuasion.

"Outcomes of persuasion center on the stimulation of beliefs, attitudes, opinions and actions that run on a scale from "no response" to "conversion", passing through points of limited modification and shifts in dispositions, as well as the introduction of the wedge of doubt, a critically important result of crowd persuasion in certain instances."


1. Collective Behavior by Richard A. Berk WM. C. Brown Co Pub. 1974 Chapter 3 "Outdated views of collective behavior - Le Bon, Freud and Blumer"

2. Persuasion, The Theory and practice of manipulative communication By George N Gorden, Hastings House, Pub. NY 1971

Chapter 19 "The Crowd" revisited

An awesome 558-page book of brutal insights that shoots high on the top ten books list. The other chapters which I have just scanned but not read, like, "The Power of Power" and "Merchants of God" are equally brilliant. The above quotes are taken from this book.

** Go right to the 13 Principles of Le Bon pages 352-353 as an intro to this man.

GUSTAVE LE BON THE MAN AND HIS WORKS by Alice Widener, Liberty Press 1979

A must read book. Four stars, gives a sampling of Le Bon’s other works.

Contents of Excalibur

Q & A talk to a person who read the manuscripts, from notes, some verbatim

There are three versions of Excalibur manuscripts in archives.

The title of one manuscript is "THE ONE COMMAND."

One manuscript is typewritten, about 300 pages on 8 ½ x 14 paper.

Another seems to be pieces of the above

Another manuscript is a carbon copy (no master) and is different from the above version

Q: Is there any real difference in content between the two versions?

A: No! The are essentially the same

The introductions change somewhat. In one version LRH states that while in a dental operation he was given a drug, Narco_____? And went under. While he was under LRH went into a vortex and was exposed to a tremendous amount of knowledge. There was a command given while he was under that, "you will forget all this". When he came out of the operation he didn’t forget.

After the dental operation he went to his cabin in Port Orchard [The cabin is adjacent to the main house on the property] and stayed up six days and six nights writing Excalibur. LRH did not eat but was drinking beer.

Q. Is there any OT data in Excalibur" Are there any references to NOTS beings?

A. No OT data in Excalibur. No reference to NOTS beings that I can recall. [see end note 1 for source used by Hubbard]

Q. What is Excalibur about?

A. Essentially the theme is "SURVIVE"
It describes how every aspect of life traces back to survival.
Cells = survive
Family = survive
Groups = survive

Q. Is Excalibur based on any other school of thought?

A. Not that I can recall.

Q. The person is "THE ABERREE 1961 DEC with the article, "Excalibur , by L. RON HUBBARD" by Arthur J. Burks and reads it for the first time, He is then asked if this is similar to the original?

A. Pretty much so. I don’t recall a lot of the specifics.

The person said that LRH commented on Excalibur at length in a 1943 NAVY DIARY.
In discussing the MOTIVES OF LRH this person said something not in context to EXCALIBUR that seems important now. He said:


From another source – A Sea Org Member

"LRH has left orders that EXCALIBUR is never to be published.

The reason being is that it "HAS MIS-DIRECTORS IN THE WAY THE TECH SHOULD GO."

Time Track Summary

April, 1938

LRH writes Excalibur almost nonstop in a log cabin in Port Orchard Washington State. The grounds and the cabin have been purchased by the sea Org as a national shrine.

May 2 1938

Hubbard writes letter to Simon and Shuster regarding Excalibur

May-June 1938

Arthur J. Burks is first person to read EXCALIBUR, is so impressed with the book that he wants to publish it. Burks takes the book to a small publishing company called Egmont Press on East 44th Street in NY and it was read by the managing editor and others. The upshot of it was they were afraid to publish it. Ron was angry

Around same period as above

Presumably Ron "had sent telegrams to several book publishers, telling them that he had written "THE BOOK" and that they were to meet him at Penn Station, and he would discuss it with them and go with whomever gave him the best offer.

Whether he actually did this or not, I don’t know, but its right in line with something he would do (From "ABERREE" 1961 Dec)

No date 1938

Burks writes a two page BIOGRAPHY of L Ron Hubbard, apparently for inclusion in Hubbard’s unpublished philosophical work EXCALIBUR. The biography was part of a PR pack that was on display at AOLA about 1982. It has since been moved.

June 1938 TRUE EXPERIENCES pulp magazine

TRUE EXPERIENCES, a pulp magazine contains a story called EXCALIBUR. The authors name is not L. Ron Hubbard however, it may be a pseudonym.

August 1938

MARVEL SCIENCE STORIES, a science fiction pulp magazine has a story by Arthur J. Burks called "SURVIVAL"

Data from a person who read LRH’s letters to his wife during this period says that LRH was quite upset at Burks for lifting this idea and using it. Something to that effect.

This sequel to "SURVIVAL" appears in MARVEL SCIENCE STORIES 1938 Nov and is called, "EXODUS".

August 1938 SKIPPER LETTER excerpts:

"Foolishly perhaps, but determined none the less, I have high hopes of smashing my name into history so violently that it will take a legendary form even if all the books are destroyed. That goal is the real goal as far as I’m concerned. Things which stand too consistently in its way may be nervous. It’s a pretty big job. In a hundred years Roosevelt will have been forgotten – which gives some idea of the magnitude of my attempt."

"When I wrote it I gave myself an education which outranks that of anyone else. I don’t know but it might seem that it takes terrific brain work to get that thing assembled and useable in the head. I do know that I could formulate a political platform, for instance, which would encompass the support of the unemployed, the industrialist and the clerk and day laborer all at one and the same time. And enthusiastic support it would be."

"I seem to have a sort of personal awareness which only begins to come alive when I begin to believe in a destiny. And then a strange force stirs in me and seem completely aloof and wholly invincible."

"Psychiatrists, reaching the high of a dusty desk, tell us that Alexander and Jenghiz Khan and Napoleon were madmen. I know they were maligning some very intelligent gentlemen. So anybody who dares say that maybe he’s going to cut things up considerably is immediately branded as a egomaniac or something equally ridiculous so that little men can still save their hides in the face of possible fury. It'’ one thing to go nutty and state, "I’m Napoleon, nobody dares touch me," and quite another to say, "If I watch my step and don’t let anything stop me, I can make Napoleon look like a punk! That’s the difference."

"It’s a big joke, this living. God was feeling sardonic the day he created the universe. So its rather up to at least one man every few centuries to pop up and come just as close to making him swallow his laughter as possible."

"I’m thirty percent showman after all because I instinctively dive toward popular huzzahs."

1938 [no month]

THE GREAT AMEN by Arthur J Burks, Egmont press NY 1938

A fiction work about George Carter, a red headed, full blooded giant of a man with all the consuming appetites and weaknesses of every robust male. Although killed in action in France (1917), he has returned, by an extraordinary twist of fate, to America as the most famous man in the world.


George Carter, the living ghost, returned to the United States with one burning and tremendous purpose."

"Employing press, platform and radio, he started something which affected the thinking of every nation, and in his lusty, violent, hell-for-leather way, he managed to SEAR HIS MEMORY INTO THE ETERNAL CONSCIOUSNESS OF CIVILIZATION. He because the terror of presidents and dictators, the idol of women, and children's greatest friend. Invincible, certain of success by the promise in his miraculous rebirth, he pronounced a NEW SCHEME OF THINGS WHICH MADE HIM AT ONCE THE MOST HATED AND BEST LOVED HUMAN IN THE WORLD."

(Taken off dust jacket)

1938 – Russians want to buy manuscript

Commissar Galinsky of American-Russian trading company, Amtorg, meets LRH at the Explorers Club. This representative of the Soviet government offers LRH $200,000 and Pavlov’s laboratories and expenses for further researches into how the mind works. [EXCALIBUR findings ] LRH refuses.

The Genus of Dianetics and Scientology tape 1960 Dec 31 (Also CAUSE magazine #100 1981) also THE FINDINGS ON THE U.S. FOOD AND DRUG AGENCY 1968 (This was a publication by Scientology)

Also FBI Document #883,883A,883B

Saturday Evening Post writer James Phelan taped 1st mention 1955 July 23 LRH letter from Silver Spring Maryland to the FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION Communist Activities Division


[EXCALIBUR MANUSCRIPT STOLEN] "In 1942 the first manuscript of the work was stolen in Miami, Florida."

A letter to President John F. Kennedy

13 August 1962 The Findings of the U.S. FDA

1942 Nov 2 to 1943 Jan 2 Lt., U.S. Naval reserve, L Ron Hubbard stationed in Miami, Florida. Duties are officially "under instruction".

Dept of the Navy records

THE FREE SPIRIT VOL III Issue 1 January 1986

Saturday Evening Post writer James Phelan interview with LRH circa 1963 Nov 11-12

Dr. Hubbard: .."And so we turned him [Amtorg rep] down and by a year later my apartment was blasted open and that manuscript went the way of all flesh and it has never seen the light of day since."

Mr. Phelan: "Is this the basic manuscript?"

Dr. Hubbard: "That’s the basic manuscript"

Mr. Phelan: "The one out of which…?"

Dr. Hubbard: "Yes but of course this one has never been published. It has been read by a handful of people."

Mr. Phelan: "There was only one copy?"

Dr. Hubbard: "There was only one copy. There were actually two copies, the other copy was destroyed by accident. But that is the original work on this…

(transcript ends here)


"About two years later [after Amtorg offer to buy Excalibur], they broke into my quarters or some unkown people did. Something on the order of two or three years later, and stole the original manuscript of this. I have a flimsy copy of the first manuscript of this subject which has never been published. It’s not however complete. I’ve had witholds on you. The Russians have got the original."

1948 [Perhaps first mention of Excalibur since 1938]

Forrest J. Akerman, LRH’s literary agent takes Ron "to see two would be publishers and they are interested in taking two or three of his serials or novels and put them in hardcovers for him. Well he stayed up there quite late! And he had this old rattle trap car at the time. Would have been 1948-1949 I guess. So he drove me home. My recollection is it was 4:00 in the morning. He began telling me this remarkable story."

"He said that during the war, that he had been on an operating table and that he had died. And directly after he died he found himself in spirit form and he kind of looked back at the body he’d been in there, but then he shrugged his incaporial shoulders and said well, where do we go from here I wonder? And he said that his attention was attracted to what was sort of like a great wall of china with a fantastic wacking great ornate gate over there and he thought well, that looks interesting, I believe I’ll waft over there and investigate that. So he got over to the gate and as it happens in all the mystery movies, why, it opened without any human agency and he drifted through and my god! There on the other side of this gate spread out like an intellectual smorgasbord as the SUM TOTAL OF HUMAN KNOWLEDGE!"

[After absorbing much knowledge he returns to his body ]

"And the spirit went back and laid down in the body and he opens his eyes and looked at the nurse and said "Ah, I was dead wasn’t I?" Just as the surgeon walked in the room. And if looks could have killed ah….. the surgeon you know… [said to] the nurse, "What did you tell this man he died for? He’s gonna have a heart attack now, he really will die." "No, no, no, that’s alright," he said, "it doesn’t disturb me… I know… She didn’t tell me, I know I died there for a moment or so, and ah.." And then he thought…"I often do wake up and I’ve had a wonderful dream and I want to recapture it, and according to him, I don’t know what kind of an operation he could have had that he bounced off the operating table and over to his quonset hut and got a couple of reems of paper and a couple gallons of scalding hot black coffee and sat down at his magic typewriter and a couple of million words flew out of his fingers in the next few days called "X CALIBUR" or "The Dark Sword". So he said, when he got out of the …rid of the war, I don’t know whether… I guess he was in the Navy. You know, he got out of the Navy. He begot himself of this magic manuscript and he shopped it around to some publishers in New York.

And he kept getting turned down because they said, oh my god, this is .. this is too revolutionary! If you just had a small advance on Freud or Adler or _?___. But this just wipes out ..the slate clean and starts all over again and it’s just too much to absorb.

Umm, the only clue he ever gave me about it, which I didn’t understand, he said it would eliminate all fear from a human being."…

From Interview with Forrest J. Ackerman Transcript done after 29 April 1980 probably by Francis Schier.

Jan 29 1948 - First Public Talk on Excalibur Done By Ackerman And Not LRH

"Forrest J Ackerman (sole owner of the ACKERMAN AUTHOR’S AGENCY) is agenting some stories for L. Ron Hubbard, of whom all of you have heard. Forrest had spent most of the previous night with that gentleman and had picked up a lot of biographical information from him."

"It seems that Hubbard had quite a few remarkable experiences at which his stories have only hinted, and one of them is that DURING AN OPERATION BEING PERFORMED ON HIM FOR CERTAIN INJURIES RECEIVED IN THE SERVICE HE WAS ACTUALLY DEAD FOR EIGHT MINUTES!"


"JUST A MINUTE" by Jean Cox Page 9

(record of minutes of previous meetings)

[Hubbard’s Official Navy records do not support his grandiose claims, when he was discharged it he was described as merely suffering from a urethral discharge, and the same bad eyesight he had when he entered the service, and never saw combat, and was considered "UNFIT FOR COMMAND"]

January 29th; 425th Consecutive Meeting:

Forrest J Ackerman (sole owner of the ACKERMAN AUTHOR’S AGENCY) is agenting some stories for L. Ron Hubbard, of whom all of you have heard. Forrest had spent most of the previous night with that gentleman and had picked up a lot of biographical information from him. It seems that Hubbard had quite a few remarkable experiences at which his stories have only hinted, and one of them is that during an operation being performed on him for certain injuries received in the service he was actually dead for eight minutes!

The astounded pause was well timed for in that moment who should walk in but Rex Ward and Roger Phillips Graham -- the Rog Phillips of AMAZING STORIES!

The incredible thing is -- during the discussion that followed, it was not Forrest who carried the ball forward into the enemy but Dale Hart. It was mostly a quiet argument, though. Very few derogatory remarks were made from AMAZING'S corner or form ours. No personal remarks were exchanged.

Mr. Phillips let out quite a few definite statement, among them the following:

"There isn't going to be any more Shaver Mystery two issues from now. On March 10, the April issue of Amazing will be on the stands and it will contain the summation of the Shaver Mystery, the proof of the Shaver Mystery, complete with photographs, letters, and so forth. Palmer's editorial will go something like this: 'We have definitely proved that the Shaver Mystery is the truth and since this magazine is devoted to fiction, rather than fact, we must discontinue it.'" And, among other things, he stated that the letter which was sent to Forrest was 'news' of Palmer's insanity was Hamling and Palmer's idea of a joke. "My fan column will have nothing to do with Shaver," he concluded. When he left, Phillips announced that he had been favorably impressed with Forrest and the club.

NOTE: "The Shaver Mystery" and "DIANETICS" are the lead subjects of discussion in THE VISUAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF SCI-FI by Brian Ash (1977) in the section called "FRINGE CULTS". In AMAZING STORIES of 1945 March, Richard Shaver submits a very bizarre theory in the form of a TRUE EXPERIENCE (fact not fiction) story. The result was a TEN FOLD READER’S LETTER RESPONSE AND AN UNPRECEDENTED RISE IN CIRCULATION. This response and demand was so great that articles appeared in AMAZING STORIES for years. In 1947 July an entire issue was devoted to the "SHAVER MYSTERY". When the "SHAVER MYSTERIES" were ordered to be stopped, the editor, Ray Plamer, left and started a new magazine called, FATE.

January 1948 - Another Account of the Excalibur Story as told to the Science Fiction Fantasy Group

Text reproduced below of pages 6 & 7 of the SCIENCE FICTION ADVERTISER July 1952 from the article, "Deus Ex Machina: A Study of A.E. Van Voght"

The first thing I discovered was that dianetics was invented by the science fiction writer, L. Ron Hubbard. I was somewhat surprised at this. Hubbard -- to fill in the background briefly -- was prominent in Los Angeles science fiction fan circles in 1948. He first showed up on January of that year. At that time, he told us a story more remarkable than most of his printed pieces: It seems 'that during an operation being performed on him for certain injuries received in the service he was actually dead for eight minutes.' While dead, he went toiling up a long hill; voices ahead were calling him -- then, something pulled him back. He woke up on the 'white mule' being wheeled out of the surgery. 'I was dead, wasn't I?' he said to the nurse. 'She looked startled.' The doctor came over 'I was dead, wasn't I?' he said to the doctor. 'The doctor gave the nurse a dirty look for having told me.' Hubbard realized that while he was dead, he had received a tremendous inspiration, a great Message which he must impart to others. He sat at his typewriter for six days and nights and nothing came out -- then 'Excalibur' emerged. 'Excalibur' contains the basic metaphysical secrets of the Universe. He sent it around to some publishers; they all hastily rejected it. In all, twelve people read it. Four of them went insane, the other eight were seriously disturbed. Finally, he realized that 'Excalibur' was too potent. He locked it away in a bank vault. But then, later, he informed us that he would try publishing a 'diluted' version of it.

Shortly after this, it was mentioned in an article on him in Writers' Markets and Methods that he was writing a book entitled 'Traumatic Psychology'. Now, of course, 'traumatic psychology' has emerged as 'dianetics.' Dianetics, I was recently told by a friend of Hubbard's, is based upon one chapter of 'Excalibur'.

MAY-JUNE 1948 – SHANGRL-LA the official publication of the Los Angeles Science Fantasy Society appears bi-monthly - This issue is not available

April 29 1948 First Talk by LRH on Near Death Experience

SHANGRL-LA 1948 Jul-Aug Number 7 gives a summary of LRH’s talk on page 11 and corrections on page 4, This is from JUST A MINUTE by Jean Cox. Both Pages are reproduced below.

• A repeat mention of Hubbard being dead for eight minutes.
• Hubbard studies medical aspects during his convalescence
• "IMORTALITY" statement by Hubbard
• "After months of research, and a lifetime of picking up odd bits of knowledge, Hubbard has become convinced that man can be made to live a very long time. In fact, he is convinced that only a half-dozen prescriptions, if administered regularly and constantly CAN PRODUCE IMMORTALITY."
• "It’s the bio-chemist who’s going to lengthen our life. If chemists and biologists are not interfered with, they will give to the world many cheap and easy ways to produce "limited immortality."



April 29th: 438th Consecutive Meeting:

This meeting, we had a guest speaker, L. Ron Hubbard.

His untitled talk was about "...the future immediately before us ..." He said: "During the last two or three years, several things have happened that enable us to see quite a chunk of eternity."

Hubbard served as an officer in the United States Navy during the war. He was injured and had to receive treatment for his wounds. As has been recorded before, he was dead for eight minutes by the surgical clock, and was brought back to life by the use of several emergency measures.

Hubbard stressed the difficulty of obtaining books on medical subjects. Many of them cost as much as $25, and the best ones are all but unavailable. The layman, therefore, has a lot of trouble in satisfying his curiosity on matters medical, if he has such a curiosity. Hubbard had a consuming curiosity. He satisfied it only through perseverance and stratagem. Even then, he wouldn't have found out much, had he not had lots of time on his hands during a period of convalescence.

After months of research, and a lifetime of picking up odd bits of knowledge, Hubbard has become convinced that man can be made to live a very long time. In fact, he is convinced that only a half-dozen prescriptions, if administered regularly and constantly, can produce "immortality."

He mentioned the anti-reticular serum which the Russians are supposed to have. "Russia does have it, but they do not have testosterone in any appreciable quantities." He emphasized: "I want to point out that there is one man in the world today who is not getting any younger and that there is one nation that is not getting any softer. It is not getting any softer because its leaders are not getting any softer. That man is Joseph Stalin and that country is Russia ..."

Hubbard places great faith in the twenty-three amino acids. Too, he thinks testosterone very efficacious. He admits that some ways of introducing it into the body are inefficient, but declares that the stuff, if permitted to exercise its full effect, produces a very salutary reaction.

"It's the bio-chemist who's going to lengthen our life. If chemists and biologists are not interfered with, they will give to the world many cheap and easy ways to produce 'limited immortality.'"

He concluded: "By necessity, the doctor is only a practitioner, not a scientist. Therefore, there is a need for greater cooperation between the fields of medicine and the scientific fields."

Ackerman told us the the Elmer Rice play, THE ADDING MACHINE, a fantasy, was showing at the Circle Theatre. He recommended it, and suggested that the club get up a party and go to see it. The idea was accepted, of course. ((Ed's Note: About 15 of us enjoyed seeing the play.))

FLASH: The editor has just read the Minutes of Jean Cox, and He notices a terrific misquotation. L. Ron Hubbard did not say that Joe Stalin is not getting any younger; he said that Joe Stalin is not getting any older. -- He does look youthful in the newsreels ...

May 6 1948

LRH attends the LASF’s meeting not as a guest speaker but two of his contributions to the meeting are recorded. One on the subject of Edgar Allen Poe not being a drunkard and dope fiend and the incredulous story of Sax Rohmer creator of the insidious Dr. Fu Manchu refusing a SATURDAY EVENING POST offer of $75,000 to write a new Fu Manchu story.

From SHANGRL-LA 1948 Jul-Aug

May 11 1948 Perhaps this is the meeting WHERE LRH HYPNOTIZES VARIOUS MEMBERS

May 11th; 440th Consecutive Meeting:

"Nothing happenned at all at this meeting; at least nothing I’m allowed to put in the minutes. L Ron Hubbard amused us for hours but they tell me to be very discreet in mentioning it so I can’t put it in the minutes."

Arthur J. Cox’s Story of LRH’s Stage Type Hypnotism, Science-Fiction Advertiser July 1952, Pages 7 & 8 are reproduced below:

Much of the discussion dealt with Hubbard's activities when he was in Los Angeles. Van Vogt had been more impressed with Hubbard than most of us. Hubbard, it seems, had never told him the story of his death and resurrection. In fact, Hubbard had never told him much of anything; my impression is that he had mostly listened while van Vogt talked.

When Hubbard had been there, both he and van Vogt had been interested in hypnosis. Their approaches to the subject, however, were at opposite poles. Van Vogt's interest seemed to be speculative, experimenatl. He used what is sometimes called 'the laboratory technique' in hypnosis, characterized by its calm, scholarly approach, dependent upon a maximum of co-operation from the subject, and having as its end some definite goal. Hubbard used 'the stage technique'. He delighted in having his subjects sing 'God Bless America', seemingly under the impression that their listeners were entranced, view cavorting kangaroos through water glasses and be forced to take off their shoes 'because of the heat'. Hubbard seemed to be the more adept of the two, though he, despite his statements to the contrary, was obviously just learning hypnosis. He showed his usual social ease and command in handling it, but his work was often slip-shod -- he'd forget to bring his subject out of hypnosis, for instance, after he'd finished with him.

Van Vogt seemed to feel that Hubbard had done some mysterious things while he was in Los Angeles. It seemed to him that at least one person whom Hubbard had hypnotized had much improved -- that there had been a change in his personality for the better. This person, though, had no memories of any extra-curricular activities on the part of Hubbard in their hypnosis sessions. It was true that he had once gone to Hubbard for advice about some emotional difficulties but all Hubbard had done (as he recalled) was to recommend that he read Dale Carnegie's 'How to Win Friends and Influence People'. But this didn't necessarily mean anything as, after this hypothetical dianeticoid-hypnoid session, amnesia might have introduced. I informed van Vogt that this person was amenable to hypnotic investigation to see if Hubbard had done anything with him of which he wasn't conscious and van Vogt was interested, but somehow it never came off. However, other efforts were made along that line: Another person who had been hypnotized by Hubbard once was willing, and a group of us journeyed over to his place for some hypnotic detective work. Nothing was discovered from him, but -- almost incidentally -- Cooke, who was doing the actual work, decided to 'warm up' on my brother, who is a deep-trance subject. And it was discovered that Hubbard had given him a post-hypnotic suggestion to meet him one day on a certain street corner. Hubbard had then, apparently, had him do various little tricks such as being 'forced' to hold his hands on a 'red hot' wooden railing, then had patted him on the shoulder, laughing, and told him he could go home. Nothing very dramatic.

May 11th 1948 continued Arthur Cox’s Account of LRH Stage Hypnosis Tech

• What is significant is that LRH hypnotized a person and BETTERED HIM with a change in his personality.
• Ron used a post-hypnotic command on Arthur Cox’s brother without his knowledge. This was discovered when Arthur Cox and Charles Edward Cooke (a psychologist), did some hypnotic detective work on Cox’s brother. It was discovered that Ron had Cox’s brother meet him on a certain day on a certain street corner and had him do various little tricks such as being "forced" to hold his hands on a "red hot" wooden railing.

FORREST J. ACKERMAN INTERVIEW after 29 April 1980 LRH STAGE HYPNOSIS ACCOUNT (sections reproduced below from the transcript)

Well, 45 years ago there was established a Los Angeles Science Fantasy Society. I'm a charter member. I was at the very first meeting and I've been to 1500 meetings off and on in between. IT was a period when Ron came around to our club. He was living in Los Angeles. And what I particularly remember about his appearances there was an evening of spectacular hypotism when he hypnotized just about every kid in the club. I remember he gave one young man a ... what would you call it ... In any event, the boy was convinced that cupped in his hand, he had a little tiny Kangaroo that was hopping around and I remember he came over and showed the Kangaroo to me. And ah, one by one Ron was hypnotizing everybody in the club. He gave one boy a post hypnotic suggestion, he said now ah, I'll snap my fingers and bring you out of it and about 3 minutes from now you're gonna hear the telephone ring and you'll go over and someone will be making you a fantastic offer ah ... on a brand new automobile. But your gonna resist no matter how great the offer, your gonna come up with some reason that you can't accept it. So we were all trying to keep straight faces and see what was gonna happen and carring on in a natural fashion and then this boy with the post hypnotic suggestion looked kind of puzzled and looked over at the phone which of course wasn't ringing and he went over and he took it off the hook and seemed to be listening to a voice in his mind for a few minutes, oh, well really, a brand new Cad, never! ... only driven one mile? Only $500.00! Yea, gee that certainly is a bargain but gee, I only have $350.00 in the bank. Oh, you'd shave off a $150.00! I could have it for $350.00, well, well the only problem is taht that $350.00 is earmarked for a present for my mother. Well yea, I suppose my mother would, would think I should have a brand new Cadillac instead of a present for her, that would make her happy but ... and you know .... but, but, but. Then he got it down to where the invisible voice was gonna give it away. He was, well, well, ah ... My teacher taught me never to except a gift unless you can return, or what ever it was you know, he kept coming up with all, all ... We were all standing around holding our sides trying to keep from being hysterical and then Ron told one other boy, he said well now I'm gonna bring you out of this. At some point I'm just going to scratch the tip of my nose and (snap) you'll go instantly asleep. Well everybody was so fasinated by Ron's performance, that they clustered around him. Ahd ah ... one mad moment his nose actually itched you know, and he'd forgotten all about the special command. He kind of scratched his nose. I happened to be standing right behind this boy. Instantly limp, he fell right into my arms (laugh).

Well, lets see, Ron wise. Well, I'm his agent and it's to Ron's advantage and mine to know all his names, ah ... he's ... far as I know those are it. Now ah ... there are people who believe that he wrote under the name of Fredrick K. Inglehart I belive. So I queried Ron cause I says gee, this is news to me and lets sell your Fredrick Inglehart stories if thats so, but he said no, that was not one of his names. I know no reason that he wouldn't tell me all his names because he's anxious for me to keep his work in print. The only two I know are Kurt Van Rachen and ah, Rene LaFayette.

Q. What kind of impression did he make on you when you first met him?

A. As he came around the club and entertained us nightly. I've forgotten the details of it, but I recall some story he told about, I think when he was with a Science fiction author or so, possibly with L. Sprage DeCamp and there was something or other going on up north around one of the poles, you know, some confrontation between him and a Polar bear I think, where Ron won 2 falls out of 3 or something like that.

My main early memory of him is as a consumite story teller. He kept everybody fascinated. As I'm talking, more and more things are coming back to me.

Lets see, I guess in any biograph it isn't all sweetness and light and as a matter of fact, a ...

June 3 1948 L Ron Hubbard Currently Ill in Bed

"Eph Koenisgsberg thought it would be nice if we could buy some little gift for L. Ron Hubbard, currently ill in bed, Louise Lupeir testified that he had a sweet tooth so a box of candy was bought – and a card. The card was a birth announcement, humorosly done up (sic), in commemoration of the publishing of "FINAL BLACKOUT"

Mike Scoles announced that Hubbard is doing a dissertation on a part of the first chapter of his mysterious book book, "EXCALIBUR," and that he will permit us to read it. He is writing a book along the same lines, to be entitled TRAUMATIC PSYCHOLOGY.

(Forrest denies this; he says the title is to be, DON’t BE MAD BECAUSE YOUR CRAZY.)

(From LASF’s meeting minutes …SHANGRL_LA 1948 Jul-Aug page 15)

August 17 1948 LRH Arrested – San Luis Obispo County Sheriffs Office

• Date of Arrest 8-17-48
• Crime Petty Theft (checks) arrested for L.A. County
• Disposition released on bond Ref 3596 544 on fingerprint sheet
• Report from Sheriff’s Office San Luis Obispo County
• Document submitted by the church lawyers at the Riverside Trial
• RONALD DE WOLFE (L. Ron Hubbard Jr. VS ESTATE Circa 1982 November 10
• Further Data – Document from Ronald De Wolfe trial Exhibit #C III Pg 91
• Has date "84" at top and ends with "REFER CHAMBERLIN


"And on 12 September, in New York City, about 100 fans attended a Science Fiction Conclave, sponsored by the QSFL [Queens Science Fiction League]. F. Orlin Tremaine, former Astounding and Comet editor, was guest of honor, and among the speakers were Leo Margulies, Sam merwin. Jr., L Ron Hubbard, Ray Van Houten, Alvin R. Brown, and chairman Will Sykora.

FANTASY ANNUAL 1948 Pub. By Forrest J. Ackerman 1949 Summer Pages 14 & 15

November 194? - LRH Guest Speaker at Eastern Science Fiction Association Newark N.J.

"November: L Ron Hubbard at bat. Mr. Hubbard’s theme concerned itself with immortality. He outlined the acreage necessary to feed a human being with relationship to the fast-increasing population of the globe, and painted a bleak picture insofar as survival is concerned in the near future. Mr. Hubbard explained the prospects of fast diminishing arable land and the drain upon the remaining land should increased longevity of the race be realized Alex Osheroff, Treasurer"

(from FANTASY ANNUAL 1948 page 54)

November 1948 Sam Moscowitz’s account of LRH’s talk

"….Faced in 1951 with legal difficulties, he [Hubbard proceeded, as his ex-associate, science-fiction writer and editor John Campbell, Jr. put it, "to get religion"—and the tax advantages in church status."

"Hubbard’s decision came as no shock ro Sam Moscowitz, science-fiction editor and author. "Three years earlier," he recalls, "Hubbard spoke before the Eastern Science-Fiction Association in Newark, new Jersey. I don’t recall his exact words but in effect, he told us:


"Hubbard named his religion Scientology and gave it spirituality by adding the notion of an IMMORTAL SOUL, or "thetan".

Parents Magazine 1969 June, "The Dangerous New Cult of Scientology" by Arlene and Howard Eisenberg Page 82

The Second Invitation to go to Russia

LRH states in a letter to the FBI, Communist Activities division July 29, 1955:

"This is my third invitation to go to Russia. The first was extended to me by a member of Amtorg in New York in 1938 who knew of my work in the field of the mind. The second occurred less directly in 1948 after some personal difficulty. This third has come when the Pheonix organization has been collapsed…"

Dec 28th 1948 LRH Mailing address is Savannah Georgia

Addendum to 1948

L Ron Hubbard Pronounced Dead Twice

"Crippled and blinded at the end of the war, he resumed his studies of philosophy and by his discoveries recovered so fully that he was reclassified in 1949 for full combat duty. It is a matter of record that he has twice been pronounced dead and that in 1950 he was given a perfect score on mental fitness reports."

Scientology Field Staff Member Magazine Vol 1, No 1 1968 L Ron Hubbard Biography Page 7


1949 LRH writing a book on Psychology

A magazine reports that LRH's "present projects include ... A book of psychology."

It also states that LRH is a member of the gerentological Society.

From "Writers Markets and Methods" Steps in the right direction by Walton Willens

Jan 13 1949 LRH Letter from Savannah Georgia

"Wanted to tell you that Sara is beating her wits on fiction and is having to do this DARK SWORD - cause and cure of nervous tension - properly - The Science of Mind, really EXCALIBUR - in fits, so far, however she has recovered easily from each fir. It will be considerably delayed because of this. Good as my work, however, I shall ship it along just as soon as decent. Then you can rape women without their knowing it, communicate suicide messages to your enemies as they sleep, sell the Arroyo Seco Parkway to the mayor for cash, evolve the best way of protecting or destroying communism, and other household hints. If you go crazy, remember you were warned."


"Scanning it to insert a few case histories I'd come across here and there, I got interested again and HAVE NOT DECIDED WHETHER TO DESTROY THE CATHOLIC CHURCH OR MERELY START A NEW ONE."...

"Though of some interesting publicity angles on it. I might post a ten thousand dollar bond to be paid to anyone who can attain equal results with any known field of knowledge. A reprint of the preface, however, is about all one needs to bring orders like a snow storm.


..."Don't know why I suddenly got the nerve to go into this again and let loose. It's probably a great love or an enormous hatred of humanity."

"Love and Kisses, Ron "

"P.s. This here epistle is confidential, pard."

April 1949 LRH writes Gerontological Society, APA & others and offers "Abnormal Dianetics". There is no response. [ It is doubtful that the word "Dianetics" is coined at this time.


THE KINGSLAYER 1949 fiction books by LRH says on the dust jacket,

"Mr. Hubbard has written a non-fiction work entitled FUTURE PSYCHOLOGY, which concerns the calculated know-how necessary to make expeditions and space travel possible without incurring insanity on the part the members. The work also explains how to found psychologically perfect governments and how to cure neuroses and insanities as well as create the super brain."

1949 Hubbard the Hypnotist

"TRITON" a 1949 fiction book by LRH states on the dust jacket the following:


from the dust jacket of "DEATH’S DEPUTY" 1948

"soon to be published in book form by Fantasy Publishing Company in his delightful story from the magazine UNKNOWN, THE INDEGESTIBLE TRITON. Also scheduled for future release by FPCI in an heretofore unpublished story, THE KINGSLAYERS."

Dec 15 1949 LRH Bio in Who-and-What Among Authorities-Experts-and the specially Informed by the A.N. Marquis CO. 1949

15 HUBBARD, LaFayette Ronald. Expedition organization and psychology. b'11. BS '34 (George Washington U); Student '45 (Sch Mil Govt, Princeton). Commander Caribbean Motion Picture Expedition and West Indies Minerals Expedition '35, Alaskan Radio Experimental Expedition '40; studies on prevention psychic break-down and handling of men under stress of expedition conditions. Author: Expedition Personnel; Fear; The Anatomy of Madness; Man Under Stress, and others; also articles in field. Author since '30, explorer since '34; master motor and sailing vessels. Lt. USNR '41-46 comdg escort vessels and navigator in all theaters. Explorer's Club, 10 W. 72nd St., NYC.

[No books or monographs have ever been located for the following titles listed in the bio. EXPEDITION PERSONNEL; FEAR (Yes, but a FICTION work and not in this context of a scholarly work): THE ANATOMY OF MADNESS; MAN UNDER STRESS, nor did LRH actually graduate from GW university, in fact he attended briefly and had very poor grades]

1950 Excalibur Stolen Again – Perhaps in Russian Library on Scientology

"1950 – remaining copy of L. Ron Hubbard’s first manuscript [EXCALIBUR] stolen, in Los Angeles. These thefts apparently connected with 1938 Russian offer."


"In 1942 the first manuscript of the work was stolen in Miami, Florida, in 1950 the only other copy vanished by theft, in Los Angeles. I feel sure there exists a growing library on Scientology in Russia."

From LRH’s letter to JFK page 17 of FINDINGS ON US FDA..

[No manuscript left according to the Phelan/LRH interview from 1942 theft]

[No police report made of the 1950 theft or on any of the thefts]

April 25 1952 Excalibur for Sale for $1500 and signed release

• (See 1949 Jan 13th letter, "Good Publishing Trick" Postulate)


Alphia Hart comments from ABERREE 1961 December page 7 below:

EXCALIBUR by L. Ron Hubbard The unpulished first work of all that followed. Not the thesis. Mr. Hubbard wrote this work in 1938. When four of the first fifteen people who read it went insane, Mr. Hubbard withdrew it and placed it in a vault where it remained until now. Copies to selected readers only and then on signature. Released only on sworn statement not to permit other readers to read it. Contains data not to be otherwise released during Mr. Hubbard's stay on Earth. The complete fast formula of clearing. The secret not even Dianetics disclosed. Facsimile of original individually typed for manuscript buyer. Gold bound and locked. Signed by author. Very limited. Per copy ..... $1,500.00

1405 N. Central Avenue
Phoenix Arizona

April 25, 1952

My dear friend;

As this goes out I am advised of two data: a fellow in Wichita now states he has five hundred thousand to devote to destroying Dianetics; and my bank account is $0.02. I know you will help even this situation a little.

The closing of Hubbard College in Wichita seems inevitable and the books there are lost.


Conversation with Helen O’Brien 6 February 1987, A bonifide offer to purchase EXCALIBUR arrived in Phoenix on letterhead stationary from a millionaire in St. Louis or New Orleans. Hellen showed the letter to LRH and he refused the offer.

One of the Dianetic "ghosts" that has haunted auditing and training rooms is rumors of a super-super book by the author of "Dianetics", which, in the telling, gained such monumental proportions that at one time, the unpublished manuscript was offered to anyone anxious to satiate their curiosity for $1,500 - specially printed, bound, and boxed, with a key to protect its precious contents. There were many inquiries, but no takers, and the Editor knows of only one bargain seeker who thought his rights as an "Associate Member" entitled him to buy "Excalibur" for half price, as he could other books in the Hubbard word factory.

But the sale never was made, and the would-be purchaser was advised that if he was seeking "data", more could be found in "8-80" than in the "mystery book", and we know of none other wishing to risk $1,500 - or even $750 - to see if they, too, would "go insane" as rumor claimed happened to the first halfdozen who read the manuscript on "Excalibur".

Actually, we began to discount the existence of any manuscript by this name, classifying it with the many claimed "clears" whose actuality and/or identity have been and still are as transient as the seasons. We didn't DENY its existence - we just remained skeptical. And there is a difference.

That skepticism now has been punctured by the accompanying story, written from a tape made by our trusted writer, Arthur J. Burks, which he sent to another skeptic, Art Coulter, and which was forwarded to us. Since Mr. Burks edited the manuscript when it still was "hot" from the typewriter, we feel that his analysis and report are more acceptable than the 99, 867,234½ rumors which have been more or less in existence for the past decade.

We have no illusions that publication of this data will stop the deftly-planted rumors concerning "Excalibur", since those most susceptible to the "mystery" are not ABERREE fans or subscribers. But for posterity's sake, we offer this evidence that there actually WAS a book called "Excalibur", and that ALL of the first six persons thru whose hands the manuscript moved didn't have happen to them what rumor says happened to them.

Winter of 1952/3 Excalibur for Sale offer is printed in the New Yorker Magazine

Slant No 7, 1952/3 Winter. A sci-fi fan magazine has an article between pages 56 and 57 called, "MIGHTY LIKE A ROSICRUCIAN" dealing with LRH’s dying between the war and getting privy to all the knowledge of the universe and writing EXCALIBUR

"He [Hubbard] hauled it round various publishing houses, but none of them could take it. In fact their readers kept committing suicide, their minds giving way under the impact of these transcendental ideas. On the last occasion, according to Elron, he was present in the publishing office when the Reader entered, laid the MS on the desk, and left the room again by way of the window. Since the window was on the 40th floor neither the Reader or Elron ever recovered from this experience"

The article mentioned that you can now purchase EXCALIBUR for $1,000 and sign a waiver.

"The NEW YORKER called this the biggest Little Book Bargain of the Month."

[Of course, the New Yorker magazine’s exact date has not been located]

Sep 20 1967 - Ron Journal 1967 – OTIII –or- EXCALIBUR REVISITED

In RON’s Journal 1967 or from UP magazine #1, 1968 the following is stated.

"The Story of Grade III OT by L Ron Hubbard, called "The Wall of Fire" by Hubbard in this tape]

"The mystery of this universe and this particular area of the universe has been so far as its track is concerned completely occluded. No one has ever been able to make any breakthrough and come off with it and know what happened.

As a matter of fact it is so occluded that if anyone tried to penetrate it as I’m sure many have, THEY DIED. THE MATERIAL INVOLVED IN THIS SECTOR IS SO VICIOUS THAT IT IS CAREFULLY ARRANGED TO KILL ANYONE IF HE DISCOVERS THE EXACT TRUTH ABOUT IT."

It cost many tens of thousands of dollars to get access to these materials until they showed up on the Internet in 1995.

[I just had to include all these similarities of MYSTERY, SO VICIOUS THAT IT CAN KILL, AND BIG BUCKS all around these items from 1952 or 1968. In 1995 after OTIII was made available to the world on the Internet, the NY Times closed a story about the posting with:

"However, no epidemic has been reported"

June 11 1952 A.E. Van Vogt relates Excalibur Story to Dianetic Conference

In Wichita Van Vogt tells the EXCALIBUR story and adds the following:

"In Excalibur, Dianetics is one chapter. I asked Hubbard in 1950, "Is this true?" And he said, "Yes it is a book called Excalibur, and Dianetics is a Chapter in it."

Page 113 DIANETIC AUDITORS BULLETIN VOL III No. 1 July 1952 [Mr. Van Vogt’s association with the movement was brief]

October 1955 Arthur J. Burks speaks on Excalibur for first time since 1938

"You're poking a lot of fun at my old friend L. Ron Hubbard, whom I know for 20 years before Dianetics. I was the first man to read his EXCALIBUR. He says the first half dozen went crazy, and he may be right. In any event my MONITORS (by name for what the Church calls Guardian Angels) partially explains LRH, though not by name. It starts serially in October in CRION Magazine, Ural R. Murphy, editor, 521 Central Ave., Charlotte, N.C. I want the world to know for several reasons, two anyway: MONITORS is reassuring and I'm leveling with it, and the proceeds go to medically supervised research into what lies behind disease." -- Arthur J. Burks, Paradise, Penn.

ABERREE 1955 October page 15 (A letter to the editor)

End Note 1 - It is apparent that the great charlatan L Ron Hubbard wanted you to think OTIII and the NOTS, NEDS and other secret upper levels came from Excalibur. However, the true source is from a book also published around the turn of the last century, © 1882 by John Ballou called "OHASPE", notable is that OHASPE was claimed to have been written by "automatic writing" mentioned by Hubbard in Dianetics. The concepts use to describe the condition the OT levels are a cure for is in this book. The dense, esoteric, nomenclature does not make for easy reading of OHASPE or of Dianetics.

On the "OT Levels" is where you get rid of infestations of body thetans

drujas is word used for evil spirit or hubbard's "body" "thetan")

" A knot was bound upon me: foul smelling slaves were clinched upon me, millions of them, tens of millions; and the shafts of their curses pierced my soul: I was as one lacerated and bound with salt" page 490 P. 21

"Oh that I could be freed from them" page 491 P.24

"2. Gessica had the vessels constructed with walls of fire around the margins, to prevent the drujas escaping. And there were built in all four hundred vessels. Each capable of carrying one hundred million drujias.

"the ethereans drove the drujas into the vessels, whereupon the door way in the wall of the ship closed. And then the workers of the ship put it under way…

In the first year, Gessica delivered five thousand million drujias, in the second, he delivered thirty five thousand million drujias

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