Race or Mongrel, by Alfred P. Schultz

That's French for "the ancient system," as in the ancient system of feudal privileges and the exercise of autocratic power over the peasants. The ancien regime never goes away, like vampires and dinosaur bones they are always hidden in the earth, exercising a mysterious influence. It is not paranoia to believe that the elites scheme against the common man. Inform yourself about their schemes here.

Race or Mongrel, by Alfred P. Schultz

Postby admin » Fri Apr 09, 2021 6:09 am

Race or Mongrel: A brief history of the rise and fall of the ancient races of earth: a theory that the fall of nations is due to intermarriage with alien stocks: a demonstration that a nation's strength is due to racial purity: a prophecy that America will sink to early decay unless immigration is rigorously restricted.
by Alfred P. Schultz



The writer desires to acknowledge his indebtedness to the works of Conte A. de Gobineau, Mr. Houston Stewart Chamberlain, Dr. Albrecht Wirth, and Dr. Ludwig Woltman.

The writer's hearty thanks are due to E. H. and F. D.


• I. The Mongrel in Nature
• II. The Mongrel in History
• III. The Hamites in India
• IV. The Chaldeans
• V. The Phoenicians
• VI. The Carthaginians
• VII. The Egyptians
• VIII. The Jews
• IX. The Gipsies
• X. The Hindoos
• XI. Hellas
• XII. The Greeks
• XIII. The Pan-European Mongrel in Rome
• XIV. Sicily
• XV. The Lombards in Italy
• XVI. Heredity and Language
• XVII. Race Problems in German Lands
• XVIII. The South American Mongrel
• XIX. The Monroe Doctrine
• XX. The Yellow Races
• XXI. The Anglo-Saxons
• XXII. The Anglo-Saxons in America
• XXIII. Immigration: Who in America?
• XXIV. Immigration: Men or the Balance-sheet?
• XXV. Immigration: Anglo-Saxons and Germans
• XXVI. Immigration: The German-Americans
• XXVII. Immigration: The Pan-European in America
• XX VIII. The American Negro
• XXIX. Conclusion
• Bibliography
• Index
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Re: Race or Mongrel, by Alfred P. Schultz

Postby admin » Fri Apr 09, 2021 6:09 am


In scientific usage the result of a fertile cross between two distinct species is called a hybrid; the result of a fertile cross between two varieties of the same species is called a mongrel. As, however, the distinction between species and varieties is one, not of kind, but of degree, varieties being species in the nascent stage and species having aboriginally existed as varieties, the distinction between hybrid and mongrel is also one of degree. The Latin word "hybrida" is derived from the Greek "[x]," an insult or outrage, an outrage on nature, a mongrel.

In nature the hybrid is very rare, species shun crossing , instinctively. In captivity the crossing of animals, not of the same variety, is sometimes brought about by man, by the employment of ruse or force.

From the study of biology we learn that —

Crossing in nature is extremely rare. Animals as closely related as hare and rabbit rarely breed together.

When species are crossed, fertilization rarely follows. Sometimes there is a physical impossibility preventing the male element from reaching the female ovule, as is the case with a plant having a pistil too long for the pollen tubes to reach the ovarium. It has also been observed that, when the pollen of one species is placed on the stigma of another species, though the pollen tubes protrude, they do not penetrate the stigmatic surface.

The male element may reach the female element, but be incapable of causing an embryo to be developed.

A great many of the few embryos which develop after crossing perish at a very early period. The early death of the embryo is a frequent cause of the sterility of first crosses.

Of the very few embryos that are normal at delivery a great many die within the first days of their life. Darwin writes: "Mr. Salter has given the result of an examination of about five hundred eggs produced from various crosses between three species of Gallus and their hybrids; the majority of these eggs had been fertilized, and in the majority of the fertilized eggs the embryos had either been partially developed and had then perished, or had become nearly mature; but the young chickens had been unable to break through the shell. Of the chickens which were born, more than four-fifths died within the first few days or, at latest, weeks, without any obvious cause, apparently from mere inability to live; so that from five hundred eggs only twelve chickens were reared."

Many of the very few hybrids that are viable are sterile, as the mule.

Of the very few hybrids that are not sterile, some breed with the parent species, These offspring revert to the parent species, the hybrid disappears.

Others of the very small number of fertile hybrids breed inter se only. The very small number of these hybrids causes very close inbreeding, with its consequences, — degeneration, sterility, and death. Nature destroys the mongrel.

In the development of species the accumulative action of selection, whether applied methodically and quickly, or unconsciously and slowly but more effectually, has been the predominant power, the importance of crossing being insignificant (Darwin).

What is said of the hybrid is true of the mongrel, the mongrel of the domestic animals being the only exception. Domesticated animals, however, bear a similar relation to animals in nature that plants propagated by cuttings, buds, and so forth, bear to plants propagated by seed. With plants propagated by cuttings, buds, etc., the importance of crossing is immense; for the cultivator may here disregard the extreme variability both of hybrids and of mongrels and their sterility; but plants not propagated by seed are of no importance in the development of species. Their endurance is only temporary (Darwin).

Domestic animals exist as long as man breeds them, feeds them, or fancies them. They lead no life of their own. Turn the domestic animals loose, leave them to nature, and in ten years no mongrel will exist.

From the foregoing considerations we derive this conclusion:

Nature prevents the development of the mongrel; in the few cases in which nature has for the time being successfully been outraged and a mongrel produced, nature degrades that mongrel mercilessly and in time stamps it out.

Nature suffers no mongrel to live.

Read "The Origin of Species," by Charles Darwin.
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Re: Race or Mongrel, by Alfred P. Schultz

Postby admin » Fri Apr 09, 2021 6:09 am


Biology and the corelated sciences of anatomy, physiology, embryology, and medicine prove that man is subject to all the laws which govern animal life; that the rules of nature rule him as rigidly as they govern the animal world, that the violation of any of these laws on his part is always and without exception followed by the disastrous consequences which are the corollary to that law.

The poets and writers of the middle ages well knew that promiscuous intermarriage was bad. The bastards, they depict in their works, are the mean, the low, the sordid, cowards and felons, vermin of humanity. Not great criminals; strength of character, a requisite of greatness even in the field of crime, is the one quality that the mongrel is utterly destitute of.

The fact that most of our domestic animals were domesticated by the savage of antiquity, and that we had but little success in the domestication of wild animals, does not prove the greater intelligence of the savage. Their success was due to the fact that species were then in their nascent stage and more pliable.

A community of men, that has not yet become highly specialized, that still consists of crude material, can become absorbed by another more highly developed, not in one generation, but in a dozen or more generations. The absorbent capacity of every race, however, is limited. It is our conviction that we are absorbing and have absorbed countless numbers of the highly specialized Celts, Slavs, Latins, Scandinavians, and Germans. It is a presumption indicating paranoia. External evidence alone prevents us from asserting that we absorb the negro in two generations. Probably a small amount of negro blood can be absorbed by a large white community; in fifty or a hundred generations every trace of the negro blood will have disappeared.

Selection is at work continually throughout organic nature; it uses not only the individual as a unit, but also every cell, every one of the elements that constitute that individual.The necessary time being given, nature casts out every trace by which the harmony of the individual is destroyed. This result selection cannot accomplish if a considerable amount of foreign blood is continually injected into a body politic. A homogeneous people cannot develop; selection favours the stronger element in the individual, that is, the one fittest to survive, not necessarily the best. Where many people meet and intermarry, this stronger element is not the same in each individual of the nation. The result is a nondescript mongrel mass, devoid of character, without a future. With the thoroughbred, not with the mongrel, rests the future, rests the hope of the world.

Races do not fall from heaven, they are bred. The Aryan., the Semite, the Hamite, never existed. These terms are abstractions. It has been found that some races have fundamental characteristics in common, and these are Aryan races; others have other characteristics in common, and these are Semitic races, and so forth. A race can without degenerating absorb another race of the same stock, if this race is small in numbers and the period of inbreeding following the crossing long. The absorption of a race belonging to a different stock is usually followed by degeneration, thus all Hamitic-Semitic people decayed, the Jews developed.

The intermarriage of people of one colour with people of another colour always leads to deterioration. Prof. Agassiz says, " Let any one who doubts the evil of the mixture of races, and is inclined from a mistaken philanthropy to break down all barriers between them, come to Brazil. He cannot deny the deterioration consequent upon an amalgamation of races, more wide-spread here than in any country in the world, and which is rapidly effacing the best qualities of the white man, the negro, and the Indian, leaving a mongrel nondescript type, deficient in physical and mental energy.

The most favourable opinion held in regard to the white-Indian half-breeds in Brazil is very poor. They are a lazy and a troublesome class, and much inferior to the original stock.. (From " Brazil," by C. C. Andrews.)

Darwin notes in half-breeds a return toward the habits of savage life. He says: "Many years ago, before I thought of the present subject, I was struck with the fact that in South America men of complicated descent between negroes, Indians, and Spaniards rarely had, whatever the cause might be, a good expression." Livingstone, after speaking of a half-caste man on the Zambesi, described as a rare monster of inhumanity, remarks: "It is unaccountable why half-castes such as he are so much more cruel than the Portuguese; but such is undoubtedly the case." Humboldt speaks in strong terms of the bad character of the Zambos, or half-castes between Indians and negroes, and this conclusion has been arrived at by various observers. An inhabitant of Africa remarked to Livingstone, that God made the white man, God made the black man, but the devil made the half-castes.

Klapproth states that the intermarriage of Caucasians and Mongolians produces half-breeds in whom the Mongolian type is always predominant, whatever may be the sex of the half-breed. Burmeister, who studied the mulattoes of South America and of the West Indian Islands, denies that the mulatto is exactly the mean between his two parents. In the immense majority of cases his characteristics are borrowed from both races, but one of them is always predominant, and that is nearly always the negro race. Prunser-Bey passes the same judgment as far as the mulattoes of Egypt are concerned. He observes the marked predominance of the negro type. It is manifest in the form and dimensions of the skull, in the forehead, usually low and receding, in the curly woolly hair and in the prognathism (Ribot). Does the bastard depicted by the medieval writers, and already referred to, personify the mongrelized peoples and nations? The following pages endeavour to answer the question.
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Re: Race or Mongrel, by Alfred P. Schultz

Postby admin » Fri Apr 09, 2021 6:10 am


Before the advent of the Hindoos, a Hamitic race produced a culture in India. Of this Hamitic people in India, we know very little. Rawlinson says: "Linguistic discovery shows that a Hamitic race did, in the earliest times, people the whole peninsula of India. The cities on the northern shores of the Persian Gulf are shown by the brick inscriptions found in their ruins to have belonged to that race."

The Hamites were seamen, merchants, and agriculturalists, and formed powerful communities. That they were able builders and engineers is proved by the remains of temples, castles, extensive excavations, artificial lakes, and canals.

We cannot with certainty prove what caused the death of this ancient civilization. There was no hostile invasion, the Hindoos came later and from the north. It was not overthrown. It decayed. The decay was due to the same causes that later caused the degeneration of the Hindoo civilization. The Hamites found in India a population of yellows and blacks. Intermarriage was at first prohibited either by law or by public sentiment. Passion, then as now, observed no restrictions, and a semi-Hamitic population came into being. Intermarriage was considered less objectionable, coloured blood was thus introduced into the veins of the Hamites.

In a like manner, Americans do not intermarry with coloured people, and yet they have little objection to the introduction of that blood by the semi-whites of South America, Cuba, Portugal, Mexico, Hungary (Magyars), and other places.

As the influx of coloured blood continued, objections to intermarriage decreased, with the result that the Hamitic stock became thoroughly corrupt. The mongrel offspring was unable to continue the work and the civilization of his ancestors, the Hamitic civilization became stagnant. Soon the mongrels became unable to understand their ancestors and their civilization. The old forms persisted for a time, but the spirit that had given them life was dead. The stagnant civilization fell into decay and crumbled to pieces. This process continued through the centuries, until there remained but few traces of that civilization of which the mongrel was unworthy.
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Re: Race or Mongrel, by Alfred P. Schultz

Postby admin » Fri Apr 09, 2021 6:10 am


The Chaldeans were a Hamitic race. Their kingdom Chaldea lasted millenniums. The astronomical record found at Babylon begins with the date 2234 B.C. Rawlinson mentions an inscription that goes back to the year 3200 B.C.. Chaldea is now thinly inhabited by nomadic tribes, where as formerly it was the most populous region of the globe. The ruins of many great cities are within that territory, among which are Ur, Nipur, Larsa, Erech, and Babylon.

The Chaldeans were merchants and scientists. They were the people that laid the foundation of our civilization. They began the study of astronomy and were famous for it throughout the world; attributed comets to natural causes and could foretell their reappearance. Their astronomical appliances show their knowledge of that science. The most important astronomical work of the Chaldeans was the formation of the calendar and of the sun-dial. They were devoted to maritime pursuits.

Rawlinson says "the ships of Ur are constantly mentioned in connection with those of Ethiopia." The Chaldeans established the first administrative regulations, the first system of religious rites and ceremonies, and their legal literature was very extensive. The rights of women were strictly guarded. Their commercial relations extended from the Indian Ocean to the Atlantic. This high civilization originated with and was developed by the Chaldeans, and not by the Assyrians. The science of Assyria was derived from Chaldea.

The year 1273 B.C. marks the beginning of the Assyrian empire. Babylon was a province of Assyria for 650 years. At times its vassalage was little more than nominal, and at times it was held in very rigid subjection.  The Assyrian empire was great in extent and very powerful during six centuries. It comprised many races. That Assyria deprived Chaldea of its independence was of comparatively little importance. The loss of independence solely has never destroyed a great race and its civilization. The civilization of Chaldea was produced by a people, the members of which professed the same religion, and followed the same traditions, that is by a people of one race. As Chaldea was the most prosperous country of the time, it had before the time of Assyria an immigration, and Aryan, Semitic, and Turanian elements are noticed. This early immigration, not having been excessive, was absorbed. It was, at all events, not sufficient to affect the fibre of the race.

When Babylon, however, became a province of Assyria, conditions changed. The different races that lived in the empire rushed to its most prosperous province. In the later ages of Babylon there was a remarkable mixture of races in Chaldea. The immigration was so great that the Hamitic language fell out of use. At the time of Nebuchadnezzar the Hamitic tongue had disappeared and the Semitic Aramaic had taken its place. In this race jumble the marvellous vigour of the Chaldean race was passing away. It was passing away as the Chaldean race itself was passing away, and civilization with it. In Alexander's time there was not much left of the ancient Chaldean culture. The Hamitic-Semitic-Aryan-Turanian mongrel was worthless.

Aramaic was the language adopted by the different races of the Assyrian empire. The fusion of these different races progressed rapidly, and the worthlessness of the mongrel was in direct proportion to the extent of the fusion. Although speaking the same language, each of the different race elements was unable to make itself understood by the elements of the other races. This was true also of the different race elements of which the individual was composed. Mental faculties declined, confusion and anarchy prevailed, material prosperity vanished; the mongrelization was followed by stag- nation, deterioration, decline, and death. Nature destroyed the mongrel.

The Assyrian empire existed no longer than the blood that had created it. It expanded rapidly and included many races. Desirous of becoming a homogeneous people, they forced their Aramaic language upon the races of the empire. As the Assyrians were not very numerous, absorption by them of these different races was out of the question. As but one language was spoken in Assyria, fusion took place rapidly, with the result that the offspring were not homogeneous. Each individual was compounded of several natures, natures of frequently contradictory, mutually exclusive tendencies and predispositions. This is the reason why the mongrel cannot continue the development of a race, why the mongrel has no future.

In a few centuries the Assyrian empire had run its course. The mongrels called Assyrians had proved their inability to create anything.

The empire of the Medes was of still shorter duration. They were Aryans. Objecting to the caste system of the Hindoos, they had separated from them. The Medes suffered from the delusion that one race was as good as another, and were therefore very prone to intermarry. They had never been very numerous. These two causes rendered their mongrelization and their decay inevitable. In less than a hundred years their race was run.

The Persians, like the Medes, suffered from inadequacy of numbers. Herodotus states that, of Xerxes' army of seven hundred thousand men, only twenty-four thousand were Medes and Persians. The Persians had no pronounced caste system, though their pure religion could have taken the place of one, had they not been anxious to make proselytes. They succeeded for a time in checking the cruel rites into which the cults of the Hamites, Semites, and others had degenerated in the Hamitic-Semitic-Turanian mongrel herd. A deplorable success. It hastened fusion, and the final result was, not the elevation of the mongrel mass, but the degeneration of the Persians and of their religion. The Medes and Persians disappeared in the worthless race jumble of Asia Minor. During the rule of the son of Xerxes, it became clear that the Persians had lost their race character and with it the strength and the right to be numbered amongst the lords of the world.

A century and a half after the Medes had taken Nineveh the Medes and the Persians were enervated and exhausted. Mongrels, without a future.

There is but one hope for the mongrel, that of being absorbed by a worthy race, a process that takes a very long time. The sooner the mongrel disappears, the better for him and the better for the world.

To cite a concrete example, look at the Magyars. The number of real Magyars is small. They are apparently dying out, and the oligarchy, the dictators, the so-called parliament of Hungary, is anxious to increase their number artificially by Magyarizing by force the better races that live in Hungary. The Magyars are a minority of the people that live in Hungary, and that in spite of the fact that they count every man a Magyar that can speak two words of their Asiatic barbaric tongue.

Many Jews, Roumanians, Slavs, and Germans are forced to call themselves Magyars; for, if they do not, they are differentiated against by the courts, and prevented from voting. Every stupid election clerk has practically the right to disfranchise any voter that is not a Magyar.

No other country, not even Russia, is as tyrannically governed as parliamentary Hungary. Germans, Jews, Slavs, and Roumanians must become Magyars, is the Magyar demand. They might as well demand that white men shall become negroes. The Magyars are no race, they are the debris of the Huns, a race that is fortunately dead. They cannot absorb any other race; they can only be instrumental in causing the degeneration of better races.

As soon as two people have diverged and have developed, each in its own way, sufficiently far to be classed, each as a distinct individual, or race, a great number of the one can be absorbed by a very much greater number only of the other, and that only in a very long time. The internal selection, by which the foreign elements that do not belong in a homogeneous unit are cast out, demands time; without much time mongrelization is inevitable. Promiscuous crossing, that is, crossing not followed by inbreeding, results in mongrelization. The craze for world power has ruined, degraded, deteriorated many peoples. Only those nations are great that have become great through their own organic development. It is they who have produced art, science, literature, music, philosophy, culture. With them rests the future of the world, not with the mongrels. Not with the nations that grow by accretion, the growth of the dead rock.
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Re: Race or Mongrel, by Alfred P. Schultz

Postby admin » Fri Apr 09, 2021 6:10 am


The history of Phoenicia, like that of many other nations, proves that, not the country, not the location, not the environment, creates the worth of a nation; but that, on the contrary, the nation, the race of the people, gives to the country its social, moral, economic, and political worth. The race creates its environment, not the environment the race. When the Phoenicians came to the Syrian coast, they found it a desolate stretch of arid land, and changed it into a home of temples and palaces.

De Lapouche says: "The great importance of race is usually overlooked. Geography and external influences are supposed to explain everything. Thus the power of Phoenicia, of England, of Holland. The environment school tells us ' Phoenicia was an arid, inhospitable country and could prosper through commerce only, and that it therefore became an incomparable sea power.'

"Why did not another similar power develop along the coast of Arabia? The land was there, the environment was there. No such power came into being, because no race came there which had the necessary capacities. Be it remembered that the Phoenicians were at first settled on the Persian Gulf (Erythrean Sea); that they were about to become the commercial people of the Indian Ocean when they were driven out and forced to seek refuge on the Syrian coast. On the Syrian coast they became the greatest sea power of antiquity. Environment had little to do with the formation of this power; and it decayed as the Phoenician race became corrupt. When an insurrection drove out of Tyre the aristocrats, they, the last of the Phoenicians, took their abilities with them to Carthage. Carthage flourished, and Tyre fell into decay."

The Phoenicians were a Hamitic race. Many of their cities were as old as the Egyptian cities. Herodotus tells us that Tyre was founded about 2,300 years previous to his time. He states that religion, letters, and civilization came to Greece from Phoenicia and Egypt. The towns of Phoenicia were active in various industries and arts. Glass work, purple dyeing, and embroidery were arts brought to perfection by the Phoenicians; and they communicated these arts, that of writing, and the Chaldean inventions, to the nations of the Mediterranean Sea. The Phoenicians were skilful seamen, the most skilful of antiquity, for which reason the ancients considered them the inventors of navigation.  

The Phoenician influence extended over the whole world. Traces of their influence prove that the Phoenicians were the traders of Western Asia, of Southern Europe, and of Northern Africa. They were the first to create an extensive colonial empire. They had settlements in Sicily, Corsica, Sardinia, Spain, and Gaul. In Africa, Carthage arose. They can be traced far down the coast of Africa, where they had many towns and trading stations. They went as far as Sofola (Ophir) and worked the gold mines of Zimbabwe. Phoenician remains have been found in the mines of Mashonaland. A Phoenician trading station existed on the coast of Guinea. They occupied the Canary 1 Islands.

The trading stations of the Phoenicians reached far beyond their colonies.

It was their skill as seamen, which caused Pharaoh-Necho to send a Phoenician expedition to circumnavigate Africa. This was accomplished 611-605 B.C. At this time Phoenicia had already lost its independence, and its colonial empire shared the decay of the mother country.

What causes led to the decay of Phoenicia? A glance at its history will tell us. Phoenicia was an industrial country, and required the services of many workmen. The nobility was the only part of the population that carried arms; the rest of the people worked. They were generals without armies. They therefore engaged mercenaries to fight their battles for them. These mercenaries were men of different Semitic tribes, Karians, Pisidians, Lydians, and others. Many of these, attracted by the prosperity of the country, stayed there as the workmen of the aristocratic captains of industry. The migration of the Hellenes, Hindoos, Medes, and Persians brought an enormous pressure to bear on the northern Semitic tribes and forced many of them southward into the Hamitic states.

The prosperity of the country attracted many others; for, besides being great seaports, Tyre and Sidon were great centres of industry. Phoenicia gave work to all who were willing to work. These immigrants belonged to all branches of the Semitic stock, and were very variously mixed. (Of the Semitic races, the Jews alone endeavoured consciously to keep their race pure.) Those that came from Chaldea-Assyria had different blood in their veins from those that came from South Arabia or Egypt, who brought negro blood with them. Those coming from" North Chaldea had intermarried with Aryans; others that came from the region of the Caucasus carried the blood of yellow races in their veins. Many coming from Phrygia had Greek wives or mothers. In addition to these, there came Hamites from the East, people that in their development had diverged far enough from the Phoenicians to be classified as distinct races. Many of these were the debris of Hamitic races that had been, and that no longer existed; other newcomers were Egyptians and negroes.

The newcomers changed the ingredients of the body politic, and also the ingredients of the individual. This could not but have an effect on the form of the government. The theocratical government of the monarch, limited by the power of the priests, at first became more liberal; later, as the mongrel had to be ruled, it changed to an absolute oligarchy; and, finally, to anarchy and ruin. hat in this race jumble, respect for race could not exist, is evident. Promiscuous intermarriage was the rule. The immigration into Phoenicia was so great that the language became corrupted in its vocabulary and in its forms until it no longer resembled itself, and became a semi-Semitic language. The great emigration from Tyre carried to Africa a dialect different from that of Carthage, proving that the corruption did not extend to that colony.

It has already been stated that promiscuous intermarriage had become the rule in Phoenicia. To this, however, there was one important exception. The nobles married daughters of the nobility only, and thus preserved the great qualities of their race. In time this had the effect of making them a people differing in race from the people they governed. They were a homogeneous class, ruling a heterogeneous, nondescript mass. They were foreigners in the land of their fathers, and insurrections against the rule of these foreigners broke out. These were at first put down and the insurgents deported to the colonies. The time came, however, when numbers and brutality proved stronger than intelligence and ability.

Sidon was the first to suffer. The mongrels expelled the nobility, which founded at Arados a new city. Commerce and prosperity went with them, and Sidon fell into decay. It remained in ruins. Tyre met the same fate. The nobles recognized that in Tyre they would be forced to disappear in the mongrel mass, or be murdered, as the high priest of Melkart had been murdered, and decided to emigrate. With them went their administrative art and their Phoenician abilities; and with these qualities went the prosperity of Tyre. They took them to Carthage.

After the departure of the nobles (the last of the Phoenicians), Tyre founded no new colonies. The government went from bad to worse; the different race spirits wanted their different instincts gratified; to come to an understanding was impossible, anarchy prevailed. The colonies left Tyre and grouped themselves around Carthage, — a most natural transfer of allegiance. The race that had created the colonies now made its home at Carthage. Carthage became the great colonizer. For a short time only, after the departure of the nobles, did Tyre govern, or rather misgovern, herself. In this short time Tyre rendered herself infamous on account of her spirit of insurrection, bloody revolutions, concupiscence, and cruelty. It was the curse of Canaan.

It was about eighty years after the emigration that Tyre was brought into subjection by the Assyrians. Its depravity continued. When Alexander besieged it, the Syrian cities were eager to supply him with ships in order to subdue it. According to local traditions, Alexander's decree that condemned many of the people of Tyre to death on the cross, and the others to slavery, met with loud approval. This was the legal punishment of rebellious slaves, and into slaves the mongrel offspring of the noble Phoenicians had degenerated.

The history of this part of the earth, henceforth, is the history of the decline of the Hamitic races. The land was transformed, because the race that had made it great had ceased to exist. It had disappeared in a mongrel mass of which the members had lost all the virtue, character, and ability inherited at first from their varied ancestry. The Phoenician-Chaldean-Egyptian- Negro-Greek mongrel was worthless. Nature degrades and finally destroys the mongrel.  
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Re: Race or Mongrel, by Alfred P. Schultz

Postby admin » Fri Apr 09, 2021 6:11 am


The Phoenician emigrants from Tyre came to Carthage in the year 813 B.C. Carthage was a small Phoenician colony before this time. After the arrival of the immigrants, it is Carthage that continues the history of Phoenicia. In time, the Carthaginian empire became very extensive. In Africa it extended from the Atlantic to Cyrenaica. Carthage possessed as provinces Malta, the Balearic Islands, Sardinia, and settlements in Sicily, in Gaul, and in Spain. There seemed to be no reason why the civilization of Carthage should not last to the end of time. The following, however, took place:

In Africa her subjects consisted of three classes, Lybio-Phoenicians, Lybians, and Nomads. The first were the products of intermarriages between the Lybians and earlier colonists of Phoenicia. They were regarded by the Carthaginians with suspicion. The Carthaginians of pure blood had in mind the fate of mongrelized Phoenicia. The Lybians were of entirely different race, and most of them did not understand the Punic language. They were therefore not considered dangerous. The suspicions of the Carthaginians concerning the Lybio-Phoenicians were well founded; for, being related to the Carthaginians to some extent, intermarriages soon took place and African blood was introduced into their veins. As the immigrants from Tyre had not been very numerous, these intermarriages could not but affect the fibre of the race.

One of the first results was a change in the government. The heads of the government had been the suffetes, who held office for one year, and were capable of reelection. Under them was a senate. The people had a voice in the government. This gradually changed. The form of government remained the same for a time. The power, however, concentrated more and more in the hands of the captains of industry. A few capitalists usurped the authority, and ruled a mass of outlawed slaves. The history of Tyre repeated itself. Insurrection followed insurrection; internal dissensions tore the city asunder; and the successful faction wreaked cruel vengeance on the unsuccessful rivals.

Aristotle praises the Carthaginian constitution on the score of its stability, and its success in securing the happiness of the people. He wrote of Carthage, not of the mongrel post-Carthaginian community that still called itself Carthage.

The religion of the Carthaginians became corrupted. The worship of Moloch was substituted for that of Astarte and Baal. Mothers cast their children into the flames as sacrifice to Moloch. Intellectually and morally the Carthaginians were moribund before the first Roman war. The post-Carthaginian mongrels practised vices of so gross a nature, that the rotten Orientals turned from them with disgust and loathing.

This was the Carthage that Cato hurled his "Carthaginem esse delendam" against. This was the Carthage that Rome destroyed; — and well was the work done. Seventeen days the city burned, and its very site was concealed by a heap of ashes. The plough was passed over it and the ground was cursed for ever. Scipio did his work well.

Read "The Inequality of the Human Races," by A. de Gobineau; "Die Grundlagen des Neunzehnten Jahrhunderts," by Houston Stewart Chamberlain; "Volkstum und Weltmacht in der Geschichte," by Albrecht Wirth.
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Re: Race or Mongrel, by Alfred P. Schultz

Postby admin » Fri Apr 09, 2021 6:11 am


It is not known to which stock the Egyptians belonged. Sir Gardner Wilkinson and Conte de Gobineau think that they were a branch of the Hindoos.

Sir Gardner Wilkinson says: "In manners, in language, and in many other respects Egypt was certainly more Asiatic than African; and though there is no appearance of the Hindoo and Egyptian religion having been borrowed from one another, yet it is not improbable that those two nations may have proceeded from the same original stock, and have migrated southwards from their parent country in Central Asia."

Others have maintained that the Egyptians were a Hamitic race. Sir Henry Rawlinson states that the Chaldeans and the Egyptians were of a common origin. It is the opinion of Lepsius that the early Hamites crossed the strait of Bab-el-Mandeb, occupied the upper Nile valley, and later planted colonies in Lower Egypt. Sir Gardner Wilkinson says that civilization advanced northwards from Thebaid. The hieroglyphic inscriptions prove that the cities of Upper Egypt were the oldest in the country, that civilization came from the south.

Whether they were of the Hamitic stock or of the Aryan stock we do not know, but we do know that they were a white people. We do know that, very early, they had reached a high degree of civilization. The pyramid of Memphis was built (c.) 2120 B.C. They made considerable progress in astronomy, and their observations and their appliances prove their knowledge of that science. They were great architects. Medicine, surgery, and chemistry were studied. In the manufacture of linen they were never surpassed. Their glass was little inferior to that of the Greeks. Their art was dignified.

The government was monarchical, but not despotic. Women could reign. The Egyptians, like the Hindoos, had a caste system, although it was not as well developed as that of the Hindoos, and not efficient in preventing the intermarriages between the Egyptians and the other inhabitants of Egypt. Intermarriages, however, before the invasion of the Hyksos were rare.

According to the "Recherches anthropologiques en Egypte" of Ernest Chantre, who examined the graves of the different periods, the old Nilotic Egyptians show no trace of negro blood. The skulls are delicocephalic, with an index of remarkable uniformity (72-73). When the Hyksos came there was a great infusion of Syrian blood, a greater quantity than could be absorbed, and the mummies of this time show the signs of it. The uniformity of the skull index no longer exists, negroid characteristics are found.

The Pan-White mongrel no longer holds his blood sacred, he intermarries with the coloured races. Nothing disgusts him. Promiscuity becomes common, and as the mongrelization proceeds the faces become broader, the ears bigger, the cheeks protrude, nose and lips become thick.

As the mongrelization advanced the civilization of Egypt became stagnant and gradually decayed. Historians tell us that the present degraded state of the Egyptians is due to the rule of the Turks. Again they tell us that no cause can be assigned for the decay of Egypt, and that it began before 1300 B.C. And again they tell us that the stagnation and the decay of Egypt was caused by the priests. Why not by the cats or by the crocodiles? Why not by the last solar eclipse?

No constitution can be indefinitely upheld that is utterly out of sympathy with the sentiments and abilities of the people. Priests have been powerful elsewhere and civilization progressed. Moreover, the priests of antiquity were themselves the astronomers, investigators, scientists, writers, and artists. True, the Egyptian priests formulated rules, codes, laws, canons of art and of almost everything else. This they probably did because they recognized that the Egyptians were no longer the Egyptians of old. Those of old had been creators. The priests were anxious that the New- Egyptians, having no originality, should at least remain good copyists; they overestimated the abilities of the mongrel.

The stability which they intended to give to Egyptian civilization went into stagnation and fell into decay. Soon the mongrel was no longer able to fight his own battles and Greek mercenaries preserved the independence of Egypt for some time. When Artaxerxes III of Persia marched against Egypt, the only resistance offered was by the Greeks, while the Egyptians fled everywhere; the king, Nekht-nebf, to Ethiopia, 340 B.C.

The degeneration of the Egyptian religion gives a picture of the degraded state of mind of the Egyptian mongrel. The early religion of the Egyptians was a monotheism. Their writings 'speak of one god, the creator of heaven and earth. The local divinities were mere personifications of the attributes of God. The papyrus of Ptah-hotep, composed under Dynasty V, speaks of God, showing that the writer had the idea of one god. What did this religion become in time? Julius Africanus tells us that, in the reign of Kaiechos, it was established that the bull and the goat were gods. Later the Egyptians became infatuated and worshipped the cat, the bug, and eventually vegetables.

Juvenal writes (Satura XV): "Who knows not the sort of monsters Egypt in her infatuation worships? One part venerates the crocodile, another trembles before an ibis gorged with serpents. The image of a sacred monkey glitters in gold, where the magic chords sound from Memnon broken in half, and ancient Thebes, with her hundred gates, lies buried in ruins. In one place they venerate sea fish, in another river fish, there a whole town worships a dog; no one Diana. It is an impious act to violate or break with the teeth a leek or an onion. holy nation! whose gods grow for them in the gardens. Every table abstains from animals that have wool. It is a crime there to kill a kid, but human flesh is lawful food. Were Ulysses to relate this at supper to the amazed Alcinous, he would perhaps excite the ridicule or anger of some as a lying babbler. . . . Does he suppose the heads of the Phaeacians so void of brain."

What deterioration! What degeneration! What perversion! A faith in accord with the vitiated Pan-Hamitic-Semitic-Greek-Egyptian-Negro blood.

The mongrel was worthless, and he has remained so ever since.

Read "Recherches anthropologiques en Egypte," by Ernest Chantre; "The Inequality of the Human Races," by A. Conte de Gobineau.
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Re: Race or Mongrel, by Alfred P. Schultz

Postby admin » Fri Apr 09, 2021 6:11 am


The Jews had in very early times a knowledge of that law of nature which demands purity of blood. We read that Abraham sent to the land of his fathers in order to find there the wife for his son. The Jews had marriage regulations which prevented promiscuous intermarriages, and frequently the)' expelled from the Jewish society the offspring of the Abramitic stock which they considered illegitimate, as the Ishmaelites and the Edomites. When the Jews settled in Egypt, they continued to hold to their traditions, their institutions, their language, and their race purity.

The Egyptians attempted to destroy their nationality and exacted forced labour from them. Moses taught them to resist and to regard resistance as a religious duty. Here we meet for the first time with an expression of that sentiment which later caused them to merge the ideas of race, religion, and god into one ideal, that of Judaism. The Jews sought freedom in the wilderness. When the Jews settled in Palestine, they found it inhabited by a population great in numbers. Notwithstanding their numerical inferiority, the Jews maintained their individuality. It was their pride of race that prevented their disappearance.

The Lombards went to Rome under similar circumstances; and, lacking the knowledge of that, law of nature which insists on the purity of race, became mongrelized in a relatively short time.

The wonderful instincts of the Israelites led them to evolve a religion which had race purity as its central idea. Jehovah was the god of Israel, and the Israelites were his chosen people. To break away from this religion was breaking away from the Jewish race; and on the other hand, vitiation of the race meant expulsion from the chosen people. In the war with the Philistines, Benjamin and Judah supplied Saul his most able supporters. These were the two tribes in which, as later history proves, the importance of race purity was most clearly recognized. In the war with the Philistines, Israel was welded into one. The consciousness of their race superiority became more intense. Solomon built the temple in Jerusalem, which later proved of great importance not only for religion, but also for the race.

After the death of Solomon ten of the twelve tribes seceded. Israel was at first stronger than Judah. Race and religion, however, had become inseparable, and the breaking away from Judah was soon followed by a less strict observance of the marriage regulations. This was disastrous, for they were in numbers vastly inferior to the surrounding mass. When Israel seemed most prosperous Amos prophesied the downfall of the kingdom. Assyria was the threatening enemy. In 721 B.C. Samaria was taken and Sargon carried all inhabitants of mark into captivity. The exiled Israelites disappeared in the surrounding herd without leaving a trace. The Israelites had vitiated their blood, and their mongrelization was rapid.

The population of Judah, on the other hand, held fast their faith, and that meant their race, throughout the period of the Babylonian exile. It was their race particularism that enabled them to maintain their individuality there, and later everywhere else. After the fall of Samaria, Judah continued the history of Israel, and the preaching of the prophets increased the race particularism. In the year 597 B.C. Jerusalem was taken by Nebuchadnezzar and many of the inhabitants were carried into exile.

In the year 538 B.C. Cyrus gave the exiles leave to return. A great number returned, but a greater number remained in the diaspora, without, however, losing their nationality. Those that returned found it necessary to protect themselves against the threatening mixture with other races; for other races had pressed into the depopulated territory, and some of these had amalgamated with the older Jewish population, which had remained in Judah. These, although professing Judaism, were regarded by the Jews as half-breeds. They gave a friendly reception to the returning Jews. The Samaritans were anxious to make common cause with them, but they were not met with reciprocal cordiality. Not the native of Judah, but the man of pure blood, was reckoned as belonging to the community.

Ezra first attempted the strict separation between the pure Jews and the other inhabitants. His legislation enabled the Jews to maintain their nationality artificially, when all conditions of national life failed them. They were able to maintain their nationality, because they refused to have their blood corrupted. Their nationality the Jews preserved with an energy and an ability that was truly marvellous. In later times, in the post-Graeco-Roman empire, the Jews alone had character; they alone deserved respect.

The history of Manasseh testifies to the anxiety with which the Jews endeavoured to keep their race pure. He was expelled from Jerusalem by Nehemiah in 432 B.C. for refusing to separate from his Samaritan wife. The book of Chronicles regards Samaria as a heathen kingdom because the Samaritans were less severe in the maintenance of race purity. Their religion was so much like that of the Jews, that Manasseh organized the Samaritan church on the Jerusalem pentateuch. The Jews were determined to keep their race pure.

As a consequence of the wars and revolutions in the East, the Jewish diaspora spread rapidly. In Asia Minor, in Syria, and in Egypt many Jews settled. The thoroughbred being always more able than the mongrel, the Jews rose to prominent positions at the court of the Ptolemies, earning in consequence the hatred of the population.

The only time when the Jews were in danger of mongrelization  was the time when the East was "Hellenized." The upper classes began to feel ashamed of their Judaism and began to conceal it. The Jewish names were Hellenized; Joshua became Jason; Eliakim, Alcimus; Monahem, Menelaus; and so forth. The Greek language came into general use. The Palestine gravestones, until the time of the Romans, bear Greek inscriptions with only a few liturgical words in Hebrew. Jewish-Greek literature soon became extensive. The Jews seemed ripe for Hellenization, which at this time meant mongrelization. Antiochus attempted to complete the Hellenization by force; but the Jews resisted, and under Judas Maccabaeus arose in rebellion. The Greek influence was broken and the Jews continued the development peculiar to the race.

The Romans came and harassed them, Jews they remained.

Jesus taught and Jews they remained. It was a foreign race that spoke in Jesus. He was a Galilean and not a Jew. Not a Jew by race. The Jews did not consider the Galileans as belonging to their community. A marriage of Jew to Galilean was impossible. So little had the people of Galilee in common with the Jews, that King Solomon ceded a part of Galilee to the King of Tyre in payment for cedars and gold. King Hiram found it very sparsely inhabited and settled colonists there, who were not Jews. After the time of Solomon, Israel was divided; and, for a thousand years, there existed no intimate political relation between Galilee and Judah.

Moreover, in 720 B.C. the Assyrians came and laid waste Northern Israel. All of the population was said to have been deported. The Assyrians settled their colonists there. Later, Alexander settled Greeks and Macedonians in Galilee. We are told that the number of Greeks that immigrated to Galilee in the last three centuries before Christ was considerable. The Old Testament tells us how the foreigners of Northern Palestine came to embrace the Jewish faith. In the depopulated country beasts, of prey multiplied. The scourge was considered the revenge of the local god. No one knew how he was to be worshipped, and the Galileans sent to the King of Assyria, and entreated him to send them a Jewish priest to instruct them in the faith of the land, and appease the wrath of the neglected deity. This request was complied with and a Jewish Levite taught the people the worship of Jehovah.

Thus people without a drop of Jewish blood in their veins became Jews in their religion. Later some Jews immigrated into the cities of Galilee; but they also refused to recognize the Galileans as fellow Jews. Simon Tharsi, the Maccabaean, collected the small number of people of Jewish blood in Galilee and induced them to leave the country, and to settle in Judah. This was before the time of Jesus. There is therefore not a trace of evidence in favour of the view that Jesus was a Jew, and much evidence in favour of the view that Jesus was not a Jew. To which race Jesus belonged it is impossible to say. According to the Bible, he was the son of God and Mary; according to one of the apocryphic gospels he was the son of a Greek officer and Miriam. That Miriam was not a Jewess is evident from the history of Galilee. Many of the disciples, likewise, were Galileans, not Jews. The New Testament is as little the continuation of the Old Testament as it is the continuation of the teachings of Buddha or Confucius. The sentiments that Jesus expressed were not in accord with the Jewish race instincts, and the Jews fortunately refused to accept them. Had they accepted Christianity, they would have shared the fate of the Eastern mongrel; and he has proved his worthlessness in the course of centuries.

Jesus belonged to one of the Aryan races; his teachings are in accord with the race instincts of the Aryans only. Other races refused to accept Christianity, or became Christianized in name only. With the exception of Magyars and Finns, who have, however, been semi-Germanized, the Magyars by the Germans and the Finns by the Swedes, Christianity is the religion of an Aryan for Aryans only. The non- Aryan Christians, including Magyars and Finns, are not four per cent, of the total number of Christians. Many Asiatics and Africans had been Christianized after a fashion; but when the Islam was preached, their Christianity melted away as spring snow does in the sun.

Indians, negroes, Chinese, Tartars, and others are called Christians with scant justice. Their Christianity is akin to that of the Haytians, who worship to-day the Christian God and to-morrow a fetish in whose honour they devour the " goat without horns," — Christians who are cannibals! With these peoples Christ is the name of a new fetish, added to or taking the place of their other fetish. Travellers in Russia tell us that the baptized Tartars at the present time are as far from being Christians as they were in the sixteenth century.

Gautama Sacyamuni taught Buddhism. As his name indicates, he was a yellow and not a Hindoo. The religion of resignation and death was not acceptable to the race instincts of the Hindoos; it expressed the race instincts of the yellows, and found its followers among them, — Tartars, Mongols, Koreans, Chinese, Japanese, and Malayans. In not accepting Buddhism, the Hindoos remained true to themselves; with its acceptance they would have committed self-destruction. In a like manner the Jews refused to accept Christianity. Christianity was not too good for them, it was not too bad for them; it was foreign to them and to their race instincts.

In the year 70 A.D. Titus took Jerusalem. The city was levelled with the ground. The extinction of their commonwealth the Jews met with an even more intensified exclusiveness. And this exclusiveness they carried with them into the diaspora. Their race they retained pure wherever they went. In Rome, in Egypt, in Syria, among the Goths as well as among the other German tribes, in England, in Russia, in Germany, in Spain, they refused to dilute and vitiate their blood, and consequently had no part in mongrelizing the people among whom they lived.

The history of the Jews testifies to the tremendous importance of race. Their knowledge of the physiological law that promiscuous crossing degrades, deteriorates, mongrelizes the participants, enabled them to develop from a small Eastern tribe into one of the great nations of the earth. In spite of most bitter persecution, in the face of the greatest of obstacles, without a country of their own and without a common language, they became a nation more important than many nations that are in possession of these advantages. Everywhere they are increasing in importance and in numbers. The good-will of the native population they secure nowhere, on account of the jealousy and hatred entertained against them as a race of quality. To many, the Jewish singularities are objectionable. The Eastern mongrel has accomplished nothing; the Jews have brought forth poets, writers, artists, scientists, financiers, and philanthropists.

Some of the poets of the Jewish race are Halevi, Gabirol, Morpurgo, Ascarelli, David Levi, Manuel, Frankl, Kalisch, Kuh, Steinheim, Heller, Hartmann, Sachs, Rapoport, Heine, d'Almeida, Moses Mendez, Emma Lazarus, Cora Wilburn, Rebecca Hynemann, Morris Rosenfeld; the dramatists, Arnstein, Bueschenthal, Mosenthal, Fulda, Jacobson, Schlesinger, v. Weilen, Halevy, Cremieaux, Millaud, David Belasco, Sydney Rosenfeld, and others; the novelists, Auerbach, Disraeli, Zangwill, Fanny Lewald, Maurus Jokai, Grace Aguilar, and others.

Boerne, Riesser, Blind, Disraeli, Bernays are essayists of the Jewish race. Many of the influential newspapers and periodicals of the United States, most of those of Germany and of England, are either owned or edited by Jews.

Musicians of the Jewish race are Mendelssohn, Meyerbeer, Offenbach, Goldmark, Moscheles, Damrosch, Rubinstein, Rosenthal, and others.

Among painters and sculptors are Israels, Solomon, Schlessinger, Meyerheim, Worms, Hart, Mayer, Mosler, Lazarus, Soldi, and others.

Scientists of the Jewish race are Philo, Maimonides, Moses Mendelssohn, Steinthal, Lazarus, Neander, Graetz, Da Costa, Marx, Lassalle, Morpurgo, Herschel, and others.

As physicians and jurists many Jews have won renown. As financiers they excel. The leaders of the Socialists are Jews. The leading managers are Jews.

Why do the Jews succeed? Because they deserve to succeed. They belong to a great race, and they kept and do keep that race pure. The greatest mongrelizing machine of antiquity, the empire called the Roman, did not succeed in mongrelizing them. America will not be able to destroy them. In the Pan-European herd of imperial Rome, the Jew alone stood out as a character. In America, he is rapidly making his way to the front. The business interests (wholesale and retail), the newspapers, the periodicals, the theatres, the operas, the banks, are in the hands of Jews, or are getting into the hands of Jews. Many Jews are physicians, lawyers, judges, politicians, and scientists. If the Jews continue as they began, the future belongs to them.

The Jews have overcome well-nigh insurmountable obstacles; they are succeeding everywhere, because they have been and do remain true to themselves, that is, true to their race instincts. They demonstrate to the world that the blood that courses in the veins of the individual is more sacred than gold, silver, territory, flag, and country.

Promiscuous crossing reduced Greece, Egypt, the Hindoos, the Romans. Race purity is the secret of the success of the Jews.

Read Graetz, "Geschichte der Juden; "Mendelssohn, "Gesammelte Schriften;" Milman, "History of the Jews;" Houston S. Chamberlain, "Die Grundlagen des Neunzehnten Jahrhunderts;" Albrecht Wirth, "Volkstum und Weltmacht in der Geschichte."
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Re: Race or Mongrel, by Alfred P. Schultz

Postby admin » Fri Apr 09, 2021 6:12 am


The Gipsies left India about 500 A.D. They emigrated to China, to Persia, and to Arabia. From Arabia they came with the Mohammedans to Africa and Spain. From Asiatic Turkey they went to Eastern Europe, and were soon found in every European country. In the eighteenth century they came to America, and in the nineteenth century to Siberia. They have reached the Pacific, both in the East and in the West. Everywhere they have retained their race characteristics. They have one thing, and one thing only, in common with the Jews, and that is their instinctive knowledge of the physiological law that race purity is essential to their maintaining themselves. This and this alone has enabled them to continue to exist throughout the centuries. They are a race of vagabonds. They have no military abilities, and no civil virtues. The Gipsies demonstrate clearly the fact that the possession of these is not essential to the expansion and continued existence of a race. Race purity alone is sufficient to preserve even a worthless race. Ignorance of the physiological law, which states that promiscuous crossing causes degeneration of every race, destroyed many of the best races. The Greeks, the Romans, and the Hindoos perished, but the Gipsies live.
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