Wackenhut Corporation, by Wackenhut.com

Wackenhut Corporation, by Wackenhut.com

Postby admin » Fri Apr 29, 2016 12:17 am

Part 1 of 2

Wackenhut Corporation
by Wackenhut.com





Year after year, The Wackenhut Corporation delivers unrivaled business services to a growing list of commercial, industrial and government organizations. The company was included in Fortune Magazine's list of "America's Most Admired Companies" in 2001, and Forbes Magazine's most recent "Platinum 400" list of "America's Best Big Companies." These distinctions are testament to Wackenhut's reputation for excellence and its continuing pursuit of quality and professionalism.

The Wackenhut Corporation takes great pride in the continued expansion of its capabilities. The growth of its client base and high customer retention, in both public and private sectors, is the result of the unmatched integrity, professionalism and quality associated with Wackenhut's service offerings.

Commercial Security & Related Services

Services include physical security, investigations, training and fire protection to business and industry throughout the United States and to support their overseas operations in more than 80 countries through any one or a combination of other world-class Group 4 Falck companies.

Government Security Services

Providing best-in-class security, law enforcement, operations and maintenance, fire suppression and prevention, facility services management, training and emergency medical services for federal, state and local government entities.

Wackenhut Nuclear Security Services

Safeguarding nuclear power generating plants against threats of random vandalism, premeditated sabotage and terrorism.

The Wackenhut Corporation is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer. We uphold all State and Federal Civil Rights laws. We also believe that fostering diversity within the workplace contributes to the success of the Company.

The Wackenhut Corporation takes a strong stance against sexual harassment and workplace harassment. Sexual harassment and/or workplace harassment, whether it occurs between a supervisor and subordinate or between co-workers, cannot and will not be tolerated by The Wackenhut Corporation.

Commercial Security & Related Services

Wackenhut offers its commercial clients centralized control over (and possibly the reduction of) expenditures for contracted services, and standardization of administrative areas such as: policies, post orders, billing, personnel administration, reporting, etc. Equally important, clients gain enhanced control of security programs at all their locations across the U.S. and abroad. This includes the standardization of policies relating to personnel screening and selection, training, appearance, supervision, and assignment.

Physical Security

Security service is Wackenhut's core competency, and we specialize in analyzing, streamlining and administering cost-efficient, effective security services across multiple locations as well as individual facilities. This allows our customers the freedom to focus on their core business objectives.

Security Officers

Uniformed security officers (on permanent or temporary assignments) have been the hallmark of The Wackenhut Corporation since its founding in 1954. Individuals recruited for Wackenhut security officer positions are considered the "cream of the crop" from the traditional labor market.

Custom Protection Officer® Division

This elite corps of uniformed security officers was begun in 1989 to address highly critical or complex facilities or situations requiring the highest degree of reliability in the assigned security personnel. Such places include government buildings, banks, locations with highly valuable items, gated residential communities, high-profile events and other special situations. The corporation's screening, training and performance standards for Custom Protection Officer® (CPO) personnel are more rigorous than those of any state regulatory or licensing agency.

Property Resource Officer (PRO) Program

A result of the corporation's commitment to provide best-in-class service in the markets we serve, the PRO program has proven to be instrumental in upgrading contract security services in commercial office buildings by delivering a consistently high level of service, personal management involvement, superior supervision, and a well-trained, qualified security force oriented specifically to the needs of multi-tenant and corporate properties.

Global Response Team

Many public and private sector organizations have found themselves in a crisis situation without the resources necessary to develop timely responses. Our success in providing emergency services is based on a professional perspective of crisis related issues, the quality of both our service offerings and the personnel provided to deliver these services, an emphasis on planning, and a close working relationship with our clients. Wackenhut understands the subtle interrelationship of crisis related problems and has the ability to be proactive under each unique set of client circumstances.

The following services are also available through Wackenhut's commercial division:

Consulting and Investigation Services

The Wackenhut Corporation is a global provider of consulting and investigation services. Our Consulting and Investigations Division offers a full suite of security-related professional services. All assignments are coordinated through our experienced headquarters staff and performed by best-in-class communications specialists, consultants, investigators, and researchers. Wackenhut is able to meet customer requirements for the following consulting and investigation services through a combination of Wackenhut proprietary personnel and strategic alliance partners:

Background Investigations

Pre-employment background screening and public record research is conducted through the Wackenhut National Research Center (WNRC). The WNRC is a 24 hour a day, seven day a week operation uniquely equipped and staffed to create thorough and accurate reports in a timely manner. All background information is gathered from reliable sources, in full compliance with the Fair Credit Reporting Act, Drivers Privacy Protection Act, and all other applicable federal and state statutes, and assembled into easy-to-read (fully customizable) Web-accessible reports.

Hotline Reporting Services

Wackenhut hotline reporting programs are monitored 24/7/365 by qualified communication specialists who respond to telephone calls on a worldwide basis at the Wackenhut National Research Center (WNRC). A toll-free number is distributed along with posters, payroll stuffers, wallet cards, etc. to encourage the reporting of suspected incidents of criminal acts and corporate policy violations. Se habla español-Assistance in Spanish is available on all shifts.

Executive Protection Services

Wackenhut professionals provide advice, support, and protection for key executives and other employees who travel to foreign countries and face potential threats to their safety and security. Current intelligence is reviewed to determine the political and economic stability, terrorist activity, street crime frequency, health hazards, etc. of each foreign location. Qualified protection specialists and professional drivers are assigned to limit exposure to dangerous or unpleasant situations.


Surveillance operations are conducted through Confidential Business Resources (CBR). This strategic alliance partner specializes in video documentation of suspected incidents of criminal activity or unethical behavior. CBR recruits highly educated and skilled investigators who understand the complexities in uncovering factual circumstances surrounding sensitive investigations. Wackenhut and CBR agree that properly executed surveillance should never violate an individual's "reasonable expectation of privacy."

Complex Corporate Investigations

Wackenhut offers a full line of corporate investigation services through a strategic alliance with Business Controls, Inc. (BCI). BCI provides practical solutions to employee theft and dishonesty, drug and substance abuse, sexual harassment, and a variety of other workplace and employee related issues. The firm's team of security consultants and forensic psychology experts has over 150 years of combined training and real world experience.

Undercover Investigations

Wackenhut coordinates all undercover investigations with Business Controls, Inc. (BCI). A skilled BCI investigator, posing as an employee, is placed into an unsuspecting workforce to gather information on workplace problems. Upon identifying problem areas, detailed reports are provided to assist customers in taking appropriate remedial action. Recommendations to prevent future incidents are also enumerated.

Risk Assessment and Vulnerability Surveys

Using highly trained personnel, Wackenhut is able to perform complex security risk assessments of company buildings and grounds. Wackenhut provides assistance in identifying areas of vulnerability and makes recommendations for improvement compatible with the needs of the customer. A detailed written report, including images, is provided upon completion of each assignment.

Crisis Management and Response Services

These services including crisis management planning, training, simulation exercises, and incident response; as well as product tampering investigations, logistics security process design, evacuation planning, and travel security are provided through the Incident Management Group (IMG). IMG is a full-service security company providing consulting, intelligence gathering, and operational support to organizations and individuals worldwide. The firm's services offer customers the benefit of a seamless integration of advice from experts and leading representatives of law enforcement, forensic psychology, intelligence, corporate security and high-technology fields. Prepared to respond 24 hours a day to emergencies in the Americas, Europe, Africa, and other geographical areas, IMG provides immediate assistance to decision-making personnel during crisis situations as well as routine conditions.

Network and Computer System Security Assessments and Forensics
Guarded Networks, Inc. provides this service. Guarded Networks is an experienced leader in the protection of computer networks from unauthorized access, cyber-terrorism, Web site defacement, corporate espionage, hackers, viruses, and many other types of malicious activities taking place regularly over the Internet. Around-the-clock security monitoring capabilities allow Guarded Networks to help organizations reduce risk exposures created by integrating corporate networks with those of business partners and the Internet.

Training Services

A corporate-wide commitment to training

Wackenhut's commitment to training is well known inside and outside of the security services industry. Wackenhut Training Institute (WTI), the corporation's training division, is a corporate university in the full name of the word. It was established with the founding of the company. The Institute is unparalleled in the industry as providing the best training and training support to its customers.

At Wackenhut, we subscribe to the concept of internal and external customer support. Our internal customers are Wackenhut field and headquarters' personnel. Our external customers are the corporation's clients throughout the world, and others who seek out the Institute's training services directly, such as the Smithsonian Institution. Our basic assumption is that we cannot adequately serve our external customers without first serving our internal customers. In simple terms, we recognize that quality training is essential to quality service.

Let Wackenhut give you the competitive edge...
Wackenhut offers state-of-the-art methods for delivering training appropriate to today's new competitive standards. Your organization can take steps now to turn training to your competitive advantage. Training only 10% of your workforce is not enough. We offer cost effective, efficient programs that make it possible to train the entire workforce.

Fire Protection Services

Experience and Expertise

Wackenhut has over 100 contract years of experience in providing all aspects of fire protection, prevention, suppression, safety inspections, emergency medical services, aircraft rescue/fire fighting, rescue and training.

Our ability to provide professional fire protection, fire prevention and emergency response services is second to none. Our approach to protecting our customers' facilities, and assets, is through the use of an aggressive incident prevention program that complies with all OSHA and NFPA standards, rules, regulations and laws.

Wackenhut's prevention program is proactive prevention rather than reactive response. This includes employee education, proactive inspection, oversight of work areas, and systematic inspection and testing of fire protection systems, which has proven successful in significantly reducing serious accidents, and injuries.

Wackenhut maintains a cadre of fully trained, motivated and well equipped emergency response personnel who quickly intercede and manage, a wide variety of incidents. Additionally, Wackenhut offers special response and rescue teams to insure the safety of all personnel using the facility. We tailor our procedures and training programs and provide the equipment and personnel necessary to meet our customers' program needs.



Commercial fire protection, fire prevention, and emergency response services of this nature, deliver some type of service. Examples include the Kennedy Space Center and the Cape Canaveral Air Station. Activities at these sites create unique fire prevention, fire protection, environmental protection, and emergency response situations.


Industrial fire protection, fire prevention, and emergency response services are designed for facilities that include refinery and petrochemical facilities, chemical production, steel production, automobile and truck parts production and assembly, ammunition plants and explosives production plants. The materials stored and worked with at these sites create unique fire prevention, fire protection, environmental protection, and emergency response situations.


Airport fire protection, fire prevention, and emergency response services are provided specifically to airports. Airports, by their very nature, the number of people who use them, the number of aircraft passing through, and the unique materials and fuels stored there, require specialized fire prevention, fire protection, environmental protection, and emergency response capabilities.


Municipal fire protection refers to service provided to towns, cities and counties. These areas, by the nature of the work going on within their jurisdiction, the number of people who live and work there, the number of vehicles passing through, the materials stored and worked with, and their individually unique features, create a varied menu of fire prevention, fire protection, environmental protection, and emergency response situations.

These services include but are not limited to:

Fire prevention and life safety inspections
Interface with the State Fire Marshal's Office
Interface for Insurance Services
Writing and coordination of disaster plans
Coordination and enforcement of construction safety
Participation in community fire, disaster and emergency preparedness
Fire equipment inspections (including sprinkler systems, mobile equipment and all life safety equipment
Fire suppression to the incipient level
Confined space rescue, high angle rescue.
Hazardous spill response and correction, as required/HAZ-MAT
Inspection of fire protection pumps, and all associated equipment
Coordination of safety program and enforcement of OSHA guidelines for construction
Medical rescue support for all locations.
Medical response to the EMT level


Security Services to the Nuclear Industry

With more than four decades of experience, The Wackenhut Corporation is one of the world's foremost security and investigative organizations. The Wackenhut Corporation recognized that safeguarding a nuclear power generating plant required a special kind of security expertise. The Wackenhut Nuclear Services Division at Wackenhut Headquarters in Palm Beach Gardens, Florida, is the nerve center for all of the Corporation's nuclear-related security operations. All operations are monitored by the President of Nuclear Services Division and his staff --experts in the field of nuclear security. The Division's on-site Project Managers monitor site operations at nuclear sites across the country.

The Wackenhut Nuclear Services Division is meeting the needs of the nation's nuclear facilities by providing highly trained professionals to the nuclear industry. The need for reliable protection is essential to the utilities which operate nuclear power plants. Today, in an age when threats of terrorism are ever-present, providing reliable protection is truly a vital responsibility which impacts national security. It is also crucial to the functioning and well being of our cities and communities where nuclear facilities are located.

The Wackenhut Corporation is one of the world's largest and most diversified security organizations, the Nuclear Services Division can draw upon the expertise of the Company's many specialized Departments and Subsidiaries. The Nuclear Services Division brings to the field of nuclear security an extraordinary reservoir of knowledge and expertise; it brings a firm corporate commitment; and it brings established standards of Professionalism, Integrity and Quality Service.


Wackenhut Services, Incorporated (WSI), a wholly owned subsidiary of The Wackenhut Corporation (TWC), is assigned within the North American Operations Group of the corporation. WSI contractually performs security, law enforcement, operations and maintenance, fire suppression and prevention, facility services management, training, emergency medical services, airfield management, and aircraft operation and maintenance for federal, state and local government agencies.

Security Services

Wackenhut security officers are on duty at the nation's most sensitive and vital government installations. Government nuclear facilities are secured by WSI personnel.

Sophisticated capabilities include highly trained and specially equipped special response teams, helicopter crews, canine teams, law enforcement officers and special nuclear materials security couriers.

WSI is among the top two percent of all U.S. law enforcement agencies, and the only contractor force to receive the Commission for Law Enforcement Agencies (CALEA) accreditation.

Facilities Operations & Maintenance Services

Wackenhut has extensive experience in the operations and maintenance of large, complex facilities.

Full and varied capabilities exist to include construction of new facilities; renovation of existing, but outdated structures; and the assumption of management responsibility for existing complexes.

Fire Protection Services

Fire Protection Services is focused on the protection of resources, the environment, and the safety of employees and visitors to the protected area/agency.

Emergency Medical Services

Wackenhut Services' emergency response personnel are paramedics; their training meets federal, state and local certification standards - and training continues on the job.

Wackenhut uses state-of-the-art emergency medical equipment, from vehicles to defibrillators and life-saving telemetry monitors.

Wackenhut will operate client equipment or provide equipment on leaseback.

Wackenhut's responsibility includes equipment maintenance and stocking of medical supplies.

Aircraft Crash and Recovery

Wackenhut developed and perfected techniques for rescuing personnel involved in volatile chemical fires, exotic fuels explosion and damaged aerospace equipment.

Wackenhut has the responsibility for crash, fire and rescue services at commercial and international airports.

Fire Suppression - Prevention

Wackenhut maintains firefighting and fire prevention services at key government installations.

Specialized firefighting procedures and techniques are required to meet firefighting responsibilities at DOD facilities where ammunition and conventional explosives are processed and stored.

Aviation/Airfield Management

WSI provides flying operations and aircraft maintenance as well as Air Operations mission requirements, which include airfield management (Air Traffic Control, Transient Alert, etc.) for Government agencies.


Department of Energy

Wackenhut Services, Incorporated (WSI), has been contracting with the U.S. Department of Energy since 1965 when it began providing Security Protective Services at the Nevada Test Site.

The following represents current WSI contracts with the Department of Energy. For contract information about each simply select the site of interest. Those marked with an asterick also have their own sites which can be accessed as well.


Contract Information Services: Security Protective Services Training

Contracting Agency: U.S. Department of Energy

Location: Albuquerque, New Mexico

Description of Work: The mission of NNSI is to train federal and contractor security personnel to meet the full range of threats against vital Department of Energy (DOE) resources. NNSI provides training in a broad spectrum of DOE safeguards and security skills as well as emergency planning and response training for DOE, Federal and contract professionals and other U.S. Government customers. They also evaluate individual site training programs in support of the DOE certification process. The NNSI provides the Department of Energy with technical and administrative services in support of the Accelerated Access Authorization Program (AAAP) to include psychological assessments, drug urinalysis, drug testing laboratory, medical review officer and counterintelligence scope polygraph examinations.


Contract Information Services: Security Protective Services

Contracting Agency: U.S. Department of Energy

Location: Las Vegas, Nevada

Description of Work: Wackenhut Services provides for physical protection of security interest of equipment and devices that are vital to the security of the United States. Our role includes: Law Enforcement and responsibility for the security of all Nevada Test Site personnel, facilities, equipment, material, and operations; provide traffic control, visitor control and badging operations, and safeguards and security awareness programs. We also patrol security boundaries, fences, gates, and other protective devices providing appropriate response actions when necessary.


Contract Information Services: Safeguards and Security Services

Contracting Agency: U.S. Department of Energy

Location: Denver, Colorado

Description of Work: Wackenhut Services provides comprehensive safeguards and security services to the Rocky Flats Environmental Test Site supporting site contractors performing R&D, environmental cleanup, and waste management. WSI provides personnel and procedures for all site security operations, coordinating security operations with all contractors on site and DOE security officials, and continually evaluating site operations to ensure ongoing effectiveness of security procedures. We are also responsible for providing information and personnel security and security training.


Contract Information Services: Paramilitary Security Services

Contracting Agency: U.S. Department of Energy

Location: Aiken, South Carolina

Description of Work: Wackenhut Services has provided paramilitary security services since 1984 to provide law enforcement, escorting and security services to protect this key Government research and development instillation. We provide a custom tailored security program that includes rapid effective response to multiple contingencies through the use of a variety of means to include the use of helicopters and water-borne craft. The Law enforcement Department has been nationally accredited and re-accredited by the Commission on Accreditation for Law Enforcement Agencies (CALEA), and WSI is the only private contractor to achieve this honor.


Contract Information Services: Security Protective Services

Contracting Agency: U.S. Department of Energy

Location: Washington, DC

Description of Work: Wackenhut Services role at DOE headquarters includes the responsibility to provide armed and unarmed uniformed guard services for the DOE facilities in Washington D.C. and Germantown, Maryland. WSI provides personnel, facilities, equipment, materials, and services necessary to operate, manage, train, and maintain a Protective Security Force to include: Technical Surveillance Counter Measures personnel; Badging offices, executive Protection Personnel, and administration support personnel. WSI also deploys armed and unarmed personnel who are proficient in the use of metal detection portals, hand held metal detectors, and x-ray machines to various access points in the facilities to control entry access thus ensuring the safety of the personnel working there.


Contract Information Services: Training of the DOE Special Agent Force

Contracting Agency: U.S. Department of Energy

Location: Albuquerque, New Mexico

Description of Work: Wackenhut Services, Inc. provides a wide range of services which include the training of the Department of Energy Special Agent Force, operate and maintain the Transportation Safeguards Training Center, and assist the Transportation Safeguards Division in logistical and administrative support at Albuquerque, New Mexico; Amarillo, Texas; Oak Ridge, Tennessee; Fort Chaffee, Arkansas; and other sites as directed. WSI provides support to TSD in designing and developing Special Agent Training Courses, In-service Training, and a variety of other scheduled training activities. We also assist in the design and development of training programs necessary to meet any emerging mission needs.


Contract Information Services: Safeguards and Security Services

Contracting Agency: U.S. Department of Energy

Location: Oak Ridge, Tennessee

Description of Work: Wackenhut Services, Inc. provides safeguards and security services for Oak Ridge Operations and Y-12 Area Office. WSI provides management, supervisors, personnel, equipment, materials, services, as well as armed and unarmed personnel to perform the duties of entry/access control involving operation of magnetometer x-ray equipment, badging, roving patrols, fixed posts observation stations. These services are to ensure the safety and security of property, information, and personnel on the premises of the Oak Ridge facility. Other duties include traffic control and enforcement, monitoring and operation of security and fire alarm systems.


Wackenhut Services, Incorporated (WSI), has been contracting Fire Protection/Emergency Medical and Security Services at U.S. Army Ammunition Plants since 1985 when it began its contract at the Holston AAP in Kingsport, Tennessee with the Holston Defense Corporation.
The following represents current WSI contracts with the Department of Army. For contract information about each simply select the site of interest.


Contract Information Services: Security and Fire Protective Services

Contracting Agency: Holston Defense Corporation

Location: Kingsport, Tennessee

Description of Work: Security services (armed security officers, pass and identification section, traffic control and enforcement, dispatch and investigations), fire prevention and rescue services, emergency medical, training programs and project management of this contract are all performed on site at Holston Army Ammunition Plant.


Contract Information Services: Security and Fire Protective Services

Contracting Agency: Olin Corporation - Winchester Division

Location: Independence, Missouri

Description of Work: WSI provides a complete line of security and fire department services for Lake City Army Ammunition Plant. Security services include: armed security officers, pass and identification and badging services, traffic control and enforcement, and security inspections, oversight services and investigations. The WSI operated fire department provides: response to all automatic alarm and fire situations, emergency medical services at the emergency Medical Technician level that includes use of Semi Automatic External Defibrillators and patient transport, technical rescue services that include: high angle rescue, confined space rescue, industrial rescue, and response to hazardous material emergencies as well as fire prevention program.


Contract Information Services: Security and Fire Protective Services

Contracting Agency: Alliant Techsystems, Inc

Location: Radford, Virginia

Description of Work: WSI operates a full service security and fire department for Radford Army Ammunition Plant. Security Services include: armed security officers, pass and identification and badging services along with security inspection and oversight services and investigations, traffic control and enforcement. The WSI operated fire department provides response to all types of fire alarms and situations that include high angle rescue, confined space rescue, industrial rescue and hazardous materials emergencies. We also provide emergency medical services at the Emergency Medical Technician level that includes use of Semi Automatic External Defibrillators, and patient transport.


Contract Information Services: Security Protective Services

Contracting Agency:

Location: Fort Bragg, North Carolina

Description of Work: Wackenhut Services, Inc. provides management, supervision, manpower, and equipment to provide Armed Guard/Security Force for various posts on Ft. Bragg. Our role includes access control operations, random patrols of assigned areas, escort duties as required, security checks of buildings and properties, inspection of vehicles, and responding to alarms, suspicious activities or threats with appropriate response.
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Re: Wackenhut Corporation, by Wackenhut.com

Postby admin » Fri Apr 29, 2016 12:18 am

Part 2 of 2


Wackenhut Services, Incorporated (WSI), has been contracting with various branches of the U.S. Federal Government since 1963 when WSI assumed security for NASA at its Lewis Research Center, Cleveland. This was the first "cost-plus" security contract in the history of the industry.

The following represents current WSI contracts with the U.S. Federal Government (excluding Dept. of Energy and Dept. of Army contract sites).


Contract Information Services: Security Protective Services

Contracting Agency: Federal Communications Commission

Location: Washington, D.C.

Description of Work: Wackenhut Services, Inc. provides a protective force to prevent unauthorized access, protect property, protect classified and sensitive information, maintain order and deter criminal activity in and around the FCC Headquarters facility. WSI personnel provide entry access control and provide random patrols enforcing applicable building rules and regulations, general, post and special orders that pertain to the physical protection of the facilities, employees, computers and information systems, and communications.


Contract Information Services: Building Security Services

Contracting Agency: U.S. General Accounting Office

Location: Washington, D.C.

Description of Work: Wackenhut's role at the GAO includes responsibility for providing management, supervision, manpower, and equipment for fire alarm maintenance, security systems maintenance, security force management, security and receptionist staffing, and parking administration functions. We operate and enforce a strict personnel identification system and provide random patrols throughout the facility. WSI also provides traffic control and enforcement as well as initiating preliminary investigation services on a variety of incidents.


Contract Information Services: Building Security Services

Contracting Agency: Internal Revenue Service

Location: Fresno, California

Description of Work: Wackenhut Services role at the IRS Fresno Service Center includes the responsibility for providing management, supervision, manpower, and equipment to supply security services to protect property and personnel working in and visiting the service center. Duties include operating, maintaining, and enforcing a personnel identification system. Executing roving patrols noting and correcting security violations. Traffic control and enforcement. Monitoring and operating fire alarm and intrusion control systems, and enforcing building rules and regulations.


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Contract Information Services: Security Protective Services

Contracting Agency: U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission

Location: Washington D.C

Description of Work: Wackenhut Services, Inc. provides 24-hour armed and unarmed, DOE "Q" and "L" security cleared personnel, serving as a deterrent against unauthorized, illegal, or potentially threatening activities toward NRC's employees, visitors, information, programs, and property. Duties include vehicle inspection, alert response, roving patrols; entrance and exit control including operation of x-ray, metal detector, and magnetometer; personnel escort services and emergency planning.


Contract Information Services: Standardized Training

Contracting Agency: Smithsonian Institution

Location: Washington D.C

Description of Work: Wackenhut Services, Inc. provides standardized training to Smithsonian Institution personnel in diversified security, law enforcement, and protective force operations that cover tactics and procedures involved in a wide spectrum of security activities. WSI uses instructional techniques that have been proven in training courses and seminars conducted by the Wackenhut Training Institute. Individuals are certified at the basic, intermediate, and advanced level of security education through academic qualification using detail lesson plans and supporting instructional materials.


Contract Information Services: Base Operations and Support/Security/Fire/EMS Protective Services

Contracting Agency: Joint Base Operations and Support

Location: Titusville, Florida

Description of Work: Wacknehut Services is a joint venture partner at the Space Gateway. We provide base operations and infrastructure management skills and experience to consolidate NASA's Base Operations Contract and the U.S. Air Force Base Support Contract requirements. Our team manages the J-BOSC base facilities at the Kennedy Space Center, Cape Canaveral Air Station, and Patrick Air Force Base. The scope of J-BOSC includes: security services, fire department services that include fire prevention, inspection and code enforcement services, fire protection system test, and emergency response and special rescue services. We also provide emergency medical treatment, facilities maintenance, administrative services, and information technology.


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Contract Information Services: Security Protective Services

Contracting Agency: Social Security Administration

Location: Woodland, Maryland

Description of Work: Wackenhut Services, Inc. provides armed guard services for the Social Security Administration Main Complex located in Woodland, Maryland. We provide all management, supervision, manpower, equipment, and supplies necessary effect armed guard services. Our role includes operating and enforcing a strict pass and identification system to ensure that only authorized personnel are in the facility, perform traffic control and enforcement, and perform roving patrols to ensure the safety of all personnel and checking the overall security of the facility.


Contract Information Services: Operations and Maintenance Services

Contracting Agency: Federal Aviation Administration

Location: Atlantic City, New Jersey

Description of Work: Wackenhut Services, Inc. provides all maintenance, management, supervision, and armed security for the FAA Technical Center located at the Atlantic City Airport, Atlantic City, New Jersey. We perform inspection and maintenance of all facilities, airfield maintenance and runway snow removal. Additionally we control and issue security badges and visitors passes as well as dispatching local emergency services on the airfield. WSI also provides janitorial services for facilities on the airfield.


Contract Information Services: Security Protective Services

Contracting Agency: Department of Commerce

Location: Silver Springs and Camp Springs, Maryland

Description of Work: Wackenhut Services, Inc. provides management, supervisory, administrative, professional, technically trained personnel, and all supplies necessary to provide routine and emergency protective and security support services. Duties include security patrols, entrance/access control, personal escort duties, traffic and parking control and enforcement, law and order duties, and security and fire surveillance. Primary responsibilities involve providing a daily deterrent against unauthorized, illegal, or potentially life-threatening activities directed toward NOAA employees, visitors, information, programs, and property.


Contract Information Services: Security Protective Services

Contracting Agency: GSA

Location: Albuquerque, New Mexico

Description of Work: Wackenhut Services, Inc. provides all management, supervision, manpower, training, equipment, and supplies to perform security duties for the complex. Duties include entry/access control to preclude unauthorized access into the facility. Also roving patrols throughout the facility ensure the safety and security of workers and visitors and ensure compliance with building rules and regulations. WSI maintains physical security and responds to emergencies as required.


Contract Information Services: Operations and Maintenance Services

Contracting Agency: GSA

Location: Washington, D.C

Description of Work: Wackenhut Services, Inc. provides all management, supervision, manpower, training, equipment, and supplies to supply security services to the GSA Headquarters in Washington, D.C. Duties include entry/access control for the purpose of preventing unauthorized access, roving patrols throughout the facility to ensure compliance with building rules and regulations, and maintain physical security, law and order; traffic control and enforcement, and responding to emergencies as required.


Contract Information Services: Security Protective Services

Contracting Agency: GSA

Location: Washington, D.C

Description of Work: Wackenhut Services, Inc. provides all management, supervision, manpower, training, equipment, and supplies to supply security services to the GSA Headquarters in Washington, D.C. Duties include entry/access control for the purpose of preventing unauthorized access, roving patrols throughout the facility to ensure compliance with building rules and regulations, and maintain physical security, law and order; traffic control and enforcement, and responding to emergencies as required.


Contract Information Services: Security Protective Services

Contracting Agency: Federal Reserve Board

Location: Washington, D.C

Description of Work: Wackenhut Services, Inc. provides the management, supervision, manpower, training, equipment and supplies to perform armed internal security for the Federal Reserve Board building. WSI provides roving patrols to protect the security and well being of personnel who work in the facility and visitors. We ensure compliance with building rules and regulations and respond to emergencies as required.


Contract Information Services: Fire and EMS Protective Services

Contracting Agency: Chennault Industrial Airpark

Location: Lake Charles, Louisiana

Description of Work: WSI provides fire protection that include: emergency response to all automatic alarm and fire situations, Aircraft Rescue and Fire Fighting (ARFF) services that are compliant with FAA regulations, emergency medical services at the Emergency Medical Technician level, technical rescue services that include confined space rescue, industrial rescue, aircraft rescue and vehicle extraction, hazardous materials emergency response at the Hazardous materials Technician level. We provide fire prevention and inspection services. Services provided are in compliance with NFPA, OSHA, State, and FAA Part 139


Contract Information Services: Fire and EMS Protective Services

Contracting Agency: Ciba Specialty Chemicals Corporation

Location: McIntosh, Alabama

Description of Work: The WSI operated fire department provides: response to all types of automatic alarms and fire situations, and emergency medical situations. Emergency medical services are provided at the Advanced Life Support level including patient transport. Firefighting and technical rescue services include: high angle rescue, confined space rescue, industrial rescue and vehicle extraction, hazardous materials emergency response at the Hazardous Materials Technician level. We also provide fire prevention and inspection services. Services comply with NFPA, OSHA, State and customer requirements.


Contract Information Services: Operations and Maintenance Services

Contracting Agency: DeKalb County Sheriff's Headquarters

Location: Decatur, Georgia

Description of Work: Wackenhut Services, Inc. provides high quality maintenance services for the DeKalb County, Georgia Jail facilities. WSI maintains all equipment in proper working condition and provides optimum maintenance services at the highest level of quality with the least cost. We have implemented effective programs for standardized maintenance that are based on computer-assisted systems for maximizing cost and management effectiveness. These programs promote longevity of equipment and buildings, reduce costly breakdowns, and meet emergency needs. WSI provides preventive and corrective maintenance using proven management principles that make optimum use of personnel, equipment, material, and time.



Palm Beach Gardens, Florida - May 23, 2002 - Wackenhut Services, Inc. (WSI), the leading provider of contract security services to U.S. government agencies, today announced the election of a new chairman of the board, and two additional new members to its board of directors.

James L. Long III, Vice Chairman of the Board and Chief Executive Officer of WSI, said, "The election of three prominent and highly qualified Americans to our board of directors ensures our compliance with the National Industrial Security Program Operating Manual (NISPOM) regarding foreign ownership, control or influence (FOCI) matters with regard to our federal contracts."

The parent company of WSI, The Wackenhut Corporation, was recently acquired and is now an indirect wholly owned subsidiary of the Denmark-based international security services firm, Group 4 Falck A/S.

"The board of directors plays an important role in WSI's operations in support of U.S. Government agencies. I am extremely pleased that such a distinguished group has agreed to serve on the board to provide guidance and ensure NISPOM compliance. I look forward to our company's continued and uninterrupted contract service to the U.S. Department of Energy, the U.S. Department of Defense and other federal agencies," Mr. Long added.

The new board members are:

· Chairman: Admiral David E. Jeremiah (US Navy, retired), Partner and President of Technology Strategies & Alliances Corporation. While in the military service he was Commander-in-Chief of the United States Pacific Fleet, and served four years as Vice Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.

· Member: Dr. John S. Foster, Jr., Chairman of the Board of Pilkington Aerospace, Inc.; Chairman of Technology Strategies and Alliances; former Director of Defense Research and Engineering for the Department of Defense, and former Director of the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory.

· Member: Troy E. Wade II, whose responsibilities during a 30-year government career involved many aspects of the U.S. nuclear programs including service as the Assistant Secretary of Energy for Defense Programs, and Director, Idaho National Engineering Laboratory.

Wackenhut Services, Inc. is the largest supplier of contract security services to federal facilities connected with nuclear programs and managed by the U. S. Department of Energy. Contract sites include the Nevada Test Site, the Oak Ridge complex (TN), the Savannah River Site (SC), the Rocky Flats Environmental Technology Site (CO), the Nonproliferation and Nuclear Security Institute (NM), and the DOE headquarters in Washington, D.C. It also provides security and security related services to U.S. Department of Defense agencies, and facility management services for government installations. WSI is also a leader in the privatization of public services for municipal, state and federal agencies, including supplementary police, fire and emergency services.


Palm Beach Gardens, Florida - May 8, 2002 - The Wackenhut Corporation (NYSE: WAK and WAKB) announced today the consummation of its merger with Group 4 Falck A/S through Milestone Acquisition Corporation, an indirect wholly-owned subsidiary of Group 4 Falck A/S. Following the approval of the merger by Wackenhut's shareholders and the satisfaction of all other conditions to the closing of the merger earlier today, the merger was completed and Group 4 Falck acquired all of the issued and outstanding shares of Wackenhut Series A common stock and Series B common stock for $33.00 per share.

Wackenhut, which is now an indirect wholly-owned subsidiary of Group 4 Falck, will continue to operate its business as a separate company. Shares of Wackenhut's Series A common stock and Series B common stock, each of which is listed on the New York Stock Exchange, will cease to be publicly-traded in connection with the consummation of the merger. Holders of shares of Series A common stock and Series B common stock immediately prior to the merger should retain their stock certificates and written instructions will be provided in the near future for exchanging stock certificates for the cash merger consideration.

As a result of the merger, Group 4 Falck has become the indirect beneficial owner of Wackenhut's 57% ownership interest in Wackenhut Corrections Corporation (NYSE: WHC), which will continue to trade on the New York Stock Exchange. Group 4 Falck's relationship with Wackenhut Corrections will be governed by the terms of a previously disclosed agreement among Group 4 Falck, Wackenhut and Wackenhut Corrections.

Group 4 Falck

Group 4 Falck, which is traded on the Copenhagen Stock Exchange, is based in Denmark and has activities in more than 50 countries with over 140,000 employees and annual revenues of approximately $2.5 billion. It is the market leader in over half the countries in which it operates.

The Wackenhut Corporation

The Wackenhut Corporation has 68,000 employees and 2001 revenues of $2.8 billion. It was founded in 1954 and is the largest U.S.-based provider of security services. Its principal business lines include security-related services, correctional services and flexible staffing.

Additional information is available from both companies at their respective web sites: www.group4falck.com and www.wackenhut.com.

This press release contains forward-looking statements regarding future events and future performance of Wackenhut. Such statements involve risks and uncertainties that may cause the results to differ materially from the statements made in this news release or otherwise made by or on behalf of Wackenhut. These risks and uncertainties include but are not limited to: general economic conditions, regulatory developments, competitive factors and pricing pressures, and other factors as discussed in the documents filed by Wackenhut with the Securities and Exchange Commission. Such filings include, inter alia, Wackenhut's Proxy, Form 10K, Form 10Q and Form 8K reports.


Palm Beach Gardens, FL - March 21, 2002 - Wackenhut Services, Inc., a subsidiary of The Wackenhut Corporation and a leader in the outsourcing of physical security and base operations services, announced today that it was awarded three separate contracts by federal agencies. The contracts are scheduled for start-up in April 2002 and have a total annual value of approximately $23.8 million.

The contract awards include:

· Base operations services for the National Maritime Intelligence Center in Suitland, Maryland and its Nebraska Avenue complex in Washington, D.C. Annual revenues for the contract are expected to be $9.6 million in the first year and there will be six additional option years available to the company.

· Operation of the Public Safety Communications Center at the Federal Protective Service MegaCenter in Battle Creek, Michigan that provides alarm monitoring, and operation of the telecommunications and security systems in support of the General Services Administration in Regions 4, 5 and 6. The contract is for one year and has revenues of approximately $11.6 million, with four option years available.

· Armed security services at NASA's Johnson Space Center in Houston, Texas. Diamond Group, with Wackenhut Services as a subcontractor, was selected for the contract for a base period of 18 months with three option years. The revenues for WSI are expected to be $2.6 million per year.

James L. Long III, President of Wackenhut Services, Inc. said, "Our Company is very pleased to be selected for these additional contracts and to further extend our services to U.S. federal agencies. We take great pride in the confidence that has been placed in our company's ability to respond to the needs of these key government agencies by the awarding of these contracts."

Wackenhut Services, Inc. is the largest supplier of contract security services to U.S. federal agencies. Contract sites include the Nevada Test Site, the Oak Ridge complex (Tennessee), the Savannah River Site (South Carolina), the Rocky Flats Environmental Technology Site (Colorado), the Nonproliferation and Nuclear Security Institute (Albuquerque, NM), and several U.S. Department of Defense agencies and facilities. It also provides base operations and facility management services for government installations such as Kennedy Space Center for NASA and the U.S. Air Force, and is a leader in the privatization of public services for municipal and state governments.


Palm Beach Gardens, FL - March 1, 2002 - The Wackenhut Corporation has been awarded a contract to provide security services at Consumers Energy's Palisades nuclear power plant in Covert, Michigan starting March 25th through October 2006, with an additional five one-year options. The contract was awarded by the plant's operator, Nuclear Management Company LLC (NMC), and the value of the contract from now until October 2006 is approximately $16 million.

Alan B. Bernstein, Chief Operating Officer and President of Global Security for The Wackenhut Corporation, said, "Wackenhut's security operations at the Palisades plant will be in strict compliance with the requirements of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. Our operations will also be in keeping with the high standards that our Nuclear Services Division has established at the 28 other commercial plants throughout the country where we provide a similar service. We take great pride in being selected by NMC to assume the security operations at the Palisades plant."

Richard Michau, President of Wackenhut's Nuclear Services Division, added, "The transition of the security force to Wackenhut will take place this month, and current security staff members who are qualified will be given priority for open positions. We look forward to a smooth transition and the opportunity to demonstrate the high quality service for which our Division has become well known throughout the nuclear industry."

The Wackenhut Corporation is a leading provider of security-related and other support services to major corporations and a wide range of government and commercial customers. In addition to serving the commercial nuclear market, Wackenhut is also the largest supplier of contract security services to federal facilities connected with nuclear programs and managed by the U. S. Department of Energy, including the Nevada Test Site, the Oak Ridge complex (Tennessee), the Savannah River Site (South Carolina), the Rocky Flats Environmental Technology Site (Colorado), and the Nonproliferation and Nuclear Security Institute (Albuquerque, NM).


Wackenhut adds information technology, consulting and managed services to its capabilities

Palm Beach Gardens, FL - December 18, 2001 - The Wackenhut Corporation, one of the world's s largest providers of security and investigative services, has formed a partnership with Guarded Networks, Inc., a leading provider of 24/7 managed security services for computer networks.

Wackenhut will offer Guarded Networks' suite of consulting, managed network security, and network security training services to its international client base, which numbers approximately 10,000 world-wide.

William Hill, Vice President of Investigations for The Wackenhut Corporation, said, "In today's world, our customers clearly need comprehensive network security solutions to protect their vital data. By teaming up with Guarded Networks, we can now offer a full range of network security assessments and solutions that utilize best-of-breed tools and services, including the Guarded Networks' 24/7 monitoring."

Richard Dobrow, President of Guarded Networks, added, "We are delighted that Wackenhut, one of the most respected security companies in the world, has agreed to market Guarded Networks' information systems security services to its vast client network. Our selection to be the provider of network services to Wackenhut's commercial client network gives us exposure and access to a large and prestigious market."

Guarded Networks offers a variety of security consulting services along with real time managed services that provide the ultimate level of security. Using live secured remote connections, engineers are able to detect network attacks and misuse based upon its extensive database of patterns. Guarded Networks' engineers can respond to network attacks or misuse in a proactive manner 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year.

Guarded Networks, Inc. (http://www.guardednetworks.com.), based in Broward County, Florida, is a managed security services provider that services clients in a variety of business sectors including health care, banking, insurance, manufacturing, education and utilities. The company services clients in eight countries through six regional facilities strategically located throughout the world. Its core mission is to protect computer networks from unauthorized access, cyber-terrorism, website defacement, corporate espionage, hackers, viruses and many other types of malicious activities taking place regularly over the Internet.

The Wackenhut Corporation is a leading international provider of security-related and other business services to major corporations, government agencies, and a wide range of industrial and commercial customers.


Palm Beach Gardens, FL - November 12, 2001 - The Wackenhut Corporation has been awarded a three-year contract, with two option years, to continue to provide physical security services at the Robert E. Ginna Nuclear Plant near Ontario, New York. The contract was awarded by the plant operator, Rochester Gas and Electric Corporation (RG&E) after a competitive bidding process, and is expected to have an annual value of approximately $3.5 million.

Alan B. Bernstein, Chief Operating Officer and President of Global Security for The Wackenhut Corporation, said, "We take great pride in once again being selected by the Rochester Gas and Electric Corporation to provide security operations at the R.E. Ginna Nuclear Plant. We are the market leader in providing security services to the nuclear power generating industry in the United States and one of the principal reasons for our beneficial long-term relationship with RG&E is the commitment of both companies to providing quality service to its customers."

Richard Michau, President of Wackenhut's Nuclear Services Division, added, "The success of our operation at Robert E. Ginna is due to the high caliber of our security officers and the pride they take in protecting the plant, the people who work there and the general public. They are highly trained and motivated professionals who take their responsibilities very seriously, and I am grateful for their outstanding service."

The Wackenhut Corporation is a leading provider of security-related and other support services to major corporations and a wide range of government and commercial customers, and has provided contract security services at the Ginna Plant, located 15 miles east of Rochester, NY, since 1978.

In addition to being the leader in the commercial nuclear market, The Wackenhut Corporation is also the largest supplier of contract security services to federal facilities connected with nuclear programs and managed by the U. S. Department of Energy, including the Nevada Test Site, the Oak Ridge complex (Tennessee), the Savannah River Site (South Carolina), the Rocky Flats Environmental Technology Site (Colorado), and the Nonproliferation


Palm Beach Gardens, FL - May 1, 2001 - Wackenhut Services Inc., a subsidiary of The Wackenhut Corporation, announced today that it has been awarded a five-year contract with a potential value of approximately $59.8 million to provide aircraft operations and maintenance services for U.S. Department of Energy aviation operations at Kirtland Air Force Base, near Albuquerque, New Mexico.

Under the terms of the contract, which has a three-year base period with two one-year options, Wackenhut Aviation, LLC is scheduled to begin aviation support operations on July 1, 2001.

Alan B. Bernstein, Chief Operating Officer of The Wackenhut Corporation, said, "Our company has a distinguished history of service to various branches of the federal government both in the United States and overseas, and we pledge our total corporate resources to insure the effective and efficient performance of our aircraft services for the Department of Energy."

Wackenhut Services, Inc. is a major service contractor to the U.S. Department of Energy (D.O.E.), with other contracts at the Nevada Test Site near Las Vegas; the Oak Ridge complex in Tennessee; the Transportation and Safeguards Division and the Nonproliferation and National Security Institute in Albuquerque; and the Rocky Flats Environmental Technology Site in Colorado. The company also performs aircraft contract services at Kennedy Space Center for N.A.S.A; and at the Savannah River Site for the D.O.E.

James L. Long, President of Wackenhut Services Inc., and Wackenhut Aviation, LLC, said, "We are very pleased to be awarded this contract and to undertake this additional mission for the Department of Energy, and will apply our proven aviation expertise at other government sites toward a total commitment to quality service."

In addition to government contract services, The Wackenhut Corporation provides security services to the commercial market, employee leasing and temporary staffing, education and training, and correctional services. It also contracts at overseas locations for the Department of State. Wackenhut Services, Inc. provides security services, facility management, aircraft operations and maintenance services, fire suppression and emergency medical services for federal, state and local government agencies, including major contracts with NASA, the FAA, Department of Defense, Department of the Army as well as the Department of Energy.


PALM BEACH GARDENS, FL - February 7, 2001 - The Wackenhut Corporation subsidiary, Wackenhut Services, Inc., was awarded a five-year contract by the Joint Special Operations Command, Department of Defense, for physical security at several training and supply facilities and the headquarters facility for the Joint Special Operations Command at Fort Bragg, NC.

The contract's five-year period begins on March 1st, and consists of one base year and four option years, with a potential value over the entire period of approximately $20 million. Wackenhut Services, Inc. was selected for the contract after a competitive bidding process and its responsibilities will include physical security and access control.

James L. Long III, President of Wackenhut Services Incorporated, said, "Our Company takes great pride in being selected for this key security assignment and will commit our total corporate resources to insure that we carry out our obligations to JSOC in the most professional manner possible."

Alan Bernstein, Chief Operating Officer and President of Global Security for The Wackenhut Corporation, added, "Our company has a 46-year history of providing security services to a wide range of government and commercial clients, including a number of highly sensitive government locations. We are pleased to add the JSOC facilities to our list of over thirty contracts with federal agencies for security-related services throughout the United States, and contracts with U.S. State Department in 17 additional countries for support of embassy security."

Wackenhut Services, Inc. is the largest supplier of security and security-related services to the U.S. federal government. It has Department of Energy contracts at The Savannah River Site in South Carolina; the Oak Ridge Complex in Tennessee; the Nonproliferation and National Security Institute in Albuquerque, New Mexico; the Nevada Test Site and the Rocky Flats (CO) Environmental Technology Center. It also provides fire, safety and security services at U.S. Army ammunition depots, commercial airports and government buildings.
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