Dozier Internet Law, by John W. Dozier

Re: Dozier Internet Law, by John W. Dozier

Postby admin » Fri Oct 25, 2013 6:48 pm

$675,000 Copyright Infringement Judgment, by John W. Dozier

August 04, 2009

A jury in Boston awarded $675,000 to the Recording Industry Association of America for copyright infringement after a Harvard Law School professor representing the defendant, a Boston University graduate student (Joel Tenenbaum), called upon the jury to "send a message" to the music industry by awarding minimal damages. As Internet lawyers, We are not surprised by the jury's response to this request...they actually sent 675,000 messages out! It can be tough coming down from the Ivory Towers of an out of touch liberal institution intent upon defending the scofflaws of the web. So, to the professor turned Internet lawyer for the day, and co-founder of the Berkman Center, a far left wing, liberal, free speech expansionist Harvard institution, welcome to the real world, Charles Neeson. Thank goodness for a jury of our peers. And Mr. Neeson, there is a big difference between teaching law at Harvard and actually trying cases to a jury of everyday people. We suspect you will return to Harvard, be patted on your back, be told how unfair the judge and jury were, and refer your client to a bankruptcy lawyer. Jurors, unlike students, bite back. In this case, 675,000 times.
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Re: Dozier Internet Law, by John W. Dozier

Postby admin » Fri Oct 25, 2013 6:49 pm

Google Bomb Book Review, by John W. Dozier

August 05, 2009

Traverse Internet Law is pleased to provide the latest reviews about Google Bomb, set to be released September 1, 2009: “I haven’t been this affected by a book in a long time. I went from a shaking rage to knots in my stomach to tears and finally to cheers. What happened to Sue could happen to any of us, and Google Bomb’s practical guidance makes this a highly profound and useful book that the world needs to read.” -Michele Borba, Ed.D., Author of The Big Book of Parenting Solutions, Parenting Expert and Today Show Contributor Google Bomb will likely ship out from Amazon within the next 10 days, and be on your favorite bookstore's shelves by September 1, 2009.
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Re: Dozier Internet Law, by John W. Dozier

Postby admin » Fri Oct 25, 2013 6:50 pm

Senator's Review: "Google Bomb is a Great Book!", by John W. Dozier

August 06, 2009

Google Bomb is out of printing and shipping this week! What is the response from reviewers who got an early peek at the advanced readers copy? And how is Google Bomb being received by the legislative branch...? Here's a recent review:

“Google Bomb is a great book! The Constitution protects free speech, but slander is not free speech. We should be able to hold slanderers accountable, and Google Bomb helps readers do that.”

-Senator Walter G. “Skip” Campbell, Jr.
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Re: Dozier Internet Law, by John W. Dozier

Postby admin » Fri Oct 25, 2013 6:51 pm

Google Bomb Book Available on Amazon, by John W. Dozier

August 16, 2009

Dozier announces today that Google Bomb (click the link to go to the Amazon book page) is available for immediate purchase on Amazon. John W Dozier Jr, an Internet lawyer and Founder and President of the Dozier law firm, leads the reader through the world of online attacks and arms you with the tools, tactics and strategies to protect yourself and your loved ones.

The Goole Bomb Community has launched. It supplements the advice and guidance in the Google Bomb Book with the latest developments. You can get the late breaking news by chapter from a top Internet lawyer while you read the book. So join our community dedicated to providing support, guidance and advice on an ongoing basis. Membership is free.
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Re: Dozier Internet Law, by John W. Dozier

Postby admin » Fri Oct 25, 2013 6:51 pm Launches, by John W. Dozier

August 18, 2009

Once you buy Google Bomb you'll want to keep up with the latest developments as reported by John W Dozier Jr, an expert Internet lawyer and founder and President of Dozier Internet Law. The site is located at Google Bombs and gives you the ability to interact with other community members on the issues of the day. And best of all, Internet lawyer John W Dozier Jr. sets the posts up by chapter category so as you read the book you can immediately go and see the latest on each subject.

The Internet moves quickly, and it is essential that you stay abreast of the most recent developments in order to protect yourself, your family, and your livelihood. Google bomb is timely. Just not timeless. But the open arms forum and community is timeless.
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Re: Dozier Internet Law, by John W. Dozier

Postby admin » Fri Oct 25, 2013 6:52 pm

Google Bombs Away, by John W. Dozier

August 21, 2009

My Google Bomb book on online defamation has taken off on Amazon and moved into the top 400 of all books sold, number one in three Internet categories (privacy, culture, security). Google Bomb Blog and Forum has been launched by Dozier Internet Law Internet lawyers. And on the legal front, it has been an interesting week. Four major events have added some spice in the middle of our slow season as litigation lawyers:

1) Facebook is sued for alleged data privacy violations by a big time, big dollar Texas plaintiff trial lawyer.

2) Jon Praed, a friend of mine and fellow Internet lawyer, sues banks to get information to better combat spammers. He's been the spam attorney for AOL for years.

3) Google loses in New York City and has to identify an anonymous blogger. Expect an appeal.

4) Oprah files suit in federal court in New York against a laundry list of defendants allegedly using her name and/or likeness to sell products online.
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Re: Dozier Internet Law, by John W. Dozier

Postby admin » Fri Oct 25, 2013 6:53 pm

Rosemary Port v. Google, by John W. Dozier

August 23, 2009

Here is my post on the Google Bomb community site about the legal claim being asserted by Rosemary Port against Google for unmasking her identity in the Liskula Cohen case. As a defamation lawyer I addressed the very issue of anonymity and the movement of the free speech expansionists in my new book hitting the bookstores September 1. In the meantime, if you want an up close and personal view of the complicated issues involved, and a broader view from an Internet defamation lawyer of where this volley fits in with the war for control of the web, Google Bomb is available on Amazon: Google Bomb Book.
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Re: Dozier Internet Law, by John W. Dozier

Postby admin » Fri Oct 25, 2013 6:54 pm

Lori Drew MySpace Suicide Conviction Thrown Out, by John W. Dozier

August 30, 2009

On August 28, Judge George Wu of the United States District Court for the Central District of California overturned the conviction of Lori Drew and dismissed the case against Lori Drew relating to the suicide of Megan Meier. The Judge found that for purposes of this criminal prosecution the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act, the federal law upon which the Jury returned a guilty verdict, was unconstitutionally void for vagueness. You’d have to be a master marksman to draft a User Agreement that would meet constitutional muster in the face of criminal indictment.

The Judge found that Congress had not established adequately and clearly the minimal guidelines to govern law enforcement, but the decision did not affect civil causes of action and the ability of websites to protect their properties using this law.
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Re: Dozier Internet Law, by John W. Dozier

Postby admin » Fri Oct 25, 2013 6:54 pm

Harvard Attacks Reputation Management Industry, by John W. Dozier

September 04, 2009

Dozier Internet Law today broke the news and now provides the most detailed analysis of the Harvard Journal of Law and Gender attack on the reputation management industry. Internet lawyer John W Dozier Jr blogged on the Google Bomb community site on the issue. Google Bomb, the book, details how you can protect yourself, your loved ones, your small business and your livelihood. Many of the suggested tactics and the overall strategy itself is labelled "fraud" by the very same Harvard that harbors and supports and encourages many of the free speech expansionist radical groups fighting to protect the scofflaws and miscreants of the web.

The entire reputation management industry is taken on in this article by law professor Ann Bartow. As an Internet lawyer, I have to wonder what experience this law professor has with SEO and Rep. Mgt. I'd welcome a debate if she feels like her piece can withstand more public scrutiny.
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Re: Dozier Internet Law, by John W. Dozier

Postby admin » Fri Oct 25, 2013 6:55 pm

Dozier Interview on DC TV, by John W. Dozier

September 20, 2009

It seems timely to point to the John W Dozier Jr (Founder of Dozier Internet Law) TV interview last week in Washington DC about the changes we need to make to protect ourselves from the online scofflaws of the web. Dozier Internet Law and John W Dozier Jr are calling for changes now to promote self policing so the web can become a safe neighborhood.
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