George Bush: The Company's Man, by Covert Action Information

Re: George Bush: The Company's Man, by Covert Action Informa

Postby admin » Wed Jun 28, 2017 9:00 am

"Only a heartbeat away ..."
Back Cover Photo: J. Danforth Quayle, future President? Credit: Nancy Shia.


Back Issues:

No. 1 (July 1978): Agee on CIA; Cuban exile trial; consumer research in Jamaica. Photocopy only.

No. 2 (Oct. 1978): How CIA recruits diplomats; researching undercover officers; double agent in CIA. Photocopy only

No. 3 (Jan. 1979): CIA attacks CAIB, secret supp. to Army field manual; spying on host countries. Photocopy only.

No. 4 (Apr.-May 1979): U.S. spies in Italian services; CIA in Spain; CIA recruiting for Africa; subversive academics; Angola. Photocopy only.

No. 5 (July-Aug. 1979): U.S. intelligence in Southeast Asia; CIA in Denmark, Sweden, Grenada. Photocopy only.

No. 6 (Oct. 1979): U.S. in Caribbean; Cuban exile terrorists; CIA plans for Nicaragua; CIA's secret "Perspectives for Intelligence." Photocopy only.

No. 7 (Dec. 1979-Jan. 1980): Media destabilization in Jamaica; Robert Moss; CIA budget; media operations; UNITA; Iran. Photocopy only

No. 8 (Mar.-Apr. 1980): Attacks on Agee; U.S. intelligence legislation; CAIB statement to Congress; Zimbabwe; Northern Ireland.

No. 9 (June 1980): NSA in Norway; Glomar Explorer; mind control; notes on NSA.

No. 10 (Aug.-Sept. 1980): Caribbean; destabilization in Jamaica; Guyana; Grenada bombing; 'The Spike"; deep cover manual.

No. 11 (Dec. 1980): Rightwing terrorism; South Korea; KCIA; Portugal; Guyana; Caribbean; APIO; NSA interview.

No. 12 (Apr. 1981): U.S. in Salvador and Guatemala; new right; William Casey; CIA's Mozambique spy ring; mail surveillance. Photocopy only.

No. 13 (July-Aug. 1981): South Africa documents; Namibia; mercenaries and gunrunning; the Klan; Globe Aero; Angola; Mozambique; BOSS; Central America; Max Hugel; mail surveillance.

No. 14-15 (Oct. 1981): Complete index to nos. 1-12; review of intelligence legislation; CAIB plans; extended Naming Names.

No. 16 (Mar. 1982): Green Beret torture in Salvador; Argentine death squads; CIA media operations; Seychelles; Angola; Mozambique; Klan; Nugan Hand. Photocopy only.

No. 17 (Summer 1982): History of CBW; current plans; Cuban dengue epidemic; Scott Barnes and yellow rain lies; mystery death in Bangkok.

No. 18 (Winter 1983): CIA and religion; "secret" war in Nicaragua; Opus Dei; Miskitos; evangelicals in Guatemala; Summer Institute of linguistics; World Medical Relief; CIA and BOSS; torture in South Africa; Vietnam defoliation. Photocopy only.

No. 19 (Spring-Summer 1983): CIA and media; history of disinformation; ''plot'' against Pope; Grenada airport; Georgie Anne Geyer.

No. 20 (Winter 1984): Invasion of Grenada; war in Nicaragua; Ft. Huachuca; Israel and South Korea in Central America; KAL flight 007.

No. 21 (Spring 1984): New York Times on Salvador election; manipulation in Time and Newsweek, Accuracy in Media; Nicaragua.

No. 22 (Fall 1984): Mercenaries and terrorism; Soldier of Fortune; "privatizing" the war in Nicaragua; U.S.-South African terrorism; Italian fascists.

No. 23 (Spring 1985): Special issue on "plot" to kill the Pope and the "Bulgarian Connection"; CIA ties to Turkish and Italian neofascists.

No. 24 (Summer 1985): State repression, infiltrators, provocateurs; sanctuary movement; attacks on American Indian Movement.

No. 25 (Winter 1986): U.S., Nazis, and the Vatican; Knights of Malta; Greek civil war and Elent, WACL and Nicaragua; torture.

No. 26 (Summer 1986): U.S. state terrorism; Vernon Walters; Libya bombing; Israel and South Africa; plus complete index to nos. 13-25.

No. 27 (Spring 1987): Religious Right; New York Times and Pope "Plot;" Carlucci; Southern Air Transport; Michael Ledeen. Photo copy only

No. 28 (Summer 1987): Special issue on CIA and drugs: Southeast Asia, Afghanistan, Central America; Nugan Hand; MKULTRA in Canada; Delta Force; special section on AIDS theories and CBW. Photocopy only.

No. 29 (Winter 1988): Special issue on Pacific: Philippines, Fiji, New Zealand, Belau, Kanaky, Vanuatu; atom testing; media on Nicaragua; Reader's Digest; CIA in Cuba; Tibet; Agee on Veil; more on AIDS.

No. 30 (Summer 1988): Special issue on the Middle East. The intifada, Israeli arms sales; Israel in Africa; disinformation and Libya; CIA's William Buckley; the Afghan arms pipeline and contra lobby.

No. 31 (Winter 1989): Special issue on domestic surveillance. The FBI; CIA on campus; Office of Public Diplomacy; Lexington Prison; Puerto Rico; International Freedom Foundation; "Resistance Conspiracy" Case.

No. 32 (Summer 1989): Tenth Year Anniversary Issue: The Best of CAIB. Includes articles from our earliest issues, Naming Names, CIA at home, abroad, and in the media. Ten year perspective by Phil Agee.

No. 33 (Winter 1990): The Bush Issue: CIA Agents for Bush; Terrorism Task Force; El Salvador and Nicaragua Intervention; Rep. Party and Nazis.


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White Paper? White Wash! [$6.50]

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