"Science," the Greek word for knowledge, when appended to the word "political," creates what seems like an oxymoron. For who could claim to know politics? More complicated than any game, most people who play it become addicts and die without understanding what they were addicted to. The rest of us suffer under their malpractice as our "leaders." A truer case of the blind leading the blind could not be found. Plumb the depths of confusion here.


Postby admin » Fri Dec 25, 2015 9:29 am

Chapter X - Tryall Club in Jamaica and World Commerce Corporation Successor to the German Munitions Cartels.

The genesis of the munitions cartels is found in the following quotations from H. Montgomery Hyde's book, Room 3603. Hyde's book is a biography of the experience of Sir William Stephenson during and after World War II. Stephenson was head of British Intelligence in the United States during World War II. Here is what Hyde had to say:175

(In 1946) Stephenson had gone to live in Jamaica, where he had bought a property at Hillowton, overlooking Montego Bay - "the finest house in the island," he called it. (Incidentally, it was his wife's choice). His example was followed by several of his friends, including Lord Beaverbrook, Sir William Wiseman, Noel Coward and Ian Fleming, all of whom acquired estates on Jamaica's beautiful north shore at this time. For a year or so he showed little interest in the outside world and was content to enjoy life on this island in the sun. Only gradually did he recover his interest in commerce and industry. With some of his war-time associates, such as financiers Sir Rex Benson and Sir Charles Hambro in London, General Donovan in Washington, and a number of Canadian and American industrialists like Edward Stettinius, former chairman of the U.S. Steel Corporation, he formed the British-American-Canadian Corporation, which developed into the World Commerce Corporation, originally designed to fill the void left by the break-up of the big German cartels which Stephenson himself had done much to destroy. Thus he and his colleagues on the board raised an initial $1,000,000 to help 'bridge over the breakdown in foreign exchange and provide the tools, machinery and "know how" to develop untapped resources in different parts of the world'."

The World Commerce Corporation also played a useful part in the development and rehabilitation of economically backward countries. As one American newspaper editorial put it at the time, "if there were several World Commerce Corporations, there would be no need for a Marshall Plan". Barter trade was facilitated on a massive scale. A typical transaction took place in the Balkans in 1951. Yugoslavia and Bulgaria were short of dollars and also short of medicinal drugs. But each country had about $300,000 worth of paprika on its farms. World Commerce accordingly exchanged a year's supply of penicillin and sulfa for the paprika, which they then sold on other markets. While normally working on a commission basis, the Corporation would sometimes forgo its profit if it felt it could help an impoverished or economically backward country by giving it the facilities of its international connections."

The North Jamaican Hillowton property was later transformed to Tryall, the exclusive club of John Connally, Paul Raigorodsky and many others of the cabal.

World Commerce Corporation received funds from the U.S. International Cooperation Agency and worked closely with Clay Shaw's World Trade Development Commission and Permindex's various World Trade Centers.

George DeMohrenschildt, William Dalsell and a number of the White Russians had worked for I.C.A. for a number of years. This increased DeMohrenschildt's knowledge of the subject of who was behind the conspiracy.

The following from Volume XXIV, page 642 of the official Commission evidence is especially interesting since Albert Osborne and Gordon Novel had been reported at Tryall, Jamaica on a number of occasions.

Ylario Rojas continued as follows:

The latter part of December, 1962, the Cuban visited him in Guadalajara, gave him 900 pesos ($72 U.S.), and on the instructions of the Cuban, he proceeded to Cozumel by bus, arriving there shortly after Christmas, 1962. In Cozumel, ROJAS was met by two Cubans, whose names he could not recall, and also by a Cuban woman whose first name was CRISTINA. Although he could not recall the names of the Cubans, he claimed to have them written in a notebook which he lift with DANIEL SOLIS, a municipal policeman in Cozumel, and he affirmed SOLIS would not deliver the notebook to anyone but him.

About December 20, 1962, .OSWALD; arrived in Cozumel, having proceeded there from Jamaica via Compania Mexicana de Aviation (CMA) Airlines. OSWALD, the three Cubans, and ROJAS discussed the introduction of Cuban propaganda into Mexico. During the time of these discussions, OSWALD; and the three Cubans stayed at the Hotel Playa in Cozumel and ROJAS resided at the home of DANIEL SOLIS. OSWALD; remained in Cozumel for two or three days and returned to Jamaica by air, and ROJAS and the three Cubans remained in Cozumel until about February 15, 1963, when OSWALD; again appeared in Cozumel from Jamaica and on this occasion stayed three days. The day following OSWALD'S arrival, an American by the name of ALBERT arrived from Jamaica.

ROJAS claimed the Cuban woman, CRISTINA, told him that she, the other two Cubans, OSWALD; and ALBERT had discussed the elimination of President KENNEDY. According to ROJAS, she stated OSWALD; was in favor of killing President KENNEDY, but ALBERT and the Cubans did not agree with SWALD;. ROJAS was told by CRISTINA that OSWALD; had stated to the Cubans that he and ALBERT had laid plans to eliminate the President. ALBERT had stayed at the Hotel Isleno in Cozumel and returned to the United States via Jamaica the day after his arrival in Cozumel.

ROJAS claimed to have stayed in Cozumel until early March, 1963, when he returned by bus to Guadalajara.

The officials investigating for the Commission pressured Rojas until he recanted his story. However this action on the part of the investigators is not reliable in that a large amount of hanky panky was going on in the Mexican part of the inquiry.

Some of this is reflected in Volume XIV beginning on page 621:

On March 31, 1964, GILBERTO LOZANO GUIZAR, manager of the Mexico City terminal of the Transportes Frontera bus company, Calle Buenavista No. 7, Mexico, D.F., emphatically advised that the original passenger list of manifest relating to departure No. 2 of bus No. 340 on October 2, 1963, of the Transportes Frontera bus company, is an authentic record of data pertaining to that particular trip.. . . . .

He advised that officers of the Presidential Staff appeared at the bus terminal shortly after the assassination of President KENNEDY, seeking to review passenger lists of the bus company for early October, 1963, and it was found at that time that the completed block of forms for most of the month of October, 1963, which included the above described passenger list, was still in the baggage room at the terminal prior to being discarded. He stated he had torn the October 2, 1963 manifest from the block of forms and furnished it to one of the officers. LOZANO advised that one Lieutenant ARTURO BOSCH, an investigator of the Presidential Staff, had reviewed the above manifest.

LOZANO expressed the opinion that ARTURO BOSCH had filled in the blanks in ink at the top of the form as to the time, destination, trip number, bus number, and date, and had crossed out the date 'November 1', replacing it with the notation 'October 2' which appeared on the manifest. . .

LOZANO stated the hand-printed notation appearing at the bottom of the manifest, 'Driver, DIONISIO REYNA, FCO. SAUCEDO,' was also filled in by BOSCH.

LOZANO advised that there definitely was only one section of bus No. 340 which departed Mexico City at 1:00 pm on October 2, 1963, en route to Monterrey, Mexico, and Nuevo Laredo, Mexico. He explained that the notation 'Departure 2' appearing on the top of the manifest, which he believed BOSCH had filled out, merely indicated the second departure of a Transportes Frontera bus on that particular day, October 2, 1963. The first departure of one of their buses on that day from the Mexico City terminal occurred at 9:00 am with the terminal point being Monterrey, Mexico. He stated the second departure of a Transportes Frontera bus from the Mexico City terminal on October 2, 1963, was the departure at 1:00 pm with the terminal point being Nuevo Laredo, Mexico, and the passengers on this bus were recorded on the above-mentioned manifest of October 2,1963. He stated there were three other departures on that day from the Mexico City terminal, the third departure having occurred at 3:30 pm with the terminal point being Matamoros, Tamaulipas, Mexico; the fourth departure having occurred at 9:00 pm with terminal point at Nuevo Laredo; and the fifth departure at 10:00 pm with terminal point being Cuidad Juarez, Chihuahua, Mexico. LOZANO advised the only bus operating on their line which would have arrived at Nuevo Laredo between the hours of 12:00 am and 8:00 am on October 3, 1963, is bus No. 340, which departed from the Mexico City terminal at 1:00 pm on October 2, 1963.

At another point the report goes on:

He (ALEJANDRO SAUCEDO) recalled that shortly after the assassination of President JOHN F. KENNEDY two investigators, whom he described as being with the "Policia Federal Judicial" (Federal Judicial Police), appeared at the Flecha Roja terminal, Mexico, D.F., and requested the original passenger list of bus No. 516 of September 26, 1963, for review. SAUCEDO remembered that the two investigators examined the passenger lists, filed by dates, in a storeroom at the offices of the Flecha Roja bus terminal and found the original copy for the pertinent date and borrowed same. He could not recall the names of the investigators or the exact date they appeared at the office.

SAUCEDO now recalled clearly that these two investigators, whom he could only describe as being "in their thirties," had the duplicate copy of the passenger list which apparently had been at the Flecha Roja bus terminal office in Nuevo Laredo when the trip for September 26, 1963, began.

The investigators stated they wanted the original list because the duplicated copy was not completely legible.

SAUCEDO stated they had the original and duplicate copy of the passenger manifest for Flecha Roja bus No. 516 for September 26, 1963, when they left.

SAUCEDO stated the investigators did exhibit to him government credentials, agency not recalled, and advised they were interested only in finding the passenger list for the incoming trip of bus No. 516 on September 26, 1963. When SAUCEDO asked them if they were interested in locating a departure trip, they stated they were not, explaining they had just been at the bus terminal of Transportes Frontera in Mexico, D.F., where They had located the passenger list for L. H. OSWALD'S departure from Mexico. . . . . .

During this search and review, an untied, loose bundle dated October 5, 1963, was located thrown aside in a cardboard box on the floor of the storage room outside the bin area. This bundle was reviewed and found to include passenger lists for dates September 21, 1963 to October 5, 1963, but no passenger list for bus No. 516 for September 26, 1963 was found.

The information hereinunder was furnished by T-13:

On March 24, 1963, Captain FERNANDO GUTIERREZ BARRIOS, Assistant Director of the Mexican Federal Security Police (DFS), advised that his agency had conduced no investigation in connection with the travel in Mexico of LEE HARVEY OSWALD; and did not have in its possession any passenger lists from any bus lines . . . . . 176

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Postby admin » Fri Dec 25, 2015 9:30 am

Chapter XI - Clay Shaw, Permindex director, plans a murder.

Clay Shaw, under the name of Clay or Clem Bertrand, was overheard planning the assassination of President Kennedy with David Ferrie and Bettit, alias Leon Oswald, during the middle of September, 1963, in New Orleans.

New Orleans District Attorney, Jim Garrison, produced a witness who told a three-judge criminal district court panel March 14, 1967, he heard Lee Harvey Oswald, Clay Shaw and David Ferrie plotting to assassinate President John F. Kennedy.177

Perry Raymond Russo, 25, an insurance salesman from Baton Rouge, testified he was in Ferrie's apartment in New Orleans in September, 1963, and listened to a discussion of how to kill Kennedy and make a getaway. Russo said the plot involved "triangulation of crossfire," diversionary shooting and the sacrificing of one man as a scapegoat to allow the others to escape.178

Russo, a part-time college student who lives with a younger cousin near the campus of Louisiana State University in Baton Rouge, was described as "a nice young kid" by a neighbor. A fellow student at LSU said he was "a quite type who is interested in politics."179

Under questioning by Garrison, Russo said Oswald was introduced to him as "Leon Oswald" and Shaw as "Clem Bertrand". Shown a photograph by Garrison, Russo identified Leon as Lee Harvey Oswald. Asked if Clem Bertrand was in the courtroom, Russo pointed at Shaw. At Garrison's direction, he stepped from the witness chair, walked around the defense table and held his hand over Shaw's silvery white hair. Shaw, 54, calmly smoking a cigarette, didn't move. He is the former Managing Director of the International Trade Mart in New Orleans.180

Russo said he first met Oswald at a party and the next time he saw him was in Ferrie's apartment where Oswald was "wiping or cleaning a bolt action rifle. It had a sight on it for hunting."

Garrison showed Russo a rifle and asked if it had similarities to the one Oswald held in Ferrie's apartment. Russo said: "The difference to my mind is that this end (front) was not nearly so bubble shaped." He said the weapon had the same bolt action, but a shinier stock, and its telescopic sight was larger than the one on the rifle Oswald had.181

Russo said he had seen Clay Shaw, alias Bertrand, in May, 1963, when Kennedy dedicated a new wharf in New Orleans. "I was in school," Russo said. "The President was coming down to make a speech. At that time I saw Bertrand. While the President was speaking, I was looking around. Bertrand was one of the few not looking at the President." Police estimated 20,000 people attended the dedication.182

Russo said that after he contacted Garrison following Ferrie's death, the District Attorney took him to "a house on Dauphine Street." Shaw lives at 1313 Dauphine Street. "He stuck his head out the door and I said, 'That's the man'," Russo said, referring to Bertrand.

Garrison asked, "Do you recall anything unusual happening at Ferrie's apartment in 1963?" Russo replied, "Sometime around the middle of September I went to the house and at that time there was some sort of party in progress. There were eight or nine people there. As the party dissipated, it narrowed down to three people besides myself because I had no ride home."183

Russo testified that Ferrie, 49, a free-lance pilot who was under investigation by Garrison at the time of his death, did most of the talking about the proposed assassination. Ferrie, pacing the floor, said the attempt should have three gunners in order to provide "a triangulation of cross-fire", Russo testified. He quoted Ferrie as saying that one man would have to be sacrificed as a scapegoat. Ferrie, Russo added, was to be the get-away pilot flying into Mexico to refuel for a flight to Brazil.184

Objections were raised by Bertrand, Russo said. He said Bertrand argued that as soon as the shots were fired "the world would know about it" and once the plane landed in Mexico there would be no way to get out.185 Under cross-examination by Shaw's attorneys, Russo said that when he saw Oswald in news pictures and on television after the assassination, he "could not be sure" he was Leon Oswald, the man he knew as one of the conspirators.186 Russo was asked if he thought Oswald was "Leon Oswald" when he first saw the assassin's picture. "I gave it thought, but I couldn't be positive of the man," he said. "I was not definite. It was probably the same man. It crossed my mind they were one nd the same but I could not be definite."187

"I knew Leon Oswald, who had whiskers," Russo said. "He was dirty. His hair was ruffled up."

A second witness said he saw two men - whom he now can identify as Oswald and Shaw - in conversation near Lake Pontchartrain in New Orleans in 1963. Vernon Bundy, 29, who said he was a former heroin addict, walked over to Shaw in court, put his hand over Shaw's head, and identified him as the man he saw with Oswald at the lake front. Bundy said one of the men he saw was young, the other much older. He said he heard the "young guy" ask the older man, "What am I going to tell her?"188

The witness then said the older man handed over " a roll of money or it appeared to be. The young guy put his hand in his right pocket where he had a bunch of pamphlets."189

District Attorney Garrison asked Bundy to identify the pictures. Bundy said one was of Lee Harvey Oswald, the other of "the Shaw who has been in the papers lately." Bundy said the pictures were of the same men he saw at the lake front in 1963.

Then he pointed out Shaw in the courtroom as one of them. Under questioning by Garrison, Bundy described the "Older man" he saw as "about 6-foot-1 or 6-foot-2 but I'm not sure because I'm squatting down. He was distinguished dress, gray hair." He said the younger man was "a junkie or beatnik guy. He was nasty. He needed a haircut and a shave. In fact, he needed everything."190

Asked if a man named Layton Martens was Ferrie's roommate at the time, Russo answered, "No sir." Asked what was the name of the roommate, Russo replied, "The roommate at the Louisiana Avenue Parkway apartment was Leon Oswald."191

Layton Martens' name as David Ferrie's roommate was supplied by Clay Shaw, alias Clay Bertrand, through his attorneys at the hearing. Layton Martens bore a resemblance to Lee Harvey Oswald according to the evidence developed in the Clay Shaw proceedings.192

Russo said he saw Oswald at the apartment three or four times. Asked the last time he saw him there, Russo said, "In the middle of October or late September, 1963."193

There are two compelling reasons to believe that Seymour and not Lee Harvey Oswald was the participant in the conspiracy conversation overheard by Russo. First, Russo testified that the Leon Oswald involved in the conversation with Ferrie and Bertrand was the roommate of David Ferrie. It is unquestionable at the time in question, Lee Harvey Oswald was living with his wife and daughter on Magazine Street in New Orleans. Secondly, Lee Harvey Oswald was rather neat and usually clean and clean-shaven, whereas the Leon Oswald at Ferrie's apartment was dirty, unshaven and at least, poorly groomed.

The State of Louisiana during Shaw's trial produced over fourteen witnesses who said that in the latter part of August or the early part of September, 1963, Lee Harvey Oswald, Clay Shaw and David Ferrie went to Jackson, Louisiana, a small town located not far from Baton Rouge, Louisiana. While in Jackson, he (Oswald) talked to witnesses in reference to his getting a job at the East Louisiana State Hospital in Jackson, Louisiana, and registering to vote in that parish so as to get the job.

Witnesses were produced who talked to Lee Harvey Oswald or someone masquerading as him.

The state proved that shortly thereafter, still in late August or early September, 1963, the defendant, Clay L. Shaw, Lee Harvey Oswald and David W. Ferrie drove into Clinton, Louisiana, which is very close to Jackson, in a black Cadillac, parking the Cadillac near the Voter Registrar's office on St. Helena Street.

While the defendant, Clay L. Shaw and David Ferrie remained in the car, Lee Harvey Oswald got out of the car and got in line with a group of people who were waiting to register.194

The witnesses testified that they saw the black Cadillac parked in front of the Registrar's office and identified the defendant, Clay L. Shaw, Lee Harvey Oswald and David W. Ferrie as the individuals in that car.

Garrison introduced documentary evidence that during the year 1966, the U.S. Post Office letter carrier for that route delivered at least five letters to Clay Shaw's address which were addressed to "Clem Bertrand," the name used by the defendant at the meeting between himself, David Ferrie and William Seymour in Ferrie's apartment in mid-September 1963. None of the letters addressed to "Clem Bertrand" were ever returned to the postal authorities for any reason.195

On cross-examination, testimony of Clay Shaw at this trial in New Orleans on February 27, 1969 connected Walter Jenkins and tied the Rome and Swiss corporations into American subsidiaries and showed them active during the murder. The pertinent testimony follows:

Q. Do you know Tommy Cox of Dallas, Tex?

A. Yes, I met him in New Orleans around Mardi Gras some 10 years ago. He was an occasional visitor here and we corresponded.

Q. Have you ever visited Dallas?

A. Yes. The last time in 1966. . .

Tommy Cox had previously told investigators that Clay Shaw and Walter Jenkins were close personal friends and he furnished pictures of the two of them together.

A. The Witness Clay Shaw, said he decided to take a two-week vacation at that time and was scheduled to speak at the San Francisco World Trade Building and 'needless to say, on the morning of Nov. 22, no speech was given.'

Q. How were these arrangements made, Mr. Shaw?

A. By telephone.

Q. Who did you make the arrangements with?

A. A Mr. J. Monroe Sullivan. May I refresh my memory? It was Mr. J. Monroe Sullivan, Managing Director of the San Francisco World Trade Center. . . .

The World Trade Center is the English language translation of Centro Mondiale Comerciale, the Rome alter ego of Permindex and of course, the World Trade Centers visited by Shaw on the dates of and surrounding the assassination were subsidiaries of Centro Mondiale Comerciale and Permindex. Shaw also testified that he met World Trade Center official, Fred Vanderhurst in Los Angeles, Jim Dondson and Charles Walton in San Francisco and a few days later, Mr. and Mrs. Patrick O'Rourke in Chicago.

During the two years in which the Shaw case was pending and at the ancillary proceedings and final trial, J. Edgar Hoover furnished Shaw's defense with witnesses, investigators and propaganda. Without the immense effort by J. Edgar Hoover on Shaw's behalf, there is little question that the prosecution would have succeeded. History has recorded the first instance of the head of a major Federal law enforcement agency manning the defense in a State criminal case.

Hoover's actions in providing the Shaw defense is cogent evidence of his own guilt and this evidence is recognized in all courts of law as proof.
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Postby admin » Fri Dec 25, 2015 9:31 am

Chapter XII - William Seymour, Agent for the Defense Industrial Security Command Participates in a Murder.

William Seymour came out of the rear of the Depository Building about fifteen minutes after the assassination, ran around the building across Dealey Plaza to enter a car and take flight. Gordon Novel, the other fabricated Oswald, has been shown to have been elsewhere at the times in question. All of the following is taken from the Warren Commission evidence.

A witness, J.R. Worrel, at the time of the shooting was in the general area across Elm Street from the Depository Building. He saw the gun being fired from the sixth floor window but did not get a look at him while he was firing.

After the shooting, Worrel remained in the vicinity for a while and then proceeded across Elm Street continuing straight ahead and traversed the east side of the Depository Building along Houston Street. Shortly after he arrived at the rear of the Depository Building, a man Worrel identified as Lee Harvey Oswald hurried out of the rear door to the first floor of the Depository Building, ran to the west corner of the building and turned to the south disappearing behind the west side of the Depository Building in the direction of the Dealey Plaza Lawn and Elm Street.

Dallas County Officer, Roger Craig, saw Seymour coming from the west side of the Depository and cross the Dealey Plaza Lawn to enter a car on Elm street. Officer Craig heard Seymour whistle loudly as he came across the lawn. Officer Craig was the last person to see Seymour and he testified before the Commission as follows:

Mr. Belin: Now, about how many minutes was this after the time that you had turned that young couple over to Lummie Lewis that you heard this whistle?

Deputy Sheriff Roger D. Craig: Fourteen or fifteen minutes.

Craig: Yes.

Belin: Was this you mean after the shooting?

Craig: After the - from the time I heard the first shot.

Belin: All right.

Craig: Yes. So I turned and - uh - saw a man start to run down the hill on the north side of Elm Street, running down toward Elm Street.

Belin: And, about where was he with relation to the School Book Depository Building?

Craig: Uh - directly across that little side street that runs in front of it. He was on the south side of it.

Belin: And he was on the south side of what would be an extension of Elm Street, if Elm Street didn't curve down into the underpass?

Craig: Right, right.

Belin: And where was he in relation to the west side of the School Book Depository Building?

Craig: Right by the - uh - well, actually, directly in line with the west corner - the southwest corner.

Belin: He was directly in line with the southwest corner of the building?

Craig: Yes.

Belin: And he was on the south curve of that street that runs right in front of the building there?

Craig: Yes.

Belin: And he started to run toward Elm Street as it curves under the underpass?

Craig: Yes, directly down the grassy portion of the park.

Belin: All right. And then what did you see happen?

Craig: I saw a light-colored station wagon driving real slow, coming west on Elm Street from Houston. Uh - actually, it was nearly in line with him. And the driver was leaning to his right looking up the hill at the man running down.

Belin: Uh-huh.

Craig: And the station wagon stopped almost directly across from me. And - uh - the man continued down the hill and got in the station wagon. And I attempted to cross the street. I wanted to talk to both of them. But the - uh - traffic was so heavy I couldn't get across the street. And - uh - they were gone before I could ---

Belin: Where did the station wagon head?

Craig: West on Elm St.

Belin: Under the triple underpass?

Craig: Yes.

Belin: Could you describe the man you saw running down toward the station wagon?

Craig: On, he was a white male in his twenties, five nine, five eight, something like that; about 140 to 150, had kind of medium brown sandy hair, you know, it was like it'd been blown - you know, he'd been in the wind or something - it was all wild looking; had on -ju - blue trousers.

Belin: What shade of blue? Dark blue, medium or light?

Craig: No; medium, probably; I'd say medium. And, a - uh - light tan shirt, as I remember it.

Belin: Anything else about him?

Craig: No, nothing except that he looked like he was in an awful hurry.

Belin: What about the man who was driving the car?

Craig: Now, he struck me, as being a colored male, He was very dark complected, had real dark short hair, and was wearing a thin white-looking jacket - uh , it looked like the short wind-breaker type, you know, because it was real thin and had the collar that came out over the shoulder (indicating with hands) Like that - just a short jacket.

Belin: You say that he first struck you that way. Do you think that he was a Negro?

Craig: Well, I don't - I didn't get a real good look at him. But my first glance at him I was more interested in the man coming down the hill - but my first glance at him he struck me as a Negro.

Belin: Is that what your opinion is today?

Craig: Well, I - I couldn't say, because I didn't get a good enough look at him.

Belin: What kind and what color station wagon was it?

Craig: It was light colored - almost - uh - it looked white to me.

Belin: What model or make was it?

Craig: I thought it was a Nash.

Belin: Why would you think it was a Nash?

Craig: Because it had a built-in luggage rack on the top.

And - uh - at that time, this was the only type car I could fit with that type luggage rack.

Belin: A Nash Rambler - is that what you're referring to?

Craig: Yes; with a rack on the back portion of the car, you know.

Belin: Did it have a Texas license plate or not?

Craig: It had the same color. I couldn't see the - uh - name with the numbers on it. I could just barely make them out. They were at an angle where I couldn't make the numbers of the -uh- any of the writing on it. But - uh - I'm sure it was a Texas plate . . .

Belin: Anything else about the assassination that you think might be important that we haven't discussed here?

Craig: No; except - uh - except for the fact that it came out later that Mrs. Paine does own a station wagon and -uh- it has a luggage rack on top. And this came out, of course, later, after I got back to the office. I didn't know about this. Buddy Walthers brought it up. I believe they went by the house and the car was parked in the driveway.

Seymour and the dark complected driver vanished under the same underpass the stricken President passed through and Seymour remains at large.

At 5:30 pm the same day, Craig went to City Hall where Lee Harvey Oswald was being questioned and identified Oswald as the man running across the lawn who entered the Nash automobile.

While at City Hall, Craig or Fritz asked Oswald who owned the Nash (which Seymour had entered). Oswald inadvertently revealed that he was aware of Seymour's impersonation when Oswald replied, "That station wagon belongs to Mrs. Paine. Don't try to tie her into this. She had nothing to do with it."

At the time Craig saw the person whom he thought to be Oswald and who, in fact, was Seymour leaving the scene of the assassination. Oswald was taking a bus and cab to his room in Oak Cliff. The Commission found this to be so and the evidence sustaining the whereabouts of Lee Harvey Oswald at this time is substantial.

Seymour and the dark complected driver had gone to his rendezvous as had Emilio Santana and Manuel Gonzales, the other gunmen who had fired from the stockade fence on Dealey Plaza and the Dal-Tex Building.

Oswald, himself, was calm and unhurried in his trip from the Depository Building to his room but after a police car honked in front of his rooming house, his actions changed to indicate some type of involvement.

After knowing of the assassination, Oswald was calm and unhurried. According to the reconstruction of time and events which the Commission found most credible, Lee Harvey Oswald left the building approximately three minutes after the assassination. He walked east on Elm Street for seven blocks to the corner of Elm and Murphy where he boarded a bus which was heading back in the direction of the Depository Building, on its way to the Oak Cliff section of Dallas.

When Oswald was apprehended, a bus transfer marked for the Lakewood-Marsalis route was found in his shirt pocket. The transfer was dated "Fri. Nov. 22, '63" and was punched in two places by the bus driver. McWatters, a bus driver, was able to testify that the transfer had been issued by him on a trip which passed a checkpoint on St. Paul and Elm Streets at 12:36 pm.

McWatters was sure that he left the checkpoint on time and he estimated that it took him three to four minutes to drive three blocks west from the checkpoint to Field Street, which he reached at about 12:40 pm. McWatters' recollection is that he issued this transfer to a man who entered his bus just beyond Field Street. About two blocks later, he got off the bus. The man was on the bus approximately four minutes.

Riding on the bus was an elderly woman, Mary Bledsoe, who confirmed the evidence of the transfer. Oswald had rented a room from Mrs. Bledsoe about six weeks before, on October 7th. On November 22nd, Mrs. Bledsoe came downtown to watch the Presidential motorcade. She boarded the Marsalis bus at St. Paul and Elm Streets to return home. Mrs. Bledsoe stated that she was certain it was Oswald; who boarded the bus.

William Whaley, a taxicab driver, told his employer on Saturday morning, November 23rd, that he recognized Oswald from a newspaper photograph as a man whom he had driven to the Oak Cliff area the day before. The man asked, "May I have the cab?", and got into the front seat. Whaley described the ensuing events as follows; "And about that time, an old lady, I think she was an old lady, I don't remember nothing but her sticking her head down past him in the door and said, 'Driver, will you call me a cab down here?' She had seen him get this cab and she wanted one, too, and he opened the door a little bit like he was going to get out and he said, 'I will let you have this one, ' and she said, 'No, the driver can call me one'."

On November 22nd, Oswald told Captain Fritz that he rode a bus to a stop near his home and then walked to his rooming house. When queried the following morning concerning a bus transfer found in his possession, he admitted receiving it. And when interrogated about a cab ride, Oswald also admitted that he left the slow-moving bus and took a cab to his rooming house.

The Greyhound Bus Station at Lamar and Jackson Streets, where Oswald entered Whaley's cab, is three to four blocks south of Lamar and Elm. If he was discharged at Neely and Beckley and walked directly to his rooming house, he would have arrived there about 12:50 to 1:00 pm. From the 500 block of North Beckley, the walk would be a few minutes longer, but in either event he would have been in the rooming house at about 1:00 pm. This is the approximate time he entered the rooming house, according to Earlene Roberts, the housekeeper there.

While Oswald was in the house, Mrs. Earlene Roberts, his housekeeper, testified that a police car containing two men drove up and honked.

Ball: When was that? (Police car honking)

Mrs. Roberts: He came in the house. (Oswald)

Ball: When he came in the house?

Mrs. Roberts: When he came in the house and went to his room....

Ball: Yes.

Mrs. Roberts: Right direct in front of that door - there was a police car stopped and honked. . . .

Ball: You mean, it was not the car of the policemen you knew?

Mrs. Roberts: It wasn't the police car I knew, because their number was 170 and it wasn't 170 . . .

Ball: Where was it parked?

Mrs. Roberts: It was parked in front of the house . . .

Dr. Goldberg: Which way was the car facing?

Mrs. Roberts: It was facing north.

Dr. Goldberg: Toward Zangs?

Mrs. Roberts: Towards Zangs . . .

Ball: Did this police car stop directly in front of your house?

Mrs. Roberts: Yes - it stopped directly in front of my house. . . .

Ball: Where was Oswald when this happened?

Mrs. Roberts: In his room.

Ball: You remembered the number of the car?

Mrs. Roberts: I think it was - 106, it seems to be like it was 106 . . .

Ball: Did you report that number to anyone, did you report this incident to anyone?

Mrs. Roberts: Yes, I told the FBI and the Secret Service both when they was out there . .

Ball: Did you say there were two uniformed policemen in the car?

Mrs. Roberts: Yes, and it was in a black car. It wasn't an accident squad car at all.

Ball: Were there two uniformed policemen in the car?

Mrs. Roberts: Oh, yes.

Ball: And one of the officers sounded the horn?. . . .

Oswald then left the house and the Commission found he killed Dallas Police Officer Tippit about a mile from the room. Although there is compelling evidence that someone else killed Tippit, the Commission cited sufficient evidence to sustain their conclusion.

At approximately 1:15 pm, Tippit, who was cruising west on 10th Street, passed the intersection of 10th and Patton about eight blocks from where he had reported at 12:54 pm. About one hundred feet past the intersection, Tippit stopped a man walking east along the south side of Patton. The man was bushy headed and stocky built. Tippit stopped the man and called him to his car.

The bushy headed and stocky man approached the car and apparently exchanged words with Tippit through the right front or vent window.

Tippit got out and started to walk around the front of the car. As Tippit reached the left front wheel, the man pulled out a revolver and fired several shots. The bullets hit Tippit and killed him instantly . The gunman started back toward Patton Avenue, ejecting the empty cartridge cases and leaving them to later inculpate Oswald.

About twelve persons saw the man with the revolver in the vicinity of the Tippit crime scene at or immediately after the shooting. By the evening of November 22nd, seven of them had refused to identify Lee Harvey Oswald in police lineups as the man they saw.

Several said the murderer was short and squat - Oswald was thin and medium height - and another said that two men were involved. The Warren Commission's own chronology of Oswald's movements fails to allow him sufficient time to reach the scene of Tippit's murder from the Book Depository Building.

Four cartridges were found at the scene of the slaying.

Revolvers do not eject cartridges, so when someone is shot, you don't later find gratuitous cartridges strewn over the sidewalk - unless the murderer deliberately takes the trouble to eject them.

Of the four cartridges found at the scene, two were Winchesters and two were Remingtons - but of the four bullets found in Officer Tippit's body, three were Winchesters and one was a Remington.

The real killer of Tippit hid in a cavernous building at the corner of Tenth and Crawford which in 1963 was known as the Abundant Life Temple. In an aerial view of the area, the Commission traced the killer's escape path from the scene near Tenth and Patton to Jefferson Boulevard one block south, thence to the Texaco service station one block west at Jefferson and Crawford.

A "white jacket" was found at the rear of the station, which the Commission said was Oswald's. Consequently it had to have the killer reverse his path so as to bring him back onto Jefferson. The killer proceeded straight ahead from the rear of the Texaco station, across an alley and into the rear door of the Abundant Life Temple. This view is corroborated by police radio logs.

Shortly after 1:40 pm, Sergeant Hill came on the air: "A witness reports that he last was seen in the Abundant Life Temple about the 400 block. We are fixing to go in and shake it down."

On an alternate channel, Car 95 ordered, "Send me another squad over here to Tenth and Crawford to check out this church basement."

The Texas Theatre is on the north side of Jefferson Boulevard, approximately fourteen blocks from the scene of the Tippit shooting and twelve blocks from where several witnesses last saw Tippit's killer running toward the Abundant Life Church one block north of Jefferson.

At 1:45 pm, patrol cars bearing at least fifteen officers converged on the Texas Theatre. Patrolman M.N. McDonald, with Patrolmen R. Hawkins, T.A. Hutson and C.T. Walker, entered the front door and searched the balcony. The man arrested was Oswald.

He was sitting alone in the rear of the main floor of the theatre near the right center aisle. About six or seven people were seated on the theater's main floor and an equal number in the balcony.

McDonald gave the binding proof that Oswald could not have murdered Tippit. Oswald snapped the trigger and his gun could not fire because the firing pin was broken. Oswald's pistol could not fire so he could not have killed Tippit a few minutes before his arrest in possession of the useless pistol which could not be fired under any circumstances.

There is a rule of evidence in American jurisprudence concerning a pattern of events showing a design or plan. "A design, plan or intention may be evidenced circumstantially by conduct showing it. The kinds of conduct usable for this purpose are infinite in variety. In general, however, it may be said that any act which under the circumstances and in the light of experience would indicate a probable design is admissible."

Every experienced trial lawyer and criminal investigator is well versed in the doctrine of "the Red Herring". The oldest and most common of tactics is the employment of a device or artifice in leading the minds of pursuers of the true facts, whoever they might be, from the trail of logic leading to the perpetrator of an unlawful act. Such arts and wiles have been with the human race since there has been one. The devices may vary but their pattern never does.

It appears that the first and principle red herring in the present case was Lee Harvey Oswald. The various actions of Oswald, Seymour and Novel were designed to lead anyone looking at them to take the actions as all being the actions of Oswald and thus, lead the investigators to believe Oswald was the perpetrator in the assassination of President Kennedy and that he was acting alone.

It further appears that the second and substitute red herring was to go into effect only in the event it should be discovered that a conspiracy existed. The various connections of Oswald with the pro-Castro organization and Seymour with the anti-Castro Cubans and others was likely designed to lead a false trail of evidence to suspects other than the person or persons responsible.

In any event, it is not necessary that the theory of the secondary red herring be correct in order to convict Seymour for the murder of President Kennedy. Seymour was weaving a web of culpatory evidence tying Oswald to the assassination for at least five months before it occurred.

Seymour first appeared in the evidence of Attorney Dean Andrews in New Orleans during June and July of 1963. On June 5th, President Kennedy at a meeting with the Vice President and the Governor of Texas agreed to come to Texas during the latter part of November, 1963. After June 5th, the planned trip became known in many quarters.

Andrews said Seymour was asking about getting his wife's citizenship papers and changing Marine Corps discharge papers. He was accompanied by two Mexican Americans who were apparent homosexuals. Andrews said Seymour was the "real guy" who killed the President. Seymour visited Pe a's bar in New Orleans in company with a Latin man and became ill after drinking too much. This occurred around the middle of August, 1963.

On September 17th or 18th, he appeared in Mexico City in the company of a Negro and Latin man and the discussed killing of someone was heard and a large sum of money was passed to Seymour.

On September 25th, he was seen in Austin, Texas by three witnesses and Seymour told one of them he had been to Governor John Connally's office. On the night of the same day, a man impersonating Oswald called the leader of the Socialist Labor Party in Houston.

On the night of September 26th or 27th, Seymour was a visitor under the name Leon Oswald to anti-Castroite, Mrs. Sylvia Odio and her sister in Dallas. He was accompanied by Leopoldo again and a third man called Angelo.

Leopoldo told the two women "Leon Oswald" had spoke of the possibility of assassinating Kennedy and that Leon had been in the Marine Corps and was a crack shot. This evidence standing alone is sufficient enough to convict all three of a conspiracy.

Seymour and Novel were seen with Jack Ruby in the Carousel Club and other places in Dallas in October and November by such a large number of witnesses, the investigators could not locate and list them all. However, a large number testified to seeing them together and a Dallas attorney overheard them discussing Seymour's assassination of another person.

Seymour impersonated Oswald in an attempt to connect Oswald to a rifle by using his name at a gun shop in Irving. He tried to show Oswald was expecting a large sum of money by saying he was while trying out a car in Dallas. He appeared at a grocery store as Oswald and at a barber shop he made leftist remarks. During the barber shop, furniture store and grocery store appearances, in Irving, Texas, he was accompanied by Marina or a woman impersonating her. Seymour gave the name Oswald and attempted to cash a large check at the grocery store.

Seymour, as was necessary, kept his rifle practice dates to sharpen his precision for the assignment. As the dates for President Kennedy's visit drew near, Seymour's rifle practice sessions increased and two a day were not unusual. The number of disinterested witnesses to his practice sessions were overwhelming. A "sporterized Mauser" was used by Seymour in many of the target practice appearances.

A Mauser was brought to the School Book Depository Building, and Truly and two employees were seen with it two days before the assassination. The five police officers who first discovered the rifle on the sixth floor of the Depository Building after the murder described it as a 7.65 Mauser.

Eyewitnesses described an assassin firing from the sixth floor of the Depository Building at the moment President Kennedy was killed as resembling Lee Harvey Oswald. Lee Harvey Oswald was shown in a picture taken as the shots were being fired to be standing at the entrance to the Depository Building. Witnesses further proved that Oswald did not come downstairs past the fifth floor before Baker and Truly met him on the second floor.

Then the cheek and hand paraffin test was given Oswald and it proved he had not fired a rifle. The cheek test was negative.

After the assassination, a witness sees a man resembling Oswald come out the rear of the Depository Building and run around the building towards Dealey Plaza. Deputy Sheriff Craig sees the man coming from behind the building, crossing Dealey Plaza and entering an automobile which drove under the triple underpass and disappeared from view. Craig identified the person as Lee Harvey Oswald but Oswald was definitely established to have been well into his bus trip to the room on Beckley and away from the scene of the assassination at the time.

There are many rules of evidentiary law which apply, especially to the facts in Seymour's case. First, the rule which provides that if a party fabricates evidence, the act of fabrication may be used against him to show a consciousness of guilt. Next, the guilty actions or conduct of a party may be shown as evidence of guilty knowledge. Then, when a party takes flight or avoids detection, this too may be shown as evidence of a guilty conscious and of guilty knowledge. Also, when circumstances are shown which lead to no other conclusion but the guilt of the party, no direct evidence is necessary.

However, in Seymour's case the direct evidence of eyewitnesses who saw him in the act of shooting the President of the United States had been documented.
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Postby admin » Fri Dec 25, 2015 9:32 am


Suppressed in the Archives are two Commission Documents which corroborate the large portion of facts contained herein.

They are:

1. Fascists and Nazis today, Albin Michel, Paris
Document No. 1096

2. Bundesnachrichtendienst file
Document No. 597

In letters smuggled from jail, Jack Ruby constantly said that Nazis and Fascists were behind the Kennedy murder. Ruby was much more knowledgeable about the conspiracy than most.

On September 9, 1965, in Judge Louis Holland's court, Ruby disregarded his lawyers who were telling him to be quiet and declared that there was a conspiracy in high places behind Kennedy's assassination. Various news reports related that he said "people in high places" had suppressed information about Oswald and about Ruby; said, as his lawyers tried to push TV microphones away from his face, "The world has the right to hear the truth"; said that Oswald knew Kennedy was coming to Dallas even before Kennedy knew it and that newsmen should search "in the high sources of our political government" to find out how Oswald got a job at the Depository on the motorcade route; said that the full story of the assassination would not come out because "unfortunately some people in high places had so much to gain by putting me in this position", and when asked to elaborate on this, said that the results of the lie detector test had not been divulged, and said that there was a "terrible conspiracy" behind Kennedy's death and he, Ruby, "happened to be a scapegoat to walk into a trap and make that possible."

Ruby's lawyer Sam Houston Clinton says that during a routine hearing he believes was on March 31, 1966, he was seated beside Ruby, and that a reporter stuck a mike in front of Ruby, whereupon Ruby said that people just didn't understand and that if he ever got a chance to tell his story, they would know that "if Adlai Stevenson had been Vice President, Kennedy would still be alive today."

After Ruby died, the Associated Press' Bernard Gayzer reported his accusations against the Nazis and Fascists and added, "Jack Ruby also complained that his cancer was induced secretly in jail. . . . (He) was certain it had been injected into him." New fragments of the story were published elsewhere.

The St. Paul (Minn.) Dispatch reported that one of its columnists, Bill Diehl, had bought a letter Ruby had written from his jail cell. The seller: Charles Hamilton Autographs, Inc. in New York, which in turn reportedly bought it and four or five others like it, from a jail trusty, Thomas E. Miller. In Diehl's letter, the paper said, Ruby wrote that Johnson "found me as the perfect setup for a frame. Remember they had the President killed, and now with me in the picture, they'll make it look as though Castro or the Russians had it done. Remember the only one who had all to gain was Johnson himself. Figure that out. "

This report is not to criticize actions on the part of anyone. It is simply a report of the facts with full documentation. The actions of the participants stand as criticism enough for their various roles in the illegal and immoral affair, and James Earl Ray's report that federal agents killed Dr. King is compelling evidence that the organization was still going about its objective in 1969 in the same ruthless manner and using the same modus operandi as is revealed in this document.

It should be pointed out, that during a few years following John Kennedy's murder, the crime rate in the United States had more than doubled. Public opinion surveys during the time reflected about 80% of the people did not believe the Warren Commission Report. The general public felt someone or some group had been behind the murder of John F. Kennedy and the guilty ones had not been punished. Such an attitude on the part of the public leads to a gradual breakdown of law, order and morals of the society.

All Penal Codes in the history of nations have set out a twofold purpose. The number one and cardinal purpose of a Penal Code is to deter crime. The secondary purpose is to reform the offender. There is a basic reason for deterrence of crime to be the principle purpose of a criminal code. That is, those who are inclined to commit crime view the prosecution of all criminal acts of others and they are not willing to face the consequences when their own prosecution seems certain. Therefore, crime is reduced and thus deterred.

However, when the head of the National Police Agency joins with a handful of other government leaders and they both in turn throw in with crime to murder a president, (and the people have an uneasy feeling that something of this nature has taken place) it is only natural that crime and violence increase. The basic deterrent to crime has broken down.

Also, the national morals by way of osmosis are gradually lowered and a hardness and cynicism develops among the people which allows lower and lower moral standards in the society affected. Thus the United States has had reports of murder by the Southeastern Asian Command of the Green Berets of hundreds of agents employed by them. These murders were carried out in violation of all codes of moral conduct only on the whims or suspicions of the Green Berets that the murdered Beret agents did not measure up to what the command felt was proper behavior. The reports included that Mafia type weighting of the murdered bodies and dumping them into the South China Sea occurred. No punishment was afforded the guilty U.S. personnel for their acts.

The reports on the regular news media of a Mafia type operation by the Generals and Master Sergeants in the Pentagon on a world wide basis involving millions of dollars in kickbacks and rake-offs drew very little interest or criticism.

During the last years of the Johnson administration, crime after crime among officials was reported across the land.

Jack Kennedy's last executive order stated that 1,000 troops would be brought home from Viet Nam by Christmas, 1963. The dispatch reported this would leave 11,000 non-combatants in Viet Nam, all of which would be removed by the end of 1964. Thus, in his last official act, the slain President evidenced his opposition to involving ourselves in the Southeastern Asia civil wars.196

Less than one year after Kennedy's death, responsible Senators reported the Johnson administration staged a false incident in the Tonkin Gulf. The U.S. went to war. The munitions makers and their police force, the Defense Industrial Security Command, were well paid.

Then, in 1969, there came to light that, during the last year of Johnson's Commander-in-Chief status, in March of 1968 to be exact, a Viet Nam order to destroy certain villages and to kill the inhabitants. An army photographer who observed one of the massacres was Sergeant Ronald L. Haeberle. He said:

At about 5:30 in the morning of March 16, I left where I was stationed, Duc Pho, by helicopter for Task Force Barker. That is an outlying area from the base camp. I was supposed to hook up here with C Company. I hooked up with C Company at 6 or 6:30 . . around sunrise.

No one really explained the mission, but from what I heard from the men, it was suspected that these villagers were Viet Cong sympathizers and it was thought there were Viet Cong there . . . I was going in with the second group of men . . .

We landed in the rice paddies and I heard gunfire from the village itself, but we were still on the outside of the village.

There were some South Vietnamese people, maybe 15 of them, women and children included, walking on a dirt road maybe 100 yards away. All of a sudden, the GI's just opened up with M16's. Besides the M16 fire, they were shooting at the people with M79 grenade launchers. I couldn't believe what I was seeing.

As they moved in, closer to the village, they just kept shooting at people. I remember this man distinctly, holding a small child in one arm and another child in the other, walking toward us. They saw us and were pleading. The little girl was saying, 'no no' in English. Then all of a sudden a burst of fire and they were cut down. They were about 20 feet away. One machine gunner did it. He'd opened up . . .

I had been on the ground maybe 45 minutes at this point. Off to the left, a group of people, women, children and babies, were standing around. The machine gunner was standing in front of them with the ammo bearer and all of a sudden I heard this fire and here this machine gunner had opened up on all these people in the big circle and they were trying to run. I don't know how many got out . . .

The some GI's went over to a pile where there were four people and one GI leaned over a guy who was still alive and finished him.

There were two small children, a very young boy and a smaller boy, maybe 4 or 5 years old. A guy with an M16 fired at them, at the first boy, and the older boy fell over to protect the smaller boy . . Then they fired six more shots and just let them lie.

I left the village around 11 o'clock that morning. I saw clumps of bodies and I must have seen as many as 100 killed. It was done very businesslike.

Haeberle said he later saw a news story of C Company's operation in the hamlet, listing a large number of Viet Cong killed.

Horrible pictures kept coming: of American boys with belching machine guns killing over 560 human beings in just one village; of burning homes in Viet Nam; of a five year old putting his arm around his little brother as the bullets struck; of innocent dead babies and small children and more dead babies held by their dead mothers; the grotesque stacks of human bodies of civilians, women and children totally reminiscent of the Nazi massacres and atrocities of World War II; and of a mother begging for the lives of her five children and in the next instant, the bullets slamming into the entire family group; and of U.S. soldiers dropping prisoners of war from airplanes to their deaths in order to obtain confessions from their fellow prisoners.197

Reports kept coming in of one atrocity after another being committed by American boys under command level orders. The Pentagon had brutalized our young men but the Pentagon would try a scapegoat or two and salve the American conscience. The was not sufficient.

A purgative from within will be needed to restore a moral balance to the Nation. The arrest, trial and punishment of the individuals guilty of the assassination of President John F. Kennedy are the only steps which would provide that purgative. Aristotle the Greek said "Tragedy moves from pity - to terror - to cleansing catharsis." Pity was all evident immediately after the President's death. Terror in the late 1960's followed. Only cleansing catharsis by application of the criminal laws to the high and low alike in the cabal will restore the former high collective national conscience.

Law and order return after the catharsis.
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Postby admin » Fri Dec 25, 2015 9:32 am


The author is a lawyer in the southwestern part of the United States with twenty years trial experience. For two years, he served as a prosecuting attorney in criminal cases during 1949, 1950 and part of 1951. He has engaged in both civil and criminal practices and is licensed in all state and federal courts in his areas and the court of tax appeals.

The author is a typically conservative and successful attorney belonging to the American Trial Lawyers Association, all of his area bar associations, Kiwanis and local civic clubs. He is a family man and is highly respected in the courts before which he practices. He is not critical of the Warren Commission or of any other national agency in connection with the assassination.

The author has participated in cases in the southwest where professional Mexican assassins have been used to commit political murder. He has also participated in the trial of cases in the southwest involving gunrunning activities through Mexico to Cuba, both before Castro was successful and after Castro succeeded and became the subject of overthrow by gunrunners from the southwest.

Close relatives of the gambling syndicate members have used the legal services of Torbitt in complicated cases involving tracing financial dealings of organized crime in Texas and their foreign connecting links.

More important, William Torbitt has been a member of the strong supporters of Lyndon Johnson since 1948. He supported John Connally in the gubernatorial race of 1962 and earlier was closely associated in the successful congressional race of Lloyd Bentsen in the Texas Valley adjacent to the Mexican border.

Torbitt was also a key political backer of Texas Governor, Allan Shivers.

The author remained close to the conservative Connally-Johnson political organization and was personally acquainted with most of the people he writes about until he left them in 1963.

Torbitt remains active in Texas Valley - Mexico border politics but at a subdued pace. During his term as prosecutor, he was deeply involved in the investigations and prosecutions of the gambling syndicate and Mafia operations in Texas.

Except for five years foreign service in the U.S. Navy during World War II, Torbitt is a life long resident of Texas. He holds his law degree from the University of Texas at Austin.

The author says "The Fascist cabal who assassinated John Kennedy planned to lay the blame on honest right-wing conservatives, if their first ploy, to lay the blame on Oswald and the Communists was not bought."

The author set out in this work simply to analyze, bring together and present his personal knowledge and the evidence which has been gathered by the Warren Commission, Jim Garrison and all other investigative agencies connected with the case. As is the office of a lawyer, he makes legal deductions from the evidence gathered but consistently refuses to speculate on the evidence even when some speculation is warranted. He says that speculation is a close kin to rumor and, consequently, he resorts only to those legal deductions which courts allow a lawyer to make from the court approved and documented evidence.

This work is an enlargement of a working paper furnished to Torbitt by two agents - one with the Customs Department and one other with the Narcotics Bureau. For obvious reason, their identities must be protected, but the author gives highest credit to the investigative work of the two well-informed officers.

The author especially credits the working paper of the two agents with revealing the heretofore highly secret Defense Industrial Security Command and its intelligence assignments on behalf of the munitions and aerospace manufacturers.

The fascistic totalitarian secret police agency is even stronger and more devious in 1970 and threatens our democracy, he says.198
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Posts: 36230
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Postby admin » Fri Dec 25, 2015 9:33 am


American Council of Christian Churches records, N.Y.C.

AP News Dispatch, November 20, 1963.

AP News Dispatch, November 20, 1969.

Appointment on the Moon, Richard S. Lewis, Viking Press, 1969, p. 377 et seq.

Associated Press Dispatch, August 14, 1969, St. Louis.

Basal Switzerland Publication A-Z, August, l961.

Black.v. U.S.,Supreme Court Records.

Buddy Floyd case files.

Campaign Records, 1964.

Canadian Le Devoir Publication, March 1967.

Captive City, Ovid Demaris.

C.H. I, 178, 251-252 et seq.

C.H. II, VIII, IX, X, XI and XIV, Russian exiles testimony.

C.H. V, 181 et seq.

C.H. V, 200-201.

C.H. V, Jack Ruby's Testimony.

C.H. VII, 475 et seq.

C.H. VIII, 242.

C.H. VIII, 315 et seq.

C.H. VIII, 355 et seq.

C.H. IX, 3 & 4.

C.H. IX, 23 et seq.

C.H. IX, 47 et seq.; 77 et seq.; Russian exiles testimony to the Commission.

C.H. IX, 266.

C.H. XI, 318 et seq.

C.H. XI, 367 et seq.

C.H. XIV, 315 et seq.

C.H. XIV, 542.

C.H. XIV, 615 et seq. and 599 et seq.

C.H. XV, 53.

C.H. XV, 417 et seq.

C.H. XVI, 119 et seq.

C.H. XVI, 644 et seq.

C.H. XIX, 152.

C.H. XXI, 251.

C.H. XXI, 735 et seq.

C.H. XXI, Ralph Paul and Hyman Rubenstein exhibits.

C.H. XXII, 36 et seq.; 161 et seq.

C.H. XXIII, 37 et seq.

C.H. XXIII, 76.

C.H. XXIII, 82.

C.H. XXIII, 83.

C.H. XXIII, 157 et seq.

C.H. XXIII, 159, 627.

C.H. XXIII, 161 et seq.

C.H. XXIII, 166.

C.H. XXIII, 795 et seq.

C.H. XXIII, 795, 798.

C.H. XXIII, 797 et seq .

C.H. XXIII, 925.

C.H. XXIII. 455.

C.H. XXIV, 454.

C.H. XXIV, 574.

C.H. XXIV, 595, Guest list Commercio.

C.H. XXIV, 623-624.

C.H. XXIV, 650 et seq.

C.H. XXIV, 737 et seq.

C.H. XXV, 15.

C.H. XXV, 24 et seq.

C.H. XXV, 35 et seq .

C.H. XXV, 45 et seq.

C.H. XXV, 48 et seq.

C.H. XXV, 51.

C.H. XXV, 75 et seq.

C.H. XXV, 103 et seq.

C.H. XXV, 627.

C.H. XXV, 737.

C.H. XXV, 627, Bus list.

C.H. XXVI, 407 et seq.

C.H. XXVI, 411.

C.H. XXVI, 413.

C.H. XXVI, 499.

C.H. XXVI, 634 & 650.

C.H. XXVI, 644.

C.H. XXVI, 650 et seq.

C.H. XXVI, 651.

C.H. XXVI, 652.

C.H. XXVI, 857.

C.H. XXVI. 834, et seq.

C.H. XXVI, 407 et seq.

Collier's Encyclopedia.

Dallas City Directory, 1962 through 1968; recollections, business and residential neighbors surrounding the vicinity of 600 block of Fort Worth Avenue, Dallas.

Dallas News, May 16, 1969.

Dallas Rotary Kiwanis, and Lion Club records, Dallas, Texas.

Del Charro Hotel Records, 1953 - 1963, La Jolla, California.

District Attorney Records, Southern District of Texas in U.S. vs.


Encyclopedia of Association, Gale.

Encyclopedia of National Biography, John B. Medaris.

Encyclopedia of Organizations, Tolstoy Foundation, Gale, p.__.

Farewell America, (published only in Europe).

Forgive My Grief II, Penn Jones, Jr., p. 36.

"George Smathers" by Robert Sherrill, The Nation, December 4, 1964.

Il Gornia of Milan, Italy, 1967-1968 files.

Il Tempe, Rome 1967-1968 files.

In Silence I Speak, George N. Shuster, Cudahy, Publishing Co.

Jack Martin testimony to the Warren Commission.

Jack Ruby's letter, Hamilton Autographs, N.Y.C.

Martindale-Hubble, 1962.

Membership records, B.L.F., Cleveland, Ohio.

Moody's Industrials, 1960 through 1963.

National Archives Commission Control No. 767.

National Archives, Commission Document #354.

Neighbors testimony, Herndon, Virginia.

New Orleans District Attorney Files; General Staff Files.

New Orleans District Attorney Records.

New Orleans States-Item files.

New Orleans States-Item, 4-25-67 through 5-25-67.

New Orleans States-Item, May 25, 1967.

Photographic Whitewash, Harold Weisberg, p. 24.

Public Corporation Records Office, Berne, Switzerland.

Religious Bodies of America, 1961, Revised.

Rome Paesa Sera Publication, March & April 1967, also 1959 through 1969 files.

Saturday Evening Post, August 23, 30, September 6, 1947.

Senate Rules Committee, Transcript of Testimony, Bobby Baker Case, 1964.

Six Seconds in Dallas, Josiah Thompson, pp. 227-8.

State v. Shaw, New Orleans District Court Records.

Statements of A.D. Mueller, Memphis Tennessee.

Swiss Intelligence, J. F. Kennedy files.

The Enemy Within, Bobby Kennedy.

The FBI Nobody Knows, Fred J. Cook.

The Green Felt Jungle, Reid and Demaris, p. 218.

The Grim Reapers, Ed Reid, p. 129.

The Grim Reapers, Ed Reid, p. 130.

The Grim Reapers, Ed Reid, p. 131.

The Kennedy Conspiracy, Paris Flammonde, Meredith Press, 1969, p. 215.

The Kennedy Conspiracy, Paris Flammonde, p. 28.

The Kennedy Conspiracy, Paris Flammonde, p. 219.

The Mafia, 1952, Ed. Reid.

The New Republic, December 24, 1966.

The Valachi Papers, 1968.

Theft of a Nation by Donald Cressey, 1969.

U.S. Army European Command, OUISE Section.

U.S. v. Black.

Warren Commission, 26 volumes.

Who's Who in the South and Southwest, 1963, 1964.
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Postby admin » Fri Dec 25, 2015 9:34 am



Commission Exhibit 1546, consisting of three pages from Volume XXIII of the Warren Commission XVI Volumes.


See Commission Exhibit 2195, consisting of approximately ninety-seven pages concerning Osborne found in Volume XV of the Warren Commission XVI Volumes.


Commission Exhibit 2196 from volume XV of the Warren Commission XVI Volumes
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Postby admin » Fri Dec 25, 2015 9:34 am


CIA 13, 23, 26, 31, 32, 33, 35, 46, 49

DIA 4, 23, 25, 27, 29, 39, 43, 45

FBI 4, 5, 6, 12, 13, 14, 15, 20, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 41, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 62, 72

Garrison 4, 5, 29, 31, 32, 39, 42, 45, 49, 50, 55, 56, 57, 68

Hoover 4, 5, 6, 7, 10, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 22, 24,

26, 27, 32, 33, 35, 37, 38, 39, 40, 45, 46, 48, 49, 57, 58

Johnson 4, 5, 6, 7, 13, 14, 16, 19, 20, 40, 46, 48, 50, 65, 66, 68

Kennedy 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 10, 13, 14, 16, 19, 20, 24, 25, 26, 29, 31, 32, 33, 38, 39, 40, 42, 45, 46, 47, 49, 55, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 72

OSWALD 3, 5, 6, 8, 10, 11, 14, 17, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 45, 46, 47, 48, 55, 56, 57, 59, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 68

Permindex 4, 5, 12, 13, 16, 17, 18, 19, 23, 25, 31, 35, 38, 39, 43, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 57

Ruby 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 18, 29, 30, 32, 33, 38, 39, 45, 47, 50, 64, 65, 70, 71

Shaw 5, 9, 12, 13, 14, 37, 39, 42, 48, 49, 50, 51, 55, 56, 57, 58, 72

Von Braun 5, 9, 16, 38, 48, 49
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Postby admin » Fri Dec 25, 2015 9:34 am


1 Appointment on the Moon, Richard S. Lewis, Viking Press, 1969, p. 377 et seq.; New Orleans District Attorney Records.

2 The FBI Nobody Knows, Fred J. Cook, p. --.

3 C.H. IX, 266; Encyclopedia of Organizations, Tolstoy Foundation, Gale, p.--.

4 C.H. IX, 47 et seq.; 77 et seq.; Russian exiles testimony to the Commission.

5 New Orleans District Attorney Records.

6 C.H. XXI, Ralph Paul and Hyman Rubenstein exhibits.

7 1964 Campaign Records, American Council of Christian Churches records, N.Y.C.

8 Religious Bodies of America, 1961, Revised; New Orleans District Attorney Records.

9 Jack Ruby's letter, Hamilton Autographs, N.Y.C.; C.H. XXIII, 157 et seq; C.H. XXVI, 634 & 650; Basel, Switzerland Publication A-Z, August 1961; Canadian LeDevoir Publication, March 1967; Rome Paesa Sera Publication, March & April 1967, also 1959 thru 1969 files; Il Gornia of Milan, Italy, 1967-1968 files; New Orleans District Attorney Records, Swiss Intelligence, J.F. Kennedy files.

10 C.H. XXII, 36 et seq.; 161 et seq.; New Orleans District Attorney records.

11 C.H. V, 181 et seq.; XIV, 542, XXVI, 499.

12 Guest list Commercio, C.H. XXIV, 595.

13 Bus list, C.H. XXV, p. 627.

14 District Attorney Records, Southern District of Texas in U.S. vs. McKeown.

15 C.H. XXVI, 644.

16 C.H. XXVI, 413.

17 Ibid.

18 C.H. XXVI, 411.

19 C.H. XXVI, 652.

20 Ibid.

21 Ibid.

22 Ibid.

23 Ibid.

24 Ibid.

25 Ibid.

26 Who's Who in the South and Southwest, 1963, 1964.

27 Public Corporation Records Office, Berne, Switzerland.

28 Public Corporation Records Office, Berne, Switzerland.

29 The Kennedy Conspiracy, Paris Flammonde, Meredith Press, 1969, p. 215.

30 Basel Switzerland Publication A-Z, August, 1961; Canadian Le Devoir Publication, March 1967; Rome Paesa Sera Publication, March, April, 1967, also 1959 thru 1969 files; Il Gornia of Milan, Italy, 1967-1968 files; New Orleans District Attorney Records; Swiss Intelligence, J.F. Kennedy files.

31 Ibid.

32 C.H. IX, 3 & 4, New Orleans District Attorney Records.

33 Basal Switzerland Publication A-Z, August, l961; Canadian Le Devoir Publication, March 1967; Rome Paesa Sera Publication, March, April, 1967, also 1959 thru 1969 files; Il Gornia of Milan, Italy, 1967-1968 files; Il Tempe, Rome 1967-1968 files; New Orleans District Attorney Records; Swiss Intelligence, J. F. Kennedy files.

34 Ibid.

35 Ibid.

36 Ibid.

37 Ibid; C.H. XXV, 75 et seq.

38 Ibid.

39 p. 126.

40 p. 128.

41 p. 158.

42 Associated Press Dispatch, August 14, 1969, St. Louis.

43 C.H. XXVI, 407 et seq.; C.H. XXV, 103 et seq.

44 Moody's Industrials, 1960 through 1963.

45 Encyclopedia of National Biography, John B. Medaris.

46 The Valachi Papers, 1968, Theft of a Nation by Donald Cressey, 1969.

47 New Orleans District Attorney Records.

48 The Nation, George Smathers by Robert Sherrill, December 4, 1964.

49 Martindale-Hubble, 1962.

50 The Kennedy Conspiracy, Paris Flammonde, p. 219.

51 The Grim Reapers, Ed Reid, p. 129.

52 The Grim Reapers, Ed Reid, p. 130.

53 The Grim Reapers, Ed Reid, p. 131.

54 The Grim Reapers, Ed Reid, p. 131.

55 Senate Rules Committee, Transcript of Testimony, Bobby Baker Case, 1964; U.S.v. Black; New Orleans District Attorney Records.

56 The New Republic, December 24, 1966; New Orleans District Attorney Records.

57 Black.v. U.S. Supreme Court Records.

58 New Orleans District Attorney Records; Jack Ruby's Testimony C.H. V.

59 Senate Rules Committee, Transcript of Testimony, Bobby Baker case, 1964; New Orleans District Attorney Records.

60 The Green Felt Jungle, Reid and Demaris, p. 218.

61 The Green Felt Jungle, Reid and Demaris, p. 218.

62 The Green Felt Jungle, Reid and Demaris, p. 218.

63 The Green Felt Jungle, Reid and Demaris, p. 218.

64 Dallas News, May 16, 1969.

65 Dallas News, May 16, 1969.

66 Dallas News, May 16, 1969.

67 Dallas News, May 16, 1969.

68 Dallas News, May 16, 1969.

69 Dallas News, May 16, 1969.

70 The Green Felt Jungle, Reid and Demaris; The Enemy Within, Bobby Kennedy, Farewell America, published only in Europe).

71 The Mafia, 1952, Ed. Reid.

72 The Mafia, op cit.; Theft of a Nation, op cit.

73 New Orleans District Attorney Records.

74 New Orleans District Attorney Records.

75 Appointment on the Moon, Lewis.

76 C.H. V, 200-201.

77 C.H. XXIII, 83.

78 C.H. XXIII, 82.

79 C.H. XXIII, 76.

80 Russian exiles testimony, C.H. vols 2, 8, 9, 10, 11 and 14.

81 Membership records, B.L.F., Cleveland, Ohio, Encyclopedia of Association, Gale.

82 New Orleans District Attorney Records.

83 Ibid.

84 Ibid.

85 Ibid.

86 New Orleans District Attorney Records.

87 Ibid.

88 Ibid.

89 C.H. XXIV, 454.

90 C.H. XXVI, 650 et seq.; C.H. XXIII, 157; C.H. XXVI, 634; New

Orleans District Attorney Records.

91 C.H. XVI, 644 et seq.

92 C.H. XXIII, 161 et seq.

93 C.H. XXIII, 37 et seq.; C.H. XXIII, 157 et seq.; New Orleans District Attorney Records.

94 New Orleans District Attorney Records.

95 C.H. XXI, 251; C.H. XXIII, 795, 798.

96 C.H. XXIII, 166.

97 C.H. XXIII, 166.

98 C.H. XXVI, 651.

99 Jack Martin testimony to the Warren Commission; New Orleans District Attorney Records; C.H. XXIII. 455.

100 C.H. XXIII, 797 et seq ; C.H. XXIII, 795 et seq.

101 C.H. VIII, 315; C.H. VIII, 242.

102 C.H. VIII, 315 et seq.; New Orleans District Attorney Records.

103 Encyclopedia of Association, Gale.

104 National Archives Commission Control No. 767.

105 Captive City, Demaris.

106 New Orleans District Attorney Records.

107 Buddy Floyd case files.

108 C.H. XXV, 24 et seq.

109 C.H. XXV, 24 et seq.

110 C.H. XXV, 35 et seq.

111 C.H. XXV, 45 et seq.

112 C.H. XXV, 51.

113 C.H. XV, 53.

114 C.H. XXV, 48 et seq.

115 C.H. XXV, 45 et seq.; C.H. XXIV, 650 et seq.; CH, XXVI, 407 et seq.

116 C.H. XXVI, 857, New Orleans District Attorney Records.

117 Del Charro Hotel Records, 1953 - 1963, La Jolla, California.

118 Ibid.

119 The Kennedy Conspiracy, Paris Flammonde, p. 28.

120 Ibid.

121 The Grim Reapers, Ed Reid.

122 New Orleans District Attorney Records.

123 C.H. XVI, 119 et seq.

124 C.H. XV, 417 et seq.

125 C.H. XXV, 15; C.H. XXIV, 737 et seq.

126 C.H. XXV, 737.

127 C.H. XXV, 627.

128 C.H. XXV, 627; C.H. XXIV, 574; C.H. XXVI, 651.

129 C.H. XXI, 735 et seq.; C.H. XI, 318 et seq.

130 C.H. I, 178, 251-252 et seq.; C.H. VII, 475 et seq.

131 New Orleans District Attorney Records; Warren Commission testimony.

132 New Orleans States-Item, 4-25-67.

133 New Orleans States-Item, 4-25-67 through 5-25-67; New Orleans District Attorney Records.

134 New Orleans District Attorney Records.

135 New Orleans District Attorney Records.

136 C.H. IX, 23 et seq.

137 C.H. VIII, 355 et seq.

138 C.H. XXIII, 159, 627.

139 C.H. XXVI. 834, et seq.; New Orleans District Attorney Records.

140 New Orleans District Attorney Records.

141 New Orleans District Attorney Records.

142 New Orleans District Attorney Records.

143 New Orleans District Attorney Records.

144 New Orleans District Attorney Records; Warren Commission, 26 volumes.

145 Warren Commission, 26 volumes.

146 State v. Shaw, New Orleans District Court.

147 C.H. XI, 367 et seq.

148 New Orleans District Attorney Records.

149 C.H. XXIII, 925; New Orleans District Attorney Records.

150 National Archives, Commission Document #354; New Orleans District Attorney Records.

151 New Orleans District Attorney Records; C.H. XV, 417 et seq.

152 C.H. XXIV, 454.

153 C.H. XIV, 615 et seq. and 599 et seq.; New Orleans District Attorney Records.

154 C.H. XIV, 315 et seq.; New Orleans District Attorney Records.

155 New Orleans States-Item, May 25, 1967.

156 New Orleans District Attorney Records.

157 New Orleans District Attorney Records.

158 New Orleans District Attorney Records.

159 New Orleans District Attorney Records.

160 New Orleans States-Item files.

161New Orleans District Attorney Records.

162 Photographic Whitewash, Harold Weisberg, p. 24.

163 In Silence I Speak, George N. Shuster, Cudahy, Publishing Co.

164 Saturday Evening Post, August 23, 30, September 6, 1947.

165 Ibid ; neighbors testimony, Herndon, Virginia.

166 Dallas Rotary Kiwanis, and Lion Club records, Dallas, Texas; Colliers Encyclopedia.

167 Colliers Encyclopedia.

168 op cit.

169 Dallas City Directory, 1962 through 1968; recollections, business and residential neighbors surrounding the vicinity of 600 block of Fort Worth Avenue, Dallas; Forgive My Grief II, Penn Jones, Jr., p. 36.

170 Six Seconds in Dallas, Josiah Thompson, pp. 227-8.

171 New Orleans District Attorney Records; C.H. XXV, 35 et seq ; Collier's Encyclopedia; Statements of A.D. Mueller, Memphis Tennessee.

172 Appointment on the Moon, Richard Lewis, p. --; Who's Who in the South and Southwest, 1963, 1964; New Orleans District Attorney Files; General Staff Files; U.S. Army European Command, OUISE Section.

173 Ibid.

174 C.H. XIX, 152.

175 pp. 263-264.

176 C.H. XXIV, 623-624.

177 State vs. Shaw, New Orleans District Court Records.

178 Ibid.


180 Ibid.

181 Ibid.

182 Ibid.

183 Ibid.

184 Ibid.

185 Ibid.

186 Ibid.

187 Ibid.

188 Ibid.

189 Ibid.

190 Ibid.

191 Ibid.

192 Ibid.

193 Ibid.

194 Ibid.

195 Ibid.

196 AP Dispatch, November 20, 1963.

197 AP News Dispatch, November 20, 1969.

198 missing.
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