A Pizza-Related Handkerchief

A Pizza-Related Handkerchief

Postby admin » Tue Dec 27, 2016 11:25 pm


Did you leave a handkerchief

To: john.podesta@gmail.com
CC: eryn.sepp@gmail.com
Date: 2014-09-02 17:54
Subject: Did you leave a handkerchief

Hi John,

The realtor found a handkerchief (I think it has a map that seems pizza-related. Is it yorus? They can send it if you want. I know you're busy, so feel free not to respond if it's not yours or you don't want it.


From: Kathryn Tate [mailto:kathy@ktate.com]
Sent: Tuesday, September 02, 2014 10:04 AM
To: Sandler, Susan
Cc: Sandler, Herbert
Subject: You left something at the Field house

Susan & Herb
I just came from checking the Field house and I have a square cloth handkerchief (white w/ black) that was left on the kitchen island.
Happy to send it via the mail if you let me know where I should send it.

I also meant to inquire yesterday about the pillows you purchased. I can send them as well, if you let me know where they are in the house.

Safe travels to all

On Sep 1, 2014, at 4:18 PM, "Sandler, Susan" <ses@sandlerfoundation.org<mailto:ses@sandlerfoundation.org>> wrote:

Thanks, Kate. We all really enjoyed it and it was very informative for us, and were talking about how great we think you are.
From: Kathryn Tate [kathy@ktate.com<mailto:kathy@ktate.com>]
Sent: Monday, September 01, 2014 12:05 PM
To: Sandler, Herbert; Sandler, Susan
Subject: Links to Houses in Vineyard Haven & Chilmark
Susan & Herb

Here are links to the houses we drove by today located in Vineyard Haven.
1 House at the end of the road to Lake Tashmoo at Kuffie's Point
http://kendallmarthasvineyard.com/vacat ... .php?id=29

2. House along side Owen Park( the last one we drove to) Patty has never had anyone complain about noise from the town wharf or parking area.
However, the VH Band does play on Sunday evenings inside the bandstand at the top of the street. It's on 3 floors.
http://kendallmarthasvineyard.com/vacat ... .php?id=77

3. House across from the VH Yacht Club, which I feel the ceilings are too low for you and Steve, but Patty asked me to send along.
http://kendallmarthasvineyard.com/vacat ... .php?id=12

Here are links to the 3 houses in Chilmark

1. The first one owned by the Danish gentleman, Christian
http://kendallmarthasvineyard.com/vacat ... .php?id=71

2. Squibnocket Associates
http://kendallmarthasvineyard.com/vacat ... .php?id=95

3. Jaffe House on Stonewall Beach and Pond.
http://kendallmarthasvineyard.com/vacat ... .php?id=51

Thanks for all piling into the car. It definitely was more fun with everyone and think of all the gossip you would have missed if
we were in two cars.

Let us know if you have any other questions about any of the houses.

Safe travels to all

Kathryn Tate
Kendall & Kendall Real Estate
Vineyard Haven, MA 02568
508 - 693 - 2243
508-280-6243 mobile
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Re: A Pizza-Related Handkerchief

Postby admin » Tue Dec 27, 2016 11:26 pm


Comet on Podesta.

To: John.Podesta@gmail.com
Date: 2008-10-04 20:41
Subject: Comet on Podesta.

Great show! Great speech.

Raised over 40 grand. My only regret is I did not make you a nice
pizza. When can I?


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Re: A Pizza-Related Handkerchief

Postby admin » Tue Dec 27, 2016 11:28 pm


Re: Cheese

To: hms@sandlerfoundation.org
CC: podesta.mary@gmail.com
Date: 2015-12-24 21:42

Subject: Re: Cheese

Miss you Herb. Happy Holidays and see you in 2016.

On Thursday, December 24, 2015, Sandler, Herbert <hms@sandlerfoundation.org>

> Mary and John
> I think you should give notice when changing strategies which have been
> long in place. I immediately realized something was different by the shape
> of the box and I contemplated who would be sending me something in the
> square shaped box. Lo and behold, instead of pasta and wonderful sauces, it
> was a lovely, tempting assortment of cheeses, Yummy. I am awaiting the
> return of my children and grandchildren from their holiday travels so that
> we can demolish them.
> Thank you so much. I hope you and your gang are well.
> I miss you both
> Best wishes fro a merry Christmas and Happy New Year.
> Herb
> Ps. Do you think I’ll do better playing dominos on cheese than on pasta?
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Posts: 36489
Joined: Thu Aug 01, 2013 5:21 am

Re: A Pizza-Related Handkerchief

Postby admin » Tue Dec 27, 2016 11:31 pm



From: Philippe Reines
To: Thomas Nides
Date: 2012-10-10 08:06

UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2014-20439 Doc No. C05792589 Date: 11/30/2015


From: Reines, Philippe I <reinesp@state.gov>
Sent: Thursday, October 11, 2012 3:06 PM
To: Nides, Thomas R; H

Cc: Adler, Caroline E
Subject: Re: Monica Langley Transcript


Tom, she moved that yellow chair as close as it went. Knee to knee. Amazed she didn't try knee in between knee. And if
that wasn't enough, she leaned forward. More like a pivot, as far as her torso could fold forward to minimize the space

between their heads. Was like the dental hygienist rolling around the floor to get the best access to your mouth
depending on what tooth she was trying to get access to. I've never seen a Westerner invade her space like that. And
even the non-Westerners I've seen do it based on cultural differences have been only briefly to greet. This went on like

that for 51 minutes - unacceptable in any culture. I don't even think you see that behavior among any type of mammal.

The touching the leg and repeatedly calling her 'Hillary' was just gravy.

But it was wonderful. One of the best interviews I've ever witnessed. Wish it were on live tv.

From: Nides, Thomas R
Sent: Thursday, October 11, 2012 02:39 PM
To: Adler, Caroline E

Cc: Reines, Philippe I
Subject: RE: Monica Langley Transcript

I may go and throw up since I am laughing so hard

From: Adler, Caroline E

Sent: Thursday, October 11, 2012 1:00 PM
To: Nides, Thomas R
Cc: Reines, Philippe I
Subject: RE: Monica Langley Transcript

This will be exciting when it's FOIA'd ...but will give you a sense of the interaction:

HRC: Monica, have a seat
::HRC motions toward a chair situated an appropriate distance from her preferred spot on the couch::

Monica: !!!!SurellIll

::Monica proceeds to drag her chair within inches of the Secretary —leaning in even further::

Interview proceeds.. .and about midway:

Monica: Oh Hillary. .2016 '16 '16
Monica grabs HRC's knee::

HRC laughs awkwardly — glances at Philippe

Monica: ::leaning in further::
Oh Hillary...what do you eat? drink? dream about when you sleep?

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:: Monica again touches HRC's leg::

::Everybody laughs awkwardly — Philippe hardly able to contain himself::

Monica: They think I'm so funny (looking at Philippe and me.) HILL, can I ride on your lap to the White House?

this went for about 51 minutes. And I agree with Philippe- whatever she does, it works. It was a really great interview.

From: Reines, Philippe I
Sent: Thursday, October 11, 2012 12:38 PM
To: Nides, Thomas R

Cc: Adler, Caroline E
Subject: Re: Monica Langley Transcript

Tom, was an awesome interview. Hrc was great, but I was really impressed by how good of an interviewer Monica is.
One of the best I've ever seen. But she was her usual wacky self and pulled one move that I can't even describe so I'll let

Caroline do - since you'll appreciate it given your familiarity with Monica Langley, Hillary Clinton, and the Secretary's
chair arrangement in her outer office.

From: Adler, Caroline E
Sent: Thursday, October 11, 2012 12:25 PM
To: Nides, Thomas R
Cc: Reines, Philippe I
Monica Langley Transcript

Hi Tom—
Below is the transcript from yesterday's interview with Monica and the Secretary.



Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and Monica Langley of The Wall Street Journal

October 10, 2012

Department of State

QUESTION: Oh, so you've had a fun morning.

SECRETARY CLINTON: It's been a busy morning.

QUESTION: Yeah, yeah.


QUESTION: So what did you do besides Desmond Tutu? I saw that one — (laughter) — but I know there's been much more.

SECRETARY CLINTON: Well, we did a lot of internal meetings which are kind of in preparation for everything to come the last

three months. So talking about all of the issues. I had everybody do a

QUESTION: I'm moving closer.

SECRETARY CLINTON: Sure. (Laughter.) Had everybody do memos about what they wanted to get done and what they needed
from me to get done, so we've been kind of going through all of that, and --

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QUESTION: To get done before you actually leave (inaudible)?

SECRETARY CLINTON: Before I actually leave. And also to set up for some post-election memos for the President about not
only what we do here at State and

QUESTION: Are we recording this for sure? You know it's working? Okay.

PARTICIPANT: For sure, yes.

SECRETARY CLINTON: -- USAID, but also for how it interacts with the rest of government, DOD, USTR, Commerce, HHS, you
name it. So there's a lot of that work going on. Obviously, we're working hard to be responsive to the Congress in their requests on
our terrible tragedy in Benghazi, and give them information, and try to run an effective, accurate, investigation so we can get to the

bottom of what happened. And then I did have this long, funny meeting with Desmond Tutu and about 10 other people about the
International Day of the Girl, first ever.

QUESTION: I thought that was great.

Isn't that terrific?

QUESTION: As a mother of an only daughter

SECRETARY CLINTON: Me too, me too.

QUESTION: Like you, exactly.


QUESTION: And Barbara was one of my daughter and Langley Grace's (ph) teachers.

SECRETARY CLINTON: You're kidding.

QUESTION: Yeah, who is Chelsea's


QUESTION: -- best friend's mother.


QUESTION: Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.

SECRETARY CLINTON: -- is Chelsea's, yes, best friend.

Yeah, so I found out about that long ago.

SECRETARY CLINTON: Oh, she's a wonderful teacher.

QUESTION: Yes, she is. She's one of my daughter's favorite.

SECRETARY CLINTON: The whole family is fabulous. In fact, Nicole and Chelsea have remained such good friends, they live in

the same building in New York, and they're just great friends.

QUESTION: Oh gosh, isn't that great?


QUESTION: Okay. So let me tell you about this story. It started as a personality profile of you.


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QUESTION: Ordered at the highest level of The Wall Street Journal(laughter) — believe it or not. And I do page one profiles, but
this came down as like, "You are the star of the Obama Administration."

SECRETARY CLINTON: Oh, my goodness.

QUESTION: So I said, "Okay, fine." I had fun covering you in your campaigns.


QUESTION: And so I would love to do it even though I know very little about foreign policy and State — (laughter). I thought,
okay, this will be good for—this will be a good personality profile. Well, it morphed into — now it's become the action profile.


QUESTION: Because your life —

SECRETARY CLINTON: -- is just constant action.

QUESTION: Totally. I mean, you just about killed me over the last (inaudible) — (laughter). I've got nothing. I've got nothing
except gained five pounds. Anyway, I don't know how you do it. So — and then I thought, for a graphic for this story, all we need to
do is show the countries you visited, we can put that in one color on a map of the globe.


QUESTION: And then if we colored in every country you've talked to or person you've touched, you've been all over the — you've
talked to like almost every country.

SECRETARY CLINTON: I think that's probably right.

QUESTION: In the last five weeks.


QUESTION: I mean, it's been unbelievable.

SECRETARY CLINTON: Yeah, it's been pretty jam-packed.


SECRETARY CLINTON: Starting with August, coming all the way to mid-October.

QUESTION: Exactly. So I thought this story was going to be kind of your easy g-out. It's turned out to be m—ch

SECRETARY CLINTON: I don't think there is such a thing. I think in today's world, there is nothing easy or potentially gliding for

this job. There is just too much going on, and you know everything that's going on because we are hyper-connected. So there's no
doubt in my mind I will work to the last minute before I leave the building.

QUESTION: Has this, though — since I'm focused on this last 4-5 week period — has it been your most challenging part of your
tenure, or not?

SECRETARY CLINTON: It's been among the most challenging. There's no doubt about that. And it's been challenging on many

levels. Of course, the terrible events in Benghazi, but also in other parts of the Middle East and North Africa that didn't get as much
attention because, thankfully, no one was killed or injured. But we've had to keep a close watch on a lot of different places. We've
spent — I've spent time, as you know, in the Far East, in China and Vladivostok, and working on trying to manage what are always
complicated relationships, but made more so because of changes in leadership and challenges like who owns what rock where.

QUESTION: Yeah, yeah.

SECRETARY CLINTON: And working hard with the ASEAN nations to support their efforts for peaceful resolution of their
disputes. UNGA is always exhausting. It is a non-stop dawn-to-midnight marathon.

QUESTION: Can I back you up to —

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QUESTION: Because I've joined you in Jakarta and Beijing.


QUESTION: That's all I could handle of your trip. (Laughter.) So in Jakarta, I watched you talk to the embassy folks there and

noticed one person said to you, "I can't wait to vote for you in four years."


QUESTION: You said, "Bless your heart," or something like that. (Laughter.) Okay, so — but I want to try to get — I want to put —
string together these anecdotes.


QUESTION: So I want to get your perspective on some of the things I saw. Now, in Beijing, a similar thing came up. I heard, at the
dinner — that dinner 'til 1 a.m. So — did the Foreign Minister say to you — somebody told me he said to you, "You will be so young
when you are President." Do you remember his saying that?

SECRETARY CLINTON: Well, it wasn't the Foreign Minister.

QUESTION: Oh, who said it?

SECRETARY CLINTON: It was the State Counselor


SECRETARY CLINTON: -- Dai Bingguo, who has become a very good partner for me as I've worked with China. He was my
counterpart in the Strategic and Economic Dialogue, and he was kidding me because he's retiring.

QUESTION: Are you sure he was kidding you?

SECRETARY CLINTON: Well, I think so. That's my interpretation. He's retiring and he's probably at least ten years older than I
am. And he's saying to me, "Why are you retiring? You're so young!" I said, "Boy, I'd travel a thousand miles to anywhere to be
told I was so young." (Laughter.)


SECRETARY CLINTON: But it was more along the lines of, he will be leaving with the change in leadership in China, and I will
be voluntarily leaving, as I announced a year ago.

QUESTION: Yeah, yeah, yeah, more on that later.

Okay, so then, the next day, you have Xi cancel on you.


QUESTION: Now, he cancelled on others, too.


QUESTION: But you were told — were you told it was the back injury?

SECRETARY CLINTON: Yeah. But that — we were told the night before, and I took it at face value, really, because from our
perspective, I had a very good set of discussions with him both here in Washington and in my previous trip to Beijing. And as you
know, he was unable to keep his schedule for ten days.

QUESTION: Right, he'd not been seen in public, exactly.

SECRETARY CLINTON: Yeah, so I didn't really think anything other than what I was told.

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QUESTION: Did it frustrate you, though? 'Cause you were all the way over there, and --

SECRETARY CLINTON: No, because I had so many other meetings.

QUESTION: Okay. Okay, okay.

SECRETARY CLINTON: I mean, I didn't go specifically to see him. I went to continue our dialogue.

QUESTION: Did they get a little ticked off that we reported that it was a back injury, since they like to keep things so close to the

SECRETARY CLINTON: I don't — I don't know that.

QUESTION: Okay. And then at your press conference, I sat in the front row right in front of you because I was a pool reporter.

PARTICIPANT: Just like this. (Laughter.)

QUESTION: Yes, you know me. I like to be very touchy-feely. If I could've touched you, I would.

Anyway, so I sat there, and you as a politician came through to me loud and clear. You took control of that press conference, okay. I
mean, you said your little pleasantries, he said his pleasantries, and then you took charge. And it wasn't just about the South China
Seas. You hit all the things, Syria, Iran, not — and all the others. North Korea.

So then he was on his heels. And he's like — he was wanting to get in. So tell me: What was your thinking? Was it purposeful? Was

that your strategy going in? I'd like to — I want to describe that, because to me, you clearly had the political savvy over your

SECRETARY CLINTON: Well, we have very different systems. He's an incredibly accomplished diplomat, and as you rightly
point out, we both made our points. And I --

QUESTION: He did make his points, but only after he was on his heels.

SECRETARY CLINTON: Well, that's your interpretation.

QUESTION: Yeah, yeah, yeah.

SECRETARY CLINTON: I had a very clear understanding of what I needed to say because there were all these issues that we were

talking about. And they are complicated, challenging issues. So I wanted to be sure that I put it out there, and I didn't want to say
anything other than what my assessment was at the time. Some people say, "Well, you're in a foreign country, you shouldn't do this,"
or whatever.

QUESTION: Yeah, exactly.

SECRETARY CLINTON: Now, I mean, I think we're living in a world where everybody knows what you say everywhere.

QUESTION: Yeah, yeah, yeah.

SECRETARY CLINTON: And I believe you have to say the same thing, you have to be consistent, repetitive, make the case
knowing full well that there's a resistance on the part of China and Russia to be more constructive in the Security Council. But insofar
as I could break through in their mass media as well as the international mass media, I was going to make that effort.

QUESTION: Which goes to this point which I was going to get to a little bit later about — one way you've tried to change, I think,
the Secretary of State — you've changed the terms of what it means, is this public diplomacy. You are knowing you're reaching a
different audience. You're not just playing right there at that press conference.

SECRETARY CLINTON: Right. A hundred percent right, Monica. I mean, I believe I am the chief public diplomat of the State
Department, and as well as the chief diplomat. But there's the public role to it, which is increasingly important, because you can't just

go somewhere, have your meeting behind closed doors, do a controlled readout, and go on to the next capital. Because in every
society now, you have to recognize there is a public audience as well as an official audience.

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So I am conscious of that from the very first trip I made in early February 2009. I've been trying to talk about America's values and

our interests and our security everywhere I can.

QUESTION: Is that in part — did you have a vision that you also have to remake America's brand?

SECRETARY CLINTON: I think we — I think our brand was battered for a lot of reasons. We came into office in the midst of the
economic crisis, which was very dangerous, and I thought that — and still do — that confidence is a commodity, and we had to show
confidence. We had to be making smart decisions. We had to reassure leaders and markets and people, and that was part of my job

on that first trip that I made and every trip since.

I was in Hong Kong when the debate over the debt was going on, and I had all of these very wealthy, distinguished, high-ranking
people from Hong Kong lining up to say, "What's going to happen in America? What are they doing over there?" And I said, "Oh,
don't worry about it. We will get to a decision." Because I had to be, at that moment, displaying the kind of confidence that our

country has, and our ability to make decisions, even hard decisions, in order to keep leading the world economically and politically,
and I believe that.

QUESTION: Okay. Let me then jump — you came — well, of course, there's the campaign. On September 6 th, you watch your
husband at the convention.


QUESTION: Okay. What did you feel at that moment?

SECRETARY CLINTON: Oh, I was thrilled. It was so odd for me not to be there. I've been at every convention for decades, and
there I was in East —

QUESTION: Did you miss it?


QUESTION: Yeah. Yeah.

SECRETARY CLINTON: I missed a lot of what goes with conventions — seeing people from all over the country, having that sense
of purpose that a convention is supposed to give you to go out in the election and work your heart out for your candidate. But on the
other hand, I also believed and knew that what I was doing was very important for my country. So I certainly didn't miss —

QUESTION: And did you hear you were a big topic of conversation there about whether Hillary —



SECRETARY CLINTON: That seems to be a topic of conversation for a lot of people, which is —

QUESTION: Everywhere, okay.

SECRETARY CLINTON: -- which is fine.


SECRETARY CLINTON: But it was thanks to the hard work of Philippe and others that we were able to see in nearly real time. I
mean, we had to wait till it was recorded, because I had a schedule that I had to keep, but then we were able to watch the whole

speech. It was great.

QUESTION: Yeah. Okay. Now, you came back home September 1 l th. So let's talk about how you faced that day, just a couple key
moments, because I don't want to relive the whole thing.


QUESTION: But what were the key moments to you? Was it when you first were told the Ambassador's missing? Was it when you
found out he was actually — they had found him?

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SECRETARY CLINTON: No. It predated that, because I take September 11th very seriously. I was a senator from New York on
September 11

QUESTION: Right. And I lived in New York on September 1 lth at the time.

SECRETARY CLINTON: And it was a searing, painful experience in every way, and so every September Ilth I'm on hyper alert
for what's going on around the world. And we always have discussions in our security — among our security experts — okay,
September Ilth is coming up. Because we pick up intelligence, we pick up chatter that people might want to do something somewhere

in the world. So everybody is watching. That's — but we had a very strong set of standards that we've tried to follow around the

And then simultaneously, we had this video coming out, which we were getting lots of feedback from our posts that this was a
problem, that people were reacting to it. So there was a lot swirling around. And clearly, when we started hearing about what was
happening in Cairo, what was happening in Tunisia, what was happening in Benghazi and other places — because there were

demonstrations going on in many places, and they were being, to some extent, hijacked by extremists with other agendas.

But then when we were alerted to what was going on in Benghazi, we were all just totally focused on trying to find out what we could
under quite difficult circumstances, and we're still trying to get to the bottom of what happened when. But that day, it was all
consuming. We were all just as active as we could given the distance, trying to manage everything that was happening, and be
responsive in real time. And of course, it was primarily the duty of the security experts who have those responsibilities, but I was here

and others were here trying to sort through all the information as it was coming in.

QUESTION: Do you — today the front page of thest says this is now going to mar your — what had been your great record at
State. I mean, are you ultimately, Hillary, going to have to take responsibility for this?

Oh, I take responsibility. That's not even — that's not a question. I take responsibility. I'm the
Secretary of State. I have 60,000-plus employees around the world, and this is like a big family. I mean, these Foreign Service and
Civil Service officers, many of whom have worked with each other, they know each other, I have — I'm working with people today
that I first met when I was First Lady, and they were a young diplomat somewhere that I showed up. I sent Chris Stevens to Benghazi
in the height of the Libyan conflict.

QUESTION: Yeah, yeah.

SECRETARY CLINTON: And he was eager to go, and he was very effective, and then I recommended him to be our ambassador,
and I had the highest regard for him.

QUESTION: Gosh, that must make it that much

SECRETARY CLINTON: Oh, it's painful, Monica. It's absolutely painful, because it's not just a faceless person.

QUESTION: Yeah, exactly.

SECRETARY CLINTON: It's people who, if! didn't know them personally, somebody close to me in this building knew them, had
worked with them, was at the same post five or ten years ago. So there's an extraordinary sense of loss and responsibility. Every one
of us who had any responsibility, from the security experts on up, we all feel like we have to figure out what happened, because we

clearly want to make sure it doesn't happen again. But there is an inherent risk in this job.

When I okayed sending Robert Ford to Hama at the beginning of the Syrian conflict, that was a risk. We said, "Robert, do you want
to go there? It's dangerous. We can't guarantee your safety, because we have to rely on host nations."

QUESTION: Yeah, yeah.

SECRETARY CLINTON: But you think it's the right thing to do. It clearly sends a message about where the United States' values

Or when I was in Egypt, and we were protested against in Cairo, and then the security people came to me and said, "You're supposed
to go to Alexandria. It's a much less fortified position than we have in Cairo. Maybe you shouldn't go." I said, "No." I said, "I'm
going to go." I went. But, I mean, we had people throwing shoes and tomatoes.

This is an inherently risky world. It is a dangerous world. And we will do our very best, as our military and intelligence colleagues
do, to try to think through how to provide as much security as possible, but you can't keep people behind 20-foot walls and expect

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them to do their jobs. And whether it's the Marine barracks in Beirut being blown up or a CIA outpost in Afghanistan, Americans
need to realize that it's not only our soldiers; it's our civilians serving our country who are also putting their lives on the line to —

QUESTION: Well, that's been the wakeup call of this incident.

SECRETARY CLINTON: -- to do the job that we ask them to do.

QUESTION: So one thing that a lot of people have said in this is another — somebody from the White House told me they thought
watching you and Obama at the Andrews Air Force Base, there was a new bond between you two, that everybody knows you all
aren't buddy-buddy, but you all clearly respect each other and work together. Do you feel that you had a new bond? I mean, I saw
that you touched his hand — on watching the — watching it, you touched his hand after he spoke, and then when you all walked back to
the families that he put his arm around your waist. Do you feel this gave some — did you feel that at that moment? Somebody at the

White House saw it, and then somebody at the State Department also thought so.

SECRETARY CLINTON: Well, I feel like there have been a number of moments — maybe not public moments —that have been
very, very precious to me in my relationship with the President. I was in that very small group that made the decision about bin Ladin
and was there in that Sit Room, and --

QUESTION: Right, which we've all seen that picture.

SECRETARY CLINTON: Yes, going up and down the emotional rollercoaster. And walked with him across the Colonnade in the
White House for him to address the nation. I mean, there are a lot of moments, but that was a particularly poignant time for both of us
because we live every day — he as President, I as Secretary — with the knowledge that decisions we make, sending a Chris Stevens to
Libya, are ones that have risk and danger attached to them. And so I --

QUESTION: When he came here that --


QUESTION: -- next day, did you call him and say, "I'd love you to come over?"


QUESTION: Do you call him, like, on the secure phone?


QUESTION: Where's the secure phone?



SECRETARY CLINTON: Yeah, yeah, we have a secure phone. Yeah.

QUESTION: I know. Did you call him on the secure phone?


QUESTION: Or do you only do that if there's, like, a real emergency?

SECRETARY CLINTON: Yeah. We communicate in lots of different ways. But I thought it was important if he could, but it was
— I knew that he has a lot of other demands on his time, and I was going over to the Rose Garden and then I said, "Mr. President, can —
do you have time to come by and see our people if we can get them gathered?" And he didn't hesitate, absolutely. And it was --

QUESTION: Do you say Mr. President or do you say Barack?

SECRETARY CLINTON: I do. I say Mr. President. I believe strongly in saying Mr. President.


SECRETARY CLINTON: I think it's a sign of respect for the person and for the office.

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SECRETARY CLINTON: I mean, I called him Barack when I was a senator with him, but --

QUESTION: Yeah, yeah.

SECRETARY CLINTON: -- now he's the President and I respect that.

QUESTION: Okay. Now let's start going toward UNGA. The — on September 15t h, I think the Saturday before Netanyahu was
going to be on Meet The Press, you had a private call with him.


QUESTION: Okay. And that — the Mideast thing and Iran, it's kind of been in tumult. So the relationship — do you feel that you
need to work your — work on that with your past relationship with him? I mean, this is — as two politicians to one another, what's —
show me how this works.

SECRETARY CLINTON: Well, look. I've known Bibi a long time, and I consider him a friend. He is somebody who I've spent a
lot of time talking to in New York, in Washington, in Jerusalem. We have had long in-person conversations, long telephone

conversations. And I respect the fact that he is trying to protect Israel, that — I often tell people, put yourself into the position of the
Prime Minister of Israel at a time of great tumult and uncertainty. And so I guess I would say, on a pretty regular basis, we — I check
in with him.

QUESTION: Does that help, though, given that, kind of, people view his relationship with the President as rocky, that you all --


QUESTION: -- are in kind of— have your own relationship?

SECRETARY CLINTON: Well, here's — I think he's been around so long he has good relationships with a lot of people, and I think
he has a relationship of mutual respect with the President. And his concerns about what's going to happen are totally
legitimate. They're concerns that the President shares, which is why the President has said our policy is prevention, not

containment. And he's been very, very clear about that.

QUESTION: Okay. Now then you go to New York for UNGA. But I talked to Betsy, your friend from Park Ridge.


QUESTION: Okay. So she brought this up on her own about your hair.


QUESTION: She said --

STAFF: I'm amazed you got — what --

QUESTION: (Laughter.) The pizza party --


QUESTION: At the pizza party --


QUESTION: -- she said to you she likes your hair long, and she said it suits where you are in your life right now. Do you remember
her saying this to you?

SECRETARY CLINTON: Honestly, I don't, but --

QUESTION: Okay. I don't even bring this up.

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SECRETARY CLINTON: No, I don't. I mean --

QUESTION: You hear about this all the --

STAFF: I can't believe you're using poor Betsy as a device.

QUESTION: I know. This is great.

SECRETARY CLINTON: I would be happy to talk to you sometime about all of— all that, all that stuff.

QUESTION: Yeah, yeah, but not that. But she said that. Okay. All right.


QUESTION: So anyway, so you have the pizza party, then — and your husband and your daughter are there.


QUESTION: At least that was a nice break.


QUESTION: Okay. Then you go into full-scale work.


QUESTION: Okay. But you first appeared at the Clinton Global Initiative, which was a key --

SECRETARY CLINTON: Well, no. I started working on Sunday.

QUESTION: Oh, okay, okay.

SECRETARY CLINTON: I was at the Clinton Global Initiative Monday morning, but I started having what we call bilats on

QUESTION: Okay. Yeah. And I wrote down you did — it looks like you had 29 bilats, you had 54 meetings or events that
week. And I don't know if you noticed, but I was running in as a little pool reporter just to see any glimpse of you.


QUESTION: And I would try to hang to hear what they were saying. The Yemen President said you work nonstop, you're shuttling

around the world, you're on TV every day.

SECRETARY CLINTON: (Laughter.) Yeah.

QUESTION: I mean, your public image is really fascinating --

SECRETARY CLINTON: For people all over the world.

QUESTION: -- to all these foreign leaders.


QUESTION: I mean, they really, like, admire that.


QUESTION: Don't you think — what does that tell you?

SECRETARY CLINTON: Well, look. I think in today's world, America has to show up. We have to show up in a lot of places to
make the casefor what we believe are the right choices for us and for partners and the world. So I'm constantly being told by leaders,
presidents, prime ministers, foreign ministers, "I'm exhausted watching you."

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QUESTION: Exactly. I once heard — they'll say that.

SECRETARY CLINTON: They're the very same people who get quunhappy if I don't show up.

QUESTION: Exactly.

SECRETARY CLINTON: Like, "Oh, can you come to this?" "Gee, I'm so sorry I can't." "Okay, I'll change the date. When can
you come?" So — and I know that it might not have been quite as important in times past, but now, because you're covered on
broadcast television, you're covered on the internet, people know you're there and you're making a case. And you're respecting
another country and another country's leaders enough to be in their palace, in their office, in their parliament.

And I have found that it eases the way for building interpersonal relations, which at the end of the day are at the root of much of what
we do in foreign relations. Doesn't mean that people are going to give up their self-interest or change their human nature. That's not
going to happen. But that there may be an opening that you can take advantage of to make a case that might otherwise not have been
heard if you were just barking orders at them from a thousand miles away.

QUESTION: Yeah. I know. You know what? I'm all about relationships, not transactions, and I see that in you--


QUESTION: -- in how you do your job.

SECRETARY CLINTON: It really matters. It matters. It's always mattered.

QUESTION: Yeah, yeah, yeah.

SECRETARY CLINTON: But it especially matters in the world today.

QUESTION: I see that loud and clear. Okay. And then in the week of October, I noticed on your schedule — well, is there anything
about the UN, was there any key — you also met with people that are higher than you --


QUESTION: -- because Obama left all that to you. Was there any key meeting that I should focus on?

SECRETARY CLINTON: Well, I mean, gosh, there were so many. I mean --

QUESTION: I mean, the bulk of it was unbelievable, but was there one moment that was the one I should pick out --


QUESTION: -- that was particularly sensitive or --

SECRETARY CLINTON: Let me think about that, Monica.


SECRETARY CLINTON: Because, I mean, we had very intense conversations with the presidents of Afghanistan and Pakistan and
Egypt and --


SECRETARY CLINTON: -- Yemen and Libya and — (laughter)—

QUESTION: Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Okay.

SECRETARY CLINTON: I mean, it was a --

QUESTION: Well, maybe you could tell Philippe --


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QUESTION: -- what would be the best one to single out from that time period.

SECRETARY CLINTON: Okay. We'll go through — yeah.

QUESTION: I mean, the bulk of it — and then --

STAFF: We'll rank all 24.

QUESTION: (Laughter.) And then on October 1", that week, you led the U.S.-Afghanistan Bilateral Commission.


QUESTION: Is that important?

SECRETARY CLINTON: It's very important.


SECRETARY CLINTON: It's part of— we negotiated something called a Strategic Partnership Agreement with Afghanistan as a
way of both committing ourselves to an enduring partnership with the Afghans, having an agenda that we would both follow so that
there wouldn't be second-guessing and finger-pointing. We would say, "Look, here's what we want to work on together, and here's

how we have to proceed." And this was the first of those meetings. And I found it to be much desired on the Afghan side, and on
ours as well because we wanted to clarify what we were going to be focusing on together.

QUESTION: Even after the — what's been happening with the suicide --


QUESTION: -- acts and all that? Okay.

SECRETARY CLINTON: Right, right, right.

QUESTION: Okay. Okay. Now, what do you want to be your legacy?

SECRETARY CLINTON: Oh, gosh. I have not stopped to think about that.


SECRETARY CLINTON: Again, I will stop to think about it maybe in three months.


SECRETARY CLINTON: I'm so in the moment. People say to me, "What are you going to do next? Looking back, what's your

QUESTION: Yeah, that's coming to — yeah, yeah, yeah.

SECRETARY CLINTON: Honestly, I can't answer those questions because I just haven't allowed myself to stop and think them
through. And I don't want to divert my mind from what's going on right now. There's too much going on right now that I have to be
focused on, so I'll let the rest work itself out.

QUESTION: Do you think, given the way the world is right now and how tough this last few weeks has been, have you even given a
thought to maybe staying as Secretary of State?

SECRETARY CLINTON: Well, a lot of people have talked to me about that, but I --

QUESTION: But has the President?

SECRETARY CLINTON: Well, I'm not going to go into any conversations with anybody, but I would be unlikely to do that. I
really made up my mind — now, at least a year or so ago — and I want to follow through on that. Because I think it's important for me

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to jusstep off the incredibly high wire that I've been on for the last four years — actually for the last 20 years —just to take stock of the
rest of my life which is before me.

QUESTION: Yeah. And do you — I know you haven't given a lot of thought, but is there something that you just can't wait to do?

SECRETARY CLINTON: Oh, yeah, sleep. Sleep would bgood.

QUESTION: How do you balance all this? I mean, you do go nonstop.


QUESTION: I mean, I've gained five pounds just travelling with you. (Laughter.) No joke. On that travel, it was an excuse to eat
shit. (Laughter.)

SECRETARY CLINTON: Yeah, there's a lot of it around. (Laughter.)

QUESTION: Yeah. I mean, you just grab food. They're like, oh, well I need this to get through the day. And I wasn't even

performing like you are; I just sit here and do nothing. So I blame you for this. So how do you do it?

SECRETARY CLINTON: I take responsibility for that too. (Laughter.)

QUESTION: Yeah, yeah, exactly. (Laughter.) How do you, like, balance --


QUESTION: -- this physically and also to be, like, a strong leader but also then have the compassion and the person? I mean, how
do you pull it off?

SECRETARY CLINTON: Yeah. Well, I mean, first, it's just who I am. And I don't think about it being anything other than going

about my business. But look, I do try to exercise, I do try to.eat right. I fall off the wagon on both. I do try to get enough sleep.


SECRETARY CLINTON: Not easy to do. Try to catch up it with whenever I can. But the work is so consuming, intellectually
demanding, with such high stakes — literally life and death at stake —


SECRETARY CLINTON: -- that I am constantly thinking and planning and reacting, trying to manage this extraordinary panoply
of issues around the world that I think are going to affect my country, my daughter, the future that I would like to see, and so it gets
me up every day and keeps me going till late at night.

QUESTION: And do you — your colleagues here tell me — you've got a great team, by the way — I have so much fun with them --


QUESTION: -- and they're all very talented.


QUESTION: But do you — they all tell me how you're always searching for the next best organizer.


QUESTION: Saying you're always looking for the next best binder or — so what is this about you that you --

SECRETARY CLINTON: (Laughter.) It's almost a game that I play with myself. When you have as much coming at you as I do
every day, it's kind of a constant joke we have. Okay, our cards or paper or our boxes or some other form of storage — I mean, it's just
a way of kind of keeping it light, because there's so much serious that we have to do all the time.

QUESTION: And do you — is it true that the President gave you, like, an inscribed iPad cover or something?

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SECRETARY CLINTON: Well, he gave me a great iPad cover that has my initials on it, which was really very welcome because
it's hard, so when you travel as much, it doesn't get knocked around.

QUESTION: Was it for a particular occasion? Or did you see one that he had or what?

SECRETARY CLINTON: We were just talking one day. We do that. I mean, I gave

QUESTION: I know you're going to see him after me.

SECRETARY CLINTON: Very—yeah, veryshortly, yeah.

QUESTION: I'll be happy to go with you. (Laughter.)

SECRETARY CLINTON: Oh, I know. I gave him an espresso machine one time. We were talking about good espresso and how
hard it was to find. And I really enjoy my time with him, and I also know probably better than anybody because of what —the

positions that I've had, and the respect I have for how hard —how impossible the job has always been, but certainly is today. It's not
all bad news. I mean, there's a lot of bad news I have to deliver, a lot of difficult issues I have to raise, a lot of hard questions he has
to grapple with. So it's nice every so often to —like when Bo the dog came in to see Aung San Suu Kyi, when I went to see --

QUESTION: Oh, well, I wanted to ask about that --

SECRETARY CLINTON: Oh, when I went to see her in Burma, I brought her gifts, which you do when you travel through
protocol. But I brought a gift for her dog —she adores her dog —and the dog was such good company when she was under house
arrest. And so when she went to the White House to see the President, she really wanted to meet Bo the dog who she had heard about,
and the President was so great.

QUESTION: Oh, that's cool.

SECRETARY CLINTON: He had Bo outside the Oval Office and when the meeting ended he said, "Oh, wait, one more person I
want you to meet," right? And in came Bo the dog. She was so thrilled. I mean, we try to make it not just a grind because it could be
with everything going on in the world, literally just debilitating —trying to figure out the right thing to do. how best to protect
America, how to get our values across, how to deal with intractable situations like the ones we face in so many places. So every so
often, we kind of lighten it up.

QUESTION: Which I forgot to mention in my little timetable of the action profile about you —you did see her when she was here
and you said you know something about being kind of an icon and becoming a politician, what that entails.

SECRETARY CLINTON: Yes, yes, yes, yes.

QUESTION: And you had her to your home for a dinner.


QUESTION: And can you tell me a little about that and what that meant to you?


QUESTION: Had she been to your home before?



SECRETARY CLINTON: She hadn't been in the United States in, I think, 40 years.

QUESTION: Oh, wow.

SECRETARY CLINTON: We can check that, but I think it's like 40 years. She had me in her home, and it was such an emotional
experience, and obviously I wanted to reciprocate. And so I had her in my home and we had a very small dinner. And before the

dinner, I spent about an hour with her just talking like two old friends, because I had felt when I met her for the first time that we'd
been friends forever. And I just so highly admire her, but I also have such affection for her.

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QUESTION: Now you did talk about what it's like to be a politician and things like that --

SECRETARY CLINTON: Right, right, right

QUESTION: -- and get into the nitty-gritty. Now your approval rating right now is close to 70 percent. So a lot of people are asking
the obvious question: What about 2016? And people — do you think now people --

STAFF: I thought the obvious question was: Who are the other 30? (Laughter.)

QUESTION: Well, yeah. What happened with the other 30? How are they not approving? (Laughter.) So do you — I mean, do you
think that — why do you think people see you now differently than when you were running for office, or --

SECRETARY CLINTON: I can't even speculate on that, Monica, because I feel like I've always been the same, other than perhaps

my hairstyles, which have changed over the last 65 years.

QUESTION: (Laughter.) Haven't we all, though? Yeah, even men's.


QUESTION: It's not just women.

SECRETARY CLINTON: But I feel like I've been the same person but in different roles over time. And I appreciate the fact that
people are favorably inclined and supporting what I'm trying to do as Secretary, but I can't really venture a theory as to why or why
not. I just have to get up every day and do the best I can.

QUESTION: Do you think there's a difference, Hillary, in seeing you running and campaigning versus governing? Or --

SECRETARY CLINTON: Could be. Could be.

QUESTION: But you — do you have a — do you give it any thought?

SECRETARY CLINTON: I really don't. I really don't.

QUESTION: Okay. Well, you're too busy to even think about it. So there we have — a lot of people think you've got to run in 2016
and that service is so important to you that, ultimately, if it's there, they can't imagine you would say no. Now of course, it's not as
easy as everybody thinks it's going to be. (Laughter.) They think it's going to be there for the taking for you.

SECRETARY CLINTON: Right, right. Well, but I have always believed in service, but I did not for — what, 53 years of my life —

ever believe I would run for office. I respected people who did like my husband and supported a lot of candidates over the course of
my adulthood and —actually even before —I was a Goldwater girl when I was —I don't know —whatever grade I was.

So I don't know why it would be surprising that I said, look, I intend to do service, but I intend to do service in a different capacity —
going back to the advocacy community, working on women and girls, working in the Clinton Foundation, Clinton Global Initiative --

QUESTION: So you wouldn't start your own foundation since you've got that big apparatus there that's so successful.

SECRETARY CLINTON: Well, yeah. I mean, I think — I mean, and it seems to me that there's just a great opportunity to expand
what we're doing, to deepen it in areas that I'm interested in. But again, I haven't made any decisions. I just know that I will always
want to be of service. I believe in service. And one of my mentors, Marian Wright Edelman, and — used to quote all the time that
service is the rent we pay for living on this earth, and I think that's exactly right.

QUESTION: But you're not ruling it out?

SECRETARY CLINTON: I have ruled it out. I have ruled it out. (Laughter.)

QUESTION: Oh, my God. I don't want you to say that. I think it would be more fun if you said — (laughter) — I've not ruled it
out. (Laughter.)


QUESTION: Seriously. Okay. So is there anything else that — in this action profile about you that you think I've got to include that
I'm missing.

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SECRETARY CLINTON: Oh, my gosh. I don't know.

QUESTION: Of course, I wanted to talk to the President and Chelsea, but Philippe said no.

STAFF: I did.

QUESTION: And he did. (Laughter.)

SECRETARY CLINTON: Yeah. He's a hard taskmaster.

QUESTION: Isn't he?

SECRETARY CLINTON: I don't know. I'll think about it. I mean, I — that period was so —

QUESTION: It was so jam-packed.

SECRETARY CLINTON: -- jam-packed.

STAFF: (Inaudible) you have to be more specific. What did you actually want?

QUESTION: What do you mean?

STAFF: Tell her what you actually asked for.

QUESTION: Oh. Oh, I wanted — you mean, like, just hang out? Like, go on a —

STAFF: No. You wanted —

QUESTION: Oh, I wanted to have dinner in New York with you and the President and Chelsea.


QUESTION: That's what I asked for. Or breakfast.

SECRETARY CLINTON: I want to do that. (Laughter.)

QUESTION: Or coffee. (Laughter.) That's what I asked for. And then I said I just want to hang out with Hillary and just know

what it's like to be Hillary. I asked for all kinds of things, and he thought I was like a nutcase.

STAFF: She wanted to take a walk with you.

QUESTION: Oh, yeah. I said I could go for a walk. Oh, God. I did once. When I did the profile of Michele Bachmann, I went for
a walk with her. Oh, my God, she like freaking wanted to kill me. Do you know what I mean? She does this fast walk. And so I was

carrying my little recorder, and then all I could hear when I played it back was like me like that. (Laughter.) You know what I
mean? She was, like, going to run me into the damn ground.

SECRETARY CLINTON: Oh, my gosh. You did a profile on her?

QUESTION: Back when she — the two week period she was surging in Iowa at the start of the Republican's — and then she was gone
as all the Republicans popped up and then were gone.


QUESTION: Do you know what I mean? But anyway — (laughter) — all right, now, let's see. And then the other thing I was going
to get into was just the — how you have to be a leader and the muscular part of you versus the compassionate, the pragmatic part of

you, but the lofty goals part of you.


QUESTION: So is there anything in this last few five weeks that you think kind of puts you there?

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SECRETARY CLINTON: Well, yeah. I mean, I think — look, I mean, what happened in Benghazi, but also elsewhere in the
Middle East. I mean, I had to get on the phone and really strongly demand that governments do more to take care of our people. I had
to be present for the State Department family when we lost four colleagues and do it in a way that was respectful but demonstrating
the emotion that we all felt. So —

QUESTION: Would that be like that video hookup you did wit— — in

SECRETARY CLINTON: In Libya? In Tripoli? Probably, yeah.

QUESTION: Would that be one? Or here?

SECRETARY CLINTON: Well, yeah. I mean, we did so much. We reached out to so many people. I personally did.

QUESTION: And then you of course talked to his sister on the phone and stuff like that.

SECRETARY CLINTON: Yeah. So Chris's sister and then went over to — we went out to Andrews early and met all the family

QUESTION: And before you got — somebody told me before you got out of the car on your way to Andrews, you were on the phone
to — which country were you on the phone and said,

"Get your people there"? Oh, Tunisia, because there were attacks still continuing there and saying, "Get your people out there. No
excuses." Was it something like that?


QUESTION: Was it something like that? Would that be accurate?

SECRETARY CLINTON: There were a lot of calls like that. We had a lot of threats.

QUESTION: So you had to be kind of a hard-ass.

SECRETARY CLINTON: We had a lot of threats everywhere. So — and remember, in a lot of these places, the security systems
just disappeared after the dictators disappeared. And so there's a difference between some countries where they did not have the
capacity, but they had the will and countries that don't have either the will or the capacity and countries that have the capacity but
without the will. So you have to zero in on what the right message is to each of those.

QUESTION: Well, what can you do if they have the capacity but not the will?

SECRETARY CLINTON: You just have to up the pressure as much as you can.

QUESTION: And how do you do that?

SECRETARY CLINTON: You get everybody you can on the phone, you get everybody calling everybody who needs to be on the

phone, and you basically both appeal to them doing the right thing and threaten them if they don't.

QUESTION: Which country would that have been?

SECRETARY CLINTON: No. No further than that. (Laughter.)

QUESTION: Okay. All right. Okay. And t—en

STAFF: That piece of paper was—the

QUESTION: That said she has to go? Because I could keep going to get more detail, more detail, more detail. (Laughter.)

STAFF: It's polite. We just set it up that she comes in and gets a blank piece of paper wi—h this — (laughter)

QUESTION: No, no. I saw it does have something written on it.

SECRETARY CLINTON: Yeah. I have to leave for the White—House

QUESTION: I couldn't read it.

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SECRETARY CLINTON: -- in about five minutes.

QUESTION: Oh, okay. (Laughter.) I did look. There was something on it, but I couldn't read it, unfortunately, through it.


QUESTION: Anyway, okay. And then on your legacy, since you didn't really get into that, the one thing is public diplomacy to me
seems to be one part of it — your townterviews and then the secretary of cool thing where you came that — it's all kind of this public



QUESTION: The brand of Secretary of State in America. The economic statecraft seemed to me to be part of your —

SECRETARY CLINTON: Right. That's a big part of it.

QUESTION: Okay. And in that —

SECRETARY CLINTON: Internet freedom. I mean, we have a long list we could give you, which I'm sure you could —

QUESTION: And the Asia focus, like going to Beijing, it was one of your last trips, and it was your first trip.

SECRETARY CLINTON: My first trip, absolutely.

QUESTION: And then on the Arab Spring, that was something that you all were involved in and out of. Do you feel a little bit's
come back to bite you?



SECRETARY CLINTON: No. Because I do think that it's — it would be a contortion of who we are not to support people seeking
democracy and freedom and free markets.

QUESTION: Well, everybody said, actually, the day after September 11th that you had the star tone and did better than Obama. I

mean, all the critics thought you — everybody that we talked to thought that, that you had struck the right tone.

SECRETARY CLINTON: Well, look, I believe strongly that democracy is hard. It is a never-completed journey. I mean, we are
still working hard to make sure we live up to our own ideals and values, and I want to contextualize what's going on in the world. I
mean, these countries have gone from oppression of decades without any democratic history into a burst of revolutionary energy to try
to do something they've never done before.

And so it is hard. It's something that is going to take time, and I think the United States remains a beacon of hope and opportunity, an
example of freedom and dignity and human rights, but that doesn't mean we can control everything that happens in every country,
particularly within a revolutionary transition. But I would never have imagined that after something as horrific as the murder of our
four colleagues and the injury of others that you would have a protest — a pro-American protest in Libya demanding that those who
killed Chris Stevens and his colleagues were not the future that Libya wanted. I think that's a remarkable turn of events.

And so we just have to be resolved that we're going to do the best we can to stand for our values, protect ourselves in a dangerous,
fast-changing world, and manage as best we can this enormous flood of change that is sweeping across the globe. But with that, I'm
going to have to —

QUESTION: Okay. I understand.

SECRETARY CLINTON: -- head to the White House.


SECRETARY CLINTON: All right, my dear.

QUESTION: Okay. Thank you very much.

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SECRETARY CLINTON: All right. Thank you very much.

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Re: A Pizza-Related Handkerchief

Postby admin » Tue Dec 27, 2016 11:33 pm


RE: Ice cream for FREE (time) today!

To: lbm7@law.georgetown.edu, Announcements@law.georgetown.edu
Date: 2015-06-12 14:00
Subject: RE: Ice cream for FREE (time) today!


I consider ice cream, its purchase, and its consumption a rather serious business. We can't just willy-nilly toss it out and about in casual references, especially linked with the word "free".

Kris Cleary
P: 202-662-9882

P.S. I completed your survey. Now where is the nearest Cold Stone?

From: Laura B. Macrorie
Sent: Friday, June 12, 2015 11:38 AM
To: Announcements
Subject: Ice cream for FREE (time) today!

Please consider taking this 10-minute survey about frozen desserts created by Georgetown MBA candidates for our capstone project. We have a quick turnaround to analyze the data, so we're trying to get as many people to take it as possible over the next few days (read: feel free to pass it along to family, friends, and even people you don't even like that much). I offer lifelong friendship and a more relaxed demeanor in exchange. ;-)

http://mcdonough.az1.qualtrics.com/SE/? ... MifXAjivad

Thank you!!

P.S. Sorry about the misleading subject line...but hey, it got you to read this, right??

Laura Macrorie, C'06, MBA'16
Associate Director | Alumni Affairs
600 New Jersey Ave., NW
Washington, DC 20001
t: 202.662.9518 | f: 202.662.4247
e: lbm7@law.georgetown.edu<mailto:lbm7@law.georgetown.edu>

*Save the Date for Reunion!*
October 16 - 18, 2015
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Re: A Pizza-Related Handkerchief

Postby admin » Tue Dec 27, 2016 11:34 pm


Re: Our drive

To: Tara_D_McGuinness@who.eop.gov
Date: 2015-03-02 07:19
Subject: Re: Our drive

Thx for coming out. Always happy to babysit.

--Sent from my iPad--
For scheduling: eryn.sepp@gmail.com

> On Mar 1, 2015, at 6:12 PM, McGuinness, Tara <Tara_D_McGuinness@who.eop.gov> wrote:
> En route. What is the house # again?
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: John Podesta [mailto:john.podesta@gmail.com]
> Sent: Sunday, March 01, 2015 05:29 PM
> To: McGuinness, Tara
> Subject: Re: Our drive
> Call me 202-244-5673.
> JP
> --Sent from my iPad--
> john.podesta@gmail.com
> For scheduling: eryn.sepp@gmail.com
>> On Mar 1, 2015, at 5:23 PM, McGuinness, Tara <Tara_D_McGuinness@who.eop.gov> wrote:
>> We are easy either way.
>> ----- Original Message -----
>> From: John Podesta [mailto:john.podesta@gmail.com]
>> Sent: Sunday, March 01, 2015 05:10 PM
>> To: Leslie Dach <leslie.dach@gmail.com>; Leslie Dach <Leslie.Dach@hhs.gov>; Tara McGuinness <tara.mcguinness@gmail.com>; McGuinness, Tara
>> Subject: Re: Our drive
>> Is the better part of valor to postpone to later in the week? Easy for me one way or the other since I don't have to go out.
>> JP
>> --Sent from my iPad--
>> john.podesta@gmail.com
>> For scheduling: eryn.sepp@gmail.com
>>> On Mar 1, 2015, at 4:12 PM, Jennifer Palmier I <jennifer.m.palmieri@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> So that's our ice encased wiper and taste of the traffic we are in. Suffice to say we will not make it tonight, I am sad to say. Have to settle for the pasta john gave us at Christmas. Really sorry to miss.
>>> <IMG_0016.JPG>

>>> Sent from my iPhone
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Joined: Thu Aug 01, 2013 5:21 am

Re: A Pizza-Related Handkerchief

Postby admin » Tue Dec 27, 2016 11:37 pm


RE: Hillary pizza party April 10

To: john.podesta@gmail.com
Date: 2016-03-09 20:23
Subject: RE: Hillary pizza party April 10

Will send invite

From: John Podesta [mailto:john.podesta@gmail.com]
Sent: Wednesday, March 09, 2016 4:03 PM
To: Tony Podesta <podesta@podesta.com>
Subject: Re: Hillary pizza party April 10

Should work.

On Wednesday, March 9, 2016, Tony Podesta <podesta@podesta.com<mailto:podesta@podesta.com>> wrote:

John --

Hosting pizza party at Belmont for HFA on April 10.

Maya Harris is joining, but need you.

Can you come?

Thanks much,

Site Admin
Posts: 36489
Joined: Thu Aug 01, 2013 5:21 am

Re: A Pizza-Related Handkerchief

Postby admin » Tue Dec 27, 2016 11:39 pm



To: bandr@comcast.net, Justin@presidentclinton.com, AbedinH@state.gov, john.podesta@gmail.com, podesta@ici.org, zschwartz@shangrila.us more
Date: 2009-08-08 00:20
Subject: pizza.jpg

As John said, it doesn't get any better than this

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Posts: 36489
Joined: Thu Aug 01, 2013 5:21 am

Re: A Pizza-Related Handkerchief

Postby admin » Tue Dec 27, 2016 11:42 pm


Re: pizza.jpg

To: doug@presidentclinton.com, bandr@comcast.net, AbedinH@state.gov, john.podesta@gmail.com, podesta@ici.org, zschwartz@shangrila.us more sean.gallagher@usss.dhs.gov
Date: 2009-08-08 00:21
Subject: Re: pizza.jpg


----- Original Message -----
From: Doug Band
To: 'bandr@comcast.net' <bandr@comcast.net>; Justin Cooper; 'AbedinH@state.gov' <AbedinH@state.gov>; 'john.podesta@gmail.com' <john.podesta@gmail.com>; 'podesta@ici.org' <podesta@ici.org>; 'zschwartz@shangrila.us' <zschwartz@shangrila.us>; 'sean.gallagher@usss.dhs.gov' <sean.gallagher@usss.dhs.gov>
Sent: Fri Aug 07 22:20:57 2009
Subject: pizza.jpg

As John said, it doesn't get any better than this
Site Admin
Posts: 36489
Joined: Thu Aug 01, 2013 5:21 am

Re: A Pizza-Related Handkerchief

Postby admin » Tue Dec 27, 2016 11:44 pm


Re: You two free for dinner on 12 or 13 January?

To: podesta@podesta.com
Date: 2014-01-08 07:15
Subject: Re: You two free for dinner on 12 or 13 January?

3:00 at our house work?

--Sent from my iPad--
For scheduling: eryn.sepp@gmail.com

> On Jan 8, 2014, at 3:46 AM, Tony Podesta <podesta@podesta.com> wrote:
> Really interesting
> Very happy I came
> Brian and rudy have been very inclusive
> Loved hanging out with carol and jim mattis and caroline
> Never been to UAE before
> Very smart very sophisticated people
> Met vert senior people
> Just arrived Jordan
> Much lower level
> Tho general nera and rudy only seeing king
> Dining with ambassador then on to Israel
> What's sunday plan if any
> Tony Podesta
> Office: 202-879-9300
> Cell: 202-352-4645
> Podesta@podesta.com
> 1001 G St. NW, Suite 1000 West
> Washington, DC 20001
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: John Podesta [mailto:john.podesta@gmail.com]
> Sent: Tuesday, January 07, 2014 09:23 PM
> To: Tony Podesta
> Subject: Re: You two free for dinner on 12 or 13 January?
> How is the trip?
> JP
> --Sent from my iPad--
> john.podesta@gmail.com
> For scheduling: eryn.sepp@gmail.com
>> On Jan 7, 2014, at 8:37 AM, Tony Podesta <podesta@podesta.com> wrote:
>> Yes
>> Only wanna see you and mike Berman
>> Sent from my iPad
>> On Jan 7, 2014, at 3:16 PM, "John Podesta" <john.podesta@gmail.com<mailto:john.podesta@gmail.com>> wrote:
>> Are you free sunday mid-afternoon?
>> JP
>> --Sent from my iPad--
>> john.podesta@gmail.com<mailto:john.podesta@gmail.com>
>> For scheduling: eryn.sepp@gmail.com<mailto:eryn.sepp@gmail.com>
>> On Jan 6, 2014, at 10:12 PM, Tony Podesta <podesta@podesta.com<mailto:podesta@podesta.com>> wrote:
>> Mary not free
>> Would love to get a pizza for an hour? Or come over
>> Tony Podesta
>> Office: 202-879-9300
>> Cell: 202-352-4645
>> Podesta@podesta.com<mailto:Podesta@podesta.com>
>> 1001 G St. NW, Suite 1000 West
>> Washington, DC 20001
>> From: John Podesta [mailto:john.podesta@gmail.com]
>> Sent: Monday, January 06, 2014 09:36 PM
>> To: Tony Podesta
>> Cc: podesta.mary@gmail.com<mailto:podesta.mary@gmail.com> <podesta.mary@gmail.com<mailto:podesta.mary@gmail.com>>
>> Subject: Re: You two free for dinner on 12 or 13 January?
>> That might work. Somalia? Geez.
>> JP
>> --Sent from my iPad--
>> john.podesta@gmail.com<mailto:john.podesta@gmail.com>
>> For scheduling: eryn.sepp@gmail.com<mailto:eryn.sepp@gmail.com>
>> On Jan 6, 2014, at 12:04 PM, Tony Podesta <podesta@podesta.com<mailto:podesta@podesta.com>> wrote:
>> Back on 12th
>> But may have to go to somalia give me some dates
>> Mlk day?
>> Tony Podesta
>> Office: 202-879-9300
>> Cell: 202-352-4645
>> Podesta@podesta.com<mailto:Podesta@podesta.com>
>> 1001 G St. NW, Suite 1000 West
>> Washington, DC 20001
>> From: Mary Podesta [mailto:podesta.mary@gmail.com]
>> Sent: Monday, January 06, 2014 11:12 AM
>> To: Tony Podesta
>> Cc: John Podesta <john.podesta@gmail.com<mailto:john.podesta@gmail.com>>
>> Subject: Re: You two free for dinner on 12 or 13 January?
>> Not 12th for me and 13th is John' s hand surgery. When are you back and for how long?
>> On Jan 6, 2014 8:18 AM, "Tony Podesta" <podesta@podesta.com<mailto:podesta@podesta.com>> wrote:

>> Sent from my iPad
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