The Rising Tide of Color Against Theodore Stoddard

That's French for "the ancient system," as in the ancient system of feudal privileges and the exercise of autocratic power over the peasants. The ancien regime never goes away, like vampires and dinosaur bones they are always hidden in the earth, exercising a mysterious influence. It is not paranoia to believe that the elites scheme against the common man. Inform yourself about their schemes here.

Re: The Rising Tide of Color Against Theodore Stod

Postby admin » Sat Apr 04, 2020 7:38 am


The instinctive comity of the white peoples is, as I have already said, perhaps the greatest constant of history. It is the psychological basis of white civilization. Cohesive instinct is as vital to race as gravitation is to matter. Without them, atomic disintegration would alike result. In speaking of race-instinct, I am not referring merely to the ethnic theories that have been elaborated at various times. Those theories were, after all, but attempts to explain intellectually the urge of that profound emotion known to sociologists as the “consciousness of kind.”

White race-consciousness has been of course perturbed by numberless internal frictions, which have at times produced partial inhibitions of unitary feeling. Nevertheless, when really faced by non-white opposition, white men have in the past instinctively tended to close their ranks against the common foe. One of the Great War’s most deplorable results has been an unprecedented weakening of white solidarity which, if not repaired, may produce the most disastrous consequences.

During the nineteenth century the sentiment of white solidarity was strong. The great explorers and empire-builders who spread white ascendancy to the[Pg 199] ends of the earth felt that they were apostles of their race and civilization as well as of a particular country. Rivalries might be keen and colonial boundary questions acute; nevertheless, in their calmer moments, the white peoples felt that the expansion of one white nation buttressed the expansion of all.

Professor Pearson undoubtedly voiced the spirit of the day when he wrote (about 1890) that it would be well “if European statesmen could understand that the wars which carry desolation into civilized countries are allowing the lower races to recruit their numbers and strength. Two centuries hence it may be matter of serious concern to the world if Russia has been displaced by China on the Amoor, if France has not been able to colonize North Africa, or if England is not holding India. For civilized men there can be only one fatherland, and whatever extends the influence of those races that have taken their faith from Palestine, their laws of beauty from Greece, and their civil law from Rome, ought to be matter of rejoicing to Russian, German, Anglo-Saxon, and Frenchman alike.”[118]

The progress of science also fortified white race-consciousness with its sanctions. The researches of European scholars identified the founders of our civilization with a race of tall, white-skinned barbarians, possessing regular features, brown or blond hair, and light eyes. This was, of course, what we now know as the Nordic type. At first the problem was ill understood, the[Pg 200] tests applied being language and culture rather than physical characteristics. For these reasons the early “Caucasian” and “Aryan” hypotheses were self-contradictory and inadequate. Nevertheless, the basis was sound, and the effects on white popular psychology were excellent.

Particularly good were the effects upon the peoples predominantly of Nordic blood. Obviously typifying as they did the prehistoric creators of white civilization, Nordics everywhere were strengthened in consciousness of genetic worth, feeling of responsibility for world-progress, and urge toward fraternal collaboration. The supreme value of Nordic blood was clearly analyzed by the French thinker Count Arthur de Gobineau as early as 1854[119] (albeit Gobineau employed the misleading “Aryan” terminology), and his thesis was subsequently elaborated by many other writers, notably by Englishmen, Germans, and Scandinavians.

The results of all this were plainly apparent by the closing years of the nineteenth century. Quickened Nordic race-consciousness played an important part in stimulating Anglo-American fraternization, and induced acts like the Oxford Scholarship legacy of Cecil Rhodes. The trend of this movement, though cross-cut by nationalistic considerations, was clearly in the direction of a Nordic entente—a Pan-Nordic syndication of power for the safeguarding of the race-heritage and the harmonious evolution of the whole white world.[Pg 201] It was a glorious aspiration, which, had it been realized, would have averted Armageddon.

Unfortunately the aspiration remained a dream. The ill-balanced tendencies of the late nineteenth century were against it, and they ultimately prevailed. The abnormal growth of national-imperialism, in particular, wrought fatal havoc. The exponents of imperialistic propagandas like Pan-Germanism and Pan-Slavism put forth literally boundless pretensions, planning the domination of the entire planet by their special brand of national-imperialism. Such men had scant regard for race-lines. All who stood outside their particular nationalistic group were vowed to the same subjection.

Indeed, the national-imperialists presently seized upon race teachings, and prostituted them to their own ends. A notable example of this is the extreme Pan-German propaganda of Houston Stewart Chamberlain[120] and his fellows. Chamberlain makes two cardinal assumptions: he conceives modern Germany as racially almost purely Nordic; and he regards all Nordics outside the German linguistic-cultural group as either unconscious or renegade Teutons who must at all costs be brought into the German fold. To any one who understands the scientific realities of race, the monstrous absurdity of these assumptions is instantly apparent. The fact is that modern Germany,[Pg 202] far from being purely Nordic, is mainly Alpine in race. Nordic blood preponderates only in the northwest, and is merely veneered over the rest of Germany, especially in the upper classes. While the Germania of Roman days was unquestionably a Nordic land, it has been computed that of the 70,000,000 inhabitants of the German Empire in 1914, only 9,000,000 were purely Nordic in character. This displacement of the German Nordics since classic times is chiefly due to Germany’s troubled history, especially to the horrible Thirty Years’ War which virtually annihilated the Nordics of south Germany. This racial displacement has wrought correspondingly profound changes in the character of the German people.

The truth of the matter is, of course, that the Pan-Germans were thinking in terms of nationality instead of race, and that they were using pseudo-racial arguments as camouflage for essentially political ends. The pity of it is that these arguments have had such disastrous repercussions in the genuine racial sphere. The late war has not only exploded Pan-Germanism, it has also discredited Nordic race-feeling, so unjustly confused by many persons with Pan-German nationalistic propaganda. Such persons should remember that the overwhelming majority of Nordics live outside of Germany, being mainly found in Scandinavia, the Anglo-Saxon countries, northern France, the Netherlands, and Baltic Russia. To let Teuton propaganda gull us into thinking of Germany as the Nordic fatherland is both a danger and an absurdity.

[Pg 203]While Pan-Germanism was mainly responsible for precipitating Armageddon with all its disastrous consequences, it was Russian Pan-Slavism which dealt the first shrewd blow to white solidarity. Toward the close of the nineteenth century, Pan-Slavism’s “Eastern” wing, led by Prince Ukhtomsky and other chauvinists of his ilk, went so far in its imperialistic obsession as actually to deny Russia’s white blood. These Pan-Slavists boldly proclaimed the morbid, mystical dogma that Russia was Asiatic, not European, and thereupon attempted to seize China as a lever for upsetting, first the rest of Asia, and then the non-Russian white world—elegantly described as “the rotten west.” The white Power immediately menaced was, of course, England, who in acute fear for her Indian Empire, promptly riposted by allying herself with Japan. Russia was diplomatically isolated and militarily beaten in the Russo-Japanese War. Thus the Russo-Japanese War, that destroyer of white prestige whose ominous results we have already noted, was precipitated mainly by the reckless short-sightedness of white men themselves.

A second blow to white solidarity was presently administered—this time by England in concluding her second alliance-treaty with Japan. The original alliance, signed in 1902, was negotiated for a definite, limited objective—the checkmating of Russia’s over-weening imperialism. Even that instrument was dangerous, but under the circumstances it was justifiable and inevitable. The second alliance-treaty, however,[Pg 204] was so general and far-reaching in character that practically all white men in the Far East, including most emphatically Englishmen themselves, pronounced it a great disaster.

Meanwhile, German imperialism was plotting even deadlier strokes at white race-comity, not merely by preparing war against white neighbors in Europe, but also by ingratiating itself with the Moslem East and by toying with schemes for building up a black military empire in central Africa.

Lastly, France was actually recruiting black, brown, and yellow hordes for use on European battle-fields; while Italy, by her buccaneering raid on Tripoli, outraged Islam’s sense of justice and strained its patience to the breaking-point.

Thus, in the years preceding Armageddon, all the European Powers displayed a reckless absorption in particularistic ambitions and showed a callous indifference to larger race-interests. The rapid weakening of white solidarity was clearly apparent.

However, white solidarity, though diplomatically compromised, was emotionally not yet really undermined. Those dangerous games above mentioned were largely the work of cynical chancelleries and ultra-imperialist propagandas. The average European, whatever his nationality, still tended to react instinctively against such practices. This was shown by the sharp criticism which arose from the most varied quarters. For example: Russia and Britain were alike sternly taken to task both at home and abroad for their [Pg 205]respective Far Eastern policies; proposed German alliances with Pan-Islamism and Japan preached by disciples of Machtpolitik were strenuously opposed as race-treason by powerful sections of German thought; while Italy’s Tripolitan imbroglio was generally denounced as the most foolhardy trifling with the common European interest.

A good illustration of instinctive white solidarity in the early years of the twentieth century is a French journalist’s description of the attitude of the white spectators (of various nationalities) gathered to watch the landing in Japan of the first Russian prisoners taken in the Russo-Japanese War. This writer depicts in moving language the literally horrifying effect of the spectacle upon himself and his fellows. “What a triumph,” he exclaims, “what a revenge for the little Nippons to see thus humiliated these big, splendid men who, for them, represented, not only Russians, but those Europeans whom they so detest! This scene tragic in its simplicity, this grief passing amid joy, these whites, vanquished and captives, defiling before those free and triumphant yellows—this was not Russia beaten by Japan, not the defeat of one nation by another; it was something new, enormous, prodigious; it was the victory of one world over another; it was the revenge which effaced the centuries of humiliations borne by Asia; it was the awakening hope of the Oriental peoples; it was the first blow given to the other race, to that accursed race of the West, which, for so many years, had triumphed without[Pg 206] even having to struggle. And the Japanese crowd felt all this, and the few other Asiatics who found themselves there shared in this triumph. The humiliation of these whites was solemn, frightful. I completely forgot that these captives were Russians, and I would add that the other Europeans there, though anti-Russian, felt the same malaise: they also were forced to feel that these captives were their own kind. When we took the train for Kobè, an instinctive solidarity drove us huddling into the same compartment.”[121]

Thus white solidarity, while unquestionably weakened, was still a weighty factor down to August, 1914. But the first shots of Armageddon saw white solidarity literally blown from the muzzles of the guns. An explosion of internecine hatred burst forth more intense and general than any ever known before. Both sets of combatants proclaimed a duel to the death; both sides vowed the enemy to something near annihilation; while even scientists and littérateurs, disrupting the ancient commonwealths of wisdom and beauty, put one another furiously to the ban.

In their savage death-grapple neither side hesitated for an instant to grasp at any weapon, whatever the ultimate consequences to the race. The Allies poured into white Europe colored hordes of every pigment under the sun; the Teutonic Powers wielded Pan-Islam as a besom of wrath to sweep clean every white foothold in Hither Asia and North Africa; while far and wide over the Dark Continent black armies fought for their respective masters—and learned the hidden[Pg 207] weakness of the white man’s power. In the Far East, Japan, left to her own devices, bent amorphous China to her imperious will, thereby raising up a potential menace for the entire earth. Every day the tide of intestine hatred within the white world rose higher, until the very concept of a common blood and cultural past seemed in danger of being blotted out.

A symposium of the “hate literature” of the Great War is fortunately no part of my task, but the reader will readily recall both its abysmal fury and its irreconcilable implications. The most appalling feature was the way in which many writers assumed that this state of mind would be permanent; that the end of the Great War might be only the beginning of a war-cycle leading to the utter disruption of white solidarity and civilization. In the spring of 1916, the London Nation remarked gloomily: “Europe is now being mentally conceived as inevitably and permanently dual. We are ceasing to think of Europe. The normal end of war (which is peace) is to be submerged in the idea of a war-series indefinitely prolonged. Soon the entire Continent will have but one longing—the longing for rest. The cup is to be dashed from its lips! For a world steeped in fear and ruled by the barren logomachy of hate, diplomatic intercourse would almost cease to be possible.... In the matter of culture, modern Europe would tend to relapse to a state inferior even to that of mediæval Europe, and to sink far below that of the Renaissance.”[122]

In similar vein, the noted German historian Eduard[Pg 208] Meyer[123] predicted that Armageddon was only the first of a long series of Anglo-German “Punic Wars” in which modern civilization would retrograde to a condition of semi-barbarism. Germany, according to this prophecy, would be the victor—but a Pyrrhic victor, for the colored races, taking advantage of white decadence, would destroy European supremacy and involve all the white nations in a common ruin.

The ulcerated state of European war-psychology did, in fact, lend ominous emphasis to these gloomy prognostications. Before 1914, as we have seen, imperialistic trafficking with common race-interests usually roused wide-spread criticism, while even more, the use of colored troops in white quarrels always roused bitter popular condemnation. In the darkest hours of the Boer War, English public opinion had refused to sanction the use of either black African or brown Indian troops against the white foe, while French plans for raising black armies of African savages for use in Europe were almost universally reprobated. Before Armageddon there thus existed a genuine moral repugnance against settling domestic differences by calling in the alien without the gates.

The Great War, however, sent all such scruples promptly into the discard. Not only did the belligerent governments use all the colored troops they could equip, but the belligerent peoples hailed this action[Pg 209] with unqualified approval. The Allies were of course the more successful in practice, but the Germans were just as eager, and the exertions of the Prussian General Liman von Sanders actually got Turkish divisions to the European battle-fronts.

The psychological effect of these colored auxiliaries in deepening the hatred of the white combatants was deplorable. Germany’s use of Turks raised among the Allies wrathful emotions reminiscent of the Crusades, while the havoc wrought in the Teutonic ranks by black Senegalese and yellow Gurkhas, together with Allied utterances like Lord Curzon’s wish to see Bengal lancers on the Unter den Linden and Gurkhas camping at Sans Souci, so maddened the German people that the very suggestion of white solidarity was jeeringly scoffed at as the most idiotic sentimentality.

Here is a German officer’s account of a Senegalese attack on his position, which vividly depicts the mingled horror and fury awakened in German hearts by these black opponents: “They came. First singly, at wide intervals. Feeling their way, like the arms of a horrible cuttlefish. Eager, grasping, like the claws of a mighty monster. Thus they rushed closer, flickering and sometimes disappearing in the cloud. Entire bodies and single limbs, now showing in the harsh glare, now sinking in the shadows, came nearer and nearer. Strong, wild fellows, their log-like, fat, black skulls wrapped in pieces of dirty rags. Showing their grinning teeth like panthers, with their bellies drawn in and their necks stretched forward. Some with bayonets on their[Pg 210] rifles. Many only armed with knives. Monsters all, in their confused hatred. Frightful their distorted, dark grimaces. Horrible their unnaturally wide-opened, burning, bloodshot eyes. Eyes that seem like terrible beings themselves. Like unearthly, hell-born beings. Eyes that seemed to run ahead of their owners, lashed, unchained, no longer to be restrained. On they came like dogs gone mad and cats spitting and yowling, with a burning lust for human blood, with a cruel dissemblance of their beastly malice. Behind them came the first wave of the attackers, in close order, a solid, rolling black wall, rising and falling, swaying and heaving, impenetrable, endless.”[124]

Here, again, is the proposal of a British officer, to raise a million black savages from England’s African colonies for use on the Western Front. Major Stuart-Stephens exults in Britain’s “almost unlimited reservoir of African man-power.” In northern Nigeria alone, he remarks, there are to-day more than 700,000 warlike tribesmen. “Let them be used!” says the major. “These ‘bonny fechters’ are now engaged in the pastoral arts of peace. But I would make bold to assert that a couple of hundred thousand could, after six months’ training, be usefully employed in daredevil charges into German trenches.” Major Stuart-Stephens hopes that at least the Sudanese battalions will be transferred en masse to the Western Front. “This,” he concludes, “would mean the placing at once[Pg 211] in the trenches of, say, 70,000 big, lusty coal-black devils, the time of whose life is the wielding of the bayonet, and whose advent would not be regarded by the Boches as a pleasing omen of more to come of the same sort.”[125]

The military possibilities are truly engaging! There are literally tens of millions of fighting blacks and scores of millions of fighting Asiatics now living under white rule who could conceivably be armed and shipped to European battle-fields. After which, of course, Europe, the white homeland, would be—a queer place.

Fortunately for our race, the late war did not see this sort of thing carried to its logical conclusion. But the harm done was bad enough. The white world grew accustomed to the use of colored mercenaries and to the contracting of alliances with colored peoples against white opponents as a mere matter of course.

The German war-mind, in particular, teemed with colored alliance-projects. Unable to compete with the Allies in getting colored troops to Europe, Germans planned to revenge themselves in other fields. The Turkish alliance and the resulting “Holy War” proclamation were hailed with delight. “Over there in Turkey,” wrote the well-known German publicist Ernst Jaeckh, “stretch Anatolia and Mesopotamia: Anatolia, the ‘Land of the Sunrise’; Mesopotamia, the region of ancient paradise. May these names be to us a sign: may this World War bring to Germany and[Pg 212] Turkey the sunrise and the paradise of a new time; may it confer upon an assured Turkey and a Greater Germany the blessing of a fruitful Turco-Teutonic collaboration in peace after a victorious Turco-Teutonic collaboration in war.”[126]

The scope of Germany’s Asiatic aspirations during the war is exemplified by an article from the pen of the learned Orientalist Professor Bernhardt Molden.[127] Germany’s aid to Turkey, contends Professor Molden, is merely symptomatic of her policy to raise the other Asiatic peoples now crushed beneath English and Russian domination. Thus Germany will create puissant allies for the “Second Punic War.” Germany must therefore strive to solidify the great Central Asian bloc—Turkey, Persia, Afghanistan, China. Professor Molden urges a “Pan-Asian railroad” from Constantinople to Peking. This should be especially alluring to Afghanistan, which would thereby become one of the great pivots of world-politics and trade. In fine: “Germany must free Asia.” As another prominent German writer, Friedrich Delitzsch, wrote in similar vein: “To renovate the East—such is Germany’s mission.”[128]

In such a mood, Germans hailed Japan’s absence of genuine hostility with the greatest satisfaction. The[Pg 213] gust of rage which swept Germany at Japan’s seizure of Kiao-chao was soon allayed by numerous writers preaching reconciliation and eventual alliance with the mistress of the Far East. Typical of this pro-Japanese propaganda is an article by Herr J. Witte, a former official in the Far East, which appeared in 1915. Herr Witte chides his countrymen for their talk about the Yellow Peril. Such a peril may exist in the future, but it is not pressing at this moment, “at any rate for us Germans, who have no great territorial possessions in the Far East.... We might permit ourselves to speak of a Yellow Peril if there was a white solidarity. This, however, does not exist. We are learning this just now by bitter experience on our own flesh and blood. Our foes have marshalled peoples of all races against us in battle. So long as this helps them, all race-antipathies and race-interests are to them matters of supreme indifference. Under these circumstances, in the midst of a life-and-death struggle against the peoples of the white race, shall we play the rôle of guardian angel of these peoples against the yellow peoples? For us, as Germans, there is now only one supreme life-interest, to which all other interests must be subordinated: the safety and advancement of Germany and of Deutschtum in the world.” Herr Witte therefore advocates a “close political understanding between Germany and Japan. In future we can accomplish nothing in the teeth of Japan. Therefore we must get on good terms with Japan. And we can do it, too. Germany is, in fact, the country above all[Pg 214] others who in the future has the best prospect of allying herself advantageously with the Far Eastern peoples.”[129]

And so it went throughout the war-years: both sides using all possible colored aid to down the white foe; both sides alike reckless of the ultimate racial consequences.

In fact, leaving ultimate consequences aside, many persons feared during the later phases of the war that Europe might be headed for immediate dissolution. As early as mid-1916, Lord Loreburn expressed apprehension lest the war was entailing general bankruptcy and “such a destruction of the male youth of Europe as will break the thin crust of civilization which has been built up since the Dark Ages.”[130] These fears were intensified by the Russian revolution of 1917, with its hideous corollary of Bolshevism which definitely triumphed before the close of that year. The Bolshevik triumph evoked despairing predictions like Lord Lansdowne’s: “We are not going to lose this war, but its prolongation will spell ruin for the civilized world.”[131]

Well, the war was prolonged for another year, ending in the triumph of the Allies and America, though leaving Europe in the deplorable condition reviewed in the preceding chapter. The hopes of mankind[Pg 215] were now centred on the Peace Conference, but these hopes were oversanguine, for the Versailles “settlement” was riddled with political and economic imperfections from the Saar to Shantung.

This was what a sceptical minority had feared from the first. At the very beginning of the war, for instance, the French publicist Urbain Gohier had predicted that when the diplomats gathered at the end of the conflict they would find the problem of constructive settlement insoluble.[132]

Most persons, however, had been more hopeful. Disappointment and disillusionment were therefore correspondingly intense. The majority of liberal-minded, forward-looking men and women throughout the world deplored the Versailles settlement’s faulty character, some, however, accepting the situation as the best of a bad business, others entirely repudiating it on the ground that by crystallizing an intolerable status it would entail worse disasters in the near future.

General Smuts, the South African delegate to the Conference, well represents the first attitude. In a formal protest against the Versailles settlement, General Smuts stated: “I have signed the peace treaty, not because I consider it a satisfactory document, but because it is imperatively necessary to close the war; because the world needs peace above all, and nothing could be more fatal than the continuance of the state of suspense between war and peace. The six months since the armistice was signed have, perhaps, been as[Pg 216] upsetting, unsettling, and ruinous to Europe as the previous four years of war. I look upon the peace treaty as the close of these two chapters of war and armistice, and only on that ground do I agree to it. I say this now, not in criticism, but in faith; not because I wish to find fault with the work done, but rather because I feel that in the treaty we have not yet achieved the real peace to which our peoples were looking, and because I feel that the real work of making peace will only begin after this treaty has been signed, and a definite halt has thereby been called to the destructive passions that have been desolating Europe for nearly five years.”[133]

The English economist J. L. Garvin, who, like General Smuts, accepted the treaty faute de mieux, makes these trenchant comments upon the settlement itself: “Derisive human genius surveying with pity and laughter the present state of mankind and some of the obsolete means adopted at Paris to remedy it, might do most good by another satire like Rabelais, Gulliver, or Candide. But let us put from us here the temptation to conjure up vistas of the grotesque. Let us pursue these plain studies in common sense. A treaty even when signed is paper. It is in itself inoperative without the action or control of living forces which it seeks to express or repress. Treaties not drawn against sound and certain assets may be dishonored in the sequel like bad checks or bills. You do not get peace merely by putting it on paper. And, much more[Pg 217] to the point, all that is called peace does not necessarily spell prosperity any more than all that glitters is gold. You can ‘make a solitude and call it peace.’ The quintessence of death or stupefaction resembles a kind of peace. You can prolong relative stagnation and depression and yet say that it is peace. But that would not be the reconciling and lasting, the constructive and the creative peace, as it was visioned by the Allied peoples in their greatest moments of insight and inspiration during the war. For that higher and wiser thing we lavished our pent-up energies and the accumulated treasure of a hundred years, and sent so many of our best to die.”[134]

That veteran student of world-politics Doctor E. J. Dillon put the matter succinctly when he wrote: “The peace is being made not, as originally projected, on the basis of the fourteen points, nor on the lines of territorial equilibrium, but by a compromise which misses the advantage of either, and combines certain evils of both. The treaty has failed to lay the axe to the roots of war, has perhaps increased their number while purporting to destroy them. The germs of future conflicts, not only between the recent belligerents, but also between other groups of states, are numerous, and if present symptoms may be trusted will sprout up in the fulness of time.”[135]

The badness of the Versailles treaties is nowhere[Pg 218] more manifest than in the way they have alienated idealistic support and enthusiasm from the inchoate League of Nations. Multitudes of persons once zealous Leaguers now feel that the League has no moral foundation. Such persons contend that even were the covenant theoretically perfect, the League could no more succeed on the basis of the present peace settlement than a flawlessly designed palace could be erected if superimposed upon a quicksand.

Europe is thus in evil case. Her statesmen have failed to formulate a constructive settlement. Old problems remain unsolved while fresh problems arise. The danger is redoubled by the fact that both Europe and the entire world are faced with a new peril—Bolshevism. The menace of Bolshevism is simply incalculable. Bolshevism is a peril in some ways unprecedented in the world’s history. It is not merely a war against a social system, not merely a war against our civilization; it is a war of the hand against the brain. For the first time since man was man there is a definite schism between the hand and the head. Every principle which mankind has thus far evolved: community of interest, the solidarity of civilization and culture, the dignity of labor, of muscle, of brawn, dominated and illumined by intellect and spirit—all these Bolshevism howls down and tramples in the mud.

Bolshevism’s cardinal tenets—the dictatorship of the proletariat, and the destruction of the “classes” by social war—are of truly hideous import. The “classes,” as conceived by Bolshevism, are very numerous.[Pg 219] They comprise not merely the “idle rich,” but also the whole of the upper and middle social strata, the landowning country folk, the skilled working men; in short, all except those who work with their untutored hands, plus the elect few who philosophize for those who work with their untutored hands.

The effect of such ideas, if successful, not only on our civilization, but also on the very fibre of the race, can be imagined. The death or degradation of nearly all persons displaying constructive ability, and the tyranny of the ignorant and anti-social elements, would be the most gigantic triumph of disgenics ever seen. Beside it the ill effects of war would pale into insignificance. Civilization would wither like a plant stricken by blight, while the race, summarily drained of its good blood, would sink like lead into the depths of degenerate barbarism.

This is precisely what is occurring in Russia to-day. Bolshevism has ruled Russia less than three years—and Russia is ruined. She ekes out a bare existence on the remains of past accumulations, on the surviving scraps of her material and spiritual capital. Everywhere are hunger, cold, disease, terror, physical and moral death. The “proletariat” is making its “clean sweep.” The “classes” are being systematically eliminated by execution, massacre, and starvation. The racial impoverishment is simply incalculable. Meanwhile Lenine, surrounded by his Chinese executioners, sits behind the Kremlin walls, a modern Jenghiz Khan plotting the plunder of a world.

[Pg 220]Lenine’s Chinese “braves” are merely symptomatic of the intrigues which Bolshevism is carrying on throughout the non-white world. Bolshevism is, in fact, as anti-racial as it is anti-social. To the Bolshevik mind, with its furious hatred of constructive ability and its fanatical determination to enforce levelling, proletarian equality, the very existence of superior biological values is a crime. Bolshevism has vowed the proletarianization of the world, beginning with the white peoples. To this end it not only foments social revolution within the white world itself, but it also seeks to enlist the colored races in its grand assault on civilization. The rulers of Soviet Russia are well aware of the profound ferment now going on in colored lands. They watch this ferment with the same terrible glee that they watched the Great War and the fiasco of Versailles—and they plot to turn it to the same profit.

Accordingly, in every quarter of the globe, in Asia, Africa, Latin America, and the United States, Bolshevik agitators whisper in the ears of discontented colored men their gospel of hatred and revenge. Every nationalist aspiration, every political grievance, every social discrimination, is fuel for Bolshevism’s hellish incitement to racial as well as to class war.

And this Bolshevik propaganda has not been in vain. Its results already show in the most diverse quarters, and they are ominous for the future. China, Japan, Afghanistan, India, Java, Persia, Turkey, Egypt, Brazil, Chile, Peru, Mexico, and the “black belts” of our own United States: here is a partial[Pg 221] list of the lands where the Bolshevik leaven in color is clearly at work.

Bolshevism thus reveals itself as the arch-enemy of civilization and the race. Bolshevism is the renegade, the traitor within the gates, who would betray the citadel, degrade the very fibre of our being, and ultimately hurl a rebarbarized, racially impoverished world into the most debased and hopeless of mongrelizations.

Therefore, Bolshevism must be crushed out with iron heels, no matter what the cost. If this means more war, let it mean more war. We know only too well war’s dreadful toll, particularly on racial values. But what war-losses could compare with the losses inflicted by the living death of Bolshevism? There are some things worse than war, and Bolshevism stands foremost among those dread alternatives.

So ends our survey of the white world as it emerges from the Great War. The prospect is not a brilliant one. Weakened and impoverished by Armageddon, handicapped by an unconstructive peace, and facing internal Bolshevist disaffection which must at all costs be mastered, the white world is ill-prepared to confront—the rising tide of color. What that tide portends will be the subject of the concluding chapters.
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Re: The Rising Tide of Color Against Theodore Stod

Postby admin » Sat Apr 04, 2020 7:39 am



In my first chapter I showed that the rising tide of color to-day finds itself confronted by dikes erected by the white race during the centuries of its expansion. The reader will also remember that white expansion has taken two forms: settlement and political control. These two phases differ profoundly in character. Areas of settlement like North America have become integral portions of the white world. On the other hand, regions of political control like India are merely white dependencies, highly valuable perhaps, yet in the last analysis held by title of the sword.

Between these clearly contrasted categories lies an intermediate class of territories typified by South Africa, where whites have settled in large numbers without displacing the native populations. Lastly, there exist certain white territories which may be called “enclaves.” These enclaves have become thoroughly white by settlement, yet they are so distant from the main body of the white world and so contiguous to colored race-areas that white tenure does not possess that security which settlement and displacement of the aborigines normally confer. Australia typifies this anomalous class of cases.

The white defenses against the colored tide can be[Pg 226] divided into what may be termed the “outer” and the “inner” dikes. The outer dikes (the regions of white political control) contain no settled white population, so that their abandonment, whatever the political or economic loss, would not directly affect white race-integrity. The question of their retention or abandonment should therefore (save in a few exceptional cases) be judged by political, economic, or strategic considerations. The inner dikes (the areas of white settlement), however, are a very different matter. Peopled as they are wholly or largely by whites, they have become parts of the race-heritage, which should be defended to the last extremity no matter if the costs involved are greater than their mere economic value would warrant. They are the true bulwarks of the race, the patrimony of future generations who have a right to demand of us that they shall be born white in a white man’s land. Ill will it fare if ever our race should close its ears to this most elemental call of the blood. Then, indeed, would be manifest the writing on the wall.

That issue, however, is reserved for the next chapter. Let us here examine the matter of the outer dikes—the regions of white political control. There, where the white man is not settler but suzerain, his suzerainty should, in the last analysis, depend on the character of the inhabitants.

Right here, let us clear away the doctrinaire pedantry that commonly obscures discussion about the retention or abandonment of white political control over racially[Pg 227] non-white regions. Argument usually tends to crystallize around two antitheses. On the one side are the doctrinaire liberals, who maintain the “imprescriptible right” of every human group to attain independence, and of every sovereign state to retain independence. On the opposite side are the doctrinaire imperialists, who maintain the equally imprescriptible right of their particular nation to “vital expansion” regardless of injuries thereby inflicted upon other nations.

Now I submit that both these assumptions are unwarranted. There is no “imprescriptible right” to either independence or empire. It depends on the realities of each particular case. The extreme cases at either end of the scale can be adjudged offhand by ordinary common sense. No one except a doctrinaire liberal would be likely to assert that the Andaman Islanders had an imprescriptible right to independence, or that Haiti, which owed its independence only to a turn in European politics,[136] should forever remain a sovereign—international nuisance. On the other hand, the whole world (with the exception of Teutonic imperialists) denounced Germany’s attempt to swallow[Pg 228] highly civilized Belgium as a crime against humanity.

In other words: realities, not abstract theories, decide. That does not please the doctrinaires, who insist on setting up Procrustean beds of theory on which realities should be racked or crammed. It does, however, conform to the dictates of nature, which decree that what is attuned shall live while the disharmonic and degenerate shall pass away. And nature usually has the last word.

Surveying the regions of white political control over non-white peoples in this realistic way, thereby avoiding the pitfalls of doctrinaire theory and blind prejudice, we may arrive at a series of conclusions which, though lacking the trim symmetry of the idealogue, will correspond to the facts in the various cases.

One thing is certain: the white man will have to recognize that the practically absolute world-dominion which he exercised during the nineteenth century can no longer be maintained. Largely because of that very dominion, colored races have been drawn out of their traditional isolation and have been quickened by white ideas, while the life-conserving nature of white rule has everywhere favored colored multiplication. These factors have combined to produce a wide-spread ferment which has been clearly visible for the past two decades, and which is destined to grow more acute in the near future.

This ferment would have developed even if the Great War had never occurred. However, the white world’s weakening through Armageddon has immensely [Pg 229]accelerated the process and has opened up the possibility of violent “short cuts” which would have mutually disastrous consequences. Especially has it evoked in bellicose and fanatical minds the vision of a “Pan-Colored” alliance for the universal overthrow of white hegemony at a single stroke—a dream which would turn into a nightmare of race-war beside which the late struggle in Europe would seem the veriest child’s play.


The effective centres of colored unrest are the brown and yellow worlds of Asia. Both those worlds are not merely in negative opposition to white hegemony, but are experiencing a real renaissance whose genuineness is best attested by the fact that it is a faithful replica of similar movements in past times. White men must get out of their heads the idea that Asiatics are necessarily “inferior.” As a matter of fact, while Asiatics do not seem to possess that sustained constructive power with which the whites, particularly the Nordics, are endowed, the browns and yellows are yet gifted peoples who have profoundly influenced human progress in the past and who undoubtedly will contribute much to world-civilization. The Asiatics have by their own efforts built up admirable cultures rooted in remote antiquity and worthy of all respect. They are to-day once more displaying their innate capacity by not merely adopting, but adapting, white ideas and methods. That this profound Asiatic renaissance will eventually result in the substantial elimination of white political control from Anatolia to the Philippines is as natural as it is inevitable.

[Pg 230]This does not mean a precipitate white “scuttle” from Asia. Far from it. It does mean, however, a candid facing of realities and a basing of policy on realities rather than on prepossessions or prejudices. Unless the white man does this, he will injure himself more than any one else. If Asia is to-day really renascent, Asia will ultimately reap the political fruits. Men worthy of independence will sooner or later get independence. This is as certain as is the converse truth that men unworthy of independence, though they cry for it never so loudly, will either remain subject or will quickly relapse into subjection should they by some lucky circumstance obtain what they could only misuse.

If, then, Asia deserves to be free, she will be free. The only question is, how she will attain her freedom. Shall it be an evolutionary process, in the main peaceful, based upon mutual respect, with mutual recognition of both increasing Asiatic fitness and white vested interests? Or shall it come through cataclysmic revolution? This is the dilemma which those imperialists should ponder who object to any relaxation of white political control over Asia because of the “value” of the subject regions. That white control over Asiatic lands has been, and still is, immensely profitable, cannot be denied. But what basis for this value is there except lack of effective opposition? If real, sustained opposition now develops, if subject Asia becomes chronically rebellious, if its peoples resolutely boycott white goods—as China and India have shown[Pg 231] Asiatics capable of doing, will not white control be transformed from an asset into a liability? Above all, let us remember that no race-values are involved. No white race-areas would have to be abandoned to non-white domination. White control over Asia is political, and can thus be judged by the criteria of material interest undisturbed by the categorical imperative of race-duty.

The need for sympathetic open-mindedness toward awakening Asia if cataclysmic disasters are to be averted becomes all the clearer when we realize that on important issues lying outside Asia the white world must resolutely oppose Asiatic desires. We whites should be the more generous in our attitude toward Asia because imperative reasons of self-protection require us to deny to Asiatics some of their best opportunities in the outer world.

In my opening chapters I discussed the rapid growth of Asiatic populations and the resultant steadily augmenting outward thrust of surplus Asiatics (principally yellow men, but also in lesser degree brown men) from overcrowded homelands toward the less-crowded regions of the earth. It is, in fact, Asiatics, and above all Mongolian Asiatics, who form the first waves of the rising tide of color. Unfortunately, the white world cannot permit this rising tide free scope. White men cannot, under peril of their very race-existence, allow wholesale Asiatic immigration into white race-areas. This prohibition, which will be discussed in the next chapter, is already a serious blow to Asiatic aspirations.

[Pg 232]But the matter does not end there. The white world also cannot permit with safety to itself wholesale Asiatic penetration of non-Asiatic colored regions like black Africa and tropical Latin America. To permit Asiatic colonization and ultimate control of these vast territories with their incalculable resources would be to overturn in favor of Asia the political, the economic, and eventually the racial balance of power in the world. At present the white man controls these regions. And he must stand fast. No other course is possible. Neither black Africa nor mongrel-ruled tropical America can stand alone. If the white man goes, the Asiatic comes—browns to Africa, yellows to Latin America. And there is no reason under heaven why we whites should deliberately present Asia with the richest regions of the tropics, to our own impoverishment and probable undoing.

Our race-duty is therefore clear. We must resolutely oppose both Asiatic permeation of white race-areas and Asiatic inundation of those non-white, but equally non-Asiatic, regions inhabited by the really inferior races. But we should also recognize that by taking this attitude we debar Asiatics from golden opportunities and render impossible the realization of aspirations intrinsically just as normal and laudable as our own. And, having closed in their faces so many doors of hope, can we refuse to discuss with gifted and capable Asiatics the problem of turning over to them the keys of their own house without causing festering hatreds[Pg 233] whose poison may spread far beyond Asia into other colored lands and possibly into white lands as well? Neither a Pan-Colored nor a Colored-Bolshevist alliance are impossibilities, far-fetched though these terms may sound.

The fact is, we whites are in no position to indulge in the luxury of Bourbonism. Weakened by Armageddon, hampered by Versailles, and harassed by Bolshevism, the white world can ill afford to flout legitimate Asiatic aspirations to independence. Our imperialists may argue that this means abandoning “outer dikes,” but I contend that white positions in Asia are not protective dikes but strategic blockhouses, built upon the sands during the long Asiatic ebb-tide, and which the now rising Asiatic waves must ultimately engulf. Is it not the part of wisdom to quit these outposts before they collapse into the swirling waters? Our true “outer dikes” stand, not in Asia, but in Africa and Latin America. Let us not exhaust ourselves by stubborn resistance in Asia which in the end must prove futile. Let us conserve our strength, remembering that by the time Asia has been submerged the flood should have lost much of its pent-up power.

Particularly should this be true of the moral “imponderables.” By taking a reasonable, conciliatory attitude toward Asiatic aspirations to independence we would thereby eliminate the moral factors in Asia’s present hostility toward ourselves. Many Asiatics[Pg 234] would still be our foes from resentment at balked expansion, but we should have separated the sheep from the goats.

And the sheep are the more numerous. There are of course irreconcilables like Japanese imperialists and Pan-Islamic fanatics who would like to upset the whole world. However, taken by and large, Asia is peopled neither by fire-eating jingoes nor howling dervishes. The average Asiatic is by nature less restless, less ambitious, and consequently less aggressive than ourselves. To-day Asiatics are everywhere aroused by a whole complex of stimuli like overcrowding, white domination, and white denial of nationalistic aspirations, to an access of hatred and fury. Those last-mentioned stimuli to anti-white hostility we can remove. The first-mentioned cause of hostility—over-population—we cannot remove. Only the Asiatic himself can do that by controlling his reckless procreation. Of course over-population is of itself a sufficiently serious provoker of trouble. There is no more certain breeder of strife than the expansive urge of a fast-breeding people. Nevertheless, this hostile stimulus applies primarily to yellow Asia. Brown Asia, once free or clearly on the road to freedom, would be either satisfied or engrossed in its intestine broils. At any rate, the twin spectres of a Pan-Asian or a Pan-Colored alliance would probably vanish like a mirage of the desert, and the white world would be far better able to deal with yellow pressure on its [Pg 235]race-frontiers—no light task, weakened and distracted as the white world finds itself to-day.

Unfortunately, no such wise foresight seems to have been vouchsafed our statesmen. Imperialistic secret treaties formed the basis for Versailles’s treatment of Asiatic questions, and those treaties were drawn precisely as though Armageddon were a skirmish and Asia the sleeping giant of a century ago. Upon the brown world, in particular, white domination was riveted rather than relaxed.

This amazing disregard of present-day realities augurs ill for the future. Indeed, its evil first-fruits are already apparent. The brown world, convinced that its aspirations can be realized only by force, turns to the yellow world and listens to Bolshevik propaganda, while Pan-Islamism redoubles its efforts in Africa.

Thus is once more manifest the diplomatic bankruptcy of Versailles. The white man, like King Canute, seats himself upon the tidal sands and bids the waves be stayed. He will be lucky if he escapes merely with wet shoes.
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Re: The Rising Tide of Color Against Theodore Stod

Postby admin » Sat Apr 04, 2020 7:42 am

Part 1 of 2


We come now to the frontiers of the white world—to its true frontiers, marked, not by boundary-stones, but by flesh and blood. These frontiers are not continuous: far from the European homeland, some run in remote quarters of the earth, sundered by vast stretches of ocean and connected only by the slate-gray thread of sea-power—the master-talisman which the white man still grasps firmly in his hand.

But against these race-frontiers—these “inner dikes”—the rising tide of color has for decades been beating, and will beat yet more fiercely as congesting population, quickened self-consciousness, and heightened sense of power impel the colored world to expansion and dominion. Above the eastern horizon the dark storm-clouds lower, and the weakened, distracted white world must soon face a colored peril threatening its integrity and perhaps its existence. This colored peril has three facets: the peril of arms, the peril of markets, and the peril of migration. All three contain ominous potentialities, both singly and in combination. Let us review them in turn, to appraise their dynamic possibilities.

First, the peril of arms. The military potencies of the colored races have been the subject of earnest, and frequently alarmist, speculation for the past twenty[Pg 237] years, particularly since the Russo-Japanese War. The exciting effects of Pan-Islamism upon the warlike peoples of Asia and Africa have been frequently discussed, while the “Yellow Peril” has long been a journalistic commonplace.

How shall we appraise the colored peril of arms? On the whole, it would appear as though the colored military danger, in its isolated, purely aggressive aspect, had been exaggerated. Visions of a united Asia, rising suddenly in fanatic frenzy and hurling brown and yellow myriads upon the white West seem to be the products of superheated imaginations. I say “seem,” because there are unquestionably mysterious emotional depths in the Asiatic soul which may yet justify the prophets of cataclysmic war. As Hyndman says: “With all the facts before us, and with prejudice thrown aside, we are still unable to lay bare the causes of the gigantic Asian movements of the past. They were certainly not all economic in their origin, unless we stretch the boundaries of theory so far as to include the massacre of whole populations and the destruction of their wealth within the limits of the invaders’ desire for material gain. And, whether these movements arose from material or emotional causes, they have been before, and they may occur again. Forecast here is impossible. A new Mohammed is quite as likely to make his appearance as a new Buddha, a reborn Confucius, or a modern Christ.... Asia raided and scourged Europe for more than a thousand years. Now, for five hundred years, the counter-attack of[Pg 238] Europe upon Asia has been steadily going on, and it may be that the land of long memories will cherish some desire to avenge this period of wrong and rapine in turn. The seed of hatred has already been but too well sown.”[137]

Of course, on this particular point, forecast is, indeed, impossible. Nevertheless, the point should be noted, for Asiatic war-fever may appear, if not in isolation, then in conjunction with other stimuli to warlike action, like population-pressure or imperialistic ambition, which to-day exist and whose amplitude can be approximately gauged. We have already analyzed the military potencies of Pan-Islamism and Japan, and China also should not be forgotten. Pacifist though China has long been, she has had her bellicose moments in the past and may have them in the future. Should this occur, China, as the world’s greatest reservoir of intelligent man-power, would be immensely formidable. Pearson visualizes a China “become an aggressive military power, sending out her armies in millions to cross the Himalayas and traverse the Steppes, or occupying the islands and the northern parts of Australia, by pouring in immigrants protected by fleets. Luther’s old name for the Turks, that they were ‘the people of the wrath of God,’ may receive a new and terrible application.”[138]

Granted that the Chinese will never become the[Pg 239] fighting equals of the world’s warrior races, their incredible numbers combined with their tenacious vitality might overcome opponents individually their superiors. Says Professor Ross: “To the West the toughness of the Chinese physique may have a sinister military significance. Nobody fears lest in a stand-up fight Chinese troops could whip an equal number of well-conditioned white troops. But few battles are fought by men fresh from tent and mess. In the course of a prolonged campaign involving irregular provisioning, bad drinking-water, lying out, loss of sleep, exhausting marches, exposure, excitement, and anxiety, it may be that the white soldiers would be worn down worse than the yellow soldiers. In that case the hardier men with less of the martial spirit might in the closing grapple beat the better fighters with the less endurance.”[139]

The potentialities of the Chinese soldier would acquire vastly greater significance if China should be thoroughly subjugated by, or solidly leagued to, ambitious and militaristic Japan. The combined military energies of the Far East, welded into an aggressive unity, would be a weapon of tremendous striking-power.

The colored peril of arms may thus be summarized: The brown and yellow races possess great military potentialities. These (barring the action of certain ill-understood emotional stimuli) are unlikely to flame out in spontaneous fanaticism; but, on the other hand,[Pg 240] they are very likely to be mobilized for political reasons like revolt against white dominion or for social reasons like over-population. The black race offers no real danger except as the tool of Pan-Islamism. As for the red men of the Americas, they are of merely local significance.

We are now ready to examine the economic facet of the colored peril: the industrial-mercantile phase. In the second part of this volume I showed the profound effect of the “industrial revolution” in furthering white world-supremacy, and I pointed out the tremendous advantages accruing to the white world from exploitation of undeveloped colored lands and from exports of manufactured goods to colored markets. The prodigious wealth thereby amassed has been a prime cause of white prosperity, has buttressed the maintenance of white world-hegemony, and has made possible much of the prodigious increase of white population.

We little realize what the loss of these advantages would mean. As a matter of fact, it would mean throughout the white world diminished prosperity, lessened political and military strength, and such relative economic and social stagnation as would depress national vigor and check population. It is even possible to visualize a white world reverting to the condition of Europe in the fifteenth century—thrown back upon itself, on the defensive, and with a static rather than a progressive civilization. Such conditions could of course occur only as the result of colored military and[Pg 241] industrial triumphs of the most sweeping character. But the possibility exists, nevertheless, as I shall endeavor to show.

Down to the close of the nineteenth century white supremacy was as absolute in industry as it was in politics and war. Even the civilized brown and yellow peoples were negligible from the industrial point of view. Asia was economically on an agricultural basis. Such industries as she possessed were still in the “house-industry” stage, and her products, while often exquisite in quality, were produced by such slow, antiquated methods that their quantity was limited and their market-price relatively high. Despite very low wages, Asiatic products not only could not compete in the world-market with European and American machine-made, mass-produced articles, but were hard hit in their home-markets as well. The way in which an ancient Asiatic handicraft like the Indian textiles was literally annihilated by the destructive competition of Lancashire cottons is only one of many similar instances.

With the beginning of the twentieth century, however, Asia began to show signs of an economic activity as striking in its way as the activity which Asia was displaying in idealistic and political fields. Japan had already laid the foundations of her flourishing industrial life based on the most up-to-date Western models, while in other Asiatic lands, notably in China and India, the whir of machinery and the smoke of tall factory chimneys proclaimed that the East was fathoming the industrial secrets of the West.

[Pg 242]What Asiatics were seeking in their industrial revival was well expressed a decade ago by a Hindu, who wrote in a leading Indian periodical: “In one respect the Orient is really menacing the West, and so earnest and open-minded is Asia that no pretense or apology whatever is made about it. The Easterner has thrown down the industrial gantlet, and from now on Asia is destined to witness a progressively intense trade warfare, the Occidental scrambling to retain his hold on the markets of the East, and the Oriental endeavoring to beat him in a battle in which heretofore he has been an easy victor.... In competing with the Occidental commercialists, the Oriental has awakened to a dynamic realization of the futility of pitting unimproved machinery and methods against modern methods and appliances. Casting aside his former sense of self-complacency, he is studying the sciences and arts that have given the West its material prosperity. He is putting the results of his investigations to practical use, as a rule, recasting the Occidental methods and tools to suit his peculiar needs, and in some instances improving upon them.”[140]

The accuracy of this Hindu statement of Asia’s industrial awakening is indorsed by the statements of white observers. At the very moment when the above article was penned, an American economic writer, Clarence Poe, was making a study tour of the Orient, from which he brought back the following report: “The[Pg 243] real cause of Asia’s poverty lies in just two things: the failure of Asiatic governments to educate their people, and the failure of the people to increase their productive capacity by the use of machinery. Ignorance and lack of machinery are responsible for Asia’s poverty; knowledge and modern tools are responsible for America’s prosperity.” But, continues Mr. Poe, we must watch out. Asia now realizes these things and is doing much to remedy the situation. Hence, “we must face in ever-increasing degree the rivalry of awakening peoples who are strong with the strength that comes from struggle with poverty and hardship, and who have set themselves to master and apply all our secrets in the coming world-struggle for industrial supremacy and for racial readjustment.”[141] And more recently another American observer of Asiatic economic conditions reports: “All Asia is being permeated with modern industry and present-day mechanical progress.”[142]

Take, for example, the momentous possibilities involved in the industrial awakening of China. China is not merely the most populous of lands, containing as it does nearly one-fourth of all the human beings on earth, but it is also dowered with immense natural resources, notably coal and iron—the prime requisites of modern industrial life. Hitherto China has been on an agricultural basis, with virtually no exploitation[Pg 244] of her mineral wealth and with no industry in the modern sense. But the day when any considerable fraction of China’s laborious millions turn from the plough and handicrafts to the factory must see a portentous reaction in the most distant markets.

Thirty years ago, Professor Pearson forecast China’s imminent industrial transformation. “Does any one doubt,” he asks, “that the day is at hand when China will have cheap fuel from her coal-mines, cheap transport by railways and steamers, and will have founded technical schools to develop her industries? Whenever that day comes, she may wrest the control of the world’s markets, especially throughout Asia, from England and Germany.”[143]

Much of what Professor Pearson prophesied has already come to pass, for China to-day has the beginnings of a promising industrial life. Even a decade ago Professor Ross wrote of industrial conditions there:

“Assuredly the cheapness of Chinese labor is something to make a factory owner’s mouth water. The women reelers in the silk filatures of Shanghai get from eight to eleven cents for eleven hours of work. But Shanghai is dear; and, besides, everybody there complains that the laborers are knowing and spoiled. In the steel works at Hanyang common labor gets three dollars a month, just a tenth of what raw Slavs command in the South Chicago iron-works. Skilled mechanics get from eight to twelve dollars. In a coal-mine near Ichang a thousand miles up the Yangtse[Pg 245] the coolie receives one cent for carrying a 400-pound load of coal on his back down to the river a mile and a half away. He averages ten loads a day but must rest every other week. The miners get seven cents a day and found; that is, a cent’s worth of rice and meal. They work eleven hours a day up to their knees in water, and all have swollen legs. After a week of it they have to lie off a couple of days. No wonder the cost of this coal (semi-bituminous) at the pit’s mouth is only thirty-five cents a ton. At Chengtu servants get a dollar and a half a month and find themselves. Across Szechuan lusty coolies were glad to carry our chairs half a day for four cents each. In Sianfu the common coolie gets three cents a day and feeds himself, or eighty cents a month. Through Shansi roving harvesters were earning from four to twelve cents a day, and farm-hands got five or six dollars a year and their keep. Speaking broadly, in any part of the empire, willing laborers of fair intelligence may be had in any number at from eight to fifteen cents a day.

“With an ocean of such labor power to draw on, China would appear to be on the eve of a manufacturing development that will act like a continental upheaval in changing the trade map of the world. The impression is deepened by the tale of industries that have already sprung up.”[144]

Of course there is another side to the story. Low wages alone do not insure cheap production. As Professor Ross remarks: “For all his native capacity, the[Pg 246] coolie will need a long course of schooling, industrial training, and factory atmosphere before he inches up abreast of the German or American working man.”[145] In the technical and directing staffs there is the same absence of the modern industrial spirit, resulting in chronic mismanagement, while Chinese industry is further handicapped by traditional evils like “squeeze,” nepotism, lust for quick profits, and incapacity for sustained business team-play. These failings are not peculiar to China; they hamper the industrial development of other Asiatic countries, notably India. Still, the way in which Japanese industry, with all its faults, is perfecting both its technic and its methods shows that these failings will be gradually overcome and indicates that within a generation Asiatic industry will probably be sufficiently advanced to supply at least the Asiatic home-markets with most of the staple manufactures.

Thus it looks as though white manufactures will tend to be progressively eliminated from Asiatic markets, even under conditions of absolutely free competition. But it is a very moot point whether competition will remain free—whether, on the contrary, white wares will not be increasingly penalized. The Asiatic takes a keen interest in his industrial development and consciously favors it even where whites are in political control. The “swadeshi” movement in India is a good example, while the Chinese and Egyptian boycotts of foreign as against native goods are[Pg 247] further instances in point. The Japanese have supplemented these spontaneous popular movements by systematic governmental discrimination in favor of Japanese products and the elimination of white competition from Japan and its dependencies. This Japanese policy has been markedly successful, and should Japan’s present hegemony over China be perpetuated the white man may soon find himself economically as well as politically expelled from the whole Far East.

A decade ago Putnam Weale wrote warningly: “If China is forced, owing to the short-sighted diplomacy of those for whom the question has really supreme importance, to make common cause with Japan as a pis aller, then it may be accepted as inevitable that in the course of time there will be created a mare clausum, which will extend from the island of Saghalien down to Cochin-China and Siam, including all the island-groups, and the shores of which will be openly hostile to the white man....

“And since there will be no danger from the competition of white workmen, but rather from the white man’s ships, the white man’s merchants, his inventions, his produce—it will be these which will be subjected to humiliating conditions.... It is not a very far cry from tariffs on goods to tariffs and restrictions on foreign shipping, on foreign merchants, on everything foreign—restrictions which by imposing vast and unequal burdens on the activities of aliens will soon totally destroy such activities.... What can very easily happen is that the federation[Pg 248] of eastern Asia and the yellow races will be finally arranged in such a manner as to exclude the white man and his commerce more completely than any one yet dreams of.”[146]

This latter misfortune may be averted by concerted white action, but it is difficult to see how the gradual elimination of white goods from Asiatic markets as the result of successful Asiatic competition can be averted. Certainly the stubborn maintenance of white political domination over a rebellious Asia would be no remedy. That would merely intensify swadeshi boycotts in the subject regions, while in the lands freed from white political control it would further Japan’s policy of excluding everything white. If Asiatics resolve to buy their own products instead of ours we may as well reconcile ourselves to the loss. Here again frank recognition of the inevitable will enable us to take a much stronger and more justifiable position on the larger world-aspects of the problem.

For Asia’s industrial transformation is destined to cause momentous reactions in other parts of the globe. If Asiatic industry really does get on an efficient basis, its potentialities are so tremendous that it must presently not only monopolize the home-markets but also seek to invade white markets as well, thus presenting the white world with commercial and economic problems as unwelcome as they will be novel.

Again, industrialization will in some respects aggravate Asiatic longings for migration and dominion.[Pg 249] In my opening pages I mentioned industrialization as a probable reliever of population-pressure in Asiatic countries by affording new livelihoods to the congested masses. This is true. But, looking a trifle farther, we can also see that industrialization would stimulate a further prodigious increase of population. Consider the growth of Europe’s population during the nineteenth century under the stimulus of the industrial revolution, making possible the existence in our industrialized Europe of three times as many people as existed in the agricultural Europe of a hundred years ago. Why should not a similar development occur in Asia? To-day Asia, though still upon a basis as agricultural as eighteenth-century Europe, contains fully 900,000,000 people. That even a partially industrialized Asia might support twice that number would (judging by the European precedent) be far from improbable.

But this would mean vastly increased incentives to expansion—commercial, political, racial—beyond the bounds of Asia. It would mean intensified encroachments, not only upon areas of white settlement, but perhaps even more upon non-Asiatic colored regions of white political control like Africa and tropical America. Here again we see why the white man, however conciliatory in Asia, must stand like flint in Africa and Latin America. To allow the whole tropic belt clear round the world to pass into Asiatic hands would practically spell white race-suicide.

Professor Pearson paints a truly terrible picture[Pg 250] of the stagnation and hopelessness which would ensue. “Let us conceive,” he writes, “the leading European nations to be stationary, while the black and yellow belt, including China, Malaysia, India, central Africa, and tropical America, is all teeming with life, developed by industrial enterprise, fairly well administered by native governments, and owning the better part of the carrying trade of the world. Can any one suppose that, in such a condition of political society, the habitual temper of mind in Europe would not be profoundly changed? Depression, hopelessness, a disregard of invention and improvement, would replace the sanguine confidence of races that at present are always panting for new worlds to conquer. Here and there, it may be, the more adventurous would profit by the traditions of old supremacy to get their services accepted in the new nations, but as a rule there would be no outlet for energy, no future for statesmanship. The despondency of the English people, when their dream of conquest in France was dissipated, was attended with a complete decay of thought, with civil war, and with a standing still, or perhaps a decline of population, and to a less degree of wealth.... It is conceivable that our later world may find itself deprived of all that is valued on earth, of the pageantry of subject provinces and the reality of commerce, while it has neither a disinterred literature to amuse it nor a vitalized religion to give it spiritual strength.”[147]

To sum up: The economic phase of the colored peril,[Pg 251] though not yet a major factor, must still be seriously reckoned with by forward-looking statesmanship as something which will increasingly complicate the relations of the white and non-white worlds. In fact, even to-day it tends to intensify Asiatic desires for expansion, and thus exacerbates the third, or migratory, phase of the colored peril, which is already upon us.

The question of Asiatic immigration is incomparably the greatest external problem which faces the white world. Supreme phase of the colored peril, it already presses, and is destined to press harder in the near future. It infinitely transcends the peril of arms or markets, since it threatens not merely our supremacy or prosperity but our very race-existence, the wellsprings of being, the sacred heritage of our children.

That this is no overstatement of the issue, a bare recital of a few biological axioms will show. We have already seen that nothing is more unstable than the racial make-up of a people, while, conversely, nothing is more unchanging than the racial divisions of mankind. We have seen that true amalgamation is possible only between members of the same race-stock, while in crossings between stocks even as relatively near together as the main divisions of the white species, the race-characters do not really fuse but remain distinct in the mixed offspring and tend constantly to resort themselves as pure types by Mendelian inheritance. Thus a country inhabited by a mixed population is really inhabited by different races, one of which[Pg 252] always tends to dominate and breed the other out—the outbred strains being lost to the world forever.

Now, since the various human stocks differ widely in genetic worth, nothing should be more carefully studied than the relative values of the different strains in a population, and nothing should be more rigidly scrutinized than new strains seeking to add themselves to a population, because such new strains may hold simply incalculable potentialities for good or for evil. The potential reproductive powers of any stock are almost unlimited. Therefore the introduction of even a small group of prolific and adaptable but racially undesirable aliens may result in their subsequent prodigious multiplication, thereby either replacing better native stocks or degrading these by the injection of inferior blood.

The admission of aliens should, indeed, be regarded just as solemnly as the begetting of children, for the racial effect is essentially the same. There is no more damning indictment of our lopsided, materialistic civilization than the way in which, throughout the nineteenth century, immigration was almost universally regarded, not from the racial, but from the material point of view, the immigrant being viewed not as a creator of race-values but as a mere vocal tool for the production of material wealth.

Immigration is thus, from the racial standpoint, a form of procreation, and like the more immediate form of procreation it may be either the greatest blessing or the greatest curse. Human history is largely the[Pg 253] story of migrations, making now for good and now for ill. Migration peopled Europe with superior white stocks displacing ape-like aborigines, and settled North America with Nordics instead of nomad redskins. But migration also bastardized the Roman world with Levantine mongrels, drowned the West Indies under a black tide, and is filling our own land with the sweepings of the European east and south.

Migration, like other natural movements, is of itself a blind force. It is man’s divine privilege as well as duty, having been vouchsafed knowledge of the laws of life, to direct these blind forces, rejecting the bad and selecting the good for the evolution of higher and nobler destinies.

Colored immigration is merely the most extreme phase of a phenomenon which has already moulded prodigiously the development of the white world. In fact, before discussing the specific problems of colored immigration, it would be well to survey the effects of the immigration of various white stocks. When we have grasped the momentous changes wrought by the introduction of even relatively near-related and hence relatively assimilable strains, we will be better able to realize the far more momentous consequences which the introduction of colored stocks into white lands would entail.

The racial effects of immigration are ably summarized by that lifelong student of immigration problems, Prescott F. Hall. These effects are, he truly remarks, “more far-reaching and potent than all others. The[Pg 254] government, the state, society, industry, the political party, social and political ideals, all are concepts and conventions created by individual men; and when individuals change these change with them. Recent discoveries in biology show that in the long run heredity is far more important than environment or education; for though the latter can develop, it cannot create. They also show what can be done in a few years in altering species, and in producing new ones with qualities hitherto unknown, or unknown in combination.”[148]

The ways in which admixture of alien blood can modify or even destroy the very soul of a people have been fully analyzed both by biologists and by social psychologists like Doctor Gustave Le Bon.[149] The way in which wholesale immigration, even though mainly white, has already profoundly modified American national character is succinctly stated by Mr. Eliot Norton. “If,” he writes, “one considers the American people from, say, 1775 to 1860, it is clear that a well-defined national character was in process of formation. What variations there were, were all of the same type, and these variations would have slowly grown less and less marked. It needs little study to see of what great value to any body of men, women, and children a national or racial type is. It furnishes a standard of conduct by which any one can set his course. The world is a difficult place in which to live, and to [Pg 255]establish moral standards has been one of the chief occupations of mankind. Without such standards, man feels as a mariner without a compass. Religions, rules, laws, and customs are only the national character in the form of standards of conduct. Now national character can be formed only in a population which is stable. The repeated introduction into a body of men of other men of different type or types cannot but tend to prevent its formation. Thus the 19,000,000 of immigrants that have landed have tended to break up the type which was forming, and to make the formation of any other type difficult. Every million more will only intensify this result, and the absence of a national character is a loss to every man, woman, and child. It will show itself in our religions, rules of conduct, in our laws, in our customs.”[150]

The vital necessity of restriction and selection in immigration to conserve and build race-values is thus set forth by Mr. Hall:

“There is one aspect of immigration restriction in the various countries which does not often receive much attention; namely, the possibility of its use as a method of world-eugenics. Most persons think of migration in terms of space—as the moving of a certain number of people from one part of the earth’s surface to another. Whereas the much more important aspect of it is that of a functioning in time.

[Pg 256]“This comes from two facts. The first is that the vacuum left in any country by emigration is rapidly filled up through a rise in the birth-rate.... The second fact is that immigration to any country of a given stratum of population tends to sterilize all strata of higher social and economic levels already in that country. So true is this that nearly all students of the matter are agreed that the United States would have a larger population to-day if there had been no immigration since 1820, and, it is needless to add, a much more homogeneous population. As long as the people of any community are relatively homogeneous, what differences of wealth and social position there may be do not affect the birth-rate, or do so only after a considerable time. But put into that community a number of immigrants, inferior mentally, socially, and economically, and the natives are unwilling to have their children associate with them in work or social life. They then limit the number of their children in order to give them the capital or education to enter occupations in which they will not be brought into contact with the new arrivals. This result is quite apparent in New England, where successive waves of immigration from lower and lower levels have been coming in for eighty years. In the West, the same New England stock has a much higher birth-rate, showing that its fertility is in no way diminished. In the South, where until very recently there was no immigration at all, and the only socially inferior race was clearly separated by the accident of color, the birth-rate[Pg 257] has remained very high, and the very large families of the colonial period are even now not uncommon.

“This is not to say that other causes do not contribute to lower the birth-rate of a country, for that is an almost world-wide phenomenon. But the desire to be separated from inferiors is as strong a motive to birth-control as the desire for luxury or to ape one’s economic superiors. Races follow Gresham’s law as to money: the poorer of two kinds in the same place tends to supplant the better. Mark you, supplant, not drive out. One of the most common fallacies is the idea that the natives whose places are taken by the lower immigrants are ‘driven up’ to more responsible positions. A few may be pushed up; more are driven to a new locality, as happened in the mining regions; but most are prevented from coming into existence at all.

“What is the result, then, of the migration of 1,000,000 persons of lower level into a country where the average is of a higher level? Considering the world as a whole, there are, after a few years, 2,000,000 persons of the lower type in the world, and probably from 500,000 to 1,000,000 less of the higher type. The proportion of lower to higher in the country from which the migration goes may remain the same; but in the country receiving it, it has risen. Is the world as a whole the gainer?

“Of course the euthenist[151] says at once that these immigrants are improved. We may grant that, [Pg 258]although the improvement is probably much exaggerated. You cannot make bad stock into good by changing its meridian, any more than you can turn a cart-horse into a hunter by putting it into a fine stable, or make a mongrel into a fine dog by teaching it tricks. But such improvement as there is involves time, expense, and trouble; and, when it is done, has anything been gained? Will any one say that the races that have supplanted the old Nordic stock in New England are any better, or as good, as the descendants of that stock would have been if their birth-rate had not been lowered?

“Further, in addition to the purely biological aspects of the matter, there are certain psychological ones. Although a cosmopolitan atmosphere furnishes a certain freedom in which strong congenital talents can develop, it is a question whether as many are not injured as helped by this. Indeed, there is considerable evidence to show that for the production of great men, a certain homogeneity of environment is necessary. The reason of this is very simple. In a homogeneous community, opinions on a large number of matters are fixed. The individual does not have to attend to such things, but is free to go ahead on some special line of his own, to concentrate to his limit on his work, even though that work be fighting the common opinions.

“But in a community of many races, there is either cross-breeding or there is not. If there is, the children of such cross-breeding are liable to inherit[Pg 259] two souls, two temperaments, two sets of opinions, with the result in many cases that they are unable to think or act strongly and consistently in any direction. The classic examples are Cuba, Mexico, and Brazil. On the other hand, if there is no cross-breeding, the diversity exists in the original races, and in a community full of diverse ideals of all kinds much of the energy of the higher type of man is dissipated in two ways. First, in the intellectual field there is much more doubt about everything, and he tends to weigh, discuss, and agitate many more subjects, in order to arrive at a conclusion amid the opposing views. Second, in practical affairs, much time and strength have to be devoted to keeping things going along old lines, which could have been spent in new research and development. In how many of our large cities to-day are men of the highest type spending their whole time fighting, often in vain, to maintain standards of honesty, decency, and order, and in trying to compose the various ethnic elements, who should be free to build new structures upon the old!

“The moral seems to be this: Eugenics among individuals is encouraging the propagation of the fit, and limiting or preventing the multiplication of the unfit. World-eugenics is doing precisely the same thing as to races considered as wholes. Immigration restriction is a species of segregation on a large scale, by which inferior stocks can be prevented from both diluting and supplanting good stocks. Just as we isolate bacterial invasions, and starve out the bacteria[Pg 260] by limiting the area and amount of their food-supply, so we can compel an inferior race to remain in its native habitat, where its own multiplication in a limited area will, as with all organisms, eventually limit its numbers and therefore its influence. On the other hand, the superior races, more self-limiting than the others, with the benefits of more space and nourishment will tend to still higher levels.

“This result is not merely a selfish benefit to the higher races, but a good to the world as a whole. The object is to produce the greatest number of those fittest not ‘for survival’ merely, but fittest for all purposes. The lower types among men progress, so far as their racial inheritance allows them to, chiefly by imitation and emulation. The presence of the highest development and the highest institutions among any race is a distinct benefit to all the others. It is a gift of psychological environment to any one capable of appreciation.”[152]

The impossibility of any advanced and prosperous community maintaining its social standards and handing them down to its posterity in these days of cheap and rapid transportation except by restrictions upon immigrations is thus explained by Professor Ross: “Now that cheap travel stirs the social deeps and far-beckoning opportunity fills the steerage, immigration becomes ever more serious to the people that hopes to rid itself at least of slums, ‘masses,’ and [Pg 261]‘submerged.’ What is the good of practising prudence in the family if hungry strangers may crowd in and occupy at the banquet table of life the places reserved for its children? Shall it, in order to relieve the teeming lands of their unemployed, abide in the pit of wolfish competition and renounce the fair prospect of growth in suavity, comfort, and refinement? If not, then the low-pressure society must not only slam its doors upon the indraft, but must double-lock them with forts and iron-clads, lest they be burst open by assault from some quarter where ‘cannon food’ is cheap.”[153]

These admirable summaries of the immigration problem in its world-aspect are strikingly illustrated by our own country, which may be considered as the leading, if not the “horrible,” example. Probably few persons fully appreciate what magnificent racial treasures America possessed at the beginning of the nineteenth century. The colonial stock was perhaps the finest that nature had evolved since the classic Greeks. It was the very pick of the Nordics of the British Isles and adjacent regions of the European continent—picked at a time when those countries were more Nordic than now, since the industrial revolution had not yet begun and the consequent resurgence of the Mediterranean and Alpine elements had not taken place.

The immigrants of colonial times were largely exiles for conscience’s sake, while the very process of migration was so difficult and hazardous that only persons[Pg 262] of courage, initiative, and strong will-power would voluntarily face the long voyage overseas to a life of struggle in an untamed wilderness haunted by ferocious savages.

Thus the entire process of colonial settlement was one continuous, drastic cycle of eugenic selection. Only the racially fit ordinarily came, while the few unfit who did come were mostly weeded out by the exacting requirements of early American life.

The eugenic results were magnificent. As Madison Grant well says: “Nature had vouchsafed to the Americans of a century ago the greatest opportunity in recorded history to produce in the isolation of a continent a powerful and racially homogeneous people, and had provided for the experiment a pure race of one of the most gifted and vigorous stocks on earth, a stock free from the diseases, physical and moral, which have again and again sapped the vigor of the older lands. Our grandfathers threw away this opportunity in the blissful ignorance of national childhood and inexperience.”[154] The number of great names which America produced at the beginning of its national life shows the high level of ability possessed by this relatively small people (only about 3,000,000 whites in 1790). With our hundred-odd millions we have no such output of genius to-day.

The opening decades of the nineteenth century seemed to portend for America the most glorious of futures. For nearly seventy years after the Revolution,[Pg 263] immigration was small, and during that long period of ethnic isolation the colonial stock, unperturbed by alien influences, adjusted its cultural differences and began to display the traits of a genuine new type, harmonious in basic homogeneity and incalculably rich in racial promise. The general level of ability continued high and the output of talent remained extraordinarily large. Perhaps the best feature of the nascent “native American” race was its strong idealism. Despite the materialistic blight which was then creeping over the white world, the native American displayed characteristics more reminiscent of his Elizabethan forebears than of the materialistic Hanoverian Englishman. It was a wonderful time—and it was only the dawn!

But the full day of that wondrous dawning never came. In the late forties of the nineteenth century the first waves of the modern immigrant tide began breaking on our shores, and the tide swelled to a veritable deluge which never slackened till temporarily restrained by the late war. This immigration, to be sure, first came mainly from northern Europe, was thus largely composed of kindred stocks, and contributed many valuable elements. Only during the last thirty years have we been deluged by the truly alien hordes of the European east and south. But, even at its best, the immigrant tide could not measure up to the colonial stock which it displaced, not reinforced, while latterly it became a menace to the very existence of our race, ideals, and institutions. All our[Pg 264] slowly acquired balance—physical, mental, and spiritual—has been upset, and we to-day flounder in a veritable Serbonian bog, painfully trying to regain the solid ground on which our grandsires confidently stood.

The dangerous fallacy in that short-sighted idealism which seeks to make America the haven of refuge for the poor and oppressed of all lands, and its evil effects not only on America but on the rest of the world as well, has been convincingly exposed by Professor Ross. He has scant patience with those social “uplifters” whose sympathy with the visible alien at the gate is so keen that they have no feeling for the invisible children of our poor who will find the chances gone, nor for those at the gate of the to-be, who might have been born, but will not be.

“I am not of those,” he writes, “who consider humanity and forget the nation, who pity the living but not the unborn. To me, those who are to come after us stretch forth beseeching hands as well as do the masses on the other side of the globe. Nor do I regard America as something to be spent quickly and cheerfully for the benefit of pent-up millions in the backward lands. What if we become crowded without their ceasing to be so? I regard it (America) as a nation whose future may be of unspeakable value to the rest of mankind, provided that the easier conditions of life here be made permanent by high standards of living, institutions, and ideals, which finally may be appropriated by all men. We could have helped the Chinese a little by letting their surplus millions swarm[Pg 265] in upon us a generation ago; but we have helped them infinitely more by protecting our standards and having something worth their copying when the time came.”[155]
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Re: The Rising Tide of Color Against Theodore Stod

Postby admin » Sat Apr 04, 2020 7:42 am

Part 2 of 2

The perturbing influence of recent immigration must vex American life for many decades. Even if laws are passed to-morrow so drastic as to shut out permanently the influx of undesirable elements, it will yet take several generations before the combined action of assimilation and elimination shall have restabilized our population and evolved a new type-norm approaching in fixity that which was on the point of crystallizing three-quarters of a century ago.

The biologist Humphrey thus punctures the “melting-pot” delusion: “Our ‘melting-pot,’” he writes, “would not give us in a thousand years what enthusiasts expect of it—a fusing of all our various racial elements into a new type which shall be the true American. It will give us for many generations a perplexing diversity in ancestry, and since our successors must reach back into their ancestry for characteristics, this diversity will increase the uncertainty of their inheritances. They will inherit no stable blended character, because there is no such thing. They will inherit from a mixture of unlike characteristics contributed by unlike peoples, and in their inheritance they will have certain of these characteristics in full identity, while certain others they will not have at all.”[156]

[Pg 266]Thus, under even the most favorable circumstances, we are in for generations of racial readjustment—an immense travail, essentially needless, since the final product will probably not measure up to the colonial standard. We will probably never (unless we adopt positive eugenic measures) be the race we might have been if America had been reserved for the descendants of the picked Nordics of colonial times.

But that is no reason for folding our hands in despairing inaction. On the contrary, we should be up and doing, for though some of our race-heritage has been lost, more yet remains. We can still be a very great people—if we will it so. Heaven be praised, the colonial stock was immensely prolific before the alien tide wrought its sterilizing havoc. Even to-day nearly one-half of our population is of the old blood, while many millions of the immigrant stock are sound in quality and assimilable in kind. Only—the immigrant tide must at all costs be stopped and America given a chance to stabilize her ethnic being. It is the old story of the sibylline books. Some, to be sure, are ashes of the dead past; all the more should we conserve the precious volumes which remain.

One fact should be clearly understood: If America is not true to her own race-soul, she will inevitably lose it, and the brightest star that has appeared since Hellas will fall like a meteor from the human sky, its brilliant radiance fading into the night. “We Americans,” says Madison Grant, “must realize that the altruistic ideals which have controlled our social development during[Pg 267] the past century and the maudlin sentimentalism that has made America ‘an asylum for the oppressed,’ are sweeping the nation toward a racial abyss. If the melting-pot is allowed to boil without control and we continue to follow our national motto and deliberately blind ourselves to ‘all distinctions of race, creed, or color,’ the type of native American of colonial descent will become as extinct as the Athenian of the age of Pericles and the Viking of the days of Rollo.”[157]

And let us not lay any sacrificial unction to our souls. If we cheat our country and the world of the splendid promise of American life, we shall have no one to blame but ourselves, and we shall deserve, not pity, but contempt. As Professor Ross well puts it: “A people that has no more respect for its ancestors and no more pride of race than this deserves the extinction that surely awaits it.”[158]

This extended discussion of the evil effects of even white immigration has, in my opinion, been necessary in order to get a proper perspective for viewing the problem of colored immigration. For it is perfectly obvious that if the influx of inferior kindred stocks is bad, the influx of wholly alien stocks is infinitely worse. When we see the damage wrought in America, for example, by the coming of persons who, after all, belong mostly to branches of the white race and who nearly all possess the basic ideals of white civilization, we can grasp the incalculably greater damage which would be wrought by the coming of persons wholly[Pg 268] alien in blood and possessed of idealistic and cultural backgrounds absolutely different from ours. If the white immigrant can gravely disorder the national life, it is not too much to say that the colored immigrant would doom it to certain death.

This doom would be all the more certain because of the enormous potential volume of colored immigration. Beside it, the white immigrant tide of the past century would pale into insignificance. Leaving all other parts of the colored world out of the present discussion, three Asiatic countries—China, Japan, and India—together have a population of nearly 800,000,000. That is practically twice the population of Europe—the source of white immigration. And the vast majority of these 800,000,000 Asiatics are potential immigrants into white territories. Their standards of living are so inconceivably low, their congestion is so painful, and their consequent desire for relief so keen that the high-standard, relatively empty white world seems to them a perfect paradise. Only the barrier of the white man’s veto has prevented a perfect deluge of colored men into white lands, and even as it is the desperate seekers after fuller life have crept and crawled through every crevice in that barrier, until even these advance-guards to-day constitute serious local problems along the white world’s race-frontiers.

The simple truth of the matter is this: A mighty problem—a planet-wide problem—confronts us to-day and will increasingly confront us in the days to[Pg 269] come. Says Putnam Weale: “A struggle has begun between the white man and all the other men of the world to decide whether non-white men—that is, yellow men, or brown men, or black men—may or may not invade the white man’s countries in order there to gain their livelihood. The standard of living being low in the lands of colored men and high in the lands of the white man, it has naturally followed that it has been in the highest degree attractive for men of color during the past few decades to proceed to regions where their labor is rewarded on a scale far above their actual requirements—that is, on the white man’s scale. This simple economic truth creates the inevitable contest which has for years filled all the countries bordering on the Pacific with great dread; and which, in spite of the temporary truce which the so-called ‘Exclusion Policy’ has now enforced, will go much farther than it has yet gone.”[159]

The world-wide significance of colored immigration and the momentous conflicts which it will probably provoke are ably visualized by Professor Ross.

“The rush of developments,” he writes, “makes it certain that the vision of a globe ‘lapped in universal law’ is premature. If the seers of the mid-century who looked for the speedy triumph of free trade had read their Malthus aright, they might have anticipated the tariff barriers that have arisen on all hands within the last thirty years. So, to-day one needs no prophet’s mantle to foresee that presently the world[Pg 270] will be cut up with immigration barriers which will never be levelled until the intelligent accommodation of numbers to resources has greatly equalized population-pressure all over the globe.... Dams against the color races, with spillways of course for students, merchants, and travellers, will presently enclose the white man’s world. Within this area minor dams will protect the high wages of the less prolific peoples against the surplus labor of the more prolific.

“Assuredly, every small-family nation will try to raise such a dam, and every big-family nation will try to break it down. The outlook for peace and disarmament is, therefore, far from bright. One needs but compare the population-pressures in France, Germany, Russia, and Japan to realize that, even to-day, the real enemy of the dove of peace is not the eagle of pride or the vulture of greed, but the stork!

“The great point of doubt in birth restriction is the ability of the Western nations to retain control of the vast African, Australasian, and South American areas they have staked out as preserves to be peopled at their leisure with the diminishing overflow of their population. If underbreeding should leave them without the military strength that alone can defend their far-flung frontiers in the southern hemisphere, those huge underdeveloped regions will assuredly be filled with the children of the brown and the yellow races.”[160]

Thus, white men, of whatever country and however far removed from personal contact with colored [Pg 271]competitors, must realize that the question of colored immigration vitally concerns every white man, woman, and child; because nowhere—absolutely nowhere—can white labor compete on equal terms with colored immigrant labor. The grim truth is that there are enough hard-working colored men to swamp the whole white world.

No palliatives will serve to mitigate the ultimate issue, for if the white race should to-day surrender enough of its frontiers to ease the existing colored population-pressure, so quickly would these surrendered regions be swamped, and so rapidly would the fast-breeding colored races fill the homeland gaps, that in a very short time the diminished white world would be faced with an even louder colored clamor for admittance—backed by an increased power to enforce the colored will.

The profoundly destructive effects of colored competition upon white standards of labor and living has long been admitted by all candid students of the problem. So warm a champion of Asiatics as Mr. Hyndman acknowledges that “the white workers cannot hold their own permanently against Chinese competition in the labor market. The lower standard of life, the greater persistence, the superior education of the Chinese will beat them, and will continue to beat them.”[161]

Wherever the white man has been exposed to colored competition, particularly Asiatic competition, the[Pg 272] story is the same. Says the Australian Professor Pearson: “No one in California or Australia, where the effects of Chinese competition have been studied, has, I believe, the smallest doubt that Chinese laborers, if allowed to come in freely, could starve all the white men in either country out of it, or force them to submit to harder work and a much lower standard of wages.”[162]

And a South African, writing of the effects of Hindu immigration into Natal, remarks in similar vein: “The condition of South Africa—especially of Natal—is a warning to other lands to bar Asiatic immigrants.... Both economically and socially the presence of a large Oriental population is bad. The Asiatics either force out the white workers, or compel the latter to live down to the Asiatic level. There must be a marked deterioration amongst the white working classes, which renders useless a great deal of the effort made in educational work. The white population is educated and trained according to the best ideas of the highest form of Western civilization—and has to compete for a livelihood against Asiatics! In South Africa this competition is driving out the white working class, because the average European cannot live down to the Asiatic level—and if it is essential that the European must do so, for the sake of his own happiness, do not educate him up to better things. If cheapness is the only consideration, if low wages are to come before everything else, then it is not only waste[Pg 273] of money, but absolute cruelty, to inspire in the white working classes tastes and aspirations which it is impossible for them to realize. To meet Asiatic competition squarely, it would be necessary to train the white children to be Asiatics. Even the pro-Orientals would hardly advocate this.”[163]

The lines just quoted squarely counter the “survival of the fittest” plea so often made by Asiatic propagandists for colored immigration. The argument runs that, since the Oriental laborer is able to underbid the white laborer, the Oriental is the “fittest” and should therefore be allowed to supplant the white man in the interests of human progress. This is of course merely clever use of the well-known fallacy which confuses the terms “fittest” and “best.” The idea that, because a certain human type “fits” in certain ways a particular environment (often an unhealthy, man-made social environment), it should be allowed to drive out another type endowed with much richer potentialities for the highest forms of human evolution, is a sophistry as absurd as it is dangerous.

Professor Ross puts the matter very aptly when he remarks concerning Chinese immigration: “The competition of white laborer and yellow is not so simple a test of human worth as some may imagine. Under good conditions the white man can best the yellow man in turning off work. But under bad conditions[Pg 274] the yellow man can best the white man, because he can better endure spoiled food, poor clothing, foul air, noise, heat, dirt, discomfort, and microbes. Reilly can outdo Ah-San, but Ah-San can underlive Reilly. Ah-San cannot take away Reilly’s job as being a better workman; but because he can live and do some work at a wage on which Reilly cannot keep himself fit to work at all, three or four Ah-Sans can take Reilly’s job from him. And they will do it, too, unless they are barred out of the market where Reilly is selling his labor. Reilly’s endeavor to exclude Ah-San from his labor market is not the case of a man dreading to pit himself on equal terms against a better man. Indeed, it is not quite so simple and selfish and narrow-minded as all that. It is a case of a man fitted to get the most out of good conditions refusing to yield his place to a weaker man able to withstand bad conditions.”[164]

All this is no disparagement of the Asiatic. He is perfectly justified in trying to win broader opportunities in white lands. But we whites are equally justified in keeping these opportunities for ourselves and our children. The hard facts are that there is not enough for both; that when the enormous outward thrust of colored population-pressure bursts into a white land it cannot let live, but automatically crushes the white man out—first the white laborer, then the white merchant, lastly the white aristocrat; until every vestige of white has gone from that land forever.

[Pg 275]This inexorable process is thus described by an Australian: “The colored races become agencies of economic disturbance and social degradation. They sap and destroy the upward tendencies of the poorer whites. The latter, instead of always having something better to look at and strive after, have a lower standard of living, health, and cleanliness set before them, and the results are disastrous. They sink to the lower level of the Asiatics, and the degrading tendency proceeds upward by saturation, affecting several grades of society.... There is an insidious, yet irresistible, process of social degradation. The colored race does not intentionally, or even consciously, lower the European; it simply happens so, by virtue of a natural law which neither race can control. As debased coinage will drive out good currency, so a lowered standard of living will inexorably spread until its effects are universally felt.”[165]

It all comes down to a question of self-preservation. And, despite what sentimentalists may say, self-preservation is the first law of nature. To love one’s cultural, idealistic, and racial heritage; to swear to pass that heritage unimpaired to one’s children; to fight, and, if need be, to die in its defense: all this is eternally right and proper, and no amount of casuistry or sentimentality can alter that unalterable truth. An Englishman put the thing in a nutshell when he wrote: “Asiatic immigration is not a question of sentiment, but of sheer existence. The whole problem is summed[Pg 276] up in Lafcadio Hearn’s pregnant phrase: ‘The East can underlive the West.’”[166]

Rigorous exclusion of colored immigrants is thus vitally necessary for the white peoples. Unfortunately, this exclusion policy will not be easily maintained. Colored population-pressure is insistent and increasing, while the matter is still further complicated by the fact that, while no white community can gain by colored immigration, white individuals—employers of labor—may be great gainers and hence often tend to put private interest above racial duty. Barring a handful of sincere but misguided cosmopolitan enthusiasts, it is unscrupulous business interests which are behind every white proposal to relax the exclusion laws protecting white areas.

In fairness to these business interests, however, let us realize their great temptations. To the average employer, especially in the newer areas of white settlement where white labor is scarce and dictatorial, what could be more enticing than the vision of a boundless supply of cheap and eager colored labor?

Consider this Californian appraisement of the Chinese coolie: “The Chinese coolie is the ideal industrial machine, the perfect human ox. He will transform less food into more work, with less administrative friction, than any other creature. Even now, when the scarcity of Chinese labor and the consequent rise in wages have eliminated the question of cheapness, the Chinese[Pg 277] have still the advantage over all other servile labor in convenience and efficiency. They are patient, docile, industrious, and above all ‘honest’ in the business sense that they keep their contracts. Also, they cost nothing but money. Any other sort of labor costs human effort and worry, in addition to the money. But Chinese labor can be bought like any other commodity, at so much a dozen or a hundred. The Chinese contractor delivers the agreed number of men, at the agreed time and place, for the agreed price, and if any one should drop out he finds another in his place. The men board and lodge themselves, and when the work is done they disappear from the employer’s ken until again needed. The entire transaction consists in paying the Chinese contractor an agreed number of dollars for an agreed result. This elimination of the human element reduces the labor problem to something the employer can understand. The Chinese labor-machine, from his standpoint, is perfect.”[167]

What is true of the Chinese is true to a somewhat lesser extent of all “coolie” labor. Hence, once introduced into a white country, it becomes immensely popular—among employers. How it was working out in South Africa, before the exclusion acts there, is clearly explained in the following lines: “The experience of South Africa is that when once Asiatic labor is admitted, the tendency is for it to grow. One manufacturer secures it and is able to cut prices to such an extent[Pg 278] that the other manufacturers are forced either to employ Asiatics also or to reduce white wages to the Asiatic level. Oriental labor is something which does not stand still. The taste for it grows. A party springs up financially interested in increasing it. In Natal to-day the suggestion that Indian labor should no longer be imported is met by an outcry from the planters, the farmers, and landowners, and a certain number of manufacturers, that industries and agriculture will be ruined. So the coolie ships continue to arrive at Durban, and Natal becomes more and more a land of black and brown people and less a land of white people. Instead of becoming a Canada or New Zealand, it is becoming a Trinidad or Cuba. Instead of white settlers, there are brown settlers.... The working-class white population has to go, as it is going in Natal. The country becomes a country of white landlords and supervisors controlling a horde of Asiatics. It does not produce a nation or a free people. It becomes what in the old days of English colonization was called a ‘plantation.’”[168]

All this gives a clearer idea of the difficulties involved in a successful guarding of the gates. But it also confirms the conviction that the gates must be strictly guarded. If anything further were needed to reinforce that conviction it should be the present state of those white outposts where the gates have been left ajar.

[Pg 279]Hawaii is a good example. This mid-Pacific archipelago was brought under white control by masterful American Nordics, who established Anglo-Saxon institutions and taught the natives the rudiments of Anglo-Saxon civilization. The native Hawaiians, like the other Polynesian races, could not stand the pressure of white civilization, and withered away. But the white oligarchy which controlled the islands determined to turn their marvellous fertility to immediate profit. Labor was imported from the ends of the earth, the sole test being working ability without regard to race or color. There followed a great influx of Asiatic labor—at first Chinese until annexation to the United States brought Hawaii under our Chinese exclusion laws; later on Filipinos, Koreans, and, above all, Japanese.

The results are highly instructive. These Asiatics arrived as agricultural laborers to work on the plantations. But they did not stay there. Saving their wages, they pushed vigorously into all the middle walks of life. The Hawaiian fisherman and the American artisan or shopkeeper were alike ousted by ruthless undercutting. To-day the American mechanic, the American storekeeper, the American farmer, even the American contractor, is a rare bird indeed, while Japanese corporations are buying up the finest plantations and growing the finest pineapples and sugar. Fully half the population of the islands is Japanese, while the Americans are being literally encysted as a small and dwindling aristocracy. In 1917 the births of the[Pg 280] two races were: American, 295; Japanese, 5,000! Comment is superfluous.

Clear round the globe, the island of Mauritius, the half-way house between Asia and Africa, tells the same tale. Originally settled by Europeans, mostly French, Mauritius imported negroes from Africa to work its rich soil. This at once made impossible the existence of a white laboring class, though the upper, middle, and artisan classes remained unaffected by the economically backward blacks. A hundred years ago one-third of the population were whites. But after the abolition of slavery the negroes quit work, and Asiatics were imported to take their place. The upshot was that the whites were presently swamped beneath the Asiatic tide—here mostly Hindus. To-day the Hindus alone form more than two-thirds of the whole population, the whites numbering less than one-tenth. Indeed, the very outward aspect of the island is changing. The old French landmarks are going, and the fabled land of “Paul and Virginia” is becoming a bit of Hindustan, with a Chinese fringe. Even Port Louis, the capital town, has mostly passed from white to Indian or Chinese hands.

Now what do these two world-sundered cases mean? They mean, as an English writer justly remarks, “that under the British flag Mauritius has become an outpost of Asia, just as Hawaii is another such and under the Stars and Stripes.”[169] And, of course, there is Natal, already mentioned, which, at the moment when[Pg 281] the recent South African Exclusion Act stayed the Hindu tide, had not only been partially transformed into an Asiatic land, but was fast becoming a centre of Asiatic radiation all over South Africa.

With such grim warnings before their eyes, it is not strange that the lusty young Anglo-Saxon communities bordering the Pacific—Australia, New Zealand, British Columbia, and our own “coast”—have one and all set their faces like flint against the Oriental and have emblazoned across their portals the legend: “All White.” Nothing is more striking than the instinctive and instantaneous solidarity which binds together Australians and Afrikanders, Californians and Canadians, into a “sacred union” at the mere whisper of Asiatic immigration.

Everywhere the slogan is the same. “The ‘White Australia’ idea,” cries an antipodean writer, “is not a political theory. It is a gospel. It counts for more than religion; for more than flag, because the flag waves over all kinds of races; for more than the empire, for the empire is mostly black, or brown or yellow; is largely heathen, largely polygamous, partly cannibal. In fact, the White Australia doctrine is based on the necessity for choosing between national existence and national suicide.”[170] “White Australia!” writes another Australian in similar vein. “Australians of all classes and political affiliations regard the policy much as Americans regard the Constitution. It is[Pg 282] their most articulate article of faith. The reason is not far to seek.... Australian civilization is little more than a partial fringe round the continental coastline of 12,210 miles. The coast and its hinterlands are settled and developed, although not completely for the entire circumference; in the centre of the country lie the apparently illimitable wastes of the Never-Never Land, occupied entirely by scrub, snakes, sand, and blackfellows. The almost manless regions of the island-continent are a terrible menace. It is impossible to police at all adequately such an enormous area. And the peoples of Asia, beating at the bars that confine them, rousing at last from their age-long slumber, are chafing at the restraints imposed upon their free entry into and settlement of such uninhabited, undeveloped lands.”[171]

So the Australians, 5,000,000 whites in a far-off continent as large as the United States, defy clamoring Asia and swear to keep Australia a white man’s land. Says Professor Pearson: “We are guarding the last part of the world in which the higher races can increase and live freely, for the higher civilization. We are denying the yellow race nothing but what it can find in the home of its birth, or in countries like the Indian Archipelago, where the white man can never live except as an exotic.”[172]

So Australia has raised drastic immigration [Pg 283]barriers conceived on the lines laid down by Sir Henry Parkes many years ago: “It is our duty to preserve the type of the British nation, and we ought not for any consideration whatever to admit any element that would detract from, or in any appreciable degree lower, that admirable type of nationality. We should not encourage or admit amongst us any class of persons whatever whom we are not prepared to advance to all our franchises, to all our privileges as citizens, and all our social rights, including the right of marriage. I maintain that no class of persons should be admitted here who cannot come amongst us, take up all our rights, perform on a ground of equality all our duties, and share in our august and lofty work of founding a free nation.”[173]

From Canada rises an equally uncompromising determination. Listen to Mr. Vrooman, a high official of British Columbia: “Our province is becoming Orientalized, and one of our most important questions is whether it is to remain a British province or become an Oriental colony—for we have three races demanding seats in our drawing-room, as well as places at our board—the Japanese, Chinese, and East Indian.”[174] And a well-known Canadian writer, Miss Laut, thus defines the issue: “If the resident Hindu had a vote—and as a British subject, why not?—and if he could break down the immigration exclusion act, he could[Pg 284] outvote the native-born Canadian in ten years. In Canada are 5,500,000 native-born, 2,000,000 aliens. In India are hundreds of millions breaking the dikes of their own natural barriers and ready to flood any open land. Take down the barriers on the Pacific coast, and there would be 10,000,000 Hindus in Canada in ten years.”[175]

Our Pacific coast takes precisely the same attitude. Says Chester H. Rowell, a California writer: “There is no right way to solve a race problem except to stop it before it begins.... The Pacific coast is the frontier of the white man’s world, the culmination of the westward migration which is the white man’s whole history. It will remain the frontier so long as we regard it as such; no longer. Unless it is maintained there, there is no other line at which it can be maintained without more effort than American government and American civilization are able to sustain. The multitudes of Asia are awake, after their long sleep, as the multitudes of Europe were when our present flood of immigration began. We know what could happen, on the Asiatic side, by what did happen and is happening on the European side. On that side we have survived.... But against Asiatic immigration we could not survive. The numbers who would come would be greater than we could encyst, and the races who would come are those which we could never absorb. The permanence not merely of American civilization, but of the white race on this continent, depends on our[Pg 285] not doing on the Pacific side what we have done on the Atlantic coast.”[176]

Says another Californian, Justice Burnett: “The Pacific States comprise an empire of vast potentialities and capable of supporting a population of many millions. Those now living there propose that it shall continue to be a home for them and their children, and that they shall not be overwhelmed and driven eastward by an ever-increasing yellow and brown flood.”[177]

All “economic” arguments are summarily put aside. “They say,” writes another Californian, “that our fruit-orchards, mines, and seed-farms cannot be worked without them (Oriental laborers). It were better that they never be developed than that our white laborers be degraded and driven from the soil. The same arguments were used a century and more ago to justify the importation of African labor.... As it is now, no self-respecting white laborer will work beside the Mongolian upon any terms. The proposition, whether we shall have white or yellow labor on the Pacific coast, must soon be settled, for we cannot have both. If the Mongolian is permitted to occupy the land, the white laborer from east of the Rockies will not come here—he will shun California as he would a pestilence. And who can blame him?”[178]

The middle as well as the working class is imperilled[Pg 286] by any large number of Orientals, for “The presence of the Japanese trader means that the white man must either go out of business or abandon his standard of comfort and sink to the level of the Asiatic, who will sleep under his counter and subsist upon food that would mean starvation to his white rival.”[179]

Indeed, Californian assertions that Oriental immigration menaces, not merely the coast, but the whole continent, seem well taken. This view was officially indorsed by Mr. Caminetti, Commissioner-General of Immigration, who testified before a Congressional committee some years ago: “Asiatic immigration is a menace to the whole country, and particularly to the Pacific coast. The danger is general. No part of the United States is immune. The Chinese are now spread over the entire country, and the Japanese want to encroach. The Chinese have become so acclimated that they can prosper in any part of our country.... I would have a law to register the Asiatic laborers who come into the country. It is impossible to protect ourselves from persons who come in surreptitiously.”[180]

Fortunately, the majority of thinking Americans are to-day convinced that Oriental immigration must not be tolerated. Most of our leading men have so expressed themselves. For example, Woodrow Wilson, during his first presidential campaign, declared on May 3, 1912: “In the matter of Chinese and Japanese[Pg 287] coolie immigration, I stand for the national policy of exclusion. The whole question is one of assimilation of diverse races. We cannot make a homogeneous population of a people who do not blend with the Caucasian race. Their lower standard of living as laborers will crowd out the white agriculturist and is in other fields a most serious industrial menace. The success of free democratic institutions demands of our people education, intelligence, and patriotism, and the State should protect them against unjust and impossible competition. Remunerative labor is the basis of contentment. Democracy rests on the equality of the citizen. Oriental coolieism will give us another race-problem to solve and surely we have had our lesson.”[181]

The necessity for rigid Oriental exclusion is nowhere better exemplified than by the alarm felt to-day in California by the extraordinarily high birth-rate of its Japanese residents. There are probably not over 150,000 Japanese in the whole United States, their numbers being kept down by the “Gentlemen’s Agreement” entered into by the Japanese and American Governments. But, few though they are, they bring in their women—and these women bring many children into the world. The California Japanese settle in compact agricultural colonies, which so teem with babies that a leading California organ, the Los Angeles Times, thus seriously discusses the matter:

“There may have been a time when an anti-Japanese[Pg 288] land bill would have limited Japanese immigration. But such a law would be impotent now to keep native Japanese from possessing themselves of the choicest agricultural and horticultural land in California. For there are now more than 30,000 children in the State of Japanese parentage, native-born; they possess all the rights of leasing and ownership held by white children born here.... The birth statistics seem to prove that the danger is not from the Japanese soldiers, but from the picture brides. The fruitfulness of those brides is almost uncanny.... Here is a Japanese problem of sufficient gravity to merit serious consideration. We are threatened with an over-production of Japanese children. First come the men, then the picture brides, then the families. If California is to be preserved for the next generation as a ‘white man’s country’ there must be some movement started that will restrict the Japanese birth-rate in California. When a condition is reached in which two children of Japanese parentage are born in some districts for every white child, it is about time something else was done than making speeches about it in the American Senate.... If the same present birth-ratio were maintained for the next ten years, there would be 150,000 children of Japanese descent born in California in 1929 and but 40,000 white children. And in 1949 the majority of the population of California would be Japanese, ruling the State.”[182]

The alarm of our California contemporary may, in this particular instance, be exaggerated. Nevertheless,[Pg 289] when we remember the practically unlimited expansive possibilities of even small human groups under favorable conditions, the picture drawn contains no features inherently impossible of realization. What is absolutely certain is that any wholesale Oriental influx would inevitably doom the whites, first of the Pacific coast, and later of the whole United States, to social sterilization and ultimate racial extinction.

Thus all those newer regions of the white world won by the white expansion of the last four centuries are alike menaced by the colored migration peril; whether these regions be under-developed, under-populated frontier marches like Australia and British Columbia, or older and better-populated countries like the United States.

And let not Europe, the white brood-land, the heart of the white world, think itself immune. In the last analysis, the self-same peril menaces it too. This has long been recognized by far-sighted men. For many years economists and sociologists have discussed the possibility of Asiatic immigration into Europe. Low as wages and living standards are in many European countries, they are yet far higher than in the congested East, while the rapid progress of social betterment throughout Europe must further widen the gap and make the white continent seem a more and more desirable haven for the swarming, black-haired bread-seekers of China, India, and Japan.

Indeed, a few observers of modern conditions have come to the conclusion that this invasion of Europe[Pg 290] by Asiatic labor is unescapable, and they have drawn the most pessimistic conclusions. For example, more than a decade ago an English writer asserted gloomily: “No level-headed thinker can imagine that it will always be possible to prevent the free migration of intelligent races, representing in the aggregate half the peoples of the world, should those peoples actively conceive that their welfare demands that they should seek employment in Europe. In these days of rapid transit, of aviation, such a measure of repression is impossible.... We shall not be destroyed, perhaps, by the sudden onrush of invaders, as Rome was overwhelmed by the northern hordes; we shall be gradually subdued and absorbed by the ‘peaceful penetration’ of more virile races.”[183]

Now, mark you! All that I have thus far written concerning colored immigration has been written without reference to the late war. In other words, the colored-migration peril would have been just as grave as I have described it even if the white world were still as strong as in the years before 1914.

But the war has of course immensely aggravated an already critical situation. The war has shaken both the material and psychological bases of white resistance to colored infiltration, while it has correspondingly strengthened Asiatic hopes and hardened Asiatic determination to break down the barriers debarring colored men from white lands.

[Pg 291]Asia’s perception of what the war signified in this respect was instantaneous. The war was not a month old before Japanese journals were suggesting a relaxation of Asiatic exclusion laws in the British colonies as a natural corollary to the Anglo-Japanese Alliance and Anglo-Japanese comradeship in arms. Said the Tokio Mainichi Deupo in August, 1914: “We are convinced that it is a matter of the utmost importance that Britons beyond the seas should make a better attempt at fraternizing with Japan, as better relations between the English-speaking races and Japan will have a vital bearing on the destiny of the empire. There is no reason why the British colonies fronting on the Pacific should not actively participate in the Anglo-Japanese Alliance. Britain needs population for her surplus land and Japan needs land for her surplus population. This fact alone should draw the two races closer together. Moreover, the British people have ample capital but deficiency of labor, while it is the reverse with Japan.... The harmonious co-operation of Britain and her colonies with Japan insures safety to British and Japanese interests alike. Without such co-operation, Japan and Great Britain are both unsafe.”[184]

What this “co-operation” implies was very frankly stated by The Japan Magazine at about the same date: “There is nothing that would do so much to bind East and West firmly together as the opening of the British colonies to Japanese immigration. Then, indeed,[Pg 292] Britain would be a lion endowed with wings. Large numbers of Japanese in the British colonies would mean that Britain would have the assistance of Japan in the protection of her colonies. But if an anti-Japanese agitation is permitted, both countries will be making the worst instead of the best of the Anglo-Japanese Alliance. Thus it would be allowed to make Japan an enemy instead of a friend. It seems that the British people both at home and in the colonies are not yet alive to the importance of the policy suggested, and it is, therefore, pointed out and emphasized before it is too late.”[185]

The covert threat embodied in those last lines was a forerunner of the storm of anti-white abuse which rose from the more bellicose sections of the Japanese press as soon as it became evident that neither the British Dominions nor the United States were going to relax their immigration laws. Some of this anti-white comment, directed particularly against the Anglo-Saxon peoples, I have already noted in the second chapter of this book, but such comment as bears directly on immigration matters I have reserved for discussion at this point.

For example, the Tokio Yorodzu wrote early in 1916: “Japan has been most faithful to the requirements of the Anglo-Japanese Alliance, and yet the treatment meted out to our countrymen in Canada, Australia, and other British colonies has been a glaring insult to us.”[186][Pg 293] A year later a writer in The Japan Magazine declared: “The agitation against Japanese in foreign countries must cease, even if Japan has to take up arms to stop it. She should not allow her immigration to be treated as a race-question.”[187] And in 1919 the Yorodzu thus paid its respects to the exclusionist activity of our Pacific coast States: “Whatever may be their object, their actions are more despicable than those of the Germans whose barbarities they attacked as worthy of Huns. At least, these Americans are barbarians who are on a lower plane of civilization than the Japanese.”[188]

The war produced no letting down of immigration barriers along the white world’s exposed frontiers, where men are fully alive to the peril. But the war did produce temporary waverings of sentiment in the United States, while in Europe colored labor was imported wholesale in ways which may have ominous consequences.

Our own acute labor shortage during the war, particularly in agriculture, led many Americans, especially employers, to cast longing eyes at the tempting reservoirs of Asia. Typical of this attitude is an article by Hudson Maxim in the spring of 1918. Mr. Maxim urged the importation of a million Chinese to solve our farming and domestic-service problems.

“If it is possible,” he wrote, “by the employment of Chinese methods of intensive farming, to increase[Pg 294] the production of our lands to such an extent, how stupendous would be the benefit of wide introduction of such methods. The exhausted lands of New England could be made to produce like a tropical garden. The vast areas of the great West that are to-day not producing 10 per cent of what they ought to produce could be made to produce the other 90 per cent by the introduction of Chinese labor.... The average American does not like farming. The sons of the prosperous farmers do not take kindly to the tilling of the soil with their own hands. They prefer the excitement and the diversions and stimulus of the life of city and town, and they leave the farm for the office and factory....

“Chinese, imported as agricultural laborers and household servants, would solve the agricultural labor problem and the servant problem, and we should have the best agricultural workers in the world and the best household servants in the world, in unlimited numbers.”[189]

Now I submit that such arguments, however well-intentioned, are nothing short of race-treason. If there be one truth which history has proved, it is the solemn truth that those who work the land will ultimately own the land.

Furthermore, the countryside is the seed-bed from which the city populations are normally recruited. The one bright spot in our otherwise dubious ethnic future is the fact that most of our unassimilable aliens[Pg 295] have stopped in the towns, while many of the most assimilable immigrants have settled in the country, thus reinforcing rather than replacing our native American rural population. Any suggestion which advocates the settlement of our countryside by Asiatics and the deliberate driving of our native stocks to the towns, there to be sterilized and eliminated, is simply unspeakable.

Fortunately, such fatal counsels were with us never acted upon, albeit they should be remembered as lurking perils which will probably be urged again in future times of stress. But during Europe’s war-agony, yellow, brown, and black men were imported wholesale, not only for the armies, but also for the factories and fields. These colored aliens have mostly been shipped back to their homes. Nevertheless, they have carried with them vivid recollections of the marvellous West, and the tale will spread to the remotest corners of the colored world, stirring hard-pressed colored bread-seekers to distant ventures. Furthermore, Europe has had a practical demonstration of the colored alien’s manifold usefulness, and if Europe’s troubles are prolonged, the colored man may be increasingly employed there both in peace and war.

Even during the war the French and English working classes felt the pressure of colored competition. Race-feeling grew strained, and presently both England and France witnessed the (to them) unwonted spectacles of race-riots in their port-towns where the colored aliens were most thickly gathered. An American [Pg 296]observer thus describes the “breaking of the exclusion walls erected against the Chinese”:

“In London, one Wednesday evening, twenty-four months ago (i. e., in 1916), there was a mass-meeting held on the corner of Piggot Street, Limehouse, to protest against the influx of John Chinaman into bonny old England.... The London navvies that night heard a protest against ‘the Chinese invasion’ of Britain. They knew that down on the London docks there were two Chinamen to every white man since the coming of war. They knew that many of these yellow aliens were married. They knew, too, that a big Chinese restaurant had just opened down the West India Dock Road.

“The Sailors’ and Firemen’s Union—one of the most powerful in England—carried the protest into the Trades-Union Congress held at Birmingham. There, alarm was voiced at the steady increase in the number of Chinese hands on Britain’s ships. It was an increase, true, since the stress of war-times had begun to try Britain. But what England’s sons of the seven seas wanted to know was: when is ‘this Orientalizing’ of the British marine to stop?... The seamen’s unions were willing to do their bit for John Bull, but they wondered what was going to happen after the coming of peace. Would the Chinese continue to man John Bull’s ships?...

“Such is one manifestation of the decisive lifting of gates and barriers that has taken place since the white world went to war. To-day the Chinese—for[Pg 297] decades finding a wall in every white man’s country—are numbered by the tens of thousands in the service of the Allies. They have made good. They are a war-factor.... All told, 200,000 Chinese are ‘carrying on’ in the war-zone, laboring behind the lines, in munition-works and factories, manning ships....

“What will happen when peace comes upon this red world—a world turned topsyturvy by the white man’s Great War, which has taken John Chinaman from Shantung, Chihli, and Kwangtung to that battle-ground in France?... That makes the drafting of China’s man-power one of the most supremely important events in the Great War. The family of nations is taking on a new meaning—John Chinaman overseas has a place in it. As Italian harvest-labor before the war went to and from Argentina for a few months’ work, so the Chinese have gone to Europe under contract and go home again. Perhaps this action will have a bearing on the solution of the Far West’s agricultural labor problem.

“Do not believe for a moment that the armies of Chinese in Europe will forget the lessons taught them in the West. When these sons of Han come home, the Great War will be found to have given birth to a new East.”[190]

So ends our survey. It has girdled the globe. And the lesson is always the same: Colored migration is a universal peril, menacing every part of the white world.[Pg 298] Nowhere can the white man endure colored competition; everywhere “the East can underlive the West.” The grim truth of the matter is this: The whole white race is exposed, immediately or ultimately, to the possibility of social sterilization and final replacement or absorption by the teeming colored races.

What this unspeakable catastrophe would mean for the future of the planet, and how the peril may be averted, will form the subject of my concluding pages.
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Re: The Rising Tide of Color Against Theodore Stod

Postby admin » Sat Apr 04, 2020 7:43 am


Ours is a solemn moment. We stand at a crisis—the supreme crisis of the ages. For unnumbered millenniums man has toiled upward from the dank jungles of savagery toward glorious heights which his mental and spiritual potentialities give promise that he shall attain. His path has been slow and wavering. Time and again he has lost his way and plunged into deep valleys. Man’s trail is littered with the wrecks of dead civilizations and dotted with the graves of promising peoples stricken by an untimely end.

Humanity has thus suffered many a disaster. Yet none of these disasters were fatal, because they were merely local. Those wrecked civilizations and blighted peoples were only parts of a larger whole. Always some strong barbarians, endowed with rich, unspoiled heredities, caught the falling torch and bore it onward flaming high once more.

Out of the prehistoric shadows the white races pressed to the front and proved in a myriad ways their fitness for the hegemony of mankind. Gradually they forged a common civilization; then, when vouchsafed their unique opportunity of oceanic mastery four centuries ago, they spread over the earth, filling its empty spaces with their superior breeds and assuring to [Pg 300]themselves an unparalleled paramountcy of numbers and dominion.

Three centuries later the whites took a fresh leap forward. The nineteenth century was a new age of discovery—this time into the realms of science. The hidden powers of nature were unveiled, incalculable energies were tamed to human use, terrestrial distance was abridged, and at last the planet was integrated under the hegemony of a single race with a common civilization.

The prospects were magnificent, the potentialities of progress apparently unlimited. Yet there were commensurate perils. Towering heights mean abysmal depths, while the very possibility of supreme success implies the possibility of supreme failure. All these marvellous achievements were due solely to superior heredity, and the mere maintenance of what had been won depended absolutely upon the prior maintenance of race-values. Civilization of itself means nothing. It is merely an effect, whose cause is the creative urge of superior germ-plasm. Civilization is the body; the race is the soul. Let the soul vanish, and the body moulders into the inanimate dust from which it came.

Two things are necessary for the continued existence of a race: it must remain itself, and it must breed its best. Every race is the result of ages of development which evolves specialized capacities that make the race what it is and render it capable of creative achievement. These specialized capacities (which[Pg 301] particularly mark the superior races), being relatively recent developments, are highly unstable. They are what biologists call “recessive” characters; that is, they are not nearly so “dominant” as the older, generalized characters which races inherit from remote ages and which have therefore been more firmly stamped upon the germ-plasm. Hence, when a highly specialized stock interbreeds with a different stock, the newer, less stable, specialized characters are bred out, the variation, no matter how great its potential value to human evolution, being irretrievably lost. This occurs even in the mating of two superior stocks if these stocks are widely dissimilar in character. The valuable specializations of both breeds cancel out, and the mixed offspring tend strongly to revert to generalized mediocrity.

And, of course, the more primitive a type is, the more prepotent it is. This is why crossings with the negro are uniformly fatal. Whites, Amerindians, or Asiatics—all are alike vanquished by the invincible prepotency of the more primitive, generalized, and lower negro blood.

There is no immediate danger of the world being swamped by black blood. But there is a very imminent danger that the white stocks may be swamped by Asiatic blood.

The white man’s very triumphs have evoked this danger. His virtual abolition of distance has destroyed the protection which nature once conferred. Formerly mankind dwelt in such dispersed isolation[Pg 302] that wholesale contact of distant, diverse stocks was practically impossible. But with the development of cheap and rapid transportation, nature’s barriers are down. Unless man erects and maintains artificial barriers the various races will increasingly mingle, and the inevitable result will be the supplanting or absorption of the higher by the lower types.

We can see this process working out in almost every phase of modern migration. The white immigration into Latin America is the exception which proves the rule. That particular migration is, of course, beneficent, since it means the influx of relatively high types into undeveloped lands, sparsely populated by types either no higher or much lower than the new arrivals. But almost everywhere else, whether we consider interwhite migrations or colored encroachments on white lands, the net result is an expansion of lower and a contraction of higher stocks, the process being thus a disgenic one. Even in Asia the evils of modern migration are beginning to show. The Japanese Government has been obliged to prohibit the influx of Chinese and Korean coolies who were undercutting Japanese labor and thus undermining the economic bases of Japanese life.

Furthermore, modern migration is itself only one aspect of a still more fundamental disgenic trend. The whole course of modern urban and industrial life is disgenic. Over and above immigration, the tendency is toward a replacement of the more valuable by the less valuable elements of the population. All over[Pg 303] the civilized world racial values are diminishing, and the logical end of this disgenic process is racial bankruptcy and the collapse of civilization.

Now why is all this? It is primarily because we have not yet adjusted ourselves to the radically new environment into which our epochal scientific discoveries led us a century ago. Such adaptation as we have effected has been almost wholly on the material side. The no less sweeping idealistic adaptations which the situation calls for have not been made. Hence, modern civilization has been one-sided, abnormal, unhealthy—and nature is exacting penalties which will increase in severity until we either fully adapt or finally perish.

“Finally perish!” That is the exact alternative which confronts the white race. For white civilization is to-day conterminous with the white race. The civilizations of the past were local. They were confined to a particular people or group of peoples. If they failed, there were always some unspoiled, well-endowed barbarians to step forward and “carry on.” But to-day there are no more white barbarians. The earth has grown small, and men are everywhere in close touch. If white civilization goes down, the white race is irretrievably ruined. It will be swamped by the triumphant colored races, who will obliterate the white man by elimination or absorption. What has taken place in Central Asia, once a white and now a brown or yellow land, will take place in Australasia, Europe, and America. Not to-day, nor yet to-morrow; perhaps not for[Pg 304] generations; but surely in the end. If the present drift be not changed, we whites are all ultimately doomed. Unless we set our house in order, the doom will sooner or later overtake us all.

And that would mean that the race obviously endowed with the greatest creative ability, the race which had achieved most in the past and which gave the richer promise for the future, had passed away, carrying with it to the grave those potencies upon which the realization of man’s highest hopes depends. A million years of human evolution might go uncrowned, and earth’s supreme life-product, man, might never fulfil his potential destiny. This is why we to-day face “The Crisis of the Ages.”

To many minds the mere possibility of such a catastrophe may seem unthinkable. Yet a dispassionate survey of the past shows that it is not only possible but probable if present conditions go on unchanged. The whole history of life, both human and subhuman, teaches us that nature will not condone disobedience; that, as I have already phrased it, “no living being stands above her law, and protozoön or demigod, if they transgress, alike must die.”

Now we have transgressed; grievously transgressed—and we are suffering grievous penalties. But pain is really kind. Pain is the importunate tocsin which rouses to dangerous realities and spurs to the seeking of a cure.

As a matter of fact we are confusedly aware of our evil plight, and legion are the remedies to-day [Pg 305]proposed. Some of these are mere quack nostrums. Others contain valuable remedial properties. To be sure, there is probably no one curative agent, since our troubles are complex and magic elixirs heal only in the realm of dreams. But one element should be fundamental to all the compoundings of the social pharmacopœia. That element is blood.

It is clean, virile, genius-bearing blood, streaming down the ages through the unerring action of heredity, which, in anything like a favorable environment, will multiply itself, solve our problems, and sweep us on to higher and nobler destinies. What we to-day need above all else is a changed attitude of mind—a recognition of the supreme importance of heredity, not merely in scientific treatises but in the practical ordering of the world’s affairs. We are where we are to-day primarily because we have neglected this vital principle; because we have concerned ourselves with dead things instead of with living beings.

This disregard of heredity is perhaps not strange. It is barely a generation since its fundamental importance was scientifically established, and the world’s conversion to even the most vital truth takes time. In fact, we also have much to unlearn. A little while ago we were taught that all men were equal and that good conditions could, of themselves, quickly perfect mankind. The seductive charm of these dangerous fallacies lingers and makes us loath to put them resolutely aside.

Fortunately, we now know the truth. At last we[Pg 306] have been vouchsafed clear insight into the laws of life. We now know that men are not, and never will be, equal. We know that environment and education can develop only what heredity brings. We know that the acquirements of individuals are either not inherited at all or are inherited in so slight a degree as to make no perceptible difference from generation to generation. In other words: we now know that heredity is paramount in human evolution, all other things being secondary factors.

This basic truth is already accepted by large numbers of thinking men and women all over the civilized world, and if it becomes firmly fixed in the popular consciousness it will work nothing short of a revolution in the ordering of the world’s affairs.

For race-betterment is such an intensely practical matter! When peoples come to realize that the quality of the population is the source of all their prosperity, progress, security, and even existence; when they realize that a single genius may be worth more in actual dollars than a dozen gold-mines, while, conversely, racial decline spells material impoverishment and decay; when such things are really believed, we shall see much-abused “eugenics” actually moulding social programmes and political policies. Were the white world to-day really convinced of the supreme importance of race-values, how long would it take to stop debasing immigration, reform social abuses that are killing out the fittest strains, and put an end to the feuds which[Pg 307] have just sent us through hell and threaten to send us promptly back again?

Well, perhaps our change of heart may come sooner than now appears. The horrors of the war, the disappointment of the peace, the terror of Bolshevism, and the rising tide of color have knocked a good deal of the nonsense out of us, and have given multitudes a hunger for realities who were before content with a diet of phrases. Said wise old Benjamin Franklin: “Dame Experience sets a dear school, but fools will have no other.” Our course at the dame’s school is already well under way and promises to be exceeding dear.

Only, it is to be hoped our education will be rapid, for time presses and the hour is grave. If certain lessons are not learned and acted upon shortly, we may be overwhelmed by irreparable disasters and all our dear schooling will go for naught.

What are the things we must do promptly if we would avert the worst? This “irreducible minimum” runs about as follows:

First and foremost, the wretched Versailles business will have to be thoroughly revised. As it stands, dragon’s teeth have been sown over both Europe and Asia, and unless they be plucked up they will presently grow a crop of cataclysms which will seal the white world’s doom.

Secondly, some sort of provisional understanding must be arrived at between the white world and renascent[Pg 308] Asia. We whites will have to abandon our tacit assumption of permanent domination over Asia, while Asiatics will have to forego their dreams of migration to white lands and penetration of Africa and Latin America. Unless some such understanding is arrived at, the world will drift into a gigantic race-war—and genuine race-war means war to the knife. Such a hideous catastrophe should be abhorrent to both sides. Nevertheless, Asia should be given clearly to understand that we cannot permit either migration to white lands or penetration of the non-Asiatic tropics, and that for these matters we prefer to fight to a finish rather than yield to a finish—because our “finish” is precisely what surrender on these points would mean.

Thirdly, even within the white world, migrations of lower human types like those which have worked such havoc in the United States must be rigorously curtailed. Such migrations upset standards, sterilize better stocks, increase low types, and compromise national futures more than war, revolutions, or native deterioration.

Such are the things which simply must be done if we are to get through the next few decades without convulsions which may render impossible the white world’s recovery.

These things will not bring in the millennium. Far from it. Our ills are so deep-seated that in nearly every civilized country racial values would continue to depreciate even if all three were carried into effect.[Pg 309] But they will at least give our wounds a chance to heal, and they will give the new biological revelation time to permeate the popular consciousness and transfuse with a new idealism our materialistic age. As the years pass, the supreme importance of heredity and the supreme value of superior stocks will sink into our being, and we will acquire a true race-consciousness (as opposed to national or cultural consciousness) which will bridge political gulfs, remedy social abuses, and exorcise the lurking spectre of miscegenation.

In those better days, we or the next generation will take in hand the problem of race-depreciation, and segregation of defectives and abolition of handicaps penalizing the better stocks will put an end to our present racial decline. By that time biological knowledge will have so increased and the popular philosophy of life will have been so idealized that it will be possible to inaugurate positive measures of race-betterment which will unquestionably yield the most wonderful results.

Those splendid tasks are probably not ours. They are for our successors in a happier age. But we have our task, and God knows it is a hard one—the salvage of a shipwrecked world! Ours it is to make possible that happier age, whose full-fruits we shall never see.

Well, what of it? Does not the new idealism teach us that we are links in a vital chain, charged with high duties both to the dead and the unborn? In very truth we are at once sons of sires who sleep in calm assurance that we will not betray the trust they [Pg 310]confided to our hands, and sires of sons who in the Beyond wait confident that we shall not cheat them of their birthright.

Let us, then, act in the spirit of Kipling’s immortal lines:

“Our Fathers in a wondrous age,
Ere yet the Earth was small,
Ensured to us an heritage,
And doubted not at all
That we, the children of their heart,
Which then did beat so high,
In later time should play like part
For our posterity.


Then, fretful, murmur not they gave
So great a charge to keep,
Nor dream that awestruck Time shall save
Their labor while we sleep.
Dear-bought and clear, a thousand year
Our fathers’ title runs.
Make we likewise their sacrifice,
Defrauding not our sons.”[191]
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Re: The Rising Tide of Color Against Theodore Stod

Postby admin » Sat Apr 04, 2020 7:44 am


Abd-el-Wahab, 58

Abyssinia, 4, 89

Afghanistan, independence of, 4, 56;
Germany’s relations with, 212;
Bolshevik propaganda in, 220

Africa, 3, 5;
effect of Russo-Japanese War on, 12, 15;
partition of, 24, 89, 149 ff., 152;
European conquests in, 70;
growth of Mohammedanism in, 65;
Germany in, 204
North, brown race in, 7;
57, 68, 83 ff., 199;
Bolshevik agitators in, 220;
brown power in, 93 ff.;
spread of Arab blood in, 93;
native white blood in, 93 ff.;
rule of Islam in, 94, 101, 235, 142, 147
South, 10, 84;
home of black race, 7, 54, 87 ff.;
white colonization of, 89;
wealth of, 89 ff.;
result of white rule in, 91, 92;
spread of Islam in, 94 ff., 235;
Christianity in, 95 ff.;
anti-white sentiment in, 97 ff.;
uprising of 1915, 99;
situation of, 100 ff.;
white settlement in, 225;
danger of Asiatic penetration into, 232, 249;
results of Asiatic penetration into, 272 ff., 277;
Exclusion Act in, 281, 308;
result of Asiatic labor in, 278, 280;
Mauritius settled from, 280

Algeria, 67;
riots in, 77, 82;
white blood in, 93 ff.

Allies of the Great War, 40, 214

Al Mowwayad, 71

Alpine race, 162 ff., 165;
and the war, 183;
202, 261

America, 4;
black race in, 7, 87 ff. 99;
race prejudice in, 11;
military preparations in, 39;
Japan’s attitude toward, 51 ff.;
red man in, 104;
discovery of, 147;
settlement of, 149;
cost of war in, 177;
triumph of, 214;
danger to white race in, 303
Central, white civilization in, 113;
race-mixture in, 128 ff.;
Japanese in, 131, 138 ff.
Latin, red man in, 7, 104;
Japanese in, 48, 131 ff.;
evolution of, 105;
mixed blood in, 106 ff., 116 ff., 124, 128 ff., 166;
revolution in, 108 ff.;
results of revolution in, 110 ff.;
oligarchies in, 110 ff.;
immigration into, 114;
loss of white supremacy in, 115;
anarchy in, 120 ff.;
inability of, to rule self, 128 ff.;
Asiatics in, 130 ff., 308;
anti-Americanism in, 136;
attitude of, toward yellow race, 137 ff.;
pressure of yellow race on, 139;
present situation in, 140 ff.;
future of, 141 ff.;
Bolshevik agitation in, 220;
danger of Asiatic penetration of, 232 ff., 249 ff., 303;
white migration into, 302
North, white man’s land, 3, 5, 104, 225;
attitude of Japs toward, 52;
Japs in, 131;
Nordics in, 253;
result of immigration on, 254 ff., 261 ff.;
need for prohibiting immigration into, 266 ff.;
a frontier against Asia, 284
South, colonization of, 3;
white man’s country, 5, 104;
colored man’s country, 6;
half-caste in, 117;
need for white immigration into, 118;
“Indianista” movement, 124;
Japs in, 131, 139.
See also Latin America

American Indian, home of, 104;
number of, 104;
Spanish Conquest of, 104 ff.;
racial mixtures of, 106 ff., 116 ff., 119 ff., 128, 301;
relations with Spaniards, 107;
in Chile, 111 ff.;
in Peru, 113;
in Colombia, 113;
in Costa Rica, 113;
in Argentina, 114;
in Uruguay, 114;
in northern Brazil, 115;
anti-white sentiment among, 124 ff.;
ancient civilizations among, 126;
capability of, 126 ff.;
influence of Spaniards on, 127;
“Indianista” movement, 129;
Japanese relations with, 137 ff., 146

Amerindian. See American Indian
[Pg 314]
Amoor, 199

Anatolia, 211, 229

Andaman Islanders, 227

Anglo-French agreement, 70

Anglo-Japanese Alliance, 291 ff.

Anglo-Oriental College, 60

Anglo-Saxons, Japanese agitation against, 50, 292;
race-growth of, 155 ff.;
“sacred union” of, 281

Annamites, 17

Arab-negroid, 94

Arabia, location of, 57;
Senussi in, 67;
nationalist movements in, 77

Arabistan, definition of, 57;
population of, 57

Arabs, 88 ff., 92 ff., 102, 146

Araucania, 111

Argentina, white man in, 105;
population of, 114;
agricultural development of, 114;
immigration into, 115;
Japanese immigration into, 138

Aryan race, 23, 200

Asia, 3, 4;
home-land of white race, 5;
of yellow race, 7;
of brown race, 7;
black race in, 7;
antagonism toward white continents, 11 ff., 15, 22;
Japan in, 43, 48, 52, 71;
European conquests in, 70;
renaissance in, 100;
Latin America invaded by, 130, 138, 142;
Europe assailed by, 146 ff., 237;
white man in, 149 ff., 237 ff.;
anti-white sentiment in, 171, 237;
Russia in, 203, 205 ff.;
Bolshevik agitators in, 220;
centre of colored unrest, 229 ff.;
non-Asiatic lands penetrated by, 232;
independence of, 232 ff.;
economic activity in, 241 ff., 244, 248;
causes of poverty in, 243;
population of, 249;
Hawaii penetrated by, 279;
Mauritius settled by, 280;
Pacific coast settled by, 284;
need in U. S. for laborers from, 293;
evils of modern migration in, 302;
white world’s need for understanding with, 307 ff.

Asia Minor, 57

Asturians, 111

Australasia, 5, 6, 48, 87, 303

Australia, 10;
Japanese desire for, 21, 52;
Chinese need for land in, 46;
black race in, 87;
settlement of, 149;
Chinese invasion of, 238, 272;
“White Australia” doctrine in, 281 ff.;
number of white in, 282;
immigration menace to, 289;
Japanese in, 292

Austria, 22

Aztec civilization, 126, 297

Bagdad, 61

Balkans, 50

Balkans, war, 72

Basques, 111

Basra, 61

Behring Strait, 138

Belgium, 82

Bengal lancers, 209

Berbers, white blood of, 93;
acceptance of French rule, 94;
European intermarriage with, 94

Birmingham, 296

Black Death, 146

Black race, 5;
numbers of, 7, 87;
home of, 7, 87 ff.;
Mohammedanism in, 65, 69;
brown race’s relations with, 85 ff., 88, 92 ff.;
white race’s relations with, 88 ff., 91, 149;
character of, 90, 100 ff.;
other races compared with, 91 ff.;
influence of other races on, 92;
spread of Islam in, 95 ff., 235, 240;
spread of Christianity in, 97 ff.;
anti-white sentiments of, 97;
“Ethiopian Church” movement and, 98 ff.;
in Latin America, 110, 116 ff., 141 ff.;
race-mixtures with, 116 ff., 126, 128, 142, 301;
Germany’s relations with, 204;
France’s relations with, 204;
in European War, 206, 209 ff., 295;
white lands entered by, 269

Boer War, 208

Bolivar, 108 ff.

Bolivia, mixed blood in, 119;
need of immigration in, 119;
Indian rising in, 124 ff.;
Japanese immigration into, 138

Bolsheviki, 50

Bolshevism, 191, 214, 218;
tenets of, 218 ff.;
menace to white race, 220 ff., 233

Bombay, 61

Brahman. See Hindu

Brazil, 103;
Bolshevik propaganda in, 220;
Portugal’s neglect of, 115;
immigration into, 115;
white man in, 115;
Indians in, 115;
result of race-mixtures in, 120, 259

British Columbia, exclusion policy of, 281, 283;
colored immigration menace against, 289

British Dominion. See British Empire

British Empire, 4;
Japan’s relations with, 32;
India’s relations with, 32;
Egypt’s relations with, 78;
war losses of, 177;
immigration laws of, 292.
See England and Great Britain

British Straits Settlements, 46
[Pg 315]
Brown race, 5;
numbers of, 7, 54;
home of, 7, 54;
12, 17, 22;
types of, 54 ff.;
unity of, 55;
white race’s relations with, 50 ff., 149;
groupings of, 57;
Islam’s relations with, 58 ff.;
unrest under white rule, 83 ff., 229, 234;
possibility of brown-yellow alliance, 85 ff.;
black race’s relations with, 88, 91, 92 ff., 100 ff.;
Europe assailed by, 146, 148;
Germany’s relations with, 204;
France’s relations with, 204;
Italy’s relations with, 204;
in European War, 208 ff., 295;
Africa colonized by, 232;
military potency of, 237 ff.;
industrial conditions of, 241;
white lands penetrated by, 269;
Mauritius settled by, 280;
South Africa penetrated by, 277 ff.;
Central Asia taken by, 303

Bryce, Lord, 124, 127

Buddhism, 23, 73, 228

Buenos Aires, 114

Cairo, 61, 62, 78

Calcutta, 61

California, result of Chinese labor in, 272;
exclusion policy of, 285;
Japanese in, 287 ff.

Cambodians, 17

Canada, desire of yellow race for, 10;
fear of Asiatic immigration into, 84;
white man’s country, 104;
exclusion policy of, 281, 283;
population of, 284;
Nordics in, 163;
danger of Hindu immigration into, 283 ff.;
Caribbean, 121;
Caroline Islands, 36;
Carranza, 136;
Cape Horn, 105, 138;
Castro of Venezuela, 122;
Caucasian, 200

Chengtu, 245

Chile, 110;
Nordic colonists of, 111;
race-mixture in, 111;
stabilization of, 112;
characteristics of, 112;
progress of, 113;
Japanese immigration into, 138;
Bolshevik propaganda in, 220

Chilembwe, John, 99

China, white control of, 4;
independence of, 8;
yellow world centred in, 17, 18;
population of, 18;
exclusion policy, 18;
Japanese war with, 20 ff., 23 ff.;
revolution in, 23 ff., 73;
partition of, 23;
Boxer War in, 24;
Japan’s relations with, 26 ff., 30 ff., 34, 38 ff., 42, 43, 50 ff., 58, 207, 239, 247, 302;
“Young China” movement in, 26;
economic efficiency of, 28 ff.;
population of, 44;
colonizing possibilities of, 45 ff.;
Mohammedans in, 73;
effect of war on, 77;
congestion in, 84;
Latin America penetrated by, 131, 140;
“break-up” of, 151, 199;
Russia’s relations with, 203;
Germany’s relations with, 212;
Bolshevik propaganda in, 220;
white goods boycotted by, 230, 246 ff.;
military potency of, 238 ff.;
industrial life of, 241, 243 ff., 250;
labor conditions in, 244 ff., 268, 273 ff., 276 ff.;
Hawaii settled by, 279;
British Columbia penetrated by, 283;
United States settled by, 286;
Europe penetrated by, 289;
U. S. need for, 293 ff.;
England settled by, 296;
in war zone, 297

Christianity, in Africa, 92, 95 ff.;
in Latin America, 137

Civitas Dei, 170

Cochin-China, 247

Colombia, settlement of, 107, 113;
revolution in, 113;
anti-American sentiment in, 136

Colored-Bolshevist alliance, 233

Columbus, Christopher, 103, 145, 147

Confucius, 24;
followers of, 73

Congo, 101, 142

Conquistadores, 105 ff., 126, 140

Constantinople, 57, 61, 72, 212

Constantinople Tanine, 13

Contemporary Review, 25

Cortez, 106

Costa Rica, 113

Creoles, 107 and n.;
degeneracy of, 107 ff.;
anti-Spain revolt of, 108 ff.;
“democracy” of, 109;
status of, 116

Crusades, 146, 209

Cuba, 125, 139;
cross-breeding in, 259, 278

Cuzco, 125

“Dark Continent,” 88 ff., 97, 102

de Gama, Vasco, 147

de la Barra, Señor, 134

Diaz, Porfirio, 110

Dillon, Doctor E. J., 10, 25, 217

Durban, 278

Dutch Indies, 20, 34, 46;
colonization of, 47;
population of, 47, 82

Ecuador, mixed blood in, 118;
need for immigration into, 119

Egypt, taken by England, 70, 76 ff.;
1914 revolt in, 74;
nationalist movement in, 77 ff.;
effect of Versailles Conference on, 78;
insurrection in, 78 ff.;
unrest in, 83, 84;
Islam’s ascendancy in, 93;
[Pg 316]Bolshevik propaganda in, 220;
white products boycotted in, 246 ff.

El Mercurio (Chile), 138

England, India’s relations with, 32, 79 ff.;
Japan’s relations with, 35 ff., 50 ff., 71;
Islamite appeal to, 73;
Egypt’s relations with, 77 ff.;
Chile compared with, 112;
1480 population of, 146, 155 ff.;
race-stocks in, beginning of war in, 176, 180;
cost of war to, 192, 194, 199;
Russia’s threat against, 203;
Japan allied with, 203 ff.;
China’s industrial rivalry with, 244;
colored labor in, 295 ff.;
race-riots in, 296 ff.

English Civil Service, 80

“Ethiopian Church,” 96;
founding of, 98;
anti-white teachings of, 98;
Zulu rebellion caused by, 98

Ethiopianism, 99

Europe, 3, 5, 6, 11;
Asia’s hostility toward, 11, 46, 52;
Moslem East attacked by, 58;
relations with Islam, 61;
height attained by, 62 ff., 89;
Argentine and Uruguay settled by, 114, 142;
Black Death in, 146;
expansion attempted by, 146;
Asia’s attacks on, 146 ff.;
results of discovery of America in, 147;
results of Asian conflicts on, 148, 151 ff.;
industrial revolution in, 157 ff., 161, 164;
Nordic ranks in, 163;
results of Russo-Jap War in, 171 ff.;
results of Versailles Conference on, 216, 218, 307;
Bolshevism’s menace to, 220 ff.;
effect of colored migration on, 253, 268;
danger of Oriental immigration into, 289 ff.;
colored labor imported into, 293, 295 ff.
See also European War

“European Concert,” 170

European War, 4, 11, 13 ff., 25, 33, 36, 39 ff.;
Germany’s collapse in, 40;
end of, 42;
prophecy of, 62;
Islam at beginning of, 73;
Egypt at beginning of, 76;
East affected by, 77;
India in, 80;
U. S. in, 133, 134, 136, 169, 175, 176;
cost of, 176 ff.;
in civil life, 178 ff., 181 ff.;
results of, 187 ff., 190 ff., 206;
“hate literature” of, 207;
use of colored troops in, 208 ff., 214, 220, 290;
Asia’s attitude affected by, 290 ff.;
colored labor in, 293 ff.

“Exclusion Policy,” 269

Far East. See China, Japan

Fatima, 67

Filipinos in Hawaii, 279

Fisher, H. A. L., 182

Formosa, 20 ff., 30, 43, 47

France, birth-rate of, 8, 46;
Japan’s attitude toward, 50 ff., 83 ff., 103;
cost of war in, 177, 179 ff.;
conscription in, 181, 194;
Nordics in, 202, 204, 250, 270;
colored labor in, 296 ff.;
race-riots in, 296

“Gentlemen’s Agreement,” 287

Germany, Chinese interests of, 36;
Japan’s relations with, 36, 39, 212 ff.;
Asiatic expulsion of, 36 ff.;
Bolshevism’s aid to, 40;
collapse of, 40, 50 ff.;
Islam’s relations with, 75;
South American immigrations of, 111, 115;
Mexico’s relations with, 136;
cost of war in, 177, 180;
conscription in, 181;
Russia’s relations with, 187;
Nordic race in, 201;
Alpine race in, 202;
population of, 202;
in central Africa, 204;
Belgium invaded by, 228;
Chinese industrial rivalry with, 244, 270

Grand Alliance, 39

Grant, Madison, 115, 162, 169, 183, 262

Great Britain, 36 ff.;
Japan’s relations with, 38, 291 ff.
See also England and British Empire

Great War. See European War

Greece, 72, 196, 199

Guinea, 142

Gurkhas, 209

“Habl-ul-Matin,” 66 ff.

Haiti, 4, 100, 142, 227 and n.

“Hajj,” 66 ff.

Hall, Prescott F., 253, 255

Hangkow, 43

Hanyang, 244

Hawaii, 136;
white rule in, 279;
Asiatic labor in, 279 ff.;
U. S. annexation of, 279;
Americans in, 279 ff.

Hedjaz Kingdom, 66

Himalayans, 55, 238

Hindustan, Islam’s relations with, 73;
England’s relations with, 79;
Mauritius a part of, 280

Hokkaido, 44, 47 ff.

Holland, 20, 46

Huns, 17, 146

Ichang, 244

Incas, 125 ff.

India, Japanese relations with, 31 ff.;
English relations with, 32, 80;
population of, 32, 57;
wealth of, 33;
Russian menace to, 38, 203;
47, 52;
[Pg 317]southern, 55;
brown world centred in, 57;
revolt in Northwest, 74;
unrest in, 79;
government of, 80 ff.;
congestion in, 84 ff., 250, 268;
“Negritos” in, 87, 147, 199;
Bolshevik propaganda in, 220, 225;
foreign goods boycotted by, 230;
industrial growth of, 241;
handicaps to, 246;
“Swadeshi” movement, 246, 248;
in South Africa, 278;
in British Columbia, 283;
in Europe, 289

Indian Archipelago, 282

“Indianista” movement, 124, 129, 132;
Japanese support of, 134, 137, 140

Indians of America. See American Indians

Indo-China, population of, 18;
exclusion policy of, 18, 23;
revolutions in, 33 ff., 46, 87

Indo-Japanese Association, 32

Iran, population of, 57;
influence on, 57

Islam, brown race united by, 55;
in India, 55, 73, 79, 85;
power of, 58 ff.;
revival of, 58;
progress of, 60, 64 ff.;
communication in, 61;
numerical strength of, 61, 64;
European relations with, 62 ff.;
proselytizing power of, 65;
the Senussi in, 67 ff.;
effect of Russo-Japanese War on, 70;
Japanese relations with, 70 ff.;
Tripoli taken from, 71 ff., 204;
effect of Balkan War on, 72;
England’s relations with, 73;
in China, 73;
in the European War, 74;
Versailles Conference and, 75 ff.;
black race’s relations with, 86, 92, 94;
South African progress of, 94 ff., 102

Italy, 50;
Tripoli seized by, 71 ff., 205;
South American immigration from, 114 ff.;
conditions in, 176

Japan, independence of, 4, 8;
effect of white civilization on, 9, 12;
Russian war with, 12, 20 ff., 17;
population of, 18, 44;
exclusion policy of, 18;
Western civilization in, 20;
Chinese war with, 20 ff.;
imperialism in, 21;
European War and, 25, 39, 41;
Chinese subjection to, 23, 26 ff., 30, 37, 247;
white race expelled from Asia by, 31;
Asia influenced by, 31, 33, 43;
England’s relations with, 35, 203 ff., 291 ff.;
Germany’s relations with, 36, 212 ff.;
Russian understanding with, 38;
in Siberia, 40;
Versailles Conference and, 42;
colonizing possibilities of, 45;
climatic requirements of, 47 ff.;
militarism of, 49 ff.;
Islam’s relations with, 71 ff.;
Latin America’s relations with, 130 ff., 137;
American relations with, 132, 136, 286 ff.;
Mexican relations with, 132 ff.;
Indians affected by, 140;
power of, 172, 238;
Russian prisoners in, 205 ff.;
Bolshevik propaganda in, 220;
industrial conditions in, 241, 246 ff.;
excess population in, 268, 270;
Hawaii settled by, 279 ff.;
British Columbia settled by, 283;
Chinese excluded by, 302;
Koreans excluded by, 302

Japan Magazine, 35, 291, 293

Japanese Colonial Journal, 37

Java, 84;
Bolshevik propaganda in, 220

Jerusalem, 72

Jews in America, 165

Kamchatka, 43

Kechua republic, possibility of, 125

Kerbela, 61

Kiang Su, province of, 27

Kiaochow Bay, Germany’s lease of, 36;
Germany driven from, 36, 39, 213

Kitchener, Lord, 78

Kobè, 206

Korea, population of, 17;
exclusion policy in, 18;
Japanese possession of, 30, 43;
Colonization in, 45;
Hawaii settled by, 279;
Japanese exclusion policy against, 302

Lake Baikal, 40

Lake Chad, 68

League of Nations, 218

Lenine, 219 ff.

Levantines in U. S., 165;
in Rome, 253

Liberia, 4, 89, 100

Lima, 125

Limehouse, 296

London, 72, 296

London Nation, 207

London Saturday Review, 186

Los Angeles Times, 287

Lybia, Nationalist movement in, 77

Madero, Francisco, 135

Malaysia, 250

Manchuria, Japanese threat against, 40, 43;
colonization in, 45

Manchus, 17, 24

Marianne Islands, 36

Marshall Islands, 36
[Pg 318]
Matabele, 96

Mauritius, French in, 280;
importation of blacks into, 280;
importation of Asiatics into, 280;
present conditions in, 280

Maya civilization, 126

Mecca, 66

Mediterranean race, 162 ff., 165;
in U. S., 165;
in England, 166 ff.;
in war, 183, 261

Mediterranean Sea, 57, 77, 82, 88, 93, 101

Melbourne Argus, 21

Mesopotamia, 57, 84, 211

Mexican War, 133

Mexico, conquest of, 104 ff., 107;
dictatorship in, 110;
unrest in, 116;
Indian rising in, 124;
Aztec civilization in, 126;
Japanese relations with, 132, 134 ff.;
anti-American feeling in, 132 ff., 136;
“Plan of San Diego” plotted in, 133;
Bolshevik propaganda in, 220;
cross-breeding in, 259

Mexico City, 135

“Middle Kingdom,” 17

Miranda, 108

Mohammedan Revival, 56, 58 ff.

Mohammedanism. See Islam

Mohammerah, 61

Mongolia, Russia in, 38;
colonization of, 45

Mongolians, 17, 23, 130, 137, 139, 146, 285

Monroe Doctrine, 129, 132, 138

“Monroe Doctrine for Far East,” 23, 30

Montevideo, 114

Moors, 65, 147

Morocco, Senussi order in, 68;
French possession of, 76;
riots in, 77, 82 ff., 93

Moslem. See Islam

Napoleonic Wars, 58

Natal, revolt in, 98;
Asian immigration into, 272 ff., 278;
South African exclusion act in, 280 ff.

Near and Middle East, brown man’s land, 54 ff.;
European domination of, 75 ff.

“Negritos,” 87

Negro. See Black Race

Netherlands, a Nordic country, 202

New England, 256, 258, 294

New Guinea, 99

New Zealand, 278;
exclusion policy of, 281

Nicaragua, 122

Niger, 101

Nigeria, 210

Nile, 88, 101

Nordic race, 111 ff., 162;
decreasing birth-rate of, 163;
character of, 163;
effect of industrial revolution on, 164;
in U. S., 165, 258, 261, 266;
in England, 166 ff.;
cost of war to, 183;
worth of, 199 ff.;
in Germany, 201 ff.;
constructive power of, 229

North Borneo, 46

Nyassaland, Mohammedanism in, 95 ff.;
rebellion in, 99

Okuma, Count, 31 ff., 50, 131, 138

Ottoman Empire, partition of, 75;
cost of war to, 177 ff.

Ottoman Turk, 55, 57, 146

Pacific Ocean Society, 32

Pan-African Congress, 99 ff.

Pan-America, 130, 138

Pan-Asia Alliance, 234

Pan-Asia Holy War, 11

Pan-Asian Railroad, 212

Pan-Asiatic Association, 31

“Pan-Colored” alliance, 70, 229, 233 ff.

Pan-Germanism, 169, 201 ff.

Pan-Islam Holy War, 11, 70

Pan-Islamism, driving power of, 66 ff.;
progress toward, 69;
result of Peace Conference on, 75, 79, 94;
the negro the tool of, 97, 100, 102, 237;
in the European War, 205 ff., 234 ff.;
Asia affected by, 237;
military potency of, 238, 240

Pan-Mongolism, 28

Pan-Nordic union, 200

Pan-Slavism, 169, 201, 203

Paraguay, 110

Paris, 99, 122, 216

Pax Americana, 4

Pax Romana, 170

Peace Conference. See Versailles Conference

Pechili Strait, 43

Peking, 43, 212

Pelew Islands, 36

Peloponnesian War, 173 ff., 196

Persia, 4;
Russian menace to, 38;
independence of, 56;
Japan’s relations with, 70 ff.;
in war, 74;
England the protector of, 76, 84;
Germany’s relations with, 212

Peru, conquest of, 104 ff., 107;
settlement of, 113;
revolution in, 113;
politics of, 125;
Incas in, 126;
Chinese in, 131;
Japanese in, 138

Peshawar, 61
[Pg 319]
Philippines, independence movement in, 34, 43, 46, 83, 87, 137, 229

Pizarro, 105

“Plan of San Diego,” 133

Poland, cost of war in, 178

Port Arthur, 153

Port Louis, 280

Port Said, 61

Portugal, 18, 115

Rangoon, 23

Red race, 5;
number of, 7, 104;
home of, 7, 104 ff.;
cross-breeding with, 106 ff., 116 ff., 119, 128;
anti-Spain revolution of, 108 ff.;
in Chile, 111;
in Peru, 113;
in Colombia, 113;
in Argentine, 114;
in Uruguay, 114;
in northern Brazil, 115;
anti-white sentiment of, 124 ff.;
character of, 126 ff.;
yellow race’s relations with, 131 ff., 138, 140;
effect of Spaniards on, 141;
future of, 141 ff.

Rhodes, Cecil, 200

Rio Grande, 5, 7, 103, 105

Roman Empire, 116;
fall of, 146

Rome, 50, 146, 199, 290

Ross, Professor E. A., 112, 118, 125, 131, 139, 140, 244 ff., 260, 264, 267, 269, 273

Russia, Japanese war with, 12, 20 ff., 31, 205;
Japan’s relations with, 35 ff., 38, 151;
revolution in, 39, 214;
Bolshevism in, 40, 50 ff., 219;
Persia’s relations with, 74;
white race in, 145;
and European War, 176;
cost of war in, 177 ff.;
Germany’s relations with, 187, 189, 194;
Nordics in, 202;
as part of Asia, 203 ff., 270

Russo-Japanese War, 12;
Japan’s strength revealed by, 21 ff., 171;
effect on Islam, 70;
African results of, 97, 149, 153;
effect on white race, 203, 205, 237

Saar, 215

Saghalien, Island of, 247

Sahara Desert, 7, 57, 67;
Senussi control of, 68, 87 ff., 93

Sailors’ and Firemen’s Union, 296

San Martín, 108

Santiago College, 112

Scandinavia, 145, 202

Senegalese, 209 ff.

Senussiyah, history of, 67;
organization of, 67;
stronghold of, 67 ff.;
European relations with, 68;
programme of, 69, 94

Serbia, cost of war in, 178

Seyyid, Mohammed ben Senussi, 67 ff.

Shanghai, 244

Shansi, 245

Shantung, Germany in, 36;
Japan in, 43, 215, 297

Siam, 4, 17, 23;
Japan’s relation with, 31, 45, 247

Sianfu, 245

Siberia, 6, 15, 18, 34;
danger of Bolshevism to, 40;
Japanese army in, 40;
colonized by Chinese, 48;
colonized by Japanese, 48;
settlement of, 149;
Russia in, 151

Siddyk, Yahya, 62

Singapore, 29

Somaliland, 68

South African Union, 96;
white population of, 98

Spain, the Moors in, 65, 147;
in Latin America, 106, 108, 111, 114, 118;
Argentina settled by, 114;
Uruguay settled by, 114

Spanish Conquest, 105

Steppes, 238

Sudan, 79, 93

Sudanese, in war, 210

Suez, 77, 103

“Survival of Fittest,” 23, 150, 273

Syria, 57

Szechuan, 245

Tartars, 17, 57

Teheran, 61, 71

Teutonic Powers, 78

Texas, 133

Thibet, 29;
as Chinese colony, 45

Thirty Years’ War, 202

Tokio, 22, 39 ff., 134

Tokio Economist, 131

Tokio Hochi, 50

Tokio Mainichi Deupo, 291

Tokio Universe, 37

Tokio Yamato, 38

Tokio Yorodzu, 292 ff.

Trades Union Congress, 296

Transcaucasia, 57

Trinidad, 278

Tripoli, seized by Italy, 71 ff.;
in revolt, 74, 77, 204

Tunis, 82, 94

“Turanians,” 57

Turkestan, 38;
Chinese section of, 48;
colonization possibilities in, 45

Turkestan, composition of, 57;
population of, 57

Turkey, 4;
independence of, 56;
Tripoli taken from, 71;
Balkan War losses to, 72;
in European War, 74, 78, 209;
war losses of, 178;
German alliance with, 211 ff.

Turkomans, 57
[Pg 320]

Uganda, Christianity in, 96

United States, 4, 10, 37;
in war, 39, 46;
Japanese relations with, 48, 99, 103, 132;
settlement of, 104, 121, 125, 129, 132;
Mexican relations with, 132 ff.;
Mexican plot against, 133;
Mexican-Japanese alliance against, 132, 135;
Latin American hostility toward, 135 ff.;
Latin American ties with, 137, 139;
Nordic race in, 165;
Bolshevik propaganda in, 220;
effect of immigration in, 256;
Hawaiian relations with, 279 ff., 282;
immigration menace to, 286, 289;
Chinese in, 286, 293 ff.;
Japanese in, 286 ff.;
Japanese excluded from, 292 ff.;
immigration laws in, 308

Uruguay, 105;
population of, 114;
agricultural development of, 114;
European immigration into, 114 ff.

Valparaiso, 112;
English character of, 112

Venezuela, 122;
Indians in, 128;
anti-American sentiment in, 136

Versailles Peace Conference, 42, 50;
Islam and, 75 ff., 187;
failure of, 215 ff., 233, 235, 307

Wahabees, 58, 67

Wars of Roses, 155

West African Guinea, Christian missions in, 96

West Indian Islands, 103, 253

White race, 3, 4, 5, 8 ff.;
21, 34, 151;
numbers of, 6, 155;
8 ff., 21;
expulsion from Far East, 28, 31, 44;
Asia controlled by, 46, 47 ff., 53;
brown race’s relation with, 55 ff., 146, 148;
62 ff., 70;
India’s relation with, 82 ff., 124 ff.;
brown-yellow alliance against, 85;
black race ruled by, 89, 91 ff., 102 ff.;
in Northeast Africa, 93 ff.;
African hostility toward, 97 ff.;
in Africa, 98, 249;
in North America, 104 ff.;
in Latin America, 104 ff., 110 ff., 118 ff., 123, 141 ff., 249, 302;
Indian race-mixture with, 106 ff., 116 ff.;
Mexican hostility toward, 132 ff.;
yellow race’s relations with, 137 ff., 141, 146, 148, 151 ff.;
expansion of, 145;
original location of, 145;
original area of, 145 ff.;
original number of, 146;
effect of fifteenth-century discoveries on, 147;
progress of, 148 ff., 153;
effect of Russo-Japanese War on, 154, 171 ff., 203;
effect of industrial revolution on, 156 ff.;
birth-rate of, 162;
division of, 162;
solidarity of, 169 ff., 199 ff., 204 ff., 306 ff.;
in European War, 175 ff., 196, 199;
Bolshevik menace to, 219 ff.;
danger to, 228 ff., 289 ff., 297 ff., 301, 303;
effect of immigration on, 251 ff., 278 ff.;
exclusion policy of, 269 ff., 281 ff.;
rise of, 299 ff.

Yangtse River, 43, 244

Yellow Peril, 85, 139, 172, 213, 237

Yellow race, 5;
numbers of, 7;
home of, 7, 10, 12, 17 ff.;
Russo-Japanese War triumph of, 21, 22;
expansion of, 28, 46 ff., 55;
white aggression resisted by, 56;
brown race’s relations with, 85, 91, 100;
Americas penetrated by, 130 ff., 232;
Latin American attitude toward, 137, 139, 141 ff.;
white race’s relations with, 146, 148, 151 ff., 234 ff., 269, 272 ff.;
in France, 204;
in war, 207 ff., 296;
Germany’s relations with, 213;
military potency of, 238 ff.;
industrial conditions in, 241, 272 ff.;
in Hawaii, 279;
in Australia, 281;
in British Columbia 283;
in Central Asia, 303

Yemenite Arabs, 55

Yucatan, ancient civilization in, 126

Zambezi, 95 ff.

Zanzibar Arabs, 95

Zawias. See Senussi

Zelaya of Nicaragua, 122

Zulus, 96, 190;
revolt of, 98
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Re: The Rising Tide of Color Against Theodore Stod

Postby admin » Sat Apr 04, 2020 7:45 am


[1] E. J. Dillon, “The Asiatic Problem,” Contemporary Review, February, 1908.

[2] Ryutaro Nagai in The Japan Magazine. Quoted from The American Review of Reviews, July, 1913, p. 107.

[3] Achmet Abdullah, “Seen Through Mohammedan Spectacles,” Forum, October, 1914.

[4] Quoted from The Literary Digest, October 24, 1914, p. 784.

[5] W. E. Burghardt Dubois, “The African Roots of War,” Atlantic Monthly, May, 1915.

[6] Yone Noguchi, “The Downfall of Western Civilization,” The Nation (New York), October 8, 1914.

[7] J. Liddell Kelly, “What is the Matter with the Asiatic?” Westminster Review, September, 1910.

[8] Professor Schlegel in the Hague Dagblad. Quoted from The Literary Digest, November 7, 1896, p. 24.

[9] Audley Coote in the Melbourne Argus. Quoted from The Literary Digest, November 7, 1896, p. 24.

[10] Meredith Townsend, “Asia and Europe” (fourth edition, 1911). From the preface to the fourth edition, pages xvii-xix.

[11] Quoted from The American Review of Reviews, February, 1905, p. 219.

[12] W. R. Manning, “China and the Powers Since the Boxer Movement,” American Journal of International Law, October, 1910.

[13] Quoted by Manning, supra.

[14] E. J. Dillon, “The Most Momentous Event in a Thousand Years,” Contemporary Review, December, 1911.

[15] Adachi Kinnosuke, “Does Japanese Trade Endanger the Peace of Asia?” World’s Work, April, 1909.

[16] Jean Rodes in L’Asie Française, June, 1911.

[17] René Pinon, “La Lutte pour le Pacifique,” p. 152 (Paris, 1906).

[18] Quoted by Alleyne Ireland, “Commercial Aspects of the Yellow Peril,” North American Review, September, 1900.

[19] Charles H. Pearson, “National Life and Character,” p. 118 (2d edition).

[20] Quoted by Ireland, supra.

[21] Quoted by Scie-Ton-Fa, “La Chine et le Japon,” Revue Politique Internationale, September, 1915.

[22] The Literary Digest, March 5, 1910, p. 429.

[23] The Literary Digest, January 18, 1908, p. 81.

[24] B. L. Putnam Weale, “The Conflict of Color,” pp. 145-6 (New York, 1910).

[25] J. D. Whelpley, “East and West: A New line of Cleavage,” Fortnightly Review, May, 1915.

[26] The Literary Digest, July 6, 1912, p. 9.

[27] Quoted by Scie-Ton-Fa, supra.

[28] Quoted by Scie-Ton-Fa, supra.

[29] The Literary Digest, February 12, 1916, pp. 369-70.

[30] Alleyne Ireland, “Commercial Aspects of the Yellow Peril,” North American Review, September, 1900.

[31] The Literary Digest, November 13, 1909.

[32] The Literary Digest, July 5, 1919, p. 31.

[33] The Military Historian and Economist, January, 1917, pp. 43-46.

[34] W. G. Palgrave, “Essays on Eastern Questions,” pp. 127-131 (London, 1872).

[35] Theodore Morison, “Can Islam Be Reformed?” Nineteenth Century, October, 1908.

[36] Marmaduke Pickthall, “L’Angleterre et la Turquie,” Revue Politique Internationale, January, 1914.

[37] Bernard Temple, “The Place of Persia in World-Politics,” Proceedings of the Central Asian Society, May, 1910.

[38] Ameen Rihani, “The Crisis of Islam,” Forum, May, 1912.

[39] I. e., the twentieth century of the Christian era.

[40] Yahya Siddyk, “Le Réveil des Peuples Islamiques au Quatorzième Siècle de l’Hégire” (Cairo, 1907).

[41] Meredith Townsend, “Asia and Europe,” pp. 46-47.

[42] F. Farjanel, “Le Japon et l’Islam,” Revue du Monde Musulman, November, 1906.

[43] Farjanel, supra.

[44] Ibid.

[45] Gabriel Hanotaux, “La Crise méditerranéenne et l’Islam,” Revue Hebdomadaire, April 13, 1912.

[46] Arminius Vambèry, “Die türkische Katastrophe und die Islamwelt,” Deutsche Revue, July, 1913.

[47] Shah Mohammed Naimatullah, “Recent Turkish Events and Moslem India,” Asiatic Review, October, 1913.

[48] Vambèry, supra.

[49] Arminius Vambèry, “An Approach Between Moslems and Buddhists,” Nineteenth Century, April, 1912.

[50] Special cable to the New York Times, dated Rome, May 28, 1919.

[51] Townsend, op. cit., pp. 82-87.

[52] A. R. Colquhoun, “Pan-Islam,” North American Review, June, 1906.

[53] T. R. Threlfall, “Senussi and His Threatened Holy War,” Nineteenth Century, March, 1900.

[54] For details, see The Annual Register for 1915 and 1916.

[55] Townsend, op. cit., pp. 92, 356-8.

[56] F. Garcia-Calderon, “Latin America: Its Rise and Progress,” p. 49 (English translation, London, 1913).

[57] Although loose usage has since obscured its true meaning, the term “Creole” has to do, not with race, but with birthplace. “Creole” originally meant “one born in the colonies.” Down to the nineteenth century, this was perfectly clear. Whites were “Creole” or “European”; negroes were “Creole” or “African.”

[58] Garcia-Calderon, p. 50.

[59] Garcia-Calderon, p. 89.

[60] Edward Alsworth Ross, “South of Panama,” pp. 97-98 (New York, 1914).

[61] Ross, p. 109.

[62] Ross, p. 109.

[63] Madison Grant, “The Passing of the Great Race,” p. 78. (2d edition, New York, 1918.)

[64] Garcia-Calderon, pp. 351-2.

[65] Ibid., p. 287.

[66] Ibid., p. 360.

[67] Garcia-Calderon, pp. 361-2.

[68] Ibid., p. 362.

[69] Ross, “South of Panama,” pp. 29-30.

[70] Ross, p. 41.

[71] A. P. Schultz, “Race or Mongrel,” p. 155 (Boston, 1908).

[72] Garcia-Calderon, p. 222.

[73] Ibid., p. 336.

[74] W. B. Hale, “Our Danger in Central America,” World’s Work, August, 1912.

[75] G. W. Critchfield, “American Supremacy,” vol. I, p. 277 (New York, 1908).

[76] Pearson, op. cit., p. 60.

[77] James Bryce, “South America,” p. 181 (London, 1912).

[78] Ross, op. cit., p. 74.

[79] Ross, p. 89.

[80] Ellsworth Huntington, “The Adaptability of the White Man to Tropical America,” Journal of Race Development, October, 1914.

[81] Bryce, op. cit., p. 184.

[82] Garcia-Calderon, p. 354.

[83] Ross, p. 90.

[84] The American Review of Reviews, November, 1907, p. 622.

[85] The newspaper was La Reforma of Saltillo. The editorial was quoted in an Associated Press despatch dated El Paso, Texas, June 26, 1916. The despatch mentions La Reforma as “a semi-official paper.”

[86] Gutierrez de Lara, “The Mexican People: Their Struggle for Freedom” (New York, 1914).

[87] The Literary Digest, September 16, 1916, p. 662.

[88] Garcia-Calderon, pp. 329-330.

[89] Despatch to La Prensa (New York), December 13, 1919.

[90] The American Review of Reviews, November, 1907, p. 623.

[91] The Literary Digest, December 30, 1911, p. 1222.

[92] J. M. Moncada, “Social and Political Influences of the United States in Central America” (New York, 1911).

[93] Ross, pp. 91-92.

[94] Ross, pp. 92-93.

[95] P. 22.

[96] Townsend (“Asia and Europe”), pp. 1-4.

[97] Havelock Ellis, “Essays in War-Time,” p. 198 (American Edition, Boston, 1917).

[98] Réné Gérard, “Civilization in Danger,” The Hibbert Journal, January, 1912.

[99] Grant, op. cit., p. 100.

[100] Réné Pinon, “La Lutte pour le Pacifique,” pp. 184-185.

[101] New York Times Current History, December, 1919, p. 438.

[102] The Literary Digest, August 29, 1914, p. 346.

[103] The Literary Digest, August 7, 1915.

[104] Ibid., August 11, 1917.

[105] S. K. Humphrey, “Mankind: Racial Values and the Racial Prospect,” p. 132 (New York, 1917).

[106] Grant, p. 74.

[107] Ellis, p. 32.

[108] New York Times Current History, vol. IX, p. 272; October-December, 1916.

[109] Current Opinion, April, 1919, p. 237.

[110] Saturday Review, November 1, 1919, p. 407.

[111] J. L. Garvin, “The Economic Foundations of Peace,” page xiv (London, 1919).

[112] Frank A. Vanderlip, “Political and Economic Conditions in Europe,” The American Review of Reviews, July, 1919, p. 42.

[113] Herbert Hoover, “The Economic Situation in Europe,” World’s Work, November, 1919, pp. 98-99.

[114] The Literary Digest, May 3, 1919, pp. 39-40.

[115] Current Opinion, April, 1919, p. 248.

[116] Quoted from The Living Age, June 21, 1919, pp. 722-4.

[117] Quoted from The Living Age, May 10, 1919, pp. 365-368.

[118] Pearson, pp. 14-15.

[119] His book “De l’Inégalité des Races Humaines” first appeared at that date.

[120] Especially as expounded in Chamberlain’s chief work, “Die Grundlagen des neunzehnten Jahrhunderts” (“The Foundations of the Nineteenth Century”).

[121] Pinon, “La Lutte pour le Pacifique,” p. 165.

[122] The Nation (London), April 8, 1916, pp. 32-33.

[123] Eduard Meyer, “England: Its Political Organization and Development and the War against Germany” (English translation, Boston, 1916).

[124] Captain Rheinhold Eichacker, “The Blacks Attack!” New York Times Current History, vol. XI, pp. 110-112, April-June, 1917.

[125] Major Darnley Stuart-Stephens, “Our Million Black Army,” English Review, October, 1916.

[126] Ernst Jaeckh, “Die deutsch-türkische Waffenbruderschaft,” p. 30 (Berlin, 1915).

[127] Bernhardt Molden, “Die Bedeutung Asiens im Kampf für unsere Zukunft,” Preussische Jahrbücher, December, 1914. See also his article “Europa und Asien,” Preussische Jahrbücher, October, 1915.

[128] Friedrich Delitzsch, “Deutschland und Asien” (pamphlet) (Berlin, 1914).

[129] Lic. Missionsinspektor J. Witte, “Deutschland und die Völker Ostasiens in Vergangenheit und Zukunft,” Preussische Jahrbücher, May, 1915.

[130] The Economist (London), June 17, 1916, p. 1134.

[131] The Literary Digest, December 15, 1917, p. 14.

[132] The Literary Digest, December 15, 1914, p. 14.

[133] Official document.

[134] J. L. Garvin, “The Heritage of Armageddon,” The Observer (London). Reprinted in The Living Age, September 6, 1919.

[135] In The Daily Telegraph (London). Quoted in The Nation (New York), June 14, 1919, p. 960.

[136] Despite the legends which have grown up about the gaining of Haitian independence, such is the fact. Despite the handicap of yellow fever, the French were on the point of stamping out the negro insurgents when the renewal of war with England, in 1803, cut off the French sea-communications. The story of Haiti offers many interesting and instructive points to the student of race-questions. It was the first real shock between the ideals of white supremacy and race-equality; a prologue to the mighty drama of our own day. It also shows what real race-war means. To the historical student I cite my “French Revolution in San Domingo” (Boston, 1914), wherein the entire revolutionary cycle between 1789 and 1804 is described, based largely upon hitherto unexploited archival material.

[137] H. M. Hyndman, “The Awakening of Asia,” pp. 267-8. (New York, 1919).

[138] Pearson, pp. 140-1.

[139] Edward Alsworth Ross, “The Changing Chinese,” pp. 46-47 (New York, 1911).

[140] The Literary Digest, November 5, 1910, p. 786 (from The Indian Review, Madras).

[141] Clarence Poe, “What the Orient Can Teach Us,” World’s Work, July, 1911.

[142] Clayton S. Cooper, “The Modernizing of the Orient,” p. 5 (New York, 1914).

[143] Pearson, p. 133.

[144] Ross, pp. 117-118.

[145] Ross, p. 119.

[146] B. L. Putnam Weale, “The Conflict of Color,” pp. 179-181.

[147] Pearson, pp. 138, 139.

[148] Prescott F. Hall, “Immigration,” p. 99 (New York, 1907).

[149] See especially his “Psychology of Peoples” (London, 1898, English translation).

[150] Eliot Norton, in Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, vol. XXIV, p. 163, July, 1904. Of course, since Mr. Norton wrote, millions more aliens have entered the United States, and the situation is much worse.

[151] I. e., a person believing in the preponderance of environment rather than heredity.

[152] Prescott F. Hall, “Immigration Restriction and World Eugenics,” The Journal of Heredity, March, 1919.

[153] Edward Alsworth Ross, “Changing America,” pp. 45-46 (New York, 1912).

[154] Madison Grant, “The Passing of the Great Race,” p. 90.

[155] Edward Alsworth Ross, “The Old World in the New,” Preface, p. 2 (New York, 1914).

[156] S. K. Humphrey, “Mankind: Racial Values add the Racial Prospect,” p. 155.

[157] Grant, p. 263.

[158] Ross, “The Old World in the New,” p. 304.

[159] Putnam Weale, “The Conflict of Color,” pp. 98-99.

[160] Ross, “Changing America,” pp. 46-48.

[161] Hyndman, “The Awakening of Asia,” p. 180.

[162] Pearson, p. 132.

[163] L. E. Neame, “Oriental Labor in South Africa,” Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, vol. XXXIV, pp. 179-180, September, 1909.

[164] Ross, “The Changing Chinese,” pp. 47-48.

[165] J. Liddell Kelly, “What Is the Matter with the Asiatic?” Westminster Review, September, 1910.

[166] From an article in The Pall-Mall Gazette (London). Quoted in The Literary Digest, May 31, 1913, pp. 1215-16.

[167] Chester H. Rowell, “Chinese and Japanese Immigrants,” Annals of the American Academy, vol. XXXIV, p. 4, September, 1909.

[168] Neame, “Oriental Labor in South Africa,” Annals of the American Academy, vol. XXXIV, p. 181.

[169] Viator, “Asia contra Mundum,” Fortnightly Review, February, 1908.

[170] Quoted by J. F. Abbott, “Japanese Expansion and American Policies,” p. 154 (New York, 1916).

[171] H. C. Douglas, “What May Happen in the Pacific,” American Review of Reviews, April, 1917.

[172] Pearson, p. 17.

[173] Neame, op. cit., Annals of the American Academy, vol. XXXIV, pp. 181-2.

[174] Quoted by Archibald Hurd, “The Racial War in the Pacific,” Fortnightly Review, June, 1913.

[175] Agnes C. Laut, “The Canadian Commonwealth,” p. 146 (Indianapolis, 1915).

[176] Rowell, op. cit., Annals of the American Academy, vol. XXXIV, p. 10.

[177] Honorable A. G. Burnett, “Misunderstanding of Eastern and Western States Regarding Oriental Immigration,” Annals of the American Academy, vol. XXXIV, p. 41.

[178] A. E. Yoell, “Oriental versus American Labor,” Annals of the American Academy, vol. XXXIV, p. 36.

[179] S. G. P. Coryn, “The Japanese Problem in California,” Annals of the American Academy, vol. XXXIV, pp. 43-44.

[180] Quoted by J. D. Whelpley, “Japan and the United States,” Fortnightly Review, May, 1914.

[181] Quoted by Montaville Flowers, “The Japanese Conquest of American Opinion,” p. 23 (New York, 1917).

[182] The Literary Digest, August 9, 1919, p. 53.

[183] J. S. Little, “The Doom of Western Civilization,” pp. 56 and 63 (London, 1907).

[184] The Literary Digest, August 29, 1914, p. 337.

[185] The Literary Digest, August 29, 1914, pp. 337-8.

[186] Ibid., April 22, 1916, p. 1138.

[187] Quoted in The Review of Reviews (London), February, 1917, p. 174.

[188] The Literary Digest, July 5, 1919, p. 31.

[189] Leslie’s Weekly, May 4, 1918.

[190] G. C. Hodges in The Sunset Magazine. Quoted by The Literary Digest, September 14, 1918, pp. 40-42.

[191] Rudyard Kipling, “The Heritage.” Dedicatory poem to the volume entitled “The Empire and the Century” (London, 1905), the volume being a collaboration by prominent British writers.
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