The Gospel According to Thomas, translated by A. Guillaumont

That's French for "the ancient system," as in the ancient system of feudal privileges and the exercise of autocratic power over the peasants. The ancien regime never goes away, like vampires and dinosaur bones they are always hidden in the earth, exercising a mysterious influence. It is not paranoia to believe that the elites scheme against the common man. Inform yourself about their schemes here.

Re: The Gospel According to Thomas, translated by A. Guillau

Postby admin » Sat Jan 13, 2018 7:47 am

Log. 64


12 the dinner (), he sent his servant to ()
invite the guest-friends. He went to
14 the first, he said to him: "My master invites
thee". He said: "I have some claims
16 against some merchants (); they will come to me in the evening;
I will go and give them my orders. I pray to be excused ()
18 from the dinner ()." He went to another,
he said to him: "My master has invited thee".
20 He said to him: "I have bought a house and they
request () me for a day (). I will have no time".
22 He came to another, he said to him: "My master
invites thee". He said to him: "My friend
24 is to be married and I am to arrange a dinner ();
I shall not be able to come. I pray to be excused () from the dinner" ( .
26 He went to another, he said to him: "My master
invites thee". He said to him: "I have bought
28 a farm (), I go to collect the rent. I shall not be able to come.
I pray to be excused" (). The servant came, he said
30 to his master: "Those whom thou hast invited to
the dinner () have excused () themselves". The master said to
32 his servant: "Go out to the roads,
bring those whom thou shalt find, so that
34 they may dine (). Tradesmen and merchants
[shall] not [enter] the places ) of my Father".



21 "me for a day", or "a day from me".
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Re: The Gospel According to Thomas, translated by A. Guillau

Postby admin » Sat Jan 13, 2018 7:48 am

Log. 65-68


93 (65) He said: A good () man had
2 a vineyard. He gave it to husbandmen
so that () they would work it and that he would receive its fruit ()
4 from them. He sent his servant so that
the husbandmen would give him the fruit () of
6 the vineyard. They seized his servant,
they beat him; a little longer and they would have killed him.
8 The servant came, he told it to his master.
His master said: "Perhaps he did not know them".
10 He sent another servant; the husbandmen beat
him as well. Then () the owner sent
12 his son. He said: "Perhaps they will respect
my son". Since () those husbandmen
14 knew that he was the heir ()
of the vineyard, they seized him, they killed him.
16 Whoever has ears let him hear.
(66) Jesus said: Show me the stone which
18 the builders have rejected; it is the corner-stone.
(67) Jesus said: Whoever knows the All
20 but fails (to know) himself lacks everything.
(68) Jesus said: Blessed () are you when ()
22 you are hated and persecuted ();
and no place () will be found there
24 where you have been persecuted ().



9 read: "perhaps they did not recognize him".
23-24 read: "you will find a place, where you will not be persecuted".
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Re: The Gospel According to Thomas, translated by A. Guillau

Postby admin » Sat Jan 13, 2018 7:48 am

Log. 69a-76


(69a) Jesus said: Blessed () are those who have been persecuted ()
26 in their heart; these are they
who have known the Father in truth.
28 (69b) Blessed () are the hungry, for ()
the belly of him who desires will be filled. (70) Jesus said:
30 If () you bring forth that within yourselves,
that which you have will save you.
32 If you do not have that within yourselves,
that which you do not have within you will kill you.
34 (71) Jesus said: I shall de[stroy this] house
and no one will be able to build it [again].


(72) [A man said] to Him: Tell my brethren
2 to () divide my father's possessions
with me. He said to him: O () man, who
4 made Me (a) divider? He turned to
His disciples (), he said to them: I am not a divider,
6 am I ()? (73) Jesus said: The harvest
is indeed () great, but () the labourers () are few;
8 but () beg the Lord to () send labourers ()
into the harvest. (74) He said: Lord, there are
10 many around the cistern, but () nobody in
the cistern. (75) Jesus said: Many are standing
12 at the door, but () the solitary () are the ones who will enter
the bridal chamber. (76) Jesus said:



29 possibly: "they will fill their belly with what they desire".
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Re: The Gospel According to Thomas, translated by A. Guillau

Postby admin » Sat Jan 13, 2018 7:49 am

Log. 77-79


14 The Kingdom of the Father is like a man,
a merchant, who possessed merchandise ()
16 (and) found a pearl (). That merchant
was prudent. He sold the merchandise (),
18 he bought the one pearl () for himself.
Do you also seek for
20 the treasure which fails not, which endures,
there where no moth comes near
22 to devour and (where) no () worm destroys.
(77) Jesus said: I am the Light that is above
24 them all, I am the All,
the All came forth from Me and the All
26 attained to Me. Cleave a (piece of) wood, I
am there; lift up the stone and you will
28 find Me there. (78) Jesus said: Why
did you come out into the desert? To see a reed
30 shaken by the wind? And to see
a man clothed in soft garments?
32 [See, your] kings and your great ones ()


are those who are clothed in soft [garments]
2 and they [shall] not be able to know the truth.
(79) A woman from the multitude said to Him:
4 Blessed is the womb which
bore Thee and the breasts which
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Re: The Gospel According to Thomas, translated by A. Guillau

Postby admin » Sat Jan 13, 2018 7:50 am

Log. 80-85


6 nourished Thee. He said to [her]:
Blessed are those who have heard
8 the word () of the Father (and) have kept it
in truth. For () there will be days
10 when you will say: Blessed is the womb
which has not conceived and the breasts which have not suckled.
12 (80) Jesus said: Whoever has known
the world () has found the body (), and () whoever has found
14 the body (), of him the world () is not worthy.
(81) Jesus said: Let him who has become rich
16 become king, and let him who has power ()
renounce () (it). (82) Jesus said: Whoever is near
18 to me is near to the fire, and whoever is far
from me is far from the Kingdom. (83) Jesus said:
20 The images () are manifest to man
and the Light which is within them is hidden
22 in the Image () of the Light of the Father.
He will manifest himself and His Image () is concealed
24 by His Light. (84) Jesus said:
When you see your likeness, you
26 rejoice. But () when () you see
your images () which came into existence before you,
28 (which) neither () die nor () are manifested,
how much will you bear! (85) Jesus said:
30 Adam came into existence from a great



29 Exclamation or question.
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Re: The Gospel According to Thomas, translated by A. Guillau

Postby admin » Sat Jan 13, 2018 7:50 am

Log. 86-91


power (), great wealth,
32 and (yet) he did not become worthy of you.
For () if he had been worthy (), [he would] not [have tasted]
34 death. (86) Jesus said: [The foxes]


[have] the[ir holes] and the birds have
2 [their] nest, but () the Son of Man
has no place to lay his head and
4 to rest. (87) Jesus said: Wretched ()
is the body () which depends upon a body (),
6 and wretched () is the soul () which depends
upon these two. (88) Jesus said: The angels ()
8 and the prophets () will come to you and they
will give you what is yours. And
10 you, too, give to them what is in your hands,
and say to yourselves: "On which
12 day will they come and receive what is theirs?"
(89) Jesus said: Why do you wash the outside
14 of the cup ()? you not understand () that
he who made the inside is also he
16 who made the outside? (90) Jesus said:
Come to Me, for easy ()
18 is My yoke and My lordship is gentle,
and you shall find repose () for yourselves.
20 (91) They said to Him: Tell us
who Thou art so that () we may believe () in Thee.



7 "The angels", or "The messengers",
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Re: The Gospel According to Thomas, translated by A. Guillau

Postby admin » Sat Jan 13, 2018 7:51 am

Log. 92-97


22 He said to them: You test () the face of the sky
and of the earth, and him who is before your face
24 you have not known, and
you do not know to test () this moment ().
26 (92) Jesus said: Seek and you will find, but () those things
which you asked me in those days, I did not
28 tell you then; now
I desire to tell them, but you do not inquire after them.
30 (93) < Jesus said:> Give not what is holy to the dogs, lest
they cast it on the dung-heap (). Throw not the
32 pearls () to the swine, lest () they make it
[ ]. (94) Jesus [said]: Whoever seeks will find
34 [and whoever knocks], it will be opened to him.
(95) [Jesus said]: If you have money,


do not lend at interest, but () give [them] to him
2 from whom you will not receive them (back). (96) Jesus [said]:
The Kingdom of the Father is like [a] woman, (who)
4 has taken a little leaven [(and) has hidden] it in
dough (and) has made large loaves of it.
6 Whoever has ears let him hear.
(97) Jesus said: The Kingdom of the [Father] is like
8 a woman who was carrying a jar
full of meal. While she was walking [on a] distant road,
10 the handle of the jar broke.
The meal streamed out behind her on the road.
12 She did not know (it), she had noticed no
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Re: The Gospel According to Thomas, translated by A. Guillau

Postby admin » Sat Jan 13, 2018 7:51 am

Log. 98-102


accident. After she came into her house,
14 she put the jar down, she found it empty.
(98) Jesus said: The Kingdom of the Father
16 is like a man who wishes to kill
a powerful () man. He drew
18 the sword in his house, he stuck it into the wall,
in order to know whether his hand would carry through;
20 then () he slew the powerful () (man).
(99) The disciples () said to Him: Thy brethren
22 and Thy mother are standing outside.
He said to them: Those here
24 who do the will of My Father, they are
My brethren and My mother; these are they who shall
26 enter the Kingdom of My Father.
(100) They showed Jesus a gold (coin) and said to Him:
28 Caesar's men ask taxes from us.
He said to them: Give the things of Caesar
30 to Caesar, give the things of God to God
and give Me what is Mine.
32 (101) < Jesus said: > Whoever does not hate his father and his
mother in My way will not be able to be a [disciple ()] to me.
34 And whoever does [not] love [his father] and his
mother in My way will not be able to be a [disciple ()]
36 to me, for () My mother [ ]


but () [My] true [Mother] gave me the Life.
2 (102) Jesus said: Woe to them, the Pharisees (), for
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Re: The Gospel According to Thomas, translated by A. Guillau

Postby admin » Sat Jan 13, 2018 7:52 am

Log. 103-107


they are like a dog sleeping in the
4 manger of oxen, for neither () does he eat
nor () does he allow the oxen to eat. (103) Jesus said:
6 Blessed () is the man who knows
i[n which] part () (of the night) the robbers () will come in,
8 so that () he will rise and collect his
[] and gird up his loins
10 before they come in.
(104) They said [to Him]: Come and let us pray today
12 and let us fast (). Jesus said: Which then ()
is the sin that I have committed, or () in what have I been vanquished
14 But () when () the bridegroom () comes
out of the bridal chamber (), then () let them
16 fast () and let them pray. (105) Jesus said:
Whoever knows father and mother shall be called
18 the son of a harlot (). (106) Jesus said:
When () you make the two one, you shall become
20 sons of Man, and when you
say: "Mountain, be moved", it will
22 be moved. (107) Jesus said: The Kingdom is like
a shepherd who had a hundred
24 sheep. One of them went astray, which was the largest.
He left behind ninety-nine, he sought for the one
26 until he found it. Having tired himself out, he said
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Re: The Gospel According to Thomas, translated by A. Guillau

Postby admin » Sat Jan 13, 2018 7:52 am

Log. 108-113


to the sheep: I love thee more than () ninety-nine.
28 (108) Jesus said: Whoever drinks from My mouth
shall become as I am and I myself will become
30 he, and the hidden things shall be revealed to him.
(109) Jesus said: The Kingdom is like a man
32 who had a
treasure [hidden] in his field, without knowing it.
34 And [after] he died, he left it to his
[son. The] son did not know (about it), he accepted


that field, he sold [it]. And he who bought it,
2 he went, while he was plowing [he found] the treasure.
He began () to lend money to whomever he wished.
4 (110) Jesus said: Whoever has found the world ()
and become rich, let him deny () the world ().
6 (111) Jesus said: The heavens will be rolled up and the earth
in your presence, and he who lives on
8 the Living (One) shall see neither death nor () <fear>, because ()
Jesus says: Whoever finds himself,
10 of him the world () is not worthy. (112) Jesus said: Woe
to the flesh () which depends upon the soul (); woe
12 to the soul ()which depends upon the flesh ().
(113) His disciples () said to Him:
14 When will the Kingdom come? <Jesus said:> It will not come by



6 Ms. literally: "and the earth is in your presence".
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