The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich: A History of Nazi Germ

"Science," the Greek word for knowledge, when appended to the word "political," creates what seems like an oxymoron. For who could claim to know politics? More complicated than any game, most people who play it become addicts and die without understanding what they were addicted to. The rest of us suffer under their malpractice as our "leaders." A truer case of the blind leading the blind could not be found. Plumb the depths of confusion here.

Re: The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich: A History of Nazi

Postby admin » Sun Feb 18, 2018 4:33 am


This book is based principally on the captured German documents, the interrogations and testimony of German military officers and civilian officials, the diaries and memoirs which some of them have left, and on my own experience in the Third Reich.

Millions of words from the German archives have been published in various series of volumes, and millions more have been collected or microfilmed and deposited in libraries-in this country chiefly the Library of Congress and the Hoover Library at Stanford University-and in the National Archives at Washington. In addition, the Office of the Chief of Military History, Department of the Army, at Washington is in possession of a vast collection of German military records.

Of the published volumes of documents the most useful for my purposes have been three series. The first is Documents on German Foreign Policy, Series D, comprising a large selection in English translation of the papers of the German Foreign Office from 1937 to the summer of 1940. Through the courtesy of the State Department I have been given access to a number of additional German Foreign Office papers, not yet translated or published, which deal primarily with Germany's declaration of war on the United States.

Two series of published documents dealing with the main Nuremberg trial have been invaluable in taking one behind the scenes in the Third Reich. The first is the forty-two-volume Trial of the Major War Criminals, of which the first twenty-three volumes contain the text of the testimony at the trial and the remainder the text of the documents accepted in evidence, which are published in their original language, mostly German. Additional documents, interrogations and affidavits collected for that trial and translated rather hurriedly into English are published in the ten-volume series Nazi Conspiracy and Aggression. Unfortunately, the extremely valuable testimony given before the commissioners of the International Military Tribunal is mostly omitted from the latter series and is available only in mimeographed form on deposit with a few leading libraries.

There were twelve subsequent trials at Nuremberg, conducted by United States military tribunals, but the fifteen bulky published volumes of testimony and documents presented at these trials, titled Trials of War Criminals before the Nuremberg Military Tribunals, contain less than one tenth of the material. However, the rest may be found in mimeograph or photostats in some libraries. Summaries of other trials which shed much light on the Third Reich may be found in Law Reports of Trials of War Criminals, published by His Majesty's Stationery Office in London, 1947-49.

Of the unpublished German documents other than the rich collections in the Hoover Library, the Library of Congress and the National Archives-which contain, among other things, the Himmler files and a number of Hitler's private papers -- one of the most valuable finds has been that of the so-called "Alexandria Papers, " a good proportion of which have now been microfilmed and deposited at the National Archives. Information about a number of other captured papers will be found in the notes. Among the unpublished German material, incidentally, is General Halder's diary-seven volumes of typescript with annotations added by the General after the war to clarify certain passages- which I found to be one of the most valuable records of the Third Reich.

Some of the books which have been helpful to me are listed below. They are of three types: first, the memoirs and diaries of some of the leading figures in this narrative; second, books based on the new documentary material, such as those of John W. Wheeler-Bennett, Alan Bullock, H. R. Trevor-Roper and Gerald Reitlinger in England, of Telford Taylor in America, and of Eberhard Zeller, Gerhard Ritter, Rudolf Pechel and Walter Goerlitz in Germany; and third, books which provide background.

A comprehensive bibliography of works on the Third Reich has been published in Munich as a special number of the Vierteljahrshefte fuer Zeitgeschichte under the auspices of the Institut fuer Zeitgeschichte. The catalogues of the Wiener Library in London also contain excellent bibliographies.


Der Hitler Prozess. Munich: Deutscher Volksverlag, 1924. (The record of the court proceedings of Hitler's trial in Munich.)

Documents and Materials relating to the Eve of the Second World War, 1937- 39. 2 vols. Moscow: Foreign Language Publishing House, 1948.

Documents concerning German-Polish Relations and the Outbreak of Hostilities between Great Britain and Germany. London: His Majesty's Stationery Office, 1939. (The British Blue Book.)

Documents on British Foreign Policy, 1919-39. London: H. M. Stationery Office, 1947- . (Referred to in the notes as DBrFP.)

Documents on German Foreign Policy, 1918-45. Series D, 1937-45. 10 vols. (as of 1957). Washington: U.S. Department of State. (Referred to as DGFP.)

Dokumente der deutschen Politik, 1933-40. Berlin, 1935-43.

Fuehrer Conferences on Naval Affairs (mimeographed). London: British Admiralty, 1947. (Referred to as FCNA.)

Hitler e Mussolini-Lettere e documenti. Milan: Rizzoli, 1946.

I Documenti diplomatica italiani. Oltavo series, 1935-39. Rome: Libreria delia Stato, 1952-53. (Referred to as DDI.)

Le Livre Jaune Franfais. Documents diplomatiques, 1938-39. Paris: Ministere des Affaires Etrangeres. (The French Yellow Book.)

Nazi Conspiracy and Aggression. 10 vols. Washington: U.S. Government Printing Office, 1946. (Referred to as NCA.)

Nazi-Soviet Relations, 1939-41. Documents from the Archives of the German Foreign Office. Washington: U.S. Department of State, 1948. (Referred to as NSR.)

Official Documents concerning Polish-German and Polish-Soviet Relations, 1933-39. London, 1939. (The Polish White Book.)

Pearl Harbor Attack. Hearings before the Joint Committee on the Investigation of the Pearl Harbor Attack. 39 vols. Washington: U.S. Government Printing Office, 1946.

Soviet Documents on Foreign Policy. 3 vols. London: Royal Institute of International Affairs, 1951-53.

Spanish Government and the Axis, The. Washington: U.S. State Department, 1946. (From the German Foreign Office papers.)

Trial of the Major War Criminals before the International Military Tribunal. 42 vols. Published at Nuremberg. (Referred to as TMWC.)

Trials of War Criminals before the Nuremberg Military Tribunals. 15 vols. Washington: U.S. Government Printing Office, 1951-52. (Referred to as TWC.)


Adolf Hitlers Reden. Munich, 1934.

BAYNES, NORMAN H., ed.: The Speeches of Adolf Hitler, April 1922-August 1939. 2 vols. New York, 1942.

PRANGE. GORDON W., ed.: Hitler's Words. Washington, 1944.

Roussy DE SALES, COUNT RAOUL DE, ed.: My New Order. New York, 1941. (The speeches of Hitler, 1922-41.)


ABSHAGEN, K. H.: Canaris. Stuttgart, 1949.

AMBRUSTER, HOWARD WATSON: Treason's Peace. New York, 1947.

ANDERS, WLADYSLAW: Hitler's Defeat in Russia. Chicago, 1953.

ANONYMOUS: De Weimar au Chaos-Journal politique d'un General de la Reichswehr. Paris, 1934.

ARMSTRONG, HAMILTON FISH: Hitler's Reich. New York, 1933.

ASSMANN, KURT: Deutsche Schicksalsjahre. Wiesbaden, 1950.

BADOGLIO, MARSHAL PIETRO: Italy in the Second World War. London, 1948.

BARRACLOUGH, S.: The Origins of Modern Germany. Oxford, 1946.

BARTZ, KARL: Als der Himmel brannte. Hanover, 1955.

BAUMONT, FRIED AND VERMEIL, eds.: The Third Reich. New York, 1955.

BAYLE, FRANCOIS: Croix gammee ou caducee. Freiburg, 1950. (A documented account of the Nazi medical experiments.)

BELGIAN MINISTRY OF FOREIGN AFFAIRS: Belgium: The Official Account of What Happened, 1939-1940. New York, 1941.

BENES, EDUARD: Memoirs of Dr. Eduard Bend. From Munich to New War and New Victory. London, 1954.

BENOIST-MECHIN, JACQUES: Histoire de l'Armee allemande depuis l'Armistice. Paris, 1936-38.

BERNADOTTE, FOLKE: The Curtain Falls. New York, 1945.

BEST, CAPTAIN S. PAYNE: The Venlo Incident. London, 1950.

Bewegung, Staat und Volk in ihren Organisationen. Berlin, 1934.

BLUMENTRITT, GUENTHER: Von Rundstedt. London, 1952.

BOLDT, GERHARD: In the Shelter with Hitler. London, 1948.

BONNET, GEORGES: Fin d'une Europe. Geneva, 1948.

BOOTHBY, ROBERT: I Fight to Live. London, 1947.

BORMANN, MARTIN: The Bormann Letters: the Private Correspondence between Martin Bormann and his Wife, from Jan. 1943 to April 1945. London, 1954.

BRADLEY, GENERAL OMAR N.: A Soldier's Story. New York, 1951.

BRADY, ROBERT K.: The Spirit and Structure of German Fascism. London, 1937.

BRYANS, J. LONSDALE: Blind Victory. London, 1951.

BRYANT, SIR ARTHUR: The Turn of the Tide -- A History of the War Years Based on the Diaries of Field Marshal Lord Alanbrooke, Chief of the Imperial General Staff. New York, 1957.

BULLOCK, ALAN: Hitler-A Study in Tyranny. New York, 1952.

BUTCHER, HARRY C.: My Three Years with Eisenhower. New York, 1946.

CARR, EDWARD HALLETT: German-Soviet Relations between the Two World Wars, 1919-1939. Baltimore, 1951.

---, The Soviet Impact on the Western World. New York, 1947.

CHURCHILL, SIR WINSTON S.: The Second World War. 6 vols. New York, 1948-1953.

CIANO, COUNT GALEAZZO: Ciano's Diplomatic Papers, edited by Malcolm Muggeridge. London, 1948.

---, Ciano's Hidden Diary, 1937-1938. New York, 1953.

---, The Ciano Diaries, 1939-1943, edited by Hugh Wilson. New York, 1946.

CLAUSEWITZ, KARL VON: On War. New York, 1943.

COOLE, W. W., AND POTTER, M. P.: Thus Speaks Germany. New York, 1941.

CRAIG, GORDON A.: The Politics of the Prussian Army, 1940-1945. New York, 1955.

CROCE, BENEDETTO: Germany and Europe. New York, 1944.

Czechoslovakia Fights Back. Washington: American Council on Public Affairs, 1943.

DAHLERUS, BIRGER: The Last Attempt. London, 1947.

DALLIN, ALEXANDER: German Rule in Russia, 1941-1944. New York, 1957.

DALUCES, JEAN: Le Troisieme Reich. Paris, 1950.

DAVIES, JOSEPH E.: Mission to Moscow. New York, 1941.

DERRY, T. K.: The Campaign in Norway. London, 1952.

DEUEL, WALLACE: People under Hiller. New York, 1943.

DEWEY, JOHN: German Philosophy and Politics. New York, 1952.

DIELS, RUDOLF: Lucifer ante Portas. Stuttgart, 1950.

DIETRICH, OTTO: Mit Hiller in die Macht. Munich, 1934.

DOLLMANN, EUGEN: Roma Nazista. Milan, 1951.

DRAPER, THEODORE: The Six Weeks' War. New York, 1944.

DUBOIS, JOSIAH E., JR.: The Devil's Chemists. Boston, 1952.

DULLES, ALLEN: Germany's Underground. New York, 1947.

EBENSTEIN, WILLIAM: The Nazi State. New York, 1943.

EISENHOWER. DWIGHT D.: Crusade in Europe. New York, 1948.

ELLIS, MAJOR L. F.: The War in France and Flanders, 1939-1950. London, 1953.

EYCK, E.: Bismarck and the German Empire. London, 1950.

FEILING, KEITH: The Life of Neville Chamberlain. London, 1946.

FEUCHTER, GEORG W.: Geschichte des Luftkriegs. Bonn, 1954.

FISHER, H. A. L.: A History of Europe. London, 1936.

FISHMAN, JACK: The Seven Men of Spandau. New York, 1954.

FITZGIBBON, CONSTANTINE: 20 July. New York, 1956.

FLEMING, PETER: Operation Sea Lion. New York, 1957.

FLENLEY, RALPH: Modem German History. New York, 1953.

FOERSTER, WOLFGANG: Ein General kaempft gegen den Krieg. Munich, 1949. (The papers of General Beck.)

FRANCOIS-PONCET, ANDRE: The Fateful Years. New York, 1949.

FREIDIN, SEYMOUR, AND RICHARDSON, WILLIAM, eds.: The Fatal Decisions. New York, 1956.

FRIEDMAN, FILIP: This Was Oswiecim [Auschwitz]. London, 1946.

FRISCHAUER, WILLY: The Rise and Fall of Hermann Goering. Boston, 1951.

FULLER, MAJOR-GENERAL J. F. C.: The Second World War. New York, 1949.

GALLAND, ADOLF: The First and the Last. The Rise and Fall of the Luftwaffe Fighter Forces, 1938-45. New York, 1954.

GAMELIN, GENERAL MAURICE GUSTAVE: Servir. 3 vols. Paris, 1949.

GAY, JEAN: Camets Secrets de Jean Gay. Paris, 1940.

Germany: A Self-Portrait. Harland R. Crippen, ed. New York, 1944.

GILBERT, FELIX: Hitler Directs His War. New York, 1950. (The partial text of Hitler's daily military conferences.)

GILBERT, G. M.: Nuremberg Diary. New York, 1947.

GISEVIUS, BERND: To the Bitter End. Boston, 1947.

Glaubenskrise im Dritten Reich. Stuttgart, 1953.

GOEBBELS, JOSEPH: Yom Kaiserhof zur Reichskanzlei. Munich, 1936.

---, The Goebbels Diaries, 1942-1943, edited by Louis P. Lochner. New York, 1948.

GOERLITZ, WALTER: History of the German General Staff, 1657-1945. New York, 1953.

---, Der zweite Weltkrieg, 1939-45. 2 vols. Stuttgart, 1951.

GOUDIMA, CONSTANTIN: L'Armee Rouge dans la Paix et la Guerre. Paris, 1947.

GREINER, HELMUTH: Die Oberste Wehrmachtfuehrung, 1939-1945. Wiesbaden, 1951.

GREINER, JOSEF: Das Ende des Hitler-Mythos. Vienna, 1947.

GUDERIAN, GENERAL HEINZ: Panzer Leader. New York, 1952.

GUILLAUME, GENERAL A.: La Guerre Germano-Sovietique, 1941. Paris, 1949.

HABATSCH, WALTHER: Die deutsche Besetzung von Daenemark und Norwegen, 1940, 2nd ed. Goettingen, 1952.

HALDER, FRANZ: Hitler als Feldherr. Munich, 1949.

HALIFAX, LORD: Fullness of Days. New York, 1957.

HALLGARTEN, GEORGE W. F.: Hitler, Reichswehr und Industrie. Frankfurt, 1955.

HANFSTAENGL, ERNST: Unheard Witness. New York, 1957.

HARRIS, WHITNEY R.: Tyranny on Trial-The Evidence at Nuremberg. Dallas, 1954. (A selection of the German documents at Nuremberg from the TMWC and NCA volumes.)

HASSELL, ULRICH VON: The Von Hassell Diaries, 1938-1944. New York, 1947.

HEGEL: Lectures on the Philosophy of History. London, 1902.

HEIDEN, KONRAD: A History of National Socialism. New York, 1935.

---, Hitler-A Biography. New York, 1936.

---, Der Fuehrer. Boston, 1944.

HENDERSON, NEVILE: The Failure of a Mission. New York, 1940.

HERMAN, STEWART W., JR.: It's Your Souls We Want. New York, 1943.

HEUSINGER, GENERAL ADOLF: Befehl im Widerstreit-Schicksalsstunden der deutschen Armee, 1923-1925. Stuttgart, 1950.


HITLER, ADOLF: Mein Kampf. Boston, 1943. This is the unexpurgated edition in English translation published by Houghton Mifflin. (The German original: Munich, 1925, 1927. The first volume, Eine Albrechnung, was published in 1925; the second, Die Nationalsozialistische Bewegung, in 1927. Thereafter the two were published in one volume.)

Hitler's Secret Conversations, 1941-44. New York, 1953.

Les Lettres Secretes Echangees par Hitler et Mussolini. Paris, 1946.

HOETTL, WILHELM (WALTER HAGEN): The Secret Front: The Story of Nazi Political Espionage. New York, 1954.

HOFER, WALTHER: War Premeditated, 1939. London, 1955. (English translation from Die Entfesselung des zweiten Weltkrieges.)

HOSSBACH, GENERAL FRIEDRICH: Zwischen Wehrmacht und Hitler. Hanover, 1949.

HULL, CORDELL: The Memoirs of Cordell Hull. 2 vols. New York, 1948.

JACOBSEN, HANS-ADOLF: Dokumente zur Vorgeschichte des Westfeldzuges, 1939-40. Goettingen, 1956.

JARMAN, T. L.: The Rise and Fall of Nazi Germany. London, 1955.

JASPER, KARL: The Question of German Guilt. New York, 1947.

KELLEY, DOUGLAS M.: 22 Cells in Nuremberg. New York, 1947.

KESSELRING, ALBERT: A Soldier's Record. New York, 1954.

KIELMANNSEGG, GRAF: Der Fritsch Prozess. Hamburg, 1949.

KLEE, CAPTAIN KARL: Das Unternehmen Seeloewe. Goettingen, 1949.

KLEIN, BURTON: Germany's Economic Preparations for War. Cambridge, 1959.

KLEIST, PETER: Zwischen Hitler und Stalin. Bonn, 1950.

KNELLER, GEORGE FREDERICK: The Educational Philosophy of National Socialism. New Haven, 1941.

KOGON, EUGEN: The Theory and Practice of Hell. New York, 1951. (The German original: Der SS Staat und das System der deutschen Konzentrationslager. Munich, 1946.)

KOHN, HANS, ed.: German History: Some New German Views. Boston, 1954.

KOLLER, GENERAL KARL: Der letzte Monat. Mannheim, 1949. (The diary of the last Chief of the Luftwaffe General Staff.)

KORDT, ERICH: Nicht aus den Akten. (Die Wilhelmstrasse in Frieden und Krieg, 1928-1945.) Stuttgart, 1950.

---, Wahn und Wirklichkeit. Stuttgart, 1947.

KREIS, ERNST, AND SPEIER, HANS: German Radio Propaganda. New York, 1946.

KROSIGK, COUNT LUTZ SCHWERIN VON: Es geschah in Deutschland. Tuebingen, 1951.

KUBIZEK, AUGUST: The Young Hitler I Knew. Boston, 1955.

LANGER, WILLIAM L.: Our Vichy Gamble. New York, 1947.

UNGER AND GLEASON: The Undeclared War, 1940-1941. New York, 1953.

LAVAL, PIERRE: The Diary of Pierre Laval. New York, 1948.

LENARD, PHILIPP: Deutsche Physik, 2nd ed. Munich-Berlin, 1938.

LICHTENBERGER, HENRI: L'Allemagne Nouvelle. Paris, 1936.

LIDDELL HART, B. H.: The German Generals Talk. New York, 1948. ---(ed.): The Rommel Papers. New York, 1953.

LILGE, FREDERIC: The Abuse of Learning: The Failure of the German University. New York, 1948.

LITVINOV, MAXIM: Notes for a Journal. New York, 1955.

LORIMER, E. O.: What Hitler Wants. London, 1939.

LOSSBERG, GENERAL BERNHARD VON: Im Wehrmacht Fuehrungsstab. Hamburg, 1950.

LUDECKE, KURT: I Knew Hitler. London, 1938.

LUDENOORFF, GENERAL ERIC: Auf dem Weg zur Feldherrnhalle. Munich, 1937.

LUDENOORFF, MARGARITTE: Als ich Ludendorffs Frau war. Munich, 1929.

LUEDDE-NEURATH, WALTER: Die letzten Tage des Dritten Reiches. Goettingen, 1951.

MANSTEIN, FIELD MARSHAL ERIC VON: Verlorene Siege. Bonn, 1955. (English translation: Lost Victories. Chicago, 1958.)

MARTIENSEN, ANTHONY K.: Hitler and His Admirals. New York, 1949.

MEINECKE, FRIEDRICH: The German Catastrophe. Cambridge, 1950.

MEISSNER, OTTO: Staatssekretaer unter Ebert-Hindenburg-Hitler. Hamburg, 1950.

MELZER, WALTHER: Albert Kanal und Eben-Emael. Heidelberg, 1957.

MITSCHERLlCH, ALEXANDER, M.D., and MIELKE, FRED: Doctors of Infamy. New York, 1949.

MONZIE, ANATOLE DE: Ci-Devant. Paris, 1942.

MORISON, SAMUEL ELIOT: History of the United States Naval Operations in World War II. Vol. I, The Battle of the Atlantic, September 1939-May 1943. Boston, 1948.

MOURIN, MAXIME: Les Complots contre Hitler. Paris, 1948.

MUSMANNO, MICHAEL A.: Ten Days to Die. New York, 1950.

MUSSOLlNI, BENITO: Memoirs 1942-1943. London, 1949.

NAMIER, SIR LEWIS B.: In the Nazi Era. London, 1952.

---, Diplomatic Prelude, 1938-1939. London, 1948.

NATHAN, OTTO: The Nazi Economic System: Germany's Mobilization for War. Durham, N.C., 1944.

NEUMANN, FRANZ L.: Behemoth. New York, 1942.

O'BRIEN, T. H.: Civil Defence. London, 1955. (A volume in the official British history of the Second World War, edited by J. R. M. Butler.)

OLDEN, RUDOLF: Hitler, the Pawn. London, 1936.

OUTZE, BORGE, ed.: Denmark during the Occupation. Copenhagen, 1946.

OVEN, WILFRED VON: Mit Goebbels bis zum Ende. Buenos Aires, 1949.

OVERSTRAETEN, GENERAL VAN: Albert I-Leopold 111. Brussels, 1946.

PAPEN, FRANZ VON: Memoirs. New York, 1953.

PECHEL, RUDOLF: Deutscher Widerstand. Zurich, 1947.

PERTINAX: The Grave Diggers of France. New York, 1944.

PINNOW, HERMANN: History of Germany. London, 1936.

POLIAKOV, LEON, AND WULF, JOSEF: Das Drille Reich und die Juden. Berlin, 1955.

POTEMKIN, V. V., ed.: Histoire de la Diplomatie. Paris, 1946-47. (A French edition of a Soviet Russian work.)

RABENAU, LIEUTENANT GENERAL FRIEDRICH VON: Seeckt, aus seinem Leben. Leipzig, 1940.

RAUSCHNING, HERMANN: Time of Delirium. New York, 1946.

---, The Revolution of Nihilism. New York, 1939.

---, The Conservative Revolution. New York, 1941.

---, The Voice of Destruction. New York, 1940.

REED, DOUGLAS: The Burning of the Reichstag. New York, 1934.

REITLINGER, GERALD: The Final Solution-The Attempt to Exterminate the Jews of Europe, 1939-1945. New York, 1953.

---, The SS-Alibi of a Nation. New York, 1957.

REYNAUD, PAUL: 1n the Thick of the Fight. New York, 1955.

RIBBENTROP, JOACHIM VON: Zwischen London und Moskau. Erinnerungen und letzte Aufzeichnungen. Leone am Stamberger See, 1953.

RIESS, CURT: Joseph Goebbels: The Devil's Advocate. New York, 1948.

RITTER, GERHARD: Carl Goerdeler und die deutsche Widerstandsbewegung. Stuttgart, 1955.

ROEPKE, WILHELM: The Solution of the German Problem. New York, 1946.

ROSINSKI, HERBERT: The German Army. Washington, 1944.

ROTHFELS, HANS: The German Opposition to Hitler. Hinsdale, Ill., 1948.

ROUSSET, DAVID: The Other Kingdom. New York, 1947.

RUSSELL, BERTRAND: A History of Western Philosophy. New York, 1945.

SAMMLER, RUDOLF: Goebbels: The Man Next to Hitler. London, 1947.

SASULY, RICHARD: I. G. Farben. New York, 1947.

SCHACHT, HJALMAR: Account Settled. London, 1949.

SCHAUMBURG-LIPPE, PRINZ FRIEDRICH CHRISTIAN ZU: Zwischen Krone und Kerker. Wiesbaden, 1952.

SCHELLENBERG, WALTER: The Labyrinth. New York, 1956.

SCHLABRENDORFF, FABIAN VON: They Almost Killed Hitler. New York, 1947.

SCHMIDT, PAUL: Hitler's Interpreter. New York, 1951. (This English translation omits about one half of the original, Statist auf diplomatischer Buehne, 1923-45, Bonn, 1949, which covered the pre-Hitlerian period.)

SCHOLL, INGE: Die weisse Rose. Frankfurt, 1952.

SCHRAMM, WILHELM VON: Der 20. Juli in Paris. Bad Woerishorn, 1953.

SCHROETER, HEINZ: Stalingrad. New York, 1958.

SCHUETZ, WILLIAM WOLFGANG: Pens under the Swastika, a Study in Recent German Writing. London, 1946.

SCHULTZ, JOACHIM: Die letzten 30 Tage-aus dem Kriegstagebuch des O.K.W. Stuttgart, 1951.

SCHULTZ, SIGRID: Germany Will Try It Again. New York, 1944.

SCHUMANN, FREDERICK L.: The Nazi Dictatorship. New York, 1939.

---, Europe on the Eve. New York, 1939.

---, Night Over Europe. New York, 1941.

SCHUSCHNIGG, KURT VON: Austrian Requiem. New York, 1946. (This is an English translation of the original: Ein Requiem in Rot-Weiss-Rot. Zurich, 1946.)

---, Farewell, Austria. London, 1938.

SCOLEZY, MAXINE S.: The Structure of the Nazi Economy. Cambridge, 1941.

SEABURY, PAUL: The Wilhelmstrasse: A Study of German Diplomats under the Nazi Regime. Berkeley, 1954.

SHERWOOD, ROBERT E.: Roosevelt and Hopkins. New York, 1948.

SHIRER, WILLIAM L.: Berlin Diary. New York, 1941.

---, End of a Berlin Diary. New York, 1947.

---, The Challenge of Scandinavia. Boston, 1955.

SHULMAN, MILTON: Defeat in the West. New York, 1948.

SKORZENY, OTTO: Skorzeny's Secret Memoirs. New York, 1950.

SNYDER, LOUIS L.: The Tragedy of a People. Harrisburg, 1952.

SPEIDEL, GENERAL HANS: Invasion 1944. Chicago, 1950.

SPENGLER, OSWALD: Jahre der Entscheidung. Munich, 1935.

STEED, HENRY WICKHAM: The Hapsburg Monarchy. London, 1919.

STEIN, LEO: I Was in Hell with Niemoeller. New York, 1942.

STIPP, JOHN L.: Devil's Diary. Yellow Springs, Ohio, 1955. (A selection of German documents from the NCA volumes.)

STROELlN, KARL: Stuttgart im Endstadium des Krieges. Stuttgart, 1950.

SUAREZ, GEORGES, ANDLABORDE, GUY: Agonie de la Paix. Paris, 1942.

TANSILL, CHARLES C.: Back Door to War. New York, 1952.

TAYLOR, A. J. P.: The Course of German History. New York, 1946.

TAYLOR, TELFORD: Sword and Swastika. New York, 1952.

---, The March of Conquest. New York, 1958.

THOMAS. GENERAL GEORG: Basic Facts for a History of German War and Armament Economy (mimeographed). Nuremberg, 1945.

THOMPSON, DOROTHY: Listen, Hans. Boston, 1942.

THORWALD, JUERGEN: Dos Ende em der Elbe. Stuttgart, 1950.

---, Flight in Winter: Russia, January to May 1945. New York, 1951.

THYSSEN, FRITZ: I Paid Hitler. New York, 1941.

TOLISCHUS, OTTO D.: They Wanted War. New York, 1940.

TOYNBEE, ARNOLD, ed.: Hitler's Europe. London, 1954.

TOYNBEE, ARNOLD AND VERONICA M., eds.: The Eve of the War. London, 1958.

TREFOUSSE, H. L.: Germany and American Neutrality, 1939-1941. New York, 1951.

TREVOR-ROPER, H. R.: The Last Days of Hitler. New York, 1947.

VERMEIL, EDMOND: L'Allemagne Contemporaine, Sociale, Politique et Culturale, 1890-1950. 2 vols. Paris, 1952-53.

VOSSLER, KARL: Gedenkrede fuer die Opfer an der Universitaet Muenchen. Munich, 1947.

VOWINCKEL, KURT: Die Wehrmacht im Kampf, Vols. 1, 3, 4, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11. Heidelberg, 1954.

WAGNER, FRIEDELIND: Heritage of Fire. New York, 1945.

WEISENBORN, GUENTHER: Der lautlose Aufstand. Hamburg, 1953.

WEIZSAECKER, ERNST VON: The Memoirs of Ernst von Weizsaecker. London, 1951.

WELLES, SUMNER: The Time for Decision. New York, 1944.

WESTPHAL, GENERAL SIEGFRIED: The German Army in the West. London, 1951.

WEYGAND, GENERAL MAXIME: Rappele au Service. Paris, 1947.

WHEATLEY, RONALD: Operation Sea Lion. London, 1958.

WHEELER-BENNETT, JOHN W.: Wooden Titan: Hindenburg. New York, 1936.

---, Munich: Prologue to Tragedy. New York, 1948.

---, The Nemesis of Power: The German Army in Politics, 1918-1945. New York, 1953.

WICHERT, ERWIN: Dramatische Tage in Hitlers Reich. Stuttgart, 1952.

WILMOT, CHESTER: The Struggle for Europe. New York, 1952.

WRENCH, JOHN EVELYN: Geoffrey Dawson and Our Times. London, 1955.

YOUNG, DESMOND: Rommel-The Desert Fox. New York, 1950.

ZELLER, EBERHARD: Geist der Freiheit. Munich, 1954.

ZIEMER, GREGOR: Education for Death. New York, 1941.

ZOLLER, A., ed.: Hitler Privat. Duesseldorf, 1949. (French edition: Douze Ans aupres d'Hitler. Paris, 1949.)

ZWEIG, STEFAN: The World of Yesterday. New York, 1943.


HALE, PROFESSOR ORON JAMES: "Adolf Hitler: Taxpayer." The American Historical Review, LX, No. 4 (July 1955).

HUCH, RICARDA: "Die Aktion der Muenchner Studenten gegen Hitler." Neue Schweizer Rundschau, Zurich, September-October 1948.

HUCH, RICARDA: "Der 18. Februar: Umriss einer deutschen Widerstandsbewegung." Die Gegenwart, October 30, 1946.

KEMPNER, ROBERT M. W.: "Blueprint of the Nazi Underground." Research Studies of the State College of Washington, June 1945.

THOMAS, GENERAL GEORG: "Gedanken und Ereignisse." Schweizerische Monatshefte, December 1945.

WITZIG, RUDOLF: "Die Einnahme von Eben-Emael." Wehrkunde, May 1945.
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Re: The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich: A History of Nazi

Postby admin » Sun Feb 18, 2018 5:32 am

Part 1 of 3


Aa Canal, 728, 731
Aachen, 291fn., 1088, 1089-90, 1092
"AB Action," 662-63
Abbeville, 718, 727, 728, 731, 738, 741,
746, 759
Abwehr (Intelligence Bureau), see under OKW
Abyssinia, see Ethiopia
Adam, Gen. Wilhelm, 370, 378, 387
Addis Ababa, 297
Adlerangriffe ("Operation Eagle"), 774-
Adlon Hotel, 444, 595, 597, 616, 648,
807, 1110
Adolf Hitler Schools, 255
A.E.G., (Allgemeine Elektrizitaetgesellschaft),
Africa, 82, 305, 804, 805; see also
North Africa
Afrika Korps, 911-13, 919-25, 1078
Aga Khan, 751fn.
Ahnenerbe (Institute for Research into
Heredity), 980, 982
Air Force, German, see Luftwaffe
Aisne river, 737
Alanbrooke, Field Marshal Lord, 730fn.
Albania, 469, 813, 816, 818, 820, 821,
825, 1006
Albert Canal, 724, 725
Alexander I, Czar of Russia, 542, 1015
Alexander, Gen. Sir Harold, 919, 1033,
Alexandria, Egypt, 817, 911, 919
Alfieri, Dino, 751, 756
Algeria, 814, 923
Algiers, 923
Allianz insurance company, 144, 206
Allied air operations, 1001, 1038, 1040,
1092, 1093, 1099; bombing of
Germany, 778-80, 807-9, 954,
1008-9, 1013, 1027, 1031, 1032,
1037, 1096-1100, 1108, 1110
Allied commandos, 955
Allied Supreme War Council, 675fn.,
696, 717
Allies, Nazi hopes for dissension among,
lOll, 1033, 1042, 1087, 1091-
92, 1098
Alsace, 400, 983fn.. 1091, 1094
Alsace-Lorraine, 58, 286, 436, 641, 742
Altmark (Ger. auxiliary ship), 679, 680
Alvensleben, Werner von, 182
Amann, Max, 49, 80, 246, 760
Amau, Vice-Minister, 884
Amen, Col. John Harlan, 532fn., 959
America First Committee, 827fn., 871
Amery, Leopold, 611
Amsterdam, 716, 721
Andalsnes, 706, 708, 710
Angell, Norman, 784
Anglo-German naval agreement (1935),
287-89, 419, 467, 471, 489fn.
Anglo-Polish treaty (1939), 550, 551,
556-57, 564, 570
Annunziata, Collar of the, 483
Anti-Comintern Pact, 29~ , 353, 439, 455,
459, 465, 476, 506, 523, 539-40,
anti-Hitler conspiracy, 372-82, 404-8,
411-14, 422-26, 517, 530, 558-
60, 591, 596, 647-56, 658-59,
670, 692-94, 715, 719, 754fn.,
846fn., 848fn., 903-8, 1002,
anti-Semitism, 23-27, 35, 40fn., 41, 45,
48, 91, 106, 149, 236, 238, 251,
372; see also Jews
"Anton," 922, 923
Antonescu, Ion, 800fn., 995
Antwerp, 717, 718, 724, 725, 761, 772,
1086, 1090, 1099
Arabia, 810
Arabian Sea, 805
Archangel, U.S.S.R., 81 I, 870fn.
Arco-Valley, Count Anton, 33
Ardennes Forest, 718, 723, 933, 1090-
96, 1108
armistice: of 1918, see under World
War I; of 1940, see Franco-German
armistice; Franco-Italian
Army, German (and Reichswehr), 63-
66, 89, 93, 119, 143, 160, 185,
201, 211, 236, 259, 260, 263, 267,
293, 301, 305, 328, 458, 1104-5
UNDER THE REPUBLIC: political activities,
3, 31-35, 38, 45, 46, 53-
55, 63, 64, 137-38, 150-52, 159-
62, 174-75, 179, 182-83, 188,
219; policy on armistice and Versailles
terms, 31-32, 53, 58-60,
62, 63, 65, 281, 284, 285; attitude
toward Republic, 31-34, 53, 58-
61, 64-65, 138-42, 186-87; suppresses
leftists, 33-34, 54-55, 65,
165; relations with Nazis (to
1934), 45, 46, 7~73, 77, 138-42,
146, 159-61, 182-83, 185-88,
196-98, 204-7, 214-16, 220,
225-27, 229
HITLER ERA: subordination to Hitler,
226-27, 229, 318, 320, 324, 355-
56, 658-59, 754fn., 840, 866-67;
expansion and reorganization by
Hitler, 253-55, 281, 284-85, 299,
307, 318-19, 489, 865; generals'
opposition to Hitler, 309, 310,
354, 366-71, 488, 517-18, 643-
46, 830-31, 834, 856-58, 915,
917-19, 926-27, 1091; Blomberg-
Fritsch affair, 311-21, 354-56;
generals' plot, 317, 372, 374,
378-82, 393, 405, 414, 424-26,
517-18, 558-60, 647-51, 658-
59, 693-94, 903-7, 1014-15,
1018-19, 1020-22, 1026-36,
335, 336; Balkans, 816-17,
820; Britain, 747, 758-67, 774,
781; Czechoslovakia, 363, 366-
71, 377-82, 387, 393, 402, 410,
428, 445; Danzig and Memel,
456, 468, 498; Mediterranean
area, 913-14; North Africa, 827,
911-13; Norway and Denmark,
673, 681-82, 698-701, 707, 709-
II; Poland, 460, 462-63, 496-98,
506, 517-18, 530, 534, 549, 556-
60, 569, 589-91, 599, 625, 626,
629, 633, 660-61, 944; Russia,
796-800, 810, 812, 822, 829-32,
834, 844-46, 853, 855-70, 879,
891, 909, 915-19, 922, 925-34,
1014-15; Western Europe, 487,
506, 590, 618, 633, 635, 643-46,
652, 656, 658-59, 693-94, 713,
715-38, 728-29, 731-36, 741
Africa, 919-21; Italy, 996, 999-
1001; Russian front, 1006-7,
1041, 1043, 1085, 1096-98, 1103;
in west, 1036-42, 1085-86, 1088-
96, 1099, 1100-2; total mobilization,
1087; desertions, 1088,
1100-1; rout and surrender,
1105-7, 1112-13, 1120-22, 1125,
1126, 1130, 1138, 1139
947, 952, 957-59, 976, 1029,
1090fn., 1095fn., 1100
Army, German, units:
A (eastern front), 915, 928
A (western front), 718, 726, 732,
733, 762-63
B (in Alps), 999
B (eastern front) , 916
B (western front, 1940), 733, 762
B (western front, 1944-45), 1031,
1038, 1040, 1074-75, 1105
C, 646
Center, 853, 856-57, 859, 862, 863,
865, 903fn., 905, 947, 1014,
1013-19, 1041, 1046, 1085
Don, 926-28
G, 1138
H, 1101
North, 497, 625, 626, 853, 856,
South, 497, 830, 853, 856, 861,
Ukraine-North, 947
Third Tank, 863
Fourth Tank, 863, 865
First, 387, 1138
First Panzer, 860, 914, 916, 928
Second, 387, 1043
Second Panzer, 863, 864
Third, 387, 497, 625, 660
Fourth, 387, 497, 625, 860, 863,
864, 865, 868-69
Fourth Panzer, 914-16, 919, 926-
Fifth Panzer, 1093, 1105
Sixth, 722, 724, 725, 726, 728, 730,
731, 762, 763, 767, 782, 861fn.,
909, 914, 915, 919, 922, 926-27,
929, 930-31, 933, 1014
Seventh, 1037, 1038, 1039
Eighth, 387, 497
Ninth, 762, 782, 868, 947, 1120
Tenth, 387, 497, 626
Tenth, 959
Twelfth, 387, 826
Fourteenth, 387, 497, 626
Fifteenth, 1037, 1105
Sixteenth, 762
Seventeenth, 928, 1007
Eighteenth, 721, 731, 738
Nineteenth, 1138
Replacement (Home) Anny, 904,
906, 1015, 1019, 1030, 1034-35,
1044-45, 1048-49, 1057, 1058,
1063, 1064, 1073, 1080, 1087
West, Army of the, 370
1st, 557
IIIrd, 413
XVth Armored, 724
XVlth Armored, 725
XIXth Armored, 626, 724
XXXIXth, 722
XLlst Armored (Tank), 724, 859
XLVIIth Armored, 1093
LXXVth, 956
Afrika Korps, 911-13, 919-25,
2nd Panzer, 727
3rd Panzergrenadier, 999
4th Panzer, 626
6th Panzer, 1028
9th Panzer, 722
10th Panzer, 1029
18th Grenadier, 1088
21st Panzer, 1039
23rd Infantry, 375
28th Rifle, 1074
163rd Infantry, 703
258th Infantry, 863
Volksgrenadier, 1048-49
12th Artillery Regt., 355
17th Bamberg Cav. Regt., 1028
150th Panzer Brigade, 1092
Guard Battalion Grossdeutschland,
III (Berlin), 284, 375, [035, 1061;
Berlin Kommandantur, 1030,
1061, 1063
VII (Munich), 35, 38
under S. S.
Army General Staff, 53, 99, 174, 335,
367, 370, 371, 379, 380, 400, 424,
487, 488, 498, 650, 656, 658,
673, 718, 749fn., 756, 758,
763fn., 774, 830, 843, 856-57,
914-19, 933, 1029, 1087, 1130,
1139; banned by Versailles
Treaty, 58fn., 62; re-created as
Truppenamt, 62; re-established,
281, 284, 285fn.; resignation of
Beck as Chief, 370-72, 559; apptmt.
of Halder, 370-72; Halder
out, Zeitzler named, 917-18;
Guderian named, 1080-81; Krebs
named, 1112; see also Beck, Ludwig;
Halder; Guderian; Krebs;
Army High Command (Oberkommando
des Heeres-OKH). 377-
79.560.658, 661.673, 682.717,
726-27, 759, 762, 764, 774, 782,
812. 822. 856-57. 858. 1027.
1028, 1030. 1057. 1073
Army Law (July 20. 1933).208
Arnhem, 1089
Arras. 30
Artists' Club, 1012
Aryan superiority. 39. 81-82, 86-89.
103-4, 107. 145. 237. 245. 250,
Asch, 388, 402
Ashton-Gwatkin. Frank. 416-18
Asia. 305. 805, 872. 873. 885, 892. 901.
Asquith. Herbert. 385
Assmann, Adm, Kurt. 1052fn.
Associated Press. 477fn., 784fn., 956
Astakhov. Georgi. 481, 493. 500-1. 505,
506, 513
Astor. Lady, 376
Athenia. S. S., 622, 636-38
Athens, 826
Atlantic, Battle of the. 877fn., 879-83,
894fn., 895, 898, 901, 912. 913,
1007, 1008, 1099
Atlantic Charter. 904
atom bomb. 1099
atomic energy, 252
Attolico, Bernardo, 377, 408, 409. 415,
482. 508, 511fn., 551, 552. 554,
556, 565.566, 587-88.603, 605-
8, 643, 687, 751fn.
Aufbau Ost ("Build-up East"), 799
August Wilhelm, Prince, 907
Auschwitz, 272, 664, 949fn., 967-74.
981, 988
Austria, 21-28, 36, 64, 94-95, 120, 130,
132, 136, 238, 326, 332, 334,
358. 794. 889, 1105. 1107;
Anschluss, 9, 41, 84, 209. 279-
309 passim, 322-60, 363-66,
422, 440, 459, 518, 530, 543.
579, 591. 598, 632, 657, 677,
686, 692-93. 710. 904; Dollfuss
murder, Nazi agitation, 223, 279-
80, 295-96, 322-23, 328, 340-
41; German invasion plans. 289,
304-9, 331, 335-37; Hitler ultimatums
to, 327-31, 339-42, 344;
plebiscite on Anschluss, 334-39.
347. 349-50; Nazi rule established.
348. 350-51; see also Italy,
and Anschluss; Miklas; Schuschnigg;
Austrian Legion, 280. 327
Austrian National Bank. 351
"Autumn Journey" (Herbstreise), 768
Aviation. Ministry of. 282
Avranches, 1076, 1085
Axmann. Artur, 1137
Azores, 817. 879. 901
Azov. Sea of, 928, 1007
Babann. E., 500-1
Bach-Zelewski. 962fn.
Baden-Powell, Lord, 784
Bad Harzburg, 154
Bad Nauheim, 215, 1108
Badoglio, Marshal Pietro, 998, 999,
1002fn., 1003, 1006
Bagdad. 828. 829
Bahama Is., 786. 787, 788, 789. 790,
Baku, 798. 809, 942
Baldwin. Stanley, 302
Balkan States. 209. 747. 795, 804, 805,
808, 815. 816, 817, 819, 822-30,
839, 844, 928, 1006. 1090, 1096
Ballerstedt. Herr, 43
Ballestrem, Countess, 1025
Baltic Sea. 549, 674. 695, 710, 808, 833,
839, 847. 853, 909. 1105, 1116
Baltic States, 484, 494, 495. 501, 502,
514, 515, 521. 534, 541, 542,
630-31, 632, 657, 665-66, 668,
683, 711fn., 747, 793-94. 797.
798, 800, 801. 811, 822fn., 832,
853, 939, 942, 1061
Bamberg, 127-28
Banat, 824fn.
Bank of France, 943
Bank of Norway, 703
Baranov, 1097
"Barbarossa, " 797, 810-13, 818, 822-
24. 828-30, 838. 845, 873, 881;
see also Army, German, invasion
plans and campaigns. Russia;
Soviet Union. Hitler's aims toward
Bardia, 827
Barmen, 238
"barons' cabinet, " 164-65
Barth, Karl, 251
Baruch, Bernard, 784fn., 897fn.
Basel, 563
Bastogne, 1093-95
Batum, 809
Bavaria, 28, 33-36, 38, 42-44, 48, 51,
63-67, 280, 1105, 1141; Hitler
difficulties with govt., 118, 119,
130-31, 160, 164 (see also Beer
Hall Putsch); local govt. abolished,
200; Nazi rule in, 201, 219,
1023; see also Munich
Bavaria, Kingdom of, 95
"Bavarian Joe, " 316
Bavarian People's Party, 118, 195, 201
Bavarian "People's State," 33
Bayerlein, Gen. Fritz, 912fn., 913fn.;
Bayreuth, 101-2, 105, 109, 279, 297,
BBC, 247, 558, 619, 755, 1001, 1037,
"Beast of Belsen," see Kramer, Josef
Bechstein, Carl, 145
Bechstein, Helene, 46
Beck, Col. Jozef, 377, 421, 455-57, 459-
61, 463-65, 466fn., 467, 469, 475,
476, 536-37, 543fn., 574-75, 580,
586-87, 605fn.
Beck, Gen. Ludwig, 142, 281, 285fn.,
313, 335, 355, 373, 918; opposes
Hitler's military plans, 293, 309,
316-17, 365-71, 488; resigns as
Gen. Staff Chief, 370-71, 374,
424-25; in anti-Hitler conspiracy,
374, 375, 380fn., 382, 422-26,
517, 559, 649-50, 670, 846fn.,
848fn., 904, 907, 908, 1014-18,
1030, 1032-33, 1035, 1036,
1042-43; named head of First
Army, 387; July 1944 bomb plot,
1045-48, 1054, 1058-61, 1065,
1067-68, 1073, 1075; death,
Becker, Dr., 960
Beer Hall Putsch, 4, 10, 13, 67-80,
112fn., 118, 139, 146, 221, 223,
280, 312, 701; anniversary celebrations,
77, 121, 653, 882, 922,
925, 1010
Beethoven, Ludwig von, 17, 97, 242, 326,
933, 970
Beigbeder y Atienza, Col. Juan, 786
Belgian Army, 718, 724, 727-31
Belgian government in exile, 729
Belgium, 58, 294, 302, 307, 470, 516,
531, 533, 561, 590, 616, 633, 645,
841, 1074; German plans for invasion
of, 486, 487, 519fn., 644-
47, 649-52, 656, 658, 665, 669,
671-72, 694, 710, 711, 714-20,
739, 793; invasion and battle of,
713, 720, 723, 728-31, 737, 738,
954, 1090; King surrenders, 729-
31; German occupation, 734, 759,
906, 943, 956-57, 1009, 1031,
1047; liberation, 1085, 1086,
Belgrade, 823-26, 971
Bell, Dr. George, 1017-18, 1024
Below, Col. Nicolaus von, 1130, 1131fn.
Belsec, 272, 967, 968
Belsen, 981
BeneS, Eduard, 346, 358-60, 363-65,
381fn., 383, 390, 391, 393, 397,
402, 414fn., 420, 421, 441, 443-
45, 448, 456, 464, 784
Benghazi, 819, 921, 922
Berchtesgaden (and the Obersalzberg),
9, 51, 112, 129, 130, 167, 169,
284, 309, 311, 324, 360, 361,
363, 364, 365, 368, 475, 494,
521, 523, 525, 925, 1027, 1028,
1038, 1041, 1105-7, 1116, 1118,
1127; Berghof, 51, 131fn., 325,
326fn., 752, 834, 838, 1107, 1111;
Berghof diplomatic conferences,
232, 298, 302, 325-30, 331, 333.
334, 338, 340, 344, 349, 384-87,
391, 406, 426, 455, 457, 499, 507,
509-10, 513, 546, 548, 551, 562,
800, 821-23; Berghof military
meetings, 369-70, 378, 496, 515-
18, 528, 559, 660, 752, 764, 797-
98, 819, 845, 880, 1041; plot to
eliminate Hitler at, 1033, 1045,
1046fn.; Wachenfeld (villa), 85,
131, 133.
Berchtold. Joseph, 121
Berg, Paul, 709fn.
Bergen, 681, 695, 696, 701, 707, 721
Berger, Gottlob, 1114-15
Berggrav, Bishop Eivind, 709fn.
Berghof. see finder Berchtesgaden
Berlin: Allies advance on. 1088-89,
1097, 1103, I105, 1107, I108;
Battle of, 1073, 1106, II 12, I I17-
21, 1127, I128, 1130, I132, 1135-
37; bombed by Allies, 778, 779,
780, 807, 807-9, I I10; govt. of,
275; life in, during I920s, I18;
Mussolini visit, 301; peace rumor
riot, 643fn.; people's apathy to
war, 396-97, 399, 413, 593, 595,
597, 599, 615-16, 670; revolutionary
agitation (I 9I8), 52,
54-55; S. A. violence in, 147, 166
Berlin, University of, 98, 99, 110, 124,
241, 250, 251, 783
Berliner Arbeiterzeitflng, 123
Berliner Boersenzeitllng, 143, 698fn.
Berliner Tageblatt, 124, 245
Berlin Philharmonic Orchestra, 242
Berlin State Opera, 242, 284, 346
Bernadotte, Count Folke, I I 14, I I 16-
17, 1122
Berne, 648-49, 1018
Bernstorff, Count Albrecht von, 374,
1025, 1073
Bessarabia, 541, 544, 794, 795, 800, 806
Best, Capt. S. Payne, 653-55, 692
Best, Dr. Werner, 271
Bethmann-Hollweg, Theobald von, 713
Bialystok, 853
Bible, banning of, 240
Biddle, A. J. Drexel, 688
Bieberback, Ludwig, 251
Birmingham, England, 453-54, 783
Bismarck, Otto, Prince von, 90, 94-98,
155, 174, 175, 186, 197, 200,
657, 1025, 1113
Bismarck, Otto Christian, Prince von,
Bismarck (Ger. battleship), 667, 668
Bismarck Youth, 154
Black Front, 148
"Black Reichswehr, " 65, 150
Black Sea, 549, 666, 805, 811, 823, 846,
847, 853, 859, 909
"Black Wednesday, " 404-8, 410
Blackshirts, see S. S.
Blaha, Dr. Frank, 984
Blaskowitz, Gen. Johannes, 1101
Blomberg, Erna Gruhn, 311-14
Blomberg, Gen. Werner von, 151, 183,
184, 207-8, 210, 211, 214, 215,
219, 220, 225. 235. 285fn., 290-
93, 297, 303-5, 308, 310-20, 323,
332, 357, 374, 488
Blood Purge, 215-19, 268, 269, 271,
280, 392fn., 1056-57; see also
Roehm, Ernst
"Bloody Week" in Berlin, 55
Bluecher (Ger. heavy cruiser), 702-3
Blum, Leon, 344, 352, 1074
Blumentritt, Gen. Guenther, 488, 734,
761, 852fn., 855, 859, 860, 863,
864, 868, 1038, 1041fn., 1075,
1076, 1082, 1090
Bock, Field Marshal Fedor von, 625,
626, 733, 755fn., 762, 853, 856,
859, 862-65, 869, 903fn., 905,
Bodelschwing, Pastor Friedrich von,
Bodenschatz, Gen. Karl, 999, 1054fn.
Boehm, Adm. Hermann, 529fn.
Boehm-Tettelbach, Lt. Col. Hans, 381
Boer War, 957
Boeselager, Col. Frh. von, 1019, 1072
Boetticher, Gen. Friedrich von, 684,
Bogorodsk, 862
Boguchar, 928
Bohemia, 359, 362, 382, 402, 428, 429,
438, 440, 443, 444, 448, 449,
451, 460, 598, 657, 686, 991,
1032, 1129
Bohemia, Kingdom of, 358
Bologna, 1107
Bonham Carter, Lady, 784
Bonhoetfer, Pastor Dietrich, 374, 1017,
1024, 1072, 1073
Bonhoeffer, Klaus, 1073
Bonn government, 950fn., 965fn.
Bonnet, Georges, 389, 390, 408, 413-14,
437, 460, 536-37, 543fn., 604-
5, 607-10, 612, 616-17, 642-43
Bono, Marshal Emilio de, 1005fn.
Bonte, Rear Adm. Fritz, 701, 707
book burning, 241
Boothby, Robert, 478fn.
Bordeaux, 738, 744-45
Borisov, 905
Bormann, Martin, 148-49, 240, 275,
406fn., 838, 938, 939, 941, 1062,
1104, 1112, 1116, 1117-18,
1120-21, 1123, 1126, 1127, 1128,
1129, 1130, 1132, 1133, 1134,
1135, 1136, 1137
Borovsk, 869
Bosch, Dr. Karl, 190
Bose, Herbert von, 218, 222
Bosporus, Strait of, 804, 807-10
Bottai, Giuseppe, 996
Boulogne, 728, 731, 761, 770, 772
Boy Scouts, 784
Bradley, Gen. Omar N., 1076, 1106fn.
Brandenburg, 93, 166, 1035, 1061, 1109,
Brandenburg Gate, 5
Brandt, Col. Heinz, 1020-21, 1051, 1052,
Brandt, Lt. Gen. Rudolf, 980
Bratislava, 440-41
Brauchitsch, Charlotte von, 319, 371fn.
Brauchitsch, Field Marshal Walther
von, 214, 321, 542, 710, 816, 824,
1062;named Army C. in C., 319;
and Czechosl. invasion plans,
365, 367, 368-69, 370-71, 378,
379; and anti-Hitler plot, 375,
407-8, 559-60, 647-51, 658-59,
670, 693-94, 1080; and Poland invasion
plans, 462-63, 484, 496-
97, 515fn., 516, 517, 531, 557,
591, 625, 627; and western offensive,
633, 640, 643-44, 647,
715, 718; and S.S. brutality in
Poland, 660; and Weseruebung,
681; Dunkirk and stop order,
726-27, 731-34, 736; at Compiegne,
742, 743; made field
marshal, 755fn.; and Britain invasion
plans, 763, 764, 767, 768,
782; Russian campaign, 797, 810,
822, 831, 840, 846, 856-57, 858,
859; illness and "resignation, "
648, 861fn., 864, 866, 903fn.
Brauer, Dr. Curt, 678fn., 698, 702-6,
Braun, Eva, 483fn., 1110-11, 1120,
1122-23, 1127, 1128, 1133, 1134
Braun, Gretl, 1121
Braunau am Inn, 6, 9
Brautigam, Dr. Otto, 940-41
Breda, 722
Bredow, Countess Hanna von, 1025
Bredow, Gen. Kurt von, 222, 224, 225.
Bremen, 221, 222, 1105, 1107
Bremen, S. S., 768
Bremerhaven, 1141
Brenner Pass, 280, 337, 508, 552-53,
689, 690-91, 774, 815
Breslau, 211
Brest, 914
Brest Litovsk, 57, 542, 626, 628, 852fn.,
Brighton, 762, 767
Bristol, 763, 783
Britain, 95, 97, 256, 306, 450, 957, 965;
collective action with France
and Italy, 280, 284-85, 288, 289,
296, 297, 307; appeasement policy:
on German rearmament,
282-85, 287-89 (see also Anglo-
German naval agreement); on
Rhineland remilitarization, 290-
95; on Italo-Ethiopian war, 289-
90, 297; on Span. civil war, 299;
on Anschluss, 324, 327, 330, 344-
46, 353; on Czechoslovakia, 354,
360-427 passim, 443, 450-54,
544 (see also Munich Conference
and Pact); joint policy with
France, 283, 284, 287, 290, 293-
94, 299, 307, 330, 384, 389, 396,
398, 454, 461, 465, 469, 501-4,
605-17; Hitler's contempt for,
300, 306, 436, 518, 529; Hitler
considers and plans war against,
298, 304, 307, 366, 368, 420, 467,
484-87, 498, 501, 5081n., 516,
520, 531, 566-67, 590, 600, 620-
22; pact with Italy on Mediterranean,
301; policy toward U.S.
S.R., 353, 361, 404, 460, 466, 478-
81, 489-92, 494-96, 501-6, 513-
16, 521, 523, 525, 526, 533-43,
550fn.; presses Czechs to appease
Hitler, 360, 376-77, 388-90, 399,
402, 411, 417-18, 420-21; protests
Nazi moves against Czechs,
364-65, 452-53; contacts with
anti-Hitler Germans, 373, 380-
82, 405, 424, 558, 648-50, 692-
94, 1017-19, 1024, 1026, 1042;
pledge of aid to Poland, 460,
464-66, 469, 472, 478, 481, 495,
506, 509-10, 514-18, 521, 526,
533-43, 545-54, 556-58, 561,
564, 569-89, 591-93, 596, 600-
17, 634; pledges aid to Greece,
Rumania, 469, 495; mobilization,
war preparations, 545, 562, 595;
and 1939 "peace negotiations, "
569-89, 601-4; ultimatum and
declaration of war, 605-20; at
war, 633, 666, 689, 698, 782, 807,
827, 854jn., 904, 995, 1036, 1087,
1099, 1105; ship losses, 635-38,
646, 669, 711, 737, 775, 901jn.
(see also Atlantic, Battle of the;
British Navy); German peace
offers to, 639-42, 734-35, 746-
57, 785, 790, 835-38, 1012,
1138-39; German attitude and
strategy toward in war, 658, 669,
760, 763, 768, 770-71, 798, 804,
805, 809, 846, 849-50, 853,
871-74, 915, 954, 1124; joint
strategy with France, 635, 643,
744-45; expeditionary force to
Finland, 675, 682jn., involvement
in Norway, 676-77, 679,
682jn., 694-96; invasion of, 752,
753, 756, 758-85, 797, 813, 816,
820, 873, 879, 1039; air operations
against (Battle of Britain),
756, 763, 765, 769, 774-82, 809,
827, 850, 1009, 1040, 1098;
German occupation plans for,
782-85, 791; Vichy war against,
815, 817, 923; Japanese war
against, 872, 873, 877jn., 886-88,
892, 894, 895, 1007;alliance with
Russia, 838, 847-48, 1011, 1033,
1098; in Mediterranean, 812-13,
816-18; U.S. aid to, 877, 880-
83, 898, 900, 901
British Admiralty, 695-96, 702, 731, 735,
British Air Force (R.A.F.), 402, 635,
701, 752, 827, 914, 920, 991,
1019, 1040; in Battle of France,
724, 731, 736-38, 740jn.; in Battle
of Britain, 759-61, 763, 764,
766, 767, 770, 772-81; bombing
of Germany, 778, 779, 807-8,
934, 1008-9, 1010, 1068, 1100,
1110, 1115, 1117
British Army, 424, 510, 533, 618, 672,
682jn., 708, 716, 954-55, 1089,
1105; in France and Belgium,
542, 634, 635, 717, 718, 720, 723,
724, 727, 728, 730, 731, 736-38;
Norway expedition, 696, 707,
708; defense against invasion,
763jn., 764, 767; in N. Africa,
818jn., 819, 827, 911-12, 919,
920; in Greece, 823, 826, 827;
Normandy landings, 1033, 1038;
in Germany, 1088, 1090, 1102.
1105, 1107, 1141
British Empire, 288, 306, 548-49, 569,
575, 734-35, 738, 747, 749, 752,
754, 757, 804, 806, 808, 815, 828,
829, 836, 910
British Intelligence. 363, 652-55, 787,
789, 1026
British Navy, 401, 402, 487, 554, 646,
669-70, 679, 701-2, 707, 723,
731, 737, 738, 817, 873, 922;
blockade of Germany, 687-88,
701, 914; ship losses, 711, 737,
90Ijn.; defense against invasion,
759, 761, 763, 764, 766, 767, 770
British White Paper, 283
Brittany, 1076, 1085
Broadcasting House (Rundfunkhaus),
564, 595, 755, 1064
Brockdorff, Countess Erika von, 1043jn.
Brockdorff-Ahlefeld, Gen. Count Erich
von, 375, 413
Brockdorff-Rantzau, Count Ulrich von,
Brown House, Munich, 121
Brownshirts, see S.A.
Bruckman, Hugo, 145
Brueckner, Lt. Wilhelm, 66, 279
Bruening, Heinrich, 56fn., 137, 138, 151-
55, 157-64, 172, 174, 190, 195,
199, 216, 372
Bruenn, Czechoslovakia, 443
Brunswick, 157
Brussels, 672, 713, 1086
Bryans, J. Lonsdale ("Mr. X"), 692-93
Bryansk, 859
Bryant, Arthur, 730jn.
Buch, Maj. Walther, 122, 221, 430-31
Buchenwald, 272, 352-53, 948, 979,
Buchrucker, Major, 65
Bucovina, 794, 795, 800
Budapest, 1090fn., 1096
Budenny, Marshal Semen, 854, 857
Buehler, Dr. Josef, 966
Buelow-Schwante, Ambassador von,
652, 713-14
Buerckel, Josef, 441
Buergerbraukeller, see Beer Hall Putsch
Bug river, 626, 630, 746
Buhle, General, 1049
Bulgaria, 800, 801fn., 804, 805, 806,
807, 808, 809, 810, 817, 820,
823, 826, 839, 847, 1085
Bulge, Battle of the, 222fn., 954; see also
Ardennes Forest
Bullitt, William C., 295, 688
Bullock, Alan, 200, 410fn., 1050fn.
Bund Deutscher Maedel, 120, 254
Bund Oberland, 70, 72, 73
Burckhardt, Dr. Carl, 424fn., 499
Burgdorf, Gen. Wilhelm, 1077-78, 1123,
1126, 1129, 1133, 1137
Burnett, Air Marshal Sir Charles, 503fn.,
Busch, Gen. Ernst, 762
Bussche, Capt. Axel von dem, 1027
Busse, General, 1109
Butcher, Capt. Harry C., 1001fn.,
- 1004fn.
Buttlar-Brandenfels, Col. Frh. Treusch
von, 922
Cadogan, Sir Alexander, 572, 583, 601,
Caen, 1037
Calais, 728, 731, 761, 770, 1038
Canada, 684fn., 754, 913
Canadian Army, 1086, 1088, 1090, 1102,
Canaris, Adm. Wilhelm, 331, 374,
380fn., 405, 462, 467, 517, 518,
556, 558, 560, 596, 654, 659-61,
685fn., 1019, 1024, 1026, 1034,
1036, 1073
Canary Is., 813, 817, 879
"Canned Goods," 520, 595
Canterbury, Archbishop of, 344
Cape Verde Is., 817, 901
Cap Gris-Nez, 761
Caprivi de Caprara de Montecuccoli,
Gen. Count Georg von, 175
Carinthia, 350
Carlyle, Thomas, 1108-10
Carl, Prince, of Denmark, see Haakon
VII, King of Norway
Carls, Adm. Rolf, 673
Carol II, King of Rumania, 800fn.
Carpathian Mts., 1033
Carpatho-Ukraine, Republic of, 449
Carr, Edward Hallett, 481fn.
Casablanca Conference, 1033
Case Otto, 304, 335, 336, 342fn.; see
also "Otto"
Case Richard, 304
Cases Green, White, Yellow, see Green;
White; etc.
Caspian Sea, 909, 914
Catholic Action, 218, 223, 235
Catholic Trade Unions, 190, 202fn.
Catholic Youth League, 235, 253
Caucasia (the Caucasus), 832, 857, 859,
860, 865, 870, 909-12, 914-18,
928, 929
Caulaincourt, Marquis Armand de, 860
Cavour (It. battleship), 818fn.
Center Party, 55-56, 61, 137, 138, 157,
164, 166, 170, 173, 181, 186,
189, 190, 195, 196, 199, 201, 234
Central Security Office, see R.S.H.A.
Chagall, Marc, 244
Chalons-sur-Marne, 726
Chamberlain, Houston Stewart, 103-9
Chamberlain, Neville, 275, 283, 302,
382, 450, 544, 643. 649, 653,
657, 674, 679, 716, 779, 1018;
condones Anschluss, 324, 332,
344-45, 353; "Munich" policy on
Czechos!., 287, 354, 360, 364,
375-77, 381, 383-99, 401-27,
429, 435, 442-43, 448, 451, 453-
54, 469, 531, 740, 814; policy
toward U.S.S.R., 353, 476, 478-
80, 489-90, 492, 495-96, 502-4,
543; opposes Hitler on Poland,
454, 460, 465, 466, 467, 517,
537, 545-47, 548fn., 549, 556-
58, 562, 569, 572-73, 575, 579-
80; 583, 836; warns Hitler, declares
war, 608, 610-12, 615,
619; says Hitler "missed the bus, "
695; Churchill's tribute to, 619
Chamberlain, Field Marshal Sir Neville
Bowles, 104
Charles XII, King of Sweden, . 812, 829
Charleville, 732
Chautemps, Camille, 344
Chelmno, 967
Cherbourg, 762, 770, 773, 1037, 1089
Chicago Daily News, 784fn.
Chicago Tribune, 894fn.
Choltitz, Gen. Dietrich von, 1085fn.
Christian X, King of Denmark, 695, 696,
698-700, 704fn.
Christian, Gen. Eckard, 1115
Christianity, 99, 102-3, 234, 239, 240
Christian Socialists, 22, 24, 350
Christiansand, 677, 702
Chuikov, Gen. Vasili I., 1135, 1137
Church and State, 234-40
Church Federation, 237
Church of England, 784
Church of Jesus Christ, 238
Church of the Old Prussian Union, 235
Churchill, Winston S., 294, 345fn.,
406fn., 424, 493fn., 526, 543,
619, 634, 635, 636fn., 638, 642,
672, 731, 736fn., 737, 751fn.,
755, 786, 787, 790, 804fn., 807fn.,
809fn., 815fn., 835-38, 847fn.,
874, 900, 901fn., 904, 1033fn.,
1105; contact with anti-Nazis,
380, 558, 1017, 1026, 1042; criticizes
Munich Pact, appeasement,
404, 420, 423, 426; for co-operation
with Russia, 404, 479, 489,
795; strategy in Norway, 674,
695-96, 702, 707, 710-11; succeeds
Chamberlain, 716; and
French, Belgian surrender, 720,
724, 726, 729, 744; determination
to fight on, 737-38, 746. 747,
749, 750-51; Hitler's gibes at,
754, 779, 828, 1011, 1012; defense
of Britain, 763fn., 768, 769,
777, 781, 782, 784, 785; appeals
for U.S. aid, 828, 829; warns
Stalin of Nazi attack, 843-44
Chvalkovsky, Frantisek, 437, 438, 444-
47, 449fn.
Ciano, Edda, 1004-5
Ciano, Count Galeazzo, 436, 469-70,
562, 755, 780, 800, 803fn., 818fn.,
845, 851, 854fn., 889, 890, 893,
912, 921, 923; meetings with Hitler,
298, 509-13, 640, 690-91,
735, 740-41, 751-52, 756, 774,
815, 816, 821, 823, 910-11, 923-
24, 928-29; negotiation, pacts
with Britain, 301, 450; mediation
in Czech crisis, 408, 414, 415fn.,
421; Pact of Steel negotiation,
482-83; and Italy's reluctance to
go to war, 508-13, 551-54, 565-
67, 688-91; anti-German sentiment,
512, 551-54, 640, 665,
910; mediation efforts in Polish
crisis, 588, 603, 604, 607, 608,
616; French armistice terms,
741; ousted as Foreign Minister,
995; in anti-Mussolini revolt,
996, 1004-5; executed, 1005
Ciliax, Vice-Admiral, 914fn.
Cincar-Markovic, Aleksander, 823
Circle of Friends of the Economy
(Freundeskreis der Wirtschaft),
Circle of Friends of the Reichsfuehrer
S.S., 144-45
City of Flint, S.S., 646
Civil Service Act (1937), 249
Civil Service Law (Apr. 7, 1933), 268
Clark, Gen. Mark, 100 I
Clay, Gen. Lucius D., 1096fn.
Clemenceau, Georges, 57-59, 82
Cohen, Benjamin, 897fn.
Cologne, 127, 148, 178-80, 934, 1034
Colson, General, 617
Columbia Broadcasting System, 467fn.
Combat League of Middle-Class Tradespeople,
"Commando Order, " 955
Commerz und Privat Bank, 144
"Commissar Order, " 830-31, 834
Committee of Independent Workmen, 36
Committee of Seven (Austrian Nazis),
Communists in Czechoslovakia, 359, 438
Communists in Germany: in post-World
War I period, 33, 34, 40, 52, 54-
55, 64, 65, 126, 129; in Reichstag.
138, 144, 146, 170, 179; brawls
with Nazis, 147, 165, 174, 519;
and Bruening, 152, 153; in 1932-
33 elections, 157, 166, 172, 176,
195; suppression of, 179, 189,
190-91, 194-96. 199-200, 231;
strategy of, an aid to Hitler, 185;
and Reichstag fire, 192-93, 269,
274, and anti-Hitler plot, 1043-
Como, 1131
concentration camps, 111, 223, 231, 232,
238, 270-72, 322, 351, 352, 497-
98, 509, 518, 664-65, 953, 967-
74, 979-91, 993, 1003, 1035,
1057, 1073, 1142; see also Auschwitz;
Buchenwald; Dachau; Mauthausen;
Sachsenhausen; Treblinka
Condor Legion, 297
Compiegne, 29, 741-42, 758, 759, 821,
852, 924, 1139
Confessional Church, 236, 238, 239
Congressional Record, 748
Conspiracy against Hitler, see anti-Hitler
Constance, Lake, 1079fn.
Conwell-Evans, Dr. Philip, 649
Cooper, Alfred Duff, see Duff Cooper,
Copenhagen, 681, 695, 697-700
Corbin, Charles, 608, 612
Corsica, 740, 924
Cossack (Br. destroyer), 679
Coulondre, Robert, 437, 443-44, 446,
451-52, 482, 540fn., 542, 543fn.,
549-50, 568, 584fn., 602, 605-7,
6 13fn., 616-18
Council of People's representatives, 54
Courageous (Br. carrier), 646
Coventry, 781
Coward, Noel, 784
Cracow, 626, 663
Craig, Gordon A., 162fn.
Crete, 826, 828, 923
Crimea, 857, 858, 865, 942, 1007
Cripps, Sir Stafford, 795, 843-44, 848
Croatia, 552, 824, 826fn.
"Cromwell," 769
Croydon, 776
Csaky. Count Istvan, 507-8
Cuno, Wilhelm, 144
Curzon line, 459fn.
Cvetkovic, Dragisha, 823
Cyrenaica, 818fn., 819, 827, 911fn,
Czech Broadcasting House, 383
Czech Maginot Line, 382
Czechoslovakia, 84, 282, 283, 295, 307,
336, 345-46, 353, 354, 356, 382,
399-400, 421-23, 437-54, 458,
472, 507, 544, 591, 632, 643; history,
358-59; Hitler's war plans
against, 211, 304, 306, 309, 332-
33, 357-63, 365-68, 370, 375,
378-80, 382-88, 393, 399, 402,
405-7, 423, 424, 426-29, 437,
438, 714; pact with U.S.S.R., 285,
354, 362, 390, 392, 427; mobilizes
against German threat, 363-64,
393-94, 401; British, French intervention,
364, 368, 376, 380-
98, 402-4, 408-11, 414-27, 546
(see also Sudetenland); German
occupation of, 448-54, 457, 459,
464, 466, 478, 498, 518, 519,
530, 543, 573, 579, 580, 657,
710, 938, 991-94, 1009, 1113
Czechoslovakian government in exile,
Czechoslovak National Bank, 439fn.
Czernin, Countess Vera (Frau von
Schuschnigg), 352
Czerny, Josef, 85 .
D'Abernon, Lord, 112fn.
Dachau, 212, 223, 239, 271, 272, 352,
353, 655, 918fn., 968fn., 971,
975fn., 979, 981, 984-86, 988-
90, 1092fn., 1095fn.
Dahlem, 238, 239, 1048
Dahlerus, Birger, 516-17, 569-74, 576-
77, 583-85, 589, 592, 600, 601,
604, 614, 639-40, 686fn.
Daladier, Edouard, 360, 384, 389, 390,
396, 410, 413-21, 423, 425, 443,
535, 537, 550, 568, 609, 610fn.,
611-12, 617, 643, 682fn., 740
Dallin, Alexander, 944fn,
Dalmatia, 552
Daniels, H. G" 288fn.
Danner, General von, 71
Danube river, 823, 1033, 1107
Danzig, 41, 84, 169, 209, 212, 359,
438fn., 455-65, 468, 471, 484,
488, 497-99, 508fn., 509, 510,
511fn., 546, 563, 568, 569, 572-
73, 575, 577, 582, 583, 588, 589.
600, 603, 606-8, 639
Dardanelles, 804, 807-10
Darlan, Adm. Jean, 609, 740fn., 923,
Darmstaetter und Nationalbank, 136
Darre, Walther, 148, 204, 257-58
Davies, Joseph E., 478fn., 544fn.
Dawes Plan, 112, 136, 943
Dawson, Geoffrey, 288fn.
Decamp, General, 609fn.
Decline of the West, The (Spengler), 61
Defense Law, Secret (May 21, 1935),
259, 285fn.
De Gaulle, Gen. Charles, 744, 817
Degesch of Dessau, 972
Dekanozov, Vladimir, 794, 848-49
Delp, Father Alfred, 1072fn.
De Luce, Daniel, 784fn.
Democratic Party (Staatspartei), 55-56,
186, 201
Denikin, Gen. Anton, 917fn.
Denmark, 58, 94, 470, 494fn., 561; German
plans for invasion of, 678,
681-83, 689; German conquest
of, 694-700, 704fn., 710, 711fn.,
712, 713, 716, 793; German occupation,
5l9fn., 775, 957, 1107;
surrender of Germans in, 1138
Der Angriff, 148, 245
Der Deutsche Erzieher, 249
Der Fuehrer (Karlsruhe newsp.), 564
Derousseaux, General, 729
Derna, 912fn.
Der Stuermer, 26, 50, 106
Der Totale Krieg (Ludendorff), 259
Desna river, 859
Deutsche Allgemeine Zeitung, 245, 615-
Deutsche Bank, 144
Deutsche Kredit Gesellschaft, 144
Deutsche Mathematik, 250
Deutscher Kampfbund (German Fighting Union),
63, 66, 67, 73
Deutscher Wehrgeist, 139
Deutsches Jungvolk, 120, 253, 255
Deutsche Zeitung, 157
Deutschland (Ger. cruiser), 214, 215,
Deutschland (Ger. pocket battleship,
later renamed Luetzow), 462,
518, 520, 636, 646
"Deutschland Erwache," 44
Deutschlandsender, 1064-65, 1069
"Deutschland ueber Alles," 85, 147, 199
De Valera, Eamon, 474
Devonshire (Be. cruiser), 709
Dickmann, Maj. Otto, 993fn.
Didier Works, 971
Die Chemische Industrie, 252
Dieckhoff, Hans, 400-1, 433fn., 897
Diehn, August, 144
Diels, Rudolf, 192-93
Dietl, Brig. Gen. Eduard, 701, 707, 709,
711, 810
Dietrich, Otto, 143-44, 221, 224-25,
245, 854
Dietrich, Sepp, 222fn., 855, 1005, 1090,
Dill, Field Marshal Sir John, 1001fn.
Dimitroff, Georgi, 193
Dinant, 723, 724, 1093
Dingfelder, Dr. Johannes, 40
Dirksen, Herbert von, 319, 360, 364,
376, 454, 490, 503, 569
Dirschau bridge, 589, 600, 601
Djibouti, 740-41
D.N.B., 280, 343, 511fn., 562-63, 627
Dnieper river, 798, 811, 853, 857, 1007
Dobrudja, 80Ifn.
"Doctors' Trial," 979fn., 908, 985, 987, -
988, 990-91
Doeberitz, 1057, 1061, 1062, 1064fn.
Doenitz, Adm. Karl, 637-38, 882; Navy
C. in C., 1000, 1002fn., 1003, -
1007, 1008fn., 1011, 1056, 1098-
1100; commands forces in north,
1112, 1113, 1120-21; Hitler's successor,
1126-30, 1132, 1134-38,
1141, 1143
Dohnanyi, Hans von, 693, 904, 1019,
1024, 1026
Dollfuss, Engelbert, 223, 229, 279-80,
295, 296, 324, 325fn., 331, 334,
Dollman, Gen. Friedrich, 1037
Dombas, 708
Don river, 860, 915-17, 919, 922, 925,
926, 928, 929, 1006
Dondorf, 387
Donets Basin, 811, 857, 909, 916, 1007
Dordrecht, 721, 722
Dortmund, 1008
Dostler, Gen. Anton, 956
Doumenc, General, 502, 533-38
Dover Straits, 757, 764
Drang nach Osten, 83-84; see also
Europe, German expansion aims
Drax, Adm. Sir Reginald, 503, 534-36,
Dreesen, Herr, 220, 392fn.
Dreesen, Hotel, GOdesberg, 391, 392,
Dresden, 1105
Dresdener Bank, 144
Dressler-Andress, Horst, 247
Drexler, Anton, 36-37, 39-41, 45, 119
Dubno, 961
Duesseldorf, 653, 1099
Duesterberg, Theodor, 157-59
Duff Cooper, Alfred, 396, 420, 779
Duilio (It. battleship), 818fn.
Dulles, Allen, 1018, 1026-27, 1033,
Dunkirk, 728-39, 747, 770. 773, 777,
826, 1037
Durcansky, Ferdinand, 437-38, 440, 441
Dyle river. 716, 717. 724, 725
Eagle's Nest, 436
Eastbourne, 764, 766, 767
East Prussia, 162, 179-80, 183, 212, 215,
235, 1072; role in Hitler's designs
on Poland, 455, 458, 460, 463,
468, 497, 498, 557, 625; Russian
drive on, 1041, 1046, 1085, 1090,
1096-97, 1103
Ebbinghaus, Julius, 251-52
Ebbutt, Norman, 288, 784
Eben Emael, Fort, 725, 814
Ebert, Friedrich, 34, 52, 53-54, 55, 56,
57, 58, 59, 64, 65, 72
Echternach, 1092
Eckart, Dietrich, 38-39, 46, 49, 51, 97.
110, 118
Eckener, Dr. Hugo, 294fn.
Economics, Ministry of, 259-62, 310,
320, 497, 759
Eden, Anthony, 214, 283, 288, 293-94,
344, 495, 779, 900, 1018
Education, ministry of, 249
Edward VIII, King of England, see
Windsor, Duke of
Eger, 386, 388, 402
Egypt, 757, 813, 817, 818, 821, 827, 828,
850.911-13, 915, 919
Egypt, Khedive of, 751fn.
Eher Verlag, 80, 246
Ehrhardt, Captain, 43, 66
Ehrhardt Brigade, 33, 34, 43
Eichmann, Karl Adolf, 351, 963, 978
Eicke, Theodor, 272
Eidsvold, 705
Eidsvold (Norw. naval vessel), 701
Einsatzgruppell, 958-63, 964, 966, 974,
1061, 1139
Einsatzkommando, 972
Einsatzstab Rosenberg, 945
Einstein, Albert, 241, 250-52, 1025
Eisenhower, Dwight D., 923-25, 995.
999, 1001, 1002fn., 1036, 1075.
1076, 1088-90, 1092fn., 1099.
1105-6, 1116. 1122, 1138-39
Eisner, Kurt, 33
EI Agheila, 911fn.
EI Alamein, 911, 913. 914. 919. <nO. 922.
933, 934
Elberiver, 1105-7, 1112
Elberus, Mount, 914
El Gazala, 911fn.
Elizabeth, Queen (Consort), 7'8>7
Ellis, Havelock, 241
Ellis, Maj. L. F., 732fn.
Elser, Georg. 654-56
Eltz-Rubenach, Baron von, 164
Elverum, 703, 705
Emden (Ger. light cruiser), 702
Enabling Act (Mar. 23, 1933), 196.
198-200, 229, 274
Enderis, Guido, 897fn.
Engelbrecht, Gen. Erwin, 703
England, see Britain
English Channel, 646, 718, 723, 726-28,
731, 737, 746, 752, 761, 762,
764, 768, 770, 772-75, 781, 812.
813, 819, 913, 914, 995. 1012.
1031, 1033, 1036, 1037
Epp, Gen. Franz Ritter von. 46, 120, 200
Ernst, Karl, 192, 220-23
Erxleben, Father, 1025
Erzberger, Matthias, 34, 43, 51, 58
Espirito Santo Silva, Ricardo do, 789-90
Essen, 220, 949
Esser, Hermann, 49-51, 118
Estonia, 494fn., 495, 541, 542, 544, 630-
31, 794, 833, 962
Ethiopia (Abyssinia), 289, 290, 296,
297, 301, 469, 566, 741
Europa, S.S., 768
Europe, German expansion aims in, 82-
84, 256, 280, 286, 305, 308, 405,
427, 429-30, 435fn., 437, 484,
488, 795, 796, 799, 833,
836, 839, 1131; German rule
over, 5, 95, 426-27, 746, 757,
795-96, 820, 937-95, 1008, 1082,
1141, 1142; Nazi-Soviet division
of East, 514, 515, 523, 541, 549,
562, 631, 639, 795, 808-10; postwar
settlement, 1011, 1016,
Excalibur, S.S., 791
extermination camps (Vernichtungslager),
664-65, 967-74
Falaise, 1076
Falkenhausen, Gen. Alexander von,
906, 1031, 1047, 1074
Falkenhorst, Gen. Nikolaus von, 680-
82, 696, 706fn., 709fn.
Falkenstein, Maj. Frh. von, 879
Fall Gelb, see Yellow, Case
Fall Gruen, see Green, Case
Fall Rot, see Red, Case
Fall Weiss, see White, Case
Fallersleben, 267
Fatherland Front, 37
F.B.I., 843
Feder, Gottfried, 35, 36, 39-41, 84, 127,
143, 144, 203-4, 261, 759
Fegelein, Gen. Hermann, 1114, 1121,
Feiling, Keith, 302fn., 460fn.
"Felix, " 817, 819
Fellgiebel, Gen. Erich, 1030, 1034, 1049,
1052-55, 1057, 1058, 1072
Feltre, 996
Femegerichte, 65fn.
Fermi, Enrico, 252
Feuchter, George W., 773fn.
Feuchtwanger, Lion, 241
Fichte, Johann Gottlieb, 97-99
"Final Solution" of Jewish problem,
936-68, 978, 991
Finke, Doctor, 987
Finkenkrug, 719, 720
Finland, 281, 495, 502, 541, 542, 544,
561, 630, 680, 687, 710, 711fn.,
798, 806, 810, 942, 1085; German
arms, troops in, 801-6, 809-
11, 845, 856-57, 859; Soviet attack
on, 665-66, 668, 675, 676,
682, 683
Firebrace, Colonel, 502fn.
Fischer, Dr. Fritz, 979fn.
Fischer, Louis, 784fn.
Fischboeck, Doctor, 328
Fischlham, 10
Fish, Mildred, 1043fn.
Flandin, Pierre Etienne, 293
Fleming, Peter, 785
Flensburg, 656, 1139, 1141
Florence, Italy, 815, 816
Flossenburg, 1073
Foch, Marshal Ferdinand, 741-43
Fodor, M. W., 784fn.
Foerster, Wolfgang, 317
"folkish state," 88-90
Folklore Museum, Berlin, 1044
Forbes, Sir George Ogilvie, 574, 584-85,
592, 601, 614, 639, 648
Ford, Henry, 149, 267
Ford Motor Co., 907
Foreign Ministers' Conference, Moscow,
Foreign Office, German, 302, 310, 335,
365, 386, 387, 433, 438-40, 451-
52, 454, 469, 488-89, 498fn.,
507, 546, 562, 571fn., 595fn.,
599, 683fn., 685fn., 719, 748-50,
874-75, 880, 893, 896, 897fn.;
Hitler tightens control of, names
Ribbentrop head of, 318-19, 324;
subsidizes Sudeten Nazis, 359;
anti-Hitler plotters in, 380fn.,
381, 405; prods Hungary on
Slovakia, 429; negotiations with
U.S.S.R., 476-77, 479-80, 491,
492, 500, 525, 528, 543fn.,
63Ifn., 667, 668, 804, 807, 840;
and Baltic States, 495; see also
Ribbentrop; Weizsaecker
Fornebu, 703, 704
Forster, Albert, 499
Forster, E. M., 784
Four-Year Plan, 262, 265, 275, 300, 310
France, 84, 224, 286, 287, 294, 299-302,
373, 400, 461, 469, 470, 529, 530,
562, 675.714; relations with pre
Hitler Germany. 58, 61, 63, 82,
95, 209, 211, 212; opposes German
rearmament, 283, 284, 288-
89; pact with Russia, 285, 290-
91; and Rhineland remilitarization,
291-95, 327; policy on
Spanish war, 297-99, 301; opposition
to Anschluss, 280, 296, 324,
327, 330, 334fn., 344, 346, 353;
prewar relations with Italy, 290,
297-99, 301, 426, 603, 604-7,
687, 690-91; correlation of policy
with British, 283, 288-89, 384,
386-87, 389, 398, 402, 403, 436,
461, 469, 608-12, 675; German
war plans against, 303, 306, 307,
309, 414, 484-88, 498, 500, 508,
531, 566-68, 590, 591-92; appeasement
of Hitler on Czechosl.,
354, 360-62, 364-68, 370, 375,
376, 378-94, 396-98, 400-5,
408-10, 414-27 passim, 439, 443,
448, 450-53; pact with Germany,
436-37; supports Poland against
Germany, 454, 457, 460, 465,
468, 509, 510, 515-17, 52~ 537,
543, 544, 549-50, 553-54, 558,
561, 568, 569, 579, 586-87, 591-
92, 596, 600, 602, 604-12, 634;
policy on Soviet collective-security
bid, 477, 479, 480, 482, 489-
90, 494-96, 502-6, 513, 521, 533-
38, 541-43; declaration of war on
Germany, 616-18; at war, 621,
622, 632, 634, 635-36, 644-46,
651, 658, 666, 669, 671, 672,
689; German "peace" proposals,
639-43, 734; Battle of, 716, 720,
722, 728, 734, 737, 827, 850, 877;
collapse, 738-41; German occupation,
759, 775, 821, 92~ 923,
924: 943, 945, 956-57, 965, 969,
993, 999, 1009, 1031, 1033, 1036,
1037, 1047, 1060, 1064, 1085;
Vichy govt., 806, 813, 815, 817,
850, 921, 923-24; Allied invasion
and second Battle of, 1036-42,
1043, 1047, 1076, 1085, 1086,
1099, 1139; see also French Air
Force; French Army; French
Franck, James, 250
Franco, Gen. Francisco, 297, 299. 419.
529, 787, 791, 812, 814, 817, 819,
Franco-German armistice (1940), 740-
47, 758, 759, 793, 794.821, 852,
924, 1139
Francois-Poncet, Andre, 5, 164, 171,
175, 198, 224, 290, 291, 292,
310fn., 318, 408-9, 416, 425-26,
435, 604
Franco-Italian armistice (1940), 741,
743-44, 746
Franco-Polish Military Convention
(May 19, 1939), 634
Franco-Prussian War, 736
Frank, Hans, 122, 140, 148, 268-69,
276, 661-63, 938, 944, 947, 975,
Frank, Karl Hermann, 383, 448-49
Frankfurt, 195, 1089, 1102
Frankfurter, Felix, 897fn.
Frankfurter Zeitung, 32fn., 218, 245,
Franz Josef, Emperor, 24
Frascati, Italy, 1001
Frauenfeld, Alfred, 279
Frederick the Great. 90. 169, 197, 245,
530, 532, 906. 1086, 1108-9
Frederick III, King in Prussia, 93
Free French, 744
Freidin, Seymour, 852fn., 912fn.
Freikorps ("free corps"), 33, 34, 38, 42,
43, 53, 55, 66, 150
Freisler, Roland, 269, 1023, 1025fn.,
1070-71, 1076
French Air Force, 609, 737-39
French Army, 425-27, 533, 535-36, 542,
554, 568, 609, 617, 1086; mobilization
of, 610, 618, 634; Battle of
France, 633, 635, 672, 718, 720.
722-24, 726-28, 730, 731, 736-
38; in Norway, 708; repulses Italians,
French Army High Command, 728,
740fn., 785
French Army (Free French), 983, 1085,
1101, 1139
French Army (North African), 923
French colonies, 768
French Foreign Legion, 708
French Navy, 609, 740, 744-45, 817,
821, 924-25
French North Africa, 745, 814
French Yellow Book, 452fn., 543fn.,
584fn., 605fn., 607, 617
French West Africa, 879, 880
Freud, Sigmund, 241, 784
Frick, Wilhelm, 68, 144, 146, 148, 167,
170, 171, 173, 176, 181, 184, 200,
201, 219, 238, 247, 271, 275, 347,
498, 1143
Fricke, Rear Adm. Kurt, 637, 759
Friedeburg, Adm. Hans von, 1138, 1139
Friedrich Karl, Prince of Hesse, 666fn.
Friedrich Wilhelm, Crown Prince, 52,
146, 153, 157, 159, 197, 907
Frisch, Rittmeister von, 317, 354
Fritsch, Gen. Frh. Werner von, 214-15,
219, 305, 308-10, 313-20, 323,
332, 354-56, 366, 373, 374, 414,
435, 488, 1026, 1035
Fritzsche, Hans, 1143
Fromm, Gen. Friedrich, 649, 1019, 1030,
1035, 1044-45, 1047, 1053,
1058-61, 1064, 1066-68, 1073,
1076, 1082
Fuehrerhaus, Munich, 415, 418, 740
Fuehrerprinzip (leadership principle),
46, 84, 89
Fuka, 920, 921
Fuller, Gen. J. F. C., 633, 634, 818fn.
Funk, Walther, 142-45, 167, 171, 261,
311, 320, 497, 973-74, 1142-43
Furtwaengler, Wilhelm, 242
Fuschl, 509, 514, 521, 786, 790, 872
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Re: The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich: A History of Nazi

Postby admin » Sun Feb 18, 2018 5:32 am

Part 2 of 3

Gabeik, Josef, 991
Galen, Count, 239
Galicia, 534
Galland, Adolf, 776
Gamelin, Gen. Maurice, 292-93, 425,
534, 609, 610, 634, 635, 717, 724,
726, 728
Garbo, Greta, 156
Garda, Lake, 1005
Gauguin, Paul, 244
Gaus, Friedrich, 491, 492, 540fn., 706fn.
Gdynia, 572, 582, 589
Gebhardt, Dr. Karl, 979fn.
Geheimer Kabinettsrat, see Secret Cabinet
Gehlin, General, 1096
Gembloux gap, 724
General Motors Corp., 686fn.
Geneva Convention, 946-47, 951, 955,
Geneva Disarmament Conference, 183,
204, 210, 211
Genoa, 740fn., 956
George VI, King of England, 344, 787-
88, 815fn., 835
George, Stefan, 1028, 1029
Gera, 217, 218, 219
Gercke, Col. Rudolf, 498
German Air Force, see Luftwaffe
German Army, see Army, German;
Army, German, units; Army
General Staff; Army High Command
German Broadcasting Co., see Reich
Broadcasting Corp.
German Christians' Faith Movement,
235, 236, 237, 239
German colonies, 302, 305, 641, 746, 836
German Evangelical Church, 1017
German Fighting League for the Breaking
of Interest Slavery, 35
German Fighting Union, see Deutscher
Germania, 218
German National People's Party (Nationalists),
56, 118, 138, 154,
155, 157, 159, 166, 170, 172, 173,
180, 181, 186, 189, 194, 195-96,
198, 201, 237
German Naval Register, 550-51, 556
German Navy, see Navy, German
German Officers' League, 220
German People's Party (formerly National
Liberals), 56, 186, 201
German-Soviet Boundary and Friendship
Treaty, 631, 632, 639
German Workers' Party, 35-41, 50
Germany, defeat of, in World War I, 29-
32, 53
Germany, First Reich, 90-91
Germany, history, 90-97
Germany, Republic of (1918-33), 3, 4,
31, 42, 43, 52-64, 91, 95, 112,
118, 121, 137, 150-56, 162, 163,
165, 171, 175, 200, 251, 268, 458,
494, 714, 1081, 1109; armed rebellions
against, 33-34, 54-55,
60, 65-75 (see also Beer Hall
Putsch; Kapp putsch); repara
tions problem, 51, 58, 61, 64, 112,
117, 136, 137, 152, 154, 943;
birth of, 52-56; Weimar Constitution,
55-57; 60, 61, 78, 126,
137, 153, 229, 241, 268, 274;economic
problems, 61-63, 112, 117,
135-36, 152-53; Reichstag elections,
137-38; 165, 171, 189, 195;
1932 presidential elections, 153,
155, 158-60; ends with Hitler's
accession, 183, 213; responsibility
for death of, 185-87; churches'
opposition to, 235-37, 268
Germany, Second Reich (1871-1918),
91, 95, 96, 98, 109, 197, 251
Gerothwohl, Prof. M. A., 112fn.
Gersdorff, Colonel Frh. von, 1021, 1022,
Gessler, Otto, 64, 65fn., 66
Gestapo (Geheime Staatspolizei, Secret
State Police), 192-93, 222, 231,
276, 294fn., 518-19, 520fn., 653,
655, 656, 703, 782fn., 784, 785,
923, 991, 1023; Himmler named
chief of, 215, 216; harassment of
churches, 235, 237-39; establishment
of, 270-71, 273; Fritsch
frameup, 317, 354, 355, 373; in
Austria, 348fn., 351-53; and anti-
Hitler conspirators, 380fn., 430.
848fn.. 906, 1003, 1016, 1024-26,
1031, 1034, 1036, 1044, 1048,
1053, 1063, 1069, 1070, 1072-75,
1077, 1079, 1080; terror in
Poland, 660, 663; execution of
Russian POWS, 953; Jewish Office,
963, 978
Gibbs, Sir Philip, 784
Gibraltar, 757, 768, 813, 814, 817, 819,
Gide, Andre, 241
Gieseking, Walter, 242
Giesler, Paul, 1023
Gilbert, Felix, 1003fn., 1014fn.
Giraud, Gen. Henri, 718, 722, 923
Gisevius, Hans Bernd, 192-93, 316fn.,
373-74, 405, 407-8, 411, 412,
517, 558-60, 596, 650, 655fn.,
1018, 1033
Gissinger, Theodor, 12-13
Givet, 717
Glaesemer, Col. Wolfgang, 1065
Glaise-Horstenau, Edmund von, 328,
335, 338, 339
Glasgow (Br. cruiser), 708
Glasl-Hoerer, Anna, 8
Gleiwitz, 518-20, 595, 599, 601
Gluecks, Richard, 6G4
Gneisenau, Field Marshal Count August
Neithardt von, 1028, 1081
Gneisenau, Germany, 992
Glle;senall (Ger. battle cruiser), 281,
711, 914
Gobineau, Count Joseph Arthur de, 103-
4, 106
Godesberg, 220, 391-96, 397, 404, 407,
416, 417, 421, 425, 426, 619
Goebbels, Magda, 483fn., 1111, 1113,
1123, 1133, 1136, 1137
Goebbels, Paul Joseph, 4, 5, 146, 155-
73, 176-80, 182, 184, 189-93,
614, 837, 866, 910fn., 995-96,
998-1005, 1008-9, 1010-11,
1012, 106I, 1087, 1100, 1102fn.,
1143; biographical sketch, 123-
29; supports radical Nazi faction,
126-27, 143, 205, 215, 220; party
propaganda chief, 147, 148;
Reichstag fire, 191-93; Propaganda
Minister, 196-98, 202, 204,
218, 227, 233, 241-48, 275, 281,
294fn., 319fn., 343, 347, 363,
387, 396, 398, 443-44, 563-64,
593-94, 638, 646. 653, 669fn.,
671, 725, 739fn., 778, 780, 860,
1002, 1033fn., 1105-6; role in
Roehm purge, 220, 221; book
burning, control of arts and letters,
241-48; persecution of Jews,
430, 432-33, 991; target of anti-
Hitler plotters, 1034, 1062-64,
1066, 1069-71, 1117; last days,
1108-13, 1122, 1123, 1126-28,
Goerdeler, Carl, 372-73, 374, 382, 517,
558, 650, 652, 659, 670, 693-94,
715, 846fn., 848fn., 904, 907,
908, 1013fn., 1014, 1016-17,
1018, 1023, 1024, 1026, 1030-31,
1032, 1035, 1036, 1042-43, 1044,
1046-48, 1072
Goerdeler, Fritz, 1072fn.
Goering, Carin von Kantzow (nee
Baroness Fock), 49, 146
Goering, Hermann, 4, 51, 118, 145, 146,
168, 173, 176, 180-83, 188-90,
194-95, 218, 232, 233, 270, 271,
282, 297, 300, 303fn., 319, 469-
70, 530, 531, 560, 613, 671, 672,
683, 686-87, 813, 834-35, 837,
871, 879, 923, 1000, 1008, 1079,
1091, 1098, 1099, 1127; background,
49; in Beer Hall Putsch,
68-69, 73-75; drug addiction,
146; in Reichstag, 162, 170-71,
196, 472; heads Prussian police
and govt., 184, 191, 200, 201, 204,
216; and Reichstag fire, 192-94;
"Hitler is the law, " 203, 268;
military rank, 215, 318, 754fn.;
opposes Roehm, brings about
purge, 215-17, 219-23, 225; anti-
Jewish program, 236, 430-35;
economic dictator of Reich, 260-
61, 275, 310-11; Nazification of
courts, 268-70; animosity toward
Ribbentrop, 298, 483, 1056; meetings
with Mussolini, 301, 469-70,
478-79; 909, 910; in on war
preparations, 305, 484, 497-98,
515fn., 516-17, 557; and Blomberg-
Fritsch affair, 312-17, 320-
21, 354; role in Anschluss, 335,
338-40, 342-44, 346, 347; role
in Czechosl. annexation, 365,
383, 396, 404, 415, 437-38,
439fn., 440, 444, 446-47; dealings
with Russia, 476-79, 528,
667; "Call me Meier, " 517fn.;
last-minute peace talks with
British, 569-72, 574, 576-77,
583-85, 588-89, 591-92, 614,
640; named by Hitler as his successor,
599; and invasion of
Poland, 600, 601; Norway campaign,
673, 676, 682, 696, 710;
target of conspirators, 670, 1021,
1034, 1035, 1045, 1051, 1117;
western offensive and Battle of
Britain, 719, 722, 731-33, 737,
742, 759, 766fn., 770, 772, 774-
78, 781, 783; invasion and occupation
of Russia, 799, 832-34,
854fn., 926, 930-31, 941, 942;
bombing of Belgrade, 824, 826;
"New Order" atrocities, 941-42,
945, 946, 951, 955, 964, 965, 985;
successorship to Hitler, 1108; accused
of treason, ousted, arrest
ordered, 1118-19, 1122, 1126-28,
1130, 1134; in Nuremberg dock,
Goerlitz, Walter, 933
Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von, 97, 99,
Golden Badge of Honor, 373
Goltz, General Count Ruediger von der,
Gorki, U.S.S.R., 870
Gort, Lord, 724, 730, 731, 735
Goudsmit, Prof. Samuel, 1099fn.
Goy, Jean, 281
Graf Spee (Ger. battleship), 518, 520,
636, 646, 669-70, 678-80
Graebe, Hermann, 961-62
Graefe, Albrecht von, 123
Graf, Ulrich, 49, 68, 73, 122
Grandi, Dino, 996-97
Gran Sasso d'Italia, 1003
Grassmann, Peter, 202
Gravelines, 728, 731
Gravesend, 763, 768
Graz, 333
Graziani, Marshal Rodolfo, 817, 818fn.,
Great Britain, see Britain
Grebbe-Peel Line, 721-22
Greece, 469, 808, 815, 816, 817, 818,
820, 821, 823, 825, 826, 827,
828, 829, 830, 839, 841, 842, 875,
969, 975fn., 993, 1006
Green, Case (Fall Gruen), 303, 356,
357, 360-63, 365, 367, 378,
392fn., 393, 399, 429, 714
Greenwood, Arthur, 611
Greer (U.S. destroyer), 882
Greim, Gen. Robert Ritter von, 1118-
19, 1120, 1122
Greiner, Josef, 19fn., 27
Grey, Sir Edward, 385
Groener, Gen. Wilhelm, 53-55, 58-59,
139, 142, 150-5/, 155, 159, 160,
161, 162, 163, 174
Groscurth, Co\. Hans, 650
Grosz, George, 244
Grozny, 909, 914, 916, 928
Gruene Post, 246
Gruhn, Erna (Frau Blomberg), 311-14
Grynszpan, Herschel, 430
Grzesinski, Albert C., 60
Guariglia, Ambassador, 608
Gudbrandsdal, 706, 708
Guderian, Gen. Heinz, 348, 625, 626,
717, 724, 726, 728, 731, 855,
856, 858, 859, 860, 861, 862, 863,
864, 865, 903fn., 1080-82, 1091,
1096-97, 1098, 1103
Guernica, 297
Guertner, Franz, 75, 118, 164
Gumbel, E. T., 251
"Guns before Butter, " 231
Gunther, John, 784fn.
Gustav V. King of Sweden, 400, 711fn.,
747, 750-51
Gutkelch, Doctor, 948
Guttenberg, Karl Ludwig Frh. von, 374
Guzzoni, Gen. Alfredo, 821
gypsies, medical experiments on, 979
Haakon VII, King of Norway, 696, 698,
703-6, 708, 709, 729
Haber, Fritz, 250
Habicht, Theodor, 279, 280
Hacha, Dr. Emil, 421, 440, 443-47,
449fn., 450-51, 457, 578-79,
587, 729
Haeften, Lt. Werner von, 1048-49,
1053, 1067, 1068
Hagelin, Viljam, 677
Hagen, Lt. Dr. Hans, 1061-62, 1070-71
Hague, The, 713, 721, 722, 865
Hague Convention, 636, 830, 945-47,
Hailsham, Lord, 211
Haldane, J. B. S., 784
Halder, Gen. Franz, 510fn., 549fn., 550-
51, 556, 590, 754fn., 816-17,
819-21, 824, 860, 901, 902, 922.,
1010; appointed Chief of Staff,
371-72; Czech invasion plans,
378; in anti-Hitler conspiracy,
374-75, 378-79, 380fn., 381,
382, 404-8, 411-13, 422, 426,
517, 530, 558-59, 647-51, 658-
59, 693-94, 906; Poland invasion,
484, 487, 497, 515-18,
529fn., 532, 547, 563, 569, 579fn.,
591, 595-96, 625-26, 660, 661,
663-64; Norway and Denmark,
678, 681, 682, 710; war in west,
626, 633, 640, 643-44, 647, 651.
672, 717, 718, 726, 727, 731-36,
739, 743; Britain invasion plans,
747, 752, 759, 763, 764, 766-68.
770, 771, 773-74; Russian invasion,
796-99, 810, 812, 822, 830-
31, 840, 846, 852, 855-60, 861fn.,
862-70, 877, 911, 914-15; ousted
as General Staff Chief, 915-18; in
concentration camp, 1073-74,
Hale, Prof. Oron J., 135, 246fn.
Halifax, Lord, 302-3, 344-45, 435fn.,
450, 674; negotiations on Czechosl.,
360, 364, 381, 396, 410, 411,
413, 451-53; contacts with anti-
Hitler plotters, 381-82, 558, 692-
93; support of Poland against
Germany, 465, 517, 537, 546,
548fn., 570, 572-75, 577, 579-
80, 583, 585fn., 586-89, 600-2;
policy on U.S.S.R., 478fn., 495,
504, 537; ultimatums and war
with Germany, 605fn., 607-10,
612-14, 615fn., 617; rejects Hitler
peace bid, 756
Hallawell, Wing Commdr, 502fn.
Hamar, 703, 704, 706, 708
Hambro, Carl, 677
Hamburg, 65, 165, 275, 699, 752, 1008-
9, 1033, 1105, 1107, 1137, 1141
Hamburg-Amerika line, 144
Hamilton, Duke of, 835, 836
Hammerstein, Gen. Kurt von, 3, 4, 151,
160, 182, 183, 207, 225, 374,
380fn., 387, 648, 1035
Hamsun, Knut, 709fn.
Hanfstaengl, Erna, 131
Hanfstaengl, Ernst (Putzi), 46-47, 51,
74, 191, 192, 784
Hanisch, Reinhold, 19fn., 20
Hanover, 126-27, 239
Hansen, Col. Georg, 1036, 1072
Hallsestadt Danzig (Ger. troopship),
Hapsburgs, the, 18, 23, 24, 27, 97, 301,
304, 326, 332, 336, 345fn., 348,
349, 359
Hardenberg, Count Hans von, 905
Harnack, Arvid, 1043fn.
Harrer, Karl, 36, 40
Harris, Capt. Sam, 411-12, 559
Harris, Lt. Commdr. Whitney R., 958
Harstad, 707
Harzburg Front, 154
Hase, Gen. Paul von, 1030, 1035, 1061,
1065, 1070-71
Hassell, Ulrich von, 297-98, 301, 319,
320, 371, 739fn., 848fn., 897fn.;
anti-Hitler conspiracy, 373, 423,
517, 558, 559, 591-92, 649, 659,
670, 692-94, 846fn., 848fn., 903-
4, 906-8, 1016, 1023, 1030, 1036,
1043; executed, 1072
Haug, Jenny, 131
Hauptmann, Gerhart, 243
Hausberger, Fritz von, 684-85
Haushofer, Albrecht, 1073
Haushofer, Gen. (Prof.) Karl, 48, 837,
Havel lake, Berlin, 1129
"Hay Action, " 947
Hegel, Georg Wilhelm, 97, 98-99, 110,
Heidegger, Martin, 251
Heidelberg University, 124, 250
Heiden, Erhard, 121
Heiden, Konrad, 7, 9, 10, 19, 27fn., 38-
39, 45, 74fn., 78, 105-6, 123,
128, 131, 132, 133, 223
"Heiliger, Max, " 973-74
Heilmann, Horst, 1043fn.
Heinemann, General, 122
Heines, Lt. Edmund, 120, 221, 225
Heinrici, General, 869fn., 1120
Heiss, Captain, 66
Held, Dr. Heinrich, 118
Helhorn, Anke, 125-26
Heligoland Bight, 768
Helldorf, Count Wolf von, 161, 183,
312-13, 413, 1034, 1059, 1063,
Hencke, Andor, 420, 631fn., 814, 816
Hendaye, 814, 816
Henderson, Sir Nevile, 345, 364, 380-
81, 385, 397, 398, 402fn., 403,
408-11, 415, 416, 426, 451-53,
511fn., 543fn., 546, 547, 548-49,
550, 551, 557, 562, 569, 570, 572-
86, 589, 591-93, 600-2, 605-8,
612-13, 615, 616
Henlein, Konrad, 359, 360, 363, 377,
381fn.. 383, 384, 386, 387, 448-
Herber, Lt. Col. Franz, 1066
Hereditary Farm Law (Sept. 29, 1933),
257-58, 264
Herfurth, Gen. Otto, 1066
Hermann Goering Works, 261, 351
Herrenklub, 178, 191
Herriot, Edouard, 437
Herrlingen, 1031, 1037, 1077
Hersey, John, 975fn.
Herypierre, Henry, 982, 983
Hess, Rudolf, 39, 49, 110, 148, 154, 178,
208, 224fn., 257, 270, 275, 599.
742, 944, 1073, 1108, 1142-43;
background, 47-48; in Beer Hall
Putsch, 68, 70, 73, 75; helps Hitler
with Mein Kamp, 79, 85;
directs Nazi revolt in Austria,
323, 347; flight to Scotland, 834-
Heusinger, Gen. Adolf, 1048fn., 1051,
1052, 1054fn.
Hewel, Walter, 1101
Heyde, Lt. Col. Bodo von der, 1067
Heydrich, Reinhard, 271, 518-20, 595,
655fn., 782-83, 956, 1023, 1143;
background, 273; and Fritsch
frameup, 315, 317, 354; persecution
of Jews, 351, 430-34, 661,
662, 958, 964, 965, 978; assassinated,
991, 1019
Heywood, Major General, 503fn., 533
Hiedler, Johann Georg, 7, 8
High Command of the Armed Forces,
see OKW
High Command of the Army, see Army
High Command
Hildesheim, 725
Hilgard, Herr, 432-33
Hilger, Gustav, 807, 809
Himer, Gen. Kurt, 699-700
Himmler, Heinrich, 101, 124, 144-45,
178, 240, 252, 271, 275, 313,
353, 378, 431, 435fn., 497-98,
593, 653-56, 663, 671, 837, 991,
998, 1000, 1003, 1036, 1099,
1108, 1109, 1112-14, 1134;
organization of S.S., Gestapo,
German police, 121, 148, 215,
226, 270-71, 274; rumored to
have killed Geli Raubal, 132; aids
in Roehm purge, 215, 216, 219,
220, 222; extermination of Jews,
236, 660-62, 664, 958, 960-61,
962, 963, 965, 966-67, 973, 975,
977, 978; Blomberg, Fritsch
frameups, 313, 315-17, 354, 355;
Austrian, Czech occupation, 347,
348, 351, 449; Polish border
"incident, " 518-20; occupation of-
Britain program, 782-83; and
Russian-occupation policy, 832,
834, 937-38, 950fn., 951, 954;
medical experiments, 979-80,
982, 984-85, 986, 988-89, 990;
and anti-Hitler plotters, 1016-
17, 1021, 1023, 1024, 1026, 1031,
1034, 1035, 1036, 1044, '1045,
1047-49, 1051, 1054-55, 1057,
1063, 1069, 1070, 107.2-73, 1117;
army command, 1063, 1064,
1073, 1080, 1087, 1095, 1101;
attempt to displace Hitler, 1072,
1116-17, 1121, 1122, 1126,
1129, 1130, capture and suicide,
1141, 1143
Hindemith, Paul, 242
Hindenburg, Maj. Oskar von, 4, 150-51,
175, 181, 183, 227, 228, 229
Hindenburg, Paul von Beneckendorf
und von, 3-5, 53-55, 56fn., 90,
137, 150-53, 155, 160-64, 166-
75, 179-83, 191-92, 194-201,
211-12, 215, 216, 218, 219, 225,
274, 320, 530, 871; armistice of
1918 and Versailles Treaty, 31,
58-59; 1932 presidential elections,
142, 155-60; meetings with
Hitler, 4, 132, 152, 153, 168-69,
172-73; appointment of Hitler
as Chancellor, 4, 145, 184, 187-
90; senility, 4, 5, 149, 152; last
illness, 204, 206, 213-15; death,
last will and testament, 226-30
Hindenburg (dirigible), 294fn.
Hipper (Ger. hvy. cruiser), 701
Hippke, Lt. Gen. Dr., 986
Hirohito, Emperor of Japan, 892
Hirt, Prof. August, 980-83
History of Frederick the Great (Carlyle),
Hitler, Adolf:
PERSONAL LIFE: birth, family background,
6-10; early life and education,
10-16; artist's aspirations,
II, 15, 16, 19; women in his life,
15, 20, 30, 130-33, 483fn. (see
also Braun, Eva; Raubal, Geli);
budding political ideas, 15, 21-
32; youth in Vienna, 17-26;
anti-Semitism, 25-27, 30-31, 35,
40fn., 41; moves to Bavaria,
joins Army, 27-28; war service,
wounds, medals, 29-31; postwar
Army service, 34-35; citizenship
problem, 130-31, 157; income
tax difficulties, 133-35; his
reaction to Hess's flight, 834-38;
his health failing, 1102-3, 1108;
marries Eva Braun, 1122-23; last
will and testament, 1123-27;
suicide and cremation, 1133-34
PARTY LEADER: joins German Workers'
Party, 35-41; debut as
orator, 35-36, 40; formulates
Nazi program, 40-41; is jailed
for assault, 42; becomes party
dictator, 44-46; his lieutenants,
47-51, 121-22, 146-49; association
with Ludendorff, 63-64;
leads putsch, 65-75; is tried for
treason, 75-79; in prison, writes
Mein Kampf, 79-90, 113, 129;
his ideological sources, 80-112;
rebuilds party, 117-49; tightens
control of party, 119; defeats
Strasser faction, 126-29; courts
Army support, 138-42, 159, 196-
98, 206-8, 214-15; "heads will
roll" speech, 141; wins big business
support, 142-46, 178-
79, 189-90; meets with Hindenburg,
152-53, 163-64, 168-69,
172-73, 184; maneuvers toward
chancellorship, 152-85; 1932
presidential elections, 155-59;
purges Roehm, party radicals,
204, 213-26
POLICY: becomes
Chancellor, 3-6, 182-87; has
Reichstag dissolved, 188-91;
suppresses Communists, 190-96;
nationalizes state govts., 194,
200; opens new Reichstag at
Potsdam, 196-98; gets Reichstag
to abdicate, 198-200; dissolves
opposition parties, 201; outlaws
trade unions, 202-3; issues anti-
Jewish laws, 203; his policies
endorsed by electorate, 211-12;
wins Army backing for Presidency,
215, 220; succeeds Hindenburg
as President, 226-30;
wins "unconditional obedience"
of Army, 226-27; regiments
churches, 234-40; Nazifies culture,
241-44; co-ordinates labor,
263-67; reorganizes courts, 268-
74; reshapes govt., 274-16; ousts
Blomberg, Fritsch, Neurath,
Schacht, 309-21; assumes absolute
power in Reich, 867; conspiracies
to depose or kill him,
372-75, 379-82, 404-8, 411-14,
1014-36, [042-82 (see also anti-
Hi tier conspiracy); presses persecution
of Jews, 435, 439, 937-94,
passim; beer hall bomb plot,
RELATIONS: signs pact
with Poland, 212-13; first meeting
with Mussolini, 217; quits
League, Geneva Conference,
210-12; directs Nazi agitation in
Austria, 279-80, 323; aims peace
propaganda abroad, 280-81;
abrogates Versailles Treaty, 281-
85, 299; "peace" speeches, 209-
10, 285-88, 290, 300, 471-76,
641-42, 752-55, 761; expands
armed forces, war industries,
281-85; signs naval pact with
Britain, 288-89; remilitarizes
Rhineland, denounces Locarno
Pact, 290-95; signs pact with
Austria, 296-97; aids Franco rebellion,
297-98; forms Axis with
Mussolini, 298, 301; signs Anti-
Comintern Pact with Japan, 299;
receives Duce, get go-ahead on
Austria, 301-2, 343; meets with
Lord Halifax, 302-3; annexes
Austria, 322-54; meets with
Schuschnigg at Berchtesgaden,
325-31; reassures Duce on Austria,
336-37; makes entry into
Austria, 347-49; directs Sudeten
Nazis, 358-59; urges Hungary,
Poland against Czechs. 377, 387-
88, 429; demands "justice for
Sudetens, " 383; meets with Chamberlain
at Berchtesgaden, 384-
87; at Godesberg, 388-95; demands
Sudetenland at once,
397-98; at Munich Conference,
414-20; wins Sudetenland, 421-
24; dissatisfied with Munich
award, blames Chamberlain,
427; annexes Memel, 428-29;
signs pact with France, 436-
37; "liberates" Slovakia, 439-43,
449; takes over rest of Czechoslovakia,
438-49; presses Poland
to cede Danzig, Corridor,
455-57, 459-60, 462-65, 498-99;
replies to Roosevelt peace appeal,
471-75; signs Pact of Steel with
Duce, 483; negotiates treaty with
U.S.S.R., 490-95, 500-2, 505-
7, 513-15, 520-28, 538-44;
meets with Ciano on war against
Poland, 510-12; replies to British,
French peace appeals, 545-51,
569-89, 592-93; is let down by
Duce, 551-57, 564-68; thanks
Duce for his help, 604, 620-21;
receives British, French ultimatums,
608, 613, 615-18; blames
British for war, 618-19; invites
Russia into Polish war, 621-22;
negotiates boundary treaty with
U.S.S.R., 630-32; offers peace
to Britain, France, 639-43; is
criticized by Duce, 665-66; his
trading with Soviets, 665-69,
794, 799; meets with Sumner
Wells, 683-88; his loyalty to
Mussolini, 691-92; 1055-56;
intervenes in Rumania, 800-1,
803; signs mil. pact with Italy,
Japan, 802; meets with Molotov,
803-9; invites Russia into Tripartite
Pact, 808-10; explains
invasion of Russia to Duce, 849-
51; last meeting with Duce,
WARLORD: tells generals his plans reo
Austria and Czechs, 303-8;
plans invasion of Austria, 331,
335-37; assumes command of
armed forces, 318; ousts 16,
transfers 44 generals, 318-19;
plans war on Czechs, 357-58,
360-61, 365-67, 377-78, 399,
423, 428-29; rages at Czechs'
arming, 364-65; meets generals'
opposition on war plans, 366-72,
378-79, 646-47, 656, 830-31,
856-58; rages against defeatist
generals, 378-79; plans occupation
of Danzig, 456; takes over
Memel, 461-62; plans Danzig
seizure, 463, 468; plans war
against Poland, 463, 467-69,
484-85, 488-89, 496-98, 517-
20, 530-31, 589, 595-96; prepares
for war in west, 484-89,
516, 530-31, 589-90; holds up
attack on Poland, 556; begins war
on Poland, 597-99; directs war
strategy, 619-20; conquers Poland,
632; limits naval operations,
636; plans offensive in west, 633,
643-47, 651-52, 656-59, 670,
671, 717-19; Polish occupation
policy, 660-65; plans for war
on Russia, 669; approves, leads
Norway campaign, 673-74, 678-
83, 694-97, 709-12; gets Duce's
promise to enter war, 690-92;
invades Low Countries, 714-16,
720-26, 729-31; invades, conquers
France, 726-29, 731-45;
offers peace to Britain, 746-47,
750-56; plans invasion of Britain,
751-53, 756, 758-92; promotes
12 to field marshal, 754fn.; plans
invasion of Russia, 796-800,
810-12, 821-22, 830-34, 845-
52; strategy in Mediterranean,
N. Africa, 812-21; Balkan campaigns,
820, 822-26, 830; N.
African campaigns, 827-29, 911-
13, 919-25; his "Commissar
Order, " 830-34; directs Russian
campaign, 851-70, 908-11, 914-
19, 925-33, 1006-7, 1097; his
"No retreat, no surrender" order,
861, 865, 867-68, 920-21, 930;
ousts generals who retreat, 861,
865-66, 903fn., 917-18; takes
over C-in-C post, 866; collaborates
with Japan, 870-78,
883-96, 900; policy toward U.S.,
871-72, 875fn., 878-85, 887;
declares war on U.S., 892-902;
takes over unoccupied France,
924-25; his occupation policy,
937-94, passim; meets with Duce,
995-96; orders take-over in Italy,
rescue of Duce, 998-1006; refuses
to visit bombed-out cities,
1008; speculates on peace possibilities,
1011-12; directs defense
in west, 1036-41, 1085-
96, 1098-1102, 1105-6; orders
enemy beachhead "annihilated, "
1038; orders total mobilization,
1087; directs Ardennes counteroffensive,
1089-96; relies on conflict
among Allies, 1087, 1091-92,
1098; issues "scorched earth"
directive, 1103-4; his last days,
in Berlin bunker, 1107-35
Hitler (Schicklgruber) Alois, 7-9, 11,
Hitler, Alois Matzelsberger, 9, 10
Hitler, Angela, see Raubal, Angela Hitler
Hitler, Edmund, 9
Hitler, Franziska Matzelsberger, 9
Hitler, Gustav, 9
Hitler, Ida, 9
Hitler, Klara Poelzl, 9, 14, 15, 16-17
Hitler, Paula, 9, 14, 1127fn.
Hitler Youth, 120, 249, 252-56, 1129,
1130, 1137
Hitzfeld, General, 1064fn.
Hodges, Gen. Courtney H., 1086, 1089,
Hoepner, Gen. Erich, 375, 413, 725,
863, 865, 903, 1028, 1035.1048,
1057, 1058, 1064, 1066-67, 1068,
Hoerlin, Kate Eva, 224fn.
Hoess, Rudolf Franz, 664, 963, 967-69,
970, 972-73
Hofacker, Col. Caesar von, 1047, 1059,
1072, 1075-77
Hofer, Walther, 550fn.
Hoffmann, Heinrich, 49, 760fn., 1111
Hoffmann, Johannes, 33, 34
Hoffmann-Schonfom, Colonel, 1088
Hohenlohe, Prince Max von, 750fn.
Hohenlychen, 1114
Hohenzollerns, the, 52, 57, 82, 93, 96,
97, 153, 197, 214, 215, 229, 236,
349, 549, 907
Holland, see Netherlands
Holstein, 94
Holzloehner, Doctor, 987
Hoover, Herbert C., 136, 152
Hoover, J. Edgar, 843
Hopkins, Harry, 892
Horak, Mayor, 992
Hore-Belisha, Sir Leslie, 677
Horst, Anna, 105
Horst Wessel song, 5, 147, 199
Horthy, Adm. Miklos, 377, 449, 1090fn.
Hossbach, Col. Friedrich, 305, 308, 309,
Hoth, Gen. Hermann, 724, 863, 927-28
Houffalize, 1095
Household Year for Girls, 254
House of German Art, Munich, 244

Hradschin Palace, Prague, 363, 383,
420, 448
Huber, Kurt, 1022-23
Huebner, General, 1101fn.
Huehnlein, Major, 71
Huetler, Johann von Nepomuk, 8, 9
Huemer, Eduard, 13
Hugenberg, Alfred, 138, 154, 166, 173,
180, 182, 184, 189, 196, 198, 201,
204, 206, 212, 257
Hull, Cordell, 843, 873, 877fn., 884-85,
886, 887, 888fn., 891, 894, 896
Hungary, 358, 362, 507-8, 800, 808,
824, 826, 845; encouraged by
Hitler to seize Ruthenia, 377,
387-88, 400, 417fn., 421, 427,
429, 440-42, 449-50; German
occupation of, 839, 842; army
units on Russian front, 869, 909,
911, 915; Nazis' mass killing of
Jews of, 972; taken by Russians,
1090fn., 1096, 1098
Huntziger, Gen. Charles, 743-45
Hurricanes (Br. planes), 775, 776
Huxley, Aldous, 784
Iceland, 879, 880--82
I. G. Farben, 144, 190, 282, 597, 664-
65, 968, 972, 973
Igorka rivers, 839
Illustrious (Br. carrier), 818fn.
Imredy, Bela, 387-88
India, 558, 560, 883, 901, 957
Indian Legion, 1102fn.
Indian Ocean, 810, 915
Indochina, 884
Inormationsheft, 784
Innitzer, Cardinal, 350
Innsbruck, 75, 335, 553
Institute for Military Scientific Research,
Institute for Research (Forschungsamt),
Interior, Ministry of the, 275, 497-98,
"International Commission" on partition
of Czechosl., 417fn., 420, 421
International Military Tribunal, 1142
Iran (Persia), 757, 810, 915
Iraq, 828, 829, 841
Ireland, 474, 646
Irgens, Captain, 706
Iron Cross, 30, 122, 284, 754fn.
Ironside, Gen. Sir Edmund, 504, 682fn.
Iserlohn, 1129fn.
Istanbul, 1026
Istria, 1005
Italian Air Force, 556fn.
Italian Army, 554, 556fn., 817, 818, 825,
826, 827, 850, 869 909-11, 912,
915, 920-21, 925, 928, 929, 996,
1001, 1002, 1006
Italian Navy, 554, 818fn., 1000, 1002fn.
Italian Social Republic, 1005
Italy, 97, 291, 294, 307, 359, 436, 478-
80, 490, 501, 511, 529, 530, 539,
800-1, 803-4, 806, 807, 850, 924,
995, 996; and Anschluss, 209.
280, 285, 296-97, 301, 302, 324,
327, 334-37, 339, 343, 345fn.,
347; prewar policy toward
Britain, France, 284-85, 289,
296, 298, 301, 400, 436, 508, 603,
687; invasion of Ethiopia, 289,
290, 296-98; aid to Spanish
rebels, 297-99, 307, 814; in Anti-
Comintern Pact, 299; role in
German-Czech crisis, 377, 403,
404, 408-10, 414-21; friction
with Germany, 400, 487, 492,
547-48, 665-66, 683, 687, 774,
815; invasion of Albania, 469,
813; military alliance with Reich,
482-84 (see also Pact of Steel);
reluctance to take part in war,
493, 507, 508, 510, 512, 551-57,
561, 564-68, 598, 603-8, 620-
21, 642-43, 645, 657, 687-92;
enters war against France, 739,
740, 743-44, 746, 877 (see also
Franco-Italian armistice); war
against Britain in Mediterranean,
N. Africa, 740, 757, 813, 817-22,
836, 900, 912, 914, 921; in Tripartite
Pact, 802, 808, 889; invasion
of Greece, 816-18, 821-
23; royal family of, 820, 996;
gets slice of Yugoslavia, 824,
826; war against U.S.S.R., 851,
873, 909-11; war against U.S.,
871, 885, 889-90, 894, 898,
900; Allied landing and Battle of
Italy, 921, 956, 995, 1000, 1001,
1006, 1008, 1009, 1033, 1036,
1043, 1100, 1107, 1138; ousts
Duce, makes peace with Allies,
995-1001, 1003; German occupation,
1001, 1003-5, 1009;
Fascist Republican Party, 1005
Jackson, Robert H., 432fn., 964fn.
Jacob, Franz, 1044
Jacob, Major, 1064fn.
Jaeger, Dr. Wilhelm, 948-49
Jaklincz, Colonel, 634
Japan, 307, 487, 492, 521, 522, 539, 735,
753, 798, 803, 804, 806, 809, 839,
850, 884, 895, 1025; pacts with
Germany, Italy, 299, 436, 506,
802, 808, 871, 876, 886-95; in
Hitler's strategy, 508fn., 821,
871-96 passim, 915; war against
U.S., Britain, 870-76, 880, 883-
96, 900, 901, 1007; neutrality
pact with U.S.S.R., 876-77
Japanese Air Force, 901fn.
Japanese Army, 877
Japanese Navy, 872, 873, 887, 888, 891,
892, 895
Jaspers, Karl, 251
Jastrzembski, see Falkenhorst
Jeanneney, Jules, 437
Jena, 98, 173, 933
Jeschonnek, Gen. Hans, 621, 763, 771
Jessen, Jens Peter, 908, 1072
Jesus Christ, Jew or no?, 107, 108, 124
"Jewish Emigration Office, " Vienna, 351
Jews, 144, 157, 179, 355, 641, 700,
751fn.; 828, 1088; Hitler's hatred
for, 25-27, 31, 35, 39, 41, 81, 84,
87, 97, 1I1, 119, 137, 1124, 1126;
German writings against, 98-101,
106-7, 236; Nazi persecution of,
203, 209, 215, 236, 260, 351,
430-35, 685, 1028, 1031, 1071;
exclusion of from arts and professions,
242-43, 245-46, 249-
51, 268; laws against, 213-34,
237; in Czechoslovakia, 383, 438,
439, 991; extermination program,
659-65, 937, 944, 946, 953, 958-
69, 972-79, 991, 1029, 1061; in
U.S., 688, 749fn., 872, 875fn.,
897, 899; used as slave labor,
948-49; Warsaw ghetto uprising,
974-79; medical experiments on,
979-81, 985
JodI. Gen. Alfred, 142, 290, 291fn., 293,
316, 319, 404, 670, 671-72, 816,
821, 824, 825, 866, 873, 911,
918fn., 921, 922, 1010, 1034,
1077, 1098, 1112-16; on Blomberg
affair, 311-14; on Anschluss,
326fn., 331, 334-36, 348;
on Czech problem and annexation,
363, 365, 366, 369, 370,
377-79, 387, 392fn., 422, 424;
on western-front operations, 378,
424, 635, 644, 718-20, 727, 732,
746; on Norway operations, 677,
680, 682, 683, 696, 709, 710; on
French armistice, 741, 744; on
invasion of Britain, 758, 760, 764,
767, 770; on invasion of Russia,
795, 797, 856, 858, 863, 925, 931;
on Hitler's Commando Order,
956; on Italian surrender, 998-99,
100 I; on Allied landings in
Normandy, 1038-40; injured by
bomb aimed at Hitler, 1051,
1054; signs surrender, 1138-39;
executed at Nuremberg, 1143
Johannmeier, Maj. Willi, 1129
John, Lieutenant von, 1050
Johst. Hans, 242-43
Juenger, Ernst, 242, 1042fn.
Jueterbog, 370, 1057
Jung, Edgar, 218, 222
Junge, Gertrude, 1123, 1132
Jungvolk, 120, 253, 255
Junkers, 53, 93-94, 96, 99, 154, 157,
162, 179-80, 186, 198, 201, 205,
215, 236, 257
Justice, Ministry of, 317
Jutland, Battle of, 486, 698-99, 707
Kaas, Monsignor, 189, 199
Kahr, Gustav von, 34, 51, 64, 65, 66, 67,
68, 69-72, 75-76, 80fn., 223
Kaiser, Jakob, 373
Kaiserhof hotel, Berlin, 4, 154, 155, 156,
157, 168, 175, 176, 177, 182
Kaltenbrunner, Dr. Ernst, 956, 1070,
Kampfbund, see Deutscher Kampfbund
Kant, Immanuel, 93, 97, 99
Kantzow, Carin von, see Goering, Carin
von Kantzow
Kanya, Kalman, 387-88
Kapp, Dr. Wolfgang, 33-34
Kappel, 273-74
Kapp putsch, 3, 33-34, 43, 55fn., 60, 63,
75, 202
Karinhall, 777, 1112
Karlsruhe, 564
Karlsruhe (Ger. lt. crusier), 702
Karmasin, Franz, 437, 442
Kasserine Pass, 1029
Katzenellenbogen, Dr. Edwin, 991
Kaufmann, Karl Otto, 1009
Kaunas, 794, 967
Kearny (U.S. destroyer), 883
Keitel, Field Marshal Wilhelm, 281, 319,
482, 542, 644, 667, 669, 760, 816,
824, 834-35, 873, 911, 917, 922,
945, 999, 1041fn., 1039, 1100,
1103, 1111, 1115, 1118, 1130;
and Blomberg affair, 312-14, 316;
Chief of Armed Forces High
Command, 318; role in Anschluss,
325, 329, 331, 335;
Czech invasion plans, 356, 357,
361-63, 365-67, 378, 379, 393,
396, 423-24, 428, 438, 440, 441,
444; Poland invasion plans, 462,
484, 497, 498fn., 518, 556, 557;
and anti-Hitler conspiracy, 559-
60, 1021, 1034, 1047, 1048fn.,
1049-52, 1054, 1058-60, 1064,
1073, 1077-78, 1079fn.; western
front, 635, 651, 720; and Nazi
war crimes, 660-61, 831, 832,
846, 941, 952, 954, 957-58;
Norway invasion, 677, 679, 680,
682, 710; at French surrender,
742-45; named Field Marshal,
755fn.; Britain invasion plans,
764-68; war on Russia, 797, 858,
866, 909, 925; Battle of Berlin,
1112-14, 1120; his death ordered
by Bormann, 1132; executed at
Nuremberg, 1142-43
Keller, Helen, 241
Kelly, Dr. Douglas M., 837, 838fn.,
Kelly, Sir David, 751fn.
Kempka, Erich, 1111, 1133, 1134, 1137
Kennan, George F., 843fn.
Kennard, Sir Howard, 464-65, 466fn.,
574-75, 586-87
Kennedy, Joseph P., 688
Keppler, Wilhelm, 144, 178, 339, 340,
342, 442
Kerr, Alfred, 241
Kerrl, Hans, 127, 238, 239
Kesselring, Field Marshal Albert, 722,
733, 755fn., 775, 912, 1001, 1006,
1099, 1106fn., 1112, 1113, 1138
Ketteler, Wilhelm von, 348fn.
Kharkov, 933, 1006
Kiel, 55, 281, 377, 752, 1008
Kiel, University of, 519, 987
Kielce, 626
Kiep, Otto, 1025, 1026, 1072
Kiev, 798, 811, 853, 857, 858-59, 939,
961, 1007
King-Hall, Stephen, 615fn.
Kira, Princess, 907
Kircher, Rudolf, 245
Kirdorf, Emil, 134, 144
Kirk, Alexander C., 561, 637
Kirkpatrick, Ivone, 397, 836-38
Kitzbuehl, 333
Kjolsen, Captain, 694-95
Kladno, 991, 992
Klagenfurt, 13-14
Klausener, Erich, 218, 223, 235, 269
Kleist, Gen. Ewald von, 319, 373, 380-
81, 557, 724fn., 855, 860, 861,
889, 914, 916, 928, 1027
Kleist, Heinrich von, 1027
Kleist, Peter, 555fn., 1017fn.
Kletskaya, 926
Klintzich, Johann Ulrich, 42-43
Klop, Lieutenant, 654-55
Kluge, Field Marshal Guenther Hans,
318-19, 625, 755fn., 860, 863,
864, 865, 868-69, 1013fn., 1014-
15, 1018-19, 1020, 1021, 1030,
1041, 1046, 1047, 1058, 1064,
1074-75, 1076-77, 1079, 1082
Knilling, Eugen von, 64
Koblenz, 1101
Koch, Erich, 127, 939
Koch, lise, 983-84
Kochem, 273
Koeln (Ger. naval vessel), 697
Koenigsberg, 93, 349, 538, 843fn., 1069
Koenigsberg (Ger. naval vessel), 697,
Koestring, Gen. Ernst, 799
Koht, Dr. Halvdan, 705, 706
Kokoschka, Oskar, 243-44
Kola Peninsula, 942
Koller, Gen. Karl, 1112-13, 1115, 1116
Konev, Marshal Ivan S. 1097
Konoye, Prince, 884, 885
Konradswalde, 1072
Kordt, Erich, 381, 405, 406-7408, 411,
415fn., 548fn., 550fn., 555fn.
Kordt, Theodor, 381, 382, 384, 406, 602,
Korherr, Dr. Richard, 963
Kori, C. H., 971-72
Korschen, 1021
Korten, General, 1051, 1054fn.
Kortzfleisch, Gen. Joachim von, 1035,
1061, 1066, 1073
Kotelnikovski, 927
Kotze, Hans Ulrich von, 471
Kraemer, Gen. Fritz, 1095fn.
Kramer, Gerhard F., 270
Kramer, Josef, 664, 981-82
Krampnitz, 1046, 1057, 1065, 1115
Krancke, Adm. Theodor, 922
Kranzfelder, Capt. Alfred, 1048
Krause, Dr. Reinhardt, 237
Krebs, Gen. Hans, 839, 1112, 1123, 1126,
1129, 1133, 1135, 1137
Kreisau Circle, 374, 908, 1015-17, 1018,
1030, 1033, 1036, 1072fn.
Krejci, General, 363
Kremlin, 525, 526, 539, 863
Kress von Kressenstein, Gen. Frh. Fritz,
Kriegsfalle (war eventualities), 302
Kristiansand, 677, 702
Krofla, Dr. Kamil, 390, 420
Kroll Opera House, 198, 291, 598
Krupp von Bohlen und Halbach, Alfried,
Krupp von Bohlen und Halbach, Gustav,
145, 189-90, 206, 949
Krupp works, 190, 282, 498, 948, 949,
968, 973
Kuban, 909
Ku bis, J an, 991
Kubizek, August, 8fn., 14fn., 15-16, 18,
Kuebler, Gen. Ludwig, 869
Kuechler, Gen. Georg von, 625, 660,
721, 738
Kuestrin, 1109
Kuibyshev, 860
Kummetz, Rear Adm. Oskar, 703
Kuntze, Otto, 105
Kuntzen, Major von, 183
Kursk, 1006
Kurusu, Saburo, 885-86, 887, 891
labor, German, 3, 18, 52, 179, 180, 231,
258-59, 261, 265, 355; see also
trade unions
Labor Commandos (Arbeitskommando)
Laborde, Admiral de, 925
Labor Front, 202, 263-67, 282
Labor Service, 220, 249; 253, 254, 256
Lackmann-Mosse, Hans, 245
Lacroix, M. de, 390
Ladoga, Lake, 811
Lahousen, Gen. Erwin, 595fn.. 1019.
Lambach, 10
Lammerding, Lt. Gen. Heinz, 993fn.
Lammers, Hans, 323, 941, 965, 1116,
Lampe, Maurice, 955
Landbund, 180
Landespolizeigruppe General Goering,
Landsberg prison, 78, 79, 85, 90, 111,
122, 963fn., 965fn.
Langbehn, Dr. Carl, 1072
Langbro Asylum, 146
Langer, William L., 815fn.
Langsdorff, Capt. Hans, 669-70
Lappus, Sigrid von, 483fn.
La Roche-Guyon, 1074
Laski, Harold, 784
Latvia, 470-71, 494fn., 495, 539, 541.
542, 544, 630-31, 794, 833
Laval, Pierre, 745-46, 923, 924
Law for Removing the Distress of People
and Reich, see Enabling Act
Law for the Protection of the People
and the State (Feb. 28, 1933),
196, 274
Law for the Protection of the Republic
(1922), 51
Law for the Reconstruction of the
Reich (Jan. 30, 1934), 200-1,
Law Regulating National Labor (Jan. 20,
1934), 263
Lawrence, Lord Justice, 831
League for Air Sports, 282
League of National Socialist German
Jurists, 269
League of Nations, 112, 136, 210, 211.
280, 285, 286, 289, 290, 292, 294,
297, 344, 346, 347, 353, 439,
458, 464, 472-73, 480, 499, 544,
Lebensraum, 82, 256, 283, 305, 308,
427, 430, 449, 484, 488, 657,
804, 915, 941
Lebenswege (H. S. Chamberlain), 105
Leber, Julius, 373, 1030, 1044, 1063,
Lebrun, Albert, 460
Leclerc. Gen. Jacques, 1085
Leeb, Field Marshal Wilhelm Ritter von,
318-19, 646-47, 755fn., 853,
859, 903fn.
Uger, Alexis, 418
Le Havre, 762, 772, 1037
Lehndorff, Count Heinrich von, 905
Lehrterstrasse prison, Berlin, 1073
Leipart, Theodor, 202
Leipzig, 140-42, 193, 363, 372, 1016
Le Mati1l, 281
Lemnos, 817
Lemp, Oberleutnant, 637, 638fn.
Lenard, Philipp, 250, 251
Lenin, Nikolai, 98, 542
Leningrad, 811, 822fn., 853-54, 856-57,
859, 865, 926, 937, 942
Leonding, 11, 17, 347
Leonrod, Maj. Ludwig von, 1060, 1072
Leopold III, King of the Belgians, 302.
561, 616, 652, 729-31
Lerchenfeld, Count, 51
Lessing, Gotthold Ephraim, 93. 97. 245
Lessing, Theodor, 251
Leuschner, Wilhelm, 373, 1030, 1032.
Lewis, Fulton, Jr., 748-49
Ley, Dr. Robert, 127, 148, 177, 202-3,
263, 264, 265, 266-67, 275, 282,
671, 1142fn.
Leyden, 721
Lezhaky, 993
Libau, 539
Liberals, National, 56; see also German
People's Party
Libya, 817, 818fn., 820, 821, 823, 826,
827, 912, 913
Lichterfelde, 216, 222, 1066, 1071fn.
Liddell Hart, B. H., 732fn., 734, 761,
762fn., 855, 916fn., 1041fn.
Lidice, 991-94
Liebknecht, Karl, 52, 54-55, 191
Liege, 1086
"Lila," 924-25
Lillehammer, 706, 708
Lillesand, 695
Limoges, 993
Lindbergh, Charles A., 684, 749fn.,
Lindemann, Gen. Fritz, 1030, 1072
Linge, Heinz, 1134
Linnertz, General, 1065
Linz. 10-11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 25, 27fn.,
326fn.. 347, 351, 1107, 1127
Lippe, 180
Lippert, Michael, 222fn.
Lippstadt, 1105
Lipski, Josef, 212, 455-56, 460-61, 463-
64, 583, 584-85, 587, 588, 589,
591, 603
Lisbon, 783, 785-92
List, Field Marshal Sigmund Wilhelm,
626, 755fn., 823, 826, 914, 915,
917, 918fn.
List Regiment, 30, 47, 49
Lithuania, 304, 429, 458, 461-62, 541,
580, 630-31, 794, 848, 962, 976
Litt, Theodor, 251
Littorio (It. battleship), 818fn.
Litvinov, Maxim, 390, 404, 460, 478fn.,
479, 480-81, 489, 531, 544
Lloyd George, David, 232, 489, 537fn.
Lobe, Paul, 201
Locarno Pact, 112, 136, 212, 280, 282,
283, 285, 286-87, 290, 291, 294,
302, 714
Loire river, 1037, 1076, 1085
London, Jack, 241
London: defense measures, 402, 404,
595; air bombing of, 423, 425,
590, 767-69, 771, 772, 776, 777,
780, 781, 1009, 1040; Dutch govt.
in, 723; in German plans for invasion
of Britain, 763, 767-69,
782-83, 829
London, City of, 539-40
London Daily Herald, 210
London Daily Mail, 280-81, 453
London Daily Telegraph, 344fn.
London Spectator, 210
London Times, 210, 245, 287-88, 294,
344fn., 376, 382, 384fn., 420,
453, 784, 914fn.
Lonesome Guest (Goebbels), 124
Loraine, Sir Percy, 603fn.
Lorenz, Heinz, 1122, 1129
Lorraine, 400
Lossberg, Col. Bernhard von, 769fn.
Lossow, Gen. Otto von, 65-72, 75-76
Lothian, Lord, 293, 750
Louis-Ferdinand, Prince, 907
Louvain, 717, 724
Louvre, 945
Low Countries, 640, 652, 714, 775;
see also Belgium; Netherlands
Lubbe, Marinus van der, 192-94, 269,
Lublin, 626, 631, 971, 974
Lucas, Scott, 750fn.
Ludecke, Karl, 119
Ludendorff, Gen. Erich, 31, 32, 34, 46fn.,
53, 56, 63-64, 69, 70-74, 75, 78,
118, 122, 123, 144, 150, 259, 312,
530, 754fn., 871
Ludendorff Bridge, Remagen, 1101
Ludin, Lieutenant, 139-42
Ludwig III, King of Bavaria, 28
Ludwigshafen, 234
Luebeck, 238, 676, 1105, 1116
Lueger, Dr. Karl, 24-25, 138
Lueneburg, 981, 1141
Luettwitz, Gen. Walther Frh. von, 55, 60
Luettwitz, Gen. Heinrich von, 1093
Luetzow (Ger. hvy. cruiser), 667, 668
Luetzow (Ger. pocket battleship, former
Deutschland), 702-3, 711
Luftflotten (air fleets), 775
Lufthansa, 146, 907
Luftwaffe (German Air Force), 284, 317,
318, 423, 425, 571, 621, 749fn.,
755fn., 813, 818fn., 820, 826,
827, 850, 881, 903fn., 923, 1004,
1034, 1043fn., 1056, 1072, 1126,
1128, 1130; building of, 282, 283.
299, 489, 853; in Spanish Civil
War, 297, 300; war preparations,
305, 335, 336, 362, 369-70, 445,
487, 488, 497, 517fn., 529, 590;
bombing of Poland, 597, 603; in
war in the west, 619-20, 633,
646, 671-72, 726, 730, 738, 1036,
1039, 1040, 1099; Norway campaign,
673, 681, 682, 699, 702,
703, 706, 708, 711; operations in
Holland, Belgium, 718-19, 721,
722, 725, 730; and stop order,
732, 733, 736-37; Battle of
Britain, 752, 756, 758, 759, 761,
765-67, 771, 772, 775-77, 779-
81; eastern front, 797, 860, 926,
947fn., 1009; in Mediterranean
area and N. Africa, 912-13, 922;
medical experiments for, 984-87;
Battle of Berlin, 1112, 1115,
1122; Goering ousted, 1119
Lunding, Colonel, 1073
Lupescu, Magda, 800fn.
Lusitania, S.S., 637
Luther, Dr. Hans, 204
Luther, Martin, 91, 174, 236, 237
Lutze, Viktor, 221
Luxembourg, 470, 561, 590, 644, 646,
650, 715, 720
Luxemburg, Rosa, 52, 54-55
Lwow (Lemberg), Poland, 628, 967
Lyme Bay, 762, 763, 764, 766, 767
Maas (Meuse) river, 721
Maastricht, 724
Mackensen, Field Marshal August von,
197, 225, 284
Mackensen, Hans Georg von, 483, 553,
554, 565fn., 566, 568, 687, 890
Mackesy, Maj. Gen. P. I., 707
Maddalena I., 1003
Madeira, 265, 817
Madrid, 785-88
Mafalda, Princess, 146, 352, 984fn.,
Magdeburg, 1105
"Magic," 885, 886-87, 888fn.
Maginot Line, 293, 294, 422, 531, 646,
718, 719, 720, 725
Magistrati, Count Massimo, 553
Maikop, 859, 909, 914
Mainz, 400, 1101
Maisel, Gen. Ernst, 1078
Maisky, Ivan, 478fn., 495fn.
Makins, R. M., 605fn.
Malaya, 892, 901fn.
Malcolm, Major General, 31fn.
Maldon, 763
Malkin, Sir William, 391
Malmedy, 954, 1095fn., 1096fn.
Maloyaroslavets, 868-69
Malta, 912-13, 921, 922, 1002fn.
Manila, 876
Mann, Heinrich, 241
Mann, Thomas, 241, 242
Mannerheim, Marshal, 682fn.
Manoilescu, Mihai, 800
Manstein, Gen. Fritz Erich von (Lewinski),
284, 335, 345fn., 369, 370,
424, 488, 718, 726, 830fn., 840,
903fn., 926-27, 928, 1015, 1030
Manteuffel, Gen. Hasso von, 1090, 1091,
1093, 1094
Marahrens, Bishop, 239
Marburg (Maribor), 13, 217
Marburg, University of, 218, 219, 251
Margival, 1039, 1040
Marienbad, 251
Marienburg, 255
Marienwerder, 1072
"Marita, " 823, 824
Marne river, 727, 863, 1088
Marseilles, 740
Marshall, Gen. George C., 1001fn.
Marx, Karl, 98
Masarik, Dr. Hubert, 416-17, 418
Masaryk, Ian, 404, 411, 784
Masaryk, Tomas Garrigue, 358, 359,
443, 444, 445, 448
Masefield, John, 384fn.
"master race" concept, 21-28, 81-82,
86-89, 93, 97, 98, 100, 103-9,
232, 236, 249, 250, 255, 286, 937,
939, 991
Mastny, Dr. Vojtech, 346, 416-17, 418
Matisse, Henri, 244
Matsuoka. Yosllke, 839, 871, 873, 874-
6, S77, 878, 883, 888, 892
Matuschka, Capt. Count von, 1030
Matzelsberger, Franziska (Frau Hitler),
Maurice, Emil, 42, 79fn., 132, 221, 223
Maurice, Maj. Gen. Sir Frederick, 31fn.
Mauthallsen, 272, 351, 955, 956, 967,
Max, Prince of Baden, 32, 52, 55
Maxwell-Fyfe, Sir David, 517
May Day celebration (1933), 202
Maydell. Baron Konstantin von, 685fn.
McAuliffe, Gen. A. C., 1093
McCarthy, Joseph R., 1095fn.
McCloy, John J., 950fn., 1096fn.
Mechelen-sur-Meuse, 671
Mecklenburg, 161, 30 I
medical experiments, Nazi, 979-91
Medina Sidonia, Duke of, 914fn.
Mediterranean, 301, 530, 554, 691, 757,
808, 812-13, 817-19, 827, 829,
912-14, 925, 995, 1007, 1008
Mehlhorn, Doctor, 520
Meinecke, Friedrich, 6
Mein Kamp/ (Hitler), 80-S I, 113, 129-
30, 133, 134, 249; autobiographical
material, 10, 11, 13, 14, 16,
18-22, 25-29, 34, 36, 39, 40, 44,
109-10; cited, 6, 22, 25, 26, 32,
41, 43, 44, 82-90, 97, 110-11,
209, 230, 234, 240, 243, 248, 279,
288, 307-8, 429-30, 454, 544fn.,
549, 796, 941, 1124, 1131
Meissner, Otto von, 4, 155, 168-69, 173,
175, 181, 183-84, 196
Mell, Max, 102
Memel, 428-29, 456, 461-62, 1033
Mendelssohn, Felix, 242
Merekalov, Alexei, 476, 479-80
Mersa Matrilh, 817
Mertz von Quimheim, Colonel von,
1058, 1060, 1067, 1068
Mesny, General, 1100
Messerschmitt, Wilhelm, 835
Metz, 1076, 1086
Meuse river, 716-18, 723-26, 1086,
1090fn., 1092-93, 1094
Mezieres, 717
Michael, King of Rumania, 800fn.
Michael (Goebbels), 124
Middle East, 828, 829, 912, 919; see also
Arabia; Iran; Palestine; Syria
Miklas, Wilhelm, 331, 332, 334fn., 338,
339, 340, 341-43, 346, 347
Mikoyan, Anastas, 494
Milan, 482, 740fn., 995, 1131
Milch, Field Marshal Erhard, 484, 497,
733, 755fn., 947fn., 985, 986
Militaer-Wochenblatt, 260
Minsk, 621, 855, 962fn., 967, 973fn.,
Mirabeau, Count Honore Gabriel Victor
Riqueti de, 93
Mius river, 861
Moabit prison, 239, 1025fn., 1068
Model, Field Marshal Walther, 947,
1076, 1078, 1088, 1090, 1095,
Moellendorff, Captain von, 1049, 1053
Moerdijk, 721, 722
Molde, 708
Moll, Sergeant, 970
Molotov, Vyacheslav M., 490, 544fn.;
named Foreign Min., 480-81;
negotiations with Germans, 476,
481-82, 491-94, 501, 505, 506,
513-14, 520-28, 535fn., 538,
540, 562, 622, 626-31, 639, 667,
793-95, 844; with British, French,
495, 496, 503, 504, 537; Berlin
visit, 800, 803-9, 818; replaced
as Prime Min. by Stalin, 841-44;
receives German war declaration,
Moltke, Hans Adolf von, 377, 460, 462,
Moltke, Field Marshal Count Helmuth
von, 374, 657, 723, 1081
Moltke, Count Helmuth James von, 374,
558, 908, 1015, 1016, 1025, 1036,
Monckton, Sir Walter, 789, 791
Monschau, 1092-93
Montevideo, 669-70
Montgomery, Gen. Sir Bernard Law,
919, 920, 1001, 1086, 1088-89,
1102, 1105, 1138, 1141
Montherme, 724
Montoire, 814, 815fn., 816
Mooney, James D., 686fn.
Moravia, 359, 362, 428, 429, 438, 440,
443, 444, 448, 449, 451, 460, 598,
657, 686, 991
Moravsk:i-Ostrava, 383, 444
Morell, Dr. Theodor, 444, 447, 1056,
Morgan, J. P., 688
Morgenthau, Henry, Jr., 897fn.
Morison, Samuel Eliot, 883fn.
Morocco, 297, 814, 923
Morris, Leland, 900
MoScicki, Ignacy, 560-61
Moscow: German war plans against,
798, 810, 811, 937; rumors of
German attack in, 842, 844; German
drive toward and defeat at,
853-54, 856-61, 863-70, 891,
905, 952, 1006, 1007, 1081;
evacuated by govt., 859-60
Moscow Pact, see Nazi-Soviet Pact
Moselle river, 1086, 1088, 1089, 1099
motion pictures, Nazi control of, 247
Mozdok, 914
"Mr. X, " see Bryans, J. Lonsdale
Muehlmann, Doctor, 340
Mueller, Heinrich, 519-20, 595, 953,
Mueller, Hermann, 137
Mueller, Dr. Josef, 648, 693, 1024
Mueller, Ludwig, 235, 237, 238
Mueller, Wilhelm, 250-51
Muenchener Neueste Nachrichten, 223
Muenster, 239; Treaty of, 644
Muenstereifel, 720
Muff, Lt. Gen. Wolfgang, 323, 340, 342
Munch, Edvard, 698
Munich, 38-44, 46-49, 112, 118, 120,
123, 128-29, 131, 132, 138, 148,
156, 225, 244, 271, 279, 406, 457,
694, 923, 1107; Hitler moves to,
from Vienna, 27-28; Hitler returns
to after war (J 918), 31,
33-36; a magnet for anti-Republic
forces, 34; Roehm purge in,
220-23; Hitler-Duce meeting in,
740-41; Hitler-Laval meeting in,
924; Cianos take refuge in, 1004-
5; conspirators plan to take over,
1033, 1034; see also Beer Hall
Munich, University of, 48, 124, 1022-23
Munich Conference and Pact, 384, 403,
407, 409-28, 436-37, 439, 440,
443, 445, 448, 450-53, 496, 506,
531, 543, 544, 557, 562, 565, 566,
570, 571, 580, 583, 603, 611, 619,
Munk, Kaj, 957
Munters, Vilhelms, 471
Murmansk, 667, 695fn., 811, 859
Murray, Gilbert, 784
music, Nazi control of, 242
Mussolini, Benito, 63, 209. 261, 344,
450, 507, 562, 640fn., 645, 657,
727, 735, 747, 819, 849-51, 872,
923fn., 995; meetings with Hitler,
217, 301, 740-41, 774, 815-16,
821-22, 995-96, 1049, 1055-57;
sends troops to bar Austrian Anschluss,
280; invades Ethiopia,
289-90, 296; Hitler gains support
of, 296-99, 301-2, 324, 327; approves
German annexation of
Austria, 302, 324, 327, 334-35,
336-37, 339, 343, 345, 347; role
in Czech problem, 377, 400, 403,

407-10, 414-19; reluctance to
risk war against West, 436, 482-
83, 493, 508, 509, 511-12, 529,
547-48, 551-57, 564-68, 570,
665-66, 687-92; conquest of
Albania, 469; attitude toward
U.S., 469-70, 875fn., 889-90,
893; opposes Axis amity with
U.S.S.R., 478-79; signs Pact of
Steel, 482-83; mediation in war
crisis, 587-89, 592, 603-8, 615-
18, 620-21, 640, 643; criticizes
Nazi policy toward U.S.S.R., 666,
683, 687, 688; promises to enter
war, 689-92; war, armistice with
French, 739-41, 745, 746; war
with British, 733, 755, 812-14,
928; invasion of Greece, 815, 816,
818, 825, 826; in war against
U.S.S.R., 851, 909-11; relations
with Japan, 875, 889-90, 893;
urges Hitler to make peace in
east, 928, 995; deposed, arrested,
996-98, 1002, 1003; is rescued by
S.S., 999, 1000, 1003-6; assassinated,
Myth of the Twentieth Century, The
(Rosenberg), 149
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Re: The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich: A History of Nazi

Postby admin » Sun Feb 18, 2018 5:32 am

Part 3 of 3

Nacht und Nebel Erlass (Night and Fog
Decree), 957-58
Naggiar, Paul-Emile, 537
Namier, Sir Lewis B., 556fn., 593fn.,
Namsos, 708
Namur, 717, 724, 725, 726, 1086
Nansen, Fridtjof, 675
Nantes, 956
Naples, 1001, 1002
Napoleon, 98, 111, 206, 448, 542, 629,
760fn., 769fn., 812, 829, 851-52,
853, 859, 860, 865, 867, 868,
1015, 1028
Napoleon III, 95, 723
Narew river, 497, 532, 541, 629, 631
Narvik, 674, 676, 681, 695, 696, 700-1,
707, 708, 709, 711, 721, 752, 810,
National Assembly, German, 31, 57, 59
National Club, Berlin, 44
National Liberals, 56
National Political Institutes of Education,
National Redoubt, 1105-6
National Socialist Association of University
Lecturers, 249
National Socialist German Freedom
Movement, 112, 118, 123
National Socialist movement (ideology),
25, 36, 38, 39, 40-41, 83-85,
97-104, 108-9, 117, 120-21, 249,
1029, 1030, 1042, 1070-71, 1082,
1123, 1125, 1128
National Socialist German Workers'
(Nazi) Party, or N.S.D.A.P., 3,
19, 22, 24, 63, 112, 121-23, 129,
154, 159, 160, 165, 168, 173,
184, 185, 189-92, 194, 240, 314-
15, 372, 373, 430-31, 562, 563,
663, 834, 837, 1061, 1064, 1065,
1080; establishment and early
growth, 41-51; "second revolution"
and "socialism" in, 41, 123,
126, 128, 143, 147, 176, 180,
204-8, 213-15, 232, 261; Hitler's
dictatorship in, 44-46; suppressed
after putsch attempt, 72, 75, 111-
12; election campaigns, 118, 138,
152, 153, 156-59, 166, 171-72,
180-81, 194-96, 211-12; structure,
119-21, 252-53, 255, 263;
factional strife in, 122-23, 126-
29, 143-44, 147, 172, 174, 180,
181, 204-8, 216; financial aid
from big business, 134, 142-45,
172, 176, 178, 179, 203; gains
support in Army, 139-42, 146-
49; activities in Reichstag, 162,
170-72, 174, 179, 181, 199; sole
party in Germany, 201; control
of churches, 234-40; of arts and
professions, 242, 244, 246; of
education, 249, 251; of farmers,
257; of labor, 263-64; of courts,
268-69; terror tactics, 194, 221,
226, 231, 233, 237, 239, 271, 276,
351, 369, 372, 956-63, 993,
1139; in Austria, 279, 280, 296,
323, 328, 330-33, 337fn., 340-
41, 350, 351; in Sudetenland,
359, 360, 363, 376-77, 381fn.,
National Socialist Teachers' League, 249
Nationalists, see German National
People's Party
Natzweiler, 981
Naujocks, Alfred Helmut, 518-19, 594-
95, 599, 653, 654
Naval High Command, 636, 638, 844;
see also Raeder, Adm. Erich
Naval War Staff, 637, 679, 758-59, 763-
64, 766, 768, 770, 772-73, 818,
Navy, German, 58fn., 211, 305, 317,
318, 321, 354, 401, 529, 766-68,
772-73, 853. 1003, 1008, 1048,
1098, 1121-22, 1125, 1126, 1130;
Hitler's pledges to, 207, 214-15;
rebuilding program, 281-82, 287-
89, 299, 487-89; Memel, seizure
of, 456, 461-62; preparations for
war, 456, 468, 487-89, 518, 520,
524-25, 590; U-boats, 281, 289,
518, 520, 524, 571, 622, 635-36,
646, 667, 710, 879-83, 895, 902,
912, 913, 996, 1007, 1008, 1099;
war operations: in Atlantic, 622,
635-38, 646, 879-83, 895, 902,
913, 1007, 1008, 1036, 1039;
ship sinkings, 622, 635-36, 637-
38, 646, 913, 1007; ship losses,
669, 707, 709, 711-12, 773, 781,
l000fn; Norway invasion, 673-
75, 679, 681, 696-97, 701, 707,
709-12; invasion of Britain, 752,
756, 758-59, 761, 763-74, 781;
Mediterranean offensive urged,
816-20, 828-29; operations
against Russia, 845; surrender
negotiations, 1138
Nazi-Soviet Pact, 513-16, 520-28, 531,
535fn., 538-45, 547, 544-55,
562, 563, 566, 570, 578, 609, 626,
631, 794, 801, 802, 839, 847,
Near East, 812
Nebe, Arthur, 373-74, 1054-55, 1072
Neff, Walter, 987, 988
Netherlands, 281, 307, 470, 516, 531,
561, 590, 592, 640, 711, 717, 719,
723, 886; German war plans
against, 486, 487, 519fn., 644-47,
649-52, 656, 658, 665, 669, 671,
672, 694, 710, 714-19, 739, 793;
conquest of, 713, 720-24; German
occupation of, 759, 943,
956-57, 969, 1090, 1099, 1126,
Netherlands Air Force, 955
Netherlands Army, 718, 722, 723
Neudeck, 181, 182, 214, 219, 228-229
Neuhaus, 662fn.
Neumann, Franz L., 60
Neunzert, Lieutenant, 72
Neurath, Baron Konstantin von, 164,
184, 229, 276, 283, 291, 295, 298,
301.305, 308, 309, 310, 319, 320,
323, 335, 345, 365, 415, 448, 662,
991, 1032, 1142-43
"Neville Chamberlain" (Masefield),
"New Beginning, A" (Hitler editorial),
118, 122
Newton, Sir Basil, 390
New York, 376, 685fn.
New York Journal-American, 748
New York Times, 245, 397fn., 477fn.,
595fn., 748fn.. 897fn.
Nibelungenlied, 102
Niblack (U.S. destroyer), 880, 883fn.
Nidda, Krug von, 924
Niederdorf, 918fn., 1074
Niekisch, Ernst, 373
Niemen river, 851-52
Niemoeller, Rev. Martin, 235, 236, 237,
238, 239, 352, 655fn.
Nietzsche, Friedrich Wilhelm, 97, 99,
100, 101, 102-3, 110, III
Nieuwe Maas river, 721, 722
Nikitchenko, Gen. I. T., 959
Nile river, 913, 914, 919, 925
Noel, Leon, 536, 543fn., 586, 605fn.,
Nomura, Adm. Kichisaburo, 873fn.,
884-87, 891, 892
Nordic Society, 676
Norge (Norw. naval vessel), 701
Normandy, 1037, 1038, 1040, 1076,
1085, 1089, 1092
North Africa, 740, 757, 812, 813, 817,
818, 820, 827, 829, 850, 902, 910-
14, 919-25, 928-29, 995, 1009,
1029, 1079; Allied landing in,
921-25, 933
North German Confederation, 95
North Germanic Union, 769
North Sea, 646, 673, 695, 720, 764, 768
Norway, 561, 716, 805, 841; German
war plans against, 673-83, 689,
694; Altmark incident, 679-80;
invasion of, 698, 700-13, 719,
721, 793, 826; history of monarchy,
704fn.; German occupation
of, 709fn., 752, 768, 775,
801, 811, 914, 956-57, 993
Norwegian Army, 676, 678, 704, 708,
Norwegian Leads, 696
Noske, Gustav, 55, 60
"November criminals, " 32, 38, 63, 69.
70, 112
N.S. Briefe, 123
N.S.D.A.P., see National Socialist German
Workers' Party
Nuremberg, 26, 44, 50, 63, 90, 207, 340,
378-79, 987, 1106, 1107, 1111,
Nuremberg Laws (Sept. 15, 1935), 233,
274fn., 431, 439
Nuremberg party rallies, 90, 207, 230.
26~ 378, 382-83, 40~ 425, 518,
562, 1107
Nybergsund, 705, 706
Oberg, Maj. Gen. Karl, 1060, 1075, 1076
Oberheuser, Dr. Herta, 990
Obersalzberg, see Berchtesgaden
Occupied Eastern Territories, Ministry
for the, 940, 952
Ochs-Adler, Col. Julius, 750fn.
Ochsner, Colonel, 869
Oder river, 1097, 1103, 1106, 1109, 1120
Odessa, 811
Ohlendorf, Otto, 953, 958-62, 963fn.
OKH, see Army High Command
OKM (Oberkommando der Kriegsmarine,
High Command of the
Navy), 638
OKW (Oberkommando der Wehrmacht,
High Command of the Armed
Forces), 318, 335, 363, 379, 400,
482, 795, 816, 825, 1027, 1047,
1049, 1050, 1072, 1115, 1130;
Austrian, Czech invasion plans,
335, 360-61, 370, 375, 377, 378,
387, 393, 421, 428; Polish invasion,
469, 487, 518, 529fn., 532,
551, 595fn., 599, 629, 660-61;
western front, 640, 644, 652, 656.
671, 716-20, 722, 723, 725-29.
731-35, 1038; Norway campaign,
673, 678, 679, 681, 696; activities
in U.S., 684, 685, 749fn.; Battle of
Britain, 761, 756, 758, 76~ 763-
68; Barbarossa, 797, 799, 810.
812, 822, 829, 831, 853, 856-58.
918fn., 919, 925, 929, 933, 952.
953; Mediterranean and N.
Africa, 921, 922, 924; Italian defection,
996, 999, 1001, 1006;
surrender, 1138; see also Jodl;
Abwehr (Intelligence Bureau), 331fn.,
374, 377, 462, 518, 558, 648-49.
654, 685, 693, 1018, 1019, 1024,
1026, 1029, 1036, 1043fn., 1045,
1072; see also Canaris; Oster
Economic and Armaments Branch,
413fn., 517, 667fn., 799; see also
Thomas, Gen. Georg
Olav Trygverson (Norw. mine layer),
Olbricht, Gen. Friedrich, 904, 1018-19,
1027, 1029, 1030, 1035, 1036,
1045, 1046-47, 1054, 1057,
1058-59, 1060-61, 1064fn., 1065,
1066-67, 1068
Olden, Rudolf, 19fn., 26, 128
Oldenburg, 163
Olympic games (1936), 232-33, 234,
Operations (code names):
Aida, 913
Alpine Violets, 821
Attila, 820-21
Axis, 1000, 1001
Bernhard, 519fn.
Black (Schwarz), 1000
Citadel, 1006
Dynamo, 735
Eagle (Adlerangrife), 774-75
Flash, 1018-21
Greif, 1090fn., 1092fn.
Hercules, 913
Himmler, 518
Isabella, 817
Marita, 823, 824
Oak (Eiche), 1000, 1003
Punishment, 826
Student, 1000
Sunflower, 821
Typhoon, 859
Winter Gale, 927
Oppeln, 519
Oppenheim, 1101, 1102
Oradour-sur-Glane, 993
Oran, 923
Oranienburg, 272, 571
Order Castles (Ordensburgen), 255
Ordllertruppe, 42
Orel, 854, 863, 1006
Orleans, 1085
Orne river, 1038
Oshima, Gen. Hiroshi, 872, 885, 887-
88, 889, 890, 891, 893, 895, 896
Oskar, Prince of Prussia, 907
Oskarsborg, 702-3
Oslo, 614fn., 639, 676, 677, 681, 695,
697, 698, 701, 702-3, 704, 705,
708, 709fn., 710, 721
"Oslo" powers, 561
Ostend, 770
Oster, Col. Hans, 374, 380, 381, 405,
406-7, 558, 563, 596, 648-51,
652, 654, 694, 715-16, 846fn.,
904, 1017, 1024, 1073
Osthilfe (Eastern Relief), 180, 181
"Ostland, " 832
Ott, Gen. Eugen, 173, 174, 877, 878.
884, 886, 889, 893fn.
Otto, Crown Prince, of Austria, 304,
333-34, 335
"Otto" (Code name), 810; see also Case
Oumansky, Constantine, 544fn., 843
Oven, Margarete von, 1035
Pacholegg, Anton, 985
Pacific, 873, 875, 877fn., 901
Pact of Steel, 482-84, 511fn., 553, 556,
565, 603
Paderewski, Ignace, 784
Palatinate, 110 1
Palestine, 747, 813
Pan-American Neutrality Patrol, 880
Pan-German Nationalists (Austrian),
Papen, Franz von, 3, 4, 56fn., 167, 169.
170-75, 189, 191, 192, 196, 216,
227-29, 234, 321fn., 357, 1126;
background, 164-66; intrigues
with and against Hitler, 177-84;
named Vice-Chancellor and
Prussian Premier, 183-86; booted
out of Prussian premiership, 204;
protests Nazi excesses, 215, 218,
219; escapes purge, 222, 223;
minister to Austria, 229, 280,
296, 319; role in Anschluss, 323-
33, 338, 342, 343, 348; acquitted
at Nuremberg, 1142-43
Paris, 177, 404, 420, 423, 425, 430,
436-37, 487, 595, 726, 738, 741,
760, 794, 945, 1054, 1060, 1074-
75, 1085
Paris Peace Conference, 359
Parsifal (Wagner), 103
"Party Rally of Peace, " 467, 518, 562
Pas de Calais, 762, 1037
Pasewalk, 29, 32
Pastors' Emergency League, 238
Patch, Gen. Alexander, 1086
Patria, S.S., 377
Patriotic Front, 338
Patton, Gen. George S., 1076. J085,
1086, 1089, 1093, 1094, 1101,
Paul, Prince Regent of Yugoslavia, 823
Paulus, Field Marshal Friedrich, 830,
840, 909, 918fn., 919, 926-27,
929-34, 1014-15
Pearl Harbor, 870, 887, 888, 891, 892,
893, 894, 896, 899, 901/1l.
peasants, German, 91-94, 236, 256-57
Pechel, Rudolf, 558
Peenemunde, 1009
Peiper, Col. Jochen, 1095fn.
Peipus, Lake, 1052
Pemsel, Maj. Gen. Max, 1038, 1039
People's Court (Volksgericht), 269,
375, 1023, 1025/1l., 1060fn.,
1068, 1070-71, 1072, 1073, 1074,
1076-77, 1079, 1080
People's Marine Division, 54, 55
People's Party, Bavarian, see Bavarian
People's Party
People's Party, German, see German
People's Party
Pershing, Gen. John J., 750/1l.
Persia, see Iran
Persian Gulf, 805, 809, 829, 915
Perth, Lord, 408
Pertinax (Andre Geraud), 390, 424fn.
Petacci, Clara, 1005, 1131
Petain, Marshal Henri Philippe, 643fn.,
737, 738, 741, 745-46, 747, 812,
814-15, 923-24
Peter, King of Yugoslavia, 823, 826
Peters, Dr. Gerhard, 972
Petersberg, 391
Petersdorff, Captain von, 942
Petsamo, 811, 846
Petzel, Gen. Walter, 557
Pfaffenberger, Andreas, 984
Philip, Prince of Hesse, 146, 336, 343,
352, 984fn., 1003
Phipps, Sir Eric, 384, 610, 617
Picasso, Pablo, 244
Piedmont, 554
Pichelsdorf, 1129, 1137
Pierlot, Hubert, 729
Piffraeder, Oberfuehrer, 1061
Pilsudski, Marshal Jozef, 209, 213, 458
Pinder, Professor, 251
Pissa river, 629, 631
Pitman, Key, 478fn.
Pittsburgh, Pa., 358
Pius XI, Pope 235
Pius XII, Pope (Eugenio Pacelli), D4,
561, 648, 693, 747, 1024
Plettenberg, Countess Elizabeth von,
Ploen, 1134
Ploesti, 1085
Ploetzensee prison, 1071, 1076
Poehner, Ernst, 71
Poelzl, Klara, see Hitler, Klara Poelzl
Poetsch, Dr. Leopold, 13
Pohl, Dr. Emil, 974
Pohl, Oswald, 963-64, 974
Poincare, Raymond, 61
Pokorny, Dr. Adolf, 979-80, 990
Poland, 41, 84, 209, 211, 282, 283, 359,
466fn., 639-43, 657, 692, 693,
710; created by Versailles Treaty,
58, 458-59; nonaggression pact
with Hitler, 212-13, 286; relations
with France, 212-13, 295,
299, 306, 426-27, 457, 458; German
plans for war with, 304,
437, 463, 467-69, 484-89, 491,
494, 496-99, 507-11, 5 I 3, 515-
21, 525-32, 542. 556-57, 565,
589-91; policy toward Czechs,
362, 368, 377, 387-88, 417/1l.,
421; toward Russia, 377, 457,
459, 460, 464, 469, 478, 495,
536-37, 543; Hitler demands
Danzig and Corridor, 455-61,
463-71, 499, 500; British, French
representations in support of,
460, 464-66, 469, 472, 495, 504,
506, 516-17, 533-38, 545-51,
556-57, 562, 568-89, 591-93,
600-2, 604-20, 634; Nazi-Soviet
talks on partition of, 482, 501,
505, 515-21, 541-44, 562; Italy
refuses to enter war against, 551-
57, 564-68, 603-4; German
propaganda campaign against,
563-64, 575-76, 593-95; German
invasion and conquest of, 597,
600, 603, 619-20, 625-27, 632,
633, 635, 714-15, 719, 720, 838,
1124; Russian invasion of, 626-
32, 639; German occupation of,
659-65, 687, 782, 796, 799, 808,
832, 839, 842, 904, 937, 938,
944, 945, 947-48, 950, 956-58,
964-68, 974-79, 993, 1009fn.,
1139, 1143; liberation, 1007,
1041, 1090, 1096-97
Polish Air Force, 600, 625
Polish Army, 462, 469, 472, 520, 536-
37, 542, 557, 620, 621, 625, 626,
633-35, 708
Polish Corridor, 212, 455, 457, 461,
462, 464, 465, 471, 497, 509,
546, 563, 569, 572-73, 575, 576,
577, 582, 583, 608-9, 625
Polish Navy, 695
Political Workers' Circle, 36
Pomerania (Pomorze), 458, 460, 497,
Popitz, Johannes, 373, 659, 670, 846fn.,
904, 907, 908, 1017, 1023, 1072
Porsche, Dr. Ferdinand, 266
Portugal, 785, 788, 789, 792, 817
Posen, 212, 458, 626, 659, 937-38, 944,
954, 966
Potemkin, Vladimir, 482
Potsdam, 3, 54-55, 166, 182, 196-97,
375, 413, 1072
Pour le Merite (Ger. decoration), 49
Po Valley, 1107
Prague, 332, 376-77, 383, 419, 420,
443-44, 446, 447fn., 448, 991,
992, 1064
Pravda, 496
Preuss, Hugo, 56fn., 241
Preysing, Cardinal Count, 1048fn.
Price, Ward, 280-81, 283
Prien, Ober1eutnant Guenther, 646
Priess, Hermann, 1095fn.
Priestley, J. B., 784
Primo de Rivera, Miguel, 787, 788
Prince 0/ Wales (Br. battleship), 901fn.
Prinz Eugen (Ger. hvy. cruiser), 914
Pripet Marshes, 810, 811
prisoners of war, 744, 854fn., 932, 940,
942fn., 946-47, 948, 949, 951-
56, 969, 973, 979, 1029, 1086,
1095fn., 1100, 1105, 1114-15
Progressive Party, 55-56
Propaganda Ministry, 167, 196, 204,
244-45, 246, 247, 387, 636, 638,
1061, 1062-63, 1110, 1121-22,
1143; see also Goebbels
Protestant Church, 235, 236, 237, 238,
239, 240, 251
Proust, Marcel, 241
Prussia (kingdom), 92-98, 196-97, 236,
259, 1015, 1087
Prussia (federal state), 154, 155, 159,
160, 165, 184, 186, 191, 200; see
also East Prussia, West Prussia
Pryor, Gen. W. W., 698-99
Puaux, Gabriel, 334fn.
Puch, 821
Qattara Depression, 919
Quisling, Maj. Vidkun Abraham Lauritz,
675-78, 701, 704, 705, 706,
709fn., 755fn.
Raczynski, Count Edward, 551, 602
radar, 775, 776, 781, 1007, 1037
Raeder, Gr. Adm. Erich, 207, 214-15,
273, 305, 313, 314, 317, 321, 365,
401, 462, 484, 487, 488, 497,
515fn., 529fn., 622, 636-38, 646,
667, 670, 742, 873, 877, 878fn.,
914, 915, 1080; naval building
program, 281-82, 487, 622; Norway
campaign, 674-79, 683, 696,
697fn., 710; Britain invasion
plans, 752, 758-59, 763-68, 770,
771; urges concentration on
Mediterranean area, 812-13,
818-21, 828-29, 912-13; urges
attack on U.S. shipping, 879, 880,
882, 895, 901-2; ousted as Navy
C. in C., 1000; sentenced at
Nuremberg, 1143
Ramsgate, 762, 763, 766, 767
Rangsdorf, 1048, 1054-55, 1057, 1058
Rapallo, 494
Rascher, Dr. Sigmund, 984-90
Rashid Ali, 828, 841
Rassenkunde, 259; see also "master race"
Rastenburg, E. Prussia, 101, 849. 863,
919, 920, 922, 925, 928, 932.941,
998, 1001, 1002, 1004. 1010.
1015, 1020, 1026-27, 1034. 1058.
1062, 1066, 1069, 1070, 1075.
1077, 1080, 1107; attempt to
assassinate Hitler at, 1045-57
Rath, Ernst vom, 430-31
Rathenau, Walther, 34, 51, 241. 245
Rattenhuber, Oberfuehrer, 1049
Raubal, Angela Hitler, 9, 131
Raubal, Friedl, 131
Raubal, Geli, 9-10, 131, 132, 152, 153,
221, 223, 244fn., 1111
Rauschning, Hermann, 169, 784
Ravensbrueck, 272, 979, 989, 990, 992,
Real, Jean, 105
Reckse, Doctor, 1025
Red, Case, 303
Reed, Douglas, 784
Regensburg, 71
Regina Palace Hotel, Munich, 418
Reich Broadcasting Corp., 247, 467fn.
Reich Central Security Office, see
Reich Chamber of Art, 244
Reich Chamber of Culture, 241-44
Reich Chamber of Films, 247
Reich Chamber of Radio, 247
"Reich Church, " 237, 238, 240
Reich Committee of German Youth Associations,
Reich Defense Council (Reichsverteidigungsrat),
208, 275, 281, 282,
290, 497-98
Reich Defense Law, secret (May 31,
1935), 259, 285fn.
Reich Economic Chamber, 262
Reichenau, Field Marshal Walter von,
183, 325, 335, 626, 724, 725,
730, 755fn., 762, 763, 767,
861fn., 903fn.
Reich Food Estate, 258
Reich Governors, 200
Reich Music Chamber, 242
Reich Press Chamber, 246
Reich Press Law (Oct. 4, 1933), 245
Reichsbank, 145. 146. 204. 260, 261,
311, 351-52, 439fll., 973-74
Reichsbanner, 160
Reichsgericht (Ger. Supreme Court).
Reichsgesetzhlatt (official gazette), 434
Reichskriegsflagge. 71, 72
Reichsrat. 153. 198
Reichstag. 95. 151. 153, 163, 173, 174,
176, 180, 194, 318, 560; Nazi
representation in, 118. 119, 123,
138, 146.148, 149.166, 172.186.
196: Nazi program in. 127, 144,
162.167.184, 196-201, 229, 237;
dissolutions of. 137, 155, 161,
164-65. 170-72, 179, 181, 189.
294fn, elections of, 138, 166,
172, 211, 237, 347; Goebbels expelled
from, 157; support of Hitler-
Papen govt., 182, 197-201,
210, 274; votes Hitler absolute
power, 867; Hitler speeches in,
213, 234, 291, 562-63, 828, 834;
repudiation of Versailles Treaty,
299, 300; on peace, 209, 280, 285,
290, 470-76, 641-42, 752-55,
761, 762; on 1934 purge, 220,
223, 224, 226, 268; on Anschluss,
348, 349; on Czech invasion, 365;
on beginning of Polish war, 598-
600, 603, 604; on war with U.S.,
895-900; on annihilation of Jews,
Reichstag fire, 146, 191-95, 196, 223,
269, 274, 653, 654
Reich Statistical Office, 264
Reichswehr, 33, 34, 46, 60; becomes
Wehrmacht, 285fn.; see also
Army, German
Reich Theater Chamber. 242-43
Reichwein, Adolf, 1044, 1072
Reims, 1093, 1138-39, 1141
Reinberger, Maj. Helmut, 671-72
Reinecke, General, 1063, 1065
Reinhardt, Gen. Georg-Hans, 724, 731,
Reinhardt, Max, 242
Reitlinger, Gerald, 970, 973, 978,
Reitsch, Hanna, 1111, 1118-19, 1120,
1122, 1133
Remagen, 1101
Remarque, Erich Maria, 241
Remer, Maj. Otto, 1061-66, 1069
Rennes, 1037
Renthe-Fink, Cecil von, 700
reparations, German, World War T, 51,
58, 61, 64, 112, 117, 136, 137,
152, 154, 943
Republican Party (U.S.), 748
Repulse (Br. battleship), 901fn.
Reuben James (U.S. destroyer), 883
Reuters, 1122
Reventlow, Count Ernst zu, 123
Reynaud, Paul, 720, 726, 729, 738
Rheydt, 124
Rhine river, 634, 646, 723, 738, 1088-
89, 1090, 1095, 1099, 1101, 1102,
Rhineland, remilitarization of, 211, 282,
286, 290-96, 299, 302, 327, 378,
459, 530, 543, 635, 657, 714
Rhone Valley, 691, 740, 1086
Ribbentrop, Gertrud von, 1056fn.
Ribbentrop, Joachim von, 233, 276, 302,
381, 406fn., 435fn., 507, 556-57,
560, 595fn., 596fn., 620, 672,
676, 741, 742, 751fn., 814, 924,
955, 1017fn., 1097, 1112, 1113,
1126, 1142-43; personal characteristics,
181, 298, 415, 436; ambassador
to Britain, 288, 298,
335, 344-45; appointed Foreign
Min., 319; and Goering, mutual
dislike, 298, 469, 483, 1056; at
Hitler-Schuschnigg meeting, 328,
347; and Czechoslovakia, 360,
364, 365, 376, 377, 405, 408, 409,
421, 429, 439-42, 444, 446-47,
449, 451-52; at Hitler-Chamberlain
talks, 385, 396; pact with
France, 437; negotiations with
Poland, 455-57, 459, 460-61,
463-64, 499, 588; rejects British,
French protests on Memel, 461-
62; talks with Duce, Ciano on
war co-operation, 436, 482-83,
508-10, 512, 548, 551-55, 564,
566, 687-90, 816, 821, 845, 910,
923; negotiations with U.S.S.R.,
491, 492, 50~ 501, 505, 513-1~
520-28, 531, 535fn., 537-41, 545,
547, 609, 621-22, 627, 629-31,
639, 674, 793-95, 801-9, 847-
49; negotiations with West on
Poland, 562, 570fn., 576-78, 580-
83, 585fn., 586-89, 591, 602,
605-7, 613; relations with U.S.,
637, 683, 686, 748, 871, 881-96
passim, 897fn.; rejects British,
French ultimatums, 615-18; relations
with Norway, Denmark,
696-98, 703, 704, 706; Windsor
kidnap plot, 785-91; dealings in
Balkans, 795, 800, 801, 823-24;
declaration of war on U.S.S.R.,
848-49; relations with Japan,
871-72, 874-78, 881-96; declaration
of war on U.S., 900
Riccione, 851
Richardson, William, 852fn., 912
Richthofen Fighter Squadron, 49
Rickenbacker, Eddie, 684
Riess, Curt, 1063fn.
Riga, 794, 967
Rintelen, General von, 825
Rio de Janeiro (Ger. transport), 695
Riom trial, 609fn.
Ripka, Herbert, 390
Ritter, Gerhard, 1046fn.
Riviera, French, 740, 1086
Robeson, Paul, 784fn.
Robin Moor (U.S. freighter), 882
Rocca delIe Caminate, 1005
Rockefeller, John D., 688
Roehm, Ernst, 4, 39, 46, 63, 120, 155,
159, 160, 313, 317, 371, 691, 834;
background, 38; with Goering,
organizes S.S., 49; in Beer Hall
Putsch, 66, 71, 73, 75; break with
Hitler (1925), 118; returns to
party, heads S.A., S.S., 146-48;
contact with Schleicher, 152, 161,
216; friendship with Hitler, 207,
216; named to Cabinet, 208; rift
with Hitler over radicalism, 204-
8, 213-17; purged, 219-22, 224-
26, 273, 1056-57
Roenne, Colonel Freiherr von, 1030
Roepke, Wilhelm, 95, 99fn., 251
Rokossovski, Gen. Konstantin, 929
Roman Catholic Church, 23, 24, 55-56,
61, 64, 92, 119, 157, 166, 201,
234-35, 237-40, 326, 332, 341,
350, 355, 370, 374, 1048, 1060fn.
Roman Empire, 104, 106, 305
Rome, 436, 450, 469-70, 746, 910, 996,
1001, 1002, 1004, 1005, 1006,
Rome-Berlin Axis, 298, 301, 324, 353,
478-79, 482-84, 491, 508, 547,
665-66, 800
Rommel, Field Marshal Erwin, 724,
999, 1000, 1085; in N. Africa,
827-29, 902, 911-15, 919-22,
934; in anti-Hitler plot, 1030-32,
1041-42, 1047, 1076-80; in
Normandy, 1036-42; urges Hitler
seek peace, is cashiered, 1039-
41; wounded in air attack, 1041-
42, 1047; suicide and funeral,

Rommel, Frau, 1031, 1078-79
Rommel, Manfred, 1078
Roosevelt, Franklin D., 435fn., 544 fn.,
684fn., 686fn., 688, 815fn.,
827fn., 828, 829, 871, 872, 874,
887, 888, 894-95, 907; peace
efforts, 209-10, 400, 469-75,
508fn., 560-61, 574, 683, 684,
687, 714, 749; recalls ambassador,
433fn., 685; negotiations
with Japanese, 873fn., 884-87,
892; Nazi gibes at, 470-75,
875fn., 897-900; Atlantic naval
policy, 877fn., 880-82; war aims,
904, 1033fn.; death of. delights
Nazis, 1110
Rosen, Count Eric von, 49
Rosenberg, Alfred, 39, 67, 73, 97, 108,
118, 122, 123, 149, 154, 236, 240.
253, 276, 835; background, 48-
49; contact with Quisling, 676-
78; and German occupation of
Eastern Europe, 832-34, 939-42,
947-48, 952-53; plunder of art
treasures, 945-46; Nuremberg
trial and execution, 1142-43
Rosenman, Samuel I., 897fn.
Ross, Colin, 683fn.
Rossbach, Lieutenant, 66
Rosterg, August, 144
Rostock, Capt. Max, 992
Rostov, 859, 860-61, 865, 916, 928, 952
"Rote Kapelle, " 1043fn.
Rothschild, Baron Louis de, 351
Rotterdam, 721, 722-23, 769
Rovno, 841
Royal Oak (Br. battleship), 646
R.S.H.A. (Reichssicherheitshauptamt,
Reich Central Security Office),
782-84, 958, 1024, 1026, 1063;
see also S.D.
rubber, synthetic, 282, 301, 840
Ruegen, 266
Ruge, Colonel, 704, 708, 709
Ruhr, 61-65, 112, 282, 301, 486, 517fn.,
634, 635, 645, 793, 1088-89,
1096, 1097, 1098, 1102, 1105
Rumania, 283, 399-400, 530, 626, 799,
817, 823, 824, 909; relations with
France, Britain, 295, 426-27,
469, 495; policy toward U.S.S.R.,
478, 495, 534, 538fn.; Hungary
takes Transylvania from, 800-1;
Nazi-Soviet struggle for control
of, 541, 609, 610, 632, 794, 795,
797, 800-1, 803-8, 810, 811, 815,
817, 820, 822, 823, 839, 842, 845,
847, 858; Nazi driven out by Red
Army, 1007, 1085, 1098
Rumanian Army, 869, 911, 915, 926,
928, 932
Runciman, Lord. 376-77, 386, 388-89,
392, 416
Rundfunkhaus, see Broadcasting House
Rundstedt, Field Marshal Gerd von, 165,
293, 355, 747, 757fn.; relieved
of commands (four times), 318-
19, 861, 865, 903fn., 1041, 1099;
in Polish invasion, 488, 497; in
Battle of France, 718, 726, 731-
34; named Field Marshal, 755fn..
Britain invasion plan, 761, 762;
Russian campaign, 830, 853, 855,
858-61, 865, 903fn.; and anti-
Hitler plotters, 906, 1030, 1032;
C. in C. West, 906, 918, 922, 923,
1036-41, 1086, 1087, 1089-91,
1094; sacked again, 1099
Rupprecht, Crown Prince of Bavaria,
46fn., 63, 67, 72-73, 371
Russell, Bertrand, 100fn., 784
Russian Air Force, 502fn., 855, 926,
1053, 1100
Russian Army, 502fn., 534, 797, 810,
811, 822; invades Poland, 627,
628; attacks Finland, 675 (see
also Finland; Russo-Finnish
War); seizes Baltic States, 794;
takes over Bessarabia, Bucovina,
795; war with Germany, 852,
854, 855, 857, 859-60, 862-65,
869, 886, 909, 915, 939, 973,
1000, 1006-7, 1033, 1036, 1041,
1042, 1046, 1085, 1090, 1096,
1097, 1105, 1107, 1120; at Stalingrad,
915, 922, 926-33; meets
Americans at Elbe, 1106, 1107,
1112; Battle of Berlin, 1l06,
1108, 1112, 1117, 1118, 1129,
1130, 1132, ; 1.34-36
Russo-Finnish War, 665-66, 668-69,
675, 676, 682, 683
Russo-Japanese neutrality pact, 876-77
Rust, Bernhard, 127, 248-49
Ruthenia, 440, 443, 449-50
Rzhev, 868
S.A. (Sturmabteilung, storm troopers or
Brownshirts), 3, 4-5, 143, 146-
48, 154, 159-60, 167, 169, 176,
183, 190, 191, 192, 194, 195, 199,
202fn., 237, 249, 263, 270, 271,
273, 1081; beginnings of, 38, 42-
43, 49; and Beer Hall Putsch,
66-71; conflict with Army, 120,
143, 204-8, 213-16, 226, 317;
Bruening's ban on, 160-65; Hitler's
suppression of, 215, 217,
219-26; role in Austrian Anschluss,
327, 351
Saalfelden, 529fn.
Saar, 283, 286, 568, 569, 738, 1095, 1101
Saarbruecken, 291fn., 435
Sachsenhausen, 238, 239, 270, 272, 352,
Sack, Dr. Carl, 140
Saefkow, Anton, 1044
St.-Germain, 1077
St.-Germain, Treaty of, 41, 347
St.-Hardouin, Jacques TarOO de, 506
St.-Lo, 1076
St.-Orner, 728, 731
St. Stephen's Cathedral, Vienna, 19, 338,
St. Wolfgang, 509
Sakhalin, 809
Salerno, 1002
Salonika, 823
Salzburg, 8, 27fn., 325, 330, 333, 337,
348, 350, 509, 546, 552, 910-11,
928, 995
Sammler, Rudolf, 1064fn.
San river, 541, 626, 629, 631
Sandomierz, 626
Sanger, Margaret, 241
San Remo, 440
Santayana, George, 100
Sarajevo, 826
Sardinia, 1003
Sas, Col. J. G., 694, 715-16
Saturday, Hitler's "surprise day," 284,
Sauckel, Fritz, 948fn., 951, 1142-43
Sauerbruch, Dr. Ferdinand, 251, 979fn.,
1025, 1029
Saxony, 65, 363
Scapa Flow, 646
Schacht, Dr. Hjalmar H. G., 112, 145-
46, 167, 189-90, 229, 351-52,
427, 918fn., 1073-74, IllS,
1142-43; plans for war economy,
259-61, 275, 285fn.; out of war
economy post, 310-11, 320; in
anti-Hitler conspiracy, 373, 405,
411-13, 517, 558, 560, 650, 659,
"Schaemmel, Major," 653
Scharnhorst, Gen. Gerhard Johann
David von, 1028, 1081
Scharnhorst (Ger. battle cruiser), 281,
711, 914
Schaub, Julius, 279, 1113
Schaumburg-Lippe, Prince, 519fn.
Scheidemann, Philipp, 34fn., 51, 52, 57,
Scheidt, Hans-Wilhelm, 678
Scheliha, Franz, 1043fn.
Schellenberg, Gen. Walter, 520fn., 653-
55, 783-84, 785, 787fn., 788, 789,
791, 991fn., 1066, 1114
Schelling, Friedrich Wilhelm Joseph von,
Scheringer, Lieutenant, 139-42
Scheubner-Richter, Max Erwin von, 67,
69, 70-74, 118
Schicklgruber, Alois, 6, 7, 1123
Schicklgruber, Maria Anna, 7
Schiller, Johann Christoph Friedrich
von, 97, 243
Schirach, Baldur von, 149, 252-53, 275,
348fn., 1142-43
Schkopau, 282
Schlabrendorff, Fabian van, 373, 374,
380fn., 558, 648, 905, 1014fn.,
1019. 1020-21, 1022fn., 1024,
1026. 1029, 1049, 1071-72,
1073fn., 1074
Schlageter, Leo, 967fn.
Schleicher, Gen. Kurt van, 3, 56fn., 137,
150-55, 159-67, 169-70, 172-75,
182, 183, 216; background, 150-
52; his chancellorship, 175-82,
229; purge victim, 222, 224, 320,
Schleswig, 58, 94, 1134
Schleswig-Holstein, 516
Schlieffen plan, 717
Schmid, Dr. Willi, 223, 224fn.
Schmidt, Gen. Arthur, 931
Schmidt, Charlotte (Frau van Brauchitsch),
Schmidt, Dr. Guido, 325, 326fn., 328,
329-30, 344fn.
Schmidt, Hans, 316, 317, 354
Schmidt, Dr. Paul, 293, 301, 408, 409,
436fn., 437, 441fn., 538, 551,
555, 556, 580-82, 606-7, 613-14,
639, 684fn., 686, 688-89, 744,
804, 805, 807, 814, 815, 834,
848-49, 874; on Hitler-Chamberlain
negotiations, 385, 386, 392,
394, 395, 397, 398, 399fn., 401,
415, 419, 549; anti-Hitler conspirator,
406; at Hitler-Hacha
meeting, 445, 447; at Hitler-Duce
meetings, 816, 996, 1055-56; at
Hitler-Matsuoka meeting, 876;
on Hitler's declaring war on U.S.,
Schmidt, Theresa, 14
Schmidt, Willi, 223-24
Schmidthuber, Herr, 1024
Schmitt, Dr. Karl, 206, 261
Schmundt, Gen. Rudolf, 357, 360, 378,
484, 485, 1019, 1022, 1054fn.
Schneidhuber, Obergruppenfuehrer, 221,
Schniewind, Adm. Otto, 484, 766
Schnitzler, Arthur, 241
Schnitzler, Georg van, 144, 190
Schnurre, Dr. Julius, 476, 481, 495, SOO,
501, 505, 506, 513, 525, 667, 668,
Schobert, Gen. Eugen Ritter von, 355
Schoenaich, General Freiherr von, 32fn.
Schoenerer, Georg Ritter van, 23
Schoenfeld, Dr. Hans, 1017, 1018
Schoerner, Field Marshal Ferdinand,
1113, 1121, 1129
Scholl, Hans, 1022-23
Scholl, Sophie, 1022-23
Schopenhauer, Arthur, 103
Schrader, Col. Werner, 1027
Schreiber, Capt. Richard, 676, 702
Schroeder, Baron Kurt von, 144, 178
Schulenburg, Herr van, 228
Schulenburg, Count Friedrich Werner
van der, 376, 476-77, 481-82.
490-94, 496, 500, 501, 505, 513.
514, 520, 521fn., 522-28, 540fn ..
621, 627-31, 793, 795, 801. 803.
839, 840-41, 842, 844, 847-49.
876; in anti-Hitler conspiracy,
1033, 1072
Schulenburg, Count Fritz van der, 413,
1047, 1072
Schultze, Capt. Herbert, 636fn.
Schulung, 290, 291
Schultz, Dr. Walther, 74
Schulze-Boysen, Harold, 1043fn.
Schuschnigg, Kurt van, 180, 280, 295-
96, 351, 385, 456, 457, 578-79;
Anschluss, 323-44, 345fn., 346-
52; meets with Hitler, 325-30;
appeals to Mussolini, 334-35,
339, 343; resigns, 341; arrested,
352; in concentration camp, 353,
918fn., 1074, 1115
Schuschnigg, Vera (Countess Czernin),
Schutzbar, Baroness Margot van, 355
SchutzstafIel, see S.S.
Schwaegermann, Guenther, 1136
Schwaerzel, Helene. 1072
Schwarz, Franz Xavier, 133
Schwerin van Krosigk, Count Lutz, 164,
260, 434, 943, 1107, 1109, 1110,
Science, Education and Popular Culture,
Reich Ministry of, 248-49
Scotland, 675, 682, 834, 913
S.D. (Sicherheitsdienst, S.S. Security
Service), 271, 273-74, 315, 430,
518-19, 520fn., 654, 782fn., 783,
785, 952, 953, 955, 956, 958, 960,
963fn., 965, 991-93, 1060-61,
1063, 1066, 1074-75, 1077
"Sea Lion," code name for invasion of
Britain, 753
Sebekovsky, Doctor, 383
Second Reich, see Germany, Second
Secret Cabinet Council (Geheimer
Kabinettsrat), 275, 319fn.
Security Service, see S.D.
Sedan, 718, 723, 724
Seeckt, Gen. Hans von, 34, 55fn., 60,
64-65, 66, 71, 139, 142, 150, 212,
458, 459, 494
Seeds, Sir William, 477fn., 480, 504fn.,
534, 535
Seidlitz, Gertrud, 46
Seine river, 1037, 1085, 1086
Seisser, CoI. Hans von, 65-72, 75-76
Seldte, Franz, 184
Semmering, 915, 919
Senne, 1102
Serafimovich, 926
Serbia, 824, 841
Serrano Suner, Ramon, 787, 788, 814
Seven Years' War, 1108, 1110
Severn river, 763
Sevez, Gen. Francois, 1139
Seyss-Inquart, Dr. Arthur, 296, 328,
331-33, 337-42, 347, 441, 442,
661, 677, 1126, 1143
SHAEF, 1105, 1106
Shakespeare, William, 243
Shaposhnikov, Gen. Boris M., 504
Shaw, George Bernard, 243, 784
Shawcross, Sir Hartley, 961
Sherwood, Robert E., 877fn.
Shetland Is., 673
Shkvarzev, Alexander, 617
Shulman, Milton, 319fn., 732fn., 757fn.
Siberia, 833, 840, 885, 886, 932
Sibibor, 967
Sicily, 912, 996, 999, 1002fn.
Sidi Barrani, 817
Sidor, Karol, 440-41
Siegfried Line, 1086, 1089
Siemens, electrical company, 145
Sievers, Wolfram, 980-81, 982
Siewert, Lt. Col. Curt, 591
Silesia, 212, 363, 463, 497, 518, 575,
626, 797, 944, 1096, 1097, 1098
Silex, Karl, 245
Silvertown, Eng., 780
Simon, Sir John, 283, 288, 410, 453, 837
Simovic, Gen. Dusan, 823, 826
Simpson. Gen. William H .. 1105
Simpson, Mrs., see Windsor, Duchess of
Sinclair, Upton, 241
Singapore, 873. 874. 876, 877, 883, 885.
Sirovy, Gen. Jan, 391, 420, 421
Six, Dr. Franz, 782-83
Skagerrak, 695, 702
Skorzeny. Otto, 519. 1003-4, 1066,
1068-69, 1090fn., 1092
Skubl, Doctor, 337, 338
slave labor, 111, 484-85, 497, 940, 94fr.
51, 954, 966, 968, 975, 979, 1034
Slavs, 21, 22, 83, 87, 88, 93, 97, 429-30.
937, 939, 950, 951
Slovakia, 358-59, 421, 429, 437-43.
449, 450-51, 460, 519, 626. 911,
Smigly-Rydz, Marshal Edward, 458-59,
583, 601
Smith, Capt. Truman, 46fn.
Smith, Gen. Walter Bedell, 1106, 1138-
Smolensk, 853, 856, 859, 1006, 1014,
1019, 1022. 1052
Snow, C. P., 784
Social Democrats; Austrian, 18, 22, 42,
325fn., 334, 337fn., 350
Social Democrats, (Socialists), German,
31fn., 32-34, 37, 40, 55 96fn.,
126, 129, 137, 138, 153, 155-
57, 160, 165, 166, 172, 174, 178-
79, 181, 185, 186. 190, 194, 195,
196, 198-99, 201, 210, 231, 237,
1044; proclaim Republic, 52;
make deal with Army, 53-55,
60-61; largest party in nation,
55-56, 95, 112, 118; party dissolved,
Socialists, Left, 52
Soissons, 1039
Sola airfield, Norway, 702
Sola river, Poland, 971
"Soldiers' Councils, " 34, 54
Solf, Anna, 1025
Somme river, 30, 727, 728, 732, 737,
738, 759
Sondergericht, see Special Court
Sonderkommando, 970
Song of the Nibelungs (Mell), 102
Sonnenburg, 491
South Africa, 957
Soviet Congress of Germany, 54
Soviet Union, 54, 57, 150, 209, 232.280,
282, 299, 306, 307, 353, 455, 470,
550fn., 711fn., 752, 771, 783,
822, 827, 829, 843, 1033, 1044,
1070, 1098, 1104, 1116-17;
Hit[er's aims toward, 82-84, 299,
383, 426, 464, 669, 774, 785,
795-99. 810-13, 818, 821, 822,
829, 830, 837-47, 849-50, 871,
873-79; France, pact and relations
with, 285, 290-91, 295, 354,
389, 390, 392, 404, 427; German-
Czech issue, policy on, 285, 346,
354, 361, ~62, 364-68, 376, 377,
383, 389, 390, 392, 404, 409;
collective security, talks with
Britain and France, 353, 460,
479, 489-92.495-96, 500-4, 506,
521, 523.525, 531, 533-38, 541,
542, 610; Poland, relations with,
377, 458, 459, 461, 464, 468, 478,
482, 485, 513-16, 521-22, 533-
38 (see also invasion of Poland,
below); excluded from talks on
Czechosl., Poland, 404, 409, 419,
427, 465fn., 466, 478, 481, 489;
rapprochement with Germany,
talks on trade and Poland, 476-
77, 480-82, 489-96, 500-3, 505-
7, 508fn., 510-12, 553, 556, 560,
617, 620-22, 626-31, 639-41,
645, 657, 666-70, 674, 687,
695fn., 747, 794-96, 800-5,
808-10, 839-40, 842, 844 (see
also Nazi-Soviet Pact); and
Baltic States, 495, 501, 502, 515,
521, 534, 539, 541, 542, 544,
630-32, 657, 665-66, 668, 683,
747, 793-94, 797, 801; relations
with Japan, 521, 522, 876-77,
878, 886, 890-92, 895; invasion
of Poland, 626-32, 641; war
against Finland, 665-66, 676,
683, 806; activity in Balkans,
747, 800-3, 805-7, 817, 839, 841;
German war against, 847-48,
853-54, 857, 859-63, 870, 880,
886, 901, 910, 1010-11, 1017fn.,
1018, 1139; German occupation
of, 830-34, 843, 846, 851, 854,
915, 937, 939, 940, 943-44, 947-
48, 950, 954, 955, 957, 958, 962-
66, 979, 993, 1029, 1139; Italy
declares war on, 851; see also
Russian Air Force; Russian Army
Spa, Germany, 54, 59, 153, 1092
Spaak, Paul-Henri, 672, 713-14
Spain, 281; civil war, 297-301, 304, 307,
373, 419, 566, 814; and World
War II, 529, 642-43, 785-89,
791, 792, 814, 817, 819, 850, 911
Spandau, 1066
Spartacists, 52, 54-55; see also Communists
in Germany
Special Court (Sondergericht), 239, 269.
Speer, Albert, 947fn., 1087, 1097, 1098.
1103-4, 1111fn., 1117-18, 1126,
Speidel, Gen. Hans, 1031-32, 1037,
1038, 1039, 1040, 1041, 1042,
1047, 1075, 1076-77, 1079,
1085fn., 1086, 1088
Spender, Stephen, 784
Spengler, Oswald, 61, 208
Sperrle, Field Marshal Hugo, 325,
755fn., 775
Spiller, Captain, 703, 704
Spital, 7, 8, 9, 14, 23
Spitfires (Br. fighter planes), 736, 775,
776, 913
Sponeck, Gen. Count Hans von, 865-
66, 903
Sportpalast, Berlin, 157, 207, 237, 396,
397-98, 407, 415, 643, 779-80
Spree river, 1137
S.S. (Schutzstaffel), Blackshirts, 143-
45, 160, 202fn., 205, 255, 263,
269, 276, 301, 348fn., 352, 369,
372, 444, 461-62, 1023, 1055,
1114, 1121, 1122, 1126, 1127,
1129, 1136-37, 1141; organization
of, 120-21, 148, 270, 273;
control police, 191, 274; conflict
with Army, 214, 226, 315, 317,
355, 660, 1024; role in Roehm
purge, 215, 220, 222, 224, 226;
atrocities, 271, 272, 351, 430,
659-64, 834, 934, 937-38, 947,
953, 965-68, 971, 973-78, 980-
81, 983-86, 990, 1029 (see also
concentration camps; and see
names of individual occupied
countries); and anti-Hitler plotters,
374, 670, 1031, 1034, 1035,
1057, 1060-61, 1063-66, 1068,
1073-75, 1077; in Czechoslovakia,
388, 449, 991; Polish
border "incident, " 518-19, 595,
599; Venlo incident, 652-55; and
Britain occupation plan, 782-85;
rescues Mussolini, 1003-4; arrests
Goering, I I 18
Security Service, see S.D.
Standarte 89, 279
Waffen S.S., 976, 1015, 1121
Waffen S.S. units:
1st S.S. Armored (Panzer) Corps,
1005, 1095fn.
1st S.S. Panzer Div., 1095fn.
Sixth S.S. Panzer Army, 1095fn.
12th S.S. Panzer Div., 1038
Bodyguards (Leibstandarte), 553,
664, 905, 1005, 1040fn .. 1049,
Das Reich Div., 993
Panzer Lehr Div., 1038
Staatspartei, see Democratic Party
Stachiewicz, General, 536, 537
Stadelheim prison, Munich, 221, 222fn.
Stahlecker, Franz, 962
Stahlhelm, 154, 157, 191
Stalin, Joseph, 276, 427, 476-80, 496,
513, 514-15, 522, 526, 657, 689,
821, 839, 845, 852fn., 855, 939,
1029; German pact, trade negotiations,
526-28, 531, 535fn.,
540, 538-44, 549, 562, 630-32,
665, 667-70, 799, 800, 803,
804fn., 805, 809-10, 839-44;
warned by West of German attack,
544fn., 796, 843; invasion
of Poland, 628-32; operations in
Baltic and Balkan states, 665,
793-95, 797; suspicious of British,
835, 837-38; takes over as
Prime Min., 841; signs neutrality
pact with Japan, 876; war leadership,
909, 917, 995, 996, 1033,
1097; and German peace offers,
1011, 1012, 1017fn., 1033, 1135
Stalingrad, 830, 857, 859, 861, 865, 909,
911, 914-19, 922, 924, 925-34,
975. 996, 1006, 1014-15, 1022,
1029, 1125
Stark, Johannes, 250
Statistical Year Book, 257
Stautfenberg, Count Berthold von, 1047,
1048, 1072
Stauffenberg, Lt. Col. Klaus Philip
Schenk, Count von, 1027-31,
1033-36, 1042-55, 1057-61,
1064-65, 1067-71, 1072, 1075
Stauffenberg, Countess Nina von, 1029
Stauning, Thorvald, 698
Stavanger, 677, 681, 696, 702, 707, 721
Stavelot, 1092
Stefanie, 15
Stein, Lt. Walter, 662fn.
Steiner, Gen. Felix, 1112-13, 1120
Steinhardt, Laurence, 52Ifn., 544fn., 843
Stempfle, Father Bernhard, 85, 133. 223
Sternberg, 43
Stevens, Maj. R. H., 653-55, 692
Steyr, II, 14
Stieff, Gen. Hemuth, 1020, 1026, 1030,
1049, 1070-71, 1075
Stockholm, 695, 843, 1017, 1024. 1026,

Stock mar, Baron Christian Friedrich
von, 373
Stohrer, Eberhard von, 785-86
storm troopers, see S.A.
Storting (Norw. Parliament), 703
Stotzingen, Baroness, 222
Strang, William, 391, 495-96, 503fn.,
523, 533
Strasbourg, 983
Strasbourg, University of, 980-83
Strasser, Gregor, 118, 122-29, 132, 143,
144, 146-49, 152, 154-55, 157,
159, 167, 171, 173, 174, 176-78,
180, 216, 222, 224, 691
Strasser, Otto, 123, 126, 127, 147, 224
Strauss, Gen. Adolf, 762
Strauss, Richard, 242
Streck, Major, 74
Streicher, Julius, 26, 44-45, 50, 73-74,
106, 118, 253, 1142-43
"Strength through Joy" (Kraft durch
Freude) movement, 254, 265-66
Stresa Conference, 285, 288, 289, 296
Stresemann, Gustav, 56, 64, 66, 112, 136,
201, 212
Stroelin, Dr. Karl, 1031, 1032
Strones, 7
Stroop, Juergen, 975-78
Stuckart, Dr. Wilhelm, 347
Sfudie England (naval invasion plan),
Stuelpnagel, Gen. Karl Heinrich von,
378, 379, 591, 644, 957, 1031,
1032, 1047, 1059. 1060, 1074-77
Stuka (Ger. plane), 720, 723, 725, 776
Stumme, General, 920
Stumpff, Gen. Hans-Juergen, 775
Sturmabteilung, see S.A.
Stuttgart, 1031
Styria, 350
Sudeten Free Corps, 387, 388
Slidetenland, 358-61, 363, 365, 381fn.,
382-83, 385-87, 392-95, 397,
398, 402-4, 406, 408, 410,
416-17, 421, 422, 425-28, 439,
444, 469, 476, 530, 543, 598, 657,
692, 693, 904; early Hitler designs
on, 41, 84, 333, 359; never
part of Germany, 358, 385fn.;
Nazi agitation in, 359-60, 363,
383-84, 387-88; Runciman mission
on, 376-77, 386-88; cession
demanded by Britain, France,
389, 390, 402, 416-17; Hitler's
"last territorial claim, " 397, 429,
Suez Canal, 757, 768, 813, 817, 827,
828, 829, 913
Sukhinichi, 869
Sundlo, Col. Konrad, 676, 701
Susloparov, Gen. Ivan, 1139
swastika, 43, 44, 240
Sweden, 400, 561, 674, 675, 681, 682,
696, 704fn., 711fn., 747, 750,
808, 810, 811, 1072
Switzerland, 324, 359, 531, 563, 590,
648-49, 691, 896, 1017, 1018,
1024, 1025, 1033, 1072
Sword, Colonel, 466fn.
synthetics, 282, 301, 1098
Syria, 473, 813
Tallinn, 630, 794
Tannenberg, 228, 530, 562, 760
Tansill, Charles C., 303fn.
Taranto, 818fn.
Tass, 525, 844
Tauroggen, Convention of, 1015
Taylor, Gen. Maxwell D., I002fn.
Taylor, Telford, 32fn., 378fn., 732fn..
Teddy's Perspiration Powder, 19
Tegernsee, 166, 221, 1129fn.
Teleki, Count Paul, 507-8
Televaag, 993
Tempelhof Field, 202
Terboven, Josef, 220, 709fn.
Teriberka, 667
Terneuzen, 728
Tesch, Bruno, 972
Tesch & Stabenow, 972
Teschen, 377, 388. 421, 458
Teutonic Knights, 83, 255
Texas (U.S. battleship), 880
Thadden, Elisabeth von, 1025
Thaelmann, Ernst, 157-59
Thailand, 886, 892
Thames river, 763, 768
Theresienstadt, 991
Thiele, Gen. Fritz, 1057, 1059, 1072
Thirty Years' War, 91-92
Thoma, Gen. Wilhelm Ritter von, 920
Thomas, Gen. Georg, 259, 413fn., 488-
89, 497, 517-18, 530, 559-60,
644, 649, 659, 667fn., 693, 799
Thompson, Dorothy, 1016
Thomsen, Hans, 471fn., 684-85, 686fn.,
747-50, 894fn., 896-97
Thorkelson, Congressman, 748
"Thousand-Year Reich," 5, 230, 916,
Thuengen, General Freiherr von, 1035,
1061, 1073
Thuringia, 65, 148, 173, 176, 375
Thyssen, Fritz, 134, 144, 145, 146, 176,
190, 206, 261, 263
Tiergarten, Berlin, 5, 1065, 1102fn.,
1117, 1118, 1120, 1129, 1133
Tilburg, 722
Timoshenko, Marshal Semen K., 854,
856-57, 864
Tippelskirch, Werner von, 427, 802, 803,
839, 868
Tirpitz, Grand Adm. Alfred von, 288,
373, 1043fn.
Tirpitz (Ger. battleship), 467
Tiso, Monsignor, 440, 441, 442
Tobruk, 827, 911
Tocqueville, Alexis de, 103
Todt, Doctor, 378, 515fn.
Togo, Shigenori, 886-87, 889, 891,
Tojo, Gen. Hideki, 885
Tokyo, 877, 878
Tolischus, Otto D., 101fn.
Tomaschek, Rudolphe, 250
Topf, I. A., & Sons, 971
Torgau, 1106
Torgler, Ernst, 170, 193-94
Toscanini, Arturo, 333
Total War (Ludendorff), 259
Toulon, 740, 821, 924-25
Toussaint, Co\. Rudolf, 363, 401
Toynbee, Arnold, 504fn., 632fn.
Toyoda, Admiral, 878fn., 884, 885
trade unions, 34, 134, 153. 155, 157,
160, 165, 172, 174, 180, 185,
186, 201-3, 231, 263, 267, 373;
see also labor, German
"Transport Exercise Stettin, " 462
Transport Ministry, 497
Trans-Siberian Railway, 799fn., 878
Transylvania, 800
Traunstein, 34
Treblinka, 272, 967, 968-69, 975, 977,
Treitschke, Heinrich von, 95, 97, 99
Tresckow, Maj. Gen. Henning von, 905,
1018-19, 1020-21, 1022, 1026,
1029, 1035, 1042-43, 1049, 1052,
Tresckow, Erika von, 1035
Trevor-Roper, H. R., 1111, 1129fn.,
Trier, 291fn., 1092
Trieste, 1005
Tripartite (Three-Power) Pact, 803, 805,
808, 823, 871, 872, 873, 874, 875,
884, 885, 889, 890, 894, 900
Tripoli, 821, 914, 922
Tripolitania, 827
Tromso, 708, 709
Trondheim, 681, 696, 701. 707, 708, 710,
721, 752
Troost, Professor, 156
Trotha, Admiral Adolf von, 253
Trott zu Solz Adam von, 558, 1018,
1047, 1072fn.
Truppenamt, 62, 285fn.
Tsaritsyn, 917fn.
Tschirschky, Baron, 348fn.
Tuebingen, University of, 1031-32
Tuka, Dr. Vojtech, 359, 439-40. 449
Tula, 863, 864
Tunisia, 740, 746, 924, 925, 995, 996,
Turin, 740fn., 995
Turkey, 530, 805, 806, 808, 809, 813,
Turkish Straits, 804, 807-10
Tyrol, 337fn., 350, 353, 1005, 1072,
U-30 (Ger. submarine). 622, 637-38
U-47, 646
U-110, 638fn.
U-253, 880
U-boats, are under Navy, German
Udet, Gen. Ernst, 903fn.
Ukraine, 627, 628, 632, 798, 811, 822.
832, 851, 853, 856-57, 858, 859,
916, 919, 939, 959, 961, 965.
1001, 1048fn.
Ullstein, House of, 245, 246
Ulm, 139-42, 1031
Umberto, Crown Prince of Italy, 999
Union of Revolutionary National Socialists,
United Press, 802
United States, 117, 266, 684fn., 685, 688,
735, 737, 750, 753, 768, 802.
854fn., 923-24, 1095fn., 1099;
war aid to Britain, France, 367,
400, 521fn., 605fn., 658, 666,
685, 771, 815fn., 818, 874, 879-
84, 898; anti-Hitler conspirators'
contact with, 373, 1042; peace
efforts of, 400, 469-75, 683;
sentiment against Nazi excesses,
433; isolationist and pro-German
influence in, 436fn.; possible
entry into war, 508fn., 518, 554,
645, 684-85, 798, 804, 805, 813,
820-22, 827, 850, 874-75, 877-
80; nationals of, on Athellia, 622,
637; Nazi propaganda, sabotage
in, 684-85, 747-50, 871, 872;
German preparations for war
with, 853, 873, 879, 887, 888-91;
relations with U.S.S.R., 842-43,
1011, 1033, 1098; Hitler's ignorance
about, 871, 875fn.; belligerent
action in Atlantic, 880-83;
takes over Iceland for British,
881; Japanese negotiations, war
on U.S., 883-96, 900-1, 1007;
Italy declares war on, 889-91,
900; war with Germany, 894-
902, 904, 910, 915, 952, 954-55,
1138-39; ship losses in Atlantic,
U.S. Army, 684, 750fn., 769fn.,
854fn., 887, 954-55; in Ardennes,
1092, 1093, 1095; in Austria,
918fn., 1072, 1074; in France,
1033, 1038, 1076, 1080, 1090; in
Germany, 1089, 1102, 1105-7,
1109, 1112, IllS, 1141; in Italy,
956, 1002; in N. Africa, 1029;
Malmedy massacre, 954, 1095fn.
U.S. Army, Air Force, 1008-9, 1025fn.,
1040, 1071, 1100
U.S. Army units:
First, 1086, 1088, 1089, 1090,
1092-93, 1105
Third, 1076, 1085, 1086, 1089,
1090, 1093, 1101, 1107
Fifth, 1002
Seventh, 983, 1086, 1101, 1107
Ninth, 1088, 1089, 1105
2nd Armored, 1093
4th Infantry, 1085
9th Armored, 1101
69th Infantry, 1106
101stAUrborne, 1093
U.S. Army Air Corps Reserve, 827fn.
U.S. Navy, 872, 873, 877fn., 879, 880-
83, 887, 892, 895, 898, 901, 913
U.S. Office of Strategic Services, 1018
U.S. State Department, 295, 493fn.,
555fn., 684, 842-43, 895fn., 896-
U.S. Strategic Bombing Survey, 943
U.S. War Council, 887
United States of Europe, 1032
United Steel Works, 144, 190
Untermenschen, 937
Ural Mts., 942
Urbays, Juozas, 461
Urfahr, 14
USCHLA (Untersuchung-und-Schlichtungs-
Ausschuss, Committee for
Investigation and Settlement),
122, 221
Uruguay, 669-70
U.S.S.R., see Soviet Union
Utrecht, 721
Uxkull-Gyllenbrand, Countess von, 1028
V-bombs (V-I, V-2), 1009fn., 1037,
1040, 1098-99
Vachell, Group Captain, 466fn.
Vaernes, 701
Valenciennes, 728
"Valkyrie, " 1033-35, 1046, 1054, 1057,
1058, 1060
Vansittart, Sir Robert, 360, 380
Vatican, 201, 234, 648-49, 693, 716,
719, 750, 995, 999, 1023fn.,
Venice, 217, 845, 1005
Venlo, 519fn., 653-55
Ventotene, 1003
Verdun, 726, 1075, 1077, 1086
Vermehren, Erich, 1026
Vermeil, Edmond, 105
Vernichtungslager (extermination
camps), 664-65, 967-74
Verona, 509, 845fn., 1005
Versailles Treaty, 32, 34, 41, 57-60, 63,
137, 142, 152-53, 186-87, 209,
211, 212, 231, 357fn., 458, 462,
473, 475, 604, 615fn., 635, 641;
Hitler's repudiation of, 281-86,
289, 299, 372
Vian, Capt. Philip, 679
Vichy, 923, 924
Victor Emmanuel III, King of Italy, 353,
554fn., 996-99, 1002fn., 1003,
1004fn., 1005fn.
Victoria, Queen of England, 373
Viebahn, Gen. Max von, 335
Vienna, 8, 9, 132, 275, 304, 322-23,
325fn., 340-41, 343, 349-53,
800-1, 823, 1004; Hitler's youth
in, 15-28, 31, 37; Dollfuss murder
in, 279-80; Hitler enters after
Anschluss, 347-48; anti-Nazi
coup plans for, 1034, 1064; occupied
by Red Army, 1106, ll07
Vilna, 534, 967
Vinnitsa, 916, 919
Vire river, 1038
Vishinsky, Andrei, 794, 1070
Vistula river, 497, 532, 541, 626, 629,
631, 663, 1033, 1085, 1090, 1096,
Vladivostok, 876, 877, 878, 883, 886
Voegler. Albert, 144, 190
Voelkischer Beobachter, 46, 49, 66, 85,
109, 118, 121, 122, 129, 139, 140,
149, 154, 158, 208, 220, 246, 320,
343, 564, 638, 642, 653, 658fn.
Voelkisch movement, 123
Vogl, General, 253
Volga river, 811, 859, 860, 909, 914,
916-17, 918, 919, 926, 939, 942,
Volksdeutsche, 546, 630, 663-64, 665
Volksgericht, see People's Court
Volkssturm, 1123, 1130
Volkswagen, 266-67
Vologda, 870
Vormann, General yon, 5501n.
Voronezh, 915
Voroshilov, Marshal Kliment E., 503,
504, 533-38, 541-42, 854
Voss, Admiral, 1121
Vossische Zeitung, 245
Vyazma, 859
Vyborg, 1085
Wachenfeld, see under Berchtesgaden
Wagner, Adolf, 221, 230
Wagner, Cosima, 105
Wagner, Gen. Eduard, 660-61, 1030,
1049, 1058, 1065, 1074
Wagner, Eva, 105
Wagner, Friedelind, 279
Wagner, Richard, 15, 76, 97, 101-5
Wagner, Siegfried, 101-2
Wagner, Walter, 1123
Wagner, Winifred, 101, 131, 132
Wahnfried, 101-2, 105
Waldeck, Prince, 984111.
"Waldsee, " 969
Waldtrudering, 121
Waldviertel, 7
Wales, 763
Wallenberg, Jakob, 1017, 1018, 1026
Wallenberg, Marcus, 1017
Wanderer. Tire (Goebbels), 124
Wangenheim, Lieutenant yon, 313-14
Wannsee, 965, 1047, 1048
War, Ministry of, 285In., 318
war debts, see reparations
War veterans: Germans, 38, 39, 42, 72,
154, 214; French, 281
Warburg, Professor, 250
Warburton-Lee, Capt. B.A.W., 707
Warlimont, Col. Walter, 758, 797, 799
Warsaw, 355, 504, 550fn., 597, 600, 626,
627, 629, 631, 639, 640, 769, 937,
944, 968, 973-79, 1085, 1097
Warspite (Br. battleship), 707
Wasp (U.S. carrier), 213
Wasserman, Jakob, 241
Wavell, Gen. Sir Archibald, 818fn.
Wavre, 724
Webb, Beatrice, 784
Weber, Christian. 49, 221, 1121
Wecke, Major, 183
Wednesday Club, 373
"Week of the Broken Glass, " 430-35
Wehrle, Father Herman, 1060fn.
Wehrmacht, Hitler's restoration of, 190,
285fn.; anti-Nazi plotters' plan
for, 1035, 1054, 1058, 1065,
Wehrpolitische Amt of the S.A., 120
Wehrwirtschaft (war economy), 259
Weidling, General, 1130
Weimar, 56, 57, 100, 173
Weimar Republic, see Germany. Republic
Weinbacher, Karl, 972
Weissler, Doctor, 238
Weissmann, Doctor, 1071
Weizmann, Chaim, 784
Weizsaecker, Baron Ernst yon, 462, 470-
71, 501fn., 546fn., 550fn., 553,
554, 561, 637-38, 643, 652,
665fn., 685111., 686, 687, 884; and
anti-Hitler plot, 381-82, 591,
648-49, 715, 1023; in negotiations
on Czechosl., 360, 364, 415,
421, 437, 444, 451-53; in Russian
negotiations, 479-80, 491-
93, 495, 500, 501, 505, 513, 521,
528, 543fn., 667; in peace negotiations
on Polish crisis, 587, 588,
591, 595fn., 599, 605, 617
Welczeck, Count Johannes yon. 430, 502
Welke, Ehm, 246
Welles. Sumner, 52Ijn., 683, 685-88,
689-90, 843
Wells, H. G., 241, 784
Wells, Otto, 198-99
Wenck, General, 1120-21, 1129, 1130
Wendt, Lieutenant, 139-42
"Werewolf, " 916
Weseruebung ("Weser Exercise"), 673-
Wessel, Horst, 147
West, Rebecca, 784
Westarp, Count von, 56
Westphal, Gen. Siegfried, 1001
Westphalia, 220; Peace of, 91-92, 644
West Prussia, 944, 1097
West Wall, 295, 367, 368, 370, 378, 469,
486, 492, 498, 510, 515fn., 516,
590, 725
Weygand, Gen. Maxime, 502, 728, 730,
737, 738, 744-46, 923
Wheeler-Bennett, John W., 31fn., 55fn.,
225fn., 380fn., 389fn., 390fn.,
White, Case, 466-69, 488, 497, 550fn.,
556, 589, 597, 600fn.
White Book of the Purge, The, 223
White Rose Letters, 1022-23
White Russia, 627, 628, 798, 811, 832,
White Sea, 798
Whitworth, Vice-Adm. W.J., 707
Widerstand (Resistance), 373
Wiechert, Ernst, 242
Wiegand, Karl von, 748
Wiessee, 217, 221, 314
Wietersheim, Gen. Gustav von, 369-70
Wildpark-Werder, 1115
"Wilfred, " 696
Wilhelm I, King of Prussia and Kaiser
of Germany, 95
Wilhelm II, Kaiser, 29, 31, 52, 53, 56,
58, 94, 95, 99, 103, 104, 106, 107-
8, 109, 153, 197, 200, 243, 288,
406, 485-86, 499, 598, 658, 692-
93, 713, 738fn., 754fn., 871, 907,
1025, 1139
Wilhelm, Prince, 907
Wilhelmina, Queen of the Netherlands,
561, 640, 652, 721, 723, 729
Wilhelmshaven, 467, 752
Willstaetter, Richard, 250
Wilmot, Chester, 1041fn.
Wilson, Sir Horace, 382, 391, 396, 397,
398-99, 401, 402, 407, 416-17,
418, 572, 583, 585fn.
Wilson, Hugh R., 360, 433fn.
Wilson, Woodrow, 52, 57, 898
Windau, 539
"Winds" message to Nomura, 886
Windsor, Duchess of (Mrs. Simpson),
298, 785, 787, 788, 789, 792
Windsor, Duke of (Edward VIII), 298,
596fn., 751fn., 783, 785-92
Winkelmann, Gen. H. G., 723
Winterhilfe, 264, 643, 779
Wisconsin, University of, 1043fn.
Wittelsbach monarchy, 33, 64, 67, 70
Wittenberg, 237
Witzleben, Field Marshal Erwin von,
284, 318-19, 375, 405, 407-8,
411, 412, 413, 422, 426, 530, 558-
59, 670, 755fn., 906, 1030, 1035,
1036, 1048, 1054, 1058, 1064-65,
1070-71, 1075, 1079
Wlodawa, 626
Woermann, Dr. Ernst, 429, 897fn.
Wolf, Otto, 144
Wolfers, Alfred, 274
Wolfsschanze (Wolfs Lair), 849, 870,
881, 882, 919, 1000fn., 1046,
Wolzek, 968
Woods, Sam E. 842-43
Woolff, Virginia, 784
Woolwich Arsenal, 780
World Jewish Congress, 978
World War I, 108, 282, 283, 544, 597-
98, 630, 635, 637, 658, 673, 717,
727, 754fn., 760, 794, 800, 823,
897, 918, 957, 1007, 1081;
Hitler's service in, 29-30, 1124;
armistice, 29, 31-32, 52, 58-59,
741-42, 1036; peace terms, see
Versailles Treaty; Germany's
mistakes in, 485, 486, 546, 645
Wrench, John Evelyn, 288fn.
Wuensdorf, 1057
Wuerttemberg, 131, 1028
Yellow, Case, 682, 710, 717, 718, 719
Yorck von Wartenburg, Count Peter,
1015, 1016, 1028, 1070-71
Young, Desmond, 1079fn.
Young Plan, 136, 14S, 943
Ypres, 29, 30, 730
Yugoslavia, 295, 399-400, 426-27, 469,
470, 530, 804, 808, 815, 823-24,
825, 826, 828-30, 839, 841, 842,
874, 875, 993, 1006
Zander, Wilhelm, 1129
Zaporozhe, 1001, 1007
Zech-Burkersroda, Count Julius von, 713
Zehlendorf, 715
Zeitzler, Gen. Kurt, 360-61, 915, 918,
919, 925-27, 928, 933
Zeller, Eberhard, 1046fn., 1050fn.
Zeughaus, Berlin, 1021, 1022fn.
Zhdanov, Andrei, 496, 794
Zhukov, Gen. Georgi, 864-65, 866, 869,
891, 1097, 1I06, 1135fn.
Zichenau, 944
Ziegenberg, 1089, 1091, 1108
Ziegler, Adolf, 133fn., 244
Ziereis, Franz, 967fn.
Zoellner, Doctor, 238, 239
Zola, Emile, 241, 736
Zossen, 518, 560, 658, 670, 694, 1058,
Z Plan, 487, 622
Zurich, 563, 1018
Zweig, Arnold, 241
Zweig, Stefan, 24, 241
Zwoelf-Uhr Blatt, 564
Zyklon B, 970, 972
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Re: The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich: A History of Nazi

Postby admin » Sun Feb 18, 2018 5:33 am



For thirty-five years William L. Shirer has been a distinguished foreign correspondent, news commentator and historian of the contemporary world. He reported much of the rise of the Nazis from Berlin for the Universal News Service and for CBS, and he covered their fall as a war correspondent. Besides his Berlin Diary, published in 1941, he has written two other books on European politics, one on Scandinavia, and three novels. He was born in Chicago and is a graduate of Coe College in Iowa. At present he divides his time between New York City, a country home in Torrington, Connecticut, and lecturing. The research for this book began in 1925, when Mr. Shirer first went to Germany, and the writing has taken five and a half years.
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