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Postby admin » Wed Oct 21, 2015 4:36 am

Part 1 of 6

Manifestations of the Martinist Order
by Milko Bogaard
© Milko Bogaard February 2005



THE FOLLOWING is a listing of the different Martinist Orders which were founded after the death of Papus in 1916. "It makes no claim to be exhaustive nor to be perfect, the contents will most certainly contain mistakes". … The source of this listing can be found on Fr. Marcel Roggeman's excellent site "Geschiedenis van de occulte en mystieke broederschappen", richly supplemented with material owned by the writer.


• 1916 Ordre Martiniste-Martinéziste/ L’Ordre Martiniste de Lyon
• 1918 (1921) Ordre Martiniste et Synarchique
• 1931 Ordre Martiniste Traditionnel
• 1943 Ordre Martiniste des Elus Cohens
• Ordre Martiniste Rectifié
• 1952 Ordre Martiniste de Papus
• 1958 Fédération des Ordres Martinistes
• 1960 Ordre Martiniste (L’Ordre Martinist de Paris)
• 1968 Ordre Martiniste de Belgique
• 1968 (1975) Martinisten Orde der Nederlanden / O*M* des Pays-Bas
• 1968 Ordre Martiniste Initiatique
• 1971 Ordre Martiniste des Chevaliers du Christ O*M*C*C*
• 1975-1980 Hermetic Order of Martinists (U.K.)
• 1977 De Martinisten Orde der Nederlanden in België / O*M* des Pay-Bas in Belgium
• Ordre des Chevaliers Martinistes
• 1982 Rose+Croix Martinist Order (Ontario, Canada)
• 1989 Ordre Martiniste Hermétique de Belgique
• 1990 Traditional Martinist Order of the U.S.A. Inc.
• 1991 British Martinist Order
• Rose+Croix Martinist Order (Colorado, U.S.A.)
• Cadre Vert (Belgium)
• Martinist Order of the Temple +M*O*T+
• 1996 (?) Ordre Martiniste S:::I::: / O*M* de Luxembourg
• Ancient Martinist Order
• Theurgical Martinist Order
• Ordre Reaux Croix
• Grand Chapitre Martiniste (Grand Prieuré des Gaules)
• ?? Ordre des chevaliers Francs-maçons Elus Coens de l'Universelle Fraternité 2004 Martinist Order of New Zealand
• 2005 Ordre Chevaleresque De Martinist

French independent Martinist Schools and Institutes

• L'Institut Eléazar
• 1992 C.I.R.E.M. Centre International de Recherches et d'Etudes Martiniste


• Ordine Martinista Napolitano
• Ordine Martinista
• Ordine Martinista Antico
• Ordine Martinista Universali
• Ordre Souverain des Chevaliers Martinistes et Elus Cohen de L’Univers
• Ordine Martinista Ermetico
• Ordine Martinista Kremmerziano
• Ordine Martinista Operativo Tradizionale


• Orden Martinista
• Antigua Orden Martinista (Jurisdicción Española)

Martinism in South-America (Brazil, Chile, Argentina)

• O*M* & S, OM Brasileira, A M*O*, O*M*CC (Brazil)
• Orden Martinista Inicíata de Chile
• Orden Martinista / Orden de Templos Operativos


1916 Ordre Martiniste-Martinéziste/ L’Ordre Martiniste de Lyon

Charles Détré (Téder) succeeded Papus as Grand Master of the 'original' Martinist Order. Téder wanted to restrict membership into the order strictly for Master-Masons (3rd Degree of Blue Masonry), preferably masons which belonged to the ‘Antient & Primitive Rite of Memphis-Mizraim’ (occult & hermetic Masonry). One of the consequences of Téder's decision would be that women were excluded from the order, a decision which was in violation with a fundamental precept of original Martinism (according to the teachings of Louis Claude de Saint-Martin). One has to understand that the O*M* at the time of Papus' death included a system of High Degrees, were the basic Martinist Degrees (up to S.I and S.I. Initiator) acted as a portal to the organization. The Order Téder --supposedly being an initiate of the Elus-Cohen himself -- had in mind was much more focused upon the Theurgy of Martinez de Pasqually and High Degree Masonry. In 1917 Téder and Bricaud authorized members of the R.E.R. (Régime Écossais Rectifié" or "Rectified Scottish Rite") to attend Martinist Lodges (Chapters of High Degrees). A Masonic Lodge was founded under the obedience of the 'Grande Loge Nationale Indépendante et Régulière' of 1913, and properly installed in 1917 with the help of Martinists of the Rite National Espagnol (Spanish Rite). Apparently the lodge disappeared one year later. When Téder died in 1918, he was succeeded by Jean Bricaud. Jean (Joanny) Bricaud met Papus in 1899 and received his S.I. in 1903. Bricaud moved the headquarters from Paris to Lyon, Bricaud's residence. The Ordre Martiniste was renamed in ‘L’ORDRE MARTINISTE DE LYON’. Bricaud (1881-1934) took the order even closer to a Masonic basis. Female Martinists suddenly found themselves cut off from Martinist activity, as they once knew it… In 1919 Bricaud revived the ‘Humanidad-Lodge’ at Lyons in accordance with the 1908 -Reuss- Warrant (M.M. charter). Bricaud also activated the French Foundation of a ‘Supreme Grand Council of Confederated Rites’ (M.M. etc.) Many Martinists, including several members of the original Supreme Council from 1891, left the Order. According to some sources, Victor Blanchard (1878-1953) was to have become the successor of Charles Détre (Téder) but he refused because of the Masonic requirement. It is known that Blanchard was the deputy of Téder. But as stated before, it's impossible to say who was the regular Grand Master, simply because there were no "well established rules regarding the nomination or succession" of a Grand Master within the O*M*. According to Robert Ambelain's book "Le Martinisme", published in 1946, Téder actually made fun of Bricaud. Furthermore, Ambelain (who re-founded the "Ordre Martiniste des Elus-Cohen" during the Second World War) stated that he had received information from witnesses at the time, claiming that Blanchard was the rightful Grand Master of the Martinists. Ambelain refers to an old Russian Martinist named Nicholas Choumitsky, a pupil of Charles Barlet at the time, from whom he had received the information. Choumitsky apparently had attended a meeting in (or about) 1919 at a café in Paris, between Bricaud and Blanchard. Bricaud showed a document which claimed that Téder had named him as his successor. "Blanchard became violently angry, and after examination of the document, the unanimous opinion was that it was not authentic. Bricaud left the impression on those attending of being superficial and lacking any depth" and "Afterwards Madame Detre (Teder's wife) told me that her husband could not have designated a successor since he wasn't at all intending to die!" ("Le Martinisme", Ambelain 1946). According to Robert Ambelain in his book, Bricaud merely referred to himself as Grand Master General of the Order …

The story on Téder’s succession has already been told in "Addendum 6- Victor Blanchard" of the series "1934-1951 F.U.D.O.S.I." and is derived from the article "VICTOR BLANCHARD: A Brief Summary of his life and work" by Elias Ibrahim from the website of the "Ancient Martinist Order"

As stated before, whatever the truth was, many Martinists left the O.M de Lyons, some of them joining Blanchard's order (which would become known as "Ordre Martiniste et Synarchique" in 1934), others went on as "Free Martinists" (without belonging to any organization), others would later join Augustin Chaboseau, Lucien Chamuel, and Victor-Emile Michelet, who would found ‘L’Ordre Martiniste Traditionnel’ in 1931 (many of the so-called "Free Martinists" would join this order). The successors of Charles Détre and Bricaud (G.M. from 1919-1934) were:

• Constant Chevillon (1934 - 1944) -- shot by the Vichyregime (Claus Barbi)
• Charles-Henry Dupont (1944-1958) -- Dupont disbanded the Order officially on December 14, 1958. The order of Lyons would merge into the "L'Ordre Martiniste (L’Ordre Martinist de Paris)", which was founded by Papus' son, Philippe Encausse, in 1960.

As we've seen before, Téder and Bricaud both took up the idea of reforming the O*M* . This "reformation" resulted in the O.M. de LYON. Bricaud's "Ordre Martiniste de Lyon" was an organization which divided the O*M* of Papus into two organizations, the "Ordre Martiniste-Martineziste de Lyon" with its Degrees of the ELUS COHEN, reserved to Masons of High Grades -- and the "S.O.I." (the "International Occultist Society"). The S.O.I. corresponded with the O*M* of Papus, where Bricaud regrouped all the "profane", as it is stated. The Martinist Order was reserved for Freemasons of the 18th Degree, the Rose+Croix degree. Bricaud allegedly rewrote the complete Martinist rituals to which he added elements taken from the catechisms of the Elus Cohen which Papus had published in the appendix of his book "Martinès de Pasqually" (Chamuel, 1895). According to Robert Ambelain Bricaud "reproduced" the rituals of Edouard Blitz. The first degree Martinist, the "Associate" degree, received the title "Associé de l’Ordre Martiniste et Apprenti Cohen, Maître Secret de la Suprême Maçonnerie initiatique et Illuminée " Under Bricaud a hybrid form of Martinism was developed which included Martinism, Elus Cohen, the Gnostic Church, and the Egyptian Rite of Freemasonry. At first the movement was only active in Lyon, but thanks to the journal "les Annales initiatiques", the official bulletin of 'la Société Occultiste Internationale', S.O.I., the Order became somewhat known in France.

"At the death of Jean Bricaud, C. Chevillon took up the torch and definitively cut the relation between the Rite of Memphis Misraim and the Elus Cohen from a part, and the S.O.I. from the other part, of which he named Mme Bricaud as president".

"The True face of French Masonry" by Tau Renatus

That women were accepted by the Lyon organization, certainly at the time when Constant Chevillon (1880-1944) was Grand Master, is proved by the following statement taken from the "True Face of French Masonry":

"An important thing to note, in imitation of the great masons such as Cagliostro, Martinez de Pasqually, J.B. Willermoz; Constant Chevillon considered that women, an integral part of humanity, should have access to initiation. He then created a ritual for the first three degrees, perfectly adapted to femininity" and "The first three degrees of the feminine rite naturally allow the possibility that women will accede to the highest grades …." (Memphis-Misraim). The following information on the "Structure of Degrees" of the O. M. de Lyons at the time of Chevillon is derived from Robert Ambelain’s "History & Doctrine of the Martinist Order"(1946):

"The Ordre Martiniste de Lyons had an outer circle in the "Collège d’Occultisme" in Paris, and an anti-chamber to the Order, the 2 lodges of Memphis-Mizraim, "La Jerusalem Egyptienne" and "L’Age Nouveau", provided the Masonic qualifications required for Martinist membership who had to progressively take degrees in Memphis-Mizraim as successive prerequisites to admittance to the Martinist degrees of Initiate and then Superior Unknown. Between 1936 and 1939, L’Ordre Martiniste de Lyon kept its lodge "Papus" open in Paris". The organization in Lyon under the leadership of Chevillon headed several Initiatic orders, i.e.:

• O.T.O. for France (only on paper – not active)

The O.M. DE LYON was also involved in the foundation of the F.U.D.O.F.S.I., a federation of Initiatic Orders established in 1939. For information on this federation, see "1934-1951 F.U.D.O.S.I.", Chapter(s) 6,7, and 8.

The O.M. DE LYON was also involved in the foundation of the F.U.D.O.F.S.I., a federation of Initiatic Orders established in 1939. For information on this federation, see "1934-1951 F.U.D.O.S.I.", Chapter(s) 6,7, and 8.

1921 Ordre Martiniste et Synarchique

The OM&S was 'officially' founded on January 3, 1921 by Victor Blanchard (Sar Yésir, 1878-1953), although the Order was not yet known at the time of it's foundation as the OM&S (Although he already mentions the addition "Synarchique" in 1921, as we'll see later on in this text). The Order was "officially" proclaimed as the 'Ordre Martiniste et Synarchique' at the first convention of the F.U.D.O.S.I., held in Brussels, Belgium in August 1934 (Blanchard was elected at the convention as "OM&S Universal Sovereign Grand Master"). The addition of Synarchique to the title of Blanchard's Martinist Order referred to the ideals of Synarchy, as developed by Saint-Yves d'Alveydre (see Addendum 7, "1934-1951-FUDOSI", Saint-Yves & Synarchy) Blanchard (member of Papus' Supreme Counsil and venerable member of Lodge Melchisech no 208, a lodge which conferred the higher Degrees), who was the rightful successor of Téder according to many sources, left the original Martinist Order because he, like many other Martinists, did not agree with the Masonic requirement. Therefore Blanchard gathered together several of the former Supreme Council Martinists "and the independent Martinists who did not adhere to or belong to the Masonic Martinist branch, forming a Martinist branch under the original constitution which had no Masonic qualifications and which Initiated men and women" ("A Martinist Treasury" by Trophimus, S.I.I.). In a way, Blanchard's OM&S was a continuation of Papus' O*M*, with its focus on the mystical side of Martinism, a method otherwise known within Martinism as "the way of the Heart". As stated in the previous chapter, both Blanchard and Jean Bricaud claimed to be sole and legal successor of Papus/Téder. Both men allegedly published several communiqués declaring that they were the legal successor of Papus in the review 'Le Voile d’Isis'. For example, the following text is an extract from a communiqué presented by Blanchard in the February-issue of 'Le Voile d’Isis' of 1921: "l’Ordre Martiniste ancien et primitif, dénommé légalement Ordre Martiniste et Synarchique, a repris officiellement ses travaux le 3 janvier 1921, et que sa première tenue a été consacrée à l’inauguration solennelle et rituelique du Suprême Collège de Synthèse Initiatique d’Occident."

Blanchard claims in this communiqué that "the ancient and primitif Martinist Order" (the Order of Papus) officially carried the name of 'The Martinist Order and Synarchy'. At the meeting concerned, Blanchard claimed that he'd presented the Charter that was granted to him by Papus and Téder to the attending Martinists. Blanchard stated that all Martinists were given the time until may 1, 1921 to recognize Blanchard as the Grand Master of the O*M*. Despite the bold claims of Blanchard, many Martinists choosed to stay independent as 'Free Martinists'. The OM&S initiated their members into the 4 "traditional" degrees (incl. S.I. IV*) of Papus. The Order adopted the Martinist rituals that were written by D. P. Sémélas (see 'History of the Martinist Order') and accepted by Papus in 1912. As a matter of fact, D. P. Sémélas and Eugène Dupré united with Victor Blanchard after the first World-War. Dupré allegedly founded in 1911 'LE TEMPLE d'ESSENIE', the Martinist Lodge in Cairo, Egypt. During the war both Sémélas and Dupré left Egypt for France. After the war D. P. Sémélas dedicated all of his time to the development of his order, 'L'Ordre du Lys et de l’Aigle'. He also continued his Martinist activities, together with Eugène Dupré, with the foundation of 'Groupe Indépendant d’Etudes Martinistes'. It was this group, G.I.E.M., that allegedly united forces with Blanchard. In January 1919 a Treaty of Alliance between 'L'Ordre du Lys et de l’Aigle' and Blanchard's Martinist Order was signed. But somehow the co-operation did not last long "due to Victor Blanchard's instability", thus the French sources. Whatever the truth, D. P. Sémélas and Eugène Dupré founded 'l’association Les Amis de Claude de Saint-Martin', a group which also included Papus' old associates Michelet, Chamuel, Béliard and Chaboseau. This association gave birth to the group ATHANOR, a group which was led by Michelet. Group Athanor was the forerunner of the Traitional Martinist Order/ 'Ordre Martiniste Traditionnel', officially founded in 1931. (see "1931 Ordre Martiniste Traditionnel')

As mentioned before, Victor Blanchard continued the activities of his own Martinist Order, which allegedly received some sort of official character in 1921. Blanchard's Order was not exactly succesful during the twenties, as a matter of fact, it seems that at the end of the 1920's Blanchard left his responsibilities as a Grand Master of the Order. Blanchard allegedly participated in the activities of 'La Fraternité des Polaires', the Polaire Brotherhood, that was 'officially re-constituted' in 1929. The Order was founded by Italian Cesare Accomani (Zam Bhotiva), although the 'official history' of the Order started some 20 years before, after the meeting between Mario Fille and a certain 'Father Julian' (see "1908 - La Fraternité des Polaires"). The Polaire Brotherhood had a temple at 36 Junot Avenue in Montmartre, Paris. This temple was later also used by Blanchard's Martinist Order. The OM & S did not have its own temple in Paris and Blanchard initiated its Martinist members in the temple of the Polaires. Blanchard was the Sovereign Grand Master of the Ordre Martiniste et Synarchique until his death in 1953 (March 14, 1953). Unlike many other Initiatic and fraternal organizations the OM&S could continue its esoteric activities during the Second World War because the order directed its activities to Switzerland (a "neutral" country), were the order was represented by the Senior Grand Master, Edouard Bertholet (Sar Alkmaion) and, before 1936, August Reichel. Blanchard was also one of the leading advocates of a federation of initiatic orders, which resulted, with Blanchard acting as one of the three imperators, in the foundation of the F.U.D.O.S.I. in Brussels, Belgium, in 1934. A couple of months before the first convention of the F.U.D.O.S.I. took place, Blanchard had installed a new Martinist lodge in Brussels. The installation of Lodge URIEL was the result of a meeting between Blanchard and Armand Rombauts (Rombauts had been chartered by Papus in 1912 to establish a Martinist Lodge, Lodge I.N.R.I.). In fact, the foundation of Lodge URIEL was a re-introduction of Martinism in Belgium.

More information on the subject can be found in the essay: "F.U.D.O.S.I. 1934-1951: Addendum, Chapter VI"

Blanchard attended the 'Martinist-convention" (May, 1934) together with Lydie Martin and George Lagrèze. In August 1934, Blanchard would initiate Emile Dantinne, Harvey Spencer Lewis and other dignitaries of the F.U.D.O.S.I. into the OM & S. (see also "1931- O.M.T.*). The OM & S became a success through the foundation of the F.U.D.O.S.I. But in 1939 Blanchard was forced by the federation's Supreme Council to send in his resignation as Co-Imperator of the F.U.D.O.S.I., and he was also replaced in all of the other high offices he held within the federation (see Chapter 9 "1934-1951 F.U.D.O.S.I." and, in this series, see also "1931 Ordre Martiniste Traditionnel"). Blanchard had autoconsecrated himself as 'Universal Grand Master' of the Rose+Croix and all initiatic Orders due to the oracle he consulted within the 'Fraternité des Polaires', of which he was its President since 1933. Blanchard's autoconsecration was, naturally, the reason for his expulsion. The small membership of the OM & S diminished; Jeanne Guesdon and Georges Lagrèze, dignitaries of Blanchard's Martinist Order, both left and joined the Traditional Martinist Order of Chaboseau. The Traditional Martinist Order replaced the O.M. & S within the F.U.D.O.S.I. In 1946 the O.M. & S returned within the ranks of the F.U.D.O.S.I. until 1951 when the federation was officially dissolved by the Supreme Council. Around the years of the Second World War there existed another Martinist & Synarchy order which was a member of the F.U.D.O.S.I., the UNION SYNARCHIQUE DE POLOGNE, founded by Dr.Tarlo Mazinski in 1937. Not much is known to me about this 'side-branch', except that it was an independent organization. After the Second World War the F.U.D.O.S.I. wanted to merge the T.M.O, O.M.&S, and the two minor Martinist organizations which were affiliated to the federation, the SOCIÉTÉ d'ETUDES MARTINISTES and the UNION SYNARCHIQUE DE POLOGNE, into one united Martinist Order. This idea failed, except for the two minor organizations. Therefore it is very likely that i.a. the ‘Union Synarchique de Pologne’ (Synarchy Union of Poland) was included within the ranks of the Ordre Martiniste et Synarchique "on paper"(of course, this is just an assumption, not a 'historical fact' !). In reality, the 'Ordre Martiniste et Synarchique' did not resume organized activity in France. Unlike France, the O.M. & S allegedly continued its activities in Switzerland during and after the war. When Blanchard died in 1953, Bertholet was regognized as Souverain Grand-Maître of the O.M.&S. The Martinist Order and Synarchy has an official church, the ‘Église Gnostique Universelle’, also known as ‘L’Église Gnostique Apostolique’. Blanchard (Tau Targelius) had been ordained by Jean Bricaud on May 15, 1918.

Information on Bertholet and Reichel (and other characters) can be found in various Chapters of the series "1934-1951 F.U.D.O.S.I."


In 1958 Bertholet chartered Sar Sorath, who's later known as Sar Gulion (Louis Bentin), to establish a Grand Lodge for Great Britain and the overseas British territories, otherwise known as the Commonwealth. Counters Mike Restivo:

"Sar Gulion's charter clearly states that his Jurisdiction and authority is over "Angleterre" or England alone, not the Commonwealth. Later, Sar Alkmaion offered to charter the Canadian O.M.&S., but loyalty to Bro. Bentin, who furnished the Canadian Jurisdiction with all necessary rituals and conventicle lessons, persuaded the Canadian Officers to decline Dr. Bertholet's offer. The decline would have been a sentimental move that might have been regretted if the O.M.&S. under Sar Alkmaion did not die out after Dr. Bertholet's death."

The Grand Inspector of the British Grand Lodge was Lawrence Ewels (..-1995), Sar Ra Bennu. The order in England was led by an inner committee known as the Sovereign Tribunal. Another famous member of the Order was Philip Ross Nichols, who acted as recorder of the London Grand Lodge and who was also one of the key figures in the revival of interest in Celtic Spirituality and Druidry. Ross Nichols (..-1990) was co-founder of the ‘Order of Bards,Ovates and Druids’ of which he became its Chief in 1964 (under the mystical nomen ‘Nuinn’). Another key-figure of the Order was Desmond Bourke, who founded the masonic ‘Universal Druidic Order’ in 1966. It seems that Druidism blends well with Martinism on the British Isles. Another famous O.M.& S member was the late Derek Bell, the Celtic Harpist of the famous Irish trad. band ‘The Chieftains’. The British Grand Lodge represents the main Jurisdiction of the O.M.&S. Despite the status of this Grand Lodge, all foreign jurisdictions are autonomous.

In that same year, 1958, Sar Sendivogious became the ‘Provincial Délégate for Canada' (Sar Sendigovius was the former Archivist of the English Grand Lodge).

In 1960 the Continental Jurisdictions reunited with the "Ordre Martiniste" of Papus' son, Gerard Encausse (in which we find also many former members of the T.M.O. who left after Ralph M. Lewis became Grand Master). The O.M.&S. still exists today, under its original name under different obediences in countries like Canada, U.S.A., Barbados, and England (England being the main jurisdiction under the leadership of Louis Bentin, Sar Gulion). Bentin died on June 30, 2003. In the 1990's Sar Gulion allegedly named his successor, a certain Mr. John Fitzpatrick. The following comment on the present-day situation of the O.M.& S /Britannic Grand Lodge stems from a message placed by Clive Culbertson on a Martinist E-group in 2003: "As Martinism has changed much in Britain and Ireland,I'm not sure if Sar Gulion's named successor (Fitzpatrick) will be automatically given the job, even though he did single handedly keep Martinism alive in these islands through the 80s and much of the 90s.I think now there are almost none of the original members in the recently reformed London Lodge. Will be interesting." (Clive Culbertson, O.M.& S)

There is a Grand Lodge of Quebec and Nigeria, The Province of The West Indies (Barbados) -which is not recognized by the British- nor the Canadian Grand lodge (more on this later) - and a district of France. Several members of The Ordre Martiniste Et Synarchique in Barbados, West Indies, formed in 1985 The International College of Esoteric Studies, known today as ICES. This organization is not an Initiatic Order but a college (as in "school") which provides material translated in English derived from the original French material from several European- continental Rosicrucian, Martinist, and M.M. -organizations. The Lines of succession of the different Jurisdictions:


Papus and Augustin Chaboseau, Charles Détré, Georges Bogé de Lagrèze (Mikael), August Reichel (Amertis), V. Churchill (Sar Vernita), Sar Gulion - or Sar Sorath

(Louis Bentin). The order was led until 2003 by Grand Master Sar Gulion, Louis Bentin.

The Grand Masters were: Charles Détré, Victor Blanchard, Dr. Edouard Bertholet (Sar Alkmaion), Louis Bentin (Sar Gulion), John Fitzpatrick (?)


Canada had two parallel lines of succession:

Papus and Augustin Chaboseau, Charles Détré, Georges Bogé de Lagrèze

(Mikael), August Reichel (Amertis), V. Churchill (Sar Vernita), Sar Sendivogius

Papus and Augustin Chaboseau, Charles Détré, Georges Bogé de Lagrèze (Mikael), August Reichel (Armetis), V. Churchill (Sar Vernita), Sar Gulion/Sorath (Grand Master of GB), William Pendleton and Sar Parsifal / Sar Petrus (Peter Maydan, who died in 1994). Peter Maydan was succeeded by Gordon H. Stuart.

The Canadian branch proclaimed its independence in 1960 with Sar Ressurectus as its Grand Master and Sar Petrus as his Deputy G.M. (the continental Jurisdictions reunited with the "Ordre Martiniste" of Philippe Encausse in 1960). Sar Sendivogius specialized in the teachings of the Elus Cohen. The Elus Cohen became the ‘inner order’ of the O.M.&S. In 1965 the Canadian Grand Lodge was led by:

Sar Resurrectus (Gordon Stuart) - Chairman (initiated by Pendleton), Sar Sendivogius -- Deputy Chairman/Inspector, Sar Petrus - Secretary/Archivist.

The Canadian branch was considered clandestine by the O.M.&S in England, "event though they are properly in possession of Initiatic authority" (fr.Melchior "Survey on modern Martinist Orders"). "The Canadians Brethren sent back their Provincial Charter to Louis Bentin before they received full Grand Lodge status and then went to France and received charters from other Martinist Bodies but they still continued to use the name Order Martinist et Synarchique. Peter Maydan who passed away some years ago also confirmed this to me. "He said Louis used to take ages to respond to letters and didn't send the rituals." (Martinism YahooGroups)

The Canadian branch made an alliance in 1973 with Roger Caro's ENA / EGLISE UNIVERSELLE DE LA NOUVELLE ALLIANCE of France, which was the 'outer' order for the FAR+C / FRERES AINES DE LA ROSE+CROIX, an Alchemical Order.

The Canadian branch of the O.M.&S, through its initiations into the S.I.I or S.I.IV Degree, the grade of Initiatèur Libre, enabled Mike Restivo (Sar Ignatius) to found the Rose†Croix Martinist Order (R.+C.M.O.) in 1982. It is claimed by some North-American sources that Restivo's organization is a 'one-man operation'. Counters Restivo:

"Such claims are false and uninformed because personal information about membership is not revealed. The R+CMO is a private lay Order incorporated in the Province of Ontario, Canada. I created this Order faithful to the traditional principles of Martinism and Christian Mysticism, which Order does not infringe upon any other Martinist Order's teachings.

Proprietary material deposited to me and pledges/oaths made by myself have been conserved with respect to all of the Martinist Orders with which I have been and still am associated or a member." - Mike Restivo, Sar Ignatius, Grand Master, R+CMO

The O.M.&S (post 1960) maintained a close relationship with the other Martinist orders (with the exception of the T.M.O. under the jurisdiction of AMORC), especially with the O.M. in France. For example, the O.M.&S from England (the Lodge of London, "E*O*L*) organized a "tenue Initiatique" in Paris on October 23, 1971, were Maria Lorenzo is designated as an intermediary between the O.M. of Paris and the O.M.&S to maintain a close relationship between the two organizations. A conflict arose wiithin the Canadian branch, when the order found out that one of their Grand Masters was a member of the Traditional Martinist Order (AMORC). After Maydan was dismissed by the T*M*O* in 1973 he returned as GM of the Ordre Martiniste et Synarchique from Canada. "In the earlier 90's this Order still continues. A few years back Louis issued a new charter for Canada to brethren not happy with the old system and they continue to work in silence." (Martinism -YahooGroups).

In December 2003 the long standing Deputy Grand Master of the O.M. & S of Canada, Mr. Marcel Lafrenière (Sâr Marcus), passed away at the age of 84. "Our dear Brother Marcel Lafrenière (Sâr Marcus), was a well known and respected Martinist, Rosicrucian and Mason in Canada and throughout the world." (R.Capello, Sâr Marcus)

The M*O*& S was chartered in 1990 in the United States under the sponsorship of the M*O*& S Grand Lodge of Britain. "The head of this Martinist body is Sar Eliakim of New York City. [1991]" ("a Martinist Treasury" by Trophimus, S.I.I.) The O.M.&S returned to France in 1975 and was led in 1995 by Grand Master Sar Gabriel.


In September 1982 "a Brother, journeying from Barbados, West Indies" (source: I.C.E.S.) was initiated by Louis Bentin / Sar Gulion and he also received a charter to install " on the Ilse of Barbados in the West Indies, Lodges and Heptads of the Martinist Order that have been regularly authorized and warranted by the Sovereign Tribunal of the Britannic Grand Lodge." On November 12, 1982, Lodge Empress was inaugurated on the island. "Returning to London in September 1985, Sar Inspirator Lucis was again received by Sar Gulion who conferred upon him the Ordinations of the Elus-Cohen which he had himself received (on October 6, 1960 Louis Bentin was ordained by Robert Ambelain into the Ordre Martiniste des Elus-Cohen *). To mark this occasion Sar Inspirator Lucis changed his Nomen Mysticum to Sar Savitar, on September 25, 1985. At this time discussions were held about the erection of the present Provincial Lodge of Barbados to the status of Sovereing Grand Lodge. This date has been fixed for Easter, 1986. [This has since come to pass.] (Source ; lecture from Liber two, Plane one of the ICES)

*Sar Gulion received from Ambelain the following Elus Cohen degrees:

• Grand-Master Cohen, Ap:: Reau +
• Chevalier d'Orient, C:: Reau +
• Commandeur d'Orient, M:: Reau +

The O.M.&S in the West-Indies also carries a lineage of Willermoz' C.B.C.S.

The following information on the "foundation of the Barbasos-group" is derived from the Masonic E-group "alt.freemasonry" and was posted by one of its members, a certain ‘Sar Draconis’ : "Martinist Order and Synarchy, Barbados. This group was formed by Bishop Guittans originally under Charter from the Brittanic Grand Lodge. According to the Brittanic Grand Lodge, Bishop Guittans was entrusted with many arcane manuscripts by the Brittanic Grand Lodge, with the explicit proviso and promise that he should keep them completely andunreservedly private, for his own use only. However, once in possession of these documents, he began to publish them publically incorrespondance courses. This remarkable Knowledge can still be obtained from ICOMS (Internation College of Martinist Studies) in Barbados. In additon, Barbados has Initiates in the U.S. Following his betrayal by publicizing previously unknown and private arcane material, Bishop Guitons was expelled from the Brittanic GrandLodge and he is no longer recognized by the parent group. His group, the Martinist Order and Synarchy, is now one of the major Martinist Groups in North America, including many sincere and devoted Christian mystical students who have been initiated therein. The legacy of Bishop Guitons will no doubt last many generations.The Barbados Order is not in fraternal relations with, nor is it recognized by, either the Brittanic Grand Lodge, or the Cadadian Grand Lodge, of the Martinist Order and Synarchy."

Source: Sar Draconis, alt.freemasonry ; posted on Oct.15, 2000

The statements made above were confirmed to me in a private communication with a high dignitary of the British Grand Lodge of the Martinist Order and Synarchy:

"I have seen Canadian, American and Barbados documents which claim to be OMS documents and it was us who issued them in the first place and I could hardly recognise them, they had changed so much. Barbados was part of the OMS with Sar Gulion withdrew the Charter because its Grand Master wanted to turn it into another AMORC. He added all types of rubbish and he spent weeks copying documents and papers in my home when I lived in England. Access to the real R+C documents was never given. Only the outer material was issued. Not until I received the into R+C of the Orient did the jigsaw puzzle make sense. The same can be said about the R+C of the Orient members (which are very small in numbers) they would not have access to the OMS material."

(email sent on June 13, 2002)


'Grande Loja Nacional Brasileira'- In Brazil also works a Grand Lodge of OM&S. Louis Bentin gave a charter to a Brother in Brazil who had previously received a Charter from Barbados when Louis withdrew their charter on the grounds of commercialism. Recently (2003) the Grand Lodge of Brazil granted a work permission to a Lodge in Greece and other in Spain.


1931 Ordre Martiniste Traditionnel

The Ordre Martiniste Traditionnel was founded on July 24, 1931. The order consisted of members who had revolted against Téder and Joanny (Jean) Bricaud and their blend of Masonic Martinism, and who did not recognize Victor Blanchard as a Grand Master of the Martinist order. It was Augustin Chaboseau's candidate for the Universal Sovereign Grand Master, Victor-Emile Michelet (1861-1938), who could not accept the election of Blanchard (1). Therefore Michelet founded the O.M.T.* in 1931, with Michelet as Grand Master and Augustin Chaboseau (1868-1946) as Deputy Grand Master. Together with Lucien Mauchel (Chamuel,…- 1936) they proclaimed that the O.M.T. was the one and only true heir of the original 'Ordre des S.I. / Ordre Martiniste' of 1891.

The text here is derived from several sources which speak about an important "Martinist Convention" which, supposedly, was held at the time (1930's). For instance, Trophimus in his book "a Martinist Treasury" refers to the first convention of the F.U.D.O.S.I., held in August 1934 in Brussels (??) being this Martinist Convention; "In 1934, a convention of Martinists was called by Victor Blanchard who had been the head of a Martinist Order he founded after the original Martinist Order restricted its membership to Masons",… and … "However, Pierre Augustine Chaboseau had offered his own candidate for Universal Sovereign Grand Master, V.E. Michelet. When Michelet was not elected, Chaboseau withdrew and founded the Traditional Martinist Order, with Michelet as Grand Master and with Chaboseau as deputy Grand Master". Of course, the O.M. T was already established in 1931.

After the First World War (1914-1918) Chaboseau, Michelet and Chamuel allegedly joined the Martinist association founded by D. P. Sémélas and Eugène Dupré, 'l’Association Les Amis de Claude de Saint-Martin'. This association gave birth to the group Athanor, a Martinist group led by V.-E. Michelet. This group was the precursor of the Traditional Martinist Order. It was Jean Chaboseau, Augustin Chaboseau's son, who apparently suggested the idea to his father to -"officially"- unite the survivors (Chaboseau, Michelet, Chamuel) of the original 'Suprême Conseil' of 1891 and to reconstitute the original 'traditional' Order. Chaboseau was the co-founder of the Martinist Order, Michelet had been an important member of the 'faculty of Hermetic Sciences' and Master of Lodge 'Velléda', and Chamuel was the 'organisateur matériel' of the original Order (Chamuel co-established and managed the bookstore 'librairie du Merveilleux' during the 1890's). The Traditional Martinist Order pretended to represent the original Martinist Order, as established by Papus and Chaboseau. In the early years, the Order chose to 'work in silence' as a (relatively) discreet organization. The Order held its meetings at the (masonic) seat of the 'Grand Prieuré des Gaules' of Dr. Camille Savoire (Rite Ecossais Rectifié). Once in a while, the Order manifested itself through a group named Tau (groupe Tau), which published a bulletin of psychological and metaphysical studies and organized conventions at the Palais de la Mutualité in Paris. The O.M.T. also associated itself in the 1930's with the famous French review Atlantis, founded by Paul le Cour in 1926. It is claimed that Chaboseau was in reality the Occult Director of the original Martinist Order. Chamuel (Lucien Mauchel) was also the Grand Master of the OKR+C, as successor to Charles Détre / Téder (there existed a parallel line of succession with Bricaud acting as G.M., the OKR+C -OKR+C GNOSTIQUE- affiliated to the Ordre Martiniste de Lyon. Victor Blanchar represented up to 1939 the OKR+C within the F.U.D.O.S.I.). The masonic requirement of the Order under Téder and Bricaud was not the only objection Chaboseau had. Chaboseau also objected to the religious orientation of both Téder and Bricaud. The 'Eglisé Gnostique Universelle' (Gnostic Church) had become the 'official Martinist church in 1911, Chaboseau did not accept this decision. During his life, Chaboseau would never stop fighting for religious freedom. "Directly or indirectly, he initiated Martinists who would continue the fight for religious freedom; Jules Boucher (1948, Ordre Martiniste Rectifié), Gustave Lambert-Brahy (1968, O*M* Belge), Maurice Warnon (1975, O*M* de Pays-Bas)".

On January 12, 1938 (or 1939) Michelet dies. Chaboseau succeeded Michelet as Grand Master of the O.M.T.. The Supreme Council of the OTM/TMO (Conseil Suprême Traditionnel) in 1939 consisted of Pierre-Augustin Chaboseau, Jean Chaboseau

(Galaad, son of Augustin Chaboseau), Octave Beliard and Georges Lagrèze. Both Beliard and Lagrèze (2) were initiated in a direct line to Papus (Lagrèze was initiated by Tedér on June 30, 1906 and had been a member of the Supreme Council under Papus since October 8, 1908) . In 1939 the OTM had developed into a fertile organization.

Georges Lagrèze was one of the prominent and leading characters of the 'occult community' at the time. He was the general Director of the Strasbourg Theatre. A Martinist S.I., initiated by Téder on June 30, 1906, a member of the SUPRÊME CONSEIL DE L'ORDRE MARTINISTE and Inspecteur principal of the M*O* from 1908 onwards (August 10, 1908). Lagrèze was a member of the OKR+C, Ordre Kabbalistique de la Rose+Croix (Charter signed by Téder), Chevalier du Temple et Préfet of the Stricte Observance and Swedish Rite. He was a Mason (33th degree) of the 'Grand-Orient de France', as a 33* of the Antient and Accepted Scottish Rite. Lagrèze was also a honorary member of the Grand-Lodge of Denmark. In 1909 (Sept.9) he also received a Charter from John Yarker, Grand Hierophant of the Antient & Primitive Rite (Memphis-Misraim), from whom Lagrèze received the 33* / 95* Degree of the M.'.M.'. Rite, which was "confirmed" by Joanny Bricaud. A member of the C.B.C.S. (founded in 1778 by Willermoz) . His 'mystical nomen' was EQUES A ROSAE CARITATIS. He was Grand Master of the Perfect Square in France of Dantinne's O::H::T:: & M:: (Hermes Order). In 1937 Lagrèze was appointed "Grand Profès" of the C.B.C.S. , 'Chevaliers Bienfaisants de la Cité Sainte', by several dignitaries of the Grand Prieure d'Helvetia (Grand Lodge of Switzerland), such as the 'Grand Chancelier" Amez-Droz and a certain 'brother' named Lesieus. Lagrèze was also the Grand Master of the Elus Cohen (re-established by Ambelain in 1943) and of the Rose+Croix d'Orient (1879-1946)

Source: G.Galtier "Maçonnerie Egyptienne, Rose-Croix et Neo-Chevalerie" 1994

Gerard Galtier on Lagrèze and Martinism : " After the First World War Lagréze seems to have accepted the direction of Jean Bricaud at the head of the french occult Societies originating from Papus, seeing that he therefore possessed the title of Principal Inspector and Member of the Supreme Council of the Martinist Order of Lyons. Around 1933 he separated himself from Bricaud in order to ally himself with the Ordre Martiniste et Synarchique of Victor Blanchard where he became deputy Grand Master. In the same period he united with Rombauts and the other dissident Belgians who had also freed themselves from the supervision of Bricaud " . This text was kindly translated by Elias Ibrahim who further states ; "Bro. Lagréze was one of the great lights of Martinism and helped the tradition to survive into our times by eventually conveying his knowledge and wisdom to Bro Ambelain and Jeanne Guesdon and I believe also to some extent to Ralph Lewis" . I can personally add to his information that Lagréze indeed, together with Chaboseau, were in close contact at the time with first Harvey Spencer Lewis, and later Ralph Maxwell Lewis.

On July 14, 1938 Victor Blanchard of the OM & S had auto-consecrated himself as the Universal Grand Master of the Rose-Croix and of all the Initiatic Orders of the world. He sent a proclamation to each Grand Master of the F.U.D.O.S.I., which requested allegiance and recognition of his new dignity. One of the consequences of Blanchard's conviction was that he was expelled from the F.U.D.O.S.I. in 1939. The Ordre Martiniste et Synarchique was replaced at the 4th convention of the federation by the Ordre Martiniste Traditionnel. Many members, including such high dignitaries as George Lagrèze and Jeanne Guesdon (Grand Secrétaire of AMORC-France), left the O.M. & S and went over to Chaboseau's Martinist Order. Two other high dignitaries of the federation, Imperators Emille Dantinne and Ralph Maxwell Lewis of AMORC, also left Blanchard's OM& S. In September 1939 Ralph Maxwell Lewis was initiated (subject to the approval of Chaboseau) by Lagrèze into the O.M.T. (S.I.and S.I.IV, the "Initiator-degree")) Harvey Spencer Lewis (A.M.O.R.C.), Ralph's father, had received a charter from Blanchard for the OM & S in the United States. The first Martinist temple which was established in California by Lewis was called "Louis Claude de Saint-Martin". Ralph had been initiated into the OM & S by Blanchard in 1936 (S.I.IV). In October 1939 Ralph Maxwell Lewis was appointed "Sovereign delegate and Regional Grand Master" of the O.T.M. by Lagrèze, for California and the United States. This way the Conseil Suprême Régional des Etats-Unis' was founded. The council consisted of 5 members: Ralph Maxwell Lewis, Cecil A. Poole, Orlando T. Perrotta, James R. Whitcomb and J. Duane Freeman. The Charter was requested by Ralph Maxwell Lewis and the request was addressed to Lagrèze, together with an application for the "regularization of Martinist Initiation" intended for the brothers Whitcomb, K.Brower, and the sisters Whitcomb, G. Lewis and M. Lewis. They all received the S.I. degree, except for Ralph M.Lewis, who also received the Degree of Initiator, S:::I:::IV. Under the umbrella of the Rosicrucian Order A.M.O.R.C. the Martinist Order (OMT/TMO) was introduced in America. During the Second World War the O.M.T. is officially put to sleep but two of its lodges, Athanor and Brocéliande, continued in secrecy (the other Parisian lodges at the time were Velleda and Hermanubis). The French Order maintained its contact with the Order in America. Ralph M.Lewis corresponded with Jeanne Guesdon, 'Grand Secrétaire' of both AMORC-France as well as the Traditional Martinist Order (she replaced Jean Chaboseau -who was mobilized- during the war). Guesdon forewarded the correspondences to Georges Lagrèze, who had been forced to hide in Normandy and later in Angers, as she acted as a mediator between Lewis and Lagrèze. In June 1945, Augustin Chaboseau organized a 'reunion' to discuss the possibilities of the continuation of the 'Ordre Martiniste Traditionnel'. Part of the members are against an obediental structure of the organization and put their point of view to discussion. It is Georges Lagrèze who convinces the majority of the necessity of having an Obedience after which Chaboseau resurrects the French Obedience of the O.M.T.. Those who did not wish to work under the obedience reunited under the Martinists Robert Amadou, Paul Laugénie and Edouard Gesta (September 1945, foundation of the association 'Friends of Saint-Martin'). 'L’Ordre Martiniste Traditionnel' resumed work in France and abroad the Order is represented by Ralph M. Lewis, who is maintained by Chaboseau as a member of the 'Suprême Conseil International' and as 'Grand Maître Régional' for the United States of America. But problems within the Order were eventually inevitable, or so it seemed. Augustin Chaboseau died on January 2, 1946. In my essay, "F.U.D.O.S.I. 1934-1951", I've stated that Chaboseau was succeeded by Georges Lagrèze. Lagrèze died only three months later, on April 24th ,1946. "Lagrèze died shortly after Chaboseau in April of that same year, and Jean Chaboseau succeeded Lagrèze as Grand Master of the TMO. Under normal circumstances he would have been chosen as his father's successor and as co-Imperator of the FUDOSI by the Supreme Council. But the 'Supreme Council' decided otherwise" as it is stated in Chapter 11 of the F.U.D.O.S.I.-series ("The 5th Convention -1946"). When Augustin Chaboseau died in 1946 (and shortly after him Lagrèze) it was Jean Chaboseau, his son, who normally would have succeed his father as Grand Master of the O.M.T. It is noteworthy to know that Augustin Chaboseau was also one of the three Imperators of the F.U.D.O.S.I. In other words, Jean Chaboseau would also succeed his father as imperator, or not. The sources do not mention the issue at all.

According to the French O.M.T., Chaboseau was not succeeded by Lagrèze but by Jean Chaboseau, in accordance to the wishes of his father, Augustin Chaboseau. The following text is partly a translation of - and partly derived from - the original French text of "L'Après Guerre" (‘Le Martinisme Moderne’) as presented by the 'Ordre Martiniste Traditionnel - Grande Heptade de la Juridiction Francaise':

"A few days after his death [Augustin Chaboseau] an election is held in which - in accordance to the wishes of Augstin Chaboseau - Jean Chaboseau is chosen as Grand Master. Jules Boucher, Grand Secretary of the Order, is of opinion that the latter is too young and simply not the right person for the office of Grand Master " - L'Après Guerre -

Besides, Boucher suspected that Jeanne Canudo (3), whom Jean Chaboseau wanted to appoint as a member of the Supreme Council, had been a member of the ‘Mouvement Synarchique d’Empire’, M.S.E.:

Jeanne Canudo was a member of the O.M.T. and of the pre-war 'La Fraternité des Polaires'. It is known that various members of the Polaire Brotherhood were interested in Synarchy. A central figure of the Synarchic movement was Vivian Postel du Mas, a member of i.a. the Polaires and the French Theosophical Society. Around 1936 Vivian Postel du Mas founded the Theosophical branch ‘Kurukshétra’. It is this branch that supposedly gave birth in 1937 to the Synarchist Empire Movement. Canudo denied the accusations made against her, in a letter addressed to Jean Chaboseau she wrote (freely transl.): [Jeanne Canudo]"I am acquainted with the philosophical aspect and the social philosophy of the subject [synarchy]. I’m ignorant to the conspiracy aspect, which "Conspiracy" is this?? Letter to Jean Chaboseau, dated January 9, 1946

Due to all the opposition he was faced with, Jean Chaboseau supposedly chose to stand down from the position of Grand Master. Because of their disapproval of Jean Chaboseau’s Grandmastership the Supreme Council decided to install a temporary Council of Regency to lead the Martinist Order. There's a rumour within esoteric private circles this was because Jean Chaboseau was homosexual - however there is no written documentation to support that. As stated in the first series, the members of the F.U.D.O.S.I. originally wanted to establish a Supreme Martinist Council which would be heading the two main orders (OM&S -Blanchard had returned within the ranks of the federation - and TMO) and the other participating Martinist Orders, "SOCIÉTÉ d'ÉTUDES MARTINISTES" and " UNION SYNARCHIQUE DE POLOGNE".

The following details are taken from Chapter 11 of the 1st series:

"The minutes of the Conclave on July, 22 , which were published by A.M.O.R.C, on this issue: "The Convention, after hearing the reports of the Delegates, the Messages of the absent Delegates and their reports, after taking opinions and after regular discussions, decided : 1) to keep in vacancy the seat of the third Imperator of the F.U.D.O.S.I. , which was held by the V.'. ILL.'. SAR AUGUSTINUS, Grand Master of the Traditional Martinist Order, until the election of a new Grand Master of this Order. In the meantime all the regular powers of the Grand Mastership will be carried on by a COUNCIL OF REGENCY, composed of :

• SAR PURITIA (France) - Jeanne Guesdon (A.M.O.R.C.), Secretary
• SAR LEUKOS (America) - President
• SAR RENATUS (Belgium) - René Rosart ('Head' of the Belgian Martinists), Treasurer

They alone will be qualified to validate or deliver charts or documents for the Order during the vacancy of this post of Grand Master. Thus is decreed without appeal and confirmed by us, Imperators and Members of the Supreme Council of the F.U.D.O.S.I., in our sittings of this 22nd day of July, 1946. The above constitutes our official declaration". To cut a long story short, the COUNCIL OF REGENCY headed the Ordre Martiniste traditionnel from 1946 onwards.

"Jean Chaboseau sended in his resignation on the 6th Convention. Augustin Chaboseau's son tried to disband the "Suprême Conseil de l'Ordre Martiniste", but his "motion" (as a ' vote of no confidence') did not get the approval from the F.U.D.O.S.I. Because of the disapproval Jean Chaboseau left the "Traditional Martinist Order", of which he was, during his father's reign, a member of the Supreme Counsil (together with Lagreze and Beliard)"
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Postby admin » Wed Oct 21, 2015 4:40 am

Part 2 of 6

Chapter 12, 1st Series

According to the French text of "La Mise en Péril" (‘Le Martinisme Moderne’, published by the O.M.T.), Jean Chaboseau wanted to disband the Order in 1947 for two reasons:

• Jean Chaboseau felt that the leadership of the Order slipped from his hands, and
• The publication of an article written by Octave Béliard that was published in ‘Cahiers de l’Homme-Esprit’ in December 1946. The article questioned the official lineages as presented by the founders of the Martinist Order, Papus and Augustin Chaboseau. According to the O.M.T., these developments led to Jean Chaboseau’s decision to put the Order to sleep in 1947. As mentioned in the first part of the historical outline on the Martinist Order, Jean Chaboseau stated that his father's filiation (through Amélie of Boisse-Mortemart) did never exist. Chaboseau Junior supposedly made this statement after the Supreme Council voted against his nomination as Grand Master. The French texts of the O.M.T. (‘Le Martinisme Moderne’) makes no mention of the foundation of the Martinist ‘Council of Regency’ and the decisions made at the F.U.D.O.S.I. conventions of 1946 and 1947. The following account on the pre-war events is taken from my essay "F.U.D.O.S.I. 1934-1951" and presents a different view on the developments within the O.M.T. "First of all, the original plans the federation had for the unification of the Martinist organizations were not submitted for approval to the relevant Grand Masters. On the 1947 Convention the O.M.T. did not have a Grand Master and the G::M:: of the O.M.&S, Victor Blanchard, was (evidently) not present at the '47 Convention. At this convention, held in Paris, Ralph Maxwell Lewis was appointed Sovereign Grand Master of the Ordre Martiniste Traditionnel. As mentioned above, he was elected in absence of i.a. Victor Blanchard, head of the OM & S, the seat of Grand Master of the O.M.T. was vacant, because the federation had voted against Jean Chaboseau." As stated in Chapter 12 of the 1st F.U.D.O.S.I.-series:

"These two facts explain the attitude of Jean Chaboseau and his attempt to disband the Supreme Counsil. During the convention Ralph Maxwell Lewis took the opportunity to appoint himself as Sovereign Grand Master of the "Ordre Martiniste Tradionnel" (TMO). The T.M.O. of Lewis can be looked upon (at the least) as doubtful. First of all,

• The doubtful decision of his appointment as Grand Master , in which Lewis, as co-Imperator, played an ambiguous role, both judge as well as plaintiff.
• The supposed authorization of the F.U.D.O.S.I., in absence of the Grand Masters, to place the Martinist Orders under its authority.

The events of 1946 and 1947 caused a schism within the ranks of the O.M.T.. According to the essay "Le Martinisme Moderne" of the French ‘Traditional Martinist Order’ the schisms within the Order were mainly caused by the actions and decisions made of Jean Chaboseau. For instance, Jean Mallinger, Belgian high dignitary of the F.U.D.O.S.I., had problems with Jean Chaboseau’s relationship with the leaders of the French Theosophists. Mallinger suspected that the ‘Société Théosophique’ wanted to undermine the federation (F.U.D.O.S.I.). This was the main reason for the Belgian Martinists to denounce Jean Chaboseau’s nomination as Grand Master, thus the (current) O.M.T. The Belgian Martinists decided to continue their activities within the bosom of a newly founded Order, ‘L’Ordre Martiniste Universelle’, O.M.U. The ‘Universal Martinist Order’ was headed by René Rosart, the former Treasurer of the temporary ‘Council of Regency’. The O.M.T. continues by claiming that "Ralph M.Lewis disapproved of the schism and chose to stay loyal to his obligations to Jean Chaboseau." - L'Après Guerre, O.M.T. All this supposedly happened before 1947. There’s not much information available on the foundation of the O.M.U and its leader, René Rosart. But to claim that the Belgian Martinists left the O.M.T because of Jean Chaboseau’s position within the Order seems a bit short-sighted. Strangely enough, the text of "Le Martinisme Moderne" does not mention a single word regarding the decisions made by the F.U.D.O.S.I. on July 22, 1946 (i.a. the foundation of the Council of Regency). The minutes of the conclave were published by A.M.O.R.C., to which the O.M.T. belongs. It seems as if the decisions made by the F.U.D.O.S.I. in 1946 completely underminded Jean Chaboseau’s inherited authority over the Traditional Martinist Order. Nevertheless, Jean Chaboseau tried to disband the "Suprême Conseil de l'Ordre Martiniste", "but his motion (as a ' vote of no confidence') did not get the approval from the F.U.D.O.S.I." This implies that Jean Chaboseau still played a role within the whole story, despite the Council of Regency. With regard to the ‘Ordre Martiniste Universelle’ it is claimed that this Order never really developed into an active organization. René Rosart passed away in October 1948. It is stated that Dr. Edouard Bertholet (Ordre Ancien et Mystique de la Rose+Croix – Switzerland, O.M.&S, Rose+Croix d’Orient) "inherited" Rosart's Universal Martinist Order. Bertholet allegedly disbanded the O.M.U.

As stated before, another high dignitary of the Order, Jules Boucher, also left the Order and founded ‘L’Ordre Martiniste Rectifié’ in 1948. More on this Order later.

Other high dignitaries like Octave Béliard left the order and was probably later involved in the foundation of the ‘Ordre Martiniste de Papus’ in 1953. The O.M. de Papus was headed by Papus' son Philippe Encausse, of whom several sources claim that he also had been a one-time member of Chaboseau's O.M.T.. Other Martinists who left the O.T.M. at the time were men like Robert Chapelain, Pierre Levy, Ilhamar Strouvea and Gustave Tautin.

Returning to the subject of Ralph Maxwell Lewis' election as Grand Master of the ‘Ordre Martiniste Traditionnel’, it is clear that the approval came from the remains of the Supreme Council and the remains of the Council of Regency (consisting of Sar Leukios and Sar Puritia -Jeanne Guesdon, successively president and secretary of the Council of Regency and both high dignitaries of A.M.O.R.C.). When the F.U.D.O.S.I. was dissolved in 1951 the O.M.T. ceased to exist. The original American branch continued as the TRADITIONAL MARTINIST ORDER under the wings of A.M.O.R.C. (Antiquus Mysticusque Ordo Rosae Crucis) and was headed by the Sovereign Grand Master, Ralph Maxwell Lewis (1904-1987), who had separated the American delegation from the original order. Ralph M.Lewis claimed to be Augustin Chaboseau's rightful successor. The order ceased to exist as an independent order and was closely connected to A.M.O.R.C. In some jurisdictions of A.M.O.R.C. the T.M.O. (Traditional Martinist Order) only admits high-degree (9th) A.M.O.R.C. members.

AMORC's TMO IN FRANCE - de L'Heptade "Abbé de la Noue"

Unlike the American T.M.O., the French branch (O.M.T.) allegedly was fully recognized in the 1960’s by the other French Orders. The following account on the French O.M.T. and its Grand Master at the time, Raymond Bernard, is derived from the Yahoo-Martinist E-forum where Fr.Melchior presented the following details:

"In San Jose, originally Martinism was proposed to members only when they reached the Ninth degree in AMORC and as you know there was especially the possibility of getting Martinism at home through correspondance. When I (Raymond Bernard) came back to France in 1959 as Grand Master and when I began to establish Martinism (TMO), I did not permit the process of correspondance Martinism.I established a material to be studied at home BUT without any initiation (just a form of personal ceremony preparing the study of intellectual subjects relative to Martinism, actually the Martinism San Jose monographs that I tranlated from English, but not the initiations themselves).", thus Bernard. Raymond Bernard was also on good terms with Philippe Encausse and ‘his’ French O.M.T. was at the time fully recognized by the other existing branches. Raymond Bernard continues:

"In Clermont-Ferrand, the Rosicrucian Convention was hold on October 28 1972 and the Martinist initiations referred above took place on the 27th. Any way the "Chambre de direction des Ordres Martinistes" presided chiefly by Philippe Encausse, Robert Ambelain and Robert Amadou (still a good friend of mine), recognized fully the TMO that I organized and that was continuously followed according the pure traditional rules thereafter by my son Christian and his co-workers. We recognized each others and according a formula we chose with Philippe Encausse, we maintained constantly "des relations de bon voisinage". Once in a great Martinist meeting that took place in Paris within AMORC Philippe Encasusse and some Martinist officers of other Orders were invited and attended effectively." The situation allegedly changed in the second half of the 1980’s when the French O.M.T. was conformed with the American T.M.O. In the 1960’s the O.M.T. thrived in France, one of its most succesful lodges was "Abbé de la Noue". The Heptad "Abbé de la Noue, no.22" was established in Paris around 1960. A Heptad is a Martinist Lodge within the Order. The Heptad was led by Julien Origas (Hugues de Payns, 1920-1983) who became a member of A.M.O.R.C. in 1951. In the following years he was involved with the Rosicrucian Lodge of A.M.O.R.C. at rue de la Condamine in Paris. Origas would later found the "Renewed Order of the Temple", ORT, of which he was its Grand Master until his death in 1983. In 1983 he was succeeded by Luc Jouret. Jouret was forced to leave the ORT within a year, taking half of the members with him. Together with Jo Di Mambro he then founded the "notorious" Order of the Solar Temple. Around 1968-1969 the Martinist Heptad comprised a small number of members which were led by seven officers. In 1966 another Heptad was established in the Paris area by Jean Dubuis (Sar Jean, see "1896 Societe Alchimique de France"). In the 1950's Dubuis had been a member of the "Lectorium Rosicrucianum". Unlike the Heptad of Origas, Dubuis' Heptad was very succesful, as was stated by Raymond Bernard (Sar Rosenkreutz, 1921 -..) who was the French Grand Master of A.M.O.R.C. at the time. In 1969 the two Heptads merged under the name of "Abbé de la Noue". Around this period the O.M.T counted more than twenty Heptads in France alone. Dubuis’ Heptad was a success with 120 members in its ranks (divided into 4 classes of 30 people). The Heptad also established a special class within its structure, known as the "2ème Cercle" (the 2nd Circle), which studied and practised the Occult Arts. There existed two of these Occult Circles within the Heptad, increasing the total number up to 200 members. Under the charismatic leadership of Jean Dubuis the Heptad specialized in classes on Kabbalah, Tarot , Ceremonial Magic etc. Apparently the Kabbalah -classes were based on the 20th century classic "The Mystical Kabbalah", written by Dion Fortune. The classes were supplemented with studies on the Zohar. Jean Dubuis' Martinist Heptad developed slowly towards a form of Martinism which approached the original order of Papus. Opposition arose within the ranks of A.M.O.R.C. Finally in 1974 Raymond Bernard replaced Dubuis by Pierre Crimetz (see '1980 L’Ordre des Chevaliers Martinistes). Jean Dubuis left and founded in 1979 the "Association des Philosophes de la Nature", the Philosophers of Nature (L.P.N. / P.O.N. , see also "1896 Societe Alchimique de France"). The Traditional Martinist Order (after 1951) is structured on "Septa" and "Heptads" (made up of 7 officers). the Order is "led" in each jurisdiction by its "Grand Heptad" (connected to a Grand Lodge of A.M.O.R.C.) The initiations are conferred within the Heptads. Regarding the teachings, Trophimus in his book "a Martinist Treasurey", explains ; "The instruction papers are those of the Martinist Order and Synarchy which the TMO officers obtained when they were Initiated into the Martinist Order and Synarchy by Victor Blanchard in the 1930s. These MOS papers have been edited to reflect the non-magical philosophy of AMORC". The last sentence refers to the "Non Theurgical Methods" which are employed by the TMO. Regarding the TMO teachings and the O.M. & S, I’m not sure whether Trophimus' claim reflects the "truth" since Ralph M.Lewis also had the original material from Chaboseau's Ordre Martiniste Traditionnel at his disposal. According to several former TMO members the TMO lessons are indeed edited and much of the original information has been taken out. These members (from whom I received the information) became aware of this fact after they became a member of I.C.E.S., which publishes English translations of original French material derived from such orders as the O.M.T., O.M. & S, MEMPHIS-MIZRAIM, ELUS COHEN, OKR+C etc. AMORC's TMO provides a 'home-correspondence course' and is many times accused by other Martinists of ' illegal practises' such as postal initiations. Being a former AMORC-member myself, I know for sure (at least in the Dutch Jurisdiction) that every 'Home-Sanctum' member is obliged to undergo a "physical initiation" in a Lodge, at least with regard to the "First Temple Degree" (1st Degree). If I'm not mistaken one is also obliged to take the last (the Ninth Temple Degree) physically ("although I've heard of strange stories happening in the past of members taking the 9th before the 1st "). The above mentioned obligations regarding initiation applies of course to the "Rosicrucian students" of A.M.O.R.C. I'm not familiar with the "regulations" within the TMO, but I presume that they are "compatible" with the A.M.O.R.C. regulations. After all, the Martinist method of 'personal initiation' (the initiator employs the biblical "laying on of hands" upon the initiate) is "the key" of a Martinist Initiation ritual. According to Fr.Melchior in his summary on Martinist Orders nearly all of the accusations have been proved wrong: "TMO does operate Septa & Heptads (temples), they DO initiate members physically (and not per mail), they DO possess the so-called Fourth degree of Unknown Philosophers, but the Degree of free Initiator is not given to many members (Ralph M.Lewis has withheld this degree from almost all its initiating officers)". The Traditional Martinist Order does not recognize the authority of any of the other Martinist Orders, it's the only Martinist Order refusing to admit Martinists from other Martinist Orders as visitors (something which -as we’ve seen- did not count for the French O.M.T under Raymond Bernard). TMO 's policy towards other Martinist organizations is rather "aggressive". For instance, when A.M.O.R.C. in the U.S.A. became aware of the existence of I.C.E.S. at Barbados "a very angry exchange of letters took place, with AMORC demanding that Barbados *cease & desist* " (information ; former U.S. member of TMO). Although there are some indications that Christian Bernard attempted to have "his" TMO recognized by other Martinist bodies in Europe. T.M.O. / France publishes a periodical review called "Pantacle". The French OMT is led since 1993 by the Grand Maître Serge Toussaint. During the last decade the TMO expanded especially in Brazil. When Ralph Maxwell Lewis died in 1987 he was succeeded by Gary L. Stewart (1953-…) as Imperator of A.M.O.R.C. and Grand Master of the T.M.O. In 1990 Stewart was removed from the Imperatorship by the Board of Directors (Supreme Counsil) of A.M.O.R.C. However, these Board members failed to remember to remove Stewart from the office of Sovereign Grand Master of the TMO. Stewart re-established the TMO in America as the T.M.O.A., The ‘Traditional Martinist Order of America’. Gary L..Stewart received the "all-important 4th Degree of Initiator" from Cecil Poole, who received this degree himself directly from Victor Blanchard of the O.M. &S. Apparently, the documentation of Stewart's initiation to the 4th Degree was taken to Paris, along with other TMO material by Christian Bernard, president of A.M.O.R.C. Gary L..Stewart founded the BMO, British Martinist Order, in 1991 (allegedly) based upon an 'old' Russian Martinist Lineage (Golitzin)


Victor Emile Michelet, Augustin Chaboseau (Sar Augustus), Ralph Maxwell Lewis
(Sar Validivar), Gary Lee Stewart and Christian Bernard (Sar Phenix).

The present-day T.M.O. has three parallel lines of succession:

• Papus and Augustin Chaboseau, Charles Détré, Victor Blanchard en Harvey Spencer Lewis
• Papus and Augustin Chaboseau, Charles Détré (Téder), Victor Blanchard en Ralph Maxwell Lewis
• Papus and Augustin Chaboseau, Charles Détré, Georges Lagrèze (Mikael) and Ralph Maxwell Lewis.

The situation within the TMO during the "A.M.O.R.C. vs. Imperator Gary S.Stewart Controversy" (1991) has two ' Lines of succession':

• Ralph Maxwell Lewis, Orval Graves and Christian Bernard.
• Ralph Maxwell Lewis, Cecile A. Poole, Gary Lee Stewart

Regarding the first 'Line of Succession', Ralph initiated Christian's father, Raymond Bernard into Martinism and gave him the S.I. Degree, but not the 4th Initiator Degree ! (1)

In July 1951 Raymond Bernard, who was duly initiated by J Duane Freeman into A.M.O.R.C.(who received his initiation by H.S. Lewis), installed the OMT (Ordre Martiniste Traditionnel) within AMORC France. In 1987 Raymond retired, so the Martinist Line of succession ended here. Later on (1990), Orval Graves *was "dug out of retirement" to perform the 4th Degree Initiator on Christian Bernard. This way Christian 'secured" a legitimate lineage, "assuming that his TMO-one had been compromised along the way", as Mark Stavish has put it (private email). Orval Graves received his Martinist Initiations back in the days of the F.U.D.O.S.I. meetings. Apparently, mr.Graves was initiated into the ‘Ordre Martiniste et Synarchique’…

* Orval Graves was AMORC's Librarian during the 1930's and 1940's. Graves started the famous AMORC-classes on ' Practical Alchemy' (see "1896 SOCIETE ALCHIMIQUE DE FRANCE ")

Raymond Bernard claims that he received the I.L. degree through Marcel Laperruque in Toulouse. Laperruque was, ‘at a certain time’, the Vice-President and Deputy Grand Master of ‘the Robert Ambelain Martinist branch.’ The certificate signed by Laperruque can be found within the archives of C.I.R.C.E.S., founded by Bernard in 1988 (see the history of A.M.O.R.C.) "The TMO in France is proved to be strictly regular with actually two foundations, TMO and Robert Ambelain branch." (Raymond Bernard; information provided by Fr. Melchior)

The second ' Line of Succession' involves Gary Lee Stewart (Imperator of the "Confraternitas Rosae Crucis" CR+C and GM of the B*M*O*), who was initiated by Cecil A. Poole. Poole held the all-important 4th Degree of Initiator from Victor Blanchard of the OM &S. Stewart claims to hold the all-important 4th Degree, which is probably correct since he is an installed Sovereign Grand Master. Stewart also claims to hold an ancient Russian lineage, which he received in Belgium in the 1970's (the I.S. Milites Templi ? - a Templar order which has i.a. two Lodges in Belgium). The TMO is still active today, under the authority of G.M. Christian Bernard. The order even expanded during the last decade, specifically in Southern-American countries like Brazil. For instance, the HEPTADA MARTINISTA SÃO PAULO, established in 1994, initiated 740 members up to december, 2000. In Brazil the TMO was launched officially during the XI Convenção Nacional Rosacruz (11th Rosicrucian National Convention), in October of 1986, by the Grand Master of the TMO at the time, Ralph Maxwell Lewis F.R.C., S.I. , L.I. The Grand Master of the Portuguese Jurisdiction at the time is Charles Vega Parucker F.R.C., S . I . L . I. The recent decision of the French authorities to 'categorize' A.M.O.R.C. as a 'sect' according to a new French law, probably also affected the French O.M.T. / TMO. It appears that the organization is going through a difficult phase, because no less than 7 Heptads were officially dissolved in January, 2001. The Heptads concerned ; "Raymond-Lulle": Nantes, "Swedenborg": Angers, "Saint-Yves d'Alveydre": Le Mans, "Adonai": Versailles, "Hugues de Payns": Chenove, "Michael", Béziers. The 7th Heptad is not mentioned (privat email). There's a rumour within the French Martinist community this was done to prevent a possible schism of the Heptads.


The "1990-Reorganization" within AMORC resulted in a schism (see Chapter "1915 A.M.O.R.C."). Many members left A.M.O.R.C. around that time, one of these being Dr.Onslow Wilson, a highly respected member of the Order, to some the "innovator of science and mysticism at AMORC" . Wilson already left AMORC at the time when Donna O'Neill was appointed GM of the English- speaking jurisdiction by Gary L.Stewart, so before the upheaval of 1990. Wilson had been i.a. the "Director of the Department of Instruction" of A.M.O.R.C. Wilson was involved with such organizations as CIRCES ("Centre International de Recherches Culturelles et Spirituelles"), Templar Research Institute TRI, founded by Raymond Bernard 1988, OSTI (Ordre Souverain du Temple Initiatique, founded by J.L.Marsan in 1966, later headed by R.Bernard), OPI, and OUM. Wilson i.a. headed the American departments of Bernard's chivalric orders, for instance, he was the Grand Commander of the United States of America for the 'Ordre Souverain du Temple Initiatique'. Wilson apparently established a new Martinist organization named "GROUPE d'ETUDES ET DE RECHERCHES MARTINISTE ET ESOTERIQUE"("GERME"), "Group for the Study and Research of Martinism and Esotericism". Onslow Wilson received his initiation directly from Jacqueline Encausse, widow of Dr.Philippe Encausse, Papus' son. GERME is i.a. active in the United States. Onslow Wilson resides in Indiana, USA.. The English version of ‘L’Initiation’ is published since 2000 through Onslow Wilson’s organization

1943 Ordre Martiniste des Elus Cohens

Ordre des Chevaliers Macons Elus-Cohen de l'Univers

The OMEC was originally founded by Don Martinez de Pasqually in 1768. The E.C. was originally a Masonic rite, which later was implemented (without the practical, theurgical work) within the 'Chevaliers Bienfaisants de la Cité Sainte' of De Pasqually's disciple, Jean- Baptiste Willermoz. The C.B.C.S. of Willermoz was a fusion of several Freemasonic rites (Stricte Observance). Strictly spoken, the rite of Elus Cohen was left without a rightful heir after 1807. The original rite and its temples became almost dormant after De Pasqually's death, "Sebastian de las Casas, the last Grand Master of the Elus Cohen, delivered the archives of the order to the 'Philalèthes' The original "Line of Succession" of the ELUS COHEN ended in 1807 (1):

J. de Livron de la Tour de la Case Martinez de Pasqually (1767-1774), Caignet de Lestère (1774-1779), Sebastian de las Casas 1780, G.Z.W.J. 1807…

1) Next to the European "lines of succession" there exists a so-called "Haitin Line", represented by Lucien François Jean-Maine (1869-1960) who, apparently, was consecrated as a Gnostic Bishop in France at the beginning of the 20th century. It is stated that he also 'exchanged' several of his filiations with Papus. His E*C* filiation allegedly went back to De Pasqually, it is said that several members of the Maine family were affiliated to Pasqually's EC. The EC on Haiti was known as the " Temples Cohens de Port-au-Prince et de Lèogane", and functioned up until 1780. According to the story, when De Pasqually arrived at Haiti, there already existed Templar- and Masonic lodges on the island. After De Pasqually's death, several EC members, together with other masons, templars, and members of "secret Afriican societies", created a syncretism called "Les Templiers Noirs", the Black Templars, these members were Creole-French. In 1922 Maine founded the voudoun -Masonic order of "La Couleuvre Noire" (Cult of the Black Snake). The whole Haitian movement culminated in a kind of federation of orders (O.T.O.A. etc.) to which several Martinist orders (Maine-lineage) were affiliated:

• The Universal Martinist Federation of Initiates
• The Martinist Order of the Rose-Croix and Aleph-Initiates
• The Interior Sanctuary of the Elus Cohens

Source: Centro Studi Andres Kibisa, Martinist E-Group

More information on the movement of Lucien François Jean-Maine (1869-1960: "Ordo Templi Orientis Antiqua" -- P.R. Koenig

De Pasqually's teachings and doctrine continued within small groups of "Kabbalistic Aeropagoi". De Pasqually's teachings continued also among masonic rites as Willermoz' C.B.C.S. (Chevalier Bienfaisant de la Cité Sainte’ –‘Knight Beneficent of the Holy City’) and the R.E.R. (Régime Écossais Rectifié, Rectified Scottish Rite), a French templar rite based on Baron Von Hund's Stricte Observance (which includes the C.B.C.S.). At the end of the 19th century the Elus Cohen were represented by men such as Bergeron, Bréban-Salomon, Carl Michelsen (Denmark) and Edouard Blitz (USA). "The immediate successors in France were Fugairon and Charles Détré" (see profile of De Pasqually). Charles Détré (Téder) supposedly implemented the EC as higher grades. Bricaud succeeded Détré as Grand Master of the Martinist Order of Lyon (Ordre Martiniste-Martinéziste/ L’Ordre Martiniste de Lyon), which presided over the ORDER OF KNIGHT MASONS ELUS COHEN OF THE UNIVERSE, the E.C. The 'original' Martinist Order under Papus supposedly had implemented the EC within their system of Higher degrees. As we've seen before, the original O*M* worked towards a elaborated system of succeeding degrees, which were taken from several rites (Egyptian Masonry, OKR+C, E*C* etc.) I've stated before in an earlier chapter that "the document regarding Téder's Martinist Ritual of 1913 also refers to several Elus Cohen Degrees which were equivalent to the Martinist Degrees Initiate and S.I." It is not known to me if the EC (adapted) rituals were actually "worked" under Papus, but it seems likely that some form of Martinist Theurgy was performed. After all "In 1893 the Martinist Order had obtained the original archives of Willermoz' C.B.C.S. and the archives of the "Elus Cohen" of Lyon". As a masonic rite the Elus Cohen only admitted men (note ; several sources claim that De Pasqually worked on the construction of a particular initiation ritual for ladies of the order, in the year of his death, 1774). Despite the claims, the original Martinist Order did not have a direct lineage to the original ‘Ordre des Chevaliers Macons Elus-Cohen de l'Univers’. For instance, the claim that Téder transmitted the legal affiliation of the E.C. to Papus is simply not true. Some of the former named so-called ‘representatives’ of the E.C. were dignitaries of the C.B.C.S., ‘Chevalier Bienfaisant de la Cité Sainte’ (Edouard Blitz). And it is known that, as Robert Ambelain states in his "History & Doctrine of the Martinist Order"(1946), "all legitimate holders of this title (currently called ‘Knights Beneficent of the Holy City’) are in possession of the Sacramental Order of the Elus Cohen, formerly instigated by Don Martinez De Pasqually, if not in form, at least in ‘efficacy’. As we already known, in 1908 Téder and Papus organized a spiritual masonic congress in Paris, with the purpose of "re-attaching the new Martinist Order to High Grade Masonry." And later the Lyon Martinists superposed Martinism upon symbolic Freemasonry, which ment that only Master Masons were admitted to the Martinist Order. When Chevillon succeeded Bricaud in 1934 the Martinist neophytes received their masonic initiation through Memphis-Misraim. Initiation into the C.B.C.S. was transmitted by the ‘Grand Prieuré des Gaules’ which was led by Dr. Camille Savoire. But a theurgical Order which worked the Elus Cohen Rite was yet something else … On April 4, 1942 a Martinist, Robert Ambelain (Aurifer), initiates two new members, Phalgus (Jules Boucher) and Baphometos. They formed the first Martinist Triangle and established the first lodge, BETHELIOS. Paris was occupied and the Nazi's had prohibited all Order-activities, especially Masonry and other Initiatic Orders, Societies and Brotherhoods. All gatherings, publications etc. were forbidden by the Nazi's. The archives of the Orders were confiscated and often destroyed. During these years of prosecution and oppression several Martinists gradually worked on the reconstitution of the Order of the Elect Cohen, ‘L’ORDRE DES CHEVALIERS MACONS ELUS-COHEN DE L'UNIVERS’. Robert Ambelain (1907-1997) received his initiation from Henri Meslin de Champigny (Harmonius), probably in a temple of the ‘Ordre Martiniste Traditionnel’. One of the attending officers was Georges Bogé de Lagrèze (Mikael). Georges Lagrèze had been a member of Papus' Supreme Counsil and was its 'Inspecteur Principal'. With regard to Ambelain's initiation into Martinism it turns out that he received several parallel lines of initiation. It appears that Constant Chevillon gave a "strict order" in June 1939 to Paul Langénie to confer the first degree (Associé) of Martinism to Robert Ambelain. Ambelain's 'lines of Martinist filiation' were:

• Papus - Téder - Georges Lagrèze (Mikael) -- Ambelain (Aurifer), received in December 1940
• Augustin Chaboseau - Jean Chaboseau (Galaad, Hierax) -- Ambelain (Aurifer)
• Augustin Chaboseau - Henri Meslin de Champigny (Harmonius) -- Ambelain

Both Lagrèze and M. de Champigny were former members of Papus' Supreme Council. (source ; " L' Initiation " no. 3, 1980)

The future Ordre Martiniste des Elus Cohen of Ambelain has its "Martinist seeds" in the "Ordre Martiniste Traditionnel" of Chaboseau …

"Our three occultists (Phalgus, Baphometos, and Aurifer) had among their connections many friends or correspondents who wished to move on from pure study to experimentation, from ‘speculative’work to ‘operative’work.The historic documentation on Martinez dePasqually and his disciples was taken up again. The Rituals were studied; and a new ‘operative’ form was established, to take into account the modern epoch, the spirit (which was different from that of men of XVIIIth Century), but for all that in rigorous accord with the magic and Martinezist Tradition." - 1946 "History and Doctrine of the Martinist Order" -- Robert Ambelain

On September 24, 1942 there already existed a number of eight groups, ‘Circles’. On April 4, 1943, the number in Paris had increased as far as eighteen Circles. On September 29, 1943, another seven groups had been founded … At the end of 1943 the circle was represented in cities like Calais, Lyon, Pontarlier and Nantes. On August 15, 1944, Lagrèze (Mikael) appointed Ambelain as a Delegate (95º) of the Antient & Primitive Rite of Memphis-Misraim. Lagrèze had granted a charter to Ambelain which included the following Degrees ; 4, 12, 14, 18, 32 and 33 followed by the supplemental grades 66, 90 and 95, giving him the powers of Substitute Grand Master. Lagrèze's charter was based on a charter which he had received from John Yarker on September 9, 1909 (33º / 95º). This charter was "confirmed" by Joanny (Jean) Bricaud. Lagrèze and Ambelain founded during the war the Egyptian M.'.M.'. Lodge (and its Chapter) ALEXANDRIE d’ÉGYPTE, which resided in Ambelain's home. (see chapter "1880 ANTIENT & PRIMITIVE RITE OF MEMPHIS-MISRAIM ") Lagrèze also granted the 33rd degree of the Scottish Rite to Ambelain. By obtaining the masonic powers the group enabled itself to constitute itself as a Martinezist branch (Elus Cohen). Ambelain formed a Scottish Triangle with the Bro. Andréas and Villanova. Georges Lagrèze was one of the prominent and leading characters of the 'occult community' at the time. Lagrèze i.a. possessed the grade of "Grand Profès" of Willermoz' C.B.C.S., and he became. the "Grand Master" of the ELUS COHEN (through the R.E.R., headed by Camille Savoir - successor of Willermoz- at the time). As mentioned earlier on, Lagrèze received the grade of "Grand Profès" in 1937 from several dignitaries from the Grand Prieure d'Helvetia (at Geneva, Switzerland). As Ambelain states in his 1946 publication on the history and doctrines of the Martinist Order:"Now, as we said, Brother Mikael possessed the lineage of ‘Grand Profès’ of J.B. Willermoz, and as such, that of the ‘Elus Cohen’ of Martinez de Pasqually."

On the third of September, 1943, the ORDRE DES CHEVALIERS MACONS ELUS-COHEN DE L'UNIVERS, the "Elus Cohen", was officially "reconstituted" with Lagrèze as Grand Master and Ambelain as its Deputy Grand Master. Lagrèze conferred all the mentioned degrees to Ambelain / Aurifer. Both men were consecrated into the "Eglise Gnostique Apostolique". "Arguing this transmission, Aurifer constituted two other Martinists and S:.I:.’s , similarly holders of this Episcopacy, as’Knight-Elect’ and ‘Réau-Croix’. Then he ordained the two other two S:.I:.’s who were also Masons simply as ‘Knights-Elect’. Thus, at the heart of the Martinist group born out of this war, a legitimate and regular ‘Cohen Temple’was founded." (Ambelain)

The S.I. members of Ambelain's circle during the war, founded the group A.G.L.A.* This small group, a Kabbalistic research-group, consisting of six members, formed the first post-war synod.

"Athah gobon leolam, Adonai", "Thou art powerful and eternal, Lord.", ancient Hebrew word composed of the four initial letters of the Hebrew words Athah, Gobon, Leolam, and Adonai. This Kabbalistic 'formula' was used by the rabbis "in the practice of exorcism of evil spirits". A.G.L.A allegedly was the name of an esoteric society in the Renaissance period, grouping together apprentices, companions and masters of Guilds associated with Books: librarians, engravers, printers, stationers and book-binders, as well as cardmakers who created the first playing cards and the first Tarots."

Robert Ambelain -"Martinism-History and Doctrine" Ed. Niclaus, Paris 1946

Several well known Martinists / High Degree Masons were part of Ambelain and Lagrèze's circle during the war, Jules Boucher (Phalgus), Robert Amadou (Ignifer), René Chambellant, Camille Savoire (R.E.R.) etc. Robert Ambelain states that Jules Boucher, Phalgus, and Baphometos both "refused to affiliate with Freemasonry." Robert Ambelain fails to mention that, in Boucher’s case anyway, that Boucher refused to affiliate to the masonic Order of Ambelain and Lagrèze. It is known that Boucher was initiated in 1943 in a clandestine lodge of the ‘Grande Loge de France’, Loge ‘L’Arche d’Alliance’. (see ‘Antient & Primitive Rite of MM, Chapter VII’). I can only guess at Boucher’s objection, but I suspect that he had the same objections against Ambelain as Jean Chaboseau. Jean Chaboseau openly questioned Robert Ambelain’s masonic authority. He i.a. reproached Georges de Lagrèze for his decision to confer the High Degrees of the M.M. to Robert Ambelain because Ambelain could not produce any evidence of approval into the third degree of Master-Mason. The constant quarrels between these two would finally result in Ambelain’s expulsion from the ‘Ordre Martiniste Traditionnel’ in 1945 (although the direct motive for expulsion had nothing to do with their quarrels, the tone was set). During the war Ambelain and his circle had constituted an Order which consisted of:

• A Martinist branch: Chain of Free Initiators– S:.I:.’s, L-C de Saint-Martin
• The Elus Cohen Temple in Paris
• The A.G.L.A. Group
• The High Synod, E.G.A.

The Grand Master of the reconstituted E.C., Georges Lagrèze died in April 1946 and was succeeded by Robert Ambelain. Ambelain's revived O*M*EC is based on his filiation (through Lagrèze) to Willermoz' C.B.C.S., holding the High degrees of Profès and Grand Profès, to which he added his filiation to Papus' and Chaboseau’s Martinist order (S.I.). His "Elus Cohen" filiation (through Lagrèze) was based on the R.E.R., headed by Camille Savoir. The highest degree of the R.E.R. was the rite of C.B.C.S. Ambelain affirmed in his book "Le Martinisme Contemporaine" (March, 1948, page 31) that Martinism did not have a legitimate lineage, except through the R.E.R., Régime Écossais Rectifié, the Rectified Scottish System of Willermoz. The curriculum of the Ordre Martiniste des Elus Cohen included the study of the Kabbalah ("Practical Kabbalah"), study and practise of Theurgy as taught by Martinez De Pasqually and Occultism. The Elus Cohen rituals the Order used were obtained "from various sources". The grade-system of the OMEC consisted of Four Degrees:

• KNIGHT OF THE ORIENT Chevalier d'Orient C:: Reau +
• COMMANDER OF THE ORIENT Commandeur d'Orient M:: Reau +
• REAU-CROIX Rèau-Croix R::+ ::S::J::

(Women are excluded from this Order)

source: Protocole d'unification des Ordres Martinistes (October 28, 1962 – official document, see: "1960-Ordre Martiniste (L’Ordre Martinist de Paris)"

‘L’Ordre des Chevaliers-Macons Elus-Cohen de L’Univers’ was divided into a degree-system of three main classes, followed by a secret grade. It is stated that DePasqually's original order consisted of 9, 10, or 11 Degrees, dependant on which set of documents one studies. The degrees depicted above belong to the original third class (except for the first degree, ‘Maître Elu Cohen’, which belongs to the second class) which contained the so-called Temple-Degrees. The Catechisms of these degrees were based upon DePasqually’s General Doctrine (under the appearance of Freemasonry), as expounded in his book "Le Traité de la Réincarnation des Etres" (The Reintegration of Beings), "a pseudo-commentary upon the Pentateuch."

"Purifying diet, similar to that of the Levites of the Old Testament, and rituals of exorcism were employed against evil in the individual and collectively in the world." (Mike Restivo)

The esoteric content of the third degree, Commander of the Orient (also known as ‘Grand Elu de Zorobabel’) was based on the Eleusin Mysteries, it prepared the candidate for the secret grade of Rèau-Croix.

"The original significance of this grade according to Pasqually was through magical evocations to establish contact with the highest realms of the Spirits of the Elus Cohens. When the Grand Architect had driven the demonical forces away from the sphere of the Earth, it lay in the hands of the Rèau Croix to attract the Celestial Forces, and transport these forces into the mundane Aura. These forces were brought down by either visual or acoustic manifestation through the Rêau Croix, in order to create a link to the original image of man. and thus integrating it within each individual soul. This philosophy was the main goal of Pasqually's teachings".

Source: Martinez Pasqually and le Chevaliers Elus Coens, ACADEMIA MASONICA BOREALIS

The auditory and visual manifestations are seen as a sign of an impending spiritual (psychic) experiences. These ‘signs’ or ‘sparks’ are known as ‘La Chose’. The grand object of the (original) Order was to obtain –through Magical Evocations- the ‘Beautific Vision of the Repairer’, Jesus Christ. The holders of the Réau-Croix-degree receive the title of ‘Souverain Juge et Superièurs Inconnus’, R:: + ::S::J::

The rituals of the Elus Cohen were very elobarate and time consuming, sometimes lasting up to six hours in length. DePasqually made use of a special Incence for all Elus Cohen rituals, which included "a number of hallucinogenic substances including the famous Fly Agaric mushroom spores ". The use of Incence in ritual creates a particular mood or vibration. There's a book written by René de Forrestier, "La Franc-macconnerie occultiste au 18e siecle et l'Ordre des Elus Coens" in which De Pasqually's ritual work is "reconstructed". Within the EC special attention is given at the equinoxes. The Theurgic work of a "Equinox Ritual" consists of an operation on five successive days for the Rèau-Croix in the months of March and September. De Pasqually used the Lunar-calendar, the most favourable time for 'Equinox Ritual work' lies between the 1st Quarter and Full moon. The regulations of the Equinox-ritual:

• Select date of "Full moon" in March / September
• The Rèau-Croix starts the operation on the 5th day before Full moon (Theurgic work is practised on 5 successive nights). All those who are not carrying the degree of Rèau-Croix, will carry out the operation together at the days and hours as indicated by the center
• It is of importance to keep abstinence on all the planes
• It is of importance to keep an ‘occult diary’ and to consign all the phenomena which occur during these periods

Through Lagrèze Ambelain had obtained the 'files of Martinez De Pasqually '. These files included De Pasqually's handwritten text: " Traitè de la Rèintegration des Etres dans leurs preières propriètès, vertus et puissances spirituelles et divines", the handwritten Rituals and catechisms of the Order, and the correspondence between Pasqually and his followers, especially Jean-Baptiste Willermoz from Lyon. The rituals of the Elus Cohen came from various sources, which enabled the revived order to practise the operative form of Elus Cohen Theurgy. The order, as in the case of Détré and Blitz, did not accept women and was preserved solely for males. Ambelain always looked for possibilities to expand the order. One has to bear in mind that Ambelain led a federation of orders, including M.'.M.'. (Masonic), Gnostic and Rosicrucian organizations. In 1957 Ambelain co-operated with Joseph Isidore Grasser, a High degree Mason (90*) from Switzerland, in the foundation of the "International Martinist Association 'Les Stephanois' ", I.M.A. Les Stephanois, International Grand Lodge, Paris. The information on this co-operation is very meagre, except the I.M.A. was also affiliated to the M.'.M.'. Ambelain led the Ordre Martinste des Elus Cohen from April 1946 up to August 1967. On Monday August 14, 1967, Robert Ambelain (Aurifer) appoints Ivan Mosca (Hermete) as his successor. In 1958 the "Ordre Martiniste des Elus Cohen" united with Philippe Encausse's "L'Ordre Martiniste de Papus" and Henri Dupont's "L’Ordre Martiniste-Martinéziste de Lyon". In 1960 this federation gave birth to the "Ordre Martiniste" (L’Ordre Martinist de Paris). The O.M. was divided into an interior- and exterior circle. Ambelain's Elus Cohen formed the "Interior circle' called ‘L’Ordre Martinste des Elus Cohen’. On August 14, 1967, the interior- and exterior circle of the O.M. de Paris was disbanded. Both orders continued independently from each other. On April 22, 1968 the Ordre Martiniste des Elus Cohen was disbanded. The decision was made after a plenary meeting of the Tribunal Souverain in Paris. On August 14, 1968, the Elus Cohen went dormant by official decree of the Souverain Grand Commandeur Ivan Mosca/Hermete. The ' line of succession' of the Ordre Martiniste des Elus Cohen from 1943 up to 1968 ; Georges Lagrèze (Mikael, 1943-1946) - Robert Ambelain (Aurifer, 1946-1967) -- Ivan Mosca (Hermete, 1967-1968).
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Postby admin » Wed Oct 21, 2015 4:49 am

Part 3 of 6


After the dissolution of the OMEC in 1968 the former members of the Elus Cohen (Cohen, or Coëns, is the French version the Hebrew word "Cohanim": a name for the highest class of priests in Jerusalem in biblical times) continued their Theurgical work on their own or in small groups. One of these groups, a small 'mixed' group of Elus Cohen in Nice, was led by René Chambellant (1907-1997?). His filiation is derived from a Canadian branch of the Elus Cohen (probably Sar Sendigovius' O.M.&S, which ‘inner order’ was the E*C*). Chambellant (Tau Renatus) claims a lineage derived from Constant Chevillon in 1936. Chambellant was also initiated by Ambelain in 1944 into the Elus Cohen. Chambellant also possesses the degree of Grand Profès of Willermoz' C.B.C.S. Today Chambellant's Elus Cohen is affiliated to a federation of Martinist- Templar Masonic orders in which we find the Ordre Martiniste S:::I:::, the Ordre Martiniste des C.B.C.S., Ordre Chevaliers Macons Elus Cohen de L'Univers …. (see "1997 Ordre Martiniste S:::I::: / O.M. de Luxembourg") Robert Ambelain apparently refounded his Ordre Martiniste des Elus Cohen back in 1994 with Andre Mauer as Grand-Secretaire (1996). The Elus Cohen is also the ‘inner order’ of the present-day Ordre Martiniste et Synarchique. The Italian ‘Universal Martinist Order’ of Goivanni Aniel founded ‘L’Ordre Souverain des Chevaliers Martinistes et Elus Cohen de l’Univers’ (O.S.C.M.E.C.) in 2001. The headquarters of the O.S.C.M.E.C. is situated in Quebec, Canada.


1948 Ordre Martiniste Rectifié

Due to the new developments within the ‘Ordre Martiniste Traditionnel’ after the Second World War, many members left the O.T.M. One of these members who left the OTM was the Grand Secretary of the order, Jules Boucher (Phalgus, 1902-1955). Boucher was initiated by Robert Ambelain on April 4, 1942. Boucher apparently also received an initiation by Augustin Chaboseau (date unknown). In 1922 Boucher started his occult carreer with Jean-Julien Champagne, who took Boucher and Eugène Canseliet on as students (Alchemy). This group of students would become known as ‘Les Frères d'Héliopolis’, the Brotherhood of Heliopolis. This brotherhood studied the works of the great Alchemists and was allegedly led by the legendary "Fulcanelli". This group, however, was limited to Champagne, Canseliet, Sauvage, Jules Boucher, and a couple of others. Champagne and Canseliet were both directly connected with Fulcanelli's book "Le Mystere des Cathedrals". Another group Boucher was involved with, was a group called Le Grand Lunaire. The Sigil of the Grand Lunaire was the Baphometis. According to Robert Ambelain the group was also involved in Black Magic. Besides Boucher, men like Champagne and René Schwaller de Lubicz were members at one time. Just for the record, when Jules Boucher left the Grand Lunaire the Gnostic Bishop of Lyon seems to have performed an exorcism on Boucher (Jean Rosselot, O.V. de L.Milosz , Paris 1955). In the beginning of the 40's Boucher published the "Manuel de Magie Practique" (Niclaus, 1941- Dervy 1953 new edition). Boucher also founded an association which promoted the restoration of traditionnal Occultism : L’ A.R.O.T.

In 1945 the "Les Amis de Saint-Martin" was founded, a group which Boucher highly respected and of which Boucher himself is said to have been probably a member. This claim is of special value to our research. As stated before, the ‘Association Les Amis de Saint-Martin’ was founded by Robert Amadou, Paul Laugénie and Edouard Gesta in September 1945 as a possible alternative to the resurrected O.M.T. of Augustin Chaboseau. It is claimed that Boucher decide to leave the Traditional Martinist Order because he did not agree on a possible Grandmastership of Jean Chaboseau. Besides, as stated in the chapter on the O.M.T., Boucher suspected that Jeanne Canudo, a member of i.a. 'La Fraternité des Polaires', belonged to the secretive and controversial ‘Mouvement Synarchique d’Empire’, M.S.E.: It is claimed that Jean Chaboseau wanted to appoint Canudo as a member of the Supreme Council. Jean Chaboseau’s Grandmastership and Canudo’s possible membership of the Martinist Supreme Council were the reasons for Jules Boucher’s decision to leave the O.M.T. But could it be that Boucher already doubted the O.M.T in 1945, in view of his possible membership within the "Les Amis de Saint-Martin"? (of course, this is a mere speculation) In 1948 Jules Boucher founded ‘L’Ordre Martiniste Rectifié’. The O.M.R* consisted, to a large extend, of former members of the O.M.T.Boucher's Martinist rite consisted of one, single Degree ; the degree of SAGE INITIÉ (Originally, the Martinist initiation only consists of one degree, instead of the usual three or four degrees). The ' curriculum' of the O.M.R was based on the works and doctrine of L.C. de Saint-Martin. It was expected from members (and demanded from S:::I:::) that they had a thorough knowledge of the works of Saint-Martin. According to Boucher, the meaning of Sage Initié, "the Wise Adept", corresponded on a profound level with the traditional teachings of Saint-Martin.

"S.I. stands for "Superieur Inconnu", "Souverain Juge" (title of the Elus Cohen), Société des Initiés", "Sociéte Inconnu", "Sage Inconnu", and some even claimed these initials stood for the "Sociéte de Jésus" !

"The "Ordre Martiniste Rectificié" calls the S.I. the "Wise Adept" ("Sage Initié"), or better : "One who walks the Path of Wisdom".

"The "Ordre Martiniste Rectificié" is a spiritual fraternal order linking all those who freely admit the need for an individual and collective Redemption based on the lessons of Louis Claude de Saint-Martin. In accordance with the teachings of Saint-Martin the O.M.R acknowledges the truth of the Fall of mankind and affirms the need for Reconciliation of Man with his Principle (the Adept on the Path of Wisdom). The O.M.R respects all forms of the Tradition which are basically fragments of the One, primeordial Tradition"

(freely translated from Boucher's "Du Martinisme et des ordres Martinistes", 1950).

In 1950 Boucher published an article in the review "Le Symbolisme" called "Du Martinisme et des Ordres Martinistes". The article is a general survey on the 'Martinezism' of de Pasqually and the 'Martinism' of Saint-Martin. The intention of this publication was to draw attention to the O:::M:::R::: Boucher's order was closely related to ‘L’Eglise Gnostique Universelle’ (Universal Gnostic Church). The O.M.R also intended to "reconnect" Martinism with Masonry. In his survey "Du Martinisme et des Ordres Martinistes" Boucher emphasizes that an order without a structure is not viable. According to Boucher in the same article, it is its structure what Masonry gives its vitality and permanence. Therefore, thus Boucher, the Rectified Martinist Order should be build on "a Masonic structure" in which the individual is respected, an aspect which characterizes "true Martinism". At the same time, without losing sight of its flexibility, this structure should also possess a kind of rigidity to "protect" the order's "cohesion". Boucher emphasizes on the structure of Masonic organizations which he intended to use as a blue-print for his own organization. He clearly stated in his survey ""Du Martinisme et des Ordres Martinistes" (1950) that the O.M.R should avoid to make the mistake Papus and Tedér had made, by transforming their Martinist rituals into copies of Masonic ones. In spite of Boucher's intentions and "enthusiasm" Masonry did not respond. French Masonry, being in majority "hostile" towards Christianity, did not support Boucher's efforts. Jules Boucher had not appointed a successor. When he died in 1955 the order declined. Jules Boucher was also a Mason, initiated during the occupation, who published an excellent title on the symbolism of Freemasonry in 1948, "La Symbolique Maçonnique"

L' A.R.O.T. "Association pour la Rénovation de l’Occultisme Traditionnel"

‘L’ A.R.O.T.’, "Association for the Restoration of Traditional Occultism" was established in the 1930's, its goal being the study and implementation of 'Initiatic Sciences'. L’ A.R.O.T. was a non-religious organization professing the "broadest tolerance and respected all forms of belief". Jules Boucher (alias Leo Ruber, alias Julius Bellifer, alias J.B. 1902 - 1955) co-founded the group in 1935 with i.a. Mrs.Maryse Choisy . Madame Choisy directed the succesful occult magazine ‘Votre Bonheur’. Within the bosom of this magazine the association was led by three members – Robert Ambelain, Jules Boucher, and Georges Clouzet. ‘L A.R.O.T.’ was accomodated at 15, rue Lord Byron in Paris. The members first went to a probationary period in which a "general education" was given. After the probationary-training 'serious members" were selected to specialize on a deeper study of a certain branch of the teachings. The group had a low membership with an emphasis on quality and diversity. In 1941 the group had to stop its activities due to prohibation of all Order activities by the pro German Vichy regime. After the War the group continued its activities under the leadership of the above mentioned men (except for Clouzet who was replaced by Robert Caborgne. The subjects of the teachings of ‘L’ A.R.O.T. were:

• Esotericsm, Religion
• Hindu Doctrines, Yoga
• Alchemy, Spagyrie, Hermeticism
• Astrology (general, Cabalistic)
• Methods of Psychic Development
• Dowsing, Clairvoyance
• Magic, Hypnotism, Magnetism


Three circles is the symbol of traditional magic protection. The letters ‘A.R.O.T.’ are placed in a circle, representing various occult ideas / symbolic words such as:

T.A.R.O. , the Tarot. "Les Arcanes Initiatiques" ("Mysteries of Initiation"), the Sword and the Wand, in the center, The Cup and the Pentacle, symbolized by the Circle. The Sword corresponds to Fire, the Wand corresponds to Air, the Cup to Water, the Pentacle to Earth.

R.O.T.A., in Latin, the wheel of becoming. A and O, Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end

At the Center, Dagger and Wand, the attributes of the Magus. They correspond to the two poles, "Active" and "Passive", "Attraction" and "Repulsion", COAGULA-SOLVE. The Wand concentrades and condenses the "fluids" and the Dagger disperses and dissolves.

T.O.R.A., in Hebrew the Torah represents the Law. It's the Law of Evolution. In the Center the "Croix de Saint-André" (St.Andrew's Cross), "X" is the Greek letter Khi, initial letter of the words Koné, Krusos and Kronos, the Crucible, Gold and Time, the unknown triad of the "Grand Oeuvre". The Cross is the Hieroglyph, reduced to a simple expression, of the emanated luminous radiations of a single hearth.

A.R.O.T., the synthesis of the three protective Magic Circles. The two "Roses+Croix" placed in the circle are reversed, one black the other white, they are the symbol of Involution and Evolution, just like the "Seal of Solomon", which appears in the second circle.

1952 Ordre Martiniste de Papus

World War II had taken its toll on Martinism, most of the representatives of the "original" Martinist Order were either dead or gone (except for Henri-Charles Dupont), and the conlicts between the various orders had caused many schisms within the original orders. In 1952 Pierre Neuville published an article which gave birth to the idea of a reconstitution of the ' original ' Ordre Martiniste of Papus. Many of the "survivors" of the 'original' order, as well as a number of unattached French "Free Martinists", joined Papus' son, Dr.Philippe Encausse (1906 - 1984), who founded L’ORDRE MARTINISTE DE PAPUS in December 1952 under the original constitution. Not much is known about the order-activities of Papus’ son before the 1950’s. It seems that Philippe Encausse was a member of the Supreme Council of ‘L’Ordre Martiniste Traditionnel’ but already decided to leave the Order in february 1932. According to the O.M.T./T.M.O., Philippe Encausse could not accept the presence of Freemasons within the Martinist movement. When he left, he allegedly created a charitable organization under the name of ‘Les Amis de Papus’. Then, in 1947, he received the Masonic Light at the Parisian lodge La Prévoyance of the ‘Grand Loge de France’ (GLDF). In 1949 Philippe Encausse published his book "Sciences Occultes ou 25 annâees d'occultisme occidental (Papus sa vie son œuvre)". Contrary to Jean Chaboseau, Philippe Encausse requested the disciples of Papus and Chaboseau to reunite within one, coherent Martinist Order:"à refaire une chaîne d’union"(to recreate a chain of union). Robert Ambelain, who tried to maintain the Order of Elus Cohen after Georges Lagrèze’s death in 1946, responded to Philippe Encausse’s appeal and became one of the leading advocates to set things going -the creation of a strong and coherent French Martinist organization. Ambelain and some Martinists established the first group and it was this group that would eventually evolve into the creation of ‘L’Ordre Martiniste de Papus’. The French ‘Martinist Order’ was officially constituted in 1952 by Dr.Philippe Encausse. Soon the Order would serve as an antechamber for Amblain’s ‘L’Ordre Martiniste des Elus Cohens’, as we’ll see later. Dr. Philippe Encausse became the first Grand Master of the O.M. de Papus. The name ‘Encausse’ alone gave the Order already a legitimate presence, after all, Philippe was the son of the (co-) founder of the original Martinist Order of 1891, Gérard Anaclet Vincent Encausse, a.k.a. Papus (1865-1916). In January 1953 a reissue of the original Martinist review "L'Initiation" was published by Encausse Jr. French sources claim that Encausse and the Order received the permission of Jean Chaboseau to reissue the official Martinist organ of which the last issue was published in 1914.

first publication of "L'Initiation", January 1953

The original journal was published from 1888 up to 1914. The reissue of January 1953 is no.52 in the series. Contemporary occultists as Robert Ambelain, Robert Amadou, Serge Hutin, Pierre Neuville, and of course Philippe Encausse published on a regular base in the Martinist review. In 1975 Philippe Encausse sarted to divide the responsibilities of the magazine with Yves-Fred Boisset. When Encausse died in 1984, Boisset became the chief-editor of "l'Initiation", a position which he holds until this day.

In March-April 1957, the first General rules of the Martinist Order were published. It presented the organization and its structure ; The Ordre Martiniste is led by a:

• Board of Directors (7 members, Grand Inspecteur Général)
• SUPRÊME CONSEIL (Supreme Council; 12 members including the President of the order and a President Ad Vitam)

The Jurisdiction(s) are led by a

• Grand Maître Provincial
• Grands Conseils Provinciaux; each province is led by a Grand Council; there are 14 provinces, of which one, Flandres-Artois (Belgium) is led by a Maître Provincial.
• A College is led by a S:::I::: , Unknown Philosopher
• The rituals are examined and recognized as the only valid ones for initiations; these are indicated under " Rituel de 1957 ".

Several Martinist Lodges/Chapters are quoted in this publication, - Kosmos (Fides), Papus (Paris), Louis Claude de Saint-Martin (Toulouse). In the mid-fifties Philippe Encausse handed over all Martinist Documents, Charters and files to Robert Amadou . Amadou made researches into the validity of filiation of the Martinist Order. The conclusion of Amadou's analysis corresponded with Robert Ambelain's findings as presented in his book "le Martinisme contemporain", published in March 1948 (page 31), in which Ambelain affirms Amadou's claim that "Martinism" does not possess a valid line of succession. The only ' legitimate' lineage runs through Willermoz' R.E.R which incorporates the C.B.C.S. (a rite which "integrates" Von Hundt's Stricte Observance with De Pasqually's Elus Cohen). In other words, the only valid form of Martinism which holds an unbroken line of initiation is a Martinist who's initiated into the highest grade of the R.E.R. (C.B.C.S., "Chevaliers Bienfaisants de la Cité Sainte / Knights Beneficent of the Holy City "). Amadou's thesis stated that "Louis Claude de Saint-Martin never founded the Martinist Order, nor transmitted any Martinist initiations through ritual. Saint-Martin acted, therefore, from an affiliation of "Desire" (L'Homme de Desir) and a spiritual affiliation, which little by little formalized ritualistically, under the influence of various personalities, notably Novikov and Papus".

In 1958 Philippe Encausse, Henri Dupont, and Robert Ambelain decided to join forces.

Besides being a well known researcher and Martinist, Robert Amadou is the Honorary President of the "Institut Eléazar", a Martinist School established on August 11, 1990 by Serge Caillet, another well known researcher and writer. Serge Caillet, who is the chairmen of the institute, states "The Eléazar Institute is a school of Martinism, it is not an initiatory order. It thus does not replace the Martinist Order, nor the Order of the Knights Elect Coëns of the Universe, whose vocation is properly initiatory. But it transmits the teaching of Martines de Pasqually and Saint Martin, mainly in the form of correspondence-courses, by helping each student individually to tread on this path, at the sides of the Unknown Philosopher and of its first Master".

1958 Fédération des Ordres Martinistes / Union des Ordre Martinistes

As mentioned before, the idea Philippe Encausse had was to reunite all the original Martinist organizations into one Martinist federation. In 1958 a draft-agreement was signed (by the Sovereign Grand Masters) between the ‘L’Ordre Martiniste de Papus’, under the leadership of Philippe Encausse, ‘L’Ordre Martiniste- Martinéziste’ (L’Ordre Martiniste de Lyon), under the leadership of Henri-Charles Dupont*, and finally ‘L’ Ordre Martiniste des Elus Cohen’ under the leadership of Robert Ambelain. The statutes of the federation, the "Union des Ordre Martinistes", were signed on Sunday, October 26, 1958. The "Ordre Martiniste de Lyon" changed its name to "L’Ordre Martiniste-Martinéziste" to emphasize the Elus Cohen current within the Order which Bricaud had implemented within the Martinist Order of Lyon before the War. The rituals and symbols of the three orders were adjusted to each other. From 1958 onwards all the ritualistic and symbolic attributes used by the orders were compatible with each other. In June 1959, Ivan Mosca, the ‘Souverain Grand Délégué Général de l'Ordre Martiniste des Elus-Cohens’, travelled to San José, California (U.S.A.) to pay a visit to Ralph.M. Lewis, Grandmaster of the O.M.T/T.M.O, Traditional Martinist Order, and of the Rosicrucian Order A.M.O.R.C. Ralph Maxwell Lewis had have a lot of problems with the Martinists that now wanted to create a Union of Martinist Orders. Naturally, Ralph M. Lewis decided not to unite ‘L’Ordre Martiniste Traditionnel’ with the French Union of Martinist Orders. The before mentioned "Protocol of the Union of the Martinist Orders" stated that"the federation recognizes the authority of the following Martinist currents which sprang from the original order of Papus and Chaboseau":

• Ordre Martinist- Martinéziste (succession Téder, Bricaud, Chevillon, Dupont)
• Ordre Martiniste de Papus, the Martinist Order founded by Dr.Philippe Encausse
• Ordre Martiniste des Elus-Cohen (succession Lagrèze, Savoire, CBCS, Ambelain, " the OMEC preserves the archives of the Martinéziste current").

The Union or Federation is presided by the Sovereign Grand Masters and their assistants. A declaration on the origins of the organization claims that Martinism is derived from Papus and Chaboseau; "Willermozism" is derived from the para-masonic rite of the "Chevaliers Bienfaisants de la Cité Sainte"(CBCS), founded in 1778 at Lyon by Jean-Baptiste Willermoz and; "Martinézism" is derived from "L’Ordre des Chevaliers Macons Elus-Cohen de L’Univers", founded by Don Martinez de Pasqually in 1758 at Bordeaux. All the other existing Martinist organizations outside of France originated from one of these three currents. The "Board of Directors" will meet 4 times a year and at least on the first Sunday which follows an equinox or a solstice. The official review of the three orders will be Philippe Encausse's re-issue of "L'Initiation". The federation is led by Dr. Philippe Encausse. In 1960, two months before he died, Henri-Charles Dupont appointed Philippe Encausse on August the 13th as his successor of his Martinist Order. Encausse’s appointment had been advocated by the high dignitaries of the federation. The British Grand Lodge (Sovereign Grand Lodge) of the "Martinist Order and Synarchique" officially joined the Federation in 1960. In September 1959 the O.M.&S already established fraternal relations with the "Union des Ordres Martinistes".

Charles-Henri Dupont, 1877/02/19 - 1961/10/01. Patriarch of ‘L’Eglise Gnostique Universelle’, Sovereign Grand Master of ‘L’Ordre Martiniste-Martinéziste’ (successor of Constant Chevillon since March 25, 1944), Grand Master "Ad Vitam" of ‘Rite Ancien et Primitif de Memphis-Misraim’, and ‘Chevalier bienfaisant de la Cité Sainte’ Dupont was a member of Lodge "Liberté et Progrès". In 1945 Dupont had appointed Pierre Debeauvais (1885-1974) as Grandmaster of ‘L’Ordre Martiniste-Martinéziste’. Already in 1947 Debeauvais had been forced to step down as GM and Dupont returned as ‘Grand Maitre". Philippe Encausse and Robert Ambelain had approached Dupont with the idea to unite his Order with the O.M. de Papus and the Elus Cohen of Ambelain.

1960 Ordre Martiniste (L’Ordre Martinist de Paris)


When Dr. Philippe Encausse received the Martinist succession from Charles-H. Dupont, Encausse became the Sovereign Grand Master of two Martinist Orders, O.M. de Papus and O.M.-Martinéziste de Lyon. Encausse merged both orders into one Order, the O*M*. Encausse allegedly also received the succession of ‘L’Ordre Kabbalistique de la Rose+Croix’ (OKR+C). The masonic qualification which was given by Téder (1916-'17) was removed (1). But the O.M. de Paris did develop some Masonic activities. At the initiative of dr.Philippe Encausse a Grand Priory of the Rectified Scottish Rite (R.E.R.) was established. The Priory existed and was 'active' during the sixties …

1) In 1961 another attempt was made to reconnect Martinism with Masonry. In that year a Lodge was founded under the Obedience of the 'GRANDE LOGE FRANCAISE-OPERA', which required of its candidates to be initiated into Martinism . The Martinist qualification was removed in 1973.

In 1962 ‘L’Ordre Martiniste (de Paris)’ and Ambelain's ‘O.M. des Elus Cohen’ officially merged into one Martinist Order, which was comprised of 2 circles, an exterior circle and an interior circle.

• Exterior Circle - called "Order of Saint-Martin" (comprised of the 'old' Martinist Order and the exterior order of the O.M. des Elus Cohen. This order includes members of both sexes (except SI4, Women needed approval from the 'Board of Directors') and initiates into the following degrees: A, A I, S I, S I 4 .
• Interior Circle - called "Order of Elect Cohen" , this order excludes women and initiates into the following degrees: [1st degree -] Master Elect-Cohen ,[2nd degree -] Knight of the Orient , [3rd Degree -] Commander of the Orient, [4th Degree -] Réau-Croix.

‘L’ Ordre Kabbalistique de la Rose+Croix’ confers the Degrees of "Bachelor", "Master", and "Doctor of Kabbalah" , to members who have "attained and passed the 3rd degree of "Unknown Superior" (S.I.). The Grand Masters are AD Vitam, Sovereign Grand Master Philippe Encausse shall govern the M*O*, "Ordre de Saint-Martin", Sovereign Grand Commander Robert Ambelain shall govern the "Ordre Martiniste des Elus Cohen". The traditional ties of the Martinist Order with the Eglise Gnostique Apostolique Universelle (Gnostic Apostolic Universal Church) were continued. The order was led by a "Souverain Directoire" consisting of 8 members, the protocol being signed "Jean" (Dr.Philippe Encausse) and "Aurifer" (Robert Ambelain), October 28, 1962. The protocol was published in "L'Initiation", no.2, 1963. On December 31, 1962 the O.M. de Paris counted 26 'active' groups and 15 circles in France. The Interior Circle was later renamed "L’Ordre des Chevaliers Macons Elus-Cohen de l'Univers". The "Union des Ordre Martinistes" only lasted for 5 years. "On August 14, 1967, the interior- and exterior circle of the O.M. de Paris was disbanded. Both orders continued independently from each other."

In 1967 Robert Ambelain resigns as Sovereign Grand Commandeur of the Elus Cohen. Ambelain appoints Ivan Mosca (Hermete, born in Parma Italy, 1915) as his successor on June 29, 1967. One year later, on April 22, 1968 the O*M*EC was disbanded. Ambelain would found in 1968 "L’Ordre Martiniste Initiatique. At the end of the sixties Encausse's O.M. gave birth to several branches which would continue as independent orders, although they maintained their fraternal relations with the O.M. de Paris. The reason for the separation was a protocol that was signed by Philippe in 1968, which confirmed the alliance between the Universal Gnostic Church and the Martinist Order. Philippe Encausse was ordained into the Priesthood of the Gnostic Church. The protocol was a confirmation of the alliance of 1911 (the Ordre Martiniste des Pays-Bas refers to the "alliance of 1918"), in which the Universal Gnostic Church of Bricaud was recognized as being the ' official' church of the O*M*. The signing of the protocol by Philippe Encausse implied that "the theology defined by the Gnostic Church, the official teaching of his Martinist Order and the services of that church were to become the official sacramental support for its members". Many Martinists objected to this limitation of their religious freedom"(O*M* des Pays-Bas) . By permission of the Grand Master of the O*M*, Dr.Philippe Encausse, several independent branches, mostly outside of France, were established (in close co-operation with the O.M. in Paris), such as:

• Ordre Martiniste Suisse (Switzerland)
• Ordre Martiniste De Belgique (Belgium)
• Ordre Martiniste des Pays-Bas (Netherlands)

These orders were founded (on Encausse's request) to "offer an alternative to the objecting members of his Order". A number of members just resigned from the O*M*, and several of these members established some minor Martinist organizations, such as; "L’Ordre Martiniste Secret", "L’Ordre Martiniste Universel". Another schism occurred in 1983 when several members left Encausse's O*M* and founded the "L’Ordre Martiniste Libre" under Pierre Rispal, if I’m not mistaken. Then, in 1996 a schism occurred also within the O.M.L, which gave birth to the "Ordre Martiniste S:::I:::" (O.M. Luxembourg). In 1971 Philippe Encausse resigned as Grand Master of the O*M* and is succeeded by Irenee Séguret as Grand Master and Maurice Gay as Deputy Grand Master. The O.M. has it seats at 3, rue du Cardinal-Mercier in Paris. Irenee Séguret resigns as GM at the end of 1974 and on Januari 1, 1975, Philippe Encausse (Honorary President of the O*M* between '71-'75) returns as Grand Master, finally resigning in September, 1979. The Board of Directors (Chambre de Direction) voted secretly for a new candidate. A propostion is made on October 27, 1979:

• Emilio Lorenzo -- President
• Leger- - vice-President

Emilio Lorenzo is elected by the 'Chambre de Direction' on October 27, 1979 as Grand Master of ‘L’ Ordre Martiniste (de Paris)’.

The lineage of the O.M. de Paris:

• Gerard Encausse / Papus 1891-1916
• Charles Détré / Téder 1916-1918
• Jean (Joanny) Bricaud 1918-1934
• Constant Chevillon 1934-1944, assassinated by the Vichy Militia.
• Charles-Henry Dupont 1944-1960
• Philippe Encausse 1960-1971
• Irenee Séguret 1971-1974
• Philippe Encausse 1975-1979
• Emilio Lorenzo 1979- …)

The Ordre Martiniste (de Paris) became the largest Martinist Order after the Second World War. Philippe Encausse published during his lifetime several books on occult subjects etc., some of his books and publications:

• "Le Maitre Philippe, de Lyon: Thaumaturge et "Homme de Dieu", Dr. Philippe Encausse, Éditions Traditionnelles [In French]
• "Sciences occultes et déséquilibre mental." 2e édit. rev. et augm. Paris, Payot, 1944. (1er édit. Paris, 1935).
• ENCAUSSE Philippe, "Sciences occultes ou 25 années d'occultisme occidental - Papus, sa vie, son oeuvre", Paris, Ocia, 1949, 552 p.
• "Papus", Philippe Encausse -ed. belfond

The most prolific Martinist authors were Robert Amadou and Robert Ambelain.

1968 Ordre Martiniste de Belgique

The "O.M. Belgique" was founded on October 26, 1968, by Gustave Lambert Brahy (1894-1988). The order was established after Philippe's Encausse's decision to sign the protocol of the alliance between the O.M. de Paris and the Universal Gnostic Church (E.G.A.). Brahy was a member of the Suprême Conseil de ‘L’Ordre Martiniste. Other members of the Supreme Council were Pierre-Marie Hermant, Stéphane Beuze and Maurice Warnon (Maurice Warnon left in 1975, when he was appointed Grand Master of "L’Ordre Martiniste des Pays-Bas).


Brahy started to study Astrology in 1920. At the end of the 1920's he became interested in Yoga and began to practise respiratory exercizes. He also experimented with Theurgy. "The combination of the two practises, associated with his poor health (he had contracted the Spanish influenza during the War of 1914-1918, of which he never entirely recovered), resulted in a series of dreaming, sleepwalking, hypnotic experiences lasting for several years, until he developped a controled clairvoyance". Brahy had joined the "Theosophic Society" in 1924 and its "Esoteric Section" in 1926. Brahy also became a member of Leadbetter's "Liberal Catholic Church". Brahy left the T.S. in 1929 after the leaders of the Society began to promote Krishnamurti as the new Messiah. In 1929 he became president of Max Heindel's "Rosicrucian Fellowship" in Belgium. Apparently, Brahy's young daughter miraculously recovered after a desperate request (as a last resource) for "Healing work" addressed to the Rosicrucian order of Oceanside, California. Brahy opened a Rosicrucian Temple (Brussels? / Antwerp?) and served as President of the Belgian branch of the R.F. until 1935. In 1926 Brahy had founded the "L’Institut d'Astrologie", "with the purpose to improve the training of Astrologers and to modernize the calculation of Native Charts and projections". The Astrological Institute started to publish a review named "Demain", the review would be universally known and appreciated. Its publication was terminated in the 1970's. In 1927 Brahy meets the Vicomte de Herbais de Thun, who will later initiate him into the Belgian branch of Chaboseau's Martinist Order (note; it was actually Emile Ehlers who was Brahy's Initiator). With two other Martinists, Emile Dantinne and Ehlers, Brahy (Eleusis) is involved in the foundation of the F.U.D.O.S.I., but Ehlers (who owns an Occult bookstore) and Brahy didn't want to see their names associated with the F.U.D.O.S.I. and remained silent partners, as friends of Dantinne. After the Second World War Dantinne became dishearted, the F.U.D.O.S.I. lost his universal character, and A.M.O.R.C. became too powerful to the liking of many European members. In that period, 1935-1945, Brahy published several novels, works about Astrology, and translations in French of several of the works of Sir Edward Bulwer-Lytton . Until 1950 Brahy had published commercial Astrological predictions. He had been frequently submitted to the accusation "that associated Astrology with charlatanism". Brahy discontinued these publications. Around 1950 Brahy decided to join "L’Ordre Martiniste de Papus" of Philippe Encausse. One of his motives to resume his work as a Martinist was to restore the spirit of the original F.U.D.O.S.I. In 1968 Gustave-Lambert Brahy was nominated Grand Master of "L’Ordre Martiniste Belge". As an Astrologer he would continue a private practise. Brahy was often consulted by Market specialists (mostly from the U.S.A.). In the Eighties Brahy was the court-Astrologer of King Hassan II of Morocco. Gustave-Lambert Brahy died in 1988. After Brahy died the whole Belgian branch almost collapsed. In 1991 a small group still worked under the leadership of Nicolas Leruitte (1920-2000; Souverain Délégué pour la Belgique). Leruitte (Fidès) led the "Ordre Martiniste De Belgique" from 1988 until October 12, 2000. For fifteen years he presided over the group PAPUS, a group still active today. Leruitte was succeeded by a ‘Robert F.’

1968 (1975) Martinisten Orde der Nederlanden / O.M. des Pays- Bas

The "Martinist Order of the Netherlands" was founded on September 26, 1968 by Philippe Encausse. Like the O.M. De Belgique, the Martinist Order of the Netherlands was established after Philippe's Encausse's decision to sign the protocol of the alliance between the O.M. de Paris and the Universal Gnostic Church (E.G.A.). Philippe Encausse appointed Maurice Warnon to organize and lead the order. Warnon was a member of the Supreme Council in Paris and had "co-founded" the O.M. de Paris back in 1960.


In 1964 Warnon left Belgium and emigrated to the United States. Warnon had studied pedagogy, methodology and psychology at the university of Brussels. He later studied Information-Technology at the IBM Centre at Genval (Belgium), at the "Empire State University Albany", and at the Massachussets Institute of Technology in Boston. Warnon is also a Bishop of the "Liberal Catholic Curch" and is, since 1976, the leader of this church in Canada and Belgium. Warnon's wife, Joanna Mathilde Poortman (born March 27, 1937, The Hague, Holland) leads the "Order of the World-Mother", and is an active member of both the "Order of the Round Table" and of the "Martinist Order of the Netherlands". The Warnon-family are living on "King's Garden" in an old mansion which was build in 1820. "King's Garden" is also the headquarters of the M*O des Pays-Bas and the other orders mentioned. Warnon was initiated by Gustave-Lambert Brahy. Brahy was initiated by Emile Ehlers (1886?-1953). Ehlers had an Occult bookstore on the Avenue Jean-Volders in Brussels, Belgium. Ehlers had received his initiation from Emile-Dantinne. Dantinne was much more involved in Rosicrucianism and his own organizations then Martinism. Emile Ehlers received the complete Martinist archives from Dantinne (which included the material of Chaboseau's O.M.T. and Blanchard's O*M*&S). When Ehlers died in 1953 it was Maurice Warnon who inherited the complete archive through Ehlers widow. On March 15, 1969 Maurice Warnon (Artifex) was appointed "Souverain Délégate National" of the O.M des Pays-Bas. "King's Garden" (Rock Tavern, NY 12575, near New Winsor, state of New York, U.S.A.) has two Martinist Chapters, "Louis Claude de Saint-Martin", led by Frater Hermes S.I.I., and "Quator Coronati", led by Frater Artifex S.I.I. (Warnon). - notes on Warnon; Marcel Roggemans

After Martinism was introduced in the Netherlands and a Sovereign National Representative (M.Warnon) was appointed by Philippe Encausse, the first Dutch Martinist group was installed in 1970. The group "Jacob Boehme, No.65, Collège d'Amsterdam", received its Charter from the Supreme Council in Paris on November 9, 1970. Nine months before, on February 20, 1970, Philippe Encausse (as President of the Federation of the Martinist Orders) had proposed the establishment of an independent Martinist Order in the Netherlands. But the Dutch members decided to remain attached to the Order in Paris for the time being. In the following years the Dutch order worked closely with Paris, and it became apparent that the Order in the Netherlands objected against the close relationship between the Martinist Order and the Universal Apostolic Gnostic Church. The Dutch Order wanted to keep complete freedom of religion and worship. At the annual gathering of the Dutch Martinists (the so-called"Martinist Days") in September 1975 , the decision for independence was made. The "Ordre Martiniste des Pays-Bas" was founded under a new constitution on September 12, 1975. The Supreme Council was formed by the Officers of Chapter "Jacob Boehme". These Officers became the first "Suprême Conseil de l'Ordre Martiniste des Pays-Bas No 1, Collège d'Amsterdam", The former group "Jacob Boehme" became "Jacob Boehme No 2, collège d'Amsterdam" by the first Charter issued by the new Supreme Council". Members of the first Supreme Council were : Maurice Warnon, Augustus Goetmakers, Bep Goetmakers, Ferme Iken, Annie Iken and Joan Warnon-Poortman. The "Martinisten Orde der Nederlanden" has four "Initiatic Degrees". Art. 108 of the "Declaration of Principles":

"The Martinist Order spreads its teaching in four degrees, called "initiatic" degrees, that are received by its members according to a definite ritual and schedule.Three "administrative" degrees exist, that are bestowed upon the members, taking the responsibility of the administrative direction of the Order".

The present-day Order has 4 Martinist Chapters in the Netherlands; in Amsterdam (Jacob Boehme No.2.), Haarlem, Enschede, and Amersfoort (A*Gr* Aquarius), a S.I.I working-group named ‘Veritas’ is active at Amersfoort. Besides the Netherlands, the M*O* des Pays-Bas is represented all over the world, in Belgium, France, Great Britain, Canada, and the U.S.A. In 2001 Maurice Warnon went to Prague, Czechia, to initiate several candidates into the first and second degree. A new College was founded, the ‘College of Prague’, which consisted of a former Martinist studygroup led by a former Benedict monk, Ivan S. (Michael). Ivan S. is also a priest in the Old-Catholic Church. The studygroup derived most of their material from the website of the ‘O.M. des Pays-Bas’. "The Martinist Order of the Netherlands is not a territorial jurisdiction, but a specific orientation of the Martinist movement. It maintains close relationship with all the other Martinist organizations, and welcomes all the Martinists as visitors. It has grown into an international Order, having more than thirty Chapters in five countries and in three continents" (O*M* des Pays-Bas)

1968 Ordre Martiniste Initiatique

‘L'Ordre Martiniste Initiatique’ was officially founded on June 30, 1968 by Robert Ambelain (Aurifer). One year before, in August 1967, Ambelain resigned from the office of Grand Commandeur of the O*M* des Elus Cohen. Other sources state that the O*M*Initiatique was founded by Ambelain within the bosom of the "Rite Ancien et Primitif de Memphis-Misraim" of which he was its Grandmaster. Pietro Turchetti in his book "Il Filosofo Incognito " (Arktos, 1995, p.79) states that on "April 28, 1968 a circular from Aurifer (Robert Ambelain) announced the constitution of the OMI with a Russian filiation from St Martin". Robert Ambelain posted this circular, a document of seven pages which carried the title "Ordre Martiniste Initiatique, Origine, Principe, et Modalité (de la rectification de 1968)", to all the existing Martinist obediences. The document was received with indignation, mainly because of Ambelain’s statement that all the existing Martinist obediences at the time were in lack of a real and genuine initiatic lineage, a lineage which descended directly from L.C. de Saint-Martin. Of course, this was nothing new since Robert Amadou already made this claim in the 1950’s (see page 30). But Ambelain claimed to have discovered a valid line of succession; a genuine lineage which he himself carried. Ambelain stated that he had discovered that Louis-Claude de Saint-Martin had founded a secret Order between 1778 and 1782, ‘le Régime Rectifié’. This secret Order was supposedly taken to Russia by prince Alexander Galitzine. ‘Le Régime Rectifié’ supposedly survived its alleged founder. A few initiates carried the lineage forward into the 20th century. And it was this so-called Russian lineage which Ambelain claimed to have received. In the document concerned Ambelain proposed to "regularize" all the Martinists belonging to Orders carrying a lineage descending from Papus and Chaboseau, a lineage which Ambelain – henceforth - no longer recognized. Naturally, Ambelain’s document caused a stir in the Martinist community. The traditional, existing Martinist Orders -especially ‘L’Ordre Martiniste Traditionnel’- consigned the ‘Russian lineage’ to the realm of Romanticism. "Robert Amadou considered it even to be non-existent."

- more on this later; information on a possible esoteric Order founded by LC de Saint-Martin –see "History of the Martinist Order" pp 2&3, comments by Jules Boucher, van Rijnberk, Antoine Faivre..

The structure of the Order:

• ‘L'Ordre Martiniste Initiatique’ is a Martenizist Order (De Pasqually)
• The Order transmits instructions of a Cabalistic nature – the Order teaches a Cabalistic Operative system.
• The transmission of the 4th Degree (S.I.I.) is granted by the governing organ of the Order alone, with the consent of the Sovereign Grand Master.
• Women are excluded from the 4th Degree
• The Order does not recognize the filiation derived from Papus. However, the Order does not exclude any form of fraternal relationship with Martinist organizations with a lineage derived from Papus.

The Order has four degrees:

• Associé
• Initié
• Supérieur Inconnu
• Supérieur Inconnu Initiateur (Chevalier de Palestine)

In his historical outline on the OM Initiatique, Marcel Roggemans refers to a private source document dating from 1973. A handwritten covering comment refers to Peter Maydan (Sar Parsifal - Sar Petrus, former Grandmaster of the Canadian OM&S who died in 1994) who visited the French lodge ELIPHAS LÉVI at the time. The following information on the Order is derived from this document. According to this document, 16 pages- dated June 5th 1973, ‘the Order represents an esoteric school based upon the teachings of Martinez de Pasqually, Louis Claude de Saint-Martin, and Eliphas Lévi. There's a 'historical outline' on the tradition of the order (6 pages). The Order refers to "the year 1570 as the date of birth of the Fraternitas Crucis Aureae" . The order also refers to the 16 th century ‘Militia Crucifera Evangelica’. The traditional history of the Order states that the M.C.E. merged with the Rosicrucians of 1570. On a later date the M.C.E. / R+C seperated into the ‘Aurea Crucis Fratres’ and the ‘Rosae Crucis Fratres’. According to the Order the Fratres Rosae Crucis later developed into the first ‘Invisible College’ . The existence of the Rosicrucian Order is confirmed through a document dated 1590, which one can find in the "Baden-Württemberg National Library " in the German city of Stuttgart. At the same library, listed under "Cod. Theol. et Philos. 2° 34", one can also find the "Naometria", a book written in 1604 by Simon Studion, the founder of the ‘Militia Crucifera Evangelica’. The references in the traditional historical outline of the Order to great men like Cornelius Agrripa, Michael Maier, Heinrich Kunrath, Robert Fludd etc. reveal a connection between the Order and Rosicrucianism.

Private document – P.Maydan, 1973. note: The document concerned comes from the lodge Eliphas Lévi, a Martinist lodge with a specific, independent history: see: Christiane Buisset & le Cercle Eliphas Lévi

After only six years the O.M. Initiatique disbanded. In 1974 Ambelain officially declared that the ‘OM Initiatique’ was dissolved (declaration October 13, 1974). Ambelain already informed Philippe Encausse of the OM on August 26th regarding the decision of disbanding the OM Initiatique. It is not clear to me why this decision was made. The dissolution of the OM Initiatique apparently only concerned the Order in France. Ambelain (according to information received from Fr.Fiducius) had expelled Christiane Buisset and her husband from the Martinist obedience. Christiane Buisset was a prominent Martinist who’s even listed as founder of the OM Initiatique by Belgian historian/reseacher Marcel Roggemans. Ambelain supposedly ‘assisted’ Mme Buisset with the foundation of the Order (Ambelain is clearly listed as Grandmaster on the 1968 founding documents of the Order). Abroad the OM Initiatique continued its activities under a new Grand Master, specifically in South-America. The OM Initiatique already had an active branch working in Chile in 1968, the ‘Orden Martinista de Chile’ (see "Martinism in South-America; ‘Orden Martinista Inicíata de Chile"). For instance, the branch in Chile worked closely with the Memphis-Rite (of which Ambelain was "Sovereign Grand Master" at the time). With regard to the Order in France, although the Order was officially dissolved in 1974 ‘L’OM Initiatique’ was later implemented in Ambelain’s ‘Order-system’. Robert Ambelain led several initiatic organizations which were closely linked with each other: The Martinist Order/Elus Cohen/Rose-Croix d’Orient, Memphis-Misraim Rite, Kabbalistic Order of the Rose+Cross, and the E.G.A (Ecclesia Gnostica Apostolica), the Gnostic Catholic Apostolic Church (‘Catholic’ as in ‘Universal’). Like John Yarker, Theodoor Reuss and Papus, Ambelain continued a system of Higher Degrees in which all aspects of (Western) Occultism and Mysticism were taught. Remi Boyer in an article on the connections of High Grade Masonry and Occult Societies stated that Ambelain’s system of organizations is one of the most well-known and successful cases known today. This ‘system’, set up by Ambelain and widely developed by his successor, Gérard Kloppel (Signifer), recruited its members for the OM Initiatique among the members of the Memphis-Misraim Rite. "One finds equally in Ambelain’s system an Elus Cohen Order, including a final structure mustering several filiations belonging to the ‘Rose+Croix d’Orient’, thus Boyer. Gérard Kloppel received the ‘Russian lineage’ from Ambelain and became the Grandmaster of the OM Initiatique (which operated as an ‘inner order’ within Ambelain’s original organization which Kloppel meanwhile headed) in the 1980’s. In 1984 Robert Ambelain was appointed ‘Honorary President’ of the Order by Kloppel (R A in "Encyclopedie de la Franc-Maconnerie"). The ‘inner Order’ is known today as ‘L’Ordre Martiniste Initiatique Reforme" (Ambelain, Kloppel). Within the environment of the Order the higher Elus Cohen Degrees are also transmitted. In Italy Robert Ambelain appointed Johannes Karolus as ‘Sovrano Gran Maestro dell’Ordine Martinista Iniziatico’. According to Fr.Fiducius from South-America the OM Initiatique of the present-day (L’Ordre Martiniste Initiatique Reforme) is represented in France, Italy, and Russia. Marcel Roggemans from Belgium sais that it is hard to tell where the order is represented, he thinks that the order is represented in Canada and in the cities of Paris and Brussels. The Masonic Orden Masónica Hermético Quabalista’’ from Chile is derived from the South-American branch of the OM Initiatique. In the 1970’s ‘L’Ordre Martiniste Initiatique’ had a lodge in Brussels, Belgium ; ‘La Loge Souveraine Martinésiste du Septentrion (Loge Martinez de Pasqually)’, under the authority of F::: Umabel (Marcel Jirousek ?) Marcel Jirousek was a disciple of Ambelain who i.a. passed the line of succession of the Order to Joël Duez (Iacobus). The famous ‘Manuscrit d’Alger’ (original documents –rituals, doctrines- of the original Elus Cohen Order) also descended from the Belgian branch. Jirousek apparently"decided to carry on this tradition independently of his first mentor" (Ambelain).


The source document mentioned by Marcel Roggemans (p.38) refers to a Martinist Lodge which the Grandmaster of the Canadian Martinist Order & Synarchy visited in 1973, lodge ELIPHAS LÉVI.. This lodge was officially founded in 1965 by ‘L’Ordre Martiniste (de Papus)’. The foundation was confirmed by a document of the Grandmaster of the O.M., dated February 8, 1965. The earlier mentioned Christiane Buisset – a high dignitary of the OM Initiatique – allegedly headed this Lodge; she held the degree of ‘Supérieur Inconnu Initiateur’, S:::I:::I::: (source: Mr.Jacques Tabris). After Robert Ambelain dissolved the OM Initiatique in 1974 Buisset continued her activities with the ‘Les Amis d'Eliphas Lévi’. On Tuesday April 1, 1975 the association ‘les Amis d'Eliphas Lévi’ had its first meeting at 13, villa des acacias, 92200 Neuilly. Christiane Buisset led this meeting (as chairwoman). She became the President of ‘Cercle Eliphas Lévi’. ‘Cercle Eliphas Lévi’ emanated from Lodge Eliphas Lévi (‘Group Eliphas Lévi’). ‘Group Eliphas Lévi’ of the Martinist Order (de Papus) no longer exists today – the lodge later changed its name to ‘Group Stanislas de Guaita’ before it went defunct. Christiane Buisset proclaimed that the Order also had a valid filiation descending from an obscure Russian Martinist connection. It appears that Lodge "Eliphas Lévi" was recognized by its filiation to the Russian branch of Novikov. This is confirmed by a document, dated July 28, 1970, signed in Lodge "Saint Georges", under the auspices of the Ukrainian branch. Lodge "Eliphas Lévi" included the teachings of Lévi in its doctrines, which was rather unique within Martinism. Adolphe Desbarolles, who initiated Amélie de Boisse-Mortemart, was a disciple of Eliphas Lévi, this explained the view of the lodge. The lodge also confirmed the influence of Lévi on Papus, Saint-Yves d’Alveydre and Philippe Nizier (?). The studies were centred upon the Kabalah, Astrology, and Mythology . The Lodge kept a low-profile and membership in this Hermetic Martinist Order was discreet and exclusive and restricted to Freemasons only. The American ‘Ancient Martinist Order’, established in 2000, also holds a ‘Line of Succession’ derived from the O*M*Initiatique (next to various other ‘lines’). Buisset wrote an interesting biography of Eliphas Lévi, "Eliphas Lévi : sa Vie, son Oevre, ses Pensées" (1984), each detail of his life is analyzed through the 12 signs of the zodiac. Buisset would also become a high dignitary in the seventies of Roger Caro's church ‘Eglise Universelle de la Nouvelle Alliance / ENA’, which was the outer order of the ‘Freres Aines de la Rose+Croix / FAR+C’, a Rosicrucian order based on the study of Alchemy. As stated before, "Cercle Eliphas Lévi", as such, does not exist any longer, apparently Mme. Buisset has retired, but still distributes her course materials (in French).


The Lines of Succession of ‘L’Ordre Martiniste Initiatique’ are derived from Robert Ambelain, who (allegedly) held an ancient Russian Martinist lineage, or more specific, a ‘Martinézist’ lineage. "Louis Claude de Saint-Martin was initiated into the Elus Cohen of Martinez de Pasqually. Saint-Martin initiated a Friedrich Tiemann von Berend who apparently was employed at the Russian Court at the time as one of the advisors of Prince Alexander Galitzine". According to fr.Fiducius from Argentina the line of Succession of the OMInitiatique - filiation Robert Ambelain – is as follows:

• LC de Saint-Martin, 1772
• Friedrich Tiemann von Berend
• Prince Alexander Galitzine
• Nicola Ivanovich Novikov
• Chouminsky
• Chouminski
• Nicolai Chouminski , pupil and disciple of Charles Barlet
• Robert Ambelain (Aurifer)
• Johannes Karolus (G.Seri), Grand Master for Italy - Gerard Kloppel (GM for France)

Other sources (i.a. M.Roggemans) state that the O*M*Initiatique has two parallel Lines of Succession, the so-called Russian branch and the so-called Ukrainian branch (confirmed by a Charter, dated December 7, 1971). The second lineage is identical to the one carried by the ‘Ordre Martinist des Chevaliers du Christ’ (see Chapter "1971 OMCC). Louis Claude de Saint-Martin initiates a Russian diplomat in France, Prince Kourakine. Kourakine initiates Novikov (author, publisher, dignitary of Freemasonry in Russia and dignitary of the Rosicrucians (German ‘Gold und Rosenkreuzer’) in Russia. Novikov apparently initiated both Chouminsky and the writer Garnalei (see OMCC). The OMI of Chile (see Martinism in South America) states that the Russian/Ukranian lineages were derived from the following Russian lodges:

• Through the Lodge "Northern Star"(transl.) in St-Petersburg (Czarist time, beginning 20th century);Nicholas Rogalev Girs (Nabusar), Sergio Venniacof (Sudekin), and Alexander Mihitin.
• Through the succession of Lodge ‘San Jorge’ (1) in Kiev, from which Robert Ambelain derived his Russian Lineage (Ukranian).

Loge SAINT GEORGES ; Lodge ‘Eliphas Lévi’ is recognized as a descendent of the Russian branch of Novikov. "A document dated July the 28th 1971, signed in the Martinist Lodge ‘Saint Georges’ under the auspices from the Ukranian branch, confirms the lineage". (source: Marcel Roggemans)

Furthermore, the OM of Chile (Ambelain lineage) also mentions the lineage derived from ‘L’Ordre Martinist de Papus’, "received from Philippe Encausse".

The following information on the origins of Ambelain’s Russian lineage is derived from the Italian branch of Ambelain’s order (Johannes Karolus -G.Seri)

"According to the official dcumentation, when LC de Saint-Martin visited Italy for the second time in 1787/1788 he met Russian prince Alexis Galitzine during a stay in Switzerland. When prince Galitzin returned to Russia he dedicated his time to the organization of the Martinist Order in his native land." The original Italian text continues with the development of Martinism in Russia under Novikoff (1744-1818), who is labeled as the "true founder of Russian Martinsm". The text emphasizes that the original Russian branch received a Martinezist line of succession instead of a Martinist line. It is claimed that the Russians received the lineage from Friedrich Tiemann von Berend, member of the original Elect Cohen and personal advisor at the court of prince Galitzine. Tiemann von Berend had received his filiation from Jean-Frédéric Kuhn. Kuhn was allegedly personally initiated by Martinez de Pasqually in the E.C.Temple at Bordeaux. "After Kuhn’s death Tiemann von Berend inherited the secret documents of the Order which i.a. included a copy of Pasqually’s "Treatise on Reintegration"and the secret instructions of the Réaux-Croix."

Note: In the following chapter, ‘1971 Ordre Martiniste des Chevaliers du Christ’, we’ll get deeper into the development of so-called Russian Martinism. One of its main protagonists was Nicola Ivanovich Novikov (1744-1818),"writer and publisher, and one of the principals responsible for French Masonry and the Rose+Croix in Russia" (Page 44). A brief outline on his life and his achievements can be found on page 45 under the header "Russian Martinism". I am aware of the fact that the information given on the Russian line(s) of succession is confusing. But I’m dependent on the various sources which present information that is somewhat deviating from each other (Well, more on this issue later).
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Postby admin » Wed Oct 21, 2015 4:52 am

Part 4 of 6


+OMCC+ Lamen "Vesica Pisces" +OMCC+

1971 Ordre Martiniste des Chevaliers du Christ

This order was founded after Serge Marcotoune (Sar Hermes) had passed away, on January 15, 1971 by Armand Toussaint (1985/01/28 - 1994/07/04) under the name of ‘Ordre Martiniste des Chevaliers du Christ’. Toussaint was initiated in Paris as S.I. by Marcotoune. Marcotoune had instructed Toussaint to establish a lodge in Brussels, Belgium. Serge Marcotoune was a member and dignitary of lodge Saint André in the 1930's in Kiev (Ukraine) and was also a member of the Supreme Council for the South of Russia. He received the S.I. degree from Pierre Kasnatchéev in 1930. Lodge Saint André had been officially recognized by Jean Bricaud in 1922. Marcotoune had gathered many Russian and Ukrainian Martinist refugees around him. A branch of this Kiev-lodge, Saint André l'apôtre, existed in Paris at the end of the 1930's. In 1939 Marcotoune moved to the Canary Islands. After the war Marcotoune's Martinist lodge was not re-activated. Besides the authorization given to Armand Toussaint to establish a Brussels Lodge, Marcotoune chartered George Terapiano to represent the Russian Martinist Order on January 22, 1970. The Russian Martinists are autonomous.

ARMAND TOUSSAINT (1895 – 1994)

A convinced humanitarian by nature, Armand Toussaint (‘Raymond Panagion’) was internationally orientated and more than interested in the fraternization of occult brotherhoods and societies. Toussaint was therefore very interested in Remy Boyer's ‘Arc en Ciel’ and its successor ‘Groupe de Thèbes’(see’FUDOSI 1934-1951’ Ch.14 ‘post-FUDOSI era’). Toussaint was a close friend of Fr.Wittemans (author of "the New & Authentic History of the Rosicrucian Order", see’FUDOSI 1934-1951’ Add.4 ‘notes on Chapter 5, Egyptian Masonry’) and was also associated with Roger and Madeleine Caro (1). Besides his Martinist work within the OMCC, Toussaint was Patriarch of the Russian Apostolic Church of the Rose+Cross / ‘Eglise Rosicrucienne Apostolique’ (lineage Bricaud, Blanchard, Ambelain, Roger Dechamps, and finally Toussaint), and a member of Roger Caro's FRERES AINES DE LA ROSE+CROIX (1). Armand was the Honorary Grand Master of the FAR+C. The ‘Eglise Rosicrucienne Apostolique’ appears to be a schism of Ambelain's ‘Eglise Gnostique Apostolique’ (E.G.A.). Toussaint was ordained as a Bishop by Roger Deschamps. According to the Italian ‘Centro Studies Andres Kimbisa’ the E.R.A. uses the material from Ambelain's E.G.A. Toussaint also founded in 1971 the ‘Fraternité Rosicrucienne’. Armand Toussaint was a member of Max Heindel's ‘Rosicrucian Fellowship’ (Oceanside, California). Toussaint led the Belgian branch of Heindel's rosicrucian organization from 1933 up to 1970. Because Toussaint had difficulties accepting certain dogmatic doctrines he left the ‘Rosicrucian Fellowship’ and founded the "Fraternité Rosicrucienne’ " in 1971.

1) Roger CARO / FRERES AINES DE LA ROSE+CROIX Roger Caro (‘Pierre Phoebus’, 1911-1992) was a professor in Theology, Commander of L’Ordre Patriarchal des Chevaliers de la Sainte-Croix de Jerusalem’, member of the ‘Academia Gentium 'Pro Pace' (Rome, Italy) , and he carried the medal of honor of the ‘Vermeil des Arts, Sciences et Lettres’. Caro also headed ‘Freres Aines de la Rose+Croix’, - F.A.R.+C., the ‘Inner Order’ of ‘L ‘Eglise Universelle de la Nouvelle Alliance’, E.N.A. The F.A.R+.C. does not reveal itself to the outside world since 1972. According to Caro's son, Daniel Caro, F.A.R.+C. was a continuation of the ‘TEMPLE INITIATIQUE ALCHIMIQUE d'AJUNTA’ , an organization founded in the sixties by Jean Deleuvre, a.k.a. ‘Kamala-Jnan’. As its name implies, the ‘Temple Initiatique Alchimique’ was an Alchemical Order where the Art of Alchemy was studied. When Deleuvre died, Roger Caro became his successor and renamed the organization ‘Freres Aines de la Rose+Croix’ (F.A.R.+C.). According to Daniel Caro, the F.A.R.+C. was ‘dissolved’ (reformed?) in 1973 to work in silence for 25 years "corresponding to rosicrucian tradition" (??). The reformation of the F.A.R.+C in 1973 allegedly took place after Caro’s visited a meeting of "the worldwide synod of Gnostic Bishops of the true Gnostic succession and communion" which was held in Liege (Belgium) between April 10 and 17 in 1973. This so-called Synod (or ‘College’) of Bishops is said to be the heir to the college of the apostles (?). This meeting is generally only mentioned in relationship with the O.T.O.A. (Ordo Templi Orientis Antiqua) of Michael Bertiaux. Other sources claim that this congress also attracted the above-mentioned mr. Caro. Besides Bertiaux and Roger Caro the congress was also visited by Forest E Barber and John Driscoll, a retired US Air Force colonel and former NATO consultant in Paris in the 1960s. Driscol was the connection between Barber and Caro with regard to the operations of the "autocephalous" Syrian Jacobite Church in which Caro was involved, amongst others. Forest E. Barber was a Gnostic bishop in the Liberal Catholic/Mariavite Church tradition (de Palatine lineage) and a Templar researcher with the Augustan Society of Los Angeles. The story goes that Barber communicated some ancient documents to Caro which evidenced a Templar origin for the 'original Rosicrucians' in 1316 (??). These documents allegedly reveiled that the Order was founded by the knights of the original Templar Order and mentioned its first imperator, Gaston de la Pierre Phoebus. The fact that Caro’s F.A.R.+C indeed posessed "an ancient documentation" is supposedly confirmed by Italian researcher and former Group of Thebes member Massimo Introvigne. Officially’ the FAR+C does not exist anymore (disbanded by Daniel Caro after his father had died), but there are small groups who are still working within the framework of the FAR+C. In Borsbeek, Belgium, a pupil and disciple of Caro, Coster, founded ‘L’ORDRE RENOVEE ET SOUVERAIN DES FRERES AINES DE LA ROSE+CROIX’, an Order divided into 9 degrees based on the Egyptian Mysteries of On-Heliopolis, which sprang from the ‘SHEMSU HERU’ ('Sons of Horus'), the original Egyptian Priesthood which was responsible for the initiationrite of the Faraos. The O.R&S F.A.R.+C. is the ‘inner’ order of the ‘ORDO MYSTICUS MILITIS SANCTI JOANNIS’ (a philantropic order), which represents in Europe the ‘Religious Order of the Christos and of the Rose Cross’, a Rosicrucian Society situated in the U.S.A. De Coster's Renovated and Sovereign Order F.A.R.+C was founded "to preserve the work and teachings of Roger Caro".

In the 1980's Arman Toussaint authorized Triantaphyllos Kotzamanis (Tau- or Sar Hieronymus) from Greece and Tau Pol Lysis to establish lodges under the name of ‘Loges de Chevaliers Vert‘ (Lodges of the Green Knights). The OMCC prospored quickly, and created jurisdictions on almost all continents. In 1992 Toussaint founded the Martinist lodge CINABRO which was dedicated to the study of Alchemy, as taught by Roger Caro. Toussaint was also friendly with Eugène Canseliet, disciple of Fulcanelli and member of the former FRERES D'HELIOPOLIS. As mentioned earlier in the text, Touissant (co-) led ‘L’Eglise Rosicrucienne Apostolique’, which worked in close alliance with the ENA of Roger Caro. Toussaint's partner was Marcel Jirousek, from Brussels, Belgium. Jirousek was a pupil of Robert Ambelain. Toussaint passed many of the initiations he himself once received on to Jirousek and also to Caro. Armand Toussaint was a prominent personality and well-known within occult circles. Because of his status, Toussaint was often approached in connection with confering charters, initiations etc. Kotzamanis (who also leads the ‘Order of Hermes & Orpheus’) is responsible for the Greek lodge SAR HIERONYMOUS in Athens, Greece. The branch in the United States is known as the ‘Martinist Order of the Knights of Christ’, and is headed by Sar Zohariel, Master Director of Lodge MURIEL of the Green Knights. The headquarters of the American branch is in New-York. This branch has a Russian/Ukranian filiation. The OMCC is led by a Supreme Council and a Master Director. The Supreme Council is composed of ‘Unknown Superiors/Free Initiators’ (S.I./ S.I 4) of the Order . The present-day Grand Master (‘Master Director') of the French Lodge (the Main Lodge of the OMCC) is Remi Boyer and the Master Director of the Mother Lodge in the U.S.A. is Alberto LaCava. His predecessor was Ronald Capello, who now leads the (an) American branch of ‘L’Ordre Martiniste et Synarchique’. The OMCC maintains fraternal relations with organizations who "perpetuate the Alchemical and Hermetic tradition of the Ancient Rose+Croix". The current ‘Master Director’ of France, Remi Boyer, was also the founder of ‘L’Arc-en Ciel’ (1988) and its successor ‘Groupe de Thèbes’ / ‘Cercle d'Alexandrie’ (1990), an international Federation of Initiatic Orders and Societies based on the success of the F.U.D.O.S.I. The French branch of the OMCC was a member of this federation under the name of ‘L’ORDRE MARTINISTE DES PAUVRES CHEVALIERS DU CHRIST’. The OMCC offers two approaches, the Mystical (Ordre Martiniste) and the Theurgical approach (Ordre des Elus Cohen). The explanation of the 4 Degrees according to the +OMCC+

• The Associates: They are integrated into the Egregore of the Secret Chain through seeing, listening and speaking.
• The Initiates: Sustained and protected by the Egregore of the Secret Chain, they travel the Initiatic Way for their personal Reintegration. They experience.
• The Superior Unknowns: As Guardians of the Martinist Tradition, they deepen the Way (we give this word the same meaning as the sense of the word, "Tao"). By their effective works, and their research, they prepare themselves for the transmission of this traditional heritage.
• The Free Initiators; Few in number, they are in charge of the seekers for initiation. They transmit these initiations freely, and it is their sole responsibility to initiate those who are duly prepared. They make officers of the members in the Order, and they conduct the ritualistic works.


The Order has 3 parallel lines of succession, this is the Russian branch:

• Louis-Claude de Saint-Martin, 1780.
• Prince Kourakine, diplomat in France.
• Nicolas Novikov, writer and publisher, and one of the principals responsible for French Masonry and the Rose+Croix in Russia.
• Gamaleï, poet and translator (i.a. of Boehme).
• Posdéër
• Arsenyev (missing on listing as published by O*M*CC)
• Pierre Kasnatchéëv, 'appointed General Delegate for Russia by Supreme Council, 1911
• Serge Marcotoune, lawyer, mystical name: Master Hermius (or 'Hermes'), 1930.
• Armand Toussaint, mystical name: Master Raymond Panagion, Grand Master of the Order and Patriarch of the Apostolic Rosicrucian Church until his death in 1994.
• Triantaphyllos Kotzamanis (Sar Hieronymus)
• Sar Dionysus

Besides the Russian branch the OMCC is equally the depository of the affiliation with Papus and of the Russian Martinist affiliation of Robert Ambelain (see ‘1968 ORDRE MARTINISTE INITIATIQUE’). As stated before, the French Grand Master, Remi Boyer, was also the founder of the ‘Cercle d'Alexandrie’/’Groupe de Thèbes’ as well as the creator of the C.I.R.E.M, ‘Centre Internationale Recherches et d'Etudes Martinistes’, "charged with diffusing those communications of the group that are accessible to the profane". CIREM publishes a journal called ‘l'Esprits des Choses’. More information on these organizations can be derived from the series "1934-1951 F.U.D.O.S.I."

Apparently there's a branch of the O*M*CC active in one of the Spanish speaking countries that is known under the name of :

Martinista de los Caballeros de Cristo

No further information available, except that this branch of the O*M*CC is affiliated to Dr.Lewis Keizer's +M*O*T+ / T:.H:.G:. (source: Marcel Roggemans, Belgium)


Nicolai Ivanovitch Novikov (Colovion, 1744/05/08 - 1818/08/12,’new style’), Prince Nikolai Troebeskoi (Eques ab Aquila Boreali) and Peter Tatisjev (Eques a Signo Triumphante) founded in 1784 several Rosicrucian Lodges next to the existing Masonic lodges. The ties between the Moscovite freemasons and the German Rosicrucians (‘Gold und Rosenkreutzer’) were established around 1781-'82, when the Moscovite professor of philosophy and literature, I.E.Schwartz, returned from a visit to Germany. Schwartz was a fervent defender of the Rosicrucian movement and had a thorough knowledge of the works of Boehme and LC de Saint-Martin. In July, 1782 Schwartz had attended the Masonic Convention in Wilhelmsbad held by the Duke of Braunschweig, Grand Master of the Rite of Strict Observance. He also obtained from the German Rosicrucians the authority to promote the Order in Russia. Schwartz had begun to work with Novikov at the end of the 1770's. Their collaboration resulted i.a. in a 'printing company' which published Rosicrucian and Masonic books. The Moscovite Rosicrucians were known as ‘Novikov & Company’. Author Richard Pipes, who wrote several books on Russian history, on this period of Russian history:

"The activities of the Moscow Free Masons had a twofold character : religious and educational. In common with Free Masons of other countries, they performed symbolic rites, and engaged in the reading and discussion of mystic literature, especially the works of Saint Martin (for which reason they were commonly known as Martinists). They also launched an ambitious publishing program, whose aim was to raise the moral and intellectual standards of the country by means of morally uplifting literature. The educational work was directed by Novikov, who in 1779 obtained a ten-year contract to do the printing for the Moscow University." Richard Pipes

Novikov’s circle consisted of men like Lopoukhine, Troubetzkoi, Tatistschev, Tourguéniev, the earlier mentioned Schwartz, Gamalei, Kheraskov etc. In 1787 Catherina II prohibited the publication of theosophical books and in 1789 she made it impossible for Novikov to print at the University Press. Finally, in 1791, Novikov's printing company was closed. Nevertheless, during a relatively short period the Rosicrucians/ Martinists had succeeded in publishing a lot of material. In 1792 (April 24) Catherina II started a lawsuit against the rosicrucians. On May 17, 1792 Novikov and others were arrested and condemned to imprisonment. Prince Kourakine was sent in exile. When Catherina II died (November 6, 1796) Novikov's detention was abolished by the new king Paul I. Although an attempt was made by the new rulers to allow mysticism even at the court, Novikov and his circle would never fully recover to its former glory. Although Novikov was released by Emperor Paul I (who was a Grand Master of the Maltese Order) in 1796, he was forbidden to resume his journalistic activities. The restrictions on Masonry, Rosicrucianism, and Martinism had its cause in political matters. The forthcoming campaign of Napoleon de Bonaparte against Russia would not improve the situation of the Esoteric Freemasons in Russia.

"The isolated existence of Novikov when he retired from social life and that of Gamaleya who lived with him in almost complete isolation after Novikov's imprisonment might be symbolic for the end of that period. It is not by chance that the old generation of Rosicrucians did not participate in the Freemasonic movement of the time."

Vyacheslav Vs Ivanov "Russia & Gnosis"

After Novikov's arrest in 1792, Novikov's followers, who are also known as the ‘Theorists’, were forced to operate in small groups meeting each other at secret gatherings. In the early 1810's, Novikov and Gamaleya started working on the compilation of a collection which would be known as the ‘Bibliotheca Hermetica’, a collection in which the Order's spiritual legacy was preserved. Their followers, the ‘Theorists’, remained active during the entire 19th century, allthough in small numbers. As mentioned at the beginning, Novikov and several others started to found some Rosicrucian lodges around 1784. The traditions of these Masonic-Rosicrucian Lodges included "the practice of Christian virtues and self- improvement, philanthropy, Christian mysticism, and opposition to atheism, materialism, and revolutionary tendencies". In 1788 a lodge in Moscow was established, others would follow. Within 30 years there were lodges established all over Russia, including Siberia ; St.Petersburg (1802, a stronghold of Rosicrucian/Martinist activities in Russia), Orel, Simbirsk, Mohilef, Wologda, Jaroslaf, and Tchernigov. In 1822, under the reign of Alexander I, Freemasonry was banned.

Gamalei, Posdeév and Arsenyev were initiated by Novikov on December 12, 1796 in Lodge ‘Saint Jean l’Apôtre’ , a lodge founded by Novikov in 1791. Arsenyev (probably son or grandson of …1) initiated Pierre Kaznatcheév , who was appointed delegate of the French Supreme Council for Russia in 1911. Pierre M. Kaznatcheév, who was the leader of the Martinist Lodges in Moscow (‘Saint Jean l’apôtre’) and Vladimir, met V.S. Arsenyev in 1905, a Theorist, follower of Novikov. Kaznatcheév , who did not belong to the Masonic Order, discovered that his Martinist views were very close to the views of Novikov's followers, the"Theosophists . Kaznatcheév orientated his Martinist Lodges "to objectives similar to those of the Moscow "Theorists" (A.I.Serkov, "a History of Masonic collections in Russia"). Several sources (i.a. Ambelain) claim that Kaznatcheév was initiated in the 'Theoretical Degree" of the German "Orden der Gold und Rosenkreutzer", the Golden Rosicrucians. The degree concerned was called "Theoreticus" 2=8, and it is a fact that I.E.Schwartz had obtained the authority to promote the German Masonic ‘Orden der Gold und Rosenkreutzer’ in Russia at the end of the 18th century. The question is "what is actually the Russian Theoretical degree?". I have found a reference to the Russian ' Theoretical degree" in a paper written by A.I Serkov who refers to this ‘degree’ as a Masonic Rite, quote:

"V.D.Kamynin, Secretary of the "THEORETICAL DEGREE" of Freemasons"

The "Theoretical Degree" most likely refered to the "Theorists", the followers of Novikov. Novikov had blended various teachings (LC de Saint-Martin, Boehme, de Pasqually, Gold und Rosenkreutzer, Esoteric Christianity) into a masonic rite, which is considered today to be the source of what we call "Russian Martinism". The initiation Kaznatcheév received from Arsenyev, was probably an initiation into the rite of the"Theorists" from Moscow, the Masonic "Theoretical Degree ", or in full, "The Theoretical Degree of Freemasons".

Kaznatcheév was the leader of lodge "Saint Jean l’Apôtre". The Moscow lodge was one of the main lodges in Russia, and many candidates received their initiations, among which Ouspensky (pupil of Gurdieff) and Andrey Bely, a friend of Rudolf Steiner.

Another famous Russian Martinist lodge was Lodge ‘Appolonius’ in St.Petersburg. Later renamed in Chapter ‘Emesch Pentagrammaton’ it continued until (at least) 1927. In Kiev there existed, as mentioned in the beginning of this text, lodge ‘Saint André’, led by Serge Marcotoune, member of the ‘Suprême Conseil’, who had received his initiation by Kaznatcheév. Jean Bricaud allegedly was in contact with this lodge in 1922. Up to (at least) 1939 this lodge had an active branch in Paris. In 1939 Marcotoune left Russia for the Canary Isles. His lodge was not reactivated after the war. In 1970 Marcotoune transmitted his authority to George Terapiano (by written letter, dated January 22, 1970) to represent the Russian Martinist Order. Marcotoune died in 1971 (January 15, 1971). There was also a Martinist lodge working at the Russian court of the Tzar, lodge ‘La Croix et l'Etoile’ (Cross and Star) led by Nicolas Nicolaevitch. Among its members were members of the Romanoff family. Under the influence of Rasputin the Romanoffs allegedly stopped attending the meetings of this lodge. The ‘Russian Martinists’ allegedly did not recognize ‘La Croix et l'Etoile’ . Russian Martinism as we know it today, is a blend of the original Masonic Rosicrucian movement of Novikov, with Papus' ‘Ordre Martiniste’. The two compatible movements 'blended' when Kaznatcheév orientated his Martinist Lodges "to objectives similar to those of the Moscow "Theorists" around 1905.

1) the initiator of Kaznatcheév was ‘Arsenyev’. Novikov had initiated ‘a certain Arsenyev’ in 1796, this was probably the (grand-)father of Kaznatcheév's initiator, who's name was probably V.S.Arsenyev. At least 3 or 4 generations of the Arsenyav family were involved in Masonic activities and in the 19th century a substantial part of the Moscow ‘Theorist’ collection were guarded by the Arsenyev's. The Arseniev's ; S.N.Arsenyev, V.S.Arsenyev, I.V. (Ioann) Arsenyev, and M.J.Arsenyev.

Summarizing the situation of Martinism in Russia before the revolution of 1917 the following picture emerges; three main centers of Martinism existed in Russia:

• The Sovereign Chapter "Saint Jean l’Apôtre" at Moscow. The leading S:.I:. of the lodge was Pierre Kaznatcheév. Kaznatcheév, ‘a representative of the ancient Russian esoteric tradition’, had inherited the tradition of Novikov from his initiator Arseniev (Kaznatcheév i.a. inherited the original ritual sword of Novikov from Arseniev). The most famous members of this lodge were the poets Andrey Bely (friend of Rudolf Steiner), Maximilien Voloschine, Valèrie Brioussov; the critic Serge Kretchetov and his wife, the actress Lydia Ryndina. Daniel Fontaine, in his essay "El Martinismo Ruso del siglo XVIII a nuestros días", also mentions the mystic P.D. Ouspensky – follower and disciple of GI Gurdjieff – as a member of this lodge.
• The Sovereign Chapter "Appolonius" at St. Petersburg. The leading S:.I:. of this lodge was Grigory Ottonovich Von Mebes. G.O. Von Mebes was a professor of Mathematics and, from 1911 onwards, author of various works on i.a. the Cabala and Arcanology/ numerology. Later the lodge was renamed into Emesch Pentagrammaton. Daniel Fontaine ("El Martinismo Ruso del siglo XVIII a nuestros días") states that Lodge ‘Emesch Pentagrammaton’ was a kind of inner circle of the St. Petersburg lodge were the advanced members studied the higher learnings of the Cabala and numerology. Von Mebes had written two works for this superior degree, a degree that was granted at ‘Emesch Pentagrammaton’, among which a course on the Cabala (which included an explanation of the first ten chapters of ‘Genesis’). Among the advanced members were i.a. Boris Touaref, professor at the university of St.Petersburg and author of the book"God Initiator", Zelinsky – author of a series of articles and works on the mysteries of Ancient Greece. Furthermore, the linguist Etimov, the poet and historian Viatcheslav Ivanov, senator Zakharov –represented i.a. Czar Nicholas II at the court of the Dalai Lama in Lasa, Leon Von Goer and Mme Voiekov (published various works under the name of ‘Perséfona’). After the revolution, the circle of Von Mebes continued its work defying the circumstances until 1927-1928 when Von Mebes was arrested.
• The Sovereign Chaptre ‘Saint André, Apostle nº 1’ at Kiev. The leading S:.I:. was Serge Marcotoune. He had received the authorization to found this lodge in 1912 from ‘Saint Jean l’Apôtre’ in Moscow. He allegedly also received a letter from Bricaud in which he’s chartered to establish a Supreme Council for the Ukrain (D.Fontaine) Marcotoune was a member of the Ukrainian government in 1917,"who, at all costs, tried to keep Ukrain outside of the political upheavals of 1917." In 1920 Marcotoune was forced to close the Ukrainian lodge. After his arrival in France, he regrouped the Russian and Ukrainian community of Martinists of Paris and founded a new lodge under the authority of Jean Bricaud (authority granted in a letter, dated December 22, 1920). This lodge was first named ‘Renaissance’ but later changed its name to ‘Saint André, Apostle nº 2’. Daniel Fontaine ("El Martinismo Ruso del siglo XVIII a nuestros días") states that he and his fellow researchers discovered an ‘member-list’ in the original archives of this French lodge of Russian Martinists. Fontaine mentions i.a. the names of prince Repnine, Dr. Camille Savoire (R.E.R.), Keranz, Artemio Galip, Golinitchek Koutouzov, Kadin, Romachkof, Raymond (Supreme Council of France), Djemil Martin, Ivanof, Dorojinsky, Ivraemof, Desquier, Malkowski, Toussaint (Brussels), Count Cheremeteff, de Tombay, Pierre de Ribaucourt, Charles Riandey, (Supreme Council of France), etc. With regard to the names of Savoir and Ribaucourt (both high dignitaries of the Rectified Scottish Rite) Fontaine states that it seems that both men were initiated at the end of their lives in this lodge. It appears as if both Savoir and Ribaucourt expected to find the sources and even the doctrines of the original R.E.R. in this Martinist lodge. During the German occupation from 1940-1944 the Russian lodge continued its work. In 1953 Marcotoune retired and went to Spain without appointing a successor. In 1969 he authorized Terapiano to constitute a new Martinist group. Marcotoune published a summary of the Martinist doctrine as taught in Russia under two titles in France: "The Secret Science of the Initiates" (Paris, 1928) and "The InitiaticPath" (Paris, 1956).

"Russian Martinism is Autonomous. According to Robert Ambelain, Martinism would have made it possible to study the occult sciences and the lessons of Saint- Martin – The Templar ‘Stricte Observance’ made it possible to apply the practical side of Martinism – The’Gold- und Rosenkreutzer’ authorized the studies of the Alexandrian Gnosis, the Cabala, and Slavic Paganism."

1975 – 1980 Hermetic Order of Martinists

(Masonic branches in England)

This Hermetic Martinist Order was founded somewhere in 1975 in the United Kingdom by a member of ‘L’Ordre Martiniste et Synarchique’ of England, a Mr. Bourke. Desmond Bourke, a high grade Mason, was also the founder of the ‘Universal Druidic Order’ (1966). The Druidic Order of Bourke, only accessible to Masons, was in fact a merger of the ‘Ancient & Archaeological Order of Druids’ and the ‘Literary & Archaeological Order of Druids’. The H.O.M was chartered by the O.M. & S by Louis Bentin (Sar Gulion) Grand Master of the Britannic Grand Lodge. The Hermetic Order of Martinists is accessible only to Fratres of the ‘Societas Rosicruciana in Anglia’ (S.R.I.A., founded in 1867 by Robert Wentworth Little). Michael N.Buckley, who's a member of the Hermetic Martinist Order, states:"as the Societas Rosicruciana in Anglia only accepts Master Masons who belong to U.'.G.'.L.'.E.'. or another recognized Grand Lodge , thus this precluded women joining the SRIA and HOM ". HOM is composed only of Rosicrucian Masons. As stated by Michael Buckley, the H.O.M does not initiate women. Their teachings are taken from ‘L’Ordre Martiniste et Synarchique’.The current Grand Master is Andrew Stephenson (Sar Benevolentia). The membership is about 160 members with Heptads and Lodges situated around England. No further information is available on this Rosicrucian Masonic Martinist branch. The majority of known English Martinists carry a lineage descending from Victor Blanchard (L’Ordre Martiniste et Synarchique). There's another 'active' Martinist branch working in England at the moment whose filiation is derived from 1) Papus and Bricaud, through Chevillon and finally René Chambellant and 2) the lineage of the ‘L’Ordre Martiniste S.I.’. This English variety is known as the ‘Martinist Order of Unknown Philosophers’. The M.O.U.P. started in 1998 as the English branch of ‘L’Ordre Martiniste S.I.’, headed by Marc Jones. In the beginning of 1999 the English branch declared itself independent. It was claimed at the time that Marc Jones could not accept this decision of the English branch and suggested the separation from the OMS.I.. This concerned both the O.M.S.I. as well as the ‘Order of Knight Masons Elect Kohen of the Universe’. But the real reason was more like "a breakdown over personal styles as well as the HOM" (1).The filiation of the ‘Unknown Philosophers Elus Kohen’ is derived from Chevillon, Chambellant, Gilbert Tappa , and Marc Jones. the Grand Sovereign is Michael N. Buckley.

1) It seems that the differences eventually were settled. In September, 2002 I received the following email from Michael Buckley: "Lastly there was in your description in Martinist Orders a statement that Marc Jones and myself fell out and went our ways because I was oriented to Freemasonry. This was not the real reason for the break as we are both senior regular Masons, it was rather a breakdown over personal styles of how the Ordre Martiniste S.I. should progress in the future, particularly in England." – and - "M.O. U. P has used exactly the same rituals and structure as the O.M.S.I and this has also applied to the Cohens. So amity between our Orders in real terms has been quite easy once the personal side of our relationship had been sorted out."

The MOU.P. is led by Michael N.Buckley (Grand Master), John Paternoster (Deputy Grand Master) Josef Breslin (Assistant Grand Master) and Tony Henley (Grand Rceorder) . They work in close relationship with the HOM, as MOUP provides members of HOM the outlet of being able to bring in female partners or friends into a mixed order. The Martinist Order of Unknown Philosophers uses "the old Papus rituals which over time have been modified". Among the ranks the MOUP has, as Honorary Members, the G.M.s of other regular Martinist Orders and some member from the ‘Quator Coronati Lodge’, the Masonic Research Lodge. The Order operates in Chapters in which charters are issued to S.I.I.s , who holds the office for life.

In 2004 three Chapters were functioning:

Chapter no. 1 "BERESHIT CHAPTER" - Chapter no.2 "AURORA CHAPTER" - Chapter No. CARUS SOPHIA CHAPTER" is seated in Edinburgh, Scotland. Plus a number of Chapters in the United States of America governed by a Legate for the Americas, Piers Vaughan

Michael Buckley established the ‘Grand Priory of Martinism-Martinezism of Great Britain’ on February 9, 2002. "Under this umbrella are housed the Martinist Order of Unknown Philosophers and other orders" (M.Buckley). A Concordat was signed at the vernal equinox (Sept. 21) of 2002 between Michael Buckley’s Grand Priory and the ‘International Grand Priory of Martinism-Martinezism’ of Marc Jones (Ordre Martiniste S.I.). "This does mean that all constituent orders of each Grand Priory are now in amity with each other where applicable" (Michael Buckley emailcorresp. Sept.21, 2002)

"In addition M.O.U.P. has signed Concordats with the Grand Master Ronald V. Cappello of the Ancient Martinist Order, with the Grand Master Gordon H. Stewart of the Sovreign Grand Lodge of the Ordre Martiniste et Synarchique of Canada, with the Grand Master Andrew B. Stephenson of the Hermetic Order of Martinists and the Grand Master Roger H. Weeks of the Martinist Order of New Zealand…"

(Michael Buckley email corresp. Dec.28, 2004)


1975 De Martinisten Orde der Nederlanden in België / O.M. des Pay-Bas in Belgium

The Order started with two Martinist circles which originally belonged to ‘L’Ordre Martiniste Belge’ which was headed at that time by Gustave-Lambert Brahy. The two study-groups concerned were group ‘Stanislas de Guaïta’, headed by Stéphane Beuze (Imhotep) and group ‘Appolonius de Tyana’, headed by Jean Elisabeth de Penthière (Jean). All members originally belonged to Brahy's O.M. Belge.

Originally, the O.M. Belge consisted of two groups:

• ‘Jacob Boehme’, led by Beuze (Imhotep)
• ‘Papus’, led by de Penthière (Jean)

‘Jacob Boehme’ was closed down on December 22, 1976 by Beuze which was affirmed by Brahy on December 23, 1976. On January 1, 1977 there was a reorganization which resulted in the establishment of three groups:

Group ‘Papus’ which was accessible to members of the 1st Degree. It was headed by Nicolas Leruitte (Fides). The 2nd group, ‘Jacob Boehme’, was accessible to members of the 2nd- and 3rd Degree and was led by Jean Barrero (Iohanan). The third group worked with S.I. and S.I.IV and was led by François Bruynincx (Andreus), Brahy and Penthière. The Order installed a Sovereign National Council with Bruynincx, Brahy, Beuze, etc. as members. On August 3, 1977 Beuze and Penthière left the group of Brahy (Eleusis) and joined with Maurice Warnon (Artifex), Grand Master of ‘L’Ordre Martiniste des Pays-Bas’. The schism was officially proclaimed on August 10, 1977, the official birth of the ‘Martinisten Orde der Nederlanden in Belgie’ / ‘Martinist Order of the Netherlands in Belgium’. The group ‘Stanislas de Guaïta’ from Brussels was headed by Imhotep, Akénaton, Mikhaël and Mikaël. The ‘O.M. des Pays-Bas in Belgium’ was led until her death by by Jean Elisabeth de Penthière. After she died two new circles were established. In 1981 group ‘Jacob Boehme’ in Gent was founded under the authority of Mikaël. In 1988 group ‘Jean Trithème’ in Charleroi was founded under the authority of Basileus. Mikaël was chosen as National Delegate of the order. Finally, in 1989 the Belgian branch of the O.M. des Pays-Bas separated from Warnon's Dutch Martinist Order. This schism resulted in the foundation of ‘L’Ordre Martiniste Hermétique en Belgique’ in 1989.

1980 Ordre des Chevaliers Martinistes

The ‘Order of the Martinist Knights’ was founded by Pierre Crimetz in Paris in 1980. The establishment of the O.C.M. was in fact the result of a schism within a Heptad of the French branch of ‘L’Ordre Martiniste Traditionnel’, l'Heptade ‘Abbé de la Noue’. The Heptad ‘Abbé de la Noue’ was led until 1974 by Jean Dubuis. Under his charismatic leadership this Heptad specialized in classes of the traditional Hermetic Arts supplemented with studies on the Sefer Zohar or ‘Book of Splendours’, a Kabbalistic work which eloborates and interprets the verses of scripture from the Torah. The Heptad ‘Abbé de la Noue’ included a special class for the study and practise of occultism within its structure, which was known as the ‘2ème Cercle’ (the 2nd Circle). Because of the occult activities the relationship with A.M.O.R.C., to whom the O.M.T. is closely connected, degraded rather quickly. The whole history has already been told in the Chapter on ‘L’Ordre Martiniste Traditionnel’, under the header of "AMORC's TMO in France - de L'Heptade "Abbé de la Noue". In 1974, Raymond Bernard, Grand Master of AMORC/TMO of France at the time, replaced Jean Dubuis by Pierre Crimetz. Crimetz had been intiated into Martinism by Bernard in 1966. Later Crimetz was given the responsibility for the French branch of ‘L’Ordre Martiniste Traditionnel’. In 1980 Pierre Crimetz decided to found his own order, ‘L’Ordre des Chevaliers Martinistes’. The establishment of Crimetz' O.C.M. caused a sensation at the time. A declaration was written by Raymond Bernard which was addressed to the various Heptads in France:

"It is my duty to inform you that our dear Brother, Pierre Crimetz, has stopped his activities and has given up his leading position within ‘L’Ordre Martiniste Traditionnel', to continue his work elsewhere and in a different manner within the service of the Tradition"

Apparently Crimetz' OCM also included occultism in its curriculum. The Occult teachings of the order consisted of writings, works and knowledge of members of the ‘2ème Cercle’ who followed Pierre Crimetz when he founded the order in 1980. This information is derived from a French website on the history of the Heptad ‘Abbé de la Noue’ and I have no information regarding its reliability as a source. According to the same source ("Secrets & Societes - De l’heptade « Abbé de la Noue » aux Philosophes de la Nature") the order changed its name twice since its establishment in 1980:

• ‘L’Ordre des Chevaliers Martinistes’, changed its name in …
• ‘Collège des Chevaliers Martinistes’, and finally
• ‘Collège du Temple de l’Homme’

According to this source Crimetz' order is known today as the ‘Collège du Temple de l’Homme’. On a (current 2002) French website ("Sociétés Secrètes et les sectes"), the order is (still) listed as ‘L’Ordre des Chevaliers Martinistes’.

1982 Rose†Croix Martinist Order (Ontario, Canada)

Founded in 1982 in Ontario, Canada, under the leadership of Mike Restivo (i.e. Sar Ignatius). Mike Restivo is also a member of the Canadian branch of ‘L’Ordre Martiniste et Synarchique’. Restivo had received the S.I.I and S.I.IV Degree, the latter being equivalent to the traditional degree of Initiatèur Libre which enabled him to found the Rose†Croix Martinist Order (R†C.M.O.). Restivo had received his initiations from Peter Maydan, Sar Petrus. In 1975 Maydan also initiated Restivo into ‘L’Ordre Martiniste de Paris’, headed by Dr.Philippe Encausse. Mike Restivo carries a Lineage which descends from Maitre Philippe and a Lineage which descends from Papus-Chaboseau:

The line of succession of Philippe Nizier (Maître Philippe)

• Philippe Nizier (1849-1905)
• Jean Chapas (disciple of Maître Philippe)
• Michel de Saint-Martin
• Peter Maydan (Sar Petrus)
• Mike Restivo (Sar Ignatius)

The ‘Papus Chaboseau- lineage’ includes Georges Lagrèze and Sar Gulion (see "Ordre Martiniste et Synarchique"). Restivo's Order is a Martinist Order of 3+1 Degrees

• 1st degree: ASSOCIATE
• 2nd degree: INITIATE
• 3rd degree: UNKNOWN SUPERIOR / S::I::
• 4th degree: UNKNOWN PHILOSOPHER / S::I::I:: , which is compatible with the degree of ‘Unknown Philosopher’ of ‘L’Ordre Martinite et Synarchique’.

The 4th degree is the 'Administrative' degree. This degree does not contain any teachings and is mostly awarded to a Martinist that wants to start a Heptad. The 4th degree includes an initiation-ritual. The so-called ‘Free Initiator S:::I:::IV’ is also an Administrative-degree which is awarded to the Grand-Officers of the Order and to the Grand Master. The ‘Free Initiator’ is competent to initiate a 3rd degree Martinist (S.I.) into the 4th degree (S.I.I), but he is not competent to initiate a Martinist as a ‘Free Initiator S.I.IV’. The Martinist S.I.I has no competency to initiate another Martinist into this degree. The idea of ‘Free Initiator’ descends from the ‘Free Martinists’ at the time of Téder (Charles Détré), when the latter decided only to initiate Master Masons into the Martinist Order. Many original Martinists left the order and united as the so-called 'Free French Martinists'. The degree of S::I::IV descends from ‘L’Ordre Martiniste et Synarchique’ . The S::I::IV was connected to the traditional degree of 'Initiatèur Libre'. A Martinist who has the degree of 'Initiatèur Libre', I::L::, is officially authorized to found a Martinist organization. The Martinist I::L:: is authorized to transfer all of the Martinist Degrees, including the degree of 'Unknown Philosopher' - ' Philosophe Inconnu'. The I::L:: is even authorized to transfer these degrees outside of a lodge, without the ritual of Initiation. Most of the Martinist Orders abolished the degree of I::L:: , 'Initiatèur Libre', for obvious reasons. ‘L’Ordre Martiniste et Synarchique’ is an exception, the 'Initiatèur Libre' forms part of their 'system of degrees'. The I::L:: as well as the S::I::IV are transferred 'Ad Vitam' (for life).

The Rose†Croix Martinist Order emphasizes the Christian-Mystical approach of Martinism, as advocated by the writings of Louis-Claude de Saint-Martin. As Mike Restivo explains; "The Rose†Croix Martinist Order, represents a return to the pure Christian Mystical tradition suggested by Louis-Claude de Saint-Martin ". The R†CMO offers a Martinist 'Home Correspondence Course', something that was (and is) considered unacceptable by many of the orthodox Martinist bodies (a method 'popularized' by AMORC's TMO). Mike Restivo explains:

"Traditionally, one studied within a Martinist group such as a Heptad (Septum) or Lodge and received personal instruction. For years, one popular mystery school offered the Martinist Lessons by mail. Also the Initiations were sent by mail, to be performed by the member. These self-Initiations were not recognized by orthodox Martinist bodies, and as a result, the whole home study section was considered unacceptable to purists. There was and is nothing intrinsically wrong with studying the Martinist lessons by correspondence. The Initiations were and are a problem, for those unable to travel to receive them." The Rose†Croix Martinist Order offers a correspondence-course of the three Martinist Degrees, exclusive of the Initiation into the 3th degree, S::I:: . The S::I:: Initiation and those beyond must be received in person. No self-Initiations are allowed.

1989 Ordre Martiniste Hermétique de Belgique

In 1989 the Belgian branch of the ‘OM des Pays-Bas’ separated from Maurice Warnon's Dutch Martinist Order. This schism resulted in the foundation of the ‘L’Ordre Martiniste Hermétique de Belgique’ in 1989. During the 1980's the ‘OM des Pay-Bas en Belgique’ thrived on the efforts of just one lodge, Lodge ‘Stanislas de Guaita’, led by four Martinists ; Mikaël, Mikhaël, Basileus and Maât. In 1988 Mikaël became the National Delegate ('Délégué National) of the ‘OM des Pays-Bas en Belgique'. After a dispute with the Warnon-family (Maurice Warnon, GM of the Dutch Martinist Order) Mikaël and several other Belgian Martinists left the order and founded ‘L’Ordre Martiniste Hermétique’. At the end of the 1990's the OMH had three lodges in Belgium. The Order represents several rites of which the organization carries several 'Lines of Succession'. The OMH confer the following Martinist Degrees:

• Associé
• Initié
• S:::I:::
• S:::I:::I:::

Their Martinist Lineage descends from Gustave Lambert Brahy, Maurice Warnon, Mikaël and Basileus. The OMH has its origin in the OM Belge (founded in 1968) and the OM des Pays-Bas (1975). Besides the traditional 'Martinist Doctrine' of LC de Saint-Martin, several other rites are centralized within the body of the OMH:

• Stricte Observance Templière
• Ordre Kabbalistique de la Rose-Croix
• Ordre des Elus-cohen

The OMH also carries a succession of the Gnostic church of ‘L’Eglise Gnostique Apostolique’ (E.G.A., Robert Ambelain’s French Gnostic Church).

‘Grand Prieuré Martiniste de Belgique’.

The 'Stricte Observance' is the oldest 'Esoteric-Masonic Rite' we know.

Founded by German Karl Gotthelf baron von Hund (Carolus Eques ab Ense, 1722 -1766) around 1750. The first documents of Von Hund's Masonic Templar rite dates from 1755. The French branch transformed into the CBCS, ‘Chevaliers Bienfaisants de la Cité Sainte’ , under the leadership of Jean-Baptiste Willermoz. This happened in Lyon in 1778. Willermoz integrated the philosophy of Martinez de Pasqually with the rite of von Hund into the R.E.R., Rite Ecossais Rectifié, the Rectified Scottish Rite. The 'Rectifies Scottish Rite' is a rite of 4 degrees ; Apprenti, Compagnon, Maître and Maître Ecossais de Saint-André. The R.E.R. is strongly influenced by Martinism and includes Pasqually's 'Elus Cohen'. The ‘Knights Beneficent of the Holy City’, C.B.C.S., has 4 degrees ; écuyer novice, CBCS (chevalier bienfaisant de la cité sainte), Profès and Grand Profès. The combined rites are united in the ‘Grand Prieuré Martiniste de Belgique’. The OMH carries several lineages of the ‘Stricte Observance Templière’:

1st lineage', descending from the 'CBCS',‘Chevaliers Bienfaisants de la Cité Sainte’:

Camille Savoire (Eques a Fortitudine) - Georges Bogé de Lagrèze (Eques Rosae caritatis) - Robert Ambelain (Eques a Reconciliatione) - André Mauer (Eques Serviens) - Joël Duez (Eques a Lucidis Scalis) - Basileus (Eques Iohannès a Luce in Tenebris Lucente) - Mikaël (Eques Garmanus ab Aquila Dei)

2nd lineage, descending from ' Stricte Observance Templière':

Baron van Anckercreutz (Salomon du Grand Chapitre +) - Robert Ambelain - André Mauer - Joël Duez - Basileus – Mikaël

3rd lineage, descending from the ’Ordre du Chardon d’Ecosse'*:

John Yarker - Georges Bogé de Lagrèze - Robert Ambelain - André Mauer - Joël Duez - Basileus - Mikaël

* The Scottish "Order of the Thistle" (the ‘heretical’ or the 'English' one? I assume the former)

4th lineage, descending from Bernard Raymond Fabré Palaprat de Spolète:

Platounoff - Armand Toussaint - Arbatel (eques a Leone Dei) - Basileus - Mikaël

Robert Ambelain

When Robert Ambelain left ‘L’Ordre Martiniste de Paris’ and dissolved ‘L’Ordre des Elus Cohen’, he founded ‘L’Ordre Martiniste Initiatique’; a Martinist order supposedly established within the bosom of the ‘Rite Ancien et Primitif de Memphis-Misraim’. The OMI was based on a Russian filiation from i.a. Novikov. Ambelain was Grand Master of the Memphis-Misraim rite and was succeeded by Gérard Kloppel in 1984. ‘L’Ordre Martiniste Initiatique’ had a lodge in Brussels, Belgium ; ‘La Loge Souveraine Martinésiste du Septentrion (Loge Martinez de Pasqually)’ , under the authority of F::: Umabel (Marcel Jirousek?) The OM Hérmetique carries a lineage from Ambelain's OM Initiatique:

Robert Ambelain (Aurifer) - Gérard Kloppel (Signifer) - Umabel - Joël Duez

(Iacobus) - Basileus and Mikaël.

Ordre Kabbalistique de la Rose+Croix

The OKR+C is included within the organization of the OMH. The OKR+C filiation descends from Georges Bogé de Lagrèze:

Georges Bogé de Lagrèze (Eques Rosae Caritatis) - Robert Ambelain (Eques a Reconciliatone, Aurifer) - André Mauer (Eques Serviens, Urim) - Joël Duez (Eques a Lucidis scalis, Iacobus) - Basileus (Eques Iohannès a luce in tenebris lucente) - Mikaël (Eques Germanus ab aquila dei).

The original OKR+C of Stanislas de Guaita did not confer any degrees but maintained a system of examinations of which each examination was granted with a diploma. The Order had three degrees ; bachelier (bachelor), licencié (master) and docteur en Kabale (doctor of Kabalah). Robert Ambelain 'revalued' the OKR+C diplomas into 4 Degrees, the so called ‘Rose-Croix’ degrees. The ‘Rose-Croix’ degrees Ambelain used descended from different traditions:

• 1° le S.I.I. - Martinist
• 2° de RC de Kilwinning - Scottish Masonry
• 3° le Réau-Croix - Elus Cohen
• 4° la RC d'Oriënt - from Semelas’ R+C Order. Lagreze was initiated into the 'RC d'Orient' by Dimitri-Semelas-Deon.

The Rose-Croix degrees act as a portal to ‘L‘Ordres des Chevaliers EASIA-EASIE, ‘Eques A Santo Iohanne Apostolo -Eques A Sancto Iohanne Evangelista’ (see"1942 Rose-Croix d'Orient").

Ordre des Elus Cohen

The 'Elus Cohen' is included within the OMH. The filiation descends from Joanny Bricaud:

Jean Bricaud - Georges Bogé de Lagrèze - Robert Ambelain - André Mauer - Joël Duez - Basileus - Mikaël.

The Order was implemented within the above-mentioned R+C degrees.

Eglise Gnostique Apostolique (E.G.A.)

The E.G.A. filiation descends from L.M.F. Giraud, who carried the lineage of Joseph René Vilatte (1854-1929). This branch was recognized by the Catholic Church (see"1890 E.G.A.")

Prêtrise et épiscopat de la Filiation Syro-Jacobite d’Antiochr:

Louis-Marie-François Giraud - Jean Bricaud (Tau Jean II) - Victor Blanchard (Tau Targelius) - Roger Ménard (Tau Eon II) - Robert Ambelain (Tau Jean III) - André Mauer (Tau Andreas) - Joël Duez (Tau Iacobus) - Tau Basileus - Tau Mikaël.

This branch also includes several other lineages, like the Syrian Jacobite Orthodox Church - Syrian Orthodox Church of Antioch, the Armenian Apostolic Orthodox Church, the Chaldean Syrian Church, the Orthodox Coptic Church, the Old Catholic Church of Utrecht etc. The Orderstructure is divided into two sections, called ‘Premier-‘ and ‘Second Temple’, or ‘Exterior-‘ and ‘Interior Order’:

• Premier Temple
• Ordre Extérieur
• Filiation Filiation Filiation
• Martinist Chevaleresque et Eglise Gnostique Martineziste
• Templière - S.O.T. Apostolique
• Philosophical - Grand Prieuré Sacerdotal Operative Way - Or Mystical way Martiniste Theurgical - of De Pasqually Saint- Martin
• Filiation|
• Willermoz
• Second Temple
• Ordre Intérieur
• Ordre
• Kabbalistique
• De la
• 2° R.C. de CHEVALIER
• (Grand Elu de Zorobabel 1) COMMANDEUR D'ORIENT
• Grand Elu
• Zorobabel 2
• 3° REAU-CROIX Accès CH.: de R::+::S::J::
• 4° R.C. d’Orient

Note : The information regarding the O*M* Hermetique de Belgique descends from the order itself and is therefore probably somewhat 'biased' with regard to the events which led to the schism with the O*M* des Pays-Bas…

1990 Traditional Martinist Order of the U.S.A. Inc.

The ‘T.M.O. of the USA Inc.’ was established in 1990. According to Mr. Silvani Costa the Order was already established in 1989. Whatever the year was,The T.M.O.A. was officially constituted after the deposition of Gary L.Stewart as Grand Master of A.M.O.R.C. in 1990 . Gary Lee Stewart was the successor of Ralph Maxwell Lewis, who also had initiated Stewart into the TMO. Strangely enough the Board of Directors of A.M.O.R.C. failed to remember to remove Stewart from the office of Sovereign Grand Master of the TMO ! The TMO was 'officially' still headed by Stewart. Therefore Stewart activated the TMOA, which was the legal heir of AMORC's ‘Traditional Martinist Order’. Gary L..Stewart also received the "all-important 4th Degree of Initiator" from Cecil Poole, who received this degree himself directly from Victor Blanchard of the OM &S. Apparently, the documentation of Stewart's initiation to the 4th Degree was taken to Paris, along with other TMO material by Christian Bernard, president of A.M.O.R.C. the TMOA descends from the original ‘L’Ordre Martiniste Traditionnel’ which was founded in 1931 by French Martinists Michelet, Chaboseau and Chamuel. After the "AMORC vs Gary L.Stewart affair" Stewart left AMORC and installed Maltimore Smith as Grand Master of the TMOA with Stewart himself acting as Deputy Grand Master. Referring to an interview with Gary L.Stewart on December 12, 1998 with Marcel Roggemans, Stewart stated that meanwhile the ‘TMO of the U.S.A.Inc.’ was officially dissolved. The line of succession' of the ‘Traditional Martinist Order of the U.S.A. Inc.’ is:

• Ralph Maxwell Lewis
• Cecil T. Poole
• Gary L. Stewart
• Maltimore Smith


1991 British Martinist Order

The ‘British Martinist Order’ was founded in October 1991. Gary Lee Stewart is the

'Spiritual' Grand Master, properly speaking. But the BMO was actually founded on October 13, 1991 in the ‘Templar Chapel’ at Rothly, England, by Grand Master John A.B. Fox, a former member of the TMO and A.M.O.R.C. Gary Lee Stewart is the head of an organization which consists of three branches; a Rosicrucian branch, the ‘Confraternity of the Rose Cross’ (CR+C), a Templar branch, the ‘Order Militia Crucifera Evangelica’ (OMCE), and a Martinist branch, the BMO. The BMO established centres in Manchester, Leicester, Coventry, Swansea and London (England), Edinburgh (Scotland), Trinidad and Tobago in the West-Indies, in the provence of New South Wales in Australia, in Singapore, Africa (unknown where precisely, possibly Ghana) and in Norway. Apparently, the BMO is in the process of establishing several centres in the U.S.A. at the moment (New York, Pittsburgh).

According to the BMO their Martinist ceremonies are based on the Kabalah (which, strictly speaking, also counts for the other Martinist groups). The BMO works with 'three sections or degrees', the classic three Martinist degrees. "The smallest BMO group is an Associate Circle which can operate with three or more BMO members. A group must be active for at least nine months as an Associate Circle before they can apply for Lodge status.A Lodge must have ten 3rd Degree members before it can apply for a Lodge charter" , thus the BMO. The Order claims to have a Martinist filiation which descends from Russia, through the 'Golitzin Family' (1). "Shortly afterwards he (LC de SM) became fully involved with a mystic stream or tradition that had included such names as Court de Gebelin, Benjamin Franklin - the American statesman and the English Nobleman, and Sir Francis Dashwood. He travelled widely and following an invitation from the Golitzin* family in Russia he went there and was Initiated (???) into the Lineage that now runs through the British Martinist Order", thus the BMO. The 'Line of Succession' of the BMO is:

• Ralph Maxwell Lewis
• Cecil T. Poole
• Gary L. Stewart
• John A.B. Fox (2)

'Golitzin' also: 'Prince Alexander Galitzine'. The BMO does not supply any information on the subject – it is considered ‘a secret’ only available to members of the order ; "With reference to your recent enquiry, details about the Golitzen and BMO connection are only available to members of the BMO. As far as our history is concerned, this is already taken care of by a full time historian", Regards, Administrator/British Martinist Order ; thus the BMO

John Fox died on January 27th, 2002. He was the founder of the BMO and was also a member of the O.M.C.E. (in which he was a ‘Commander of Knights’) and the S.O.L., ‘Servants of the Light’, where he acted as a ‘Senior Supervisor’.
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Postby admin » Wed Oct 21, 2015 5:12 am

Part 5 of 6

1991 Rose+Croix Martinist Order (Colorado, U.S.A.)

The R+CMO was founded by Basileus and Trophimus. The President of the Order is Lloyd Worley (Trophimus). In 1982 both were members of the American Supreme Counsil of the ‘Martinist Order and Synarchy’. The American Supreme Counsil was led by Sar Benedictus, Pierre Rancy, who received his initiation by Sar Gullion - Grand Master of Great-Britain - in 1989. Both Benedictus and Trophimus set up a petition in which the British Grand Lodge of the OM & S was asked to create an independent American branch of the Martinist Order and Synarchy. But Trophimus (and Basileus) would leave the Order soon because of difficulties between the OM & S and Freemasonry. Trophimus in his book "A Martinist Treasury":

"The founders of the Rose+Croix Martinists, Basileus and Trophimus, were originally members of a Martinist movement affiliated with the Universal Gnostic Church and with clandestine (spurious) Freemasonry. Since many Martinists are active in their own churches and since many male Martinists are members of "regular" (recognized) Masonic bodies, these persons often find themselves in difficult situations, having to reconcile themselves, somehow, to the "official" Martinist Church and to the conferring of illegal masonic degrees."

Therefore they decided to leave the OM & S. After they left they contacted "the Grand Master of a regular and duly Chartered European Martinist body whose See is at Amsterdam. The Grand Master of this regular and legitimate Martinist body, conferred the complete Initiation (that of ' Associate' , ' Initiate' , ' S.I.' , and ' S.I.I.') on Trophimus and Basileus" thus Trophimus in "A Martinist Treasury". The Grand Master concerned of the legitimate European Martinists was Maurice Warnon of ‘L’Ordre Martiniste des Pays-Bas’, the Dutch Martinist Order. Then, in 1991, Trophimus and Basileus founded the ‘Rose+Croix Martinist Order’ of America "which offers traditional Martinism without Masonic activity (clandenstine or otherwise) or official church affiliation". The R+CMO supposedly descends from the OM & S on Barbados, West Indies. As stated in the chapter "1918 (1921) Ordre Martiniste et Synarchique" the OM& S at Barbados was affiliated to the Gnostic Apostolic Church, E.G.A., Elus Cohen and Willermoz' C.B.C.S. The order at Barbados was chartered by the British Grand Lodge and led at the time by Sar Savitar. The ‘International College of Esoteric Studies’, ICES - formerly known as the ‘International College of Martinist Studies", ICOMS- is connected to the order in Barbados. The R+CMO 's Line of Filiation descends from Augustin Chaboseau. "Initiates of The Rose+Croix Martinist Order® are directly in the "Chaboseau line", not the Papus line", thus R+CMO. Does Trophimus refer to the lineage he and Basileus received from Maurice Warnon from Belgium?, probably ; The line of succession is:

• Pierre-Augustin Chaboseau (Sar Augustinus, 1868-1946)
• Emile Dantinne (Sar Hieronymus, 1884-1969)
• Emile Ehlers (1886? - 1953)
• Gustave-Lambert Brahey (1894 - 1988)
• Maurice Warnon
• Baron Dr. Lloyd Worley (Trophimus, 1946 -) and "Basileus"

The R+CMO* confers the Initiation by granting all 4 Degrees to ‘all qualified members’ ; 'Associate' , ' Initiate' , ' S.I.' , and ' S.I.I.'. The Order functions under a National Council "as originally planned by Chaboseau and Papus. Thus, The Rose+Croix Martinist Order® has a President, not a Grand Master". The R+CMO is organized in 'circles' which are established all over the United States : California , Oregon, Nevada, Arizona, Utah , Wyoming , Colorado , New Mexico , New Jersey, Maryland , Delaware , Virgina , West Virginia and Pennsylvania. The R+CMO emphasizes the use and practise of Theurgy in the order's curriculum although it's not clear which Theurgical system the R+CMO prefers. The Order uses an instruction manuel to which they refer as "The R+CMO Enchiridion". Apparently Trophimus' colleague in the R+CMO was Abbot George Burke, head of the controversial ‘Gnostic Orthodox Church of America’. Abbot George Burke (Basileus) published a novel, "The Way of the Chalice", which has been out of print for several years. It is about Christian Theurgy, and seems to be largely centred on Abbe Julio's teachings (Julien Ernest Houssay, 1844-1912, head of the Liberal Catholic Church* of France,'Vilatte succession' - source ; Elias Ibrahim-Australia). Therefore it seems rather likely, or better, there is a possiblity that the Theurgy of the R+CMO is based upon the 'practical occultism' as taught by Abbe Julio, Julien H.Houssay.

I emphasize the word ‘possibility’ because nowhere in the novel Martinism or the Order itself is mentioned. But at the end of the book, in the closing word, it is clearly stated to the reader that although the book is fiction, the events are based on facts. It is stated that the novel is an accurate depiction of Christian Theurgy in all its facets. At the end of the ‘Final Word’ of the book, the address of the ‘Martinist Information Service’ is published (Greedy, Colorado). One is invited to write to this address to receive detailed information on Christian Theurgy…

The 'Introduction' is written by "Lloyd Worley, Ph.D., American Literature Division Head "The International Association for the Fantastic in the Arts, Department of English -The University of Northern Colorado". According to the R+CMO the Theurgy of the RCMO is Christian in nature and "is derived from papers they received" concerning the writings and teachings of St-Martin. Lloyd Worley (Trophimus) states the following on the subject:

"The RCMO Enchiridion is an instruction manual in the Theurgy of The RCMO, but it is more than only a book. It is a creation, a compilation, and an instruction. Because it is a "collection" of many things, it is our enchiridion. The written contents are derived from St. Martin, rather than, for example, 19th century Theosophy, Golden Dawn, or other sources."

And : "We do not use the ancient Enchirdion of Pope Leo or of anyone else; ours is the Enchiridion of The RCMO, a personal "kit" for Christian Theurgy. The term "enchiridion" means "collection." (note: I always thought that it ment ‘Manual’) Our Theurgy is entirely in the tradition of St. Martin.

(Trophimus on the Martinist forum at Yahoo! Groups)

The R+CMO does not accept the modern-day "Elus Cohen rituals because the original rituals vanished with Pasqually's death. What passes today as the E-C is Masonic ritual" , thus the order. In 1991 Trophimus published a succesful book on the Martinist tradition and the history of the separate Martinist organizations - ‘A Martinist Treasury’ - Trophimus S.I.I. 1991 - published by 'The Martinist Information Service' at Greeley, Colorado, U.S.A. Apparently the R+CMO is opposed to the A.M.O.R.C. organization. Various chapters of 'A Martinist Treasury' are dedicated to A.M.O.R.C. and the 'irregularities' within the T.M.O., the schism within A.M.O.R.C. in 1990 etc.

* Eglise Catholique Francaise, founded in 1907 in Paris by Joseph Rene Vilatte (1854-1929); the church was inherited from Vilatte by Abbe Julio. ‘L ‘Eglise Catholique Francaise’ is an Occult-Gnostic church. 'Abbe Julio' was a former Catholic Priest an Occultist and 'faith-healer'. He's primary responsible for the occult infusion into the Apostolic succession.. One of his disciples, Giraud, consecrated Jean Bricaud (Tau Jean II) into the Gallican Church in 1913. Abbe Julio was never a member of the "Ordre Martiniste", "but he had a friendly and deeply sympathetic attitude to Master Phillipe" (Elias Ibrahim).


'Brother Trophimus’ was born as Lloyd Worley in 1946. Worley holds a Ph.D. from Southern Illinois University and is a full Professor of English at the University of Northern Colorado. He was ordained Priest of the ‘Liberal Catholic Church’ in 1976 and is currently Rector of an active Parish in Greeley, Colorado. Worley is also an active Mason. He was a DeMolay (PMC and 'Chevalier') and was Initiated, passed, and Raised in Hope Lodge #145 in Lafayette, Louisiana at age 21. Worley was active as a so-called ‘DeMolay Dad’ in Pennsylvania and Colorado and founded Chapters in those states. He holds the DeMolay Cross of Honor and the active DeMolay Legion of Honor. Worley is also active in the Blue Lodge ('regular' Masonry of 3 degrees) and York Rite (Associate Regent, York Rite Sovereign College) in Colorado. Worley's 'Blue Lodge' is Century Lodge #190 in Greely, Colorado. He's also a Grand Master of the ‘Knights of the Holy Sepulchre of Jerusalem’, an Order of Chivalry which was originally founded in 1099. After he initiated several members of the Polish nobility Worley was made a Baron."He is Hereditary Baron of the Noble House of Worley of Christy of the Byzantine Roman Empire". He's famous for an article he wrote for ‘The Philalethes’ (Masonic Research society) which exposes anti-Masonic activities of the Lutheran Church of Missouri. After years of research on Fraternal orders etc. he had collected much anti-Masonic material which he used in the 1986 Philalethes-article. "That article has been used by several Grand Lodges in their educational programs", thus the Rev. Baron Lloyd Worley - Brother Trophimus.

The Dutch Martinist Order, "Ordre Martiniste des Pays-Bas" however warns against the R+CM*O* and its leader, Brother Trophimus. Apparently Trophimus approached various Martinist orders before he founded his own order. According to the R+CMO the Order uses ceremonies "derived from the original 1895 and 1916 Order Rituals". Trophimus is using Rituals which he created himself instead of using the original rituals of the (Dutch) Martinist Order. Trophimus received the proper Initiations of the Martinist Order of the Netherlands through its Grand Master, Maurice Warnon, but he was expelled from the order because of breach of promise.

Seal of the Rose+Croix Martinist Order

1994 ‘CADRE VERT’ (Belgium)

‘Cadre Vert’ was established in Brussels, Belgium in 1994. ‘Cadre Vert’ (‘Green Cadre’) is part of the structual organization of ‘L’ Ordre Martiniste des Chevaliers du Christ’’, a Martinist Order founded in 1971 by Armand Toussaint (see Chapter "1971 +O*M*CC+"), and was established as an extension of the OMCC under the leadership of one of Toussaint’s successors, Triantaphyllos Kotzamanis, if i’m not mistaken. ‘Cadre Vert’ was also established in the U.S.A.. It's a confederation of four different Gnostic Bishops representing several esoteric- and occult brotherhoods and societies. Three of them are appointed as Hierophants. The orders which are represented within the confederation ‘Cadre Vert’:

• Martinist Order of the Temple
• Ordre Martiniste des Chevaliers du Christ
• Elus-Cohen
• Pythagorean Order

Martinist Order of the Temple

The M.O.T. is connected to the ‘Temple of the Holy Grail’, T:.H:.G:., led by Dr.Lewis Keizer. The MOT makes itself known under the auspices of the T:.H:.G:. The +MOT+ lineage is almost identical to the OMCC Lineage (see Chapter O*M*CC). "+M*O*T+ Lineage is via the Russian lineage through the artist Gamalei, Serge Marcotoune, to Armand Toussaint" (source: E.Ibrahim). There's also a lineage which descended from John Yarker which includes several rosicrucian rites. The Martinist Order of the Temple maintains a close fraternal relationship with the French ‘L’Ordre Martiniste des Chevaliers du Christ’, OMCC, headed by Remi Boyer. Bishop Keizer also maintains a friendly relationship with ICES. He gave permission to ICES for some of the ‘Disciplina Arcani’ material to be included in the ICES Libers. The ‘Disciplina Arcani’ were the introductory stages of the Order amalgated by Richard Duc de Palatine. There was also some collaboration between Keizer and ICES on the form of the Gnostic Mass utilized by the EGA in Barbados. The MOT studies are implemented in the T:.H:.G:. studies. Both streams of Martinist Tradition are taught, the ‘Philosophical-‘ and ‘Operative tradition’, the S::I:: and the 'Elus Cohen'. Initiations into the T:.H:.G:. are done once a year "at the exact time of the Wesak Shamballa Full Moon" ('Wesak' -- 'Buddah's birthday -- is the Full Moon following the Easter-Passover Moon, the 2nd Full Moon after the Vernal Equinox-approx.). Lewis Keizer holds a lineage which descended from John Yarker (1833-1913, see Ch. "Memphis-Misraim"):

• John Yarker, 33* 90* 96*
• James Heard, 1st 'Vicarius Salomonis' , Conservator of the A.U.Pansophic Masonic Rite
• Hugh G. deWilmott
• H.S.H. Duc de Palatine (Ronald Powell), founder of the "Order of the Pleroma"-1950's
• Count George Boyer
• Dr. Lewis Keyzer

The ‘Ancient Universal Pansophic Masonic Rite’ was a rite established at the end of the 19th century by Yarker, to synthesize all esoteric European lineages (according to De Palatine trad.). It is generally known that Yarker was a collector of Charters, and like Reuss and Papus after him, it was his dream to unite all the orders, rites etc. of the Western Mystery Tradition with each other. In the 1950's Australian Ronald Powell, aka Richard Duc de Palatine established the Gnostic ‘Order of the Pleroma’. He was a student of HPB's Theosophy and also a member of AMORC for some years. Powell's organizations would eventually evolve in the ‘Sanctuary of the Gnosis’, headed by George Boyer. The 'Sanctuary' represented all the organisations descending from Yarker and various Apostolic successions. These orders and rites (together with all extant Apostolic successions) are today represented by Lewis Keizer's ‘Temple of the Holy Grail’:

• ILLUMINIST: Fratres Lucis (Brotherhood of the Illuminati), Order of the Illuminati, Order of the Martiniste, LVX (1), Brotherhood of Luxor
• TEMPLAR: Order of De Knights of the Holy Ghost, Order of the Knights of St. John, Order of the Knights of Malta, Order of the Knights of the Holy Sepulchre, Order of the Temple (Apostolic Succession)
• ROSICRUCIAN: Order of the True Rosy Cross, Order of the Ecclesiae Rosicrucianae Catholicae, Hidden Church of the Holy Grail
• MASONIC: Ancient and Primitive Rite, Rite of Memphis, Rite of Mizraim, Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite, Swedenborgian Rite of Masonry, Order of the Rose Croix of Hiredom, Order of the Holy Royal Arch of Enoch

The work of the orders mentioned above is synthesized in the teachings of the T:.H:.G:.. According to the T:.H:.G:. the authentic teachings are modernized and applied in the context of modern life. "Bishop Keyzer makes a very valid comment that the rituals of many of these lineages are actually liturgies" (source; E. Ibrahim)

In 1992 George Boyer authorized to Lewis Keizer the authorities of the ‘Pansophic Rites of Freemasonry’. In 1998 Keizer founded as Grand Master of the rite the Lodge of St-Germain, the Grand Lodge of the new Pansophic Freemasonic obedience (Co-Masonic).

Keizer's Martinist affiliation apparently is derived from the French ‘L’Ordre Martiniste des Chevaliers du Christ’. His memberships and fraternal orders:

• Presiding Bishop, International Synod of Home Temple Bishops
• Master Mason, F.&A.M. and Venerable Master, Grande Loge Mixte de France (Paris) Master Elus Cohen and S.I. IV, +OMCC+ (France)
• Bishop and Vicarius Salomonis for the Pan-Sophic Rites of Freemasonry, +SG+ (London)
• Knight Commander for United States, +OMR+ Chivalric (London)
• Regionary Head of A:.R:.A:. (Rosicrucian), United States And Others

+SG+ = "Sanctuary of the Gnosis" George Boyer
OMR = "Order of St. Michael & Order of St. Raphael"
A:.R:.A:. = presumably derived from Krumm-Heller's F:.R:.A:., "Fraternitas Rosicruciana Antiqua . In the 'Pansophic Masonic Rite" of Keizer there's a reference to the "Rosicrucian FRA (ARA) studies", (FRA -Fraternity Rosicruciana Antiqua)


1996 Ordre Martiniste S::: I::: / O.M. de Luxembourg

‘L’Ordre Martiniste S::I::’ is based on filiations from Philippe Encausse ('Ordre Martiniste de Papus'), Pierre Rispal ('Ordre Martiniste Libre'), Joanny Bricaud and Constant Chevillon (via René Chambellant and Gilbert Tappa). The information I have on the OMSI is derived from articles, correspondences etc. and is probably somewhat 'unreliable' - there is no published material available on the history of this order. One exception is the 'filiation of the OMSI' . The information was sent to me by e-mail by the Grand Master and President of the Supreme Council, Marc Jones, quote ; "OMSI is an independant Martinist Order based on the filiations I received as SIGI. Please see annex" ; The O*M*SI has two parallel 'Lines of Succession':

• Philippe Encausse
• Pierre Rispal
• Marc Jones (S::I::IV - August 23, 1989)
• Philippe Encausse
• François Roque
• Gilbert Tappa
• Marc Jones (S::I::IV - March 20, 1997)

François Roque and Gilbert Tappa were initiated by Philippe Encausse (S.I / S.I. III - S.I. I / S.I. IV) in 1968 and were appointed respectively President of the group ‘Régiment de Foix’ (Nice) and ‘Saint Jean’ (Beausoleil). François Roque received the S::I::G::I:: or SI V ('Initiatèur Libre') from Encausse around 1970-1971 and he confered the SI V to François Trojani on August 11 or 12, 1972 in Nice and, on August 13, 1972, he confered the SI V to Gilbert Tappa, in the presence of Trojani. The information I received from the OMS.I. states that one of the filiations of the order descends from Pierre Rispal from ‘L’Ordre Martiniste Libre’. R.A. in his "Encyclopédie de la Franc-Maçonnerie" édition 2000, states that the ‘Ordre Martiniste Libre’ was founded in 1983 after some members had left Philippe Encausse's ‘Ordre Martiniste’, which was led by Emilio Lorenzo since 1979. According to R.A. a schism occurred in 1996 within the ranks of the ‘Ordre Martiniste Libre’ which resulted in the birth of ‘L’Ordre Martiniste S.I.’. Whatever the story is, Pierre Rispal and the OMS.I. are still on good terms with each other through ‘Les Amis de Maître PHILIPPE’, of which Rispal is its president.

The President, Grand Master, of the OMS.I. is Marc Jones (S.I. , S.I.V) from Luxemburg. Their contact-adress is ‘Les Compagnons de la Rosée’, a.s.b.l. 122, Bd de la Pétrusse L-2330 LUXEMBOURG. In Luxemburg the OMS.I. runs a Martinist Chapter, ‘La ROSÉE’, which was founded 20 years ago (most likely belonging to another Martinist Order at the time) . Apparently the Chapter emphasizes on the Mysticism of Martinism (as taught by LC de Saint-Martin) and on the Occult school as promoted by Papus (through the G.I.D.E.E.). The O*M*S.I. is comprised of two circles:

• Cercle Extérieur , ‘The Exterior Circle of Esoteric Studies’ which is 'a school of formation' intended for Martinists of the First- and Second Degree, who meet in a ‘Loge de formation’.
• Cercle Intérieur , ‘The Interior Cirle of the S::I::’, who meet in ‘Chapter’ and ‘Grand Chapter’. The S::I:: form part of the ‘Interior Sanctuary’, ‘The Society of the Elus’ (as in ‘elected’ ; Société des élus), or the ‘Interior Church’, as the order puts it.

The O*M*S.I. is affiliated to the GRAND PRIEURÉ MARTINISTE-MARTINÉZISTE INTERNATIONAL , the ‘International Grand Priory of Martinism-Martinezism’, a kind of federation between several Martinist orders:

• Ordre Martiniste S::I::
• Ordre des Chevaliers Macons Elus Cohen de l'Univers
Ordre Martiniste des C.B.C.S.


Marc Jones is also a Sovereign Grand Master of ‘L’Ordre des Chevaliers Macons Elus Cohen de l'Univers’ or ‘Order of the Elus Cohen’, based upon a filiation from René Chambellant and Gilbert Tappa . Chambellant (1907-1993) held a lineage from Constant Chevillon. The rituals of the Elus-Cohen of this branch are being those which were used by CHEVILLON and CHAMBELLANT. They also incorporate the original texts of MARTINEZ OF PASQUALLY, texts which descended from a research-group from Brussels. They received the original material from Joël Duez (Fr. Iacobus). Duez received these documents from the late Marcel Jirousek from Brussels, disciple of the late Robert Ambelain. The ‘Souverain Sanctuaire Général de l’Ordre Maçonnique Oriental du Régime Primitif et Rectifié de Memphis-Misraïm’ (Filiation Constant Chevillon) of which Gilbert Tappa is the ‘Grand Conservateur’", installed a Lodge under the auspices of the’"International Grand Priory of Martinism-Martinezism’ in Kokszijde, Belgium (Autumn, 2000). The OMS.I. also has its own (Martinist) church, which is known as the ‘Communauté Chrétienne Martiniste’, the ‘Martinist Christian Community’.

The order has Lodges in Belgium, Luxemburg, France (Paris, Nice, Marseille), Guadeloupe, Switzerland (Geneva) England (‘St John’, London), Togo (Africa)…

Martinist lineage of the Martinist Order S.’.I.’.






Résurgence de l'O M (dit de PAPUS) suite au Manifeste de 1952


Pierre RISPAL François ROQUE
(fin 1970-1971)

Gilbert TAPPA


(23 août 1989) & (20 mars 1997)

The OM S.I. (Grand Prieure…) signed a Concordat in 2002 with Michael Buckley’s Grand Priory in the U.K. (see ‘Hermetic Order of Martinists’ U.K.)

2000 Ancient Martinist Order

The A.M.O was founded on April 8-9, 2000 at a gathering of Martinist initiates in Evansville, Indiana, U.S.A.. Many Martinists who attended the meeting were members of such Martinist Orders as ‘Ordre Martiniste’ (O.M. de Paris), ‘Ordre Martiniste et Synarchique’ (Canada, Barbados and England), ‘Ordre Martiniste des Chevaliers du Christ’ (O.M.C.C.), and ‘Ordre Martiniste Initiatique Reforme’ (Ambelain, Kloppel - USA delegation). "In attendance were also the International Grand Master of the Ancient and Primitive Rite of Memphis-Misraim from France (Vieilledant), the National Sovereign Grand Master of the Ancient and Primitive Rite of Memphis-Misraim of the National Sovereign Sanctuary (Ronald V.Cappello), leaders of the Gnostic Church in America (Robert Cokinis, EGA, John Cole /Tau Ioannes Harmonius) etc." (Sar Michael-RC, AMO) The meeting was carefully planned and its goal was to unify a number of Martinists from several Martinist bodies into one Martinist Order.

"It was agreed that all Martinists present would exchange lineages as did Chaboseau and Papus and go from there. Once all lineages were exchanged a formal vote was taken, officers elected…" etc.

"The Ancient Martinist Order begins its development and concepts in my home October 13, 1999. John Cole and some other Martinists from various Martinist Organizations were invited by myself (including the ' British Martinist Order' and 'TMO', both of whom never responded) to discuss Martinist Unity ! Robert Ambelain before he died in 1997 had said that Martinism would die unless it was re-united and the body of work continued to increase."

(Sar Michael -RC, AMO.)

The main goal of these Martinists was to preserve the Martinist movement and its future. The result of the gathering was the foundation of the ‘Sovereign Grand Lodge of the Ancient Martinist Order’. John Cole (Sar Quaero Lucem) was elected as Grand Master of the AMO. The Grand officers have an administrative term of office of 5 years. After 5 years one has to step down so as not to create demogogs, and this includes the members of a Supreme Council and Grand Master(s). There were also commitees formed to discuss Ritual, teachings and future development "of associate orders and organizations".

John Cole is also a ’Venerable Master’ of a Memphis-Misraim Lodge (most likely in the lineage of C.H.Dupont-Ambelain-Kloppel-Vieilledant) in Indiana, Lodge ‘Alexandria’, and a Bishop (Tau Ioannes Harmonius) in the ‘Ecclesia Gnostica Apostolica’, EGA. Before the AMO was founded Cole served as Grand Commander of the ‘Rosicrucian Order of the Grail’. The 'R+C Order of the Grail ' has served for over a decade as the Fraternal body of ICES, ‘The International College of Esoteric Studies’. The 'chivalric' filiation of the ‘Rosicrucian Order of the Grail’ is derived from Armand Toussaint and Triantafyllos Kotzamanis, Grand Commander of the ‘M:: Knights of the Rose Cross’. At the moment the Grand Commander of the ‘Order of the Grail’ is Rev.Donna Owen. In November of the same year there was a gathering of the AMO in Chicago "to discuss further the growth of the AM*O* and do work on Memphis-Misraim and the Gnostic Church. The intention is to build a basic structure around 'the three Luminaries', The Ancient and Primitive Rite of Memphis-Misraim, The Ancient Martinist Order, and the Gnostic Church. There's a meeting of the Grand Lodge scheduled for this year (2001) in Cincinnati." The above mentioned situation regarding the leadership of the Order is somewhat changed. The current Grandmaster (2005) is Ronald Capello (Sar Michael), who was appointed by mr. Cole at the end of 2003. The Ancient Martinist Order confers the Initiation by granting the three classic Martinist Degrees ; Associate, Initiate, and Unknown Superior, S::I:: . The AMO has Grand Lodges in Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky, New Jersey *, New York, and Ohio (U.S.A.), Brazil, Italy, Norway, Portugal, Spain, and Canada …

* One of the members of the Grand Lodge of New Jersey is apparently Alberto La Cava, R.+. La Cava is a Co-Delegate of the 'Order of the Elus Cohens' for North America and the Associate Grandmaster of the ‘Kabbalistic Order of the Rosy Cross’.


With regard to the filiations of the Ancient Martinist Order it can be said that all the original branches are represented within the AMO, including the branch of ‘Russian Martinism’. The lineages of Philippe Encausse's ‘Ordre Martiniste’ (de Paris), Victor Blanchard's ‘Ordre Martiniste et Synarchique’, Toussaint's OMCC (including his filiation of Russian Martinism derived from Novikov's ‘ Theorists’), Ambelain's ‘Ordre Martiniste Initiatique’ (Reforme) are all represented within ‘L’Ordre Martiniste Ancien’. "All the major branches (starting with Papus and Chaboseau, then Blanchard, Teder, Bricaud, and Chevillon, through Dupont, Ambelain and Philippe Encausse) are re-united within this order."

The result of all these lineages re-united within the AMO is, naturally, a 'possible connection' of various orders which, if desired, could result in some sort of system of ‘Higher Degrees’. There are numerous possibilties within the AMO with regard to the filiations of the Order (and the people involved) ; Memphis-Misraim, Elus Cohen, OKR+C, EGA and several other Gnostic Churches, several Martinist Orders, Templar- and Rosicrucian filiations, CBCS / R.E.R.; in other words: if you're looking for it- AMO might have it ! One of these connections of various Orders is the ‘Templum de Octo Rosae Mysticus’ which appeared on the Ínternet somewhere in 2004. The Templum is authorized to represent the Ancient Martinist Order, the Martinist Order of the Knights of Christ (OMCC), and one of the branches of the American OM&S. They offer a Martinist home-correspondence course. The Templum describes itself as a ‘Christic based interfaith esoteric consortium’. It is led by Bishop Timothy A. Storlie. The Templum represents the various occidental traditions known as the "Eight Mystic Roses of the Western Mystery Tradition" - Mystical/Magical Christianity, Martinism, Hermeticism, Alchemy, Qabalah, Sufism, Druidry, and the Rose + Croix.

Excerpt ; Proclamation of the birth of the "Ordre Martiniste Ancien":


"To: All Martinist Orders, their Grand Masters, Delegates, Inspectors, Archivists, College of Superior Unknowns, their Lodge, Heptad and Circle Masters, their Officers and all the Brothers and Sisters of these Martinist Orders.

Be it known that we the undersigned, having been granted the right and justification from the Sovereign Grand Masters of the Orders Martinist et Synarchique of Canada and Barbados and from the authorized Delegates and Initiators Libre representing the Order Martiniste du Papus, the Order Martinste Initiatic Reform (USA Delegation), the Order Martiniste Chevaliers du Christ, and the Order of Elect Cohens, do on this 9th day of the month of April in the year 2000 A. D., duly establish the ANCIENT MARTINIST ORDER also known as l'ORDRE MARTINISTE ANCIEN and the A.M.O. SOVEREIGN GRAND LODGE OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA

2001 Theurgical Martinist Order

The Theurgical Martinist Order is a small Martinist Order founded on Pentecost of 2001 by three gnostic Bishops "for the benefit of our particular Eklessia. We are currently oriented toward individual work and initiation. We have a presence in the mid-west and in the Blue Ridge area. Our filiation springs from the Grand Lodge of the Ukraine, the OM, and the OM+S. Most of us are former AMORC and AMORC-TMO members, and our name indicates an aspiration to take what that Martinist body brought and rectify the areas where it departed from tradition. We try to stay small and private, not because we possess some special secret knowledge or filiation (we don't) but simply because we aren't trying to be a large body, but just a group of friends who share Martinist work. I personally tend to guard my identity because I am currently not in a position to conduct much initiatic or lodge work, so I try to be "just a guy who likes to talk with others about the Work". For that reason, please forget all about this aspect of me, and just consider me
Sincerely your friend and brother. …."

Tau Jean (email to Martinist E-group 2003)

2003 Ordre Reaux Croix

This Martinist Order was founded by S:.I:.I:. members (free Initiators) of the SRC+SRA, 'Sodalitas Rosae+Crucis & Solis Alati’ a Hermetic Masonic Rosicrucian Order founded at the Vernal Equinox in 2003. This Order incorporates such initiatic systems as the Golden Dawn, the Martinist tradition, the Gnostic tradition, and the Arcana Arcanorum degrees of Memphis-Misraim. Since the Egregore of the Martinist Order has a special nature, it was decided to put its Egregore outside of that of the SRC, "thereby also making it available to people not interested in joining the SRC. Its work and initiations consists both of traditional Martinist material, as well as the possibility to work with Elus Cohen in the higher degrees." Lineages through Novikov (Russian lineage) and Elus Cohen (Ambelain).

Note: It's my guess that some of these S.I.I. members are former members of i.a. the BMO and AMO

Ordre des chevaliers Francs-maçons Elus Coens de l'Universelle Fraternité

Not much information available.This ‘masonic’ Order supposedly ‘inherited’ the tradition from l'Abbé Julio (Jules Houssay), who authorized certain ‘Supérieurs Inconnus surnaturels’ to revitalize the 'Universelle Fraternité’ with an initiatic degree (??). These adepts were in fact Elus Cohen members of the highest degree, thus the Order. It has three degrees:‘Premier’, ‘Second’ and ‘Grand Initié’ (Maître R+C).The President of 'L’Universelle Fraternité’ (constituted as a society, as confirmed by law – of 1901) is M.Nicholas.

2003 Grand Chapitre Martinisme - Grand Prieuré des Gaules

This Martinist Grand Chapter was established in 2003 under the auspices of the French (Masonic) ‘Grand Prieuré des Gaules’ (Régime Ecossais et Rectifié, R.E.R.), "with the blessing of Robert Amadou", as it is stated on their website. Today the GPDG i.a. incorporates -next to the R.E.R. - CBCS, the French Rite, Knights of Malta and a Martinist Order. The Grand Master of the Martinist Order is Laurentius a Leone Juda.

2004 Martinist Order of New Zealand

This Order was was "co -jointly chartered by the Hermetic Order of Martinists (U.K.) and the Martinist Order of Unknown Philosophers and came into being on the 14th November 2004." (source: Michael Buckley) The Grandmaster of the Order is Roger H. Weeks. Weeks was also granted a honorary Grandmastership in the M.O. of Unknown Philosophers.

2005 Ordre Chevalereque de Martinist +CMO+

The foundation of this branch was officially announced by the Rev.Timothy A. Storlie on this year’s sacred Wesak Full Moon. Storlie is i.a. National Director of the Grand Lodge of the USA of the OMCC, the Martinist Order of the Knights of Christ. He’s also the spiritual director of the Arimathea Institute, which represents various orders and teaching-organizations. There are links to one of the two branches of the O.M.&S. in America and to the Ancient Martinist Order. "Work in the Chivalric Martinist Order centers on embracing those mysteries that lead to Grace which lie at the Heart of the Rose and Cross; linking that which is above to that which is below; and employing theurgical practices in the service of Light, Life, Love, and Liberty (the Keys of the Way)." The Chivalric Martinist Order consists of one, single degree (Serviteur Inconnu). As stated before, the original Martinist initiation only consisted of one, instead of the usual three, degrees.


1990 L'Institut Eléazar (Cours de Martinisme)

This Martinist institute was founded by Serge Caillet on August 11, 1990. Caillet is a well-known researcher and author. The institute provides a Martinist correspondence-course. "L'Institut Eléazar is a Martinist school, not an initiatic Order." The course-material is written by Serge Caillet who’s also the President. Honorary President is Robert Amadou. The material is based on the writings from both LC de Saint-Martin as well as De Pasqually. The course is divided into three ‘cycles’; the first cycle is devoted to the doctrines of Martinez de Pasqually, the second to those specific points that distinguishes L.C. de Saint-Martin from Pasqually, and , finally, a third cycle that is devoted to the practical applications of a path of what Papus called "the way of the Heart" ; the mysticism of LC de Saint-Martin.

1992 C.I.R.E.M. Centre International de Recherches et d'Etudes Martinistes

This independendent organization was established in 1992 and "assembles those who are specialists in the subject of Martinism, in particular Christian Hermetism and of the Western Tradition in general". The C.I.R.E.M. is established as a Martinist research-centre and "charged with diffusing those communications of the group that are accessible to the profane" The ‘Secrétaire Général’ of C.I.R.E.M. is Rémi Boyer. The ‘comité de rédaction’ is composed of: José Anes, Rémi Boyer (chef de la rédaction), Massimo Introvigne, Denis Labouré, Jean-Louis Ricard. Other names mentioned are i.a. those of Gino Sandri (Pierre Plantard's former personal secretary ?) and Robert Amadou. Allegedly, C.I.R.E.M. was established at the time when Boyer’s ‘Groupe de Thèbes’ was still in existence. CIREM publishes a journal called "l'Esprits des Choses", founded in 1993. A supplemental journal was founded, "Lettre du Crocodile", which specializes in Masonic, initiatical, magical, and religious subjects. In 1996 the journal (‘Lettre du Crocodile’) was transferred to a satelite-association, C.I.R.E.R., ‘Centre International de Recherches et d'études Rabelaisiennes’.
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Postby admin » Wed Oct 21, 2015 5:17 am

Part 6 of 6



Ordine Martinista Napolitano

Under the name "Martinisti Napolitani" the disciples of Eliphas Lévi designated a group of Italian students of the "Maestro". The most illustrious disciples of Lévi which belonged to this group were undoubtedly Baron Nicholas Joseph Spedalieri en Paschal de Servis (Izar, son of Francisco I of Borbone). Both Spedalieri (who proclaimed himself as "a member of the Grand Lodge of the Solitary Brothers of the Mountain, Frater Illuminatus of the Ancient and Restored Order of the Manichaeans and of the Martinists") and de Servis were initiated by Lévi.

Parts of the correspondence between Lévi and Spedalieri were published and are still available. Mine is a German version titled "Einweihungsbriefe in die Hohe Magie and Zahlenmystiek, Briefe an Baron Spedalieri (1861-1863)", translated into English:"Letters of Initiation into the Higher Magic and Mysticism of Numbers, letters to Baron Spedalieri (1861-1863)". Apparently there was a continuation of the correspondence published, because documents (copies) of the correspondence which can be found in the "Veriginelli-Rota" collection were classed under the French title of "Lettres d'Eliphas Lévi au Baron Spedalieri ". Volumes III-IX (I and II missing) from 1863 to 1866. Paschal De Servis (Izar) was acquainted with Papus and was the teacher of Kremmerz, Guiliano M. Kremmerz or J.M. Kremm-Erz, who's real name was Ciro Formisano (1861-1930). Apparently Izar's (De Servis) teachings were based upon the A.A.- SCALA DI NAPOLI system (A.A. stands for "Arcana Arcanorum"). According to the Order's history one of his main interests was Astrology.There's a famous book called "Lunazioni" which was published by Kremmerz in the beginning of the 20th century and which was ascribed to Kremmerz. But Kremmerz always denied to be the author. Izar also introduced Kremmerz to Papus. During his lifetime, Kremmerz apparently stayed in contact with the French Martinist movement. At the end of the 19th century Kremmerz founded the "Order of Myriam" (1896, "Fratellanza Terapeutico-Magica di Myriam"). Kremmerz also established the "Ordine Osirideo Egizio" (Egyptian Osirian Order). The FR+TM+DI MIRIAM was mainly a therapeutic school, the OOE was an internal Order dedicated to spiritual and operative Alchemy. The Fr+Tm+ Di Myriam had branches in Bari ("Accademia Pitagorica"), Naples ("Accademia Sebezia"), and Rome ("Circolo Virgiliano"). The Order is still active today; the "Schola Philosophica Hermetica Classica Italica - Fratellanza Terapeutica - Magica di Miriam (S.P.H.C.I. Fr+Tm+ di Miriam).

According to the ‘Ordine Martinista Napolitano’ of today, the school of Kremmerz has always been in essence 'a variation of the Martinist Order’ (of Naples). Another member of the group was Gaetano Petriccione (Morienus), who was a pupil of Spedalieri. The ‘Ordine Martinista Napolitano’ was also active in France. Morienus' son, Don Eduardo Petriccione (Da Geber, 1891 - 1966) succeeded Don Vicenzo Gigante (+1968). Don Luigi Ciardiello de Bourbon (Argonauta) from France appointed his pupil "Caliel" (Don Luigi Petriccione, 1928-1995) as successor. Caliel was also the Grand Master of the Italian Golden Rosicrucian Order, "Rosacroce d'Oro" or "Rosacroce d'Oro Italiana" (Gran Maestro Nazionale Osirideo in Italia, 1983-1995). Today the Order is led by Grand Master Mauro Primavera,"Haiaiel", who was initiated by "Caliel". The Neapolitan Martinist Order has also a branch in Brazil. The Ordine Martinista Napolitano confers the Initiation by granting the three Degrees of Associato, Iniziato, S.I. ; the Order also confers the 4th degree, S.I.I.

Occultism is part of the curriculum of the Order. The Order emphasizes on Meditation, Alchemy, and (Enochian) Ritual (according to M.Roggemans). Howfar the present-day curriculum of the Neapolitan Martinists is based on the A.A. - SCALA DI NAPOLI and Cagliostro's Egyptian Masonry, is unknown to me. According to Grand Master Caliel Naples has an Initiatic chain which exists for centuries and which goes all the way back to Ancient Egypt. "The Egyptian Egregore was adapted to the "Fratellanza Magico-Hermetica" of the middle-ages", thus Caliel. In this context I would also refer to the ancient tradition of the Italian Witches, which is known as "Stregheria". Their mysteries were based on the Isiac- (Lunar) and Osirian (Solar) mysteries. The Ordine Martinista Napolitano states that the first Grand Master was Don Raimondo de Sangro (1710-1771), Prince of Sansevero, who was one of the most famous Alchemists and Masons in the 18th century. He was also the teacher of Baron Tschoudy, who would later found the Hermetic Rite "Etoile Flamboyante", which "system" was based on Hermetism and Alchemy as taught by his Master when he was in Naples (around 1751). Baron Tschudy published a Hermetic treatise called "The Hermetic Masonic Catechism of the Burning Star ". The Prince of Sansevero was a brilliant man, a master of languages (incl. Hebrew and Arab), who specialized in Alchemy and sciences in general. The last years of his life were completely dedicated to embellishing a famous local Chapel with marble works from the greatest artists of the time, "with the aim of making the Chapel the center of the Neapolitan Baroque sculpture, and to leave behind him a cryptic and allegorical message, according to the mystery so present in all his life" (Museo Cappella Sansevero,Naples, Italy). This famous monument is ornamented with alchemical symbolism, according to the Ordine Martinista Napolitano, "this remarkable monument, whose permanent message is under the eyes of all those that can read"….

The Initiatic transmission of the "Alchemical Lineage" of Grand Master Don Raymondo di Sangro, Prince of Sansevero, up to the present day:

• Don Vincenzo di Sangro (1743-1790)
• Don Paul d'Aquino, Prince of Palena
• Don Peter d'Aquino, grandson of and Count of Caramanico
• Don Antonio Marino, Initiator and Teacher of Eliphas Lévi.
• Don Pasquale de Servis, IZAR (1818-1910, G.M. from 1867-1879)
• Giustiniano Lebano (1832-1910)
• Don Gaetano Petriccione (Morienus), pupil of IZAR
• Antonio de Santis (Filaletes Iatricus)
• Don Vincenzo Gigante (- 1968), pupil of Lebano
• Don Eduardo Petriccione (Da Geber)(1891 - 1966), son of Morienus
• Filippo Costa (Ishabel), pupil of Filaletes Iatricus
• Don Luigi Ciardiello (argonaut)
• Don Luigi Petriccione (Caliel en Usarcaf, 1928 - 1995), son of Geber and pupil of 'Argonaut'. Caliel was also a bishop of the "Ecclessia Gnostica Apostolica", E.G.A., under the name of "Tau Chrisogonos"
• Mauro Primavera (Haiaiel) leads the order at the present day

1910 Ordine Martinista

According to letters of Italian Martinists written to Papus (Bibliotheque de Lyon, Papus n.°5.846, di Joly del 1962) such as Rosa Tommasi and Paolucci, there existed in 1898 eight Martinist Lodges in Italy. Several of these Italian Martinists (Giacomo Borracci, Michele de Vicenzo Majulli, Enrico Vigliano) founded the "Pythagorean Academy" at Bari.

("Accademia barese Pitagora della F+T+M+M+", Kremmerz). Dunstano Cancellieri, a prominent Mason at the time, received in 1910 a Charter from Papus to establish a Martinist Lodge of the "Ordre Martiniste" in Rome. Other lodges followed ;

In Florence - Giovanni Hofmann, Amerigo Bianchini, Edgardo Frosini*, Arturo Reghini*. Domizio Torrigiani (GM of Italian Masonry until 1926).

In Naples - Costantino De Simone Miniaci, ad Ancona Adolfo Banti, (Alembroth S:I:::), Marco Egidio Allegri a Venezia.

Both Frosini and Reghini were prominent Italian esoterists at the time. At the age of 22 Reghini (1878-1946) was among the founders of the Italian branch of HPB's "Theosophic Society". Reghini ("Maximus") was also a dignitary of the Memphis-Misraim Rite and was involved in the establishment of the "Italian Philosophic Rite" of 7 Degrees in 1910. The rite was "an attempt to promote unification of the splintered Masonic groups by returning to the Craft's early spiritual roots" ('a Modern Pythagorean', Dana Lloyd Thomas). Reghini was one of the promoters of Occultism which was based on faith, science, and reason, in 1927 Reghini moved to the "UR group" of Julius Evola. Frosini ("Hermes") was the General Delegate of the "Spanish Rite" for Italy and founder of the "Rite Philosophique Italien", the "Italien Philosophic Rite". He worked in a close collaboration with Reghini and G.di San Fortunato. Frosini was a high dignitary of Memphis-Misraim (33*90*96*). In 1912 Frosini became, together with Charles Detre, the "Legats gnostique de l'Eglise Gnostique Universelle".Frosini and Reghini collaborated with many of the prominent European occultists at the time, Yarker, Reuss, Hansen (Denmark), Crowley etc.

In 1918 the president of the ‘Gran Consiglio Italico della Gran Loggia Martinista nazionale’, the Italian Martinist Grand Council, is Alexander Sacchi (Sinesius S::I::). News from France arrived regarding the reformation of the Martinist Order by Bricaud (the "Masonic reorganization"). In 1920 the situation is not yet solved. A part of the Italian Martinists remain loyal to the Martinist Order of Lyon (Bricaud), they're headed by Vicenze Soro.

In 1923 there's a Martinist convention were the Italian Grand Council openly opposed to the "innovations" of Bricaud. Apparently in 1925 Sacchi appointed several Regional Grand Masters which headed their region and worked independently.

In 1945 the order reunites under Marco Egidio Allegri (Flamelicus S::I::), Flamelicus dies in 1949 and is succeeded by Conte Ottavio Ulderigo Zasio (Artephius S::I::)

In 1959 the following Martinist Orders are 'active' in Italy:

• Ordine Martinista "di Venezia" (filiation Papus -Sacchi -Allegri- Zasio)
• Ordine Martinista degli Eletti Cohen (E.C. filiation Ambelain – Mosca)
• Ordine Martinista (connected to Philippe Encausse's Martinist Order)

On a Convention in Ancona (December 9, 1962) the Martinist Order is officially re-established in Italy under Artephius (protocollo di riunificazione degli Ordini Martinisti italiani, the protocol of re-unification of the Italian Martinist Orders). In 1966 Artephius dies and is succeeded by Bandarin (Manas S::I::), Bandarin dies in July of 1966. There's a resistance against the election of Gastone Ventura as Grand Master of the Order. In 1967 Ventura is elected but there's a second GM installed next to Ventura, this is Francesco Brunelli.

In 1971 Brunelli left the "Ordine Martinista" and founded another Martinist Order which later would be known as the "Ordine Martinista Antico e Tradizionale".

Ventura dies in 1981 and is succeeded by Sebastiano Caracciolo.

The filiation of the "Ordine Martinista":

• Papus
• Dunstano Cancellieri (Charter from Papus, received in 1910)
• Sinesius S:::I::: (Alessandro Sacchi)
• Flamelicus S:::I::: (Marco Egidio Allegri)
• Arthephius S:::I::: (Conte Ottavio Ulderigo Zasio)
• Manas S:::I::: (Bandarin)
• Aldebaran S:::I::: (Conte Gastone Ventura)
• Virgilius S:::I::: (Sebastiano Caracciolo)

Ordine Martinista – Canizzo branch

This is the Martinist Order headed by Dr. Caspar Canizzo who claims to be the rightful successor of Gastone Ventura (instead of Caracallio). Canizzo’s organization is comprised of the following rites and orders: ‘Riti Uniti di Misraïm e Memphis’ (Gran Santuario Mediterraneo) Ordine Martinista and ‘Supernus Ordo Equester Templi’. More information can be found in the history of the Memphis-Misraim Rite, Chapter IX.

1971 Ordine Martinista Antico / Ordine Martinista Antico

e Tradizionale

The Order was officially founded in Rome on October 31, 1971, under the name of "Ordine Martinista di Lingua Italica". The founders of the Order were former prominent members of the "Ordine Martinista", led by Gastone Ventura (Aldeberan) at the time. Several of the members of the Supreme Council of the "Ordine Martinista", among which Luigi Furlotti (Aloysius) and Francesco Brunelli (Nebo), did not wish to acknowledge the office of Grand Master Ventura any longer and caused a schism within the Order. Ventura's "Ordine Martinista" was based on the traditional Order of Papus, with an emphasis on the philosophical-metaphysical aspects, but without the possibilities to advance to the so-called "higher degrees" which were also part of Papus' system. Therefore the "Ordine Martinista di Lingua Italica" was founded with an emphasis on the Operative system of Ambelain ("pratiche magico-teurgiche di Ambelain") and the inspiration taken from the French Martinezists, without losing sight of the original intention (Devotion, 'the Way of the Heart') as advocated by LC de Saint-Martin. The "OM di Lingua Italica" was founded by seven Martinists ; Luigi Furlotti (Aloysius), Francesco Brunelli (Nebo), Claudio Travaglini (Lucius), Giuseppe Rossi (Sirius), Alessandro Gamerra (Melkior), "Sette", and "Ignis". Luigi Furlotti was appointed as Grand Master.' Sette' was appointed as Grand Secretary-Treasurer of the Order. Hardly six months after his appointment as Grand Master Furlotti dies, on April 29, 1972. In September 1972 Brunelli is installed as Grand Master in the city of Perugia. In the following 10 years under Brunelli the order flourished throughout Italy. The order had lodges in Perugia (residence of Brunelli), Rome (residence of Sette and Libertus, successor of Brunelli), Milan, Turin, Genoa, Florence, Bologna, Taranto, and Palermo. On September 13, 1974, the "OM di Lingua Italica" officially changed its name to "Ordine Martinista Antico e Tradizionale". The new name should emphasize the distinction between the "Ancient & Traditional Martinist Order" and the so-called "Order of Venice" (Ventura's "Ordine Martinista"). Around the midst of the 1970's Brunelli / "Nebo" published a book called "Daleth" ("Libro Daleth"), a guide-book of Theoretical-Practical work ment for the S.I.I members of the Order. Around 1980 there were some internal discords with regard to the S.I.I /Initiator-degree, a problem Brunelli could not solve in time during his reign. Brunelli addressed this "problem" at the 1981 "Collegoi degli Iniziatori" ('College of Initiators"), a convention held in the city of Pieve. In 1982 Brunelli died and his intended successor, Vicenzo Mura ("Ram"), died within a couple of months of Brunelli; 1982 was the "annus horribilis" of the Order. It was also the year of Gastone Ventura's (GM of the "Ordine Martinista" / "Ordine Martinista di Venezia") decease. Francesco Brunelli was also Grand Hierophant of the "Ancient & Primitive Rite of Memphis-Misraim", a Grand Master of the OKR+C, and primate for Italy of the 'Univeral Gnostic Apostolic Church' (Gnostica Apostolica Universale). The original choice of the Supreme Council for the Grand Mastership was Goivanni, head of the Lodge in Rome and Superieur Inconnu of the Grand Lodge. Goivanni refuses the assignment. It was Renato Comin, "Libertus", who would finally succeed Brunelli. Apparently it was decided that Libertus was chosen for a period of seven years, but he already stepped down after two years -in 1984 - due to health problems. On December 2, 1984, Goivanni is chosen (17 votes in favour from a total of 32) as the new Grand Master. A small group of S.I. members, mostly 'Brunelli-loyalists' from the Lodge of Perugia, left the Order. In 1985 Giovanni adds to his name the "Nomen Mysticum" of Aniel, his 'Guardian Angel'. In 1992 Giovanni Aniel apparently left the Order and founded the "Ordine Martinista Universali". Or, in the words of the OMU, the order changed its name to "Ordine Martinista Universali". Aniel was succeeded in 1992 by Grand Master Amorifer of the Lodge in Livorno.

The filiation of the Antico Ordine Martinista:

• Luigi Furlotti, Aloysius 1972
• Francesco Brunelli, Nebo 1972-1982
• Renato Comin, Libertus 1982-1984
• Giovanni "Aniel", 1984-1992
• Amorifer, 1992

1992 Ordine Martinista Universali

At the end of the 1980's Giovanni Aniel, Grand Master of the "Antico Ordine Martinista" at the time, worked on a document which he would publish around 1992 under the name of "La Magna Charta del Martinismo". The "Magna Charta" consists of eight points, which together forms the constitution of the order with regard to the philosophy and the practical workings of the Order. Aniel's "Magna Charta" contradicted the constitution of the "Antico Ordine Martinista" on several points, especially with regard to the S.I.I. degree and the position of the Grand Master. Another alteration was that women were given the faculty to transmit the Initiation, in other words women were granted the S.I.I Degree. The first woman to receive the Initiator's Degree was a certain "Maria" (Nomen Mysticum) of the Milan Lodge. Therefore it was decided to found the "Ordine Martinista Universali", or as the OMU puts it, "in order to mark the new course, the name was changed to " Universal Martinist Order", the order being a direct continuation of the "Ordine Martinista Antico e Tradizionale". The above was confirmed by Fabrizio Mariani, spokesman of the OMU in an e-mail dated May 11, 2001:

Dear Friend,

The order received this new name, "Univeral Martinist Order", in 1992, but the order is the direct continuation of the "Ancient and Traditional Martinist Order". When women were given the faculty to transmit the Martinist Initiation, it was decided to change the Order's name"… (freely transl.)

Original e-mail:

gentile amico,

l'Ordine Martinista Universale nel 1992 assunse questo nome nuovo, ma l'Ordine è la diretta continuazione dell'Ordine Martinista Antico e Tradizionale. Cambiò nome perchè estese anche alle donne la facoltà di trasmettere l'iniziazione. Giovanni Aniel ne è Gran Maestro dal 2 dicembre 1984.Spero di esserle stato utile.

Cordialmente, Fabrizio Mariani

(by the way, I've neaver received any answer to my 2nd E-Mail in which I asked if the members who did not follow Aniel into the OMU still continued their activities within the "Ancient & Trad.Martinist Order". The Ancient & Trad. Martinist Order is still active under the leadership of Amorifer. I’ve received a reaction from a Mauro Bargellini, who wrote that not only the OMAT was still active, it is still the only Martinist Order in Italy who’s represented all over the country. According to Bargellini, orders such as the O*M*U are only active in certain regions of the country)

Giovanni Aniel appoints Francesco Leiaiel as Grand Secretary-treasurer, "Enoch" as Grand Master General of Ceremonies (freely transl., 'Gran Cerimoniere'), Vega as President of the College of Northern Italy, Nut as President of the College of Central Italy, and Nicolaus as President of the College of Southern Italy. Leiaiel and Enoch were entrusted with the adaptions of the Rituals (Initiation- and the ' home' rituals).The O*M*U is structured in three Degrees + One (Initiators Degree) and has two sections, the Exoteric- and Esoteric Section.

Exoteric Section:

• 1st Degree, Associate (Associato Incognito). In this Degree the Martinist receives a daily ritual to put the Martinist in contact with the Egregore of the Order. The OMU supplies the Associate with written material to give the Martinist the possibility "to deepen his or her studies".

Esoteric Section:

• 2nd Degree, Initiate (Iniziato Incognito). Next to the daily ritual the Initiate receives a Lunar Ritual, a ritual connected with the phases of the new- and full moon. The Initiate also receives written material.
• 3rd Degree, S.I. (Superior Incognito, a sacerdotal degree). Next to the daily- and Lunar rituals the S.I. receives a Solar Ritual, which is connected with the Solstices and Equinoxes. Written material emphasizes on the study of the Kabbalah and its practical work.

The OMU also confers the S.I.I Degree, Superior Incognito Iniziato (Initiators Degree). The Grand Master is chosen by and from the S.I.I. members of the Order (College of S.I. Initiators) and is chosen for life.When the GM is chosen a ritual will follow which delegates the forces of the Order through the assembled S.I. Initiators. Kneeling down in the centre of a circle formed by the S.I.Initiators, the Grand Master receives the imposition (hands on head).This way the only person who is authorized to initiate another S.I. Initiator. I've already stated in the chapter on the "Ordine Martinista Antico e Tradizionale" that there were some discords with regard to the S.I.I Degree within the OMA. There were probably two points of discussion at the time:

• Only the GM had the authorization to initiate a S.I.I
• The S.I.I Degree could not be granted to Women

In 1992 Giovanni Aniel changed the procedure of the Installation of a Grand Master when he delegated the imposition , the biblical "laying on of hands", to the College of S.I.Initiators. This way the assembled S.I.I members were authorized to initiate new S.I.Initiators. As stated before, Aniel also allowed women to receive the S.I.I Degree. The Solar- and Lunar Rituals are taken from a book called "Alpha", a book (or manuscript) which Aniel inherited from Brunelli in 1985. According to the OMU the Martinist tradition cannot neglect the aspect of Theurgy and Ceremonial Magic. "Even Saint-Martin, who was more inclined to follow a path of devotion, continued to practise the Operative aspect of Magic up to his death", thus the OMU (taken from the "Magna Carta", point 4). In 1994 the Order started to publish a review, "Anubi ", which is ment for the members of the Order and apparently also for all other Italian Martinists. The "Ordine Martinista Universali" currently is represented in nearly all the Italian regions as well as in the South of France. The ‘Universal Martinist Order’ is also active in Canada where in 2001 ‘L’ ORDRE SOUVERAIN DES CHEVALIERS MARTINISTES ET ELUS-COHEN’ was founded. The E.C. was founded under the auspices of the OMU. The following dignitaries are listed : Giovanni Aniel S.I.I. Grand Master, Nicolaus S.I.I. Grand Maître Adjoint, Francesco Ieiaiel S.I.I. Grand Maître Adjoint. This Canadian E.C. branch is somehow connected to the masonic ‘Le Grand Orient Haïtien et Cosmopolite du Canada.’

Ordine Martinista Ermetico

Grand Master: ‘Zagreus’. This Hermetic Martinist Order "does not follow the French current of 1891" (Papus). The Order adheres to the Hermetic-Alchemical tradition and the initiatic esoteric transmission which originated i.a. in the German ‘Orden der Unzertrennlinchen’ (Altemburg 1577), Livron de la Tour de la Case Martinez de Pasqually, J.Baptiste Willermoz, and Louis Claude de Saint-Martin.

Ordine Martinista Kremmerziano

No further information available (or: see "Ordine Martinista")

Grand Master : Mario Betti , MELAHEL

Ordine Martinista Operativo Tradizionale

No further information available


1987 Orden Martinista

This Order was founded on December 25, 1987 by Sar Anael, Sar Justitia, Sar Iohannes, and Sar Unidad (all S.I.IV). Sar Anael is the Grand Master of the OM of Spain. Not much is known about the order nor its leaders. In the 1970's the Martinists in Spain were led by Jose de Via (Persival), who was appointed by Philippe Encausse as National Sovereign Delegate of the OM (of Paris) in Spain. Not much is known about the order's history. It seems that Angel Martin Velayos, the Sovereign Grand Master of the "Orden Rosacruz" in Spain, is one of the leading men of the Spanish OM. Velayos is a former member of A.M.O.R.C. The "Orden Rosacruz" was founded in 1988 by 12 initiates of various organizations, i.a. the masonic Ancient & Accepted Scottish Rite, the OM de Paris, A.M.O.R.C., O.M.T., B.O.T.A., and ‘L’Ordre Rénové du Temple’. The "Orden Martinista" uses the original definitive rituals as published by Charles Détré (Téder) in 1913 for the OM of Papus:

"rituel de l'ordre martiniste

Dit de Teder publié en 1913 autorisation du 13 août 1913 de Papus et de Phaneg"

According to Sar Anael is Détré's ritual a copy of the handwritten ritual of François-Charles Barlet (Barlet was one of the first people Papus called on to form the OM's Supreme Counsil; Barlet also succeeded De Guaita as GM of the OKR+C). The subject of the origin of Téder's ritual has already been dealt with in the Chapter "The Degrees and Rituals of the Ordre Martiniste…" of this series. But after I'd finished the chapter I discovered certain sections of Détré's ritual which are placed on the web by Marriete Cyvard (Maitre passes, Martinist E-group). As stated in the Chapter "The Degrees and Rituals of the Ordre Martiniste", R.A. in his book "L'Encyclopedie de la Franc-Maconnerie, ed. 2000" clearly states that Détré adapted the rituals of Edouard Blitz in French before he succeeded as G.M. of "L’Ordre Martiniste" in 1916. I've compared Détré''s ritual in French with the English version of Blitz, as published on the "Maitres passes E-group" website. Marriete Cyvard only published certain sections of the "Ritual" ("General Regulations of the Order") and not the rituals themselves. The two texts are "identical". Blitz' "Ritual & Monitor" is dated 1896 (1) and the foreword written and signed by Papus and Jacques Burg (Secretary Supreme Counsil) is dated 1894. An Excerpt from Détré's "ritual" (ROBES, BIJOUX, INSIGNES), dated 1913.

"Les robes sont blanches pour le Conseil, et elles sont serrées à la taillepar une ceinture dorée pour le PHILOSOPHE INCONNU, et par des ceinturesargentées ou blanches pour ses trois Assesseurs. Ils ont un bonnet de soieblanche avec le Pentagramme brodé en or ; ils ont aussi un collet de soieblanche ou de velours auquel sont suspendus les insignes suivants :FRÈRE INCONNU, le Sceau de Salomon, en or ;FRÈRE INITIÉ, le Pentagramme, en or ;FRÈRE ASSOCIÉ, la Croix de Malte, en or".

Excerpt from Blitz' "ritual" (ROBES, BADGES, JEWELS, AND REGALIA), dated 1896

"The robes are white for the Council, and are tied around the waist by a golden girdle for the UNKNOWN PHILOSOPHER, and a silver or white girdle for the three Assessors. They will wear a white silk cap with the Pentagram embroidered in gold, also a white silk or velvet collar with the following badges suspended therefrom : UNKNOWN BROTHER, the Seal of Solomon, in gold; BROTHER INITIATE, the Pentagram, in gold; BROTHER ASSOCIATE, the Maltese Cross, in gold".

Both texts are 100% compatible …. (I do not claim that Edouard Blitz is the author of the original Martinist ' Ritual '…, I'm merely saying that both texts are 'identical'. Did Détré translated Blitz' work or, did both men use the same source ?). As mentioned earlier, According to Sar Anael the source is a handwritten document of Barlet, but others state that it was Stanislas de Guaita who developed the original Martinist Rituals (see "Martinist Rituals"), and A.E.Waite claimed that it was Papus himself who produced these rituals between 1887 and 1890 … …

1) Blitz also wrote a later version: It is claimed that Blitz had written new rituals for the MO in, or around, 1901. These were apparently the rituals that Téder supposedly adapted.

The "Rituel de l'Ordre Martiniste" was published by Dorbon-Aîné and is obtainable from a specialized esoteric bookshop. Besides the ‘Orden Martinsta’ (of which I have no idea if the Order is still active), there is another Martinist branch active in Spain. In the new millenium a Spanish jurisdiction of the AMO was established; ‘Antigua Orden Martinista’ (Jurisdicción Española). At the time of writing, no further information was available.

2003 Antigua Orden Martinista (Jurisdicción Española)

This is the Spanish branch of the American based Ancient Martinist Order that was founded in 2000.



The following text is a general survey of the development of Martinism in South-America in the 20th century. The text is based on the " Zuid-Amerika" part of the "1891 SUPRÊME CONSEIL DE L'ORDRE MARTINISTE" page of Marcel Roggeman's study "Geschiedenis van de Occulte en Mystieke Broederschappen" at

The text is mainly focused on the history of the development of Martinism in Brazil. Special thanks to Carlos Eduardo Dias Reis from Brazil for his assistence and contributions.


Some of the first signs of Martinist activities in South-America which are documented date back to the beginning of the 20th century, when the first Martinist Lodges were established in Curitiba, Brazil. The first (documented) esoteric circle was established on July 10, 1900 under the leadership of Dr.Borges. An "Esoteric Centre" was established affiliated to Papus' G.I.D.E.E. under the name of "Luz Invisivel". In 1904 another group is established in the city of Curitiba. In the same year, 1904, Dr.Dario Velloso (Appolonio, 1869-1937), author and philosopher, is appointed (Charter no.141) Sovereign Delegate of the Martinist Order in Brazil. In these first years the Martinist Order of Velloso was not very succesful in Brazil and already in 1909 Velloso disbanded the Martinist Order. He founded a new organization, "Instituto Neo-Pitagórico", based on the Pythagorean philosophy with an emphasis on Grecian philosophy.

1909 Instituto Neo-Pitagórico

The Temple of the ‘Instituto Neo-Pitagórico’ at Curitiba, Paraná.

Another Martinist at the time was Antonio Olivio Rodrigues (Aor, 1879-1943). He became a member of Lodge "Amor e Vervade" in Sao Paulo in 1907. He was a personal friend of Dr.Horacio de Carvalho, who was initiated by Papus. In 1909 Rodrigues became the pioneer of the "Círculo Esotérico da Comunhão do Pensamento", a society which would become very succesful and prospered during the first half of the 20th century in Brazil. This esoteric circle organized lectures, courses, conventions, and owned its own publishing company, "O Pensamento". One of their members was Francisco Waldomiro Lorenz (Sevaka), who was born in Bohemia (Czechoslovakia) in 1878. He had published his first book at the age of eighteen and would later publish several books on the Kabbalah and occultism.

1909 Círculo Esotérico da Comunhão do Pensamento

Albert Raymond Costet-Conde de Mascheville (Cedaior, 1872-1943) was born in Valence in France. He studied at the school of music (violin) in Paris. He had met Philippe Nizier (Maitre Philippe) at the time of his stay in Paris. Costet received his initiation from Yvon Leloup (Sédir) in 1892. He was also a member of the Gnostic Church of Jules Doinel, who had personally initiated Costet in 1893. Costet later also obtained the "Doctor of Kabbalah" degree of the OKR+C. Costet was a personal friend of Oswald Wirth. He went to Egypt to do some archeologic research by order of the Supreme Council of the Martinist Order in Paris. Costet received the instructions to get in touch with certain Fraternities and to study their ceremonial work and symbolism. While in Egypt Costet met Auguste Mariette-Bey (famous Egyptologist - *note; Verdi based his opera "Aida" on an outline of a story by Marriette-Bey). Costet also payed a visit to the affiliated Martinist Lodges in Egypt. The results of his studies were ment for Sédir and Papus. In 1910 Costet and his family left France and moved to Argentina. On February 26, 1910 he and his family arrived in Buenos Aires. He settled down in a place called Joinville, which is known today as Santa Catarina. A friend of Albert Costet, Ida Hofman, had arranged his home in Argentina. Hofman, a Austrian piano-teacher, had founded the vegetarian colony of Monte Verità, in the Swiss canton of Ticino, in 1910 together with Henri Oedenhoven. In 1916 she would bring Theodor Reuss to Monte Verità where he founded the "Verita Mistica" Lodge of the O.T.O. In 1920 Albert Costet initiated his son, Léo Alvarez Costet de Mascheville (Jehel), into the Martinist Order. In 1924 the whole family moved to Brazil and on August 22, 1925 a Martinist Lodge is established in Curitiba, Lodge "Hermanoubis", named after Sédir's Lodge in Paris. A few years later father and son established Lodge "Papus" in Goiás. Costet would later succeed Dari Velloso as Sovereign Delegate of the OM in Brazil.

In the following years Martinism started to become more succesfull. Another Martinist which joined the Order at the time was Borges de Macedo (Gemini). In 1936 Albert Costet moved to Sao Paulo, his son is appointed as President of the Martinist-Order. On December 23, 1939, the Constitution of the Martinist Order of South -America is proclaimed in Porte Alegre, Brazil. The constitution united all Martinists of Brazil, Argentina and Uruguay. The Martinist Order in South-America became independent on March 14, 1940. The Order decided to use the "Téder Ritual" of 1913. In April 1942 the G.I.D.E.E., "Grupos Independentes de Estudos Esotéricos" , is founded. There were branches in Montevideo, Buenos Aires, and La Plata. In 1942 the organization starts to publish the review ‘La Iniciacion’. The last issue is published in 1947. The first translations of various 'classical works' appear on the market. The "Kabbalistic Order of the Rose+Cross" is seen as the "inner circle" of the Martinist Order. The "Higher degrees" of the Martinist Order are the three grades of the OKR+C

• 1-4 , Martinist Degrees
• 5-7 , OKR+C Degrees

In Chile the Martinist Order was promoted and led by Leo Tournier ("Bethel group"). Tournier was initiated by Papus and had received a Charter of "L’Ordre Martiniste de Lyon". The EGA (Ecclesia Gnostica Apostolica) was closely associated to Tournier's MO in Chile. Within the wake of the MO the EGA flourished in Chile at the time, together with the "Suddha Dharma Mandalam", an organization which also was connected somehow to the MO in Chile. During the Second World War the whole movement flourished in South-America, in 1944 there existed 23 groups with a total of 442 Initiates (S::I::). In 1945 there was a split within the Martinist Order, the Order was divided in three separate branches:

• Ordem Martinista da América do Sul, headed by Peter Pinto Soares Freire (ATHAUALPA), this order was active in Brazil. Freire was a S.I.I and owned the "Doctor of kabbalah" Degree of the OKR+C, which he had received from Francisco Waldomiro Lorenz. He would later become a Patriarch of the EGA under the authority of Robert Ambelain.
• Ordem Martinista, headed by 'Jehel ', Albert Costet's son. This Order continued its activities in Montevideo, Uruguay. Jehel returned to Brazil in 1953.
• Ordem Martinista Universal, this order established itself in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.


In 1970 Ary Island Xavier (Sedir, 1932-1978) started the initiative to re-connect the Order to the Order in Europe. In 1973 he met Robert Ambelain, who was the Grand Master of "L’Ordre Martiniste Initiatique" at the time, in Paris. Philippe Encausse appointed Xavier as National Sovereign Delegate for the OM in Brazil. Xavier directed Lodge "Louis Claude de Saint-Martin no.85", which functioned as headquarters of his OM in Brasil. Xavier's position was equal to Ivan Mosca (Hermete), who was the Delegate for Italy, and Jose de Via (Persival), Delegate for Spain. In 1976 Emilio Lorenzo (who was responsible for Encausse's O.M. in South-America) and his wife Maria visited the Martinists in South-America. They went to Argentina, Brazil and Uruguay. Xavier died in 1978 …

AMORC's T.M.O. started to establish its first groups in Brazil after a National Convention of AMORC held in Curitiba in October 1986. As stated in the chapter on the TMO ; "In Brazil the TMO was launched officially during the XI Convenção Nacional Rosacruz (11th Rosicrucian national Convention), in October of 1986, by the Grand Master of the TM*O* at the time, Ralph Maxwell Lewis F.R.C., S.I. , L.I. The Grand Master of the Portuguese Jurisdiction at the time is Charles Vega Parucker F.R.C., S . I . L . I . The Heptad of Sao Paulo, which was founded in 1994, already initiated 740 members in six years time, 360 of them being S.I.'s."

Apparently, some ‘Free-Martinists’ established various Matinist circles over the last decade in Brazil, such as the ‘Círculo Martinista Saint-Yves d'Alveydre’ in Rio de Janeiro. G.E.R.M.E. , "Grupo de Estudos e Pesquisas Martinistas e Esotéricas", is also active in Brazil. The Brazilian branch describes itself as an ‘association of various Martinist schools’. G.E.R.M.E. was founded by Onslow Wilson after he left A.M.O.R.C. Wilson received his Martinist initiation from Jacqueline Encausse, widow of Dr.Philippe Encausse. (see T.M.O.) Beside the above mentioned organizations the following Martinist Orders are currently operating in Brazil:

• Ordre Martiniste & Synarchique, Ordem Martinista Brasileira (branch of "L’Ordre Martiniste de Paris", led by Emilio Lorenzo), Ancient Martinist Order, O.M.C.C, OM Napolitano.
• There's also an interesting organization named "The Knights of Philippe of Lyons" operating in Brazil, which was apparently founded by one of Maitre Philippe's disciples who wound up with the Martinezists in Brazil.


The above text does not mention such characters as Arnold Krumm-Heller and Peter R. Davidson, two people who were very important with regard to the introduction of Martinism in South-America. Peter R. Davidson was one of the founders of the influential "Hermetic Brotherhood of Luxor" (see chapters "HB of L") and acted as the official representor of the Martinist Order in the U.S.A. At the time of his stay in Georgia. Dr. Arnoldo Krumm-Heller (1876-1949) had received his initiation at Lodge "Hermanubis" (nr.192) in Paris. At the end of the 19th century Krumm-Heller (Huiracocha) had left Germany after which he traveled to South-America (first Chile and later Mexico). Krumm-Heller associated with many well-known 20th century occultists and order-leaders, among which: Papus, Henry Steel Olcott, Rudolf Steiner, Aleister Crowley, Karl Germer, Spencer Lewis, Theodor Reuss, Heinrich Klein, Charles Detré, Francois-Charles Barlet and Swinburne Clymer. In 1908 Krumm-Heller was appointed as Sovereign Delegate of the Martinist Order in Chile, Peru and Bolivia by Papus. One month later, in April 1908, he received permission to install Martinist Lodges in these countries from Charles Détré. He had also received a charter of the Memphis-Misraim Rite from Reuss for Mexico. Krumm-Heller was one of the successors of Theodor Reuss' O.T.O. (see Peter R.Koenig's website on the O.T.O. "the Ordo Templi Orientis phenomenon" at At the end of the first decade of the 20th century Krumm-Heller, together with Peter Davidson and Girgois (from Buenos Aires), started to establish Martinist Lodges in various cities, which were under the jurisdiction of the order in Paris (Papus). According to Gabriel Sanchez Gaviria (FRA Colombia) Dr. Girgois and Dr. Arturo Clement were the Martinist 'Masters ' of Krumm-Heller in South-America at the time. In 1927 Krumm-Heller founded the "Fraternitas Rosicruciana Antiqua", a Rosicrucian fraternity which mainly focused its activities on South-America.


Sergio Valdivia (1947-) was initiated by Oscar Bravo into the F.R.A. in Chile. Bravo was a disciple of Elias Bucheli (Hagal, from Colombia), an associate of Krumm-Heller and Clymer. Bravo was later expelled from Clymer's FRC (Fraternidad Rosa Cruz) and went into Martinism and Masonry.

"In 1973 also I was regularly initiate in the Order Martinist, Papus filiation. In 1982 I was ratified by Phillipe Encausse and the current Great Master of the Order, Emilio Lorenzo, in order to work in Chile as head of the Order. At the moment we hold numerous active Martinist Groups with hundred of students".

From: Instituto Círculo Aleph - Sergio Valdivia (email Koenig, Oct. 2000) "Baphomet and Rosycross"

At the time (2001) Sergio Valdivia leads an organisation under the banner of O.T.O, "Orden de Templos Operativos", an organization which "re-unites several of the more prestigious Initiatic schools of the world", thus Valdivia's O.T.O., which stands for "Order of the Operative Temples". The Order incorporates teachings derived from various schools like Martinism, Rosicrucianism (probably FRA -FRC), Golden Dawn, and "Third Millenium" ("Los Servidores del Tercer Milenio"). The order has lodges in several cities in Chile (Santiago, Valparaiso, Quilpue, San Felipe y Temuco) and the rosicrucian activities (FRA-studies) extend to Argentina, Brazil, Peru, Mexico, Costa Rica, and Spain. I would like to add to this story that the present day situation in Chile regarding the activities of FRA related organizations is rather confusing to the outsider, the whole history of the FRA and its affiliations can be found on P.R.Koenig's website:

"Ein Leben fuer die Rose" Arnoldo Krumm Heller

Orden Martinista Iniciatica del Chile / OM Initiatique of Chile

In 1968 the Order in Chile, which was a branch of Robert Ambelain's "Ordre Martiniste Initiatique", became a Masonic Order. They started to work "a Masonic System of High Degrees", in other words the Order implemented the degrees of the "Ancient and Primitive Rite of Memphis-Misraim" into its curriculum. Between 1968 and 1970 The Martinist-Masons of Chile established a special branch within its system, which they named "La Clase del Parvis". This branch served as a foundation or entry into the Martinist Order and its degrees. This Branch worked the Blue Rituals of the Memphis-Misraim Rite (Apprentice, Companion, Master-Mason). Through the years the Order in Chile adapted the rituals to the work of a mixed Lodge and to a system which corresponded to the symbolism of Alchemy, Hermeticism, and the Qabalah. In 1985 the rite also implemented the R.E.R. (Rectified Scottish Rite) and Ambelain's ELUS COHEN into their system of Higher Degrees. The Order received the approval of the Sovereign Sanctuary of the M.'.M.'. of Argentina. For reasons of a better administration, The Higher Degrees of Masonry were separated from the Martinist Order. The Masonic Order is known today as the "Orden Masónica Hermetica Qabalistica". The OMHQ works with the traditional 33 Degrees of the Scottish system. Members of this Masonic Rite have the possibility to join the Martinist Order of Chile (OM Initiatique).The OMI of Chile is derived from the following filiations:

• Through the Lodge "Northern Star" in St-Petersburg (Czarist time, beginning 20th century); Nicholas Rogalev Girs (Nabusar), Sergio Venniacof (Sudekin), and Alexander Mihitin.
• Through the succession of Lodge "San Jorge" (1) in Kiev, from which Robert Ambelain derived his "Russian Lineage".
• Through the "Ordre Martiniste de Papus", received from Philippe Encausse.

1) the O*M* of Chile refers to the Kiev Lodge as Lodge "San Jorge"; Elsewhere in this text this Lodge is called "Saint-André", I assume this is one and the same lodge although I'm not certain …


In 1935 a FRA Lodge is founded in Lima (FRA-Aula "Santo Graal"). During the seventies the FRA was led by a Martinist (Papus-Krumm Heller filiation), Manuel Garay Requena (1897-1986). In the 1990's a certain A.Navarro Roncagniolo starts the publication of a magazine called "Gnosis". According to this magazine a branch of Ambelain's "Ordre Martiniste Initiatique" is 'active' in Peru at the time (1991)


The oldest Martinist filiation of South-America is the so-called "Haitin Line", represented by Lucien François Jean-Maine (1869-1960). But the reader must bear in mind that there's (almost) no evidence of the history of the whole movement before 1966(O.T.O.A.). I'll quote P.R.Koenig on this subject:

"There is absolutely no trace of either L.-F. Jean-Maine or of his Gnostic Church, his Memphis Misraïm or his OTO-Version (O.T.O.A.) in any of the 'old' French Gnostic magazines. Obviously the History of the O.T.O.A. and its maze of related organisations seems to be developed by Marc Lully, Michael P.Bertiaux, and Manuel C.Lamparter, and maybe Kenneth Grant, in the late 1960s. Bertiaux admitted that his History outline was written from notes drafted by Marc Lully; and those notes had been lost meanwhile". Taken from "Ordo Templi Orientis Antiqua, a Gnostic Inflation "

The following is based on the "historical facts" as presented by the O.T.O.A..

As mentioned earlier in the chapter "Ordre des Elus-Cohen", Maine's relatives were apparently members of the original Cohen-temple in Leogane, Haiti. The Elus Cohen on Haiti were known as the "Temples Cohens de Port-au-Prince et de Lèogane" and functioned up until 1780 (which is a fact beyond any doubt). After De Pasqually's death several members of the Elus Cohen, together with some Masons and Templars, created a syncretism called "Les Templiers Noires"(Black Templars).These members were Creole-French. Lucien François Jean-Maine was consecrated as a Gnostic Bishop ((Tau Ogdoade-Orfeo I) in France at the beginning of the 20th century by Emmanuel Fabre des Essarts (Synésius). It is stated that he also 'exchanged' several of his filiations with Papus at the time of Maine's stay in Paris around 1910. When Maine returned to Haiti in 1921 he founded the O.T.O.A.,"Ordo Templi Orientis Antiqua", based on Papus' O.T.O. charter which Maine had received. In 1922 Jean-Maine founded the voudoun-masonic order of "La Coleuvre Noire"(Cult of the Black Snake). The whole Haitian movement culminated in a kind of federation of orders (O.T.O.A. etc.) to which several Martinist orders (Maine-lineage) were affiliated:

• The Universal Martinist Federation of Initiates
• The Martinist Order of the Rose-Croix and Aleph-Initiates
• The Interior Sanctuary of the Elus Cohens

According to the text "History of the O.T.O.A", "Jean-Maine on several occasions sought to bring about unity within the total Gnostic family and sought to communicate this idea to Bricaud and his successors. However, out of fear of a magical takeover, making use of the techniques of esoteric Voudoo, the records of the older Gnostic churches were destroyed, making any evidence of Jean-Maine's link with Encausse difficult to prove. Only in the Spanish Sovereign Sanctuary of Memphis-Misraim, from which all French occultists admit that Encausse derived his Memphis-Misraim authority, were these documents cherished".

Gnosis Cardia (Knowledge of the Heart) is the focus of the Martinist.

Note: Sufi-Martinism : On some sites as well as forums on the Internet certain names of so-called ‘Sufi-Martinist Orders’ were mentioned or popped up otherwise. Allegedly, Papus and Bricaud had established a link between the Martinist Order and certain Sufi sects in their time, out of which, supposedly, the ‘Sufi Martinist Order’ was born. Today, I know of at least two of such orders that made themselves known to the (profane) world, namely the ‘Martinista Orden Sufi-Algerian’ and ‘Orden Martinista Sufi-Iberia’ (Spain). Source: Malgwyn Martinist Yahoogroups)

In Paris there’s a branch active under the name Martinist Order of Lebanon. It is stated that an Arab Brother started this Order, who believed that the rituals of the O.M. could be improved. I’m not sure whether the M.O. of Lebanon is indeed a Sufi-Martinist blend or not (source: O.M.&S. of Canada).


• Robert AMADOU Documents Martinistes 1979 Edi-Repro
• Robert AMBELAIN Le Martinisme - Histoire et doctrine 1946 Editions Niclaus
• Marie-Sophie ANDRE & Papus biographie 1995 Berg International, Paris
• Christophe BEAUFILS
• Jean-Pierre BAYARD Les sociétes secrètes et les sectes, 1997 Philippe Lebaud - Paris
• Jacqueline ENCAUSSE Un Serviteur Inconnu - Philippe Encausse / Documents
• martinistes 31, 1991 Cariscript - Paris
• Joscelyn GODWIN The Hermetic Brotherhood of Luxor - Initiatic and Historical
• Christian CHANEL, Documents of an Order of Practical Occultism
• John P. DEVENEY - 1995 Samula Weiser, Inc.
• AMORC - U.S.A. Martinist Documents, 1975 San José
• TROPHIMUS A Martinist Treasury, 1991 The Martinist Information Service - Greeley, Colorado - U.S.A.
• A.E. WAITE Saint-Martin the french mystic and the story of moder Martinism
• Kessinger Publishing Company, USA
• G.PHANEG Le Docteur Papus Paris 1909
• Dr. Philippe ENCAUSSE Papus, son vie, son oevre, edition 1949
• Horst E.MIERS Lexicon des Geheimwissens, edit. 1993
• Jules BOUCHER Du Martinisme et des Ordres Martinistes , edit. 1950
• R.A. L'Encyclopedie de la Franc-Maconnerie, ed. 2000
• Victor-Emile MICHELET Les Compagnons de la Hiérophanie: souvenirs du movement hermétiste à la fin du XIX siècle
• Pietro TURCHETTI il Filosofo Incognito , Arktos, 1995
• Gerald GALTIER Maçonnerie Egyptienne, Rose-Croix et Neo-Chevalerie 1989
• Robert VANLOO Les Rose-Croix du Nouveau Monde, ed.1996
• Peter R.KOENIG Ein Leben fuer die Rose, on Arnoldo Krumm Heller
• Edmond FIESCHI Initiation à la lumière d'Orient
• Instituto Neo-Pitagórico Ordem Martinista por Dario Velloso -Curitiba-1974

Documents, Articles, Journals

• L'Initiation various articles from the official Martinist journal
• Le Voile d'Isis article written by Rene Guenon (1925)
• Dr.Carlos Raitzin René Guenon y las Ordenes Esotericas
• L'Institut Gaston Levez-vous! Vol.1 no.3 Sept.97-Febr.98 , on Bricaud & Boucher
Le Rose-Croix AMORC's official review in France, no.163-autumn 1993, on Chaboseau and Papus Le Martinsme Moderne Grande Heptade de la Juridiction Francaise O.M.T. Daniel Fontaine EL MARTINISMO RUSO Del siglo XVIII a nuestros días.
• Various Private E-mail correspondences - Fabrizio Marini (OMU), Marc Jones (OMSI), John Cole (AMO), Chris Hill (BMO), Elias Ibrahim (special thanks), Sar Michael (AMO) Michael N.Buckley (MOUP, HOM), R+CMO, Clive Culbertson (OM & S), Glen Holcomb etc.


• Fr.M Roggemans De Geschiedenis van de Occulte en Mystieke Broederschappen ... roggemans/
• ("1934-1951 F.U.D.O.S.I.")
• (Documenten (Documents: charters, diploma’s)
• Apostolic Gnosis/E.G.A. The Balzac of the Occult and the Russian Sphynx
• Frater MELCHIOR Survey on Modern Martinist Orders ... /mart.html
• Frater FIDUCIUS Inventario de Ordenes Martinistas (Fratres Lucis)
• Martinist Research-Site. "Les Maîtres Passés".
Secrets & Societes
• De l'Heptade "Abbe de la Noue" aux Philosophes de la Nature
• Ordine Martinista Short history of the MO in Italy
• Mike Restivo Protocol of the Union of Martinist orders
• O.M. de Paris Website of Philippe Encausse's OM in Paris
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Postby admin » Wed Oct 21, 2015 5:22 am

December 2, 1992

Volume 1, Number 5

Rosicrucian Chronicles

Serving the Ideals of the Rosicrucian Movement

In this issue:

Observing the Laws of the Rosicrucians

Reflections ... A Perspective on Martinist History

Observations of the Laws of the Rosicrucians

By: Kenneth A. Thompson, F.R.C.

First, one note about the current AMORC. AMORC is officially no longer registered as a fraternal organization, and it no longer claims to perpetuate the Rosicrucian Teachings. AMORC is now officially registered only as an educational organization that has pledged to educate the public about the Rosicrucians, nothing else. All that they are now required to do is to distribute any book or pamphlet that mentions the Rosicrucians, factual or not. In its advertising, AMORC claims to be a cultural organization and in its bulletin to the members it claims to be a charitable organization. It is none of these things. AMORC is not pledged to obey the laws governing charitable organizations, nor is it complying with those laws, contrary to all claims otherwise.

One of the laws of the Rosicrucians, as outlined by Michael Maier, states that members are to find someone to replace them before they pass through transition. Imperator Ralph Lewis was keenly aware of the need to fulfill this rule. He was just as keenly aware of the importance of providing for a smooth transition of authority. Both of these tasks he had planned to accomplish before his transition.

Unfortunately, long before Frater Lewis needed a successor, many around him had begun to see themselves as Imperator (Burnam Schaa, Christian Bernard, Sandra Huff to name a few). These people's actions resulted in the attempt undermine AMORC and to frustrate Frater Lewis' process of selection.

When it had become clear that Frater Lewis' strength was failing, several of the above attempted to pressure Imperator Lewis into naming them as his successor. Frater Lewis had discerned these individuals' true natures and would not name any of them as successor. In retaliation, these individuals created a climate of confusion in order to force Mr. Lewis to formally give the choice of succession to the remaining board.

Several years ago, after discovering that he would not be chosen as Imperator, Raymond Bernard proposed to the SGL Board that they continue selecting Americans as Imperator until the end of the 108 year cycle (2023 A.D.). It was then that R. Bernard planned and created his new organization (CIRCES, etc.) in order to begin drawing financial resources away from AMORC. Later, R. Bernard wrote to Frater Lewis and stated that Christian Bernard (Raymond's son) should never be the Imperator. R. Bernard then instructed Irving Soderland and C. Bernard to begin telling the Grand Masters that the American Imperator idea was Frater Lewis' alone and that the idea was a personal insult to them. The purpose of this and other rumor spreading was to create disaffection among the remaining Grand Masters and the other jurisdictions and to begin drawing human resources away from AMORC.

Another example is the process of alienation and disaffection created between TMO, the Martinist Orders in France and elsewhere. The Bernards were in the best position to heal these problems and were given the opportunity to do so. Yet, every time that these two did not get their way, the Martinist controversy escalated. In America this is referred to as a "protection racket". Imperator Lewis had also been aware of the "creative accounting" techniques used by Burnam Schaa while handling certain bequests to the Order. At about the same time, Burnam discovered that he also was not being considered as Frater Lewis' successor.

Christian and company, intended to organize a successful coup d'etat and so, therefore, they took great care to set someone up that they were certain to able to knock down. Gary Stewart provided an ideal choice. He is untrained and inexperienced in organizational management and he was gullible enough to be manipulated by them. Raymond Bernard vacated the Board in order to make a place for Mr. Stewart and Christian Bernard pushed for his promotion. The de Nicholas/money transfer fiasco was created by Irving, Burnam, Peter, etc. They ambushed Gary by convinced him that the loan and transfer were the right things to do. Christian wanted the millions in Europe where he could get his hands on it. Tony de Nicholas is the one who joined and then was promoted to Spanish Grand Master after three months in the Order.

While Mr. Stewart was in office, he was unaware that his staff members were being chosen for him and that the Park was and is being operated by remote control. During this period, many members noted the sudden influx of new employees, all of whom were inappropriate to the Park -- disagreeable, uneducated and unsavory people.

In fact, these people were placed at the Park with the aid of Mr. Salerno. When Peter Bindon and Wilhelm Raab were informed of the malicious and unscrupulous methods of George Salerno, they could not contain their delight. They stated that they owed a great debt to this Salerno. Indebted to Salerno for savaging and otherwise mistreating hundreds of loyal members and employees? Certainly a unique expression of the fraternal spirit. These same people have been claiming loudly and often that they are not interfering with the Park and all the while they have been interfering just as much as they possibly can.

This group has also revealed itself to be thoroughly racist and have connections with the same racist neo-nazi groups that are causing the current violence in Germany. As just one example of the racism of this group, please note that they have demoted Kenneth Idiodi of Nigeria. They have done so because he is a black-African and because he has been so successful. The truth is that Frater Idiodi has accomplished more for the Order than all of the European Grand Masters combined.

Frater Idiodi should have been promoted to Grand Master long ago. The author worked long and hard for his promotion and was refused. Given the first opportunity, let me assure Frater Idiodi that he will be recognized as Grand Master.

If the reader has been keeping up with current events, please note that a single official of the F.C. has nearly sent the entire world into a trade war and global depression. He was willing to make the whole world suffer in order to increase his own personal gain. Therefore, do not think it too unlikely that others would do the same to the Order.

All of the above is thoroughly contrary to the Teachings of the Masters and common decency. These individuals are acting in this manner because their true loyalties have belonged outside of the Order for many years. They have existed within the Order as quislings and provocateurs. For an interesting lesson in history and politics, please, go to your dictionary, look up the word "provocateur" and especially the word "quisling". No genuine student could act in this manner. AMORC is not now being governed by the Initiates.

This group thought that Frater Lewis was unaware of the manipulations going on around him. He would look into the faces of those in whom he had placed his trust, listen to their transparent deceptions and feel his heart break. This is the main reason that he sometimes seemed impatient or distracted or surly toward the end.

Fortunately, for all sincere students on the Path, Frater Lewis made other plans for his succession and for the perpetuation of the Order, all of which remain in place and unknown to the pretenders. All those that have been false and self serving have been allowed to act according to their true natures. In this manner, they are bringing the complete karmic consequences upon themselves.

Because of the above examples and many other acts, the Great White Lodge and Brotherhood cannot give their support to any endeavor that contains any of these types of individuals. Therefore, the Great White Lodge has withdrawn its support from AMORC.

It will soon be the time to begin discussing the preparations by Imperator Lewis and the Masters. Some of our readers have asked why this has happened. The analogy that best explains the situation is that of smelting metal. Some kind of ore is placed in the Crucible and the heat is turned up until the slag floats to the top. The Alchemist then skims off the slag and what remains is the Pure Metal. It is time to skim the slag off the top.

The End
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Postby admin » Wed Oct 21, 2015 5:22 am

Reflections ...
By Curt Warren, F.R.C.

Thoughts, opinions and reminiscences of a student on the Path.

A Perspective on Martinist History

(Part One of Three Parts)

Generally, most branches of the Martinist Order trace their origins to the appearance of Martinez de Pasqualley in the middle of the 18th Century; and, the name -- Martinist -- from Pasqualley's disciple Louis Claude de San Martin. Subsequent history, after Pasqualley, traces the work from San Martin and Jean-Baptiste Willermoz to Gerard Encausse (Papus), who revitalized the Order circa 1882-91.

But, which Pasqually? There were two of them: father and son. While it was the son, Don Martinez de Pasqualley, who operated the superior Masonic rite known as Elus Cohen or more precisely, the Ordre des Chevaliers Elus Cohens de l'Universe, he did so under a patent issued to his father, also apparently named Don Martinez de Pasqualley. The son settled in Bordeaux in 1752; and, a year later informed the Grand Lodge of France that he had erected "a Temple to the Glory of the Grand Architect which includes 5 perfect orders (or degrees) of Perfection of which I am the trustee under the constitution of Charles Stuart, King of Scotland, Ireland and England, Grand Master of all lodges, spread over the whole world, this day, under the protection of George William, King of Great Britain, and under the title of the Grand Lodge of the Chosen Scotch Perfection." At the same time, he transmitted to the Grand Lodge of France an English copy of the patent issued to his father on May 20th, 1738, by the Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Stuart, with the power of transmitting it to his eldest son. So, to repeat: to which Pasqualley does Martinism depend? Father or son? And, if it was a developed system as indicated, who and what were the precedents behind the Pasqualleys? Martinist history is woefully lacking in this area of research. Of course, does it really matter? The only true criteria for the legitimacy of a mystical/occult order has always lain in the Latin word Opus, the Work. Who has the Work; documents are hollow without it, and the Work stands alone on its own intrinsic value as a reflection of Truth that any sincere seeker can determine by intuitive resonance. And, let's be honest: all document trails end somewhere.

After Pasqualley, the son, died in in 1884, several successors allowed the Temples to little by little fall into dormancy. As a result J.B. Willermoz affixed what we today call the Martinist Tradition onto the upper degrees of the French branch of the German Strict Templar Observance, a system of Masonic High Degree rites. In Lyon, in 1778, the French branch of the Templars reorganized as the "Charitable Knights of the Holy City" under Willermoz. As I understand it, this group never went inactive; and, was in fact active during the time of Papus' revitalization period.

The French Revolution of 1789 adversely affected Masonry and Martinism; and, it wasn't until around 1806 that everyone in France got around to getting their act together.

The French, Bless 'Em, not only lost their leadership, the aristocracy, to Dr. Guillotine's invention, but quite a few of the intelligentsia as well. Those who escape the Terror did so, many of them landing on the shores of America. People have a tendency to forget that since the time of the Pilgrims, America has been the haven of refuge for heretics, dissidents, mystics and occultists from England, France, Germany, Bohemia, etc. It was the Rosicrucian/Masonic group that laid the foundations of our government. And, though little recorded, the Traveling Lodges made circuits of even the furtherest frontiers of this land.

After the resurgence, circa 1806, in France, Martinism was disseminated in Europe through three main branches: 1) the surviving members of Pasqualley's Elus Cohen, individually or through groups of 9 persons known as "Kabalistic Areopages"; 2) the Charitable Knights of the Holy City, which moved to Switzerland and are still there; and 3) through the students of the French mystic, Louis Claude de San Martin, the "Unknown Philosopher" who died in 1803. At this same time, according to one tradition, what we call Martinism had already landed on American shores at Charleston among some clandestine Masons practicing a rite called Memphis and Mizraim.

It is from one of Louis Claude de San Martin's students, J.A. Chaptal, grandfather of the French occultist, Henri Delaage, that the grandson passed the Initiation on to Gerard Encausse around 1882. Delaage's own Initiation is, of course, clouded since there is no record of it ever happening. However, the lack of documentation is common among family traditions; that is, where the Initiation is passed from one generation to the next. Who is going to question one's own Uncle or Grandfather? The lack of records raises Hell with "documented" history and the oral transmission, which was the norm; and, by which, the majority of mystical and occult teachings were in fact transmitted throughout history.

It is Gerard Encausse (Papus) that is the acknowledged father of most of modern Martinism; and, is securely dated from July 1891 with the founding of the Supreme Council. The period from his Initiation in 1882 until the establishment of the Supreme Council were the formative years; the years in which he and his circle formulated the body of teachings associated with modern Martinism. These formative years were important since it is highly likely that he received only a synopsis or brief sketch of Martinist tradition from Delaage. The Rosicrucian/Masonic historian Arthur Edward Waite tells us: "Papus never concealed the fact that he and no other was the author and fount of its very simple rituals which were modestly conceived and well arranged. He connected it indeed with the name of Saint Martin as a sort of traditional founder ... a remote inspiration."

Papus was also influenced by the work of Eliphas Levi (Abbe Constant), the French occultist and Kabalist. So, to whatever Martinism that Papus received, plus the writings of the mystic philosopher, L.C. de San Martin, he also added Kabalistic tradition and interpretation influenced by Levi.

During the formative years when Papus was developing his modern system of Martinism, he was assisted by his associates, including Augustin Chaboseau, who had a separate and probably clearer line of initiatic tradition from L.C. de San Martin. Very likely, they pooled their knowledge. Moreover, on Papus' Supreme Council was a very important individual who has been singularly slighted by Martinist historians: Dr. Eduoard Blitz, a member of the "Charitable Knights of the Holy City" and himself an heir to J.B. Willermoz' authority with a Templar/Martinist tradition. Dr. Blitz became the Sovereign Delegate to the Supreme Council for the United States. He published his Monitor here, in English, in 1898. This monitor was the basis for the one created by (and usually attributed to) Sedir, who later was to inherit Papus' mantle after Papus died in World War I. But in 1902, Papus and Blitz parted company.

Quoting, again, Arthur Edward Waite: "(Papus) had sought Masonic initiation and had been refused everywhere in France. By way of reprisal or otherwise, (Papus) converted his Martinist centres into unofficial bodies for the indiscriminate communication of official Masonic secrets to both sexes and for the study of Masonic rituals, symbolism and history." As a result, according to Waite, Dr. Blitz broke away from Papus and in 1902 formed a Rectified Martinist Order in America; and, in England, another group of Martinists die the same. In America, Papus collected what was left to him of the membershiop, and appointed the novelist Margaret Peeke as its head. He also honored her with the Rose Croix degree. So, circa 1908, there were two quite different groups working the French version of Martinism.

Part 2 will be published in January 1993.
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Postby admin » Wed Oct 21, 2015 5:23 am

Post Office Box 31432
Tucson, AZ 85751-1432

November 16, 1992

Frater Curt Warren
The Rosicrucian Chronicles
Post Office Box 111891
Campbell, CA 95011-1891

Fraters and Sorors:

Frater Curt Warren's Reflections ... article in the November R+C Chronicles addresses important issues concerning Christian Bernard's right to hold himself out as a Regularized Free Initiator of TMO, thus eligible to be its Grand Master. Being one of the 47 Ronin of Imperator Ralph Lewis' IRC, I too have continue with historical studies. In this letter I will publicly testify about Christian Bernard's claims to Martinist leadership.

We were entrusted with chauffering Bro Orval Graves to and from San Jose to his home in Redwood City for the occasion of Christian Bernard's Regularization and Free Initiator rites of October 22, 1990. Also entrusted to make photocopies of the documents Bro Graves offered at the time of those ceremonies, a copy is reproduced herein for all to see and inspect; I possess photographs made at that time as well.

Bro Graves was elderly and frail of body at that time, yet keen of mind and dedicated as a Rosicrucian, Martinist, and Alchemist. Ralph Lewis' reasons for entrusting development of the Rosicrucian Research Library to Fr. Graves were abundantly evident even at an advanced age.

Donna and myself were concerned about the ethical character of Bernard due to an incident occurring after the rites. Bro. Graves presented Christian with his original documents, whereupon Bernard vowed to hang them on the wall of the Imperator's office in San Jose. As soon as Bro Graves' back was turned, Bernard tossed the documents into his brief case, taking his new bounty home to France.

Inspection of the sole document offered by Bro Graves raises serious questions about the rituals performed that day, and even more serious questions about Bernard's fitness to direct Martinist activities. The sole document offered is a certificate of attainment of the S.I. degree of the Ordre Martiniste in 1940. Lewis no longer claimed Ordre Martiniste affiliation, instead operating as the Traditional Martinist Order. Secondly, the certificate authenticates only attainment of rank of S.I. degree, not Free Initiator. Accordingly, documents showing regularization to TMO and receipt of Free Initiator status are required to validate Bernard's claim. It should be remembered only this certificate of S.I. degree initiation was offered to those assembled for Bernard's initiation.

Along with this ritual, Bro Graves signed two documents prepared by Bernard's staff of Martinist experts. Those documents confer Regularization and Free Initiator status. But since they are a invention of Bernard's French staff, thus only signed by Graves, they only validate that Graves signed them but do not validate authorization for him to do so.

After this event, I do personally testify that I spent at least two days with Bernard in a futile quest to locate Cecil Poole's documents and a missing letter of filiation from Lagreze. Those letters were never located in the Imperator's safes nor elsewhere.

TMO and AMORC members will be interested to learn that through the European and American grapevines we hear Bernard has sought out leaders of other Martinist Traditions to grant him Free Initiator status. Thus far his requests have been refused. If the rumors are true, do they speak of an unspoken acknowledgement by Bernard that he is not qualified to hold Free Initiator or Grand Master roles in TMO? We also know that Jim Whitcomb, whose initiations were received in Europe, would not become involved in AMORCs problems for Bernard at least up to March, 1991.

Cecil Poole's initiations of GLS are quite another matter. Mr. Poole was then still Vice President of SGL in 1987. The fact that Poole served as RML's right hand man for nearly fifty continuous years rendered him familiar with policies and procedures of all aspects of AMORC. He was a Martinist not just from inceptioin of TMO in San Jose, but throughout his long, illustrious career. Thus, TMO policies were fresh in his mind at the time of Stewart's initiations.

On a deeper level, we should call into question the moral character of one who professes to be an authentic lineage bearer while knowing full well the basis of his claims are not supported by documents at hand. Be it stupidity or willful deceit, either basis brings into question his fitness for leadership of the TMO.

I have copies of the Regularization and Free Initiator Rituals used by Gary Stewart and Christian Bernard. They are not the same rituals. Cecil Poole administered Stewart's rituals, and duly signed the documents. His documents are not public, presumably entrusted to those whose vote of confidence precludes Bernard. I think we would all call into question the validity of Bernard's rituals and documents. As Curt reported, he did not make use of the Imperator's installation ritual left by Ralph Lewis, so why should we believe a document invented by his staff in France serves traditional and antiquarian standards? He should explain its origins with reference to produced documents from Martinist tradition; any attempts based on a "it's true because I say so", and including "such documents cannot be publicly shown" should be judged as evidence against the validity of his claims.

What source does Bernard base his argument on? The sole historical document is a letter from RML to Jean Guesdon, dated April 16, 1940. It states Graves and Poole were about to be appointed to the TMO Board, that both were about to become Martinists and made Free Initiators.

I do not doubt Orval Graves' sincerity. We do not know what TMO practices amounted to in the early 1940's, nor the thoroughness of a Martinist Bro of very advanced age. I am sure Christian must have known at the time of his initiations that a S.I. document did not validate a thing.

Curt is very correct in his conclusion. Those of us appointed to IRC by Ralph Lewis serve a deceased master. And those of us made Regular and Free Initiators through RML and GLS hold stronger claims than does Christian Bernard. Traditional Martinism prior to the time of Papus and Chabaseau functions as a network, not as an organization. We Free Initiators now hold the keys, and it is our responsibility to transmit the lamp to succeeding genrations.

Those wishing copies of Regularization and Free Initiator documents, and their respective Free Initiator rituals, concerning Gary Stewart and Christian Bernard may obtain them by sending $10.00 to me to cover reproduction and postage costs. All those documents are public domain and without copyright.

Ken O'Neill
Post Office Box 31432
Tucson, AZ 85751-1432



We are happy to report that the Rosicrucian Chronicles has been very successful and that the number of requests for copies continues to increase. Until now Rosicrucian Chronicles has been able to support itself primarily from the donations of a few. Both fortunately and unfortunately, our circulation has increased to the point where we must ask for some additional donations. We don't have lavish estates or lavish life styles to support and we don't pay lavish salaries to ourselves or our friends (we receive and pay no salaries). Therefore, at this time we are asking for any additional small amount that you can spare, only to assist us in covering the cost of printing and requests for back issues.

Trust Fund

We will soon be setting up a trust fund to cover future legal expenses. At this time we are asking that all concerned Martinist and Rosicrucian students who have legal experience in the non-profit arena to contact us. We are setting up a legal team to address the current conditions. We seek those who are more concerned with the future of charities and public benefit organizations than with exacting record legal fees. In the future we will be asking for everyone's support in this effort. And, unlike the current AMORC, you will be able to receive an honest and complete accounting.

Seasons Greetings.

May Christmas and the New Year bring you joyful hours, pleasant memories, thoughts of friends and Much Happiness.

Rosicrucian Chronicles

Rosicrucian Chronicles
Serving the Ideals of the Rosicrucian Movement
P.O. Box 111891, Campbell
California 95011-1891, USA

The Rosicrucian Chronicles is published monthly by the following Rosicrucians:

Roselyn Beuchat, F.R.C.
Susanne Mohs Boyer, F.R.C.
Nancy Ste. Vigne Warren, F.R.C.
Kenneth Thompson, F.R.C.
Curt Warren, F.R.C.

Any opinion expressed in this newsletter is that of the individual author, who is solely responsible for the content and views presented herein.

Letters, Articles and Donations can be mailed to:

Rosicrucian Chronicles
P.O. Box 111891
Campbell, CA 95011-1891

Thank you for your support

© R+C Chronicles 1992

The next newsletter will be published on January 2, 1993. To receive your copy, please send a self addressed stamped envelope (or stamps, which we prefer) to the following address:

Rosicrucian Chronicles
P.O. Box 111891
Campbell, CA 95011-1891
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Postby admin » Wed Oct 21, 2015 5:25 am

The Transition of Our Imperator


By Ralph M. Lewis, F. R. C.

[From The Rosicrucian Digest September 1939]

I WRITE not of the passing of a man, but of an epochal influence. There have been and will be men who, by their daring, their conquest, and intellectual achievements, so implant their personalities in the consciousness of their contemporaries that they will live forever in the minds of future men as beings remarkable for their deeds. The man of whom I write never revolutionized a field of science or hacked a path through a virgin jungle to reveal new lands, nor, perhaps, did he ever build a greater or more skillful device than could some of his fellow men; I instead record the transition of a humanitarian, H. Spencer Lewis, who found his happiness and success in molding the lives and minds of human beings.

His glory, the fame that he has justly earned, is not to be found in the material things which he has erected or established, for their brilliance must diminish with the passing of time. His distinction will be found instead in the incentive, the vision of life, and the grasp of living he instilled within the minds of the thousands he counselled. To his credit in the archives of time will be recorded no one amazing deed but ten thousand attainments not yet realized. Behind unmaterialized ideas in the minds of thousands, which at some later date will win acclaim, is the influence of the precepts he taught, loved, and lived. In the heart of each of these persons there will always exist a debt of gratitude to him for having shown them the way. His life will not be one to be looked back upon with remorse that it could not have continued longer, for one may, perhaps, but need to look at a neighbor to find living within that neighbor his principles and ideals, for he lives in the minds and personalities of all those he so sincerely taught the ways of life, and who devotedly practice what he believed with all his heart.

Whether it be a test every humanitarian must endure, or the result of a combination of circumstances their lives bring about, he, like his eminent Rosicrucian predecessors, was a most misunderstood man. If it was a gift he gave, he was accused of ingratiating himself. If by personal sacrifices he was brought face to face with sheer financial adversity, he was taunted with the cry, "If you are a master, of worldly goods you should have plenty." If he at times, in later life, sought to ease his cares by simple comforts and pleasures, such imprecations as "commercialism" were hurled at him, and insinuations that he was prostituting his trusts and talents. Whenever he revealed an honor, of the multitude he received from notables and institutions for his personal achievements, there were some who labelled him an exploiter, and if he refrained from mentioning them the challenge to prove his worthiness to hold his exalted office was flung at him.

Every advancement of the Rosicrucian Order of the North and South American jurisdiction, in the service it rendered to its membership and the facilities it afforded them and the advantages it made possible to them, was the result of his planning, his vision, and excellent executive ability. To have removed him from the Rosicrucian Order or to have had him retire in the early years of its re-establishment would have been like removing the foundation from some great edifice, for it rested upon his genius and brilliance. However, as the AMORC won recognition in this jurisdiction as an institution of culture, learning and humanitarian practice, as well as being known to have a sound material foundation, it inadvertently incited jealousy, rivalry, and hatred in certain individuals. This malice was directed mainly not toward AMORC but toward the principal personality upon whom its progress depended -- in other words, our Imperator, H. Spencer Lewis. Perhaps few men in modern times have been subject to such conspiracies, intrigues, and deliberate attempts to malign their character, destroy their family reputation, ruin their life's work, and even harass them unto death if possible, as he had to endure. No highly melodramatic novel with all the embellishments a fertile imagination could conceive could approach the artifices and devices employed by these enemies of light to try and shatter him and his work. Literally tons upon tons of literature, even unto this hour, have been mailed and are being mailed and distributed to malign him, to accuse him of the vilest acts, but written so as just to avoid the penalties of the postal laws. Time and time again these enemies, these partners of darkness, have been challenged by him to open public debate wherein he personally and justly could defend himself against the charges, and repeatedly have they refused, resorting to excuse or ruse, always hoping to involve the character of the organization through him and to injure it beyond recovery.

Repeated attempts were made by these enemies to involve the organization, AMORC itself, with government departments. The very slogan of the enemies was and is "Stop AMORC." It was obviously their hope that launching government investigation after government investigation would result in adverse publicity, and that the constant litigation which they instituted would perhaps shake the faith of the membership of AMORC in the integrity of their Imperator. Always was the Imperator the principal target of their attack. From each ordeal of litigation in which his character, his activities, and the reputation of the organization were at stake, did he and AMORC rise victorious, for the charges were always groundless. Only the staff officers, personal friends, and local members residing near the Grand Lodge knew of these constant gruelling attacks and persecutions. His spirit and will were indomitable. Always from the Cosmic would come, when most needed, a surge of power that strengthened him, and even his adversaries admired the brilliance of his defense and his mastery in meeting every attack upon him. Not once during these years that he withstood their onslaughts has one of the accusations against him been proven in open court or any other place where he has had the opportunity of a just personal defense.

Always, in his defense, his main concern was the A. M. O. R. C. His devotion to the Rosy Cross was more than a love; it was a deep-seated passion. A slur at the Order would cause his face to blanch as though he had suffered a personal physical blow. Never has he deviated from the principles to which he adhered when first re-establishing the Order in this jurisdiction after having been given the trust and authority from abroad. A comparison of his recent writings with those of more than twenty years ago shows an exact parallelism so far as idealism, hope and faith are concerned. In nothing which he has established can there be found a marked departure from those precepts.

The essential requirement of a true humanitarian is unselfishness and a love of giving. For his unselfishness our Imperator was noted by all who knew him. Blessed with remarkable talents which manifested themselves early in his life, and with an excellent heritage, after finishing his schooling in New York City he devoted himself as a young man to scientific research in certain fields and the art profession. After a period of association with a large New York newspaper he entered the advertising world where he became a nationally prominent advertising counsellor for some of the largest corporations in the United States. He amassed at an early age a sizeable sum of money, but his main interest was mysticism and philosophy. After having in time made certain Rosicrucian contacts here and abroad, and after having been duly initiated and prepared and given the authority to establish the AMORC here, he partially withdrew from the commercial world and began, with no outside financial assistance, to utilize his personal funds for the furtherance of Rosicrucianism, against great odds. Eventually his private resources were gone. At that time he was devoting his entire time to AMORC and had no other income. The struggle was obviously severe.

Like other masters and teachers before him, he was subject to betrayal by those he trusted and suffered many great misfortunes and setbacks which would have broken the spirit of less strongly-willed or Cosmically inspired men. Having nothing further to give of a worldly nature, he began his greatest sacrifice -- the giving of himself. For long hours during the day and far into the night, with the assistance of his loving wife, he labored. Holidays and Sundays were spent in research or in gruelling clerical routine work because no funds were available for the hiring of typists or assistants. Even the simple equipment often used to perform administrative tasks was acquired at a further personal sacrifice of resources needed not only for comforts but often for personal necessities. Few members then, and very few members now, know of this, for it has been but seldom mentioned. No one will know of the humiliation he had to endure at the hands of haughty persons when the executive offices and first AMORC temple were housed in very humble quarters. Instead of proffering him aid, they demanded a material sign of the worthiness of Rosicrucianism. That sign to them meant some thing of affluence, of gilt and ostentation. The scintillating wisdom which was pouring forth from his mind into the monographs -- the result of his study of the Rosicrucian manuscripts received from abroad -- was not venerated by them. Instead they sought a temple made of marble, onyx, and rare woods, as an assurance of the efficacy of Rosicrucianism. To the credit of many it must be said that they realized his task and supported him in his early labors and in his many hours of grief which most often he locked within himself.

I must not now fail to record that during that most trying period, no one accused him of commercialism, of diverting the resources of the Order to his personal use, nor was there then the concerted effort of conspirators to attempt to remove him from the Order, or to attempt to seize the AMORC itself, if that could have been possible. The reason is simple: AMORC's resources were few and its liabilities many, its assets of little value, its future a long tedious grind, the reward far distant. There was such a paucity of membership that it would have availed the groups and societies and individuals that now consider themselves rivals nothing at that time to attempt by devious means, as they now do without success, to win over members by misrepresentation.

In the years that followed, his personal home life was invaded by telegraphic and telephonic requests at almost every hour of the day and night for the assistance which he could give, and which members sought. He gave of his energy and strength in thousands of personal interviews during his life and in psychic and Cosmic contacts. All who knew him personally knew it was a habit for him to work into the early hours of the morning -- aside from his regular duties -- on some matter of scientific research, demonstrating the principles of the Order. The Color Organ, known as the Luxatone, and the Rosicrucian Planetarium which he conceived and constructed, are but two of many of these enterprises that required long hours at night for weeks. He personally decorated several of the temples of the Order in this jurisdiction, and designed the many buildings at Rosicrucian Park. Every cover of The Rosicrucian Digest and the publications before it are the result of his personal artistic talent. Some of his many paintings hang upon the walls of the buildings at Rosicrucian Park. He wrote many books which brought him international distinction, and for years he designed, planned and wrote the major literature issued by AMORC -- which, incidentally, has been assiduously plagiarized and copied in design and wording without permission by many self-styled mystical organizations, some even presuming to bear the title Rosicrucian. His talent as an orator made him much in demand by societies and organizations as a prominent speaker, both here and in Europe. He always spoke without notes, and, with remarkable clarity, could sustain an address on a subject for two hours, or even longer if the occasion required, holding the intense interest of his audience, whether that audience be fifty or ten thousand.

He passed through transition at the comparatively young age of fifty-five years. That he could, with the knowledge of the laws of nature and the Cosmic principles he possessed, have preserved himself for many years is quite true. When he was warned by friends and close associates that he was jeopardizing his life by his labors, his reply was: "I know I am violating certain laws, and I will and must compensate for such violation; but I have a service to render, a duty to perform before I pass on, and I cannot fail. That is more important to me than my life." And so it has proved to be.

In his last will and testament and its supplement dated July 2, 1934, and July 4, 1934, respectively, he leaves to the membership of AMORC magnificent and inspiring thoughts. In this will and supplement he presaged his transition as coming comparatively soon. It is most fitting, therefore, that I quote below excerpts from this will and supplement so that every member can read and meditate upon them. I must add here that though he developed the AMORC of this jurisdiction into the movement and institution it now is, in the early years, as said before, he often received a slight salary, or none at all, because of the status of the resources of the organization, and later, when AMORC was able to compensate him, his remuneration was extremely nominal for the responsibilities his office entailed. His personal estate, therefore, from a monetary point of view, was exceedingly modest and proves once and for all the falsehood of the claims of those who declared otherwise.



(5) To my son, Ralph Lewis, Supreme Secretary of the AMORC of North America, I give and bequeath all my library of books here in my home at 1295 Naglee Ave., and all those belonging to me and having my book plate in them, and which books are at present on the research library shelves of the AMORC Inc., on Naglee Ave., to which organization I have loaned them; and I also give to my son Ralph M. Lewis my triangle, diamond Imperator's Rosicrucian ring which I have worn since 1918, to be worn by him as a sign that I transmit to him, in accordance with the ancient Rosicrucian traditions, my hierarchal authority as Imperator of the AMORC Rosicrucian Order for North America with the exclusive right to hold this high position; and to him I transmit also my shield and coat of arms as the Grand Cross in the Military Order of the Knights of the Temple, and any other transmissable honors and decorations possessed by me, with the understanding that the authority as Imperator, the ring, the Coat of Arms and other honors shall be transmitted by him (Ralph) to the next oldest male child of my blood at his transition, and by him to my Grandson James Harvey Whitcomb at his transition, and by him to the next oldest son or grandson of any of my children, continuously in line of succession.

(6) All the rest and residue of my property, both real and personal, I give, devise and bequeath to my wife Martha M. R. Lewis, after my funeral expenses and just debts are paid.

(7) I desire that my body shall be cremated in accordance with Rosicrucian laws providing for cremation within 7 (seven) days after transition, and desire a simple funeral service, using the Rosicrucian ritual, held in the Francis Bacon Auditorium if possible with such members of the AMORC present as may wish to express their joy at my advancement to Higher Degrees, and say farewell to this tired old body of mine. I ask that my ashes be deposited in the marked triangle space or beneath it, in the watered soil, in the center of the Amenhotep Shrine at Rosicrucian Park, San Jose, close to the place where are the ashes of my old friend Charlie Dean and many loyal Rosicrucians, with a bronze or other durable plate put in the cement floor to mark the spot to future generations of Rosicrucians.

(8) I direct also that the chest made by Frater Buffmyer from woods sent from all parts of the world by Rosicrucians, be kept by my son Ralph, preserving in it all the documents I have put in it from time to time, and that he add documents to it from time to time, and pass this chest on to each one to whom my Imperator's ring may pass, that each may put in it certain records, so that sometime this chest will be a valuable storehouse of records for future Rosicrucians. And a copy of this Will and Testament, written in non-fading ink on lasting paper shall be placed and kept in said chest for future possessors of the chest to read and preserve.

(9) Being of sound mind and excellent health, in this my fifty-second year, I nevertheless realize imminence of transition and have no fears of so-called "death" for I know without any doubt that I shall live again here on earth and again find joy in suffering and laboring for the magnificent trials and accomplishments of our beloved Rosicrucian principles. I shall be present to console and strengthen all of my beloved ones during the trying hours immediately after my transition and even unto the last minute of depositing my ashes in the earth. Then I shall depart for a while, but will ever contact my beloved ones in their hours of sorrow, and my loyal, advanced Fratres and Sorores of the Rosy Cross in their sublimest moments of Spiritual attunement.

(10) And, to all the Fratres and Sorores of the Illuminati and especially the Hierarchy Grade, I leave my love and appreciation for their loyalty and devotion. May they never have to suffer the tests I have had to bear to keep the faith and maintain the integrity of the AMORC. To them in the future I shall be known as ALDEN and my Hierarchal name will be SARALDEN sometime on earth again.

It is seven minutes of one o'clock Monday morning July 2nd. All have long since retired and I have just completed two hours of duties for others in my home sanctum after a day of preparation for the coming National Convention of Rosicrucians which has its beginning next Sunday eve., July 8th.

Believing it is my duty to straighten out my affairs, in the face of the few material changes in my personal property and holdings which have come so late in my life after having sacrificed them all in the past years to maintain the AMORC Rosicrucian Order, I have made this new Will and Testament without consulting anyone, not even an attorney, and will have my signature on this page witnessed by several disinterested persons.

In testimony whereof I have hereunto set my hand, signature and seal this second day (2nd day) of July in the year 1934 A. D. at 2:05 A. M. in my home at 1295 Naglee Ave., San Jose.

Harvey Spencer Lewis


F. R. C.



This is supplementary to the attached or accompanying last will and testament of mine. This is being written on Wednesday evening, July 4th, 1934, a few days after the writing of the will. This glorious holiday -- the anniversary of our national freedom -- freedom from all forms of despotism, intolerance and unjust persecution -- has been spent in strenuous mental and physical efforts, starting with contests at 8 o'clock last night and lasting to an early hour this morning and beginning again at breakfast time, to preserve our glorious Rosicrucian Order from the oppression and suppression directed toward us as officers and administrators by our natural enemies, the foes of Light and Soul Power.

I cannot ever forget the loyalty and devotion of my son Ralph in all of our official trials and tests, nor can the Order ever forget the highly conscientious, efficient and painstaking services he has rendered as Supreme Secretary and general business manager of the employees service departments. His wife, Gladys, has served well also in many departments during emergencies, and together they have made excellent members of the Supreme Council, always holding the interests and welfare of the members and the Order above all personal concern. My wife, too, has been unbiased, devoted and helpful in every way as a Supreme Councilor, despite her many connections as Director or officer of other organizations.

In all our recent trials and troubles, when dependability, long hours of service, devotion to the Order, and a militant attitude of loyalty were needed, our good brothers P. Falcone, Alfred Williams, Harvey Miles, Ken Brower, and my son-in-law James Whitcomb, were of the utmost help and assistance, and I know that James did not render such great services solely because of his family relations. My private secretary Daphne Daniels, one of the witnesses of my will, has also been very loyal, as has been Ethel Ward, Dr. Clement LeBrun, in their very efficient services to the Order under most trying conditions.

The Order of AMORC will not succumb to the machinations of its selfish enemies, but I am tired, so tired, of the long years of fighting for the faith, and in maintaining the promises and pledges I made to my superiors, the Venerables of the Order in France, in 1909. I feel that the Cosmic will soon relieve me of this tired body and free my soul to the Higher School of preparation for the next incarnation. As long as life and consciousness remain in this body, I shall serve, and fight for the integrity of the Order, for it is not mine, but Thine, Oh God of my Heart!

I shall carry in my soul eternally the illumination and benediction given to me on the occasion of my Hierarchal Initiation, and those hundred or more who have attained -- and received -- this under my regime of the Order, and now composing our 12th Degree, know whereof I speak, for we share together this sublime Wisdom and Understanding and shall come together some day under the names and signs we know; and until then -- and always -- we shall be a part of the Invisible Empire, the Great White Hierarchy of the Order of the Rosy Cross.

To those who have imitated the Order, abused its sacred symbols and misappropriated its terminology, in violence of the Book "G" left to us by our Venerable Grand Master C. R+C. I have only sorrow and forgiveness. They shall learn and evolve through the greater Cross they have placed upon their weak shoulders to carry.

In my heart there is an ever growing love for all of humanity. Man is the most glorious creation of God, and through his weaknesses emphasises the greatnesses of God. I have gladly given the better part of my life -- and all of the material attainments which my Divinely bestowed talents would have made possible, to this Order and its avowed efforts in behalf of man's evolution here on earth.

I ever thank God for my wife and wonderful children -- even my daughter-in-law Gladys, and son-in-law James. My first wife was devoted, true and loving, and God was good in giving me a second wife so loving and loyal.

May Heaven and the God of our Hearts bless them and lead them on to carry the Rosy Cross standard to greater glories. I should like to see Earle assist Ralph sometime in this work as Ralph has helped me, and James to help both of them so that little James Harvey Whitcomb may also follow the same noble path. And may nothing ever tempt them to break the faith or yield one iota, nor give tribute to the enemies of Light, but be ready at all times, as I have been, to sacrifice all, even life itself, to defend the Rosy Cross, its true traditions and purposes. So Mote It Be!

God bless you all, eternally

Your Father--Husband, Brother and friend

Harvey Spencer Lewis

F. R. C.

XII° -- 95°
San Jose, Calif.
July 4th, 1934
10:21 P.M.

Imperator -- Rex R+C

* * *

It was to be expected that the Imperator would be admired, respected and loved by fellow members of his beloved Ancient Mystical Order Rosae Crucis, but he was likewise admired and respected as a man, as an individual, by non-members who knew him. The following editorial from one of the San Jose daily newspapers is proof of this. Not only did both San Jose newspapers announce with front-page news articles and editorials his transition, but the event was broadcast as news over the principal radio stations in United States and Canada, and it was placed upon the news service release wires and appeared in all the leading newspapers in North and South America, and in the principal newspapers of Europe as well, for the Imperator was an internationally known figure.

Editorial San Jose Evening News
August 8, 1939

Death of Dr. H. Spencer Lewis, so soon after the conclusion of the Rosicrucian annual convention, was a shock to this entire community and to the thousands of members of the organization throughout the world.

To realize Dr. Lewis' gifts as an organizer, it is only necessary to remember that a few years ago the present site of Rosicrucian Park contained only some small cottages. Now it is beautifully parked, filled with fountains and art objects, and contains a number of imposing buildings devoted to a wide variety of scientific and artistic purposes.

Even at the time of his death, Dr. Lewis was negotiating to bring to San Jose one of the greatest art collections in Europe -- a collection which San Francisco, Chicago and New York would be glad to entertain.

Dr. Lewis' contribution to the development of San Jose was not confined to the building of Rosicrucian Park and the establishment of an institution which sends out tens of thousands of pieces of mail matter each month. He showed an unswerving interest in the welfare of this city -- not only its scientific and artistic welfare but its civic betterment. He was, in a word the finest type of public-spirited citizen.

Dr. Lewis' influence was not confined to this city, State or Nation. It was world-wide, the principles of Rosicrucianism which he espoused bringing development, satisfaction and happiness to thousands throughout the world.

The loss which San Joseans and Rosicrucians everywhere have sustained in the passing of Dr. Lewis is very great indeed.

* * *

Funeral services for the Imperator were conducted in the Francis Bacon Auditorium at 2:00 P. M., Saturday, August 5, 1939, as he desired. It was the largest funeral ever witnessed in San Jose. The large auditorium stage was banked row after row with magnificent floral pieces, wreaths and sprays, dozens having been telegraphed not only from various sections of the United States but cabled and radioed from foreign lands. The auditorium was crammed with hundreds of loving mourners, both members and friends. Hundreds of cables, radiograms and telegrams from cities of this continent and from every continent on the globe poured in as soon as the tragic news was known. These wires of condolence and sympathy were not alone from members of AMORC but from government officials, men and women high in the walks of life, representing every profession and every occupation, who knew him as a friend and admired his accomplishments. The Imperator lay as though sleeping and enjoying the rest he so needed after his long and arduous labors. The simple and impressive mystical Rosicrucian funeral ceremony added to the beauty of the Great Initiation, for so it was, and this thought somewhat lessened the tremendous grief with which his wife and family labored. We know he shall return. We grieve not for his body nor for his soul, but for that physical and intellectual companionship which since transition we must adjust ourselves to receiving and enjoying in a more intimate manner which we as Rosicrucians understand. So Mote It Be!
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