Silicon Valley's Secret Weapon:The Shadow History of Burners

Re: Silicon Valley's Secret Weapon The Shadow History of Bur

Postby admin » Fri May 24, 2019 11:54 pm

Part 1

Slide 1

Silicon Valley's Secret Weapon: The Shadow History of Burners
by Steve Outtrim

Burning Man 2014

Slide 2

Copyright © Steve Outtrim 2012-2016 All Rights Reserved
Twitter @burnersdotme
Instagram @burnersdotme

Image by Peter Ruprecht, Ruprecht Studios
BalanceVille Art Car

Unless otherwise noted all images used for educational non-profit purposes, under Fair Use provisions. All copyrights belong to their respective owners. Except where otherwise specified, the wording, contents, narrative, structure, and research of this presentation is copyright© Steve Outtrim 2012-2016 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED

Please contact for attribution or takedown requests

Any information that may be related to OPSEC of existing or still classified operations is due to mission participants revealing details (particularly in media interviews) which have been reproduced by others on the Internet. Classification markings on any document pertain to the originals, which have been publicly obtained through newspapers, Google, the Internet archive, and other credible sources.

From Creative Commons:

Generally, a modification rises to the level of an adaptation under copyright law when the modified work is based on the prior work but manifests sufficient new creativity to be copyrightable, such as a translation of a novel from one language to another, or the creation of a screenplay based on a novel.

Cropping is very unlikely considered an adaptation (also known as remixes or derivative works). ( ... 717959075/)

Any cropping or size adjustment performed to any image is purely for the purposes of presentation and does not represent any claim by the author to have created a derivative work upon said copyright.

Recommended reading: ... kfurt.html ... jan-irvin/

Slide 3

Introduction: A Former Kool Aid drinker from Down Under

Born in New Zealand military family, classical education (Latin, Trivium), lots of reading
21st great-grandson of William Wallace (Braveheart)
Self-taught computer programmer from 8; played a lot of video games
Bachelor of Business (92) Victoria University of Wellington; moved to Melbourne Australia
Started (95) one of the earliest successful e-commerce companies
Featured in WIRED (96,97) HotDog Web Editor #3 most downloaded Internet software
Created large, thriving virtual community 3 million users, 220 countries
Customers incl. CIA, FBI, White Sands Missile Range, National Proving Grounds, Livermore Labs
Partners included Intel, Cisco, Hewlett-Packard, Netscape, SUN, Telstra
IPO (96) first .au public Net company, youngest CEO (23); record held by Rupert Murdoch 40+ yrs
Raver since 97 Earthcore, Outback parties, Envision, Love Parade, Creamfields, Ibiza, Miami
98 first went to Burning Man been 11 times “Burning Man IS Silicon Valley”- Elon Musk
2000 Successful exit sold Sausage Software to SMS for $700 million; retired at 26
Next: became VC focus on buildings, security, environment; hardware & software
ZoS nightclub, Melbourne many top DJs; entertained more people than Burning Man
Now, 20+ years in hi-tech business retired again at 40 to write books

Image: WIRED

The Hotdog Web Editor




Morgo interview (2015)
Bloomberg coverage of Burners.Me (2015): ... t-festival
Sausage Software on Business Sunday (1996):
WIRED (1997):

Slide 4

How This Story Began

Wanted to learn about social media to promote my businesses
Australia didn’t think Facebook or Twitter were corporate enough
Started BURNERS.ME (2012) largest UNOFFICIAL Burner community; 200,000 followers, 1600 articles; Wordpress, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram
#1 story and #1 site on ~38 million blogs; often in Top 100
Frequently reaches 1 million+ per week on Facebook
Fact-checking BM claims propaganda, misinformation, contradictions
TechCrunch Interview Larry Harvey, John Perry Barlow Le Web, Bilderberg 2013
Grateful Dead & Intelligence Manufacturing the Deadhead mentions BM

Hippie Level: MAXIMUM!

All-Time posts, views, and visitors

Blogs of the Day

Blogs of the Day

1/5/2016-1/11/2016 ... ress-usage

[CLIP: Barlow and Larry Le Web]

Slide 5

Part 1: Shadow History of Silicon Valley

The oldest photograph of San Francisco, 1850 Source: Facebook

The first Apple computer Image: Binarysequence BY-SA 4.0

By Binarysequence - Own work, CC BY-SA 4.0, ... d=34808007

Slide 6


“San Francisco: a 49 square mile circus in search of a tent” - Will Durst

“Despite the amazingly high cost of living and the extraordinary opportunities for frittering away money, everyone in early San Francisco was supremely confident that he would soon be able to return home with an incalculable amount of gold. Everything was conceived on a vast scale, and there was always plenty of cash available for any scheme that might be proposed, no matter how impossible or bizarre it seemed.” The Annals of San Francisco (book about the 1847-1855 Gold Rush) ... 0766195384 (via Reddit) ... ictionary/

Slide 7


St Francis was the most notorious of all the 18th Century Hellfire Clubs, having been founded by Sir Francis Dashwood himself around 1745.

Image: Silicon Valley Maps 2015

Forbes 400 2015: ... -msft.html
Fortune 500 2015: ... -for-2015/
Global Billionaires 2,325 ... s-in-2014/
49 billionaires Times of London 2015 ... ite_note-4

Ranks 19th in the world ... rms-of-GDP

The inset map shows GDP just for San Francisco, not Palo Alto and San Jose

Slide 8

We Live in a Military-Dominated World…

[Child] Why do we have wars?
[Mother] Because we are ruled by an elite group of psychopaths who own the banks that control the governments and media. They fund both sides of war for profit and they manufacture the consent of the public through the propaganda of the media.

Manipulate the consent of the public through the propaganda of the media. In Burning Man’s case, this went from newsletters to email, to The Well, to WIRED, to the Web, to blogging, to facebook and twitter and Youtube. Their first Minister of Propaganda was formally employed in 1993 (Stuart Mangrum); the position today is held by Will Chase.

Image: ... -have-wars

Slide 9

US Budget

Discretionary Spending 2015: $1.11 Trillion



We live in a militarized society
Corporations co-operate with the Secret Government
It is a secular fascist oligarchy.

Graphs from ... ed-states/ ... ive-2015-8

Proportion of global spend from Mike Harris (Veterans Today) and Benjamin Fulford interview November 4 2015
Wikipedia puts it at 40% in 2009 ... ted_States
This site says 39% ... y-spending
One major area of variance in the statistics may be “arms sales” versus “military budgets of countries”, they are not the same.

Slide 10

…but we don’t see it

Most people live in urban areas 80.7% (US, 2010)
Most bases very large far away from civilian population centers
Many DUMBS Deep Underground Military Bases; at least 132 in US
Civilians driving past can’t see much past secure fences
Wars are offshore drones flown from Creech AFB (Las Vegas), Ramstein (Germany)
Posse comitatus restricts domestic military operations rescinded by NDAA
Military intelligence, INSCOM, Office of Naval Intelligence, National Reconnaissance Office, NSA, CIA, DIA “need to know” secrecy, compartmentalization
5 Eyes, 9 Eyes, 14 Eyes UKUSA, ULTRA-MAGIC deals; SkyNet (92)
Artificial Intelligence invisible, secret, and always learning
Internet, cellphones pervasive what’s behind the screen?

See No Evil

NSA Data Center, Utah

The Ultra-Magic Deals








5 largest US bases: ... ed-states/ ... tary_bases

For pictures of DUMBS see ... ary-bases/
List of known/suspected DUMBS - includes one at NAS Fallon, next to Burning Man
Great photos of underground tunneling machines
8-minute video with footage from many DUMBs
80.7% of US population live in urban areas:

The Ultra-Magic Deals and the Most Secret Special Relationship, 1940-1946 by Bradley F. Smith ... 0891414835
Nicky Hager, Secret Power ... 0908802358

Germany is the Telltale Heart of America’s Drone War, Jeremy Scahill the Intercept (2015)

SkyNet – 5 Satellites, operated for 23 years by Airbus for the UK Ministry of Defense. Data shared with 18 countries, including US, Germany, Norway, France, Italy; NATO is second biggest user
IHS Jane’s International Defense Review September 2015, Nick Brown Spacecraft realignment rationalises Skynet coverage

The UK MoD use of the SkyNet term goes back to 1969: ... ed-w.shtml (image from this link)
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Re: Silicon Valley's Secret Weapon The Shadow History of Bur

Postby admin » Sat May 25, 2019 12:31 am

Slide 11

The Pentagon
one of the world’s biggest landowners

Total US troops: 1,318,428
5000+ permanent bases in 80+ countries
Special Operations Forces are active in 100+ countries
The US has more than 800 bases in other countries
Britain, France, and Russia COMBINED have 30 foreign bases
Department of Defense global real estate portfolio:
276,770 buildings - $585 billion value
4,855 sites, 2.2 billion square feet
24.9 million acres (3.8 million CA, 3.5 million NV)
This ranks as #8 on the list of largest landowners by area

Military Sites

The 26 Largest Individual Landowners on Earth

US military presence overseas

Daily Mail : says there are 5000 US bases in total ... -maps.html

The main sources of information on these military installations (e.g. C. Johnson, the NATO Watch Committee, the International Network for the Abolition of Foreign Military Bases) reveal that the U.S. operates and/or controls between 700 and 800 military bases Worldwide., ... eployments
800+ bases ... n/map.html

DoD Base Structure Report FY 2015 ... -Final.pdf

Domestic base map from ... _09042015/ ... 011-3?op=1

A mere 26 people own more than 20% of all the land on the planet.
Queen Elizabeth herself owns 1/6th. – 16.66% ... rism58.htm

Special Operations Forces are deployed in more than 100 countries – 60% of the planet ... countries/

Note the largest real estate owner in New York has 16.4 million square feet – DOD is 134 times bigger

Slide 12

Military-Technology Complex

In 2015 Sergei Glazyev, an advisor to Russian President Putin, said:

Moscow must gain total control of its Central Bank, preventing speculators to move their credit around for non-productive purposes; Moscow should also establish currency controls; and must create a central organization of technological research to replace the loss of Western technology, imitating the US methodology of rolling out from its centralized military research those technologies that can be commercialized for the consumer market.

The methodology: develop advanced technologies in centralized military research (SRI), then roll them out through Universities and commercial companies for the consumer market (Silicon Valley) - and create the cultural demand for them…

Russia Today RT

Whole Earth Catalog

Star Trek

Star Wars

William Gibson: Necromancer

Neal Stephenson: Snow Crash


Wired ... w-kremlin/

Sergey Glazyev image:: Wikimedia Commons ... 4-2011.jpg

Many of the “science fiction” technologies previewed in Star Trek and Star Wars are now becoming real. Robotics, stormtrooper suits, the tri-corder, teleportation being some examples. In Star Trek, the headquarters of the Intergalactic Federation were at the Presidio.

Slide 14

The iPhone: created by the government

SIRI is named after SRI, where it was developed by DARPA as the largest Artificial Intelligence project in US history. It was spun out into a startup, acquired by Apple in 2010, released in phones first, and now TVs and cars. SIRI’s parent company still gets over half of its revenue from the Department of Defense

Modern Prison, by Banksy
Image: Banksy, Modern Prison

Drame cache: DARPA


SRI Internationa

National Security Agency ... ne-2014-10 ... ation=siri

Siri, the first virtual personal assistant, arose from decades of SRI research in artificial intelligence (AI). The technology was developed through the SRI-led Cognitive Assistant that Learns and Organizes (CALO) project within DARPA's Personalized Assistant that Learns (PAL) program, the largest-known AI project in U.S. History, and joint work with EPFL, the Swiss institute of technology.

SRI spun off Siri, Inc. in 2007 to bring the technology to consumers, raising $24 million in two rounds of financing.

In April 2010, Apple acquired Siri, and in October 2011, Siri was unveiled as an integrated feature of the Apple iPhone 4S.

Slide 14

Result: More Cash than Countries

Apple is the World’s Most Valuable Public Company: $764 billion (peak market capitalization) Alphabet (Google): $527 billion (peak)

Money Apple

Exhibit 2: Global Cash Reserves - Top U.S. Companies vs. Nations

Top right image from ... ital-deal/ ... r-company/

Peak market cap:

Slide 15

Shadow Economy

US firms hold $2.1 trillion offshore to avoid taxes growing 8%/year
72% of Fortune 500; 7,622 tax haven subsidiaries
Top 5 tech companies: $451 billion offshore cash

Shadow Banking System: $75 trillion
18-19% US income not reported to IRS $2 trillion/year
$500 billion lost taxes
California (#8 economy in world) 15-17% of labor force;
$60-140 billion/yr

Average Size (% GDP): Developed Countries 13.4% Developing Countries 36% United Kingdom 10% Greece 20% Italy 20% Russia 30% Ukraine 50%
Shadow Economy of Italy > Real Economy Austria
Half of UK bank notes used for shadow economy
European shadow economy €2.1 trillion


Table 2: Top 30 Companies with the Most Money Held Offshore

Aka “the informal economy”

10% of UK GDP
20% of Greece, Italy GDP
30% of Russia GDP
50% of Ukraine GDP

Table: Citizens for Tax Justice, via Softpedia ... 3845.shtml ... nd-economy ... nd-economy ... ow-economy
Average 13.4% for the 34 OECD developed countries ... void-taxes ... -accounts/ ... Wheelhouse

Russia, Ukraine Shadow Economy GDP: Shadow Economy and Venture Capital - Financing Newly Emerging Private Enterprises in Transition Economies By OECD Center for Co-Operation with Non-Members (2000; p 17) ... &q&f=false

Shadow Economy of Italy and Germany are larger than the entire GDP of Austria: ... ow-economy

Slide 16

Shadow Government: Oligarchy

In the Princeton and Northwestern study, “Testing Theories of American Politics: Elites, Interest Groups and Average Citizens,” researchers compared 1,800 different U.S. policies that were put in place by politicians between 1981 and 2002 to the type of policies preferred by the average and wealthy American, or special interest groups.

Researchers then concluded that U.S. policies are formed more by special interest groups than by politicians properly representing the will of the general people, including the lower-income class.

“The central point that emerges from our research is that economic elites and organized groups representing business interests have substantial independent impacts on U.S. government policy, while mass-based interest groups and average citizens have little or no independent influence…

When a majority of citizens disagrees with economic elites and/or with organized interests, they generally lose.”

57% of all individual super-PAC donations came from just 47 people, each giving $1M or more

Wall Street's Biggest Donors: Donations

Capitalistic Oligarchy ... lic-unive/

Charts from: ... lson-demos ... ive-2015-2

Oligarchy drawing: Ethan Indigo Smith, via ... y-serving/
Oligarchy cartoon: Artojh Renderings MIC Oligar – the Illusion of Democracy ... democracy/

Mega-donor Tom Steyer (Yale, Stanford, Philips Exeter, Phi Beta Kappa) of San Francisco founded Farallon Capital Management at the birth of the Internet, Janiuary 1986
Steyer is on the Committee of 300: ... 300_14.htm

Koch Brothers ... paign.html

Slide 17



1. of or relating to magic, astrology, or any system claiming use or knowledge of secret or supernatural powers or agencies.
2. beyond the range of ordinary knowledge or understanding; mysterious.
3. secret; disclosed or communicated only to the initiated.
4. hidden from view.
5. not apparent on mere inspection but discoverable by experimentation.
of a nature not understood, as physical qualities.
dealing with such qualities; experimental: occult science.
6. Medicine/Medical: present in amounts too small to be visible


7. the supernatural or supernatural agencies and affairs considered as a whole 8. occult studies or sciences

Origin: Late 15th century (as a verb): from Latin occultare 'secrete', frequentative of occulere 'conceal', based on celare 'to hide'; the adjective and noun from occult- 'covered over', from the verb occulere. [OED]


OED puts Origin late 15th century, says 1520-30; I went with OED. NB John Dee was born 1527.

< Latin occultus (past participle of occulere to hide from view, cover up), equivalent to oc- oc- + -cul-, akin to cēlāre to conceal + -tus past participle suffix

So: “any system using secret agencies” is occult. There is no blurry line between the intelligence agencies and the occult, by the very definition of the word they are one and the same.

Slide 18


A person who is studying or has expert knowledge of one or more of the natural or physical sciences

"It is suicidal to create a society dependent on science and technology in which hardly anybody knows anything about the science and technology" - Carl Sagan

Word Origin and History
n. 1834, a hybrid coined from Latin scientia by the Rev. William Whewell (1794-1866), English polymath, by analogy with artist, in the same paragraph in which he coined physicist (q.v.).

When the word was invented, it was specifically to contrast it with artist. In Whewell and Babbage’s day, “science” was superior to art. The world was being re-made by engineering and automation.

Fellows of the Royal Society, such as Sir Isaac Newton, considered themselves occultists but did not consider themselves scientists: there was no such thing.


Belief in the universal applicability of the scientific method and approach; the view that empirical science constitutes the most "authoritative" worldview or the most valuable part of human learning, to the exclusion of other viewpoints


Origin: gubernatio mente = mind control



Government means mind control:

Slide 19


a striking occurrence of two or more events at one time, apparently by mere chance


The controlled cultivation of living material in prepared nutrient media


The element which is the natural habitat of an organism; plural “medium”
“an intervening agency, means or instrument” first applied to newspapers 1927


“The science and art of causing change to occur in conformity with the Will” – Aleister Crowley

2 more concepts: Evidence Based History, and Propaganda Based History

Definitions of culture and media from YouTube “Walt Disney, MTV & Hollywood” by Lee Soarez

By Crowley’s definition, any psy-op is magic – and any magic is a psy-op

Coincidence definition from

I believe there is a “coincidence threshhold”. If a million coincidences occurred around a single event, it seems certain that at least some of them would have to be connected. A couple of coincidences might be legitiate; dozens might mean that there is something else going on, behind what is visible on the surface.

Etymology of media:

Slide 20

conspiracy theory

Term created by the CIA in 1967 to discredit anyone questioning the Warren Commission report on the John F. Kennedy Assassination
CIA have since admitted JFK cover-up

Conspiracy noun
1. the act of conspiring
2. an evil, unlawful, treacherous, or surreptitious plan formulated in secret by two or more persons; plot.
3. a combination of persons for a secret, unlawful, or evil purpose.
4. Law. an agreement by two or more persons to commit a crime, fraud, or other wrongful act.
5. any concurrence in action; combination in bringing about a given result.

If you’re a conspiracy theorist, you’re someone who believes that sometimes people make plans together in private.

“A conspiracy theorist is someone who questions known liars” – Jim Marrs

“A conspiracy is nothing but a secret agreement of a number of men for the pursuance of policies which they dare not admit in public.” - Mark Twain (BG)

TO: Chiefs, Certain Stations and Bases
Document Number 1035-960
For FOIA Review on Sep 1976
SUBJECT: Countering Criticism of the Warren Report

[Note: Paul H. For Oswald File! 2 Copies. This was puled together by NED BP___ of CA ST___ in close conjunction with CI/R__. ____ most of the source material, ____ manage the themes, and provide a general "expertise" on the case. The ___ article was written by Bennett. G.E. Do___, 25 Jan 1967]

1. Our Concern: From the day of President Kennedy's assassination on, there has been speculation about the responsibility for his murder. Although this was stemmed for a time by the Warren Commission report (which appeared at the end of 1964), various writers have now had time to scan the Commission's published report and documents for new pretexts for questioning, and there has been a new wave of books and articles criticizing the Commission's findings. In most cases the critics have speculated as to the existence of some kind of conspiracy, and often they have implied that the Commission itself was involved. Presumably as a result of the increasing challenge to the Warren Commission's Report, a public opinion poll recently indicated that 46% of the American public did not think that Oswald acted alone, while more than half of those polled thought that the Commission had left some questions unresolved. Doubtless polls abroad would show similar, or possibly more adverse, results.

2. This trend of opinion is a matter of concern to the U.S. government, including our organization. The members of the Warren Commission were naturally chosen for their integrity, experience, and prominence. They represented both major parties, and they and their staff were deliberately drawn from all sections of the country. Just because of the standing of the Commissioners, efforts to impugn their rectitude and wisdom tend to cast doubt on the whole leadership of American society. Moreover, there seems to be an increasing tendency to hint that President Johnson himself, as the one person who might be said to have benefited, was in some way responsible for the assassination. Innuendo of such seriousness affects not only the individual concerned, but also the whole reputation of the American government. Our organization itself is directly involved: among other facts, we contributed information to the investigation. Conspiracy theories have frequently thrown suspicion on our organization, for example by falsely alleging that Lee Harvey Oswald worked for us. The aim of this dispatch is to provide material for countering and discrediting the claims of the conspiracy theorists, so as to inhibit the circulation of such claims in other countries. Background information is supplied in a classified section and in a number of unclassified attachments.

3. Action. We do not recommend that discussion of the assassination question be initiated where it is not already taking place. Where discussion is active, however, addressees are requested:

9 attachments h/w
8 - Unclassified

DATE: 4/1/67



CIA admits cover-up: ... cia-213197 ... nnedy.html

Definition from
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Posts: 36489
Joined: Thu Aug 01, 2013 5:21 am

Re: Silicon Valley's Secret Weapon The Shadow History of Bur

Postby admin » Sat May 25, 2019 1:35 am

Slide 21

Fascism: the State = Corporations

Image: March Against Monsanto

Image: ... -monsanto/

Michael Taylor, the head of the FDA pictured, was recently replaced by Dr Robert Califf, who has extensive ties to Big Pharma:

Dr. Michael Carome, director of the Public Citizen’s Health Research Group, said the Senate should reject the nomination due to Califf’s ties to pharmaceutical companies and medical device manufacturers (something TIME reported on in February): “During his tenure at Duke University, Califf racked up a long history of extensive financial ties to multiple drug and medical device companies, including Amgen, AstraZeneca, Eli Lilly, Johnson & Johnson, Merck Sharp & Dohme and Sanofi-Aventis, to name a few,” Carome said.

Slide 22

Corporatocracy the Illusion of Choice


Image: 2012, from Convergence Alimentaire, via Huffington Post ... 58812.html

General Mills is the logo without words

Slide 23

Weaving the Propaganda Web


“The conscious and intelligent manipulation of the organized habits and opinions of the masses is an important element in democratic society. Those who manipulate this unseen mechanism of society constitute an invisible government which is the true ruling power of our country. We are governed, our minds are molded, our tastes formed, our ideas suggested, largely by men we have never heard of. This is a logical result of the way in which our democratic society is organized. Vast numbers of human beings must cooperate in this manner if they are to live together as a smoothly functioning society.”
- Edward Bernays

Number of corporations that control a majority of U.S. media

Business Insider, ... ica-2012-6

CBS and Viacom are both owned and controlled by Sumner Redstone, who changed his name from “Murray Rothstein” to distance himself from Al Capone-era gangster Arnold Rothstein ( ... ges-104513)

RT confirmed in 2014 that it was now down to 5: ... a-control/

Time Warner
News Corp

Slide 24

Bilderberg Group
Est. 1954

Hotel de Bilderberg (Holland)

Secret annual meeting of political & financial elites

Image from ... -chart.jpg ... rticipants ... -now/13808

From Wikipedia

The first conference was held at the Hotel de Bilderberg in Oosterbeek, Netherlands, from 29 to 31 May 1954.[3] It was initiated by several people, including Polish politician-in-exile Józef Retinger, concerned about the growth of anti-Americanism in Western Europe, who proposed an international conference at which leaders from European countries and the United States would be brought together with the aim of promoting Atlanticism—better understanding between the cultures of the United States and Western Europe to foster cooperation on political, economic, and defense issues.[4]
Retinger approached Prince Bernhard of the Netherlands who agreed to promote the idea, together with former Belgian prime minister Paul Van Zeeland, and the then head of Unilever, Dutchman Paul Rijkens. Bernhard in turn contacted Walter Bedell Smith, then head of the CIA, who asked Eisenhower adviser Charles Douglas Jackson to deal with the suggestion.[5] The guest list was to be drawn up by inviting two attendees from each nation, one of each to represent conservative and liberal points of view.[4] Fifty delegates from 11 countries in Western Europe attended the first conference, along with 11 Americans.[6]
The success of the meeting led the organizers to arrange an annual conference. A permanent steering committee was established with Retinger appointed as permanent secretary. As well as organizing the conference the steering committee also maintained a register of attendee names and contact details with the aim of creating an informal network of individuals who could call upon one another in a private capacity.[7] Conferences were held in France, Germany, and Denmark over the following three years. In 1957 the first U.S. conference was held on St. Simons Island, Georgia, with $30,000 from the Ford Foundation. The foundation also supplied funding for the 1959 and 1963 conferences.[5]

Slide 25

147 Corporations Own The World

Control 40% of Global GDP

1318 control 80% of GDP

The network of global corporate control:
Stefania Vitali, James B. Glattfelder, Stefano Battiston 2011
Image: University of Zurich

Top 50 list: ... the-world/

A University of Zurich study 'proves' that a small group of companies - mainly banks - wields huge power over the global economy.
The study is the first to look at all 43,060 transnational corporations and the web of ownership between them - and created a 'map' of 1,318 companies at the heart of the global economy.
The study found that 147 companies formed a 'super entity' within this, controlling 40 per cent of its  wealth. All own part or all of one another. Most are banks - the top 20 includes Barclays and Goldman Sachs. But the close connections mean that the network could be vulnerable to collapse.
The 1,318 transnational corporations that form the core of the globalised economy - connections show partial ownership of one another, and the size of the circles corresponds to revenue. The companies 'own' through shares the majority of the 'real' economy
'In effect, less than one per cent of the companies were able to control 40 per cent of the entire network,' says James Glattfelder, a complex systems theorist at the Swiss Federal Institute in Zurich, who co-wrote the research, to be published in the journal PLoS One.
…Swiss researchers have no axe to grind: they simply applied mathematical models usually used to model natural systems to the world economy, using data from Orbis 2007, a database listing 37 million companies and investors.
Read more: ... z3s11UehYO

Slide 26

Networks of Networks

Top 20 Superconnected Companies
1. Barclays plc
2. Capital Group Companies
3. FMR Corporation
4. AXA
5. State Street Corporation
6. JP Morgan Chase & Co
7. Legal & General Group plc
8. Vanguard Group
10. Merrill Lynch & Co
11. Wellington Management Co LLP
12. Deutsche Bank AG
13. Franklin Resources
14. Credit Suisse Group
15. Walton Enterprises LLC
16. Bank of New York Mellon Corp
17. Natixis
18. Goldman Sachs Group
19. T Rowe Price Group
20. Legg Mason

The Four Companies that control the 147 companies that own everything
There may be 147 companies in the world that own everything, as colleague Bruce Upbin points out and they are dominated by investment companies as Eric Savitz rightly points out. But it's not you and I who really control those companies, even though much of our money is in them. Given the nature of how money is invested, there are four companies in the shadows that really control those companies that own everything.


Top 50 list: ... the-world/

Note: 2007 data

Forbes: The Four Companies that Control the 147 Companies That Own Everything ... verything/

So of the $25.69 trillion in worldwide assets we’ve identified, $2.23 trillion are directly in indexes (ETFs and index mutual funds) with another $22.3 trillion indirectly beholden to indexes (that 95% of actively managed fund holdings said to be determined by an index).
You can see where I’m headed here. That means the real power to control the world lies with four companies: McGraw-Hill, which owns Standard & Poor’s, Northwestern Mutual, which owns Russell Investments, the index arm of which runs the benchmark Russell 1,000 and Russell 3,000, CME Group which owns 90% of Dow Jones Indexes, and Barclay’s, which took over Lehman Brothers and its Lehman Aggregate Bond Index, the dominant world bond fund index. Together, these four firms dominate the world of indexing. And in turn, that means they hold real sway over the world’s money.

Chicago Mercantile Exchange group ownership:

Northwestern Mutual Group ownership: Russell Investments was bought by London Stock Exchange, 2014
Russell Investments asset management division acquired by TA Group Oct 2015 , LSE retains FTSE Russell Indexes ... bn-1523209 ... s-for-752m

A History of Barclays Bank , H. S. Foxwell The Economic Journal Vol. 37, No. 147 (Sep., 1927), pp. 411-417 ... b_contents

The economist Storch said in 1815 Great Britain was the only country in Europe in which there were any private banks...
The Quakers have played a great part in English banking, nowhere more than in the Barclay Group

In 1896 Barclays absorbed 20 banks

A Handbook of London Banking FGH Price (1876) p23 says the Barclay name first appeared in banking in the City of London in 1736
The main line of the Scotch family of Barclay of Mather and Urie, whose pedigree is traced back to Saxon times, and who have intermarried with the descendants of Edward III of England and Robert III of Scotland…and it is now represented by Robert Barclay of Bury Hill, a member of the firm of Barclay, Perkins and Co.

McGraw-Hill has multi-generational ties to the Bush Family. Barbara Bush is on its board
The McGraws and the George W. Bush/George H. W. Bush family have close ties dating back several generations. According to McGraw-Hill, Barbara Bush is a member of its advisory board.[27] The California Test Bureau division has provided testing material integral to No Child Left Behind, a George W. Bush initiative.[28]

Slide 27

Networks of Networks

“Stanford Research Institute is plugged into at least 200 smaller "think tanks" doing research into every facet of life in America. This is ARPA networking and represents the emergence of probably the most far reaching effort to control the environment of every individual in the country. At present Stanford's computers are linked with 2500 "sister" research consoles which include the CIA, CERN, Bell Laboratories, U.S. Army Intelligence, The Office of Naval Intelligence (ONI), Rand Corporation, MIT and its SRI equivalent the MITRE corporation, Harvard, UCLA.
The Pentagon uses SRI's master files extensively, and there is little doubt that other U.S. Government agencies do too. Pentagon "command and control" problems are worked out by SRI.”

The first Internet connection was between SRI and UCLA, on Oct 29 1969.

Stanford provided a central role in the development of computers and the Internet as the library cataloging all (D)ARPA documentation. When it linked its library to, the World Wide Web was born.

Stanford’s librarian coders have formed a Global Library Hive Mind, linking the engineering departments of the world’s libraries together into a massive mega-lib.

SAIL – Stanford Artificial Intelligence Lab
SLAC – Stanford Linear Accelerator Center
PARC – Palo Alto Research Center; Xerox/SRI research project
Center for Advanced Studies in the Behavioral Sciences (IAS spin-off)

These groups played a fundamental role in the development of the World Wide Web and the modern tech world. The mouse, the windows interface that enabled both Apple and Microsoft, video games, SIRI, networking, email, and the Internet and Web themselves all were hatched from SRI. The global group of partners mean sometimes Apple is the right choice to popularize a technology, sometimes it is CERN. SRI, and those pulling the strings behind it, get to choose.

The Committee of 300

Tavistock Institute of Human Relations

ARAPnet, 1978
Image: MIT


ARPANet images: ... _lec23.pdf

Tavistock Insitutions in the United States by Dr John Coleman, from Conspirators’ Hierarchy – the Story of the Committee of 300 (1992) ... tock05.htm

CLIP Hive Mind

Quote about Hive Mind – audience question from Fred Turner presentation on Google and Burning Man

I have added Burning Man and Bohemian Grove. I think it would be fair to say that anyone who goes to Bohemian Grove with an interest in technology has been to Burning Man at least once. And many Burners get invited to visit the Grove.

Slide 28

Stanford Research Institute since 1946


2100 employees
$540 million revenues
Primarily a military contractor gave birth to (D)ARPA
Non-profit spin-off from Stanford set up after WW2
Acquired Sarnoff Corporation RCA Laboratories
“SRI can be described as one of the jewels in Tavistock’s crown in its rule over the United States” John Coleman

SRI awards by source

SRI International
Aerial view of Menlo Park campus: ... ark-campus

Slide 29

Palo Alto, California Private

Stanford is home to the SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory, a Department of Energy sponsored federally funded research and development center. The elite school was an inaugural member of the post-911 Coalition for National Security Research, and today is one of the top-funded universities by the Air Force Office of Scientific Research, a member of the Strategic Command Deterrence and Assurance Academic Alliance, and participant in the Department of Energy's National Nuclear Security Administration's Academic Strategic Alliance and Predictive Science Alliance Programs. Defense contractor Lockheed Martin established its Materials and Thermal Sciences Center at Stanford Research Park to conduct advanced research in the development of things disciplines like 3D printing and nanotechnology.

Percent Online: 9%
Top Secret Employment Rank: 76
National Security Funding Rank: 8
Dod Research & Development Funding: $89,026,000
Students on GI Bill/Tuition Assistance: 1%

Government Affiliations
Conducts Classified Research
Homeland Security

National Security Curriculum
Homeland Security Studies Program

Stanford University

Leland Stanford

Jane Stanford

#1 for funding. NSA next generation solution.

VICE, November 2015: “These Are The 100 Most Militarized Universities in the USA” ... in-america

Center for Talented Youth program – with Goucher College

Image of Daniel Coit Gilman, Johns Hopkins first President (he created the college after Johns Hopkins’ death, as the administrator of both his and George Peabody’s philanthropic foundations)


Slide 30

Baltimore, Maryland Private

The school's $1 billion a year Applied Physics Laboratory is one of the largest national security research centers in higher education, working on everything from nuclear submarine survivability to the next generation of NSA data collection. The laboratory was a member of the post 9-11 Coalition for National Security Research, which urged additional investments in defense science and technology programs. Johns Hopkins School of Advanced International Studies, located in DC, caters to the Beltway

Percent Online: 19%
Top Secret Employment Rank: 9
National Security Funding Rank: 1
DoD Research & Development Funding: $649,571,000
Students on GI Bill/Tuition Assistance: 3%

Government Affiliations:
Conducts Classified Research
National Intelligence
Homeland Security
Military ROTC Program

National Security Curriculum
Intelligence Studies Program
Homeland Security Studies Program

#1 for funding. NSA next generation solution.

VICE, November 2015: “These Are The 100 Most Militarized Universities in the USA” ... in-america

Center for Talented Youth program – with Goucher College

Image of Daniel Coit Gilman, Johns Hopkins first President (he created the college after Johns Hopkins’ death, as the administrator of both his and George Peabody’s philanthropic foundations)


Johns Hopkins University

Johns Hopkins

George Peabody

John Shaw Billings

Daniel Coit Gilman
Site Admin
Posts: 36489
Joined: Thu Aug 01, 2013 5:21 am

Re: Silicon Valley's Secret Weapon The Shadow History of Bur

Postby admin » Tue May 28, 2019 11:16 pm

Slide 31

First Esalen, then the Sixties

Aldous Huxley + 2 Stanford students (Dick Price, Michael Murphy) with military & elite ties founded Esalen in 1962
Huxley died there Wife injected him with LSD on Kennedy assassination day
CS Lewis died same day 11/22/63, Illuminati/Masonic numerlogy
Jim Channon worked out of Esalen Army Think Tank
Esalen and Star Trek
Esalen and The Nine Principles channeling Theosophy’s ruling beings
The Changing Images of Man & the Aquarian Conspiracy
Ancient shamanic culture re-invented for transhumanism, New Dark Ages
Esalen and Burning Man
Joseph Campbell Hero’s Journey framework; taught to Wal-Mart, DoD









Image of Burning Man Staff Retreat at Esalen, 2015 from @cherylfraenzl on Twitter ... 5896718336

Laura Huxley describes Aldous’ final dose in a letter ... e-he-died/

Mysteriously, C S Lewis was buried in the same grave as his brother

History of Esalen’s involvement with black budget projects:

Star Trek image from


With Rubicun lost to the Federation, the writers needed a new Esalen and they invented Risa, the pleasure planet. We first go to Risa on "Captain's Holiday", where we meet Vash, named in the grand Trek tradition of Vina.

Some interesting factoids- we find out that Risa is famed for its steam pools, just like Esalen. The area around it is famed for its caves, just like Big Sur.

Just as Esalen with the Essalen Indians, Risa was once home to a premodern indigenous people. The modern Risians are typified by a ritual mark...

...on their foreheads.

That tribal item on the left behind Vash? Here's a bit of history on that:
Riker concedes but notes that two ensigns on deck 39 may not know about the plan. Picard finally gives in and starts planning to vacation somewhere Riker suggested: Risa. Just before Picard leaves Riker asks him to bring back a local souvenir called a Horga'hn.
Here's an interesting factoid about the Essalen:
The Esselen language is a language isolate. It is hypothetically part of the Hokan family.

Esalen and the Nine: ... -nine.html
Council of Nine was the supposed rulers of the world in Theosophy

From Esalen’s web site:

Inside a cave in a narrow canyon near Tassajara
The vault of rock is painted with hands,
A multitude of hands in the twilight, a cloud of men’s palms, no more,
No other picture. There’s no one to say
Whether the brown shy quiet people who are dead intended
Religion or magic, or made their tracings
In the idleness of art; but over the division of years these careful
Signs-manual are now like a sealed message
Saying: "Look: we also were human; we had hands, not paws. All hail
You people with cleverer hands, our supplanters
In the beautiful country: enjoy her a season, her beauty, and come down
And be supplanted; for you also are human."

— Robinson Jeffers (1887-1962)

Hands. Ancient pictographs imprinted on the wall of a rock shelter, twelve miles due east of Esalen in the rugged Santa Lucia Mountains. These hands—"signs-manual" Robinson Jeffers calls them—speak to us across an abyss of time. They proclaim that once, countless generations before us, other humans dwelt upon this land, "in the beautiful country."

These mysterious hands, with their long, flame-like fingers, were left by Esselen Indians nearly 4000 years ago. The people who produced these images probably dipped their fingertips into a lime mixture, pressed them against the rock wall, then filled in the remainder of the hands with vertical lines. Today we might call these images "rock art." Most California tribes had no word for art. Everything they did was art.

Anthropologists speculate that these hands were part of a ceremonial ritual, perhaps a coming-of-age rite. We will never be certain, we can only guess.

These hands touch something within us. They seem alive. Like Jeffers, we search for their message. Are they reaching upward? Outward? Are they praying? In the simple act of pressing, were the human hands that created these images making this simple declaration: "We are here"?

The Esselen Indians are the Native American people whose homeland once encompassed about 750 square miles of the Ventana Wilderness, including the land that the Esalen Institute now sits upon. They are the original tribe from whom the modern Esalen clan—the worldwide family who in some way look to Esalen as "homeland"—takes its name.

The name Esselen most probably derives from a tribal location known as Ex’selen, "the rock," which is in turn derived from the phrase Xue elo xonia eune, "I come from the rock." Like the picto-graphs on a rock wall that today proclaim their ancient existence, the Esselen people came from the rock.

As imagined by Jeffers, the hands say: Here were a people who recognized that they were merely transitory custodians of this heart-stirring land, that they, and all the succeeding generations who dwelt here, would enjoy but a brief season before the Wheel of Life rolled unalterably on.

What is their message to us today? Who were these native people whom we have "supplanted" upon this land? What, if anything, do we share with the Esselen besides the immutable certainty that, like them, we will one day be supplanted as caretakers of the sacred land?

Little is actually known of the Esselen, but anthropologists and historians have drawn a number of conclusions. The Esselen presence in Central California dates back 10,000 years. Evidence suggests that they were drawn here by the hot springs, which were used for healing (the Esselen word for the springs was believed to mean "the god in the waters"). They were a short, stocky people, with dark hair and eyes. Light-skinned at birth, they were reputed to turn a dull black from so much time in the sun. The men had facial hair.

The Esselen seem to have been a peaceful people, for there is no evidence of their ever having engaged in major warfare. Traders and sharers, they bartered acorns, fish, salt, baskets, hides and pelts, shells and beads. Their diet consisted primarily of acorns, which they cooked into a mush or baked as bread. From the Pacific, they caught and gathered fish, abalone, and mussels. And from the sloping, grassy Big Sur hills, they hunted the deer.

The deer. Their kinship with the deer symbolized their relationship with the entire natural world. The deer was a brother spirit. For the men, hunting was a religious activity, and for two or three days preceding a hunt they would purify themselves in a sweat lodge, abstain from sex, meat, and salt, and generally fast. If during this time they needed nourishment, they ate only what the deer ate—grasses and berries. Then, they waited for a favorable vision to "invite" them to hunt.

Believing that they were one and the same spirit with the deer, they often chewed a native tobacco, a strong hallucinogenic, in order to "get the deer drunk." Then, with bow and arrow, they would hunt the deer not as conquerors but as brothers. After the hunt, during the skinning of the deer, should anyone become impatient or angry, they paused and rested so as not to offend "the Spirit of Deer." In this, as in all that they did, the Esselen were a part of, not apart from, Nature.

They had the capacity to listen to and learn from all things. They saw that everything was alive—the redwood trees, the forest trails, the breeze, the ocean, the rocks, moon, and stars—and everything had power, memory, intelligence, and history. Accordingly, they named everything they saw: trees, boulders, landmarks, the trails they traveled. They would even give separate names to different sections of a trail if they sensed a change in its energy.

For the Esselen, the spirit world and the physical world were inseparable. Similarly, their waking and dreaming states were equally alive and real. Songs were alive, entering a person like an animal spirit. Dance was alive, a form of prayer with the body.

Shamans were the intermediaries to the spirit world and to subtler levels of reality. The shamans could be either men or women. The women were practiced and wise in the ways of healing with herbs and plants. For a plant’s healing power to be effective, it was necessary that a woman have a deep connection with that plant. In the same way, if a plant was harvested without reverence, its healing potential would be compromised.

The tribal elders were deeply honored. The Esselen believed that in order to live a long life one must have a good relation to the spirit world. The elders were regarded as a reservoir of tribal myths, plant and animal lore, the cycle of songs and dances, the names and customs of foreign tribes, and the location and spiritual power of all of the sacred places in the territory. The tribal totem was the owl, which they believed to be "the Spirit of the Ancestors."

For the Esselen, the well-being of the tribe—and, by extension, the well-being of the natural world from which they felt inseparable—was considered the highest good. At the same time they practiced an unconditional inclusivity that allowed room for every member of the tribe, no matter how divergent. While all activities were directed toward the community’s welfare, they excluded no one for they believed that each individual held a piece of the truth.

Joseph Campbell was based at Esalen

Framework taught to Wal-Mart, Defense Department, Burning Man and others: Facebook Live video with Loic Lameur and Zach Bell (Esalen), April 2016

Campbell’s Hero’s Journey framework: ... os-journey
The stages of The Hero’s Journey:
1. Former Identity
At the beginning of The Hero’s Journey, the hero has a certain identity based on life experience. This identity is made up of a religious or spiritual practice and/or an understanding of what is moral and ethical. And, the hero has an idea of who he wants to be in the world.
2. Call to Adventure
At some point in the hero’s life there is a “call to adventure”—there is a dragon to be slain, or an enemy that needs to be brought to justice. This call to adventure is about a moral battle, and about justice.
Part of the adventure of life is learning how to overcome challenges and accept the new people we become as we grow and change.3. Initiation
Often, before the adventure can begin, the hero must prepare for the challenges ahead by saying goodbye to loved ones, learning new skills, and traveling a great distance.
4. Threshold of Adventure
Eventually, the hero crosses over from a familiar world into new and dangerous territory—it is common for the hero to feel disoriented, uncomfortable or downright shocked at how different this new life is from home.
5. Challenges, Tests, Losses, and Victories
In this new world there are challenges and hardships that the hero never realized existed. While battling the dragon or searching for the sacred treasure, the hero experiences great losses (such as the death of a friend or the loss of a limb) and has great victories (the defeat of an enemy or the safe return of something valuable).
6. Helpers, Friends, and Comrades-in-Arms
Throughout the adventure, the hero relies on others for support, protection and friendship.
7. The Call Home
At some point during the journey, the hero must return home—the task has been completed, the deadline is up or the hero is needed elsewhere. The hero must then prepare to end the adventure, even if everything didn’t go as well as he had hoped or the job is not finished.
8. The Threshold of Return
Crossing over the “threshold of return,” the hero usually experiences long travel and preparations before he can be reunited with friends and family.
9. Re-Initiation
The hero returns home to the loving arms of family, friends and community. However, a great deal has changed in the hero’s life, including the way the hero now feels about his values, beliefs and the meaning of life.
10. New Identity
The hero must re-create his life based on the new feelings and ideas brought up by the adventure. The hero’s very identity has changed because of the challenges, victories and losses experienced while on The Hero’s Journey. In order to remain strong for the community, the hero works hard to make sense of the new values he has found.

Slide 32

The Hero’s Journey

Image ... s-journey/ ... os-journey

1. Former Identity At the beginning of The Hero’s Journey, the hero has a certain identity based on life experience. This identity is made up of a religious or spiritual practice and/or an understanding of what is moral and ethical. And, the hero has an idea of who he wants to be in the world.

2. Call to Adventure At some point in the hero’s life there is a “call to adventure”—there is a dragon to be slain, or an enemy that needs to be brought to justice. This call to adventure is about a moral battle, and about justice. Part of the adventure of life is learning how to overcome challenges and accept the new people we become as we grow and change.

3. Initiation Often, before the adventure can begin, the hero must prepare for the challenges ahead by saying goodbye to loved ones, learning new skills, and traveling a great distance.

4. Threshold of Adventure Eventually, the hero crosses over from a familiar world into new and dangerous territory—it is common for the hero to feel disoriented, uncomfortable or downright shocked at how different this new life is from home.

5. Challenges, Tests, Losses, and Victories In this new world there are challenges and hardships that the hero never realized existed. While battling the dragon or searching for the sacred treasure, the hero experiences great losses (such as the death of a friend or the loss of a limb) and has great victories (the defeat of an enemy or the safe return of something valuable).

6. Helpers, Friends, and Comrades-in-Arms Throughout the adventure, the hero relies on others for support, protection, & friendship.

7. The Call Home At some point during the journey, the hero must return home—the task has been completed, the deadline is up or the hero is needed elsewhere. The hero must then prepare to end the adventure, even if everything didn’t go as well as he had hoped or the job is not finished.

8. The Threshold of Return Crossing over the “threshold of return,” the hero usually experiences long travel and preparations before he can be reunited with friends and family.

9. Re-Initiation The hero returns home to the loving arms of family, friends and community. However, a great deal has changed in the hero’s life, including the way the hero now feels about his values, beliefs and the meaning of life.

10. New Identity The hero must re-create his life based on the new feelings and ideas brought up by the adventure. The hero’s very identity has changed because of the challenges, victories and losses experienced while on The Hero’s Journey. In order to remain strong for the community, the hero works hard to make sense of the new values he has found.

Slide 33

How to Transform your Life with Magical Thinking

Image ... s-journey/

Slide 34

October 2, 1968
Dr. A. M. Hubbard
P.O. Box 546
Cloverdale, B.C.
Dear Al:
Our investigations of some of the current social movements affecting education indicate that the drug usage prevalent among student members of the New Left is not entirely undesigned. Some of it appears to be present as a deliberate weapon aimed at political change.
We are concerned with assessing the significance of this as it impacts on matters of long-range educational policy. In this connection it would be advantageous to have you considered in the capacity of a special investigative agent who might have access to relevant data which is not ordinarily available. If this can be arranged I believe it could help us a great deal.
Very sincerely yours,
Willis W. Harman
Educational Policy Research Center
cc: R. Kantor

January 14, 1974
To Whom It May Concern:
Dr. Alfred M. Hubbard has been a consultant to SRI since 1968. Initially he worked for us two or three days a month; more recently this had reached 15 or 16 days per month. His consultant rate was $100 per day.
Dr. Hubbard is a commissioned State officer. His services to us consisted in gathering various sorts of data regarding student unrest, drug abuse, drug use at schools and universities, causes and nature of radical activities, and similar matters, some of a classified nature.
Dr. Hubbard is returning to his residence in British Columbia Canada, primarily because of the burden of expense incurred by the large amount of travel to and from this area, and the necessity of maintaining an apartment in Menlo Park as well as his home in Canada.
Dr. Hubbard's experience in law enforcement and in uses and misuses of psychotropic drugs have been of considerable value to us. We intend to maintain a consulting relationship with him in the expectation that he can be of further service to us.
Willis W. Harman
Center for the Study of Social Policy

Al Hubbard

Willis Harman

P.O. BOX 11
May 31st, 1955
Dr. A.M. Hubbard
Uranium Corp. of B.C. Ltd.
500 Alexander Street
Vancouver 1, B.C.
Dear Mr. Hubbard:
This is to acknowledge receipt of your telegram, and in compliance with your request, we are enclosing herewith Canadian Customs form No. 267 in triplicate covering the 43 boxes of L.S.D. 25 Ampuls, which we have forwarded to you on May 20th, via Parcel Post.
We hope that this invoice will enable you to clear the shipment through the Customs without any further delay.
Sincerely yours,
P. Hartmann, Export Mgr.
East Hanover Laboratories

23 November 197_
Stanford Research Institute
Security Division
I have received certain documents from Special Agent A. M. Hubbard to be given to Major William E. Smith.
This is receipt of same.
Very truly yours,
Dollie _ Smith
Secretary to Major Smith

Gerald Heard, Aldous Huxley, Al Hubbard

[CLIP SH012]
Captain Al Hubbard recollects supplying Timothy Leary with LSD at Harvard in 1960

The Original Captain Trips by Todd Brendan Fahey, published in High Times November 1991 ... bard14.htm ... bard15.htm ... bard16.htm ... g/hubbard/

Top right image is Al Hubbard
Center right image is Willis Harman
Bottom right image is Gerald Heard, Aldous Huxley and Al Hubbard

Slide 35

MKULTRA and Cybernetics

the scientific study of how people, animals, and machines control and communicate information

Frankfurt School social engineering
Damaged Goods Bernays, Freud
“ULTRA” came from Allen Dulles Ultra-Magic deals, Station X, Camp X-ray
War of the Worlds Princeton Radio Project
Archaic Revival/New Dark Ages from Bateson studies of Siberian tribe
Committee for National Morale Margaret Mead, Bateson, Gallup, Fromm
Macy Conferences 1941-60 CIA-linked Foundations; MK-ULTRA , NAOMI, SEARCH
Von Neumann, Wiener, Bush, Licklider, Nelson
Institutes for Advanced Study Princeton (30) Stanford (54)
MIT + MITRE, Stanford + SRI, Rand Corporation, IBM
Julian Huxley Transhumanism, eugenics, UNESCO
Aldous Huxley painless concentration camp for the mind
Electronic, chemical, genetic, social engineering
Mass produced models of human beings arranged in a scientific caste system
Created by controlling oligarchy to get people to love their servitude
The ultimate im-malevolent revolution

John von Neumann

Norbert Wiener

Institute for Advanced Study

American Society for Cybernetics

Observe, Orient, Decide, Act

MKULTRA: This was a successor project to MKDELTA established in April, 1953, and terminating some time in the late 1960's, probably after 1966. This program considered various means of controlling human behavior. Drugs were only one aspect of this activity.
Source: Department of Defense memo, 1977


Bateson’s studies of Asiatic tribes used as basis for Sixties Counter-culture: ... r-culture/ ... nal_Morale ... 0Photo.htm ... nced_Study
CASBS funded by Ford Foundation: ... l_Sciences

Nortbert Wiener:
John von Neumann ... 036%29.jpg
Rich Fromm:
JCR Licklider:
Ted Nelson:

The New Dark Age: The Frankfurt School and ‘Political Correctness’ by Michael Minnicono, Winter 1992 issue of Fidelio Magazine ... kfurt.html

Ultra-Magic deals:

From The Search for the Manchurian Candidate, by John Marks (1979) pg 61:

Pronounced M-K-ULTRA. The MK diagraph simply identified it as a TSS [CIA Technical Support Services] project. As for the ULTRA part, it may have had its etymological roots in the most closely guarded Anglo-American World War II intelligence secret, the ULTRA program, which handled the cracking of German military codes”

Station X: Bletcheley Park
CampX: Ian Fleming trained there. Linked to Ewen Cameron in Canada, MKULTRA

Guantanamo Bay MKULTRA torture camp is known as Camp X-Ray: ... ntanamo%29
X-Prize for private spaceflight:
Google X division – advanced, semi-secret research division
Microsoft X Box used as a stealth way to install Windows into living rooms and entertainment systems: ... ows-2015-9
Xbox gathers X-rated footage for GCHQ and NSA: ... 62527.html

At least 56 experimental aircraft have been given the X- designation:

From The Shadow War Against Hitler: The Covert Operations of America's Wartime Christof Mauch

Another OSS division whose functions (like those of the FNB) partly overlapped with those of J Edgar Hoover’s FBI was the OSS Counterespionage Branch (X-2). Its primary function was a passive one, to warn the OSS (and the other Allied intelligence services) against infiltration by enemy agents. At the same time, however, X-2 was involved in active operations where the objective was to carry out diversionary maneuvers or send double agents into the field. The designation X-2 came from the English, whose secret service MI-5 had an XX Committee that specialized in getting German agents taken prisoner “turned” and then deploying themas double agents.

Richard James Aldrich GCHQ The Uncensored Story of Britain’s Most Secret Intelligence Agency (2010) pg 6:

Once the message was captured it was passed back to Cheltenham for processing. If it was in code, it might be given to X Division, a section staffed by “boffins” with vast computers whose power far outstripped that available to ordinary scientists

Slide 36

Evolution of the Image of Man

Frontier man/Pioneer; violent
Authoritarian Personality – Frankfurt school (Adorno); pre WW2 Germany; violent
Democratic/Revolutionary Personality – Bateson, Mead, WW2 US, New Left
Hippie – created to derail Anti-War “New Left” movement
Punk – post hippie violent
Biker – violent. Underworld enforcer, drug distribution
Heavy metal – Satanist; violent
Goth – depression, suicide, psych-meds
Aquarian Conspiracy/New Age Man – Changing Images of Man
Hacker/cyber-punk – the WIRED generation
The Burner – collaborative, self-absorbed, hive-oriented, socialist, LGBT+poly
Steampunk – retro, decadent, technology heading backwards (neo-Feudalism

Changing Images of Man

R.U. a Cyberpunk?


The Authoritarian Personality, by T.W. Adorno

The Authoritarian Personality, by T.W. Adorno

Road to Victory





John Wayne





Basic Burning Man Bitch ... C-24.1.pdf

The Frankfurt School and Political Correctness by Michael Minnicino, Winter 1992 issue of Fidelio Magazine ... kfurt.html

Basic Burning Man Bitch: ... of-the-bay ... tumes.html

Slide 37

Democratic Surround

Immersive, Gestalt multimedia
MOMA exhibit Family of Man 1955
IBM in Russia RAMAC 1959

Inside IBM's World's Fair 'Egg'

The Democratic Surround





Diagram of Field of Vision by Herbert Bayer


Road to Victory

...the Panopticon must not be understood as a dream building: it is the diagram of a mechanism of power reduced to its ideal form, Michel Foucault, Discipline and Punish


Image ... C-24.1.pdf ... eyond.html ... -facebook/

IBM RAMAC ... -550628823
IBM egg: ... -fair-egg/

Hanging photos: ... xhibition/

Tel Aviv, a center for Bauhaus inspired architecture ... f-tel-aviv
Le Corbusier sketch from ... al-worlds/
Diagram of Field of Vision by Herbert Bayer

Bauhaus and art: ... e-bauhaus/

Slide 38

Creating Crowleyan Counter Culture

Grateful Dead (Warlocks) military ties, Bohemian Grove, Tavistock
Acid Tests a lot of electronics, a lot of free LSD
MKULTRA CIA, academia, military, DARPA, Behavioral Sciences, IAS
Operation Midnight Climax CIA LSD honey trap in North Beach
The Whole Earth Catalog
Laurel Canyon – Lookout Mountain Dave McGowan RIP
The Human Be-In Golden Gate Park (Presidio)
The radicalized New Left Berkeley, Saul Alinsky, H R Clinton
The techno-hippy Utopian New Communalists Stanford
Stewart Brand military, USCO, MKULTRA, Trips Festival
Gregory Bateson OSS; co-founder of the CIA
Margaret Mead ”small groups of people can change the world”
Timothy Leary, Millbrook, the Mellons Huxley’s LSD Illuminati
Gordon Wasson JP Morgan, CFR, Century Club “discovered” shrooms
Willis Harman – Changing Images of Man
Altamont, Helter Skelter, Process Church

The Human Be-In: A Gathering of the Tribes

Whole Earth Catalog, Fall 1968

Weird Scenes inside Laurel Canyon, by Dave McGowan

CoEvolution Quarterly, Gregory Bateson, the Pattern Which Connects

UnSpun #001 with Jan Irvin and Joe Atwill: Premiere Episode: Manufacturing the Deadhead

Manufacturing the Deadhead: A Product of Social Engineering, by Joe Atwill and Jan Irvin ... jan-irvin/

Gnostic Media


[CLIP SH013]
Leary, Crowley, and the CIA

Annie Jacobsen traces the origins of the MKULTRA program to DARPA, psyops, and cybernetics in The Pentagon’s Brain.

Gnostic Media:

Grateful Dead: ... jan-irvin/

Human Be-In poster: ... be-in.html

Announced on the cover of the first edition of the counter-culture zine San Francisco Oracle, the ‘Gathering of the Tribes’ or ‘Human Be-In’ as it came to be known, was the prototype of all 1960s counter culture celebrations. The Human Be-In precipitated the legendary Summer of Love, and made San Francisco’s Haight-Ashbury the epicenter of the burgeoning hippie movement.  The Be-In featured all the luminaries of psychedelic counter-culture, including Timothy Leary, Allen Ginsberg, Gary Snyder, Richard Alpert (Ram Dass), Dick Gregory, Lenore Kandel, and Jerry Ruben.  Many of the Haight’s best musical acts also performed, including the Grateful Dead and Quicksilver Messenger Service.” As a curious side note, the Dead didn’t get a mention in the poster promoting the event. Is that because they were a late addition? I’m not sure.

Slide 39

PCs Came From SRI, made and sold by Hippies and Deadheads

Mother of all Demos, Xerox PARC 68 Doug Engelbart, filmed by Stewart Brand
Xerox PARC part of SRI campus, both part of Stanford
Stanford Artificial Intelligence Lab same place Stewart Brand given tour 62
Gates & Allen (Windows) and Steve Jobs (Mac) both given personal tours of PARC demos of windowing desktop, mouse, networked PC
Xerox invested in Apple right before its IPO and thus profited
Homebrew Computer Club funded from Stewart Brand social experiment; at SLAC
Brand ran multimedia for the Acid Tests acid via Capt. Al Hubbard, Stanford
Douglas Engelbart, Bill English, Alan Kay: windows interface, the mouse, desktop publishing; acid
Some founders of Apple, SUN, MS, Ampex, many others: acid
Timothy Leary promoted PCs, cyberspace, virtual reality acid
Hippie heroes used to promote Mac “think different”, 1984
Steve Jobs TOP SECRET security clearance; acid
Steve Wozniak acid, hackers
Whole Earth Review first computer mag; acid

On January 24th, Apple Computer will introduce Macintosh. And you'll see why 1984 won't be like "1984"


Apple introduces Macintosh. The computer for the bemused, confused and intimidated.

Think Different

Timothy Leary at computer

From Counterculture to Cyberculture: Stewart Brand, the Whole Earth Network, and the Rise of Digital Utopianism

What the Dormouse Said: How the 60s Counter-Culture Shaped the Personal Computer Industry, by John Markoff

Start Your Own Religion, by Timothy Leary

Chaos & Cyber Culture, by Timothy Leary

The Politics of Ecstasy, by Timothy Leary

COINCIDENCE: 1 personal computers and the Web both came out of Particle Accelerator centers; both were partners together, and involved in classified military research. PCs were “born” (actually, spun out from SRI/Xerox PARC research) at the Homebrew Computer Club, located at SLAC (particle accelerator) SLAC is tightly partnered with CERN (particle accelerator). The World Wide Web came from CERN. The Web’s first connection was between Stanford and CERN (interestingly, the Stanford Library, not their research partner the Accelerator Center – one reason provided early on for the development of the Web was so that nuclear scientists could share large amounts of data generated from the tests).

John Markoff, What the Dormouse Said
Fred Turner, From Counter-Culture to Cyberculture

Gates and Allen got tours of PARC: ... -computer/
Xerox PARC and Steve Jobs:
Xerox ALTO was precursor of Apple Mac: ... xerox-parc
Xerox invested in Apple pre-IPO: ... erox-parc/

Homebrew Computer Club, Brand, USCO, Acid tests – Turner

First Apple Computer was $666 ... 0-000.html ... erculture/

Slide 40

Video Games Came From SRI & MIT

Promoted by Stewart Brand in Rolling Stone 1972
Now $100 billion/yr industry
Funded by military, used for training
Now video game controllers drive drones and robots actual combat skills
ABC.XYZ (Google): world’s biggest manufacturer of military robots

Google Acquires Seven Robot Companies, Wants Big Role in Robotics

From Counterculture to Cyberculture, by Fred Turner

Rolling Stone: A Fifth Anniversary Issue Treat

Rolling Stone 7 December 1972 SPACEWAR


Stewart Brand



Rolling Stone Issue 123, 7 December 1972

$101.62b video games revenues in 2015:

Video Games and the Military

Christopher Beekman (2014): ... deo-games/
Corey Mead (2013): ... t_complex/ note first video game invented by Steve RUSSELL
Hamza Shaban (2013): ... es/280486/
Simon Parkin (2014): ... nt-complex
Jeremy Hsu (2010): ... games.html

Google and Military Robots:

Eric Sofge, Popular Science (2014) Why is Google Building a Robot Army? In short: Robotics, World Domination ... robot-army
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Re: Silicon Valley's Secret Weapon The Shadow History of Bur

Postby admin » Wed Jun 05, 2019 5:01 am

Elevated Uranium Levels in Black Rock Desert
Post by evaphoto
Sat Jan 22, 2011 4:40 pm

When I was reading about the nuclear tests being conducted in the Nevada desert in the 40's and 50's, about 2 years ago, I suddenly thought, what about all the dust one gets into his/her lungs during the week at Burning Man? Uranium has a radioactive half life of 250 000- 4.5 billion (!!!) years, depending on the type. Because of a suspected lead poisoning my doctor had me tested for toxic metals, which also shows Uranium and when the test came back, among other things my Uranium level was "very elevated" to a degree that the lab was questioning whether I had been to a nuclear plant or radioactive site, which wasn't the case - well, except Black Rock Desert. The desert is very rich in Uranium and I found this information at "Gerlach's drinking water sources include two springs on the western slope of the Granite Mountains, the Railroad Springs and Garden Springs. These springs produce a high quality water, with the exception of uranium contamination. Uranium concentrations in the Railroad and Garden Springs have been as high as 110 mg/L and 290 mg/L, respectively. The Radionuclides Rule, promulgated by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency on December 7, 2000, set a maximum contaminant level for uranium in drinking water at 30 mg/L. ". That is up to 10 times the maximum level, not to mention possible contamination of the sand through those nuclear tests. Does anybody else have issues with Uranium levels. I suppose I wouldn't have known if it wasn't for that test that was performed to find something else out. I find it rather disturbing that 30 000 people might be exposed to a health risk like that. :shock:
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