The Intelligence Agents, by Timothy Leary, Ph.D.

That's French for "the ancient system," as in the ancient system of feudal privileges and the exercise of autocratic power over the peasants. The ancien regime never goes away, like vampires and dinosaur bones they are always hidden in the earth, exercising a mysterious influence. It is not paranoia to believe that the elites scheme against the common man. Inform yourself about their schemes here.

Re: The Intelligence Agents, by Timothy Leary, Ph.D.

Postby admin » Tue Mar 08, 2022 12:52 am

The Dirty Tricks of American Behaviorism
by Mary Leary Gorman

The Behaviorism, which co-opted earthling psychology after World War I, was a dramatic and partisan rejection of the previous generation of wide-guage thinkers who founded Scientific Psychology in the later years of the eighteenth century. A rejection of men like Wundt, Fechner and Tichener who defined the subject matter of psychology -- the rigorous study of the relationship between inner and outer geography, between consciousness and external stimulus-behavior.

Before World War I, psychologists operated in respectful collaboration with "subjects." The basic laboratory technique was "Introspective training" -- teaching people how to attend to, calibrate and describe the workings of their own body-brain. This charming laboratory by-product of 19th century Romantic Individualism was fiercely rejected by the Behaviorists who moved in after World War I and sternly defined psychology in terms of objective stimulus-response -- scornfully banishing to the shadowy realm of subjectivity any internal, personal reaction of the subject.*

And Oh boy, what a new toy for power-hungry hive-managers! Psychology! Conditioning! Mind control! From the first, Behaviorism was seen as the special province of the manipulators, the secret services, the bureaucrats, the espionage boys, the spies, the "dirty trick" operatives.

During World War II, the elite of American psychology worked with the Office of Special Services (OSS). (The OSS was, after the war, reorganized as the CIA). From their center near Washington, D.C., OSS psychologists developed the science of Personality Assessment. Candidates for espionage and "dirty trick" operations were not only administered batteries of tests but were assessed in complex, contrived, simulated psychodramatic situations. The classic example of OSS assessment involved the fake graduation party, which was played out as follows:

After several days of harassing assessment experiments (in which apparent co-equal colleagues and fellow candidates were actually planted psychologists, slyly playing disturbing and confusing roles) the candidates were invited to a party with staff members in which alcoholic drinks were served. The celebration party was, of course, part of the assessment. The candidates' reaction to the fake comradery was part of the selection process.

Easy-going trustful souls, given to cocktail fun, were transferred out to the Office of War Information. Distrustful, cagey, paranoid types were immediately screened-in as part of the Intelligence (sic) elite; in Pynchon's words, "... the New Chaps with their little green antennas out for the usable emanations of power, versed in American politics (knowing the difference between the New Dealers of OWI and the eastern and moneyed Republicans behind OSS), keeping brain-dossiers on latencies, weaknesses, tea-taking habits, errogenous zones of all, all who might someday be useful."

From these war-time roots grew the Post-war Psychology of Selection and Adjustment.


* Before 1914 psychologists were Protestant scholars and gentlemen who, in contrast to the academic bureaucrats of today, would never stoop to deceive or manipulate subjects. The ethos of the time is nicely illustrated by the comment of Henry Lewis Stimson, Secretary of War, 1911-1913 and again, believe it or not, 1940-1945, who tried to block the emergence of OSS-CIA elements by saying, "Gentlemen, never open other people's mail."




The truth of the Occidental Ascendance becomes comically clear when we move down and back East across the Atlantic Ocean. The Greenwich time zones are in centuries. If Boston is two hundred years before Los Angeles (no accident that the current Neurological Capital of the planet has been given the high-altitude title "City of the Angels"), then surely we see that London is four hundred years back and down.

If England is a comic opera what can we say about France?

What, in truth, can we expect from England? Elizabethan Style? Repetitious tradition? Culture? Only in the sense of a class structure -- which penalizes new genetic intelligence in favor of inherited privilege. Parent-child inheritance of bureaucratic advantage always drives the superior-futique genes into migration. This is not a political complaint, but a neuro-genetic I.D. test. The genetically active, whether descended from the sperm-ova of prince or pauper (every gene-pool contains its princes and paupers), always migrate West. Those who rely on power remain in the Eastern capital.

If England is a comic opera what can we say about France? Paris is a museum of dusty Louis XIV granduer. And what, in relevant charity for the past, can be said about the lessons that an intelligent terrestrial primate can learn today in Lisbon? Madrid? Rome? Athens? Cairo? Beirut? Jerusalem?

There is this to be said for N.A.T.O. nations. They are the most Western, i.e., the freest and smartest gene-pools of the Old Continent. Examine a map of the Euro-Asian land mass. Color in blue those countries which are democratic, which respect human rights, which out-law torture, which allow any cultural or individual experimentation. You will see that the blue countries cluster nervously at the Western borders of the huge, Euro-Asian hemisphere. Notice as you go East you find more government restrictions, more centralization, more contempt for the individual, more commitment to tradition and familial-dictatorship.

"Buffalo is an intelligence test you have failed."

To live in the East is to fail a genetic intelligence test. This winter I traveled from San Diego to Buffalo and told the shivering natives, "Buffalo is an intelligence test you have failed. So you have to stay here and repeat Buffalo 1A." (Laughter) Can there possibly be one intelligent person left in North Ireland? Uganda? (Laughter) Any Ugandan with more than eight billion neurons surely has swum a river or climbed a mountain to flee from that jungle of primitive barbarism.

And what can we say to those Americans who, via genetic back-spin, look East for something to do? The time has come to learn how to read the Occidental Altimeter. When you move East you crash-land in the past. Consider our liberal Potomac executives and congressional busybodies who continually ignore the wisdom of Washington's farewell advice not to meddle in the affairs of the Old World. Poor President Carter sends a senile envoy, Averell Harriman, to Cyprus to settle the quarrel between the Turks and the Greeks -- forgetting that Mid-Brain Mediterraneans have been fighting each other about mammalian territorial borders for 5,000 years! And here comes Secretary of State Vance attempting to mediate border disputes between the Palestinians and the Hebrews! How about that for a genetic laugh! And Nixon tilts in favor of Pakistan! And Kissinger intervenes Lon Nol in Cambodian politics thus assuming the karma for two million dead and creating the ultimate insectoid state-postwar Cambodia. Foreign policy is the game of mad monsters playing chess blindfolded with mammalian-gene-pools as pawns. Foreign policy is totally foreign to the American Myth. That's why accented Europeans like Kissinger and Brzezinski are selected to be Secretaries of State. It's a European game several centuries old.

Foreign policy is the game of mad monsters playing chess blindfolded ...

Here's your American Ecological Foreign Policy. The folks of the Old World inhabit pre-civilized, barbarian gene-pools. Europeans and Africans and Asians are our own animal origins still obsessed with territorial conflict. This is not said in disinterest. By all means send food and veterinary medicines to the Old World. By all means send the old gene-pools invitations that freedom, change, mobility and Intelligence Increase awaits in the West. But to meddle in European-African-Asian politics is an attempt to reconcile the ancient quarrel between rabbits and foxes. Shall Free Americans take sides in back yard competition between the red ants and the black ants of South Africa, or the ferocious-fanatics of the Middle East? Interestingly enough, the national, tribal folk of Africa say they just want to be left alone and have no loyal commitments to Soviet or Pentagon politicians. By all means let them alone.

your best friend!


don't leave home without it
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Re: The Intelligence Agents, by Timothy Leary, Ph.D.

Postby admin » Tue Mar 08, 2022 12:57 am


The Magical Mystery Tour of Switzerland
by Timothy Leri

Sergius Golowin, a Swiss historian and member of the Bernese Legislature, lives between the lungs at Interlaken. His arcane specialty is the magical, occult, Celtic thread of Swiss history. During my exile Sergius took me around to the sacred shrines of the Confederation. The Witches Meadow. The enchanted valley of Brother Nicolas. The charmed Celtic forest high in the Lycergic Alps. The cave of the Irish hermit above Interlaken.

Sergius, as though in a dream or trance, would escort me to a carefully selected site, read from a history book about the events which occurred there, strike a pose and have his picture taken with me. I later discovered that Golowin was re-enacting scenes from ancient paintings, re-living the visits of former philosophers -- re-making old Celtic Reality Movies. I got the strong impression that I could not leave Switzerland until I had traced the steps of the Celtic migrants who passed through the High Valleys on the voyage to the western lobes.

One day we drove in the yellow Porsche to Einsenin, south of Zurich, to visit the birthplace of paracelsus. We carved through pastoral beauty (hip Swiss in their boredom call their country the Green Hell), past meadows and tidy farms, into a small village where, amazingly, there rose a medieval cathedral, towering, expansive, fronted by a broad St. Peter's cobblestone plaza where three hundred thousand pilgrims used to assemble from all over Europe.

Inside was dark, heavy oppressive, high, solid like the cathedral of Sevilla. In the enormous mausoleum there were so few people walking like ants. Old women dressed in black. In the stone floor under the central dome was a circle, fifty feet wide, of mosaic designs. As journey-men, Intelligence Agents always looking for secret keys that open to higher levels, Sergius and I picked up Brotherhood of Masons vibes. Secret psychedelic cult-spoor.

The game is to look for the hidden message.

The game is to look for the hidden message. In the cathedral of Einsenin, once center of European Christianity, there is a large circle of the twelve astrological signs hidden by the pews. They are so large and scattered that only the time-traveler would notice. Astrology, with its evolutionary and caste implications, was one of the dangerous drugs of the Middle Ages. How did they get away with embossing pagan symbols in a Catholic Cathedral? Maybe the Zodiac was so suppressed that the local inquisition didn't know the details of the heresy.

We returned to the car and drove past neighboring convents and seminary dormitories out along a country road overlooking the lake, down a side road and across a bridge. Sergius is an impressive navigator, considering that he's directing time ships calibrated in centuries; but he does get vague in the fine tuning. He knew the house of Paracelsus was just beyond a bridge. He asked at the nearest farmhouse and came back with the information. Everything in sight had belonged to the family of Paracelsus.

We walked down a path to a high vantage spot and thought about the great alchemist who played here as a boy before wandering around Europe, teaching, studying, experimenting, getting arrested, deported from Basel, hiding from the Bernese police, seeking asylum in Prague (home of alchemists). He was the father of modern chemistry, modern medicine, and Jung claimed him as founder of dynamic psychology. He was basically an alchemist, dealing drugs which provided the illuminated vision, the philosopher's stone which, when swallowed, tuned you into the bio-physical network and focused your neurological microscope so you could identify the web of energy. Paracelsus was the wisest and most influential mind that Europe produced, but the chemical companies in Basel don't like to talk about him too much now because he was an illegal magician.

We drove back to the bridge and Sergius said "Stop" in front of the charred debris of a burned-down house. "This is the house that was built on the site of the house of paracelsus." We poked around the ruins. There were shards of melted glass in different colors. I stuck one in my pocket. The symbolism was asphyxiating. In front of the house, just on the other side of the bridge away from town was a metal sign. It read: PARACESUS. "The L. is missing," said Sergius. He nodded knowingly. In this, the tidiest country in the world, the birthplace of wisest product of Swiss gene-pools was a neglected shambles.

He's directing time ships calibrated in centuries.

"It's called 'Devil's Bridge," said Sergius. "The Bishop who controlled the town was in charge of all road construction. Now and then dissatisfied farmers would build bridges themselves. When the agents of the Bishop would come around asking who built the unauthorized bridge, they would say, "The devil built it.'"

My house on Zug Lake, where from the balcony I watched seven swans swim stately to be fed, was just below the hill where William Tell hid in wait for the tyrant Gessler, slew him with the extra arrow, and thus began the Swiss War for Independence. Twelve twenty-one was my phone number in the Villars Chalet. And the house on Zug Lake was in the exact center of Swiss space and time. When one moves free, Sci-Fi high above gravity pull, it's all mystic, mythic, connected overground comics.

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Re: The Intelligence Agents, by Timothy Leary, Ph.D.

Postby admin » Tue Mar 08, 2022 1:01 am

Letter from Brian Barritt in Amsterdam to Commodore Leri in Folsom Prison, Sept. 1973

Hello Tim:

Nice to know you're OK and reassuring to know that your nervous system is in your control and mind functioning with the same sizzle as always. Christ man, the three months I just finished in the Amsterdam jail were longer than the three years I did in England. Prison is a bore but it does get the extrasensory mechanisms moving. Helps to catch up with the reading too; I read all the English books in the library, murder, rape, robbery, all the things a good con should know. Even found a copy of Bucke's Cosmic Consciousness -- for long termers I guess.

The last few weeks I was the only English speaking guy in the place. The Silent One wandering through the prison structure like a spectre with the three dumb monkeys on my back Saying Nothing, Understanding Nothing, Contributing Nothing except a few words in pidgin Dutch and an occasional bleep of enthusiasm. They they let me out, steal my money and buy me a ticket on the first boat to England. In the detention cell at the Hook of Holland I meet her, Jane, seventeen years young and it's her first deportation, she's traveling back on the night boat, the same boat as meeeee!

Well like it's just cosmically planned baby, that's all.

I am showing her the constellations as we cruise beneath the occult moon before she tells me she is a boy! Total embarrassment, absolute disorientation! Just what a con needs on his first night out.

So many odd and funny things happened to me from when I was deported till I arrived back in Holland with a fresh passport 48 hours later. Even the fuzz goofed and paid me 50 pounds by mistake. Omens coming in thich and fast, Bonne Chance to rebirth.

BUSINESS SECTION: You asked about Michel Hauchard. I made no agreements, settlements, with him. We got photostats of the correspondence between the lawyers and our suit against him was coming together nicely when Hauchard split the country. I didn't have the bread to chase him around France. With a little help from Joanna I might have been able to do more but my letters asking for information were unanswered or the content ignored. When you were in Afghan I told Michel he could keep the quarter of a million from Bantam and no hassles from our side concerning the rights to your future works, if he got you out of custody or delayed your flight back to the States. Later when Sue was in Amsterdam I offered to drop the case against him if he sent her $5,000. Nothing was put in writing. He did not help in any way.

Incest seems a good idea. I believe it to be an evolutionary method for strengthening existing genetic combinations.

SOUNDS: David Bowie.

LITERATURE: Simone Vinkenoog translated Confessions of a Hope Fiend into Dutch. I am going to Switzerland -- soon as Davie Log has finished his holidays and is back in England for the new terms. To see what is happening to The Psychedelic Prayers, Carl Lazlo says the publisher still owes money to the printer and is having trouble with distribution -- as always. A photostat version of Neurologic has been done in German by Gruner Zweig. I'm glad to see the Germans are on to it.

PERSONAL: Met Elizabeth's father. Sargeant Pepper himself. All the guys of his generation have minds like the Encyclopaedia Britannica. So I'm sipping my sherry and trying not to look too sexy when it strikes me that this sprightly old rooster is ogling his daughter. He was so jealous, man I was amazed. I am sexually ignorant about father / daughter relationships but I can tell when a guy is aching to fuck my chick and Dr. Ellioo-Cooke is coming on with a heavy bedside manner. Liz thinks it's all a gas but I don't think he'll ever make her. Not with those classical sounds anyhow.

When I reflect on it, incest seems a good idea. I believe it to be an evolutionary method for strengthening existing genetic combinations. All the animals do it now and again to purify and reinforce herd characteristics. Inbreeding is a stabilizing force, a survival factor designed to balance out the evolutionary pressures that cause constant change in the species, but for God's sake don't tell anyone. How the incest taboo came about I've no idea, but it came early on when the earth needed populating and as much variation as possible was needed so that evolution could get moving, and I see no reason for this archaic pre-Cambrian attitude to continue.


THE CITY: Feeling very immortal lately with my lotus feet in high-heeled silver boots, ice cream coat (white satin drape) and thoughts going off like fireworks. But without each other to orient by, Elizabeth and myself would have difficulty in keeping our Circuit 6 Show free from the terrestrial realities whirlpooling around us.

Adam is a whirlpool of cults, scenes and shows. Magicians have been laying down these trips since '66 and disoriented time travelers come spiraling into the city and zap into some mind-web or other before they can get a psychological bearing.

Adam is a whirlpool of cults, scenes and shows.

Adam is like living an immense brain. Really, Tim, it's very moving to see how the Time Underground has nurtured this incredible being. The visions we saw in the early 60's are a living entity now. Sci0Fiction monsters that turned out to be friendly after all. Oh it's wearing patched jeans and it's broke most of the time, but in terms of human relationships it's the deepest and most profound model ever.

At present Adam has the highest mass consciousness on the planet. I doubt whether it will survive the leap from Circuit 5 to Circuit 6 and still head the evolutionary thrust, but at this moment, before the first neurological city is pinpointed, Adam acts as the model point of the earth's spiritual energy supply.*

Well, as you see we are in love with the city and the city is in love with us. We have not too much difficulty relating to the authorities in this setting, but one foot over the Dutch border in any direction and the pressure is full on against us. Your letter says, "It is very good not to be in an adversary position with the law." But Tim, it's the law that's in an adversary position to us. I can't remember ever having committed a crime by my DNA standards. I therefore figure I ain't committed any crimes. The closer I follow my nervous system (the Buzz) the more I am in tune with the evolutionary goal, it would be a crime if I did otherwise."

Adam is like living in an immense brain.

The "straight" world is amiable here. The Underground and hippies are often treated with respect. The Netherlanders are an easy-going race at heart, and since millions of guilders pour into the country via young cats who come to smoke the almost legal pot, the burly burghers of protestant Holland have a civic duty to respect their strange modes of dress and ultra-violet hair -- as long as they have bread.

But it is more than that, really. It's not just bread that motivates the Dutch amiability. They have respect for the intelligence of some non-conformists; they have seen many pleasant changes and Holland has a history as a refuge for the persecuted. The Pilgrim Fathers stayed here a while after being pressurized out of England. It has a lot in common with Switzerland as a harbor of safety as well. And on the other side of the coin Sergius Golowin tells me the Dutch hired the Swiss mercenaries to capture the East Indies for them.

Sometimes glimpses of the year 200 appear through chinks in the city's time stream, electromagnetic love-songs drifting through the streets, reflecting in the canals, twining fleur-de-lys round the spires of Baroque churches, the feeling of family, the strong warm glow of "home." Electric symbiosis. Comforting force fields of mutual respect.

NOTES: Mutation does not happen by accident, it happens to those who put themselves in the position and place where maximum possibilities for change can occur, after that it's just a matter of Bonne Chance.

HOW TO GET YOUR EGO BACK: Love thyself, and then find someone you like better.

Some things in the air. Since we received your letter we have had visitors from Swiss every week enquiring about you. Giger, Sergius, Carl Laslo, Brumbar and this week Kristoff from the Hesse-Haus in Corona. I think your time in prison is nearing an end.

Simone Vinkenoog suggests that I start a correspondence with you with the view of publishing later. If you think it's a good idea we'll do it, just let me know which questions to ask you.***


Brumbar is a first class artist. As soon as I get some slides I will send you them. I am very impressed by his work; there's softness, tenderness, strength and humor in them. They are healthy pictures. We neurologicians badly need a coherent symbol system. The "occultist" has a wealth of traditional symbols to call on. The eastern trip is alive with radiant images. The neurologician has nothing really beautiful to look at. There are too few Sci-Fi artists about. What is needed is contemporary illustrations, parables to the alchemical and eastern ones. I put some of Brumbar's pictures in the pages of Terra II and the book blossomed from an Underground production into a jewel-like scripture.

Love thyself, and then find someone you like better.

Imagery is very important right now. How about a mandala like the Buddhist Wheel of Becoming with the eight circuits illustrated so that the whole system can be taken in at once? Hedonic textbook? Cats are tripping out on Hindu and Buddhist symbols when they should be building up memory archives based on contemporary and futique views of the scene.

Have you designed Tarot cards yet? If you have something in mind, flash me and I will ask Brumbar to do it. Posters are a quick way of telling people that a contemporary religion / philosophy exists. Everybody has been waiting for a neurological Tarot for ages and a science-fiction will become standard equipment for time travelers.

Our experimental tolerances have reached immense proportions. We are having difficulty finding enough stimuli to satisfy our habits. Really, we need freezing till 2000 and waking up when the earth's intensity ratio has risen a few points.**** However, as Terra II gets nearer to the White Hole at the center of our galaxy and the stars are more numerous, we should meet and exchange information with other extra-terrestrials and the most sophisticated ecstasies of the Milky Way will be at our disposal. Unparalleled joys will streak and sizzle along our ganglia while Nirvana's and Satori's crackle and pop and awesome blue-white blasts murmur extra sensory obscenities to our souls. (Progress is measured here in terms of how much ecstasy can you take on the Pleasure Meters of Total Bliss.)

I make my entrance wearing my ice cream coat of vivid satin and silver high-heeled boots, Liz in amber and gold, red high-heels, smoking a phosphorescent cigarette.

We enter from opposite sides of the stage, meet in the middle, kiss, and merge into electrical life from flashing zig-zags of lightning. The lightning forks; we exchange bodies. I am Liz. She is me. The lightning slows to a pulsing golden glow as we divide into our two separate forms. We are looking at each other out of each others' eyes, we are the same entity and also two different entities at the same time. I take a draw on my cigarette. Brian blows a kiss to the audience, we exit together in a shower of stardust.

Bye Time
Bonne Chance



* A most intelligent comment. Barritt knows that a neurogenetic migration is in the air. Like a good Evolutionary Agent he inquires about the next ecological niche.

** A common complaint of futique mutants who cannot gear inner to outer. Who fail to realize that each stage must be externally mastered and used as launching pad. That each hive establishment must be re-assured.

*** Example of future-reality fabrication.

**** This is the highest point of Old Brain thinking. The New Brain response is: Brian, don't be so passive. Swim West and carpenter the future.



Date: February, 1972
Country: Imminsee on Lake Zug, Switzerland
Classification: TOP SECRET

(Report by Deep-Cover Agent 3-15.)

Alexis gracefully rose to his feet and began to pace the floor. The flickering light from the fire painted red shadow patches on his aquiline face.

"Okay," he said, "that's enough for the psychiatric spell. Now let me present you with the more serious neurological problem. I have come eight thousand kilometers to beg of you a boon. And in return I bring you a most valuable gift."

"I am at your service," said the Philosopher.

"I have fallen under a most agonizing curse."

"How was this neurological imprint imposed?"

"In India. I picked up your trail, first in the ghats and ganja shops of Calcutta. Then up to Benares. And then to Almora. It's your fault really. Your visit there has become a cultist legend. That's why I went there. In your footsteps. I found a house on swami ridge."

"Not the little cottage on Snow View which looks North to the Himalayas where I stayed with the beautiful Nordic sorceress?"

"No. Near by. But I know that cottage. I stayed in a house up beyond Snow View just before the footpath crosses the ridge."

"Just before the tea hut?"

"Yes. There are still many self-appointed holymen living along the ridge. Everyone who passes along the summit on the way to Lama Govinda's passes Snow View and feels your presence. Living ghosts make people nervous."

"Nervous is good," replied the Professor. "Nerve means courage and vitality."

"Living ghosts disturb because they remind people that the mysteries are still alive. It's a scandal that you are still running around this planet upsetting hive traditions. If you were trans-migrated according to custom it would be more comfortable for everyone. You could be dealt with, commercialized, marketed, re-discovered and fed into the Messiah Biography Machine. One wave of books could prove you a comic prophet. The next wave could demonstrate you were a shallow romantic vulgarizing the ancient gnosis. In the old linear age you would have been removed as soon as you produced a Shock. If you announce you are going to drive people out of their minds, and if you do activate them to ecstacy and terror and awe, it's the genetic duty of the Hive People to assassinate you. I find your living presence disturbing. Why do you hang around?"

"Come now Alexis," murmured the Philosopher. "You are getting carried away with old pre-Einsteinian myths. Since 1946 the Genetic Intelligence assignments have changed. Agents must now illustrate, publicly and flamboyantly, the process of rapid, continuous metamorphosis. Change Agents continually change. Have some more wine."
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Re: The Intelligence Agents, by Timothy Leary, Ph.D.

Postby admin » Tue Mar 08, 2022 1:08 am

Catalogue of the University of California, Spring

1978. GENETIC COUNSELING. Co-Sponsored by the Program for Women in Health Service, UC-San Francisco / In 1975 the Ad Hoc Committee on Genetic Counseling of the American Society of Human Genetics described genetic counseling as a "communication process which deals with the human problems associated with the occurrence, or the risk of occurrence, of a genetic disorder in the family."

00-160 - 10 hours. X428 health Sciences (1) / This one-day workshop is primarily for health professionals who want to learn how to do genetic counseling or who want to strengthen their skills in this field.

Pathology Always Precedes Potential
Julien Offray de la Mettrie

"The human body is a watch, a large watch constructed with ... skill and ingenuity." le Mettrie

This description of a new college course in Genetics, taught in a prestigious Sun Belt University, is a very valuable neurogenetic clue. It is the kind of evidence (easily overlooked by hive observers) which Evolutionary Agents seek. It reveals much about the Neurogenetic Stage of the hive culture -- and of the planet.

Genetic Counseling always appears one generation after Personality Counseling. When an advanced, post-political culture offers courses in "Job Counseling," "Personality Counseling" or "Marital Counseling," the I-2 Agent knows that a move towards Self-Actualization is occurring; that a free-mobile-individually oriented society has emerged. (Note that the Soviet Union was not offering courses in Personality Improvement in 1978.) Extension courses in the Snow Belt cities were just beginning to catch on to the Self-Actualization movement which had originated -- where all individual freedoms start -- on the Western Frontier.

The term Genetic Counseling indicates that a 7th Circuit Stage 19 Consciousness is dawning. The emphasis is on genetic disorder, not upon genetic endowment, but this is to be expected. A new technology always appeals to hive-security first -- as a way of dealing with danger. Awareness of genetic disorder always precedes awareness of genetic excellence. Just as psychiatry always precedes self-actualized psychology. Pathology always precedes Potential. When the experts in a hive begin treating "broken-down personalities" they have recognized the existence of "personality." And the next step is for healthy individuals to start taking charge of their own "selfs."

On nursery planets the military (warrior-caste) is responsible for developing new technologies for faster mobility and communication. The citizens in the Western Frontier then co-opt the technology for their own self-actualization.

So it was with Genetic Intelligence.

The first step is discovering that genetic causes exist for human problems. This is a big breakthrough -- resisted, of course, by Stage 12 Socialist Demo-poll cultures. Genetic determination focuses on gene-pool statistics and caste-differentiation, thus minimizing the importance of hive managers. Stage 12 Socialist-Welfare cultures insist that the collective super-hive (the state) is responsible for everything.

Once humans begin to face the fact that genes determine the varied destiny of their different children, then they are ready to see that genes determine their own caste. Next comes the catastrophic discovery that each gene-pool is a time-hive, a genetic molecule, made up of many elements called castes. The whole game is genetic robotry.

Within ten years after Genetic Counseling Courses start studying Genetic Problems we can expect courses in Genetic Potentials and Self-Selected Breeding. These courses will emerge on the Western Frontier. (There is no chance that China or the Soviet Union will offer courses on genetic elites.) The definition of Genetic counseling then changes from an emphasis on pathology to one of excellence and growth.

By 1985 the definition of Genetic Counseling will read like this: a communication process which deals with the human potentials associated with the occurrence, or the possibility of occurrence, of a genetic advance in the gene-pool. In 1978 the Dom-Species on the Sunset Strip was moving from Stage 12 Social-Sacrifice to Stage 13 Self-Consumerism. The Pre-Dom ideas emerging on the volatile Western Frontier were:

Pre-Dom1 (Stage 14)
Bodily Intelligence Self-Actualization
"My Body is my Time Ship"

Pre-Dom2 (Stage 15)
Voluntary Civilian Space Migration
"We Are Not Terrestrials"

Pre-Dom3 (Stage 16)
Brain Reality Consumerism
"I Can Select My Own Reality"

Pre-Dom4 (Stage 17)
Brain Reality Self-Actualism
"I Can Create My Own Reality"

Pre-Dom5 (Stage 18)
Brain Reality Fusion
"We Can Fabricate an External Reality"

Pre-Dom6 (Stage 19)
Genetic Consumerism
"I Can Select My Own Genetic Reality"

It is the function of terrestrial Dom-Species to place under Hive-Taboo all notions of the future. The ideas of Bodily-Sensory-Hedonic Consumerism -- fiercely taboo in Stage 11 and 12 societies -- had actually crumbled on the Western Frontier by 1978.

The PreDom1 Taboo against Bodily Self-Actualization was also crumbling in the Sun Belt -- as exemplified by the legalization of marijuana, the classic tool of one who wishes to control one's own hedonic reality.

The Pre-Dom2 Taboo of 1978 condemned Civilian Space Migration. In January 1978 the Director of N.A.S.A., one Dr. Fosch, testified in Congress that Civilian Space Migration was a "pre-adolescent" idea. He was precisely correct. If pre-adolescence is defined as age 11, then a pre-adolescent idea will become a young-voter idea in seven years and will be legalized in California in ten years.

There are two sets of Taboos which are imposed by the Dom-Species to maintain its equilibrium and Hive-Solidarity: X_Dom Taboos condemn the past and Pre-Dom Taboos condemn the future.

The whole game is genetic robotry.

The Dom-Species is held together by its opposition to the proximal past and future stages.

As examples of X-Dom Taboos we note the shames attached to Cannibalism, illegal personal violence, violation of property, personal dishonesty, rape. The Ten Commandments are a valuable index of the Neurogenetic Stage of the time: Thou shalt honor thy parents; Thou shalt not steal, kill, lie, sexually trespass, or violate territory within the hive; Thou shalt adore the Hive-totem and not worship past pagan Gods or Future Gods.

Social Welfare countries (Stage 12) place under taboo all forms of individuality -- both past and future.

Stage 11 Societies (Democratic-bourgeois) place under taboo Feudal Elitism (10) and State Power (12) and post-familial individuality (13).

The Pre-Dom3 Taboo in 1978 condemned any intervention into Brain Control -- either by others or self. Thus the revulsion against C.I.A. Brain Experiments using drugs or bio-electrical means.

The Pre-Dom4 Taboo against Self-Directed Brain Change was even more rigid. While there was some liberal hand-wringing about C.I.A. experiments with LSD there was stark terror at the thought of Self-Appointed Individuals using psychedelic drugs to change their own Realities.

The Pre-Dom5 Taboo against Intentional Communes of Individuals linking to create new Realities was very pervasive in 1978. Every attempt to construct such communities was routinely snuffed.

The Pre-Dom6 Taboo against Genetic Consumerism surfaced for the first time in 1975-78 when citizens became morally outraged by Genetic Engineering and cloning.*

The "monsters," of course, are us in the future.

The flap over Recombinant DNA Research, Life Extension and cloning was a wonderful sign that Neurogenetic Consciousness was emerging. Nothing can happen in evolution until the Dom-Species gets upset and worried. When the red-neck politicians and the liberal agitators moralize about "monsters escaping from the laboratory and being unleashed on the unsuspecting public," the Out-Caste Intelligence operative perks up interest. The "monsters," of course, are us in the future.

The basic tactic used by Evolutionary Agents to reassure the Dom-Species about Future-phobias is to point out that allowing the next mutation to occur is the best way to avoid past terrors. To convince the Doms that past-terrors are worse than future fears. Thus the Stage 11 Capitalist had to realize that some Social-Welfarism was the only way to avoid a return to Stage 10 barbarian-dictatorships. The Communist Stage 10 dictators realized that some individual consumerism is the only way to avoid a return to tribal anarchy.

The task of the evolutionary agent is always to encourage migration.

In 1978 it was the assignment of Evolutionary Agents to demonstrate that Civilian Voluntary Space Migration was the only way to deal with the tensions of nationalism, tribalism and Self-Actualization. Anita Bryant comes to see that the only way to keep homosexuals away from her children is to allow Gay Societies in Post-terrestrial Plan-Its. Racists of all colors realize that the only way to preserve Discrimination and Racial Pride is in High Orbital Mini Earths (H.O.M.E.s).

By 1978 it was becoming obvious that the only solution to Hive Terrors, both past and future, was Migration to Space Plan-Its. The past always migrates behind the future. Today's future taboo is tomorrow's dogma.

Liberals, in 1978, were alarmed that nuclear energy, brain-changing drugs, radiation-control of brains, genetic engineering might fall into the hands of Barbarian Territorial Dictators. Note that cloning, the key migratory technique for a post-terrestrial species, is first discussed in fearful terms of Hitler-like revivals. The hive custodians frighten the people with mad scientist Nazi-devil rumors and thus conceal the possibility that you can clone yourself and friends. The same taboo-terror was projected on post-terrestrial intelligence. The Martians were coming to eat us, and not to enlighten or entertain us.

The Martians were coming to eat us, and not to enlighten or entertain us.

Such natural hive fears can be assuaged by the realization that nuclear energy, brain-changing drugs (LSD), cloning, and genetic research can only be safely employed in frontier, experimental communities -- which can be found only in High Orbital Mini Earths.

The first sign of Neurogenetic Consciousness, as evidenced by this University of California course on Genetic Counseling, could only have appeared in a community which was into Self-Actualization and in a state where the governor, Jerry Brown, had become a Space Plan-It enthusiast.


* The emergence of a new taboo is always sign for evolutionary rejoicing. Today's new Taboo is tomorrow's advance. Agents who create new crimes are automatically promoted to the Out-Caste-Hall of Fame. Examples of new crimes are: automotive speeding, bootleg radio broadcasting, psychedelic drug manufacturing, nuclear research, computer larceny, leaving a country without an exit visa, DNA research, cloning.



Migration is Self-Actualization

Genetic Archives Bumper Sticker from 1493 (also used in 1978)




To say that Old World natives inhabit primitive ecological niches, is not to be chauvinistic. I descend from Irish stock. I look at Erin with an affectionate "roots" perspective and must admit that every intelligent Irishman and Irishwoman has long since migrated West! "Across the water." Can you believe that today in Belfast, Catholic kids are raised to murderously hate Protestants -- and Protestants teach their youngsters to genocidally despise Papists. That's at least four hundred years in the past! And, at the current accelerated rate of evolution, Californians are as far removed from the Reformation Wars as Luther was from the Neanderthal.

Californians are as far removed from the Reformation Wars as Luther was from the Neanderthal.

To say that Europeans are feudal-insectoid, that Africans are tribal-primates, that Japanese are techno-insectoid, is not to deny the ecological unity of all life on this planet. DNA wants the whales to survive, DNA wants the crafty Middle-Easterners to continue to quarrel over borders. And so do we! We can respect the ant-hill commitment of the Chinese to the Super-Insect Mao, and appreciate the technological skill of the web-spinning spidery-electronic Japanese. We can revere our mid-brain and spinal links to the Old World -- and at the same time we must recognize our genetic ascendance beyond our primate, mammalian, insectoid roots.

Arizona and California are states totally populated by migrants squeezed forward by Old World gene-pools. The smart Africans have left Africa and are in America. Futique Mexicans swam the river. The superior Jews landed at Ellis Island along with the genetically selected Germans -- all of our ancestors moving to the Sunset Strip in response to the genetic imperative.

Nor are these remarks demeaning to the Old World Old Brain residents. Migration still continues. This week several thousand Blacks, Orientals, Europeans left the Old Brain Hemispheres and carried their ovaries and testicles Westward. If any Old Brain citizen is insulted by these remarks, we repeat the affectionate invitation: if you are genetically selected to advance neurogenetic intelligence on this nursery planet you'll head for the Western Frontier tomorrow.

If you are geared to create the future gene-pools, move West to join us.

Come on up, you happy Arabs and you mellow Jews and you clever Africans and you alert Mexicans and you restless, freedom-loving Orientals. We need you up here with us on the frontal lobe of this primitive planet. We need your adventurous intelligence to join us in the next great migration. Westward High. Regardless of race, creed, color, national origin -- if you are geared to create the future gene-pools, move West to join us.




Date: February, 1972
Country: Imminsee on Lake Zug, Switzerland
Classification: TOP SECRET

(Conversation videotaped.)

"Almora," says Alexis intensely, "still trembles with the resonance-remains of vanished Out-Castes. Magicians, as they used to call them. Did you ever freak out there?"

"Of course," laughs the Professor, "I had several splendid cosmic frights. No wonder. Siva temples, Methodist Missionaries, weird sexual cults, the underlying Hindu-Moslem antagonism, and the ominous presence of Mao across the snow peaks. If you are erotically fused, Almora is one of the highest places in the world. Were you alone there?"

"Yes," signs the Prince. "Totally, abysmally alone."

"Tant pis. Tres dangeriuex," exclaims the Philosopher. "If you are alone, a restless, guru-seeking pilgrim or some such disconnected nonsense, Almora is a bore. People like Almora because it is a respectable bore."

Alexis springs to his feet shouting in pleasure. He strides across the room, leaning against the wall, begins an excited speech.

"Exactly. It's a small bore, low calibre, dull spiritual Eastern colony. That's how my trouble started. One night I found myself in the house of a group of people -- many of whom you know. Former students, former satellites, ex-traveling companions. An old lover, beautiful but subdued.

"Well, I hate followers, disciples, imitators. I spin out through empty space hungering for stars of equal magnitude. All right, let's face it. My snobbishness was offended by these middle-class people sitting around playing instruments that they can't play. I'm not that good, but I have sat in with the best groups in England and (let me speak frankly) I do own the best sound equipment in Europe. So here are these safe-and-sound people on scholarships talking Vedanta. I detest the ashram scene. YWCA tasteless. Someone starts passing acid around. I take some. Then in disdain and irritation I seized the box and dropped around ten pills."

"How reckless," says the Professor in alarm. "Scornful attitude is not the best space platform from which to launch an all-out voyage into time."

"Precisely. Imagine my dilemma. Almora is a spiritual Disneyland. I am now a mindless organism, a 20 billion neuron network flashing a 100 million signals a second. Moving at the speed of light. Naturally I tear off my artificial body covering."

"Naturally," agrees the Doctor.

"My brain can send messages to any of the busy little chemistry factories in my body. Pump-pump, I squirt adrenaline and ATP into my muscles. My strength has increased one hundred percent. My naked eyes see the lattice-fabric of reality. The energy is so great I literally glow. Everything is alive with electron-magnetism. And most horrible, I am surrounded by these living cores of life encapsulated in leathery robot bodies regarding me with distaste and fear. I am their worst nightmare come true. I am totally freaked out.

"Fantastic," smiled the Philosopher. "Priceless."

(End of tape.)
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Re: The Intelligence Agents, by Timothy Leary, Ph.D.

Postby admin » Tue Mar 08, 2022 1:12 am

Excerpt from Encyclopedia Galactica, 2078

Archives from the planet Sol-3 indicate that in the evolution of the Human Line thirteen new Dom-Species emerged in the 2-1/2 billion years after seeding. Only six times in the 10,000 years preceding the birth of Jack Leary did a paedomorphic rejection of Terminal Adulthood by the juveniles of the species occur.

This means that 13 times in 2-1/2 billion years one generation was called upon to assume the most difficult responsibility assigned to any individual nervous system. Active resistance to the monolithic pressure of adult domestication. A dramatic break with hive culture. Escape from the very gene-pool which gives continuity and safety to individuals. The role of genetic traitor.

Neoteny requires inconceivable strength. The species, at the peak of its strength and specialized survival skill, and crazed by the sense that it has peaked -- throws all of its resources against the youthful traitors. A genetic intelligence test results.

The species makes it extremely difficult to mutate and hurls its moral sanctions, its scorn, its police forces, its wily, canny old tricks at the mutating juveniles. It must make an attempt to check, test and challenge the upstart renegades.

If the paedomorph rebels have appeared too soon, or in the wrong place (i.e., not on the Western frontier) then they are easily crushed. The ideas are not going to make any headway east of la Brea -- too bad if they appear in Madrid or Athens or Jerusalem or Moscow. Only when the genetic hour has struck and only on the changeable Western rim can neoteny (rejection of Terminal Adulthood) succeed.

In the decade 1964-1974 a small handful, less than 100,000, juveniles performed the extraordinary genetic feat. Using the available electronic communication technology they formed a global network and sent out the signal. Drop Out.

The adult fury unleashed upon this small band of Evolutionary Agents was savage and brutal. The pressures were incalculable. The visible leaders were singled out for particular attack by the Adult Authority and the casualty rate was tragically high. Janis. Jimmy Hendrix. Jim Morrison. James Dean. Elvis Presley. Probably no juvenile agent was harassed more rigorously than young Jack Leary.

External pressure from the hive establishment was easier to deal with than the confusion caused by his own gene-pool connections. The young Evolutionary Agents, however brutal the treatment they received from the Hive Authorities, were linked together in an unspoken peer-network. They were all together in rejecting Adult Authority. In spite of the scorn heaped on "hippies" they all shared a moral superiority to their parents.

Jack Leary's parent-hive was one of the central headquarters in the Genetic War Against Terminal Adulthood. How can you reject a gene-pool which is committed to change and doesn't offer the solidity of the traditional parent-hive? In recognition and honor of these feats of Relativistic Neurology, the Solar System Council, in the year 2049, instituted the Jack Leary Prize for Genetic Heroism.

Evolutionary Agent Jack Leary became a Genetic Warrior Hero because of the unique time and place of his birth. He entered the warrior caste of his Temporal Development (Stage 10, Adolescence) exactly at the outbreak of the Great Generation War (1964-74). He was brought up in the Headquarters of the Evolutionary Expedition to Planet Earth and was thus, like the young Marcus Aurelius, weaned on smoke and shot -- exposed at this formative period to the rigors of genetic conflict. His role as Elite Evolutionary Warrior was thus crystallized in space and in time.

By the age of 11 he participated in the Battle of Cambridge where he served as aide-de-camp to Aldous Huxley. At age 12 he served as front-line messenger to General William Burroughs in the First Battle of Newton Center. He flew several Cessna Turn-On Missions with the Harvard Air Force.

At age 13 Jack Leary was assigned to a re-enforcement squad which traveled by Land Rover to Mexico and was busted on suspicion by Adult Federales in Acapulco. He later escaped with his companions to Zihuatanejo in 1962.

At age 14 he was expelled with the Harvard Expedition from Mexico. During the Valley forge summer of 1963 he also participated in the retreats and expulsions from the islands of Dominica and Antigua. In all these engagements Jack Leary's courage and unfailing high spirits were much commended.

In spite of the scorn heaped on "hippies" they all shared a moral superiority to their parents.

In the same year he was a member of the first party to explore, and then colonize, the Planetary Base at Millbrook, New York (Sept. 1963). He subsequently participated in all 64 of the B-Movie Realities produced there.

At age 15 Jack Leary was seized for ransom for the second time by the Counter-Intelligence forces in Laredo, Texas (Dec. 1965).

During the years 1966-67, when the Police State Troopers of G. Gordon Liddy held the Millbrook Castle under seige, Jack was on continual scout duty. His heroic deeds, his arrogant princely bearing, his long jet-black hair became the symbols of the young juveniles. The Forces of Terminal Adulthood made him a special target for their anguished fury. Sheriff Quinlan captured young Jack during one raid and personally supervised the shearing of his ebony hair. Quinlan ambushed and captured Jack for ransom eleven times during this period. (In 1978 Sheriff Quinlan was himself indicted and arrested for selling and stealing guns. G. Gordon Liddy later served over four years in Federal prisons for a series of burglaries and contempt of court.)

By 1968 the realization was dawning that the Generation War was actually mutational in scope. By this time the Harvard-Millbrook Evolutionary Task Force had openly raised the Spectre of paedomorphia.

Stations WDNA and KRNA were broadcasting the message: DROP OUT! Juveniles throughout the planet were being instructed to avoid adulthood, to "do your own thing," to create your own reality.

Long-hair and blue-jeans, dope and rock-and-roll became the crude symbols of this mutation. Adult establishment throughout the world immediately understood the significance of these new species manifestations. A global repression came down on adolescents who exhibited these clear signs of neoteny, i.e., species treachery.

The position of Jack Leary was infinitely complicated by the paradoxical fact that his father became the spokesperson for the paedomorphia which swept the globe. Dr. Timothy Leary, during these years, was comparing the youth revolt to:

• Calcium ingestion by young amoeba who rejected the unicellular state and developed into mobile-boney forms
• Oxygen sniffing by larval fish who moved to the amphibian state
• Mao ingestion by young amphibians who became fast-moving animals
• Tree climbing by young lemurs who were rejecting the four-footed mammalian state
• Weight rejection by juvenile dinosaurs who moved into the high-flying avian life.

In these broadcasts Leary reassured the Adult Authorities that rejection of Terminal Adulthood by the juveniles of a mutating species was a positive, loving step -- that the escaping children were charged by DNA with the task of carrying the best of the old species into the future. Wise and charitable adults would experience the greatest satisfaction in evolutionary history if they consciously participated in the evolutionary process. He reminded them that the function of juveniles migrating into the future was to send back to the Old Ones the perspectives and advantages (technological and neurological) of the new level of evolutionary intelligence.

The message crackled out from Millbrook -- Turn On with Your Parents. Share the unfolding future with them.

Meanwhile Jack Leary had become the arch-symbol of the paedomorphic escape. Every Counter-Intelligence Agent in the country was focused on the neurological objective: Crush Jack Leary. Between the ages of 16 and 19 Jack Leary was arrested nineteen times. In only one of these ambushes was he found in possession of neurogenetic chemicals. On eighteen occasions he was kidnapped and held in dungeons simply for being a visible juvenile, i.e., an unrepentant mutant.

When the Great Migration to California occurred in 1968 Jack again served as scout and advance guard. After the Christmas Ambush of Laguna Beach (Dec. 1968) Jack was hauled before an Inquisition Tribunal in Orange County, California (President-elect Nixon's home duchy). During his trial he refused to speak and was consistently reprimanded by the Judge for his unrepentant attitude. His standard answer to most questions was "Not really."

The election of 1976 which was won by the Anti-Adult-Out-Caste Alliance brought an end to the active genetic warfare. The forces of paedomorphia were allowed to live in a state of uneasy truce with the Old Hive. Marijuana was decriminalized, the draft ended. Hedonic, self-indulgent, self-actualized life-styles were not only tolerated, but indeed, co-opted by the commercial establishment. The juvenile species was congratulated for giving up active protest.

Only the most perceptive Hive-Moralists (Tom Wolfe, George Will, William Buckley, Meg Greenfield) recognized that the apparent quiescence of the young actually represented a sophisticated individualism even more ominous to the Terminal Adult Establishment than the visible protests of the preceding decade. The noisy turmoil of the 1960's did, after all, imply some connection on the part of the young to the Old Hive ways.

By 1968 the realization was dawning that the Generation War was actually mutational in scope.

The Me-ism of the 1970's, however, reflected a cynical, contemptuous, detached recognition on the part of the intelligent young, that the Adult Establishment was a Mafia Power that must be offered token respect, paid-off and adapted to. The general formula was "40 hours a week to indulge the Man -- the rest to indulge myself, my loved ones and my friends." It was well recognized by all concerned that such trade-offs were temporary, that the Adult Authority was crumbling and could not last to the turn of the century.

The message crackled out from Millbrook -- Turn On with Your Parents.

But beneath the calm of inter-generational truce the mutational struggle continued unabated. Counter-Intelligence Agents (Nixon appointed narcs) roamed the land stirring up trouble, seeking to provoke a return to open warfare. Evolutionary Agents who had become public symbols of neoteny continued to be harassed. When Margaret Trudeau embarrassed the supreme Adult Authority of Canada by running off with the Rolling Stones, Keith Richards was immediately busted and threatened with long incarceration by Pierre, the outraged husband. Dr. Peter Bourne, symbol of the youthful presence around Jimmy Carter, was set-up and disgraced. Professional athletes (usually Black) who led an extremely visible rejection of the flagrant paternal system (owners of sports teams) were repeatedly persecuted. And Jack Leary continued to be the symbol of Neotenous Youth and the target of Adult rage.

It was not until 1984 when High Orbital Forces took over the government of the California Republic that Jack Leary was pardoned and awarded the Highest Medal of Valor.

At age 35, his princely stature thus recognized, Jack was able to move into the next stage of his temporal caste development. He used the enormous wealth he had inherited to design and build dozens of H.O.M.E.S. from which he launched his historic explorations of the Moons of Mars, Jupiter and Saturn. His mining concessions and homesteading operations on these satellite-mineral deposits made him one of the richest people in the solar system.

In the year 2049, with eleven of his children, Jack Leary left the system of the home star as Commander of the first Major Interstellar Expedition. The rest is Galactic History.

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Re: The Intelligence Agents, by Timothy Leary, Ph.D.

Postby admin » Tue Mar 08, 2022 1:36 am

How the CIA Makes People Stupid
by John Busch Leary


One way to understand how intelligence can be lowered is to study the Counter-Intelligence Professionals.

1. The CIA incessantly seeks old facts about other hives.

2. The KGB continuously searches for maps, blueprints, plans about intra-hive activity -- in spite of the fact that nothing of genetic importance occurs within hives.

3. "They" feverishly construct apparatuses, devices, networks to limit our intelligence.

How do Counter-Intelligence Bureaucracies attempt to lower intelligence? How does the CIA attempt to make the KGB (and Senate Investigating committees) more stupid?

1. Secrecy: Here is the most obvious and blatant technique for inhibiting intelligence. All secrecy is designed to increase stupidity. Anyone who keeps secrets from you is your Essence Enemy -- acting to lower your most precious asset -- your intelligence. If intelligence is the Ultimate Good then secrecy is the ultimate crime. Censorship is the imposition of secrets.

2. Disinformation: False facts obviously increase stupidity. When Richard Helms lied under oath about CIA involvement in Chile, he was acting to keep the Senate and the American people stupid. When Dick Gregory and Mark Lane invent Kennedy conspiracy facts they are lowering the National Intelligence Index.

3. Sexual or Financial Immorality: A classic ploy by which the hive stimulates stupidity is the Immorality Placebo, usually Sexual or Financial. First the gene-pool sets up a Moral Taboo. Moral Taboos are magnificent Intelligence Qualification (IQ) devices because they get everyone in the hive hung up on virtue-sin. The Moral Taboo must interfere with some normal, natural caste-behavior -- must perversely prevent some castes from getting something that they neurologically are wired to want. Once brought into focus by prescription the Taboo becomes charged with artificial cop-sinner magnetism.

Genesis, the first chapter in the Judeo-Christian Bible, clearly sets out the strategy of the Immorality Placebo -- using good-evil as a fascinating distraction, a front, a ploy.* There are two Forbidden Trees in the Garden of Eden. The serpent (now exposed as agent provocateur) gets Eve and Adam to eat the fruit of the First Tree -- which provides the Knowledge (substitute the word "hang-up") of Good and Evil.

Thus forgetting about the Second Tree -- which bears the Fruit of Immortality and Self-Actualization.


*The Immorality Placebo has been formalized by Pynchon as one of his "proverbs for paranoids, 3: If they can get you asking the wrong questions, they don't have to worry about answers."
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Re: The Intelligence Agents, by Timothy Leary, Ph.D.

Postby admin » Tue Mar 08, 2022 1:40 am

Reprinted from WE MAGAZINE, July 1987

The Lesson of the Social Insects
by Anise Nun

Nina licked her full, petulant lips and started to take her clothes off, revealing her "Today is Tuesday" panties and saucy poinsettia-embroidered garters which lifted deep-purple silk stockings. Her creamy thighs and her soft mound lay in shadow.

"Termites," she signed. "We must learn from the social insects. They have been running successful urban civilizations for 100 million years."

Saina leaned over to pluck the poinsettias and watch the ivory limbs emerge from the purple silk. Anna, watching, giggled and began to pull her dress over her tousled blond head. She bent forward to peel it off, revealing the round, firmness of her thighs, the two sweet dimples over her hips, the smooth, curving back.

"Yes," she murmured in agreement. "Each termite colony is a gene-pool organized into castes which sends out explorer-migrants to found new mini-worlds."

Finally Saina unbuttoned her dress and let it fall to the floor. She was wearing Frederick's of Hollywood panties, slit open, front and back, hinting at the plump curves of her sexual promise. Her voice was soft:

"Those who wish to preserve urban civilization should study the insect hive. The word termite comes from the Latin word termes -- which means the end. The end-point of terrestrial society is the hive."

The bedroom floor was covered with an enormous blue yak fur rug. The three women tumbled down upon the arctic splendor, their soft, milky bodies writhing and rubbing against each other. They were no longer separate bodies. They were one sweet, soft, curling octopoid body -- sucking tentacles, stroking hands, juicy tongues. One squirming marine body with three kissing mouths, six erect nipples, three moist vaginas. They pulsated together, limbs interwoven, slowly breathing love. Suddenly a column of ants emerged from Saina's vagina and began filing down her leg.

Nina began to giggle softly and then spoke: "The growth of urban civilization during the last 5000 years is a steady move toward insectivization. The well-run anthill is 99,995,000 years ahead of humanity in efficient social organization. A hive is a joyful, clean Manhattan with 8 million secure citizens moving in tune with the humming unity."

"Oh yes. Oh yes," gasped Saina.

"It's so good, hmmmmmmmm," hummed Anna.

Then mouths kissed and tongues nibbled and juices flowed. The three starved bodies fed on each other, the tension building. Probing fingers parted welcoming flesh and slid into gasping lips. The soft pelt upon which they squirmed emitted a mammalian scent which merged with the odors of their moist bodies.

Saina's honey voice broke the slippery silence: "Humanity cannot grow beyond the Insectoid Stage until it understands precisely how the social insects are ahead of us in terrestrial culture."

Saina fell on the swelling curves of Anna. Nina was rolling in passionate frenzy. One dimpled knee over Saina's back, she twisted to reach Anna's legs with her searching tongue. Anna writhes and pushed her mound closer to the penetrating kisses, the tender bits, the hot tongue that was as firm as a ram's horn.

"OOOOH!" gasped Nina. "Yes, when over-population and pollution signals the success of the society, then each hive produces a new caste of Winged Giants who fly far away from the hive in male-female pairs to create new worlds, to carry the gene-pool DNA to better ecological niches."

As she spoke she twisted her body so that her mound was pressed against Anna's mouth. Anna had been tenderly caressing the curve of her buttocks, and now she slid her finger into the tight little sphincter mouth, out from which flew clouds of silver-winged flying insects.

"Isn't it amusing. We languorous, self-indulgent high-flying ones are carrying the eggs from which will come the New Hive Worlds."




Date: February, 1972
Country: Imminsee on Lake Zug, Switzerland
Classification: CONFIDENTIAL File No. 4575

(Conversation videotaped.)

"Yes, exactly timeless and priceless. My brain tunes into my DNA code, synapses crackling with genetic messages. I see with the eyes of countless ancestors. What a rowdy band of velvet brigands I spring from! And the futique children to come. You understand my predicament? I am real entity from time suddenly trapped in this fake-believe Disneyland. Yes that's it. I remember seeing at Disneyland a plastic Indian village with fatigued redskins selling tickets and bakelite bows and arrows to cellulose tourists. Okay, now I'm the real Crazy Horse suddenly popped down there. Whew! Quel horreur. I see at a glance what has happened to my land and my people. I see in microscopic despair these robots who have never felt the wild Dakota wind in their face or the taste, touch, smell, thunder-sound of the living, eternal God. I scream at them. 'Are none of you alive?' I rave around looking for another living soul."

"Yes, that does tend to happen," comments the Professor sympathetically.

"Or I am your Thomas Jefferson appearing in a modern Congress. Awake you pink-faced rubber frogs! Is this what we fought for! I am Giordano Bruno running around alive in Madame Tussaud's waxworks! I am Peter the wild-eyed Fisherman screaming at the Jesus statues in the plaster Bibleland in Florida. Awake Brothers, let's trash this place and get back to the living soil.

"Dig it, Wizard, for three hours I run naked around Holy-Man Ridge in Almora bursting with energy, shivering in cosmic loneliness searching for a living soul. I sit in the lotus position on a rock overlooking the valley to Tibet and watch the sunrise. Good. That's all in order. I stalk regally back to the cottages looking deeply into people's eyes. The American theosophists turn away in fear. Another acid flip-out! But dig it, the Hindu natives grin and salute me. Whew! Give me some more wine."

Prince Alexis throws himself on his knees in front of the fire and holds up his glass. The wine splashes light yellow, reflecting the firelight.

"Now, I'm getting to the hard part."

The Listener nods in understanding.

"Okay, I'm loping along the road approaching the house owned by the Methodist church. Two middle-aged matron-missionaries from Kansas are standing on the steps. I love these little ladies. They were the holiest Americans I'd found in India. So I trot up to them in joyful anticipation. But dig it, they both throw up their hands in some sort of defense against me. Why? Cause I'm naked, I suppose.

"But I'm so pure. So as I run by I casually swing my arms and gently, the way you'd pat a push-me, pop-up doll in the toy store, knock each of them down."

(End of tape.)



Now let's fine-tune the time machine. I'd like to call your attention to the last thirty-two years in this country. Let's focus on what has happened since 1945. We're all so involved that we may not appreciate the incredible changes of the last three decades.

We choose the year 1945 for obvious reasons; that was when our species fissioned nuclear structure thoughtfully at Alamogordo and blindly at Nagasaki and Hiroshima. The release of atomic energy is a mutational moment in the history of every nursery planet.

It's useful to assume that in 1945 every living organism of every species, on this planet, picked up this fall-out and radiation message and transmitted it through their nervous system to RNA and back to DNA: "Hey, the domesticated primates are fissioning the atom! It's time to leave the planet because nuclear energies are not supposed to be used on a tiny, shrinking planet like ours." (Applause) At this moment an astounding acceleration of intelligence occurred! Review the evidence.

Since 1945 we have fissioned and fusioned the atom. Decoding the DNA Code has allowed us, at this moment in history, to confront the possibility of genetic engineering, cloning, and biological immortality. In the short three decades since 1945, Medical science has eliminated, one by one, most of the scourges and plagues which have terrorized our species since the beginning of recorded history.

The release of atomic energy is a mutational moment ...

One of the most important things to happen to the new species born after 1945 is neuro-electronic consumerism. Television. Every American child born after 1945 crawled out of the crib, toddled across the room, and with tiny, chubby, baby hands reached the boob tube and began dialing and tuning realities. Wheaties, no! Post Toasties? Maybe. Coke? Maybe. 7-Up, Ford, Carter, Chevrolet, Ford, Carter, Disneyland, Disneyland, Disneyland, Disneyland. (Laughter) A young child born in the late 40's has learned how to be a Reality Consumer, a watcher of Reality Commercials, a selector of Reality Products, actively dialing a wide frequency spectrum of passive receptivity.

The Sun Belt kid born after 1945 has experienced more realities in one week than the most affluent aristocrats of the past could experience in a lifetime.

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Re: The Intelligence Agents, by Timothy Leary, Ph.D.

Postby admin » Tue Mar 08, 2022 1:46 am

Reprinted from ESTQUIRE, May 1987

The Three Functions of Intelligence as Described by G. I. Gurdjieff
by Nena von Schlebrugge


1. Input

When the Evolutionary Agent G. I. Gurdjieff was a young cub in the Caucasian Alps, he suffered a minor wound in a scuffle with a chum.

It seems that Gurdjieff criticized the sound of the chum's flatulence. In the boyish roughhouse that followed Gurdjieff's tooth was loosened. When he reached in his mouth, the tooth came away in his fingers. Examining the technological relic he noticed that it had seven roots. And each root had a drop of brilliantly crimsoned blood.

When his companions showed no interest in this unusual phenomenon, the Young Agent ran to the village Dentist, who examined the specimen with interest.

"Amazing," said the Dentist, handing the tooth back to Gurdjieff, "I've never seen anything like it in the fifty years I have been extracting teeth. I don't understand it. It's a real mystery."

"But what does it mean?" asked the Youth.

The Dentist shrugged.

"But what shall we do about it?" persisted the Young Gurdjieff.

The Dentist shrugged again. "Consider yourself lucky that it came out that easily. You've saved yourself three rubles."

Moral: The Young Gurdjieff resolved on the spot that for the rest of his life he would do nothing but study those events which the rest of the human race ignored as mysterious.*


* Pynchon dealt with the same problem at a time when The Mysterious and Inexplicable was dominating the foreign policy of every terrestrial country. "Anti-paranoia," said Pynchon, "is that eerie thought that nothing is connected to anything."

2. Maps and Metaphors

When Gurdjieff was a young man in the Armenian Area of the Black Sea he was given good advice by his grandmother. Advice that he followed. It happened like this:

Grandmother was dying. To her home came over two hundred relatives -- including scores of great-grandchildren. The mob of relatives filled the corridors and patios of the house with their lamenting. But the Grandmother would see no one except her oldest friend, a German doctor named Wimpe.

After many hours Doctor Wimpe emerged from the dying woman's room. The crowd, expecting an announcement of death was surprised when the doctor said that Grandmother wished to talk to only one of her many relatives. Our Young Agent! Little Goergie (Giogione) as he was called.

The young Gurdjieff approached the aged woman and stood respectfully. She motioned him closer, grasped his hand lightly, looked intently into his eyes. She gave a satisfied nod and motioned him even closer.

"Listen," she said, "you are the only one who will understand. Imagine that. Two hundred descendants in this sperm-egg ship and you are the only one. Boy, swear to me that you will never forget what I tell you?"

"I shall never forget, Grandmother," swore Gurdjieff.

"Here is my advice. Never do anything that anyone else does. Never think what anyone else thinks. And, most important, trust no one's maps but your own. And trust your own maps only for the moment."

3. Intensity of Transmission

The third technique which Gurdjieff used to guide his life and to increase his intelligence was passed on to him by, of all people, an illiterate and naive peasant. (Or someone impersonating this caste.)

It seemed that every year after the harvest this peasant was in the habit of walking to Moscow to repay his seed loan, purchase items unavailable in the village, drink some vodka and see the city sights.

After the peasant conducted his business he was relaxing in an outdoor cafe drinking vodka and listening to the music, when he suddenly remembered that he had forgotten to purchase a special book that his oldest son had requested. So the peasant and a tipsy friend set off to find a book store.

The book was found. "That will be 13 rubles," said the clerk.

"But the price printed on the cover is 10 rubles," protested the peasant.

"The extra three are for the postage," replied the clerk.

"Splendid," said the peasant handing the clerk fifteen rubles.

The clerk returned with the change, courteous salutations were exchanged and the peasant left the store.

As the two peasants continued their walk down the boulevard the friend inquired with impatience, "Dmitri, why did you pay three rubles too much and why do you feel so merry about being over-charged?"

The peasant laughed loudly. "When we're on a spree in Moscow, we pay the whole tab. Including the postage."







Henry Edwards was the first Earthling to master the yoga of continual change. Using the newly discovered Principle of Neural Chain Reaction, he proceeded to use each reality he created as an accelerated vehicle to energize and innervate the next reality structure.

He was a teacher, a novelist, a critic, a screenwriter, a fabled fabulist, a film director, a film producer, the kindest and richest entity in the solar system.

Henry is best known for his mythic romances and lyric adventure tales. By the year 2020 his favorite source of amusement was Story Telling. For fifty years Edwards' breathless, wondrous, amazing legends were transmitted throughout the galaxy -- billions of humans and post-humans starting each day listening to his wry, affectionate inventions.

Others argue that Henry Edwards' greatest achievement was as an art patron. His collection of murals, walls, mosaic waves, crystal lattices, diamond-emerald palaces dazzled the optic nerves of many worlds.

Look at All Three!



"It is my opinion that any brain without patented Floating Power is obsolete."
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Re: The Intelligence Agents, by Timothy Leary, Ph.D.

Postby admin » Tue Mar 08, 2022 1:52 am

Reprinted from SCIENTIFIC AMERICA, September 1987

The Ex-Citing, Ex-Foliating, Ex-Plosion of the Human Gene-Pool
by Henry Edwards

Evolution is speeding up. In the first eight decades of the twentieth century evolution has accelerated with a rapidity which is almost impossible for us, who are whirled up in the process, to understand.

There is one diagram which stands out as the symbol of our mutational century. Figure 1 presents the course of evolution in terms of the growth of intelligence, i.e., energies received, integrated and transmitted by different geographical sub-species of homo sapiens.



Figure 1 reminds us that for 3 billion years the intelligence of life forms on this planet grew with almost invisible acceleration. It took more than two billion years to slowly evolve the muscular technologies which propelled animals a few miles per hour; or which produced the muscular force of an elephant.

Then, with the mechanical revolution, the curve rockets upward.

The horizontal axis of Figure 1 is time indexed in billions of years. The vertical (energy) axis can be calibrated in terms of number of inventions, energy produced and consumed, mobility in terms of speed and altitude, expansions of perception -- microscopic or telescopic. Whatever energy index we chart, the climb rate shoots up almost vertically after 1946.

The human species is riding an energy-intelligence boom that has dramatically changed our conceptions of evolution. Darwinian theories of blind natural selection are now seen as primitive chauvinism of 19th century British imperialism.

Next consider Figure 2. Here the horizontal axis scopes the neurographic time zones -- from primitive, pre-historic Africa to current California. The vertical axis is calibrated in DNA time.

We note that the Dom-Species in Africa today is hunter-gatherer. The Africans are thus 2 million years behind California. In Western Europe the Dom-Species is Stage 11 Bourgeois -- roughly 400 years behind-time.

It is interesting to observe that Africa lacks the more civilized gene-colonies and that Europe and Russia and China lack the mammalian-primitive gene-colonies. Europe is left brain -- Africa is right brain.

The forcible injection of the powerful African gene strain into North America, via slavery, produces the sturdy, solid, far ranging American and Californian cultures. Post-terrestrial colonization, obviously, must propel seeds from all terrestrial gene-pools into High Orbital Mini-Earths. The importance of the Black-and-Brown infiltrations into North America and, particularly into California, cannot be overestimated.


The Emergence of Evolved Nervous Systems at Various Geographical and Temporal Stages (Dom-Species of Each Ecological Niche Shaded Grey)




1. Reference is made to the articles (attached), "The Hallucinogenic Drug Cult," appearing in The Reporter, 15 August 1963; "The Strange Case of the Harvard Drug Scandal," appearing in the 5 November 1963 issue of Look; and, numerous other articles recently appearing in magazines and in the public press on the same subject. These articles concern the use of certain hallucinogenic drugs (particularly LSD, mescaline, peyote, and psilocybin), some mind affecting mushrooms, and others by various groups for experimental purposes, often in a quasi-religious nature.

2. In the Spring of 1963, Harvard University fired Dr. Richard ALPERT, a psychologist, from its staff for noncontrolled use of the above-mentioned drugs for experimental purposes. His associate, Dr. Timothy F. LEARY, also a psychologist, had been using hallucinogenic drugs in experiments involving undergraduate students and after a series of attacks by faculty and by outside sources, the University was forced to remove both of these individuals from its staff. Somewhat earlier, Drs. ALPERT and LEARY had set up an organization known as the International Federal for Internal Freedom (IFIF), which obviously was a cover for additional experimental work in the hallucinogenic drugs. After their dismissal from Harvard and the attacks on their activities by the Division of Food and Drugs of the Massachusetts Department of Public Health and by the Federal Food and Drug Administration, the two doctors transferred their activities to Mexico where they claimed that they would have more freedom. However, several chapters of the IFIF were organized in different parts of the United States, particularly at Los Angeles, New York City, and with the main office at Cambridge, Massachusetts. Another chapter was organized at Mexico City, Mexico.

3. SRS/OS has for a number of years been engaged with certain other Agency areas in research and operational work with some hallucinogenic drugs. This work has been under rigid Security and Agency control, and the then Director of Security, Colonel Edwards, laid down rigid instructions that those types of drugs were not be used under any circumstances on Agency personnel. Operational use of the drugs was handled through a special committee under the specific control and only with consent of Mr. Richard Helms, DDP.

4. It should be noted that the aforementioned hallucinogenic drugs are considered by the office of Security and by the Medical Office as extremely dangerous. Uncontrolled experimentation has in the past resulted in tragic circumstances and for this reason every effort is made to control any involvement with these drugs.

5. SRS has not been able to determine whether any staff employees of the Agency have engaged in the unauthorized taking of any of these drugs, but there is information that some non-Agency groups, particularly on the West Coast, have taken these drugs in a type of religious experimentation. While as previously mentioned there are no staff employees involved, some individuals known to have taken the drugs have sensitive security clearances and are engaged in classified work.

6. Any information concerning the use of this type of drug for experimental or personal reasons should be reported immediately to Chief/SRS/OS with all specific details furnished. In addition, any information of Agency personnel involved with the International Federation for Internal Freedom, or with Drs. ALPERT or LEARY, or with any group engaging in this type of activity should also be reported.




Here is an idea you may find amusing and stimulating to your intelligence. Directed Panspermia -- the theory that life was seeded on this planet by higher intelligence and evolves, stage by stage, according to a pre-programmed plan.

Why are we here? How did life get started on this planet? These are crucial questions because your answer determines how you live your life here, and defines your goal. Your answer to the creation question (how you got here) determines what the next stop is, and where you are going.

How did life get started on this planet?

There are two conventional theories of creation. The first, the scientific, is the most popular now. It is quite mad! It's the Darwinian dogma of accidental, statistical mutation. Natural Selection. A blindless, aimless, accidental forward lurching of evolution.

Urey and Miller performed an experiment in Chicago years ago. They put ammonium, methane and water vapor in a jar, blasted it with an electrical charge and found pre-biotic molecules. Then, they claim that is how life started. Look at any biological textbook! And marvel at the superstitions of current salaried scientists! Here's the orthodox hive scientific fantasy of evolution: 2-1/2 billion years ago there was this bunch of methane molecules and they had a party one night with some ammonia molecules and invited a few carbon girls over, and started drinking water vapor, and the joint got hit by lightning. And they began to copulate!

None of the biology textbooks explains self-replication. They quickly slide over the key issue. How did pre-biotic amino acid become living organism?

Now the other orthodox theory is a vulgar, populist misinterpretation of the Bible. I am sure that the pre-civilized writers of the Bible didn't mean this, but the parrot-version taught in Sunday School is that Life was designed by some kind of police-type Jehovah. An Arab-desert macho character who went around interrogating, arresting and condemning anyone that he didn't like, and stationed an Irish cop named Michael at the gate of the Oasis to keep dissidents out.

The Panspermia theory was developed about 50 years ago by a Swedish biologist named Svante Arrhenius (1859-1927). He suggested that this planet was seeded by spores from outer space. Recently, dozens of pre-biotic-organic molecules have been found floating around in pre-stellar cloud complexes and in a type of meteorite called carbonacious chrondites.

The French, by the way, were un-interested in Panspermia until about 10 years ago when they discovered that alcohol was one of the biological molecules in space. Paris Match immediately ran an article on the existence of Extra-Terrestrial Intelligence! (Laughter)

Life was designed by some kind of police-type Jehovah.

And then in 1973, a distinguished scientist, a geneticist named Sir Francis Crick (you remember him, he decoded the DNA code with Watson) and his colleague Orgel suggested the theory of Directed Panspermia: This planet may have been deliberately seeded. It is possible, and it is certainly fun to believe, that there are millions or even billions of planets like ours in this small galaxy alone, on which we have been seeded. And that the same process of evolution is taking place here and on many other planets.

Some sophisticated geneticists now agree with the Panspermia theory because they say it is impossible that in 2-1/2 billion years, accidental copying-error mutations could have taken us from simple, unicellular life to Monday night football and Howard Cosell.

And who seeded us here on this womb planet?

We, in the future, did it.



Date: February, 1972
Country: Imminsee on Lake Zug, Switzerland
Classification: CONFIDENTIAL File No. 4575

(Conversation videotaped.)

"The Americans have seen me tumble the old ladies. They huddle together for a Nervous Conference. I can read their minds. They're afraid my antics will jeopardize their comfortable tourist scene. If only one of them had the courage and wisdom to groove with my energy, laugh acknowledgement and run down to the river to bathe with me."

"That sounds like the sensible thing to do," agrees the Receiver.

"Now," continues the Prince, "the leader of the American colony was a solemn young professor of Sanskrit philosophy from Michigan State. He told me that he had been a student of yours, a humorless follower who saw you as Buddha, threw himself at your feet in worship. To your dismay I'm sure. He and his wife were visiting India on sabbatical with their two children. He notified the police."

"Oh that's too bad. Why did he do that?"

"So the policeman from the village finds me meditating at the Siva Temple. Do you remember it? It's like the Siva shrine in any village with a three-foot stone carved lingam which women cover with milk and flowers. The policeman waves to me and I come along cheerfully. He pops me in a shack in the village below the ridge and waits on guard for the Captain to come in his jeep. A large crowd of villagers and Americans gather around the prison shack. The Captain enters alone to talk to me.

"After twenty minutes the Captain emerges from the shack and makes a stern, no-nonsense speech to the crowd (Alexis tells this part in proper squeaky Hindu-English.) He says that I am a God-intoxicated saint. He tells the villagers, in Hindi, to protect me. Then he turns to the Americans. He denounced them for not taking care of their saddhus. For lacking faith in God's wisdom. For neglecting their holiest men. He speaks about the corrupting materialism of American culture and wonders why Americans bring their small-town concepts to spiritual India. He says that if they couldn't handle their saints, he would arrest, not the saints, but all of them."



Subject: Page 2
Classification: CONFIDENTIAL File No. 4575

The Prince and the Fugitive Philosopher are sitting in front of the fire, dented a bit by herb and wine. The sun is setting on the lake. Alexis had told his tale shyly.

"Is this the first time you've told this story?"

Alexia nods. "Yes. It's my shameful freak-out. My terrible disgrace. The Americans in Almora considered me a psychic untouchable. I've come halfway around the world to bare my neural wound."

"Do you want me to fabricate a helpful explanation of freak-outs?"

"Of course. That's why I told you my story," says Alexis somewhat impatiently.

"Okay, let's assume that freak-outs are created by unsympathetic, frightened people around the victim. First, the nervous system retracts its imprints to hive reality and activates future circuits. Drugs can do this or it can happen naturally. When this happens you are hyper-vulnerable to signals sent by others. You don't have your laryngeal mind to grasp reality. It hits you direct. It's a nice free state but you are very suggestible. Now put yourself back in that situation. You are loping up to the ladies. If they had waved to you what would you have done?"

Alexis wrinkles his brow in thought. "Why, I would have waved back and trotted on. That's what happened with the Hindus."

"Good. Now, if they had fallen on their knees and prayed to you, what would you have done?"

"That's easy. I would have blessed them."

"And if they had bent over and said, 'kick me,' what would you have done?"

"Yeah, I get the message."

"What signal did they send you?"

"They crunched up in fear as though I was a dangerous maniac."

"So, being in a cooperative mood, you gently oblige. Everything you did was perfect hadron particle behavior. But tell me one thing. What did you say to the Captain when he came into the shack?"

"Oh that was easy," laughs the Prince. "As soon as he entered I murmured Om Shiva, threw myself at his feet and touched his boot with reverence. He was enormously pleased. Then we sat and he lectured me about God and Man and Law and Unity and Ramakrishna and reincarnation. Standard Hindu Sunday School stuff. Every Indian policeman has a yen to be a swami."

(End of tape.)
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Re: The Intelligence Agents, by Timothy Leary, Ph.D.

Postby admin » Tue Mar 08, 2022 1:54 am

Reprinted from READERS DIEGEST, April 1980

The Co-Option of Psychology by Counter-Intelligence
by George Milman


George Milman was genetically selected to become one of the first Mythic Permanent Adolescents.

His career of continual change was facilitated by his being born and raised on the Sunset Strip -- the launch end of the Genetic Runway! Growing up in the ecological niche for the Self-Actualized Caste, he quickly learned how to make reality movies and to arrange life-sets as playgrounds.

Milman's first step was to secure his terrestrial affairs by studying law. He then indulged his taste for Japanese cuisine by starting the prototype Hiro Sushi Bar. In addition to satisfying his gustatory circuits his restaurant concept spread throughout the world and became the largest and most profitable food-dispensing firm in history. In addition to earning enormous profits, Milman's restaurants raised the aesthetic level of the terminal species and contributed to the Hedonic Revolution.

Milman's next move was, inevitably, the manufacture of toys. He was the first entrepreneur to understand the importance of Neurological Toys in activating the futique circuits of young children. Thus a new generation (1980 forward) whose intelligence was stimulated at early age by Milman Marvels grew up using toys and games to activate, stage-by-stage sequential circuits of their nervous systems. During the formative mutational years of the new post-human species it was said that any device which turned on the senses, stimulated the mind, opened up new neural skills, increased scientific understanding bore the trade mark: Milman Marvel!


The fact that American psychology after 1946 was an offspring of Military Psychology is neither alarming nor unexpected. Throughout human history the Military Caste has introduced each new technology -- mechanical, medical, social, and even bureaucratic.

The military serves hive-terrestrials as the pioneer avant garde. The military caste, i.e., the warrior insects, are genetically wired to act as paranoid sense-organs for the body-social. Most intelligence structures were originated by their military who function as suspicious antennae for their societies. They were charged with the responsibility for finding out what's happening over there in the next hive; for sniffing out what the territorial rivals are doing. And protecting the hive.

As Pynchon pointed out in Gravity's Rainbow, wars (however cruel and pointless they may seem to liberals) were necessary competitions to stimulate technological advances. Inter-hive conflicts are evolutionary devices to make Earthlings move faster, see farther, communicate better, transport, organize and heal themselves more effectively.*

After the new technology has been tested and proved by the warrior caste, it is then co-opted by the other techno-castes who convert the new energy into hive use. The order in which castes take over a new energy is fixed: political power caste, engineer commercial caste, moral domesticator caste. In advanced societies which have met these security satisfaction challenges, the technology is then co-opted by post-hive individual castes: artist caste, neurologician caste, neurogeneticist caste.

The history of pre-flight civilization was this cycle of technological evolution. Each caste is robot-wired to use the New Technology and harness it to the specialized caste function.

Pynchon outlines how this new technology (psychology) was initiated during wartime by the requirements of the military and how mind-control techniques have been taken over by the managerial, technician-intellectual and social-moral castes.

Gravity's Rainbow, of course, was a powerful signal from the Artistic Caste (change agents). The book was a brilliant attempt to use psychological knowledge to free individuals from the limiting past.

Without understanding all the implications, the Military during World War II, mobilized enormous national resources to create new technologies. These included air-transportation, electronic communication, nuclear energy, production of labor-saving gadgets, and psychological assessment of personality. All of these breakthroughs were produced by the patriotic emergency. Uncle Sam, the national self-indulgent consumer, wanted! And he got! Gimme 50,000 bombers! And the hive gladly produced! Gimme a radar system that will detect metal miles-high-in-the-sky. He got it! Sam said, Gimme ships and planes so I can ship ten million lusty young warriors in two years to the five continents. And he got it!

The American gene-pool sprayed sperm from 20 million testicles around the globe.

The neurogenetic implications are staggering. The American gene-pool sprayed sperm from 20 million testicles around the globe -- the fastest, largest genetic experiment in planet history. The so-called "war effort: performing the genetic function of mixing up sperm-egg exchanges in addition to the cultural interactions, i.e., the new imprint models imposed on youthful nervous systems of both the invaders and the invaded. When American G.I.'s rode into German towns astride sleek-powerful military machines an irreversible impression was made upon the impressionable German minds.

In the context of this all-out hive-war solidarity it was considered an honor for physicists like Einstein and Fermi to make bombs, and for psychologists like B.F. Skinner and Harry Murray to offer their services to do secret work for the OSS-CIA. (Skinner is not keen to have us recall that he spent his war years in clandestine research training pigeons to guide unmanned bombers to hit targets such as enemy cities, filled presumably with unarmed men and women.)


* For an extended discussion of the genetic meaning of war in species evolution, please refer to Neuropolitics: The Sociobiology of Human Metamorphosis, Peace Press, Culver City, CA, 1977.
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