An Administrative History of the National Cancer Institute’s

Re: An Administrative History of the National Cancer Institu

Postby admin » Sun Dec 13, 2015 3:54 am


The progress made in understanding cancer causation, especially with regard to the role of genetics, was outstanding between 1953 and 1972. Even more impressive has been the progress made after that period. Viral oncology efforts contributed greatly to this progress. The scientific aspects of these advances have been well documented. The science-administrative aspects and the managerial decisions behind these program developments, however, have not been well set forth. This manuscript attempts to correct this deficiency. Many people, especially the staff of the NCI, who played important roles in these developments, are identified. These developments made possible the decisions that gave stronger administrative support to viral oncology and the successful justifications for the requests for additional funding. The viral oncology Program and indeed the whole field of virology, benefited.

The NCI funding of the SVCP resources programs with contracts not only made possible more rapid scientific advances, but also led to the creation, as needs arose, of new commercial developments and even a whole new industry.

The 1969 discovery of oncogenes, viral and cellular, was an exceptionally important advance in cancer research because it demonstrated more concretely the role of genetics in cancer development at the molecular level. This finding, along with the discoveries of excision enzymes (allowing selective chemical dissection of DNA), and, later, cloning and oncogenes present in “normal” chromosomes, have led to explosive advances in cancer causation, genetics and developmental biology. Chemistry developments continue to yield new analytic procedures and syntheses (in the past 30 years the number of known chemical compounds has increased from 3 million to 23 million). Many signal chemical compounds that switch on or off reactions in the body’s metabolic pathways are being discovered. Other signal compounds switch off gene actions (repressor compounds) or switch on gene actions (derepressor compounds). Relationships between DNA coding and the protein structures are being worked out, and the way the proteins assume different configurations under different conditions and how the shapes affect the reactions are being discovered. Three dimensional computer imaging of these proteins is aiding drug discovery and development. Administrative decisions to put more funds into developing various resources needed for viral oncology research were also of great importance. These viral oncology program components made additional contributions to the laying of groundwork for further development of molecular biology and biotechnology. The current increased rapid rate of reporting of new findings is leading to greater understanding of cancer, one of mankind’s most feared enemies. NCI viral oncology activities in the years between 1953 and 1972 deserve to be recognized as a strong foundation for subsequent investigations in the virology area of research.
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Re: An Administrative History of the National Cancer Institu

Postby admin » Sun Dec 13, 2015 3:55 am

Reading List

1. Ackoff, R.L., Gupta, S.K. and Minas, J.S., Scientific Method: Optimizing Applied Research Decisions, John Wiley & Sons, New York (1962).

2. Albritton, Jr., C.C., The Abyss of Time, Jeremy P. Tarcher, Inc., Los Angeles (1986).

3. Bernard, C., An Introduction to the Study of Exprimental Medicine (first published in 1865), Henry Schuman, Inc., New York (1949).

4. Barrett, P., Editor, The Collected Papers of Charles Darwin, The University of Chicago Press, Chicago (1977).

5. Bernstein, L., The Joy of Music, Simon and Schuster, New York (1959).

6. Blum, H.F., Time’s Arrow and Evolution, 2nd Edition, Princeton University Press, Princeton (1955).

7. Bonner, J.T., Morphogenesis, an Essay on Development, Princeton University Press, Princeton (1952); Reprinted by Atheneum, New York (1963).

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