Alta Vendita, by Wikipedia

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Alta Vendita, by Wikipedia

Postby admin » Fri May 22, 2020 12:07 am

Alta Vendita
by Wikipedia
Accessed: 5/21/20

Permanent Instruction of the Alta Vendita
Cover of 1999 book on the Alta Vendita which contains important excerpts of the Permanent Instruction, published by Vennari.
Author Italian Carbonari
Language English
Genre Religion, Politics
Published 1859, 1999 (TAN Books & Publishers)
Pages 43

The Permanent Instruction of the Alta Vendita (commonly called the Alta Vendita) is a document, originally published in Italian in 1859, produced by the highest lodge[1] of the Italian Carbonari and written by "Piccolo Tigre" ("Little Tiger"), which, according to George F. Dillon, was supposedly the pseudonym of a Jewish Freemason.[2]

The document details an alleged Masonic plan to infiltrate the Catholic Church and spread liberal ideas within it. The Carbonari had strong similarities to Freemasonry and so the document is seen by some as a Masonic document. In the 19th century, Pope Pius IX[3] and Pope Leo XIII both asked for it to be published. It was first published by Jacques Crétineau-Joly in his book L'Église romaine en face de la Révolution in 1859. It was popularised in the English speaking world by Monsignor George F. Dillon in 1885 with his book the War of Anti-Christ with the Church and Christian Civilization.[4]

It is still circulated by many traditionalist and sedevacantist Catholics, who believe it accurately describes the changes in the church in the post-Vatican II era.[5]

Alta Vendita is mentioned in The Prague Cemetery, the novel by Umberto Eco.

See also

• Anticlericalism and Freemasonry
• New World Order (conspiracy theory)
• War of Anti-Christ with the Church and Christian Civilization
• Nicodemite


1. "At the head was the alta vendita, to which deputies were chosen from the other vendite." Catholic Encyclopedia: Carbonari
2. [1]
3. "This little booklet reprints a collection of papers — reputedly from 1820s Alta Vendita correspondence — published by authority of Pope Pius IX (1846-1878) in 1859." Grand Lodge of British Columbia and Yukon (2004-12-15). "Anti-masonry Frequently Asked Questions:"Q 10. Doesn't the Alta Vendita prove that Freemasonry is anti-Catholic?"". Archived from the original on 16 August 2006. Retrieved 2006-08-14.
4. Republished by Denis Fahey in 1950 as Grand Orient Freemasonry Unmasked as the Secret Power Behind Communism
5. "The post-Vatican II revolution bears all the hallmarks of the fulfilling of the designs of the Permanent Instruction of the Alta Vendita" Freemasonry and the Subversion of the Catholic Church by John Vennari (Traditionalist Catholic)

External links

• Original Italian Text here (#II. on page)
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Re: Alta Vendita, by Wikipedia

Postby admin » Fri May 22, 2020 12:10 am

Part 1 of 2

Documents Regarding Alta Vendita [The Permanent Instruction of the Alta Vendita]
from L'Eglise romaine et la Révolution, by Crétineau-Joly
Translated from Italian by Google


I. Letter from Cardinal Consalvi to the Prince of Metternich, dated January 4, 1818.

The Holy See manifests the knowledge it has of the danger that Carbonarism, at the head of which High Sale will soon be placed, makes society run so as not to be reduced to a repression that will only increase evil. The elements that make up the secret societies, especially those that serve to form the soul of Carbonarism, are still scattered, badly fused orin ovo; but we live in a time so favorable to conspiracies, so rebellious to the feeling of duty, that the most vulgar circumstance can very easily form a formidable aggregation of these councils scattered here and there. VA does me the honor of telling me, in his last letter, that I am perhaps too nervous about some natural shock after such a violent storm. I would like my presentiments to remain in a state of chimera: nevertheless, I cannot cradle myself in such cruel hope any longer.

"From all that I gather from various parts, and from what I conjecture for the future, I believe (you will see later, if I am wrong) that the Revolution has changed its path and tactics.

It no longer attacks, armed hand, the thrones and the altars; it will content itself with undermining them with incessant slanders; it will sow hatred and distrust between the governments and the governed; it will make one hateful, pity the other. Then one day the more secular monarchies, abandoned by their defenders, will find themselves at the discretion of some low-level intrigues to whom no one deserves to give a look of preventive attention.

It seems to think, Mr. Prince, that in these fears manifested by me (but always by verbal order of the Holy Father) there is a preconceived system and ideas that can only arise in Rome. I swear to VA that by writing to you and addressing the high Powers, I completely strip myself of all personal interest and look at the matter from a much higher point. Do not stop to consider it now, because it has not yet entered the public domain, so to speak, it is condemning yourself to late repentance.

Dear Prince, acquired and inspired confidence: increase this glory so universal, putting novice conspirators in the impossibility of harming others as if they were themselves. The great statesmen shine in this art of foresight and early calculation; she will be careful not to miss her vocation".

The language of the Holy See was not understood; his warnings were scorned. Shortly after the high sale was formed.

II. Permanent secret instruction given to members of the High Sale.

"After we have established ourselves in the body of action and the order begins to reign again in the most remote Sale runs to the one closest to the center, there is a thought that has always worried men who aspire to universal regeneration. Thought is that of the liberation of Italy, from which, in a given day, the liberation of the whole world, the fraternal Republic and the harmony of humanity must come out. This thought has not yet been sufficiently understood by our brothers in France, that revolutionary Italy cannot but conspire in the shade, distribute a few stab wounds to cops or traitors; and meanwhile calmly endure the yoke of the events taking place beyond the mountains for Italy, but without Italy.

"This error was already fatal to us several times. We must not fight it with words; it would be a propagation: we must kill it with deeds. And so, in the midst of the treatments that have the privilege of shaking the most vigorous spirits of our Sales, (1) there is one that we must never forget.

"The Papacy always exercised decisive action over the fate of Italy. With the arm, with the voice, with the pen, with the heart of its countless bishops, friars, nuns and faithful of all latitudes, the Papacy finds people everywhere ready to sacrifice to martyrdom, to enthusiasm. Wherever he wants to evoke it, he has friends who die and others who get undressed for his sake. It is an immense lever of which only some Popes have understood all the power. (And they still do not care they served only to a certain extent.) Today it is not a question of reconstituting this temporarily weakened power in our service: our final aim is that of Voltaire and the French Revolution: that is, the complete annihilation of Catholicism and even the Christian idea, which, if it remained standing above the ruins of Rome, would later perpetuate it. But to reach this goal more certainly and not to prepare for ourselves disillusionments that indefinitely prolong or compromise the good success of the cause, we must not listen to these French braggarts, to these nebulous Germans, to these melancholy Englishmen who believe they can kill Catholicism now with an obscene song, now with a sophism, now with a trivial sarcasm smuggled in like English cottons. Catholicism has a life that resists something else. He has seen more implacable and more terrible opponents; and the evil taste of blessing the grave of the angriest of them with his holy water has often been taken. So let our brothers in those countries let off steam with their intemperances of anti-Catholic zeal: let them make fun of our Madonnas and our apparent devotion. With this passport (of hypocrisy), we can conspire with all our convenience and gradually reach our goal.

"Therefore the Papacy has been inherent to our Italy for seventeen hundred years. Italy cannot breathe, nor move without the permission of the Supreme Shepherd. With him, she has the hundred arms of Briareo; without him, she is condemned to a compassionate impotence, to divisions, to hatreds, to hostility from the first chain of the Alps to the last ring of the Apennines. We cannot want such a state of affairs: we must seek a remedy for this situation. Well, the remedy is found. Pope, whoever he is, will never come to secret societies; it is up to secret societies to take the first step towards the Church and the Pope, with the aim of overcoming them both.

"The work to which we are preparing is not the work of a day, nor of a month, nor of a year. It can last many years, perhaps a century: but in our ranks the soldier dies and the war continues.

Alexander VI with all his private vices would not suit us, since he never erred in religious matters. A Clement XIV, on the other hand, would be our case from head to toe. Borgia was a libertine, a true sensual of the eighteenth century misled in the fifteenth century. Despite his vices, he was excommunicated from philosophy and disbelief because of the vigor with which he defended the Church. Ganganelli, on the other hand, stood with his hands and feet tied in the arms of the Bourbon ministers who frightened him, and the unbelievers who praised his tolerance, and for this reason Ganganelli became a great Pope. In our present conditions we would need such a Pope, if it were possible. With this only we will more certainly go to assault of the Church, which does not take pamphlets from our brothers in France, and with the gold of England. And do you want to know why? Because, with this alone, to instruct the rock on which God built his Church, we no longer need Hannibal's vinegar, cannon powder, or even our arms. We have the little finger of the successor of Peter engaged in the plot, and this little finger applies to this crusade all Urbani II and all S. Bernardi of Christianity.

"We do not doubt the point of reaching this supreme end of our efforts. But when? And how? The unknown is not yet seen. Nevertheless, since nothing has to move us from the plan outlined, which on the contrary everything must contribute to it, as if success were to crown the work just sketched out tomorrow, in this instruction, which we must keep hidden from the simple initiates, we want to give the Supreme Sales officers some advice which they should inculcate to all the brothers in the form of teaching or memorandum. It is above all important, not that required by the most basic discretion, that you never let anyone know that these tips are orders issued by the Sale. The clergy is too directly involved in it; nor is it lawful for these moonlights to joke with him as we do with these rulers or princes who blow themselves away.

a Rivarola? Immediately envelop it in all the networks you can. Make him a reputation that frightens boys and women: paint him cruel and bloodthirsty: tell about some heinous little boy who easily impresses himself in the minds of the people. When the foreign newspapers then learn from us these facts that they will know how to beautify and color in turn, for the respect that is due to the truth, show, or have some respectable imbecile show, rather the number of the newspaper where the names and facts of said characters. Like France and England, Italy will never fail in pens that can tell lies useful for the good cause. With a newspaper whose language you don't understand, but in which he will see the name of his delegate or his judge, the people will not need any more proof. The people here among us are in the infancy of Liberalism. He now believes in the Liberals, as he will later believe we don't know what else.

"Crush the enemy whatever he is, when he is powerful, by means of slander; but above all, crush him when he is still in the egg. To youth we must aim: we must seduce young people: it is necessary that we attract youth without notice of it, under the banner of secret societies. In order to advance, with counted but sure steps, in this dangerous way, two things are absolutely necessary for you. You must have the air of being as simple as doves, but together you must be as prudent as snakes. Your parents, your children, your own wives will always have to ignore the secret you carry in your bosom. And if you like it, to better deceive the scrutinizing eyes, to go to confession often, you are authorized to maintain, even with the confessor, the most absolute silence on these matters. You well know that the least revelation, that the smallest hint that escaped you in the Tribunal of penance or elsewhere can lead us to great calamities; and that the voluntary or involuntary revelator signs, with this same, his death sentence.

"Now, therefore, to secure a Pope according to our heart, it is first of all a question of forming, to this Pope, a generation worthy of the kingdom we desire. Leave the old and the mature men aside; go, instead, straight to youth, and, if possible, to childhood too. Never talk to young people about obscene and wicked things. Maxima debetur puero reverentia [Google translate: The greatest respect is owed to the boy]. Never forget these words of the poet, since they will serve you to safeguard against any license, from which it is absolutely necessary to abstain in the interest of the cause. To make our cause flourish and bear fruit in families, to have the right of asylum and hospitality at the home, you must present yourself with all the appearances of serious and moral men. Once your reputation is established in colleges, gymnasiums, universities and seminars, once you have won the trust of teachers and young people, make sure that especially those who enter the clerical militia seek your conversation. Nude their spirit of the ancient splendor of papal Rome. There is always a desire for the republican form in the heart of every Italian. Deftly confuse these two memories: excited, warm these so flammable natures to the idea of ​​patriotic pride. Begin by offering them, but always in secret, innocent books, warm poems of national emphasis: gradually you will lead your disciples to the desired degree of fermentation. When on all points of the ecclesiastical state this everyday work has spread our ideas like light, then you will be able to realize how wise the council is, of which we now take the initiative.

"The events, which, in our opinion, rush too much, (2) will necessarily call, in a few months, an armed intervention by Austria. There are madmen who amuse themselves by cheerfully throwing others into the midst of dangers: but in the meantime these madmen, at a given moment, also drag the wise men with them. The revolution that is preparing in Italy will only produce misfortunes and proscriptions. Nothing is ripe: neither men, nor things: and nothing will be ripe for a long time yet. But with these future misfortunes, you will be able to easily vibrate a new rope in the heart of the young clergy. This rope will be the hatred of the foreigner. Let the German become ridiculous and hateful even before his expected intervention. With the idea of ​​papal supremacy you always mix the memory of the wars of the Priesthood and the Empire. Raise the ill-rested passions of the Guelphs and Ghibellines: and so, little by little, you will make, with little expense, a reputation as a good Catholic and a good patriot.

"This reputation as a good Catholic and a good patriot will open the hearts of the young clergy and convents to our doctrines. In a few years this young clergy will have, by force of things, invaded all offices. He will govern, administer, judge, will form the council of the sovereign, and will be called to elect the future Pope. This Pope, like most of his contemporaries, will necessarily be more or less imbued, too, with the Italian and humanitarian principles that we are now beginning to put into circulation. It is a small mustard seed which we confide in the earth, but the sun of righteousness will develop it to the highest power, and you will one day see what rich crops this little seed will produce.

"In the way that we trace to our brothers, there are great obstacles to overcome, and difficulties of various kinds to overcome. It will triumph with experience and sagacity. The goal is so beautiful that it is worth the effort to explain all the sails to the wind. Do you want to revolutionize Italy? Look for the Pope whose portrait we have made. Do you want to establish the kingdom of the elect on the throne of the prostitute of Babylon? Let the Clergy walk under your banner, believing you are walking under the flag of the Apostolic Keys. Do you want to make the last vestige of tyrants and oppressors disappear? Stretch your nets like Simone Barjona: stretch them to the bottom of the sacristies, of the seminaries and convents, rather than at the bottom of the sea; and if you do not precipitate anything, we promise you a more miraculous catch than his. The fish fisherman became a fisherman of men: you will fish for friends and lead them to the feet of the Apostolic Chair. You will have thus fished a revolution in tiara and cape, preceded by the cross and the banner; a revolution that will need little help to set fire to the four corners of the world.

"Every act of our life therefore tends to discover this philosopher's stone. The alchemists of the Middle Ages wasted time and money in the search for this dream. The dream of secret societies will be fulfilled for this very simple reason that it is founded on the passions of man. Let us not be discouraged, therefore, either for a failure, or for a backhand, or for a defeat: we prepare our weapons in the silence of the Sales: we aim all our batteries, we blow in all passions, in the worst as in the most generous: and all there it leads us to believe that this plan will one day succeed, even beyond our most improbable calculations".

III. Fragment of a letter that bears only one team for signature, but which, compared with other writings of the same hand, seems to emanate from the Steering Committee and have a special authority. It is dated 20 October 1821.

It is necessary to make the name of the foreigner so unpopular that, when Rome will be seriously besieged by the Revolution, foreign aid is from the beginning an affront, even for the faithful of the country. We can no longer go against the enemy with the audacity of our fathers of 1793. We are hindered by laws and even more by customs: but, over time, we may perhaps be able to achieve the goal which went to them failed. Our fathers were all too hasty and lost the game. We will gain it if, by curbing temerity, we come to strengthen weaknesses, audacity of our fathers of 1793.

"From failure to failure we reach victory. So have your eye always open on what is happening in Rome. Make the pre-cut unpopular in every way; do in the center of catholicity what we all, individually or in body, do in the wings. Shake, throw on the street, with or without reasons, it doesn't matter, but shake. All the elements of success are enclosed in these words. The best-conceived conspiracy is the one that gets more agitated and that compromises more people. There are martyrs, there are victims, we will always find those who will be able to give the necessary colors to this".

IV. Letter from the Jew known as the Little Tiger. It gives instructions to the members of the Piedmontese Sale that Piccolo Tigre had formed in Turin, on the means to be taken to recruit fragassoni. It bears the date of January 18, 1822.

Better yet, have others, associations or companies of commerce, industry, music, and fine arts found. Gather these tribes of yours still ignorant in this or that place, even in the sacristies or chapels; put them under the direction of a virtuous, esteemed, but credulous and easy-to-be-deceived priest; infiltrate the poison into the chosen hearts; infiltrate it in small doses and as if by chance: then reflecting on it, you will be amazed yourself of your success.

This is only a preparation for the great work that you must begin. When you have managed to insinuate someone's disgust of family and religion (two things that always get along), pass on certain words that excite the desire to be affiliated with the nearest lodge. This vanity of the citizen or of the bourgeois to be infidel to freemasonry is such a trivial and universal thing that I am always understood with admiration in the face of human stupidity. I am amazed not to see the whole human race knocking on the door of the Venerables, and to ask these gentlemen the honor of being one of the workers elected to rebuild the Temple of Solomon. The prestige of the unknown exerts such power on men that people prepare, trembling.

"Being a member of a lodge, feeling called, without your wife or children knowing anything about it, to keep a secret that you never trust, is for some natures a voluptuousness and an ambition.
The loggias are now capable of educating gluttons, but never citizens. We have lunch too at T. . . C. . . and T. . . A. . . F. .. (dearest and most respectable Brothers) of all the Orient; but it is a kind of deposit, a herd, a center for which we must pass before reaching us. The loggias do nothing but relative evil, an evil tempered by a false philanthropy and by even more false songs as happens in France. This is too archaic and gastronomic, but together it has a purpose that must always be encouraged. By teaching a brother to carry the weapon with his glass we thus take possession of his will, his intelligence and his freedom. You have it, you turn it over and over, you study it. Their inclinations, affections and tendencies are discovered; when he is mature for us, he directs him to the Secret Society, of which freemasonry can no longer be anything but a dark antechamber.

There are many in this case. Make them fragassoni. The loggia will make them carbonari. May be one day the High Sale will deign to affiliate them. Meanwhile they will serve as mistletoe for the imbeciles, the intriguing, the bourgeois and the spianati. These poor principles will do our business, believing we are doing our own. They will serve as a sign for the shop; there is never a shortage of madmen willing to compromise in a conspiracy, of which any prince is believed to be the arch of support, believing to make their own.

"Once a man, even a prince, or rather especially if he is a prince, begins to become corrupt, persuade himself that he will not stop on the slope. Little morality is found even in the most moral people, and one walks very quickly in this path of progress. Therefore be afraid if you see the flourishing loggias, while Carbonarism is hardly recruited.

At the passage, grab the first lamb that will offer you in the desired conditions. The bourgeois has good things, the prince even more. But, however, [make sure] that none of these lambs are to be eaten by fox, like the infamous Carignano. The betrayal of the sworn secret is a death sentence, and all these principles, weak or cowardly, ambitious or repentant, betray us and denounce us. Fortunately, they knew little or nothing, and they cannot put themselves on the trail of our true mysteries.

It is the permanent revolution; it is the forced overthrow of thrones and dynasties. Now an ambitious man cannot want these things. We aim higher and further away: therefore we try to look at each other and consolidate ourselves. We conspire only against Rome; therefore, let us make use of all accidents, take advantage of all eventualities; we mainly distrust an exaggerated zeal. A good, cold, calculated, profound hatred is better than all these fireworks, and all these grandstand declamations. In Paris they don't want to understand these things; but in London, I met men who grasped our plan better and associated themselves with more fruit. Considerable offerings were made. We will soon have a printing house in Malta at our disposal. We can therefore, with impunity, [go forth] without fail,

V. Letter from Nubius, head of the High Sale, to Volpe on April 3, 1824.

Dear Fox,

But intelligent ears could very well guess everything. It is the need to inspire fear or jealousy of some neighbor or friend that leads one of our brothers to such guilty indiscretions. The success of our work depends on the deepest mystery, and in the Sales we must find the initiate, like the Christian of the Imitation, always ready to love computer nesciri and pro nihilo [ignored and stead of nothing]. I don't speak for you, dear Fox; I'm sure you don't need this advice. You must, like me, know the value of discretion and self-forgetfulness in the presence of the great interests of humanity; but even if, in the examination of conscience, you find yourself in contravention, please think carefully; for indiscretion is the mother of treason.

"You had a certain part of the clergy who bites the hook of our doctrines with a wonderful liveliness: it is the priest who will never have any other job than to say Mass, another relief than to wait in the coffee for two hours after Ave Maria to go to bed. This priest, the greatest idler of all, the idle who clutter the Eternal City, seems to me created to be the tool of secret societies. He is poor, ardent, unemployed, ambitious; he knows himself disinherited of the goods of this world; he believes himself too far from the sun of protection to be able to warm his limbs, and is therefore always muttering against the unjust distribution of the honors and goods of the Church. We begin to use these deaf moods that the native carelessness scarcely dared to confess to herself. To this ingredient of the states priests, without employment and certainly character that a ragged cloak like their hat that has lost all traces of its primitive form, we are adding, as far as possible, a mixture of Corsican and Genoese priests who arrive in Rome with the tiara in their suitcase. After Napoleon was born on their island, there is not one of these Corsicans who do not believe themselves to be a papal Bonaparte. This ambition, which is now vulgar, has been favorable to us. It has opened up ways that would probably have been unknown to us for a long time. It serves us to consolidate, to illuminate the way we take, and their complaints, enriched with all the comments and all the curses, offer us points of support which we would never have thought of.

"The earth ferments, the germ develops, but the harvest is still far away".

VI. Letter from Nubius to Vindice after the execution of Targhini and Montanari, November 23, 1825. (3)

"Dear Vindice,

Nor reconciliation with Heaven. Up to now, the patients, placed in the chapel, wept with repentance to touch the heart of the Vicar of mercies; they have wanted nothing to do with heavenly happiness, and their reprobate death has produced a magical effect on the masses. This was the first proclamation of secret societies and a taking over of souls.

He worked to confess to him all his tenacity as a priest, and he was won. I owe myself, my name, my position, and above all to our future, to deplore together with all Catholic hearts this unprecedented scandal in Rome. I will deplore it so eloquently that I hope to soften Piatti himself. And speaking of flowers, we asked one of our most innocent affiliates of the Freemasonry, the poet Casimiro Delavigne, a Messenian (ode) above Targhini and Montanari. This poet whom I often see in the world of the arts and the Salons (conversations) is a good man: he has therefore promised to cry as a tribute to the martyrs and to electrocute an anathema against the executioners. The executioners will be the Pope and the priests. It will always be the same as earned. The correspondents of the English newspapers will also do wonders, and I know more than one who has the epic trumpet in his mouth for the honor of the thing.

"Yet it is a very bad work to do heroes and martyrs like this. The crowd is so emotional in front of that knife that truncates life; it passes so quickly from one emotion to another; it starts to admire those so early who boldly face that supreme moment, which after this show I feel all upside down and ready to act like the crowd. This impression, from which I cannot free myself and which made the two executed so soon forgive their crime and their final impenitence, it led me to certain philosophical, medical and not very Christian reflections, which we will perhaps have to use one day.

The man who goes on stage is no longer dangerous. But if he goes up to it firmly and looks at death with an impassive, though guilty, forehead, he will have the favor of the multitudes.

If the Caesars had employed the Locusts of their time in this trade, I am persuaded that our old Olympic Jupiter and all his small second-order gods would not have succumbed so miserably. The fate of Christianity would certainly not have been so beautiful. His apostles, his priests, his virgins were called to die torn by lions in the amphitheater or on public squares under the gaze of an attentive people. His apostles, his priests, his virgins, moved by a feeling of faith, imitation, proselytism or enthusiasm, died without turning pale, and singing hymns of victory. There was something to arouse the desire to die like this; and they have seen such whims. Didn't gladiators generate gladiators? If those poor Caesars had the honor of being part of the High Sale, I would have simply told them to take the most daring of these neophytes a drink according to the recipe, and we would no longer have talked about other conversions, because we didn't martyrs would be found more. In fact, there are no longer any emulators, neither by copy nor by attraction, when a body without movement is dragged onto the scaffold, an inert will and eyes that cry without moving. Christians were immediately popular because the people love everything that strikes. If he had seen weaknesses, fears, and a trembling and feverish mass, he would have whistled and Christianity would have ended in the third act of the tragicomedy.

"If I think I have to propose such a means (of poisons) it is on the principle of political humanity. If Targhini and Montanari had been condemned to die as cowards, if they had been a little helped to carry out this sentence with some pharmacy ingredients, Targhini and Montanari they would now be two miserable killers who were unable even to look death in the face. The people would despise them. Instead, he admires, in spite of himself, this death in which brazenness played its part, but where the papal government did the I would like it to be decided in an emergency that we would not do this. Never let death on the gallows be glorious, holy, courageous and happy; and you will rarely need to kill.

"The French Revolution, which has had so much good, has deceived itself on this point. Louis XVI, Marie Antoinette, and most of the victims of that era are sublime in resignation and greatness of mind. They will always remember (and my old grandmother made me cry several times by telling me) those ladies who paraded in front of the princess Elizabeth at the foot of the guillotine, made her their profound reverence, as at the court circle in Versailles; this is not what we need. given the occasion, let a Pope and two or three Cardinals die like old women, with all the agony of agony, and in the terror of death, and you paralyze the desire for imitation. You save the bodies, but kill the spirit.

Revolutionary humanity is what inspired us such a precaution. I recommend you to memento".

VII. Felice's letter, written by Ancona on 11 June 1829 after the publication of the Encyclical of Pius VIII on 24 May 1829. The High Sale in reading it was believed to be betrayed. (4)

We are not used to hearing the Pope express himself with this resolution. This language is not in the style of the apostolic palaces: if it was used in this solemn circumstance, it must be said that Pius VIII obtained some proof of our conspiracy. It is up to those in Rome to watch over everyone's safety more than ever; but in the presence of such an explicit declaration of war, I would like it to be deemed appropriate to lay down arms for a moment.

The multitude has always had a great propensity for counter truths. Ingannatela; she loves to be deceived; but, mind you, no precipitation, and above all no recourse to arms. Our friend of Osimo who has tested the ground says that we must go bravely to make our Easter and thus to sleep the vigilance of the authority.

"Assuming that the Court of Rome has not entered into any suspicion of our trade, do you believe that the attitude of these frenzied carbonari cannot, at any moment, put it on our trail? We are playing with fire and we must not end up burning ourselves. If, by dint of assassinations and liberal strikes, the Carbonari throw a new enterprise on the arms of Italy, do we not fear being compromised? To give our project the full extent it must have, we have to work slowly, quietly, gradually gain ground and never lose a hand. The lightning flashed from the top of the Vatican Loggia may presage a hurricane. Are we in case we can avoid it? And will this storm not delay the harvest of our harvest? The carbonari are stirred with a thousand sterile vows; every day they are prophesying a universal turmoil. This will be our undoing; for then the parties will be more severely separated, and it will be necessary to opt for one or the other. From this choice a crisis will inevitably arise, and from this crisis an update or an unexpected disaster".

VIII. Letter from Nubius to Vindice after the insurrections of February 1831 and January 1832.

Only in a few months will there be anything useful. We will use the real tears of their families and the alleged pains of the exile to make us a popular weapon of the amnesty. We will always ask for it, happy to get it as late as possible, but we will ask for it out loud.

"Our eight years of internal work had produced happy fruits. From those experienced people that we are, we began to feel that the air did not circulate so freely around the Church. My ear, always attentive, like that of a hunting dog, he collected with certain voluptuousness of the soul sighs, certain involuntary confessions that escaped from the mouth of certain influential members of the clerical family. in spite of the excommunication bubbles and encyclicals, they were with us from the heart, if not in body. the Memorandum it would have accomplished the work in carrying out its English and natural consequences. (7) Certain symptoms of all kinds, the severity of which was rather in substance than in form, showed themselves in the air like certain dark clouds preceding a storm. Well, all these successes, prepared by hand, find themselves compromised by miserable expeditions that end even more regrettably than they had not started. The little Mamiani, with his poems and his operettas, Pietro Ferretti, with his bad business that he wants to hide, Orioli, with his cheated science, all our madmen in Bologna, with their bellicose instinct calmed down at the first cannon shot, turn away for ten years at least the priest with us. The priest is told that war is waged on the Church, to the Pope, the Sacred College, the Prelature etc. Now the priest, who, as a priest, considers all these goods, all these honors as his patrimony, the priest begins to reflect. Liberalism presents itself to him under the aspect of an implacable enemy, and the priest declares a war to death to Liberalism. And so you see what has come. It would seem that Cardinal Bernetti has the intuition of our plans, since the orders issued by him, and which are communicated to me instantly, all lead to the delivery of the friars and parish priests to put themselves at the head of the populations and lead them to combat against the rebels. Friars and priests all obey: and the people willingly follow them, raising cries of revenge. A bishop did even better. Armed with two pistols on his belt, he marched against the insurgents, with the danger of killing his brother in the fray. I really like this similarity of Cain and Abel. From the point of view of family hatreds, this idea is good; but it is very harmful to our plans.

"The French seem born out of our misfortune. Or they betray us or compromise us. When will we be able to take back, with a head rested, the work for which we had assembled so many successful elements?"

IX. Malegari letter from London to Dr. Breidenstein in 1835.

"We form an association of brothers above all points of the globe; we have common aspirations and interests; we all tend towards the emancipation of humanity; we want to break every kind of yoke, and there is one that we don't see, that we hardly feel and that gravitates on us. Whence it comes? where it is? Nobody knows, at least nobody says it. The association is secret, even for us, veterans of the secret associations. We ask for things that, sometimes, they have their hair straightened on their heads; and would you believe it? they send me from Rome that two of our men, very well known for their hatred of fanaticism, were obliged, by order of the supreme chief, to kneel and communicate on the last Easter. But I would like to know where similar cappuccinos will lead us".

X. Letter from Nubius to Beppo, dated April 7, 1836.

Mazzini is a demigod for the foolish, before whom he tries to be proclaimed the pontiff of the fraternity, of which he will be the Italian god. In the sphere in which he acts, this poor Joseph is ridiculous; for him to be a complete ferocious beast, he will always miss his claws.

"He is the bourgeois gentleman of the secret societies that my dear Molière did not have the ability to glimpse. Let him take him to the taverns of Lake Geneva, or hide his importance and his real emptiness in the brothels of London. Let him perish or write, at ease with the old insurrection leftovers, or with his general Ramorino of the young Italy, the young Allemagne, the young Francie, the young Polonia, the young Swiss, etc. If this can serve as food for his insatiable pride, we do not object; but make him understand, even if using the terms that will seem more convenient to you, that the association of which he speaks no longer exists, even that it never existed; that you do not know it, and that although you must declare to it that if it existed, it would certainly have taken the least appropriate way to enter it. Granted the case of its existence, this Sale is evidently above all the others; it is the S. Giovanni in Laterano, caput et mater omnium ecclesiarum [Google translate: St. John Lateran, the head and the mother of all churches]. The elect are called to him, who alone are recognized as worthy of being introduced to him. Up to this day, Mazzini would have been excluded: does he not think that by putting himself in the middle, by force or by cunning, in a secret that does not belong to him, does he perhaps expose himself to dangers that he has already incurred more than once?

"Accostinate this last thought in your way; but send it to the high priest of the dagger, and I, who know his consummate prudence, make a pledge that this thought will produce its effect on the infringing".

XI. Letter of Vindice, written by Castellamare, to Nubius, on August 9, 1838. He carries out the theory of high sale.

What does it matter to the world about an unknown corpse, lying on the public road, by the revenge of the secret societies? What does it matter to the people that the blood of a worker, an artist, a gentleman, or even a prince was shed by virtue of a sentence from Mazzini, or any of his assassins who is seriously enjoying Sainte-Vehme? (8) The world does not even have time to look after the victim's last moans: he passes and forgets. We, dear Nubio, we alone are the ones who can suspend his march. Catholicism, even less than the Monarchy, does not fear the tip of a style; but these two bases of social order can fall under the weight of corruption. So let us never tire of corrupting. Tertullian rightly said that the blood of martyrs was the seed of Christians. Now it is decided in our councils that we no longer want Christians: therefore we do not make martyrs; but we popularize vice in multitudes. Let them breathe it with the five senses, drink it, saturate it; and this land, where Aretino sowed, is always willing to receive obscene and lecherous teachings. Make vicious hearts, and you will no longer have Catholics. Remove the priest from work, from the altar, and from virtue: rightly try to occupy his thoughts and his time elsewhere. Make him idle, gluttonous, and patriotic, he will become ambitious, intriguing and perverse. In this way, you will have fulfilled your task much better than if you had broken the point of your dagger in the bones of some poor poor man. I do not want, as for me, and I believe that you too, O Nubio, do not want to become a vulgar conspirator, and thus spend your life in the old way of conspiracies.

"We have undertaken corruption on a large scale, the corruption of the people by means of the clergy, and of the clergy by our means, the corruption that must lead us to the burial of the Church. One of our friends, days ago, was laughing philosophically at our plans and saying: "To break down Catholicism, we must first suppress the woman." This phrase is true in one sense, but since we cannot suppress the woman, let's bribe her together with the Church. Corruptio optimi pessima [Google translate: The corruption of the best is the worst]. The purpose is very nice to tempt men like us; let's depart to run after some miserable satisfaction of personal revenge. The best dagger to assassinate the Church and hit her in the heart, is corruption. So work to the end!"
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Re: Alta Vendita, by Wikipedia

Postby admin » Fri May 22, 2020 12:10 am

Part 2 of 2

XII. Idea sottomessa all'Alta Vendita da tre suoi membri il 23 febbraio 1839.

To renounce our plans against the Roman See, since the slightest indiscretion can reveal everything. An assassination that will not go unnoticed like many others will put our meetings on track. It is therefore necessary to take effective measures, and to promptly stop certain acts that compromise us.

"What the Christian Society allows itself for its defense, and what Carbonarism, through some of its leaders, regards as lawful and political, must not frighten us more than Society and Carbonarism. The death penalty is applied by the courts. The Sainte-Vehme of young Switzerland and young Italy the same right arrogates; why wouldn't we do the same? Its four or five members who recruit their dagger mercenaries and point them to the victim to be hit in the shadows, are supposed to be superior to all laws. They challenge them now in Switzerland, now in England, now in America. The hospitality accorded by these states is a guarantee of impunity for international killers. They can thus, and with all their comfort, agitate Europe, threaten princes and individuals, and make us lose the fruit of our long vigils. Justice that really has an eye patch sees nothing, guesses nothing, and above all it could do nothing, because between the dagger and the victim's this is his business. Ours will be much less complicated, since we must hope that we will not have vain scruples.

"Now, therefore, certain dissidents who today are not very dangerous, but who may become later, even for their proud incapacity and for their disordered infatuation, put the High Sale in danger at any moment. They begin their experiments with the assassination of princes, or dark individuals. Soon, by the force of things, they will reach us; and, after compromising us with a thousand useless crimes, they will mysteriously make us disappear as obstacles. It is simply a matter of preventing them, and turning the dagger against them that they point against us.

"Would it be very difficult for High Sale to put into practice a project that one of its members presented to the Prince of Metternich [1st State Chancellor of the Austrian Empire]? Here is the plan in all its simplicity: "You cannot" -- he said confidentially to the Chancellor -- "hit the heads of secret societies, who, in neutral or protective territory, challenge your justice and despise your laws. The decrees of your criminal courts are powerless before the coast of England; they spring up on the hospitable rocks of Switzerland, then, month after month, you find yourself weaker and weaker, more and more disarmed in the face of daring provocations. The justice of your courts is condemned to sterility. You could not find yourself in the arsenal of your state needs, in the Salus populi suprema lexa [The health of the populace is the supreme law] remedy for the evils that all honest hearts deplore? Occult associations judge and enforce their decrees with the right that they arrogate themselves. Constituted governments, having a double interest in defending themselves, since in defending themselves they safeguard the whole Company, would they not have the same right that Sales usurp? Would it therefore be impossible to combine any means which, bringing disorder within the social enemy, reassured the good, and promptly ended up frightening the wicked? These means are also indicated by the latter. They strike second or third hand; hit like them. Have discreet agents, or better yet, erratic carbonari who want to redeem their old sins by attacking the secret police, that they are tacitly helped to take precautions to escape the first investigations who ignore the plot of which the instruments [they] will be. That the government does not rage either to starboard or left, that it does not miss a beat; but that you aim right, and after making two or three men disappear, you will restore order in society. Those who do the job of killing will be surprised at first, then they will be afraid to find terrible executioners no less than they. Ignoring whence the blow starts, they will inevitably attribute it to their rivals. They will be afraid of their accomplices, and will soon put the sword back in their sheath, since fear is soon communicated in the darkness. Death occurs. Who ignore the plot of which the instruments will be? Close your eyes, and since the righteousness of men cannot affect our modern Old Men of the Mountain in their caves, let the justice of God penetrate you in the form of a friend, a servant, or an accomplice who will have a perfect passport in Rule".

"This plan which the incurable carelessness of the Court and State Chancellor rejected for reasons which the Empires may repent of later, procured for our brother and friend the full confidence of the government; but the means of health that the heads crowned disdain for themselves will therefore be forbidden to use them for our preservation? If in one way or another the High Sale was discovered, it would not be possible to make us responsible for attacks by other salespeople? We do not go forward with the insurrection or with the assassination: but since we could not divulge our anti-Catholic projects, it would follow that the High Sale would be accused of all these ignominious pitfalls. The expedient that remains for us to escape such a disgraceful fact, one has to discreetly arm some good will brave enough to punish, but limited enough not to understand too much.

"The dissidents voluntarily put themselves out of the law of nations, they put themselves out of the law of secret societies; why wouldn't we apply the code they invented to them? The governments, brutalized in their lethargy, back away from the axiom: Patere legem quam fecisti [Google translate: That you obey the law]; wouldn't it be appropriate to take it? We have a combination that is as simple as it is infallible to get rid of the fake brothers and sisters who allow themselves to harm us by decreeing the murder. This combination, well used, inevitably brings upset and distrust in insubordinate sales. By judging in turn and chastening those who judge and punish others so summarily, we separate the good wheat from the tares, and restore the social balance with a method of which some wretched provide us with the recipe. The combination is applicable; we can strike without arousing suspicion, thus paralyze and dissolve the opposite Sales where the murder is taught: and we will be authorized, if necessary.

XIII. Letter from Gaetano to Nubius dated January 23, 1844.

After contributing, as far as he was concerned, to the perversion of the people, the reflections came, and he gives advice which is an early renunciation, or an end to opposition.

There are insatiable passions that I did not imagine, unknown appetites, wild hatreds that ferment around and below us. Passions, appetites and hatreds, all this can one day devour us, and if there were time to remedy this gangrene, it would be a real benefit for us. It was very easy to pervert, will it be equally easy to always turn the mouths of perverts? Here is the serious question for me. Often I have tried to deal with you; you have avoided the explanation. Nowadays it is no longer possible to update it, since time is pressing, and in Switzerland, as in Austria, in Prussia, as in Italy, our sectarians who will tomorrow be our masters (and what masters, or Nubius!) waiting for a signal to break the old model. Switzerland intends to give this signal; but those Swiss radicals full of the ideas of their Mazzini, their Communists, their alliance of saints and the Proletariat-Thief are not capable of leading the secret societies to the assault of Europe. France must stamp its footprint on this universal orgy: be convinced that Paris will not fail in its mission. Given and received the impulse, where will this poor Europe go? I am worried, since I get old, I have lost my illusions, and I would not, poor and naked of everything, assist like a theater figure to the triumph of a principle that I would have hatched and that would repudiate me, confiscating my possessions or taking my head.

To update this moment? Do you believe that your measurements were taken well enough to dominate the motion that we have impressed? In Vienna, when the bell of the revolutionary flock rings, we will be swallowed up by the crowd, and the precarious leader who will come out is perhaps at this hour in the bathroom, or in some place of bad business. In our Italy, where a double game is played, you must be troubled by the same fears. Have we not stirred the same mud? This slime mounts to the surface, and I fear I will die suffocated by it.

"Whatever the future reserved for the ideas that the secret societies propagated, we will be defeated and find masters. This was not our dream of 1825, nor our hopes of 1831! Our strength is ephemeral, and passes on to others. God knows where this progress towards the brutalization will stop. I would not retreat from my works if we could always direct them, explain them, or apply them. But don't you feel the fear that I feel in Vienna yourself? You don't confess like me that if there is still time to stop in the temple before making it above the ruins? This stop is still possible, and you alone, or Nubio, can decide it. And while doing this with skill, you could not play the part of Penelope and break the plot that would occur in the warp night?]

"The world has launched itself on the slope of Democracy; and, for my own part, for some time, democracy has always meant demagoguery. Our twenty years of conspiracies run the risk of being wiped out in front of some braggart who will flatter the people and pull to the legs of the nobility after strafing the clergy. I am a gentleman, and I sincerely confess that it would cost me to walk with the plebs, and wait for his daily bread, and the light that shines from his approval. With a revolution like what is being prepared for us we can lose everything, and I want to keep it. You too, dear friend, must be of my opinion, because you own and will no longer love me to hear the word of confiscation and proscription of the Egloghe repeat in your ears,the fatal cry of the stripper:

Haec mea sunt; veteres, migrated settlers [Google translate: This is mine; The ancient migrated settlers.]

"I own, I want to possess, and the Revolution can strip us of everything fraternally. Other ideas still worry me, and I am sure that they worry many of our friends at the same time. I still do not feel remorse; but I am agitated by fears, and in your place, in the situation in which I see the spirits in Europe, I would not want to assume on my head a responsibility that can lead Giuseppe Mazzini to the Capitol. Mazzini to the Capitol! Nubius to the Tarpea cliff or to oblivion! Here is the dream that pursues me if if your vows were fulfilled. Does this dream smile to you, O Nubio?"

The Tarpeian Rock (/tɑːrˈpiːən/; Latin: Rupes Tarpeia or Saxum Tarpeium; Italian: Rupe Tarpea) is a steep cliff of the southern summit of the Capitoline Hill, overlooking the Roman Forum in Ancient Rome. It was used during the Roman Republic as an execution site. Murderers, traitors, perjurors, and larcenous slaves, if convicted by the quaestores parricidii, were flung from the cliff to their deaths. The cliff was about 25 meters (80 ft) high.

-- Tarpeian Rock, by Wikipedia

XIV. Beppo's letter written by Livorno to Nubius on 2 November 1844.

"We walk at a gallop, and every day we are enlisting new and fervent neophytes in the plot. Fervet opus [Google translate: Smells]; but the most difficult is still to be done, indeed to begin. We have made the conquest of some friars of all orders very easily, of priests of almost all conditions, and also of some intriguing or ambitious monsignors. It is not the best, nor the most respectable; but it does not matter. For the purpose that is sought, a Friar in the eyes of the people is always a religious; a prelate will always be a prelate. We, however, have made a complete fiasco with the Jesuits. Since we conspire, it has not been possible for us to put our hand on a follower of Ignatius, and we should know the reason for this unanimous obstinacy. I don't believe in the sincerity of their faith and their attachment to the Church; why then have we never been able to grab only one by the conjuncture of the armor? We don't have a single Jesuit with us; but we can always say and make say that we have it, and the conclusion will always be the same. But it will not be so with the cardinals; they all escaped our pitfalls. The best combined adulations served no purpose, so that at the present hour we find ourselves as advanced as at the beginning. Not a single member of the Sacred College has fallen into the net. Those who were probed and tempted, all at the first word on the secret societies and their power, made gestures of exorcism as if the devil were going to take them to the mountain. Pope Gregory XVI is about to die, and we find ourselves as in 1823 at the death of Pius VII.

Whatever he is, he will never come to us. Could we go to him? Will he not be like his predecessors and successors? And won't it do like them? In this case, will we remain in the breach waiting for a miracle? The time for miracles has passed, and we have no more hope than in the impossible. Gregorio dead, we will be updated indefinitely. The Revolution, which is advancing everywhere, will perhaps give a new course to ideas. It will change, it will modify; but, to tell the truth, we will not be the ones who will raise it. We are too closed in the shadows and in the dark; having failed (in our intent), we will be forgotten and neglected by those who will profit from our work and their result. We fail, and we cannot succeed.

XV. Letter from Cardinal Bernetti to a friend of his, on 4 August 1845.

it is not this work that forms their happiness and ambition. They care little about becoming learned theologians, serious casuists, or doctors who are versed in all the difficulties of canon law. They are priests, but aspire to become men, and it is unheard of that they all mix of Catholic faith and Italian extravagance under this title of man, which they advocate with burlesque emphasis. The hand of God punishes us, humiliate us and weep; but this perversion they advocate with burlesque emphasis. Human youth is not yet what worries and torments most.

"The part of the clergy who naturally comes to business after us, and who already pushes us to the grave, tacitly reproaching us for having lived too long, well! This part of the clergy is a thousand times more attacked by the liberal vice than youth. Youth is without experience; she lets herself be seduced and goes as a novice can go who escapes the convent's rule for two beautiful hours of sunshine, then returns to the cloister; but with men of mature age such tendencies are more dangerous. Many know neither the character nor the things of this time, and allow themselves to be overcome by suggestions from which evidently great crises for the Church will arise. All the hearted or talented people who work are today the object of public curses; the stupid, the weak and the cowards are seen ipso facto covered with a halo of popularity which will be more ridiculous for them. I know that in Piedmont, in Tuscany, in the Two Sicilies, as in Lombardy-Veneto, the same spirit of discord blows over the clergy. New deplorable news come from France. It breaks with the past to become new men. The sect spirit replaces the love of neighbor; individual pride, which certain badly employed talents put in the place of God's love, grows in the shadows. A day will come when all these constitutional and progressive dust laden mines will explode. May heaven, after having seen so many revolutions and witnessed so many disasters, do not witness to new misfortunes of the Church! Peter's boat will certainly not sink: but I get old, I have been suffering for a long time, and I feel the need to gather in peace, before going to account to God for a life so troubled in the service of the Apostolic See. His divine will be done, and everything will be for the best!"

XVI. Letter sent from Livorno to Nubius by Piccolo Tigre, which ignores the forced rest of his boss, January 5, 1846.

In Germany, and even in Russia, the work of our societies, the assault that will be given to the princes of the earth from a few years from now, will bury them under the leftovers of their impotent armies and their falling monarchies. Everywhere there is enthusiasm in the midst of ours, and apathy or indifference in the midst of enemies. It is a sure and infallible sign of success; but this victory, which will be so easy, is not what caused all the sacrifices we have made. It has a more precious, more durable and long desired. Your letters and those of our friends from the Roman States allow us to hope so; it is the end we aim for, it is the term we want to reach. Indeed, what have we asked for in recognition of our pains and sacrifices.

"It is not already a revolution in one district or another: this is always obtained when we want it. To surely kill the old world, we believed that it was necessary to suffocate the Catholic and Christian germ, and you, with the audacity of the genius, you offered to hit the papal Goliath with the slingshot of the new David. Very well, but when will you hit? I am impatient to see the secret Societies grappling with these cardinals of the Holy Spirit, poor sick natures never leave the circle in which impotence or hypocrisy encloses them.

I want to use the rest in Legations. I will be in Bologna around the 20th of this month. You can make me keep your instructions with the ordinary address. From there, I will take you wherever you judge that my presence will be more necessary. Speak, I am ready to perform."

XVII. Letter from an Agent of Secret Societies in 1845.

"There are now several parties in Italy. The first is satisfied with everything. After it comes what he wants to go further; he wants progressive but continuous reforms, not only in administration, but also in politics. The last of they are the Italian party, which pushes the first and the second, which accepts everything to go forward, it masks, disguises and hides its ultimate goal, which is Italian unity. In the midst of these parties, you have another division or subdivision; I intend to speak of the clergy, for whom Gioberti is what Mazzini is for the Italian party. The priest Gioberti speaks to the priests their language, and I will tell you that I come to know from all sides that, in the ranks of the secular and regular clergy, the doctrines of freedom, and the Pope at the head of this freedom and Italian independence, are a thought that seduces many, to such an extent that they are convinced that Catholicism is an essentially democratic doctrine. This party increases more and more among the clergy; looks forward to Gioberti's new work; this work is for priests. Gioberti's book, or rather the five volumes, are not yet published; Mazzini waits impatiently for them to talk about it in the last chapter of the work that is about to appear and will have as its title: The parties in Italy or the Italy with its principles, or Italy with the Pope".

In a Brief, directed to Crétineau-Joly, on February 25, 1861, Pius IX consecrated, so to speak, the authenticity of the passages above:

"Dear son, health and Apostolic blessing.

"You have acquired a particular right to our gratitude, when, two years ago, you had the idea of ​​composing a work recently completed, and again printed, to show with documents this Roman Church always exposed to the envy and hatred of the wicked, and in the midst of the political revolutions of our century, always triumphant. And it is with joy that we received the specimens for which you paid us homage, and for this most affectionate attention we rightly thank you. For that matter, the times that followed, alas! so sad and cruel, so fatal to the See of Peter and to the Church, they cannot disturb our soul, because we defend the cause of God, the cause for which our predecessors suffered prison and exile, thus leaving a beautiful example to imitate. Let us therefore beg the almighty Lord to strengthen us with his virtue, and to answer the prayers that the Church raises fervently everywhere, to dispel this frightening storm. We confirm our particular affection with the Apostolic Blessing, a pledge of every heavenly grace that we grant to you, dear son, and to the whole family, in the affectionate outpouring of our paternal heart.

"Given in Rome, at St. Peter's, on the 25th day of February 1861, of our Pontificate XIV year.


The great work that the High Sale had been commissioned to perform since 1820, was not accomplished with the occupation of Rome by the Piedmontese; the continuation is entrusted to other hands.

Twenty years after the downfall of the Temporal Power, Lemmi, the Grand Master of framasonry in Italy, addressed the following document to all the lodges of the Peninsula:

"From T. . ., October 10, 1890.

"To the Ven. . . F. . . The Italian Loggie,

"The building that the FF. . . Are rising in the world will not come to be regarded as a good point until the FF. . . of Italy will not have made a gift to humanity of the ruins of the destruction of the great enemy .

"The company is progressing rapidly in Italy ... We have applied the chisel to the last refuge of superstition, and the loyalty of F. . . 33. . . That is their political power (Crispi). There is a guarantee that the Vatican will fall under our hammer ... the last life-giving efforts will encounter more obstacles from the chief priests and his vile slaves ... the G. . . O . . invoke the genius of humanity so that all the F. ... work with all their might to disperse the stones of the Vatican, to build with them the temple of the emancipated nation.

"The G. . . O. . . Of the Tiber Valley".



(1) The Carbonarism Sales at the height of which the High Sale was placed.

(2) This writing bears the date of 1819.

(3) "The special commission appointed by our Holy Father Pope Leo XII, happily reigning, and chaired by Mons. Tommaso Bernetti, governor of Rome, met this morning, three hours before noon, in one of the rooms of the Palazzo del government, to judge the crime of lese majesty and wounds with treason and other aggravating circumstances with which they are accused: Angelo Targhini, born in Brescia, domiciled in Rome; Leonida Montanari di Cesena, surgeon at Rocca di Papa; Pompeo Garofolini, Roman, legal; Luigi Spadoni, of Forlì, first soldier in foreign troops, then waiter; Ludovico Gasperoni, of Fusignano, province of Ravenna, student in law; Sebastiano Ricci, of Cesena, unemployed servant, all of age.

"The discussion that opened with the usual prayers, and with the invocation of the Holy Name of God, made the report of the case according to the tenor of the trial and the preliminary summary distributed. The tax lawyer and the attorney general took the points of the legislation, and the Constitutions concerning the attacks in question.

"The advocate of the poor presented the reasons for the defense, both by voice, and through previously distributed memoirs.

"After examining the results of the trial, the reasons for the defense and the provisions of the laws, the Special Commission said:

"That Angelo Targhini, during his imprisonment for murder committed in 1819 in the person of Alessandro Corsi, got involved in everything he had with the forbidden secret societies, then joined the Carbonari sect, and finally became the founder in the capital itself as soon as he was able to return to it;

"That after having made some proselytes, these, for the most part, did not attend this society in which he appeared as head, indeed as a despot, as reported by his own companions;

"After having made, together with his other co-defendants, all the efforts to induce them to enter the said sect, and to frequent it so that it could progress further, he resolved to frighten the individuals who had separated with some terrible examples: he therefore formed the project to assassinate any of them treacherously;

"Another affiliate of the sect who did not frequent it; and while one remained in the street, the other went up to the house indicated with the same design, as is believed, to let him out because he was murdered, which fortunately did not happen because he, being indisposed, was taking a bath at that moment at the feet;

"That at the same time, and in the same moment in which Targhini left his home with Montanari, and immediately after them, Spadoni and Garofolini, Lodovico Gasperoni and Sebastiano Ricci, all of whom had previously met, came out again;

"Others no less remarkable than these facts which are in the trial for a long time, it can be concluded that previously the accused had established the execution of the crime which was not carried out except on the person of only one of the designated individuals;

"That therefore the Special Commission, considering the seriousness of this crime, as well as that of injured majesty, and the evidence that meets against the accused, judges and unanimously condemns Angelo Targhini and Leonida Montanari to the death penalty; Luigi Spadoni and Pompeo Garofolini to prison in life; Lodovico Gasperoni and Sebastiano Ricci to prison for ten years".

Leo XII to whom we succeed, despite our unworthiness, subsequently hit on anathema these secret Societies, whatever their name, through Apostolic Letters, whose dispositions we confirm with the fullness of our power, wanting them to be fully observed. We strive with all our power to ensure that the Church and public affairs suffer no conspiracy from these sects, and we ask for your daily help for this great work, so that, dressed in the armor of zeal, and united with the bonds of the spirit, we vigorously support our common cause, or rather the cause of God, to destroy these bulwarks behind which the wickedness and corruption of perverse men entrench themselves.

"Among all these secret societies, we have resolved to point out one recently formed, whose purpose is to corrupt the educated youth in gymnasiums and high schools. As it is known that the precepts of teachers are very powerful in forming the heart and spirit of their disciples, so all the cures and tricks are put in place to give depraved teachers to the youth, who lead her in the paths of Baal through doctrines that are not according to God.

"From this it follows that we see, groaning, these young people who have come to such a license, that having shaken every fear of Religion, skidded the rule of morals, despised the sound doctrines, placed the rights of the one and the other power, they do not blush more than any disorder, no mistake, no attempt, as can be said of them with St. Leo the Great: their law is the lie, the devil is their god, and their cult is that which is most shameful to you. Remove, venerable Brothers, all these evils from your Dioceses, and procure, with all the means that are in your power, with authority and with gentleness, that distinct men, not only in the sciences and letters, but still for the purity of life and for mercy, be in charge of youth education.

"As these infectious books are growing in a frightening way every day, and with their favor the doctrine of the wicked penetrates like a gangrene in the whole body of the Church, watch over your flock, and do everything you can to remove this plague from it, bad books, the most fatal of all. Remember often to the sheep of Jesus Christ that you are entrusted with these warnings of Pius VII, our holy predecessor and benefactor, which they do not consider as healthy if not the pastures where the voice and authority will lead them, of Peter, who do not feed if not of them, who consider harmful and contagious all that this voice indicates to them as such, that they go away with horror, and that they do not allow themselves to be seduced by any appearance, nor fooled by any attraction."

(5) Cardinal Castiglioni was appointed Pope with the name of Pius VIII.

(6) Who was then Secretary of State.

(7) Memorandum.

"I. It seems to the representatives of the five Powers that, with regard to the State of the Church, it is a question, in the general interest of Europe, of two fundamental points:

"1. That the government of this State is established on solid foundations through improvements meditated and announced by SS herself from the beginning of her reign;

"2. That these improvements which, according to the expression of the edict of S. Ecc. Cardinal Bernetti, will form a new era for the subjects of SS, sieno, for an internal guarantee, protected from changes inherent in the nature of each elective government.

"II. To achieve this salutary purpose, which, due to the geographical and social position of the State of the Church, is of European interest, it seems indispensable that the organic declaration of SS starts from two vital principles:

"1. From the application of the improvements in question, not only in the provinces where the revolution broke out, but also in those that remained faithful and in the capital;

"2. From the general admissibility of the laity in the administrative and judicial offices.

"III. It seems that the improvements themselves must first embrace the judicial system, and that of the municipal and provincial administration.

"A. As for the judicial order, it seems that the full execution and consequent development of the promises and principles of the motu proprio of 1816 present the safest and most effective means of removing the fairly general complaints relating to this so interesting part of social organization.

"B. As for the local administration, it seems that the restoration and general organization of the municipalities elected by the people, and the establishment of municipal franchises that would regulate the action of these municipalities in the local interests of the municipalities, should be the indispensable basis for any administrative improvement.

"In the second place, the organization of the provincial councils, both of a permanent administrative council, destined to help the governor of the province in the fulfillment of his functions with suitable attributions, and of a more numerous meeting, taken especially within the new municipalities, and intended to be consulted around the most important interests of the province, it seems extremely useful to lead to the improvement and simplification of the administration to control the municipal administration, to restore taxes, and to illuminate the government of the true needs of the province.

"IV. The immense importance of a regulated state of finances, and of such an administration of public debt, which would give the guarantee so desirable for the financial credit of the government, and would essentially contribute to increase its means, and ensure its independence, seems to make indispensable a central establishment in the capital, entrusted, as the Supreme Court of Auditors, with the control of the annual service accounts, with each branch of the civil and military administration, and with the surveillance of public debt, with attributions corresponding to the great and salutary purpose which aims to achieve.

"The more such an institution will have the character of independence, and the imprint of the intimate union of the government and the country, the more it would respond to the benevolent intentions of the sovereign and to the general expectation.

"In order to achieve this goal, there should reside persons, chosen by local councils and councilors, with forming the government a junta or consult administrative. Such a junta would or would not form part of a Council of State, whose members would be appointed by the Sovereign among the notables, by birth, fortune, and talents, of the country.

"Without one or more central establishments of this nature, intimately linked to the notables of a country rich in aristocratic and conservative elements, it seems that the nature of an elective government would necessarily take away from the improvements that will form the glory of the Pontiff reigning this stability whose need it is generally and deeply felt, and it will be all the more strongly the more the benefits of the Pope are great and precious".

(8) La Sainte-Vehme, secret court established by Charlemagne to keep the Saxons in obedience.

The Vehmic courts, Vehmgericht, holy vehme, or simply Vehm, also spelt Feme, Vehmegericht, Fehmgericht, are names given to a "proto-vigilante" tribunal system of Westphalia in Germany active during the later Middle Ages, based on a fraternal organisation of lay judges called “free judges” (German: Freischöffen or French: francs-juges). The original seat of the courts was in Dortmund. Proceedings were sometimes secret, leading to the alternative titles of “secret courts” (German: heimliches Gericht), “silent courts” (German: Stillgericht), or “forbidden courts” (German: verbotene Gerichte). After the execution of a death sentence, the corpse could be hung on a tree to advertise the fact and deter others.

The peak of activity of these courts was during the 14th to 15th centuries, with lesser activity attested for the 13th and 16th centuries, and scattered evidence establishing their continued existence during the 17th and 18th centuries. They were finally abolished by order of Jérôme Bonaparte, king of Westphalia, in 1811.

The Vehmic courts were the regional courts of Westphalia which, in turn, were based on the county courts of Franconia. They received their jurisdiction from the Holy Roman Emperor, from whom they also received the capacity to pronounce capital punishment (German: Blutgericht) which they exercised in his name. Everywhere else the power of life and death, originally reserved to the Emperor alone, had been usurped by the territorial nobles; only in Westphalia, called “the Red Earth” because here the imperial Blutbann was still valid, were capital sentences passed and executed by the Vehmic courts in the Emperor's name alone.

-- Vehmic court, by Wikipedia
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