Clinton Will Ultimately Support Both TPA and TPP

Clinton Will Ultimately Support Both TPA and TPP

Postby admin » Thu Dec 08, 2016 10:58 pm


To:,,,,, more
Date: 2015-03-25 18:58
Subject: TPA/TPP

All, I want to share our draft letter on trade. As you'll recall, the idea here is to use this to lay out her thinking on TPA & TPP ahead of action on the Hill and a joint letter by all the former Secretaries of State and Defense. This draft assumes that she's ultimately going to support both TPA and TPP. It focuses on what needs to happen to produce a positive result with TPP, and casts support for TPA as one of those steps. It also says that we should walk away if the final agreement doesn't meet the test of creating more jobs than it displaces, helping the middle class, and strengthening our national security. We've tried to speak directly to the most prominent concerns expressed by Labor and Hill Dems, including Warren. Of course, if we go ahead with a meeting with HRC to lay out the pros and cons and then come to a different conclusion, this letter would change dramatically.



DRAFT: Trade Letter – 03/25/15 @ 5pm

Trade Letter

Any new trade agreement must pass two tests: First, does it protect and create more good jobs at home than it displaces? And second, does it also strengthen our national security?

The U.S. is now entering the final phase of negotiations on the proposed Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) and ramping up talks on the Trans Atlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP). I’ll be watching closely to see if these pacts support middle class jobs, empower workers, and grow small businesses at home, while projecting American leadership and American values in strategically important regions of the world. If the final agreements fall short of that promise, we should be willing to walk away. The goal is greater prosperity for American families, not trade for trade’s sake.

There are a number of pivotal questions to be decided in the final stage of TPP negotiations: from protecting labor rights, the environment, public health, and access to life-saving medicines; to cracking down on currency manipulation and unfair competition by state-owned enterprises; to opening new opportunities for our family farms and innovative small businesses to export their products and services overseas.

Putting in place strong provisions on these matters will go a long way toward ensuring that a final agreement will benefit everyday Americans. And, as I wrote in my book, Hard Choices, it will also be essential that we keep companies from abusing these agreements by seeking to overturn legitimate government regulations or pursuing unfair advantages.

With so much at stake, U.S. negotiators need the strongest possible hand to drive the hardest possible bargain on behalf of the American middle class. That is why I support renewing Trade Promotion Authority (TPA) -- to direct our negotiators to fight for American jobs and workers, and to send a message to our partners and competitors alike that we mean what we say.

Renewed TPA authority should go hand-in-hand with strong steps on currency manipulation and other concerns. For too long, many countries have wrongly seen the United States as the world’s “consumer of last resort.” By deliberately keeping their currencies weak and exports cheap, some have tried to grow their own economies by exploiting American consumer demand -- costing us a heavy price in lost jobs, especially in manufacturing. The Obama administration has made steady progress in curbing currency abuses by isolating and pressuring bad actors on the global stage. But the President needs the ability to choose sterner action when necessary, whether through duties to counteract undervaluation or other steps that increase our leverage against currency manipulators.

TPA should also be accompanied by more transparency and inclusiveness in the negotiating process, including making sure that workers, advocates, and small businesses are well-represented at every stage. That’s the right thing to do, and it’s also the smart thing, because it will lead to a stronger final deal with broader support. Especially if TPP and other agreements are going to be privileged with a clean up-or-down vote in Congress, it’s crucial that the public has a chance to understand and debate the details.

More broadly, it’s time for openness to become a hallmark of our approach to trade. Just as we demand more open markets, we should also demand more open negotiations.

Finally, even the best possible agreements that boost exports, create jobs, and protect workers, will still come with real downsides. We have a responsibility to do more to provide assistance and retraining for Americans displaced by trade so they can land on their feet. We also need to make sure that companies that benefit the most from expanding markets abroad invest in their workers and communities rather than stash their profits in overseas tax havens.

Today, with increasing international competition and interdependence, we face a new global economy with new challenges. To create the next generation of middle class jobs and to secure American leadership for the future, it is vital that we are the ones to write the rules of the road for this new era. When America shapes the rules, we can take on unfair practices that have hurt American families, workers, and businesses. However, as the recent debate over China’s proposed Asian infrastructure investment bank has made clear, the world is not standing still. If we cede our leadership role and allow China and other state-dominated economies to write their own rules, then we will all end up worse off.

When it comes to trade, we haven’t always gotten the balance right. But we’ve learned a lot in recent years about what works for the American middle class and what doesn’t. Now is the time to apply those hard-earned lessons.
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Re: Clinton Will Ultimately Support Both TPA and TPP

Postby admin » Thu Dec 08, 2016 11:03 pm

24 times Hillary Clinton championed TPP as Secretary of State
by Washington Free Beacon
June 18, 2015
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