"Science," the Greek word for knowledge, when appended to the word "political," creates what seems like an oxymoron. For who could claim to know politics? More complicated than any game, most people who play it become addicts and die without understanding what they were addicted to. The rest of us suffer under their malpractice as our "leaders." A truer case of the blind leading the blind could not be found. Plumb the depths of confusion here.


Postby admin » Sat Aug 01, 2015 2:58 am


Chapter 6: THE TANGLED ROOTS OF TERRORISM: Wahhabism, Nicaragua, Iran-Iraq War, Iran-Contra, and the Sadat Assassination

"The U.S.A. has supplied arms, security equipment and training to governments and armed groups that have committed torture, political killings and other human rights abuses in countries around the world."

-- Amnesty International, October 1998

The CIA is like a living organism, that has its own brain. The CIA has the ability to function independently of those who have been elected to "power," or those who have been appointed to temporarily head the agency.

CIA directors, like Presidents, come and go. What remains in place, is the mission, the networks, and the operatives who make things happen, even as President, like CIA directors. come and go.

And often the "mission" has nothing to do with national security, but instead serves the long range financial interests of bankers, arms merchants. drug dealers, oil-men, and the Wall Street elite (1). The mission, more often than not. is corporate terrorism and the enslavement and mass murder of those who resist.


"War is just a racket. A racket is best described. I believe, as something that is not what it seems to the majority of people. Only a small inside group knows what it is about. It is conducted for the benefit of the very few at the expense of the masses."

"I believe in adequate defense at the coastline and nothing else. If a nation comes over here to fight, then we'll fight. The trouble with America is that when the dollar only earns 6 percent over here. then it gets restless and goes overseas to get 100 percent. Then the flag follows the dollar and the soldiers follow the flag."

"I wouldn't go to war again as I have done to protect some lousy investment of the bankers. There are only two things we should fight for."

"One is the defense of our homes and the other is the Bill of Rights. War for any other reason is simply a racket."

"There isn't a trick in the racketeering bag that the military gang is blind to. It has its "finger men" to point out enemies, its "muscle men" to destroy enemies, its "brain men" to plan war preparations, and a "Big Boss" Super-Nationalistic-Capitalism."

"It may seem odd for me, a military man to adopt such a comparison. Truthfulness compels me to. I spent thirty- three years and four months in active military service as a member of this country's most agile military force, the Marine Corps. I served in all commissioned ranks from Second Lieutenant to Major-General. And during that period, I spent most of my time being a high class muscle- man for Big Business, for Wall Street and for the Bankers. In short, I was a racketeer, a gangster for capitalism."

"I suspected I was just part of a racket at the time. Now I am sure of it. Like all the members of the military profession, I never had a thought of my own until I left the service. My mental faculties remained in suspended animation while I obeyed the orders of higher-ups."

"This is typical with everyone in the military service."

"I helped make Mexico, especially Tampico, safe for American oil interests in 1914. I helped make Haiti and Cuba a decent place for the National City Bank boys to collect revenues in. I helped in the raping of half a dozen Central American republics for the benefits of Wall Street. The record of racketeering is long. I helped purify Nicaragua for the international banking house of Brown Brothers in 1909-1912 (where have I heard that name before?). I brought light to the Dominican Republic for American sugar interests in 1916. In China I helped to see to it that Standard Oil went its way unmolested."

"During those years, I had, as the boys in the back room would say, a swell racket. Looking back on it, I feel that I could have given AI Capone a few hints. The best he could do was to operate his racket in three districts. I operated on three continents."

-- Major General Smedley Butler, USMC.


War, terror, and instability are great for those in the business of war. War and civil unrest is a wonderful means of achieving short- and long-term political and financial goals, such as the overthrow of sovereign nations and the acquisition of another country's and another people's resources, such as land, labor, minerals, and black gold -- oil that is.

During the Nixon and Ford years. the United States was fighting a multi-front "terrorist war" against the people of South and Central America (2), the people of South East Asia (3), the people of the Middle East, Iraq in particular (4) and as detailed in chapter 5, the people of Europe. In Germany, Belgium, and Italy in particular CIA-directed terrorist teams were bombing, shooting, and killing civilians. In Italy this resulted in the destabilization and overthrow of the democratically elected government of Ital ian Prime Minister Moro who was taken hostage and killed. It has been said that Bush masterminded the plot (5).

In the late 1970s, the CIA hatched a plan for the Middle East, which was designed to woo away Arabic, Islamic, and terrorist states, such as Libya, Iraq, and Egypt, from the Soviet sphere of influence. The long range goal was to gain control over Middle Eastern, and Central Asian oil reserves. This was to be accomplished, in part, through secret military and financial aid provided by the CIA. However. in the case of Libya and Iraq, the provision of aid was illegal as these were designated terrorist states.

Simultaneously, Islamic "holy warriors" and terrorists were trained. financed. and armed by the CIA -- with the assistance of the bin Ladens and the Saudi Royal family as well as Pakistan's Intelligence Service, the ISI. These CIA-trained terrorists were then unleashed on Afghanistan (6), Iraq (4), Egypt (7), and in 1980, Iran (8,9).


The economy of the world is dependent on black gold, oil that is. Saudi Arabia has the largest pool of oil reserves. The desert kingdom is awash with oil. The second largest known reserves are beneath the soil of Iraq (10). However, in the I970s. evidence began to accrue to suggest that beneath the Caspian Basin and in the adjoining Central Asian states of Turkmenistan, Kazakhstan, Azerbaijan, and Uzbekistan, lay incredible huge pools of oil, perhaps as much or more than the total reserves of Iraq (11).

Total world oil consumption, in 1979, was 23.41 billion barrels. Prior to 1979, estimates of yearly oil consumption had been based on a simple mathematical formula, i.e. multiplying the world population by the factor 4.43. Thus, based on estimates of world population growth, reasonable and quite accurate predictions could be made (12).

However, oil is consumed at different rates by two different groups, i.e. the people of highly industrialized countries vs third world countries where oil consumption is relatively minimal. For example, Canadian consumption of oil, in the year 2000, was 20.71 barrels per person. By contrast, in India only 0.75 barrels per person were consumed (10,12).

In the 1970s, it was recognized, that India and China, each with over 1 billion citizens, would gradually, then more rapidly, become industrialized, and oil consumption would explode. Some analysts were estimating that oil consumption, in these two countries alone, might be more than 75 billion barrels in the year 2010, and that world oil consumption would thus be in excess of 100 billion barrels per year (13).

It was also recognized, that whoever controlled the refining, shipping, and distribution of this oil, would thus have a strangle hold on these two emerging industrial nations.

Oil is produced by a number of independent, inter-dependent, and closely aligned groups. such as the "seven sisters" (Exxon, Gulf, Texaco, Mobil, Socal, BP and Shell), and OPEC which has eleven members (Libya, Nigeria, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates, Venezuela, Algeria, Indonesia, Iran, Iraq. Kuwait).

In the 1970s, it was recognized that oil production in most of the non-OPEC countries, would begin to peak and might even begin to decline by the year 2000 -- and this in fact is the case (13). By contrast, it was recognized that OPEC oil production would not begin to peak until well after the year 2010. Strategically, this means that OPEC nations would become stronger, and the non-OPEC nations would become weaker, such that, at some "cross-over event" the balance of power might shift. This is one of the main reasons why the U.S. has attributed so much importance to dominating this region, and maintaining a positive relationship with Saudi Arabia in particular. Indeed, the strategic importance of the oil-producing Gulf-states and Saudi Arabia was recognized even before 1950.

In the 1970s, there were two superpowers: the U.S. and the Soviet Union. Both were struggling to gain or maintain influence in the Middle East and among the Gulf states. Libya, Egypt, and Iraq were in the Russian comer. Moreover, the incredibly oil-rich, albeit undeveloped regions of Central Asia and the Caspian basin were part of the Soviet Union.

In the 1970s, it was recognized that in the future. who ever controlled and developed the oil resources of the Caspian basin and Central Asia, as well as that of Saudi Arabia and Iraq. would also have a strangle hold, not just on India and China, but the world. Those who established this control would also become wealthy beyond their dreams.

By the late 1970s, one of the keys to gaining access to the oil-rich central Asian states. was Afghanistan. If these states were to be destabilized and stripped away from the Soviet Union, then Afghanistan, with its Soviet-backed government, would have to be tom lose first. Before and after Afghanistan fell, terrorist attacks would be launched into the underbelly of the Soviet Union (14).

Afghanistan was also a key, because Afghanistan offered the best route for an oil pipeline -- a pipeline that would pump the oil extracted from the central Asian states, across Afghanistan, to Pakistan, and thus to the world markets via the Arabian sea.

However, in order for western oil companies and the CIA to accomplish this, required Saudi Arabia and Pakistan as a partner.

The willingness to involve Saudi Arabia was strategic and based on political reality. If the ruling families of Saudi Arabia were not promised a huge piece of the central Asian pie, they would refuse to cooperate in any destabilizing attacks on the Soviet Union. As Saudi Arabia was also a major source of funds to Pakistan and its ISI, if Saudi Arabia were not part of the equation. Pakistan too would refuse to cooperate, and might even align itself with the Soviet Union.

The Saudis were willing to cooperate for a number of reasons, including those related to the spread of the Islamic religion, and the creation of an Islamic superstate, and because they wished to retain their power. If America alone won the central Asia oil "prize" the Saudis would lose the power of oil and their ability to effect the world economy by turning the oil spigot on or off.

Likewise, given that Saudi Arabia has the world's largest oil reserves, they key to controlling the world's economy, and thus the world, required a partnership with the Saudi kingdom. Moreover, without Saudi help and Saudi funding, it would have been impossible for the CIA and the Wall Street elite, to destabilize or significantly influence those Middle Eastern states, such as Libya, Egypt, Iraq, and Afghanistan, which, in the I970s, were in the comer of the Soviet Union.

As noted, religion was also a major factor in the establishment of the partnership. Before and after the I970s, the Saudis were eager to destabilize and overthrow the Soviet Communist state, as well as the rulers of even fellow OPEC members, because of major issues related to religion, i,e. the Sunni vs the Shiit branches of Islam (14,15).

The Saudi agenda was to export their Wahhabism brand of the Sunni Islamic religion not only into the southern Asian states of the Soviet Union, but into Egypt, Iran, Iraq, Libya and Afghanistan (14, 15). It was a Saudi-Sunni-Wahhabi dream to create a unified, fascist, Islamic superstate, and to terrorize, murder, and destroy not just those worshipping non-Islamic religions, but the Shiit and all other variants of Islam, especially those variants which emphasized the tolerant, peaceful, poetically mystical schools of thought such as Sufism.

As detailed, for example, in Stephen Schwartz's recent book, The Two Faces of Islam, "Wahhabism exalts and promotes death in every element of its existence, the suicide of its adherents, mass murder as a weapon against civilization, and above all the suffocation of the mercy embodied in Islam" as represented by the "bright aspect of Sufi traditionalism, [which is] happy, filled with love of God and humanity .....Wahhabi fundamentalism," he writes, is "ugly ... narrow, rigid, tyrannical, separatist, supremacist and violent."

It could thus be argued that Wahhabism is a Nazi version of Islam, which in turn might explain why the Saudis linked up with Hitler in the 1930s (see chapter 3). In the 1930s, the Saudis embraced Nazism for a number of reasons, including their shared goal of destroying the Soviet Union, and gaining access to the oil-rich underbelly.

Forty years later, the goal remained the same: to first topple the Soviet-backed regime, and to then take the "holy war" into the underbelly of the Soviet Union, in order to grab the oil-rich central Asian states of Turkmenistan, Kazakhstan, Azerbaijan, and Uzbekistan (14,15,16). "Holy Warriors" would do the dirty work.

In the late I970s and continuing into the I990s, the primary mission of these CIA-trained and Saudi-financed terrorists, referred to as the mujahideen, was to attack Afghan villages, and bomb health centers, government offices, and even Kabul University, and to rape, murder. and terrorize the civilian population. In this regard, they were highly successful. Tens of thousands of civilians, as well as Soviet troops were "butchered in a hideous fashion" (5). The mujahedeen's battle for supremacy resulted in the death and maiming of over 100,000 civilians and the displacement of millions people who became refugees (17).

Iraq, too, was and is a target of the Wahhabis, as the Saudis believe that Iraq is a broken off piece of Arabia. Indeed, for the last several centuries, and until 1922, Iraq, as well as Kuwait, were part of Arabia. However, at the close of the first world war, and with the collapse of the Ottoman Empire, Britain and France pounced on the Middle East, and divided up the spoils. They created artificial boundaries and thus new states in the Middle East, as they believed that by fragmenting the Arab peoples they would be easier to dominate and control.

Britain broke Arabia into three states: Iraq, Kuwait, and Arabia. Each state was then given its own ruler, who in turn owed their positions to France and Britain. Kuwait was handed to the al-Sabah family. The Hashemite King Hussein was awarded Jordan. And Arabia was given to the Saud family and which was then renamed after Ibn Saud.

King Ibn Saud, however, was determined to someday unify his country and to erase the artificial boundaries which created the bastard states of Kuwait and Iraq. Like his ancestors, he also dreamed of creating an Islamic superstate, encompassing all the nations of the Middle East. and in fact, the world. In 1922, however, it was an impossible dream.


In the 1970s, U.S. and Saudi Arabia formed an unholy alliance. Under the guise of fighting communism, terrorists were trained, funded, equipped and then unleashed on the nations of Egypt, Libya, Iraq, and Afghanistan. At the same time. Saudi Arabia was actively funding and establishing fundamentalist Islamic schools in nations, such as Pakistan and Egypt, which in turn became breeding grounds for terrorists. Likewise, the US was trying to curry favor with some of these same countries in order to woo them from the Soviet sphere.

As will be detailed, part of that strategy involved funding and providing arms and weapons to Libya -- a Soviet ally -- which were used to attack Egypt. Egypt repeatedly beat back these assaults which the Egyptians erroneously believed were sponsored, through Libya, by the Soviet Union.

The first tangible fruits of these well devised plans were plucked from the tree in 1976, when Egyptian President, Anwar al- Sadat ended Egypt's Treaty of Friendship with Soviet Union (18). Nevertheless, Sadat remained cool to U.S. proposals for increased U.S. military involvement in his own armed forces (18).

Then the unexpected, Sadat began making peaceful overtures toward Israel. Simultaneously, he began signaling a willingness to accommodate Islamic fundamentalists who were demanding a greater role in the Egyptian government. These events and policies upset Saudi Arabia and U.S. planners, albeit for different reasons.

Sadat would soon be targeted for assassination.


The CIA has a history of forming alliances with terrorists, Nazis, dictators, and the like. In some instances, the CIA is playing the "Great Game" and engaging the Hegelian dialectic. That is, it creates entities that threaten the US, in order to strengthen the hand of right-wing Republican administrations who then promise to destroy the threat. In some instances, as was the case with Iraq and Iran in the late 1980s, and Libya. during the 1970s, the CIA provided resources so that these nations would be better equipped so as to encourage them to attack each other.

In the 1970s, the terrorist government of Libya was targeted -- but not for overthrow, but as an instrument of power to be wielded by the unseen hand of the CIA.

CIA agent, Edwin Wilson was put in charge of the Libya mission (19).

Like the Mafia. no one ever really ever leaves the CIA. Edwin P. Wilson who "left" the Brotherhood in 1971, continued to run high level operations until the 1980s and this included providing weapons, funds, and strategic information to Libya when it was illegal to do so. Although illegal, the Libyan operation had the blessing of the CIA, and Wilson met frequently with two of the agency's top executives while running this and other illegal CIA programs: Thomas G. Clines, the director of training for clandestine services, and Theodore G. Shackley, the No. 2 man in the espionage branch (19,20). Wilson and Shackley also worked together in the planning and implementation of the failed "Bay of Pigs" invasion of Cuba.

In 1977, Edwin P. Wilson, working under the auspices and with the approval of the CIA, sold Libyan dictator Moammar Gaddaffi, over 20 tons (42,000 pounds) of C-4, an extremely concentrated but powerful explosive. C-4 is perfect for terrorist operations, including the bombing of schools, hospitals, government buildings and the downing of commercial airlines.

Wilson also provided Libya with "secret CIA cables from the Far East, NSA computer procedures for detecting submarines and missiles, assassination devices from CIA suppliers, and exotic secret weapons from the Navy and CIA testing base at China Lake in California. Wilson clandestinely exported to Libya all the components (including specially developed exploding plastics from the CIA) for manufacturing terrorist bombs disguised as ashtrays and other innocent looking objects" (20).

Other CIA agents also took an active role in the Libya mission.

"Mulcahy" a specialist in secret communications technology supervised the smuggling of electronic and military equipment into Libya (20).

"Dubberstein" worked for the Pentagon and specialized in compiling the daily military intelligence summary for the Secretary of Defense and the Joint Chiefs of Staff. "Dubberstein" provided Libya with this data including the "ultra secret Single Integrated Operational Plan" for nuclear war (20).

Of course, this was all illegal, particularly so as this information and these weapons posed a danger to our allies and our national security. Libya was not only a sponsor of "terrorism," but was aligned with the Soviet Union.

It is precisely because Libya was a sponsor of terrorism that the CIA covertly sold weapons of mass destruction to this nation. The CIA fully expected Libya to engage in terrorist attacks against Western targets as well as against Egypt which was on the verge of signing a peace treaty with Israel.

Based on the evidence which was revealed at his trial, the CIA, through Wilson, paid one million dollars to have Sadat assassinated. A CIA-agent, "Villaverde who had served the CIA as a saboteur in Cuba, was recruited by Wilson as a hired gun and promised a million dollars" for the "assassination" in Egypt (20).

Sadat who had boldly visited Israel in 1977, then signed the 1978 Camp David Accords with Israel, and then a peace treaty with Israel in 1979, was assassinated while observing a military parade on October 6, 1981.

Immediately following the assassination of Sadat, a U.S. carrier battlegroup, including the 552nd Airborne Warning and Control Wing, and the Mediterranean Amphibious Ready Group were ordered to take up positions north of Egypt and to the east comer of Libya. These massive forces were deployed because of the "possibility of Libyan involvement," and were thus set to strike and invade Libya in order to prevent any further aggression against Egypt (21).

That myth was quickly dispelled. However, in consequence, U.S. forces came to be permanently deployed in Egypt, beginning immediately following the Sadat assassination in 1981. Since then, every year around October, Egyptian forces join with and become part of the Rapid Deployment Joint Task Force. These are multination coordinated exercises for infantry, airborne, artillery, and armored forces. These annual exercises have been named, Operation "Bright Star."

U.S. military forces were not only situated near Egypt when Sadat was assassinated, but Operation "Bright Star" was just about to get under way off the coast of Egypt, when terrorists struck the U.S. on 9/11/2001. U.S. and British forces were conveniently in place when President Bush ordered the attack on the Taliban government of Afghanistan.


That the assassination of Egyptian President Sadat was the result of a well organized conspiracy, is beyond dispute. Sadat was seated at the front of a virtually unguarded podium. Many of those in his security detail, including his plainclothes U.S. trained security guards had mysteriously been dismissed for the day. In fact, he was provided almost no protection, which in-itself was extremely unusual (22).

His four attackers were thus able to approach Sadat without being challenged. Moreover, for reasons that are unknown, Sadat, and only Sadat, stood up as his attackers approached, thus making him an easy target. Speculation is that he was instructed to stand up by those sitting near him.

Although we are told that he was assassinated because his attackers wished to establish an Islamic state, the gun fire was concentrated only on Sadat (22). Although vice-president Hosni Mubarak and many other top army officers and diplomats. sat to Sadat's left, to his right, and behind him, thus making them easy targets, they were spared injury, which is surprising if the attackers wished to overthrow the government. If they had really aspired to establish an Islamic state, then why didn't they kill all the top politicians and military men seated around President Sadat?

In fact, by killing Sadat, and then sparing Hosni Mubarak and the others, the assassins actually hindered their supposed extremist Islamic and anti-Western cause. Hosni Mubarak, who became president, was far more pro-western than the more independent- minded Sadat (18). Whereas Sadat was more accommodating, Murabak immediately began a massive campaign of retaliation against Islamic fundamentalists which included the arrest of over 10.000 clerics and students (22).

As noted, the CIA paid at least I million dollars for an assassination that was to take place in Egypt (20). Who else, how many other groups were also paid, we do not know.

What we do know is that the terrorist organization, Islamic Jihad group, claimed responsibility (22) and that this group is linked to Saudi Arabia and bin Laden (23). Several of the so called masterminds of the plot, Nabil Soliman and Ayman al-Zawahiri, are members of Islamic Jihad, and Ayman al-Zawahiri is also a member of al-Qaeda.

Islamic Jihad's specialty is assassination.

Islamic Jihad, however, is in actuality, al-Qaeda (23). Indeed, some, such as the CIA and U.S. State Department, claim that the leader of Islamic Jihad, Ayman al-Zawahiri is Osama bin Laden's chief lieutenant. Others, such Osama bin Laden's hand-picked biographer, Hamid Mir, claim that Ayman al-Zawahiri is actually the leader of al-Qaeda. whereas Osama is just a "front man" (24) -- an issue we will explore in detail in chapter 13.

Nevertheless, regardless of which position we accept, it is beyond dispute that Osama and Ayman al-Zawahiri, work closely together and that al-Zawahiri is one of the chief strategist for al- Qaeda.

What is in dispute. is the possibility that al-Zawahiri may have also worked for the CIA -- which may also explain why he was able to visit the United States several times where he openly raised funds as recently as 1995 (25). An undercover FBI informant, linked to the CIA, in fact, made the arrangement for al-Zawahiri to visit (see chapter 11).

Osama bin Laden is also linked to the CIA, and he is believed to have first begun working with this intelligence organization in 1978 or 1979 (26). Presumably Osama was still in the employee of the CIA in 1981, when Sadat was assassinated. The CIA, along with the Saudi royal family. were providing Osama and his nascent terrorist organization with millions of dollars in funds, and Saudi Arabia was covertly supporting terrorist groups whose mission was to overthrow Sadat (7,15.27).

Nabil Soliman, one of those involved in the assassination, left Egypt after Sadat was killed and lived in Saudi Arabia (28). Nabil then moved to Yemen in 1988 and then to the United States in 1992 where he lived unmolested for almost to years (28). On July 12,2002, he was extradited from the United States to Egypt (28).

Ayman al-Zawahiri was jailed after the assassination, but was then released! He too traveled to Saudi Arabia, and then to Afghanistan where he fought with the Saudi- and CIA-backed mujahideen.

We are told that Sadat was assassinated because Islamic Jihad (al-Qaeda) wished to usher in a pure Islamic state in Egypt, and because Sadat had made peace with Israel (22). In part, that may have been the motives of at least some of the plotters.

However, the result of the assassination, was to remove an independently minded leader who had ushered in Islamic law and who was making overtures to Islamic fundamentalists and offering them a role in his government.

For example, in 1981, Sadat declared that the Shari' a, that is, orthodox, Sunni, Islamic law (29), would be the basis of Egyptian law. Egyptian law would become Shari'a (18). Sadat was in fact an extremely devout Sunni Muslim. His forehead was marked with the permanent bruise of those who bow their heads to the ground and pray five times a day (18). Indeed, there was a fear, among some Western leaders, that because of Sadat, Islamic fundamentalism would mushroom out of control, and that Egypt was in danger of being a radicalized Islamic nation, similar to Iran.

The assassination of Sadat did not help the Islamic cause but resulted in a massive and brutal crackdown on Islamic fundamentalism. Over 10,000 Islamic leaders were eventually jailed.

The assassination also resulted in the regular deployment of U.S. forces in Egypt, as well as the installation of a pro-western government in Sadat's place -- a government that is so friendly to the U.S. that it receives massive military and economic aid from the United States, the OECD countries and the World Bank -- over $52 billion from the U.S. alone (30) -- massive financial and military aid that was not available in the L 970s. This aid, of course, makes Egypt that much more dependent on the U.S. Indeed, since Sadat's death, Egyptian society has been increasingly shaped by Western hands and the Western strings attached to foreign aid (30). Hence, the consequences of killing Sadat were completely opposite to the ideas Islamic Jihad and Osama bin Laden espouse -- which can only make us wonder as to what may have been the real agenda.

To answer that question, we need only ask: who benefits?

Answer: The U.S. and Wall Streets merchants of death.

Likewise, we are told that one of the reasons for the 9/11 attack on America, was to further Islamic ideals and to remove western influences and to drive Western military forces from the Islamic states (31).

Instead, the 9/11/2001 assault on the Pentagon and World Trade Center, resulted a devastating attack on the Islamic fundamentalist rulers of Afghanistan, and the permanent installation of the U.S. military and a pro-western government in its place.

If we dare to assume that the planners of 9/11 and the Sadat assassination, also considered the likely consequences of their acts, one would have to conclude, that the purpose of both 9/11 and the assassination of Sadat in 1981, was to serve western and not Islamic interests, and in this regard, we note that Osama bin Laden had began working with the CIA since at least 1979 or 1978.


Reagan and Bush were in power when Sadat was assassinated. Those implicated in the assassination include Osama bin Laden, Saudi Arabia, Libya, as well as terrorists linked to Iran and the Sudan (22,27). In the early 1990s, the Sudan would become yet another base for Osama bin Laden (26).

Likewise, although there are different terrorists groups linked to Iran, one Iranian terrorist organization was Paris-based in 1981, and was linked to the Paris-based bin Laden organization (9,33) which in turn is closely allied with the royal family of Saudi Arabia. Saudi Arabia, the Saudi Royal family, the bin Ladens, and a number of Saudi Arabia's richest families have also provided millions of dollars in aid to bin Laden and his terrorist network (26,33,34,35,36,37). Some of those funds were laundered through banks and corporations located in London, Geneva, Paris, and the Sudan -- banks and corporations which are owned or controlled by the bin Laden family or their associates including members of the royal family (35-38).

For example, the Saudi government and the wife of Prince Bandar bin Sultan, the Saudi ambassador to the United States, provided over $100,000.000, each, to Osama Bassnan, a Saudi agent who made arrangements for 9/11 hijackers, Khalid al-Midhar and Nawaq al-Hazmi, to live in San Diego. Osama Bassnan even paid their rent. The payments from the Saudi government and the Saudi royal family continued up until the 9/11 hijackings.

Moreover, some of these same high ranking Saudis, including Prince Bandar and members of the bin Laden family, have been business partners with the Bush family, including "Mr. George W. Bush of the CIA" (38). All are heavily invested in the Carlyle Group -- whose board members included a number of ex-CIA heavyweights. Bin Laden, in turn, had been working with the CIA, since 1978 or 1979 (26, 39).

Thus, it could be reasonably argued that the bin Ladens, the Saudis, the CIA, George Bush, and the Reagan-Bush administration are implicated to varying degrees, as having played some role in the assassination of Sadat as well as terrorist acts that have resulted in the assassination of a number of foreign leaders. As we have seen in earlier chapters, Bush and the CIA, as well as previous Republican administrations, have been linked to terrorism, mass murder, torture, and the assassination and attempted assassination of a number of foreign presidents and prime ministers, including Italian Prime Minister Moro and Allende of Chile (1,2,32).

Likewise, as to the Libya and Iran connection to the Sadat assassination, there is substantial evidence to indicate that the CIA was providing illegal financial or military aid to both countries either prior to, during, or after the assassination, and that part of the motive for this illegal activity was to curry favor and gain influences on Libyan and Iranian terrorist- and intelligence organizations (19,20,40,41,42).

Although an arm's embargo and other sanctions were in place against Libya and Iran, and presumably, vigorously enforced by the CIA, State Department, and Reagan-Bush administration, the facts indicate otherwise (19,20,40,41,42). Indeed, the CIA had been providing weapons and technology to Libya since 1977. Likewise, despite its being a "terrorist" state, it is now well established that the Reagan and Bush administration were supplying weapons and related technology to Iran -- despite laws forbidding any such trade with this "terrorist" state (40,41,42).


According to official records, including those of the "Independent Counsel for Iran/Contra Matters" (40) and the Tower Commission (41), the Reagan-Bush administration were also illegally selling arms to Iran in 1985 -though in fact, the evidence suggests that the CIA and the Reagan-Bush administration had been trading with the enemy, since October of 1980 (43). And the evidence indicates that the Reagan-Bush team utilized the services of the bin Laden family in carrying out these illegal terrorist-related actions.

According to a number of independent sources including French Intelligence, and as reported by PBS Frontline, and "Behind the Scenes in the Beltway" columnist, Al Martin (43), Bush, along with Salim bin Laden and Amiram Nir (an intelligence agent with Israel's Mossad), personally met with Iranian government officials and offered unspecified bribes, in October of 1980. These meetings took place in Paris. Paris is also a corporate base for the bin Laden family, and a number of other Saudi business men implicated in funding Osama bin Laden and other terrorist groups (33).

The purpose of these meetings was to persuade Iranian officials to keep 52 American hostages imprisoned in Teheran, until after the November, 1980 election -- men and women who had been taken hostage at the U.S. Embassy in Iran, after the U.S. provided sanctuary to the deposed Shah of Iran. That is. George Bush met with representatives of a terrorist nation, in order to persuade them to keep American citizens hostage long enough to help insure the defeat of President Jimmy Carter and the election of the Reagan- Bush ticket (43,44).

The Reagan-Bush administration, and George Bush, were not just dealing with Iranian terrorists, but the bin Ladens.

As also noted by Frontline (2001), "if the French report is correct, it points to a long-standing connection of highly illegal behavior between the Bush and bin Laden families."

That Bush would conspire with terrorists and put his own interests above those of the American people, is consistent with everything we know about this man and his family.

Bush, of course, claims that these meetings never happened. Nevertheless a number of independent witnesses, including French Intelligence agents, observed George H.W. Bush and Iranian officials in Paris in October, when these meetings took place.

What other evidence do we have which indicates that these Bush -- bin Laden -- Iranian meetings actually occurred, and that bribes were offered?

For one, we know that the Iranians held off on freeing the hostages until after the November elections. They were freed on the day Reagan and Bush were sworn into office.

We also know that the Reagan-Bush administration illegally provided arms to Iran (40-43).

The evidence indicates that the "bribe" offered to Iran included offensive weapons, and that in return for the promise of weapons, Iran continued to hold American hostage until after the election.

As scientists, we do not believe that "coincidence" is a scientific explanation.


As noted, not only George H.W. Bush, but Israeli agent, Amiram Nir, and the bin Ladens played a prominent role in the October 1980 meeting in Paris. These same individuals also played a significant role in the illegal operation code named "arms for hostages," i.e. the illegal provision of offensive weapons to the Iranian regime, and the provision of illegal funds to terrorists operating in bases outside Nicaragua.

Amiram Nir and Salem bin Laden played a significant role in arming not just the Iranians, but Central American terrorists.

To quote the New Yorker 01/5/01), "During the nineteen-eighties, when the Reagan Administration secretly arranged for an estimated thirty-four million dollars to be funneled through Saudi Arabia to the Contras, in Nicaragua. Salem bin Laden aided in this cause, according to French intelligence."

Yet another coincidence, Salem bin Laden died in a 1988 air crash in Texas. Nothing was ever proven, but Salem bin Laden's death led to speculation that he might have been "eliminated." If he was in fact purposefully killed, his murder may have been related not to the Contras, but to the illegal arms trade with Iran and the Paris meeting in 1980.

Likewise, Amiram Nir died in a plan crash after departing Texas and while flying over Mexico, presumably in route to South America. His death, too, may have had little to do with the Contras, per se, but with operation code named: "arms for hostages," and the Paris meeting where Bush traded the lives of Americans to enhance his chances to be elected Vice-President.

As will be explained, the Contras were a terrorist army waging a terrorist campaign of murder, torture, and terrorism, against the people of Nicaragua. The contrast were funded, trained, and equipped by the CIA, with the assistance of the Saudi royal family, including the bin Laden family and Salem bin Laden.


By 1980, 50 patriarchs of the ruling Saud family had become multi-billionaires. The royal family's budget was estimated be between $6 to $7 billion annually. The king's palace, in 1980,was estimated to be worth $17 billion.

Saudi Arabia, the richest and thus the most powerful state in the Gulf region, is also the most repressive and the most inscrutable. The population is kept under extremely tight control, women have almost no rights, and Jews are forbidden entry except under exceptional conditions, i.e. U.S. diplomats who are Jews (15,45).

Foreign researchers and reporters are almost always refused entry into the country unless specifically invited. They are then accompanied wherever they go.

American soldiers and oil company staff are required to live in prison-like compounds, which are fenced off to prevent unsupervised interaction with Saudi citizens.

Arrest and imprisonment without trial, torture, solitary confinement for years on end, political executions, beheadings, amputation, and the most barbaric of criminal penalties are imposed on men, women, and children, for crimes such as criticizing the Royal family. A typical case reported by Amnesty International: a ten-year-old child was tied to a rope and left exposed to the merciless desert sun until he died of exposure.

Likewise, the armies of foreigners who labor at extremely low wages in Saudi Arabia have no rights, are denied citizenship, and are ruled with an iron hand (15,45).

It is a suffocating world of the most extremist oppression. In November of 1990, as U.S. forces began to arrive in preparation for war in Iraq, 47 Saudi women did the unthinkable: They drove cars. The women were covered from head to foot. There was nothing un-Islamic about their appearance. However, they had broken Saudi Arabia's version of Islamic law and the religious police pounced. The women were arrested, branded "harlots," "bitches" and "whores" and threatened with death.

On March 15, 2002, over a dozen Saudi girls burned to death, when they were not allowed to escape a burning school building. Saudi Arabia's religious police stopped the schoolgirls from escaping the blaze because they were not wearing correct Islamic dress (headscarves and black robes -- abayas). Because the girls, in their panic, refused to return to the burning buildings, the religious police -- also known as the Commission for the Promotion of Virtue and Prevention of Vice -- began beating them and tossing them bodily back into the inferno. Men who stopped and tried to help the girls, were warned back by the religious police because "it is a sinful to approach them."

These incredibly repressive policies have been fully supported by a succession of U.S. Presidents, who, like the Kings of Arabia, know that it is in the strategic and economic interests of the bankers, oil men, and the arms merchants, to keep the kings in power and the people under control. Indeed, Saudi Arabia is the world's largest single oil producer, and thus controls the spigot which provides the major life blood of the world's economy, oil, that is (12, 45).

Because of its police state mentality, the exclusion or confinement of foreign visitors, and its hyper-secrecy, Saudi Arabia is thus the perfect partner for men of power who wish to engage in criminal acts or commit terrorist atrocities against the people and leaders of other countries who do not share their views. All becomes permissible, nothing is forbidden, if there is enough secrecy. Saudi Arabia is a religious-fascist state which under the cloak of secrecy seeks to impose its world view and its repressive interpretation of Islam, on other countries and peoples.


The Bush family -- with its Nazi connections, the Saudi royals -- with their Nazi-connections-and other rich and influential Saudi families were naturally drawn to one another as they share similar ideologies and goals: the "new world order" which is to be governed and controlled by a small ruling class elite, that is, the "Brotherhood" (15,46). In the 1960s, and certainly by the 1970s, they were all doing business together (38, 43).

However, in the case of the Saudis, that new world order will be a world-wide Islamic state, governed according to Sunni Wahhabi interpretations of Islam (15). Although that goal is not shared by the Bush-Wall Street-corporate elite, the Bush team and the Saudis are nevertheless willing to work closely together, to increase their wealth and their power, and to combat and eliminate common enemies and competitors for world domination, such as the Soviet Union and its communist allies. In the 1980s, these "communist" enemies targeted for elimination included those in South- and Central America which, despite its distance from the Persian gulf, is a perfect target for Islamic extremists.

Indeed, due in part to Saudi efforts, since the 1980s, Islam has become the fastest growing religion among Latinos in the Americas (47,48). This is not entirely surprising, as Islam has a long history in Spain, beginning with the Spanish rule of the Muslim Moors from the 700s to the 14oos. It is Spain, with its Muslim-colored culture, which conquered Mexico and South America during the 1500s.

In fact, in the semi-isolated jungles of countries like Peru (e.g., in a region called Canete) as well as in cities such a Lima, there are houses which resemble Muslim Masjids. Peasants of many villages sill dress in turbans and thobes -- Arab robes (49).

Although the peoples of South- and Central America are predominantly Catholic, Islam has made strides by stressing and promoting the idea that converts are actually reverting back to their original religion. For example, Ibrahim Gonzalez, raised as a Catholic, says he "didn't convert to Islam" -- rather, he says, "I reverted. We're returning to a religion that we once belonged to and was very much a part of our historical heritage" (48).

The Saudis thus looked to Central America as another breeding ground for their brand of Sunni Wahhabism. The Saudis were happy to assist the Reagan-Bush administration in funding terrorists who would be unleashed on South- and Central American countries such as Nicaragua.

As the CIA and the Reagan-Bush administration were working with the Saudis to unleash terrorists on Middle Eastern countries, it was only natural that they would work together in promoting terrorism in South- and Central American countries.

As was the case in the 1980 Paris meeting that Bush held with Iranian officials, Salem bin Laden would act on behalf of the Saudi royal family for the Central American operation.

As confirmed by French Intelligence sources, and as reported by PBS Frontline (43), during the 1980s, "Salem bin Laden, Osama's oldest brother, [was] one of the two closest friends of Saudi Arabia's King Fahd. As such, he often performed important missions for Saudi Arabia."

Thus, the CIA, Bush and associates, and various Saudi families and Saudi officials, including Prince Bandar and the bin Ladens began working hand in glove (40,41,43) to help support terrorist organizations, including the Contras who were raping, torturing and terrorizing the people of Nicaragua (50).

Bush business partner and friend, Adnan Khashoggi, a Saudi billionaire oil and arms trader, admitted in a television-interview, that he funneled $5 million dollars to help finance arms shipments to the Contras who were terrorizing Nicaragua. In addition, the Sultan of Brunei -- the richest man in the world -- pitched in another $10 million.

According to the Tower Commission, led by Senator John Tower (41) Saudi officials linked to Saudi King Fahd donated from $1 million to $2 million a month from July 1984 to April 1985. over 32 million dollars, to support the Contras. According to the New York Times the contribution may have been part of a 1981 secret agreement between Riyadh and Washington "to aid anti communist resistance groups" in return for "sophisticated American AWACS radar planes, according to United States officials and others familiar with the deal."

As detailed in the "Final Report of the Independent Counsel for Iran/Contra Matters" (40) "Saudi Arabia had contributed to the support of the Nicaraguan contras at a time when Congress had forbidden the use of appropriated funds for this purpose." The report goes on to say that the Reagan-Bush administration were soliciting "foreign countries including Saudi Arabia .,. to provide funds for the contras, and that ... Saudi Arabia was providing $25 million in assistance to the contras."

The Saudi royal family was intimately involved in these illegal activities.

"During the period between 1984-1987 ...daily diary notes record at least 64 separate contacts with Prince Bandar bin Sultan, the Saudi Ambassador to the United States ...." the subjects discussed ranged "from political strategy for handling the revelation of the Iran arms sales, and included discussions of helping Saudi Arabia acquire United States weapon systems."

Some of those who attended or were privy to those meetings included the Secretary of Defense (Caspar Weinberger), the Director of the CIA, the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff (40), as well as Bush and Cheney.

Although Bush later claimed he was "out of the loop", Secretary of State George Shultz later told the Tower Commission (41) that George Bush was completely aware of the complex arrangements between the Saudis, the Reagan-Bush administration, the Contras, and even the operation coded named: "arms for hostages."

Likewise, according to Reagan Press Secretary James Brady, "Bush" was "functioning much like a co-president" and was "involved in all the national security stuff because of his special background as CIA director. All the budget working groups he was there, the economic working groups, the Cabinet meetings. He is included in almost all the meetings."

In the "Final Report of the Independent Counsel for Irani Contra Matters" (40) it is also noted that Reagan-Bush administration officials repeatedly lied and perjured themselves by attempting to cover up these illegal activities. The Independent Counsel also concluded that "Prince Bandar" repeatedly made false statements including: "Saudi Arabia is not and has not been involved either directly or indirectly in any military or other support activity of any kind for or in connection with any group or groups concerned with Nicaragua," he claimed.

As an aside, this is the same Prince Bandar, who, some 15 years later, and again acting as a spokesman for the terrorist regime of the Saudi royal family, refused to let U.S. investigators interview the families of 15 of the 9/11 hijackers, all of whom Saudi citizens. It was the wife of Prince Bandar, and the Saudi government which also provided over $200,000.00 to Osama Bassnan who in turn provided cash to 9/11 hijackers, Khalid al-Midhar and Nawaq al-Hazmi.

Just as we know that the Saudi royals and other Saudi families helped finance the 9/11 terrorist attack on the United States (34-37), we also know, based on Reagan-Bush administration documents which escaped destruction in the 1980s, that "Saudi Arabia had agreed to give financial support to the Nicaraguan contras during the period when U.S. funds for the contras were virtually exhausted and Congress had refused to appropriate additional funds" (40). In yet another administration note it is written: "Bandar is giving $25 million to Contras."
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Postby admin » Sat Aug 01, 2015 3:02 am



"Somoza may be a son of a bitch, but he's our son of a bitch."

-- President Franklin Delano Roosevelt

For two generations the Somoza family had used terrorism, torture, and mass murder to intimidate and control the people of Nicaragua and to remove all opposition as they systematically plundered the country and became multi-millionaires. Although a small clique of closely aligned Nicaraguan families, and of course, the CIA, supported the Somoza dictatorship, the people of Nicaragua did not. In 1956, Somoza Garcia was gunned down. Unfortunately, for the people of Nicaragua, his son Anastasio Somoza Debayle, "the vampire dictator," took control. The Somozas continued to plunder Nicaragua (51).

In 1972, Nicaragua and the Somoza dictatorship were rattled by a massive earthquake which injured and killed over 100,000 Nicaraguans. The Somoza family, however, capitalized on the misery of the people, by seizing, with the help of the National Guard, over $30 million in international relief (51).

In 1979, Somoza was finally overthrown by a rebel group who called themselves the Sandinistas. The Sandinista National Liberation Front, founded in 1962, was named after General Cesar August Sandino, a revolutionary hero who had been murdered by Somoza Garcia.

When the Sandinistas came to power, they formed a democratic government which accepted help from Cuba and the Soviet Union, as well as from the World Bank. The Sandinistas offered a social program that was designed to improve education, health care, and social services. The Carter administration, and the World Bank, pledged over 100 million dollars in financial support to the new regime, and the country prospered. The World Bank called its development projects "extraordinarily successful" and "in some sectors" of Nicaragua "better than anywhere else in the world."

Improved health care, education and social services?

Wall Street and the CIA became alarmed (50).

When Reagan and Bush took office in 1981, they canceled all financial aid to Nicaragua, which they accused of being a "Marxist" and "communist" state. The Reagan-Bush team imposed an embargo in an attempt to destroy the economy and overthrow the government. On November 17, 1981, President Reagan signed National Security Directive 17, which authorized covert support to anti-Sandinista terrorists who wish to overthrow the democratically elected government of Nicaragua. Over $19 million was provided initially, to train a guerrilla force which would operate and launch terrorist attacks from training camps in Honduras and Costa Rica (50, 51, 52).

Thus, the "Contras" were born.

The Contras consisted of former Somoza National Guard units, men who had ruthlessly used Nazi-tactics during the rein of Somoza, to keep the people terrified and under control. This was the same National Guard, who helped Somoza steal over $30 million in international relief.

Now, with the backing of the Reagan-Bush administration, the Contras were turned loose on the citizens and cities of Nicaragua. The Contras proceeded to blow up schools, health centers, bridges, boats, government offices, and massacred tens of thousands of innocent men, women, and children (51, 52).

These attacks were not entirely random. Doctors, nurses, and teachers were singled out, as were volunteers in the health and literacy programs.

The targeting of those who provide health and educational services had been a tactic first refined by Adolf Hitler and the SS. Opponents who are ignorant, sickly, and unhealthy, are easier to suppress and control (54).

By 1983, the Reagan-Bush team had armed and trained 16,000 Contra terrorist troops. They were christened the Nicaraguan Democratic Force (FDN). However, by 1984, the FDN, despite its use of terror and intimidation, had failed to win the hearts and minds of a single village (50).

The FDN were feared and hated -- which is exactly what they desired. The aim of the Contras was to use terrorist tactics to stop Nicaraguan development projects in economic, education, health services and political organizations. It was through terror that the FDN hoped to come to power, and it was through terror that they hoped to remain in power.

The Contras, with Saudi, CIA and US backing, raped, murdered, kidnapped, and massacred tens of thousands of peasants and government officials. They burned crops, killed farmers, and blew up bridges, civilian power plants, schools, and hospitals (50,51,52).

An American Protestant organization, "Witness For Peace" and the human rights organization "Americas Watch" documented thousands of incidents where the Contras attacked farms and villages, and captured, tortured, and maimed children, women and men. The Contras cut off hands. arms, legs and feet, pulled out the tongues of their victims, gouged out eyes, castrated men and boys, bayoneted pregnant women and cut open their bellies, and tossed babies and children into fires or dashed their heads against the ground.

One survivor of a Contra raid reported: "Rosa had her breasts cut off. Then they cut into her chest and took out her heart. The men had their arms broken, their testicles cut off and their eyes poked out. They were killed by slitting their throats and pulling the tongue out through the slit."

Rosa, was not an isolated cases. Similar atrocities were being carried out all over by the Contras -- men Ronald Reagan and George Bush called "freedom fighters" and "the moral equal of our founding fathers."

In October 1984 the Associated Press and the Boston Globe disclosed the discovery a 90 page CIA terrorist-warfare training manual called "Psychological Operations in Guerrilla Warfare." This document, which this author has examined (54) was later authenticated by the House Intelligence Committee as a CIA manual that provided helpful terrorism tips for the Contras. The manual provided advice and instruction on political assassinations, kidnappings and blowing up public buildings and the use of "shock troops" to disrupt public and political meetings. The "Shock troops" the manual instructs, must be "armed with clubs, iron rods and placards, and if possible, small firearms, which they shall carry hidden [as well as] knives, razors, chains, clubs and bludgeons."

Once a village meeting began, the Contras would attack.

The manual also instructed the Contras in the "Selective use of Violence" and to "neutralize carefully selected and planned targets such as court judges, police or state security officials, etc. [and to] kidnap all officials or agents of the Sandinista government." The manual called for "implicit terror" and stated: "If possible, professional criminals will be hired to carry out selective jobs."

In Congress, the question was asked "Is this not, in effect, our own state-sponsored terrorism?"

The Contra leadership readily admitted that they committed atrocities. They were proud of it:

"It is cynical to think that the Contra respect human rights. During my four years as a Contra director, it was premeditated practice to terrorize civilian non-combatants to prevent their cooperation with the government... No serious attempt has been made to stop because terror is the most effective weapon of the Contra."

-- Contra Leader, Edgar Chamorro

In the years from 1981 to 1984 the contras assassinated 910 government officials, attacked nearly 100 civilian communities and caused the displacement of over 150,000 people from their homes and farms. Bridges, dams, port facilities, granaries, water and electrical power stations, telephone lines, health centers, hospitals and schools were destroyed (52,55). And all this was orchestrated by the Reagan-Bush administration -- the inner circle of which included men such as Dick Cheney.

Finally, the Sandinista government of Nicaragua filed suit against the U.S., in the World Court at the Hague. In 1986, the World Court ruled against the United States for blockading Nicaragua, mining its harbors, and for providing training and financial support for the terrorist acts of the Contras. In issuing this Judgment, the Court also demanded that the U.S. pay reparations to Nicaragua.

Being labeled international outlaws and terrorists mattered little to the Reagan-Bush team, who refused to acknowledge the jurisdiction of the court. The U.S. also vetoed a U.N. Security Council resolution to enforce the judgment of the World Court. In fact, in 1984, the Reagan administration legalized "murder," i.e. "preemptive" self-defense against civilians and other targets in Nicaragua and other nations that sponsored "terrorism." Terrorism teams, directed by the CIA, would be "shielded ... from legal action under U.S. law if they were acting in good faith" (56).

The Reagan-Bush administration were proud sponsors of murder and terrorism.

Should we be surprised that when Cheney and 300 other former Bush administration officials again came to power and joined the new Bush administration in 2001, that terrorists would again be unleashed? This time against U.S. cities and U.S. citizens?

A man who orders others to commit murder or acts of terror, is still a murderer and a terrorist, regardless of where the crime first took place. And those who employ terror and murder, are the most likely to again resort to murder and terror if its suits their needs.


In order to put a halt to U.S. sponsored terrorism, Congress passed the "Boland Amendment" which read in part: "None of the funds provided in this Act [the Defense Appropriations Bill] may be used by the Central Intelligence Agency or the Department of Defense to furnish military equipment, military training or advice, or other support for military activities, to any group or individual ... for the purpose of overthrowing the government of Nicaragua" (57).

Not only was the Boland Amendment quite clear in its intent, but so was the penalty for doing so. It would be an "impeachable offense."

This did not stop the Reagan-Bush administration, however.

George Bush, like a true Hegelian Bonesman, created a shadow government, outside the law and in violation of the U.S. constitution (60). This shadow government was formed to carry out covert policies: to make war when the constitutional government had decided not to make war; and to support enemies of the nation (terrorists and drug-runners) who were the friends or agents of the secret Bush government.

The true number and nature of the many secret, non-constitutional government agencies created by Bush will never be known. What is known from the discovery of secret memorandum, is that Bush created illegal agencies and then named himself the chief (40, 41, 60).

According to one memo: the "National Security Decision Directive 3, Crisis Management, establishes the Special Situation Group (SSG), chaired by the Vice President. The SSG is charged ... with formulating plans in anticipation of crises."

The "Standing Crisis Pre-Planning Group" (CPPG) was yet another illegal government agency, the purpose of which was to gather intelligence for covert action by Bush's SSG, against anyone or any group or state, including American citizens, that Bush deemed to be an enemy. The members of the CPPG included not just Bush, but members of the National Security Council, CIA, and State Department (41,60), i.e. Caspar Weinberger, Admiral Poindexter, Ollie North, et al.

As also revealed by the same secret memo, the CPPG also served to provide "cover" that is, a cover up, if any of these illegal actions came to light.

Those illegal activities included selling weapons to the government of Iran (40,41,42) a state that was sponsoring terrorism and which had held American citizens as hostages, and then continued to hold them hostage at the request of George W. Bush in return for military assistance.

In July of 1985, and under the pretext of combating terrorism, when in fact he was fomenting terrorism, Bush became head of the newly formed Task Force on Combating Terrorism (or Terrorism Task Force).

In addition to Bush, members of The Terrorism Task Force included Marine Corps Lt. Col. Oliver North and Amiram Nir who was also a Counterterrorism adviser to Israeli Premier Shimon Peres. North and Nir would playa central role in providing not just U.S. arms, but Israeli arms to the Islamic government of Iran (40,41) -- the sworn enemy of both the U.S. and Israel.

As a cover for these traitors and impeachable offenses, the entire illegal deal would henceforth be code named operation "arms for hostages."

On December 18, 1985, Charles E. Allen, a CIA official and member of George Bush's Terrorism Task Force, wrote a memo providing an update on the "arms-for-hostages" deal with Iran (60): Rafsanjani [Speaker of the Iranian Parliament] believes Vice President George Bush is orchestrating the U.S. initiative with Iran. In fact, according to Subject, Rafsanjani believes that Bush is the most powerful man in the U.S. because in addition to being Vice President, he was once Director of CIA."

On December 31, 1985, a Paris-based CIA agent Bernard Veillot, was informed by Iranian arms dealer Cyrus Hashemi that Vice President Bush was offering 3,000 American TOW missiles, that is, $2 billion in secret arms to Iran, and that the secret deal was "going to be signed by Mr. Bush ...on Friday."

What we are told is that the Bush team intended to overcharge the Iranians for missiles and that the surplus funds would be diverted to the Contras (40,41).

What we have also learned is that Salem bin Laden, the brother of Osama bin Laden. played a direct role in the transfer of arms to Iran, as well as the funneling of cash to the contras.

On January 6, 1986 President Reagan met with George Bush and then signed a "Presidential Finding" that called for shipping arms to Iran through Israel (41,60) -- a deal that was in direct violation of the National Security Act, but, which according to the "Presidential finding" was "important to the national security of the United States ... The USG [chaired by Bush] will act to facilitate efforts by third parties and third countries to establish contacts with moderate elements within and outside the Government of Iran by providing these elements with arms, equipment and related materiel in order to enhance the credibility of these elements."

Although Bush later claimed he was "out of the loop" Secretary of State George Shultz later told the Tower Commission that George Bush completely supported the arms-for-hostages deal (41).

On January 18, 1986, the Bush-Reagan administration, in collusion with the CIA, prepared to ship 4,000 TOW anti-tank missiles to Khomeini's Iran (40,41,60). It has been alleged that Lt. Gen. Colin L. Powell was assigned to handle the arrangements for the illegal arms transfer which would first enter Israel and then be shipped to the terrorist government of Iran.

On July 29, 1986 George Bush traveled to Jerusalem and met with Nir who was to handle the transfer of the missiles from Israel to Iran. He instructed Craig Fuller, his chief of staff, to prepare a secret memorandum of the meeting (41,61).


Why did Bush sell arms to a terrorist state?

It should be stressed that there never was any clear indication in the documents that came to light, that the purpose of the "arms for hostages" operation was to obtain funds for the Contras, or to free hostages held in Lebanon. Although Oliver North, for example, wrote that $12 million of the $15 million expected to be paid by Iran for the arms could be "set aside for the contras" (40) it was never established that the reason for selling arms was to obtain funding for the Contras. In fact, the Contras never did want for funds during this period. The Contras were flush with cash, and had never stopped terrorizing the people of Nicaragua. That cash, as always, was coming from drug sales (58), from the Saudis (40), from the CIA (60,61) and the U.S. government which was diverting up to 100 million dollars ear-marked for other programs, to the Contras (40,41 ,42) -- and the provision of this assistance was not just illegal, but an impeachable act.

Rather, the facts suggest that the links between Iran and Nicaragua are much more complex and multi-faceted, and that the primary purpose in supplying offensive arms to Iran, was, to supply arms to Iran.

As noted earlier, many of the same Saudi families and organizations which were providing support for the terrorists who had attacked Egypt, were also providing financial support for the "freedom fighters" in Afghanistan and the Contras who were terrorizing Nicaragua. A tangled web of motives made for common ground that linked the Saudis to Reagan-Bush.

One common motive concerned the only other superpower, in the 1980s, the Soviet Union, and involved the desire to pry away, from the Soviet orbit, Iraq, Afghanistan, and the central Asian states, which the Bush team and the Saudis wished to gobble up.

A CIA position paper in 1985 detailed this thinking, by concluding that whichever superpower got to Iran first would be "in a strong position to work towards the exclusion of the other" so as to gain domination over the oil-fields of the Middle East and Central Asian States (41). Indeed, CIA officials (41), and Reagan-Bush administration officials (41) were in agreement that by providing offensive arms to Iran, they were "on the way to something that can become a truly strategic gain for us at the expense of the Soviets." The Reagan-Bush administration's explanation that they were illegally selling arms to Iran to get money to illegally buy arms for the terrorists waging war against the Sandinista government in Nicaragua, or to free hostages held in Lebanon, is just another in a series of endless cover ups within cover up within cover ups.


And then, on October 5, 1986, everything went terribly wrong. The secret arm's deal began to unravel. A C-123k cargo aircraft was shot down by a ground-to-air missile. "10,000 pounds of small arms and ammunition, consisting mainly of AK rifles and AK ammunition, hand grenades, and jungle boots" which was meant to be air dropped to the Contras was found in the wreckage. CIA operative, Eugene Hasenfus, the only survivor, was taken prisoner (59).

Later that same day, CIA operative, Felix Rodriguez made a phone call to the office of Vice President George Bush.

Six days later, The Washington Post broke the story (59): "Captured American Flyer to be Tried in Nicaragua. Bush is Linked to Head of Contra Aid Network."

Bush who was gearing up to run for president at the end of Reagan's second term, responded by lying and orchestrating a massive coverup. Bush spokesman, Marlin Fitzwater responded to the charges by stating in a press conference that: "Neither the vice president nor anyone on his staff is directing or coordinating an operation in Central America."

Bush's entire career was on the line. If it could be proved that he had been directing gun-running into Latin America, not only would he not be elected president in the upcoming election, but he could be impeached. And if he were impeached, the ensuing investigation could lead to the uncovering of almost 30 years of crimes and illegal behavior.

Repeatedly Bush proclaimed his innocence: "To say I'm running the operation ... it's absolutely untrue."

And then the dam broke and the entire "arms for hostages" deal came to light (40,41,42).

Bush, who was "involved in all the national security stuff because of his special background as CIA director," repeatedly pleaded ignorance. "I was out of the loop" Bush whined over and over again.

President Reagan went on TV to announce: "We did not -- repeat did not -- trade weapons or anything else for hostages. Nor will we."

As the special prosecutor (40) and the Tower Commission (41) began its investigation in the Fall of 1986, the coverup went into overdrive. Pressure, promises, bribes, and threats were made. Those intent on pursuing the investigation were threatened that secret FBI files with damaging dirt would be leaked to the press and that they'd be ruined.

Five months later, on February 26, 1987 "The President's Special Review Board" (also known as the "Tower Commission"), praised George Bush for his "vigorous reaffirmation of U.S. opposition to terrorism in all forms," and then went on to blame White House Chief of Staff Donald Reagan for the "chaos that descended upon the White House" in the Iran-Contra affair (41).

The cover up was a success. Bush had won again.


After Bush was elected President, Texas Senator John Tower, the commission's chairman, received his promised reward. He was appointed U.S. Secretary of Defense.

When Tower was asked if his nomination was a "payoff for the clean bill of health" he gave Bush, Tower replied that "the commission was made up of three people, Brent Scowcroft and Ed Muskie in addition to myself. I wonder what kind of payoff they're going to get?"

Brent Scowcroft received his payoff when Bush appointed him his chief national security adviser.

Who else received a payoff?

Admiral Poindexter.

Poindexter, as national security adviser, played a key role in the covert sale of U.S. armaments to the government of Iran. and the diversion of funds from the arms sales to support the contra terrorists in Nicaragua. On March 8th, 1990, Poindexter was brought to trial in Washington, D.C., and was found guilty of five criminal charges, including conspiracy, obstruction of Congress, and making false statements to Congress.

Poindexter took the fall, tried to accept full responsibility in order to protect Bush and Reagan, and one year later, with the help of now President Bush, a federal appeals court panel reversed the conviction on November 15th, 1991.

Ten years later, Admiral Poindexter was hired by the new Bush administration and the Pentagon, and appointed head of DARPA, which is a counterterrorist office which will be used to spy on Americans.


The "arms for hostages" explanation, as the reason for providing arms to Iran, was readily accepted by the general public and a gullible and compliant press, despite the patent absurdity of its premise, to wit: Iran was overcharged for weapons, and the extra money was funneled to the Contras (40,41).

Let us recall that Saudi billionaire, Adnan Khashoggi, was providing millions of dollars to support the Contras, as was the Sultan of Brunei, and the royal family of Saudi King Fahd (40). How many other sources were also kicking in cash, we don't know -- though we do know that the bin Laden family was involved and that the Contras were also flush with cash thanks to the drug trade (58).

We should ask, was Bush really selling arms for the release of hostages, or was that just icing on the cake? Was the prospect of getting a few dollars of "chump change" left over after overcharging Iran, really the reason why Reagan-Bush sold arms to Iran?

If not, then why did Reagan-Bush sell this terrorist state offensive weapons?

And we should ask, why would the government of Israel (40,41,63), wish to assist in the arming of a radical Islamic fundamentalist regime that was preaching "death to Israel"?

And, why would Saudi Arabia also willingly become part of this triangle when Iran's Shiit revolution was threatening their Sunni kingdom?

There are several answers all of which center on Middle Eastern and Central Asian oil, the Soviet Union, and the fact that Iran was at war with Iraq (64).

Iraq has the second largest oil reserves in the world. The Saudis believe that Iraq is a broken off part of Arabia, and they want it back. Israel believes that God promised then a huge hunk of Iraq as part of the promised land (65). And, U.S. oil companies, and the "New World Order" brotherhood of death, wanted Iraq for its oil and its strategic importance in gaining control over the energy needs of the developing world (66).

What all parties wanted in common, was for Iran and Iraq to destroy one another, but that neither should win the war.

It was the 'ol Hegelian synthesis of controlled conflict where only the bankers, arm's merchants, and the predators waiting on the sidelines win.

The Iran Iraq war, which began in 1980, was a losing proposition for Iraq from the start, placing incredible economic, social, religious, and political strains on the country and its people. And, yet, Saddam Hussein started the war, and in this regard it is noteworthy that he was urged on by Saudi Arabia which promised to help fund the conflict (67).

Saddam did not make the decision to invade Iran solely because of the promises of Saudi Arabia. Rather, he did so because of a sense of incredible vulnerability. Saddam Hussein and his Baath Party, had spent years trying to forge an Iraqi nation-state and to unify a diverse people with diverse religions, which included an almost equal number of Sunnis and Shiits (68). Saddam Hussein believed that Iran's new Islamic revolutionary Shiit government was planning to throw his own government into chaos and destroy all he had accomplished, by encouraging an uprising among the Shiit population (67,68). The ruling families of Kuwait and Saudi Arabia also feared that Iran's Shiit revolution might spill over into their own borders, and thus, they too felt threatened, and they fanned Saddam's sense of paranoia (64,67).

Indeed, Iran's new leader, the Ayatollah Khomeini, had already vowed revenge on Iraq, which had expelled him after fifteen years in An Najaf. The Ayatollah Khomeini also claimed that Shiits of Iraq were victims of Baathist repression. Khomeini promised to come to their aid. In April of 1980, the Iranians attempted to assassinate Iraqi foreign minister Tariq Aziz and Latif Nayyif Jasim, the Iraqi Minister of Culture (67).

Saddam had every reason to worry, and thus launched the war preemptively. He did so during a period of Iranian weakness, the result of the overthrow of the Shah of Iran and the disintegration of the Imperial Iranian Army whose highest ranking officers had been executed following the 1979 Iranian revolution. The Iranian armed forces were not only without effective leadership, but according to Iraqi intelligence estimates, it also lacked spare parts for their American-made equipment (64,67).

Saddam launched his war on September 22, 1980. Within a few weeks it looked as if Iraq would win the war. Saddam even offered to end the war. The Ayatollah Khomeini scornfully rejected his terms.

Almost all experts agree that Saddam miscalculated, that he may have been lured into a war that in the long run, he could not win. Saddam and the world didn't know it, but Saudi Arabia, Israel, and the Reagan-Bush administration, were also secretly and covertly backing Iran (40, 41, 63, 69, 70).

In October, a few weeks after the Iraq-Iran war began, George Bush secretly met with Iranian officials in Paris, accompanied by Salem bin Laden and Mr. Nir, an Israeli agent (43,44). He made the Iranians an offer, that given their precarious position, they dared not refuse: Keep the Americans hostage and aid would on the way.

Tehran accepted the bribes offered by Bush and rejected Iraq's settlement offer, as they now knew they were going to begin receiving needed spare parts and supplies. Over the next several weeks, the Iranians desperately sought to hold the line against the militarily superior Iraqi forces, as American arms, supplies, spare parts, and logistics and technological assistance began to arrive in massive amounts from unknown sources -- most probably Israel (63).

In January, 1981, as Reagan and Bush took office, Iran began releasing imprisoned military officers, the Iranian Army suddenly began cooperating and coordinating attacks with the armed units under the control of Khomeini, and Iran began a series of increasingly effect counteroffensives (64). In 1982 and continuing until 1984, Iraq was repeatedly forced to retreat and Iran began to invade Iraqi territory.

This was made possible with the assistance of the Reagan- Bush administration, via Israel (63,70) and Saudi-allies, Pakistan and Algeria (71) which transferred vast quantities of U.S. made weapons and spare parts to Iran. In addition to arms, spare parts and supplies, the Reagan-Bush team also passed to the Iranians "intelligence" about the threat on Iran's borders as well as internal threats posed by Iranian communists (41). According to the Tower Commission (41): "In 1983, the United States helped bring to the attention of Teheran the threat inherent in the extensive infiltration of the government by the communist Tudeh Party and Soviet or pro-Soviet cadres in the country. Using this information, the Khomeini government took measures, including mass executions, that virtually eliminated the pro-Soviet infrastructure in Iran."

After the Iran-Contra scandal broke, in 1986, Reagan announced in November that his administration provided arms "to find an avenue to get Iran back where it once was and that is in the family of democratic nations" (63). Of course, Iran had never been a democratic nation.

The Tower Commission also justified the illegal provision of materials and intelligence, by echoing the claims of the Reagan- Bush administration that they were trying to make friends with Iranian moderates: "a strategic opening to Iran may have been in the national interest" (40).

The Reagan-Bush administration further claimed that their efforts in Iran were designed to build ties to moderates, when in fact they were well aware that they were dealing with religious fanatics and that the weapons would go to the Revolutionary Guards, the shock troops of the mullahs (41). In August 1986, the special assistant to the Israeli prime minister briefed George Bush, telling him, "we are dealing with the most radical elements ....This is good because we've learned that they can deliver and the moderates can't" (41).

By the end of 1984, the Iran Iraqi war had become a war of attrition (64). Over 300,000 Iranian soldiers and 250,000 Iraqi troops had been killed, and the Iranians were now using children as weapons. According to Iranian eye-witnesses, the Iranian government rounded up thousands of orphans and street urchins, both girls and boys, gave them a "plastic key" to paradise, and wrapped them in blankets and forced them to roll over mine fields. Other witnesses tell of thousands of children, mostly boys, who were tied together with ropes, and then driven forward as human shields.

In 1986, Iran again became flush with new American made offensive weapons and supplies, as well as intelligence about the Iraqi front. Iran, flush with illegal U.S. assistance began a series of highly successful attacks, capturing large land masses in the southern regions of Iraq as well as the Iraqi oil port of AI Faw (64). CIA deputy director John McMahon remarked that this intelligence gave the Iranians "a definite edge," which would produce "cataclysmic results" (41).

In January of 1987, Iranian units began a massive offensive into Iraqi terrorize, and almost broke Iraq's last line of defense east of Basra. Victory was almost within their grasp (64).

However, the Israelis, the Saudis, and the American had no stomach for an Iranian victory. The goals was to bleed these nations dry. If Iraq fell, Saudi Arabia and Kuwait would be the next targets of the Islamic revolution, and Reagan had already declared, after becoming President, that "we will not permit [Saudi Arabia] to be an Iran."

The United States now began to openly supply Iraq. In May 1987, U.S. Assistant Secretary of State Richard Murphy met with Saddam Hussein and promised him arms and assistance. He also assured Saddam that the UN would pass a mandatory arms embargo against Iran.

The strategy was pure Hegelian. A weak Iraq was in need of friends and money, and the Reagan-Bush administration and the bankers and arms merchants of Wall Street were happy to provide loans and to sell him whatever he needed. This strategy also served to pry Saddam away from the Soviet Union, thus making him more dependent on the U.S.

In truth, however, the Reagan-Bush administration, in true Hegelian tradition, had been supplying arms to Iraq since 1981, including five Boeing jetliners (72). However, to do so legally, the Reagan-Bush removed Iraq from its list of nations supporting international terrorism. The Reagan Bush team extended a $400 million credit guarantee for U.S. exports to Iraq (73).

This assistance was increased in 1987, whereas all support for Iran disappeared. As a result, by late 1987 Iran had become less able to mount an effective defense against the resupplied Iraqi army and air force (64).

The Reagan-Bush team also began authorizing U.S. military attacks on Iran, including in October 1987, the destruction of Iranian oil platforms (74).

[b]The U.S. Navy was also "deployed aggressively and provocatively in the hottest parts of the Persian Gulf" the purpose of which was "to start fights, not to end them." According to one commanding officer, "We behave at times as if our objective was to goad Iran into a war with us" (77).

That same year, the U.S. cruiser "Vicennes" shot down an Iranian commercial jetliner, killing all 290 people aboard. Although the Reagan-Bush administration claimed it was an accident, it was well known among Navy personnel, that the Vicennes had behaved in a "consistently aggressive" fashion, attacking neutral and nonthreatening Iranian targets. Because it seemed programmed to attack, some Navy personnel referred to the ship as "Robo Cruiser" (74,76).

With U.S. assistance to Iraq, and by attacking and denying the Iranian military further assistance, the tide of the Iraqi-Iranian war began to turn. "Four major battles were fought from April to August 1988, in which the Iraqis routed or defeated the Iranians. In the fall of 1988, the Iraqis displayed in Baghdad captured Iranian weapons amounting to more than three-quarters of the Iranian armor inventory and almost half of its artillery pieces and armored personnel carriers" (77).

However, again, it was not the intention of the Reagan-Bush administration, or the Saudis or the Israelis, for Iraq to win. In 1988, Iraq and Iran were so badly bruised and battered, that in response to international pressure, they agreed to end the war.
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Postby admin » Sat Aug 01, 2015 3:03 am



The Iraq-Iranian war served the long-term objectives of the CIA, Wall Street, the oil men, the Bush family, Israel, and, initially, the Saudi royal family. Iraq and Iran were greatly weakened, thus reducing both not only as a potential threat to Israel and Saudi Arabia, but rendering Iraq more susceptible, in its weakened state, to someday being conquered by Israel, the U.S., or the Wahhabis of Saudi Arabia.[/b]

As detailed in chapter 7, at the end of the first world war, and with the collapse of the Ottoman Empire, Britain and France pounced on the Middle East, and divided up the spoils. They created artificial boundaries and thus new states in the Middle East. France and Britain believed that a fragmented people, ruled by leaders appointed by them, would be easier to exploit, and could be more easily forced to accept whatever terms were offered in return for their oil.

France took Syria and Lebanon, and Britain broke Arabia into three states: Iraq, Kuwait, and Saudi Arabia which was renamed after king Ibn Saud. The modem borders of Saudi Arabia, Iraq, and Kuwait were established by British Imperial fiat at what became known as the Uqauir Conference.

King Ibn Saud, however, was determined to someday unify his country and to erase the artificial boundaries which created the bastard states of Kuwait and Iraq. This has been the goal of the Saudi royal family ever since.

However, the Saudi Sunni-Wahhabis not only believe that Iraq is a broken off province but that Iraq's secular government, led by Saddam Hussein, is an affront to God. Indeed, the Saudis have the same view as to the leaders and the peoples of many other Islamic states. It is the long term goal of the followers of the Sunni-Wahhabi school of Islam is to recapture Iraq, and to create a single unified Islamic superstate which includes not just the countries of the Middle East, but the world (14,15).

The Sunni-Wahhabis are advocates of "oneness" (Muwahiddun) and the creation of a single unified Islamic world and state, where all the people of the planet belong to "the one true religion" of the Sunni branch of Islam. As preached by the Sunni Wahhabis, the followers of other religions, including Jews, Christians, Hindus, and even Shiits, are heretics, apostates, and infidels, who must be forcibly converted, or killed (15).

It is the Wahhabism connection which also explains why Salem bin Laden, the Saudi king's best friend, was playing a major role in the "arms for hostages" program and why the Saudis were willing to provide millions of dollars to the Contras as well as other terrorist groups that were attacking western targets as well as other Muslim nations. It is because of their belief in Wahhabism, that the Saudi royals and other leading Saudi families have been eager to fund terrorism, as it is their goal to overthrow non-Islamic governments, including the secular and Shiit leaders of other Islamic nations, and to covert the people of others faiths (14,15).

In this regard, not just Iraq, but Iran with its Shiit population and Shiit leadership has also been a Wahhabi target. However, prior to 1979, both nations appeared to be too strong to conquer.


In 1979, an unexpected event brought the Saudis and the Western powers even closer together and seemed to provide a possible solution to the Wahhabi problem of Iran and Iraq. The Shah of Iran, was overthrown and replaced by an anti-U.S. fundamentalist Shiit Muslim regime.

Whereas the U.S. lost an important ally, the Saudis now had to contend with a Shiit revolutionary revival that threatened to spread into Iraq and then into other Islamic nations including even Saudi Arabia -- and the Shiite branch of Islam was something the Saudis were intent to destroy.

However, if Iraq and Iran were to go to war, then both might be bled to weakness, thereby eliminating Shiit Iran as a threat and thus making Iraq that much easier to conquer.

It is for these, and reasons related to the control of oil, that the Saudis were willing to work with the Reagan-Bush administration, and initially provide arms to Iran: The Bush team and the Saudis were hungrily eyeing Iraq's oil fields which some day they hoped to seize. Indeed, Bush, Israel, and Saudi Arabia were all eyeing the same prize and all were happy to initially provide Iran with arms -- but not enough arms to win the war with Iraq which Israel hopes to someday annex and which the Saudis hope to someday seize and covert to Wahhabism.

In this regard. the U.S., Saudi Arabia, and Israel were of one mind, which is why all three covertly provided arms and intelligence to Iran, while overtly (with the exception of Israel) providing assistance to Iraq.

It was the 'ol Hegelian dialectic. Controlled conflict. The synthesis was that whereas in 1988 Iran and Iraq had both lost, Israel, Saudi Arabia, the oil companies and the Wall Street elite were now a few steps closer to someday achieving their long range goals: the creation of a "new world order."


The following year, in 1989, yet another battle was won. The Soviets, bloody and bruised were forced to withdraw from Afghanistan.

The next phase of the battle for the Central Asian states, and the oil-fields of Iraq, had just begun.



1). Stephen Shlesinger & Stephen Kinzer, "Bitter Fruit: the Untold Story of the American Coup in Guatemala," Anchor Press, 1990' Stacy May & Galo Plaza, "The United Fruit Company in Latin America," Washington, National Planning Association, 1957; Alejandra Batres, "The Experience of the Guatemalan United Fruit Company Workers, 1944-1954: Why Did They Fail?" Texas Papers on Latin America. Paper No. 95-01, University of Texas at Austin, 1995; Paul Dosal, "Doing Business with the Dictators: a Political History of United Fruit in Guatemala, 1899- 1944," SR Books, 1993; Thomas, McCann, "An American Company: the Tragedy of United Fruit," Crown, 1976; E. Howard Hunt, "Give Us This Day," New Rochelle: Arlington House. 1973; Audrey R. Kahin, George McT Kahin, "Subversion As Foreign Policy: The Secret Eisenhower and Dulles Debacle in Indonesia;" University of Washington Press, 1997; Vitaly, Syrokomsky, "International Terrorism and the CIA: Documents, Eyewitness Reports, Facts," Progress Publishers, Moscow, 1983; James A. Bill, " The Eagle and the Lion: The Tragedy of American-Iranian Relations," Yale University Press, I988;Fletcher Prouty, "The Secret Team: The CIA and Its Allies in Control of the U.S. and the World," Prentice Hall, 1973; Jonathan Kwitney, "The Crimes of Patriots: A True Tale of Dope, Dirty Money & the CIA," WW Norton, 1987; Rodney Stich, "Defrauding America: A Pattern Of Related Scandals -- Dirty Secrets Of The CIA And Other Government Operations," Diablo Western Press, 1993; William Blum, "Killing Hope: US Military and CIA Intervention Since WWII," Common Courage Press, 1995.

2). Robinson Rojas Sandford. 'The Murder of Allende and the End of the Chilean Way of Socialism," Harper & Row, 1976; Paul M. Sweezy. "Revolution and Counter-Revolution in Chile," Monthly Review Press, 1974; "CIA plot against Allende: Operating guidance cable," 10/16/1970. "CIA, Operating Guidance Cable on Coup Plotting, October 16, 1970."

3) William C. Gibbons, "The U.S. Government and the Vietnam War: Executive and Legislative Roles and Relationships;' Princeton University Press, 1986-1989.

4). The CIA has been interfering with the nation of Iraq since the 1950s. In 1958, when the U.S.-British puppet regime of Nuri Said was overthrown by an uprising of the population, and Abdul-Karim Kassem. came to power in his place, the CIA began recruiting operatives from the Iraqi Baath Party, whose leaders included Saddam Hussein. Kassem was overthrown in 1963, by a CIA-led Baath party coup. A CIA chief, in testifying before the Senate in the CIA's role in the bloody coup, whimsically remarked, "The target suffered a terminal illness before a firing squad in Baghdad." The Baath party was then given a long list of Communists and other undesirables, who were to be arrested and assassinated. However, the Baath party then proved to be to independent, particularly when it came to Iraq's vast oil reserves, which is the prize the CIA, the oil men, and the Wall Street were after in the first place. The CIA thus began a program of destabilization and bribery. In 1964, Mulla Mustafa Barzani, the leader of the former Kurdistan Democratic Party (KDP) was paid $14 million dollars by the CIA, and was given promises of support for Kurdish independence. Kurdistan, has been broken apart and chunks had been given away to Turkey, Iran and Iraq following the close of WWII. The catch was that Mulla Mustafa Barzani and the KDP had to help overthrow the ruling Iraqi Baath Party and then turn over the rights to all Iraqi oil fields to U.S. oil companies.

5). William Scobie, Observer, 11/18/90; Wolfgang Achtner, Sunday Independent, 11/11/1990; Searchlight, 11/1991; Associated Press, 11/ 13/90; John Palmer, Guardian, 10/11/90; Anarchy/Refract, 1984; Richard Norton Taylor, Guardian, I 1/15/90; Time Out, 4n no; Charles Richards & Simon Jones, Independent, 11/16/90; d Vulliamy, Guardian, 12/5/90; Edward Lucas, Independent, 11/16/90. These terrorists groups were part of Operation Stay Behind and in Italy they were referred to as operation Gladio (the Sword). In Belgium the Stay Behind group was called SDRA- 8 and regularly employed terror and several attempted coups. In 1983, in order to convince the Belgian public that a security crisis existed, Gladio operatives staged a series of seemingly random shootings, killing people on the street, at gas stations, and in supermarkets.

6) Le Nouvel Observateur, 11/15-21/1998; Bill Blum, "Killing Hope;" Ali A. Jalali & Lester W. Grau, "Night Stalkers and Mean Streets: Afghan Urban Guerrillas," Infantry, 1999;" Haji Mohammad Yakub, "Four Urban Bomb Attacks," Infantry, 1999; Vladislav Tamarov, "Afghanistan Soviet Vietnam," H-Russia, 1995.

7). Yoram Schweitzer, "Osama bin Laden and the Egyptian Terrorist Groups;" Hamid Algar, "Wahhabism: A Critical Essay," Islamic Publications International, 2002.

8). Leslie H. Gelb. "U.S. Said to Aid Iranian Exiles in Combat and Political Units," New York Times, 3n/1982; Farhang, "Iran-Israel Connection;" Bob Woodward, et al., "The Secret Wars of the CIA, 1981- 1987," Simon & Schuster, 1987. Starting in 1979, the CIA, working with the Saudi Royal family, and the bin Laden group's Paris headquarters, began organizing a group in Paris called the Front for the Liberation of Iran. By 1982, the FLN was receiving $100,000 a month, The FLN was headed by Ali Amini, a CIA-operative since 1953. It was Ali-Amini who assisted in the 1953 CIA-backed coup which resulted in the denationalization of Iranian oil which was then grabbed up by Standard oil and others. The U.S. also provided support to Iranian terrorists groups based in Turkey, which were headed by General Bahram Aryana, the former chief of the Shah's armed forces.

9). Yet another group, the "MEK" received financing from the bin Laden group in Paris, in 1980 or 1981. The MEK was established in the late I960s, and participated in the 1979 Islamic revolution that led to the overthrow of Shah Mohammad Reza Pahlavi. However, as the MEK preached a brand of Islam that included Marxist ideology, and as some of its leaders were allegedly Sunnis, the Kohmeini regime began arresting and executing its leaders, and the group was driven from its bases on the Iran-Iraq border. The MEK reestablished itself in Paris, the headquarters of the bin Laden group. After the Iran-Contra scandal broke, and the U.S. began openly siding with Iraq, the MEK the moved to Iraq where it then began orchestrating terrorist attacks against Iran.

10). "World Petroleum Assessment 2000 - Description and Results," -- U.S. Geological Survey, 2000; "World Factbook of the Central Intelligence Agency of the U.S.A."

11). John J. Maresca, vice president of Unocal, in his testimony before a House of Representatives committee, reported that "the region's total oil reserves may reach more than 60 billion barrels of oil. Some estimates are as high as 200 billion barrels," may lie beneath the soil of Turkmenistan. Kazakhstan, Azerbaijan, and Uzbekistan.

12). J.H. Walsh, Parabolic Projection of World Conventional Oil Production Based on Year 2000 Resource Assessment of the U.S. Geological Survey;" John H. Walsh, "World Per Capita Oil Consumption, 1965-2000; "BP Statistical Review of World Energy;" 2000.

13) "Energy Annual Report. World Oil Consumption, 1980-2000."

14). Ahmed Rashid, Jihad: The Rise of Militant Islam in Central Asia," Yale Univ Press, 2002.

15). Hamid Algar, "Wahhabism: A Critical Essay," Islamic Publications International, 2002.

16). Le Nouvel Observateur, 11/15-21/1998; Bill Blum, "Killing Hope."

17). Berliner Institut fur Vergleichende Sozialforschung, Refugees from Afghanistan (1980 to 1990) Quelle: World Refugee Survey, 1999.

18). Kirk J. Beattie, "Egypt During the Sadat Years," Palgrave Macmillan, 2000; Kenneth W. Stein, "Heroic Diplomacy: Sadat, Kissinger, Carter, Begin and the Quest," Routledge, 1999.

19). Jason Hoppin, The National Law Journal, 6/12/2000.

20). Parade, "Edwin Wilson: The CIA's Great Gatsby," 9/18/1993.

21). U.S. Department of Defense, News, 10/8/1981; American Forces Information Services, U.S. Department of Defense. October, 1981. This well established series of events became the grist for a work of fiction, by the name of "Bright Star" (by Harold W. Coyle, Paul McCarthy) "In the not-too-distant future, an assassination attempt by Libyan terrorists sparks an Egyptian retaliatory raid across the borders. As the conflict intensifies, U.S. and Soviet troops are drawn into the battle. Front-line soldiers on both sides embark on daring commando raids and face horrific nerve gas attacks."

22). Mohamed Heikal, "Autumn of Fury: The Assassination of Sadat," Random House, 1984.

23). Jehl, Douglas, "Egyptian Doctor Believed to be bin Laden's No. 2," The New York Times, 9/24/2001.

23). Yoram Schweitzer, "Osama bin Laden and the Egyptian Terrorist Groups." According to Peter Bergen, author of "Holy War, Inc.: Inside the Secret World of Osama bin Laden," "the relationship of the al Jihad group and al Qaeda is essentially they are the same organization." According to the U.S. State Department, Al-Qaeda and Islamic Jihad "officially" merged in 1998.

24). Scott Baldauf, "The Cave Man and Al-Qaeda," Christian Science Monitor, 10/31/2001.

25). San Francisco Chronicle, 10/12/2001; United Press International, 10/12/2001.

26). Charles Brisard & Guillaume Dasquie "Forbidden Truth: U.S.- Taliban Secret Oil Diplomacy and the Failed Hunt for Bin Laden," Avalon Books, 2002.

27). Yoram Schweitzer, "Osama bin Laden and the Egyptian Terrorist Groups."

28). AFP, Agence France-Presse, 6/16/2002.

29). The Shari'a is a strictly fundamentalist version of the revealed and the canonical laws of the Sunni brand of Islam and are based on the Qur'an and the Sunnah of the Prophet (s.a.w.).Today, many radical Islamic groups raise the slogan of making the Shari'a the law of a new Islamic state.

30). Howard Schneider, "U.S. Aid Remakes Egypt," Washington Post Foreign Service, 12/26/2000.

31). Ledenese Epistle, 1996, 1998.

32). Paddy Agnew. Irish Times, 11/15/1990.

33). The "Bin laden Brothers for Contracting and Industry," is headquartered in Jiddahh, Saudi Arabia. However, Yeslam bin Laden heads up a portion of the group's international activities in Geneva and Paris; Ali bin laden lives in Paris, and in the 1980s the bin Laden's Saudi Arab Finance Corporation, was headquartered in Paris, and Salem bin Laden, as well as Saudis, Khalid Ben Mahfouz, Salam Ahmed Bogshan, Saad Khalil Al Bahjat, Taha Baksh, etc. were major shareholders of the Saudi Arab Finance Corporation which also controlled a number of other companies, and which are believed to have funneled money to various terrorist organizations. Saudi Sheikh Khalid bin Mahfouz, of the Saudi Arab Finance Corporation, has been discovered to have laundered money to finance terrorism and bin Laden's terrorist organization.

34). Sheikh Khalid bin Mahfouz, is Osama Bin Laden's Brother In Law, and like the bin Ladens, is also linked to George W. Bush. As determined following a U.S. audit of Saudi government finances, five of Saudi Arabia's wealthiest businessmen, including National Commercial Bank (NBC) founder and chairman Khalid bin Mahfouz, transferred over $3 million dollars from a Saudi pension fund, to New York and London banks with accounts linked to terrorism (USA Today, 10-28-99). NCB deposited the money into accounts of such Islamic charities as Islamic Relief -- and Blessed Relief, where Abdul Rahman Mahfouz, Mahfouz's son, serves on the board in Sudan. and Egyptians officials have charged that funds for supporting terrorism against Egypt has its source, in part, in the Sudan.

35). Ronald Motley, representing nine hundred families of the 9/11 victims, filed a trillion-dollar lawsuit against members of the royal Saudi family. Saudi Sheikh Khalid bin Mahfouz as well as a number of Saudi banks and charities, charging them with financing Osama bin Laden and al-Qaeda. The lawsuit alleges that Saudi money has "for years been funneled to encourage radical anti-Americanism as well as to fund the Al Qaeda terrorists."

36). As detailed by Ben Barber, The Washington Times, 5n/2oo2, "The Saudi government gave $135 million in.... 16 months to" fund terrorism. The money goes to a list of 13 charities. and seven of them fund Hamas," which the State Department lists as a terrorist organization. As detailed in The Washington Times, 8/24/2002, another Saudi charity, Al-Haramain also uses "its funds to finance terrorism.

37). Kenneth Damm, the U.S. Deputy Secretary of Treasury testified in Congress, in May of 2002, that the Saudi-based Al-Haramain Charity and a number of other Saudi-connected charities have abused its funds to finance terrorism.

38). Wall Street Journal, "Vetting the Frontrunners: From Oil to Baseball to the Governor's Mansion," 9/28/1999; Jonathan Beaty & S.C. Gwynne, 'The Outlaw Bank: A Wild Ride Into the Secret Heart of BCCI," Random House, 1993. See also, Wall Street Journal, 9/27/2001; Daniel Golden et al. "Bin Laden Family Could Profit From a Jump In Defense Spending Due to Ties to U.S. Bank," Wall Street Journal, 9/27/2001.

39). Le Figaro, 10/31/2001; Charles Brisard & Guillaume Dasquie "Forbidden Truth: U.S.-Taliban Secret Oil Diplomacy and the Failed Hunt for Bin Laden," Avalon Books, 2002.

40). United States Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit Final Report of the Independent Counsel for Iran/Contra Matters Lawrence E. Welch, Independent Counsel, August 4, 1993, Washington D.C. Volume I. Investigations and Prosecutions.

41). President's Special Review Board, "The Tower Commission," Bantam Books/Times Books, 1987.

42). Jonathan Marshall, Peter Dale Scott & Jane Hunter, "The Iran- Contra Connection: Secret Teams and Covert Operations in the Reagan Era," South End Press, 1987.

43). PBS Frontline, 2001; Al Martin, "Behind the Scenes in the Beltway."

44). Gary Slick, "October Surprise: America's Hostages in Iran and the Election of Ronald Reagan," Random House. 1991.

45). William B. Quandt, "Saudi Arabia in the 1980s: Foreign Policy, Security, and Oil," Brookings Institute, Washington, DC, 1981; Frank E. Vogel, "Islamic Law and Legal System: Studies of Saudi Arabia," Brill Academic Publishers, 2000; A. M. Vasilev, Alexei Vassiliev, "The History of Saudi Arabia," New York University Press, 2000.

46) The "Ikhwan," or "Brotherhood," is the military arm of Wahhabism. George H.W. Bush. and his son, George W. Bush, are both alumni of the "Brotherhood" the Brotherhood of Death, "Skull and Bones;" Webster G. Tarpley & Anton Chaitkin, "George Bush: The Unauthorized Biography," The Executive Intelligence Review; Anthony Sutton, "America's Secret Establishment: An introduction to The Order of Skull & Bones" Liberty House, New York. 1986; Ron Rosenbaum, "The Last Secrets of Skull and Bones," Esquire Magazine, September. 1977.

47). Margaret Ramirez, "New Islamic Movement Seeks Latino Converts," Los Angeles Times, 5/15/1999: James W. Blair Jr. "Islam in Latin America," The Christian Science Monitor; Susan Ferriss, "Spanish Muslim mission grows in Mexico, Links to Mayan, Moorish roots survive centuries of oppression," Cox Washington Bureau News Service, 8/ 12/2002; Stephen Magagnini, "A Matter of Faith: Islam is Fastest-Growing Religion in the U.S.," Sacramento Bee, 7/1/2001; Chris L. Jenkins, "Islam Luring More Latinos Prayers Offer a More Intimate Link to God," Washington Post, 1/7/2001; "Islamic Da'wah Center of Brazil," Sao Paulo, Safar /5/17/2001.

48). Deborah Kong, "Islam has Long and Resurging Presence in Hispanic Culture." July, 2002.

49). Pobladores Usan Tunicas Y Turbantes: Descubren Pueblo Que No Figura En Mapa (see pueblo.html ).

50). Christopher Dickey, "With the Contras: A Reporter in the Wilds of Nicaragua, Henry Holt and Co., 1991; Robert Kagan, "A Twilight Struggle: American Power and Nicaragua, 1977-1990," Simon & Schuster, 1996; Holly Sklar. "Washington's War on Nicaragua," South End Press, 1988; Gary Webb, "Dark Alliance: The CIA, The Contras, and the Crack Cocaine Explosion, Seven Stories Press, 1998; L. Francis Bouchey (editor), "The Real Secret War," Council for Inter-American Security, 1987; Sam Dillon, "Comandos: The CIA and Nicaragua's Contra Rebels;" Scott Armstrong (Editor), "The National Security Archive, The Chronology: The Documented Day-by-Day Account of the Secret Military Assistance to Iran and the Contras," Warner Books, 1987.

51). Robert Kagan, "A Twilight Struggle: American Power and Nicaragua, 1977-1990," Simon & Schuster, 1996; Holly Sklar. "Washington's War on Nicaragua," South End Press, 1988.

52). National Security Archive Electronic Briefing Book No. 27, Washington, DC.: This document and a State Department-funded investigation in 1986 and 1987 details repeated instances of the murder or torture of prisoners by the Nicaraguan contras as CIA agents watched or "turned the other way."

53). Adolf Hitler, "Mein Kampf."

54). "Psychological Operations in Guerrilla Warfare."

55). Sam Dillon, "Comandos: The CIA and Nicaragua's Contra Rebels." Peter Kornbluh and Malcolm Byrne, "The Iran-Contra Scandal: The Declassified History. A National Security Archive Documents Reader," W.W. Norton & Co.

56). National Security Decision Directive (NSDD) 138 was signed by Ronald Reagan on April 3, 1984. Although much of it remains classified, this NSDD, authorized both the CIA and the Federal Bureau of Investigation to form covert operations teams and to use military special operations forces to conduct guerrilla-style terrorist acts and pre-emptive operations, retaliation, expanded intelligence collection, sabotage and when necessary, killing of guerrillas in "pre-emptive" self-defense. States that sponsored "terrorists," were targeted for these operations including Iran, Libya, Syria, Cuba, North Korea, Nicaragua and the Soviet Union. Other unnumbered NSDD issued in November 1984, shields these teams authorized by NSDD 138 from legal action under U.S. law if they were acting in "good faith," as long as the teams were engaged in authorized anti-terror operations. The NSDD also provided funds of recruiting and training indigenous "pre-emptive self-defense teams." In one attack, 80 civilians were murdered. An unnumbered NSDD) signed on 11/13/194. Nov. 13, 1984 provides carte blanche exemption from U.S. legal proceedings for operatives engaged in anti-terrorist activities outside the U.S. Murder, if conducted in "good faith" was legalized.

57). The Boland Amendment to the War Powers Act of 1973. Passed December 8, 1982, 1984.

58). Gary Webb, "Dark Alliance: The CIA, The Contras, and the Crack Cocaine Explosion," Seven Stories Press, 1998.

59). The Washington Post, 11/11/1986.

60). Scott Armstrong (Editor), "The National Security Archive, The Chronology: The Documented Day-by-Day Account of the Secret Military Assistance to Iran and the Contras," Warner Books, 1987.

61). As reported in the Tower Commission Report (41) "Craig Fuller Memorandum," July 30, 1986: "SUMMARY. Mr. Nir indicated that he had briefed Prime Minister Peres and had been asked to brief the V[ice] P[resident] by his White House contacts. He described the details of the efforts from last year through the current period to gain the release of the U.S. hostages. He reviewed what had been learned which was essentially that the radical group was the group that could deliver. He reviewed the issues to be considered -- namely that there needed to be ad [sic] decision as to whether the items requested would be delivered in separate shipments or whether we would continue to press for the release of the hostages prior to delivering the items in an amount agreed to previously. 2. The VP's 25 minute meeting was arranged after Mr. Nir called Craig Fuller and requested the meeting and after it was discussed with the VP by Fuller and North .... 14. Nir described some of the lessons learned: "We are dealing with the most radical elements .... They can deliver ... that's for sure ....they can deliver and the moderates can't."

62). The CIA was responsible for organizing a 500-member "interdiction force" to train, arm, support. and advise the Contras. The agency established a base of operations for its Central American Task Force in Honduras, and by 1983 was spending $45 million to sustain 7,000 Contras.

63). Mansour Farhang, "The Iran-Israel Connection," in Abbas Alnasrawi and Cheryl Rubenberg, "Consistency of U.S. Foreign Policy: The Gulf War and the Iran-Contra Affair," Belmont, MA: AAUG, 1989.

64). Anthony H. Cordesman, " he Iran-Iraq War and Western Security, 1984-87," Jane's Publishing Co., 1987; Mansour Farhang, "The Iran-Iraq War: The Feud, the Tragedy, the Spoils," World Policy Journal, vol. 2, Fall 1985; Cordesman, "Iran-Iraq War," Center for Strategic and International Studies. October 2000; John W. Amos II, "The Iraq-Iran War: Conflict, Linkage, and Spillover in the Middle East," in Robert G. Darius, et al., "Gulf Security into the 1980s: Perceptual and Strategic Dimensions," Hoover Institution Press, 1984.

65). Genesis 15: 18 "On that day the LORD made a covenant with Abram and said, "To your descendants I give this land. from the river [15: 18 Or [ Wadi]] of Egypt to the great river, the Euphrates.

66). Robert G. Darius, John W. Amos II, Ralph H.Magnus, (Editors) "Gulf Security into the 1980s: Perceptual and Strategic Dimensions," Hoover Institution Press, 1984; Harold Brown. "Thinking About National Security," Westview. 1983; Michael Renner, "Restructuring the World Energy Industry," MERIP Reports, no. 120, 1/1984; William B. Quandt, "Saudi Arabia in the 1980s: Foreign Policy, Security, and Oil," Brookings Institute, 1981.

67). Mansour Farhang, "The Iran-Iraq War: The Feud, the Tragedy, the Spoils," World Policy Journal, vol. 2, Fall 1985.

68). Charles Tripp, "A History of Iraq," Cambridge Univ Press, 2000.

69). Israel provided Iran with logistics support, to assist them in destroying Iraq's newly constructed nuclear reactor. Iran launched an unsuccessful attack on the Iraqi Osirak nuclear reactor on 9/30/1980. On 6/7/1981 Israel initiated an air attack on the same Iraqi Osirak reactor, destroying it.

70). Leslie H. Gelb, "Iran Said to Get Large-Scale Arms From Israel, Soviet and Europeans," New York Times, 3/8/1982; Cordesman, "Iran- Iraq War;" Benjamin Beit-Hallahmi, "The Israeli Connection: Who Israel Arms and Why," Pantheon, 1987.

71). Zbigniew Brzezinski, "Power and Principle," Farrar, Straus, Giroux, 1987.

72). Robert O. Freedman, "Soviet Policy Toward the Persian Gulf from the Outbreak of the Iran-Iraq War to the Death of Konstantin Chernenko," in W.J. Olson (Editor) "U.S. Strategic Interests in the Gulf Region," Westview, 1987.

73). Joe Stork & Martha Wenger, "U.S. Ready to Intervene in the Gulf War," MERIP Reports, nos. 125/126, July-Sept. 1984.

74). Federation of American Scientists, Military Analysis Network, "Iran-Iraq War (1980-1988)," 1999; Francis V. Xavier "Lessons Learned: Iran-Iraq War," Marine Corps Historical Publication, FMFRP, 0, 12/1990.

75). Gary Sick, "Failure and Danger in the Gulf," New York Times, 7/6/1988.

76). David R. Carlson, "The 'Vicennes' Incident," proceedings, U.S. Naval Institute, 9/1989.

77). Federation of American Scientists, Military Analysis Network, "Iran-Iraq War (1980-1988)," 1999.
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Postby admin » Sat Aug 01, 2015 3:40 am




It was thirteen hundred years ago, in the seventh century AD., that the religion known as Islam arose in the Arabian peninsula (1). Arabia became the holiest of all Muslim lands, the land of Mecca. Arabia, today, is known as Saudi Arabia (1,2) -- Saud being the name of King Ibn Saud who had aligned himself and his family, with Britain's Imperial government.

With astonishing rapidity, Islam quickly spread across and conquered the Middle East, Byzantium, Persia, northern Africa, and Spain.

Islam was spread by the sword (1,2,3).

Over a thousand years ago, after driving out the polytheists and those who worshipped multiple gods and those who profaned the lands of Arabia, the prophet Muhammad declared that hence fore there shall "not be two religions in Arabia."

And then, Arabia became the home of two Islamic religions: The Sunni Islamic religion (which claims the vast majority of followers, i.e. over 80%), and the Shiit Islamic religion which today, is the dominant religion of Iran (1,2).

The origins of this schism and the creation of two branches of Islam is in dispute. According to some versions, Islam became fragmented after the murder of Ali aI-Husain, the son of Muhammad's daughter, Fatima. It is said that Ali was murdered after a Jewish convert to Islam, claimed prophethood, and then declared that Ali was Allah (in the flesh). Ali (and others) believed these declarations to be sacrilegious and had the man, along with seventy others who attributed divinity to him, burned alive (1,4).

In a related version, internal squabbling developed when two of Muhammad's original followers, Talha and Az-Zubair saw Ali as a rival to their leadership. Ali believed, that since he was the grandson of Muhammad that he had the right to leadership, and to claim the caliphate (1,4).

Talha and Az-Zubair rejected that, and preached that anyone who is pious, and accepted as a devout Muslim can potentially be a caliph.

Ali mobilized his forces to fight them, in order to claim what he believed to be his birthright. Those who followed Ali were called "Shiits" (1,4).

The Shiits rejected the leadership of Talha and Az-Zubair as they believed the caliphate could only be held by descendants of Muhammed through his daughter Fatimah, beginning with Ali al- Husain. According to the Shiits only the descendants (Imam) of Muhammed could become the caliph, because Muhammed and thus his descendants, were saintly and divinely appointed (4).

Ali was defeated and beheaded. However, his followers refused to follow Talha and Az-Zubair, and thus Shi'ism became an independent entity with a distinctive identity.

As Ali was the loser and his followers defeated, Sunni Islam became the dominant sect, and Shiits became the minority.

Although Sunnis and Shiits share the same Koran, they differ in regard to its interpretation and application (1,4,5). Sunnis take the Koran literally, as meaning exactly what it says. Shiites believe it is permissible to interpret the text and that their Imams can expand on it.

In Arabia, the home of Mecca, the Sunni branch of Islam is thus the more conservative. Since 800 AD, there has been an increasing emphasis on strictly obeying the authority of traditional doctrines. The Sunnis believe in the unquestioning adoption of previous authority, i.e. taqlid ("tradition"). New interpretations to fit the times or new circumstances (bida' = innovation) is strictly forbidden (5).

According to the Sunni branch, God (Allah) is served by worshipping Him by what He prescribed. He is not served by innovation.

This belief system soon became known as the creed (or school) of Ahmad Ibn Hanbal. Ahmad Ibn Hanbal, the imam of Baghdad, was a Muslim jurist and theologian who lived and taught during the years 780-855. He was also the medieval founder of the most rigorous school of Islamic law. It was his disciples who founded the fourth major Sunni school of jurisprudence, the Hanbali (6).

Ibn Hanbal based his teaching on hiidith traditions (6). The hiidith are a collection of the traditions of Muhammad, the Prophet of Islam, including his sayings and deeds. The hadith also include his tacit approval of what was said or done in his presence (7).

Ibn Hanbal taught that the Koran was the uncreated word of God. He advocated a literal interpretation of the Revealed Text. Rational or dialectical attempts to dissect the meaning of the Koran, Ibn believed, would only lead to error and sin. He taught that only God could understand the Divine mystery and no one should attempt to interpret, dissect, analyze, or search for a deeper truth, beyond the obvious and literal meaning found in the words of the Koran (1,4,6).

This view continued to be championed and codified over the next four hundreds years. Taqi ai-Din Ibn Taymiyya (1263-1328), was the leading conservative or traditionalist voice of the Hanbali School of Islamic thought in the Middle Ages. He preached that the purpose of human life is not to know God. Life's purpose is not to speculate about God. Nor is the goal to love God. The purpose of human life is to serve God through worship and obedience ( 1,4).

The school of Ibn Hanbal and that of Taqi ai-Din Ibn Taymiyya, inspired what became the Wahhabi school of Islam, which was led by Muhammad Ibn Abd al-Wahhab (1703-1792) in the late 18th century (1,4,5).

Because of wars, the repeated crusades by the Catholic West, and the battles fought with the Mongols of the East, as well as internal strife between Sunni and Shiits and the numerous rival Caliphs, the Muslim peoples had become fragmented and were now battling among themselves. Instead of Islam, some Arabs were even worshipping rocks, trees, caves, and the moon and the stars.

Muhammad Ibn Abd al-Wahhab saw it as his mission to unify the various factions and to recreate a single, unified, Islamic state. This became known as the "Wahhabi" movement: "those who advocate oneness" (Muwahiddun).

In the late 1700s, Muhammad Ibn Abd al-Wahhab formed an alliance with Muhammad Ibn Saud, a local war lord. Together they would lead a militant Islamic fundamentalist revival movement in Arabia (1,2,5). They called themselves Muwahiddun and demanded a strict monotheism based, in part, on the Islamic doctrines of Ibn Hanbal and Taqi al-Din Ibn Taymiyya.

The Wahhabis, now led by Muhammad Ibn Saud, went on a rampage against Shiits, Sufis, and all those deemed unfaithful to the Wahhabis' strict interpretation of the Sunna of the Prophet Muhammad. Heretics and apostates were tortured and killed if they refused to accept the Wahhabi's faith. Ibn Abd al-Wahhab and Ibn Saud had declared holy war (jihad) on other Muslims and neighboring Arab tribes (1,2,5).

As preached by the Wahhabis, the customs and community of Muhammad and his followers at Medina are the only acceptable models for behavior, and all Muslims must adhere to these models and avoid "objectionable innovations" (bida').

Even the structure and architecture of homes, Mosques, and graveyards had to conform to the Wahhabis' brand of Sunni Islam (5). In 1802, the Wahhabis captured Karbala in Iraq and destroyed the tomb of the Shia Imam Husayn. In 1803 the Wahhabis captured Mecca and Medina. The tomb of the Prophet in Medina was attacked. Even minarets and funeral markers were destroyed. Religious police, called mutawi'oon ("enforcers of obedience") were also set loose on the people and charged with maintaining Wahhabi moral order.

In 1901 Saudi amir Abd al-Aziz aI-Saud captured Riyadh. AL-Saud soon gained control over the entire Arabian peninsula, at which point the Wahhabis went on a rampage smashing the tombs of Muslim saints and imams, and destroying the tomb of the Prophet's daughter Fatima (1, 2, 5).


At the end of the first world war, and with the collapse of the Ottoman Empire, Britain and France pounced on the Middle East, and divided up the spoils. They created artificial boundaries and thus new states in the Middle East, as they believed that by fragmenting the Arab peoples they would be easier to dominate and control (2,8).

Although the Arabs had collaborated with the British, all war-time promises were scrapped at the urging of big oil companies in the name of "national security." Thus, input from Arab leaders was not taken into consideration when Britain and France began creating new, artificial states in the Middle East.

Insofar as the oil men were concerned, a fragmented people, ruled by leaders appointed by France and Britain, would be easier to exploit, and could be more easily forced to accept whatever terms were offered in return for their oil. A single, powerful independent Arab state in the Middle East would be dangerous as the oil companies might be forced to pay oil royalties that would dip into their profits (8).

France took Syria and Lebanon, and Britain broke Arabia into three states: Iraq, Kuwait, and Arabia (2, 10). Each state was then given its own ruler, who in turn owed their positions to France and Britain. Kuwait was handed to the al-Sabah family, the Hashemite King Hussein was awarded Jordan, and Arabia was given to the Saud family. Arabia was then renamed after King Abdul Aziz bin Abdul Rahman Al Saud (Ibn Saud).

Ibn Saud was not pleased by the outcome. The division of Arabia into three artificial states was not what the British had promised. Ibn Saud sought to convince British High Commissioner, Sir Percy Cox, to change his mind.

As detailed by Glenn Frankel and Harold Dickson (10), the British military attache to the region, British High Commissioner Sir Percy Cox met with Saud in a 1922 conference in Baghdad: The meeting went on for five grueling days with no compromise in sight. Finally, one night in late November Cox, summoned Sheik Abdul-Aziz Ibn Saud, to his tent, and then explained the facts of life as the British carved up the remnants of the defeated Ottoman empire. Cox, in no uncertain terms, laid down the law and told Saud that he, Sir Percy Cox, would make the final decisions as to the boundaries.

"This ended the impasse. Ibn Saud almost broke down and pathetically remarked that Sir Percy was his father and mother who made him and raised him from nothing to the position he held and that he would surrender half his kingdom, nay the whole, if Sir Percy ordered."

Thus, the modern borders of Saudi Arabia, Iraq, and Kuwait were established by British Imperial fiat at what became known as the Uqauir Conference (8, 9, 10).

King Ibn Saud, however, was determined to someday unify Arabia and to erase the artificial boundaries which created Kuwait and Iraq. Saud not only lusted after Iraq and Kuwait, but the southern states of the Soviet Union, whose populations were predominantly Muslim. Ibn Saud dreamed of spreading Sunni-Wahhabi control over this region, thus creating an even greater Islamic state which would be under the domination of the Saud family (3,5). In 1922, however, it was an impossible dream.

That changed in 1938, when huge deposits of oil were discovered beneath the ground. Ibn Saud was to become rich beyond his dreams, and his dreams included the Wahhabism ideal of a super- Islamic state that encompassed Iraq and the southern states of the Soviet Union (3,5).

Others too, shared some of those dreams, including Adolf Hitler, and the Rockefellers and their associates such as Prescott Bush and the Harrimans. The future director of the CIA, Allen Dulles, who worked as a lawyer for Prescott Bush, the Rockefellers, and Harrimans, and assisted them in establishing and covering up their extensive business partnerships with the Nazis (11), went to work establishing several interlocking financial networks between IG Farben, Rockefeller's Standard Oil and the ruling family of Saudi Arabia, the House of Saud. Dulles played a significant role in the formation of the Arabian-American Oil Company (ARAMCO), the principle American partners of which were Standard Oil, Mobile, and Texaco (12).


The bin Laden family, were also part of the equation, as they had already formed a very close relationship with the house of Saud, in the early 1930s. Specifically, in 1931, Sheik Mohammed bin Laden, who had immigrated from South Yemen to Saudi Arabia around 1901, was awarded a contract to construct a royal palace for King Ibn Saud. Saud was so pleased with the work that he gave bin Laden an exclusive contract to renovate the holy of holies: Mecca. Soon the bin Ladens and only the bin Ladens were granted the exclusive rights to perform all construction that was of religious significance, including restoration of the holy places in Jerusalem (13).

The work of the bin Ladens was not limited to palaces, tombs, temples, and mosques, but oil-related construction projects. When ARAMCO was formed, the bin Ladens were part of the deal. The bin Ladens were the official contractor for the house of Saud (13).

The bin Ladens have had a very close relationship with the Saud family which has been maintained for over 70 years. It is said that Sheik Mohammed bin Laden was one of King Saud's closest friends -- a friendship has been passed down from generation to generation (13).

In addition to the Rockefellers et al., in the 1930s, the Saudis also cultivated a "friendship" with the Nazis and achieved an understanding with Adolf Hitler, as both were eyeing the same prize: the Caspian Basin, and the southern states of the Soviet Union. As Hitler stated in Mein Kampf (14): If we speak of soil in Europe today, we can primarily have in mind only Russia and her vassal border states."


Hitler wanted "living space" and "oil." And, he planned that upon conquering the Soviet Union, that Russia would be "divided up into individual states with governments of their own." King Ibn Saud would be an ally in this campaign (15). Indeed, Hitler explicitly promised to Ibn Saud and his representatives that: "In this struggle which will decide the fate of the Arabs I can now speak as a man dedicated to an ideal and as a military leader and a soldier. Everyone united in this great struggle who helps to bring about its successful outcome, serves the common cause and thus serves the Arab cause .... The situation is as follows: We are conducting the great struggle to open the way to the North of the Caucasus ...during the struggle ... we will reach the Southern Caucasus ...then I would like to issue a declaration: for then the hour of the liberation of the Arabs will have arrived."

Hitler, however, was not just speaking to the Arabs, but to his partners, the oil companies, the Rockefellers, the Harrimans, the Bush family, as well as the Sunni-Wahhabi clan of Saudi Arabia. Indeed, the Nazis were also in business with Bush, Rockefeller, et al., (see chapter 3), who in turn, would go into business with the Saud family, thus creating an international axis joining Nazi Germany with Saudi Arabia, and Bush, Rockefeller, and thus big oil. Indeed, all had their eyes on the same prize:

"Our intelligence sources believe that the most important event of this period was the alliance between American oil companies and Saudi Arabia. It was the indispensable precondition for the war and the Nazi holocaust" (16).

The Nazis wanted oil, sought world domination, and supported mass extermination and terrorism. Standard oil wanted oil and funneled money to Himmler's SS and supported terrorism (Chapter 2). And the Wahhabis, like the Nazis, were seeking world domination through mass conversion to Sunni- Wahhabism, and failing that, the mass extermination of those who resisted (3,5). And all had their eyes on the oil-rich southern Caucuses, the Caspian basin, and the southern Asian underbelly of the Soviet Union.

Thus, in the 1930s and continuing into the 1940s, the royal family of Saudi Arabia, Bush and associates, the CIA, and American Oil formed an unholy alliance with a terrorist (Nazi) regime (11,17), and part of the mix was the bin Laden family (13).


At the close of World War II, the United States government discovered what the oil companies already knew. A report issued by the U.S. State Department in 1945 described Saudi Arabia and its oil resources as "a stupendous source of strategic power, and one of the greatest material prizes in world history" (18).

Thus, the needs of the Saudi royal family, and the need to protect this "stupendous prize" became of paramount concern to the U.S. government. In 1950, President Truman wrote a letter to King Saud in which he said, "No threat to your kingdom could occur which would not be a matter of immediate concern to the United States."

Middle Eastern policy became centered on Saudi Arabia, and the Saudi royal family who could do no wrong.

Ibn Saud and other local sheiks became rich and powerful men.

The Arabian people, however, remained ignorant, uneducated, impoverished, and thus easily controlled. In 1946, Ibn Saud spent $2 million just to maintain the upkeep of the garages which housed his three dozen luxury automobiles. By contrast, the Saudi government spent $150,000 on education (19).


In 1922, as noted, Arabia was split apart into separate states. King Ibn Saud, like his ancestors, was also a Wahhabi and an advocate of Muwahiddun (oneness). He was determined to someday unify his country and to erase the artificial boundaries which created the bastard states of Kuwait and Iraq. And, he and his family were determined to spread the Wahhabi movement to every comer of the globe in order to create a single, unified, Islamic state (3,5) -- which, of course, would be ruled by his family.

Ibn Saud was succeeded by his son, the crown prince, Saud bin Abdul Aziz (King Saud) who reigned from 1953 to 1964. With the wealth pouring into his family's coffers, King Saud began establishing ministries whose duties would include the export of the Sunni- Wahhabi brand of Islam to other nations. During his reign. the King Saud University was opened in Riyadh (2).

In 1960, Western hegemony was rocked to the core following the formation of OPEC (Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries). OPEC was formed at a meeting held on September 14, 1960 in Baghdad, Iraq, by five Founder Members: Iran, Iraq, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia and Venezuela. Control over oil from the Middle East was wrestled away from the big oil companies. However, the big oil corporations were content to go along as they continued to control the distribution and marketing of oil. Indeed, it was well recognized that if OPEC increased the price of oil, then American owned oil would also go up in price (19).

Riches beyond belief began pouring into Saudi Arabia.

In 1962, the Muslim World League was founded in Saudi Arabia for the specific purpose of exporting Wahhabism throughout the world (3,5,20).

In 1964, Faisal bin Abdul Aziz (King Faisal) became the third king of Saudi Arabia, reigning from 1964 to 1975. Faisal was a man wise to the ways of the world, having served as a successful general in the 1920s, Minister of Foreign Affairs in the 1930s and then Prime Minister under King Saud (2).

The huge surge in the price of oil following the 1973 Arab- Israeli war, made not just oil companies, but the royal family of Saudi Arabia incredibly wealthy. Faisal and over fifty of the patriarchs became billionaires (19). By the mid-1990s, over 680 billion dollars of Saudi money would be invested in the U.S. economy.

Faisal was dedicated to serving the Wahhabi ideals, and this, he believed could be best achieved by forming alliances with the rulers and the up and coming leaders of other countries, such as the United States (20). Faisal knew that the road to success was paved with gold, black gold (19), and that most men, no matter how "honorable" or "distinguished" had a price and could thus be bought and sold like whores. Faisal began buying friends and influence in America and elsewhere, "friends" who could be counted on for assistance or to look the other way.

The Bush family, with their outstretched hands, eagerly stepped up to the plate.

This incredible wealth also meant huge amounts of money were now available to fund Wahhabi missionary movements and Wahhabi centers of learning throughout the Muslim world.

Millions of dollars were spent on developing Islamic colleges and seminaries throughout the Islamic world as well as in the Americas and the European states. The Wahhabis began supporting Islamist fundamentalist movements in Egypt, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Iraq, the central Asian states of the Soviet Union (Turkmenistan, Kazakhstan, Azerbaijan, and Uzbekistan), Western China, Malaysia, Indonesia, East Africa, and within the growing Muslim communities of Europe, Britain, and the Americas (3,5,20).

The Saudis also had the wealth to export their brand of Sunni Islam to other parts of the world through murder and terror. Wahhabism would be spread by the sword (3,5,20).

Terror, of course, had long been an instrument of the CIA and a succession of U.S. governments and Presidents. Insofar as their goals were congruent and compatible, the Saudis and the CIA, the oil companies, and the Wall Street elite, were happy to partner together in murder, terror and crime.

This partnership, which has its roots firmly entrenched in Nazi Germany, was given renewed emphasis when Khalid bin Abdul Aziz (King Khalid) became the fourth King of Saudi Arabia, reigning from 1975 to 1982. King Khalid, however, had a serious heart condition, and he was assisted in these Wahhabi-related endeavors by Fahd bin Abdul Aziz who, in 1982, became King Fahd, "Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques" (2).

It was during the co-reign of these two monarchs, that the bin Ladens became business partners with the Bush family. The Bush clan also forged relations with other Saudi families who would later playa significant role in financing and aiding the 9/11 terrorist attack on America.


With the election of Jimmy Carter, in 1976, George H. W. Bush (the director of the CIA) would soon be out of a job. George H.W. Bush, immediately began scouring the country, and other nations, for financial and other support, as he intended to run for the presidency in 1980.

That same year (1976), CIA director Bush personally recruited James R. Bath into the CIA (21). According to Bath business associate Charles W. "Bill" White: "Bath told me that he was in the CIA. He told me he was recruited by George H. W. Bush himself in 1976."

James R. Bath, CIA operative, and friend of the Bush family, "was named a trustee for Sheik Salem bin Laden of Saudi Arabia. Bath's job was to handle all of bin Laden's North American investments and operations" (22).

James Bath also had the good fortune to become the representative of yet another rich and influential Saudi family, that of Khalid bin Mahfouz, the brother-in-law of Osama bin Laden (23).

Investing in the family of a man who might soon be president, made good business sense to the bin Ladens and other Saudis, and James R. Bath, invested $50,000 in the younger Bush's first company, Arbusto Energy, even though it was nearly bankrupt with no hope of making a buck (23,24). These and other funds were provided by the bin Ladens and the Mahfouz families. Indeed, "most of Bath's investments ....were really fronts for Mahfouz and other Saudis connected with the Bank of Credit and Commerce (BCCI)" (24) as well as the bin Ladens (22).

James R. Bath was well connected to and trusted by the Bush family, having served not only as a CIA-operative, but in the Texas Air National Guard with George W. Bush (23). This friendship was apparently maintained during those periods when George W. was constantly drunk, snorting cocaine, as well as AWOL from his unit (25).

Over the next two decades the Bush family would continue to sell themselves to the Saudis and bin Ladens. Indeed, one he became vice-president and then President, an assortment of Saudi terrorists, crooks, gangsters and murderers eagerly lined up buy influence and to invest in the Bush family during the I980s and beyond (21-25,26).

For example, Bin Laden brother-in-law, Sheik Mahfouz, the NCB banker for Saudi billionaire fmancier Abdullah Bakhsh (and David Edwards -- a close friend of Bill Clinton who was also representing Bakhsh's U.S. interests), arranged for Bakhsh to purchase 17% of another Bush company, Harken Energy, in 1987 (26). Harken was struggling with debt, and like Arbusto before it, was in danger of going bankrupt.

Bush, in a deal that has been described as classic, illegal, "insider trading," dumped most of his stock before it tanked (27). Bush, and his Harken Energy company were desperately in need of a cash, and the Saudis stepped up to the plate and pitched him $25 million (26).

Talet Othman, a Palestinian representative of Bakhsh was also given a seat on Harken's board of directors whose members included George W. Bush -- the son of vice president, soon to be President George H.W. Bush.

It was soon thereafter that George W. Bush's nearly bankrupt Harken Energy, was given a drilling contract with Bahrain. Money began pouring in (25,26).

The Saudis bought more than board membership, but a seat at President George H. W. Bush's White House foreign policy table (23,26). In exchange for bailing out his son, George H.W. Bush also sold these men the right to help determine U.S. foreign policy.

In 1990, Othman, acting as a representative of Mahfouz, Bakhsh, and the Saudi royal family) along with 15 other Saudis, began attending White House meetings with the President George H.W. Bush and National Security Advisor Brent Scowcroft, to discuss not only Middle East policy, but Iraq (23,25). Three of these meetings took place during the period just before and after Iraq invaded Kuwait.

Although Saddam Hussein didn't know it, the Saudis and the Bush men were plotting the demise of Iraq as an independent nation.


From 1980 to 1988, as the Afghan Mujahideen battled the Soviets. the Iraqi and Iranian armies were also slaughtering one another in a war that seemed to be without end.

The war between Iran and Iraq, which took over I million lives, was yet another manifestation of the Hegelian ideal: controlled conflict; or, in other words: "Lets you and him fight!"

Bankers loaned money to Saddam, knowing that if Iraq lost the war and defaulted, that U.S. taxpayers would pick up the bill. Defense contractors sold Iraq weapons that were paid for by U.S. backed loans.

The Hegelian synthesis, however, required that neither side win, and that both sides lose by nearly bleeding themselves to death in the ensuing war.

Finally, in 1988, a cease fire was agreed to, and Saddam turned his attention to settling old scores with the Kurds. Two of the largest Kurdish parties, the KDP (Kurdistan Democratic Party) and the PUK (Patriotic Union of Kurdistan) had collaborated with Iran during the war. Saddam murdered 200,000 Kurds in retaliation, with the assistance of the Reagan-Bush administration who provided chemical and biological weapons (39,40), including" 19containers of Anthrax bacteria" (39)

Indeed, all manner of advanced biological weapons were shipped to Iraq between 1988 and 1990, some of which was supplied by the American Type Culture Collection company, located near Fort Detrick, MD, the site of the US Army's high security germ warfare labs" (39).

In return for U.S. assistance, Saddam agreed to allow the CIA and government scientists to study the effects of biological warfare on large population centers. With U.S. help and assistance, Saddam used biological weapons on the Kurds whose two main political parties, the PUK and the KDP, had backed Iran during the war.

It was not just biological weapons that the Reagan-Bush team made available to Saddam, but "weapons of mass destruction."

Bush was the point man in dealing with Saddam, and at his urgings, the Reagan-Bush administration provided Saddam with advanced weapons, technology, military training, and the scientific know-how and the aid to develop a wide array of biological and chemical weapons, such as Sarin gas and military grade anthrax (39,40).

In 1988 and 1989, the Bush administration also approved licenses to U.S. firms to sell biological products to the Iraqi Atomic Energy Agency. In July 1988 -- two months after Saddam used chemical weapons to wipe out the Kurdish village of Halabja -- the California-based Bechtel Corp. was awarded a contract to build a petrochemicals plant which would enable Iraq to produce mustard gas and fuel-air explosives. With the assistance of the Bush administration, U.S. businesses created a virtual "Saddam lobby" to increase weapons sales to Iraq (40).

U.S. firms also sold almost $800 million in "dual use" aircraft -- ostensibly to be used for civilian purposes, but easily convertible to military use, as well as electronics equipment to Iraqi missile-producing plants. In fact, George H.W. Bush and his allies in the defense and banking industries, made it possible for Saddam to continue building up his war machine right up until August 1990, when Saddam invaded Kuwait (39,40,41,42).

As revealed by the Los Angeles Times (41) the administration of President George H.W. Bush signed a number of "National Security Decision Directives in 1989 ordering closer ties with Baghdad and paving the way for $1 billion in new aid. Secretary of State James Baker, after meeting with Iraqi foreign minister Tariq Aziz in October 1989, intervened personally to support U.S. government loans guarantees to Iraq."

Of course, it must be pointed out that what Bush and Baker were guaranteeing is that U.S. tax payers would bailout any banks which provided loans, should Iraq be unable to pay, or if Iraq was subsequently destroyed -- such as following a war with the United States.

As reported by Ted Koppel and ABC News Nightline (42) "It is becoming increasingly clear, that George Bush, operating largely behind the scenes throughout the 1980s, initiated and supported much of the financing, intelligence, and military help that built Saddam's Iraq into the aggressive power that the United States ultimately had to destroy."


In the late 1980s, Bush also used his relationship with the Bank of Credit and Commerce International (BCC!), and the Banca Nacional del Lavoro (BNL) to help Iraq acquire funds and weapons. These banks, thanks to Bush, served as paymaster and provided Saddam with loans that would enable him to create a huge army that the U.S., in 1991, would fight and destroy (21,24).

Among their many sordid activities, George H.W. Bush, and his father, Prescott Bush, were also bankers -- and banks are perfect for laundering funds including those obtained through the illegal drug trade or those destined to support terrorism or terrorist regimes. One of the owners of BCCI included powerful Saudi banker, Khaled bin Mahfouz, also known as the "king's treasurer." Mahfouz owned 20% of BCCI stock during the Reagan-Bush administration. Funds from BCCI were used not only to arm Iraq but the terrorist organization of Abu Nidal (24).

BCCI was in fact a criminal enterprise, a corrupt global banking empire operating in 73 nations. BCCI clients included the Medellin drug cartel, Panama dictator Manuel Noriega, and Khun Sa -- the heroin kingpin in Asia's Golden Triangle (24).

BCCI was thus a large conduit of illegal funds, and BCCI was also being used to "loan" money to Saddam Hussein -- money that U.S. tax payers would have to repay if Hussein defaulted.

In 1988, however, the entire criminal enterprise began to crumble, and BCCI as well as the Banca Nacional del Lavoro became implicated in the largest bank-fraud case in U.S. history (21,24).

The BCCI scandal soon enveloped the Bush family (43). Neil Bush, brother of Jeb and George W., became implicated in the pillaging and subsequent failure of the Silverado Savings and Loan of Denver, Colorado, which went bankrupt and had to be seized by federal regulators during 1988. Not only had Neil Bush lost $1.6 billion which would be repaid by tax payers, he had illegally received a $1.25 million line of credit and a $100,000 personal loan (never repaid) from two local land speculators who were very prominent in the Republican Party. In return Neil Bush's Silverado Savings and Loan lent $235 million to these two men, and the money was also never repaid. Again, the tax payers were required to foot the bill (24,43).

Neil was soon ordered to testify, under oath, before a congressional committee probing fraud in the S & L banking industry (43).

Soon the head of the Bush crime family and his intimate associates were implicated in not just the S & L crisis, but in the criminal enterprise known as BCCI.

As was the Bush custom, a coverup was immediately put into place, and administration officials, claiming "national security" began interfering with the investigation.

William von Raab, director of the US Customs, reported that top Reagan-Bush officials, including Secretary of the Treasury, James Baker, had hindered and sabotaged his efforts to investigate BCCI (24,44).

Fortunately for Bush, before the scandal broke, he appointed his cousin and Skull and Bones alumni John Walker, to be the assistant secretary of the Treasury for enforcement. John Walker would have the primary responsibility for conducting any and all investigations into the BCCI scandal.

Yet another Bush "cover-up artist" was appointed to the BCCI investigation, Robert Mueller (44,45) the same Robert Mueller who would be appointed by a second Bush administration to head the FBI and who would be accused by FBI veterans of a "cover up" of FBI complicity in the 9/11 tragedy.

Mueller was initially installed in the Department of Justice in 1986. During the second term of the Reagan-Bush administration, Mueller helped "investigate" the Iran-Contra scandal, in which it had been discovered that top Reagan-Bush officials had been selling arms to the terrorist regime of Iran, in exchange for cash that could be funneled to terrorists who were trying to overthrow the Sandinista government in Nicaragua. Mueller's duties, it has been charged, was to coverup the involvement of George H.W. Bush (44).

When G.H.W. Bush was elected President, Robert Mueller was called upon again. He was appointed chief of the Justice Department's criminal division. His duties now included "investigating" the BCCI scandal. However, as was the case with Iran- Contra (44), Mueller was accused by many critics, including democratic Senator Christopher Dodd, then Chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, of having shredded documents that would have implicated Bush and other senior Bush officials in illegal BCCI transactions.

A number of critics including the American Free Press (45), former US Navy Lt. Commander, Office of Naval Intelligence, Al Martin, and members of congress, and the Federation of American Scientists have either implied or directly accused Mueller, as well as the CIA, of purposefully undermining the BCCI investigation.

In a detailed report by the Federation of American Scientists (46), it was concluded that" Under Assistant Attorney General Mueller... the Department sought to impede the investigations of others through a variety of mechanisms, ranging from not making witnesses available, to not returning telephone calls, to claiming that every aspect of the case was under investigation in a period when little, if anything, was being done" (46).

Similar to statements he would make following the 9/11 terrorist attack on America, Mueller responded to his critics by stating in testimony before the Senate, that "At no time, to my knowledge, has anyone from the CIA, or any agency, attempted to obstruct or interfere with the Department of Justice's investigation and prosecution of BCCI."

Nevertheless, the Justice Department was later forced to admit that it had committed "critical strategic errors." As pointed out by the Federation of American Scientists, these errors were "compounded by the Justice Department's attempts to hinder other legitimate investigative efforts, and by the Justice Department's inability to admit that it had made any of these mistakes" (46).

As summed up by the Federation of American Scientists, "the US Attorney's office chose to bring ...a limited, money-laundering case against the bank in Florida and indicted several mid-level BCCI officials, throwing out a possible Racketeering Influenced and Corrupt Organizations (RICO) case that would have enabled it to have gone after all of BCCI's assets in the United States ... The result was that the Justice Department permitted BCCi... to continue its worldwide criminal activity ... the Justice Department [gave] the public impression that it was aggressively moving against BCCI, at a time when it was doing very little concerning the bank."

Like Iran-Contra, the BCCI "cover up" was successful. Although others went to prison, John Walker, Robert Mueller and their accomplices, were unable to find any evidence to implicate Bush, Baker, or any other members of their crime family (24,46).

A lot of Bush cronies, however, had lost money and they were eager to recoup their losses. Bush rose to their rescue by proposing a Savings & Loan bailout that would require U.S. taxpayers to pony up $500 billion (24). One of the beneficiaries of this bail out, was Khaled bin Mahfouz and members of the Saudi royal family (24).

In the late 1990s, Khaled bin Mahfouz would again go into business with Bush and Reagan-Bush cabinet members, including James Baker (former Secretary of the Treasury), and Frank Carlucci (former deputy director of the CIA, and Secretary of Defense) investing huge sums of money in the Carlyle Group, a defense-industry investment group and whose chairman is former CIA deputy director, Frank Carlucci. In August of 2002, Khaled bin Mahfouz, along with 3 Saudi princes, would be named in a trillion dollar lawsuit filed by families of some of the victims of the 9/11/2001 terrorist attack on America.
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Postby admin » Sat Aug 01, 2015 3:41 am



In the late I980s, Bush and team were still playing the great Hegelian game. Because Iraq was rearming, Saudi Arabia would have to do the same. However, whereas the U.S. tax payers would foot the Iraqi armaments bill, thus making Bush banking and defense industry associates very rich, Saudi Arabia would pay cash.


The Iraq-Iranian war served the long-term objectives of the CIA, Wall Street, the oil men, the Bush family, Israel, as well as the Saudi royal family. However, by rearming Iraq, with U.S. weapons replacing Soviet arms (28,41,42,47), the Saudis too were forced to purchase arms as was Israel, because a strong Iraq was not what they had been striving for (28).

The United States was willing to accommodate the needs of all concerned throwing in the added bonus that the U.S. would also protect Saudi Arabia and other Gulf states, if in return, the U.S. was able to increase its military presence in the gulf and could use Saudi Arabia as a base of operations in the future (28, 48).

Saudi Arabia was agreeable and spent nearly $50 billion building a Gulf-wide air defense system to U.S. specifications. The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers also constructed a $14 billion network of military facilities across the desert sands of Saudi Arabia, all of which were designed to accommodate U.S. forces (49).

From the perspective of the U.S. the Iran Iraq war followed by the arms buildup in the Gulf, was just a prelude to further military expansion into the Middle East (48,49). Although Saddam Hussein didn't know it, the U.S. was preparing to attack Iraq in order to serve the interests of Saudi Arabi, Kuwait, and big oil.

It had been U.S. policy since the 1950s to protect Saudi Arabia. This protective policy, in regard to Saudi Arabia, was reaffirmed in 1979, when President Carter announced his "Carter Doctrine" which stated that because of U.S. dependency on Persian Gulf oil for its material wealth, the U.S. was required to use military force to maintain its control over the region. Again, this had been U.S. policy since 1950s. The only difference was that by 1979, competing imperialist powers such as Britain and France had already been driven from the Gulf. That left only the Soviet Union which had been supporting and arming Iraq.


As detailed in the previous chapter, during the 1980s, Iraq was the designated proxy for America in its covert "cold" war against communism, the Soviet Union, as well as the fundamentalist Islamic regime controlling Iran. Iraq was to become the thorn, or rather, the tip of the sword, that America would wield and point at the throat of the Soviet Union, and which the U.S. would use to threaten and fight wars against radical Islamic states, such as Iran.

However, by 1990, the Soviet Union was on the verge of collapse. On March 11, 1990, Lithuania declared its independence and pulled out of the union, and on March 30, 1990, the Estonian supreme council announced its intentions to follow suit. It was clear to all that within another year or two, the Soviet Union would be no more.

The Soviet Union was taking its last gasps. It was also clear to all that it would be decades before Iraq would be able to repay its loans. It was also becoming apparent that Iraq, with its military machine and the second largest oil reserves in the world, would have to be conquered and destroyed before it has the opportunity to regain strength.

As noted earlier and in previous chapters, the Saudis had long lusted after Iraq, which they believed to be a broken off piece of Arabia.

In 1990, a delegation of 16 Saudis, began attending White House meetings with the President George H.W. Bush and National Security Advisor Brent Scowcroft, to discuss the fate of Iraq (23,25).


In 1979, after the overthrow of the Shah of Iran, and with the subsequent fear that Iran would import its fanatical fundamentalist Shiit Islamic revolution in to neighboring states, the ruling families of Saudi Arabia and Kuwait offered financial backing and assistance to Iraq, if Saddam Hussein would defend them all and destroy the Iranian enemy (49).

Iraq emerged victorious, but instead of the promised assistance in repaying the $65 billion debt accrued through Western Loans to fight Iran, Saudi Arabia turned hostile and Kuwait began dumping oil on the world market, thus lowering prices when Iraq needed better oil revenues to pay for the war. Saddam felt that both Saudi Arabia, and especially Kuwait, had stabbed him in the back and were trying to undermine his rule (49,50).

For reasons that Saddam couldn't understand, Kuwait also felt emboldened to steal oil from Iraq by over pumping the Rumailia oil field, located along the Iraq-Kuwait border (49,50).

Saddam was being provoked. He was being lured into a trap.

Hussein began publicly complaining about the Kuwaiti thefts, as well as demanding assistance from Saudi Arabia. As was repeatedly pointed out, he defended Kuwait as well as the Sunni-ruling family of Saudi Arabia, from the fanatical fundamentalist Shia regime of Iran's Khomeini. Iraq had suffered incredible losses, had run up a ruinous debt, and now Kuwait and Saudi Arabia, who he had protected, were not only refusing to repay their debts but were thumbing their noses at him.

Finally, after months of saber rattling to no effect. Saddam Hussein began threatening to take what he believed to be rightfully his. His threats included the use of his military to force Kuwait to either pay up or again become what it had always been. part of Iraq (49,50,51).

As noted, the "borders" of Iraq, Kuwait, Jordan, Syria, Israel, and other Middle Eastern countries are totally artificial, a creation of the Imperialistic colonial government of Britain and France. Kuwait, Iraq, and Arabia, had for centuries been one state. However, just as the Saudi royal family believed that Kuwait and Iraq were broken off parts of Arabia, Saddam Hussein and his Baath party, believed that Kuwait and Arabia were in actuality, broken off parts of Iraq (that is, Arabia), Kuwait in particular.

Saddam felt justified in threatening to take Kuwait by force if Kuwait did not begin paying its debts, and cease and desist from its thieving ways.

Saddam also thought that with the exception of Saudi Arabia and Israel, that other countries in the Middle East would not object to his attack on Kuwait. Jaber el Saba, the Emir of Kuwait. was widely hated throughout the Islamic and Arab world. It was not because Kuwait was little more than the Emir's private plantation. that upset so many. but his close relationship with the West. Indeed. Sheik Jaber al Ahmed al Sabah. had been partners with Bush since the late 1950s when Bush was running his Zapata Offshore oil companies. Likewise his family had been partnering with this British since 1900. Jaber el Saba was seen as a Western-imperialist pawn.

Perhaps not surprisingly. given his western connections, although Saddam huffed and puffed, the Emir of Kuwait continued to thumb his nose at Iraq.

Saddam was being lured into a trap.

However, before he dared act, Saddam turned to the United States, and received, what he believed, was a "green light."

In July of 1990, the Washington Post reported that the Bush administration would not object if Iraq seized a small amount of Kuwaiti territory.

On July 24, 1990, U.S. State Department spokeswoman, Margaret Tutweiller, announced that "We do not have any defense treaties with Kuwait, and there are no special defense or security commitments to Kuwait."

On July 25, US Ambassador April Glaspie met with Saddam Hussein, and assured him that she was acting on direct instructions from Bush. She then informed him: "We have no opinion on the Arab-Arab conflict, like your border disagreement with Kuwait. I have direct instructions from the president to seek better relations with Iraq."

Saddam had every reason to believe these assurances, for an identical green light had been given to Indonesia to invade East Timor, when Bush was director of the CIA. That "green light" was given by Secretary of State Henry Kissinger and his aid, Brent Snowcroft, to President Suharto of Indonesia, in 1975. Kissinger authorized the illegal invasion of East Timor and the mass murder of 100,000 women, children and men. Suharto began the invasion knowing that he had the full approval of the White House (52). It has been argued that the "green light was given because the Kissinger-Rockefeller-Bush clique believed it would be easier to get access to Timor's oil reserves by dealing with Indonesia rather than with an independent East Timor.

Saddam was dealing with many of the same Republicans who had given that "green light" 25 years before to Indonesia, including Brent Snowcroft and George Bush (in 1975 the director of the CIA), as well as Dick Cheney. Based on history and the weapons he had been so recently been provided, Saddam had every reason to believe that his illegal invasion of Kuwait had the full approval of the Bush White House.

On July 31, the Washington Post reported that the Iraqi troop buildup had reached 100,000 men who were stationed on the Kuwaiti border. The Bush Administration expressed "concern" but was otherwise silent. On the same day, when the New York Times (53) reported that Iraq was poised to invade and that hostilities were about to break out, President George Herbert Walker Bush said nothing.

On Wednesday, August I, Iraqi forces invaded Kuwait. Late that evening, just before midnight, Bush released a statement strongly condemning the Iraqi invasion and demanding "the immediate and unconditional withdrawal of all Iraqi forces."

However, Bush did not threaten any specific consequences if Saddam failed to withdraw. Saddam believed he was listening to standard Bush propaganda designed for U.S. public consumption, and that these words were not to be taken seriously.

Over the ensuing weeks and months, Bush began attacking Saddam's honor, his masculinity, and his courage, and repeatedly referred, to him as Hitler (54). Saddam Hussein was completely taken by surprise. He was not just surprised, but insulted. Nevertheless, there was no way Saddam Hussein could back down -- which is exactly what Bush and team hoped for: Thesis, Anti- Thesis, a controlled conflict stage managed by the U.S., the synthesis being the destruction of Iraq and the eventual seizing of its oil reserves by the Bush oil-men.

Bush had been instrumental in building up Iraq's army and in urging his friends in the banking community to loan the regime vast amounts of money (40-42,47). Now, his presidency (and his own "masculinity") on the line. Bush the effeminate "wimp" was determined to destroy the Iraqi people and to create an Iraq that would become so weak, that in just a few years it could be invaded, occupied and its oil reserves seized.

Of course, the Saudis were partners in this Hegelian game and Saudi Arabia agreed to serve as the main base of attack against Iraq. However, it has been implied that not all of the Saudi ruling family were of the same mind. For example, according to some reports, King Fahd was cool to the Bush plan to base hundreds of thousands of U.S. troops on Saudi soil, whereas Prince Bandar was pushing for the stationing of permanent U.S. ground troops, explaining to Fahd that the troops would be necessary to protect Saudi Arabia from Iraq. Prince Bandar, we are told, however, never believed that Iraq was a threat. Instead, he saw the presence of these troops as necessary to destroy Iraq, and believed they would be useful for further joint military operations in the future.

On August 6, 1990, the first of 230,000 American troops arrived in Saudi Arabia to take up "defensive action" as part of "Operation Desert Shield." This was followed by an additional 200,000 troops who were deployed to take offensive action by the U.S.-led coalition forces (51,55).

The U.S. led coalition carried out over 120,000 air attacks against Iraq (51,55). If each bombing sortie claimed only 3 Iraqi civilian lives, then at least 360,000 Iraqis, men, women, and children, were killed during the Gulf War. The actual figure was probably well over 500,000.

As is well established, U.S. bombers concentrated on obliterating the civilian infrastructure of Iraq, wiping out the Iraqi's ability to supply water or electricity to its cities, and destroying highways, bridges and all means of mass transportation -- targets which had no military value. but which were designed to inflict maximal punishment on the "sand niggers." Members of the Bush administration joked that this was the "bomb now, die later" strategy.

The goal was not to eliminate Saddam Hussein, but genocide, the mass murder of Iraqi civilians and their children. and the creation of an Iraqi state so weak, that after a few years time it could be easily invaded and occupied.

The first fruit's of the Gulf War included an astronomical rise in infant mortality.

Even after Saddam Hussein cried uncle, after more than a month of bombing, and agreed to accept the UN resolution calling for Iraq's withdrawal from Kuwait, the Bush administration continued to strike at civilian targets (51,55).

Even after Saddam announced that his army was pulling out of Kuwait, and even as Iraqi soldiers began streaming toward Iraq, the Bush administration continued to strike (51,55).

As described by Lance Selfa (40): on February 28, U.S. and British forces mounted a relentless assault against retreating and defenseless Iraqi soldiers. The road leading from Kuwait to Basra became known as the 'Highway of Death.' Iraqi soldiers fled Kuwait in every possible vehicle they could get their hands on. Allied tank units cut the Iraqis off. U.S. warplanes bombed, strafed and firebombed the stranded columns for hours without resistance. In a slaughter that a U.S. pilot described as 'like shooting fish in a barrel,' thousands of Iraqi conscripts were killed on a 50-mile stretch of highway. So many planes filled the skies over southern Iraq that military air traffic controllers maneuvered to prevent mid-air collisions."

Bush, however, was unwilling to actually topple Saddam Hussein as he feared the political cost and as it was not part of the long ranged strategy. If the coalition forces actually invaded Iraq, the horrendous street to street fighting would have resulted in thousands if not tens of thousands of U.S. casualties (51,55). The fighting could go on for weeks, months, and even years, and this would be unacceptable given that Bush would soon be running for reelection. Better to slowly strangle Iraq to death through crippling sanctions that would make it impossible for Iraq to rebuild its infrastructure (48) -- part of the "bomb now die later" strategy. Also, as Iraq slowly died, it could still be presented to the world as a threat, thus justifying an increased American military presence in the gulf -- and this is exactly what happened. The Bush administration established a ring of permanent military bases throughout the Persian Gulf and Middle East.

The results of this "controlled conflict" were exactly as expected. Indeed, they were better than expected as Iraq's army was defeated in an admittedly brilliant and lightning-fast campaign within 100 hours after the ground offensive started (51,55).

Iraq rapidly became a basically a conquered country that in due time would be strangled to death by sanctions. Its oil reserves were almost within grasp (56).

Indeed, oil, and only oil, was the main reason the Bush administration attacked Iraq -- to eventually seize its oil reserves.

"They know we own their country. We own their airspace ... We dictate the way they live and talk. And that's what's great about America right now. It's a good thing, especially when there's a lot of oil out there we need."

-- U.S. Brig. General William Looney (56).

At the close of the Gulf War, the U.S. not only dominated Iraq, it had achieved dominion in the Middle East by placing American military bases in all the oil producing nations of the Persian Gulf. With the establishment of these military bases, the U.S. also gained a potent weapon aimed right at the hearts of the emerging industrial giants of the region, India and China.

With the successful completion of the Gulf War, the oil weapon was now within Washington's grasp. Now Bush need only wait until after the 1992 presidential election and after Iraq became sufficiently weak, so as to make a successful occupation of Iraq that much easier to achieve. Associates of the Bush crime family looked eagerly forward to the benefits they would reap when Bush was elected to a second term.

But then the unexpected.

George H.W. Bush lost the 1992 election.


1991 was a banner year for George H.W. Bush: Iraq had been defeated and was slowly being strangled to death. Najibullah, the communist leader of Afghanistan had been overthrown by the mujahideen. The Soviet Union had ceased to exist on December 21, 1991. And George H. W. Bush was riding high in the polls, with a 90% approval rating. Bush was so overcome with glee that he proclaimed "the new world order" (57) -- echoing the words of Adolf Hitler some 60 years before.

Hitler sought to establish his "new world order" through terror. And to maintain that new world order, and his own power, Hitler first unleashed the terror on those he ruled, the German people.

George H.W. Bush (and his partners in crime, Kissinger, Nixon, Dulles, the Saudis, and on and on), had been associated with and helping to fund and train terrorists and murderers for much of his life. Bush liked to call these terrorists "freedom fighters." For decades these fighters against freedom, had been unleashed by a succession of Republican administrations on defenseless civilians who were seeking democracy, education, health care, or a living wage -- "Freedom fighters" whose job was to fight freedom and to rape, torture, maim, castrate, bum, and disembowel women, children, infants, babies, boys, girls, and innocent men.

George H.W. Bush and his partners in crime had unleashed "freedom fighters" on the women and children of Guatemala, Nicaragua, Chile, El-Salvador, East Timor, Afghanistan, and the list goes on and on.

However, when George H.W. Bush announced the "new world order" what the public didn't know is that terrorists would soon be unleashed on America's daughters and sons.


The Hegelian dialectic requires controlled conflict between opposing parties: thesis - anti-thesis. For the last half of the 20th century, the communist Soviet Union had made up half of that equation. But in December, 1991, the Soviet Union, the communist threat, and the "Cold War," had died and was no more.

Bush, the CIA, the bankers and arms merchants, and the Wall Street elite, needed a new boogey man.

So Bush and team met with his Saudi friends ...

And they plotted and they planned ...

The American people did not know it yet...

Terrorism was coming home, courtesy of the CIA, George Bush, and his Saudi friends.


The Bush family had been partnering with terrorists for decades, using murderers, rapists, gangsters, and the like, in innumerable operations which were designed to increase the power and wealth of the Bush clan and their associates.

A man who would order or make it possible for others to carry out the worst of atrocities, obviously has no sense of humanity, and no love for his fellow man -- be they American or otherwise. Only a fool would believe that a man like George Bush would make a distinction between the morality of terrorizing and murdering foreigners or American citizens. Indeed, as detailed in chapter 3, the Bush family in fact partnered with the regime of Adolf Hitler, and thus assisted Hitler and the Nazis to wage war against the United States.

The Bush family has a history ... and although a snake may shed its skin, it is still a snake. A leopard can be painted, or covered up, but it cannot change its spots.

Thus we should not be surprised to learn, that in 1990, the administration of George H.W. Bush -- an administration which included Dick Cheney, Colin Powell, Condoleeza Rice, and 300 other individuals who would 10 years later become part of the administration of his son -- began laying the ground work for the first major terrorist attack on U.S. soil.

The attack would serve as justification for Bush and team to finally destroy a greatly weakened Saddam Hussein, and seize the oil reserves of Iraq.

In July of 1990, the administration of George H.W. Bush called upon a "valuable" CIA "asset" (58), Sheik Omar Abdul Rahman -- a man who was also linked to the assassin who killed Senator Robert Kennedy (59). Sheik Omar, a Saudi -- and CIA-financed cleric had been in Peshawar, coordinating and attempting to unify the various mujahideen groups fighting in Afghanistan. He arrived in New York, via Saudi Arabia on "a tourist visa issued by an undercover agent of the CIA" (58).

Initially, "his primary purpose was to set up a U.S. infrastructure, a funding mechanism. and an organizational base for militant Islamic groups" (58). However, in truth, he had been brought here to create terror.

In 1993, he was arrested in connection with the February, 1993, World Trade Center bombing, and for conspiring to attack several New York landmarks.

The FBI, acting, apparently, according to plan, initially tried to blame the 1993 WTC bombing on Iraq (60).

Several months after the 1993 bombing, the New York Times reported that the FBI had advanced knowledge that the WTC would be attacked (61). An FBI informant, acting at the behest of the FBI, even offered to build the bomb (61,62). Yet another FBI informant. even suggested the World Trade Center as a target.

Unfortunately for Bush and his cronies, they were out of power in 1993, and thus could not reap the geo-political and financial benefits that would have been theirs following this crime.

Instead, they would have to wait nearly 10 years before again orchestrating yet another terrorist assault on the World Trade Center. And as was the case in 1993, we would learn that a man recruited by the CIA would be held accountable, and that the FBI and CIA, knew of the attack, in advance.



1). John L. Esposito (Editor), "The Oxford History of Islam," Oxford University Press, 2000.

2). A. M. Vasiliev, Alexei Vassiliev, "The History of Saudi Arabia," New York University Press, 2000.

3). Robert Spencer, David Pryce-Jones, "Islam Unveiled: Disturbing Questions About the World's Fastest Growing Faith," Encounter Books, 2002; Ahmed Rashid, Jihad: The Rise of Militant Islam in Central Asia," Yale Univ Press, 2002; Stephen Schwartz, "The Two Faces of Islam," Double Day, 2002.

4). John L. Esposito, "Islam: The Straight Path," Oxford University Press, 1998; al-Fihrist, "Ihn al-Nadim;" Ash-Shi'a wat-Tashayyu, "Ehsan Elahi Zaheer."

5). Hamid Algar, "Wahhabism: A Critical Essay," Islamic Publications International, 2002.

6). Frank E. Vogel, "Islamic Law and Legal System: Studies of Saudi Arabia," Brill Academic Publishers, 2000.

7). Rashad Khalifa, "Quran, Hadith, And Islam," Universal Unity, 2000; Muhammad Ali, Maulana Muhammad Ali, Maulana Myhammad, "A Manual of Hadith," Ahamadiyya Anjuman Ishaat Islam Lahore, 1992.

8). Micah L. Sifry and Christopher Cerf, "The Gulf War Reader," Random House, 1991.

9). Phillip Knightly, "Imperial legacy."

10). Glenn Frankel, "Lines in the Sand." The Gulf War Reader, Random House, 1991; Harold Richard Patrick Dickson, 'The Arab of the Desert," Unwin Hyman, 1983.

11). John Loftus and Mark Aarons. "The Secret War Against The Jews" St. Martins Press, New York, 1994; Charles Higham, "Trading with the Enemy: An Expose of the Nazi-American Money Plot 1933-1949," Delacorte Press. 1983.

12). From 1927 to 1941, Dulles worked as lawyer and international finance specialist for Sullivan & Cromwell, a Wall Street law firm in New York. Dulles performed work for Bush, Harriman, and Rockefeller in setting up business relationships with the Nazis and with top Nazi industrialists and played a pivotal role in promoting U.S.-Nazi corporate relations. Allen Dulles was also legal counsel for Standard Oil and the Nazi's I. G. Farben, co-owned by the Rockefellers. Dulles was recruited by OSS intelligence chief Colonel William J. Donovan, in 1941, and was posted to Berne, Switzerland. Dulles was picked because of his great expertise on Germany which he acquired through his law firm during the 1930s. From October 1942 to May 1945, he gathered intelligence information on Nazi Germany related to all aspects of the war effort, including as it pertains to commerce and industry.

13). PBS Frontline, 2001; Jean Charles Brisard & Guillaume Dasquie, "Bin Laden: The Forbidden Truth."

14). Adolf Hitler, "Mein Kampf."

15). OFFICE OF U.S. CHIEF OF COUNSEL FOR PROSECUTION OF AXIS CRIMINALITY No. 792-PS 17 September 1945 Source of Original OKW Files, Flensburg [Excerpt] LEADS: CANARIS, IBN SAUD, GRAND MUFTI. SUMMARY OF RELEVANT POINTS (with page references): I. Only through the funds made available by Germany to the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem was it possible to carry out the revolt in Palestine. (Page I). 2. Germany will keep up the connection with the Grand Mufti. Weapons will be stored for the Mufti with Ibn Saud in Arabia. (Page 2). 3. Ibn Saud himself has close connections with the Grand Mufti and the revolting circles in TransJordan. (Page 2). 4. To be able to carry out our work one of Germany's agents will be placed in Cairo (Page 3). 5. The document is undated but obviously written before the outbreak of the war in 1939. It is not signed. Analyst Landmann Doc. No. 792-PS.

16). John Loftus & Mark Aarons, "The Secret War Against the Jews."

17). Webster G. Tarpley & Anton Chaitkin, "George Bush: The Unauthorized Biography," The Executive Intelligence Review; Robert Lederman, Philadelphia City Paper, 1/18/01; Office of Alien Property Custodian Vesting Order No. 248, Vesting Order No. 259, Vesting Order No. 261, Vesting Order No. 370; BBC News, 9/17/2001; UPI, "CIA says Nazi general was intelligence source" 9/20/2000.

18). Joe Stork, "Middle East Oil and the Energy Crisis," Monthly Review, 1975.

19). SaOd K. Aburish, "A Brutal Friendship: The West and the Arab Elite," St. Martins Press, 1997.

20). Gilles Kepel, "Jihad: The Trail of Political Islam," Cambridge, Belknap Press, 2002.

21). Jonathan Beaty & S.C. Gwynne, "Scandals: Not Just a Bank," Time Magazine, 9/2/1991.

22). Peter Brewton, "The Mafia, CIA, and George Bush," Shapolsky Book Pub., 1992.

23). Wall Street Journal, "Vetting the Frontrunners: From Oil to Baseball to the Governor's Mansion," 9/28/1999.

24). Jonathan Beaty & S.c. Gwynne. "The Outlaw Bank: A Wild Ride Into the Secret Heart of BCCI," Random House, 1993.

25). James H. Hatfield, "Fortunate Son," St. Martins Press.

26). Peter Brewton, "Harken Energy: George W.'s Perfect Storm," 7/ 15/2002.

27). According to U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) records, George W. Bush disregarded federal statutes on four different occasions, by failing to file insider stock trade reports on a timely basis. George W. Bush also illegally back-dating one trade by four months. By selling his stock based on illegal insider knowledge, Bush made around $1 million in profit. The SEC was forced to investigated, and the investigation was led by general counsel James R. Doty who had previously served as George W. Bush's personal lawyer. The chairman of the SEC was Richard Breedon, deputy counsel to Bush's father when he was vice president. Not surprisingly, Bush was cleared of insider trade wrongdoing by his personal attorney and by his father's vice-presidential counsel. See also, Time magazines, 10/28/1991; New York Times, 7/7/2002.

28). John Prados, "Afghanistan lessons from the Last War. U.S. Analysis of the Sovet War in Afghanistan: Declassified," 10/9/2001.

29). Defense Intelligence Agency, Directorate for Research, "The Economic Impact of Soviet Involvement in Afghanistan," DIA Declassification Release, May 1983; Central Intelligence Agency, Directorate of Intelligence, "The Costs of Soviet Involvement in Afghanistan," CIA Declassification Release, February 1987; Vladislav Tamarov, "Afghanistan Soviet Vietnam," H-Russia. 1995.

30). Central Intelligence Agency, Directorate of Intelligence, Office of Political Analysis, "The Soviets and the Tribes of Southwest Asia," CIA Declassification Release, 9/23/1980.

31). Michael C. Hudson, "To play the hegemon: 50 years of U.S. policy toward the Middle East," Middle East Journal, Volume 50, 3, 1996.

32). Le Nouvel Observateur, 11/15-21/1998; Bill Blum, "Killing Hope."

33). Sayed Qasim Reshtya, "The Price of Liberty: The Tragedy of Afghanistan," Bardi Editore, Roma Italy, 1984.

34). Le Figaro, 10/31/2001.

35). Peter Schweizer, "Victory-The Reagan Administration's Secret Strategy that Hastened the Collapse of the Soviet Union."

36). Central Intelligence Agency, "Special National Intelligence Estimate 37-89, Afghanistan: The War in Perspective," November 1989.

37). CBS, 12/23/1998.

38). Le Figaro, 10/31/2001.

39). William Thomas, "Bringing the War Home" 1998.

40). Lance Selfa, "What We Say Goes," International Socialist Review, 7, Spring, 1999.

41). Los Angeles Times, 2/23/1992.

42). ABC News Nightline, 6/9/ 1991.

43). Alan Friedman, "The Neil Bush Bailout," Vanity Fair, October, 1990.

44). Al Martin, "The Conspirators. Secrets of an Iran Contra Insider."

45). American Free Press, "New FBI Head Is Old Bush Cover-Up Man," 8/20/2001.

46). Federation of American Scientists, "BCCI AND LAW ENFORCEMENT: The Justice Department."

47). "How the U.S. helped keep Hussein in power," International Socialist Review 4, Spring, 1998.

48). Anthony Cordesman, The Gulf and Transition: U.S. Policy Ten Years After the Gulf War," Center for Strategic and International Studies, October 2000; Robert G. Darius, et al., "Gulf Security into the I980s: Perceptual and Strategic Dimensions," Hoover Institution Press, 1984.

49). Micah L. Sifry and Christopher Cerf (editors), "The Gulf War Reader," Random House, 1991.

50). Turi Munthe (Editor), "The Saddam Hussein Reader,"Thunder's Mouth Press, 2002; Said K. Aburish, "Saddam Hussein: The Politics of Revenge," Bloomsbury, 1999; Sandra MacKey, "The Reckoning: Iraq and the Legacy of Saddam Hussein," w.w. Norton & Company, 2002.

51). Rick Atkinson, "Crusade: The Untold Story of the Persian Gulf War," Mariner Books, 1994.

52). Embassy Jakarta Telegram 1579 to Secretary State, 6 December 1975 [Text of Ford-Kissinger-Suharto Discussion], Gerald R. Ford Library, Kissinger-Scowcroft Temporary Parallel File, Box A3, Country File, Far East-Indonesia, State Department Telegrams 4/1/75-9/22/76; Enclosure to Document 3, State Department Briefing Paper, "Indonesia and East Timor," ca. 21 November 1975, National Archives, Record Group 59, Department of State Records, Executive Secretariat Briefing Books, 1958-1976, Box 227, President Ford's Visitto the Far East - Indonesia Nov-Dec. 1975; Ford, Kissinger and the Indonesian Invasion, 1975-76; National Security Archive Electronic Briefing Book No. 62 Edited by William Burr and Michael L. Evans December 6, 2001; James Dunn, "The Timor Affair in International Perspective," in Carey and Bentley, (editors) East Timor at the Crossroads," Militias, death squads, and paramilitary forces were organized to terrorize the population and were under the direction of Kopassus, the Indonesian special forces who were "legendary for their cruelty" and who had been trained by U.S. forces. "Kopassus engaged in every kind of atrocity, including systematic rapes, tortures, and executions. Many of the Kopassus army officers attended courses in the United States under the International Military Education and Training program. The tactic employed were similar to those used by the Contras in Nicaragua. Their aim was to terrorize everyone including the Red Cross and journalists.

53). New York Times, 7/31/1990.

54). Washington Post. "Describing Moral Debate, Bush Spellbinds Audience," 1/26/1991; Washington Post. "Bush and Saddam's Holy War of Words," 2/3/1991.

55). Department of Defense. "21 st Century Complete Guide to the Gulf War. Operation Desert Shield and Desert Storm. from the Invasion by Iraq and Saddam Hussein to the Liberation of Kuwait, with Declassified Military and CIA Files." Department of Defense, Progressive Management. 2002.

56). Washington Post, 8/30/1999.

57). Washington Post. "Bush: Out of These Troubled Times ... a New World Order," 9/12/1990; Washington Post. "Bush's Talk of a 'New World Order," Foreign Policy Tool or Mere Slogan?" 5/26/1991.

58). Mary Anne Weaver. "Blowback." The Atlantic Monthly; May 1998.

59). The FBI had inserted listening devices into Sheik Rahman's home and offices, and taped a conversation between him and one of his followers who was urging that they bomb several New York buildings. "Slow down; slow down a little bit," Sheik Rahman whispered. "The one who killed Kennedy was trained for three years."

60). James Fox, the FBI's chief investigator into the February 26. 1993 bombing proposed that an Iraqi agent had masterminded the bombing. See also Laurie Mylroie, "Study of Revenge: Saddam Hussein's Unfinished War Against America."

61). New York Times. Oct. 28, 1993. As also reported in court documents in the trial of Sheik Omar Abdul Rahman et al, it was revealed that the FBI had recruited Emad Salem. to infiltrate radical Islamic groups. Emad Salem did so, and not only became involved in the plot to bomb the World Trade Center. but at the behest of the FBI. offered to build the bomb. See also Gov Exhibits 55119. In tape recordings of meetings he had with the FBI, Salem discusses how the FBI had planned on "building the bomb with a phony powder and grabbing the people who were involved in it," The Sheik was not sentenced for carrying out the World Trade Center bombing; however. phone calls to the Sheik by Muslim defendants in that case had been presented and accepted as evidence implicating his involvement. The conspiracy theory was also supported by the testimony of Abdo Haggag, an Egyptian, who quoted an unrecorded conversation he allegedly had with the Sheik. Haggag was a paid informer and admitted under oath to having received $100,000 for his services to the US government.

62). When James Fox, the FBI's chief investigator. was asked by a reporter if it was true that the FBI had advance notice of the bombing. but allowed the bombing to take place anyway. Fox denied the allegation. Fox was later suspended from the FBI by FBI director Freeh.
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Postby admin » Sat Aug 01, 2015 3:43 am



IG Farben, AIDs, Anthrax, Eugenics

Before America became a nation, the regional powers which governed what would become the United States, used terrorism, mass murder, as well as biological and germ warfare to destroy and spread disease and epidemics among Native Americans. One of the first attacks (1) was initiated by General Jeffrey Amherst, who also lent his name to what became the town and college of Amherst, Massachusetts (2,3,4).

According to Frank Prentice Rand, author of The Village of Amherst: A Landmark of Light, "Amherst" was "the most glamorous military hero in the New World." However, as detailed in the Atlas of the North American Indian (2), and the Conspiracy of Pontiac and the Indian War after the Conquest of Canada (3) this glamorous military hero authorized the distribution of smallpox-infected blankets and handkerchiefs to be used as germ warfare against American Indians.

In a letter to Colonel Henry Bouquet, commander of British forces, he asked, "Could it not be contrived to send the Small Pox among those disaffected tribes of Indians? We must on this occasion use every stratagem in our power to reduce them." Bouquet answered back, "I will try to inoculate them with some blankets that may fall into their hands and take care not to get the disease myself."

As documented in the notebooks of William Trent (5), commander of the local militia of the townspeople of Pittsburgh: on May 24, 1763 "we gave them two Blankets and an Handkerchief out of the Small Pox Hospital. I hope it will have the desired effect."

A small pox epidemic quickly spread among the men, women, and children belonging to the tribe of Chief Pontiac (3).

General Amherst was so impressed at the effectiveness of germ warfare that in a letter to Colonel Henry Bouquet, dated 16 July 1763, he made biological warfare official American policy and ordered the distribution of small pox infected blankets to "inocculate the Indians" and suggested that Bouquet "try Every other method that can serve to Extirpate this Execrable Race." In a letter dated 26 July 1763, Bouquet acknowledges Amherst's letter and confirmed that "all your Directions will be observed" (4).

One hundred years later, the use of germ warfare had also become U.S. policy. Periodically, throughout the 19th century, the U.S. Army distributed contaminated goods and blankets to Native Americans (6,7,8,9), including those already confined to concentration camps (euphemistically referred to as "reservations"). The purpose of these biological attacks was the extermination and mass murder of American Indians. However, the biological agents now included Variola which can be stored in a dried state, as well as cholera and small pox. Again, the method of infection was through the distribution of blankets and other supplies that were to be distributed to the Indians (6,7,8,9).

For example, "in 1847 the small pox, before unknown among them, carried off a large part of the [Cayuse] tribe. The Cayuse, believing that the missionaries were the cause of it, attacked the mission on November 29, 1847, killed Dr. Whitman and thirteen others, and destroyed the mission. As a matter of fact, there seems little question that the infection was brought into the country in supplies intended for the use of the mission" (9).

In the year 1900, the U.S. Army began experimenting with a variety of biological weapons, some of which were used on American and foreign prisoners of war (10, 11,12). The victims included five Filipino prisoners who were exposed to different varieties of plague, and 29 prisoners who were purposefully infected with Beriberi. In 1915, government agents began experimenting with toxins that would attack and destroy the brain and central nervous system. Twelve Americans held in a Mississippi prison were exposed to pellagra.

Widespread development and testing of chemical and biological weapons ensued in America, Britain, and Germany (10,11,12,13,14). But, in the U.S. some of the first victims were again, Americans, including thousands of U.S. soldiers who were exposed to Lewisite, phosgene, and chlorine bombs (10,11). The tests were so successful, and so many soldiers sickened or died, that between 1916 and 1918 U.S. and British forces used 125,000 tons of phosgene, mustard gas and chlorine artillery shells against Germans soldiers causing an estimated 400,000 casualties.

The British and the U.S. were particularly fond of phosgene which has a lethal concentration 1/18th that of chlorine, and which causes a rather horrible death. Initially soldiers who inhaled phosgene would maybe cough a few times, and then go on fighting. However, over the next 48 hours the linings of their lungs would break down and they would drown and choke to death on their own blood and fluids. In June 1916, during the battle of the Somme, allied forces used a combination of phosgene and chlorine gas along a 17 mile front which then blew another 12 miles behind German lines, killing everyone and everything (11-13).

Mustard gas was also a favorite. Initially, mustard gas causes only a slight irritation to eyes and throat, which then becomes worse and then excruciating. Mustard gas is a blistering agent, and causes hemorrhages and blisters on the skin as well as within the lungs and eyes. Men would be blinded and huge patches of skin would fall from their body (12,13).

Periodically, throughout the 1920s and 1930s, the U.S. Army deployed mustard gas against the men, women, and children of the Philippines and Puerto Rico who were protesting U.S. colonialism (15).

Mustard gas was not the only biological weapon employed. In 1931, Dr. Cornelius Rhoads, a government agent under contract with the Rockefeller Institute for Medical Investigations, began infecting men, women and children with cancer cells. Later, as head of the U.S. Anny Biological Weapons division, and a member of the Atomic Energy Commission, Rhoads directed secret radiation experiments which were conducted on thousands of unsuspecting U.S. citizens. In letters to the Department of Defense Rhoads openly advocated the "eradication" of dissidents with "germ bombs." With regard to the people of Puerto Rico, Dr. Rhoads wrote: "What the island needs is not public health work, but a tidal wave or something to totally exterminate the population." Dr. Rhoads is alleged to have injected hundreds of Puerto Ricans with cancer (15).

Cornelius Rhoads later became a founder and first director of the Memorial Sloan-Kettering Institute, which specializes in research on cancer.

As we shall see, Dr. Rhoads is not the only doctor associated with the Rockefeller Institute who advocated mass murder and who purposefully injected non-White races to deadly infections.

In 1931, the United States government began experimenting with syphilis. The first known victims were black men living in Tuskegee, Alabama (16). In 1932, U.S. Public Health Service doctors withheld treatment to men who had been infected in order to study the course of the disease in living subjects. The men did not know they were experimental subjects in a government study. They thought they were receiving treatment for their illness. Instead, they were given placebos (16).

Thousands of American citizens were exposed to a variety of chemical and biological agents over the following ten years, including, in 1942, 400 men held prisoner in Chicago. They were infected with malaria in order to get "a profile of the disease."

The United States government also authorized the American Energy Commission to secretly inject hospitalized patients with plutonium in order to "profile "the long term effects (17). Most of these individuals became terminally ill and died.

In the early 1940s, the U.S. and Britain began working on developing "anthrax bombs" which they intended to drop on German cities. According to Stanford University historian Prof. Barton J Bernstein: "British Prime Minister Winston Churchill was advised that 1,000 projectiles, each of 500 pounds and containing 106 four-pound anthrax bombs, could destroy life in a 25 mile area. Potential targets included Berlin, Hanberg, Frankfurt, Aachen and Wilhelmshafen."

Because the Germans surrendered before any of these anthrax bombs could be tested on German civilians, these biological bombs were instead dropped on the villagers of Gruinard, an island off the northwest coast of Scotland. In consequence, not only did most of the sheep and the villagers become ill and died, but the island became uninhabitable for more than 45 years (11).


After the defeat of Nazi Germany and Japan, the United States government recruited and employed hundreds of Nazi and Japanese doctors who had conducted horrific biological experiments on prisoners of war, including captured American servicemen (18). Among the more notorious was Dr. Shiro Ishii, who the U.S. Army happily put on its payroll (19,20). As the director of the Japanese Imperial Army's bio-warfare unit, Dr. Ishii had authorized the use of an incredible array of chemical and of biological agents against American, British, Australian, Russian, and Chinese troops and prisoners of war. Ishii experimented with syphilis, typhoid-laced tomatoes, tetanus, plague-infected fleas, as well as germ bombs which were dropped on civilians and prisoners tied naked to wooden stakes. Those who survived these experiments were then dissected without anesthetic, while still alive (19,20).

The United States was most eager to obtain his expertise. In a deal arranged by General Douglas MacArthur -- a man who twenty years earlier had ordered his soldiers to shoot U.S. workers who had gone on strike for better wages -- Ishii became an invited lecturer at the U.S. Army bio-weapons center in Frederick Maryland. The U.S. Army also obtained over 10,000 pages of Ishii's "research findings."

Nazi know-how was also exploited by the CIA and U.S. government (18). For example, at the close of World War II, U.S, Intelligence agencies raided the labs and offices of IG Farben, the German conglomerate which produced a number of nerve agents. Hundreds of Farben doctors and Nazi research scientists were recruited by Dulles and friends.

Although many Nazi doctors were hanged, just as many became agents of the CIA and United States government, including Walter Schreiber, who helped conduct many of the Nazi medical experiments at Dachau. Yet another famous Nazi, Dr. Josef Mengele -- the ultra-sadistic "angel of death" -- also began working for the good 'ol USA (20).

In fact, prior to and during the war with Nazi Germany, Mengele, and other Nazis doctors, were funded in part, through the Rockefeller foundation, and thus already had a connection to America and Allen Dulles who would become head of the CIA.

When it became evident that Germany would lose the war, Bill Donovan, head of the ass, and Allen Dulles, ass head of intelligence operations in Europe operating out of Switzerland, hatched a plan, in 1944, to recruit thousands of Nazi intelligence officers, industrialists, and scientists, and bring them to the United States, where they would then be put to work for various U.S. government and military agencies controlled by the OSS.

Dulles was perfectly suited for this role due in part to his duties as a Nazi go-between for Bush, Harriman, and Rockefeller (see chapters 2,3,4).

Unbeknownst to President Roosevelt, who was already considering bringing charges of treason against Dulles, Bush, Harriman and others (see chapter 3,4), nearly 10,000 intelligence officers, known as T-Forces, landed right behind Allied battalions on the D-Day invasion of June 1944. Their primary mission was to arrest and seize German scientists and their research materials, along with munitions experts and technicians, and then place them in an internment camp known as the "Dustbin" where they could then be interrogated and debriefed. However, many of these T-Force intelligence officers, were in fact scientists and high ranking corporate officials, whose main allegiance was not to the United States government, but to the Rockefellers, the Harrimans, the Bush family, and the corporations they worked for.

Dulles and gang were essentially engaging in what could be termed a "hostile corporate takeover." German assets would thus become the assets of U.S. corporations linked to Dulles, Bush, Harriman, Rockefeller, et al. In December 1944, after Roosevelt began to receive reports of what they were intending, he informed Bill Donovan and Allen Dulles, in no uncertain terms that he was completely opposed to their plan. Nevertheless they and their allies continued to try to convince him to give permission for these Nazi scientists to come to the U.S. and to work for U.S. corporations. In order to make Roosevelt more agreeable, they added that these Nazis would not be allowed to profit from their misdeeds -- only the U.S. corporations that they went to work for. As summed up by Dulles: If these Nazis were "given permission for entry into the United States after the war ....their earnings [would be placed] on deposit in an American bank and the like."

Roosevelt was outraged and turned Dulles down flat: "We expect that the number of Germans who are anxious to save their skins and property will rapidly increase. Among them may be some who should properly be tried for war crimes, or at least arrested for active participation in Nazi activities. Even with the necessary controls you mention, I am not prepared to authorize the giving of guarantees."

Dulles wasn't worried. Roosevelt would soon be dead.

Soon after Roosevelt's death, and with the blessing of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Dulles initiated "Operation Overcast" in July 1945. Initially, 350 Nazi scientists, chemical weapons designers, and ballistics and rocketry experts and engineers, including SS officers, Dr. Herbert Axster, Dr. Arthur Rudolph, Georg Richkey, Kurt Blome, and Werner Von Braun and his V2 rocket team, were smuggled into the United States. This initial shipment was followed by several others, in an operation called, "Operation Paper Clip." Over 1000 Nazi doctors and SS scientists, including Hermann Becker-Freyseng and Konrad Schaeffer, were illegally brought to the United States where they were put to work for major corporations and government agencies including what would become NASA and the CIA (18, 21, 21, 22).

Sigmund Rascher, Hermann Becker-Freyseng and Konrad Schaeffer, were typical Nazis. These doctors, scientists, and others of their ilk, labored away in concentration camps, such as Dachau where they conducted research on how prisoners would react to burning, drowning, gassing, wound infections, and high altitude tests (23). These and other Nazi doctors purposefully inflicted "battlefield traumas" on male and female prisoners, and would study the healing process after these wounds were filled with gangrene cultures, sawdust, mustard gas, broken glass, metal shavings, and on so. The wounds would then be sewn up and the prisoners would be observed to see how long it took them to die.

Even before they came to the U.S. Hermann Becker-Freyseng and Konrad Schaeffer, were already quite famous, and had authored the study "Thirst and Thirst Quenching in Emergency Situations at Sea" (24). These experiments took place at Dachau. Concentration camp prisoners had salt water injected into their veins or forced down their throats through tubes. In one set of experiments, half were given berkatit, a toxic drug which was supposed to make salt water more palatable. During the course of these experiments, liver tissue would be extracted without the benefit of anesthetic. All the research subjects died.

Dulles and gang were quite pleased to have recruited these men. Becker-Freyseng and Schaeffer received long-term contracts under Paperclip (22). Schaeffer ended up in Texas, where he continued his research into "thirst and desalinization of salt water," whereas Becker-Freyseng was put to work for the U.S. Air Force during which he composed a multivolume work, entitled "German Aviation Medicine: World War II," which was published by the US Air Force. Becker-Freyseng had the honor of writing the introduction.

Dr. Sigmund Rascher, also performed human research at Dachau. His specialty was the reaction of humans to high-altitudes, which he tested via a special low-pressure chamber which simulated altitudes of up to 68,000 feet. Hundreds of men were locked inside, one at a time, and many where kept there for up to 30 minutes without oxygen. Once they became unconscious, these men would be dragged from the chamber and drowned in vats of ice water. Some were immediately revived, and were then subject to further experimentation. For example, while still alive and breathing, Rascher would cut open their skulls in order to determine how many blood vessels had burst due to air embolisms.

According to Rascher's meticulous notes: "Some experiments gave men such pressure in their heads that they would go mad and pull out their hair in an effort to relieve such pressure. They would tear at their heads and faces with their hands and scream in an effort to relieve pressure on their eardrums."

Richkey was the camp supervisor at the Dora concentration camp where prisoners were worked to death in the Mitteiwerk complex, or as slave labor for Von Braun (25). Richkey was a sadist, who enjoyed using Christian symbolism when killing Jews. For example, he would often have them hung twelve at a time from factory cranes -- in honor of Christ and his 12 disciples -- and would order that wooden sticks be shoved into their mouths and down their throats to muffle their cries.

Dulles consider Richkey to be an intelligence asset. After he was smuggled into the United States, Richkey was put to work at Wright Field, an Army Air Corps base, in Ohio, where his duties included providing security for his fellow Nazis. He was also employed as a translator, and was given the task of translating all of the records from the Mitteiwerk factory.

In 1947, columnist, Drew Pearson, wrote a scathing article about Richkey and some of the others Nazis working for the U.S. government.

Dulles, through his surrogates, denounced Pearson as un- American and explained that his concerns were unrealistic (26). Bosquet Wev, head of JOIA, dismissed complaints about the scientists' Nazi pasts as "a picayune detail." He argued that ifthe U,S. were to have left these Nazi scientists in Germany, they could have been recruited by the Soviets. If that had happened, it would have presented "a far greater security threat to this country than any former Nazi affiliation they may have had or even any Nazi sympathies which they may still have." To complain about their past, was ancient history, Wev went on, it was like "beating a dead horse" (26,27).

Of course, if Richkey and the others had been put to death for their crimes, there would have been no reason to beat these "dead horses."

On the other hand, if they had been put to death, it would have taken the U.S years to catch up to German science in the fields of rockets, jets, chemical and biological weaponry, and other weapons of mass destruction (27).


Armed with Nazi and Imperial Japanese biowarfare knowhow, the United States government and its intelligence agencies (which had been taken over by the Bush-Walker-Dulles clique), began conducting widespread terrorist attacks on American citizens. Indeed, Americans were sprayed like bugs with bacterial "aerosols" and exposed to a variety of dangerous chemical, biological and radiological agents designed to cause death and debilitating disease (10,16,28,29,30,31,32).

For example, families arriving or leaving Washington's National Airport and the main bus station of our Nation's capital, were sprayed with biological agents via specially equipped suitcases. Passengers riding the subways of New York, were exposed to "broken" light bulbs that leaked bacteria. The men, women and children of Savannah, Georgia, and Avon Park, Florida, were exposed to hundreds of millions of mosquitoes infected by the U.S. Army with dengue fever and yellow fever. A slum in St. Louis was "misted" with bacterial agents. Drivers cruising along the Pennsylvania Turnpike were exposed to bacterial clouds. The city of San Francisco was sprayed with bacterial "aerosols" (Serratia marcescens) which sickened and killed scores of innocent victims. Indeed, almost a dozen individuals became ill with diseases directly associated with Serratia marcescens contamination.

When some of the secret attacks on San Francisco came to light, and victims began to file suit, the U.S. Army, although not denying that the attacks occurred, argued that the outbreak of rare bacterial infections that sickened and killed so many, including one man who died 30 days after he had been exposed, "was pure coincidence" (28).

Civilians were not the only targets. Beginning in the late I940s, U.S. soldiers again became victims of biological and chemical attacks. In 1951, for example, the U.S. government secretly exposed black sailors and black seamen working at the Norfolk Naval Supply Center, to highly infectious bacterial agents. Black men were purposefully exposed because it was believed that blacks were more likely to get sick than whites. Hundreds became sickened. A similar experiment was undertaken later that year at Washington, DC's National Airport. The bacteria was later linked to food and blood poisoning and respiratory problems.

Not uncommonly soldiers were exposed in secret, without their knowledge, and with no concern for their welfare. In other instances hundreds, thousands, and even tens of thousands of soldiers were ordered to "volunteer."

For example, it has been documented that over 7,000 military personnel and 1,074 civilians were given mind-disabling and mind-damaging drugs at just one facility in the 1950s and early 1960s: Edgewood Arsenal, Maryland. Those receiving the drugs were sometimes drugged in secret, whereas other were lied to as to what drugs they were being given. The health or long-term consequences were of no interest to the experimenters, as there were no follow-up studies (10). The goal was to see if the men got sick.

As admitted by the United States Government, in a 1994 report issued by the U.S. Senate Committee on Veterans' Affairs (10). "For at least 50 years, DOD [Department of Defense] has intentionally exposed military personnel to potentially dangerous substances, often in secret." This same Committee also noted that the "DOD has demonstrated a pattern of misrepresenting the danger of various military exposures that continues today."

Beginning almost immediately after the Nazification of the CIA (28,33), and the Nazification of the Department of Defense, and other agencies within the U.S. government (18,22,25), tens of thousands of American men, women, and children, and often, entire schools, towns, and American cities, became targets of U.S.- sponsored biological and chemical warfare and secret drug and radiation exposure (17,28-32).

In 1949, the U.S. Army and the Atomic Energy Commission (AEC) discovered that burn victims, both human and animal, that were treated with radiation, had a death rate five time higher than those who were not treated. Subsequently, Dr. Everrett Idris Evans, in a letter to the AEC proposed and then carried out additional human experiments, injecting patients at three local hospitals with radiation. The purpose of the study, he admitted was "purely investigational with no therapeutic benefit." Rather the U.S. Army wished to better understand the effects of radiation, such as following a nuclear attack (17).

Similar studies were conducted on children in 1950. The Atomic Energy Commission funded secret experiments where children attending the Fernald school in Massachusetts, were fed a porridge laced with radioactive milk. They were also given radioactive injections (17).

In September 1950, Serratia marcescens and Bacillus globigii were released from ships in the San Francisco Bay area (28).

In 1952 and 1953, the U.S. Army dropped aerosol "bombs" and began spraying the men, women, and children of six American and Canadian cities with biological agents in order assess the dispersal patterns of chemical and biological weapons. Army records indicate that respiratory illnesses became rife in all the cities effected, including Winnipeg, Canada (28).

In 1953, the CIA and the U.S. Army conducted secret biological and chemical attacks on 239 United States cities, secretly exposing American adults and their children to a variety of toxic chemicals and biological and bacterial agents, including zinc cadmium sulfide. Children were specially targeted as it was believed they would be more easily infected than adults. The children were sprayed like bugs (28-32).

In one instance, U.S. Army personnel invaded the small town of Clinton, Minneapolis, spraying school children, from the roof of a nearby home, with zinc cadmium sulfide. When caught red handed, U.S. Army personnel explained that they were conducting "air raid" tests; an explanation readily accepted by gullible school and town officials. But it wasn't an "air raid." It was war-a biological war being carried out by the CIA and the U.S. Defense Dept. on U.S. citizens (31,32).

In the town of Clinton, dozens of adults and children developed health problems, and years later, dozens more were unable to have children or gave birth to babies with severe birth defects and profound developmental disabilities. Carol Thomas and Diane Gorney were in the first and fourth grades at Clinton School when the U.S. Army sprayed them like insects. Like many of her school mates, Diane Gorney can't have children. Others, like Carol Thomas, gave birth to children with severe developmental disorders.

Fifteen women attended fourth grade at the Clinton school with Diane Gorney. Eight of them suffered over 25 miscarriages in total. The other seven, like Diane Gorney are sterile (31).

"We used to wonder if there was something wrong with the water at Clinton," Gorney recalls.

It wasn't the water. It was the United States Government.

Children were again attacked by the U.S. government in 1955 when the CIA released clouds of whooping cough virus in Palmetto, Florida. Hundreds of children became severely ill and over a dozen died (28).

In 1960 the U.S. Army Chemical Corps released hundreds of millions of mosquitoes, specially bred at Fort Detrick, Maryland, to be used as carriers to spread yellow and dengue fever and other diseases.

Yellow fever is a frightful virus that causes fever, chills, excruciating abdominal cramps, diarrhea, jaundice, and severe head, back, arm and leg pain. Soon the skin turns yellow, accompanied by repeated vomiting of blood.

According to a U.S. Army brochure, scientists at Fort Detrick, study "some of the most virulent and pathogenic microorganisms which are threats to U.S. military forces." These pathogens include "Lassa fever virus, Ebola virus, various hemorrhagic fever viruses, botulism and anthrax toxins, T-2 and other mycotoxins, equine encephalomyelitis, Q fever, tularemia, yellow fever, and Rift valley fever."

Among some of the first victims of the virulent and pathogenic microorganisms developed at Fort Detrick, were the citizens of Avon Park and Carver Village, Florida, and Savannah, Georgia, the vast majority of whom were blacks (28). Within weeks of the first exposures, hundreds of men, women, and children became sickened with typhoid, mysterious fevers, chills, excruciating abdominal cramps, breathing problems including bronchitis, as well as neurological disorders such as encephalitis. Yet others dropped dead and mysteriously died.

Army researchers not only purposefully infected these innocent victims, they disguised themselves as doctors, nurses, and public health workers and offered fake treatment in order to take tissue samples and to photograph the results of their handiwork.

This biological terrorist attack, conducted by the United States government on its own citizens was a resounding success! Three years later, the CIA again released millions of disease carrying mosquitoes. The target: The women, men, and children of Cuba who were infected with Dengue fever. The fever killed 188 men, women and children.

Although the U.S. denies it, a biological attack on Cuba is mentioned in CIA documents from project "MKULTRA." These documents refers to toxin studies and biological warfare conducted on Cuba (34). Within these documents, there is also a "subproject" involving the collection of "botanicals" and which involved a man on a diverted freighter and the delivery of toxins to Panama. These documents may refer to several biological attacks on Cuba, including a 1971 attack where the first documented cases of swine fever in the western hemisphere showed up. A CIA operative later admitted that he delivered the virus to Cuban exiles in Panama, who carried the virus into Cuba.

Americans were attacked because they were convenient. Cubans were attacked because they were "communists." Presumably, the "communist" connection explains why the people of Managua, Nicaragua were also felled by an epidemic of dengue fever during the Reagan-Bush administration. Nearly 50,000 people became sickened with the fever and hundreds died. This was the first major outbreak of dengue fever in Nicaragua in over 50 years and it occurred following a series of low-level "reconnaissance" flights over the capital city (35).

As alleged by Stephen Endicott and Edward Hagerman, in their book, The United States and Biological Warfare, the United States also secretly used biological weapons on Koreans and Chinese civilians. In 1952 eyewitness's report observing U.S. planes dropping containers filled with insects. Within days, Korean and Chinese men, women and children became infected and began dying of mysterious diseases (35). Note -- these were not soldiers who died, but civilians.


In 1964 and 1965, the U.S. government again began conducting nation-wide biological terrorists attacks against U.S. citizens. According to government officials, the purpose of these attacks was to assess the Nation's "vulnerability" to an "enemy-launched epidemic of smallpox." However, in carrying out these attacks, American men, women, and children were the designated "enemy." In one set of experiments, they were attacked by CIA and U.S. Army agents, who strolled through various airports and bus terminals, carrying specially adapted suitcases equipped with atomizers designed to release a bacteria-laden mist on unsuspecting travelers.

As detailed in a 79 page U.S. government document, "Miscellaneous Publication 7," U.S. Army agents, dressed as civilians, secretly sprayed tourists and employees working at the National Airport, with "Bacillus Subtilis." The airport was chosen to determine the feasibility of infecting travelers who would then carry diseases, such as small pox, to other parts of the country thus infecting millions of U.S. citizens. After billions of germs were released, a random sample of victims were followed and secretly tested to determine if they had been contaminated. According to Miscellaneous Publication 7 "test team members, each with a suitcase sampler, selected a passenger at random at the entrance to the North Terminal and covertly collected air samples in close proximity to the passenger." The results were deemed a success. Millions of American citizens could be infected by just a few hundred victims who could spread the disease before they realized they were infected.

Yet another secret report, "Miscellaneous Publication 25" reveals how U.S. agents, using light bulbs filled with Bacillus subtilis, infected passengers riding the New York subway system in 1966. Army agents, dressed as civilians, broke and smashed the bacteria-laden light bulbs against ventilator grates, atop roadbeds, and upon the rails, thus engulfing passengers with billowing clouds of bacteria which covered their clothes and which victims inhaled. Many stopped with shock and surprise and attempted to brush the cloud of material from their clothes. Others, simply "brushed their clothing, looked up at the grating apron, and walked on."

The following year the CIA launched a biological and chemical attack on the employees of the Food and Drug Administration headquarters in Washington, DC. CIA agents contaminated the drinking water with various chemicals. The CIA wished to determine if it was possible to poison and incapacitate health officials. If doctors and nurses or health officials with expertise in diagnosis, could be killed during the first phases of a biological attack, this would insure that even more victims within the general population would sicken and die (29).

How many became sickened by these "vulnerability tests" is unknown because the Army claims it did not bother to monitor the health of any of the exposed populations (28). Indeed, according to a 1994 staff report prepared for the Committee on Veterans' Affairs (28), the "DOD [Department of Defense] has repeatedly failed to comply with required ethical standards when using human subjects in military research during war or threat of war." The "DOD used investigational drugs ... in ways that were not effective. DOD and DVA [Department of Veterans' Affairs] have repeatedly failed to provide information and medical follow-up to those who participate in military research or are ordered to take investigational drugs. The Federal Government has failed to support scientific studies that provide information about the reproductive problems experienced by veterans who were intentionally exposed to potentially dangerous substances. The Federal Government has failed to support scientific studies that provide timely information for compensation decisions regarding military personnel who were harmed by various exposures. Participation in military research is rarely included in military medical records, making it impossible to support a veteran's claim for service-connected disabilities from military research."

However, in 1977, it was revealed in a special Senate hearing that these "vulnerability" tests caused outbreaks of disease in dozens of test areas. Cases of influenza and pneumonia, for example, tripled in frequency in some test areas (28).

According to Dr. J. Mehsen Joseph, Director of the Maryland Department of Health and Mental Hygiene, by conducting biological warfare on U.S. citizens the U.S. government had created "an unjustifiable health hazard." His opinion was seconded by other scientists who reported that "normally non-pathogenic microorganisms," such as Bacillus subtilis, can cause serious infections and even fatal disease among children, the elderly, or individuals with weakened immune systems.

The Pentagon denied these reports, claiming that the "vulnerability tests ... were a resounding success" and that the microorganisms and biological agents used in these tests were "harmless" (28).

Yet, we should ask: how would it be possible to gauge if the tests were a success if no one got sick and the bacterial agents were "harmless "?

When testing the reaction of U.S. soldiers to the effects of atomic explosions, they too were told that the tests were perfectly safe, as were the citizens of Utah and Nevada who were living down wind from the denotations (17). As a rehearsal for nuclear combat, soldiers were in fact ordered to march through these radioactive wastelands following atomic explosions. All were assured that there would be no risks to their health (17).

Of course, one of the primary purposes of such research is to gauge the effects of various debilitating agents on human health, beginning with the health of U.S. citizens. In this way, useful agents and dispersal methods can be identified for the purposes of attacking enemy combatants and the men, women, and children of other countries.

Consider, for example, the open air tests conducted over the city of Winnipeg. In 1953, a carcinogenic chemical, zinc cadmium sulphide, was sprayed over this city of 500,000 people (28,36). The V.S. military claimed that because this carcinogenic chemical had been watered down to a 1,000%-attenuated form, nobody would get cancer. However, the entire purpose of this open air test was to determine how many people became ill, which is why Canada, with its nationalized health services and records keeping, was chosen as a target. The military wanted to know if there was an increase in the percentage of people seeking medical assistance because of severe cold-like and respiratory symptoms, including sniffles, sore throats, headaches, or ringing in their ears (28,36). Based on this data, the military hoped to determine what percentage of a population would become immediately incapacitated or develop cancer if the chemical had been used at full strength.

It was the results of such tests on the prison population of Holmesburg State Prison in Pennsylvania which led to the widespread use of dioxin as a chemical warfare agent in Vietnam (37,38). Over 12 million gallons of dioxin, that is, "Agent Orange" was dumped on the citizens of Vietnam, Cambodia, and Laos, as well as on the Marines and U.S. Army (38). Officially, "Agent Orange" was employed as a herbicide. One of its "unfortunate" side effects, however, is population control; i.e. a high rate of miscarriage and birth defects (37,38).

And that is exactly what happened in Vietnam.

U.S. soldiers were also adversely effected. Although the U.S. government denies that dioxin is a factor in the debilitating diseases developed by U.S. personnel who were exposed, the effects of dioxin was well known, which is why it was chosen. For example, in 1965, the U.S. Anny and Dow Chemical repeatedly exposed 70 inmates at Holmesburg State Prison to dioxin (38). All developed skin rashes and lesions.

It was and continues to be the view of the political and military elite in this country, that despite the risks, it is the right of the United States government to expose American citizens to chemical and biological pathogens so as to protect "national security."

In the Senate hearings held in 1977, we were in fact warned that the United States government reserved the right to continue attacking its own citizens in order to protect national security (28). According to Pentagon spokesperson, Lt. Colonel George A. Carruth, "additional tests" would be conducted in the future if the Anny felt it necessary to assess our "vulnerability" to biological attacks (28).

The need to continue developing and testing chemical and biological weapons on U.S. citizens, including "open-air vulnerability tests," was openly championed by the Reagan-Bush administration based on their allegations that the Soviet Union was developing offensive biological weapons and violating international agreements (39,40). The Reagan-Bush administration in fact received congressional approval to conduct research and development in the science of biodefense, including pathogen genome sequencing, new vaccine research, and new therapeutics research, all of which would be conducted on human subjects; referred to as the Biological Defense Research Program.

As construed by the Reagan-Bush administration, the biological weapons protection program was to be part of an overall chemical and biological protection effort, which includes vulnerability testing and dual-use DNA genetic engineering biotechnology.

According to the reasoning of the Reagan-Bush team, because "national security" was at stake, there are absolutely no moral or ethical reasons which should stand in the way of conducting additional "vulnerability tests" on U.S. and foreign citizens.

The Reagan-Bush administration did not just conduct "vulnerability tests" they engaged in biological warfare against the citizens of the US and other countries, including Nicaragua and Peru (41,42,43).

George Bush was Reagan's point man in the U.S. government's battle against the citizens of Nicaragua and its Sandinista government. The war, however, was illegal, which required that the United States use terrorism and clandestine methods, including biological warfare. The CIA began conducting "reconnaissance" flights over the capital city, Managua. Within days of the first low level flights, an epidemic of dengue fever began to rage throughout Managua. Over 50,000 people were infected (43).

As noted earlier in this chapter, this was not the first time the United States had engaged in germ warfare against a foreign people. In 1950, following successful tests on the citizens of San Francisco, the CIA and U.S. government are alleged to have use biological agents, including anthrax and fleas and mosquitoes contaminated with yellow fever, to attack civilians living in China and North Korea (35).

During the second term of the Reagan-Bush administration, Peruvian men, women and children were sprayed with Fusarium, a fungus which is used in biological warfare and which attacks crops and the human immune system. Fusarium is highly toxic. In the late 1980s, Peruvian peasants reported that American helicopters appeared over their villages and fields, releasing a "brownish smoke." A few weeks later, a Fusarium epidemic began to spread (42).

In 1999, Jeb Bush, governor of Florida, began pushing a proposal to spray parts of Florida with Fusarium, so as to wipe out the state's numerous marijuana farmers. However, Dr. David Struhs, head of Florida's Department of Environmental Protection, opposed the plan and pointed out that Fusarium was highly "mutagenic" and would also attack and destroy "tomatoes, peppers, flowers, com and vines."

In fact, Fusarium is highly toxic and attacks the immune system. In one study, it was found that the mortality rate among hospital patients who were immune deficient and infected by the fungus was 76%. The program is tantamount to biological warfare (44).

Bush was forced to abandon the plan.

The Bush clan is very fond of biological and chemical weapons. In open defiance of the 1972 treaty to ban such weapons, Donald Rumsfeld, Bush Jr's. Secretary of Defense, has admitted in the year 2001, that the Pentagon operates a germ factory that has produced enough deadly bacteria to kill tens of millions of people (45). The Bush administration claims, however, that it must have these biological weapons for "National Security" describing them as "purely defensive."

According to the Bush doctrine, "defensive weapons" can also be used preemptively and thus offensively; that is, to sicken, kill, and destroy the enemies of the United States before these enemies have the opportunity to attack the United States (46).

These "defensive" biological weapons the Bush team were developing included a weapon's grade anthrax so potent that it can overwhelm the immune system of those who have taken anthrax vaccine (46) -- such as U.S. soldiers and U.S. citizens. The first victims of this "weapon's grade" anthrax were not U.S. soldiers, but American men, women, children and members of the media who were exposed in October of 2001.

Officially, "vulnerability testing" came to an end in 1969, when the United States and President Richard Nixon renounced the use of biological weapons and promised that it would destroy its arsenal of chemical and biological weapons. In 1972, the United States, the Soviet Union, and 120 other nations signed the Biological Weapons Convention which prohibits the development, production, and stockpiling of biological weapons. And, in 1974, Congress enacted the National Research Act which was designed to prevent the U.S. government from attacking its own citizens with biological and chemical weapons.

Yet, unofficially, and thus in violation of these treaties and this act, the development and testing of biological weapons continued (45). American citizens continued to be victimized by the U.S. government. In 1974, when these treaty violations and unauthorized biological attacks first threatened to come to light, Dick Cheney and Donald Rumsfeld, both top officials in the Ford administration acted in concert to cover up these crimes.

Indeed, according to the children of one victim, Dick Cheney and Donald Rumsfeld, were directly involved in the cover up. "For 22 years there was a coverup. And then, under the guise of revealing everything, there was a new coverup" (47).

As revealed in a July 11, 1975, memo from Dick Cheney to his boss, Donald Rumsfeld, Cheney defended the cover up on the grounds of "national-security."

In 2001, Cheney became vice-president of the USA, and Rumsfeld the secretary of Defense. Within 11 months the U.S. was terrorized by a series of anthrax attacks.

The Bush administration immediately engaged in a coverup.
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Postby admin » Sat Aug 01, 2015 3:47 am



The CIA, and people like Dick Cheney and George Bush, are found of claiming "national security" as the motive for their nefarious acts. Let us be clear: those who cloak their actions in secrecy, have something to hide. When it comes to officials in the U.S. government and Republican administrations, all too often, "National Security" has been used as a euphemism to hide illegal behavior (48).

The classic example is the Nixon administration. Dick Cheney and Donald Rumsfeld were also part of that criminal enterprise, whereas George H.W. Bush was the Chairman of the Republican Party.

Like Nixon, Bush and gang repeatedly claim "National Security" as an excuse for secrecy. And "National Security" has been repeatedly offered as an explanation for why Americans have been purposefully exposed to deadly biological agents.

We should ask ourselves, if perhaps part of the motive in conducting these tests has nothing to do with "national security" but everything to do with "financial security?" That is, if people get sick, they will seek a medical solution, they will buy drugs from the major pharmaceutical firms, some of which, like Bayer, are business partners with George H.W. Bush, and members of his previous administration. Indeed, George H.W. Bush in fact sits on the board of a number of pharmaceutical firms. Rumsfeld was the CEO of a pharmaceutical. These companies can only make money if people get sick, or if they become fearful of becoming ill and dying. Under these conditions, George Bush and friends get rich.

Consider, for example, the anthrax attacks which began soon after the 9/11/2001 terrorist assault on the World Trade Center. According to ABC News (49) sales of Bayer's antibiotic Cipro skyrocketed by over 1,000%. Terrified consumers were spending $700 per person for a two-month supply of the drug which normally sells for around $20.

Bayer, as noted, is in business with George H.W. Bush (50). Bayer also has a most insidious past, as it was once known by the name of IG Farben. IG Farben is the Nazi chemical concern which ran many of Hitler's concentration camps, and which funded Nazi-experiments on prisoners, and manufactured and supplied the poison gas which was used to kill millions of women and children in the Nazi ovens of Auschwitz et al (51).

Prior to and during WWII, the Bush family and associates, were also in business with IG Farben (52).

Those who unleashed the anthrax terror on American citizens is unknown, due to a massive coverup orchestrated by the Bush administration. Nevertheless, as summed up by Dr. Leonard Horowitz, author of Death in the Air: Globalism, Terrorism and Toxic Warfare, companies like Bayer have a history of sponsoring terrorist campaigns for profit. Referring to Bayer and related pharmaceutical companies as "white collar terrorists," Dr. Horowitz notes, "Bayer maintains enough skeletons in its corporate closet to fill a holocaust museum."

Many pharmaceutical companies associated with the Bush gang and the U.S. government, have also been in the business of trying to create new diseases and artificial pathogens. If pharmaceutical firms create and then spread diseases and epidemics, and if they also own the "cure" then they and their partners can get very rich -- like a part-time fire fighter who sets fires because he gets paid whenever he is hired to put out a fire.

Likewise, pharmaceutical firms would stand to make incredible sums of money if the government provides funds and tax breaks for conducting research on diseases that have no cure -- which in turn may act as an inducement to create incurable diseases, or diseases that only they can cure.

The CIA and the U.S. military have been seeking to create incurable diseases for the last 50 years (29,53). The reasons are multi-fold but include genocide and theft. For example, if those who own desirable land or property become sickened and die, then their land and goods can be seized by those who unleashed the disease.

Likewise, if "inferior" and "subhuman" races can be killed wholesale through disease, then it is not necessary to round them up, Hitler-style, and transport them long distances to death camps.

And let us recall: Bayer was part of IG Farben. Rockefeller and the Bush family were in business with IG Farben and Hitler's Nazis.


"I do not see why any insolence of caste should prevent the gifted class, when they had the power, from treating their compatriots with all kindness, so long as they maintained celibacy. But if these continued to procreate children inferior in moral, intellectual and physical qualities, it is easy to believe the time may come when such persons would be considered as enemies to the State, and to have forfeited all claims to kindness"

-- Sir Francis Galton, 1873.

During the late 1800s, and throughout the 20th century, certain members of the American and English aristocracy including the Rockefellers, the Harrimans, and the Bush family, subscribed to and supported the "eugenics movement" -- as preached by Sir Francis Galton, and later as practiced by Hitler (52,54,55,56,57,58).

Eugenics is a racist ideology: The superior classes should be encouraged to breed and to improve the race, whereas inferior species of human, "useless eaters" should be sterilized and destroyed as their existence and their consumption of resources, threatens the members of the racial elites.

Prescott Bush was a partner with the Harrimans (52) and in 1910, the Harrimans funded the Eugenics Record Office at Cold Springs Harbor (55), which specializes in the study of genetics and later contributed to the Human Genome Project to map DNA. The Human Genome Project is derived from the eugenics movement. Indeed, the Eugenics Records Office at Cold Springs Harbor is the birthplace of the American eugenics movement (59).

Early in the last century the Eugenics Record Office was used to promote forced sterilization laws. Due in large part to these efforts, by 1917 fifteen U.S. states had adopted eugenics laws to sterilize epileptics, the mentally ill, and "criminals" (59,60). Those who would be sterilized included boys and girls who had run away from home, as well as impoverish young women who had children out of wedlock.

It is estimated that anywhere from 60,000 to over 100,000 Americans were subsequently sterilized (60,61).

One young woman, Carrie Buck, a 17-year-old unmarried mother who had been raped and then sterilized in Virginia, filed suit against the state, taking the case to the Supreme Court, which proceeded to rule against her in 1927 (59,60,61). Justice, Oliver Wendell Holmes, wrote the majority opinion: "It is better for all the world, if instead of waiting to execute degenerate offspring for crime, or to let them starve for their imbecility, society can prevent those who are manifestly unfit from continuing their kind."

These views were also adopted by Adolf Hitler and the Nazis who preached that Jews, Gypsies, Negroes, Russians, Slavs, and other non-Aryan races, were "subhuman" and should be exterminated (62). Likewise, Hitler believed that Germans who were retarded, disabled, or suffering from epilepsy and other physical or mental disorders should be liquidated so as to prevent them from breeding.

"Those who are physically and mentally unhealthy and unworthy must not perpetuate their suffering in the body of their children. The prevention of the faculty and opportunity to procreate on the part of the physically degenerate and mentally sick, over a period of only 600 years, would ... free humanity from an immeasurable misfortune."

-- Adolf Hitler

Hitler and his SS, as is well known, murdered tens of millions of people who they considered to be "sub-humans" including Germans.

This Nazi extermination program was based on the science of "eugenics," a neo-Darwinian concept in which the State weeds out the weak, in favor of the strong; i.e. the sterilization and/or execution of mental patients, the insane, the retarded, the feeble minded, criminals, and physically disabled including those who are blind or deaf (59,60,61). The goal of eugenics is the purification and betterment of the race by preventing the breeding of inferior races and unfit individuals.

Prescott Bush and his son, George H.W. Bush were enthusiastic supporters of "eugenics," the weeding out of inferior humans. Before G.H.W. Bush became president, he frequently made remarks about the "down-breeding ... of America" and sponsored hearings, such as one that took place in August 5, 1969, on the threat posed by black babies (62).

"Famine in India, unwanted babies in the United States, poverty that seemed to form an unbreakable chain for millions of people -- how should we tackle these problems? It is quite clear that one of the major challenges of the 1970s will be to curb the world's fertility."

-- George H. W. Bush.

But it was not the curbing of fertility, but killing of inferior men and women, that was embraced by the Bush clan. Before and after he became president of the U.S. George Jr., laughed and made jokes about executing the retarded, the abused, those with severe learning disorders, and men with histories of alcoholism and drug abuse -- men just like George Bush. "Those people make me sick," he said. "We killed everyone of them when I was governor" including those who "were abused as kids, or were under the influence of drugs or alcohol, or they're retarded or dyslexic, stuff like that. My philosophy was not to discriminate. We killed everyone of them when I was governor." -- George W. Bush, 11/28/2001.

Companies directed or associated with Prescott Bush, also contributed to the Nazi eugenics programs (54,63). For example, Emil Helfferich, the chairman of Bush company, Hamburg- Amerika, frequently wrote out checks to Heinrich Himmler (payable on a special Standard Oil account). According to U.S. intelligence documents reviewed by author Anthony Sutton, Helfferich was still making these payments to the S.S. in 1944 -- the same S.S. which was rounding up, enslaving, and supervising the mass murder of "subhumans" (Russians, Jews, Gypsies, Poles, etc.,), at IG Farben's death camps (51,61 -- the same IG Farben that was in business with Bush and Rockefeller.


"Using biological weapons under the cover of an endemic or natural disease occurrence provides an attacker the potential for plausible denial."

-- "Twenty-First Century Germ Warfare" by USAF Lieutenant Colonel Robert P. Kadlek

The principle behind eugenics ("good genes"), is that only those who are fit and possess superior traits and intellectual abilities, and those who are of "good birth" and "well born" (i.e. aristocrats) deserve to live and to breed. Inferior races, and those who are intellectually and physically disabled should be weeded out of the breeding pool.

Prescott and George H.W. Bush, the Rockefellers and Harrimans, as blue-blooded members of America's aristocracy, were thus of "good birth" and "well born" and this was consistent with their being enthusiastic supporters of eugenics, with George Bush later pushing for the sterilization of inferior races (62).

The Rockefellers, Harrimans, the Nazis, and later, the CIA, actively funded research into eugenics and "ethnic" biological weapons. The search for designer diseases or other biological or chemical weapons, which when released, would target and selectively sicken and kill the women, children, and men of specific ethnic groups, was of high priority (63).

Related to this was research on biological or chemical compounds which could induce illnesses which were untreatable. Of particular interest was artificial diseases which would attack and destroy the body's immune system.

This research continued after World War II and after over a thousand Nazi scientists were imported by the Dulles gang into the United States. Specifically, the CIA and the U.S. military sought to develop an "ethnic weapon" which would selectively target and eliminate specific ethnic groups (34,63). In order to destroy an ethnic group, their signature DNA must be targeted, as well as their immune system. And, of equal importance, the resulting disease must be incurable.

It is the desire to develop an ethnic weapons that specifically targets the genetic makeup of specific racial groups, which explains in part why the U.S. government has invested hundreds of millions of dollars in the Human Genome Project.

By the late 1960s, the CIA, and scientists at work at the Special Operations Division, High Security laboratory at Fort Detrick began to make significant progress in the development of a disease that attacks the immune system. In 1969, Dr. Robert MacMahan of the Department of Defense requested and received $10 million in funding from the U.S. Congress to develop a synthetic biological agent to which no natural immunity exists (64,65).

In his report to Congress (64,65), MacMahan states: "There are two things about the biological agent field I would like to mention. One is the possibility of technological surprise. Molecular biology is a field that is advancing very rapidly and eminent biologists believe that within a period of 5 to 10 years it would be possible to produce a synthetic biological agent, an agent that does not naturally exist and for which no natural immunity could have been acquired. Within the next 5 to 10 years, it would probably be possible to make a new infective microorganism which could differ in certain important aspects from any known disease-causing organisms. Most important of these is that it might be refractory to the immunological and therapeutic processes upon when we depend to maintain our relative freedom from infectious disease" (64,65).

The purpose of this research, was to create designer diseases that could "depopulate" huge land masses and eliminate entire populations from the breeding pool, and to murder, through disease, hundreds of millions of men, women, and children of a specific race.

"Population growth ...[is] the gravest issue that the world faces over the years ahead .... A world of 10 billion ... is not a world that any of us would want to live in. Is such a world inevitable? There are two possible ways by which a world of 10 billion people can be averted. Either the current birth rates must come down more quickly or the current death rates must go up. There is no other way." -- Robert McNamara, (former Secretary of Defense), President, World Bank, 10/2/1970.

In 1970, funding was approved under H.R. 15090 (65), and the U.S. immediately began to intensify efforts to develop "ethnic weapons" (63). The project, under the supervision of the CIA, was carried out by allied research laboratories at universities and private companies, as well as the Special Operations Division at Fort Detrick, the army's top secret biological weapons facility. Within the CIA, the "ethnic weapons project" was also part of a secret program known as MKNAOMI that was also being carried out in conjunction with "The Special Virus Cancer Program," funded by NIH (66) as specified in H.R.15090 (65).

Although ostensibly, some of this research was conducted by the NIH in order to discover treatments for cancer, the key and operative word is "Virus" that is a "Special Virus" that would attack the immune system.

Also, it is important to emphasize that through NIH, as well as the CIA, other research facilities were also involved in creating these biological weapons including Yale -- ground zero for the secret order of the Brotherhood of Death, i.e. Skull and Bones which includes George Bush, Percy Rockefeller, and the Harrimans as members (68). And then there is Merk pharmaceuticals, which had been acting in concert with the CIA since the I940s (69).

A number of promising candidates for creating and synthesizing this artificial virus had been identified in the early 1950s. These included the human T-Cell Leukemia Virus (HTLV-1) which is highly infectious but not deadly; SV40, which is related to HIV and is deadly to non-human primates, but does not attack humans; and VISNA, a deadly viral disease that attacks sheep, but is not infectious to humans. Each of these and other viral organisms were isolated by the virus section of Fort Detrick's Center for Biological Warfare Research, and allied research facilities funded by the CIA, the Rockefeller Foundation, and NIH.

Given that the focus of this research was to create a highly pathological virus that would attack and destroy the immune system, we are thus entitled to ask: Did the CIA create a Human Immunodeficiency Virus that is resistant to treatment? And, if so, has that virus been released on human populations?

Jakob Segal, a Professor of Biology at Humboldt University in Germany believes he knows the answer to that question (68), and the answer is: HIV/AIDS. According to Segal, HIV/AIDS was manufactured at Fort Detrick, Maryland, and this was accomplished by splicing together the viral genomes of VISNA and HTLV-1, as both are nearly identical to the HIV genome.

Jakob Segal argues that structural analysis using genome mapping proves that HIV is more similar to VISNA than to any other retrovirus, differing by only 3%. He also notes that this differing 3% matches exactly part of the HTLV-1 genome.

Segal also argues that HIV was created between late 1977 and the spring of 1978.

Coincidentally, in 1978, the Centers for Disease Control began running ads requesting the participation of promiscuous homosexual men to take part in an "Experimental Hepatitis B vaccine trials." The first experiments conducted by the CDC began in New York, Los Angeles and San Francisco, that same year. In 1981 the first cases of AIDS were confirmed in homosexual men in New York, Los Angeles and San Francisco, triggering speculation that AIDS may have been introduced via the Hepatitis B vaccine.

There is also evidence indicating that other purposeful infections had taken place years before, perhaps with a slower acting variant of what attacked the Gay community.

For example, there is evidence that the first known case of AIDS developed in the 1950s. A British sailor developed AIDs-like symptoms in 1958, and died in 1959 (69).

There is also evidence that AIDS was artificially created in 1957, when Hilary Koprowski, in creating an experimental polio vaccine, used monkey kidney tissue infected with an AIDs-related virus, SV40, and then supervised the injection of this contaminated vaccine into hundreds of thousands of African Negroes (70). As noted, SV40 was one of several promising viral organisms that had been isolated by the virus section of Fort Detrick's Center for Biological Warfare Research, and allied research facilities funded by the CIA, the Rockefeller Foundation, and NIH. It was believed that SV40 could be transformed into a virus that might attack and destroy the human immune system.

Although Dr. Koprowski admits to the polio injections, he disputes the claim that he created the AIDs virus (71). Nevertheless, there is considerable evidence to indicate that ground zero for the initial onset of the AIDs epidemic is in Central Africa, the same regions in which an experimental oral polio vaccine had been administered to over 300,000 Africans in 1957 through 1960 by Dr. Koprowski (70). On the other hand, Dr. Koprowski and Stanley A. Plotkin argue that "no chimpanzee cells were ever used by us to make OPV" -- live oral polio vaccine -- and further argue that the demographics of the spread of the disease in Central Africa could be explained by other factors unrelated to their vaccination procedures (71,72). It is noteworthy that their carefully worded denial emphasizes that "no chimpanzee cells" were used, whereas there is no denial that they used monkey cells, which is what they were accused of. Chimps are not monkeys. They are apes.

Hilary Koprowski has an interesting history (73). He was born a Jew and studied medicine in Poland. Even after the Nazis overran Poland in 1939, he was allowed to continue his studies and he received a medical degree. He then left Poland for Italy, an ally of Nazi Germany (73). In 1940, we are told, he left Italy for Brazil, a country (along with Argentina) that was a favorite for Nazi emigres both before and after the war -- including the infamous Nazi doctor, Joseph Mengele (20).

Mengele, it should be pointed out, was associated with the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute for Anthropology, Eugenics and Human Heredity (20), which was funded in part, by the Rockefeller Foundation (56,57,74). Mengele also performed his ghastly research on concentration camp prisoners, at Auschwitz, where he was medical director. Auschwitz, in turn, was run by IG Farben (51), a company linked to Bush, Harriman (52), and CIA-director Allen Dulles (75) and which had partnered with Rockefeller's Standard Oil (51,76). In fact, the partnership between IG. Farben (and other Nazi companies) was maintained with Rockefeller, Bush, Harriman, and Dulles, even after Nazi Germany invaded Poland (where these individuals also had business interests) and after Nazi Germany declared war on the United States.

Prior to and during the 1940s, the Rockefeller Foundation was a prime sponsor of eugenics movements around the world, including in Nazi Germany. The Rockefeller Foundation provided funds to the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute for Psychiatry and the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute for Anthropology, Eugenics and Human Heredity -- the same institute which funded Mengele. After the war, Mengele, with US assistance, slipped away to South America and then to Brazil-which is also were Dr. Koprowski decided to live and work soon after he left Poland and Italy.

While in Brazil, Dr. Koprowski was funded by the Rockefeller Foundation -- the same Rockefeller Foundation which was linked to IG Farben, and the same Rockefeller foundations that was funding and promoting eugenics and the depopulation movement in Africa, the United States, Britain, and South America.


Because of the bad name given to the field of "eugenics" by Adolf Hitler, "The Eugenics Society" later changed its name to the Society for the Study of Social Biology. An offshoot of the Eugenics movement, was "Planned Parenthood," founded by Margaret Sanger, a member of both the American Eugenics Society and the English Eugenics Society.

According to Margaret Sanger: "Those least fit to carry on the race are increasing most rapidly ... Funds that should be used to raise the standard of our civilization are diverted to maintenance of those who should never have been born."

In 1917, Sanger founded and became editor of The Birth Control Review, the first scientific journal devoted to the subject of birth control. In 1925 she opened the Birth Control Clinical Research Bureau in New York to dispense contraceptives. In 1926 she became president of the American Birth Control League, which became Planned Parenthood.

When Prescott Bush ran for the Senate, in 1950, he was publicly exposed for being an eugenics activist and a member of the fledgling Planned Parenthood movement -- a revelation that his son, George H.W. Bush, believed cost his dad, the election.

In his foreword to a population control manual, George Bush wrote about that 1950 election: "My own first awareness of birth control as a public policy issue came with a jolt in 1950 when my father was running for United States Senate in Connecticut. Drew Pearson, on the Sunday before Election day, revealed that my father was involved with Planned Parenthood .... Many political observers felt a sufficient number of voters were swayed by his alleged contacts with the birth controllers to cost him the election."

Bush, Harriman, Dulles, and Rockefeller, had all been in business with the Nazis, and all supported eugenics, population control, and the sterilization and eradication of inferior people.

Dr. Koprowski's work in Brazil, we are told, "was supported jointly by the Rockefeller Foundation and the Ministry of Education of Brazil" (71). Koprowski's specialty at that time was "viruses ... yellow fever and neurotropic viruses" (71).

The Rockefellers, the Harrimans, the Prescott and George H.W. Bush family, and the Dulles brothers are all advocates of population control, birth control, and eugenics. And a special concern of all were the excessive breeding of Black people.

Dr. Koprowski, who was funded by the Rockefeller Foundation, has been accused of creating the HIV virus, and as being responsible for injecting over 300,000 Africans with a polio-HIV pudding.

Black people, for reasons that have not been made clear, are more prone to developing AIDs/HIV than other racial groups, and globally, the majority of those infected with AIDs (70%) live in sub- Saharan Africa. In parts of Africa (e.g. Zambia), over 30% of all adults are infected (77). Anywhere from 4 million to 20 million Africans are estimated to have already died from this disease and anywhere from 30 million to 75 million are infected (77).

Due to the fact that there is no cure for HIV/AIDS, and because of the misuse of drugs which do not cure the disease but instead prolong the life of those infected -- thus enabling them to infect an incredible number of people over a long time period -- there is thus a likelihood that the African Negro will be nearly extinct by the year 2100.

As noted, drug companies can make money treating a disease, especially a disease they helped to create. As the infection spreads, the company becomes richer.

Yale University (the alma matter of the Harrimans, Bushs', and Rockefeller) and Bristol-Myers holds the patent on one of the leading HIV drugs. Yale researchers discovered the drug, known as d4t or Zerit, in the early 1990s and issued a license to Bristol-Myers to manufacture and market it. In return, Yale receives royalties on the drug, which had sales in 1998 of $328 million. In 1998, those royalties were $40 million.

Merck & Co. is also a patent holder on AIDs drugs, and Merck had been involved in the development of biological and chemical weapons, since the 1940s.

That these companies are profiting and feeding on human misery is evident from the outrageous profits. For example, Bristol-Myers sells d4T (Zerit), at a profit of $1,000 per person. An Indian company Cipla, which says it can offer the same medicine at $40 annually per person, has been barred from doing so.

Yes -- disease is a profitable business. In 1998, 1999, 2000, and 2001, Bristol-Myers Squibb, for example, earned well over $5 billion from the sales of Taxol, a cancer fighter which is used to treat the AIDS-related Kaposi's sarcoma.

In addition to "unsafe sex" (78) it is thus noteworthy that a major factor in the HIV epidemic are the HIV /AIDS drugs which are used to treat it. That is, these drugs and their misuse, can result in the mutation of other virulent and more deadly strains of HIV. In a study published in the September, 2001 issue of Nature Medicine, it was reported "that the prevalence of drug-resistant HIV is already high and will continue to substantially increase."

"These drugs are dangerous," warned Dr. James Kahn, UCSF associate professor of medicine and last author of the study. "General practitioners should not be using them. You really need a skilled HIV specialist to prescribe the medications and closely monitor the patient's adherence and response to treatment."

However, we should also wonder if perhaps some of these drugs are in fact designed to make the disease more virulent. As the number of organ systems that become affected increase, then new drugs designed to treat these AIDs related disorders can be offered, thus wracking up incredible profits for the drug company that in fact helped create the disease.

At present, we are told that there is no "cure" for HIV. And we know that the drugs used to treat the disease, result not only in more virulent forms of the disease, but contribute to the spread of AIDS by prolonging the life of the sufferer which enables them to infect a greater number of people.

Again, given the incredible number of Africans currently infected, i.e. up to 30% of all adults in some areas, and the fact that this epidemic is completely out of control and will only get worse, the logical conclusion is that within another generation, almost all adult Africans will be infected, and that after another generation or two, there will be no more generations: The African Negro will have become extinct.

But then, perhaps that was the goal: Depopulating Africa so that its vast mineral resources can be exploited, and, the reduction of world population in this specific "third world country."

"Depopulation should be the highest priority of US foreign policy towards the Third World. Reduction of the rate of population growth in these States is a matter of vital US national security."

-- Henry Kissinger (79), April, 1974.

Arab and north African states are also considered part of the "Third World." In January of 1999, nine Libyan citizens, six Bulgarians, and one Palestinian were arrested in connection with the alleged purposeful infection of 393 Libyan children with HIV (80).

"Who charged them with this odious task?" Libyan leader Gadhati asked at an AIDS conference in Nigeria in April of 1999. "Some said it was the CIA. Others said it was Mossad [the Israeli intelligence service]. They carried out an experiment on these children."

The Libyan outbreak began following a WHO (World Health Organization) mission to inoculate children in 1998. According to the WHO, 80,000 to 160,000 HIV infections occur annually through unsafe injections, mostly in underdeveloped nations.


"IG Farben was Hitler and Hitler was IG Farben.

-- Senator Homer T. Bone, Senate Committee on Military Affairs, 6/4/1943.

If IG Farben was Hitler, then what was the SS?

Both IG Farben and the SS, have been described as a "state within a state" (51,61). However, if "Farben was Hitler" that would mean that the SS was subservient to as well as an extension of Farben, and that together they formed a state within a state, a state which had one mission: World Conquest and the Creation of a New World Order -- a world of slaves dominated and controlled by the captains of business and industry.

War is good for business, and so too is conquest, the theft of resources and property, and the employment of slave labor.

For the backers of Hitler, war was good business, and people like Bush, Harriman, and the Rockefellers joined with Nazi businessmen in supporting Hitler because they wanted part of the spoils.

"Let it be remembered that the Nazi war menace took shape slowly over a period of years. It took various forms of diplomatic, economic and military pressure. Yet all the while, one master combine, IG Farben, the German chemical trust, representative of the tight inner circle of German monopoly, operated behind the scenes to give a constant drive and purpose to the Nazi juggernaut" (51).

"The German war monger in a real sense, was not so much Adolf Hitler's brown-shirted, swaggering storm trooper, as it was the soberly-clad superficially honorable type -- Hjalmar Schacht or Hermann Schmitz, president of IG Farben. It was the particular function of the leaders of IG Farben and a handful of other German corporations to start preparations for another world war, just as soon as World War I was over. It was they who assured Hitler's victory in Germany in 1933. And it was they who set the pace in the looting of Europe during those first years of the war while the Wehrmacht was rolling over conquered countries."

-- Senator Claude Pepper (51).

Prior to and during WWII, IG Farben was, in fact, the largest chemical manufacturing enterprise in the world (51). IG Farben was also a cartel, a super-giant, transnational chemical enterprise that had been fashioned in 1925, when organizing genius Hermann Schmitz merged together the six largest German chemical companies -- Bayer, Hoechst, Badische Anilin, Weiler-ter-Meer, Griesheim-Elektron, and Agfa (51). Together these six firms became IG Farben: the "Inter-nationale Gesellschaft Farbenindustrie A.G."

Hermann Schmitz would not have been able to accomplish this remarkable enterprise without considerable financial help from bankers and Wall Street. His helpers included Paul Warburg, founder of the Federal Reserve System in the United States and a member of the board of directors for American I. G., Farben's wholly owned U.S. subsidiary (82).

By 1939 IG Farben had gobbled up, or exerted managerial influence on 380 German firms and over 500 foreign firms including Standard Oil of New Jersey, DuPont, Alcoa, and Dow Chemical which were linked to Farben through cartel agreements (51,81,82). Rockefeller's Standard Oil was in a partnership with Farben-Farben president Hermann Schmitz, owning as much stock in Standard Oil of New Jersey as did the Rockefellers (81).

The Farben tentacles reached everywhere. The Farben empire owned its own electric power plants, its own coal mines and steel and iron units, as well as banks, research units, and numerous commercial enterprises, all of which were being coordinated, since 1934, for the purposes of going to war and mass murdering the citizens of other countries. IG Farben began preparing for war soon after Hitler came to power, and in fact, drove the war effort (51,81,82,83,84). IG Farben was not just Hitler, IG Farben was the German war machine:

"In 1939, out of 43 major products manufactured by IG., 28 were of 'primary concern' to the German armed forces. Farben's ultimate control of the German war economy, acquired during the 1920s and 1930s with Wall Street assistance, can best be assessed by examining the percentage of German war material output produced by Farben plants in 1945. Farben at that time produced 100% of German synthetic rubber, 95% of German poison gas (including all the Zyklon B gas used in the concentration camps), 90% of German plastics, 88% of German magnesium, 84% of German explosives, 70% of German gunpowder, 46% of German high octane (aviation) gasoline, and 33% of German synthetic gasoline" (82).

"Without I.G.'s immense productive facilities, its intense research, and vast international affiliations, Germany's prosecution of the war would have been unthinkable and impossible; Farben not only directed its energies toward arming Germany, but concentrated on weakening her intended victims, and this double-barreled attempt to expand the German industrial potential for war and to restrict that of the rest of the world was not conceived and executed 'in the normal course of business.' The proof is overwhelming that I. G. Farben officials had full prior knowledge of Germany 's plan for world conquest and of each specific aggressive act later undertaken" (83).

Those with prior knowledge would have included Farben partners and associates: Bush, Harriman, Dulles, and the Rockefellers.

Indeed, they not only had full knowledge, but IG Farben served as spymaster for Hitler and Nazi Germany and with the assistance of Bush, Harriman, and other Wall Street elitists, imported Nazi propaganda to the U.S., while simultaneously stealing industrial and war-related secrets from U.S. companies which were then exported back to Nazi Germany (84).

IG Farben was also an active participant in Germany's eugenics extermination programs which were designed to depopulate Eastern Europe and the Soviet Union. IG Farben designed the slave-labor extermination camps and invented, produced, and distributed Zyklon B gas (Prussic acid), which was used to murder millions of people after they had been forced into the gas ovens specially created and designed by IG Farben (51).

At the close of World War II, IG Farben was to have been dismantled by the victorious allies (85): "Smash IG Farben Empire, Eisenhower Advises Allies." Instead, IG Farben was broken apart into four big German corporations: Bayer A.G., Agfa, BASF, and Hoechst (which later created Baxter), whereas its intelligence network became part of the OSS/CIA (21,22,86). Hermann Schmitz, after spending a few years in "detention" for crimes such as "slavery" became the new president of Bayer.

Prior to and during the war, Bayer, one of the largest chemical companies in the world, was part of IG Farben. Bayer sold the Zyklon B that had been produced by IG Farben Leverkusen, and licensed its distribution through Degesch. Bayer sold enough gas to kill over 200 million humans (51,82). Indeed, weapons created by IG Farben killed thousands of Americans, and millions of men, women, and children were put to death at IG Farben slave camps (51,82). Typically, those immediately marked for death, were the weak, the old, and the infirm -- that is, those with physical and medical problems (87).

Forty years later, Bayer would be accused of purposefully infecting Americans with AIDs. Those targeted by Bayer were men, women, and children with a major medical problem. Specifically, during the early 1980s, Bayer A.G., (along with Baxter and Rhone- Poulenc) infected more than 10,000 hemophiliacs with the AIDS virus, creating, what has been called "The worst medically induced tragedy in the history of the U.S." Because of their role in selling HIV-tainted blood clotting products, Bayer and Baxter were forced to settle a class action lawsuit by paying $100,000 per claimant (87).

One of the best predictors of the future, is the past, and in the past, Bayer was part of IG Farben, and Bayer supplied the gas which was used to kill millions of "subhumans." In our opinion, Bayer is still part of IG Farben -- but under another name: Bayer. And Bayer is in business with the Bush family.

"It seems to me that there is a tendency today to forget who were our enemies -- to forget the causes of the last war, and, therefore, the potential causes of the next war. The case of IG Farben cannot yet be laid away in the historian's file. IG Farben and the kind of cartel practice of which it was the most dynamic specimen are still very much with us. They still constitute a threat to the peace of [the] world. I maintain that IG Farbenism is an enemy and will remain one."

-- Senator Claude Pepper (51).

Bayer was reorganized in 1951 under the direction of John J. McCloy, of the Allied High Commission who had close ties to Rockefeller oil interests, and who later sat with Dulles on the Warren Commission investigation into the assassination of Kennedy.

When Bayer was formed, Hermann Schmitz, the former president of IG Farben (and a board member at Deutsche Bank) became president of Bayer A.G., whereas hundreds of Nazi-scientists and doctors who had worked for IG Farben were given jobs with Bayer, the CIA, the Department of Defense, the Rockefeller Foundation, the Republican Party, and in American and foreign pharmaceutical companies that had been in cartel relationships with IG Farben prior to and during the second world war (18,21,24- 27,30,33,51,76,81,86).

The pharmaceutical industry, of which Bayer, Merck, Baxter, Hoechst, and others are part, is an industry which feeds and profits on human misery. The pharmaceutical industry requires people to become ill, in order to make a profit. Business growth is dependent on the development of new disabling diseases which proliferate, or the resurgence of old diseases which again rage out of control. It is in the best interests of the pharmaceutical industry, for people to get sick, and to stay sick. It is not in the best interests of the pharmaceutical industry, for people to get well.

As is well known, anywhere from 90% to 98% of all pharmaceutical drugs neither prevent diseases nor cure them (88). Many of these drugs also cause deleterious side-effects, including diarrhea, stomach cramps, dizziness, sexual dysfunction, blurry vision, seizures, brain damage, heart damage, and even death. As summed up by the Journal of the American Medical Association, pharmaceutical drugs and their side effects, are the fourth leading cause of death in the U.S. and other industrialized countries (88).

Many of these same companies have been the business of creating death since the 1930s. Bayer and Hoechst (as part of IG Farben) ran the concentration/slave labor and extermination camps (20,21,22,23,51). Representatives from these companies waited at the train depot as human cargo rolled in, selecting who was fit for slave labor, who was fit to become a human guinea pig, and who should be disposed of in the gas chambers.

Those who were selected to become human guinea pigs underwent incredible horrors, and were often purposefully infected with terrible diseases. Bayer A.G., both before and after the war, was particularly active in conducting research into biological warfare, and the development of designer diseases, and genetically modified viral and bacterial agents, such as anthrax and smallpox, that have no cure. Bayer experimented on human slaves during the 1940s.

We suspect that Bayer, and other pharmaceutical companies -- particularly those linked to Bush and associates, are still purposefully infecting people.

Bayer does not act in isolation. Just as Bayer/Hoechst (IG Farben) was partnering with American businesses and businessmen, including the Rockefellers, the Harrimans, and the Bush family before and during the war, they would stay in business together after the war (50,52). Indeed, it is this enduring relationship with America's political elite, which explains why the U.S. government has purchased massive quantities of drugs from Bayer AG and Hoechst, even though it is not known if these drugs are effective or how dangerous they might be.

For example, in July 2000, Bayer's anti-anthrax drug, Cipro, received an unprecedented sole endorsement by the Federal Drug Administration, despite Cipro's largely untested status -- one animal study for anthrax treatment in 1993. In October of 2001, the U.S. government agreed to pay Bayer, $70.00 per dose, even though Cipro is sold in other countries for less than $20.00 a dose. The Washington Times, referred to the sale as "ripoff" (90).

Other Farben companies are also profiting.

On October 25,2001, Tommy Thompson, Secretary of the Department of Health and Human Services, asked Congress for $500 million to purchase enough of Acambis's smallpox vaccine "so every American will be assured there is a dose with his or her name on it if it is needed." However, the rules governing the testing of this smallpox vaccine produced by Acambis (previously Ora Vax) in partnership with Baxter (Hoechst) and Aventis (Rhone- Poulenc) were relaxed so that this incredible sale could go through for a drug that hardly anyone will use, but which will be stockpiled just in case! Indeed, according to a press release by Acambis, in "November 2001, we were awarded a major contract by the US Government to provide 155 million doses of smallpox vaccine for the purposes of countering the threat of bioterrorism. This followed the award of an initial contract in September 2000 which had covered the development of a new smallpox vaccine and the production and maintenance over 20 years of a 40 million-dose stockpile. As a result, we are manufacturing 209 million doses of smallpox vaccine for the US Government." The entire contract is worth $428 million dollars.

That the U.S. government would purchase drugs that it may not need, and which may not only be ineffective, but dangerous, is not without precedent. During the Gulf War, the military injected soldiers with dangerous experimental drugs without their consent and without their knowledge, and then showed a callous disregard for their health.
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Postby admin » Sat Aug 01, 2015 3:50 am



In testimony before the 1994 Senate Banking Committee headed by Senators Donald Riegle Jr., and Alfonse M. 0'Amato (5/25/94), it was revealed that between 1985 and 1989, the Reagan- Bush administration authorized at least 72 separate shipments, of incredibly virulent biological and chemical agents to Iraq. These included a nerve gas rated a million times more lethal than Sarin, and substances which could destroy crops, and sicken and kill men, women, and children and animals by destroying the brain, liver, spleen, heart, lungs, and spinal column. Diseases and agents such as pneumonia virus, salmonella, staphylcoccus, West Nile Virus, E. coli, anthrax, botulism, genetically modified tuberculosis and influenza, and a substance referred to as "histoplasma capsulatum" were provided to Iraq with the full knowledge that Iraq would use these weapons on its enemies. The Commerce Department under the first Bush administration also authorized eight shipments of cultures that the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention classified as agents for "biological warfare."

In 1988, the Bush administration also shipped 19 containers of anthrax bacteria to Iraq. These weaponized anthrax had been created by the American Type Culture Collection company, located near Fort Detrick, MD, the site of the US Army's high security germ warfare labs.

The Bush administration was not alone. British firms also transferred numerous deadly biological and chemical agents to the Iraqi military. Some of these shipments were received in the months before the gulf war!

The purpose of these shipments was to provide Saddam Hussein with chemical and biological weapons which could be used to murder hundreds of thousands if not millions of men, women, and children. Indeed, as detailed in the previous chapter, as part of the agreement regarding these shipments, CIA and U.S. scientists were allowed to collect data on the effects of these substances, some of which were unleashed upon Kurdish tribes in the north of Iraq.

The CIA and Bush administration also armed Iraq with biological and chemical weapons, as a pretext for giving U.S. enlisted personnel experimental drugs and for assessing how U.S. troops would respond to these same weapons.

Dick Cheney served as Secretary of Defense in the first Bush administration and during the Persian Gulf war with Iraq. Cheney, with his ties to the petrol-chemical industry, was a strong advocate of vaccinating the troops, many of whom were given experimental drugs with incredibly harmful side-effects (10).

In addition, Cheney approved a U.S. Army plan to explode an Iraqi chemical weapons depot at Kamashiya, despite the fact that 20,000 U.S. servicemen and women would be exposed to VX and sarin nerve agents. This was not just an act of negligence. The CIA and Department of Defense were keenly interested in the short and long term effects of these chemical weapons on U.S. troops.

Over 20,000 US troops were thus purposefully exposed to VX and sarin nerve agents as a result of the U.S. operation at Kamashiya. Over 100,000 were given, without their knowledge, incredibly harmful drugs.

Later, tens of thousands of these men and women developed "Gulf War Syndrome" a disease the Army and Dick Cheney's Pentagon studied while denying its existence.

According to the 1994 Senate Banking Committee report, there are over "100,000 names on a national registry of gulf veterans who have reported illnesses they believe stem from their tours of duty there. Some of these people, who went over there as young able-bodied Americans, are now desperately ill," and many "have died."

As summed up by the United States Senate's Committee on Veterans' Affairs (10): the "DOD incorrectly claims that since their goal was treatment, the use of investigational drugs in the Persian Gulf War was not research. DOD used investigational drugs in the Persian Gulf War in ways that were not effective. DOD did not know whether pyridostigmine bromide would be safe for use by U.S. troops in the Persian Gulf War. When U.S. troops were sent to the Persian Gulf in 1994, DOD still did not have proof that pyridostigmine bromide was safe for use as an antidote enhancer. Pyridostigmine may be more dangerous in combination with pesticides and other exposures. The safety of the botulism vaccine was not established prior to the Persian Gulf War. Records of anthrax vaccinations are not suitable to evaluate safety. DOD and OVA have repeatedly failed to provide information and medical followup to those who participate in military research or are ordered to take investigational drugs. For at least 50 years, DOD has intentionally exposed military personnel to potentially dangerous substances, often in secret. DOD has repeatedly failed to comply with required ethical standards when using human subjects in military research during war or threat of war. The Federal Government has failed to support scientific studies that provide information about the reproductive problems experienced by veterans who were intentionally exposed to potentially dangerous substances. The Federal Government has failed to support scientific studies that provide timely information for compensation decisions regarding military personnel who were harmed by various exposures. Participation in military research is rarely included in military medical records, making it impossible to support a veteran's claim for service- connected disabilities from military research. DOD has demonstrated a pattern of misrepresenting the danger of various military exposures that continues today."


When in the clutches of the DOD (Department of Defense) United States citizens are routinely used as human guinea pigs, or simply as an excuse to justify the purchase of dangerous or worthless drugs from a drug supplier who is connected to the DOD or a current or past member of both Bush administrations.

For example, despite the scathing 1994 rebuke from Congress, in 1997 the Department of Defense ordered that all enlisted men and women would receive anti-anthrax injections using an experimental anthrax vaccine that would be sold by BioPort. BioPort is directly linked to Bayer A.G., the Saudis (including Faud EIHibri), the Bush family, the bin Ladens, and to Admiral William Crowe Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff under Ronald Reagan and George Bush (92). Admiral Crowe owns 13% of BioPort Corporation and sits on the Board of Directors.

The purpose of the anti-anthrax injections? To make money.

Again, U.S. citizens in the armed services were forced to become human guinea pigs. If they refused the shots, if they refused to allow experimental drugs (and who knows what else) to be injected into their bodies, they would be court-martialed and imprisoned.

The idea behind this forced program had been in the works during the first Bush presidency. However, although he lost the election, it went forward with the blessing of Bill Clinton, his Defense Secretary William Cohen, and at the urgings of Admiral William Crowe (retired). Indeed, soon after Crowe and the Bush-connected Carlyle Group (92) made major investments in "BioPort" the company received a multi-million dollar contract to produce an "anthrax vaccine."

BioPort, of Lansing, Michigan, is the only corporation in the United States with a license to make anthrax vaccine. It acquired that license when it purchased Michigan Biologic Products Institute, from the State of Michigan in 1998. Michigan Biologic Products Institute had been selling the vaccine to the U.S. Department of defense.

BioPort has been plagued by contamination problems and has been repeatedly shut down by the Food and Drug Administration for "unsanitary conditions" (93,94). On 8/30/2000 and 9/1/2000 BioPort was forced to recall three products, including its anthrax vaccine because the wrong expiration date was put on labels. Moreover, its anthrax vaccine was linked to the death of one its own workers (93). In July of 2000, Richard Dunn died after receiving 11 injections. A coverup ensued, and his death was falsely labeled as due to a heart condition. Later, the truth emerged following an independent autopsy.

Because BioPort has repeatedly failed Food and Drug Administration inspections, it was prohibited from shipping any vaccine (94).

Nevertheless, the Department of Defense agreed to an exclusive contract making BioPort its sole producer of the untested drug and has paid out more than $130 million to the company (94). Between 1998 and 2001, over 487,000 military personnel were forced to receive 1.9 million doses of the vaccine. About 400 military personnel, including doctors, refused.


BioPort maintains a stockpile of anthrax. Company officials refer to the stockpile as "a small amount of live anthrax" just enough to make the vaccine on site. And they assure us that the anthrax is safe. "There is no special threat posed by the presence of our facility here," said Robert Myers, BioPort's executive vice president. "The anthrax we have is not in a weaponized form."

BioPort, however, along with Bayer, Battelle, and others, performs biological warfare research and maintains connections with American intelligence and defense officials. BioPort has allegedly worked on biowarfare programs at Fort Detrick and the Army Dugway Proving Ground in the Utah desert which in turn produced weapons-grade anthrax.

The purpose of a "weapons-grade anthrax" is to kill and to instill terror.

In September and October of 2001, the citizens of the United States of America were subjected to a series of biological terrorist attacks involving the release of "weapon's grade anthrax." The anthrax used in these attacks was subsequently linked to BioPort, Battelle, Fort Detrick, and Dugway (95).


Prior to the post 9/11/2001 anthrax attack on U.S. citizens, Donald Rumsfeld announced that the Pentagon was developing and testing a weapon's grade, biologically engineered anthrax virus. Rumsfeld and the White House denied that these tests were violations of existing laws and treaties, claiming that they were purely defensive. Yet, despite their claims, President Bush also refused to sign a draft agreement strengthening the 1974 convention on biological weapons as it would have required the Bush administration to reveal where and upon whom the U.S. was testing these biological weapons.

Although 140 nations signed the treaty, the Bush administration refused because it was especially concerned that military contractors, such as the Battelle Memorial Institute, located in West Jefferson, Ohio, might come under international and national scrutiny. The Battelle Memorial Institute has been actively involved in the creation of military grade, genetically altered anthrax.

In the months before 9/11, senior Bush administration officials announced that "this administration will pursue defenses against the full spectrum of biological threats," and would step up research on both microbes and germ munitions for "protective or defensive purposes." The Bush administration and CIA was especially keen on developing and testing methods of releasing and dispersing weapon's grade anthrax in densely populated areas and under different atmospheric conditions.

Anthrax can be severely debilitating, causing fever, chills, fatigue, muscle aches, pneumonia-like symptoms, and, if untreated, death. The CIA and Bush administration were eager to develop a genetically altered anthrax that would be especially virulent.

The next step would be "vulnerability testing," so as to protect "national security."

According to U.S. government officials, the research and testing would be conducted by the Battelle Memorial Institute, in conjunction with the CIA which, according to CIA spokesman, Bill Harlow, had already conducted "laboratory or experimental" work. The results of these vulnerability tests, it was believed, could provide vital information useful for protecting "national security." What Harlow didn't mention was that the CIA had recruited almost two dozen Russian scientists with an expertise in anthrax and biological warfare and that the CIA was especially interested in conducting "vulnerability testing" on American cities and the American public.

The desire of the CIA to conduct a biological attack on the American public was justified, government officials believed. For example, what if terrorists released several pounds of anthrax in New York city. If antibiotics were not administered immediately, perhaps as many as 400,000 people would die within just a few days. Anthrax has an 80% mortality rate if untreated. And what of the millions upon millions of Americans who would panic at the prospect of being exposed? They too would seek treatment thus completely taxing and overwhelming heath care officials. Stockpiles of antibiotics and vaccines would be depleted within hours. And what of the panic and rioting which might ensue? Civil authorities and the police would be completely unable to cope and would require the assistance of the military to restore order.

The American public had to be exposed, in order to assess these vulnerabilities.

It was recognized, of course. that the American public would not react kindly to being turned into human guinea pigs, and that if such tests were conducted and became public, Bush, like his father, would become a one term president. However, if the American public could be made to believe that a biological attack was the work of Arab terrorists, not only could the CIA obtain the information it sought, but the geo-political ambitions of the Bush administration and its desire to topple Saddam Hussein and the rulers of Afghanistan, could be quickly realized and his reelection, as a war-time leader, guaranteed.

Indeed, the Bush-Cheney doctrine of reprisal had been laid out in 1991, prior to the onset of the Gulf War. President George Bush and Secretary of Defense Dick Cheney had publicly proclaimed that any attack on U.S. forces or U.S. citizens with chemical or biological weapons would be met with "massive retaliation."

It was also realized that the U.S. government could easily prevent anyone from determining who actually carried out a biological attack, which meant that anyone could be blamed. It was also understood that by the use of propaganda, and the "Big Lie" repeated over and over again by the corporate controlled mass media, that the public could not only be terrorized, but convinced of the necessity of attacking countries, such as Iraq. By using propaganda and "information warfare" as a psychological weapon the American public could also be prepared to jettison some of their own freedoms, which in turn would further the fascist ambitions of Bush and associates.

The decision was made. By July, 2001, it was already known to the CIA and Bush administration that al-Qaeda were planning to hijack commercial jetliners and crash them into the World Trade Center (see chapters 10 & 11). Of course, there was also the possibility that the terrorists would fail in their mission. And, there was also a possibility that changes in the geo-political landscape would require the Bush administration to intervene and arrest the 9/11 plotters before they had the opportunity to act.

However, what if "terrorists" also launched a biological attack on U.S. citizens, with military grade anthrax? If this were to occur, and even if the planned hijacking failed, the CIA would not only be able to conduct yet another "vulnerability test" on the American public, but the Bush administration would be justified in declaring war on all "evil doers;" i.e. the Taliban who were refusing Bush administration demands to allow an oil pipeline to be built on their lands, and Saddam Hussein whose government controlled the second largest oil reserves in the world.


"The public as well as some in the security community probably do not fully appreciate the wide availability of (biological warfare)-relevant technology and knowledge. A biological attack by a nonstate actor probably would cause fewer casualties than an attack by a state, but the terror that such an attack would cause among the population would still be substantial."

-- National Intelligence Council, 1/2/2001.

It was a sunny, September, quintessential Florida afternoon, when the bulky manila envelope arrived in the mail room of the Sun, a weekly tabloid newspaper. It was addressed: "Please Forward to Jennifer Lopez, c/o The Sun." (96).

Managing editor Joe West, examined the envelope, felt along the bulky cylindrical contours, and ... threw it into the trash.

"Something told me not to open it," he said.

Bobby Bender, a news assistant at the Sun, felt no such misgivings. He retrieved it from the garbage and opened it up. It contained a metal cigar tube, an empty can of chewing tobacco, a small carton of detergent, and a handwritten love letter to Jennifer Lopez. The love-struck author was proposing marriage!

There was also a single sheet of paper, decorated with blue and pink clouds. It had been folded into 3 sections and contained a small mound of pinkish powder that partly covered a little gold star of David (96).

Bob Stevens, a news photographer at the Sun, was curious and asked to take a look. Bender carefully handed him the paper, powder and Star of David, and Bob Stevens took it to his desk. Stevens was nearsighted and held the powder close to his face spilling some of the powder on his computer keyboards, and unknowingly inhaling the pinkish dust. Carefully, he retrieved the Star of David, smearing his fingers with little grains of pinkish residue.

Sixteen days later, Bob Stevens was dead.

On October 4, 2001, Secretary of Health and Human Services Tommy Thompson announced that the Stevens' anthrax infection, was not an act of terrorism, but "an isolated case."

On Sunday, October 7, medical tests disclosed that Ernesto Blanco, a mailroom worker at the Sun, had also been exposed to anthrax bacteria. Within days 6 more people came down with the disease (97).

The CDC immediately shipped enough antibiotics to Palm Beach County to treat more than 1,000 people, for 15 days, at a cost of $700 per individual.

Soon, similar cases were turning up in New York and Washington. Two postal workers at a facility that handles mail for the Capitol died after showing symptoms of anthrax, and several others were diagnosed with inhalation anthrax. These were followed by yet additional cases, and in consequence, the Brentwood, New Jersey, mail center and an air-mail facility near Baltimore-Washington International Airport, were shut down. In Washington alone, over 10,000 postal workers were urged to pick up Cipro prescriptions (97). In total, over 35,000 people were treated with antibiotics to prevent infection.

The anthrax was being sent through the mail, to outfits such as the New York Post, ABC and CBS news, and to the office of New York Governor George Pataki. Four letters, one sent to the office of Senate Majority Leader Tom Daschle, one to Senator Patrick Leahy and another to NBC (where an assistant to Tom Brokaw later tested positive for the disease), and the New York Post were postmarked from Trenton, N.J.

Specifically, the one addressed to Senate Majority Leader Tom Daschle, D-S.D., and the other to Sen. Patrick Leahy, D-Vt., carried a return address of "4th Grade Greendale School, Franklin Park, NJ 08852" and were postmarked Trenton, N.J., on Oct. 9, 2001. The letters sent to "NBC TV -- Tom Brokaw" and "NY Post" were postmarked in Trenton on Sept. 18, 2001, seven days after the Sept. 11 bombings of the World Trade Center and the Pentagon.

Coincidentally, several of the 9/11 hijackers had lived in New Jersey and were still living there on the day they hijacked the United Airlines flight from Newark and slammed it into a field in rural Pennsylvania. Of course, all were long dead by 9/18/2001. But what of their accomplices?

Later, a child of an ABC News employee would test positive for the skin form of anthrax after visiting ABC's New York newsroom on or around Sept. 28, 2001.

A third letter was sent from Malaysia to a Microsoft office in Reno (98). Malaysia had also been a destination where several of the 9/11 hijackers had met together, while being watched, tape recorded, and photographed by the CIA in January of 2000 (99).

Curiously, however, Malaysia's Prime Minister, Mahathir Mohamad began complaining that the U.S. refused to share any information on the anthrax mailings, and did not request any assistance from Mayalsia's police or intelligence agencies (98). The U.S. was in fact refusing to cooperate. "We've not even been told where to proceed," said acting Kuala Lumpur police chief, Dell Akhbar Khan (98).

Those who were first infected, Bob Stevens and Ernesto Blanco lived within a half hour drive of the residence of 9/11 hijacker, Muhhamed Atta. And yet another coincidence, the FBI announced that Gloria Irish, the wife of the editor for Sun tabloid, had rented a Delray Beach apartment, unit 1504 at the Delray Racquet Club, to two of the hijackers: Marwan al-Shehhi and Saeed al-Ghamdi (100). Al-Shehhi hijacked United Airlines Flight 175, and al-Ghamdi hijacked United Flight 93. In fact, Mohamed Atta as well as several of the other hijackers visited the apartment. Moreover, in June of 2001, just 3 months before the hijackings, Ahmed al-Haznawi sought treatment for a skin lesion that, according to Dr. Christos Tsonas, "was consistent with cutaneous anthrax" (101). According to a memorandum, prepared by experts at the Johns Hopkins Center for Civilian Biodefense Strategies, there is a high likelihood "that the hijackers were handling anthrax and were the perpetrators of the anthrax letter attacks" (101).

But of course, that is impossible as they were all dead at least 7 days before the first anthrax had been mailed.

Somebody obviously goofed.

And then the cover up began.

Attorney General John Ashcroft warned that despite the evidence it was "premature at this time to decide whether there is a direct link" to Osama bin Laden or al-Qaeda, but "we should consider this potential."

John E. Collingwood, an F.B.I. spokesman, said there was no evidence of a connection between the hijackers and the anthrax attacks: "This was fully investigated and widely vetted among multiple agencies several months ago. Exhaustive testing did not support that anthrax was present anywhere the hijackers had been."

Bush administration officials also began announcing that the anthrax which had sickened and killed so many was a "naturally occurring strain" that had not been developed in a laboratory for use as a weapon. Maj. Gen. John Parker of the Army's testing laboratory at Fort Detrick, said its just a "common variety" of anthrax. He then sent samples to another testing facility, Battelle, to confirm that impression, but without telling anyone that the sample had been secretly irradiated thus destroying their virulence and dispersal qualities.

And then the White House stopped providing any information. George Bush left for China. The new Homeland Security chief, Tom Ridge, had nothing to say on the matter. The CDC quit responding to queries.

White House spokesman, Ari Fleischer had only this to say about the silence: "it's a particularly important job for the federal government -- and I speak for the president and for agencies in the government, to some degree -- to make certain that the information they have is considered and is accurate before rushing to report it."

"There is no federal coordination of this whole effort," said Mohammed Akhter, executive director of the American Public Health Association. "There is no central authority to tell the public what is going on, what health officials are doing and what the public needs to do."

What the FBI felt it needed to do was destroy evidence. On October 10 and 11, 2001, when the first anthrax cases were coming to light, the FBI and the CDC, gave permission to the Iowa State archive to destroy its collection of anthrax samples. The evidence destroyed included spores collected over a period of more than seven decades from a number of facilities and which had been kept in more than 100 vials. Incredibly, the FBI and CDC authorized the destruction although the collection contained genetic clues valuable to the anthrax inquiry (102,103). Indeed, the Iowa State samples were later directly implicated in the death of the first anthrax victim, as was confirmed by Tom Ridge, the White House director of homeland security, on Oct. 25, two weeks after the destruction.

As summed up by the New York Times (102): "The FBI's inquiry into the anthrax attacks has stumbled in several key areas and may have missed opportunities to gather valuable evidence."

The FBI also failed to even visit many of the companies, laboratories and academic institutions with the equipment or capability to make weaponized anthrax. And when they did conduct interviews, the questions asked were usually irrelevant, at least according to several lab directors (102).

Many began to wonder if the FBI missed these opportunities because it was involved in a coverup. Indeed, the new director of the FBI, Mr. Mueller was known to be a cover-up artist who had destroyed documents and incriminating evidence in the past so as to protect the Bush family and their associates (see chapter 7). In a detailed report by the Federation of American Scientists, it was concluded that" Under Assistant Attorney General Mueller ... the Department sought to impede the investigations of others through a variety of mechanisms, ranging from not making witnesses available, to not returning telephone calls, to claiming that every aspect of the case was under investigation in a period when little, if anything, was being done" (104).

And what would Mueller and the FBI be covering up this time?

According to Dr. Barbara Hatch Rosenberg of the Federation of American Scientists, the FBI has engaged in a cover up because the FBI knows that the anthrax attack was an inside job. Based on a genetic analysis conducted at Northern Arizona University, the evidence indicates that the anthrax originated from Fort Detrick, BioPort, Dugway or Battelle (95).

Fort Detrick and Dugway are well guarded, and reporters must receive special permission to visit the labs or speak with scientists. As to BioPort, soon after this facility came under suspicion, George W. Bush, via Gov. Engler, using the pretext of "National Security," ordered the Michigan National Guard to surround and protect the BioPort facility (106).

On October 17, 2001, five days after calling out the National Guard and almost two weeks after Robert Stevens died of pulmonary anthrax at a hospital in West Palm Beach, Florida, the Bush administration unveiled its plans to build up, in a big way, the National Pharmaceutical Stockpile -- the drugs, vaccines, chemical antidotes, antitoxins, and other medical supplies that are kept at the ready to respond to large-scale bioterrorist attacks. The White House asked Congress for more than $1.1 billion in emergency funds to expand the two-year-old program, and some lawmakers were soon talking of increasing that amount to as much as $10 billion. Little wonder that many of the nation's pharmaceutical companies, aided by their Washington lobbyists, have been angling for seats aboard what one industry critic calls "another gravy train to cash in on some big government contracts" (94).

Of course, those who will cash in, include BioPort, Bayer A.G., and the companies and individuals they have partnered with, such as the Carlyle Group whose investors and board members include George H.W. Bush, former Bush and Reagan-Bush cabinet officials, and, the bin Laden family.


Following the anthrax attacks the Bush administration formed a partnership, without fanfare, which linked the United States Government's Department of Homeland Security, and the Department of Health and Human Services, with the pharmaceutical industry, a joint venture called Homeland Health. "Our Mission: Government, industry and academia are working to solve the many unknowns surrounding bioterrorism threats. America's pharmaceutical companies are joining together ... with the advice and support of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. represents our combined effort to do whatever it takes -- for as long as it takes -- to win the war against bioterrorism. The pharmaceutical industry is committed to helping the United States government" (see

Yes, the pharmaceutical industry is our friend.

Dr. Michael Friedman, former head of the FDA -- the same Dr. Friedman who gave the go ahead for the DOD to inject experimental anthrax vaccine into U.S. soldiers during the Persian Gulf War -- is Homeland Health's Chief Medical Officer. Dr. Friedman is also a senior vice president of the pharmaceutical giant Pharmacia Corporation which is also an integral part of Homeland Health. And sitting on the board of directors of Pharmacia Corporation is Frank C. Carlucci, chairman of the Carlyle Group whose consultants, investors, and stock holders include George H.W. Bush and the bin Laden family.

And then there is Don Schmitz. As noted earlier in this chapter, Hermann Schmitz, was president of IG Farben, and later became president of Bayer. Don Schmitz is Vice President, Associate General Counsel & Corporate Secretary, of the Pharmacia Corporation.

The Carlyle Group, in some ways, is reminiscent of IG Farben. The Carlyle Group is a cartel and a self-described "merchant bank." However its portfolio ranks it as one of the major defense contractors in the country, with holdings not only in major defense industries, but the pharmaceutical industry. The Carlyle Group makes money off human misery, through war, terrorism, and disease.

Mr. Carlucci has an interesting history. In the 1950s he allegedly began working with the CIA -- at about the same time as George H.W. Bush. Initially his cover was the State Department where he performed operations in Central Africa and Brazil. When Nixon came to power, Carlucci was given several sub-cabinet level positions and eventually he became a Deputy Secretary of Defense under Caspar Weinberger who was later convicted of crimes pertaining to the illegal Iran-Contra arms deal. With the resignation of Nixon, whereas George W. Bush became director of the CIA, Carlucci later became deputy CIA director. With the election of Reagan and Bush, in 1980, Carlucci became Secretary of Defense where he worked closely with the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Admiral William Crowe -- the same Crowe who would become a board member of BioPort, the same BioPort whose investors allegedly include the Carlyle Group and thus Bayer A.G., and the Bush and bin Laden families.

As noted, in July 2000, Bayer's anti-anthrax drug, Cipro, received an unprecedented sole endorsement by the Federal Drug Administration, despite Cipro's largely untested status. In October of 2001, after the anthrax attacks, the U.S. government agreed to pay Bayer, almost a dollar a pill, $700 per person for a two months supply, even though Cipro is sold in other countries for less than $20.00. The Washington Times, referred to the sale as "ripoff' (90).

As to BioPort, tens of millions of dollars will be pumped into this and other companies, by the U.S. government.

"I think a lot of good has come from [the anthrax attacks]. From a biological or a medical standpoint, [although many] people have died, we've put about $6 billion in our budget into defending against bioterrorism."

-- David Franz former commander of USAMRIID.


We should recall the evidence linking the anthrax attacks to several of the 9/11 hijackers, i.e. the Malaysia and New Jersey mailings, the link between the Florida tabloid, the Sun, and Atta, al-Shehhi and al-Ghamdi, and evidence suggesting that 9/11 hijacker Al- Haznawi had developed an anthrax skin lesion. However, despite this intriguing evidence, the FBI and Bush administration were quick to quash any further inquiry, authorized the destruction of evidence, and refused to provide help or assistance to Malaysian authorities.

We should be curious to as to why evidence was destroyed and why these avenues of inquiry became off limits.

Obviously, if some party provided several of the 9/11 terrorists with "weapons grade anthrax" then that same party might be linked in some manner to BioPort. Bayer A.G., or Fort Dietrick. Bayer A.G., for example, is headquartered in Germany, and most experts agree that the 9/11 plot was likely first hatched in Germany -- the birthplace of Nazism.

As to BioPort, it is noteworthy that "documents related to the U.S. military's anthrax vaccination program and a Lansing laboratory [BioPort] were among those investigators found recently in an Afghanistan office" in Kabul, Afghanistan, home of bin Laden and al-Qaeda (107). Many of the BioPort "documents described ways to use anthrax as a weapon" (107).

"It's not unexpected that a terrorist organization like al-Qaeda would be gathering documents," BioPort spokeswoman Kim Brennen Root told reporters. She denied any link between BioPort and al- Qaeda or the 9/ 11 hijackers and was at a loss as to how confidential papers regarding the use of anthrax as a weapon ended up in the hands of terrorists in Afghanistan.

It is also obvious that the 9/11 hijackers could not have mailed the anthrax. Given that someone or some organization mailed the anthrax from New Jersey and Malaysia -- where several of the 9/11 hijackers either lived or met -- and given that workers at The Sun were exposed to Anthrax -- the wife of the editor having rented an apartment to the hijackers -- then we must conclude that whoever was behind the anthrax attacks, was also well aware of the actions, activities. and living and traveling arrangements of several of the 9/ 11 hijackers. Other than the terrorists and their close associates, the only organization with that knowledge, was the CIA. The CIA tracked and even had contact with several of these same 9/11 hijackers and requested that their meeting in Malaysia be secretly taped and photographed (108, 109).

Given that the likely source of the anthrax was Fort Detrick, BioPort, Dugway or Battelle, and given that all are linked to the CIA, then it becomes reasonable to assume that those behind the anthrax attacks in September and October of 2001, include the CIA and thus the U.S. government, and perhaps, the DOD, under the Bush administration.

And, let us not forget the Carlyle Group, which has so many ex-CIA officials and so many former Bush administration officials on its payroll, including George H.W. Bush himself, that some have called it a shadow government.
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Postby admin » Sat Aug 01, 2015 3:51 am



That the CIA was directly involved in or had foreknowledge of the September and October 2001, anthrax attacks, is consistent with what we know of the history of this organization. That the U.S. government, under the Bush administration, was in some way involved is also evident based on the behavior of top officials in the Bush administration, who began taking the anti-anthrax medication, Cipro, weeks before the first attack was made public, that is, on 9/11/2001.

As first reported by Associated Press (110), "White House personnel were given Cipro six weeks ago," that is, on 9/11/2001. "White House officials won't discuss who might be receiving the anthrax-treating antibiotic now. On the night of the September 11 attacks, the White House Medical Office dispensed Cipro to staff accompanying Vice President Dick Cheney as he was secreted off to the safety of Camp David, and told them it was a 'precaution,' according to one person directly involved."

According to the conservative public interest law firm, Judicial Watch (111), President George W. Bush twice refused to answer when he was asked about this, or when asked if he had been tested for anthrax.

When coupled with information indicating that the White House began taking Cipro on 9/11/2001, long before the first anthrax attacks became public and on the same day as the terrorist attacks on the Pentagon and Twin Towers, we must conclude that the Bush administration, and most certainly Dick Cheney, had advanced knowledge that the anthrax attacks were about to begin.

"We believe that the White House knew or had reason to know that an anthrax attack was imminent or under way."

-- Larry Klayman, Chairman of Judicial Watch.

"We did not know about the anthrax attacks. Period!" responded Gordon Johndroe, White House spokesman. The reason staffers were given Cipro was "a precautionary measure in the early hours of Sept. 11 before the situation could be fully assessed," Johndroe explained.

Note the words: "Early hours." Had the Bush gang begun taking Cipro before the first plane struck?

Of course the Bush administration knew in advance that an anthrax attack was in the works. Note that they did not take antidotes for smallpox or other biological weapons. Only anthrax.

The Bush administration not only knew in advance, they welcomed the attacks, which is why they were careful to ensure that they, and they alone, would be protected, whereas the American public would be further terrorized.

There is a pattern here. They knew about the anthrax, and they knew in advance that terrorists would hijack commercial jets and slam them into the World Trade Center -- which is why Attorney General John Ashcroft quit flying on commercial jets 6 six week before the 9/11-hijackings.

Terrorism almost always benefits right wing governments. The threat of terrorism, especially if it can be blamed on "opposition," or "terrorist" groups, is a well established means of consolidating and increasing right-wing government power. The anthrax attacks which spread panic throughout the nation, in October of 2001, is exactly what one might expect of a government which has a long history of using biological weapons on its own citizens.



1). One of the first purposeful attempts to infect Native Americas occurred in 1738 when the Cherokee nation was provided with "infected goods." According to the English trader James Adair "the Cherake received a most depopulating shock by the small pox, which reduced them almost one-half, in about a year's time: it was conveyed into Charlestown by the Guinea-men, and soon after among them, by the infected goods." A second epidemic swept through the Micmac communities around 1747. According to French observers, British officers and traders intentionally spread the disease by distributing infected clothing (see Baston du Bosq de Beaumont, "Motifs des sauvages mickmaques," Les Derniers Jours de L' Acadie).

2). Carl Waldman, "The Atlas of the North American Indian, "Facts on File, 1985.

3) Francis Parkman, "The Conspiracy of Pontiac and the Indian War after the Conquest of Canada." Boston, Little, Brown, 1886.

4). J. Poupard, L. Miller, L. Granshaw, "A New Look at the Smallpox Story," American Society for Microbiology, 3/1989.

5). William Trent, "Journal of William Trent," [Pen Pictures of Early Western Pennsylvania, John W. Harpster (Editor) University of Pittsburgh Press, 1938.

6). J.W. Powell, "Fourteenth Annual Report (Part 2) of the Bureau of Ethnology of the Smithsonian Institution, 1892-93, Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C., 1896.

7). James Mooney, "The Ghost-Dance Religion and Wounded Knee," (1896), Dover Publications. 1973.

8). F. Fenner (Editor) "Smallpox and its Eradication," World Health Organization, 1988.

9). James Mooney, "Tribes of the Columbia River region of the Pacific Northwest," Smithsonian Institution.

10). 103d Congress, 2d Session. "Is Military Research Hazardous to Veteran's Health? Lessons Spanning half a century. A Staff report prepared for the Committee on Veterans' Affairs, United States Senate, 12/8/1994." John D. Rockefeller IV, West Virginia, Chairman.

11). Mobley, J. A. "Biological warfare in the twentieth century: Lessons from the past, challenges for the future. Military Medicine, 160, 547-553, 1995.

12). Robert Harris and Jeremy Paxman, "A Higher Form of Killing," Hill & Wang, 1982; see also, Seymour Hersh, "Chemical and Biological Warfare," Double Day, 1969.

13). "Science at War," 6 part Series, US History Channel, 1999.

14). It has been said that the "history of chemical warfare begins with Fritz Haber, a world-famous chemist, who developed poison gases for Germany during the First World War. Haber was already famous for having developed a process for extracting nitrates, which could be used to make explosives as well as fertilizer. During the first world war he devoted himself to developing a poison gas that would easily kill men hiding in trenches and fortifications. Poison gases were already in abundance. What Haber was after was a toxin that would be perfect for distribution over a battlefield. Haber conducted his work at his Berlin institute, and began refining chlorine gas, which was soon put to the test on the battlefield. In 1919 he was awarded the Nobel Prize in chemistry. However, there is evidence that the history of chemical warfare and the use of "Greek fire" actually begins in the United States. In 1862, Edwin Stanton, President Lincoln's secretary of war, received a proposal for chemical warfare from Mr. John Doughty of New York, which included a sketch of an artillery shell, Mr. Doughty wrote: "Above is the projectile I have devised for routing an entrenched enemy. It is so irritating in its effects upon the respiratory organs that a small quantity produces incessant and uncontrollable violent coughing. A shell holding two or three quarts of liquid chlorine contains many cubic feet of the gas." He went on at great length to describe the potential of his chemical bomb against ships, towns, and men in trenches. "As to the moral question involved, I have arrived at the somewhat paradoxical conclusion that its introduction would very much lessen the sanguine character of the battlefield and render conflicts more decisive in their results."

15). "Germ War: The US Record," Institute for the Advancement of Journalistic Clarity, 1998.

16). Cobb, W. M. 'The Tuskegee Syphilis Study." J Natl Med Assoc. 65, 345-348, 1973; Benedek T. G. "The 'Tuskegee Study' of syphilis: analysis of moral versus methodologic aspects." Journal of Chronic Diseases. 1, 1,35-50,1978; J. H. Jones, "Bad blood: the Tuskegee Syphilis Experiment," Collier Macmillan, 1981.

17). The Advisory Committee on Human Radiation Experiments (ACHRE), October of 1995, National Security Archives.

18). Tom Bower, "The paperclip conspiracy: the hunt for the Nazi scientists," Little, Brown, 1987; Peter R. Breggin, "Toxic Psychiatry," St. Martin's Press, 1991; Gerald Astor, "The "last" Nazi: the life and times of Dr. Joseph Mengele," D.I. Fine, 1985; Linda Hunt, "Secret Agenda: The United States Government, Nazi Scientists, and Project Paperclip, 1945 to 1990," St. Martin's Press, 1991; Charles R. Allen, Jr. Nazi war criminals in America : facts-action : the basic handbook," Highgate House, 1985; Clarence Lasby, "Project Paperclip; German scientists and the Cold War," Atheneum, 1971.

19). Hal Gold, "Unit 731 Testimony," Charles E Tuttle Co, 1996; S.H. Harris, "Factories of Death: Japanese Biological Warfare, 1932-45, and the American Cover-up," Routledge. 1994.

20). Gerald Astor, "The "last" Nazi: the life and times of Dr. Joseph Mengele," D.I. Fine, 1985; Joe E. White Lagnado, Lucette Matalon & Sheila Cohn Dekel, "Children of the Flames: Dr. Josef Mengele & the Untold Story of the Twins of Auschwitz. Robert Jay Lifton, "The Nazi Doctors. Basic Books: New York, 1986; Gerald L. Posner & John Ware. "Mengele: The Complete Story," McGraw-Hill, 1986. Mengele, the "Angel of Death," studied anthropology, paleontology, medicine and eugenics while a student. Eugenics offered him the opportunity to search for the keys to unlock the secret of DNA and to the sources of human deformities and imperfections. Mengele adhered to the theory of "unworthy life," i.e. some lives were simply not worthy of living. One of his professors, Dr. Ernst Rudin, taught that some lives not worth living, and that doctors had a responsibility to destroy unworthy life and remove it from the breeding pool and the general population. Rudin was drafted by Hitler to assist in composing the 1933 Law for the Protection of Heredity Health. This Nazi decree required the sterilization of those with feeblemindedness schizophrenia, manic depression, epilepsy; hereditary blindness, deafness; physical deformities, and alcoholism. After he received his degree in medicine, Mengele leaped at the chance to work at one of the huge concentration camps being built across Europe, as they offered fantastic opportunities for in vivo experiments on human subjects. In May of 1943, Mengele was assigned to the concentration camp at Auschwitz, Poland. His work was funded through the Rockefeller Foundation and the German Research Council. Mengele immediately set about trying to discover methods for eradicating inferior genes from the human population and to finding the keys to creating a Germanic super-race. Dr. Josef Mengele once commented that "there are only two gifted people in the world, Germans and Jews, and it's a question of who will be superior." Mengele was in agreement with Hitler: The Jews had to be destroyed. Mengele liked to whistle while he worked. However. except when interacting with his "twins" he was otherwise described as detached, haughty, and coldly cruel. Some of Mengele's experiments included the dissection of live infants, children, and adults; sex change operations and the castration of boys and men without the use of an anesthetic; and sterilization with the use of x-rays. On one occasion Mengele sterilized a group of Polish nuns with an X-ray machine, burning them horribly. In 1981, the West German Prosecutor's Office drew up 78 different indictments against Mengele, charging him with the most heinous and bestial crimes against humanity, including: Having actively and decisively taken part in selections in the prisoners' sick blocks, of such prisoners who through hunger, deprivations, exhaustion, sickness, disease, abuse or other reasons were unfit for work in the camp and whose speedy recovery was not envisaged ...Those selected were killed either through injections or firing squads or by painful suffocation to death through prussic acid in the gas chambers in order to make room in the camp for the "fit" prisoners, selected by him or other SS doctors ... The injections that killed were made with phenol, petrol, Evipal, chloroform, or air into the circulation, especially into the heart chamber, either with his own hands or he ordered the SS sanitary worker to do it while he watched." An Auschitz survivor recalled one incident where "a large group of SS officers arrived on motorcycles, Mengele among them. They drove into the yard and got off their motorcycles. Upon arriving they circled the flames" of a huge pit with burning logs. "After a while trucks arrived, dump trucks, with dozens of children inside. There were about ten of these trucks ... and the trucks backed up to the fire." The SS "started throwing those children right into the fire, into the pit. The children started to scream; some of them managed to crawl out of the burning pit. An officer walked around it with sticks and pushed back those who managed to get out." Another surviving Auschwitz prisoner, Alex Dekel states: "I have never accepted the fact that Mengele himself believed he was doing serious work - not from the slipshod way he went about it. He was only exercising his power. Mengele ran a butcher shop -- major surgeries were performed without anesthesia. Once, I witnessed a stomach operation -- Mengele was removing pieces from the stomach, but without any anesthetic. Another time, it was a heart that was removed, again, without anesthesia. It was horrifying. Mengele was a doctor who became mad because of the power he was given. He professed to do what he did in the name of science, but it was a madness on his part." Mengele conducted "genetic experiments" on nearly 1500 sets of twins between 1943 and 1944. Twins were particularly useful because a set of twins share an identical gene pool and the one experimented on could thus be compared to his twin, or both could be subject to the same procedures to determine if the outcome would be identical. Mengele also picked out individuals with any other physical abnormalities including midgets, dwarfs, and hunchbacks. Thousands were murdered and their organs, eyeballs, heads, and limbs were often sent to the Rockefeller group at the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute, where he also had an appointment as co-worker and an assistant to Otmar Verschuer: "My co-researcher in this research is my assistant the anthropologist and physician Mengele. He is serving as Hauptstuermfuehrer and camp doctor in the concentration camp Auschwitz." Following the war, Mengele escaped to Buenos Aires in 1949 and then lived in Paraguay and Brazil until his death by stroke in 1979.

21). Christopher Simpson, "Blowback: America's Recruitment of Nazis and Its Effects On the Cold War," Wiedenfeld & Nicholson, 1988.

22). M. Bar-Zohar, "The Hunt for the German Scientists," Barker, 1967; Josiah DuBois, "The Devil's Chemists," Beacon Press, 1952; "US on Policy German Scientists: The Early Cold War." Political Science Quarterly, 101, 1986; Gregg Herken & David James, "Doctors of Death," New York Times, 1/13/1994; Hubner, "The Americanization of Nazi Scientist," West, 9/25/1985; Linda Hunt, "US Coverup of Nazi Scientists." Bulletin of Atomic Scientists, April, 1985; Linda Hunt, "Arthur Rudolf, NASA and Dora." Moment, 4/1987; "NASA's Nazis," Nation, May 23, 1987.

23). Robert Jay Lifton, "The Nazi Doctors: Medical Killing and the Psychology of Genocide," Basic Books, 1986; Alexander Mitscherlich, & Fred Mielke, "Doctors of Infamy," Schuman, 1949; Leslie Simon, "German Research in World War!!," Wiley, 1947; A.D. Beyerchen, "Scientists Under Hitler," Yale Univ. Press, 1977; Gregg Herken & David James, "Doctors of Death," New York Times, 1/13/1994; Josiah DuBois, "The Devil's Chemists," Beacon Press, 1952.

24). US Department of the Air Force. German Aviation Medicine: World War II. Government Printing Office, 1950.

25). Linda Hunt, "Arthur Rudolf, NASA and Dora." Moment, 4/1987; Linda Hunt, "NASA's Nazis," Nation, May 23, 1987.

26). "Nazis and Axis Collaborators Were Used to Further US Anti- Communist Objectives in Europe-Some Immigrated to the United States," Government Printing Office, 1985; "Widespread Conspiracy to Obstruct Probes of Alleged Nazi War Criminals Not Supported by Available Evidence- Controversy May Continue," Government Printing Office, 1978.

27). The Joint Chiefs of Staff justified the use of Nazi scientists as "a form of exploitation of chosen rare minds whose continuing intellectual productivity we wish to use." As summed up by Colonel Montie Cone, head of G-2: "From a military point of view, we knew that these people were invaluable to us. Just think what we have from their research all of our satellites, jet aircraft, rockets, almost everything else."

28). US Senate, Ninety-fifth Congress, Hearings before the Subcommittee on Health and Scientific Research of the Committee on Human Resources, Biological Testing Involving Human Subjects by the Department of Defense, 1977; released as US Army Activities in the US Biological Warfare Programs, Volumes One and Two. 24 February 1977. In Senate hearings on Health and Scientific Research, held in 1977, it was confirmed that 239 populated areas had been contaminated with biological agents between 1949 and 1969, including San Francisco, Washington, D.C., Key West, Panama City, Minneapolis, and St. Louis. America attacked by chemical agents.

29). National Security Archives, Gelman Library, The George Washington University: "Inventory: CIA Behavior Experiments Collection (John Marks Donation) Date Range: 1940s-1970s. Box # 1 - Artichoke Documents- MKULTRA DOCS I-57; Box #2 Subprojects 42-57: MKULTRA; Box # 3 C-30 Project MUDHEN, Subprojects 58-78; Box # 4 Subprojects 79-130: MKULTRA; Box # 5 Subproject 131-149: MKULTRA; Box # 5 ARTICHOKE Docs 38-461; Box # 6 MKSEARCH 6,2,S,S-14, 6,4,3, S- 3, Subproject 107: MKULTRA, ARTICHOKE Docs 59-155; Box # 7, Hypnosis, LSD; Box # 8, Magic, Parapsychology; Box 9 (placebos, safe houses, Psychosurgery, sensory deprivation; Box # 10, CIA Behavior Modification Reports; Box # 11 includes a report by USAF Lieutenant Colonel Robert P. Kadlek, "Twenty-First Century Germ Warfare" and which includes the following statement: 'Using biological weapons under the cover of an endemic or natural disease occurrence provides an attacker the potential for plausible denial." See also, 94th Congress, 2d Session Senate Report No. 94-755, Foreign and Military Intelligence, Book I, "MKNAOMI was another major CIA program ...To stockpile severely incapacitating and lethal materials for the specific use of TSD [Technical Services Division]. To maintain in operational readiness special and unique items for the dissemination of biological and chemical materials. To provide for 'the required surveillance, testing, upgrading, and evaluation of materials and items in order to assure absence of defects and complete predictability of results to be expected under operational conditions." In this Congressional report it is also noted that "Under an agreement reached with the Army in 1952, the Special Operations Division (SOD) at Fort Detrick was to assist CIA in developing, testing, and maintaining biological agents and delivery systems. By this agreement, CIA acquired the knowledge, skill, and facilities of the Army to develop biological weapons suited for CIA use." It further details project MKULTRA was "the principal CIA program involving the research and development of chemical and biological agents" and that 'The research and development of materials to be used for altering human behavior consisted of three phases ... [including] ... the application of MKULTRA materials in normal life settings."

30). John Marks, "The Search For The Manchurian Candidate: The CIA and Mind Control, The Secret History of the Behavioral Sciences," W. W. Norton, 1979.

31). Phoenix Gazette, 7/19/1994, "Damaged Kids, Sterile Women May be Victims of Army Tests."

32). Cockburn New Statesmen. 1/28/94; Cliff Honicker, Washington Post 6/19/94.

33). Christopher Simpson, "Blowback: America's Recruitment of Nazis and Its Effects On the Cold War," Wiedenfeld & Nicholson, 1988; Tom Bower, "The paperclip conspiracy: the hunt for the Nazi scientists," Little, Brown, 1987; Charles R. Allen, Jr. Nazi war criminals in America : facts-action: the basic handbook," Highgate House, 1985; Clarence Lasby, "Project Paperclip; German scientists and the Cold War," Atheneum, 1971; Burton Hersh, "The Old Boys: The American Elite and the Origins of the CIA," Tree Farm Books, 2001. Christopher Simpson, "Blowback." T. H. Tetens, "The New Germany and the Old Nazis."

34). National Security Archives, Gelman Library, The George Washington University: "Inventory: CIA Behavior Experiments Collection (John Marks Donation), Subproject 36: MKULTRA: Cuba Chapter Conference, Consultant, Subproject involving getting a man on a diverted freighter, Subproject 37: MKULTRA: Collection of Botanicals; Subproject 93: MKULTRA: Toxin Study -- Cuba Chapter; Subproject 99: MKULTRA: Optics mixed with Biological Warfare -- Cuba Chapter.

35). J.A. Mobley, "Biological warfare in the twentieth century: Lessons from the past, challenges for the future. Military Medicine, 160:547- 553, 1995; M. Rolicka "New studies disputing allegations of bacteriological warfare during the Korean War. Military Medicine, 160:97-100, 1995.

36). Toronto Star, 5/15/1997.

37). Jerome Willik Shawn, "Dioxins and Agent Orange: Index of New Information With Clinical and Research Results," ABBE Publishers Association of Washington, DC, 1995.

38). Fred A. Wilcox, "Waiting for an Anny to Die: The Tragedy of Agent Orange," Seven Locks Press, 1989; Peter H. Schuck, "Agent Orange on Trial," Harvard Univ Press, 1987.

39). Ronald Reagan, "Message to the Congress Transmitting a Report and a Fact Sheet on Soviet Noncompliance With Arms Control Agreements, 1/23/1984, To the Congress of the United States."

40). 98th Congress, 1st Session, November 4, 1983, Defense Appropriations, Salt II Compliance, Department of Defense Appropriations Act, 1984 (H.R. 4185).

40). Susan Wright (editor) "Preventing a biological arms Race," Cambridge London, MIT Press, 1990; Susan Wright, Evolution of biological warfare policy, 1945-1990, In Preventing a biological arms Race. Cambridge London, MIT Press, 1990; Charles Piller, K. R. Yamamoto, The US Biological defense research program in the I980s, in Preventing a biological arms Race. Cambridge London, MIT Press, 1990; Joseph D. Douglas, "America the vulnerable. Lexington, 1987; Laurence Pringle, "Chemical and Biological Warfare: The Cruelest Weapons," Enslow Publishers, 1999.

41). Laurence Pringle, "Chemical and Biological Warfare: The Cruelest Weapons," Enslow Publishers, 1999.

42). Sharon Stevens, Miami Herald; Amy 1. Nelson, Karol S. Elias, E. Arevalo G., Lee C. Darlington, and Bryan A. Bailey, "Genetic Characterization by RAPD Analysis of Isolates of Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. erythroxyli Associated with an Emerging Epidemic in Peru,", 9/9/1997.

43). Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Dengue type 3 infection- Nicaragua and Panama, October-November 1994. MMWR 1995;44:21-4; CDC, Dengue Fever, Division of Vector-Borne Infectious Diseases 200 1 Dengue/Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever: The Emergence of a Global Health Problem April-June 1995; see also Paul Rogers, Simon Whitby, and Malcolm Dando, "Biological Warfare Against Crops" Scientific American 6/1999.

44). Ed Vulliamy, London Observer, 7/2/2000. 45). Associated Press, 9/5/2001; Pravda, "Secret Pentagon Germ Factory," 9/7/2001; The Times (London), "Secret US germ tests threat to treaty," 9/5/2001.

46). Thomas E. Ricks & Vernon Loeb, "Bush Developing Military Policy Of Striking First New Doctrine Addresses Terrorism," Washington Post, 6/10/2002.

47). San Jose Mercury News, 7/14/2002.

48). United States Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit Final Report of the Independent Counsel for Iran/Contra Matters Lawrence E. Welch, Independent Counsel, August 4, 1993, Washington D.C. Volume 1. Investigations and Prosecutions; President's Special Review Board, "The Tower Commission," Bantam Books/Times Books, 1987; Bob Woodward & Carl Bernstein, "All the President's Men."

49). ABC News, 9/27/2001.

50). Bayer is a major investor in the Carlyle Group, which is headed by former assistant CIA director and former Reagan-Bush Secretary of Defense, Frank Carlucci. George H.W. Bush is a consultant for Carlyle, and his consultant fees are paid back into Carlyle in return for stock.

51). Richard Sasuly, "IG Farben." -Senator Claude Pepper, forward to Richard Sasuly, "IG Farben." Joseph Borkin, "The Crime and Punishment of IG. Farben," 1978.

52). Webster G. Tarpley & Anton Chaitkin, "George Bush: The Unauthorized Biography," The Executive Intelligence Review; John Loftus and Mark Aarons. "The Secret War Against The Jews" St. Martins Press, New York, 1994; Charles Higham, 'Trading with the Enemy: An Expose of the Nazi-American Money Plot 1933-1949," Delacorte Press, 1983; As detailed by Robert Lederman in the Philadelphia City Paper (1/18/01) "banks and shipping companies operated by the Bush family" invested millions of dollars into IG Farben. It is IG Farben, which produced the poison gas Zyklon B which was used to murder Jews, Gypsies, Russians and so on. IG Farben built and operated, in conjunction with Himmler's SS, more than 40 concentration camps, including Auschwitz. Presto Bush, the vice-president of Harriman and Co. and president of Union Banking, became one of the directors of the Hamburg-Amerika line. Hamburg-Amerika Line, was a Nazi front-company whose partners included IG. Farben.

53). Tom Mangold & Jeff Goldberg, "Plague Wars: A True Story of Biological Warfare," St. Martin's Press; 2000; Laurence Pringle, "Chemical and Biological Warfare: The Cruelest Weapons," Enslow Publishers, 1999; Stephen Endicott & Edward Hagerman, "The United States and Biological Warfare," Indiana University Press, 1999.

54). Webster G. Tarpley & Anton Chaitkin, "George Bush: The Unauthorized Biography," The Executive Intelligence Review; Emanuel Josephson, "Rockefeller 'Internationalist,''' Chedney Press, 1952. Bush, Harriman and Rockefeller were partners in various ventures. Whereas Rockefeller and the Harrimans funded eugenics research, Bush and Harriman also conspired to bring Nazis into the U.S. to give speeches favoring eugenics. See also testimony of Capt. Frederick C. Mensing, John Schroeder, Paul von Lilienfeld-Toal, "Investigation of Nazi Propaganda Activities and Investigation of Certain Other Propaganda Activities," Public Hearings before A Subcommittee of the Special Committee on Un-American Activities, United States House of Representatives, Seventy Third Congress, New York City, July 9-12, 1934 -- Hearings No. 73-NY-7, Washington: U.S. Govt. Printing Office, 1934.

55). Letters to and from Averell Harriman, the principle partner, in the Hamburg-American Line, frequently make references to eugenics. These include letters to and Dr. Charles B. Davenport, President, The International Congress of Eugenics. Cold Spring Harbor, L.I., N.Y. (e.g., letter of January 21, 1932 from Harriman to Davenport: I will be only too glad to put you in touch with the Hamburg-American Line." Letter of January 23, 1932 from Davinport to Harriman: "Thank you very much for the action you took which I hope will enable more of our German colleagues to come to America on the occasion of the congresses of eugenics and genetics. In 1934, congressional hearings established that Hamburg-Amerika was transporting Nazis into America who were distributing and promoting Nazi propaganda and giving speeches promoting eugenics (See Investigation of Nazi Propaganda Activities and Investigation of Certain Other Propaganda Activities, U.S. Congress, 1934).

56). Stefan Kuhl, "The Nazi Connection: Eugenics, American Racism, and German National Socialism," Oxford Univ Press, 2002. As detailed in this book, American scientists, social theorists, and America's royal families, inspired and applauded Nazi racist ideology. A 1907 Indiana law permitting the sterilization ofthe mentally handicapped predated and served as a model for Germany's 1933 Law on Preventing Hereditarily III Progeny. The 1924 American Immigration Restriction Act was later praised by Adolf Hitler in his book, Mein Kampf. With the help of the Harrimans and Rockefellers, German theorists came to the U.S. seeking international legitimacy: it unfortunately proved an influential model, not only intellectually but politically. The Rockefeller Foundation and Jewish philanthropist James Loeb helped fund major eugenics institutes in Germany, including the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute for Anthropology, Eugenics and Human Heredity. See also, Wendy Kline, "Building a Better Race: Gender, Sexuality, and Eugenics from the Turn of the Century to the Baby Boom," University of California Press, 2001.

57). See, Rockefeller Collection, Title Rockefeller/Eugenics, Stacking Code GC/88, AccNo 239, box 1: Includes copies of correspondence from the Rockefeller Family Archives, pertaining to support given to the English Eugenics Society for their researches in birth control and eugenics, 1934-1940.

58). Wendy Kline, "Building a Better Race: Gender, Sexuality, and Eugenics from the Turn of the Century to the Baby Boom," University of California Press, 2001; Stefan Kuhl, "The Nazi Connection: Eugenics, American Racism, and German National Socialism," Oxford Univ Press, 2002.

59). Philip R. Reilly, Gerald N. Grob, "The Surgical Solution: A History of Involuntary Sterilization in the United States," Johns Hopkins Univ Press, 1991.

60). The Guardian 8/4/2002.

61). Heinz Hohne. The Order of the Death's Head." Ballantine, New York. 1967; J. Toland. "Adolf Hitler," Doubleday, New York, 1976; W. L. Shirer. "The Rise & Fall of the Third Reich." Fawcett World Library, New York, 1960.

62). Congressional Record for Bush speech in the House of Representatives, Sept. 4, 1969. See also Bush Task Force testimony 8/5/69. After he became President, sterilization became his administrations "first choice" of reducing the population in third world countries (Joanne Grossi, USAID's Population Office, July 16, 1991). Under his administration, the U.S. government paid for the surgical sterilization of undesirables in Mexico, the Caribbean, Puerto Rico, Panama, Brazil, and India (Nafis Sadik, "The State of World Population," New York, United Nations Population Fund; User's Guide to the Office of Population, 1991, Office of Population, Bureau for Science and Technology, United States Agency for International Development).

63). Military Review, 11/1970.

64). "Synthetic Biological Agents," 7/111969; United States Senate Library, U.S. Government Printing Office.

65). Department of Defense Appropriations for 1970 H.B. 15090; Hearings before a Subcommittee of the Committee on Appropriations, House of Representative, Ninety-First Congress, First Session, Subcommittee on Department of Defense, George H. Mahon, Texas, Chairman.

66). "Special Virus Cancer Program: Progress Report No. 8," prepared by the National Cancer Institute, Viral Oncology, Etiology Area, July 1971, submitted to NIH Annual Report in May 1971, updated July 1971.

67). The War Reserve Service (WRS) was formed under the direction of George W. Merk, of the Merk Company, a pharmaceutical firm, in 1942, for the purpose of conducting biological warfare agents. Through the WRS, so many promising biological agents were discovered, and the research program grew so rapidly, that the Army Chemical Corps decided to relocate much of this work to Camp Detrick, Frederick, Maryland, which then became a primary site for research and development. By 1946, according to the War Department, "there occurred sixty cases of proven infection caused by accidental exposure to virulent biological warfare agents which required treatment ...and ... 159 accidental exposures to agents of unknown concentrations." Merck continued research with the CIA well into the 19505, see National Security Archives, Gelman Library, The George Washington University: "Inventory: CIA Behavior Experiments Collection (John Marks Donation), Box # 8 "Magic: Mulholland: George Merck: University of Minnesota: Miscellaneous: MKDELTA: ARTICHOKE Docs/ Clips: MKDELTA." Also of interest: Box # II which includes a paper entitled "Twenty-First Century Germ Warfare" by USAF Lieutenant Colonel Robert P. Kadlek "Using biological weapons under the cover of an endemic or natural disease occurrence provides an attacker the potential for plausible denial."

68). Jakob Segal, "AIDS: USA Home-made evil." A 1985 report in the journal Science (227: 173-177), also indicates that HTLV and are very similar, indicating a close taxonomic relationship.

69). G. Williams et al., Lancet ii, 951. 1960.

70). T. Curtis, Rolling Stone, no. 626, 3/19/1992); T. Curtis, Washington Post, 4/5/1992; Edward Hooper, "The Dark River: A Journey to the Source of HIV and AIDS," Little, Brown, 1999. These articles and this book were in part based on discoveries made in the late 19805, by Louis Pascal who found that ground zero for the initial onset of the AIDs epidemic and for the greatest concentration of AIDs cases at that time, was in the same regions in which an experimental oral polio vaccine had been administered to Africans, central Africa It was argued that Hilary Koprowski, in growing his experimental polio vaccine, used monkey kidney tissue infected with SV40.

71). Hilary Koprowski, "AIDS and the Polio Vaccine," Science, 257, 8/21/1992.

72). Science, 286, 12/24/1999.

73). "A tribute to Hilary Koprowski, Scientist, Musician, and Friend," July 19, 1982, No. 29, Wistar Institute, Garfield Library University of Pennsylvania.

74). The Rockefeller Foundation and Jewish philanthropist James Loeb helped fund major eugenics institutes in Germany, including the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute for Anthropology, Eugenics and Human Heredity. With the help of the Harrimans and Rockefellers, German theorists came to the U.S. seeking international legitimacy: it unfortunately proved an influential model, not only intellectually but politically. See also, Stefan Kuhl, "The Nazi Connection: Eugenics, American Racism, and German National Socialism," Oxford Univ Press, 2002.

75). From 1927 to 1941, Dulles worked as lawyer and international finance specialist for Sullivan & Cromwell, a Wall Street law firm in New York. Dulles performed work for Bush, Harriman, and Rockefeller in setting up business relationships with the Nazis and with top Nazi industrialists and played a pivotal role in promoting U.S.-Nazi corporate relations including those between the Rockefellers and IG. Farben. Allen Dulles was also legal counsel for Standard Oil and the Nazi's I. G. Farben, co-owned by the Rockefellers. Dulles was recruited by OSS intelligence chief Colonel William J. Donovan, in 1941, and was posted to Berne, Switzerland. Dulles was picked because of his great expertise on Germany which he acquired through his law firm during the 1930s. From October 1942 to May 1945, he gathered intelligence information on Nazi Germany related to all aspects of the war effort, including as it pertains to commerce, industry, espionage, and biological weapons.

76). The Washington Post, 2/2/1918; John Loftus and Mark Aarons. "The Secret War Against The Jews" St. Martins Press, New York, 1994; Charles Higham, "Trading with the Enemy: An Expose of the Nazi-American Money Plot 1933-1949," Delacorte Press, 1983; Webster G. Tarpley & Anton Chaitkin, "George Bush: The Unauthorized Biography," The Executive Intelligence Review; Anthony Sutton, "Wall Street and the Rise of Hitler," Eustace Mullins, "The World Order," 1980; Emanuel Josephson, "Rockefeller 'Internationalist,''' Chedney Press, 1952.

77). The World Health Organization, "AIDs, a Global Epidemic," and UNAIDS, an umbrella group for five U.N. agencies, the World Bank and the World Health Organization, provides much lower estimates. As of the year 2002, 42 million people have AIDs and that 29.4 million of them live in Africa. It should be stressed that these estimates are based only on those individuals who actually seek and receive treatment at official treatment facilities which keep these records.

78). In 1978, the Centers for Disease Control began running ads requesting the participation of promiscuous homosexual men to take part in an "Experimental Hepatitis B vaccine trials." The first experiments conducted by the CDC, began in New York, Los Angeles and San Francisco. In 1981 the first cases of AIDS are confirmed in homosexual men in New York, Los Angeles and San Francisco, triggering speculation that AIDS may have been introduced via the Hepatitis B vaccine.

79). National Security Study Memorandum (NSSM) 200, April 1974, US National Security Adviser, Dr. Henry Kissinger (released in 1990 under the Freedom of Information Act), US National Archives. "Depopulation should be the highest priority of US foreign policy towards the Third World... reduction of the rate of population growth in these States is a matter of vital US national security."

80). Amnesty International (Index MDE 19/013/2000), 9/15/2000).

81). P. Manning, "Martin Bormann: Nazi in Exile," Lyle Stuart, 1981; According to Manning, on August 10, 1944, the Rockefeller-Farben partners transferred their "flight capital" to "safe havens" and affiliated German/ French, American, British and Swiss banks "for the new Germany." This secured "the sophisticated distribution of national and corporate assets to safe havens" throughout the world, funds which could be used to support further development of the "Neuordnung" (new order) for banking, defense, and the global petrochemical pharmaceutical industry. Merck was also a primary recipient of the Nazi "flight capital." Millions of dollars were deposited in Merck's accounts on August 10, 1944 at the time the company's President, George W. Merck, was America's biological weapons industry director.

82). Antony C. Sutton, "Wall Street and the Rise of Hitler."

83). U.S, War Department, "Elimination of German Resources."

84). IG Farben was also the eyes and ears of Nazi Germany, with the Berlin N.W. 7 office of IG. Farben serving as the key Nazi overseas espionage center. The espionage unit operated under Farben director Max Ilgner, nephew of IG. Farben president Hermann Schmitz. Max Ilgner and Hermann Schmitz were on the board of American IG., with fellow directors Henry Ford of Ford Motor Company, Paul Warburg of Bank of Manhattan, and Charles E. Mitchell of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York. According to the War Department, Chemnyco, Inc., served as the U.S. arm of the Farben (VOWI) intelligence network and relied on German and American businessmen to steal industrial secrets, including even blueprints and detailed descriptions of whole industrial plants, which would then be sent to IG Farben headquarters. Germany's most effective intelligence agents were solid, respectable businessmen. The U.S. War Department also accused IG. Farben and its American associates such as Harriman and Bush of engaging in Nazi psychological and economic warfare through the dissemination of propaganda. See U.S. Congress, House of Representatives, Special Committee on Un-American Activities, Investigation of Nazi Propaganda Activities and Investigation of Certain other Propaganda Activities. 73rd Congress, 2nd Session, Hearings No. 73-DC-4. (Washington: Government Printing Office, 1934), Volume VIII, p. 7525.

85). New York Times, 10/21/1945 - "Use Dynamite, a new German law and four-power action by the Allied Control Council to smash the IG. Farben."

86). CIA-Nazis Burton Hersh, "The Old Boys: The American Elite and the Origins of the CIA," Tree Farm Books, 2001. Christopher Simpson, "Blowback." T. H. Tetens, "The New Germany and the Old Nazis;" Christopher Simpson, "Blowback: America's Recruitment of Nazis and Its Effects On the Cold War," Wiedenfeld & Nicholson, 1988; Tom Bower, "The paperclip conspiracy: the hunt for the Nazi scientists," Little, Brown, 1987; Charles R. Allen, Jr. Nazi war criminals in America: facts-action: the basic handbook," Highgate House, 1985; Clarence Lasby, "Project Paperclip; German scientists and the Cold War," Atheneum, 1971.

87). In 1939 six major concentration camps were constructed, complete with factories and surrounded by slave labor camps: Dachau, Sachsenhausen, Buchemwald, Mauthausen, FIossenburg, and Ravensbruck. These were followed by several major concentration camps which served as major industrial centers. These included, Auschwitz, Belsen and Dora where the V-1 and V-2 rockets were assembled in underground tunnels. Upon arriving at a slave labor camp, as they emerged from the crowded and cramped cattle cars, men, women, and children were sorted into three groups: 1) Men who were healthy enough to work as slaves -- most of whom could be counted on to survive for about six months before they became sick-. 2) Young attractive women who became whores in the whore houses which serviced SS guards and others. 3) Children, mothers, and men and women who were old or sickly, and who were usually immediately gassed to death and cremated. At the peak of operation, in September 1944, nearly 10 million civilians and prisoners of war worked as slave laborers. Prisoners of war included mostly Russian and Ukrainians, whereas over 7.5 million civilians from Poland, Russia, Ukraine, France, Belgium, Holland, Denmark, Norway, Luxembourg, Czechoslovakia, Hungary, Yugoslavia, Greece, Italy, Algeria, and other countries served as slaves.

88). "Walker v Bayer Corporation," 6,200 hemophiliacs who contracted AIDS after receiving blood transfusions, settled for $100,000 per claimant; see letter, Sally K. Richardson, Director Center for Medicaid and State Operations, 1/20/1998; See also, R.K. Massie, "Blood feud: A mother takes the hemophilia tragedy to court," The New Yorker, 6/16/1997.

89). JAMA, 4/15/1998; JAMA, 1/6/1996. In January 1999, and in response to pressure from the Pharmaceutical industry, the AMA fired JAMA-Editor-in-Chief Charles Lundberg.

90) K.P., O'Meara, "Investigative Report: Government ripoff on the Cipro deal," Washington Times, Insight Magazine, 11/26/2001.

91). D. Charlotte, "Rules relaxed in rush for a new smallpox vaccine," The Guardian, 10/25/2001.

92). According to investigator, Sherman Skolnick of Chicago, the Carlyle Group is a major investor in BioPort. We were unable to receive a confirmation or denial from BioPort or Carlyle. The major stock holders in the Carlyle Group include Frank Carlucci, former assistant director of the CIA and former Secretary of Defense; George H.W. Bush, Jim Bakker former Secretary of the Treasury, the bin Laden family, and Bayer AG.

93). A.J. Evenson & Tim Martin, Lansing State Journal, 9/28/2000.

94). Bill Hogan, Mother Jones Magazine, January/February 2002.

95). Barbara Hatch Rosenberg, "Analysis of the Anthrax Attacks," Federation of American Scientists, February 2002.

96). The Sun, October, 2001.

97). Associated Press, 10/4,5,8,10,12,16,18; New York Times, 10/ 12,16, 18; Washington Post, 10/12,16,18; Time Magazine, October, 2001; Newsweek, October, 2001; Neely Tucker & Avram Goldstein, "Anthrax Threat Takes A Wider Scope, New Cases Emerge: Some Mail Halted," The Washington Post, 10/24/2001.

98). BBC, "Malaysia requests anthrax attack evidence," 10/15/2001.

99). Joint House Senate Intelligence Committee, June-September, 2002.

100). London Telegraph, 10/16/2001; AP 10/16/2001.

101). W.J. Broad & David Johnston, "Bioterrorism, Report Linking Anthrax and Hijackers Is Investigated," New York Times, 3/23/2002.

102). New York Times, "Errors seen in FBI anthrax probe Destruction of university sample may have caused clues to be lost," 11/9/2001.

103) "We didn't recommend one way or another whether they should destroy it," said Larry Holmquist, a spokesman for the FBI in Omaha, Neb., which runs the bureau's Iowa operations. "But we did say it had no evidentiary basis."

104). American Free Press, "New FBI Head Is Old Bush Cover-Up Man," 8/20/2001; Federation of American Scientists.

105). The anthrax spores that contaminated the office of Senate Majority Leader Thomas A. Daschle's office were extremely small in size, between 1 to 3 microns in diameter. Grinding down an anthrax spore to this size is a first requirement for making "weapons grade" anthrax. In addition, the spores had been treated with a chemical additive to remove any electrostatic charges which might cause the particles to lump together. This technique is so sophisticated that only two or three nations are thought to have been capable of making it, i.e. the United States and Russia. The additives essentially "weaponized" the anthrax spores making it possible for them to be suspended in the air and thus more easily inhaled. The electrostatic problem was apparently solved by researchers at Fort Dietrick back in the 1960s. Bill Patrick, who developed the process at Fort Detrick holds at least five secret patents on these procedures. Army Maj. Gen. John Parker, commander of Fort Dietrick, disputes the possibility that these anthrax spores were weaponized or created at Fort Dietrick. He claims the spores are "rugged and clumpy." When samples from Fort Dietrick were sent to yet another facility, Battelle, a military contractor that does secret work for the Pentagon and CIA, what Battelle researchers didn't know, at first, was that scientists at Fort Detrick had irradiated the anthrax spores. In consequence, when Battelle processed its sample it got a lower value for virulence and dispersal qualities, and thus incorrectly concluded that the anthrax was not weapon's grade.

106). Lansing State Journal, 10/12/2001; Dave Eberhart, "Anthrax Vaccine Manufacturer Under Siege,", 11/10/2001.

107). Tim Martin," Papers in Kabul linked to BioPort. Pakistan detains 2 men after anthrax documents were found in an office," 11/30/2001.

108). Newsweek, 6/4/2002; ABC News, 6/4/2002; CNN, 8/1/2002. Confirmed before joint House and Senate Intelligence Committees, United States Congress, June-September 2002. As reported by Newsweek, 6/4/ 2002 and ABC News, 6/4/2002, and as reported before joint House and Senate Intelligence Committees, United States Congress, the CIA tracked two of the 9/11 hijackers (al-Midhar and al-Hamzi) from Malaysia to the United States, and informed the FBI of their arrival in the U.S. in January 2000. Confirmed before joint House and Senate Intelligence Committees, United States Congress, June-September 2002.

109). CNN, 8/1/2002, reported that "Jarrah had spent at least three weeks in January 2001 at an al-Qaeda training camp in Afghanistan." Upon completing his terrorist training, the CIA, which had been monitoring his movements, requested that intelligence officials based in the United Arab Emirates question him about "his terrorist activities."

110). Associated Press, "White House Mail Machine Has Anthrax," 10/23/2001.

111). Judicial Watch, 6/7/2002.
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Postby admin » Sat Aug 01, 2015 4:11 am



George H.W. Bush was riding high in the polls, in 1992, and he was looking forward to his re-election, and the election of his two sons who were seeking the governorships of Texas and Florida. He had every reason to believe he would easily be re-elected. The Soviet Union had ceased to exist on December 21, 1991. Najibullah, the former secret police chief and the communist leader of Afghanistan had been overthrown by the mujahideen and was now hiding out. Iraq had been defeated and was slowly being strangled to death through economic sanctions. And Bush had a 90% approval rating.

Bush, the CIA, the Department of Defense, were making long range plans for the establishment of the "new world order" (1) -- echoing the words of Adolf Hitler some 60 years before.

The "new world order" is, however, a "Hegelian" concept, and the Hegelian dialectic requires controlled conflict, between opposing parties (2): thesis - anti-thesis = Synthesis (the New World Order). For the last half of the 20th century, the communist Soviet Union had made up half of that equation. But in December, 1991, the Soviet Union, the communist threat, and the "Cold War," had died and ceased to exist.

Bush, the CIA, the bankers, arms merchants, and the Wall Street elite, needed a new boogey man, other than just Saddam Hussein.

So Bush and team met with his Saudi friends ...

And they plotted and they planned ...

The American people did not know it yet ...

Terrorism was coming home, courtesy of the CIA and George Bush's Saudi friends.

The CIA, during the Reagan and the first Bush administration, imported foreigners into this country, where they were trained to conduct terrorist acts (3, 4). These CIA-trained terrorists, were then unleashed on other countries, such as Nicaragua, Afghanistan, East Timor, Salvador, Columbia, and so on.

During the Reagan and the first Bush administration, the CIA and the Saudis, via Pakistan, were also funding the education and the training of "Holy Warriors" the Mujahideen, who would then go forth and murder women, children, old men, and shoot down and blow up commercial airlines. Although the vast majority of the Mujahideen were trained in Pakistan (5), some of the more promising candidates for terrorist training, those destined to take leadership roles, were brought to the United States (6).

According to Michael Springman, the former head of the American visa bureau in Jeddah: "While in Saudi Arabia, I was repeatedly ordered by high level State Dept. officials to issue visas to unqualified applicants. These were, essentially, people who had no ties either to Saudi Arabia or to their own country. I complained bitterly at the time there. I returned to the US, I complained to the State Dept. here, to the General Accounting Office, to the Bureau of Diplomatic Security and to the Inspector General's office. I was met with silence. What I was protesting was, in reality, an effort to bring recruits, rounded up by Osama Bin Laden, to the US for terrorist training by the CIA."

Some of them stayed.

But, on whose orders and why?


The Saudis funded hundreds of madrassas (religious schools) many of which were located adjacent to the numerous squalid refugee camps in Pakistan where they preyed upon the tens of thousands of impoverished, unskilled young men who were without hope and without a future. This hopeless youth were lured to the madrassas which provided them a religious education that emphasized "jihad," "Islamism," "Wahhabism," and the harshest interpretations of Islam (7).

"Jihad" these young boys and men learned, meant holy war against all non-Muslim infidels. This training was in accordance with Ibn Taymiyya's classic and literal interpretation of jihad as laid out in his book, "al-Siyasa al-shariyya fi Islah al rai'i wa alra'iyya" (8). "Islamism" too emphasizes "jihad" and is likewise based in part on the work and thought of Ibn Taymiyya. Those adhering to Islamism believe it is permissible to kill those practicing other faiths including those Muslims who do not accept Sunni ideology, such as Shiits, Tajiks, Hazaras and Uzbeks.

"Jihad" is a religious duty (8,9,10).

"The command to participate in jihad and the mention of its merits occur repeatedly in the Koran and the Sunna. Jihad ... is the best voluntary act that man can perform ... Jihad implies all kinds of worship, both in its inner and outer forms. More than any other act it implies love and devotion for God, who is exalted ... trust in Him, surrender one's life and property to Him ... Since lawful warfare is essentially jihad and since its aim is that the religion is God's entirely and God's word is uppermost, therefore according to all Muslims, those who stand in the way of this aim must be fought" (10).

Their training complete, the Mujahideen were shipped off to Afghanistan, where they shot down civilian airliners with U.S.-supplied stinger missiles, and murdered doctors, nurses, teachers, and whipped and tortured women for not wearing the veil or for allowing a wisp of hair or a patch of bare skin to show (5, 6, 11).


For decades the oil men and the Saudis have been lusting after the oil rich Caspian Basin and the undeveloped oil-riches beneath the soil of the Soviet central Asian republics (Turkmenistan, Kazakhstan, Azerbaijan, and Uzbekistan). However, the best oil-pipeline route to the Soviet underbelly, was, and is, through Afghanistan.

In the early 1970s, Afghanistan was being actively considered for international aid and assistance. "A model for development," recalled Amir Usman, a Pakistani ambassador in Afghanistan.

A lot of countries wanted a piece of the action.

Added Amir, "The Americans built the Kabul-Torkham road leading east to Pakistan and the Russians built the road to the Amu Darya leading north to the then-Soviet Union. It was a happy coexistence."

When it came to the Soviet Union, however, happy coexistence was not the aim of Republican foreign policy, which also explains the road being constructed to Pakistan. The ulterior goals of the United States were not so much to aid in the development of Afghanistan but to eliminate Soviet influence (28,30,31,32). Any oil pipeline that might someday link the oil-rich states to the sea, must pass through Afghanistan and then Pakistan. Pakistan was the key to Afghanistan and Pakistan never wanted an independent or Soviet-controlled Afghanistan. They wanted a Pakistani puppet.

However in 1973, the Soviets gained the upper hand, when a series of coups brought down Afghani King Mohammed Zahir Shah. A Marxist dictatorship later came to power in 1978.


In the late 1970s, the CIA in conjunction with the Saudi Royal family, began to sketch out long ranged plans to destabilize Afghanistan, Iraq, and the southern Islamic states of the Soviet Union (28,30,31,32). It was believed that terror attacks and the importing of Sunni Wahhabism into these regions would create a Islamic fundamentalist uprising, causing the oil-rich southern states to break away (3,5). These uprisings, it was hoped would also cause the secular government of Iraq and the communist government of Afghanistan, to fall.

Once this was accomplished the oil of the Soviet central Asian republics could then be pumped along a pipeline leading across Afghanistan into Pakistan, and from there to the sea. Hence, not only the southern states, but Afghanistan would have to be freed from communist Soviet control.

The Soviets had been in Afghanistan since the Bolshevik revolution in 1919. When, a few years later, the Afghans broke the yoke of the English, the Russians invaded the country, setting up hospitals, schools, and telephone and telegraph communications systems (33). Nevertheless, the Brits remained interested parties and struggled with the Soviets to regain influence. They were soon joined by the Americans.

In 1929 Nader Shah became king of Afghanistan, and was then succeeded by his son Mohammed Zahir Shah who attempted to maintain a neutral relationship with the Soviets, the British, and the Americans. However, in 1947 when Pakistan became a state, the new Pakistani government began a political dispute with Afghanistan over the right of self-determination of the Pashtun and Baluch tribes who lived along the frontier between the two countries (43). Pakistan was making demands on Afghani territory. America and Britain began championing the Pakistani cause. Indeed, in 1953, Vice-President Nixon -- the Bush family's mouthpiece in the White House -- made a visit to Kabul and made demands that favored Pakistan which was aligned with Saudi Arabia, thus forcing Afghanistan into the arms of the Soviets (43).

In 1973 King Mohammed Zahir Shah was overthrown by his cousin, Prince Sardar Mohammad Daoud who made himself President. In April 1978 Daoud and his entire family were murdered during a bloody coup that also claimed the life of U.S. Ambassador Adolph "Spike" Dubs.

In 1978, the first Marxist government was established in Afghanistan (43).

In 1978, Osama bin Laden who was representing his family company in Istanbul, began working with the Saudi and Pakistani Intelligence Agencies, in conjunction with the CIA, providing support, funds and other assistance to develop an Afghani resistance movement that would overthrow the Soviet backed Afghan government (44). The "freedom fighters" would trek from Pakistan to Afghanistan along the roads constructed by the bin Ladens with the financial assistance of the Nixon-Ford, and the Bush CIA.

In 1979, the CIA and the Carter administration officially agreed to join in Saudi-backed efforts that were already underway in Afghanistan. As detailed by Zbigniew Brzezinski, National Security Adviser to the Carter Administration (13), in July 1979 the CIA and Carter administration began providing massive aid to the Afghan resistance in order to draw the Soviets into Afghanistan and to instill civil unrest in the central Asian countries it controlled.

As admitted by Brzezinski, "according to the official version of history, CIA aid to the mujahideen began during 1980 after the Soviet army invaded Afghanistan. But the reality, secretly guarded until now, is completely otherwise: Indeed, it was July 3, 1979, that President Carter signed the first directive for secret aid to the opponents of the pro-Soviet regime in Kabul. This aid was going to induce Soviet military intervention. We didn't push the Russians to intervene, but we knowingly increased the probability that they would."

As detailed by Peter Schweizer (12), "arms were being purchased on the international market with Saudi money and the CIA was flying them from Dhahran to Islamabad" where Osama bin Laden was headquartered.
"The CIA was also flying in weapons and ammunition. Ten thousand tons of arms and ammunition were going through the channel every year. However, that this was done through the Wahhabi clan was top secret."

By 1979, Osama bin Laden had taken a leading role in recruiting "Arab-Muslim volunteers for Afghan's resistance against the Red Army" (34) and the launching of CIA-backed holy war which was to hopefully strip the oil rich regions of central Asia from the grasp of the Soviet Union. He was headquartered in Islamabad, the nexus for the intermingling of CIA, Pakistani, and Saudi support (45).

Islamabad, Pakistan, is the main route from the sea to Afghanistan, and Pakistan's rulers and the Pakistan military and Intelligence services were eager to play a role, not just because of the secret aid coming in from the Saudis and CIA, but the riches that would be theirs once a pipeline was built, linking the oil-rich Caspian basin with Pakistan -- a pipeline that would cross Afghanistan once these states were freed of Soviet control.

According to William Casey, Director of the CIA during the Reagan-Bush administration, the principle reason for training and funding the Afghan mujahideen, was to wage terrorism and war against the Soviet Union, "with Saudi cooperation," and to sow discord in the Soviet Central Asia, in order to stir an Islamic revolution and pry these states away from the Soviet sphere of influence (12).

As detailed by Casey (12): "The strategy included substantial financial and military support to the Afghan resistance, as well as supplying the mujahideen personnel to take the war into the Soviet Union itself with Saudi cooperation."

"Arms were being purchased on the international market with Saudi money and the CIA was flying them from Dhahran to Islamabad. The CIA was also flying in weapons and ammunition. Ten thousand tons of arms and ammunition were going through the channel every year" (12).

The CIA, under Reagan-Bush, also "ordered the Directorate of Operations to seek out and recruit Afghans living overseas to help run the international conduit of arms to the rebels." Hundreds of "Afghans were trained by the CIA in the art of international arms shipping" (12).

Soon covert assistance came to include sophisticated high tech military hardware, including "advanced night vision technology, special explosives and precision guided munitions" as well as "access to high-tech American intelligence" (5,12)

Saudi Arabia's King Faud, and other prominent Saudi families belonging to the Wahhabi clan, matched the CIA and the American government dollar for dollar in stirring up revolution not only in the incredibly oil rich Soviet states of Turkmenistan, Kazakhstan, Azerbaijan, and Uzbekistan, but Afghanistan; and in this regard, the Saudis and the CIA, worked directly with Pakistan's Islamic government (45,46).

Why Pakistan and Afghanistan and not Iran?

Because the Muslim majority of Afghanistan, and the Muslim ruling class in Pakistan, were Sunni Muslims and thus closely associated with Sunni-Wahhabism (5). An oil pipeline, built across Afghanistan and Pakistan, would thus enable these states to become like oil-rich Saudi Arabia, as well as ruled by Muslims subscribing to the Wahhabi branch of Sunni Islam. By contrast, the Sunni-Wahhabis not only detested Iran, with its Shiit population, but hoped to someday conquer and convert its people to the Sunni branch of the Islamic faith (3,5).

Pakistan was therefore a key player, and the Saudi Royal family began pouring hundreds of millions of dollars into Pakistan to build, equip and staff hundreds of orthodox, fundamentalist, Islamic schools, the madrasahs.

A madrasah specializes in teaching students to memorize the Koran and to correctly perform Islamic rituals, and initially these schools were established to teach the sons of the Afghan Mujahideen, whose families were in refugee camps in Pakistan.

The madrasahs would be employed to train young men in the strict Wahhabism branch of Islam, and to turn out thousands of holy warriors willing to martyr themselves on the battlefields of Afghanistan.

At the end of their schooling these young men then received military training after which they were sent back into Afghanistan to wage war and to help create a unified Mujahideen and a unified Afghanistan. However, it was never in the cards for Afghanistan to become an independent state. Afghanistan was to be under the control of the royal family of Saudi Arabia and the Saudi-funded Pakistani Intelligence Service.


In addition to providing financial aid to the mujahideen, the Saudis and King Faud provided funds to boost their religious and anticommunist radio broadcasts into Afghanistan and Soviet Central Asia, the oil-rich underbelly of what had been the Soviet Union (12,13). One of the projects close to Faud's heart was the effort to support Islamic movements in Soviet Central Asia. This was done through the Wahhabi clan and was top secret (12).

Mujahideen fighters were becoming more deadly and more effective thanks to the numerous schools established in 1985 to train fighters in weapons use. Two-week courses in anti-tank and anti-aircraft guns, mine laying and lifting, demolitions, urban warfare and sabotage were offered for thousands of fighters. Twenty thousand mujahideen were being pumped out every year by these schools dubbed 'CIA U' by some wags" (12).

Before the end of the first term of the Reagan-Bush administration, the CIA had trained tens of thousands of mujahideen.

Central to this effort was the Saudis and the bin Ladens. Osama bin Laden had been working for the CIA and the Saudi Intelligence service since 1978 (14) -- the same year that George W. Bush founded Arbusto, an oil drilling company that the Saudis/bin Ladens invested in (15).

In 1988, bin Laden was given a new assignment. Osama became the main financier for "Maktab al-Khidamat" ("the Office of Services"), which recruited Muslims from around the world to serve Islam through charitable donations or to come forward to fight as "holy warriors" against the Soviets. This assignment enabled bin Laden to recruit and organize an international network of Islamic radicals, which in turn gave rise to al-Qaeda.

In 1988, al-Qaeda was born -- the same year G.H.W. Bush was elected president.

Al-Qaeda was to be the Islamic version of the CIA, with intelligence operatives and an intelligence network that would span the globe and infiltrate every conceivable Islamic terrorist organization in the world. In 1988, however, the main target remained the oil-rich central Asian states and the progressive and socialist government of Afghanistan.

As summed up by Schweizer (12): "Osama bin Laden's organization was incubated by the CIA in the 1980's when the largest-ever covert operation by the CIA was carried out in Afghanistan against a newly born progressive and socialist-oriented government and then against Soviet troops who had come to the defense of that government."

Essentially, the CIA provided a model of training that was retained and employed by Osama bin Laden and al-Qaeda, an organization that was established in the year George H.W. Bush was elected President, 1988.


It is the key role of the Saudi royal family which explains why Osama bin Laden was chosen to lead this mission. As noted in previous chapters, the bin Ladens have maintained an exceptionally close relationship with the Saudi royal family since the 1930s. This relationship is not based just on business ties, but on friendship, trust and shared secrets and goals (47).

The sons of the Saudi royals and the bin Ladens have attended the same schools and have followed the same paths. However, this relationship was never limited to just the Saudis and bin Ladens but includes the Kashoggi brothers (whose father was the king's personal physician), and Kamal Adham the director of the Saudi services (under King Faisal). The bin Ladens, being part of this network, are thus not just friends and business partners, but trusted advisors who act according to the best interests of the Saudi royals (47).

Thus, whereas Saladin bin Laden and other Saudis had gone into business with the Bush family, Osama bin Laden was acting in concert with the Bush family fingers which not only gripped the CIA, but were playing it like a violin.

Osama bin Laden thus became a major player due to his family's close ties with the Bush family and the Saudi Royal family. Osama brought money and the expertise of his family's construction business to Afghanistan, and, again, with CIA assistance, constructed roads and tunnels and provided funds for arms and munitions (47). However, it was not just money for arms and religious training that bin Laden provided, for in addition to his expertise in construction, bin Laden was also an expert at propaganda.

In an interview in the deserts near Kandahar, Osama bin Laden explained: "My job is to inspire, to organize people. My job is to provoke people. I'm not doing it myself, but I'm preaching so that others will do it" (48).

Osama bin Laden was an expert at Hegelian manipulation. Osama used religion to manipulate the Mujahideen so that they were willing to martyr themselves for a goal that was never revealed to them: oil.


In February of 1989, the Soviet Union, after having sustained incredible losses, decided to withdraw from Afghanistan. Afghanistan, with its numerous tribes and ethnic groups, dissolved into civil war, with different factions of Mujahideen murdering, raping, and destroying one another (46).


By the end of 1992, although George H.W. Bush was out of a job, the mission of the Brotherhood remained the same: the toppling of Saddam Hussein, the seizure of the Iraqi oil-fields, the installation of cooperative regime in Afghanistan, the grabbing of the central Asian oil-prize, and the creation of a New World Order -- a New Order that would be governed by the defense and petro-pharmaceutical industries, and the Wall Street elite.

In 1992, the likelihood of a New World Order, still seemed a world away.

Clinton had been elected president. Saddam was still in power, as was the communist regime in Kabul. The oil fields of Iraq and the south central Asian states were still years beyond reach.

Finally, in April of 1992, as the mujahideen advanced on Kabul, the capital, Dr. Najibullah was forced to resign as President of the Republic of Afghanistan (16). He had been forced out by turncoats in his own party, including General Abdul Rashid Dostum (17).

No lover of democracy, in the 1980s, Dostum had served as a communist union boss on an Afghan gas field, acting as a collaborator with invading Russian forces. Later, he became a major commander for Afghanistan's Communist dictatorship and then joined the communist government, serving as defense minister under President Najibullah. But in 1992 Dostum decided to mutiny, and his betrayal led directly to the downfall of Najibullah and the mass murder of tens of thousands of Afghans living in Kabul.

Dostum, leaders of the mujahideen and other opposition groups, formed an agreement, through the UN, for the establishment of a broad based government that would be led by Prime Minister Gulbuddin Hekmatyar and President Burhanuddin Rabbani. Najibullah, his wife and three daughters, spent the next four years hiding inside a United Nations compound.

However, because they belonged to so many different tribes and ethnic groups, the mujahideen couldn't stop fighting each other long enough to consolidate power (16). Indeed, in addition to the Pashtun majority, there were four other major ethnic groups all vying for power: the Tajik, Hazara, Uzbek, and Turkmen. And then there were the dozen or so other tribes which had battled against one another for generations: the Aimaq, Kirghiz, Wakhi, Farsiwan, Nuristani, Baluch, Brahui, Qizilbash, Kabuli, and Jat.

Even the UN brokered government was fractured. Prime Minister Gulbuddin Hekmatyar and President Burhanuddin Rabbani began scheming against one another from the start. Their disagreements and infighting contributed to a growing civil war which killed about 50,000 people (16).

The civil war in Afghanistan was completely contrary to what the Saudis, Pakistanis, or the CIA had hoped for. Although they never wanted an independent Afghanistan, the chaos which ensued prevented them from creating a Pakistani/Saudi puppet, making it impossible to establish the stability necessary for the construction of an oil pipeline.

The Saudis and Pakistan's Interior Ministry in Islamabad again turned to the madrassas to create a new, unified fighting force which would be trained and then unleashed on the warring tribes of Afghanistan (5,6,16,18). This decision apparently caused some dissent within Pakistan's Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI) agency, which had run the Afghan operations since the late 1970s. The ISI were backing the regime of Prime Minister Hikmatyar which was at war with the Rabbani government. The ISI -- which represented Pakistan's military establishment -- also distrusted the Pakistani government of Benazir Bhutto, and were concerned that Bhutto might use this new fighting force for her own ends in Afghanistan (19).

The civil war in Afghanistan displaced tens of thousands of Afghans who, like their forebears, took up life inside the squalid refugee camps along the Pakistani-Afghan border. And like their forbears, the children of these refugees began studying, in increasingly larger numbers, in the numerous madrassas which had been established throughout Pakistan by the Saudis (5,6,16).

One of the largest and most important madrassas, "Jamiatul-Uloom-il-Islamiyyah," was located in Karachi. Over 8,000 students were enrolled, most from different nationalities. It has been said that future Taliban leader, Mullah Omar, studied at this seminary. Omar, in turn, was associated with Nabi Mohammadi's Harkat group, a "terrorist" organization which was funded by the Saudis.

The Saudis were coordinating the activities of the different madrassas, especially those belonging to the Wahhabi/Deobandi denominations (20). The intention was to form a cohesive group of students (Talibs) who could be trained, armed, and then unleashed on Afghanistan in order to purify the country of its corrupt Mujahideen leaders, and bring Afghanistan under Saudi/Pakistani control. Soon, a puritanical group of young men began to stream out of Pakistan into Afghanistan ( 16, 18, 19, 20). They were known as the Taliban ("the Koran students").


The Taliban, led by Mullah Omar, stormed into Afghanistan in 1993, and in battle after battle they routed the mujahideen while serving Pakistani/Saudi needs.
In November 1994, Benazir Bhutto utilized the Taliban to rescue a major trade caravan that had been captured and was being held for ransom by the local warlord of Kandahar.

The incredible success of the Taliban also caused a rethinking within Pakistan's ISI. The ISI joined with the Interior Ministry's special forces to train and equip the Taliban. However, much of that funding was coming from Saudi Arabia, as the Taliban were eating up almost $70 million a month.

On November 5, 1994, the Taliban captured Kandahar, and immediately set about establishing their brand of Islam on the conquered province. It was ordered that all girls and women were no longer to be educated nor allowed to work. Girls were allowed only to study the holy scriptures of the Koran -- and only up to age 8. Females could not leave their homes unless covered completely by a Burqa and accompanied by a male relative. The Taliban also banned music, movies, television, videos, kite flying, and the owning of pigeons, and ordered that all men must grow a beard and adopt Islamic names. Stoning, whipping, and executions became commonplace as the Taliban conquered more and more of Afghan territory (16,21)

The Saudis were most pleased with the Taliban's strict enforcement of the Wahhabi brand of Islam. By contrast, the Shiits and thus the Iranians, along with the Tajiks, Hazaras and Uzbeks, feared them as it was a common practice for the Taliban to murder Shiit men, women, and children -- including virgins who would be raped first, as it is against Islamic law to kill a virgin.

In September of 1996, after fierce fighting, the Taliban seized Jalalabad, Sarobi, Asadabad, and drove General Abdul Rashid Dostum from Kabul. As they retreated, General Dostum's fighters reportedly slaughtered over 30,000 people and raped young girls and mutilated their bodies and breasts (17). Dostum would later become an ally of the George W. Bush administration.

General Dostum escaped the Taliban. Najibullah was not so lucky. The Taliban tortured him, cut off his genitals which were stuffed into his mouth, and then hanged him and his brothers and assistants (16). On the same day, the Taliban installed a ruling council of six men (a shura) which was commanded by the one-eyed, 6' 6" tall, Mullah Mohammed Omar. Afghanistan had a new government which was ruled by the Taliban whose goal was to establish a pure Islamic state.

Iran, Russia, India, and the central Asian states all condemned the takeover. But not the U.S., Saudi Arabia or Pakistan. Saudi Arabia, Pakistan, and the United Arab Emirates gave diplomatic recognition to the Taliban.
They were eager to do business with the Taliban, as Afghanistan held the key to the oil riches in the territories north of Afghan's border: Turkmenistan, Kazakhstan, Azerbaijan, and Uzbekistan. The plan was, once Afghanistan was completely conquered and stabilized, an oil pipeline could be constructed, from the central Asian states, across Afghanistan, and then to Pakistan and thus to the sea and world markets.

Of course, there were other routes, such as through Russia or Iran -- but these were unacceptable to the Saudis, the U.S., and Pakistan. An oil pipeline, built across Afghanistan and Pakistan, would enable these states to become like oil-rich Saudi Arabia, as well as ruled by Muslims subscribing to the Wahhabi branch of Sunni Islam. By contrast, the Sunni-Wahhabis not only detested Iran, with its Shiit population, but hoped to someday conquer and convert its people to the Sunni branch of the Islamic faith.

Likewise, the U.S. had no interest in doing business with the Iranians, and thus favored the Afghanistan-Pakistan plan.

Islamabad, Pakistan, is the main route from Afghanistan to the sea, which is yet another reason Pakistan's rulers and the Pakistan military and Intelligence services helped to create and were eager to support the Taliban. A puppet-like Afghanistan would not only extend their control and power, but would serve as a conduit for incredible riches that would be theirs once a pipeline was built, linking the oil-rich Caspian basin and the central Asian states with Pakistan -- a pipeline that would cross Afghanistan once the Taliban conquered the country.

The Taliban, however, were not al-Qaeda. They were not only independent of Osama bin Laden, but as they continued to capture more and more of Afghanistan, and were closing in on Kabul, they were becoming more independent of Pakistan and Saudi Arabia (16). As they captured more of Afghanistan, that independence increased even though Saudi Arabia and King Faud were providing additional financial help.

An independent Afghanistan was not what Pakistan or Saudi Arabia desired (16). They wanted a puppet, and the Taliban were refusing to allow the Pakistanis or the Saudis to pull the strings. In fact, the Taliban were casting a disdainful eye upon Pakistan's democratic government, democracy being the anti-thesis of a pure Islamic state. Saudi Arabia was also drawing their ire, due to the presence of the American military on Islam's most holy shores.

By 1996, it had become apparent to the Pakistanis and the Saudis that they may have created a monster they could not control (16).

Enter bin Laden who had established his credentials as a "friend" to Afghanistan, during the 1980s.

His mission: to infiltrate the Taliban and to buy friends and influence with incredible sums of Saudi money coupled with propaganda laced with his new found religious zeal.

But for what purpose?

To destroy them, help them, or bring them to heal?


Osama bin Laden, born in 1957, was one of the youngest of the 54 sons and daughters of Sheik Mohammed bin Laden, a former bricklayer turned billionaire construction magnate. Sheik Mohammed bin Laden died in 1968, leaving Osama with approximately $25 million as inheritance (22).

Many of the bin Laden brothers have different nationalities -- if determined via the maternal line -- the result of Sheik Mohammed bin Laden's forming strategic international alliances through numerous marriages. Thus there is a "Syrian group" (headed by bin Laden brothers Bakr and Yehia), a "Lebanese group" (headed by Yeslam), and an "Egyptian group" (headed by Abdul Aziz). Osama bin Laden is of the "Saudi group," as he was born of a Saudi mother (23 -- though some accounts say his mother was from Yemen.

In 1972, the bin Laden organization was given a group structure and name: the "Binladen Brothers for Contracting and Industry." Although it is headquartered in Jiddahh, it is also represented in a number of capital cities including Beirut, Cairo, Amman, Dubai, Paris, and Geneva (23).

The Bin Laden group, although primarily a construction concern, also has holdings in agriculture, steel production and distribution, auto-manufacturing, and petro-pharmaceuticals. It was also a major investor in the Carlyle group (24), as well as in businesses owned or run by the Bush family (15).

After his father's death, Osama bin Laden moved to Beirut where some say he lived like a spoiled playboy. There are reports of heavy drinking and womanizing, and occasional fights with other spoiled playboys, over some small slight, or because of a woman (25).

However, he also studied engineering in college, an indication that he intended to take an active role in the family company.

In the late 1970s, he was given the opportunity to take a major role in the joint Saudi-CIA mission to recruit, equip and train Afghan freedom fighters.

Osama was chosen for several reasons, such as his family's very close relationship with the Saudi Royal family. Indeed, "the relationship between the bin Ladens and the Saudi royal family is quite exceptional in that its not simply one of business ties: it is also a relationship of trust, of friendship and of shared secrets. The ties of friendship binding bin Laden family members to King Faud and his brothers make them prime confidantes and advisors" (23).

And then there was another factor: The business relationship that had been established between the bin Ladens and the Bush family (15,24). As observed by PBS Frontline (24), there is evidence of "a long-standing connection of highly illegal behavior between the Bush and bin Laden families."

In the late 1970s and throughout the 1980s, Osama bin Laden was used as a recruiter, spymaster, and paymaster, buying "friends" and establishing relationships with a wide variety of Muslim groups throughout the world. Osama bin Laden apparently channeled hundreds of millions of dollars' worth of US/CIA and Saudi funds to the Afghan "freedom fighters" and other groups.

In 1988, the year George H.W. Bush was elected president, Osama used his international connections to establish al-Qaeda (the base).

In 1990, however, following Iraq's invasion of Kuwait, Osama bin Laden returned to Saudi Arabia. Osama wished to be part of any force that would repel Saddam, should he decide to invade Saudi Arabia.

To his chagrin, Osama's help would not be needed.

The United States was intending on stationing 230,000 American troops in Saudi Arabia to take up "defensive action" against Saddam Hussein as part of "Operation Desert Shield." This was to be followed by an additional 200,000 troops, who would be deployed to take offensive action by the U.S.-led coalition forces (26).


According to conventional wisdom, high ranking members of the Saudi military, the intelligence community, and the bin Laden and other powerful Arabian families, vehemently objected to American plans to establish military bases in Saudi Arabia (27).
They argued that Saudi Arabia should defend itself, and that the presence of the Americans in Saudi Arabia would be an affront to Islam. Osama bin Laden, backed up by other leading families and members of the military, directly appealed to the Saudi royal family to rely on native fighters.

We have also been informed that King Faud was cool to the Bush plan to base hundreds of thousands of U.S. troops on Saudi soil, whereas Prince Bandar was pushing for the stationing of permanent U.S. ground troops, explaining to Faud that the troops would be necessary to protect Saudi Arabia from Iraq (27).

Prince Bandar, however. never believed that Iraq was a threat. Instead, he saw the presence of these troops as necessary to destroy Iraq, because "they betrayed us" (22).

As we also know, the Saud family has been eyeing Iraq for decades, as Iraq had at one time been part of Arabia. The Saudis not only wanted it back, but were offended by its secular government and the freedom provided to its women.

Prince Bandar also believed the U.S. would be useful for further joint military operations in the future. Indeed, Prince Bandar eagerly welcomed the U.S. because as he explained to PBS Frontline (22): "America has never been a colonizing power as far as we were concerned. Our relationship with America did not start in 1990. It started in the 1930s. And when the Americans came to Saudi Arabia, they didn't come as an invader. They came actually as a private sector, trying to help us find oil. They found the oil for us, and they've been our friends ever since."

Insofar as Bandar was concerned, this relationship was based on a business partnership, and he trusted his business partners, the Bush gang, to take care of his and their interests as they had been doing for half a century.

As detailed in chapter 6, Bandar was directly involved in working with Bush to illegally fund the Contras who were waging a bloody terrorist campaign in Nicaragua. According to the Final Report of the Independent Counsel for Iran/Contra Matters, "Bandar, Ambassador of Saudi Arabia, had earmarked $25 million for the contras in $5 million increments." This same report also accused Bandar of repeatedly making false statements in an attempt to cover up these illegal activities.

Prince Bandar, like George H.W. Bush, and the bin Ladens, is also a major investor in the Carlyle Group.

As to the Gulf War and Saddam Hussein, Prince Bandar explained that he welcomed the destruction of Iraq. "We felt we are the injured party. We are the one who stood up with Iraq and the Iraqi people. We are the one who brought the whole West to them .... They betrayed us. But my point here is, with all of that betrayal, we did not treat Saddam as a Muslim country ....We treated them as somebody who betrayed Islam and Arab culture and religion" (22).

For almost a century the Saudis had been lusting for Iraq, to "liberate" it from its secular rulers, to seize its oil reserves, and make it again a truly Islamic state that was part of Arabia and ruled and exploited by the Saud family. The United States' intention to attack Iraq, was thus a source of extreme delight to Bandar and his clan.

Prince Bandar also disputes any and all claims that Osama bin Laden was angry with Saudi policy toward the Americans. "Bin Laden used to come to us when America -- underline, America -- through the CIA and Saudi Arabia were helping our brother mujahideen in Afghanistan to get rid of the communist, secularist Soviet Union forces, to liberate them .... Osama bin Laden came and said, "Thank you. Thank you for bringing the Americans to help us to get rid of the secularist, atheist Soviets" (22).

Thus we are told by no less than one of the future kings of Saudi Arabia, Prince Bandar, that bin Laden did not hate the United States, nor did he object to the U.S. presence in Saudi Arabia. He welcomed the U.S. And why not? The U.S. had given him funds, equipment, prestige, and his family stood to make millions of dollars by constructing barracks, housing, and other facilities for the Americans before and after they arrived to fight Saddam. Indeed, even when the Kobie towers were destroyed by "terrorists," and American troops killed and injured, the U.S. and the Saudis hired the bin Ladens to build new facilities.

Why should Osama bin Laden object? His family had been in business with the Bush family for decades (15,24), and the U.S. had helped to make him and his family very rich.

Although the Bush administration and the corporate-controlled mass media wishes us to believe otherwise, no less than Prince Bandar, the Saudi government's official representative to the U.S., has told us that: "Osama bin Laden came and said, "Thank you. Thank you for bringing the Americans to help us.'"


Saudi Arabia, bin Laden's homeland, was soon overwhelmed by more than half a million American troops -- many of which were there to stay indefinitely.

There was outrage throughout the Middle East.

Saudi Arabia is the home of Mecca -- Islam's holiest of sites -- and now the holy lands had been invaded and occupied by the American military.

This was sacrilege, an affront to god!

Worse, not only had the godless and polytheistic Americans invaded the Holy lands, but their women, female GIs, were prancing around "half naked," in shorts, revealing blouses, and with their faces painted with rouge and makeup.

These actions were an insufferable insult to the pious.

Female GIs, were soon ordered to dress more conservatively and to remain on base. But the damage was done.

The American infidels had arrived, bearing weapons, guns and innumerable gods. They had invaded the holy lands. It soon became clear that the Americans were here to stay.

Again, however, according to Prince Bandar (22), those who were unhappy with the American presence were in fact a minority.

As to bin Laden, Prince Bandar tells us, however, that the Saudi Royal family never considered Osama to be a threat. According to prince Bandar, Osama was "not expelled" from Saudi Arabia, but left on his own accord and went to the Sudan. "He left, but we didn't say, 'Get out.' He left." And when he moved to the Sudan he continued his relationship with his family who, along with the Saudi Royal family, did business with him in the Sudan (22).

During and after this same period, the bin Ladens and the Saudis were also still doing business with the Bush family and the Bush-connected Carlyle group. However, although bin Laden, who was also a business man, may have privately approved or at least accepted this relationship between his family and the Americans, publicly it was important that he maintain his persona as an Islamic purist, otherwise his credibility among those groups who truly hated America, would be lost.


The Bush family, the Saudis, and the bin Laden had established business relationships together back in the 1970s -- a relationship which included the illegal selling of arms to the terrorist regime of Iran, and the training of terrorists who were set loose on the men, women, and children of Central- and South America (see chapter 6).

In 1995, the bin Laden's again joined with the Bush family by becoming partners in the Carlyle Group, a well-connected Washington investment bank and defense consortium, whose director is former CIA deputy director and Secretary of Defense, Frank Carlucci. The bin Ladens made an initial investment of over 2 million dollars in the Carlyle Group (28).

George H.W. Bush is a highly paid consultant to the Carlyle Group. Mr. Bush generally receives $80,000 to $100,000 per speech -- money which is then placed in the Carlyle group's investment fund. In other words, Carlyle gives Bush money which Bush then invests in the Carlyle group.

Likewise, during this same time period, when Bush Jr. was governor of Texas, the board that he appointed took 10 million dollars of the Texas school teachers' pension funds and invested that in the Carlyle Group. Later, that same Bush appointed school board would up the ante to $100 million. Like his father, Bush Jr. was also being paid by the Carlyle Group. According to BBC News (29), before he became President, George W. Bush "received fees as director of a subsidiary of Carlyle," i.e., Caterair.

Thus George Jr. was paid by an investment group which included the bin Ladens.

As summed up by the Wall Street Journal (28): "Through this investment and its ties to Saudi royalty, the bin Laden family has become acquainted with some of the biggest names in the Republican Party.

Of course, this was nothing new. The bin Ladens had bought into the Bush family back in the 1970s (15,24). However, in the late 1990s, what the bin Ladens and the Carlyle Group were banking on was war -- a war on terrorism and a war on Afghanistan and then Iraq -- a war which would result in all concerned making a healthy return on their investments (30).

The bin Ladens had in fact already made money off terrorism. After Osama's al-Qaeda reportedly blew up the U.S. military barracks in Saudi Arabia, the bin Laden family was paid to rebuild it. Ignoring for the moment that the explosive used was traced back to the U.S. military, from a business perspective it is a rather neat trick to have a member of one's family blowing up buildings that the same family will be paid to rebuild. It is like starting fires in order to be paid to put them out.

As bin Laden once said: "This is not jihad. Its business."

According to the Wall Street Journal (28), increases in U.S. defense spending, or any war that might be launched because of the actions of Osama bin laden, would directly "benefit Osama's family. If the United States boosts defense spending in its quest to stop Saudi dissident Osama bin Laden's alleged terrorist activities, his family may be the unexpected beneficiary."

In 1996, Osama bin Laden, the business man, was sent to Afghanistan.
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