Principles of Geology, by Charles Lyell

Re: Principles of Geology, by Charles Lyell

Postby admin » Fri Jul 17, 2015 12:44 am


Earthquake in Calabria, February 5th, 1783 – Shocks continued to the end of the year 1786 – Authorities – Extent of the area convulsed – Geological structure of the district – Difficulty of ascertaining changes of relative level even on the sea-coast – Subsidence of the quay at Messina – Shift or fault in the Round Tower of Terranuova – Movement in the stones of two obelisks – Alternate opening and closing of fissures – Cause of this phenomenon – Large edifices engulphed – Dimensions of new caverns and fissures – Gradual closing in of rents – Bounding of detached masses into the air – Landslips – Buildings transported entire, to great distances – Formation of fifty new lakes – Currents of mud – Small funnel-shaped hollows in alluvial plains – Fall of cliffs along the sea-coast – Shore near Scilla inundated – State of Stromboli and Etna during the shocks – Illustration afforded by this earthquake of the mode in which valleys are formed

OF the numerous earthquakes which have occurred in different parts of the globe, during the last hundred years, that of Calabria, in 1783, is the only one of which the geologist can be said to have such a circumstantial account as to enable him fully to appreciate the changes which this cause is capable of producing in the lapse of ages. The shocks began in February, 1783, and lasted for nearly four years, to the end of 1786. Neither in duration, nor in violence, nor in the extent of territory moved, was this convulsion remarkable, when contrasted with many experienced in other countries, both during the last and present century; nor were the alterations which it occasioned in the relative level of hill and valley, land and sea, so great as those effected by some subterranean movements in South America, in our own times. The importance of the earthquake in question arises from the circumstance, that Calabria is the only spot hitherto visited, both during and after the convulsions, by men possessing sufficient leisure, zeal, and scientific information, to enable them to collect and describe with accuracy the physical facts which throw light on geological questions.

Among the numerous authorities, Vivenzio, physician to the King of Naples, transmitted to the court a regular statement of his observations during the continuance of the shocks; and his narrative is drawn up with care and clearness. [1] Francesco Antonio Grimaldi, then secretary of war, visited the different provinces at the king's command, and published a most detailed description of the permanent changes in the surface. [2] He measured the length, breadth, and depth of the different fissures and gulphs which opened, and ascertained their number in many provinces. His comments, moreover, on the reports of the inhabitants, and his explanations of their relations, are judicious and instructive. Pignataro, a physician residing at Monteleone, a town placed in the very centre of the convulsions, kept a register of the shocks, distinguishing them into four classes, according to their degree of violence. From his work, it appears that, in the year 1783, the number was nine hundred and forty-nine, of which five hundred and one were shocks of the first degree of force; and in the following year there were one hundred and fifty-one, of which ninety-eight were of the first magnitude. Count Ippolito, also, and many others, wrote descriptions of the earthquake; and the Royal Academy of Naples, not satisfied with these and other observations, sent a deputation from their own body into Calabria, before the shocks had ceased, who were accompanied by artists instructed to illustrate by drawings the physical changes of the district, and the state of ruined towns and edifices. Unfortunately these artists were not very successful in their representations of the condition of the country, particularly when they attempted to express, on a large scale, the extraordinary revolutions which many of the great and minor river-courses underwent. But many of the plates published by the Academy are valuable; and we shall frequently avail ourselves of them to illustrate the facts about to be described. [3] In addition to these Neapolitan sources of information, our countryman, Sir William Hamilton, surveyed the district, not without some personal risk, before the shocks had ceased; and his sketch, published in the Philosophical Transactions, supplies many facts that would otherwise have been lost. He has explained in a rational manner many events which, as related in the language of some eye-witnesses, appeared marvellous and incredible. Dolomieu also examined Calabria, soon after the catastrophe, and wrote an account of the earthquake, correcting a mistake into which Hamilton had fallen, who supposed that a part of the tract shaken had consisted of volcanic tuff. It is, indeed, a circumstance which enhances the geological interest of the commotions which so often modify the surface of Calabria, that they are confined to a country where there are neither ancient nor modern rocks of igneous origin; so that at some future time, when the era of disturbance shall have passed by, the cause of former revolutions will be as latent as in parts of Great Britain now occupied exclusively by ancient marine formations.

The convulsion of the earth, sea, and air, extended over the whole of Calabria Ultra, the south-east part of Calabria Citra, and across the sea to Messina and its environs -- a district lying between the 38th and 39th degrees of latitude. The concussion was perceptible over a great part of Sicily, and as far north as Naples; but the surface over which the shocks acted so forcibly as to excite intense alarm, did not generally exceed five hundred square miles in circumference. The soil of that part of Calabria is composed chiefly, like the southern part of Sicily, of calcareo-argillaceous strata of great thickness, containing marine shells. This clay is sometimes associated with beds of sand and limestone. For the most part these formations resemble in appearance and consistency the Subapennine marls, with their accompanying sands and sandstones; and the whole group bears considerable resemblance, in the yielding nature of its materials, to most of our tertiary deposits in France and England. Chronologically considered, however, the Calabrian formations are comparatively of very modern date, and abound in fossil shells referrible to species now living in the Mediterranean.

We learn from Vivenzio, that on the 20th and 26th of March, 1783, earthquakes occurred in the islands of Zante, Cephalonia, and St. Maura; and in the last-mentioned isle several public edifices and private houses were overthrown, and many people destroyed. We have already shown that the Ionian Isles fall within the line of the same great volcanic region as Calabria; so that both earthquakes were probably derived from a common source, and it is not improbable that the bed of the whole intermediate sea was convulsed.

If the city of Oppido, in Calabria, be taken as a centre, and round that centre a circle be described with a radius of twenty-two miles, this space will comprehend the surface of the country which suffered the greatest alteration, and where all the towns and villages were destroyed. But if we describe the circle with a radius of seventy-two miles, this will then comprehend the whole country that had any permanent marks of having been affected by the earthquake. The first shock, of February 5th, 1783, threw down, in two minutes, the greater part of the houses in all the cities, towns, and villages, from the western flanks of the Apennines in Calabria Ultra, to Messina in Sicily, and convulsed the whole surface of the country. Another occurred on the 28th of March, with almost equal violence. The granitic chain which passes through Calabria from north to south, and attains the height of many thousand feet, was shaken but slightly; but it is said that a great part of the shocks which were propagated with a wave-like motion through the recent strata from west to east, became very violent when they reached the point of junction with the granite, as if a reaction was produced where the undulatory movement of the soft strata was suddenly arrested by the more solid rocks. The surface of the country often heaved like the billows of a swelling sea, which produced a swimming in the head like seasickness. It is particularly stated, in almost all the accounts, that just before each shock the clouds appeared motionless; and although no explanation is offered of this phenomenon, it is obviously the same as that observed in a ship at sea when it pitches violently. The clouds seem arrested in their career as often as the vessel rises in a direction contrary to their course; so that the Calabrians must have experienced precisely the same motion on the land.

We shall first consider that class of physical changes produced by the earthquake, which are connected with changes in the relative level of the different parts of the land; and afterwards describe those which are more immediately connected with the derangement of the regular drainage of the country, and where the force of running water co-operated with that of the earthquake.

In regard to alterations of relative level, none of the accounts establish that they were on a considerable scale; but it must always be remembered, that in proportion to the area moved is the difficulty of proving that the general level has undergone any change, unless the sea-coast happens to have participated in the principal movement. Even then it is often impossible to determine whether an elevation or depression even of several feet has occurred, because there is nothing novel in a band of sand and shingle of unequal breadth above the level of the sea, marking the point reached by the waves during springtides or the most violent tempests. The scientific investigator has not sufficient topographical knowledge to discover whether the extent of beach has diminished or increased; and he who has the necessary local information feels no interest in ascertaining the amount of the rise or fall of the ground. Add to this the great difficulty of making correct observations, in consequence of the enormous waves which roll in upon a coast during an earthquake, and efface every landmark near the shore.

It is evidently in sea-ports alone that we can look for very accurate indications of slight changes of level; and when we find them, we may presume that they would not be rare at other points, if equal facilities of comparing relative altitudes were afforded. Grimaldi states (and his account is confirmed by Hamilton and others) that at Messina in Sicily the shore was rent; and the soil along the port, which before the shock was perfectly level, was found afterwards to be inclined towards the sea, the sea itself near the "Banchina" becoming deeper, and its bottom in several places disordered. The quay also sank down about fourteen inches below the level of the sea, and the houses in its vicinity were much fissured. [4] Among various proofs of partial elevation and depression in the interior, the Academicians mention, in their Survey, that the ground was sometimes on the same level on both sides of new ravines and fissures, but sometimes there had been a considerable shifting, either by the upheaving of one side or the subsidence of the other. Thus, on the sides of long rents in the territory of Soriano, the stratified masses had altered their relative position to the extent of from eight to fourteen palms (six to ten and a half feet). Similar shifts in the strata are alluded to in the territory of Polistena, where there appeared innumerable fissures in the earth. One of these was of great length and depth; and in parts, the level of the corresponding sides was greatly changed. In the town of Terranuova, some houses were seen uplifted above the common level, and others adjoining sunk down into the earth. In several streets, the soil appeared thrust up, and abutted against the walls of houses; a large circular tower of solid masonry, which had withstood the general destruction, was divided by a vertical rent, and one side was upraised, and the foundations heaved out of the ground. It was compared by the Academicians to a great tooth half extracted from the alveolus, with the upper part of the fangs exposed. (See cut No. 20.)

No. 19. Deep fissure near Polistena, caused by the earthquake of 1783.

No. 20. Shift or "fault" in the round tower of Terranuova in Calabria, occasioned by the earthquake of 1783.

Along the line of this shift, or "fault" as it would be termed technically by miners, the walls were found to adhere firmly to each other, and to fit so well, that the only signs of their having been disunited was the want of correspondence in the courses of stone on either side of the rent.

In some walls which had been thrown down, or violently shaken, in Monteleone, the separate stones were parted from the mortar so as to leave an exact mould where they had rested, whereas in other cases the mortar was ground to dust between the stones.

It appears that the wave-like motions, and those which are called vorticose or whirling in a vortex, often produced effects of the most capricious kind. Thus, in some streets of Monteleone, every house was thrown down but one; in others, all but two; and the buildings which were spared were often scarcely in the least degree injured.

In many cities of Calabria, all the most solid buildings were thrown down, while those which were slightly built, escaped; but at Rosarno, as also at Messina, in Sicily, it was precisely the reverse, the massive edifices being the only ones that stood.

No. 21

Two obelisks (No. 21) placed at the extremities of a magnificent facade in the convent of S. Bruno, in a small town called Stefano del Bosco, were observed to have undergone a movement of a singular kind. The shock which agitated the building is described as having been horizontal and vorticose. The pedestal of each obelisk remained in its original place; but the separate stones above were turned partially round, and removed sometimes nine inches from their position, without falling.

It appears evident that a great part of the rending and fissuring of the ground was the effect of a violent motion from below upwards; and in a multitude of cases where the rents and chasms opened and closed alternately, we must suppose that the earth was by turns heaved up, and then let fall again. We may conceive the same effect to be produced on a small scale, if, by some mechanical force, a pavement composed of large flags of stone should be raised up and then allowed to fall suddenly, so as to resume its original position. If any small pebbles happened to be lying on the line of contact of two flags, they would fall into the opening when the pavement rose, and be swallowed up, so that no trace of them would appear after the subsidence of the stones. In the same manner, when the earth was upheaved, large houses, trees, cattle, and men were engulphed in an instant in chasms and fissures; and when the ground sank down again, the earth closed upon them, so that no vestige of them was discoverable on the surface. In many instances, individuals were swallowed up by one shock, and then thrown out again alive, together with large jets of water, by the shock which immediately succeeded.

At Jerocarne, a country which, according to the Academicians, was lacerated in a most extraordinary manner, the fissures ran in every direction like cracks on a broken pane of glass (see cut No. 22) and, as a great portion of them remained open after the shocks, it is very possible that this country was permanently upraised.

No. 22. Fissures near Jerocarne, in Calabria, caused by the earthquake of 1783.

In the vicinity of Oppido, the central point from which the earthquake diffused its violent movements, many houses were swallowed up by the yawning earth, which closed immediately over them. In the adjacent district also of Cannamaria, four farm-houses, several oil-stores, and some spacious dwelling-houses were so completely engulphed in one chasm, that not a vestige of them was afterwards discernible. The same phenomenon occurred at Terranuova, S. Christina, and Sinopoli. The Academicians state particularly that when deep abysses had opened in the argillaceous strata of Terranuova, and houses had sunk into them, the sides of the chasms closed with such violence, that, on excavating afterwards to recover articles of value, the workmen found, the contents and detached parts of the buildings jammed together so as to become one compact mass. It is unnecessary to accumulate examples of similar occurrences; but so many are well authenticated during this earthquake in Calabria, that we may, without hesitation, yield assent to the accounts of catastrophes of the same kind repeated again and again in history, where whole towns are declared to have been engulphed, and nothing but a pool of water or tract of sand left in their place.

No. 23. Chasm formed by the earthquake of 1783, near Oppido, in Calabria.

On the sloping side of a hill near Oppido, a great chasm opened, and, although a large quantity of soil was precipitated into the abyss, together with a considerable number of olive-trees and part of a vineyard, a great gulph remained after the shock in the form of an amphitheatre, five hundred feet long and two hundred feet deep (see cut No. 23).

According to Grimaldi, many fissures and chasms, formed by the first shock of February 5th, were greatly widened, lengthened, and deepened by the violent convulsions of March 28th. In the territory of San Fili, this observer found a new ravine, half a mile in length, two feet and a half broad, and twenty-five feet deep; and another of similar dimensions in the territory of Rosarno. A ravine nearly a mile long, one hundred and five feet broad, and thirty feet deep, opened in the district of Plaisano, where, also, two gulphs were caused -- one in a place called Cerzulle, three quarters of a mile long, one hundred and fifty feet broad, and above one hundred feet deep, and another at La Fortuna, nearly a quarter of a mile long, above thirty feet in breadth, and no less than two hundred and twenty-five feet deep. In the district of Fosolano three gulphs opened: one of these measured three hundred feet square, and above thirty feet deep; another was nearly half a mile long, fifteen feet broad, and above thirty feet deep; the third was seven hundred and fifty feet square. Lastly, a calcareous mountain, called Zefirio, at the southern extremity of the Italian peninsula, was cleft in two for the length of nearly half a mile, and an irregular breadth of many feet. Some of these chasms were in the form of a crescent. The annexed cut (No. 24) represents one by no means remarkable for its dimensions, which remained open by the side of a small pass over the hill of St. Angelo, near Soriano. The small river Mesima is seen in the foreground.

No. 24. Chasm in the hill of St. Angelo, near Soriano, in Calabria, caused by the earthquake of 1783.

In the vicinity of Seminara, a lake was suddenly formed by the opening of a great chasm, from the bottom of which water issued. This lake was called Lago del Tolfilo. It extended 2380 palms in length, by 1250 in breadth, and 70 in depth. The inhabitants, dreading the miasma of this stagnant pool, endeavoured, at great cost, to drain it by canals, but without success, as it was fed by springs issuing from the bottom of the deep chasm. A small circular subsidence occurred not far from Polistena, of which a representation is given in the annexed cut.

No. 25. Circular pond near Polistena, in Calabria, caused by the earthquake in 1783.

Sir W. Hamilton was shown several deep fissures in the vicinity of Mileto, which, although not one of them was above a foot in breadth, had opened so wide during the earthquake as to swallow up an ox and near one hundred goats. The Academicians also found, on their return through districts which they had passed at the commencement of their tour, that many rents had in that short interval gradually closed in, so that their width had diminished several feet, and the opposite walls had sometimes nearly met. It is natural that this should happen in argillaceous strata, while in more solid rocks we may expect that fissures will remain open for ages. Should this be ascertained to be a general fact in countries convulsed by earthquakes, it would afford a satisfactory explanation of a common phenomenon in mineral veins. Such veins often retain their full size so long as the rocks consist of limestone, granite, or other indurated materials; but they contract their dimensions, become mere threads, or are even entirely cut off, where masses of an argillaceous nature are interposed. If we suppose the filling up of fissures with metallic and other ingredients to be a process requiring ages for its completion, it is obvious that the opposite walls of rents, where strata consist of yielding materials, must collapse or approach very near to each other before sufficient time is allowed for the accretion of a large quantity of veinstone.

It is stated by Grimaldi that the thermal waters of St. Euphemia, in Terra di Amato, which first burst out during the earthquake of 1638, acquired, in February 1783, an augmentation both in quantity and degree of heat. This fact appears to indicate a connexion between the heat of the interior and the fissures caused by the Calabrian earthquakes, notwithstanding the absence of volcanic rocks either ancient or modern in that district.

The violence of the movement of the ground upwards was singularly illustrated by what the Academicians call the "sbalzo," or bounding into the air, to the height of several yards, of masses slightly adhering to the surface. In some towns a great part of the pavement-stones were thrown up, and found lying with their lower sides uppermost. In these cases we must suppose that they were propelled upwards by the momentum which they had acquired, and that the adhesion of one end of the mass being greater than that of the other, a rotatory motion had been communicated to them. When the stone was projected to a sufficient height to perform somewhat more than a quarter of a revolution in the air, it pitched down on its edge and fell with its lower side uppermost.

The next class of effects to be considered, are those more immediately connected with the formation of valleys, in which the action of water was often combined with that of the earthquake. The country agitated was composed, as we before stated, chiefly of argillaceous strata, intersected by deep narrow valleys, sometimes from five to six hundred feet deep. As the boundary cliffs were in great part vertical, it will readily be conceived that, amidst the various movements of the earth, the precipices overhanging the rivers, being without support on one side, were often thrown down. We find, indeed, that inundations produced by obstructions in river-courses are among the most disastrous consequences of great earthquakes in all parts of the world; for the alluvial plains in the bottoms of valleys are usually the most fertile and well peopled parts of the whole country, and whether the site of a town is above or below a temporary barrier in the channel of a river, it is exposed to injury by the waters either of a lake or a flood.

From each side of the deep valley or ravine of Terranuova, enormous masses of the adjoining flat country were detached and cast down into the course of the river, so as to give rise to great lakes. Oaks, olive-trees, vineyards, and corn, were often seen growing at the bottom of the ravine, as little injured as their companions from which they were separated in the plain above at least five hundred feet higher, and at the distance of about three-quarters of a mile. In one part of this ravine was an enormous mass, two hundred feet high, and about four hundred feet in diameter at its basis, which had been detached by some former earthquake. It is well attested that this mass travelled down the ravine near four miles, having been put in motion by the earthquake of the 5th of February. Hamilton, after examining the locality, declared that this phenomenon might be accounted for by the declivity of the valley, the great abundance of rain which fell, and the great weight of the alluvial matter which pressed behind it. The momentum of the "terre movitine," or lavas, as the flowing mud is called in the country, is no doubt very great; but the transportation of masses that might be compared to small hills, for a distance of several miles at a time, is an effect which could never have been anticipated: and the fact should serve as a hint to those geologists who are fond of appealing to alluvial phenomena as proofs of the superior violence of aqueous causes in former ages.

The first account sent to Naples of the two great slides or landslips above alluded to, which caused a great lake near Terranuova, was couched in these words: -- "Two mountains on the opposite sides of a valley walked from their original position until they met in the middle of the plain, and there joining together, they intercepted the course of a river, &c." The expressions here used resemble singularly those applied to phenomena, probably very analogous, which are said to have occurred at Fez, during the great Lisbon earthquake, as also in Jamaica and Java at other periods.

Not far from Soriano, which was levelled to the ground by the great shock of February the 5th, a small valley, containing a beautiful olive-grove, called Fra Ramondo, underwent a most extraordinary revolution. Innumerable fissures first traversed the river-plain in all directions, and absorbed the water until the argillaceous substratum became soaked, and a great part of it was reduced to a state of fluid paste. Strange alterations in the outline of the ground were the consequence, as the soil to a great depth was easily moulded into any form. In addition to this change, the ruins of the neighbouring hills were precipitated into the hollow; and while many olives were uprooted, others remained growing on the fallen masses, and inclined at various angles (see cut No. 26). The small river Caridi was entirely concealed for many days; and when at length it reappeared, it had shaped for itself an entirely new channel.

No. 26. Changes of the surface of Fra Ramondo, near Soriano, in Calabria. 1. Portion of a hill covered with olives thrown down. 2. New bed of the river Caridi. 3. Town of Soriano.

Near Seminara, an extensive olive-ground and orchard were hurled to a distance of two hundred feet, into a valley sixty feet in depth. At the same time a deep chasm was riven in another part of the high plateau from which the orchard had been detached, and the river immediately entered the fissure, leaving its former bed completely dry. A small inhabited house, standing on the mass of earth carried down into the valley, went along with it entire, and without injury to the inhabitants. The olive-trees, also, continued to grow on the land which had slid into the valley, and bore the same year an abundant crop of fruit.

Two tracts of land on which a great part of the town of Polistena stood, consisting of some hundreds of houses, were detached into a contiguous ravine, and nearly across it about half a mile from their original site; and, what is most extraordinary, several of the inhabitants were dug out from the ruins alive, and unhurt.

Two tenements, near Mileto, called the Macini and Vaticano, about a mile long, and half a mile broad, were carried for a mile down a valley. A thatched cottage, together with large olive and mulberry-trees, most of which remained erect, were carried uninjured to this extraordinary distance. According to Hamilton, the surface removed had been long undermined by rivulets, which were afterwards in full view on the bare spot deserted by the tenements. The earthquake seems to have opened a passage in the adjoining argillaceous hills, by which water charged with loose soil had suddenly taken its course into the subterranean channels of the rivulets immediately under the tenements, so that the entire piece of ground was floated off. Another example of subsidence, where the edifices were not destroyed, is mentioned by Grimaldi, as having taken place in the city of Catanzaro, the capital of the province of that name. The houses in the quarter called San Giuseppe subsided with the ground to various depths from two to four feet, but the buildings remained uninjured.

It would be tedious, and our space would not permit us, to follow the different authors through their local details of landslips produced in numerous minor valleys; but they are highly interesting, as showing to how great an extent the power of rivers to widen valleys, and to carry away large portions of soil towards the sea, is increased where earthquakes are of periodical occurrence. Among other territories, that of Cinquefrondi was greatly convulsed, various portions of soil being raised or sunk, and innumerable fissures traversing the country in all directions (see cut No. 27). Along the flanks of a small valley in this district there appears to have been an almost uninterrupted line of landslips.

No. 27. Landslips near Cinquefrondi, caused by the earthquakes of 1783.

Vivenzio states, that near Sitizzano a valley was very nearly filled up to a level with the high grounds on each side, by the enormous masses detached from the boundary hills, and cast down into the course of two streams. By this barrier a lake was formed of great depth, about two miles long and a mile broad. The same author mentions that upon the whole, there were fifty lakes occasioned during the convulsions, and he assigns localities to all of these. The government surveyors enumerated two hundred and fifteen lakes, but they included in this number many small and insignificant ponds.

Near S. Lucido, among other places, the soil is described as having been "dissolved," so that large torrents of mud inundated all the low grounds, like lava. Just emerging from this mud, the tops only of trees and of the ruins of farm-houses, were seen. Two miles from Laureana the swampy soil in two ravines became filled with calcareous matter, which oozed out from the ground immediately before the first great shock. This mud, rapidly accumulating, began, ere long, to roll onward like a flood of lava into the valley, where the two streams uniting, moved forward with increased impetus from east to west. It now presented a breadth of three hundred palms by twenty in depth, and before it ceased to move, covered a surface equal in length to an Italian mile. In its progress it overwhelmed a flock of thirty goats, and tore up by the roots many olive and mulberry-trees, which floated like ships upon its surface. When this calcareous lava had ceased to move, it gradually became dry and hard, during which process the mass was lowered ten palms. It contained fragments of earth of a ferruginous colour, and emitting a sulphureous smell.

Many of the appearances exhibited in the alluvial plains indicate clearly the alternate rising and sinking of the ground. The first effect of the more violent shocks was usually to dry up the rivers, but they immediately afterwards overflowed their banks. Along the alluvial plains, and in marshy places, an immense number of cones of sand were thrown up. These appearances Hamilton explains, by supposing that the first movement raised the fissured plain from below upwards, so that the rivers and stagnant waters in bogs sank down, or at least were not upraised with the soil. But when the ground returned with violence to its former position, the water was thrown up in jets through fissures. [5]

No. 28. Circular hollows in the plain of Rosarno, formed by the earthquake of 1783.

In the Report of the Academy, we find that some plains were covered with circular hollows, for the most part about the size of carriage-wheels, but often somewhat larger or smaller. When filled with water to within a foot or two of the surface, they appeared like wells; but, in general, they were filled with dry sand, sometimes with a concave surface, and at other times convex. On digging down, they found them to be funnel-shaped, and the moist loose sand in the centre marked the tube up which the water spouted. The annexed cut represents a section of one of these inverted cones when the water had disappeared, and nothing but dry micaceous sand remained.

No. 29.

Along the sea-coast of the straits of Messina, near the celebrated rock of Scilla, the fall of huge masses detached from the bold and lofty cliffs overwhelmed many villas and gardens. At Gian Greco a continuous line of cliff, for a mile in length, was thrown down. Great agitation was frequently observed in the bed of the sea during the shocks, and, on those parts of the coast where the movement was most violent, all kinds of fish were taken in greater abundance, and with much greater facility. Some rare species, as that called Cicirelli, which usually lie buried in the sand, were taken on the surface of the waters in great quantity. The sea is said to have boiled up near Messina, and to have been agitated as if by a copious discharge of vapours from its bottom. The Prince of Scilla had persuaded a great part of his vassals to betake themselves to their fishing-boats for safety, and he himself had gone on board. On the night of the 5th of February, when some of the people were sleeping in the boats, and others on a level plain slightly elevated above the sea, the earth rocked, and suddenly a great mass was torn from the contiguous Mount Jaci, and thrown down with a dreadful crash upon the plain. Immediately afterwards, the sea rising thirty palms above the level of this low tract, rolled foaming over it, and swept away the multitude. It then retreated, but soon rushed back again with greater violence, bringing with it some of the people and animals it had carried away. At the same time every boat was sunk or dashed against the beach, and some of them were swept far inland. The aged Prince, with one thousand four hundred and thirty of his people, was destroyed. The number of persons who perished during the earthquake in the two Calabrias and Sicily is estimated by Hamilton at about forty thousand, and about twenty thousand more died by epidemics which were caused by insufficient nourishment, exposure to the atmosphere, and malaria, arising from the new stagnant lakes and pools. By far the greater number were buried under the ruins of their houses; while some were burnt to death in the conflagrations which almost invariably followed the shocks, and consumed immense magazines of oil and other provisions, A small number were engulphed in chasms and fissures, and their skeletons are perhaps buried in the earth to this day, at the depth of several hundred feet, for such was the profundity of some of the openings which did not close in again.

The inhabitants of Pizzo remarked, that on the 5th of February, 1783, when the first great shock afflicted Calabria, the volcano of Stromboli, which is in full view of that town, and at the distance of about fifty miles, smoked less, and threw up a less quantity of inflamed matter, than it had done for some years previously. On the other hand, the great crater of Etna is said to have given out a considerable quantity of vapour towards the beginning, and Stromboli towards the close of the commotions. But as no eruption happened from either of these great vents during the whole earthquake, the sources of the Calabrian convulsions, and of the volcanic fires of Etna and Stromboli, appear to be very independent of each other; unless, indeed, they have the same mutual relation as Vesuvius and the volcanos of the Phlegraean Fields and Ischia, a violent disturbance in one district serving as a safety-valve to the other, and both never being in full activity at once.

It is impossible for the geologist to consider attentively the effect of this single earthquake of 1783, and to look forward to the alterations in the physical condition of the country to which a continued series of such movements will hereafter give rise, without perceiving that the formation of valleys by running water can never be understood, if we consider the question independently of the agency of earthquakes. Rivers do not begin to act, as some seem to imagine, when a country is already elevated far above the level of the sea, but while it is rising or sinking by successive movements. Whether Calabria is now undergoing any considerable change of relative level, in regard to the sea, or is, upon the whole, nearly stationary, is a question which our observations, confined almost entirely to the last half century, cannot possibly enable us to determine. But we know that strata, containing species of shells identical with those now living in the contiguous parts of the Mediterranean, have been raised in this country, as they have in Sicily, to the height of several thousand feet. Now those geologists who merely grant that the present course of Nature, in the inanimate world, has been unchanged since the existing species of animals were in being, will not feel surprise that the Calabrian streams and rivers have cut out of such comparatively modern strata a great system of valleys varying in depth from fifty to six hundred feet, and often several miles wide, when they consider how numerous must have been the earthquakes which lifted those recent marine strata to so prodigious a height. Some speculators, indeed, who disregard the analogy of existing Nature, and who are as prodigal of violence as they are thrifty of time, may suppose that Calabria "rose like an exhalation" from the deep, after the manner of Milton's Pandemonium. But such an hypothesis will deprive them of that peculiar removing force required to form a regular system of deep and wide valleys, for time is essential to the operation. Landslips must be cleared away in the intervals between subterranean movements, otherwise fallen masses will serve as buttresses to the precipitous cliffs bordering a valley, so that the succeeding earthquake will be unable to exert its full power. Barriers must be worn through and swept away, and steep or overhanging cliffs again left without support, before another shock can take effect in the same manner.

If a single convulsion be too violent, and agitate at once an entire hydrographical basin, or if the shocks follow each other too rapidly, the previously-existing valleys will be annihilated, instead of being modified and enlarged. Every stream will be compelled to begin its operations anew, and to open for itself a passage through strata before undisturbed, instead of continuing to deepen and widen channels already in great part excavated. On the other hand, if, consistently with all that is known from observation of the laws which regulate subterranean movements, we consider their action to have been intermittent -- if sufficient periods have always intervened between the severer shocks to allow the drainage of the country to be nearly restored to its original state, then are both the kind and degree of force supplied which may enable running water to hollow out a valley of any depth and size consistent with the degree of elevation above the sea which the district in question may happen at any time to have attained during a succession of physical revolutions.

Notwithstanding the great derangement caused by violent earthquakes, there is an evident tendency in running water to remain constant to the same connected series of valleys. The softening of the soil is invariably greatest in the channels of rivers and in alluvial plains. The water is absorbed in an infinite number of rents, and when the ground is swelled with water it is reduced almost to a state of mud by the vehement agitation of the ground in every direction, and often for several years consecutively. The erosive and transporting action of running water is, therefore, facilitated in the tracts already excavated.

When we read of the drying up and desertion of the channels of rivers, the accounts most frequently refer to their deflection into some other part of the same alluvial plain, perhaps several miles distant. Under certain circumstances a change of level may undoubtedly force the water to flow over into some distinct hydrographical basin; but even then it will fall immediately into valleys already formed. Provided, therefore, we suppose the elevation and subsidence of mountain-chains to be a gradual process, there is no difficulty in explaining how the rivers draining our continents have converted ravines into valleys, and enlarged and deepened valleys to an enormous extent. On the contrary, the signs of slow and gradual action so manifest in the sinuosities and other characters of valleys are admirably reconcileable with the great width and depth of the excavations, if we are content not only to suppose a great succession of ordinary earthquakes, but also the usual intervals of time between the shocks.

We may observe that earthquakes alone could never give rise to a regular system of valleys ramifying from a main trunk like the veins from the great arteries of the human body. On the contrary, they would, in the course of time, destroy every system of valleys on the globe, were it not for the agency of aqueous causes. We learn from history that ever since the first Greek colonists, the Bruttii, settled in Calabria, that region has been subject to devastation by earthquakes, and, for the last century and a half, ten years have seldom elapsed without a shock; but the severer convulsions have not only been separated by intervals of twenty, fifty, or one hundred years, but have not affected precisely the same points when they recurred. Thus the earthquake of 1783, although confined within the same geographical limits as that of 1638, and not very inferior in violence, visited, according to Grimaldi, very different localities. The points where the local intensity of the force is developed, being thus perpetually varied, more time is allowed for the removal of separate mountain masses thrown into river channels by each shock.

When chasms and deep hollows open at the bottom of valleys, they must often be filled with those "mud lavas" before described; and these must be extremely analogous to the enormous ancient deposits of mud which are seen in many countries, as in the basin of the Tay, Isla, and North Esk rivers, for example, in Scotland -- alluvions hundreds of feet thick, which are neither stratified nor laminated like the sediment which subsides from water. Whenever a landslip blocks up a river, these currents of mud will be arrested, and accumulate to an enormous depth.

The transportation for several miles at a time, of masses as large as great edifices by the momentum of these floods of mud combined with the motion of the earthquake, and the enveloping of land animals, together with many other facts mentioned in the Calabrian account, cannot but excite in the mind of every geologist a strong desire to become more acquainted with the changes now in progress in those vast regions of the globe which are habitually devastated by earthquakes. To our extreme ignorance of this important class of phenomena we may probably refer the obscurity of many of the appearances of superficial alluvions throughout the greater part of Europe, as well as the diversity of opinion relating to them, and the extravagant theories which have passed current.

The portion of the Calabrian valleys formed within the last three thousand years, must, undoubtedly, be inconsiderable in amount, compared to that previously formed, just as the lavas which have flowed from Etna since the historical era constitute but a small proportion of the whole cone. But as a continued series of such eruptions as man has witnessed would reproduce another cone like Etna, so a sufficient number of earthquakes like that of 1783 would enable torrents and rivers to re-excavate all the Calabrian valleys if they were now to be entirely obliterated. It must be evident that more change is effected in two centuries in the width and depth of the valleys of that region, than in many thousand years in a country as undisturbed by earthquakes as Great Britain. For the same reason, therefore, that he who desires to comprehend the volcanic phenomena of Central France will repair to Vesuvius, Etna, or Hecla, so they who aspire to explain the mode in which valleys are formed must visit countries where earthquakes are of frequent occurrence. For we may be assured, that the power which uplifted our more ancient tertiary strata of marine origin to more than a thousand feet above the level of the sea, co-operated at some former epoch with the force of rivers in the removal of large portions of rock and soil, just as the elevatory power which has upraised newer strata to the height of several thousand feet in the south of Italy has caused those formations to be already intersected by deep valleys and ravines.

He who studies the hydrographical basin of the Thames, and compares its present state with its condition when it was a Roman province, may have good reason to declare that if that river and its tributaries had since their origin been always as inactive, and as impotent as they are now, they could never, not even in millions of years, have excavated the valleys through which they flow: but, if he concludes from these premises, that the valleys in this basin were not formed by ordinary causes, he reasons like one, who having found a solfatara which for many centuries has thrown out nothing more than vapour and a few handfuls of sand and scoriae, infers that a lofty cone, composed of successive streams of lava and ejections, can no longer be produced by volcanic agency.



1. Istoria de' Tremuoti della Calabria, del 1783.

2. Descriz. de' Tremuoti Accad. nelle Calabria nel 1783. Napoli, 1784.

3. Istoria de' Fenomeni del Tremoto, &c. nell' an. 1783, posta in luce dalla Real. Accad., &c., di Nap. Napoli, 1784, fol.

4. Phil. Trans., 1783.

5. Phil. Trans., vol. lxxiii., p. 180.
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Re: Principles of Geology, by Charles Lyell

Postby admin » Fri Jul 17, 2015 12:48 am


Earthquakes of the eighteenth century, continued – Java, 1772 – Truncation of a lofty cone – Caucasus, 1772 – Java, 1771 – Colombia, 1766 – Chile, 1760 – Azores, 1757 – Lisbon, 1755 – Sinking down of the quay to the depth of six hundred feet – Shocks felt throughout Europe, Northern Africa, and the West Indies – Great wave – Shocks felt at sea – St. Domingo, 1751 – Conception Bay, 1750 – Permanent elevation of the bed of the sea to the height of twenty-four feet – Peru, 1746 – Kamtschatka, 1737 – Martinique, 1727. Iceland, 1725 – Teneriffe, 1706 – Java, 1699 – Landslips obstruct the Batavian and Tangaran rivers – Quito, 1698 – Sicily, 1693 – Subsidence of land – Moluccas,1693 – Jamaica,1692 – Large tracts engulphed – Portion of Port Royal sunk from twenty to fifty feet under water – The Blue Mountains shattered – Reflections on the amount of change in the last one hundred and forty years – Proofs of elevation and subsidence of land on the coast of the Bay of Baise – Evidence of the same afforded by the present state of the Temple of Serapis

IN the preceding chapters we have considered a small part of those earthquakes only which have occurred during the last fifty years, of which accurate and authentic descriptions happen to have been recorded. We shall next proceed to examine some of earlier date, respecting which information of geological interest has been obtained.

Java, 1772. -- In the year 1772, Papandayang, formerly one of the loftiest volcanos in the island of Java, was in eruption. Before all the inhabitants on the declivities of the mountain could save themselves by flight, the ground began to give way, and a great part of the volcano fell in and disappeared. It is estimated that an extent of ground of the mountain itself and its immediate environs fifteen miles long and full six broad, was by this commotion swallowed up in the bowels of the earth. Forty villages were destroyed, some being engulphed and some covered by the substances thrown out on this occasion, and two thousand nine hundred and fifty-seven of the inhabitants perished. A proportionate number of cattle were also killed, and most of the plantations of cotton, indigo, and coffee in the adjacent districts were buried under the volcanic matter. This catastrophe appears to have resembled, although on a grander scale, that of the ancient Vesuvius in the year 79. The cone was reduced in height from nine thousand to about five thousand feet, and, as vapours still escape from the crater on its summit, a new cone may one day rise out of the ruins of the ancient mountain, as the modern Vesuvius has risen from the remains of Somma. [1]

Caucasus, 1772. -- About the year 1772, an earthquake convulsed the ground in the province of Beshtau, in the Caucasus, so that part of the hill Metshuka sunk into an abyss. [2]

Java, 1771. -- By an earthquake in the year 1771, several tracts of ground were upraised in Java, and a new bank made its appearance opposite the mouth of the river of Batavia. [3]

Colombia, 1766. -- On the 21st of October, 1766, the ground was agitated at once at Cumana, at Caraccas, at Maracaybo, and on the banks of the rivers Casanare, the Meta, the Orinoco, and the Ventuario. These districts were much fissured, and great fallings in of the earth took place in the mountain Paurari; Trinidad was violently shaken. A small island in the Orinoco, near the rock Aravacoto, sunk down and disappeared. [4] At the same time the ground was raised in the sea near Cariaco, where the Point Del Garda was enlarged. A rock also rose up in the river Guarapica, near the village of Maturin. [5] The shocks continued in Colombia hourly for fourteen months.

Chili, 1760. -- In 1760, the volcano Peteroa, in Chili, was in eruption, and formed a new crater. A fissure, several miles in length, opened in a neighbouring hill, and a great landslip obstructed the river Lontue for ten days, giving rise to a considerable lake.

Azores, 1757. -- In the year 1757, the island of St. George was struck by an earthquake, and eighteen small islets rose at the distance of about two hundred yards from the shore. These may possibly have been produced by a submarine eruption.

Lisbon, 1755. -- In no part of the volcanic region of southern Europe has so tremendous an earthquake occurred in modern times as that which began on the 1st of November, 1755, at Lisbon. A sound of thunder was heard under ground, and immediately afterwards a violent shock threw down the greater part of that city. In the course of about six minutes, sixty thousand persons perished. The sea first retired and laid the bar dry; it then rolled in, rising fifty feet or more above its ordinary level. The mountains of Arrabida, Estrella, Julio, Marvan, and Cintra, being some of the largest in Portugal, were impetuously shaken, as it were, from their very foundations; and most of them opened at their summits, which were split and rent in a wonderful manner, huge masses of them being thrown down into the subjacent valleys. [6] Flames are related to have issued from these mountains, which are supposed to have been electric; they are also said to have smoked; but vast clouds of dust seem to have given rise to this appearance. The most extraordinary incident which occurred at Lisbon during the catastrophe was the subsidence of a new quay, built entirely of marble, at an immense expense. A great concourse of people had collected there for safety, as a spot where they might be beyond the reach of falling ruins; but, suddenly, the quay sank down with all the people on it, and not one of the dead bodies ever floated to the surface. A great number of boats and small vessels anchored near it, all full of people, were swallowed up, as in a whirlpool. [7] No fragments of these wrecks ever rose again to the surface, and the water in the place where the quay had stood is stated, in many accounts, to be unfathomable; but, Whitehurst [8] says, he ascertained it to be one hundred fathoms.

In this case, we must either suppose that a certain tract sank down into a subterranean hollow which would cause a "fault" in the strata to the depth of six hundred feet, or we may infer, as some have done, from the entire disappearance of the substances engulphed, that a chasm opened and closed again. Yet, in adopting this latter hypothesis, we must suppose that the upper part of the chasm, to the depth of one hundred fathoms, remained open.

The great area over which this Lisbon earthquake extended is very remarkable. The movement was most violent in Spain, Portugal, and the north of Africa; but nearly the whole of Europe, and even the West Indies, felt the shock on the same day. A sea-port, called St. Eubals, about twenty miles south of Lisbon, was engulphed. At Algiers and Fez, in Africa, the agitation of the earth was equally violent, and at the distance of eight leagues from Morocco, a village, with the inhabitants to the number of about eight or ten thousand persons, together with all their cattle, were swallowed up. Soon after the earth closed again over them. A great wave swept over the coast of Spain, and is said to have been sixty feet high at Cadiz. At Tangier, in Africa, it rose and fell eighteen times on the coast. At Funchal, in Madeira, it rose full fifteen feet perpendicular above high-water mark, although the tide which ebbs and flows there seven feet was then at half ebb. Besides entering that city, and committing great havoc, it overflowed other sea-ports in the island. At Kinsale, in Ireland, a body of water rushed into the harbour, whirled round several vessels, and poured into the market place.

The shock was felt at sea, on the deck of a ship to the west of Lisbon, and produced very much the same sensation as on dry land. Off St. Lucar, the captain of the Nancy frigate felt his ship so violently shaken that he thought he had struck the ground; but, on heaving the lead, found he was in a great depth of water. Captain Clark from Denia, in north latitude 36° 24', between nine and ten in the morning, had his ship shaken and strained as if she had struck upon a rock, so that the seams of the deck opened, and the compass was overturned in the binnacle. Another ship forty leagues west of St. Vincent experienced so violent a concussion, that the men were thrown a foot and a half perpendicularly up from the deck. In Antigua and Barbadoes, as also in Norway, Sweden, Germany, Holland, Corsica, Switzerland, and Italy, tremors and slight oscillations of the ground were felt.

The agitation of lakes, rivers, and springs, in Great Britain was remarkable. At Loch Lomond in Scotland, for example, the water, without the least apparent cause, rose against its banks, and then subsided below its usual level. The greatest perpendicular height of this swell was two feet four inches. It is said that the movement of this earthquake was undulatory, and that it travelled at the rate of twenty miles a minute, its velocity being calculated by the intervals between the time when the first shock was felt at Lisbon, and its time of occurrence at other distant places. [9]

St. Domingo, 1751. -- On the 15th of September, 1751, a shock began to be experienced in several of the West India Islands, and on the 21st of November, a violent one destroyed the capital of St. Domingo, Port au Prince. Part of the coast twenty leagues in length sank down and has ever since formed a bay of the sea. [10]

Conception, 1750. -- On the 24th of May 1750, the ancient town of Conception, otherwise called Penco, in Chili, was totally destroyed by an earthquake and the sea rolled over it. The ancient port was rendered entirely useless, and the inhabitants built another town ten miles from the sea-coast, in order to be beyond the reach of similar inundations. During a late survey of Conception Bay, Captains Beechey and Belcher discovered that the ancient harbour, which formerly admitted all large merchant vessels which went round the Cape, is now occupied by a reef of sandstone, certain points of which project above the sea at low-water, the greater part being very shallow. A tract of a mile and a half in length, where, according to the report of the inhabitants, the water was formerly four or five fathoms deep, is now a shoal. The correctness of this statement of the original depth may be concluded from the circumstance, that the large trading vessels which formerly frequented the port could not have anchored in less than four fathoms water. Our hydrographers found the reef to consist of hard sandstone, so that it cannot be supposed to have been formed by recent deposits of the river Biobio, an arm of which carries down loose micaceous sand into the same side of the bay. Besides it is a well known fact, that ever since the shock of 1750, no vessels have been able to approach within a mile and a half of the ancient port of Penco. That shock, therefore, uplifted the bed of the sea to the height of twenty-four feet at the least, and most probably the adjoining coast shared in the elevation, for an enormous bed of shells of the same species as those now living in the bay, are seen raised above high-water mark along the beach, filled with micaceous sand like that which the Biobio now conveys to the bay. These shells, as well as others which cover the adjoining hills of mica-schist to the height of from one thousand to one thousand five hundred feet, have lately been examined by experienced conchologists in London, and identified with those taken at the same time in a living state from the Bay and its neighbourhood. [11]

Ulloa, therefore, was perfectly correct in his statement, that at various heights above the sea between Talcaguana and Conception, "mines were found of various sorts of shells used for lime of the very same kinds as those found in the adjoining sea." Among them, he mentions the great mussel called Choros, and two others which he describes. Some of these, he says, are entire, and others broken; they occur at the bottom of the sea, in four, six, ten, or twelve fathom water, where they adhere to a sea-plant called Cochayuyo. They are taken in dredges, and have no resemblance to those found on the shore or in shallow water, yet beds of them occur at various heights on the hills. "I was the more pleased with the sight," he adds, "as it appeared to me a convincing proof of the universality of the deluge, although I am not ignorant that some have attributed their position to other causes; but an unanswerable confutation of their subterfuge is, that the various sorts of shells which compose these strata, both in the plains and mountains, are the very same with those found in the bay." [12] Perhaps the diluvian theory of this distinguished navigator, the companion of Condamine, may account for his never having recorded even reports of changes in the relative level of land and sea on the shores of South America. He could not, however, have given us a relation of the rise of the reef above alluded to, for the destruction of Penco happened a few years after the publication of his Voyages. If we duly consider these facts so recently brought to light, as well as the elevation before mentioned of the coast at Valparaiso in 1822, we shall be less sceptical than Raspe, in regard to an event for which Hooke had cited Purchas's Travels. In that passage it was stated, "that a certain sea-coast in a province of South America called Chili, was, during a violent earthquake, propelled upwards with such force and velocity, that some ships on the sea were grounded in it, and the sea receded to a distance." Raspe, being himself of opinion that all the continents had been upraised gradually by earthquakes from the sea, admitted that the circumstance was not impossible, but he complains that Purchas had interpolated the account of the earthquake (which happened probably at the close of the seventeenth century) into Da Costa's History of the West Indies. [13]

Peru, 1746. -- Peru was visited on the 9l8th of October, 1746, by an earthquake, which is declared to have been more tremendous and extensive than even that of Lisbon in 1755. In the first twenty-four hours, two hundred shocks were experienced. The ocean twice retired and returned impetuously upon the land: Lima was destroyed, and part of the coast near Callao was converted into a bay; four other harbours, among which were Cavalla and Guanape, shared the same fate. There were twenty-three ships and vessels great and small in the harbour of Callao, of which nineteen were sunk, and the other four, among which was a frigate called St. Fermin, were carried by the force of the waves to a great distance up the country. The number of the inhabitants in this city amounted to four thousand. Two hundred only escaped, twenty-two of whom were saved on a small fragment of the fort of Vera Cruz, which remained as the only memorial of the site of the town after this dreadful inundation..

A volcano in Lucanas burst forth the same night, and such quantities of water descended from the cone, that the whole country was overflowed; and in the mountain near Patao, called Conversiones de Caxamarquilla, three other volcanos burst out, and frightful torrents of water swept down their sides. [14]

Kamtschatka, 1737. -- The eastern side of the peninsula of Kamtschatka, at Awatchka bay, was shaken by an earthquake on October the 6th, 1737. The sea was violently agitated, and overflowed the land to an immense height, and then withdrew so far as to lay bare its bottom between the first and second of the Kurile Isles. The shape of the ground was greatly changed. Several plains were uplifted and formed hills, and on the other hand many subsidences occasioned inland lakes and new bays on the coast. [15]

Martinique, 1727. -- In the year 1727, a hill sunk down in Martinique during an earthquake. [16]

Iceland, 1725. -- In Iceland during the eruption of the volcano Leirhnukur, in 1725-6, a tract of high land sunk down, and formed a lake, and half a mile from the same place a hill rose in a lake and converted it into dry land. [17]

Teneriffe, 1706. -- May 5th, 1706, a lateral eruption of Teneriffe took place south of the harbour of Garachico, which was overwhelmed with lava. Many springs disappeared, and there were such changes of level as to alter the whole face of the country, hills having risen up where there were plains before. [18]

Java, 1699. -- On the 5th of January, 1699, a terrible earthquake visited Java, and no less than two hundred and eight considerable shocks were reckoned. Many houses in Batavia were overturned, and the flame and noise of a volcanic eruption were seen and heard at that city, which were afterwards found to proceed from Mount Salak, [19] a volcano six days' journey distant. Next morning the Batavian river, which has its rise from that mountain, became very high and muddy, and brought down abundance of bushes and trees, half burnt. The channel of the river being stopped up, the water overflowed the country round, the gardens about the town, and some of the streets, so that fishes lay dead in them. All the fish in the river, except the carps, were killed by the mud and turbid water. A great number of drowned buffaloes, tigers, rhinoceroses, deer, apes, and other wild beasts were brought down by the current, and "notwithstanding," observes one of the writers, "that a crocodile is amphibious, several of them were found dead among the rest." [20] It is stated, that seven hills bounding the river sank down, by which is merely meant, as by similar expressions in the description of the Calabrian earthquakes, seven great landslips. These hills, descending some from one side of the valley and some from the other, filled the channel, and the waters then finding their way under the mass, flowed out thick and muddy. The Tangaran river was also dammed up by nine hills, and in its channel were large quantities of drift trees. Seven of its tributaries also are said to have been" covered up with earth." A high tract of forest land, between the two great rivers before mentioned, is described as having been changed into an open country, destitute of trees, the surface being spread over with a fine red clay. This part of the account may, perhaps, merely refer to the sliding down of woody tracts into the valleys, as happened to so many extensive vineyards and olive-grounds in Calabria, in 1783. The close packing of large trees in the Batavian river is represented as very remarkable, and it attests in a striking manner the destruction of soil bordering the valleys which had been caused by floods and landslips. [21]

Quito, 1698. -- In Quito, on the 19th of July, 1698, during an earthquake, a great part of the crater and summit of the volcano Carguairazo fell in, and a stream of water and mud issued from the broken sides of the hill. [22]

Sicily, 1693. -- Shocks of earthquakes spread over all Sicily in 1693, and on the 11th of January the city of Catania and forty nine other places were levelled to the ground, and about one hundred thousand people killed. The bottom of the sea, says Vicentino Bonajutus, sank down considerably both in ports, inclosed bays, and open parts of the coast, and water bubbled up along the shores. Numerous long fissures of various breadths were caused, which threw out sulphureous water, and one of them, in the plain of Catania (the delta of the Simeto), at the distance. of four miles from the sea, sent forth water as salt as the sea. The stone buildings of a street in the city of Noto, for the length of half a mile, sank into the ground, and remained hanging on one side. In another street, an opening large enough to swallow a man and horse appeared. [23]

Moluccas, 1693. -- The small isle of Sorea, which consists of one great volcano, was in eruption in the year 1693. Different parts of the cone fell one after the other into a deep crater, until almost half the space of the island was converted into a fiery lake. Most of the inhabitants fled to Banda, but great pieces of the mountain continued to fall down, so that the lake became wider, and finally the whole population was compelled to emigrate. It is stated, that in proportion as the lake of lava increased in size, the earthquakes were less vehement. [24]

Jamaica, 1692. -- In the year 1692 the island of Jamaica was visited by a violent earthquake, the ground swelled and heaved like a rolling sea, and was traversed by numerous cracks, two or three hundred of which were often seen at a time opening and then closing rapidly again. Many people were swallowed up in these rents; some the earth caught by the middle and squeezed to death; the heads of others only appeared above ground, and some were first engulphed and then cast up again with great quantities of water. Such was the devastation, that even at Port Royal, then the capital, where more houses are said to have been left standing than in the whole island beside, three quarters of the buildings, together with the ground they stood on, sank down with their inhabitants entirely under water. The large store-houses on the harbour side subsided, so as to be twenty-four, thirty-six, and forty-eight feet under water; yet many of them appeared to have remained standing, for it is stated that, after the earthquake, the mastheads of several ships wrecked in the harbour, together with the chimney-tops of houses; were seen just projecting above the waves. A tract of land round the town, about a thousand acres in extent, sank down in less than one minute, during the first shock, and the sea immediately rolled in. The Swan frigate, which was repairing in the wharf, was driven over the tops of many buildings, and then thrown upon one of the roofs, through which it broke. The breadth of one of the streets is said to have been doubled by the earthquake. At several thousand places in Jamaica the earth is related to have opened. On the north of the island several plantations, with their inhabitants, were swallowed up, and a lake appeared in their place, covering above a thousand acres, which afterwards dried up, leaving nothing but sand and gravel, without the least sign that there had ever been a house or tree there. Several tenements at Yallowes were buried under landslips; and one plantation was removed half a mile from its place, the crops continuing to grow upon it uninjured. Between Spanish town and Sixteen-mile-walk the high and perpendicular cliffs bounding the river fell in, stopped the passage of the river, and flooded the latter place for nine days, so that the people "concluded it had been sunk as Port Royal was." But the flood at length subsided, for the river had found some new passage at a great distance.

The Blue and other of the highest mountains are declared to have been strangely torn and rent. They appeared shattered and half-naked, no longer affording a fine green prospect, as before, but stripped of their woods and natural verdure. The rivers on these mountains first ceased to flow for about twenty-four hours, and then brought down into the sea at Port Royal and other places, several hundred thousand tons of timber which looked like floating islands on the ocean. The trees were in general barked, most of their branches having been torn off in the descent. It is particularly remarked in this, as in the narratives of so many earthquakes, that fish were taken in great numbers on the coast during the shocks. The correspondents of Sir Hans Sloane, who collected with care the accounts of eye-witnesses of the catastrophe, refer constantly to subsidences, and some supposed the whole of Jamaica to have sunk down. [25]

We have now only enumerated the earthquakes of the last hundred and forty years, respecting which, facts illustrative of geological inquiries are on record. Even if our limits permitted, it would be a tedious and unprofitable task to examine all the obscure and ambiguous narratives of similar events of earlier epochs, although, if the localities were now examined by geologists well practised in the art of interpreting the monuments of physical changes, many events which have happened within the historical era might still be determined with precision. The reader must not imagine, that in our sketch of the occurrences in the short period above alluded to, we have given an account of all, or even the greater part of the mutations which the earth has undergone, by the agency of subterranean movements. Thus, for example, the earthquake of Aleppo, in the present century, and of Syria in the middle of the eighteenth, would doubtless have afforded numerous phenomena of great geological importance, had those catastrophes been described by scientific observers. The shocks in Syria in 1759, were protracted for three months, throughout a space of ten thousand square leagues, an area compared to which that of the Calabrian earthquake, of 1783, was insignificant. Accon, Saphat, Balbeck, Damascus, Sidon, Tripoli, and many other places, were almost entirely levelled to the ground. Many thousands of the inhabitants perished in each, and in the valley of Balbeck alone twenty thousand men are said to have been victims to the convulsion. It would be as irrelevant to our present purpose to enter into a detailed account of such calamities, as to follow the track of an invading army, to enumerate the cities burnt or rased to the ground, and reckon the number of individuals who perished by famine or the sword. If such then be the amount of ascertained changes in the last one hundred and forty years, notwithstanding the extreme deficiency of our records during that brief period, how important must we presume the physical revolutions to have been in the course of thirty or forty centuries, during which, some countries habitually convulsed by earthquakes have been peopled by civilized nations! Towns engulphed during one earthquake may, by repeated shocks, have sunk to enormous depths beneath the surface, while their ruins remain as imperishable as the hardest rocks in which they are inclosed. Buildings and cities submerged for a time beneath seas or lakes, and covered with sedimentary deposits, must, in some places, have been re-elevated to considerable heights above the level of the ocean. The signs of these events have probably been rendered visible by subsequent mutations, as by the encroachments of the sea upon the coast, by deep excavations made by torrents and rivers, by the opening of new ravines and chasms, and other effects of natural agents, so active in districts agitated by subterranean movements. If it be asked why if such wonderful monuments exist, so few have hitherto been brought to light-we reply-because they have not been searched for. In order to rescue from oblivion the memorials of former occurrences, we must know what we may reasonably expect to discover; and under what peculiar local circumstances. The inquirer, moreover, must he acquainted with the action and effects of physical causes, in order to recognise, explain, and describe, correctly, the phenomena when they present themselves.

The best known of the great volcanic regions of which we sketched the boundaries, in the eighteenth chapter, is that which includes Southern Europe, Northern Africa, and Central Asia, yet nearly the whole even of this region must be laid down in a geological map as "Terra Incognita." Even Calabria may be regarded as unexplored, as also Spain, Portugal, the Barbary states, the Ionian Isles, the Morea, Asia Minor, Cyprus. Syria, and the countries between the Caspian and Black Seas. We are, in truth, beginning to obtain some insight into one small spot of that great zone of volcanic disturbance, the district around Naples, a tract by no means remarkable for the violence of the earthquakes which have convulsed it.

If, in this part of Campania, we are enabled to establish, that considerable changes in the relative level of land and sea have taken place since the Christian era, it is all that we could have expected, and it is to recent antiquarian and geological research, not to history, that we are principally indebted for the information. We shall proceed to lay before the reader some of the results of modern investigations in the Bay of Baiae and the adjoining coast.

Temple of Jupiter Serapis. -- This celebrated monument of antiquity affords, in itself alone, unequivocal evidence, that the relative level of land and sea has changed twice at Puzzuoli, since the Christian era, and each movement both of elevation and subsidence has exceeded twenty feet. Before examining these proofs we may observe, that a geological examination of the coast of the Bay of Baiae, both on the north and south of Puzzuoli, establishes in the most satisfactory manner an elevation at no remote period, of more than twenty feet, and the evidence of this change would have been complete even if the temple had to this day remained undiscovered. If we coast along the shore from Naples to Puzzlloli we find, on approaching the latter place, that the lofty and precipitous cliffs of indurated tuff, resembling that of which Naples is built, retire slightly from the sea, and that a low level tract of fertile land, of a very different aspect, intervenes between the present sea-beach, and what was evidently the ancient line of coast. The inland cliff is in many parts eighty feet high near Puzzuoli, and as perpendicular as if it was still undermined by the waves. At its base, the new deposit attains a height of about twenty feet above the sea, and as it consists of regular sedimentary deposits, containing marine shells, its position proves that since its formation there has been a change of more than twenty feet in the relative level of land and sea.

No. 30. Ground plan of the coast of the Bay of Baiae in the environs of Puzzuoli.

The sea encroaches on these new incoherent strata, and as the soil is valuable, a wall has been built for its protection; but when I visited the spot in 1828, the waves had swept away part of this rampart, and exposed to view a regular series of strata of tuff, more or less argillaceous, alternating with beds of pumice and lapilli, and containing great abundance of marine shells, of species now common on this coast, and amongst them Cardium rusticum, Ostrea edulis, Donax trunculus (Lam.) and others. The strata vary from about a foot to a foot and half in thickness, and one of them contains abundantly remains of works of art, tiles, squares of mosaic pavement of different colours, and small sculptured ornaments, perfectly uninjured. Intermixed with these I collected some teeth of the pig and ox. These fragments of building occur below as well as above strata containing marine shells.

No. 31. a. Remains of Cicero's villa, N. side of Puzzuoli [26]. b. Ancient cliff now inland. c. Terrace composed of recent submarine deposit. d. Temple of Serapis.

a. Antiquities on hill S.E. of Puzzuoli. b. Ancient cliff now inland. c. Terrace composed of recent submarine deposit.

If we then pass to the north of Puzzuoli and examine the coast between that town and Monte Nuovo, we find a repetition of analogous phenomena. The sloping sides of Monte Barbaro slant down within a short distance of the coast, and terminate in an inland cliff of moderate elevation, to which the geologist perceives at once, that the sea must, at some former period, have extended. Between this cliff and the sea is a low plain or terrace, called La Starza, corresponding to that before described on the south-east of the town; and, as the sea encroaches rapidly, fresh sections of the strata may readily be obtained, of which the annexed is an example.

Ft. In.
1. Vegetable soil: 1: 0
2. Horizontal beds of pumice and scoriae, with broken fragments of unrolled bricks, bones of animals, and marine shells: 1: 6
3. Beds of lapilli, containing abundance of marine shells, principally Cardium rusticum, Donax trunculus, Lam. Ostrea edulis, Triton cutaceum, Lam. and Buccinum serratum, Brocchi, the beds varying in thickness from one to eighteen inches: 10: 0
4. Argillaceous tuff containing bricks and fragments of buildings not rounded by attrition: 1: 6

The thickness of many of these beds varies greatly as we trace them along the shore, and sometimes the whole group rises to a greater height than at the point above described. The surface of the tract which they compose appears to slope gently upwards towards the base of the old cliffs. Puzzuoli itself stands chiefly on a promontory of the older tufaceous formation, which cuts off the new deposit, although I detected a small patch of the latter in a garden under the town.

Now if these appearances presented themselves on the eastern or southern coast of England, a geologist would naturally endeavour to seek an explanation in some local depression of high water-mark, in consequence of a change in the set of the tides and currents: for towns have been built, like ancient Brighton, on sandy tracts intervening between the old cliff and the sea, and in some cases they have been finally swept away by the return of the ocean. On the other hand, the inland cliff at Lowestoff, in Suffolk, remains, as we stated in the fifteenth chapter, at some distance from the shore, and the low green tract called the Ness may be compared to the low flat called La Starza, near Puzzuoli. But there are no tides in the Mediterranean; and to suppose that sea to have sunk generally from twenty to twenty-five feet since the shores of Campania were covered with sumptuous buildings, is an hypothesis obviously untenable. The observations, indeed, made during modern surveys on the moles and cothons (docks) constructed by the ancients in various ports of the Mediterranean, have proved that there has been no sensible variation of level in that sea during the last two thousand years. A very slight change would have been perceptible; and had any been ascertained to have taken place, and had it amounted only to a difference of a few feet, it would not have appeared very extraordinary, since the equilibrium of the Mediterranean is only restored by a powerful current from the Atlantic. [27]

Thus we arrive, without the aid of the celebrated temple, at the conclusion that the recent marine deposit at Puzzuoli was upraised in modern times above the level of the sea, and that not only this change of position, but the accumulation of the modern strata, was posterior to the destruction of many edifices, of which they contain the imbedded remains. If we now examine the evidence afforded by the temple itself, it appears, from the most authentic accounts, that the three pillars now standing erect, continued, down to the middle of the last century, half buried in the new marine strata before described. The upper part of the columns, being concealed by bushes, had not attracted the notice of antiquaries; but, when the soil was removed in 1750, they were seen to form part of the re mains of a splendid edifice, the pavement of which was still preserved, and upon it lay a number of columns of African breccia and of granite. The original plan of the building could be traced distinctly; it was of a quandrangular form, seventy feet in diameter, and the roof had been supported by forty-six noble columns, twenty-four of granite, and the rest of marble. The large court was surrounded by apartments, supposed to have been used as bathing-rooms; for a thermal spring, still used for medicinal purposes, issues now just behind the building, and the water, it is said, of this spring, was conveyed by marble ducts into the chambers. Many antiquaries have entered into elaborate discussions as to the deity to which this edifice was consecrated; but Signor Carelli, who has written the last able treatise on the subject, [28] endeavours to show that all the religious edifices of Greece were of a form essentially different -- that the building, therefore, could never have been a temple -- that it corresponded to the public bathing-rooms at many of our watering-places, and, lastly, that if it had been a temple, it could not have been dedicated to Serapis, -- the worship of the Egyptian god being strictly prohibited at the time when this edifice was in use, by the senate of Rome.

It is not for the geologist to offer an opinion on these topics, and we shall, therefore, designate this valuable relic of antiquity by its generally received name, and proceed to consider the memorials of physical changes, inscribed on the three standing columns in most legible characters by the hand of nature. (See Frontispiece. [29]) The pillars are forty-two feet in height; their surface is smooth and uninjured to the height of about twelve feet above their pedestals. Above this, is a zone, twelve feet in height, where the marble has been pierced by a species of marine perforating bivalve -- Lithodomus, Cuv. [30] The holes of these animals are pear-shaped, the external opening being minute, and gradually increasing downwards. At the bottom of the cavities, many shells are still found, notwithstanding the great numbers that have been taken out by visitors. The perforations are so considerable in depth and size, that they manifest a long continued abode of the Lithodomi in the columns; for, as the inhabitant grows older and increases in size, it bores a larger cavity, to correspond with the increasing magnitude of its shell. We must, consequently, infer a long continued immersion of the pillars in sea-water, at a time when the lower part was covered up and protected by strata of tuff and the rubbish of buildings, the highest part at the same time projecting above the waters, and being consequently weathered, but not materially injured. On the pavement of the temple, lie some columns of marble, which are perforated in the same manner in certain parts, one, for example, to the length of eight feet, while, for the length of four feet, it is uninjured. Several of these broken columns are eaten into, not only on the exterior, but on the cross fracture, and, on some of them, other marine animals have fixed themselves. [31] All the granite pillars are untouched by Lithodomi. The platform of the Temple is at present about one foot below high-water mark, (for there are small tides in the Bay of Naples,) and the sea, which is only one hundred feet distant, soaks through the intervening soil. The upper part of the perforations then are at least twenty-three feet above high-water mark, and it is clear, that the columns must have continued for a long time in an erect position, immersed in salt-water. After remaining for many years submerged, they must have been upraised to the height of about twenty-three feet above the level of the sea.

So far the information derived from the Temple corroborates that before obtained from the new strata in the plain of La Starza, and proves nothing more. But as the temple could not have been built originally at the bottom of the sea, it must have first sunk down below the waves, and afterwards have been elevated. Of such subsidences there are numerous independent proofs in the Bay of Baiae. Not far from the shore, to the north-west of the Temple of Serapis, are the ruins of a Temple of Neptune, and a Temple of the Nymphs, now under water. These buildings probably participated in the movement which raised the Starza, but, either they were deeper under water than the Temple of Serapis, or they were not raised up again to so great a height. There are also two Roman roads under water in the Bay, one reaching from Puzzuoli towards the Lucrine Lake, which may still be seen, and the other near the Castle of Baiae. The ancient mole too, which exists at the Port of Puzzuoli, and which is commonly called that of Caligula, has the water up to a considerable height of the arches; whereas Brieslak [32] justly observes, it is next to certain, that the piers must formerly have reached the surface before the springing of the arches. A modern writer also reminds us, that these effects are not so local as some would have us believe; for on the opposite side of the Bay of Naples, on the Sorrentine coast, which, as well as Puzzuoli, is subject to earthquakes, a road, with some fragments of Roman buildings, is covered to some depth by the sea. In the island of Capri, also, which is situated some way at sea, in the opening of the Bay of Naples, one of the palaces of Tiberius is now covered with water. [33] They who have attentively considered the effects of earthquakes before enumerated by us during the last one hundred and forty years, will not feel astonished at these signs of alternate elevation and depression of the bed of the sea and the adjoining coast during the course of eighteen centuries, but, on the contrary, they will be very much astonished if future researches fail to bring to light similar indications of change in all regions of volcanic disturbances. That buildings should have been submerged, and afterwards upheaved, without being entirely reduced to a heap of ruins, will appear no anomaly, when we recollect that in the year 1819, when the delta of the Indus sank down, the houses within the fort of Sindree subsided beneath the waves without being overthrown. In like manner, in the year 1692, the buildings around the harbour of Port Royal, in Jamaica, descended suddenly to the depth of between thirty and fifty feet under the sea without falling. Even on small portions of land, transported to a distance of a mile, down a declivity, tenements like those near Mileto, in Calabria, were carried entire. At Valparaiso, buildings were left standing when their foundations, together with a long tract of the Chilian coast, were permanently upraised to the height of several feet in 1822. It is true that, in the year 1750, when the bottom of the sea in the harbour of Penco was suddenly uplifted to the extraordinary elevation of twenty-four feet above its former level, the buildings of that town were thrown down; but we might still suppose that a great portion of them would have escaped, bad the walls been supported on the exterior and interior with a deposit, like that which surrounded and filled to the height of ten or twelve feet the Temple of Serapis at Puzzuoli.

The next subject of inquiry, is the era when these remarkable changes took place in the Bay of Baiae. It appears, that in the Atrium of the Temple of Serapis, inscriptions were found in which Septimus Severus and Marcus Aurelius record their labours in adorning it with precious marbles. [34] We may, therefore, conclude, that it existed at least down to the third century of our era in its original position. On the other hand, we have evidence that the marine deposit forming the flat land called La Starza was still covered by the sea in the year 1530, or just eight years anterior to the tremendous explosion of Monte Nuovo. Mr. Forbes [35] has lately pointed out the distinct testimony of an old Italian writer Loffredo, in confirmation of this important point. Writing in 1580, Loffredo declares that fifty years previously, the sea washed the base of the hills which rise from the flat land before alluded to, and at that time he expressly tells us that a person might have fished from the site of those ruins which are now called the Stadium. (See wood cut, No. 30.) Hence it follows, that the subsidence of the ground on which the Temple stood, happened at some period between the third century and the beginning of the sixteenth century. Now in this interval the only two events which are recorded in the imperfect annals of the dark ages, are the eruption of the Solfatara in 1198, and an earthquake in 1488 by which Puzzuoli was ruined. It is at least highly probable, that earthquakes, which preceded the eruption of the Solfatara, which is very near the Temple, (see wood cut, No. 30) caused a subsidence, and the pumice and other matters ejected from that volcano might have fallen in heavy showers into the sea, and would thus immediately have covered up the lower part of the columns. The action of the waves might afterwards have thrown down many pillars, and formed strata of broken fragments of the building intermixed with volcanic ejections, before the Lithodomi had time to perforate the lower part of the columns. In like manner, the sea acting on other submerged buildings, would naturally have caused a similar stratum, containing works of art and shells for several miles along the coast.

Now it is perfectly evident from Loffredo's statement, that the re-elevation of the low tract called La Starza took place after the year 1530, and long before the year 1580; and from this alone we might confidently conclude that the change happened in the year 1538 when Monte Nuovo was formed. But fortunately we are not left in the slightest doubt that such was the date of this remarkable event. Sir William Hamilton [36] has given us two original letters describing the eruption of 1538, the first of which by Falconi, dated 1538, contains the following passages. "It is now two years since there have been frequent earthquakes at Puzzuoli, Naples, and the neighbouring parts. On the day and in the night before the eruption (of Monte Nuovo), above twenty shocks great and small were felt. -- The next morning (after the formation of Monte Nuovo) the poor inhabitants of Puzzuoli quitted their habitations, &c., some with their children in their arms, some with sacks full of their goods, others carrying quantities of birds of various sorts that had fallen dead at the beginning of the eruption, others again with fish which they had found, and which were to be met with in plenty on the shore, the sea having left them dry for a considerable time. -- I accompanied Signor Moramaldo to behold the wonderful effects of the eruption. The sea had retired on the side of Baiae, abandoning a considerable tract, and the shore appeared almost entirely dry from the quantity of ashes and broken pumice-stones thrown up by the eruption. I saw two springs in. the newly discovered ruins, one before the house that was the Queen's, of hot and salt-water, &c." So far Falconi -- the other account is by Pietro Giacomo di Toledo, which begins thus: "It is now two years since this province of Campagna has been afflicted with earthquakes, the country about Puzzuoli much more so than any other parts: but the 27th and the 28th of the month of September last, the earthquakes did not cease day or night in the town of Puzzuoli; that plain which lies between lake Avernus, the Monte Barbaro and the sea was raised a little, and many cracks were made in it, from some of which issued water; at the same time the sea immediately adjoining the plain dried up about two hundred paces, so that the fish were left on the sand a prey to the inhabitants of Puzzuoli. At last, on the 29th of the same month, about two o'clock in the night, the earth opened, &c." Now both these accounts, written immediately after the birth of Monte Nuovo, agree in expressly stating, that the sea retired, and one mentions that its bottom was upraised. To this elevation we have already seen that Hooke, writing at the close of the seventeenth century, alludes as to a well known fact. [37] The preposterous theories, therefore, that have been advanced in order to dispense with the elevation of the land, in the face of all this historical and physical evidence, are not entitled to a serious refutation. The flat land, when first upraised, must have been more extensive than now, for the sea encroaches somewhat rapidly, both to the north and south-east of Puzzuoli. The coast has of late years given way more than a foot in a twelvemonth, and I was assured by fishermen in the bay, that it has lost ground near Puzzuoli, to the extent of thirty feet, within their memory. It is, probably, this gradual encroachment which has led many authors to imagine that the level of the sea is slowly rising in the Bay of Baiae, an opinion by no means warranted by such circumstances. In the course of time the whole of the low land will, perhaps, be carried away, unless some earthquake shall remodify the surface of the country, before the waves reach the ancient coast-line; but the removal of this narrow tract will by no means restore the country to its former state, for the old tufaceous hills and the interstratified current of trachytic lava which has flowed from the Solfatara, must have participated in the movement of 1538; and these will remain upraised even though the sea may regain its ancient limits.

In 1828 excavations were made below the marble pavement of the Temple of Serapis, and another costly pavement of mosaic was found, at the depth of five feet or more below the other. The existence of these two pavements at different levels seems clearly to imply some subsidence previously to all the changes already alluded to, which had rendered it necessary to construct a new floor at a higher level. But to these and other circumstances bearing on the history of the Temple antecedently to the revolutions already explained, we shall not refer at present, trusting that future investigations will set them in a clearer light.

In concluding this subject, we may observe, that the interminable controversies to which the phenomena of the Bay of Baiae gave rise, have sprung from an extreme reluctance to admit that the land rather than the sea is subject alternately to rise and fall. Had it been assumed that the level of the ocean was invariable, on the ground that no fluctuations have as yet been clearly established, and that, on the other hand, the continents are inconstant in their level, as has been demonstrated by the most unequivocal proofs again and again, from the time of Strabo to our own times, the appearances of the temple at Puzzuoli could never have been regarded as enigmatical. Even if contemporary accounts had not distinctly attested the upraising of the coast, this explanation should have been proposed in the first instance as the most natural, instead of being now adopted unwillingly when all others have failed. To the strong prejudices still existing in regard to the mobility of the land, we may attribute the rarity of such discoveries as have been recently brought to light in the Bay of Baiae and the Bay of Conception. A false theory it is well known may render us blind to facts, which are opposed to our prepossessions, or may conceal from us their true import when we behold them. But it is time that the geologist should in some degree overcome those first and natural impressions which induced the poets of old to select the rock as the emblem of firmness -- the sea as the image of inconstancy. Our modern poet, in a more philosophical spirit, saw in the latter "The image of Eternity," and has finely contrasted the fleeting existence of the successive empires which have flourished and fallen, on the borders of the ocean, with its own unchanged stability.

-- Their decay
Has dried up realms to deserts: -- not so thou,
Unchangeable, save to thy wild waves' play:
Time writes no wrinkle on thine azure brow;
Such as creation's dawn beheld, thou rollest now.

-- CHILDE HAROLD, Canto iv.



1. Dr. Horsfield, Batav. Trans., vol. viii., p.26. Dr. H. informs me that he has seen this truncated mountain, and though he did not ascend it, he has conversed with those who have examined it. Raffles's account (History of Java. vol. i.) is derived from Horsfield.

2. Pallas's Travels in Southern Russia.

3. Raffles's History of Java, vol. ii., p. 232.

4. Humboldt's Personal Narrative, vol. iv., p. 45, and Saggio di Storia Americana, vol. ii., p. 6.

5. Humboldt, Voy. Relat. Hist., part i., p.307, and part ii., p. 23.

6. Hist. and Philos. of Earthquakes, p. 317.

7. Rev. C. Davy's Letters, vol. ii., Letter ii., p. 12, who was at Lisbon at the time, and ascertained that the boats and vessels said to have been swallowed were missing.

8. On the Formation of the Earth, p. 55.

9. Michell on the Cause and Phenomena of Earthquakes, Phil. Trans., vol. Ii. p. 566. 1760.

10. Hist. de l'Acad. des Sciences. 1752. Paris.

11. Captain Belcher has shewn me these shells, and the collection has been examined by Mr. Broderip.

12. Ulloa's Voyage to South America, vol. ii., Book 8, chap. 6.

13. De Novis Insulis, p.120. 1753.

14. Ulloa's Voyage, vol. ii., Book 7, chap. 7.

15. Kracheninikon by Chappe d'Auteroche, p. 337.

16. Geog. of America, Schlozer, Part II., p. 554.

17. Dureau de la Malle, Geog., de la Mer Noire, p. 203.

18. Humboldt and Bonpland, Voy. Relat. Hist., Part I., p. 177.

19. Misspelt Sales in Hooke's account.

20. Hooke's Posthumous Works, p. 437, 1705.

21. Phil. Trans., 1700.

22. Humboldt, Atl. Pit., p. 106.

23. Phil. Trans., 1693-4.

24. Ibid. 1693.

25. Phil. Trans., 1694.

26. The spot here indicated on the summit of the cliff, is that from which Hamilton's view, plate 26, Campi Phlegraei is taken, and on which he observes Cicero's villa called the Academia anciently stood.

27. Captain W. H. Smyth, R.N. obtained, during his survey, numerous proofs of the permanency or the level of the Mediterranean from a remote historical period.

28. Dissertazione esergetica sulla sagra Architettura degli Antichi.

29. The representation of the present state of the temple in the frontispiece has been carefully reduced from that given by the Canonico Andrea de Jorio, Ricerche sul Tempio di Serapide, in Puzzuoli. Napoli, 1820.

30. Modiola lithophaga, Lam. Mytilus lithophagus, Linn.

31. Serpula contortuplicata, Linn., and Vermilia triquetra, Lam. These species, as well as the Lithodomus, are now inhabitants of the neighbouring sea.

32. Voy. dans la Campanie, tome ii., p. 162.

33. Mr. Forbes, Physical Notices of the Bay of Naples. Ed. Journ. of Sci., No. 2, new series, p. 280. October, 1829.

34. Brieslak,Voy. dans la Campanie, tom. ii., p. 167.

35. Ed. Journ. of Science, new series, No. II., p. 281.

36. Campi Phlegraei, p. 70.

37. Ante, p. 34.
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Re: Principles of Geology, by Charles Lyell

Postby admin » Fri Jul 17, 2015 12:49 am


Magnitude of the subterranean changes produced by earthquakes at great depths below the surface – Obscurity of geological phenomena no proof of want of uniformity in the system, because subterranean processes are but little understood – Reasons for presuming the earthquake and volcano to have a common origin – Probable analogy between the agency of steam in the Icelandic geysers, and in volcanos during eruptions – Effects of hydrostatic pressure of high columns of lava – Of the condensation of vapours in the interior of the earth – That some earthquakes may be abortive eruptions – Why all volcanos are in islands or maritime tracts – Gases evolved from volcanos – Regular discharge of heat and of gaseous and earthy matter from the subterranean regions – Cause of the wave-like motion and of the retreat of the sea during earthquakes – Difference of circumstances of heat and pressure at great depths – Inferences from the superficial changes brought about by earthquakes – In what matter the repair of land destroyed by aqueous causes takes place – Proofs that the sinking in of the earth's crust somewhat exceeds the forcing out by earthquakes – Geological consequences of this hypothesis, that there is no ground for presuming that the degree of force exerted by subterranean movements in a given time has diminished – Concluding remarks

WHEN we consider attentively the changes brought about by earthquakes during the last century, and reflect on the light which they already throw on the ancient history of the globe, we cannot but regret that investigations into the effects of this powerful cause have hitherto been prosecuted with so little zeal. The disregard of this important subject may be attributed to the general persuasion, that former revolutions of the earth were not brought about by causes now in operation, -- a theory which, if true, would fully justify a geologist in neglecting the study of such phenomena. We may say of the superficial alterations arising from subterranean movements, as we have already declared of the visible effects of active volcanos, that, important as they are in themselves, they are still more so as indicative of far greater changes in the interior of the earth's crust. That both the chemical and mechanical changes in the subterranean regions must often be of a kind to which no counterpart can possibly be found in progress within the reach of our observation, may be confidently inferred; and speculations on these subjects ought not to be discouraged, since a great step is gained if they render us more conscious of the extent of our inability to define the amount and kind of results to which ordinary subterranean operations are now giving rise. It is no longer disputed that a great series of convulsions have carried up deposits once formed on the bottom of the ocean to the height of several miles above its level; and it is not difficult to perceive that the same movements must in numerous places have raised rocks to elevations above the level of the sea, which were once formed at the depth of several miles in the bowels of the earth. If, then, there were no spots discoverable which exhibited signs of extraordinary mechanical and chemical changes, the effects at some former period of immense pressure, intense heat, and other conditions far different from those developed on the surface, it might be urged as a triumphant argument against those who are dissatisfied with the proofs hitherto adduced in favour of the mutability of the course of Nature.

In order to set this in a clear light, let the reader suppose himself acquainted with just one-tenth part of the words of some living language, and that he is presented with several books purporting to be written in the same tongue ten centuries ago. If he should find that he comprehends a tenth part of the terms in the ancient volumes, and that he cannot divine the meaning of the other nine-tenths, would he not be strongly disposed to believe that, for a thousand years, the language has remained unaltered? Could he, without great labour and study, interpret the greater part of what is written in the antique documents, he must feel at once convinced that, in the interval of ten centuries, a great revolution in the language had taken place. He might, undoubtedly, by comparing the conventional signs already known to him, with those not previously acquired, and by observing the analogies and associations of terms in many of the old books, come at length to discover the true import of much of the ancient writings. and guess at the meaning of nearly all the rest; but if he is entirely shut out from all communication with those who now use the same language, he will never fully understand the value of some terms. So if a student of Nature, who, when he first examines the monuments of former changes upon our globe, is acquainted only with one-tenth part of the processes now going on upon or far below the surface, or in the depths of the sea, should still find that he comprehends at once the import of the signs of all, or even half the changes that went on in the same regions some hundred or thousand centuries ago, he might declare without hesitation that the ancient laws of nature have been subverted. Even after toiling for centuries, and learning more both of the present and former state of things, he must never expect to gain a perfect insight into all that formerly happened, so long as his acquaintance is very limited in regard to much that is now going on. So completely has the force of this line of argument been overlooked, that when anyone has ventured to presume that all former changes were simply the result of causes now in operation, they have invariably been called upon to explain every obscure phenomenon in geology, and if they failed, it was considered as conclusive against their assumption. Whereas, in truth, there is no part of the evidence in favour of the uniformity of the system, more cogent than the fact, that with much that is intelligible, there is still more which is yet novel, mysterious, and inexplicable in the monuments of ancient mutations in the earth's crust.

Before the immense depth of the sources of volcanic fire was generally admitted, the causes of subterranean movements were sought in peculiar states of the atmosphere. These were imagined to afford not only prognostics of the convulsions, but to have considerable influence in their production. But the supposed signs of approaching earthquakes were of a most uncertain and contradictory character. Aristotle, Pliny, and Seneca, taught that earthquakes were preceded by a serene state of the air; whereas several modern writers have been of opinion that a cloudy sky and sudden storms are the forerunners of these commotions. That there is an intimate connexion between subterranean convulsions and particular states of the weather is unquestionable; but as Michell truly remarked, "it is more probable that the air should be affected by the causes of earthquakes, than that the earth should be affected in so extraordinary a manner, and to so great a depth, by a cause residing in the air."

After violent earthquakes the regular drainage of a country is obstructed; lakes and pools are caused by local subsidences or landslips, and the evaporation of an extensive surface of shallow water produces unseasonable rains. Fogs proceed from the damp soil which is traversed by numerous rents and crevices filled with water. In addition to these circumstances, the electrical effect produced by the movement and friction of great masses of rock against each other may cause lightning, gusts of wind, luminous exhalations, and other atmospheric phenomena. Rains, moreover, are sometimes derived from volcanic eruptions accompanying earthquakes; for eruptions, as we before stated, are attended with a copious discharge of aqueous vapour.

Before we attempt to enquire farther into the true causes of earthquakes, we shall briefly recapitulate our reasons for considering them as originating from the same sources as volcanic phenomena. In the first place, the regions convulsed by violent earthquakes include within them the site of all the active volcanos. Earthquakes, sometimes local, sometimes extending over vast areas, precede volcanic eruptions. Both the subterranean movement and the eruption return again and again, at unequal intervals of time, and with unequal degrees of force, to the same places. The duration of both may continue for a few hours, or for several consecutive years. Paroxysmal convulsions of both kinds are usually followed by long periods of tranquillity. Thermal springs, and those containing abundance of mineral matter in solution, are characteristic of countries where active volcanos or earthquakes are frequent. In districts considerably distant from volcanic vents, the temperature of hot springs has been sometimes raised by subterranean movements. In addition to these signs of relation and analogy, we may observe, that it is not very easy to conceive how columns of melted matter can be raised to such great heights, as we know them to attain in volcanos, without exerting an hydrostatic pressure capable of moving enormous masses of land; nor can we be surprised that elastic fluids capable of forcing up so great a weight of rock in fusion, and of projecting large stones to immense heights in the air, should also cause tremors, vibrations, and violent movements in the solid crust of the earth. The volcano of Cotopaxi has thrown a mass of rock, about one hundred cubic yards in volume, to the distance of eight or nine miles, and we may well conceive that the slightest obstruction to the escape of such an expansive force may convulse a considerable tract in South America. "If these vapours," says Michell, "when they find a vent are capable of shaking a country to the distance of ten or twenty miles round the volcano, what may we not expect from them when they are confined?" As there is no doubt that aqueous vapour constitutes the most abundant of the aeriform products of volcanic eruptions, it may be well to consider attentively a case in which steam is exclusively the moving power -- the Geysers of Iceland. These intermittent hot springs rise from a large tract, covered to a considerable depth by a stream of lava; and where thermal waters, and apertures evolving steam, are very common. The great Geyser rises out of a spacious basin at the summit of a circular mound, composed of siliceous incrustations deposited from the spray of its waters. The diameter of the basin or crater, in one direction, is fifty-six feet, and forty-six in another.

No. 32. View of the Crater of the great Geyser in Iceland. [1]

In the centre is a pipe seventy-eight feet in perpendicular depth, and from eight to ten feet in diameter, but gradually widening as it opens into the basin. The inside of the basin is whitish, consisting of a siliceous incrustation, and perfectly smooth, as are two small channels on the sides of the mound, down which the water makes its escape when filled to the margin. The circular basin is sometimes empty, as represented in the above sketch, but is usually filled with beautifully transparent water in a state of ebullition. During the rise of the boiling water up the pipe, especially when the ebullition is most violent, and when the water flows over or is thrown up in jets, subterranean noises are heard, like the distant firing of cannon, and the earth is slightly shaken. The sound then increases and the motion becomes more violent, until at length a column of water is thrown up perpendicularly with loud explosions, to the height of one or two hundred feet. After playing for a time like an artificial fountain, and giving off great clouds of vapour, the pipe is evacuated, and a column of steam then rushes up with amazing force and a thundering noise, after which the eruption terminates. If stones are thrown into the crater they are instantly ejected, and such is the explosive force, that very hard rocks are sometimes shivered into small pieces. Henderson found that by throwing a great quantity of large stones into the pipe of Strockr, one of the Geysers, he could bring on an eruption in a few minutes. [2] The fragments of stone as well as the boiling water were thrown in that case to a much greater height than usual. After the water had been ejected, a column of steam continued to rush up with a deafening roar for nearly an hour; but the Geyser, as if exhausted by this effort, did not give symptoms of a fresh eruption when its usual interval of rest had elapsed. In the different explanations offered of this singular phenomenon, all writers agree in supposing a subterranean cavity where water and steam collect, and where the free escape of the steam is intercepted at intervals, until it acquires sufficient force to discharge the water. Suppose water percolating from the surface of the earth to penetrate into the subterranean cavity A D by the fissures F F, while at the same time, steam, at an extremely high temperature, such as is commonly given out from the rents of lava-currents during congelation, emanates from the fissures CC. A portion of the steam is at first condensed into water, and the temperature of the water is raised by the latent heat evolved, until, at last, the lower part of the cavity is filled with boiling water and the upper with steam under high pressure. The expansive force of the steam becomes, at length, so great, that the boiling water is forced up the fissure or pipe E B, and a considerable quantity runs over the rim of the basin. When the pressure is thus diminished, the steam in the upper part of the cavity A expands until all the water D is driven to E, when this happens, the steam, being the lighter of the two fluids, rushes up with great velocity, as on the opening of the valve of a steam-boiler. If the pipe be choked up artificially with stones, even for a few minutes, a great increase of heat must take place, for it is prevented from escaping in a latent form in steam, so that the water is made to boil up in a few minutes, and this brings on an eruption.

No. 33. Supposed section of the subterranean reservoir and pipe of a Geyser in Iceland.

Now if we suppose a great number of large subterranean cavities at the depth of several miles below the surface of the earth, wherein melted lava accumulates, and that water penetrating to these is converted into steam, this steam, together with other gases generated by the decomposition of melted rocks, may press upon the lava and force it up the duct of a volcano, in the same manner as it drives a column of water up the pipe of a Geyser. But the weight of the lava being immense, the hydrostatic pressure exerted on the sides and roofs of such large cavities and fissures may well be supposed to occasion not merely slight tremors, such as agitate the ground before an eruption of the Geyser, but violent earthquakes. Sometimes the lateral pressure of the lower extremity of the high column of lava may cause the more yielding strata to give way, and to fold themselves in numerous convolutions, so as to occupy less space, and thereby give relief, for a time, to the fused and dilated matter. Sometimes, on the contrary, a weight equal to that of the vertical column of lava, pressing on every part of the roof, may heave up the superincumbent mass, and force lava into every fissure which, on consolidation, may support the arch, and cause the land above to be permanently elevated. On the other hand, subsidences may follow the condensation of vapour when cold water descends through fissures, or when heat is lost by the cooling down of lava.

That lava should often break out from the side or base, rather than from the summit of a lofty cone like Etna, has always been attributed to the immense hydrostatic pressure which the sides of the mountain undergo, before the lava can rise to the crater. This conclusion is too obvious not to have met with a general reception; yet how trifling must this pressure be when compared to that which the same column imparts to the reservoirs of aeriform fluids and melted rock, at the depth of many miles or leagues below the surface!

If earthquakes be derived from the expansion by heat of elastic fluids and melted rock, it is perfectly natural that they should terminate, either when a volcanic vent permits a portion of the pent up vapours or lava to escape, or when the earth has been so fissured that the vapour is condensed by its admission into cooler regions, or by its coming in contact with water. Or relief may be obtained when lava and gaseous fluids have, by distending the strata, made more room for themselves, so that the weight of the superincumbent mass is sufficient to repress them. If we regard earthquakes as abortive volcanic eruptions at a great depth, we must expect them to succeed each other for an indefinite number of times in the same place, for the same reason that eruptions do; and it is easy to conceive that, if the matter has failed several times to reach the surface, the consolidation of the lava first raised and congealed will strengthen the earth's crust, and become an additional obstacle to the protrusion of other fused matter during subsequent convulsions.

As most volcanos are in islands or maritime tracts, the neighbourhood of the sea seems one of the conditions necessary for the ascent of lava to great heights. Even those volcanos which lie inland form part of a chain of volcanic hills, and may be supposed to have a subterranean communication with the extremities of the chain which are in the neighbourhood of large masses of salt-water. Thus Jorullo, in Mexico, though itself no less than forty leagues from the nearest ocean, seems, nevertheless, connected with the volcano of Tuxtla. on the one hand, and that of Colima on the other, the one bordering on the Atlantic, the other on the Pacific ocean. This communication is rendered the more probable by the parallelism that exists between these and several volcanic hills intermediate. [3] Perhaps the quantity of water which percolates from the surface of the land is sufficient to contribute to the violence of earthquakes, without producing so much steam as is required to bring on a volcanic eruption. But when the sea overlies a mass of incandescent lava, and the intermediate crust of the globe is shaken and fissured by earthquakes, it may well be supposed that a convulsion of a different kind will ensue. If an open fissure be caused like that which traversed the plain of S. Lio, on Etna, in 1669, so that the water descends at once upon a mass of melted lava, eruptions will probably burst forth along the line of this aperture, the steam rushing up, together with gaseous emanations from the lava, and carrying up scoriae with it. But from what we know of the wave-like motion of the ground during earthquakes, there is good reason to conclude that a continuous communication will rarely be formed between the sea and a bed of lava at great depth below, because the alternate rising and falling of the earth causes chasms to open and again to close in violently. In the same manner, therefore, as yawning fissures shut again after engulphing trees and houses, so great masses of water may be swallowed up, and the sea may immediately afterwards be excluded. Suppose then a volcanic vent to be once formed by a submarine eruption, all the water engulphed will, on penetrating to subterranean reservoirs of heated lava, be converted into steam, and this steam making its way through the same channels by which elastic fluids escape in the intervals between eruptions, will drive melted lava. before it. Successive eruptions will have a tendency to seek the same vent, especially if the peak of a cone is raised above the water; for then there will probably be no more than the pressure of the atmosphere in a great part of the duct leading to the crater.

Volcanos exhale, during eruptions, besides aqueous vapour, the following" gases: muriatic acid, sulphur combined with hydrogen or oxygen, carbonic acid and nitrogen, the greater part of which would result from the decomposition of saltwater, a fact which, when taken in conjunction with the proximity of nearly two hundred active vents to the sea, and their absence in the interior of large continents, is almost conclusive as to the co-operation of water and fire in the raising of lava to the surface.

We have before suggested the great probability that, in existing volcanic regions, there are enormous masses of matter in a constant state of fusion far below the surface: this opinion is confirmed by numerous phenomena. Perennial supplies of hot vapour and aeriform fluids rise to certain craters, as in Stromboli for example, and Nicaragua, which are in a state of ceaseless eruption. Sangay in Quito, Popocatepetl in Mexico, and the volcano of the isle of Bourbon, have continued in incessant activity for periods of sixty or one hundred and fifty years. Numerous solfataras, evolving the same gases as volcanos, serve as permanent vents of heat generated in the subterranean regions. The plentiful evolution, also, of carbonic acid, from springs and fissures throughout hundreds of square leagues, is another regular source of communication between the interior and the surface. Steam, often above the boiling temperature, is emitted for ages without intermission from "stufas," as the Italians term them. Hot springs in great numbers, especially in tracts where earthquakes are frequent, serve also as regular conductors of heat from the interior upwards. Silex, carbonate of lime, muriate of soda, and many earths, alkalies and metals are poured out in a state of solution by springs, and the solid matter which is tranquilly removed in this manner may, perhaps, exceed that which issues in the shape of lava.

It is to the efficacy of this ceaseless discharge of heat, and of solid as well as gaseous matter, that we probably owe the general tranquillity of our globe; for were it not that some kind of equilibrium is established between fresh accessions of heat and its discharge, we might expect perpetual convulsions, if we conceive the land and the ocean itself to be incumbent in many extensive districts on subterranean reservoirs of lava. If there be reason for wonder, it is, as Pliny observed, that a single day should pass without some dreadful explosion. "Excedit profecto omnia miracula, ullum diem fuisse quo non cuncta conflagrarent." [4] But the circulation of heat from the interior to the surface, is probably regulated like that of water from the continents to the sea, in such a manner that it is only when some obstruction occurs to the regular discharge, that the usual repose of Nature is broken. Any interruption to the regular drainage of a country causes a flood, and, if there be any obstruction in the passages by which volcanic matter continually rises, an earthquake or a paroxysmal eruption is the consequence.

Michell has observed, that the wave-like motion of the ground during earthquakes, appears less extraordinary if we call to mind the extreme elasticity of the earth, and that even the most solid materials are easily compressible. If we suppose large districts to rest upon the surface of subterranean lakes of melted matter, through which violent motions are propagated, it is easy to conceive that superincumbent solid masses may be made to vibrate or undulate. The following ingenious speculations are suggested by the above mentioned writer. "As a small quantity of vapour almost instantly generated at some considerable depth below the surface of the earth will produce a vibratory motion, so a very large quantity (whether it be generated almost instantly, or in any small portion of time) will produce a wave-like motion. The manner in which this wave-like motion will be propagated may in some measure be represented by the following experiment. Suppose a large cloth, or carpet (spread upon a floor) to be raised at one edge, and then suddenly brought down again to the floor, the air under it being by this means propelled, will pass along, till it escapes at the opposite side, raising the cloth in a wave all the way as it goes. In like manner, a large quantity of vapour may be conceived to raise the earth in a wave, as it passes along between the strata which it may easily separate in an horizontal direction, there being little or no cohesion between one stratum and another. The part of the earth that is first raised, being bent from its natural form, will endeavour to restore itself by its elasticity, and the parts next to it being to have their weight supported by the vapour, which will insinuate itself under them, will be raised in their turn, till it either finds some vent, or is again condensed by the cold into water, and by that means prevented from proceeding any farther." [5]

In order to account for the retreat of the ocean from the shores before or during an earthquake, the same author imagines a subsidence at the bottom of the sea, from the giving way of the roof of some cavity in consequence of a vacuum produced by the condensation of steam. For such condensation, he observes, might be the first effect of the introduction of a large body of water into fissures and cavities already filled with steam, before there has been sufficient time for the heat of the incandescent lava to turn so large a supply of water into steam, which being soon accomplished causes a greater explosion. Sometimes the rising of the coast must give rise to the retreat of the sea, and the subsequent wave may be occasioned by the subsiding of the shore to its former level; but this will not always account for the phenomena. During the Lisbon earthquake, for example, the retreat preceded the wave not only on the coast of Portugal, but also at the island of Madeira and several other places. If the upheaving of the coast of Portugal had caused. the retreat, the motion of the waters when propagated to Madeira would have produced a wave previous to the retreat. Nor could the motion of the waters at Madeira have been caused by a different local earthquake, for the shock travelled from Lisbon to Madeira in two hours, which agrees with the time which it required to reach other places equally distant. [6]

We shall not indulge at present in further speculations on the mode whereby subterranean heat may give rise to the phenomena of earthquakes and volcanos. No one, however, can fail to be convinced, if he turns his thoughts to the subject, that a great part of the reasoning of the most profound natural philosophers and chemists can be regarded as little more than mere conjecture on matters where the circumstances are so far removed from those which fall under actual observation. Many processes must be carried on in situations where the pressure exceeds as much that produced by the weight of the loftiest mountains, as the weight of the unfathomed ocean surpasses that of the atmosphere. The mechanical effects, therefore, of earthquakes at vast depths, may be such as can never be paralleled on the surface. The intensity of heat must often be so far removed from that which we can imitate by experiments, that the elements of solid rocks or fluids may enter into combinations such as can never take place within the limited range of our observations. Water at a certain depth may, as Michell boldly suggested, become incandescent without expanding, and remain at rest without any tendency to produce an earthquake. Air, if it ever penetrate to such depths, may become a fluid. Sir James Hall's experiments prove, that, under a pressure of about one thousand seven hundred feet of sea, corresponding to that of only six hundred feet of liquid lava, limestone melts without giving off its carbonic acid, so that it is only when calcareous lavas are forced up to within a slight distance of the surface, or into a sea of moderate depth, that the carbonic acid begins to assume a gaseous form, and to assist in bringing on a volcanic eruption.

But let us now turn our attention to those superficial changes brought about by so many of the earthquakes within the last century and a half, before described. Besides the undulatory movements, and the opening of fissures, it was shewn that certain parts of the earth's crust often of considerable area, both above and below the level of the sea, have been permanently elevated or depressed; examples of elevation by single earthquakes having occurred, to the amount of from one to about twenty-five feet, and of subsidence from a few inches to about fifty feet, exclusively of those limited tracts, as the forest of Aripao, where a sinking down to the amount of three hundred feet took place. It is evident, that the force of subterranean movement does not operate at random, but the same continuous tracts are agitated again and again; and however inconsiderable may be the alterations produced during a period sufficient only for the production of ten or fifteen eruptions of an active volcano, it is obvious that, in the time required for the formation of a lofty cone, composed of thousands of lava-currents, shallow seas may be converted into lofty mountains, and low lands into deep seas. We need, therefore, cherish none of the apprehensions entertained by Buffon, that the inequalities of the earth's surface, or the height and area of our continents, will be reduced by the action of running water; nor need we participate in the wonder of Ray, that the dry land should not lose ground more rapidly. Neither need we anticipate with Hutton the waste of successive continents followed by the creation of others by paroxysmal convulsions. The renovating as well as the destroying causes are unceasingly at work, the repair of land being as constant as its decay, and the deepening of seas keeping pace with the formation of shoals. If, in the course of a century, the Ganges and other great rivers have carried down to the sea a mass of matter equal to many lofty mountains, we also find that a district in Chili, one hundred thousand square miles in area, has been uplifted to the average height of a foot or more, and the cubic contents of the granitic mass thus added in a few hours to the land, may have counterbalanced the loss effected by the aqueous action of many rivers in a century. On the other hand, if the water displaced by fluviatile sediment cause the mean level of the ocean to rise in a slight degree, such subsidences of its bed, as that of Cutch in 1819, or St. Domingo in 1751, or Jamaica in 1692, may have compensated by increasing the capacity of the great oceanic basin. No river can push forward its delta without raising the level of the whole ocean, although in an infinitesimal degree; and no lowering can take place in the bed of any part of the ocean, without a general sinking of the water, even to the antipodes.

If the separate effects of different agents, whether aqueous or igneous, are insensible, it is because they are continually counteracted by each other, and a perfect adjustment takes place before any appreciable disturbance is occasioned. How many considerable earthquakes there may be upon an average in the course of one year, throughout the whole globe, is a question that we cannot decide at present; but as we have calculated that there are about twenty volcanic eruptions annually, we shall, perhaps, not overrate the earthquakes, if we estimate their number to be equal. A large number of eruptions are attended by local earthquakes of sufficient violence to modify the surface in some slight degree, and there are many earthquakes, on the other hand, not followed by eruptions. Even if we do not assume, as many have done, that the submarine convulsions exceed in number and violence those on the land, in spaces of equal area, we must, nevertheless, reckon about three shocks exclusively submarine, for one exclusively confined to the continents.

We have said in a former chapter [7] that the aqueous and igneous agents may be regarded as antagonist forces, the aqueous labouring incessantly to reduce the inequalities of the earth's surface to a level, while the igneous are equally active in restoring the unevenness of the crust of the globe. But an erroneous theory appears to have been entertained by many geologists, and is indeed as old as the time of Lazzoro Moro, that the levelling power of running water was opposed rather to the elevating force of earthquakes than to their action generally. To such an opinion the numerous well-attested facts of subsidences must always have appeared a serious objection, but the same hypothesis would lead to other assumptions of a very arbitrary and improbable kind, inasmuch as it would be necessary to imagine the magnitude of our planet to be always on the increase if the elevation of the earth's surface by subterranean movements exceeded the depression. The sediment carried into the depths of the sea by rivers, tides, and currents, tends to diminish the height of the land; but, on the other hand, it tends, in a degree, to augment the height of the ocean, since water, equal in volume to the matter carried in, is displaced. The mean distance, therefore, of the surface, whether occupied by land or water from the centre of the earth, remains unchanged by the action of rivers, tides, and currents. Now suppose that while these agents are destroying islands and continents, the restoration of land should take place solely by the forcing out of the earth's envelope -- it will be seen that this would imply a continual distension of the whole mass of the earth. For the greater number of earthquakes would be submarine, and they would cause the sea to rise and submerge the low lands even in a greater degree than would the influx of sediment. Two causes would, therefore, tend to destroy the land; submarine earthquakes, and the destroying and transporting power of water; and in order to counterbalance these effects, shallow seas must be upraised into continents, and low lands into mountains.

If we first consider the question simply, in regard to the manner whereby earthquakes may prevent running water from altering the relative proportion of land and sea, or the height of the land and depth of the ocean, we shall find that if the rising and sinking be equal, things would remain upon the whole in the same state: because rivers, tides, and currents, add as much to the height of lands which are rising, as they take from those which have risen.

Suppose a large river to carry down sediment into a certain part of the ocean where there is a depth of two thousand feet, and that the whole space is reduced by the fluviatile depositions to a shoal only covered by water at high tide: then let a series of two hundred earthquakes strike the shoal, each raising the ground ten feet; the result will be a mountain two thousand feet high. But suppose the same earthquakes had visited the same hollow in the bottom of the sea before the sediment of the river had filled it up, their whole force would then have been expended in converting a deep sea into a shoal, instead of changing a shoal into a mountain two thousand feet high. The superior altitude, then, of a district may often be due to the transportation of matter at a former period to lower levels. It would probably be more consistent with the natural course of events, if, instead of a succession of elevatory movements, we were to suppose considerable oscillations before the district attained its full height. Let there be, for example, three hundred instead of two hundred shocks, each separated from the other by intervals of about fifty years. Let the mean alteration of level produced by each earthquake be ten feet, two hundred and fifty shocks causing a rise, and the other fifty a sinking in of the ground; although more time will have been consumed by this operation than by the former, we shall still have the same result, for a tract will be raised to the height of about two thousand feet. The chief difference will consist in the superior breadth and depth of the valleys, which will be greater nearly in the proportion of one-third, in consequence of the number of landslips, floods, opening of chasms, and other effects produced by one hundred additional earthquakes. It should be borne in mind, moreover, that some of the lowering movements, happening towards the close of the period of disturbance, may have given rise to strange anomalies, should an attempt be made to reconcile the whole excavation in various hydrographical basins to the levels finally retained. Perhaps, for example, the middle portion of a valley may have sunk down, so that a deep lake may intervene between mountains and certain low plains, to which their debris had been previously carried.

But to return to the consideration of the proportion between the elevation and depression of the earth's crust, which may be necessary to preserve the uniformity of the general relations of land and sea, on the surface. The circumstances are in truth more complicated than those before stated, for, independently of the transfer of matter by running water from the continents to the ocean, there is a constant transportation of mineral ingredients from below upwards, by mineral springs and volcanic vents. As mountain masses are in the course of ages created by the pouring forth of successive streams of lava, so others originate from the carbonate of lime and other mineral ingredients with which springs are impregnated. The surface of the land, and parts of the bottom of the sea are thus raised, and if we conceive the dimensions of the planet to remain uniform, we must suppose these external accessions to be counteracted by some action of an opposite kind. A considerable quantity of earthy matter may sink down into fissures caused by earthquakes, but this cannot be deemed sufficient to counterbalance the addition of mountain masses by the causes before adverted to, and we must therefore suppose, that the subsidences of the earth's crust exceed the elevations caused by subterranean movements. It is to be expected, on mechanical principles, that the constant subtraction of matter from the interior will cause vacuities, so that the surface undermined will fall in during convulsions which shake the earth's crust even to great depths, and the sinking down will be occasioned partly by the hollows left when portions of the solid crust are heaved up, and partly when they are undermined by the subtraction of lava and the ingredients of decomposed rocks. The geological consequences which will follow if we embrace the theory now proposed are very important, for if there be upon the whole more subsidence than elevation, then we must consider the depth to which former surfaces have sunk down beneath their original level, to exceed the height which ancient marine strata have attained above the sea. If, for example, marine strata about the age of our chalk and green-sand have been lifted up in Europe to an extreme elevation of more than eleven thousand feet, and to a mean height of some hundreds above the level of the sea, we may conclude that certain parts of the earth's surface, which existed whether above or below the waters when those strata were deposited, have subsequently sunk down to an extreme depth of more than eleven thousand feet below their original level, and to a mean depth of more than a few hundreds.

In regard to faults, also, we must, according to the hypothesis now proposed, infer that a greater number have arisen from the sinking down than from the elevation of rocks. If we find, therefore, ancient deposits full of fresh-water remains which evidently originated in a delta or shallow estuary, covered subsequently by purely marine formations of vast thickness, we shall not be surprised; for we must expect that a greater number of existing deltas and estuary formations will sink below, than those which will rise above their present level. Although it would be rash to attempt to confirm these speculations by reference to the scanty observations hitherto made on the effects of earthquakes, yet we cannot but remark, that the instances of subsidence on record are far more numerous than are those of elevation.

Those writers who have most strenuously contended for the analogy of the effects of earthquakes in ancient and modern times, have nevertheless declared that the energy of the force has considerably abated. But they do not appear to have been aware that, in order to adduce plausible grounds for such an hypothesis, they must possess a most extensive knowledge of the economy of the whole terrestrial system. We can only estimate the relative amount of change produced at two distinct periods, by a particular cause in a given lapse of time, when we have obtained some common standard for the measurement of equal portions of time at both periods. We have shown that, within the last one hundred and forty years, some hundred thousand square miles of territory have been upheaved to the height of several feet, and that an area of equal, if not greater extent, has been depressed. Now, they who contend, that formerly more movement was accomplished by earthquakes in the space of one hundred and forty years, must first explain the measure of time referred to, for it is obvious that they cannot in geology avail themselves of the annual revolution of our planet round the sun. Suppose they assume that the power of volcanos to emit lava, and of running water to transport sediment from one part of the globe to the other, has remained uniform from the earliest periods, they might then attempt to compare the effects of subterranean movements in ancient and modern times by reference to one common standard, and to show that, while a certain number of lava-currents were produced, or so many cubic yards of sediment accumulated, the elevation and depression of the earth's crust were once much greater than they are now. Or, if they should declare that the progressive rate of change of species in the animal and vegetable kingdoms had always been uniform, they might then endeavour to disparage the degree of energy now exerted by earthquakes, by showing that, in relation to the mutations of assemblages of organic species, earthquakes had become comparatively feeble. But our present scanty acquaintance, both with the animate and inanimate world, can by no means warrant such generalizations; nor have they who contend for the gradual decline of the activity of natural agents, attempted to support such a line of argument. That it would be most premature, in the present state of natural history, to reason on the comparative rate of fluctuation in the species of organic beings in ancient and modern times, will be more fully demonstrated when we proceed, in the next division of our subject, to consider the intimate connexion between geology, and the study of the present condition of the animal and vegetable kingdoms.

To conclude: it appears, from the views above explained, respecting the agency of subterranean movements, that the constant repair of the dry land, and the subserviency of our planet to the support of terrestrial as well as aquatic species, are secured by the elevating and depressing power of earthquakes. This cause, so often the source of death and terror to the inhabitants of the globe, which visits, in succession, every zone, and fills the earth with monuments of ruin and disorder, is, nevertheless, a conservative principle in the highest degree, and, above all others, essential to the stability of the system.



1. Reduced from a sketch given by W. J. Hooker, M.D., in his "Tour in Iceland," vol. i., p. 149.

2. Journal of a Residence in Iceland, p. 74.

3. See Daubeny's remarks on this subject, -- "Volcanos," p. 368.

4. Hist. Mundi, Lib. ii., c.. 107.

5. On the Cause and Phenomena of Earthquakes, Phil. Trans., vol. Ii., § 58-1760.

6. Michell, Phil. Trans., vol. Ii. p. 614.

7. Chap. x; p. 167.
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Re: Principles of Geology, by Charles Lyell

Postby admin » Fri Jul 17, 2015 12:51 am



ACADEMY of Naples, Royal, their controversy on the destruction of Herculaneum and Pompeii, 351

Addison's opinion of Burnet's theory, 38

Adige, embankment of the, 184

____ delta of the, 236

Adria, formerly a seaport, now twenty miles inland, 236.

Adriatic, Marsilli on the arrangement of shells in the, 44

____ Donati on the bed of the, 47, 85, 236

____ its form favourable to the growth of deltas, 235

____ rapid gain of land in the, 236

____ its depth, 236

____ Olivi on the distribution of sediment in the, 237

Africa, marine fossil shells of, mentioned by ancients, 18

____ Malte-Brun on the heat radiated by, 106

____ its shores undermined by currents, 299

____ drift sands of the deserts, 301

____ great current along the coast of, 309

__ violently shaken by earthquake of Lisbon in 1755, 439

____ rise of the sea on the coast of, during the earthquake, 439

Agricola's theory of fossil remains, 25

Ahmedhabad, town of, destroyed by earthquake, 1819, 405

Air, circulation of in the atmosphere, 117

Aldborough, incursions of the sea formerly very destructive at, 274

____ its ancient site now under the sea, 274

____ its coast at present protected by sand banks, 274

Aleppo, earthquake of, in 1822, 403

Aleutian isles, eruptions frequent in, 317

____ earthquakes in the, 408

Alluvial plain of Mississippi, size of, 185

____ animals inhabiting it, 189

Alluvions, volcanic, 349

Alluvions in Scotland, 433

Alps, Saussure on the, 54

____ tertiary rocks of the, 136

____ relative age of the, 137

Alting, his account of the formation of the Zuyder Zee, 288

Amalphi, 83

Amazon, great rise of the tides in the river, 291

____ sea discoloured by its waters three hundred miles from its mouth, 292

____ large part of Guiana formed by its deposits, 292

____ its sediment drifted by currents to the mouth of the Orinoco, 292, 309

American lakes, may cause deluges, 89

America, North, its eastern coast undermined, 291

Amiata, mount, description of, 202

Amici, Vito, on Moro's system, 46

Amonoosuck, flood in the valley of, 193

Amygdaloids, submarine lavas of Sicily converted into, 128

Andes, height of perpetual snow on the, 122

____ volcanos of the, 315

Anio, river-flood of the, 196

____ a flood on the, described by Pliny, 196

____ once flowed through a chain of lakes, 208

Annus Magnus, duration of, 9

Anoplotherium, a tooth of, said to have been found at Binstead, 153

Antissa, joined to Lesbos by delta, 13

Antilles, earthquake in the smaller, 410

Antisana, volcano, 315

Apennines, character of their organic remains, 126

____ their relative age, 135

Aqueous causes, 168

____ lavas, description of, 349

Arabian doctrine of successive revolutions of the globe, 17

____ gulf, volcano at its entrance, 324

Arabian writers of the tenth century, 21

Arbroath, houses, &c., swept away by the sea at, 264

Arduino, memoirs of 1759, 49

____ on submarine volcanic eruptions, 49

____ first divided rocks into primary, secondary, and tertiary, 49

____ his views confirmed by Fortis and Desmarest, 51

____ on submarine lavas and trap rocks of the Vicentin, 85

Aristarchus, 197

Aristophanes, his ridicule of the mundane egg, 12

Aristotelian system, 15

____ theory of spontaneous generation, 26

Arso, Campo del, volcanic eruption from the point called, 333

Arve, sediment transported by the, 232

____ section of the debris deposited by the, see diagram No. 6, 254

Ashes, volcanic, immense quantity ejected from the Tomboro mountain, 1815, 404

____ distance to which they were transported, 404

Asia, always subject to earthquakes, 10

____ coast of changed, 21

____ causes of the extreme cold of part of, 107

____ Minor, gain of land on the coast of, 308

Atchafalaya, drift wood in the river, 188

____ section of the banks of the, 245

Atlantic, La Place on the mean depth of the, 115

____ its relative level, 293

____ rise of the tide in, 293

Atlantis, submersion of, 10

Atrio del Cavallo, 344

Auvergne, Desmarest on the relative ages of the volcanos of, 59

____ Montlosier on volcanos of, 60

____ salt deposited by springs in, 215

____ carbonic acid gas plentifully disengaged in, 216

Ava, Mr. Crawfurd's discovery of fossils in, 33

____ fossil wood of, M. de la Hire's memoir on, 1692, (note) 33

Avalanches, cattle and men buried by, in Switzerland, 98

Avernus, lake, mephitic vapours formerly exhaled from, 329

____ a crater of an extinct volcano, 329

Avicenna, on mineralogy, 21

Azof sea, said to have been united with the Caspian, 320

____ new island thrown up in, 321

Azores, icebergs drifted from Baffin's Bay to the, 111

____ new islands thrown up near, 391, 438

____ siliceous springs of the, 212

BADEN, gypseous springs of, 212

Baffin's Bay, enormous icebergs in, 109

Bagnes, valley of, bursting of a lake in the, 194

Baiae, changes on the coast of the bay of, 449

____ ground plan of the coast of the bay of, see woodcut No. 30, 450

____ section of the strata in the bay of, see woodcut No. 31, 450

____ numerous proofs of subsidence in the bay of, 454

____ re-elevation of the coast of the bay of, 457

Bakewell, Mr., Jun., on the Falls of Niagara, 181

Baku, escape of inflammable gas in the district of, 14

____ volcanic tract called the field of fire near, 319

Balaruc, thermal waters of, in the delta of the Rhone, 233

Baldassari on the grouping of organic remains in the Sienese territory, 47

Baltic sea, Celsius' theory of the diminution of, 40

____ deltas of the, 227

____ supposed lowering of the level of the, 227

____ action of currents on its shores, 294

Banchina, in Sicily, sea deepened by earthquake near, 416

Banks, on the basalt of Hecla, 58

Barren island, a supposed crater of elevation, 390

____ height of the cone of, &c., 390

____ view of the cone and crater of, see woodcut No. 17, 390

____ supposed section of, 393

Basalt of Hesse, Raspe on the true nature of, 1768, 58

____ Werner's erroneous theory of, 58

____ of Hecla, Banks, Solander, and Troil, on, 1772, 58

____ of the Vivarais, Guettard on, 58

____ of Velay and Vivarais, Faujas on, 1779, 58

____ columnar, of Central France, 346 Barsoe, rate of loss of land in the island of, 295

Bassano, Mr. Murchison on the tertiary deposits of, 137

Batavia, earthquake at, 1699, 444

____ the river obstructed and floods caused, 444

____ cattle, &c., drowned, 444

Bauza, his chart of the Gulf of Mexico, 310

Bayfield, Capt., on the geology of Lake Superior, 225

Bay of Bengal, its depth opposite the mouths of the Ganges, 241

____ of Findhorn blocked up by drift sand, 300

Beachey Head, fall of the chalk cliffs of, 278

Beaufort, Capt., on the gain of land on the coast of Asia Minor, 309

Beaumont, M. Elie de, on the relative age of mountain chains, 138

____ on the relative age of the Pyrenees, 138

Beechey, Capt., on the depth at which corals grow in Ducie's island, 130

__ on the elevation of the Bay of Conception, 440

Belcher, Capt., on the elevation of Conception Bay, 440

Bell rock, stones of two tons weight thrown up by storms on the, 264

Bergmann, on waste of Yorkshire coast, 267

Beshtau, earthquakes in the province of, 437

Beudant, on travertine of Hungary, 211

Bewick, 273

Bhooi, town of, destroyed by earthquake, 405

Bies Bosch, new bay formed by the sea in Holland, 287

Bigsby, Dr., on the height to which autumnal gales raise the waters of Lake Superior, 226

Bima, anchorage at, altered by earthquake, 1815, 404

Binstead, tooth of an Anoplotherium said to have been found at, 153

Bison, found fossil in Yorkshire, 96

Bistineau, a new lake formed by the Red River, 190

Bitumen, oozing from the bottom of the sea near Trinidad, 218

Bituminous springs, 218

____ shales, 219

Bizona, town submerged, 19

Black lake, 190

Black sea, calcareous springs near the, 211

Blue mountains in Jamaica shattered by earthquakes, 446

Bluffs of Mississippi described, 186

Boase, Mr., his account of the Lionnesse tradition, 283

____ on inroads of sea near Penzance, 283

Boase, Mr., on drift sand in Cornwall, 301

Bogota, earthquake of, 1827, 401

Bologna, institute of, supports diluvial hypothesis, 42

Bonajutus, on the subsidence of the coast of Sicily, 445

Bore, tidal wave called the, 292

____ the, very frequent in the Bristol channel, 292

____ very common in the Ganges, 292

____ its cause and velocity, 292

Boscomb chine, 281

Boscovich, his theory of earthquakes, 1772, 53

____ supposed earthquakes to have grown feebler, 53

Bothnia, gradual conversion of the gulf of, into dry-land, 228

Boue, M., on the strata of the Pyrenees, 138

Bourbon, island, volcanic, 324

Bourdones, river, shoal upheaved at its mouth, 410

Boyle, remarks of on the bottom of the sea, (note) 30

Bracini, his description of Vesuvius before the eruption of 1631, 338

Brahmins, 7

Brander, on the fossils of Hampshire, 52

Brenta, delta of the, 236

Brieslak, on the subsidence of the mole at Puzzuoli, 455

____ on the temple of Serapis, 456

____ on prismatic lavas of Vesuvius, 346

Brighton, waste of the cliffs of, 279

Brine springs of Cheshire, 215

Brocchi, his discourse on fossil conchology, (note) 23

____ on Burnet's theory, 41

____ on the deposition of the Subapennine beds, 135

____ his account of the various writers on the delta of the Po, 236

Broderip, Mr., on the opossum of Stonesfield, (note) 150

____ shells from Conception Bay examined by, (note) 441

Brongniart, M. Ad.; on the fossil plants of the coal formation, 100

____ on the fossil plants of strata between the coal and the chalk, 101

____ on the proportion of ferns to other plants in islands, 123

Brongniart, M. Alex., on the comparative insignificance of modern 1avastreams, 375

____ on shells of existing species at great heights in Sweden, 230

Browallius, on the filling up of the gulf of Bothnia, 229

Buckland, Dr., on fossil elephants, &c., in India, (note) 7

____ on the rocks of the Bristol coalfield, 132

____ on dicotyledonous wood of Northumberland coal-field, 147

Buffon, his theory of the earth, 1749, 47

____ his system opposed to that of Hooke, Ray, and Moro, 47

____ his theory reproved by the Sorbonne, 47

____ his " Declaration" renouncing his theory of the earth, 47

____ on the secondary origin of mountains, 47

Bure, town submerged, 19

Burnet, his theory of the earth, 37

____ on the causes of the deluge, 37

____ general conflagration described by, 38

____ on the seat of Paradise, 38

____ praised by Steele, Addison, and Warton, 38

____ Voltaire's remarks on the theory of, 66

Burrampooter, delta of the, 240

Butler, Burnet's theory concerning Paradise, ridiculed by, 38

Byron, Lord, cited, on the permanency of the ocean, 459

CADO lake, 190

Caesar on the Druids, 19

Caithness schists, scales of a tortoise, &c., found in the, 148

Calabria, Scilla on the fossils of, 29

__ recent fossils of, 94

____ earthquake of 1783 in, 412

____ geological description of, 414

____ reflections on the earthquake of 1783 in, 431

Calcaire Grossier, organic remains of the, 99

Calcareous matter, immense quantity conveyed to the sea, 211

____ springs of central France, 200

____ springs of the valley of the Elsa, 201

____ springs of Tuscany, 201

____ springs between the Caspian and Black seas, 211

Caldera, siliceous sinter of the, 213

____ central cavity in the isle of Palma, see woodcut No. 16, 388

____ geological description of the, 389

____ supposed by Von Buch to be a crater of elevation, 389

California, five volcanos in, 316

Callao, town destroyed by the sea, 321

____ part of the coast near, converted into a bay by earthquakes, 442

Callao, great rise of the sea at, 442

Caltabianca, river, lava excavated by the, 177

Camden, his account of traditions of losses of land in Pembrokeshire, &c., 283

Campagna di Roma, calcareous deposits of the, 206

Canary islands, volcanic eruptions in the, 324, 380

Canopus, an island in the time of Scylax, 238

____ overwhelmed by the sea, 239

Cantal, Plomb du, described, 395

Cape of Good Hope, icebergs sometimes seen off, 111

____ May, rate of encroachment of the sea at, 291

Caraccas, earthquakes in the, 1790, 410

____ destroyed by earthquake, 1812, 407

Carang Assam, volcano in eruption about 1808, 405

Carbonate of lime abundant in the delta of the Rhone, 235

Carbonated springs, 216

Carbonic acid gas plentifully disengaged in Auvergne, 216

____ its effects on rocks, 217

Cardiganshire, ancient tradition of the loss of land in, 283

Carelli, Signor, on the temple of Serapis, 453

Carew on St. Michael's mount, 283

Cariaco, bed of the sea raised near, 437

Caribbean sea, tides scarcely perceptible in, 293

Caridi, river, its course changed by earthquakes, 425

Carpenter, Dr., on the encroachment of the sea at Lyme Regis, 282

Casalmaggiore, island carried away by the Po, opposite to, 182

Caspian, Pallas on the former extent of the, 54

____ calcareous springs near the, 211

____ evaporation of the, 235

____ subterranean movements violent along its borders, 319

____ said to encroach on the land, 319

____ inflammable gas, &c., on its western shores, 319

____ its level lower than that of the Black Sea, 320

____ said to have been united with the sea of Azor, 320

Cassander, on the duration of the Annus Magnus, 9

Cassas, M., his account of the earthquake in Murcia, 400

Catania, overwhelmed by lava in 1669, 365

Catania destroyed by earthquakes, 445

Catastrophes, general, two kinds of taught by the Stoics, 9

Catcott, on the deluge, 1761, 50

__ laboured to refute the diluvian theory of Bishop Clayton, 50

____ insisted on the universality of the deluge, 50

____ refers to traditions of deluges in different countries, 50

Cattegat, devastations caused by the current in the, 294

Catwyck, loss of land at, 287

Caucasus, Pallas on the calcareous springs of the, 210

____ earthquakes frequent in the, 321

____ abounds in hot springs, 321

____ subsidence caused by earthquakes in the, 437

Cavanilles on the earthquake of Quito in 1797, 410

Caverns in limestone caused by water charged with carbonic acid, 211

____ on Etna, 366

Caves, abundance of animal remains in, 154

Celsius, on the diminution of the Baltic, 40, 227

____ controversy caused by the theory of, 40

Censorinus, 15

Central France, lavas excavated in, 176

____ comparison between its lavas and those of Iceland, 373

Central heat, remarks on the supposed diminution of, 141

Cephalonia, earthquakes in the island of, in 1783, 414

Cesalpino, on organic remains, 1596, 26

Chalk, Mr. Mantell on the fossils of the, 140

____ of Goslar, error of Werner in his account of the, 57

____ remarks on its deposition, 138

Changes now in progress not easily observed by man, 81

Chasm near Oppido formed by earthquake of Calabria, 1783, 420

____ in the hill of St. Angelo, formed by the same earthquake, see woodcut No. 24, 421

Chaluzet, calcareous spring rising through gneiss at, 201

____ volcanic cone of, 216

Chepstow, great rise of the tides at, 257

Cheshire, brine springs of, 215

Chesil Ballk, its size and composition, 281

Chesilton, overwhelmed by storm of November, 1824, 282

Chili, elevation caused by one earthquake in, 80

Chili, numerous volcanos in, 314

____ earthquake of 1822 in, 401

____ earthquake of 1760 in, 437

Chimborazo, height of, insignificant when compared to the earth's diameter,

China, excessive climate of, 107

____ violent earthquakes have been felt in, 319

Chines, or narrow ravines, described, 281

Christ Church Head promontory, wastes slowly, 280

Chronological computations of the age of deltas, 223

Cicero, cited, 29

Cimbrian deluge, 295

Cinquefrondi, changes of the surface caused by landslips in, see woodcut No. 27, 427

Circular hollows formed by earthquakes in Murcia, 401

____ formed by earthquakes in Chili, 1822, 402

____ formed by earthquake in Calabria, 1783, see woodcut No. 28, 428

____ section of one of these, see woodcut No. 29, 429

Civita Vecchia, granular rock deposited by springs at, 206

Clashbinnie, organic remains in the old red sandstone of, 148

Clayton, Bishop, on the deluge, 50

Clermont, calcareous springs at, rising through volcanic peperino, 200

Climate, of Europe, Raspe on the former, 52

____ change of, in the northern hemisphere, 92

direct proofs of a change in, 93

____ proofs of a change of, from size of fossil and recent shells in Sicily, &c., 94

____ proofs from analogy of a change of, 96

____ remarks on the extent of change in, 103

____ on the causes of vicissitudes in, 104

____ its connexion with the distribution of land and sea, 105

____ change of, in the plain of Malpais, caused by volcamc eruptions, 124

Climates, definition of insular and excessive, 97

____ places having insular or excessive, 107

Coal strata, M. Ad. Brongniart on the fossil plants of the, 100

____ insular character of the plants of the, 128

Coal strata, rarity of dicotyledonous wood in the, 147

____ formation, not found in the south of Europe, 126

Colebrooke, Mr. H. T., on the crocodiles of the Ganges, 243

Colebrooke, Major, on the course of the Ganges, 247

on the transportation of matter by the Ganges, 247

Colle, travertin of, 201

College, transportation of rocks by the, 174

Collini, on the igneous rocks of the Rhine, 1774, 58

Colombia, earthqnakes in, 437

Colonna, his theory of organic remains, 27

____ first distinguished between marine and land fossil shells, 27

Comet, deluge attributed by Whiston to a, 39

Concentric travertin of Tivoli, 208

Conception, destruction of the town of by earthquake, in 1750, 440

____ great elevation of the bay of, 440

Conflagration of the world, 24

____ of the earth, described by Burnet, 38

Conglomerate forming at the foot of the maritime Alps, 252

____ forming at the mouth of the Isonzo, 237

____ volcanic, in the Isle of Lancerote, 383

Convergence of deltas, 251

Conybeare, Rev. W. D., on the rocks of the Bristol coal field, 132

Cook, Captain, his conjecture as to the existence of high land near the South Pole, 109

Copernican theory, edicts against repealed at Rome in 1818, 62

Cordier, M., on the temperature of the interior of the earth, 142

Cordilleras shaken by earthquakes in 1812 and 1827, 401, 407

Cork, dicotyledonous wood in the graywacke of, 147

Cornwall, Mr. Boase on waste of the cliffs of, 283

____ land inundated by drift sand in, 301

Cortesi, 53

Cosmogony distinct from geology, 4

____ of the Hindoos, 5

____ Egyptian, 9

____ of the Koran, 22

Costantini, deluge vindicated by, 42

Cotopaxi, 315

Cowper, 67

Craters of elevation, Von Buch's theory of, considered, 386

Crawfurd, Mr., his discovery of fossils in Ava, 33

Creation, Mahomet's account of the, 22

____ Moro's theory of the, adapted to the Mosaic account, 43

Cremona, lakes filled up or drained near, 183

Crimea, waste of the cliffs in the, 294

Crocodiles of two species in the delta of the Ganges, 243

Cromer, waste of the cliffs of, 269

____ its ancient site now part of the German Ocean, 269

Culver cliff, composed of chalk, 279

Cumana, earthquake of, 1797, 410

____ town of, destroyed, 410

Current along the shores of Egypt, 239

____ along the coast of Africa, 309

____ sediment of the Amazon transported by, 309

Currents from equatorial regions, 108

____ from the Pole to the Equator, 118

____ section of debris deposited by opposing, see diagram No. 6, 254

____ causes of, 256

____ destroying and transporting power of, 256

____ in estuaries, their power, 264

____ in the Straits of Gibraltar, 295

__ sediment conveyed to immense distances by, 308, 310

____ gain of land on coast of Syria caused by, 308

____ reproductive effects of, 303

____ their course on the British shores 303

Curves of the Mississippi, 186

Cutch, in Bombay, earthquake of, 1819, 405

Cuvier, his eloge of Desmarest, 60

____ on the opossum of Stonesfield, 150

____ his remark on the durability of the bones of men, 154

Cyprus, rocks reported to have risen near, during earthquake in 1822, 403

DANIELL, on the trade-winds, 118

Danish Archipelago, undermined by currents, 294

Dante, embankment of rivers noticed by, 184

Dantzic, waste of the land near, 294

Darby, on the drift wood of the Mississippi, 187

____ his account of the new lakes formed by the Red River, 190

____ on the marine strata of Lower Louisiana, 191

Darby, on the delta of the Mississippi, 245

Daubeny, Dr., on the volcanic origin of the country round the Dead Sea, 215

____ on the vicinity of volcanos to the sea, 468

D'Aubuisson, his eulogium of Smith's map of England, 71

Davy, Sir H., on the waters of the lake of the Solfatara, 207

____ on the formation of travertin, 207

____ his theory of progressive development, 144

____ on the rebuilding of cities on the same spot after their destruction by lava, 358

Davy, Rev. C., on the Lisbon earthquake of 1755, 438

Dead Sea, muriatic salts abundant in its waters, 215

____ the country around it volcanic, 322

Dee, river, bridge over, swept away by floods, 174

Deficiency of ancient accounts of earthquakes, 399

De la Beche, Mr., on the delta of the Rhone in the lake of Geneva, 221

De la Hire, on fossil wood from Ava, 1692, 33

Delhi territory, elephants covered with shaggy hair in the, 99

Delta of the Rhone, in Lake of Geneva, 221

____ proofs of its advance in the last eighteen centuries, 232

____ of the Rhone in the, Mediterranean, 232

____ its gradual advance, 232

____ in great part composed of calcareous rock, 234

____ of the Po, 235

____ of the Isonzo, 236

____ of the Tagliamento, 236

____ of the Brenta, 236

____ of the Adige, 236

____ of the Nile, 238

____ changes in, since the time of Homer, 238

____ of the Burrampooler, 240

____ of the Ganges, 240

____ animals inhabiting the, 241

____ stratification of the, 253

____ of the Mississippi, 245

____ its advance since New Orleans was built, 245

____ its stratification, 253

Deltas, chronological computations of the age of, 223

____ of Lake Superior, 225

____ of the Baltic, 227

Deltas, oceanic, 240

____ remarks on the grouping of strata in, 249

____ convergence of, 251

____ independent in same basin, 251

____ of the Po and Adige have become confluent, 251

____ of the Ganges and Burrampooter have probably become confluent in historical times, 252

De Luc, his treatise on geology, 1809, 68

____ affirmed that religion was attacked by geology, 68

____ on the excavation of valleys, 70

____ his remarks on the age of deltas, 224

____ his natural chronometers, 301

Deluge, of Deucalion, 15

____ described in the Koran, 22

____ mentioned by Persian magi, 22

____ fossil shells referred to the, 23

____ Rayon the causes of the, 36

____ Burnet and Woodward's account of the, 37

____ attributed by Whiston to a comet, 39

____ all stratified deposits referred to, by Whiston, 39

____ cause of, how explained by Leibnitz, 40

____ Scheuchzer's theory of the, 40

____ Pluche on the, 41

____ truth of the, supported by Costantini, 42

____ Catcott's treatise on the, 50

____ Bishop Clayton's explanation of the, 50

____ Cimbrian, 295

Deluges part of the present course of Nature, 89

____ local, how caused, 192

____ traditions of different, 320

Denmark free from earthquakes, 232

Derbyshire, Whitehurst on the rocks of, 53

Deshayes, M., on the fossil shells of the Paris basin, 100

Desmarest considered geology a branch of physical geography, 4

____ Arduino's views confirmed by, 58

____ on Auvergne, 59

____ character of his map of, 59

____ his answer to a Neptunist; 60

____ on the separation of England from France, 277

Destruction and renovation of the world, an oriental doctrine, 9

Deterioration of mankind, 9

____ origin of the doctrine, 10

Deucalion's deluge, Aristotle's opinion of, 15

Dicotyledonous wood in the coal strata of Northumberland, 147

____ in the graywacke of Cork, 147

Dikes in Vesuvitis, how formed, 342

Diluvial theory, 29

____ progress of geology retarded by the, 30

____ opposed by geologists of Tuscany, 42

____ supported by Institute of Bologna, 42

Dimlington height, rapid waste of, 266

Diodorus Siculus on early eruptions of Etna, 363

Dion Cassius, his account of the eruption of Vesuvius in 79, 332

Dioscorides, 25

Disputations, scholastic, effect of in dark ages, 25

Dollart, formation of the estuary of the, 289

Dolomieu on the strata of the Val di Noto, Vicentin, and Tyrol, 60

____ on the ancient lavas of Etna, 59

____ on the decomposition of granite, 217

____ on the earthquake of 1783 in Calabria, 413

Don, transportation of rocks by the river, 174

Donati, his investigation of the bed of the Adriatic, 1750, 47, 85, 236

Dorsetshire, description of a landslip in, 281

Dover, waste of the chalk cliffs of, 276

____ depth of the sea near, 276

____ formation of the Straits of, 277

Dranse, river draining the Valley of Bagnes, 194

____ shifted its course after the debacle of 1818 in Valley of Bagnes, 195

Drift sand of the African deserts, cities buried under, 301

____ wood of the Mississippi, 187, 245

Drongs, granitic rocks of Shetland worn away by the sea, see woodcuts No. 9 and 10, 262

Druids, their belief in future catastrophes of the world, 19

Ducie's Isle, Captain Beechey on the formation of coral in, 130

Dufrenoy, M., on the relative age of the Pyrenees, 138

Dunes, hills of blown sand, coast of Norfolk protected by, 268

____ on coast of France, 300

____ near the estuary of the Tay, 300

____ on the shores of the Nile, 300

Dunwich, its gradual destruction by the sea, 272

____ Gardner's account of the destruction of, 272

Durham, magnesian limestone of, invaded by the sea, 266

EARTH, antiquity of the, 24

____ centre of gravity of the, a change in it supposed by Ray, 36

____ axis of the, has not changed according to Newton and Laplace, 39

a change in the axis of the, a leading dogma in Burnet's theory, 39

____ inorganic causes of change on its surface, 167

Earthquake in Murcia, 1829, 400

____ in Bogota, 1827, 401

____ in Chili, 1822, 401

____ in Aleppo, 1822, 403

____ in the Ionian isles, 1820, 403

____ in the island of Sumbawa, 1815, 403

____ of Cutch, 1819, 405

____ in Caraccas, 1812, 407

____ in South Carolina, 1811, 407

____ in the Aleutian isles, 1806, 408

____ in Quito, 1797, 410

____ in Cumana, 1797, 410

____ in Caraccas, 1790, 410

____ in Sicily, 1790, 411

____ in Java, 1786, 411

____ in Calabria, 1783, 412

____ duration of the shocks, 412

____ numerous accounts of, 413

____ extent of the territory convulsed, 414

____ in Java, 1772, 436

____ in the Caucasus, 1772, 437

____ in Java, 1771, 437

____ in Colombia, 1766, 437

____ in Chili, 1760, 437

____ in the Azores, 1757, 438

____ in Lisbon, 1755, 438

____ in St. Domingo, 1751, 440

____ in Conception, 1750, 440

____ in Peru, 1746, 442

____ in Kamtschatka, 1737, 443

____ in Martinique, 1727, 443

____ in Iceland, 1725, 443

____ in Teneriffe, 1706, 443

____ in Java, 1699, 444

____ in Quito, 1698, 445

____ in Sicily, 1693, 445

____ in the Moluccas, 1693, 445

____ in Jamaica, 1692, 445

Earthquakes, Asia always subject to, 10

____ Egypt nearly exempt from, 10

____ Strabo's theory of, 18, 34

____ Hooke on the changes caused by, 34

____ under the sea, Hooke's opinion of, 34

____ simultaneous extent of, mentioned by Hooke, 34

____ Lazzoro Moro on, 1740, 42

____ Generelli's account of, 45

____ Michell on the cause and phenomena of, 50

____ originality of Michell's theory of, 50

Earthquakes, Raspe's theory or, 1763, 51

____ Boscovich on the effects of, 1772, 53

____ Hutton's theory of, no advance on tha1 of Hooke, 63

____ Hutton's theory of, compared to Generelli's, 64

____ energy of, probably uniform as regards the whole earth, 64

____ force of, confined for ages to one place, 64

____ their gradual operation in former
ages, 88

____ earth's surface continually remodelled by, 113

____ in the basin of the Mississippi in 1812, 191

____ all countries liable to slight shocks of, 324

____ their effects, 399

____ deficiency of ancient accounts of, 399

____ atmospheric phenomena attending, 400

____ difficulty of measuring the effects of, 416

____ excavation of valleys aided by, 433

____ reflections on those of the nineteenth century, 409

____ reflections on those of the last one hundred and forty years, 447, 473

____ deficiency of historical records concerning, 447

____ renovating effects of, 474, 479

____ uniformity of the action of, 460

____ opinions of the ancients concerning, 462

__ and volcanos, their relation, 463

____ cause of the wave-like motion of, and retreat of the sea during, 470

Ecchellensis, Abraham, 17

Edmonston island at the mouth of the Ganges, 242

Egypt, hills of, known by the priests to contain fossil shells, 7

____ nearly exempt from earthquakes, 11, 323

Egyptian theory of eternal succession of events, 156

____ cosmogony, 9

Elephant, fossil in India, (note) 8

____ fossil, in ice on shores of the North Sea, 54

____ fossil tusks of the, found at Puglia, 25

____ fossil of Italy, Targioni on the, 49

Elephants covered with shaggy hair in the Delhi territory, 99

Elevation of land by earthquakes, Hooke on the, 34

____ of continents, not by paroxysmal eruptions, 88

Elevation craters, Von Buch's theory of, considered, 386

____ of the coast of Chili, 402

____ of the Bay of Conception, 441

____ and subsidence, proportion of, 476

Elk, fossil, noticed by Generelli, 44

Elsa, travertin formed by the, 201

Embankment, system of in Italy, 184

____ noticed by Dante in the fourteenth century, 184

____ gain of land in the Adriatic more rapid in consequence of, 236

Engelhard, on the Caspian sea, 319

England, Smith's map of, 70

____ D'Aubuisson's eulogium on Smith's map of, 71

____ waste of land on the east coast of, 266

____ encroachments of the sea on the south coast of, 278

____ slight shocks of earthquakes felt in, 325

Epomeo, Monte, structure, height, &c., 328

____ of submarine origin, 329

____ volcanic cones on, 329

Equinoxes, procession of the, 110

Eratosthenes, 18

Eruptions, volcanic, number of per year, 397

Erigebirge, mistake of Werner as to the mica slate of the, 57

Escher, M., on the flood in the valley of Bagnes, 195

Essex, inroads of the sea. on the coast of, 275

Estuary of the Thames both gains and loses land, 275

Estuaries described, 265

____ new ones formed by the sea in Holland, 289

____ kept open by the combined influence of tides and currents, 304

____ tide longer flowing down than up in some, 304

____ gain of land in, does not compensate loss of coast, 304

Etampes, Voltaire's remarks on the discovery of fossil bones near, 66

Etangs, or salt lakes in the delta of the Rhone, 234

Etna, Dolomieu on ancient lavas of, 59

____ difference between the lavas of, and those of submarine volcanos, 128

____ lavas of, excavated by rivers, 177

____ quantity of lava poured out in 1669 by, 248

____ comparison between the lavas of, and the sediment of the Ganges, 248

____ unusually active during the great pause in the eruptions of Vesuvius, 334

Etna, its cone truncated in 1444, 392

____ said to be an ancient crater of elevation, 394

____ ____ its height, circumference, &c., 361

____ divided by nature into three regions, 361

____ frequent destructions of its cone, 362

____ ____ minor volcanos on, 362

____ buried cones on the flanks of, 363

____ has been in activity from the earliest times, 363

__ great eruption of 1669, 364

____ formation of Monti Rossi on, 364

____ fissures on the sides of, 364

____ towns and villages on, overflowed by the lava of 1669, 365

____ subterranean caverns on, 366

____ eruptions of 1811 and 1819, 367

____ cones thrown up in 1819, 368

____ great floods caused by the melting of snow on, 369

____ glacier found under lava on, 369

____ manner of preserving snow on the higher regions of, 370

____ its appearance during Calabrian earthquake, 430

Euganean Hills, ancient lavas of, 325

Engulphing of houses, &c., during Calabrian earthquake, 420

Euphrates, Pliny on the gain of land at its mouth, 291

Euxine burst its barrier, according to Strato, 18

____ gradually filling up, 18

____ cliffs undermined by currents in the, 294

Evaporation, quantity of water carried off by, 235

Excavation of valleys, 431

____ Hutton and De Luc's theory of the, 70

Excessive climates, description of, 106

Extinct species, Hooke's remarks on, 32

Eyderstide, overwhelmed by the sea, 295 Eyfel, 192

FABIO Colonna, 27

Fair Island, action of the sea on the sandstone of, 263

Falconi on the elevation of the coast of the Bay of Baiae, 457

Falloppio, his doctrine concerning organized fossils, 25

Falls of Niagara, 179

____ of St. Mary, only outlet to Lake Superior, 226

Farquharson, Rev. J., on the great floods in Scotland in 1829, 174

Faujas, on the Velay and Vivarais, 1779, 58

Fault in the tower of Terranuova caused by an earthquake, see woodcut No. 20, 417

Ferishta, 7

Ferns, &c., silicified by springs in St. Michael's, 213

Ferrara, his account of the lava poured out from Etna in 1669, 248

____ his account of floods on Etna, 369

____ on earthquake of 1790 in Sicily, 411

Ferruginous springs, 214

Fetlar, effect of lightning on the rocks of, 260

Fez frequently suffers from earthquakes, 323

Fife, coast of, submarine forests on the, 265

____ encroachments of the sea on the coast of, 265

Findhorn, town of, swept away by the sea, 264

Fissures, sulphur, &c., ejected by, in Sicily, 411

____ sulphureous vapours emitted by, in Java, 411

different elevation of the sides of, in Calabria, caused by earthquake of 1783, 416

____ near Polistena, caused by earthquake, see woodcut No. 19, 417

____ near Jerocarne, see woodcut 22, 419

____ cause of the opening and closing of, 419

____ dimensions of new ones in Calabria, 421

Fitton, Dr., on the Maestricht beds, 140

Flamborough Head washed into caves by the ocean, 266

Fleming, Dr., on uniformity in climate, 93

____ his remark on the food of the fossil elephant, 97

on submarine forests in the estuaries of the Tay and Forth, 265, 270

Flint, on the length of the course of the Mississippi, 185

____ on the population of the Mississippi valley, 189

____ on the earthquakes in the Mississippi valley, 408

Floods, bursting of lakes, &c., 192

____ in North America, 193

____ in the valley of Bagnes, 194

____ in Scotland, August, 1829, 174

____ at Tivoli, 196

Floods on Etna, caused by melting of snow, 369

Florence of Worcester, his account of a storm in Nov. 1099, 282

Florus, his account of the Cimbrian Deluge, 295

Fluviatile formations mentioned by Steno, 28

Foah, advance of the delta of the Nile near the city of, 238

Folkestone, subsidence of land at, 278

Fontenelle, his eulogy on Palissy, 27

Forbes, Mr., on the subsidences in the Bay of Baiae, 455

____ on the temple of Serapis, 456

Forfarshire, encroachments of the sea on the coast of, 264

Formosa, violent earthquakes in, 318

Forsyth, his description of the climate of Italy, 360

Fortis, on the Arabian doctrine of new genera and species, 17

____ and Testa, their controversy on fossil fish of Monte Bolea, 52

__ views of Arduino confirmed by, 58

Fossa Grande on Vesuvius described, 395

Fossil shells, attributed to a "plastic virtue" by Dr. Plot, 31

____ Lister's opinion of, 31

____ speculations concerning their nature, 29

____ formerly all referred to the Deluge, 29

____ plants of the coal strata, 102

Fossils, Brander's argument against, referring to the deluge, 52

Fourier, Baron, on the temperature of the spaces surrounding our atmosphere, 120

____ on central heat, 141

Fracastoro, his opinion concerning organic remains, 23

France, art of mining how taught in, 55

__ its coast the constant prey of the waves, 283

____ villages of, washed away by the sea, 284

French, their great progress in the study of organic remains, 72

Fresh-water formations of the Paris basin, 99

Fresh-water and marine strata, alternations of, described by Generelli, 44

Freyberg, school of, 63

Funchal, rise of the sea during earthquake at, 439

GABEL Tor, a volcano in Arabian gulf, 324

Ganges, delta of the, 240

____ its ancient mouths, 241

Ganges, size and rate of advance of its delta, 241

____ inundations of the, 244

Rennell on the quantity of earthy matter in the waters of the, 247

Rennell on the quantity of water discharged by the, 247

and Burrampooter not yet completely united, 253

stratification of the deposits in its delta, 253

Garachico, in Teneriffe, overwhelmed by lava, 413

Gardner, his account of the destruction of Dunwich by the sea, 272

Gas, inflammable, escape of, 14

Gases exhaled by volcanos, 469

Gaulish Druids, 19

Gemmellaro, his account of the eruption of Etna in 1811, 367

____ his discovery of ice under lava, 370

Generation, spontaneous, theory of, 26

Generelli, his exposition of the state of geology in Europe in the middle of 18th century, 43

____ on organic remains, 44

on vegetable productions found in different states of maturity, 44

on fossil elephants, elks, &c, 44

on alternations of marine and fresh water strata, 44

on grouping of marine animals in strata, 44

____ teaches that fossils cannot be accounted for by the deluge, 45

____ his explanation of the imbedding of marine animals in mountains, 45

____ on the effects of earthquakes in recent times, 45

____ waste of land by running water described by, 45

____ his opinion that mountains could not be so great if their ruins were not repaired, 45

____ his theory of primary rocks, 63

____ his theory of earthquakes compared to Hutton's, 64

Geneva, lake of, men drowned above Martigny floated into the, 195

____ gradually filling up, 221

____ Mr. De la Beche on the delta of the Rhone in the, 221

Geognosy of Werner, 55

Geography, proofs of former changes in physical, 125

Geological evidence; its value depends on the assumption of uniformity of nature, 165

Geological Society of London, formation of, 71

Geological Society, good effects resulting from the foundation of the, 72

Geological theories, causes of error in, 76

Geology defined, 1

____ compared to history, 1

____ its relation to other Physical sciences, 2

____ distinct from cosmogony, 3

____ considered by Werner as part of mineralogy, 4

____ causes of its retardation, 29, 67, 75

____ state of, in Europe, before middle of last century, 44

____ applied to the art of mining by Werner, 55

____ remarks of Kirwan and De Luc, on the connexion of, with religion, 68

____ modern progress of, 73

____ practical advantages derived from the study of, 74

Georgia, in the island of, perpetual snow to the level of the sea, 110

Gerbanites, an Arabian sect, on extinction of species, 17

German Ocean gradually filling up, 306

Germany, art of mining, how taught in, 55

Geysers of Iceland, 213; see woodcut No. 32, 464

____ cause of their intermittent action, 465

____ supposed section of the subterranean reservoir and pipe of one of the, see woodcut No. 33, 466

Gian Greco, fall of the cliffs on the sea-coast near, during earthquake of 1783, 429

Gibraltar, depth of the Mediterranean near, 237

Glacier discovered under lava on Etna, 369

Glaciers of Spitzbergen, 109

____ transportation of rocks by, 175

Glen Tilt, granite veins of, discovered by Hutton, 62

Gloucestershire, gain of land in, 283

Golden age, doctrine whence derived, 9, 10

Goodwin Sands, 276

Gorge, deep, said to occur in all elevation craters, 390

Gothland, Linnaeus on the increase of land near, 228

Graham, Mrs., on the earthquake of Chili in 1822, 402

Grampians, Hutton's examination of the, 62

Granite, disintegration of, in Auvergne, 216

____ veins, Hutton's discovery of, in Glen Tilt, 62

Granite veins, importance of their discovery, 62

____ of the Hartz, Werner on the, 57

Granitic rocks of Shetland, action of the sea on, see woodcuts No .9 and 10, 262

Granular rock deposited by springs, 206

Grecian archipelago, Raspe on the new isles of the, 52

____ volcanos of the, 385

____ chart and section of, see woodcut No. 15, 385

Greenland, why colder than Lapland, 107

____ sometimes shaken by earthquakes, 324

Grimaldi, on the earthquake of 1783 in Calabria, 413

____ on the dimensions of the new fissures and ravines in Calabria, 421

____ on the effects of the Calabrian earthquake on springs, 423

Grind of the Navir, passage forced by the sea in the Shetland islands, see woodcut No. 8, 261

Grosse, Dr., on the baths of San Fililppo, 204

Grotto delle Cane, 216

Guarapica river, new rock thrown up in the, 437

Guatimala, active volcanos in, 316

Guettard, on the Vivarais, 58

Guiana, its maritime district formed by the sediment of the Amazon, 292

Gulf stream, 108

____ Scoresby's remarks on the, 108

____ its extent and velocity, 258

Gunnell, Mr., on the loss of land in the Isle of Sheppey, 275

Hall, Sir James, his experiments on rocks, 62, 348, 472

Hall, Captain, on the Falls of Niagara, 180

____ on the islands in the Mississippi, 187

____ on drift wood of the Mississippi, 188, 245

Hamilton, Sir W., on the thickness of the mass covering Herculaneum, 352

____ on the earthquake of 1783 in Calabria, 413

____ on the number of persons who perished during the Calabrian earthquake, 430

____ on the great landslip near Terranuova, 424

____ on landslips near Mileto, 426

____ on the earthquakes attending the eruption of Monte Nuovo, 457

Hampshire, Brander on the fossils of, 52

Harlbucht, its bay formed in the 16th century, 289

Hartsoeker, on the quantity of sediment in the waters of the Rhine, 246

Hartz, Werner on the granite of the, 57

Harun-al Rashid, 21

Harwich, rapid decay of the cliffs at, 275

____ will probably soon become an island, 275

Heat, laws which govern the diffusion of, 105

Heber, Bishop, on the animals inhabiting the Himalaya mountains, 99

Hecla, Banks and others on the columnar basalt of, 59

____ length of some of its eruptions, 371

Helice and Bura, submerged beneath the sea by an earthquake, 323

Heligoland destroyed by the sea, 289

Henderson, on the eruption of Skaptar Jokul in 1783, 372

Herculaneum and Pompeii, silence of contemporary historians concerning, 332

____ and Pompeii, how destroyed, 349

____ and Pompeii, reflections on the buried cities of, 359

Herculaneum, thickness and composition of the mass covering, 352

____ was a sea-port, 353

____ discovered accidentally, 353

____ its former dimensions not yet known, 353

____ but a slight part of open for inspection, 353

____ objects preserved in, 354

____ stalactite formed in the galleries of, 354

____ inscriptions on the temples at, 354

____ rolls of papyri, still legible, found in, 356

Herodotus, on the delta of the Nile, 238

____ on the country round Memphis, 239

____ on the formation of Egypt by the Nile, 239

__ on the time which the Nile might require to fill up the Arabian Gulf, 239

Hesse, Werner on the basalt of, 58

Hibbert, Dr., on the drifting of rock masses by the sea in Shetland islands, 259

____ on the effect of lightning on the rocks of Fetlar, 260

____ his account of the Grind of the Navir in Shetland, 261

Hiera, new island in the Gulf of Santorin, 386

Hillswicks Ness, action of the sea on the granitic rocks of, see woodcut No. 10, 263

Himalaya mountains, Bishop Heber On the animals inhabiting the, 99

Himalaya, height of perpetual snow on the, 122

Hindoo cosmogony, 5

Hindostan subject to earthquakes, 324

History and geology compared, 2

Hoff, on the changes in the level of the Caspian, 22

____ his remarks on the persecution of Omar, 22

____ on the formation of marble by springs near Lake Urmia, 211

____ on encroachments of the sea in North America, 291

____ on the encroachments of the sea in the Baltic, 294

____ on earthquakes in Syria and Judea, 321

Holbach, his theory, 1753, 41

Holland, inroads of the sea in, 286

____ towns destroyed by the sea in, 287

____ its coast probably more protected once, 290

Hollmann, hypothesis of, 1753, 49

Holm sand, account of, 271

Homer, gain of land on the coast of Egypt known to, 238

____ on the distance of Pharos from Egypt, 238

Hooke, his Discourse of Earthquakes, 1688 to 1703, 31

____ on local distribution of species, 32

____ on extinct species, 32

____ on duration of species, 33

____ contends that fossils are not "lusus naturae," 33

____ on modes of lapidification, 33

____ on simultaneous extent of earthquakes, 34

____ on the deluge, 35

____ on the elevation of the coast of Chili, 442

____ on the earthquake of Java in 1699, 444

____ on the elevation of the coast of the Bay of Baiae, 458

Hooker, Dr., accounts of the eruption of Skaptar Jokul confirmed by, 372

____ his view of the crater of the great geyser, see woodcut No. 32, 464

Hordwell, loss of land at, 280

Hornitos, on Jorullo, account of, 378

Horsfield, Dr., on earthquake of 1786
in Java, 411

____ his account of the eruption of Papandayang
in Java, 436

Hosburgh, Capt., on icebergs in low latitudes, 111

____ on the advance of the Gangetic delta, 242

Humber, stratification of the warp of the 254

Humber, encroachment of the sea in its estuary, 267

Humboldt, Baron, on Indian rites after the earthquake of 1766, 8

on the laws governing the distribution of plants, 101

on the laws which regulate the diffusion of heat, 105

____ on Isothermal lines, 106

____ on the distribution of ferns, 112

____ on the irregular distribution of land and sea, 121

____ on the transportation of sediment by currents, 310

__ his theory of elevation craters considered, 386

____ on the eruption of Jorullo, 377

____ his theory to account for the convexity of the plain of Malpais, 377

____ his account of the earthquake of Caraccas, 1812, 407

____ on the earthquake in Quito in 1797,

____ on the earthquake in Cumana, 410

____ on the earthquake in the Caraccas, 1790, 410

____ his account of the volcanic eruption in Teneriffe, 443

Hungary, art of mining, how taught in, 55

____ travertin of, 211

Hunstanton, its cliffs undermined, 267

Hurst Castle shingle bank, 280

Hutchins, his account of a landslip in Dorsetshire, 281

Hutchinson, John, his "Moses's Principia" 1724, 39

____ ridicules Woodward's theory, 40

____ objects to Newton's theory of gravitation, 40

Hutton, first to distinguish between geology and cosmology, 4

____ attempted to give fixed principles to geology, 61

____ on igneous rocks, 61

____ said geology was not concerned with "questions as to the origin of things," 61

____ on granite, 62

____ represented oldest rocks as derivatives, 63

____ his theory of earthquakes fell short of that of Hooke, Moro, &c., 63

__ alternate periods of disturbance and repose required by the theory of, 64

____ his theory of earthquakes compared to Generelli's, 64

____ possessed but little knowledge of organic remains, 64

Hutton, his theory misrepresented by Williams, 67

____ answers Kirwan, 69

____ on the excavation of valleys, 70 Huttonian theory, 60

____ characteristic feature of the, 63

____ its defects, 63

____ causes which led to the violent faction against it, 65

Hythe, encroachments of the sea at, 278

ICE, animals imbedded in, 98

____ predominance of in the Antartic Circle, 109

____ Scoresby on the quantity which floats beneath the surface, 111

____ on the formation of field, 119

____ transportation of rocks by means of, 175, 299

Icebergs, Dr. Richardson on the formation of, 98

____ in the Mackenzie River, 98

____ their enormous size in Baffin's Bay, 109

____ distance to which they are floated from the Poles, 111

____ seen off the Cape of Good Hope, 111

____ Captain Hosburgh on, in low latitudes, 111

____ Captain Scoresby on the weight of earth, &c" transported by, 111

____ quantity of ice below the surface in, 111

Iceland, geysers of, 464

____ silex deposited by the geysers of, 213

____ volcanic region of, 324

____ volcanic eruptions in, 371

____ eruption of Skaptar Jokul in 1783, 372

__ submarine eruption in, 372

____ comparison between the lavas of, and those of central France, 373

____ loss of lives, &c., by the eruption of 1783 in, 374

____ new island thrown up off the coast of, in 1783, 391

____ elevation and subsidence in, 443 Imperati, theory of 1590, 27

Indian festival after the earthquake of Cumana, in 1766, 8

Indus, subsidence in the channel of the, 1819, 406

Ingleborough Hill, calcareous tufa deposited at, 211

Inland seas, deltas of, 227

Instinct, Mr. Dugald Stewart on the uniformity of in animals, 161

Insular climates, description of, 106

Invernesshire, inroads of the sea on the coast of, 263

Ionian Isles, earthquake in, 1820, 403

____ new island thrown up near, 403

Ippolito, Count, on the earthquake of 1783 in Calabria, 413

Irawadi, silicified wood of, noticed in 1692, 33

____ recent discoveries there of fossil animals and vegetables, 33

____ supposed petrifying power of the, 214

Ireland, great rise of the sea during Lisbon earthquake on the coast of, 439

Ischia, recent fossils of, 94

____ silex in the hot springs of, 214

____ early eruptions in, 327

____ abandoned by the Greeks on account of the eruptions, 327

____ amount of its population, 328

____ eruption of 1032 in, 333

Island, new, thrown up, in 1820, off the Ionian Isles, 403

____ new one thrown up near Kamtschatka in 1806, 408

____ new one thrown up off the coast of Iceland in 1783, 391

Islands, new, Raspe on those in the Grecian Archipelago and the Azores, 52

____ new, eighteen thrown up in the Azores in 1757. 438

____ Pliny's enumeration of new, 20

____ character of the vegetation in small, 123

____ animals in, 129

____ in the Mississippi, 186

____ formed by the sediment of the Ganges, 242, 243

Isle of Palma, description of, 388

____ of Purbeck, line of vertical chalk in, 280

____ of Wight, rise of the tides at, 257

____ of Wight, continued action of the sea on its shores, 279

Italian geologists, their priority, 28

____ geologists of the 18th century, 41

____ geologists, reserve of the earlier, explained, 68

Italy, extent of marine formations of, first pointed out by Vallisneri, 41

____ organic remains of the south of, 94

____ Forsyth's description of the climate of, 360

Isonzo, delta of the, 236

____ its present mouth several miles to the west of its ancient bed, 237

____ conglomerate formed by the, 237

Isothermal lines, Humboldt on, 106

JAHDE, new estuary near the mouth of the Weser, 289

Jamaica, earthquakes frequent in, 316

____ earthquake of 1692 in, 445

____ buildings submerged without being destroyed, in the harbour of, 455

Jampang, village in Java, engulphed by earthquake, 411

Jan Mayen's Island volcanic, 324

Java, number of volcanos in, 318

____ earthquake of 1786 in, 411

____ rivulet swallowed up by fissures in, 411

____ village engulphed in, 411

____ volcanic eruption and earthquakesin 1772, 436

____ land raised by earthquake in, 437

____ earthquake of 1699 in, 444

Jesso, active volcanic vents in the island of, 317

Jones, Sir William, on antiquity of Menu's Institutes, 5

Jorio, Andrea de, on the Temple of Serapis, 453

Jorullo, eruption of, 316

____ eruption of, in 1759, 376

____ its height, &c., 377

____ eruption of in 1819, 379

____ if thrown up in the sea would have been protected by its lava, 409

Jura, Saussure on the, 54

____ relative age of the, 138

Jutland will probably become an island, 290

____ terrific inundations in, 295

KAMTSCHATKA, seven active volcanos in, 317

____ earthquakes in, 443

____ subsidences and elevations in, 443

____ new island thrown up to the north of, 408

Keill refutes Burnet's and Whiston's theories, 39

Kent, loss of land on the coast of, 276

Kerguelen's land, land quadrupeds in, 129

Kimmeridge clay, 281

Kincardilleshire, village in, washed away by the sea, 264

King, Capt., on the extent of coral reefs on the coast of Australia, 130

Kirwan, his Geological Essays, 1799, 68

____ on the connexion of geology and religion, 68

____ believed all rocks to be of aqueous origin, 68

____ adduced the Mosaic writings to confirm his opinions, 68

____ his remarks on the age of deltas, 224

Konig, Mr., on the fossils brought by Capt. Parry from Melville Island, 101

Koran, cosmogony of the, 22

Kossa, his history of the Patriarchs and Prophets, (note) 23

Kurile Isles, nine active volcanos in the, 317

LACUSTRINE formation, none yet discovered of the carboniferous era, 130

Lake Erie, rapid filling up of, 182

____ of Geneva, delta of Rhone in the,
____ Mareotis filled up by the Nile, 239

____ Superior, deltas of, 225

Superior, greatest depth and extent of, 225

Superior, height of above the sea, 225

Superior, currents in, 226

Superior, nature of its sediment, 226

____ Superior, analogy between its deposits and the marls, &c., of Central France, 227

__ inundation caused by the bursting of a, in the valley of Bagnes, 194

____ formed by subsidence in the Caraccas, 411

____ formed by the earthquake near Seminara, 422

Lakes, bursting of, 192

____ filling up of, 223

____ formed by landships in Calabria,

____ formation of, in the basin of the Mississippi, 190

____ formed by earthquakes in the valley of the Mississippi, 408

____ number of new ones formed in Calabria by earthquakes of 1783, 427

Lancashire, submarine forests on the coast of, 283

Lancerote, volcanic eruption in, 381

____ villages overflowed by lava in, 381

____ cattle in, suffocated by putrid vapours, 381

____ thirty new cones thrown up in, 382

____ recent eruption in the island of, 384

Land, irregular distribution of, 121

____ quantity of in northern and southern hemispheres, 121

____ animals, why rare in oldest strata, 149

Landguard Fort, waste of the point on which it stands, 274

Landslips in Dorsetshire, 281

____ near Mileto, houses carried down a ravine, but uninjured, 426

____ in Calabria, lakes formed by, 424

____ at Fra Ramondo, see woodcut No. 26, 425

____ in Jamaica during earthquake, 446

Langsdorf, on the new island thrown up near Kamtschatka, 408

Languedoc, Marsilli on the deposits of the coast of, 235

Laplace decides against change in the earth's axis, 39

____ on the mean depth of the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans, 115

____ proved that no contraction of the globe had taken place for 2000 years, 141

Lapland, why milder than Greenland, 107

Lapidifying juice, 25

Latitude only one of the causes which influence climate, 111

Laureana, ravines filled up with mud during earthquake of 1783 near, 427

Lava, excavation of in Central France, 176

____ of Etna excavated by rivers, 177

____ mineralogical composition of that cut through by the Simeto, 178

____ effects of decomposition on, 346

____ flowing under water, 348

Lavas, parallel between those of Iceland and Central France, 373

____ comparative volume of ancient and modern, 374

____ pretended distinction between ancient and modern, 384

Lazzoro Moro, see Moro

Lehman, treatise of, 1759, 49

____ divided mountains into three classes, 49

Leibnitz, his Protogaea, 1680, 40

____ imagined this planet to have been a burning luminous mass, 40

____ his theory of gradual refrigeration,

____ diluvial theory of, 40

____ universal ocean of, waters how lowered, 40

____ his theory afterwards adopted by Buffon and De Luc, 40

Leman Lake, delta of the Rhone in the, 221

Lesbos, Antissa joined to, by delta, 13

Leybucht, its bay formed in thirteenth century, 289

Lightning, remarkable effect of in the Shetland islands, 260

Lima destroyed by earthquake, 442

Limestone, caverns how formed in, 211

Lincolnshire, incursions of the sea on the coast of, 267

____ its coast protected by embankments, 267

Linnaeus advocates Celsius's theory, 40

____ his remark on the filling up of the Gulf of Bothnia, 228

Lionnesse, tradition in Cornwall, 283

Lipari, 19

Lippi, his account of the destruction of Herculaneum and Pompeii, 351

Lipsius, 15

Lister, the first to propose geological maps, 31

____ described fossil shells as turbinated and bivalve stones, 31

Lisbon, earthquakes at, 323

____ earthquake of, 1755, 438

____ subsidence of the quay at, 438

____ area over which the earthquake of, extended, 439

____ great wave caused by the earthquake of, 439

____ the shocks felt far out at sea, 439

____ velocity of the shocks at, 440

Lloyd, Mr., on the relative levels of the Atlantic and Pacific, 293

Lochead, on the gain of land on coast of Guiana, 310

Loch Lomond, agitation of its waters during Lisbon earthquake, 440

Locke, panegyrizes Whiston's theory, 39

Loffredo, on the elevation of the recent deposits in the Bay of Baire, 456

London, height of the tides at, 257

London clay, organic remains of the, 100, 152

Lontuc, river, in Chili, converted into a lake by landslips, 438

Lough Neagh, supposed petrifying power of, 214

Louisiana, Darby on the marine strata of lower, 191

Lowestoff, small rise of the tides at, 257

____ current off the coast of, 271

____ roads, their breadth and depth, 272

____ Ness, description of, 272

____ rise of the tides at, 272

____ cliffs undermined near, 272

Lubeck, 229

Luckipour, its inhabitants swept away by the Ganges, 244

____ new islands formed near, 243

Luckput, subsidence in the channel of the Indus near, 406

Lulea, rapid advance of the land at, in the Gulf of Bothnia, 228

Luzon, three active volcanos in, 318

Lyme Regis, gradual decay of the lias cliffs of, 282
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Re: Principles of Geology, by Charles Lyell

Postby admin » Fri Jul 17, 2015 12:51 am


MACEDONIA always subject to earthquakes, 323

Mackenzie river, formation of icebergs on the shores of the, 98

____ drift wood of the, 102

____ a calcareous formation near its mouth, 127

Macmurdo, Captain, on the earthquake of Cutch in Bombay, 1819, 406

Madagascar said to contain active volcanos, 324

Madeira, earthquakes violent in, 324

Maestricht, calcareous beds of, 139

____ Dr. Fitton on the calcareous beds of, 140

Magdalena, fish destroyed by earthquake in the river, 401

Magnesia, sulphate of, deposited by spring in Tuscany, 204

Magnesian limestone and traverlin compared, 205

Mahomedan doctors opposed to cultivation of science, 21

Mahomet, his cosmogony, 23

Majoli, first taught that shelly strata were raised by volcanic explosions, 1597, 26

Mallet, Captain, on petroleum of Trinidad, 218

Malpais, recent change of climate in the plain of, 124

____ theories to account for the convexity of the plain of, 377, 387

Malte-Brun, on the heat derived by the western part of the old continent from Africa, 107

____ on the comparative insignificance of the height of mountains, 113

Mammoth, on the climate, &c., probably required by the, 96

____ bones of the, found in Yorkshire, 96

____ Siberian, 97

____ Dr. Fleming on the, 97

Man, unfavourable position of, for observing changes now in progress, 81

____ recent origin of, 153

____ his remains only found in the most modern strata, 153

____ remains of, not more perishable than those of other animals, 154

____ remarks on the superiority of, 155

____ analogy of changes caused by, to those produced by other animals, 161

Manetho, 77

Manfredi, on the quantity of sediment in river water, 246

Mantell, Mr., on the fossils of the chalk, 140

Manwantaras, oriental cycle of ages, 6

Maracaybo, lake, subsidence of its waters, during earthquake, 407

Marble deposited from springs, 211

Maritime Alps, conglomerates forming along the base of the, 252

Marsilli, on the arrangement of shells in the Adriatic, 44, 47

Marsilli, on the deposits of the coast of Languedoc, 235

Martigny, destruction of by floods, 195

Martinique, subsidence of a hill in, 443

Martius, his remark on the arborescent ferns in Brazil, 101

Mastodon, &c., found in Subapennine hills, 151

Materia pinguis, fossils referred to, 25

Mathers, village of, swept away by the sea in one night, 264

Mattani on fossils of Volterra, 42

Mattioli, his hypothesis as to the nature of organic remains, 25

Mediterranean said to have burst through the columns of Hercules, 18

____ Soldani on the microscopic testacea of the, 52

____ organic remains of living species found in the islands of the, 93

____ great depth of the, 237, 298

____ its depth near the delta of the Nile, 239

____ rise of the tides in the, 257

____ Dr. Wollaston's analysis of its waters, 296

____ remarks on the deposition of salt in the, 297

__permanency of the level of the, 452

Melville Island, tropical character of the fossils of, 101

Menu's institutes, 5

____ astronomical theories in, 6

Mephitic vapours emitted by volcanos during eruptions, 329

____ cattle in Lancerote and Quito killed by, 329

____ birds killed by, on Vesuvius, 330

Mercati on organic remains, 26

Mer de glace, 98

Mese, formerly an island, now far inland, 233

Messina, ebb and flow in the Straits of, 257

____ its shore rent by earthquake, 416

____ subsidence of the quay at, 416

____ fall of the cliffs near, during Calabrian earthquake, 429

Mesua Collis described by Pomponius Mela, 233

Methone in Messina, volcanic eruption in, 323

Metshuka, hill of, in part swallowed up by earthquake, 437

Meuse, valley of the, 171

____ river, 287

Mexico, excavation of valleys in, 176

____ tides in the Gulf of, 245

____ volcanic chain extending through, 316

____ active volcanos in, 316

Michell, on the cause and phenomena of earthquakes, 1760, 50

____ originality of his views, 50

____ on the horizontality of strata in low countries, 50

____ on their fractured state near mountain chains, 50

____ on the geology of Yorkshire, 50

____ his writings free from physico-theological speculations, 50

____ on the origin of mineral springs, 199

____ on the earthquake at Lisbon, 323,

____ on the connexion between the state of the atmosphere and earthquakes, 462

____ on the expansive force of steam, 464

____ on the cause of the wave-like motion of earthquakes, 470

____ on the cause of the retreat of the sea during earthquakes, 471

Mileto, subsidence of houses near, tenements not destroyed, 426

Milford Haven, rise of tides at, 257

Millennium, 24

____ Burnet's account or the, 38

Milo, island, active solfatara in, 323

Mindinao in eruption, 1784, 318

Mineral composition of lavas, 396

Mineral waters, their connexion with volcanic phenomena, 199

____ ingredients most common in, 199

Mining, geology applied to the art of, by Werner, 55

____ art of, how taught in England, France, &c., 55

Mississippi, basin of the, 185

____ length of its course, depth, and velocity, 185

____ size of its alluvial plain, 185

____ its surface, not increased by the junction of other rivers, 185

____ its course slowly progressing eastwards, 186

____ immense curves in its course frequently cut through, 186

____ acres at a time swept away by, 186

____ islands in the, 187

____ drift wood of the, 245

____ earthquakes in the valley of the, 191, 316, 407

____ new lakes and islands in the valley of the, caused by earthquakes, 408

____ intermediate character of its delta, 245

stratification of the deposits in its delta, 253

Missouri, its junction with the Mississippi, 185

Modern progress of Geology, 73

Molino delle Caldane, travertin, 201

Moluccas, volcanic eruption in the, 445

Mompiliere, overflowed by lava, 366

____ articles preserved under the lava in, 366

Monfalcone, baths of, on an island in the time of the Romans, 237

Mont Blanc, mer de glace on, 98

Monte Barbaro, description of, see woodcut No. 12, 336

____ Bolca, controversy on the fossil fish of, 52

____ Minardo on Etna, its height, &c., 362

____ Nucilla on Etna, almost submerged, 362

Nuovo, account of the formation of, see woodcut No. 11, 335

Nuovo, coast of the Bay of Baiae elevated during the eruption of, 335

Nuovo, height, depth of crater, &c., 335

Nuovo, elevation of the coast near, mentioned by Hooke, 34

____ Pelegrino, perforated by shells, 231

____ Peluso, its height diminished by lava-current of 1444, 363

____ Rotaro, of recent aspect, 327

Rotaro, like volcanos in Auvergne, 327

Somma, M. Necker, on the structure of, 394

Somma, M. Necker's views on, confirmed by Mr. Scrope, 394

Somma, its formation analogous to that of Vesuvius, 394

____ Vico, siliceous incrustations of, 214

Monticelli and Covelli, on Vesuvian minerals, 347

Monti Rossi, formed in 1669, see woodcut No. 14, 364

Montlosier, on the volcanos of Auvergne, 1788, 60

Montpelier, cannon imbedded in crystalline rock in the museum at, 234

Montrose, no delta formed by the rivers in the bay of, 264

Morea, cities submerged in the, 323

Moro, Lazzaro, on earthquakes, 1740, 42

____ accounts for geological phenomena by earthquakes, 42

____ his description of the new island which rose in 1707, in the Mediterranean, 42

____ ridicules theories then in vogue concerning organic remains, 42

____ faults and dislocations described by, in proof of his theory, 43

Moro, Lazzaro, objects to the theories of Burnet and Woodward, 43

____ adapts his theory to the Mosaic account of the creation, 43

____ on the formation of the secondary strata, 43

____ taught that the sea acquired its saltness from volcanic exhalations, 43

____ not acquainted with the writings of Hooke and Ray, 42

derived all stratified rocks from volcanic ejections, 46

his theory of primary rocks, 63

Morocco, village in, and ten thousand people swallowed up in 1755, 439

____ earthquakes at, 323

Moselle, sinuosities of the river, 171

Moses's Principia of Hutchinson, 40

Mountain-chains, on the elevation of, 79

Mountain or transition limestone, great extent of, 127

____ formation near the mouth of the Mackenzie, 127

____ fossil saurian found in, 129, 148 Mud eruption from Tunguragua in Quito, 1797, 410

Murchison, Mr., on the tertiary deposits of the Salzburg Alps, 136

____ on schists of Caithness, 148

____ on the Plomb du Cantal, 395

Murcia in Spain, earthquake of 1829, 400

Murrayshire, town swept away by the sea, 264

Muschelkalkstein, 133

Mundane egg of Egyptian cosmogony, 11

____ ridiculed by Aristophanes, 12

NAPLES, history of the volcanic district round, 326

____ Royal Academy of, their account of the earthquake of 1783, 413

Natchitoches lake, 190

Nature, uniformity of the order of, 85, 105, 164, 311, 337

Necker, M., on Moute Somma, 394

Needles, Isle of Wight, composed of chalk, 280

Neptune, temple of, under water in the Bay of Baire, 454

Neptunists and Vulcanists, rival factions of, 60

Newhaven, its cliffs undermined, 278

New Holland, proportion of ferns to other plants in, 123

New Kameni, account of the formation of in 1707, 386

____ covered with living shells when first thrown up, 393

New Madrid shaken by earthquakes, 1811, 408

Newhaven, arsenal and dock overflowed by the sea, 265

New York, excessive climate of, 107

New Zealand has no indigenous land quadrupeds, 129

Niagara, excavation caused by the receding cataract of, 89

____ falls of, 179

____ Capt. Hall on, 180

____ Mr. Bakewell, Jun. on, 181

____ width, &c. of the falls of, 180

____ their gradual recession, 181

____ probably once at Queenstown, 181

____ probable time which they will require to reach Lake Erie, 181

Nicaragua, volcanos in, 316

Nice, depth of the Mediterranean near, 237, 252

____ tertiary conglomerate of, 238

Nicolosi destroyed by earthquake, 364

Niebuhr cited, 74

Nile, delta of the, 238

____ its delta modified since the time of Homer, 238

____ its ancient mouths, 238

Nipon, great number of volcanos in, 318

Norfolk, waste of the cliffs of, 267

____ ancient villages washed away in, 269

____ gain of land on its coast, 270

Norte, transportation of sediment by the river, 310

North America, animals imbedded in ice and snow in, 98

Northmavine, blocks of stone drifted by the sea, see woodcut No. 7, 260

Northstrand, account of its destruction by the sea, 290

Northumberland, dicotyledonous wood found in the coal-field of, 147

____ land destroyed by the sea in, 266

Notre Dame des Ports, formerly a harbour, now a league from the shore, 233

Norway free from earthquakes, 232

Norwich once situated on an arm of the sea, 269

Nugent, Dr., on the Pitch Lake of Trinidad, 218

Nymphs, temple of, under water in the Bay of Baiae, 454

Nyoe, a new island formed in 1783, 372

OBSEQUENS, his account of an eruption in Ischia, 92 B.G., supposed erroneous, 334

Obsidian, regarded by Wernerians as of aqueous origin, 60

Ocean, permanency of the level of the, 459

Oceanic deltas, 240

Odoardi, on the distinct ages of the Apennnine and Subapennine strata, 51

Ogygian deluge, 320, 332

Ohio, junction of with the Mississippi, 185

Old red sandstone, scales of fish found in the, 148

Olivi considered fossil remains as sports of nature, 1552, 26

____ on the distribution of sediment in the Adriatic, 237

Omar, persecuted for his work on the "Retreat of the Sea," 21

Oolitic series, remains of cetacea in the, 150

Opossum, remains of an, found in the Stonelifield slate, 150

Oppido, the central point of the Calabrian earthquake, 415, 420

____ houses engulphed in, 420

____ chasm in a hill near, see woodcut No. 23, 420

Orcia, river, 203

Organic life, effect of changes in land and sea on, 113

Organic remains, controversy as to the real nature of, 23

____ marine, referred by some to the Mosaic deluge, 23

____ theory of Majoli concerning, 1597, 26

____ not referrible to the deluge according to Palissy, 1580, 26

____ Moro on, 42

____ Generelli on, 44

____ progress of the French in the study of, 72

____ importance of the study of, 72

____ contemporary origin of rocks proved by, 72

growing importance of the study of, 73

____ unity of the system in distant eras proved by, 73

____ from the lias to the chalk, inclusive, 133

____ abrupt transition from those of the secondary to those of the tertiary rocks, 139

____ of the oldest strata, 147

Orinoco, subsidence of a small island in the, 437

Orkney Islands, promontory of Sand cut off by the sea, 263

Orpheus, on the duration of the Annus Magnus, 9

Orwell river has shifted its course very recently, 274

Otranto, fossils of, 94

Ovid, his account of the Pythagorean system, 12

Owthorne, village of, in great part destroyed by the spa, 266

____ rate of encroachment at, 266

Oxygen, its action on rocks, 169

PACIFIC ocean, La Place on the mean depth of the, 115

__ shelly limestone now forming in the south, 130

____ its mean height above the Atlantic, 293

____ a vast theatre of igneous action, 318

Padua, Arduino on the mountains of, 49

Paestum, formation of limestone near, 206

Pakefield, waste of the cliffs at, 272

____ village nearly swept away, 272

Palermo, rocks in the bay perforated by shells, 231

____ its outline not changed in last two thousand years, 231

Palestine shaken by earthquakes, 321

Paley, Dr., on the uniformity of the plan of nature, 159

Palissy, first French writer who asserted the true nature of organic remains, 27

Pallas, on the mountain-chains of Siberia, 54

____ on the former greater extent of the Caspian Sea, 54

____ on the fossil bones of Siberia, 54

____ fossil rhinoceros found entire by, 54

____ on the calcareous springs of the Caucasus, 210

____ on the action of currents in the Euxine, 294

____ on the former union of the Caspian and Azof Seas, 320

____ on the new island in the Sea of Azof, 321

Palma, geological description of the isle of, 388

____ view of the isle of, and of the Caldera, see woodcut No. 16, 388

Panama, rise of the tides in the Bay of, 293

Papandayang, volcanic eruption of, 436

____ its cone truncated, 437

Papa Stour, Shetland, waste of the granitic rocks of, 263

Paradise, Burnet on the seat of, 38

Papyrus rolls still legible discovered in Herculaneum, 356

____ importance of their discovery entirely overlooked, 357

Paris Basin, alternation of marine and freshwater beds of the, first noticed by Soldani, 52

____ freshwater formations of the, 99

M. Deshayes on the fossil shells of the, 100

Paris Basin, organic remains of the, 151

____ number of shells found in the, 151

Parma, recent organic remains at, 94

____ marshes and lakes filled up near, 183

____ thickness of the tertiary marls near, 237

Parrot, on the Caspian sea, 319

Parry, Captain, highest northern latitude reached by, 109

Passo Manzanelli, waterfalls in the lava of, 178

Pasto, three volcanos in, 316

Patrizio's dialogues, 41

Pedamentina, description of the, 343

Pelagian formations, their internal arrangement, 310

Pembrokeshire, tradition of great loss of land in, 283

Pennant, on the encroachments of the sea on the Yorkshire coast, 266, 267

Penzance, loss of land near, 282

Perforating shells, 231

Persian Magi on the deluge, 22

Perthshire, scales of fish in the old red sandstone of, 148

Peru, only one volcano yet known in, 315

____ subject to earthquakes, 315

____ earthquake of 1746 in, 442

____ volcanos in eruption at the same time in, 442

Petroleum springs in Sicily, 218

____ on the Irawadi, 218

Pharos joined to Egypt by delta of Nile, 13

____ formerly an island, 238

____ Homer on its distance from Egypt, 238

____ Shabo's remark on Homer's account of the isle of, 238

Phillips, Mr., on the rapid decay of the Yorkshire coast, 266

Phlegraean fields, volcanos of, see woodcut No. 12, 336

Physical Geography, proofs of former changes in, 125

Physico-theological systems ridiculed by the Italians, 41

Pichinco volcano, 315

Pietra Mala, escape of inflammable gas at, 14

Pignataro, on the earthquake of Calabria in 1783, 413

Pitch Lake of Trinidad, Dr. Nugent on the, 218

Pitea, gain of land at, in the Gulf of Bothnia, 228

Pius VII., edict against Galileo and the Copernican system, repealed by, 69

Plants, fossil, of the coal strata, 100

Plants, Baron Humboldt on the laws governing the distribution of, 101

Plastic force, fossil shells ascribed to, 23

Plastic virtue, theory of, 71

Plastic clay, destitute of mammiferous remains, 152

Plato, remarks on Egyptian cosmogony in the 'Timaeus' of, 9

Playfair, on the Huttoniun Theory, 65, 69

____ on extinction of species, 86

____ on the instability of the earth's surface, 197

Pliny the elder, 20

____ on the delta of the Rhone, 232

____ his account of the islands at the mouth of the Texel, 288

____ on the gain of land at the mouths of the Tigris and Euphrates, 290

____ his wonder that a day should pass without general conflagration, 470

____ killed by eruption of Vesuvius A.D. 79, 331

Pliny the younger, his account of the eruption of Vesuvius in the year 79, 331

____ does not mention the overwhelming of Herculaneum and Pompeii, 331

Plomb du Cantal, description of the, 395

Plot, organic remains ascribed to a 'plastic virtue,' by, 31

Pluche, theory of, 1732, 41

Plutarch, 9

Po, river, frequent shifting of its course, 183

____ embankment of the, 184

____ its surface above the houses of Ferrara, 184

____ delta of the, 235

____ and Adige, their union not yet complete, 253

Point del Gardo enlarged by earthquakes, 437

Polistena, fissures caused by earthquakes near, see woodcut No. 19, 417

____ circular subsidence near, see woodcut No. 25, 422

____ part of the town of, detached into a contiguous ravine, by landslips, 426

Pompeii, how destroyed, 349

____ section of the mass enveloping, 350

____ depth to which the ashes of the eruption of 1822 covered, 350

____ has not been overflowed by lava, 352

____ was a sea port, 353

____ one-fourth now excavated, 354

____ number of skeletons found in, 354

____ objects preserved in, 354

____ rolls of papyrus illegible in, 356

Pomponius Mela, his description of Mese, 233

Pomponius Mela, on the origin of Lake Flevo, 288

Pontanus, his account of the eruption in Ischia, 333

Ponte Leucano, quarries of travertin at, 208

Pont Gibaud, gneiss rocks decomposed by carbonic acid, 216

____ calcareous springs near, 201

Poole Bay cut deeply into by the waves, 280

Popayan, volcanos in, 316

____ shaken during earthquake of Bogota, 1827, 401

Port au Prince destroyed by earthquake in 1751, 440

Portland, Hooke's remarks on the fossil ammonites of, 33

____ its peninsula continually wastes, 281

Port Royal, subsidence of the houses, &c., 446

Portugal, frequent earthquakes in, 323

____ the mountains of, shattered by earthquake of, 1755, 438

Port Vallais ancient town in the delta of the Rhone, 221

Po Vecchio, a deserted channel of the Po, 183

Prevost, M., on the gypseous springs of Baden, near Vienna, 212

Prichard, Dr., on the cosmogony of the Egyptians, 9

____ on the Egyptian theory of eternal succession, 156

Priory of Crail, its last remains swept away by the waves, 265

Procida, remarks of ancient writers on, 327

Progressive development of organic life, theory of, 144

Promontories, their effect in protecting low shores, 264

Psalmodi, formerly an island, 233

Puglia, fossil elephant found at, 25

Purbeck, its peninsula continually wasting, 281

Purchas, on the elevation of the coast of Chili, 442

Puzzuoli, Temple of Serapis near, 449

____ ground plan of the environs of, see woodcut No. 30, 450

____ sections on the shore to the north of, 451

____ date of the re-elevation of the coast of, 457

____ rate of the encroachment of the sea near, 458

Pyrenees, their relative age, height, &c., 137

____ M. Boue on the strata of the, 138

____ M. Dufrimoy on the relative age of the, 138

Pyrenees, M. Elie de Beaumont on the relative age of the, 138

Pythagoras, on Etna, 313

Pythagorean system, 12

QUADRUMANOUS animals not found fossil, 152

Quebec, excessive climate of, 107

Quero destroyed by earthquake, 1797, 410

Quilotoa, Lake, cattle killed by suffocating vaponrs from, 410

Quintero elevated by earthquake of 1822, to the height of four feet, 402

Quirini, theory of, 30

Quito, earthquake of, 1797, 410

____ extent of the district convulsed, 410

____ earthquake in, 1698, 445

RAFT, the, an immense mass of drift timber in the Mississippi, 187

Raffles, Sir S., his account of the eruption in Sumbawa, 1815, 404

Ramazzini ridicules Burnet's theory, 41

Raspe on islands shifting their position (note), 14

____ his theory, 1763, 51

____ on earthquakes, 51

____ on the systems of Hooke, Ray, Moro, Buffon and others, 51

____ on the former heat of the climate of Europe, 52

____ on new islands raised within the time of history among the Azores, &c., 52

____ his admiration of Hooke's writings, 52

____ on the basalt of Hesse, 58

____ on the elevation of the coast of Chili, 442

Ravenna formerly a sea-port, now four miles inland, 236

Ravines, size of those formed by Calabrian earthquake in 1783, 421

____ in Calabria filled up with mud during earthquake of 1783, 427

Ray, his physico-theology, 35

____ on earthquakes, 35

____ on the effects of running water, 36

____ on the encroachment of the sea upon the shores, 36

____ on the consuming of the world by fire, 36

____ his remarks on Woodward's diluvial theory, 37

____ on the encroachment of the sea at Dunwich, 273

Re-creation of species after catastrophes taught by the ancients, 17

____ taught by the Gerbanites, an Arabian sect, 17

Reculver cliff, encroachment of the sea on, 275

Recupero, his account of the advance of a lava-current, 366

Red River, formation of new lakes by the, 190

____ and Mississippi, their junction probably very recent, 252

Refrigeration, Leibnitz's theory of, 40

Rennell, Major, on the delta of the Ganges, 241

____ on the new islands formed by the Ganges, 243

____ on the quantity of water discharged by the Ganges per second, 247

____ on the proportion of sediment in its waters, 2-17

____ on the causes of currents, 258

____ his description of the wave called the Bore, 292

____ on the drift sand at the mouth of the Nile, 300

Renovation and destruction of the world, an oriental dogma, 9

Reproductive effects of running water, 220

Resina overflowed by lava, 338

Rhine, description of its course, 285

____ inroads of the sea upon its delta, 286

____ size of its present delta, 286

Rhinoceros fossil, found entire by Pallas in Siberia, 54

Rhone, delta of the, in the Mediterranean, 232

____ marine and freshwater shells in its delta, 234

____ delta of the, in the Lake of Geneva, 250

____ debris deposited at its confluence with the Arve, see diagram No. 6, 254

Riccioli, Signor, on the formation of a granular kind of travertin, 206

Richardson, Dr., on imbedding of animals in snow, 98

____ on the formation of icebergs, 98

____ on a calcareous formation near the Mackenzie river, 127

Riobamba destroyed by earthquake, 410

Rivers, difference in the sediment transported by, 90

____ sinuosities of, see diagram No. 2, 170

____ two equal, when they become confluent do not occupy bed of double surface, 173

Rocks, first divided into primary, secondary, and tertiary, by Arduino, 49

Kirwan on the aqueous origin of all, 68

hardest, rendered fit for soils by oxygen of the atmosphere, 169

Rocks, specific gravity of, compared to water, 172

____ effect of carbonic acid on, 217

Roman road between Aix and Nismes, 233

____ roads under water in the Bay of Baiae, 454

Rome principally built of travertin, 208

Romney marsh, land gained from the sea, 278

Ronchi, old Roman bridge of, found buried in fluviatile silt, 237

Ross, Captain, on icebergs in Baffin's Bay, 109

Rostock, 229

Rotaro, Monte, of recent aspect, 327

____ structure of, 328

Rother, river, ancient vessel found in its old bed, 278

Runn, river in Bombay, subsidence of its channel, 406

Rye formerly destroyed by the sea, 278

SABINE, Captain, on the distance to which the waters of the Amazon discolour the sea, 292

____ on the velocity of the current crossing the mouth of the Amazon, 309

Sabrina, island of, 409

Saco, flood on the river, 193

Salamanca, university of, 69

Salt, remarks on its deposition in the Mediterranean, 297

Salt springs, in Sicily, 215

____ in Cheshire, 215

____ in Auvergne, 215

____ in Asia, 22

Samothracian deluge, 320

Sand, estuaries blocked up by blown, 269

____ cones of, thrown up during Calabrian earthquake, 428

____ blown, estuaries silted up by in Hampshire, &c., 300

Sanda, its promontory cut off by the sea, 263

Sandown Bay, excavated by the sea, 280

Sands of the Libyan desert, 301

Sandstone, old red, scales of fish found in the, 148

Sandwich land, perpetual snow in, down to the level of the sea beach, 110

San Filippo, travertin formed by the waters of the baths of, 203

____ medallions formed by the travertin at, 204

Santa Maura, earthquake in, 403

Santorin, geological structure of, 385

____ chart and section of, see woodcut No. 15, 385

Santorin, new islands in the gulf of, 386

____ depth of the sea near, 386

San Vignone, travertin of, 202

Saracens, learning of the, 21

Saussure on the Alps and Jura, 54

Saxony, errors of Werner in the geology of, 57

____ Werner on the basalts of, 58

Scandinavia represented as an island by the ancients, 227

Scarpellini, Professor at Rome, 69

Scheuchzer, account of his theory, 1708, 40

____ on the remodelling of the earth at the deluge, 40

Scheveningen, waste of the cliffs of, 287

Scilla on the nature of organic remains, 1670, 29

____ fall of the cliffs from the rock of, 429

____ irruption of the sea on the rock of, 430

Scoresby, Captain, on the Gulf stream, 108

____ on the quantity of ice which floats below surface, 111

____ on the formation of field ice, 119

Scotland, highest mountains not covered by perpetual snow in, 111

____ great floods in, August, 1829, 174

____ waste of the East coast of, 263

____ slight earthquakes felt in, 325

____ great thickness of alluvions in, 433

Scrope, Mr. G. P., on the excavation of valleys, 171

____ his account of the eruption of Vesuvius in 1822, 340

____ his account of the formation of the pisolitic globules at Pompeii, 351

____ on the eruption of Etna in 1811, 367

____ his account of the advance of the lava of 1819, 368

____ on the cause of the convexity of the plain of Malpais, 377

____ on Monte Somma, 394

____ on the columnar basalts of Vesuvius, 346

____ on the eruption of the Solfatara, 346

Scylax, Canopus an island in the time of, 238

Sea does not change its level but land, 18

____ said to diminish by Omar the Arabian, 21

____ encroachment of noticed by Ray, 36

____ Moro on the manner in which it acquired its saltness, 43

____ its influence on climate, 111

____ immense quantity of calcareous matter conveyed to the, 211

Sea, its encroachment on the Shetland isles, 259

____ on the E. coast of Scotland, 263

____ on the E. coast of England, 266

____ on the S. coast of England, 278

____ on the W. coast of England, 283

____ great rise of at Sumbawa during eruption, 404

____ earthquake of Lisbon felt at, 439

____ great rise of, during Lisbon earthquake, 439

____ cause of its retreat during earthquakes, 471

Seaford, its shingle bank swept away and town inundated, 279

Sea-ports, changes of level best seen in, 416

Secondary strata, Moro on the formation of, 43

____ time required for the formation of, 87

____ inference as to climate from the fossils of the, 100

____ organic remains of the, 150 Sedgwick, Professor, on the tertiary deposits of the Salzburg Alps, 136

____ on the Caithness schists, 148

____ on the Magnesian limestone, 205

Sediment, its distribution in the Adriatic, 237

____ in river water, 246

____ quantity of, in the Yellow river, 246

____ Rennell on the quantity of, in the Ganges, 247

____ of the Ganges compared to the lavas of Etna, 248

Seminara, new lake formed by earthquake near, 422

____ landslips near, 426

Sena, wood lapidified by the, 201

Seneca on a future deluge, 17

Serapis, temple of (see frontispiece), 449

____ ground plan of the environs of the, see woodcut No. 30, 450

____ Carelli, Signor, on the, 453

____ perforation of the columns of the, 453

____ date of its re-elevation, 456

Severn, rise of the tides in the estuary of the, 257

____ gain of laud on the borders of its estuary, 283

Shakspeare, cited, 149

Shakspeare's cliff decays rapidly, 276

Shales, bituminous, 219

Sheppey, isle of, organic remains of the, 153

____ rapid decay of the cliffs, 275

Sherringham, chalk cliffs undermined by the sea, 268

____ rate of encroachment at, 268

Shetland Islands, action of the sea on the, 259

____ rock masses drifted by the sea in, 259

____ effect of lightning on rocks in the, 260

____ passage forced by the sea in the, 261

____ action of the sea on the granitic rocks of, see woodcuts No. 9 and 10, 262

Siberia, Pallas on the mountains of, 54

____ Pallas on the fossil bones of, 54

____ Rhinoceros found by Pallas entire in the frozen soil of, 54

Siberian Mammoths, 97

Sicily, title deeds of monasteries in, refer to destruction of world, 24

____ organic remains of existing species found in, 94

____ change of submarine lavas of, into amygdaloids, 128

____ earthquake of, 1790, 411

____ great subsidence in, 411

____ sulphur, petroleum, &c. emitted by fissures in, 411

____ earthquakes in, 1693, 445

____ 100, 000 people killed in, 445

____ and Syria, alternations of earthquakes in, 322

Sidon, its ancient site two miles from the sea, 308

Sienese territory, Baldassari on the grouping of organic remains in the marls of the, 47

Sienna, fossil shells of, 94

Silex, deposited by the Geysers of Iceland, 213

____ deposited by the hot springs of Ischia, 214

____ deposited by springs in St. Michael's, 213

____ piles of Trajan's bridge converted into, 214

Siliceous springs of the Azores, 212

Silicification of Plants in St. Michael, 213

Silla, subsidence of the mountain, 407

Simeto, lava excavated by the, see diagram No. 3, 178

Sindree, subsidence of the fort and village of, houses not thrown down, 406

Skapta, river, its channel filled by lava, 372

Skaptar Jokul, eruption of in 1783, 372

____ volume of the lava-current of, 373

Sleswick, waste of the coast of, 289

S. Lio, on Etna, great fissures in the plain of, 364

Sloane, Sir Hans, on earthquake of 1692 in Jamaica, 446

S. Lucido, torrents of mud caused by earthquake near, 427

Smeaton, on the effect of winds on the surface of water, 257

Smith, agreement of his system with Werner's, 58

____ his 'Tabular view of the British strata,' 1790, 70

____ his Map of England, 70

____ priority of his arrangement, 71

____ adopted provincial names in his classifications, 71

Smyrna, volcanic country round, 322

Smyth, Capt., on the permanency of the level of the Mediterranean, 452

____ on the height of Etna, 361

____ on the depth of the Mediterranean opposite the mouth of the Rhone, 234

____ on the temperature of the Mediterranean (note), 53

Snow, height of perpetual in the Andes, 122

____ perpetual, height of in Himalaya mountains, 122

Sodom, catastrophe of mentioned by Hooke, 34

Solander on basalt of Hecla, 58

Soldani, theory of, 1780, 52

____ on microscopic testacea of Mediterranean, 52

____ alternation of marine and freshwater beds of Paris basin, first noticed by, 52

Solent, its channel becoming broader, 280

Solfatara, lake of the, carbonic acid in its waters, 207

____ a half-extinguished volcano, see woodcut No. 12, p. 336, 330

____ tradition of an eruption from the, 333

____ effects of the exhalations on its structure, 346

____ the temple of Serapis probably submerged during the eruption of the, 456

Solon on submersion of Island of Atlantis, 10

Somersetshire, land gained in, 283

Somma, great number of dikes in, 345

Sorbonne, Buffon's' Declaration made to the college of the, 48

Sorea, volcanic eruption in the island of, 445

Soriano, great fissures near, 416

Soriano, change of relative level at, 416

____ levelled to the ground by earthquakes in 1783, 425

____ landslips near, see woodcut No. 26, 425

South Carolina, earthquake of, 1811, 407

South Downs, waste of the plastic clay on the, 279

South Sea Islands, proportion of ferns to phanerogamic plants in, 123

Spada, his theory of marine remains, 1737, 42

Spain, earthquakes in the southern part of, 323

Spallanzani, on analogy of deposits of ancient and modern seas, 53

Spanish lake, 190

Species, re-creation of alluded to by Seneca, 17

Spheroidal structure of the travertin of San Filippo, 204

____ travertin of Tivoli, 208

Spina, ancient city in the delta of the Po, 236

Spitzbergen, animals inhabiting, 98

____ glaciers of, 109

Springs, Vallisneri on the origin of, 41

____ matter introduced into lakes and seas by, 90

____ transporting power of, 198

____ mineral ingredients in, 198

____ mineral, most abundant in volcanic regions, 199

____ temperature of, altered by earthquakes, 199

____ Michell, on the origin of mineral, 199

____ geographical distribution of, 200

____ calcareous, rise through all rock formations, 200

____ depositing sulphate of magnesia, 204

____ calcareous between the Caspian and Black Seas, 211

____ ferruginous, 214

____ brine, 215

____ waters of, affected by earthquakes in Calabria, 423

Spontaneous generation, theory of, 26

Spurn Point, its rapid decay, 266

____ will in time become an island, 267

Stabire, objects preserved in the buried city of, 358

St. Andrew's, land swept away by the sea, 265

Start Island, separated from Sanda by the sea, 263

Staunton, Sir George, on the quantity of sediment in the Yellow river, 246

____ his remarks on the time required to fill up the Yellow sea, 246

St. Domingo, subsidence of the coast of, during earthquake, 440

Steele, on Burnet's theory, 38

Stelluti, his theory of organic remains, 27

Steno, his theory, 1669, 27

____ fossil shells compared with their recent analogues by, 28

____ dissected a shark to compare with fossil, 28

____ his awe of popular prejudices, 28

Stephenson, his account of the eruption of 1783 in Iceland, 372

Steppes, Russian, geology of the, 320

St. Eubal's in Portugal, engulphed by earthquake, 439

Stevenson, Mr., his account of drift-stones thrown on the Bell Rock, 265

____ on the depth of the German ocean, 276

____ on the bed of the German ocean, 306

Stewart, Dugald, on the Egyptian theories of eternal succession, 156

__ on the uniformity of animal instinct, 161

St. Helena, height of the tides at, 257

St. Jago greatly injured by earthquake in 1822, 401

St. Maura, houses and men destroyed by earthquakes in 1783, in the island of, 414

St. Michael, siliceous springs of, 212

St. Michael's Mount, tradition of inroads of the sea at, 283

Stonesfield, opossum of, 103

Storm of November, 1824, effect of, 279, 280, 282

Stour and Avon, cliffs at their mouth constantly undermined, 280

Strabo, his theory of elevation by earthquakes, 18

____ his description of the delta of the Rhone, 232

____ his remark on Homer's account of Pharos, 238

____ on a volcanic eruption in Messina, 323

____ his account of the formation of the Isle of Procida, 327

____ on an eruption in Ischia, 327

Straits of Dover, Desmarest on the formation of, 277

____ their depth, 277

Straits of Staveren formed in the 13th century, 277, 288

Straits of Gibraltar, description of the currents in the, 296

____ supposed under-current in the, 298

____ are becoming wider, 299

Straits of Pauxis, tide of the Amazon still sensible at the, 291

Stralsund, 229

Strata formed by currents in the Mediterranean, 308

Stratification of new deposits in deltas, 253

____ of debris deposited by currents, see diagram No. 6, 254

____ of submarine volcanic products, 390 Strato, hypothesis of, 18

Stromboli, its appearance during Calabrian earthquakes, 430

St. Sebastian, overflowed by volcanic alluvions, 349

St. Vincent's, volcanic eruption in, 407

Subapennine shells, arranged in families as in the bed of the Adriatic, 47

____ proportion of living species among the, 94

____ better known than those existing in seas of northern regions, 151

Subapennine strata, mammiferous remains of the, 151

____ Baldassari on the, 51

____ Odoardi on the distinct age of the, 51

____ early theories of Italian geologists, concerning, 84

____ their relative age, see woodcut No. 1, 136

Submarine forests, in the estuaries of the Tay and Forth, 265

____ remarks on their origin, 270

____ of Lancashire, 283

Submarine lavas, compactness of, 128

Submarine volcanic rocks, character of, 390

Submarine volcanos, 391

Subsidence in the Island of Sumbawa, 405

____ of the channel of the Indus, during earthquake, 1819, 406

____ of the mountain Silla, 407

____ in the Caraccas, 1790, 411

____ in Sicily, 1790, 411

____ of the quay at Messina during the earthquake of 1783, 416

of houses in Catanzaro, without being injured, 426

of the quay at Lisbon, 438

of the coast of St. Domingo, 440

____ of the coast of Sicily, 445

____ in Jamaica, 446

____ numerous proofs of, in the Bay of Baiae, buildings not destroyed, 454

____ and elevation, proportion of, 476

____ greater than elevation, 477

Subterranean volcanic rocks, 397

Successive development of organic life, 144

Suffolk, cliffs undermined, 271

Suffolk, retreat of the sea on the coast of, 271

Sullivan's Island, land carried away by the sea at, 291

Sulphur Island, emits vapour, 318

Sumatra, linear direction of the volcanos in, 319

Sumbawa, volcanic eruption in the island of, 1815, 403

Sunderbunds, parts of the delta of the Ganges, 241

Sunderland, Professor Sedgwick on the magnesian limestone of, 205

Sussex, remarks on the weald formation of, 130

____ its coast constantly the prey of the sea, 279

Swanage Bay, excavated by the sea, 280

Swatch of no ground, description of, 242

____ its size and depth, 242

Sweden, shells of existing species found at great heights in, 230

____ free from earthquakes, 232

Symes, on petroleum springs of the Burman empire, 218

Syria, gain of land on its coasts, 308

____ earthquakes in, 321

____ and Sicily, earthquakes alternately in, 322

TABULAR view of the British strata, by Smith, 1790, 70

Tacitus on eruption of Vesuvius in 79, 331

Tangaran river, its channel stopped up by landslips, 444

Tagliamenta, delta of the, 236

____ conglomerate forming by the, 237

Tampico, sediment transported by, 310

Taormina, relative age of the limestone of, 126

Targioni on the geology of Tuscany, 49

____ on the origin of valleys, 49

____ on the fossil elephants of Italy, 49

____ found no difference in the deposits of hot and cold springs, 201

Tay, encroachment of the sea in its estuary, 264

Taylor, Mr. John, on the art of mining in England, 55

Taylor, Mr. R. C., on waste of Cromer Cliffs, 269

____ on gain of land on coast of Norfolk, 270

____ on the rise of the tides at Lowestoff, 272

Temperature, Raspe on the former high, of Europe, 52

____ of Adriatic, Fortis on, 53

____ of Mediterranean higher than that of sea without the Straits of Gibraltar, 53

Temperature, great changes in, 103

____ difference of, in places in the same latitudes, 106

____ causes of change in, 112

____ causes required to effect a general change in, 115

Temruk, violent earthquakes frequent round, 321

Teneriffe, its peak an active solfatara, 380

____ volcanic eruptions of, 380

____ lateral eruptions of, in 1706, 443

Terni, limestone forming near, 206

Terranuova, great subsidence near, 411

____ shift or fault in the Tower of, see woodcut No. 20, 417

____ great landslips near, 424

Tertiary marls, their thickness near Parma, 237

Tertiary strata, remarks on the deposition of the, 150

Testa on shells common to Mediterranean and equinoctial seas, 53

Testa and Fortis, letters of, on fossil fish of Monte Bolca, 53

Texel, waste of the islands at its mouth, 288

Teyda, peak of, a counterpart of Barren Island, 390

Thames, gain and loss of land in its estuary, 275

____ tide in its estuary longer in flowing down than up, 304

Thanet, Isle of, loss of land in, 276

____ rate of encroachment in the, 276

Thompson, Dr., on siliceous incrustations near Monte Vico, 214

Thrace always subject to earthquakes, 323

Thucydides, his account of the early eruptions of Etna, 364

Thuringerwald, Professor Sedgwick on the strata of, 133

Tibur, growth of its delta accelerated by carbonate of lime, 207

Tides, height of, in the Bay of Bengal, 242

____ their destroying and transporting power, 256

____ height to which they rise, 257

____ effect of winds on the, 257

____ in the Atlantic and Pacific, 293

____ in the Caribbean Sea, 293

Tiflis, numerous earthquakes in modern times at, 321

Tigris and Euphrates, their union a modern event, 252

____ Pliny's remark on the rapid gain of land at its mouth, 291

Tignaux, Tower of, in the delta of the Rhone, 233

Time, effects of prepossessions in regard to the duration of past, 76

____ every error as to quantity of, fatal to sound views in geology, 78

____ consequence of underrating the quantity of past, 80

____ great periods required to explain formation of secondary strata, 87

Tivoli, flood at, 196

Toledo, Signor, on the elevation of the coast of the Bay of Baiae, 457

Tomboro, volcano, great eruption from in 1815, 404

____ town of, submerged, 405

Torre del Greco, overflowed by lava, 358

____ town of, again built on its ancient site, 358

____ fertility of the country around, 358

____ columnar lavas of Vesuvius seen at, 345

Torre del Annunziata, columnar lava of Vesuvius seen at, 345

Torrents, action of, in widening valleys, 170

Torum, overwhelmed by the sea, 289

Tradition, of the submersion of the Lionnesse, 283

____ of great losses of land in Pembrokeshire, &c., 283

____ of the destruction of the southwestern part of Brittany, 284

Travertin, formed by the Elsa, 201

____ of San Vignone cut off by the river Oreia, see diagram No. 4, 202

____ of Hungary, 211

____ of San Filippo, 203

____ a foot of, formed in every four months at San Filippo, 204

____ spheroidal structure of, 204

____ comparison between, and the English magnesian limestone, 205

____ oolitic, recent formation of, in Lancerote, 384

Trezza, travertin formed by the spray of the sea on the rocks of, 384

Trinidad, subsidence in, and land replaced by a small pitch lake, 218

____ violently shaken by earthquakes, 437

Troil on the columnar basalt of Hecla, 58

Truncated volcanic cones, 392

Tunguragua volcano, 315

____ great mud eruption from, 410

Tunza river, its course changed by earthquake, 401

Tuscan geologists opposed to diluvial theory, 42

Tuscany, Steno on the geology of, 28

____ Targioni on the geology of, 49

____ calcareous springs of, 201

Tyre now far inland, 308

Tyrol, Dolomieu on the, 60

UDDEVALLA, M. Brongniart on the fossil shells of, 230

Ulloa, his diluvial theory, 441

Urmia, Lake, marble deposited from springs near, 211

____ its size, &c., 321

Universal formations of Werner, 57

Universal ocean, of Leibnitz, 40

____ adopted by Buffon and De Luc, 40

____ causes which led Vallisneri to believe in, 41

____ disproved by organic remain, 91

Unalaschka, new island thrown up near 409

Uniformity of Nature, 85, 105, 164, 311, 337

____ Playfair, on the, 86

____ Dr. Paley's remarks on the, 159

Uniformity of volcanic operations in Italy In ancient and modern times 337

____ of the action of earthquakes, 460

VAL D'ARNO, organic remains of the, 152

Val di Noto, Dolomieu on the strata of the, 60

____ submarine lavas of the, 325

Valecillo, water ejected through fissures during earthquakes in, 407

Vale of Gosau, Professor Sedgwick and Mr. Murchison on the tertiary deposits of the, 136

Valle das Furnas, hot springs of the, 213

Valley del Bove, lava of 1819 poured into the, 318

Valley of Calanna, lava of 1819 poured over the head of the, 368

Valleys, Targioni on the origin of, 49

____ De Luc's theory of the excavation of, 70

____ Hutton's theory of the excavation of, 70

____ excavation of, in Central France 176

____ matter transported by rivers almost all subtracted from, 249

____ the excavation of, greatly assisted by earthquakes, 431

Vallisneri on the origin of springs, 41

____ drew first sketch of marine deposits of Italy, 41

____ on the danger of connecting theories in physical science with the sacred writings, 41

____ contends against St. Jerome and others as to the origin of springs 41

____ universal ocean of, 41

____ contends against Woodward's diluvial theory, 42

Vallisneri, on primary rocks, 62

Valparaiso, soundings in the harbour of, changed by earthquake in 1822, 402

____ country round permanently elevated in 1822, to the height of three feet, 402

____ houses not thrown down when its coast was elevated, 455

Van Diemen's Land, climate of, 111

Veins, mineral, remarks on their formation, 423

Vera Cruz destroyed by earthquake, 443

Vernon, Rev. W. V., his memoir on bones of the mammoth, bison, &c., in Yorkshire, 96

Vernon, Rev. C.V., fossil saurian, &c., found in mountain limestone by, 129

Verona, petrifactions found at, 23

____ Spada on the fossils of, 42

____ Arduino on the mountains of, 49

Veronese, Majoli's remarks on the shells of the, 26

Vertebrated animals in the oldest strata, 147

Vesta, temple of, 197

Vesuvius, excavation of volcanic tuff on the side of, in 1822, 176

____ early history of, 330

____ recognised as a volcano by Strabo, 330

____ account of the great eruption, A.D. 79, 330

____ first recorded eruption of lava by, 333

____ eruption of 1631, 338

____ eruption of 1822, 340

____ depth of the crater of, 340

____ structure of the cone of, 341

____ dikes in, how formed, 342

____ probable section of, see woodcut No. 13, 344

____ mineralogical description of the lavas of, 345

____ columnar lavas of, 345

____ account of the minerals found in the lavas of, 347

Vetch, Capt., on the recent eruption of Jorullo, 379

Vevey, depth of lake of Geneva near, 222

Vicentin, Dolomieu on the, 60

____ Arduino on the submarine lavas of the, 85

Vicenza, Arduino on the mountains of, 49

Vienna, gypseous springs of, 212

Villa Franca, disintegration of primary boulders by carbonic acid at, 217

Villages, forty destroyed by one eruption in Java in 1772, 436

Villarica volcano in perpetual activity, 315

Virgil, cited, 157

Viterbo, travertin deposited at the Bulicami of, 206

Vito Amici on Moro's system, 46

Vivarais, Guettard on the basalts of the, 1775, 58

____ Faujas on the basaltic lavas of the, 1779, 58

Vivenzio, his account of the earthquake of Calabria in 1783, 412

____ on the filling up of valleys by landslips, 427

____ on the formation of lakes by landslips, 427

Volcanic vents, remarks on their position, 313

Volcanic regions, their geographical boundaries, 314

____ of the Andes, 314

____ extending from the Aleutian isles to the Moluccas, 317

____ of the old world, 318

Volcanic cones, truncation of, 392

Volcanic products, mineral composition of, 395

Volcanic rocks, subterranean, 397

Volcanic eruption, in Sumbawa, 1815, 403

____ in St. Vincent, 1812, 407

____ distance to which its explosions were heard, 407

Volcanic eruptions, causes of, 467

____ average number of per annum, 397

Volcanos, safety valves according to Strabo, 19

____ duration of past time proved by extinct, 88

____ extinct ones not to be included with those in activity, 325

____ destroying and renovating agency of the Campanian, 359

____ why most are near the sea, 468

Volcanos of Auvergne, Desmarest on their relative ages, 59

____ Montlosier on the, 1788, 60 Voltaire, his dislike of cultivators of geology, 65

____ bad faith of, on geological subjects, 66

____ his remarks on the systems or Burnet and Woodward, 66

____ on the discovery of fossil bones near Etampes, 66

Volterra, remarks of Mattani on the fossil shells of, 42

Von Buch, shells of existing species in Sweden found at great heights by, 230

____ his theory of the gradual rising of the shores of the Baltic, 231

____ his account of the volcanic eruption in Lancerote, 381

____ his theory of elevation craters considered, 386

Von Buch, on the new island thrown up near Kamtschatka, 408

Vulcanists, persecution of, in England, 67

____ and Neptunists, factions of, 60

WAAL, river, 286

Water, action of running, 168

____ its power on freezing, 169

____ solvent power of, 169

____ excavating power of, 170

____ transporting power of, 171

____ velocity of running, greatest at surface and least at bottom, 172

____ its power in moving stones, 174

Wallerius, theory of, 53

Wallich, Dr., fossils in Ava discovered by, 33

Walton Naze, cliffs annually undermined, 275

Warp of the Humber, stratification of the, 254

Warton, his eulogy on Burnet, 38

Weald clay, on the formation of the, 134

Webster, Dr., on the hot springs of Furnas, 213

Webster, Mr., on the decay of the chalk cliffs of Sussex, 278

Weddell, Captain, high latitude reached by in the antarctic circle, 109

Werner, Professor of mineralogy at Freyberg, 1775, 55

____ geognosy of, 55

____ applied geology to the art of mining, 55

____ excursive character of his lectures, 56

____ his sweeping generalizations, 56

____ faith of his scholars in his doctrines, 56

____ his views eventually prejudicial to the progress of geology, 56

____ universal formations of, 56

____ his errors in the geology of his own country, 57

____ on the granite of the Hartz mountains, 57

____ principal merit of the system of, 57

____ his erroneous theory of basalt, 58

____ his observations on basalt confined to Saxony and Hesse, 58

____ taught that there were no volcanos in the primeval ages, 58

____ technical terms of, 71

Wernerian errors, why adopted in England, 60

West Indian isles, active volcanos in, 317

West Indies, Hooke on an earthquake in the, 34

____ earthquake of Lisbon felt in, 439

Weymouth, height to which the tide rises at, 257

Whirlwinds violent during the eruption of Tomboro in Sumbawa, 404

Whiston, his Theory of the Earth, 38

____ proposed a new interpretation of Genesis, 39

____ his theory panegyrised by Locke, 39

____ attacked and refuted by Keill, 39

White Mountains, landslips in the, 193

Whitehurst, theory of, 1778, 53

____ on the rocks of Derbyshire, 53

____ on the depth to which the quay at Lisbon subsided, 439

Williams, his Natural History of the mineral kingdom, 1789, 67

____ misrepresents Hutton's theory, 67

Winchelsea destroyed by the sea, 278

Winds, trade, 118

Winds, currents caused by the, 257

____ sand drifted by the, 300

Wismar, 229

Wollaston, Dr., on the water of the Mediterranean, 296

Wood, dicotyledonous, in the coal strata of Northumberland, 147

____ in the graywacke of Cork, 147

Woodward, his theory of the Earth, 1695, 36

____ all geological phenomena referred by, to the creation and deluge, 37

____ Ray's remarks on, 37

____ his theory ridiculed by Hutchinson, 40

____ Voltaire's remarks on the theory of, 66

Woodwardian theory, 80

____ Vallisneris's remarks on the, 41

XANTHUS, the Lydian, his theory, 18

YARMOUTH, sea does not encroach at, 269

____ large estuary silted up, 270

____ rise of the tide at, 270

Yellow river, Sir G. Staunton on the quantity of sediment in the, 246

Yorkshire, bones of the mammoth found in, 96

____ Pennant's account of the invasion of its coasts by the sea, 266

____ its coast continually wasting, 266

ZANTE, earthquakes in the island of in 1783, 414

Zingst, peninsula converted into an island, 295

Zuyder Zee, account of its formation, 288
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Re: Principles of Geology, by Charles Lyell

Postby admin » Fri Jul 17, 2015 12:54 am

View of the Valle del Bove Etna


"The inhabitants of the globe, like all the other parts of it, are subject to change. It is not only the individual that perishes, but whole species."

"A change in the animal kingdom seems to be part of the order of nature, and is visible in instances to which human power cannot have extended." -- PLAYFAIR, Illustrations of the Huttonian Theory, § 413.


Stamford Street.



In dedicating this volume to you, I am glad of an opportunity of acknowledging the kind interest which you have uniformly taken in the success of my labours, and the valuable assistance which you have afforded me in several departments of Natural History.

I am,
My Dear Friend,
Yours, very sincerely,
London, December 8th, 1831.


THE author has found it impossible to compress into two volumes, according to his original plan, the wide range of subjects which must be discussed, in order fully to explain his views respecting the causes of geological phenomena. As it will, therefore, be necessary to extend the " Principles of Geology" to three volumes, he prefers the publication of the present part without delay, because it brings to a close one distinct branch of the inquiry, the study of which will be found absolutely essential to the understanding of the theories hereafter to be proposed. Considerable progress has already been made in the remainder of the work, which will shortly be laid before the public.

London, December 8th, 1831.


• Front Matter
• Chapter 1: Changes of the Organic World now in progress – Division of the Subject – Examination of the question, Whether Species have a real existence in Nature? – Importance of this question in Geology – Sketch of Lamarck's arguments in favour of the Transmutation of Species, and his conjectures respecting the Origin of existing Animals and Plants – His Theory of the transformation of the Orang Outang into the Human Species
• Chapter 2: Recapitulation of the arguments in favour of the theory of transmutation of species – Their insufficiency – The difficulty of discriminating species mainly attributable to a defective knowledge of their history – Some mere varieties possibly more distinct than certain individuals of distinct species – Variability in a species consistent with a belief that the limits of deviation are fixed – No facts of transmutation authenticated – Varieties of the Dog – The Dog and Wolf distinct Species – Mummies of various animals from Egypt identical in character with living individuals – Seeds and plants from the Egyptian tombs – Modifications produced in plants by agriculture and gardening
• Chapter 3: Variability of a species compared to that of an individual – Species which are susceptible of modification may be altered greatly in a short time, and in a few generations; after which they remain stationary – The animals now subject to man had originally an aptitude to domesticity – Acquired peculiarities which become hereditary have a close connexion with the habits or instincts of the species in a wild state – Some qualities in certain animals have been conferred with a view of their relation to man – Wild elephant domesticated in a few years, but its faculties incapable of further development
• Chapter 4: Consideration of the question whether species have a real existence in nature, continued – Phenomena of hybrids – Hunter's opinions as to mule animals – Mules not strictly intermediate between the parent species – Hybrid plants – Experiments of Kölreuter – The same repeated by Wiegmann – Vegetable hybrids prolific throughout several generations – Why so rare in a wild state – Decandolle's opinion respecting hybrid plants – The phenomena of hybrids confirms the doctrine of the permanent distinctness of species – Theory of the gradation in the intelligence of animals as indicated by the facial angle – Discovery of Tieddemann that the brain of the foetus in mammalia assumes successively the form of the brain of a fish, reptile, and bird – Bearing of this discovery on the theory of progressive development and transmutation – Recapitulation
• Chapter 5: Laws which regulate the geographical distribution of species – Analogy of climate not attended with identity of species – Botanical geography – Stations – Habitations – Distinct provinces of indigenous plants – Vegetation of islands – Marine vegetation – In what manner plants become diffused – Effects of wind, rivers, marine currents – Agency of animals – Many seeds pass through the stomachs of animals and birds undigested – Agency of man in the dispersion of plants, both voluntary and involuntary – Its analogy to that of the inferior animals
• Chapter 6: Geographical distribution of Animals – Buffon on the specific distinctness of the quadrupeds of the old and new world – Different regions of indigenous mammalia – Quadrupeds in islands – Range of the Cetacea – Dissemination of quadrupeds – Their powers of swimming – Migratory instincts – Drifting of quadrupeds on ice-floes – On floating islands of drift-timber – Migrations of Cetacea – Habitations of Birds – Their migrations and facilities of diffusion – Distribution of Reptiles and their powers of dissemination
• Chapter 7: Geographical distribution and migrations of fish – Of testacea – Causes which limit the extension of many species – Their mode of diffusion – Geographical range of zoophytes – Their powers of dissemination – Distribution of insects – Migratory instincts of some species – Certain types characterize particular countries – Their means of dissemination – Geographical distribution and diffusion of man – Speculations as to the birth-place of the human species – Progress of human population – Drifting of canoes to vast distances – On the involuntary influence of man in extending the range of many other species
• Chapter 8: Theories respecting the original introduction of species – Proposal of an hypothesis on this subject – Supposed centres or foci of creation – Why the distinct provinces of animals and plants have not become more blended together – Brocchi's speculations on the loss of species – Stations of plants and animals – Complication of causes on which they depend – Stations of plants, how affected by animals – Equilibrium in the number of Species, how preserved – Peculiar efficacy of insects in this task – Rapidity with which certain insects multiply, or decrease in numbers – Effect of omnivorous animals in preserving the equilibrium of species – Reciprocal influence of aquatic and terrestrial species on each other
• Chapter 9: The circumstances which constitute the Stations of Animals are changeable – Extension of the range of one species alters the condition of others – Supposed effects which may have followed the first entrance of the Polar Bears into Iceland – The first appearance of a new species in a region causes the chief disturbance – Changes known to have resulted from the advance of human population – Whether man increases the productive powers of the earth – Indigenous Quadrupeds and Birds of Great Britain known to have been extirpated – Extinction of the Dodo – Rapid propagation of the domestic Quadrupeds over the American Continent – Power of exterminating species no prerogative of Man – Concluding Remarks
• Chapter 10: Influence of inorganic causes in changing the habitations of species – Powers of diffusion indispensable, that each species may maintain its ground – How changes in the physical geography affect the distribution of species – Rate of the change of species cannot be uniform, however regular the action of the inorganic causes – Illustration derived from subsidences by earthquakes – From the elevation of land by the same – From the formation of new islands – From the wearing through of an isthmus – Each change in the physical geography of large regions must occasion the extinction of species – Effects of a general alteration of climate on the migration of species – Gradual refrigeration causes species in the northern and southern hemispheres to become distinct – Elevation of temperature the reverse – Effects in the distribution of species which must result from vicissitudes in climate inconsistent with the theory of transmutation
• Chapter 11: Theory of the successive extinction of species consistent with their limited geographical distribution – The discordance in the opinions of botanists respecting the centres from which plants have been diffused may arise from changes in physical geography subsequent to the origin of living species – Whether there are grounds for inferring that the loss from time to time of certain animals and plants is compensated by the introduction of new species? – Whether any evidence of such new creations could be expected within the historical era, even if they had been as frequent as cases of extinction? – The question whether the existing species have been created in succession can only be decided by reference to geological monuments
• Chapter 12: Effects produced by the powers of vitality on the state of the earth's surface – Modifications in physical geography caused by organic beings on dry land inferior to those caused in the subaqueous regions – Why the vegetable soil does not augment in thickness – Organic matter drifted annually to the sea, and buried in subaqueous strata – Loss of nourishment from this source, how supplied – The theory, that vegetation is an antagonist power counterbalancing the degradation caused by running water, untenable – That the igneous causes are the true antagonist powers, and not the action of animal and vegetable life – Conservative influence of vegetation – Its bearing on the theory of the formation of valleys, and on the age of the cones of certain extinct volcanos – Rain diminished by the felling of forests – Distribution of the American forests dependent on the direction of the predominant winds – Influence of man in modifying the physical geography of the globe
• Chapter 13: Effects produced by the action of animal and vegetable life on the material constituents of the earth's crust – Imbedding of organic remains in deposits on emerged land – Growth of Peat – Peat abundant in cold and humid climates – Site of many ancient forests in Europe now occupied by Peat – Recent date of many of these changes – Sources of Bog iron-ore – Preservation of animal substances in Peat – Causes of its antiseptic property – Miring of quadrupeds – Bursting of the Solway Moss – Bones of herbivorous quadrupeds found in Peat – Imbedding of animal remains in Caves and Fissures – Formation of bony breccias – Human bones and pottery intermixed with the remains of extinct quadrupeds in caves in the South of France – Inferences deducible from such associations
• Chapter 14: Imbedding of organic remains in alluvium and the ruins caused by landslips – Effects of sudden inundations – Of landslips – Terrestrial animals most abundantly preserved in alluvium and landslips, where earthquakes prevail – Erroneous theories which may arise from overlooking this circumstance – On the remains of works of art included in alluvial deposits – Imbedding of organic bodies and human remains in blown sand – Temple of Ipsambul on the Nile – Dried carcasses of animals buried in the sands of the African deserts – Towns overwhelmed by sand-floods in England and France – Imbedding of organic bodies and works of art in volcanic formations on the land – Cities and their inhabitants buried by showers of ejected matter – by lava – In tuffs or mud composed of volcanic sand and ashes
• Chapter 15: Imbedding of organic remains in subaqueous deposits – Division of the subject – Phenomena relating to terrestrial animals and plants first considered – Wood sunk to a great depth in the sea instantly impregnated with salt-water – Experiments of Scoresby – Drift timber carried by the Mackenzie into Slave Lake and into the sea – Cause of the abundance of drift timber in this river – Floating trees in the Mississippi – In the Gulf stream – Immense quantity thrown upon the coast of Iceland, Spitzbergen, and Labrador – Imbedding of the remains of insects – Of the remains of reptiles – Why the bones of birds are so rare in subaqueous deposits – Imbedding of terrestrial quadrupeds – Effects of a flood in the Solway Firth – Wild horses annually drowned in the savannahs of South America – Skeletons in recent shell marl – Drifting of mammiferous and other remains by tides and currents
• Chapter 16: Imbedding of the remains of man and his works in subaqueous strata – Drifting of bodies to the sea by river-inundations – Destruction of bridges and houses – Burial of human bodies in the sea – Loss of lives by shipwreck – Circumstances under which human corpses may be preserved under a great thickness of recent deposits – Number of wrecked vessels – Durable character of many of their contents – Examples of fossil skeletons of men – Of fossil canoes, ships, and works of art – Of the chemical changes which certain metallic instruments have undergone after long submergence – Effects of the subsidence of land in imbedding cities and forests in subaqueous strata – Earthquake of Cutch in 1819 – Submarine forests – Berkely's arguments for the recent date of the creation of man – Concluding remarks
• Chapter 17: Imbedding of aquatic species in subaqueous strata – Inhumation of freshwater plants and animals – Shell marl – Fossilized seed-vessels and stems of Chara – Recent deposits in the American lakes – Fresh-water species drifted into seas and estuaries – Lewes levels – Alternations of marine and freshwater strata, how caused – Imbedding of marine plants and animals – Cetacea stranded on our shores – Their remains should be more conspicuous in marine alluvium than the bones of land quadrupeds – Liability of littoral and estuary testacea to be swept into the deep sea – Effects of a storm in the Frith of Forth – Burrowing shells secured from the ordinary action of waves and currents – Living testacea found at considerable depths
• Chapter 18: Formation of coral reefs – They are composed of shells as well as corals – Conversion of a submerged reef into an island – Extent and thickness of coral formations – The Maldiva isles – Growth of coral not rapid – Its geological importance – Circular and oval forms of coral islands – Shape of their lagoons – Causes of their peculiar configuration – Openings into the lagoons – Why the windward side both in islands and submerged reefs is higher than the leeward – Stratification of coral formations – Extent of some reefs in the Pacific – That the subsidence by earthquakes in the Pacific exceeds the elevation due to the same cause – Elizabeth, or Henderson's Island – Coral and shell limestones now in progress, exceed in area any known group of ancient rocks – The theory that all limestone is of animal origin, considered – The hypothesis that the quantity of calcareous matter has been and is still on the increase, controverted
• Description of the Plates and Map
• Index


Frontispiece, for Montagnola read Montagnuola
Page 39, line 2 from the bottom, for excusively read exclusively
131 -- 14 -- top -- Hypnum -- Sphagnum
147 -- 21 -- top, dele of.
178 -- 8 -- top, for even read ever.
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Re: Principles of Geology, by Charles Lyell

Postby admin » Fri Jul 17, 2015 12:55 am


Changes of the Organic World now in progress – Division of the Subject – Examination of the question, Whether Species have a real existence in Nature? – Importance of this question in Geology – Sketch of Lamarck's arguments in favour of the Transmutation of Species, and his conjectures respecting the Origin of existing Animals and Plants – His Theory of the transformation of the Orang Outang into the Human Species

IN our first volume we treated of the changes which have taken place in the inorganic world within the historical era, and we must next turn our attention to those now in progress in the animate creation. In examining this class of phenomena, we shall treat first of the vicissitudes to which species are subject, and afterwards consider the influence of the powers of vitality in modifying the surface of the earth and the material constituents of its crust.

The first of these divisions will lead us, among other topics, to inquire, first, whether species have a real and permanent existence in nature; or whether they are capable, as some naturalists pretend, of being indefinitely modified in the course of a long series of generations? Secondly, whether, if species have a real existence, the individuals composing them have been derived originally from many similar stocks, or each from one only, the descendants of which have spread themselves gradually from a particular point over the habitable lands and waters? Thirdly, how far the duration of each species of animal and plant is limited by its dependance on certain fluctuating and temporary conditions in the state of the animate and inanimate world? Fourthly, whether there be proofs of the successive extermination of species in the ordinary course of nature, and whether there be any reason for conjecturing that new animals and plants are created from time to time, to supply their place?

Before we can advance a step in our proposed inquiry, we must be able to define precisely the meaning which we attach to the term species. This is even more necessary in geology than in the ordinary studies of the naturalist; for they who deny that such a thing as a species exists, concede nevertheless that a botanist or zoologist may reason as if the specific character were constant, because they confine their observations to a brief period of time. Just as the geographer, in constructing his maps from century to century, may proceed as if the apparent places of the fixed stars remained absolutely the same, and as if no alteration was brought about by the precession of the equinoxes, so it is said in the organic world, the stability of a species may be taken as absolute, if we do not extend our views beyond the narrow period of human history; but let a sufficient number of centuries elapse, to allow of important revolutions in climate, physical geography, and other circumstances, and the characters, say they, of the descendants of common parents may deviate indefinitely from their original type.

Now, if these doctrines be tenable, we are at once presented with a principle of incessant change in the organic world, and no degree of dissimilarity in the plants and animals which may formerly have existed, and are found fossil, would entitle us to conclude that they may not have been the prototypes and progenitors of the species now living. Accordingly, M. Geoffroy St. Hilaire has declared his opinion, that there has been an uninterrupted succession in the animal kingdom effected by means of generation, from the earliest ages of the world up to the present day; and that the ancient animals whose remains have been preserved in the strata, however different, may nevertheless have been the ancestors of those now in being. Although this notion is not generally received, we feel that we are not warranted in assuming the contrary, without fully explaining the data and reasoning by which we conceive it may be refuted.

We shall begin by stating as concisely as possible all the facts and ingenious arguments by which the theory has been supported, and for this purpose we cannot do better than offer the reader a rapid sketch of Lamarck's statement of the proofs which he regards as confirmatory of the doctrine, and which he has derived partly from the works of his predecessors, and in part from original investigations.

We shall consider his proofs and inferences in the order in which they appear to have influenced his mind, and point out some of the results to which he was led while boldly following out his principles to their legitimate consequences.

The name of species, observes Lamarck, has been usually applied to 'every collection of similar individuals, produced by other individuals like themselves.' [1] This definition, he admits, is correct, because every living individual bears a very close resemblance to those from which it springs. But this is not all which is usually implied by the term species, for the majority of naturalists agree with Linnaeus in supposing that all the individuals propagated from one stock have certain distinguishing characters in common 'which will never vary, and which have remained the same since the creation of each species.

In order to shake this opinion, Lamarck enters upon the following line of argument. The more we advance in the knowledge of the different organized bodies which cover the surface of the globe, the more our embarrassment increases, to determine what ought to be regarded as a species, and still more how to limit and distinguish genera. In proportion as our collections are enriched, we see almost every void filled up, and all our lines of separation effaced; we are reduced to arbitrary determinations, and are sometimes fain to seize upon the slight differences of mere varieties, in order to form characters for what we choose to call a species, and sometimes we are induced to pronounce individuals but slightly differing, and which others regard as true species, to be varieties.

The greater the abundance of natural objects assembled together, the more do we discover proofs that everything passes by insensible shades into something else; that even the more remarkable differences are evanescent, and that nature has, for the most part, left us nothing at our disposal for establishing distinctions, save trifling and, in some respects, puerile particularities.

We find that many genera amongst animals and plants are of such an extent, in consequence of the number of species referred to them, that the study and determination of these last has become almost impracticable. When the species are arranged in a series, and placed near to each other, with due regard to their natural affinities, they each differ in so minute a degree from those next adjoining, that they almost melt into each other, and are in a manner confounded together. If we see isolated species, we may presume the absence of some more closely connected, and which have not yet been discovered. Already are there genera, and even entire orders, nay, whole classes, which present an approximation to the state of things here indicated.

If, when species have been thus placed in a regular series, we select one, and then, making a leap over several intermediate ones, we take a second, at some distance from the first, these two will, on comparison, be seen to be very dissimilar; and it is in this manner that every naturalist begins to study the objects which are at his own door. He then finds it an easy task to establish generic and specific distinctions; and it is only when his experience is enlarged, and when he has made himself master of the intermediate links, that his difficulties and ambiguities begin. But while we are thus compelled to resort to trifling and minute characters in our attempt to separate species, we find a striking disparity between individuals which we know to have descended from a common stock, and these newly- acquired peculiarities are regularly transmitted from one generation to another, constituting what are called races.

From a great number of facts, continues the author, we learn that, in proportion as the individuals of one of our species change their situation, climate, and manner of living, they change also, by little and little, the consistence and proportions of their parts, their form, their faculties, and even their organization, in such a manner, that everything in them comes at last to participate in the mutations to which they have been exposed. Even in the same climate a great difference of situation and exposure causes individuals to vary; but if these individuals continue to live and to be reproduced under the same difference of circumstances, distinctions are brought about in them which become in some degree essential to their existence. In a word, at the end of many successive generations, these individuals, which originally belonged to another species, are transformed into a new and distinct species. [2]

Thus, for example, if the seeds of a grass, or any other plant which grows naturally in a moist meadow, be accidentally transported, first to the slope of some neighbouring hill, where the soil, although at a greater elevation, is damp enough to allow the plant to live; and if, after having lived there, and having been several times regenerated, it reaches by degrees the drier and almost arid soil of a mountain declivity, it will then, if it succeeds in growing and perpetuates itself for a series of generations, be so changed that botanists who meet with it will regard it as a particular species. [3] The unfavourable climate in this case,. deficiency of nourishment, exposure to the winds, and other causes, give rise to a stunted and dwarfish race, with some organs more developed than others, and having proportions often quite peculiar.

What nature brings about in a great lapse of time we occasion suddenly by changing the circumstances in which a species has been accustomed to live. All are aware that vegetables taken from their birth-place and cultivated in gardens, undergo changes which render them no longer recognizable as the same plants. Many which were naturally hairy become smooth or nearly so; a great number of such as were creepers and trailed along the ground, rear their stalks and grow erect. Others lose their thorns or asperities; others again, from the ligneous state which their stem possessed in hot climates' where they were indigenous, pass to the herbaceous, and, among them, some which were perennials become mere annuals. So well do botanists know the effects of such changes of circumstances, that they are averse to describe species from garden specimens, unless they are sure that they have been cultivated for a very short period.

'Is not the cultivated wheat,' (Triticum sativum) asks Lamarck, 'a vegetable brought by man into the state in which we now see it? Let anyone tell me in what country a similar plant grows wild, unless where it has escaped from cultivated fields? Where do we find in nature our cabbages, lettuces, and other culinary vegetables, in the state in which they appear in our gardens? Is it not the same in regard to a great quantity of animals which domesticity has changed or considerably modified?' [4] Our domestic fowls and pigeons are unlike any wild birds. Our domestic ducks and geese have lost the faculty of raising themselves into the higher regions of the air, and crossing extensive countries in their flight, like the wild ducks and wild geese from which they were originally derived. A bird which we breed in a cage cannot, when restored to liberty, fly like others of the same species which have been always free. This small alteration of circumstances, however, has only diminished the power of flight, without modifying the form of any part of the wings. But when individuals of the same race are retained in captivity during a considerable length of time, the form even of their parts is gradually made to differ, especially if climate, nourishment, and other circumstances, be also altered.

The numerous races of dogs which we have produced by domesticity are nowhere to be found in a wild state. In nature we should seek in vain for mastiffs, harriers, spaniels, greyhounds, and other races, between which the differences are sometimes so great, that they would be readily admitted as specific between wild animals; 'yet all these have sprung originally from a single race, at first approaching very near to a wolf, if, indeed, the wolf be not the true type which at some period or other was domesticated by man.'

Although important changes in the nature of the places which they inhabit modify the organization of animals as well as vegetables, yet the former, says Lamarck, require more time to complete a considerable degree of transmutation, and, consequently, we are less sensible of such occurrences. Next to a diversity of the medium in which animals or plants may live, the circumstances which have most influence in modifying their organs are differences in exposure, climate, the nature of the soil, and other local particulars. These circumstances are as varied as are the characters of species, and, like them, pass by insensible shades into each other, there being every intermediate gradation between the opposite extremes. But each locality remains for a very long time the same, and is altered so slowly that we can only become conscious of the reality of the change, by consulting geological monuments, by which we learn that the order of things which now reigns in each place has not always prevailed, and by inference anticipate that it will not always continue the same. [5]

Every considerable alteration in the local circumstances in which each race of animals exists, causes a change in their wants, and these new wants excite them to new actions and habits. These actions require the more frequent employment of some parts before but slightly exercised, and then greater development follows as a consequence of their more frequent use. Other organs no longer in use are impoverished and diminished in size, nay, are sometimes entirely annihilated, while in their place new parts are insensibly produced for the discharge of new functions. [6]

We must here interrupt the author's argument, by observing that no positive fact is cited to exemplify the substitution of some entirely new sense, faculty, or organ, in the room of some other suppressed as useless. All the instances adduced go only to prove that the dimensions and strength of members and the perfection of certain attributes may, in a long succession of generations, be lessened and enfeebled by disuse; or, on the contrary, be matured and augmented by active exertion, just as we know that the power of scent is feeble in the greyhound, while its swiftness of pace and its acuteness of sight are remarkable-that the harrier and stag-hound, on the contrary, are comparatively slow in their movements, but excel in the sense of smelling.

We point out to the reader this important chasm in the chain of the evidence, because he might otherwise imagine that we had merely omitted the illustrations for the sake of brevity, but the plain truth is, that there were no examples to be found; and when Lamarck talks 'of the efforts of internal sentiment,' 'the influence of subtle fluids,' and the 'acts of organization,' as causes whereby animals and plants may acquire new organs, he gives us names for things, and with a disregard to the strict rules of induction, resorts to fictions, as ideal as the 'plastic virtue,' and other phantoms of the middle ages.

It is evident, that if some well authenticated facts could have been adduced to establish one complete step in the process of transformation, such as the appearance, in individuals descending from a common stock, of a sense or organ entirely new, and a complete disappearance of some other enjoyed by their progenitors, that time alone might then be supposed sufficient to bring about any amount of metamorphosis. The gratuitous assumption, therefore, of a point so vital to the theory of transmutation, was unpardonable on the part of its advocate.

But to proceed with the system; it being assumed as an undoubted fact, that a change of external circumstances may cause one organ to become entirely obsolete, and a new one to be developed such as never before belonged to the species, the following proposition is announced, which, however staggering and absurd it may seem, is logically deduced from the assumed premises. "It is not the organs, or, in other words, the nature and form of the parts of the body of an animal which have given rise to its habits, and its particular faculties, but on the contrary, its habits, its manner of living, and those of its progenitors have in the course of time determined the form of its body, the number and condition of its organs, in short, the faculties which it enjoys. Thus otters, beavers, water-fowl, turtles, and frogs, were not made web-footed in order that they might swim; but their wants having attracted them to the water in search of prey, they stretched out the toes of their feet to strike the water and move rapidly along its surface. By the repeated stretching of their toes, the skin which united them at the base acquired a habit of extension, until in the course of time the broad membranes which now connect their extremities were formed.

In like manner the antelope and the gazelle were not endowed with light agile forms, in order that they might escape by flight from carnivorous animals; but having been exposed to the danger of being devoured by lions, tigers, and other beasts of prey, they were compelled to exert themselves in running with great celerity, a habit which, in the course of many generations, gave rise to the peculiar slenderness of their legs, and the agility and elegance of their forms.

The cameleopard was not gifted with a long flexible neck because it was destined to live in the interior of Africa, where the soil was arid and devoid of herbage, but being reduced by the nature of that country to support itself on the foliage of lofty trees, it contracted a habit of stretching itself up to reach the high boughs, until its fore-legs became longer than the hinder, and its neck so elongated, that it could raise its head to the height of twenty feet above the ground."

Another line of argument is then entered upon, in farther corroboration of the instability of species. In order it is said that individuals should perpetuate themselves unaltered by generation, those belonging to one species ought never to ally themselves to those of another: but such sexual unions do take place, both among plants and animals; and although the offspring of such irregular connexions are usually sterile, yet such is not always the case. Hybrids have sometimes proved prolific where the disparity between the species was not too great; and by this means alone, says Lamarck, varieties may gradually be created by near alliances, which would become races" and in the course of time would constitute what we term species. [7]

But if the soundness of all these arguments and inferences be admitted, we are next to inquire, what were the original types of form, organization, and instinct, from which the diversities of character, as now exhibited by animals and plants, have been derived ? We know that individuals which are mere varieties of the same species, would, if their pedigree could be traced back far enough, terminate in a single stock; so according to the train of reasoning before described, the species of a genus, and even the genera of a great family, must have had a common point of departure. What then was the single stem from which so many varieties of form have ramified? Were there many of these, or are we to refer the origin of the whole animate creation, as the Egyptian priests did that of the universe, to a single egg?

In the absence of any positive data for framing a theory on so obscure a subject, the following considerations were deemed of importance to guide conjecture.

In the first place, if we examine the whole series of known animals, from one extremity to the other, when they are arranged in the order of their natural relations, we find that we may pass progressively, or at least with very few interruptions, from beings of more simple to those of a more compound structure; and in proportion as the complexity of their organization increases, the number and dignity of their faculties increase also. Among plants a similar approximation to a graduated scale of being is apparent. Secondly, it appears from geological observations, that plants and animals of more simple organization existed on the globe before the appearance of those of more compound structure, and the latter were successively formed at later periods: each new race being more fully developed than the most perfect of the preceding era.

Of the truth of the last-mentioned geological theory, Lamarck seems to have been fully persuaded; and he also shews that he was deeply impressed with a belief prevalent amongst the older naturalists, that the primeval ocean invested the whole planet long after it became the habitation of living beings, and thus he was inclined to assert the priority of the types of marine animals to those of the terrestrial, and to fancy, for example, that the testacea of the ocean existed first, until some of them, by gradual evolution, were improved into those inhabiting the land.

These speculative views had already been, in a great degree, anticipated by Delametherie in his Teliamed, and by several modern writers, so that the tables were completely turned on the philosophers of antiquity, with whom it was a received maxim, that created things were always most perfect when they came first from the hands of their Maker, and that there was a tendency to progressive deterioration in sublunary things when left to themselves --

------- omnia fatis
In pejus ruere, ac retro sublapsa referri.

So deeply was the faith of the ancient schools of philosophy imbued with this doctrine, that to check this universal proneness to degeneracy, nothing less than the re-intervention of the Deity was thought adequate; and it was held, that thereby the order, excellence, and pristine energy of the moral and physical world had been repeatedly restored.

But when the possibility of the indefinite modification of individuals descending from common parents was once assumed, as also the geological generalization respecting the progressive development of organic li£e, it was natural that the ancient dogma should be rejected, or rather reversed; and that the most simple and imperfect forms and faculties should be conceived to have been the originals whence all others were developed. Accordingly, in conformity to these views, inert matter was supposed to have been first endowed with life; until in the course of ages, sensation was superadded to mere vitality: sight, hearing, and the other senses, were afterwards acquired; and then instinct and the mental faculties; until, finally, by virtue of the tendency of things to progressive improvement, the irrational was developed into the rational.

The reader, however, will immediately perceive, that if all the higher orders of plants and animals were thus supposed to be comparatively modern, and to have been derived in a long series of generations from those of more simple conformation, some further hypothesis became indispensable, in order to explain why, after an indefinite lapse of ages, there were still so many beings of the simplest structure. Why have the majority of existing creatures remained stationary throughout this long succession of epochs, while others have made such prodigious advances? Why are there still such multitudes of infusoria and polypes, or of confervae and other cryptogamic plants? Why, moreover, has the process of development acted with such unequal and irregular force on those classes of beings which have been greatly perfected, so that there are wide chasms in the series; gaps so enormous, that Lamarck fairly admits we can never expect to fill them up by future discoveries?

The following hypothesis was provided to meet these objections. Nature, we are told, is not an intelligence, nor the Deity, but a delegated power-a mere instrument-a piece of mechanism acting by necessity-an order of things constituted by the Supreme Being, and subject to laws which are the expressions of his will. This nature is obliged to proceed gradually in all her operations; she cannot produce animals and plants of all classes at once, but must always begin by the formation of the most simple kinds; and out of them elaborate the more compound" adding to them successively, different systems of organs, and multiplying more and more their number and energy.

This Nature is daily engaged in the formation of the elementary rudiments of animal and vegetable existence, which correspond to what the ancients termed spontaneous generations. She is always beginning anew, day by day, the work of creation, by forming monads, or 'rough draughts' (ebauches), which are the only living things she ever gives birth to directly.

There are distinct primary rudiments of plants and animals, and probably of each of the great divisions of the animal and vegetable kingdoms. [8] These are gradually developed into the higher and more perfect classes by the slow, but unceasing agency of two influential principles: first, the tendency to progressive advancement in organization, accompanied by greater dignity in instinct, intelligence" &c.; secondly, the force of external circumstances, or of variations in the physical condition of the earth, or the mutual relations of plants and animals. For as species spread themselves gradually over the globe, they are exposed from time to time to variations in climate, and to changes in the quantity and quality of their food; they meet with new plants and animals which assist or retard their development" by supplying them with nutriment, or destroying their foes. The nature also of each locality is in itself fluctuating, so that even if the relation of other animals and plants were invariable, the habits and organization of species would be modified by the influence of local revolutions.

Now, if the first of these principles, the tendency to progressive development, were left to exert itself with perfect freedom, it would give rise, says Lamarck, in the course of ages, to a graduated scale of being, where the most insensible transition might be traced from the simplest to the most compound structure, from the humblest to the most exalted degree of intelligence. But in consequence of the perpetual interference of the external causes before mentioned, this regular order is greatly interfered with, and an approximation only to such a state of things is exhibited by the animate creation, the progress of some races being retarded by unfavourable, and that of others accelerated by favourable, combinations of circumstances. Hence, all kinds of anomalies interrupt the continuity of the plan, and chasms, into which whole genera or families might be inserted, are seen to separate the nearest existing portions of the series.

Such is the machinery of the Lamarckian system; but our readers will hardly, perhaps, be able to form a perfect conception of so complicated a piece of mechanism, unless we exhibit it in motion, and shew in what manner it can work out, under the author's guidance, all the extraordinary effects which we behold in the present state of the animate creation. We have only space for exhibiting a small part of the entire process by which a complete metamorphosis is achieved, and shall, therefore, omit the mode whereby, after a countless succession of generations, a small gelatinous body is transformed into an oak or an ape. We pass on at once to the last grand step in the progressive scheme, whereby the orang-outang, having been already evolved out of a monad, is made slowly to attain the attributes and dignity of man.

One of the races of quadrumanous animals which had reached the highest state of perfection, lost, by constraint of circumstances, (concerning the exact nature of which tradition is unfortunately silent,) the habit of climbing trees, and of hanging on by grasping the boughs with their feet as with hands. The individuals of this race being obliged for a long series of generations to use their feet exclusively for walking, and ceasing to employ their hands as feet, were transformed into bimanous animals, and what before were thumbs became mere toes, no separation being required when their feet were used solely for walking. Having acquired a habit of holding themselves upright, their legs and feet assumed insensibly a conformation fitted to support them in an erect attitude, till at last these animals could no longer go on all fours without much inconvenience.

The Angola orang, Simia troglodytes, Linn., is the most perfect of animals, much more so than the Indian orang, Simia Satyrus, which has been called the orang-outang, although both are very inferior to man in corporeal powers and intelligence. These animals frequently hold themselves upright, but their organization has not yet been sufficiently modified to sustain them habitually in this attitude, so that the standing posture is very uneasy to them. When the Indian orang is compelled to take flight from pressing danger, he im mediately falls down upon all fours, shewing clearly that this was the original position of the animal. Even in man, whose organization, in the course of a long series of generations, has advanced so much farther, the upright posture is fatiguing and can only be supported for a limited time, and by aid of the contraction of many muscles. If the vertebral column formed the axis of the human body, and supported' the head and all the other parts in equilibrium, then might the upright position be a state of repose; but as the human head does not articulate in the centre of gravity; as the chest, belly, and other parts, press almost entirely forward with their whole weight, and as the vertebral column reposes upon an oblique base, a watchful activity is required to prevent the body from falling. Children which have large heads and prominent bellies can hardly walk at the end even of two years, and their frequent tumbles indicate the natural tendency in man to resume the quadrupedal state.

Now, when so much progress had been made by the quadrumanous animals before mentioned, that they could hold themselves habitually in an erect attitude, and were accustomed to a wide range of vision, and ceased to use their jaws for fighting, and tearing, or for clipping herbs for food, their snout became gradually shorter, their incisor teeth became vertical, and the facial angle grew more open.

Among other ideas which the natural tendency to perfection engendered, the desire of ruling suggested itself, and this race succeeded at length in getting the better of the other animals, and made themselves masters of all those spots on the surface of the globe which best suited them. They drove out the animals which approached nearest to them in organization and intelligence, and which were in a condition to dispute with them the good things of this world, forcing them to take refuge in deserts, woods and wildernesses, where their multiplication was checked, and the progressive development of their faculties retarded, while in the mean time the dominant race spread itself in every direction, and lived in large companies where new wants were successively created, exciting them to industry, and gradually perfecting their means and faculties.

In the supremacy and increased intelligence acquired by the ruling race, we see an illustration of the natural tendency of the organic world to grow more perfect, and in their influence in repressing the advance of others, an example of one of those disturbing causes before enumerated, that force of external circumstances, which causes such wide chasms in the regular series of animated beings.

When the individuals of the dominant race became very numerous, their ideas greatly increased in number, and they felt the necessity of communicating them to each other, and of augmenting and varying the signs proper for the communication of ideas. Meanwhile the inferior quadrumanous animals, although most of them were gregarious, acquired no new ideas, being persecuted and restless in the deserts, and obliged to fly and conceal themselves, so that they conceived no new wants. Such ideas as they already had remained unaltered, and they could dispense with the communication of the greater part of these. To make themselves, therefore, understood by their fellows, required merely a few movements of the body or limbs-whistling, and the uttering of certain cries varied by the inflexions of the voice.

On the contrary, the individuals of the ascendant race, animated with a desire of interchanging their ideas, which became more and more numerous, were prompted to multiply the means of communication, and were no longer satisfied with mere pantomimic signs, nor even with all the possible inflexions of the voice, but made continual efforts to acquire the power of uttering articulate sounds, employing a few at first, but afterwards varying and perfecting them according to the increase of their wants. The habitual exercise of their throat, tongue and lips, insensibly modified the conformation of these organs, until they became fitted for the faculty of speech. [9]

In effecting this mighty change, "the exigencies of the individuals were the sole agents, they gave rise to efforts, and the organs proper for articulating sounds were developed by their habitual employment." Hence, in this peculiar race, the origin of the admirable faculty of speech; hence also the diversity of languages, since the distance of places where the individuals composing the race established themselves, soon favoured the corruption of conventional signs. [10]



1. Phil. Zool. tom. i. p. 54.

2. Phil. Zool. tom. i. p. 62.

3. Ibid.

4. Phil. Zool. tom. i. p. 227.

5. Phil. Zool. tom. i. p. 232.

6. Phil. Zool. tom. i. p. 234.

7. Phil, Zool. p. 64.

8. Animaux sans Vert., tom. i. p. 56, Introduction.

9. Lamarck's Phil. Zool., tom. i. p. 356.

10. Ibid. p. 357.
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Re: Principles of Geology, by Charles Lyell

Postby admin » Fri Jul 17, 2015 12:55 am


Recapitulation of the arguments in favour of the theory of transmutation of species – Their insufficiency – The difficulty of discriminating species mainly attributable to a defective knowledge of their history – Some mere varieties possibly more distinct than certain individuals of distinct species – Variability in a species consistent with a belief that the limits of deviation are fixed – No facts of transmutation authenticated – Varieties of the Dog – The Dog and Wolf distinct Species – Mummies of various animals from Egypt identical in character with living individuals – Seeds and plants from the Egyptian tombs – Modifications produced in plants by agriculture and gardening

THE theory of the transmutation of species, considered in the last chapter, has met with some degree of favour from many naturalists, from their desire to dispense, as far as possible, with the repeated intervention of a First Cause, as often as geological monuments attest the successive appearance of new races of animals and plants, and the extinction of those pre-existing. But, independently of a predisposition to account, if possible, for a series of changes in the organic world, by the regular action of secondary causes, we have seen that many perplexing difficulties present themselves to one who attempts to establish the nature and the reality of the specific character. And if once there appears ground of reasonable doubt, in regard to the constancy of species, the amount of transformation which they are capable of undergoing, may seem to resolve itself into a mere question of the quantity of time assigned to the past duration of animate existence.

Before we enter upon our reasons for rejecting Lamarck's hypothesis, we shall recapitulate, in a few words, the phenomena, and the whole train of thought, by which we conceive it to have been suggested, and which have gained for this and analogous theories, both in ancient and modern times, a considerable number of votaries.

In the first place, the various groups into which plants and animals may be thrown, seem almost invariably, to a beginner, to be so natural, that he is usually convinced at first, as was Linnaeus to the last, "that genera are as much founded in nature as the species which compose them." [1] When, by examining the numerous intermediate gradations, the student finds all lines of demarcation to be in most instances obliterated, even where they at first appeared most distinct, he grows more and more sceptical as to the real existence of genera, and finally regards them as mere arbitrary and artificial signs, invented like those which serve to distinguish the heavenly constellations for the convenience of classification, and having as little pre.. tensions to reality.

Doubts are then engendered in his mind as to whether species may not also be equally unreal. The student is probably first struck with the phenomenon, that some individuals are made to deviate widely from the ordinary type by the force of peculiar circumstances, and with the still more extraordinary fact, that the newly-acquired peculiarities are faithfully transmitted to the offspring. How far, he asks, may such variations extend in the course of indefinite periods of time, and during great vicissitudes in the physical condition of the globe? His growing incertitude is at first checked by the reflection, that nature has forbidden the intermixture of the descendants of distinct original stocks, or has, at least, entailed sterility on their offspring, thereby preventing their being confounded together, and pointing out that a multitude of distinct types must have been created in the beginning, and must have remained pure and uncorrupted to this day.

Relying on this general Jaw, he endeavours to solve each difficult problem by direct experiment, until he is again astounded by the phenomenon of a prolific hybrid, and still more by an example of a hybrid perpetuating itself throughout several generations in the vegetable world. He then feels himself reduced to the dilemma of choosing between two alternatives, either to reject the test, or to declare that the two species, from the union of which the fruitful progeny has sprung, were mere varieties. If he prefer the latter, he is compelled to question the reality of the distinctness of all other supposed species which differ no more than the parents of such prolific hybrids; for although he may not be enabled immediately to procure, in all such instances, a fruitful offspring, yet experiments show, that after repeated failures the union of two recognized species may at last, under very favourable circumstances, give birth to a fertile progeny. Such circumstances, therefore, the naturalist may conceive to have occurred again and again, in the course of a great lapse of ages.

His first opinions are now fairly unsettled, and every stay at which he has caught has given way one after another; he is in danger of falling into any new and visionary doctrine which may be presented to him; for he now regards every part of the animate creation as void of stability, and in a state of continual flux. In this mood he encounters the Geologist, who relates to him how there have been endless vicissitudes in the shape and structure of organic beings in former ages -- how the approach to the present system of things has been gradual -- that there has been a progressive development of organization subservient to the purposes of life, from the most simple to the most complex state -- that the appearance of man is the last phenomenon in a long succession of events -- and, finally, that a series of physical revolutions can be traced in the inorganic world, coeval and coextensive with those of organic nature.

These views seem immediately to confirm all his preconceived doubts as to the stability of the specific character, and he thinks he can discern an inseparable connexion between a series of changes in the inanimate world, and the capability of species to be indefinitely modified by the influence of external circumstances. Henceforth his speculations know no definite bounds; he gives the rein to conjecture, and fancies that the outward form, internal structure, instinctive faculties, nay, that reason itself, may have been gradually developed from some of the simplest states of existence, -- that all animals, that man himself, and the irrational beings, may have had one common origin; that all may be parts of one continuous and progressive scheme of development from the most imperfect to the more complex; in fine, he renounces his belief in the high genealogy of his species, and looks forward, as if in compensation, to the future perfectibility of man in his physical, intellectual, and moral attributes.

Let us now proceed to consider what is defective in evidence, and what fallacious in reasoning, in the grounds of these strange conclusions. Blumenbach judiciously observes, "that no general rule can be laid down for determining the distinctness of species, as there is no particular class of characters which can serve as a criterion. In each case we must be guided by analogy and probability." The multitude, in fact, and complexity of the proofs to be weighed, is so great, that we can only hope to obtain presumptive evidence, and we must, therefore, be the more careful to derive our general views as much as possible from those observations where the chances of deception are least. "We must be on our guard not to tread in the footsteps of the naturalists of the middle ages, who believed the doctrine of spontaneous generation to be applicable to all those parts of the animal and vegetable kingdoms which they least understood', in direct contradiction to the analogy of all the parts best known to them; and who, when at length they found that insects and cryptogamous plants were also propagated from eggs and seeds, still persisted in retaining their old prejudices respecting the infusory animalcules and other minute beings, the generation of which had not then been demonstrated by the microscope to be governed by the same laws.

Lamarck has indeed attempted to raise an argument in favour of his system, out of the very confusion which has arisen in the study of some orders of animals and plants, in consequence of the slight shades of difference which separate the new species discovered within the last half century. That the embarrassment of those who attempt to classify and distinguish the new acquisitions poured in such multitudes into our museums, should increase with the augmentation of their number is quite natural; for to obviate this it is not enough that our powers of discrimination should keep pace with the increase of the objects, but we ought to possess greater opportunities of studying each animal and plant in all stages of its growth, and to know profoundly their history, their habits and physiological characters, throughout several generations. For, in proportion as the series of known animals grows more complete, none can doubt that there is a nearer approximation to a graduated scale of being; and thus the most closely allied species will possess a greater number of characters in common.

But, in point of fact, our new acquisitions consist, more and more as we advance, of specimens brought from foreign and often very distant and barbarous countries. A large proportion have never even been seen alive by scientific inquirers. Instead of having specimens of the young, the adult, and the aged individuals of each sex, and possessing means of investigating the anatomical structure, the peculiar habits and instincts of each, what is usually the state of our information? A single specimen, perhaps, of' a dried plant, or a stuffed bird or quadruped; a shell without the soft parts of the animal; an insect in one stage of its numerous transformations; these are the scanty and imperfect data, which the naturalist possesses. Such information may enable us to separate species which stand at a considerable distance from each other; but we have no right to expect anything but difficulty and ambiguity, if we attempt, from such imperfect opportunities, to obtain distinctive marks for defining the characters of species, which are closely related.

If Lamarck could introduce so much certainty and precision into the classification of several thousand species of recent and fossil shells, notwithstanding the extreme remoteness of the organization of these animals from the type of those vertebrated species which are best known, and in the absence of so many of the living inhabitants of shells, we are led to form an exalted conception of the degree of exactness to which specific distinctions are capable of being carried, rather than to call in question their reality.

When our data are so defective, the most acute naturalist must expect to be sometimes at fault, and, like the novice, to overlook essential points of difference, passing unconsciously from one species to another, until, like one who is borne along in a current, he is astonished, on looking back, at observing that he has reached a point so remote from that whence he set out.

It is by no means improbable that when the series of species of certain genera is very full, they may be found to differ less widely from each other, than do the mere varieties or races of certain species. If such a fact could be established, it would by no means overthrow our confidence in the reality of species, although it would certainly diminish the chance of our obtaining certainty in our results.

It is almost necessary, indeed, to suppose, that varieties will differ in some cases, more decidedly than some species, if we admit that there is a graduated scale of being, and assume that the following laws prevail in the economy of the animate creation : -- first, that the organization of individuals is capable of being modified to a limited extent by the force of external causes; secondly, that these modifications are, to a certain extent, transmissible to their offspring; thirdly, that there are fixed limits beyond which the descendants from common parents can never deviate from a certain type; fourthly, that each species springs from one original stock, and can never be permanently confounded, by intermixing with the progeny of any other stock; fifthly, that each species shall endure for a considerable period of time. Now if we assume, for the present, these rules hypothetically, let us see what consequences may naturally be expected to result.

We must suppose, that when the Author of Nature creates an animal or plant, all the possible circumstances in which its descendants are destined to live are foreseen, and that an organization is conferred upon it which will enable the species to perpetuate itself and survive under all the varying circumstances to which it must be inevitably exposed. Now the range of variation of circumstances will differ essentially in almost every case. Let us take for example anyone of the most influential conditions of existence, such as temperature. In some extensive districts near the equator, the thermometer might never vary throughout several thousand centuries for more than 20º Fahrenheit; so that if a plant or animal be provided with an organization fitting it to endure such a range, it may continue on the globe for that immense period, although every individual might be liable at once to be cut off by the least possible excess of heat or cold beyond the determinate quantity. But if a species be placed in one of the temperate zones, and have a constitution conferred on it capable of supporting a similar range of temperature only, it will inevitably perish before a single year has passed away.

The same remark might be applied to any other condition, as food for example; it may be foreseen that the supply will be regular throughout indefinite periods in one part of the world, and in another very precarious and fluctuating both in kind and quantity. Different qualifications may be required for enabling species to live for a considerable time under circumstances so changeable. If, then, temperature and food be among those external causes, which according to certain laws of animal and vegetable physiology modify the organization, form, or faculties of individuals, we instantly perceive that the degrees of variability from a common standard must differ widely in the two cases above supposed, since there is a necessity of accommodating a species in one case to a much greater latitude of circumstances than in the other.

If it be a law, for instance, that scanty sustenance should check those individuals in their growth which are enabled to accommodate themselves to privations of this kind, and that a parent prevented in this manner from attaining the size proper to its species should produce a dwarfish offspring, a stunted race will arise, as is remarkably exemplified in some varieties of the horse and dog. The difference of stature in some races of dogs in comparison to others, is as one to five in linear dimensions, making a difference of a hundred-fold in volume. [2] Now there is good reason to believe that species in general are by no means susceptible of existing under a diversity of circumstances, which may give rise to such a disparity in size, and consequently, there will be a multitude of distinct species, of which no two adult individuals can ever depart so widely from a certain standard of dimensions as the mere varieties of certain other species, -- the dog for instance. Now we have only to suppose that what is true of size, may also hold in regard to colour and many other attributes, and it will at once follow that the degree of possible discordance between varieties of the same species, may in certain cases exceed the utmost disparity which can even arise between two individuals of many distinct species.

The same remarks may hold true in regard to instincts; for if it be foreseen that one species will have to encounter a great variety of foes, it may be necessary to arm it with great cunning and circumspection, or with courage or other qualities capable of developing themselves on certain occasions; such for example as those migratory instincts which are so remarkably exhibited at particular periods, after they have remained dormant for many generations. The history and habits of one variety of such a species, may often differ more considerably from some other than those of many distinct species which have no such latitude of accommodation to circumstances.

Lamarck has somewhat misstated the idea commonly entertained of a species, for it is not true that naturalists in general assume that the organization of an animal or plant remains absolutely constant, and that it can never vary in any of its parts. All must be aware that circumstances influence the habits, and that the habits may alter the state of the parts and organs. [3] But the difference of opinion relates to the extent to which these modifications of the habits and organs of a particular species may be carried.

Now let us first inquire what positive facts can be adduced in the history of known species, to establish a great and permanent amount of change in the form, structure, or instinct of individuals descending from some common stock. The best authenticated examples of the extent to which species can be made to vary, may be looked for in the history of domesticated animals and cultivated plants. It usually happens that those species, both of the animal and vegetable kingdom, which have the greatest pliability of organization, those which are most capable of accommodating themselves to a great variety of new circumstances, are most serviceable to man. These only can be carried by him into different climates, and can have their properties or instincts variously diversified by differences of nourishment and habits. If the resources of a species be so limited, and its habits and faculties be of such a confined and local character, that it can only flourish in a few particular spots, it can rarely be of great utility.

We may consider, therefore, that in perfecting the arts of domesticating animals and cultivating plants, mankind have first selected those species which have the most flexible frames and constitutions, and have then been engaged for ages in conducting a series of experiments, with much patience and at great cost, to ascertain what may be the greatest possible deviation from a common type which can be elicited in these extreme cases.

The modifications produced in the different races of dogs, exhibit the influence of man in the most striking point of view. These animals have been transported into every climate, and placed in every variety of circumstances; they have been made, as a modern naturalist observes, the servant, the companion, the guardian, and the intimate friend of man, and the power of a superior genius has had a wonderful influence, not only on their forms, but on their manners and intelligence. [4] Different races have undergone remarkable changes in the quantity and colour of their clothing: the dogs of Guinea are almost naked, while those of the Arctic circle are covered with a warm coat both of hair and wool, which enables them to bear the most intense cold without inconvenience. There are differences also of another kind no less remarkable, as in size, the length of their muzzles, and the convexity of their foreheads.

But if we look for some of those essential changes which would be required to lend even the semblance of a foundation for the theory of Lamarck, respecting the growth of new organs and the gradual obliteration of others, we find nothing of the kind. For in all these varieties of the dog, says Cuvier, the relation of the bones with each other remain essentially the same; the form of the teeth never changes in any perceptible degree, except that in some individuals, one additional false grinder occasionally appears, sometimes on the one side, and sometimes on the other. [5] The greatest departure from a common type, and it constitutes the maximum of variation as yet known in the animal kingdom, is exemplified in those races of dogs which have a supernumerary toe on the hind foot with the corresponding tarsal bones, a variety analogous to one presented by six-fingered families of the human race. [6]

Lamarck has thrown out as a conjecture, that the wolf may have been the original of the dog, but he has adduced no data to bear out such an hypothesis. "The wolf," observes Dr. Prichard, "and the dog differ, not only with respect to their habits and instincts, which in the brute creation are very uniform within the limits of one species; but some differences have also been pointed out in their internal organization, particularly in the structure of a part of the intestinal canal." [7]

It is well known that the horse, the ox, the boar and other domestic animals, which have been introduced into South America, and have run wild in many parts, have entirely lost all marks of domesticity, and have reverted to the original characters of their species. But the dog has also become wild in Cuba, Hayti, and in all the Caribbean islands. In the course of the seventeenth century, they hunted in packs from twelve to fifty, or more in number, and fearlessly attacked herds of wild-boars and other animals. It is natural, therefore, to enquire to what form they reverted ? Now they are said by many travellers to have resembled very nearly the shepherd's dog; but it is certain that they were never turned into wolves. They were extremely savage, and their ravages appear to have been as much dreaded as those of wolves, but when any of their whelps were caught, and brought from the woods to the towns, they grew up in the most perfect submission to man.

As the advocates of the theory of transmutation trust much to the slow and insensible changes which time may work, they are accustomed to lament the absence of accurate descriptions, and figures of particular animals and plants, handed down from the earliest periods of history, such as might have afforded data for comparing the condition of species, at two periods considerably remote. But fortunately, we are in some measure independent of such evidence, for by a singular accident, the priests of Egypt have bequeathed to us, in their cemeteries, that information, which the museums and works of the Greek philosophers have failed to transmit.

For the careful investigation of these documents, we are greatly indebted to the skill and diligence of those naturalists who accompanied the French armies during their brief occupation of Egypt: that conquest of four years, from which we may date the improvement of the modern Egyptians in the arts and sciences, and the rapid progress which has been made of late in our knowledge of the arts and sciences of their remote predecessors. Instead of wasting their whole time as so many preceding travellers had done, in exclusively collecting human mummies, M. Geoffroy and his associates examined diligently, and sent home great numbers of embalmed bodies of consecrated animals, such as the bull, the dog, the cat, the ape, the ichneumon, the crocodile, and the ibis.

To those who have never been accustomed to connect the facts of Natural History with philosophical speculations, who have never raised their conceptions of the end and import of such studies beyond the mere admiration of isolated and beautiful objects, or the exertion of skill in detecting specific differences, it will seem incredible that amidst the din of arms, and the stirring excitement of political movements, so much enthusiasm could have been felt in regard to these precious remains.

In the official report drawn up by the Professors of the Museum at Paris, on the value of these objects, there are some eloquent passages which may appear extravagant, unless we reflect how fully these naturalists could appreciate the bearing of the facts thus brought to light on the past history of the globe.

"It seems," say they, "as if the superstition of the ancient Egyptians had been inspired by Nature, with a view of transmitting to after ages a monument of her history. That extraordinary and whimsical people, by embalming with so much care the brutes which were the objects of their stupid adoration, have left us, in their sacred grottoes, cabinets of zoology almost complete. The climate has conspired with the art of embalming to preserve the bodies from corruption, and we can now assure ourselves by our own eyes what was the state of a great number of species three thousand years ago. We can scarcely restrain the transports of our imagination, on beholding thus preserved with their minutest bones, with the smallest portions of their skin, and in every particular most perfectly recognizable, many an animal, which at Thebes or Memphis, two or three thousand years ago, had its own priests and altars." [8]

Among the Egyptian mummies thus procured were not only those of numerous wild quadrupeds, birds, and reptiles, but, what was perhaps of still greater importance in deciding the great question under discussion, there were the mummies of domestic animals, among which those above mentioned, the bull, the dog, and the cat, were frequent. Now such was the conformity of the whole of these species to those now living, that there was no more difference, says Cuvier, between them than between the human mummies and the embalmed bodies of men of the present day. Yet some of these animals have since that period been transported by man to almost every variety of climate, and forced to accommodate their habits to new circumstances, as far as their nature would permit. The cat, for example, has been carried over the whole earth, and, within the last three centuries, has been naturalized in every part of the new world, from the cold regions of Canada to the tropical plains of Guiana; yet it has scarcely undergone any perceptible mutation, and is still the same animal which was held sacred by the Egyptians.

Of the ox, undoubtedly there are many very distinct races; but the bull Apis, which was led in solemn processions by the Egyptian priests, did not differ from some of those now living. The black cattle that have run wild in America, where there were many peculiarities in the climate not to be found, perhaps, in any part of the old world, and where scarcely a single plant on which they fed was of precisely the same species, instead of altering their form and habits, have actually reverted to the exact likeness of the aboriginal wild cattle of Europe.

In answer to the arguments drawn from the Egyptian mummies, Lamarck said that they were identical with their living descendants in the same country, because the climate and physical geography of the banks of the Nile have remained unaltered for the last thirty centuries. But why, we ask, have other individuals of these species retained the same characters in so many different quarters of the globe, where the climate and many other conditions are so varied?

The evidence derived from the Egyptian monuments was not confined to the animal kingdom; the fruits, seeds, and other portions of twenty different plants, were faithfully pre served in the same manner; and among these the common wheat was procured by Delille, from closed vessels in the sepulchres of the kings, the grains of which retained not only their form, but even their colour, so effectual has proved the process of embalming with bitumen in a dry and equable climate. No difference could be detected between this wheat and that which now grows in the East and elsewhere, and similar identifications were made in regard to all the other plants.

And here we may observe, that there is an obvious answer to Lamarck's objection, [9] that the botanist cannot point out a country where the common wheat grows wild, unless in places where it may have been derived from neighbouring cultivation. All naturalists are well aware that the geographical distribution of a great number of species is extremely limited, and that it was to be expected that every useful plant should first be cultivated successfully in the country where it was indigenous, and that, probably, every station which it partially occupied, when growing wild, would be selected by the agriculturist as best suited to it when artificially increased. Palestine has been conjectured, by a late writer on the Cerealia, to have been the original habitation of wheat and barley, a supposition which appears confirmed by Hebrew and Egyptian traditions, and by tracing the migrations of the worship of Ceres, as indicative of the migrations of the plant. [10]

If we are to infer that some one of the wild grasses has been transformed into the common wheat, and that some animal of the genus canis, still unreclaimed, has been metamorphosed into the dog, merely because we cannot find the domestic dog, or the cultivated wheat, in a state of nature, we may be next called upon to make similar admissions in regard to the camel; for it seems very doubtful whether any race of this species of quadruped is now wild.

But if agriculture, it will be said, does not supply examples of extraordinary changes of form and organization, the horticulturist can, at least, appeal to facts which may confound the preceding train of reasoning. The crab has been transformed into the apple; the sloe into the plum: flowers have changed their colour and become double; and these new characters can be perpetuated by seed, -- a bitter plant with wavy sea-green leaves has been taken from the sea-side where it grew like wild charlock, has been transplanted into the garden, lost its saltness, and has been metamorphosed into two distinct vegetables as unlike each other as is each to the parent plant -- the red cabbage and the cauliflower. These, and a multitude of analogous facts, are undoubtedly among the wonders of nature, and attest more strongly, perhaps, the extent to which species may be modified, than any examples derived from the animal kingdom. But in these cases we find, that we soon reach certain limits, beyond which we are unable to cause the individuals, descending from the same stock, to vary; while, on the other hand, it is easy to show that these extraordinary varieties could seldom arise, and could never be perpetuated in a wild state for many generations, under any imaginable combination of accidents. They may be regarded as extreme cases brought about by human interference, and not as phenomena which indicate a capability of indefinite modification in the natural world.

The propagation of a plant by buds or grafts, and by cuttings, is obviously a mode which nature does not employ; and this multiplication, as well as that produced by roots and layers, seems merely to operate as an extension of the life of an indivi dual, and not as a reproduction of the species, as happens by seed. All plants increased -by the former means retain precisely the peculiar qualities of the individual to which they owe their origin, and, like an individual, they have only a determinate existence; in some cases longer and in others shorter. [11] It seems now admitted by horticulturists, that none of our garden varieties of fruit are entitled to be considered strictly permanent, but that they wear out after a time; [12] and we are thus compelled to resort again to seeds; in which case, there is so decided a tendency in the seedlings to revert to the original type, that our utmost skill is sometimes baffled in attempting to recover the desired variety.

The different races of cabbages afford, as we have admitted, an astonishing example of deviation from a common type; but we can scarcely conceive them to have originated, much less to have lasted for several generations, without the intervention of man. It is only by strong manures that these varieties have been obtained, and in poorer soils they instantly degenerate. If, therefore, we suppose in a state of nature the seed of the wild Brassica oleracea to have been wafted from the sea-side to some spot enriched by the dung of animals, and to have there become a cauliflower, it would soon diffuse its seed to some comparatively steril soils around, and the offspring would relapse to the likeness of the parent stock, like some individuals which may now be seen growing on the cornice of old London bridge.

But if we go so far as to imagine the soil, in the spot first occupied, to be constantly manured by herds of wild animals, so as to continue as rich as that of a garden, still the variety could not be maintained, because we know that each of these races is prone to fecundate others, and gardeners are compelled to exert the utmost diligence to prevent cross-breeds. The intermixture of the pollen of varieties growing in the poorer soil around, would soon destroy the peculiar characters of the race which occupied the highly-manured tract; for, if these accidents so continually happen in spite of us, among the culinary varieties, it is easy to see how soon this cause might obliterate every marked singularity in a wild state.

Besides, it is well-known that although the pampered races which we rear in our gardens for use or ornament, may often be perpetuated by seed, yet they rarely produce seed in such abundance, or so prolific in quality, as wild individuals; so that, if the care of man were withdrawn, the most fertile variety would al ways, in the end, prevail over the more steril.

Similar remarks may be applied to the double flowers which present such strange anomalies to the botanist. The ovarium, in such cases, is frequently abortive, and the seeds, when prolific, are generally much fewer than where the flowers are single.

Some curious experiments recently made on the production of blue instead of red flowers in the Hydrangea hortensis, illustrate the immediate effect of certain soils on the colours of the petals. In garden-mould or compost, the flowers are invariably red; in some kinds of bog-earth they are blue; and the same change is always produced by a particular sort of yellow loam.

Linnaeus was of opinion that the primrose, oxlip, cowslip, and polyanthus, were only varieties of the same species. The majority of modern botanists, on the contrary, consider them to be distinct, although some conceived that the oxlip might be a cross between the cowslip and the primrose. Mr. Herbert has lately recorded the following experiment: -- " I raised from the natural seed of one umbel of a highly-manured red cowslip, a primrose, a cowslip, oxlips of the usual and other colours, a black polyanthus, a hose-in-hose cowslip, and a natural primrose bearing its flower on a polyanthus stalk. From the seed of that very hose-in-hose cowslip I have since raised a hose-in- hose primrose. I therefore consider all these to be only local varieties depending upon soil and situation." [13] Pro- fessor Henslow, of Cambridge, has since confirmed this experiment of Mr. Herbert, so that we have an example, not only of the remarkable varieties which the florist can obtain from a common stock, but of the distinctness of analogous races found in a wild state. [14]

On what particular ingredient, or quality in the earth, these changes depend, has not yet been ascertained. [15] But gardeners are well aware that particular plants, when placed under the influence of certain circumstances, are changed in various ways according to the species; and as often as the experiments are repeated similar results are obtained. The nature of these results, however, depends upon the species, and they are, therefore, part of the specific character; they exhibit the same phenomena again and again, and indicate certain fixed and invariable relations between the physiological peculiarities of the plant, and the influence of certain external agents. They afford no ground for questioning the instability of species, but rather the contrary; they present us with a class of phenomena which, when they are more thoroughly understood, may afford some of the best tests for identifying species, and proving that the attributes originally conferred, endure so long as any issue of the original stock remains upon the earth.



1. Sir J. Smith's Introduction to Botany.

2. Cuvier, Disc. Prelim., p. 128, sixth edition.

3. Phil. Zool., tom. i. p. 266.

4. Dureau de la Malle, Ann. des. Sci. Nat. tom. xxi. p. 63. Sept. 1830.

5. Disc. Prel., p. 129, sixth edition.

6. Ibid.

7. Prichard, Phys. Hist. of Mankind, vol i. p. 96, who cites Professor Guldenstadt.

8. Ann. du Museum, d'Hist. Nat., tom. i. p.234. 1802. The reporters were MM. Cuvier, Lacepede, and Lamarck.

9. Phil. Zool., tom. i., p. 227.

10. L'Origine et Ia Patrie des Cereales, &c. Ann. des Sci. Nat'l tom. ix., p.61.

11. Smith's Introduction to Botany, p. 138. Edit. 1807.

12. See Mr. Knight's Observations, Hort. Trans., vol. ii., p. 160.

13. Hort. Trans., vol. iv., p. 19.

14. Loudon's Mag. of Nat. Hist., Sept. 1830, vol. iii., p. 408.

15. Hort. Trans., vol. iii., p. 173.
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Re: Principles of Geology, by Charles Lyell

Postby admin » Fri Jul 17, 2015 1:30 am


Variability of a species compared to that of an individual – Species which are susceptible of modification may be altered greatly in a short time, and in a few generations; after which they remain stationary – The animals now subject to man had originally an aptitude to domesticity – Acquired peculiarities which become hereditary have a close connexion with the habits or instincts of the species in a wild state – Some qualities in certain animals have been conferred with a view of their relation to man – Wild elephant domesticated in a few years, but its faculties incapable of further development

WE endeavoured in the last chapter to show, that a belief in the reality of species is not inconsistent with the idea of a considerable degree of variability in the specific character. This opinion, indeed, is little more than an extension of the idea which we must entertain of the identity of an individual, throughout the changes which it is capable of undergoing.

If a quadruped, inhabiting a cold northern latitude, and covered with a warm coat of hair or wool, be transported to a southern climate, it will often, in the course of a few years, shed a considerable portion of its coat, which it gradually recovers on being again restored to its native country. Even there the same changes are, perhaps, superinduced to a certain extent by the returns of winter and summer. We know that the Alpine hare [1] and the ermine [2] become white during winter, and again obtain their full colour during the warmer season; that the plumage of the ptarmigan undergoes a like metamorphosis in colour and quantity, and that the change is equally temporary. We are aware that, if we reclaim some wild animal, and modify Its habits and instincts by domestication, it may, if it escapes, become in a few years nearly as wild and untractable as ever; and if the same individual be again retaken, it may be reduced to its former tame state. A plant is placed in a prepared soil in order that the petals of its flowers may multiply, and their colour be heightened or changed; if we then withhold our care, the flowers of this same individual become again single. In these, and innumerable other instances, we must suppose that the individual was produced with a certain number of qualities; and, in the case of animals, with a variety of instincts, some of which mayor may not be developed according to circumstances, or which, after having been called forth, may again become latent when the exciting causes are removed.

Now the formation of races seems the necessary consequence of such a capability in individuals to vary, if it be a general law that the offspring should very closely resemble the parent. But, before we can infer that there are no limits to the deviation from an original type which may be brought about in the course of an indefinite number of generations, we ought to have some proof that, in each successive generation, individuals may go on acquiring an equal amount of new peculiarities, under the influence of equal changes of circumstances. The balance of evidence, however, inclines most decidedly on the opposite side, for in all cases we find that the quantity of divergence diminishes from the first in a very rapid ratio.

It cannot be objected, that it is out of our power to go on varying the circumstances in the same manner as might happen in the natural course of events during some great geological cycle. For in the first place, where a capacity is given to individuals to adapt themselves to new circumstances, it does not generally require a very long period for its development; if, indeed, such were the case, it is not easy to see how the modification would answer the ends proposed, for all the individuals would die before new qualities, habits, or instincts, were conferred.

When we have succeeded in naturalizing some tropical plant in a temperate climate, nothing prevents us from attempting gradually to extend its distribution to higher latitudes, or to greater elevations above the level of the sea, allowing equal quantities of time, or an equal number of generations for habituating the species to successive increments of cold. But every husbandman and gardener is aware that such experiments will fail; and we are more likely to succeed in making some plants, in the course of the first two generations, support a considerable degree of difference of temperature than a very small difference afterwards, though we persevere for many centuries.

It is the same if we take any other cause instead of temperature; such as the quality of the food, or the kind of dangers to which an animal is exposed, or the soil in which a plant lives. The alteration in habits, form, or organization, is often rapid during a short period; but when the circumstances are made to vary further, though in ever so slight a degree, all modification ceases, and the individual perishes. Thus some herbivorous quadrupeds may be made to feed partially on fish or flesh, but even these can never be taught to live on some herbs which they reject, and which would even poison them, although the same may be very nutritious to other species of the same natural order. So when man uses force or stratagem against wild animals, the persecuted race soon becomes more cautious, watchful, and cunning; new instincts seem often to be developed, and to become hereditary in the first two or three generations; but let the skill and address of man increase, however gradually, no further variation can take place, no new qualities are elicited by the increasing dangers. The alteration of the habits of the species has reached a point beyond which no ulterior modification is possible, however indefinite the lapse of ages during which the new circumstances operate. Extirpation then follows, rather than such a transformation as could alone enable the species to perpetuate itself under the new state of things.

It has been well observed by M. F. Cuvier and M. Dureau de la Malle, that unless some animals had manifested in a wild state an aptitude to second the efforts of man, their domestication would never have been attempted. If they had all resembled the wolf, the fox, and the hyaena, the patience of the experimentalist would have been exhausted by innumerable failures before he at last succeeded in obtaining some imperfect results; so, if the first advantages derived from the cultivation of plants had been elicited by as tedious and costly a process as that by which we now make some slight additional improvement in certain races, we should have remained to this day in ignorance of the greater number of their useful qualities.

It is undoubtedly true, that many new habits and qualities have not only been acquired in recent times by certain races of dogs, but have been transmitted to their offspring. But in these cases it will be observed, that the new peculiarities have an intimate relation to the habits of the animal in a wild state, and therefore do not attest any tendency to departure to an indefinite extent from the original type of the species. A race of dogs employed for hunting deer in the platform of Santa Fe in Mexico, affords a beautiful illustration of a new hereditary instinct. The mode of attack, observes M. Roulin, which they employ, consists in seizing the animal by the belly and overturning it by a sudden effort, taking advantage of the moment when the body of the deer rests only upon the forelegs. The weight of the animal thus thrown over, is often six times that of its antagonist. The dog of pure breed inherits a disposition to this kind of chase, and never attacks a deer from before while running. Even should the latter, not perceiving him, come directly upon him, the dog steps aside and makes his assault on the Bank, whereas other hunting dogs, though of superior strength and general sagacity, which are brought from Europe, are destitute of this instinct. For want of similar precautions, they are often killed by the deer on the spot, the vertebrae of their neck being dislocated by the violence of the shock. [3]

A new instinct also has become hereditary in a mongrel race of dogs employed by the inhabitants of the banks of the Magdalena, almost exclusively in hunting the white-lipped pecari. The address of these dogs consists in restraining their ardour, and attaching themselves to no animal in particular, but keeping the whole herd in check. Now, among these dogs some are found, which, the very first time they are taken to the woods, are acquainted with this mode of attack; whereas, a dog of another breed starts forward at once, is surrounded by the pecari, and whatever may be his strength is destroyed in a moment.

Some of our countrymen, engaged of late in conducting the principal mining association in Mexico, [4] carried out with them some English greyhounds of the best breed, to hunt the hares which abound in that country. The great platform which is the scene of sport is at an elevation of about nine thousand feet above the level of the sea, and the mercury in the barometer stands habitually at the height of about nineteen inches. It was found that the greyhounds could not support the fatigues of a long chase in this attenuated atmosphere, and before they could come up with their prey, they lay down gasping for breath; but these same animals have produced whelps which have grown up, and are not in the least degree incommoded by the want of density in the air, but run down the hares with as much ease as the fleetest of their race in this country.

The fixed and deliberate stand of the pointer has with propriety been regarded as a mere modification of a habit, which may have been useful to a wild race accustomed to wind game, and steal upon it by surprise, first pausing for an instant in order to spring with unerring aim. The faculty of the Retriever, however, may justly be regarded as more inexplicable and less easily referrible to the instinctive passions of the species. M. Majendie, says a French writer in a recently-published memoir, having learnt that there was a race of dogs in England, which stopped and brought back game of their own accord, procured a pair, and having obtained a whelp from them kept it constantly under his eyes, until he had an opportunity of assuring himself that, without having received any instruction and on the very first day that it was carried to the chase, it brought back game with as much steadiness as dogs which had been schooled into the same manreuvre by means of the whip and collar.

Such attainments, as well as the habits and dispositions which the shepherd's dog and many others inherit, seem to be of a nature and extent which we can hardly explain by supposing them to be modifications of instincts necessary for the preservation of the species in a wild state. When such remarkable habits appear in races of this species, we may reasonably conjecture that they were given with no other view than for the use of man and the preservation of the dog which thus obtains protection.

As a general rule, we fully agree with M. F. Cuvier that, in studying the habits of animals, we must attempt, as far as possible, to refer their domestic qualities to modifications of instincts which are implanted in them in a state of nature j and that writer has successfully pointed out, in an admirable essay on the domestication of the mammalia, the true origin of many dispositions which are vulgarly attributed to the influence of education alone. [5] But we should go too far if we did not admit that some of the qualities of particular animals and plants may have been given solely with a view to the connexion which it was foreseen would exist between them and man- specially when we see that connexion to be in many cases so intimate, that the greater number, and sometimes all the individuals of the species which exist on the earth are in subjection to the human race.

We can perceive in a multitude of animals, especially in some of the parasitic tribes, that certain instincts and organs are conferred for the purpose of defence or attack against some other species. Now if we are reluctant to suppose the existence of similar relations between man and the instincts of many of the inferior animals, we adopt an hypothesis no less violent, though in the opposite extreme to that which has led some to imagine the whole animate and inanimate creation to have been made solely for the support, gratification, and instruction of mankind.

Many species most hostile to our persons or property multiply in spite of our efforts to repress them; others, on the contrary, are intentionally augmented many hundred-fold in number by our exertions. In such instances we must imagine the relative resources of man and of species, friendly or inimical to him, to have been prospectively calculated and adjusted. To withhold assent to this supposition would be to refuse what we must grant in respect to the economy of Nature in every other part of the organic creation; for the various species of contemporary plants and animals have obviously their relative forces nicely balanced, and their respective tastes, passions, and instincts, so contrived, that they are all in perfect harmony with each other. In no other manner could it happen, that each species surrounded as it is by countless dangers should be enabled to maintain its ground for periods of considerable duration.

The docility of the individuals of some of our domestic species extending, as it does, to attainments foreign to their natural habits and faculties, may perhaps have been conferred with a view to their association with man. But lest species should be thereby made to vary indefinitely, we find that such habits are never transmissible by generation.

A pig has been trained to hunt and point game with great activity and steadiness; [6] and other learned individuals, of the same species, have been taught to spell; but such fortuitous acquirements never become hereditary, for they have no relation whatever to the exigencies of the animal in a wild state, and cannot therefore be developments of any instinctive propensities.

An animal in domesticity, says M. F. Cuvier, is not essentially in a different situation in regard to the feeling of restraint from one left to itself. It lives in society without constraint, because without doubt it was a social animal, and it conforms itself to the will of man, because it had a chief to which in a wild state it would have yielded obedience. There is nothing in its new situation that is not conformable to its propensities; it is satisfying its wants by submission to a master, and makes no sacrifice of its natural inclinations. All the social animals when left to themselves form herds more or less numerous, and all the individuals of the same herd know each other) are mutually attached, and will not allow a strange individual to join them. In a wild state, moreover, they obey some individual, which by its superiority has become the chief of the herd. Our domestic species had originally this sociability of disposition, and no solitary species, however easy it may be to tame it, has yet afforded true domestic races. We merely, therefore, develope to our own advantage, propensities which propel the individuals of certain species to draw near to their fellows.

The sheep which we have reared is induced to follow us, as it would be led to follow the flock among which it was brought up; and when individuals of gregarious species have been accustomed to one master, it is he alone whom they acknowledge as their chief, he only whom they obey. -- "The elephant only allows himself to be led by the carnac whom he has adopted; the dog itself, reared in solitude with its master, manifests a hostile disposition towards all others; and everybody knows how dangerous it is to be in the midst of a herd of cows, in pasturages that are little frequented, when they have not at their head the keeper who takes care of them."

"Everything, therefore, tends to convince us, that formerly men were only, with regard to the domestic animals) what those who are particularly charged with the care of them still are, namely, members of the society, which these animals form among themselves; and that they are only distinguished in the general mass by the authority which they have been enabled to assume from their superiority of intellect. Thus, every social animal which recognizes man as a member, and as the chief of its herd~ is a domestic animal. It might even be said that from the moment when such an animal admits man as a member of its society, it is domesticated, as man could not enter into such a society without becoming the chief of it." [7]

But the ingenious author whose observations we have here cited, admits that the obedience which the individuals of many domestic species yield indifferently to every person is without analogy in any state of things which could exist previously to their subjugation by man. Each troop of wild horses, it is true, has some stallion for its chief, who draws after him all the individuals of which the herd is composed; but when a domesticated horse has passed from hand to hand, and has served several masters, he becomes equally docile towards any person, and is subjected to the whole human race. It seems fair to presume, that the capability in the instinct of the horse to be thus modified, was given to enable the species to render greater services to man; and, perhaps, the facility with which many other acquired characters become hereditary in various races of the horse, may be explicable only on a like supposition. The amble, for example~ a pace to which the domestic races in Spanish America are exclusively trained, has, in the course of several generations, become hereditary, and is assumed by all the young colts before they are broken in. [8]

It seems also reasonable to conclude, that the power bestowed on the horse, the dog, the ox, the sheep, the cat, and many species of domestic fowls, of supporting almost every climate, was given expressly to enable them to follow man throughout all parts of the globe-in order that we might obtain their services, and they our protection. If it be objected that the elephant, which, by the union of strength, intelligence, and docility, can render the greatest services to mankind, is incapable of living in any but the warmest latitudes, we may observe, that the quantity of vegetable food required by this quadruped would render its maintenance, in the temperate zone, too costly, and in the arctic impossible.

Among the changes superinduced by man, none appear, at first sight, more remarkable than the perfect tameness of certain domestic races. It is well known, that at however early an age we obtain possession of the young of many unreclaimed races, they will retain, throughout life, a considerable timidity and apprehensiveness of danger; whereas, after one or two generations, the descendants of the same will habitually place the most implicit confidence in man. There is good reason, however, to suspect that such changes are not without analogy in a state of nature, or, to speak more correctly, in situations where man has not interfered.

Thus Dr. Richardson informs us, in his able history of the habits of North American animals, that "in the retired parts of the mountains, where the hunters had seldom penetrated, there is no difficulty in approaching the Rocky Mountain sheep, which there exhibit the simplicity of character so remarkable in the domestic species,. but where they have been often fired at, they are exceedingly wild, alarm their companions, on the approach of danger, by a hissing noise, and scale the rocks with a speed and agility that baffles pursuit." [9]

It is probable, therefore, that as man, in diffusing himself over the globe, has tamed many wild races, so also he has made many tame races wild. Had some of the larger carnivorous beasts, capable of scaling the rocks, made their way into the North American mountains before our hunters, a similar alteration in the instincts of the sheep would doubtless have been brought about.

No animal affords a more striking illustration of the principal points we have been endeavouring to establish than the elephant. For in the first place, the, wonderful sagacity with which he accommodates himself to the society of. man, and the new habits which he contracts are not the result of time nor of modifications produced in the course of many generations. These animals will breed in captivity, as is now ascertained in opposition to the vulgar opinion of many modern naturalists, and in conformity to that of the ancients AElian and Columella. [10] Yet it has always been the custom, as the least expensive mode of obtaining them, to capture wild individuals in the forests, usually when full grown, and in a few years after they are taken, sometimes, it is said, in the space of a few months, their education is completed.

Had the whole species been domesticated from an early period in the history of man, like the camel, their superior intelligence would doubtless have been attributed to their long and familiar intercourse with the lord of the creation: but we know that a few years is sufficient to bring about this wonderful change of habits; and, although the same individual may continue to receive tuition for a century afterwards, yet it makes no further progress in the general development of its faculties. Were it otherwise, indeed, the animal would soon deserve more than the poet's epithet of "half-reasoning."

From the authority of our countrymen employed in the late Burmese war, it appears, in corroboration of older accounts, that when elephants are required to execute extraordinary tasks, they may be made to understand that they will receive unusual rewards. Some favourite dainty is shown to them, in the hope of acquiring which, the work is done. And so perfectly does the nature of the contract appear to be understood, that the breach of it, on the part of the master, is often attended with danger. In this case, a power has been given to the species to adapt their social instincts to new circumstances with surprising rapidity; but the extent of this change is defined by strict and arbitrary limits. There is no indication of a tendency to continued divergence from certain attributes with which the elephant was originally endued, no ground whatever for anticipating, that in thousands of centuries any material alteration could ever be effected. All that we can infer from analogy is, that some useful and peculiar races might probably be formed, if the experiment were fairly tried, and that some individual characteristic, now only casual and temporary, might be perpetuated by generation.

In all cases, therefore, where the domestic qualities exist in animals, they seem to require no lengthened process for their development, and they appear to have been wholly denied to some classes, which from their strength and social nature might have rendered great services to man; as, for example, the greater part of the quadrumana. The orang-outang, indeed, which for its resemblance in form to man, and apparently for no other good reason, has been assumed, by Lamarck, to be the most perfect of the inferior animals, has been tamed by the savages of Borneo, and made to climb lofty trees, and to bring down the fruit. But he is said to yield to his masters an unwilling obedience, and to be held in subjection only by severe discipline. We know nothing of the faculties of this animal which can suggest the idea that it rivals the elephant in intelligence, much less anything which can countenance the dreams of those who have fancied that it might have been transmuted into " the dominant race." One of the baboons of Sumatra (Simia carpolegus) appears to be more docile, and is frequently trained by the inhabitants to ascend trees for the purpose of gathering cocoa-nuts, a service in which the animal is very expert. He selects, says Sir Stamford Raffles, the ripe nuts with great judgment, and pulls no more than he is ordered. [11] The capuchin and cacajao monkeys are, according to Humboldt, taught to ascend trees in the same manner, and to throw down fruit on the banks of the lower Orinoco. [12]

We leave it to the Lamarckians to explain, how it happens that those same savages of Borneo have not themselves acquired, by dint of longing for many generations for the power of climbing trees, the elongated arms of the orang, or even the prehensile tails of some American monkeys. Instead of being reduced to the necessity of subjugating stubborn and untractable brutes, we should naturally have anticipated "that their wants would have excited them to efforts, and that continued efforts would have given rise to new organs;" or, rather, to the re-acquisition of organs which, in a manner irreconcileable with the principle of the progressive system, have grown obsolete in tribes of men which have such constant need of them.

It follows, then, from the different facts which we have considered in this chapter, that a short period of time is generally sufficient to effect nearly the whole change which an alteration of external circumstances can bring about in the habits of a species, and that such capacity of accommodation to new circumstances is enjoyed in very different degrees by different species.

Certain qualities appear to be bestowed exclusively with a view to the relations which are destined to exist between different species, and, among others, between certain species and man; but these latter are always so nearly connected with the original habits and propensities of each species in a wild state, that they imply no indefinite capacity of varying from the original type. The acquired habits, derived from human tuition, are rarely transmitted to the offspring; and when this happens, it is almost universally the case with those merely which have some obvious connexion with the attributes of the species when in a state of independence.



1. Lepus variabilis. -- Pallas.

2. Mustela erminea. -- Linn.

3. M. Roulin, Ann. des Sci. Nat., tom. xvi. p. 16, 1829.

4. The Real del Monte Company.

5. Mem. du Mus. d'Hist. Nat. -- Jameson, Ed. New Phil. Journ., Nos. 6, 7, 8.

6. In the New Forest, near Ringwood, Hants, by Mr. Toomer, keeper of Broomy Lodge.

7. Mem. du Mus. d' Hist. Nat.

8. Dureau de la Malle, Ann. des Sci. Nat., tom. xxi. p. 58.

9. Fauna Boreali-Americana, page 273.

10. Mr. Corse on the Habits, &e. of the Elephant, Phil. Trans. 1799.

11. Linn. Trans. vol. xiii. p. 244.

12. Pers. Narr. of Travels to the Equinoctial Regions of the New Continent, in the years 1799-1804.
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Re: Principles of Geology, by Charles Lyell

Postby admin » Fri Jul 17, 2015 1:31 am


Consideration of the question whether species have a real existence in nature, continued – Phenomena of hybrids – Hunter's opinions as to mule animals – Mules not strictly intermediate between the parent species – Hybrid plants – Experiments of Kölreuter – The same repeated by Wiegmann – Vegetable hybrids prolific throughout several generations – Why so rare in a wild state – Decandolle's opinion respecting hybrid plants – The phenomena of hybrids confirms the doctrine of the permanent distinctness of species – Theory of the gradation in the intelligence of animals as indicated by the facial angle – Discovery of Tieddemann that the brain of the foetus in mammalia assumes successively the form of the brain of a fish, reptile, and bird – Bearing of this discovery on the theory of progressive development and transmutation – Recapitulation

WE have yet to consider another class of phenomena, those relating to the production of hybrids, which have been regarded in a very different light with reference to their bearing on the question of the permanent distinctness of species; some naturalists considering them as affording the strongest of all proofs in favour of the reality of species; others, on the contrary, appealing to them as countenancing the opposite doctrine, that all the varieties of organization and instinct now exhibited in the animal and vegetable kingdoms, may have been propagated from a small number of original types.

In regard to the mammifers and birds, it is found that no sexual union will take place between races which are remote from each other in their habits and organization; and it is only in species that are very nearly allied that such unions produce offspring. It may be laid down as a general rule, admitting of very few exceptions among quadrupeds, that the hybrid progeny is steril, and there seem to be no well- authenticated examples of the continuance of the mule race beyond one generation. The principal number of observations and experiments relate to the mixed offspring of the horse and the ass; and in this case it is well established, that the male-mule can generate and the female-mule produce. Such cases occur in Spain and Italy, and much more frequently in the West Indies and New Holland; but these mules have never bred in cold climates, seldom in warm regions, and still more rarely in temperate countries.

The hybrid offspring of the female-ass and the stallion, the of Aristotle, and the hinnus of Pliny, differs from the mule, or the offspring of the ass and mare. In both cases, says Buffon, these animals retain more of the mother than of the father, not only in the magnitude but in the figure of the body; whereas, in the form of the head, limbs, and tail, they bear a greater resemblance to the father. The same naturalist infers, from various experiments respecting cross-breeds between the he-goat and ewe, the dog and she-wolf, the goldfinch and canary-bird, that the male transmits his sex to the greatest number, and that the preponderance of males over females exceeds that which prevails where the parents are of the same species.

The celebrated John Hunter has observed, that the true distinction of species must ultimately be gathered from their incapacity of propagating with each other, and producing offspring capable of again continuing itself. He was unwilling, however, to admit, that the horse and the ass were of the same species, because some rare instances had been adduced of the breeding of mules, which he attributed to a degree of monstrosity in the organs of the mule, for these he suggested might not have been those of a mixed animal, but those of the mare or female-ass. "This, he argues, is not a far-fetched idea, for true species produce monsters, and many animals of distinct sex are incapable of breeding at all; and as we find nature, in its greatest perfection, deviating from general principles, why may it not happen likewise in the production of mules, so that sometimes a mule shall breed from the circumstance of its being a monster respecting mules?"

Yet, in the same memoir, this great anatomist inferred that the wolf, the dog, and the jackal, were all of one species, because he had found, by two experiments, that the dog would breed, both with the wolf and the jackal; and that the mule, in each case, would breed again with the dog. In these cases, however, we may observe, that there was always one parent at least of pure breed, and no proof was obtained that a true hybrid race could be perpetuated; a fact of which we believe no examples are yet recorded, either in regard to mixtures of the horse and ass, or any other of the mammalia.

Should the fact be hereafter ascertained, that two mules can propagate their kind, we must still inquire whether the offspring may not be regarded in the light of a monstrous birth, proceeding from some accidental cause, or rather, to speak more philosophically, from some general law not yet understood, but which may not be permitted permanently to interfere with those laws of generation, whereby species may, in general) be prevented from becoming blended. If, for example, we discovered that the progeny of a mule race degenerated greatly in the first generation, in force, sagacity, or any attribute necessary for its preservation in a state of nature, we might infer that, like a monster, it is a mere temporary and fortuitous variety. Nor does it seem probable that the greater number of such monsters could ever occur unless obtained by art; for in Hunter's experiments, stratagem or force was, in most instances, employed to bring about the irregular connexion. [1]

It seems rarely to happen that the mule offspring is truly intermediate in character between the two parents. Thus Hunter mentions, that, in his experiments, one of the hybrid pups resembled the wolf much more than the rest of the litter; and we are informed by Wiegmann, that in a litter lately obtained in the Royal Menagerie at Berlin, from a white pointer and a she-wolf, two of the cubs resembled the common wolf-dog, but the third was like a pointer with hanging ears.

There is, undoubtedly, a very close analogy between these phenomena and those presented by the intermixture of distinct races of the same species, both in the inferior animals and in man. Dr. Prichard, in his "Physical History of Mankind," cites examples where the peculiarities of the parents have been transmitted very unequally to the offspring j as where children, entirely white, or perfectly black, have sprung from the union of the European and the negro. Sometimes the colour, or other peculiarities of one parent, after having failed to show themselves in the immediate progeny, reappear in a subsequent generation, as where a white child is born of two black parents, the grandfather having been a white. [2]

The same author judiciously observes, that if different species mixed their breed, and hybrid races were often propagated, the animal world would soon present a scene of confusion; its tribes would be everywhere blended together, and we should, perhaps, find more hybrid creatures than genuine and uncorrupted races. [3]

The history of the vegetable kingdom has been thought to afford more decisive evidence in favour of the theory of the formation of new and permanent species from hybrid stocks. The first accurate experiments in illustration of this curious subject appear to have been made by Kolreuter, who obtained a hybrid from two species of Tobacco, Nicotiana rusltica and N. paniculata, which differ greatly in the shape of their leaves, the colour of the corolla, and the height of the stem. The stigma of a female plant of N. rustica was impregnated with the pollen of a male plant of N. paniculafa. The seed ripened and produced a hybrid which was intermediate between the two parents, and which, like all the hybrids which this botanist brought up, had imperfect stamens. He afterwards impregnated this hybrid with the pollen of N. paniculata, and obtained plants which much more resembled the last. This he continued through several generations, until, by due perseverance, he actually changed the Nicotiana rustica into the Nicotiana paniculata.

The plan of impregnation adopted, was the cutting off of the anthers of the plant intended for fructification before they had shed pollen, and then laying on foreign pollen upon the stigma. The same experiment has since been repeated, with success, by Wiegmann, who found that he could bring back the hybrids to the exact likeness of either parent, by crossing them a sufficient number of times.

The blending of the characters of the parent stocks, in many other of Weigmann's experiments, was complete; the colour and shape of the leaves and flowers, and even the scent, being intermediate, as in the offspring of the two species of verbascum. An intermarriage, also, between the common onion and the leek (Allium cepa and A. porrum) gave a mule plant, which, in the character of its leaves and flowers, approached most nearly to the garden onion, but had the elongated bulbous root and smell of the leek.

The same botanist remarks, that vegetable hybrids, when not strictly intermediate, more frequently approach the female than the male parent species, but they never exhibit characters foreign to both. A re-cross with one of the original stocks, generally causes the mule plant to revert towards that stock; but this is not always the case, the offspring sometimes continuing to exhibit the character of a full hybrid.

In general, the success attending the production and perpetuity of hybrids among plants, depends, as in the animal kingdom, on the degree of proximity between the species intermarried. If their organization be very remote, impregnation never takes place; if somewhat less distant, seeds are formed, but always imperfect and sterile The next degree of relationship yields hybrid seedlings, but these are barren; and it is only when the parent species are very nearly allied, that the hybrid race may be perpetuated for several generations. Even in this case the best authenticated examples seem confined to the crossing of hybrids with individuals of pure breed. In none of the experiments most accurately detailed does it appear that both the parents were mules.

Wiegmann diversified, as much as possible, his mode of bringing about these irregular unions among plants. He often sowed parallel rows, near to each other, of the species from which he desired to breed, and instead of mutilating, after Kolreuter's fashion, the plants of one of the parent stocks, he merely washed the pollen off their anthers. The branches of the plants, in each row, were then gently bent towards each other and intertwined, so that the wind, and numerous insects as they passed from the flowers of one to those of the other species, carried the pollen and produced fecundation.

The same observer saw a good exemplification of the manner in which hybrids may be formed in a state of nature. Some wallflowers and pinks had been growing in a garden, in a dry sunny situation, and their stigmas had been ripened so as to be moist, and to absorb pollen with avidity, although their anthers were not yet developed. These stigmas became impregnated by pollen, blown from some other adjacent plants of the same species, but had they been of different species, and not too remote in their organization, mule races must have resulted.

When, indeed, we consider how busily some insects have been shown to be engaged in conveying anther-dust from flower to flower, especially bees, flower-eating beetles, and the like, it seems a most enigmatical problem how it can happen, that promiscuous alliances between distinct species are not perpetually occurring.

How continually do we observe the bees diligently employed in collecting the red and yellow powder by which the stamens of flowers are covered, loading it on their hind legs, and carrying it to their hive for the purpose of feeding their young! In thus providing for their own progeny, these insects assist materially the process of fructification. [4] Few of our readers need be reminded, that the stamens in certain plants grow on different blossoms from the pistils, and unless the summit of the pistil be touched with the fertilizing dust, the fruit does not swell, nor the seed arrive at maturity. It is by the help of bees chiefly, that the development of the fruit of many such species is secured, the powder which they have collected from the stamens being unconsciously left by them in visiting the pistils. How often, during the heat of a summer's day, do we see the males of dioecious plants, such as the yew-tree, standing separate from the females, and sending off into the air, upon the slightest breath of wind, clouds of buoyant pollen! That the zephyr should so rarely intervene to fecundate the plants of one species with the anther-dust of others, seems almost to realize the converse of the miracle believed by the credulous herdsmen of the Lusitanian mares --

Ore omnes versae in Zephyrum, stant rupibus altis,
Exceptantque leves auras: et saepe sine ullis
Conjugiis, vento gravidae, mirabile dictu. [5]

But, in the first place, it appears that there is a natural aversion in plants, as well as in animals, to irregular sexual unions; and in most of the successful experiments in the animal and vegetable world, some violence has been used, in order to procure impregnation. The stigma imbibes, slowly and reluctantly, the granules of the pollen of another species, even when it is abundantly covered with it; and if it happen that, during this period, ever so slight a quantity of the anther-dust of its own species alight upon it, this is instantly absorbed, and the effect of the foreign pollen destroyed. Besides, it does not often happen that the male and female organs of fructification, in different species, arrive at a state of maturity at precisely the same time. Even where such synchronism does prevail, so that a cross impregnation is effected, the chances are very numerous against the establishment of a hybrid race.

If we consider the vegetable kingdom generally, it must be recollected, that even of the seeds which are well ripened, the greater part are either eaten by insects, birds, and other animals, or decay for want of room and opportunity to germinate. Unhealthy plants are the first which are cut off by causes prejudicial to the species, being usually stifled by more vigorous individuals of their own kind. If, therefore, the relative fecundity or hardiness of hybrids be in the least degree inferior, they cannot maintain their footing for many generations, even if they were ever produced beyond one generation in a wild state. In the universal struggle for existence, the right of the strongest eventually prevails; and the strength and durability of a race depends mainly on its prolificness, in which hybrids are acknowledged to be deficient.

Centaurea hyhrida, a plant which never bears seed, and is supposed to be produced by the frequent intermixture of two well-known species of Centaurea, grows wild upon a hill near Turin. Ranunculus lacerus, also steril, has been produced accidentally at Grenoble, and near Paris, by the union of two Ranunculi; but this occurred in gardens. [6]

Mr. Herbert, in one of his ingenious papers on mule plants, endeavours to account for their non-occurrence in a state of nature, from the circumstance that all the combinations that were likely to occur, have already been made many centuries ago, and have formed the various species of botanists; but in our gardens, he says, whenever species, having a certain degree of affinity to each other, are transported from different countries, and brought for the first time into contact, they give rise to hybrid species. [7] But we have no data, as yet, to warrant the conclusion, that a single permanent hybrid race has ever been formed, even in gardens, by the intermarriage of two allied species brought from distant habitations. Until some fact of this kind is fairly established, and a new species, capable of perpetuating itself in a state of perfect independence of man, can be pointed out, we think it reasonable to call in question entirely this hypothetical source of new species. That varieties do sometimes spring up from cross breeds, in a natural way, can hardly be doubted, but they probably die out even more rapidly than races propagated by grafts or layers.

Decandolle, whose opinion on a philosophical question of this kind deserves the greatest attention, has observed, in his Essay on Botanical Geography, that the varieties of plants range themselves under two general heads: those produced by external circumstances, and those formed by hybridity. After adducing various arguments to show that neither of these causes can explain the permanent diversity of plants indigenous in different regions, he says, in regard to the crossing of races, "I can perfectly comprehend, without altogether sharing the opinion, that where many species of the same genera occur near together, hybrid species may be formed, and I am aware that the great number of species of certain genera which are found in particular regions, may be explained in this manner; but I am unable to conceive how anyone can regard the same explanation as applicable to species which live naturally at great distances. If the three larches, for example, now known in the world, lived in the same localities, I might then believe that one of them was the produce of the crossing of the two others; but I never could admit that the Siberian species has been produced by the crossing of those of Europe and America. I see, then, that there exist, in organized beings, permanent differences which cannot be referred to anyone of the actual causes of variation, and these differences are what constitute species." [8]

The most decisive arguments, perhaps, amongst many others, against the probability of the derivation of permanent species from cross breeds, are to be drawn from the fact alluded to by Decandolle, of species having a close affinity to each other occurring in distinct botanical provinces, or countries inhabited by groups of distinct species of indigenous plants. For in this case naturalists, who are not prepared to go the whole length of the transmutationists, are under the necessity of admitting, that in some cases species which approach very near to each other in their characters, were so created from their origin; an admission fatal to the idea of its being a general law of nature, that a few original types only should be formed, and that all intermediate races should spring from the intermixture of those stocks.

This notion, indeed, is wholly at variance with all that we know of hybrid generation; for the phenomena entitle us to affirm, that had the types been at first somewhat distant, no cross-breeds would ever have been produced, much less those prolific races which we now recognise as distinct species.

In regard, moreover, to the permanent propagation of hybrid races among animals, insuperable difficulties present themselves, when we endeavour to conceive the blending together of the different instincts and propensities of two species, so as to insure the preservation of the intermediate race. The common mule, when obtained by human art, may be protected by the power of man; but in a wild state, it would neither have precisely the same wants as the horse or the ass: and if, in consequence of some difference of this kind, it strayed from the herd, it would soon be hunted down by beasts of prey and destroyed.

If we take some genus of insects, such as the bee, we find that each of the numerous species has some difference in its habits, its mode of collecting honey, or constructing its dwelling, or providing for its young, and other particulars. In the case of the common hive-bee, the workers are described, by Kirby and Spence, as being endowed with no less than thirty distinct instincts. [9] So also we find that amongst a most numerous class of spiders, there are nearly as many different modes of spinning their webs as there are species. When we recollect how complicated are the relations of these instincts with co-existing species, both of the animal and vegetable kingdoms, it is scarcely possible to imagine that a bastard race could spring from the union of two of these species, and retain just so much of the qualities of each parent-stock as to preserve its ground in spite of the dangers which surround it.

We should also ask, if a few generic types alone have been created among insects, and the intermediate species have proceeded from hybridity, where are those original types, combining, as they ought to do, the elements of all the instincts which have made their appearance in the numerous derivative races? So also in regard to animals of all classes, and of plants; if species in general are of hybrid origin, where are the stocks which combine in themselves the habits, properties, and organs, of which all the intervening species ought to afford us mere modifications?

We shall now conclude this subject by summing up, in a few words, the results to which the consideration of the phenomena of hybrids has led us. It appears that the aversion of individuals of distinct species to the sexual union is common to animals and plants, and that it is only when the species approach near to each other, in their organization and habits, that any offspring are produced from their connexion. Mules are of extremely rare occurrence in a state of nature, and no examples are yet known of their having procreated in a wild state. But it has been proved, that hybrids are not universally steril, provided the parent stocks have a near affinity to each other, although the continuation of the mixed race, for several generations, appears hitherto to have been obtained only by crossing the hybrids with individuals of pure species, an experiment which by no means bears out the hypothesis that a true hybrid race could ever be permanently established.

Hence we may infer, that aversion to sexual intercourse is, in general, a good test of the distinctness of original stocks, or of species, and the procreation of hybrids is a proof of the very near affinity of species. Perhaps, hereafter, the number of generations for which hybrids may be continued, before the race dies out (for it seems usually to degenerate rapidly), may afford the zoologist and botanist an experimental test of the difference in the degree of affinity of allied species.

We may also remark, that if it could have been shown that a single permanent species had ever been produced by hybridity (of which there is no satisfactory proof), it might certainly have lent some countenance to the notions of the ancients respecting the gradual deterioration of created things, but none whatever to Lamarck's theory of their progressive perfectibility; for observations have hitherto shown that there is a tendency, in mule animals and plants, to degenerate in organization.

We have already remarked, that the theory of progressive development arose from an attempt to ingraft the doctrines of the transmutationists upon one of the most popular generalizations in geology. But modern geological researches have almost destroyed every appearance of that gradation in the successive groups of animate beings, which was supposed to indicate the slow progress of the organic world from the more simple to the more compound structure. In the more modern formations, we find clear indications that the highest orders of the terrestrial mammalia were fully represented during several successive epochs; but, in the monuments which we have hitherto examined of more remote eras, in which there are as yet discovered few fluviatile, and perhaps no lacustrine formations, and, therefore, scarcely any means of obtaining an insight into the zoology of the then existing continents, we have only as yet found one example of a mammiferous quadruped. The recent origin of man, and the absence of all signs of any rational being holding an analogous relation to former states of the animate world, affords one, and the only reasonable argument, in support of the hypothesis of a progressive scheme, but none whatever in favour of the fancied evolution of one species out of another.

When the celebrated anatomist, Camper, first attempted to estimate the degrees of sagacity of different animals, and of the races of man, by the measurement of the facial angle, some speculators were bold enough to affirm, that certain simiae differed as little from the more savage races of men, as do these from the human race in general; and that a scale might be traced from "apes with foreheads villanous low," to the African variety of the human species, and from that to the European. The facial angle was measured by drawing a line from the prominent centre of the forehead to the most advanced part of the lower jaw-bone, and observing the angle which it made with the horizontal line ; and it was affirmed, that there was a regular series from birds to the mammalia.

The gradation from the dog to the monkey was said to be perfect, and from that again to man. One of the ape tribe has a facial angle of 42º, and another, which approximated nearest to man in figure, an angle of 50°. To this succeeds (Iongo sed proximus intervallo) the head of the African negro, which, as well as that of the Kalmuc, forms an angle of 70°, while that of the European contains 80°. The Roman painters preferred the angle of 95°, and the character of beauty and sublimity, so striking in some works of Grecian sculpture, as in the head of Apollo, and in the Medusa of Sisocles, is given by an angle which amounts to 100°. [10]

A great number of valuable facts and curious analogies in comparative anatomy, were brought to light during the investigations which were made by Camper, John Hunter, and others, to illustrate this scale of organization; and their facts and generalizations must not be confounded with the fanciful systems which White and others deduced from them. [11]

That there is some connexion between an elevated and capacious forehead in certain races of men, and a large development of the intellectual faculties, seems highly probable; and that a low facial angle is frequently accompanied with inferiority of mental powers, is certain; but the attempt to trace a graduated scale of intelligence through the different species of animals accompanying the modifications of the form of the skull, is a mere visionary speculation. It has been found necessary to exaggerate the sagacity of the ape tribe at the expense of the dog, and strange contradictions have arisen in the conclusions deduced from the structure of the elephant, some anatomists being disposed to deny the quadruped the intelligence which he really possesses, because they found that the volume of his brain was small in comparison to that of the other mammalia, while others were inclined to magnify extravagantly the superiority of its intellect, because the vertical height of its skull is so great when compared to its horizontal length.

It would be irrelevant to our subject if we were to enter into a farther discussion on these topics~ because, even if a graduated scale of organization and intelligence could have been established, it would prove nothing in favour of a tendency, in each species, to attain a higher state of perfection. We may refer the reader to the writings of Blumenbach, Prichard, Lawrence, and others, for convincing proofs that the varieties of form, colour, and organization of different races of men, are perfectly consistent with the generally received opinion, that all the individuals of the species have originated from a single pair; and while they exhibit in man as many diversities of a physiological nature, as appear in any other species, they confirm also the opinion of the slight deviation from a common standard of which a species is capable.

The power of existing and multiplying in every latitude, and in every variety of situation and climate, which has enabled the great human family to extend itself over the habitable globe, is partly, says Lawrence, the result of physical constitution, and partly of the mental prerogative of man. If he did not possess the most enduring and flexible corporeal frame, his arts would not enable him to be the inhabitant of all climates, and to brave the extremes of heat and cold, and the other destructive influences of local situation. [12] Yet, notwithstanding this flexibility of bodily frame, we find no signs of indefinite departure from a common standard, and the intermarriages of individuals of the most remote varieties are not less fruitful than between those of the same tribe.

There is yet another department of anatomical discovery, to which we must not omit some allusion, because it has appeared to some persons to afford a distant analogy, at least, to that progressive development by which some of the inferior species may have been gradually perfected into those of more complex organization. Tieddemann found, and his discoveries have been most fully confirmed and elucidated by M. Serres, that the brain of the foetus, in the highest class of vertebrated animals, assumes, in succession, the various forms which belong to fishes, reptiles, and birds, before it acquires those additions and modifications which are peculiar to the mammiferous tribe. So that in the passage from the embryo to the perfect mammifer, there is a typical representation, as it were, of all those transformations which the primitive species are supposed to have undergone, during a long series of generations, between the present period and the remotest geological era.

If you examine the brain of the mammalia, says M. Serres, at an early stage of uterine life, you perceive the cerebral hemispheres consolidated, as in fish, in two vesicles isolated one from the other; at a later period, you see them affect the configuration of the cerebral hemispheres of reptiles; still later again, they present you with the forms of those of birds; finally, they acquire, at the era of birth, and sometimes later, the permanent forms which the adult mammalia present.

The cerebral hemispheres, then, only arrive at the state which we observe in the higher animals by a series of successive metamorphoses. If we reduce the whole of these evolutions to four periods, we shall see that in the first are born the cerebral lobes of fishes, and this takes place homogeneously in all classes. The second period will give us the organization of reptiles; the third the brain of birds; and the fourth the complex hemispheres of mammalia.

If we could develop the different parts of the brain of the inferior classes, we should make in succession a reptile out of a fish, a bird out of a reptile, and a mammiferous quadruped out of a bird. If, on the contrary, we could starve this organ in the mammalia, we might reduce it successively to the condition of the brain of the three inferior classes.

Nature often presents us with this last phenomenon in monsters, but never exhibits the first. Among the various deformities which organized beings may experience, they never pass the limits of their own classes to put on the forms of the class above them. Never does a fish elevate itself so as to assume the form of the brain of a reptile; nor does the latter ever attain that of birds; nor the bird that of the mammifer. It may happen that a monster may have two heads, but the conformation of the brain always remains circumscribed narrowly within the limits of its class. [13]

It will be observed, that these curious phenomena disclose, in a highly interesting manner, the unity of plan that runs through the organization of the whole series of vertebrated animals; but they lend no support whatever to the notion of a gradual transmutation of one species into another, least of all of the passage, in the course of many generations, from an animal of a more simple, to one of a more complex structure. On the contrary, were it not for the sterility imposed on monsters, as well as on hybrids in general, the argument to be derived from Tieddemann's discovery, like that deducible from experiments respecting hybridity, would be in favour of the successive degeneracy, rather than the perfectibility, in the course of ages, of certain classes of organic beings.

For the reasons, therefore, detailed in this and the two preceding chapters, we draw the following inferences, in regard to the reality of species in nature.

First, That there is a capacity in all species to accommodate themselves, to a certain extent, to a change of external circumstances, this extent varying greatly according to the species.

2dly. When the change of situation which they can endure is great, it is usually attended by some modifications of the form, colour, size, structure, or other particulars; but the mutations thus superinduced are governed by constant laws, and the capability of so varying forms part of the permanent specific character.

3dly. Some acquired peculiarities of form, structure, and instinct, are transmissible to the offspring; but these consist or such qualities and attributes only as are intimately related to the natural wants and propensities of the species.

4thly. The entire variation from the original type, which any given kind of change can produce, may usually be effected in a brief period of time, after which no farther deviation can be obtained by continuing to alter the circumstances, though ever so gradually, -- indefinite divergence, either in the way of improvement or deterioration, being prevented, and the least possible excess beyond the defined limits being fatal to the existence of the individual.

5thly. The intermixture of distinct species is guarded against by the aversion of the individuals composing them to sexual union, or by the sterility of the mule offspring. It does not appear that true hybrid races have ever been perpetuated for several generations, even by the assistance of man; for the cases usually cited relate to the crossing of mules with individuals of pure species, and not to the intermixture of hybrid with hybrid.

6thly. From the above considerations, it appears that species have a real existence in nature, and that each was endowed, at the time of its creation, with the attributes and organization by which it is now distinguished.



1. Phil. Trans. 1787. Additional Remarks, Phil. Trans. 1789.

2. Vol. i., p. 217.

3. Ibid., vol. i, p. 97.

4. See Barton on the Geography of Plants, p. 67.

5. Georg. lib. iii. 273.

6. Hon. and Rev. W. Herbert, Hort. Trans., vol. iv., p. 41.

7. Ibid.

8. Essai Elementaire, &c. 3me. partie.

9. Intr. to Entom., vol. ii., p. 504. Ed. 1817.

10. Prichard, Phys. Hist. of Mankind, vol. i., p. 159.

11. Ch. White on the regular Gradation in Man, &c., 1799.

12. Lawrence, Lectures on Phys. Zool. and Nat. Hist. of Man, p.192. Ed. 1823.

13. E. R. A. Serres, Anatomie Comparee du Cerveau, illustrated by numerous plates, tom. i., 1824.
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