The Hidden Dangers In Polio Vaccine, by Eleanor McBean

The Hidden Dangers In Polio Vaccine, by Eleanor McBean

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The Hidden Dangers In Polio Vaccine
(Chapter 10 of Poisoned Needle plus addendums)
by Eleanor McBean




The following is a sample of the propaganda that is frequently seen in the magazines and newspapers and all channels of national advertising
To Protect Your Child This Summer

Your boy or girl will have the best chance for protection before polio hits again, if vaccine is given now. The Salk vaccine strikingly reduced paralytic polio among those who received it in 1955 and it will protect many thousands in 1956, if it is used in time.

To make a real dent in polio in 1956, vaccinations must be stepped up immediately. Success will depend on how many children receive at least two vaccine shots before the next polio season begins. See your doctor or public health officer NOW for advice about when and where to obtain vaccine.

This is what the people are told. Let’s uncover the facts and see what actually happens when polio vaccine is used.

"Salk vaccine is hard to make and no batch can ever be proved safe before it is given to children." This is an admission that was made by Dr. Scheele, (Surgeon General) before the Atlantic City Convention of the American Association in 1955. (Reported in New York Times, June 8, 1955.)

Being fully aware of the hazardous aspects of the polio vaccine, Dr. Scheele announced that it was the intention of the U.S. Government to inoculate 57 million people before August 1955. (Report from the Lancet, June 4, 1955)


$9,000,000 of public funds were gambled on this financially promising but highly questionable venture before it was even declared safe and usable. Later, when the over dramatized announcement was made that it was "safe" there was still no scientific evidence or factual proof of its safety. The promoters of this inflated vaccine "scheme" expected a 5 billion dollar profit in the first year of operation. (Direct quotations supporting this statement are given under the topic heading, THE MONEY MOTIVE, at the end of the chapter.)

Even after the vaccine had killed 7 people and the number was mounting every day, the propaganda committee put words into the mouths of important government officials, still insisting that the vaccine was "safe" and must be continued.

The Cutter laboratory was used as the "scape goat" until the many disasters from the other laboratories could no longer be concealed. Then instead of abandoning the whole "deadly mess", the Cutter laboratory was declared in good standing again and allowed to continue—not because its vaccine was any safer, but because the vaccine from the rest of them was just as deadly, and none of them intended to stop or lose any profits.

Any doctor, scientist or authority on the subject of vaccine knows that these substances are "highly toxic" (poison), therefore, no vaccine can be made safe. Current magazine articles have described in detail, the composition of the Salk vaccine so it will not be repeated here except to say that the decomposed kidney tissues and pus from a diseased animal combined with the two poison drugs cannot be injected into the living blood stream without harmful effects. The records of the experiments on children show that more of the vaccinated people died or contracted polio than did the unvaccinated. The fact that all the vaccinated people did not die does not mean that they were not harmed. No one knows yet, what the future results will be.

James McIntosh, Professor of Pathology at London University, in an address before the Royal Society of Medicine, October 19, 1926, stated:

"Scientifically it cannot be disputed that every point of view the injection of virus capable of multiplying in the body of the individual is bad. When multiplication of the virus occurs, then there is no possibility of estimating the dose to which the patient has been subjected. Thus the effect cannot be controlled, and in susceptible individuals this may lead to unforeseen results."

Data from the bleedings performed five months after inoculation of Salk vaccine, indicated that the immunity (if any) did not last long. Dr. Salk is reported to have said that "children vaccinated last year should be given booster inoculations this year." An editorial in the Lancet (weekly Medical Journal April 23, 1955) comments: "If it is found that, contrary to Salk’s hopes antibody levels cannot be maintained without a succession of booster doses, then a serious problem will arise. Will it be necessary to give injections every year; and, if so, for how long would they be given? . . . If injections are given regularly for several years to millions of children the risk of allergic reactions to monkey kidney tissue will become increasingly grave." (Emphasis mine, McBean)

Dr. Ritchie Russell of the Department of Neurology, Radcliffe Infirmary Oxford, said, "When poliomyelitis is precipitated by inoculation the natural defences of the nervous system seem to be ineffective, and nearly all such illnesses develop into a paralytic form of the disease affecting especially the limb used for the injection." (Lancet, May 21, 1955, p. 1071)

The Manchester Guardian (April 15, 1955) stated, "One of Britain’s greatest physiologists said to-day that if it means that a child should be re-inoculated at frequent intervals with a preparation derived from monkey kidneys it is terrifying in its possibilities. Among them is the risk of the child’s developing sensitivity to some of the ingredients of the vaccine." The editor of the Lancet (June 11, 1955, p. 1207) emphasized this further when he wrote: "In addition to the possibility of producing the very disease the vaccine is used to prevent, ‘there is a risk, of unknown dimensions, that repeated injection of a vaccine prepared from monkey kidney may eventually sensitize the child in some harmful way’."


In April, 1955 after the "big Salk campaign" had been launched in the United States, the Government and all officials and agencies concerned announced to the world that "the war against polio was almost certainly at an end."

The other countries are a little more conservative and a little less willing to be "taken in" by the sales propaganda of the Salk promoters. The general sentiment of our foreign neighbors was expressed by Dr. A. M. Payne when he declared: "Poliomyelitis is not beaten. We do not know how long the effect lasts. . . we do not know if it will be effective under other conditions than those in which it was used; we do not know how best to use it. We do know that there are many (unsolved) intricate problems in the manufacture of this vaccine." (Manchester Guardian, April 14, 1955)

"LONDON, April 22, 1955 (Reuters)—The British Medical Journal today warned physicians against over enthusiastic acceptance of the Salk anti-polio vaccine citing ‘the possibility of toxic effects’."

On this same point the Lancet said it would be "very reluctant to see the vaccine used on a large scale in Britain without further tests." It also warned, "the possibility of toxic effects from repeated injections with monkey tissues must be considered."

Caution was cast to the winds in this country and our U.S. Government and medical profession had no hesitancy in using the unproved vaccine and repeating their blundering tests on millions of human beings even after the large number of deaths and paralysis had proved it to be not only a failure but a dangerous killer. Most of the experiments were made on children too small to fight back.


Susan Pierce (age 7), Pocatello, Idaho, died April 27, 1955
Ronald Fitzgerald (age 4), Oakland, Calif., died April 27, 1955
Allen Davis Jr. (age 2), New Orleans, La., died May 4, 1955
Janet Kincaid (age 7), Moscow, Idaho, died May 1, 1955
Danny Eggers (age 6), Idaho Falls, Idaho, died May 10, 1955


1.Are the men who set themselves up as authorities on polio really qualified to decide the issues of life and death?
2. Have the self-styled medical "experts" been infallible enough in their past decisions to be trusted with the precious lives of our children and our future generations?
3. Have the more effective drugless methods of prevention and treatment of polio been investigated and tested?

These are some of the questions that people are asking and to which they have a right to expect satisfactory answers.


In an article titled TRACKING THE KILLER, in LIFE magazine Dr. Salk was asked if his monkey vaccine was safe. To this query he replied:

"There is no question of ‘how safe is it?’ It is safe, and it can’t be safer than safe’."

Many people would seriously like to believe this statement but available scientific facts condemn it and hold it up to ridicule.

Shortly after the Salk vaccination program was swung into action, the American Public Health Service (June 23, 1955) Announced that there had been "168 confirmed cases of poliomyelitis among the vaccinated, with six deaths……How many vaccinated children will eventually be reported as developing the disease is as yet unknown . .

"The interval between inoculation and the first sign of paralysis ranged from 5 to 20 days and in a large proportion of cases it started in the limb on which the injection had been given. Another feature of the tragedy was that the numbers developing polio were far greater than would have been expected had no inoculations been given. In fact in the state of Idaho, according to a statement by Dr. Carl Eklund, one of the Government’s chief virus authorities, polio struck only vaccinated children in areas where there had been no cases of polio since the preceding autumn; in 9 out of 10 cases the paralysis occurred in the arms in which the vaccine had been injected." (News Chronicle, May 6, 1955)

According to the Daily Telegraph (June 18, 1955) Mr. Peterson, State Health Director of Idaho, stopped further inoculations and stated: "We have lost confidence in the Salk Vaccine." He also stated that he "holds the vaccine, together with the instructions for its manufacture, directly responsible for the outbreak of polio and the deaths that had occurred."

The serum makers were gambling for big stakes and decided that the "show must go on" in spite of death and disaster. The condemned Cutter laboratory had over a million dollars worth of deadly vaccine on hand and the disasters had caused its stock to drop from $15.50 to $8.75 per share, (according to Time, June 20, 1955). The other 5 laboratories with their $8,000,000 supply of "Salk liability" were involved also because deaths and disease were being reported from their vaccines every day. Then suddenly the deaths from Salk vaccine ceased to be reported. In a letter published in Defender Magazine, the writer stated: "I am informed by someone who works in a newspaper office that much of the bad news concerning the results of the Salk Program is being censored and deleted out of the news to keep people complacent and acquiescent."


In Australia when a few children died as a result of smallpox vaccinations the government abolished compulsory vaccination in that country and smallpox suddenly declined to the vanishing point. Australia had only three cases of smallpox in 15 years as compared with Japan’s record of 165,774 cases and 28,979 deaths from this cause in only 7 years (1886-1892) under compulsory vaccination and re-vaccination.

In Austria, where Bela Schick invented the Schick test for diptheria, it killed several children and the rulers there declared it to be too dangerous and prohibited its use in that country. Apparently Mr. Schick was not concerned with such trivialities as death and disease; he was out to make money. Most of the European countries didn’t trust him and rejected his poisons, so he brought it to America where he knew the unscrupulous medical and drug trusts dominate the healing field. Here he found a ready market. A lush harvest was promised and the customary pressure technique was turned on and the exploitable public was again used and abused. So we have seen with the passing of years, that the Schick test and diphtheria anti-toxin continue to take their toll of lives while our elected officers and public protectors (?) look the other way.

To show how death, disease and failure of vaccination is ignored in this country, in favor of fabulous profits for a few, let us recall one of the many disasters that bear this out:

In Dallas, Texas, 10 children died as a direct result of the "safe" diphtheria anti-toxin shots. For every one who died, hundreds suffered from the various vaccine diseases, many of which left permanent disabilities. This is not a special case; it is typical of all vaccinations. But most parents do not sue and the other cases never reach public notice. But these Texas parents were not to be "put off" by medical excuses. Numerous damage suits were brought against the doctors and the serum manufacturer, H. K. Mulford Co. The doctors succeeded in evading the issue by claiming that it was a bad batch of serum. (All serum is bad that doesn’t stop them). The Mulford Co. insisted that it was not a bad batch of serum but was just the same as all their serum and this lot (series A 377061) had been re-tested and passed satisfactorily all the tests and requirements conforming to the laboratory of the Public Health Service at Washington D.C.

The complaints of the parents were that "the diphtheria anti-toxin sold by the Mulford Co., was unfit, poisonous, dangerous and deadly." The doctors and serum company displayed great dexterity in juggling terms, inventing excuses and denying guilt but the children were still just as dead as a result of shots from the "whitewashed" serum as if they had been shot with bullets, and it was irrefutably proved in court that the vaccine serum killed them. Damages aggregating $78,000 were paid to the parents of the dead children, by the Mulford Co. The Mulford Co. wishing to continue in the same blood poisoning business and also wishing to dodge public disapproval, had its attorneys specify that "the judgement shall fall, not on the Mulford Co. but on Mr. Pierce Russell, the Mulford distributor." He was, probably, the least guilty of any of them because he could not have contaminated the sealed ampules of vaccines. However, his employer, undoubtedly made it worth his while— take the blame. In this type of "white collar" murder, (the legally proved), guilty parties are not reprimanded or even asked to cease and desist" from a continuance of the crimes.


"Mrs. Helen B. Covington, of Kensington, Pa. filed a $150,000 suit in the United States District Court, against Wyeth Inc. Philadelphia drug manufacturer, charging that an anti-rabies vaccine had produced paralysis" (The Truth Teller p 26, Aug 1947).


The United States Public Health Bureau is extremely reticent about reporting diseases caused by vaccination but the report from 1922 to 1931 admitted that there had been 85 cases of post-vaccinal encephalitis, which DeKruif states "is the twin of infantile paralysis."

In St. Louis (1933) after a typhoid vaccination campaign there was an outbreak of encephalitis (a form of polio) in which over 100 died. It was reported that the disease developed about 10 days after vaccination and in each case vaccinia was indicated in the brain upon postmortem.

In 1926 two prominent English Professors of Pathology, Doctors Turnbull and McIntosh reported a number of cases of encephalitis lethargica (sleeping sickness—a form of polio) following vaccination. This led to the appointment of two — commissions of the British Ministry of Health, to investigate the situation. Their reports published in 1928 revealed that there had been 231 cases and 91 deaths from this cause (post vaccinal encephalitis) in England and Wales.

According to a report in the Hobart (Tasmania) "Mercury," (April 111950), "Combined injections for diphtheria and whooping cough may cause severe cases of infantile paralysis." It stated that a St. Pancras, London medical officer found 40 cases and that a British Health Ministry doctor reported 65 cases where paralysis occurred two weeks after vaccine injections, and in 49 of these, the paralysis was confined to the limb in which the injection had been given. Two of the cases followed the injection of penicillin. Dr. J. K. Marlin, from the Guy Hospital reported 80 cases where children developed infantile paralysis soon after having been vaccinated. "Mercury" stated that "the doctors realizing the danger of their findings to the government’s diphtheria immunization campaign, withheld publications until some of the cases could be followed up over a period of many months. Some of the children recovered after a year or more. Others are still paralyzed . ."

After the many months of observation of these disasters of vaccination the London County Council finally banned the use of the combined diphtheria and whooping cough injections in the clinics during the months when infantile paralysis was most prevalent.

Isn’t it appalling that the governments and the serum promoters see and know that vaccination causes paralysis yet they curtail it only during the months when polio is most prevalent. They still insist on having the revenue from the deadly practice the rest of the time regardless of the consequences. If they would care to observe the "polio season" they would see that it is only at the times when it is created by the doctors with their poisoned needles and the people with their excessive eating of sugar products and other devitalizing and semi-poisoned foods.

Dr. L. C. Appel writes: "The fact that vaccination is either the (a) adding of a disease to a body already weighted with disease, or else, (b) the giving of a disease to a perfectly healthy body, is the medical reason why some of us (medical doctors) oppose vaccination and urge its abolition. A perfectly healthy body is proof against natural disease; a diseased or unhealthy body is handicapped by being given another (inoculated) disease. A diseased or unhealthy body can never be rendered healthy by inoculation or vaccination."

Dr. Harry R. Baybee said:

"My honest opinion is that vaccination is the cause of more disease and suffering than anything I could name."

Dr. F. H. Haines voiced his views on vaccination as follows:

"It is impossible to say what remote after-effects may be caused by the introduction of alien substances into the blood stream. Many nervous and other disorders of unknown origin are too often met with. Products which alter metabolism, change the nature of fundamental secretions, cause profound change in the fluids of the body, allergy and anaphylaxis, are the negation of nature’s own methods, and must be viewed with grave misgivings and cautious suspicion." ("The Truth About Vaccination," by Lily Loat)

In an article in Archives of Disease in Childhood, (March, 1950) Dr. 3. K. Martin, of England, gives details of "17 cases of poliomyelitis which followed 28 days or less after inoculation." Analysis of the cases showed that 8 of them had been inoculated with A.P.T. Two had other injections against diphtheria, 2 had penicillin injections, 5 had combined diphtheria and whooping cough inoculations and 1 had whooping cough inoculations alone.

Not long after these cases had been published it encouraged other doctors to bring their findings out in the open and several other medical journals in Australia and England published articles which reported numerous cases of paralysis following vaccination. Two investigators, Dr. McCloskey, in Australia and Dr. Geffen in London both observed that "the point that struck them was that the paralysis started in the limb in which the injection had been made."

(Details of these findings are reported in the Lancet (London) for April 8, 1950 and The Medical Officer, for April 8, 1950.)

Two British statisticians were asked to investigate whether or not there appeared to have been any "Appreciable risk of poliomyelitis following within a month of inoculation during the 1948 outbreak of polio." The investigators, Dr. A. Bradford Hill and Dr. I. Knowelden, of the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, reported:

"The statistics collected in this inquiry reveal clearly an association between recent injections and paralysis . . . We must conclude that in the 1949 epidemic of poliomyelitis in this country, cases of paralysis were occurring which were associated with inoculation procedures carried out within the month preceding the record date of onset of the illness . . ." (Reported in the British Medical Journal, July 1, 1950)

Although the British government, under the pressure of Socialism has been forced to make many concessions in favor of the common people such as abolishing compulsory vaccination, making investigations that revealed the fallacy of many medical practices etc. Mr. Bevin, speaking in behalf of the medical fraternity in the House of Commons on November 24, 1947 still tried to protect the medical rackets when he stated:

"As I am advised, there are no medical grounds for attributing to vaccination or diphtheria immunization any connection with polio" (infantile paralysis).

The investigations of the Ministry of Health were not in agreement with this stand as is seen in its statement that "in the last few years there is evidence that occasionally followed vaccination."

A report in the Lancet (April 8, 1950) stated that Dr. McClosky of Melbourne had inquired into 340 cases of poliomyelitis which occurred in Victoria (from January to August, 1949) and found that 31 of them had occurred in children who had received diphtheria or whooping cough (pertussis) vaccine, or both, within three months of the onset of the disease. Of the 31 cases, 30 of them suffered severe paralysis which was most pronounced in the limb in which the injection was given.

The Medical Officer (April 8, 1950) reported the findings of Dr. D. H. Geffen who stated that in the first four months of that year, in St. Pancras, London, 30 children under five developed infantile paralysis within four weeks of being immunized against diphtheria or whooping cough (or both) "the paralysis affecting, in particular, the limb of injection. In 7 other recently vaccinated cases, paralysis occurred but not in the limb that had received the injection.

Dr. Arthur Gale of the Health Ministry reported (in the Daily Express for April 10, 1950) that he had observed 65 cases mainly from the Midlands’ in which paralysis developed about two weeks after an injection; and in 49 of these, paralysis was confined to the limb in which the injection had been given.

The report of the Government investigation (British Medical Journal, July 1, 1950) conducted by Dr. A Bradford Hill and 3. Knowelden revealed that there were 410 cases of infantile paralysis among children under five years. Of these 249 had been inoculated at the same time. Of 41 cases it was not known if they had been vaccinated or not. Of 35 cases in which poliomyelitis developed within a month of inoculation, the limb that had received the vaccine was paralyzed. This was usually the left arm.

The British Medical Journal (July 29, 1950) reported 112 cases of paralysis admitted to the Park Hospital, London during 1947-1949 in which 14 were paralyzed in the limb "which had received one or more of a course of immunizing injections within the previous two months. The interval between the last injection and the onset of paralysis in the majority of cases was between 9 and 14 days. The paralysis followed (A.P.T.) combined pertussis (whooping cough) and diphtheria prophylactic in nine cases, pertussis vaccine alone in one case, and diphtheria prophylactic alone in four cases. The paralysis, whether of arm or leg, conformed in general to a uniform pattern. It was not associated in time or place with any particular clinic or technique."

In all 14 cases, paralysis occurred in the injected limb; in 12 cases it was the arm and in 2 cases, the leg. This outbreak of polio followed an intensive immunization campaign during that time (1947-1949).

The serum makers probably had a surplus of vaccine to sell, as is the case in this country (United States) when the scare campaigns are engineered and the gullible people are stampeded into the vaccination centers to be "shot."

In Los Angeles (1946) after the largest smallpox vaccination campaign in the history of the city, an epidemic of polio broke out within two weeks after the "shots" and by the end of the summer there were 26 deaths from this cause and 1,900 reported cases. The County Epidemiologist estimated that there were —about 15 times as many unreported cases which would bring the count up to 28,000 cases. The report for the entire United States for 1951 was only 28,395. An average vaccination campaign nets the doctors about $2,000,000 so this one must have been tremendous in profits. The amount of the "take" has never been revealed. This Polio epidemic triggered off a "bigger than ever" March of Dimes campaign and the people were ‘bled" again for money to support the medical racket that creates more disease in order to scare the people into more donations and so the vicious circle continues.


England, Australia and United States are not the only countries that have found that vaccination causes polio and its variations such as encephalitis, meningitis, and certain other diseases.

In The New York State Journal of Medicine, (May 15, 1926) reports were given of post-vaccinal encephalitis in several other countries. In a brief of an article by Dr. W. F. Winkler, of the University Clinic of Rostock, Germany it says: "Quite recently isolated cases of cerebral symptoms, suggesting encephalitis, following vaccination have been reported from Holland, Czechoslovakia, and Germany and from Switzerland there have been reported two cases of serious meningitis."

The (Aug. 27, 1928) Report of the League of Nations tells of 139 cases and 41 deaths. "This resulted in Holland stopping compulsory vaccination during 1928-1929. The total number of vaccinations in Holland in the first half of 1928 was less than one-third of those for the first half of 1927 and the deaths from encephalitis were reduced to less than one-third." (Vaccine and Serum Evils— Shelton—p. 15)

Germany modified her compulsory vaccination law, as a result of the increased number of polio cases that developed from vaccination. The International News Service, (Feb. 27, 1930) states: "The change of attitude of some medical experts towards vaccination in favor of a less rigid enforcement of the law has been brought about mainly through a considerable number of post-vaccinal diseases observed in Holland and England and in sporadic cases in Germany."

Dr. Carl Leiner, of Vienna reported cases of encephalitis and meningitis developing 9 to 15 days after vaccination. He admitted "that in a generalized infection, like generalized vaccinia, there may be intracranial complications." In autopsies, Dr. Lucksch was able to show beyond doubt that "death had been due to encephalitis." Dr. Bastianse, of the Hague, reported 34 similar cases which occurred in Holland during 18 months (1924-25) with a death rate of 40%. The Netherlands, France and other countries have also reported cases of this kind.

In an article in The Journal of the American Medical Association, (July 3, 1926, p. 45.) on "NERVOUS DISTURBANCES AND SMALLPOX VACCINATION," is stated, "In regions in which there is no organized vaccination of the population, general paralysis is rare. In patients with general paralysis, he (Dr. Daraskwiewiez) has never seen smallpox scars, but smallpox vaccination scars were always present." Various physicians agreed that, "It is impossible to deny a connection between vaccination and the encephalitis which follows it." (emphasis supplied)

In England (1923-1925) an intensive vaccination campaign was carried out which caused a steady increase in the cases of Encephalitis-Lethargica and similar diseases until in 1924 there were 6,296 reported cases with unestimated thousands of unreported cases. Liverpool was at least 50% better vaccinated than the rest of England and had about 100% more encephalitis. The physicians tried to direct blame away from vaccination by claiming that the diseases were due to "latent infection," "inherited weakness," or "special susceptibility."


The word poliomyelitis was coined from the Greek words "polios" meaning gray, and "myelos" meaning marrow, plus "itis" meaning inflammation. Thus the word means inflammation of the gray matter of the spinal cord or brain or wherever gray matter is to be found. Every cell of the body contains a small amount of gray matter but it is more concentrated in the brain and spinal cord. Inflammation results from poisoning, irritation and obstructions that interfere with normal functioning. This damage, decay and disintegration of cell structure may terminate in paralysis or death without any invasion of viruses or germs. Isolated germs have never been known to attack and cause decay and disease of any part of the body. It is the corrosive poison products of decay that form the body of the vaccine that does the damage and causes the disease. Germs, bacteria and other such organisms are a part of decayed substance; they evolve from it and are necessary ingredients in the life process of eternal change and conversion from one form of life to a related one. Vaccine poisoning is just one of a number of causes of polio and other diseases. The section on OTHER CAUSES OF POLIO will deal with the other main causes. Our concern in this section is to show that viruses do not cause polio.

Since VIRUS has been medically designated as the "official" cause of polio we should first of all agree upon some stable definition of the term. Some dictionaries define virus as a poison. If this were the accepted definition it would be possible for us to see the connection between virus and polio. But the physicians and serum makers prefer to imagine a virus that can fly around in the air and attack people. Any other kind of a virus could not be made to frighten people into making large donations and in being vaccinated in the hope of protecting against it. Without an "air-borne" virus to play with, the whole vaccine racket would collapse. Therefore, the people are constantly reminded that polio is "catching" and they must have anti-polio "shots" that are intended to build up "anti-bodies" (which are also mythical suppositions). Although the promoters of the virus theory of polio insist that viruses are living organisms that fly around in the air and cause polio, this has never been proved. This unscientific, unsound, and undemonstrated virus theory of causation not only has no value, but it might safely be said that it has had the opposite effect. The rapid and ungoverned spread of polio is largely due to the misplaced confidence in the wrong belief. The popular practice of combating a false theory, not only leaves the disease unchecked but it directs the attention away from the real causes and discourages true investigation.


The 1940 Medical Dictionary defines virus as "the specific living principle by which an infectious disease is transmitted."

This definition is vague and meaningless because there is no such thing as a "living" principle. According to the dictionaries, a principle is a rule, truth, law etc. and is not a living entity.

The Scientific Encyclopedia says viruses have been obtained for experimentation by means of extremely powerful centrifuges which must be specially built. In the same article it is stated that viruses are so small that they cannot be seen by the most powerful microscopes. Then how do they know they produced any? - -Or is this game of hide and seek just another means of using up the millions of dollars contributed to the March of Dimes program?

The Modern Encylopedia, (1944) says in part "A virus differs from a bacterium in that the latter can live and reproduce itself in an artificial culture such as beef broth, whereas a virus must live inside a living cell. It is because of the protection which the living cell affords a virus that serums are of no value in the treatment of virus diseases."

This shows us that as far back as 1944 it was known that virus vaccines have no value in treating disease. Yet these succeeding 10 years have seen more millions of dollars squandered and more monkeys and other animals and people tortured and killed and more propaganda built on the false premise that viruses cause polio, than ever before.

Webster’s Dictionary refers to virus as a "slimy or poisonous liquid". Pus is a slimy poisonous liquid and forms where there is inflammation and disintegration of tissue. This break-down and disintegration of life cells is not a result of invasion of germs or viruses but is due to the interference with the chemical balance that holds the structure in a state of normal functioning. When poisons from such things as vaccines, drugs, narcotics, contaminated and devitalized foods etc. cause degeneration of the cells and disease, the condition is usually labeled according to the location of the most decay. For instance, when there is inflammation of the kidney it is called Bright’s Disease; if it is in the joints, it is arthritis, in the stomach it is ulcers, in the lungs, we call it tuberculosis, in the pancreas, it is diabetes and when there is inflammation of the brain and spinal cord affecting the nerves and muscles it is called POLIO.

All cases of polio are not paralytic. Dr. Shelton discusses the subject in an article titled, DO PHYSICIANS CAUSE INFANTILE PARALYSIS? (Hygienic Review, Dec. 1944) in which he says: "I have never seen paralysis result in cases of poliomyelitis that had not been treated with drugs . . . They (the physicians) kill and cripple their patients with their suppressive measures and then blame the results on the ‘disease’ or on an unknown virus. The value of the Kenny treatment is the negative one of being less suppressive and less destructive than the battle-ax treatment of the medical profession. It does not cure more, it merely kills fewer."

"In 1908 Dr. Karl Landsteiner, Austrian pathologist, published his theory, still held today (by backward medical doctors) that it is a ‘virus’ that launches epidemic polio. A ‘virus’ is defined (by him) as a pathogenic, or disease producing microbe, the poison of a contagious disease. Landsteiner based his theory on the fact that he had been able to induce polio in monkeys by injecting them with nerve tissues from fatal human cases. Believing that ‘the poliomyelitis produced in experimental animals is pseudo-poliomyelitis produced by Pseudo (false) virus’. Dr. Scobey (in his research) reasoned that ‘the disease they produced in the monkey was an artificial disease and not a natural illness as it occurred in man.’ After exhausting medical literature in the form of case-histories of the subject in all lands and at all known times of its appearance, he concluded: (1) It has never been proved that the ‘virus’ of polio can cause that disease in human beings; (2) It has been proved that polio can be caused by cyanide poisoning." (Prevention Magazine, June, 1950)

Cyanide is one of the deadly poisons that is permitted to be used in insecticide sprays on farm produce. It not only poisons the food it is sprayed on but it is washed by the rains into the soil where it kills the valuable earth worms and other soil building organisms and renders the farm land sterile and unproductive. It also washes down into the streams and contaminates the water supply for both man and animals.

During one of our most widespread polio epidemics (1949) ‘contraction of polio by definite contact with other victims of the disease was not established in an elaborate study made by the New York State Health Department. The United States Public Health Service in its studies also found the same negative answer during succeeding outbreaks of polio. In short, they learned that the disease was not contagious." TIME Magazine commented on this unexpected revelation of these surveys by remarking that "when and where people catch polio remains a mystery."

The supposition that viruses entered through the mouth and nose led the experimenters to make exhaustive tests on both animals and human beings, mostly prisoners and orphans in institutions. They were exposed (by close association) to polio patients and their throats and nasal passages were frequently swabbed with matter (from the patients) that was supposed to contain viruses. No polio was produced in this way and about the only noticeable after effect was that the subjects of the experiments lost their sense of taste and smell due to the damaging effects of the poisons in the serum that was used on the swabs.


In spite of all the proof to the contrary, those who profit by the sale of vaccines are trying to make their theory ‘stick,’ but there is dissension and clash of conflicting belief for lack of facts to depend on

Dr Salk’s stand on his dead virus theory is reviewed in LIFE magazine in the article ‘Tracking the Killer’ in which the writer says Dr Salk has reason to believe that his killed virus when given m the prescribed manner—the third booster shot increases antibodies enormously—may even improve on nature" A confused little man with a batch of putrid serum thinks he can improve on nature

Robert Goglan (in the same article) writes: "Virus diseases, preventable by vaccination, (?) were found to be ones in which the virus was blood-borne during some early stage of the infection And this brings us to a basic dilemma that confronted polio researchers Nobody could find polio viruses in the blood of the polio victims at any stage"

This is an interesting point because the blood circulates through the body every three minutes carrying the purified arterial blood to the cells and carrying away the waste laden blood in the veins to be purified again If viruses caused polio then there would be some indication of dead viruses found in the venous blood and live viruses would be found both in and outside of the body.

What started the "dead virus" tangent anyway? It was disastrous effects of the previous vaccines that were supposed to contain live viruses that turned the people against this method of mass murder But the one-track-minds of some of the researchers were determined to hang on to the virus gimmick, whether alive or dead, so dead virus vaccine was invented

An account of one of the deadly polio vaccine experiments on living human beings may be found in the Journal of the American Medical Association, (Dec. 28, 1935, Vol 105 p 2152) The report was made by the Medical Director of the United States Public Health He says

"During the past year in the United States, several thousand individuals mostly children, have received subcutaneous and intracutaneous injections of treated poliomyelitis virus with high fatality" He describes 12 cases of which 6 died within 20 days of receiving the first dose of vaccine. Of the remaining 6 hope of recovery was doubtful. This was from (supposedly) live virus.

Here we see that the doctors were able to cause polio with serum (protein poisons) but they were not able to cure or control it. The report continues: "It is believed that, to many physicians, this series of cases . . . readers undesirable the further use of polio virus for human vaccination."

The deadly effects of the "dead virus" vaccine of Dr. Salk and the equally deadly effects of the "live virus" vaccines should close the chapter on polio vaccine but physicians "die hard" when there are large profits in sight. So a few of these doctors are still trying to revive the virus corpse by other concoctions. Dr. Albert Sabin is toying with the idea of a virus just between the dead and the live variety which according to the U.S. News and World Report (May 13, 1955) "would be tamed—weakened so it could no longer cause polio but could trigger the body into setting up protective immunity." (This would be laughable if it were not so pathetic.)

Dr. Richie Russell favors the use of live viruses taken by mouth instead of injection. He says: "It is certainly more effective than the Salk method, and may even involve less risk, for should an oral (by mouth) vaccine lead unexpectedly to a febrile illness, there are still many chances that no paralytic disease will develop . . . When, however, poliomyelitis is precipitated by an inoculation the natural defences of the nervous system seem to be ineffective, and nearly all such illnesses develop into a paralytic form of the disease affecting especially the limb used for the injection." (From—"The Story of Salk Anti-Poliomyeitis Vaccine" by Dr. M. Beddow Bayly.)

Dr. Russell admits the danger of injecting poison into the body and acknowledges the hazards of taking the poison by mouth but suggests that it would be a little less damaging in this way. This gives a choice of two risky, worthless methods with no proof of any benefits.

Poison always does serious damage no matter how it is taken, so why nurture the hope that any special brand of "virus" poison vaccine can ever be expected to do any good? If the physicians cannot comprehend this simple fact then the people will need to do their own protecting by avoiding all vaccines and the rest of the harmful practices of modern medicine.

It gives us hope to find a few doctors here and there who seem to be getting a clearer understanding of the situation. Among them is Dr. William J. McCormick who states: (Archives of Pediatrics, Feb. 1950):

"The associated virus is regarded as a biochemical substance produced by the disease, which, although capable of producing paralysis in experimental animals by catalytic chemical action in the nervous system, is not necessarily a means of spreading of the disease under ordinary circumstances."

Ralph R. Scobey, M.D. (Archives of Pediatrics, Sept.-Oct. 1950) tells us that "the so-called virus of poliomyelitis is considered to be an endogenous (growing from within) substance resulting from poisoning." He gives evidence in the article to support this claim.

J. E. R. McDonagh (The Universe Through Medicine) states that "the virus is formed within, and does not come from without."

A UP Release, (Sept. 8, 1950) reports the views of Dr. Joseph Melnick (at the International Conference of Biology) in these words: "He said studies have shown that the nucleus of the cells in the spinal cord may be the place where the polio virus is manufactured when the disease strikes."

The total lack of scientific evidence that viruses cause polio or that they can exist outside the body and attack from there, has forced the researchers to look within the cause of disease. When they (the whole healing profession) fully comprehend this simple fact there will no longer be any fear of germs and there will be no vaccines, disinfectants or other harmful germicides used. The healing field can then begin to make rapid advancement and disease can be understood and eliminated.


It is the blind acceptance of a false theory (of virus attack) that has promoted ~ and sustained the terrible slaughter of thousands of monkeys to make a vaccine that can never produce anything but disastrous results.

Even if vaccines were useful, an artificial laboratory disease induced in a healthy monkey by methods not experienced by man is not a dependable means of judging the effectiveness of a vaccine in a self induced cleansing disease of man.

Dr. Jean MacNamara in the Medical Journal, (Aug. 12, 1933) emphasized the danger of applying facts determined in experimental poliomyelitis in monkeys to the natural disease in man. He pointed out that there are "marked clinical differences between the pre-paralytic stage of poliomyelitis in children and in monkeys."

The Lancet (Aug. 19, 1933) discusses this same point by saying: "To draw analogies between the pathogenesis of poliomyelitis in man and the experimental disease in monkeys might lead us far astray."

John A. Toomey, M.D. (Science, 82:200. Aug. 30, 1955) stated that "the intranasal and intracerebral inoculation of the poliomyelitis virus in monkeys does not produce the same disease seen in man." In an article in the Journal of Pediatrics, (19:103, 1941) Dr. Toomey gives evidence to prove that "no animal gets the disease from another no matter how intimately exposed." For this reason QUARANTINE FOR POLIOMYELITIS IS USELESS.

Dr. Patrick Meenan, bacteriologist at St. Vincent’s Hospital, Dublin, states (Lancet, April 18, 1953) that "most of the recent work on poliomyelitis has been done on chimpanzees, which seem to react to infection much as man does." Of course monkeys and other animals suffer from induced disease the same as people but this has nothing to do with the cause and cure of disease. This realization is slowly filtering through the muddled minds of some of the doctors, which gives us some hope. Dr. Patrick Meenan shows us that he is getting a little closer to the correct understanding when he says: "The fundamental difficulty is to know how far experimental findings can be applied to natural infection in man. What is the relation between the disease in animals produced by large doses of laboratory adapted strains and that in man produced by small doses of naturally occurring virus? Is the pathogenesis of poliomyelitis in man the same as in the chimpanzee?"

Dr. E. R. Krumbiegel, City Health Commissioner of Milwaukee, Wisc. reported (Sentinal, May 24, 1955) that these tests on monkeys "do not rule out the possibility that small amounts of weakened polio virus which will not infect monkey tissues, may still be able to multiply in human tissues . . . Monkey tissues are not necessarily comparable to human tissues in this respect. This is exemplified by the fact that the amount of inactivated virus necessary to produce a good polio response in humans is far less than that needed in monkeys, and far less in monkeys than in mice."

These two doctors are still floundering around in the delusion of "virus causation" but they are discovering the fallacies and in time will probably emerge into the light. When they inject some of the putrefied protein which they call virus vaccine, into people it takes less of it to produce toxic poisoning and paralysis than it does in animals. This is not because man’s reaction to germs or viruses is any different from that of animals; it is because man is already on the border-line of toxemia because of the incompatible foods and poisons he uses, while the animals that live out in nature and eat unprocessed foods are strong and more resistant to poisons.

Dr. Alfred Byrne, in a scathing criticism of the Salk vaccine, in the Spectator for July 22, 1955, stated: "It is known that the monkey test for the virus is so crude as to constitute a source of danger as it will not always, by any means, differentiate between the presence of no live virus and live virus present in small amounts." He recognized the potential hazards to be so apparent that he considered it remarkable that there were not considerably more deaths and paralysis from the Salk vaccine. He wrote: "The deaths might have been multiplied ten or a hundred-fold."

If the complete records were made public we would all be surprised to find that there are so many more Salk casualties than have been reported.


The U.S. News and World Report (May 13, 1955) in an -article on "Better Polio Vaccine in Sight" states: "The Salk vaccine, admittedly, offers only limited protection, though its developer believes it can be improved over the 60 to 90 per cent effectiveness shown by the trials last summer."

There is a wide margin between 60 and 90 per cent. Would any employer hire a worker who made mistakes 40% of the time and never improved over 90%? Would anyone run his business with such haphazard results? Yet the parents are urged to trust the lives of their children in the hands of "Salk serum shooters" whose most optimistic promise is for only 60 to 90 per cent protection. This is no protection at all. The protection among the unvaccinated is far higher than that. This means that out of every 100 who are vaccinated with the Salk vaccine, 10 can be expected to get polio. For the general unvaccinated population only one person in 4,000 (in U.S.) is likely to get polio and only one in 11,000 in England.


How were the percentages of effectiveness arrived at?

An article in LIFE magazine (April 25,) stated: "Although the test had beer carried out in 44 states, the most dependable results came from 11 in which 200,745 children received three vaccine shots and 201,229 got dummy shots to serve as a yardstick for the vaccine’s effectiveness. Ten vaccinated and 68 unvaccinated children caught laboratory confirmed cases of polio. This indicated (to them) that the vaccine was more than 80% effective."

It is apparent that this is not in any sense a true measurement of the effective ness of the vaccine. In the first place, if 44 states were tested why were the figures used in only 11 of them. The statement that they were more dependable no doubt, means that they were the only ones that were not too extremely condemnatory. If only the most favorable figures are used in a test the estimate is not accurate. In the second place, the dummy shots of colored water are not a fair "yardstick" because injection of anything at all even distilled water is harmful and often fatal. What was the coloring matter that was added to the dummy shots? Was it carbolic acid or mercurochome or was it food coloring which is a coal tar derivative and condemned as a poison by the Food and Drug Administration?

There was a high percentage of polio among the children vaccinated with the colored water. Six times more polio was caused by these dummy shots than by the vaccine. This certainly cannot be accepted by any sane person as a fair test of the effectiveness of any vaccine. The colored water plus the Salk vaccine produced far more polio and death per population than we have among the un-vaccinated masses. All this showed up in spite of their own "hand picked" records in which only the favorable reports were publicized. The Francis Report (statistics of the Salk experiment) upon which the effectiveness was based showed that the Salk vaccine seemed to protect against the paralytic form of polio in only 30% of the cases—on the average. According to that, 70% of those vaccinated could be subject to the worst paralytic form of polio. On the other hand only one person in 4,571 (in U.S.) gets polio without the vaccine.

It was never proved that the vaccine gave even the 30% protection. That was merely assumed from the faulty experiments and the "manipulated" figures. For instance (Salk Story by Bayly p14), "No case was considered as immunized unless it had received two shots of the vaccine. This means that a child developing poliomyelitis after the first inoculation and before the second one would automatically be placed in the uninoculated class," and would not be counted as a Salk vaccine casualty even though he died of the "shot". This probably accounts for the comparatively few deaths that were reported as a result of the experiment. This would also invalidate all the conclusions drawn from the figures.

Dr. Salk is reported to have said that "children vaccinated last year should be given booster inoculations this year." If the full course of shots failed last year how can they expect some more of the same failure mechanism to do any better this year?
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Re: The Hidden Dangers In Polio Vaccine, by Eleanor McBean

Postby admin » Sun Dec 13, 2015 4:09 am


Although vaccination is one of the quickest and surest ways of getting polio because poisons are injected directly into the unprotected blood stream, there are a number of other causes that should not be overlooked. Some of the most common of these are listed below and discussed briefly in this section:

1—Carbohydrates: Sugar products such as ice cream, soft drinks, desserts, etc. Denatured products such as white flour, alcoholics, etc.
2—Cola beverages that contain drugs and sugar.
3—Poison sprays on foods, poison preservatives in foods, etc.
4—Operations of all kinds, especially removal of tonsils.
5—Fatigue and all other practices that deplete the vital energy.
6—Negative emotions that generate internal poisons.
7—Interference of any kind that impedes circulation or normal functioning.

FATIGUE is claimed, by the "virus fans," to lower the energy and let the viruses attack. Viruses have nothing to do with the cause of polio but fatigue does in that it generates certain by-products of metabolism that can result in paralysis under certain conditions.

"According to Professor A.V. Hill, an English physiologist, the direct cause of the fatigue resulting from muscular effort is the accumulation of lactic acid, the source of which is glycogen. The body stores up carbohydrates in the form of glycogen or liver starch, which is used up during muscular activity. The excessive accumulation of lactic acid in the blood is the result of an insufficient intake of oxygen by the system. If the iron and sodium contents of the blood are below normal, due to faulty diet, both the absorption of oxygen and the discharge of carbonic acid are diminished, lactic acid then accumulates in the muscles; the latter subsequently stiffen and fail to function—the sign of fatigue.

"It is therefore of great importance for athletes and for those who are subjected to muscular strain, to maintain a high degree of alkalinity of the blood by avoiding as much as possible, highly acid-forming foods such as meat, eggs, legumes, breads, fried foods etc., and by consuming an adequate supply of fruits and green-leaf vegetables. When proper attention is paid to diet, fatigue is retarded, while endurance is increased. The Japanese, Chinese and some of the Hindu tribes living in the Himalaya mountains, who subsist on frugal diet and hardly eat any meat, possess most remarkable physical stamina. These facts are worthy of careful attention, not only by athletes, but by all who want to derive much benefit from their regular exercise." (from Vital Facts About Foods" by Otto Carque p. 22.)

A booklet on "The Prevention of Infantile Paralysis" published by the National Chiropractic Association discusses the subject of fatigue as follows:

"Naturally, since the body is a very delicately balanced electro-chemical machine, a disturbance of major calibre is set up when fatigue appears. Let us quote an authoritative pathologist. ‘There is’ he says, ‘an excess of waste matter which accumulates in the muscles, and when this is not quickly washed away it causes loss of motion to a degree of complete loss of power. If this point is actually reached, there occurs the escape from the muscles of a rich liquid protein which results in stiffness and unusability.’

"In nerve fatigue, which is brought about by substitution in the nutritive fluids of poison for oxygen, there occurs ‘a blocking of the nerve impulses from the spinal cord to the muscles.’ The immediate effect upon the muscles under fatigue is to produce slight swelling and rigidity, morbid substances accumulate from which toxins (poisons) arise. Upon the nerve the immediate effect is to cause the great cells which preside over those pathways of action to swell—just as does any injured part. The danger here is, however, that if this swelling is not promptly reduced and the accumulated fluid dispersed, death of the cell is assured. Such an eventuality can only be followed by the slow shrinkage of the muscles served by the nerve with their final and complete loss of power.

"It will be readily seen that in describing the process of fatigue we have also described a condition very like infantile paralysis."

OPERATIONS, ACCIDENTS AND INJURY "cause changes in the nerve-cells supplying the part so that they are rendered less able to resist infection" says Dr. Geffen (Medical Officer of Health for St. Pancras, England.) He observed that persons contracting polio after appendectomy (removal of appendix) develop paralysis of the abdominal muscles or even of the muscles of the intestine.

Injection of diphtheria-pertussis vaccine not only localizes the paralysis of persons infected with virus but also increases the attack-rate. There can be little doubt, therefore, that even the vaccination of children against poliomyelitis itself may provide the very conditions which favor an attack and so increase the incidence to the first injection . . . A child who is injected three times is at risk three times; there is replication of exposure.

"Persons with bulbar type of polio (an especially fatal type) give a history of removal of tonsils and adenoids more frequently than do persons with other forms of poliomyelitis. If a person who has had tonsillectomy develops polio the likelihood of bulbar involvement is 4 times as great as one where the tonsils are intact." ("The Salk Story" Bayly. p. 24)

Tonsils and adenoids are part of the lymphatic glandular system of purification and when they are removed the impurities that they normally handle are thrown back into circulation and cause all manner of diseases. The poisoning effects of the anesthetic and the shock of the operation also help to reduce the vitality and over tax the already poisoned body. The fact that the tonsils are enlarged and saturated with poison does not indicate that they should be removed; it merely indicates that the intake of poisons should be discontinued and the blood stream cleansed by fasting and proper diet. Inflamed tonsils and practically all other abnormal conditions heal themselves when the obstructions are removed.

SUGAR is at last being recognized as a destroyer of health rather than an article of food as was formerly believed. Technically white sugar (C12H220 11) is classified as a drug and not as a food. Natural sugar in fruit is in a balanced combination with other constituents that enable it to be assimilated without damage but when it is separated into the white, crystalline carbon substance called sugar it is converted into alcohol almost immediately after it is taken into the body and does the same damage that alcohol does. It dehydrates the cells and leeches the calcium from the nerves, muscles, bones, teeth and all tissues that are supplied with calcium and other alkaline elements. A serious calcium deficiency is a forerunner of polio. This deficiency cannot be adequately balanced by taking calcium tablets or bone meal but must have the proper balance of other minerals and life elements necessary to enable it to assimilate in the body. Certain green vegetables contain the calcium in proper balance. Some of these will be listed under the topic heading WHO CAN CURE POLIO.

Dr. Benjamin P. Sandler, of North Carolina called attention to the relationship between polio and the excessive use of sugar and refined starches such as white flour products and processed corn meal. He compiled records showing that in the countries such as United States, Britain, Australia, Canada and Sweden which have an extremely high per capita consumption of sugar (around 108 pounds per person) there is also a high incidence of polio. On the other hand, polio is practically unknown in China with its sugar consumption of only 3 pounds per person per year.

The summer months are the months of the highest sugar intake in the form of ice cream, bottled drinks, candy, desserts etc. and it is no coincidence that it is also the time when polio is at its height.

During one of North Carolina’s worst polio epidemics (1948) Dr. Sandler publicized a diet program to control the disease. Polio had increased so rapidly all summer that by October there were 2,403 cases in that state. All the usual medical methods had failed and the hopelessness of this terrifying epidemic shocked the people into a willingness to listen to something as unorthodox as diet to control disease. Dr. Sandier warned the people against all sugar products such as ice cream, cola drinks, all fountain drinks, and many other popular but harmful foods. The people were advised to eat vegetables, especially greens, ripe natural fruits, (unsweetened) whole grains and plain, wholesome food.

The ice cream sales dropped off to such an extent that "one producer shipped one million less gallons of ice cream during the first week following the diet story release." Within 72 hours polio had declined considerably and the epidemic was brought under control. By the next year the polio incidence of that state had dropped 90%.


(1) "Cola is loaded with habit-forming caffeine so that once the victim gets accustomed to the stimulant, he cannot very well get along without it." says Dr. Royal Lee, of the Lee Foundation for Nutritional Research. "There is only one reason for putting caffeine in a soft drink—to make it habit forming. Dr. H. W. Wiley (former director of the Food and Drug Administration) was right when he said it was against any food law to add it to a drink." Dr. Wiley was fired when he exposed the racketeers. Other men were hired who yielded to the pressure. In some states it is against the law to sell a product of that kind and Wisconsin is one of them. The labeling law requires most manufacturers to list on the label all the ingredients (especially poison drugs) but the Cola companies get around this law and list nothing on the label. Cola is not a food but a poison, and yet it is advertised as a drink suitable for children.

A bottle of Cola contains about as much caffeine as a strong cup of coffee. Caffeine is not only a habit forming drug but it is destructive to the tissues of the stomach, eyes, nerves and kidneys. In fact there is not a part of the body that is not injured by this drug. It makes the children (and all who drink it) nervous, irritable and high strung and leads to a desire for stronger drink later on.

(2) Cola drinks contain as much as 10% sugar which is 9 times more than the body can metabolize.
(3) Colas contain artificial coloring and flavoring matter. These coal tar products are harmful drugs and have no place in the diet.
(4) The most damaging ingredient in cola drinks is the PHOSPHORIC ACID. This acid is a destroyer of the vital calcium supply in the body and even dissolves the enamel on the teeth. Phosphoric acid is made by treating phosphate rock with sulphuric acid.

The corrosive effect of colas on the teeth was noticed more than 12 years ago and experiments to prove this were begun during World War II at the Naval Research Institute and later were continued at Cornell University under a grant from the Office of Naval Research. Professor Clive McCay of Cornell made this report:

"At the Naval Research Institute we put human teeth in cola beverage and found that they softened and started to dissolve within a short period. They be-came soft within two days.

"In the intervening years, 1943-1950, we made numerous studies of the effect of these cola beverages upon the teeth of rats, dogs and monkeys. We have published data indicating that the molar teeth of rats are dissolved down to the gum line if the rats are well fed but given nothing to drink except cola beverage for a period of 6 months." (Journal of Nutrition, 1949 Vol. 39, p 313)

"McClure and Restarski report the decalcifying effects of acid soft drinks (such as cola drinks), rendering the tooth surface more susceptible to bacterial attack. They point out that enamel is most readily soluble in phosphoric acid (in cola drinks) exceeded only by solubility in nitric acid. Restarski reports a popular cola drink to contain 0.055 per cent by weight phosphoric acid and to have a pH of 2.6. This is considerably more than 100 times more acid than will decalcify enamel under normal mouth conditions." (From an article by Dr. Allison James, published by The Lee Foundation for Nutritional Research—No. 42)

"Phosphoric acid will break down the body lecithin, cause brain fag, neurasthenia, nerve breakdown, physical apathy, mental irregularities; anemia, polycythemia, acidosis, renal (kidney) lesions, rickets, faulty calcification, a marked shift in the bone structure, unsuccessful reproduction, tetany and prevents the normal increase in size of growing children. It will inhibit all basic alkaline salts in their normal functions. It will attack the teeth and all bony tissue.

"Polio blood is low in calcium and invariably low in iron . . . The free phosphoric acid in Cola could tie up iron, calcium, manganese and probably all the respiratory metals. When they can no longer function in the action of enzymes, cells cannot generate or regenerate and this results in decomposition of body proteins that manifests itself in POLIO. Phosphoric acid slowly kills the life principle." (Duon Miller—Polio Prevention, Inc.)


From Polio Prevention, Inc., we get this data: "Miscarriages are 600% and premature births 400% more common among poorly fed mothers." This same nutritional deficiency also causes suffering at childbirth, menopause, and the monthly periods. Normal, healthy women do not suffer at these times. Under our present faulty health (?) education system the normal person is the exception rather than the rule. In her remarkable book "TOKOLOGY" Dr. Alice B. Stockhani describes a simple diet and health regimen that enables the mothers to have quick and painless childbirths without drugs, hypnosis or hospitalization.

According to a survey made by the state college of Pennsylvania, MALNUTRITION HITS 999 PERSONS OUT OF 1,000. This indicates that a drastic change is needed in our health training and national leadership.

The development of an unborn child requires an abundance of mineral elements, especially calcium, that must be drawn from the mother’s body to form j the bony structure and entire body of the infant. A healthy woman has a surplus of these vital elements which nature draws upon at such times. But when the mother is depleted and has no surplus building material, the new life forming, must draw these minerals from her nerves, muscles, glands bones, blood and wherever the vital substance can be found. This extra drain on her body reserves may leave her muscles, nerves and vital centers too impaired for normal functioning and polio may be the result. If she is unfortunate enough to be taken to the hospital and given the drugs, iron lung and devitalizing hospital diet she may be crippled for life but if she stays home and lives a healthful life the deficiency may, in time be normalized and recovery can take place.

The very foods that cause acidosis (the forerunner of polio) are served in the hospitals to the polio patients


The following diet of devitalized, disease producing foods is typical of what I~ being served to the patients in the medical hospitals This was actually taken

from the menu of a POLIO Ward. It is no wonder that so many die or fail to recover.


Pint of pasteurized milk (which is putrefactive and deficient in calcium.)
Canned orange juice (extract with white sugar and water added.)
Dry cereal (processed chaff with all the vital elements removed and poison preservatives added.
White sugar and cream on cereal (sugar is a drug—slow alcohol.)
White bread and butter (Actual experiments on "death penalty" criminals showed that 30 days on white bread and water killed more men than 30 days on water alone. In fact, none died on water.)
Coffee served to older patients, cocoa to children. Both coffee and cocoa contain harmful alkaloids, caffine, theobromine, tannin, theme, etc.
Coffee cake—made with white flour, white sugar, indigestible shortening, poison dough conditioners, salt, etc.


Parents and friends came and brought ice cream and candy which the patients were permitted to eat.


This was even worse.
Meat (fried chicken in this case. All fried foods are difficult to digest and all meats including fish and chickens are highly acid forming.)
Gravy—greasy, pasty and acid forming.
Mashed potatoes—Peeled, boiled potatoes have lost their valuable minerals. What remains is acid forming starch.
Beets in vinegar. Vinegar is an irritating acid, a denatured product that interferes with digestion.
White rolls—same as white bread.
More coffee—white sugar and cream.


Meat—An active person can metabolize only one and a half ounces of protein a day. Inactive patients are further poisoned by extra protein.
White rice—Polished rice is stripped of its outer coatings of mineral elements and vitamins that help to balance the starch in the center. This processing makes the rice acid forming and devitalizing.
ice Cream—This is one of the guilty offenders in causing polio, because of the high sugar content and preservatives, fillers, artificial flavoring and coloring, etc.
Coffee or milk again. Patients were forced to eat when not hungry.

This diet looks like a conspiracy to keep the patients sick for the added business it brings the doctors.

According to a survey made in 1946 regarding the percentage of polio recoveries under the various methods of healing we have this interesting report:

91 % to 100% recover under certain Chiropractic treatment—(not all chiropractors understand this method)
97% to 100% recover under correct Hygienic treatment.
72% under Nurse Kenny treatment.
35% recover with no professional care.
17% under medical care.


Some doctors are actually advising their pregnant patients to drink several bottles of cola each day for nausea. Duon Miller, founder of Polio Prevention Inc. met one of these medically misinformed women and he told her about the harmful effects of cola drinks and other such drinks but the woman said, "You are no doubt right, but my doctor has advised me to drink it so I’m going to follow the doctor." Cola makes "drug addicts" of its customers so she probably couldn’t quit anyway.

She continued her poison diet and when her baby was born it was malformed without any complete fingers or toes. The poisons in the cola had robbed it of the necessary minerals to build a normal body. It will have to go through life as a helpless cripple, dependent on the public as thousands of others have to do because certain physicians and manufacturers want to make money.

"Any doctor who will suggest to a pregnant woman that she drink "cola" or suggest that a child of any age drink "colas" should be disbarred by the Medical Association and given the rest of his life to realize that the letters "M.D." after his name actually mean "Mentally Deficient." (Duon Miller)

‘Doctors from the University of Pennsylvania Medical School undertook a study of the prenatal diets of mothers who had given birth to 45 children so malformed that 90% were born dead or died within a year after birth. The diets of these women were found to have been deficient in practically every nutrient." (from "Lets Have Healthy Children"—Adelle Davis. p. 18-19)

Dr. Joseph C. Risser, in a broadcast on the subject of NUTRITION AND HEALTHY BONES stated:

"Delay in development of fragmentation of bone growing centers, porous or soft bone, are commonly seen in X-ray of recent POLIO patients. These X-ray evidences, having appeared long before the attack of polio, strongly indicate that in the polio patient there was a pre-existing state of malnutrition."


Ralf R. Scobey, M.D., president of the Poliomyelitis Research Institute. Inc. Syracuse, New York (in the Archives of Pediatrics, Sept. 1950) lists 170 diseases of polio-like symptoms and effects but with different names such as: epidemic cholera, cholera morbus, spinal meningitis, spinal apoplexy, inhibitory palsy, intermittent fever, famine fever, worm fever, bilious remittent fever, ergotism, etc. There are also such common nutritional deficiency diseases as beriberi, scurvy, Asiatic plague, pellagra, prison edema, acidosis etc. No drugs, medicines or medical treatments have ever been able to cure any of these diseases and no germs have been isolated as the cause. But they all respond to fasting, cleansing, proper diet and improved circulation. The similarity of these diseases to polio is too obvious to go unnoticed. They are, in reality, all one disease with varying stages of intensity and different names. It is ridiculous to assume that polio is caused by a virus and the rest of them are caused by nutritional deficiency. Dr. Scobey senses this fact when he states: "Inasmuch as nerve cells react in much the same way to various poisons, further research will probably show that in these cases polio micro-organisms are not always present, but intoxication (poisoning) may be produced through faulty metabolism or by the absorption of poisons from without."

There are literally thousands of cases in which beriberi, scurvy, polio, pellagra, etc. have developed among arctic explorers, sailors, construction gangs, prisons and every other group where the people try to live on an unbalanced diet of starch, protein, coffee and devitalized, processed foods. Alfred McCann describes many of these (poison squads) in his book THE SCIENCE OF EATING. In the case of the German crew on the "Kronprinz Willem" when the ship’s hospital was filled with helpless sailors and more were dropping on the deck each day the German and American doctors exhausted all their skill (such as it was) but the condition grew steadily worse. The men had polio but all the doctors had a different name for it. They thought the disease was contagious and the ship lay in quarantine in an American harbor. When all the medical methods had utterly failed, Mr. McCann went aboard and gave the captain a simple diet which was followed out and it brought about recovery of most of the patients within 10 days. The rest of them were well in record time. Not a man was lost. On the other hand, when the workmen on the South American railroad began collapsing with the same deficiency disease, the doctors failed (as usual) and there was no "health" man to give them a diet so 4,000 of them died. Viruses, germs or bacteria did not cause these epidemics. The men were stricken with acidosis from malnutrition. They suffocated in their own internal poisons. They had the fever, the swelling, the sore throat, the lack of coordination of muscles and finally paralysis the same as our present polio patients.

When will our blundering physicians ever learn to profit by the experiences of the past instead of torturing animals and experimenting on and killing people in a effort to learn something that is already known?


In addition to the drastic vaccine poisons and the self generated poisons from wrong foods there are a number of other poisons that are being freely used that are known to cause polio.

INSECTICIDES such as lead arsenate, hydrocyanic gas and other cyanide compounds, DDT, parathion and other deadly poisons are a constant cause of death and disease. Dr. Abraham Gelperin, director of the Bureau of Communicable Diseases and assistant Clinical Professor or Public Health at Yale University, stated flatly that he believes many ills to be the result of these poison insecticides, and that large numbers of what are believed to be polio are in reality cases of poisoning, possibly caused by something like parathion.

Dr. J. W. Norton of the N. C. Department of Health said the "symptoms of parathion poisoning are similar to those of polio, including headache, gastric upset, giddiness, tightness of the chest, vomiting and sometimes diarrhea.

"One of the manufacturers of the widely used insecticide parathion describes it as ‘capable of producing severe systemic toxic effects and death in animals and man either by oral administration, inhalation of mists, dusts, or vapors and by absorption through the unbroken skin." (Prevention—June, 1950. p. 12)

What are our elected officers and public protectors doing while all this wholesale poisoning is going on? Are the over-wealthy manufacturers the only ones to be "protected" in their game of "grab and stab"?

FORMALDEHYDE IN MILK has been reported as a cause of polio.

Australian Medical Gazette, (Aug. 24, 1897) states that "formalin," an aqueous solution of formaldehyde, caused paralysis in some who drank milk that contained it. Our U.S. Government permits the dairymen to add formaldehyde to milk so that stale, inferior milk may be sold as fresh milk. Formaldehyde is a poisonous embalming fluid that is, no doubt, one of the causes of the epidemics of diarrhea and death among the bottle fed infants in hospitals.

The Lancet (Jan. 9, 1915) mentions an epidemic of polio that was said to have been caused by raw milk. It has never been. proved that raw milk has ever caused polio or undulant fever or any other disease but the added poison preservatives could cause many diseases. Pasteurization companies capitalized on this incident to stampede some laws into operation which would prohibit the sale of raw (unprocessed) milk. Pasteurization makes matters even worse because the heating process melts the butterfat in the milk and this coats the calcium globules and renders the calcium inassimilable to a large extent.

From the Journal of Biochemistry, (Vol. 75, pp. 251-62. Oct., 1927) we read: "In the Nutrition Laboratory of the Dept. of Home Economics of the University of Chicago, in 1927, experimentation revealed that only about 27% of the calcium in pasteurized milk and 30% of evaporated milk was retained in the body."

Rats fed on pasteurized milk grew at only half the normal rate and developed various ailments and died early. Calves fed on pasteurized milk died before maturity in 9 out of 10 cases.

Dr. Royal Lee of the Lee Foundation of Nutritional Research, Milwaukee, stated:

"I offer the sum of $1,000 to anyone who can offer evidence acceptable to the average jury that pasteurization has not affected the nutritional values of milk to the extent that it is incapable of maintaining the tooth and bone structures of the test animals."

The Salk vaccine also has formaldehyde added to the poison decomposed protein from which the vaccine was made, which adds to its toxicity.

MERCURY, which is freely used in the practice of medicine, especially in the treatment of venereal diseases, is reported to have caused many cases of polio. "Gonorrhea the crippler" is an advertising "scare head" term that is used to terrorize "suspects" into the treatment offices. The crippling is usually done by the treatment and not the disease itself. On a simple fasting and correct diet program the disease heals the same as other conditions, when not interfered with by suppressive medical measures.

SOLANIN, a poison that is formed in frozen potatoes was found to be the cause of an epidemic in Ireland. The disease had polio-like reactions but was called remittent fever. Old, sprouting potatoes and those that have been exposed to the sun in the growing period until the skin was green were also found to -contain this toxic substance. -

UNRIPE FRUIT and ERGOT from some types of rye have caused gastrointestinal disturbances which affected the nerves, spinal cord and brain and caused a form of polio. A diet excessively high in grains (especially milled grains) has been followed -by deficiencies that terminated in polio as was reported by Stockman and Johnson in the Journal of Nutrition, (Nov., 1934).

NEGATIVE EMOTIONS such as fear, anger, hatred, jealousy,, anxiety etc. release adrenaline or generate other poisons that irritate the nerves or impede circulation and poison the cells just the same as injected poisons. The- fear of polio or any other disease can help to develop it. On the other hand a clean body and happy state of mind can help immunize against it.


In the very early days when bread was made from freshly ground whole grains it could rightly be called the staff of life because it could sustain life. But our present day commercialized bread is stripped of its vital life elements when the heart, the germ and the outer coatings with all the valuable minerals are removed in the milling and processing of the flour. In addition to this devitalizing step, four poisons are added to make a defective product salable, (1) Agene a bleach as poisonous as Clorox or any other wash-day chlorine bleach is added to flour to make it whiter—as if that matters. Dr. Scobey’s research department states that "It has recently been discovered that white bread, which has been treated with the bleaching agent nitrogen trichioride, (agene) produces in dogs epilepsy identical with the human disease . . . The disease in dogs has been described in the past as ‘canine hysteria,’ (rabies) ‘running fits,’ or ‘fright disease’ and it was attributed by some scientists to an infectious agent, possibly a virus. . ." The poisoning is obvious and yet they try to blame the condition onto a virus. (2) Poison insecticides are added to keep the bugs out. The bugs are the lesser of the two evils—they are not poison and they are large enough to be seen and can be avoided but the poison is invisible. This poison in bread has been found to cause paralysis of the hind legs in experimental dogs. Because whole wheat flour is more nourishing and therefore more attractive to insects, about four times as much of -the insecticide is added to this flour. Most of the Health Food Stores carry unprocessed flour and bread. If "safe" bread is not available people should grind their own flour or avoid bread. (3) Alum and other harmful dough conditioners are added to baker’s bread. (4) When the natural vitamin B is removed from the flour and the synthetic vitamin B is added the advertiser’s claim it is "enriched" with vitamin B; but it is actually poisoned by this coal tar product that is not a true vitamin. In Canada it is a prison offense for a miller or a baker to add synthetic vitamin B to any product intended to be used for food.


According to the report of the Surgeon General, "In 1945 there were 246 cases of polio with 52 deaths among American Troops in the Philippines." This is just a small representation of the over-all picture of polio throughout our entire armed forces. They did not have any indication of polio when they were inducted and they went to areas where there was no polio so it cannot be blamed on contagion or viruses or any of the usual excuses. Polio is a man-made disease. The soldiers were first poisoned with all the vaccines invented by modern medical voodooism. Then they had free cigarettes, with their 18 poisons, pressed upon them and plenty of beer, cola, candy, devitalized processed foods, ice cream, drugs and everything that destroys health. An article in Prevention magazine, June, 1951 says:

"All during the war, as soon as local combat conditions permitted, ice cream, soft drinks, candies, etc. became available to American troops. Ice cream manufacturing equipment followed soon after combat equipment. I saw American troops consume great quantities of candy bars when they lost their appetites for the army diet." As a result, polio, insanity and all the diseases known to man developed among the soldiers more rapidly than among the 4Fs who were too defective to go to war.


Although the real cause and cure of polio is obvious, the promoters of polio find it more profitable to "look" for a cure than to "find" it. The March of Dimes millions would cease to flow into their pockets if they ever were to find the cure. Therefore, they keep up the pretense of looking—but always in a direction where they are sure not to find the answer.

(1) At first they tried the polio serum and when they found it killed the people but did not stop polio they tried something else just as far away from the solution as they could get.

(2) They sprayed towns, crops and orchards with deadly poison DDT insecticide, suggesting that polio might be caused by flies. The chemical companies reaped the benefits but the orchards were seriously damaged, crops were ruined and people were killed by this wild and unwarranted experiment. An article on polio in "Your Health" magazine (1954, Fall Quarter, p. 69) comments on the fly situation by saying that in "Iceland where there are no flies . . there have been polio epidemics. Experiments on eliminating flies by spraying whole communities with DDT have not had any effect in combating epidemics."

The American Weekly—(1945) in an article titled, "War from the Air on Infantile Paralysis" states that "if the city-wide experiment with polio proves that flies carry the disease . . . the city officials are likely to agitate for . .. spraying of DDT from the air. . . This step might eliminate flies . . . but at the same time it. would kill bees and butterflies, and many crops might fail because of lack of pollination.. . The important thing now is to find out whether polio flies in with the fly." But they did not bother to wait for this proof. They didn’t consult the people as to whether they were willing to be subjected to this mass poisoning; they just moved in with their full scale poisoning of the air, earth and vegetation.

GAMMA GLOBULIN was the next hoax to be foisted on the ever trusting public. United Press (Sept. 20, 1953) reported: "Efforts to control polio, complete failure, according to the United Nations WORLD HEALTH ORGANIZATION COMMITTEE, which condemned mass use of Gamma Globulin or any large scale intra-muscular injections."

Polio Prevention Inc. states: "The United States Army does not use Gamma Globulin and has discontinued the use of blood plasma because of damage to the liver."

An article in Herald of Health magazine (April, 1955) says:

"Two years ago the Country was all stirred up about the possibilities of Gamma Globulin. This Gamma Globulin was a derivative of the great stores of diseased human blood plasma which was bursting the seams of the various blood banks.

"The doctors of the army, navy and marine corps had refused absolutely to ‘shoot’ this putrid plasma into the bodies of wounded service men. They declared it was ‘too disease-ridden’ to use on our heroes in uniform but such characterization of the ‘filthy stuff’ did not deter medical men, from proclaiming it entirely suitable to go into the clean blood streams of the little children."

The Los Angeles County Health Index (for the week ending May 23, 1953) states: (a) Evidence indicates that gamma globulin does not prevent paralysis from occurring in all cases. (b) There is evidence that it is of no value in the treatmónt of poliomyelitis after symptoms have been recognized. (c) The partial protection afforded by gamma globulin is only temporary lasting only five to six weeks."

For a Public Health Department that is over-ridden by the medical trust, to make these concessions indicates that the situation was much worse than that. There was no protection at all and no benefit but it was used because it was a salable commodity.

In Key West, Florida when a few of the people learned of the plan to poison the city with this self-condemned product they started a protest and circularized literature giving the facts about it. But the promoters of gamma globulin induced the City Manager and the Police Dept. to arrest anyone protesting or handing out literature unfavorable to their serum. Miami Herald, Miami, Florida (Sept. 30, 1953) reported:

"Dr. Carl Bernet, of United States Public Health Service says: ‘Gamma Globulin is not a cure or preventive of polio. Key West is getting the Gamma Globulin because there is an extra supply’." Is this a land of liberty or just a page out of the Dark Ages?

CURARE, which is arrow poison used by the Indians of the Amazon is used on polio patients. A doctor in the Los Angeles Health Department told me that this drug does not decrease the pain of the polio patients but it makes them unable to move or scream and they experiment on them then. Many of the patients die under the intense pain of this torture treatment.

THE PRECAUTIONS that the polio foundation give to the public have no effect at all on controlling polio. What good does it do to warn people to (1) wash their hands, (2) stay out of swimming pools, (3) stay away from polio patients, (4) call a doctor when symptoms appear etc. when the disease is n~ caused by viruses but is caused by body poisoning? Why call a doctor who admits he does not know the cause or the cure? All these misleading instructions stand in the way of healing.

THE SALK VACCINE is just another failure mechanism because it, too, is wandering blindly in the wrong direction and is spreading disease rather than curtailing it and is killing rather than curing.


Many doctors, and public authorities as well as individual laymen are not only questioning the safety of the Salk vaccine but are denouncing it. Even the Journal of the American Medical Association in a recent (1956) "Report on Rate of Use of Poliomyelitis Vaccine" expresses concern about the dropping off of sales of this product in the "announcement by the Public Health Service that states are not using their vaccine supplies at the rate the serum is being released .

Approximately 45% of the 7,000,000 cc had been used . . . Dr. Scheele asked all concerned to use supplies as rapidly as possible . . ." He said, "This is the ideal time for vaccinations. The safety and effectiveness of the vaccine are well established."

Imagine, a public officer making a statement like that after all the deaths caused by the blood poisoning vaccine. By saying that "this is the ideal time for vaccinations" he probably means that they better get their multi-billion dollar supply of vaccine sold before all the people wake up. Most of them are still iii the hypnotic stupor of the high pressure advertising of the past year and a half.

"EFFICIENCY OF THE SALK SERUM QUESTIONED" is the title of a headline in a Chicago newspaper. Excerpts are as follows: "CHICAGO, Nov. 11 (AP)—A doctor said today that not all public health physicians are certain that the Salk polio vaccine program is on a ‘solid and secure scientific footing."

"Dr. Herbert Ratner, health commissioner of suburban Oak Park and editor of the Bulletin of the American Association of Public Health Physicians, asserted that public statements have mostly favored the Salk program ‘to the exclusion of unfavorable items.’

"He listed these items, among others:

"‘1—English Authorities in July, 1955, canceled the Salk vaccine programs as too dangerous.
"‘2—All European countries, with the exception of Denmark, have discontinued their programs. Even Denmark is reported to have found live virus in the Salk Vaccine.
"‘3—Canada decided, as of July 29, 1955, to postpone its vaccination program until the early part of 1956, to take advantage of the expected advances in the development of safe and effective poliomyelitis vaccine." (Since there is no such safe vaccine, what they are really waiting for is to see what is going to happen to the millions of American children who have been brutally sacrificed to the "money mad" vaccine experiment. None of these other countries want to waste their children on such risky and haphazard experiments.)
"‘4—Two Nobel Prize winners, Dr. John Enders and Dr. Wendell M. Stanley, both have publicly indicated their uncertainties about the Salk vaccine
"‘5—The Polio Advisory Committee and health officials of at least one state, Massachusetts, have advised against public inoculations and have withheld approval of the use of the vaccine until at least Jan. 1, 1956.
"‘6—One of the two major pharmaceutical houses connected with the production of Salk Vaccine since the 1954 field trials has recently found it necessary to withdraw their product from the market’."

Why pick on just one drug company; they are all guilty. In "DREW PEARSON’S MERRY-GO-ROUND" the writer states: "Other drug companies, with the exception of Park Davis, have not experienced so many seizures (by the Food and Drug administration, for violation of law). Park Davis has had nine civil suits, Eli Lilly two, Pitman Moore two, Wyatt three, Sharp and Dohme four, Cutter nine." He also tells us that "The Public Health Service which is testing and licensing the Salk Vaccine has not had time to test it, but has accepted the written reports of the drug companies." In a life and death matter such as this with millions of people involved and future generations threatened by disease and impairment from vaccine poisoning, why haven’t our paid public officials had time to test the vaccine? Can the manufacturers who are in the business for profit be expected to tell the truth about the product—when the truth would condemn them?

"SALK SHOTS OPEN NEW DRUG MARKET" is the front page headline in an independent newspaper (The American Rally—April 1955) In the opening paragraphs we read:

"ANN ARBOR—With the pomp of a Presidential inauguration and the ballyhoo of a Hollywood premiere, the big drug houses have unleashed upon the public their infamous campaign in behalf of the Salk vaccine. Using the general anxiety concerning polio, this conspiracy now aims to inject this dubious serum into the bloodstream of every child in the United States.

"Thus, a new major industry has been activated. Estimated to gross over 5 billion dollars in its first year of wholesale operation, combining the revenue of the Chemical Trust and doctor fees and advertising, this new development will make Dr. Jonas Salk, its promoter, the Henry Ford of the mass production needle-pushing racket.

"The American Rally warns against the mass inoculations being planned. It is felt by many authorities that this Salk campaign is a run-away experiment in totalitarian ‘health’ (?) powers which will bring disaster to the children involved. No objective standards were employed in determining either the safety or the efficiency of the serum.

"The Salk experiment is based on false premises and refuses to deal with original causes of polio. From the basis of a fictitious ‘virus’ the vaccinators are using other poisons over which they have little control. In their mad scramble to launch a new money-making empire, it appears they are willing to ‘guinea pig’ America to death.

"American Rally proposes an open-forum, impartial, qualified and independent authority which can sit in judgment over such propositions. The Nation desperately requires a HALL OF SCIENCE separate from both government and commercial monopoly, which can protect the public interest."

This is a very good idea but I wonder how long we could keep it free from politics and the money trusts.

Morris A. Beale, in his book of startling facts titled THE DRUG STORY tells us that "disease is more rampant because of commercial greed. When the Rockefeller-Standard Oil crowd muscled into the drug and pharmaceutical business in such a big way, ‘scientific medicine’ (if there is such a thing) was turned into a racket which shortened many American lives from ten to twenty years.

The $446,837,527 subsidy parceled out to medical colleges by the Rockefeller Foundation to mis-educate medics into the excessive use of drugs, vaccination and immunization which are making invalids of millions. It tells of the $10,000,000,000 traffic in death and disease. . . One pharmaceutical house’s profit of 635 per cent on its assets in one year . . . panhandling rackets in cancer control and allied frauds. . . appointments by Rockefeller Center of all key personnel in Government health set-ups. . . government gangsters in the Food and Drug Administration, Post Office, Army, Navy and Public Health Offices etc.. . . dangerous doses . . . protected shakedown. . . and the Drug Chamber of Commerce." Truth Teller Magazine.

In spite of the medical domination that prevented the newspapers and radios from advertising his book, its popularity spread so fast among the people who were starved for truth that within six months six large printings had to be made and it is still a big seller among health minded people.


When President Eisenhower took it upon himself to filch $30,000,000 from the deceived taxpayers in order to help force more poison vaccine into the resisting children, the American Medical Association, with its machinery geared to money making, raised its loud voice in opposition, because it was not getting all the fees. The Bulletin of the National Health Federation (March, 1956) stated:

The A.M.A., however, recently attacked the public health officials as ‘violating the principles of free enterprise in medicine.’ The House of Delegates of the A.M.A. is demanding that all free inoculations stop and that the task be turned over to the doctors on a fee basis..

This gives us an idea of what American Free Enterprise means. It merely means that the trusts are tree to exploit the people and if someone else wants to do the same—the fight is on.

If someone wants to stop the exploitation and warn the people, the money trusts in power "squelch" them—if they can.

In 1946, during one of our most serious polio epidemics in Los Angeles, I wrote a book called POLIO CONTROL in which I denounced the "virus theory" and named vaccination as one of the causes of polio. The medico—drug trusts had their stooges working for two years trying to get something legal on which to put the book out of circulation. I had had a lawyer go over the manuscript before I had it printed and I had the Post Office examine the printed book to be sure it was in order and nothing was said that was against the law. The lawyer said, "The book is dynamite but it’s well documented and entirely within the law." When the "medical opposition" couldn’t get anything on me lawfully they used unlawful measures and had their stooges in the Post Office bar the book from the mails. No jury trial was permitted and no testimony of mine was accepted. Their charge was that the "book was dangerous because it disagreed with accepted medical belief." So the book went out of circulation, but not before two editions had been sold to all parts of the world—mostly to drugless doctors.

The medical trust, through their hirelings in the Better Business Bureau, had not let the newspapers sell me even one inch of advertising space for fear the people would learn the truth. One of the large newspapers in Los Angeles said to me, "We think you have a good book but our hands are tied; if you can get the OK of Mr. Sample of the Better Business Bureau we can take your ad." When I talked to Mr. Sample and "downed" all his arguments with proof of the damage done by vaccination and all the case histories of polio from vaccination etc. he merely said, "If you’re right then a lot of other people are awfully wrong." But he still refused to allow the papers to advertise my book.

The years went by and many doctors in various parts of the world, England, Australia, France, United States, etc. learned that viruses did not cause polio and that the disease occurred in patients soon after vaccination, and in the limb in which the injection had been given. Many lives would have been saved if my book could have reached the people. But selfish medical interests destroyed it because of information that has since then been proven to be true. It’s hard to say what they will try to do to this book. But whatever they attempt is likely to boomerang and explode right under their plot.


In a letter from R. N. Newcomb to LIFE magazine (Aug. 1949) the question was asked: "Did it ever occur to you that if the real answer to polio is established it means the end for a racket that has annually, for many years, reaped tens of millions of dollars from the public by means of sob propaganda. It also would, in large degree, dry up the yearly freshet of hundreds of millions paid in medical and associated fees by the families of those afflicted. If you beieve that the real answer to polio is honestly being sought and would be available to the world when found, then you would also believe that General Motors would back research to make the use of automobiles prohibited."

Since 1938 the MARCH OF DIMES has reaped over $300,000,000. What have they done with it? Polio has not been checked; it has increased. Polio " patients in the hospitals, supposedly using some of the March of dimes money have died in larger numbers than those who stay home and have no special care. Those who recover in the hospital are in about the same proportion as those who do not go to the hospitals. Who gets this public donation? The April 1952 issue of EXPOSE gives us a hint in this statement:

"The public will never know what proportion of their dollars went for fund raising and administration. Unlike all other leading non-profit organizations, the Foundation for Infantile Paralysis has refused to make these facts available to the public.

"It is estimated that $15,000,000 a year (a very conservative estimate) are poured down the drain called ‘General Administration Expenses’.

"If you contributed your dimes and dollars, a large part of your contribution went to pay somebody who sits behind a desk and gets a large salary to figure out new ways to get more contributions from you the next time.

"Every man, woman and child in the United States is marked for a specific per capita contribution. This is wrung from you with gimmicks ranging from March of Dimes cards to Iron Lung collectors, metal lapel tabs, house to house, office to office, school and motion picture collections.

"There are special tear jerking posters available to all magazines and newspapers. Also movie shorts with a popular star making a pitiful plea for hand-outs. Radio and TV shows are punctuated with money grabbing skits and slogans.

"Philanthropy has now become one of the 10 big industries in the U.S.

"In 1918 the National Information Bureau was established to provide information and advice on philanthropic groups. This Bureau is a non-profit organization. It has investigated more than 4,000 national organizations during the past 33 years. The bureau has standards against which all charities are measured. All reports are confidential.

"Most collection groups meet all the standards of the Bureau.

"The National Foundation for Infantile Paralysis, Inc., does not . . . It does not issue a complete audit of income, expenditures and assets.

"In recent years, an attempt has been made to establish a system by which funds necessary to support health services could be secured in a single joint campaign. It would save millions of dollars that now go into the pockets of professional fund-raisers and never get near the purpose they are contributed for. Every other major group in the United States has expressed a willingness to join such a federated drive—with the single exception of the March of Dimes."

It seems some branches of the government were getting suspicious of the pretended search for a cure for polio carried on at such expense by the National Foundation for Infantile Paralysis, so it was suggested that the government conduct some research in this direction.

On this phase of the subject, EXPOSE reports:

"In 1948 the Foundation for Infantile Paralysis told a Congressional Committee that ‘there is no need for the government to conduct research at this time in polio.’

"When asked to explain this strange attitude, Foundation officials stated frankly: "When the Government takes over an activity . . . contributions fall off……..We do not wish to take that gamble!"

The Science News Letter tells us that "some 200 scientists are researching upon phases of polio and 510 projects in 91 institutions have been under way in the 16 years of this great polio campaign."

Over $300,000,000 have been spent already and $50,000,000 per year more are being collected and spent with not one dime being used for research on fasting and proper nutrition and the only other things that can prevent and cure polio.


After the announcement from Philadelphia (1934) that Dr. John A. Kolmer had discovered a "protective (?) vaccine" against infantile paralysis, Dr. W. Lloyd Aycock, director of the Harvard Infantile Paralysis Commission and called "one of the most distinguished experts in this disease", gave a statement to the press that "Nature does a better job of immunizing against infantile paralysis than the artificial methods" which he branded as "Hazardous."

If we remove the obstructions and supply the body with the necessary building material, nature will heal practically any disease so long as too much of the vital organs or glands have not already been destroyed by disease or operations.

What are the obstructions to be removed in the healing process? Obviously, drastic poisons such as vaccine serums, drugs, tobacco, alcohol, coffee, tea, cola drinks, etc. poison the system immediately and set up disease states. But other blockages form slowly in the tissues as a result of incompatible foods, wrong food combinations, and over eating. These substances as well as the drugs, interfere with normal digestion and assimilation. The by-products of perverted metabolism undergo a chemical change and are lodged in the tissues in solid form. Some are in the form of sharp needle-like crystals that cause pain in arthritis; others accumulate into hardened masses which are called gallstones. A gluey material coats the blood vessels and slows down circulation. "Some of these blockade materials are cholesterol (from fat), uric acid formed from excess protein (any more than two ounces per day is excess protein), carbonic acid from sugar and starch, chlorine (from table salt), and calcium carbonate (from milk, calcium tablets and other calcium containing substances that failed to assimilate because of some type of interference or glandular mal-functioning." —Dr. M. O. Garten.
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Re: The Hidden Dangers In Polio Vaccine, by Eleanor McBean

Postby admin » Sun Dec 13, 2015 4:18 am


Most people are over loaded with these infusions of blockade materials that cannot be utilized by the body. When some extra strain is put upon the vital forces such as sudden change in the weather, fatigue, fear, worry, wrong food etc., the body is unable to hold back the "bursting tide of accumulated waste" any longer and lets go—forces it out in a cleansing program, that usually lasts from 5 days to two weeks. Colds, eruptions, fevers, diarrhea and even paralysis are symptoms of this cleansing effort to rid the body of waste that has not been eliminated through the usual channels. People do not catch diseases from others who have it. All those who are ill built their own causes and the same stresses triggered off the "cleansing act" in all who had reached the saturation point of poisons.

When poisons flow in a free state in the body as is the case with vaccines, the internal defense mechanism is forced to rob the tissues of calcium and other alkalizing elements to neutralize these poisons. If the person is on the borderline of calcium deficiency then there can be no neutralizing and collapse or paralysis is the result.

R. B. Pearson made an exhaustive study of the data and experiments that have been made with polio vaccines and summed up his finding as follows: "Hence, I believe there was no virus in the vaccine used. It was just a solution of the toxins and acid end-products of the decomposed proteins used that caused all the paralysis. The acids generated by cooked meat in Dr. Pottenger’s cats (experiment that caused polio in the cats) affected the nerves first, and the acids formed in the decomposed proteins used in the vaccines affected the nerves first. It is the same thing and, no so-called ‘virus’ is connected with it." (From Infantile Paralysis, by Pearson.)

Many methods have been tried by drugless doctors in an attempt to rid the body of the blockage materials that stood in the way of recovery. The right kind of an elimination diet has been very beneficial, proper breathing and exercises have helped, mental and spiritual treatments have been useful to a few but the method that has brought the best and surest removal of poisons and recovery from disease is FASTING. Those who are experienced in fasting therapy claim that fasting is 20 times more efficient as a healing measure than anything else.

On a fast, no food of any kind is eaten and no juices taken. Water is permitted and that’s all. Fasting is not starving. Starving does not begin until after 8 or 10 weeks of fasting. The fast should be broken before that time. A long fast should be supervised by someone who is experienced in conducting fasts. Some of the best authorities on this most valuable of healing aids, are listed in a another chapter. A good book on fasting should be studied before undertaking a fast at home. Short fasts of two or three days may quite safely be taken at home. (Some of the best fasting books are sold by HEALTH RESEARCH, Mokelumne Hill, Calif.) The experts in the field tell us that the fast should be followed by fresh fruits and juices or fresh (not canned) vegetable juices at a separate meal. Several days of simple meals of fruits and vegetables should be the rule before any starch or protein is eaten. Needless to say, the old habits of wrong eating should not be continued. A good guide to follow after the fast is Dr. Shelton’s little book, "FOOD COMBINING MADE EASY."

Hot baths have been beneficial in many cases of polio. The late Bernarr MacFadden said, "A warm bath 98 to 99 degrees for an hour or more, two or three times daily, with drinking of nothing but water, if adopted immediately after the onset of polio—should cleanse the system and divert the attack." (No soap or anything else should be used in the water)

A friend of mine who was paralyzed after his shots at camp during the First World War said he lay helpless in the Army hospital for weeks then one night when the nurses went to a dance in the recreation hall downstairs he dragged himself out of bed and pulled himself across the floor by his elbows until he reached the bathroom. Then he filled the tub full of hot water and managed to get in and stayed there quite a while. When he got out he could walk so he dressed and went downstairs and stood in the doorway and his nurse almost fainted when she saw him. He was sent overseas after that. When he came back he had a condition of forgetfulness which they called "shell shock" but it was more than likely the after effects of the vaccine poisoning.

Some doctors, in trying to build up the calcium deficiency in polio and other poisoned patients, give them calcium tablets, bone meal, lime and other such concentrates. Some report good results while others are harmed by it. Calcium cannot be assimilated without the proper balance of phosphorus, iron, sodium, vitamin B, C, and D. Most of the vitamin pills on the market are synthetic coal tar products or fish liver oil and act as irritants instead of foods. These are not recommended NQ chemist or doctor knows the exact proportion in which these elements should be combined, therefore it is better to get them as they grow in nature where they are combined in perfect balance.

Some of the richest sources of calcium are: Turnip greens, mustard greens, watercress, powdered whey, celery, turnips, spinach, cauliflower, dandelion greens, dried figs, hazelnuts, molasses, lentils, endive, chard, escarole, milk, cheese, parsley, alfalfa tea, and others. These, of course, must be free from insecticide spray.


Much of the spray can be removed by a 1 % solution of Hydrochloric acid. A simple way is to pour ½ cup of the acid into a large enamel pan or crock (not metal such as tin or aluminum). Add two gallons of water and let the fruits and vegetables remain in the solution for 3 minutes. Then drain and rinse in clear water. The solution may be saved and used for several days. In the meantime make demands of our public officials that poisons on foods be prohibited.

Healthy soil, free from chemical fertilizers and sprays will produce foods that are free from disease and pests. This has been tested and proved by the so called "organic-farming" methods with their balanced compost and powdered granite and other soil builders.

If we are to eliminate polio epidemics and free our country from all disease we must attack the problem at its source. The foundation is in the healthy soil, then the healthy food can be raised. With the improved food and correct health education and banishment of commercialized foodless-foods, drugs, narcotics and other products that menace the race we can raise our low standard of health (with 90% of our people below par) up to the level where it should be. Only then can we expect to have unlimited health, happiness and progress.


THE HYGIENIC SYSTEM, Vol. 2, 3, 6, 7 Dr. Herbert M. Shelton —P. 0. Box 1277, San Antonio, Texas.
BECHAMP OR PASTEUR? — E. Douglas Hume —
FACTS AGAINST COMPULSORY VACCINATION — H. B. Anderson, Citizens’ Medical Reference Bureau, 226 W. 47th St., New York City.
VITAL FACTS ABOUT FOODS — Otto Carque — Health Research.
THE MEDICAL VOODOO — Annie Riley Hale.
PUBLIC HEALTH THE AMERICAN WAY — H. B. Anderson — Citizens’ Medical Reference Bureau, 1860 Broadway, Suite 1215, N. Y. 23, N. Y.
THE GOLDEN CALF — Charles W. Forward, John M. Watkins Co. — 21 Cecil Court, Charing Cross Road, W.C.2, London.
VACCINATION A DELUSION — Alfred Russel Wallace — National Anti-Vaccination League — Swan Sonnenschein and Co. — Lim., London.
THE TRUTH ABOUT VACCINATION — Lily Loat — Health Research.
MEDICAL DELUSIONS — Thomas Morgan — Guiding Star Pub. House —314 W. 63rd St., Chicago, Ill.
VACCINATION AND THE MEDICAL PROFESSION — Pub. by W. J. Furnival — Stone Staffs, London.
SMALLPOX AND VACCINATION — H. V. Knaggs Health Research.


We wish to thank Herbert M. Shelton, N. D., T. M. Schippell, N.D., Morris A. Bealle and Rex Lloyd, for permission to use the following material.

The Publishers
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Re: The Hidden Dangers In Polio Vaccine, by Eleanor McBean

Postby admin » Sun Dec 13, 2015 4:19 am

By Rex U. Lloyd

Ever since the dawn of history man has believed and still does, in the miraculous and curative power of poisonous agents and anything and everything which experience has amply proven to be harmful to the wellbeing of organized, organic, living structure. Today, with our Modern and Scientific Medicine that boasts of the advances being made in the field of preventive medicine—having evolved a detailed science of Theoretical Immunology in which harmful man-eating microbes, virus, etc., are credited with the power of causing disease, previously assumed by primitive man to belong to satanic gods, evil spirits, demons and serpents,—we are by no means in a state of better health than were the ancients.

The orthodox and dominant school of healing—Medicine—-has taught us and deliberately popularized the false and absurd notion that Disease Is An Entity— something that invades the body from without; that there are microbes, germs, viruses, capable of causing (communicable) disease and that specific pathogenic bacteria produce specific disease by invading the animal tissues: that inoculation of pus and other pathogenic products into the organism produces resistance or immunity to infection by once being infected and that this immunity can be transferred to another. It is claimed in medical textbooks that the body produces specific protective substances called Antibodies, and that these must be obtained from another person or some animal which has produced them by having been infected by minute amounts of poisonous products from a specific disease.

We do not deny the existence of microbes but we do deny that there are any insidious, man-eating, death-dealing pathogenic bacteria capable of causing pathology. Natural Hygiene—a school of rational, wholesome and total living (which originated in the United States 125 years ago) declares that Toxemia is the universal basic cause of all pathology and so-called disease. Toxemia is the accumulation of body waste and is produced by anything and everything that enervates the body. Enervation is produced by anything that uses up excess energy, e.g. poisons, denatured foods, lack of sleep, rest, relaxation, fresh air and sunshine, overeating, sexual excesses, dissipations of all kinds, worry, fear, jealousy, mental self-abuse, unpleasant human and social relations, faulty economic conditions. This checks elimination and permits accumulation of body waste. Bacteria do not cause pathology but are rather the effects of disease. They are, we might say, Scavengers—a necessary by-product of diseased tissues of the impaired organism. It should be emphasized that only TRUE NATURAL IMMUNITY can be attained through a state of INTERNAL CLEANLINESS based on legitimate nutrition and hygienic living habits. Our orthodox medical practitioners all seek for a way to make UNCLEAN LIVING SAFE by creating a hypothetical ARTIFICIAL IMMUNITY through immunization and thus protect us from the natural consequences of our daily violations of the laws of life.

Numerous experiments with germs conducted in the past have conclusively proven that bacteria does not and cannot produce disease in a healthy organism. Years ago, Dr. Pettenkofer, professor at the University of Vienna, came to the conclusion that germs alone do not produce pathology and for years defended his position from the lecture platform and in his writings. On more than one occasion he and his assistants swallowed the contents of glasses containing millions of living cholera germs. Dr. Thomas Powell of California, who is believed to have taken more germs than any other man, challenged his medical colleagues to produce a single disease by germ inoculation. He was inoculated with cholera germs, bubonic plague germs and bacteria of every description and which was fed to him in every kind of food, yet nothing happened. Read U.S. Government Bulletin "Hygienic Laboratory—Bulletin No. 123, Feb. 1921", for further proof on contagious diseases.

Medical history credits Edward Jenner, an English pharmacist and surgeon, (1798), with the discovery of vaccination. Inoculation, in some crude form has been practiced by savage and primitive people from an unknown period, among which were Negroes, Arabs, Nubians, Shillocks, Tibetans and Hindoos. All that Jenner did, was that he helped to resurrect an old custom popular then among dairymen and milk maids and supplied it with modern theories.


All vaccines and serums are foreign proteins and therefore a virulent poison. If any protein enters the body illegitimately, through any channel other than the digestive tract, it becomes a strong poison. Proteins in themselves cannot be used by the body—they first require to be broken up by the various processes of digestion into Amino Acids before they become useful as a nutrient to the organism and can be taken into the blood stream to be used as building materials. Injections of therapeutic serums in human beings and animals result in impairment and great injury to some of the most vital organs—heart, lungs, liver, kidneys, nerves etc.

ANAPHYLAXIS or SERUM POISONING or DISEASE, sometimes called SERUM SHOCK, are the terms being used to indicate the harmful after-effects of vaccination. We cannot tell in advance of the inoculation the amount of damage which will be done in any particular individual, whether he will die of anaphylaxis, be severely damaged for life or throw it off with a minimum amount of harm to himself. The degree of injury done to the organism may have no immediate noticeable effect but will find expression eventually, especially if the harmful practice is continued. It may result in constitutional debility, degeneration, chronic disease, and death. Some of the symptoms following vaccination and resulting in Serum Sickness are: Fever, Glandular Enlargment, Urticaria, Leucopenia, Leukotaxis, Sciatica, Phlebitis, Pain and Tenderness of the Joints, Paralysis, Heart Failure, Collapse and Death.

Harold S. Diehl, M.A. M.D., Sc.D.—Textbook of Healthful Living (1945), pp. 256-57, says: "The dangers of vaccination claimed by the anti-vaccinationists are practically all fallacious or of such antiquity that they do not apply to modern vaccination . . . Complications of vaccination are occasionally reported, but how frequently these occur it is difficult to know, possibly once in a million vaccinations. There was not a single record of a serious result in the millions of vaccinations done in the army and navy during the First World War."

The evidence and literature proving that vaccination evolves complications, pathology with often fatal results are too numerous to mention here, but it seems Dr Diehl is deliberately distorting facts. Let the recird speak for itself:
The report of the Surgeon General of the Army, 1919, Vol. 1, p. 38, gives the number of Admissions to Hospitals during the year 1918 on account of vaccinia, the disease caused by vaccination, as 10,830. Another report of the Surgeon General of the Army, 1918 gives the number of Admissions to Hospitals during the year 1917 on account of vaccinia and typhoid vaccination combined as 19,608.

The writer, served in the U.S. Army in World War II, and had the misfortune to partake personally in one of the Vaccination Epidemics which occured in the summer of 1942. He was hospitalized for two weeks during May as a result of inoculation received against Yellow Fever in February of the same year. He was unable to take any food for one week and the symptoms included:

Constant Vomiting, Yellow Skin, Adominal Pain, Restlessness, Drowsiness, Delirium, Elevated Temperature, Loss of all Appetite, and a Severe Feeling of Sickness. A large percentage of the men in his company came down with the same sickness—Yellow Jaundice—and were hospitalized.

TIME, the Weekly News Magazine, p 57, Section on Medicine, Aug. 3, 1942, 1 brought the Epidemic Outbreak to the attention of the public under the title "Jaundice Rampage" it reports:

"From Army Hospitals for the past three months have come rumors of a mysterious epidemic of jaundice. (One rumor: 1500 jaundiced men in famed Walter Reed Hospital.) Last week War Secretary Henry Stimson was ready to talk. Jaundice had attacked the armed forces. There have been 62 deaths, 28,585 hospital cases—4,528 of them overseas. Mr. Stimson hastily added that the disease is not contagious nor dangerous to the civil population." TIME reports further: . . . the true story!

"In early April, soldiers began to come down with jaundice in such numbers that Army doctors and civilian experts on the Army’s Epidemic Control Board began frantically searching the cause. Along with yellow skin went nausea, nervousness, lack of appetite, constipation. Sometimes a soldier would be out of kilter for six weeks. Highest-ranking sufferer: Lieut. General Joseph Stillwell, who came down with it after his famed foot march across Burma mountains."

"The experts finally decided that the disorder might be connected with the Army’s inoculation against Yellow Fever."

TIME continues with the report and voices the conclusions of the experts who suspect that the batch of vaccine which was used must have been imperfect or contaminated by another germ.

Among the greatest crimes today is that of Vaccination By Compulsion. The forcible introduction of pus into the body of man, woman and child, with or without his consent, is a threat to personal liberty, is unconstitutional and a crime against humanity. These outrages are committed daily in all parts of the world in the name of Science and Medical Progress. Medical Practitioners, supported by their Powerful Commercial Allies have supported this insidious practice and are responsible for introducing compulsory vaccination laws.

Supreme Court Justice Cardozo stated that: "Every human being of adult years and of sound mind has a right to determine what shall be done to his own body; and a surgeon who performs an operation without his patient’s consent commits an assault for which he is liable in damages."

The Supreme Court of Massachusetts handed down a decision, stating that:

‘If a person should not be willing in his case and the authorities should think otherwise, it is not in their power to vaccinate him by force."

The verdict rendered by the prominent U.S. Supreme Court Judge and similar decisions reached by various State and Federal Courts should be sufficient to outlaw all compulsory medication and vaccination laws and make it a criminal offense for anyone to use force in an attempt to do so. That so-called Preventative Medicine Does Not Prevent Disease but Inflicts Serious Complications, Lifelong Diseases, if Not Death has been proven repeatedly, and that Justice Is Not Rendered In All Cases and In All Courts has also been demonstrated.

Thus, the Federal Court in New York City, although it must have well realized the unconstitutional nature of the verdict, when it convicted and sentenced to three years imprisonment, John Collura, 19, of Mt. Vernon, N. Y., for refusing to be vaccinated upon induction into the Army at the beginning of World War II. He did not refuse military service, mind you,—but being health-minded, did not want to endanger his health. Mr. Collura’s defense showed during the trial that there never has been a so-called Compulsory Vaccination Law in the United States, and that in the British Army and Navy vaccination was always optional. (See: England abandons Compulsory Vaccination—Dr. Shelton’s Hygienic Review, Feb. 1949)

Mr. Selig Kaplan, lawyer of New York, stated at the outbreak of the second World War that ". . . there is nothing in the National Draft Law which requires (one) to submit to involuntary compulsory vaccinations or inoculations of animal matter." Must we submit to a practice which violates one of the fundamental freedoms guaranteed us in the constitution? The objector should not feel that he is in the minority. We should recall the splendid examples set by prominent persons of great intellectual calibre who have been staunch anti-vaccinationists and non-conformists in regard to orthodox therapeutics. Bismarck, Salisbury, V. Zedwiz, Earl Dysart, Wm. Lloyd Garrison, Premier Asquith, Gladstone, Voltaire, Victor Hugo, John Bright, G. K. Chesterton, George Bernard Shaw, Mark Twain, Elbert Hubbart, Robert Ingersoll, Alexander von Humbolt, Herbert Spencer, Alfred R. Wallace, W. Webb, Luther Burbank, Thomas Edison, Henry Ford.

In recent years, top-rank British Generals who refused vaccination have come into the news. Lt. General Robertson, Commander British Commonwealth Occupational Force in Japan, clashed with the Health Dept. for refusing vaccination when he arrived at Darwin, Australia by air, Aug. 1947. When the Chief of the Imperial Service Staff, Viscount Montgomery, visited Australia in 1947 he also refused vaccination. Also, General Douglas McArthur is fully familiar with, the dangers of vaccination as he did not permit having his son vaccinated.

Statistics used by the Medical Profession prove to the uninformed public the health-promoting qualities of serums, toxins, anti-toxins etc., that these have reduced or eliminated infectious diseases and have conquered epidemics—smallpox, typhus, cholera etc. This is false and misleading advertising and propaganda. These figures and statistics have been skillfully juggled by deliberately distorting facts to frighten people into being vaccinated.

Thus, Dr. H. 5. Diehl in the aforementioned book, pp. 253-57 says: "A person living today cannot possibly realize what smallpox meant before the days of vaccination. Smallpox was just as inevitable then as measles is today. . . . It has been estimated that 60 million people in Europe died of smallpox during the eighteenth century.

"Smallpox is a disease which varies enormously in severity. In pre-vaccination days it was always severe, being fatal to between 20 to 30 per cent of its victims It affects alike the rich and the poor, the clean and the dirty. It spreads wherever the contagion finds susceptible people. The one and only method of controlling it is to raise the individual resistance by means of vaccination."

If the death rate of smallpox and fevers was so enormous, it was largely due to the medical treatment of that time. A number of eruptive diseases such as measles, chicken pox, scarlet fever etc. were regarded as smallpox before Dr. Seydenham differentiated between the various symptom-complexes. How great the number of deaths was from scarlet fever, measles, chicken pox etc., that were included in the smallpox epidemics will never be known. Dr. Russell T. Trall, the eminent Natural Hygienist, considered smallpox "as essentially . . not a dangerous disease." He cared for large numbers of patients afflicted with smallpox and never lost a case. Under conventional medical treatment, patients were drugged heroically, bled profusely, were smothered in blankets, wallowed in dirty linen, were allowed no water, fresh air and stuffed with milk, brandy or wine. Antimony and Mercury were medicated in large doses. Physicians kept their patients bundled up warm in bed, with the room heated and doors and windows carefully closed, so that not a breath of fresh air could get in, and given freely large doses of drugs to induce sweating (Sudorifics), plus wine and aromatized liquors. Fever patients were put into vaporbath chambers in order to sweat the impurities out of the system. Given no water when they cried for it and when gasping for air were carried to a dry-hot room and after a while were returned to the steam torture. Many must have died of Heat Stroke!

How did smallpox originate? It appeared only with the collapse of the Greek and Roman Civilization with its high standards of health. Neither Greece nor Rome suffered from smallpox while a disease resembling it decimated populations in Africa and Asia. The sanitary and hygienic systems of the great pagan civilizations—public baths, gymnasia, solaria, athletic stadiums, municipal water supply, drainage, toilet facilities, well-aired, sunny, spacious and clean living quarters, garbage disposal, simple, natural and unspoiled foods—prevented the appearance of infectious diseases and fevers. The sanitary conditions in the towns and cities of Europe in which smallpox raged were most frightful. According to Montgomery’s English History, the streets of London and other cities were rarely more than twelve to fifteen feet wide were neither paved nor lighted. Pools of stagnant water accumulated everywhere, heaps of garbage abounded and were only removed when it began to obstruct the traffic. There was no sewage and dead dogs, cats, rubbish, rotten vegetable and fruit refuse, human and animal excreta, and slops from the kitchen were all thrown into the streets. Surrounded by high walls, cities could not expand and people were forced to live in a slum-like manner. Holes served as windows, with little or no ventilation, whole families slept in one room often in one bed, and hundreds of persons lived in one building crowded in from the sub-cellar to the attic. They rarely ever washed, had no bath tubs, no underwear and wore the same clothes day and night. They lived in utmost poverty, slaved long hours, even the children worked, drank heavily of alcohol, ate like hogs of spoiled, unnatural food and suffered from malnutrition.

So-called infections or zymotic diseases are brought on by Toxic Poisoning (Sepsis), resulting from protein putrefaction of animal origin. Toxins vary from slight irritants to most virulent poisons. The most septic poisons are of flesh or animal origin and produce infectious diseases e.g. bubonic plague, smallpox, yellow fever, diphtheria, etc. Toxins arising from carbohydrate decomposition are of a much less virulent nature and result in catarrhal conditions, e.g. colds, laryngitis, influenza etc.

Plagues and epidemics in the past were not conquered by the use of vaccines but were cleared up through sanitary and hygienic measures-street sanitation, sewers garbage disposal, adequate water supply, toilet facilities, better living quarters with spacious windows and ventilation, fresh air, light, sunshine, unspoiled, natural food, refrigeration and better food storage, public recreational facilities, parks better working conditions, social and family relations.

There is only one TRUE PROPHYLAXIS or real (natural) immunity against disease—and that arises from HEALTH—a state of structural and functional organic harmony. There is no wrong way to do right and there is no SUBSTITUTE for CLEAN, LEGITIMATE, HYGIENIC living. Nature builds immunity within, in the living organism, and does not require artificial assistance.

Instead of destructive and suppressive methods, exponents of Natural Hygiene submit that health is maintained and restored by the internal and inherent forces of the living body operating with those same conditions and material agencies as they are found in free nature, and with which she has built up and maintains the whole animal world. The Eternal, God-given, Hygienic Factor-Elements are:

food, air, water, exercise, rest, sleep, relaxation, light, sunshine, warmth, mental poise and harmony, and freedom from enervating habits. Hygiene is not a school of healing and has no therapeutic panaceas. It is a grand scheme of total living with an all-embracing program of life building. It is built upon a new and revolutionary synthesis of correlated living factors that fuses each part of life into a harmonious and intelligent whole, and presents a normal pattern of living in terms of a valid biological standard.

In the recovery from so-called infections there is no more effective and certain way or rapid means than through the fast. Fasting is abstinence of all food except water and is a plan of physical, physiological, mental and sensatory rest. The recovery from diseases such as colds, typhoid fever, typhus, influenza, yellow fever, smallpox measles, scarlet fever, mumps etc., which definitely originate through dietary errors and unclean living, is always hastened through fasting, and hygienic measures which are successful when all other therapeutic means fail.

The following revealing statement was made by State Senator, John J. Haluska (Penn.) In ins opening remarks delivered by the Federal Court, Pittsburgh, Penn., when he appeared pursuant to subpoena in connection with the disposition proceedings in that court.

"There exists now, and perhaps, always will exist differences of medical opinion with respect to the effect of drugs and therapeutic treatments. Any attempt to regulate by law in those fields where honest differences of opinion exist between groups of qualified practitioners is contrary to public interest.

"Such a regulation is now being attempted by the American Medical Association which for some time has fought me and has in the past conspired to liquidate me, as was developed in the injunction hearings carried on in Cambria County in July, 1954.

"The doctors and the AMA have not given up their fight. Organized medicine at this very moment has succeeded in placing their personal emissaries in high places to advise and control Oveta Culp Hobby, Head of the Health, Education and Welfare, of which the Food and Drug Administration is an adjunct.

"Previously announced threats against foes who refuse to conform to the AMA and their political and economic beliefs are being carried out.

"The former Washington counsel and legislative agent of the AMA, James W. Forestel, has been placed in command of the legal department of Health Education and Welfare. Against this prejudiced background the average citizen like myself can hardly be heard. Accordingly I have concluded upon the advice of my able counsel, Benedict FitzGerald Jr., of Washington, D. C., that it would be expedient for me to rely for assistance upon certain fundamental rights accorded to me by virtue of Admiralty, Rule 30, Article L. Section 9 of the Constitution of Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, and the Fifth Amendment to the Constitution of the United States.

* * * *

"Are the recommendations of Secretary Hobby with respect to her endorsement of vaccine of Dr. Jonas E. Salk, and her suggestions that every child of tender age be forced to submit to an injection of the Salk vaccine, the law of the land?"
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Re: The Hidden Dangers In Polio Vaccine, by Eleanor McBean

Postby admin » Sun Dec 13, 2015 4:21 am

(edited by Morris Bealle)
1400 M. Street,
Northwest, Washington 5, D. C.,
makes the following statements: (Oct. 15, 1955)

REPORT ON SALK VACCINE—Those who hopefully believed the sales talk of Salk vaccine vendors and the National Foundation for Infantile Paralysis are disillusioned and disappointed. Far from wiping out polio, it apparently has increased it in many states and cities. Those mass inoculations, we were led to believe, would wipe out this dreadful malady. According to serum trust propaganda, funnelled to press and public thru the AMA, the USPHS and the NFIP, it has only reduced it 40-50%. But the record shows exactly opposite.

An Associated Press dispatch from Boston Aug. 30 reported 2,027 cases of polio in Massachusetts against 273 the same time last year. In Connecticut the bad news was 276-144, in New Hampshire 129-38, in Vermont 55-15, Rhode Island 122-22 and Maine 74-43. The mendacious NY Times not only suppressed this news but substituted an inspired yarn intended to mislead its readers, thus: "The Boston polio outbreak is past its peak, altho 12 new cases were reported today."

Wash’n Star Sept. 20 said 180 cases had been reported in the nation’s capital this year to 136 last. Maryland’s Health Dept. says 189 in 1955 to only 134 same time in 1954. New York City up to 377 from the 1954 high of 206.

New York State similarly 764-469. Wisconsin 1,655 to 326 in 1954.

Milwaukee Journal for Aug. 30 reported that the city’s public schools would remain closed indefinitely because of the polio outbreak. Supt. of Schools Krumbiegel, in a desperate effort to "reassure" parents, told the Journal that, while polio might be bad in Milwaukee, it was worse elsewhere. He pointed out there was only "26 cases per 100,000 population in Milwaukee", whereas Outgamie County’s record was 286 per 100,000, Madison city’s 90, Brown and Winnebago counties "several times larger than Milwaukee’s.

Idaho stopped Salk inoculations completely July 1, with this blast from the State Health Director: "I hold Salk vaccine and its manufacturers responsible for a polio outbreak that has killed 7 Idahoans and hospitalized 79. By Sept. 14 the state had 190 cases compared with 132 for 1954. Utah stopped innoculations July 12, while Newark, N. J., took similar action in June.

Kansas City reports 1955 the lightest polio season since 1948. Should have given the weather an assist. When the weather isn’t so hot children consume less sweets Ice cream and soda pop (reducing profits of the- Rockefeller milk trust) and more protein foods. In Kansas City there were 16 cases this year against 61 in 1954; South Carolina bad a better record by 210-224; New Orleans 22-25; Chicago 235-281; New Jersey 295-298.

SALK FACTS—Polio was supposed to be wiped out in 1955. That’s what we were given to understand last May by the U.S. Public Health Service, National Foundation for Infantile Paralysis and press agents for the serum houses. Instead-infantile paralysis increased many fold in some states, and apparently more than doubled in the United States as a whole.

Reports of State and City health departments to USPHS, and to USPHS to press and public, are about as reliable as Drew Pearson and old Ananias at their worst. Year-end headlines blazoned such propaganda as "Polio Cases Cut, Down 52% Since Salk Shots Started". But upon reading the articles you find that the wildest estimates of those responsible for Salk only set the "cut down" at 17%.

Basil O’Connor, national chairman of NFIP, in a press release last summer said there were "tens of thousands of polio cases" in the United States then. USPHS, in its year-end bulletin, claims there were only 29,270 cases in the land in 1955. You can believe that if you want to—you’ll probably only believe if you want to.

A final report from the New York City Health Dept. said "804 cases in

1954, 795 in 1955". Almost even. Yet this same NY City Health Dept. wrote us on Sept. 17 that thru August 1954 there had been 205 cases and for the same 1955 period 377. Almost twice as much. You have to be a nitwit to believe that, after the polio season, NY City cases jumped from 205 to 804—tripled in three non-polio months.

Such juggled or doctored figures are included in the USPHS reports which show one day a 17% decrease for 1955, and a week later a 25% drop. Their own press agents apparently are at loggerheads. The Massachusetts Health Dept. lightened the load for those responsible for Salk by giving as their final report 1,015 cases in 1954 and 3,863 in 1955. Yet on August 30, Boston newspapers reported 2,027 cases on that date against 273 on August 30, 1954. Again this huge discrepancy—they would have you believe three non-polio months brought 743 (three times as many) cases in the non polio months as in the bad time.

Since it is established that NY City and Massachusetts did this, it is reasonable to assume that many others—most others—did the same. This reduced the official figures on 1955 polio cases to a point (on paper) 17% below those of 1954. All indications are that polio, in our "immunized" population in 1955, increased 100% to 200% over that of our 1954 population which hadn’t been handicapped by "immunization".

The genesis of the Salk Idea is generally known to have been the fear of NFIP officials that their touch on the public this year might not reach the $47,000,000 they hope. The serum companies had a huge financial stake selling millions of Salk shots to the innocent public. The Boston Herald, April 18, 1955, reporting a convention of drug manufacturers, preceded by a 4-col head ‘Drug Companies Expecting Big Profit on Salk Vaccine,’ said:

"A spokesman for Parke-Davis, which made 50% of the Salk vaccine, said ‘Now, that it has been declared safe we can get back the millions we invested in the development of Salk vaccine and make a profit out of it. Our company will make over $10,000,000 on Salk vaccine in 1955.’

"A suggestion was made that a charge of $6 for ‘complete immunization—not including the doctor’ be made. Price to the drug houses should be $4.00 and to the physician $4.20." The cost of a Salk shot can hardly be over 3 cents.

Rhodes and Company, Wall Street brokers specializing in drug securities, in a newsletter (tip sheet), estimated that the gross revenue of the six houses licensed to produce and sell Salk vaccine would be about $60,000,000 with net profits $20,000,000.

The Washington Bureau of the Detroit FREE PRESS on June 3, 1955, wired its paper: "The government reported that all sections of the U.S. have had more polio cases since April 1 than during the same period last year. Simultaneously, the USPHS reported that more children who received Salk shots made by the Wyeth laboratories suffered polio than normally could be expected—that the 240 new cases reported the week ending May 28th was the highest number for this May week in five years.

Prof. Pierre LePine, noted French scientist of the Pasteur Institute in Paris, called the turn a year ahead of time. The NY Times of March 30, 1950, reports him saying "No more than one injection in 2,000 really prevents polio infection."

January 14, 1956—CHILDSLAUGHTER, INC.—The US Public Health Service should be thoroughly "renovated" by Congress this winter, or abolished in its entirety. Its record in the Salk vaccine hoax, which is just coming out, is one of the most ghastly things in the history of Big Government or Big Medicine.

That USPHS was egged on by the National Foundation for Infantile Paralysis is beside the point. The USPHS is charged with protecting and promoting the public health—not breaking it down. The NFIP is merely a respectable racket seeking $47 million from the gullible public this month.

Newspaper editors generally feel that medical "science" can be relied on. They feel that Federal agencies like USPHS can be relied on and should be above reproach. Many people feel their newspapers give them facts, especially when they quote official sources. The stark facts are the USPHS and NFIP have press and public hokum by the bucketful on the Salk matter.

To make the public think Salk vaccine was safe, as well as effective, "field" trials were held at the Universities of Pittsburgh and Michigan. Unknown to the public the USPHS conducted its own private field trials at the National Institute of Health in Washington. They assumed they could get the "right answer" from their own employees even if Drs. Salk and Francis fell down on them.

On June 9, 1955, Robert S Allen said in his syndicated column ‘Doctors and others on the staff of the National Institute of Health are not inoculating their own children with Salk Vaccine." Explanation of this has been carefully avoided up to this time, but here are the facts.

To the bewilderment of NIH’s big brass, their scientists were both capable and honest Many have children of their own. None could be bulldozed into giving the "right answer" because that didn’t jibe with facts After experimenting on 1,200 monkeys (which cost the taxpayers $45 apiece) these scientists reported that Salk Vaccine was worthless as a preventive and dangerous to take.

The answers from Pittsburgh and Ann Arbor didn’t help until they were doctored up and the "right answer" given the press associations. Both Salk and Francis gave different answers, appeared confused Their field trials proved little else except that neither had more than a vague idea what it was all about But the NIH brass got revenge—they fired, demoted or denied longevity promotions to everyone who wouldn’t give them the "right answer". The NFIP press agents gal together and —April 12 was set as SV-Day. But naturally certain press assn. writers had the information "leaked out" to them that the report would be "100% safe and effective" Thus a maximum sales build-up was given. The five Rockefeller-controlled laboratories, which stood to profit $20,000,000 in 1955, had already been told the same thing—long in advance

In July 1954 the Eli Lilly Company began renovating a 5-story building in Indianapolis and was in full production by October 1954. The Wyeth Laboratories had an even bigger stockpile of the Salk concoction on hand when SV-Day arrived. Wyeth had started full-scale manufacture Jan 26, 1954. Ditto Parke-Davis and the two others.

Even the East Rutherford (NJ) Syringe Company had been tipped off and had thousands of hypodermic syringes ready for the market. A spokesman for the firm was quoted in the press as saying they ‘had the word of the NFIP that Salk Vaccine was to be pronounced safe-that the firm wouldn’t have done it unless it was a foregone conclusion that the Francis report would be favorable"

Then Mrs Oveta Culp Hobby, then Secretary of Health, Education and Welfare, was brought into the picture to hoodwink the public into thinking the stuff wasn’t as deadly as Winchell hinted it "might be" She allowed a press photo to be taken signing a baloney proclamation declaring Salk Vaccine safe. She let her picture be taken with Ike and Salk, while the serum company’s press agents did the rest.

CAPSULE NEWS wrote her Jan 4 asking if she had been allowed to see the report of the USPHS scientists-that Salk vaccine was worthless and deadly— when she lent herself to that propaganda which cost many child lives We told her we don’t believe she was, but up to presstime she hadn’t answered one way or the other.

When children started dropping like flies….. when the polio rate in Massachusetts reached 10-fold its 1954 level….. when other states reported incredible increases in infantile paralysis--the American Medical Assn belatedly looked into the matter at its mid-June convention in Atlantic City. But of all the press, the Milwaukee Journal was the only one to tell the bare, stark facts without trimmings. Here is what James C Spaulding, staff writer covering the convention, said in the Journal June 19, 1955:

‘A policy of secrecy and deception has been followed by the National Foundation for Infantile Paralysis and the US Public Health Service in the polio vaccine programs. As a result the nation’s physicians were prevented from learning vital information about the trouble in making and testing Salk vaccine

"If this information hadn’t been hidden, mass medical opinion might have forced USPHS and NFIP to take steps that would have prevented any of the vaccine from causing polio. The secrecy and deception started before field trials.

"One of the things that AMA was not told was that the USPHS had an advisory group made up almost entirely of scientists who were receiving money from the National Foundation for Infantile Paralysis, which body was exerting pressure to go ahead with the program even after Salk Vaccine was found to be dangerous.

"In May some state public health officers met in Atlanta, expecting to be told what had gone wrong with the vaccine program. Instead the USPHS scientist said he was not permitted to disclose what had happened because it would jeopardize the investment of the pharmaceutical firms in the vaccine program"

Need anything more be said’?

Reporter Spaulding continued: "The Infantile Paralysis Foundation kept secret fact that live virus was detected in four of six supposedly finished and safe lots of vaccine. Three drug houses, making it for trials, each made two or more lots in which live virus was found. The USPHS laboratories, and the University of Pittsburgh (Salk) got widely varying results.

"The only hint doctors received came when Walter Winchell, tipped off by a scientist, said ‘Salk vaccine may be a killer’. The field tests all indicated that Salk’s method of killing live virus had not worked, and showed that safety tests themselves were not effective"

No wonder Dr. Salk said on Oct. 11, 1 954—as reported from Pittsburgh by Saul Pett, Associated Press writer—"When you inoculate children with a polio vaccine you don’t sleep well for two or three weeks"

Yet in spite of the lethal qualities shown by these tests Dr. Hart Van Riper, NFIP’s paid medical director, said "this demonstrates the validity of the tests and the safety they assure the public." At the AMA convention, a number of public health doctors said they never would have started Salk shots in their states "if they had known."

When the first deaths were reported, Dr. Leonard A. Scheele, head of USPHS (who never practiced medicine as doctors know it a day in his life) said:

"It seems likely, though not immediately provable, that those deaths were significantly associated with this (Salk) vaccination." And, and but— Knowing this, Dr. Scheele went on the radio that evening to deliberately

and falsely tell his radio audience "I have complete confidence in Salk vaccine.

I urge doctors to continue inoculations." In the lynching country, better men than

Dr. Scheele have been summarily dealt with for far less than that.

January 21, 1956
THE SALK STORY IN DOLLARS—The National Foundation for Infantile Paralysis is using circus tactics this year in nicking the gullible public for $47,000,000 in its annual "March of Dimes" collection. On street corners they have their pitchmen, pitchwomen, pitch boys and pitch girls selling peanuts in cellophane bags. On the bags is the wisecrack, thought up by NFIP press agents, "Shell out for polio."

On the night of Jan. 30 thousands of well intentioned women, who don’t even know NFIP won’t open its books to public inspection, will go out pulling doorbells and begging cash for—they know not what. Their operation will be dubbed by NFIP press agents "The Mothers’ March on Polio." In Brooklyn, where anything can happen and often does, church bells will toll "to alert the people." You can bet your boots there’ll be no Paul Revere riding in Massachusetts. They know up there what NFIP’s Salk vaccine did in stimulating the undertaker business in 1955.

Less than a year ago the NFIP bigwigs and gravy grabbers were crying in their cups. They thought their racket was about over until someone thought of the gimmick of "inventing a vaccine that would prevent polio." One of their feature writers told a polio crusader in Coral Gables, Fla., that the NFIP heads had told him if the vaccine wasn’t a success the NFIP would just have to fold up.

NFIP press agents picked for them a young Hungarian doctor at the Univ. of Pittsburgh named Jonas Salk—a catchy name. Jonas was provided with laboratory facilities and told to go to it—but to come up with something that could be sold to the public as a preventive for polio. They would see that what-

would be declared both safe and efficient. Jonas was selected his name would fit well into crowded newspaper headlines and besides it was catchy. More catchy than, say, Smith Vaccine or Jones Vaccine.

Brother Salk went to work with a will along the usual lines—looking for the non-existent polio bug. In fact it’s doubtful if he even looked for the bug, but merely started seeing which ones died first, if at all. Scientists with much more knowledge, experience and savvy than Jonas, but who still believe in the bug theory of disease, said the Salk "tests" were worthless because monkey kidney tissue and human tissue are different things and react differently to inoculations. We won’t go into the nauseating details of the "field trials" and their failure (from NFIP and USPHS standpoint). These were well covered in last weeks CAPSULE NEWS.

The NFIP had hooked the US Public Health Service into being a party to their crime against American childhood. USPHS was used as the official agency to spew forth the propaganda wanted by NFIP. Mrs. Oveta C. Hobby, then Secretary of Health was hooked into signing a baloney "proclamation" for press photographers. This "proclamation", so the cutlines said, guaranteed Salk vaccine to be safe. Then the gold rush was on—on for the serum companies and NFIP.

CAPSULE NEWS wrote Mrs. Hobby asking if she knew her own scientists of the National Institute of Health had reported the Salk stuff dangerous and useless. We offered to print her side of the story. Obviously she is ashamed of her part in it for she had an underling write a double-talking non-committal letter which said absolutely nothing.

So, when NFIP found its carefully planned house of cards ($47 million in cash) falling apart it went ahead with the program anyway. Getting confusing results from the Universities of Michigan and Pittsburgh, where public "field trials" were held, the NFIP press agents put together a story that indicated Salk Vaccine was not only Safe but 100% effective—long before it had ever been tried on the little human guinea pigs who were to be its victims.

The worst polio epidemic in history occurred in Massachusetts after 130,000 children were inoculated with this Salk concoction. Infantile paralysis increased tenfold over the 1954 figures until the Bay State authorities banned its use in their borders. Yet the racketeers who are begging for NFIP cash in Florida have come up with the false statement that the reason for Massachusetts’ polio rate is that "no children were inoculated there."

The Massachusetts Health Dept. promptly branded this as a lie. Not only that but they have banned the use of the Salk concoction in their state until it becomes safer and shows some sign of being a preventive. The State of Idaho did this last July and in England they barred it before it ever started. The British place more value on a human life—much more—than they do in the US.

Last July Dr. Graham W. Wilson, director of Britain’s Public Health Laboratory service, who knew about the field trials at the National Institute of Health near Washington said:

"I do not see how any vaccine prepared by Salk’s method can be guaranteed safe."

Number 9, January 28, 1956
POLIO’S PREVENTION AND CURE—Cervantes many years ago gave us this gem of philosophy "The proof of the pudding is in the eating." No one ever disputed that until the polio racketeers and medical bug hunters came along.

Down in North Carolina in 1948 a courageous and intelligent medical doctor, Benj. P. Sandler by name, on duty as a nutrition expert at the Oteen Veterans’ Hospital, broke thru the barriers of medical smugness and scientific hogwash to give to the world the cause and prevention of polio in such a way that no one with an ounce of brains could dispute it.

Dr. Sandier had long realized that polio strikes with its greatest intensity in hot weather. In hot weather there is a huge increase of the use of ice cream, soda pop and artificially sweetened products, especially among children. It is also a fact that people generally cut down on their protein diet in hot weather on the theory that you should eat "lightly" in the summertime.

Dr. Sandier’s research showed specifically that sugars and starches lower the normal level of blood sugar in the human body, producing a condition known as hypoglycemia. Also that the phosphoric acid in soda pop has a tendency to absorb the phosphorous and sulphate in the food before the natural process of metabolism can get it to the nerves which these substances feed and nourish.

When the blood sugar becomes deficient, and the nerves are deprived of phosphorous and sulphate, certain nerve trunks fail to function properly and the victim loses the use of one or more limbs. Serum, usually pus from diseased animals, only aggravates this condition by increasing the toxin load for nature to throw off.

So he told the world thru his hometown newspaper at Asheville. All North Carolina got it; when the 1949 polio season approached those Tarheels cut down on this physiologic contraband 90%. It was therefore no concidence that polio decreased in that state in 1949, 90%. We have the N. C. State Health Department’s figures. They say there were 2,498 cases of polio in 1948 and 229 in 1949. Need anything more be said?

But there was a hitch. The Rockefeller milk trust sells frozen products and pasteurized milk all over North Carolina. The Coca Cola Company is closely allied with the far flung Rockefeller Empire. So the News Trust and Thought Trust were brought into play and in 1950 inspired publicity stories told the gullible North Carolinians that Sandler’s findings were all a myth. The result was that the Milk Trust and Coca Cola company went back on its 1948 sales level and— Polio went back to "normal" in North Carolina in 1950.

For little children who suffer from this Milk Trust greed, the chiropractic profession and medical doctors like Koch have come up with relief. At the Mills Clinic in Burlington, Kansas, they cure polio in seven days by removing the outrages upon nature which have caused the disease. The same type cures are being made at the Dunn Clinic in Oklahoma City, the Spears Hospital in Denver and elsewhere. Dr. Koch’s method cures polio the same way it cures cancer, by oxydizing out of the blood stream the accumulated toxins which are the cause of nerve misfunctioning.

Dr. Mills has discovered that the cause generally is faulty nutrition, just as Dr. Sandler did. He also adds as contributing causes fatigue, falls, tonsil surgery and DDT sprays. Tonsillectomies are unnecessary and would never be committed if the medical profession knew the reason for tonsils and that melba toast or other coarse food will scrape off the tonsils the toxins which cause the inflammation.

When the Dunn Clinic gets a patient it first goes to the root of all trouble— the spine, the tree of life. Adjustments are made to relieve nerve pressure which is preventing the eliminative organs from functioning 100%. The bowels are

cleaned out by enemas. Few cases of polio have been known where the bowels were not impacted with decaying faeces.

Acute cases of long standing are difficult to cure. Where early diagnosis is had frequently adjustments, water and juice diet, cleansing of the colon and rest are given at these clinics. Nature is thus allowed to adjust itself and the patient is cured just as soon as the toxins which cause the malady have been eliminated.


We could take up a whole library shelf in quoting these opinions and findings of scientists on the payroll of the aluminum trust or of its stooge, the US Public Health Service. But We’ll be content with quotations from expert testimony before the Delaney sub committee of the House of Representatives in Washington, on the Wier bill to stop fluoridation nationally.

‘There is a great difference between the effects of natural (calcium) fluoride waters and artificial sodium (or silico sodium) fluorides.. . statistics about reduction in tooth decay are dug up in deepest secrecy by an empire building Federal agency using falsifications and deceits . . . fluoride is deadly, toxic, cumulative, extremely corrosive poison used commercially to kill rats and etch glass fluoride attacks and destroys body calcium so necessary to human life . . . it causes blisters and cracks in the mouth, attacks the ulnar nerve just as lead attacks the radial nerve, damages thyroid and kidneys, causes severe rash, itch and stiff joints.

HOW THE BIG LIE WORKS---- Adolph-the-Worst used to say that if you tell the people a big enough lie, often enough and vigorously enough, they will believe it. That’s what the newspapers are doing about Salk Vaccine which has been thoroughly discredited by facts printed in Capsule News. Take Miami, Fla., for instance, where the cash receipts from the March of Dimes racket was lagging behind.

The HERALD there printed a falsehood—in both an editorial and a local column. It said the reason polio increased tenfold in Massachusetts in 1955 was that "no child there had been given Salk vaccine." Mrs. Alice Wellesley of Coral Gables immediately challenged this falsehood. She sent to the HERALD a letter from the Massachusetts State Health Dept. stating that 130,000 children in that state were inoculated before authorities got wise to themselves and checked the disaster by banning all further Salk inoculations.

A copy of Capsule News giving the real figures and facts in the case was sent along with it. The editor of the HERALD was asked to give equal space and prominence to truth that it had given to the Big Lie. No soap. As we go to press these communications had apparently been thrown in the HERALD’S big waste basket, kept for just such purposes.

February 25, 1956.

The New England Journal of Medicine has just given a graphic illustration of how the Infantile Paralysis Foundation procures "official" figures alleged to prove that Salk Vaccine reduced polio this summer instead of doubling it—as it actually did.

An 8-page explanation, accompanied by many charts, graphs and tables, so confusing as to need the explanation explained. It starts off with a false assumption, or presumption, thus:—’It is ironic that Massachusetts should have had its largest epidemic of poliomyeitis just before the time when polio vaccine was to become available in sufficient quantities to protect the whole of the younger generation.’

Yet its accompanying graph showed that the epidemic didn’t start until July 15th and didn’t reach its peak until August 19th. Everyone knows that Salk Vaccine was released April 12th with a great ballyhoo campaign, and all five of the Rockefeller laboratories already with huge stockpiles of the deadly concoction on hand.

Its "proof’ that Salk Vaccine cut down polio cases presumably was in this paragraph ‘The rate of cases per 100,000 among the unvaccinated was 157 and among the vaccinated 63.’ However, it made the mistake of giving on another page, the number of kids vaccinated and unvaccinated, 160,565 and 268,532 respectively.

That would have made it, IF TRUE, 145 cases among the vaccinated and 553 among the unvaccinated, total 698, children 14 and under. On another page it gives the total cases reported (3,819) of which 2,573 were of the 14-and-under age bracket. Quite a difference between 2,573 and 698.

On such "figuring" as this, the NFIP gleefully reports that Salk Vaccine, the medium by which it hopes to extract $47 million from the public this year in contributions, cut polio 60%.

November 1, 1955
THE $ SIGN BEHIND SALK VACCINE—The National Foundation for Infantile Paralysis is asking the charitable public for $47 million this winter. It has taken in $249 million since a group of racketeers surrounding FDR in 1934 conceived the idea of using his birthday as a get-rich-quick springboard. Twelve years and a quarter billion dollars have failed to produce even hope of a polio preventive. Hart Van Riper, medical director for NFIP, pessimistically said last winter ‘if Salk Vaccine isn’t successful the Foundation will have to go out of business.’

Now, $47 million is a whale of an incentive to stay in business . . . the expenditure of even one million brings a lot of power, lots of power. That is why Salk shots were adjudged "safe" many months before this deadly concoction was even tested . . . and why the tests were ignored and production continued. That is why the six laboratories licensed to manufacture this concoction had their shelves so well stocked when "the word" was flashed out of Washington. Even the stupidest medical politician realized there might be a serious kickback. And there was. So, in licensing five laboratories owned or controlled in whole or in part by the Drug Trust (the Rockefeller interests) they added a sixth owned entirely by the Cutter family. This was to be the goat—and it was.

Sharp & Dohme, a subsidiary of Merck whose directorate is loaded with Rockefeller Boys, is a good example. The last report in Poor’s Manual of Industrials shows Merck’s operating income $22,895,454, real assets (property) $61,583,858—a 36% earning on actual investment. This tremendous profit is reflected in the stock market, where Merck’s 16-2/3c par value common stock sold at from $17 to $23 in 1954. Their 1955 profit sheet should be a humdinger. You can go down the line of the others—Parke-Davis, Eli Lilly, PitmanMoore and Wyeth—and get the same picture. Even the independent Cutters didn’t do so badly with an 18% earning on its assets of $3,809,531.

In the Oct. 1 issue we showed that, contrary to official reports funneled to press and public thru USPHS and NFIP, Salk vaccine hadn’t cut polio in half at all. We gave detailed figures in many states showing that, in spite of the mild summer, polio had increased in these places from two to tenfold. And Salk shots

were the only things these poor kids had that they didn’t nave in the past.

November 16, 1955.
WHY THE SALK CONCOCTION FAILED—Propagandists for those who profit from Salk vaccine can’t even tell the same story at the same time. On Oct 2 Sec of Health Folsom told the world Salk shots have cut polio 50% or more’. Nov. 8th the same party upped his cock-and-bull story to ‘80-90% effectiveness’. Now comes Brother Salk himself with this confusing double talk ‘I am looking for a newer vaccine that is not a newer vaccine but will be 100% effective’. Figure that one out.

Figures printed by us Oct. 15th showed that polio had increased from 100% to 500% in many states and 1,000% in Massachusetts. Actually no polio vaccine can be effective as a preventive because vaccine is based on the wrong principle. Polio bugs or viruses or bacteria are not the cause of polio—but the result. Its cause and prevention were clearly and irrefutably demonstrated in 1949 by Ben Sandier, MD, a nutritionist at the US Veterans Hospital in Oteen, N. C.

MEDICAL ECONOMICS—Medical politicians have a method of stifling business competition that even decent medical doctors would like to think never happens. But it does. Down in Tennessee the State Medical Beard has been giving a gigging to Dr. Chester Fair, a venerable and revered 72-year-old physician because he has cured hundreds of cancer, polio and other such cases (which medical orthodoxy had referred to the undertaker) by using the highly successful Koch treatment. The Board subjected him to a humiliating public ‘trial’, accusing him of immoral, dishonest and unprofessional conduct—because he cured people in a manner that brings no profit to the Drug Trust, hospitals and the surgical brotherhood. Under the relentless hammering of Benedict Fitzgerald, Washington lawyer who is building a reputation as a medico-legal practitioner, the Board hauled in its horns and dropped the first two charges.

The third was continued. In Dallas the Texas Medical Board went ‘all the way’. They ‘convicted’ seven doctors of the same charge—curing cancer without the approval of the financial interests involved. Dr. Hoxsey is appealing to the circuit court, will be heard Nov. 15. In the meantime he announced that his doctors will be curing cancer for the next 20 years and the Texas Medical Board be damned. Next issue will show what Canada’s medical board did to a registered nurse for talking to a woman about an egg.

December 16, 1955
VACCINE FRONT—The ghastly fizzle of Salk vaccine, after the greatest ballyhoo build-up ever given a commercial product, has produced three outstanding features in addition to the little white coffins and tiny leg braces.

(1) It made a goat of the Cutter Laboratories, only one of the six licensed to make this concoction that isn’t a part of the Rockefeller Empire.
(2) Scuttlebutt in Washington reports the coming scuttling of Dr. Leonard Scheele, who never practiced medicine a day in his life, as head of the US Public Health Service. This is to be the alibi for deaths from the Salk concoction.
(3) The coining of a number of sensational phrases by serum trust public relations experts to take the public mind off the Salk vaccine deaths. Many newspapers have dutifully used them as headlines, qualifying for an increase in their quota of national advertising. Such as:

Device Purifies Vaccine by Sunburning Viruses’………..
‘Vaccinated. Cows Give Milk Drinkers immunity’...
"General Motors Making Device that Kills Viruses in Vaccines by Spinning"...

And such a pontifical pronunciamento as "Vaccine provides substantial protection against one of the nine viruses in the APC group (adenoidal, pharyngeal and conjunctival) a new family of respiratory viruses discovered several years ago." The question naturally arises—"Where was this family of respiratory viruses before they were discovered?"

They are getting wise to the Salk vaccine concoction in the Far West, Idaho, Oregon and California having given evidence they are seeing thru the commercial propaganda that has been making serum companies and undertakers rich by selling millions of shots.

The people of Oregon were chastised in the newspapers last week by the press and USPH for not using 49,000 cubic centimeters of the state’s "quota" of 79,744 cc. The state health officer "threatened" to withdraw these 49,000 cc and not let the people have it if they didn’t use it at once.

The San Francisco Chronicle reports—’The demand for Salk Vaccine has dropped off to almost zero in San Francisco, and apparently in the rest of the West.’

They had a meeting of 80 Idaho doctors, nurses, public health officials and laboratory technicians. State officials have declared an ‘indefinite postponement’ of any more mass shots of its school children.

Following Dr. J. E. Wyatt’s frank statement that Salk Vaccine has given polio to more people in the nation than it has protected from the disease, the boys’ typewriters and mimeographs have been working overtime to discredit this intrepid physician.

The AMA has been quoted as saying ‘there ain’t no Dr. Wyatt’. The USPHS says there is no doctor working for USPHS by that name. This latter statement is believable, since it was a foregone conclusion that any USPHS doctor or employee spilling such a truth as that would be summarily separated from the service.

The serum publicists know their business. The job now is to take the public mind off the failure to wipe out polio this summer with Salk vaccine. Spectacular yarns that make good bedtime reading are the order of the day. Such as "a machine that spins blood plasma and polio vaccine into a film thin enough that virus and bacteria may be killed by ultraviolet light." This seems to cancel out the many official statements that Salk vaccine had been made "safe" after the many unnecessary polio deaths.

February 11, 1956.
HORNSWOGGLE, Inc.—The March of Dimes racketeers leave no stones unturned to nick the gullible public. Like the late unlamented Hitler the Big Lie is their chief stock in trade. To our desk has come a clipping from a Long Beach (California) paper headed: "The Country That Licked Polio—In its own quiet way little Denmark has proved that Salk vaccine is both safe and effective."

Our stomach is strong. We did not regurgitate. The prevaricator (professional) who thought up that yarn completely forgot that Salk’s deadly and worthless concoction wasn’t unveiled until April 12, 1955. Yet he blandly says that Denmark started to stockpile it in 1954. CAPSULE NEWS readers already know how effective it is—in piling up business for the undertakers and hospitals.

These pages on the Salk Vaccine used by special permission of Morris A. Bealle, Editor American CAPSULE NEWS, 1400 M Street, Northwest, Washing.’ ton, D. C.
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Re: The Hidden Dangers In Polio Vaccine, by Eleanor McBean

Postby admin » Sun Dec 13, 2015 4:22 am

By T. M. Schippell, N. D.
APRIL. 1955

A great deal has been written about infantile paralysis—commonly called polio. Yet, when all this mass of material is analyzed, you discover that practically nothing whatsoever is known about this crippling disease. The hundreds of millions of dollars that have been tossed by the public, during the past 15 years, into the maw of the March of Dimes have accomplished little or nothing. All of this straining on the part of the National infantile paralysis organization, instead of erecting mountains of protection against polio, has not resulted in even a modest molehill.

Of course, nobody but the "insiders" have any knowledge as to how many millions of these charity dollars have been cruelly wasted. Nobody but the ‘insiders" can even guess the fortunes of dimes spent in extravagant plans which came to naught. Nobody but the "insiders" can even approximate the plush salaries paid to useless desk parasites—mountebanks who found "good pickings" along the trail of this childhood scourge.

Before the advent of the March of Dimes, polio was unpredictable and uncheckable. With the lapse of some 15 years and the expenditure, on haywire polio preventatives, of the wealth of a Solomon, polio is still unpredictable and uncheckable. Medical experts are actually as much in the dark today—despite their ‘past flamboyant promises and hollow declarations-as they were before generous and gullible Americans threw this unlimited golden harvest to every crack-brained laboratory in this country.

Nutritionists believe—and rightly so—that, since all polio cases invariably show a lack of blood calcium—and since the eating of large amounts of refined sugar admittedly lowers the calcium in the blood—there must be some close connection between the spread of polio and the large amounts of sweets the modern youngster consumes. Soft drinks have been singled out particularly by Naturopaths as the likely culprits for this blood calcium deficiency—which brings on these polio epidemics during the warm months-but candy and other forms of refined sugar, in all probability, will eventually have to share some of the blame. Pregnant mothers, noted for their lack of blood calcium because of the calciumstealing by the unborn child, are victims of polio 400% more often than other women.

Two years ago, the country was all stirred up about the polio prevention possibilities of gamma globulin. This gamma globulin was a derivative of rotten, human blood. It was made from the great store of "unkilled" diseased plasma— the amounts of which were bursting the seams of the various blood banks. The doctors of the army, navy and marine corps had refused absolutely to "shoot" this putrid plasma into the bodies of wounded service men. They declared it was "too disease-ridden" to use on our heroes in uniform but such characterization of the filthy stuff did not deter the medical men, on the payroll of the March of Dimes, from proclaiming it entirely suitable to go into the clean blood streams of helpless little American children.

Commonsense was thrown overboard and the protests of the few thinking medical men were disregarded. And as we predicted, this highly-touted panacea turned out to be a sham—a despicable hoax—and a breeder of disease. Fortunately, gamma globulin is now secretly abandoned as worthless by the March of Dimes although no public announcement of that fact has ever been made. Yes, gamma globulin "hopes" have gone down the drain, the March of Dimes remembers the incident merely as a worthless remedy that turned out to be a good money-getter. A different situation entirely is found when a survey is made of the children who were so cruelly subjected to these ghastly inoculations. From all reports many of them are even now suffering from the effects of this poisoning and no hope is held out that matters will get better as the years advance.

We all know that the vaccinating of the children of Japan against small-pox— a disgraceful mass medication spree engineered by our conquering army’s medical doctors—resulted in putting eye-glasses on fully 50% of the race that Admiral Perry—back in 1870—reported to have the "finest eyesight of any nation in the world." What terrors this gamma globulin filth will yet bring forth in the bodies of those it contaminated is anybody’s guess.

And what of this Salk vaccine? Only time will show how greatly it damages and cripples. Just remember, no vaccine ever prevented any disease. Sanitation and hygiene, together, have beaten small-pox and malaria. More persons die of small-pox today in countries having compulsory vaccination against small-pox than pass out from that disease in places where no law compels a population to so poison its blood streams.

Is a vaccine needed to kill the virus of polio? Frankly, there is no virus which CAUSES polio normally. Any more than there is virus that NORMALLY passes small-pox from one person to another. All such viruses—germs if you prefer the term—are the RESULT of such diseases already growing in a weakened body.

Of course, a moronic doctor can CAUSE almost any ailment in a normal person by filling the blood stream of the victim so FULL OF VIRUS that this poison overbalances normal resistance. But that happens ONLY when a needle-pusher BY-PASSES the natural filters which the Almighty has created for the protection of the blood. In use, the Salk vaccine introduces into the child only a small amount of these viruses. Of course, they will NOT PREVENT polio and only the Almighty knows the extent of the damage such foreign substances will do to that child in the future.

Can the Salk vaccine prevent polio? It cannot! Small-pox vaccine never stopped the spread of small-pox and malaria vaccine never stopped the spread of malaria! If a child, vaccinated with the Salk filth continues to take great quantities of refined sugar into its small body, much of the blood calcium will be destroyed and —Salk vaccine or not—that child will probably come down with polio easier than a youngster whose blood stream has not been so weakened.

But while we are on the subject of the Salk vaccine, let us look at another angle. It should prove interesting to any parents who foolishly pushed their children into the clutches of the experimenters during that outrageous orgy of last summer when approximately 2 million children were made "human guinea-pigs". It is reported that fully one-quarter of them had that filthy Salk concoction "pushed" into their clean young blood streams. Actually nobody but a few "insiders" of the March of Dimes know which children had their blood so poisoned and which of them received only colored water. These same ‘insiders" now can arrange the names of those children in any fashion they wish and thus show any result of this "mass medication" they believe will bring in more dimes next year.

In January of this year, a certain Dr. Robert F. Korns released to the press a statement from his workshop in the University of Michigan where he supposedly was engaged in examining samples of blood taken from the "unknown" little children who had been "Salk vaccine poisoned" during that orgy of last year. The good doctor admitted to newspaper men—at the EXACT time the March of Dimes was conducting a nation-wide "scooping up" of every available coin— that "no one in this country knows whether the Salk vaccine is any good or not."

This was his complete summary of that great "Salk experiment". But interesting as his observation is, it shades into nothingness when compared with another item which slipped from his lips during the same interview. Dr. Korns admitted— according to these newspaper accounts, that "NONE OF HIS FIVE SMALL CHILDREN WAS INOCULATED WITH THE SALK VACCINE".

He gave, as his weak excuse for this oversight, the fact that


Certainly a glorious record to be handed down to medical posterity! Laymen everywhere should be proud to honor such an upstanding doctor. This good follower of Hippocrates was entirely willing—with an unproven vaccine—to sacrifice YOUR CHILDREN on the altar of medicine’s mad Salk experimentations but HIS OWN CHILDREN—ah, they were far, far too precious to be "thrown’ to the tender devices of these wild March Hares.

As I said in the beginning—a great deal has been written about polio but the real searing stories of what actually happened "behind the scenes" during the 15 year unfoldment of this flamboyant farce of the March of Dimes is probably known only to the Man Upstairs Who will have much to say on the subject whet these same March of Dimes practitioners try to storm the Pearly Gates.
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Re: The Hidden Dangers In Polio Vaccine, by Eleanor McBean

Postby admin » Sun Dec 13, 2015 4:22 am

By T. M. Schippell, N. D.
AUGUST, 1955

In my last article, I made the flat statement that, it was my opinion, this country had gone "vaccine crazy". And nationwide developments, since that was written, only varifies my month old sordid conclusion. The sound common sense which has characterized American thought for centuries, seems to have utterly evaporated as the entire population struggled to fling its children upon the altar of bungling medical experimentation. And we, in the natural healing field, realise that coming disasters have, as usual, cast their long sinister shadows before.

No vaccine was ever a success. First, because vaccines are the product C abject animal misery—brought into being through tortures of dumb animals in the stately laboratories of drug kingdom. Tens of thousands of helpless creatures must each die a thousand horrible deaths before a single vaccine emerges to poison the blood stream of human beings. You can paste this statement in your hat as absolute: As long as the holy Bible states "as ye do unto the least of them, ye do unto me", the Almighty will not crown with success this crucifying diabolicalness of moronic investigators. Second, our Creator, when He fashioned the human body, closed the blood stream from outside contamination. All objects entering the circulation must pass through intricate, but efficient, natural filters which bar out impurities. Yet man, with his hypodermic gadget, circumvents these filters, regardless of the Almighty’s forethought. If the Creator had believed that those filters were not important, a valve leading into the blood circulation would have been provided with the same ease with which He has fashioned a human pump for the blood that will outwear, outbeat and outlast anything that man ever has, or ever will, conceive. Third, a nutritional unbalance cannot be corrected by cow-pus or monkey-juice. All ailments result from such unbalance. No vaccine can supply what is missing or absorb poisons that cause the damage. That is why the Salk vaccine will fail—and fail utterly as every other vaccine has failed.

Let us look at the Salk concoction, which admittedly is made from the diseased dead entrails of paralyzed monkeys. Last Summer, some 440,000 children of a group of 1,500,000 had their clean blood streams contaminated by this monkey-juice which had not even been laboratory tested—let alone clinically tried out. Frankly, those vaccinations of last Summer did not constitute a real test. It was a complete hoax. One child in four received the Salk concoction— the others, colored water. The names of all youngsters-those poisoned and those who got only water—were kept secret from everybody by a select group of hirelings inside the March of Dimes. So it was easy to "shuffle the cards" anytime during the so-called "six months trial period" when scientists supposedly were checking the test tubes. If any child—who had received the Salk monkey-juice— died, it was easy to slip that child’s card into the cards of those youngsters who had received "only colored water" and to claim the victim was a "poor unfortunate" who had not been vaccinated at all! If such a "set-up" is a sample of American medical fair play—it is time the laymen made some changes in the rules.

This year the Salk vaccine was approved with all the Hollywood "first night" trimmings. Special platforms were erected at the cooperating university, the red carpet was spread for two hundred selected guests and then the dumb-founding news was sent out over loud speakers that at long last, after careful checking, the Salk monkey-juice was finally "approved". Yet before the echoes of the shouts of delight from those 200 assembled guests had died away, the great laboratories were shipping millions of "shots" of this monkey-juice which had been manufactured months and months before.

Just how gullible does Modern Medicine take the Americans to be? How raw a deal will those self-appointed "Guardians of the Public Health" spring upon their unsuspecting patients? This time, even the man on the street can see that his sainted family physician has taken the whole blighted country for a buggy-ride. Yet what the man on the street does not see is the mark this vaccination orgy will leave on generations yet unborn.

Thousands of vaccines have been brought forward and not one of them ever accomplished what was hoped for it. No need to go into the whole bevy of these rotten, disgusting, filth concoctions—-let us briefly inspect the authentic history of the most common of all vaccines—the putrid cow-pus that is supposed to prevent small-pox.

Edward Jenner, who died in 1823, invented this anti-small-pox vaccine. But up to the time of his death he was not certain whether the pus from a diseased cow or the grease from the hocks of a diseased horse was the better preventative for small-pox. He admitted, just before he died, that his vaccine was worthless.

Rumor has it that the vaccine, which is today mixed with the human blood, is the offspring of the original sick Jenner cow. But whether it is or not is immaterial. Let us see what a frank, honest medical man learned of small-pox vaccination. His name Charles Creighton, M A, M D, of England. This licensed medical man was instructed by the Encyclopaedia Britannica to look into the subject of small-pox vaccination and to write objectively about it as the facts warranted.

Dr. Creighton delved into the work and for several years checked through the records in all civilized countries. His written report was eventually printed in the Ninth Edition of that publication. But his findings about small-pox vaccination contributed to his finis. The medical heavens fell upon him. As a medical expert he was "through". And in the Tenth, and all subsequent editions of the Encyclopaedia Britannica his account is missing.

The good doctor must have realized the gravity of what he was doing. Perhaps he sensed that this effort to tell the truth about the small-pox vaccine folly would be his lorelei into medical oblivion. Because he begins as follows:

"It is right to say that the views expressed in the present article diverge in many points from the opinions generally received among medical men and must be regarded not as an exposition of established and undisputed doctrines but as the outcome of an independent and laborious research."

The account covers several pages of small type. It shows that this investigator went from horizon to horizon for his data—all of which was damaging r to the continuance of small-pox vaccination. Not one thing was unearthed that was favorable to rotten cow-pus or the grease from the hocks of diseased horses, either as a preventative or as a cure of small-pox.

As an example, Dr. Creighton shows that compulsory vaccination became a law in England in 1854. Infant deaths, from small-pox, rose from 380 in 1853 to 591 in 1854. The records of the Eastern Metropolitan Hospital (Homerton, England) tell a complete story: from its opening early in 1871 to the end of 1878— about eight years—of the 6,533 persons received as small-pox patients, 4,283 of them bore vaccination marks, 793 admitted they had also been vaccinated but bore no marks while only 1,477 of the 6,533 HAD NOT BEEN VACCINATED. Also, in Bavaria, in the year 1871—of the 30,742 small-pox cases reported, 29,429 had been vaccinated. Is there any wonder that England repealed its compulsory vaccination law? In addition, Dr. Creighton’s figures indicate that in practically every small-pox epidemic since the invention of the small-pox vaccine in 1799—a full one hundred and fifty-six years—the start was always with vaccinated victims.

It is also interesting to note that despite widespread vaccination against small-pox, the death rate from that disease, proportioned to the population, is the same today—about 18%—as in the days when there was no vaccination whatsoever.

But merely that a vaccine fails is NOT THE WHOLE STORY. No, there is another feature that has not been properly put before the lay populations of the world. Medical men have never admitted openly that vaccination to prevent mall-pox may cause aftermath’s in the shape of scrofula, tubercle, whooping-cough and diarrhea—but they DO ADMIT that such poisoning of the blood stream may REDISPOSE a child to these diseases—in other words, weaken such child’s resistance and make such child an easy victim for any and all of these ailments.

But here is the real menace of vaccines: Dr. Creighton found that in 1884, more than 1,733 of the vaccinated infants DIED OF SYPHILIS! With this syphilis as a definite follower of many vaccinations for small-pox—which no medical man will deny—we wonder what horrible revelations may be in store for the parents who permitted the blood streams of their youngsters to be contaminated by this untested Salk monkey-entrails filth.

The parents of any child who comes down with Polio, after such monkey juice inoculation, should seek redress from the local doctor, who administered this rotten concoction, and not overlook the laboratories which manufactured it.

The March of Dimes might also be worth considering in this regard.
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Re: The Hidden Dangers In Polio Vaccine, by Eleanor McBean

Postby admin » Sun Dec 13, 2015 4:23 am

By T. M. Schippell, N. D.

When the epidemic of polio hit New England in late July and August of is year, the befuddled public did not realize that the medical men—the self-appointed "Guardians of the Public Health"—never even mentioned the rushing of Salk vaccine to the striken area. Instead, the physicians blandly declared that the epidemic was not an epidemic and that the many cases of polio, which were popping up everywhere, were JUST NORMAL. Yet some communities reported—despite all efforts to hush hush the news—that the incidence of polio for 1955 outstripped the preceding year’s total many times over. One community, last year, had 17 cases while this year the total had leaped to 115—another city had only 5 cases in 1954, but this year found them with 69 cases on their hands. Massachusetts alone, there were 94 cases in 1954—and over 1,500 in 1955. And so the figures went climbing—and the public was fed the same old don’t worry, this is not an epidemic" advice day after day as the medical men sought their best to placate the alarmed parents. And while these "Guardians of the Public Health" told the Bostonians that this polio outbreak was not "dangerous"—from the other side of their mouths came the warning to visitors not bring their children into eastern Massachusetts until the "situation clarified itself."

This monstrous double-talk was repeated over and over again and the figures of the polio victims in New England mounted to more than 2,000. Yet, through all, there was no mention that a special session of the legislature should be called and money made available to have the Salk vaccine rushed in by airmail. The only reference made to the Salk vaccine was an official "face-saving" statement that, in spite of those unfortunate children who had been stricken with polio during this present unfortunate situation, only 19 children—out of the thousands of youngsters who had received inoculations of the Salk monkey-entrails juice— had come down with the disease. And the gullible public—not having time to go into the figures—uttered thankful prayers of deliverance. Especially was this true with those parents who had so ruthlessly permitted their youngsters to be experimented upon with this dead monkey vaccine. This reassuring message, by inference, was intended to show that the Salk concoction, in this crisis, had come through with flying colors. Yes, the misleading information, given so glibly by the medical authorities, was intended to imply that the Salk vaccine—administered in New England last year and this Spring—was doing a magnificent job.

Is there any wonder that we natural healing doctors are aghast at these untruthful reports which emanate from that select citadel of medical might? Had John Q. Public delved into those figures he would have found, doubtless much to his consternation, that once more he had been taken for a "medical joy ride into Never Never Land." Instead of those sparse 19 polio cases among the Salk inoculated children being a tremendously wee percentage of the great number of children who had been given this Salk monkey-juice, those 19 cases bore exactly the same relationship—constituted the VERY SAME PERCENTAGE— as the cases of unvaccinated victims of polio bore to the vastly larger number of children who had not been Salk vaccinated. In other words-just as many children, proportionately, who had been vaccinated with the Salk monkey-juice, came down with polio as did the children who were not carrying Salk’s famous vaccine in their veins. It was all a horrible hoax!

Now, to say that the doctors in charge of that New England polio situation did not know this, is to stretch credulity a little too far. To say that the doctor, on the radio, who praised the lack of polio victims among those who had been so ruthlessly given this Salk concoction, was not familiar with the statistics, is a little more than those outside the medical profession can stomach.

But the main lesson taught by this polio epidemic in New England is the fact that medical doctors everywhere are now realizing that this is another day— that the glamor of the Salk discovery is wearing off—and that vaccines are vaccines (always dangerous) and need especial care in handling. Yes, the medical men as a whole are now unwilling to back this Salk laboratory mess until the facts about it are known and are PROVEN BEYOND A SHADOW OF A DOUBT. They are unwilling to take the chance of being COMPLETELY WRONG in this vaccine matter. They do not forget that several of their more courageous fellows were not afraid to stand up and defy the dictates of the medical hierarchy when they told the world that, in their opinion, the Salk vaccine was manifestly UNSAFE. Now the doctors who formerly applauded Salk—are standing silent on the sidelines waiting, waiting, waiting.

What the next move of the "hypodermic boys"—in the realm of the Salk empire—will be, is anybody’s guess. That they will not abandon this El Dorado of skin puncturing is a foregone conclusion. But it will be interesting to watch what their new steps will be. You may be sure that they will want a part of the millions of dollars voted by Congress for this monkey juice. They will not willingly abandon the fortunes this blood contamination of youngsters will bring to them.

Nobody will be able to stay this holocaust because the public has been so propagandized—covering the infallibility of medical prowess-that the average M.D., in public esteem, is now placed somewhere between the saints and the Almighty. When such a condition exists in the world—the finding of plausible and acceptable excuses for the failures of the Salk concoction rests with the mere matter of proper selection of words that have public appeal. When the United States Government votes millions of dollars for free Salk vaccine inoculations-and the medical men see their incomes mounting during 1956 by thousands upon thousands of dollars through this "skin punching technique"—what happens to the helpless little children involved means very little to the dollar-grabbers.

I take no pleasure in bringing this sort or truth to the American people. I would much rather forget that such things could happen. But I am dedicated to the service of humanity and as long as I have life, I shall say what is closest to my heart.

Now, do not get the impression that I believe all medical doctors are mercenary. Nothing could be further from the truth. I know that the vast majority of medical men are honest, trustworthy and reliable. These men give their best efforts to mankind and while I do not agree with many of their methods and healing ideas, I honor them for the sincere efforts they are always making. Again, the average medical man is a creature of organizations that are ruthless to any practitioner who seems to have "stepped out of line". These corporate bodies have the power to deprive a medical man of his license, without giving him a day in court. They can throw him out of any or all hospitals supported by the taxpayers of this great country. They can break him completely by ruining his practice. All medical men understand vividly the shadow under which they work. They know what they can safely do and what they cannot do. And that is why it is the exceptional practitioner who dares stand up in public and disapprove of any action that has already received the commendation of the medical elect—as has the Salk vaccine. All honor to those doctors who were not afraid to express their doubts as to the safety of this monkey-juice concoction. That sainted "remedy" will, in all probability, leave its mark upon many generations yet unborn in the same manner a small-pox vaccination leaves its lurid trail of syphilis.

It is unfortunate that the medical profession in this country are not as free-spoken as are the members of the medical fraternity in Great Britain. Over there, the Salk vaccine received the same Hollywood send-off accorded it in this country. Yet the British doctors were not stampeded by the wealth of the March of Dimes or the cajolery of their high-up brothers in medicine. Those who realized the dangers involved with an untested, unknown, unreliable laboratory make-shift, were quick to gain an audience and there was no country-wide vaccination orgy that the United States was forced to endure. British doctors make sure they know where they are headed before they plunge into a series of experiments—because the Salk vaccine inoculations are all experiments.

Since American doctors have annexed the title of "Guardians of the Public Health", they should actually "lean over backward" in their desire to see that "their wards" received the best that can be given them in the way of medical treatments. Making the lay population into human guinea-pigs for rash experimentation will have its repercussions in a manner the orthodox doctor will not enjoy. And those repercussions will come swiftly because the American public can be fooled only just so long.

What New England needed, in its polio outbreak, was the addition, from Great Britain, of a few of the level headed practitioners. Those doctors would have told the unvarnished truth and would have ended the confusing double-talk on polio conditions that kept pouring out of high medical circles.
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Re: The Hidden Dangers In Polio Vaccine, by Eleanor McBean

Postby admin » Sun Dec 13, 2015 4:23 am

By Herbert M. Shelton, N.D. (1951)
AUGUST. 1951

It has long been known that inoculations of all kinds frequently cause nervous diseases including paralysis. Smallpox vaccination often results in paralysis of one side of the body. That it also causes encephalitis lethargica (sleeping sickness) is now well established. All vaccines and serums tend to produce nervous diseases. Several disasters following inoculations in France and Italy have been reported in which one feature of the victim’s illness was paralysis. When, in 1947 the question was brought up before the British Ministry of Health as to what extent the vaccinations and inoculations that were going on in England were responsible for poliomyelitis, the Ministry remained silent over the possibility. By 1950, however, it attitude had changed and Mr. Bevan agreed to consider that the matter be investigated.

In April of that year The Lancet (London medical journal) and The Medical Officer published papers revealing that infantile paralysis had followed inoculations with diphtheria toxoid, whooping cough vaccine and the combined diphtheria vaccine and whooping cough vaccine. These papers revealed that there was a definite connection between the inoculation and the paralysis that occurred within a month of the inoculation.

The Lancet paper was published by an Australian physician, a Dr. McCloskey, who is said to be a poliomyelitis expert. He reported from Melbourne that a complaint by the parents of children who developed "paralytic poliomyelitis" soon after a "prophylactic inoculation" had led the Health Department of the state of Victoria to investigate the "immunization" history of 375 cases of poliomyelitis reported during the epidemic between Jan. 8, and Aug. 30, 1949. Dr. McCloskey says that out of 340 cases investigated, 31 had received "prophylactic" injections of one kind or another within three months of development of the paralysis and that the paralysis occurred in the limb which had been inoculated. McCloskey discovered twenty-three similar cases occurring from 3 to 12 months after inoculation and 121 cases occurring more than a year after inoculation.

The article in The Medical Officer (April 8) was by Dennis H. Geffen, M.D., D.P.M., Medical Officer of the London Borough of St. Pancras. It was a paper he had read at a meeting of London Medical Officers of health the previous October on "The Incidence of Paralysis Occurring in London Children Within Four Weeks After Inoculation." In this paper, Dr. Geffen showed that these cases had been occurring for some time. He mentioned a Dr. Martin who had been collecting cases "over a period of years," and a Dr. Gale who had found cases as far back as 1942. Geffen, himself, had started his inquiries because there had been reported to him in September 1949 two cases of poliomyelitis in children who had been inoculated within the proceeding two or three weeks. He found that out of 182 cases of poliomyelitis in London under five years of age since the beginning of 1949, 32 had developed the disease within four weeks of receiving the injection, the paralysis developing in the particular limb of injection. In 21 of these a combined vaccine had been used, in 8 a diphtheria toxoid, and in I case, whooping cough vaccine alone. Geffen excluded from his list all cases of polio that had developed more than four weeks after inoculation and all cases where the paralysis occurred in the limb into which no injection had been made.

Chapman Pincher, writing of these findings in the Daily Express, April 10, says: "Realizing the danger of their findings in the Government diphtheria immunization campaign, the doctors withheld publication until some cases could be followed up over many months." The matter finally received a full airing in the British public press. At first, the Ministry of Hell(th) played down the whole affair and insisted that the risk of inoculation was "unappreciable." Finally, however, the Ministry of Hell(th) sent a circular to medical officers in June, after the results of a statistical investigation, suggested by Sir William Janieson had been carried out and the findings learned. The investigation had been carried out by Prof. A. Bradford Hill and Dr. Knowelden. These men reported in the British Medical Journal (July 1, 1950) that in the 1949 epidemic of poliomyelitis in England and Wales "cases of paralysis were occurring which were associated with inoculation procedures carried out within the month preceding the recorded date of onset of the illness."

At first the British authorities were inclined to believe that all the danger resided in the use of the mixed vaccines, but when it was shown statistically that there is as much danger associated with the diphtheria toxoid alone or the whooping cough vaccine alone as with the two combined, they were forced to abandon this position. Sir John Charles, Chief Medical Officer, sent out an official letter warning medical officers of the possible danger and admitting that the paralysis referred to had been associated with diphtheria toxoid alone. The Medical Officers were told to use their own judgement as to suspending inoculation programmes in the event of an unusual number of cases of infantile paralysis in their area. The Department of Hell(th) of Scotland sent out a similar circular. The medical officers of Birmingham, Glasgow and a number of other British towns suspended inoculation for several months from July.

These findings indicate that inoculations given at the periphery of a nerve may result in severe and lasting damage at the center. The tendency of the investigators is to think of the chief danger as coming within the first four weeks after inoculation, although there is no reason given for thinking that full recovery of the nerve centre always occurs within this period. Indeed, no proof is offered to show that complete recovery ever occurs. The Australian physician, McCloskey, reported cases occurring more than a year after inoculation. What is to prevent an inoculation given in the fall of this year being instrumental in producing paralysis in a child at the end of the summer of next year? (I would suggest a study of these cases in the light of Speransky’s findings.)

One physician showed that these post-inoculation cases of poliomyelitis have been developing from the very beginning of the inoculation programs. Such cases will be difficult to investigate statistically after the lapse of so much time, but if the inoculations are definitely associated with the occurrence of many cases of polio today, there is every reason to think that they have been so associated from the start of the inoculation practice. It seems to me that the more that is learned about the evils of inoculations, the more evil inoculations are shown to be. To merely suspend an inoculation campaign for a season and then resume the evil is hardly a remedy for the many evils that flow from inoculations.

The British Ministry of Hell(th) did not want to believe that their precious inoculations were in any way responsible for paralysis, because, as they said to the press: "it would be a tragedy if people stopped having their children immunized against diphtheria." If they were a real Ministry of Health, instead of the farce that they are, they would know that there are helpful ways of assuring the health of children, that there is no such thing as immunity, and that harming the organisms of children is not the way to prevent disease in them.

As an aftermath of these observations this year the Health Department in New York City suspended inoculating (they called It "immunizing") infants and children against diphtheria and whooping cough at its 76 child-health stations from June 15, to Oct. 1, which it calls the "polio season." The Department, which expressed its intention of requesting private physicians to follow its example, made known its action to New York City’s five county medical societies.

The news account, as published in the New York Times, June 12, 1951, says: "The step was taken on the basis of a preliminary report on a research study started here last March, when findings published in medical journals by English and Australian scientists came to the attention of health authorities in this country.

"The foreign studies, which now appear to be substantiated by the health department survey, indicated that of children who contracted paralytic polio a considerable proportion had been immunized within the previous month with diphtheria toxoid, whooping cough vaccine, and that the site of the paralysis was more apt to be in the limb injected."

The contentions of Hygienists, made many times during the past twenty years, that vaccines and serums are among the chief causes of poliomyelitis, is thus verified, but the "scientists" (by which is simply meant, medical men who give the serums and vaccines) do not admit this to be the fact. They say instead, as quoted in the Times article, "It must be made clear that we know immunization is not the cause or even a cause of poliomyelitis. Investigators, among whom were specialists of the Department of Health, have found indications that during the polio season persons who have become ill with polio and who have been recently immunized against diphtheria or whooping cough may develop paralysis in the injected limb." These are the words of John F. Mahoney, M.D. Commissioner of Hell(th), New York City.

Mahoney says that the Hell(th) Department was simply adopting the same procedure in regard to "immunization" that it has followed for a number of years in regard to tonsillectomies. He said: "For a number of years it has been it has been known that while the removal of tonsils and adenoids does not cause poliomyelitis, children who have their adenoids or tonsils removed or have other mouth operations during the polio season are more apt to develop a severe form of poliomyelitis than children on whom such operations have not been performed.

"Therefore, the Department of Health and the medical profession generally advises against such operations during the months when polio is most prevalent.

We are doing the same thing in regard to immunization for exactly the same reasons: since investigation has shown a probable relationship between immunization during the polio season and the localization of the paralysis, we are postponing immunization until the danger is over."

The Times article adds that it had learned that the American Public Health Association’s Ad Hoc Committee on the Relationship of the Incidence of Poliomyelitis and Recent Immunization is in agreement with the action of the Hell(th) Department. The Committees report, which was to have been published the following week in The American Journal of Public Health, says that although further studies are imperative, "the data so far available would suggest that, in the face of an abnormal prevalence of poliomyelitis in a given locality, antigen inoculations may well be postponed until after the subsidence of the abnormal prevalence."

The Report also says that "recent published and unpublished data strongly suggests that an individual who develops poliomyelitis within a month after receipt of an injection of antigen, or possibly of some other material, shows an increased frequency of paralysis in the extremity into which the injection has been given. There are also suggestions that among the reported cases of polio are cases which would not have been clinically diagnosed as polio at all if their (recent) inoculation had not brought them into the paralytic group."

On the following day, June 13, the State Department of Hell(th) of New York, issued a statement to the press in which it said that this proneness to development of paralysis follows all injections of diphtheria toxoid and anti-whooping cough vaccine. This means that all injections of any substance whatsoever, are harmful and, if they are not the direct cause of the disease that follows, as Mahoney insists, they are determining and complicating factors that must be reckoned with in any study of the cause of these diseases.

It has always been the assumption of the medical profession that they could inject their so-called "immunizing" substances into the bodies of old and young, that this would produce "immunity" and that there the matter would end. It is now quite obvious, even to the members of the medical profession, that there the matter does not end. Eighty or more years ago, Herbert Spencer, writing of vaccination, showed that "there the matter does not end," when people are vaccinated against smallpox. It was shown years ago, a fact recorded by no less a medical authority than Sir William Osler, that serum injections damage the germ plasm, the results showing up in the second and third generations.

It does not really matter whether the vaccines and serums are the cause of poliomyelitis, or merely complicating factors, the damage is there, and it is folly to think that the body can be rendered more resistant to any so-called disease by seriously impairing it. It should be noted that the actual pathological development that results in paralysis is in the brain and spinal cord, not in the limb. The destruction of the nerve center is the reason for the paralysis. Inoculating a child in the arm and rendering the nerve center more likely to be destroyed means that the damage is done far removed from the point of injection. As there is no means of controlling this distant damage, nor of localizing it, they have no means of knowing what other serious developments follow in the wake of their ill-advised pollution of the human blood stream.

By omitting the inoculations during the summer months, when polio is most prevalent (it has been reported in the arctic regions and cases in this country have been reported in Winter), may have the effect of reducing the number of cases of polio and it may reduce the amount of paralysis, but to resume the inoculations in the Fall and continue them through the Winter and Spring, may simply render other "diseases," such as pneumonia, "influenza" measles, whooping cough, scarlet fever, diphtheria, etc., much worse and build serious complications in these diseases. How can they confine the evil effects of these injections of various kinds to poliomyelitis?

It will be noted that the Report of the "American Public Health Association’s" committee states that published and unpublished data so far collected indicate that many cases that are reported as polio would not have been so reported if prior inoculation had not resulted in the development of paralysis in these cases. This is to say, had these children not been inoculated a short time prior to becoming ill, they would not have become paralyzed. Have we not declared for many years that the medical profession is composed of past masters of the art of producing pathology? If part of the paralysis seen in these cases is admittedly due to treatment given prior to the development of disease, how much of the rest of it is due to treatment given during the course of the illness? Are medical treatments responsible for the paralysis? I would answer this question in the affirmative and challenge the profession to produce cases of paralysis that have developed under non-medical care.

When wholesale deaths follow an orgy of inoculations, it is customary to blame the deaths on faulty serum. As an example of this, there were the large number of deaths reported in Japan in December, 1949 following inoculation with diphtheria anti-toxin On Dec 30, the press reported 64 deaths and 900 ill from the inoculations The inoculations were halted, while the serum was being investigated. I do not know how many more of the 900 who were ill also died, nor how many of them were left with serious after effects. The press did not find this matter to be "news."

But all deaths from inoculations and all serious disease resulting from these inoculations are not due to "faulty serums." On the contrary, in every orgy of inoculations, as in the army, many serious troubles arise and deaths are often reported. In these instances, "faulty serum" is not blamed—only when several deaths and much serious sickness follow do they find the serum to be "faulty." But all inoculations give rise to troubles ranging all the way from slight, transient trouble to instantaneous death from anaphylaxis. In many instances, serious organic impairment has resulted that has been permanent.

Despite all of this injury and danger, parents might be justified in taking a chance with the health and life of their children, did the inoculations. actually prevent the diseases against which they are directed. But there is not a shred of unequivocal evidence that any vaccine or serum ever prevents any disease. There is no justification for parents subjecting their childen to the risks inherent in inoculations and vaccinations and there is certainly no justification for resort to compulsion in the use of these vaccines and serums. Compulsory inoculation and vaccination is a form of tyranny that sooner or later, mankind must destroy.
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Re: The Hidden Dangers In Polio Vaccine, by Eleanor McBean

Postby admin » Sun Dec 13, 2015 4:24 am

MAY, 1955

The scene was a room in Houston, Texas. It was a temporary "clinic" set up for the purpose of experimenting on a great mass of hapless and helpless children. It was but one of eight such "clinics" that had been set up in the city. The room was filled with children and their frightened parents, who had "voluntarily" brought their children for the experiment. The children ranged from toddlers barely past their first birthday to six-year-olds, who brought their "comic" books or listened as their parents told them "children’s stories." In the room where the children were being tortured by needles being pushed into them and through which a serum was inoculated into them, there were cries of pain and fear. Parents of the frightened children attempted to still their fears and stop their cries with "soothing words."

What was it all about? Why were the children being thus tormented? What were they afraid of? Why were they having needles stuck into them? The answer is, they were being used as guinea pigs in a mass experiment conducted by a gang of voodoo priests whom the newspapers referred to as "scientists." Headed by William D. Hammon, a professor of something or other in the University of Pennsylvania, the voodoo practitioners were inoculating the children with a blood fraction which they call gamma globulin and which, they said, contains "disease-fighting anti-bodies." This was being done, not to prevent poliomyelitis, for they acknowledge that the serum will not prevent polio, but in the hope that those children who developed polio subsequent to inoculation, would not become paralyzed. Hammon "stressed the fact that gamma globulin cannot prevent polio," but that he believes, from tests made on monkeys, (I assume that he means the monkeys of the lower order, not the ones that were inoculating the children) it can prevent paralysis.

Thirty-five thousand children were to be used in the test. Half of them were being inoculated with the "gamma globulin," the other half were being inoculated with an "ineffective substance" that resembled gamma globulin. This, said Hammon, is the only way to test the theory that paralysis can be prevented by the blood fraction. A previous test, using 5,768 children of Provo, Utah, made last year, was not on a big enough scale to be "conclusive." A bigger test was needed, and Houston was chosen as the laboratory in which to use the human guinea pigs.

Last year we had a physician here in Texas to inoculate a lot of children with anti-rabies serum on the absurd theory that it would prevent polio. Last year, also, the gamma globulin was tested on a large number of children in a midWestern state. Now comes the news from Sacramento, Calif., dated July 24, 1952 that fifty children in the Sonoma State Home (presumably orphans who have nobody to protect them from the state and the medical gangsters) are being fed a "special kind of chocolate milk containing a virus which "scientists" hope will prevent polio. Frank Tallman, state mental hygiene (?) director, said in a report to Governor Warren (a man who dared to aspire to the presidency) that the milk diet is the key part of an experiment aimed at finding means of preventing polio.

The rascals who are conducting this experiment selected "100 children who were found to have no naturally built immunity to polio." Why do newspapers continue to dignify men of this stripe with the title "scientists"? Why do they not rather expose the scoundrels for what they are—reckless experimenters who toy with human life as though it were the life of a guinea pig?

These are the mass experiments that are being carried out or that have been carried out during the past two years on children in this country that have made the headlines. There is no way to tell how many other such experiments are going on or have been carried out that have been and are being kept secret. The children of America are being freely used as guinea pigs and the parents of America seem to be indifferent to the whole matter. What has become of the sense of responsibility that parents are supposed to feel towards their children? Where is the love that parents are traditionally supposed to have for their children? Is it true that modern American parents would sacrifice their children to a modern Moloch as did the parents of ancient Carthage; or that they would throw their babies in the path of the Juggernaught as did the parents of India? Let no one deny that they will do this, for do we not see them sacrificing their children to the superstitions and hallucinations of medical idiots?

Why was Houston chosen for this mass experiment? It was stated that Houston was picked because of the high rate of polio there, but this may not be the whole truth. It may be that the high rate of polio in Houston was due to the fact that the city had been chosen for the test. Before parents can be induced to submit their children to the dangers of inoculation in this manner, and especially before they can be induced to permit their children to be used for purely experimental purposes, they must first be frightened out of their wits. There is nothing like an epidemic to frighten ignorant people. It is not probable that more than one third of the cases diagnosed as polio in Houston were polio. But this fact is not known to the parents of that city. Parents are as easily frightened by false diagnoses as by correct ones The epidemic at Houston may have been staged because Houston had been secretly picked as the place for the test.

The manner in which Houston parents crowded into the inoculation centers with their children and the readiness with which they submitted their children to the experiment indicates, not alone the abject ignorance of parents, but also the fear that was in them, as the physicians and board of health of that city had built up a synthetic epidemic for that very purpose.

The plan of the experimenters was to inoculate 35,000 children—half of them with gamma globulin, which it was hoped would prevent paralysis; the other half with gelatin, which they referred to as an "ineffective substitute." The children who were to get the "ineffective substitute" were to be "controls." But many frightened parents in Houston refused to wait and see if the experiment was a success. They refuse to take a chance on not getting the gamma globulin for their children. They took their children to private physicians and paid to have them inoculated. Oh, yes, the serum was available and for sale and so were physicians (most physicians, in fact) who will administer it for a fee, even though it is not yet known to have any value. The manufacturers and the physicians are in a hurry to reap their profits, for they know that at the conclusion of the test, they may not be able to sell it even to the most frightened individual.

According to a July 27 report from Houston, but 33,000 children were used in the test. This means that so many of the frightened parents went to private physicians and had their children inoculated with gamma globulin, rather than risk having them get the "ineffective substance," that the experimenters did not get the expected 35,000 children out to the experimental centers. The frightened parents, thinking, in their ignorance, that the serum would prevent the disease, or at least prevent paralysis, and knowing that if they took their children to the experimental clinics they stood but a fifty-fifty chance of getting gamma globulin, paid for the inoculations and thus made certain that their children did not receive a shot of gelatin. Thus the expected 35,000 guinea pigs did not materialize.

Not all of the parents of Houston were as "scientifically" minded as Robert N. Smaistria, of that city, who said: "I’m willing to do anything to help prevent paralysis—in my children and in all children." Actually, he was a very frightened man, who did not know whether his child received the supposed protective serum, or the "ineffective" substitute—the "harmless gelatin." It is never harmless to inject any foreign substance into the blood stream, and gelatin, a foreign protein, is certainly not harmless, but the use of the phrase "harmless gelatin" in with the gamma globulin, carries the implication that gamma globulin i less. In the same way, the statement that half of the children used as guinea pigs would receive the serum and the other half would receive a substance implied that the serum is effective. Indeed, the effectiveness is taken for granted, even before it is tested.

By June 30 thousands of parents in Houston were demanding the serum for their children, but the experimenters could give them no guarantee that their children would receive the serum and not the gelatin, so the parents went to their

family physicians, who, always willing to oblige, for a fee, gave them the shots. They reaped a financial harvest while the publicity was flooding the papers, even though they were well aware that there is not a shred of evidence to lead to the belief that the G.G. serum will prevent polio.

Hammond complained that the inoculating of children by private physicians was reducing the number of children available for "field study." But parents were taking no "chances." If they took their children to the Hammond clinics, they ran a fifty-fifty chance of getting the "ineffective substance," and they wanted their children to get the "protective" gamma globulin. Hammond was interested in a "controlled experiment," parents were interested in saving their children from the jaws of the dreaded monster, polio. There is also the possibility that parents whose children were taken to the clinic, fearing that their little guinea pigs got the gelatin instead of the globulin, might take them to physicians and have them given the "real medicine," in which case they would have no value to the "field study." Therefore, parents who submitted their children to the experiment were urged not to go to physicians and have them given gamma globulin. The experimenters said in effect to them: "We believe that the gamma globulin will prevent the paralysis of polio and we know that the gelatin will not, but we want you to take a chance with your child. Don’t give him gamma globulin; be content with the gelatin. Don’t spoil our test for the sake of your child."

On hand at the opening of the ten days’ orgy of inoculating was another voodoo priest, the Rev. Thomas Summers, rector of the St. John the Divine Episcopal Church and president of the Houston Council of Churches, who "expressed the hope of each of the silent, tense parents" when he said: "We pray, oh God, that the scourge of polio may be removed." That should have settled it! When two of the three modern branches of shamanism combine to make war upon the demon of polio, this demon should seek the tall timber.

I would call the attention of those of my readers who may have been so misled in the past as to contribute to the "March of Dimes" fund that, this orgy of human vivisection was financed by a grant of $500,000 supplied by the National Foundation for Infantile Paralysis. From financing experiments on rats and monkeys, this Foundation has turned to financing experiments on children. At least they have to pay for the rats and monkeys, whereas, they can frighten parents -into contributing their children without cost.

Blood donors will be happy to learn that their donations are being used for many worthy purposes. Hammond stated that the gamma globulin used in the polio experiment is the same as that used in measles and that it is obtained from blood collected by the American Red Cross from donors all over the country. Thus Clara Barton’s organization (one she repented ever having formed) is revealed as being in all ways a stooge of organized voodooism. It serves its adopted master well, the very thing that caused Clara Barton to express the wish that she had never founded the organization. For Clara Barton was a Hygienist.

The gamma globulin is referred to by Hammond and the newspapers as "medicine," that is, a "healing agent." Not only it is being used as a "prophylactic agent" (a preventive), and this would not be a "healing agent," but there is absolutely no evidence so far that it has either preventive or healing powers. Indeed, there is no such thing as a healing agent. Drugs, serums, vaccines, heal nothing. Medical men are not healers, hence they are wrongly branded when they are called medical men. There are no medicines and the practice of "medicine" is not the practice of a "healing art." They have surrounded themselves and then practices with a terminology that is utterly false.

On July 27 it was stated in a news report from Houston that some of the children used in the test had already developed polio, but it was not known whether these children had received gamma globulin or the "ineffective gelatin." To make the test more sensational the man from the Pittsburgh University who directed the test in Houston sent all records to New York City and had them locked in a safe where they will remain until January 1953. So, it will not be known until these records are examined some time in 1953, how many of each group of children developed polio. "The results of the test won’t be known for months, probably early in 1953," so "a team of experts (ex-spurts) will remain here (in Houston) through the polio season into the fall to check on children inoculated."

If it is decided to make the serum "effective" this can be done by diagnosis and statistics. All that will be needed will be to diagnose as something else large numbers of cases that are now diagnosed as polio. In those children receiving the "non-effective" substance the same cases may still be diagnosed polio. This is the way in which smallpox vaccination is upheld. If the patient has been vaccinated it is chickenpox, if he has not been vaccinated it is smallpox.

Or, it is always possible, to assume, as in the case of smallpox vaccination, where polio does follow the inoculation, that the inoculation was not "successful." It can also be claimed, as indeed, it is already hinted, that if the new serum does not prevent polio it at least makes the disease lighter. The same claim is made for smallpox vaccine, it lessens the severity of the "attack."

It will also be possible, as in the case of typhoid and "paratyphoid," to discover that there are two or more polio viruses and that the serum protects from only one of these. Indeed, the medical classifiers have already determined that there are "three types of polio."

How long will the alleged "immunity" last? Will the children have to be inoculated each summer or twice a year? How often will they have to be given "booster shots?" One physician says the "shots" must be repeated every four to six weeks.

Which children among those that are inoculated with the serum would have had polio if they had not been inoculated? What effect will the injection of the "non-effective" substance have in producing polio in the children that receive it? Statistics based on such uncertainties must be equally as uncertain.

A tragic situation grew out of all the publicity the gamma globulin experiment in Houston received. The ignorant and frightened public began to demand the inoculation of their children with the serum without waiting to see how the Houston experiment came out. Here in the city of San Antonio, nearly two hundred miles from the scene of the Houston crime, the physicians were deluged with demands for the gamma globulin. Although many of them were honest enough to warn parents that it was but "a shot in the dark," and that they were "buying a pig in a poke," the frightened parents demanded the inoculation for their children anyway. Told that there is not, as yet, any proof that the gamma globulin will prevent polio, they insisted on having it for their children.

One pediatrician who was getting an average of ten calls a day for the inoculation said that, parents "seem to think it would ease their conscience should their children get polio. They can at least say they have done what they could." The abject ignorance that this statement reflects is not altogether the fault of the parents. These parents have trusted their medical advisers and have been mis-educated by them. The fact is that, several local physicians were giving their own children gamma globulin with the same idea in mind. They are as ignorant as lay parents. One pediatrician recommended "shots" only for those children who were "exposed" to polio. If the ignoramus ever stops long enough to ask the simple question: How was the first case of polio "exposed" to polio, he’ll grab his hollow needle and start inoculating every child in sight.

One physician who estimated that he was inoculating six children daily, asked: "When mothers come in and ask for it for their children, what else can we do but give it to them?" Behold the degradation of "medical science!" It is reduced to the base position of a mere panderer to the ignorant wishes of the frightened layman. The physician is no longer the trusted and expert adviser of the people— he merely keeps a supply of convalescent juice on hand and sells it to whomsoever comes to buy, just as the dry goods salesman sells any kind of cloth his customers want. The mother prescribes, the physician merely carries out her orders.

What can they do? They have frightened the wits out of the people and they have paraded their serum in the public press in the most dramatic manner for days and weeks. They created the demand and then, with an air of hurt innocence, they ask: "What can we do when the people ask for it?" I could tell the damned rascals what they could do, but I have no idea that there is enough honesty and self respect left in the profession to cause them to do it. This thing is greatly increasing their incomes and they are not going to quit it.

It is significant that the drug stores were well supplied with sufficient gamma globulin to meet the demand. Small vials containing two cc of the serum retailed at $6.75 a vial and the sales were described as "heavy." The manufacturers and sellers of the voodoo concoction were ready and willing to cash in on the publicity before the ultimate failure of the experiment becomes known. Every physician in the country is well aware that the gamma globulin will not prevent polio. But they justify their pumping of this soup into the bodies of children on the grounds, to quote the words of one San Antonio pediatrician, that "We don’t want to support any useless means and we don’t want to overlook the possibilities of its success."

The gamma globulin is not only expensive, but it is given according to the weight of the child. One pediatrician explained that the "cost for a child who weighed 100 pounds would almost be prohibitive and the shot would have to be renewed in three or four weeks." Even before the results of the experiment are known, these men already know how often they must renew the "immunization." What a lucrative source of income! Give every child expensive shots of gamma globulin every three or four weeks throughout the summer months, nation wide, and the physicians can forget about the remainder of their practices. Who would want to fritter away his time looking after typhoid cases or operating for appendicitis or bothering about oil wells, when fifty to a hundred children a day come to the office to get gamma globulin shots?

Fear was expressed that the gamma globulin supply might too soon be exhausted but the manufacturing drug houses and the local wholesale distributing firms, knowing what the publicity would do for business, had provided against this contingency in advance. They had a plentiful supply on hand in San Antonio. On July 4, a spokesman for the wholesale drug firms of San Antonio stated to the press that these firms had plenty in stock. The demand for it had increased four to five times since the outbreak of the Houston crime, but there was no shortage. Such is the foresight of good business men.
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