Symbols of Transformation, by C.G. Jung

That's French for "the ancient system," as in the ancient system of feudal privileges and the exercise of autocratic power over the peasants. The ancien regime never goes away, like vampires and dinosaur bones they are always hidden in the earth, exercising a mysterious influence. It is not paranoia to believe that the elites scheme against the common man. Inform yourself about their schemes here.

Symbols of Transformation, by C.G. Jung

Postby admin » Sun May 17, 2020 8:31 am

Symbols of Transformation: An Analysis of the Prelude to a Case of Schizophrenia
by C.G. Jung
Volume 5: Bollingen Series XX
Editors: Sir Herbert Read; Michael Fordham, M.D., M.R.C.P.; Gerhard Adler, Ph.D.; William McGuire, Executive Editor
Translated by R. F. C. Hull
Translated from Symbole der Wandlung (4th edition, rewritten, of Wandlungen und Symbole der Libido), published by Rascher Verlag, Zurich, 1952.
© 1956 by Bollingen Foundation, Inc.




• Introduction
• Two Kinds of Thinking
• The Miller Fantasies: Anamnesis
• The Hymn of Creation
• The Song of the Moth
• Introduction
• The Concept of Libido
• The Transformation of Libido
• The Origin of the Hero
• Symbols of the Mother and of Rebirth
• The Battle for Deliverance from the Mother
• The Dual Mother
• The Sacrifice
• Epilogue
• APPENDIX: The Miller Fantasies


For full documentation of sources, see the Bibliography, P = photograph.
• Frontispiece. The Ostian head of Mithras
• Roman. Museo Laterano, Rome. P: Museum, courtesy of Torgil
• Magnusson.
• Ia. Expulsion of the demons: Anonymous engraving, 17th century. P: Courtesy of Dr. Jolande Jacobi.
• Ib. Sun-god: Shamanistic Eskimo idol, Alaska. P: From Wirth, Der Aufgang der Menschheit, Pl. XI, fig. 1.
• II. Romulus and Remus with the She-Wolf: Painted wood, northern Italian, medieval. Victoria and Albert Museum, London, P: Museum, Crown copyright.
• III. Christ in the Virgin’s womb: Upper Rhenish Master, Germany, c. 1400. Formerly Staatliche Gemäldegalerie, Berlin. P: From Wachlmayr, Das Christgeburtsbild, p. 4.
• IVa. Boar-headed mother goddess: shakti of boar-headed vishnu: Relief, northern India, 7th century. British Museum, P: Museum.
• IVb. Scenes from the Eleusinian Mysteries: From a burial urn, Rome, 1st century A.D. Formerly in the Kircher Museum, Rome. Reconstructed drawing from Bullettino della Commissione Archeologica Comunale di Roma, VII (1879), 2nd series, Pls. II–III.
• Va. Veneration of the Buddha’s teachings as a sun-wheel: Stupa of Amaravati, India, 2nd century A.D. Government Museum, Madras. P Guirand, Mythologie générale, p. 330.
• Vb. The Son of Man between the Seven Candlesticks: Universitätsbibliothek, Tübingen: Beatus Commentary, Theol. Lat. fol. 561, fol. 3 v. P: E. Surkamp, courtesy of the Bibliothek.
• VI. The initiation of Apuleius: Title-page, Book XI, Apuleius, Les Metamorphoses (1648), p. 346.
• VII. The winged sun-disc, above the King: Throne of Tut-Ankh-Amon, 14th century B.C. P: Courtesy of the Griffith Institute, Ashmolean Museum, Oxford.
• VIII. The Overshadowing of Mary: Tempera painting on wood, Erfurt Cathedral, 1620–40. P: From Spiess, Marksteine der Volkskunst, II, fig. 112.
• IXa. Winged sun-moon disc and tree of life: Hittite relief, Sakjegeuzi, northern Syria. P: From Orientalische Literaturzeitung, XII (1909) : 9, Pl. II, fig-2.
• IXb. Crucifixion, and the serpent lifted up: Thaler struck by the goldsmith Hieronymus Magdeburger of Annaberg. P: Courtesy of the Ciba Archives, Basel.
• X. “Sin”: Painting by Franz Stuck (1863–1928), Germany. Bayerische Staatliche Gemäldesammlung, Munich. P: Gallery.
• XIa. The King, attended, sacrifices to the sun-god: Stele of King Nabupaliddina, Babylon, 870 B.C. British Museum. P: Museum.
• XIb The fertility god Frey: Bronze figure, Södermanland, Sweden. Drawings from Montelius, Opuscula, p. 406.
• XII. Phanes in the egg: Orphic relief, Modena Museum. P: From Revue archéologique, 3rd series, XL (1902), Pl. I, facing p. 432.
• XIIIa. The fire-god Tjintya: Wood-carving, Bali. P: Courtesy of the Ciba Archives, Basel.
• XIIIb. Agni on the ram, with fire-sticks: Teak processional carving, southern India. Musée Guimet, Paris. P: Museum.
• XIVa. The nourishing earth-mother: Vault painting, Limburg Cathedral, c. 1235. P: From Clemen, Die romanischen Wandmalereien, Pl. 51.
• XIVb. Gorgon: Detail from a Greek vase. Louvre. P: Archives photographiques.
• XV. The Churning of the Milky Ocean: Miniature painting, Rajput School, India. Musée Guimet, Paris. P: Museum.
• XVI. Kihe Wahine, goddess of goblins and lizards: Kou wood with human teeth, Hawaii. P: Friedrich Hewicker, from Tischner, Oceanic Art, pl. 89.
• XVII. Female figure with head-dress symbolizing kingly power: King’s incense bowl, Yoruba, West Africa. Hesse State Museum,
• Darmstadt. P: P. Hirlmann, Darmstadt.
• XVIII. The crowned hermaphrodite:From a manuscript, “De alchimia,” attributed to Thomas Aquinas, c. 1520. Rijksuniversiteit Bibliotheek, Leiden, Codex Vossianus Chymicus 29, fol. 91. P: Courtesy of the Library.
• XIX. Gilgamesh with the herb of immortality: Relief, palace of Assurnasirpal II (885–860 B.C.), Nimrud, Assyria. Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York. P: Courtesy of the Museum.
• XXa. The horned Alexander: Coin of Lysimachus, 3rd century B.C. P: From Bernoulli, Die Darstellungen Alexanders, Pl. VIII, fig. 4.
• XXb. The Dadophors with raised and lowered torches: From a Mithraic marble bas-relief. Museum, Palermo. P: Randazzo.
• XXIa. The god Men, on the cock: Attic wall-relief. National Museum, Athens. P: Alison Frantz, Athens.
• XXIb. American Indian dancer, in ceremonial head-dress: New Mexico. P: George Hight, Gallup.
• XXIIa. The New Jerusalem (Revelation, ch. 21): From a Bible illustrated and printed by Matthaeus Merian, Amsterdam, 1650.
• XXIIb. A man and woman devoured by the Terrible Mother: Shaman’s amulet, walrus ivory, Tlingit Indians, Alaska, 19th century. American Museum of Natural History, New York. P: Courtesy of the Museum.
• XXIII. Ardhanari: Shiva and Parvati united: Polychrome clay, India, 19th century. Victoria and Albert Museum,London. P Courtesy of Bush Collection, Columbia University, New York.
• XXIVa. Mithras and Helios: Fragment from the Mithraeum near Klagenfurt. Carinthian State Museum, Klagenfurt. P: W. Prugger, courtesy of the Museum.
• XXIVb. Diana of Ephesus, with the mural crown: Alabaster and bronze, Roman, 2nd century A.D. National Museum, Naples. P: Anderson.
• XXV. Lingam with yoni: Angkor Wat, Cambodia, c. 12th century. P: Eliot Elisofon, copyright by Time, Inc.
• XXVI. The Fountain of Life: Icon, Constantinople School, 17th century. Coll. Dr. S. Amberg, Ettiswil, near Lucerne. P: Courtesy of Dr. Jolande Jacobi.
• XXVII. Stoup, with arms encircling belly: Church at Kilpeck, Herefordshire, early 12th century. P: Courtesy of Dr. C. A. Meier, Zurich.
• XXVIII. Hook for hanging: Painted wood, northern New Guinea. Rijksmuseum voor Volkenkunde, Leiden, P: Museum.
• XXIX. The Goddess in the Lingam: Cambodia, 14th century. Musée Guimet, Paris. P: Museum.
• XXXa. Mater Ecclesia: From the manuscript “Scivias” of St. Hildegarde of Bingen, Germany, 12th century. Formerly in the Nassauische Landesbibliothek, Wiesbaden; destroyed in the second World War. P: Library.
• XXXb. The cow-headed Hathor: Bronze, Serapeum of Saqqara, late period. Cairo Museum. P: From Daressy, “Statues de divinités,” no. 39134.
• XXXI. The Tree of Life: Bronze vessel, Egypt, 7th-6th century B.C. Louvre. P: Archives photographiques.
• XXXIIa. Jackal-headed Anubis bending over a mummy: From a tomb, Der el-Medinah, Thebes, XXth Dynasty. P: A. Gaddis, Luxor.
• XXXIIb. The sun-eating lion of alchemy: From a manuscript, St. Gall Bibliothek, 17th century. P: Courtesy of the Ciba Archives, Basel.
• XXXIII. The Mithraic sacrifice creating fruitfulness: The Heddernheim Relief, reverse. Nassauisches Landesmuseum, Wiesbaden, P: From Cumont, Textes et monuments, II, Pl. VIII.
• XXXIV. Demon eating the sun: Stone, eastern Java, 15th century. Rijksmuseum voor Volkenkunde, Leiden, P: Museum.
• XXXV. Buddhist tree of the dead: Wood carving, China. Museum für Völkerkunde, Berlin; destroyed in the second World War. P: Museum.
• XXXVI. Christ on the Tree of Life: Painting, Strasbourg School. Strasbourg Gallery. P: Braun.
• XXXVII. The Cross on Adam’s grave: Detail over west door, Strasbourg Cathedral, c. 1280. P: Marc Foucault, from Thibout, La Cathédrale de Strasbourg, pl 4.
• XXXVIIIa. Lamia bearing off a new-born babe: From the frieze “Tomb of the Harpies,” Acropolis of Xanthos. British Museum. P: Museum.
• XXVIIIb. The devouring mother: Shaman’s amulet, walrus tusk, Tlingit Indians, Alaska. American Museum of Natural History, New York. P: Courtesy of the Museum.
• XXXIX. The wak-wak tree with its human fruit: From a Turkish history of the West Indies, Woodcut from a history of the West Indies by Ta’rikh al-Hind al-Gharbi, Constantinople, 1730.
• XL. Mithras sacrificing the bull: The Heddernheim Relief. Nassauisches Landesmuseum, Wiesbaden. P: Cumont, Textes et monuments, II PI. VII.
• XLIa. The cross of Palenque: Mayan relief, Yucatán, Mexico. Drawing from Maudslay, in Biologia Centrali-Americana: Archaeology, IV, pl. 76.
• XLIb. The shaping of the world-egg: Ptah working on a potter’s wheel: Egypt. Painting from Budge, The Gods of the Egyptians, I, p. 500.
• XLII. Regeneration in the mother’s body: Wooden figure, Nootka Indians, Vancouver Island, Canada. American Museum of Natural History, New York, P: Courtesy of the Museum.
• XLIII. Mock crucifixion: Graffito, wall of the Imperial Cadet School, Palatine, Rome. Museo delle Terme (formerly in the Kircher Coll.), Rome. P: Anderson.
• XLIV. Aion, with the signs of the zodiac: Rome, and-3rd century. Museo Profano, Vatican. P: Alinari.
• XLV. Death the archer: Detail from an engraving by the “Master of 1464,” German School. From Publications of the International Chalcographical Society, 1888, Pl. I.
• XLVIa. The lotus growing out of Vishnu’s navel, with Brahma inside: Relief, Vijayanagar, India. P: From Guirand, Mythologie générale, p. 320.
• XLVIb. Ixion on the wheel: From a Cumaean vase. P: From Archaeologisches Institut des Deutschen Reiches, Annali, XLV (1873), Pl. IK.
• XLVII. Vishnu as a fish: Zinc figurine, India, 19th century. Victoria and Albert Museum, London. P: Museum.
• XLVIII. The witch Rangda, thief of children: Painted wood, Bali. P: L. Fritz, Berlin, from Prampolini, La Mitologia, II, p. 416.
• XLIXa. Mithras carrying the bull: Relief, Castle of Stockstadt, Germany. P: From Drexel, “Das Kastell Stockstadt,” Pl. XIII, fig. 5.
• XLIXb. Queen Maya’s dream of the Buddha’s conception: Relief, Gandhara. P: From Le Coq, Die Buddhistische Spätantike, I, PI. 14a.
• La. The Hathor Cow, suckling Queen Hatshepsut: Relief, Anubis Chapel, Temple of Der el-Bahri, XVIIIth Dynasty. P: Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York.
• Lb. The goddess Artio with bears: a Roman parallel to Artemis: Bronze group, dedicated to the goddess of Licinia Sabinilla, from Muri, near Bern. Historical Museum, Bern. P: Museum.
• LI. The Mistress of the Beasts: Greek hydria, 600 B.C., found near Bern. Historical Museum, Bern. P: Museum.
• LII. A corn-god: Clay vessel, Chimbote culture, Peru. P: From Fuhrmann, Reich der Inka, I, pl. 59.
• LIII. Basket of Isis, with snake: Marble altar from Caligula’s temple to Isis, Rome. Museo Capitolino, Rome. P: Deutsches Archaeologisches Institut, Rome.
• LIV. Matuta, an Etruscan Pietà: Fifth century B.C. Museo Archeologico, Florence. P: Alinari.
• LV. The Tree of Enlightenment: Pillar relief, stupa of Bharhut, India, 1st century B.C. P: From Cohn, Buddha in der Kunst des Ostens, fig. 3, p. xxiv.
• LVI. The Vision of Ezekiel: Bible of Manerius (French manuscript). Bibliothèque Nationale, Paris, MS. Lat. 11534. P: Bibliothèque.
• LVIIa. Cista and serpent: Silver coin, Ephesus, 57 B.C. British Museum. P: Museum.
• LVIIb. The sacrifice to the snake deity: Votive tablet, Sialesi (Eteonis), Boeotia. P: Courtesy of the Ciba Archives, Basel.
• LVIII. Triple-bodied Hecate: Roman. Museum of the Palazzo dei Conservatori, Rome. P: From Jones, Catalogue.
• LIXa. The self-consuming dragon: From Lambsprinck’s symbols in the Musaeum Hermeticum (1678), p. 353.
• LIXb. Circle of gods: Balinese drawing. Courtesy of the Ciba Archives, Basel.
• LX. Christ surrounded by the Evangelists: Relief, Church at Arles-sur-Tech, Pyrénées-orientales, 11th century. P: Archives photographiques, Paris.
• LXIa. The Serpent Mystery: Altar to the Lares, Pompeii. P: Courtesy of the Ciba Archives, Basel.
• LXIb. Priapus with snake: Roman. Museo Archeologico, Verona. P: Courtesy of Dr. G. Mardersteig.
• LXII. Devouring monster: Stone, Belahan, eastern Java, 11th century. Rijksmuseum voor Volkenkunde, Leiden. P: Museum.
• LXIIIa. The regenerative symbol of the Haloa Festival: From a Greek vase, by the Pan Painter. P: From Deubner, Attische Feste, pl. 4, fig. 2.
• LXIIIb. Mixing-pot with lion and snake: Detail from the Heddernheim Relief (cf. PL XL). Nassauisches Landesmuseum, Wiesbaden. P: From Cumont, Textes et monuments, II, Pl. VII.
• LXIV. Rubens: The Last Judgment: 1618–20. Alte Pinakothek, Munich. P: Bayerische Staatliche Gemäldesammlung.


1. The Mother of All Living: Woodcut from Colonna, Hypnerotomachia Poliphili; from Fierz-David, The Dream of Poliphilo, p. 67.
2. The Eye of God: Frontispiece to Jakob Böhme, Seraphinisch Blumengärtlein; from Auslese aus den mystischreligiösen Schriften Jakob Böhmes.
3. The Voyage of the Sun: Late Egyptian. From Schaefer, Von ägyptischer Kunst, Pl. LIII, fig. 1.
4. Germanic sun-idol: Woodcut from Botho, Sachsisch Chronicon. P: British Museum.
5. The life-giving Sun: Amenophis IV on his throne: Relief, Egypt. Drawing from Budge, The Gods of the Egyptians, II, p. 74.
6. The mercurial serpent, alchemical symbol of psychic transformation: Engraving from Barchusen, Elementa chemiae, fig. 62.
7. The Sun’s hands: Relief, Spitalkirche, Tübingen. Rubbing from Erich Jung, Germanische Götter und Helden, fig. 2.
8. The Tempting of Eve: Woodcut from the Speculum humanae salvationis; from Worringer, Die altdeutsche Buchillustration, fig. 6, p. 37.
9. Mithras with sword and torch: Roman sculpture, excavated on the Esquiline Hill. Engraving from Cumont, Textes et monuments, II, fig. 28, p. 202.
10. Serpent representing the orbit of the moon: Assyrian boundary stone, Susa. Drawing from Roscher, Lexikon, IV, col. 1475.
11. Bes, with Horus-eyes: Bronze figure, Serapeum of Saqqara, Egypt, c. 6th century B.C. Louvre, Paris. Drawing from Lanzone, Dizionario, I, Pl. LXXX, fig. 3.
12. The birth-giving orifice: From a Mexican lienzo. Drawing from Danzel, Symbole, pl. 87.
13. Odysseus as a Cabiric dwarf, with Circe: From a bowl by the Cabiri Painter (?), c. 400 B.C. British Museum. Drawing from Wolters and Bruns, Das Kabirenheiligtum bei Theben, I, pl. 29.
14. The banquet of the Cabir: From a bowl by the Cabiri Painter, c. 435 B.C. National Museum, Athens. Drawing from Wolters and Bruns, Das Kabirenheligtum bet Theben, I, pl. 29.
15. The phallic plough: From a Greek vase. Museo Archeologico, Florence. Drawing from Dieterich, Mutter Erde, p. 108.
16. The twirling-stick: From an Aztec hieroglyph-painting. Drawing courtesy of the Ciba Archives, Basel.
17. The first three labours of Heracles: Classical sarcophagus relief. Drawing by Gori in Inscriptiones antiquae graecae et romanae, 1783; from Robert, Die antiken Sarkophag-Reliefs, III, Part 1, Pl. XXXIX, fig. 128 (detail).
18. Priest with a fish-mask, representing Oannes: Relief, Nimrud. Drawing from Jeremias, Das Alte Testament im Lichte des alten Orients, fig. 2.
19. Androgynous divinity: Late Babylonian gem. Drawing from Lajard, Mémoire, p. 161.
20. Cybele and her son-lover Attis: Roman coin. Drawing from Roscher, Lexikon, II, Part 1, col. 1647.
21. Noah in the Ark: Enamelled altar of Nicholas of Verdun, 1186, Klosterneuburg, near Vienna. Drawing from Ehrenstein, Das Alte Testament im Bilde, Ch. IV, fig. 31, p. 106.
22. The Great Whore of Babylon: New Testament engraving by H. Burgkmaier; from Worringer, Die altdeutsche Buchillustration, fig. 88, p. 136.
23. Osiris in the cedar-coffin: Relief, Dendera, Egypt. Drawing from Budge, Osiris and the Egyptian Resurrection, I, p. 5.
24. Nut giving birth to the Sun: Relief, Egypt. Drawing from Budge, The Gods of the Egyptians, II, p. 101.
25. The Divine Cow: From the tomb of Seti I, Egypt. Drawing from Erman, Die Religion der Agypter, p. 15.
26. The human cross: Woodcut from Agrippa of Nettesheim, De occulta philosophia, p. 157.
27. The life-giving crux ansata: Egypt. Drawing from Budge, The Gods of the Egyptians, II, p. 24.
28. Wotan riding the eight-legged horse Sleipnir: Tombstone, Götland, Sweden, c. A.D. 1000. Drawing from Gray and McCulloch, The Mythology of All Races, II, Pl. VIII.
29. The Devil riding off with a witch: Woodcut from Olaus Magnus, Historia de gentibus septentrionalibus, Rome, 1555; from de Givry, Le Musée des Sorciers, p. 207, fig. 164.
30. Quetzalcoatl devouring a man: From the Codex Borbonicus, Aztec, 16th century. Library of the Palais Bourbon, Paris. Drawing from Danzel, “Altmexi-kanische Symbolik,” p. 235.
31. The moon as the abode of souls: Chalcedon gem, 1st century B.C. Drawing from Chapouthier, Les Dioscures, fig. 67, p. 324.
32. The woman in the moon: Tattoo pattern, Haida Indians, Northwest America. Drawing from Danzel, Symbole, pl. 35.
33. Vidarr’s fight with the Fenris-Wolf: Relief from a cross, Churchyard of Gosforth, Cumberland. Rubbing from Gray and MacCulloch, Mythology of All Races, II, Pl. XXI.
34. Hecate of Samothrace: Gnostic gem. Engraving from Archäologische Zeitung, XV, 98–99 (1857), Atlas, Pl. XCIX.
35. The assault by the dragon: From Vitruvius, De architectura, Book I, p. 9.
36. Prajapati with the world-egg: India. Drawing from Müller, Glauben, Wissen und Kunst der alten Hindus, Pl. II, fig. 21.
37. Agathodaimon serpent: Antique gem. Engraving from Macarius, Abraxas, Pl. XV, fig. 63. Courtesy of the United States Geological Survey Library, Washington.
38. World plan: From an Aztec codex. Drawing from Danzel, Mexiko I, pl. 53.
39. The four corners of the zodiac: sun and moon in centre: Coptic. Woodcut from Kircher, Oedipus Aegyptiacus.
40. The womb of the World Mother: Wooden bowl, Congo. Museum für Völkerkunde, Hamburg. Drawing from Danzel, Symbole, pl. 88.
41. Marduk fighting Tiamat: Assyrian cylinder seal. Drawing from Jeremias, Das Alte Testament, fig. 14.
42. The sacred tree of Attis: Relief from an altar to Cybele. Drawing from Gressmann, Die orientalischen Religionen, fig. 41, p. 99.
43. Antique cameo: Formerly in a museum of Florence. Drawing from Bachofen, Versuch über die Gräbersymbolik, Pl. II, fig. 1.
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