The Century Association Year-Book 1960, by The Century Assoc

The Century Association Year-Book 1960, by The Century Assoc

Postby admin » Tue Jul 31, 2018 5:40 am

The Century Association Year-Book 1960
by The Century Association
7 West 43rd Street, New York 36, N.Y.
Telephone: Murray Hill 2-0711




The Congress of Vienna in 1815 had an indisputable and decisive influence on the Germans' decline. Had this assembly never taken place, National Socialism would probably have never come into being. Never had the Germans been closer to conducting a republican revolution on the American model, and never had they reached a higher moral level, than they were during the 1812-15 Wars of Liberation. These wars were not merely a republican uprising against Napoleon's imperialist occupation of the greater part of Germany; above all else, they were spearheaded by a flourishing constitutional movement.

The movement was led, of course, by the Prussian reformers vom Stein, Humboldt, and Scharnhorst, but it drew its vitality from the countless common citizens who were filled with patriotism and inspired by Schiller's dramas and other republican writings. Even at the Vienna Congress itself, vom Stein still cherished hopes that the negotiations would result in a united, sovereign German nation. But that was precisely what the international oligarchy conspired to prevent. With the intrigues and machinations of the English, French, Venetians, the Russian nobility, and especially the wretched Metternich (the man whom, not surprisingly, Henry Kissinger admires the most) arrayed against them, the German republicans did not stand a chance. Cloaked in hypocritical fundamentalism, the Holy Alliance snuffed out each and every shining idea, introducing instead an era of brutal oppression and surveillance. The German population, unable to understand why their heroic and victorious struggle against Napoleon had not led to a nation-state, lapsed to an ever greater degree into an other-worldly Romanticism during the years following the Restoration, drifting later on into outright demoralization. It is only from this standpoint that the influence wielded by Nietzsche and the other demagogues of cultural pessimism becomes comprehensible.....

The Vienna Congress marked the end of republican turmoil in Germany. The oligarchy of England, Russia, France, Switzerland, Venice, and Austria had regrouped their forces, and were determined to leave no openings for the German negotiator, vom Stein. Following 1815, and with a vengeance in the wake of the Carlsbad Decrees of 1819, there began a long phase of gloomy reaction, with devastating effects on the population. Most citizens were unable to reconstruct in their minds precisely why and how they had been robbed of the fruits of their struggle. As the bigoted narrowness of the Holy Alliance increasingly made itself felt, the clear mind of the world citizen and patriot shrank into the limited purview of the Burschenschaften (student dueling societies) and maudlin German chauvinism. Clear conceptions yielded to romantic Schwarmerei, and the disappointed hopes lapsed into latent cultural pessimism.

This paradigm shift from classicism to Romanticism, however, was no more a "sociological phenomenon" than was West Germany's turn from a belief in progress during the "economic miracle" of the 1960s, to the 1970s' zero-growth ideology and hatred of technology. The subversion, sabotage, and final defeat of the hopeful republican freedom movement at the start of the nineteenth century was the result of the same shift; and all the weapons directed against the humanist conception of man can be summed up under one modern concept: the "Conservative Revolution."...

Romanticism was consciously promoted by the European oligarchy as a movement which advocated the total rejection of reason and humanism, upon which Weimar classicism was based. One of the oligarchy's most influential agents, who supported the young Romantics with body and soul, was Madame de Stael, daughter of the Swiss banker Jacques Necker, who as French finance minister had ruined France for the sake of the Swiss banks. Heinrich Heine has pointedly described how Madame de Stael and her circles were angered that the "republican" culture found in the Weimar classics, in musical soirees at home, or in the great theater houses had begun to spread through large portions of the population. In a blue rage, she attempted to regain her own control of culture by luring young artists into her own salon. These recruits threw themselves into action with the same abandon as today's "beautiful people" or the nobility's "Jet set." Not only did this romantic movement produce the organized terrorism of Giuseppe Mazzini's "Young Europe," but it also spawned the tendency stretching from the turn-of-the-century youth movement to today's counterculture "alternative" movement, along with its ideologues Friedrich Nietzsche, Paul de Lagarde, Julius Langbehn, Alfred Rosenberg, and so forth. The Nazis too drank out of this "alternative" trough.....

The most devastating oligarchical attack on the republican spirit, however, was led by the philosopher G. W. F. Hegel in Berlin, who is proven by "check-stubs" to have been a paid agent of Austria's Metternich against the Prussian state, and was therefore working directly for the sinister reaction of the Holy Alliance. It is a sad commentary on the level of our universities, that the holy aura surrounding Hegel has remained intact down to the present day.

When one considers that Hegel finished his Phenomenology of Mind in the year 1806, in the midst of the intellectual climate of the Weimar classics, we can only conclude that his ostensibly dialectical method was nothing but a Jesuitical distortion of the Socratic method so gloriously evident in the dramas of Friedrich Schiller.Hegel's idea of the world-historical individual was indeed drawn from the classics; his "philosopher kings" or "philosophical minds," however, tended to degenerate into mere power-mongers (Napoleon, for Hegel, was the World Spirit on horseback!), and were much closer to the master-race concept of Nietzsche and Hitler. Worst of all, toward the end of his teaching career Hegel not only engaged in the corrupt practice of blocking or spoiling the studies of many young and hopeful students, but also -- in his Philosophy of Right -- he provided the perfect justification for the totalitarian state, which served as source material for Europe's reactionary oligarchical circles, as it did later for the Third Reich.

We could name many more figures and fields which were involved in the Conservative Revolution's attempt to reshape the population's conscious values. In all these cases it can be proven, often in great detail, that these were not "sociological phenomena" or mysterious transformations in the Zeitgeist, but were developments initiated or financed by the oligarchy.

In spite of passing rivalries, the oligarchy's efforts after 1815 were closely coordinated, and they often succeeded in setting into motion movements which crossed national borders, such as Young Europe and the Anthroposophist movement. The direct successors of these movements today are tied to the activities of such supranational institutions as the Trilateral Commission, the Club of Rome, and the Aspen Institute.

The republicans, who could look back upon the American Revolution as their proudest victory, were seriously weakened following 1815 and were later eliminated as a political force. At best, republicans worked on as dispersed, humanistically inclined individuals, who had lost consciousness of the great historical weight of their task. Such individuals reacted to humanist culture solely on the basis of their own personal moral disposition.

While Hegel was providing the totalitarian state with a frightening ideological justification, pointing the way to the Nazis' "everything is permitted" rule, Romanticism was at the same time softening up the general population. The Holy Alliance slowly but surely stifled Germany's soul, and encouraged the emergence of such romantic philosophers as Schopenhauer, who began to deny the power of reason. For Schopenhauer, egoism was the natural disposition of mankind, and life as such was not an adequate affirmation of life. Thus the republicans' cultural optimism yielded to an irrational, immoral pessimism.

The absolute height of Romanticism, or rather the nadir of general culture, where raving folly and emotional infantilism turned into aggressive mania, the welding point between the Romantic muddleheads and the Nazis -- this was the world of Nietzsche, whose works can only be described as the mind running amok.

This self-hating, joyless psychotic could not tolerate the idea of reason; he hated Socrates, Schiller, Beethoven, and Humboldt. In his confused writings he attempted, if incoherently, to rewrite history, emphasizing not the classical and Renaissance periods as the Weimar classics had done, but the Dark Ages, the dionysian and bacchanalian orgies, the dances of St. Vitus and the flagellants. He regarded the scientific mode of questioning as man's arch-enemy, just as the Greens do today. Everything the Nazis later made into reality was already lurking within Nietzsche's tormented brain, darting about with increasing frenzy: the volkisch idea, a deep hatred of industrial progress, the "biological world outlook" of "blood and soil," the idea of a master race, the mystically inspired hatred of Christianity, and its final and ultimate form, the Ecce Homo, where Nietzsche cries out: "Have I made myself clear? -- Dionysus against the Crucified .... "

Nietzsche, celebrated along with Dostoevsky as the prophet of the Conservative Revolution, was the spiritual pathfinder for the nihilism of the National Socialists and the existentialist philosophers.

-- The Hitler Book, edited by Helga Zepp-LaRouche

Table of Contents: [PDF HERE]

• Form of Bequest
• Historical
• Report of the Board of Management
• Act of Incorporation
• Constitution
• By-Laws
• House Rules
• Requirements of the Committee on Admissions
• Officers, Trustees, and Committees
• Officers, 1847-1960
• Founders
• Honorary Members
• Members
• Absent Members
• Century Memorials
• Former Members
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Re: The Century Association Year-Book 1960, by The Century A

Postby admin » Tue Jul 31, 2018 5:40 am

Form of Bequest

I give and bequeath to The Century Association, of the City of New York, a New York corporation, the sum of $_________________.
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Re: The Century Association Year-Book 1960, by The Century A

Postby admin » Tue Jul 31, 2018 5:40 am


The Century was founded and its first Constitution adopted on January 13, 1847. One hundred gentlemen engaged or interested in Letters and the Fine Arts had been invited to join in forming the Association. Forty-two accepted the invitation and became Founders; forty-six others joined during the year. The name, suggested by the number originally invited to be members, was the proposal of Edgar S. Van Winkle.

On March 7, 1857, the Association was incorporated by an Act of the Legislature, which was amended on March 29, 1883.

During its early years, The Century occupied rooms at 495 Broadway from the spring of 1847 to the spring of 1849, at 435 Broome Street to the spring of 1850, and at 575 Broadway until May, 1852.

By this time, it required a house and moved to 24 Clinton Place {now 46 East Eighth Street) . This was its home until the spring of 1857, when it made another move, to a house at 109 (old number 42) East Fifteenth Street. On January 10, 1891, it occupied its present Clubhouse at 7 West 43rd Street.

Successive amendments to the Constitution fixed the limit of resident membership as follows: March 5, 1853, 200 members; March 7, 1857, 250; May 7, 1859, 350; February 1, 1862, 400; April 7, 1866, 500; February 6, 1875, 600; December 5, 1885, 700; May 3, 1890, 800; February 6, 1892, 1000. The limit of non-resident membership has been fixed as follows: February 6, 1892, 300; December 3, 1921, 400; January 14, 1928, 500; June 3, 1941, 600; March 1, 1945, 700; April 3, 1958, 800.

The lamp that burns at each meeting of The Century was designed in 1858 for The Column, a literary society founded in 1825. It was lighted at all subsequent meetings of The Column until Centurions John Bigelow and Parke Godwin, the only surviving members of that organization, presented it to The Century in 1901 as "a silver symbol intended to be a lasting memorial to The Column/' They also presented to "all present and future members" of The Century the privileges of fellow-membership with them. The minutes of their meeting concluded, "The Column then adjourned sine die." Today, more than one hundred years later, the lamp still burns.
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Re: The Century Association Year-Book 1960, by The Century A

Postby admin » Tue Jul 31, 2018 5:41 am


THE Board of Management submits the following report for the year 1959:


The Exhibitions of the year were as follows:

January 14-February 8: Exhibition of Work by John Carroll

February 11 -April 26: Exhibition of Work by John F. Folinsbee

May 6-May 31: Exhibition of Designs for the Theatre by Robert Edmond Jones

June 3-September 27: Retrospective Exhibition of a Variety of Works in the Graphic Arts by T. M. Cleland

October 7-November 1: Autumn Exhibition of Work by Amateur Artist Members

November 4-November 16: Murals Celebrating the Vintage Festival

November 20-January 3: Autumn Exhibition of Work by Artist Members

Again this year the Art Committee made several awards for entries in the Autumn Exhibition of Work by Amateur Artist Members, in place of the Art Committee Medal and the Honorable Mentions that had been given in the past. Silver ash trays from Cartier's were presented to the prize winners: Alfred Bendiner, Hugh de Haven, William A. Gardner, Bronson S. Ray, Leonard J. Robbins, Whitney North Seymour, Jr., and Harvey Stevenson. Henry R. Mallory's water color, Drifting Snow, was voted the most popular work.

In the Autumn Exhibition of Work by Artist Members, the Art Committee Medal was awarded to Randall Davey for his oil painting, Ambulances Grand National. Honorable Mention was awarded to Walter Stuempfig for his oil painting, The Connoisseur, and to Nathaniel Choate for his limestone sculpture, Family Pride. The largest popular vote was cast for Portrait of Robert Frost, an oil painting by Gardner Cox.

During the year, the Association acquired the following works of art:

Bronze Medallion, Maitland Armstrong by Augustus Saint Gaudens, presented by Hamilton Fish Armstrong

Bronze Medallion, Roscoe H. Hupper by Paul Manship, presented by the artist

Oil painting, Portrait of Joseph Hodges Choate by William H. Chase, presented by the grandchildren of Joseph Hodges Choate, seventh president of The Century

Etching, Male Nude Bathing by Grant Wood, presented by Bethuel M. Webster

Oil painting, Still Life with Fruit, Flowers, and Parrot, artist unknown, bequeathed by Charles C. Burlingham

Etching, Venetian Filigree by John Taylor Arms, presented by William Adams Delano

The following works from the Association's collection were loaned:

To the American Federation of Arts and Letters, Westover Virginia by Edward L. Henry

To the Adirondack Museum, Eliphalet Terry Fishing from a Boat by Winslow Homer

A complete new appraisal of the pictures belonging to the Club was made and the insurance on them brought up to date. All pictures in storage were removed from the unlovely depths of the cellar and placed in proper racks constructed by our engineer, Mr. Henry La Plante, in the new storeroom designed by Lewis G. Adams at the west end of the Billiard Room, which at long last also provides adequate space for the handling of exhibits.

Barry Faulkner, Chairman


During his brief tenure as librarian at the Century, Mr. Henry James, Jr., recommended additional lamps. They arrived early in the year and were placed to advantage for both reading and the better appearance of the library. The former librarian also recommended circulation of books for the benefit of members. This was instituted during the year on a limited and experimental scale without, however, interfering with the long-time and useful reserves for regular readers.

The present librarian, Mr. Lewis H. Webster, and his assistant, Mr. Andrew Zaremba, accomplished extensive res-helving and cataloguing, but the end is not yet! For the most part, the classification system in use was retained. Many books can still be found in the same general areas as formerly, except for large and necessary changes in the lobby of the third floor. To simplify matters, the catch-all classification, "Miscellaneous, by Author," has been dropped entirely. In the Spring there was a special show-case exhibit on the stairways to the Gallery. It was arranged in connection with the reception for members of the Cosmopolitan Club. The subject was "Century Treasures, Fourteenth through Nineteenth Centuries," and the books were selected from those in the vault and rarely on view. Later show-case exhibits included "Autumnal Poems and Pictures" and "Less Familiar Nativity Representations"—making use of the extensive book resources of the Association.

Of statistical interest are the following items. By the end of 1959, the total holdings of the Century library amounted to 18,357 volumes. The accessions during the year came to 515 volumes, with 406 of them by purchase, 109 by donation; books by Centurions, or with some other Century connection, numbered 85. The annual subscriptions for magazines also happened to number 85.

The Association has been enriched by the acquisition of a third album of stamps belonging to Theodore E. Steinway. This was the one upon which he was working at the time of his death. All three albums contain stamps which have associations with the Century.

As a special project for the future, it is planned to enlarge and bring up to date the poetry collection in the Graham Room. Some of the recent accessions in architecture are serving to round out the collection in the Piatt Room. Space limitations, however, prevent the development of any extensive research collections.

William L. Savage, Chairman


The year 1959 marked the first in which the terms of the appointive Committees changed in mid-stream, or June. For the House Committee this meant that the wonderfully able Richard A. Kimball relinquished his Chairmanship. His appointment as the Director of The American Academy in Rome precluded our retaining his services. The stalwart and loyal members of the House Committee have given the succeeding Chairmen every support and assistance, for which he is pleased to express his gratitude.

The alteration of the nearby Morgan Guaranty Bank Building caused radical change in our normal summer routines in the Clubhouse. The North Terrace was completely untenable, and as a substitute for this oasis, the West Room on the Second Floor was decorated, under the direction of Donald Oenslager, with gay hangings, summer furniture, slipcovers, and a setting of palms around the famous Wolf. Comments on this change varied!

This room was also provided with two large air-conditioning units, which effectively cooled it. The success of this experiment appeared to warrant the purchase of other cooling units for the Main Dining Room and the Graham Library, and the advent of this refrigeration brought a strong appeal, actually mounting to a demand, that the Billiard Room be similarly treated. The House Committee and the Board of Management capitulated, and that room also was made a bit more comfortable during the summer weather.

The following is a brief account of the year's program at the Monthly Dinners. In January, Laurence E. Le Sueur spoke admirably on "News, Present and Future"; in February, Homer A. Thompson in a fascinating lecture on "The Athenian Agora," illustrated with beautiful slides in full color, gave us some idea of the enthralling job of the modern archaeologist. In March, Geoffrey T. Hellman advised us with his usual wit on "How to Write for The New Yorker." In April, Alvin Eurich told us of "New Tools for Learning," which undoubtedly made many of us wish to be young enough to start all over. In May, Robert L. Crowell described in a charming talk his adventures in "Following the Trial of Henry David Thoreau" in these modern times. In accordance with custom, there was no speaker at the June meeting.

In October, at the Dinner of Welcome, the new members were addressed by Adriaan J. Barnouw, who recalled in a delightful speech many incidents and personages in the history of The Century. The November Meeting was again the Wine Festival under the splendid direction of Henry Allen Moe, and illustrated as in the past by the remarkable posters made for this occasion by our professional artist members. President Kieffer, with his great knowledge of viniculture, delighted us with his remarks. In December, we were highly entertained by a film, "The Gooney Birds of Wake Island," which was supplied by John H. Baker and the National Audubon Society.

On behalf of the Association, the House Committee records its thanks for the following gifts made during the year: maple syrup from Walter H. Kilham, Jr.; two electric razors from Jacques Barzun; fresh Canadian salmon from Shirley C. Fisk; and fresh trout from Edward R. Finch. An unusual cowskin lampshade, decorated with a painting of a Cambodian Temple, was presented to the Association by the Magistrate Hell Sumpha of Cambodia, through our member John Farrar. Finally, as a bequest of the late C. C. Burlingham, The Century received an antique sideboard.

The House Committee again desires to commend the staff of the Clubhouse for its loyal and courteous service throughout the year.

Francis W. Roudebush, Chairman


On the first of June the present Chairman of the Music Committee succeeded John E. Lockwood in that post.

During the year the following programs were presented: Saturday, January 10: The late Mack Harrell, in a lieder recital.

Saturday, February 7: The Saidenberg Chamber Concert, attended by an overflow audience which filled the Gallery and sat on the stairs and up on the second floor.

Saturday, December 19: The Hamilton College Choir and Brass Ensemble, in a program of Christmas music conducted by John L. Baldwin, Jr. The afternoon's performances included some music by a Centurion and some excellent egg nog composed by Mr. Marchand. The large audience was enthusiastic.

George Mead, Jr., Chairman


Recommendation to Board of Management: The Committee, on January 27, 1959, recommended that consideration be given to the presentation of the name of Learned Hand, a Centurion for over fifty years, to the members of the Association for Honorary Membership. This, the highest honor that may be bestowed upon members of the Century Association, is an encomium awarded only to those who have rendered distinguished public service, as well as service to the Association. The Board acted favorably upon the Committee's recommendation. At the Monthly Meeting of the Association on April 9, Judge Hand was unanimously elected; he is the twenty-second Centurion thus to be honored. An engrossed testimonial was presented to him by President Kieffer at the Monthly Meeting on May 7.

Recommendation respecting pewter beer mugs: The Committee, in consideration of the fact that the Association is in possession of fifty-eight (58) silver cups, memorials to deceased Centurions, deemed it appropriate to suggest to the Board of Management that hereafter such memorials be in the form of pewter mugs. The Board subsequently approved this recommendation. Mugs, of approved design, may be obtained from Black, Starr and Gorham (price $10.00 plus tax —lettering extra) . The name of the late Centurion, together with the year of the beginning of his membership and the year of his death, should be inscribed appropriately on the mug. The first mug was inscribed to the memory of Mahonri M. Young, the second to George W. Martin.

Gilmore D. Clarke, Chairman


There were 1757 members on January 1; on December 31, there were 1768, of whom 1693 were dues-paying members.

Resident Members: January 1, 1959: 977
Elected and qualified during the year: 57
Transferred from Non-Resident Class: 8
Total: 1042

Deaths reported during the year: 34
Resigned: 7
Transferred to Non-Resident Class: 19
Resident Artist Members electing Non-Resident Classification: 1
Total: 61

Less Exempt (8), Absent (10), and Honorary (2) Members: 20
Non-Resident Members: January 1, 1959: 780
Elected and qualified during the year: 24
Transferred from Resident Class: 19
Resident Artist Members electing Non-Resident Classification: 1
Total: 824

Deaths reported during the year: 28
Resigned: 11
Transferred to Resident Class: 8
Total: 47

Less Exempt (22) and Absent (23) Members: 45
Total Dues-Paying Members, December 31, 1959: 732
Plus Exempt, Absent, and Honorary Members: 65
Total Membership, December 31, 1959: 1758

At the end of the year, there were 37 vacancies in the Resident Class and 67 vacancies in the Non-Resident Class, with 114 candidates in the former and 95 in the latter.


Caveat on Publicity. At the request of the House Committee, the November issue of the Bulletin included the following reminder concerning certain matters of Century policy:

—To avoid the possibility that the Century's name shall become involved in controversy, members should refrain from using the address of the Club on any letter or other paper intended to be printed or published, or for the dispatch or receipt of communications in connection with political or other public discussions.

—Members should take all reasonable steps to prevent any public mention of the Association in connection with any meetings that may be held in the Clubhouse.

—The rule against the admission of reporters and news photographers to the Clubhouse applies to the private dining rooms as well as to other parts of the building.

—As the Century is essentially a place where the amateurs of arts and letters and the professionals can hold amiable converse, it is suggested that business conferences be held in the Club's private rooms.

Daniel's Memoirs. Copies of "My Memories of The Century Club, 1919-1958" by William Daniel, Head Doorman of The Century, arrived from the printer in May. In its pages, Daniel tells of the comings and goings, the conversations and habits, the traits and foibles of Centurions as he recalls them during his almost forty years as a member of the Clubhouse staff. The book is a useful and entertaining contribution to Century lore.

Charles G. Proffitt
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Re: The Century Association Year-Book 1960, by The Century A

Postby admin » Tue Jul 31, 2018 5:41 am

Act of Incorporation

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Re: The Century Association Year-Book 1960, by The Century A

Postby admin » Tue Jul 31, 2018 5:41 am


The People of the State of New York, represented in Senate and Assembly, do enact as follows:

Section 1. Gulian C. Verplanck, William C. Bryant, Charles M. Leupp, Asher B. Durand, John F. Kensett, William Kemble and William H. Appleton, and such other persons as are now associated as "The Century," or may hereafter become associated with them, are hereby constituted a body corporate by the name of "The Century Association," to be located in the city of New-York, for the purpose of promoting the advancement of art and literature by establishing and maintaining a library, reading room and gallery of art, and by such other means as shall be expedient and proper for that purpose.

§ 2. The said corporation shall have the power to make and adopt a constitution and by-laws, rules and regulations, for the admission, suspension and expulsion of its members, and their government, the election of its officers and to define their duties, and for the safe keeping and protection of its property and funds, and from time to time to alter or repeal such constitution, by-laws, rules and regulations. The seven persons named in the first section of this act shall constitute the trustees and managers until others are elected in their places.

§ 3. The said corporation may purchase and hold or lease any real and personal estate; provided that they shall not hold any real estate the value of which shall exceed the sum of fifty thousand dollars.

§ 4. The said corporation shall possess the general powers, and be subject to the general restrictions and liabilities prescribed in the third title of the eighteenth chapter of the first part of the Revised Statutes.

§ 5. The Legislature may at any time alter or repeal this act.

§ 6. This act shall take effect immediately.

By a special Act of the Legislature, passed March 29th, 1883, the Association was authorized to hold real estate to the value of three hundred thousand dollars. This was superseded by the general Corporation Law, under which the Association is entitled to hold real estate to the value of three million dollars.



HIS Association shall be composed of authors, artists, and amateurs of letters and the fine arts.


§ 1. The officers shall be a President, two Vice-Presidents, a Secretary, and a Treasurer; and there shall also be sixteen Trustees. Such officers, together with the Trustees, shall be a Board of Management. Of the Trustees not less than three shall be authors, not less than three artists, and not more than eight amateurs. No person shall be eligible as a trustee for more than three years in succession.

The officers and trustees shall be chosen at each annual meeting by ballot, and shall continue in office until the next annual meeting, or until their successors are elected.

§ 2. The President shall preside at the meetings of the Association; he shall also be Chairman of the Board of Management; he shall, with the Secretary, sign all written contracts and obligations of the Association, and he shall perform such other duties as the Board of Management of the Association may assign him.

The First Vice-President, or in his absence the Second Vice-President, shall discharge the duties of the President in case of his absence or during a vacancy in his office.

§ 3. The Secretary shall keep minutes of all meetings of the Association and of the Board of Management; shall notify members of their election, issue notices for all meetings of the Association, and conduct the correspondence and keep the records; which records and correspondence shall be open to the inspection of members at all reasonable times.

§ 4. The Treasurer shall collect and, under the direction of the Board of Management, disburse the funds. He shall report at the monthly meeting in February and oftener if required, on the state of the funds. His accounts shall be audited by a select committee of three, appointed or elected at the monthly meeting next previous to the annual meeting.

In case of the absence, disability, or death of the Treasurer, the President or the Board of Management shall have power to appoint a Treasurer pro tern, to serve during such absence or disability, or, in case of the death of the Treasurer, until the vacancy shall have been filled.

§ 5. Any officer or trustee may be removed, for cause, at any meeting of the Association, upon due notice, and any vacancy in an office shall be filled for the residue of the term by the Board of Management.

ARTICLE III: Of the Powers of the Association at Its General Meetings

§ 1. All the corporate powers remain vested in the Association, and they may be exercised at any regular meeting, subject to the restrictions herein contained.

§ 2. No sale, lease, or mortgage of any of the real property of the Association shall be made unless the Board of Management shall authorize such transaction and report its action thereon to the members of the Association and unless, subsequent to the making of such report, such transaction shall be authorized by the concurring vote of at least two-thirds of the members present at a meeting of the members at which at least sixty members are present. [Amended April 3, 1958.]

ARTICLE IV: Of the Board of Management

§ 1. The Board of Management shall have general charge of the affairs, funds, and property of the Association. It shall be their duty to carry out the objects and purposes thereof; and to this end they may exercise all the powers of the Association, subject to the Constitution and By-Laws, and to such action as the Association may take at its monthly or annual meetings.

§ 2. The Board of Management shall have regular meetings as often as once in each month from November to June inclusive, and they shall submit a report of the affairs of the Association at each annual meeting, and shall report at other times if required. Seven members shall constitute a quorum.

§ 3. The Board of Management may invite distinguished strangers visiting the City to partake of the privileges of the Association during their stay. [Amended December 3, 1921.]

§ 4. The Board of Management shall have the power to remit the dues of any member, for such cause and for such period as in their judgment may be advisable and proper. During that period such member shall not be counted in the limitation of members. [Amended December 3, 1921.]

ARTICLE V: Of Committees and Their Duties

§ 1. Committee on Admissions. The Committee on Admissions shall consist of twenty-one members, who shall be chosen by ballot at the annual meeting, and shall hold office until their successors shall be elected. At the annual meeting in January, 1889, seven members of the Committee shall be elected to serve three years, seven two years, and seven one year. At each subsequent annual meeting seven members shall be chosen to serve three years. No member of the Committee shall be eligible for re-election within one year of the expiration of three years' service on said Committee. Vacancies by death, or otherwise, may be filled by the Committee until the next annual meeting. They shall fix their own time and place of meeting. Eleven members shall constitute a quorum.

§ 2. Other Committees. There shall be a House Committee and a Committee on Literature, each composed of three members of the Board of Management. There shall be an Art Committee composed of at least seven members, of whom at least three shall be members of the Board of Management. These Committees shall be appointed by the Board of Management within two weeks after each annual meeting. The Board may provide for the appointment of additional members of any of said Committees from time to time; such additional members need not be members of the Board. The particular duties of each of said Committees shall be defined by the By-Laws. [Amended March 3, 1934.]

ARTICLE VI: Of the Members

§ 1. The number of resident members is limited to one thousand. [Amended February 6, 1892.]

§ 2. There shall also be a class of non-resident members, not exceeding eight hundred in number, to consist of persons residing permanently more than fifty miles from New York City Hall, and having no office or place of business in New York. [Amended April 3, 1958.]

§ 3. Any member who, having paid the entrance fee and the dues for one year, is absent from the United States for a continuous period of not less than twelve months shall, during his absence, be exempt from the payment of dues, provided that he shall have given to the Treasurer previous notice in writing of his intention to be absent. Absent members shall not be counted in the limitation of the number of members. In case the return of an absent member shall increase the number in his class of membership above the limit prescribed, no new member in that class shall be elected until the number shall be reduced by resignation or otherwise below such limit. [Amended April 3, 1958.]

All members of the Armed Forces of the United States, who are now members or who may be elected to membership, may at their option be held to be non-resident members during their active service. [Amended March 1, 1945.]

An artist member who has paid an entrance fee as a resident member may at his option elect to be classified as a nonresident member and be liable for annual dues as such but shall remain entitled to all the privileges of the Association, including the right of voting and of holding office. [Amended April 3, 1947.]

§ 4. No person shall be admitted as a member of the Association unless he shall have been recommended by the Committee on Admissions, on the proposal of two members not belonging to that Committee.

The name of every person proposed for admission, whether as a resident or a non-resident member, with his residence and the names of the members proposing him, shall be posted in the rooms at least fifteen days before being acted upon by the Committee. The Committee shall receive and consider all communications in reference to the persons proposed, and make careful examination as to their qualifications; it shall pass upon each name separately, and two negative votes shall be a rejection of the candidate. The proceedings of the Committee shall be secret and confidential.

At every monthly meeting of the Association the Committee shall furnish printed lists, properly classified, of the names of the persons recommended for admission, not exceeding twenty in number, and the Association shall then proceed to vote by depositing the lists with tellers appointed by the Chairman. The erasure from the list of any name shall be considered a vote in the negative. If negative votes be cast against any candidate to the number of one-fifth of the votes cast, his candidacy shall be referred back to the Committee on Admissions for further consideration. If the candidacy of such person again comes before the Association, negative votes cast against such person to the number of one-fifth of the votes cast shall exclude him from membership. [Amended January 8, 1953.]

No person so excluded shall be eligible for election within twelve months thereafter.

§ 5. Non-resident members may at any time, on and after the 30th April, 1896, be transferred from the list of resident members upon application in writing to the Treasurer. The members so transferred shall not be entitled to reimbursement of any part of the entrance fee. [Amended February 1896.]

Non-resident members shall be entitled to all the privileges of the Association, except the right of voting and of holding office. They shall be subject to the Constitution and By-Laws and to all the regulations of the Association.

§ 6. The Secretary and Treasurer, two weeks previous to each monthly meeting, shall determine the number of vacancies in each class of members and certify the same to the Committee on Admissions.

§ 7. An entrance fee of one hundred and fifty dollars shall be paid by each resident member, and of one hundred dollars by each non-resident member.

Such payment shall be made within thirty days after notice in writing of his election; or if within thirty days after such notice the member gives written notice to the Treasurer of his desire to do so, such payment may be made in four instalments, each of one quarter of the amount of the entrance fee; the first instalment shall be payable within thirty days after notice of his election, the second instalment within six months after such notice, the third instalment within twelve months after such notice, and the fourth instalment within eighteen months after such notice.

In default of such payment of the entrance fee, or the first instalment thereof, within thirty days after such notice, the member shall be deemed to have declined his election unless the Board of Management determines otherwise.

If any member fails to pay a subsequent instalment of his entrance fee when due, he shall be notified thereof in writing, and unless such instalment shall be paid within one month after such notice he shall thereupon cease to be a member unless the Board of Management determines otherwise. [Amended January 14, 1939.]

§ 8. The annual dues of resident members shall be one hundred fifty dollars, payable semi-annually in advance on the first days of May and November; and the annual dues of non-resident members shall be seventy-five dollars, payable on admission, and on each first day of May thereafter. [Amended April 2, 1959.]

The dues of all newly-elected members shall be computed proportionally from the first day of the month succeeding their election.

When the dues of any member shall remain unpaid for the space of three months, the Treasurer shall cause him to be notified that, unless the same be paid within one month thereafter, his membership will cease; and in case such dues shall not be paid pursuant to such notice, or such default be accounted for to the Board of Management, he shall thereupon cease to be a member.

In case any member of the non-resident class other than an artist member shall come to reside within the radius above named, or shall establish an office or place of business in the City of New York, it shall be his duty forthwith to notify the Treasurer of the Association in writing of such change, and he shall then be deemed a resident member with annual dues accordingly, and unless he has already paid the entrance fee of a resident member, he shall also pay to the Treasurer within thirty days the additional amount of entrance fees necessary to constitute him a resident member; in default of such payment he shall cease to be a member. [Amended March 6, 1947.] It shall be the duty of each member to keep the Treasurer informed of his address.

§ 9. Honorary members may be elected from the membership of the Association on the recommendation of the Board of Management, at a regular monthly meeting, by an affirmative vote by ballot of not less than nine-tenths of the votes cast. No more than one honorary member shall be chosen in any one year. Honorary members shall be exempt from the payment of annual dues and shall be entitled to all the privileges of the Association except that of holding office. [Amended, April 5, 1956.]

§ 10. Any member may be suspended or expelled for violation of the Constitution or By-Laws, or for any offence or misconduct which may be deemed sufficient to warrant such suspension or expulsion, by a vote, at a monthly meeting, of three-fourths of the members present, one month's previous notice having been given to the member charged. It shall be the duty of the Board of Management to report any member for action under this rule.

The Board of Management shall also have the power for a like cause, by the affirmative vote of eleven (11) of its members, after a hearing has been granted on one month's previous notice, to suspend any member from all privileges as such member indefinitely, pending further action; but any member affected thereby may require the resolution of suspension to be reported to the Association.

Membership may also be forfeited by failure to pay any indebtedness to the Association, in such manner as may be prescribed by the By-Laws.

§11. In the rooms of the Association, betting of any kind is strictly prohibited. [Amended November 5, 7927.]

ARTICLE VII: Of Meetings

§ 1. There shall be an annual meeting of the Association for the election of officers and members and other business. It shall be held on the second Thursday of January of each year, at 9 o'clock p.m.

§ 2. There shall be monthly meetings of the Association for the election of members and other business. They shall be held on the first Thursday of November, December, February, March, April, May and June at 9 o'clock p.m. [Amended June 3,1941.]

§ 3. Special meetings may be called by the Board of Management; and they shall call a meeting at any time on the written request of ten members, which request shall specify the object of the meeting.

§ 4. The number of members necessary to constitute a quorum at an annual meeting shall be fifty, and at a monthly or special meeting shall be thirty.

ARTICLE VIII: Of Amendments

§ 1. This Constitution shall commence and take effect on the second Saturday of January, 1870, and the previous Constitution thereupon shall cease.

§ 2. No alteration or amendment of this Constitution shall be made unless the same be proposed at a previous regular meeting, and then posted in a conspicuous place in the rooms of the Association and the text of the same sent to each voting member with the notice of the meeting at which it may be considered, and be finally adopted at a subsequent meeting by the votes of two-thirds of the members present at the passage thereof.

§ 3. By-Laws, Rules, and Regulations, not inconsistent with the Charter or this Constitution, may be made, adopted, altered, or repealed at any monthly or annual meeting; provided, the proposed by-law, rule, regulation, alteration, or repeal shall have been proposed at a previous monthly meeting, and then posted in a conspicuous place in the rooms of the Association and the text of the same sent to each voting member with the notice of the meeting at which it may be considered, and shall be adopted by the votes of two-thirds of the members present at the passage thereof.
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Re: The Century Association Year-Book 1960, by The Century A

Postby admin » Tue Jul 31, 2018 5:41 am


§ 1. No book, journal, paper, picture, statue, or other work of art, the property of the Association, shall be taken from the rooms, under any pretext whatever, except by authority of the Board of Management.

§ 2. On the first day of each month or as soon thereafter as may be practicable, there shall be sent to each member notice of his indebtedness to the Association on the last day of the preceding month, and if the same is not paid on or before the fifteenth day of the month the names of the members so in default, together with the amounts due, shall be posted on a separate sheet in the hall.

In case any such indebtedness shall not be discharged at the expiration of a month from the date of such first notice, a second notice shall be mailed to the member in default, notifying him that further credit will not be extended to him until his indebtedness is discharged, and that in case he continues in such default for ten days thereafter, he will be excluded from all privileges of the Association until such indebtedness is paid, and such member shall thereupon, upon the expiration of such ten days, be so excluded, and notice to that effect shall thereupon be posted on a separate sheet in the hall.

At any time during such exclusion the Board of Management may declare the membership of such delinquent to be forfeited, and his name shall thereupon be dropped from the roll of members.

But before such action shall be taken by the Board of Management, it shall cause a copy of this By-Law to be mailed to the delinquent member.

A copy of this By-Law shall be sent with such second notice.

§ 3. A suggestion book shall be kept at the rooms in which every member is authorized to enter, under his signature, any complaint as to the management of the Association, and any suggestions he may desire to make.

§ 4. Visitors:

(a) A member may introduce a guest to the rooms of the Association for one day by entering the name and address of such guest and the date in the book to be kept for that purpose. This privilege may be suspended for any particular day by the House Committee. A member may not introduce the same person as a daily guest more than twice in the calendar year, and may not introduce more than one daily guest on the same day.

(b) A member may invite visitors to the Art Gallery during any Art Exhibition of the Association through signing cards of invitation printed for that purpose, but such cards of invitation shall not entitle visitors to pass to other parts of the house.

(c) A member may introduce guests to the private dining room when he has reserved that room for an entertainment.

(d) The House Committee, at the request in writing of a member, may extend the privileges of the Association for a total period of one month in any twelve months to a guest whose residence is more than fifty miles from the City Hall. Extension of this time may, on the recommendation of the House Committee, be granted by the Board of Management. A member may not obtain from the House Committee such privileges for more than one guest at a time, nor for the same guest more than once in a period of twelve months. Guest privileges extended by the House Committee or on its recommendation may be terminated at the discretion of the Committee at any time. [Amended May 6, 1954.]

(e) Guests to whom the privileges of the Association are extended under Section 3 of Article IV of the Constitution or under paragraphs (a), (d), or (/) of this By-law are on the same footing as non-resident members, except that those to whom the privileges are extended under paragraphs (a) and (d) may not introduce visitors and except that no guest may be present at any business meeting of the Association. Nor shall the House Committee grant the same privileges to the same guest more than once in a period of twelve months. [Amended March 5, 1959.]

(f) A member who obtains admission to the club-house for a guest becomes responsible for the conduct of such guest and for any indebtedness of such guest to the Association.

(g) The Board of Management may modify these rules to meet special cases.

(h) It is the duty of the House Committee to enforce the provisions of this section and promptly to report to the Board of Management all cases of persistent violation thereof.

(i) In case of violation of any of the provisions of this section, the House Committee may summarily suspend the privileges accorded therein with regard to any member or visitor for a period not exceeding ten days, and in all cases of violation the Board of Management may suspend such privileges for such period as in their discretion the interest of the Association may require.

(j) In addition to the powers herein above granted, the Board of Management may provide for the invitation of authors, artists, and composers of music to be guests of the Association. Such invitations shall be for the term of one year but shall be renewable; and the total number so invited shall not exceed fifty at any one time. [Amended November 5, 1942.]

§ 5. The House Committee shall have the charge of furnishing supplies, employing stewards and servants, keeping the rooms and premises of the Association in order for use, regulating the place, character and the extent of recreation and amusements in the club-house, and enforcing the rule as to admission of visitors. [Amended November 5, 1927.]

The care of newspapers and current periodicals is entrusted to the House Committee.

§ 6. The Committee on Literature shall have charge of the Library, and of the supply of books, and shall subscribe for periodicals and newspapers. Loud or continuous conversation shall not be carried on in the Library, nor, except on Thursday nights, shall refreshments be served therein.

§ 7. The Committee on Art shall have charge of all works of art owned or possessed by the Association; and it shall be their duty to make arrangements for exhibition, at monthly and annual meetings, of the works of artists of the Association, and other works of art, at their discretion. They shall keep a catalogue of the works of art owned or possessed by the Association, or exhibited in its rooms, and shall record therein every such work, with the name of the author, the title of the work, and the time of exhibition. The Committee on Art shall have charge of all decorations of the rooms. No work of art shall be accepted as a gift, or purchased by the Association, until the Committee on Art has made a report thereon to the Board of Management.

§ 8. The expenditures of the House Committee, and the Committees on Literature and Art, shall be limited to such sums as the Board of Management shall prescribe.

§ 9. A perfect list of members, officers, and committees shall be kept posted up in the rooms of the Association; and such list shall be corrected under the direction of the Treasurer and Secretary, from time to time, as changes occur.

§ 10. The above By-Laws shall go into effect on the second Saturday of January, 1870.

§ 11. A Nominating Committee shall annually be constituted as follows. The Board of Management shall at its last spring meeting propose as candidates for such committee the names of seven members of the Club, of whom two shall be members of the Board of Management, not eligible for reelection, and two shall be members of the Committee on Admissions. The names shall be posted in the club-house at least twenty days before the November monthly meeting of the Club. At any time not later than ten days before the November monthly meeting, additional candidates may be proposed for the Committee, provided that in each case the proposal, indorsed by twenty-five resident members, be presented in writing to the Secretary of the Club. [Amended May 1, 1952.]

All the names proposed by either of the above methods shall be printed in a single list, the names proposed by the Board of Management being designated by an asterisk. From this list, which shall be distributed at the monthly meeting in November, the Club shall elect by ballot the Nominating Committee. Each member may vote for not more than seven names on the list, and the seven candidates receiving the highest number of votes shall be declared elected. [Amended May 7. 1952.]

The Nominating Committee shall at the earliest practicable moment post in the club-house the names of candidates for all the positions to be filled. Additional candidates for such positions or any of them, may be nominated, and shall be posted, provided that in each case the nomination, indorsed by fifty resident members, be presented in writing to the Secretary of the Club not later than one week before the Annual Meeting.

The Secretary of the Club shall prepare printed lists of all candidates named by either of the aforesaid methods, the names to be grouped under the titles of the positions to be filled; the candidates for Trustees to be arranged in three groups, designated respectively as Authors, Artists, and Amateurs, and all names proposed by the Nominating Committee to be designated by an asterisk. These lists shall be distributed to members at the Annual Meeting, and shall serve as ballots in the election, provided that nothing herein be construed to restrict the right of any member to vote by means of written names for persons whose names do not appear in print.

§ 12. An Investment Committee consisting of four members and the Treasurer shall be appointed by the Board of Management annually. It shall be the duty of this committee to supervise the investments of the Club and to advise the Treasurer with respect to the purchase and sale of its investments.
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Re: The Century Association Year-Book 1960, by The Century A

Postby admin » Tue Jul 31, 2018 5:42 am



Admittance to the club-house cannot be claimed after one o'clock A.M.


There will be no breakfast on Sundays.

Week days, breakfast will start at eight o'clock in the morning.


Week days, the Dining Room will be closed at nine o'clock in the evening.


Sundays, a buffet will be served from one o'clock in the afternoon to eight-thirty o'clock in the evening, except that there will be no restaurant or bar service on Saturdays or Sundays during the summer season.


The Bar will be open from noon to midnight except on Sundays and holidays, when it will be open from one o'clock in the afternoon to nine o'clock in the evening.


Members will not be admitted inside the Bar at any time.


No game of billiards shall be commenced after twelve p.m. on Saturday nights, or after one a.m. on other nights.


The lights throughout the house shall be extinguished at two A.M.
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Re: The Century Association Year-Book 1960, by The Century A

Postby admin » Tue Jul 31, 2018 5:42 am


FOR the guidance of members of the Association, the Year- Book contains the Requirements of the Committee and the extract from the Committee's minutes concerning the interpretation of "amateurs of letters and the fine arts."

With respect to letters concerning candidates, the members of the Association are requested to send to the Committee such information, whether favorable or unfavorable, as they feel will assist in the consideration of a candidate. Article I of the Constitution declares: "This Association shall be composed of authors, artists, and amateurs of letters and the fine arts." The mere endorsement of a name is of little help to the Committee in determining whether a candidate, whatever his vocation, has such breadth of interest and qualities of mind as would make him a sympathetic, stimulating, and congenial companion in such a society.

Members are requested not to propose, second, or endorse more than one candidate in any one letter.

All communications are confidential. After final action has been taken on a candidate, letters unfavorable to him are returned to their writers by registered mail. The letters of proposers and seconders are deposited in the archives, and all other letters are destroyed, except that, by a two-thirds vote of the Committee, any particular letter may be preserved in the archives. "The proceedings of the Committee shall be secret and confidential." (Constitution, Article VI)


1. The proposer must write to the Committee, stating the name, address, and qualifications of the candidate. The letter should convey definite information as to the candidate's background, vocation, attainments, character, and personality. If he is not an artist or an author, it should also give evidence as to those interests and tastes outside of his vocation which would make him a sympathetic, stimulating, and congenial companion in a society of artists and authors.

2. The seconder must also write to the Committee in regard to the candidate. The letter should contain information of a character similar to that outlined for the proposer's letter.

3. The name, address, and vocation * of the candidate shall be entered in the Candidates' Book, preferably by the proposer and seconder, with their signatures. The Secretary of the Committee may make such entry when the letters of recommendation have been received from both proposer and seconder. A candidacy is not completed until these letters have been received and the entry has been made.

4. The candidate must be known to at least two members of the Committee if he is a candidate for resident membership or to at least one member if he is a candidate for non-resident membership. To facilitate the introduction of candidates to members of the Committee, proposers and seconders are asked to get in touch with the Chairman of the Sub-Committee to which the candidate has been assigned.

5. The Committee must receive, in addition to the letters of the proposer and seconder, at least ten letters from other members of the Association concerning a candidate for resident membership or at least six letters concerning a candidate for non-resident membership. These letters should do more than merely endorse a candidate; they should contain information which will be a source of enlightenment to the Committee as to the candidate's qualifications.


[From the Minutes of the Committee on Admissions, January 3, 1923]

Your special Committee appointed to consider the difficulties that have lately developed within the Admissions Committee over the interpretation of the word "amateur" in Article I of the Constitution, and to report on a suggestion that Article I should be amended, has made inquiries, has considered, and now reports.

We find that for more than sixty years the Committee on Admissions has been guided in passing upon qualifications of candidates not by such a narrow interpretation of the words "amateurs of letters and the fine arts" as would have required candidates to be experts or connoisseurs, but rather by the view that those words as used in the Constitution were intended to admit gentlemen of any occupation provided their breadth of interest and qualities of mind and imagination made them sympathetic, stimulating, and congenial companions in a society of authors and artists. We believe that this construction has long been clearly expressed through the Century's membership, and that the Admissions Committee may now regard it as being sanctioned and established by long usage and tradition. Consequently, we also think that the Admissions Committee need not hesitate to govern itself accordingly, and need not call upon the Club to undertake the difficult task of formulating a precise definition of the word "amateur."

On the other hand, we see no reason why it should not be admitted here that the Admissions Committee has erred in particular cases. It seems better to recognize this than to let anyone suppose that mistakes are to be accepted as precedents for a lax standard. This is stated because confusion has lately resulted from just that supposition.

The Admissions Committee should make it clear to all its members that it intends to interpret "amateur" very broadly, but never to interpret it so loosely as to cover candidates who do not clearly possess what may be called a responsive sympathy with letters and the fine arts, no matter how eminent or successful they may be, no matter how respectable socially, or how deserving of recognition on special grounds. It is understood that the writer of a technical treatise is not such an "author" as the Constitution intends; similarly, a mere collector, no matter how untiring, might well stand outside our broadest interpretations of "amateur." We do not want spiritual mediocrity. Our standard is obviously hard to define. But if the word "culture" did not sound priggish to some ears, it would perhaps suggest most briefly what the Century requires of a candidate quite apart from any special kind of ability or success.



* The Committee on Admissions has long interpreted the term "amateur" as relating to "breadth of interest and qualities of mind and imagination" rather than to "occupation." It therefore suggests to proposers that in filling the space (in the Candidates' Book) designated "occupation," they use some term other than "amateur" to describe the candidate's "profession or occupation," in compliance with Rule I of the Committee, as adopted by the Association.
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Re: The Century Association Year-Book 1960, by The Century A

Postby admin » Tue Jul 31, 2018 5:43 am






To serve for one year


To serve for two years

WALKER O. CAIN (Secretary)

To serve for three years










GEORGE MEAD, JR. (Chairman)

JAMES M. NICELY (Chairman)
PAUL KIEFFER (ex-officio)
SHERMAN BALDWIN (ex-officio)

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