The Spalding Trust and the Union for the Study of the Great

That's French for "the ancient system," as in the ancient system of feudal privileges and the exercise of autocratic power over the peasants. The ancien regime never goes away, like vampires and dinosaur bones they are always hidden in the earth, exercising a mysterious influence. It is not paranoia to believe that the elites scheme against the common man. Inform yourself about their schemes here.

Re: The Spalding Trust and the Union for the Study of the Gr

Postby admin » Fri Jun 28, 2019 2:50 am

Select Bibliography

Arberry, Arthur J., 1969, (General Editor), Religion in the Middle East (2 volumes), Cambridge University Press.

Dillistone, F. W., 1975, Charles Raven: Naturalist, Historian, Theologian, Hodder & Stoughton, London.

Gopal, Sarvepalli, 1992, Radhakrishnan: A Biography, Oxford University Paperbacks, Delhi Henderson, K. D. D.

--, 1953, The Making of the Modem Sudan: the Life and Letters of Sir Douglas Newbold, Faber & Faber.

--, 1965, Sudan Republic, Nations of the Modern World, Ernest Benn Limited.

--, 1976, 'Francis Younghusband and the Mysticism of Shared Endeavour', the Inaugural Younghusband Memorial Lecture (11 May) World Congress of Faiths, London.

--, 1977, 'Is Religion Necessary", in Occasional Papers 1976-1986, edited by Edward Hulmes, Farmington Institute for Christian Studies, Oxford, pp. 11-15.

--, 1987, Set Under Authority: Being A Portrait of the British District Officer in the Sudan under the Anglo-Egyptian Condominium, 1989-1955, Castle Cary Press, Somerset.

Lago, Mary, 2001, 'India's Prisoner:' A Biography of Edward John Thompson (1886-1946), University of Missouri Press.

Livingstone, Richard

--, 1943, Education for a World Adrift, Cambridge University Press.

--, 1943, The Future in Education, Cambridge University Press.

Matilal, Bimal K., 1977, The Logical Illumination of Indian Mysticism', An Inaugural Lecture delivered before the University of Oxford on 5 May 1977, Clarendon Press, Oxford.

Radhakrishnan, Sarvepalli, 1952-53, History of Philosophy Eastern and Western (ed.), George Allen & Unwin, London.

--, 1961, The Hindu View of Life, George Allen & Unwin, London.

Spalding, H. N.

--, 1939, Civilization in East and West: An Introduction to the Study of Human Progress, Oxford University Press.

--, 1950, A Poem of Praise, Basil Blackwell, Oxford.

--, 1952, In Praise of Life, Basil Blackwell, Oxford.

--, 1958, The Divine Universe, or The Many and the One: A Study of Religions and Religion, Basil Blackwell, Oxford

Spalding, K. J.,

--, 1922, Desire and Reason: Being an Account of the Origin and Development of Intellectual Principles, Kegan Paul, Trench, Trubner & Co., Ltd.

--, 1947, Three Chinese Thinkers, International Series of Chinese Studies, Nanking, China.

--, 1962 Some Letters to H on Philosophy, unpublished typescript, found in his papers after his death. Fifty copies were reproduced with a grant from the Spalding Trust.

Zaehner, R. C.

--, 1953, 'Foolishness to the Greeks', an Inaugural Lecture delivered before the University of Oxford on 2 November 1953, published at the Clarendon Press, Oxford.

--, 1957, Mysticism Sacred and Profane: an Inquiry into some Varieties of Praeternaturalism, Oxford University Press.

--, 1962, Hinduism, Oxford University Press.

--, 1963, The Convergent Spirit: Towards a Dialectics of Religion, Routledge & Kegan Paul, London.

--, 1970, Concordant Discord: the Interdependence of Faiths (the Gifford Lectures, 1967-69), Oxford, at the Clarendon Press.

--, 1974, Our Savage God, Collins, London.
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Re: The Spalding Trust and the Union for the Study of the Gr

Postby admin » Fri Jun 28, 2019 3:32 am


(Numbers in italic type refer to illustrations in the book)

(Numbers in italic type refer to illustrations in the book)
Advisership in Eastern Art 84
Advisory Council and Founding Members
of the Union (USGR) 198
African Religion 23
agnosticism 26-8, 48
alienation (Entfremdung) 24-5
All Souls College, Oxford, 111, 112, 116, 117,
118, 125
Alnwick Collection of Egyptian and
Mesopotamian antiquities, University of
Durham 87
applications to the Trust 184-6
Arberry, Professor A. J. 73, 177
Area Committees of the Union for the
Study of the Great Religions 47, 153-4,
Arnold, Matthew 12, 27, 48, 49, 90
Ashmolean Museum, Oxford 76, 80, 136
'Asia House' 109, 131-3
'Asia House', HN's plans for 128, I29, 135-6
atheism 20-1, 26
Atkinson, Mrs Ethel 144
Atkinson, Margery Grant see Henderson
Attlee, the Rt Hon. Clement 133
Australia 13, 86, 139, 143, 144, 157-8

Bagi, Sheikh Abdel Muhammad al Bahr
Bake, Dr A. 86
Bampton Lectures, Oxford 60
Barnard, Miss Alison 160
Beckingham, Professor C. F. 178
Behr-Sigel, Elizabeth 163
'Bell Cliff, Lyme Regis frontispiece, 101
Bell, the Rt Revd George 123, 148
Bell, the Revd Dr Richard 179
Bell's Commentary on the Quran 179-80
Bible 12, 45, 141
Bickersteth, E.J. 167
Bishop, the Revd Eric F. F. 143, 171
Blacker, Dr Carmen 56, 65, 201
Booklists of the Union for the Study of
the Great Religions 162, 167
Bosworth, Professor C. E. 179, 187, 199
Brandon, Professor S. G. F. 31, 35
Brasenose College, Oxford 6, 39, 72, 78, 84
Buber, Martin 45, 164
Buddha, the 23, 56, 57, 1O8
Buddhism 8, 21, 56
Buridan's Ass 127
Butler, the Rt Hon. R. A. 61-2

Calcutta, University of 125
Cambridge, University of 37, 118, 125, 140,
Cathedral of St John the Divine, New
York City 161
Catholic Church 28, 163
Catholicate College, Pathanamthitta,
Travancore 67
Catholicism 117, 119, 150, 163, 195
Cayford, Ebenezer 14, 73-5
Cayford, Miss Nellie Maud Emma 2, 14,
21, 73-5
cenobalian 42
Central Office of Information, London 137
Centre for Psychological and Spiritual
Studies 160
Center for the Study of World Religions,
Harvard University 50, 86, 117
Chakravarty, Dr 86
Chardin, Pierre Teilhard de, SJ 163
Charities Official Investment Fund (COIF)
Charles Strong Memorial Trust, Australia
Chinese religions 52, 53, 56
Christ, the 24, 39, 53, 57
Christianity 9, 10, 19, 23, 50, 185-6
Christology 24, 106-7
Church of England 41-3
Clare Hall, Cambridge, Spalding Research
Fellowship 181-2
Clark, Lord Kenneth 80
Committee for the Promotion of Indian
Culture 128
Communism 53, 54, 55, 150
Comparative Religion 8, 13, 31, 57, 60,
120-1, 128, 130, 157, 162
Comparative Theology 86
Co-ordinating Committee of the Union for
the Study of the Great Religions 197
Copake Falls, New York 92-4
Crawley Down 73
Creweian Oration, Oxford 83
criteria and priorities for assessing
applications to the Spalding Trust 183-6

'Dames' Delight', Oxford 82
Darfur Province, the Western Sudan 8, 142
Dawson, Miss Lydia 76
'Death of God' 19-20
Dennison, Harry L. 200.
Directions to Spalding Trustees 190-6
Dobson, Professor W. A. C. H. 128
Dopping, Miss Joan 162
doubt 47, 108-9
Doyle, Sir Arthur Conan 139
D'Oyle Carte Opera Company 144
Druitt, Charlotte 143
Dummett, Professor Sir Michael 116, 135
Durham, University of 15, 86-8, 146

Eastbourne College 71
Eastern Christianity 163
Eastern Orthodox Culture 99-100
'ecumania' 164
ecumenism 163, 185
Edinburgh, University of 139
Education Act of 1944 (the Butler Act) 61-2
education in schools 59-63
Edwardian England 46, 85
Emerson, Ralph Waldo 47
Emerton, the Revd Professor J. A. 187, 199
Encaenia, Oxford 83
Enlightenment, the 20, 45
epistemology 20--1
Ethical and Religious Classics series (Allen &
Unwin) 65, 177-8
Eton College 82
evangelical atheism 108
existential dread 45
extra ecclesiam non est salus 24

financing the work of the Spalding Trust
183-4, 193-4
Fisher, Dr Humphrey J. 187, 199
fundamentalism 186

Gandhi, Mahatma Mohandas Karamchand
57, 109
Ganeri, Dr Jonardon 182
Gillet, the Very Revd Archimandrite Lev
151, 162-4, 172
Glenalmond School, Perthshire 41, 139, 167
Goldman, Professor Robert 180
Gordis, Rabbi Robert 161
Gosling, Dr David L. 182
grant-making policy of the Spalding Trust
Gray, Thomas 1, 6
Greats (Oxford's School of Classical
Studies) 12, 71, 167

Hardy, Thomas 28, 34, 48
Harvard University 86, 107, 125
Henderson, David 6, 138, 139
Henderson, Dr George Gilfillan 138-9
Henderson, K. D. D. ('Bill') xi, 7, 9, 11, 12,
13, 30, 41-3, 46, 137-72, 142-3, 147, 148,
156, 173, 175-6, 197, 199, 200
Henderson, Mrs Margery Grant (nee
Arkinson) 144, 147, 168-9
Henley regatta 39, 40, 72
Hesse, Hermann v, 188
Hibbert Lectures, Oxford 100-1, 111
Hick, Professor John 45
Hill, Professor Richard 146
Hilliard, Professor F. H. 151, 189, 199
Hinduism 8, 21, 56, 57, 123, 126
Hinnells, Professor John R. 160
Hider, Adolf 55, 89, 106
Hitlerism 19, 106
Hocking, Professor W. E. 50, 51, 107-8
Hollister, Mrs Judith ('Juliet') Dickerman
Holmes, Sherlock 139
Holy Russia 52-6
Holy Spirit, the 42, 43
'home and away rule' 185-6
honorary degree of DCL (Durham) for
H. N. Spalding 15, 87-8
Hulmes, Professor E. D. A. 5, 86, 187, 199
human condition, the 36, 51, 104
Huntsland, Crawley Down 73, 74
Huxley, Aldous 123, 126
Huxley, Sir Julian 28-30
Huxley, Thomas 26, 48

Ibadan (Nigeria), University College 86
impercipience 24, 28, 34
India 17, 22, 30, 111, 139, 155, 166
Indian Institute at Oxford 110
'India's Prisoner' (E. J. Thompson) 109
Indirect Rule in British colonial territories
'Inklings, the' 89
inter-faith dialogue 24, 44, 45
inter-faith services of worship 153
International Association for the Study of
the History of Religions 120--1, 123, 160
Internet, the 184
inter-religious dialogue 24
intra-religious dialogue 24, 185-6
Isaacs, Sir Rufus see Reading, 1st Marquess
Islam 58, 108, 165, 176

James, William 30, 44
Jesus 10, 19, 21, 24, 57, 104-5
Johnson, Dr Raynor 144, 158
Judaism 9, 24

Khartoum 8, 11, 47, 141
Kierkegaard, Soren 45
King James version of the Bible 12, 45, 141
Kipling, Rudyard 17
Knox-Shaw, Dr Tom 112
Koran see Qur'an al-
Kornicki, Mrs Catherine O. 200-1
Kosho Ohtani, Lord Abbot 161

Lago, Professor Mary xi, 134
Lake Success, New York 142
Lancaster, University of [19, 146
Law, William 48
League of Nations 78
League of Nations Union Executive
Committee 78, 99
Lennox House, Blackfriars, London 90
Lenox, Massachusetts, USA 90, 92
Leeson, Canon Spencer 59-60, 66
Lewis, Professor C. S. 89
Liberal Party 72
'Light from the East' 21-3, 55
links between the Spalding Trust, the
USGR, and other societies 160-1
Lipner, Dr J. J. 181, 187, 199
Livingstone, Sir Richard 65, 123, 132-3, 149
Loewe, Dr M. A. N. 181, 187, 199, 201
Luboff, Mark 99
Luboff, Mrs Mark (Susan, nee Spalding) 5
Lugard, Lord Frederick J. D. 47
Lyme Regis 77, 101

McDowell, Par and Joan 145
Magdalen College, Oxford 72, 83
Mahadevan, Professor T. A. P. 151, 166
Malevsky-Malevitch, Colonel 80, 90
Manchester College, Oxford 150
Manchester. University of 31, 35, 160, 179
Maritain, Jacques 148
Marx, Karl 24-5, 108
Marxist-Leninism 36
Massignon, Louis 164
Matilal, Professor B. K. 125-7, 180, 182, 199
Maugham, W. Somerset 17-18
'Mesopotamia' (Oxford) 82, 83
Modernism 28
Morgan, the Revd Professor Kenneth W.
Mother Teresa of Calcutta 161
Muller, Professor Friedrich Max- 22-3
Murty, Professor K. Sarchitananda 112-13,

Narishkin, Captain and Madame 76-7, 81
Nasr, Professor Seyyed Hossein 16,
Newbold, Sir Douglas 12, 169
New College, Oxford 37, 71, 78, 130
News Letters of the Union for the Study
of the Great Religions 12, 96, 146, 159,
New York City 186
Nicholson, Professor E. W. xiv
Nicholson, Professor R. A. 141
Nietzsche, Friedrich 19-20, 21, 22
Nigeria 47, 86, 139

'One is the Human Spirit' 161
'Orchard House', Steeple Langford 145-6,
Oriel College, Oxford xiv, 6, 65, 110, 134
'Oriental Greats' 131
Orthodox Church 53, 80
Orthodoxy in Russia 52-6, 103
Osborne, Dorothy 1, 6
Oxford 11, 37, 67, 78, 140-1
Oxford, University of 22, 77, 78, 85, 114

Padoux, Professor 180
Pakistan 157, 159
Panikkar, Sirdar 118
Park Town, Oxford ('number 42') 144, 146
Parliamentary elections 72
Parrinder, Professor E. G. 62, 151, 160
'Parson's Pleasure', Oxford 73, 81-3, 83, 95
Pembroke College, Oxford 100
phenomenological approach to religious
studies 44
'pilgrim of the Absolute' 163
Pilgrim Players, the 89
Prasad, Dr Ram 182
Presbyterian Church 69
Punjab, University of the 156, 158

Quran al- 58, 159

Radhakrishnan, Professor Sir Sarvepalli 37,
48, 65, 84, 90, 97, 111-13, 128, 150
Raven, the Revd Canon Charles E. 37, 94,
95, 123, 147, 149, 197
Ravi Shankar 161
Reading, 1st Marquess of 72
reductionism 44
Reformation, the 24
relativism 25-6
religious and cultural diversity 9, 23, 46,
47, 51
Religious Education in schools 8, 31, 60-3
Religious Studies 8, 31-2, 119-21
Religious Studies (journal) 178
Renaissance 30, 36, 44, 56, 106
Resurrection 30, 53, 65
Revelation 28
'Rhodes House for Asians' 131
Richardson, M. E. J. 179
Robinson College, Cambridge 2, 201
Rodgers, Mrs Tessa 200-1
Rosenthal, Dr E. I. J. 178
Ross, Sir W. D. 128, 133, 148
Roth, Dr Leon 155, 166
Rowntree, Benjamin Seebohm 73
'Russian Eurasianism' 80

sacred books 22, 44, 107
St Basil's House, Ladbroke Grove, London
St Hugh's College, Oxford 82
St Petersburg 81
Saivism 127
Sanderson, Professor Alexis G. J. S. 127
School of Oriental and African Studies
(SOAS), London 141, 160-1
science 25, 30, 46
scientism 25-6
Secretaries of the Spalding Trust 199-200
secularisation 25
secularism 25, 56, 104
Selboe Indic Collection, University of
Durham 87
Sen, Dr Prabal Kumar 180
September 11, 2001 186
Shap Working Party on World Religions
in Education 62-3, 160
Shelley, Percy Bysshe 101
shipping companies and trade 75
'Shotover Cleve', Oxford 5, 8, 37, 74, 79,
80, 126, 201
Siddharta Gautama 56, 57
Sidney Sussex College Boat Crew,
Cambridge, at Henley 39
Slater, Professor Robert 50, 117
Smart, Professor Ninian 62, 118, 119, 146,
Smith, Professor Wilfred Cantwell 44
Sobornost 172
Solzhenitsyn, Aleksandr Isayevich 54, 65,
103, 134
Somerville College, Oxford 76, 101
Somme, Bartle of the 77-8
South Parks Road (number 9), Oxford 8,
37, 68, 74, 81-2, 89
Soviet Union 80-1, 103
Spalding, Miss Anne Carterette 5, 174, 199
Spalding, Miss Anne Rebe Heather 76, 78,
80, 83, 89, 100
Spalding Chair of Eastern Religions and
Ethics, Oxford 84, 92, 109, 111-17, 122-5
Spalding, Dr Elizabeth de C. (nee Falle) 2,
4, 99, 187, 199
Spalding Mrs Ellen Rebe 33, 69, 98
Spalding, Dr H. N. frontispiece, v, 7, 9, I0,
13, 30, 36-66, 39, 40, 67-136, 188-9, 202
Spalding and Hodge 69-70
Spalding, Dr J. M. K. 2, 3, 71, 76, 81, 187,
Spalding, Dr K.J., 215-17, 33, 69, 78-9,
87-8, 147, 197, 199, 202
Spalding Lectureship in Eastern Orthodox
Culture, Oxford 55, 65, 99-100
Spalding Lectureship in Eastern Orthodox
Studies, Oxford 55, 65
Spalding Lectureships at the University of
Durham 15, 86-8
Spalding, Mrs Nellie Maud Emma (nee
Cayford) 2, 13-15, 41, 78, 87-8, 94, 137
Spalding Professorial Fellowship in
Comparative Theology, University of
Durham 86
Spalding Room, University of Durham 87-8
Spalding, Miss Ruth Jeanie Lucile 72, 76,
78, 80, 89
Spalding Trust policy 187-8, 190-6
Spalding Trust Postgraduate Scholarship 183
Spalding Trust Prizes 182-3
Spalding Trust(s) 32, 41, 77, 147, 173-89
Spalding Visiting Fellowship in
Comparative Religion at Clare Hall,
Cambridge 181-2
Spalding Visiting Fellowship in Indian
Philosophy and Religion at Wolfson
College, Oxford 134, 180-1
Speaight, Robert 42
spiritual malaise 36, 51, 102-3
'Spiritual Summit Conference', New York
City (1975) 161
Srimati Gayatri Devi 161
Stalinism 36
Stallybrass, W. T. S. ('Sonners') 78-80, 84,
Steeple Langford, Wiltshire 146, 167, 170
Stokes, the Revd Canon Anson Phelps 89,
90, 150
Sudan, the 8, 46, 141-2, 176
Sudan Archive, University of Durham 146
Sudan Political Service 8, 12, 140, [45, 167
Summerfields Preparatory School, Oxford
Switzerland 67, 71

Tagore, Rabindranath 17, 90
Temple of Understanding 161
terrorism 186
Thacker, Professor T. W. 15, 86, 146
'The Movement' see USGR
Theology 31, 107, 124, 130
Third Reich, the 19, 55, 89
Thompson, Dr Edward John 109-10, 134
Tolkien, Professor J. R. R. 89
Toronto, University of 125
Treasury Stocks 183-4
Trustees of the Spalding Trust 126, 187,
192-3, 199
truth 26, 57, 63, 78, 102

uncertainty 47
Unesco 149-50
Uniate Churches 164
USGR (Union for the Study of the Great
Religions) 1, 32, 37, 41, 47, 94, 144-5,
United Nations 161
unity in diversity 21, 55
universal religion 56, 57, 59, 104
universal human sickness 36, 51, 102-3
University College, Oxford 137, 139-41,
144-5, 167
Upanishads 22, 122
Upton Lectures, Oxford 111
USA 13, 84-5, 89-90, 92, 132, 186

Veale, Sir Douglas 15, 86
Victorian England 17-19, 46, 103

Waldheim, Dr Kurt 161
Waldorf Astoria Hotel, New York City 161
Ware, Bishop Kallistos 99-100
Warren, the Revd Dr M. A. C. 178, 189
Whitbread Prize 76
Wilson, the Rt Hon. Harold 145
Wine, Guy 128
Wodehouse, P. G. 11
Wolfson College, Oxford, Spalding
Research Fellowship 134, 180-1
Workers' Educational Association (WEA)
72, 98
World Congress of Faiths 122, 148, 159,
164, 168
World Council of Churches 164
World Religions in Education 60, 120-1
World Trade Centre, New York City,
attack on 186
World War One I, 30, 48, 55, 77, 163
World War Two 1, 77, 78, 91, 141
Worship 153
Wylye Valley, Wiltshire 145

Young, Mrs Daphne, secretary to
H. N. Spalding 95-6
Young, Dr Stuart 95, 101
Younghusband House, Norfolk Square,
London 162
Younghusband, Sir Francis 122, 148, 159

Zaehner, Professor R. C. 57, 65-6, 113, 114-
17, 126
Zernov, Dr N. M. 55, 67, 84, 98
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