Zero: An Investigation Into 911, directed by Franco Fracassi

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Zero: An Investigation Into 911, directed by Franco Fracassi

Postby admin » Tue Jul 28, 2015 11:45 pm

from an investigation by GIULIETTO CHIESA (Journalist, Member of the European Parliament, Member of the Commission of the European Parliament for Security and Defense), FRANCO FRACASSI, PAOLO JORMI BIANCHI, in collaboration with: SALIM CATRINA, DANIEL HOPSICKER
screenplay by GIULIETTO CHIESA (Journalist, Member of the European Parliament, Member of the Commission of the European Parliament for Security and Defense), FRANCO FRACASSI, FRANCESCO TRENTO, in collaboration with PAOLO JORMI BIANCHI




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Re: Zero: An Investigation Into 911, directed by Franco Frac

Postby admin » Tue Jul 28, 2015 11:45 pm



[Transcribed from the movie by Tara Carreon]

[Woman] I'm on the 83rd floor! ... are you going to be able to get somebody up here?

[9/11 Operator] We'll come up for you.

[Woman] Well, there's no one here yet, and the floor is completely engulfed. We're on the floor and we can't breathe. And it's very, very, very hot.

[9/11 Operator] Okay.

[Woman] All I see is smoke ... I'm gonna die, aren't I?

[9/11 Operator] No, no, no, no, no.

[Woman] Yes, I'm gonna die.

[9/11 Operator] Ma'am, say your prayers, I will ask somebody ...

[Woman] I'm gonna die.

[9/11 Operator] You got to think positive, because you gotta help people get off the floor.

[Woman] It's so hot. I'm burning up. Hello! Help!

[9/11 Operator] Hello, Miss?

[Woman] [Screaming] Help! Help!


[Reporter] Osama bin Laden is the world's most wanted terrorist.

[George Bush] I want justice.
And there's an old poster out West, as I recall, that said,
"Wanted, Dead or Alive."

[Nafeez Mossadeq Ahmed, Professor of Contemporary History, University of Sussex] If you go to the FBI website, they've got Usama bin Laden ...
and if you go to Usama bin Laden's webpage on the FBI's "Most Wanted Terrorist List," you'll find that he's been indicted for the 1998 attacks, but not for 9/11.
And in fact, a number of journalists called up the FBI and said, "Well, look. Why have you not connected bin Laden to 9/11?" And they said, "Well, we're afraid we just don't have the evidence."


[Robert Fisk, The Independent] I wondered, after those images from New York last week, whether bin Laden was not as astonished as myself to see them. Always supposing he watched television, or listened to the radio, or read a newspaper.

[Nafeez Mossadeq Ahmed, Professor of Contemporary History, University of Sussex] And that's just the beginning.


TELEMACO presents


a documentary by

Based on an idea by


Produced by


Production designer
Post-production coordinators


Original soundtrack

9-11 New York footage by
additional 9-11 footage


directed by

[Brian Clark, South Tower survivor -- Manager at "Eurobrokers"] On September 11, 2001, I was employed by a company called Euro Brothers.
And our offices were on the 84th floor of the South Tower, which was the second building to be hit that day with an airplane.
And I was working away at my computer, and at 8:46 in the morning, there was this loud "BOOM!"

[Narrator] At 8:26:40 ...
American Airlines Flight 11 hits the north tower of the World Trade Center ...
causing extensive damage between the 93rd and the 99th floors.

[Fire Engine Sirens]

[Ambulance Siren]

[Brian Clark, South Tower survivor -- Manager at "Eurobrokers"] And the announcement from the Port Authority came "Your attention please! Building 2" -- our building -- "Building 2 is secure. There is no need to evacuate Building 2."
And two or three minutes later, I started talking with one fellow named Bobby Call, and Bobby told me that he had been down about 8 floors, 10 floors ...
heard the announcement, and had come back up. And as he was telling me this ...

"BOOM! BOOM!" This double explosion, and our building shook.

[Narrator] At 9:03 a.m., United Airlines Flight 175 hits the south tower.

[Brian Clark, South Tower survivor -- Manager at "Eurobrokers"] Everything just exploded in our room. Now we're on the 84th floor. What I didn't know at the time was that the second plane had hit six floors below us on the 78th floor. So we're six floors above impact.

[Policeman] Get out of the street!

[Brian Clark, South Tower survivor -- Manager at "Eurobrokers"] I heard this banging on the wall, and this faint scream for help inside the 81st floor. I hooked underneath him, and I pulled him up.
He said later that I was like Superman! And he came up and over and fell on me. I fell back down on my back, and this stranger landed on top of me, and he gave me this big kiss.
We got up and dusted ourselves off and I said, "Come on, let's go home!"

[Dario Fo, Nobel prize winner] The two towers shake considerably with the first impact, but they immediately return to their original structural position. Why? Because they were specifically designed to do this in the event of a plane crash.

[Frank De Martini, WTC construction manager] We designed the buildings to resist the impact of one or more jetliners.

[Professor Steven Jones, Physicist] The towers were very solidly built. It's like a tree.
You see, when you bend a tree ...
you have all of these fibers in the tree ...
but they are interconnected. And so when the tree bends, it can handle that motion.

[Narrator] Nevertheless, 56 minutes after Flight 175 strikes the south tower ...
it suddenly collapses in on itself.

[Brian Clark, South Tower survivor -- Manager at "Eurobrokers"] We looked onto the trade center, the tower that we had just come out of, and we started to see it go, "BOOM, BOOM, BOOM, BOOM." And we stared in disbelief as this -- it took about 8 or 10 seconds -- for the whole tower ...
just to go straight down ...
and to dissolve into its own ash.

[Louie Cacchioli, North Tower survivor -- New York Fire Department] We started to go in, and all of a sudden ...
there were people jumping from the towers. One jumped down and hit a fireman.

[Narrator] At 10:28, the north tower also collapses.

[Louie Cacchioli, North Tower survivor -- New York Fire Department] I threw away my oxygen mask to make me lighter.
I started running.
Because when I turned around, I saw the tower coming down.
Then there was all this dust that got me.
When I got home, all my family was waiting for me. And I was lucky to come back to my family.
All my friends -- they never came back.


[Morgan Reynolds, U.S. Department of Labor under George W. Bush] It is hard to exaggerate the importance of a scientific debate over the causes of the collapse of the Twin Towers.

[Final Report on the Collapse of the World Trade Center Towers]

[Narrator] The official justification for the inexplicable collapse of the twin towers was written by the National Institute of Standards and Technology.
Between 2002 and 2006, they studied the demolition of the world trade center ...
reaching the conclusion that the collapse of the towers was caused by the combined effects of the impact of the airplanes ...
and the resulting fires started by these impacts.

[Dario Fo, Nobel prize winner] We have been told by the very people who designed and built these towers ...
that they should have resisted the impact of more than one airplane.

[Frank De Martini, WTC construction manager] The building probably could sustain multiple impacts of jetliners.

[Dario Fo, Nobel prize winner] We have to ask ourselves ...
"Did the engineers and architects imagine that airplanes could crash into the towers ...
without any fuel?"
Perhaps they thought that the airplanes could get there ...
by just blowing in the breeze.

[Les Jamieson, New York 9-11 truth movement] Never before or after 9/11 have steel frame towers collapsed due to fire.

[Dario Fo, Nobel prize winner] In 2005 there was a fierce conflagration in Madrid. A skyscraper went up in flames.
It was a huge torch that kept burning for 20 hours: 20 consecutive hours.
But in the end, the load bearing structure remained intact.
The skyscraper did not fall down.


[Dario Fo, Nobel prize winner] As you can see, the building is enveloped in flames.
This skyscraper was not yet complete.
It was still under construction.
Nevertheless, it remained standing.
Something you should note is the white color of the flames.
This means that there is a lot of oxygen burning.
If you look at the flames coming from the two towers in New York ...
we can see instead that the flames are dark red, and the smoke is black.

[Professor Steven Jones, Physicist] The fires that were burning in these towers was a dark grey, heavy, almost black-grey smoke coming off. This implies an oxygen-starved fire.

[Dario Fo, Nobel prize winner] Nevertheless, after 55 minutes ...
the whole tower collapses.
According to the official NIST version of events ...
at a certain point the steel structure of the towers gave way.
It no longer had the structural strength ...
that it had at the beginning.
And all of this was supposed to be because of the immense heat.
And here is something difficult to explain.
We know that at some point certain people managed to walk down from the top of this tower ...
across the point where the fire was strongest.
Somehow they reached the bottom of the tower.
How did they manage to do that?

[Brian Clark, South Tower survivor -- Manager at "Eurobrokers"] I don't know! When I looked down there I didn't see flames.
I just sensed that it was the right thing to go and try and test it. We would go as far as we could until we were stopped by flames.
And when we came to the 78th floor the last layer was standing, but it was cracked.
And there were flames licking up the other side of the wall, like this.
It wasn't a roaring inferno. I sensed that the flames were maybe starved for oxygen right there in the interior.
We kept going and we got onto the 74th floor.
And when we got down that far, normal conditions! The lights were on. Fresh air coming up from below!

[Narrator] So the temperature inside the building was not particularly high ...
as we can see from the presence of this woman, who is standing at the precise point where the plane impacted.

[Paul Craig Roberts, Assistant Secretary of the U.S. Treasury under Ronald Reagan] It is a non controversial fact that the official explanation of the collapse of the WTC buildings is false.

[Narrator] In order to verify the way the buildings collapsed, and how the heat had affected the steel, NIST commissioned numerous tests, some of which were conducted by a company called Underwriter's Labs.

[Les Jamieson, New York 9-11 truth movement] And Kevin Ryan -- he's the former employee from Underwriter's Laboratories who challenged the NIST report, and went public with it. And within a week, he was fired from his job.

[Kevin Ryan, Former manager at Underwriters Labs] We did test the floor models in August of 2004 ...
and those tests disproved the primary theory behind the collapse of the buildings ...
it was called "The Pancake Theory."
The floors would collapse onto each other in a stack of pancakes ...
and then columns were no longer supported, and the columns would fall apart.
Well, the floor models didn't collapse during the tests. And these were in furnaces.
Testing in furnaces is a much hotter temperature for longer periods of time. They still didn't collapse.
So a few months later, the government put out an update on their report. And they stated not only that the floors did not collapse, but they had done tests on the few samples they had saved from the fire zones and those tests proved that the temperatures were very low.
Temperatures were not hot enough to even soften steel.
And yet they are coming out with a summary statement that says that's what actually did happen ...
that the floors did collapse, and the steel did soften!




This peculiar linking-together of opposites -- knowledge with ignorance, cynicism with fanaticism -- is one of the chief distinguishing marks of Oceanic society. The official ideology abounds with contradictions even when there is no practical reason for them. Thus, the Party rejects and vilifies every principle for which the Socialist movement originally stood, and it chooses to do this in the name of Socialism. It preaches a contempt for the working class unexampled for centuries past, and it dresses its members in a uniform which was at one time peculiar to manual workers and was adopted for that reason. It systematically undermines the solidarity of the family, and it calls its leader by a name which is a direct appeal to the sentiment of family loyalty. Even the names of the four Ministries by which we are governed exhibit a sort of impudence in their deliberate reversal of the facts. The Ministry of Peace concerns itself with war, the Ministry of Truth with lies, the Ministry of Love with torture and the Ministry of Plenty with starvation. These contradictions are not accidental, nor do they result from ordinary hypocrisy; they are deliberate exercises in doublethink. For it is only by reconciling contradictions that power can be retained indefinitely. In no other way could the ancient cycle be broken. If human equality is to be for ever averted -- if the High, as we have called them, are to keep their places permanently -- then the prevailing mental condition must be controlled insanity.

-- Nineteen Eighty-Four (1984), by George Orwell

[Kevin Ryan, Former manager at Underwriters Labs] So they either downplayed those results or ignored those results. And they ended up putting it all in the computer.

[Narrator] Thanks to computers, NIST managed to straighten this problem out ...
and the old "Pancake Theory" was replaced by the "Inward Bowing" theory.
According to the Institute heat weakened the floors, which started to curve downwards.
The external walls of the towers also curved inwards until they could no longer bear the weight of the structures above, causing the towers to collapse.

[Kevin Ryan, Former manager at Underwriters Labs] Their final theory is almost entirely computer based. And the computer itself is not really accessible. They haven't given it to us to examine. After having investigated it more over the last year and a half, I found that yes, they did contradict their test results. But additionally, they also did manipulate the test parameters. They doubled one thing, they cut something else in half.


For example, their story says that the aircraft combustibles were 13 tons in the aircraft cabin. Yet the FAA says it's more like an average of 6-1/2 tons. It's double. They doubled it. They doubled the time that their computer model exposes columns to fire: 90 minutes instead of what we know is 45 or 50 minutes in both of the buildings, actually.


[Paolo Marini, Metallurgy Expert -- Italian Center for Materials Development] One of the things that particularly struck me was the incredible speed with which the towers came down.
There was something truly inexplicable about the speed of the collapse.
If we dropped a weight from a height of around 400 meters, which was the height of the towers, the time it would take to reach the ground ...
supposing that there was not even any air resistance to slow down the speed of the fall, would take approximately 9 seconds.


[Brian Clark, South Tower survivor -- Manager at "Eurobrokers"] It took about 8 or 10 seconds for the whole tower just to go straight down.

[Paolo Marini, Metallurgy Expert -- Italian Center for Materials Development] The impact was about 2/3rds of the way up the tower.
Even if the section above collapsed suddenly ...
due to the structure giving way ...
and even considering that the impact of the section above was enormous, and therefore in some way weakened the resistance of the structures below, it is clear that due to the resistance of the undamaged part below, this tower should not have fallen at such a speed. But it fell as if there was nothing below it, whereas there was an enormous structure below, a resistant structure that should have slowed down the speed of the collapse considerably.


[Dario Fo, Nobel prize winner] Here, close to the two towers
there was another large tower ...
which was hit by the debris from the tower that collapsed.

[Professor Steven Jones, Physicist] This building, this huge 47-story building, was never hit by a jet, and yet it came down that same day ...
but 7 hours after the last tower fell.


[Professor Steven Jones, Physicist] The measure of the time of fall is almost free fall speed

[Narrator] The collapse of the north tower inflicts some damage to Building 7, causing fires to ignite on a few floors.
Even the official version admitted that fire has a low probability of causing the collapse. But why does total collapse take place?
And why does it occur at free fall speed?

[Professor Steven Jones, Physicist] As I saw the collapse of World Trade Center 7, I realized that this was something that needed to be studied and could not be ignored.

[Narrator] Building 7, and the Twin Towers, share one utterly bewildering similarity ...
the presence of molten metal found ...
under the debris of all three buildings weeks after the collapse.

[Professor Steven Jones, Physicist] There's this molten metal that we have now studied at length ...
that came from these buildings ...
and existed then in pools underneath the rubble of all three skyscrapers: both towers, and Building 7.

[Paolo Marini, Metallurgy Expert -- Italian Center for Materials Development] A metallographic analysis was conducted by a specialized institute ...
that examined the structure of a girder taken from ground zero.
When these girders were extracted from under the rubble ...
it seems as if parts of them had melted.
This is totally inexplicable ...
because the temperatures reached by the fires could only have been 800 degrees at the most. To melt a steel girder, you have to reach temperatures of around 1600 degrees. How could this be?
At a microscopic level, if you examine the granular structure of steel, one can detect the presence of an element that should not normally be present, and it is there in substantial quantities. It is sulfur.

[Professor Steven Jones, Physicist] We're quite sure now where this molten metal came from.
It comes from a material called "thermate" ...
which is aluminum powder ...
iron oxide ...
and sulfur.

[Paolo Marini, Metallurgy Expert -- Italian Center for Materials Development] The temperature is so high that steel melts. It could only melt if the temperature reached over 1,000 degrees in a few seconds.

[Narrator] The user of thermite could certainly have caused the fusion apparent in the steel beams.

[Professor Steven Jones, Physicist] You see, the presence of thermite now, in these buildings, to bring them down ...
implies that someone had to place the thermite...
near these steel columns ...
in order to cut through the columns.
I have interviewed a demolition expert, and he said this is what they do:
They set explosives.
They can use radio control to initiate the firing of the explosives.
They have to be done in a sequence ...
in order to get the building to come down rapidly ...
and straight down.
Controlled demolition.

[William Christison, 29 years in the CIA] All the characteristics of these collapses show that they must have been controlled demolitions.

[Professor Steven Jones, Physicist] As scientists, we look at different hypotheses, different explanations. But then we have to look at all the data to see which explanation fits the best.
You have to incorporate all the picture.
Yes, you may take an isolated fact ...
like the plume, and say ...
"Well, perhaps that was a high air pressure that somehow blew a window out" ...
but that will not account for the molten metal, or the sulfidation, or the molten pools.

[Jeanette McKinley, Survivor] When the south tower collapsed, and blew into my apartment directly across from the world trade center ...
I saved the dust, and I gave it to Steven Jones.

[Professor Steven Jones, Physicist] The dust that was provided by Mrs. McKinley is very interesting ...
because it's like a snapshot of the residue ...
being produced by the tower during its collapse.
It's perfect!
Now we look in the dust, and we see metal droplets.
And when I saw that, I thought, "Whoa!" This is what I expect from thermite, because I've done a number of thermite experiments ...
and you get small metal drops being thrown out in all directions. And this is what we see in the dust now: these little metal drops. We also see barium.
This is very interesting because barium nitrate and sulfur are part of the military patent ...
on what is known as "thermate."
This is thermite with sulfur and barium nitrate added to make this material cut more rapidly through steel.
Now, Barium is a very toxic metal, so one would not ordinarily expect this to be present in the large concentrations that we see.
The fact that we see it in the dust is a very strong indication to me that the military form of thermite that has been used.

[Professor David Ray Griffin, Author of "9-11 Commission Report: Omissions and Distortions"] It turned out that literally dozens of firefighters and emergency medical workers ...
had given testimony that they had heard one, two, three, seven and eight -- some said ten explosions going off in the building. Some of the people in the building reported that they were banged around, and knocked down the stairs by explosions.
Other people testified to seeing flashes. And many of them said, "It looked just like on TV when we see them bring down buildings with explosions. We saw the flashes. We saw the demolition rings. We heard the sounds.

[William Rodriguez, Former janitor at the World Trade Center -- National Hero] I worked there for 20 years. And I was a janitor, the person who cleaned all the floors.
The building had six sublevels of basement.
The support companies for the cleaning of the world trade center were located on B-1. When I was there, at 8:46 ...
all of a sudden we hear a "BOOM!"
An explosion so hard it pushed us upwards.


When I went to verbalize it like six seconds after, we hear that "BOOM!", that impact all the way on the top.


So, two different events. And at that very moment, when I said, "Oh my God!", a guy comes running into the office and ...
[coughs several times] ...
this guy had his hands extended -- both arms, like this ...
and his skin was pulled totally from both arms
and it was hanging from the top of the fingertips, like it was clothing. And I thought at that time that it was clothing. And when I went to say something, I realized, I looked at his face and I realized that he had missing parts of his face.

[Philip Berg, Lawyer of William Rodriguez and 9-11 victims family members] He had, on that particular day, the only master key.
He went up with a master key unlocking door after door so firemen could get in ...
and he himself, I think he said brought out 15 or 20 people.

[William Rodriguez, Former janitor at the World Trade Center -- National Hero] So I started opening the doors of the stairwells so people could escape.

[Philip Berg, Lawyer of William Rodriguez and 9-11 victims family members] Willy was made a hero ...
and he was at the White House ...
and we have a picture of that ...
of George Bush honoring Willy Rodriguez for being a hero.

[William Rodriguez, Former janitor at the World Trade Center -- National Hero] We hear a 'BOOM" 'BOOM" "BOOM" -- different explosions, and I asked the fire department, I said, "What are these explosions?" And what they said was, "Maybe it's the gas tanks from the kitchen."
The kitchens were all electrical. Gas from the kitchen didn't make any sense. "BOOM, BOOM, BOOM, BOOM, BOOM, BOOM."

[Louie Cacchioli, North Tower survivor -- New York Fire Department] I heard a loud explosion, an explosion that I'd never heard in my whole life.
An enormous explosion.

[Brian Clark, South Tower survivor -- Manager at "Eurobrokers"] My ears were hearing loud explosions at ground level.
Very mysterious.
Explosions that seemed to be at ground level as opposed to high in the air.

[Philip Berg, Lawyer of William Rodriguez and 9-11 victims family members] There is no question in my mind that those buildings -- based on the laws of physics -- could not have collapsed without the assistance of a bomb.



[William Rodriguez, Former janitor at the World Trade Center -- National Hero] "No!"


[William Rodriguez, Former janitor at the World Trade Center -- National Hero] Then I hear another explosion!
I think it's a bomb!

Okay. [Sighs] So you have peace that's breaking out in the middle east. You have the 9/11 warnings. And then in August of 2000, we went into high mode, high activity mode. I can tell you the exact day: August 2nd. And after I tell you this I'll open it up to questions. On August 2nd was the Senate nomination hearings for Robert Mueller to head the FBI. He was going to be the FBI director. And I was on the phone with my CIA handler Richard Fuisz. And I said, "There's not one single terrorism investigation this man hasn't thrown. He threw the Oklahoma City bombing investigation, he threw Lockerbie." And I said, "this man should not be the FBI director when this next attack occurs." And Richard Fuisz said to me, "My God, what if there is no FBI director when this happens?" I said, "Do you think it's that soon? Do you think the attack is imminent?" He said, "Oh, yeah. It's absolutely just in the next couple of weeks." And I said, "Well, God, Richard, I'll go back to New York right now, and I'll pump the Iraqis to see if they've got anything from Baghdad. I'll see if they have any news for us." And he said, "Oh my God, Susan, don't go back. DO NOT GO BACK TO NEW YORK CITY. IT'S TOO DANGEROUS! WE ARE EXPECTING THE USE OF A MINIATURE THERMONUCLEAR DEVICE."

And they were not afraid that I was going to be hurt by like falling debris in the World Trade Center. I wasn't going to be at the World Trade Center. They were afraid of radiation contamination. Like the winds blowing the radioactive stuff. And he was like, "Don't go up there. We're expecting mass casualties."

--CIA Whistleblower Susan Lindauer Exposes Everything! "Extreme Prejudice," by Susan Lindauer

[Philip Berg, Lawyer of William Rodriguez and 9-11 victims family members] Willy has taken a 180% turn of events saying here that President Bush, who had honored him as a hero, he's named on this lawsuit as accusing Bush, and Cheney, and Sr. Bush and others, of murder.
And he's not doing it for any monetary gain, because this has just cost us everything!
Willy has lost his home, lost his job ...
and right now his goal is to find out the truth.


[Captain Russ Wittemberg, U.S. Air Force, Pan Am and United Airlines pilot for 30 years] The government story they handed us about 9-11 is total bullshit plain and simple. To expect this alleged airplane to run these maneuvers with a total amateur at the controls is simply ridiculous.

[Narrator] According to the official story of the 11th of September ...
at 9:37 a.m.
American Airlines Flight 77, crashed into the Pentagon.
This rare footage shows the scene ...
immediately after ...
an hour before the entire structure collapsed.
As you can see, it is a rather unusual scene.
One would reasonably expect to see something of this sort:
that is to say, pieces of the airplane ...
suitcases ...
debris everywhere ...
just like every other aircrash on land.
Instead, there is no substantial visual evidence of debris.

[Capt. Russ Wittemberg, Pilot -- 30 years in the military and civil aviation] I have been at some accident investigation sites for the Air Force ...
and I have never come across any accident scene where there is no tell tale evidence of the airplane that crashed.
Here we have airplane sites, crash sites, that give zero evidence.

[Narrator] Where did the airplane go?
Did it break up against the wall of the Pentagon?
If it had done so, thousands of parts of the plane ...
should have been scattered all over the disaster zone.

[Capt. Russ Wittemberg, Pilot -- 30 years in the military and civil aviation] You know, things like engines and landing gears and brakes and tires are very difficult to destroy. Very difficult, because they are made out of very high-tempered steel, and I don't believe the airplane can be made to go fast enough to pulverize those things.
I've never seen that happen before.
You look around, and there's a 16' hole for an airplane, that's a 100 and something wide.

[Dario Fo, Nobel prize winner] According to the official story ...
the American Airlines Boeing 757
disappeared inside this hole.
Can you see it?
5 meters. I repeat, 5 meters in diameter.
Let's make some calculations. a Boeing 757 is ...
including its wingspan, of course ...
is 38 meters wide.
And including the rudder, or the tailfin, it is 13.5 meters high.
To get all of this huge aircraft ...
into a hole 5 meters wide, seems rather implausible to me.
In this picture, we can see a row of windows on this side, and another row on that side.
They should have been smashed and destroyed by the wings ...
and instead, they are intact. These windows aren't even broken.

[Narrator] For years, the military refused to answer the questions of an increasing number of people who rejected the official version.
When the French journalist, Thierry Meyssan, published the book "The Incredible Lie" ...
utterly surreal explanations were put forward to shut the detractors up.
One of these maintained that the airplane had been vaporized ...
by the speed and the force of the crash.

Vaporizing Theory, by Tara Carreon


["great big engine from this beautiful airplane just vaporize."]

[Dario Fo, Nobel prize winner] One very strange thing that doesn't make sense ...
is the disappearance of various components of this Boeing.
For example, the two engines.
And what about the plane's wings. Where did they go? Had they been gassified?
Instead, we are told the fuselage remained intact ...
and it smashed through the whole outer wall of the Pentagon ...
and emerged through the other side ...
destroying a number of columns.
The most solid part of the airplane is, without any doubt, the engines. In fact, these engines are made of a titanium steel alloy.
It is so tough that it doesn't even melt at 2,386.85 degrees centigrade.
Well now, in this wall we should be able to see ...
if nothing else, the holes made by the two engines ...
that smashed into it.
No! There is no sign of them. Two holes that we'd expect to see, are not there.

[Capt. Russ Wittemberg, Pilot -- 30 years in the military and civil aviation] There's no indication of the wings hitting anything at the Pentagon, like you had at the north tower, you could see the outline of the aircraft at a 25 degree bank angle.
You can clearly see the outline of their number 1 engine, the fuselage of no. 2 engine. It's a 25 degree bank.
The wing dihedrals on the flight. And you can clearly see the outline of that airplane. But you can't find anything like that on the Pentagon.

[Narrator] These inconsistencies have created more and more difficulties for proponents of the official version. So, while the military kept silent during this debacle ...
various photos of airplane debris found ...
on the external lawns and along the supposed route of the airplane within the building ...
started appearing in newspapers and on the web.

[Dario Fo, Nobel prize winner] Very well, they admitted there was no gassification.
But another theory was immediately put forward. It suggested that in order to enter a hole five meters wide ...
at a certain moment the airplane somehow closed up its wings ...
just as dragonflies do!
The plane entered the hole! Oh look! There they are!
The engines and the other pieces of the plane were found there.

[Maj. General Albert Stubblebine, U.S. Army Intelligence and Security Command] One of my experiences in the Army, was being in charge of the Army's imagery interpretation for scientific and technical intelligence during the cold war.
[from the documentary: "ONE NATION UNDER SIEGE"]
I measured pieces of Soviet equipment from photographs. It was my job.
I looked at the hole in the Pentagon ...
and I look at the size of an airplane ...
that was supposed to have hit the Pentagon,
So what did hit the Pentagon?! What hit it? Where is it?
What hit it? What's going on?

[Col. George Nelson, Aircraft accident investigator U.S. Air Force] With all the evidence readily available at the Pentagon crash site, any unbiased rational investigator could only conclude that a Boeing 757 did not fly into the Pentagon.

[Barbara Honegger, Senior Journalist -- U.S. Department of Defence] General Arnold, that very morning, immediately after the alleged impact ...
ordered one of his fighter pilots to fly over and down to the Pentagon to look and see what he saw ...
and to report back to General Larry Arnold himself.

[Narrator] At that time, Major General Larry Arnold was commander of aviation at NORAD ...
North American Aerospace Defense Command ...
in charge of protecting the United States and Canada.

[Barbara Honegger, Senior Journalist -- U.S. Department of Defence] His fighter pilot reported back to him that there was no evidence. Zero evidence of an impact of a plane at the Pentagon.

[Lt. Col. Karen U. Kwatkowski, Survivor] No airplane metal or cargo debris was blowing on the lawn ... what we expected to see was not evident.

[Steve De Chiaro, survivor awarded the Medal of Valor] It only seemed like a small hole in the building. No tails. No wings. No nothing.

[Dario Fo, Nobel prize winner] Since the Pentagon possessed 86 separate and complete video recordings of the incident, why didn't they show some whole portions of them to those people who had doubts about it?

[Barbara Honegger, Senior Journalist -- U.S. Department of Defence] The FBI was immediately at the scene, and took the surveillance tapes ...
and confiscated 86 videotapes ...
both in the Pentagon, the Pentagon parking lot, in the gas station across the freeway from the Pentagon, in a nearby hotel, in all kinds of buildings that had their cameras trained in that general area.

[Narrator] For a long time, the military authorities refused to release the footage of Flight 77's impact.
But in 2006, the United States Department of Defense was forced to yield to Freedom of Information requests
and it released four video sequences.
The video evidence from the Pentagon's CITGO gas station, and the nearby Sheraton Hotel, are of no use.
But two samples of video footage captured from the Pentagon's parking lot ...
have been offered to the world as definitive proof of Flight 77's impact with the Pentagon.
They are almost identical.

[Capt. Russ Wittemberg, Pilot -- 30 years in the military and civil aviation] Jet engines don't emit white smoke.
You have some white smoke coming out of the halved end of whatever kind of vehicle.
Quite frankly, there's not enough in those photographs to tell exactly what it was, but you can tell what it wasn't.
And it didn't have the size as compared -- if it was a real 757-200, it would be much bigger than the vehicle we did see in the picture.

[Dario Fo, Nobel prize winner] With the best will in the world, can you see an airplane here?
The Pentagon tells us you cannot see the airplane because unfortunately it passed ...
between one frame ...
and the next.
One frame and the next.

[Narrator] So where is the airplane?
According to FBI agent Jacqueline Maguire ...
as you can see in this affidavit, only one camera took pictures of the scene ...
and those are the frames that we've already seen.

[86 cameras, No airplane]

[Dario Fo, Nobel prize winner] The story about how this airplane is supposed to have got there, is absolutely absurd.
One cannot imagine how, in order to get down to the height of the Pentagon wall ...
it was able to make a 270 degree turn at a speed of approximately 800 kilometers per hour.

[Robin Hordon, Flight controller at Boston Center for 11 years -- Flight instructor] That is a really difficult maneuver. And what I will say to you is that an experienced pilot with thousands of hours would probably have to take between 10 and 20 attempts, a skilled thousand-of-hours pilot, probably 10 or 20 times, before they would be able to pull off that maneuver.


A 757 is not designed to do that. A 757 is designed to be basically a cruise ship in the sky. It's not acrobatic. So you just can't do that with one of those big airplanes.
Air traffic controllers at the Dulles approachment control, when they saw this target come in and make this turn, they said, "Oh, that's a fighter." Because military fighters can do that. Okay? And military fighters with auto pilots and being flown remotely, they have the structural capability, they are designed to be able to be that acrobatic.

[Danielle O'Brien, air traffic controller from Dulles airport] The speed, the maneuverability, the way that it turned, we all thought in the radar room, all of us experienced air traffic controllers, that that was a military plane.

[Dario Fo, Nobel prize winner] Absurdity of absurdities.
There is also the height at which this airplane was flying to be explained.
It is supposed to have followed the lie of the land at 6 meters from the ground for 1 kilometer.
Managing also to jump over a hill. Then it went over a roadway. And it finally got there, without making any other turns because by now, there was no more space.

[Capt. Russ Wittemberg, Pilot -- 30 years in the military and civil aviation] We have the airplane story as the Flight 77 was going 530 mph, 460 knots. And it can't go that fast on a level flight down that low. If you're up high, the true air speed can go up, and it can go that fast. But not that low. The air is too dense.

[Nila Sagadevan, pilot and aeronautical engineer] I challenge any pilot, any pilot anywhere: give him a Boeing 757 and tell him to do 400 knots 20 feet above the ground for half a mile. Can't do. It's aerodynamically impossible.

[Capt. Russ Wittemberg, Pilot -- 30 years in the military and civil aviation] So the story about how the plane hit the Pentagon just doesn't make any sense at all.


[9/11 commission report: the President was struck by the apparent sophistication of the operation and some of the piloting, especially Hanjour's high-speed dive into the Pentagon.]

[Dario Fo, Nobel prize winner] After Hani Hanjour, the plane's pilot had been identified ...
his flight instructor declared that his student was not even able to fly a small, single engine airplane.

[Capt. Russ Wittemberg, Pilot -- 30 years in the military and civil aviation] These guys don't have the experience to make that kind of maneuver even if the airplane could fly that.
The man could not fly at all. There is no way you could possibly come out of a 172 ...
and fly a jet that you've never flown.
That's like showing me how to carve a Christmas turkey ...
and then say, "Go make a heart transplant."

[Dario Fo, Nobel prize winner] Even if we suppose that such an incompetent pilot had the opportunity to fly a Boeing 757 ...
we still have to ask ourselves how he managed to violate the most heavily protected airspace in the world?

[Robin Hordon, Flight controller at Boston Center for 11 years -- Flight instructor] No untracked aircraft could get near the Pentagon or the White House.
It just doesn't happen.

[John Judge, 9-11 researcher for former Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney] In Washington, D.C., we have one of the most restricted airspaces in the world.
It's called P56. It has a separate radar tracking system, and a separate military response system.

[Robin Hordon, Flight controller at Boston Center for 11 years -- Flight instructor] P56 is that restricted airspace that is around the Pentagon and the White House, and it is a highly, highly, highly, sensitive area. There are supposed to be no unknown aircraft that can go through there.

[John Judge, 9-11 researcher for former Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney] That has an air defense identification zone in a 50 mile radius around D.C. And then it has a protected zone 17 miles around the Washington Monument. And an inner protected zone three miles around the Capitol.
That space is essentially unbreachable. It has to be because of the importance of the buildings there.

[Robin Hordon, Flight controller at Boston Center for 11 years -- Flight instructor] It's like an aviation no-man's land. Nobody goes in there. Nobody.

[John Judge, 9-11 researcher for former Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney] They have F-16 and F-18 jets at Andrews Air Force Base about 10 miles south of D.C. They also have the 113th national guard air wing at Anacostia Naval Air Station that can send scrambler jets up in a very short period of time. Both were in place that day.
Neither one responds at all until after the Pentagon is hit.
In addition to that, the Pentagon has its own defenses.

[Barbara Honegger, Senior Journalist -- U.S. Department of Defence] If a plane, any kind of plane, was coming in towards the Pentagon ...
why didn't the anti-aircraft missile batteries that are there, why didn't they fire to protect the building? This is, after all, the most heavily protected building on the planet.
That craft had to have been a military craft, because only the military craft put out a signal: it's called an "identify friend or foe IFF device." And only the military craft would be allowed to approach the building.

[Robin Hordon, Flight controller at Boston Center for 11 years -- Flight instructor] The two radar systems that the military radar's defensive radar systems read are civilian transponder ...
and a military transponder.
Military transponder is called "IFF."
Civilian aircraft do not have an IFF transponder.
They are not given that capability. Okay?
So if there was a 757, American 757 that went in to the Pentagon, for example, and it shut off its transponder, it didn't have a military IFF transponder on it.
So it was the primary target. It's the primary target going in to that airspace ...
"PUH PUH PUH PUH PUH." It should have been shot down.

[John Judge, 9-11 researcher for former Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney] What I am describing to you is a breakdown in standard operating procedure by FAA, NORAD, P56 and the Pentagon, all on the same day ...
in the middle of, after 9:05, what was known nationally to be a terrorist attack. And it makes no sense.


[Gore Vidal, Novelist, essayist, playwriter] The Pentagon symbolizes our military power in the world. And they hit it. And until this day, nobody knows what they hit it with, whether it was an airplane or whether it was a missile. And our government will never tell us.
So we just waited for the French to explain it to us.


[Robin Hordon, Flight controller at Boston Center for 11 years -- Flight instructor] There is nobody anywhere at any point in this entire investigation that has said ...
that is positively American 77.
They "suppose" it; they "presume" it; they "assume" it; they say "this is what we think it is."

[Capt. Russ Wittemberg, Pilot -- 30 years in the military and civil aviation] The controller, Danielle O'Brien, who saw the unidentified blip coming in from the west at a high rate of speed had no way of knowing what it was ...
because it was a primary, it was a primary return only.
The secondary radar, a transponder, was turned off.

[Robin Hordon, Flight controller at Boston Center for 11 years -- Flight instructor] In order to identify a primary radar target ...
you have to have two-way communications between the pilot and the air traffic controller, and the pilot has to report over a certain geographical location ...
or you have to be able to tell the pilot in the airplane to make a series of turns ...
and then the radar controller can look at all of the primary targets on his or her radar scope, and say ...
"there is an aircraft, or there is a target, that just executed the turns I told him.
Now I can positively identify the aircraft." That never occurred. That's huge!

[Capt. Russ Wittemberg, Pilot -- 30 years in the military and civil aviation] Now, if Flight 77 really did go off the radar screen for 36 minutes according to her testimony, then the airplane was no longer flying, or it was low enough it was out of radar coverage. One of the two. So was the airplane landed at some place, some remote field? Then it does make sense that they lost the airplane for 36 minutes.
But other than that, there's very little explanation for that.

[Dario Fo, Nobel prize winner] In the light of what we've seen and heard ...
it seems that the official version of 9/11 is not sufficient. We want the facts to be explained to us. And above all, we want them to be properly investigated.
Basically, we want someone to finally tell us the truth.

[Lella Costa, Italian actress] The United States Government spend 892 billion dollars per year to defend its citizens and its territory. It is the best protected country in the world, as President Bush has said.
Nevertheless, on the 11th of September, the heart of America was attacked from the sky.
And 3,000 helpless American citizens were killed in their own cities.

[Gore Vidal, Novelist, essayist, playwriter] If I had been sitting on that committee, that congressional committee examining 9/11, one question that they could not get the Air Force to answer correctly, and NORAD ...
was why the fighter planes did not go up automatically when the first planes were found to be hijacked?

[Robert Bowman, Pilot -- Decorated Vietnam veteran] Any time an airliner goes off course, or loses radio communication, or loses its transponder signal, any time any one of those three things happen, the aircraft is supposed to be intercepted.
On 9/11, all three of those things happened, and still there was no intercept. Those planes flew around for 20 minutes to an hour and a half, without ever being intercepted.

[Major Giuseppe Guardabasso, Italian Military Air Field, Trapani, Italy] We have direct contact with our air defense colleagues by means of direct connections that are controlled by this touchscreen apparatus.
By pressing just one key here, the call is sent, which the operator of the defense in this case answers directly. In the time it takes to answer the telephone call ...
around two to three seconds ...
the information can be already exchanged.

[Narrator] So why weren't the hijackers' planes intercepted and shot down?
Military jets travel much faster than passenger aircraft.
It would have been easy for them to catch up to the jet planes before they crashed.

[Capt. Morris Ghadoni, F-16 fighter ex-pilot -- 3rd Stormo "Virgin," Italian Military Air Field, Trapani, Italy] This airplane can reach a maximum speed of Mach 2.05.
This means it exceeds twice the sound barrier. This is approximately 2,400 kilometers per hour.

[Narrator] In the northeast of the United States ...




there are as may as 16 air force bases.


[Willow Grove]




Why weren't the Boeing jets intercepted?
The official story argues that Air Defence was informed too late.

[Robin Hordon, Flight controller at Boston Center for 11 years -- Flight instructor] One of the biggest lies is that the FAA guys were incompetent.
When we lose an airplane ...
we take action!
We do not sit. We do not delay. We do not. We go to protocol. Boom, boom, boom, boom, boom.
When the air traffic controllers first saw American 11 start to lose its radar, lose its transponder, go off course, and all of these bad things that are going on, they did not take a coffee break.

[John Judge, 9-11 researcher for former Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney] 67 times in that year 2001 up until September, there had been air emergencies.
They can get a plane up in from 6 to 10 minutes,
and scrambled it 67 times that year in air emergencies.
But there was not an instance where an air emergency went ignored for long periods of time ...
until 9/11.

[Robin Hordon, Flight controller at Boston Center for 11 years -- Flight instructor] A lot of people down the road say, "Well, the President had to give authority to shoot aircraft down," and stuff like that.
That is not true! An interceptor pilot has the responsibility and the authority on his or her own, to shoot down an airplane if they think the situation calls for it. And this is how it would be.

[Gore Vidal, Novelist, essayist, playwriter] You don't have to wait for a military command.
You don't have to wait for orders of any kind.
That's not an option: that's the law! It's inherent in being a fighter pilot. You know, that's what you have to do!
Unless someone has told you to stand down!

[Robin Hordon, Flight controller at Boston Center for 11 years -- Flight instructor] Ah, before 1970 ...
we had one form of scrambling aircraft, and it was immediate: Bang, bang, bang, bang.
Then in the 1970s we had some hijackings come into our civil airspace ...
and that wasn't a quick response.
What we did in that, we didn't want the hijackers to know that we were there. So we didn't rush the fighters off the ground.
And we kind of snuck them up behind the aircraft.
So, we put a second protocol in.
And the reason that the hijacking protocol is so slow is because you had to get Pentagon approval ...
before you could release your fighters.
Those two types of protocols lasted until June 1, 2001 ...
three months before 9/11.
In June of 2001 ...
Rumsfeld and the Pentagon and the military ...
changed the procedures ...
and instead of having two protocols: one fast, one slow ...
they went to one protocol: slow.
If we had reacted to the in-flight emergency immediately, the fighters would be up and on the way ...
and those aircraft would never ever have reached their targets.
But when the center controllers came to notifying the military, okay, because they only had one protocol to work with, that protocol went to the Pentagon.
And guess what? Guess who didn't answer the phone? Sorry, it was the Pentagon.
Here's an analogy that I can give that would help out the common person here.
What Rumsfeld did is: the fire call comes into the fire station, but before the fire truck gets a chance to leave, it has to call the mayor of the city to get approval for that departure. And what if the mayor is out for breakfast? Or is sleeping late? And he doesn't answer the phone?

[Narrator] Look carefully at this footage shot just a few minutes after the attack on the Pentagon.
Notice the man that is helping to carry a casualty. It is the secretary of defense Donald Rumsfeld.
What is he doing here when, as head of defense of the whole nation, and while the United States is still under attack, he is helping tend to the wounded.
Why is he not at his command post?

[At 9:39, the NMCC's deputy director for operations, a military officer, opened the call from the Pentagon, which had just been hit. He began: "An air attack against North America may be in progress. NORAD, what's the situation?" NORAD said it had conflicting reports. Its latest information was "of a possible hijacked aircraft taking off out of JFK en route to Washington D.C." The NMCC reported a crash into the mall side of the Pentagon and requested that the Secretary of Defense be added to the conference. [198]

At 9:44, NORAD briefed the conference on the possible hijacking of Delta 1989. Two minutes later, staff reported that they were still trying to locate Secretary Rumsfeld and Vice Chairman Myers. The Vice Chairman joined the conference shortly before 10:00; the Secretary, shortly before 10:30. The Chairman was out of the country. [199]

At 9:48, a representative from the White House shelter asked if there were any indications of another hijacked aircraft. The deputy director for operations mentioned the Delta flight and concluded that "that would be the fourth possible hijack." At 9:49, the commander of NORAD directed all air sovereignty aircraft to battle stations, fully armed. [200]]

[Robin Hordon, Flight controller at Boston Center for 11 years -- Flight instructor] The phone calls went to the Pentagon. It went through the military. And the military was sitting there saying, "Uh, don't answer that phone, whatever it might be."

[Phone ringing to the Pentagon]

[Pentagon not answering the phone]

[Robin Hordon, Flight controller at Boston Center for 11 years -- Flight instructor] Now, how would you like your fire department to sit there and say, "Well, I'm sorry. We can't come and put your house [fire] out and save your life because the mayor didn't say so."
And on 9/12, they changed the protocols again back to the first protocol ...
which was the fast scrambles. And that's where it is today.
So the way that Rumsfeld's Pentagon managed this whole thing is ...
they switched gears. Okay? They switched out of having two -- fast and slow --
into slow! Okay? And then said, "Oh, we're bad." And on 9/12, "Let's go fast again."

[Lella Costa, Italian actress] When the United States was attacked without warning at Pearl Harbor ...
after 8 inquiries, General Walter Short, commander of the army for the defense of Hawaii, and Admiral Husband Kimmel, commander in chief of the Pacific Fleet, were both charged with negligence and summarily dismissed.
But after the 9/11 catastrophe, nobody, neither the Secretary of Defense Rumsfeld, nor the head of civil aviation, nor that of Air Defense, was either punished or removed from office.


[George Clooney decapitated]

[Janeane Garofolo's head blown off]

[Susan Sarandon splat on the pavement]

[Sean Penn killed by a giant cat]

[Danny Glover killed by a giant cat]

[Helen Hunt cut in half]

[Samuel Jackson decapitated]

[Tim Robbins burned to death]

[Alec Baldwin decapitated]

-- Team America, directed by Trey Parker, Creator of South Park

[Narrator] On September 10th, Brigadier General W. Montague Winfield, asked junior officer Captain Charles Leidig to temporarily replace him as Director of Operations at the Pentagon Command Center from 8:30 a.m. on September 11th.
Later that day, after Flight 93 was reported crashed, Winfield resumed control.


Captain Leidig had only just completed a course qualifying him to run the Command Center.


On September 11th, Brigadier General David F. Wherley, Jr. was commander of the Andrews Air Force Base, the nearest one to the Pentagon.


On September 11th, Richard B. Myers, Vice Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, in the absence of Chairman Shelton, was the temporary head of all U.S. armed forces.


[Moni Ovadia, Italian actor] On the 14th of September, after only 3 days of investigations, the FBI announces it knows everything about the hijackers of the flights.
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Re: Zero: An Investigation Into 911, directed by Franco Frac

Postby admin » Tue Jul 28, 2015 11:45 pm


[Robert Mueller, Director FBI] We have, in the last 24 hours, taken the manifests and used those as an evidentiary base, and have talked to many of the families of the victims, and have successfully, I believe, identified many of the hijackers on each of the four flights that went down.

[Giulietto Chiesa, Journalist -- Member of the European Parliament] Let's look at the Lockerbie case. It took two years to bring indictments in that case. Two years!
In this case, in only three days, the FBI provided the names of all the hijackers without providing any evidence that they were actually on the flights.

[Moni Ovadia, Italian actor] On the 12th of September, the Attorney General of the United States, Mr. Ashcroft ...
declares to the whole world that the passport of one of the hijackers ...
had been found a few blocks away from the ruins of ground zero.
Even though they have said that everything inside the towers had been burnt up ...
or had been reduced to a fine dust!
So, the steel was molten ...
but paper survived?

[Blows the passport ashes away]


Who were these hijackers?
The official story states that 15 out of the 19 ...
came from Saudi Arabia, that they were trained in Afghanistan ...
and that they were Islamic fundamentalists: fanatical Muslims.

[Nafeez Mossadeq Ahmed, Professor of Contemporary History, University of Sussex] They are supposed to be a Salafist network, you know. And Salafism is a very, very puritan strain of Islam that suggests that we need to follow very closely, to the letter, the activities of the prophet Muhammad.
So who were these Islamic fundamentalists?
The evidence would suggest, "No, Mohamed Atta was basically NOT an Islamic fundamentalist."

[Amanda Keller, Mohammed Atta's girlfriend in Florida] He was always drinking -- always drinking. And if it wasn't wine, it was beer, or liquor, or whatever. They were always drinking. Always.
And they had massive supplies of cocaine.
Mohammed, and all these people who he was with, they were drunk and stoned out of their freeking minds.

[Moni Ovadia, Italian actor] The identicats of the hijackers supplied by the FBI are truly bizarre. Each identicat corresponds to a number of persons.
These persons are very different. They have different attitudes, and different biographies. They live in different places, sometimes at the same moment.

[Ralph Shoenman, Journalist -- Host of WBAI New York radio station] When you speak of "Mohammed Atta" -- what "Mohammed Atta"?
Is it the Mohammed Atta who was in Hamburg, Germany, being run by German Intelligence? Is it that Mohammed Atta?
Is it the Mohammed Atta who appears in Venice, Florida -- which is a major locus for the National Security Agency -- who is supposedly training at a little flight school for little single and dual engine Cessna aircraft ...
and who is rooming with a man named Charlie Voss who is a CIA pilot who ran guns into Nicaragua, and cocaine out for the Central Intelligence Agency? Is it that Mohammed Atta?
Is it the Mohammed Atta who spoke to his father on the 12th of September, as Newsweek reported in an interview with his father in Cairo?
Is it that Mohammed Atta?
Is it the Mohammed Atta who appears in a bar called Shuckums bar in Hollywood, Florida, doing lines of cocaine ...
and drunk on Stolichnaya vodka? And when asked to pay his bill said, "I work for the United States airlines, you think I can't pay my bill?"
And then he says, "Fuck God!"

[Nafeez Mossadeq Ahmed, Professor of Contemporary History, University of Sussex] This is not the behavior of an Islamic fanatic who is about to commit a suicide martyrdom operation.

[Marina Montesano, University of Genova - Author of "American Mistery"] According to the official version, before Atta -- who lived in Hamburg, Germany -- moved to the United States, his American namesake was visiting an office at the Department of Agriculture, where he spoke to an employee to request a loan of $650,000.
With this loan, he wanted to rent a small airplane ...
and attach a large tank of chemicals to it.
Upon the refusal of the woman to give him the loan, he began to threaten her, saying he would cut her throat.
Then he told her he was an American Airlines pilot.
He threw a bundle of bank notes onto the desk, and asked for information about the security systems of the Twin Towers.
He even tried to buy a poster of the Pentagon that was on the wall of the office.
And then he finally went away. Well now, is this the typical behavior of a member of a secret sleeper cell? Isn't it more like the behavior of someone who is trying to be remembered?

[This is not the behavior of an Islamic fanatic who is about to commit a suicide.]

[Moni Ovadia, Italian actor] The official version states that al-Omari and Atta left Florida heading for Boston.
This is according to plan, since that is where the two airplanes due to be hijacked will depart.
But they don't stop when they get to Boston. They continue to Maine.
It is the afternoon of September the 10th. The next day will be the most important day in the two men's lives ...
the day on which they cannot make any mistakes. But what do they do?
They go on a trip to Portland!
They spend the night there ...
and they attract attention to themselves with their noisy revelry.
They also pay with credit cards in their names.
They do everything they can to leave traces of their presence there.
The next morning at 6:00 a.m. ...
they fly from Maine to Boston.
The plane that they are going to hijack takes off only half an hour after their flight lands.
This is a very tight time window, potentially putting the whole plan in jeopardy.
The circumstances surrounding the departure from Portland to Boston is very important, both in terms of the investigation, and its shaping public opinion.
It is there that the airport CCTV cameras record the video in which we see the faces of Atta and al-Omari. This video has been shown hundreds of times on television as evidence of the two terrorists boarding the airplane they are about to hijack.
It's not true. That video shows them embarking at Portland.

[Webster Griffin Tarpley, Author of "9-11 Synthetic Terror"] There is no evidence of the presence of these hijackers.
It is simply something that the FBI tells us without any proof. There is no proof. There is no way to prove the presence of any one of these patsies, these scapegoats on the planes.
None at all!

[Moni Ovadia, Italian actor] On September the 16th ...
one of the alleged hijackers of flight 11, Abdulaziz al-Omari ...
went to the Jeddah consulate to protest his innocence to U.S. officers.
Al-Omari, a pilot from Saudi Airlines, receives an official apology from the American officers in Riyadh.

[Takes the picture of al-Omari off the board of named hijackers, and throws it on the ground]
Then, on the 22nd of September, Waleed al-Shehri announces he is still alive.
He too is supposed to have hijacked Flight 11.
From his house in Casablanca, Morocco, impertinent al-Shehri declares his innocence.

[Takes the picture of al-Shehri off the board of named hijackers, and throws it on the ground]

The following day, the 23rd of September, the Daily Telegraph publishes the protestations of innocence of Saeed al-Ghamdi ...
and Ahmed al-Nami ...
both of them still alive and well, and pilots for Saudi Arabian Airlines.

[He first knew that he was on the FBI's list when he was told by a colleague. Speaking from Tunisia, he said, "I was completely shocked. For the past 10 months I have been based in Tunis with 22 other pilots learning to fly an Airbus 320. The FBI provided no evidence of my presumed involvement in the attacks.
"You cannot imagine what it is like to be described as a terrorist -- and a dead man -- when you are innocent and alive." The airline was angry too. Officials brought Mr. Al-Ghamdi back to Saudi Arabia last week for a 10-day holiday to avoid arrest or interrogation.]

[Moni Ovadia, Italian actor] On the 27th of September ...
CBS tracks down Salem al-Hazmi.
According to the FBI ...
he was dead after Flight 77 crashed into the Pentagon.
But curiously, he persists in hanging around alive in Saudi Arabia ...
where he works in an oil refinery.

[Takes the picture of Salem al-Hazmi off the board of named hijackers, and throws it on the ground]

Have the names of al-Omari, al-Shehri, al-Ghamdi, al-Nami, and al-Hazmi been deleted from the list of hijackers with many apologies?
Six years later ...
these 19 people are accused of being the sole perpetrators of the terror attack.

[Takes the pictures of the rest of the hijackers off the board, and throws them on the ground]

[Nafeez Mossadeq Ahmed, Professor of Contemporary History, University of Sussex] If you can't establish the identity of the perpetrators, then you have a serious problem in your criminal inquiry. Raising this question is not about raising conspiracy theory. It's really just about criticizing the absolutely ridiculous nature of the criminal inquiry, and the fact that they have no idea who carried out these attacks.
Then the fundamental question in a criminal inquiry is ...
"Who did it?"


[Giulietto Chiesa, Journalist - Member of the European Parliament] They have this evil organization. They have the leader of this evil organization, bin Laden. They have a secret network in the caves of Afghanistan.
It could be the screenplay of a James Bond movie.

[Nafeez Mossadeq Ahmed, Professor of Contemporary History, University of Sussex] The first bin Laden videotape that was leaked, and that was used by the media to suggest that Osama bin Laden has claimed responsibility --
this was a very problematic videotape.
There was an analysis that found it was a complete forgery. There are a number of issues. Basic issues such as, for example ...
Osama bin Laden was wearing a gold ring.
Now, in Islamic faith, Islamic lore, a man is not allowed to wear gold. So why is the head of one of the most militant Salafist movements wearing a gold ring? It doesn't make sense.


[Marina Montesano, University of Genova - Author of "American Mistery"] The video in question that was found in Afghanistan ...
in very doubtful circumstances ...
by American soldiers ...
in a house that was supposed to have been abandoned by al-Qaeda ...
has been questioned for various reasons. For example, a German TV network gave an alternative translation. It is completely different from the one given by the American investigators.
They are not apparently claiming a role in the 11th of September attacks. They are simply talking about what happened on September 11th.


Many of the other videos of Osama bin Laden have in fact a person speaking ...
and an audio track, that does not correspond, or that corresponds very little, to what his lips are actually saying.

[Giulietto Chiesa, Journalist - Member of the European Parliament] People often ask me, "How can you doubt the official version if Osama bin Laden himself appeared several times on television to say, 'I did it'?"
So I will tell you a little story. However, I can only tell you this story, as I am unable to show you anything. We cannot show the images we do have, because the owners of this material refuse permission for you to see them.


In the summer of 2005, the Commission of the European Parliament for Security and Defense, of which I am a member ...
was invited to a special screening created by the Washington Center for Strategic Studies.


We were asked to watch a film ...
which depicted what would happen in Europe ...


if Brussels was hit by a nuclear bomb.



50,000 deaths, 100,000 injured.
The reactions of various European governments.
Suddenly, footage of Osama bin Laden claiming responsibility for a nuclear attack on NATO headquarters comes onscreen.
Four members of the Parliament, myself included, were rendered speechless. American experts from the Center for Strategic Studies were on hand to explain the action onscreen.
Then a parliamentarian finally said:
"Today, we were shown a convincing demonstration of how Osama bin Laden's image can be completely manipulated."
All the Osamas we have seen over the years may never have existed, just as a nuclear attack on NATO headquarters in Brussels has never taken place.
Now they are denying us use of these images. No matter! We will go on without them. But, people, have a look yourselves.
This is an Osama bin Laden from the 7th of September, 2007.
Compare him with the other Osamas we have seen in the last few years.
Do you believe it is possible that he is getting younger every time?

[7 September, 2007 / 26 December, 2001]

Do you believe it is possible that his beard is darker than before? Do you believe it is possible that his nose has grown? We don't need analysis.
A child can understand that they are two different people. But these people are being introduced to us as if they were the same person. And this story has been told to us now for over six years!

[Moni Ovadia, Italian actor] Did bin Laden organize the attacks of September 11th?
And if so, did he do it alone, or with someone else?
At this point, you must explain the origins of al-Qaeda.
Bin Laden and al-Qaeda, in 1989: the end of the war between the Soviet Union and Muslim guerillas in Afghanistan.
It was after that war, and not before that war.
So who or what were all those Muslim guerillas supposed to fight?

[Nafeez Mossadeq Ahmed, Professor of Contemporary History, University of Sussex] What did "al-Qaeda" mean? And this is very interesting.
We have to go to Robin Cook, the late Foreign Secretary. In the Guardian article, he confirms that "al-Qaeda" was a term that was invented by the CIA. And it had been invented to designate a database ...
a database of mujahideen that were recruited and trained by the CIA. And he's right. Because the Arabic word for "database" --
you just have to add this word. It's "al-Qaeda [inaudible]". "Al-Qaeda" means "the base." And [inaudible] means "data."
Together it means "database."

[Al-Qaeda = DATA BASE]

[Juergen Elsaesser, Journalist -- Author of "How the Jihad arrived in Europe"] Al-Qaeda is fake. Al-Qaeda is not an organization. Al-Qaeda is only a label.
There is no organization like al-Qaeda.
Al-Qaeda is a list of participants in the Afghanistan war of the 80's.
Al-Qaeda is nothing. It's only a puppet blown up by the Western propaganda to show the public the big evil.




Michael Springman, Chief of Visa section at U.S. General Consulate in Jeddah 1987-1989] I was chief of the visa section at the American consulate general in Jeddah between September 1987 and March 1989.
During my period there, I was involved in what turned out to be a "Visas For Terrorists" program, with people coming to the consulate, recruited by the Central Intelligence Agency -- and its asset, Osama bin Laden -- and sent to America, either for instruction on how to be good terrorists, or for rewards, or for debriefings on what they had been doing in Afghanistan.
I assume it was simply on how to blow things up, shoot things down, and overthrow governments.

[Nafeez Mossadeq Ahmed, Professor of Contemporary History, University of Sussex] After the cold war, the connections with al-Qaeda proliferated, multiplied.
Al-Qaeda is being controlled in various ways, directly and indirectly.




Systematically, al-Qaeda has been used in various theaters of conflict. So in 1992-95, look at the the Bosnian conflict.

[Michael Springman, Chief of Visa section at U.S. General Consulate in Jeddah 1987-1989] I believe that the American government was working with various Arab and Muslim organizations, whether it was al-Qaeda, or whether it was people that became al-Qaeda, to be trained, to be armed, and to be sent to the Balkans to overthrow Slobodan Milosevic, and anybody alive with him.

[Nafeez Mossadeq Ahmed, Professor of Contemporary History, University of Sussex] That kind of policy continued in the Balkans ...
all the way up to post-2001.

[Juergen Elsaesser, Journalist -- Author of "How the Jihad arrived in Europe"] The American Secret Services ...
who only delivered weapons during the war, after the war also engaged the jobless mujaheddin on their own payroll. That is a proven fact. There are a lot of testimonies of mujaheddin before joint courts.
They were hired by subcontractors of the Pentagon ...
namely the private contractor MPRI --
Military Professional Resources Incorporated.


MPRI is formerly private, but in fact it's kind of like a secret device of the U.S. Army.
They have more four-star generals on the contract than the Pentagon itself.
If the Pentagon wants to do some dirty job, and thinks they cannot get the money, and they cannot get the approval of the U.S. Congress ...
they give the job to this private company.
At the beginning of summer 1999, MPRI brought these Bosnian mujahiddin back to the Balkans, especially to Kosovo, to help the Kosovo terrorist army KLA.

Bill Clinton
42nd President of the United States
In office: January 20, 1993 – January 20, 2001[/quote][/quote]
They engaged them ...
and they paid them monthly.
A lot of Bosnian mujaheddin were involved in the big terrorist attacks of the last five years.
So speaking about 9/11, five of seven Arabs ...
in the center of the 9/11 plot were former mujaheddin fighters in Bosnia. Five of Seven. Nobody speaks about it.

[Marina Montesano, University of Genova - Author of "American Mistery"] What is required for you to get a visa approved to enter the United States?
The type of information you have to supply is extremely detailed.
But a high ranking official in the U.S. Consulate of Jeddah, Michael Springman, revealed the fact that in that office, many CIA agents were working undercover ...
and that the office was issuing too many visas, far too easily, to some very suspicious people.

[A Sin Concealed -- The Visas for Terrorists Program. Former US Consulate Visa Officer in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia: "The CIA forced me to allow terrorists into the U.S.", by J. Michael Springman]

[Michael Springman, Chief of Visa section at U.S. General Consulate in Jeddah 1987-1989] I was told by a very good contact, a businessman outside the American consulate, that if I said one word to the State Department Inspection Team investigating what was going on in the consulate, I would be fired summarily.

[Marina Montesano, University of Genova - Author of "American Mistery"] Well, that office in Jeddah issued many of the 15 visas that were used by the hijackers to enter the United States.
None of the 15 applications ...
conformed to U.S. visa regulations.
For example, under the heading "destination," many of them wrote "hotel," "New York," or "California." And in one case, just "No."

[Moni Ovadia, Italian actor] And so, it was common practice to help the terrorists of al-Qaeda to enter the United States.
They came to be trained, and this went on for years and years. The same thing happened with the hijackers of September the 11th.

[Daniel Hopsicker, Investigative Journalist] The terrorists -- six of the terrorists, including Mohammed Atta -- trained at U.S. military facilities. Okay? Mohammed Atta went to International Officer's School at Maxwell Air Force Base.

[Ralph Shoenman, Journalist -- Host of WBAI New York radio station] Maxwell Air Force Base in Alabama. Brooks Air Force Base in Texas. Their contact address: The Pensacola Naval Station in Florida. The Defence Language Institute of the Defense Intelligence Agency in Monterey, California. The hands of Intelligence -- they are all over these people!

[Moni Ovadia, Italian actor] So, to sum up, the main hijackers trained and fought in ex-Yugoslavia where they were paid by a company of mercenaries that was connected to the Pentagon. Thanks to the CIA, they got entry visas into the United States. Once they were in America, they did everything they could to be recognized, and attract attention to themselves, since they were sure of their impunity. They trained in American military bases and went to flight schools, where they didn't learn to fly!

[Marina Montesano, University of Genova - Author of "American Mistery"] All the testimony of these lessons, indicate that these men were completely incapable of maneuvering even small airplanes.
For example, Mohammed Atta hired an airplane from a flight school, but he was not even able to take off.
So he left it there on the runway, and went away.
Regarding two other pilots [Khalid al-Mihdar and Nawaq al-Hamzi], their instructor, Rick Garza, said to investigators in the press, that he could not understand how these two could have maneuvered an airplane. His exact words were that "it was like dumb and dumber in a plane."

[Webster Griffin Tarpley, Author of "9-11 Synthetic Terror"] Two FBI agents: Coleen Rowley in Minneapolis, in the state of Minnesota, and another who was in Phoenix, in Arizona, sent messages to the FBI's headquarters in Washington saying, more or less, "Watch out! There are many Arabs here who have enrolled in flight schools."

[Coleen Rowley, FBI agent for 24 years in Minneapolis] The first person in the flight school that called the FBI took a big risk, because at the time, what he was doing was ...
reporting about a customer, a paying customer. And those flight schools depended upon, to a certain extent, foreign pilots. And so now he's reporting about a paying customer:
"You know, this person is very suspicious" -- a list of facts that pointed to Moussaou being a terrorist.
He wanted to learn how to fly, but not take off and land --
I have never seen such an unusual person seeking flight instruction.

[Moni Ovadia, Italian actor] Coleen Rowley immediately informed her superiors in Washington. But nothing happened. Their investigations were obstructed.

[Robert Mueller, Director FBI] There were no warning signs that I'm aware of that would indicate this type of operation in the country.

[Coleen Rowley, FBI agent for 24 years in Minneapolis] I wrote a memo in May of 2002, a 12-13 page memo ... is the Joint Intelligence Committee report.
And both of those were -- basically what my memo did was expose that this was not true, that 9/11 could not have been prevented.


The FBI's acting director, a guy by the name of [Thomas] Picard, during the summer of 9/11 ...
he attempted to brief Attorney General Ashcroft about terrorism.
A couple of times.
And the first time Ashcroft showed little interest in terrorism. In fact, Ashcroft ended up ranking terrorism as his lowest priority in August of 2001. At one point, Picard was told by Ashcroft,
"I don't want to hear any more about terrorism."

On August 6th there is a memo to the President telling him that this is a high security threat; that it is an emergency level; that it's imminent!

Okay. At my meeting with Richard Fuisz, Richard Fuisz does something very important. He tells me that because of my direct contacts with Iraq and Libya, I should be the one, I am perfectly positioned -- because everyone likes to think that Iraq and Libya are involved in terrorism to begin with -- I should be the one to contact U.S. Attorney General John Ashcroft's office. And I should tell them that we're looking for what's called "An Emergency Broadcast Alert," across all agencies, seeking any fragment of intelligence involving airplane hijackings and a strike on the World Trade Center, identified specifically. And I make that phone call. My conversation with Richard Fuisz was on August 6th, so probably August 7th, August 8th, I call them. And immediately I talk to them. You see, you guys couldn't get this number, but I have it. I have the number inside the Attorney General's office. I'm not calling a switchboard, I'm calling his private staff. Okay? I'm calling his government liaison office. No, no, no, that's not true. I call his private internal office. There are about 20 members of his private staff. His legislative director is there; his government relations person is there. But I call inside that office. And they give me the phone number for the office of counterterrorism. They say, "repeat exactly what you just told us, and tell them."

I am told that John Ashcroft said, "Oh, those CIA people keep talking about terrorism. And they keep talking about this darn airplane hijacking. And they are so paranoid. And why do they keep bugging us about it?" That's what I'm told he said. [Laughs] But I did what I did.

-- CIA Whistleblower Susan Lindauer Exposes Everything! "Extreme Prejudice," by Susan Lindauer


[Michael Springman, Chief of Visa section at U.S. General Consulate in Jeddah 1987-1989] After September 11, 2001, when I heard about the planes crashing into the World Trade Towers and into the Pentagon, I said ...
"Jeez, these were the same people who, according to the Los Angeles Times, had gotten their visas from the American Consulate General at Jeddah.
I called the Federal Bureau of Investigation and tell them, essentially, the basics of the "Visas for Terrorists" program. I did this. I called, and I called, and I called. I was passed from one office of the FBI to another ...
and ended up at the Washington field office. And someone there said, "We'll get back to you." Six years later, I'm still waiting.

[Sibel Edmonds, Former FBI translator] We received these audiotapes that were obtained three months before September 11, 2001 from a different field office --


an Iranian informant who had been on the FBI's payroll for 10 years, since about 1991, 1992 -- in April of 2001. In April, 2001, this informant told the FBI that ...
on a separate issue, he had obtained information about al-Qaeda/bin Laden, issuing an attack in the United States that would involve five major cities, and it will involve airplanes. And that the attack was going to take place within the next few months.



They took the information; they found it important; they filled out forms ...
they give them back to the headquarters; and then they filed it. They gave it to their superiors, right?
Nothing happened.


Two months later, they met with the same informant again, and the informant asked ...
he said, "Did you do something with that information I gave you, because it came from really reliable sources?"
And the agent said, "Yes, we gave it to our superiors." Well, nothing happened. Nobody followed up on this.

[John Judge, 9-11 researcher for former Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney] They discovered Ramzi Yousef's computer ...
with the Bojinka plan in 1996, in the Philippines.
It talked about taking hijacked planes, and running them into the Pentagon, the White House, the Capitol, the CIA headquarters, and the Twin Towers.
The Pentagon staged an exercise a year before, in October of 2000, at the site with the Arlington County Fire Department, to simulate a plane running into the Pentagon, and how the fire responders would get there, and what they would do.
So this was not outside the box, or out in the blue.


They not only expected it, they prepared for it.


[Moni Ovadia, Italian actor] One of the most frequent declarations made by the Bush Administration ...
was that these attacks took us by surprise.

[Condoleezza Rice, Secretary of State] I don't think anybody could have predicted ...
that they would try to use an airplane as a missile. a hijacked airplane as a missile.

[President George W. Bush] I don't think the prior government could envision flying airplanes into buildings ...
on such a massive scale.


[Moni Ovadia, Italian actor] According to USA Today, in 1999, the American Air Force conducted special exercises four times a year, in which the hijacking of civil airplanes by terrorists was simulated.

The selected targets were the Twin Towers and the Pentagon.

[September 1999 U.S. study: a plane might crash INTO THE PENTAGON]


[Condoleezza Rice, Secretary of State] I don't think anybody could have predicted that they would try to use an airplane as a missile. a hijacked airplane as a missile.
[President George W. Bush] I don't think the prior government could envision flying airplanes into buildings on such a massive scale.



[Lella Costa, Italian actress] On the 11th of September, 2002 ...
the New York Times wrote:
"One year later, the public knows less about the circumstances of 2,801 deaths at the foot of Manhattan in broad daylight ...
than people in 1912 knew within weeks about the Titanic."

[Moni Ovadia, Italian actor] Five years after that article, what happened that day is still a mystery.

[Robert McIlvaine, Father of Robert McIlvaine, Jr., deceased on 9-11] My name is Bob McIlvaine. I'm from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
I lost my son Bobby, who was age 26 on September 11, 2001. He had just gotten a job at Merrill Lynch.
[Choking up, laughing, and making a gesture that says, "Can you believe I still feel the pain so hard after all this time?"]
[Speechless and composing himself]
It always hits you blind. Don't worry, I get over it, but I mean ...
any time you just mention that day, it's like the pain ...
just comes shooting up.
[Trying hard to compose himself]
And of course, when you keep doing this, you think it gets better, but it just never gets better.

[Moni Ovadia, Italian actor] The conclusions that the 9/11 Commission came to have been very disappointing. A lot of evidence has been ignored, many witnesses were not called to testify, the final report glosses over a great many key issues.

[Juergen Elsaesser, Journalist -- Author of "How the Jihad arrived in Europe"] A few days before 9/11, Mohammed Atta received a huge sum of money, about $100,000 ...
money which was delivered by a Pakistani Secret Service officer.
And the big scandal is that the 9/11 Commission of the U.S. Congress never interrogated this man, and never tried to bring light into the story of this $100,000.

[William Rodriguez, Former janitor at the World Trade Center - National Hero] While everybody was doing testimony televised to the whole nation, mine was behind closed doors.
Now why would they want that behind closed doors? That didn't make any sense. Anyway, I told them exactly the same argument that we have here ...
that we heard explosions ...
that people were burned prior to the building getting hit by the plane ...
that these people were alive, and they were available to be interrogated.
And wow, what a surprise: the final report comes out ...
they didn't even mention -- my name doesn't appear anywhere.


They didn't call even once any of the witnesses that we gave them.
So you have 17 firefighters, you have 22 survivors, and they didn't call even one of them.

[Robert McIlvaine, Father of Robert McIlvaine, Jr., deceased on 9-11] Specifically me as a parent, I have an obligation to find out who murdered my son! The Commission gave me nothing.


The 9/11 Commission was not an investigation!


[Gore Vidal, Novelist, essayist, playwriter] Remember, the entire bin Laden family was on one of the planes later.
They had been collected from all over the United States. And they were whisked out of the country at the speed of light, while the Pentagon was still burning.

[Robert McIlvaine, Father of Robert McIlvaine, Jr., deceased on 9-11] So they asked Mueller, "Who authorized these people to leave the country?"
"Well, someone in the State Department."
"Well, can you tell us who?"
He said, "Well, I don't recall."
"I don't recall."
Another instance, General Myers. This is later on in the Commission. They asked about Moussaoui.
"Do you recall getting any information concerning Moussaoui?"
His answer was, "I don't recall." "I don't recall.
Ashcroft, Attorney General. Picard was the FBI head during the summer. He had testified that they had all these warnings, 71 different warnings, of something happening this summer. And Ashcroft sat there and lied, said "I didn't know these things. I didn't know about these warnings. We weren't paying any attention to terrorism."

[Robert Mueller, Director FBI] No warning signs that I'm aware of.

[Condoleezza Rice, Secretary of State] I don't think anybody could have predicted ...

[President George W. Bush] I don't think the prior government could envision flying airplanes into buildings ...

[Robert McIlvaine, Father of Robert McIlvaine, Jr., deceased on 9-11] These people lie! And our government protected them. It was obvious they were lying. [Inaudible] Mueller should be in jail. Ashcroft should be in jail. Condoleezza Rice should be in jail.

[Condoleezza Rice, Secretary of State] I don't think anybody ...

[Robert Mueller, Director FBI] No warning signs ...

[President George W. Bush] I don't think ...


[Reporter] Osama bin Laden is the world's most ...

[President George W. Bush] ... and punish those responsible ...

[Giulietto Chiesa, Journalist - Member of the European Parliament] They have this evil organization.
They have the leader, bin Laden.

[President George W. Bush] ... punish, dead or alive ...

[Giulietto Chiesa, Journalist - Member of the European Parliament] They have a secret network in the caves of Afghanistan.

[President George W. Bush] Tonight, the United States of America makes the following demands on the Taliban:
deliver to United States authorities ...
all leaders of al-Qaeda ...
who hide in your land.

[Audience] [Clapping]

[Collin Powell] [Holding his nose]

[President George W. Bush] Give the United States full access to terrorist training camps so we can make sure they are no longer operating.
These demands are not open to negotiation or discussion.

[Audience] [Clapping, standing ovation, hooting and yelling]

[Giulietto Chiesa, Journalist - Member of the European Parliament] Obviously, they will never catch bin Laden, because then everybody will think that the war on terror is over.

[President George W. Bush] It's hard for Americans to imagine how evil the people are who are doing this.


[Babies] [Crying]

[Crowd] [Singing "Amazing Grace"]

[Robert McIlvaine, Father of Robert McIlvaine, Jr., deceased on 9-11] I'm not a conspiracy theorist! I'm a parent looking for the murder of my son! And you have to be a moron to think that 19 Arabs did it. Again, my dogs knew better than that. So that's very important. Put yourself in my shoes, and think about your child being murdered. And you've never had an investigation. Well, how would you feel if they refused to investigate the murder of your child?

[Louie Cacchioli, North Tower survivor - New York Fire Department] I was at home until 3:00 in the morning.
Then I got up because I couldn't sleep.
I went back there, down there ...
to try to find someone.
Could a fireman ...
or a policeman ...
still be trapped down there?
I wanted to find him ...
even if he was ...
or a person who worked there, only to give myself a bit of satisfaction.
I was down there searching for nine days.
But I didn't find anyone alive.
I went down there for nearly a year and a half.
And if I wasn't down there working and searching ...
I was at funerals.
They took my friends from me. They took my job from me. And I really loved that job. And they took my health from me.
I do not want people to forget that day.


[Robert McIlvaine, Father of Robert McIlvaine, Jr., deceased on 9-11] And the story has to be told. The problem with Americans: it's like a big iceberg. We live at the tip of the iceberg ...
and we're afraid of the dark truths of our history. And it's getting worse and worse.
Well, this is a real dark truth.
It will pull the whole iceberg down. But then hopefully it will rise back up. But we have to learn the truth, or this country isn't worth anything. All that history is lame.
And people should be ashamed of themselves for not seeking the truth.



in collaboration with: SALIM CATRINA, DANIEL HOPSICKER

in collaboration with PAOLO JORMI BIANCHI



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