Postby admin » Mon Feb 22, 2016 12:34 am

You Cannot Generalize Pro or Con About All Vaccines
James Robert Deal J.D.



“They have all the money, but we have all the good ideas. If we persevere, we will succeed.”
-- James Robert Deal, J.D.


Anti-vaxxers oppose all vaccines. Pro-vaxxers favor all vaccines. No, it is not that simple. Pro-vaxxers admit that certain groups should not receive certain vaccines and that vaccine injury does happen, although it is “rare”.

Most so-called anti-vaxxers actually favor some vaccines but oppose others. Most oppose giving many vaccines all at one time. Most say they are only asking for safer vaccines.

Amid the name calling, there is a reasonable middle ground. Dr. Mark Geier, M.D., Ph.D., associated with Johns Hopkins and the National Institutes of Health, author of over a hundred peer reviewed journal articles, is a moderate we should pay attention to. (Go to YouTube and search for “Dr. Mark Geier Thimerosal”.)

Dr. Geier supports the measles-only vaccine, but he opposes the MMR, measles-mumps-rubella vaccine, because it has caused confirmed adverse reactions and death. Likewise, Dr. Gregory Poland, of the Mayo Clinic holds that the MMR is largely ineffective.

It is lazy language to say that vaccines are “safe and effective”, because that implies that all vaccines are safe and effective for all people. In fact, some vaccines have done great harm. If you doubt this, read the findings of the Vaccine Court, which has paid out around $3.0 billion to children for adverse reactions which admits were caused by vaccines. Go to and search for “measles-mumps-rubella” or “influenza”. And read the package inserts that come with vaccine boxes. You may also read them online at

In Europe only the polio vaccine is mandatory. Dr. Geier supports vaccination against polio. However, he is adamantly opposed to flu vaccines. The flu vaccine given almost universally uses Thimerosal as a preservative. Each dose of Thimerosal contains 25 micrograms of ethyl mercury. Multiplied by Avogadro’s Number, 25 mcg = 75 quadrillion atoms of mercury.

25 x 10-6 / 200 x 6.02 x 10-23

10-6 x 10-23 = 10-17

25 / 200 x 6.02 = .7525

.7525 x 10-17 = 7.5 x 10-16 = 75 x 10-15 =

75,000,000,000,000,000 = 75 quadrillion

The only safe amount of mercury is zero, and using mercury as a preservative is reckless, especially since it is given yearly, even to pregnant mothers, even though the package insert admits that the MMR has not been tested for fetal safety in pregnant women. Mercury passes through the placenta and into the fetus. There are flu vaccines which are mercury free.

The flu vaccine is big business, particularly the ones containing mercury. Some 300 million doses are sold, while only 20 million doses of all other vaccines are sold. In 1986 the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program made vaccine manufacturers immune from most liability, and in 2011 the Supreme Court twisted the plain language of the Vaccine Act to make vaccine manufacturers, hospitals, and physicians completely immune from absolutely ALL liability, reasoning that vaccines in general -– using the language of the Court –- are “unavoidably unsafe”.

Dr. Geier points out that all flu vaccines are illegal. All vaccines must pass two double blind tests for safety and effectiveness. Because a new vaccine is developed each year in advance of the flu season, and because each vaccine assumes a prediction of which strains of flu will be present, there is no time to two double blind studies, which would take several years.

Our vaccines can contain aluminum, formaldehyde, MSG, antibiotics, and monkey kidney cells. The effort to develop safe and effective vaccines should continue; however, we must admit that we are still at a primitive stage in the development of vaccines, which is why mandating vaccination makes little sense.

The unvaccinated are blamed for spreading disease, however, every person injected with the MMR and other attenuated live virus vaccines develops a vaccine version of the disease, sheds viruses, and can infect others. It is not only the unvaccinated who are spreading measles, which is another reason why mandating vaccination makes little sense.

Measles is not a trifling malady; however, it is not Ebola. Measles cases and deaths from measles declined sharply before the measles vaccine was introduced in 1963. Relatively few die from measles.

Since 1986, Health & Human Services reports 669 deaths from the DTP, 84 deaths from flu vaccines, 80 deaths from the DTaP, 57 deaths from the MMR, 54 deaths from the Hepatitis B vaccine, and many more non-fatal adverse reactions. The science of vaccination is still in a primitive stage, and it is inappropriate for the state to force injection of a possibly harmful drug on behalf of mega-corporations which are completely immune from all liability for adverse reactions.

Further, one who is vaccinated sheds viruses, and so one can be infected not only by those who contract a wild case of measles but also by those recently vaccinated. Moreover, the MMR is not particularly effective. “In an October 2011 outbreak in Canada, over 50% of the 98 individuals had received two doses of measles vaccine”.

Attorney Walter Kyle of Cape Cod, Massachusetts, began representing Plaintiffs with vaccine injuries ten years before the Vaccine Injury Act began, and has argued more than forty cases before the Special Masters of the United States Court of Federal Claims [under the Vaccine Injury Compensation Act] – 42 U.S.C.A. §300aa, et.seq. As a result, Attorney Kyle has unique insight into the nuances of vaccine injury law.

Q. To start our interview, may I ask how you became involved in vaccine law?

A. I began representation of vaccine-injured clients in Arkansas in 1977. My first case out of law school was representing a paraplegic mother who acquired paralytic polio from mutated Sabin live trivalent oral polio vaccine [TOPV] viruses shed from her three-month-old infant’s diapers. Centers for Disease control classified the woman in the “immune deficient” category of “vaccine associated contact cases” from Type 2 Sabin vaccine.

Q. Walter, you just mentioned the phrase “vaccine viruses shed.” For those who are not familiar with such terminology I’d like to say it means certain types of vaccines contain certain viruses that are alive and once injected into [orally administered to] an individual can infect others via contact with bodily fluids, excrement, and sometimes coughing or sneezing. In your first vaccine case, the mother contracted paralytic polio from viruses “shed” in her infant’s diapers soiled with urine and feces.

Walter, how did you present that case at court?

A. In the first case against the manufacturer, American Cyanamid, which defended based on the fact that the woman was categorized as “immune deficient” and implied the reaction was her fault, I countered with the position that the Type 2 vaccine caused her immune deficiency since she had never been sick in her life before contact with that vaccine. After settling that lawsuit against the manufacturer for failure to warn, I instituted a Federal Tort Claims Act (FTCA) lawsuit against HEW for regulatory violations in the license and release of OPV, in general, and the individual Lot of polio vaccine, in particular. In addition, I challenged the FDA’s intention to use Sabin’s live oral polio vaccine (OPV) for immunization of unwitting contacts of vaccine recipients as an unconstitutional invasion of their privacy (see Loge v. United States, 662 F.2d 1268 8th Cir. 1981), which evolved into civil actions of “battery” against the sole manufacturer of the Sabin vaccine –American Cyanamid.

Q. Can you tell us what happened in that case?

A. From my perspective I gained a profound disrespect for the FDA and pro-vaccine defense experts who pretended the case could have been from wild polio in spite of the fact that most, if not all of the polio in the United States at that time, arose from parents coming into contact with the polio viruses shed in their child’s stool or saliva.

Their justification then, similar to their justification now, arose from an unwritten CDC/FDA policy to “sacrifice some for the good of the whole” – a comment related to me by a senior CDC physician, Dr. Michael Gregg, in a private conversation.

This explains why zero funding is available to do clinical studies of vaccine reactions in the United States.

Both of the lawsuits settled before trial. The trial judge dismissed the FTCA lawsuit and was overturned on appeal in the decision cited above.

Q. Before you go further, can you please explain what a Vaccine Injury Table is?

A. According to HHS Health Resources and Services Administration, “The Vaccine Injury Table (Table) makes it easier for some people to get compensation.” [1]

It makes it easier for some and impossible for others. Certain reactions within a set time period are automatically compensated. For example, the parent of a child who became paralyzed by polio within 60 days of the child’s receiving the live polio vaccine would automatically be compensated. This was the most common reaction to both live and inactivated polio vaccines.

However, a child acquiring an encephalitis where the Colburn strain of CMV (cytomegalovirus) was isolated from his brain at the age of six, would not be compensated unless his lawyer were clever enough to discover that the Colburn strain of CMV is actually simian in origin and came from the African green monkeys used to produce the live polio vaccine.

Recently Baboon endogenous retrovirus (BERV) was discovered in MMR vaccine, but no one has access to the tests to detect it in children with possible vaccine reactions. Since it is a live vaccine, one would expect the onset to occur within 3 days to three years, nor would anyone know how to correlate it to the particular Lot of vaccine given as FDA keeps such information secret.a “commercial privilege” protection under FOIA.

Q. Walter, what I find interesting about the Vaccine Injury Table is something most proponents of vaccines/vaccinations probably are not aware and it is “The Table lists and explains injuries/conditions that are presumed to be caused by vaccines.” [1] So, in effect, HHS/CDC/FDA agree vaccines can cause damage. I suggest every parent becomes familiar with the Vaccine Injury Table in the link at reference [1].

A. The Table is per se inadequate and a mother or father should follow their gut instinct when faced with a vaccine reaction most of which are probably not on the Vaccine Injury Table. Currently there are laboratory-testing methods developed, but withheld from diagnostic use by FDA that can quickly and cheaply link reactions to vaccines. I do not feel anyone should subject their child to an immunization unless faced with an actual, not a CDC forecast, epidemic of a life-threatening pathogen. That is, until those testing procedures are made available to the general public for diagnostic evaluations of both the injured and of the vaccines which are administered.

I am not anti-vaccine but strongly oppose FDA/CDC/NIH B.S. (rhetoric and hyperbole) when it comes to evaluation of vaccine reactions. For example: Dr. Jonas Salk, developer of the inactivated polio vaccine (IPV) gave unchallenged testimony before the Senate Committee establishing the Vaccine Injury Table that there had been no paralytic reactions to the Salk vaccine in 450,000,000 doses resulting in a Table that provided no compensation for IPV-caused polio. The FDA stood by and said absolutely nothing, but had good reason to know Salk’s testimony was not true. Really!

Salk had provided expert assistance and consultation to me for 12 years while the ongoing feud between Sabin and Salk brewed over which vaccine should be used in the United States.

When the Chief Special Master appointed me to head an Attorneys Committee to investigate the possibility that Salk’s vaccine had caused hundreds of cases of polio that had never been linked to the vaccine by FDA, I truly believed that Salk’s vaccine had never caused polio except in one isolated manufacturing problem in 1955.

After the Committee investigated and discovered that not only had Salk’s IPV caused polio, it had probably started epidemics, and the famous “Frances Field Trials,” which the FDA’s predecessor touted as proving IPV’s absolute safety, were “rigged” and probably caused as much polio as they prevented.

Q. Walter, that’s something that isn’t well known and apparently pushed under the carpet, as they say.

A. Under the carpet would have been nice, HHS pushed the attorneys on my committee out the door. The Justice Department attorney began attacking members of the Committee on trivial issues, objected to our being paid promptly in all matters including other cases and ultimately all of us stopped practicing in the Vaccine Injury Compensation Program.

By 1988, I concluded, based on evidence discovered from the OPV manufacturer’s files and FOIA litigation against the FDA, that FDA allowed release of live Sabin oral polio vaccines that also contained live simian retroviruses and/or viable genetic sequences of such retroviruses within the polio vaccine itself – a fact admitted by the Director of the Bureau of Biologics on April 15, 1980 in the Federal Register.

In 1992 a world renowned medical journal, The Lancet, published my paper, “Simian retroviruses, polio vaccine and origin of AIDS” 339:600-601 (Mar. 7 1992), which linked the 1981 AIDS outbreak in the United States to the nationwide use of OPV for treatment of genital herpes in homosexual men by dermatologists. Following multiple oral doses of OPV, the viruses passed in their stools along with the then unknown simian retroviruses and herpes viruses (i.e., SIV and KSHV – Kaposi’s Sarcoma Herpes Virus – and CMV – Cytomegalovirus). Curiously, this panorama of simian herpes viruses also infected the first AIDS victims.

That article identified specific lots of contaminated OPV and suggested independent testing, which FDA refused to retest, but “pretended” that it had through false press releases in 1996. The FDA faced huge liability here so they spent millions sending someone to find AIDS-like virus in chimpanzees which is more genetically similar to HIV than any of the other simian viruses, problem was, the chimps would eat the same African green monkeys, the source of all SIVs, which were used in the oral polio vaccine.

Curiously, Sabin’s Type II oral polio vaccine, most frequently (of the three Types in a single dose of Sabin OPV) associated with the immune deficient category of paralytic polio was administered to and ultimately isolated from the stool of a chimpanzee.

I believe an honest evaluation of the science would place AIDS under the vaccine injury table, and what a massive expense that would be.

-- Exposing The FDA’s Vaccine Injury Cover-Up: An Interview With Walter Kyle, Esq., by Catherine J. Frompovich

The Los Angeles Times and the Everett Herald printed an article entitled “Vaccine ignorance proving deadly and contagious”. It was written not by physicians or scientists but by prominent members of the Council on Foreign Relations. It contains numerous inaccuracies -– scientific, historical, and legal.

Thinking people support vaccines which are safe, effective, and necessary. Conversely, thinking people should oppose those vaccines which are not safe, not effective, or not necessary.

Law school taught me to break a question down into its component parts: Which vaccines are safe, effective, and necessary, and for whom? How deadly is the disease to be prevented? How likely are adverse reactions and how bad can they be? The CFR authors are uncritical cheerleaders for the $30 billion per year vaccine business, exhorting us to take all recommended vaccines unquestioningly and by the dozens and dozens.

The authors repeat slanders made against Dr. Andrew Wakefield, which were completely false. A recent NOVA special, “Vaccines -– Calling the Shots”, repeats these now-disproven slanders, a case of lazy journalism. Recall that Wakefield wrote in the Lancet in 1998 that colitis and autism spectrum disorders are linked to the combined measles, mumps and rubella (MMR) vaccine then in use.

Wakefield was denounced as a vaccine denier, although he supported and still supports the single dose measles vaccine, as well as other vaccines. He only opposed the MMR. Multiple vaccines given simultaneously can be more harmful than single vaccines. For questioning the safety of one vaccine, Wakefield was “lynched” by GlaxoSmithCline and the medical establishment. Wakefield’s results have been replicated in at least 28 studies done by scientists in other countries. Further, Wakefield has great insight in how to treat children who have had adverse vaccine reactions by treating the gastro-intestinal disease that accompanies adverse reactions.

Wakefield was expelled from the medical profession in Great Britain, however, John Walker-Smith, one of the co-authors of the offending 1998 study, challenged his expulsion and was recently reinstated, an indication that Wakefield could be reinstated if he applied. Wakefield works in Texas as a researcher and is suing Brian Deer, Fiona Godlee and the British Medical Journal for falsely accusing him of fraud.

The CFR authors also seem to be unaware that Wakefield was further vindicated recently when Dr. William Thompson of the CDC “came out”. Thompson was one of the authors of a CDC study which denied any causal link between vaccines and autism. Thompson admitted that in a 2004 article he and other authors had intentionally excluded already collected data, data which would have reversed their published conclusion that there is no vaccine-autism link. The mainstream media has glossed over the story of Wakefield’s vindication and Thomson’s confession.

A mother is not a vaccine denier if she questions the safety of a vaccine containing mercury, aluminum, MSG, antibiotics, eggs, or formaldehyde. Or Beta HCG hormone. Or the urabi virus . She is not a denier if her child is frail or has already had an adverse vaccine reaction and she chooses to opt her child out. She is not a denier if she questions giving children 49 injections of 14 vaccines by age six, including a vaccine at birth for hepatitis B, a disease usually infecting IV drug users. Nor is she a denier if she declines the CDC recommendation that she take the flu vaccine (containing mercury) when she is pregnant, even though the flu vaccine is not tested for safety for pregnant women and fetuses and the FDA advises it be used “only if clearly needed”.

Most are not harmed by vaccines, but some are. For proof read the decisions of the Vaccine Court, which has paid out some $3.0 billion and has acknowledged that specific vaccines have caused specific harms. See the disclosure inserts which comes in vaccine boxes. Ask your pharmacist for copies. Multi-dose flu vaccine contains a whopping 25 micrograms of mercury per dose, included as a preservative. That’s 74 quadrillion atoms of mercury. The single dose version contains under 1.0 micrograms, only 3 quadrillion atoms – still too much for me. The mercury in the flu vaccine passes through the placenta and is especially toxic to fetus and infant because their cells are dividing rapidly. Mercury affects cell division. The use of mercury as a preservative should be banned.

Some vaccines are ineffective. Discover Magazine reported that 73 percent of kids aged 7 to 10 who caught pertussis in 2012 in Washington had been fully vaccinated. The same is true for the measles vaccine. A child vaccinated with a live virus vaccine experiences a mild version of the infection and is thus contagious and infects others. Outbreaks of measles and pertussis probably come from the vaccinated, not from the unvaccinated. The artificial immunity conferred by vaccines wears off, and boosters are required, making vaccines a cash machine that generates $30 billion yearly.

A reasonable question to ask is this: If vaccines worked, those who favor indiscriminant vaccination should not object to those who choose not to be vaccinated.

The problem worsened in 1986. Before that date vaccine liability had always been decided according to state law regardless of which court the case was brought in. 1986 Congress federalized all vaccine liability claims. A law was passed requiring that all claims for vaccine harm go to a special “Vaccine Court”, where there was and is no jury and no pre-trial discovery. The statute of limitations is tricky and short, and the burden to prove a specific vaccination harmed a child is arbitrarily difficult. Vaccine makers are shielded against general liability and even for badly designing a vaccine. Claims are paid out of a fund built up with a tax on each vaccine dose sold. This has led vaccine makers to become reckless, to do insufficient testing of vaccines, and to industrialize the vaccine business.

Before 1986, vaccination had been a technology aimed at the most deadly and contagious diseases. Vaccines were to be put into use only after careful testing. Vaccines were and are needed when a potentially fatal disease progresses so fast the body cannot respond before death occurs. Because adverse reactions are inevitable, vaccines should not be used to prevent diseases which are rarely fatal. However, vaccine makers, newly exempt from all liability, turned necessary vaccination against the most deadly diseases into a mass-production money machine targeted against any and every conceivable disease.

Vaccine makers ship vaccines banned in the West to the Third World, such as the urabi strain MMR vaccine, the dangerous partially attenuated oral polio vaccine used in Pakistan, and a tetanus vaccine which causes miscarriages – none of which would inspire one to trust what vaccine makers say.

All drugs and all vaccines involve some risk which the CDC admits in its assurances that serious harm or death is rare. If the risk of taking the vaccine is greater than the risk of enduring the disease, one has the right to refuse to take the vaccine. Adults can refuse vaccination for themselves. They are the guardians of their children. They know their children’s frailties and previous bad experiences with vaccines. They have the right to opt their children out. If vaccinations work, there should be no objection if some choose not to be vaccinated.

Washington has recently made it more difficult for parents to decline vaccination for their children. Unvaccinated children can be sent home if there is an outbreak of a childhood disease in his or her school, which is odd since the CDC admits, in the case of pertussis, it is vaccinated children who are spreading the disease.

Despite all the evidence that some vaccines cause serious harm, many so-called experts exhort us that all vaccines are safe and effective, and most people stubbornly believe them. Why? Mark Twain explained it best “It’s much easier to fool someone than to convince them they have been fooled.

Examine the evidence for yourself and do your own thinking. Administration of vaccine in mass quantities should not be mandatory, and some vaccines should be banned outright.

The connection between the fluoride scam and the vaccine scam is that they are both run by mega corporations without ethical standards.

We should not be afraid to follow the science where ever it logically goes and be outspoken on other contaminations, such as Roundup, which I just learned is sprayed on non-GMO wheat as a dessicant, so most non-organic bread is loaded with Roundup.

Recommended Reading

5 1/2 month-old infant dies after 8 vaccines IN ONE DAY—> ‘SIDS’ Put On Death Certificate — Then the hospital refuses to issue an autopsy report!
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Postby admin » Mon Feb 22, 2016 12:36 am

California Infant Dies after 8 Vaccines, Family Gets Him Back from Hospital Cremated
by Augustina Ursino



Parents in California are distraught after losing their infant son after being vaccinated. He died in his sleep and was taken to the hospital already deceased. Hospital staff ruled his death as sudden infant death syndrome. The couple was told an autopsy was required to be performed on their son.

After returning home, waiting to get an update, they never received one. Numerous phone calls were made to get answers. Weeks went by. Finally, they received verbal confirmation and told their son was best not to be seen prior to being cremated, because of the condition he was in. Once cremated, they could pick up the remains of their child from the crematory. They were not given the chance to say their goodbyes.

More than one year and four months have passed and the family has yet to receive his autopsy report. It turns out their son was given a vaccine not approved for his age and an extra dose of the hepatitis B vaccine that he shouldn’t have received until later on.
This harrowing story is a reminder that vaccines can be lethal. Parents shall maintain the rights to choose what medical interventions they feel are safe for their child. After all, they are the ones who have to live with the consequences.

Crystal Downing shares with us what happened to her son Matthew, in hopes to remind parents to research vaccines before offering their child to be injected with whatever the doctor says.

One Less Baby Boy

“Our sweet little fussy bear Matthew Gage Downing-Powers was born healthy on April 26, 2013. In the hospital, he was given the Hepatitis B vaccine after birth. That’s what they do here in the United States and what the CDC recommends newborns receive, following the current schedule. His reactions to the shot were deemed normal and I have older children that have been fully vaccinated, so I was aware of what to expect.

I took Matthew in for his 2 month well baby checkup on July 2, 2013. During this appointment, he was given 8 vaccines for DTaP (3 in 1), Polio, Hib, Hep B, Pneumococcal PCV and the oral Rotavirus vaccine. Then I was late getting him to his 4 month checkup. I brought him as soon as I was able.

On Monday October 7, 2013, when Matthew was 5 ½ month’s old, I brought him in for his 4 month delayed visit. The doctor said they could get him caught up on his shots. I thought ok, you can do that. Matthew received 8 vaccines, DTaP, Polio, Hib, Pneumococcal, Hep B and Hep A. These would be the last vaccines he would ever receive.

After the shots, he didn’t have a fever or a low grade one. We didn’t give him Tylenol. He was just grumpy and crying some. We checked him every hour. His temperature stayed normal but he wasn’t his happy go lucky self. All my kids got grumpy after their shots.

I didn’t call the doctor on Tuesday. I knew these were typical behaviors after the kids received the vaccines. He is my 4th son. We had our other 3 vaccinated and knew what to expect.

I thought I would give it another day to see if he was still grumpy but we didn’t get to the next day. Matthew was gone by then. He was found lifeless. He went to bed that Tuesday night and my husband found him Wednesday morning.

My husband Zack and I both performed CPR on our son and so did my dad and step mom. He had some light pinkish-brown tinged mucous coming from his nose and mouth. I wasn’t willing to believe he was gone. None of us were willing to give up on him.

My husband called 911 but they were taking so long. I ran my baby to the hospital that was a 2 blocks away. I took him to Needles hospital which is called Colorado River Medical Center in Needles, CA. The hospital also did CPR on him and said he died of SIDS, soon after I brought him in. He had been gone for hours they said. They told me he passed sometime between 11 PM (after he was put to bed) and 7 AM Wednesday morning (shortly before he was found).

My life has been full of heartache since we lost our baby. That was the worst day of my life, seeing my son that way but still believing he would come back to me.

Hospital staff said I would be under investigation and it was California law when a baby passes, to undergo an autopsy. From the hospital in Needles, Matthew was transferred from that hospital to the coroner’s office, in San Bernardino, CA. We had chosen to have Matthew cremated at a funeral home in San Bernardino.

After leaving Matthew at the hospital, we were told to go home and wait for an update when the autopsy would be done. We planned to see him at the funeral home we picked out, after deciding we would have him cremated. I was told I’d be informed when the autopsy was to be done and when it would be completed and that I could view him before being cremated.

I didn’t write down the names of the staff members I left my son with. I didn’t think of that when it happened. But I should have. No one called me to inform me what was going on. I called numerous times and kept getting the runaround. Absolutely no one would give me answers.

Weeks went by before I received a call back. By this time, I was informed Matthew was not in a condition I’d want to remember him in. I felt helpless and convinced I should sign a paper letting them cremate him. Prior to this, the funeral home confirmed the remains were Matthew’s. They asked me what urn I would like and then confirmed it was him. I also sent a picture of him, to make sure.

Matthew didn’t get brought back to our home in Needles, California until November 20, 2013. A month and a half after he passed away.

I don’t think they cremated him before telling me but part of me feels they did, to cover up his death. I will never know but my instincts tell me something was being hidden. I think the funeral home did a nice job, they were very patient with me, they understood why I kept calling them so many times, to see if somebody there could tell me what happened to my son’s body.

I didn’t know where my sons body was. I didn’t know what was going on at the coroner’s office. I was never notified whatsoever and to be honest, I was really flipping out. I wanted to know what was going on with my baby and what answers did they have for me so far.

The coroner was informed of the vaccines Matthew had just received. I had even asked the coroner if it was possible the vaccines killed my son. The coroner straight lied to my face, or more, over the phone, saying that no, it was not the vaccinations that killed him.

There was only one time they contacted me and that was over how many people had done CPR on him. And that was the last time I heard from them.

I did contact him after we had received his death certificate saying pending investigation still and I asked if they had finished with his autopsy report. They told me no. I called once more and they told me that they couldn’t give me anymore information and that I would have to call the coroner’s office here in Needles, California. I have done that and still no answer, no nothing.

The coroner said it wasn’t my fault and sometimes this just happens. I couldn’t believe what I was just told.

It took me a long time to speak up and share my story because of this pain. I decided to come forward because I don’t want Matthew to die in vain because of vaccine manufacturers not doing a better job making safer vaccines, before pushing them onto unsuspecting parents and their innocent babies they view as profitable beings.

Why are infants getting so many at one time? Has it been proven it’s safe to give these kids all the vaccines they are shooting them up with during these well baby checkups? From what I’ve learned since all of this, the answer is no.

Later, I learned two of the vaccines given at his last appointment, should not have been given to him. Babies are not supposed to be given the Hepatitis A vaccine until at least 1 year of age and this was given to Matthew at 5 1/2 months old.

I also learned he was given the third dose of Hepatitis B too soon. Matthew wasn’t supposed to get that until his next visit during the 6 month checkup which would’ve also been delayed to space out the shots, because we were late getting him the 4 month vaccines.

I think it was right after the funeral I learned that they had given him the Hep A vaccine too soon. When I had learned this, it killed me. I started blaming my self and still do because I never took the time to know what vaccines were supposed be given to a child, at what month, how many doses, etc.

I felt because I didn’t do the research until after Matthew died, I was foolish and this was somehow my fault. I felt in some way this was my fault because I was late on his vaccinations. My thoughts were if I would’ve followed the CDC’s schedule and not been late to that 4 month check up, he probably would not have gotten the wrong vaccines. Now he’s gone.

I do understand he could’ve been taken sooner even if the correct vaccines were given on the schedule. It’s just something I live with.

It’s been over a year and four months since Matthew passed on October 9, 2013 and I still haven’t gotten the autopsy report that I told them I wanted a copy of. I keep getting the run around!

I went the doctor’s office recently and found out the nurse that injected Matthew is no longer working there. I was told she got fired because she didn’t know what she was doing when giving vaccines.

I said to the office if it turns out his death was because of her ignorance, I will be going after them all. My son shouldn’t have died because you guys were too lazy to train her to give vaccines properly. They didn’t even apologize to me. I’m just beyond angry at this point. I can’t wait to get my answers.

They said my baby is the only one who had passed away since she started working, until the end of her working. Who knows if that is true? There could’ve been more lives taken and they wouldn’t admit it.

I want to tell other parents, they say vaccinations are safe, but in reality, they aren’t.

Ask questions and know which vaccines they plan to give to your baby. Know the risks associated with all of the vaccines they plan to give during the checkup. And remember, it’s your choice. It’s your child. And whatever you do, don’t let them mix the vaccines into one needle or give them so many at once because if you don’t think this won’t harm your child, then look at the child I lost. It is possible.

Matthew was given DTaP, IPV, Hib, PCV, Hep B and Hep A in 3 shots, one in his right arm and two in his left leg.

Now I’m pregnant with my 5th child. I have to stay strong. I have too. I have to remain less stressed for my family and during my pregnancy. I have 3 boys, a hubby and soon my rainbow baby, all counting on me, to hold this family together.

In all honesty though, sometimes I feel so overwhelmed because I miss Matthew so much and people are so unaware how often vaccines take the lives of infants. I’m beyond angry that this has happened to my baby. And scared it can happen again with the kids I do have. And that I’ll be forced to vaccinate this unborn baby.

A bill was currently put forth by our California state politicians to take away my right to exempt my children from further vaccines due to personal beliefs. If this passes, this would take my parental right away, to choose vaccinating my children in the future. What they should do is create a new exemption for parents to file that took one for the team! We should be able to opt out for that reason alone.

Was it not enough Matthew was taken? He should be honored by these people but instead, they deny his existence by pushing bills that slap parents in the face that have lost their child to vaccines or to those parents with vaccine injured children. Maybe if they would make safer vaccines, more would want to get them.

My son was injected with 8 vaccines, if you don’t know what is in them, learn! When I did, I was shocked and mad at myself for not questioning this before. Matthew is the reason I opened my eyes, to see what vaccines can really do to a baby, let alone anyone. I’m not the only one who believes vaccines are not what they claim they are. I really hope this opens parent’s eyes who do vaccinate their children.

My older son is having a hard time, my second son said he is afraid of the shots now and my third son is 3 years old, he just knows his baby brother is gone. As for my hubby, he keeps it in, so it’s kind of hard to know what he is feeling.

To this day, I still haven’t received his autopsy report. They keep giving me the run around. So the investigation is still pending. I have filed a report with the Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS). I’ve learned they sometimes don’t follow up with parents, which prevents them from reporting a reaction. Until I receive an autopsy report, it makes it difficult to file a claim with the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (NVICP). I feel they are stalling us because the time frame to file when you lose a child to vaccines is 2 years, it’s going on a 1 ½ years for us. We won’t give up. My son should still be here.

His shot records don’t lie! They shouldn’t cover up these reactions to vaccines these kids suffer from. They should not stifle parents from pursuing the already time consuming and deterring recourse they’ve set up, talking about the vaccine injury compensation program.

Since I looked into this more, I’ve learned how common it is for babies to die right after getting vaccinated. I just want it to be known that this can happen and I hope mothers ask questions first, before handing their child over to get shot up. How many of us moms helped hold our own child down, to keep them restrained while being vaccinated, knowing we helped them hurt our own?

Matthew’s death was a high price to pay in the name of preventing any of these diseases my kid would’ve been fine dealing with.

I didn’t believe a few people who told me this can happen, but it did. And now I have to live with that for the rest of my life, knowing I should have asked questions and researched first, before blindly agreeing to them injecting or giving him anything. I didn’t research. I didn’t question what vaccines were given to all of my children. I had no reason to distrust doctors, until now. Since this happened to Matthew, my eyes are wide open now. Now I’m not afraid to question everything that is done to my children.

It’s a parent’s decision to make, to vaccinate their child or not. Parents need to research both sides, for and against. Then make their decision on the matter. My dad told me I didn’t get sick till after I started school and had to have those required vaccines. After that, my dad never vaccinated me again. My dad said it a few times before all of this happened, but I didn’t pay attention. I wish I had listened to him.

I just let the doctors and nurses do what they said was needed. No questions asked. I thought they would tell me if there were severe risks involved. Nobody told me anything like that. I trusted them with my child’s life and would’ve liked to have known that death from vaccination is an associated risk. Why didn’t the doctors or nurse tell me this? I really wished I researched and asked questions instead of just trusting the system and doctors. And now because I didn’t, my child is gone.

There are a lot more parents out there like me. Some don’t come forward due to fact they are afraid of what people would say. Sometimes people can be really cruel and not understand what parents like me go through.

I just want his story to be told. My hubby and I say thank you to everyone lending their support. We are so blessed to have the short time we had with our little fussy bear. I hope sharing this will help mothers know it can happen.

I want it well known I’m not telling parents not to vaccinate their child. I’m simply saying to research before you vaccinate. Learn if you choose to vaccinate, then that is your choice, not someone else’s to make because you will be stuck with the consequences.

Don’t disrespect parents like me, who have lost their child to vaccines. And don’t disrespect parents of living vaccine injured children. Our rights to choose these medical interventions need to be preserved. It is beyond disturbing that bought politicians think they can choose what gets injected into our children. They don’t care about your child’s health. Clearly many are dying and getting injured from these vaccines and they turn a blind eye. That should tell you something.

I miss my baby so much. A huge part of me was taken when he was. I cannot let this happen again. I cannot put my other children at risk of being vaccine injured any longer.

Matthew took one for the team and his life didn’t matter to those wanting to strip my rights to opt out of further vaccinating. Why does he not matter? Why do mild cases involving the measles get reported all over the news, but not babies dying after getting the MMR shot or other vaccinations? Why don’t the vaccine injured children matter?

We miss and love you so much Matthew. You are always thought of every day. You are always in my heart and I will never stop loving you.

Love Your Momma,
Crystal Downing-Powers”

Matthew Gage Downing-Powers
April 26, 2013 – October 9, 2013
Passed away at 5 ½ months old, less than 2 days after receiving 8 vaccines


As long as vaccine manufacturers avoid doing causation studies, as long as this data doesn’t exist, health officials and published vaccine-promoting, peer-reviewed literature can state there is no proof vaccines cause SIDS or other vaccine injuries.

How can a medical examiner be sure of which vaccine caused a person’s health to decline when multiple vaccines are given at a time? Overstimulating the immune system via vaccination can lead to a fatal outcome. Since it is proven difficult to narrow down which vaccine contributed to a child’s death after vaccination, giving numerous or combination vaccines should be a concern.
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