The Intelligence Agents, by Timothy Leary, Ph.D.

That's French for "the ancient system," as in the ancient system of feudal privileges and the exercise of autocratic power over the peasants. The ancien regime never goes away, like vampires and dinosaur bones they are always hidden in the earth, exercising a mysterious influence. It is not paranoia to believe that the elites scheme against the common man. Inform yourself about their schemes here.

Re: The Intelligence Agents, by Timothy Leary, Ph.D.

Postby admin » Tue Mar 08, 2022 4:26 am

Reprinted from ROLLING STONES MAGAZINE, February 1984

Jane Wayne Tells All About Her Encounters with Higher Intelligence
by Andy Warhol

I fast. I just try to physically get rid of the fear residues that accompany these signals from outer space."

Jane Wayne, daughter of the Duke, looked out again at the surf curling over Santa Monica Beach and seemed transfixed. The waves were pushing nine feet high. Up in Malibu the residents had boarded up the front of their homes -- many of them reveling in the opportunity to have something to do. Jane says her image changes all correspond honestly to specific phases of her life.

"Isn't it cute," Jane bubbled, "how I've switched. Just to think, six years ago I was a radical leading the new war against the old war. And now I'm establishment, leading the old war against the new. Well, as long as there's a war to fight. Now that Tim and I oppose Jerry Brown I'll bet Bob Hope comes around to my side. Johnny Carson did."

Jane continued to gaze thoughtfully at the waves. She says she still dreams vividly about her U.F.O. contact. ''I'm in awe. I still remember the message so clearly:

"The ecological niche inhabited by a gene-pool stimulates specific survival skills. Where you live determines how you behave and how your gene-pool evolves.

"Remember when your marine ancestors crawled out of the water? The new ecological niche -- the shoreline -- obviously activated improved survival tactics involving new and more complex brain circuitry. Different shoreline environments stimulated different neuro- technological skills. Up on land, mobility and communications systems are obviously determined by the climatic and geological considerations of the pathways along which gene-pools evolve."

It was hard to concentrate on the words. Between Jane Wayne's voice and the crashing waves something kept sending me back. The All-American WASP voice. The pull is subliminal -- into old movies and dreams, her reflections becoming mine.

"I remember, word-for-word what the signal said," she sighed. "There was the blinding light and the sounds in my head.

"Just recently, as the importance of geography in shaping human behavior has become clearer, human ethologists have begun to study the effects of migration upon neural development. The location of the large land-masses clearly has an effect in the evolution of human technology.

"Asians back East manifest survival techniques (especially in social organization and in the amount of power allowed the individual), which are different from Europeans. North Americans are a different species in their behavior from South Americans. How come?

"Wegner's theories of continental drift are correct. In the beginning there was one landmass on the planet: Gonawanda. This one blob of extruded rock then started to split. Inertia from planet-spin, West to East, pulled the continents apart.

"Chart the emergence of civilization -- i.e., the emergence of increasingly complex technology and social-communication systems. It is obvious that different continents were activated at different times in history. Asia, then Europe, then America."


Gravity is the Cause of all Suffering.

Jane has recently taken to wearing her trendy costumes for the film she is about to start, and has decided that her new character -- a puritanical district attorney bent on destroying immorality -- should have hair that looked as if it had just been dyed. It was thus an appropriate shade of new blue -- Policewoman Blue. She smiled, "I'm your basic Sunday School enforcer, you know. Moral outrage is what matters, that's what makes people attractive. I learned that from my famous father. And from Tim, of course."

Jane feels that her encounter with the U.F.O. is a profound emotional experience. "Listen to this line from the script," she said, leaning forward intensely.

"The migration of human populations from Eastern to Western continents corresponds to the emergence of more evolved brain centers. Land-masses are literally platforms for emerging brain circuits.

"The migration of neuro-technology from continent to continent has closely paralleled the opening-up of new neural pathways. Establishment of population centers in Western areas has paralleled the emergency of high-more-frontal brain centers. The new migratory pathways, probing West, correspond to the direction of neural pathways up from the spinal column, to the mid-brain, to the limbic system, to the cortex, to the frontal cortex.

"The land masses of the planet earth serve as container-niches for newly emerging brain circuits. Geography from the evolutionary point of view, is literally topological neuro-anatomy."

One night a few weeks earlier, while millionaire Jane spoke to students at Queens College about the War Against Poverty, her Father Duke, Barbra Streisand, Anita Bryant, and some of the more powerful movie tycoons in the country, if not the world, were watching Jane's "new baby," a cathartic movie about Jane's Vietnam war that she's been working on for six years.

Coming Down is a film about a forgotten sensibility. Paraplegic sex. A highly wrought period-piece which, if it is a message film, is a state of the human message circa 1968. It opens during the first days after bedpans were invented, at a moment when men and women could still dream and when there were still raw nerves to hit.

Jane feels that even leaving out the wheelchair eroticism her new film is a profound emotional experience. Remember that scene when the Alien Intelligence, masquerading as a crippled war vet, raises up on his crutches and shouts:

"Your problem in understanding neurogeography is this: at the present time neurologicians do not have a clear picture of the centers-and- pathways of the human nervous system. As they become more precise in locating brain functions then the correspondence with ecological-niche-containers will be more precise. At this time we can simply sketch in the obvious similarities between geography and brain circuit."

This transmission, remember, is taking place in the "cripples-ward" of a Veterans Administration Hospital. Battered victims, wall-to-wall.

And now I'm establishment, leading the old war against the new.

One big Black paraplegic puts down his pool-cue and asks that ancient, sullen, poignant question. "How can geeks like us even hope to sketch in these similarities between geography and brain-circuit? Is there any hope in the Red Chinese?"

"Vietnamese," Jane replied with a brisk smile. "MacLaine was China. I'm Vietnam. But anyway the U.F.O. message came in English. Here are the details. "

1. The autonomic nervous system runs from China to the Middle-East.

The autonomic nervous system regulates involuntary action. This ancient brain includes the spinal cord, the medulla and pons which comprise the hindbrain; and the midbrain.

Historically we know that human civilization emerged in the Middle East around 4200 B.C. and for four thousand years was centered in cities stretching from China to the Middle East, flowing along trade-route-invasion pathways.

This region of the globe (like the spinal column) has always stressed involuntary behavior, discouraging and limiting individual-voluntary behavior.

2. The reptilian-mammalian nervous system (mid-brain) is located in the middle east.

The so-called reptile brain (R complex) is made up of circuits which surround the midbrain and according to MacLean and Sagan "plays an important role in aggressive behavior, territoriality, ritual and the establishment of social hierarchies." Also surrounding the midbrain is the limbic area which "appears to generate strong or particularly vivid emotions ... and the beginnings of altruistic behavior."

Historically we know that the area just west of (i.e., above) Asia emerged as Dominant-Civilization around 300 B.C. This Mid-East region is still the center of territorial disputes. jealousies, revenges and passionate conflict among neighbors and social hierarchies.

The posterior cortex is located in Africa-Europe.

At this point in our charting of neurogeography we consider two major fissurings of the global landmass. The Mediterranean Sea separates Africa from Europe. The Mediterranean corresponds to the longitudinal cerebral fissures -- known as the median sagittal groove -- which divides the cortex into the left and right brains. The left cortex mediates the right side of the body. Thus the left cortex is Europe and the right cortex is Africa. The two neuro-geographical hemispheres are linked at Gibraltar.

Moral outrage is what matters, that's what makes people attractive.

The second obvious fissuring of the global landmass is the separation of the forward parts of Africa and Europe -- which, floating across the enormous sulcus called the Atlantic Ocean, created two large lobes of land, neurotechnically quiescent but ready for future innervation. (Innervation means to supply a bodily part with nerves.)

The European right-hand mediates rational, logical, mathematical, linear, disciplined behavior. The African left-hand mediates intuitive, non-linear, patterned-rhythmic behavior.

The left cortex is involved in manufacture of artifacts. The right cortex is involved in neurosomatic behavior.

The left cortex is scientific. The right cortex is magic.

The left cortex is Europe; the right is Africa.

To understand more precisely the evolutionary stage of the European reality it is useful to contrast it with the next stage -- the prefrontal American Mutation.

4. North and South America are containers for the neo-cortex -- the emerging frontal lobes of the brain.

The frontal lobes of the cortex are the most recent additions to the neuro-anatomical structure. Embryologically we know that the old cortex has developed and split into hemispheres by the fourth month of pregnancy. But the overarching, forward pushing frontal lobes only emerge just before birth.

"Just before birth. That's us right now in California. Isn't that exciting!" said Jane.

By this time Jane was scrunched down in an old easy chair so that her chin rested on her chest. Her eyes were gone in some sort of adrenalin trance.

A big wood stove was beginning to warm up the bungalow which is comfortably cluttered with old furniture, cactus plants, toys and some old lamps. A few primitive paintings of Henry Wallace, Estes Kevaufer, Gene McCarthy, Ho Chi Minh, Alger Hiss, John L. Lewis, Jesse Unruh, and Sen. McGovern hung on the wall. Tim put on a Jackson Browne album and started to count ballots.

"Jane," I said, "you start a new movie in three days about the Scottsboro Seven. Aren't you going to pace the floor with a script in your hand and memorize lines?"

She started to laugh. "Movies aren't like that." Then within a logical, law-school soliloquy she attempted to demystify her profession.

"Gross points," she said simply.

I couldn't accept that. I tried to argue but she shrugged it off. I looked at Tim who was smiling at my disbelief. "It's weird. isn't it?" he said. He went back to reading Business Week.

Jane admits that she wanted to show she could he funny and pretty again. Now we're getting somewhere, I said to myself. This is why Jann Wenner sent me to Malibu. Confrontation journalism is not dead in the pages of Rolling Stones. Leaning forward intensely, I asked the $48,000 question: "Jane, exactly what functions are added when the frontal lobes are activated?"

Jane moved her arms above her bead and stretched. "That's exactly the question I asked Roger Vadim or was it Sagan. Well, no matter, I do recall the answer.

"For many decades the prevailing view of neuro-physiologists was that the frontal lobes. behind the forehead, are the sites of anticipation and planning for the future. But more recent work has shown that the situation is not so simple. A large number of cases of frontal lesions ... have been investigated by Hans-Lukas Teuber of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. He found that many frontal lobe lesions have almost no obvious effects on behavior; however, in severe pathology of the frontal lobes 'the patient is not altogether devoid of the capacity to anticipate a course of events, but cannot picture himself in relation to those events as a potential agent.'

"Here we have two items of neuro-geographic correspondence: 1. The newest lobe of the cortex apparently involves seeing oneself as 'a potential agent.' 2. The most recent ecological niche for the human species, the so-called 'New World,' was activated after 1492.

"To West America, i.e., the left-lobe-right-hand of the neuro-map, came floods of self-selected gene-pools. The basic characteristic of the American-consciousness is that it is 'future-oriented.' North America was settled by gene-pools self-selected for future reality fabrication, for self reliant independence. Old-World visitors have always been amazed at the American trust in progress, the optimism and sense of individual-identity.

"Neuro-geographical location determines the stage of neuro-evolution. If one could voyage around the brain one would find that where one was determined what was being done and thought. If you are in the mid-brain you expect everyone to be running around concerned with mid-brain functions: territoriality, Arab-Zionist mammalian competition. When you go to the Mid-East you expect people to be involved in mid-brain functions -- and they are.

"When you trip South to the African cortex you expect non-logical, intuitive, magical thinking. And that's the way it is. When you climb up to the left-frontal lobe you expect to find concern with the future. And that's what's happening in America."




So here is the up-to-date situation. Liberation of the body is now a Dom-Species convention. A sizable Pre-Dom elite is learning how to use their brains. This is neurogenetic progress. Self-actualization of body and brain are basic tools for creating Future Plan-Its. Post- errestrial futures can only be fabricated by women and men who have pride in their bodies, who understand how to use and direct their bodies precisely, and who can fuse their aesthetics in exquisite love linkages with others.

Nor can we move confidently into the future unless we are guided by women and men who understand that we can control and change our own realities by the responsible, self-actualized use of our brains.

I am going to stop now to give your minds and bodies a chance to stretch. Then we shall present a slide show to illustrate some options for future H.O.M.E. Plan-Its. Then I shall return and talk to you about the future. And, if you are willing, I would like to perform here in Tucson, Arizona, some mutational experiments.


I have arranged to have electromagnetic signals put on tape ...... designed to bring about irreversible changes in your brains. When the Mutation Time comes, those who don't want to be mutated can leave. Or you can put your hands over your ears.

When the Mutation Time comes, those who don't want to be mutated can leave.

Now I close the first broadcast with a rhetorical question: Has the DNA code labored (or played) for 2-1/2 billion years to produce as final product, you, the second post-Hiroshima generation, suntanned, languorous, post-political, sophisticated, laid back, affluent, polymorphous orgasm, self-actualized, sensory consumers? (Laughter and Applause)

I am glad you have arrived at this state of Intelligent self-control and Responsible self-expression, but I know that you want your evolution to continue. In the second stage of this program we shall learn how to S.M.I2.L.E. We shall consider three ideas which, ready or not, like it or not, will determine the future of every gene-pool on the planet.



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Re: The Intelligence Agents, by Timothy Leary, Ph.D.

Postby admin » Tue Mar 08, 2022 4:28 am




Reprinted from SAN FRANCISCO CHRONICLE, July 14 (Bastille Day)

Writers Petition Swiss To Give Asylum To Leary
by Donovan Bess

Twenty-five prominent writers yesterday filed a petition with the Swiss government asking that it give asylum to Timothy Leary as a "literary refugee persecuted for his thoughts and writings" by United States authorities.

The writers -- most of whom live in the Bay Area -- include Allen Ginsberg, Herbert Gold, Laura Huxley, Anais Nin, Lawrence Ferlinghetti, Robert Creeley, Alan Watts, Howard Becker, Kenneth Rexroth, Michael McClure and Ken Kesey.

The eight-page petition was delivered to the Swiss consulate here yesterday. Copies also were delivered to the U.S. Departments of Justice and State in Washington.

In New York City last night, playwright Arthur Miller and other literary leaders sent a cable to the Swiss Ministry of Justice in Zurich urging that Leary be given asylum "as an act of compassion. "

The 51-year-old proponent of marijuana and psychedelic drugs fled overseas after escaping from a California prison and is being held without charges in Switzerland awaiting extradition requested by the California Department of Corrections.

Early last year Leary was sentenced to prison after an Orange county jury found him guilty of possession of a half ounce of marijuana.

The writers' petition cites the fact that the judge in this case, Byron K. McMillan, denied bail to the onetime Harvard psychology professor after describing him as "an insidious and detrimental influence on society" and "a pleasure-seeking, irresponsible Madison Avenue advocate of the free use of LSD and marijuana.

The writers argued that Leary has been prosecuted for an underlying motive, "namely, essays and speeches on drug usage theory."

Government plans to put him back in prison, the petition argues, rise "merely from differences of opinion on public philosophy involving drug use, a scientific matter now being debated in professional circles."

"At stake in the case," says the petition, " ... is Dr. Leary's freedom to manifest his thoughts in the form of poems, psychological commentaries, dialogues, and essays of a literary nature ..."

The other persons who signed the petition were Ted Berrigan, Margo Patterson Doss, Dr. John Doss, Lewis MacAdams, Paul Krassner, Lenore Kandel, Diane di Prima, Philip Lamantia, Don Allen, Michael Aldrich, Jan Herman, Andrew Hoyem, Phillip Whalen and Gavin Arthur.

The cable to Zurich last night from New York was sent on behalf of the 100 American members of the International P.E.N. (Poets, Essayists, Novelists) Club. It was signed by the president of its American chapter, Thomas Fleming, by Miller, a former chapter president, and by David Dempsey, a member of the P.E.N. board.

"As American writers we are disturbed at the way Dr. Leary's writings have been cited as evidence in his trial," the cable said. It pleaded with the Swiss to give the psychologist the kind of sanctuary accorded in the past to various victims of persecution.

© Chronicle Publishing Co., 1978
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