Brotherhood of the Wolf, directed by Christophe Gans

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Brotherhood of the Wolf, directed by Christophe Gans

Postby admin » Tue Oct 15, 2019 4:33 am

Brotherhood of the Wolf -- Illustrated Screenplay
directed by Christophe Gans
© 2007 E2 Films
© 2001 Davis Films-Studio Canal France-TFI Films Production



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Re: Brotherhood of the Wolf, directed by Christophe Gans

Postby admin » Tue Oct 15, 2019 4:34 am

Brotherhood of the Wolf -- Screenplay
Transcribed from the movie by Tara Carreon

Metropolitan Films

Samuel Hadida et Richard Grandpierre presentient

Une production
Davis Films-Eskwad-Studio Canal

[Crowd shouting, jeering]

[Servant of Thomas Age] Sir, time is running out. You must leave immediately. I'm begging you.
They will arrest you.

[Marquis Thomas Age] Bring me the candles.

[Servant of Thomas Age] But, sir --

[Marquis Thomas Age] I'm going to work late tonight.
And my usual glass of wine.
Our world had to change.
The revolution has become a terror sweeping the land,
and soon I, too, will become its victim.


Convictions can make men blind and drive them mad.
They can devour their hearts ...
and transform them into beasts.

[Wind howling]

[Bergère of Rocher] [Grunting]

[Animal growling]

[Bergère of Rocher] [Screams]

[Animal growling, footfalls]

[Narrator Marquis Thomas Age] It was in the year 1764 ...
that the beast first appeared on our land and made it its own.
One year later, its infamy had spread beyond the borders of our province,
and we came to believe that no mortal would be able to eliminate the terror.
Under its attack, the province of Gevaudan ...
sank deeper and deeper into darkness.

Nov 26, 1764 - France bans Jesuit enorde [Society of Jesus-Jesuits]
-- Historical Events for Year 1764, by

[Thunder rumbling]

[Men shouting]

[Horse whinnies]

[The Chatterbox] [Sobbing]

[Soldier] Who are you?

[Thunder continues]

[Soldier] [Yells]



[Knight Gregoire of Fronsac] What has he done?
What has he done?

[Soldier] He's a thief.

[Knight Gregoire of Fronsac] And the girl?

[Soldier] His daughter -- a bloody witch!

[Jean Chastel] I'm a healer. I took care of their horses. They won't pay me.

[Soldier] Don't listen to him, sir. These people can't be trusted.

[Knight Gregoire of Fronsac] And did he heal the horses?

[Soldier] Yes.

[Knight Gregoire of Fronsac] Be on your way.

[Soldier] [Shouts] [Grunts]

[All groaning]


[Soldier] Welcome to the land of the beast, my lords,
but beware of the wolf traps!

[Narrator Maruis Thomas Age] The knight Gregoire de Fronsac and his companion Mani ...
were neither hunters, nor were they soldiers.
Naturalist and taxidermist to the king and royal gardens,
Sir de Fronsac had quite a reputation in Paris ...
for being a libertine and a sharp wit.
As for the man that followed him like a shadow,
he was a foreigner, and you knew nothing about him.
As night fell,
the two voyagers arrived at the castle of the Marquis d'Apcher,
who had offered them refuge in the Gevaudan region ...
for as long as their mission endured.

[Elder Marquis of Apcher] Our people would not be afraid of a simple wolf. The beast is different.
It flees from men as if it knew to fear them,
but it spares neither woman nor child.

[Knight Gregoire of Fronsac] Have you ever seen it?

[Elder Marquis of Apcher] No.

[Knight Gregoire of Fronsac] Then how can you be sure this is the work of only one animal?

[Elder Marquis of Apcher] All those who survive give the same description.
The beast is much larger than a wolf,
and they say it has no fear of the hunter's bullet.
I understand your skepticism, Fronsac,


and I don't believe in ...
dragons any more than you do.
But I've had a report drawn up,
a memoir of the beast's crimes.
You may judge for yourself.

[Marquis Thomas of Apcher] Grandfather tells me you fought the English in New France.

[Knight Gregoire of Fronsac] Yes, I went there to study the flora and the fauna, and, uh,
I've returned with several scars and the rank of captain in --

[Woman screams]

[Elder Marquis of Apcher] I've opened a hospital for the victims of the beast ...
in an old priory.

[Woman crying]

[Elder Marquis of Apcher] It's a woman from Lorcieres.
She was coming back from the fair when the beast attacked her on the road.
Her two companions came to her rescue. The beast ran off.
Tell me, Monsieur Fronsac,
has Monsieur Buffon heard the news from Paris?

[Wolf howling]

[Marquis Thomas of Apcher] And The Ingenue? Have you read The Ingenue?

[Knight Gregoire of Fronsac] Marquis, it's a bit late to discuss philosophy.

[Marquis Thomas of Apcher] You're quite right. Let's discuss theater.
Do you know any actresses?
What's the theater this season?
You can put it there.
They say actresses are gallant.
I don't know if it's true, but I've read that some of them are quite free with their charm.
Tell me all about it.

[Knight Gregoire of Fronsac] Here's something to satisfy your curiosity.

[Marquis Thomas of Apcher] The Mercure of France!
Here we have only the Avignon Courier.
I'll show you to the servants' quarters.

[Knight Gregoire of Fronsac] Leave him. He'll sleep here.

[Marquis Thomas of Apcher] Very well. Good night, Sir de Fronsac.

[Knight Gregoire of Fronsac] Ah!
It isn't Versailles, but his wine is good.

[Animal growls]

[Wolves howling]

[Woman screaming, crying]

[Boy speaking in dialect] As large as a cow.
[Continues in dialect]

[Father Georges] Jacques has seen many wolves,
but he says that the animal that attacked him is not one.
His muzzle was elongated and his teeth are like knives.


[Knight Gregoire of Fronsac] If it wasn't a wolf, what was it?

[Boy] Le diable.

[Marquis Thomas of Apcher] Fronsac,
the beast has attacked a girl near St. Alban.

[Bird caws]

[Mani] There.

[Marquis Thomas of Apcher] Calm, sir. No one's there.

[Captain Duhamel] Stop there!
What are they doing here? Damn sons of whores!

[Marquis Thomas of Apcher] Good day, Captain.

[Captain Duhamel] Good day, Marquis.
I'm pleased to see you.
But be on your guard. There are traps everywhere.

[Marquis Thomas of Apcher] Duhamel, this is Gregoire de Fronsac, of the king's royal gardens.
He would like to examine the body of this unfortunate woman more closely,
with your permission, of course.

[Captain Duhamel] So it was you, sir, who butchered my men.

[Knight Gregoire of Fronsac] I didn't know, Captain, that they were carrying out your orders.

[Captain Duhamel] They were not.
You did the right thing, and I offer you my apologies.
My soldiers are not from this province. They are trained for war, not for hunting.
Beware. She has been filled with poison.


What sort of gardener are you?

[Knight Gregoire of Fronsac] When your men have killed the beast,
His Majesty wishes it to be brought back and studied in Paris.
I've been sent to capture its true nature on paper,
then naturalize it when the hunt has ended.
For the moment, I'm simply trying to get an idea.


My God! With a jaw this size, the beast must weigh 500 pounds.

[Captain Duhamel] This time I'll kill it, Marquis.
Before the first snow I'll shoot it.
If everyone shows at the hunt, it won't be able to escape.

[Knight Gregoire of Fronsac] Have you ever seen it?

[Captain Duhamel] One time, sir, in 13 months, I had it in my line of fire.
I shot it. My word, sir.
I saw it collapse and revive itself immediately.
We lost sight of it, at the foot of Mont Mouchet ...
as if it vanished into the woods.

[Knight Gregoire of Fronsac] Did it look anything like this?


[Captain Duhamel] It had a black stripe on its back,
with a line of spikes, you might say.



[Elder Marquis of Apcher] My friends, I would like to present the author of these drawings.
Knight Gregoire de Fronsac,
man of the hour if there is one, as he's come to us from Paris to --


[Monsieur Laffont] Capture the beast?

[Elder Marquis of Apcher] His Eminence the Bishop of Mende.
His Lordship the Duke de Moncan.
His Grace the Count of Morangias,
and Madame the Countess,
their son Jean-Francois,
who has also traveled a great deal.

[Jean-Francois of Morangias] Nice touch, sir.

[Knight Gregoire of Fronsac] Thank you, sir.

[Elder Marquis of Apcher] Monsieur Laffont, administrator.
Father Henri Sardis, of St. Alban's Church.

[Jean-Francois of Morangias] And so, tell us all, sir:
Is there much talk of the beast in Paris?


[Knight Gregoire of Fronsac] They even write songs.

[Countess of Morangias] When they should be saying prayers.


[Knight Gregoire of Fronsac] Do you think that Captain Duhamel would truly need the help of God?

[Father Henri Sardis] And who may do without it?

[Count of Morangias] Duhamel can barely disguise his soldiers as women ...
to lure the beast with strategy.

[Monsieur Laffont] Duhamel does his best.

[Jean-Francois of Morangias] You're being very indulgent. Duhamel is incompetent.
His hunts exhaust the people,
his soldiers devastate our lands, and the beast is still at large.

[Monsieur Laffont] Certainly.

[Duke of Moncan] My word!


Is it to pay Duhamel that my taxes are sent to the ministries in Paris?
I would much rather give it to my valets.
What do you think, sir?

[Father Henri Sardis] Don't feel obliged to reply, sir.
My friend the duke loves to argue, but he's a good Christian.
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Re: Brotherhood of the Wolf, directed by Christophe Gans

Postby admin » Tue Oct 15, 2019 4:35 am

[Count of Morangias] When you arrived, this brilliant assembly was chattering away ...
about the good lord and the whole saintly affair.
It seems the pope has even sent a spy to determine ...
if the beast is or is not a manifestation of the devil.

[Music ends]

[All chattering]

[Knight Gregoire of Fronsac] Excuse me.

[Maxime des Forets] Your beauty has charms so powerful that I cannot resist.

[Marquis Thomas of Apcher] Marianne de Morangias. Difficult, sir, very difficult.
All the best in the province have tried and failed.

[Knight Gregoire of Fronsac] Who's the future victim?

[Marquis Thomas of Apcher] Maxime des Forets, a playwright.

[Knight Gregoire of Fronsac] [Laughing] Then this will be easy.


[Marquis Thomas of Apcher] Be careful. She's a Morangias.


[Maxime des Forets] It's the story of a man who transforms --

[Knight Gregoire of Fronsac] Mademoiselle.

[Maxime des Forets] Hello, sir. We were conversing --

[Knight Gregoire of Fronsac] You're Maxime des Forets.

[Maxime des Forets] Maxime before you?

[Knight Gregoire of Fronsac] It's an honor to meet you.
Authors of quality are so rare in these times.
Marquis d'Apcher has spoken of you --

[Maxime des Forets] Really? The marquis?

[Knight Gregoire of Fronsac] Listen he wants to write a memoir of his family, and he's thinking of you.

[Maxime des Forets] Really?

[Knight Gregoire of Fronsac] Between us, he's in good spirits.
It's now or never, but do it with finesse, as if you didn't know.
And above all, wait until he broaches the subject.

[Maxime des Forets] Mademoiselle, excuse me.

[Marianne of Morangias] Have you no shame?

[Knight Gregoire of Fronsac] Dear God, no!

[Marianne of Morangias] And so, Mr. Naturalist, is our province to your liking?

[Knight Gregoire of Fronsac] For the moment, I've only glimpsed the beauty. Well, at least one.

[Marianne of Morangias] Is this how one speaks in the king's court?
No. It's a couplet you've reserved for innocent provincials.

[Knight Gregoire of Fronsac] I might go to the court more often if I could meet young ladies like you.

[Bell rings]

[Marianne of Morangias] Ah, they're serving, sir. Let's go to dinner.

[Knight Gregoire of Fronsac] Whither thou goes.

We had been sailing up the St. Lawrence River for 12 days ...
when we brought up in our nets the strangest animal that I'd ever seen.
The Indians had spoken to me of their sacred fish,
but I was sure that it was only a legend.
What I saw before me was a fish in the shape and size of a trout,
but whose body was entirely covered ...
with jet-black, fine fur.


[Jean-Francois of Morangias] [Laughs]
A furry trout? Sir, you must be joking.

[Knight Gregoire of Fronsac] No, sir.

[All exclaiming] Ah!

[Knight Gregoire of Fronsac] Salmo trutta dermopilla, from Canada.

[Man] Absolutely --

[Countess of Morangias] It's as soft as mink.

[Man] Can you eat it?


[Count of Morangias] Hmm, nature is extraordinary.

[Countess of Morangias] The water must be very cold.


[Duke of Moncan] That proves that the impossible is ... sometimes possible.

[Maxime des Forets] Well said.


[Monsieur Laffont] There's a discovery that must have earned you honors in the Royal Gardens.

[Jean-Francois of Morangias] But I doubt he deserves them.
However, I do recognize, sir, your talent for comedy.
Had I both my hands, I'd applaud you.

[Count of Morangias] Jean-Francois.
Would you please be kind enough to excuse him, sir?

[Knight Gregoire of Fronsac] Your son is right, Count de Morangias.


This animal does not exist.
My embalmer at the Royal Gardens is a skillful man.
Pardon me this little farce at your expense.

[Marianne of Morangias] Are we to believe the moral of your story is ...
that there is no beast in Gevaudan ...
and that our province is filled with idiots?

[Knight Gregoire of Fronsac] The moral of my fable, mademoiselle,
is that we find dragons and unicorns only in books and poems.


Lies may often appear as truths when they're dressed in Latin.


[Duke of Moncan] Be careful, sir.
We may lose all sense of what you're saying.

[Jean-Francois of Morangias] But, indeed, what are you? A naturalist or a philosopher?

[Duke of Moncan] Or worse -- an actor?

[Father Henri Sardis] I think our friend is, above all, Parisian.


[Count of Morangias] Enough said about this evil beast. After all, it only devours vermin.

[Monsieur Laffont] Charades?

[Maxime des Forets] Oh, this morning I composed a little poem about love.
If Madame the Countess will permit?

[Countess of Morangias] If it isn't indecent.

[Maxime des Forets] Indecent? On, no, no, no.
It's a poem. It's very chaste, very pure.
It's improvised. It just came to me.
It's entitled, "To the Wolf, To the Wolf."
"I was caught unawares, though I thought not of evil.
I was caught in your stares. Your sly eye pierced my heart. I'm ensnared."

[Monsieur Laffont] [Laughing]

[Count of Morangias] Hmph.


[Knight Gregoire of Fronsac] Shall I see you again?

[Marianne of Morangias] Have you other amazing animals to show me?

[Knight Gregoire of Fronsac] You seem rather set in your ideas about me.
Permit me to change your opinion.

[Marianne of Morangias] You can try.

[Knight Gregoire of Fronsac] Will you come to Duhamel's hunt?

[Marianne of Morangias] Most certainly.

[Countess of Morangias] I can't allow it. My dear, it's much too dangerous.

[Knight Gregoire of Fronsac] [Sighs]
Obedience is the first virtue of well-bred young women.


[Countess of Morangias] The young man's right.

[Narrator Marquis Thomas Age] There was that day in Gevaudan ...
the largest hunt ever organized in the kingdom of France.
The king offered a reward of 6,000 pounds ...
to the beast's assassin.
There were thousands of enlisted peasants, swordsmen and soldiers,
as well as all the hunters and adventurers in the region.
And for several hours we forgot ...
that we were the beast's prey.

[Captain Duhamel] Each one of you has a map and a meeting point.
The hunt will begin at 7:00. I thank you very much.

[Duke of Moncan] You may, Captain, you may. My men have other things to do.

[Captain Duhamel] Your generosity, Duke, rivals your courage and --

[Duke of Moncan] That's enough, Duhamel. I hope for your sake that we kill the beast.

[Captain Duhamel] It's a certainty, Duke.

[Crowd shouting]

[Monsieur Laffont] What is that ruckus?

[All shouting]

[All grunting]



[Both shout]


[No audible dialogue]

[Crowd shouts in unison]

[Shouting stops]

[Man groaning]

[Man groaning]

[Crowd cheers]

[Jean-Francois of Morangias] Fine weapon, isn't it?
I had it made by an armorer in Mende upon my return.
You understand, of course, it must be made to measure.
Here, look at this.


Even in Paris, you'll never find these bullets.
I make them myself.


[Knight Gregoire of Fronsac] Silver? Are you afraid of werewolves?

[Jean-Francois of Morangias] No,
but I like to sign my shots.
I am a hunter, Fronsac,
and it's a passion that has cost me dearly.

[Knight Gregoire of Fronsac] What happened to you?

[Jean-Francois of Morangias] Let's just say that I learned the hard way ...
that some wild animals need more than a bullet to bring them down,
and no matter what Sardis says,
well, you need more than prayers to heal gangrene.


[Knight Gregoire of Fronsac] Was it a bear that injured you?

[Jean-Francois of Morangias] A lion.

[Knight Gregoire of Fronsac] A lion?

[Jean-Francois of Morangias] Yes.
Two years in the navy took me to many places.
Have you ever been to Africa, Fronsac?

[Crowd laughing]

[Jean Chastel] My lords, my daughter is the cause of all this.
Here she is. Punish her as you see fit.

[The Chatterbox] [Gasping, gagging]

[Jean Chastel] She's ill! She's sick! She's not possessed.
She is not possessed!

[The Chatterbox] [Gagging]

[Knight Gregoire of Fronsac] Keep her from swallowing her tongue. She'll suffocate.


[Jean Chastel] She's not possessed. She's not possessed.

[Knight Gregoire of Fronsac] I know.


[Jean-Francois of Morangias] Naturalist, philosopher and even healer.

[The Chatterbox] [Gasping]

[Jean Chastel] [Crying]

[Marquis Thomas of Apcher] She didn't come, Fronsac. You owe me a gold piece.

[Knight Gregoire of Fronsac] Marquis.

[Dogs barking]

[Knight Gregoire of Fronsac] And the natives?

[Jean-Francois of Morangias] Superstitious brutes, like anywhere. Like here.

[Knight Gregoire of Fronsac] Indian hunters eat the heart of their prey to boost their strength.
Are they brutes for doing so?

[Jean-Francois of Morangias] In Africa, it's the heart of the enemy that the warrior devours.

[Marquis Thomas of Apcher] Count de Morangias? Jean-Francois?
lease ask your men to move to the east.
My men will head south and we'll meet up --

[Marianne of Morangias] Well, here you are.

[Knight Gregoire of Fronsac] Mademoiselle, your mother will be worried.

[Marianne of Morangias] My mother is always worried.
If I listened to her, I'd be in a convent.
I know you didn't believe me. You're a libertine.

[Knight Gregoire of Fronsac] I'm not a libertine when I'm in love.

[Marianne of Morangias] You're in love?


Well, that's ridiculous. We hardly know each other.


[Knight Gregoire of Fronsac] You thought I was speaking of you?

[Count of Morangias] Marianne!

[Jean-Francois of Morangias] We'll have to teach her someday how to ride like a lady.

[Count of Morangias] Well, no harm in getting a little exercise at her age.

[Jean-Francois of Morangias] [Sighs] My father sees no evil.

[Count of Morangias] And my son sees evil everywhere.


[Mani] People have died here.

[Marianne of Morangias] How do you know?


[Mani] I hear their cries.

[Knight Gregoire of Fronsac] Mani, stop that.

[Marianne of Morangias] He's right. This was once a Templar stronghold.
When it burned, 25 heretics were burned alive in the chapel.


Is he a seer?

[Knight Gregoire of Fronsac] No need to be a seer.


Simply observe.

[Marianne of Morangias] When I was young, I had played here with my brother.

[Knight Gregoire of Fronsac] Were you not afraid?

[Marianne of Morangias] He told me he would protect me from ghosts.

[Dogs barking]

[All shouting]

[Wolves squealing]




[Jean-Francois of Morangias] Hyah!

[Shooting continues]


[Marianne of Morangias] Have you no taste for the hunt?


[Knight Gregoire of Fronsac] Is that a crime in these parts?
The Indians say that to draw someone's portrait is to steal their soul.

[Marianne of Morangias] Are you interested in my soul as well?
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Re: Brotherhood of the Wolf, directed by Christophe Gans

Postby admin » Tue Oct 15, 2019 5:39 am


[Wolf howling]


[Jean-Francois of Morangias] What are you doing on foot during the hunt? You want to be killed?

[Knight Gregoire of Fronsac] It's my fault.

[Jean-Francois of Morangias] I asked nothing of you, sir.

[Marianne of Morangias] What possessed you?

[Knight Gregoire of Fronsac] It was a wolf.

[Marianne of Morangias] And if it were the beast?

[Knight Gregoire of Fronsac] I don't think so, Marianne.


[Mani] Thank you.

[Man #1] I hope for your sake, Captain, that the beast is among these wolves.

[Man #2] In any case, these won't attack anyone again.

[Jean-Francois of Morangias] What a curious character. Where did you find him?

[Knight Gregoire of Fronsac] In New France.

[Jean-Francois of Morangias] Ah.
He's a -- What is it? An Acadian.

[Knight Gregoire of Fronsac] He's an Indian. An Iroquois, from the Mohawk tribe.

[Duke of Moncan] An Indian? A real one?
He doesn't look at all like an Indian.
Please join us tonight at St. Alban.


It will be amusing with your valet.

[Knight Gregoire of Fronsac] He's not my valet.

[Jean-Francois of Morangias] Then what the devil is he?


[Knight Gregoire of Fronsac] He's my brother.

[Dogs barking]

[Folk dance]


[Count of Morangias] Really, how could you have mixed your blood ...
with that of a savage?

[Knight Gregoire of Fronsac] A man is not a savage when he shares in your misfortune.
It was Mani who helped me to escape the English after the Battle of Three Rivers.


[Monsieur Laffont] I thought they were cannibals, those animals over there.

[Knight Gregoire of Fronsac] Well, as you can see, Monsieur Laffont,


Mani is not an animal.


[Count of Morangias] Are you able to reproduce with a woman of our race?


[Mani] All women have same color when candle is out.

[Jean-Francois of Morangias] [Laughs] And, yes, Father, they even have humor.

[Knight Gregoire of Fronsac] If the Indians slept with the whites, they even had children,
which proves that we are the same species.

[Monsieur Laffont] Don't speak too soon. It's a bit like the Negroes, actually.

[Count of Morangias] What say you, Sardis?

[Father Henri Sardis] Without doubt, your blood brother is, like us, a creature of God.
Have you had him baptized?

[Knight Gregoire of Fronsac] He didn't request it.

[Countess of Morangias] Poor reasoning. You're a man of your times.

[Knight Gregoire of Fronsac] Mani has his own beliefs.
At home he was a sort of ... priest, one might say.


[Count of Morangias] Aha! If Indians have priests, they're surely lost.

[All laughing]

[Father Henri Sardis] What exactly are their beliefs?

[Knight Gregoire of Fronsac] The Mohawks believe that for each man there is an animal spirit. They call it totem.

[Count of Morangias] Very amusing, but I don't understand.

[Knight Gregoire of Fronsac] Mani.
Would you, please?
Don't be afraid. It doesn't hurt.

[Mani] You ... oskenunda.

[Knight Gregoire of Fronsac] Caribou. It's a kind of stag.

[Count of Morangias] Oh, yes, a stag.
And what do you think, my dear?


Am I a stag because of my horns or because of something else?

[Monsieur Laffont] [Laughs]

[Elder Marquis of Apcher] And my dear Thomas -- what is his "totem"?

[Marquis Thomas of Apcher] Worm. Bookworm, probably.

[Mani] Serpent.

[Marquis Thomas of Apcher] Serpent?

[Knight Gregoire of Fronsac] To the Indians, the serpent represents wisdom.

[Mani] Serpent wise.

[Count of Morangias] And you, Laffont?

[Mani] What is His Grace?

[Count of Morangias] A bull. [Laughs]
Laugh. Laugh, Laffont.


For these barbarians, pigs may be the symbol of nobility, eh?
Whose turn now? Sardis?

[Jean-Francois of Morangias] No.
It's mine. What am I?
Half lion?
Half eagle?
Go on. Transform me into a lizard, Indian, so my arm may grow back.

[Marianne of Morangias] Jean-Francois, that's enough!

[Jean-Francois of Morangias] What's the matter? Am I in poor taste?
Let me go! Let me go! Let me go!

[Knight Gregoire of Fronsac] Mademoiselle, would it please you?

[Marianne of Morangias] Pardon me, sir, but I've tired of your games,
and I prefer to retire before you begin juggling or dancing on a ball.
Good night.

[Marquis Thomas of Apcher] This will cheer your spirit, Fronsac.
It certainly isn't Paris, but it's the best house in Mende,
and you'll sleep better here than at the inn.

[Chattering, laughing]

[The Tessier] They're all for you, my lords,
and we have a new girl, very, very --



[The Brunette Prostitute] My dear marquis.


[Sylvia] I'm costly, Gregoire de Fronsac.

[Knight Gregoire of Fronsac] Do you know me?


[Sylvia] From here, Gevaudan is small.

[Knight Gregoire of Fronsac] Italian.

[Sylvia] Si.
Just passing through the region.

[Knight Gregoire of Fronsac] I have money.


[Sylvia] You'll need more than just money.

[Knight Gregoire of Fronsac] What, then?


[Sylvia] Hmm.


[Sylvia] Vieni con me. [Come with me.]

[Knight Gregoire of Fronsac] [Breathing heavily]

[Sylvia] Who did this to you?

[Knight Gregoire of Fronsac] An Iroquois arrow.

[Sylvia] Far from your heart?

[Knight Gregoire of Fronsac] I hope so.
I'm a lucky man.

[Sylvia] And this?

[Knight Gregoire of Fronsac] A bear.
And he didn't like me at all.


[Sylvia] You haven't seen anything yet.
My business is dangerous,
and all men are not like you.

[Knight Gregoire of Fronsac] [Grunts]

[Sylvia] Something to remember me by.


[Woman screams]

[The Tessier] None of this scandal in my house! Oh!
Valentine, what is it?

[Valentine] Madame, I won't sleep with a sorcerer.

[The Tessier] What are you talking about?

[Valentine] He has snakes on his body. I saw them move.

[The Tessier] Oh, our reputation! You must go.

[Marquis Thomas of Apcher] It's nothing.
Our friend is an Indian, not a sorcerer.


[Valentine] Well, then I will not sleep with Indians.

[Knight Gregoire of Fronsac] Your whores are quite delicate!

[The Tessier] Come on, girls. Who's going to take care of the redskin?
Come on, I'll double the price.

[Prostitute] I like his tattoos.

[The Tessier] There we go. All arranged.


[Prostitute] So, are you really a sorcerer?

[Woman gasps]

[Women laughing]



[Sylvia] Will you draw my portrait?

[Knight Gregoire of Fronsac] If you don't behave.

[Narrator Marquis Thomas Age] As the weeks passed, it became apparent ...
that Duhamel's soldiers could not find the beast.
It was to be our third winter spent under the beast's reign,
and we knew that the snow and the cold would not stop it ...
any more than our guns and our dogs.

[Bells clanging]


[Father Henri Sardis] Remember the warnings of God sent to us in the words of Moses.
"I shall come unto you like a bear whose cubs have been ravished.


Like a lion I will devour your children and tear out their entrails.
I will set upon you a ferocious beast who will consume you and your flocks ...
and turn your fields into deserts."

[Lamb bleating]

[Animal growling]

[Father Henri Sardis] How long, O Lord, wouldst thou forsake us?



[Marquis Thomas of Apcher] A candle for each victim.


Is this truly the Age of Reason?

[Man] [Shouts] Mercy!

[Crowd gasps]

[Man] I'll ask for forgiveness!
Bless me, Father.

[Father Henri Sardis] What has happened, my son?

[Man] God has punished me. My children disappeared at Mont Mouchet.

[Crowd murmuring]

[Man] I am damned.


We are all damned!

[Knight Gregoire of Fronsac] Gather your men, Marquis. We're leaving immediately.

[Church bell ringing]

[Knight Gregoire of Fronsac] Tell Mani. I'll meet you on the road.


[Marianne of Morangias] Hello, sir, friend to the wolves.

[Knight Gregoire of Fronsac] I have something for you.
I'd like to see you again, Marianne. Alone.

[Marianne of Morangias] In ten days.
My mother is going to a retreat for some time, and my father will be in Langogne --

[Knight Gregoire of Fronsac] Ten days?

[Marianne of Morangias] I am not as free as you.

[Carriage Driver] Hiya!

[Horse whinnies]

[Wolf howls]

[Knight Gregoire of Fronsac] Bring the torch.
Bring the torch!

[Marquis Thomas of Apcher] A storm is coming. The men are tired. We had better go back.

[Knight Gregoire of Fronsac] No, we must find the girl.

[Wolf howls]

[Mani] I found the child!



[Monsieur Laffont] Captain, the traps with which you have infested this region ...
have killed more peasants than wolves.
Your men have long been extorting the population,
and since your hunt, the wolf has killed 12 times.

[Captain Duhamel] I don't understand. It should never have gotten away.

[Duke of Moncan] What's that?

[Captain Duhamel] It should never have gotten away.

[Jean-Francois of Morangias] And you, sir de Fronsac?


Do you know what sort of wolf we're up against?

[Knight Gregoire of Fronsac] Gentlemen,


my only certainty concerning the beast is that it's not a wolf.
Contrary to popular belief, wolves do not attack people, or very rarely.
I made a study of them in New France.

[Count of Morangias] The wolves in this country are perhaps of a different type.
A rabid wolf would attack anyone.
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Re: Brotherhood of the Wolf, directed by Christophe Gans

Postby admin » Tue Oct 15, 2019 5:39 am

[Knight Gregoire of Fronsac] When an animal is rabid, it will die within a fortnight,
but the beast has bled your country dry for two years.
I've seen wounds on the cadavers that no wolf could inflict.
And I also found in the body of a victim this piece of metal.

[Count of Morangias] And so?

[Knight Gregoire of Fronsac] And so ...


no animal has fangs of steel.


[Jean-Francois of Morangias] The beast is not an animal. So be it.


Then tell us, sir, how to capture it.

[Duke of Moncan] While we speculate, it's killing our people.

[Father Henri Sardis] Gentlemen,
I think we should listen to Monsieur de Fronsac with the utmost attention.
So, sir, according to you,
the beast would not be an ordinary animal?
We all think the same thing.
And as for me,


I am pleased that you admit to its supernatural character.


[Knight Gregoire of Fronsac] I did not admit to anything, Father.
I have only doubts.

[Monsieur Laffont] Fronsac, have you anything to add?

[Knight Gregoire of Fronsac] No, sir.

[Monsieur Laffont] [Clears throat] Gentlemen, I've just received this from Paris.
Captain Duhamel, His Majesty has been informed ...
of your failed attempts to kill the beast,
and he's asked me to dismiss you from your functions.
You and your men will join your regiment in Langogne at once.
Monsieur Beauterne, the king's master-at-arms, is on his way,
and His Majesty has sent him to kill the ferocious wolf.
He is the only authorized hunter in the diocese.


[Door opens, closes]

[Knight Gregoire of Fronsac] Have you forgiven me?

[Marianne of Morangias] Let's say that I was curious to know my totem, is that how you say it?

[Knight Gregoire of Fronsac] I would say ...
a mermaid.

[Marianne of Morangias] Are you never serious?
I'll ask your redskin.
And the beast -- have you seen it yet?

[Knight Gregoire of Fronsac] No.

[Marianne of Morangias] You don't wish to speak of it?

[Knight Gregoire of Fronsac] I have nothing to say but absurd suppositions ...
that will earn me the title of fool in the king's garden.
If I were to say that the beast is made up of flesh and steel,
that it could reason and that it could disappear at will,
what would you think?

[Marianne of Morangias] That our country air has affected your head.

[Knight Gregoire of Fronsac] As if it were eluding me.

[Marianne of Morangias] You haven't been here three months, and you expect to have finished already?
Did you think the beast would surrender when it saw you?
Perhaps it's frightened of you.

[Knight Gregoire of Fronsac] Am I really that frightening?

[Marianne of Morangias] A victory that comes dearly is better savored.
Jean-Francois tells me you'd like to go to Africa.

[Knight Gregoire of Fronsac] For the moment it's only a dream of a naturalist ...
who's had enough of winter.
And you? Have you never wanted to know other horizons?

[Marianne of Morangias] [Sighs] The girls here have more duties than desires.
Do you see Sardis on the ramparts?

[Knight Gregoire of Fronsac] [Scoffs] Are you being watched?

[Marianne of Morangias] Oh, no.
He's there to protect me.
Alone with you in this park, God knows what might happen to me.
Let's go in. Our priest will catch cold.

[Valet Maison Teissier] Good evening, sir.

[Chattering, laughing]

[Prostitutes] [Together, laughing] Good evening, sir.

[Sylvia] You are in love.

[Knight Gregoire of Fronsac] I don't know.

[Sylvia] I know.

[Knight Gregoire of Fronsac] The cards?

[Sylvia] I've never had a need for them for you, my friend.
So let's drink.
To Mademoiselle de Morangias.

[Knight Gregoire of Fronsac] What?

[Sylvia] Her brother was here last night.

[Knight Gregoire of Fronsac] And you slept with him?

[Sylvia] Hmph.
Slept with him? He can't stand to be touched.
He watches, he drinks,
and when he's drunk too much, he talks in his sleep, like all men.

[Knight Gregoire of Fronsac] Do I talk in my sleep?

[Sylvia] Uh-huh.

[Knight Gregoire of Fronsac] And I say?

[Sylvia] "Ancora, ancora."
Do you know how Florentine women keep their husbands at home?

[Knight Gregoire of Fronsac] No.

[Sylvia] Each morning they slip them poison, slow poison,
and each evening, the antidote.
The husband who doesn't come home ...
has a very bad night.

[Knight Gregoire of Fronsac] A woman like you has no need of that.

[Sylvia] No.


Anyway, we're not married.


[Voices whispering, indistinct]

[Knight Gregoire of Fronsac] [Grunts]

[Church bell ringing]

[festive] [Crowd chattering, shouting]


[Man] Make way for Antoine de Beauterne, royal master-at-arms,
who has come to rid the country of the beast.

[Knight Gregoire of Fronsac] Sir, I'm Gregoire de Fronsac.

[Monsieur Antoine de Beauterne] Oh, yes, sent by Buffon. The royal taxidermist.

[Soldier] Lord Beauterne is staying at Sir Laffont's.
We're expected at 2:00 precisely

[Monsieur Antoine de Beauterne] His Majesty has asked my advice concerning your report.


Very complicated fables, indeed.
I think the beast is a wolf.
I will ride into the country tomorrow.
I do not wish you to accompany me.

[Knight Gregoire of Fronsac] And why is that?

[Monsieur Antoine de Beauterne] It pleases the king to assign me this matter, young man,
and to let me handle it as I see fit.


I have no need of you to terminate this affair.
On the table you will find a letter signed by the Count de Buffon ...
and by our beloved king.

[Knight Gregoire of Fronsac] I follow his orders, sir, but believe me, this is not a wolf.


[Monsieur Antoine de Beauterne] I've already read your memoir.
Take no more pains over this beast, my friend.
I'll handle it.
You are dismissed.
Come here. Come, come.
Come, come!



[Elder Marquis of Apcher] It's a woman from Lorcieres.
She was coming back from the fair when the beast attacked her on the road.

[Captain Duhamel] We lost sight of it at the foot of Mont Mouchet ...
as if it vanished into the woods.

[Marquis Thomas of Apcher] Fronsac, the beast has attacked a girl near St. Alban.

[Man] God has punished me. My children have vanished at Mont Mouchet.


[Elder Marquis of Apcher] I don't believe in dragons any more than you do.

[Jean-Francois of Morangias] Is there much talk of the beast in Paris?


[Knight Gregoire of Fronsac] My only certainty concerning the beast is that it's not a wolf.

[Count of Morangias] A rabid wolf would attack anyone.

[Father Henri Sardis] I am pleased that you admit --

[Knight Gregoire of Fronsac] No animal has fangs of steel.

[Marquis Thomas of Apcher] Sir, you must come. Please hurry.

[Father Georges] I saw him!


He was using poison while reciting satanic incantations.
God only knows for how long.

[Elder Marquis of Apcher] Let him go.


[Knight Gregoire of Fronsac] It's an Indian remedy, Father.

[Father Georges] Only our prayers may save her.
But -- she was --
A miracle!

[Knight Gregoire of Fronsac] Tell me: What happened to your brother?

[Girl] [Shrieking]

[Animal growling]



[Animal departing]

[Girl] [Crying]


[Marquis Thomas of Apcher] A man with the beast?

[Elder Marquis of Apcher] Come now.
The child knows not what she's saying.

[Soldier] Yes, sir, the beast is dead.


Ten bullets. It never had a chance.
We have brought you the necessary equipment.
Begin your work at once.

[Knight Gregoire of Fronsac] That!

[Soldier] Get to work. Lord Beautern is on his way.

[Knight Gregoire of Fronsac] This is ridiculous! This animal is not the beast!

[Soldier] You must wait for Lord Beauterne!

[Knight Gregoire of Fronsac] I don't like your tone, braggart.

[Monsieur Antoine de Beauterne] Hello, sir.
Leave us.
So, Fronsac, my beast doesn't please you?

[Knight Gregoire of Fronsac] What does all this mean, Beauterne?


That animal is not the beast and you know it.
Good God! His jaws are two times the size of these.

[Monsieur Antoine de Beauterne] But you have all you need here to fix that.

[Knight Gregoire of Fronsac] What do you mean?

[Monsieur Antoine de Beauterne] As you know, I must bring the beast back to Paris,
and I have only this wolf, so you're gonna make me a beast.

[Knight Gregoire of Fronsac] And you hope to make the king --

[Monsieur Antoine de Beauterne] Oh, no, Fronsac.
I'm carrying out his wishes.
You would be wise to do the same.

[Knight Gregoire of Fronsac] You threaten me, sir.

[Monsieur Antoine de Beauterne] At my age? Come now.
You know who I am,
and you are far too intelligent to be threatened.
If you do your duty, the king will be very grateful.
If not, he will be very disappointed.


You have everything you need. I'm counting on you.
Good-bye for now.


[Monsieur Antoine de Beauterne] On this historic day,
I would first like to thank Sir Gregoire de Fronsac ...
of His Majesty's Royal Gardens.
The beast of Gevaudan is dead, thanks to him.
But it is, above all, thanks to Your Majesty.
Let it be said ...
it is you alone who possesses the sovereign power.
Only an animal can ignore that,
but that animal is no more.
I am deserving of little merit, in all truth.
Invested with your power,
I had only to appear in Gevaudan ...
for the beast to surrender its life.


[Crowd gasps, applauds]

[Knight Gregoire of Fronsac] Monsieur Laffont, what is this masquerade?

[Monsieur Laffont] Beauterne carried out the orders he received.
We must all do the same, mustn't we?

[Knight Gregoire of Fronsac] What orders?

[Monsieur Mercier] Mine.

[Monsieur Laffont] Fronsac, may I present Monsieur Mercier,
special counsel to His Majesty in charge of affairs of the interior.
It was his idea to send Antoine de Beauterne to Gevaudan.

[Knight Gregoire of Fronsac] So it is you, sir, that we owe this prompt victory over the beast.


[Monsieur Mercier] Your scruples do you honor, Fronsac, but this is an affair of state.
Have you read this?


[L'Edifiante: Histoire de la Bete: The Edifying Story of the Beast]
You will no longer find this book for sale, but keep it as a souvenir.

[Knight Gregoire of Fronsac] Did you have it censored?


[Monsieur Mercier] Disguised as a novel, this book undermines the king's authority.
If we had waited too long, this affair would have been troublesome. People are so gullible.

[Knight Gregoire of Fronsac] If I understand you, sir,


it is better to lie than to let lies be spread.


[Monsieur Mercier] The truth is very complicated.
To govern, you must make things simple. The beast was causing a problem.
No more beast -- no more problem.

[Knight Gregoire of Fronsac] It will continue to kill.

[Monsieur Mercier] No one will ever hear of the beast again, and that's what counts.
Ah, Fronsac, I'd forgotten.
His Majesty would like to thank you for all you've done.
It is said that you would like to explore Africa.
In six months a schooner will be sailing from Nantes destined for Senegal.
If you so desire, you may make the voyage.
Of course, we'll never speak of Gevaudan, will we, Fronsac?
Well, Fronsac?

[Dog barking]

[Sheep bleating]

[Bleating continues]


[Whistle blowing]

[Beast breathing heavily]

[Growling grows louder]





[Beast roaring]

[Woman screaming]

[Scream echoing]


[Narrator Marquis Thomas Age] Officially, the beast was dead.
What truly happened cannot be found in history books.
The affair was kept very quiet.
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Re: Brotherhood of the Wolf, directed by Christophe Gans

Postby admin » Tue Oct 15, 2019 5:40 am

[Knight Gregoire of Fronsac] Is he bidding us welcome?

[Mani] He wants to help us.

[Knight Gregoire of Fronsac] Go to the castle. I'll join you there later.

[Narrator Marquis Thomas Age] Fronsac left Mani to prepare for the hunt.
The beast was not his only reason for returning to Gevaudan.

[Man] What is it?

[Horse whinnies]

[Knight Gregoire of Fronsac] Where is the home of Jeanne and Pierre Roulier?

[Man] Go straight on. It's the last house in the village.

[Horse whinnies]

[Knight Gregoire of Fronsac] Shh.
Calm down. Shh.


[Marianne of Morangias] This is Jeanne.
My nanny. Gregoire de Fronsac.

[Jeanne Roulier] Pierre, go fetch some wine.

[Knight Gregoire of Fronsac] [Chuckles]

[Marianne of Morangias] My mother is having me watched. Perhaps they know you've returned.

[Knight Gregoire of Fronsac] To hell with your family. I'll tear you away from them.


[Marianne of Morangias] I can't stand my mother anymore. Nor Jean-Francois.
I want to go far away from here.

[Knight Gregoire of Fronsac] In one week I'll bring you to Paris.

[Marianne of Morangias] Why wait?

[Knight Gregoire of Fronsac] I'm leaving again for the hunt.
I promised the marquis.

[Marianne of Morangias] I thought you had returned for me.

[Pierre Roulier] [Screams]

[Knight Gregoire of Fronsac] No! No!

[Pierre Roulier] [Cries]


[Knight Gregoire of Fronsac] Be careful!



[Knight Gregoire of Fronsac]


Marianne, leave -- slowly!


Look at me! Come on!
Come on!




[Marianne of Morangias] Gregoire!

[Knight Gregoire of Fronsac] Save yourself!


[Marianne of Morangias] Ah!


[Knight Gregoire of Fronsac] No!

[Man #1] What's going on here?

[Man #2] Open up in there!


My God!

[Whistle blowing]




[Marquis Thomas of Apcher] Tell me, Fronsac: Do you really think we'll find the beast?
I thought we would have more men.

[Knight Gregoire of Fronsac] Mani knows what he's doing.


I'm hunting a man.


[Marquis Thomas of Apcher] A man?

[Knight Gregoire of Fronsac] The beast is only an instrument.
A weapon in the hands of a sick mind.

[Marquis Thomas of Apcher] An assassin would be more secretive.

[Knight Gregoire of Fronsac] Quite right, Marquis.


The first mystery of the beast is its celebrity.


Its master wants people to talk.
He wants to make noise and frighten us.

[Marquis Thomas of Apcher] What do you mean?


[Knight Gregoire of Fronsac] This book is sold throughout the kingdom.
The author maintains that the beast has come ...


to punish the king for his indulgence of the philosophers. [chuckles]

[Marquis Thomas of Apcher] Just gossip. Who's the author?

[Knight Gregoire of Fronsac] That I don't know.


But the beast has a master, and it's him that I want.


Perhaps your weapon will be useful,
but only in your hands, Marquis.

[Marquis Thomas of Apcher] And you, Mani?
Which will you choose?

[Knight Gregoire of Fronsac] Mani doesn't like firearms.


[Mani] Too much noise, too much smoke,
very bad smell.



[Marquis Thomas of Apcher] Everything will be fine, Grandfather.
Don't you worry. We're well prepared.


[The Chatterbox] [Panting]

[Low growl]

[Marquis Thomas of Apcher] Tell me about the Americas, Fronsac.

[Knight Gregoire of Fronsac] The Americas? Hmph.

[Marquis Thomas of Apcher] Will you ever return?


[Knight Gregoire of Fronsac] Bad memories.

[Marquis Thomas of Apcher] And Mani? Does he not miss his tribe?

[Knight Gregoire of Fronsac] His tribe no longer exists.
Before our attack, the pox had already decimated his village.
We'd received orders to execute all the survivors.
The women and the children.
Only Mani escaped.

[Marquis Thomas of Apcher] How?

[Knight Gregoire of Fronsac] My captain wanted a Mohawk interpreter.
I was to teach him our language,
and three weeks later I find him slitting the captain's throat.

[Marquis Thomas of Apcher] Why didn't you turn him in?

[Knight Gregoire of Fronsac] Do you know how that man fought his battles?


He gave his scouts the infected sheets from a hospital in Quebec.
The Iroquois bought them and fell sick.
Three weeks later we finished off the job.


[Marquis Thomas of Apcher] Is that how war is fought?

[Knight Gregoire of Fronsac] In any case, that's how we lost.

[Marquis Thomas of Apcher] Where did Mani go?

[Knight Gregoire of Fronsac] To speak to the trees.

[Marquis Thomas of Apcher] To the trees?

[Mani] The trees speak!


White man does not know how to listen ... or to see.

[Marquis Thomas of Apcher] See what, Mani?

[Mani] You want to learn?

[Marquis Thomas of Apcher] What's that?

[Knight Gregoire of Fronsac] An Indian sacrament.


At your own risk, Marquis.

[Marquis Thomas of Apcher] What does it do?

[Knight Gregoire of Fronsac] It depends on the person.


The Indians say you see what cannot be seen.

[Knight Gregoire of Fronsac] Well, Mani?

[Mani] That beast is in the forest.
The wolves will help us.

[Marquis Thomas of Apcher] I don't see anything.

[Mani] Tonight we will dance the dance of blood,
and the beast will come to us with the sun.


[Marquis Thomas of Apcher] I feel nothing.
It's not doing anyth --

[Narrator Marquis Thomas Age] That night, Mani called forth the spirits of the forest ...
in a language that even the knight himself did not understand,
and the wolves brought them to the beast.



[Beast growling]

[Knight Gregoire of Fronsac] Shh.



[Mani] [Shrieks]



[Knight Gregoire of Fronsac] Look out!




[Knight Gregoire of Fronsac] Don't worry. I'll take care of this.

[Dogs barking]

[Beast growls]

[Dog barks, growls]

[Beast growling]

[Chains rattling]

[Beast growling]


[Jean Chastel] It's all right, Pretty. I'll heal you. I'll heal you.
I'll take care of you. I'll take care of you.

[Dogs barking]

[Mani] [Shouts]


[Mani] [Grunts]

[Mani] [Shouts]

[Mani] [Groans]


[Men laughing]



[Knight Gregoire of Fronsac] [Screaming]

[Elder Marquis of Apcher] Thomas is asleep.
He very nearly died.
I'm so sorry for the Indian.


[Knight Gregoire of Fronsac] What is over there?
Tell me: What is that house? I need to know.


[Elder Marquis of Apcher] It's a domain, a hunting domain.
Monsieur, you are in need of rest.

[All shouting, whistling]



[All cheer]

[Horses whinnying]
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Re: Brotherhood of the Wolf, directed by Christophe Gans

Postby admin » Tue Oct 15, 2019 5:41 am

[Man] Fire! There's a fire!


[All shouting, indistinct]

[Shouting continues]

[All] [Shouting]
Fire! Fire!

[Man] [Yells, grunts]


[Man] [Grunting]

[Man] [Growling]

[The Chatterbox] Ah!


[Animals squealing]

[Door slams]

[Dog barking]


[Monkey shrieking]


[Shrieking, howling continue]



[Dogs barking]



[Beast growling]




[Man] Ahh!


[Man] [Groans]


[Men] [Shouting]

[Shouting continues]

[Narrator Marquis Thomas Age] Fronsac returned to Mani's body.
His vengeance was far from being exacted.
But according to Indian custom, it was at the first light of dawn ...
that he could best help his friend join his ancestors.

[Knight Gregoire of Fronsac] What do you want?

[Father Henri Sardis] Far too much blood has been shed.
You're in great peril if you don't leave the province immediately.

[Knight Gregoire of Fronsac] I have no intention of leaving. I have a matter to settle.


[Father Henri Sardis] Is it worth risking your life?

[Knight Gregoire of Fronsac] How long have you known?

[Father Henri Sardis] I don't know what you're talking about.

[Knight Gregoire of Fronsac] You're lying, Sardis. Come on.


How could you have let this happen?


[Father Henri Sardis] No one will believe you.

[Knight Gregoire of Fronsac] Leave here at once.

[Father Henri Sardis] God bless you.


[Knight Gregoire of Fronsac] And may the devil take your soul.


[Lieutenant] Sir, you're under arrest.
By virtue of the powers invested in me by Monsieur Laffont.
I must ask you to follow us without resistance.

[Knight Gregoire of Fronsac] This is ridiculous, Lieut --


[Man vocalizing]

[Pleading, crying]

[Prison Employee] Chief, there's a lady here to see you.

[Chief] Later. Tonight.


Go on, get up. You have a visitor.

[Knight Gregoire of Fronsac] I'm no longer a secret?

[Chief] Depends from whom, my friend.

[Knight Gregoire of Fronsac] Marianne!


[Sylvia] So sorry.
Bring some dinner to your guest.

[Man moans]

[Knight Gregoire of Fronsac] How did you --

[Sylvia] Many owe me favors.


[Knight Gregoire of Fronsac] You must help me. I must write to the king. You have no idea.

[Sylvia] Even if I help you, you'll be hanged before your letter arrives.

[Knight Gregoire of Fronsac] That can't be. I haven't yet been judged.

[Chief] Here.

[Sylvia] What do you know of the beast?

[Knight Gregoire of Fronsac] It's a trained animal.
Covered in armor. I wounded him.


Since when does this interest you?


[Sylvia] Two years ago, a confidential letter from Sardis ...
was given to the pope.
It announced the creation of a secret society ...
whose goal, let's say,
was to spread and defend the word of the church by all possible means.


The Brotherhood.

[Knight Gregoire of Fronsac] Sardis!
He will use the beast.

[Sylvia] The beast is a warning to the king.


"Respect the power of God or risk the apocalypse."


The members call themselves the Wolves of God.

[Knight Gregoire of Fronsac] The Brotherhood works for the church?

[Sylvia] Sardis works for himself.


Enlightenment has driven him mad,
and Rome has no control over his organization.

[Knight Gregoire of Fronsac] And who do you work for?

[Sylvia] Those who employ me also pay me to keep that information silent.

[Knight Gregoire of Fronsac] [Groans]

[Sylvia] And you know enough already.

[Knight Gregoire of Fronsac] [Groaning]

[Monsieur Laffont] Mademoiselle de Morangias, to what do I owe this honor?
How fares your mother, Madame the Countess?
I pray you, please sit down.
And your father? Still taking the cure?
Ah, that man loves his rich food.

[Marianne of Morangias] Sir Laffont, you have arrested Gregoire de Fronsac.

[Monsieur Laffont] Yes.


Who would have thought that he could have fallen so low?


[Marianne of Morangias] He is neither thief nor assassin.

[Monsieur Laffont] Oh, really?

[Marianne of Morangias] I must say, Sir de Fronsac surely had his reasons.
Perhaps those men killed the Indian that accompanied him.

[Monsieur Laffont] Mademoiselle, that has nothing to do with it.


And even so, one does not seek vengeance for a savage ...
by spilling Christian blood.

[Marianne of Morangias] I want to visit him.

[Monsieur Laffont] That's impossible.

[Marianne of Morangias] Very well.
We will see what they think of all this in Paris.

[Monsieur Laffont] Marianne, you don't understand.
Fronsac died.
During the night.
In any case, he would have been hanged.
On reflection, he was lucky.

[Marianne of Morangias] You were responsible for that man's life!


[Monsieur Laffont] Perhaps he suffocated,
or perhaps he caught the plague from his mattress.


[Marianne of Morangias] You're lying. You're all lying.


[Father Henri Sardis] Have courage, my child. It is the will of God.

[Marianne of Morangias] Father.

[Jean-Francois of Morangias] Marianne.
Come, I'll escort you home.

[Father Henri Sardis] Mademoiselle de Morangias would do well to get some rest.

[Jean-Francois of Morangias] Come.

[Marianne of Morangias] No! Leave me here.

[Jean-Francois of Morangias] That's enough. You can do nothing for him now

[Father Henri Sardis] He's beginning to smell.
Let us bury him quickly in an unmarked grave.

[Monsieur Laffont] She has threatened to speak to the king this time.


She's dangerous.

[Narrator Marquis Thomas Age] They buried Gregoire de Fronsac that very night.
long before the news of his death had reached Paris.
No one really knew what secrets the knight took with him to his grave.
For several days, the beast ceased to kill.
But the sudden disappearance of its most relentless adversary ...
seemed to be a dark omen.


[Sylvia] Shh. Andiamo.




[Jean-Francois of Morangias] Bless me, Father, for I have sinned.
Forgive me.


Marianne -- day and night I think of her.
Her heart beats in my breast every moment.
I want her by our side, Sardis.

[Father Henri Sardis] The Lord is testing you.

[Jean-Francois of Morangias] But you know not what I endure.
Those visions.
Those damn visions torment me incessantly.
Deliver me, Father.
Deliver me from evil, I beg you.

[Father Henri Sardis] For the evil within you there is only one remedy.


[Jean-Francois of Morangias] No.
No, don't drink that, little sister.
They want to kill you,
but I will stop them.

[Marianne of Morangias] But who, Jean-Francois?

[Jean-Francois of Morangias] We're going to leave, Marianne, just you and me.
Would you like to see America?

[Marianne of Morangias] Jean-Francois!

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Re: Brotherhood of the Wolf, directed by Christophe Gans

Postby admin » Tue Oct 15, 2019 5:41 am

[Jean-Francois of Morangias] You made me suffer, you know, but I forgive you.
Oh, please, what are you doing?
Where are you going? Stay.


Do you think I would harm you?

[Marianne of Morangias] Don't come any closer, please.

[Jean-Francois of Morangias] Marianne. Marianne, I need you.
It was you who saved me when I was ill and no one else.
It was your face I saw when I woke from my nightmares.
It was your hand on my forehead that chased away the demons.
You cannot imagine, Marianne, what I have done to keep you close to me.
I beg you, don't push me away.
Tell me why.


Do I disgust you?

[Marianne of Morangias] You don't frighten me. Leave me alone.

[Jean-Francois of Morangias] Is it because of this?
Don't worry.
From now on, I will take care of you.


No one knows but Sardis and I.


[Marianne of Morangias] Leave. Get out of here!
You are not my brother!
It was another who returned from Africa!

[Jean-Francois of Morangias] Yes, that's true, but it was because of you that I left.
Marianne, without you, none of this would have happened.
None of this!

[Marianne of Morangias] It's your smell!


It's your damned blood that the beast smelled on me!

[Jean-Francois of Morangias] Yes.


We have the same blood, Marianne. The same blood.

[Marianne of Morangias] [Crying] When Father comes home, he'll kill you.

[Jean-Francois of Morangias] [Laughs]
And what if I kill him? He's come between us for so long.
Huh? Go on. Go on, do it!
Go on. Go on. Go on.

[Knife clatters]

[Marianne of Morangias] [Crying]

[Jean-Francois of Morangias] Well, why didn't you do it?
It isn't as difficult as all that. Look.

[Marianne of Morangias] Stop!

[Jean-Francois of Morangias] So do you love me?

[Marianne of Morangias] [Screams, sobs]

[Jean-Francois of Morangias] Marianne, I love you!

[Marianne of Morangias] Ah, Jean-Francois!

[Screaming continues]

[Father Henri Sardis] Brothers, the Lord has made it known to me ...
the beast will return ...


to herald the rebirth of our morality in this kingdom of decadence,
and a new France shall be born.


We shall be the invisible princes,
for God is with us.
Dominus nobiscum, dominus nobiscum.

Why did Moses tend sheep and not oxen?' R Judah said: 'Israel are called sheep, as it says: "And ye, my sheep, the sheep of my pasture, are men" (Ezek. XXXIV, 31), and again, "As the flock of holy things, as the flock of Jerusalem" (Ibid. XXXVI, 38). As the sheep sacrificed on the altar becomes a means of propitiation, enabling the sacrificer to inherit the world to come, so does Israel enable her leader, if he be a good shepherd, to inherit the world to come....

Said R. Isaac: 'From sunrise until the sun declines westward it is called "day", and the attribute of Mercy is in the ascendant: after that it is called "evening", which is the time for the attribute of Severity. We derive the same lesson from the text: "Between the evenings ye shall eat flesh, and in the morning ye shall be filled with bread" (Ex. XVI, 12). "Between the evenings" -- this is the time of the sway of Severity -- then "ye shall eat flesh", with the result, as the Scripture says, that "while the flesh was yet between their teeth, ere it was chewed, the anger of the Lord was kindled against the people" (Num. XI, 33), for between-the-evenings is under the sway of Severity -- "and in the morning ye shall be filled with bread", the morning being identified with Mercy, as Scripture says, "the mercy of God endureth all the day" (Ps. LII, 3), to wit, in the morning, as it says: "And God called the light day", referring to the morning.' R. Tanhum said: 'The one is symbolized by red, the other by white. The between-the-evenings period is red, so it is written, "between the evenings ye shall eat flesh"; whereas the morning hours are white, so it is written, "and in the morning ye shall be filled with bread".' R. Isaac cited the verse: "And the whole assembly of the congregation of Israel shall kill it between the evenings" (Ex. XII, 6), the reason being, he said, that that is the time for the execution of judgement. R. Judah said: 'This we derive from the ordinance concerning the two daily offerings, the one answering to the attribute of Mercy, the other to the attribute of Severity. So Scripture says, "The one lamb thou shalt offer in the morning" (Ex. XXIX, 39), where the designation "the one" signifies the special one, to wit, the one answering the attribute of Mercy; whereas the second lamb to be offered up between the evenings is associated with Severity, being analogous to the second day of Creation, of the works of which it is not said "that it was good".'

-- The Zohar, translated by Harry Sperling and Maurice Simon

[Chorus] Miserer nobis

[Father Henri Sardis] The people have yet to see the true wrath of God.
The unjust censure of the king ...


cannot withstand the rage of the population,
and when that rage is at its peak,
we may then bargain with the king.
If he has failed to dominate the beast,
imagine, brothers, what shall happen if all the provinces in the kingdom ...
were then attacked by other beasts.


The hour approaches when we shall reap what we have sown.
Let us read the Book of Malachi.


"The lips of the priest shall be the depository of science,
and from His mouth he shall gain the knowledge of the law,


for he is the angel of God."

'Observe this. In the mystic doctrine of the Holy Name we speak of King and Priest, both above and below. The King above is the mystic Holy of Holies, and under him there is a Priest, the mystic Primeval Light, who ministers before him; he is the priest who is called "great" and is stationed at the right hand. There is a King below, in the likeness of the King above, who is king over all that is below; and under him there is a Priest who ministers to him: this is he whom we call Michael, the High Priest, who is at the right hand. All this constitutes the true object of faith, that of the side of holiness. On the "other side", the side which is not holy, there is also a king, the one who is called "an old king and a fool" (Eccl. IV, 13), and the priest, who is under him and ministers to him, is On (= aven, nothingness, idolatry); he is alluded to in the verse: "And Ephraim said, Yet I am become rich, I have found me out power", namely, the celestial unholy power which presided over the act of idolatry committed by Jeroboam (1 Kings XII, 28), without which he would not have been able to succeed. Now, when this king and this priest of the "other side" are subdued, and their power broken, all the "other sides" follow suit, and are also subdued and broken, and acknowledge the sovereignty of the Holy One, and in this way He alone rules above and below, as it is written: "And the Lord alone will be exalted in that day" (Isa. II, 11). In just the same way God broke here on earth the power of an "old and foolish king", namely Pharaoh, who, when Moses said to him, "The God of the Hebrews hath met with us", replied, "I know not the Lord," but when the Holy One, desiring that His Name should be glorified on earth as it is in heaven, punished him and his people, he came and acknowledged the Holy One. Subsequently his priest also, namely Jethro, the priest of On, i.e. idolatry, was also humbled, so that he came and acknowledged the Holy One, saying: "Blessed be the Lord, who hath delivered you.... Now I know that the Lord is greater than all the gods ... " (Ex. XVIII, 10, 11). So when that king and that priest acknowledged the Holy One, blessed be He, and were humbled before Him, He was exalted above and below, and then, and then only, did He give forth the Torah, as undisputed sovereign over all.'....

'It was Jethro who gave Moses sound advice concerning the administration of justice. And in this is contained an allusion to his confessing the Holy One, namely, in his awareness that "judgement is God's" (Deut. I, 17), and belongs not to the "other side", and that law and right were given to Israel and not to any of the heathen nations, as it is written: "He showeth his words unto Jacob, his statutes and his judgements unto Israel. He hath not dealt so with any nation; and as for his judgements, they have not known them" (Ps. CXLVII, 19, 20).

-- The Zohar, translated by Harry Sperling and Maurice Simon

[Knight Gregoire of Fronsac] "If one among you worships the beast or its image,
he shall drink the wine of God's wrath,
and he shall be tormented in fire ...
and brimstone before the angels,


and the smoke of his torment shall rise to the century of centuries."

I have returned to name you before God.
Pierre-Jean Laffont.
Genevieve de Morangias. Maxime des Forets.
Gontrand de Moncan.
Henri Sardis. Jean-Francois de Morangias.


[Jean-Francois of Morangias] Amen.


[All gasp]


[Continues yelling]

[All yelling]

[All gasp]

[Crowd] Oh!

[Captain Duhamel] Fire!


[Women screaming]

[Captain Duhamel] You damn sons of whores, you're all under arrest!



[Chorus] Miserere nobis. [Have mercy on us.]

[Jean-Francois of Morangias] You may be a ghost,


but I will cut you in two.
You see? You no longer need to hold back.

[Knight Gregoire of Fronsac] I have no intention of doing so.


[Jean-Francois of Morangias] Too late, Fronsac. The beast is immortal now.


[Knight Gregoire of Fronsac] It, perhaps ... but not you.



Sardis has trained you as you have trained the beast.

[Jean-Francois of Morangias] How did you find out?

[Knight Gregoire of Fronsac] You sign your crimes with a silver bullet!



[Jean-Francois of Morangias] Marianne, look!

[Knight Gregoire of Fronsac] Marianne's not here, you madman.


[Jean-Francois of Morangias] You have united us forever, Fronsac.


[Knight Gregoire of Fronsac] [Sighs]

[Captain Duhamel] Bind these bastards up one by one, men.

[Soldier] Go on.
Go on!
Get away, get away!

[Captain Duhamel] Will you look at them, huh?


You're not so high and mighty now, are you? Where are you going?

[Man] Just leave me alone!

[Captain Duhamel] Ah, they'll sing more softly in prison, these birds of evil.
What's the matter with you?

[Man] Get away from us!

[Sylvia] [Sword piercing body]

[Countess of Morangias] Ah!


[Knight Gregoire of Fronsac] He's dead.

[Sylvia] Now it's certain.

[Captain Duhamel] Hypocrites, all of you!

[Knight Gregoire of Fronsac] And Sardis?

[Sylvia] Wherever he goes, we will find him,
or the mountains will take care of him.


Shall we celebrate our success properly?

[Knight Gregoire of Fronsac] You've already killed me once.

[Sylvia] The better to revive you.


I could present you to the pope.
Will you come with me?
Too late.
I like you, Fronsac. You help me forget my duties.


Leave here before I change my mind.


[Wolves snarling]

[Thunder rumbling]



[Wolves snarling, growling]

[Knight Gregoire of Fronsac] Marquis! What is it?

[Marquis Thomas of Apcher] It's Marianne. I've had her brought home.
She's dying.

[Knight Gregoire of Fronsac] No!
Leave! Get out! Go on, all of you!


Marianne. Marianne, wake up.
Marianne, forgive me.


I love you.



[Woman vocalizing]

[Vocalizing continues]


[Narrator Marquis Thomas Age] Many years have passed, but I have never forgotten ...
Gregoire de Fronsac and Marianne de Morangias.
The world that created the beast is no more,
[Crowd shouting]
and I must hasten, for my story is also ending.
I can still remember accompanying Fronsac ...
to the secret lair of Jean-Francois de Morangias,
where the beast awaited its fate.

[Beast growling]

[Dogs barking]

[Beast breathing heavily]



[Woman vocalizing]

[Narrator Marquis Thomas Age] The old healer told us all he knew.
Jean-Francois had brought a strange beast back from Africa who had cubs.
He kept only one -- the strongest --
and with patience and cruelty,
he trained the beast to be vicious.


Thus died the beast of Gevaudan,
and I, Thomas d'Apcher,


I am the last to know the truth.

[Crowd shouting]

[Crowd shouting, jeering]

[Woman] Off with his head!

[Narrator Marquis Thomas Age] Fronsac invited me to follow him to Africa,
but the province needed rebuilding.


I was beholden to my people, to my lands.

[Woman] Down with the aristocracy!

[Narrator Marquis Thomas Age] I have often thought of Gregoire and Marianne ...
throughout all these peaceful years that have been my life.
I never saw them again,
but it pleases me to think that they lived their lives happily,
far away from here.




Site Admin
Posts: 36489
Joined: Thu Aug 01, 2013 5:21 am

Re: Brotherhood of the Wolf, directed by Christophe Gans

Postby admin » Tue Oct 15, 2019 5:41 am

Le Pacte des Loups


Samuel Le Bihan
Vincent Cassel
Emilie Dequenne
Monica Bellucci
Jeremie Renier
Mark Dacascas
Jean Yanne
Jean-Francois Stevenin
Jacques Perrin
Johan Leysen
Bernard Farcy
Edith Scob
Hans Meyer
Virginie Darmon
Philippe Nahon
Eric Prat
Jean-Loup Wolff
Avec la participation de
Bernard Fresson

Un film de
Christophe Gans

Samuel Le Bihan ... Grégoire de Fronsac
Vincent Cassel ... Jean-François
Émilie Dequenne ... Marianne
Monica Bellucci ... Sylvia
Jérémie Renier ... Thomas d'Apcher
Mark Dacascos ... Mani
Jean Yanne ... Comte de Morangias
Jean-François Stévenin ... Sardis
Jacques Perrin ... Thomas Agé
Johan Leysen ... Beauterne
Bernard Farcy ... Laffont
Edith Scob ... Mme de Morangias
Hans Meyer ... Marquis d'Apcher
Virginie Darmon ... La Bavarde
Philippe Nahon ... Jean Chastel
Eric Prat ... Capitaine Duhamel
Jean-Loup Wolff ... Duc de Moncan
Bernard Fresson ... Mercier
Christian Marc ... Serviteur Thomas Agé
Karin Kriström ... Bergère du Rocher
Vincent Cespedes ... Soldat
Jean-Paul Farré ... Père Georges
Pierre Lavit ... Jacques
Michel Puterflam ... Evèque de Mende
Nicolas Vaude ... Maxime des Forêts
Max Delor ... Noble Agé
Christian Adam ... Noble Agé
Jean-Pierre Jackson ... Noble Diner
Nicky Naudé ... La Fêlure (as Nicky Naude)
Daniel Herroin ... Blondin
Gaëlle Cohen ... La Loutre
Virginie Arnaud ... La Pintade
Charles Maquignon ... Valet Maison Teissier
Frankie Pain ... La Tessier (as Franckie Pain)
Isabelle Le Nouvel ... La Prostituée Brunette
Albane Fioretti ... Prostituée Teissier
Clarice Plasteig dit Caffou ... Prostituée Teissier
Delphine Hivernet ... Valentine
Juliette Lamboley ... Cécile
Gaspard Ulliel ... Louis
Pierre Castagne ... Père de Cécile
Stéphane Pioffet ... Paysan
Eric Laffitte ... Un Villageois
Eric Delcourt ... Aide de Camp Beauterne
André Penvern ... Buffon
Christelle Droy ... Bergère Dollines
Andres Fuentes ... Paysan Chaumière
Nadine Marcovici ... Jeanne
Jean-Claude Braquet ... Pierre
David Bogino ... Lanceur de Couteaux
Emanuel Booz ... Officier Bucher (as Emmanuel Booz)
François Hadji-Lazaro ... Machemort (as François Hadji Lazaro)
Pascal Laugier ... Assistant de Machemort
rest of cast listed alphabetically:
Olivier Colat-Parros ... Hands Fronsac - taxidermy sequence (uncredited)

Produced by
Emmanuel Gateau .... consulting producer
Richard Grandpierre .... producer
Samuel Hadida .... producer

Original Music by
Joseph LoDuca

Cinematography by
Dan Laustsen

Film Editing by
Xavier Loutreuil
Sébastien Prangère
David Wu

Casting by
Nathalie Cheron
Brigitte Moidon
Bernard Savin Pascaud

Production Design by
Guy-Claude François

Art Direction by
François Decaux
Thierry François

Set Decoration by
Jacques Aucomte
Denis Bourgier
Catherine Jarrier-Prieur

Costume Design by
Dominique Borg

Makeup Department
Christine Dendeleuf .... hair stylist
Reynald Desbant .... hair stylist
Virginie Duranteau .... hair stylist
Lise Gaillaguet .... makeup artist
Stéphanie Guillon .... additional makeup artist
Jean-Max Guérin .... key hair stylist
Sophie Harvey .... makeup artist
Marie-Pierre Hattabi .... hair stylist
Morgan Hildebrand .... special makeup effects artist
Kameleon .... special makeup effects artist
Alexis Kinebanyan .... special makeup effects artist
Delphine Lacaze .... hair stylist
Didier Lavergne .... key makeup artist
Isabelle Legay .... hair stylist
Benoît Lestang .... special makeup effects artist
Nathalie Louichon .... makeup artist
Dominique Magnier .... makeup artist
Mario Messere .... hair stylist
Gerald Mignotte .... special makeup effects artist
Frédérique Ney .... key makeup artist
John Nollet .... hair stylist: Monica Bellucci
Cécile Pellerin .... makeup artist
Caroline Philiponnat .... hair stylist
Darren Robinson .... animatronics designer
Myriam Roger .... hair stylist
Lyda Sanchez .... hair stylist
Mathieu Thomasin .... tattoo designer

Production Management
Alain Agostini .... unit production manager
Claude Albouze .... production manager
Jean-Louis Bergamini .... assistant unit manager
Laurent Chiomento .... assistant unit manager
Thierry Chuinard .... unit manager
Anne Ferignac .... unit manager
Virginia Lombardo .... unit manager
Franklin Pedrosa .... unit manager
Julien Pruvot .... unit manager
Jérôme Servant .... assistant unit manager

Second Unit Director or Assistant Director
Fanny Aubrespin .... assistant director: second unit
David Campi-Lemaire .... second assistant director
Cheyenne Corre .... assistant director
Yann Cuinet .... assistant director: second unit
William Gereghty .... second unit director
Jordane LaFourcade .... assistant director
Thierry Le Roch .... assistant director
Shaun O'Dell .... second unit director
Marie Rolindes .... trainee assistant director: second unit
Lionel Steketee .... first assistant director
Marc-Antoine Trani .... third assistant director
Marcus Trani .... trainee assistant director
Thomas Tréfouel .... assistant director: second unit

Art Department
Chloé Cambournac .... assistant production designer
Jacky Hardouin .... carpenter
Yvan Hart .... plasterer
Mathieu Lauffray .... conceptual designer
Francis Poirier .... sculptor
Thierry Segur .... storyboard artist
Olivier Colat-Parros .... model makeup animal (uncredited)
Olivier Colat-Parros .... taxidermist (uncredited)

Sound Department
Philippe Amouroux .... sound re-recording mixer
Nicolas Becker .... foley artist
Nicolas Becker .... sound designer
Yannick Boulot .... sound recordist
Fabrice Conesa .... sound effects editor (as Fabrice Conesa Alcolea)
Colette Constantini .... sound editor
Jean De Sagey .... adr recordist
Francesca Dodd .... assistant sound editor
Patrick Dodd .... sound mixer
François Fayard .... sound editor
Vincent Guillon .... sound editor
Cyril Holtz .... sound re-recording mixer
Florent Lavallée .... sound mixer
Jean-Paul Mugel .... sound
Yves-Marie Omnes .... boom operator
Richard Partlow .... foley artist (as Rick Partlow)
Pierre Picq .... boom operator
Alexis Place .... sound editor
Leslie Shatz .... sound mixer
Stéphane Soye .... boom operator
Pierre Tucat .... boom operator
Thanos Kazakos .... additional adr recordist (uncredited)
Ann Scibelli .... sound designer (uncredited)

Special Effects by
Seb Caudron .... special effects supervisor
Igor Chevalier .... beast designer
Jamie Courtier .... animatronic effects
Alain Couty .... special effects
Richard Darwin .... animatronic model designer
Georges Demétrau .... special effects
Sylvian Fabre .... special effects
Max Garnier .... special effects
Mark Hunter .... senior animatronics technician
Catherine Macresy .... special effects technician
Adrian Parish .... animatronic designer
Simon Williams .... animatronic engineer
Karen Purvis .... animatronic designer: The Jim Henson Creature Shop (uncredited)

Visual Effects by
Christopher Anthony .... visual effects
Jérôme Arthuis .... grading coodinator: Duboicolor
Stephanie Aubriot .... digital artist
Philippe Aubry .... Inferno artist
Christophe Belena .... scan and conforming technician: Duboicolor
Clare Burgess .... assistant visual effects editor
Seb Caudron .... visual effects supervisor
Alex de Heus .... motion control operator
Gavin Digby .... digital compositor
Nick Drew .... visual effects coordinator: Jim Henson's Creature Shop
François Dupuy .... I/O supervisor
Sylvian Fabre .... digital artist
Xavier Fourmond .... digital compositor
Laetitia Gabrielli .... CG artist
Pierre Genin .... visual effects: CG artist
Karen Halliwell .... creature supervisor
Rip Hampton O'Neil .... technical director: DuboiColor
Philippe Huberdeau .... Inferno artist assistant
Abdel Ali Kassou .... processing: DuboiColor
Stéphane Keller .... digital matte painter
Emmanuel Le Courbe .... digital compositor
Tina Lin .... scan and conforming technician: Duboicolor
Jamie Lochhead .... digital compositor
Arnaud Mayet .... lead texture artist
Arnaud Mayet .... matte painter
Jolene McCaffrey .... digital compositor: Jim Henson's Creature Shop
Adam McInnes .... supervising compositor
Antoine Moulineau .... CG artist
Jeff Newton .... digital effects artist
Collette Nunes .... vfx coordinator: Jim Henson's Creature Shop
Jean-René Nébot .... digital color grader
Schafer-Davies Oliver .... digital compositor
Christophe Richard .... digital artist
Karim Sahai .... digital compositor: Jim Henson's Creature Shop
Dusan Strugar .... cg supervisor
Val Wardlaw .... visual effects supervisor: Henson's Creature Shop
Richenda Wheeler .... lead animator
Arthur Windus .... visual effects producer: Henson's Creature Shop
Alex Wuttke .... visual effects
Sarah Micallef .... runner: Jim Henson's Creature Shop (uncredited)
Roma O'Connor .... head of production (uncredited)

Frédéric Alhinho .... stunts
Virginie Arnaud .... stunts
Joëlle Baland .... stunt double: horse stunts
Joseph Beddelem .... stunts
Didier Biddar .... stunts
Patrice Boutroux .... stunt double: horse stunts
Vincent Cespedes .... stunt double: Soldier
Ken Chung .... assistant stunt coordinator
Gaëlle Cohen .... stunts
Jérôme Colas .... stunts
Patrice Cossoneau .... stunt double: horse stunts
Hugues Dalmagro .... stunt double: horse stunts
Thierry Delhilf .... stunt double: Soldier
Gil Demurger .... stunt coordinator
Jean-Jacques Desplanque .... stunt double
Richard Dieux .... stunt coordinator
Pascale Dinizani .... stunt double (as Pascale Denizane)
Alain Figlarz .... stunts
Jérôme Gaspard .... stunt double
Jean Gouello .... stunt double: horse stunts (as Jean Gouillo)
Thierry Guerrib .... stunt double: Soldier
Cyrille Hertel .... stunt double: Soldier
Karim Hocini .... stunt double: Soldier
Emmanuel Lanzi .... stunt double: Soldier
Mario Luraschi .... stunt double: horse stunts
Pascal Madura .... stunt double: horse stunts
Alberto Martello .... stunts
Pascal Mercuri .... stunt double (as Pascal Mercury)
Alexis Ngo .... assistant stunt coordinator
Stéphane Orsolani .... stunt double: Soldier
Stéphane Orsolani .... stunts
Sébastien Peres .... stunt double
Gilbert Perez .... stunt double: Samuel le Bihan
Cyril Raffaelli .... stunts
Leslie Rain .... stunt double: horse stunts (as Leslie Rain-Goranson)
Catherine Robert .... stunt double
Thierry Saelens .... stunt double
Olivier Schneider .... stunt double
Michaël Troude .... stunts
Frédéric Vallet .... stunts
Frédéric Vallée .... stunts
Jacky Yeung .... stunt coordinator (as Yueng Tak Ngai)

Camera and Electrical Department
Boris Abaza .... additional assistant camera
Pierre Abraham .... chief electrician
Damien Auriol .... grip
Lionel Bailly .... electrician
Hamia Benyekkou .... electrician
Jean-Luc Bezeau .... key grip
Eric Bialas .... Steadicam operator: second unit
Stéphane Birzin .... grip
Serge Bouali .... electrician
Maurice Bricler .... grip
Éric Brun .... first assistant "b" camera
Vincent Buron .... first assistant camera
David Campbell .... crane operator: Technocrane
Eric Caro .... still photographer
Claire Caroff .... focus puller
Pascal Clément .... electrician
Maxime Cointe .... assistant camera
Hervé Denis .... electrician
Alain Dondin .... electrician
Roland Dondin .... electrician
Jean-François Drigeard .... rigging gaffer
Hugues Espinasse .... clapper loader
Jan Gagnaire .... grip
Denis Garnier .... clapper loader
Pierre Garnier .... grip
Michel Gonckel .... chief electrician
Rodolphe Gonckel .... electrician (as Rudolph Gonckel)
Alain Herpe .... assistant camera
Philippe Houdart .... camera operator
Malek Krimed .... video assistant
Pierre-Yves Le Mée .... grip
Pascal Lombardo .... electrician
Laurent Martin .... grip
Fabrice Mignot .... electrician
Steve Moreau .... second assistant camera
David Nissen .... first assistant camera
Shaun O'Dell .... director of photography: second unit
Stéphane Paillard .... assistant camera
Benjamin Speyer .... crane technician grip
Michel Strasser .... grip
Jean-Pierre Supe .... first assistant camera
Valerio Villalba .... focus puller: second unit
Jean-Pierre Voisin .... electrician

Animation Department
Dusan Strugar .... sequence director

Costume and Wardrobe Department
Daniel Bihin .... key costumer
Sandrine Douat .... wardrobe
Chantal Glasman .... costumer
Elsa Le Guichard .... wardrobe
Jean-Daniel Vuillermoz .... costumer assistant

Editorial Department
Lionel Cassan .... assistant editor
Yvan Lucas .... color timer
Jean-René Nébot .... digital color timer
Christophe Pinel .... assistant editor
Carlos Pinto .... apprentice editor

Music Department
Scott Davidson .... assistant music editor
Jedd Harr .... conductor
Joseph LoDuca .... conductor
Randall Monday .... music editor
Randall Monday .... music engineer

Transportation Department
Vincent Servant .... driver: cast
Olivier Suffert .... driver: Christophe Gans

Other crew
Sandra Benhamou .... production secretary
Cheyenne Corre .... personal assistant
Caroline Gautier .... production secretary
Piers Hampton .... project producer: Jim Henson's Creature Shop
Penny Hayler .... runner: Jim Henson's Creature Shop: animatronic shoot
Philip Kwok .... fight choreographer
Thierry Le Portier .... wolves trainer
Virginia Lombardo .... assistant location manager
Colette Martin .... production accountant
Pierre Selinger .... legal services
Claudine Strasser .... script supervisor
Valentine Traclet .... script supervisor
Thierry Valletoux .... reportage

Nicolas Boukhrief .... special thanks
Thierry Cazals .... special thanks
François Cognard .... special thanks
Michael Cooper .... special thanks
Jean-Pierre Jackson .... special thanks
Albert Lamorisse .... special thanks
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Joined: Thu Aug 01, 2013 5:21 am

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