Principles of Geology, by Charles Lyell

Re: Principles of Geology, by Charles Lyell

Postby admin » Fri Jul 17, 2015 4:12 am


Leybros, fresh-water limestone of, 237
Lias, strata of the, 326
-- strata between the Carboniferous
group and the, 326
-- converted into flinty slate by trap
dike in Antrim, 370
-- altered in the Alps, 372
-- altered in Hebrides, 378
Licodia, relative age of the basalts of, 82
Lignite interstratified with the sub-Apennine
marls, 159
Lima, valley of, proofs of the successive
rise of the, 130
Limagne d'Auvergne, lacustrine deposits
and volcanic rocks of the -- see map,
wood-cut No. 56, 226
Limestone formation of the Val di Noto
described -- see diagram No. 5, 64
-- its organic remains, 65
Limestone, resting on lava at Capo Santa
Croce, 68
Lithological character of the sub-Apen
nine beds, 157, 162
Lockart, M., on the fossil remains of the
Orleanais, 219
Loess of the valley of the Rhine, 151
-- mineral, composition of the, 151
-- its thickness and origin, 152
-- gravel, &c. alternating with, 153
-- list of shells from the -- see Appendix
II., 58
Loire, tertiary strata of the basin of the,
-- relative age of the strata of the -- see
diagram No. 3, 20
-- 'faluns' of the, 203
London basin, tertiary deposits of the, 18,
-- on the former continuity of the
Hampshire and, 283
-- fossil shells of the -- see Tables, Appendix
-- proportion of living species in the
fossil shells of the -- Appendix I., 50
London clay, its composition, thickness,
&c., 279
-- septaria of the, 279
-- the fossil shells identifiable with
those of the Paris basin, 280
-- organic remains of the, 280
Lower green-sand described, 286
Lower Rhine, see Rhine.
Lucina divaricata, wide geographical
range of the, 254
Luy, section of tertiary strata in the valley
of the-see diagram No. 51, 207

Maars, or lake-craters of the Eifel -- see
wood-cuts Nos. 49 and 50, 195, 196
-- how formed, 196
Macculloch, Dr., on the parallel roads of
Glen Roy, 131
-- sub-Apennine strata termed marine
alluvia by, 157
-- on the granite veins of Cape Wrath,
in Scotland, 354
-- on the junction of granite and limestone
in Glen Tilt, 356
-- on the granitic rocks of Shetland, 357
-- on the granite of Sky, 358
-- on the trap rocks of Scotland, 360
-- on the granite of Aberdeenshire,
-- on the passage of gneiss into granite,
Macigno of the Italians the greywacke of
the Germans, 162
Madure, Dr., on the geology of the Lee.
ward Islands, 132
-- on the volcanic district of Olot in
Catalonia, 184
-- his observations preceded by those
of Don Bolos, 193
Madeira, fossil shells of recent species
brought from, 134
Madeira, vertical dikes of compact lava
seen 10, 134
-- violently shaken by earthquakes during
the last century, 134
Maestricht beds, fossils of the, 324
-- chasm between the Eocene and,
-- number of fossil shells common to
the chalk and, 325
-- number common to the upper greensand
and, 325
Magnan, river, 167
-- section from Monte Calvo to the sea
by the valley of -- see diagram, No. 29,
Malaga, tertiary strata of, 170
Mammalia, fossil, importance of the remains
of, 47
-- duration of species in, more limited
than in testacea, 140
-- shells of living species found with
extinct, 140
Mammiferous remains of the successive
tertiary eras, 59
Mammoth, tusk of the, found in calcareous
tufa near Rome, 139
Man, remains of, now becoming imbedded
in osseous breccias in the Morea, 144
Mantell, Mr., on the fossil shells of the
crag, 171
-- on deposits containing recent shells
in the cliffs near Brighton, 182
--- on tertiary outliers on the chalk,
-- on the secondary rocks of the Weald
valley, 286
-- his section of the valley of the
Weald, with the heights on a true
scale -- see wood-cut No. 64, 288
-- his section from the North escarp
ment of the South Downs to Barcombe
- see wood-cut No. 71, 296
-- on the absence of chalk detritus on
the central ridge of the Weald, 296
-- his section of a fault in the cliff-hills
near Lewes -- see wood-cut No. 76,
-- his discovery of the Mososaurus of
Maestricht in the English chalk, 325
Map of the volcanic district of Catalonia
-see wood-cut, No. 43, 184
-- of the volcanic region of the Eifel -- see
wood-cut No. 48, 194
-- of Auvergne, showing its geographical
connexion with the Paris basin -- see
wood-cut No. 56, 226
Marculot, fresh-water limestone of, 232
Mardolce, grotto of, bones of extinct quadrupeds
found in the, 140
-- pierced in the interior by boring
testacea, 141
-- breccia in, how formed, 141
Marienforst, blocks of quartz containing
casts of fresh-water shells found near, 199
Marine alluviums, 145
Marine testacea, wide range of, 44, 48
Marls, sub-Apennine, localities of the, 158,
-- sometimes thinly laminated, 158
-- interstratified with lignite and gypsum,
-- capped by basalt at some places, 159
Martin, Mr., on the Valley of the Weald,
-- on the transverse valleys of the North
and South Downs, 299
-- his supposed section of a trans
verse valley -- see wood-cut No.74, 300
-- his estimate of the thickness of
strata removed from the summit of the
Forest ridge, 313
Maritime Alps, tertiary strata at the base
of the, 164
Marsupial animals, their remains found in
breccias in Australian caves, 143
Mascalucia, subsidence on Etna near the
town of, 96
Medesano, lignite in the sub-Apennine marls
at, 159
Mediterranean, organic remains of the, 40
-- distinct from those of the Red Sea,
41, 205
-- shells drifted from the Alps into
the, 48
Medway, transverse valley of the, 298, 299
Meerfelder Maar described, 197
Melilli, view of a circular valley near -- see
wood-cut No. 23, 110
-- inland cliffs seen near, 111
Merdogne, fresh-water marls intersected by
a dike of basalt above the village 8f, 259
Metamorphic, the term proposed and defined,
-- rocks of the Alps, altered lias and
oolite, 371
-- sometimes pass into sedimentary, 376
-- sometimes divided by strong line of
demarcation, 376
-- in what manner their age should
be determined, 378
-- why those visible to us are for the
most part ancient, 380
-- why they appear the oldest, 379
Micaceous schist, whence derived, 373
Microscopic fossil shells abundant near
Sienna, 163
-- shells of the Paris basin, -- see Plate
IV., 250
Militello, list of fossil shells from -- see Appendix
II., p. 54
Mineral character, persistency of, why apparently
greatest in older rocks, 331
-- characters, proofs of contempora
neous origin derived from, 37
Mineral composition of the sub-Apennine
strata, 157
-- of rocks no proof of contemporaneous
origin, 161
Minerals in the cavities of lava, Isle of Cyclops,
Miocene period, term whence derived, 54
-- proportion of living species in the
fossil shells of the, 54
-- position of the beds rererrible to the
-see diagrams, Nos. 3 and 4, 20, 21
-- mammiferous remains of the, 59
-- Marine formations of the, 202
-- fresh-water formations of the, 219
--volcanic rocks of the, 222
-- alluviums, localities of, 217
-- fossil shells of the-see tables Ap
pendix I.
-- general results derived from the fossil
shells of the Appendix I., p. 47
-- number of fossil species of shells
common to different formations referrible
to the, ib., p. 47.
-- number of living species in the fossil
shells of the, w., p. 48
-- number of species common to the
pliocene and, ib., p. 49
-- geographical distribution of the living
species of the, ib., 51
Mirambeau, red clay and sand of, 208
Mismer, dip of the crag strata in a cliff
between Dunwich and -- see wood-cut,
No. 33, 175
Misterbianco, valleys excavated through
blue marl at, 77
Mitchell, Major, on breccias in Australian
caves, 143
Mitscherlich, M., on the minerals found in
Somma, 121
Modern causes, remarks on the term, 319
Molasse, thickness of, at Stein, 153
-- of Switzerland, 212
-- its place in the series of tertiary formations
not yet known, 212
Mole, transverse valley of the, 298
Molluscous animals, superior longevity of
the species of, 48
Mont Dor, age of the volcano of, 260, 262
-- its height, form, and composition, 261
Mont Ferrat, tertiary strata of the hills of, 21
-- hills of, geological structure of the, 211
Monte Calvo, section from to the sea-see
diagram No. 29, 167
Monte Cerio, unaltered shells found in the
gypsum of, 159
Monte Grifone, caves containing osseous
breccias in, 141
Montlosier, M., on alluviums of different
ages in Auvergne, 267
Monte Mario, marine strata of, 138
-- shells changed into calcareous spar
in, 160
Montmartre, gypsum of, 247
-- bones of quadrupeds, &c. in the gyp
sum of, 251
-- entire absence of marine remains in
the gypsum of, 252
Mont Mezen, age of the, 260
Monte Nuovo, formation of, 104, 128, 125
Montpellier, tertiary strata of, 215
Mont Perrier, position of the Miocene
alluviums of -- see wood-cut, No. 54, 217
-- remains of extinct quadrupeds in the
alluviums of, 218
-- age of the trachytic breccias of, 262
Montsacopa, volcanic cone of -- (see Frontispiece, )
Mountain chains formed of successive
igneous and aqueous groups superimposed
on each other, 240
-- on the relative antiquity of, 337
-- difficulty of determining the relative
ages of, 350
Moravia, fossil shells of -- see tables, Appendix
Morea, osseous breccias now forming in
the, 144
-- tertiary strata of the, 170
-- distinct ranges of sea cliffs at various
elevations in the, 113, 132
-- fossil shells of the-see tables, Appendix
Moropano, fossil shells found in tuff near
the town of, 126
Mosenberg, a mountain with a triple volcanic
cone, 197
Mososaurus of Maestricht found also in the
English chalk, 325
Mundesley, protuberances of chalk in the
crag strata near, 180
Murat, fresh-water deposits covered by
volcanic rocks near, 263
Murchison, Mr., on the tertiary strata of
Grosoeil, near Nice, 135
-- on tertiary strata at the base of the
Maritime Alps, 166, 168
--his section of the manner in which
the crag rests on the chalk-see dia.
gram No. 30, 173
-- on the Superga, 211
-- on the tertiary formations of Styria,
gaam 213, 214
-- on the fresh-water formation of Cadibona,
-- on the volcanic rocks of Styria, 224
-- on central France, 227
-- on the lacustrine strata of the Cantal,
-- on Auvergne, 258
-- on the Plomb du Cantal, 263
-- on the excavation of valleys, 265
-- on the tertiary formations of Aix, in
Provence, 277
- on the terrace formed by the hard
beds of the upper green-sand, 292
Murphy, Lieut. H., on the height of the
North Downs, 288
Musara, sections of buried cones seen near
the rock of, 88
-- flowing of the lava of 1811 and 1819
round-see wood-cut, No. 21, 92
-- traversed by dikes, 92

Nadder, valley of the, 308
Nantes, tertiary strata near, resting on primary
rocks, 204
Naples, recent tertiary strata in the district
around, 22
-- volcanic region of, changes which
it has undergone in the last 2000 years,
-- recent shells in volcanic tuffs near,
Necker, M. L. A., on the dikes of Somma,
-- on the cause of the parallelism of
their opposite sides, 122
-- on the varieties in texture of the
dikes of Somma, 124
Needles of the Isle of Wight, fall of one of
them into the sea in 1772, 181
Nesti, M., on the fossil elephant of the
upper Val d'Arno, 221
Netherlands, tertiary formations of the, 276
Newer Pliocene period -- see Pliocene
period, newer
Newhaven, patches of tertiary strata found
on the chalk near, 286
Nice, height of the tertiary strata above the
sea at, 165, 167
-- section from Monte Calvo to the sea,
by the valley of Magnan near -- see diagram
No. 29, 167
-- great beds of conglomerate near, 167
-- dip of the strata, 168
Niger, delta of the, area covered by the, 329
Nile, its delta now preyed on by currents,
Noeggerath, M., his map of the Eifel district,
-- on volcanic district of the Rhine, 201
Norfolk, crag strata of, 171
-- rapid waste of the cliffs on the
coast of, 297
Northampton, Lord, fossil fish found near
Castrogiovanni by, 67
North Downs, chalk ridge called the, 287
-- section across the valley of the
Weald from the south to the -- see wood-
cuts, No. 63 and 64, 288
-- highest point of the, 288
-- on the former continuity of the chalk
of the, with that of the South Downs, 303
Noto, Val di, formations of the, 63
--volcanic rocks of the, 63. 67
Novera, hill of, in Sicily, junction of tuff
and limestone in the-see diagram No.
8, 70

Odoardi, on the recent origin of the tertiary
strata of Italy, 19
OEiningen, fossil reptile found at, 7
Older Pliocene period -- see Pliocene period,
Olivet, volcanic cone of -- (see frontispillce, )
Olot, volcanic district of, 183
-- its extent-see map, wood-cut No.
43, 184
-- number of volcanic cones in -- (see
frontispiece, 185)
-- geological structure of the district
around, 185
-- age of the volcanos of, 191
-- town of, destroyed by an earthquake
in 1421, 191
-- country between Perpignan and. occasionally
shaken by earthquakes, 191
Omalius d'Halloy, on the former connexion
of Auvergne and the Paris basin by
lakes, 241
Oolite, or jura limestone formation, 326
--converted into hypogene rock in
the Alps, 371
Organic remains, controversy as to the real
nature of, 3
-- theories to account for their occurrence
in high mountains, 4
-- contemporaneous origin of rocks
proved by, 39
-- comparative value of different classes
of, 46
Origin of the globe, no geological proofs
of, 384
Orleanais, fossil remains of the, 219
Orthes, tertiary strata of, 207
Osseous breccias, in Sicilian caves, 139
-- in Australian caves, 143
-- now forming in the Morea, 144
Otranto, tertiary strata of, 22
Ouse, transverse valley of the, 298, .299
-- has filled up an arm of the sea, 300
Outlying patches of tertiary strata on chalk
hills, 283

Pachydermata, great abundance of this
order in the Eocene period, 59
Pacific, lines of ancient sea cliffs on the
shores of the, 130
Palaeotherium found in the fresh-water
strata of the Isle of Wight, 281, 317
Palagonia, dikes traversing peperino at -- see
diagrams Nos. 6 and 7, 69
-- section to Paterno from -- see diagram
No. 12, 76
Palermo. caves containing osseous breccias
near, 140
-- fossil shells from -- see list Appendix
II., p. 55, 56
Panella, in Ischia, ancient sea-beach seen
near, 127
Papandayang, subsidence of the volcanic
cone of, 96
Parallel roads of Coquimbo, 131
-- of Glen Roy, 131
Paris, comparison between the tertiary
strata of, and those of England, 282
Paris basin, formations of the, 16
-- organic remains of the, 16
-- all tertiary formations at first referred
to the age of those of the, 17
-- analogy of the deposits of central
France to those of the, 241
-- geographical connexion of Auvergne
and the, 241
-- subdivisions of strata in the, 242
-- diagrams showing the relation which
the strata bear to each other -- see wood-cuts,
Nos. 58 and 59, 243
-- superposition of different formations
in the, 244
-- plastic clay and sands of the, 244
-- calcaire grossier, 245
-- calcaire siliceux described, 246
-- gypsum and marls of the, 246
-- second or upper marine group, 248
-- third fresh-water formation, 249
-- age of the deposits of the, 20, 250
-- abundance of microscopic shells in
the, 20, 250
-- bones of quadrupeds in gypsum, 251
-- alternation of strata with and without
organic remains in the, 254
-- number of living species in the fossil
testacea of the, 55, 253
-- concluding remarks on the tertiary
strata of the, 254
-- fossil shells of the-see tables, Appendix
-- number of living species in the fossil
shells of the -- Appendix I., p. 50
Parkinson, Mr., on the crag, 19, 156
Parma, sub-Apennine marls thinly laminated
near, 158
-- these marls interstratified with lignite
in the territory of, 159
-- silicified shells found in the marls
near, 160
-- blue marl of, a fresh-water univalve
filled with marine shells found in
the, 163
-- river, brown clay deposited by the,
Paroxysmal elevations, theory of, 128
Partsch, M., on the tertiary strata of the
basin of Vienna, 213
Paterno, section from, to Palagonia -- see
diagram, No. 12, 76
-- valleys excavated through blue mar
at, 77
-- relative age of the basalts of, 82
Pauliac, limestone of, 208
Pegwell bay, recent deposits in, 182
Pentalica, great limestone of the Val di
Noto seen in the valley of, 64
Pentland, Mr., on the bones of animals
from Australian caves, 144
-- on the mammiferous remains of
the Upper Val d'Arno, 220
Peperino, traversed by dikes near Pala
gonia -- see diagrams, Nos. 6 and 7, 69
-- dikes of, how formed, 70
-- sections of calcareous grit and -- see
diagrams Nos. 9 and 10, 72
Peperinos, of the Val di Noto, 71
-- how formed, 71
Perpignan, the country between Olot and,
occasionally shaken by earthquakes, 191
-- fossil shells of -- see Tables, Appen
dix I.
Peru, proofs of successive elevation of the
coast of, 130
Pewsey, Vale of, 308
Phillips, Mr., his analysis of chalk flints,
Philosopher's Tower on Etna, 128
Phlegraean Fields, minor cones of the, 125
Piana, conglomerate of, 211
Piazza, dip of the tertiary strata at, 74
Piedmont, tertiary strata of, 20, 211
-- their relative age -- see diagram,
No. 4, 21
Pitchstone, a thin band of, formed at the
contact of the dikes of Somma and
intersected beds, 124
Placentia, character of the sediment
transported by rivers in the territory of,
Plants, their fossilization partial, 31
-- fossil, importance of, in geology, 47
Plas Newydd, changes caused in sedi
mentary strata by a volcanic dike near,
Plastic clay and sand or the London basin,
-- its thickness, composition, &c., 278
-- organic remains rare in the, 279
-- clay and sand of the Paris basin,
-- alternates with calcaire grassier, 244
Pliny does not mention the Auvergne vol
canas in his Natural History, 269
Pliocene period, newer, derivation of the
term, 53
-- proportion of living species in the
fossil shells of the, 53
-- marine formations of the, 62
--- contortions in strata of the, in the
Isle of Cyclops -- see wood-cut, No.
15, 80
-- strata of the, invaded by lava -- see
wood-cut No. 16, 81
-- subterranean rocks of fusion, formed
during the, 107 I
-- fresh-water formations of the, 137
Pliocene period, newer, osseous breccias
and cave deposits of the, 139
-- alluviums of the, 145
-- extinct animals in breccias of the,
Pliocene period, older, proportion of living
species in the fossil shells of the, 54
-- position of the beds referrible to this
era -- see diagrams Nos. 3 and 4, 20, 21
-- mammiferous remains of the, 59
-- tertiary formations referrible to the,
-- volcanic rocks of the, 183
-- elevation of land on the East coast
of England since the commencement of
the, 316
Pliocene period, fossil shells of the -- see
Table, Appendix 1.
-- general results derived from the
fossil shells of the-Appendix I., p. 47
-- number of species of fossil shells
common to different formations of the -- Appendix
I., p. 47
-- number of living species in the fossil
shells of the -- Appendix I., p. 47
-- number of species common to the
Miocene and -- Appendix. I., p. 49
-- geographical distribution of the
living species of the -- Appendix I.,
p. 51
-- strata of Sicily, their clip and direction,
Pliocene strata of Sicily, origin of the, 103
-- changes of the surface during and
since their emergence, 109
-- strata, newer, only visible in coun
tries of earthquakes, 129
Plomb du Cantal, successive accumulation
of the, 240
-- age of the volcanic rocks of the,
260, 262
-- its height, form, structure, &c., 263
-- fresh-water limestone covered by
volcanic rocks on the northern side of
the, 263
Plutonic rocks, 353
-- distinction between volcanic and,
-- their relative age, 364, 377
-- changes produced by, 370
-- why those now visible are for the
most part very ancient, 379
Podolia, tertiary formations of, 215
Poggibonsi, conglomerate of, 160
Pont du Chateau, alternation of volcanic
tuff and fresh-water limestone at, 258
Portella di Calanna, furrows in the defile
called, how formed, 147
Pratt, Mr., on the mammiferous remains of
the Isle of Wight, 281
Pressure, effects of, on the consolidation
of strata, 334
Prevost, M. Constant, on the tertiary strata
of Vienna, 21, 212
-- tabular view of his arrangement of
the strata of the Paris basin -- see wood-cut
No. 59, 243
-- on the alternation of the calcaire
grossier, and siliceous limestone, 246,
-- on the manner in which the mammif
erous remains may have been preserved
in the Paris gypsum, 252
-- on the alternation of strata with and
without organic remains, 254
Primary, on the rocks usually termed, 10,
-- their relation to volcanic and sedimentary
formations, 352
-- divisible into two groups, the stratified
and unstratified, 353
--- on the stratified rocks called, 12, 365
-- the term why faulty, 374
-- strata, how far entitled to the appellation,
Primitive, term now abandoned, 13
Primosole, termination of the Val di Noto,
limestone at, 75
-- view of Etna from -- see diagram
No. 11, 75
Procida, island of, would resemble Ischia
if raised, 127
Pulo Nias, fossil shells of recent species
found in the island of, 134
Pulvermaar, description of the, 197
Punto del Nasone on Somma, dikes or
veins of lava seen at -- see wood-cut No.
25, 122
Punto di Guimento, veins of lava at-see
wood-cut No. 20, 91
Purace, extinct volcano of, 252
Pusanibio river, sulphuric and muriatic
acids, and oxiue of iron in the waters of
the, 252
Pur Arzet, chalk with conformable beds of
tuff in the hill called, 207
Puy de Come, ravine excavated through
the lava of the, 264
Puy de Jussat, quartzose grits of, 229
Puy de Marmont, alternation of volcanic
tuff and fresh-water marl in the, 258
Puy de Pariou, 268
Puy Rouge, ravine cut through the lava
of the, 265
Puy de Tartaret, 264
Puy en Velay, bones of extinct quadrupeds
in alluvium under lava near, 219
-- fresh-water formation of, 235
Puzzuoli, inland cliff near, will be destroyed,
-- no great wave caused by the rise of
the coast near, in 1538, 128
Pyrenees, tertiary strata at the eastern extremity
of the, 170
Pyrenees, tertiary formations between the
basin of the Gironde and the, 206
-- their relative age, 341
-- tertiary strata abutting against verti
cal mica-schist at the eastern end of
the, 348
-- lamination of clay-slate in the -- see
wood-cut No. 89, 366

Quartz, compact, whence derived, 373
Quorra, or Niger, delta of the, 329

Radicofani, sub-Apennine marls capped
by basalt at, 159
-- age of the volcanic rocks of, 183
Radusa, fossil fish found in great abun
dance at, 67
Ramond, M., on alluviums of Auvergne,
Ramsgate, recent deposits in the cliffs
near, 182
Ravines excavated through the lavas of
Auvergne, 264, 265
Recent formations, description of, 52
-- form a common point of departure
in all countries, 58
-- why first considered, 62
Recent and Tertiary formations, synoptical
table of, 61
Red marl and sandstone of Auvergne like
'new red sandstone,' 229, 333
Red marl, supposed universality of, 333
Red Sea, and Mediterranean, distinct assemblages
of species found in the, 41,
-- tertiary strata found on its western
borders, 135
-- list of fossil shells from -- see Appendix
II., 57
Rennes, tertiary strata near, 276
Rhine, lower, volcanos of the, 193
-- map of the volcanic district of the, 194
-- age of the volcanic rocks of the, uncertain,
-- origin of the trass of the, 197
-- ancient alluviums of the, 200
Rhone, delta of, in lake of Geneva, 27
-- shells drifted from the Alps to the
Mediterranean by the, 48
Riccioli, Signior, tusk of the mammoth
from the Roman travertin shown to the
author by, 138
Rimao, valley of, lines of ancient sea-cliffs
in, 130
Ripple marks formed by the wind on the
dunes near Calais -- see wood-cut No.
36, 176
Risio, M., on the fossil shells of Groseil,
near Nice, 135
-- on the fossil shells of St. Madeleine,
near Nice, 168
Rivers, difference in the sediment of, 40
Robert, M., on extinct quadrupeds of Cussac,
Rocca di Ferro, shells in the tuffs of, 79
Rochester, indentations in the chalk filled
with sand, &c., near, 282
Rocks, distinction between sedimentary
and volcanic, 10, 352
-- primary, 10
-- origin of the primary, 11, 363
-- distinction between primary, secondary
and tertiary, 10
-- persistency of mineral character,
why apparently greatest in the older, 331
-- older, why most consolidated, 334
-- older, why most disturbed, 335
-- secondary volcanic, of many different
ages, 335
-- relative age of, how determined, 35
-- proofs of, by superposition, 35
-- proofs by included fragments of older
rocks, 36
-- proofs of their contemporaneous origin
derived from mineral characters, 37
--proofs from organic remains, 39
--volcanic of the Val di Noto, 63, 67
-- grooved surface of, 147
-- transportation of, by ice, 149
-- identity of their mineral composition
no proof of contemporaneous origin,
Roderberg, crater of the, described, 198
Rome, travertins of, 138
-- hills of, capped by calcareous tufa,
Ronca, fossil shells found at -- see Table,
Appendix I.
Royat, ruins of Roman bridges and baths
at, prove that no great changes have
taken place since their erection, 269
Rozet, M., on the loess of the valley of the
Rhine, 151
Runton, folding of the crag strata in the
cliffs near-see wood-cut No. 38, 178

St. Christopher's, alternations of coral and
volcanic substances in, 133
St. Eustatia, tertiary formations in, 133
St. Hospice, tertiary strata in the peninsula
of, 135
St. Lawrence, Gulf of, changes which
would result in, on the filling up of the
Canadian lakes, 28
St. Madeleine, near Nice, shells abundant
in the loamy strata of, 168
St. Michael's Mount, Cornwall, 371
St. Peter's Mount, Maestricht, fossils of,
St. Romain, gypsum worked at, 233
St. Vincents, active volcanos in, 133
Salisbury Craig, altered strata in, 369
San Ciro, cave of, breccia containing bone
of extinct quadrupeds in, 141
San Ciro, position of the cave of, -- see
diagram No. 27, 141
San Feliu de Pallerols, deep ravine cut
through lava near the town of, 189
San Quirico, hills of, their composition,
Sand and conglomerate of the sub-Apennine
strata described, 159
Santa Croce, Cape of, limestone resting
on lava at, 68
Santa Madalena, section at the bridge of,
Santa Margarita, size of the volcanic crater
of, 187
Sardinian volcanos, their age uncertain,
-- rest on a tertiary formation, 193
Sasso, Dr., on the tertiary strata of Genoa,
-- on the fossil shells of Albenga, 167
Saucats, fresh-water limestone of, 207
Savona, tertiary strata of-see wood-cut
No. 55, 166, 222
Sciacca, volcanic island of, 69, 71
Scoresby, Capt., on the transportation of
rocks by icebergs, 150
Scotland, parallel grooves formed in the
beds of torrents in, 147
-- granite veins of -- see wood-cuts
Nos. 85 and 86, 354
Scrope, Mr. G. P., on the volcanic district
of Naples, 125
-- on the extinct volcanos of the Rhine,
197, 201
-- on the hill of Gergovia, 258
-- on Mont Dor, 261
-- on the excavation of lava by the
river Sioule, 265
-- on alluviums under lava at different
elevations in Auvergne, 267
Sea-cliffs, successive elevations proved by
-- see wood-cut No. 24, 111
-- manlier in which the sea destroys
successive ranges of, 111, 292
-- distinct ranges of ancient, in the
Morea, 113
-- found elevated to great heights in
Peru, 130
Seaford, waste of the chalk cliffs at, 311
Secondary rocks, 14
-- of the Weald valley divisible into
five groups, 286
-- their rise and degradation gradual,
-- enumeration of the principal groups
of, 324
-- no species common to the tertiary
and, 327
-- Circumstances under which they originated,
23. 329
-- why more consolidated, 334
-- why more disturbed, 335
Secondary rocks, volcanic, of many different
ages, 335
Secondary fresh-water deposits why rare,
Secondary periods, duration of, 328
Sedgwick, Professor, on diluvial waves,
101, 272
-- on the tertiary formations of Styria,
213, 214
-- on the volcanic rocks of Styria, 224
-- on the Isle of Wight, 281, 315
-- on synclinal lines, 293
-- on the theory of M. Elie de Beaumont,
-- on the Cornish granite veins, 355
-- on garnets in altered shale, 369
Sediment, changes in the distribution of,
which would take place on the filling up
of large lakes, 27
Sedimentary deposition, causes which occasion
the shifting of the areas of, 26
Sedimentary rocks, distinction between
volcanic and, 10
Seguinat, Montagne de, lamination of
clay-slate in the -- see wood-cut, No. 89,
Selenite found in clay at the foot of Etna, 77
Septaria of the Loudon clay described, 279
Serre del Solfizio, sections of buried cones
in the cliffs of, 88
-- dikes at the base of -- see wood-cut
No. 19, 90
Serres, M. Marcel de, on the drifting of
land shells to the sea by the Rhone, 48
--on the tertiary strata of Montpellier,
-- on the fossil insects of Aix, 277
Sicily, geological structure of, 22, 63
-- dip and direction of the newer Pliocene
strata of, 73
-- origin of the newer Pliocene strata
of, 103
-- form of the valleys of, 109
--- no peculiar indigenous species found
in, 115
-- breccias containing- bones of extinct
animals in caves in, 139
-- alluviums of the newer Pliocene,
period in, 151
-- fossil shells of -- see Tables, Appendix
-- number of living species in the fos
sil shells of -- see Appendix I., 47
-- number common to Italy and, ib. 47
-- number common to Italy, the Crag
and, ib. 47
-- number of species proper to, ib. 47
Shells, tables of fossil -- (see Appendix, 49
-- characteristic tertiary -- (see Plates, )
-- necessity of accurately determining
the species of, 50
Shells, recent, numerical proportion of in
the different tertiary periods, 58
-- number of species of, found both
living and fossil, 394
-- fossil tertiary, number examined to
construct the tables, 394
-- fossil, number common to all the
tertiary periods, Appendix I., 50
-- living, number of those found in a fossil
state in all the tertiary periods, ib. 50
-- geographical distribution of those
species which have their fossil analogues,
ib. 51
Sherringham, sections in the cliffs east of
-- see wood-cuts, Nos. 39 and 40, 178,
-- rapid waste of the cliffs at -- see section,
wood-cut No. 72, 297
Shetland, action of the sea on the coast of,
-- granites of different ages in, 357
-- passage of trap into granite in, 362
Siebengebirge, volcanic phenomena of the,
Sienna, Subapennine strata near the town
of, 160
-- microscopic fossil shells very abundant
near, 163
-- list of fossil shells from -- Appendix
II., 59
Siliceous schist, clay converted into by
lava, 70, 81
Silvertop, Col., on the tertiary strata of
Spain, 170
Simeto, plain of the, 76
Sioule, river, ravines cut through lava-cur
rents by the, 265
Sky, age of the granite of, 358
Smyth, Capt. W. H., his drawing of the
Isle of Cyclops -- see wood-cut No. 14,
-- on the extinct volcanos of Sardinia,
Somma, escarpment of, 84, 85, 87, 96
-- changes caused by dikes in the, 91
-- dikes of, 121
-- minerals found in, 121
-- parallelism of the opposite sides of
the dikes of, 122
-- varieties in the texture of the dikes
of, 124
Somma and Vesuvius, differences in the
composition of, 120
Sortino, great limestone formation seen in
the valleys of, 64
-- bones of extinct animals in caves
near, 139
South Downs, chalk ridge called the, 287
-- section from to the North Downs
across the Weald Valley -- see wood-cuts
No. 63 and 64, 288
--highest point of the, 288
South Downs, view of the escarpment of
the-see wood-cut No. 65, 290
-- section from their northern escarpment
to Barcombe -- see wood-cut No.
71, 296
-- on the former continuity of the chalk
of the North and, 303
Spaccaforno limestone, 65
Spain, tertiary formations of, 170
-- extinct volcanos of the north of, 183
-- lavas excavated by rivers in, 186, 189
Species, changes of, everywhere in progress,
-- effects of changes of climate on, 44
-- superior longevity of molluscous, 48
-- necessity of accurately determining,
--- living, proportion of in the fossils of
the newer Pliocene period, 53
-- in the older Pliocene period, 54
-- in the Miocene period, 54
-- in the Eocene period, 55
-- their geographical distribution, 55
-- in Sicily older than the country they
inhabit, 115
-- outlive great revolutions in physical
geography, 115
-- none common to the secondary and
tertiary formations, 327
Spinto, fossil shells in green sand at, 211
Steininger, Mo, on the loess of the Rhine,
-- on the volcanic district of the Eifel,
Steyning, chalk escarpment as seen from
the hill above -- see wood-cut No. 66,
Stirling Castle, altered strata in the rock
of, 369
Stour, transverse valley of the, 298
Strata, cause of the limited continuity of, 9
-- order of succession of -- see diagram
No.1, 14
-- origin of the European tertiary, at
successive periods, 18
-- Recent, form a common point of departure
in all countries, 58
-- with and without organic remains
alternating in the Paris basin, 254
-- on the consolidation of, 334
Stratification, unconformable, remarks on,
30, 33
-- of the Crag -- see wood-cuts, 174,
-- of primary rocks -- see wood-cut No.
89, 365, 366
Strike of beds, explanation of the term, 346
Stromboli, lava of, has been in constant
ebullition for 2000 years, 363
Studer, M., on the loess of the valley of
the Rhine, 152
-- on the molasse of Switzerland, 212
Styria, tertiary formations of, 212
-- age of the tertiary strata of, 214
-- volcanic rocks of, 223
Sub-Apennine strata, 18, 155
-- opinions of Brocchi on the, 155
-- lithological characters of the, 157,
-- not all of the same age, 157
-- termed marine alluvia by Dr. Mac
culloch, 157
-- subdivisions of the, described, 158
-- how formed, 160
-- organic remains of the, 163
-- fossil shells of the -- see Tables, Appendix
Subaqueous deposits, our continents chiefly
composed of, 9
-- how raised, 104
-- distinction between alluvium and,
Submarine eruptions, proofs of ancient, in
the Bay of Trezza, 78, 81
Subsidence on Papandayang, in Java, 96
-- on Etna, 96
Subterranean lava the cause of the elevation
of land, 105
Subterranean rocks of fusion, probable
structure of the recent, 107
Suffolk, relative age of the tertiary strata
of -- see diagram No.4, 21
-- crag strata of, 171
-- cliffs, thickness of the crag in the,
Superga, strata composing the hill of the,
highly inclined, 211
-- fossil shells of the, 211
Superior, Lake. See Lake Superior.
Superposition, of successive formations,
causes of the, 26
-- proof of more recent origin, 35
-- exceptions in regard to volcanic
rocks, 36
-- no invariable order of, in Hypogene
formations, 375
Surface, different states of the, when the
secondary and tertiary strata were formed,
Switzerland, 'molasse' of, 212
Synclinal and anticlinal lines described -- see
wood-cut No. 68, 293
Syenites not distinguishable from granites,
Synoptical Table of Recent and Tertiary
Formations, 61
Syracuse, section at -- see diagram No. 5, 64
-- shells found in the limestone of, 65
-- range of inland cliffs seen to the north
of, 111
-- bones of extinct animals in caves
near, 140
-- list of fossil shells from -- Appendix
11., p. 54

Table-Mountain, Cape of Good Hope, intersected
by veins -- see wood-cut No.
85, 354
Tanaro, plains of the, 211
Taro, river, nature of the sediment deposited
by the, 161
Taunus, beds and large quartz veins found
in the mountains of the, 201
Tech, tertiary strata in the valley of the, 170
Ter, valley of the, 185
Teronel, river, lava excavated by the, 189
Terraces, manner in which the sea de
stroys successive lines of -- see wood-cut
No. 24, 111, 292
Terranuova, dip of the tertiary strata at, 74
Tertiary formations, general remarks on
the, 15
-- of the Paris basin, 16, 241
-- at first all referred to the age of those
of the Paris basin, 17, ] 9
-- origin of the European, at successive
periods, 18
-- of the sub-Apennine hills, 18
-- of Touraine, 20
-- of Bordeaux and Dax, 20
-- of Piedmont, 20
-- of the Valley of the Bormida, 21
-- of the Superga, near Turin, 21
-- of the basin of Vienna, 21
-- newer than the sub-Apennines, 21
-- the newest often blend with those of
the historical era, 22
-- different circumstances under which
these and the secondary formations may
have originated, 23, 329
-- state of the surface when they were
formed, 24
-- classification of, in chronological
order, 45
-- new subdivisions of the, 52
-- numerical proportion of recent shells
in different, 53, 54, 55, 58
-- mammiferous remains of successive,
--Synoptical Table of Recent and, 61
-- of Sicily, 63
-- of Campania, 118
-- of Chili and Peru, 130
-- of the West India Archipelago, 132
-- of the East India Archipelago, 133
-- of Norway and Sweden, 135
-- on the western borders of the Red
Sea, 135
-- identity of their mineral composition
no proof of contemporaneous origin, 161
-- of the Po, Arno, and Tiber, their resemblance,
-- at the base of the Maritime Alps, 164
--at the eastern extremity of the Pyrenees,
--in Spain, 170
-- in the Morea, 170
-- of England, 18, 19, 135, 171, 277
Tertiary formations, of Touraine, 20, 203
--of the basin of the Gironde and the
district of the Landes, 206
-- of Piedmont, 211
-- of Switzerland, 212
-- of Styria, Vienna, Hungary, &c., 212
-- of Volhynia and Podolia, 215
-- of Montpellier, 215
-- of Auvergne, 217, 226
-- of Velay, 219, 235
-- of the Orleanais, 219
-- of the Upper Val d'Arno, 219
-- of Cadibona, 221
-- of the Cantal, 236
-- of the Cotentin, or Valognes, 276
-- of Rennes, 276
-- of the Netherlands, 276
-- of Aix in Provence, 276
-- no species common to the secondary
and, 327
Testacea, fossil, of chief importance, 47
-- marine, wide range of, 44, 48
-- longevity of the species of, 48, 56
Tet, valley of the, tertiary strata found
in, 170
Thames, basin of the, 18
Theorizing in geology, different methods
of, I
Tiber, river, has flowed in its present
channel since the building of Rome, 138
-- yellow sand deposited by the, 161
-- valley of the, 139
Time, effects of prepossessions in regard to
the duration of past, 97
Touraine, tertiary strata of, 20, 203
-- and Paris, relative age of the tertiary
strata of-see diagram No.3, 20
-- fossil shells of -- see Tables, Appendix I.
Trachytic breccias and alluviums alternating
in Auvergne, 217
Transition formations, remarks on, 13
Transverse valleys in the North and South
Downs-see wood-cut No. 73, 298
-- remarks on their formation, 299
-- supposed section of one of them -- see
wood-cut No. 74, 300
Transylvania, tertiary formations of, 213
-- age of tile tertiary strata of, 215
-- volcanic rocks of, 223
-- fossil shells of -- see Tables, Appendix I.
Trap rocks, origin of the term, 360
-- of Scotland, how formed, 360
-- passage of, into granite, 361
Trass of the Rhine volcanos, 197
-- its origin, 198
Travertins of the valley of the Elsa, 137
-- of Rome, recent shells with the tusk
of the mammoth found in, 138
Trees, longevity of, 99, 272
Trezza, bay of, sub-Etnean formations exposed
in the, 78
-- proofs of sub-marine eruptions in the
78, 81
Trimmingham, manner in which the crag
strata rest on the chalk near -- see diagram
No. 30, 173
-- view of a promontory of chalk and
crag near -- see wood-cut No. 41, 179
-- section of the northern protuberance
of chalk at -- see wood-cut No. 42, 180
Tripolitza, plain of, breccias now forming
in the, 144
Tufa, calcareous, the hills of Rome capped
by, 138
-- tusk of the mammoth found in, near
Rome, 138
Tuff, dikes of, how formed, 70
-- in the hill of Novera -- see diagram
No. 8, 70
-- volcanic, recent shells in, near Naples,
-- shells found in, at great heights in
Ischia, 126
Turin, tertiary formations of, 211
-- fossil shells of -- see Tables, Appendix I.
Tuscany, fresh-water formations of, 137
-- age of the volcanic rocks of, 183

Uddevalla, elevated beaches of, 135
Unconformability of strata, remarks on
the, 30, 33
Universal formations, remarks on the
theory of, 38
Universality of red marl, remarks on the
supposed, 333
-- of certain hypogene rocks, 376
Upper marine formations of the Paris basin
how formed, 248

Val d'Arno, Upper, mineral character of
the lacustrine strata of the, 161
--fresh-water formations of the, 219
-- mammiferous remains of the, 220
Val del Bove, great valley on east side of
Etna -- see wood-cut No. 17, 83
-- its length, depth, &c., 84
-- description of the, 87
-- its circular form, 87
-- dikes numerous in the, 87
-- dip of the beds in the, 87
-- section of buried cones seen in, 88
-- difference in the dip of the beds
where these occur, 88
-- scenery of the, 88
-- form, composition, and origin of the
dikes in, 90
-- view of, from the summit of Etna -- see
wood-cut No. 22, 93
-- lavas and breccias of the, 93
-- origin of the, 95
-- floods in, caused by melting of snow
by lava, 96
Valdemone, formations of, 75
Val di Calanna, its crateriform shape, 85
-- dip of the beds in the, 85
Val di Calanna, its origin, 85
-- began to be filled up by lava in 1811
and 1819 -- see wood-cut No. 18, 86
Val di Noto, formations of the, 63
-- divisible into three groups -- see dia
gram No.5, 64
-- volcanic rocks of the, 63, 67
-- volcanic conglomerates of the, 73
-- proofs of the gradual accumulation of
the formations of the, 73
-- connexion of the formations of the,
with those at the base of Etna -- see
diagram No. 12, 76
-- form of the valleys in the limestone
districts of the, 110
--inland cliffs seen on the east side of,
-- igneous rocks of the, 361
-- fossil shells from the -- see Appendix
II., p. 53
Vale of Pewsey, 308
Valley of the Nadder, 308
-- of the Weald -- see Weald
Valleys, of elevation, 305
-- on Etna, account of, 83
-- of Sicily, their form -- see wood-cut
No. 23, 110
-- most rapidly excavated where earth.
quakes prevail, 113, 148
-- and parallel troughs between the
North and South Downs, how formed,
-- transverse, of the North and South
Downs, 298
-- how formed-see wood-cut No, 74,
-- and furrows on the chalk, how
caused, 311
-- of the South-east of England, how
formed, 319
Valmondois, rolled blocks of calcaire grossier
in the upper marine sandstone of,
Valognes, tertiary strata of the environs of,
-- fossil shells of -- see Tables, Appendix
Van der Wyck, M., on the Eifel district,
Var, river, large quantities of gravel swept
into the sea by the, 168, 169
Vatican, hill of the, calcareous tufa on the,
Veaugirard, alternation of calcaire grossier
and plastic clay at, 244
Veins of lava on Etna -- see wood-cut No.
20, 91
Velay, bones of extinct quadrupeds in vol
canic scoriae in, 219
-- fresh-water formations of, 235
-- age of the volcanic rocks of, 224,
260, 262
Velay, ancient alluviums covered by lava
at different heights in, 262
Vertical and inclined strata, great line of,
from the Isle of Wight to Dieppe, 315,
Vesuvius, dikes of, 121
-- channels formed by the flowing of
lava from, in 1779, 122
-- and Somma, difference in their composition,
Vichy, tertiary oolitic limestone of, 232
-- dip of the lacustrine strata at, 233
Vienna, tertiary formations of, 21, 212
-- age of the tertiary strata of, 214
-- basin, fossil shells of the -- see Table,
Appendix I.
Vigolano, gypsum interstratified with sub-Apenuine
marls at, 159
Villasmonde, shells found in limestone at, 65
-- list of fossil shells from -- Appendix
II., 54
Villefranche, bay of, tertiary strata found
near the, 135
Vinegar river, sulphuric and muriatic acids,
and oxide of iron, in the waters of the,
Virlet, M., on the tertiary strata of the
Morea, 170
Viterbo, volcanic tuffs and sub-Apennine
marls alternating at, 159
-- age of the volcanic rocks of, 183
Viviani, Professor, on the character of the
Sicilian flora, 115
-- on the tertiary strata of Genoa, 166
Vizzini, junction of inclined tuff and horizontal limestone
near -- see diagram No.
8, 70
-- changes caused by a dike of lava in
argillaceous strata at, 70
-- a bed of oysters between two lava-currents
at, 73
Volcanic breccias in Auvergne, how
formed, 259
Volcanic conglomerates of the Val di Noto,
-- now forming on the shores of Catania
and Ischia, 73
Volcanic dikes, strata altered by, 70, 368
Volcanic district of Catalonia, superposition
of rocks in the -- see wood-cut No. 47,
Volcanic lines, modern, not parallel, 349
Volcanic region of Naples, changes which
it has undergone during the last 2000
years, 118
Volcanic rocks, distinction between sedi
mentary and, 10
-- relative age of, how determined, 36
-- of the Val di Noto, 68
-- of Campania, their age, 126
-- of central France, 257
-- secondary, of many different ages,
Volcanic rocks, distinction between plutonic
and, 359
Volcanos, mode of computing the age of
-- sometimes inactive for centuries, 98
-- of Olot, in Catalonia, described -- see
Frontispiece, 183
-- extinct, of Sardinia, 193
-- of the Lower Rhine and the Eifel,
-- the result of successive accumulation,
-- attempt to divide them into antediluvian
and post-diluvian, 268
Volhynia, tertiary formations of, 215
Voltz, M., on the loess of the Rhine, 151
Von Buch, M., on the Eifel, 201
-- on the tertiary formations of Volhynia
and Podolia, 215
-- on the general range of volcanic lines
over the globe, 349
Von Dechen, M., on the volcanic district of
the Lower Rhine, 201
-- on the Hartz mountains, 346
-- his objections to the theory of M. de
Beaumont, 346, 347
-- on the Cornish granite veins -- see
wood-cut No. 87, 355
Von Oeynhausen, his map of the Eifel district,
-- on the volcanic district of the Rhine
-- on the granite veins of Cornwall -- see
wood-cut No. 87, 355

Walton, section of shelly crag near -- see
wood-cut No. 31, 174
-- lamination of sand and loam near -- see
wood-cut No. 34, 175
Warburton, Mr., on the Bagshot sand 280
Watt, Gregory, his experiments on melted
rocks, 124, 372
Weald, denudation of the valley of the
-- secondary rocks of the, divisible into
five groups, 286
-- section of the valley of the -- see
wood-cuts Nos. 63 and 64, 287, 288
-- clay, its composition, 286
-- gradual rise and degradation of the
rocks of the, 289
-- alluvium of the valley of the, 295
-- extent of denudation in the valley of
the, 303, 313
Wealden, secondary group, called the, 325
-- organic remains of the, 325
-- its great extent and thickness, 329
-- how deposited, 329
Webster, Mr., on the geology of the Isle of
Wight, 18, 315
-- on the tertiary formations of the
London and Hampshire basins, 278, 280
Wellington Valley, Australia, breccias containing
remains of marsupial animals
found in, 143
West Indian Archipelago, tertiary formations
of the, 132
Wey, transverse valley of the, 298, 299
Whewell, Rev. W., 53
Wildon, thickness of the coralline limestone
of, 214
Wiltshire, valleys of elevation in, 308
Wily, valley of the, 308
Winds, ripple-marks caused by, on the
dunes near Calais -- see wood-cut No.
36, 176
Wrotham Hill, height of, 288

Yarmouth, thickness of crag in the cliffs
near, 172
Ytrac, fresh-water flints strewed over the
surface near, 237

Zaffarana, valleys extending from the summit
of Etna to the neighbourhood of,
Zocolaro, hill of, lava of Etna deflected
from its course by the-see wood-cut
No. 18, 86
Zoological provinces, great extent of, 40
Zoophytes, recent species of, but little
known, 47


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