A Pizza-Related Handkerchief

Re: A Pizza-Related Handkerchief

Postby admin » Wed Dec 28, 2016 1:19 am


Casa Podesta Pizza Party

To: john.podesta@gmail.com, podesta.mary@gmail.com
CC: amrimah@hotmail.com
Date: 2015-10-27 18:28
Subject: Casa Podesta Pizza Party

So glad that we got to see both of you after quite a while.
It was great to be with Tony so close to his 72nd..
Attached are pictures that capture some of the spirit of the evening - at a couple of different levels.
Warm Regards - and hope we see you again soon.

Amrita & Ashok Mahbubani
6 King Georges Way
Huntsville AL 35824
Cell: + 1 256 337 1953 (Amrita)
Cell: + 1 256 468 9103 (Ashok)


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Re: A Pizza-Related Handkerchief

Postby admin » Wed Dec 28, 2016 1:25 am


Fwd: friday night at posto for Tony's birthday...

To: john.podesta@gmail.com, mpodesta@gmail.com
Date: 2015-10-20 15:10
Subject: Fwd: friday night at posto for Tony's birthday...

Meant to send this to you two, too!

Sent from my iPad

Begin forwarded message:

> From: Catherine Chieco <crchieco@gmail.com>
> Date: October 20, 2015 at 6:22:49 PM GMT+2
> To: Mary Podesta <podesta.mary@gmail.com>, Mary Dickie <maryadickie@gmail.com>, Leslie Dach <leslie.dach@outlook.com>, Alan Kriegel <ajkriegel@gmail.com>, James Alefantis <jamesacorp@gmail.com>, Paula Dailey <paulapix@starpower.net>, Brian ARS <brian.d.dailey@artzrs.com>, "Tom.Cunningham@uatp.com" <Tom.Cunningham@uatp.com>, Rhett Workman <rhett.workman@aa.com>, Amy Weiss <Amy@weisspublicaffairs.com>, Peter Kadzik <peterkadzik@gmail.com>
> Subject: friday night at posto for Tony's birthday...
> Will you join us?
> Small gathering a few days before the pizza extravaganza
> Time TBA but probably 7:30 ish
> RSVP please!
> Sent from my iPad
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Re: A Pizza-Related Handkerchief

Postby admin » Wed Dec 28, 2016 1:33 am

In Release of Journalists, Both Clintons Had Key Roles
By Mark Landler and Peter Baker
Aug. 4, 2009



Former President Bill Clinton greeted American journalists Laura Ling, middle, and Euna Lee as they board a plane at an airport in Pyongyang on Tuesday. Credit Zhang Binyang/Xinhua, via Reuters

WASHINGTON — Former President Bill Clinton left North Korea on Wednesday morning after a dramatic 20-hour visit, in which he won the freedom of two American journalists, opened a diplomatic channel to North Korea’s reclusive government and dined with the North’s ailing leader, Kim Jong-il.

Mr. Clinton departed from Pyongyang, the capital, around 8:30 a.m. local time, along with the journalists, Laura Ling, 32, and Euna Lee, 36, on a private jet bound for Los Angeles, according to a statement from the former president’s office.

The North Korean government, which in June sentenced the women to 12 years of hard labor for illegally entering North Korean territory, announced hours earlier that it had pardoned the women after Mr. Clinton apologized to Mr. Kim for their actions, according to the North Korean state media.

President Obama contacted the families of the women on Tuesday evening, according to administration officials, but the White House said it would withhold public comment until the former president landed on American soil.

Mr. Clinton’s mission to Pyongyang was the most visible by an American in nearly a decade. It came at a time when the United States’ relationship with North Korea had become especially chilled, after North Korea’s test of its second nuclear device in May and a series of missile launchings.

It ended a harrowing ordeal for the two women, who were stopped on March 17 by soldiers near North Korea’s border with China while researching a report about women and human trafficking. They faced years of imprisonment in the gulaglike confines of a North Korean prison camp.

And it catapulted Mr. Clinton back on to the global stage, on behalf of a president who defeated his wife, Hillary Rodham Clinton, in a bitter primary campaign last year, and who later asked her to be his secretary of state.

Mrs. Clinton was deeply involved in the case, too. She proposed sending various people to Pyongyang — including Mr. Clinton’s vice president, Al Gore — to lobby for the release of the women, before Mr. Clinton emerged as the preferred choice of the North Koreans, people briefed on the talks said.

About 10 days ago, these people said, Mr. Gore, who co-founded Current TV, the San Francisco-based media company that employs Ms. Ling and Ms. Lee, called Mr. Clinton to ask him to undertake the trip. Mr. Clinton agreed, as long as the Obama administration did not object.

The riveting tableau of a former president, jetting into a diplomatic crisis while his wife was embarking on a tour of Africa in her role as the nation’s chief diplomat, underscored the unique and enduring role of the Clintons, even in the Obama era.

Two American journalists, far left and second from right, headed to a plane carrying the homebound former President Bill Clinton at an airport in Pyongyang on Wednesday. Credit Zhang Binyang/Xinhua, via Associated Press

The trip came just two weeks after North Korea issued a harsh personal attack on Mrs. Clinton, in response to comments she made comparing its nuclear test and missile launchings to the behavior of an attention-seeking teenager.

The North Korean Foreign Ministry objected to her “vulgar remarks” and called her “a funny lady” who was neither intelligent nor diplomatic. “Sometimes she looks like a primary-school girl and sometimes a pensioner going shopping,” a spokesman said.

The episode evidently did not stop consideration of sending her husband as an envoy. But the initiative was cloaked in secrecy and came after weeks of back-channel talks between the United States and North Korea through its United Nations mission. In addition to Mr. Gore, the White House’s list of potential candidates included Gov. Bill Richardson of New Mexico.

North Korea signaled its desire to have Mr. Clinton act as a special envoy in conversations with Ms. Ling and Ms. Lee, who relayed that message to their families in the middle of July, according to a senior administration official. The message was passed to Mr. Gore, who contacted the White House, which then explored whether such a mission would be successful.

Mr. Obama did not speak directly with Mr. Clinton before the mission. But his national security adviser, Gen. James L. Jones, contacted the former president to sound him out. The senior official said the administration did “due diligence” with the North Koreans to ensure that if Mr. Clinton went, he would return with the journalists. He also denied that Mr. Clinton apologized as a condition of obtaining the pardons from the government.

As president, Mr. Clinton had sent Mr. Kim a letter of condolence on the death of his father, Kim Il-sung, according to a former official. For Mr. Kim, the former official said, freeing the women was a “reciprocal humanitarian gesture.”

Mr. Kim is believed to have suffered a stroke last year. American officials said they thought his declining health had set off a succession struggle, complicating the Obama administration’s dealings with the North.

The families of the American journalists issued a statement saying they were “overjoyed” by news of the pardon and thanked Mr. Obama and Mrs. Clinton. “We especially want to thank President Bill Clinton for taking on such an arduous mission and Vice President Al Gore for his tireless efforts to bring Laura and Euna home,” the statement said.

Current TV said in a statement that it too was “overjoyed” and that the hearts of its employees went out to Ms. Ling and Ms. Lee for “persevering through this horrible experience.”

The Obama administration said Ms. Ling and Ms. Lee were in good health.

Administration officials said Mr. Clinton went to North Korea as a private citizen, did not carry a message from Mr. Obama for Mr. Kim and had the authority to negotiate only for the women’s release.

Former President Bill Clinton waved before boarding a plane at an airport in Pyongyang. Credit Zhang Binyang/Xinhua, via Reuters

“This was 100 percent about the journalists,” said a senior administration official, who spoke on the condition of anonymity because of the delicacy of the matter. “We knew Kim Jong-il would probably seek a meeting with Clinton. But that’s not what this visit was about.”

Still, North Korea, clearly seeing a propaganda opportunity at home and a rare chance for a measure of favorable publicity abroad, welcomed Mr. Clinton with the fanfare of a state visit. It broadcast a group portrait, as well as photos of Mr. Kim gesturing and talking to Mr. Clinton; of the former president accepting flowers from a North Korean girl; and of Mr. Clinton, seated across a negotiating table from Mr. Kim, each flanked by their aides. Among those greeting Mr. Clinton at the airport was Kim Kye-gwan, North Korea’s chief nuclear negotiator.

Among those accompanying Mr. Clinton was David Straub, a former director of the Korea desk at the State Department, who had held talks with the North Koreans through what is known as the “New York connection.”

Also on hand was John Podesta, an informal adviser to the Obama administration who served as Mr. Clinton’s chief of staff in the final years of his presidency, when the former president yearned to travel to North Korea to clinch a deal that would have curbed its nuclear program.

That visit never happened — partly because the White House concluded that a deal was not assured — and President George W. Bush put the brakes on direct talks with North Korea, setting the stage for eight years of largely fruitless efforts to stop the North’s nuclear ambitions.

Given Mr. Clinton’s stature and his long interest in the North Korean nuclear issue, experts said it was likely that his discussions in North Korea ranged well beyond obtaining the release of Ms. Ling and Ms. Lee.

“It would be someplace between surprising and shocking if there wasn’t some substantive discussion between the former president, who is deeply knowledgeable about the nuclear issue, and Kim Jong-il,” said Robert L. Gallucci, who negotiated with North Korea in the Clinton administration.

Mr. Clinton has sought to find the right place in the Obama era, eager to play a role without stepping on the toes of the new president or certainly of his secretary of state.

The last time the two spoke, said the White House press secretary, Robert Gibbs, was in March, when Mr. Obama invited Mr. Clinton to a ceremony in Washington for signing legislation expanding the AmeriCorps program created by Mr. Clinton.

In interviews last spring, Mr. Clinton said that he would be happy to do anything Mr. Obama asked him to do, but that “I try to stay out of their way.”

Mr. Clinton’s mission may be less of an issue for Mr. Obama than for Mrs. Clinton. The same day he landed in North Korea, she arrived in Kenya, kicking off an 11-day journey through Africa — a visit now largely eclipsed by her husband’s travels.

Brian Stelter contributed reporting from New York.
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Re: A Pizza-Related Handkerchief

Postby admin » Wed Dec 28, 2016 1:43 am

http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-srv/po ... mNarrative Pt. I: Nature of Clinton-

Lewinsky Relationship: From independent counsel Kenneth Starr's report to the House on President Clinton.

Some of the language in these documents is sexually explicit.

I. Nature of President Clinton's Relationship with Monica Lewinsky

A. Introduction

This Referral presents substantial and credible information that President Clinton criminally obstructed the judicial process, first in a sexual harassment lawsuit in which he was the defendant and then in a grand jury investigation. The opening section of the Narrative provides an overview of the object of the President's cover-up, the sexual relationship between the President and Ms. Lewinsky. Subsequent sections recount the evolution of the relationship chronologically, including the sexual contacts, the President's efforts to get Ms. Lewinsky a job, Ms. Lewinsky's subpoena in Jones v. Clinton, the role of Vernon Jordan, the President's discussions with Ms. Lewinsky about her affidavit and deposition, the President's deposition testimony in Jones, the President's attempts to coach a potential witness in the harassment case, the President's false and misleading statements to aides and to the American public after the Lewinsky story became public, and, finally, the President's testimony before a federal grand jury.

B. Evidence Establishing Nature of Relationship

1. Physical Evidence

Physical evidence conclusively establishes that the President and Ms. Lewinsky had a sexual relationship. After reaching an immunity and cooperation agreement with the Office of the Independent Counsel on July 28, 1998, Ms. Lewinsky turned over a navy blue dress that she said she had worn during a sexual encounter with the President on February 28, 1997. According to Ms. Lewinsky, she noticed stains on the garment the next time she took it from her closet. From their location, she surmised that the stains were the President's semen.(1)

Initial tests revealed that the stains are in fact semen.(2) Based on that result, the OIC asked the President for a blood sample.(3) After requesting and being given assurances that the OIC had an evidentiary basis for making the request, the President agreed.(4) In the White House Map Room on August 3, 1998, the White House Physician drew a vial of blood from the President in the presence of an FBI agent and an OIC attorney.(5) By conducting the two standard DNA comparison tests, the FBI Laboratory concluded that the President was the source of the DNA obtained from the dress.(6) According to the more sensitive RFLP test, the genetic markers on the semen, which match the President's DNA, are characteristic of one out of 7.87 trillion Caucasians.(7)

In addition to the dress, Ms. Lewinsky provided what she said were answering machine tapes containing brief messages from the President, as well as several gifts that the President had given her.

2. Ms. Lewinsky's Statements

Ms. Lewinsky was extensively debriefed about her relationship with the President. For the initial evaluation of her credibility, she submitted to a detailed "proffer" interview on July 27, 1998.(8) After entering into a cooperation agreement, she was questioned over the course of approximately 15 days. She also provided testimony under oath on three occasions: twice before the grand jury, and, because of the personal and sensitive nature of particular topics, once in a deposition. In addition, Ms. Lewinsky worked with prosecutors and investigators to create an 11-page chart that chronologically lists her contacts with President Clinton, including meetings, phone calls, gifts, and messages.(9) Ms. Lewinsky twice verified the accuracy of the chart under oath.(10)

In the evaluation of experienced prosecutors and investigators, Ms. Lewinsky has provided truthful information. She has not falsely inculpated the President. Harming him, she has testified, is "the last thing in the world I want to do."(11)

Moreover, the OIC's immunity and cooperation agreement with Ms. Lewinsky includes safeguards crafted to ensure that she tells the truth. Court-ordered immunity and written immunity agreements often provide that the witness can be prosecuted only for false statements made during the period of cooperation, and not for the underlying offense. The OIC's agreement goes further, providing that Ms. Lewinsky will lose her immunity altogether if the government can prove to a federal district judge -- by a preponderance of the evidence, not the higher standard of beyond a reasonable doubt -- that she lied. Moreover, the agreement provides that, in the course of such a prosecution, the United States could introduce into evidence the statements made by Ms. Lewinsky during her cooperation. Since Ms. Lewinsky acknowledged in her proffer interview and in debriefings that she violated the law, she has a strong incentive to tell the truth: If she did not, it would be relatively straightforward to void the immunity agreement and prosecute her, using her own admissions against her.

3. Ms. Lewinsky's Confidants

Between 1995 and 1998, Ms. Lewinsky confided in 11 people about her relationship with the President. All have been questioned by the OIC, most before a federal grand jury: Andrew Bleiler, Catherine Allday Davis, Neysa Erbland, Kathleen Estep, Deborah Finerman, Dr. Irene Kassorla, Marcia Lewis, Ashley Raines, Linda Tripp, Natalie Ungvari, and Dale Young.(12) Ms. Lewinsky told most of these confidants about events in her relationship with the President as they occurred, sometimes in considerable detail.

Some of Ms. Lewinsky's statements about the relationship were contemporaneously memorialized. These include deleted email recovered from her home computer and her Pentagon computer, email messages retained by two of the recipients, tape recordings of some of Ms. Lewinsky's conversations with Ms. Tripp, and notes taken by Ms. Tripp during some of their conversations. The Tripp notes, which have been extensively corroborated, refer specifically to places, dates, and times of physical contacts between the President and Ms. Lewinsky.(13)

Everyone in whom Ms. Lewinsky confided in detail believed she was telling the truth about her relationship with the President. Ms. Lewinsky told her psychologist, Dr. Irene Kassorla, about the affair shortly after it began. Thereafter, she related details of sexual encounters soon after they occurred (sometimes calling from her White House office).(14) Ms. Lewinsky showed no indications of delusional thinking, according to Dr. Kassorla, and Dr. Kassorla had no doubts whatsoever about the truth of what Ms. Lewinsky told her.(15) Ms. Lewinsky's friend Catherine Allday Davis testified that she believed Ms. Lewinsky's accounts of the sexual relationship with the President because "I trusted in the way she had confided in me on other things in her life. . . . I just trusted the relationship, so I trusted her."(16) Dale Young, a friend in whom Ms. Lewinsky confided starting in mid-1996, testified:

[I]f she was going to lie to me, she would have said to me, "Oh, he calls me all the time. He does wonderful things. He can't wait to see me." . . . [S]he would have embellished the story. You know, she wouldn't be telling me, "He told me he'd call me, I waited home all weekend and I didn't do anything and he didn't call and then he didn't call for two weeks."(17)

4. Documents

In addition to her remarks and email to friends, Ms. Lewinsky wrote a number of documents, including letters and draft letters to the President. Among these documents are (i) papers found in a consensual search of her apartment; (ii) papers that Ms. Lewinsky turned over pursuant to her cooperation agreement, including a calendar with dates circled when she met or talked by telephone with the President in 1996 and 1997; and (iii) files recovered from Ms. Lewinsky's computers at home and at the Pentagon.

5. Consistency and Corroboration

The details of Ms. Lewinsky's many statements have been checked, cross-checked, and corroborated. When negotiations with Ms. Lewinsky in January and February 1998 did not culminate in an agreement, the OIC proceeded with a comprehensive investigation, which generated a great deal of probative evidence.

In July and August 1998, circumstances brought more direct and compelling evidence to the investigation. After the courts rejected a novel privilege claim, Secret Service officers and agents testified about their observations of the President and Ms. Lewinsky in the White House. Ms. Lewinsky agreed to submit to a proffer interview (previous negotiations had deadlocked over her refusal to do so), and, after assessing her credibility in that session, the OIC entered into a cooperation agreement with her. Pursuant to the cooperation agreement, Ms. Lewinsky turned over the dress that proved to bear traces of the President's semen. And the President, who had spurned six invitations to testify, finally agreed to provide his account to the grand jury. In that sworn testimony, he acknowledged "inappropriate intimate contact" with Ms. Lewinsky.

Because of the fashion in which the investigation had unfolded, in sum, a massive quantity of evidence was available to test and verify Ms. Lewinsky's statements during her proffer interview and her later cooperation. Consequently, Ms. Lewinsky's statements have been corroborated to a remarkable degree. Her detailed statements to the grand jury and the OIC in 1998 are consistent with statements to her confidants dating back to 1995, documents that she created, and physical evidence.(18) Moreover, her accounts generally match the testimony of White House staff members; the testimony of Secret Service agents and officers; and White House records showing Ms. Lewinsky's entries and exits, the President's whereabouts, and the President's telephone calls.

C. Sexual Contacts

1. The President's Accounts

a. Jones Testimony

In the Jones deposition on January 17, 1998, the President denied having had "a sexual affair," "sexual relations," or "a sexual relationship" with Ms. Lewinsky.(19) He noted that "[t]here are no curtains on the Oval Office, there are no curtains on my private office, there are no curtains or blinds that can close [on] the windows in my private dining room," and added: "I have done everything I could to avoid the kind of questions you are asking me here today. . . ."(20)

During the deposition, the President's attorney, Robert Bennett, sought to limit questioning about Ms. Lewinsky. Mr. Bennett told Judge Susan Webber Wright that Ms. Lewinsky had executed "an affidavit which [Ms. Jones's lawyers] are in possession of saying that there is absolutely no sex of any kind in any manner, shape or form, with President Clinton." In a subsequent colloquy with Judge Wright, Mr. Bennett declared that as a result of "preparation of [President Clinton] for this deposition, the witness is fully aware of Ms. Lewinsky's affidavit."(21) The President did not dispute his legal representative's assertion that the President and Ms. Lewinsky had had "absolutely no sex of any kind in any manner, shape or form," nor did he dispute the implication that Ms. Lewinsky's affidavit, in denying "a sexual relationship," meant that there was "absolutely no sex of any kind in any manner, shape or form." In subsequent questioning by his attorney, President Clinton testified under oath that Ms. Lewinsky's affidavit was "absolutely true."(22)

b. Grand Jury Testimony

Testifying before the grand jury on August 17, 1998, seven months after his Jones deposition, the President acknowledged "inappropriate intimate contact" with Ms. Lewinsky but maintained that his January deposition testimony was accurate.(23) In his account, "what began as a friendship [with Ms. Lewinsky] came to include this conduct."(24) He said he remembered "meeting her, or having my first real conversation with her during the government shutdown in November of '95." According to the President, the inappropriate contact occurred later (after Ms. Lewinsky's internship had ended), "in early 1996 and once in early 1997."(25)

The President refused to answer questions about the precise nature of his intimate contacts with Ms. Lewinsky, but he did explain his earlier denials.(26) As to his denial in the Jones deposition that he and Ms. Lewinsky had had a "sexual relationship," the President maintained that there can be no sexual relationship without sexual intercourse, regardless of what other sexual activities may transpire. He stated that "most ordinary Americans" would embrace this distinction.(27)

The President also maintained that none of his sexual contacts with Ms. Lewinsky constituted "sexual relations" within a specific definition used in the Jones deposition.(28) Under that definition:

[A] person engages in "sexual relations" when the person knowingly engages in or causes -- (1) contact with the genitalia, anus, groin, breast, inner thigh, or buttocks of any person with an intent to arouse or gratify the sexual desire of any person . . . . "Contact" means intentional touching, either directly or through clothing.(29)

According to what the President testified was his understanding, this definition "covers contact by the person being deposed with the enumerated areas, if the contact is done with an intent to arouse or gratify," but it does not cover oral sex performed on the person being deposed.(30) He testified:

[I]f the deponent is the person who has oral sex performed on him, then the contact is with -- not with anything on that list, but with the lips of another person. It seems to be self-evident that that's what it is. . . . Let me remind you, sir, I read this carefully.(31)

In the President's view, "any person, reasonable person" would recognize that oral sex performed on the deponent falls outside the definition.(32)

If Ms. Lewinsky performed oral sex on the President, then -- under this interpretation -- she engaged in sexual relations but he did not. The President refused to answer whether Ms. Lewinsky in fact had performed oral sex on him.(33) He did testify that direct contact with Ms. Lewinsky's breasts or genitalia would fall within the definition, and he denied having had any such contact.(34)

2. Ms. Lewinsky's Account

In his grand jury testimony, the President relied heavily on a particular interpretation of "sexual relations" as defined in the Jones deposition. Beyond insisting that his conduct did not fall within the Jones definition, he refused to answer questions about the nature of his physical contact with Ms. Lewinsky, thus placing the grand jury in the position of having to accept his conclusion without being able to explore the underlying facts. This strategy -- evidently an effort to account for possible traces of the President's semen on Ms. Lewinsky's clothing without undermining his position that he did not lie in the Jones deposition -- mandates that this Referral set forth evidence of an explicit nature that otherwise would be omitted.

In light of the President's testimony, Ms. Lewinsky's accounts of their sexual encounters are indispensable for two reasons. First, the detail and consistency of these accounts tend to bolster Ms. Lewinsky's credibility. Second, and particularly important, Ms. Lewinsky contradicts the President on a key issue. According to Ms. Lewinsky, the President touched her breasts and genitalia -- which means that his conduct met the Jones definition of sexual relations even under his theory. On these matters, the evidence of the President's perjury cannot be presented without specific, explicit, and possibly offensive descriptions of sexual encounters.

According to Ms. Lewinsky, she and the President had ten sexual encounters, eight while she worked at the White House and two thereafter.(35) The sexual encounters generally occurred in or near the private study off the Oval Office -- most often in the windowless hallway outside the study.(36) During many of their sexual encounters, the President stood leaning against the doorway of the bathroom across from the study, which, he told Ms. Lewinsky, eased his sore back.(37)

Ms. Lewinsky testified that her physical relationship with the President included oral sex but not sexual intercourse.(38) According to Ms. Lewinsky, she performed oral sex on the President; he never performed oral sex on her.(39) Initially, according to Ms. Lewinsky, the President would not let her perform oral sex to completion. In Ms. Lewinsky's understanding, his refusal was related to "trust and not knowing me well enough."(40) During their last two sexual encounters, both in 1997, he did ejaculate.(41)

According to Ms. Lewinsky, she performed oral sex on the President on nine occasions. On all nine of those occasions, the President fondled and kissed her bare breasts. He touched her genitals, both through her underwear and directly, bringing her to orgasm on two occasions. On one occasion, the President inserted a cigar into her vagina. On another occasion, she and the President had brief genital-to-genital contact.(42)

Whereas the President testified that "what began as a friendship came to include [intimate contact]," Ms. Lewinsky explained that the relationship moved in the opposite direction: "[T]he emotional and friendship aspects . . . developed after the beginning of our sexual relationship."(43)

D. Emotional Attachment

As the relationship developed over time, Ms. Lewinsky grew emotionally attached to President Clinton. She testified: "I never expected to fall in love with the President. I was surprised that I did."(44) Ms. Lewinsky told him of her feelings.(45) At times, she believed that he loved her too.(46) They were physically affectionate: "A lot of hugging, holding hands sometimes. He always used to push the hair out of my face."(47) She called him "Handsome"; on occasion, he called her "Sweetie," "Baby," or sometimes "Dear."(48) He told her that he enjoyed talking to her -- she recalled his saying that the two of them were "emotive and full of fire," and she made him feel young.(49) He said he wished he could spend more time with her.(50)

Ms. Lewinsky told confidants of the emotional underpinnings of the relationship as it evolved. According to her mother, Marcia Lewis, the President once told Ms. Lewinsky that she "had been hurt a lot or something by different men and that he would be her friend or he would help her, not hurt her."(51) According to Ms. Lewinsky's friend Neysa Erbland, President Clinton once confided in Ms. Lewinsky that he was uncertain whether he would remain married after he left the White House. He said in essence, "[W]ho knows what will happen four years from now when I am out of office?" Ms. Lewinsky thought, according to Ms. Erbland, that "maybe she will be his wife."(52)

E. Conversations and Phone Messages

Ms. Lewinsky testified that she and the President "enjoyed talking to each other and being with each other." In her recollection, "We would tell jokes. We would talk about our childhoods. Talk about current events. I was always giving him my stupid ideas about what I thought should be done in the administration or different views on things."(53) One of Ms. Lewinsky's friends testified that, in her understanding, "[The President] would talk about his childhood and growing up, and [Ms. Lewinsky] would relay stories about her childhood and growing up. I guess normal conversations that you would have with someone that you're getting to know."(54)

The longer conversations often occurred after their sexual contact. Ms. Lewinsky testified: "[W]hen I was working there [at the White House] . . . we'd start in the back [in or near the private study] and we'd talk and that was where we were physically intimate, and we'd usually end up, kind of the pillow talk of it, I guess, . . . sitting in the Oval Office . . . ."(55) During several meetings when they were not sexually intimate, they talked in the Oval Office or in the area of the study.(56)

Along with face-to-face meetings, according to Ms. Lewinsky, she spoke on the telephone with the President approximately 50 times, often after 10 p.m. and sometimes well after midnight.(57) The President placed the calls himself or, during working hours, had his secretary, Betty Currie, do so; Ms. Lewinsky could not telephone him directly, though she sometimes reached him through Ms. Currie.(58) Ms. Lewinsky testified: "[W]e spent hours on the phone talking."(59) Their telephone conversations were "[s]imilar to what we discussed in person, just how we were doing. A lot of discussions about my job, when I was trying to come back to the White House and then once I decided to move to New York. . . . We talked about everything under the sun."(60) On 10 to 15 occasions, she and the President had phone sex.(61) After phone sex late one night, the President fell asleep mid-conversation.(62)

On four occasions, the President left very brief messages on Ms. Lewinsky's answering machine, though he told her that he did not like doing so because (in her recollection) he "felt it was a little unsafe."(63) She saved his messages and played the tapes for several confidants, who said they believed that the voice was the President's.(64)

By phone and in person, according to Ms. Lewinsky, she and the President sometimes had arguments. On a number of occasions in 1997, she complained that he had not brought her back from the Pentagon to work in the White House, as he had promised to do after the election.(65) In a face-to-face meeting on July 4, 1997, the President reprimanded her for a letter she had sent him that obliquely threatened to disclose their relationship.(66) During an argument on December 6, 1997, according to Ms. Lewinsky, the President said that "he had never been treated as poorly by anyone else as I treated him," and added that "he spent more time with me than anyone else in the world, aside from his family, friends and staff, which I don't know exactly which category that put me in."(67)

Testifying before the grand jury, the President confirmed that he and Ms. Lewinsky had had personal conversations, and he acknowledged that their telephone conversations sometimes included "inappropriate sexual banter."(68) The President said that Ms. Lewinsky told him about "her personal life," "her upbringing," and "her job ambitions."(69) After terminating their intimate relationship in 1997, he said, he tried "to be a friend to Ms. Lewinsky, to be a counselor to her, to give her good advice, and to help her."(70)

F. Gifts

Ms. Lewinsky and the President exchanged numerous gifts. By her estimate, she gave him about 30 items, and he gave her about 18.(71) Ms. Lewinsky's first gift to him was a matted poem given by her and other White House interns to commemorate "National Boss Day," October 24, 1995.(72) This was the only item reflected in White House records that Ms. Lewinsky gave the President before (in her account) the sexual relationship began, and the only item that he sent to the archives instead of keeping.(73) On November 20 -- five days after the intimate relationship began, according to Ms. Lewinsky -- she gave him a necktie, which he chose to keep rather than send to the archives.(74) According to Ms. Lewinsky, the President telephoned the night she gave him the tie, then sent her a photo of himself wearing it.(75) The tie was logged pursuant to White House procedures for gifts to the President.(76)

In a draft note to the President in December 1997, Ms. Lewinsky wrote that she was "very particular about presents and could never give them to anyone else -- they were all bought with you in mind."(77) Many of the 30 or so gifts that she gave the President reflected his interests in history, antiques, cigars, and frogs. Ms. Lewinsky gave him, among other things, six neckties, an antique paperweight showing the White House, a silver tabletop holder for cigars or cigarettes, a pair of sunglasses, a casual shirt, a mug emblazoned "Santa Monica," a frog figurine, a letter opener depicting a frog, several novels, a humorous book of quotations, and several antique books.(78) He gave her, among other things, a hat pin, two brooches, a blanket, a marble bear figurine, and a special edition of Walt Whitman's Leaves of Grass.(79)

Ms. Lewinsky construed it as a sign of affection when the President wore a necktie or other item of clothing she had given him. She testified: "I used to say to him that 'I like it when you wear my ties because then I know I'm close to your heart.' So -- literally and figuratively."(80) The President was aware of her reaction, according to Ms. Lewinsky, and he would sometimes wear one of the items to reassure her -- occasionally on the day they were scheduled to meet or the day after they had met in person or talked by telephone.(81) The President would sometimes say to her, "Did you see I wore your tie the other day?"(82)

In his grand jury testimony, the President acknowledged that he had exchanged a number of gifts with Ms. Lewinsky. After their intimate relationship ended in 1997, he testified, "[S]he continued to give me gifts. And I felt that it was a right thing to do to give her gifts back."(83)

G. Messages

According to Ms. Lewinsky, she sent the President a number of cards and letters. In some, she expressed anger that he was "not paying enough attention to me"; in others, she said she missed him; in still others, she just sent "a funny card that I saw."(84) In early January 1998, she sent him, along with an antique book about American presidents, "[a]n embarrassing mushy note."(85) She testified that the President never sent her any cards or notes other than formal thank-you letters.(86)

Testifying before the grand jury, the President acknowledged having received cards and notes from Ms. Lewinsky that were "somewhat intimate" and "quite affectionate," even after the intimate relationship ended.(87)

H. Secrecy

1. Mutual Understanding

Both Ms. Lewinsky and the President testified that they took steps to maintain the secrecy of the relationship. According to Ms. Lewinsky, the President from the outset stressed the importance of keeping the relationship secret. In her handwritten statement to this Office, Ms. Lewinsky wrote that "the President told Ms. L to deny a relationship, if ever asked about it. He also said something to the effect of if the two people who are involved say it didn't happen -- it didn't happen."(88) According to Ms. Lewinsky, the President sometimes asked if she had told anyone about their sexual relationship or about the gifts they had exchanged; she (falsely) assured him that she had not.(89) She told him that "I would always deny it, I would always protect him," and he responded approvingly.(90) The two of them had, in her words, "a mutual understanding" that they would "keep this private, so that meant deny it and . . . take whatever appropriate steps needed to be taken."(91) When she and the President both were subpoenaed to testify in the Jones case, Ms. Lewinsky anticipated that "as we had on every other occasion and every other instance of this relationship, we would deny it."(92)

In his grand jury testimony, the President confirmed his efforts to keep their liaisons secret.(93) He said he did not want the facts of their relationship to be disclosed "in any context," and added: "I certainly didn't want this to come out, if I could help it. And I was concerned about that. I was embarrassed about it. I knew it was wrong."(94) Asked if he wanted to avoid having the facts come out through Ms. Lewinsky's testimony in Jones, he said: "Well, I did not want her to have to testify and go through that. And, of course, I didn't want her to do that, of course not."(95)

2. Cover Stories

For her visits to see the President, according to Ms. Lewinsky, "[T]here was always some sort of a cover."(96) When visiting the President while she worked at the White House, she generally planned to tell anyone who asked (including Secret Service officers and agents) that she was delivering papers to the President.(97) Ms. Lewinsky explained that this artifice may have originated when "I got there kind of saying, 'Oh, gee, here are your letters,' wink, wink, wink, and him saying, 'Okay, that's good.'"(98) To back up her stories, she generally carried a folder on these visits.(99) (In truth, according to Ms. Lewinsky, her job never required her to deliver papers to the President.(100)) On a few occasions during her White House employment, Ms. Lewinsky and the President arranged to bump into each other in the hallway; he then would invite her to accompany him to the Oval Office.(101) Later, after she left the White House and started working at the Pentagon, Ms. Lewinsky relied on Ms. Currie to arrange times when she could see the President. The cover story for those visits was that Ms. Lewinsky was coming to see Ms. Currie, not the President.(102)

While the President did not expressly instruct her to lie, according to Ms. Lewinsky, he did suggest misleading cover stories.(103) And, when she assured him that she planned to lie about the relationship, he responded approvingly. On the frequent occasions when Ms. Lewinsky promised that she would "always deny" the relationship and "always protect him," for example, the President responded, in her recollection, "'That's good,' or -- something affirmative. . . . [N]ot -- 'Don't deny it.'"(104)

Once she was named as a possible witness in the Jones case, according to Ms. Lewinsky, the President reminded her of the cover stories. After telling her that she was a potential witness, the President suggested that, if she were subpoenaed, she could file an affidavit to avoid being deposed. He also told her she could say that, when working at the White House, she had sometimes delivered letters to him, and, after leaving her White House job, she had sometimes returned to visit Ms. Currie.(105) (The President's own testimony in the Jones case mirrors the recommendations he made to Ms. Lewinsky for her testimony. In his deposition, the President testified that he saw Ms. Lewinsky "on two or three occasions" during the November 1995 government furlough, "one or two other times when she brought some documents to me," and "sometime before Christmas" when Ms. Lewinsky "came by to see Betty."(106))

In his grand jury testimony, the President acknowledged that he and Ms. Lewinsky "might have talked about what to do in a nonlegal context" to hide their relationship, and that he "might well have said" that Ms. Lewinsky should tell people that she was bringing letters to him or coming to visit Ms. Currie.(107) But he also stated that "I never asked Ms. Lewinsky to lie."(108)

3. Steps to Avoid Being Seen or Heard

After their first two sexual encounters during the November 1995 government shutdown, according to Ms. Lewinsky, her encounters with the President generally occurred on weekends, when fewer people were in the West Wing.(109) Ms. Lewinsky testified:

He had told me . . . that he was usually around on the weekends and that it was okay to come see him on the weekends. So he would call and we would arrange either to bump into each other in the hall or that I would bring papers to the office.(110)

From some of the President's comments, Ms. Lewinsky gathered that she should try to avoid being seen by several White House employees, including Nancy Hernreich, Deputy Assistant to the President and Director of Oval Office Operations, and Stephen Goodin, the President's personal aide.(111)

Out of concern about being seen, the sexual encounters most often occurred in the windowless hallway outside the study.(112) According to Ms. Lewinsky, the President was concerned that the two of them might be spotted through a White House window. When they were in the study together in the evenings, he sometimes turned out the light.(113) Once, when she spotted a gardener outside the study window, they left the room.(114) Ms. Lewinsky testified that, on December 28, 1997, "when I was getting my Christmas kiss" in the doorway to the study, the President was "looking out the window with his eyes wide open while he was kissing me and then I got mad because it wasn't very romantic." He responded, "Well, I was just looking to see to make sure no one was out there."(115)

Fear of discovery constrained their sexual encounters in several respects, according to Ms. Lewinsky. The President ordinarily kept the door between the private hallway and the Oval Office several inches ajar during their encounters, both so that he could hear if anyone approached and so that anyone who did approach would be less likely to suspect impropriety.(116) During their sexual encounters, Ms. Lewinsky testified, "[W]e were both aware of the volume and sometimes . . . I bit my hand -- so that I wouldn't make any noise."(117) On one occasion, according to Ms. Lewinsky, the President put his hand over her mouth during a sexual encounter to keep her quiet.(118) Concerned that they might be interrupted abruptly, according to Ms. Lewinsky, the two of them never fully undressed.(119)

While noting that "the door to the hallway was always somewhat open," the President testified that he did try to keep the intimate relationship secret: "I did what people do when they do the wrong thing. I tried to do it where nobody else was looking at it."(120)

4. Ms. Lewinsky's Notes and Letters

The President expressed concern about documents that might hint at an improper relationship between them, according to Ms. Lewinsky. He cautioned her about messages she sent:

There were . . . some occasions when I sent him cards or notes that I wrote things that he deemed too personal to put on paper just in case something ever happened, if it got lost getting there or someone else opened it. So there were several times when he remarked to me, you know, you shouldn't put that on paper.(121)

She said that the President made this point to her in their last conversation, on January 5, 1998, in reference to what she characterized as "[a]n embarrassing mushy note" she had sent him.(122) In addition, according to Ms. Lewinsky, the President expressed concerns about official records that could establish aspects of their relationship. She said that on two occasions she asked the President if she could go upstairs to the Residence with him. No, he said, because a record is kept of everyone who accompanies him there.(123)

The President testified before the grand jury: "I remember telling her she should be careful what she wrote, because a lot of it was clearly inappropriate and would be embarrassing if somebody else read it."(124)

5. Ms. Lewinsky's Evaluation of Their Secrecy Efforts

In two conversations recorded after she was subpoenaed in the Jones case, Ms. Lewinsky expressed confidence that her relationship with the President would never be discovered.(125) She believed that no records showed her and the President alone in the area of the study.(126) Regardless of the evidence, in any event, she would continue denying the relationship. "If someone looked in the study window, it's not me," she said.(127) If someone produced tapes of her telephone calls with the President, she would say they were fakes.(128)

In another recorded conversation, Ms. Lewinsky said she was especially comforted by the fact that the President, like her, would be swearing under oath that "nothing happened."(129) She said:

[T]o tell you the truth, I'm not concerned all that much anymore because I know I'm not going to get in trouble. I will not get in trouble because you know what? The story I've signed under -- under oath is what someone else is saying under oath.(130)
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Re: A Pizza-Related Handkerchief

Postby admin » Wed Dec 28, 2016 1:46 am


This email has also been verified by Google DKIM 2048-bit RSA key

Just got back to town..

To: podesta.mary@gmail.com, ajkriegel@gmail.com, john.podesta@gmail.com, podesta@podesta.com
Date: 2015-09-20 14:34
Subject: Just got back to town..

have dessert for tonight (carrot cake)
will be going to NP for the 2 o'clock pre-concert lecture by Mariissen, who
was Gen's prof a swarthmore..if anyone else wants to come early. No ticket
necessary for that..
if not see you at concert.

Catherine Chieco, MSW, MS
3509 Woodley Rd, NW
Washington DC 20016
202-302-0388 (cell)
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Re: A Pizza-Related Handkerchief

Postby admin » Wed Dec 28, 2016 2:10 am


RE: Dinner in DC

To: podesta@podesta.com
CC: amrimah@hotmail.com, john.podesta@gmail.com, podesta.mary@gmail.com
Date: 2015-06-05 20:22
Subject: RE: Dinner in DC

Hi Tony! We're settled in at the Palomar Hotel.
Trust you saw Amrita's Email below - she's brought some essential spices and such from Huntsville.

What time should we plan to get together tomorrow morning to get this rolling? Best, always. Ashok

From: Amrita Mahbubani [mailto:amrimah@hotmail.com]
Sent: Thursday, June 04, 2015 7:51 AM
To: Tony Podesta
Cc: Ashok Mahbubani
Subject: RE: Dinner in DC


Guest count?

Will need the following for preparing dinner:

Large Cooking pot for rice
Cooking pot for Lentil ( or, crock pot)
Large deep pan for fish/Lamb chops
Ladles for stirring

Red wine for marinade
Amaretto for dessert
Olive oil
sea salt
cup regular sugar

Fresh items
Chicken thighs, Skinned, boneless
Lamb chops
Fish- cod, tipalpia or salmon

Frozen peas
Plain Vanilla ice cream block
Mixed variety of friut berries
large red onion
Green corriander
Campari Tomatoes
English cuccumbers
Fresh Yogurt

I will bring the rest

*We can shop together Saturday afternoon, if you have the time.
This should include a visit to the nearest Costo, and a grocery shop, if possibles an asian/indian grocery store.

From: podesta@podesta.com<mailto:podesta@podesta.com>
To: ashok@mtronics.com<mailto:ashok@mtronics.com>
CC: podesta.mary@gmail.com<mailto:podesta.mary@gmail.com>; john.podesta@gmail.com<mailto:john.podesta@gmail.com>; amrimah@hotmail.com<mailto:amrimah@hotmail.com>
Subject: Re: Dinner in DC
Date: Tue, 2 Jun 2015 20:26:57 +0000
do you want to use the outdoor pizza oven at all?

From: Tony Podesta
Sent: Monday, June 1, 2015 9:21 PM
To: Ashok Mahbubani
Cc: Mary Podesta; John Podesta; Amrita Mahbubani
Subject: Re: Dinner in DC

2438 Belmont rd NW
Washington 20008
Up street from mosque

Sent from my iPhone

On Jun 1, 2015, at 3:02 PM, Ashok Mahbubani <ashok@mtronics.com<mailto:ashok@mtronics.com>> wrote:
Hi Tony! We're flying into National Fri, 05-Jun-2015 - have a dinner engagement that evening.

Staying at the Palomar 2121 P St NW - not too far from you, I think.
Please Email your address.

Amrita typically shops for fish/meats here at Costco where she knows where to find what she wants.
I see the closest one is at 1200 South Fern Street, Arlington, VA 22202
Maybe you have a preferred place closer to home that you could suggest?

Looking forward to seeing everybody on Sat, 06-Jun-2015 evening. Best, always. Ashok

From: Tony Podesta [mailto:podesta@podesta.com]
Sent: Tuesday, May 12, 2015 7:40 PM
To: Amrita Mahbubani
Cc: Ashok Mahbubani; Mary Podesta; John Podesta
Subject: Re: Dinner in DC

Sounds good
I am in Australia
Happy to shop and chop
Back Sunday

Sent from my iPhone

On May 12, 2015, at 7:30 AM, Amrita Mahbubani <amrimah@hotmail.com<mailto:amrimah@hotmail.com>> wrote:
Hello, Tony

Hope all is well.

Ashok and I are back from the CGI, Middle East and Africa event, held in Marrakech, Morroco.

If we are still on for dinner on Saturday, June 06

Possible menu _ Indian: suggestions welcome.

1. Mixed grill of Tandoori chicken, lamb, and Lahori fish: Pizza oven.
Garnished with ribbon onions in lemon mint chutney.
2. Garlic Naan ( freshly baked, pizza oven @ 550 degrees)
3. Greek Yoghurt with shredded cucumber and fresh corriander garnish.
4. Basmati rice Pilaff with fresh green peas, Saffron and roasted pine nuts garnish.
5. A lentil dish.

Dessert: A block of Vanilla Ice cream heaped with mixed seasonal berries and Roasted Almond praline spikes, drizzled with Amaretto.

or with fresh sweet mango.

*if preferred, we can shop together earlier for meats/fish. etc.
From: podesta@podesta.com<mailto:podesta@podesta.com>
To: amrimah@hotmail.com<mailto:amrimah@hotmail.com>
CC: ashok@mtronics.com<mailto:ashok@mtronics.com>; podesta.mary@gmail.com<mailto:podesta.mary@gmail.com>; john.podesta@gmail.com<mailto:john.podesta@gmail.com>
Subject: Re: Dinner in DC
Date: Sat, 2 May 2015 08:22:16 +0000
Of course!!!!
Thank you so much for the cookbook

Sent from my iPhone

On Apr 30, 2015, at 2:24 PM, Amrita Mahbubani <amrimah@hotmail.com<mailto:amrimah@hotmail.com>> wrote:

Looking forward to it!

Tony, should the plan be Indian cuisine? If yes, I will send you a list of dishes we can decide on, some of which we can make in the pizza oven.. The shopping list will follow.

Trust you received the Army Cook book I sent to you, by now.

Warm regards

From: podesta@podesta.com<mailto:podesta@podesta.com>
To: ashok@mtronics.com<mailto:ashok@mtronics.com>
CC: amrimah@hotmail.com<mailto:amrimah@hotmail.com>; podesta.mary@gmail.com<mailto:podesta.mary@gmail.com>; john.podesta@gmail.com<mailto:john.podesta@gmail.com>
Subject: Re: Dinner in DC
Date: Sun, 26 Apr 2015 22:21:23 +0000
June 6 works great!
Let's plan

Sent from my iPhone

On Apr 21, 2015, at 6:12 PM, Ashok Mahbubani <ashok@mtronics.com<mailto:ashok@mtronics.com>> wrote:
Hi Tony! A special pleasure to meet you and Kate for the first time.
Please give her our contact information, as well.

We're committed to finding an evening when we can cook at your place.
We can do it on a weekend - ideally, one when you know Mary and John will be in town.

With our travel plans here's what might work in May & June:
May 16/17;
June 6/7; and
June 13/14.

Do let us know what looks like it might work on your end.

Warm Regards and Best Wishes, Ashok

Amrita & Ashok Mahbubani
The EKTA Foundation
6 King Georges Way
Huntsville AL 35824
Cell: + 1 256 337 1953 (Amrita)
Cell: + 1 256 468 9103 (Ashok)

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This email was scanned by BitDefender.
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Re: A Pizza-Related Handkerchief

Postby admin » Wed Dec 28, 2016 2:15 am

Symbols and Logos Used by Pedophiles to Identify Sexual Preferences
by Fderal Bureau of Investigation
Intelligence Bulletin
January 31, 2007


Release date:

November 22, 2007


This visually explosive FBI document reveals the secret symbols organized pedophiles use to recognize each other and is likely to be of broad interest to readers, especially parents. Wikileaks has verified the document.

The classification codes in used in the document (different parts have different classifications) are:

LES: Law Enforcement Sensitive
FOUO For Official Use Only
U: Unclassified

Wikileaks believes the information will be of assistance to parents and other care givers in recognizing pedophiles. Wikileaks affiliated journalists obtained the document via "child erotica" networks in Spain, which raises the question of how this FBI document came into the hands of individuals so close to the people it is meant to be investigating.

Pedophiles who sexually abuse children as well as those who produce, distribute, and trade child pornography, are using various types of identification logos or symbols to recognize one another and distinguish their sexual preferences. To specifically indicate the pedophile’s gender preference, members of pedophilic organizations encourage the use of descriptions such as “boylove”, “girllove”, and “childlove.”1 These symbols have been etched into rings and formed into pendants, and have also been found imprinted on coins.


File | Torrent | Magnet

Further information


United States
Government (bureaucracy)
Federal Bureau of Investigation


FBI’s Cyber Division, Innocent Images Unit.

How to verify (as provided by our source)

Call FBI’s Cyber Division, Innocent Images Unit on +1 301-586-1613. In addition the unrestricted parts of the document appeared briefly in an Ann-Arbour police newletter, subsequently removed from the internet, but the text is still available via Google's cache. Search for "formed into pendants, and have also been found imprinted on coins".

File size in bytes


File type information


Intel Bulletin Pedophile Symbols




PDFCreator Version 0.9.3


GPL Ghostscript 8.54


Tue Feb 13 15:16:09 2007


Tue May 8 19:38:22 2007



Page size

612 x 792 pts (letter)

PDF version


Cryptographic identity

SHA256 3b6664cc8cad2e62fc4af6720c06152892961ddd7060e4987cf4b7b8a851fc58

Text follows, but see the original pdf for the many images


31 January 2007

(U) Symbols and Logos Used by Pedophiles to Identify Sexual Preferences (U//FOUO) This intelligence bulletin addresses Crimes Against Children Standing Intelligence Requirements Set contained in Q-FBI-2200-005-06, HRWC CAC-VI.A.5. (U//LES) Pedophiles, to include those who sexually abuse children as well as those who produce, distribute, and trade child pornography, are using various types of identification logos or symbols to recognize one another and distinguish their sexual preferences. To specifically indicate the pedophile's gender preference, members of pedophilic organizations encourage the use of descriptions such as "boylove", "girllove", and "childlove."1 These symbols have been etched into rings and formed into pendants, and have also been found imprinted on coins. (U) The BoyLover logo (BLogo) is a small blue spiral-shaped triangle surrounded by a larger triangle, whereby the small triangle represents a small boy and the larger triangle represents an adult man.2 A variation of the BLogo is the Little Boy Lover logo (LBLogo), which also embodies a small spiral-shaped triangle within a larger triangle; however, the corners of the LBLogo are rounded to resemble a scribbling by a young child.3 Images of the BLogo and LBLogo symbols are depicted below. UNCLASSIFIED UNCLASSIFIED UNCLASSIFIED

(U) BLogo aka "Boy Lover" UNCLASSIFIED

(U) LBLogo aka "Little Boy Lover"

(U) BLogo imprinted on coins


UNCLASSIFIED//LAW ENFORCEMENT SENSITIVE (U) The GirlLover logo (GLogo) depicted below is a small heart surrounded by a larger heart, which symbolizes a relationship between an adult male or female and minor girl. UNCLASSIFIED UNCLASSIFIED

(U) GLogo Pendant (U) GLogo a.k.a. "Girl Lover," Childlove (U) The ChildLover logo (CLogo), as shown below, resembles a butterfly and represents non-preferential gender child abusers. The Childlove Online Media Activism Logo (CLOMAL), also represented below, is a general purpose logo used by individuals who use online media such as blogs and webcasts.4 UNCLASSIFIED UNCLASSIFIED

(U) CLogo a.k.a. "Child Lover"

(U) CLOMAL a.k.a. Childlove Online Media Activism

(U//LES) FBI investigations in several cities have uncovered several symbols used by pedophiles to proclaim their attraction to children. After a seizure of a subject's computer in connection with an Innocent Images case in the Jacksonville Division, a Computer Analysis Response Team forensic examiner came across an unfamiliar symbol that was integrated into a Web site banner named "ATBOYS.COM, where the "A" in "ATBOYS" was actually the BoyLove symbol and written as follows: TBOYS.com. It was further determined that "ATBOYS" is an acronym for Attracted To Boys.5 These pedophilia symbols also appear on Web sites such as one of the banners advertised on http://www.boylover.net, shown below.6 UNCLASSIFIED


UNCLASSIFIED//LAW ENFORCEMENT SENSITIVE (U//LES) In another incident, FBI Sacramento was alerted by the California Department of Justice about an unusual marking on a coin. Research of the marking concluded that the BoyLover logo (BLogo) was imprinted on the front of the coin, and the phrase "Kids Love Pedos" was engraved on the back of the coin.7 (Coins depicting the BLogo are pictured on page one.) The appearance of the BLogo on coins is another method used by pedophiles to announce their sexual preferences. (U) Pedophilia symbols on jewelry, coins, Web sites and other effects are indicative of advertisement methods used by child sexual predators to promote their cause. Pedophile activists advocate for the social acceptance of sexual relationships between adults and children. These organizations seek to decriminalize sexual relationships between adults and children and to legalize child pornography based on their belief that children have the ability to consent to sexual acts. (U//LES) Identical or similar jewelry and symbols as described in this intelligence bulletin should raise suspicion of possible pedophilia activity when found during searches. Investigators should also be attentive to pedophilia symbols advertised on Web sites. During examinations of computer files, investigators should be conscious of subjects who try to conceal child pornography by labeling them with symbols instead of the typical suggestive explicit names.

(U) This Intelligence Bulletin was prepared by the FBI's Cyber Division, Innocent Images Unit. Please address all comments or questions to the Innocent Images Unit at 301-586-1613.


UNCLASSIFIED//LAW ENFORCEMENT SENSITIVE Distribution Executive Assistant Director, National Security Branch Associate Executive Assistant Director, National Security Branch Assistant Director, Directorate of Intelligence Assistant Director, Counterintelligence Division Assistant Director, Counterterrorism Division Assistant Director, Criminal Investigative Division Assistant Director, Cyber Division Deputy Assistant Director, Directorate of Intelligence Section Chief, Information Sharing and Analysis Section (ISAS), CyD SAC/ASACs All Field Offices LEO FBI Intranet



FBI Customer Satisfaction Survey Return to: Innocent Images Unit, Calverton, MD Marking instructions: Circle the appropriate response accordingly. 1 2 3 4 5 N/A Strongly Disagree Disagree Neither Agree or Disagree Agree Strongly Agree Not Applicable Dear Customer: Please take a moment to complete this survey and help evaluate the quality and value of FBI products. Your response will help us serve you more effectively and efficiently in the future. Thank you for cooperation and assistance.

Product Title Product Date Customer

(U) Symbols and Logos Used by Pedophiles to Identify Sexual Preferences 31 January 2007
Intelligence Function/Investigative Program
Innocent Images National Initiative
Quality 1 2 3 4 5 N/A This product was delivered within established deadlines.
The product was timely and relevant to your mission, programs, priorities or initiatives. The product was clear and logical in the presentation of information with supported judgments and conclusions. The product is reliable i.e., sources well documented and reputable.
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Value 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 5 5 5 5 N/A N/A N/A N/A The product contributed to satisfying intelligence gaps or predicating cases or intelligence operations, especially in previously unknown areas. The product resulted in change in investigative or intelligence priorities and/or a shift from unaddressed to addressed work, or vice versa. The product resulted in more informed decisions concerning investigative or intelligence initiatives and/or resource allocation. The product identified new information associated with pending matters or offered insights into information that could change the working premise in a program or initiative.
___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________
1 2
(U) Pedophile Activism, available at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Childlove_movement. (U) Ibid. 3 (U) BLogo Variations, available at http://www.freespirits.org/blogo/blvari.htm. 4 (U) Pedophile Activism, available at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Childlove_movement. 5 (U) Source is a Computer Analysis Response Team Forensic Examiner assigned to the Jacksonville Division. 6 (U) BoyLover.net Support and Fellowship, available at http://www.boylover.net. 7 (U) FBI internal e-mail, 24 October 2006.
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Re: A Pizza-Related Handkerchief

Postby admin » Wed Dec 28, 2016 2:27 am


Re: Reminder: 12:45 showing today

To: john.podesta@gmail.com
Date: 2015-12-20 16:56
Subject: Re: Reminder: 12:45 showing today

Gone. Thank you!! Didn't go back for lights, etc.

And again, sorry to have had to move your things. (Wallet under pillow.)



Fran Shapiro
Licensed Real Estate Salesperson

Engel & Völkers Mercedes/Berk
783 Madison Avenue, 3rd Floor
New York, NY 10065
Tel: +1 646-661-2079
Cell: +1 347-556-4409

On Dec 20, 2015, at 1:48 PM, John Podesta <john.podesta@gmail.com> wrote:

Still there?

> On Sunday, December 20, 2015, Fran Shapiro <fran@mercedesberk.com> wrote:
> Hello
> I'll be up around 12:35 to get lights/shades ready.
> Thanks!
> Fran
> Fran Shapiro
> Licensed Real Estate Salesperson
> Engel & Völkers Mercedes/Berk
> 783 Madison Avenue, 3rd Floor
> New York, NY 10065
> Tel: +1 646-661-2079
> Cell: +1 347-556-4409
> mercedesberk.com
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Re: A Pizza-Related Handkerchief

Postby admin » Wed Dec 28, 2016 2:43 am

Pizza and Pedofiles
Comet Ping Pong Washington, DC
November 6, 2016

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Re: A Pizza-Related Handkerchief

Postby admin » Wed Dec 28, 2016 2:44 am

PizzaGate - Unraveling the Occult Pedophilia Ring Coding of the Political Elite
by New World Agenda
November 16, 2016

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