The Myth of the Eternal Return, by Mircea Eliade

That's French for "the ancient system," as in the ancient system of feudal privileges and the exercise of autocratic power over the peasants. The ancien regime never goes away, like vampires and dinosaur bones they are always hidden in the earth, exercising a mysterious influence. It is not paranoia to believe that the elites scheme against the common man. Inform yourself about their schemes here.

Re: The Myth of the Eternal Return, by Mircea Eliade

Postby admin » Fri Jul 03, 2015 12:30 am


Abegg, Emil, 114 n
ablutions, 53
aborigines, Australian, 21
Abraham, 108-10, 160
abudhyam/abudhyamanam, 19
actors, ritual combats between, 53,
56, 69
acts, human, value of, 4-5, 34
Adam, 8, 14, 59; creation of, 16-17
Aeneas, 24
Aesculapius, 31
aesthetics, 32
aeva, 89 n
Africa, 21, 26, 40 n, 52
ages, cosmic, 113-16, 117-18. 122,
124-27, 132, 134-37
Agni, 10-11, 23, 79
agriculture, 28, 142, 156; rites of,
25-27, 60-61, 63-64, 69 n, 152
Ahriman, 125
Ahuramazda, 64
aiones, 89 n
Aitareya Brahmana, 32, 79
Akiba, Rabbi, 59 n
akitu ceremony, 55-58, 61
Akkad, 55, 70
Alakamanda, 9
Alaric, 137
Albertus Magnus, 144, 145
al-Biruni, see BIruni
Albright, W. F., 14 n
Alexander I, Czar, 42-43
Alexander the Great, 38, 119, 123
alimentation, 35, 51. 60-61
Allah, 62
allgemeine Lebenserfahrung, 150
altars, 8, 10-11, 77, 78-80
Amazulu tribe, 21
America, 3; Indian tribes, 14 n, 21.
33-34, 40 n, 72-73, 83-84, 88
Ammon. 31
amor jati, 153
anachronisms, 40-41
anakuklosis, 89 n
Anath, 108 n
Anaximander, 120
ancestors, 4, 6, 46-47, 72 n, 161; and
archetypes of profane activities,
28-34; and archetypes of rituals,
Andrija, 40
animals, 22; freedom of, 90-91, 155;
funerary, 67, 70 ; lunar, 87 ; totemic
or emblematic, 28
anthopogony, 22
anthopology, 85
Antoine, Jean Claude, 146 n
Anu, 84
Anunit, star, 6
Aori, 33, 36
aparvan, 19
apeiron, 120
apocalypses, 60, 66, 116, 124, 126,
128; Jewish, 17; St. John (Reve-
lation), 8-9; Synac, of Baruch, 8
apokatastasis, 123, 124
Apollo, age of, 135
Apophis, 37
apsu, 15, 57
Aquinas, St. Thomas, 32, 144, 145
Arabic writers, 144
archaic ontology, see ontology
archaic societies, see primitive so-
archetypes: celestial, see celestial
archetypes; and collective mem-
ory, 37-46; and history, 74-75,
85-86, 90-92, 95, 101, 104, 105, 111.
113. 117, 123, 142, 147; of profane
activities, 27-34; repetition of, 34-
37, 89-92, 148, 153-56, 160-62; of
rituals, 21-27
Arcturus, 8
Aristotle, 32
Arnobius, 144
art, archetypes of, 31
artha, 31
asamkhyeya/asankheyya, 116
Asanga, 116 n
asaydnam, 19
Ascension, 17
Ashanti tribe, 52
Asher, Testament of, 38
Ashumbethel, 108 n
Ashurbanipal, 128
Asia, 3, 40 n, 151
Assur, 8
Assyria, 30 n, 84-85, 103
Astarte/Ashtaroth, 103, 108
astrology, 19, 125, 126-27; and fatal-
ism; 142-47
astronomy, 122, 145
Atharva-Veda, 23, 31, 113, 115
Athena, 28
Atlantis, 88
atomic bombing, 151
attualismo, 150 n
Augustine, St., 110, 132 n, 133, 137,
143, 145
Augustus, 135, 136
Australia, 3, 21, 32
autochthons, 40 n
Autran, Charles, 40 n
autumnal equinox, 55
Auxerre, Council of, 27 n
avasitah/avasyati, 11
axis mundi, 12-13
Aztecs, 14 n, 88


Baal, 103, 108
bab apsi, 15
Bab-ilani, 14
Babylon, 9, 10, 88; names of, 14, 15
Babylonia, 30 n, 53, 103, 107; ce-
lestial archetypes of cities, 7-8;
cosmic cycles, 114 n, 120, 122, 128;
New Year ceremony, 55-58, 61, 65,
74; and symbolism of the Center,
14, 15
bacchants, 22
Bach, Johann Sebastian, 47
Bacon, Roger, 144
Bahman-Yast, 66, 125, 126
Baiga tribe, 82
Bakoto tribe, 52
Balkan countries, 152 n
ballads, historical, 39-46
Baltic countries, 152 n
baptism, 11, 59, 82, 88
barbarians, 142
barley, 26
Baruch, Syriac Apocalypse of, 8
Barundi tribe, 52
Basil, St., 132 n, 143
basilica, symbolism of, 17
Batu-Ribn, 13
beatitude, 32
becoming, and cosmic cycles, 89 n,
being, 3, 4
Belinsky, V. G., 149
Benjamin of Tudela, 56 n
Berossus, 57, 87, 122
berserkir, 29
bethel, 4
Bethel, god, 108 n
betony, 31
Bezold, Carl, 120 n
Bhaga, 23
Bhil tribe, 81-82
Bible: New Testament, 9, 23, 143,
160; Old Testament, 7, 8-9, 13, 23,
38, 60, 61, 66, 103, 105, 121, 127,
129, 142
Bidez, Joseph, 120, 122
Bie, St., 40 n
Bifrost, 12
Bignone, Ettore, 120 n
birth, new, 11, 54, 80; newborn, sac-
rifice of, 109-10
Biruni, Muhammad ibn Ahmad al-,
64 n, 65 n, 66
Bleichsteiner, Robert, 57 n
Bodhisattva, 116
Boll, Franz Johannes, 120 n
Book of Apophis, 37
Book of the Cave of Treasures,
Borobudur temple, 15, 18
Borodino, battle of, 43
Borsippa, 13
Bousset, Wilhelm, 66 n
boys, rites of, 27
Brahe, Tycho, 145
Brahma, 114-15
Brahmana, 11, 21, 26, 30, 32, 36, 78-80
Brahmanic sacrifice, 68-80
Brailoiu, Constantin, 44-46
Brhadaranyaka Upanisad, 23-24
Brhaspati, 23
bridges, building rites of, 30
Briem, Efraim, 58 ft
British Columbia, 40
bronze, age of, 125
brothers, enemy, myth of, 40, 43
Bruno, Giordano, 145
Buddhism, 12, 99; Buddhas, 116; cos-
mic cycles, 115-17, 120
Budge, Sir E. A. Wallis, 17 n
Bundahisn, 6, 22, 124, 125
Burrows, E., 7n, 8n, 14 n, 15 n, 16 n,
17 n
byliny, 41-43
Byzantine Empire, 56 n, 87


Caesar, Julius, 134
calamities, see catastrophes
calendar, 51-52, 61, 66, 68
California, 33, 72
Callaway, Henry, 21 n
Calvary/Golgotha, 14, 17, 30-31
Campanella, Tommaso, 145
Cancer, 8, 87
Capricorn, 87
Caraman, Petru, 39, 43
Carcopino, Jerome, 121 n, 123, 133,
134 n, 135 n
Cardano, Geronimo, 145
carnivals, 67, 68-69
catastrophes: cyclical, 87-88, 121-28,
132-37; and Hebrews. 102-1; and
suffering, 95, 96-97, 100, 102, 142-43
categories, Platonic, 122, 123
cathedral, 17
causality, universal, 98-100, 117
celestial archetypes, 5 ; of cities, 7-9,
10; of rivers, mountains, and
places, 6-7, 9, 10 ; of temples, 7 ;
of territories, 9-11
Center: and repetition of cosmog-
ony, 17-21; symbolism of, see
symbolism of the Center
Ceylon, 9
Chadwick, H. M. and N. K., 41 n,
43 n, 44
Chaldaea, 87, 122, 125, 132
chaos, 9, 15, 57, 62, 66, 68-69, 71, 88;
transformation into cosmos, 10-11,
18, 54, 56, 61 ; and Vrtra, 19-20
Charles, R. H., 8
Charvaka school, 99
Chase, D. P., 32 n
Chiera, Edward, 6n
childbirth, 25
chiliasm, 126, 127
China, 14, 25, 55 n, 129
Chiron, 31
choreographic rhythms, 28-29
Christensen, Arthur, 12 n, 17 n, 63 n,
64 n 65 n
Christianity, 14, 17, 23, 40 n, 59, 63,
152; and cosmic cycles, 116, 124,
126-27, 129-30, 132-33, 137; and
eternal return, 142-45; and free-
dom, 160-62; and historicism, 148;
and history, 104, 108, 110-11;
magic herbs, 30-31 ; and suffering,
Christmas, 62, 65
Christology, 110; see also Jesus
Chronicles, 7
churches, building rites of, 30
circumcision, 21
cities, 5; celestial archetypes of, 7-9,
10; sacred, and symbolism of the
Center, 12-17
clans, 29
class struggle, 149
Clement of Alexandria, 144
collective memory, 37-48
collective orgies, see orgies
colonial territories, 152 n
combats, ceremonial, 53, 54, 56, 59-
60, 68, 69
concrete time, 20-21
confession of sins, 52, 75
conflagration, universal, 87-88, 120,
122, 125, 127, 134-36
conflicts, see wars
conquistadores, 11
conscience, examination of, 150
consciousness, historical, 47-48
consecration, 11, 18, 20-21, 28-29
Constantinople, Hipprodrome of,
constellations, 8
construction rites, 18-21, 30, 76-77
Coomaraswamy, Ananda K., 11 n,
32, 34 n, 40 n
copper, age of, 125
Corbin, Henry, 7 n, 124 n
cornerstone, 19
coronation rites, 80-81
cosmic cycles, 86-90, 104, 153;
Babylonia, 114 n, 120, 122, 128;
Buddhism and Jainism, 115-17,
120; and Christianity, 116, 124,
126-27, 129-30, 132-33, 137; and
destiny, 130-33; and eternal re-
turn, 141-47; Greco-Oriental sys-
tems, 87-88, 89 n, 118-24, 127;
India, 112-15, 117-18, 121, 124, 126,
131; Iran, 116, 120, 121, 122, 124-
26, 129, 130; Judaism, 121, 124, 126,
127-28, 129, 130; and regeneration,
129-30; Rome, end of, 133-37
cosmic mountain, 12-17
cosmic norms, 32
cosmicization, 10-11
Cosmocrator, 11
cosmogony, see Creation; repetition
of cosmogony
cosmology: and embryology, 16;
Iranian, see Iran; Semang pyg-
mies, 13
cosmos, transformation from chaos
into, 10-11, 18, 54, 56, 61
Council of Auxerre, 27 n
countries, and act of Creation, 10-
Creation, 15, 101, 127; abolition of,
117; epic of, 55; of man, 16-17,
22; periodicity of, 62-73; repeti-
tion of, 6, 10-11, 17-21, 105-6, 111-
12, 129-30, 136
creativity, 44, 158
Crete, 24
Croce, Benedetto, 150
Cronos, 31, 121, 122
Cross, 11, 14, 17
Cumont, Franz, 66 n, 121 n, 124,
126 n, 127 n
curative rituals, 81-85
cycles, see cosmic cycles


Daehnhardt, Oskar, 17 n
dance, archetypes of, 28-29
Dante Alighieri, 144, 145 n
Daramulun, 32
Darius, 37, 38; calendar of, 66
darkness, Indians age of, 114, 118
Darmesteter, James, 63, 124 n
David, 7, 142
dawn, Indian ages, 113, 115
death, 36, 40 n, 46-47, 79, 82, 130;
and lunar myths, 86-88; and New
Year ceremonies, 53, 54, 59, 60, 61,
62-63, 67, 68, 69, 70-71
debts, karmic, 99
decans, 77
decapitation, 19
Delatte, Armand, 31 n
deluges, 14, 15, 57-58, 59, 63, 72 n,
87, 122
Demeter, 25
demons, expulsion of, 53, 54, 73, 126
Denkart, 121, 124-25
deportations, 149, 151
desacralization, 28, 36
deserts, 9, 10
despair, 153; or faith, 159-62
destiny, and history, 130-37, 152
Deuteronomy, 61
Dhatri, 24
Diaspora, 108 n
Dicearchos, 120 n
Dido, 24
Digha-nikaya, 116
Dilthey, Wilhelm, 150
Dimasqi, 64
Diodorus Siculus, 24
Dionysiac orgy, 22, 32
diseases, expulsion of, 53, 54, 73
dissolution, Indian cosmic cycles,
divinities, see goddesses; gods
divorce, 24
Dombart, Theodor, 14 n
Dostoevski, F. M., 149
dragon fights, 37-42, 69; see also
drought, 19, 96, 97, 127
Drower, E. S., 64 n, 65 n
duels, 29, 105
Duhem, Pierre, 132 n, 144
Dumezil, Georges, 29, 30 n, 40 n, 65 n
66, 67 n
Dur-an-ki, 15, 16
duration, 35, 117-18, 125
durohana, 18
Dvapara Yuga, 113, 115
dyaur aham, pritivi tvam, 23


Ea, 84-85
eagles, twelve, of Romulus, 134-37
earth, 22, 42, 77, 91 ; celestial arche-
types of, 6; and marriage rites,
23-24, 36 ; navel of, 13, 16-17 ; and
symbolism of the Center, 12-17;
see also world
earthquakes, 100
Easter, 59
eating, see nutrition
Eddas, 12
Edsman, C. M., 126 n
Eggeling, Julius, 78 n
Egori, 42
Egypt, 14 n, 22, 29, 30 n, 37, 56, 70,
74; nomes, 6, 9; and solar year,
ekpyrosis, 87-88, 122, 125, 127, 134-36
Elburz Mountains, 12
Elephantine, 108 n
Eliade, Mircea, 4 n, 6 n, 8 n, 12 n,
14 n, 17 n, 18 n, 26 n, 31 n, 69 n,
73 n, 76 n, 81 n, 86 n, 87 n, 97 n,
109 n, 114, 115 n, 116 n, 129 n, 158 n
Eliezer, Rabbi, 59
Elijah, 103
Eliot, T. S., 153
emblematic animals, 28
embryo, 16
Empedocles, 120
enemy brothers, myth of, 40, 43
England, 11, 30
Engn-ell, Ivan, 56 n, 128 n
Enlil, 26/
enthousiasmos, 32
Enuma elis, 55
evhapax, 143
Ephraem Syrus, 59, 63
epic ballads, 39-46
Epic of Gilgamesh, 57-58
epidemics, 100
Epiphany, 59, 62, 63, 65, 104
Epistle to the Hebrews, 143
eschatology, 60, 73, 106, 107, 111, 124,
125, 141, 142, 144-45, 152
eschaton, 130
eternal return, 86-90, 112, 120, 122-
23, 134, 137; survival of myth,
eternity, 8
ethnography, 53
eudaimonia, 32
Euphrates River, 6
Europe, 3, 17, 25, 27, 44, 57 n, 65, 84,
97n, 142, 151, 152
Evagdath 16
evil, historical, 149-51
evolutionism, 146
Ewe tribe, 26
existentialism, 117, 156 n, 158
Exodus, 7, 60
expeditions, dangerous, 18
expulsion of demons, diseases, and
sins, 53-56, 61, 73, 75, 126
extraterrestrial archetypes, see celes-
tial archetypes
Ezekiel, 8, 142


fairies, 40-41, 44-46
faith, 109-11; or despair, 159-62
famines, 127, 147
Fascism, 157
fasting, 52, 53, 56, 61
fatalism, 130-34, 143, 152 n
fates, festival of, 56, 58, 59, 65, 67,
fecundity, 24-27, 161
Feronia elephantum, 31
fertility, 86, 109
festival of the fates, 56, 58, 59, 65, 67,
fields, celestial, 6
Fiji Islands, 80, 81
Finland, 13
fire: destruction of universe by, 87-
88, 120, 122-28, 134-37; extinguish-
ing and rekindling of, 53, 54, 67-69
fire-altars, 11, 79
Firmicus Maternus, 125
first-born, sacrifice of, 109-10
fishing, 28, 35, 105
Flavius, Josephus, 77
floods, 87, 96, 97
Floralia, 27
folklore, 44-46, 66
food, 4, 35, 51, 60-61
forms, 7, 9, 11
foundation stone, 19
Fountain of Jacob, 13
Foy, Willy, 14 n
France, 40 n
Francis of Assisi, St., 145 n
Frankfort, Henri, 55 n
Fravardin, 63
Frazer, Sir James George, 53, 57 n,
64 n, 65 n, 72 n
freedom, human, 148, 154-59, 160
funerary animals, 67, 70
Furlani, Giuseppe, 55 n, 65 n
juror, 29
fury, sacred, 29


Gaerte, W., 13 n
Gajomard, 16
games, 28
Gandharva, 31
Gandharvic marriages, 68
gdrhapatya, 11
Gaster, T. H., 67 n
Gate of the Apsu, 15
Gautama Buddha, 116
gegeneis, 121
genealogy, 82-83
generation, 35
Genesis, 23
Genghis Khan, 142
Gennep, Arnold van, 21-22
Gentiles, 38
geography, 6
geomantic theories, 18
George, St., 39, 40 n
Gerizim, Mount, 13
Germany, 26, 55 n, 66, 67, 70, 113,
gestures: paradigmatic, 5, 35-37, 95;
profane, 5-6
getik/getah, 6-7, 7 n
ghost-dance religion, 73
giants, 20, 42
Gifford, E. W., 72 n
Gilgamesh, Epic of, 57-58
girls, and rituals, 26, 61, 68, 109
gnosticism, 88, 101, 102, 119, 122, 131,
133 134
God, 8, 9, 16, 23, 46, 99, 103 ff, 126,
127, 129, 133, 137, 144, 151; and
freedom, 160-62; see also Jesus
Christ; Yahweh
Goddard, P. E., 72 n
goddess, 101; ritual union with,
gods, 4, 6, 7, 14, 21, 84, 91; and
archetypes of profane activities,
28-34; and archetypes of rituals,
21-27; of fertility, 109; modality
of, 36; and New Year ceremonies,
55-58, 63, 64-66, 67, 69; and suf-
fering, 96-98, 100-102
Goethe, J. W. von, 20 n
Gog, 142
gold, age of, 9, 112, - 122, 127, 132, 135,
136, 149, 154
Golden Apples, 18
Golden Fleece, 18
Golgotha/Calvary, 14, 17, 30-31
Gotze, Albrecht, 55 n, 56 ti, 120 n
Gozon, Dieudonne de, 39, 44
Granet, Marcel, 14 n, 65 n, 67 m
Great Goddess, 101, 161
Great Time, 112
Great Year, 87, 107, 122, 134-36, 146
Greece, 24, 40, 47, 102; cosmic
cycles, 87-88, 89 n, 118-24, 127
Gregory, St., 132 n, 143
Gudea, King, 7, 14
Guerre, E., 58 n
Gimdel, W., 120 n


hag hasuk-kot, 61
hako ceremony, 21
Hamel, Anton Gerard van, 10 n
Handy, E. S. C, 24 n, 82-83
hapax, 143
Haraberezaiti, 12
Harambethel, 108 n
Hardwar, India, 18
Hare Hongi, 82-83
Harrington, J. P., 33
Harva, Uno, 6n, 12 n, 14 n
harvest, 26-27, 51, 60-61, 68-69, 72
Hasluck, F. W., 39 n
Hasteen Klah, 83 n
Hastings, James, 67 n, 114 n, 128 n,
Hatrali, 83
heaven, 42, 77, 91 ; and marriage
rites, 23-24, 36; and symbolism of
the Center, 12-17
Hebrews, see Judaism
Hebrews, Epistle to, 143
Hegel, G. W. F.: and repetition,
90-91; and historicism, 141, 147-
49, 154
Heidegger, Martin, 150, 152
hell, 56; and symbolism of the
Center, 12-16
Hera, 24, 27, 31
Heraclitus, 88, 120, 122
Herakles, 37, 40
Herb of Life, 18
herbs, archetypes of, 30-31
heroes, 4, 6, 21, 22, 105; and arche-
types of profane activities, 28-34;
dragon fight, 37-42; and historical
prototypes, 41-47, 142, 147
Hertel, Johannes, 67
Hesiod, 122, 129
Hierapolis, 61 n
hierodule, 26, 57
hierogamy, 23-27, 57, 58
hierophany, 4, 59, 95, 105, 109 n
Himinbjorg, 12
hindrances, 20
Hippodrome of Constantinople, 56 n
historical consciousness, 47-48
historical truth, 43-44
history, 5; abolition of, 53, 76; and
archetypes, see archetypes; and
collective memory, 37-48; and
cosmic cycles, see cosmic cycles;
despair or faith, 159-62; and des-
tiny, 130-37; and freedom, 154-59,
160; eternal return, survival of
myth, 141-47; and historicism,
141, 147-54, 159-62 ; and repetition
of archetypes, 34-37; suffering,
normality of, 95-102; as theoph-
any, 102-12
Hittites, 55 n, 56, 128
Hocart, A. M., 17 n, 29, 80
Hochzeit/Hochgezit, 26
Hofler, Otto, 66
Holda, 67
Holi festival, 27
Holmberg, Uno, see Harva, Uno
Holy Ghost, 145
Homer, 25, 42, 129
Hooke, S. H., 7 n, 57 n, 60 n
Hopi Indians, 54, 67 n
Horace, 134
horses, 67, 70
Hottentot, 97
houses, rituals of, 5, 30, 76-77
Howitt, A. W., 21 n, 32 n
Hrungnir, 29
Hubaux, Jean, 133, 135 n
Hume, R. E., 24 n
humiliation, 56, 57, 96, 149
hunting, 28, 35
Huntington, Ellsworth, 146 n
Hunyadi, John, 40-41
Hupa Indians, 72
hurricane god, 55 n
Huth, Otto, 67


Iasion, 25
Iceland, 10
ideas, Platonic, 6, 7 n, 123
ideologies, 159 n
Ikxareyavs, 33
Illuyankas, 55 n
Ilya of Murom, 42
imago mundi, 17
immortality, 36, 91
impotence, 31
incalculables, Buddhist cosmic cy-
cles, 116, 120
incantations, 30-31, 84-85
Incarnation, 143
incendiarism, 96
India, 4, 40 n, 55 n, 65, 75, 88, 158;
archetypes of profane activities,
29-30, 31, 32; archetypes of rituals,
21, 23-24, 26, 27; celestial arche-
types of cities, 9; construction of
cosmic time, 78-80; construction
rites, 19-20; cosmic cycles, 112-15,
117-18, 121, 124, 126, 131, 146; cur-
ative rituals, 81-82; repetition of
act of Creation, 10-11; and suffer-
ing (karma concept), 98-100, 117;
and symbolism of the Center, 12,
Indians, American, see America
individuality, 46
Indo-European mythology, 15-16,
29, 54, 66, 86 n
Indonesia, 4
Indra, 19, 37, 40
Industrial Revolution, 156
infants, sacrifice of, 109-10
initiation, 18, 40 n, 80, 86; cere-
monies, 53, 66, 67, 69-72; military,
injustices, 96
invasions, 96, 104
Io, 24, 82-83
iom ha-kippurim, 61
Iran, 6, 12, 22, 55 n, 88; cosmic
cycles, 116, 120, 121, 122, 124-26,
129, 130; New Year festival, 63-
66, 74
Iraq, 63
Irenaeus of Lyon, St., 143
iron, age of, 125, 135
Isaac, 109, 110
Isaiah, 8, 66, 105, 121, 127, 132
Ishmael, Rabbi, 59 n
Ishtar, 26
Isis, 31
Islam, 15
Israel, see Judaism; Palestine
Iviri, 33


Jacob, 4; Fountain of, 13
Jacobi, H., 114
Jaeger, W., 120 n
Jainism, cosmic cycles, 115-17
Japan, 13, 54; secret societies, 67,
Jastrebac, dragon of, 41
Jataka, 116
Java, 14-15
Jean, C. F., 55 n
Jehovah, 7
Jeremiah, 38, 103
Jeremias, Alfred, 13 n, 114n, 128
Jerusalem, 56 n, 107; celestial arche-
types of, 8-9; New Year festival,
60; and symbolism of the Center,
15, 17, 18; Temple of, 77-78
Jesus Christ, 11, 14, 17, 23, 30-31, 59,
130, 143
Joachim of Floris, 145
Joannes Malalas, 56 n
John, St., 9, 23
Johnson, A. R., 60
Jordan River, passage of, 105
Josua, Rabbi, 59
Joyce, James, 153
Jubilees, Book of, 127
Judaism, 17, 23, 37-38, 160, 161;
celestial Jerusalem, 8; cosmic
cycles, 121, 124, 126, 127-28, 129,
130; and dragon fight, 37-38; and
historical calamities, 102-12; New
Year ceremonies, 53, 58-62, 63,
65 n, 66, 70, 74; prophets, 8, 104,
108, 133, 148 ; Yahweh, see Yahweh
Judges, Book of, 13, 61
Jupiter, 135
justice, archetypes of, 31-32


Kaaba, 15
Kali Yuga, 113-14, 115, 118, 131
Kalpa/kappa, 114, 115-16
Kapitthaka, 31
Karlowitz, Peace of, 43
karma concept, 98-100, 117
Karuk Indians, 33, 72
Katti, 128
Kepler, Johann, 145
Khadira tree, 19
ki, 16
kien-mu, 14
Kierkegaard, Soren A., 110
Kiev cycle, 41-42
kings, 7, 9, 11, 106, 136; consecra-
tion ceremonies, 29-30 ; and dragon
fight, 37-38; enthronement cere-
monies, 80-81; marriage rites, 25-
26; and New Year ceremonies,
55-57, 60, 64-65
Kingu, 55
Kirfel, Willibald, 12 n, 16 n
Kisai, 15
Kivavia, 33
Knights of St. John, 39
knowledge, sociology of, 159 n
Koppers, Wilhelm, 82 n
Koran/Qur'an, 26, 62
Kossovo, first battle of, 41
Krickeberg, Walter, 14 n
Krocber, A. L., 72
Krta Yuga, 113, 115
Kiirnai tribe, 32
Kutusov, Prince Mikhail, 43


Labat, Rene, 26 n, 30 n, 56 n, 57 n
labyrinths, 18, 28
Lactantius Firmianus, 66, 126-27
Lagash, 7
Lain Entralgo, Pedro, 150 n
Lamotte, fitienne, 116 n
Landnama, 10
language, 3
Lanman, C. R., 24 n, 31 n
Laos, 12
Larsa, 15
Lassy, H., 64 n
La Vallee-Poussin, Louis de, 116 n
law, 32, 95, 105
Lazar, 41
Lebensraum, 11
Leeuw, Gerardus van der, 10 n, 22 n
106 n
Lehmann, F. R., 63, 72 n
Leibniz, Baron G. W. von, 145
Leunclavius, 39
Leviticus, 61
Levy-Bruhl, Lucien, 33 n
Li Chi, 25
libations, 59
lightning, 19
Imn-draza, 21-22
linearism, historical, 145-46
Little Russia, 14 n
liturgy, 23
Liungman, Waldemar, 57 n, 64 n,
"living dead, " 62
Lods, A., 40 n
Lokayata school, 99
Lowith, Karl, 150 n
Lucan, 134 n
Lucian, 61 n
lunar, see moon
Lupercalia, 27


MacLeod, W. C, 29 n
Macrobius, Ambrosiua Theodosius,
Madagascar, 21-22
magic, 4, 28, 69 n, 158 n; herbs, 30-
31 ; and suffering, 96-98
Magog, 142
Mahdbkdrala, 42, 113
Mahapralaya, 114, 115
Mahavastu, 9
Mahayanic literature, 116, 117
Mahayuga, 113-15
Malay Peninsula, 13
Malkos Pasha, 39
Malpasso, dragon of, 39
Mamurius Veturius, 53
man: archaic, see primitive socie-
ties; creation of, 16-17, 22; mod-
ern, and history, 78, 141, 154-62
mana, 4
Mandaeans, 63-64, 65, 101-2
mandalas, 83
Manichaeans, 101-2
Mankad, D. R., 115 n
Mannerbunde, 66
Mannheim, Karl, 150, 159 n
Manole, Master, 20
Mansikka, Viljo Johannes, 14 n
Manu, 113
Manvantara, 114
Maori myths, 40 n
Maramures, 44-46
March, symbolism of, 64
Marduk, 37, 55-56, 58, 101
Marguerite, St., 40 n
Mark, St., 160
Marko Kraljevic, 39-40, 43, 44
Marquart, Josef, 64 n
marriage rites, 4, 23-27, 28, 61, 105
martyrs, 152
Marxism, 147, 149, 152, 156 n, 157
masks, 53, 70
massacres, 149, 151-52
matter, 7n
Mauss, Marcel, 34
Mayas, 88
Mazdean cosmology, 22, 124-26
mbuli vanua, 80
Mecca, 18
medicine men, 83
Meineke, Friedrich, 150
Melanesia, 32-43, 36
memory, collective, 37-48; histori-
cal, 75
menok, 6-7, 7 n
menos, 29
mensis, 86 n
Mephistopheles, 20 n
Meru, Mount, 12
Mesopotamia, 3, 6, 13, 16, 100-102,
messenger, 101, 102, 152
Messiah, 38, 127
Messianism, 60, 105-12, 127, 132
metacosmesis, 123, 134
metallurgy, 156
metanoia, 129
metaphysical concepts, archaic
world, 3
metior, 86 n
Mexico, 14 n, 88
Michael of Potuka, St., 42
Middle Ages, 17, 129, 142-45
midrash, 17
Mihragan, 66
Mikula, 41
Milica, 41
Minucius Felix, 144
miracles, 160 n
Mishnah, 15
Mithra, festival of, 66
modern man, and history, 78, 141,
Moldavia, 39
Moloch, 108
monotheism, 104-5
monsters, 9, 20; and New Year
ritual, 55-58, 59-60; three-headed,
29, 37, 40
months, symbolism of, 51-52, 55, 56,
58, 59, 61, 65, 77
moon: lunar year, 51, 52; mysti-
cism, 64 ; myths, 86-88, 101-2
Moret, Alexandre, 30 n
Moses, 7, 103, 105
Mount of the Lands, 13
mountains: celestial archetypes of,
6, 9; sacred, 12-17
mourning, 56
Mowinckel, Sigmund Otto Plytt, 60
mundus, 15-16
Mungan-ngaua, 32
Murko, Matthias, 43, 44
Murshilish, 128
Mus, Paul, 78, 80 n
mysteries, 58
mythical time, 20-21
mythicization, 39-46
myths: and archetypes, see arche-
types; cosmic, see cosmic cycles;
eternal return, see eternal return;
and history, 34-48; lunar, 86-88;
New Year, see New Year; of or-
igin, 84-85; and rituals, 22, 23-27


Nagarjuna, 116 n
Napoleonic wars, 42-43
Nativity, 130
nature, 55, 59, 90, 154, 155, 157-58
Navajo Indians, 83-84
navel of the earth, 13, 16-17
navigators, English, 11
Nawroz, 63-65, 66
Nebuchadrezzar, 38, 128
neikos, 120
Neo-Pythagoreanism, 119, 123, 133,
Neo-Stoicism, 119, 133
new birth, 11, 54, 80
New Guinea, 32-33, 36
New Testament, 9, 23, 143, 160
New Year, 36; American Indian
ceremonies, 72-73 ; Babylonian
ceremony, 55-58, 61, 65; beginning
of, 51-52; ceremonies, types of,
53-54; and historical peoples, 74,
77; Indo-European ceremonies,
66-70; Iranian ceremonies, 63-66;
Japanese ceremonies, 70-72; Jew-
ish ceremonies, 53, 58-62, 63, 65 n.
66; and resurrection, 62-63
New Year's Day, 25-26, 59, 64-66
newborn, sacrifice of, 109-10
Nidaba, 7
Nietzsche, Friedrich Wilhelm. 146
Nigidius Figulus, 134
nihilism, 152
Nikitich, Dobryna, 42
Nilsson, Martin P., 51 n
Nineveh, 8
Ninlil, 26
Nippur, 15
Nirvana, 116
Nisan, 55, 59
nomes, 6, 9
norms, cosmic, 32
north star, 12, 15
Nourry, Emile, 65 n, 67 n
Novak, 41
nutrition, 4, 35, 51, 60-61
Nyberg, H. S., 7 to, 57 n, 124, 125


oaths, 4
objects, value of, 3-4, 34
ocean, see seas; waters
Ohrt, Ferdinand, 30-31
Oka, Masao, 71
Old Testament, see Bible
omens, 56
omphalos, 13, 16-17
"ontic, " 89, 91
ontology, archaic, 3, 5, 34-35, 44, 89,
Oraons, 26
ordeals, 41; see also initiations
orgies, 22, 32, 88; collective, 4, 26-
27, 53, 54, 57, 61, 68-69
Origen, 132 n
origin, myths of, 84-85
Ormazd, 16, 22, 63, 64, 125
Orpheus, 22
Ortega y Gasset, Jose, 150
Osiris, 29, 64 n
Ottoman Empire, 39, 151
ox, primordial, 16
Pahlavi texts, 63
pain, 96, 98
palaces, 12, 14, 36
Paleo-Oriental symbolism, 25-26, 58,
100, 107, 109
Palestine, 108 n; Jerusalem, see
Jerusalem; and symbolism of the
Center, 13-14, 15
Pali texts, 116
Pallia, S. A., 57 n
Palmer, E. H., 26 n
Pan-Ku, 20
Papyrus magique de Paris, 31
paradigmatic gestures, 5, 35-37, 95
Paradise, 8, 10, 16, 91, 121
Parrot, A., 14 n
Passion of Christ, 23, 130
Patai, Raphael, 7n, 14 n, 15 n, 16 n,
17 n, 26n, 56n, 59n, 60n, 61n,
65 n, 127 n, 129 n
Pausanias, 24
Pawnee Indians, 21
pearl, 4
Pedersen, Holger, 60, 63
penis, 31
Perchta, 67
perenniality, 4
periodicity, 146, 154
Persia, see Iran
pessimism, 153
Peter, St., 143
Peter Comestor, 13
Pettazzoni, Raffaele, 24 n, 57 n. 61 n,
Pharaohs, 37, 38
philia, 120
philosophy, 3, 34-35, 48, 60, 121,
134, 146; Hegelian, see Hegel,
G. W. F.; historicistic, 149-54,
159-62; Platonic, see Plato
pilgrimage, 18
Pincherle, Alberto, 8 n
planets, 87, 122, 125
plants, 22; herbs, archetypes of,
Plato, 6, In, 9, 32, 34-35; and cos-
mic cycles, 89 n, 120-22, 132
poetry, heroic, 39-46
Polak, Jakob Eduard, 65 n
Poland, 39
polestar, 12, 15
pollakis, 143
Polynesia, 24, 42, 82-83, 84
Pompey, 38
Porphyry, 120 n
Portugal, 11
potlatch, 33-34
Prajapati, 24, 78-80
Pralaya, 114, 115
preconjugal ceremonial unions, 27
pre-Creation, 9, 68, 69 n
pre-Socratic cosmic cycles, 119, 120
priests, 22, 122, 136; and suffering,
Prilep, castle of, 43
primitive societies: archetypes of,
see archetypes; defined, 3; and
history, see history; myths, see
myths; objects and acts, value of,
3-5; and regeneration, see regen-
eration of time; repetition of cos-
mogony, 6, 10-11, 17-21; rites, see
primordial monster, 20
primordial acts, 4-5
procreation ritual, 24
profane activities, archetypes of,
profane gestures, 5-6
profane time, abolition of, see time,
abolition of
progressivism, historical, 145
prophets, 8, 104, 108, 133, 148
Prototypes, see archetypes
salms, 38, 60
psycho-physiology, 71-72
Ptolemy, 144
Puech, Henri-Charles, 89 n, 132 n,
Puranic texts, 113
purges, 52
purifications, 52, 53, 54, 61-62, 65,
73, 91, 96, 122
Purusa, 20
pyrrhic, 28
Pythagoreanism, 89 n, 120
python god, 26


Qazwini, 63, 65 n
Qufan, 26, 62


rabbinical literature, 7 n, 14, 59, 127,
Ragnarok, 113, 115
Rahab, 60
rain, 24, 26, 59, 63, 65
rainbow, 12
rajasuya, 29
Ramman, 128
Ras Shamra, 56
Re, 37
reality, 3, 92; absolute, symbols of,
17-18; and celestial archetypes,
see celestial archetypes; and ob-
jects and acts, 4-5, 34; and sym-
bolism of the Center, see symbol-
ism of the Center
reason, historical, 150 n
Red Sea, passage of, 105
Redemption, 143
Reformation, 145 n
regeneration of time, 36-37, 111, 142,
157; continuous, 73-92; New Year
symbolism, see New Year; peri-
odicity of Creation, 62-73
Reitzenstein, Richard, 58, 120 n
relativism, 150, 152, 159 n
religion, 4, 21-23, 53, 86; faith,
Renaissance, 145 n
repetition of archetypes, see arche-
repetition of cosmogony, 6, 7, 10-11,
17-21, 22, 75, 77, 142, 158; cere-
monies of, see New Year
reptiles, see serpents
resurrection, 62-63, 69, 86, 101, 102,
129, 130, 133
revelation, 104-5, 109 n
Revelation of St. John, 9
Rey, A., 146 n
Rg-Veda, 19, 65, 115
Rhodes, 39
Rickert, Heinrich, 150
rites/rituals, 3, 5-6, 105; archetypes
of, 21-27; construction, 18-21, 30,
76-77; coronation, 80-81; curative,
81-85; marriage, 4, 23-27, 28, 61,
105; and profane activities, 28-34;
regeneration of time, see regenera-
tion of time ; repetition of Crea-
tion, 6, 10-11, 17-21, 22; see also
rivers, celestial archetypes of, 6, 9,
roads to center, 18
Rock, F., 51 n
rocks, sacred, 4
Roeder, Gunther, 37 n.
Romania, 39
Rome, 11, 27, 67, 87-88, 119, 122;
end of, 74-75, 133-37; mundus,
Romulus, 133-37
Roscher, W. H., 16 n
Tta, 31
Ttavya, 79
Rubicon, 134
Russian byliny, 41-43


Sabbath, 23
Sachau, C. Edward, 64 n
sacred, zone of, 17-18
sacred fury, 29
Sacred Mountain, 12-15
sacrifices, 4, 11, 20, 30, 35-36;
Brahmanic, 78-80; and faith,
saints, 84; and dragon fight, 40 n
Saintyves, P., 65 n, 67 n
Sals, priest of, 122
Sakalava tribe, 21-22
salvation, 149
Samaria, 107
Samson, St., 40 n
Samuel, 103
sanctuaries, 17, 77; archetypes of,
7-8, 9
sand paintings, 83-84
Santal tribe, 81-82
sar, 16
Sarah, 109
Sarpanitu, 57
Satapatha Brahmana, 11, 21, 26, 78,
Saturnalia, 54, 57 n, 68
Savitar, 23
Savonarola, Girolamo, 145 n
Scandinavia, 10, 11, 29, 80
scapegoat, 53, 54, 61-62
Schaeder, H. H., 124 n
Schayer, Stanislaw, 116 n
Schebesta, Paul, 13 n
Scheftelowitz, Isidor, 115 n, 124 n,
Schmidt, Hans, 60
Schweitzer, Bernhard, 40 n.
sea monsters, 37, 55-58, 59-60
seas, 4, 9, 19, 22, 77
seasons, Brahmanic concept of, 79-
Sebillot, Paul, 40 n
secret societies, 66, 67, 70-72
Sedlmayr, Hans, 17 n
seed, 26, 63-64, 65, 68-69, 88
self, road to, 18
Selk'nam tribe, 97
Semang pygmies, 13, 97
semen virile, 26
Semites, see Judaism
Sennacherib, 8
Serbia, 43
serpent, 26; combat with hero, 37-
42, 55-58, 59-60, 69; and Indian
construction rites, 19
Set, 29
sexual intercourse, 66; archetypes
of, 23-27, 28, 33, 36; excesses, see
shamans, 40, 42
Shamash, 84
Shils, Edward, 150 n
Sibylline Oracles, 8, 124, 127, 134
sieges, 104
Sigiriya, 9
Sikhi Buddha, 116
silver, age of, 125
Simmel, Georg, 150
simples, 30
Sinai, Mount, 7
sins, 102-3, 158; confession of, 52,
75; expulsion of, 53, 54, 56, 61,
73, 154
Sippara, 8
skepticism, 159 re
sky, 4, 6, 13, 22
slavery, 57, 68, 96, 117
Slawik, Alexander, 67 n, 70-71
snake, see serpent
sociology of knowledge, 159 n
Socrates, 89 n
solar year, 51^52, 64
Solomon, 7; Psalms of, 38; Wis-
dom of, 8
Soma, 19
Sons of Earth, 121
sorcerers, 96-98
Sorokin, Pitirim A., 144, 146
soteriology, 115, 116, 118, 161
soul, 20, 47, 53, 99
Sovereign, Universal, 9
space, consecrated, 20-21
Spain, 11
Spence, Lewis, 67 n
Spengler, Oswald, 146
spirituality, archaic, 5
spring equinox, 55, 71
stars, 6, 7-8, 28 ; see also astrology
staticization, 89, 123
steel, age of, 125
Stenzel, J., 120 n
sterility, 24, 27, 82-83
Stevens, E. S., 64 n
Stevenson, Mrs. Sinclair, 26, 116 re
Stjepan, Erceg, 41
Stoicism, 88, 122-23, 124, 132, 134
stones, sacred, 4
storicismo, 150 n
storms, 96, 97
struggles, 29
Sudkar-nask, 124-25
suffering, 95-102, 131, 142-43,
149; see also catastrophes
Sumer, 6, 10, 25, 55, 70
Sumeru, 12
summer solstice, 13, 14, 66, 87
sun, 13, 135
Supreme Beings, and suffering, 97-
98, 103
surri, 55
Surya, 24
susupanam, 19
Svyatogor, 41
Swallow, star of the, 6
symbolism, 3; Brahmanic sacrifice,
78-80; cosmological, 40 n; Paleo-
Oriental, 25-26, 58, 100, 107, 109;
Temple of Jerusalem, 77-78; veg-
etation, see agriculture; see also
symbolism of the Center: assimila-
tion of temples and palaces to
Sacred Mountain, 14-15, 36;
Sacred Mountain, 12-14; temple
or city as meeting point of heaven,
earth, and hell, 14-16
syncretism, 88, 102, 108 n
Syria, 16-17
Syriac Apocalypse of Baruch, 8
Syrmia, 41


Ta Pedn, 97
tabbur eres, 13
tabernacle, 7, 8
Tabernacles, Feast of, 59, 60, 65
Tablets of Destiny, 55
taboos, 33, 51, 97
Tabor, Mount, 13
Tai-Kama, 82
Taittiriya Brahmana, 21
Taittiriya Sarphita, 36
Talmud, 61 n, 63, 65 n
tama complex, 71-72
Tammuz, 26, 100-102, 107
tao, 31
Tatars, 42, 63-64
Tatian, 132 n
Tawhaki, 40 n
tehom, 15
telluric creation, 25
temples, 5, 109; celestial arche-
types of, 7; and symbolism of the
Center, 12-17, 18, 36
temporality, 152
territories, celestial archetypes of,
9-11, 80
Tesup, 55 n
themis, 31
Theodoret, 144
theophany, 4; history as, 102-12
Theseus, 28
Thomas Aquinas, St., 32, 144, 145
Thompson, Campbell, 84-85
Thor, 29
Thorndike, Lynn, 144
Thoth, 22
Thraetaona, 37, 40
thunder, 25
thunderbolt, 19
thunderstone, 4
Tiamat, 19, 20, 55-58
Tibet, 57 n, 83
Tierra del Fuego, 97
Tigris River, 6
time, 4; abolition of, 35-36, 57, 62,
85-86, 153, 157-58; concrete and
mythical, 20-21 ; cyclical, see cos-
mic cycles; measurement of, 86;
Platonic definition of, 89 n; regen-
eration of, see regeneration of time
tin, age of, 125
Tirawa, 21
Tisrit, 55, 59
Tobias, 8
toothache, incantation against,
totemic animals, 28
totemism, 161
towns, foundation of, 18; see also
Toynbee, Arnold J., 146
traditional societies, see primitive
transmigrations, 98
tree, cosmic, 125
trees of life and immortality, 17-
Treta Yuga, 113, 115
Trinity, 145
Troeltsch, Ernst, 150
truth, historical, 43-44
Tsuni-Goam, 97
tuli vanua, 80
Turkey, 39, 151
Tvashtar, 23-24
twilight, Indian ages, 113-15
tzedek, 31


uncultivated regions, 9-10
universal causality, 98-100, 117
Universal Sovereign, 9
Universal Spirit, 148-49, 159
universe, age of 125; dual motion
of, 120-22
Unkulunkulu, 21
Upanisads, 23-24
Ur, 13
Ural-Altaic peoples, 6, 12
Ursa Major, 8
Ut-napistim, 57-58
uzu, 16


Value: of objects and acts, 3-6;
overturning of, 57, 68
Vannicelli, Luigi, 67 n
Vanua Levu, 80
Varro, Marcus Terentius, 16
Varuna, 29-30, 31
Vayu Purana, 113
Vedas, 10-11, 23-24, 31, 65, 67,
79-80, 99, 113, 115, 117
vegetation symbolism, see agricul-
Venus, 135
verbena, 30
Vila, 40-41
Vincent, Albert, 108 n
Vipassi Buddha, 116
Virgil, 134, 135, 136
Visnu, 24
Visnu Purana, 113
visions, 103
visitor complex, 70-71
Viti Levu, 80
Vladimir, Prince, 41, 42
Volga, 41, 42
voyages, 18, 33
Vrta, 19-20
Vuk, 41
Vukasin, 41


wananga, 82
wars, 29, 35, 82-83, 104, 107, 127,
134-36, 147
waters, symbolism of, 59, 60, 82,
88, 125
Weill, Raymond, 6 n
Wensinck, A. J., 14 n, 15 n, 16 n,
17 n, 58-59, 59 n, 63
Wheelwright, Mary C, 83 n
Whitney, W. D., 24 n, 31 n
Widengren, Geo, 101-2
Wieger, Leon, 129 n
Wilde Heer, 67
Williams, F. B., 33
Windisch, Ernst, 126
winter solstice, 67, 71, 87
Wirth, Louis, 150 n
Wisdom of Solomon, 8
women: and orgies, see orgies; rites
of girls, 26, 61, 68, 109; and steril-
ity, 24, 27
work, and time, 35
world: celestial archetypes of, 6-7,
9-10; center of, 12-17; end of, 66,
73, 129; foundation of, 20, 30;
restoration of, 72-73, 111, 123;
see also earth
worm, 84-85
wut, 29


Xurdath, 63


ahweh: enthronement of, 60, 61-
62; and history, 102-4, 106-8, 110
Yast, 124
Year: ceremonies of, see New Year;
conceptions of, 51-52, 54, 79-80;
cycles of, see cosmic cycles; Great
Year, 87, 107, 122, 134-36, 146;
omens for months of, 56, 58, 59, 65,
67, 68; regeneration of, 26, 27
Yezedis, 65
Ymir, 20
Yoga, 99
Yom Kippur, 61
Yoma, 16
yoni, 26
Yoruba tribe, 52
Yucatan, 88
"Yueh Ling, " 25
yuga, 113-15, 118, 131, 146
Yugoslavia, 39-41
Yuin tribe, 32
Yurok Indians, 72


Zadokite Fragments, 38
Zaehner, K. C, 124 n
Zakmuk, 56
Zarvanism, 6, 125
Zechariah, 61
Zeno, 88
Zeus, 24, 27, 21
Ziggurats, 13, 14, 15
Zimmern, Heinrich, 57 n, 58
Zinnalo, Mount, 12
Zion, 15
Zuni Indians, 51-52
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