Jewishness in and around Us, by Dietrich Eckart

That's French for "the ancient system," as in the ancient system of feudal privileges and the exercise of autocratic power over the peasants. The ancien regime never goes away, like vampires and dinosaur bones they are always hidden in the earth, exercising a mysterious influence. It is not paranoia to believe that the elites scheme against the common man. Inform yourself about their schemes here.

Jewishness in and around Us, by Dietrich Eckart

Postby admin » Sat Apr 28, 2018 8:15 am

Jewishness in and around Us
by Dietrich Eckart
First published as "Das Judentum in und Ausser uns," parts IV and V, Auf gut Deutsch, nos. 1-7, January-April 1919, 28-31, 79-80, 95-96, 109-12.
Translated by Barbara Miller Lane and Leila J. Rupp



Most important, the central doctrine of nazism, that the Jew was evil and had to be exterminated, had its origin in the Gnostic position that there were two worlds, one good and one evil, one dark and one light, one materialistic and one spiritual.... The mystical teachings of Guido von List, Lanz von Liebenfels, and Rudolf von Sebottendorff were modern restatements of Gnosticism.

When the apocalyptic promise of Christ's resurrection was broken, the Gnostics sought to return men to God by another route, more Oriental than Hellenist. They devised a dualistic cosmology to set against the teachings of the early Christian Church, which, they claimed, were only common deceptions, unsuited for the wise. The truth was esoteric. Only the properly initiated could appreciate it. It belonged to a secret tradition which had come down through certain mystery schools. The truth was, God could never become man. There were two separate realms -- one spiritual, the other material. The spiritual realm, created by God, was all good; the material realm, created by the demiurge, all evil. Man needed to be saved, not from Original Sin, but from enslavement to matter. For this, he had to learn the mystical arts. Thus Gnosticism became a source for the occult tradition.

A famous medieval Gnostic sect, the Cathars, came to identify the Old Testament god, Jehovah, with the demiurge, the creator of the material world and therefore the equivalent of Satan. Within Gnosticism, then, existed the idea that the Jewish god was really the devil, responsible for all the evil in the world. He was opposed to the New Testament God. The Cathars tried to eliminate the Old Testament from Church theology and condemned Judaism as a work of Satan's, whose aim was to tempt men away from the spirit. Jehovah, they said, was the god of an earth "waste and void," with darkness "upon the face of the deep." Was he not cruel and capricious? They quoted Scripture to prove it. The New Testament God, on the other hand, was light. He declared that "there is neither male nor female," for everyone was united in Christ. These two gods, obviously, had nothing in common.

The synagogue was regarded as profane by Christians. The Cathars -- themselves considered heretical by the Church -- castigated Catholics for refusing to purge themselves of Jewish sources; Church members often blamed the [Cathar] Christian heresy on Jewish mysticism, which was considered an inspiration for Gnostic sorcery.

But Gnostic cosmology, though officially branded "false," pervaded the thinking of the Church. The Jews were widely thought to be magicians. It was believed that they could cause rain, and when there was a drought, they were encouraged to do so. Despite the displeasure of the Roman Popes, Christians, when they were in straitened circumstances, practiced Jewish customs, even frequenting synagogues.

This sheds light on an otherwise incomprehensible recurring theme within Nazi literature, as, for example, "The Earth-Centered Jew Lacks a Soul," by one of the chief architects of Nazi dogma, Alfred Rosenberg, who held that whereas other people believe in a Hereafter and in immortality, the Jew affirms the world and will not allow it to perish. The Gnostic secret is that the spirit is trapped in matter, and to free it, the world must be rejected. Thus, in his total lack of world-denial, the Jew is snuffing out the inner light, and preventing the millennium:

Where the idea of the immortal dwells, the longing for the journey or the withdrawal from temporality must always emerge again; hence, a denial of the world will always reappear. And this is the meaning of the non-Jewish peoples: they are the custodians of world-negation, of the idea of the Hereafter, even if they maintain it in the poorest way. Hence, one or another of them can quietly go under, but what really matters lives on in their descendants. If, however, the Jewish people were to perish, no nation would be left which would hold world-affirmation in high esteem -- the end of all time would be here.

... the Jew, the only consistent and consequently the only viable yea-sayer to the world, must be found wherever other men bear in themselves ... a compulsion to overcome the world.... On the other hand, if the Jew were continually to stifle us, we would never be able to fulfill our mission, which is the salvation of the world, but would, to be frank, succumb to insanity, for pure world-affirmation, the unrestrained will for a vain existence, leads to no other goal. It would literally lead to a void, to the destruction not only of the illusory earthly world but also of the truly existent, the spiritual. Considered in himself the Jew represents nothing else but this blind will for destruction, the insanity of mankind. It is known that Jewish people are especially prone to mental disease. "Dominated by delusions," said Schopenhauer about the Jew.

... To strip the world of its soul, that and nothing else is what Judaism wants. This, however, would be tantamount to the world's destruction.

This remarkable statement, seemingly the rantings of a lunatic, expresses the Gnostic theme that the spirit of man, essentially divine, is imprisoned in an evil world. The way out of this world is through rejection of it. But the Jew alone stands in the way. Behind all the talk about "the earth-centered Jew" who "lacks a soul"; about the demonic Jew who will despoil the Aryan maiden; about the cabalistic work of the devil in Jewish finance; about the sinister revolutionary Jewish plot to take over the world and cause the decline of civilization, there is the shadow of ancient Gnosticism.

-- Gods & Beasts: The Nazis & the Occult, by Dusty Sklar


To repeat once again, and yet again, the most important thing up to now: in the Jewish religion, the belief in a spiritual life after death is completely lacking. One even gets the almost certain impression that in the course of time everything which could remind one even slightly of an incorporeal existence after death has been systematically eliminated and the Jews stand alone in the world with their purely earthly religion! Do not forget this for a moment: it is so significant. For in this exceptional position lies the reason that a "crypto-nation" like the Jews survived the greatest and most glorious peoples and will continue to survive until the end of time, until the hour of salvation for mankind strikes. Sooner will the Jewish people not perish. The world is preserved, as we shall see, only through its affirmation. In the Jewish people this affirmation of the world is completely pure, without any admixture of negation of the world. All other peoples of the past or present had or have this admixture, characterized by the idea of the next world, if even only by a trace of it. Even this mere trace would have been or would be sufficient to give the necessary balance to the unmixed affirmation of the world embodied in the Jewish people. For the inner light -- and the belief in immortality is the inner light -- does not need to shine with the brightest glow all the time in order to be effective; but it must be there, it must not be extinguished, otherwise mankind would be lost forever to this world. Everything must have its appropriate moment, however -- a fact that is often overlooked. The negation of the world still needs a long time in which to grow before it will gain lasting predominance over affirmation of the world. At the present time, negation of the world seems to have again fallen back to zero; its opposite, symbolized in the Jewish people, triumphs as never before; it looks as if the inner light had entirely disappeared from the earth. But to anticipate a little, it only looks that way. Negation of the world cannot perish because it belongs to the essence of the soul of mankind, and this is immortal. Where immortality dwells, longing for the eternal and renunciation of the temporal must continually reemerge; that is, the negation of the world must continually reappear. And that is the meaning of the non-Jewish peoples: they are the preservers of the negation of the world, of the idea of an existence after death, even if they preserve it ever so meagerly. Therefore one or the other of these peoples can perfectly well be destroyed; what is important will live on in the heirs. But if the Jewish people were to perish, there would no longer be a nation that cherished affirmation of the world: the end of time would have come.

But this would also be the case if the Zionist ideal were realized -- that is, if all of Jewry came together in a national union, in Palestine or elsewhere. There has never been such a union of Jews; this fact must be emphasized here twice and three times, since it is so little known. Long before the destruction of the temple in Jerusalem, a good part of the Jews lived in the Diaspora -- that is, scattered among the "heathen" peoples -- just as every school child knows that at the very beginning of their history, they played the "guests" among the Egyptians. What arose later in Palestine was not a state: at best, it was an attempt at a state; at worst, the training ground for the exploitation or destruction of foreign peoples. To the Jew Weininger, his own nation appears to be an invisibly connected web of slimy fungus, always existing and spread over the wide earth; and precisely this spreading, he rightly remarks (without, however, giving reasons for it), lies in the idea, in the essence of Jewishness. [1] That becomes immediately clear if we again view the Jewish people as the embodiment of the affirmation of the world. Without this, nothing earthly is imaginable, no people either; and thus the Jew, the only consistent and therefore the only effective affirmer of the world, must be present everywhere as the ever-necessary counter-weight, even where the other men have only the slightest impulse to overcome the world. For otherwise the former impulse would immediately reach fulfillment, and the world would not be redeemed (for the Jewish people would still remain) but would be destroyed in another way, by the elimination of the spiritual force without which it cannot exist. This, however, I shall explain later. Here it was only important to show that the world could not exist if the Jews lived by themselves, for which reason an old prophecy announces the destruction of the world on the day on which the Jews found a state in Palestine.

Eckart's use of the terms world-affirmer (Welt-bejaher) and world-denier (Welt-verneiner) comes straight from Otto Weininger's writings. World-affirmers are "half-natures mired in the here and now ... blind to the hierarchical nature of moral and social order. .. (who) embark on a journey of the flesh," [6] and have no appreciation of genius. World-deniers, on the other hand, realize that " ... the physical world is but a sordid reflection of a higher reality." [7] Eckart's "affirmer-denier" bifurcation corresponds approximately to the Aristotelian-Platonist distinction. He considered his anti-Jewish bigotry a boon to spiritual growth.

-- Hitler's Mentor: Dietrich Eckart, His Life, Times, & Milieu, by Joseph Howard Tyson


It follows from all of this that Jewishness belongs to the organism of mankind as, let us say, certain bacteria belong to the human body, and just as necessarily as these. As we know, the body contains a lot of small organisms without which it would be destroyed, although these organisms feed on it; and similarly mankind needs the Jewish presence in order to remain vigorous until the fulfillment of its earthly mission. In other words, the affirmation of the world, pernicious in itself, which is present in the purest form in Jewishness, is the condition of worldly existence as long as there are men and cannot be imagined away; only with the salvation of all mankind will it collapse.

Thus we must accept the Jews among us as a necessary evil for who knows how many centuries to come.
But as our body would atrophy if those bacteria developed to more than a healthy extent, so also, to make an analogy, would our people gradually succumb to a permanent spiritual infirmity if the Jew got to be too much for it. That which Zionism wants or at least pretends to want, to leave completely, would be just as fatal as the Jew ruling us. The mission of the German people ends, it is my firm conviction, with the last hour of mankind, but we cannot get there if before that time we lose the affirmation of the world -- the Jew among us; because without affirmation of the world no existence is possible. But on the other hand, if the Jew constantly stifled us, we would never be in a position to fulfill our destiny, which consists of the salvation of the world, but would, to put it bluntly, succumb to insanity, for pure affirmation of the world, as the unchecked desire for transitory existence, leads to no other end. It would literally amount to nothingness, to the annihilation not only of earthly appearances but also of what truly exists, the spiritual. Viewed in himself, the Jew represents nothing but this blind desire for annihilation, the madness of mankind. It is known that the Jewish people suffer to an exceptional degree from mental illness; we have already discovered the reason. "Governed by madness," Schopenhauer too says of the Jew.

Some time ago the Jew Martin Buber gave a lecture in Munich in which he vividly dealt with the future state in Palestine. [2] Very vividly. The most important of his statements was the following hint, expressed unintentionally but with great sullenness: if this state should be founded and there should creep into it even the slightest trace of a supernatural tendency, then it also would have to be destroyed!

The secret of Jewishness could not have been revealed more plainly. It wants the despiritualization of the world and nothing else; but this would be the same as its annihilation. While the Jews still live among us, everything they do comes to this, and must come to this.

Their goal is the despiritualization of mankind. Therefore, they attempt to destroy every form behind which the living soul operates; because, as archmaterialists, they are of the insane opinion that the spiritual -- only vaguely suspected by them -- is connected as a matter of life and death with the form and must be destroyed together with it. Therefore they are all without exception anarchists, consciously or unconsciously; indeed, they cannot be anything but opponents of law and order because these two bear in incomparable fashion the shining stamp of a purer world. Schiller calls order the daughter of heaven, and in Schiller, but especially in Goethe, there are innumerable proofs of the divine origin of law.

But no idea of state can be realized without law and order; they are the indispensable basis for it. Therefore the Jew, their deadly enemy, can never create a viable state in Palestine. Instead the Chaos would come again, for this word means, correctly translated: the infinite emptiness; in German, nothingness.

Here again Weininger approaches the truth, but here again he falls short of full understanding. First of all, he thinks the (pure) idea of state has never been even approximately realized in any historic form, which is true, but only because mankind has until now lacked the necessary profundity; but then he adds that, in spite of this, there is in every historic attempt to form a state something, perhaps only that minimum of a pure idea of state, which lifts the structure above a mere union of business and power interests. This is true in the Aryan attempts at forming a state, but Weininger did not know that previously this minimum could not become a maximum because until the present day the Aryans had not attained the corresponding maximum of spiritual force. But even the minimum sufficed to help the Aryan formation of states to prosper, at least for a while, often for centuries.



1. Otto Weininger (1880-1903) was an Austrian critic and philosopher and the author of Geschlecht und Charakter (Sex and Character), 1903. -- Eds.

2. Martin Buber (1878-1965), Jewish philosopher and religious scholar active in the Zionist movement.
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Re: Jewishness in and around Us, by Dietrich Eckart

Postby admin » Tue Jan 08, 2019 5:35 am

The Earth-Centered Jew Lacks a Soul
by Alfred Rosenberg
from Nazi Culture: Intellectual, Cultural and Social Life in the Third Reich, by George L. Mosse



Let us repeat once more, and again and again, the most important point that has been made up to now: the Jewish religion completely lacks the belief in a supra-sensible Beyond. Indeed, one even gets an almost positive impression that, in the course of time, everything that in the least could foster a belief in an incorporeal life after death was intentionally eliminated. The Jews, with their religion oriented to purely earthly affairs, stand alone in the world! This should not be forgotten for a single moment; it is highly significant. For it is this exceptional situation which explains why a "shady nation" such as that of the Jews has survived the greatest and most glorious nations, and will continue to survive, until the end of all time, until the hour of salvation strikes for all mankind. The Jewish nation will not perish before this hour strikes. The world is preserved, as we shall see, only by a positive yea-saying to the world. Among the Jewish people this world-affirmation is totally pure, without any admixture of world-denial. All other nations that have ever existed, and exist today, had, or have, such an admixture, characterized by the idea of a Hereafter, even if only a trace of it. This mere trace would have sufficed, or would suffice, to provide the necessary counterweight to the unadulterated yea-saying to the world, as embodied in the Jewish people. For the inner light -- and belief in immortality is the inner light -- does not need always to shine with the brightest glow in order to produce an effect; it must simply be there, it must not be allowed to be snuffed out, or otherwise mankind would be lost forever to the terrestrial world. Everything takes its own time, however, a fact which is all too often overlooked. The denial of the world needs a still longer time in order to grow so that it will acquire a lasting predominance over affirmation of the world. At this time it seems again to have sunk to a zero point; its opposite, symbolized by the Jewish people, is triumphant as never before. It seems as if the inner light has completely vanished from this earth. But, to anticipate, it merely seems that way. Denial of the world cannot perish because it is part of the soul of mankind and the soul is immortal. Where the idea of the immortal dwells, the longing for the eternal or the withdrawal from temporality must always emerge again; hence a denial of the world will always reappear. And this is the meaning of the non-Jewish peoples: they are the custodians of world-negation, of the idea of the Hereafter, even if they maintain it in the poorest way. Hence, one or another of them can quietly go under, but what really matters lives on in their descendants. If, however, the Jewish people were to perish, no nation would be left which would hold world-affirmation in high esteem -- the end of all time would be here.

This would also be the case if the Zionist idea were to become a reality, namely, if the entire Jewish people would unite to become a national entity in Palestine or somewhere else. Such a unification of Jews has never existed before: this must be stressed not twice but three times, inasmuch as it is little known. Long before the destruction of the Temple in Jerusalem a large part of the Jews lived in the diaspora, that is, dispersed among the "heathen" people. And, as every schoolboy knows, at the beginning of their history they were "guests" among the Egyptians. What arose afterward in Palestine was anything but a state structure. At best it was an attempt to build one, when it was not a preparatory school for the exploitation or the destruction of foreign peoples. To the Jew Weininger [1] his own nation is like an invisible cohesive web of slime fungus (plasmodium), existing since time immemorial and spread over the entire earth; and this expansionism, as he correctly observes (without, of course, proving it), is an essential component of the idea, of the nature of Judaism. This immediately becomes clear if we again regard the Jewish people as the embodiment of world-affirmation. Without it, nothing of a terrestrial character, and thus no nation, is conceivable. Hence, the Jew, the only consistent and consequently the only viable yea-sayer to the world, must be found wherever other men bear in themselves -- if only in the tiniest degree -- a compulsion to overcome the world. The Jew represents the still necessary counterweight to them; otherwise that urgent craving would be fulfilled immediately and thereby would not usher in the salvation of the world (since the Jewish people would still remain in existence), but would destroy it in a different way through the elimination of the spiritual power without which it cannot exist either. I will discuss this idea more fully later on; here I wish merely to demonstrate that the world could not exist if the Jews were living by themselves. This is why an old prophecy proclaims that the end of the world will arrive on the day when the Jews will have established the state of Palestine ...

From all this it follows that Judaism is part of the organism of mankind just as, let us say, certain bacteria are part of man's body, and indeed the Jews are as necessary as bacteria. The body contains, as we know, a host of tiny organisms without which it would perish, even though they feed on it. Similarly, mankind needs the Jewish strain in order to preserve its vitality until its earthly mission is fulfilled. In other words, the world-affirmation exemplified by Judaism in its purest form, though disastrous in itself, is a condition of man's earthly being -- as long as men exist -- and we cannot even imagine its nonexistence. It will collapse only when all mankind is redeemed.

Thus, we are obliged to accept the Jews among us as a necessary evil, for who knows how many thousands of years to come. But just as the body would become stunted if the bacteria increased beyond a salutary number, our nation too -- to describe a more limited circle -- would gradually succumb to a spiritual malady if the Jew were to become too much for it. Were he to leave us entirely (this is the aim of Zionism, or at least what it pretends to be) it would be just as disastrous as if he were to dominate us. The mission of the German nation will come to an end -- and this is my firm conviction -- with the last hour of mankind. But we could never reach it if we lost world affirmation, the Jew among us, because no life is possible without world-affirmation. On the other hand, if the Jew were continually to stifle us, we would never be able to fulfill our mission, which is the salvation of the world, but would, to be frank, succumb to insanity, for pure world-affirmation, the unrestrained will for a vain existence, leads to no other goal. It would literally lead to a void, to the destruction not only of the illusory earthly world but also of the truly existent, the spiritual. Considered in himself the Jew represents nothing else but this blind will for destruction, the insanity of mankind. It is known that Jewish people are especially prone to mental disease. "Dominated by delusions," said Schopenhauer about the Jew.... To strip the world of its soul, that and nothing else is what Judaism wants. This, however, would be tantamount to the world's destruction.

Even now, while the Jews still live among us, all their undertakings reveal this aim, and necessarily so. Their aim is to strip mankind of its soul. This is why they endeavor to break any form behind which the living soul is operative. For as arch-materialists it is their insane opinion that it is precisely the spiritual, which they sense only obscurely, that is connected with the form as a matter of life and death and must perish with it. Hence they are also, all and sundry, anarchists, consciously or unconsciously. In fact, they cannot be anything else but opponents of order and law, because order and law, in a unique way, bear the radiant imprint of a purer world.
Schiller calls order "the daughter of heaven," and for the divine origin of law we find much evidence in Schiller and still more in Goethe.

Without order and law no conception of state can be actualized, since they are the indispensable foundation for it. For this very reason, the Jew, the mortal enemy of order and law, can never create a viable state in Palestine. The result would again be chaos. For this word, correctly translated, means an infinite void, nothingness.

[From Dietrich Eckart: Ein Vermachtnis, edited by Alfred Rosenberg (Munich: Verlag Frz. Eher Nachf., 1928), pp. 214-219.]



1. Otto Weininger (1880-1903) wrote Geschlecht und Charakter (Sex and Character) (1903), which became a classic not only of Jewish self-hate but also of racist literature.
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