Transcript of Alex Jones Interview with Dr. Steve Pieczenik

What you are allowed to think and what you do think are two different things, aren't they? That's another way of saying that this forum may be NSFW, if your boss is a Republican. A liberal won't fire you for it, but they'll laugh at you in the break room and you may not get promoted. Unless you're an engineer, of course, in which your obsession with facing reality is not actually a career-disabling disability.

Transcript of Alex Jones Interview with Dr. Steve Pieczenik

Postby admin » Thu May 26, 2016 4:04 am

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Transcript of Alex Jones Interview with Dr. Steve Pieczenik
May 3, 2011



[Transcribed by Tara Carreon from videos located at ... alse-flag/]


[Alex] Well, I've got goosebumps with this next guest. It's just incredible information. In early 2002, I was put in touch with Dr. Steve Pieczenik, and I'll give you his bio -- very prestigious -- here in a moment, working under the biggest kingmakers in modern U.S. history, the trifecta: James Baker, George Schultz, Henry Kissinger, and Cyrus Vance, the big three from all of our sources. George Schultz, James Baker -- way above even Kissinger. That's why you don't even see them out there. These are the guys that go right to the elite of the world and are their imperial legates, the people that speak for them, that make the deals with China, with Russia. They're the envoys, they're the above-government power brokers that are the spokesmen of the collective elite, and these top counsels. And he was their deputy: all three of them. And Cyrus Vance as well is high-powered. All four of them.

And I got him on the show, and he was also a CFR fellow at the time, and I got him on the show and he just basically said this whole war on terror is a hoax. And he said the intel is that they've got Bin Laden dead on ice, and they're going to roll him out sometime in the future. And I said, "Ice?" And he goes, "Literally."

Interview of Steve R. Pieczenik on the Alex Jones Show, April 24, 2002 (Partial Transcript)

AJ: Our guest tonight is Dr. Steve Pieczenik, and he's one of the world's most experienced international crisis managers. He has over twenty years' experience in resolving international crises, working for four U.S. administrations. Dr. Pieczenik served as Deputy Secretary of State under Henry Kissinger, and Cyrus Vance and James Baker. Working with Secretary of State George Schultz, Dr. Pieczenik has used his psycho-political expertise for the Secretary's mediation of conflict in the Middle East between Israel, Jordan, Syria. Again, it goes on and on. He's got best selling books. He's basically an infowarrior, a crisis manager. In fact, he, according to this and some of the news articles that we pulled up on him, coined the phrase, if these articles are accurate -- this isn't even in his bio here -- but it says it there in some of the news articles, the 'crisis mediation.' And it's just endless. It says in one of the bios here that he is also a member of the CFR. Steve Pieczenik, I really appreciate you joining us on the show. Of course, he is also a doctor and Ph.D. as well. Good to have you on the show this evening, Sir.

SP: Can I call you Alex?

AJ: You certainly can.

SP: You can call me Steve, Dr. Pieczenik, or Steve. That's fine with me.

AJ: Well, Sir, I mean you've got a long bio here. (Crosstalk) just want to mention to the listeners out there.

SP: Sure. Anyway, what would you like to start with Alex?

AJ: Tell us a little bit more about yourself -- any key areas of your life -- so folks know who you are.

SP: Sure. I'll be happy to. I started as a, I was a medical doctor training at Cornell University Medical College here. I worked my way up through scholarships, and then got into the military. I was, during the Vietnam War, I was a very young O6. As many of you know, that is a colonel at the age of 32. I then went on to my training in psychiatry, at the same time at Harvard, and at the same time, I got a Ph.D. from M.I.T in International Relations.

AJ: Now that was the first M.I.T Ph.D. in this particular form of psychology?

SP: Correct, Alex. And the reason for that was that I understood very clearly a long time ago, thirty years ago, that the very essence of relationships between countries, and understanding what our national security is about, has to lie in the psychological political arena. It's not necessarily that I am interested in what your mother did or your father did. But I am much more interested in what kind of image perception propaganda has been created against us, and what propaganda information we have to create against someone else.

For example, one of the presidents whom I served -- unfortunately, he is ill now -- but one of the most brilliant presidents I served, and most people don't recognize his brilliance -- I think history will [inaudible] and that is President Reagan, who was, as you know, an actor. But he had a photographic memory. And he understood the importance of psychology, because he had been an actor, and he understood that perception becomes reality. Well, this is a gentleman who, using the study that I had worked on thirty years ago, and had been intimately involved with him, using psychology and the concept of the perception, we were effectively able -- it's a team effort; I'm not saying myself only -- but Reagan was effectively able, and the Reagan administration, to bring down an entire Soviet empire without firing a gun, by simply manipulating the psychology of perception. That we were forcing them into bankruptcy, which we were through the SBI program, and at the same time manipulating their mind using the Chief of Staff -- if you want me to go through the detail -- and showing him what our military capabilities were. And once he saw that both on land and on sea, he basically gave up. And that was Akhromeyev, who was then Chief of Staff of the Soviet military, who was an Admiral, and who eventually committed suicide. But from that point on we broke the entire, we won a war without having to fire a bullet. And that is the kind of thing that I talk about, psychological or psycho-political dimension.

AJ: We are talking to Dr. Steve Pieczenik, and he has worked at the highest levels of the psychological operations for four administrations. You are talking about controlling paradigms, paradigm management.

SP: Well, that's interesting. I've never used that word 'paradigm,' but you clearly, you must be a professor, Alex. But the notion is -- no, what it is it's a more sophisticated concept. For example, what I do is, I don't just manage a conflict. I may sometimes be sent in on behalf of, for example, Secretary of State Schultz and Reagan. I was sent down to give Noriega a message officially that we would like for him to leave, and we would provide the two planes, so and so and such and such. Well, he clearly, my sense was that he was not going to leave. And as many of you remember, this was a general who was chief of narco traffic out of Panama. And so I would come back and report it.

AJ: I've got to stop you for a second. This is intriguing. I have seen it reported that then in the military build-up before the strike, that they employed the psychological technique of having the Delta Force and others do raids in and out of the area, touch down for six months, to desensitize them, so when the real attack came that they wouldn't respond with ...

SP: That's correct. I can't confirm or deny it, but I can say yes. (laughs) That's exactly true.

AJ: You may not know it, but they had that on the History Channel.

SP: Oh, I didn't know that was on History. Then I can say yes. Okay, I'm glad you told me. Yes. General Cisneros and I worked on a psyops program -- that's psychological operation -- and we are very good at that. I don't mean me, but the United States is. And we've lost some of that capability over the past administration. I'm not pointing fingers. We lost about 40% of our military intelligence capability. And I would come back and every year talk at the National Defense University at Carlyle War College as a way of showing my appreciation to the military, and try to train them in psychological operations. Some of what we saw -- we saw that very effectively done in Afghanistan -- when we basically gave warning to all the civilians. And then we basically went in and broke up the Taliban, and then starting going after al Qaeda. We used a lot of psychological operations on [inaudible], which I can't go into, but we are using it right now, hopefully, around the world, because of the 68 countries now with al Qaeda individuals, 68 countries filled with al Qaeda membership, including our own country. And we're are using both psychological operations, we are using military....

AJ: Let's talk about his story. I mean, we heard it was twenty dollar bills. Now it is $100 dollar bills, with just the picture of George Bush. And I mean, that's an obvious propaganda move, and even the person pulling the $100 bill out realizes that it's propaganda, but still can't help having a pang of liking George Bush for that split second. So isn't that acclimating them, conditioning them, whether they like it or not?

SP: Well that's a good point, Alex. Yeah, I mean, there have been crises -- for example, where I had three buildings here held hostage by a fundamentalist group called the Hanafi Muslim. And he knew he was being manipulated. The FBI called me in and I used the Koran to take over the control, and eventually he couldn't help but follow the orders that we gave to him and he eventually released the hostages. And so, in that sense, it's a very powerful tool, and we are getting back into using that very effectively. That's exactly right, Alex.

What I do, I've done a lot of negotiation. I do a lot of strategy and tactics where I've done a lot of things. For example, with the Gorbachev and Reagan negotiations with Arafat, I worked against him -- I would track down terrorists. And then I worked [for] Arafat. I worked with Osama bin Laden in '78, '81 -- in '79 when he was in Afghanistan. And with Saddam Hussein when he was our ally. And I worked against him when they weren't our ally.

AJ: Now again folks, we are talking to Dr. Steve Pieczenik, and he is one of the infowarriors in four administrations, crafting much of the policy that we have seen over the last twenty, thirty years. And I am so honored to have you on the show tonight. I hope we can keep you for a while.

SP: I'd be happy to, Alex.

AJ: I'm not going to mince words. I'm going to cut to the chase.

SP: Sure. Go ahead.

AJ: About these technologies that you are talking about that are great for defending the country being used by the wordsmiths, by the spin doctors, in camps in this country against the American people -- whether it's gun control, or big government, or any of it. And I've seen the telltale signs all over the place. And that's why we have you here, so hopefully the American people can become more aware of these tactics. I mean, certainly it's just 101 Marketing to use psychology, but it's getting a little more sophisticated than that. Can you ..

SP: Well, yeah. I agree with you, Alex. One of the things that I have been in disagreement, and it keeps coming out of the conservative movement -- I mean, I've worked with these -- is that the issue of the suppression of our civil liberties is unjustified. And particularly in this case on terrorists. And what I mean specifically, for example, I can understand that we have to have vigilance and we have to have surveillance. But you do not change the Constitution or alter it to such a degree that we have posse comitatus, which I hope your audience understands -- that means military control can come in and take over civilian control. That's a no-no.

AJ: Well, I had the former professors on this show, the former JAG colonels and generals. They say it was gone in '96, and they are concerned about it.

SP: I'm very concerned about it. Because what happens is -- you know generals I have a lot of respect for -- but it's not generals that make the decision. It will be a consultant who works for somebody in the White House, who may not necessarily know what he or she may be doing. And then we are talking about civil liberties and profiling, where you suddenly get thrown off the plane. They won't tell you why. You could be blond- haired, blue-eyed, you could be dark and brown eyed. I mean, I was almost in preventative detention down in Reno, Nevada. And I said to the police, "Can I use the word 'terrorism'?" He said, "No." "Can I use the words, 'Are you arresting me?'" He said, "No." "Then why are you sorting me out?" And they couldn't give me an answer. I said, "You are making a big mistake. You are violating my First Amendment. You are violating my Second Amendment, and every other amendment. Can I talk about guns?" "No." So basically, that's where I agree with you and your audience. And that is, we cannot let the federal government, or any government, suppress our liberties in any way whatsoever. Now, is there propaganda that's given to the American public? Absolutely. And I say that...

AJ: Let me stop you professor. What was this story where they come out and go, "Oh we've got the office of strategic influence, strategic laws and manipulation, and we are going to activate it." But we all know it was already operating for hundreds of years. Every country has one. So that was a lie to say it was new. Then they say, "Oh we are not going to use it anymore. We were just proposing it." Your take on that?

SP: Well, I was actually -- but don't call me professor. One thing I am not is a professor of anything. But I do join you in saying that I tried to stop that vehemently on the radio. My neighbor, who is around the block, was in charge of that. And I don't know her all that well, Ms Clarke. It was clear to me that they didn't know what they were doing. What they were doing was creating what we call a fusion of what we call black operations -- meaning covert -- and white noise -- that means real facts and information. Well, you don't do that in the military. The reason you don't do that anywhere in the United States, but particularly in the military, is that you compromise the integrity of our military. And at the same time, it was the stupidest idea I've ever seen, because they said they could divide the lies from the non-lies. And I said, "That's ridiculous." Furthermore, we have had problems in the past where the CIA, and other organizations that instill disinformation in overseas countries, and American reporters pick it up as fact. And then they have been really hoodwinked, and the American public doesn't know what is fact and what is reality.

AJ: And then that discredits the media organs which are needed by the government to form public opinion.

SP: Well, it's interesting that you say that. There has been an interesting kind of balance. CNN has been very, I would say, pro-Palestinian or pro-Arab in many ways -- what I would consider -- whereas, thank God my friend Roger Ailes is the head of the MSNBC network, which is more conservative than the FOX network, where you can see some questions. Like Chris Matthews and the O'Reilly Factor, where we can get into some issues and really start discussing them from another perspective. That is, it doesn't have a particular bias that is lent by the government.

Now it's true, sometimes the government brings in, you know, they want to give their message. But if that message is out of whack, I'm more than happy to go on the air and say that guy is not telling the truth. And that's why I go on these radio stations to say, "Look. In my opinion" -- now I'm not gospel and I'm not, everything I say is not written in stone. I'm as human as anybody else, but I've had a lot of experience. And one of the things that I do not believe in is the notion that policy, that's what is unfortunately true about Washington, politicians consider most of us American citizens as pretty stupid and not very bright. And they think they can herd us around. And the answer is, they are mistaken. And I've said repeatedly that they have underestimated the intelligence of the American public, repeatedly, administration after administration. But this time around, Alex, we don't have the flexibility, because we are in what we would call a constant struggle or war against the El-Jihad and the Muslims, Islamic fundamentalists, who are more than happy to destroy much of what we have. And we can't afford, at the same time, to be told all kinds of stories that do not correspond to reality. So that is where I do agree with you, Alex.

AJ: Okay, thank you for that. You were, again, deputy assistant Secretary of State.

SP: That's correct.

AJ: Under Henry Kissinger, Vance, and Baker. And in key positions in many other administrations. You are also a member of the Council on Foreign Relations, correct?

SP: Yeah. I know what you are getting to. But I'm also a member of the National Rifle Association, too. I didn't put that down.

The real issue of the Council on Foreign Relations, this is where you would be concerned, and others, is that the Council on Foreign Relations was once, many, many years ago, I'd say 15 or 20 years ago, a very elite Northeastern organization. What it has really turned into is pretty much, with all due respect, I think that is an old resume. But basically, I haven't attended a meeting in well over a year or two because it has become very much a Rotary Club. Basically it is the same people returning, saying the same thing. And I eventually found it of very little help. It was an organization basically designed not to influence or direct everything. Although many of the secretaries of state have come out of there previously, particularly before World War II, right after World War II.

AJ: Since 1922, when it got founded, it was out of the Royal Institute of International Affairs.

SP: Right. It was the Rockefeller family that funded it and built it up. And there was a sense that there was a conspiracy here. And I can tell you for a fact that as a member of the group that you are talking to, that it is not any more conspiratorial there. There is a far more serious organization that we are concerned about, and that's called the Carlyle Group. That's a private equity group run by a guy named Carlucci, who is a former Secretary of Defense, that are profiting very handsomely from this war. And I'm very much concerned about it, because it because it could spread it.

AJ: See, that's amazing. Because I got some of the -- I don't know if you knew that some people were making some transcripts of some of your comments on KFI, and I've got them here. I don't know if they are accurate, but in these, you talk about the CIA and bin Laden in July and the rest of this ...

SP: Correct.

AJ: That's accurate? You said that?

SP: Yes, that is accurate.

AJ: Okay, Sir, I want to hear this from you when we get back.

We are talking to Steve Pieczenik and he has got more titles than the Queen of England. I mean, he has been all over the place. No, I'm serious. You have really led -- and I envy all the dangerous and exciting situations you've been in. And I didn't even know if I could believe this bio, and did a little Lexis-Nexis research, and you actually play yourself down a bit on your website. Why don't you give that to them, Steve?

SP: Oh, I can't. Alex, I think you did a good job. I'm more than happy. Let's talk about bin Laden.

AJ: Your website for those who don't know it ...

SP: Oh well, my website is And I have a new book coming out called, 'Active Pursuit,' under the name of Alexander Court. And another one called 'Active Measure' under Alexander Court, C-o-u-r-t, that will be coming out this week actually. It's about the violation of Sweden, how hypocritical Sweden was during World War II, in establishing neutrality, and actually helped the Nazis.

AJ: Yeah, they made a lot of money off of it.

SP: Oh, they made a huge amount. And the Wallenburg family in particular made a lot of money. And then they violated everything we stood for. And we forced Raoul Wallenburg to join the OSS to make up for their totally treacherous behavior. But the worst part about it was that I wanted to -- see, I use fiction to put reality in. And one of the comments was, I went after one of their famous Nobel Prize winners, an extreme liberal, by the name of Gunnar Myrdal, who accused us ... I remember when I was up in North Korea and I saw him. He said that Americans were despicable. We didn't like human nature, and all of that. I said, "I'm going after this guy," and I found out and I put it in the book. And the Swedes have never denied it. This is a famous Nobel Peace Prize winner, and he wrote The Welfare State. How do you create the welfare state? Well, of all things, Alex, what happened was, and this was a fact they never denied, and I put it in the book 'Active Measure' by Alexander Court, and you will read it there. What he did was to sterilize innocent Swedish women between 1945 and 1974. He sterilized over 75,000 innocent Swedish women who had nothing more than perhaps, you know, abnormal, a little bit of behavior problem, or they were teenagers. But the real reason was for economic reasons. He didn't want to have any problems with a potential abnormal child. So they thought this was the best way to maintain their financial capability, maintain their welfare state. So much for greatest of free....

AJ: Sounds like Margaret Sanger.

SP: Well, it's a lot more deadly than Margaret Sanger. This is a real effort to really neutralize their entire population. And the guys are saying you are doing it for the welfare of the state. That's called euthanasia.

AJ: Absolutely. And we see that now being legalized in many of those Scandinavian countries.

SP: That's correct. And they don't, they have denied, they have said we are looking at, and actually the kids don't know about it. But it's one of the things that again, not all Swedes are bad. But the point is that their government has been playing two-faced with the world for a long time, as many governments have. And that is what your point is, Alex.

AJ: Now Dr. Pieczenik, what I want to talk to you about tonight ...

SP: is bin Laden and the ...

AJ: Let's get to that. We are about to break and start the next hour. Let's talk about it then, if you've got time right now.

SP: Absolutely. I'll give you the time.

AJ: I want to talk about Henry Kissinger. I mean this guy, I've got his quotes on record where he says if there is a big enough crisis, we'd accept a new world order, global government. I mean, he has said stuff like this on television. And you worked under this guy. From talking to you, it sounds like you're 180º from the views of Henry Kissinger.

SP: Well, you are right on the nose. This I can share with most of your audience, that I was asked to work for him personally and I said no. I couldn't, for many reasons that I don't want to get into, but primarily that I didn't have the temperament to tolerate his type of, what we call, narcissistic behavior. He is very impulsive, childish, and he rants and raves. As a psychiatrist, I don't tolerate that, and set limits very quickly. Secondly, I didn't agree with his views, but his deputy, Lawrence Eagleburger, who has been under [inaudible] management has seen me negotiate the release of about seventeen hostages, [inaudible] and he asked me if I'd come on board and work for the U.S. government. I said, "No problem." I had a military commission. So the answer is, you are right.

AJ: We are excited to have a great guest, an intelligent guest, like Dr. Steve Pieczenik on the show. He has worked in four administrations. He has worked as the deputy secretary of state, as hostage negotiator. The list goes on and on. He is a critically acclaimed author of psycho-political novels, and co-creator of the best-selling Tom Clancy's 'Op-Center' and Tom Clancy's 'Netforce' series. He is a Harvard psychiatrist with an M.D. from Cornell University and Ph.D. in International Relations from M.I.T. The doctor served four presidential administrations.

Now let's start getting into this whole bin Laden situation. And I've got a bunch of emails, and I got a partial transcript of it. And I called the station to confirm that you were on, but they didn't have a transcript. And ...

SP: You know, what I said was Alex, this is the issue.

AJ: We are talking about bin Laden for those that just joined us.

SP: Right, but we are talking about bin Laden. The issue is what the relationship is between the bin Laden family and the Bush family. It's much more complicated than has been revealed by anyone. And that is that it goes back for several decades.

AJ: Back into the mid-70s.

SP: It goes back. Exactly. They have now, Bush, Sr., who I have served as well, and Bush, Jr., have literally gone to the bin Laden family and the Carlyle Group. This is the private equity group here in Washington which the bin Laden family have been in. And they claimed they only had 2 million dollars, but my sense is that it was far more extensive, that they owned all kinds of companies, including one of the largest conglomerates in our military contracting. And bin Laden was, remember, supposedly our ally in 1979, '80, when he worked with us to drive the Soviet Union out of Afghanistan. He was just a young kid.

AJ: Brzezinski talks about that in 'The Grand Chessboard'.

SP: Right. And that he then turned against us, and we created a political Frankenstein. And that's not the first time we've done that Alex, and this is what I want to tell your audience.

AJ: You are saying it is blowback.

SP: It's blowback, exactly. And what I was saying about a blowback was that we tend to have a pattern here in the United States and it has to do I think primarily with the fact that we don't have good intelligence or good CIA capability to handle all of our so-called inbetween or gray-zone friends/enemies. And what happens is we just dump them. It was the same thing with Noriega. We had to go in and send in 22,000 troops. It was the same thing with Saddam Hussein. We fought with him for five years against Iran. We killed over 1,000,000 people. We supplied him with the actual biological and chemical weapons. It was the CIA that did that. Suddenly we find ourselves at war with him. That was a blowback. Then we go to war and we don't finish the war. Now we are going back to war again. And I am trying to say, "Wait a minute guys. If you messed up the first time, what makes you think you are going to do it again the second time?" And so we have a blowback with Osama.

But what made it more difficult was, I found out through my sources that he had had kidney disease. And as a physician, I knew that he had to have two dialysis machines, and he was dying. And you could see those in those films, those made-up photos, that they were sending us out of nowhere. I mean, suddenly, we would see a video of bin Laden today, and then out of nowhere they said, "Oh it was sent to us anonymously," meaning that someone in our government was trying to keep up the morale on our side and say, "Oh, we still have to chase this guy," when, in fact, he's been dead for months.

AJ: You are talking about the obvious fat guy, sitting there that looked nothing like bin Laden?

SP: You've got it. I mean the whole thing was such a hoax. I said you would have to be, you know, blind and stupid to not realize that this is really being manipulating, in trying to manipulate us.

AJ: The type of psy ops that we'd see coming out of Dr. Steve Pieczenik.

SP: It's not the kind of thing that I would do to the American public. But the more important part was that ...

AJ: We are talking about Osama bin Laden, the CIA asset during the '80s, right into the early '90s. And now the mainstream reports here out of Europe and the U.S. confirming that he was involved in the situation in the Bosnian and the Serb war. And then what Dr. Pieczenik is calling the classic term 'blowback', the bad boy getting out of control, and this report of him in the American hospital. It's been in the Washington Times, you name it: getting nursed back to health, meeting with the CIA Section Chief for ten days. Dr. Pieczenik, a former undersecretary of State and member of the CFR, you name it, can say, "Oh yeah, that's true." But he's got an explanation for it. Please elaborate doctor.

SP: Well, I don't have a very good explanation. I was shocked as well as you were in that, "What is a Station Chief doing seeing Osama bin Laden, when he was already declared an international war criminal under the previous administration?" And then the Station Chief testified, with several others, that the whole family -- the notion that the family of bin Laden, when they evacuated and left this country, and then were subsequently interviewed said they had no relation with bin Laden, and that they didn't know where he was. It's just sheer nonsense. And so when that popped up and I saw that, I said, "There is a lot of things going on here that don't make sense. And that means that they are using bin Laden in a way that the United States government, or you call Big Brother, is basically using it in a very, ah, ah, ah, how should I say this, nefarious, in a very dangerous way to manipulate the American public."

AJ: A pretext to get more control.

SP: Well, it's a pretext to get, I don't know if I would say more control. They are not very good at controlling this. Because it's really, it has really discredited the ability of the government to handle a simple situation without having to insult the intelligence of the American citizen.

AJ: And you are saying earlier that you brushed up against this at an airport, I believe you said Nevada?

SP: Oh yeah. In Reno, Nevada, where literally the police came and just took me away. And I said, "What are you after?" They searched me three to four times. I said, "Look you know I've written these profiles." They didn't answer anything. That's called preventative detention. I said, "Am I under arrest?" They said, "No." I said, "What are you holding me for?" Well I won't use that language on the air what I said to them, but basically, this kind of activity is just totally unacceptable for the United States of America.

AJ: And again, according to the press reports, you are the guy that coined the phrase, or did you, 'conflict management'?

SP: I use what is called, I call it 'crisis management.' I'm not sure I'm the original one. But I've used it for most of my life. And basically, every crisis from Arafat, in evacuating our soldiers, to evacuating our civilians, to going into hot spots in Cambodia and trying to stop Pol Pot from another killing field and still being on the hit list of a lot of terrorist groups all over the world, still on the number one hit list of the Red Brigade in Italy, they still want me.

AJ: Okay doctor. Everything you are saying makes sense. And we have had other CFR people on here a couple of times and they are elitists. They ...

SP: I don't want you to think of me as a CFR. All I did was pay dues. I haven't attended a meeting in four or five years. So if you could use another title, I'd appreciate it Alex.

I haven't attended a meeting in well over a year or two because it has become very much a Rotary Club.
-- Dr. Steve Pieczenik

AJ: Alright. I mean there are so many -- my point is I've had these other guys up and they're pompous. They don't even seem that smart compared to having another talk show host on. But you seem very intelligent and obviously so. I mean, working around all these people. I mean here you are talking about this bin Laden situation. Give us your intel on that, or what you have heard of the info you have.

SP: Well, it's not a good situation. But it basically says to me that this is an orchestrated type of war. And I think that I didn't want to believe it for a very long time. And then I said that somebody is orchestrating something here with the agreement of the bin Laden family, knowing full well that he would die. And I think that Musharraf, the President of Pakistan, spilled the beans by accident three months ago when he said that bin Laden was dead, because his kidney dialysis machines were destroyed in East Afghanistan. Well, he was one of few that knew that he had a kidney problem. That wasn't well known before. Everybody thought he had a heart disease.

AJ: Exactly. But we have him in this American, called the American Hospital, and that report was confirmed.

SP: That was confirmed that he had kidney disease. So what happened there is that we have Bush, Sr., Bush, Jr., dealing with the bin Laden family, and then going to war with this organization that we effectively created in 1970s and 80s when we drove out the Soviet Union. And that was the conversion, again blowback, of the young mujahideen, where we gave them armament through the CIA again. And that was no great secret. Everybody knew that. And then there was a blowback.

AJ: They knew the blowback was coming and allowed it to happen. Again, I am absolutely blown away, doctor, because this is in all the evidence that I have. I have over a hundred mainstream articles, government documents, Northwoods, you name it, on in the government prior knowledge section. And to have you up on this show, I mean I didn't know which direction you were going to go. And I just had some of the transcripts from another interview that you did, but it's amazing. And now more and more people are saying it.

But look, they created bin Laden, they use him, the family is in bed with the Bushes back in the mid-70s, and you are talking about a stage-managed war. I mean, you just said it. I mean, boil it down for us. What are you saying -- a former deputy secretary of state -- what are you saying?

SP: Well what I am saying is, I mean as a deputy assistant, what I am saying is that I am coming to the same conclusion that you came to. And that is, and I hope I'm wrong, but more and more evidence points to the fact that somehow, given who the people are that they appointed to the Department of Defense, they were civilians who had never been in the military, the same guys who were in Iran-Contra dealings. And then you have the same people who are involved with Saddam Hussein: Cheney, and you have Condoleezza Rice who really wasn't all that much [inaudible], and the same whole cast, very tightly controlled. And they are managing something that doesn't make sense to me. And that is, "Yeah there was an attack on the World Trade Center, yet we don't really know who did it." And the president shows and says, "Well here I have the evidence that bin Laden did it." Well, if bin Laden did it, then why was the first mention and the first order that was given -- and I think you would remember this, so would your audience -- is the FBI has to evacuate the entire family. If you were to go into a criminal scene or investigation, you wouldn't say to everybody there if you wanted to know who the culprit is, and you say, "Oh that's the culprit. Let's get rid of the whole family and not ask anybody any questions." That was a big mistake.

AJ: That's another red flag, another smoking gun that I didn't even put in my 144-minute tour de force film that has so much evidence every 5 seconds. There's some new document or news release or public statement. You've got them, when all other aircraft are grounded, other than the military, you've got jets flying out of Florida and Boston ferrying this Royal family out of here.

SP: That's exactly right. And so the question becomes, "What's going on here?" And then the last one of course is the fourth plane which had seventy-five minutes. In other words, those of you who are particularly -- fighter pilots understand this. You can't fly at about three or four-hundred feet off the ground and at seventy-five minutes out, you have to go out to the Chesapeake and the ocean, and you are telling me that we couldn't get fighter planes in there? When we had already had two attacks? And you are telling me that that was not a military pilot who was trained to crash into the Department of Defense? That's unbelievable. And that was a sleeper. So, I can't put that all together. But I've put it all together and it's not a good picture, Alex.

AJ: What was a sleeper?

SP: The guy, the one flying that plane into the Department of Defense. Those guys were sleepers. I mean you've got to explain -- does your audience understand what -- a sleeper is a concept that came out and actually they are agents that are trained that came out of the old cold war, where the Russians would create and have individuals who were trained to kill and then they would be activated many years later. If you saw the movie, 'The Manchurian Candidate,' you'd get a good idea of that.

AJ: MKUltra mind control.

SP: MKUltra mind control, exactly.

AJ: You know, this is incredible. We've got one of the preeminent hostage negotiators, psyops guy, you know, worked with Tom Clancy, worked in four administrations, and then here you are with all the information.

SP: It is very disturbing to me Alex, as it is to any one of our American citizens who is not buying it.

AJ: So why did you decide to start going public with this? Was it getting ...

SP: I went public with this -- no, I went public -- well I've always been kind of a maverick. But I was offered an O7, and I said, "Look, I work alone." I'm a singleton basically, and I work on my own, and I work for my country. I never got a pension. I never really got paid much for what I did. I often had to pay back most of the expenses. I'm not telling you how great I am as an American. But as an American citizen, the reason that I went public, the first thing that bothered me was when Vice President Cheney was [inaudible] for having had at Haliburton, and that big corporation that he had in oil, which he was given $35 million for all his knowledge in oil which he had none of. He had been a former secretary of defense. He had put in an embargo on Iraq. And then he denied that he didn't know anything about the embargo, the fact that they had violated the embargo by having a $75 million joint venture with Iraq. And at that point I said, that was the straw that broke the camel's back for me. Cheney was just outright lying, and he committed a crime by violating an embargo. And I said, "These guys are in trouble." And I'm going out publicly to say this can't continue. Not as an American citizen, I'm not going back to war. I'm not going back and letting American soldiers die for something that may have been concocted or created. It's one thing if we are attacked by the Nazis or the Japanese or something. I'm not denying that we were attacked. The question is who did what, and how it was orchestrated. And if it was orchestrated, then we have a real problem, and that will destroy our democracy. That's why I went public, and you know that.

AJ: Doctor, stay right there. I am shaken by this. You know, David Schippers, the guy who impeached Bill Clinton, said basically the same things on this show. And more and more great Americans inside the system, cold warriors, are blowing the whistle. We'll be right back with our guest.

AJ: Deputy Assistant Secretary of State, he is best-selling author, works with Tom Clancy, you name it. And he is concerned. I'm glad that more and more Americans are concerned about government prior knowledge and involvement in allowing September 11th to take place. And, you know, Dr. Pieczenik, a lot of people don't understand. They say, "Well, if the government had prior knowledge of September 11th, or allowed it to take place, like FDR allowing the Japanese to attack Pearl Harbor" -- they had it on the History Channel -- "well, how did those guys then fly aircraft into buildings?" And my only point is this: all you need is a double agent like bin Laden, who we know has been an asset of the CIA, to go in and hype up the Islamics. Then the door is open and they are allowed to come in.

SP: Well, you know, I've got -- go ahead, Alex, keep going.

AJ: Then their names are kept out of the Customs computers. Then the watch list doesn't get to the airlines. Fifty-eight minutes they had to shoot down the second plane that hit the World Trade Center and, as you said, seventy plus minutes to get that other plane. So example after example. And then somebody with an incredible track record and serious resume like yourself comes out with an analysis that I don't even come out with on the air, even though that's what I suspected. Most Americans can't grasp sleeper agents. If you start talking about this because of the military precision of the Pentagon attack, or even what we saw with the twin towers, I mean, again, elaborate on this for us. This is earth shattering.

SP: Well, it's earth shattering for me, too. It was the kind of thing that I wouldn't want to believe. I mean, you know it's not like I just came out of the closet, and I was a whistle blower. I want the audience to understand: I'm a patriot and I've always felt strongly that the reason that I served my country is because it's an honor to serve the people. I don't serve an institution or a government that got out of control. And by the way, I wrote a book about this years ago, called 'State of Emergency,' where I said that we are going to have fights about the devolution of federal power. But basically it was over water rights in the Colorado River, and occurred over Nevada and Arizona. And that's what's happening -- it's States vs. Federal rights.

AJ: Sagebrush rebellion.

SP: You got it. And let's go back to that. And then what's bothering me Alex, and I think you articulated it better than I have, was I didn't want to believe what I was putting together. And you are beginning to articulate it, and this has been going on for well over six to nine months. I mean, I have been saying for a long time, even to the individuals involved and whom I know personally in the White House and elsewhere, "You are making a mistake by bringing in the people that you are doing. You are signaling to those of us who are knowledgeable, these are not serious people. These are people who have caused problems in the past. And something is going on here." And that's why when you get a guy like Cheney, Vice President, believe me this is a micromanager. There is nothing that goes by that he does not know. And that's the reason he's got five heart attacks. But I don't find him, not one of them has served in the military, other than Armitage. But not one of them has ever ...

AJ: Richard Armitage -- this guy is hooked up with the short trading, caught red-handed on United and American in that story ...

SP: Is that true? Is that what you have him on?

AJ: Oh yeah, we got it in triplicate.

SP: Okay, well I'm not surprised. Part of the neocon group again is a conservative group of guys who come from the extreme left that suddenly have an epiphany and go to the extreme right.

So one of the reasons that I was concerned is that we're heading in for a war that is partly orchestrated by us. And we went into Afghanistan, and that was one of the phoniest things that I have ever seen where General Kelly said, and he finally admitted, that we made a mistake. We used these war lords as the surrogates for fighting instead of American soldiers. And I'm saying, "What is this, a joke?" I mean, what idiot is going to believe that? I mean, anyone who knows the war lords knows that they are the most distrustful, dishonest guys in the world. They run narco traffic through Afghanistan. We went through this before after ten years, twenty years before. So what is this nonsense about suddenly we win a war in Kandahar and Mazar-e-Sharif in twenty minutes? And it turns out we didn't win anything. What happened it was a revolving door. Everything that we were going after, al Qaeda, they took in and made their exchanges.

And then it had to do with issues of a pipeline being put down in the north of Afghanistan. It goes back to the Carlyle Group and Unocal. Then I started checking the records, put up a $100 billion dollar bid, and this is open record. You can check it in front of the Congressional committee. And UNOCAL, and that's one of the big five, put up $100 billion to put up an oil pipeline up to the Caspian Sea, to that base where they found trillions of gallons of barrels of oil. And we could dump the Middle East that way. And that started to explain to me, "Well, you've got Cheney, you got Bush, the oil boys, they are concerned about that pipeline, you've got the Carlyle Group, and then you've got the neocons forcing us to get into wars with people who have weapons of mass destruction." Well, there are a lot of countries that have weapons of mass destruction. That doesn't mean we go to war with them.

AJ: Professor, we've got to break again. This is one of the most riveting shows we have ever done. It's amazing to have you on the air with us. And I know you don't want to be called professor -- its says that in one of the bios. Doctor, we'll be back after this quick break.

AJ: Steve, I have to be honest with you. I thought that you were going to come on and make excuses for what happened with the bin Ladens being in with the Bushes and ...

SP: No way, Alex, I'm an American. The one thing you don't do as an American is you don't play and mess with my Constitutional freedom. I don't care who you are, what your name is, what you think you are. When you mess with that, you are going to see me retaliate. And I warned the White House. I warned them, quite frankly -- some of the people who are involved, because they know me well -- I said, "If I can help you up there" -- and I helped both Bushes to get elected -- "Trust me, I'm going to help bring you down, because you don't play with the American public and their freedom. And you don't play with lives, American soldiers' lives, that I value." Because not only am I a physician, but having been in wars, seeing these boys die, for who? And the answer is, "No. As long as I live and I have a breath, I will still fight for that Constitution." The Constitution was based, created by men who understood what it meant not to centralize power, to make sure that we had the freedom of the individual, and that the individual was more important than the State.

AJ: And that is why our country has produced so much. And now it's all being squandered. So, again ...

PS: We are not producing anything Alex. We've become a third-world country. Right now, you've got, China is a big problem. They are producing more than we are. And what are we sending out? Billions of dollars. We are creating a nonsense organization: Homeland Security. I've never heard of such idiocy. $76 billion dollars for a man who has never run anything, totally emasculated, Tom Ridge -- a nice man as a governor who doesn't know anything. He never saw a terrorist in his life.

AJ: I've heard of Homeland Security. That's what Sturm Stoffel, SS stood for.

PS: Well, I don't want to go that far. But the point is, what came out of the $76 billion dollars? You got the color red, yellow, green and blue to tell me what am I supposed to do? What am I supposed to do?

AJ: They are going to have nightly alerts, and FEMA is going to activate our TV and radios, they told us.

PS: Sure, that will be the day.

AJ: Recappin, before we get into any other subjects that you'd like to discuss?

PS: Let me recap it very simply so that I make my position. I have not just suddenly come out of the closet. I've come out in a very distinct position my whole life. I stand by what I believe. I have served different administrations not because I served the administration but I served the American public. That's the way I viewed it. I was the only one who resigned. I mean Cyrus Vance is proud that he resigned on Carter, but I resigned over Cyrus Vance's handling of the Iran hostage siege, because he sent me one of these left wing nuts by the name of Ramsey Clark. I knew we would never have a chance to deal with the hostage negotiation, and like chess, when you open up the move, you lose a lot of time. And we were in deep trouble.

So I said, "Mr. Secretary, you are incompetent." And so I quit. And that's the kind of guy I am. And that's why I'm not in this administration, or others. When they called me in, believe me there is a lot that hit the fan. And the reason why I came back in is because I cleaned it up for the American public. Not for the President who's elected, not for the people there because they have become too self-important. What we have created, it's not a democracy, but we created for ourselves a common royalty. And they think they are that indispensable. And the answer is, "No man is indispensable to lead this country. No man." And every citizen is indispensable. And when you get to that point where we have to salute the flag, we have five different police forces here in Washington, and jet planes flying overhead -- give me a break. And that's what I believe in.

The American way of life is very simple. Let's do what we do. Leave us alone. Don't get in my back pocket. And don't come into my bedroom. That's how I believe.
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Re: Transcript of Alex Jones Interview with Dr. Steve Piecze

Postby admin » Thu May 26, 2016 4:12 am

Part 2 of 3

Then, about a year later at an event, I had a well-known Republican -- part of the Bush Administration -- well-known enough that I knew who they were, call me aside at an event and say, "Listen, this is off record" -- because I was already known then as being someone who can keep secrets if it's off record as a journalist. The more secrets you keep, the more secrets you get. That's why so many pour in: MIAC, Homeland Security Reports, you name it. We're a regular WikiLeaks here. It's just that our info's real and not sprinkled like theirs.

Now Dr. Pieczenik came on, and then Hades broke loose after he came on. He said he was on ice, and all this happened.

I looked up Pieczenik. I mean, he was there with the Mujahideen, knew these people. Talk about somebody who's living history, he's seen so much of it. But then after, I talked to one White House official, and another person well known to me got it from another White House source -- I'm just going to leave it at that. So two sources that I actually talked to: one on air, one privately, and the other through someone I know for decades who was told the same information. And I said, "This is not a rumor, right?" And they said, "No, he's dead." The intel was it was a cover story the kidney stuff. He reportedly was sick from that. They went ahead and got rid of him because he was putting those letters out saying "I didn't do it." And they wanted to take his identity and have him say he did. But Dr. Pieczenik can correct me if I'm wrong. And they did send in Special Forces. So in a way, it's true, and they killed him and have had him literally frozen.

Now they throw him in the ocean, and all this stuff comes out. It's ridiculous. They put out a photo two days ago that was fake. Now they say another one is coming. So all of this is happening.

Dead bin Laden photo 'is a fake'


A photo released on Monday purporting to show Osama bin Laden’s body is now reported to be a fake.

The image was carried by a number of international news agencies and broadcast by news channels around the world. It is thought to have originally been distributed by Pakistani media.

It is said to have been created using an earlier picture of bin Laden and another showing the bloodied face of an unidentified man.

The enhanced photo was reported to have been taken shortly after the al Qaeda’s leader’s body was recovered by US special forces.

It has now been withdrawn from all major media.

But a year after I talked to him, these other sources told me the same thing. And then about six months later Madeleine Albright went on Fox News -- we have links to all those articles and videos in our article, "Inside Sources: Bin Laden's corpse has been on ice for nearly a decade." That has all the bibliography there for you. And I'm just prefacing this for you before we go to Dr. Pieczenik because it's so important, and a lot of folks are tuning in and watching right now, a record audience. That Madeline Albright came out and said, "The word is he's on ice." She used that same term, "and they're going to be rolling him out for the election."

Madeleine Albright: Bush Planning Bin Laden October Surprise
Dec. 17, 2003

It was bad enough on Monday when Washington state Congressman "Baghdad" Jim McDermott suggested that President Bush could have captured Saddam Hussein long ago, but moved only when the news would have had maximum political effect.

But now, former Secretary of State Madeleine Albright is telling reporters that the Bush administration may already have captured Osama bin Laden and will release the news just before next year's presidential election.

On Fox News Channel's "Special Report with Brit Hume," Roll Call reporter Morton Kondracke recounted Albright's comments to him during an encounter before Tuesday night's broadcast, while she was waiting in the green room to appear on another show.

Kondracke said the former Clinton official approached him and asked, "Do you suppose that the Bush administration has Osama bin Laden hidden away somewhere and will bring him out before the election?"

Kondracke said that Albright didn't seem to be joking, explaining, "She was not smiling."

He shot back, "You can't seriously believe that."

Albright replied that she thought a bin Laden October Surprise orchestrated by Bush was "a possibility."

Reacting to Albright's bizarre outburst, former Reagan administration drug czar Bill Bennett told Fox News Channel's "Hannity & Colmes": "It's nuts. It's staggering. It's paranoid."

"Maybe this is the style of thinking she'd grown accustomed to in the Clinton administration," he added. "Shame on her for saying that, as a former secretary of state of the United States."

Then Walter Cronkite, Bohemian Grove, super high level, hanging out with the top people. That's kind of the Democratic wing. They got word that this was going to happen if Bush needed it.

Bin Laden Releases New Videotape
by Larry King
CNN Larry King Live
October 29, 2004


LARRY KING, HOST: Tonight, four days before America votes in the first election since 9/11, a new Osama bin Laden tape addressing the American people and naming both President Bush and John Kerry. How will this affect the race? We'll ask a living legend of broadcast journalism, Walter Cronkite, the former CBS News anchor.... [snip]

KING: Walter Cronkite, the legendary journalist and old friend, a great man in the history of broadcast journalists, and maybe the most revered person ever to go on camera. Let's first play a little bit of this tape, in which bin Laden, released today, directly addresses the American people. Watch.


OSAMA BIN LADEN (through translator): Your security is not in the hands of Kerry or Bush or al Qaeda. Your security is in your own hands. Any nation that does not attack us will not be attacked.


KING: OK, Walter. What do you make of this?

CRONKITE: Well, I make it out to be initially the reaction that it's a threat to us, that unless we make peace with him, in a sense, we can expect further attacks. He did not say that precisely, but it sounds like that when he says...

KING: The warning.

CRONKITE: What we just heard. So now the question is basically right now, how will this affect the election? And I have a feeling that it could tilt the election a bit. In fact, I'm a little inclined to think that Karl Rove, the political manager at the White House, who is a very clever man, he probably set up bin Laden to this thing. The advantage to the Republican side is to get rid of, as a principal subject of the campaigns right now, get rid of the whole problem of the al Qaqaa explosive dump. Right now, that, the last couple of days, has, I think, upset the Republican campaign.

KING: Are there enough undecideds to tilt this? Or what do you think of the whole election picture?

CRONKITE: Well, I think it's one of the biggest messes we've had in a long time. I believe that we're undoubtedly not going to know the results of this election. I don't want to knock you off the air on Monday night or anything, or Tuesday night. But I suspect that we're not going to know who the next president is, whether it is Bush or the new man, until very probably sometime in the early spring. There's so much controversy that they're planting, deliberately planting at the polls, that there's almost certainly to be a suit going back to the Supreme Court eventually, going through the other courts slowly first.

KING: Who's to blame for this?

CRONKITE: Who's to blame for it really is the intensity of this campaign. Plus the fact that we have a preface to this in the last campaign. What year was that now?

KING: 2000.

CRONKITE: 2000. Thank you very much. We saw that we could go to court. We saw that with watchers on both sides, heavily mounted police to watch from both sides the polling in many states, nearly all of the heavy states. And in those cases, they will be finding every possible reason to file against the results.

KING: So you're saying, unless there is a clear-cut winner...

CRONKITE: And that's highly unlikely, it seems to me. From the polls, we know now that it's very, very close. And the key states with the heavy electorate votes.

KING: Now, bin Laden, of course, could help Bush in that it reminds people of a terror issue in which he runs strong. It also could hurt Bush in that reminds people he's still alive. So this could be a double edged sword, right?

CRONKITE: Indeed. Indeed. And the thing that in bringing this threat to us, there is almost, in the fact that he dressed well, that he looked well, he was clean shaven, nearly clean shaven as those folks get. It seemed almost, to me, that he wanted to enter into negotiations, that he was really up -- he wants to move into a leadership role in international affairs instead of the role of a brigand. And he spoke calmly about this thing. The threat was there, no question about it. He's delivering a warning to us, no question about that. And certainly, I don't think there's any reason to feel that we can take him to our bosom just because this speech at all. He's perfectly capable of blowing us up.

KING: He sure is. Is Iraq the central issue in this campaign?

CRONKITE: I feel it is. I feel it is. We do know that the economy is very important. Unemployment very important to a lot of people. And a lot -- and besides unemployment, there are a lot of people who are poorly paid in the United States today. We've got a poverty list, which is we forget about the percentage of poverty, families in the United States. It's quite shameful. They're to be considered as well. And if the Democrats have succeeded, are succeeding in registering as many people as is indicated, they're going to have a fairly good bloc of votes on the economy.

KING: Do you expect a huge turnout?


KING: A huge turnout?

CRONKITE: Oh, yes, I do. I think so. The only thing that could damage the turnout would be the threats that might be implied, as many of the new registrees are challenged as to their various things. Their spelling of their name and the state where they really come from, whether they're immigrants or not, do they have passports, all that kind of thing. If they are challenged at the polls, as they line up to go into the polls, they may fear having to answer all those questions. Particularly if they do have anything wrong about them and shouldn't vote.

KING: We'll take a break and be back with some more moments from Walter Cronkite, and then an outstanding panel will join us as we approach the election. And it will finally be over. Don't go away.


GEORGE W. BUSH, PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES: Let me make this very clear. Americans will not be intimidated or influenced by an enemy of our country. I'm sure Senator Kerry agrees with this. I also want to say to the American people that we are at war with these terrorists. And I am confident that we will prevail. Thank you very much.




SEN. JOHN KERRY (D-MA), PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE: In response to this tape of Osama bin Laden, let me just make it clear, crystal clear. As Americans, we are absolutely united in our determination to hunt down and destroy Osama bin Laden and the terrorists. They are barbarians. And I will stop at absolutely nothing to hunt down, capture, or kill the terrorists wherever they are, whatever it takes, period.


KING: We're back with Walter Cronkite. Why has this campaign -- and you've been through a lot of them -- been so vituperative?

CRONKITE: I think partly because of the nature of the administration. It has offended a large number of people quite seriously, right down to their souls, apparently. The war has not supported fully, certainly by all the people. The economy has touched a lot of our people. And they feel very strongly about it. So there is a very definite body there in opposition to the administration, as we know. And the administration itself has a lot of support. I think that mostly it's really locked into the Iraqi situation.

KING: Will Ralph Nader be a factor?

CRONKITE: He certainly could be. He was very serious factor with 3 percent of the vote, not quite 3 percent of the vote in 19...

KING: 2000.

CRONKITE: 2000, that is. I've covered too many presidential campaigns. In 2000. And, look, Ross Perot had 9 percent the year that he ran seriously. Just think if Nader got anything like that. He can certainly upset the vote across the nation.

KING: But he will not get that.

CRONKITE: Could possibly even do it with 3 percent, if it's that close, as close as it seems like it might be. I don't know if he'll get 3 percent this year. I don't think he's been at prominent in the campaign as he was in 2000. So maybe he won't even get that many. However, there's a hidden problem there. And that's the environment.

He is the only candidate who has been talking about our environment. It's been dropped into a few speeches by Kerry, but just barely mentioned. That's one of the problems. That's not enough for the environmentalists. They just might go for the Green Party.

KING: Do you have a forecast other than waiting until March and April? Who's it going to be in March or April?

CRONKITE: Boy, if I just had a hint of that, I could probably make a million dollars overnight. That is, after the election.

KING: So you have no idea?

CRONKITE: I have no idea. I really don't. I follow the campaigns as closely as one can, and it looks to me like it's just as close as the polls indicate it is. And we're not going to really know, as I say, we're not going to know on Tuesday night or Wednesday morning. We're going -- it's going to be some time before we get the answer.

KING: A couple of other things. We're all in that zipper club. Have you spoken to president Clinton? You had the surgery.

CRONKITE: I spoke to him shortly after he had his operation, yes.

KING: And what did he say?

CRONKITE: Well, we talked about operations. I'd had one, a quadruple bypass.

KING: You and I have the same doctor.

CRONKITE: Yes, right. So I was giving him my medical advice.

KING: Dr. Wayne Isom. He's the best.

CRONKITE: That wasn't his surgeon.

KING: No, that wasn't his doctor. They were trying to get Wayne. He was out of town or something.

CRONKITE: Is that what happened? I mentioned it, and he kind of passed over it. But Wayne is an amazing doctor.

KING: Amazing. And how is your health?

CRONKITE: My health is absolutely excellent. I still creep around a little bit from a torn Achilles tendon, but I'm rather proud of it. I got it on the tennis court at the age of 85, and I figure that I can live on that for a while.

KING: You're going to be 88 next week, right?

CRONKITE: Yes, indeed.

KING: Do you feel 88?

CRONKITE: Heck no. I can't believe it. I really can't believe it. Every once in a while, I kind of shudder. 88? My gosh, that's an old man. And I don't feel that at all. There is not an activity that we perform in the human race that I'm not prepared to undergo again.

KING: You're a great credit to that race. Thank you, Walter.

CRONKITE: Thank you very much, Larry. Good luck to you tonight.

KING: Thank you. Walter Cronkite, who keeps on keeping on.

Then Teresa Heinz Kerry came out as the proxy for her husband and said, "Yeah, this is the word." So that scared Bush into not releasing it.

Heinz Kerry helps Democrats raise $1M at Phoenix event
by Mike Sunnucks
Phoenix Business Journal
September 23, 2004

Arizona Democrats raked in more than $1 million Wednesday night at a fund-raiser headlined by Teresa Heinz Kerry.

Heinz Kerry criticized the Bush administration on tax cuts, Iraq and the war on terrorism at the event, which was held at the Arizona Biltmore Resort & Spa.

In regard to the hunt for terror leader Osama Bin Laden, Heinz Kerry said she could see the al-Qaida chief being caught before the November election.

"I wouldn't be surprised if he appeared in the next month," said Heinz Kerry, alluding to a possible capture by United States and allied forces before election day.

The spouse of Democratic presidential candidate John Kerry also hit President Bush on Iraq, saying it should not be equated with anti-terrorism efforts and that the current administration chose to create a "hotbed for terrorism" in Iraq when dictator Saddam Hussein did not pose an immediate threat. Heinz Kerry also said she agrees with her husband that a military draft may be reinstated under Bush.

She said she was embarrassed to receive tax cuts advocated by Bush and supports her husband's efforts to roll them back for higher incomes and use those funds for education, health care and deficit reduction.

Bush Southwestern campaign spokesman Danny Diaz hit the Kerry campaign on both the Iraq and draft issues. Diaz said the Kerry camp is "irresponsible" for bringing up the draft issue and contends the Democrat is doing it for political gain.

Diaz also criticized Kerry for shifting positions on Iraq on the campaign trail after voting to authorize military action in 2002.

"Arizonans need a president they can count on, a leader who knows what he believes, and after reading the morning's paper, doesn't shift his stance to accommodate the opposition," Diaz said.

The Biltmore event was the largest single fund-raising event by state Democrats, displaying the prowess on that front by state party chairman Jim Pederson and Gov. Janet Napolitano.

Several of the main sponsors of the fund-raiser included groups that often clash with business interests.

That list includes the Arizona Trial Lawyers Association, Arizona AFL-CIO, United Food and Commercial Workers Union and the American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees.

Business interests view litigation reforms to reduce class action and frivolous lawsuits as a top issue in Bush's favor.

Groups such as the U.S. Chamber of Commerce and National Federation of Independent Business are not pleased with Kerry's pick of North Carolina Sen. John Edwards, a former trial lawyer and opponent of business-backed tort reform, as his running mate.

Kerry also has not backed business efforts on litigation reforms. Bush supports tort reforms.

Pederson, a Valley shopping center developer, has made fund-raising a top priority as Democratic state chairman. That includes making significant contributions himself and reaching out with Napolitano to moderate business executives.

Democratic spokeswoman Sarah Rosen said none of the money for the $1 million Wednesday event came from Pederson.

Pederson is expected to challenge GOP U.S. Sen. Jon Kyl in 2006.

There were some business lobbyists at the Heinz Kerry event, including officials and lobbyists from Pinnacle West Capital Corp., Wells Fargo Bank and the Home Builders Association of Arizona.

The event was held the same day it was announced the Kerry campaign was nixing plans to run homestretch ads in Arizona. Kerry's team had planned to begin running ads again on local stations in Phoenix and Tucson but has opted not to, bolstering GOP confidence.

Recent Arizona polls show Bush leading Kerry in the state by 6 to 11 percentage points.

Kerry Arizona campaign spokeswoman Sue Walitsky said Arizona voters still will see national cable ads, and the state still is a priority in terms of grassroots efforts.

"There is no surrender here," Walitsky said.

Arizona Republican Party Chairman Bob Fannin said the Biltmore fund-raiser will end up going to other battleground states and not Arizona.

"The Arizona Democratic Party has become little more than an ATM for the national Democrats," said Fannin. "Democrats have realized that Napolitano's election and Jim Pederson's soft money are not enough to save the Kerry campaign in Arizona."

By the way, I got threats over this, all sorts of dirty tricks when I was pushing this. And then it receded into history for another six or seven years. And now it's back, exactly the script we were told. So if you're a new listener, or if you're the Washington Post, or the New York Times, or New York Magazine, or L.A. Times, attacking me over this -- actually, a few of the articles are actually pretty fair, but some of them are ridiculous, like the New York Magazine, or The Atlantic with Jeff Goldberg. They're attacking us in cartoonish ways.

If you're doubting this, look at the history we already have: Benazir Bhutto coming out and saying, "Look, Bin Laden's dead. Stop using him as a pretext to be in Pakistan." A week later she's killed [December 27, 2007: 51 days later]. Our media says she hit her head, and then they release video of her being machine-gunned by the assassin. And the word from Hamid Gul and others formerly out of Pakistani intelligence is, "The White House pulled the trigger on her."

November 3, 2007


[David Frost] There was one report that said that you had arranged to send President Musharraf a letter, to be sent in the event of your death by assassination, urging him to investigate certain individuals in his government. Is that true?

[Benazir Bhutto] Yes, it is true that I wrote to General Musharraf. I received information from General Musharraf that a friendly country had passed on to them, the information that I could be attacked by a gang from the Afghan warlord Baitullah Mehsud, or by Hamza bin Laden, the son of Osama bin Laden, or by the Pakistan Taliban in Islamabad, or by a group in Karachi. So I sent back a letter saying that while these groups may be used, I thought it was more important to go after the people who supported them, who organized them, who could possibly be the financiers or the organizers of the finance for those groups. And I named three individuals who I thought were the sympathizers. Now I understand that I could be wrong and my suspicions could be misplaced. But these are the people that I suspect want to stop the restoration of democracy. They want to stop my return because they know in 1993, when Pakistan was on the brink of being declared a terrorist state, I stopped the rise of terrorism. And they know that I can do it again. So I feel that these are the forces that really want to stop not just me, but the democratic process, and the will of the people from triumphing.

[David Frost] And in terms of these three people that you mentioned, were they members of, or associated with, the government?


[Benazir Bhutto]: Yes. Well, one of them is a very key figure in security. He's a former military officer. He is someone that has had dealings with Jaish-e-Mohammad, one of the banned groups with Maulana Azhar, who was in an Indian jail for decapitating three British tourists and three American tourists. And he also had dealings with Omar Sheikh, the man who murdered Osama bin Laden. [LC-1] Now I know that having dealings with people does not necessarily mean direct evidence. But I also know that internal security has totally collapsed in Pakistan, and that internal security cannot collapse without there being some blind eye, if not collusion, being turned to the rise of the militants and militancy. Not only are our tribal areas out of our control, but even the beautiful valley of Swat is now under takeover by Islamists. So I would like to see a [inaudible] police inquiry, assisted by Scotland Yard or the FBI, come in and use their forensic and scientific explanation to find out not only the perpetrators, but the financiers and the organizers of this heinous crime that killed 158 innocent people.

Now our guest is telling us, and our experts start telling us, there is going to be a move against Pakistan in the last month. Then they catch this CIA operative, CNN reports, with the uranium, trying to get it to the Mujahideen, and then blame it on the regular army of Pakistan to build the case to snatch their nukes. Which will bring China in, folks. This could be World War III. So all of that's happening. You have all of these other world leaders who have said this.

"CIA spy" Davis was giving nuclear bomb material to Al-Qaeda, says report
by Asian News International
Feb 20, 2011

Double murder -- accused US official Raymond Davis has been found in possession of top-secret CIA documents, which point to him or the feared American Task Force 373 (TF373) operating in the region, providing terrorists with “nuclear fissile material” and “biological agents,” according to a report.

Russia’s Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR) is warning that the situation on the sub-continent has turned “grave” as it appears that open warfare is about to break out between Pakistan and the United States, The European Union Times reports.

The SVR warned in its report that the apprehension of 36-year-old Davis, who shot dead two Pakistani men in Lahore last month, had fuelled this crisis.

According to the report, the combat skills exhibited by Davis, along with documentation taken from him after his arrest, prove that he is a member of US’ TF373 black operations unit currently operating in the Afghan War Theatre and Pakistan’s tribal areas, the paper said.

While the US insists that Davis is one of their diplomats, and the two men he killed were robbers, Pakistan says that the duo were ISI agents sent to follow him after it was discovered that he had been making contact with terrorists, after his cell phone was tracked to the Waziristan tribal area bordering Afghanistan, the paper said.

The most ominous point in this SVR report is “Pakistan’s ISI stating that top-secret CIA documents found in Davis’s possession point to his, and/or TF373, providing to terrorists “nuclear fissile material” and “biological agents”, which they claim are to be used against the United States itself in order to ignite an all-out war in order to re-establish the West’s hegemony over a Global economy that is warned is just months away from collapse,” the paper added. (ANI)

American Held in Pakistan Worked With C.I.A.
by Mark Mazzetti, Ashley Parker, Jane Perlez and Eric Schmitt
The New York Times
February 21, 2011

WASHINGTON — The American arrested in Pakistan after shooting two men at a crowded traffic stop was part of a covert, C.I.A.-led team collecting intelligence and conducting surveillance on militant groups deep inside the country, according to American government officials.

Working from a safe house in the eastern city of Lahore, the detained American contractor, Raymond A. Davis, a retired Special Forces soldier, carried out scouting and other reconnaissance missions as a security officer for the Central Intelligence Agency case officers and technical experts doing the operations, the officials said.

Mr. Davis’s arrest and detention last month, which came after what American officials have described as a botched robbery attempt, have inadvertently pulled back the curtain on a web of covert American operations inside Pakistan, part of a secret war run by the C.I.A.

The episode has exacerbated already frayed relations between the American intelligence agency and its Pakistani counterpart, created a political dilemma for the weak, pro-American Pakistani government, and further threatened the stability of the country, which has the world’s fastest growing nuclear arsenal.

Without describing Mr. Davis’s mission or intelligence affiliation, President Obama last week made a public plea for his release. Meanwhile, there have been a flurry of private phone calls to Pakistan from Leon E. Panetta, the C.I.A. director, and Adm. Mike Mullen, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, all intended to persuade the Pakistanis to release the secret operative.

Mr. Davis has worked for years as a C.I.A. contractor, including time at Blackwater Worldwide, the private security firm (now called Xe) that Pakistanis have long viewed as symbolizing a culture of American gun-slinging overseas.

The New York Times had agreed to temporarily withhold information about Mr. Davis’s ties to the agency at the request of the Obama administration, which argued that disclosure of his specific job would put his life at risk. Several foreign news organizations have disclosed some aspects of Mr. Davis’s work with the C.I.A.

On Monday, American officials lifted their request to withhold publication. George Little, a C.I.A. spokesman, declined to comment specifically on the Davis matter, but said in a statement: “Our security personnel around the world act in a support role providing security for American officials. They do not conduct foreign intelligence collection or covert operations.”

Since the United States is not at war in Pakistan, the American military is largely restricted from operating in the country. So the Central Intelligence Agency has taken on an expanded role, operating armed drones that kill militants inside the country and running covert operations, sometimes without the knowledge of the Pakistanis.

Several American and Pakistani officials said that the C.I.A. team with which Mr. Davis worked in Lahore was tasked with tracking the movements of various Pakistani militant groups, including Lashkar-e-Taiba, a particularly violent group that Pakistan uses as a proxy force against India but that the United States considers a threat to allied troops in Afghanistan. For the Pakistanis, such spying inside their country is an extremely delicate issue, particularly since Lashkar has longstanding ties to Pakistan’s intelligence service, the Directorate for Inter-Services Intelligence, or ISI.

Still, American and Pakistani officials use Lahore as a base of operations to investigate the militant groups and their madrasas in the surrounding area.

The officials gave various accounts of the makeup of the covert team and of Mr. Davis, who at the time of his arrest was carrying a Glock pistol, a long-range wireless set, a small telescope and a headlamp. An American and a Pakistani official said in interviews that operatives from the Pentagon’s Joint Special Operations Command had been assigned to the group to help with the surveillance missions. Other American officials, however, said that no military personnel were involved with the team.

Special operations troops routinely work with the C.I.A. in Pakistan. Among other things, they helped the agency pinpoint the location of Mullah Abdul Ghani Baradar, the deputy Taliban commander who was arrested in January 2010 in Karachi.

Even before the arrest of Mr. Davis, his C.I.A. affiliation was known to Pakistani authorities, who keep close tabs on the movements of Americans. His visa, presented to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in late 2009, describes his job as a “regional affairs officer,” a common job description for officials working with the agency.

According to that application, Mr. Davis carried an American diplomatic passport and was listed as “administrative and technical staff,” a category that typically grants diplomatic immunity to its holder.

American officials said that with Pakistan’s government trying to clamp down on the increasing flow of Central Intelligence Agency officers and contractors trying to gain entry to Pakistan, more of these operatives have been granted “cover” as embassy employees and given diplomatic passports.

As Mr. Davis is held in a jail cell in Lahore — the subject of an international dispute at the highest levels — new details are emerging of what happened in a dramatic daytime scene on the streets of central Lahore, a sprawling city, on Jan. 27.

By the American account, Mr. Davis was driving alone in an impoverished area rarely visited by foreigners, and stopped his car at a crowded intersection. Two Pakistani men brandishing weapons hopped off motorcycles and approached. Mr. Davis killed them with the Glock, an act American officials insisted was in self-defense against armed robbers.

But on Sunday, the text of the Lahore Police Department’s crime report was published in English by a prominent daily newspaper, The Daily Times, and it offered a somewhat different account.

It is based in part on the version of events Mr. Davis gave Pakistani authorities, and it seems to raise doubts about his claim that the shootings were in self-defense.

According to that report, Mr. Davis told the police that after shooting the two men, he stepped out of the car to take photographs of one of them, then called the United States Consulate in Lahore for help.

But the report also said that the victims were shot several times in the back, a detail that some Pakistani officials say proves the killings were murder. By this account, Mr. Davis fired at the men through his windshield, then stepped out of the car and continued firing. The report said that Mr. Davis then got back in his car and “managed to escape,” but that the police gave chase and “overpowered” him at a traffic circle a short distance away.

In a bizarre twist that has further infuriated the Pakistanis, a third man was killed when an unmarked Toyota Land Cruiser, racing to Mr. Davis’s rescue, drove the wrong way down a one-way street and ran over a motorcyclist. As the Land Cruiser drove “recklessly” back to the consulate, the report said, items fell out of the vehicle, including 100 bullets, a black mask and a piece of cloth with the American flag.

Pakistani officials have demanded that the Americans in the S.U.V. be turned over to local authorities, but American officials say they have already left the country.

Mr. Davis and the other Americans were heavily armed and carried sophisticated equipment, the report said.

The Pakistani Foreign Office, generally considered to work under the guidance of the ISI, has declined to grant Mr. Davis what it calls the “blanket immunity” from prosecution that diplomats enjoy. In a setback for Washington, the Lahore High Court last week gave the Pakistani government until March 14 to decide on Mr. Davis’s immunity.

The pro-American government led by President Asif Ali Zardari, fearful for its survival in the face of a surge of anti-American sentiment, has resisted strenuous pressure from the Obama administration to release Mr. Davis to the United States. Some militant and religious groups have demanded that Mr. Davis be tried in the Pakistani courts and hanged.

Relations between the two spy agencies were tense even before the episode on the streets of Lahore. In December, the C.I.A.’s top clandestine officer in Pakistan hurriedly left the country after his identity was revealed. Some inside the agency believe that ISI operatives were behind the disclosure — retribution for the head of the ISI, Lt. Gen.Ahmed Shuja Pasha, being named in a New York City lawsuit filed in connection with the 2008 terror attack in Mumbai, in which members of his agency are believed to have played a role. ISI officials denied that was the case.

One senior Pakistani official close to the ISI said Pakistani spies were particularly infuriated over the Davis episode because it was such a public spectacle. Besides the three Pakistanis who were killed, the widow of one of the victims committed suicide by swallowing rat poison.

Moreover, the official said, the case was embarrassing for the ISI for its flagrancy, revealing how much freedom American spies have to roam around the country.

“We all know the spy-versus-spy games, we all know it works in the shadows,” the official said, “but you don’t get caught, and you don’t get caught committing murders.”

Mr. Davis, burly at 36, appears to have arrived in Pakistan in late 2009 or early 2010. American officials said he operated as part of the Central Intelligence Agency’s Global Response Staff in various parts of the country, including Lahore and Peshawar.

Documents released by Pakistan’s Foreign Office showed that Mr. Davis was paid $200,000 a year, including travel expenses and insurance.

He is a native of rural southwest Virginia, described by those who know him as an unlikely figure to be at the center of international intrigue.

He grew up in Big Stone Gap, a small town named after the gap in the mountains where the Powell River emerges.

The youngest of three children, Mr. Davis enlisted in the military after graduating from Powell Valley High School in 1993.

“I guess about any man’s dream is to serve his country,” his sister Michelle Wade said.

Shrugging off the portrait of him as an international spy comfortable with a Glock, Ms. Wade said: “He would always walk away from a fight. That’s just who he is.”

His high school friends remember him as good-natured, athletic, respectful. He was also a protector, they said, the type who stood up for the underdog.

“Friends with everyone, just a salt of the earth person,” said Jennifer Boring, who graduated from high school with Mr. Davis.

Mr. Davis served in the infantry in Europe — including a short tour as a peacekeeper in Macedonia — before joining the Third Special Forces Group in 1998, where he remained until he left the Army in 2003. The Army Special Forces — known as the Green Berets — are an elite group trained in weapons and foreign languages and cultures.

It is unclear when Mr. Davis began working for the C.I.A., but American officials said that in recent years he worked for the spy agency as a Blackwater contractor and later founded his own small company, Hyperion Protective Services.

Mr. Davis and his wife have moved frequently, living in Las Vegas, Arizona and Colorado.

One neighbor in Colorado, Gary Sollee, said that Mr. Davis described himself as “former military,” adding that “he’d have to leave the country for work pretty often, and when he’s gone, he’s gone for an extended period of time.”

Mr. Davis’s sister, Ms. Wade, said she was awaiting her brother’s safe return.

“The only thing I’m going to say is I love my brother,” she said. “I love my brother, God knows, I love him. I’m just praying for him.”

Eric Schmitt and Mark Mazzetti reported from Washington, Ashley Parker from Big Stone Gap, Va., and Jane Perlez from Pakistan. Ismail Khan contributed reporting from Peshawar, Pakistan, and Waqar Gillani from Lahore, Pakistan.
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Re: Transcript of Alex Jones Interview with Dr. Steve Piecze

Postby admin » Thu May 26, 2016 4:17 am

Part 3 of 3

Now, I'm going to try to now give the floor to our guest. Dr. Steve Pieczenik served as Deputy Secretary of State and Senior Policy Planner under Secretaries Henry Kissinger, Cyrus Vance, George Schultz -- talk about knowing where the bodies are buried -- and James Baker. Dr. Pieczenik continues to consult the Department of Defense. He received a Counsel on Foreign Relations Fellowship when he was recruited by Lawrence Eagleburger as Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for Management. In that position, he created the Office of Combat Terrorism, the family liaison. And it just goes on for a long time. Dr. Pieczenik is the author and creator of 26 New York Times best sellers. His experiences in government and international crisis management were the basis of Tom Clancy's characters Jack Ryan and Richard Clark. And the website is We'll get links up at And we're going to skip this network break coming up, this is so important. Dr. Pieczenik, thank you so much for coming on. I'm going to try and sit back, give you the floor to talk about what's currently happened, some of the history involved with these players: Bin Laden who, going back to the interview that you intimately know. Thank you for joining us.

Steve Pieczenik
by Wikipedia

Steve Pieczenik, MD, PhD[1] (born December 7, 1943 in Havana, Cuba) is an American psychiatrist, former State Department official, author and publisher.

Early Life and Education

Pieczenik was born of Russian-Polish parents in Cuba and reared in France.[2] His father, a doctor from Dombrovicz who studied and worked in Toulouse[3], fled Poland before World War II. His mother, a Russian Jew from Bialystok[3], fled Europe after many of her family members were killed. The couple met in Portugal, where both had fled ahead of the Nazi invaders.[3] Pieczenik was born in Cuba, out of wedlock in 1943.[4][3] After living in Toulouse, France for six years, Pieczenik's family migrated to the United States where they settled in the Harlem area[3] of New York City, New York.[5] Steve Pieczenik was eight years old when his parents received their visa to the US.[3]

Pieczenik is a classical pianist who wrote a full-length musical at the age of eight.[4]

Pieczenik is a Harvard-trained psychiatrist and has a doctorate in international relations from MIT.[3]

According to Pieczenik's autobiography, he attended Booker T. Washington High School in the Harlem neighborhood of New York City. Pieczenik received a full scholarship to Cornell University at the age of 16.[3] In 1964, Pieczenik claims he received a B.A. degree in Pre-Medicine and Psychology from Cornell, later attending Cornell University Medical College. In his spare time, he attained a PhD in international relations from MIT while studying at Harvard Medical School.[4] Pieczenik claims to be the first psychiatrist ever to receive a PhD focusing on international relations. [5]

While doing his psychiatric residency at Harvard, he was awarded the Harry E. Solomon award for his paper entitled "The hierarchy of ego-defense mechanisms in foreign policy decision making."[3]

An article written by Pieczenik - "Psychological dimensions of international dependency" appears in The American Journal of Psychiatry, Vol 132(4), Apr 1975, 428-431.[6]

Professional life

Pieczenik was deputy assistant secretary of state under Henry Kissinger, Cyrus Vance and James Baker.[3] His expertise includes foreign policy, international crisis management and psychological warfare.[7] He served the presidential administrations of Gerald Ford, Jimmy Carter, Ronald Reagan and George H.W. Bush in the capacity of deputy assistant secretary.[8]

In 1974, Pieczenik joined the U.S. State Department as a consultant to restructure its Office for the Prevention of Terrorism.[2]

In 1976, Pieczenik was made deputy assistant secretary of state for management.[2][9][10][5]

At the State Department, he served as a "specialist on hostage taking."[11] He has been credited with devising successful negotiating strategies and tactics used in several high profile hostage situations including the 1976 TWA Flight 355 hostage situation and the 1977 kidnapping of the son of Cyprus' president.[2] He was involved in negotiations for the release of Aldo Moro after Moro was kidnapped.[12] As a renowned psychiatrist, he was utilized as a press source for early information on the mental state of the hostages involved in the Iranian Hostage Crisis after they were freed.[13] In 1977, Pulitzer Prize winning journalist Mary McGrory described Stephen Pieczenik as "one of the most 'brilliantly competent' men in the field of terrorism."[14] He worked "side by side" with Police Chief Maurice J. Cullinane in the Washington, D.C. command center of Mayor Walter Washington during the 1977 Hanafi Siege.[15] In 1978, Pieczenik was known as "a psychiatrist and political scientist in the U.S. State Department whose credentials and experiences are probably unique among officials handling terrorist situations."[2]

On September 17, 1978 the Camp David Accords were signed. Pieczenik was at the secret Camp David negotiations leading up to the signing of the Accords. He worked out strategy and tactics based on psychopolitical dynamics. He correctly predicted that, given their common backgrounds, Egyptian President Anwar El Sadat and Israeli Prime Minister Menachem Begin would get along.[3]

In 1979, he resigned as deputy assistant secretary of state over the handling of the Iranian hostage crisis.[4]

In the early 1980's, Pieczenik wrote an article for The Washington Post in which he claims to have heard a senior U.S. official in the State Department Operations Center give permission for the attack that led to the death of U.S. Ambassador Adolph Dubs in Kabul, Afghanistan in 1979.[16]

Pieczenik got to know Syrian President Hafez Assad well during his 20 years in the US State Department.[3]

In 1982, Pieczenik was mentioned in a New York Times article as "a psychiatrist who has treated C.I.A. employees".[17]

In 2001, Pieczenik operated as chief executive officer of Strategic Intelligence Associates, a consulting firm.[18]

Dr. Pieczenik has been affiliated in a professional capacity as a psychiatrist with the National Institute of Mental Health. [19]

Dr. Pieczenik has previously consulted with both the United States Institute of Peace and the RAND Corporation [20]

The ‘monkey act’ at the USIP
by Ajit Randeniya
September 22nd, 2009

The 28 August presentations by Jehan Perera and Paikiasothy Saravanamuttu at the so-called US Institute of Peace (USIP) revealed many things about these two individuals.

Perera, following a ‘gutless’ analysis about the situation in Sri Lanka, pleaded for the ‘support’ of the international community. He was careful not to mention money though.

Paikiasothy’s motive was obviously similar but was expressed more deceptively, and venomously. With the use of meaningless and hackneyed clichés such as the need to ‘move from post-war to post-conflict situation (a journey of a thousand miles it seems!) and ‘empirical reference points’, whatever they could be, Paikiasothy was searching desperately for an academic or intellectual veneer to his demented rant! An excellent rebuttal presented with dignity by the Sri Lankan ambassador blunted any effect these two bogus intellectuals would have had.

The futility of this ‘dance of the two monkeys’ to the neocon tunes cannot be fully illustrated without understanding the background of their host, the USIP. The detail shows that the association between these agents and their friends at the USIP is based on dishonesty of similar scale of the two parties.

The USIP is a congressionally funded ‘think tank’ created in 1984 during the Ronal Reagan regime, staffed by neocons who plotted the seizure of Iraq’s oil fields. Similar to the front specifically created for undermining Cuba, the National Endowment for Democracy (NED), USIP is another product of neocon success in the Reagan and Bush era, aided by Congress, in getting public funding to implement their agenda against progressives internationally. Outrageously, at its creation USIP was mandated with full access to classified information of intelligence agencies.

Under the guise of promoting peace, the USIP facilitates war and occupation. The naming of the Institute as one of ‘Peace’, and describing themselves as ‘pursuing nonviolent alternatives to war’ are part of the grand scheme of deception. They are a group of war mongers representing the global oil industry interests of long nosed neocons.

The USIP board of directors, a who’s who of the neocon army, gives the lie to any of it being nonpartisan and nonideological peace group as the propaganda suggests. The president since 1993 is Richard H. Solomon, a former National Security Council staff member originating from the RAND Corporation, the think tank that designed the Vietnam War. Vice president Charles E. Nelson is also from RAND and the National War College.

The chairman of the USIP board of directors is J. Robinson West, a Washington lobbyist specialising in representing the major oil companies. Other members of the board include Secretary of Defense Robert Gates who headed the CIA under G. H. W. Bush and Charles Horner, from the ultra militarist Hudson Institute.

A new building complex to house the USIP, nearing completion, will be named after George P. Schultz, the creator of the Bush-Cheney doctrine of preventative (first strike) nuclear warfare, a major military contractor these days.

The activities of USIP show its true nature. It spends tens of millions of tax dollars researching symptomatic problems such as motivations for terrorism, but never the root causes of it such as America’s arming of the Israeli Weltanschauung, or the habit of brutally invading Third World countries to snatch their natural resources.

USIP takes a special interest in countries with oil reserves. It has several Iraq ‘specialists’ including Rend Francke, a Jewish Iraqi expatriate who, along with the infamous Ahmed Chalabi, abetted Bush-Cheney-Powell- Rumsfeld axis of evil into invading Iraq in 2003.

USIP staffers organised the Iraq Study Group, a collection of neocons who finally figured out that their war on Iraq is unwinnable. The Study Group was headed by James Baker and was composed of executives from RAND, Bechtel and Citigroup as well as the Heritage Foundation, Hoover Institution, American Enterprise Institute and the Hudson Institute. To lead the study, USIP partnered with the Center for Strategic and International Studies, a similar group run by executives from the Carlyle Group, the Coca-Cola Company, Merrill Lynch & Co., Exxon Mobile Corp, Lehman Brothers, Morgan Stanley, Time Inc. and alleged war criminal Henry Alfred Kissinger.

In October 2008, USIP produced a report by a ‘Pakistan Policy Working Group’ as part of an avalanche of ‘bipartisan’ reports that were being churned out by Washington-based neocon think tanks aiming to influence the policies of the in-coming administration. Group members included former senior officials who served in the State Department, the Pentagon, the CIA, and the National Security Council, and representatives from the the Brookings Institution and RAND Corporation. The report was endorsed by former Deputy Secretary of State Richard Armitage from the Republican side and the former cochairman of the 9/11 Commission and the Iraq Study Group, Lee Hamilton from the Democrat side. The report was cosponsored by Armitage’s consulting firm, Armitage International, the right-wing Heritage Foundation; and DynCorp International, major contractor with the State Department and the USAID.

The USIP report created the South Asian agenda for the Obama administration, branding Pakistan the ‘greatest single challenge’, and recommending aid cuts unless it commits itself to the counterinsurgency struggle against the Taliban and al Qaeda. The report also asserted that Washington is justified in carrying out unilateral cross-border attacks into Pakistan against terrorist targets until Islamabad shows ‘that it is ready and willing to act aggressively’ against them on its own. All this from the Institute of ‘Peace’!

Paikiasothy is aiding and abetting these rogues by attempting to underplay the security aspect of the IDP management and by trying to make human rights the central issue. While any one human would want to give the IDPs a better life, it must also be remembered that there are several million others in Sri Lanka whose accommodation, nutrition and education issues are as grave as those of the IDPs.

Fraudsters like Paikiasothy should be asked the question, ‘What about their Human Rights? How can their concern be so selective?

Paikiasothy’s attempt to communicate rubbish is made more difficult by his ridiculous, nondescript accent. It is suggestive of an attempt to ape his masters gone tragically wrong! He spoke of ‘sh’allenges and recon’sh’illiation, prompting a Sri lankan member in the audience to retort that it was all ‘ch’it.

Dr. Pieczenik is a member of the Council on Foreign Relations.[21]

Dr. Pieczenik is known to be fluent in five languages including Russian, Spanish and French[2][4][3]

Dr. Pieczenik has lectured at the National Defense University.[7]

Writing ventures

Pieczenik has made a number of ventures into fiction, both as an author (of State of Emergency and a number of other books)[22] and as a business partner of Tom Clancy for several series of novels. [23]

Tom Clancy
by Wikipedia


Thomas Leo "Tom" Clancy Jr. (born April 12, 1947) is an American author, best known for his technically detailed espionage, military science and techno thriller storylines set during and in the aftermath of the Cold War, along with video games which he did not work on, but which bear his name for licensing and promotional purposes. His name is also a brand for similar movie scripts written by ghost writers and many series of non-fiction books on military subjects and merged biographies of key leaders. He is also part-owner and Vice Chairman of Community Activities and Public Affairs of the Baltimore Orioles, a Major League Baseball team.

A week after the 9/11 attack, on The O'Reilly Factor, Clancy stated that left-wing politicians in the United States were partly responsible for September 11 due to their gutting of the CIA.[1] Clancy has also associated himself with General Anthony Zinni, a critic of the George W. Bush administration, and has been critical of former Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld.

Some of his books bear dedications to Republican political figures, most notably Ronald Reagan. In his novels, countries portrayed as hostile to the U.S. include the former Soviet Union, Syria, China, Iran, India, and Japan while Russia, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, South Korea, Taiwan, Israel, Pakistan, and the United Kingdom are shown as close allies of the USA.

On September 11, 2001, Clancy was interviewed by Judy Woodruff on CNN. During the interview, he observed that Islam does not condone suicide. Among other observations during this interview, Clancy cited discussions he had with military experts on the lack of planning to handle a hijacked plane being used in a suicide attack and criticized the news media's treatment of the U.S. Intelligence Community. Clancy appeared again on PBS's Charlie Rose, where he debated Vice-Presidential candidate Senator John Edwards.

He studied writing along with medicine beginning with drama and poetry. But eventually "I turned to fiction because it allows me to address reality as it is or could be."[3]

Pieczenik received a listed credit as "co-creator" for both Tom Clancy's Op-Center and Tom Clancy's Net Force, two best-selling series of novels, as a result of a business relationship with Tom Clancy. He was not directly involved in writing books in these series, but "assembled a team" including the ghost-writer who did author the novels, and someone to handle the "packaging" of the novels. [24] [23] The Op-Center series alone had grossed more than 28 million dollars in net profit for the partnership by 2003. [23]

Books authored include: novel Mind Palace (1985), novel Blood Heat (1989), self-help My Life Is Great! (1990) and paper-back edition Hidden Passions (1991), novel Maximum Vigilance (1993), novel Pax Pacifica (1995), novel State Of Emergency (1999), novel My Beloved Talleyrand (2005).[25]

Charles Maurice de Talleyrand-Périgord
by Wikipedia

Charles Maurice de Talleyrand-Périgord, 1st Prince de Bénévent (French pronunciation: [ʃaʁl moʁis də tal(ɛ)ʁɑ̃ peʁiɡɔʁ]; 2 February 1754 – 17 May 1838) was a French diplomat. He worked successfully from the regime of Louis XVI, through the French Revolution and then under Napoleon I, Louis XVIII, Charles X, and Louis-Philippe. Known since the turn of the 19th century simply by the name Talleyrand, he remains a figure that polarizes opinion. Some regard him as one of the most versatile, skilled and influential diplomats in European history, and some believe that he was a traitor, betraying in turn, the Ancien Régime, the French Revolution, Napoleon, and the Restoration. He is also notorious for turning his back on the Catholic Church after ordination to the priesthood and episcopacy.

Early life

Talleyrand was born into an aristocratic family in Paris. A congenital leg limp left him unable to enter the expected military career and caused him to be called later le diable boiteux (French for "the lame devil") among other nicknames. Deprived of his rights of primogeniture by a family council, which judged his physical condition incompatible with the traditional military careers of the Talleyrand Counts of Périgord, he was instead directed to an ecclesiastic career. This was considerably assisted and encouraged by his uncle Alexandre Angélique de Talleyrand-Périgord, then Roman Catholic Archbishop of Reims. It would appear that the family, while prestigious and ancient, was not particularly prosperous, and saw church positions as a way to gain wealth. He attended the Collège d'Harcourt and seminary of Saint-Sulpice until the age of 21. He was ordained a priest in 1779. In 1780, he became a Catholic-church representative to the French Crown, the Agent-General of the Clergy. In this position, he was instrumental in drafting a general inventory of church properties in France as of 1785, along with a defence of "inalienable rights of church", a stance he was to deny later. In 1789, because of the influence of his father and family, the already notably non-believing Talleyrand was appointed Bishop of Autun. In 1801 Pope Pius VII laicised Talleyrand, an event most uncommon in the history of the Church.

French Revolution

In the Estates-General of 1789, he represented the clergy, the First Estate. During the French Revolution, Talleyrand supported the revolutionary cause. He assisted Mirabeau in the secularisation of ecclesiastical properties. He participated in the writing of the Declaration of the Rights of Man and proposed the Civil Constitution of the Clergy that nationalised the Church, and swore in the first four constitutional bishops, even though he had himself resigned as Bishop following his excommunication by Pope Pius VI. Notably, he promoted the public education in full spirit of the Enlightenment. He celebrated the mass during the Fête de la Fédération on 14 July 1790.

In 1792, he was sent twice, though not officially, to Britain to avert war. Besides an initial declaration of neutrality during the first campaigns of 1792, his mission ultimately failed. In September 1792, he left Paris for England just at the beginning of September Massacres, yet declined émigré status. Because of incriminating papers found in the armoire de fer, the National Convention issued a warrant for his arrest in December 1792. His stay in England was not uneventful either; in March 1794, he was forced to leave the country by Pitt's expulsion order. He then arrived in the United States where he stayed until his return to France in 1796. During his stay, he supported himself by working as a bank agent, involved in commodity trading and real-estate speculation. He was the house guest of Senator Aaron Burr of New York. Talleyrand years later refused the same generosity to Burr because Talleyrand had been friends with Alexander Hamilton, whom Burr had killed in a duel. Talleyrand is also reputed to have stayed at the Wilson House in Oyster Bay, New York.

After 9 Thermidor, he mobilised his friends (most notably the abbé Martial Borye Desrenaudes and Germaine de Staël) to lobby in the National Convention and then the newly established Directoire for his return. His name was then suppressed from the émigré list and he returned to France on 25 September 1796. In 1797, he became Foreign Minister. He was implicated in the XYZ Affair which escalated the Quasi-War with America. Talleyrand saw a possible political career for Napoleon during the Italian campaigns of 1796 to 1797. He wrote many letters to Napoleon and the two became close allies. Talleyrand was against the destruction of the Republic of Venice, but he complimented Napoleon when peace with Austria was concluded (Venice was given to Austria), probably because he wanted to reinforce his alliance with Napoleon.


Together with Napoleon's younger brother, Lucien Bonaparte, he was instrumental in the 1799 coup d'état of 18 Brumaire, establishing the French Consulate government. Soon after he was made Foreign Minister by Napoleon, although he rarely agreed with Napoleon's foreign policy. The Pope also released him from the ban of excommunication in the Concordat of 1801, which also revoked the Civil Constitution of the Clergy. Talleyrand was instrumental in the completion of the Treaty of Amiens in 1803.

In March 1804, he may have been involved in the kidnapping and execution of the Duke of Enghien, which was a cause célèbre in Europe, as an echo of the execution of Louis XVI: a charge made later by François-René de Chateaubriand. Talleyrand advocated against violence, most notably speaking out against the guillotine, and during the coup of 18 Brumaire he ensured that Barras could leave Paris safely.

Talleyrand was also an integral player in the German Mediatisation, or Reichsdeputationshauptschluss. While the Treaty of Campo Formio had, on paper, stripped German princes of their lands beyond the left bank of the Rhine, it was not until the Treaty of Lunéville that this was enforced. The French annexed these lands and it was deemed proper that the deposed sovereigns receive new territories on the Right Bank of the Rhine. As many of these rulers gave out bribes in order to secure new lands Talleyrand became quite wealthy. He gained an estimated 10 million francs in the process. This was the first blow in the destruction of the Holy Roman Empire.

Napoleon forced his hand into marriage in September 1802 to longtime mistress Catherine Grand (née Worlée). Talleyrand purchased the Château de Valençay in May 1803, upon the urging of Napoleon. This would later be the site of the imprisonment of the Spanish Royalty after Napoleon's invasion from 1808-1813.

French Empire

Talleyrand's exceptional capacity for intrigue and double-dealing enabled him to serve as foreign minister to both Napoleon and his successor, the restored Bourbon king, Louis XVIII.

In May 1804, Napoleon bestowed upon him the title of Grand Chamberlain of the Empire. In 1806, he was made Sovereign Prince of Benevento (or Bénévent). Talleyrand was opposed to the harsh treatment of Austria in the 1805 Treaty of Pressburg and of Prussia in the Peace of Tilsit in 1807. In 1806, after Pressburg and just like in 1803, he profited greatly from the reorganization of the German lands, this time into the Confederation of the Rhine. He was then shut out completely from the negotiations at Tilsit. After her famous failed imploring of Napoleon to spare her nation, Queen Louise of Prussia wept and was consoled by Talleyrand. This gave him a good name among the elites of the European countries outside France.

Talleyrand breaks with Napoleon

He resigned as minister of foreign affairs in 1807, because of a myriad of suggested reasons, some genuine and others not. In essence, he traded his position as minister for the imperial title of Vice Grand Elector. The ill-fated Peninsula War, initiated in 1808, was the breaking point for Talleyrand concerning his loyalty to the Emperor.

His actions at the Congress of Erfurt, in September–October 1808, helped to thwart Napoleon's plans. It was here that he counseled Tsar Alexander nightly on how to deal with Napoleon. The Tsar's attitude towards Napoleon was one of apprehensive opposition. Talleyrand repaired the confidence of the Russian monarch and together they rebuked Napoleon's attempts to form a direct anti-Austrian military alliance. Of course, this was not why Talleyrand had been brought to the conference. In fact, Napoleon had expected him to help convince the Tsar to accept all of his proposals, yet, somehow he never discovered the acts of treason committed by Talleyrand in Erfurt.

After his resignation in 1807 from the ministry, Talleyrand began to accept bribes from hostile countries, particularly Austria and Russia to betray Napoleon's secrets. Talleyrand and Fouché, who were typically enemies in both politics and the salons, had a rapprochement in late 1808 and entered into discussions over the imperial line of succession. Napoleon had yet to address this matter and the two men knew that without a legitimate heir France would crumble into chaos in the wake of Napoleon's possible death. Even Talleyrand, who believed that Napoleon's policies were leading France to ruin, understood the necessity of peaceful transitions of power. However, Napoleon received word of their actions and deemed them treasonous. This perception caused the famous dressing down of Talleyrand in front of Napoleon's marshals, during which Napoleon famously claimed that he could "break him like a glass, but it's not worth the trouble" and added with a scatological tone that Talleyrand was "shit in a silk stocking", to which the minister coldly retorted, once Napoleon had left, "Pity that so great a man should have been so badly brought up!"

Talleyrand spent the last few years of the empire working as an informant for Austria and (sometimes) Russia. He opposed the further harsh treatment of Austria in 1809 after the War of the Fifth Coalition, also known as the War of 1809. He was also a critic of the French invasion of Russia in 1812. He was offered to resume his role in late 1813 but Talleyrand adeptly understood that Napoleon was nearing his end. On April 1, 1814 he led the French Senate in establishing a provisional government in Paris, of which he was elected president. On April 2 the Senate officially deposed Napoleon and by April 11 had created the Treaty of Fontainebleau and a new constitution to re-establish the Bourbons as monarchs of France.


When Napoleon was succeeded by Louis XVIII in April 1814, Talleyrand was one of the key agents of the restoration of the House of Bourbon, while opposing the new legislation of Louis's rule. Talleyrand was the chief French negotiator at the Congress of Vienna, and, in that same year, he signed the Treaty of Paris. It was due in part to his skills that the terms of the treaty were remarkably lenient towards France. As the Congress opened, the right to make decisions was restricted to four countries: Austria, the United Kingdom, Prussia, and Russia. France and other European countries were invited to attend, but were not allowed to influence the process. Talleyrand promptly became the champion of the small countries and demanded admission into the ranks of the decision-making process. The four powers admitted France and Spain to the decision-making backrooms of the conference after a good deal of diplomatic maneuvering by Talleyrand, who had the support of the Spanish representative, Pedro Gómez Labrador, Marquis of Labrador. Spain was excluded after a while (a result of both the Marquis of Labrador's incompetence as well as the quixotic nature of Spain's agenda), but France (Talleyrand) was allowed to participate until the end. Russia and Prussia sought to enlarge their territory at the Congress. Russia demanded annexation of Poland (already occupied by Russian troops), and this demand was finally satisfied, despite protests by France, Austria and the United Kingdom. Austria was afraid of future conflicts with Russia or Prussia and the United Kingdom was opposed to their expansion as well - and Talleyrand managed to take advantage of these contradictions between the former anti-French coalition. On 3 January 1815, a secret treaty was signed by France's Talleyrand, Austria's Metternich and Britain's Castlereagh. By this tract, officially a secret treaty of defensive alliance, the three powers agreed to use force if necessary to "repulse aggression" (of Russia and Prussia) and to protect the "state of security and independence". This agreement effectively spelled the end of the anti-France coalition.

Talleyrand, having managed to establish a middle position, received some favours from the other countries in exchange for his support: France returned to its 1792 boundaries without reparations, with French control over papal Avignon, Montbéliard (Mompelgard) and Salm, which had been independent at the start of the French Revolution in 1789. It would later be debated which outcome would have been better for France: allowing Prussia to annex all of Saxony (Talleyrand ensured that only part of the kingdom would be annexed) or the Rhine provinces. The first option would have kept Prussia farther away from France, but would have needed much more opposition as well. Some historians have argued that Talleyrand's diplomacy wound up establishing the faultlines of World War I, especially as it allowed Prussia to engulf small German states west of the Rhine. This simultaneously placed Prussian armed forces at the French-German frontier, for the first time; made Prussia the largest German power in terms of territory, population and the industry of the Ruhr and Rhineland; and eventually helped pave the way to German unification under the Prussian throne. However, at the time Talleyrand's diplomacy was regarded as successful, as it removed the threat of France being partitioned by the victors. Talleyrand also managed to strengthen his own position in France (ultraroyalists had disapproved of the presence of a former "revolutionary" and "murderer of the Duke d'Enghien" in the royal cabinet).

Napoleon's return to France in 1815 and his subsequent defeat, the Hundred Days, was a reverse for the diplomatic victories of Talleyrand; the second peace settlement was markedly less lenient and it was fortunate for France that the business of the Congress had been concluded. Talleyrand resigned in September of that year, either over the second treaty or under pressure from opponents in France. For the next fifteen years he restricted himself to the role of "elder statesman", criticising—and intriguing—from the sidelines. However, when King Louis-Philippe came to power in the July Revolution of 1830, Talleyrand agreed to become ambassador to the United Kingdom, a post he held from 1830 to 1834. In this role, he strove to reinforce the legitimacy of Louis-Philippe's regime, and proposed a partition plan for the newly independent Belgium.

Character traits

Talleyrand had a reputation as a voluptuary and a womaniser. He left no legitimate children, though he is believed to have fathered illegitimate children. Four possible children of his have been identified: Charles Joseph, comte de Flahaut, generally accepted to be an illegitimate son of Talleyrand; the painter Eugène Delacroix, once rumored to be Talleyrand's son, though this is doubted by historians who have examined the issue (for example, Léon Noël, French ambassador); the "Mysterious Charlotte", possibly his daughter by his future wife, Catherine Worlée Grand; and Pauline, ostensibly the daughter of the Duc and Duchess Dino. Of these four, only the first is given credence by historians.

Aristocratic women were a key component of Talleyrand's political tactics, both for their influence and their ability to cross borders unhindered. His presumed lover Germaine de Staël was a major influence on him, and he on her. Though their personal philosophies were most different, (she, a romantic; he, very much a baroque sensibility), she assisted him greatly, most notably by lobbying Barras to permit Talleyrand to return to France from his American exile, and then to have him made foreign minister. He lived with Catherine Worlée, born in India and married there to Charles Grand. She had traveled about before settling in Paris, as a notorious courtesan in the 1780s, for several years before she divorced Grand and married Talleyrand in 1802. Talleyrand, largely indifferent, tried to prevent the marriage, but after repeated postponements, was obliged by Napoleon to carry it out to preserve his political career. Rumors about her stupidity, though unfounded, continue to circulate to this day.

Talleyrand's venality was celebrated; in the tradition of the ancien régime, he expected to be paid for the state duties he performed—whether these can properly be called "bribes" is open to debate. For example, during the German Mediatisation, the consolidation of the small German states, a number of German rulers and elites paid him to save their possessions or enlarge their territories. Less successfully, he solicited payments from the United States government to open negotiations, precipitating a diplomatic disaster (the "XYZ Affair"). The difference between his diplomatic success in Europe and failure with the United States illustrates his capacities and limitations — his manners, behavior, and tactics made sense in the context of the Old World, but were perceived as antiquated and corrupt by the more idealistic Americans. After Napoleon's defeat, he ceased using his imperial title "Prince of Benevento", referring to himself henceforth as the "Prince de Talleyrand", in the same manner as his estranged wife.

Described by biographer Philip Ziegler as a "pattern of subtlety and finesse" and a "creature of grandeur and guile", Talleyrand was a great conversationalist, gourmet, and wine connoisseur. From 1801 to 1804, he owned Château Haut-Brion in Bordeaux. He employed the renowned French chef Carême, one of the first celebrity chefs known as the "chef of kings and king of chefs", and was said to have spent an hour every day with him. His Paris residence on the Place de la Concorde, acquired in 1812 and sold to James Mayer de Rothschild in 1838, is now owned by the Embassy of the United States.

Talleyrand has been regarded as a traitor because of his support for successive regimes, some of which were mutually hostile. According to French philosopher Simone Weil, criticism of his loyalty is unfounded, as Talleyrand served not every regime as had been said, but in reality "France behind every regime"

Near the end of his life, Talleyrand became interested in Catholicism again while teaching his young granddaughter simple prayers. The Abbé Félix Dupanloup came to Talleyrand in his last hours, and according to his account Talleyrand made confession and received extreme unction. When the abbé tried to anoint Talleyrand's palms, as prescribed by the rite, he turned his hands over to make the priest anoint him on the back of the hands, since he was a bishop. He also signed, in the abbé's presence, a solemn declaration in which he openly disavowed "the great errors which . . . had troubled and afflicted the Catholic, Apostolic and Roman Church, and in which he himself had had the misfortune to fall." Many, however, have doubted the sincerity of the conversion given Talleyrand's history. He died on 17 May 1838 and was buried at his Château de Valençay. Today, when speaking of the art of diplomacy, the phrase "he is a Talleyrand" is used to denote a statesman of great resource and skill.

He's also credited under the pseudonym Alexander Court for writing the novels Active Measures (2001), and Active Pursuit (2002).[26]

Dr. Pieczenik has previously had at least two articles published in the American Intelligence Journal, a peer-reviewed journal published by the National Military Intelligence Association.[27]

In September 2010, Dr. John Neustadt was recognized by Elsevier as being one of the Top Ten Cited Authors in 2007 & 2008 for his article, "Mitochondrial dysfunction and molecular pathways of disease." This article was co-authored with Dr. Pieczenik.[28]

Dr. Pieczenik is the co-author of the published textbook, Foundations and Applications of Medical Biochemistry in Clinical Practice.[29]

Personal views

In 1992, Pieczenik told Newsday that in his professional opinion, President Bush was "clinically depressed." As a result, he was brought up on an ethics charge before the American Psychiatric Association and reprimanded. He subsequently quit the APA.[4]

He calls himself a "maverick troublemaker. You make your own rules. You pay the consequences."[4]

On May 3rd, 2011, radio host Alex Jones aired an interview in which Dr. Pieczenik claimed that Osama Bin Laden had died of Marfan syndrome back in July of 2002, and that the attacks on the United States on 9/11 were part of a false flag operation by the American government.[30]


1. Leland, John (July 20, 1992), "Books too early: Could Perot save us from this surplus?", The New York Times, ... 29751.html?
3A+Could+Perot+save+us+from+this+surplus%3F&pqatl=google, retrieved May 5, 2011

2. Toth, Robert C. (1978-04-21). "U.S. scientist aids in Moro search". St. Petersburg Times (Los Angeles Times): pp. 9A.
Retrieved 2011-05-14. "Credited with devising negotiating strategy and tactics"

3. Kaye, Helen (July 7, 1995). "US psychiatrist and ME expert analyzes region". Jerusalem Post (The Jerusalem Post). Retrieved 2011-05-14. "He was deputy assistant secretary of state under Henry Kissinger, Cyrus Vance and James Baker."

4. Mansfield, Stephanie (February 27, 1995). "He's Been There, Done That; Steve Pieczenik, Tom Clancy's Man on the Inside". The Washington Post (The Washington Post Company). Retrieved 2011-05-14. "His father, a doctor, fled Poland before World War II. His mother, a Russian Jew, fled Europe after many of her family members were killed. The couple met in Portugal, where both had fled ahead of the Nazi invaders."

5., retrieved May 5, 2011

6. Pieczenik, Steve R. (Apr 1975). "Psychological dimensions of international dependency.". The American Journal of Psychiatry 132(4): 428-431. Retrieved 2011-05-14. "Analyzes the psychological consequences of international dependency".

7. Kelley, Matt (February 26, 2002). "Rumsfeld: Pentagon to Close Office". AP Online (Associated Press). Retrieved 2011-05-14. "Dr. Steve Pieczenik, a psychological warfare expert who has worked for the State Department and lectured at the National Defense University."

8. Romano, Lois (June 10, 1992). "THE RELIABLE SOURCE". The Washington Post (The Washington Post). Retrieved 2011-05-14. "Pieczenik served as deputy secretary during the Ford, Carter, Reagan and Bush administrations."

9. Goleman, Daniel (March 8, 1985), "Seat Of Power And Woe", The New York Times, ... d-woe.html, retrieved May 5, 2011

10. Forbes, ... w-roswell/, retrieved May 8, 2011

11. Geyer, Georgie Anne (1980-01-18). "We Have Ignored Soviet Paranoia". Sarasota Herald-Tribune: pp. 7A.
Retrieved 2011-05-14. "U.S. State Department specialist on hostage taking"

12. Moore, Malcolm (March 11, 2008), "US envoy admits role in Aldo Moro killing", The Daily Telegraph (London),
envoy-admits-role-in-Aldo-Moro-killing.html, retrieved May 5, 2011

13. Taubman, Philip (January 28, 1981), "Conflicts In Mental Reports Raise Questions On Captives", The New York Times,
mental-reports-raise-questions-on-captives.html, retrieved May 5, 2011

14. McGrory, Mary (1977-03-13). "How Experts Can Tame Terrorists". The Pittsburgh Press: pp. B2.
Retrieved 2011-05-14. "One of the most "brilliantly competent" men in the field of terrorism..."

15. McGrory, Mary (1977-03-13). "Balking terrorists requires expertise". Eugene Register-Guard: pp. 17A.
Retrieved 2011-05-14. " the command center of Mayor Walter Washington and worked "side by side" with Police Chief Maurice J. Cullinane"

16. "Coverup charged in death of U.S. envoy". Spokane Daily Chronicle (United Press International): pp. 15. 1981-02-18.
Retrieved 2011-05-14. ""I was present. I heard it.""

17. TAUBMAN, PHILIP (October 13, 1982). "PSYCHIATRISTS DESCRIBE KAFKAESQUE PORTFOLIO". The New York Times (The New York Times). ... folio.html?
pagewanted=all. Retrieved 2011-05-14. "Dr. Steve R. Pieczenik, a psychiatrist who has treated C.I.A. employees."

18. Stanton, John J. (December 1, 2001). "U.S. Intelligence Community Reaches Crossroads: CIA official says agency is implementing reforms to address new threats. (Analysis).". National Defense (National Defense Industrial Association.). Retrieved 2011-05-14. "Steve Pieczenik, chief executive officer of Strategic Intelligence Associates, a consulting firm."

19. ... /V1976.PDF, retrieved May 5, 2011


21. ... l?letter=P

22. Pieczenik, Steve (1997). State of Emergency (First ed.). Putnam Adult. ISBN 0399143238.

23. ... 112a07.pdf, retrieved May 5, 2011

24. ... oks&field-
keywords=Steve+Pieczenik&x=0&y=0, retrieved May 5, 2011

25. Barnes and Noble book search


27., retrieved May 5, 2011



30. Watson, Paul (2011-05-04). "Top Government Insider: Bin Laden Died In 2001, 9/11 A False Flag". Infowars. ... bin-laden-
died-in-2001-911-a-false-flag/. Retrieved 2011-05-13.

[Dr. Pieczenik] It is a great pleasure and an honor. I want to thank you, Alex. I want to thank what you've said. I think very much of what you said is very accurate. I will correct some of the issues that I think we've talked about. But I want to thank your audience for listening. I want to say how important Alex Jones was after 9/11 when I knew very well at that time that the American public was being deceived and was being treated as if we were fools, stupid, ignorant, and cheats. I had hoped at that time, once I was on the Alex Jones show, and I broke ranks with my people at the Council on Foreign Relations. I'm a member also of the Association of Former Intelligence Officers, the National Military Intelligence Association, and I volunteer repeatedly. I volunteer to still work with our military because no. 1, I respect our military. No. 2., we have sent men and women to wars that have not been clearly defined by civilians who have never been in war, including Clinton, including Bush, Jr. in particular, who precipitated the wars into Iraq and Afghanistan, and now Obama. And I had hoped by that time, in the past, that we would have stopped fooling the American public and stopped creating an incursion into our own country, killing our own people. 9/11 has still not been fully explained. And it is not a conspiracy theory. It has nothing to do with all kinds of secrecy and cabal and any other issue. It has to do with a famous technique in warfare that we call stand down, false flag, deception and denial. It was done during Pearl Harbor. Alex explained to you yesterday it was done by Hitler. It was done by LBJ during the war in Vietnam where we had the Gulf of Tonkin and he claimed that we had had a false flag operation, and we had to shoot the Vietnamese because they shot us. That was wrong. Many men died for that. Many men went to war. And at the same time we had a stand down and a false flag which was told to me repeatedly by the people I work with, including a very famous general that I will not repeat his name to protect him until I go to a grand jury.

Now, what I'm saying today is very important. I was a Deputy Assistant Secretary under Nixon, Ford and Carter. I resigned under Carter because I disagreed with the way he handled the hostage situation. I came back under Reagan to take down the Soviet Union. I came back under Bush, Sr., to work on Cambodia. I'm not a career foreign service. I'm not a career intelligence officer. I am what every American is: I'm a physician, but I'm an entrepreneur. I create businesses, and I believe in the American way of life, which is very simple: the hope, the faith, the dedication, and the lack of interference in my job, in my pocketbook, and in my speech, and in the ability to say what I want to say, by the government. That doesn't mean I'm a tea party member, I'm a liberal, I'm a conservative, or I belong to any party. I'm strictly an American. And I say this to you, as Americans: We have once again been deceived. I thought this would cease and desist by the time Bush, Jr. was elected and thrown out. I had asked that Bush, Jr. be indicted for war criminal. Cheney be indicted. Rumsfeld. Condoleezza Rice. Steve Hadley. It goes on and on and on.

The issue now is, we have brought to the forefront at a time when America is in deep peril economically, as Alex Jones has correctly explained to you, we are in deep peril because we are in two wars of which I have no idea why we're there. And I had warned even on the Alex Jones Show nine years ago, not we will go into Afghanistan and Iraq after the 9/11, and I predicted, and he was correct, Alex Jones, and you see it on your website, that Osama bin Laden would be dead, and had been dead for over seven months, not because Special Forces killed him but because as a physician I had known that the CIA physicians had treated him and it was on the intelligence roster that he had Marfan syndrome.

Now, many of you can look up on the Internet Marfan syndrome. It's a disease, a genetic abnormality which Abraham Lincoln had. And it's a disease of the cataracts of the eyes, of the coronary arteries. And what happens in that disease is you have a very short lifespan. The fact that he had renal dialysis was not an issue of renal stones, which can be cured, and is not that serious or life threatening, but he needed that dialysis machine so he had to take it with him. It was not an accident that his No. 2 man, al-Zawahiri, was a physician. It is not an accident that most leaders of terrorist organizations around the world are physicians. That's why I know them, because we understand our code of ethics and creed.

Osama bin Laden died when we went into Afghanistan. General Tommy Franks had stated very clearly that he had died, and he made a slip.

Now, we knew he had already died by that time, by the time we had already gone into Afghanistan, and in Pakistan we knew he was dead. So the notion, when I came on the radio station in 2002 with Alex Jones, I said, "Listen, Osama bin Laden's dead. He's dead. There's no question about it. He had Marfan Syndrome. It had nothing to do with Special Forces. He was used in the same way that 9/11 was used to mobilize the emotions and feelings of the American people in order to go to a war that had to be justified through a narrative that Bush, Jr. created and Cheney created about the world of terrorism.

Now, I have been in that world for 30 years. During 30 years we have never been attacked in America. I repeat it again. The question is not that we are safer now. Nope. We're not safer. The issue is, we had never been attacked up till 9/11 because Bush, Jr. , Cheney, Rumsfeld, and a group of other generals who are involved -- I know who they are and they know who I am -- decided that we had to mobilize the public in order to create a war on terrorism, which is an oxymoron. That war on terror no longer exists. We went into Iraq, our military forces, and I have to tell you, I have the greatest respect for our military men. And I'm saying this to you, the generals, the colonels, the majors and the captains, and I've been lecturing at the War College every year: "Be careful of the orders you receive from civilian presidents." I say it again, and listen to me: "Beware of the orders that you receive from civilian presidents, like Bush, Clinton and Obama. Particularly Presidents who have never served in a war, and do not know what the consequences of the war are, and the number of men and women who die, die bravely for our country and our cause, because some civilian has to manipulate his political career at the expense of the American public and at the expense of the bodies and the blood and guts of our warriors who are so important to us.

[Alex] Absolutely. Dr. Steve Pieczenik is our guest. We'll even have him a little bit in the next hour. He's very gracious. And I want to get more into that entire area that you were just raising. And I'm talking about my White House sources, so obviously they were probably given this info. I know that you said he was dying of the disease. I've seen the videos of him, and even in 1998 and 1999 he looked like somebody who was near death then. Obviously, very ill. The new photos they show us, the CIA even had to admit last year, and Spy Talk and the Washington Post, that they were fake videos. So it's on record they put fake videos out. And I think that's very bold of them to tell the Washington Post, May 25, 2010 Spy Talk that they did fake them.

CIA unit's wacky idea: Depict Saddam as gay
by Jeff Stein
The Washington Post
"Spy Talk"

During planning for the 2003 invasion of Iraq, the CIA's Iraq Operations Group kicked around a number of ideas for discrediting Saddam Hussein in the eyes of his people.

One was to create a video purporting to show the Iraqi dictator having sex with a teenage boy, according to two former CIA officials familiar with the project.

“It would look like it was taken by a hidden camera,” said one of the former officials. “Very grainy, like it was a secret videotaping of a sex session.”

The idea was to then “flood Iraq with the videos,” the former official said.

Another idea was to interrupt Iraqi television programming with a fake special news bulletin. An actor playing Hussein would announce that he was stepping down in favor of his (much-reviled) son Uday.

“I’m sure you will throw your support behind His Excellency Uday,” the fake Hussein would intone.

The spy agency’s Office of Technical Services collaborated on the ideas, which also included inserting fake “crawls” -- messages at the bottom of the screen -- into Iraqi newscasts.

The agency actually did make a video purporting to show Osama bin Laden and his cronies sitting around a campfire swigging bottles of liquor and savoring their conquests with boys, one of the former CIA officers recalled, chuckling at the memory. The actors were drawn from “some of us darker-skinned employees,” he said.

Eventually, “things ground to a halt,” the other former officer said, because no one could come to agreement on the projects.

They also faced strong opposition from James Pavitt, then head of the agency’s Operations Division, and his deputy, Hugh Turner, who “kept throwing darts at it.”

The ideas were patently ridiculous, said the other former agency officer.

“They came from people whose careers were spent in Latin America or East Asia” and didn’t understand the cultural nuances of the region.

“Saddam playing with boys would have no resonance in the Middle East -- nobody cares,” agreed a third former CIA official with extensive experience in the region. “Trying to mount such a campaign would show a total misunderstanding of the target. We always mistake our own taboos as universal when, in fact, they are just our taboos.”

A U.S. official, speaking on condition of anonymity, declined to confirm the accounts, or deny them.

"While I can't confirm these accounts, if these ideas were ever floated by anyone at any time, they clearly didn't go anywhere," the official said.

The reality, the former officials said, was that the agency really didn’t have enough money and expertise to carry out the projects.

“The military took them over,” said one. “They had assets in psy-war down at Ft. Bragg,” at the army’s special warfare center.

“The agency got rid of most of its non-paramilitary covert action in the 1980s, after Bill Casey died,” said the third former official. “He was a big fan of covert action, but neither Bob Gates, who succeeded him as acting [CIA] director, or any after him, wanted anything to do with it.”

“There was a flurry of activity during the first Gulf War,” the official added, “but [Gen. Norman] Schwarzkopf made it clear he had to approve everything, and he basically approved nothing, except, reluctantly at first, surrender leaflets. By the late '90s there were very few people left who knew anything about covert action or how to do it."

The leaflets also had “unintended consequences,” the former official added.

“In the perverted logic of Iraq, the Iraqi soldiers decided they had to have a leaflet to surrender, so they fought us to get one."

According to histories of the 2003 invasion, the single most effective “information warfare” project, which originated in the Pentagon, was to send faxes and e-mails to Iraqi unit commanders as the fighting began, telling them their situation was hopeless, to round up their tanks, artillery and men, and go home.

Many did.
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Re: Transcript of Alex Jones Interview with Dr. Steve Piecze

Postby admin » Thu May 26, 2016 4:20 am


[Alex cont'd] We already knew that. We've seen the Adam Gadahn videos uploaded in the same video layer as the Intelcenter's logo. We've got amorala lockhee [?] admittedly ...

Fake Al Qaeda Actors EXPOSED!
by Adam Gadahn & Yousef al-Khattab
The Paradigm Shift at YouTube
July 31, 2009
[Transcribed from the video by Tara Carreon]

Adam Gadahn, the so-called "American al Qaeda," who proclaimed himself "the media maven," if you will for al Qaeda, and was helping to produce a lot of these so-called al-Qaeda videos that were all over the Internet that made al Qaeda look really bad, and made the Muslims look bad:

[Adam Gadahn] Should you fail to comply in full, we will deem it sufficient justification to continue to fight and kill Americans.

Come to find out Adam Gadahn's real name was Adam Pearlman, and not only was he in fact Jewish, he was the grandson of a member of the Board of the Anti-Defamation League. And if you've been following the history of the Anti-Defamation League, you will find out they've been very much involved in covertly supporting a lot of these so-called American Nazi movements. In fact, all the way back almost to the time of World War II, there was this scandal where the head of the American Nazi Party [Fritz Kuihn], which had a total membership of about six, and yet they were getting all of this press, was arrested for embezzling from his sponsors, which turned out to be the ADL. So that kind of blew up in their faces.

So anyway, we have Adam Pearlman, and he's been going around saying, "I'm al Qaeda, I'm al Qaeda. See, I've got a turban on my head and I'm a terrible Muslim. You gotta hate me, be afraid of me." And of course, everybody's laughing at him now because we all know who he is. ["American al Qaeda member acknowledged Jewish ancestry, 6/13/09,¬]

Okay. So, they have brought in the understudy ["U.S. Based Revolution Muslim Website Spreading Messages of Hate, 3/26/08,', and there is "a new American al Qaeda named Yousef al-Khattab." Oooh! Big scary name. And they've got a picture of him out there, where he's holding all these guns and knives and he's dressed up like a wannabe Rambo. And he's scowling at the camera. And he supposedly has this website [] with things in it like pictures of the Statue of Liberty with an axe buried in the back of the head. I mean, very heavy-handed, very over-the-top.

[Fox News] There was also a link to a puppet show mocking Danny Pearl's beheading. Take a look. (Disturbing Images on U.S. Based Pro-Islamic Website]

Looking more like a movie prop than anything else here. So as it turns out, this is another fake. His real name is Joseph Cohen:

[Fox News] He's a 39-year-old New York City Taxi driver, as you mentioned. He called himself "Youself al-Khattab," but he was born Joseph Cohen here in America, but he is a Jew ... (Fox Fact: Youself Al-Khattab was born an American Jew)

And he is another manufactured front to try and convince Americans that al Qaeda is actually here in the United States, and this is why we've got to be doing surveillance on the American people, and reading their email and listening to their phone calls, and all of this stuff, because you never know when we're going to get into a situation with the American al Qaeda. And it's all a front. It's a fake. He's there to try and create an enemy that doesn't really exist in order to justify the totalitarian treatment of the American people and to encourage us to go attack them before they kill us. They're already here on the home front, we've got to go bomb those gosh-darn Muslims, because they're infiltrating America and they're ripping tags off of couch cushions and they're causing global warming, and it's nonsense. It's all war propaganda.

[Dr. Piecznik] You see, Alex, Mr. Jones, the key question America has to ask again, and why I went back on your show, is this has much greater implication just than the distortions and lies that are created by the intelligence community. And believe me, I work with the intelligence community. The question is, "Why does that have to be done repeatedly, in different administrations for the American public?" Particularly now with a President as you said, who had the lowest ratings, whose historical background is in question. I'm not only talking about his birth certificate. Forget that! His education, how he came to power, whom he represents. And particularly in the time when Wall Street and the bankers have gotten away with the greatest crime in the history of America. Nobody was indicted. And particularly at a time when I do not understand, I who've been in war eight different times, why we are in Afghanistan and Iraq, and why men and women are dying. So the issue becomes a little bit greater than the question of "Did the CIA or intelligence community doctor up this situation?" The answer is yes! Categorically yes! Anybody who tells you it's not is lying. This whole scenario where you see a bunch of people sitting there looking at a screen, and they look as if they're intent. That's nonsense. It's a total make-believe. We're in an American theatre of the absurd.

The real issue is why are we doing this again, Alex? Why, nine years later, do I have to come on your show when I predicted nine years ago this man was already dead? But it wasn't the issue of death. It was the issue of why does the government repeatedly have to lie to the American people who have worked so hard in order to justify their political existence when you basically have civilian leaders who are politicians.

[Alex] I understand. Dr. Pieczenik, let me stop you because you are dropping bombshell after bombshell. You know, you're the right hand man of Henry Kissinger, George Schultz, James Baker, Cyrus Vance ...

[Dr. Pieczenik] I wasn't anybody's right hand. Now let me tell you: I got thrown out of more places than you can imagine, my friend.

[Alex] Well, my point is you've been right up there, right underneath these guys, and it's on record that Tom Clancy's character Jack Ryan, Patriot Games, is you.

[Dr. Pieczenik] It's based on me, that's correct. And so is Richard Clark.

[Alex] Absolutely. So we'll put an image of Jack Ryan up there so that's the guy that we're talking to right now.


And so doctor, you just brought out that incredible information. We're trying to scramble to find the photo. It was up on Drudge for two days. It's gone now. But the photo -- you can go to WhiteHouseGov and find it, this is of the President that watches with his staff the operation against bin Laden and Hillary's got her hand over her mouth, the men are all acting tough. You can see that that's a posing photo. And you've been at those levels. So break that down for us, doctor.


[Dr. Pieczenik] Well, the breakdown is very simple. This is a man who decided he's going to have a photo opportunity. This is a man from the day he came in it began with a lie. It began with a lie. I didn't know the man. I have nothing personally against him. I couldn't care one way or the other. But I did care what is this man going to be as a President? If you're going to say one thing and do another, in my world, in the world where I can [inaudible] as a political operative, that's called a sociopath. That means you say one thing but you do everything differently. So when you look at a photograph of people looking intently as if they were amazed and bemused by an attack that may have not existed. If this was an attack, and they attacked a mortuary, God bless them, because Osama bin Laden is totally dead. So there's no way they could have attacked or killed or confronted Osama bin Laden unless you believe in the resurrection of Osama bin Laden. And I don't. And if I could tell you nine years ago.

So, let me break it through: you have a Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Admiral Mullen, whose father was a publicist at the William Morris Agency, who is very much concerned about how he's going to leave the military as an admiral. Alright? You have a President who is in deep, deep trouble, who has no idea of how to get us out of unemployment, and has a disparity between the very rich and the very poor, when no banker in the history of this country after stealing billions of dollars and coming back to the American public and asking us for bonuses had never been arrested for this, yet some people who have cheated on their taxes or poor people who have not been able to get jobs are put in prison or are waiting on welfare.

So we have a President, who from the day he came in, picked up the Nobel Prize for Peace where he had done nothing, the next day turns around and declares war in Afghanistan. Even Bush, Jr. didn't declare war in Afghanistan. And who is in Afghanistan right now? We're talking about a man, Karzai, whom I knew, and I was there at the house 20 years ago in Maryland, when this delicatessen owner from Silver Springs was ordered to come back -- he was a CIA operative as I remembered him -- and was put into position where we have nothing but corruption, destruction, and basically the killing of our own people.

Then we have the Pakistani allies who they have now irritated this Obama, and then we have Panetta who is not in that picture. The most important of those men, who was ordered, this was a great P order, Obama wants to tell you how resolute he was because everybody said he was indecisive, so in order to make sure he looks resolute, he orders Panetta, a nice liberal within the Republican ... [Break]

[Alex] Stay there. Dr. Pieczenik, stay there. Back in three minutes. This is key info. And we'll go back to bin Laden's death and you [inaudible] seen any more evidence of that.

He has written 26 plus New York Times bestsellers. It's on record, high level government position under multiple Presidents, under Secretary of States, involved in black ops all over the world with the Mujahideen. I want him to talk about some of that history briefly before we look at currently what's happening, because obviously to know what's coming in the future and what's happening in the present, we need to know the past. Those that don't know history are doomed to repeat it because the cliche rings true. But remember, this is the character that they created Jack Ryan out of in Tom Clancy's books, and that's on record. That's how respected he is. And he has a lot of courage. And I know you probably don't want to get into this now, but you did get a lot of heat when you came on my show, and I know you'll probably get heat again right now. But you're not some small fry out there saying that bin Laden was dead. And what you talked about on my show was confirmed by people in the White House, high level. And then separately, years after that, Madeleine Albright, former Secretary of State came out and said it.

9/11 Dude questions Madeleine Albright
C-Span, Washington Journal


Plymouth, New Hampshire. Independent Line. You're on with Secretary Madeleine Albright.

[9/11 Dude] Good morning Peter. Good morning Madam Secretary.

[Albright] Good morning.

[9/11 Dude] I came across a piece of information a few days ago online. It's a video, Benazir Bhutto gave an interview with David Frost on the 2nd of November of this year, actually, about a month before she was assassinated. In the video she claims that bin Laden was murdered several years ago. And what I'd like to know from you, there's a lot of speculation going about that she was assassinated because she revealed this little secret about bin Laden. Have you seen this video with David Frost and Benazir Bhutto? And what's your comment on that?

[Albright] No, I haven't seen it. I will have to get it, because I haven't heard this before. I think that there obviously needs to be an investigation about how and why, and why the assassination took place. But I have not, in fact, seen that. And I know that she was in touch with some American saying that she was afraid, ultimately, and if she were assassinated she said she would blame the government. I find it appalling that President Musharraf is blaming her for getting assassinated by saying that she shouldn't have been out there. She was trying to pursue a democratic path towards an election, but I do not know about this video, and I'll make it a point of looking it up. Thank you for telling me about it.

Benazir Bhutto, the President of Pakistan, said it. So when the Washington Post and everybody makes fun of us right now, and has these articles out, some of them wouldn't even quote you. They just said that, "Jones claimed" he had a source from the State Department when it was on record. The Atlantic Monthly dare not mention it. They linked to some Cheech and Chong blog that I have nothing to do with in some attempt to just mislead their readers. Jeff Goldberg, when he wasn't an Israeli prison guard he was running around engaged in his regular activities. So I guess Israel doesn't like what I'm doing. I don't know why. I'm not in their business. But let's go back, because this is what the media is going to be calling you about and myself about, let's go back specifically, you've got all these intel connections, you've worked with the biggest heavy hitters there are, you're famous in intelligence, and analysis, Jack Ryan's your character, the guy that doesn't play games, and in the real world you're actually telling it like it is. Nine years ago, April 22nd, on this show, and then everything you talked about has now been backed up in triplicate, and now we have this latest PR stunt with them with the photo op, with Hillary covering her mouth, I mean, this looks like a photo where you tell your kid, "You'll smile; say cheese," a breakdown sir. Take your time. With the intel, with the CIA reports you were reading, with as much proof as you can give us without giving up your sources, of knowing that bin Laden was dead, and when he reportedly died, so that we can look at the big news story now in context of why they've launched this hoax today.

[Dr. Pieczenik] Well, let me just say, the issue of why he was dead was exactly what I said before: he died of Marfan syndrome. Bush, Jr. knew about it, the intelligence community knew about it. CIA had already sent a physician way before under the Clinton Administration to see him at the American Hospital in Dubai. He was already very sick from Marfan Syndrome. And he was already dying. So nobody had to kill him. He had al-Zawahiri, who was a physician with him, who is still a physician. I don't know where he is. But we knew he was already dead. By 9/11 it was very clear that he was dying. In Tora Bora he probably died. Tommy Franks, general, said accidentally that he died. But the point was he was already dead by the time I had talked to you.

Why is it relevant now? Again as I said, why is the fiction and the narrative of psy ops of America against the American people so important is no. 1, as you said so clearly to your public, and they understand, is no. 1, we're viewed as idiots, and stupid, and Americans are not seen as very bright by our politicians. Secondly, basically the President was in very deep trouble, as you said, economically, politically he was on the bottom. He had the birther issue come out. He proved, he said he was American. But now he had to prove that he was more than American. He was more American than American. He had to be aggressive. At the same time you had an admiral who had really not done very well as Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff and would make some serious gaffs by giving a medal of honor to Greg Mortenson, who lied going into Pakistan saying he had built schools for women and looked like a fool. You have Panetta who really caused a lot of civilian damage in the Pakistan area. And the Pakistanis were furious with him because when he came with the CIA, quite frankly, without telling you any great secret, it's already in open source intelligence, about 80% of the CIA presently is not involved in intelligence, it is involved in what is called Operation Killing, Special Ops. And that means that many of the Special Forces soldiers have been shifted over to the CIA that used to be in the old office of SOLIC, Special Operations Low Intensity Conflict, but they have a new office, and Panetta was really just killing people right and left with the drones and creating a lot of friction and a major alienation between the American generals and the Pakistani generals, the ISI.

Third, lastly, we have a foreign policy that didn't work under Hillary Clinton. As you know, like Condoleezza Rice, she probably booked in more miles than any other Secretary of State, and was totally incompetent. She was not able to preempt or really be able to figure out any strategic assessments or analysis of what happened in the Middle East, or predict the uprising in Syria, in Libya, Tunisia, and was really not able to hold out, and was not competent.

So you have a whole series of administrative people, both civilians and military, who are not competent. And they had to show that they could really prove some sense of competency at a time when there was a re-election. It has a real sense of political expediency. As to what the Washington Post says, or the New York Times, I don't particularly care. I never have, I never will. It's not relevant to me. It may be relevant to you, but I don't think it's relevant to the American public, they don't read it, they don't care about it. Quite frankly, more people listen to Alex Jones than they read the New York Times. There's no question in my mind.

Having said that, it was a very politically expedient factor for the President to say, "I'm going to get reelected. I've shown my firmness. I've shown I'm an American. I've shown that I can turn around the economy," which he hasn't. Secretary of State Hillary can say, "Look, we accomplished the end of a major, significant movement in the war on terrorism," which they haven't, because from a tactical and an intelligence assessment point of view, this has not changed the game whatsoever. There are no terrorists really right now in Afghanistan. The only terrorists right now are being supported by Halqa which is supported by the Pakistani Interservice Intelligence, which Gore said you to last night, which ironically is being supported by the CIA. And even Halqa has been reporting back to our intelligence operatives saying, "What in God's name is going on? We're being paid by your CIA through the ISI to kill your soldiers?" Now, if you can explain that to me, you're going to have to explain that to the American public. And that's what I meant by deception and denial that's been going on for three administrations: Clinton, Bush, and this administration. It has to stop.

What else has been happening? The Pakistanis are so furious -- what you heard last night -- that Panetta had created all these problems, and they don't like General Petraeus. By the way, I happen to like General Petraeus, I think he's been a good general, he's been quiet, he's been doing what he was ordered to do, not what he initiated to do. And we have to differentiate our military from civilian control. And that's one of the reasons why I work with our military and not the civilian government. I offer and donate my time to our military because they are the most serious institution that we have left in the United States and they are being treated very poorly ...
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Re: Transcript of Alex Jones Interview with Dr. Steve Piecze

Postby admin » Thu May 26, 2016 4:21 am


[Dr. Piecznik] both on the battlefield without the necessary resources and when they come back as veterans, without any benefits, and now they have no mental health benefits, they have no physical benefits, and we're having the cheapest amount of labor given to these veterans who have served our country honorably. So what I'm saying to you very clearly is, this is a civilian Psy Ops game that continues from presidency to presidency. We in the United States can no longer have a two party system where we have a Republican and Democrat where it really is not functioning very well. And it's costing the American public a fortune in both blood and guts and money. We've spent over $333 billion, approximately $50 million dollars for every so-called "terrorist" that was taken out of Afghanistan, which was about 2,000 terrorists. Now if you can find me 2,000 more terrorists in Pakistan, I will give you a couple more million, because they don't exist. Karzai, the Pakistanis have worked together to make sure that we're not able to acquire any assets there.

Now, what is the result? We're not going to go to World War III. But what's happening is another form of economic warfare has entered, and that is China, who has benefited from all that we have done, the dysfunctional behavior and the mis-assessment, and the lack of strategy and the lack of leadership, and the disasters that we have created with the drones and our CIA so-called operations where we kill civilians. We've alienated the Pakistanis who in turn have invited the Chinese to come down and work with them, both militarily and economically. And what has Karzai said publically? "I don't want the Americans here," because he already has raped and ripped us of about $3 billion dollars a week. And at the same time he has asked the Chinese to come in and invest in Afghanistan. Now that's the reality.

[Alex] And by the way, Karzai's brother, on record, is the biggest opium dealer in Afghanistan. Now looking at this, I talked to you earlier during the break, and you said you heard General Hamid Gul, former head of Pakistani Intelligence, and that you had to agree with what he said, you just alluded to that, but specifically, let's go into your history, because you know the entire, or much of the entire leadership of Pakistan and Afghanistan from the Afghan war with the Russians.

[Dr. Pieczenik] Yes. Thank you, Alex. That's very kind of you. I really know them way before the Afghan war. I was involved in the major hostage situation in Washington called the Hanafi Muslim. I was brought in by Earl Silbert when 350 hostages were taken in Washington and I was able through 36 hours of negotiating against the orders of Carter. I actually threw out Jimmy Carter outside. So you can see I don't always acquiesce to a civilian controller president. And basically there was a very important gentleman who worked with me named Yaqub Khan. Yaqub Khan was the foreign minister of Pakistan, was our ambassador to the United States, but was the father of the Pakistani army. As a result of that, I got to know the various generals throughout his ranks, who they were. And he talked to me about El-Zia, Musharraf, Benazir Bhutto, her father, what would happen. So I intimately got to know both the military elements of this incredible army that was trained under General Yaqub Khan, and a friend of mine was also the head of the Islamic Brotherhood. Believe it or not, we went to M.I.T. together. So I knew all of these elements, and I knew they were extremely sensitive to our relationship with America, and at the time they were useful in the fight against the Soviet Union. But at the same time, I was clearly warned, very early on, that they would turn against us, and basically have a blowback, which you've talked about in the past. So using Yaqub Khan, I knew exactly where the elements were, the concerns they had about the CIA continuously supporting the Interservice Intelligence Agency, the fact that the ISI was getting out of control, was no longer under military or civilian control in Pakistan, and was beginning to form their own so-called groups that we call "terrorist groups," as a forefront to making sure that Pakistan had a ancillary army or basically an auxiliary army, or paramilitary unit that could fight against India.

I also know that internal security has totally collapsed in Pakistan, and that internal security cannot collapse without there being some blind eye, if not collusion, being turned to the rise of the militants and militancy. Not only are our tribal areas out of our control, but even the beautiful valley of Swat is now under takeover by Islamists.

-- Benazir Bhutto, November 2, 2007

And one of the things your audience has to understand: Pakistan's greatest obsession right now is not with the Taliban or Halqa. Those are the groups that they support even till today. India is their greatest obsession. And I would speak to the general and other Pakistani officials and explain to them, "Look, India is not an issue for you. India is twice the size you are. They have twice the number of nuclear warheads. You have 600,000 soldiers. At that time they had 2.2 million. Kashmir is not an issue. Nevertheless, Pakistan, to this day, has felt very strongly that India is sending down operatives to the Chinese and other Soviets into Afghanistan, and are using those operatives in order to get a possession into Afghanistan. And at the same time, Pakistan feels that India is infiltrating Kashmir. So there's a whole other scenario which we have not been able to handle.

When Richard Holbrooke was brought in as the envoy to South Asia, he was told, "You can handle anything you want, but you will not touch Pakistan and India or Kashmir." That was cut out. So, from a foreign policy point of view, we have never had the strong hand or the foresight of let's say whatever you think of Kissinger or Baker, who could very forcefully say, "No, that's not going to happen," or we have the strategic sense under various other Presidents where we knew exactly where we wanted to go. Like Bush, Sr. said, "We're not going into Iraq." It wasn't a question he was afraid of Saddam Hussein, or he wasn't, or it was unfinished work. Bush, Sr. was brilliant in foreign policy. We had taken down the Soviet Union quietly. We had taken down East Germany quietly. We had taken down apartheid quietly. And we had taken down a whole bunch of other countries. Not one word was said when his son came in and he said, "I don't listen to my father." We said, "Good God, what an incredibly incompetent, arrogant individual." Yet his father never said a word. So when you have a man like Bush, Sr. who is able to control and direct both the intelligence community, the CIA, under whom Bob Gates, who is an excellent Secretary of Defense, and I'm sorry to see him go because I think that's a great loss to our country. He has really tried to control and direct our Defense Department in the right way and cut back programs that were not necessary: the F-22, the Stealth, and really provide our Special Forces with the necessary equipment they needed. We're going to lose a very valuable man. In turn, I have very big questions about Panetta and his capabilities. I do not think he performed well at the CIA, I think he exacerbated a very serious situation with the Pakistanis, and I think General Petraeus will have a hard time because it's a military man coming into a civilian organization which General Eisenhower once said about the CIA, "You need a certain kind of genius to run that organization. So right now, what's happening is civilian control, which is both untutored, undisciplined, and without a history of any military intelligence expertise is now going forward.

The octopus had had him in its sights for so long that the security vetting should have been a formality, but a month went by without a word. And that was the first thing Coleman learned about the Defense Intelligence Agency: it never knowingly took chances. It would sooner not employ him than take an unnecessary risk, said McCloskey. He had known them junk a whole operation that had taken hundreds of people months to put together just because there was an outside chance that if anything went wrong the DIA might break cover.

McCloskey was unperturbed by the delay. This wasn't the CIA, he said. The CIA was a showboat civilian agency. These were the professionals, the military, the combined intelligence arms of the United States Army, the United States Navy and the United States Air Force. Together, they formed the largest and most discreet intelligence agency in the world; 57,000 people operating out of Arlington Hall, Virginia, and Bolling Airforce Base, Washington, D.C., on a budget five times bigger than the CIA's. No restrictions, no oversight -- and nobody even heard of it. Why? Because it didn't make mistakes. And because the director reported to the joint chiefs of staff, who didn't tell anybody anything they didn't have to know. And that included the Secretary of Defense.

But wasn't that dangerous? asked Coleman. To have a covert agency that big and powerful, and not directly accountable to anyone? Not even to the President of the United States? Their commander in chief?

The White House leaked like a colander, McCloskey said. It was full of politicians, and politicians came and went. Same thing with Congress. The military had never trusted politicians. It didn't trust civilians. Period. The military was America's backbone, its power and its honor. It didn't take sides. It didn't have to make promises it couldn't keep or gamble with the national interest to get elected. You could count on the military to see things straight, to see things through and to do things right. The DIA was only dangerous to the nation's enemies.

But where did the CIA fit in? And the National Security Agency? Didn't the DIA have to share these responsibilities?

The National Security Agency took care of the electronic and satellite stuff, McCloskey replied. And all that was filtered through the DIA before it went to Langley. The NSA did an important, technical job. As for the CIA, its main use as far as the military was concerned was as cover, as a front operation. While Congress, the media and the whole world watched the CIA, America's real spy shop could get on with its work the way it was supposed to -- in secret. Everybody knew about the CIA. It was good for a scandal a year at least because it leaked from top to bottom. It was a public agency, pinned down by White House directives and Congressional committees. Its director was a public figure. Everybody knew about William Colby, Richard Helms, George Bush, William Casey, William Webster, Robert Gates -- but who even knew the name of the DIA director?

'Not me,' said Coleman.

'Damn right,' said McCloskey. 'Not that I guess you'll ever get to meet him anyhow. Or even see the inside of Arlington Hall, come to that. The only DIA personnel you're ever likely to meet will be your handler and maybe a couple of agents you'll work with. (And he was right. It was only after the DIA froze him out that Coleman finally learned that the name of his boss, the agency's director of operations, was Lt. General James Clapper.)

-- Trail of the Octopus: From Beirut to Lockerbie -- Inside the DIA, by Donald Goddard with Lester K. Coleman

There's one more reason why Osama bin Laden came out of the bed, so to speak, the resurrection, or the psy ops resurrection of Osama bin Laden. And that is, for the first time you've heard people like Clapper, the director of the National Intelligence Organizations, and the Center for Counterterrorism, and all the intelligence organizations which amount to God knows how many now, have really worked together ineffectively. So it's a justification to say that under Obama we have really integrated our intelligence community so that we effectively can kill and are able to kill a dead man, in my opinion. Osama bin Laden was dead.

[Alex] Let me ask you this question, Sir. And again, if you've just joined us Dr. Steve Pieczenik,, the man that Tom Clancy's novels are based on. Author and creator of 26 New York Times bestsellers. He was the Deputy Assistant Secretary of State and/or Senior Policy Planner under Secretaries Henry Kissinger, Cyrus Vance, George Schultz, and James Baker. Dr. Pieczenik is also a medical doctor, and continues to consult to the Department of Defense. He's also a Counsel on Foreign Relations fellow. You heard him, and he said it nine years ago, that they would do this. This is the psy op resurrection of Osama bin Laden. We'll find out exactly why. It isn't just about the re-election of [Obama].

And that's what bin Laden is. He knows your anger. He knows your pain. He's that six-foot-four bogey man with a scary turban and a beard. Evil eye. And now, "We've had a victory. Man, America is coming together, yeah!" as the gas prices explode, and all of this tyranny unfolds, as the Chinese are dumping more treasuries, they're talking about the U.S. losing its AAA rating. That's back in the news today. They say when they switch it it may go to a "C" grade. That's CNBC. I mean, this is the country going into cardiac arrest. But we've got the royal wedding, we've got the bin Laden situation. And here's a very high-powered author, researcher, State Department former official, CFR fellow, breaking everything down. Breaking ranks with the Establishment to warn you.

Now larger than just Obama, Sir, and the re-election -- I mean, that's all scripted; that's all clear. Why else are they doing this? Because we see the frame-up now of Pakistan going into high gear saying, "bin Laden was at this house."

[Dr. Pieczenik] Well, one of the reasons he's doing so that they basically can pull out of Pakistan. They can try and leave Afghanistan and Iraq with the sense that there was a victory. There is no victory because there was no clear designation as to what the war was to accomplish. We have no idea what the war accomplished other than ten years of wasted bodies and brave men and women and $333 billion a year.

Secondly, we now have a very serious economic issue with unemployment still up exceedingly high, much higher than the designations. We have a banking crisis that hasn't been resolved. In three years, we've had banks after banks: Chase, Morgan Stanley, J.P. Morgan and Chase, Bank of America, all of them have committed crimes, beyond a reasonable doubt. If you look at the Banking Commission Report that's done by our own federal government, they indict them. And there's basically no attention them, and nobody has even been prosecuted, and Obama went back to them yesterday and asked them for more money. They're going to raise a billion.

We're also in a position where we're not doing very well in the international arena. We have literally lost our basic strategic superpower position. Although we have a large army, we're basically in the same position that the British military was in the 1900s, a very large army without a strategy, without a cause, and without a country. I often said to our military, "We had an army without a country," and I say to our country that, "We have a country without a military." Because right now it's costing us a fortune. We have no benefits derived from it. There are no enemies that we have other than the internal security of our country which depends really on the [inaudible], as you clearly said, and our financial growth, which is very low, 2-3%, and the fact that our bond ratings will be downgraded perhaps to a "C" or whatever the levels are.

We have further problems. We have the notion that a system is not working. And that's what I keep coming back to, since I said 10 years ago when we had Bush, Jr., and now we have Obama, we elect people who are basically panderers without any history of accomplishment, without any history of success other than the fact that they pander their way and agree to acquiesce to anybody who is giving them money or power, and represent other interests.

Now, I'm not degrading anybody. I've treated politicians, and I've worked with them. But basically, the notion of a politician servicing the United States of America's needs, is absurd. We don't need these people anymore and if we think we do, then we're mistaken because we're going to keep going on from administration to administration, from lie to lie, and from incompetence to incompetence. All of these people are reshuffled again. You have Panetta who was in the Clinton administration, was not a great performer, now coming in from the CIA where he was dysfunctional, to now heading up the Secretary of Defense.

[Alex] Stay there. We've got the real life Patriot Games Jack Ryan, Dr. Steve Pieczenik, going into overdrive. Stand by.
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Re: Transcript of Alex Jones Interview with Dr. Steve Piecze

Postby admin » Thu May 26, 2016 4:23 am


[Alex] We're now into the fourth hour. We're going to take your phone calls later in the hour if you have any questions or comments for Dr. Steve Pieczenik. The toll free number to join us is 800-259-9231. But please, focus serious questions about the whole Osama bin Laden garbage. 800-259-9231 is the toll free number to join us.

Doctor, talking during the break, I was asking there, "What is the goal?" We know it's a re-election kickoff. We can see the scripting, the choreographing. The ridiculous, "We threw bin Laden in the ocean." The six years he's in Pakistan, obviously they want to start framing Pakistan, putting pressure on them. They caught the CIA guy, reportedly with the uranium trying to get it to militants as some type of way to put pressure on Pakistan's nuclear program. But what are the other reasons for them doing this, because I'm scanning the news here while I'm live, and 48 hours into this it's completely turning around against them, and "hoax, hoax, hoax, hoax, hoax" is the byword. They're on Facebook, everywhere, trying to block and ban people like I've never seen. On their own Facebook saying it's a hoax. It looks like a rout is beginning. And folks, I don't just say things like a cheerleader. I'm telling you now: this looks like a rout of this hoax. That's why they're now saying they're going to try and release a real photo. Dr. Pieczenik.

[Dr. Pieczenik] Well, I think you're absolutely right, Alex. One of the things that we, I think the politicians never calculated on, is that the American public is a lot smarter than the politicians. Let me repeat that again: I think we, the American people, are a lot smarter. We can smell a psy ops operation, we can smell the fake, we can smell when it's orchestrated, and this was orchestrated. I mean, when you have people sitting around and watching a sitcom, basically the operation center in the White House, and you have a President coming out, almost zombie-like telling you that they just killed Osama Bin Laden who is already dead nine years ago, and people are aware of shows like yours, quite frankly. Alex, you've been a very important part of inserting the truth in a time when most media was really going to the common denominator and the lowest. The fortunate part is that thank God for the alternative media, and thank God for the American public. They are a lot smarter, and the world public is a lot smarter. I understand that you're listened to in the Middle East by millions of people. You've offered them a lot of facts. There's nothing that you've really said that I didn't agree with nine years ago. And when I said to you, "Osama bin Laden is dead because they need to get out of there, they need to have a conclusion where the President is getting reelected," all the issues we talked about, now the American public is saying, "You know, we're tired, we're sick and tired of the nonsense that was given to us by Clinton, by Bush, and certainly now by Obama. We want jobs, we want to manufacture. We don't want to be overseas, we want to develop our own country, we want to know that we can be proud of what we've done, and forget the rest of the world where we're making up wars that don't exist, and terrorists who never were." And the TSA, as you said, who is reaching down to your pants, are not really required. I've never seen anything like this in my whole life.

So the answer is, one issue that is very important is that the American public has to understand: these people are not smarter than the American public. They're just not. They make-believe they're smarter. If you look at the background of Osama bin Laden [he meant to say Barack Obama], he did not do very well in school. He was at 2-year college, which was not very good. He didn't do that well in Columbia. And I think he got into Harvard on affirmative action. But the real issue is, and his own wife was in on affirmative action, I think the real issue is if we have the same benefits that he had, I think we would have achieved so-called "elite" status.

But the bottom line is very simple: the American public is a lot smarter. Anybody who has to work on a day-to-day basis, whether I'm in Montana or the East Coast, you've gotta farm, you've gotta build, you have a mechanics shop, you're a trucker -- you've gotta figure out exactly what the cost of goods are, what the profit margins are, and how you can pay your income. These guys in Congress and the Senate have never had to do that. If you look at the benefits of what they have, and you look at the White House benefits of what they have, we basically have a royalty, and a kingship. We didn't have a wedding in England. What we had was a marriage of the absurd and the psy ops here in America when Bin Laden was just resurrected in this greatest falsehood I've ever heard. I mean, it was absurd.

[Alex] Stay there Dr. Pieczenik. The real live Jack Ryan of Patriot Games with us now. We'll be right back to continue breaking this down. Who knows, we'll just keep him the whole hour if we can do it, and take your phone calls. We've got a lot more to talk about, breaking this down. We'll be right back.

Dr. Steve Pieczenik is a board certified psychiatrist, the medical doctor end of the whole system. And he was a psychological warfare expert chief, brought in by the Pentagon, against the Russians -- you name it. He is the character that Jack Ryan and others, Tom Clancy, is based on. That's on record from Tom Clancy. He himself is the author and creator of 26 New York Times bestsellers, and the adviser on many of Clancy's books. You can see all of that at So if you folks wonder why Tom Clancy knows so many inside things that end up happening later, here's one of his chief guys giving him the intel.

I know you don't like to talk about yourself, but you are an interesting person, and it also goes to credibility. Here you are, nine years ago and change, nine years and a month, April 22, 2002, and you say, "He died of this disease. I saw it in the CIA documents. The disease he had. This is the word. I have this from inside sources." You were a CFR fellow at the time. You've worked under James Baker, George Schultz, Cyrus Vance, Henry Kissinger as Deputy Assistant Secretary of State and Senior Policy Planner under those secretaries. And here you are saying, "bin Lade is dead. And he's on ice to be rolled out later." Then two other White House sources tell me the same thing years later. And then Albright comes on Fox, all of these other things happen, and I mean it's important for folks to hear some of your background to understand, "now we're here. Now we're living it. We're seeing it." And before we go to some calls, I want you to specifically, again, because you keep saying, "Well, they're not as smart as you think they are," why they're doing it. Why they think they came out with this ridiculous bin Laden announcement that's so cartoonish, that it is blowing up in their face. The foreign media, the domestic media, it is just overwhelming the inconsistencies, even the Washington Post and others are like, "Well, they're conspiracy theorists but it is weird they threw him in the ocean. It is weird there were fake photos. It is weird they claim they killed him eight other times. I was talking to the Washington Post lady and she said, "Everybody in the office doesn't believe it." And she was giggling. And I said, "Do you understand this isn't funny? I mean, they lied about WMDs, they lied about it all, and we're in a very serious time." But tell folks a little about yourself. I mean, give us a snapshot of your career.

[Dr. Pieczenik] Very quickly, I went to Harvard and M.I.T. at the same time, not because I was so smart but because Harvard wasn't as good as I thought it was. I got a psychiatric degree at Harvard and a Ph.D. in International Affairs under Lucien Pye.

Princeton Consultants: The Structure

Perhaps the most extraordinary of the Papers' contents are letters and memos which expose Strayer as a small tip of a consultant iceberg. Filed under "Princeton Consultants" and cross-referenced under "Central Intelligence Agency: Panel of Consultants (Princeton Consultants)," letters from 1961 to 1969 sketch the outlines of one of the central programs of professors covertly consulting for the CIA.

The only year during which the entire membership of the Consultants is known is 1961, when all of them signed a note of "respect and affection" to Dulles that accompanied a gift.

At that time, the panel consisted of nine senior professors: the late T. Cuyler Young (Near Eastern Studies, Princeton); Klaus Knorr (Strategic Studies, Princeton); Joseph Strayer (Medieval History, Princeton); Cyril Black (Soviet Studies, Princeton); the late William Langer (History, Harvard); Robert Bowie (International Studies, Harvard); Max Millikan (International Studies, M.I.T.); Raymond Sontag (European History, Berkeley); and Calvin Hoover (Soviet Economics, Duke); and four others: Philip E. Mosely (Director of Studies, Council on Foreign Relations); Hamilton Fish Armstrong (editor, ForeIgn Affairs); Caryl P. Haskins (Director, Carnegie Institution); and Harold F. Linder (Assistant Secretary of State and Chairman of the Export-Import Bank).

Two later members of the Princeton Consultants are disclosed in correspondence to Dulles and his wife Clover: Princeton History professor James Billington (January 15, 1965 letter from Dulles to Billington) and M.I.T. China expert Lucian Pye (January 30, 1969 letter from Pye to Clover Dulles)....

Many of the Consultants have actually taken leave from their academic duties to work for the CIA. These include Strayer, Sontag, Hoover, Millikan, Langer and Bowie. In 1977, Bowie became Deputy Director for National Intelligence, which among other tasks, put him in charge of National Intelligence Estimates.

-- Dulles Papers Reveal CIA Consulting Network, by John Cavanagh

I was trained in psychological warfare, propaganda, counter-intelligence, counter-terrorism. I went right into the State Department working for Lawrence Eagleburger and became the head of the Office of Combat Terrorism. I created that. I worked against Arafat as a terrorist, and then years later I worked with Arafat as a statesman. So one of the things you have to remember in the world of terrorism that today's terrorist is tomorrow's statesman. That was true of Menachem Begin, that was true of many of the terrorists that we worked with and now became statesmen. It was true of our own founding fathers who were created as terrorists and then became statesmen.

I then went on to remain in the Carter administration where I was involved in the regime change of Aldo Moro. I neutralized the Red Brigade, the P-2 scandal. I indicted Berlusconi then. I'm sorry he ever came back. I left under Carter. I resigned and refused to go to Iran because I had Ramsey Clark there and I thought it would be a disaster.

I went on then to create businesses. My real love, and this country's great love, why I feel I'm a very strong American, is that I'm an entrepreneur. I am what we call an angel investor. I use my own money to create businesses and start them up and build them. Not because it's the money. I'm more than happy to lose the money, because only in America can I do what I've done all the time, which is be able to create a business, like radio frequency identification, the Tom Clancy franchises, the TV shows, even radio shows.

And now I'm doing neutraceuticals, and I'm doing orphan drugs. And be able to succeed or fail, not by definition of money, but by definition of criteria that we build assets. I was not interested in pushing papers or money back and forth, but I was interested in serving my country, which I really served for free and now most of the time.

The Consultants' working relationships regarding CIA matters often carried over into their non-Consultant work. The Dulles papers reveal that Billington, currently director of the Washington-based Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars, frequently critiqued the manuscripts of Allen Dulles' books. After receiving a generous check for the work, he wrote to Dulles (July 25, 1964) that if there was anything he could do in the future, he would rather do it with the clear assurance that there would be no more remuneration. He said that working with Dulles had been one of his most rewarding experiences and that Dulles was doing him a favor by letting him continue to do so on occasion.

-- Dulles Papers Reveal CIA Consulting Network, by John Cavanagh

I was promoted to colonel at a very early age of 32. I refused promotion to brigadier general at 37 because I felt not that I want to be in the army, but I felt I could serve my country best by going back out into public service and into private service, and then offer my services for free, make my money outside on my own, and then come back and serve my country to the military and other organizations, and be able to go overseas for our country, and offer strategic advice, if they listen to it, if not.

I came back under Reagan and worked on the Soviet Union. I was up at the Rand Corporation for a year under a man called Richard Solomon, who brought me in to develop the Soviet takedown, the psychological operation we were involved in. Bush, Sr. was really under Reagan, but the real impetus for the takedown of the Soviet Union and East Germany. I then came back under Bush, Sr. and I was involved in bringing the peace treaty under James Baker, to bring the regime change under Pol Pot without using any wars, without using any soldiers.

My point is, most of the things that I've done, and I've done a lot in the Middle East against Habash, Halakme [?], even in the Gaza strip where I worked with the PLO, against the PLO, and where ironically, and this will be a soft spot for the Israelis, in '88 I was sent out by Schultz to find out what was going on with the PLO, and I found out that the Shinbed of Israel in 1988 was creating a group called Hamas, which was used as a counterforce to the PLO. And of course, eventually everybody learned that Hamas had a blowback, and now the Israelis have created their own Frankenstein. The point being that we are not the only country in the world to create our own Frankensteins through al Qaeda, which was really the Mujahideen before. I was involved with that under the Carter administration, subsequently in other administrations, but so was Israel involved in creating ...

[Alex] Did you ever meet Osama bin Laden?

[Dr. Pieczenik] Yes. I saw him in Afghanistan very briefly, but I was more involved with other operational concerns, particularly the Pakistanis.

[Alex] What was his role in the war against the Russians, and what was he like when you did meet him?

[Dr. Pieczenik] I didn't know him very well. Basically I knew he was sick at the time. I knew he had renal disease. And I knew he had Marfan, because you could see that. But basically the guys who were CIA operatives said he had a supportive role there and he was financing most of the elements there. My interest was really more strategic.

[Alex] He was more of the Saudi Arabian's man in the field with the money delivery?

[Dr. Pieczenik] Correct. That was the understanding. That is exactly correct. From my point of view, he was not the keystone of the operations there. That really was a CIA operation. Most people think I worked with the CIA. I was not in the CIA but that is neither here nor there. Even though I was a member of the CFR, I'm also a member of the Association of Foreign Intelligence Officer and National Military Intelligence Association.

Cyril Black, for one, has repeatedly issued denials -- quite carefully-worded ones, in retrospect -- whenever the question of CIA ties came up. A May 24, 1976 Daily Princetonian article reported that "Professor of History Cyril E. Black, head of the Center for International Studies, said he had been 'approached, but [he has] never [been] in their [the CIA's] employ.'" Black told the Forerunner on February 22, 1980 that "I stand by that statement."

But two months later, as the story of the Princeton Consultants was unraveling, Black volunteered the information that he had indeed served on the consultant panel. His statement to the Daily Princetonian was intended, he said, to distinguish between employment and consultancy. Black explained that he "was offered employment in the [CIA's] Bureau of National Estimates" in the early 1960s, but turned it down because "it wasn't particularly interesting."

The 1976 Princetonian article also quoted Black as saying that consulting is all right as long as it "doesn't hurt your friend or deceive anybody." Asked whether his carefully-worded denial could be considered deceptive, Black replied that "it's hard to say," adding that "one can certainly argue the case."

The cautious denial by Black and the qualified admission of CIA work by the three others can perhaps be better understood in the light of an August 5, 1968 "secret" memo from Earl Clinton Bolton, then vice-president of the University of California, to CIA academic consultants, on the subject of "Agency-Academic Relations." The memo suggests defenses for professors accused of CIA connections, as well as a "very well considered, affirmative public relations program" for the academic community's CIA work.
Ideas for the latter included: lecture series "to establish the study of intelligence as a legitimate and important field of inquiry for the academic scholar"; "stress in recruiting, articles and speeches that the Agency is really a university without students and not a training school for spies"; and "do all recruiting off-campus and try to time these visits so that the probability of reaction is decreased"; and other tactics.

-- Dulles Papers Reveal CIA Consulting Network, by John Cavanagh

So all these associations may mean something to you, may not. But I'm primarily an American.

[Alex] No, I understand. And it must be horrifying for you, doctor, to know that like with the Royal Wedding, worshipping people who hereditarily got their power, who you have to get an imperial mark in the past to be able to even have a business. Our forefathers and mothers came here to be able to build their own businesses, follow their own dreams, and now we see Obama giving thousands of waivers to select corporations that give him money. General Electric heads up his economic board. They get waivers for their coal plants and then shut down their competition. We're really entering this crony monopoly system. That's gotta be horrifying for you.

[Dr. Pieczenik] Well, it's more than horrifying. It's called "crony capitalism," and the banking episode was really beyond the pale for me. I was totally shocked, disgusted, and I was waiting for people to get indicted, and I still hope people will be indicted. Crony capitalism cannot work, whether it's with Republicans, Democrats, or Independents, it could not work. We have to stop it as Americans. This must stop in this administration and in any future administration.

But please, do not believe any politicians who come to you and tell you they believe in something, whether Republicans or Democrats. They are all full of B.S. Because all they care about is their own narcissism, their own desire for power. Very few people are really interested in serving the government and then they would leave without pay. I really have never found any of these people except in my case I found Bush, Sr., I found Baker who really didn't need money, even Vance on both sides, but most people that I knew were very power hungry, and in this administration you have a president who is totally, totally incapable of telling the truth.

[Alex] What about those narcissistic photos with them all posing? I mean, you can see they did it over and over again until they got it. But shifting gears back to this key issue, there you are, high level in these Republican administrations, the son of someone you say you admire and who from your perspective is a good guy, obviously hard working and intelligent, George Herbert Walker Bush, any way you slice it he didn't become the CIA director out of whole cloth, folks.

[Dr. Pieczenik] You know why he became CIA director? Even Jeb Bush didn't know it. He became CIA director because Donald Rumsfeld wanted to neutralize him from running for the presidency. And for 20 years, most people don't realize, neither Cheney nor Rumsfeld were allowed in the White House because they tried to neutralize the future of this quiet man who never, never promoted himself. I remember him saying to me and others that, "I never speak about myself because my mother wouldn't let me." Do you believe that?
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Re: Transcript of Alex Jones Interview with Dr. Steve Piecze

Postby admin » Thu May 26, 2016 4:23 am


[Alex] Well, it's interesting that you bring that up, because it's actually come out that George W. did bring in Cheney and Rumsfeld because of that split and then later, when Baker and them were sent back in to kind of shut down what they were doing ...

[Dr. Pieczenik] That's right. That was one of the reasons why I got on the phone in the middle when I was in Montana and I told Baker, I called him up, I said, "What in God's name are you doing sending out the Chairman of the Republican party" who was, whatever, very bizarre and unusual in his orientation in talking about abortion, and I said, "Get rid of these guys. And what are you doing with Cheney and Rumsfeld?" I mean, these guys were persona non grata for 20 years in our administration.

So basically, the American public has to understand that even under Bush, Jr. we had basically a quiet civil war that was going on between his father's people, who are non-ideological, and those who try to implement ideology in their own narcissism. What we have now is a very narcissistic, incompetent President with a very dysfunctional White House and a dysfunctional intelligence community.

[Alex] Well, that was my next question, Dr. Pieczenik from your perspective was why did you in 2002 come on my show to talk about this bin Laden being in the deep freeze, and to question 9/11? We're going to come back, talk about that, and then we're going to go to your phone calls with Dr. Steve Pieczenik. What incredible info. But he told you this bin Laden thing's a fraud.

You know what I can't believe? Just the providence of this radio show. Because I'm just an average guy who started reading history books when I was 12, and thought they were interesting and entertaining. And reading history, I learned so much about how the world works today. And then I talked to the general public, who many of them are informed, and have street smarts, but if they would really start researching they would find out how much they are being lied to, and that the culture is getting more and more entitled in Washington, the corporations that have grown up around it, the crony system, are so out of control. Your phone calls for Dr. Steve Pieczenik are coming up in the next segment and hopefully we can get him back up in the very near future, and I keep asking him this question, and he's answered it in many ways, but just boiling it down in a language that the mainstream media can understand, the government can understand, "Why would they do something that is so cartoonishly satyrical?" And I'm not just saying this to make it come true, because I was pretty depressed yesterday, but now the tables are turning, it is exploding in their face. It's almost more scary, doctor, that you're probably right that they have the power, they have the control, so they're able to do what they want, they think they are smart, but at the end of the day they are making a lot of things that look like big mistakes as the Republic slides towards collapse. So near the break I said, so you're saying they just did this to make Obama look good. And you said no, to make him survive.

[Dr. Pieczenik] It's about the word that you want to use right now, the key word that fits all of this psy ops resurrection of Osama bin Laden which is a joke, and a sick joke, and a cynical joke on the American public, treating them as if we were stupid, is "desperation." They are so desperate to make Obama viable, to negate the fact that he may not have been born here, any questions about his background, any irregularities about his background, to make him look assertive, to make sure that Gates goes out in a clean sweep, and that he's done what he's done. This is a good man Gates, and bringing in a man who is questionably qualified to be Secretary of Defense, who is questionably qualified to be CIA Director Panetta, to bring in a whole other staff that really has not been very effective and to reelect this President again so the American public can be duped once again, after we've been duped by Bush Jr. and Clinton. The point is they've underestimated the American public. Again, you can thank David Axelrod of the White House who is a very self-aggrandizing, very pretentious man who thinks he understands the American public as he polls them every minute and basically what we have here is a desperate situation on behalf of an incompetent President who has not told the truth, who hopes to be reelected because he has nothing to offer but words which are totally meaningless, and will hopefully get forth.

On the other hand, let me warn you, that the Republicans and other parties have no candidates that are capable of filling the role that America needs today, which is a pragmatic, non-narcissistic, non-jingoistic practical man or woman who has served our country, on behalf of our country, hopefully in the military, hopefully in business, and hopefully has had a clean history and can understand where we're going strategically and tactically. That has not happened in the past 24 years. That's basically where we are today. In desperation, with capital cronyism, corruption, and non-transparency. What we need now is Tahrir Square in Washington D.C. and all over the country where people ...

[Alex] We're going to talk about that when we come back and take calls. But in the minute or two that we have left in this short segment, why did you go public in 2002 with something at the time that sounded a little bit wild to some people, but I knew it had a historical basis and say ...

[Dr. Pieczenik] Everybody who has accused me of making wild statements regretted it ten years later. Aldo Moro did. Pol Pot did. Noriega. All regretted the fact when I said to them, "You're leaving, and you're not staying," they were gone. The reason I came forth and I said, "I warned Bush Jr. and Cheney and Rumsfeld, 'You will pay for the crimes you've committed against the American public, and part of that is this nonsense of Osama bin Laden being the leader of some nonsensical group that we created under the Carter administration, was fostered through tens of years, and going into Pakistan through the nonsensical war that didn't exist, to allow men and women to die ...

[Alex] Are you bottom line saying they ran the attacks or they hired some criminal group to do it?

[Dr. Pieczenik] No, no, no. They ran the attacks. The 9/11 is a total manufacture of one organization: the White House under Bush, Jr. Bush Jr., Cheney, Rumsfeld, Hadley, Condoleezza Rice, Zalmay Khalilzad, Elliot Abrams, the CFR. I'm happy to confront them.

[Alex] Unbelievable. Stay there, Sr. Stay there. Stay there. Repeat that. Stay there. Let's come back and repeat that because the music was playing. This is absolutely devastating. Dr. Steve Pieczenik's got major credibility and he is going all the way today putting it on the table. This is off the charts. We'll be right back. Stay with us.

The emails, the tweets, the phone calls are pouring in. Listeners are just completely amazed by the interview. I really appreciate Dr. Steve Pieczenik spending so much time with us all. Obviously have to get him back in the near future. And I want to go to some of your phone calls. But I was going back to 2002 when he went public. Then he was saying, "I have questions about 9/11. There are issues with this. We created these groups." Now, as we went to break, he was laying it all out, and naming names. Dr. Pieczenik, again, who served as Deputy Assistant Secretary of State and/or Senior Policy Planner under Secretaries Henry Kissinger, Cyrus Vance, George Schultz and James Baker, as three of the most famous kingmakers in the last 100 years right there. Dr. Pieczenik continues to consult the Department of Defense, ran black ops, major operations, overthrows of governments, you name it. He is of course on record helped Tom Clancy write his 26 best-selling New York Times best sellers with his advice. Several of the characters, like Jack Ryan, are based on him as well as Richard Clark. And Dr. Pieczenik, uninterrupted by the break, take your time: What was the event of 9/11, A, & B, why was it carried out?

[Steve Pieczenik] The event of 9/11 was carried out for one purpose: It was carried out to mobilize the American public to go to a war that they didn't need to go to, that they knew nothing about, where we had pre-positioned soldiers in Afghanistan and Iraq six to nine months beforehand. And what it was done it was based on Paul Wolfowitz's, Richard Cheney, Bush, Jr., Steve Hadley, Elliot Abrams in the White House, Ahmed Khalilzad, Dennis Ross who is now still an envoy who has never been held accountable, you have Condoleezza Rice, we have all the people who were in the military, particularly the Air Force generals who were involved. They can deny it as much they want, but I have the whole list of names. They know who they are. And the intel, the CIA operatives who worked under SOLIC, Special Operations Low Intensity Conflict, were all involved in what's called a stand down, a false flag operation in order to mobilize the American public under false pretense that we were attacked by al Qaeda and Osama bin Laden, which was an absolute, unmitigated lie. It was told to me even by the general on the staff of Wolfowitz. I will go in front of a federal committee and swear on perjury who the name was of the individual so that we can break it open. I was furious. I knew it had happened. I taught stand down and false flag operations at the National War College. I've taught it with all my operatives, so I knew exactly what was done to the American public. Believe it or not, I had worked on George Bush, Jr.'s campaign with Bob Zelleck. Not with the Vulcans, but with Bob Zelleck in order to work against Gore, which I regret today because I had been loyal to his father. And that issue of Osama bin Laden who had already been dead really brought up the issue of the Great Lie, and the Great War that was created for us to make sure that we had some type of commitment to a war that was not necessary, where blood and guts were shed for unnecessary reasons, for men and women ...

[Alex] Dr. Pieczenik, Dr. Pieczenik, I've got to stop you because this is so dangerous. I believe this is the first time you've gone this far, and when the D.C. madam was on my show and she was trying to tell me during the break names of people, and I said, "I don't want to know this. You've gotta go public with this. You're going to end up committing Arkancide." And obviously you're a tough guy, you're not worried about that ...

[Dr. Pieczenik] No, I don't think so. [Laughs] The people who I mentioned understand that we all have a mutual, let's say mutual deterrent relationship. It's not going to be to their benefit.

[Alex] No, I understand. But you don't want to then say the name of the general?

[Dr. Pieczenik] The general who swore to me? No, I will do that in the federal court so that we can unravel this legally. Not with this stupid 9/11 Commission that was absurd. That was the most absurd thing I had heard. That's why I came on your show, Alex. One of the reasons when I went on the shows, like Chris Matthews, CNN, all of that nonsense, because they wanted me to say certain things, and Matthews had no idea what we were talking about in going into Iraq at the time. You had all these anchormen who basically are pretty boys up there.

[Alex] I've met some of these people. They are like children.

[Dr. Pieczenik] They're children. They're children. They had no idea whether I was Deputy Assistant Secretary or what that meant. All they wanted me to do was to give soundbites and I said, "I refuse." And then they [inaudible], basically. So I found you by chance, and I said, "You know what, I heard your show. I thought you were extremely bright," this is not flattery as we talked about, and I was more than grateful to be on your show. When I went on your show and I told you Osama bin Laden was dead in 2002, I wasn't hypothesizing. I knew it because he had Marfan syndrome. I knew the CIA had investigated, had treated him in a Dubai Hospital, an American hospital. They can deny anything they want. That's all they do. They run around creating problems ...

[Alex] By the way, after you said that, Dan Rather did a report on it and interviewed the people at the hospital who saw it.

[Dr. Pieczenik] Oh, they did? I didn't even see that. With Dan Rather. But my point is, you still maintained your credibility and because nine years later you mention my name, I was stunned. I had no idea because I was working on another company. I'm basically an entrepreneur who volunteers my time for the military, to help them out, and basically, as an American, I said, "I'm sick of this." And I went back on your show to say, "This is disgusting."

This Osama bin Laden issue, again, keystones the issue about an incompetent, dysfunctional administration that is lying once again to the American public. We can't continue this. This is why I went on your show. I don't care whether Obama is desperate or he's incompetent or he's narcissistic. I care that he does not get reelected. I care that the Republicans don't get reelected. I care that the American people stand up once again and say, "We've had enough of this bullshit, with all of these politicians on the Republican and Democratic side, the capital cronyism, the entire incompetency, the transnational corporations." And believe me, I don't come from the left or the right. You don't serve Nixon, Reagan and Bush and come out with these comments. I'm not losing friends and I'm not making friends. I don't really care about those things. I do care, as an American, don't mess with me. You can imagine the real word I wanted to use. Don't mess with me and don't mess with any of my people in America. That's it. And the politicians think they can mess with me ...

[Alex] You're not their slave, and you hate seeing America being gutted by crony capitalism.

[Dr. Pieczenik] You got it. Not only crony capitalism, but despicable lies and manipulation.

[Alex] Did you hear my story about Lionel Shetland, the White House media head, for propaganda?

[Dr. Pieczenik] That's absurd. I mean, it's absurd. Think about it for a moment, Alex. You need somebody to come out and talk this way, to interpret to a bunch of, what, sycophants and reporters in the day of the Internet? What do you have reporters there for? To translate on a piece of paper what you are taping? I mean, think of the notion of a newspaper now. It makes no sense, Alex. It's an arcane concept.

[Alex] My point is, they all think they are a bunch of gangsters, because there I am about to go on a TV show, I'm in the bathroom, here comes Lionel Shetland who made the made for TV movie about Bush being a hero on 9/11, and he came over like a gangster and started getting in my face, going, "We're going to f-ing get you," and as soon as I bowed up to him he almost urinated on himself and ran out of the room. I'm saying, these are the type of people. I mean, if you're going to threaten somebody in a bathroom, you better be ready. Do you see what I'm saying?
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Re: Transcript of Alex Jones Interview with Dr. Steve Piecze

Postby admin » Thu May 26, 2016 4:24 am


[Dr. Pieczenik] Yeah, you got it, but they're not. Most of the politicians are cowardly. And in terms of the dynamics, I'm now speaking as somebody who is a political psychiatrist and treated many of them, they are very insecure, very cowardly, they have the same dynamics as movie stars and actresses. They want to say to you, "Love me, love me, I want more, more, more affection." They cannot perform. They cannot produce. They have no capability to finish anything that they started. They've never been held accountable. It is not an accident for the last three Presidents, we have had people who have never had a mortgage, who have never been able to have a job. Clinton left the White House and said, "Oh, poor me, poor me, I have no money." A year later he has $100 million dollars, supporting Dubai, bringing in a port, while Hillary Clinton comes in and says, "Oh no, we shouldn't have a port." George Bush, Jr. says, "I'm going to go to Texas and start a oil company." Unfortunately, his father started one and had to hand it to him, and he screwed up that one up. Now you have an organizer in the ghettos of Chicago who has done nothing, absolutely nothing, has never really held a job, perhaps he's given a few lectures as a professor, God only knows he was what, at Harvard and everybody thinks that's a great position. And somehow, mysteriously, from the most crooked city in this country, Chicago, we get a President. How is that possible? With Rahm Emanuel, who has a masters degree in Ballet. Now that is really impressive to me.

[Alex] And we know what that really means. He has a masters degree in ...

[Dr. Pieczenik] To be Chief of Staff for a man who has never been in the Presidency, and it really was shocking. And then he talks about [inaudible] And then under Bush, Jr. we have a major crisis in the banking system. He doesn't know what to do. He brings in Paulsen who had no idea what he was doing, because I was a banker, by the way. One of my positions was as managing director of investment bank, taking it down for six months, and I left Wall Street it was so disgusting. And I knew Paulsen had no idea. And when I talked to the congressmen I said, "Listen, guys, you don't have a banker there. They have no idea what they're doing." Lo and behold that whole thing unfolded, and now we have such a crippled banking system.

[Alex] Well, sir, you like Petraeus, and I respect that, but it was also Henry Paulsen repeatedly did collapse in closed sessions -- two different days -- Petraeus collapsed -- what's all this collapsing business?

[Dr. Pieczenik] Basically, I don't know about Paulsen collapsing. Petraeus -- it's public -- he has cancer of the prostate. That's not classified. He is not a well man. He is also a man who overreaches. But Paulsen I would not say is a hero of this country.

[Alex] No, I understand working too hard and then collapsing. I've ...

[Dr. Pieczenik] Petraeus, I think, has had an illness which was not classified. He has had cancer of the prostate. I assume he is better. But he has worked very hard. But the issue with Paulsen is that man was incompetent. He's an investment banker. He has nothing to do with cash flow fiscal policy. Then you had Greenspan who told you he was doing a wonderful job, and he put the accelerator to the pedal and boy, we went right over the abyss. Then he comes back and says, "Oh, no, that was a minor incident. Derivatives were really very effective ..."

[Alex] Let me throw a few more questions in for you, and then we'll take a few calls. This is unbelievable Dr. Pieczenik, The anthrax attacks. You know, they said it was brewed in a bathtub, later they admitted super U.S. weapons grade, miniaturized, hundreds of millions of dollars of equipment needed. What was the anthrax attack?

[Dr. Piecznik] I really don't know. That one I have to bow out. I don't know what that was about.

[Alex] What's your intel on Obama and why they've been suppressing so many of his records. What are you picking up on that?

[Dr. Piecznik] You know what? At this particular point in time, I think it's best that your audience figure out what the history of Obama was in Chicago. I really don't want to get into the birthing thing. I think that's been discussed. But there are other issues, and I think it's best that this country do its own homework. You have a very intelligent audience, and I think they should find out by themselves what he did in Chicago, what's his relationship with Rahm Emanuel, why was Rahm Emanuel brought in, and why is he now mayor of Chicago? A masters in ballet, who had no other profession.

[Alex] We got it. So it looks like Emanuel's blackmailing Obama somehow with the fact that they liked to ...

[Dr. Pieczenik] I didn't say that. I just want your audience to do their due diligence, as you have. I want them to follow you in what you said. And that is to be self-educated and informed.

[Alex] We know all about male ballet dancers. We'll just leave it at that. Testistically ...

[Dr. Pieczenik] This is not a ballet dancer, this is a masters in ballet dancing. So it's beyond a ballet dancer.

[Alex] Well, I mean, there are occasional black sheep who are male ballet dancers.

[Dr. Pieczenik] I don't know about that. All I know is his brother, his one brother is an agent in Hollywood, and his other brother is a physician at the NIH.

[Alex] What about their family connections to Irgun in Israel?

[Dr. Pieczenik] His father was in the Irgun Zevai Leumi. That is true. His father was a pediatrician, he was part of a terrorist frame. He himself I think served in the IDF for a period of time.

[Alex] Unbelievable, Sir. In the last 12 minutes we have, let's take some phone calls. I'll try tomorrow to take more phone calls, folks. But this has been unbelievable.

Anything else about the inside job that was 9/11? I mean, you're saying you've talked to high-level U.S. government officials ...

[Dr. Pieczenik] The inside job is that nobody has been held accountable. Tenet should never have received an award. He should have been put on trial. Bush should have been put on trial. Cheney should be put on trial. And Rumsfeld. Instead, they all received books. Condoleezza should be put on trial and investigated on charges of perjury and war crime. It's as simple as that. You've got other people. You've got Elliott Abrams, you've got Wolfowitz, and you've got a lot of potential criminals. If this country doesn't come to its resolution, instead of creating this nonsense that we have a war, and we have heroes, and we do have victims. We have to stop this. Otherwise, we can't go forward.

[Alex] Well, it was in ABC News that top military brass a week before canceled their September 11 flight to New York. Mayor Willie Brown, San Francisco Chronicle -- this was confirmed -- called Condoleezza, no she called him and said, "Don't fly to New York." I mean, these guys are just red-handed caught, then lying about never hearing chatter about flying planes into buildings when on record they ordered FBI agents nationwide, who were on the trail of the legend they were building, the fake decoy history, and they demoted or fired those agents, and gave record bonuses to the FBI bosses who blocked the FBI trying to stop the attacks. I mean, and it goes on and on and on and on.

[Dr. Pieczenik] You know it's time again that I say we have our own Tahrir Square. The young kids of Egypt went forth and did what they did. America needs a second revolution. That second revolution has to entail the peaceful means by which we can get rid of this type of capital cronyism, corruption, and criminal activity. Again, we were born of a revolution, a real revolution. We fought England twice, not once but twice. And we need to now understand that our government no longer serves the people, for the people, by the people. And that's why I came back on your show. I was so disgusted to hear this nonsense about Osama bin Laden being resurrected, and that they had shot him, unless they attacked a mortuary. I have no idea what this nonsense was. But the point is, it underlied another cancerous administration, with lies, deceits, betrayal, including the Republicans and Democrats and the Legislature. I'm not a right winger. I'm not a conspiracist. I trained at Harvard, M.I.T. I've been under five Presidents. So no matter what the press tells you, no matter what they'll say, Alex Jones had the courage enough to put me on the air and I had the glow enough to go on the air which is by the way not unusual for me, because I told some Presidents to leave, go screw yourself, but because I save lives. My job isn't to take down countries only. It's to save hostages. I've saved many hundreds of hostages lives. Now I was so disgusted, I went back on your show to thank you for allowing me to address your incredible public. This is enough, and that's all I want to say.

[Alex] Wow. Wow. Let's jam some calls in here. This is an unbelievable interview, ladies and gentlemen. It is all of our job to get this interview on the podcasts and the YouTubes, the audio of it out there to everybody. Let's talk to Alex in Michigan. You're on the air, Alex. Go ahead.

[Alex in Michigan] Hi, Mr. Jones and Dr. Pieczenik. My question for you, doctor, is that when we deal with this as you aptly put, this nonsense with Osama bin Laden allegedly being captured and killed, if this operation was allegedly authorized and carried out a couple of weeks ago in April, so why did Obama wait that long a time and then announce this, out of all places, Sunday night at 10:30? And my second part of the question to that is if we go back a week ago, after Bin Laden would have supposedly been killed, we see this shuffle with Panetta and Petraeus into the Defense Department and CIA, what does all of this mean?

[Dr. Pieczenik] That's a very good question. The timing, I can speculate, basically they did it so late so that nobody could comment on it. The reason for the timing, and now, at this particular point in time is Gates is leaving, and Panetta had to establish some credibility where he had none before. The Pakistanis were extremely angry that he had killed many civilians, which he had. Also, if you remember correctly, two years ago he had made a major mess where CIA operatives were killed, because there was no clearance.

Secondly, you have to remember now, the CIA is not the CIA of the cold war or the brave people I worked with in the 80's and 90's. This is a very different CIA now. 80% of the CIA right now are contract employees. Listen to what I'm saying. That means, they are mercenaries. We have primarily mercenaries underneath Panetta. Panetta is not an intel operative. He basically -- I've got to give him his credit -- he's a budget man. And the reason they are moving him to the Defense Department now is Gates is leaving. Because Gates was an excellent Secretary of Defense.

[Alex] But don't mercenaries open you up to total infiltration?

[Dr. Pieczenik] Oh, yeah! Because you don't know who, they're loyal to only one thing: the dollar. The American public has to understand: we have primarily mercenaries in most of what we have in contract office. When they say we have contractees, we have mercenaries. Many of our troops are very disgusted with that, because I've got a soldier who makes $35,000. Next to him I have a same man making $250,000, with no taxes whatsoever, and no restrictions in terms of ...

[Alex] Yeah, he has immunity.

[Dr. Pieczenik] Basically, Alex, what I'm saying to you is the timing had to do with Gates leaving, Panetta having been switched into the Secretary of Defense, although I suspect he didn't really want to be Sec Def. He wanted to remain as DCI: Director of the CIA. And Petraeus is heading up the CIA, which is unusual for a general, because he ran the Special Forces units, and CENTCOM, and he ran much of the war in Afghanistan and Iraq, and he knows the drones, and he knows the so-called al Qaeda.

[Alex] We gotta jump here. And I agree with you. 10:00 at night, so the papers were already lined up to not question, to then have total control of the message the next morning, to control the entire week with the announcement. The whole thing was scripted. Adrian in Missouri, you're on the air.

[Adrian] Hi, Doctor. My question is, after all this shenanigans going on with Osama being dead, and everything, and Obama trying to get reelected, after all of this is done, after the announcement in 2012 that he has won the presidency again, or whatever, how do you think America is going to react? What are the pro-war ratings going to be, and if they stoop so low again, how will you try to get America back on board?

[Dr. Pieczenik] That's an excellent question, Adrian. I really think about it, and I don't know the answer, but this is what I would speculate. Our unemployment is still remaining high. We have had capital investments, but we're not doing it into major projects, like railroads, which we need, bridges that have to be reconstructed, houses -- we need to get that unemployment, 10-19 million people, back on the job. He will get reelected, and he will probably do whatever he needs to do, which is an agenda that is not clear at this point. But he will continue to push through Obamacare, which will be a disaster for our health programs, unemployment will probably remain high, and he will keep the military positioned in areas where we don't need it, and basically, our capital cronyism will continue.

But I warn of two things: the food prices and gas prices will continue to rise. Food prices have risen 35% because we decreased the value of the dollar. Commodity prices went up. But Adrian, it's an excellent question. The sheep does not change his color. Basically, he's going to be what he's always been. He's going to accommodate to the moment and to the interests of the people for whom he works, which is not the United States of America. It's banking, primarily, and Wall Street, and the transnational corporations. But it's an excellent question. I can't really further detail things out other than the fact that we are headed for more and more economic crisis. If we default on our debt, we are in major, major problem.
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Re: Transcript of Alex Jones Interview with Dr. Steve Piecze

Postby admin » Thu May 26, 2016 4:24 am


[Alex] That's what Standard and Poor said, they said it's the increase spending, raising the debt ceiling is why we have a negative outlook on you keeping AAA, and then he came out two weeks ago and said that if we didn't raise it that would cause the default. But now they're shifting gears and saying, okay, they may have to cut. Are they starting to get some reality, Dr. Pieczenik?

[Dr. Pieczenik] No, not really. What they're doing is playing with money. Remember, every currency is denominated still in the dollar system. And as long as the dollar system is there, the federal reserve will control it. At Bretton Woods, right after World War II in New Hampshire, a lot of smart men made sure that everything around the world was denominated in dollars. Where we're going to have the major problem and crisis is that we will have an inflationary spiral that they cannot control, and so that's why gold keeps going up out of fear. In and of itself gold has no value other than historical value, aesthetic value, whatever. But the bottom line is, economically, we're not in a position, unless we keep manufacturing. One of the great things about the state of Texas is that you really are very independent in many ways in terms of resources, manufacturing and oil. We have enough oil in the United States to start drilling here. Gas, oil, everywhere from Montana to down in Texas and Oklahoma.

[Alex] But the cronies want to keep it shut down so they can make more money on their foreign investments and other forms of artificial scarcity. Dr. Pieczenik, I want to put bookends on this historic, now almost two-hour interview. We're going to go into super overdrive, commercial free after this one-minute break. Let's just do ten minutes together, because I have to go do some media interviews. Then I want to call you later today if you're available so we can have a private discussion about some future things to move to get the public to wake up to what's happening. Just amazing information. But please, let me twist your arm for ten more minutes on the other side so I can promise to get to Bill, Pat, Trevor and a few others. We'll be right back in super commercial free overdrive only at on the streams.

I'm Alex Jones with And I didn't give the number out at the end of the official radio broadcast. We're now Internet only video at PrisonPlanet.TV. And of course we are also audio streams at And will be back tomorrow alive as well. But I did privately give our number here at the studio to some of the callers that were holding in the last hour so they can get involved on air. If a few others want to try to get lined up its 877-789-2539. But we've only got time for a few calls here.

But Dr. Pieczenik, you're letting it all hang out today and we've talked privately during the breaks ...

[Dr. Pieczenik] There's more to come, believe me. This is just the beginning. [Laughs] There's a lot that's happening, compounded. But as you and I said, there is a very self-destructive element in these leaders that we've elected, and that is, and Alex and I just talked about it in the private session, as people who are basically liars and contrivers and deceivers and deceptives, what happens is, like any bank robber, they eventually get to the point where John Dillinger was caught. They want to get caught. And they get a certain thrill out of the notion that the more crisis they create, and the more deceptions they create, that really is a turn-on for them and it allows them to exert the power, and manipulation and deception that they're trained in. They're not trained for honesty. They're not trained to implement. They're not trained to be direct. They're not trained to accomplish and create asset. They're trained to deceive, manipulate and lie. That's the nature of most politicians. Because basically they're mendicants. They're asking you up front, "Please vote for me." Why? "Well, I'm a nice guy and I'll do whatever you want." Well, if I give you the money, what are you then? "Well, I'm nothing more than a prostitute." Well, that's basically what happens. They're either panderers, or they become prostitutes. But you don't expect them to affect your lives in a way where you're going to be submissive to them.

So what I said to Alex, and Alex agreed, and he said the point to me, that through history, what happens to the mendicants who are elected and these sociopaths who come to power, is eventually they self-destruct. But the important thing in this self-destruction is that we do not go with them. And under George Bush, we began this self-destruction of the United States and unfortunately we're continuing that under Obama. And that has to stop. And that's why I came back on to the Alex Jones show and said, "Listen, this is an honest man who's done an incredible job, Alex, and basically people who've listened, who are smart, who work hard in this country. And I've said it again, we are in a self-destructive spiral that began 20 years ago, decades ago, with liars, deceivers, and manipulators who have destroyed the integrity and viability of our country, and have been reinforced by the laziness and incompetency of dysfunctional people both in the government and in Congress. Do not think they are any better, or they will become braver or more effective. Now the power has to come back to the United States of America to We the People, where the individual is supreme.

[Alex] Absolutely. Now doc, you're showing a lot of courage because clearly you can see it's degenerating faster and faster. We've got to get real, or we're not going to be able to fix these problems.

[Dr. Pieczenik] I'm not showing any courage. Let me be frank with you, Alex. I fought for this country, and I've been in eight different combat situations where my life was at risk. I don't have a problem of affording myself the next opportunity to be on your show, and if it takes a lifetime that they want to take me out, that's fine. But the issue is I'm not any more courageous than an American who has to go to work, has to take two jobs, has to support his family, has to pay food prices that are 30% higher, Medicare that's unbelievably not reflective of the times, where doctors have to be on call 24/7, or your father had to be a dental surgeon, and has no backup and no guarantee that he will make a living. This is not the American way. All I'm trying to say to America, "I'm not a hero. I'm just another American who happened to have the opportunity to serve five Presidents, I left, I didn't ask for ... "

[Alex] I understand, and you're engaging in common sense in dealing with the problem, but ...

[Dr. Pieczenik] That's all I am. It doesn't matter what my degree is. But I am disgusted beyond belief to tell you, "This cannot continue." The deception and lies of just another President with another Congress and another White House creating this nonsensical, psychological operation. Treating us as if we were children, stupid. And the media as if they were stupid and children. And creating this ridiculous circus of nationalism and patriotism when in fact they are cowardly, they're deceptive, they're ineffectual and they're dysfunctional. That's not acceptable. That's sick.

[Alex] In closing before we take two final calls, doctor, this has been amazing. Before we go any further, just going back to the basic criminology, the psychology, it doesn't take a rocket scientist for me to see the serial killers: they start getting wilder and wilder wanting to be caught, or they send letters to the police taunting them. And really, I think that's what this is with these ridiculous lies.

[Dr. Pieczenik] Of course. They want to be caught. But I will leave with two comments that I once said on your radio show, and I don't mean to be very arrogant about it. I said, "The voice of the people is the voice of God. Let's heed in the voice of your people and the American people." Let us say again, "It's enough. We don't want any more." It's basically Opus Deus Vox Op Populis Vox Deus, "The voice of the people is the voice of God." We fought a revolution against Britain. Now let us fight a revolution against the tyranny of what we see as suppression, deception, crony capitalism. It doesn't have to be violent. It does have to be effective. And I have no greater faith than in the American people than I have in any other country. Only in this country can I serve a President and also disagree with the President. And remember that.

[Alex] Well, beautifully said. But I see the sickness of the modern heroes with their megalomania, through the media, pushing their false realities, infecting my fellow Americans. They're trying to sell us on their delusional sickness. It's like -- I'm sure you saw this, doctor -- the Karl Rove quote to the New York Times Reporter where they said, "You're lying about WMDs. You're setting up a police state." And he said, "You are what we call the reality-based community, trying to look for facts. But we're an empire now, we control reality even if it isn't what we say it is." And he was almost trying to break their will and just say, like O'Brien torturing Winston in 1984, "I don't want you to say 2 + 2 = 5, I want you to say and believe it's whatever I tell you. Freedom is not having a mind. Freedom is being a slave."

[Dr. Pieczenik] That's right. Remember what Thomas Jefferson said very clearly, "Every generation must fight to have its own freedom." If we do not do this now, we will never do it again. Trust me. Karl Rove is nothing but a second-hand sycophant criminal. He is a disgusting individual. There's no reason why he should have come back. He's one of those war criminals.

But that's not the issue. The issue is for the American public to come out again, and do what they do, whether it's Twitter or Internet, andtalk among themselves ...

[Alex] Well, we're going to have you back, doctor, very soon, to talk about your research in this.

[Dr. Pieczenik] I'll be happy to come back. You've been wonderful and I thank you for the opportunity to express my ideas.

[Alex] You bet. We're going to cram in two final calls and we're done. Or three. Bill in Connecticut, quickly, we're on the air with Dr. Pieczenik. Thank you.

[Bill] Yes. Wow. What a show, Alex. Dr. Pieczenik, from two sources from a gentleman by the name of John Perkins who wrote a book, "Confessions of an Economic Assassin," and Lindsey Williams, both were on the Alex Jones Show, had indicated that back in the early 70s Kissinger went over to the Saudis and made a deal whereby we would buy their oil if they bought our debt. And with the interest on that debt, we would build their infrastructure and their oil refineries. Flash forward to the present. Now we're in a position whereby, supposedly, the elites want to implode and devalue the dollar in order to bring either a One World currency, or the [inaudible], starting with that. And I'd like your take on that. And then the follow-up question is on the banks, what can we do to prosecute these criminals and bring them to justice?

[Alex] Okay, we're almost out of time. Great question.

[Dr. Pieczenik] The banks is the most important one. That has to be demanded that the criminals be prosecuted. There's no question about it. And then you can withdraw money from the banks. They are the major ones: Bank of America, City Bank, J.P. Morgan. The issue of Kissinger: I don't approve of him. I didn't work directly for him. I worked for Eagleburger. But you're correct in what he said. In terms of the money, I go back to the Bretton Woods Conference in the late 40s right after the war where all the currencies were denominated in the dollar. It will be very very hard, it costs trillions of dollars to break that currency and to create other currencies. The one will not be possible: the Russians tried it, the Arabs tried it. It's not going to work. Everything's denominated in the dollar. No matter how you look at it, as long as the dollar is there, it will be controlled by the Federal Reserve, it will be a currency to remain there for several years.

The reason the dollar is going down now quite frankly is really because we are in an economic war, which is an effective war against, right now, China, because we want to export our products. And we're doing quite well at that. But the real reason is it's very hard to get a one state, or one currency element other than the dollar. It's justvery difficult.

[Alex] Okay, final caller. This is just amazing. Trevor in Nevada, you're on the air. Go ahead.

[Trevor] I just had a question. Well, first of all, good show, great show. I just had a question. If they're not producing a body, then is that going to expand into the courts now that they don't have to produce any body to convict anybody, or DNA evidence?

[Dr. Pieczenik] I really don't know that. When you have a lie, and you distort the lie, and you make it into a circus, I don't know who's attending the circus and who's going to prosecute it. But honestly, with all due respect, this is such a travesty of reality that I don't even know how they're going to do anything or why they should do it.

[Alex] Well, Dr. Pieczenik. And then we'll get another question from Trevor. Hold on a second, Trevor, because I want to get this in now before I forget. How about every news channel: "This proves torture is good. Torture is wonderful. This proves extra-judicial killing is good. This proves rendition is good. This proves it." It's like saying, it proves the moon is made out of cheese. It's just sick.

[Dr. Pieczenik] It's sick. First of all, rendition created by Clinton was a disaster and it was unconstitutional. Torture does not work. If you have to do torture, it's disgusting. It's unethical. It really doesn't work. I've never had to use it, and I've had more than enough terrorists reveal what I needed to have without any torture. Thirdly, this is beyond the pale. Again, you have distortion, denial, deception and the denigration of the American public and its intelligence. And it can't continue.

[Alex] Alright, Trevor, your final point and then we're going to end it.

[Trevor] I was just going to say that when I first heard it, it was a massive hysteria, and I told my girlfriend the exact same thing: "This is just going to justify war and torture, and more war and more torture." And I'm already seeing it on Twitter and Facebook with people saying, "If it wasn't for information from Guantanamo Bay, none of this would have happened." And "Ra ra ra." I don't know. But that's all I have to say. Thank you for the opportunity to speak.

[Dr. Pieczenik] The information from Guantanamo was not effective. A lot of them shouldn't be there. A lot of them were not even criminals. The whole thing is a farce. This war against terrorism is a total farce because it starts with the farce of 9/11, it starts with a body that never existed, Osama bin Laden. So you have one endless deception. So let's get back to the real issue: we need new people, a new America which stands up for itself, and a new government without any of this nonsense, deception and denial. We've had enough.

[Alex] That's right. The system's trying to give us their collective insanity so we can live in lala land with them. It's time to break the spell, break the trance. Dr. Pieczenik, I'll say bye to you here at the end-off air. Thank you so much. God bless you.


Librarian's Comment: Wikipedia notes that on November 9, 2007 -- seven days after Bhutto told David Frost that Omar Sheikh had killed Osama -- she told Fox News reporter Greta von Susteren that "I think Osama bin Laden must be rubbing his hands with glee as he looks at what's happening in Pakistan." Contrary to Wikipedia's argument, this disproves nothing. Bhutto's attribution of "emotion" to a dead man is of course a common manner of speaking -- as in "Thomas Jefferson must be turning over in his grave when he sees what Obama, Bush, and Congress have done to the Constitution," or "Hitler is smiling." Scrutinizing the record of a dead woman's utterances to find possible inconsistencies is just revisionism, and fails to deprive her original statement of its convincing force. To rebut Bhutto's plain statement that Omar Sheikh killed Osama, a clear recantation is required, i.e. "Osama is alive and not dead as I previously stated."
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Re: Transcript of Alex Jones Interview with Dr. Steve Piecze

Postby admin » Thu May 26, 2016 4:31 am

Dulles Papers Reveal CIA Consulting Network: Panel Met Secretly in Princeton
by John Cavanagh
April 29, 1980



A government which corrupts its colleges and universities by making political fronts of them . . . has betrayed academic freedom and compromised all who teach. When colleges and universities are made conduits of deceit and when faculty members are paid to lie, there is an end to the common good of higher education.

-- Professor Van Alstyne, former president of the American Association of University Professors (Academe, June 1976, p. 54)

Throughout the 1960s, and possibly longer, at least five Princeton professors worked secretly as high-level consultants for the CIA, according to previously undisclosed documents contained in the personal papers of former CIA director Allen W. Dulles '14.

Cyril Black, Klaus Knorr, Joseph Strayer, James Billington, and the late T. Cuyler Young served as members of the "Princeton Consultants," a secret panel of academics who met in Princeton, together with Dulles, four times a year to assist with intelligence assessments for the CIA's Office of National Estimates.

Professor Black, who had told the Daily Princetonian in 1976 that he had never been in the CIA's "employ," confirmed to the Forerunner last week that he had indeed served as a paid consultant for the spy agency. "Nobody ever asked me if I was a consultant," Black explained.

Billington acknowledged to the Daily Princetonian in 1968 that he consulted for the CIA's Office of National Estimates, according to him, "two or three times a year." Strayer had also been publicly identified as a CIA consultant. The CIA activities of the other two professors, however, have until now remained a secret, as has the existence of the Princeton Consultants group.

Black confirmed that then-Princeton President Robert Goheen was aware of the group's existence. But he said that it was "not a university matter at all."

The Dulles papers and letters, which are housed in Princeton's Seeley G. Mudd Library, afford a rare glimpse into the CIA's interactions with Princeton and other universities from the early 1950s until Dulles's death in 1969. Dulles maintained close ties with his alma mater, including seats on Princeton's Board of Trustees and on the Woodrow Wilson School Advisory Council.

Access to the Papers is contingent upon approval by an Allen W. Dulles Committee. In addition, researchers are required to sign a contract stating that any publication using the Papers will be submitted in advance to the Committee for approval. After a one-month delay, permission was obtained for this article.

Before this month's careful research in the Dulles Papers, little was documented of relations between the CIA and the Princeton faculty. Other than history professor Joseph Strayer, whom one writer termed "the agency's most devoted consultant" (James Ridgeway, The Cloned Corporation, 1968, p. 138), only two professors had been identified who served in organizations that received CIA funding: Politics professor Paul Sigmund with the Independent Research Service, and Near Eastern Studies professor Morroe Berger with the Congress for Cultural Freedom.

Previous disclosures about Princeton and the CIA were limited to close ties in three other areas: recruitment (including extensive CIA collaboration with former Dean of Students, William D'O. Lippincott '41 and former Director of Career Services Newell Brown '39); CIA research carried out on the Princeton campus (including the secret MK-ULTRA mind control program); and close institutional ties (several Princeton alumni have served as CIA Director, Deputy Director, or Director of Personnel).

Princeton Consultants: The Structure

Perhaps the most extraordinary of the Papers' contents are letters and memos which expose Strayer as a small tip of a consultant iceberg. Filed under "Princeton Consultants" and cross-referenced under "Central Intelligence Agency: Panel of Consultants (Princeton Consultants)," letters from 1961 to 1969 sketch the outlines of one of the central programs of professors covertly consulting for the CIA.

The only year during which the entire membership of the Consultants is known is 1961, when all of them signed a note of "respect and affection" to Dulles that accompanied a gift.

At that time, the panel consisted of nine senior professors: the late T. Cuyler Young (Near Eastern Studies, Princeton); Klaus Knorr (Strategic Studies, Princeton); Joseph Strayer (Medieval History, Princeton); Cyril Black (Soviet Studies, Princeton); the late William Langer (History, Harvard); Robert Bowie (International Studies, Harvard); Max Millikan (International Studies, M.I.T.); Raymond Sontag (European History, Berkeley); and Calvin Hoover (Soviet Economics, Duke); and four others: Philip E. Mosely (Director of Studies, Council on Foreign Relations); Hamilton Fish Armstrong (editor, ForeIgn Affairs); Caryl P. Haskins (Director, Carnegie Institution); and Harold F. Linder (Assistant Secretary of State and Chairman of the Export-Import Bank).

Two later members of the Princeton Consultants are disclosed in correspondence to Dulles and his wife Clover: Princeton History professor James Billington (January 15, 1965 letter from Dulles to Billington) and M.I.T. China expert Lucian Pye (January 30, 1969 letter from Pye to Clover Dulles)

Both Dulles and Sherman Kent, Chairman of the CIA's Board of National Estimates, also attended the Consultants meetings. The meetings were held in two-day blocks, four times a year. Many of the meeting dates coincided with Princeton trustee meetings, probably for Dulles's convenience. This appears to have created some problems for Dulles, however, whose personal schedule for the third week in October 1962 shows several time conflicts between his normal trustee duties and activities he pencilled in his own handwriting under the heading "CIA Consultants."

The precise year that the Princeton Consultants began operations is unclear from the Dulles Papers. A "Princeton Consultants" file first appears in 1961. However, in thirteen identical letters dated October 21 of that year, Dulles thanks each of the Consultants "for what you have contributed to our work here over the years." This language indicates that the group's existence reaches back well into the 1950s. Black confirmed that his membership in the Consultants dates from around 1957.

A further clue to the Consultants' origins is found in Consultant Calvin Hoover's memoirs (Memoirs of Capitalism, Communism, and Nazism, 1965). He writes (p. 270) that, after December 1950: "I agreed to serve as a member of a board of national estimates, composed largely of professors, generals, and admirals. It was a pleasure to find myself associated once more with Allen Dulles and with other friends of OSS days."

Within the next two and a half years, however, Hoover suffered a heart attack. He recalls (p. 273): "Bedell Smith asked that I continue to serve as a consultant [to the Board] to the extent that my health would permit. I agreed and continued to serve in this capacity during succeeding years."

If Hoover's consultancy began with the Princeton Consultants, then the group's existence stretches back at least to 1953.

The Consultants' termination date is also not revealed in the Papers. At the time of Dulles' last letter concerning the Princeton Consultants schedule (May 15, 1968 letter from Dulles to Frances Douglas), the former CIA head was still attending their meetings and "look[ed] forward to the future ones."

Black told the Forerunner that he had served on the Consultants until the late 1960s and that he believes they kept going for "a few years" after he left. Knorr added that he didn't think the group existed "when Bowen was president" of Princeton. This would place the Consultants' termination before 1972.

In addition to the Papers' frequent references to the CIA's Board of National Estimates, three other bits of evidence lead to the conclusion that a major portion of the Consultants' work went to the Board.

First, when approached by The Daily Princetonian on possible CIA affiliations (November 8, 1968), Consultant "Billington told The Princetonian he consulted for the Office of National Estimates 'two or three times a year' for a 'nominal fee -- $50 a day.' He explained he participated in conferences with other academics which submitted 'broad and scholarly' National Intelligence Estimates to the National Security Council. Billington added he was only one of 'quite a few' Princeton professors who worked for the CIA but refused to make an estimate on how many."

Second, according to the Dulles Papers, Sherman Kent, Chairman of the CIA's Board of National Estimates, came to most, if not all, of the Consultants' meetings until he retired in 1967. He also presided over at least one meeting in 1967, indicating his importance to the group.

Finally, in a letter of November 5, 1965 from the CIA Director W.F. "Red" Raborn to Dulles, Raborn turned down an offer by Dulles to resign from the Princeton Consultants as follows: "I assure you that I have no desire to see you leave this Panel. On the contrary, I am anxious that the Agency generally, and the Board of National Estimates in particular, shall enlarge and extend their contacts with persons capable of advising and assisting in their work."

Thus, the Dulles Papers reveal a direct link between the Princeton Consultants and the Board of National Estimates. Former CIA officer Victor Marchetti in collaboration with John Marks (The CIA and the Cult of Intelligence, 1974) describe the Board of National Estimates in 1973 as a 12- to 14-person board with a staff of forty to fifty specialists. It is doubtful that the Princeton Consultants were the Board; rather, they probably formed an adjunct to the "specialists."

The central function of the Board of National Estimates and its specialists was to prepare, each year, some fifty-odd National Intelligence Estimates (NIEs) -- called "blue books" -- which, according to Marchetti and Marks (p. 314), "were considered the highest form of national intelligence." Estimates covered such topics as assessment of the "enemy's" intentions in different countries and regions, and foreign military capabilities.

Marchetti and Marks described what then became of the finished NIEs, using as a case in point a late 1960s study of the socio-political problems of Latin America (pp. 16-17): "This estimate had been endorsed by the United States Intelligence Board, whose members include the heads of the government's various intelligence agencies, and had then been sent to the White House and to those departments that were represented on the 40 Committee." The 40 Committee was (p. 14) "an interdepartmental panel responsible for overseeing the CIA's high-risk covert-action operations."

The Marchetti and Marks description indicates that the Princeton Consultants' work could have served as an intelligence base for the series of brutal and often illegal covert operations of the 1950s and 1960s (and possibly also the 1970s) against the democratically elected or constitutional governments of Mohammed Mossadegh in Iran (1953); Patrice Lumumba in the Congo (1961); Joao Goulart in Brazil (1964); Juan Balaguer in the Dominican Republic (1965); Cheddi Jagan in Guyana (1962-66); and Salvador Allende in Chile (1973).

Since it is also known that the Consultants operated during a sizable segment (and possibly all) of the Vietnam War, the question arises whether their "estimates" of "enemy intentions" were an input into the CIA's Phoenix Program of torture and assassination, which led to the death, between 1968 and 1972, of some 20,000 Vietnamese citizens.

Both Black and Knorr categorically denied any relationship between the National Intelligence Estimates and the CIA's covert activities. According to Black, this hypothesis is "so far off what happened that it's very hard to comment without spending hours on it." Knorr characterized the allegation as "sheer speculation." He also asked rhetorically: "Are these people [the consultants] responsible" for the uses to which their estimates are put?

Consultant Calvin Hoover's memoirs shed some light on this controversy. He describes the Board of National Estimates as follows (Hoover, p. 270):

It was the responsibility of our board to produce intelligence estimates which could be used as the background by the appropriate agencies of our government for decisions on long-term international policies and on current action required, particularly those within the competency of the National Security Council. National intelligence estimates had to be provided covering a very large number of countries and particular situations, all involving in some fashion the threat of Soviet aggression. For example, how explosive was the political, social, and economic situation in Iran? When Mossadegh came to power, to what extent was he under the domination of the local Communist party and was the Communist party effectively controlled by Moscow? If the oil resources of Iran were nationalized, would they be made available to the Soviet government and could they effectively be utilized? How serious would be the loss of these resources to the West?

Hoover's reference to Mossadegh raises a question about the role of "estimates" in at least one actual CIA operation: the 1953 coup in Iran that put the Shah back onto the throne for the next 25 years.

William Langer, one of the Consultants from Harvard, wrote his sentiments on "estimating" to Dulles in a letter of April 22, 1963:

Yet I suppose the operations end would be of little significance unless there were proper processing of the results. And in any case, so much of basic intelligence hinges on the painstaking work of collation and evaluation. Estimating is simply the final stage of a long and arduous business without which it is quite impossible to arrive at any notion of one's opponent's intentions.

Here, a consultant clearly enunciates one link between "estimating" and actual operations.

The Board of National Estimates was formally disbanded in 1973 when another Princeton graduate, William Colby, was director of the CIA (source: Marchetti and Marks, pp. 67, 315). The Board was replaced by a group of eight senior CIA officers known as National Intelligence Officers (referred to as "the Wise Men" by their colleagues). Organizationally, they are still located near the top of the CIA hierarchy, in the Office of the Director of the CIA. And they still churn out National Intelligence Estimates which require the assistance of consultants.

Beyond the task of "estimating" for the CIA, little is known of the duties of the Consultants. Dulles' November 4, 1965 letter to CIA Director Raborn does refer to the Princeton group as "the Agency's panel of Consultants," which suggests that their purview may have been much broader.

It appears that outside of the CIA and the Consultants themselves, almost no one knew of the Consultants' existence. The Dulles Papers reveal only one instance of Dulles corresponding with an outsider about the Consultants. While still Director of the CIA, Dulles wrote to Robert Goheen, then president of Princeton (February 20, 1961): "I hope to renew the invitation to you which last winter was 'snowed out' to meet with our group of pundits who foregather three or four times a year in Princeton." The date Goheen was invited for coincided with a meeting of the Princeton Consultants. Goheen now serves as the U.S. Ambassador to India.

Princeton Consultants: Loyal Professors

It seems appropriate that the Consultants often met in the Gun Room of Princeton's Nassau Club -- located across the street from Commons -- for their interactions often resembled those of a tightly-knit "old-boys" club. Many members' friendships harked back to pre-World War II days.

Consultant Hoover's memoirs, for example, chronicle a close working relationship with Consultant Langer back in 1941 in one of the precursor organizations to the CIA -- the Committee on Intelligence (COI). Hoover later lived and carried out intelligence work in post-war Germany with Consultant Robert Bowie. He toured Poland in 1958 with Consultant Harold Linder.

Many of the Consultants sat on the same committees of the Council on Foreign Relations. Members lauded each other with praise in the forewords to their books. And, through it all, they maintained secrecy about their CIA consulting work.

Many also shared common Princeton ties. In addition to the five of the fifteen known consultants who taught at Princeton -- and Dulles who was a Princeton alumnus and trustee -- Robert Bowie was a 1931 Princeton graduate and Lucian Pye was a research assistant at Princeton's Center for International Studies (with Knorr and Black) from 1952 to 1956.

Many of the Consultants have actually taken leave from their academic duties to work for the CIA. These include Strayer, Sontag, Hoover, Millikan, Langer and Bowie. In 1977, Bowie became Deputy Director for National Intelligence, which among other tasks, put him in charge of National Intelligence Estimates.

The Consultants' working relationships regarding CIA matters often carried over into their non-Consultant work. The Dulles papers reveal that Billington, currently director of the Washington-based Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars, frequently critiqued the manuscripts of Allen Dulles' books. After receiving a generous check for the work, he wrote to Dulles (July 25, 1964) that if there was anything he could do in the future, he would rather do it with the clear assurance that there would be no more remuneration. He said that working with Dulles had been one of his most rewarding experiences and that Dulles was doing him a favor by letting him continue to do so on occasion. (Billington refused permission to quote directly from this letter.)

In another instance, Dulles wrote to Consultant Hamilton Fish Armstrong, then editor of Foreign Affairs, about an anti-CIA book that the magazine was reviewing (September 6, 1962): "Personally I would hope that if Foreign Affairs had to include an item in regard to the book, it would be not quite as enthusiastic as the text you read to me."

Apparently Dulles didn't lose his love of spy tactics after stepping down as Director, as his letter reveals in his instructions to Armstrong: "Kindly keep Colonel Grogan's letter for your own information and then destroy it when you have read it."

Finally, a confidential memo from a private consultant (Michael J. Deutch, November 13, 1963) to the Washington Institute on Foreign Affairs revealed the assistance Dulles gave to his Consultant colleagues who served as Directors of the Council on Foreign Relations (Mosely, Haskins, Pye and Armstrong):

"I wonder whether Allen Dulles knows how much he has contributed to the success of the Council on Foreign Relations in New York when he headed the Agency by having his top aides suggest from time to time subjects for Council Study Groups. Dr. Wolfers, Roger Hilsman, Gen. Lansdale, Cols. Lincoln, Jordan and I would never have been invited to join the Council [on Foreign Relations] were it not because of their participation in these Study Groups."

Billington, Strayer and Hoover seem alone among the Consultants in publicly acknowledging their CIA consulting work, although all three vastly understated the extent of their involvement, and none ever disclosed the existence of the Princeton Consultants.

Cyril Black, for one, has repeatedly issued denials -- quite carefully-worded ones, in retrospect -- whenever the question of CIA ties came up. A May 24, 1976 Daily Princetonian article reported that "Professor of History Cyril E. Black, head of the Center for International Studies, said he had been 'approached, but [he has] never [been] in their [the CIA's] employ.'" Black told the Forerunner on February 22, 1980 that "I stand by that statement."

But two months later, as the story of the Princeton Consultants was unraveling, Black volunteered the information that he had indeed served on the consultant panel. His statement to the Daily Princetonian was intended, he said, to distinguish between employment and consultancy. Black explained that he "was offered employment in the [CIA's] Bureau of National Estimates" in the early 1960s, but turned it down because "it wasn't particularly interesting."

The 1976 Princetonian article also quoted Black as saying that consulting is all right as long as it "doesn't hurt your friend or deceive anybody." Asked whether his carefully-worded denial could be considered deceptive, Black replied that "it's hard to say," adding that "one can certainly argue the case."

The cautious denial by Black and the qualified admission of CIA work by the three others can perhaps be better understood in the light of an August 5, 1968 "secret" memo from Earl Clinton Bolton, then vice-president of the University of California, to CIA academic consultants, on the subject of "Agency-Academic Relations." The memo suggests defenses for professors accused of CIA connections, as well as a "very well considered, affirmative public relations program" for the academic community's CIA work.

Ideas for the latter included: lecture series "to establish the study of intelligence as a legitimate and important field of inquiry for the academic scholar"; "stress in recruiting, articles and speeches that the Agency is really a university without students and not a training school for spies"; and "do all recruiting off-campus and try to time these visits so that the probability of reaction is decreased"; and other tactics.

One present-day irony that emerges from these disclosures about the Consultants is that among the three persons that President Carter chose in 1979 to produce an outside review of the CIA was Consultant Klaus Knorr.


John Cavanagh is director of the Institute for Policy Studies and coauthor of nine books, including Global Dreams: Imperial Corporations and the New World Order (Touchstone, 1995). Special thanks to Jonny Fox, Alan Sokal, and Nancy Van Meter for help with interviews and preparation of this story (1980).
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