Solving 9-11: The Deception that Changed the World

"Science," the Greek word for knowledge, when appended to the word "political," creates what seems like an oxymoron. For who could claim to know politics? More complicated than any game, most people who play it become addicts and die without understanding what they were addicted to. The rest of us suffer under their malpractice as our "leaders." A truer case of the blind leading the blind could not be found. Plumb the depths of confusion here.

Re: Solving 9-11: The Deception that Changed the World

Postby admin » Mon Oct 16, 2017 9:07 pm

Chapter 8: The Mass Media & the 9/11 Cover-Up

The government and controlled media have lied to the public about 9/11 since the day it occurred. Those who have discerned and exposed the lies about the "false flag" terror attacks and the fraudulent "War on Terror" have been treated like madmen and criminals. Who controls the "hidden hand" in the U.S. mass media that censors and suppresses the crucial evidence? What is the nexus connecting the architects of terror with the media moguls who are covering up the truth?

Rupert Murdoch, a Jew, is a supporter of Zionism and a friend of Israeli president Shimon Peres.

The on-going cover-up by the U.S. mass media of the evidence of Israeli involvement in 9/11 and of explosions in the World Trade Center is indicative of a high-level connection between the architects of the "false flag" terror attacks and the media moguls who control the major news networks in the United States.

As a longtime observer of Israel and the Middle East, I have watched how the U.S. mass media has increasingly become an instrument of Israeli propaganda. As Zionists have extended their grip on American media networks, the major television, radio, film, and print media outlets have effectively become propaganda tools of a foreign state - Israel - and are used to manipulate U.S. public opinion to support the Zionist agenda. The painfully obvious anti-Arab and anti-Islamic bias of Hollywood films and news-related programs has become ever more extreme as pro-Israel Zionists have achieved near total control of the U.S. mass media.

It needs to be understood that the Zionist conquest of the U.S. mass media did not simply happen by chance or as a result of natural market forces. It is the planned result of a long-term covert strategy put into effect decades ago by the government of Israel to control the news and entertainment networks that inform how Americans view Zionism, Israel, and the Middle East. The Zionists realized that if they could control what Americans read, see, and hear about Zionism and the Middle East, they would be able to control how Americans think about these subjects. Controlling U.S. public opinion is crucial to realizing the Zionist agenda.

Rupert Murdoch's media empire acts as a Zionist propaganda network.

Zionist control of the major media networks has resulted in Americans getting an extremely distorted and biased view of the world, particularly of the Middle East and of such significant events as 9/11 and the "War on Terror." Understanding the strategy and the people behind the Zionist conquest of the American mass media is an essential step to recovering our national sovereignty.

As an independent journalist and researcher of 9/11, I have seen how Zionist-controlled media outlets are actively engaged in covering up the evidence of Israeli involvement in the false-flag attacks of 9/11 and the Zionist-planned "War on Terror." I have personally been subjected to slander and defamation from a host of Zionist-controlled news outlets, including CNN and FOX News, simply because I have investigated and written about the evidence of Israeli involvement in 9/11.

Today, the United States of America is by all appearances an Israeli-occupied state. The U.S. Congress dutifully authorizes the annual payment of an immense tribute to Israel, some three thousand million dollars a year. Like a subservient colony, the United States provides hundreds of thousands of young men and women to fight and die as mercenaries in Zionist-planned wars in the Middle East. The tens of thousands of American and European Christian soldiers and mercenaries fighting in Iraq and Afghanistan are similar to the former Mamluks of Baghdad - captured "male white slaves" serving their Zionist rulers.

This dismal situation is, of course, not new. It has only become more obvious and extreme. The United States has provided more than $109 billion in direct aid to the state of Israel since 1949 ("U.S. Foreign Aid to Israel" by Jeremy M. Sharp, 16 September 2010). Israel receives more than $8.2 million per day from the U.S. taxpayer and this amount is increasing every year.

Hundreds, if not thousands, of U.S. soldiers have died as a result of serving on or near the front lines in Israel's wars. The 241 American marines killed in the Beirut bombing of 1983 and the 34 servicemen killed during the 1967 Israeli attack on the USS Liberty are the first that come to mind.

More than 4,500 American men and women have died during the occupation stage of the nearly two-decade-long war against Iraq. The U.S.-led invasion and occupation of Iraq, an illegal war of aggression, is clearly a Zionist-planned war in which Americans and other mercenaries actually do the fighting -- and dying.


The obvious question is where is the outrage? Where is the spiritual, intellectual, and political resistance to this blatant exploitation of Americans and their national resources by a tiny foreign state with a militant and racist ideology? Why do patriotic Americans tolerate this abuse of the "land of the free and the home of the brave?"

While the power of the Israeli lobby (and an occasional murder) may explain the lack of any significant political resistance in the U.S. Congress to Zionist demands, it cannot explain how the American population has come to accept this extremely bizarre and abusive relationship with a foreign state. How has Zionist control of the United States been foisted onto the American people?


Many Americans willingly accept the extremely one-sided and abusive relationship with Israel because they have internalized three fundamental Zionist deceptions, which have been forced into their brains by the controlled mass media.

The first deception is the religious hoax that equates the modern state of Israel with the Israel of the Bible. This religious fraud elevates modern-day Israelis, regardless of their actual ethnicity, to being the rightful heirs of the Promised Land. Although this hoax is quickly revealed to anyone who actually reads Zionist history, it has been successfully foisted onto millions of extremely naïve and gullible Christians. These misled and abused people are often referred to as Christian Zionists.

The second fundamental Zionist deception is that Israel is a "sister democracy" of the United States and that Israelis and Americans share the same "democratic" values. This lie is also quickly exposed by reading Israeli history or visiting Israeli-occupied Palestine. The only Americans who could possibly share Israeli values are those who believe in Jewish racism and supremacism -- the central pillar of the Zionist world.

The third Zionist deception is that nineteen Arab Muslims under the leadership of Khalid Sheikh Mohammed and Osama Bin Laden were behind the 9/11 attacks at the World Trade Center and the Pentagon. This deception has been used to usher in the Zionist-planned "War on Terror," which has brought U.S. and European troops into an extensive long-term Middle Eastern war.

Why hasn't the media interviewed the families of the nineteen suspected hijackers? Why does the media not demand an open trial for Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, the alleged "mastermind" of 9/11, currently held by the U.S. in Guantanamo? Why is the media treatment of these people only as deep as their photos?

While the first two deceptions are primarily philosophical in nature and rather pointless to argue, the 9/11 deception is painfully real and something we accept and allow to continue at our own peril.


These Zionist deceptions, which are all demonstrably false, have been carefully planted and cultivated in the minds of millions of people through the devices of the Zionist-controlled media. Zionist domination of the mass media and academia in the United States is so pervasive that Americans are subjected, like Truman Burbank in the film The Truman Show, to a constant barrage of multi-level deception, as if the entire population were living in a false construction -- an "Auschwitz of the mind."

Like the false world of Truman Burbank, the Zionist-created worldview is so overwhelming that it prevents many people from ever realizing that they are being held mentally captive. Even when we peel away the layers of deception and expose the fraud, somehow the show goes on. For the criminals in high places, after all, the show must go on.

The first deception, the religious hoax of the Zionist state's connection to the biblical Israel, is doctrine to television evangelists like Pat Robertson and his Christian Coalition, while the second and third have become "conventional wisdom" for the U.S. news and entertainment media. Because millions of Americans have accepted and internalized these Zionist-created falsehoods, they are unable to understand the actual realities of the Middle East or the massive fraud of the "War on Terror." The controlled media is careful to censor any information that might disturb the perverse worldview of America's Christian and Jewish Zionists who are kept in the darkness like children locked in a closet.


When, for example, the highly-regarded Israeli historian Avi Shlaim wrote his 2005 editorial entitled "Is Zionism today the real enemy of the Jews?" his comments were published in the International Herald Tribune (IHT), which is read in 180 nations, but kept out of the pages of the New York Times, the U.S. edition of the same newspaper.

Now, why would the New York Times, whose motto is "All The News That's Fit to Print," censor the viewpoint of a renowned Israeli historian writing on the causes of modern anti-Semitism? What did Shlaim say that the editors at the Times thought was unfit for Americans to read?

"Israel's image today is negative not because it is a Jewish state but because it habitually transgresses the norms of acceptable international behavior. Indeed, Israel is increasingly perceived as a rogue state, as an international pariah, and as a threat to world peace," Shlaim, an Iraqi Jew who was born in Baghdad, wrote. "This perception of Israel is a major factor in the recent resurgence of anti-Semitism in Europe and in the rest of the world. In this sense, Zionism today is the real enemy of the Jews."

When one understands that the primary function of the Zionist-controlled media is to keep Americans in the dark about the Middle East and Zionism, it becomes clear why Shlaim's article was published in the international edition of the New York Times but kept from their U.S. readership. Shlaim's comments would have greatly disturbed the carefully cultivated Zionist worldview of millions of Americans - both Jews and Gentiles - an audience that is both protected and held captive.


As an independent journalist I have seen how many important stories have been covered-up or ignored by the controlled media. I have written about many of these suppressed stories, such as the sinking of the Estonia, the downing of Flight TWA 800, and the dangers of depleted uranium. At the top of my list is the most egregious and criminal cover-up of the evidence of 9/11.

"Ninety-five percent of the work of the intelligence agencies around the world is deception and disinformation," German intelligence expert Andreas von Bülow told me in December 2001. This deception is widely propagated in the mainstream media creating an accepted version of events. "Journalists don't even raise the simplest questions," he said. "Those who differ are labeled as crazy."

After the London press conference during Jimmy Walter's 2005 European 9/11 Truth Tour, two reporters from the BBC were eager to interview me. "Why are you the only journalist who does not believe the official explanation of what happened on 9/11?" was their first question.

The BBC interviewing the author in London

"If that is the case," I told them, "it is probably due to the fact that others who have questioned the official version have lost their jobs as a result." The van was leaving for the hotel so I decided to cut the interview short. I could see where they were heading.

When FOX News and CNN interviewed me on the pretense that they were interested in my 9/11 research and evidence, all they really wanted to do was to smear me as an anti-Semite. In both cases the interviewers were clearly not at all interested in the evidence or my research.

Alan Samuel Colmes, a Jewish talking head for Fox News, was not interested in discussing the evidence of 9/11 but only in trying to smear the author as an anti-Semite.


"The dissident cannot be taken seriously," the veteran British journalist Roland Huntford wrote about the mass media in his book The New Totalitarians. "There is a range of tolerated opinions, and a narrow one it is: woe betide him who departs from it." While Huntford was writing about the controlled media of Sweden in the 1970s, his comments hold true for the Zionist-controlled mass media in the United States today, particularly when the subject is 9/11 or Israel.

I, for example, have paid a very high price for investigating and writing about the evidence that contradicts the government's version of what happened on 9/11. The first attack came from the Anti-Defamation League of B'nai B'rith (ADL) in November 2001. The ADL, an organization of Jewish Freemasonry dedicated to supporting Zionist and Israeli interests, first smeared the American Free Press, the newspaper I wrote for, as a "conspiratorial and anti-Semitic weekly newspaper," which it said had "repeatedly turned to the subject of the 9/11 attacks as grist for its mill."

The ADL then singled me out for my article, "Some Survivors Say Bombs Exploded Inside WTC" in which, the ADL said, "Bollyn suggests that the 'mainstream media' is ignoring eyewitness accounts of bombs that exploded inside the World Trade Center before the collapse of the Twin Towers."

Indeed, the first line of my article from September 2001 said exactly that:

Despite reports from numerous eyewitnesses and experts, including news reporters on the scene, who heard or saw explosions immediately before the collapse of the World Trade Center, there has been virtual silence in the mainstream media.

But, I ask, why would an organization dedicated to Israeli and Zionist interests attack me, as a journalist, for writing about eyewitness reports of explosions in the World Trade Center? What did my writing about this extremely newsworthy subject have to do with Israel or Jews?

Had my BBC interview gone on, I might have asked why the BBC editors had ignored and censored the comments of their own reporter, Steven Evans, who had been in the South Tower (WTC 2) when it was hit and who reported having observed a "series of explosions." Shortly after the destruction of the WTC, the BBC interviewed Evans on their television news program. Because Evans' observations were ignored by the BBC and not followed up, I wrote about his report of the explosions he felt in the South Tower:

Evans was asked what he had seen: "It's more what I felt really," Evans said. "I was at the base of the second tower - the second tower that was hit. There was an explosion – I didn’t think it was an explosion – but the base of the building shook. I felt it shake … then when we were outside, the second explosion happened and then there was a series of explosions…" [At this point the London news anchor cut Evans off in mid-sentence rather than listen to Evans continue to describe the "series of explosions" that he saw and felt. Evans' microphone was turned down.] But in a minute Evans returns to the "series of explosions" that he witnessed: "We can only wonder at the kind of damage – the kind of human damage – which was caused by those explosions – those series of explosions," Evans said.

Evans is a professional journalist and his observations of explosions in the South Tower need to be taken into account by anybody looking into the cause of the catastrophe of September 11. Many eyewitnesses reported similar explosions, but these reports have been censored by the very people who are supposed to be investigating the cause of the collapses. The same kind of censorship occurred with FOX News, CNN, and the leading U.S. news networks that had reporters at the World Trade Center. First-hand reports of explosions at the WTC from professional reporters were broadcast only once -- and never picked up again, except by the much-despised "conspiracy theorists."

The news reports that five Middle Eastern men were being sought in New Jersey after they had videotaped themselves celebrating in front of the burning towers were treated in the same way. The arrest of the five men, all Israelis, two of whom were known Mossad agents, was only reported in the Bergen Record (New Jersey) on September 12, 2001 -- but never discussed or investigated by the national news networks.


Likewise, the story of the Odigo text message warning of the attacks at the World Trade Center - before they occurred - was dropped into the media's memory hole. The instant text messages, which were precise to the minute, had been sent via the Israeli-owned Odigo instant messaging service and had even been received by Odigo employees in Israel, but the story of the Israelis who had prior knowledge of the attacks was never discussed again in the U.S. mass media.

How did the news editors at the BBC, FOX News, CNN, and the leading networks decide to censor their own reporters and avoid discussing certain aspects of 9/11?

Let's look at this logically. The 9/11 event was the biggest story these news editors had ever handled. Suffice it to say that the editorial decisions about how to cover 9/11 must have been made by the boss at the top. Any decision to omit or censor reports about explosions at the World Trade Center or indications of Israeli involvement would have been made by the senior executive of each network. In the case of CNN it would have been Gerald M. Levin, the CEO of Time Warner, who acquired Turner Broadcasting in 1997. (Levin unexpectedly announced his resignation in December 2001, less than three months after 9/11.)

At FOX News the top decision maker would have been Rupert Murdoch, CEO of News Corporation. At ABC News it would have been Michael D. Eisner, CEO of Disney, the network's parent company. Were the media moguls Murdoch, Levin, and Eisner involved in 9/11? How did they know that certain aspects of the event needed to be suppressed? Their networks have been suppressing important information about 9/11 since the day of the event. They have been actively involved in a conspiracy to cover-up the truth. Who is behind this cover-up? What hidden hand would be able to communicate with these men and influence them to suppress important reports and evidence from the terror attacks of 9/11?


If one considers the known evidence of Israeli prior knowledge of 9/11, the Odigo text messages and the five arrested Mossad agents, for example, as indicative of Israeli state involvement in the crime, the identity of the hidden power behind the cover-up is rather obvious. The "hidden hand" suppressing the information about 9/11 would have to be a high-level person in the Israeli political-military intelligence establishment who has very close relations with media kingpins like Murdoch, Levin, and Eisner. Arnon Milchan (a.k.a. Milchen) is such a person.

While millions of Americans have watched his films, such as Pretty Woman and JFK, very few know that Arnon Milchan is a "best friend" of Shimon Peres (born Szymon Perski in Wiszniewo, Poland) the Israeli president and godfather of Israel's nuclear arsenal.

The Israeli movie producer Arnon Milchan (between Peres and Netanyahu) is a close friend of Israel's president Shimon Peres ("his first letter he wrote as president went to me"), Defense Minister Ehud Barak, and Likud Party leader Binyamin ("Bibi") Netanyahu. Milchan, who began his career with the fertilizer/chemical company Milchan Brothers, reportedly owns 30 companies in 17 countries involved in plastics, electronics, communications, and pharmaceuticals.

Milchan's 40-year friendship with Peres, the man who oversaw the illegal development of Israel's nuclear weapon program, is key to understanding Milchan's career as an undercover operative, weapons procurer, and film producer. The fact that Milchan, the Hollywood producer, has been Israel's "foremost weapons procurer" for decades, brokering deals for "everything from nuclear triggers to rocket fuel to guidance systems," is seldom mentioned in the U.S. news media.

This is probably due to the fact that Milchan is also a "best friend" and business partner of Rupert Murdoch. He is also a friend and business partner with Levin (Warner Brothers) and Eisner. "I consider him one of my best friends," Milchan said about Murdoch, "and I think vice versa. We're having a ball. He's a very cool guy."

"Kingpins like Warner Brothers' Gerald Levin and Disney's Michael Eisner are quick to return his calls," the American Jewish journalist Ann Louise Bardach wrote about Milchan in her article "The Last Tycoon" in April 2000.

In 1997, after a six-year relationship with Warner Brothers, Milchan became a partner with Murdoch, selling him twenty percent of his film company, New Regency Productions, for $200 million. Murdoch also invested another $30 million in Regency Television. Today, Murdoch's equity partnership with Milchan is close to fifty percent. "Milchan's deal with Fox also assures him a level of financial security," Bardach wrote. "With Murdoch's $200 million investment and a subsequent $600 million line of credit from a team of banks led by Chase Manhattan, Milchan is well into mogul territory. "Milchan's tony offices occupy most of Building 12, right next door to the Executive Building on the Fox lot," Bardach wrote. "And it is from this seat of power that Milchan is building an entertainment empire that could one day rival Murdoch's."

Peter Chernin, president and chief operating officer of Rupert Murdoch's News Corporation, left, presents Arnon Milchan with a lifetime achievement award at an event celebrating the 60th Anniversary of the state of Israel in Los Angeles on September 18, 2008. Chernin, Murdoch, and Milchan have worked together for many years.


The Israeli influence in films and news media has profoundly affected the quality of news reporting and entertainment. Israeli attitudes and ideas are now disseminated through national media outlets which reach the entire U.S. population on a daily basis. Israeli-made films often reveal hints or clues about actual crimes or criminal plots the Israeli producers are aware of.

One such project, The Lone Gunmen, produced by Milchan's "best friend" Rupert Murdoch, bore an uncanny resemblance to the 9/11 attacks on the World Trade Center. Was this Milchan's influence? The Milchan-Murdoch partnership in television production may be key to understanding the genesis of the plot of the pilot episode of this short-lived television series. In the first episode a passenger airliner is hijacked by remote control and flown toward the World Trade Center. Disaster is narrowly averted at the very last second by over-riding the computer program that has hijacked the plane.

The Lone Gunmen, produced by Rupert Murdoch in 2000, revealed an extremely uncanny prescience of 9/11. During the year it was made, Milchan produced two television series in collaboration with Fox Television: Roswell, which aired on Warner Brothers network, and Malcolm in the Middle, which was aired on Fox. The Lone Gunmen pilot episode aired on FOX Television in March 2001.

Given the long, close, and extensive collaboration between Murdoch and Milchan, it seems fair to ask: Was Arnon Milchan the source of the plotline for The Lone Gunmen? Why were the people involved in the production of this episode not investigated by the media? Why did the media ignore its own uncanny prescience, The Lone Gunmen episode, which mirrored reality precisely six months later? Was the similarity between the Murdoch-produced show and reality too close for comfort? Was it too uncomfortable to discuss the origin of the idea for the show? Apparently so.

Was the Israeli chemical magnate Arnon Milchan the author of the plotline for The Lone Gunmen pilot episode in which a passenger airplane was remotely hijacked and flown into the World Trade Center?

In Milchan's highly-controversial film JFK (1991), directed by Oliver Stone, the assassination of President John F. Kennedy is ascribed to conspirators within the U.S. military-industrial complex. Whose idea was this? Why is Arnon Milchan's own connection with Itzhak Rabin, who was in Dallas on the day Kennedy was shot, not an issue here?

In his futuristic film Brazil (1985), directed by Terry Gilliam, terrorist explosions go off in cafes for no apparent reason, very much like the seemingly senseless terrorism that plagues occupied Iraq. Is this also Milchan's influence?

"Anyone closely associated with Peres pretty well must be satanic," Barry Chamish, a Canadian-Israeli wrote, "but Milchan produced a film that shows he has insider information." Chamish advises his readers to watch The Devil's Advocate with Al Pacino to "understand the implication."

"Milchan runs his company like a family business. Heading up New Regency Productions for him is his childhood friend David Matalon, whose parents were best friends with Milchan's," Bardach wrote. "Daughter Alexandra [Milchan-Lambert] is vice president of production in Los Angeles." Matalon has served as president and CEO of New Regency Productions since 1995.

In 1986, Matalon, an Israeli co-founder of Tri-Star pictures, released a film entitled Iron Eagle, in which the aerial combat scenes were filmed entirely with the Israeli Air Force. The plot of this film is about how a few teenagers are able to steal U.S. military codes, aircraft, and information from under the noses of the military brass and run an entire military operation in which they bomb Libya without the knowledge of the military command. This film gives some indication of the kind of projects and ideas the Israeli military has collaborated on with their fellow Israelis in Hollywood.


"Averse to publicity and little known outside Hollywood" is how Arnon Milchan's biography begins. "My idea of a good profile is no profile," Milchan told Bardach. Murdoch, Levin, and Eisner have obviously respected the Israeli's wish, but why would a Hollywood mogul not want to be known? "Arnon Milchan has kept his secrets to himself," Bardach wrote.

Arnon Milchan with Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie

Indeed, very little is known about Milchan, Israel's super weapons agent, except that he spends more time in Tel Aviv and France than he does in his office on the 20th Century Fox lot in Los Angeles, according to Bardach. Now, why would a Hollywood movie producer spend more time in Tel Aviv, where no movies are being made, than in Hollywood?


Milchan was born on December 6, 1944, on the Zionist settlement of Rehovot, in what was then Palestine, according to his biography in Current Biography (2000). Rehovot, one of the earliest Zionist settlements, was founded in 1890 by Polish and Russian Jews, one of whom was Milchan's paternal grandfather. Rehovot has a street and a neighborhood named "Milchen", no doubt in memory of his grandfather.

"My family's been there for 500 years," Milchan told Bardach. "My grandfather was a very close friend of President [Chaim] Weizmann." Oddly, Bardach does not provide the name of his grandfather who was "a very close friend" of Israel's first president. Nor does she give the name of the ancestors Milchan proudly claims have lived in Palestine for five hundred years. "Milchan's father was an enviable success story himself, having laid the sprinklers that irrigated Israel," Bardach wrote. "Later, he would handle some of Israel's lucrative military contracts, according to his son."

Bardach continues:

However, it was young Milchan who put the company on the map internationally, after his father's sudden death. Following a spot of schooling in London and Geneva, where he excelled in soccer and tennis, Milchan dropped out and returned to Israel. Soon, he struck gold. By marketing a newly discovered nutrient that quadrupled citrus production, he brought his company stratospheric sales throughout the world.

"This is a man who made his fortune by screwing with nature," says screenwriter Shawn Slovo, who began her career as Milchan's secretary in 1977. "He's the Israeli who made the desert bloom. Amazing when you think about it. He could have retired at the age of 22."

Instead, like a kid racing around the Monopoly board, Milchan gobbled up another half dozen businesses--including electronics, chemicals, aerospace and plastics. Still in his early twenties, he met the Shah of Iran and reportedly talked the wily Persian into dozens of contracts, one to build much of Tehran's airport.

When one considers that Arnon Milchan, in his early twenties, was among the founders of Israel's Labor Party in the 1960s with Shimon Peres, Moshe Dayan, and Teddy Kolleck, then one can appreciate that his contracts in Iran and his career in arms dealing and Hollywood have been done with the active collaboration of the Mossad.


Milchan is a "go-between for American weapons manufacturers and the Israeli government, thus playing a major role in the strengthening of the Israeli military," according to Current Biography (2000). "Throughout the 1970s, 1980s, and even up until the Gulf War in 1991, Milchan was Israel's foremost weapons procurer, brokering deals for such prized superweapons as the Hawk missile and the famous Scud-foil of the Gulf War, the Patriot," Bardach wrote.

"At different times in his career, his Israeli company, Milchan Brothers, has represented arms manufacturers such as Raytheon, North American Rockwell, Beechcraft, Bell Helicopter and Magnavox. Or, as Milchan downplays it, 'there were a bunch of them.' Nevertheless, he bristles at being called an arms dealer. 'I'm their rep in Israel,' he says emphatically. 'I get a fee, a commission. I'm not even the buyer. I'm an agent.'

"What we do is send my people to the United States," Milchan told Bardach, "so we know what these guys are talking about, and you go back and say to the buyer, 'I think this guy has some interesting stuff. Would you meet with him?' And then you arrange a meeting with the head of the [Israeli] air force and the head of this and the head of that."

In 1992, Milchan was described by the Jerusalem Post as being "among the handful of Hollywood moguls with the muscle and money to single-handedly give the go-ahead for a new movie project. The Mossad is undoubtedly the source of much of Milchan's "muscle and money."

Who pays Milchan's commissions? Whether the commission is paid by the weapon's vendor or by the state of Israel, the money going to Milchan is American money. He is paid either by the company or from the billions of U.S. taxpayer dollars provided to Israel for weapons every year. In this way, Milchan, Mossad's man in the middle, has been greatly enriched by U.S. weapons sales to Israel.


In 1975, for example, Milchan reportedly received an improper $300,000 commission paid by a Raytheon subsidiary for the sale of Hawk missiles. Raytheon makes the Patriot and Hawk missile systems and key components of the Global Hawk. Of particular interest is Raytheon's Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS) which allow remote operators to pilot the Global Hawk from "thousands of miles away." This is the kind of technology that is thought to have been used in the terror attacks of 9/11.

Terry Gilliam told Bardach that he'll never forget a visit to the Paris Air Show with Milchan during the filming of Baron Munchausen. "It was wonderful to see how the whole arms business worked," Gilliam said. "Arnon was very psyched about the video games. He brought his son with him, who was then a teenager, to play the games, which can replicate the destruction of the planet. He took me to the Raytheon booth, and it was all showmanship. He was obviously a big star to Raytheon."

"Growing up, I would read that he was an arms dealer; he was in the Mossad, and he was a movie producer," his daughter Alexandra told Bardach. She is married to a Scott Lambert, an agent with William Morris in Beverley Hills and graduate of American University in Washington, D.C. (Lambert happens to share the same name of a former Director of Manufacturing Systems at Raytheon.)


When one looks at Milchan's career as an Israeli agent who bought media outlets with dirty money one should consider that this may be the modus operandi he has employed to gain influence and outlets in the U.S. media market. Money laundering could explain his ability to make huge deals and control media networks - and his desire for secrecy.

"He's extremely powerful because he brings money to the table," journalist Anita Busch wrote. "He's unique in that way. He's got a credit line that's astronomical, like, you know, almost a billion dollars." Terry Gilliam, the director of Brazil, wondered where the money came from. "Arnon can be great, but when it comes to money there's something - I don't know - bits just don't seem to connect."

Charles McKeown, a film writer, had a hard time getting paid by the billion-dollar Israeli. "You just never know whether he was telling the truth or not," McKeown said. "The kind of deals he was in, the level of finance and the way he operated, seemed to me like a world upside down. I felt we were dealing with a sort of dangerous, shady quality."


In 1975, the Israeli government headed by Yitzhak Rabin and Defense Minister Shimon Peres recruited Milchan to launder money from South Africa. Milchan "has admitted laundering some of the more than $100 million spent by the South Africans during the 1970s in an attempt to improve the white government's image abroad," according to the authors of The Iran-Contra Connection. Because both Israel and South Africa were ostracized in the 1970s, "The money laundering was part of the two countries' plan to buy newspapers and other media in various parts of the world," his biography reads. "The Rabin government recruited ... Milchan to launder cash ... to purchase influential publications," Andrew and Leslie Cockburn wrote in their book Dangerous Liaison.


Milchan told Bardach he was asked by "prominent Israelis if 'we can use your companies to make deals to buy newspapers.' I said, 'Sure. It sounds like fun.' Basically, I was used as a middleman." A citizen of both Israel and Monaco, he is said to control thirty companies in seventeen countries, profiting in everything from film production to the weapons trade.

But how does one man control thirty companies in seventeen countries? Clearly there must be an entire team behind these businesses. Milchan's team could be called Team Mossad. "I'll say it in my own words," Milchan told Bardach. "I love Israel, and any way I can help Israel, I will. I'll do it again and again. If you say I'm an arms dealer, that's your problem. In Israel, there is practically no business that does not have something to do with defense."

Milchan also funds Christian Zionist movements. Milchan has reportedly contributed significantly to the Christian Coalition, an organization started by the Reverend Pat Robertson, a staunch supporter of Israel. He also underwrites the Israeli Network which transmits Israeli television programs to the United States and Canada via cable and satellite.

Milchan is also an owner of the Israeli television station known as Channel 10. The other owners are Ronald Lauder, who like Milchan owned about twenty-five percent, and Josef (Yossi) Maiman, who owns fifty-one percent and who has been with Channel 10 since it was founded in 2003. Rupert Murdoch bought nine percent of Channel 10 stock from Milchan and Lauder in 2006. Maiman, a Mossad agent, owns and controls a great deal of the gas fields of Turkmenistan. One of the main goals of the occupation of Afghanistan is to build a pipeline to bring the Israeli-owned gas of Turkmenistan to India and China. (Maiman and Lauder are both linked to the Mossad and 9/11. For more on Maiman read my article, "The Great Game: The War For Caspian Oil And Gas." Information about Lauder can be found in "Mossad -The Israeli Connection To 9/11")


Milchan should have been busted in 1985 for smuggling triggers for nuclear bombs, when a business associate, Richard Kelly Smyth, was indicted by a federal grand jury in Los Angeles on charges of smuggling 810 krytrons to Israel. Because krytrons are used as detonators or triggers for nuclear weapons, their export is tightly regulated.

In 1973, Smyth started a company called Milco International, Inc., financed, according to the Washington Post, by Milchan, hence its name. Up to eighty percent of Milco's business was reportedly with Milchan and Israel. In 1980, the federal indictment asserted, Smyth and Milco sent 610 krytrons to Israel without the necessary licenses, plus another 200 in 1982.

The 1985 indictment identified the Israeli buyers of the nuclear triggers as Heli Trading Ltd. and Milchan Brothers, two of Milchan's Israel-based companies. Federal authorities told NBC News in 1993 that Milchan also shared in the profits derived from the sales.

Announcement of the indictments came four days after the Israeli Defense Ministry, reacting to news of the grand jury probe, admitted that it had the devices, known as krytrons. The krytrons were shipped between 1979 and 1983 to an Israeli firm under contract to the government for defense work. The Israeli Ministry of Defense returned only 469 of the krytrons, and Smyth vanished a week before he was to appear for trial.


Robert C. Bonner, the U.S. attorney in Los Angeles, refused to comment on questions about whether the Israeli government had been involved in the illegal actions. State Department spokesman Edward Djerejian said, "I can only note that the indictment does not mention any Israeli citizen."

Djerejian added that the United States "has expressed its serious concern to the Israeli government about this alleged violation of U.S. law" and had been assured that Israel would cooperate with the continuing U.S. investigation "to the full extent permitted under Israeli law."

"Smyth's disappearance, and the unwillingness of Israeli officials to cooperate with U.S. investigators on the case, left federal authorities unable to proceed," Robert Windrem of NBC News reported in July 2001. Although Milchan is not mentioned in the indictment, a Milco employe, Gretel Siler, who identified herself as corporate treasurer of Milco, told the Washington Post that Milchan had been associated with Milco in various export transactions and had been involved in purchasing the krytrons from the manufacturer, EG&G, of Wellesley, Massachusetts.

Milchan denied being involved in the $60,000 krytron deal, but told "60 Minutes" (CBS) that he had allowed the Israeli government to use his companies as conduits for trading with the United States. "I'm not saying I'm an innocent person - but in this specific case, I knew nothing about it," Milchan told Frank Rose of Premiere magazine. In any case, Milchan was never charged in the case.

Robert Mainhardt, a nuclear scientist and former director of Milco, told "60 Minutes" that he had resigned after Milchan had asked him to obtain advanced nuclear reactor designs and a supply of uranium hexachloride, which is used in the enrichment of bomb-grade uranium. Mainhardt's fellow directors at Milco, Arthur Biehl and Ivan Getting began to feel uneasy sometime in 1982, the Washington Post reported. The Washington Post did a series of articles about this smuggling. The most important excerpts are the following:

When they joined the board of directors of Milco International in 1980, Biehl and Getting recalled, they thought the company's primary business was developing aerospace software for U.S. military and space programs. They had been recruited by the company's owner, Richard K. Smyth, while serving with him on an influential panel that advises the U.S. Air Force on advanced technologies, work that required them to have top-secret clearances.

But they soon realized that Smyth, a California-based computer expert, spent most of his time trying to buy equipment with military applications, including a uranium byproduct known as "green salt" that can be processed into weapons-grade uranium, for the government of Israel. Often, they said, the sales were made through an Israeli middleman, Arnon Milchan, a flamboyant businessman who sold arms before becoming a producer of such popular movies as the recent Brazil.

"I didn't have any evidence there was anything improper," Biehl said. "I just thought it was a strange way to do business . . . . I wondered why the Israelis were paying fees to (Milco and Milchan) when they could get the same equipment directly" using U.S. foreign aid.

In late 1982, Biehl and Getting resigned from Milco's board of directors, in part because of their misgivings about Smyth's dealings with Milchan and Israel.

Asked why Israel didn't buy the krytrons through its 200-member procurement staff in New York, which buys military equipment with $1.8 billion in annual U.S. aid, Yossi Gal, spokesman with the Israeli Embassy in Washington, D.C., told the Post that Israel occasionally used "independent agents" to make purchases.

Under U.S. laws, Smyth needed a munitions license from the State Department to ship the krytrons overseas. If he had tried to obtain one, according to a knowledgeable State Department source, he would have been turned down because Israel has not signed the Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty.

Smyth's relations with Israel began in the early 1970s when he was working for North American Rockwell as a chief engineer in its avionics division and traveled to Israel to help set up a subsidiary. There, he met Milchan, who was Rockwell's representative and "point man" with the Israeli government, according to an associate of Smyth from that period.

In January 1973, Smyth founded Milco while still working at Rockwell. His associate recalled Smyth once saying that Milchan provided money to start Milco; this associate said he believes that the name Milco was derived from Milchan.

At the time that Milco was founded, former U.S. intelligence officials said, the Central Intelligence Agency knew that Israel was working to perfect a solid-fuel tactical missile, known as the Jericho, that could carry nuclear warheads. In late 1973, Smyth's associate recalled, he saw Milco order forms for several barrels of a butyl compound used to bind explosive powders into solid rocket fuel. Smyth said he was shipping the butyl to Milchan through another company he owned in Houston, the associate recalled.

Smyth's next known contact with Israel occurred in 1975, about a year after he left Rockwell to run Milco full time. On Oct. 30 of that year, Smyth applied for a munitions license to ship 400 krytrons to Heli Trading Inc., Milchan's company in Israel.

The application, which is filed in court records in Los Angeles, said that the "end user" would be Rehovot Instruments Ltd. and that the krytrons would be used as "remotely located intrusion detectors."

Smyth filed the application after being told by an official from an unnamed U.S. intelligence agency that a license was required, according to court records. Smyth met with the official and told him that "Arnon Milchan [had] requested that a certain number of krytrons be shipped to Israel," according to a letter filed by William Fahey, the prosecutor in the current case.

Internal Milco records, provided by former Smyth associates, show that the company struggled financially from 1975 to 1980. It landed several small contracts for less than $25,000 with the National Aeronautics and Space Administration and the Air Force for studies on computer software for avionics systems in advanced aircraft, the MX missile and a small ship defense missile called the Patriot.

It was also in 1980, the federal indictment alleged, that Milco sent 610 krytrons to Israel in 11 shipments without obtaining the needed licenses. Smyth bought them from EG&G in Salem, Mass., the sole producer of the switches in the United States.

In mid-1981, Smyth listed several contracts with Heli Trading to acquire training simulators for Hawk air defense missiles, a voice scrambler and lasers. He also cited "probable" contracts for a computerized flight control system for Israel's Lavi fighter plane, and thermal batteries and gyroscopes.

James Russell, vice president of Incosym Inc., a maker of gyroscopes in Thousand Oaks, Calif., said he sold Milco several $10,000 gyroscopes in that period. Smyth told him the navigation aids would be used on Israeli navy patrol boats. Milco also won a flight control contract for the Lavi in 1983, according to a listing in Aviation Week magazine.

Smyth's world started to crumble in early 1983 after someone broke into Milco's offices and took several thousand dollars worth of computer and software equipment. Because he was doing some classified U.S. government work and feared some records of it might have been stolen, Smyth wrote a lengthy report about the theft for the Pentagon and the Federal Bureau of Investigation, then-company attorney Brian R. Carter said.

Milco company records revealed that Milchan's companies had ordered large quantities of missile-related equipment and materials between 1977 and 1982. Among the nuclear items listed were the 810 krytrons, plus neutron generators, high-speed oscilloscopes and high-voltage condensers, according to a 1996 paper on Israel's Nuclear Weapon Capability by the Wisconsin Project on Nuclear Arms Control.

In August 1985, U.S. Customs subpoenaed the financial records linking Smyth and Milchan. The records were neither turned over nor found. Smyth and his wife disappeared just days before his scheduled trial, which almost certainly would have involved Milchan. "There were so many...indictments that they probably decided just to get out," Mainhardt, who operates a security business in Dublin, California, said. "If I had to make a guess, I'd say they're in Israel."

"Let's assume that there's nothing that Israel and the United States do separately," Milchan told Bardach. "Smyth, a U.S. fugitive for more than a decade, was last seen in Herzliya Pituach, an affluent suburb of Tel Aviv, where Milchan owns a home," Bardach wrote in 2000. In July 2001, Smyth was arrested in Malaga, Spain. Smyth pleaded guilty in December to one count of violating the Arms Export Control Act and one count of making a false statement to Customs agents. Proscutors dropped twenty-eight other counts.

On April 29, 2002 Smyth was sentenced to forty months in federal prison and fined $20,000 for illegally exporting to Israel the devices that are used as triggers for nuclear weapons. Smyth, 72, was immediately made eligible for parole at his sentencing.


"In Israel, Milchan spends much of his time with best friend Shimon Peres," Bardach wrote. She continued, "Milchan's political connections would prove to be the foundation of his future empire. In addition to agriculture, there would be biotechnology, advertising, aerospace, and the biggest jackpot of them all -- arms."

Arnon Milchan is deeply engaged in chemicals and helped build Israel's nuclear arsenal, which was developed by his good friend Shimon Peres. What does he know about the super-thermite that demolished the World Trade Center?

In 1953, at age thirty, Shimon Peres was appointed by Israel's first prime minister, David Ben Gurion, to become Director-General of the Ministry of Defense. Within three years, Peres had laid the foundation for Israel's nuclear weapon program, according to the Wisconsin Project on Nuclear Arms Control. Peres started Israel's program to develop nuclear power and nuclear weapons by convincing the French to help Israel build a secret nuclear reactor beginning about 1957. He chose France as the major supplier, arranged the sale of a nuclear reactor, and spent the next decade overseeing the construction of the Dimona nuclear weapon production complex.

Peres is the one who came up with Israel's most often repeated nuclear declaration. At an April 1963 meeting in the White House, Peres responded to President John F. Kennedy's questions about Israel's nuclear program by saying: "Israel will not be the first to introduce nuclear weapons to the Middle East." Two years later, Prime Minister Levi Eshkol elevated Peres's words to Israel's official nuclear line.


Sources & Recommended Reading

Bardach, Ann Louise, "The Last Tycoon" Los Angeles Magazine, April 2000

Bollyn, Christopher, "Intel Expert Says 9/11 Looks Like A Hollywood Show" December 2001

Bollyn, "9/11: What Did Rupert Murdoch Know?" October 3, 2003

Bollyn, "Mossad - The Israeli Connection To 9/11" April 14, 2005

Bollyn, "Some Survivors Say Bombs Exploded in WTC" September 2001

Bollyn, "'Series of Explosions' in WTC - BBC" June 28, 2002

Bollyn, "9/11 Mossad Agents Admit Mission: 'Our Purpose Was to Document the Event'" June 28, 2002

Bollyn, "Why was Kobi Alexander Allowed to Flee? The Israeli Fugitive, Odigo, and the Forewarning of 9/11" August 24, 2006

Bollyn, "The Great Game: The War For Caspian Oil And Gas" October 14, 2001

Lima, Paolo, "Five men detained as suspected conspirators," Bergen Record, September 12, 2001

McArthur, Shirl, "A Conservative Estimate of Total Direct U.S. Aid to Israel: $108 Billion" Washington Report, July 2006

Washington Post, "Computer Expert Used Firm to Feed Israel Technology" October 31, 1986

Washington Post, "L.A. Man Indicted in Export of Potential Nuclear Bomb Component to Israel" by John M. Goshko, May 17, 1985

Washington Post, "U.S. Asks to Inspect Israeli Atom Sites To Verify Use of Restricted Device" by John M. Goshko, May 15, 1985

Washington Post, "Israel Got U.S.-Made Devices" by John M. Goshko, May 14, 1985

Wisconsin Project on Nuclear Arms Control, "Israeli Nuclear Program Pioneered by Shimon Peres," The Risk Report, Volume 2 Number 4, July-August 1996 ... peres.html

Original - September 2, 2007
Latest Edit – June 21, 2011
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Re: Solving 9-11: The Deception that Changed the World

Postby admin » Tue Oct 17, 2017 11:20 pm

Chapter 9: Who Really Controls Our Political Parties?

Man was born free, and everywhere he is in chains. There are some who may believe themselves masters of others, and are no less enslaved than they. How has this change come about?
- Jean-Jacques Rousseau, The Social Contract


Politicians in the United States and Britain are made to pass under the yoke of their Zionist masters who control our leading political parties. By forcing our political leaders to accept the Zionist yoke our nations have become subjugated and the pro-Israel agenda has been forced upon the American and British people. Zionist control of Britain's prime ministers Tony Blair and Gordon Brown is explained in this chapter.

As the $700 billion bail-out of Zionist fraudsters was being debated in the U.S. Congress a supporter wrote to me saying, "I think we are out of time. If only more good people knew what you know!" I would say that it's not so much what I know, but rather my perspective and the directions I pursue in my investigations that are not found in the media. Because my anti-Zionist perspective is taboo, my views are censored by the Zionist-controlled media. Hence, most people are simply unaware of my research.

Having spent several years in Israel and the Middle East and having studied the history of Zionism (i.e. Jewish nationalism), I know something about the many crimes committed by Zionists during the past century. From this perspective I approach the evidence of Israeli and Zionist involvement in the major crimes of our time, such as 9/11. My investigations have uncovered a great deal of evidence of Israeli involvement in the false-flag terror attacks of 9/11 and other crimes.

For journalists working in the controlled media, pursuing such investigations would be "career suicide," as many learned after 9/11. I have paid a very high price for my research and writing. I learned that Jewish Zionists control even small so-called nationalist newspapers. Most journalists, lawyers, and politicians are primarily interested in advancing their own careers and learn early on to accept the yoke of their Zionist masters -- or sacrifice their careers. Ambitious people put their self interest first and agree to go along with lies and corruption rather than stand up for the truth. I've seen it many times.

I am not like that. During the past thirty years, I have witnessed first-hand the extremely brutal Israeli occupation of Palestine and seen how Zionists operate to subjugate entire nations. My years in Palestine/Israel were my political awakening. Zionist control of the mass media and Holocaust propaganda serve to protect and promote their criminal agenda. I have watched how the people of America and Europe are deceived and forced to bear the yoke of the ruthless Zionists who control their political systems and media. Thousands of young Americans and Europeans have been maimed or lost their lives in fraudulent wars for Israel in Middle Eastern nations about which they know nothing. Naïve Americans have become merciless mercenaries of Zionism.

As an American, I couldn't support either presidential candidate in 2008 because both were clearly Zionist puppets who espoused positions to which I am strongly opposed. American voters aren't really given a choice about important things – like the ongoing wars in the Middle East, for example. Both candidates eagerly supported the Zionist "War on Terror" and both lobbied hard for the $700 billion "bail-out," which gave enormous sums of taxpayer money to Jewish investment bankers and A.I.G., headed by the financial criminal Maurice R. Greenberg.

Senators Obama and McCain are both solidly in the Zionist camp.
(Graphic -

I could only support a true anti-war candidate who promised a proper investigation of 9-11 and who supported investing in American infrastructure, such as providing comfortable and efficient passenger trains between our cities. Why are we bailing out investment bankers with taxpayers' money while our cities and infrastructure are crumbling?

Unfortunately, both presidential candidates are pro-war and pro-Israel. These are the only candidates from which to choose because both parties in the United States are political machines financed and run by Zionists. Third parties, such as the erstwhile Reform Party, are likewise controlled -- and run off the tracks. Zionist control of our political parties compels candidates from both parties to support Zionism, an utterly racist and un-American ideology based on a false and dangerous notion of Jewish supremacy. What kind of patriotic American could support that?


Jean-Jacques Rousseau wrote in The Social Contract: "It is therefore important, if the general will is to be properly ascertained, that there should be no partial society within the state, and that each citizen should decide according to his own opinion. When one of the associations is big enough to triumph over all the others the outcome is no longer the sum total of small differences, but a single difference, then there is no longer any general will, and the opinion that prevails is only a particular opinion."

The "partial society" that triumphs over all the others in American politics today is Zionism -- no other. In the United States, the pro-Israeli position is the only "opinion that prevails" in academia, the mass media, and the political parties -- with absolutely no consideration for the expense, injustice, and violence that it causes. American support for Zionism has clearly been extremely detrimental for the United States of America, yet the support continues without question. How does this happen?


Israel and the international Zionists control the political parties and news outlets not only in the United States, but Europe as well, as the recent death of Austria's Jörg Haider reveals. Oddly, Haider, the leader of Austria's Freedom Party, allowed Peter Sichrovsky, a Jew, to serve as "secretary-general" of his supposedly anti-Zionist party. In 2005, The Times (UK) reported that Sichrovsky, the managing director of the party, had served as a spy for Israel's Mossad for five years. Three years later, after his party won parliamentary elections, Haider was suddenly killed in a very suspicious car accident.

“I wanted to help Israel and certainly did not do anything wrong,” Sichrovsky said. “It’s true, though, that I co-operated with Mossad until my withdrawal from politics in 2002.” Sichrovsky admitted that he had spied for Mossad, a foreign intelligence agency, because he "wanted to help Israel." At the same time he maintained that he did nothing wrong. This is exactly how a great many Jews feel about supporting Israel, even when their actions involve breaking the laws of the nations they reside in.

Facing a criminal investigation and charges of spying for a foreign power, Sichrovsky quickly fled to the United States where he began a new career as "a businessman concerned with military co-operation between Israel and China." Sichrovsky's career with Mossad evidently continued after he left Austria.

If Mossad infiltrates "third party" movements in small nations like Austria, imagine what they do to control the two political parties in the United States. How much control does Israeli intelligence have over the major political parties in Britain and the United States? Let's look at the most obvious connections.


The evidence indicates that Israeli intelligence has near complete control of the leading political parties in Britain and the United States. While the Zionist political controllers in London and Washington are well known to the owners of the mass media, discussion of the subject of Zionist or Israeli control of the parties is censored in the media outlets they control. This censorship illustrates how Zionist control of the media serves to deceive the people and cause extreme harm to both nations.

Specific examples of the current pro-Israel bias in the mass media would include the media's unquestioning support of the 9-11 cover-up, the costly and disastrous wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, and the trillion dollar "bail-out." The complete lack of transparency in U.S. elections and the secretive private companies that run our elections are also censored subjects.

The Zionist conspiracy called the "War on Terror" and the illegal wars in Iraq and Afghanistan have all been designed and forced onto the American and British nations by Zionists who control the political systems of London, New York, and Washington. In Britain, the two political leaders who have promoted and supported the Zionist agenda and wars of aggression are Tony Blair and Gordon Brown. Their Zionist paymasters and handlers are not hard to discern, although they are never discussed in the media in such terms.


Michael Abraham Levy, or "Lord Levy," was known as "Lord Cashpoint" when he was the leading fundraiser for the Labour Party from 1994 to 2007. Described as "a long-standing friend of Tony Blair," Levy served as Blair's special envoy to the Middle East from 1998 until 2007, when he was replaced by Gordon Brown's appointee, Michael Williams.

Tony Blair with his Zionist handler, Michael Levy, a.k.a. "Lord Cashpoint"

Levy's son, Daniel, is an Israeli citizen (immigrated in 1991) who has held high-level positions in Israeli governments since 1995. While his father was bankrolling and managing Tony Blair, the younger Levy was a member of the Israeli negotiating team to the "Oslo 2" agreement during the summer of 1995 under Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin. He was also a member of the Israeli delegation to the Palestinian summit at Taba in January 2001.

The younger Levy also served as senior policy adviser to former Israeli Minister of Justice, Yossi Beilin, from March 2000 to March 2001. Under Ehud Barak, Levy served as the prime minister's special adviser and head of the Jerusalem Affairs unit. The Levy link was obviously the connection that gave Israeli intelligence control over the head of the British government - Tony Blair.

Daniel Levy, Michael Levy's Israeli son


Before the Anglo-American occupation of Iraq turned sour, Blair was fond of recalling what he, the first foreign leader to meet George W. Bush, told the newly installed president when they met in early 2001. "We have to do Iraq," is the first thing Blair told Bush, according to his own statements.

Marching orders: "We have to do Iraq," is the first thing Tony Blair told Bush when they met in February 2001.

Only by understanding that Blair and his New Labour Party were financed and controlled by Israeli interests can one understand how Blair was manipulated to support such a reckless and criminal scheme. Similar Zionist forces were at work on Bush.

When Tony Blair and his Zionist handler "Lord Cashpoint" fell from power in June 2007, Gordon Brown, the Chancellor of the Exchequer, assumed the office of prime minister, upon the approval of Queen Elizabeth II. Prior to becoming prime minister, Brown had served ten years as Chancellor of the Exchequer, the minister responsible for economic and financial matters in Britain.

Prime Minister Brown, in turn, is bankrolled and controlled by Lord Ronald Cohen, who has replaced the beleaguered and disgraced Lord Levy. The Egyptian-born Cohen is described as "Sir Ronald Cohen, the daddy of England’s private equity industry and a bosom buddy of Prime Minister Gordon Brown."

Ronald Cohen with Gordon Brown at a Jewish Policy Research (JPR) reception at 11 Downing Street in June 2001. Lord Rothschild is president of Jewish Policy Research.

In the British press Cohen is portrayed as a wealthy Jewish supporter of Brown and New Labour. Cohen's third wife, the Los Angeles-born Sharon Harel-Cohen, is usually described as a film producer whose father, Yossi Harel, commanded the Jewish refugee ship that became known as Exodus in 1947. Her Israeli nationality is seldom discussed.

What the controlled media doesn't tell us about Sharon Harel-Cohen is that she is an Israeli-American whose father was one of the founding chiefs of the Mossad and Israeli military intelligence until his death in April 2008. This means the daughter of one of the founders of Israeli intelligence is part of the team controlling the British prime minister. This is how Mossad has controlled the political leadership of Britain since the 1990s and taken the United States and Britain into two costly and disastrous wars in the Middle East.

Sharon Harel-Cohen, daughter of Yossi Harel, a.k.a. Joseph Hamburger, Israeli intelligence chief

Sharon Ruth Harel was born in Los Angeles on March 6, 1952. Her mother, a "Julie Berez" married Mossad officer Joseph Hamburger (a.k.a. Yossi Harel) in 1950 while he was stationed in Los Angeles. Harel was, most likely, engaged in the illegal procurement of weapons, ships, planes, and military technology for the Israeli military. The reports that Harel, one of the highest Mossad agents, was studying at UCLA or M.I.T. are neither substantiated nor credible; this was only his cover. Harel also had two sons, whose names are not known to the author.

The Mossad ("agency") actually came into existence in the 1940s as the clandestine agency known as Ha'Mossad Le'Aliya Bet, the secret Zionist agency engaged in bringing Jewish refugees to British-occupied Palestine to swell the Jewish population prior to creating the "Jewish state." In 1946, Joseph Hamburger was sent on a secret mission to provide Mossad agents in Greece with gold to bribe European governments to facilitate the transit of Jews to Palestine, which was then illegal. Some Mossad tactics have not changed at all during the past sixty years -- they still buy politicians with gold.

Joseph Hamburger (a.k.a. Yossi Harel) commanded four refugee ships and sailed to Israel with an estimated 25,000 immigrants during the period of the British Mandate. U.S. immigration records indicate that Mr. Hamburger used both his real name, Hamburger, and his Israeli name, Harel, during the 1950s, which is typical of Mossad agents.

Yossi Harel was a lifelong chief of Israeli intelligence.

His 2008 obituaries say that "Yosef" Hamburger was born, with a twin brother, in Jerusalem, British-occupied Palestine, in 1918. At age fifteen he joined the Haganah, the Zionist militia/terrorist group. Five years later he joined the Special Night Squad, an anti-Palestinian terrorist unit. In 1941, Harel joined the Palmach, the "strike force" of the Haganah before transferring to the Palyam, its naval unit.

During the 1948 Zionist war to conquer Palestine, Harel served as the liaison officer to the army’s chief of staff, Yaakov Dori, and played an important role in co-ordinating the Zionist campaign. He was also the personal body guard for Israel’s first president, Chaim Weizmann.

In 1954, Moshe Dayan, chief of staff of the Israeli Defense Forces, called Harel back to Israel to head Unit 131, a secret group that had agents in Arab countries. Harel's immediate task was to cover up the Lavon Affair, the Israeli false-flag terrorism plot designed to turn Britain and the United States against Egypt. David Ben-Gurion, the first Israeli prime minister, assigned Harel to rebuild military intelligence from the ground up. Ben-Gurion, Dayan, and Shimon Peres were actually part of the group that supported the use of false-flag terrorism, such as the Lavon bombings, to achieve their goals. Given this context, Harel must have seen eye-to-eye with Ben-Gurion about deploying Israeli agents in foreign nations. Shiploads of Israelis were sent on missions to America and Europe in the 1950s, often disguised as students.

Joseph Hamburger/Yossi Harel with David Ben Gurion

Harel went on to pursue a successful business career, the Telegraph reported, "which served as a cover for his work for Israeli intelligence."

Like the Democrat "turncoat" Lewis M. Eisenberg, the head of finances for the Republican National Committee, Cohen changed political parties in order to bankroll the Labour Party of Tony Blair. Cohen was a candidate in the Liberal party in the 1970s and only converted to Blair's New Labour in 1996. Since then he has reportedly given Labour an estimated $5 million and bankrolled Gordon Brown's career.

At their home in London the Cohens reportedly give lavish parties for the likes of the Rothschilds, the Rausing billionaires, and Cohen’s old mentor, Sir Clive Sinclair. At their home in New York they entertain their friends Bill and Hillary Clintons. They also have a villa at Mougins, near Cannes.

"Cohen moved into Brown’s orbit in 2000, when the chancellor appointed him chairman of a Treasury fund set up to encourage investment in deprived areas of the country. The next year he was rewarded with a knighthood," according to the Times 2005 profile entitled, "Sir Ronald Cohen: Midas with a mission - to make Gordon king."

Cohen began to replace Levy as Britain's liaison in the Middle East. In 2004, along with Blair and Brown, Cohen met Ehud Olmert, deputy to Israeli prime minister Ariel Sharon.

As Brown replaced Blair, Cohen, the multimillionaire venture capitalist, replaced Levy as chief fundraiser for the ruling Labour party. About his connections to Israel, Cohen told the Times: "If you look at my history: born in Egypt, a refugee, married to the daughter of the commander of the Exodus who's an Israeli, there's an obvious connection between me and the region." Obvious, perhaps, but definitely not discussed in the media.

Cohen, who is called the prime minister's 'private banker', clearly has a great deal of influence over Gordon Brown. As the Jewish Chronicle wrote in their 2007 interview, "So what exactly is his relationship with Brown? There is a seven-second pause. 'I would classify myself as a friend of the Prime Minister, just as I was a friend of Tony Blair,' he says carefully."

In 2006, Cohen "started to take over the role of government emissary from Lord Levy by meeting Israeli leaders, including the prime minister, Ehud Olmert," the Guardian reported.



Painting - The Romans Passing Under the Yoke (1858) by Charles Gleyre (1808-1874)

Ashkenazi, Eli, "Commander of legendary Jewish immigrant ship Exodus dies at 90," Ha'aretz and Associated Press

Boyes, Roger, "Mossad spied on far-right Austrian," The Times (U.K.), June 2, 2005

Leppard, David and Robert Winnett, "Brown picks tycoon to back power bid," Sunday Times, January 16, 2005

Martin, Douglas, "Yossi Harel," New York Times, May 1, 2008

Martinson, Jane, "Sir Ronald Cohen: Financier who is hoping for a peace dividend," The Guardian, July 7, 2006

"Mossad spied on Austria's Haidar," United Press International, June 2, 2005

"Profile: Sir Ronald Cohen: Midas with a mission - to make Gordon king," The Sunday Times, January 23, 2005

Rowan, David, "Interview: Sir Ronald Cohen," Jewish Chronicle, September 22, 2007

Yossi Harel, The Times, April 30, 2008

Original - October 25, 2008
Latest Edit - June 21, 2011
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Re: Solving 9-11: The Deception that Changed the World

Postby admin » Tue Oct 17, 2017 11:29 pm

Chapter 10: Who Runs the Obama White House?

The day after Barack Obama was elected president, the Israeli press proudly proclaimed that the new president had chosen an Israeli, Rahm Emanuel, to manage the new administration. "Obama's first pick: Israeli Rahm Emanuel as chief of staff" was the Ha'aretz headline of November 6, 2008. The controlled press in the United States, however, keeps the American public unaware that Obama's new chief of staff is an Israeli, with terrorist roots and a sworn loyalty to the state of Israel.

Rahm Emanuel, first Chief of Staff of the Obama White House, is the son of a real Zionist terrorist and served in the Israeli army. The late Sherman Skolnick of Chicago called Emanuel the "Acting Deputy Chief for North America of the Mossad -­ Israeli Intelligence." Skolnick reported that Emanuel's father Benjamin had been "part of the Israeli assassin team that murdered Sweden's Count [Folke] Bernadotte" in 1948. Bernadotte was the United Nations envoy who was sent to Palestine to find a solution to the UN Partition Plan that gave Palestinian land to Jews from Poland and Russia.

Here are some key extracts from the Ha'aretz article:

A day after his historic election to become the first black American president, Barack Obama stepped into the role of president-elect yesterday, inviting Rahm Emanuel to join his administration as White House chief of staff, Democratic officials said.

Emanuel, a former Bill Clinton adviser, is the son of a Jerusalem-born pediatrician who was a member of the Irgun (Etzel or IZL), a militant Zionist group that operated in Palestine between 1931 and 1948…

Rahm Emanuel's father, Benjamin, yesterday refused to comment on the report that his son was appointed White House chief of staff. He told Ha'aretz that he would only comment after speaking to his son.

"Obama is a pro-Israeli leader and will be a friend to Israel," he said, adding that he was pleased with Obama's election. He also said his son is the namesake of Rahamim, a Lehi combatant who was killed.

Rahm Emanuel is named after a Zionist fighter who belonged to the Stern Gang, which was a terrorist organization linked with the Nazis. Before moving to Chicago, his father was an active member of this terrorist group of assassins and bombers, which was also known as LEHI. This information is not discussed on CNN. The Zionist-controlled media censors these disturbing, but important facts.

Emanuel's father, Benjamin, told Ma'ariv, a Hebrew-language Israeli paper, that his son's appointment would be good for Israel. "Obviously he will influence the president to be pro-Israel," the Jerusalem Post reported. "Why wouldn't he be? What is he, an Arab? He's not going to clean the floors of the White House."

Rahm Emanuel with his brothers and father, a Zionist terrorist from the Irgun and LEHI

The Obama White House chief of staff speaks Hebrew and spends most summers in Tel Aviv, his Israeli father proudly told Ma'ariv. After Emanuel was named chief of staff, none of the Zionist-controlled media outlets in the United States mentioned the Emanuel family roots with the Nazi-linked terror gangs in Palestine in the 1930s and 1940s. Naftali Bendavid of the Zionist-owned Chicago Tribune, for example, wrote a book about Emanuel and spent a great deal of time with him, but completely avoided discussing Rahm's Israeli roots in the article he wrote for the Tribune on November 6.


Bendavid wrote that Emanuel "is best known as something of a Democratic political assassin" who "might not appear to be the obvious choice for White House chief of staff for a president-elect who speaks eloquently of setting aside partisan differences and bringing the country together."

Emanuel is known for using gangster tactics to threaten people. He once mailed a rotting dead fish to a campaign pollster who had not produced results to Emanuel's liking. Sending a dead fish to a person is a well-known Mafia message, which warns the recipient that he will "sleep with the fishes" unless he heeds the warning.

Rolling Stone magazine revealed more of Emanuel's gangster behavior in an article entitled "The Enforcer" on October 20, 2005:

"The night after Clinton was elected, Emanuel was so angry at the president's enemies that he stood up at a celebratory dinner with colleagues from the campaign, grabbed a steak knife and began rattling off a list of betrayers, shouting "Dead! . . . Dead! . . . Dead!" and plunging the knife into the table after every name. "When he was done, the table looked like a lunar landscape," one campaign veteran recalls. "It was like something out of The Godfather. But that's Rahm for you.

"Republicans are 'bad people who deserve a two-by-four upside their heads.'"
- Rahm Emanuel, New York Times, January 24, 2009

Emanuel certainly seems to have a penchant for violence, which might not seem so unusual for a person named after two Irgun terrorists: one named Rahamim (Rahm), and the other an uncle named Emanuel. Bendavid's book was cited by the New York Times of January 24, 2009, as being the source of the Emanuel quote that Republicans are "bad people who deserve a two-by-four upside their heads." Once again, the Times article, entitled "Obama's Partisan, Profane Confidant Reins It In", conspicuously failed to mention Emanuel's Israeli roots. Obviously, the New York Times considers this information it would prefer the reader not know. This is a perfect example how the Zionist-controlled media controls public opinion by omitting important information.

It should come as no surprise that the New York Times article chooses not to mention Emanuel's Israeli roots -- or the fact that his father was a member of the Irgun, the most murderous terrorist group in Palestine in the 1930s and 40s. The New York Times is the leading Zionist-controlled newspaper in the United States by virtue of the fact that it has been controlled by the Sulzberger family, founding members of B'nai B'rith (secret organization of Jewish Freemasons) Lodge No. 1 of New York, for more than one hundred years. Likewise, the Chicago Tribune and Los Angeles Times are both owned by a Chicago Zionist named Samuel Zell.

Sam Zell's parents, named Zielonka, left Poland in 1939.

The Zionist controlled media also failed to investigate the evidence of Emanual's involvement with the impeached Illinois governor, Rod Blagojevich, and his role in the activity that led to Blagojevich being removed from office. Blagojevich specifically told CNN's Larry King that he wanted the tapes of his conversations with Rahm Emanuel released. So, why weren't they? Why is Emanuel being protected?

Impeached Illinois Governor Rod Blagojevich and Rahm Emanuel

Emanuel's brother, Ariel, is film-maker Michael Moore's agent. The day after the election, Moore joked about Emanuel's appointment on the Larry King Show. Moore made a film about 9-11, produced by the Weinstein brothers, which completely avoided mentioning the many Israeli connections to the terror attacks. This is a good example of how the so-called "alternative" media is just as controlled as is the "mainstream" media – by Zionist Jews.

Rahm and Ariel, Michael Moore's Hollywood agent

Americans should be aware of the role this violent and uncouth Israeli has played in the Obama White House. The chief of staff controls the people around the president - he decides who sees the president, what he hears, and what he knows. The people surrounding the president report to the chief of staff. Emanuel was the intellectual handler of President Obama (a continuation of the role he has played for years) and the controller of the White House. Do you think having an Israeli gangster with terrorist roots running the White House affects U.S. relations with Iran, Russia, the Palestinians - and the rest of the world?

Emanuel actually left the United States to serve in the Israeli army in 1991. A person from any other nation would lose his U.S. citizenship for serving in a foreign military. Why are Israelis running the U.S. government?


Emanuel's father said Rahm is "the namesake of Rahamim, a Lehi combatant." LEHI, a.k.a. the Stern Gang, was the most radical Zionist terrorist group in the 1940s. The Stern Gang killed scores of British soldiers and assassinated both Lord Moyne and Count Folke Bernadotte (the United Nations envoy from Sweden). They also killed hundreds of innocent Palestinians, such as the civilian population of Deir Yassin. This Zionist terror group was allied with the Nazis in their war against the British. Both of Emanuel's parents, Benjamin Emanuel (formerly Auerbach) and Marsha Smulevitz, lived in Israel and are related to Lehi fighters. This is to say that Emanuel's father, a Jew, fought with the Nazis.

Why would a dedicated Zionist, born in Jerusalem, and a dedicated member of a Zionist terrorist organization, move to Chicago after the creation of the state of Israel? Had he given up on the Zionist state? Not at all, Benjamin Emanuel had embarked on a new mission for Israel – a mission for life.

After the failed "Lavon Affair," a series of failed Zionist false-flag terror attacks in Egypt, Israeli intelligence was revamped by Yossi Harel, a.k.a. Joseph Hamburger. Israel sent scores of high-level agents to the United States, often with an American spouse. The Emanuel family of Chicago is one of them; the Chertoff family of New Jersey is another; Yossi Harel went to Los Angeles. There are many more.

Rahm Emanuel is the same Israeli who ran the White House under Bill Clinton, as one of Clinton's senior advisors. Emanuel is the person who pushed through the disastrous NAFTA legislation, a bill that devastated the U.S. manufacturing sector. It should be remembered that it was during the Clinton administration, while the president dallied with his chunky Jewish girlfriend, that the foundation of the Zionist terror network that pulled off 9-11 was laid. In 2009, Rahm Emanuel, the son of a terrorist, was back in the Oval Office.

Emanuel is part of the Chicago-based team of political Zionists with David Axelrod, Obama's chief campaign strategist. Obama thanked Axelrod by name during his November 2008 victory speech in Chicago's Grant Park. Axelrod's father, Joseph, a Jewish immigrant from someplace near the Black Sea, hanged himself in 1974 when David was a nineteen-year-old student at the University of Chicago. His mother was a communist journalist in New York.

David Axelrod - Obama's chief political strategist and handler

Rahm Emanuel and David Axelrod have been working together since 1984 when they teamed up to help Paul Simon defeat Sen. Charles Percy (R-Ill.). These hard-core Zionists were not working for reform in Illinois; their only agenda was to defeat the incumbent Sen. Percy because he was the chairman of the Foreign Relations Committee and was pushing for a settlement of the Palestinian-Israeli conflict. These Zionist agents went on to manage the Chicago mayoral campaign of Richard M. Daley, the son of Richard J. Daley. Finally, these two Zionists spearheaded the campaign to put Barack Obama into the White House. Axelrod and Emanuel, however, were sponsored by a much higher Zionist -- Bettylu Saltzman, the daughter of Chicago's super-Zionist, Philip M. Klutznick.

Bettylu Saltzman - daughter of Chicago's Philip M. Klutznick

Axelrod has been creating and shaping Candidate Obama since 1992. "Axelrod met Obama when the senator was 30 years old and coordinating a voter-registration drive in Chicago and Betty Lou Saltzman, a doyenne of progressive politics in Chicago, suggested that the two get to know each other," the New York Times reported in early 2007. "In the 15 years since, Axelrod has worked through Obama's life story again and again, scouring it for usable political material."

Bettylu Saltzman has been supporting and financing Obama's political career since 1992, long before he ran for office. Saltzman is the only daughter of the Zionist leader, Philip Morris Klutznick. In 1992, when Obama was thirty years old, Saltzman told Axelrod and others, "He will be our first black president.'' Saltzman then commissioned Axelrod to create Obama, the presidential candidate.

Philip M. Klutznick

Saltzman's father, Philip M. Klutznick, was Israel's biggest supporter in Chicago. Klutznick, who passed away in August 1999, was the former president of B'nai B'rith International (1953-59), president of the World Jewish Congress, general chairman of the United Jewish Appeal (UJA), president of the American Friends of the Hebrew University, vice-president of the Jewish Welfare Board, a founder of the Conference of Presidents of Major Jewish Organizations, president of the Memorial Foundation for Jewish Culture, and vice president of the Conference on Jewish Material Claims Against Germany, among other things.

Axelrod and Emanuel worked together to create an image for Obama the candidate since 2003. "For four years Axelrod has had camera crews tracking virtually everything Obama has done in public -- chatting up World War II vets in southern Illinois, visiting his father's ancestral village in western Kenya -- and there were days when the camera crews have outnumbered the civilians," Ben Wallace-Wells reported in the New York Times article of April 1, 2007.

Obama, the politician, was created by David Axelrod, who writes his speeches and guides his political strategy.


In October 2008 I warned readers that the Obama ticket was really a hard-core Zionist ticket in disguise. In my article "Colin Powell: Liar & War Criminal Endorses Obama," I advised my readers of the Israeli gangsters behind Obama:

Powell's endorsement of Obama, a puppet of the Israeli Rahm Emanuel, has less to do with Obama's African roots than with getting Emanuel and his Zionist gangsters back into control of the Oval Office. Emanuel, the real boss of the Democratic party, is the son of a real Israeli terrorist (Irgun and Lehi) and thug-in-chief of the party.

What can we expect from the Obama presidency? Elected on a platform of "Change" after eight years of a very unpopular and dictatorial Bush regime, we would expect a substantial change from the disastrous policies of the previous administration. So what changes will we see? Will we see an end to the costly and illegal wars in Iraq and Afghanistan? Will the senior officials of the Bush administration who willfully lied to start these wars of aggression be held accountable for their war crimes? Will we finally have a proper and independent investigation of 9-11? Will the oppressive Department of Homeland Security be dismantled?

If the war criminals are not held accountable and the most egregious criminal policies of the Bush administration are not changed and reversed – what exactly does the Obama "Change" slogan mean? Changing the curtains? Changing the Israelis in the White House?

Change of Zionist Jewish "investment bankers" at the White House: Joshua Bolten, the son of a C.I.A. agent and second Jewish chief of staff in U.S. history, greets Rahm Emanuel, Obama's chief of staff, erstwhile investment banker, and son of an Israeli terrorist. Bolten served in the administration of George H. W. Bush (1989-93) before becoming executive director of legal and governmental affairs at Goldman Sachs (London, 1994-1999). He left Goldman Sachs to serve as policy director for the presidential campaign of George W. Bush (March 1999 to November 2000). Bolten became Deputy Chief of Staff for George W. Bush in January 2001 and Chief of Staff in April 2006. Bolten is credited with recruiting Henry Paulson - CEO of Goldman Sachs - to serve as Treasury Secretary in July 2006. Paulson crafted the disastrous A.I.G. bailout in which Goldman Sachs became the largest single recipient of taxpayer funds ($12.9 billion), an immense financial scam in which the profits went to private banks -- and the costs to the U.S. public.


One of the key players in the Obama administration's $900 billion economic stimulus package in late 2008 was Obama's new budget director Peter R. Orszag. The forty-year-old Orszag was Obama's director of the Office of Management and Budget, the arm of the White House responsible for crafting the federal budget and overseeing the effectiveness of federal programs. He had worked closely with Rahm Emanuel in the Clinton administration - when the disastrous NAFTA legislation was passed - and was one of the first Obama appointees to be approved.

Peter R. Orszag

"In the coming years, no bureaucrat will be as decisive as Peter Orszag," Ezra Klein wrote recently in The American Prospect. So, who is Peter Richard Orszag and what kind of decisions will he make with the budget he controls? Based on his background one would be well advised to prepare for a financial train wreck.

Peter Orszag has an interesting resume. He has played key roles in some of the biggest financial scandals of our time. Orszag was, for example, an advisor to the Russian Finance Ministry during the reign of the Jewish oligarchs as they plundered the wealth of Russia. He was an advisor to the Central Bank of Iceland before it crashed in 2008. During the Clinton administration, Orszag was a key advisor to Rahm Emanuel and Bill Clinton on the disastrous NAFTA bill that devastated the U.S. manufacturing sector.

Oddly, Orszag's background has received virtually no attention in the media. He has a troubling background, which deserves to be looked at very carefully. Orszag, for example, should start by explaining exactly what happened to the Icelandic economy. Orszag was, after all, the founder and president of the economic consultancy firm which advised the Central Bank of Iceland - before it went bankrupt. How did Icelandic banks become so indebted? Ask Peter Orszag.

Orszag is an economist who served six years in the Clinton administration (1993-98) under Robert E. Rubin, the former treasury secretary who recently resigned from his senior position at the woefully mismanaged and nearly bankrupt Citigroup. The fact that Orszag was a protégé of the now disgraced Rubin certainly does not bode well for the Obama administration. Rubin strongly opposed the regulation of derivatives when such regulation was proposed in 1997. Credit derivatives of mortgage-backed securities were the key reason for the recent failure of a number of large financial institutions, including AIG and Citigroup.

In 1999, Rubin joined Citigroup as a board member and a participant "in strategic managerial and operational matters of the company." The Wall Street Journal noted that Citigroup shareholders suffered losses of more than 70 percent since Rubin joined the firm and that he encouraged changes that led the firm to the brink of collapse. In December 2008, investors filed a lawsuit contending that Citigroup executives, including Rubin, sold shares at inflated prices while concealing the firm's risks.

Orszag, a Jew, served on the president's Council of Economic Advisers in 1993, under Rubin, when the Israeli Rahm Emanuel, Clinton's senior adviser, was pushing the disastrous NAFTA legislation through Congress. Prior to joining the Clinton team, Orszag was an economic adviser for the Russian Ministry of Finance in Moscow from 1992-93. This was a period of rampant financial criminality during which many Russian mineral assets came under the control of the so-called Jewish oligarchs who became instant billionaires. Most of these oligarchs fled Russia when their crimes were exposed and now live in Britain or Israel, where they obtained citizenship.

Born in Boston on December 16, 1968, Orszag graduated from Princeton University in 1991. He then attended the London School of Economics, where he earned a degree in 1992 and where he obtained his PhD in 1997. The London School of Economics was established by members of the Fabian Society, who believed in advancing socialism through gradual reforms. The Fabian Society is a British socialist movement, whose purpose is to advance the principles of social democracy via gradualist and reformist, rather than revolutionary means. The ideology of the Fabians is said to be described in the quote, "Fabianism feeds on Capitalism, but excretes Communism."

In 1998, after serving in the Clinton administration, Orszag co-founded an economic consulting group company with his brother and Joseph Stiglitz called Sebago Associates, where he served as president through 2007. The firm's clients have included the World Bank, the Nordic Council of Ministers, and most notably, the Central Bank of Iceland. The once prosperous economy of Iceland has been devastated by the current economic crisis, which its citizens say was carried out by a gang of financial criminals who followed disastrous policies and advice - provided by Peter Orszag and Company.

Americans would be well advised to be extremely vigilant with dangerous "Young Turks" like Peter Orszag and Rahm Emanuel running the Obama White House and the U.S. budget.

The United States government today is not unlike the oil tanker Sirius Star, hijacked by Somali pirates, except that the ship of state has been taken over by an organized gang of Zionist pirates, an organization most people don't even know exists. This organization was created by members of the Zionist terror groups, the Hagana, Irgun, Lehi, and their Mossad network. Members of these groups were sent to the United States in the 1950s to raise dedicated Zionist agents that would look and sound like Americans - but think like Israelis. In this way Zionists have gained control over our government and media without the passengers even noticing. The only thing that most Americans notice is that the voyage is not as smooth as they had expected and the ship seems to be sinking. The Zionist-controlled media assures us, however, that all is well. Dream on.

Israeli intelligence is like the criminal organization, Quantum, in the James Bond film Quantum of Solace. They are everywhere, supporting politicians on both sides of the aisle, creating and running governments from the left and the right, yet you don't even know they exist. Over the past six decades, Israeli agents have infiltrated every agency of the U.S. government and gained access to the most critical computer networks. In order to understand what the Obama administration will mean for America and the world, it is essential to understand the Zionist agents behind Obama.


Sources and Recommended Reading

Bendavid, Naftali, "Rahm Emanuel mulls chief of staff role in Barack Obama's administration," Chicago Tribune, November 6, 2008 ... 3769.story

Bollyn, Christopher, "Son of a Zionist Terrorist: Rahm Emanuel's Dirty Secret," November 17, 2006 ... read/95806

Bollyn, Christopher, "Colin Powell: Liar & War Criminal Endorses Obama," October 16, 2008

Bollyn, Christopher, "ELRON - VOXEO: The Israeli Defense Firm That Tallies the Iowa Caucus," December 31, 2007

Bumiller, Elisabeth, "The Brothers Emanuel," New York Times, June 15, 1997

"Emanuel to be Obama's chief of staff," Jerusalem Post, November 6, 2008

Green, Joshua, "The Enforcer," Rolling Stone, October 20, 2005

Klutznick, Philip M., Biography from Biographical Directory of the United States Executive Branch, 1774-1989 (1990), edited by Robert Sobel, Greenwood Publishing Group, Westport, CT

"Obama's first pick: Israeli Rahm Emanuel as chief of staff," November 6, 2008, Ha'aretz
Wallace-Wells, Ben, "Obama's Narrator," New York Times, April 1, 2007

Original - November 6, 2008
Latest Edit - June 21, 2011
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Re: Solving 9-11: The Deception that Changed the World

Postby admin » Tue Oct 17, 2017 11:55 pm

Chapter 11: The Fleecing of America: 9-11 and the Crisis on Wall Street

Maurice R. Greenberg, chief fraudster of A.I.G. and 9/11 conspiracy suspect. Greenberg's fraudulent company received more than $180 billion from the U.S. Treasury in the Bush-Obama bailout.

"[The bailout plan] does nothing basically for the stressed mortgage payer. It does a lot for three or four or five banks… "
- Sen. Richard Shelby, (R-Alabama)

"I've never seen people so angry. Our calls are a hundred to one against this bailout. They don't trust the government."
- Sen. Jim DeMint (R-South Carolina)

Taxpayers Forced to Bail Out Banksters

The current financial crisis in the United States involves some of the very same Zionist criminals and entities discussed in the earlier chapter, "The Architecture of Terror: Mapping the Network Behind 9/11." The collapse of their criminal scams on Wall Street could very well expose more clandestine intrigues involving the Zionist gangsters behind 9/11, if it were allowed to happen. Such outrageous criminal scams cannot be kept hidden for long. The criminals behind this latest financial scam need to be brought down – not propped up. If anyone should be in Guantanamo facing harsh interrogation for answers about 9/11, it is people like Maurice Greenberg and Michael Chertoff.

The government loan of $85 thousand millions of U.S. taxpayer dollars ($85 billion) to keep afloat Maurice Greenberg's criminal operation, American International Group (A.I.G.), brings into the spotlight one of the key individuals in the Zionist criminal network behind 9-11.

Maurice Greenberg and his fraudulent company A.I.G. have paid fines of more than $1 billion for various financial crimes. Greenberg was personally fined more than $130 million in 2009. Why was Greenberg's criminal racket bailed out?


Where's the outrage? If George W. Bush is not directly related to Isadore Bush, the Jewish wine merchant who headed the B'nai B'rith lodge in St. Louis in the late 1800s, he just as well ought to be. As president, George W. Bush has done more to advance the agenda of the secretive Jewish brotherhood of Freemasons, the real Elders of Zion, than any other political leader in living memory. The proposed plan to use $700 billion taxpayer dollars to bail out the Zionist gangsters of Wall Street is Bush's coup de grâce, the final thrust of the dagger by a treasonous president into the bleeding body politic.

The Zionist plan to bail out A.I.G. and its criminal boss, Maurice R. Greenberg, with a government loan of $85 billion dollars should have gotten American taxpayers up in arms. This was, after all, taxpayer money they are stealing. The $700 billion bailout was described by the New York Times as "an ambitious effort to transfer the bad debts of Wall Street into the obligations of American taxpayers." Make no mistake about it, the bailout was a massive transfer of American wealth to Zionist criminals - a huge "rip-off" in plain English.

On 26 September 2008 President Bush scrambled to bring rebellious members of his own party behind a $700 billion dollar taxpayer bailout of Wall Street banks amid bitter political recriminations from both Democrats and Republicans over collapsed negotiations, the AP reported. Sen. Richard Shelby, an Alabama Republican, said many GOP lawmakers disliked the proposal that has been pushed on the administration's behalf principally by Henry Paulson. "Basically, I believe the Paulson proposal is badly structured," he said. "It does nothing basically for the stressed mortgage payer. It does a lot for three or four or five banks."


Like all dictators, President Bush employed fear and deception to accomplish his criminal agenda. His prime-time speech to the nation on 24 September 2008 was a classic example of how the un-elected president used fear to soften public resistance to the $700 billion bailout of criminal enterprises like A.I.G. His speech was short on facts and long on fear. It should be noted that Bush is the same man who lied to the world about Iraq's weapons of mass destruction, and who recklessly started two illegal wars of aggression after 9/11, which he and his vice president Dick Cheney adamantly refused to investigate.

The keystone to the Bush-Bernanke $700 billion bailout was the $85 billion made available to Maurice Greenberg's A.I.G. As I point out, A.I.G. is a criminal operation which engaged in illegal conduct for many years. American taxpayer money should never be used to support criminal operations like A.I.G.

Here is the key paragraph from Bush's prime time televised speech, which was clearly meant to put fear in American hearts:

The government's top economic experts warn that without immediate action by Congress, America could slip into a financial panic, and a distressing scenario would unfold: More banks could fail, including some in your community. The stock market would drop even more, which would reduce the value of your retirement account. The value of your home could plummet. Foreclosures would rise dramatically. And if you own a business or a farm, you would find it harder and more expensive to get credit. More businesses would close their doors, and millions of Americans could lose their jobs. Even if you have good credit history, it would be more difficult for you to get the loans you need to buy a car or send your children to college. And ultimately, our country could experience a long and painful recession.

A $700 billion expenditure on distressed mortgage-related assets was roughly as much as the United States had spent in direct costs on the Iraq war and more than the Pentagon's total yearly budget appropriation. The bailout cost every man, woman and child in the United States more than $2,000 — before interest.

Fed chairman Ben Shalom Bernanke held a series of conference calls with members of Congress to push the bailout. No wonder hard-working Americans despise Jewish crooks like Maurice Greenberg and Ben Bernanke. I don't understand why the public is not protesting and burning tires in the streets of American cities. It is certainly no secret that A.I.G. is a criminal operation; this is known to anyone who reads the newspapers. Doesn't anybody read the papers?

Why didn't Americans get up in arms in protest over the bailout? To my mind, it can only be because the news coverage of the huge bailout never mentioned Greenberg's long history of criminal activity. The bailout, proposed at $700 billion, was portrayed as something that was absolutely necessary to save the economy of Main Street -- not a bailout for banksters and other criminals of the highest magnitude.


It should be noted that my accusations about Greenberg's criminality are well documented, in the New York Times, for example. The following article entitled "Excerpts from Complaint Against A.I.G. by New York," dated May 27, 2005, reveals that Greenberg was aware of the criminal nature of A.I.G.'s business — and that he wanted to keep it that way:

Following are excerpts from the complaint filed yesterday against American International Group (A.I.G.); its former chief executive, Maurice R. Greenberg (M.R.G.); and its former chief financial officer, Howard I. Smith, by the New York attorney general and the New York superintendent of insurance:

Both Greenberg and Smith had a direct personal interest in A.I.G.'s stock price; both held hundreds of thousands of shares of A.I.G. stock. For example, the value of Greenbergs's holdings increased or decreased approximately $65 billion for every dollar A.I.G. stock moved.

For over a decade, A.I.G. engaged in a scheme to mischaracterize premiums paid on the workers' compensation line of insurance…

In 1991, A.I.G.'s general counsel, newly arrived from a law firm, undertook a review of the practice… In his interviews, the general counsel learned about the cost that the company would have to incur to 'get legal.' It would have to hire about 40 new people to do filings properly, charge clients more and pay 'much higher' assessment fees.

Indeed, the general counsel's notes reflect that at one stage, an employee went to A.I.G.'s president and was told 'that M.R.G. [Maurice R. Greenberg] did not want him to change things to make it legal – he wants to continue as is.'

In another interview, a witness recounted a meeting that he and others had with Greenberg. According to the notes, M.R.G. asked, 'Are we legal?' When an employee responded, 'If we were legal, we wouldn't be in business,' then M.R.G. began laughing and that was the end of it.

Maurice Greenberg's son, Jeffrey, headed Marsh & McLennan Companies, the nation's largest insurance broker, which took kickbacks and colluded with A.I.G. to rig bids, artificially jacking up the premiums companies pay for liability insurance, according to a civil fraud complaint filed by New York Attorney General Eliot L. Spitzer in 2004.

The civil fraud complaint named A.I.G., Hartford Financial Services Group Inc., ACE Ltd. (another Greenberg company), and a division of Munich Re as active participants in the scheme. Jeffrey Greenberg resigned in October 2004, less than two weeks after Marsh & McLennan was accused of cheating customers. Oddly, as a result, Eliot Spitzer said that he would not bring criminal charges against Marsh. Although Maurice Greenberg was also forced to resign as CEO of A.I.G, he was able to maintain his control of the company through his ownership of stock and managing companies such as Starr International and C.V. Starr.

Jeffrey Greenberg resigned from Marsh & McLennan after being accused of serious financial crimes. The first plane of 9-11 flew directly into his company's secure computer room in the North Tower. Coincidence or conspiracy?


At least two senior A.I.G. executives pleaded guilty to criminal fraud, acknowledging that they had schemed with Marsh and submitted uncompetitive bids to help the broker steer clients to other companies. While it was under investigation in 2005, A.I.G. disclosed "extensive accounting irregularities." The company's earnings for the past five years were adjusted by some $4 billion. In 2004, Greenberg was paid at least $20 million from Starr International, his private company in Panama, and A.I.G.

Why is the U.S. government bailing out known criminals rather than arresting them? Are we laughing as President Bush and his Zionist advisers and appointees reward Greenberg's criminal conduct with an $85 billion bailout? Is this not evidence that the U.S. government is a "crimocracy"? Could this bailout of criminals be stopped if Americans protested loudly enough?

The key person in the Zionist crimocracy behind the bailout is Ben Shalom Bernanke, the "head of the Fed." [Here Ben does not stand for Benjamin, it is Hebrew for "son," in this case meaning "son of peace."]

Ben Shalom Bernanke, chairman of the Federal Reserve, and Henry Paulson, Secretary of the U.S. Treasury, crafted the bailout program that robbed U.S. taxpayers to benefit A.I.G. and private bankers.


A.I.G. was already deemed to be a "shaky insurance company" in a 1990 report conducted by Ralph Nader's Public Citizen. Despite protests and threats from the criminal Greenberg, Public Citizen maintained its "critical assessment" of A.I.G. Greenberg threatened to sue Public Citizen if the consumer group didn't retract its comments on the company "in the next several days."

"I'm angry," Greenberg said, adding like a street thug, "First learn the facts before you shoot your mouth off." Joan Claybrook, Public Citizen president, responded to Greenberg's threats in a letter. Public Citizen "remains fully satisfied with the report's conclusions concerning A.I.G.," Claybrook wrote. After a re-examination of the facts, Claybrook stood by her critical assessment of A.I.G. The company had indeed failed four of the six tests that show whether an insurance company could withstand a severe economic slump. Public Citizen was proven correct and 18 years later the American taxpayer was forced to bail out Greenberg's "shaky insurance" operation.

Where's the outrage? If such a huge bailout were to be demanded from the citizens of any other country, you can be sure that the key players would be scrutinized before one cent of public funds were made available. In America, however, the controlled media censors all information about who is really responsible for this immense transfer of wealth – from the people to the criminals.


It should come as no surprise that the key person behind this unprecedented government bailout of A.I.G., a Zionist criminal operation, is himself a devoted Zionist. Ben Shalom Bernanke, the chairman of the Federal Reserve System, is another Hebrew-speaking scion of the Jewish Theological Seminary of New York City, like Michael Chertoff and Alvin K. Hellerstein.

How can it be that the sons of a very small group of uneducated Jews from Eastern Europe, who immigrated to the Bronx in the early 1900s, now exercise a great deal of control over a nation of 250 million non-Jews? If you were to ask a Zionist Jew from the Jewish Theological Seminary why they seek to control America, they would probably say: "Because we can."

Growing up, Bernanke attended the extremist Zionist summer camp (Ramah) of the Jewish Theological Seminary (JTS) where he was immersed for months in Zionist ideology – in Hebrew. During college in the early 1970s, Bernanke worked for a Jewish crime boss in South Carolina.


Ben Bernanke went to Harvard University and graduated with a B.A. in economics in 1975. Throughout college Bernanke had a rather odd summer job for an Ivy League student of economics. Every summer he returned to Dillon, South Carolina, to work for Alan Heller Schafer, the well-known Jewish criminal and political boss who ran a sprawling roadside gambling and drinking establishment called "South of the Border." The adjacent counties in North Carolina had been "dry counties" when Schafer originally started his drinking and gambling establishment. Such was Schafer's clout that he was able to have the route of Interstate 95 changed so it passed his saloon and gambling operation.

Alan Schafer was, after all, the long-standing chairman of the Democratic Party in Dillon County, where, since 1966, he ran the "state's smoothest-running political machine" by buying votes. Schafer's political machine maintained power, said Craig C. Donsanto, director of the Justice Department's Election Crimes Branch, through a "carefully controlled and sophisticated system of rigging elections," the New York Times reported in 1982. This is the crime boss that Bernanke worked for, every summer, while he studied at Harvard.

Alan H. Schafer, crime boss of Dillon, South Carolina and mentor of Ben Bernanke

"Alan didn't want any more stump meetings because they threatened his candidates," said A.W. (Red) Bethea, 66, who was defeated four times in Statehouse races by Schafer-backed candidates. "If you were running against the Schafer machine without his wanting you to, you were just wasting your time."

Mr. Donsanto said more than 1,000 Dillon County voters were paid $5 to $10 to sign their names to absentee ballots in 1980. In the 1980 primary, 1,500 of the 7,000 votes cast in Dillon County were absentee ballots. Two days after the primary, agents from the U.S. Justice Dept. "swooped down on Dillon County and seized the ballot boxes, touching off the largest voting fraud investigation ever conducted in the Southeast," the Times reported.

After an eighteen-month investigation, thirty residents of Dillon County were indicted on charges of violating federal election laws, most of them for buying votes. As the head of the election corruption and vote-buying machine, Schafer was sentenced to three and a half years in federal prison. The joint state and federal investigation, which finally busted Schafer's political machine, "broke up the county's leadership elite, men who had controlled and manipulated Dillon's political process since the mid-1960s," the Times reported.

This was the well-known Jewish criminal that Ben Shalom Bernanke, a student of economics at Harvard, worked for every summer. It is simply not believable that Bernanke was unaware of Schafer's wide-scale criminal activities, which were legendary in the state. Bernanke is now behind the $85 billion taxpayer-funded bailout of another Zionist criminal, Maurice R. Greenberg, who ran A.I.G. for decades and who owned some $15 billion worth of A.I.G. stock --before it fell some ninety-four percent in value.

After college, Bernanke earned a doctorate at Massachusetts Institute of Technology, where his adviser was Stanley “Stan” Fischer, who was born in Rhodesia. Fischer also happens to be the current Governor of the Bank of Israel. If one looks at Bernanke's biography one will find that he has spent his entire life engaged in Zionist activities.

Stanley Fischer (left) with Israeli prime minister Ehud Olmert, April 1, 2008

The A.I.G. scam is much more than insurance fraud. Greenberg's criminal enterprise is immense and even includes a company (ILFC) that leases and finances aircraft for the airlines and covert government kidnapping operations known as "enforced renditions." One of Greenberg's aircraft, for example, a Gulfstream 4 with tail number N971L, was evidently involved in the abduction of crew members who survived the Estonia catastrophe in September 1994. Greenberg's plane left Stockholm's Arlanda airport with half a dozen "unregistered passengers" and took them to Bangor, Maine, the day eleven surviving crew members disappeared from Stockholm's Huddinge hospital.

This is just a fragment of the criminal activity in which Greenberg’s A.I.G. is involved. As I wrote in a earlier chapter, Greenberg and A.I.G. are involved in the 9/11 false flag terror attacks:


Rebuffed in 1987, the Mossad team of Malkin and Shalom didn't give up on Isser Harel's prophecy of 9-11, which meant getting the Port Authority security contract. They simply changed tack and decided to work in a less obvious manner, through dedicated and corrupt American Zionists like Jules Kroll and Maurice Greenberg. Shalom went to work for Kroll, according to the online 9/11 Encyclopedia entry for Maurice "Hank" Greenberg, the CEO of the American International Group (A.I.G.) insurance company…

In 1993, Maurice Greenberg became a partner and co-owner of Jules Kroll's company when A.I.G. bought twenty-three percent of Kroll. Greenberg is very close to Henry Kissinger, who became chairman of A.I.G.'s International Advisory Board in 1987.

Henry Kissinger and Maurice Greenberg have worked together for decades.

Greenberg was deeply involved in China in the 80s, where Henry Kissinger was one of his representatives, according to the 9/11 Encyclopedia. Through the China trade Greenberg became close to Shaul Eisenberg, the leader of the Asian section of the Israeli intelligence service Mossad, and agent for the sales of sophisticated military equipment to the Chinese military, it reports. Eisenberg was also the owner of Atwell Security of Tel Aviv…

Maurice Greenberg and Jules Kroll became partners in 1993, the same year Kroll Associates "was chosen over three other companies to advise the Port Authority on a redesign of its security procedures." "We have such confidence in them that I have followed every one of their recommendations," Stanley Brezenoff, the Port Authority executive director, told the New York Times in 1994.

Kroll controlled security at the World Trade Center complex in 2001 and was responsible for hiring John O'Neill, the former chief of counterterrorism for the FBI, who died on 9-11, reportedly his first day on the new job.

Greenberg's son, Jeffrey W. Greenberg, became CEO of Marsh & McLennan (MMC) in 1999 and chairman in 2000. The first plane of 9-11 flew directly into the secure computer room of Marsh (Kroll) USA, part of Greenberg's company. Mark Wood, an eyewitness, said: "It looked like a mid-sized executive jet and the way it turned suggested it was being aimed deliberately at a target."


By April 2009, A.I.G. had received more than $180 billion in loans from the U.S. government. Goldman Sachs, the former employer of Hank Paulson, Secretary of the U.S. Treasury, was the largest single recipient of this money receiving nearly $13 billion in U.S. taxpayer funds. While A.I.G. owed this money to Goldman Sachs and other private investment banks, members of Congress and some voices in the media expressed outrage that taxpayer money was going to the banks.

Had the corrupt and fraudulent A.I.G. been allowed to fail in a controlled manner through bankruptcy, bondholders and derivative counterparties (major banks) would have suffered significant losses, limiting the amount of taxpayer funds directly used. Ben Bernanke argued: "If a federal agency had [appropriate authority] on September 16 [2008], they could have been used to put A.I.G. into conservatorship or receivership, unwind it slowly, protect policyholders, and impose haircuts on creditors and counterparties as appropriate. That outcome would have been far preferable to the situation we find ourselves in now."

The "situation" Bernanke means is that the claims of bondholders and counterparties were paid in full - at 100 cents on the dollar - with taxpayer funds without giving taxpayers the rights to the future profits of these institutions. In other words, the benefits went to the banks while the taxpayers paid the costs.

Joshua B. Bolten, former executive director of legal and governmental affairs at Goldman Sachs, became Chief of Staff for President George W. Bush in April 2006. Bolten is credited with recruiting Henry Paulson, CEO of Goldman Sachs, to become Treasury Secretary in July 2006. Paulson crafted the A.I.G. bailout in which Goldman Sachs was the largest single recipient of this money ($12.9 billion). Paulson spoke with the CEO of Goldman Sachs at least dozen times during the week of the bailout, according to the New York Times.


Sources and Recommended Reading:

Bollyn, Christopher, "Were Key Survivors from Estonia Catastrophe Kidnapped?" January 2005 ... d&link=133

Bollyn, Christopher, "The Architecture of Terror: Mapping the Israeli Network Behind 9-11," July 24, 2008

Bollyn, Christopher, " 'Ghost Planes' Make Suspects Disappear: Pentagon has new secret weapon in 'War on Terror' " American Free Press, January 2004

Bush, George W., "President's Address to the Nation," Office of the Press Secretary, September 24, 2008 ... 24-10.html

Herszenhorn, David M., "Administration Is Seeking $700 Billion for Wall Street Bailout," New York Times, September 20, 2008

Morgenson, Gretchen, "A.I.G. Provides Details of Executive Compensation," New York Times, June 28, 2005

New York Times, "Carolina Revives its Stump Meetings," May 23, 1982 (Article about Alan Schafer's criminal activities in Dillon County elections, S.C.)

New York Times, "Excerpts from Complaint Against A.I.G. by New York," May 27, 2005 (pg. C6)

Treaster, Joseph B., "Insurance Chief Quits in Inq uiry Led by Spitzer," New York Times, October 26, 2004

Wikipedia entry for American International Group (A.I.G.), August 25, 2009

Original - September 26, 2008
Latest Edit – June 22, 2011
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Re: Solving 9-11: The Deception that Changed the World

Postby admin » Wed Oct 18, 2017 12:10 am

Chapter 12: The Nexus Linking 9-11 and the Financial Crisis

The financial crisis of 2008, like 9/11, did not simply fall out of the sky. Both 9/11 and the financial melt-down are the results of decades of planning and preparation. President Clinton's denial of responsibility for the economic crisis notwithstanding, it was his administration, indeed, his special adviser, the Israeli son-of-a-terrorist Rahm Emanuel, who took credit for single-handedly pushing the economically treasonous NAFTA bill through Congress. That a president from the pro-labor Democrat party would support a bill designed to destroy the jobs of millions of working Americans as it devastated the U.S. manufacturing sector is something that the mainstream media has never addressed.

Rahm Emanuel is credited with getting the unpopular and disastrous NAFTA bill passed.

What America reaped in 2009 were the real economic consequences of the "giant sucking sound" that the anti-NAFTA candidate Ross Perot warned of during the presidential debates of 1992. Seventeen years later, however, no one is laughing about Perot's phrase that he used to describe what NAFTA and other free trade agreements would do to the American economy. Americans are now suffering from having accepted the big lie about NAFTA and "free trade" with China. Ross Perot was absolutely right about how NAFTA and other "free-trade" policies would destroy America's prosperity by devastating our manufacturing sector.

Millions of U.S. jobs were exported as American companies moved their factories to Mexico, China, and elsewhere as a result of the disastrous free trade policies enacted during the Clinton administrations. The "Made in America" label, a symbol of quality and pride, is seldom found on clothing, shoes, and other products in American stores. Original American products like blue jeans and Converse sneakers are no longer even made in the United States.

Since the passage of NAFTA, the "Made in the USA" label is seldom found on clothes and shoes sold in American stores.

As an anti-NAFTA independent candidate, H. Ross Perot ran a valiant campaign to protect American jobs, the U.S. manufacturing sector, and our national prosperity. Bill Clinton, however, won the election -- and the American people lost. The ever increasing trade deficits suffered since the early 1990's are the clearest evidence that America's wealth has been sucked out of the nation at an incredible rate. Ross Perot was right: the U.S. dream could not be sustained solely by the service sector. I wonder if they still teach that lie in American universities. Perhaps they will rediscover the wisdom of the writings of the founding fathers, such as Alexander Hamilton on the importance of manufacturing and the economic causes of the American Revolution.

H. Ross Perot

Behind such massive criminal hoaxes as the false-flag terror attacks of 9-11, the ongoing financial crises, and the government bailouts are years of planning and preparation by high-level criminal organizations. Such immense crimes are designed to steal huge amounts of money, shape public opinion, and facilitate drastic changes in society and government. The so-called "War on Terror," the PATRIOT ACT, the U.S. Department of Homeland Security, and the trillion-dollar bailouts and stimulus bills are all examples of such pre-planned responses. Fear is the primary tool used by the controlled media and corrupt politicians to force these pre-planned radical changes onto the skeptical and patriotic public.


Maurice Greenberg, who is tied to the culprits of 9/11, is the head of the criminal insurance company A.I.G., which eventually received more than $180 billion of U.S. taxpayer funds from the government bailout of 2008-2009. The first plane that struck the World Trade Center flew straight into the secure computer room of Marsh, a company run by his son Jeffrey. Is this just a coincidence?

Who is behind such huge lies and massive hoaxes? While some of the key culprits behind the current financial crisis are known, for example Bernard Madoff and Maurice Greenberg of A.I.G., there has been no investigation by the mainstream media of the criminal networks they operate within. On the other hand, there has been a great deal of discussion by the media about the alleged Islamic network behind 9/11. The accepted but unproven version of events, which has been promoted without question by the media, is that Al Qaida, a non-state entity supposedly headed by Osama Bin Laden, with the support of some state actors, such as Afghanistan, Pakistan, and Saudi Arabia, planned and carried out the 9/11 terror attacks for some reason which has yet to be articulated by the perpetrators - or explained by the U.S. government.

Osama Bin Laden said he had nothing to do with 9-11. The discovery of super-thermite in the dust of the World Trade Center proves that the culprits were high-tech wizards with nano-technology - not Islamic fighters from Afghanistan.

From the day of 9/11, President George W. Bush told the world that Al Qaida had destroyed the World Trade Center and attacked the Pentagon because it hated America's democratic freedoms, as if that makes any sense. According to the unproven claims made by the Bush administration and distributed by the controlled media, an anti-democratic Islamic faction from poor and undemocratic lands had committed the 9/11 terror atrocity in order to start a war between the Islamic world and the western democracies, headed by the United States.

President George W. Bush learned of the terror attacks while reading in a Florida classroom. He spent the next 7 years promoting the myth that Muslim terrorists had attacked the United States because they hated American freedoms.

Incredibly hot fires, hotter than the boiling point of iron, inexplicably raged beneath the rubble of the World Trade Center for more than three months as the physical evidence of demolition was furtively being removed and destroyed with the connivance of the U.S. government (specifically the criminal division of the Department of Justice headed by the Israeli-American Michael Chertoff). The Bush administration showed a callous disregard for starting an independent blue ribbon investigation of the worst terror attack in U.S. history as it eagerly took up the gauntlet against Afghanistan, governed by the Islamic Taliban. The pre-planned U.S. military response, the so-called "War on Terror," commenced before the fires were even extinguished at the World Trade Center.

Extremely persistent fires -- hotter than the boiling point of iron -- burned beneath the rubble for nearly 4 months after 9/11. The thermitic reactions that produced these fires created smoke particles in the nano-size range, creating a serious health hazard for people in New York City.

The "War on Terror" is actually part of a long-planned Zionist strategy to dominate the Middle East. This strategy was first articulated by the extreme right-wing Israeli politician Benjamin Netanyahu of the Likud party in the mid-1980s. This radical Zionist plan became U.S. policy in the aftermath of 9/11 and has been the rationale for at least five ongoing wars in the region: Iraq, Afghanistan, Somalia, Pakistan, and Yemen.

At the beginning of his term President Obama ordered 17,000 more U.S. troops to Afghanistan, whence the terrorists of 9-11 supposedly came, at least according to the government's accepted myth about Bin Laden and his twenty hijackers. Obama's strategy to expand and prolong this disastrous military campaign is extremely ill-advised. The Soviet Union had a land border with Afghanistan, more troops in the country, and killed more than a million people — and still lost the war. How, or what, does Obama possibly expect to win?

Yet, the fundamental question remains: who really carried out 9/11? This is the key point where the official story diverges from the path of the evidence. It is also the basic question of culpability where "truth seekers" disagree. The U.S. government, which confiscated and destroyed tons of evidence, is actually holding the person alleged to be Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, the "mastermind of 9/11," but refuses to put him on trial in the United States. How very odd. At the same time, grieving 9/11 relatives were denied a trial to determine who was responsible for their losses for more than 10 years. In 2011, with only one family left in the 9/11 tort litigation, the Israeli-owned passenger screening company who allegedly allowed nineteen Arabs with knives onto the aircraft was dismissed from the lawsuit.

The person said to be the "mastermind of 9-11" has been denied due process in a gulag in Cuba.

Meanwhile, real evidence of Israeli involvement in the events of 9/11 has been completely ignored by the government and media, as if it did not exist or had no relevance to the crime. I have examined and investigated these leads since September 2001. My investigation has revealed a complex corporate and financial network in which high-level Zionists and Israeli intelligence agents have long operated in the United States and beyond.

Within this network the connections of Zionists and Israelis to both 9/11 and the current financial crisis can clearly be seen. In the chapter "The Architecture of Terror: Mapping the Network Behind 9/11" some of the key individuals and companies in this corporate network and their connection to the events of 9/11 are discussed.

The first plane flew directly into the secure computer room of Marsh, a company run by the son of Maurice Greenberg. The white cloud coming from the Marsh computer room on the east side of the tower is strongly indicative of a thermitic explosion. Lewis "Jerry" Bremer, a long-standing associate of Henry Kissinger and Marsh employee became the first head of U.S.-occupied and oil-rich Iraq. It is highly unlikely that these connections are all merely coincidental.

While the huge U.S. government bailout was being considered and planned in the fall of 2008, I pointed out that some of the same individuals and entities, such as Maurice Greenberg of A.I.G., were involved in the financial crisis at the highest level. A.I.G., for example, a dodgy insurance company that has long engaged in criminal practices, received more than $180 billion of U.S. tax-payer funds. As I pointed out in the chapter and articles about the bailout, the key people behind the bailout - Ben Shalom Bernanke, the Chairman of the Federal Reserve, for example, are dedicated Zionists with histories of working with the Zionist criminal network. In Bernanke's case, he had worked for Alan Heller Schafer, the well-known Jewish criminal and political boss who ran a sprawling roadside gambling and drinking establishment called South of the Border.

Bernanke's boss Schafer was later convicted of rigging elections in South Carolina and sentenced to three and a half years in federal prison. As I concluded in my article about Bernanke's ties to Schafer, it is simply not credible that Bernanke, a student at Harvard, was unaware of Schafer's legendary criminality.

The so-called "mainstream media," outlets such as the New York Times, Chicago Tribune, Los Angeles Times, CNN, and FOX News, however, will never investigate the connections of the Zionist corporate network with 9/11 or the financial crisis because they are part of the same network. This is how the Zionist-controlled media works: they shield Zionist crooks by blaming others. This is also why CNN and FOX sought to smear me as an anti-Semite rather than discuss the evidence of 9/11.

The situation with the Zionist bankers and corrupt Israeli banks like Israel Discount Bank of New York is exactly like that depicted in The International, the film about a corrupt bank which profits from Middle East weapons deals and war debt. As the Italian weapons dealer turned politician said: "It's not about the profits from the weapon deals; it's about control." Debt is the banker's instrument of control.

It is a fairly daunting undertaking for an independent journalist to investigate the sprawling criminal network behind such huge crimes. Apart from the very real dangers it presents, it requires a great deal of research. I have paid a very high price for my 9/11 research and activism and seen the lives and careers of fellow truth seekers destroyed because they dared to challenge the audacious lies imposed on the public mind.

Christopher Bollyn, the author, was attacked by undercover police in front of his wife and child at his home in August 2006. He suffered a broken elbow and a 50,000 volt "drive stun" TASER shock applied directly to his lower back while handcuffed and held down by two men - one kneeling on the temple of his head. The Hoffman Estates police destroyed the videos (despite a FOIA request and their obvious importance as evidence) of the attack and maliciously prosecuted Bollyn for attacking three heavily armed men wearing body armor - on his property. A Zionist judge named Hyman I. Riebman oversaw the flawed trial in which the police and the witness for the prosecution gave testimony that was clearly contradictory. Bollyn's expert witness and evidence was not admitted. Found guilty of two misdemeanors and facing sentencing by the same judge, Bollyn left the United States in June 2007.

Here I present a facet of the corporate nexus behind 9/11 and the financial crisis to illustrate the high-level Zionist network involved in both crises. This network is not simple; it is rather complex and spans a period of several decades. To help introduce this fairly complicated subject, I am presenting it as I discovered it.


Shortly after 9/11 a woman named Indira Singh came forward with claims that a Massachusetts-based enterprise software company called Ptech had played a key role in the events of 9/11. In 2002, Singh was described in the Boston press as "a former Ptech consultant."

Indira Singh began her career at First Boston in the mid-1970s when mortgage-based securities were first developed by Laurence D. Fink, now CEO of BlackRock.

Singh, said to be a risk architect and Information Technology (IT) professional with JP Morgan, certainly knew a great deal about Ptech and its dodgy spy software, which had reportedly been loaded onto the most critical computer networks in the U.S. government prior to 9/11. A Boston Globe article from 7 December 2002 described Singh as "a former Ptech consultant," citing an interview she had done with WBZ-TV:

Singh said last night in an interview on WBZ that she told the FBI "in no uncertain terms" about the connection between Ptech and [Yasin al] Qadi. She said that weeks after talking to the Boston FBI, she was ‘'shocked" and "frustrated" to learn that the FBI still had not alerted any of the government agencies using Ptech software that there were questions about the company's ties to suspected terrorist fund-raisers.

Indira Singh, the former Ptech consultant turned whistleblower, sought to put the blame on Arabs and the CIA. The essence of Singh's 9/11 presentation was that the people behind Ptech were Arab Moslems tied to Saudi financiers of terrorism and a rogue element within the CIA, which included Vice President Dick Cheney. Singh later did a series of interviews with Jamey A. Hecht, editor of From the Wilderness (FTW), a website that featured material written by Mike Ruppert. In these interviews Singh discussed Ptech's enterprise software, how it could have been used to manipulate data on critical government computer networks such as the FAA, NORAD, and U.S. Air Force, and who she thought was behind the company:

Hecht: You said at the 9-11 Citizens' Commission hearings, you mentioned - its on page 139 of transcript - that Ptech was with Mitre Corporation in the basement of the FAA for two years prior to 9-11 and their specific job was to look at interoperability issues the FAA had with NORAD and the Air Force, in case of an emergency.

Singh: Yes, I have a good diagram for that…

Jamey Hecht: And that relationship had been going on mediated by Ptech for two years prior to 9-11. You elsewhere say that the Secret Service is among the government entities that had a contract with Ptech. Mike Ruppert's thesis in Crossing the Rubicon, as you know, is that the software that was running information between FAA and NORAD was superseded by a parallel subsuming version of itself that was being run by the Secret Service on state of the art parallel equipment in the PEOC with a nucleus of Secret Service personnel around Cheney.

Singh claimed that Ptech was connected to the CIA and Saudi millionaires, using terminology like "blowback," a term that is not commonly used: "Ptech had all the markings," said Indira Singh. All the markings of a CIA front company. "I think there is a CIA within the CIA," Indira told FTW. "I think there is a Shadow CIA that does the Iran-Contra type of things — they get funding from illicit methods–and that the Saudis are in on it. They might have trained some operatives, and later it backfired - it was blowback within blowback, perhaps."

In one of the FTW articles about Ptech by Michael Kane, a list of three suspect groups is presented: the Muslim Brotherhood, Christian Cultists, and Nazis. Kane describes Ptech as "the Alpha dog" in a relationship with Mitre, but the ownership of Mitre is never discussed. Elsewhere, Vice President Dick Cheney is named as a suspect, depicted as the mastermind single-handedly running the whole show:

Ptech was working with Mitre Corp. in the FAA and, according to Indira, Ptech was the Alpha dog in that relationship. Mitre has provided simulation and testing technologies for the Navy. They provide multiple FAA technologies and boast in their annual reports that their two biggest clients are DOD and FAA. Mitre knew the FAA's technological enterprise inside and out, including any simulation-and-testing (war game) technology operated by the FAA.

This was the perfect marriage to ensure that the capacity to covertly intervene in FAA operations on 9/11 existed - in the middle of simulated war games. It is also the perfect marriage to ensure that the command and control of these capabilities was readily available to Dick Cheney via Secret Service Ptech software in the Presidential Emergency Operations Center, the bunker to which Cheney was "rushed" by the Secret Service. As already pointed out in Part 1 of this series, Ptech does what Total Information Awareness (TIA, the DARPA program to monitor all electronic transactions in real-time) is supposed to do. There are an undetermined number of other software programs in the hands of an undetermined number of corporations also capable of this. Again, enterprise architecture software is designed with the express purpose of knowing everything that is going on throughout the entirety of the "enterprise" in real-time.

In the case of Ptech software, installed on White House, Secret Service, Air Force and FAA systems (as well as most American military agencies), the enterprise included all of the real-time data of the above mentioned agencies.

Jamey Hecht, senior editor of From the Wilderness

Hecht, senior editor of the FTW website, described Ptech as a den of thieves and murderers in the introduction to "Ptech, 9-11, and USA-Saudi Terror" (2005):

The human side of Ptech is where the thievery and murder come in: among the financiers and programmers of Ptech are apparent members of an international network of organized criminals involved in decades of narcotraffic, gunrunning, money laundering, and terrorism. Their personal and professional connections reach up into the highest levels of the American government, and their activities are still underway.

But who are these financiers and programmers of Ptech? Who are the "apparent members of an international network of organized criminals involved in decades of narcotraffic, gunrunning, money laundering, and terrorism?"

What Hecht, Kane, and Singh overlooked in their investigation of Ptech was the conspicuous role played by Michael Goff, a Zionist Jewish lawyer from Worcester, Massachusetts, who had suddenly left his law practice to manage Ptech, a start-up company headed by a Lebanese Muslim. How much sense does that make? Not much, unless of course one considers the idea that Ptech was an Israeli-controlled cut-out operation from the beginning.

Michael Goff was the first marketing and general manager of Ptech. He went on to work for Guardium, an enterprise software company owned and operated by Israeli military intelligence. Goff wore many hats at the new company as Ptech's spy software found its way onto the most critical networks of the U.S. government. Goff, who was Ptech's first marketing manager, was also responsible for the procurement of all software for a company that supposedly wrote enterprise software. He was also responsible for the hiring and training of personnel. As I pointed out in my 2005 exposé about Ptech, Goff went on to represent Guardium, an Israeli software company founded and run by members of Israeli military intelligence.

Goff was clearly not just a simple Jewish lawyer who wanted to help a Lebanese immigrant promote his software company. This is probably why Goff could not tell me the name of the agency which had placed him with Ptech; the agency was most likely a branch of Israeli military intelligence. In that case, how do Hecht and Singh fit in? Who are they and who do they really work for in their apparent disinformation campaign?

The evidence indicates that Ptech was disguised to look Arab-owned, but was actually run by Israeli intelligence. Goff was Israel's point man within the company and the person who hired the right people and through whom the Israeli-manipulated software became Ptech enterprise software. Goff appears to have been the conduit, the personal link through which malicious Israeli spyware was loaded onto U.S. government computers. Hecht, Ruppert, and Singh were apparently tasked as spin-masters to pin the blame on Arabs and a nebulous cabal at the CIA in order to distract investigators from the Israeli connection to Ptech.

How else could it be that Singh, Hecht, and Kane only saw Arabs and rogue CIA agents running Ptech without noticing Mike Goff, the Jewish lawyer from Worchester, Massachusetts, who played so many key roles running Ptech from the beginning? How is it that Singh knew so much about Ptech – but absolutely nothing about Michael Goff? Goff's name was on Ptech documents, after all. Were Singh, Hecht, Kane, and Ruppert intentionally spreading disinformation about Ptech? This appears to have been the case. But who were they working for?

Jamey Hecht (on left) with Michael Ruppert and the FTW crew in New York, May 2006. Hecht was Assistant Managing Editor and Senior Staff Writer of the FTW website from 2003-2006. Mike Ruppert is kneeling; Michael Kane is fifth from left. Jenna Orkin (in pink) is the daughter of a Jewish Hollywood producer known as "The Mighty Ork". She lobbied unsuccessfully to keep the author off Jimmy Walter's 9/11 Truth Tour in Europe, and then used fear tactics to prevent him from speaking in Vienna. Who were these disinfo agents really working for?


Sources and recommended reading:

Imran Khan interview with Fareed Zakaria, February 22, 2009

Bollyn, Christopher, "The Architecture of Terror: Mapping the Israeli Network Behind 9-11," July 24, 2008

Bollyn, Christopher, "Why are Honest 9-11 Researchers Targeted?" May 15, 2007 (and linked articles)

Bollyn, Christopher, "Why Did Iron Boil in the Rubble of the World Trade Center?" Rumor Mill News, May 6, 2006

Bollyn, Christopher, "9-11 and the Crisis on Wall Street," September 17, 2008

Bollyn, Christopher, "How Mossad Deceived the U.S. Military on 9/11," April 1, 2005

Kane, Michael, "PTECH, 9/11, and USA-SAUDI TERROR - PART II," From the Wilderness, 2005

Ranalli, Ralph, "FBI Reportedly Didn't Act on Ptech Tips," Boston Globe, December 7, 2002

Original - March 2, 2009
Latest Edit – June 22, 2011
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Re: Solving 9-11: The Deception that Changed the World

Postby admin » Wed Oct 18, 2017 12:24 am

Chapter 13: Ptech, 9/11 and the Financial Collapse

P-Tech is the one thread, the one golden thread you pull on, and all of this is unraveled. ... All of this stuff took money to fund. And it was funded through major financial crimes, money laundering, and looting, looting of the S&L’s, looting of the banking’s all being done systematically to keep the slush funds up for the game at play.
– Indira R. Singh

On 9/11 the world witnessed a horrific terror spectacle when the World Trade Center was bombed and demolished into a pile of rubble in broad daylight. The murderous demolition of the twin towers is an unprecedented event in world history. The terror attacks of 9/11 and the financial crisis that exploded onto the world scene in September 2008 are similar and connected. The similarity between the two events that occurred almost exactly seven years apart reveals the criminal network behind both events and their methods.

The terror bombings of 9/11 are related to the financial collapse of 2008 and involve many of the same criminal elements.

What we know about the destroyed towers is that they had recently come under the complete control of two Zionist Jews -- Larry Silverstein and the former Israeli commando fighter, Frank Lowy. With the connivance of fellow Zionist Jews, these two active and dedicated Zionists obtained the leases, with borrowed funds, for the Twin Towers at the end of July 2001 and had them insured them to the hilt – including anticipated future earnings – against a terror attack precisely like the one that occurred six weeks later on 9/11, when they hit the jackpot, blood and all.

The three towers that were demolished on 9/11 were all owned or leased by Larry Silverstein, a dedicated Zionist and former strip club owner turned real estate mogul.

Frank Lowy (right), a former Israeli commando, and his son are close friends of Rupert Murdoch (center), a fellow Australian Zionist Jew and owner of FOX News and News Corporation. Lowy was Silverstein's partner in leasing the World Trade Center, a lease that was funded by the Zionist-run -- and now bankrupt -- GMAC, the financial branch of General Motors. Silverstein and Lowy obtained the World Trade Center lease six weeks before 9/11 and made several billion dollars on its destruction.

The security of the Twin Towers was in the hands of a Zionist firm and had been since 1993. That company was under the control of Maurice Greenberg and Jules Kroll. The first plane that struck the World Trade Center homed in on a secure computer room in the northeast section of the North Tower. The plane went directly into the computer room of a company named Marsh that was run by Greenberg's son. What a coincidence.

Michael Chertoff, an Israeli-American orthodox Jew and devoted Zionist, headed the criminal division of the Department of Justice from 2001 to 2003. From this position, Chertoff -- whose mother was an Israeli intelligence agent -- supervised the non-investigation 9/11 and destruction of crucial evidence.

Michael Chertoff, an Israeli citizen and son of the Mossad, was responsible for the destruction of the evidence from the World Trade Center.

The Zionist-controlled media promoted the preposterous and unproven theory that Osama Bin Laden and his twenty hijackers had carried out the attack from their headquarters in Afghanistan. The United States went to war against the Taliban regime in Afghanistan based on unproven allegations and false evidence as the real evidence of mass murder was furtively being shipped to various Asian ports where it was destroyed in the furnaces of steel mills.

Larry Silverstein and Frank Lowy received huge pay-outs from the insurance companies. The American people and U.S. taxpayers were left with a pile of incredibly hot rubble and an immense price tag which grew with the passage of time. Seven years later, to the day, two pillars of the financial world collapsed in a strikingly similar fashion. These two columns were Lehman Brothers bank and the American International Group (A.I.G.), managed and controlled for decades by Maurice R. Greenberg.

Like the twin towers, these companies were thought to be too large to collapse, but collapse they did. By September 11, 2008, these companies seemed to be in a state of free fall. Investors pulled their money and global panic ensued. Like the Twin Towers, both Lehman and A.I.G. were Zionist-controlled organizations.

The federal systems of corporate financial security, enforcement, and investigation were also under Zionist control. Despite repeated warnings, indictments, and violations of the law by A.I.G., the heads of the U.S. Treasury and Federal Reserve Bank called for the U.S. taxpayer to bail out these corrupt and criminal enterprises. The key player in this huge and historic bailout was Ben Shalom Bernanke, a dedicated Zionist who spent summers working for a well-known Jewish criminal who controlled elections in Dillon, South Carolina.

Maurice Greenberg, the disgraced head of the criminal A.I.G. and chairman and CEO of C.V. Starr & Co., Inc., testifies before the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee hearing on "The Collapse and Federal Rescue of A.I.G. and What It Means for the U.S. Economy" in Washington, D.C. on April 2, 2009. The Securities and Exchange Commission accused Greenberg of numerous improper accounting moves between 2000 and 2005. The false accounting amounted to more than $5 billion and resulted in A.I.G. paying more than $1 billion in fines. In August 2009 Greenberg was personally fined more than $130 million in a lawsuit filed on behalf of defrauded workers in Ohio. Maurice "Hank" Greenberg, a devoted Zionist, will go down as one of the greatest criminals in history. (UPI Photo)

An immense amount of taxpayer money, some $180 billion, has been poured into the financial black hole known as A.I.G. This is roughly equivalent to taking $600 from every man, woman, and child in the United States and using it to prop up (or absorb the losses of) the criminal and fraudulent financial/insurance structure operated by Maurice Greenberg.

The profits made by Lehman Brothers and A.I.G. have gone into private offshore accounts, while the debts and obligations have been passed on to the U.S. taxpayer. These companies were looted and plundered and then allowed to collapse. Once again, the rubble and costs were forced upon the American people against their will. The American public was 1,000-to-1 against the Zionist bailout.

The fact that the first plane that hit the World Trade Center flew directly into the secure computer room of Marsh, a company run by Maurice Greenberg's son Jeffrey, is just one of the obvious connections between these two catastrophic events. Ptech's dodgy enterprise software is another.

The first plane nosed right into the secure computer room of Marsh, a Greenberg-owned company, as if guided by a homing device inside the tower. The unusual bursts of white smoke and light orange flame that accompanied the explosions from the Marsh computer room suggest that the room had been loaded with Thermate.

In the previous chapter, the key role of Ptech enterprise software was discussed. The person who first brought public awareness to the Ptech problem was a "risk architect" named Indira R. Singh, who lived near the World Trade Center and was working with JP Morgan Chase on 9/11. Singh is very knowledgeable about Ptech and what such enterprise software can do.

My research found that one of the key people involved in the founding of Ptech was a Jewish lawyer from Worcester, Massachusetts, named Michael S. Goff. Goff's father and grandfather had both been highest level Freemasons in the Zionist secret society of B'nai B'rith. Michael was Ptech's first marketing manager and all-around general director in 1994, according to his own published statements about his role with the company. He was responsible for all hiring, training, and procurement for the company.

Goff went on to work for Guardium, an Israeli enterprise software company founded and headed by individuals from Israeli military intelligence. As I explain in "The Architecture of Terror: Mapping the Israeli Network Behind 9/11," one of the founders and directors of Guardium is Gill Zaphrir (a.k.a. Zafrir), an Israeli colonel who "headed the research and development department of the Israel Air Force." Goff was working for Zaphrir's Guardium in 2005 when I discovered his role in founding Ptech.

Col. Gill Zaphrir headed the R&D Department of the Israel Air Force.

Singh doesn't say anything about Goff at Ptech, but that is understandable. This Israeli connection is something I discovered in 2005 and it has not been discussed by the mainstream media. It is unlikely that anybody else would have told Singh about Goff's key role in building Ptech in the mid-1990s. Furthermore, Israelis are generally seen as allies of the United States.

Understanding the role of Ptech's dodgy enterprise software and the connection between Ptech and Israeli military intelligence requires reading my articles about Ptech and Mitre. With this Israeli conection to Ptech in mind, I recommend reading "The Story of Indira Singh" from an interview she did in April 2005. This is one of the most informative and least biased interviews she has done. It's rather long, but well worth reading for anyone interested in understanding 9/11 and the financial crisis. This interview also contains some interesting testimony about the downing of Flight 93 and the mysterious demolition of the forty-seven-story WTC 7, which was the third tower owned by Larry Silverstein.

Singh's comments about Ptech and her work at JP Morgan shed a great deal of light on how this Ptech enterprise software may have played a role in both 9/11 and the financial meltdown. I recommend reading the entire interview. To give an idea of what Singh discusses, I have provided some of the most interesting extracts below.

Extracts from "The Story of Indira Singh" from Our World in Balance, April 27, 2005:

Indira Singh has been working on Wall Street since 1975. On 9/11 she was working as a senior consultant for JP Morgan Chase. She was tasked with developing a next-generation, operational, risk-blueprint which would proactively identify exposures, including money laundering, rogue trading, and illicit financing patterns. It was in this capacity nine months later, [that] she became aware of the biggest threat to our country, a trans-nationally protected terrorist cartel that brought us 9/11. Indira Singh is a private pilot and a climber. Prior to 9/11, she volunteered as a civilian emergency medical technician, until she was injured at ground zero.

They [the Twin Towers] were mysterious international structures that were the center and the heart of our Western Civilization, basically.
- Indira Singh

Singh: September 11th I was a senior consultant for JP Morgan Chase and Risk. I had cycled through several of their Risk areas as an enterprise architect, or an information architect, technology architect… which basically means that you take a look at the entire enterprise and come up with a blueprint, make sure that all the systems, not just one system, but all the systems, the blueprints for all the systems that are developed to support the business, are in-line, in tune with the business goals and the business architecture and the business processes and where the business is going. So it’s pretty high-level, we call it the CXO level, or the Chief Information Officer, Chief Technology Officer levels and there are disciplines and methodologies and very esoteric software that’s used to manage this. I did that at JP Morgan Chase and I also worked for a small company in Washington, D.C. that was doing some very innovative work regarding technology interoperability, they were developing some inference engines to think about how to put technology architectures together and I wanted to use that for my risk work, basically. …we were seeking funding from In-Q-Tel, which was the CIA’s information technology seeking arm, I had been spending pretty much every Friday, Thursday-Friday down in D.C. trying to get that project off the ground, and trying to get it funded ...

Singh: P-Tech is the one thread, the one golden thread you pull on, and all of this is unraveled. Because it goes into the corporations, it goes into these government entities, it goes into the terrorism financing entities… none of which have been taken to task… there are just so many questions about what does this all mean? And as I investigated further, we found that the origins of P-Tech were very interesting. Where did this company come from? Obviously, that is the first question. And how did they get to be so powerful? Who were the people, who were the organizations that brought them in who knew, who gave them the power? ...

Singh: BMI was identified as being involved with terror financing, but this is just not going to be, ‘The Muslims Hate America!’, that’s not what it is, there is something else going on here, they’re being used as a tool, just as the good people of the U.S. are being used, are being misled, and frightened and terrorized into, ‘if we don’t wage these horrific wars, our way of life will be over’. Who benefits? ...

Singh: The FBI. In fact, this has to be made very clear, there are some extraordinarily real patriotic Americans, and good people in the FBI, as has been said by Colleen Rowley, one of the FBI whistleblowers, there’s a wall in the FBI. And this has been validated to me by various in Houston who are very close to the power bases and are pretty ticked off at what’s happening in this country and are speaking out. As are many CIA agents who are very concerned that it has gone too far, as are many NSA agents who are concerned that it has gone too far, and FBI agents. So we have a lot of people who are speaking out, they have kept quiet too long, they’re afraid, they are afraid of what’s happening to this country …

Singh: Ari Fleischer spun it to find sugar that day. He said, ‘There’s nothing wrong. Nothing to see here, everything’s fine.’ So they did a token raid and that was basically it. But everything that I have done since that time has been for one reason and one reason only, that there may come a time, that people will find the trail to P-Tech, and it won’t be hidden or buried, I’ve kept it alive, whether they’ve renamed their company and moved on I want to keep the names, the details, everything alive, no matter what I have to do, so that, should there come a time for justice and accounting for 9/11, and for what’s happening in the world today, it makes it easier for other people to unravel the truth… Whatever you’re political inclinations, this is wrong. This is criminal, this is murder, this is worldwide atrocity. And I have reached some very good people on the left and on the right, who are willing to speak out about P-Tech. ...

Singh: It was possible that there was an alternate command and control system. Could you technically use P-Tech software to do the surveillance and intervention? Well, gosh, yes, that’s exactly what I was planning on using it for in one of the largest banks in the world. ...

Singh: The Towers came down, 3,000 people were killed, and what I know is the characters behind the funding of it, were totally in bed with characters in the U.S. And not only just for 9/11, but going on through our nation’s history, and the big question is, “Why?” What are they up to?

Question: Could you describe the relationship of P-Tech with the FAA? P-Tech worked with the FAA for several years, didn’t they?

Singh: It was a joint project between P-Tech and Mitre, and they were looking at holes, basically in the FAA’s interoperability, responding with other agencies, law enforcement, in the case of an emergency such as hijacking. So they were looking for… what people would do, how they would respond in case of an emergency, and find the holes, and make recommendations to fix it. Now, if anyone was in a position to know where the holes were, P-Tech was. And that’s exactly the point. If anybody was in a position to write software to take advantage of those holes, it would have been P-Tech. ...

Singh: Now, with the FAA in particular, if something goes wrong, and there is an emergency with a particular flight, and the DOD needs to be notified, well that’s a really major interoperability thing, a signal has to be sent in some way, shape or form, either mediated by a human in most cases, or automatically, or even if its mediated by a human something needs to be initiated on a separate computer to start a whole other sequence of events, interventions, scrambling a jet, notification up and downstream with many other organizations, such as NORAD, such as other terminal radar areas, such as local law enforcement, you name it. So, this all has to be blueprinted, mapped out, and that’s where Enterprise Architecture comes in, you need some kind of blueprint to keep all of this together and that’s what P-Tech was so good at.

Question: Now was there a reference to P-Tech having operated in the basement, out of the FAA?

Singh: Yes. Now, typically, because the scope of such projects are so overarching and so wide-ranging, when you are doing an enterprise architecture project, you pretty much have access to how anything in the organization is being done, where it’s being done, on what systems, what the information is, and you pretty much have carte blanche. Now if it’s a major project that spans several years, the team that comes in has literally access to almost anything they want because you’re operating on a blueprint level, on a massive scale. So, yes, they were everywhere, and I was told that they were in places that required clearances, I was told they had log-on access to FAA flight control computers, I was told that they had passwords to many computers that you may not on the surface… let’s say you… isolated part of a notification process that was mediated by a computer, and you wanted to investigate it further, then you typically get log-on access to that computer, and from that back upstream or downstream, so, who knows? In my experience, I could have access to almost anything I wanted to in JP Morgan Chase… and didn’t, for the reason if anything went wrong, I didn’t wanna have the access. But if you were up to no good, as an enterprise architect, with such a mandate, you typically could have anything you wanted. Access to anything. ...

Singh: But there were 4 war games, 4 simulations going on the morning of 9/11, and I just want people to remember that the whole nature of what Mitre, they also developed software for intelligence, which includes the CIA, Mitre and P-Tech would have, if they were going to test whether they had fixed these holes, would have probably run a simulation. I don’t know that they did, but that’s how we do things, but there were 4 of them going on. So was there room for confusion? I don’t think these people were stupid, I think they were deliberately confused, if anything.

Q. Well we know very well that there was a simulation of the very event taking place during the event.

Singh: And I believe there is proof there was more than one. Just in case the first one didn’t confuse people enough. So what does this say? I can be very objective about this and say, “Well, the terrorists knew that there were war games scheduled for this day and they took advantage of it and called 9/11 a particular day, however, we do know that 9/11 had been selected prior… ok, so maybe the war games were set many weeks prior for 9/11…” and you can play this game over and over and over. Yes, it was the perfect day, and yes, you needed inside knowledge, and yes, P-Tech with all its myriad associations would have had the inside knowledge, and yes, P-Tech was a CIA front, and yes, P-Tech was protected. ...

Singh: Interestingly enough, I did not let people know that it was P-Tech until maybe August, 2002 at ICH… we had pretty much moved on and uh, I accidentally let slip to one of my colleagues there that the name of the company that was being investigated was P-Tech. And she was horrified… she said, “They’re everywhere.” And I said, “Yeah, fancy that. Wonder who put them there.” ...

Singh: Before P-Tech was ever raided, before it ever became public, I took it all the way up to the top of the FBI. I took it everywhere. The reality of the situation is proven by the response I got there. More telling than the actual deed itself. Their response to that is really what indicts them all.

Q. What was their response?

Singh: Uhm, “Shut up and go away, or you will be killed.” Basically.

Q. Now, you got that response from all different levels in government …

Singh: I got that response from JP Morgan. I got that response from P-Tech. I got that warning from people within the FBI. Mostly the FBI …

Q. And what kind of response did you get from JP Morgan Chase, your employers at the time when you went to them with what you had found out about P-Tech?

Singh: Well, they had told me that I should be killed for getting all this evidence… I was intimidated. I wrote a letter to my boss saying that I had been intimidated, and the person who had intimidated me, the 3rd highest ranking person in the bank, the General Auditor, so this has gone all the way up to the top, they were very aware of it, and that they were going to deny using P-Tech at JP Morgan Chase. In fact they would even explicitly deny the URL to the website, so that no one could even look into them. Now the name has changed, so you wonder what is going on there, but, when he asked me, ‘where did you get this from and that from?’, I was basically thoroughly intimidated. They treated me as though I was the bad guy. That’s what happened. They treated me as if I was the bad guy for having dug up all of this stuff.

Q. And you were told by the Chief Auditor at JP Morgan Chase that the different individuals that you had gotten this information from should have been killed?

Singh: Yeah… I pointed down the street, I said, “I lost people there.” And he said, “I lost people there, too. Look, look, this is about 9/11… I put it in a folder named 9/11…” and it got pretty ugly from that point on. Basically he said that, “He needed to be sure that I would never mention P-Tech again.” And I said, “Here’s the problem. I’m a senior consultant, I consult with a lot of people… you may deny P-Tech business here… what happens to Citibank, what happens to Goldman-Sachs, what happens to the rest?” He said, “That’s not my problem.” And I said, “That’s why we have that hole in the ground up the street. It is everyone’s problem.” ...

Singh: All of this stuff took money to fund. And it was funded through major financial crimes, money laundering, and looting, looting of the SNL’s, looting of the banking system, what we’re in the middle of now which is the looting of Social Security. And this is all being done, the looting of HUD, it’s all being done systematically to keep the slush funds up for the game at play.

Q. Where do you think this is headed?

Singh: Not any place good for people. And it isn’t just going to be America, it is going to be global.


Sources and Recommended Reading

"The Story of Indira Singh", Our World In Balance, April 27, 2005 ... singh.html

Original - March 13, 2009
Latest Edit – June 22, 2011
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Re: Solving 9-11: The Deception that Changed the World

Postby admin » Wed Oct 18, 2017 12:33 am

Chapter 14: Game Over: Evidence of Super-Thermite in the Rubble

The red-gray chips of super-thermite found in the dust of the pulverized World Trade Center.

"The evidence for active, highly energetic thermitic material in the WTC dust is compelling...these data suggest that the thermitic material found in the WTC dust is a form of nanothermite, not ordinary (macro-) thermite."
- "Active Thermitic Material Discovered in Dust from the 9/11 World Trade Center Catastrophe," Dr. Steven E. Jones et al, March 2009

One of the most significant events in the search for the truth of 9/11 was the publication in March 2009 of a peer-reviewed scientific paper, written by nine scientists, about the discovery of "active thermitic material" in dust samples from the collapsed towers of the World Trade Center. A twenty-five-page scientific paper entitled "Active Thermitic Material Discovered in Dust from the 9/11 World Trade Center Catastrophe" presents physical evidence that an extremely powerful form of super-thermite was used to demolish the twin towers.

The research paper written by an international team nine scientists led by Dr. Steven E. Jones of Brigham Young University analyzes red-gray chips of a highly-explosive thermitic material "characterized as nano-thermite or super-thermite," which was found in dust samples from the collapsed towers. The paper was published in the Open Chemical Physics Journal and marks a historic breakthrough in the scientific investigation of the explosive collapses of the Twin Towers, although it has not been widely covered by the media outside of Salt Lake City. If we had a truly free press in the United States this important discovery would be front page news and a subject of discussion on every news outlet in the nation.

Super-thermite is a highly energetic form of thermite (iron oxide and aluminum) in which at least one component is in the extremely fine or nano-size range with particles 100 nanometers (1 nm = 1 billionth of a meter) or smaller, often along with silicon and carbon. Super-thermite is an extremely powerful explosive that releases much more energy per gram than any other conventional explosive used in demolition. The chips found in the World Trade Center dust were an extremely powerful form of super-thermite.

The pyroclastic dust clouds of 9/11 were created by a sophisticated form of super-thermite that was combined with an organic compound to create explosive gas pressure.

Two of the chips tested released more energy by mass (kJ/g) than HMX, TNT, TATB explosives or normal thermite. These chips released between 50 to nearly 100 percent more energy than the four conventional explosives. One of the chips released twice as much energy per gram than Xerogel, a similar super-thermite nanocomposite, and the chips all ignited at 430 degrees C., 100 degrees lower than the ignition temperature for Xerogel.

The Jones paper proves that the official explanation for the explosive destruction of the Twin Towers is false. For 9/11 truth seekers, this paper is crucial because it means we can no longer be dismissed as "conspiracy theorists." We now have solid evidence of the advanced super-thermite that was used to demolish the twin towers. For the real terrorists of 9/11 and their supporters, the writing on the wall is clear. It says, "Game Over!"

The discovery of the active thermitic material is critical to understanding what really happened on 9/11. This scientific discovery reveals that sophisticated demolition explosives had been applied to interior surfaces of the Twin Towers long before the two planes struck. Although we already had evidence that the towers were demolished with thermitic explosives, this is the first time we have actual fragments of the explosives involved in the demolition and pulverization of the Twin Towers.

This crucial discovery is not front-page news in the United States only because our "free press" is actually very tightly controlled. But the truth cannot be so easily controlled. Americans now live in an uncomfortable conflicted state in which verifiable scientific evidence proves that our leaders are complicit in the criminal cover-up of what really happened on 9/11. This is the state I have been in since September 2001.

U.S. Vice President Joe Biden was all grins during a community meeting in Los Angeles on May 15, 2009 until two 9/11 truth activists asked him about the evidence of super-thermite in the dust of the World Trade Center. Presented with the paper by Steven E. Jones and eight other scientists Biden gave a terse one-word response and retreated to his security cordon. The truth of 9/11, however, will not be as easy to avoid.

The evidence that Jones and his team examined was in the form of very small fragments found in five different samples of dust from the pulverized Twin Towers. In each sample they found small chips of a coating that was composed of two layers, a red layer and a gray layer. The gray layer consisted mostly of iron oxide, while the red layer contained iron, oxygen, aluminum, silicon, and carbon -- all the components of super-thermite. The analysis and testing of the red and gray chips revealed that the super-thermite composite ignited at the surprisingly low temperature of 430 degrees Celsius and caused an explosive reaction which resulted in iron spheroids, exactly like thermite. In other words, the heat-producing explosive reaction created temperatures hotter than 1400 degrees Celsius, the melting point of iron.

The U.S.G.S. survey of the dust found large amounts of iron-rich spheres that were evidence that molten iron had accompanied the destruction of the World Trade Center. Nothing in the government version of the collapse of the Twin Towers explains the large amounts of molten iron found in the rubble. Thermite does.

The Jones paper concludes:

The small size of the iron oxide particles qualifies the material to be characterized as nanothermite or super-thermite...Based on these observations, we conclude that the red layer of the red/gray chips we have discovered in the WTC dust is active, unreacted thermitic material, incorporating nanotechnology, and is a highly energetic pyrotechnic or explosive material.


Super-thermite, which has been fabricated at the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory and other places, can be sprayed or even “painted” onto surfaces, effectively forming an energetic or even explosive paint, the study pointed out. “The sol-gel process is very amenable to dip-, spin-, and spray-coating technologies to coat surfaces," scientists from Lawrence Livermore wrote in a 2002 paper entitled "Energetic nanocomposites with sol-gel chemistry: Synthesis, safety, and characterization."

"The red chips we found in the WTC dust conform to their description of 'thin films' of 'hybrid inorganic/organic energetic nanocomposite'," the Jones paper says. "Indeed, the descriptive terms 'energetic coating' and 'nice adherent film' fit very well with our observations of the red-chips which survived the WTC destruction."

The published documentation of evidence of super-thermite in the dust of the World Trade Center has taken the 9/11 truth movement to a new level. If Osama Bin Laden and Al Qaida did not spray super-thermite in the Twin Towers, who did?

It is now evident that a sophisticated form of super-thermite had been applied to large sections of the World Trade Center. It may have been applied as a spray coating inside the wire ducts that ran through the floors or to the undersides of the floor pans under the guise of fire-proofing or some other form of building maintenance. Super-thermite is safe to handle and only becomes dangerous when it is dry.

We need to find out who manufactured this nano-composite thermite and who applied the coating of super explosive inside the buildings. This certainly must have been a task that involved a team of men working for weeks, if not months, and their presence must have been observed by security and other personnel involved in maintaining the buildings. Finding the source of the super-thermite and identifying the people who applied it to the Twin Towers will reveal the true culprits of 9/11.

Several years ago, I contacted Burton Fried, president of LVI Services, Inc., a demolition company that reportedly had done extensive "asbestos abatement" work in the twin towers. I considered LVI's work in the twin towers as suspicious because the company is primarily known for asbestos abatement and preparing structures for demolition. LVI has also done millions of dollars of research and development for the U.S. Department of Defense. In 2000, for example, shows that LVI Group, Inc. received $3.246 million worth of contracts with the U.S. Army, of which $2.967 million was for "Applied Research and Exploratory Development." It should be noted that the military is the main user and developer of super-thermite.

Burton Fried of LVI

LVI has also worked closely with Controlled Demolition Inc. on large demolition projects. LVI's role in these projects is reportedly preparing the structure for demolition prior to the placement of charges. LVI advertises that it sets up "turn key" demolition projects. Is this the kind of work LVI did at the World Trade Center? Although Mr. Fried denied having done the extensive "asbestos abatement" work in the towers as reported in Engineering News-Record on September 13, 2001, Debra Rubin, one of the journalists who wrote the piece, confirmed that the source of this information had been LVI. Fried's quick reaction, "I didn't do it," only increased my suspicions.

What happens now depends on what the people do with this information about what really destroyed the towers on 9/11: The three buildings that collapsed were not brought down by the fires caused by the burning fuel of two airliners; they were demolished with pre-planted explosives, including large amounts of an extremely potent form of super-thermite, which had been applied to surfaces of the building in the months prior to 9/11. Osama Bin Laden and his gang of twenty certainly did not spray super-thermite throughout the towers of World Trade Center in the weeks and months before 9/11 – so who did?

What we have to do as concerned citizens with moral courage seeking the truth of what really happened on 9/11 is to spread this information to our local news media and ask them to publish the information about this crucial discovery. We also have to bring this discovery to the attention of our local politicians, representatives, and senators in the U.S. Congress. We the people have to use our power to force this issue to be discussed in the media and the halls of power. It is time for us to stand up against those who have hijacked the truth about 9/11.


Bollyn, Christopher, "Super-Thermite Demolished TwinTowers on 9/11: Game Over for Criminals and Cover Up," April 14, 2009

Bollyn, Christopher, Did LVI Work in the TwinTowers Before 9/11? March 20, 2005

Bollyn, C., "Super-Thermite Found in World Trade Center Dust," April 5, 2009

Harrit, Niels H. et al, "Active Thermitic Material Discovered in Dust from the 9/11 World Trade Center Catastrophe," The Open Chemical Physics Journal, Volume 2, 2009, ISSN: 1874-4125, pp.7-31 (25) Authors: Niels H. Harrit, Jeffrey Farrer, Steven E. Jones, Kevin R. Ryan, Frank M. Legge, Daniel Farnsworth, Gregg Roberts, James R. Gourley, Bradley R. Larsen

Harrit, Niels, Interview with Danish scientist and co-author of paper on evidence of super-thermite in the WTC dust, TV2 News, Denmark, April 6, 2009

Rubin, Debra, and Richard Korman and Gary Tulacz, "Industry Firms Pitch in for World Trade Cleanup While Others Account for Employees in Doomed Buildings," Engineering News-Record, September 13, 2001

Original - April 5, 2009
Latest Edit – June 23, 2011
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Posts: 36183
Joined: Thu Aug 01, 2013 5:21 am

Re: Solving 9-11: The Deception that Changed the World

Postby admin » Wed Oct 18, 2017 12:45 am

Chapter 15: The Destruction of the Evidence

The explosive demolitions of the Twin Towers pulverized all 220 concrete floors leaving nothing but steel and dust. The dust contained large amounts of molten iron and a sophisticated form of thermite made using nanotechnology. Thermite creates molten iron when it reacts.

"The concrete was literally pulverized; all you're left with is steel and dust," said Robert Kelman of Hugo Neu about the rubble of the World Trade Center. Because the remaining steel could reveal how the Twin Towers were destroyed, the architects of terror had set up a secure network to destroy this crucial evidence before it could be examined.

"We've never made the case, or argued the case that somehow Osama bin Laden was directly involved in 9/11. That evidence has never been forthcoming."
—Dick Cheney, "Interview of the Vice President by Tony Snow", March 29, 2006

For more than three months, structural steel from the World Trade Center has been and continues to be cut up and sold for scrap. Crucial evidence that could answer many questions about high-rise building design practices and performance under fire conditions is on the slow boat to China, perhaps never to be seen again in America until you buy your next car. … The destruction and removal of evidence must stop immediately.
- Bill Manning, “Selling Out the Investigation”, Fire Engineering, January 2002

My opinion is, based on the videotapes, that after the airplanes hit the World Trade Center there were some explosive devices inside the buildings that caused the towers to collapse…It would be difficult for something from the plane to trigger an event like that.
- Van Romero, explosion expert, “Explosives Planted In Towers, N.M. Tech Expert Says”, Albuquerque Journal, 11 September 2001


The terror atrocity of 9/11 is a wicked criminal deception that is not meant to be solved, which is why sincere efforts to solve the crime, like mine, encounter such vicious opposition. 9/11 is a textbook example of an elaborate criminal deceit known as "false-flag terrorism" in which the perpetrators designed the crime and spent years preparing the atrocity with the intention that a targeted group, in this case Osama Bin Laden and his nebulous band of Islamic fighters, Al Qaida, would be wrongly blamed. In an act of false-flag terrorism, placing the blame on the targeted entity is the primary motive for the crime. For an act of false-flag terrorism to succeed it is essential that crucial evidence be removed and destroyed to protect the fraud, and the criminals behind it, from being exposed. The destruction of the evidence and the promotion of the deception are intrinsic parts of the crime. The people behind the destruction of the 9/11 evidence are equal partners in crime along with the terrorists who planned and executed the attacks.

The main purpose of the 9/11 terror spectacle was to shock and scare the nation in order to swing public opinion behind supporting the preplanned Zionist fraud known as the "War on Terror" and the U.S.-led invasion and occupation of Afghanistan. In the aftermath of the terror atrocity the unproven assertion that Al Qaida was behind the attacks became political dogma, the unchallengeable "party line" of both parties – and the controlled press. Although there were clearly a number of serious problems with the explanation that Al Qaida was behind the attacks, such as the unexplained explosive demolitions of the three towers at the World Trade Center, these issues were never discussed in the mainstream media. By ignoring the many unanswered questions about 9/11 the masters of the controlled media sought to marginalize those who pointed out the glaring problems with the “politically correct” explanation that blamed Osama Bin Laden and Al Qaida.


The real masterminds of 9/11 designed the attacks to be a shocking spectacle of terror that would profoundly affect the American psyche and change the general perception of the Middle East. In order to scare the public and subjugate reason to fear, the architects of terror employed the psychological warfare tactic known as “shock and awe.” The explosions that accompanied the aircraft crashing into the towers and the apocalyptic scenes of the buildings' collapses were meant to create frightening images of “Islamic terrorism” to be seared into the consciousness of every American.

The 9/11 attacks employed a tactic of psychological warfare known as "Shock and Awe."

The attacks had to be seen as being the work of Arab Muslim terrorists in order for the terror deception to succeed and achieve the desired effect on public opinion. It was essential that the blame be put on the targeted scapegoat as quickly as possible to preclude any serious doubts or questions being raised about who was behind the atrocity. Getting the interpretation desired by the terror masterminds to the global public required having “terrorism experts" such as Ehud Barak, the Israeli commando leader-cum-prime minister, ready in a BBC television studio in London immediately after the attacks to present a plausible explanation blaming Osama Bin Laden and Al Qaida - and calling for U.S. intervention in Afghanistan. The Israeli military chief's interpretation, the first to accuse Osama Bin Laden, was bolstered by bits of incriminating evidence such as the pristine passport of an alleged Arab hijacker “found” near the rubble of the World Trade Center and a terrorist handbook on how to hijack airplanes supposedly left behind in one of the terrorists’ rental cars.

Although the government collected all the evidence from the 9/11 crime scenes, including confiscated video tapes, black boxes, pieces of the aircraft, and human remains, it has never presented any evidence to identify the aircraft or support its assertion that Al Qaida was responsible for the attacks. It was, therefore, based on nothing more than fabricated evidence, but with the controlled media and public opinion solidly behind him, that President George W. Bush invaded Afghanistan in October 2001.

If the government had real evidence that would conclusively prove its case for waging war, why has it not presented the evidence in a federal court after 10 years? The only logical explanation for this failure is that the government does not have any solid evidence to support its allegations. Vice President Dick Cheney admitted as much in an interview with Tony Snow on 29 March 2006: "We've never made the case, or argued the case that somehow Osama bin Laden was directly involved in 9/11. That evidence has never been forthcoming." It has been argued that Cheney made a slip of the tongue, but it is a fact that not a single piece of evidence linking Osama bin Laden to 9/11 has ever been presented.

If the attacks were truly carried out by Osama Bin Laden and Al Qaida there would be no reason to hide any of the evidence because it should serve to corroborate and confirm the official version. If, on the other hand, 9/11 was a false-flag terror deception it would be absolutely imperative for the perpetrators to confiscate and destroy any evidence that could disprove their interpretation of events and expose their fraud.

This is exactly what happened when, for example, agents of the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) confiscated video recordings from privately-owned cameras overlooking the Pentagon. These video tapes have never been shown to the public. Likewise, the FBI collected many numbered aircraft parts which could identify the specific plane they came from, yet none of these parts has ever been presented to support the official version. The failure of the government to use the evidence in its possession to prove its version suggests that the aircraft used in the 9/11 attacks were not the planes that are said to have been involved.

Why has the FBI not presented the numbered parts from this engine that would identify the specific aircraft it came from?

Understanding that 9/11 is an act of false-flag terrorism is the first step in comprehending the nature of the crime and identifying the real perpetrators. This is not an easy task because it requires thinking counter-intuitively about the crime and looking at it from a completely different angle than how it has been explained by the government and controlled media. This is very difficult for people who have a great deal of trust invested in what the government and media say. It also means understanding that the criminal cover-up and destruction of evidence continued long after the attacks.

Finding those responsible for the destruction of the evidence requires investigating a most unlikely set of suspects, including current and former officials of the U.S. government, law enforcement, and military, and ascribing to them criminal behavior quite unlike what one would expect of such people. This means recognizing that the highest officials in the Department of Justice, for example, whose obligation it was to investigate the crime and prosecute those responsible, actually oversaw the confiscation and destruction of crucial evidence.

A proper criminal investigation has to begin with and proceed from the evidence. Any inquiry that does not examine and consider all the evidence is not an investigation, but a fraud. Rather than a federal investigation of 9/11, there was a "non-investigation" that allowed crucial evidence, such as the structural steel from the World Trade Center, to be destroyed before it could be examined. Instead of solving the crime and bringing those responsible to justice, people in positions of power participated in a criminal conspiracy to destroy the evidence and obstruct justice.

One of the clearest indications that 9/11 was an act of false-flag terrorism is that during the first ten years after the attacks not a single victim's lawsuit went to trial, although peripheral “terrorist” cases that did not require proving the official version were tried. Likewise, although the government claimed to have Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, the alleged "Mastermind of 9/11" in detention, in April 2011 the Obama administration abruptly reneged on its promise to try the 9/11 suspects in an open court and announced that the accused terrorists would be processed in a closed military tribunal in Guantanamo, Cuba.

If the government had evidence that could prove the veracity of its charges, why has it obstructed justice and refused to let a single 9/11 lawsuit go to trial? For years after the attacks government officials defended the concealment of the evidence saying that pending lawsuits required such secrecy, but after ten years there still has not been a trial to determine who was really responsible for the attacks and there is scant hope there ever will be.

Alvin K. Hellerstein, the federal judge in Manhattan who has overseen the 9/11 litigation, has effectively blocked any trial for the relatives that would address the question of culpability for the terror attacks that changed America – and the world. In a judicial war of attrition against the families of the 9/11 victims, all of the families, with only one exception, were pushed into accepting out-of-court settlements, which prevent them from being part of any further litigation. The family of 9/11 victim Mark Bavis is the last family standing of the nearly 100 families that chose to litigate to determine who is responsible for 9/11 rather than accept the government payout. Judge Hellerstein has stated that he intends to severely limit the time allowed for the Bavis family lawyers to only 50 hours, a most unusual and arbitrary limit to be imposed on a trial of such importance.


Let us never tolerate outrageous conspiracy theories concerning the attacks of September the 11th; malicious lies that attempt to shift the blame away from the terrorists, themselves, away from the guilty.
- George W. Bush, at the United Nations, 11 November 2001

The "guilty", according to the U.S. government: A U.S. "Psy-Ops" pamphlet from Afghanistan. Similar psychological operations blaming Osama Bin Laden for 9/11 and pushing fear over reason were carried out on the U.S. population.

The Bush administration's explanation that Osama Bin Laden and Al Qaida were responsible for the 9/11 atrocity led directly to the U.S. invasion of Afghanistan on 7 October 2001. The invasion was authorized by a joint resolution of the U.S. Congress on 14 September 2001, opposed by only one representative. The war resolution, known as "The Authorization for Use of Military Force Against Terrorists", granted President Bush the authority to use all "necessary and appropriate force" against those whom he determined "planned, authorized, committed or aided" the attacks, or who harbored said persons or groups. Although the U.S. has been at war in Afghanistan since October 2001, it has never actually been proven that Al Qaida was responsible for the attacks.

The controlled media and government officials who protected and promoted the unproven version that Al Qaida carried out the attacks are all part of the 9/11 deception. Cognizant that the government and media were deceiving the public about what really happened on 9/11, I pursued my quest to identify the real perpetrators of the terror spectacle that brought us the "War on Terror" – and a decade of deception and war.


According to the U.S. indictment against the alleged terrorists, there were 2,976 "murder victims" on 9/11, of whom about 93 percent were murdered at the World Trade Center. This includes the 147 people said to have been on the two airliners that struck the buildings plus the 2,605 victims trapped in the towers when they were demolished. This makes the demolition of the Twin Towers the largest case of mass murder in U.S. history, but that's not how it was handled by the authorities of the federal government or New York City.

What is most appalling about the 9/11 case is how the most crucial evidence from the crime scene was confiscated and destroyed before it could be properly examined. While it was quite clear to many people (and explosion experts like Van Romero) that the steel-framed Twin Towers did not simply collapse due to burning jet fuel, this unproven and most unlikely explanation was accepted without question by the officials responsible for the criminal investigation. While the Federal Bureau of Investigation was supposedly investigating the crime, it was actually allowing the steel from the World Trade Center to be cut up into small pieces and exported to Asian smelters – before it could be examined.

The officials who oversaw the investigation at the World Trade Center certainly knew it was wrong to dispose of evidence from the crime scene before it had been properly examined. The fact that the highest officials at the Department of Justice and the FBI allowed the structural steel to be destroyed without been examined indicates that a high-level criminal conspiracy was at work to prevent it from becoming forensic evidence. The conspiracy to destroy the steel is an intrinsic part of the 9/11 crime because it was absolutely essential to prevent the discovery of who and what had caused the murderous demolition of the towers.

The spectacular explosive demolitions that pulverized the 220 concrete floors of the Twin Towers from the top down were evidently accomplished using an extremely powerful explosive form of "super thermite". A sophisticated bi-layered coating of super thermite had evidently been applied to surfaces inside the towers, perhaps in the ducts running through the concrete floors or on the undersides of the floor pans. When the explosive thermitic coating was detonated it pulverized the 4-inch thick concrete floors and the steel pans that held them. The intense heat released by the alumino-thermic reaction melted the steel pans, creating billions of tiny molten iron droplets that fell like burning hail from the apocalyptic clouds that rolled across lower Manhattan.

The demolition of the Twin Towers created billions of tiny droplets of molten iron that are not explained by the government-funded research.

The abundance of iron-rich spheroids in the dust of the destroyed towers is not explained in the U.S. Geological Survey's published study or by the government-funded research that concluded that burning jet fuel caused the towers to collapse. A fire of burning jet fuel, however, does not produce temperatures anywhere near the melting point of steel and cannot explain the extremely large amount of molten iron found in the dust and rubble.

The discovery of fragments of unexploded super thermite in the dust of the World Trade Center by Dr. Steven E. Jones, on the other hand, explains both the pulverization of the concrete floors and the abundance of molten iron droplets in the dust. Conventional thermite cutter charges were apparently also used to slice the massive core columns that held up the towers. Numerous eyewitnesses, including a reporter from the BBC, reported powerful explosions at the base of the towers long before the collapses occurred. None of this evidence of explosions, even from reporters on the scene, has been taken into account by the government or the controlled media.

Steel is said to have a memory because when it is exposed to explosions or extreme heat its structure is affected. Because explosions and thermite leave permanent telltale signs on steel, the real masterminds of 9/11 had arranged a network in advance to manage the quick recovery and hasty destruction of the steel from the World Trade Center – before it could be examined by experts.



"By Way of Deception, Thou Shalt Make War" is the official motto of the Mossad. "Tahvulot" in Hebrew is better translated as "with tricks" than as "way of deception", and is deeply related to the modern word for "terrorism."
- Ro'i Tov, The Cross of Bethlehem

Consistency is close to being the mark of a set of true beliefs; it is at least rationally compelling.
- Robin Waterfield, Gorgias by Plato, Oxford University Press 2008

Mindful of the early evidence of Israeli involvement in the terror attacks and cognizant of the hypothesis that 9/11 was an elaborate false-flag deception carried out by Israeli military intelligence and Zionist agents in high places, I pursued my investigation. Having found Israeli nationals and dedicated Zionists at every key point of the 9/11 matrix, I expected to find Zionist agents involved in the criminal destruction of the steel from the World Trade Center. When I discovered that the scrapyard that managed the destruction of most of the steel had employed a team of metal traders sent by a high-level agent of the Mossad to dispose of the steel by sending it to Asian smelters, I was not surprised because it was consistent with what I had expected. Consistency is indeed the mark of a set of true beliefs.

In January 1999 the Business Wire reported that two scrap iron traders who worked for Marc Rich and his renamed company, Glencore AG, were being sent to New York to create an international trading division at Hugo Neu Schnitzer East, the scrap metal company who managed the destruction of the lion's share of the steel from the World Trade Center. Marc Rich and his lieutenant Ivan Glasenberg, CEO of Glencore International, are both Israeli citizens with close ties to the Mossad. The head of the Marc Rich Foundation in Israel is a former Mossad operative named Avner Azulay (also spelled Azoulai).

Avner Azulay runs the Marc Rich Foundation from Shaul Eisenberg's Asia House in Tel Aviv.

Shaul Nehemia Eisenberg worked closely with the Japanese military training Betar and Irgun terrorists during World War II. Mordechai Olmert, the father of Ehud Olmert, was one of the founders of Betar and Irgun terrorist organizations in China and Palestine with whom Eisenberg worked closely.

Mordechai Olmert started the Betar chapter in Harbin, China, and was one of the founders of the Zionist terrorist gang known as the Irgun. After leaving China in 1930, Mordechai and his wife Bella Vugman spent three years in Holland before moving to Palestine in 1933. For 14 years he and his wife Bella were active in "missions" for the terrorist organization, the Irgun Zva’i Le’umi (Etzel). In 1947, Mordechai was sent to China by Menachem Begin, the Chief Commander of the Ezel (Irgun), to raise funds for the Irgun ship Altalena. (Source: "Jews of Harbin", by Dr. Irena Vladimirsky)

Ehud Olmert, then Likudnik mayor of Jerusalem, was in New York City on 9/11 on Betar business, a fact that has never been discussed in the controlled media. Olmert, who became prime minister after Ariel Sharon was put into a coma, was born in Palestine and raised in the Betar Youth Organization. His parents were among the founders of the terrorist Irgun.

The Marc Rich Foundation in Israel is run by Azulay working out of Shaul Eisenberg’s Asia House in Tel Aviv. Eisenberg is the mega Mossad operative owner of Israel Corp., Israel Aircraft Industries, ZIM shipping, ATASCO, and hundreds of ventures in Asia, including Atwell Security, the Mossad company that obtained the security contract for the World Trade Center in the 1980s. (See Chapter 2, "The Planes of 9/11")

Shaul Eisenberg's Asia House in Tel Aviv, the center of many Israeli connections to 9/11.

Shaul Eisenberg left Germany in 1939 and moved to the Far East, making his primary bases of operation Japanese-occupied Shanghai and Japan itself. In Shanghai, Eisenberg, along with Imperial Japanese military intelligence units, formed units of future Jewish terrorist groups - the Irgun and the Shanghai Betar. The Irgun and Betar gangs used the knowledge gained from the Japanese in their terror campaign against British and Arab forces in Palestine following World War II.

Eventually, Irgun and Betar veterans would create the Likud Party, which is now headed by Binyamin Netanyahu, an extreme right-winger. After the war, Eisenberg began selling iron and steel scrap. Married to a Japanese woman who converted to Judaism, Eisenberg established the Israel Corporation, a huge holding company, which, during the 1970s, began to secretly export Israeli military equipment and weapons to China. Under a Panama-based company called United Development, Inc., Eisenberg began exporting weapons to Central America's most insidious dictatorships, including that of Anastasio Somoza in Nicaragua. Eisenberg's vast holdings eventually included Israel Aircraft Industries and Zim Israel Navigation Company.

Azulay was a Mossad operative in Lebanon during Israel's invasion in 1982. In Lebanon, Azulay worked closely with Ariel Sharon, the Minister of Defense who carried out the murderous invasion. The prime minister at the time was Menachem Begin, the former head of the terrorist Irgun group, which later became the Likud party.

The two New Jersey junkyards who handled most of the steel from the World Trade Center were the final links in a secure system arranged by the Zionist masterminds behind 9/11 to destroy the crucial evidence. The highest agent in this system was Michael Chertoff, the Assistant Attorney General in charge of the Criminal Division of the U.S. Department of Justice. The FBI has special investigative jurisdiction in crimes of terrorism, and Chertoff, an Israeli national and son of a Mossad agent, was the senior official who oversaw the FBI investigation and the collection of evidence.

Michael Chertoff, the head of the criminal division of the Department of Justice, oversaw the FBI investigation of 9/11 and collection of evidence.

Because it was Chertoff’s responsibility to oversee the gathering of the evidence from the crime scenes of 9/11, I first turned to him to ask if he had authorized the destruction of the steel. Chertoff wrote back saying, “No.” Asked if he knew who had, Chertoff said, “No idea.” If the criminal destruction of the evidence from the World Trade Center were to be prosecuted as it should be, Chertoff should be charged with criminal negligence because it was his responsibility to oversee the proper collection and protection of evidence in order to prosecute those behind 9/11.

Chertoff's complete abdication of his responsibility and the failure of the FBI to protect the steel evidence allowed officials of New York City to oversee the removal and disposal of evidence from the crime scene. As head of the criminal division of the Department of Justice, Chertoff had authority over the FBI investigation. Under the guise of the “clean-up” of the rubble, Chertoff allowed the control of the crucial steel evidence to devolve upon an agency of the city of New York headed by an official appointed by Mayor Rudy Giuliani.

Richard J. Sheirer, then commissioner of Giuliani's Office of Emergency Management (OEM), was the local official who was given complete authority over the “clean-up” at the World Trade Center. As New York magazine of 15 October 2001 reported:

Since September 11, Sheirer has taken charge of the biggest clean-up effort in American history, coordinating 100 federal, state, and local agencies, including FEMA. He's become, in effect, the CEO of a company with thousands of workers and a budget that could run up to $40 billion -- or, if you prefer, the mayor of the hot zone..."OEM is in charge," says Mike Byrne, deputy federal coordinating officer of FEMA for this incident. "Sheirer gives the marching orders. So far, we're blown away by OEM's performance."

Sheirer delegated the handling of the steel to an agency under his command, the Department of Design and Construction (DDC), headed by Kenneth Holden. When Holden gave his statement to the 9/11 Commission on April 1, 2003, he said that he had received "verbal permission" to send the steel to scrap yards in New Jersey, but failed to name the person who had authorized the removal. Seeing that Richard Sheirer of the OEM was in charge of the clean-up and giving “marching orders” to the DDC, it is logical to assume that it was Sheirer who authorized the removal of the steel to the two junkyards in New Jersey, Hugo Neu and Metal Management Northeast, where it was cut into small pieces, mixed with other scrap, and shipped to Asian steel companies.

Hugo Neu and Metal Management Northeast were the final links in the closed system that was set up by the terror masterminds to ensure the secure destruction of the steel evidence from the World Trade Center. In three easy steps from the FBI to the junkyard, the control of the crucial steel evidence passed from one Zionist-controlled agency to the next until it was destroyed in the smelters of Asian steel companies.


Hugo Neu “played a pivotal role as the principal recycler of steel from the World Trade Center,” the company says about its role in the destruction of the steel. Robert A. Kelman, then senior vice president and general manager of Hugo Neu, told the Associated Press in 2002 that his company had handled 250,000 tons of trade center scrap and had shipped it to 11 countries, including Malaysia, China, South Korea, and Japan.

Each of the towers contained about 78,000 tons of recyclable steel. Frank Lombardi, chief engineer for the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey, which built the World Trade Center and owned six of the seven buildings (except Larry Silverstein's WTC 7), said the rubble contained an estimated 285,000 tons of steel. This would mean that Hugo Neu processed about 88 percent of the steel from the World Trade Center.

Less than a month after 9/11, James Glanz of the New York Times reported how Kelman's company was hastily cutting up the steel, destroying the crucial evidence that could reveal how the World Trade Center had been demolished:

When it reached the Port Authority pier, the Kathleen dropped off the loaded barge, picked up one of three waiting empty barges and immediately headed back to Pier 6 in Manhattan. A second tug would pick up the steel and tow it to one of two scrap recyclers, either Metal Management of Newark or Hugo Neu Schnitzer East.

The docks at Hugo Neu Schnitzer East, in the Claremont Channel in Jersey City, reveal the next leg of the journey. With a clear view of the altered skyline of Manhattan, a grappler on steel treads lifts beams out of another blue sanitation barge and adds it to a pile of wreckage that already stretches some 600 feet, reaching 30 or 40 feet high in places...

A few steps from the grappler, a team of men with torches were already cutting beams into pieces five or six feet long. It is in that form that the material will be sent to steelmakers who will melt it down in huge ovens to make new products.

A grappler and magnet at Hugo Neu's Jersey City junkyard

Kelman said Hugo Neu had a work force of nearly one hundred people working on the scrap metal from the World Trade Center, including 25 workers assigned to girder cutting, working around the clock in twelve-hour shifts. Kelman told the AP that the steel from the Twin Towers was sliced into pieces with industrial guillotines or blow torches and thrown in with other scrap before being shipped to smelters in Asia. Alan Ratner, president of Metal Management Northeast, the second junkyard processing the steel, said his firm had 40 to 60 people working on the job.

The people at Hugo Neu and Metal Management Northeast were obviously engaged in a hasty effort to cut up the steel, mix it with other scrap, and export it to distant Asian smelters. The real purpose behind this effort was to prevent the steel from being properly examined and becoming evidence that could expose the real cause of the explosive demolition that claimed nearly 2,800 lives. The crucial roles played by Hugo Neu and Metal Management in the recycling of the steel did not happen by accident but were part of a well organized plan to ensure the destruction of the evidence from the World Trade Center.

Having contacted the key players involved in the destruction of the steel, I have not found one that is willing to discuss the subject. I have, therefore, relied primarily on press articles and other information in the public domain to try to piece together the arrangement by which this critical part of the 9/11 cover up was carried out.


Knowing there would be a huge amount of structural steel remaining after the explosive demolition of the Twin Towers, the terror masterminds put in place a network to manage the destruction of the steel, the solid evidence that could expose their crime. One scrap metal dealer, Hugo Neu Schnitzer East of Jersey City, already had the contract with New York City to recycle steel from the Fresh Kills dump on Staten Island, where the first truckloads of steel from the World Trade Center were taken. Hugo Neu reportedly wound up processing some 250,000 tons, nearly 90 percent of the steel from the rubble, by cutting it up into pieces shorter than 60 inches, mixing it with other scrap, and sending it to Asian steel mills.

The second generation German-Jewish scrap dealer was certainly well prepared to handle the massive job. In August 2001, Hugo Neu was engaged in a private-public project to dredge the narrow, two-mile Claremont Channel that ships used to reach its yard. The channel, which was only 10 feet deep in places, was dredged to a depth of 34 feet. Because the dredging was done to improve shipping for Hugo Neu, the company paid $24 million while the New Jersey Office of Maritime Resources paid $20.5 million. The dredging allowed larger ships to load at Hugo Neu's Claremont facility, which is exactly what was required to export the 9/11 steel on ocean-going vessels to Asia.

To broker the deals with Asian mills Hugo Neu had created a global trading division in 1999, headed by two veteran ferrous metal traders from Marc Rich and Glencore AG in Switzerland. But why would Hugo Neu invest $24 million in dredging the channel and create a global trading division when scrap iron prices were at the lowest levels in 50 years?

As the Business Wire reported from New York in January 1999:

NEW YORK--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Jan. 19, 1999--Hugo Neu Corporation and Schnitzer Steel Industries, Inc., who jointly own and operate an extensive network of scrap metal collection, processing and recycling facilities throughout the United States, announced today the formation of a new jointly owned international trading venture.

The new venture, known as Hugo Neu Schnitzer Global Trade LLC, will build on the years of experience and expertise of Hugo Neu and Schnitzer in the international ferrous scrap metal markets and their long-term industry leadership in scrap metal processing and recycling operations. The principal officers of this venture will be Nathan K. Fruchter and Jehuda Saar, formerly co-managers of the ferrous scrap department of Glencore AG in Europe, who bring extensive experience and commodity trading know-how with them. Combined with the processing, recycling and trading capabilities of Hugo Neu and Schnitzer, Hugo Neu Schnitzer Global Trade will offer an unparalleled array of services and a broader scrap supply to a large base of overseas and domestic customers.

The new trading venture will maintain executive offices in New York and will purchase scrap and other commodities from suppliers in Eastern and Western Europe, Australia, South Africa and other foreign countries for sale to steel mills and foundries around the world.

The price of scrap steel was at a 50-year low from 2001-2003.

January 1999 seems like an odd time for Hugo Neu to have created a global trading division in ferrous scrap metal considering that the price of scrap iron had plunged 50 percent and was at its lowest point in 50 years – between $70-80 per ton. Having fallen from $150 per ton in late 1998, the price of scrap steel remained very low between 2001-2003, exactly the period when the steel from the World Trade Center was exported to Asian mills halfway around the world. With shipping costs running about $25 per ton, the cost of shipping steel to Asia devoured most of the dealer's profit margin. As Robert Kelman of Hugo Neu told the Record of New Jersey in November 2001, "I'm hoping I net $5 a ton, but I don't know.”

The two recyclers who bought the steel from the World Trade Center were taking on a huge amount of steel in the most depressed scrap market of their time. Was there a hidden partner directing the destruction of the steel? Why didn't Hugo Neu simply sell the high quality steel from the World Trade Center to U.S. mills and save money on the cost of shipping? It seems that there must have been a hidden imperative behind the decision to sell the steel to distant Asian steel mills.

If Hugo Neu's role in exporting the steel to Asia was part of the 9/11 cover up, the “principal officers” of Hugo Neu Schnitzer Global Trade would have been part of the conspiracy. This is how Jehuda Saar and Nathan K. Fruchter describe their history with Hugo Neu:

After spending their early professional careers with the Marc Rich Group both in the US and the UK, the principals of Idoru Trading Corp, Nathan K. Fruchter and Jehuda Saar, took over the Ferrous Scrap division at Glencore in Europe in 1994. They ran the division until 1999 when they were recruited by then US scrap giants Schnitzer Steel and Hugo Neu Corp. to set up their new international division, Hugo Neu Schnitzer Global Trade LLC (HNSGT).

In 2001 the two left HNSGT and created a new ferrous scrap division, Idoru LLC, for the Midland Group, combining their extensive experience in global ferrous scrap trade with Midland's steel expertise in Ukraine and the CIS. By 2005 the Midland Group completed their spin-off of the scrap division, and Idoru Trading was born.

It is not known when Saar and Fruchter actually left Hugo Neu Global Trading and went to work for the Midland Group, which was founded by two Russian Jews, Alex Shnaider and Eduard Shifrin. Fruchter told me that he had been fired from Hugo Neu in January 2000, which is certainly not true because a November 2000 article in the International Herald Tribune describes Nathan Fruchter as “vice president of the international trading division of Hugo Neu Corporation in Manhattan.” It was obvious that Fruchter did not want to tell me when he actually left Hugo Neu, but why would he want to conceal that?

It seems very likely that Fruchter and Saar had Zionist partners working on both ends of their deals. That is to say that the deals concerning the crucial steel evidence from the World Trade Center were probably done within a closed trading network of Zionist agents, with Alex Shnaider, for example, an Israeli who migrated to Israel from the Ukraine when he was 4 years old. Like Marc Rich, Shnaider's Midland Group also has an office in Hong Kong. From their early days with Marc Rich and Glencore, on to Hugo Neu and the Midland Group, Saar and Fruchter have always worked for companies closely tied to Israel and the Mossad. In 2006, the Belgian Jew Jehuda Saar emigrated from Teaneck, New Jersey, to Israel with his family. His mission in the United States was evidently finished.


If the scrapyards that handled the steel from the World Trade Center were part of a Zionist conspiracy we would expect to find that the junkyards themselves were Zionist-owned operations. This would be consistent with the thesis that 9/11 is a conspiracy in which the key players are all dedicated Zionist partisans of the state of Israel. The junkyards would need to be under Zionist control in order to facilitate the secure destruction of the steel. This is exactly what we find with Hugo Neu Schnitzer East and Metal Management Northeast, the two junkyards that processed the steel from the World Trade Center.

Hugo Neu was a Jewish immigrant from Cologne who headed Associated Metals and Minerals Corp. (AMMC) in New York with two other German Jewish immigrants, Dr. Meno Lissauer and his brother-in-law, Walter M. Rothschild. The Hugo Neu company was started in 1947 and is still run by the tightly knit Neu family. The chairman and chief executive, John L. Neu, is the son of the founder, and Robert Kelman, the general manager, is his brother-in-law. Hugo Neu's vice president in charge of environmental and public affairs is Wendy K. Neu, Neu's wife and Kelman's sister. The father of Robert and Wendy was Captain Peter B. Kelman, a Hugo Neu business associate for nearly 40 years before his death in April 2005. The Kelman family managed the shipping part of the Hugo Neu business. Captain Kelman headed a firm of marine surveyors, Peter B. Kelman & Sons, Hugo Neu's principal marine surveyor in its export business.

Hugo Neu's Zionist character can be seen by its investment in an Israeli venture capital fund called the Agua-Agro Fund, which is managed by an Israeli named Nir Belzer. Belzer also happens to be the senior manager and co-founder of Israel's Millennium Materials Technologies Funds with a man named Oren Gafri. Gafri's biographical sketch says he served as an executive of the Israeli Aircraft Industries Ltd (IAI), Bedek Division, as the Manager of Materials and Process, in charge of the Chemical, Metallurgical, Composite and Non Destructive Testing (NDT) facilities, Labs and R&D from 1979 to 1989. The key connections linking IAI, Bedek, ATASCO, and Shaul Eisenberg with 9/11 are discussed in Chapter 2, “The Planes of 9/11”.

Gafri trained at Israel's Nuclear Research Center (Dimona) in the Negev Desert, where explosive coatings using nanotechnology are developed. Gafri is a specialist in energetic nano-composite coatings exactly like the one that was found in the dust of the World Trade Center. For the junkyard that destroyed most of the steel from the Twin Towers to be invested with an Israeli fund manager who develops such coatings is noteworthy, to say the least.


Metal Management Northeast (MMNE) of Newark was the other junkyard that handled a large amount of steel from the World Trade Center. This scrapyard facility had been a family-owned business, formerly known as Naporano Iron & Metal Co. (and NIMCO Shredding Co.), before being acquired by Metal Management, Inc. of Chicago in July 1998. In March 2001, six months before 9/11, Metal Management, Inc. announced that Alan D. Ratner had replaced Andrew J. Naporano as president of MMNE. Although he had sold his family business, Naporano remained at the company through 2001 and acted as “the consultant” to the Department of Design and Construction on the removal of the steel.

With the fall of the price of scrap steel, the junkyard industry faced financial pressures in the late 1990s. Burdened by its acquisitions in a depressed market, Metal Management Inc. filed Chapter 11 bankruptcy in November 2000. Daniel W. Dienst, a managing director with CIBC World Markets, was hired to turn the company around and became a director of Metal Management in June 2001. CIBC World Markets was also known as CIBC Oppenheimer, which became a subsidiary of the Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce after CIBC acquired New York-based Oppenheimer & Co. in 1997. When Dienst later became chairman of the board for Metal Management Inc., in April 2003, he was still a managing director at CIBC World Markets, where he remained until January 2004. Today, after a merger with Sims Group, Dienst is Group CEO of Sims Metal Management, Ltd. The Hugo Neu Corporation has also merged with the Australia-based Sims Group. The two companies created a joint venture corporation in 2005 known as Sims Hugo Neu Company. The merger created a new division, Hugo Neu Recycling.

At CIBC World Markets, Dienst worked under David Jonathan Kassie, chairman and CEO, and Lior Bregman, the Israeli who was managing director of CIBC World Markets and its predecessor Oppenheimer & Co., from 1988 to 2001. In May 2001, the Jerusalem Post reported that CIBC was the No. 1 underwriter in Israel and had underwritten more than $4.5 billion worth of merger and acquisitions transactions during the previous five years in Israel. "CIBC Oppenheimer has been the driving force behind investment in Israel since the early 1990s," Kassie said. In 2001, CIBC was also providing research for almost 100 Israeli companies, mainly hi-tech firms, the Post reported.

Kassie, a devoted Zionist, has participated in the Macabiah Games in Israel. He is also involved in the major Zionist organizations in Canada and the United States, and is a director of the Shoah Foundation. Under his leadership, CIBC World Markets invested in an Israeli venture capital fund called the Genesis Funds, where Lior Bregman was a partner. Bregman, as managing director of equity research at CIBC Oppenheimer, is well known to the Israeli high tech community. With a background as a military analyst, he coordinated communications equipment activity.

Kassie, Bregman, and Dienst were key players on the team of Zionists behind the takeover of Metal Management Inc. in 2000-2001. When the crucial steel evidence was removed from the World Trade Center and taken to the junkyards of Metal Management Northeast and Hugo Neu Schnitzer East it was being taken to companies that were controlled by dedicated partisans of the Zionist cause and the state of Israel.


Berger, Sharon, "CIBC acquires Israeli brokerage firm", Jerusalem Post, 2 May 2001

Bollyn, Christopher, "The Planes of 9/11", Solving 9/11, October 2007
Bollyn, "Calling Shaul Eisenberg," 25 October 2010

Coleman-Lochner, Lauren, " Jersey City, N.J., Steel Recycler Works on Remains of World Trade Center," The Record, Hackensack, N.J., November 2, 2001

Griscom, Amanda, “Man Behind the Mayor”, New York (magazine), 15 October 2001

Johnson, Jim, "N.J. duo tackles NYC metal mass," Waste News, 2001, HighBeam Research. (April 9, 2011).

Manning, Bill, “Selling Out the Investigation”, Fire Engineering Magazine, January 2002, 25 September 2003

Vladimirsky, Dr. Irena, "Jews of Harbin", (Mordechai Olmert biography by Linda Olmert)
Original - May 19, 2011
Latest Edit – June 23, 2011
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Re: Solving 9-11: The Deception that Changed the World

Postby admin » Wed Oct 18, 2017 1:03 am

Chapter 16: Making Sense of the 9/11 Cover Up

In politics, nothing happens by accident. If it happens, you can bet it was planned that way.
- Franklin D. Roosevelt (1882-1945)

The preceding chapter explains how the structural steel from the Twin Towers, crucial evidence of the murderous demolitions, was destroyed by a network of Zionist agents before it could be examined. From the Israeli Michael Chertoff, the Assistant Attorney General at the Department of Justice and the senior official responsible for investigating and prosecuting the crimes of 9/11, to the Mossad-controlled traders and owners of the New Jersey junkyards that managed its destruction, the steel passed from one Zionist agent to another until it was completely destroyed in the furnaces of Asian steel mills. What does this fundamental part of the 9/11 cover up tell us about who is really behind the crime? If Osama Bin Laden and 19 Arab hijackers truly brought down the World Trade Center, why was a network of Israeli intelligence agents engaged in a concerted effort to destroy the evidence?

Common sense tells us that Israeli intelligence did not mastermind the hasty destruction of the steel from the World Trade Center because Osama Bin Laden was responsible for the explosive demolitions of the Twin Towers and Larry Silverstein's WTC 7. Rather, Zionist agents destroyed the evidence to protect the lie that Arab terrorists were to be blamed for the deaths of nearly 3,000 people on 9/11. The physical evidence of the towers was hastily destroyed by a network of Zionist agents because it could expose the falsity of their interpretation of events. Indeed, the fact that a Zionist network had been established in order to manage the destruction of the evidence confirms the hypothesis that 9/11 was a false-flag terror atrocity carried out by Israeli intelligence and their agents in the U.S. government.

The fact that iron boiled beneath the rubble disproves the government-sponsored myth that burning jet fuel caused the towers to collapse.

The intensely hot pile of rubble at the World Trade Center was the scene of a mass murder in which 2,752 people were killed. Dust and steel were virtually all that remained after the explosive demolitions destroyed the towers and the people within them. "The concrete was literally pulverized; all you're left with is steel and dust," said Robert A. Kelman, general manager of Hugo Neu Schnitzer East, the Jersey City junkyard that managed the destruction of the largest part of the steel from the World Trade Center.

The unexplained explosive demolitions of the 110-story towers directly caused the deaths of hundreds of people, but the cause of the unprecedented demolitions was certainly not known to the FBI investigation team at the remains of the World Trade Center. One of the first objects of any proper criminal investigation should have been to determine exactly what had caused the explosive demolitions of the towers. The federal investigation should have started with a thorough forensic examination of the dust, the steel, and anything else that remained of the Twin Towers. To allow the remaining structural steel, crucial evidence that could have revealed the cause of the collapses, to be destroyed without being examined was clearly a grave breach of duty by the officials at the Department of Justice and their investigative agency, the Federal Bureau of Investigation.

The FBI failed to collect and examine the steel to determine what had caused the explosive demolitions seen on 9/11.

The hasty destruction of the unexamined steel from the World Trade Center could not have occurred had the FBI not allowed it to happen. The highest officials at the Department of Justice were clearly part of the conspiracy to conceal the truth about 9/11 by allowing the crucial evidence from the World Trade Center to be destroyed without having it examined and documented by steel experts, scientists, and engineers.


The facts indicate that the 9/11 cover up is a Zionist operation in which partisans of the state of Israel have played all the key roles. If the attacks of 9/11 were truly acts of Muslim Arab terrorists there would be no reason for Zionists to manage the destruction of the evidence. The terror plot to destroy the World Trade Center had been planned for more than 20 years and was being discussed by senior Israeli intelligence figures in 1980, as we know from published comments of Michael D. Evans, an American Zionist Jew who poses as a Christian missionary. Evans was told by the former Mossad chief Isser Harel of the plan to bomb the World Trade Center in 1980, when Osama Bin Laden was about 23 years old. (See: "America the Target: 9-11 and Israel's History of False Flag Terrorism")

This indicates that Israeli intelligence began planning and preparing the false-flag terror attacks of 9/11 in the late 1970s when the notorious terrorist chief Menachem Begin and his Likud party came to power in Israel. Begin created the Likud party in 1973 from the membership of the Irgun, the Zionist terror group he headed in Palestine in the 1940s. The false flag terror plan for 9/11 required having high-level Zionist agents connected to the Mossad occupying positions from which they could directly control the cover up.

Putting the agents into the key positions was arranged by controlling the presidential appointments of judges and officials at the Department of Justice. Such political appointments are greatly facilitated by having Mossad agents in the inner corridors of power. Rahm Emanuel, for example, the son of an Israeli terrorist who worked closely with Menachem Begin, was the key Mossad insider in the Clinton White House where, for example, he single-handedly pushed the disastrous NAFTA bill through Congress. Emanuel later became the first chief of staff for President Obama and mayor of Chicago.

Rahm Emanuel was the Israeli insider in the Clinton and Obama administrations. His father is a former member of the Irgun, a notorious Zionist terror group in Palestine.


There are three fundamental fields that need to be controlled in a cover up like 9/11: the investigation, the interpretation, and the prosecution and related litigation.

The investigation involves the detective work supposedly done by the FBI and includes the collection and analysis of the evidence. Interpretation is how the events are explained to the public by the government and controlled media. Prosecution and litigation use the courts to assign blame for the crime and responsibility for the losses. In the 9/11 cover up we find high-level Zionist agents in the key positions of all three fields.

Zionist control over the political interpretation of 9/11 can be readily seen in how the Bush administration and the controlled media accepted without question the unproven explanation blaming Osama Bin Laden and Al Qaida. This explanation was exactly what the architects of terror wanted the world to believe and was first articulated by Ehud Barak, the former Israeli commando leader and prime minister, on BBC World television minutes after the demolitions of the Twin Towers.

Live from London, Israel's military chief Ehud Barak appeared on BBC World television on 9/11 urging the United States to begin the "War on Terror" by invading Afghanistan.

Through their media monopoly (e.g. FOX News, CNN, CBS, New York Times, etc.) the Zionist interpretation of 9/11 was pushed relentlessly on the gullible American public. No other possible explanation was even discussed and people who held dissenting points of view were ignored, slandered, and attacked, as I was by FOX News, CNN, The Chicago Tribune, undercover police and the corrupt courts of Cook County.

Zionist control of the media was essential in shaping public opinion and directing the anger and blame at Osama Bin Laden and Al Qaida. The controlled politicians dutifully parroted the media version, which quickly became the “party line” of both parties. Dissent was quashed. Politicians, academics, and journalists who expressed doubts or raised questions about what really happened were treated like pariahs and removed from their positions.

The Zionist control of the cover up is also seen very clearly in the investigation and prosecution fields. Michael Chertoff, as Assistant Attorney General in charge of the criminal division of the Department of Justice, was directly responsible for the federal prosecution of the terrorists behind 9/11 and for overseeing the investigation by the FBI. Chertoff, an orthodox Jew, is an Israeli citizen by virtue of the fact that he is the son of an Israeli, Livia Eisen, who happened to be one of the first Mossad agents. Had the FBI collected and scrutinized the steel and dust from the Twin Towers, questions would have been raised by the discovery of evidence of both explosives and thermite. Rather than deal with the evidence, Chertoff simply abdicated his responsibilities and allowed Zionist officials working under Mayor Rudy Giuliani to "clean up" the crime scene by destroying the steel evidence through specially prepared junkyards in New Jersey.

Michael Chertoff, an Israeli national and the key federal official responsible for prosecuting the crimes of 9/11, allowed the crucial evidence to be destroyed. He is the son of one of the first Mossad agents.

As the federal official responsible for the criminal prosecution, Chertoff also had control over access to the evidence. Through a newly created agency, the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) and a special category of evidence known as Sensitive Security Information (SSI), Chertoff retained his control over the 9/11 evidence even after he became the secretary of the Department of Homeland Security in 2005. The key role that Chertoff played in the 9/11 cover up is solely due to the fact that he, like Rahm Emanuel, is a high-level Zionist partisan from a family with a very long and close connection to Israeli intelligence.

Alvin K. Hellerstein is the other hand of the Zionist-controlled cover up in the judicial field in which access to the evidence is crucial. Hellerstein is a U.S. district judge in Manhattan, appointed to the federal bench by President Bill Clinton in 1998. Judge Alvin Hellerstein presides over all 9/11 tort litigation and criminal cases related to the terror attacks.

Alvin K. Hellerstein has blocked a 9/11 trial for years by waging a judicial war of attrition against the victims' families, forcing all but one into out-of-court settlements. Hellerstein's son lives in Israel and works for a law firm that represents the parent company of one of the key defendants in the 9/11 litigation. This glaring conflict of interest is ignored by the media.

Although 96 families who lost loved ones on 9/11 chose to litigate rather than accept the government payout, Judge Hellerstein waged a prolonged war of attrition against the families forcing all of them, with only one exception, to settle out of court. The family of Mark Bavis of Boston, a passenger on Flight 175, is the only family that will have a 9/11 trial to determine who was responsible for their loss. Hellerstein, however, has imposed a most arbitrary and unusual time limit for the only 9/11 trial that will be held to determine who is responsible for the loss of life. He will only allow one month for the entire trial with only 50 hours allowed for each side.

As an orthodox Jew and a Zionist, Judge Hellerstein has a serious conflict of interest that should have prevented him for hearing any 9/11 cases. Israel, through its intelligence agency the Mossad, is a key defendant in the 9/11 litigation. Hellerstein and his immediate family are devoted supporters of the state of Israel. This presents an obvious conflict of interest that should have kept Hellerstein from overseeing the 9/11 tort litigation in the first place.

Furthermore, Judge Hellerstein’s son, Joseph, lives in Israel and works for an Israeli law firm that represents the parent company of one of the defendants in the 9/11 tort litigation, Mossad's “security” company International Consultants for Targeted Security (ICTS NV). ICTS owns Huntleigh USA, the airport security company responsible for screening the passengers that boarded the planes on 9/11. The fact that Hellerstein is a religious Zionist with a close family connection to one of the defendants should disqualify him from managing the 9/11 litigation, but it has not.

Joseph Z. Hellerstein

The impropriety of Judge Hellerstein's glaring conflict of interest in the 9/11 litigation has been completely ignored by the media. Hellerstein and Chertoff have both facilitated the 9/11 cover up and obstructed justice for the families of the victims with their improper conduct. Brazen and shameless, they are confident their misdeeds will be ignored and that they will be remain protected and supported by the larger Zionist network that controls the U.S. government.

As German intelligence experts told me in 2001, 9/11 was a sophisticated operation that required years of planning and the fixed structure of a state intelligence agency. It was, they said, far beyond the capabilities of a loosely structured group like Al Qaida. Such a false-flag terror operation consists of three levels, Andreas von Buelow said: the architectural, managerial, and working levels. The architectural level designs the terrorism primarily to affect public opinion while the managerial level manages the execution of the crime and the cover up. The working level, von Buelow said, is actually part of the deception. While Hellerstein and Chertoff are probably not architectural level planners of the terror attacks, they are certainly dedicated Zionist foot soldiers at the managerial level of the 9/11 cover up.

The reason for Hellerstein and Chertoff to be confident in the face of their blatant misconduct is obvious. In spite of the serious nature of their crimes, which enabled the 9/11 cover up, these two Zionist agents of deception have not suffered any penalties under the law or faced a single word of criticism from the media for the glaring improprieties they committed as federal employees. Where is the watchful eye of the government? Why do Hellerstein and Chertoff act as if they are above the law? Where is the free press, the watchdog of a properly functioning democratic state? Is this not evidence of a conspiracy?

The false-flag terror atrocity of 9/11 changed more than public opinion. The 9/11 deception that has been foisted on the nation has changed the fundamental relationship between the U.S. government and the American people. The proper role of government is to alleviate the suffering of the people, not increase it. The Declaration of Independence states that governments are instituted among men in order to secure their unalienable rights, namely life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, and that "whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it."

The deception of 9/11 was used to instill fear in the population in order to usher in a radical and fraudulent Zeitgeist under the rubric the “War on Terror.” To submit to the 9/11 deception is to subject ourselves and our nation to an open-ended agenda of war. The Zionist fraud known as the “War on Terror” began with the false-flag terror attacks of 9/11, which led directly to illegal wars of aggression in the Middle East and a greatly enlarged police-state apparatus in the United States. We have certainly not seen the end of it.

The 10-year of war in Afghanistan is supposedly being fought to root out the terrorist networks who carried out 9/11.

These disastrous and costly wars have done immense damage to our nation and others, wasting more than $1.6 trillion and ruining countless lives. Believing the lies about 9/11 has made helpless victims of millions of people, such as those who have gone to war in Afghanistan and Iraq thinking they were defending their nation from terrorists. The only way to liberate ourselves and our nations from continued enslavement to this criminal deception is to understand how it was imposed on us and who is behind it. To accept the 9/11 deception is to support the evil fruit it brings in its train and to allow ourselves to be held captive in its "Auschwitz of the mind".

Liberation from the deception can only happen when individuals choose to reject fear and examine the facts with a truly open mind. The personal choice to examine the evidence, embrace the facts, and conquer fear is the most important decision we can make as free men. As my patriotic duty to my nation and as a service to mankind, I am sharing my insights and the fruits of my research about the 9/11 deception in the hope that by understanding how this evil deception was planned and executed we can liberate ourselves from it and secure a more just and peaceful world for our children.


BBC World, "Ehud Barak interview," 11 September 2001

Bollyn, Christopher, "America the Target: 9-11 and Israel's History of False Flag Terrorism," Solving 9/11 - The Deception that Changed the World, January 2008 ... -terrorism

Bollyn, "Homeland Security & the Exclusion of Evidence," 11 September 2007 ... f-evidence

Bollyn, "Judge Hellerstein's Unethical Connection to Key Defendant in 9-11 Lawsuit," 10 May 2010 ... 11-lawsuit
Original - May 19, 2011
Latest Edit – June 23, 2011
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