Chumbawamba Jukebox

To study music, you have to listen to it. Music is an essential part of human culture. Often mistaken for a commodity, an error that classifies musicians as manufacturers of tunes, what is modernly called music is often designed for disposability, inoffensiveness, and speedy obsolescence. Not so the music that will be posted here, that will connect you with what is true, good, fine and enduring in humanity's struggle with a difficult, dazzling world.

Re: Chumbawamba Jukebox

Postby admin » Sun Jun 24, 2018 1:20 am

New York Mining Disaster 1941
by Chumbawamba
Copyright Notice: Chumbawamba, "WYSIWYG, " © 2000 Chumbawamba.

In the event of something happening to me
There is something I would like you all to see
It's just a photograph of someone that I knew
Have you seen my wife, Mr. Jones?
Do you know what it's like on the outside?
Don't go talkin' too loud, you'll cause a landslide, Mr. Jones
I keep straining my ears to hear a sound
Maybe someone is digging underground
Or have they given up and all gone home to bed
Thinking those that once existed must be dead?
Have you seen my wife, Mr. Jones?
Do you know what it's like on the outside?
Don't go talkin' too loud, you'll cause a landslide, Mr. Jones
In the event of something happening to me
There is something I would like you all to see
It's just a photograph of someone that I knew
Have you seen my wife, Mr. Jones?
Do you know what it's like on the outside?
Don't go talkin' too loud, you'll cause a landslide, Mr. Jones
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Re: Chumbawamba Jukebox

Postby admin » Sun Jun 24, 2018 1:22 am

I'm Not Sorry, I Was Having Fun
by Chumbawamba
Copyright Notice: Chumbawamba, "WYSIWYG, " © 2000 Chumbawamba.

By the time I got to Woodstock
It was going up in flames
In June under a silvery moon
Why do all your songs turn out the same?
Got got got got, not got
Got got got got, not got
Got got got got, not got
Got got got got, not got
I'm not sorry I was having fun
I'm not sorry
I got that old time religion
Where we still don't cross the picket lines
You got Rush Limbaugh on your side
But I got Ricky Tomlinson on mine
Got got got got, not got
Got got got got, not got
Got got got got, not got
Got got got got, not got
I'm not sorry I was having fun
I'm not sorry
Got got got got, not got
Got got got got, not got
Got got got got, not got
Got got got got, not got
I'm not sorry I was having fun
I'm not sorry

Songwriters: Alice Nutter / Allan Whalley / Darren Hamer / Duncan Bruce / Judith Abbott / Louise Watts / Neil Ferguson / Nigel Hunter
I'm Not Sorry, I Was Having Fun lyrics © Sony/ATV Music Publishing LLC
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Re: Chumbawamba Jukebox

Postby admin » Sun Jun 24, 2018 1:24 am

Jesus in Vegas
by Chumbawamba
Copyright Notice: Chumbawamba, "WYSIWYG, " © 2000 Chumbawamba.

And I'll give you a free ride to this underground stadium. They'll pick up the fair and they'll even tip you, don't even worry about it, man. You'll love this joint. We'll stop off, we'll buy some booze, and, uh, you'll bring it in and it's just incredible. The girls will be all over you.
I am the Lord of the very last dance
I've got 'Tommy' on the leg of my pants
I've got the audience in the palm of my hands
My good friend Sinatra on my right
Andrew Lloyd Webber is doing the lights
It's twice a night for twenty-five nights
One more litle line, then everyone back to mine
Jesus in Vegas, taking care of business
Jesus in Vegas
I'll pull your goddamned tongue right out by the roots
Jesus in Vegas, taking care of business
Jesus in Vegas
I'll pull your goddamned tongue right out by the roots
I've got Basie conducting the band
I got a penthouse suite at the Sands
And my feet never touch the ground
Are there any Branch Davidians in the house?
Here's Jim Jones as a pantomime horse
That showbiz gets right up your nose
One more little line, then everybone back to mine
Jesus in Vegas, taking care of business
Jesus in Vegas
I'll pull your goddamned tongue right out by the roots
Jesus in Vegas, taking care of business
Jesus in Vegas
I'll pull your goddamned tongue right out by the roots
Jesus in Vegas, taking care of business
Jesus in Vegas

Songwriters: Alice Nutter / Allan Whalley / Darren Hamer / Duncan Bruce / Judith Abbott / Louise Watts / Neil Ferguson / Nigel Hunter
Jesus in Vegas lyrics © Sony/ATV Music Publishing LLC
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Re: Chumbawamba Jukebox

Postby admin » Sun Jun 24, 2018 1:25 am

The Standing Still
by Chumbawamba
Copyright Notice: Chumbawamba, "WYSIWYG, " © 2000 Chumbawamba.

Once upon a time
Days of wine and roses
And smug suburban swine
Same old song, same old cabaret

A fairy tale in Notting Hill
Take your partners for the standing still

Once upon a time
Not so happy ending
For the Mersey and the Tyne
Who said the story had to end this way?

A fairy tale in Beeston Hill
Take your partners for the standing still

Songwriters: Judith Abbott / Duncan Bruce / Neil Ferguson / Darren Hamer / Nigel Hunter / Alice Nutter / Louise Watts / Allan Whalley
The Standing Still lyrics © EMI Music Publishing, Sony/ATV Music Publishing LLC
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Re: Chumbawamba Jukebox

Postby admin » Sun Jun 24, 2018 1:26 am

She's Got All The Friends That Money Can Buy
by Chumbawamba
Copyright Notice: Chumbawamba, "WYSIWYG, " © 2000 Chumbawamba.

Turn down the lights
Kick off your shoes
And relax with that special someone
She's got all the friends that money can buy
She's the apple of her daddy's eye
She's got all the friends that money can buy
She's the apple of her daddy's eye
The family money has a magnetic pull
Yeah, yeah, yeah
Her social diary is always full
And both her faces--so easy on the eye
And everyone worth knowing is kissing her behind
She's got all the friends that money can buy
She's the apple of her daddy's eye
She's got all the friends that money can buy
She's the apple of her daddy's eye
Style has a price without much change
Yeah, yeah, yeah
If you have to ask then it's out of your range
And both her faces--so easy on the eye
And everyone worth knowing is kissing her behind

She's got all the friends that money can buy
She's the apple of her daddy's eye
She's got all the friends that money can buy
She's the apple of her daddy's eye
Oh ah, oh ah, oh ah, oh ah...
Versace and Prada mean nothing to me, to me...
Well, you can buy your friends, but I'll hate you for free
Hate you for free...
She's got all the friends that money can buy
She's the apple of her daddy's eye
She's got all the friends that money can buy
She's the apple of her daddy's eye
She's got all the friends that money can buy
She's the apple of her daddy's eye
You see, it's magic, and it shouldn't work
I still look at it most surprised it does
Hmmm, ahem, pass it along...
Pass it along, pass it along...
Pass it along...
What's the matter? You make too much money buddy?
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Re: Chumbawamba Jukebox

Postby admin » Sun Jun 24, 2018 1:28 am

Ladies for Compassionate Lynching
by Chumbawamba
Copyright Notice: Chumbawamba, "WYSIWYG, " © 2000 Chumbawamba.

We're the ladies for compassionate lynching
We fight for all the things we believe
We spend all of our time on your talk shows
We put the stickers on your record sleeves

Songwriters: Alice Nutter / Allan Whalley / Darren Hamer / Duncan Bruce / Judith Abbott / Louise Watts / Neil Ferguson / Nigel Hunter
Ladies for Compassionate Lynching lyrics © Sony/ATV Music Publishing LLC
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Re: Chumbawamba Jukebox

Postby admin » Sun Jun 24, 2018 1:28 am

Celebration, Florida
by Chumbawamba
Copyright Notice: Chumbawamba, "WYSIWYG, " © 2000 Chumbawamba.

The good folks pull together
It's July for forever
Down in Celebration, Florida

The neighbors bring you coffee
And everyone's always happy
Down in Celebration, Florida

There's a bake sale at the school house
And they're selling innocence
They're keeping out the deviants
To protect the residents

Of Celebration, Florida
Celebration, Florida

They're buying up nostalgia
For a time they can't remember
Down in Celebration, Florida

They're sharing homemade cornchips
Even the dogs get facelifts
Down in Celebration, Florida

There's a bake sale at the school house
And they're selling innocence
They're keeping out the deviants
To protect the residents

Of Celebration, Florida
Celebration, Florida

There's nation fighting nation
There's kids with malnutrition
But not in Celebration, Florida

Social engineering
It gives you that fuzzy feeling
Down in Celebration, Florida

There's a bake sale at the school house
And they're selling innocence
They're keeping out the deviants
To protect the residents

Of Celebration, Celebration, Florida

Celebration, Celebration, Celebration, Florida

Well it's just very conventional I don't know and it kind of just relies of some kind of simplistic folk ideology

That's true actually, I'd agree with that

Songwriters: Judith Abbott / Duncan Bruce / Neil Ferguson / Darren Hamer / Nigel Hunter / Alice Nutter / Louise Watts / Allan Whalley
Celebration, Florida lyrics © EMI Music Publishing, Sony/ATV Music Publishing LLC
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Re: Chumbawamba Jukebox

Postby admin » Sun Jun 24, 2018 1:31 am

Moses With a Gun
by Chumbawamba
Copyright Notice: Chumbawamba, "WYSIWYG, " © 2000 Chumbawamba.

Oh, Charleston Heston
Your father's favorite son
Walks in whistling Casey Jones
Moses with a gun

Oh, Charleston Heston
Your father's favorite son
Round and round and
Ad infinitum

Songwriters: Alice Nutter / Allan Whalley / Darren Hamer / Duncan Bruce / Judith Abbott / Louise Watts / Neil Ferguson / Nigel Hunter
Moses With a Gun lyrics © Sony/ATV Music Publishing LLC
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Re: Chumbawamba Jukebox

Postby admin » Sun Jun 24, 2018 1:33 am

Smart Bomb
by Chumbawamba
Copyright Notice: Chumbawamba, "WYSIWYG, " © 2000 Chumbawamba.

Rain on me o friendly fire
Smart bomb!
Me 'n' Audrey gonna sing it for ya
Smart bomb!
A headache pill to die for
Smart bomb!
From all participating stores
Smart bomb!
Smart bomb!
Shine on me o benign virus
Smart bomb!
Uranium from Arms-are-Us
Smart bomb!
Here's something for your first-born
Smart bomb!
George Bush Junior, sing-along
Smart bomb!
Smart bomb!
You mean you're telling me here when you get coffee you have to pay for each cup?
Donny is that a high-end cut or a mid-range cut?

Songwriters: Judith Abbott / Duncan Bruce / Neil Ferguson / Darren Hamer / Nigel Hunter / Alice Nutter / Louise Watts / Allan Whalley
Smart Bomb lyrics © EMI Music Publishing, Sony/ATV Music Publishing LLC
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Re: Chumbawamba Jukebox

Postby admin » Sun Jun 24, 2018 1:34 am

by Chumbawamba
Copyright Notice: Chumbawamba, "WYSIWYG, " © 2000 Chumbawamba.

There's a hole in your knickers, dear Calvin, dear Calvin
There's a hole in your knickers, dear Calvin, a hole

{Now let's see what happens with ba ba black sheep
Ba ba black sheep, have you any wool?}

Songwriters: Alice Nutter / Allan Whalley / Darren Hamer / Duncan Bruce / Judith Abbott / Louise Watts / Neil Ferguson / Nigel Hunter
Knickers lyrics © Sony/ATV Music Publishing LLC
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