Ralph Nader Radio Hour

When I was 14 years old, I heard Ralph Nader say that box cereal was less nutritious than the box it came in, and you'd get more nutrition out of tearing up the box and pouring sugar and milk over it, and eating that for breakfast. That's the kind of genius that Ralph Nader produces constantly, and why his ideas changed the world for Americans more than perhaps any political thinker of the late 20th century. He remains more relevant than virtually every other political thinker currently on the scene.

Ralph Nader Radio Hour

Postby admin » Fri Sep 30, 2016 9:28 pm

Ralph Nader Radio Hour
by KPFK and Ralph Nader


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Re: Ralph Nader Radio Hour

Postby admin » Fri Sep 30, 2016 9:30 pm

RALPH NADER RADIO HOUR EPISODE 123: Charles Lewis; Norm Stamper
July 23, 2016

"Facts are not quite what they used to be."
-- Charles Lewis, Author of 935 Lies: The Future of Truth and the Decline of America's Moral Integrity.

"If he does not understand why a people, a percentage of the population of this country feels little or not trust in local law enforcement, if he does not understand the historical perspective, of white cops dealing with young African-Americans in this country, then really he has no business being a public official."
-- Former police chief Norm Stamper on Rudy Giuliani's comment that Black Lives Matter is a "racist" organization."

Ralph talks to renowned investigative journalist Charles Lewis about his book 935 Lies: The Future of Truth and the Decline of America’s Moral Integrity and former police chief Norm Stamper tells us what needs to be done to repair the relationship between law enforcement and the communities they serve with his book To Protect & Serve: How to Fix America’s Police.


For the past thirty years, Charles Lewis has been a bestselling author and investigative journalist. He left a successful career as in investigative reporter for ABC News and CBS’s iconic news program “60 Minutes,” to found The Center For Public Integrity. Under his leadership, The Center published roughly three hundred investigative reports, including fourteen books, from 1989 through 2004. Its work has been honored more than thirty times by national journalism organizations. Mr. Lewis is also a tenured professor of journalism and since 2008 the founding executive editor of the Investigative Reporting Workshop at American University School of Communication in Washington DC. His latest book is entitled 935 Lies: The Future of Truth and the Decline of America’s Moral Integrity.


Norm Stamper was a police officer for thirty-four years. The first twenty-eight of those years in San Diego, California before he moved on to become the Chief of Police of the Seattle Police Department from 1994 to 2000, most notably during the protests that occurred during the WTO Ministerial Conference in 1999, otherwise known as the Battle of Seattle. His department’s response to the protests, over which he expressed regret, eventually led to his resignation. Mr. Stamper has a doctorate in Leadership and Human Behavior and is the author of many articles and op-eds, including To Protect & to Serve How to Fix America’s Police.
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Re: Ralph Nader Radio Hour

Postby admin » Fri Sep 30, 2016 10:03 pm

Breaking Through Power 2!
September 24, 2016

Ralph previews the second Breaking Through Power conference, the Super Bowl of Civic Action, with tax expert, Jon Fox, public banking advocate Ellen Brown, community cooperative founder and funder David J. Thompson, and star litigator, Shanin Specter.


John O. Fox was a tax lawyer in Washington, D.C. and a Visiting Professor at Mount Holyoke College, where he taught “Winners and Losers,” a seminar on U.S. tax policy, as well as a seminar on poverty in the United States. He also is in the process of preparing materials, that will be free online, on five 50-minute classes for high school teachers to consider using: two on the federal individual income tax, two on the federal corporate income tax, and one on Social Security and Medicare. Mr. Fox is the author of If Americans Really Understood the Income Tax and for the 2012 election 10 Tax Questions the Candidates Don’t Want You to Ask.


Ellen Brown is an attorney and the founder of the Public Banking Institute, whose vision is to establish a network of state and local publicly owned banks that create affordable credit, while providing a sustainable alternative to the current high-risk centralized private banking system. Ms. Brown is the author of a dozen books, including Web of Debt, and The Public Bank Solution.


David J. Thompson has worked for the national cooperative organizations of the United States, Britain and Japan as well as the United Nations. He was inducted into the Cooperative Hall of Fame in Washington DC in 2010 and was one of the co-op activists who worked with Ralph and Mitch Rofsky to create the National Cooperative Bank. Mr. Thompson is President of the Twin Pines Cooperative Foundation where he initiated the Cooperative Community Fund program. There are now almost 50 food co-ops throughout the USA, which operate a CCF. The CCF program is the largest equity funder of co-op development organizations in the USA. He is the author of Co-opportunity: The Rise of a Community Owned Market and Weavers of Dreams .


Shanin Specter is an attorney who has obtained more than 200 verdicts and settlements in excess of $1 million, including jury verdicts of $153 million against a major automaker and $109 million against a western Pennsylvania power company. In all, he has achieved 16 eight- or nine-figure verdicts, among them news-making cases involving medical malpractice, defective products, medical devices, premises liability, auto accidents and general negligence. Beyond winning substantial monetary compensation for his clients, many of Specter’s cases have prompted changes that provide a societal benefit, including improvements to vehicle safety, nursing and hospital procedures, the safe operation of police cars, training for the use of CPR at public institutions, and inspections, installation and maintenance of utility power lines.
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Re: Ralph Nader Radio Hour

Postby admin » Fri Sep 30, 2016 10:06 pm

September 17, 2016

"I just want to note that forty-three million young people in debt is enough to win a three-way Presidential race. So when they tell us that resistance is futile, just remember that is the toxic Kool-Aid, that is the propaganda that they are trying to use to keep people from self-mobilizing. And if ever there was a mobilizing entity, it is the Millennial generation. We have the power to turn out and even win this race. Not just split the vote, but to flip the vote."
-- Jill Stein, Green Party Presidential Candidate

We are joined this week by Green Party presidential candidate, Dr. Jill Stein,who talks with Ralph about Donald Trump, Hillary Clinton, third parties, the media, the TPP, the Presidential debates, and much, much more!


Dr. Jill Stein is a physician, who graduated from Harvard Medical School and practiced internal medicine for twenty-five years in Massachusetts. In the 1990s Dr. Stein became increasingly concerned about the links between illness and environmental toxins, especially exposures to lead and mercury and dioxin contamination that comes from the burning of waste. She helped lead the fight to clean up coal plants in Massachusetts, then known as the Filthy Five. This ended up setting an example for how other states could raise the standards for their own coal plants. Her first foray into electoral politics was in 2002 when she was recruited by Green-Rainbow Party activists to run for Governor of Massachusetts against Mitt Romney. She is the co-author of two widely-praised reports, “In Harm’s Way: Toxic Threats to Child Development,” and “Environmental Threats to Healthy Aging.” She was the Green Party candidate for President in 2012 and again here in 2016.
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Re: Ralph Nader Radio Hour

Postby admin » Fri Sep 30, 2016 10:13 pm

RALPH NADER RADIO HOUR EPISODE 130: Presidential Debates/Mathbabe
September 10, 2016

"The number one contributor to the Commission on Presidential Debate is Anheuser Busch, which is partly why every four years there's a debate held in St. Louis where Anheuser Busch is headquartered. And if you go to these debates, you've got Anheuser Busch tents and the journalists are drinking free beer and there's sometimes Anheuser Busch girls passing out pamphlets denouncing beer taxes. It's really a little corporate carnival."
-- George Farah, executive director of "Open Debates" and author of "No Debate: How the Republican and Democratic Parties secretly control the Presidential Debates

"I would love to see a bill of rights for consumers and anybody who is targeted by these algorithms, these (credit) scoring systems. Everybody should know their score. They should be able to check the data going into it. They should be able to object to bad scores and data. And they should be able to be told how it's computed and why it's needed."
-- Cathy O'Neil, author of Weapons of Math Destruction: How Big Data Increases Inequality and Threatens Democracy.

We check in with George Farah, who reveals the “Secrets of the Tomb,” otherwise known as the Commission on Presidential Debates. And the Mathbabe, Cathy O’Neil, drops in to discuss how numbers can crunch us with her book Weapons of Math Destruction: How Big Data Increases Inequality and Threatens Democracy.


George Farah is an antitrust attorney as well as the founder and executive director of Open Debates. He is the author of the book No Debate: How the Republican and Democratic Parties Secretly Control the Presidential Debates by Seven Stories Press. His articles have been published in The Washington Post, The Boston Globe, The Philadelphia Inquirer, The Denver Post, Christian Science Monitor, and many other publications. Mr. Farah has appeared on dozens of television programs, including “Nightline,” “NOW with Bill Moyers,” “20/20,” “CBS Evening News,” and “NBC Nightly News.”


Cathy O’Neil has a PhD in mathematics from Harvard and taught that subject at Barnard College before working as an analyst for the hedge fund D.E. Shaw & Co. Then, she went rogue and joined Occupy Wall Street and Occupy the SEC, where she hopes to devise an alternative banking system. She created the blog Mathbabe in order to explain and demystify the terminology and practices in the financial system and has now written a book entitled Weapons of Math Destruction: How Big Data Increases Inequality and Threatens Democracy.
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Re: Ralph Nader Radio Hour

Postby admin » Fri Sep 30, 2016 10:15 pm

September 3, 2016

"One of the most important surprises for me was to discover Greg Jaczko's story and to see that nobody knew what was happening to him, that the industry orchestrated the take down of this guy as he was actually becoming the regulator that we all want, that we all need."
-- Ivy Meeropol director of "Indian Point," on the ousting of the former head of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Gregory Jaczko

"Why are we fooling around with cap and trade and taxes and all kind of cockamamie schemes when all we need to do is pass a simple one-sentence law: "Everything new has to be greenhouse gas free and renewable?" Why don't we outlaw any new power plant other than the solar and the wind? And why don't we mandate that the railroads electrify over ten years? Why don't we pass some damn laws that require what the public interest demands?
-- S. David Freeman, author of "All-Electric America"

Filmmaker Ivy Meeropol tells us what it’s like inside a nuclear power plant with her documentary “Indian Point.” And S. David Freeman tells us about how activists convinced the power company PG&E to shut down the Diablo Canyon nuclear plant in central California.


Ivy Meeropol is a documentary filmmaker, whose works include “Heir to an Execution,” about the life and times of her grandparents, Julius and Ethel Rosenberg, and the six-part documentary series on the Sundance Channel, “The Hill,” which followed the day to day lives of four young staffers of Florida congressman Robert Wexler in 2004. Her latest work is entitled “Indian Point,” which had its premier at the Tribeca Film Festival. “Indian Point” is an examination from all sides of the issues surrounding the controversial nuclear power plant located just thirty miles from midtown Manhattan.


S. David Freeman is an engineer, an attorney and an author who’s been called an Eco-Pioneer for his environmentally conscious leadership of both the Tennessee Valley Authority and the Sacramento Municipal Utility District. He’s also a noted anti-nuclear activist, and one of the leaders of the effort to shutdown the Diablo Canyon nuclear power plant in Central California. He’s the author of a number of books on energy policy, including Winning Our Energy Independence and All-Electric America. His recently released autobiography is entitled The Green Cowboy: An Energetic Life.
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Re: Ralph Nader Radio Hour

Postby admin » Fri Sep 30, 2016 10:17 pm

RALPH NADER RADIO HOUR EPISODE 128: The Stop Act; Robbing Banks
August 29, 2016

"In any other profession, if you spent half your time doing something other than what you were hired to do, you'd be fired. It's called cheating. And I believe that members of Congress today are cheating taxpayers. And it is a first rate scandal of this generation."
-- Rep. David Jolly (R-FL), sponsor of the Stop Act, which would prohibit members of Congress from personally soliciting campaign donations.

"Not a single one of the people we prosecuted (felony convictions of over 1000), in the Savings and Loan debacle came back in any material role in the current crisis. Whereas, nowadays we have zero prosecutions of any of the people that led the three fraud epidemics that drove this crisis. And now they are highly skilled and have seen that they can get away with financial murder. And so they are already back in the business, already selling other toxic stuff, and they're going to produce the next crisis."
-- Professor William Black, author of "The Best Way to Rob a Bank is To Own One"

Ralph talks to Representative David Jolly (R: FL) about The Stop Act, which would prohibit members of Congress from personally soliciting campaign donations. And Professor William Black tells us that the best way to rob a bank is from the inside.


Congressman David W. Jolly represents Florida’s 13th Congressional District, which is a peninsula on the west coast of Florida that includes St. Petersburg. Mr. Jolly was first elected to the House in 2014 and is now in his second term. He serves on the House Appropriations Committee and sits on three Appropriations Subcommittees: the Subcommittee on Military Construction, Veterans Affairs; the Subcommittee on Transportation, Housing and Urban Development; and the Subcommittee on Commerce, Justice, and Science. This past year, he introduced legislation called “The Stop Act,” which would ban members of Congress from personally asking for money.


William Black is an associate professor of Economics and Law at the University of Missouri at Kansas City, where he teaches white-collar crime, public finance, antitrust, law and economics, and Latin American development. Professor Black is a former financial regulator, who is an expert on the Savings and Loan Crisis of the 1980s, the precursor to the 2008 financial crisis. He is also a founding member of Bank Whistleblowers United that seeks to restore the rule of law to Wall Street and the author of The Best Way to Rob a Bank is to Own One. His TED Talk on this topic has close to a million and a half views.
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Re: Ralph Nader Radio Hour

Postby admin » Fri Sep 30, 2016 10:18 pm

RALPH NADER RADIO HOUR EPISODE 127: Cuddling/Triumph Goes to the RNC & DNC
August 20, 2016

"Loneliness is a very serious problem in a modern industrial society ... it has serious physical consequences, mental health consequences, civic consequences, and at the extreme it may have stability consequences."
-- Ralph Nader, introducing Adam Lippin of Cuddlist.com

"What cuddling offers -- what safe, non-sexual touch with a professional, who knows how to keep boundaries and be there for the client and help them discern what they need and what they're looking for in the context of the rules -- offers an incredibly intimate way to communicate with each other that goes beyond words. And through that form of communication, a lot of healing can take place."
-- Adam Lippin, CEO of cuddlist.com

Ralph talks about the importance of human touch in our industrial and virtual society with entrepreneur, Adam Lippin, CEO of the cuddling service Cuddlist.com. Plus, David comes back to report on his foray into both the Democratic and Republican National Conventions with Triumph the Insult Comic Dog.


Adam Lippin is an entrepreneur and the co-founder and CEO of Cuddlist.com as well as Cuddlist Training Academy. That’s Cuddlist as in the word “cuddle.” At Cuddlist, his mission is to offer a safe way to engage the healing power of intimate, non-sexual touch in a touch-isolated society. Mr. Lippin has also been featured in the New York Times, the Washington Post, and the Chicago Tribune. He is also a Cuddle Party Facilitator and holds monthly Cuddle Parties in NYC. Prior to Cuddlist, Mr. Lippin has been the Founder and CEO of a successful chain of restaurants called “Atomic Wings.”
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Re: Ralph Nader Radio Hour

Postby admin » Fri Sep 30, 2016 10:20 pm

August 13, 2016

"Every bit of anthropological evidence suggests that there is no hard wiring for violence and warfare, and that it's our true human nature that we're appealing to just as Gandhi did. This is the inner essence of humans, to be loving and collaborative and sharing and caring."
-- Charles Keil, activist and author of "Waging Peace."

"Obama really had an opportunity in the wake of the financial crisis to take the lead on reforming this practice, but he basically dropped the ball ... And he also appointed a Chief Counsel for the IRS who was a former registered rep for the Swiss Bankers Association."
-- Economist James S. Henry on the practice of American companies hiding money in offshore tax havens.

Ralph talks to activist Charles Keil about his work trying to encourage a Department of Peace and economist and journalist James S. Henry tells us how the wealthy hide trillions of dollars in offshore tax havens.


Charles Keil is a peace activist and Professor Emeritus of American Studies at the State University of New York- Buffalo, who is a contributor to the book We Need a Department of Peace . Mr. Keil is also a poet and a musician and has written several books about music and society, including one entitled “Urban Blues.”


James S. Henry is an economist, attorney, and investigative journalist, who has written extensively about global banking, debt crises, tax havens and economic development. He has worked in the corporate world, most notably as chief economist for McKinsey & Co. and as Managing Director of Sag Harbor Group, a strategy consulting firm. He has served as a pro bono cooperating attorney for the New York Civil Liberties Union on First Amendment issues and is the author of the acclaimed investigative economics book The Blood Bankers about the dark side of globalization. He is also a senior advisor at the Tax Justice Network.
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Re: Ralph Nader Radio Hour

Postby admin » Fri Sep 30, 2016 10:22 pm

RALPH NADER RADIO HOUR EPISODE 125: Rebroadcast: Jonathan Martin, David Cay Johnston
August 6, 2016

"Donald (Trump) is one of the biggest welfare kings in the history of America. And whatever his fortune is -- a lot of it derives from that."
-- David Cay Johnston, author of "Perfectly Legal: The Covert Campaign to Rig our Tax System to Benefit the Super Rich -- and Cheat Everybody Else

"The abolition of child labor, limitation of work hours, establishment of minimum wages, graduated income taxes, broadcasting of access to public education, expansion of suffrage to groups that had been excluded, institution of direct election of U.S. Senators ..."
-- Jonathan Martin on some of the reforms wrought by third parties in American history.

Ralph talks to professor Jonathan Martin about the role of third parties in America and how they can be empowered. Then Pulitzer Prize winner, David Cay Johnston, tells us what we are likely to see in Donald Trump’s tax returns.

Due to technical difficulties we had recording this week’s show, we are unable to bring you a new episode of the Radio Hour. So instead we present an encore edition of a show we recorded in April, which seems even more relevant today. It features third party advocate Jonathan Martin and Pulitzer Prize winning author and tax expert David Cay Johnston. This week, Warren Buffet called upon Donald Trump to release his tax returns, and David Cay Johnston will tell us why that is not likely and even if Trump did what we would expect to see. And now that both the Democratic and Republican national conventions are over, some disaffected people are turning to third party candidates like Jill Stein of the Green Party and Gary Johnson of the Libertarian party. Professor Jonathan Martin will tell us the important role of third parties in American politics over the years. We will be back next week with a brand new episode of the Ralph Nader Radio Hour. In the meantime enjoy this encore presentation.


Jonathan Martin is Professor of Sociology at Framingham State University and a longtime progressive third party activist. His teaching focuses on the role of power and inequality in social problems and their solution. Professor Martin’s articles on progressive politics and political consciousness in the U.S. have appeared in “Humanity and Society,” “Equity and Excellence in Education,” “New Political Science,” and other academic journals. In recent decades, he has assisted Green and left-independent candidates at the local, state, and national level. His latest project is entitled Empowering Progressive Third Parties in the United States, which is a collection of writings that explores which electoral conditions and strategies are truly capable of sparking critical breakthroughs by minor parties on the U.S. left.


David Cay Johnston is an investigative reporter who won a Pulitzer Prize while at The New York Times for his work reporting on the US tax code. He teaches Business, Tax and Property Law of the Ancient World at the Syracuse University College of Law. Mr. Johnston is also the best-selling author of Perfectly Legal, which prompted the only major policy change by President Bush, who dropped a stealth plan to give a quarter trillion dollar tax cut to the richest Americans. Mr. Johnston also revealed how the very highest income Americans received a much bigger tax cut under President Clinton than from all of the other Bush tax cuts combined. Today, he is going to talk to us about what Donald Trump’s income taxes are likely to reveal about him.
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