Terrorism and the Illuminati: A Three Thousand Year History

"Science," the Greek word for knowledge, when appended to the word "political," creates what seems like an oxymoron. For who could claim to know politics? More complicated than any game, most people who play it become addicts and die without understanding what they were addicted to. The rest of us suffer under their malpractice as our "leaders." A truer case of the blind leading the blind could not be found. Plumb the depths of confusion here.

Re: Terrorism and the Illuminati: A Three Thousand Year Hist

Postby admin » Tue Jun 27, 2017 1:33 am

Chapter Nine: The Holy Grail

The Norman Conquest

It was during the Crusades, a struggle incepted to serve the designs of the Guilhemids, that these families came into contact with the Assassins, and imported their doctrines to Europe, where they eventually became known as Scottish Rite Freemasonry. The importance of Scotland was that it was thought to be there that the sacred bloodline was thought to survive, characterized by their red hair. While also deriving from Scythia, during the Crusades, a particular bloodline was composed, by way of intermarriage with the Eastern aristocracy, again, through the important person of Dubrawka of Bohemia, to result in the sacred bloodline of the Stuarts and Sinclairs.

The Sinclairs were a Norman family descended from Rollo the Viking, a Norman Viking leader, who married Poppa of Bavaria, the great-granddaughter of William of Gellone, and from whom were descended the Dukes of Normandy. Rollo the Viking was the son of Rangvald the Wise, Jarl of Orkney. Orkney consists of about two hundred small islands just north of Caithness in northern Scotland. The islands were invaded by Vikings in the ninth century AD, where they ruled as Jarls, and made the islands the headquarters for their raiding expeditions.

Studies have discovered that the genetic component of the population of Orkney is characterized by a type not found in other British samples, but one in high frequency in Russia, Ukraine, Bohemia, and throughout Central Asia, and rare in East Asia and Western Europe. According a study, titled The Eurasian Heartland: A continental perspective on Y- chromosome diversity, conducted by the National Academy of Sciences, the distribution of this gene grouping is “...likely to represent traces of an ancient population migration originating in southern Russia/Ukraine”, where it is found at a high frequency. [1] In other words, this specific genetic type originated in Scythia.

The infusion of the racial component of these new invaders into the peoples of Scotland resulted in a prevalence of the red hair which was characteristic of the Scythians. Scotland has the highest proportion of redheads of any country in the world, with around thirteen percent of the population having naturally red hair. A further forty percent of Scots carry the variant gene which results in red hair. Ireland, as well, has the second highest population of naturally redheaded people in the world, amounting to about ten percent of its inhabitants. [2]

Ragnvald was the great-grandson of Halfdan the Old. According to Snorri, Halfdan the Old was the most famous of all kings. Halfdan performed a human sacrifice at the winter solstice, that he might live three hundred years. Instead, however, he received the answer that he would not live more than the normal span of a man’s life, but that for three hundred years all of his descendants would achieve great repute.

Emma of Normandy, the daughter of Rollo’s great-grandson, Richard Duke of Normandy, married Ethelred the Unready, the son and successor of Edward the Elder. When England was invaded by Sven I of Denmark, Ethelred was forced to flee from England to Normandy, to seek shelter with his brother-in-law, Robert. Ethelred returned to England in only 1014 AD, after Sven died, but he himself also died only two years later.

Ethelred the Unready was then succeeded by his son, Edmund II Ironside. However, Canute the Great, the son of Sven and Gunhilda, the daughter of Dubrawka and Mieszko I of Poland, enjoyed greater support from the English nobility. [3] Nevertheless, Ethelred and Canute, negotiated a peace, in which they agreed that upon either of their deaths, territories belonging to the deceased would be ceded to the living.

When Edmund II died, Canute became King of England, Denmark and Norway. To associate his line with the overthrown English dynasty, and to insure himself against attack from Normandy, where Ethelred’s other son, Edward the Confessor, and Alfred Atheling, remained in Exile, Canute married Ethelred’s widow, Emma of Normandy. He then designated their son Harthacanute as heir to the throne, in preference to his other son, Harold Harefoot, an illegitimate child by Aelgifu of Northampton, a concubine.

In opposition to his brother, Harold proclaimed himself King of England in 1037 AD, after the death of his father, and had Alfred Atheling blinded and killed when they attempted to return to England. Harold himself died in 1040 AD, and Harthacanute, who was just then preparing an invasion, succeeded him to the throne. Harthacanute then invited his half- brother Edward the Confessor back from Normandy, to become his co-ruler and heir.

Edward the Confessor then heard that another half-brother, Edward the Exile, the son of Ethelred the Unready by another woman, was still alive, he had him recalled to England and made him his Heir. When only a few months old, Canute the Great had sent Edmund’s son, Edward the “Exile” to be murdered in Denmark. Instead, however, he was secretly brought to Kiev, and then made his way to Hungary. In Hungary, Edward the Exile married Agatha of Bulgaria, the daughter of Gavril Radomir, son of Samuil of Bulgaria. Agatha’s mother was Hercegno of Hungary, daughter of Geza and Adelaide, daughter of Mieszko I and Dubrawka. [4]

However, Edward the Exile died shortly after his return, so Edward made his great nephew Edgar Atheling his heir. But Edgar had no secure following among the nobles. The resulting succession crisis opened the way for the successful invasion by William the Conqueror, Duke of Normandy, the son of Robert of Normandy. Though Edgar Atheling was elected king after Harold’s death, he was brushed aside by William of Normandy, who would use his relationship, as grandnephew of Ethelred the Unready, as the basis of his claim to the throne, claiming that the childless Edward the Confessor had chosen him his heir.

William further strengthened his claim by marrying, in 1053 AD, Matilda of Flanders. Matilda was descended from Baldwin II of Flanders, of the Guilhemids, who had married Ethelswith, the daughter of Alfred the Great. Baldwin II was the son of Judith of England, the daughter of Charles the Bald and Ermentrude of Orleans, herself the daughter of William of Gellone. [5] She was first married to Ethelwulf before she married Baldwin’s II father, Baldwin I Count of Flanders. Baldwin II’s grandson, Baldwin III Count of Flanders, was married to Matilda of Billung, whose father, Herman Billung, was the brother to Oda Billung, mother of Otto “the Illustrious”, Holy Roman Emperor. Matilda’s grandfather, Baldwin IV Count of Flanders, married Otgive of Luxembourg, daughter of Frederick of Luxembourg, brother of Saint Cunigunde.


This marriage effected in Hungary came at a point when the numerous strains of this dispersed bloodline were reconnected, just in time for the Crusades, which brought into existence a number of organizations that incepted the occult conspiracy in Europe. The daughter of Edward the Exile and Agatha of Bulgaria was St. Margaret Queen of Scotland. [6] Thus, when she married Malcolm III of Scotland, who was descended from Aidan, the father of King Arthur, the joint Saxon and Khazar heritage was joined to the Scottish. Malcolm and Margaret’s son became David I of Scotland, while David’s sister, Editha, married Henry I King of England, the son of William the Conqueror. It was their descendants, the Stuarts and Sinclairs, the purported Grail family, who would figure centrally in coming developments.

One influencing factor in the rise of Arthurian legend among the Normans was that William the Conqueror was also a descendant of the Bretons, who had also supported William the Conqueror at the Battle of Hastings, providing a large proportion of the knights. The Bretons had kept alive the legends of King Arthur, brought with them when they fled Britain during the Saxon invasions five centuries earlier. The reason being, as the authors of the Holy Blood Holy Grail have shown, might have been that, in contrast to later Grail chroniclers, Wolfram von Eschenbach, instead of locating Arthur in Britain, maintained that his court of Camelot was situated in France, quite specifically at Nantes in Brittany. According to Wolfram, then, Arthur’s court is in Brittany.

Originally settled by Celtic tribes, Brittany was conquered by Julius Caesar in 56 BC. Christianised in the third century, Brittany was successively invaded by the Saxons, in the third century. In the fourth century, Romanized Britons from across the English Channel started to settle, and at an increasing rate as Roman troops began their withdrawal from Britain, having been pushed by the raiding Anglo-Saxons. The immigrant Britons gave the region its current name and contributed to the Breton language, a sister language to Welsh language and Cornish.

During the ninth century AD, Brittany was severely affected by Viking attacks, contributing to the nobility being fraught by dynastic disputes. The authority of the reigning dukes suffered even further from the pressures of resisting claims by both the dukes of Normandy and the counts of Anjou. This process of fragmentation was halted and reversed from the eleventh century, when intermarriage resulted in the ducal title vesting in one individual, Duke Alain IV, and scion of a direct line of descent of kings of Brittany, and before that, of Britain, descended from Llyr the Celtic Sea god, the father of Bran the Arch Druid, who married Anna, the daughter of Joseph of Arimathea. Bran and Anna had twelve sons, and it was Alain le Gros, their youngest son, who became known as the Fisher King, and Keeper of the Grail. [7]

Alain IV Duke of Brittany married Ermengarde of Anjou, the daughter of Fulk IV. The counts of Anjou were descended from Ingelger, Count of Anjou, who was knighted by Louis, son of Charles the Bald, as the first lord of Anjou. Ingelger was the father of Fulk I of Anjou, whose grandson, Geoffroi I comte d’Anjou married Adelaide of Vermandois. The House of Vermandois were Guilhemids, descended from from Guillaume’s daughter Cunigonde and Bernard of Italy, grandson of Charlemagne. Their son was Fulk III Count of Anjou, whose daughter, another Ermingarde, was the mother of Fulk I.

Ermengard had previously been married to William IX Duke of Aquitaine, who lived from 1071 to 1112 AD. He was direct descendant of Guillaume de Gellone. His granddaughter was Eleanore of Aquitaine. Eleanor’s father was William X of Aquataine, and her mother, Philippa of Toulouse. Eleanor inherited the Duchy of Aquitaine, and, marrying Louis VI, the grandson of Philip I, became queen of France. However, Eleanor’s conduct aroused Louis’s jealousy and marked the beginning of their estrangement. Their marriage was finally annulled in 1152 AD.

Eleanor then married Henry II King of England. Fulk IV’s son, Fulk V was the father of Geoffrey V Plantagenet, through whom were united the Guilhemid, Norman, Saxon and Khazzarian lines, when he married Matilda, the daughter of Henry I of England, and Editaha of Scotland. Their son was Henry II, who became King of England in 1154 AD, and married Eleanore of Aquitaine, the granddaughter of William IX of Aquitaine.

Thus, Henry II ranks as the first of the Plantagenet kings of England, and through his marriage to Eleanor, established the Angevin Empire, as it is called, that controlled a domain dwarfing the power of France, and incorporating all of England, half of France, as well as Scotland and Ireland. Eleanore bore him five sons and three daughters, one of whom was Richard I, “the Lion- Hearted”, who succeeded his father as king of England, and under whom the Angevin Empire attained its height.

The Cathars

Somehow, perhaps through these intermarriages, Paulician and Bogomil influences ended up in in southern France, among the Guilhemids, where they produced the heresy of the Cathars. Though, this heresy also received influences from the Kabbalah, which was then flourishing in the region. It was Eleanor’s grandfather, William IX of Aquitaine, who is recognized as the first of the troubadours, part of a culture of “Courtly Love” that developed out of the influence of Catharism, which flourished in the Languedoc, particularly the regions of Toulouse and Aquitaine.

Essentially, the Cathars were Gnostic. The New Testament they attributed to the benevolent God, but that the God of the Old was evil, equating him with Satan. They believed also that the Christ who was born in the visible, and terrestrial Bethlehem, and crucified in Jerusalem, was an evil man, and that Mary Magdalene was his concubine. For the good Christ, as they claimed, never ate, nor drank, and never assumed physical form, except spiritually in the body of Paul. They also regarded the Church of Rome was a “den of thieves”, and as the harlot of the Apocalypse. [8]

The Cathars also practiced vegetarianism and believed in a form of reincarnation. Marriage was frowned upon, and they believed that those who bore children could not be saved in this world. It was as a result of this particular belief that the term “buggery” was introduced, since if they were to give in to sexual temptation in this manner, it would at least ensure that no children resulted. And, like the Gnostics before them, the Cathars were accused of engaging in sexual orgies, sometimes involving incest, and of practicing secret rituals in worship of the Devil, involving the sacrifice of children and eating their flesh in cannibalistic rites.

The Crusades

Gershom Scholem, the foremost scholar of the subject, acknowledged that Catharism was influenced by a Kabbalistic text known as the Sepher ha-Bahir. The origin of the work is unknown. Though there had been important mystical developments leading up to that time, the teachings of the Rabbis of the Languedoc region underwent a powerful transformation, due to the infusion of a new mystical tradition, which the Bahir exemplified. Scholars of the Kabbalah have been unable to account for the source of this tradition, however, because it represented a form of classical Gnosticism of a kind that had disappeared since the first centuries AD.

One possible avenue for the transmission of the Gnostic knowledge of the Sepher ha-Bahir, corroborated by rumours familiar in the occult, is that the infamous Knights Templar had undertaken excavations beneath the Temple of Solomon in Jerusalem. Therefore, because of the special associations that persisted between the Templars and the Cathars, as well as the leading families of the Languedoc region, it would appear that the Crusades were instigated deliberately to provide the Templars this very opportunity, because it was likely known among them that such texts, or other treasures, still remained buried beneath the Temple.

In March of 1095, ambassadors sent by Byzantine emperor Alexius I called for help in defending his empire against the Seljuk Turks. Later that year, at the Council of Clermont, Pope Urban II called upon all Christians to join a war against the Turks, promising those who died in the endeavor immediate remission of their sins. The first to respond, a ragtag band led by Peter the Hermit, were known collectively as the People’s Crusade. However, lacking in military discipline, and ill-equipped, they were massacred by the Seljuk Turks.

The venture that did succeed was the one led by the leading representatives of the Guilhemids, known as the Princes’ Crusade. The son of Alexius I Comnenus, John II Comnenus, married Piroska of Hungary. She was the daughter of King Ladislau I of Hungary, the great-grandson of Michael, brother of Geza, and Adelaide, the daughter of Mieszko I King of Poland. John II’s son, Manuel I Comnenus, married Maria, the daughter of Raymond of Antioch, the son of William IX “the Troubadour” of Aquitaine, and Mahaut Countess of Toulouse.

The father of Mahaut, William IV of Toulouse, was the brother of Raymond IV, leader of the First Crusade. His mother, Constance, Princess of Antioch, was the daughter of Bohemund II, the grandson of Robert Guiscard, and Alix Princess of Jerusalem, whose father, Baldwin II King of Jerusalem, shared a grandfather with Godfroi de Bouillon, Manasses III. Raymond’s mother, Almodie de la Marche, was a descendant of Gilbert de Rouergue, the brother of Rabbi Makhir. His son Fredelon married Bertha of Autun, the sister of William of Gellone. Their grandson son was Raymond I of Toulouse. [9]

Raymond was joined by Bohemond, the son of Robert Guiscard, who was married to Constance of France, the daughter of Philip I King of France. Philip I’s father was Henry I King of France. Henri married Anne of Kiev, the daughter of Yaroslav I the Wise, one of numerous sons of Vladimir Grand Duke of Kiev. Yaroslav’s mother was the famous Rogneda of Polotsk. It has been speculated that her father Ragnvald, who came from Scandinavia, and established himself at Polatsk in the mid-10th century, belonged to the Ynglings royal family of Norway. In or about 980, Vladimir of Novgorod, on learning that Rogneda was betrothed to his brother Yaropolk I of Kiev, took Polotsk and forced Rogneda to marry him. Having raped Rogneda in the presence of her parents, he ordered them to be killed, along with two of Rogneda’s brothers. Rogneda gave him several children, among which was Yaroslav. [10]

Most importantly, Raymond and Bohemund were aided by Godfroi of Bouillon, duke of Lorraine. Godfroi’s father, Eustace II, was descended Baldwin I of Flanders, Alfred the Great, and from Siegried, the father of Cunigunde of Luxemburg, whose wife was Hedwig of Nordgau, was the granddaughter of Henry the Fowler. Siegfried’s mother was Cunigunde of Hainaut, the greatgranddaughter of Charles the Bald. Godfroi’s mother was Ida of Verdun, who was descended on her father’s side from Hugh the Great, and Friedrich of Upper and Lower Lorraine, the brother of Siegried of Moselgau. Ida’s mother is descended from Hedwig’s sister, Albrada of Lorraine.

When the Princes’ Crusade succeed in capturing Jerusalem, in 1099 AD, Godfroi was offered the crown as “King of Jerusalem”. He refused, and it was instead accepted by his brother, Baldwin.

The Templars

Then, in 1118 AD, the order of the Templars was founded in the conquered city. The Templars, one of two of the principal order of crusading knight, along with the Knights Hospitallers of St. John, are well recognized as the typical image of the crusaders, with long white mantles, emblazoned with the equal armed red cross “pattee.” Originally concerned with ensuring safe passage of Christian pilgrims between the port of Jaffa and the city of Jerusalem, the order was founded by a French nobleman, Hughes de Payens, and eight other soldiers, who took the name, Poor Knights of the Temple, from Temple of Solomon, from where they were first stationed.

The legend recounted in occult circles is that the Templars learned from certain “initiates of the East”, a Jewish doctrine which was attributed to St. John the Apostle. [11] These Christians of St. John, known as Johannites, and reputed to inhabit the “banks of the Euphrates”, are identified with the Mandeans or the Sabians. The Templars were also reputed to have acquired such teachings from the Assassins. The Hermeticism of the Sabians, also preserved by the Ismailis of the Grand Lodge in Cairo, was thought to represent the preserved Gnostic teachings of Hellenistic Alexandria.

Because the Mandeans revered John the Baptist as the prophet of the ancient religion of Moses, Kurt Rudolph, noted scholar of Gnosticism, has pointed out, “the attempt has been made to deduce from this that we have here historical traditions of the disciples of the Baptist, but this cannot be proved up to now. It is more likely that the Mandeans took over legends of this kind from heretical Christians, possible Gnostics, circles and shaped them according to their ideas.” [12] The “Johannite” doctrine, derived originally from Talmudic or Kabbalistic sources, taught that Jesus was the illegitimate son of Mary, who as a boy, was taken to Egypt, where he was initiated into the secret doctrines of the priests of the Essenes, and returned to Palestine to deceive the people with his magic. [13]

According to Kabbalistic legend, it had also been in Egypt that Moses was initiated, where he learned the highest mysteries, which he then passed on to his brother Aaron and to the leaders of the Israelites. Jesus, therefore, was then supposedly instructed in these traditions, at a school in Alexandria, in the degrees of Egyptian initiation, giving rise to the legend that he had belonged to the Essenes, by which he initiated or baptized his disciples in the manner of St. John. It was from the Mandeans that the Templars appropriated the teaching that Jesus was a false Messiah sent by the devil, for they had, as occultist Eliphas Levi described, “two doctrines; one was concealed and reserved to the leaders, being that of Johannism; the other was public, being Roman Catholic doctrine.” [14]

Therefore, contact with the Sabians or Assassins was one possible avenue for the transmission of the Gnostic knowledge that went to form the content of the Bahir. Nathaniel Deutsch, in The Gnostic Imagination: Gnosticism, Mandaeism and Merkabah Mysticism, recognizes that:

At present, we must be satisfied with acknowledging the phenomenological parallels between the Mandaean and Kabbalistic traditions, although we must also seriously consider the possibility that both Mandaean and Kabbalistic sources drew on a common pool of earlier (Jewish?) theosophic traditions. [15]

The other possibility is that the Bahir was derived from text discovered hidden beneath the Temple by the Templars. In fact, the Templars had long been rumored to have discovered a “treasure”, while stationed in Jerusalem, that made them phenomenally wealthy and powerful. And, in 1867, Captain Wilson, Lieutenant Warren and a team of Royal Engineers found strong support for these rumours. They had re-excavated the area and uncovered tunnels extending vertically, for some 25 meters, before fanning out under the Dome of the Rock, which is generally thought to be the site of King Solomon’s temple. Crusader artifacts found in these tunnels attest to Templar involvement. More recently, a team of Israeli archaeologists, intrigued by the Warren and Wilson discovery, reinvestigated the passage and concluded that the Templars did in fact excavate beneath the Temple. [16]

The Templars may have discovered texts that had been hidden beneath the site prior to its destruction by the Roman invasion in 70 AD, thus accounting for the mysterious appearance of the Bahir, as it was described by the Kabbalists as having reached them from Palestine, “in extremely mutilated form, as remnants of scrolls, booklets and traditions.” [17] Once in southern France, this new mystical approach touched off not only a revolution in Jewish thinking, producing what is now known as the Medieval Kabbalah, but contributed to the Christian heresy of the Cathars, and from them the Templars.

The influence of the Bahir, through the Cathar culture of Courtly Love entirely transformed the legend of King Arthur, known as the Matter of Britain, makes its appearance in French literature, in the years following the Templar discovery. The Templars then became the focus of the various Arthurian romances, which gained popularity in the twelfth century. Arthur was said to hold court at Camelot, and to have gathered the Knights of the Round Table, including Lancelot, Gawain, Galahad, and others, who were descendants of the Fisher Kings. These knights engaged in fabulous quests, most importantly, the quest for the “Holy Grail”.

The Grail legends therefore refer cryptically to the Templar project in the Holy Land. The Templars were the agents of the Guilhemids. And, it was among the Jews of Narbonne that the Kabbalah underwent this transformation. Narbonne had been the capital of Septimania, where Rabbi Makhir had originally been appointed “King of the Jews”, and taken the name of Thierry, and which continued to be governed by his descendants, the Guilhemids. Scholem also concludes, “whatever we know about the earliest Kabbalists and As Scholem has pointed out, the Cathars agree with the Kabbalists on a number of points, but that, “the question of a possible link between the crystallization of the Kabbalah, as we find it in the redaction of the Bahir, and the Cathar movement must also remain unresolved, at least for the moment. This connection is not demonstrable, but the possibility cannot be excluded.” [18]

Several thirteenth century Christian polemicists had reproached the Cathars for their relations with Jews, and historian Paul Johnson notes that, “the Church was by no means wide of the mark when it identified Jewish influences in the Cathar movement…” [19] In Jewish Influences on Christian Reform Movements, Louis I. Newman concludes:

... that the powerful Jewish culture in Languedoc, which had acquired sufficient strength to assume an aggressive, propagandist policy, created a milieu wherefrom movements of religious independence arose readily and spontaneously. Contact and association between Christian princes and their Jewish officials and friends stimulated the state of mind which facilitated the banishment of orthodoxy, the clearing away of the debris of Catholic theology. Unwilling to receive Jewish thought, the princes and laity turned towards Catharism, then being preached in their domains. [20]

Ultimately, the secret of the Holy Grail, as the authors of the Holy Blood Holy Grail revealed, is that of a sacred lineage. Therefore, the authors concluded, the Sangreal should be translated to mean, “Sang Real” or Royal Blood”. The authors, like Dan Brown after him, erred in asserting descent from Jesus and Mary Magdalene. Grail lore, like that of the Cathars, is Gnostic. Rather, Mary Magdalene is an esoteric symbol, referring to the goddess, and the royal blood of the Grail is a Luciferian bloodline, which stems from the unholy conspiracy against the life of Jesus.

According to a anonymous Grail legend by the name of the Perlesvaus, we find: “here is the story of thy descent; here begins the Book of the Sangreal.” Theodoric was known as Aymery in the romances, and was the father of Guillaume de Gellone, about whom there were at least six major epic poems composed before the era of the crusades, including Willehalm, by Wolfram. In a Wolfram poem, Perceval is the father of Lohengrin, the Knight Swan. One day, in his castle Munsalvaesche, he hears a bell toll as a signal to come to the aid of a damsel in distress. According to some sources, she was the duchess of Bouillon, whom Lohengrin hastened to her rescue in a boat drawn by swans. Having defeated her persecutor, he married the lady, though, requiring of her that she not question about his ancestry. At last, wrought with curiosity, she broke the vow, at which point Lohengrin was forced to leave. Though, he left her with a child, according to various accounts, that was either father or grandfather of Godfroi de Bouillon.


To deal with the Cathar heresy, at first, the Church tried conversion, by sending a number of legates into the region of Toulouse. But the local nobles protected the Cathars, and the Bishops of the district rejected the authority of the Pope’s legates. Papal legate Peter of Castelnau, known for excommunicating the noblemen who protected the Cathars, excommunicated Raymond VI, the Count of Toulouse. Raymond VI was the great-grandson of Raymond I, who led the First Crusade. Raymond I’s wife was Elvira of Castile and Leon, the daughter of Zaida of Denia, an Ismaili of the Fatimids, who had married Alfonso VI “the Brave” of Leon. [21] Elvira had first married Roger II Guiscard. Raymond VI’s mother was Constance Capet of Toulouse, the great-great-granddaughter of Constance of Arles and Vienna. [22] Raymond VI was himself married to Joan Plantagenet, daughter of Eleanor of Aquitaine and Henry II King of England.

Peter of Castelnau was then murdered near Saint Gilles Abbey in 1208, on his way back to Rome. As a response, the Pope, in what is known as the Albigensian Crusade, in reference to the Languedoc center at Albi, moved in to extirpate the heresy. Finally, in 1229, the Pope established the Inquisition to root out the Cathars, and in 1244, final defeat came upon the Cathars at their famous stronghold of Montsegur, when more than 200 Cathar priests were massacred by the Crusaders.

A half-century later, the Templars would come under similar suspicions. Though the Templars had grown very powerful, by 1291, Jerusalem fell to Muslim leader Saladin, and nearly all of the Crusader holdings in Palestine came into Arab control. The Templars established their new headquarters in Cyprus, but with the loss of the Holy Land, the purpose of their existence was lost. Suspicion about the order began to mount. The true allegiances of the order were in doubt, as it became generally believed that the Templars were engaged in forming secret pacts with the Muslims. This rumor seems to have been confirmed when the Order entered into an alliance with the Amir of Damascus against the Hospitallers of Knights of St. John. It is known that there were frequent examples of the Templars forging alliances with the Muslims, and that they had established contacts with the Ismaili Assassins in a plot to gain control of Tyre.

Pope Clement V came under strong pressure from Philip IV the Fair of France at this time, and in response, in November 1307, ordered the arrest of the Templars in every country. King Philip had every Templar in France arrested on Oct. 13 of that year. On March 22, 1312, the Templars’ property throughout Europe was transferred to the Hospitalers, or confiscated by the state. Many Templars were executed or imprisoned, and in 1314 the order’s last grand master, Jacques de Molay, was burned at the stake.

The Templars were charged with practicing witchcraft, of denying the tenets of the Christian faith, spitting or urinating on the cross during secret rites of initiation, worshipping a skull or head called Baphomet in a dark cave, anointing it with blood or the fat of anabaptized babies, worshipping the devil in the shape of a black cat, and committing acts of sodomy and bestiality. Despite the fact that a great number of the knights, including the Grand Master himself, Jacques du Molay, confessed to most of these accusations, modern historians continue to apologize for the Templars, instead accusing Phillip of political ambition or greed in seizing the order’s property. However, those acts of which the Templars were accused are typical of those that had been attributed in times past to the Ancient Mysteries, Gnostics or the Sabians of Harran.

The Sinclairs

Nevertheless, despite their supposed persecution, the Templars were reputed to have survived in Scotlland, where they were represented by the influential family of the Sinclairs. Legend has it that, when the Templars came under trial, their leader de Molay arranged for the Templar treasures to be removed in a fleet of galleys from the port of La Rochelle. The majority of these treasure ships sailed to Scotland. Templars have been suggested as the source of mounted soldiers who assisted Robert the Bruce’s forces at the battle of Bannockburn, as the Scots themselves did not have a mounted force.

The Templars had apparently chosen Scotland because they knew they would be immune from attack from the Catholic Church there, because King Robert the Bruce, and the whole Scottish nation, had been excommunicated for taking up arms against King Edward II of England. The more likely reason, however, was that they ventured to Scotland to align themselves with the bloodline that had just produced itself through the marriage of Margaret to Agatha of Bulgaria and Malcolm III of Scotland.

The famous “Scottish Declaration of Independence”, which was drawn up by Bernard de Linton, Chancellor of Scotland in the year 1320, should prove of value. Preserved as it is in the Register House, Edinburgh, this historic document bearing the seals of all the Scottish barons of the day was signed by Robert the Bruce and addressed to Pope John XXII after he attempted to secure Scottish submission to Edward II of England. It reads:

We know, Most Holy Father and Lord, and from the chronicles and books of the ancients gather, that among other illustrious nations, ours, to wit the nation of the Scots, has been distinguished by many honours; which, passing from the greater Scythia through the Mediterranean Sea and Pillars of Hercules, and sojourned in Spain among the most savage tribes through a long course of time, could nowhere be subjugated by any people, however barbarous; and coming thence one thousand two hundred years after the outgoing of the people of Israel, they, by many victories and infinite toil, acquired for themselves the possessions in the West which they now hold ... In their Kingdom one hundred and thirteen kings of their own royal stock, no stranger intervening, have reigned. [23]

The Templar force at the Battle of Bannockburn was led by Sir William Sinclair, of a family who, say genetic researchers Elizabeth Hirschman and Donald Panther-Yates, authors of a forthcoming book, When Scotland was Jewish, were secret Jews, among the many Sephardic Jews from Spain and southern France that entered Scotland from around 1100 AD onward. The first group would have accompanied William the Conqueror and assisted in setting up the civil administration in England. Some then made their way to Scotland, around 1150, at the invitation of Malcolm III and his son David I. [24]

The Sinclairs, like all Norman nobility, were also descended from the Viking, Rollo Ragnvaldsson and Poppa of Bavaria. Charles the Simple, King of France, met Rollo at the castle of St. Clair, and there made him Duke of Normandy. The Sinclairs soon multiplied to such an extent that they could not all stay at the castle of St. Clair, and were given various other castles around France. However, they all went to England with the Conqueror. One Sinclair, named William, did not like the Conqueror, his cousin, so with some other discontented barons, he went to Scotland. William St. Clair, like William the Conqueror, and Alain IV of Brittany, were descended from Conan I of Brittany. The two Williams were the grandsons of Emma of Normandy’s brother, Richard II “the Good” of Normandy, and Judith of Brittany, the daughter of Conan I of Brittany and Ermangard of Anjou. [25]

It was William St. Clair, serving on a delegation for his father’s cousin, King Edward the Confessor, who escorted his successor, Edward “the Exile”, from Hungary back to England, after which his daughter Margaret later married Malcolm III of Scotland. According to the Anglo-Saxon Chronicles, in 1128, soon after the Council of Troyes, Hugh de Payens, the Templars’ first Grand Master, met with their son, King David I of Scotland. King David granted Hugues and his knights the lands of Ballantradoch, by the Firth of Forth, but now renamed Temple. King David later surrounded himself with Templars, and appointed them as “the Guardians of his morals by day and night”. [26]

David married Maud of Northumberland, whose mother was Judith of Lens, the daughter of Godfroi de Bouillon’s brother, Lambert II de Boulogne, and Adeliza, the sister of William the Conqueror. Godfroi’s younger brother, Eustace III, married David’s sister, Mary Scots. Their daughter, Mathilde married Stephen I King of England, who was the son of Henry Count of Blois, and Adela of Normandy, the daughter of William the Conqueror. Adela’s brother, Henry I King of England, married David’s sister, Editha of Scotland. Their daughter, Mathilda Empress of England, married Geoffrey V, Comte d’Anjou, whose son became Henry II King of England and married Eleanor of Aquitaine.

Robert the Bruce claimed the Scottish throne as a great-great-great-great grandson of David. He was also a descendant of Robert the Brus II, who married William St. Clair’s sister Agnes. Robert the Bruce was also the grandson of Walter Stewart, 3rd High Stewart of Scotland. Walter Stewart, the sixth High Steward of Scotland, played an important part in the Battle of Bannockburn. Walter Stewart then married Majory, daughter of Robert the Bruce, and their son Robert II, eventually inherited the Scottish throne after his uncle David II of Scotland died. From them were descended all subsequent Stewart, or Stuart, kings of Scotland.

Before his death, Robert the Bruce had requested that his heart be taken to Jersusalem, and buried in the Templar Church of the Holy Sepulchre. The heart was taken by Sir William Sinclair, great-grandson of the first William St. Clair, and Sir James Douglas, but the two never made it to the Holy Land, having been killed in Spain in battle with the Muslims. [27] His grandson, also named William Sinclair, in the fifteenth century, became the third Earl of Orkney, first Earl of Caithness, and High Chancellor of Scotland. William’s mother was Jill Douglas, the great-granddaughter of James Douglas. [28] James Douglas’ mother was Elizabeth Stewart, the daughter of Alexander Stewart, 4th High Steward of Scotland. [29]

In 1441, King James II Stewart appointed William Sinclair to the post of Hereditary Patron and Protector of Scottish Masons. These were not Freemasons but working stone masons. It was not until well later that “speculative” Masons joined the guilds, which came to be known as Freemason. William Sinclair also designed the most sacred site in Freemasonry, Rosslyn Chapel, a church in the village of Roslin, replete with occult symbolism, and which has often been rumored to be the burial site of the Holy Grail, being the remains of Mary Magdalene.

The myth of the family has recently been popularized by Dan Brown’s The Da Vinci Code. It is at Rosslyn Chapel that Sophia, the protagonist of the book, finds out about the pedigree of her parents, who, “incredibly, both had been from Merovingian families — direct descendants of Mary Magdalene and Jesus Christ. Sophie’s parents and ancestors, for protection, had changed their family names of Plantard and Saint-Clair.” [30]

Dan Brown also divulges the ultimate secret of the Illuminati bloodline, which is perceived to be red hair, which of course is at its highest concentration in Scotland. Red hair, having been introduced by their Scythian ancestors, is believed to be its characteristic trait, a mark of their Luciferian nature. Not only is Sophia a redhead, but Brown makes repeated references to the importance of red hair, and carefully notes that Mary Magdalene was portrayed by Da Vinci as having red hair, as a deliberate reference to her “sacred” heritage.

According to Dan Brown, Rosslyn takes its name from the rose, which the traditional secret symbol of Mary Magdalene and the Holy Grail. As Brown explains:

The chapel’s geographic coordinates fall precisely on the north-south meridian that runs through Glastonbury. This longitudinal Rose Line is the traditional marker of King Arthur’s Isle of Avalon and is considered the central pillar of Britain’s sacred geometry. It is from this hallowed Rose Line that Rosslyn — originally spelled Roslin— takes its name… or, as Grail academics preferred to believe, from the “Line of Rose”— the ancestral lineage of Mary Magdalene. [31]

There are hundreds of stone carvings in the walls and in the ceiling of the Rosslyn Chapel, which represent biblical scenes, Masonic symbols, and examples of Templar iconography. There are swords, compasses, trowels, squares and mauls with images of the Solomon’s Temple. In addition to the Jewish and occult symbolism, there are also some traces of Islam and pagan serpents, dragons, and woodland trees. The fertility figure of the Green Man, a European version of the dying-god Dionysus, is to be found everywhere on the pillars and arches, together with fruits, herbs, leaves, spices, flowers, vines and the plants of the garden paradise.
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Re: Terrorism and the Illuminati: A Three Thousand Year Hist

Postby admin » Tue Jun 27, 2017 1:43 am

Chapter Ten: The Name of the Rose

The Jolly Roger

The remains of William St Clair, great-grandfather of the founder of Rosslyn Chapel, are said to be buried in Rosslyn, in the style of the Templars, in a grave marked by a skull and crossbones. [1] The skull and crossbones is the symbol that marks the birth of a very important bloodline, that begins through the intermarriage of Baldwin of Boullion with an Armenian princess, a lineage that would provide all the leading families that governed the Holy Land for two centuries, the House of Lusignan, and whose descendants would be at the center of the War of the Roses. The rose, like the “rose- line” of Rosslyn, or the rose cross of the Templars, contributed the significance to an alternative name for the Illuminati, being the Order of the Rose.

The origin of the skull and crossbones symbol, also known as the Jolly Roger, begins with the tale of Baldwin, brother to Godfroi of Bouillon, and first Crusader King of Jerusalem. The story is first recounted by Walter Mapp, in the twelfth century AD. Although the story at this time is not connected with the Templar Knights, at the time of their trials 1307- 1314, it was well woven into the Templar legend. In fact it was called upon during the actual trials of the Templars.

According to the legend, an anonymous “Lord of Sidon” was in love with a “great lady of Maraclea [Marash in Cilician Armenia]”. [2] This “Lord of Sidon” was Baldwin, and the Armenian princess, whom he married, was Arda of Armenia. She belonged to the Rubinian Royal House of Armenia, founded by her grandfather, Ruben of Cilicia. Ruben was descended from a daughter of I-Buzir Khagan of the Khazars and Priset, who married Constantin II of Abkhazia. [3] Armenia had became vulnerable to the Seljuk Turks, under Alp Arslan, in the latter half of the eleventh century AD. To escape death or servitude Gagik II, King of Armenia, and his son, named Ruben I, with some of his countrymen, went into the gorges of the Taurus Mountains, and then into Tarsus of Cilicia, where they were given shelter by the local Byzantine governor.

Baldwin, who along with the rest of the Crusaders, was passing through Asia Minor, bound for Jerusalem, left the army, and was adopted by Thoros of Edessa, Ruben’s grandson. Being enemies to both the Seljuk Turks, and the Byzantines, the Armenians readily accepted the rule of Baldwin, who was made ruler of the new crusader County of Edessa, when Thoros was assassinated. It seems that, in general, the Armenians enjoyed the rule of Baldwin, and a number of them fought alongside the crusaders. When Antioch was taken in 1097 AD, Constantine, Thoros’ father, received from the crusaders the title of baron.

According to Walter Mapp, Baldwin’s wife died suddenly, and on the night of her burial, he supposedly crept to her grave, dug up her body and violated it. Then a voice from beyond ordered him to return nine months later, when he would find a son. He returned at the appointed time, opened the grave again, and found a head on the leg bones of the skeleton: a skull and crossbones. The same voice then apparently commanded him to “guard it well, for it would be the giver of all good things”, and so he carried it away with him. It became his protecting genius, and he was able to defeat his enemies by merely showing them the magic head.

In due course, it passed to the possession of the Templars, where, during the trials, it came to be known as the Baphomet. The inquisitors would have picked up on the fact that the woman of the story was Armenian by background. This they would have connected with the Armenian Church and its Paulician sects. The Paulicians and the Bogomils were equated with Catharism, which the church had all but wiped out during the Albigensian Crusade. [4]

In 1113 AD, Baldwin then married Adelaide del Vasto. Under the marriage agreement, if Baldwin and Adelaide had no children, the heir to the kingdom of Jerusalem would be Roger II of Sicily, Adelaide’s son by her first husband Roger I Guiscard. This Roger was to become the “Jolly Roger” of history, having flown the skull and crossbones on his ships. [5] Roger married Elvira, daughter of Alfonso VI of Castile and his Ismaili wife, Zaida.

The House of Lusignan

Within a century, the heirs of Rubenid dynasty were further rewarded by the grant of a kingdom known as Cilicia or Lesser Armenia, to be held as a vassal government of the Holy See and of Germany. This kingdom lasted till 1375 AD, when the Mamelukes of Egypt destroyed it. [6] During this time, continuing intermarriage between the aristocracy of Armenia and the Templars produced the influential house of Lusignan, a family who would come to dominate throughout the remainder of the Crusaders’ occupation of the Holy Land, and whose lineage would exercise a powerful influence in the development of the occult tradition of the Middle Ages.

The lords of Lusignan were counts of La Marche. The province of France called Marche was originally a small border district, partly of Limousin and partly of Poitou. Marche first appeared as a separate fief about the middle of the tenth century when William III, duke of Aquitaine, gave it to one of his vassals named Boso, the great-grandson of Bernard Plantevelue, who had married Constance of Arles and Vienna, himself the grandson of Guillaume de Gellone. [7] In the twelfth century, the district passed to the family of Lusignan, in Poitou, at that time a part of the French duchy of Aquitaine, held by Queen Eleanor of England, her third son Richard, and her husband the English king Henry II.

The family derive their name from the Château de Lusignan, near Poitiers, a château-fort, which is still the largest castle in France. It was named Lusignan, because it was believed to have been built in a single night, through magical powers, by a female demon named Melusina. Also known as Melusine, she was Melusinde, the daughter of Baldwin II. A Templar, Baldwin II married Morfia of Armenia, the sister of Toros and granddaughter of Constantine Rubenid. Baldwin II was on the First Crusade, with Geoffrey de Bouillon, between August 1096 and July 1099. He was named count of Edessa by Baldwin I, and later became king of Jerusalem in 1143. [8]

The story of Melusinde, became wrapped in legend, as recounted by Jean d’Arras, in the Roman de Mélusine, written in the fourteenth century. According to d’Arras, the King of Albany, a meaning Scotland, went hunting one day and came across a beautiful lady in the forest, named Pressyne. He persuaded her to marry him and she agreed, but only on the promise that he must not enter her chamber when she birthed or bathed her children. She gave birth to triplets. When he violated this taboo, Pressyne left the kingdom, together with her three daughters, and traveled to the lost Isle of Avalon.

On her fifteenth birthday, Melusina, the eldest, asked why they had been taken to Avalon. Upon hearing of their father’s broken promise, she sought revenge. She and her sisters captured Elynas and locked him in a mountain. Pressyne became enraged, and Melusine was condemned to take the form of a serpent from the waist down, until she should meet a man who would marry her under the condition of never seeing her on a Saturday.

Melusina now went roaming through the world in search of the man who was to deliver her. She passed through the Black Forest, and that of Ardennes, and at last she arrived in the forest of Poitou. Just as her mother had done, she laid a condition, that he must never enter her chamber on a Saturday, an allusion to the witches Sabbath. He broke the promise and saw her in the form of a part-woman part-serpent. She forgave him. Only when, during a disagreement with her, he called her a “serpent” in front of his court, did she assume the form of a dragon, provide him with two magic rings and flew off, never to return. [9]

Baldwin II had no male heirs but had already designated his daughter Melisende to succeed him. He wanted to safeguard his daughter’s inheritance by marrying her to a powerful lord, and so chose Fulk V of Anjou, after he had been married to his first wife, through whom he fathered Geoffrey Plantagenet. Fulk V was also the brother of Ermengarde of Anjou, who married Alain IV of Brittany. Fulk V joined the crusade in 1120, and become a close friend of the Knights Templar. After his return he began to subsidize the Templars, and maintained two knights in the Holy Land for a year.

The son of Fulk V and Melusinde was Amalric I King of Jerusalem, who married Agnes de Courtenay, Princess of Sidon, granddaughter of Templar, Joscelin I, comte d’Edessa, and Beatrice Rupenid, daughter of Constantine I Rupenid. Their daughter Sybilla, Queen of Jerusalem, married Guy de Lusignan. The House of Lusignan were descended from Herbert of Thoüars, who lived from 940 to 988 Ad. His great-grandson was Hugh V of Lusignan, who married Almodie de la Marche. Almodie had also been married to Pons III Taillefer Count of Toulouse, through whom she had two sons, Raymond IV of Toulouse, and William IV of Toulouse, whose daughter Philippa married William IX the Troubadour Duke of Aquitaine. Hugh V of Lusignan and Almodie de la Marche’s grandson, Hugh VII of Lusignan, married Sarazin of Armenia. They had two children, Aimee of Lusignan and Hugh VIII, a Templar Knight. [10]

Hugh VIII “le Brun” Count of Lusignan was succeeded by three sons, Hughes, Guy and Amalric of Lusignan, who arrived in Jerusalem in the 1170s. Guy became King of Jerusalem through his marriage to Sybilla. Guy de Lusignan’s term as king is generally seen as a disaster. He was defeated by Saladin at the Battle of Hattin in 1187, and was imprisoned in Damascus as Saladin reconquered almost the entire kingdom. Upon his release, his claim to the kingship was ignored, and when Sibylla died at the Siege of Acre in 1191, he no longer had any legal right to it. Richard, now king of England and a leader of the Third Crusade, supported Guy’s claim, but in the aftermath of the crusade Conrad of Montferrat had the support of the majority of nobles.

Richard then had Conrad assassinated by a team of Ismaili Assassins. [11] The heiress of Jerusalem was then Isabella of Jerusalem, Queen Sibylla’s half-sister. Isabella was also the daughter of Almaric I King of Jerusalem, but from Maria Komnena, the granddaughter of Alexius I Byzantine Emperor. Eight days after the death of Conrad, she was married to Henry II of Champagne, the son of Richard’s step-daughter, Marie de France, daughter of Eleanor of Aquitaine and Louis VII King of France.

Instead, Richard sold Guy the island of Cyprus, which he had conquered on his way to Acre. Guy thereby became the first Latin lord of Cyprus. Amalric succeeded Guy in Cyprus, and also became King of Jerusalem in 1197. When Henry II de Champagne died in the same year, when a balcony gave way or he fell out of a window, Queen Isabella then married Almaric. Sybille, the daughter of Isabella and Almaric, then married Leo II, the son of Stephen I of Armenia, the nephew of Thoros. [12] Their union began a series of reciprocal marriages as a result of which the succession of Lesser Armenia actually passes to the Lusignan, which lasted until 1375 AD, when the Mamelukes of Egypt destroyed it.

The Knight Hospitallers

Most occult histories focus on the history of the Templar, both because it marks the birth of the occult tradition in the west, and because they are perceived as martyrs in the battle of “liberty” against religion. While in actual fact, the Templar holdings were handed over to their rivals, the Knights Hospitallers, who then became aligned to the House of Lusignan.

The male line of the Lusignans in the Levant died out in 1267 with Hugh II of Cyprus, Amalric’s great-grandson, though the male line continued in France until 1307. At that point, Hugh of Antioch, whose maternal grandfather had been Almaric’s son, Hugh I of Cyprus, took the name Lusignan, thus founding the second House of Lusignan, and managed to succeed his deceased cousin as Hugh III King of Cyprus.

Hugh III’s mother was the granddaughter of Amalric, and his father was Henry I of Antioch. Henry I of Antioch was the grandson of Bohemund III of Antioch, whose father was Raymond I of Poitiers, the son of William IX the Troubadour of Aquitaine, and whose mother was Constance of Antioch, daughter of Bohemond II Guiscard prince of Antioch, and Alix de Rethel, another daughter of Baldwin II and Morphia of Armenia.

These new Lusignans remained in control of Cyprus until 1489. They were rulers of Jerusalem, or more accurately, Acre, from 1268 until the fall of the city in 1291. Also after 1291 the Lusignans continued to claim the lost Jerusalem, and occasionally attempted to organize crusades to recapture territory on the mainland. The Lusignans also intermarried with the royal families of the Principality of Antioch and the Armenian Kingdom of Cilicia.

Hugh III’s second son, Henri II recovered possession of Acre, and in 1286 was crowned king of Jerusalem at Tyre. The stronghold of Acre from the time of its capture by Richard, to its final conquest by the Muslims, formed for two hundred years the base of the crusading empire in Palestine. There were headquartered both the orders of the Templars and of the Hospitallers. In 1291, the Muslims attacked Acre with an army of 200,000 men. Of the Templars, including their Grand Master, only ten escaped of five hundred knights. Henry II, the patriarch, and the Grand Master of the Hospitallers, with the few survivors, escaped back to Cyprus.

However, on their return to Cyprus, the Templars conspired to place Henry II’s brother Almaric, Prince of Tyre, on the throne. Henry II was sent in confinement to Armenia. But, it was at this time, in 1306, under pressure from Phillip IV king of France, that the Pope summoned Jacques de Molay, the Grand Master, from Cyprus to answer the charges of heresy. In 1308, Almaric received letters from the Pope directing him to arrest all the Templars in Cyprus. Their property was handed over to the Hospitallers, and after the assassination of Almaric, they supported Henri II’s return to the throne of Cyprus.

Therefore, the arrest of the Templars seems merely to have been a pretext to transfer their property to the Hospitallers. The nobility of Europe had been calling for a unification of the orders of the Templars and the Hospitallers, but Jacques de Molay was resisting the move. Following the fall of Acre, when Phillip IV of France was calling for a renewed Crusade, de Molay again refused participation.

In 1309, after over two years of campaigning, the Hospitallers captured the island of Rhodes, and were then known as the Knights of Rhodes. They were eventually forced from there by the Ottoman Turks, and then settled in Malta, after which they were renamed as the Knights of Malta.

The Order of the Garter

Again, in England, the property of the Templars was also transferred to the Knights Hospitallers, by King Edward II, the son-in-law of Phillip IV of France. Edward II was married to Phillip IV’s daughter, Isabella of France. But Edward II initially refused to implement the papal order enforced by his father-in-law. Between October 13, 1307 and January 8, 1308, the Templars went unmolested in England. During this period many fugitive Templars, seeking to escape torture and execution, fled to apparent safety there. Although, after the intercession of Pope Clement V, King Edward II ordered the seizure of members of the order in England on January 8, 1308. Only handfuls of Templars were duly arrested however. But most Templars in England, as well as elsewhere outside France, altogether escaped arrest, let alone torture and execution. [13]

As a result, the traditions of the Templars seems to have taken on a new guise, under the Order of the Garter, founded by Edward II’s son, Edward III King of England. Edward III’s sister, Joanna, married David II King of Scotland, the son of Robert the Bruce. While, in exile in the French court, it was David who created the The Guarde De Ecosse, derived from the Templar faction known as Scots Guard who came to the aid of Robert the Bruce. As the Scots Guard continued through the years, two of the prominent families involved in its history were the Sinclairs and the Stuarts. In France, they become the Personal Bodyguard to the French Kings, in perpetuity. [14]

The inspiration of the Order of the Garter, founded in 1348, as “a society, fellowship and college of knights.” was the King Arthur and the Round Table. Various legends have been described to explain the origin of the Order. The most popular legend involves the “Countess of Salisbury”, possibly Edward’s cousin, Joan of Kent. While the Countess was dancing with or near Edward at Eltham Palace, her garter is said to have slipped from her leg to the floor. When the surrounding courtiers snickered, the king supposedly picked it up and tied it to his own leg, exclaiming Honi soit qui mal y pense, meaning “evil upon he who thinks it”. This phrase has since become the motto of the Order.

As historian Margaret Murray pointed out, the garter is an emblem of witchcraft. Garters are worn in various rituals and are also used as badges of rank. The garter is considered the ancient emblem of the high priestess. In some traditions, a high priestess who becomes Queen Witch over more than one coven adds a silver buckle to her garter for each coven under her. According to Murray:

The importance of the lace or string among the witches was very great as it was the insignia of rank. The usual place to carry it on the person was round the leg where it served as a garter. The beliefs of modern France give the clue as to its importance. According to traditions still current, there is a fixed number of witches in each canton, of whom the chief wears the garter in token of his (or her) high position; the right of becoming chief is said to go by seniority. In Haute Bretagne a man who makes a pact with the Devil has a red garter. [15]

Murray believed that all the Plantagenets were witches. She said Edward III founded two covens. As the story is to be understood, therefore, Edward did not wish to have the people think that the Countess was a witch. Edward III’s actions were to let Lady Salisbury know that her secret of her witch-hood was safe with him, because he himself was a priest of a coven.

According to another legend about the Order, King Richard the Lionhearted was inspired in the twelfth century by St George the Martyr, while fighting in the Crusades, to tie garters around the legs of his knights, who subsequently won the battle. King Edward III supposedly recalled the event in the fourteenth century when he founded the Order.

St. George, the patron saint of England, Georgia and Moscow, is the origin of the knightly tale of rescuing a maiden from a dragon. The traditional account of St. George’s, a soldier of the Roman Empire who later became a Christian martyr, is considered to have originated in the fourth century AD. George was a Cappadocian, born in Cilicia, and his mother was from Lydda, Palestine. According to the legend, a dragon was threatening a town in Libya, and the people were forced to sacrifice their sheep to appease it. However, when their sheep ran out, they starting sacrificing their children, chosen by means of a lottery. Eventually, the king's daughter was chosen. Saint George, then a knight errant, wounds the dragon with his lance. He then instructs the princess to remove her girdle and to use it around the dragon’s neck. The princess then leads the dragon back to the city, and Saint George tells the people he will kill the dragon if the entire town will become Christians. The dragon is killed and the townspeople are all baptized in the name of Jesus Christ.

Though recounted with a veneer of Christianity, the story of St. George is obviously a cryptic occult tale. The legend is a Christian adaptation of the typical dual of the Middle Eastern dying-god against the Sea-Dragon. The Dragon is Baal, and the reference to child-sacrifices in the legend is an allusion to the practice that was typical of his cult in ancient times. Historians note that the origin of the saint is Cappadocia, and is similar to the ancient god named Sabazios. The rites of Dionysus were the same as those performed in honor of Cybele in Asia Minor. Known as the Magna Mater, the Great Mother, Cybele, was identified with Venus and worshipped as the goddess of fertility. Her consort was Attis, known as Adonis. Attis, named after the Phrygian name for goat, [16] became one with Dionysus-Sabazius, or assumed some of his characteristics. [17]

The cult of St. George first reached England when the Templars, who were introduced to the cult presumably through their contact with the Rupenids of Armenian Cilicia, returned from the Holy Land in 1228. The battle flag of the Templars, known as the Beauseant, in some versions had four quarters, black and white, with a red cross patee in the center. Others, however, say that the red cross had straight arms, like the St. George cross of England. [18] An account known as the Golden Legend, recounts that St. George appeared during the First Crusade, with such a cross, emblazoned on his white armour, as he led the liberation of Jerusalem from the Muslims. [19]

The War of the Roses

The symbolism of the Order of the Garter is closely connected with that of the Rose, the most important symbol of the Illuminati bloodline. Another is the lily. The second chapter of the Song of Solomon, the most important of ancient Kabbalistic texts, begins with, “I am the rose of Sharon, and the lily of the valleys.” Originally, the fleur-de lis was a common Jewish symbol. Not only are lilies frequently mentioned in the Songs of David, but early Jewish coinage also featured similar lilies. [20] The great Kabbalistic book, the Zohar, begins with an exposition of the mystical significance of the lily, which it describes as being the symbol of the “Jewish congregation”. [21] The fleur-de lis, a highly stylized depiction of the real flower, began to be adopted as the heraldic symbol of the House of Capet and the kings of France with King Philip I.

According to the Zohar, so too is the rose also a symbol of the “Jewish Congregation”, who are in continuing “exile”, longing for redemption, like a bride longing to return to her “beloved”. Basically, the Song of Songs is a mystical allegory of the love between the dying-god and the goddess. Often called the “Mystical Rose of Heaven”, the rose has symbolized the Virgin Mary, who, esoterically, is understood to represent the goddess, or Venus. In Grail lore, the rose is supposed to refer to Mary Magdalene, and is featured throughout Rosslyn chapel. The rose was composed of five petals, to recall the five-pointed star, or pentagram of Lucifer.

The rose then became a symbol of the ruling House of Plantagenet. The Plantagenets ruled England from 1154 and Ireland from 1185. The primary line of the dynasty is considered to have ended with the deposition of Richard II of England in 1399. Two secondary lines ruled from 1399 to 1485 as the House of Lancaster and the House of York. The House of York was a dynasty of English Kings descended from Richard, Duke of York. The symbol of the House of York was the White Rose of York. And, the House of Lancaster, whose symbol was the Red Rose, were opponents of the House of York in the Wars of the Roses, an intermittent Civil war which affected England and Wales during the fifteenth century.

The antagonism between the two houses started with the overthrow of King Richard II by his cousin, Henry Bolingbroke, Duke of Lancaster, in 1399, who was crowned as Henry IV. Henry V’s short reign was challenged by Richard, Earl of Cambridge, a grandson of Edward III, but he was executed in 1415 for treason. Henry V died in 1422, and Cambridge’s son, Richard, Duke of York, grew up to challenge his successor, King Henry VI. Richard Duke of York was the great-grandson of Edward III. He was also a member of the Order of the Garter.

In the person of Richard Duke of York, we have another example of the pivotal conspiratorial role usually played by a figure in whom the various branches of the bloodline, having been divergent for some time, are recombined. Richard was created Earl of March by Henry VI King of England in 1425. The Earls of March derived their titles from the French la Marche, and represented the combined heritage of the House of Brittany and of Lusignan, helping to explain his motivation behind his attempt to seize the crown.

The sister of Hughes VIII of Lusignan, Aimée, married vicomte Guillaume de Thoüars, whose mother was Agnes of Poitiers, the daughter of William IX the Troubadour of Aquitaine. Their son was Guy de Thouars, who married Constance Duchess of Brittany, daughter of Conan IV of Brittany, great-grandson of Alain IV of Brittany, thus incorporating the line of Fisher Kings. Alain IV himself married Ermisende of Anjou, the daughter of Fulk IV of Anjou, after she had been married to William IX of Aquitaine. Alain IV’s son, Conan III, married Matilda, illegitimate daughter of King Henry I of England. Conan IV, his grandson, married Margaret of Huntington, was the granddaughter of David I of Scotland.

Guy and Constance’s daughter, Alix de Thoüars, was the mother of Yolande de Penthièvre, who married Hugues XI “le Brun”, sire de Lusignan, Comte de la Marche and Angouleme, also a Templar. Their son, Hughes XII “le Brun”, was the father of Jeanne de Lusignan, who was the mother of Joan of Geneville. [22] Joan of Geneville married Roger Mortimer, first Earl of March, regent of England during minority of Edward III, and usurper who had supplanted Edward II. [23] Mortimer was a founding member of the Order of the Garter.

Thus, by marrying Roger Mortimer, Joan of Geneville introduced the bloodline of King Arthur, formerly exclusive to the royalty of Wales, into the House of Plantagenet. [24] Their great-grandson, Edmund de Mortimer, Third Earl of March, married Philippa Plantagenet, whose father was the second son of Edward III king of England. Their grandchild, Anne de Mortimer, married Richard Earl of Cambridge, to father Richard Duke of York. [25]

Richard was the first to use the surname Plantagenet since Geoffrey of Anjou, and did so to emphasize that his claim to the throne was stronger than that of Henry VI. With King Henry VI’s insanity in 1452, Richard was made Lord Protector, but had to give up this position with the King’s recovery and the birth of his heir, Edward of Westminster. Richard gradually gathered together his forces, however, and the civil wars known as the Wars of the Roses eventually broke out in 1455.

The House of York was victorious over the Lancastrians, and though Richard had been unable to seize the throne for himself, Parliament did agree to the compromise of making him heir to the throne, in effect recognizing the Yorkist claim to the throne as superior to the Lancastrian one. Meanwhile, the Lancastrians, led by Henry’s wife, Margaret of Anjou, continued the war, during which Richard was finally killed in 1460, along with his second son, Edmund, Earl of Rutland. Nevertheless, Richard’s eldest son finally succeeded in putting the Yorkist dynasty on the throne in 1461 as Edward IV of England.

Edward IV, however, disappointed his allies when he married Elizabeth of Woodville. Again, in her we have an example of a conspiratorial attempt to install a member of the bloodline. Elizabeth had insisted on marriage, which took place secretly on May 1, 1464, at her family home, with only the bride’s mother and two ladies in attendance. Thus, Elizabeth managed to reintroduce the lost branch of the Lusignans and of Brittany into the Rose lineage. These surviving lines of Lusignan, stemming from Alix of Thouars’ two children, and the descendants of Almaric of Lusignan, culminated in the person of Pierre I Count of St. Pol. Jean I, seigneur de Beaurevoir & de Richebourg, a descendant of Alix’s son, John of Brittany, married Marguerite d’Enghien, comtesse de Brienne, who was descended from Almaric of Lusignan.

Almaric of Lusignan had a son by another woman, before marrying Isabeau Queen of Jerusalem, the daughter of Almaric King of Jerusalem, grandson of Baldwin II and Morphia of Armenia. That son was Hughes I King of Cyprus, who married Alix of Jerusalem, the daughter of Isabeau Queen of Jerusalem by another man, Henri II “le Jeune”, comte Palatin de Champagne. The son of Jean I Seigneur de Beaurevoir and Richebourg, and Margerite of countess of Brienne was Pierre Count of St. Pol, the grandfather of Elizabeth Woodville.

With Edward’s sudden death in 1483, Elizabeth briefly became Queen Mother, but on June 25, 1483, her marriage was declared null and void by Parliament, and all her children were declared illegitimate. Edward’s brother, Richard III, accepted the crown. Elizabeth Woodville was widely believed to have been a witch, and Richard III tried to show there had never been any valid marriage between Edward and Elizabeth, that it was result of love magic perpetrated by Elizabeth and her mother.

Elizabeth then conspired with Lancastrians, promising to marry her eldest daughter, Elizabeth of York, to the Lancastrian claimant to the throne, Henry Tudor, if he could supplant Richard. Henry Tudor, whose father, Edmund Tudor, 1st Earl of Richmond, had been an illegitimate half-brother of Henry VI. However, Henry’s claim to the throne was through his mother, Margaret Beaufort, a descendant of Edward III, derived from John Beaufort, a grandson of Edward III’s who was also the illegitimate son of John of Gaunt.

Henry Tudor’s forces defeated Richard’s in 1485 and Henry Tudor, exactly thirtieth male-line descendant of King Arthur, became King Henry VII of England. Elizabeth Woodville’s marriage to Edward IV was declared to have been valid, and thus their children were once again legitimized. Henry then strengthened his position by marrying Elizabeth of York, daughter of Edward IV and the best surviving Yorkist claimant. Thus, both the Red Rose of Lancaster and the White Rose of York were merged to a single ten-petaled flower, to form the Tudor Rose, that symbolized the union of the two houses.
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Re: Terrorism and the Illuminati: A Three Thousand Year Hist

Postby admin » Tue Jun 27, 2017 1:46 am

Chapter Eleven: The Holy Roman Empire

The House of Guelph

While the “sacred” lineage of the Stuarts took hold in Scotland, a separate, yet highly important branch was developing in Germany. This took place largely in the period after the Templar persecution, following which much of the occult community was forced underground, as a result of pressure from the Catholic Inquisition to suppress witchcraft. Though lying dormant for nearly three centuries, this same occult underground would choose to again resurface, under the name of the Order of the Rosy Cross. Again, their conspiracy was focused around the reunification of the lost branches of the bloodline, this time between the Stuarts and the House of Guelph.

Though the House of Guelph remained distinct from those developments in the bloodline taking place in Scotland, they were developed from a Guilhemid line, and again, from that person who seems to have acted as the most important gateway in the original nexus of this Luciferian family, Dubrawka of Bohemia, the daughter of Boleslav ‘the Cruel’ of Bohemia.

When Henry V, Holy Roman Emperor, died without an heir, there was controversy about the succession. Frederick and Conrad, of the Hohenstauffen dynasty and Dukes of Swabia, were grandsons of Henry III, Holy Roman Emperor and nephews of Henry V. As duke of Franconia, Conrad supported the unsuccessful candidacy of his brother, Frederick II, Duke of Swabia, for the kingship of Germany. Elected king of Italy in December 1127 AD, in opposition to Lothair III, Conrad acknowledged Lothair as emperor only in 1135 AD.

The election of Lothair II, to the throne as Holy Roman Emperor, was supported by Henry “the Black”, Duke of Bavaria. Henry the Black belonged to the House of Guelph, descended from Welf, a ninth century Frankish count, through his son, Conrad of Auxerre. Welf was married to Hedwig of Saxony, who was descended from Saint Arnulf of the Franks, grandfather of Pippin II. [1] Welf’s other child, Judith of Bavaria, married Louis the Pious, son of Charlemagne, while his daughter Dhuoda, married Bernard of Septimania, the son of William of Gellone. [2] Conrad of Auxerre was the father of Guelph I, and his son, Eticho, married Judith of Wessex, daughter of Ethelwulf, the King of England, and granddaughter of Redburga, sister to William of Gellone. [3]

The House of Welf is the older branch of the House of Este, a dynasty whose oldest known members lived in Lombardy in the ninth century AD. For this reason, it is sometimes also called Welf-Este. Azo II of Este married Cunigonde of Bavaria, the daughter of Guelph II, and Judith of Luxemberg, daughter of Sainte Cunigunde’s brother Frederick of Luxembourg. Their son was Guelf IV, who inherited the property of the Elder House of Welf, and became duke of Bavaria in 1070 AD. He then married Judith of Flanders, the daughter of Baldwin IV of Flanders and Eleanor of Normandy, another daughter of Robert II Duke of Normandy, who was also the grandfather of William the Conqueror and William St. Clair. [4]

In 1089 AD, their son, Guelph V married countess Matilda of Tuscany.232 Guelph V’s brother, however, Henry “the Black”, married Wulfhildis, the daughter of the last Billung duke of Saxony. The duchy of Saxony had originally belonged to the Saxon noble family of Billung, who at the same time were the Ottonian dynasty of the Holy Roman Empire. After the extinction of the male line of Billungs, the duchy was given to Lothar II, descended from Svyatoslav of Kiev, who then also became Emperor for a short time. [5]

The mother of Wulfhildis was Sophia of Hungary, whose father was Bela Arpad King of Hungary, the grandson of Michael Arpad, brother to Geza, while her grandmother was Katun Kometopoulos, daughter of Samuil, the Bogomil King of Bulgaria. When Henry the Black’s brother, Guelph V, died childless in 1120 AD, he succeeded him as Duke of Bavaria.

Henry the Black had initially shown his allegiance to his son-in-law Frederick II, Duke of Swabia, but switched his support, after Lothair promised that Gertrud, his only daughter and heir, would marry his son Henry X “the Proud” Duke of Bavaria and also of Saxony. After the death of the intervening king and emperor Lothar III, in 1137 AD, Conrad became Conrad III of Germany. Henry the Proud had been the favoured candidate in the imperial election, against Conrad III of the Hohenstaufen, but lost, as the other princes feared his power and temperament, and he was dispossessed of his duchies by Conrad III. Conrad III became Holy Roman Emperor in 1138 AD, being the first of the Hohenstaufen dynasty, which was about to restore the glory of the Empire even under the new conditions of the 1122 Concordat of Worms.

When King Conrad III had dispossessed Henry’s father, he had handed his duchies of Saxony to Albert “the Bear”, and Bavaria to Leopold IV of Austria. Albert the Bear was himself a descendant of Dubrawka and Mieszko, and his mother was Eilika of Saxony, the sister of Wulfhildis. [7] Leopold IV’s father, Leopold III of Austria, also a descendant of Dubrawka, [8] had married Agnes Salien, daughter of Henry VI Holy Roman Emperor. Leopold IV married Mary of Bohemia, daughter of Sobeslav and Adelheid Arpad. [9] Leopold IV’s sister Gertrud married Vladislav of Bohemia. Their son Friedrich King of Bohemia married Elizabeth Arpad. [10]

Conrad III was succeeded by Frederick I Barbarossa, the grandson of Henry IV, and whose mother, Judith of Bavaria, was descended from the Guilhemid Houses of Flanders and Normandy. It was Babarossa who first called the Empire “holy”, and introduced the idea of the “Romanness” of the Empire, as an attempt to justify the Empire’s power independently of the now strengthened Pope. Barbarossa made several unsuccessful attempts to regain Italy. The supporters of Frederick became known as Ghibellines. While campaigning in Italy to expand imperial power there, the Lombard League and its supporters became known as Guelphs, “Guelph” being most probably an Italian language form of Welf.

Henry the Proud did not relinquish claims to his inheritance, and Conrad III had returned Saxony to him in 1142 AD. In 1156 AD, Bavaria was also reacquired by his son Henry ‘the Lion’, a decision of the new Emperor Frederick Barbarossa. Both Henry the Lion and Frederick Barbarossa were from Henry the Black and Wulfhildis of Saxony. Frederick Barbarossa was the son of Henry the Lion’s sister, Judith of Brunswick, who married Frederick of Swabia.

Henry the Lion was both Duke of Bavaria and Duke of Saxony. He was the son of Henry the Proud, and Gertrud, only daughter of Emperor Lothair III, Holy Roman Emperor and his wife Richenza of Nordheim, heiress to the Saxon territories of Nordheim and the properties of the Brunones, counts of Brunswick. He was the most powerful of the German princes of his time. At the height of his reign, Henry ruled over a vast territory stretching from the coasts of the North Sea and Baltic Sea to the Alps, and from Westphalia to Pomerania. He achieved this great power in part by his political and military acumen, in part through the legacies of his four grandparents. [11] Henry is the founder of Munich and Lübeck; he also founded and developed the cities of Stade, Lüneburg and Brunswick. In Brunswick, his capital, he had a bronze lion, the Lion of Judah, his heraldic animal. In 1168 AD, Henry married Matilda of Anjou, daughter of Henry II and Eleanor of Aquitaine.

However, when Henry the Lion had declined to participate in Frederick Babarossa’s Italian campaigns, after those expeditions ended in disaster, the furious Emperor retaliated by having Henry stripped of his lands. Henry the Lion was finally deposed as duke of Saxony, and Bavaria, which was awarded as fief to Otto I Herzog Duke of Bavaria of the Wittelsbach family, which ruled from 1180 to 1918. [12] Otto’s son Ludwig I of Bavaria was married to the daughter of Elizabeth Arpad, Ludmila of Bohemia.

When Frederick sent troops against Henry, his allies deserted him, and he finally had to submit in November 1181 AD. He was exiled from Germany for three years, and stayed with his father-in-law, Henry II of England, in Normandy, before being allowed back into Germany in 1185 AD. He was exiled again in 1188, and his wife Matilda died in 1189 AD.

In 1189 AD, Frederick Barbarossa joined Richard the Lionhearted in the Third Crusade, during which he was killed. Henry the Lion then returned to Saxony, where he mobilized an army but Barbarossa’s son, Henry VI, Holy Roman Emperor, again defeated him. In 1194 AD, with his end approaching, Henry made his peace with the Emperor, and returned to his much diminished lands, where he finished his days as the duke of Brunswick.

Despite these initial disputes, through intermarriage, the several lines of Henry the Lion, and those to whom his father’s lands had initially been bequeathed, Otto I Duke of Bavaria, and Albert I “the Bear” Margrave of Brandenburg, were reunited in the person of Frederick I Margrave of Brandenburg, from whom would emerge the bloodlines that would figure importantly in the intrigues of the occult underground. The son of Albert I “the Bear” was Bernard III Duke of Saxony, who married Judith of Poland, the daughter of Mieszko III, and Elizabeth Arpad, granddaughter Geza Arpad and of Vladimir I of Kiev. Bernard’s son, Albert I of Saxony married Helene of Brunswick-Luneburg. [13] Their daughter, Helene of Saxony, married Friedrick III of Nurnburg, the son of Conrad III.

Their great-grandson was Frederick I of Brandenburg. Frederick’s mother was Elisabeth Princess of Bayern-Landshut. Elisabeth’s mother was Mathilda of Wittelsbach, the daughter of Ludwig IV Holy Roman Emperor, who was the great- grandson of Henry the Lion. Ludwig’s mother was Matilda of Habsburg, daughter of Rudolf I of Habsburg, Holy Roman Emperor. Frederick’s sons included John III the Alchemist.

Initially Burgrave of Nuremberg, Frederick was created margrave of Brandenburg. In 1320 the Brandenburg Ascanian line came to an end, and from 1323 until 1373, Brandenburg was under the control of the Wittelsbach family, better known as rulers of Bavaria, after it was initially lost to them from Henry the Lion. After a period of rule by the Imperial Luxembourg dynasty, however, the margravate was granted 1415 by the Holy Roman Emperor Sigismund, to Frederick, becoming Elector of Brandenburg, and of the house of Hohenzollern, that would rule until the end of World War I.

The Habsburgs

As it was the birthplace of the emerging bloodline, in Drubrawka of Bohemia, Prague would become the center of occult intrigue in the Middle Ages. This power it would come to exercise through perhaps the most powerful family of the all, the Habsburgs. This family, who would command the headquarters for the developments and spread of the New Kabbalah, and the most significant Jewish community of the High Middle Ages, was itself an important fusion of the various strains of the Luciferian bloodline, but also of the Jewish exilarchs as well.

In the thirteenth century, the Habsburg family began to extend its influence over Austria, then ruled by descendants of the Arpads, who governed as Margraves and and then Dukes. The Kings of Austria were descended from Frowiza, who was the child of Maria, daughter of Geza, and Otto the Doge of Venice. As the Habsburg continued their policy of acquisition through dynastic marriages with the houses of Bohemia, Moravia and Hungary, the double-headed eagle became their heraldic symbol.

Bohemia was originally governed by the Premysl dynasty that intermarried with the Piasts. The first king of Bohemia was the father of Dubrawka, Boleslav I ‘the Cruel’. His great-grandson Vratislav II, who became King of Bohemia in 1085 AD, married Swatawa Piast, the daughter of Casimir I, the great-grandson of Mieszko, and Dobronega, the daughter of Vladimir I, King of the Rus of Kiev, whose father was Svyatoslav, who originally conquered Kiev from the Khazars. His son, Vladislav II King of Bohemia married Gertrud of the Brabenberg dynasty of Austria, descended from Frowiza.

Vladislav was succeeded by his son Ottokar I, who married Constance Arpad, daughter of Bela III Arpad, and Princess Marguerite of France. Marguerite was daughter to Louis VII King of France, who had formerly been married to Eleanor of Aquitaine, and Costanza, from the Guilhemid dynasty of Castile. Ottokar’s son, Wenceslas King of Bohemia, married Kunigunde of Swabia, who was the daughter of Philip Hohenstauffen, Frederick Barbarossa’s son, and Irene of Constantinople.

In 1251 AD, Ottokar’s son, Ottokar II, King of Bohemia, secured his election as duke of Austria, where he strengthened his position by marrying Margaret, the daughter of Leopold VI of Austria and his wife Theodora. Theodora was the daughter of Isaak II Angelos, Byzantine Emperor, and Margaret Arpad, sister of Constance Arpad. [14]

Ottokar II was replaced by the Habsburg ruler Rudolf in 1273 AD. However, Rudolf I’s son, Holy Roman Emperor Albert I, was assassinated in 1308 AD, after which the title was denied the Habsburgs for more than a century. Holy Roman Emperor, Charles IV of Luxemburg, then became King of Bohemia in 1348. He was born as Wenceslaus, but later changed his name to Charles at his confirmation. Charles’ mother was Elizabeth of Bohemia, the granddaughter of Ottokar II. Her mother was Jutta of Habsburg, daughter of Rudolf I. She married John of Luxemburg, son of Henry VII Holy Roman Emperor.

Charles IV’ son was Sigismund, Holy Roman Emperor, and king of Hungary and Bohemia, who, in 1431, commissioned the formation of the Order of the Dragon, to protect the royal family. Sigismund was a member of the Order of the Garter, and therefore, the dragon was allusion to the dragon slain by St. George. Included in the Order were a number of important vassals and nobles, like Vlad II Dracul, father of Vlad III Dracula, also known as “Count Dracula”, or Vlad “the Impaler” of Transylvania. The post-title “Dracul” was a reference to being invested with the Order of the Dragon.

Between 1349 and 1411 AD, the Habsburgs also absorbed Moravia. At the end of the eighth century, Great Moravia, which encompassed Bohemia, Hungary, and several other states, had also fallen to the invading Magyars. Moravia then came under the rule of Boleslaus I of Poland between 999 and 1019 AD, before becoming part of Bohemia in 1019 AD. It was raised to the status of a Margrave in 1182 AD, and shared its history with Bohemia, and came under the House of Luxembourg, when Charles IV became Margrave of Moravia in 1334.

After Albert II, King of Bohemia and Hungary, and Duke of Austria, became Holy Roman emperor in 1438, the imperial office remained in Habsburg hands for the next four hundred years. Albert II’s father was the grandson of Albert III Duke of Austria, the son of Albert I Holy Roman Emperor. Albert III of Austria married Beatrix of Hohenzollern, the sister of Frederick I of Brandenburg. Their son was Albert IV of Austria, who married Joanna of Bavaria, the sister of Joanna of Bavaria, whose father was the brother of Matilda of Wittelsbach. Albert IV and Joanna’s son was Albert II Holy Roman Emperor. [15]

Albert II was succeeded by Frederick III Holy Roman Emperor. Frederick III was the son of Ernst II “the Iron” of Austria, a Habsburg, and a member of the Order of the Dragon, and Cymburgis of Mosavia, from the Piast dynasty. Friedrich III was also a member of the Order of the Garter, and married Eleanor de Aviz, Princess of Portugal, the daughter of Eleanor of Aragon, whose brother, Alfonso V King of Aragon and Naples, was a member of the Order of the Dragon.

The Houses of Aragon, like the houses of Castile and Sicily, derive from the Piast dynasty. The House of Castile is descended from Alfonso VII “the Emperor” of Galicia, Leon and Castile, and Richeza of Poland, the daughter of Wladislaw II of Poland, a descendant of Mieszko I, and Adelaide, the daughter of Michael Arpad.

The House of Aragon is descended from Bela III, King of Hungary. Bela III was descended and Vasul, the son of Michael Arpad and Adelaide the daughter of Mieszko King of Poland. Vasul married Katun Kometopoulos, the daughter of Samuil, the Bogomil King of Bulgaria. Bela III married Agnes of Chatillon, the granddaughter of Bohemund II Prince of Antioch. Their granddaughter, Yolande Arpad, married James I King of Aragon. When James’ father was slain, when he took up arms against the Albigensian crusade on behalf of the Cathars, James had been entrusted to Guillen de Monredon, head of the Templars in Spain and Provence. [16]

Alfonso VIII, grandson of Alfonso VII, married Eleanor of Anjou, daughter of Henry II of England and Eleanor of Aquitaine. Their daughter, Blanche of Castile, married Louis VIII King of France. Their grandson was Charles II King of Jerusalem and Sicily, who married Maria of Hungary of the Arpad dynasty.

Sigismund had no children and adopted the son of Frederick III, Maximilian I, also member of the Order of the Garter, who became Holy Roman Emperor in 1493. Within only two or three generations, the Habsburgs were managing to secure an initially intermittent grasp on the imperial throne that would last for centuries. After the marriage of Maximilian I, with Mary, heiress of Burgundy in the Low Countries, and the marriage of his son Philip with Juana, heiress of Spain and its newly-founded empire, Charles V inherited an empire where “the sun does not set”.

In 1521, Maximilian’s grandson, Charles V, who had also been King Charles I of Spain, assigned the Austrian lands his brother and successor Ferdinand I, Holy Roman Emperor. Ferdinand was descended from Paloma, who belonged to the bin Yahya family, a Portuguese family of rabbis of Spain and Portugal in the Middle Ages, and before that going back to the Exilarchs in Babylonia and Persia, members of which were prominent in Portugal, Spain, Italy, and Turkey. Paloma, married Federico of Castile. [17]

Paloma and Federico’s grandmother was the sister of Alfonso IV of Portugal, the Grand Master of the Knights of Christ. Following their suppression elsewhere, the Templars did not go underground in Portugal, but merely changed their name to the Knights of Christ, and Alfonso IV, a descendant of Roger II Guiscard, became their first Grand Master. Alfonso IV initiated a policy of sending ships on long voyages out into the Atlantic. This tradition was continued by his great-grandson, Henri the Navigator, who also became the order’s Grand Master, with the aim of finding a seaway to India round the southern tip of Africa. Henry the Navigator was the third son of John I of Portugal, the founder of the Aviz dynasty; and of Philippa of Lancaster, the daughter of John of Gaunt. Henry VI of England awarded him the Order of the Garter. [18]

Paloma and Federico’s granddaughter married John II King of Aragon, and their son was Ferdinand II of Spain, who, along with his wife Queen Isabella, sponsored Knight of Christ, Columbus, to sail to America. Isabella’s father, John I of Portugal, was a member of the Order of the Garter, as was her husband Ferdinand. Ferdinand and Isabella’s daughter, Queen Juana married Philip I Habsburg, King of Spain, and their son was Ferdinand I, also belonged to the Order. He succeeded to the title of King of Bohemia in 1526, and as Ferdinand I of the Holy Roman Empire in 1558.

Ferdinand married Anna of the Jagellon dynasty, which descends from the Piasts, who between the fourteenth century and sixteenth century reigned, as grand dukes of Lithuania, kings of Poland, of Hungary and of Bohemia. Ferdinand gained the title of King of Hungary in 1526. Jogaila, Grand Duke of Lithuania, and the founder of the dynasty in Poland, became king of Poland as Ladislaus II of Poland after converting to Christianity. He married Jadwiga of Poland, who is venerated by the Catholic Church as Saint Hedwig the Queen, patron saint of queens and united Europe. She was the youngest daughter of Louis I of the House of Angevin, King of Hungary and Poland. Louis was the great-grandson of Charles II, King of Jerusalem and Sicily, and Maria of Hungary.

But the Habsburgs split into two branches, being the Austrian Habsburgs and the Spanish Habsburgs. After 1556, the Austrian Habsburgs held the title of Holy Roman Emperors, as well as the Habsburg Hereditary Lands of Austria and Slovenia, as well as the Kingdoms of Bohemia and Hungary, while the Spanish Habsburgs ruled over the Spanish kingdoms, the Netherlands, the Habsburgs’ Italian possessions, and, for a time, Portugal. Hungary, nominally under Habsburg kingship from 1526, was mostly under the turks of the Ottoman Empire for 150 years.
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Re: Terrorism and the Illuminati: A Three Thousand Year Hist

Postby admin » Tue Jun 27, 2017 1:51 am

Chapter Twelve: Rosicrucians and Freemasons

The House of Stuart

Though effectively suppressed, the occult underground made its first move at subversion through the development of Protestantism, a schism that would forever divide the Catholic Church, and liberated parts of Europe, where these occult influences could then begin to make inroads. It was largely as an attempt to bolster this emerging Protestant movement, that, following the union of the Stuart and Guelph bloodlines, that they formed the Order of the Rosy Cross, to mark that underground’s entry into public attention, and begin the concerted effort to incept the conspiracy to, first, supplant the power of the Catholic Church, and ultimately erect a New World Order.

The Habsburg realm became internally divided when the German princes of the Empire had supported the Protestant movement against the Catholic Church, which was ostensibly defended by the Habsburg rulers. The rising tide of the Protestant movement came to a head in Bohemia, where the Kabbalistic underground surfaced in the manner of the Order of the Rosicrucians, otherwise known as the Order of the Rosy Cross. The ultimate aim of the Order was that of abolishing the Church, and replacing it with a government of “wise” rulers. As explained by occult historian Laurence Gardner:

It was by no chance that Martin Luther’s protest gained support in some very influential circles, for Rome had many enemies in high places. Not the least of these enemies were the Knights Templars, and the underground Hermetic societies whose esoteric crafts had been condemned by the Catholic Inquisition. The truth was not so much that Luther gained the support of others, but that he was the willing instrument of an already active movement which endeavored to dismantle the rigid international domination of the Pope. [1]

In England, the most significant consequence of the Reformation was the establishment of the independent church, created by King Henry the VIII, the son of Elizabeth of York and Edward VII. It was followed by the establishment of the Church of England under his daughter, Queen Elizabeth I. Queen Elizabeth I’s court was steeped in esoteric thought. An important source of these tendencies, as well as much of Rosicrucian philosophy, was a famous occultist John Dee. Dee believed that he found the secret of conjuring angels by numerical configurations in the tradition of the Kabbalah, and claimed to have gained contact with good angels, from whom he learned advancement in knowledge.

While acting as Astrologer Royal to Queen Mary, who had succeeded Henry VIII to the throne, Dee was accused of high treason and practicing sorcery against Mary’s life. He was thrown in prison, but managed to clear himself of the charges, though he continued to be strongly suspected of being a magician and a conjurer. When Elizabeth became Queen after Mary’s death, Dee was fortunate enough to have the benefit of her favour, and subsequently tutored the new queen in the understanding of his own mystical writings.

Elizabeth did not marry, and therefore had no direct heir. Mary Stuart, also known as Mary Queen of Scots, the granddaughter of Henry VIII’s sister, was the nearest relative, but she was Catholic. Elizabeth of York and Henry VII of England were the parents of Henry VIII, but also of Margaret Tudor, who married James IV of Scotland, thus introducing the Armenian heritage of Lusignan, and the Fisher Kings of Brittany, to the Stuart line.

Their son James V of Scotland, a member of the Order of the Garter, married Marie de Guise to father Mary Queen of Scots. Revealing her affiliation to the bloodline, in 1546, Marie Guise, had signed an unusual Bond and Obligation to Sir William Sinclair Baron of Rosslyn: “In likewise that we sall be Leal and trew Maistres to him, his Counsill and Secret shewn to us we sall keep secret--and in all mattres gif to him the best and trewest Counsell we can as we sall be requirite thereto…and sall be reddy att all tymes to maintain and defend him…” [2]

The House of Guise was an important branch of the Guilhemids. It had been founded in the sixteenth century, as a cadet branch of the House of Lorraine by Claude, first Duke of Guise. Claude’s great-grandfather was Rene d’Anjou, whose combined heritage provided him with the titles of Count of Provence, Count of Guise, Duke of Anjou, Duke of Lorraine, King of Hungary, King of Naples and Sicily, King of Aragon, Valencia, Majorca and Sardinia and King of Jerusalem. One of Rene’s daughters, Marguerite d’Anjou, in 1445, married Henry VI of England, and played a prominent role in the Wars of the Roses. Rene d’Anjou at one time employed Christopher Columbus, and was associated with Joan of Arc, who was the daughter of Edward I King of England and Eleanor of Castile. Edward was the son of Henry III of England and Eleanor of Provence, whose father, Raymond Berengar V Count of Toulouse, was the great-grandson of Alfonso VII King of Castile and Richenza of Poland. [3]

Rene, who was well-versed in the occult, included at his court a Jewish Kabbalist known as Jean de Saint-Remy, who, according to some accounts, was the grandfather of Nostradamus. Rene’s interests also included Arthurian and Grail romances. Through his intimate relationship with the ruling Sforza family of Milan, he established contact with the Medicis of Florence, and it seems to have been largely through his influence that Cosimo de Medici embarked on the projects of translating the Neoplatonic, Gnostic and Hermetic texts that set off the so-called “Humanistic” tradition of the Renaissance.

The Habsburg King Philip of Spain and the Catholics in France plotted for Mary Queen of Scots’ accession to the throne of England, and when Elizabeth discovered that plots to place the Scottish queen on the English throne threatened her life, she had Mary Stuart imprisoned and eventually executed. However, Mary had married Henry Stuart, who was the great-grandson of Eleanor Sinclair, the daughter of William Sinclair, and John Stewart. And, following Elizabeth’s childless death in 1603, the throne was left vacant. Thus, James VI of Scots, the son of Mary Queen of Scots and Henry Stuart, was deemed to be Elizabeth’s closest living relative. He became King James I of England, the first monarch of England of the Stuart line. It would be concern for the preservation of this line which would become the central theme of that branch of the Illuminati at the center of all its intrigues, Scottish Rite Freemasonry.


King James did not share Elizabeth’s sympathies for John Dee, and when he appealed to the king for help in clearing his reputation from charges of conjuring devils, the King ignored him. Dee finally died disgraced and in abject poverty in 1608. Prior to his death, though, and after his career in England had come to an end, John Dee had found his way to Prague, then under Habsburg Holy Roman Emperor Rudolf II, where he influenced the Rosicrucian movement.

Rudolph II, like his father, Maximilian II, was a member of the Order of the Garter. And, he chose to move his capital from Vienna to Prague, in Bohemia, which became an occult oriented court, a center of study in alchemy, astrology, and magic. Rudolph II devoted vast sums of money to the building of his library, which comprised of the standard corpus of Hermetic works, as well as the notorious Picatrix, an Arabic work expounding on Sabian themes.

The Emperor Rudolf II’s fascination with Hermeticism was matched by his interest in Kabbalah, when his reign became a “golden age” of Jewry in Prague in Bohemia. Despite their initial persecution during the Crusades, the Jewish community of Bohemia often enjoyed exceptional privileges. Although originating in southern France, it was in Spain that the Kabbalah would develop, and where the most important medieval Kabbalistic text, the Sepher ha Zohar, or Book of Light, was produced in 1286 AD. Ultimately, the spread of Kabbalistic influence, and the occult rites it involved, or mysteries, generally known as “witchcraft”, caused the Church to become increasingly suspicious, and to eventually attempt its brutal suppression.

Therefore, a year before the Templars were arrested, in 1307 AD, France expelled its Jewish population. The Jews had already been expelled from England in 1290 AD, by King Edward, when all the crowned heads of Europe followed his example. Saxony followed suit in 1348. On the extinction of the house of Arpad of Hungary, and under the Angevin kings who then occupied the throne, the Hungarian Jews suffered many persecutions, and were expelled in 1360, and in 1370 Belgium, in 1380 Slovakia, in 1420 Austria, and in 1444 the Netherlands. However, the anti-Jewish offensive of the papacy in the early thirteenth century little affected the conditions of Bohemia’s Jewish community. The Bohemian monarchs ignored the resolutions of the Lateran Council of 1215 AD, which set out to limit the economic and social influence of the Jewish Communities in Europe. In return, the Jews were careful to guard the independence of the Bohemian aristocracy, and became the true servants of the royal Chamber. They were given a number of concessions and freedoms by the charter issued by Ottokar II, and the tolerant government of the last Premyslid kings proved favorable to the development of the Jewish community.

With the end of the Premyslid dynasty, however, the first few decades of the fourteenth century became a period of general insecurity. The long reign of Holy Roman Emperor Charles IV, though, again brought the Jews of Prague new privileges. Charles IV ensured their protection, and allowed them to settle within the walls of Prague’s New Town, which he founded in 1348. And, in 1357, Charles IV, allowed the Jews of Prague to have their own city flag, a red banner that featured, in gold, the Kabbalistic six-pointed star, known as the “Star of David”, or “Seal of Solomon”, being the first Jewish flag of its kind.

Red, as demonstrated by Andrew Colin Gow, author of the Red Jews: Anti-Semitism in an Apocalyptic Age: 1200-1600, had become a color distinctly associated with the Jews. Between the thirteenth and sixteenth century, as he has shown, it became popular in German literature to identify Gog and Magog with the Lost Tribes of Israel, who collectively were referred to as “Red Jews”. As he further noted, Jews were often portrayed by medieval illustrations in Christian texts with red hair and in red clothes. According to Gow:

This connection was so widely-accepted as to be included prominently in illustrations of Hebrew manuscripts, though in such cases, these depictions presumably lacked or did not evoke the negative associations generally marked by red hair. The Jews by whom these manuscripts were made and for whom they were intended seem to have attached no negative significance to the color red. Yet as we have seen, Christian iconography “saw red” in connection with Judas. The Metzgers’ manuscript illuminations suggest that to Jews as to Christians, Jews were typically red-headed and wore red clothes; it was taken for granted. [4]

In 1557, Ferdinand I, at the instigation of his younger son, the Archduke Ferdinand, who was governor of the region, issued a decree exiling all Jews from Prague and Bohemia. Many Jewish families departed, but a number of families who managed to earn exceptions remained. This situation lasted until the Archduke’s brother, Maximilian II ascended the throne. The new king revoked all decrees of expulsion by degrees, and instead confirmed many of the forgotten privileges originally granted to the Jews.

Under Rudolf II, many Jewish refugees who had been expelled from Moravia, Germany, Austria and Spain came to Prague. In Prague, Jews studied Kabbalah undisturbed. The city, says Frances Yates, “was a great center for Jewish Cabalism, and a very remarkable personality, Rabbi Loew, was prominent in Prague in the late sixteenth century.” [5] Rabbi Judah Loew ben Bezalel, also known as the Maharal of Prague, published more than fifty religious and philosophical books. Rabbi Loew became legendary as the mystical worker who created the Golem, an artificial man made of clay brought to life through magical combinations of the sacred letters of the Hebrew alphabet, which acted as a guardian over the Jews.

Lurianic Kabbalah

It was in Bohemia, therefore, that the most important modern development in Kabbalah took root, known as the New Kabbalah, derived by Isaac Luria. Luria’s revolutionary knew conception of Zionism and the purpose of the Jewish people in history would become the fundamental creed of two important new heresies that would go on to become the basis of all Illuminati intrigues. These were, first, the heresy in the seventeenth century, of the false messiah Shabbetai Zevi, and in the following century, that developed by one of his successors, Jacob Frank.

Luria’s novel interpretations essentially fired new Messianic hopes, which were accepted positively by Jews who recently endured the expulsion from Spain. As in other parts of Europe, violent persecution had been growing in Spain and Portugal, where in 1391, hundreds of thousands of Jews had been forced to convert to the Catholicism. Publicly, the Jewish converts, known as Marranos, were Christians, but secretly they continued to practice Judaism, including following the Kabbalah. After 1540, many Marranos fled to England, Holland, France, the Ottoman Empire, Brazil and other places in South and Central America. These Marranos maintained strong family ties and became influential where they lived.

In Spain, during the fifteenth century, the Marranos “crypto-Jews”, founded the Christian heresy of the Alumbrados. The Illuminati Order was not invented by Adam Weishaupt, but was rather renewed and reformed. [6] The Alumbrados, or Illuminati, claimed to have direct intercourse with God. All external worship, they declared, is superfluous, and sin impossible in this state of complete union with Him. Therefore, like all Gnostics before them, they believed carnal desires could be indulged in, and other sinful actions committed freely without corrupting the soul.

As young man, Ignatius of Loyola became a member of the Allumbrados, though, as a cover for his activities, he became very active as a Roman Catholic. Ignatius of Loyola was born in 1491, from wealthy Marranos parents a year before the expulsion of the Jews from Spain. [7] Loyola moved to Rome where he founded the Order of Jesus, known as the infamous Jesuits, which was approved by Pope Paul III in 1540. In setting up the Jesuit order, Loyola devised an elaborate spy system, so that no one in the order was safe. If there was any opposition, death was meted out swiftly. The Jesuit order not only became a destructive arm of the Roman Catholic Church, but developed into a secret intelligence service.

Ultimately, the Jesuits would follow the same conspiratorial methods as the Ismailis, to undermine the religion they were purportedly representing, and for indoctrinating dupes into their subversive mission, as the following, taken from the secret oath of the Jesuits, demonstrates:

You have been taught to insidiously plant the seeds of jealousy and hatred between communities, provinces, states that were at peace, and incite them to deeds of blood, involving them in war with each other, and to create revolutions and civil wars in countries that were independent and prosperous, cultivating the arts and the sciences and enjoying the blessings of peace. To take sides with the combatants and to act secretly with your brother Jesuit, who might be engaged on the other side, but openly opposed to that with which you might be connected, only that the Church might be the gainer in the end, in the conditions fixed in the treaties for peace and that the end justifies the means.

Rabbi Isaac Luria was a faithful follower of Ignatius Loyola. [8] Luria’s father, a member of an Ashkenazi family from Poland and Germany, emigrated to Jerusalem. Following his father’s death, as a child, Luria was taken to Egypt. Egypt has always harboured an important Jewish community, and of Gnostic speculation, from Hellenistic times, to the Ismailis of the Fatimids, as it was in Luria’s time. It was for this reason that Egypt would figure so prominently as one of the focal points of Illuminati, even into the twentieth century, with the creation of Islamic fundamentalism.

In Egypt, here he became versed in rabbinic studies, engaged in commerce, and eventually concentrated on study of the Zohar, the central work of the Medieval Kabbalah. In 1570, he went to Safed in Galilee, where he studied under Moses ben Jacob Cordovero, the greatest Kabbalist of the time, and developed his own Kabbalistic system. Although he wrote few works, Luria’s doctrines were recorded by his pupil Hayyim Vital, who presented them in a large posthumous collection. Because of this work, Lurianic Kabbalah became the new thought that influenced all Jewish mysticism after him, competing with the Kabbalah of Cordovero.

Luria initiated a new interpretation of the role of the Kabbalah in preparation for the arrival of the messiah. In Luria’s system, all being is said to have been in exile, that is, separated from God, since the very beginning of creation, and the task of restoring everything to its proper order is the specific role of the Jewish people. The final redemption, however, cannot be achieved merely through the advent of the Messiah, but must be brought about historically, through a long chain of actions that prepare the way. Essentially, the important notion that was transmitted to the Kabbalists was this, that they must not merely await the fulfillment of prophecy with regards to the coming of the Messiah, and the restoration of the Jewish people in the Promised Land. Rather, they ought to work actively to prepare for his appearance. First, this meant manipulating the course of fate through the use of magic, and finally, of preparing the necessary political and moral circumstances to receive his coming, that is, a New World Order.

The Rosicrucians

The first instance of the consequence of Luria’s thought, as appropriated by the underground occult stream, was the formation of the Order of the Rosy Cross, or the Rosicrucians. Again, the theme behind the formation of this secret society was the union of the Guelph and Stuart bloodlines. But it’s secondary was to boldly announce itself to the world, and begin its challenge against the Church. For, though the movement initially ended in failure, it would immediately contribute to the emergence of Freemasonry, and ultimately result in the installation of a monarch over England who would issue from the unification of bloodlines, King George I.

The circumstances out of which this secret society emerged, occurred as crisis came upon the Protestant movement, when Rudolph II died in 1612, threatening the immunity enjoyed by esoteric circles among the Protestants of Bohemia and other German provinces. As a consequence, the German leaders of the Protestant cause in the Palatinate of the Rhine, a small province of the Holy Roman Empire, sought means to pursue their plight against the Hapsburgs. It was at this point that the German prince Frederick V, Elector of the Palatinate, began to be seen as the ideal incumbent to take the lead of the Protestant resistance against the ruling Hapsburgs.

Frederick V was descended from the House of Guelph. Specifically, he belonged to the House of Wittelsbach, hereditary rulers of the Palatinate of the Rhine. In Carolingian times, the count palatine was merely the representative of the king in the high court of justice. In 937 AD, Otto the Great appointed a count palatine for Bavaria, and several other duchies, with the Elector of Lorraine later foremost in rank. In 1155 AD, after the death of its Elector, Frederick Barbarossa transferred the office to his half-brother Conrad, who united the lands to his own possessions on the central Rhine, and made his residence at Heidelberg. Thus the palatinate of Lorraine became the palatinate “of the Rhine”. Conrad’s daughter, Agnes of Hohenstaufen, married Henry I of Saxony and Bavaria, the son of Henry “the Lion” and Matilda of England, and their son Henry II became Elector of the Palatinate of the Rhine in 1195 AD.

Henry II married Agnes of Lausitz, daughter of Conrad III, Margrave of Lausitz, and Elizabeth of Poland, herself the daughter of Elizabeth Arpad and Mieszko III King of Poland. Their daughter was Agnes of Brunswick, who was the mother of Rudolf I, Elector of the Palatinate of the Rhine, and Ludwig IV Holy Roman Emperor, who married Matilda, the daughter of Rudolf I of Habsburg. Ludwig’s daughter, Matilda of Wittelsbach, was the father of Frederick I Elector of Brandenburg. Frederick IV Elector of the Palatinate is also descended from Frederick I of Brandenburg’s sister, Margaret of Hohenzollern, who married Herman Margrave of Hessen. Frederick IV was the father of Frederick V, Elector of the Palatinate of the Rhine.

The Protestant conspiracy around Frederick V went under the cover of the Rosicrucians. Ultimately, the Rosicrucians declared themselves to the world through the notorious Rosicrucian Manifestos. The first of the Rosicrucian manifestos was the Fama Frateritatis, appearing in 1614, part of a larger Protestant treatise titled, The Universal and General Reformation of the Whole Wide World, an allegorical history of the Rosicrucians, which was followed by a second tract a year later. The Manifestos purported to issue from a secret, “invisible” fraternity of “initiates” in Germany and France, and vehemently attacked the Catholic Church and the old Holy Roman Empire.

The Rosicrucians derive their name from Christian Rosencreutz, who, according to the Manifestos, founded the order a century earlier. A poor descendent of nobility, he had been cloistered at an early age with a Jesuit order, before traveling to the Middle East to learn magic, alchemy and Kabbalah. Rosenkreuz is German for “rose cross”, referring both to the symbol of the Rosicrucians, which is a cross superimposed over the five-petaled rose of the Kabbalah.

In the Rosicrucian Enlightenment, Frances Yates suggests that a component of the new Lurianic Kabbalah should be considered as figuring in the Manifestoes. Jacob Boehme, born in Bohemia in 1575, the man who came to articulate Lurianic Kabbalah for the Christian audiences of Europe, became active in around the same time, and likely influenced that trend among the Rosicrucians. Christian Rosenkreuz, the hero of the Rosicrucian tales, Yates claims, “describes in the Fama travels in the east whence he has returned with a new kind of Magia and Cabala which he incorporates into his own outlook.” [9] The Fama relates the life story of Christian Rosenkreuz, who supposedly founded the Rosy Cross brotherhood, as early as the 1300’s. Like Luria, Rosenkreuz was said to have traveled to Egypt, and upon his return to Europe, to have established a secret “House of the Holy Spirit”, modeled on the Ismaili “House of Wisdom” in Cairo. [10]

A further Rosicrucian tract appeared in 1616, titled the Chemical Wedding of Christian Rosenkreuz. The wedding refers to that important dynastic alliance, forged primarily through the efforts of John Dee, through the marriage of Frederick V Elector of the Palatinate, and Elizabeth Stuart, daughter of King James I of England. The Protestant conspirators had hoped that King James, who appeared to support the Protestant cause, would come to the assistance of his son-in-law Frederick, in the case of an uprising against the Catholic Church and its Habsburg supporters.

In addition, in the Chemical Wedding, Christian Rosenkreuz is associated with an order of chivalry. This was in reference to the Order of the Garter. As Frances Yates has pointed out, as a necessary component of his future married to Elizabeth Stuart, Frederick V was invested with the Order of the Garter, a week before the wedding. Therefore, the “rose cross” of the Rosicrucians is derived from the dual symbolism of the Order of the Garter, being the Kabbalistic rose of the House of York, but also being the “red cross” of St. George, and ultimately of the Templars. [11]

As the conspiracy began, Frederick V was offered the throne of Bohemia by rebellious Protestants, after which he moved to Prague with his family. This was seen as an intolerable affront to the Church, and thus precipitated the Thirty Years War. Frederick’s forces, however, were utterly routed outside of Prague. And, contrary to the hopes of the Rosicrucian movement, King James did not offer the assistance of England in support of his son-in-law, and the movement ended in complete ignominy. Within two years, Frederick and Elizabeth had been driven into exile in Holland, and Heidelberg was overrun by Catholic troops.

The Freemasons

Nevertheless, though the Rosicrucian conspiracy apparently ended in failure, its members merely regrouped, this time, in England, and under the name of the Freemasons. During the Thirty Years War, Johan Valentin Andrea, the author of the Rosicrucian Manifestos, created a network of secret societies known as the Christian Unions. According to Andrea’s directives, each society was headed by an anonymous prince, assisted by twelve others divided into groups of three, each of whom was to be a specialist in a given sphere of study. The purpose of these Unions was to preserve the occult Rosicrucian sciences from Church persecution. More importantly, the Christian Unions functioned as a refuge for the defeated Rosicrucians in England. There, these men, both English and European, formed the Invisible College, later the Royal Society.

Virtually all of the Royal Society’s founding members were Freemasons. According to Masonic legend, though, Freemasonry dates back to the guilds of Mediaeval masons, believed to have been Templars, who encrypted occult messages in the Gothic cathedrals, like Notre Dame in Paris. One of the earliest inductions into a Masonic lodge on record, however, was for Robert Boyle, in 1641. Boyle also had intimate relations with the Royal Society. Another initiate was Elias Ashmole, antiquarian who wrote The Institutions, Laws, and Ceremonies of the Most Noble Order of the Garter. Along with astrologer William Lilly, Ashmole founded a Rosicrucian lodge in London in 1646. This lodge was based on the utopian ideal of the creation of a New Atlantis, as expounded by Francis Bacon, the likely godfather of the Rosicrucian movement, which symbolized the golden age before Adam’s Fall, when humanity was spiritually perfect.

The Freemasons were often suspected of being behind the English Civil War, though their position during the affair is unclear. In 1642, when King Charles I of England, the son of King James, tried to arrest five MPs for obstructive behavior, the English Civil War erupted, and Oliver Cromwell assumed command of the Parliamentary forces. Charles I was given the opportunity to escape, but was later recaptured, and finally, in 1649, was tried and beheaded. When Cromwell died in 1658, Charles II, the late king’s son, was invited back to rule as King of England. The “Restoration” of Charles II Stuart to the throne thus occurred in 1660, eleven years after the execution of his father.

As John Robison notes, in Proofs of a Conspiracy, written in 1798, early Masonic ritual was shaped to promote the ideals of the sympathizers to the Stuart cause. He states:

Nay the Ritual of the Master’s degree seems to have been formed, or perhaps twisted from its original institution, so as to give an opportunity of founding the political principles of the candidate, and of the whole Brethren present. For it bears so easy an adaptation to the death of the King [Charles I], to the overturning of the venerable constitution of the English government of three orders by a mean democracy, and its re-establishment by the efforts of the loyalists, that this would start into every person’s mind during the ceremonial, and could hardly fail to show, by the countenances and behaviour of the Brethren, how they were affected. [12]

Freemasonry came to be more closely allied to the Stuart cause with the abdication of James II. When James II King of England, King Charles II’s brother and successor, issued a Declaration for Liberty of Conscience, to give protection to the followers of Catholicism, he was forced to leave the throne. The throne was then offered jointly to William of Orange and his wife Mary. William and Mary were cousins. Mary was the daughter of James II, while William was the son of James II’s sister Mary, Princess Royal and Princess of Orange-Nassau and William II von Nassau-Dillenburg, Prince of Orange, the grandson of William of Orange. [13]

Though William and Mary were of Stuart lineage, the Scots were disappointed at the loss of a Stuart monarch, and in 1689, the year of James II’s deposition, Bonnie Dundee led a force of Highlanders against government troops at Killiecrankie. The rebellion was called a Jacobite Rising, because of their support of James II, which is derived from the Latin Jacomus, or Jacob in Hebrew. The emblem of the Jacobites, like that of the Rosicrucians, was the five-petaled White Rose of York.

In March 1702, William died and the throne passed to Mary’s sister who became Queen Anne. The failure of either Anne or of her sister to produce an heir precipitated a succession crisis, for, in the absence of a Protestant heir, the Roman Catholic James II could attempt to return to the Throne. The Parliament of England then passed the Act of Settlement in 1701, whereupon the Electress Sophia of Hanover, the daughter of Frederick of the Palatinate and Elizabeth Stuart, was designated heir to the British throne, if William III and his sister-in-law, Anne, both died without issue. Sophia was the closest Protestant relative of the British Royal Family, though numerous Catholics with superior hereditary claims had to be bypassed. When Sophia died a few weeks before Anne, Sophia’s son George became the first Hanoverian King.

Therefore, the supposed support of the Freemasons for the Stuarts, and their opposition to the Hanoverians, was merely staged to provide a pretext for the installation, as King of England, the issue of the Chemical Wedding of the Rosicrucians, the marriage of Frederick V and Elizabeth Stuart, uniting the divergent lines of the Stuarts and the House of Guelph. Freemasonry was supposed to be independent of political issues and problems. In practice, however, the Grand Lodge, which was established only three years after the coronation of William of Orange, supported the new German monarchy at a time when many Englishmen were strongly opposed to it. The Grand Lodge, had been created in 1717, and consisted at first of only one degree of initiation. Within five years of the Lodge’s founding, two additional degrees were added, when the system consisted of three steps: Entered Apprentice, Fellow Craft, and Master Mason. These degrees are commonly known as the “Blue Degrees”, the color blue being symbolically important in them, and have remained the first three degrees of nearly all Masonic systems since.

The new Grand Lodge was reportedly very strict in its rule of forbidding political controversy within the lodges. The English Grand Lodge, however, was decidedly pro-Hanoverian, and its proscription against political controversy really amounted to a support of the Hanoverian status quo. During the ensuing generations, members of the Hanoverian royal family became Grand Masters. Augustus Frederick (1773-1843), the ninth son of George III, was Grand Master for the thirty years before his death. George’s father was the the son of George II, Frederick Loius Prince of England, who married Augusta of Saxen-Gotha-Altenburg, a descendant of Ferdinand of Habsburg, and through him from the bin Yahya family of Portugal. Prior to that, George’s older brother, who became King George IV, had held the Grand Master position. A later royal Grand Master was King Edward VII, son of Queen Victoria. Edward served as Grand Master for 27 years while he was the Prince of Wales. The most recent royal Grand Master to become a king was the Duke of York, afterwards becoming King George VI, reigning from 1936 to 1952.

Nevertheless, the Grand Lodge managed both sides of the controversy. While English Masonry, on the other hand, lost all trace of affection for the Stuarts, a new branch of Freemasonry was created to assist the Stuart cause, and patterned after the old Knights Templar. The man who reportedly founded Knights Templar Freemasonry was one of supporters of James III, successor to James II, Michael Ramsey, of the Royal Society.

It was mainly in France, where the family had taken refuge, that Freemasonry became definitely affiliated with the cause of the Stuarts, who, it came to be believed, represented the “Grail” family, descended from the Templars of Scotland. An important figure of the Jacobite cause was Charles Radclyffe. In 1725, Radclyffe is said to have founded a lodge in Paris, the first such one outside of England, and was eventually acknowledged grand master of all French lodges. While English Freemasonry offered three degrees of initiation, that became universal throughout the order about 1730, Radclyffe appears to have been responsible for promulgating, if not in fact devising, Scottish Rite Freemasonry, which introduced higher degrees, and promised initiation into greater and more profound mysteries, supposedly preserved and handed down in Scotland.

The Jacobite cause alleged that a Masonic lodge had been founded in Scotland, during the early eighteenth century, which drew its charter from a surviving Templar chapter in Bristol, but which had already been in operation for several hundred years. It was maintained that, during the Crusades, a small group of “Syrian Christians”. These were understood to be eastern mystics issuing from the Gnostic traditions that had been believed to have survived from the Essenes, found in Fatimid Egypt of the Ismailis, and deriving from the as the Sabians of Harran. They are known in Freemasonry as “Johannite Christians”, referring to the Mandeans belief in John the Baptist. They are said to have been rescued from the Muslims by the Templars, and eventually settled in Scotland, to found a new chapter of the Templar Order, which later merged with a lodge of Freemasonry. [14]

James III Stuart adopted the Templar title, “Chevalier St. George.” His son, Charles Edward, “Bonnie Prince Charlie,” also known as the Young Pretender, was initiated into the Order of Knights Templar on September 24, 1745, the same year in which he led the next major Jacobite Rising, by invading Scotland. Charles was the son of James Francis Edward Stuart, known as the Old Pretender, himself the son of James II. The Bonnie Prince was symbolically crowned King Charles III by the clergy of Scotland’s Episcopal Church. Though, a year later, he was disastrously defeated at the Battle of Culloden Moor, and the Scots’ attempt to take London and install a Stuart king were foiled.

In Paris, in 1758, Jacobites participated in a Grand Council of Emperors of the East and West which organized a Rite of Perfection, consisting of twenty-five degrees, the highest being the Sublime Prince of the Royal Secret, that incorporated in its symbolism their political aspirations of a return of the House of Stuart to the thrones of England and Scotland. In 1762, Frederick the Great of Prussia, became the head of the Rite, drew up the constitutions of the “Antient and Accepted Scottish Rite”, and rearranged the degrees to bring their total to 33. [15] Frederick, who had been principally responsible for Prussia’s rise to power, was the great-grandson of Frederick V, Elector of the Palatinate of the Rhine, and Elizabeth Stuart. His father was King Frederick William I, and his mother Princess Sophia Dorothea of Hanover, sister of George II of England. The Council of Emperors of the East and West inherited the insignia of Frederick the Great’s personal emblem, which featured the double-headed eagle of the Habsburgs.
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Re: Terrorism and the Illuminati: A Three Thousand Year Hist

Postby admin » Tue Jun 27, 2017 1:54 am

Chapter Thirteen: The Illuminati

The Shabbateans

Lurianic Kabbalah, also known as the New Kabbalah, the most pivotal formulation in the modern history of that occult branch of Judaism, and its prescriptions for actively seeking the fulfillment of prophecy, became the core doctrine of the modern occult underground. Therefore, Freemasonry, which it too was forged from Lurianic Kabbalah, and founded in the Rosicrucian conspiracy that united the divergent heritage of the House of Guelph and the House of Stuart, was aligned, in the eighteenth century, with the most central development of this school, when it was infiltrated by the Illuminati. The goal of this organization was to fulfill the ancient dream of Plato, of establishing a New World Order, governed by an elite instructed in the occult.

Therefore, the question of Jewish involvement or responsibility for the scheming of the Illuminati has since plagued investigators with accusations of anti-Semitism. However, Rabbi Marvin Antelman has recently resolved the issue by exposing that the Illuminati was operated by a fringe Gnostic group of Judaism, known as the Shabbateans, incepted by the false-messiah, Shabbetai Zevi. Despite the movement’s growing influence over the coming centuries, their malevolent designs were largely kept secret from the rest of the Jewish community, and were often inimical to it. And, this ignorance would continue to be fostered by the Illuminati, who would barricade themselves behind these same accusations of anti-Semitism.

According to Gershom Scholem, “... Lurianic Kabbalah became a dominant factor only about 1630-40 and the ideology of the Shabbatean movement was closely connected with this development.” [1] As Scholem explained, the Shabbatean movement was “the largest and most momentous messianic movement in Jewish History” since the destruction of Jerusalem. In 1666, Shabbetai Zevi, followed by his prophet, Nathan of Gaza, proclaimed himself the promised Messiah of Judaism. Zevi succeeded in rallying a large following, extending to nearly half of the Jewish population of the world at the time, including the Jews of Palestine, Egypt, and Eastern and Western Europe. The movement was shattered however when, forced by the Sultan of the Ottoman Empire to choose martyrdom or conversion, Zevi chose conversion to Islam.

Nathan became a Roman Catholic, and the movement largely collapsed, though some followed Zevi into conversion, and there is, down to the present time, an Islamic sect in Turkey that follows his teachings, known as the “Doenmeh”, who profess Islam outwardly, while adhering to a mixture of traditional and heretical Judaism in secret.

The Shabbatean heresy, which for some time survived in secret circles akin to something of a Masonic organization, eventually reasserted itself through the sect known as the Frankists. [2] They were also known as the Zoharists, or the Illuminated, or, in Podolia, from where they originated, as Shabbatean Zevists. The leader of the Zoharists was Jacob Frank, originally named Jacob Leibowicz, who regarded himself as a reincarnation of Zevi.

Reviving the vilest Gnostic traditions of the Kabbalah, the Frankists were bent not only on the eradication and humiliation of the majority of the Jewish community who refused to accept their deviations, and therefore of Judaism as a whole, but of all religions, and exploited the Zionist ideals to disguise their quest for world domination. The Frankists believed that in the Messianic age, the laws of the Torah were no longer valid, and all that had been formerly prohibited was now permitted, or even mandatory. This included all the prohibited sexual unions and incest. Therefore, their practices, which included orgiastic, sexually promiscuous rites, led the Jewish community to brand them as heretics.

Frank preached a “Religious Myth of Nihilism”. Ultimately, Frank taught his followers that the overthrow and destruction of society was the only thing that could save mankind. Despite the fact that they were all outwardly religious, the Frankists sought “the annihilation of every religion and positive system of belief,” and they dreamed “of a general revolution that would sweep away the past in a single stroke so that the world might be rebuilt.” Of the revolutionary philosophy of the Frankists, Gershom Scholem wrote in Kabbalah and Its Symbolism: “for Frank, anarchic destruction represented all the Luciferian radiance, all the positive tones and overtones, of the word Life.” [3]

Jacob Frank promulgated his nihilistic religion as “the way to Esau” or “Edom”. According to Frank, all the great patriarchs had sought the way to God, but without success. It was therefore necessary to find a new way, which leads to “true life”, which Esau or Edom symbolize as liberation, or man’s nature unbridled by law. In order to achieve this goal, it would be necessary to abolish all laws, but to be accomplished in secret. As the “true believers” had already passed through Judaism and Islam, they ought now also to assume the “religion of Edom”, or Christianity, outwardly, using it to conceal the real core of their belief of Jacob Frank as the true Messiah and the living God.

In 1759, members of the sect converted to Christianity, but nevertheless persisted in heretical ways. As a result, the Inquisition imprisoned Frank in 1760. Freed by the conquering Russians in 1773 though, he eventually settled in Offenbach, Germany, dubbing himself baron. In the period between Frank’s conversion to his death, the community of his followers strengthened their position not only in Poland, but also in the Austrian territories of Moravia and Bohemia. The movement became active in Masonic organizations and began to combine revolutionary Kabbalistic ideas with the philosophical ideals of the Enlightenment. Among Frank’s followers, according to Scholem, some were accepted into the administration and aristocracy of the Habsburgs, “but they preserved a few Frankist traditions and customs, so that a stratum was created in which the boundaries between Judaism and Christianity became blurred, irrespective of whether the members had converted or retained their links with Judaism.” [4]

Many Frankist families kept a miniature of Frank’s daughter Eva, who assumed leadership after him, to be sent to the most prominent households. As describes Gershom Scholem:

The sect’s exclusive organization continued to survive in this period through agents who went from place to place, through secret gatherings and separate religious rites, and through dissemination of a specifically Frankist literature. The “believers” endeavored to marry only among themselves, and a wide network of inter-family relationships was created among the Frankists, even among those who had remained within the Jewish fold. Later Frankism was to a large extent the religion of families who had given their children the appropriate education. The Frankists of Germany, Bohemia, and Moravia usually held secret gatherings in Carlsbad in summer round about the ninth of Av. [5]

The ninth of the month of Av was not only the supposed date of birth of Shabbetai Zevi, but is also known in Judaism as Tisha B’av. In Judaism, Tisha B’Av is the darkest day on the Jewish calendar, commemorating the destruction of the Temple of Jerusalem, first by the Babylonians, and secondly by the Romans. Also, the ninth of Av, 1492, was the day the Jews were expelled from Spain. The day is observed by Jews as a day of fasting and prayer. However, the Frankists celebrated the day with revel and orgies.

The Illuminati

The Jesuits, the precursors of the organization, continued to be the source of much intrigue, and were responsible for the formation of their predecessors, the Illuminati. John Robison, in Proofs of a Conspiracy, written in 1798, which exposed the devious evolution of the Illuminati, remarked of German Freemasonry, “I saw it much connected with many occurrences and schisms in the Christian church; I saw that the Jesuits had several times interfered in it; and that most of the exceptionable innovations and dissentions had arisen about the time that the order of Loyola was suppressed; so that it should seem, that these intriguing brethren had attempted to maintain their influence by the help of Free Masonry.” [6] Therefore, when Pope Clement XIV dissolved the Jesuits in 1773, Adam Weishaupt, referred to as “a Jesuit in disguise” by his closest associate, Baron von Knigge, established the Illuminati as a secret order modeled on them. [7]

According to Rabbi Marvin S. Antelman, in To Eliminate the Opiate, it was the founder of the Rothschild dynasty who convinced Weishaupt to accept the Frankist doctrine, and who afterwards financed the Illuminati. [8] A Jewish goldsmith, born Amschel Moses Bauer, who decided to settle in Frankfurt. He opened a Counting House, and over the door placed his sign, a red shield, featuring a “Star of David”. The shield is the same flag granted to the Prague Jews by Charles IV, and is in accordance with the Frankist doctrine of Edom or Esau, and the red banner of the Khazars, or Red Jews. As “red shield” in German is “Rot Schild”, Bauer’s son, Amschel Mayer Bauer, took on the name Rothschild.

It is Rothschild who said, “give me control of a nation’s money, and I care not who makes her laws.” Rothschild’s wealth was largely achieved through his association with the family of Hesse-Kassel. Rothschild served a three year apprenticeship in Hanover at the Bank of Oppenheim, at the service to Lt. Gen. Baron von Estorff, who was the principal adviser to Landgrave Frederick II of Hesse-Kassel. Frederick II was a member of the Order of the Garter, as well as the wealthiest man in Europe, much of it inherited from his father, Wilhelm VIII, brother of the King of Sweden.

The House of Hesse is descended from Philip I the “Magnanimous” Landgrave of Hesse, who was a leading champion of the Protestant Reformation. In the early Middle Ages, Hesse was a part of Thuringia, but in the War of the Thuringian succession, in the thirteenth century, Hesse gained its independence and became an Earldom within the Holy Roman Empire. The state existed until the death of Philip in 1567. Philip was a descendant of Margaret, the sister of Frederick I Margrave of Brandenburg, who had married Hermann Landgrave of Hessen. Philip married Chistine of Saxony, whose mother was Barbara of Jagellon, a great-granddaughter of Holy Roman Emperor Sigismund. Despite Philip’s intentions, Hessen was split among his four sons, but the only two to states to survive were Hessen-Kassel and Hessen-Darmstadt. Philip’s daughter, Elizabeth, married Ludwig VI Elector of the Palatinate of the Rhine, grandfather of Frederick V.

Frederick II of Hessen-Kassel was the great-grandson of Elizabeth Charlotte, the sister of Frederick V of the Palatinate. Elizabeth Charlotte was also the grandmother to Frederick I King of Prussia. Frederick II of Hessen-Kassel was a direct descendant of “Maurice the Learned” of Hesse-Kassel, uncle to Frederick IV of the Palatine. Maurice had procured the services of prominent Rosicrucians and alchemists, like Michael Maier, while the town of Kassel itself, according to Francis Yates, was where the Rosicrucian Manifestos were first published. Frederick II of Hessen-Kassel married Maria Princess of Hanover, cousin of Frederick II the Great King of Prussia, and the daughter of George II King of England.

Baron von Estorff advised the Landgrave that Mayer Amschel showed an exceptional ability to increase wealth through his investments. Mayer Amschel arranged to hire 16,800 Hessian soldiers to assist the nephew of Federick’s wife, King George III of England, in suppressing the American Rebellion. When Frederick II of Hessen-Kassel died in 1785, Rothschild obtained total influence over his successor, Karl’s brother Elector Wilhelm IX, who he managed to make one of the wealthiest monarchs of his time.

In 1773, Mayer Rothschild had invited twelve other wealthy and influential men, to convince them to pool their resources in a plot to bring about a new world order. Thus was Adam Weishaupt commissioned to establish the Illuminati. Though born Jewish, as a young boy, Weishaupt was educated by the Jesuits. On May 1, 1776, three years after the Jesuit order was disbanded by the Church, Weishaupt announced the foundation of the Order of Perfectibilists, which later became more widely known as the Illuminati.

The Illuminati is the one instance in modern history where we have verifiable evidence of a large-scale conspiracy. Weishaupt dreamed of a utopian superstate with the abolition of private property, social authority and nationality. In this Gnostic state, human beings would live in “harmony” within a universal brotherhood, based on free love, peace, spiritual wisdom and equality. Weishaupt’s principal targets for reform were the monarchy, the Church and the aristocracy.

The doctrines of the Illuminati, according to Albert Pike, a 33rd degree Scottish Rite Mason, were, like their predecessors, the Templars, Rosicrucians, and Freemasons, the ancient tradition of the Kabbalah:

The Occult Science of the Ancient Magi was concealed under the shadows of the Ancient Mysteries: it was imperfectly revealed or rather disfigured by the Gnostics: it is guessed at under the obscurities that cover the pretended crimes of the Templars; and it is found enveloped in enigmas that seem impenetrable, in the Rites of the Highest Masonry.

Magism was the Science of Abraham and Orpheus, of Confucius and Zoroaster. It was the dogmas of this Science that were engraven on the tables of stone by Enoch and Trismegistus. Moses purified and re-veiled them, for that is the meaning of the word reveal. He covered them with a new veil, when he made of the Holy Kabbalah the exclusive heritage of the people of Israel, and the inviolable Secret of its priests. The Mysteries of Thebes and Eleusis preserved among the nations some symbols of it, already altered, and the mysterious key whereof was lost among the instruments of an ever-growing superstition. Jerusalem, the murderess of her prophets, and so often prostituted to the false gods of the Syrians and Babylonians, had at length in its turn lost the Holy Word, when a Prophet announced by the Magi by the consecrated Star of Initiation [Sirius], came to rend asunder the worn veil of the old Temple, in order to give the Church a new tissue of legends and symbols, that still and ever conceal from the Profane, and ever preserves to the Elect the same truths. [9]

Weishaupt’s poor diplomatic skills prevented him from successfully preaching for the order, until he recruited Freiherr von Knigge, a man well known in Masonic circles. By the great international convention of Freemasons held at Wilhelmsbad, in 1782, the “Illuminated Freemasonry”, which Knigge and Weishaupt now proclaimed the to be the only “pure” Freemasonry, had already gained such a reputation that almost all the members of the convention sought admission to it. A number of the most prominent representatives of Freemasonry and “enlightenment” became Illuminati, including, in 1783, Duke Ferdinand of Brunswick, the foremost leader of European Freemasonry. Ferdinand was the great-grandson of George I of England, and married Augusta, a sister of George III. Other famous members were Goethe, Herder and Nicolai.

Within a short time the Illuminati had lodges all over Germany and Austria, while branches were founded in Italy, Hungary, France, and Switzerland. However, it was the Illuminati plot to overthrow the Hapsburgs in 1784, exposed by police spies who had infiltrated the order, which led to the Bavarian government banning all secret societies, and driving the followers of Weishaupt underground. Nevertheless, suspicion remained that its members might still be working in secret, spreading subversive ideas, and scheming behind the scenes. [10] Prior to the French Revolution, Weishaupt is to have said, “Salvation does not lie where strong thrones are defended by swords, where the smoke of censers ascends to heaven or where thousands of strong men pace the rich fields of harvest. The revolution which is about to break will be sterile if it is not complete.” [11]

The Asiatic Brethren

Though the Illuminati was essentially disbanded, the Frankists would continue to exercise a formative influence in the development of Freemasonry and related secret societies. Primarily, they would be responsible for the evolution of fringe Freemasonry, which would attempt to revive the lost Gnostic tradition of Egypt. This agenda would divide the occult community into two centers of activity, one in Europe, and the other in Egypt. It was from these two centers that there evolved the most important transformations in the development of modern secret societies, as well as similar societies in the Middle East, comprised of impostors posing as Islamic fundamentalists, with which they would conspire to foment the Clash of Civilizations.

Jacob Frank’s nephew and successor was Moses Dobruschka, who converted to Christianity, and entered the Habsburg nobility with the name of Franz Thomas von Schoenfeld. As Franz, he entered into Austrian Freemasonry, and became involved with Ecker von Eckhoffen. During the early 1780s, Eckhoffen became disgruntled with an order known as the Gold and Rosy Cross of 1777, and, with Dobruschka and members of the Habsburg nobility, formed what became known as the Asiatic Brethren. [12]

The basis of the Asiatic Brethren, also known as the Fratres Lucis, or the Brotherhood of Light, was the Rosicrucianism, Martinism and the Illuminati. The order, comprised chiefly of Jews, Turks, Persians, and Armenians, purportedly represented a survival of the same “Syrian Christians” rescued by the Templars, that is, the Sabians, or their successors, the Ismailis of Egypt. The full title of the organization was The Knights and Brethren of St. John the Evangelist.

The Grand Master of the Asiatic Brethren, and leading member of the Illuminati, was Prince Karl, the brother of Wilhelm I of Hessen-Kassel. [13] Both were the sons of Frederick II of Hessen-Kassel, from his wife, Mary of Hanover, Princess of Great Britain, daughter of George II King of England, and therefore cousin to Frederick II the Great of Prussia, and of Augusta, the wife of Ferdinand Duke of Brunswick. Karl married his first cousin, Louise, Princess of Denmark, of the Oldenberg dynasty that produced the Kings of Denmark, Norway, Greece, and the later Romanovs, Emperors of Russia. According to legend, the Oldenbergs are descended from Elgimar, a brother of Godfroi of Bouillon, from the Swan Knight and whose mother was Karl’s mother’s sister, Louise of Hanover, Princess of England. [14]

Another member of the Asiatic Brethren was the Comte de St. Germain a notorious charlatan and alchemist, whom many believed to be immortal. He continues to be regarded among occultists as perhaps the leading figure of their modern history. As such, he is believed to have many magical powers such as the ability to teleport, levitate, walk through walls, influence people telepathically, etc. He is described as one of the later incarnations of Christian Rosenkreuz. Theosophists consider him to be an Ascended Master, those beings who have been secretly guiding the history of humanity. His title is said to be the “Lord of Civilization”. Some esoteric groups credit him with inspiring the Founding Fathers to draft the Declaration of Independence and the United States Constitution, as well as providing the design of the Great Seal of the United States.

In his time, St. Germain was the supposed Grand Master of Freemasonry, and had become an acquaintance of Louis XV King of France and his mistress Madame de Pompadour. St. Germain was a permanent houseguest of Karl’s, who called him “the greatest philosopher who ever lived,” and nicknamed him “Papa”. [15]

St. Germain was in St Petersburg, where he participated in a conspiracy when the Russian army assisted Catherine the Great in usurping the throne from her husband Peter III of Russia. Catherine was a German princess with a very remote Russian ancestry. She was from the House of Anhalt Zerbst, formed in the twelfth century, from the son of Albert I Margrave of Brandenburg, Bernard III Duke of Saxony, who married Judith of Poland, the daughter of Mieszko III, and Elizabeth Arpad, granddaughter Geza Arpad and of Vladimir I of Kiev.

Catherine the Great is remembered as one of the “Enlightened Monarchs”, because she implemented several political and cultural reforms on behalf of the Illuminati. Voltaire, with whom she maintained regular correspondence, called her “Semiramis of Russia”, in reference to the ancient Babylonian queen, on whom the worship of the goddess Astarte was based.

Catherine was succeeded by her son Csar Paul I. In her memoirs, she strongly implies that his father was not her husband, the Grand Duke Peter, later Emperor, but her lover Sergei Saltykoff. [16] One of many aliases, Saltykoff was the name the Count St. Germain assumed when he served as a Russian General while they were fighting the Turks. [17] Their son, Csar Paul I, was also a Mason, as well as Grand Master of the Knights of Malta. [18]

Leading Illuminati like Pasquales, Saint-Martin and Swedenborg were all members of the Asiatic Brethren. [19] Following the order’s demise, the title of Illuminati was given to the Martinists, founded by Saint-Martin. The origin of the Ordre Martiniste et Synarchique is found in French mystic, Martinez Pasquales, born in 1727. He organized a movement which he named the Ordre des Chevalier Maçons Elus-Coën de L’Univers, or “Order of the Knight Masons, Elected Priests of the Universe”, though his work was carried on by his pupil, Louis-Claude de Saint-Martin, who later founded the order known as the Martinists, or the French Illuminés. In 1771, an amalgamation of all the Masonic groups was effected at the new lodge of the Amis Réunis. A further development of the Amis Réunis was the Rite of the Philalethes, formed by Savalette de Langes in 1773, out of Swedenborgian, Martinist, and Rosicrucian mysteries.

Emmanuel Swedenborg became interested in the teachings of Dr. Samuel Jacob Falk, known as the “Baal Shem” of London, who was reputed to exercise miraculous powers through his supposed mastery of the magical names of God. Falk was a crypto-Shabbatean, who collaborated with a network of fellow Frankists in England, Holland, Poland, and Germany. [20] Nesta Webster, in Secret Societies and Subversive Movements, explained, “Falk indeed was far more than a Mason, he was a high initiate – the supreme oracle to which the secret societies applied for guidance.” Finally, according to Savallete de Langes, “some people believe him to be the Chief of all the Jews and attribute to purely political schemes all that is marvelous and singular in his life and conduct.” [21]

Webster also suggests that Falk would have been the source for the “Egyptian Rite” Count Cagliostro created in London. Cagliostro, whose original name is thought to have been Giuseppe Balsamo, was a magician and charlatan who enjoyed enormous success in Parisian high society, in the years preceding the French Revolution. According to his own fraudulent account, however, he was born an orphan on the Island of Malta. His earliest memories, he claimed, are of the holy city of Medina in Arabia, where he was called “Acharat”, and where he lived in the palace of the Mufti Salahaym. Four persons were attached to his service, the chief of whom was an Eastern Adept named Althotas, who instructed him in the various sciences and made him proficient in several Oriental languages. Though both teacher and pupil conformed outwardly to the religion of Islam, Cagliostro later wrote, “the true religion was imprinted in our hearts.” [22]

Historians, however, believe Balsamo was the son of poor parents, and grew up as an urchin in the streets of Palermo. Escaping from Sicily after a series of minor crimes, he traveled through Greece, Egypt, Persia, Arabia, and Rhodes and apparently studied alchemy. He eventually assumed the title of count, and in 1768 married the Roman beauty Lorenza Feliciani, called Serafina. He traveled all the major European cities, selling elixirs of youth and potions, and posing as an alchemist, soothsayer, medium, and miracle healer. His séances had become popular in fashionable society in Paris by 1785.

According to his own admission, Cagliostro’s mission “was to work so as to turn Freemasonry in the direction of Weishaupt’s projects”. [23] Louis Blanc, in his History of the French Revolution, 1848, reported that Cagliostro was initiated into the Illuminati at Frankfort, 1781, under the authority of “the Grand Masters of the Templars”. From them he received instructions and funds to carry out their diabolical intrigues, through the famous “affair of the necklace” against Marie Antoinette, in preparation for their eventual seizure of power. As a consequence, he spent nine months in the Bastille prison, until he was finally banished from France. In 1789 he was arrested in Rome after his wife had denounced him to the Inquisition as a heretic, magician, conjuror, and Freemason. He was finally tried and sentenced to death, but his sentence was later commuted to life imprisonment in the fortress of San Leo in the Apennines, where he eventually died.

The French Revolution

Despite the ban, the Illuminati proceeded with their plot for revolution in France. The chief conduit of their activities was the Loge des Chevaliers Bienfaisants at Lyons. This Lodge stood at the head of French Freemasonry, and is where the fictitious Order of Masonic Knights Templars was formed. Its Grand Master was Illuminati member, the Duke of Orleans. He was merely Lieutenant to Frederick the Great, the Grand Master of all Freemasonry, though both shared Stuart lineage. The Duke’s great-grandfather was Philippe II, son of Philip I and Elizabeth-Charlotte, grand-daughter of Frederick, Elector of the Palatinate of the Rhine, and Elizabeth, daughter of King James I of England. Thus, the Duke of Orleans’ primary motivation, besides his hatred of the King and his wife, Marie Antoinette, was to himself succeed as King following the sought revolution.

About eight years before the Revolution, Orleans was elected Grand Master of France, and the whole association of various lodges came to be known as the Grand Orient. The chief instigators of the Revolution, Mirabeau, Condorcet, Rochefoucault and others, were high-ranking officers of these lodges. The Count Mirabeau was himself a member of the Illuminati, and had attended the Grand Masonic Convention in 1782, at Wilhelmsbad, in Hessen-Kassell, where the ground-plan for the coming revolution was reputed to have originally been discussed. In 1788, deputies of the Illuminati were sent, upon his request, to inform the French lodges on strategy. Their first item of advice was the creation of a Political Committee in every lodge, and from these committees arose the Jacobins Club. Soon, nearly every lodge in the Grand Orient was infiltrated by supporters of Weishaupt, who became active in spreading the political policies of terrorism against the state.

All the leading philosophers of the Enlightenment were Freemasons, or members of the Illuminati, and assisted in propagating its goals. To ensnare the masses, the Illuminati exploited the Gnostic ideal of “liberty”. In order to present the struggle for “liberty” in context, the Illuminati constructed the myth of progress, as history evolving from superstition to “freedom” from despotism, in this case, meaning the Catholic Church. This myth of progress was actually an adaptation of Lurianic Kabbalah, and disguised the ultimate Illuminati goal of supplanting the world’s religions, and incepting an occult New World Order, to be governed by their messiah.

According to Illuminati member, Marie Jean Caritat, Marquis de Condorcet, who wrote, Outline of a Historical Picture of the Progress of the Human Mind, history progresses through nine stages, with a tenth, still ahead, when man will enjoy freedom, equality, and justice. The first of these epochs, is that of mankind living in kinship organization, with the simplest possible economy and the beginnings of religion. The eight succeeding epochs develop through the origins of language, craft, pastoralism, villages, towns, commerce, and reaching the heights of ancient classical civilization.

Next was the “barbarism” of Christian society, succeeded by the Renaissance, the rise of modern science, with the ninth epoch culminating in the success of the project of the Enlightenment. For Condorcet, “everything points to the fact that we are verging upon the epoch of one of the great revolutions of the human race . . . The existing state of knowledge guarantees that it will be auspicious.” The tenth epoch still in the future, will represent man’s final achievement of full equality, liberty, justice, and abolition of not merely poverty and hunger, but of all remaining impediments upon the human mind.

Likewise, in The Education of the Human Race, Illuminati member, Gotthold Ephraim Lessing, incorporated Enlightenment ideas of human advancement. Lessing is most famous for his Nathan the Wise, in reference to “crypto- Shabbatean”, Rabbi Falk of London. Much more substantial and systematic was the work of Johann Gottfried Herder, also of the Illuminati, and the leading figure behind the rise of the German nationalism of the Romantic period. In Outlines of a Philosophy of History of Man, Herder presents mankind in a ceaseless process of evolution: commencing with the beginnings of the human race, proceeding, stage by stage, and reaching the level of civilization which was German at its best, but including the rest of the West as well.

The final German Enlightenment philosopher of note was Immanuel Kant, who was influenced by Emmanuel Swedenborg. Kant wrote the Idea of a Universal History from a Cosmopolitical Point of View, in which the progress of mankind is made central. Some of his propositions clearly outline the Illuminati agenda:

... The history of the human race, viewed as a whole, may be regarded as the realization of a hidden plan of nature to bring about a political constitution, internally, and, for this purpose, also externally perfect, as the only state in which all the capacities implanted by her in mankind can be fully developed. [24]

Through these methods of indoctrination, the French successfully riled into toppling their government, opening the way for the Illuminati’s deceptive seizure of power. In 1789, when the Bastille was stormed, the Comte de Mirabeau, allegedly said, “the idolatry of the monarchy has received a death blow from the sons and daughters of the Order of the Templars.” [25] Albert Pike declared that, “the secret movers of the French Revolution had sworn to overthrow the Throne and the Altar upon the Tomb of Jacques de Molay.” [26] The revolutionaries, many of whom were members of Masonic organizations, adopted the symbolism and language of the occult societies. The Masonic tenets of Equality, Liberty and Fraternity, became their rallying cry. When Louis XIV, King of France was executed, a voice in the crowd cried out “De Molay is avenged!”

The American Revolution

Just prior to the French Revolution, the Illuminati had been conspiring to bring about the American Revolution of 1776. Finally, among the fifty-six American rebels who signed the Declaration of Independence, only six were not Masons. The American constitution itself was inspired by the French Revolution, and the ideals of Freemasonry. It enshrined “Liberty”, meaning freedom from the yoke of Christian morality, rules which it attempted to replace with “unalienable rights”, a concept originally discussed among the secret meetings of the Illuminati.

Both Washington and Jefferson, founder of the Democratic Party, were the leading descendants of Alain IV de Bretagne, the Fisher King, and therefore, descendants of Joseph of Arimathea and the “Sea god”. [27] Also, both Washington and Jefferson were ardent defenders of Adam Weishaupt, while Jefferson even referred to him as an “an enthusiastic philanthropist”. George Washington wrote instead that he did not deny “the Doctrines of the Illuminati, and principles of Jacobinism had not spread in the United States.” “On the contrary”, he replied “no one is more truly satisfied of this fact than I am.” He continued:

The idea that I meant to convey, was, that I did not believe that the Lodges of Free Masons in this Country had, as Societies, endeavored to propagate the diabolical tenets of the first, or pernicious principles of the latter (if they are susceptible of separation). That Individuals of them may have done it, or that the founder, or instrument employed to found, the Democratic Societies in the United States, may have had these objects; and actually had a separation of the People from their Government in view, is too evident to be questioned. [28]

It was Jefferson who had been responsible for infiltrating the Illuminati into the then newly organized lodges of the “Scottish Rite” in New England. Jefferson defended Weishaupt saying:

As Weishaupt lived under the tyranny of a despot and priests, he knew that caution was necessary even in spreading information, and the principles of pure morality. This has given an air of mystery to his views, was the foundation of his banishment.... If Weishaupt had written here, where no secrecy is necessary in our endeavors to render men wise and virtuous, he would not have thought of any secret machinery for that purpose. [29]

In September 18, 1793, President George Washington dedicated the United States Capitol. Dressed in Masonic apron, the president placed a silver plate on the cornerstone and covered it with the Masonic symbols of corn, oil and wine. The plan of the city of Washington DC itself was designed by Freemason and architect Pierre Charles L’Enfante in the form of a pentagram, or five-pointed star. In 1848, in a Masonic ceremony, the cornerstone was laid of the Washington Monument, an obelisk or pillar, like those formerly dedicated to the dying gods of ancient Middle East. And, every president of the United States since Independence has purportedly been a 33rd degree Freemason.
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Re: Terrorism and the Illuminati: A Three Thousand Year Hist

Postby admin » Tue Jun 27, 2017 1:57 am

Chapter Fourteen: The Palladian Rite

1848: The Year of Revolutions

The continuing intrigues of the Illuminati culminated in the several political upheavals of 1848, known as the Year of Revolutions. This year was the fruition of the machinations of Egyptian Rite Freemasonry, a derivation developed through the influence of the Asiatic Brethren. It was out of these associations that would develop the most pernicious occult organizations through the rest of the century, known as the Occult Revival, and into the twentieth, when they would eventually ally themselves with related secret societies in Egypt, who purportedly represented a survival of the Ismaili “Grand Lodge” of Fatimid times, to produce Islamic fundamentalism.

It was Cagliostro who had been responsible for the mystical teachings incorporated into the Masonic Rite of Mizraim, the Biblical name of Egypt, based purportedly on the secret teachings he learned on his travels to that country. The army of Napoleon, composed of members of the Philalethes, Asiatic Brothers, and Martinists, brought Cagliostro’s Masons to Egypt, where they supposedly came in contact with a native esoteric fraternity, representing the Grand Lodge established by the Ismailis in the eleventh century, and known in the occult as the Hermetic Brotherhood of Luxor.

In 1798, a Grand Lodge of Freemasonry was established at Cairo, when Napoleon and his general Kleber received investiture with a ring at the great Pyramid of Cheops, at the hands of an “Egyptian Sage”, as a symbol of their union with the “ancient occult Masonry of Egypt”. Mohammed Ali Pasha, then ruler over Egypt, had also supposedly been a patron of Freemasonry until his death, while the Egyptian lodges maintained correspondences with their confreres in Europe. [1]

Samuel Honis, a native Egyptian, was supposedly initiated at the Grand Lodge of Cairo, by the enigmatic Comte St. Germain. St. Germain was also reputedly the Grand Master of Freemasonry, and initiated Cagliostro into the mysteries of Egyptian Freemasonry. [2] Afterwards, Samuel Honis brought the Egyptian Rite of Freemasonry to France, and in 1815, a lodge, Les Disciples de Memphis, was founded by Honis, Marconis de Negre and others. In 1816, this lodge was closed, and Honis and Marconis de Negre disappeared from the scene. However, in Paris in 1838, the latter’s son, Jacques-Etienne Marconis de Negre, commonly known as Marconis, ignorantly called “the Negro” because of his Egyptian features, established the Memphis Rite, as a variation of Cagliostro’s Rite of Mizraim, but failed to attract much of a following.

Having gone underground for some time, the Egyptian Rite of Freemasonry, known as the Ancient and Primitive Rite, was eventually revived, and along with a great number of Frankists who had joined the ranks, participated in a spree of subversive movements, beginning in 1848. [3] Among them was Karl Marx, who in 1845 moved to Brussels, and with Friedrich Engels reorganized the Communist League. The Communist League was formerly known as the League of the Just, an off-shoot of the Parisian Outlaws League, itself evolved from the revolutionary French Jacobins, originally founded by the Illuminati. In 1848, Marx published the Communist Manifesto, borrowing heavily from Clinton Roosevelt’s, The Science of Government Founded on Natural Law, that echoed the philosophies of Weishaupt. Engels described their goals as “the same as those of the other Parisian secret societies of the period.” [4]

According to Rabbi Antelman, in To Eliminate the Opiate, Marx was a Shabbatean, his father Heinrich having been inducted into the sect. [5] Paul Johnson, in the History of the Jews, pointed out that Marx’s theory of history resembles the Kabbalistic theories of the Messianic Age of Shabbatai Zevi’s mentor, Nathan of Gaza. [6] Marx’s philosophy of history was derived from Lurianic Kabbalah, through the influence of Hegel. Like Hegel, Marx believed that the world develops according to a dialectical formula, but he totally disagrees with Hegel as to the motive force of this development. Hegel believed in a mystical entity called Spirit. For Marx, it is matter, not spirit.

Scarcely was the Manifesto published, when a wave of revolutions broke out in Europe. The first started in France, led by Freemason of the Rite of Memphis, Louis Blanc. King Louis Philippe was overthrown and Louis Blanc’s revolution established the second republic. The revolution in France gave the impetus to similar ideas in other countries of Europe, which in turn started other revolutions. The February revolution in France also gave the German states the idea to make a proposal for a unified German country with a national parliament. But the old order was restored because the provisional government couldn’t decide on a constitution for the new government.

Italy, which at the time, like Germany, was but a hodge-podge of states also saw a revolution in the same year which made Pope Pius IX flee. This gave a leader of unification, Giuseppe Mazzini the chance to unify Italy. This plot of Mazzini, however was a failure because of the Italians’ overwhelming protectiveness of their independence.

Mazzini had been appointed head of the Illuminati in 1834, after Weishaupt died in 1830. Mazzini had become a member of a revolutionary secret society by the name of the Carbonari, which provided the main source of opposition to the conservative regimes imposed on by the victorious allies after the defeat of Napoleon in 1815. Their influence prepared the way for the Risorgimento movement. Meaning “Rising Again”, the Risorgimento was a movement for Italian unification that culminated in the establishment of the Kingdom of Italy in 1861. Also, in 1860, Mazzini had founded the Mafia.

The Palladian Rite

The relationship established between the European occultists and their brethren in Egypt opened the opportunity to devise the great Illuminati plot to take place in the twentieth century: three world wars, the last of which would be against Islam. The plan was devised by the four leading members of what is known as the Palladian Rite. In 1870, Mazzini, Lord Henry Palmerston of England, Otto von Bismarck of Germany and Albert Pike, all thirty third degree Scottish Rite Masons, completed an agreement to create a supreme universal rite of Masonry, that would arch over all the other rites, even the different national rites. It centralised all high Masonic bodies in the world under one head. To this end the Palladium Rite was created as the pinnacle of the pyramid of power: an international alliance to bring in the Grand Lodges, the Grand Orient, the ninety-seven degrees of Memphis and Mizraim of Cagliostro, also known as the Ancient and Primitive Rite, and the Scottish Rite, or the Ancient and Accepted Rite. [7]

Lord Palmerston, the Grand Patriarch or Master of Grand Orient Freemasonry, as well as knight of the Order of the Garter, was Queen Victoria’s Foreign Secretary. Palmerston was also Prime Minister during the Britain’s Opium Wars against China, in 1840 and 1858, beginning a policy of narcotics exploitation that would later characterize the Illuminati’s strategy in the twentieth century. Opium was first exploited by the Portuguese in the sixteenth century, followed by the Dutch, before attracting the British. Starting in 1773, the British East India Company established a monopoly on the production of Indian opium, transporting it to China, and bartering it for silk, tea and porcelain. [8] The drug trade soared, and by 1830, opium was the largest commodity in world trade. In China, local criminal gangs, known as Triads, were selected by the British trading companies to distribute their opium. [9]

When the Chinese rulers acted to stop the supply of opium, the British used their military and naval might to defeat them. The peace treaty that then followed gave the British a guaranteed right to increase the flow of opium, to be paid as compensation for the opium the Chinese rulers had confiscated, and to exercise sovereignty over strategic ports and offshore islands. This is how Hong Kong came under British rule. Hong Kong has since been used as a center for Far East drug trafficking, run by the Triads crime syndicate, who continue to operate within the Illuminati today. Britain’s official policy was outlined by Lord Palmerston:

...we must unremittingly endeavor to find, in other parts of the world, new vents for our industry [opium] .. If we succeed in our China expedition [the Opium War], Abyssinia [Ethiopia], Arabia, the countries of the Indus, and the new markets of China will at no distant period give us a most important extention to the range of our foreign commerce. [10]

Following the failure of the revolution of 1848 in Germany, Otto von Bismarck was elected to the Prussian parliament in 1849. Thirty-third degree Mason, Otto von Bismark, was one of the most prominent leaders of the nineteenth century. Appointed to represent Prussia in Frankfurt, Bismarck slowly became convinced that a Prussian-led unified German nation was an important goal. As Prime Minister of Prussia, through a series of successful wars, he unified the numerous states of the German confederation, created by the Congress of Vienna, into a nation-state, except Austria, Luxembourg, Netherlands, and Liechtenstein. In 1871, Wilhelm I of Prussia was proclaimed German emperor, and the Second German Reich, to succeed the First Reich, the Holy Roman Empire, was born. Bismarck became the first Chancellor of the German Empire.

Pike was born in 1809, in Boston, studied at Harvard, then later served as a Brigadier-General in the Confederate Army. After the Civil War, he was found guilty of treason and jailed. He was pardoned by fellow Freemason President Andrew Johnson in 1866, with whom he met at the White House the very next day. The only monument to a Confederate general in Washington, D.C. was erected in Pike’s honor. Pike was one of the founding fathers, and head of the Ancient Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry, being the Grand Commander of North American Freemasonry from 1859-1891. In 1869, he was a top leader in the Knights of the Ku Klux Klan, and in 1871 wrote the Masonic handbook, the Morals and Dogma of the Ancient and Accepted Rite of Freemasonry.

In addition to a Supreme Council located in Charleston, South Carolina, Pike established Supreme Councils in Rome, Italy, led by Mazzini; London, England, led by Palmerston; and Berlin, Germany, led by Bismarck. He set up 23 subordinate councils in strategic places throughout the world, including five Grand Central Directories in Washington, DC (North America), Montevideo (South America), Naples (Europe), Calcutta (Asia), and Mauritius (Africa), which were used to gather information. These branches have been the secret headquarters for the Illuminati’s activities ever since. [11]

In a letter that he wrote to Mazzini, dated August 15, 1871, Pike graphically outlined plans for three world wars, that were seen as necessary to bring about the One World Order. For a short time, this letter was on display in the British Museum Library in London, and was copied by William Guy Carr, former Intelligence Officer in the Royal Canadian Navy, and author of Pawns in the Game. Carr summarizes:

The First World War was to be fought so as to enable the Illuminati to overthrow the powers of the Tzars in Russia and turn that country into the stronghold of Atheistic-Communism. The differences stirred up by the Agentur of the Illuminati between the British and German Empires were to be used to foment this war. After the war ended, Communism was to be built up and used to destroy other governments and weaken religions.

World War Two was to be fomented by using the differences between Fascists and Political Zionists. This was to be fought so that Nazism would be destroyed and the power of Political Zionism increased so that the sovereign state of Israel could be established in Palestine. During world war two International Communism was to be built up until it equaled in strength that of united Christendom. At this point it was to be contained and kept in check until required for the final social cataclysm...

World War Three is to be fomented by using the differences the agentur of the Illuminati stir up between Political Zionists and the Leaders of the Moslem world. The war is to be directed in such a manner that Islam and Political Zionism (including the State of Israel) will destroy themselves while at the same time the remaining nations, once more divided against each other on this issue, will be forced to fight themselves into a state of complete exhaustion physically, mentally, spiritually and economically... [12]

Pike then told Mazzini that, after World War Three would have ended, a global social cataclysm will be provoked that will be greater than the world has ever known:

We shall unleash the Nihilists [meaning terrorists] and the atheists, and we shall provoke a formidable social cataclysm which in all its horror will show clearly to the nations the effect of absolute atheism, origin of savagery and of the most bloody turmoil. Then everywhere, the citizens, obliged to defend themselves against the world minority of revolutionaries, will exterminate those destroyers of civilization, and the multitude, disillusioned with Christianity, whose deistic spirits will from that moment be without compass or direction, anxious for an ideal, but without knowing where to render its adoration, will receive the true light through the universal manifestation of the pure doctrine of Lucifer, brought finally out in the public view. This manifestation will result from the general reactionary movement which will follow the destruction of Christianity and atheism, both conquered and exterminated at the same time. [13]


Nihilism is a philosophy derived originally from the ideas of Shabbetai Zevi and Jacob Frank, but became an applicable political strategy through Mikhail Bakunin. Bakunin was a Grand Orient Freemason, a disciple of Weishaupt, and an avowed Satanist. Bakunin left Russia in 1842 and moved to Paris where he met Marx. He participated in the 1848 French Revolution, and then moved to Germany where he called for the overthrow of the Habsburg Empire.

The most famous episode of Bakunin’s later years was his quarrel with Marx. While living in Geneva in 1868, he joined the socialist First International. At the same time, however, he enrolled his followers in a semi-secret Social Democratic Alliance, which had a direct affiliation to the Illuminati, and which he conceived as a revolutionary avant-garde within the International. [14] The First International was opposed to Bakunin’s activities, and at a congress in 1872 at The Hague, Marx secured the expulsion of Bakunin and his followers from the International. The resulting split in the revolutionary movement in Europe and the United States persisted for many years. In the first meeting of Social Democratic Alliance, Bakunin openly professed atheism, and called for the Illuminati goals of the abolition of marriage, property, and of all social and religious institutions.

It is from the philosophy of Nihilism, being the belief in the use of violence to achieve political ends, that twentieth century terrorism was devised, and which was eventually adopted by those Islamic fundamentalists in the employ of the Illuminati. In the Catechism of a Revolutionist, published by Bakunin, was included the famous passage, defining the mentality of a terrorist:

The Revolutionist is a doomed man. He has no private interests, no affairs, sentiments, ties, property nor even a name of his own. His entire being is devoured by one purpose, one thought, one passion -- the revolution. Heart and soul, not merely by word but by deed, he has severed every link with the social order and with the entire civilized world; with the laws, good manners, conventions, and morality of that world. He is its merciless enemy and continues to inhabit it with only one purpose -- to destroy it.

He despises public opinion. He hates and despises the social morality of his time, its motives and manifestations. Everything which promotes the success of the revolution is moral, everything which hinders it is immoral. The nature of the true revolutionist excludes all romanticism, all tenderness, all ecstasy, all love. [15]

Nihilism’s political philosophy rejected all religious and political authority, social traditions, and traditional morality as standing in opposition to “freedom”. Every state thus became the enemy, and the enemy was ferociously attacked using terrorism and assassination. Reflecting the dictum of Weishaupt, Bakunin sought, “the unchaining of what is today called the evil passions and the destruction of what is called public order,” and made the declaration, still identified with nihilism: “Let us put our trust in the eternal spirit which destroys and annihilates only because it is the unsearchable and eternally creative source of all life – the passion for destruction is also a creative passion!” [16]
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Re: Terrorism and the Illuminati: A Three Thousand Year Hist

Postby admin » Tue Jun 27, 2017 2:05 am

Chapter Fifteen: The Wahhabis

Mohammed Abdul Wahhab

The plot to prepare a third world war against Islam would be pursued by the Illuminati by continuing to develop its relationships with their brethren occultists in Egypt. Egypt would continue to play a pivotal role in the conspiracy against Islam. However, that role would be buttressed by another important contributor to the conspiracy, Saudi Arabia. While the occultists of Egypt would provide the necessary networks of Islamic terror, the ideology they adopted, to justify the use of terror, is derived from a heresy of Islam, known as Wahhabism, which was created in Arabia, now Saudi Arabia, by agents of the Illuminati in the eighteenth century.

Before serving the purpose of defiling the message of Islam in the twentieth century, the creation of Wahhabism served the important British strategy of dividing to rule, by pitting the Arabs against their Turkish overlords. The Turks had conquered Constantinople, now Istanbul, in 1453, establishing the Ottoman Empire, and had carried out significant expansions into Europe. However, by 1683, the Turks’ campaign against the Europeans was curtailed, when they were decisively defeated in Vienna. The Empire had reached the peak of its expansion. Nevertheless, the Empire continued to command significant amounts of territory, and still held sway in regions where the British colonialism was hoping to expand. Therefore, following their typical strategy of “divide and rule”, the British, through their Masonic agent, sought to undermine the Ottoman Empire from within, by pitting against their own brothers in Islam, the Arabs of the peninsula.

It was not legal in Islam for a Muslim to fight another Muslim. Therefore, in order to rile the Arabs against their Turkish brethren, it was necessary to first create a new interpretation of Islam that would sanction such murder, but under the guise of “Jihad”. This new interpretation came to be known as Wahhabism, and was founded by British agent, Mohammed Abdul Wahhab.

Mohammed ibn Abdul Wahhab was born in 1703, in the small town in a barren wasteland called Najd, in the eastern part of what is now called Saudi Arabia. Ominously, Mohammed, the prophet of Islam, had already refused to confer blessings on the region, claiming that from it would emerge only “disturbances, disorder and the horns of Satan”. Abdul Wahhab’s father was a chief judge, adhering to the Hanbali school of Islamic jurisprudence, traditionally prevalent in the area. Yet, both he and Abdul Wahhab’s brother, Sulayman, detected signs of doctrinal deviance in him from early on. It was Sulayman who would first come out with a lengthy denunciation of his brother.

Following his early education in Medina, Abdul Wahhab traveled outside of the peninsula, venturing first to Basra. He then went to Baghdad, where he married a wealthy bride and settled down for five years. According to Stephen Schwartz, in The Two Faces of Islam, “some say that during this vagabondage Ibn Abdul Wahhab came into contact with certain Englishmen who encouraged him to personal ambition as well as to a critical attitude about Islam.” [1] Specifically, Mir’at al Harramin, a Turkish work by Ayyub Sabri Pasha, written in 1888, states that in Basra, Abdul Wahhab had come into contact with a British spy by the name of Hempher, who “inspired in him the tricks and lies that he had learned from the British Ministry of the Commonwealth.” [2]

The details of this relationship are outlined in a little known document by the name of The Memoirs of Mr. Hempher: A British Spy to the Middle East, said to have been published in series in the German paper Spiegel, and later in a prominent French paper. A Lebanese doctor translated the document to Arabic, from which it was translated to English and other languages. The Memoirs outlines the autobiographical account of Hempher, who claims to have acted as a spy on behalf of the British government, with the mission of seeking ways of undermining the Ottoman Empire. Because, as recorded by Hempher, the two principal concerns of the British government, with regards to its colonies in India, China and the Middle East, were:

1. To try to retain the places we have already obtained;

2. To try to take possession of those places we have not obtained yet. For we are the sort of people who have developed the habit of taking a deep breath and being patient.

Hempher claims to have been one of nine spies sent to the Middle East for such a purpose. He reports, “we were designing long term plans to wage discord, ignorance, poverty, and even diseases in these countries. We were imitating the customs and traditions of these two countries, thus easily concealing our intentions.” The pretext Hempher was offered for his actions was:

We, the English people, have to make mischief and arouse schism in all our colonies in order that we may live in welfare and luxury. Only by means of such instigations will we be able to demolish the Ottoman Empire. Otherwise, how could a nation with a small population bring another nation with a greater population under its sway? Look for the mouth of the chasm with all your might, and get in as soon as you find it. You should know that the Ottoman and Iranian Empires have reached the nadir of their lives.

Therefore, your first duty is to instigate the people against the administration! History has shown that “The source of all sorts of revolutions is public rebellions.” When the unity of Muslims is broken and the common sympathy among them is impaired, their forces will be dissolved and thus we shall easily destroy them.

In 1710, the Minister of Colonies sent Hempher to Egypt, Iraq, Arabia and Istanbul, where he learned Arabic, Turkish and Islamic law. After two years, he first returned to London for briefing, before being sent to Basra, a mixed city of Sunni and Shiah, where Hempher met Abdul Wahhab. Recognizing his insolence towards the Koran and traditions of Islam, Hempher recognized him as the ideal candidate for the British strategy. To ensure his corruptibility, he had a temporary marriage arranged, known in Islam as Muttah marriage, and not considered legal, with a Christian women sent by the British government to seduce the Muslim men. As he had been told, “We captured Spain from the disbelievers [he means Muslims] by means of alcohol and fornication. Let us take all our lands back by using these two great forces again.”

Hempher was then called away to parts of Iran, and then to Baghdad. In the interim, he was concerned that his pupil would be brought back to the fold by those more knowledgeable than he. And so, Hempher advised Abdul Wahhab to venture in the meantime to Iran, an area where the Shiah dominated, and which, according to Hempher, was plagued with ignorance, and therefore, less of a challenge to Wahhab’s heterodoxy.

Wahhab did travel to Iran, territory of Shiah, a tradition contrary to his own, which was Sunni, and for which he later engendered quite a hatred. Therefore, his journey can only be explained as having been in the service of Hempher, who specifically advised him, “when you live among the Shiah, make Taqiya; do not tell them that you are Sunni lest they become a nuisance for you. Utilize their country and scholars! Learn their customs and traditions. For they are ignorant and stubborn people.” Because, as remarks Hamid Algar, in Wahhabism, A Critical Essay:

If indeed he undertook such a journey despite his antipathy for Shi’ism, the motives that inspired him to do so are a mystery. There is no mention of Muhammed b. ‘Abd al-Wahhab in the Persian sources of the period, which may mean – always supposing that he indeed visited Iran – that his attempts at propagating his notions of rectitude were disregarded there as significant or that he contradicted himself by making provisional use of the Shi’i practice of taqiya (meaning to shield or guard, the practice that permits the believer to deny publicly his Shia membership for self-protection, as long as he continues to believe and worship in private). [3]

Hempher was then again called back to London. This time his authorities were pleased with his activities, and agreed with his appraisal of Abdul Wahhab. He was then introduced to certain secrets, many of which were contained in a thousand-page book that outlined the deficiencies of the Muslims, and prescribed ways to destroy them. The book notices that, despite commandments to the contrary in Islam, the Muslims’ weak points are as follows: sectarian divisions, illiteracy, and poor hygiene making them vulnerable to disease. They are ruled by unjust dictatorships, there is poor infrastructure, general disorderliness, where rules of the Koran are almost never put into practice. They exist in a state of near economic collapse, poverty, and retrogression. The military is weak, and weapons employed are out-of-date or obsolete. Women’s rights are commonly violated.

What the book recommends corresponds closely with British and then American covert strategy in the Third World into the twentieth century. It recommends, in order to undermine the Muslims’ strong points, to popularize their other shortcomings, according to the following methods: foment discord and publish literature to further incite controversies. Obstruct education, and encourage forms of otherworldliness like mystical Sufism. Encourage oppressiveness among emperors. Encourage secularism, or the need to separate religion from state affairs. Aggravate economic decline through sabotage. Accustom statesmen to such indulgences as sex, sports, alcohol, gambling, and interest banking. Then, in order to make the new generation hostile towards their rulers and scholars, expose them for their corruption.

In order to spread the misconception that Islam is chauvinistic towards women, they must encourage the misinterpretation of the verse in the Koran which state, “Men are dominant over women,” and the saying, “The woman is altogether evil.” Most importantly, they ought to introduce fanaticism among Muslims, and then criticize Islam as a religion of terror.

The means of popularizing these vices were determined as having spies appointed as aides to Islamic statesmen, or passed off as slaves and concubines to be sold to their close relatives. Missionary projects are to be carried out in order to penetrate into all social classes of the society, especially into such professions as medicine, engineering, and bookkeeping. The publication of propaganda was to be issued using as fronts churches, schools, hospitals, libraries and charitable institutions in the Islamic countries. Millions of Christian books were to be distributed free of charge. Spies were to be disguised as monks and nuns, and placed in churches and monasteries, and appointed leaders of Christian movements.

Eventually, the British administrators decided to come straight with Abdul Wahhab about their intentions for him. He agreed to cooperate, but on certain terms. Stipulations were that he was to be supported with adequate financing and weaponry, to protect himself against states and scholars who would certainly attack him after he would announce his ideas. And, that a principality ought to be established in his native country of Arabia.

Finally, Hempher joined Abdul Wahhab in Najd, who was imparted with the obligations of declaring all Muslims, that is, all who did not follow him, as disbelievers, and announce that it is permitted to kill them, to seize their property, to violate their chastity, and to enslave them and sell them at slave markets. He was to discourage Muslims from obeying the Sultan in Istanbul, and provoke revolt against him. He is to allege that all sacred sites and relics are idols, and that respect of them is tantamount of polytheistic and apostasy, and that they ought to be demolished. He is to do his best to produce occasions for insulting the Prophet Muhammad, his Khalifas, and all prominent scholars of Madhhabs, differing schools of legal interpretation. Finally, he was to do his utmost to encourage insurrections, oppressions and anarchy in Muslim countries.

Ultimately, the reforms issued by the British through the mouth of Abdul Wahhab were designed to instigate the Muslims against other Muslims, and more specifically, against the Ottoman Empire. Thus, despite the very grave problems that were plaguing the Muslim world, as well and the encroachment of non-Muslim powers on traditional Muslim lands, Abdul Wahhab sought to identify the ills troubling the Muslims, in according to the stipulations of the plan, as their practice of visiting mausoleums and asking intercession from “saints”, or deceased holy men.

Muslim worshippers were often in the habit of visiting the graves of holy men, and asking them to pray on their behalf. To fulfill his obligation to the British, Abdul Wahhab used this pretext to argue that, by asking help from someone other than God, they were actually “worshipping” these holy men, and were ignorantly committing an act of idolatry that caused them to forfeit Islam and become apostates. It was then permitted, he argued, to fight them. This was the pretext used by the British, through the mouth of Wahhabi, to incite the Arabs against the Turks.

To further his argument, Wahhab suggested that all the world of Islam was mired in a state of ignorance, which could be likened to Arabia prior to the arrival of Islam. There are several instances in the Koran where God calls attention to the hypocrisy of a man who will pray to God alone when he is faced with some calamity, but that, once he is free of distress, returns to his idols. Abdul Wahhab declared then, that the Muslims were similar, and that, despite otherwise insisting they were worshipping the one God, they were nevertheless also idol worshippers. Thus, Abdul Wahhab fulfilled the prophecy of the Prophet Mohammed, who warned there would come a group who would “transfer the Koranic verses meant to refer to unbelievers and make them refer to believers.”

Ibn Taymiyyah

Finally, Abdul Wahhab declared it incumbent upon his followers to wage “Jihad” against all the Muslims, and that it was permitted for them to enslave their women and children. This approach was derived from the influence of Ibn Taymiyyah, who remains to this day an important influence guiding the principles of Islamic terrorism. It is strange that, of all the Muslim scholars throughout history that he could have chosen from, that Wahhab, and all modern Muslim “reformers” after him, emphasize the importance of Ibn Taymiyyah, whose orthodoxy was questionable, and who in his own time was repeatedly in conflict with the leading scholars and the ruling establishment.

Ibn Taymiyyah’s life was marked by persecutions. As early as 1293, he came into conflict with local authorities for protesting a sentence, pronounced under religious law, against a Christian accused of having insulted the Prophet. In 1298, he was accused of having criticized the legitimacy of the Islamic scholarly establishment, and of anthropomorphism, or ascribing human characteristics to God, despite a tradition in Islam of avoiding all such allusions. Ibn Battuta, the famous traveler and chronicler, reported that while Ibn Taymiyyah was preaching in the mosque, he said, “God comes down to the sky of this world just as I come down now,” and descended one step of the pulpit. [4]

Opinions about Ibn Taymiyyah varied considerably. Even his enemies, like Taqi ud Din al Subki, were ready to concede to his virtues: “Personally, my admiration is even greater for the asceticism, piety, and religiosity with which God has endowed him, for his selfless championship of the truth, his adherence to the path of our forbearers, his pursuit of perfection, the wonder of his example, unrivalled in our time and in times past.” [5] And yet, he was chided by one of his own students, the famous historian and scholar, Al Dhahabi, who said, “Blessed is he whose fault diverts him from the faults of others! Damned is he whom others divert from his own faults! How long will you look at the motes in the eyes of your brother, forgetting the stumps in your own?” [6] It was for his intemperance that Ibn Battuta declared that Ibn Taymiyyah had a “screw loose”. [7]

During the great Mongol crisis of the years 1299 to 1303, and especially during their occupation of Damascus, Ibn Taymiyyah led a party of resistance, and denounced the faith of the invaders which he considered suspect, despite their conversion to Islam. Until the Mongol invasion, Ibn Taymiyyah had lived in Harran, the seat of the occult Sabian community, and may have come under their influence. Their texts expounded on anthropomorphic visions of the cosmic Adam, in a manner similar to the Kabbalistic idea of Shiur Khomah. During the ensuing years, Ibn Taymiyyah was also engaged in intensive polemical activity against the Sufis and Shiah. In 1306, however, he was summoned to explain his beliefs to the governor’s council, which, although it did not condemn him, sent him to Cairo. There, Ibn Taymiyyah appeared before another council on the charge of anthropomorphism, and was imprisoned for eighteen months.

If he adhered to such ideas, as was customary among Ismailis, he shared them only secretly with select disciples advanced to higher grades. Abu Hayyan, who knew him personally, held him in great esteem, until he was introduced to a work, in which Ibn Taymiyyah offered anthropomorphic descriptions of God. [8] The book had been acquired deceptively by a man who had pretended to be among his supporters, in order to receive the instructions that Ibn Taymiyyah reserved only for his inner-circle of initiates. This demonstrates that Ibn Taymiyyah had one doctrine he espoused in public, and more esoteric doctrine he confided only to initiates, a doctrine similar to occult ideas.

Ibn Taymiyyah’s repudiation of praying to saints was perceived by him as an attempt to purify Islamic monotheism. The pillar of Islamic belief is the unity of God, or monotheism. Islam began as a message that confronted the paganism of the Arabs, and called for a return to the worship of the one God, the same worshipped by the Prophets of the Old Testament. Therefore, worshipping any being or object other than God was considered tantamount to apostasy. This idea Abdul Wahhab carried to the extreme.

The Saudi Family

Eventually, the British Ministry of Commonwealth managed to acquire for Wahhab the support Mohammad Ibn Saud, the Amir of Dariyah. It was agreed between them that, from then on, power would be held among their descendants, with the Saudis maintaining political authority, and the Wahhabis administering the cult. The Saudis are an important Illuminati family, being secret Jews, like their Doenmeh counterparts in Turkey. According to Mohammad Sakher, who was apparently ordered killed for publishing his findings, Ibn Saud, though pretending to defend the reforms of Abdul Wahhab, was of Jewish origin. In the fifteenth century, Sakher maintains, a Jewish merchant from Basra, named Mordechai, immigrated to Arabia, settling in Dariyah, where he claimed to belong to the Arabian tribe of the Aniza, and there assumed the name of Markan bin Dariyah. [9]

The Aniza tribe, to which the Saudis belong, as well as the ruling Sabah family of Kuwait, originally issued from Khaybar in Arabia, and there are well documented traditions about descendants of Jews from the region, who were supposedly forcibly converted to Islam. More specifically, according to modern occult legend, the Aniza are regarded as being the source of the European Witch Cult, through the person of Abu el-Atahiyya. These legends were popularized by Gerald Gardner, the founder of the modern cult of Wicca. Gardner was also a close associate of Aleister Crowley, as well as a Co-Freemason, the irregular branch of French masonry, co-founded by Annie Besant, which admits women to the 33rd degree.

Gardner was also the friend and teacher of notorious charlatan Idries Shah, whose book on Sufism is disguised Luciferianism. Idries Shah described the “Maskhara” Dervishes who were also known as the “Revellers” and the “Wise Ones”, whose leader was Abu el-Atahiya. The name Aniza, he maintains, means goat and el-Atahiya was commemorated by the “Revellers” with the symbol of a torch burning between the horns of a goat, in obvious allusion to the Baphomet of the Templars. After Atahiya’s death, a group of his followers migrated to Moorish Spain. [10]

In the early eighteenth century, the Aniza had entered the Syrian Desert where they established themselves as a powerful and influential tribe. German traveller Carlsten Niebuhr referred to them in 1761 as the strongest tribe in the Syrian Desert. Today the Aniza remain one of the largest Arabian tribes, having branches in Jordan, Saudi Arabia and Kuwait.

In Arabia, the Saudi family was primarily engaged in banditry, which pitted them in conflict against the Ottoman state. This, however, notes Schwartz, “also created a propensity for them to ally with the British, who were then taking control of the richer and more valuable parts of the Arabian Peninsula: the coastal emirates from Kuwait to Aden.” [11] By declaring the Ottomans all apostates, in 1746, the Wahhabi Saudi alliance made a formal proclamation of “Jihad” against all who did not share their understanding of Islam, thus merely “legalizing” their former practice of pillaging.

In Islam, it is a very serious charge to accuse another Muslim of apostasy. A tradition claims that when one makes such an accusation, then surely either the accused or the accuser is an apostate. Such a dire warning did not deter Abdul Wahhab from declaring all those outside of his reforms as unbelievers.

In 1746, even before he had aligned himself with Ibn Saud, Abdul Wahhab sent a thirty-man delegation to the Sharif of Mecca, to seek permission for he and his followers to perform the Hajj pilgrimage. The Sharif discerned an ulterior motive, of his desire to exploit the opportunity to disseminate his heresy, and therefore organized a debate between them and the scholars of Mecca and Medina. Abdul Wahhab’s emissaries failed to defend their views, and the Qadi, or chief judge, of Mecca, instead pronounced them unbelievers, declaring that they had been unjustified in declaring others as such. [12]

From then on, the Wahhabi movement was characterized by maliciousness towards the Muslims, despite the encroachments the “infidel” British were making in the region. Motivated by a concern for their Indian enterprise, in 1755 Britain made an initial but unsuccessful attempt to pry Kuwait from the Ottomans. Ten years later, Mohammed Ibn Saud died and his son Abul Aziz became ruler of Dariyah. During the following two decades, the Wahhabis extended their sphere of influence, paralleling infiltration by the British. Britain again moved against Kuwait in 1775, seeking protection for their mail service through the territory, and attempted unsuccessfully again to seize it, when they were defeated by the Ottomans.

Nevertheless, the following year, Abdul Wahhab declared himself leader of the Muslims of the world, in direct opposition to the authority of the Sultan in Istanbul, reinforced by a Fatwa ordering “Jihad” against the Ottoman Empire. And, significantly, in 1788, Abdul Aziz ibn Saud was joined by British forces in occupying Kuwait.

In 1792, Abdul Wahhab died, and Abdul Aziz assumed the leadership of the Wahhabi movement, and extended raids over the next three years into the city of Medina, and the regions of Syria and Iraq. In 1801, the Wahhabis attacked the Shiah holy city of Karbala, in Iraq, slaughtering thousands of its citizens. They ruined and looted the tomb of Husayn, the grandson of the Prophet Mohammed. As a result, it seems that Abdul Aziz was murdered in 1803, most likely by a Shiah avenger. His son Saud ibn Abdul Aziz then succeeded him. After sacking Karbala, the Wahhabis moved against Mecca. The Ottoman governor of Mecca failed to negotiate a peace, and retreated into the fortress in the city of Ta’if, where he was pursued by some 10,000 Wahhabis.

In the taking of Ta’if, the Wahhabis then set about destroying all the holy tombs and burial grounds, followed by the mosques and Islamic madrassas. It is even said that the leather and gilt bindings of the Islamic holy books they had destroyed were used by them to make sandals. Al Zahawi, an Islamic historian of the time, recounted:

They killed everyone in sight, slaughtering both child and adult, the ruler and the ruled, the lowly and the well-born. They began with a suckling child nursing at his mother’s breast and moved on to a group studying Koran, slaying them, down to the last man. And when they wiped out the people in the houses, they went out into the streets, the shops, and the mosques, killing whoever happened to be there. They killed even men bowed in prayer until they had exterminated every Muslim who dwelt in Ta’if and only a remnant, some twenty or more, remained.

These were holed up in Bait al Fitni with ammunition, inaccessible to the Wahhabis’ approach. There was another group at Bait al Far numbering 270, who fought them that day, then a second and third day, until the Wahhabis sent them a guarantee of clemency; only they tendered this proposal as a trick. For when the Wahhabis entered, they seized their weapons and slew them to a man. They induced others to surrender with a guarantee of mercy and took them to the valley of Waj where they abandoned them in the cold and snow, barefoot, naked and exposed in shame with their women, accustomed to the privacy afforded them by common decency and religious morality. They then plundered their possessions, wealth of any kind, household furnishings, and cash.

They cast books into the streets, alleys, and byways to be blown to and fro by the wind, among which could be found copies of Koran, volumes of Bukhari, Muslim, other canonical collections of Hadith and books of Islamic jurisprudence, all mounting to the thousands. These books remained there for several days, trampled upon by the Wahhabis. None among them made the slightest attempt to remove even one page of Koran from underfoot to preserve it from the ignominy of this display of disrespect. Then, they razed the houses, and made what was once a town a barren waste. [13]

Next, the Wahhabis entered the holy city of Mecca. Ghalib, the Sharif of the city, repelled them, but Wahhabi raids then turned against Medina. Saud ibn Abdul Aziz addressed the people saying, “there is no other way for you than to submit. I will make you cry out and vanish as I did the people of Ta’if.” In Medina, they looted the Prophet’s treasure, including books, works of art, and other priceless relics that had been collected over a thousand years. Finally, while in control of these two holy cities, they imposed their version of Islam, barred pilgrims from performing the Hajj, covered up the Kabbah with a rough black fabric, and set about the demolition of shrines and graveyards.

Wahhabi perniciousness against the Ottoman Empire continued to serve British interests. During this period, Britain acquired as a client in southeast Arabia, the state of Oman, with sovereignty over Zanzibar in Africa and parts of the Iranian and neighboring coasts. Britain also expanded its influence northward into the area of the United Arab Emirates. The British also eventually seized control of Aden, on the southern coast of Yemen. Despite these encroachments into Muslim lands, by a hostile non-Muslim power, the Wahhabis would let nothing distract them from their “Jihad” against Islam.

The Wahhabis persisted in their violence in Arabia until 1811, when Mohammed Ali Pasha, the viceroy of Egypt, was engaged by the Ottoman Sultan to address the Wahhabi nuisance. He appointed his son Tosun Pasha commander, but his forces were badly defeated. Ali Pasha then assumed command, and in 1812, swept through Arabia, eradicating the Wahhabi problem. Two of the worst Wahhabi fanatics, Uthman ul Mudayiqi and Mubarak ibn Maghyan, were sent to Istanbul, paraded through the streets, until they were executed.

Ali Pasha also sent troops under his second son, Ibrahim Pasha, to root the Wahhabis out of Syria, Iraq and Kuwait. Those Arabs that had suffered at the hands of the Wahhabis rose in revolt, joining Ali Pasha’s forces. In 1818, the Wahhabi stronghold of Dariyah was taken and destroyed, though some of the Saudis received protection from the British in Jeddah. Saud ibn Adbul Aziz had died of fever in 1814, but his heir, Abdullah ibn Saud, was sent to Istanbul, where he was executed along with other captured Wahhabis. The rest of the Wahhabi clan was held in captivity in Cairo.

Despite their initial defeat, the Wahhabis regrouped in Najd, establishing a new capital in Riyad. Within a few decades, the Wahhabis began a renewed expansion which, as noted by Hamid Algar, “was fortuitous in that it ultimately brought the Sauds into contact with the British who were not only seeking to consolidate their dominance of the Persian Gulf but also beginning to lay plans for the dismemberment of the Ottoman State.” [14]
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Re: Terrorism and the Illuminati: A Three Thousand Year Hist

Postby admin » Tue Jun 27, 2017 2:10 am

Chapter Sixteen: The Round Table

The Crown

The first purpose served by the Wahhabis was aiding the Western powers in toppling the crumbling Ottoman Empire after World War One. This act opened up the Middle East to colonization, specifically, providing access to the monopoly of that most crucial of resource, oil. The monopoly was achieved by one of the chief families of the Illuminati, the Rockefellers, acting as agents of the Rothschilds. Through this relationship, the Saudis would lead a central role in the Illuminati conspiracy in the 20th century, through both its aiding in the control of oil, and through the use of the wealth it would accumulate, to fund the spread of its deviant interpretation of Islam, and finally, and most importantly, to finance Islamic terrorism.

The plot of the Illuminati is directed from London, where the objectives are guided by a financial oligarchy, in the City of London, which is run by the Bank of England, a private corporation. The square-mile-large City is a sovereign state, located in the heart of greater London. As the “Vatican of the financial world,” the City is not subject to British law. [1] It is said to be run by the “Crown”, meaning the British monarch, the titular head of the Illuminati, as the representative of the culmination of centuries of intermarriage among the Luciferian bloodlines.

There is a temporal power among the Illuminati, which is represented by the powerful financial families. But there is also a symbolic head, representing the fruit of the ancient bloodline. Today, it is Queen Elizabeth. She is the Holy Grail, as it were, the vessel which carries the “holy blood,” the culmination of centuries of intermarriage of the Kabbalistic bloodlines, believed to derive in the several directions from King David. According to L.G. Pine, the Editor of the prestigious Burke’s Peerage, Jews “have made themselves so closely connected with the British peerage that the two classes are unlikely to suffer loss which is not mutual. So closely linked are the Jews and the lords that a blow against the Jews in this country would not be possible without injuring the aristocracy also.” [2]

The Queen is not only the Grand Patroness of Freemasonry, but heads the Order of the Garter. The Order of the Garter is the parent organization over Free Masonry, worldwide. When a Mason reaches the 33rd degree, he swears allegiance to that organization, and thereby to the Queen. According to researcher Dr. John Coleman, who interviewed a Grand Master at Oxford, the Knights of the Garter are the inner-sanctum, the elite of the elite of Her Majesty’s Most Venerable Order of St. John of Jerusalem. The Knights of the Order of the Garter are the leaders of the Illuminati hierarchy, and Queen Elizabeth II’s most trusted “Privy Council”. [3]

Queen Elizabeth II heads a circle of individuals who represent the pinnacle of centuries of intermarrying among the aristocracy of Europe and Armenia, and more recently, of the family of Frederick II the Great of Prussia, and the descendants of Karl of Hessen-Kassel, the Grand Master of the Asiatic Brethren, Catherine the Great, and Queen Victoria.

A central figure in this lineage is the Ethiopian Gannibal. Abram Petrovich Gannibal, a Black Falasha Jew of Ethiopia, was brought to Russia by Peter the Great, where he became a major-general. Gannibal was first taken to Istanbul to the court of the Ottoman Sultan, and then taken by the Russian Embassador, on orders from his superiors, one of whom was Pyotr Tolstoy, the great-grandfather of Leo Tolstoy. Gannibal was baptized in 1705, with Peter the Great as his godfather. During time in France, he became friends with leading Illuminati philosophers like Diderot, Montesquieu and Voltaire, who called him the “dark star of the Enlightenment”. Gannibal and his second wife had five children, including a son Osip. Osip in turn had a daughter Nadezhda, who was the mother of Aleksandr Pushkin. [4]

Gannibal became the lover of Elizabeth Albertine, the mother of Charlotte Mecklenburg-Strelitz, queen consort of George III, King of England. Queen Charlotte’s son married the daughter of Frederick III of Hessen-Kassell. She was the grandmother of Queen Victoria.

Charlotte’s brother was Charles II Grand Duke of Mecklenburg-Strelitz, whose daughter married the heir of the Prussian crown, Frederick William III. Frederick II of Prussia was succeeded by his nephew, Frederick William II, who married Louise of Brunswick-Wolfenbuettel. She was the sister of Frederick Duke of Brunswick, the Grand Master of the Strict Templar Observance, and who had convened the great Masonic convention at Wilhelmsbad in Hessen-Kassel. Frederick Wilhelm II of Prussia was the father of Frederick William III, who became a member of the Order of the Garter.

Of Frederick William III and Louise’ four children, three married the brothers and sisters of Csar Alexander I. Frederick William III’s daughter, Charlotte of Prussia, married Paul’s son, Czar Nicholas I, who succeeded Alexander I, and who also belonged to the Order of the Garter. Frederick’s son Wilhelm I married Augusta of Saxe-Weimar, the daughter of Nicholas’ sister Maria Romanov. A third child of Frederick, Friedrich Karl Alexander of Prussia, married Maria’s other daughter, Marie Luisa Alexandrina von Saxe-Weimar.

The son of Csar Nicholas, Constantine Nicholaievitch Romanov, Grand Duke of Russia, fathered Olga Constantinovna Romanov, who married George I King of Greece. George was a member of the Order of the Garter, as was his father, Christian IX of Denmark. Queen Victoria is more is recognized as the greatest monarch of the age, and her children and grandchildren married into nearly all the royal families of Europe. Less well known, however, is that this was achieved to almost a greater extent by Christian IX, the grandson of Karl Landgrave of Hessen-Kassel.

Christian IX was, in the last years of his life, named Europe’s “father-in-law”. He was not expected to become king until a series of dubious circumstances made him heir in 1852. He succeeded to the throne in 1863. He married Louise of Hessen-Kassel, the daughter of Karl’s brother, Frederick III of Hessen- Kassell, and Caroline of Nassau-Usingen, a descendant of Habsburg emperor Ferdinand I, and through him, from the ibn Yahya family of Portugal. [5] At his death in 1906, their children or grandchildren sat on the thrones of Great Britain, Russia, Norway, Greece and, of course, Denmark itself. Later generations of his descendants would add the thrones of Belgium, Spain, Romania, and Yugoslavia to the list, as well as the titular throne of Hanover. Christian’s youngest son had been offered, and refused, the throne of Bulgaria.

Christian’s daughter, Maria Fyodorovna married Csar Nicholas III, father of Nicholas II who was killed by the Bolsheviks in 1918. Princess Alexandra married Queen Victoria’s son, King Edward VII, the Grand Master of Freemasonry. Edward’s son, George V, married Mary of Teck, whose mother was the granddaughter of George the III and Charlotte, and again of Frederick III of Hessen-Kassell. George V’s son, George VI was the father of Queen Elizabeth II.

Christian IX’s son, Frederick VIII who succeeded him as King of Denmark, was continued through three children, Ingebord, Haakon VII of Norway of Norway, and Christian X. Haakon VII married his first cousin, Princess Maud of Wales, the daughter of Alexandra and Edward VII. Their son, Olav V, married his first cousin, Princess Märtha of Sweden, the daughter of Ingeborg and Prince Charles of Sweden. They were the parents of the current reigning Harald V of Norway, who is a knight of the Order of the Garter.

Charles brother was Gustav V King of Sweden, the great-grandfather of the current Carl XVI Gustaf of Sweden, who is also a knight of the Garter, and best known internationally as the presenter of the Nobel Prize. His mother was Sibylla of Saxe-Coburg Gotha, whose grandfather, Leopold Georg Duncan Albert Wettin, Duke of Albany, was the son of Emperor Friedrich III, and of Queen Victoria’s daughter Victoria. Her mother was the great-granddaughter of Christian IX of Denmark’s sister.

George I and Olga had two sons, Andrew Prince of Greece and Denmark, and Constantine I King of the Hellenes. Constantine I married Sophia Dorothea Hohenzollern. Sophia was the daughter of Princess Victoria, the daughter of Queen Victoria. Sophia’s father was Frederick III of Germany the son of Wilhelm I of Prussia and Augusta of Saxe-Weimar.

Constantine I and Sophia’s son, Paul I King of Greece, was like his father inducted into the Order of the Garter. He married Federika of Hanover, whose father, Ernest Augustus III, Duke of Brunswick, was the son of Christian IX of Denmark’s daughter Thyra. Frederika’s whose mother was Princess Viktoria Louise of Prussia, the daughter of Sophia’s brother, Kaiser Wilhelm II, the last German Emperor and King of Prussia, who ruled from 1888 to 1918. Paul’s son, Constantine II, married Anne-Marie Princess of Denmark. Anne-Marie is the younger sister of the current Queen Margrethe II of Denmark, who is a member of the Order of the Garter. They are the daughters of Ingrid of Sweden, the daughter of Charles’ nephew, Gustav VI of Sweden. Their father was Frederick IX, the son of Christian X of Denmark.

Constantine was deposed in 1974, but he and Anne-Marie continue to live in exile in London, where Constantine is a close friend of the Prince of Wales, and a godfather to Prince William. Constantine II is related to Charles’ father Prince Philip. Philip’s mother was Alice of Battenburg, whose mother was the daughter of Princess Alice Maud, herself the daughter of Queen Victoria. Alice’s father was Louis of Battenberg, or Mountbatten, who married Victoria Alberta Princess of Hessen by Rhine, the sister of Alexandra Fedorovna von Hessen, who married Czar Nicholas II, and who were both executed by the Bolsheviks in 1918. Philip’s father was Andrew Prince of Greece and Denmark, the brother of Constantine I King of the Greeks.

Constantine II’s sister, Sophia, married King Juan Carlos of Spain, who is also related to Prince Philip. Juan Carlos’ mother is Victoria Eugenie Julia Ena von Battenberg, whose mother was another of Queen Victoria’s daughters, Beatrice, who married Henry Maurice of Battenberg, the brother of Louis, and knight of the Garter. Juan Carlos is descended on his mother’s side from Antoine d’Orleans, the grandson of Philip “Egalite” d’Orleans. Juan Carlos, like his grandfather, and great-grandfather before him, is a member of the Order of the Garter, and claims the title of King of Jerusalem. [6] More importantly, according to David Hughes, Juan Carlos is the great-grandson of Alphonzo XII King of Spain, whose real father was Enrique Puig y Molto, a descendant of Shabbetai Zevi. [7]

Another knight of the Order of the Garter is Jean of Luxembourg, who was married to Joséphine-Charlotte of Belgium, and who was descended from Antoine d’Orleans’ sister, Louise-Marie. Louise-Marie was married to King Leopold I of Belgium. Josephine-Charlotte’s father was Leopold III, the grandson of Leopold I. Leopold III’s wife was Astrid of Sweden, another daughter of Charles I of Sweden and Ingeborg.

Also a member of the Order of the Garter, like her mother before her, is Princess Beatrix of the Netherlands. Beatrix is the daughter of Prince Bernhard and Queen Juliana of the Netherlands. Juliana of the Netherlands was descended from Catherine the Great and her lover, Sergei Saltykov, through Paul’s daughter, Anna Pavlovna, who married William II King of the Netherlands, grandson of Frederick Wilhelm III of Prussia’s sister, Wilhelmina of Prussia.

Other members of the Order of the Garter include Elizabeth’s husband, Prince Philip, as well as their four children, Charles Prince of Wales, Princess Anne, Prince Andrew Duke of York, and Prince Edward Earl of Wessex. The list also includes her first cousins, Princess Alexandra, and Prince Eward Duke of Kent, the current Grand Master of the Masonic United Grand Lodge of England. They are the children of Elizabeth’s uncle, Prince George Duke of Kent, and Princess Marina, another daughter of George I of Greece. The list further includes former Prime Ministers, Margaret Thatcher, and John Major. Mary Soames, Baroness Soames, last surviving child of Winston Churchill is a Lady Companion. Robin Butler, Baron Butler of Brockwell, of the “Butler Report” that concluded that some of the some of the intelligence that suggested Iraq possessed WMDs was incorrect. Gerald Grosvenor, 6th Duke of Westminster, the wealthiest aristocrat in the UK. [8]

The Rothschild Dynasty

Though centered in Britain, the Illuminati’s financial empire extends its influence through a worldwide network. The Illuminati comprises of a Supreme Council, in which a generational seat is accorded to a descendant of the Habsburgs, and to the ruling families of England and France. In America, the Illuminati were represented by old-money families, like the Rockefellers, Mellons, and Carnegies. [9] Heading the council, though, are the Rothschilds.

With the power of the Church removed, as a result of the French and American Revolutions, the Rothschilds could embark on the great wealth-creating enterprise, founded on the formidable possibilities afforded through interest banking. Mayer Rothschild sent one of his five sons, Nathan, who showed exceptional ability in finance, at the age of twenty-one, with plans of securing control of the Bank of England. Mayer Rothschild also expanded his financial empire by installing each of his sons in other European cities, including Frankfurt, Vienna, Naples, Paris. Rothschild successfully kept the fortune in the family, according to ancient Illuminati practice, by carefully arranged marriages between closely related family members. In order to carefully maintain the bloodline, of the eighteen marriages made by Mayer Amschel Rothschild’s grandchildren, sixteen were contracted between first cousins.

The most successful of the five sons were James in Paris and Nathan Mayer in London. In Paris, James had also achieved dominance in French finance. In Baron Edmond de Rothschild, David Druck writes of him that, “Rothschild’s wealth had reached the 600 million mark. Only one man in France possessed more. That was the King, whose wealth was 800 million. The aggregate wealth of all the bankers in France was 150 million less than that of James Rothschild. This naturally gave him untold powers, even to the extent of unseating governments whenever he chose to do so. It is well known, for example, that he overthrew the Cabinet of Prime Minister Thiers.” [10]

Before Nathan gained control of the Bank of England, he and his international entourage had been backing Germany to defeat Napoleon. Over the course of little more than a decade, Napoleon had acquired control of most of the western and central mainland of Europe. Following its conquest under Napoleon in 1806, the Holy Roman Empire had been abolished. Napoleon instead organized the Confederation of the Rhine, but it collapsed when his campaign failed in Russia 1813. A German Confederation was then created by the Congress of Vienna in 1815, to organize the surviving states of the Holy Roman Empire.

Immediately after the Napoleonic wars, the Illuminati assumed that all the nations of Europe were so destitute and so weary of wars that they would willingly accept any solution. Through the Congress of Vienna, the Rothschilds had hoped to create a sort of early League of Nations, their first attempt at one-world government. However, Csar Alexander I, the son of Paul I of Russia, saw through the planned European Federation, recognizing it as an Illuminati ploy, and would not go along with it.

Alexander was initially favourable to Freemasonry as well, but seems to have eventually turned against the political objectives of the secret societies. [11] Alexander instead signed a Treaty of Holy Alliance with Austria, and Frederick William III of Prussia, nephew to Frederick II, which guaranteed the sovereignty of any monarch who would adhere to Christian principles in the affairs of State. The enraged Nathan Rothschild, then the head of the dynasty, vowed that some day he or his descendants would destroy the Czar and his entire family, a threat which his descendants accomplish in 1917. [12]

Napoleon staged a comeback known as the Hundred Days, but was defeated decisively at the Battle of Waterloo in Belgium, on June 18, 1815, followed shortly afterwards by his capture by the England, and his exile to the island of Saint Helena, where he died. When the Battle of Waterloo was about to be fought, Nathan was in Paris, and arranged for carrier pigeons to relay information about the fighting, as well as to provide disinformation to the British. Once he was sure the Duke of Wellington was victorious, he had his agents inform the British public of his defeat, and that Napoleon was on the war path. The stock market crashed, and values fell to an all-time low. Nathan then set off for London, where he and his associates bought all the stocks, bonds, shares, securities and other properties and they could afford. When the truth of Wellington’s victory became known, values returned to normal, and the Rothschilds made a fortune. [13]

Nathan set up his London business, N. M. Rothschild and Sons, which also had branches with his brothers in Paris, Vienna, Berlin and Naples. His sons included Lionel Nathan, Anthony Nathan, Nathaniel, Mayer Amschel, known as Baron Mayer de Rothschild. In 1816, four of the brothers were each granted the title of Baron or by Austria’s Francis von Habsburg, formerly Francis II, the last Holy Roman Emperor. Nathaniel de Rothschild, was the founder of the French wine-making branch of the Rothschild family, Château Mouton Rothschild, rivaled by his uncle James’ neighboring Château Lafite-Rothschild vineyard. In 1847, Lionel, who headed the bank, was first elected to the British House of Commons, as one of four MPs for the City of London, and in 1858, finally became the first Jewish member of Parliament.

The Rothschilds soon learned that lending money to governments and kings was more profitable than lending to private individuals. Not only were the size of loans far greater, but they were secured by the nation’s taxes. By cooperating within the family, and using the fractional reserve techniques of interest-banking, the Rothschilds’ banks soon dominated all European banking, and they became the wealthiest family in all the world.

Thus, E.C. Knuth wrote, in The Empire of the City, “The fact that the House of Rothschild made its money in the great crashes of history and the great wars of history, the very periods when others lost their money, is beyond question.” [14] The Rothschild family would play a crucial role in international finance for next two centuries. As Frederick Morton, in The Rothschilds wrote, “For the last one hundred and fifty years the history of the House of Rothschild has been to an amazing extent the backstage history of Western Europe.”[15] Although, as Morton noted, “Someone once said that the wealth of Rothschild consists of the bankruptcy of nations.” [16]

The Round Table

The promotion of the interests of the “Crown” became the guiding principle of that society through which the Illuminati carried out all of its key strategies in the twentieth century, the Round Table, which was founded through the sponsorship of the Rothschilds. The siphoning of the British people’s wealth into the coffers of the Illuminati in the City of London, created severe economic equalities, and stifled the nation’s ability to adapt technologically at a pace similar to that of the rapidly expanding nation of Germany. And so, by the 1870s, the British Empire reached its high point, and England began the longest economic depression in its history, one that it was not to recover from until the 1890s. Therefore, the country of Britain no longer provided the economic capacity to support the global ambitions of the Illuminati. It was at that point that the Illuminati sought to confer increasing power to its branches in the United States, which it could rule by proxy in the coming century, while still based financially in Britain.

The son of Baron Lionel Rothschild, Nathaniel Mayer, also known as “Natty” de Rothschild, became head of NM Rothschild and Sons after his father’s death in 1879. In 1876, he had succeeded to the Baronetcy, created for his uncle Anthony Rothschild, who died without a male heir. In 1884, Nathaniel Mayer became the first Jew elevated to the House of Lords. Following the Rothschild’s funding of the Suez Canal, Natty de Rothschild developed a close relationship with Benjamin Disraeli and affairs in Egypt. Natty also funded Cecil Rhodes in the development of the British South Africa Company, and the De Beers diamond conglomerate. He administered Rhodes’s estate after his death in 1902, and helped to set up the Rhodes Scholarship at Oxford University.

In the first of seven wills, Cecil Rhodes called for the formation of a “secret society”, devoted to “the extension of British rule throughout the world.” Rhodes posited that only the “British elite” should be entitled to rule the world for the benefit of mankind. In other words, the Illuminati of the City of London would exploit the expansion of British imperialism, to increase their control over gold, the seas, the world’s raw materials, but most importantly, after the turn of the century, a new precious commodity: oil. The goals Rhodes articulated included the “ultimate recovery of the United States as an integral part of the British Empire”, and would culminate in:

...consolidation of the whole Empire, the inauguration of a system of Colonial Representation in the Imperial Parliament which may tend to weld together the disjointed members of the Empire, and finally the foundation of so great a power as to hereafter render wars impossible and promote the best interests of humanity. [17]

In his third will, Rhodes left his entire estate to Freemason Lord Nathaniel Rothschild as trustee. Rhodes had also been initiated into Freemasonry in 1877, shortly after arriving at Oxford, and joined a Scottish Rite Lodge. To chair Rhodes’ secret society, Lord Nathaniel Rothschild appointed Alfred Milner, who then recruited a group of young men from Oxford and Toynbee Hall. All were well-known English Freemasons, among them Rudyard Kipling, Arthur Balfour, also Lord Rothschild, and other Oxford College graduates, known collectively as “Milner’s Kindergarten.” And, with a number of other English Freemasons, they founded together the Round Table. [18]

The man charged by the Round Table with bringing the United States within the financial control of the Rothschilds was German-born Jacob Schiff. In America, Schiff bought into Kuhn and Loeb, a well-known private banking firm. Shortly after he became a partner, he married Loeb’s daughter, Teresa. Then he bought out Kuhn’s interests and moved the firm to New York, where it became Kuhn, Loeb, and Company, international bankers, with Schiff, agent of the Rothschilds, ostensibly as sole owner. Then, following the Civil War, Schiff began to finance the great operations of the Robber Barons. Thus, Jacob Schiff financed the Standard Oil Company for John D. Rockefeller, the Railroad Empire for Edward R. Harriman, and the Steel Empire for Carnegie.

However, instead of monopolizing all the other industries for Kuhn, Loeb, and Company, Schiff opened the doors of the House of Rothschild to bankers like J.P. Morgan. In turn, the Rothschilds arranged the setting up of London, Paris, European and other branches for these bankers, but always in partnerships with Rothschild subordinates, and with Jacob Schiff in New York as boss. Thus, at the turn of the nineteenth century, Schiff exercised firm control of the entire banking fraternity on Wall Street, which by then, with Schiff’s help, included Lehman brothers, Goldman-Sachs, and other internationalist banks that where headed by men chosen by the Rothschilds. [19]

John D. Rockefeller Sr. was tasked by the Rothschilds, through their agents John Jacob Astor and Jacob Schiff, to gain control of the American oil industry. [20] The Rockefellers are themselves an important Illuminati family, being Marranos, who initially moved to Ottoman Turkey, and then France, before arriving in America. [21]

John D. Rockefeller Sr. founded Standard Oil, which, through the second half of the nineteenth century, achieved infamy for its ruthless practices towards its competitors. Growing public hostility toward monopolies, of which Standard Oil Trust was the most egregious example, caused a number of states to enact anti-monopoly laws, leading to the passage of the Sherman Antitrust Act by Congress in 1890. In 1892, the Ohio Supreme Court decided that Standard Oil was in violation of it monopoly laws. Rockefeller evaded the decision by dissolving the trust, and transferring its properties to companies in other states, with interlocking directorates, so that the same men continued to control its operations. In 1899, these companies were brought back together in a holding company, Standard Oil Company of New Jersey, which existed until 1911, when the U.S. Supreme Court declared it in violation of the Sherman Antitrust Act, and therefore illegal. The splintered company, though under various names, continued to be run by Rockefeller.

Thus, the fate of the world would be guided the Round Tablers, headed by the Rothschilds in London, and their various subsidiaries, aided by the control Rockefeller would come to exercise over the United States through his monopoly of its crucial oil supply. Carol Quigley, President Clinton’s now deceased Georgetown University Professor and mentor, in Tragedy and Hope: A History of Our Time, explained:

There does exist, and has existed for a generation, an international Anglophile network which operates, to some extent, in the way the radical Right believes the Communists act. In fact, this network, which we may identify as the Round Table Groups, has no aversion to cooperating with the Communists, or any other groups, and frequently does so. I know of the operations of this network because I have studied it for twenty years and was permitted for two years, in the early 1960’s, to examine its papers and secret records. I have no aversion to it or to most of its aims and have, for much of my life, been close to it and many of its instruments. [22]

Quigley further confirms that the far-reaching aim of this network “is nothing less than to create a world system of financial control in private hands able to dominate the political system of each country and the economy of the world as a whole. The system was to be controlled in a feudalistic fashion by the central banks of the world acting in concert, by secret agreements arrived at in frequent private meetings and conferences.” [23]
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Re: Terrorism and the Illuminati: A Three Thousand Year Hist

Postby admin » Tue Jun 27, 2017 2:16 am

Chapter Seventeen: The Salafi

Jamal ud Din Al Afghani

To embark on Albert Pike’s project of igniting three world wars in the twentieth century, an important factor was the covert infiltration of the Islamic world, to penetrate into its leadership, in order to guide it towards in a confrontation with the West. The means by which this was to be accomplished was through the spread of Scottish Rite Freemasonry in the Middle East, in order to recruit members into the conspiracy, who would then contribute by acting as reformers, and misguiding the Muslim community into backwards and belligerent principles, now known collectively as “fundamentalism”.

This strategy was spearhead by what has been referred to as the Oxford Movement, established in the 1820’s, with a group of missionaries appointed by a combined grouping of Oxford University, the Anglican Church, and Kings College of London University, all under Scottish Rite Freemasonry. [1] The center of this activity, again, was Egypt. The movement would continue to capitalize on the theme of Egyptian Freemasonry created by Cagliostro, as Egypt, in this case, was of particular importance, as the Scottish Rite Freemasons regarded themselves as the inheritors of the classical Gnostic tradition that had survived through the Grand Lodge of the Fatimid Ismailis.

The leading promoters of the Oxford Movement were Pike’s fellow member of the Palladian Rite, Lord Palmerston, and Prime Minister Benjamin Disraeli, and Edward Bullwer-Lytton, the leader of a branch of the English Rosicrucians, a branch of Rosicrucianism that developed from the Asiatic Brethren. The Oxford movement was further supported by the Jesuits. Also involved were the British royal family itself, and many of its leading prime ministers and aides. Benjamin Disraeli was Grand Master of Freemasonry, as well as knight of the Order of the Garter. It was in Coningsby, that he confessed, through a character named Sidonia, modeled on his friend Lionel de Rothschild, that, “the world is governed by very different personages from what is imagined by those who are not behind the scenes.” Of the influence of the secret societies, Disraeli also remarked, in Parliamentary debate:

It is useless to deny. . . a great part of Europe – the whole of Italy and France, and a great portion of Germany, to say nothing of other countries – are covered with a network of these secret societies, just as the superficies of the earth is now being covered with railroads. And what are their objects? They do not attempt to conceal them. They do not want constitutional government. They do not want ameliorated institutions; they do not want provincial councils nor the recording of votes; they want. . . an end to ecclesiastical establishments. . . . [2]

Bulwer-Lytton was the Grand Patron of the Societas Rosicruciana in Anglia (SRIA), founded in 1865 by Robert Wentworth Little, and based on the Asiatic Brethren. Many members of the Asiatic Brethren, or Fratres Lucis, had become members of a German Masonic lodge called L’Aurore Naissante, or “the Nascent Dawn”, founded in Frankfurt-on-Main in 1807. It was at this lodge where Lord Bulwer Lytton was initiated. [3] Bulwer-Lytton, who served as the head of Britain’s Colonial Office and India Office, was also a practicing member of the cult of Isis and Osiris. He wrote the Last Days of Pompeii, and The Coming Race, or Zanoni, in which he set the foundations for later Nazi racist theories. He became the grandfather of the Pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood of John Ruskin, the Metaphysical Society of Bertrand Russell, and occult societies like the Golden Dawn of Aldous Huxley, and the Theosophical Society of Madame Blavatsky.

In Egypt, the Oxford movement centered on the creation of a “reform” movement of Islam, known as the Salafi. Initially, the creation of the Salafi reform movement would serve as an early example of the methods in which Islamic terrorists were used in the future. As in more recent occurrences, the Islamists were used to provide a pretext for invasion, to safeguard a most important commodity, oil. Essentially, the Salafi were employed in the protection of Britain’s growing interest in the Suez Canal, as it would later become crucial to the shipment of their oil cargo to Europe and elsewhere.

In 1854 and 1856, Ferdinand de Lesseps had obtained concessions from Said Pasha, the viceroy of Egypt, who authorized the creation of a company for the purpose of constructing a maritime canal open to ships of all nations. The canal had a dramatic impact on world trade, playing an important role in increasing European penetration and colonization of Africa.

In 1875, the mounting debts of Said Pasha’s successor, Ismail Pasha, forced him to sell Egypt’s share in the canal to the British. Thus, the British government, under Benjamin Disraeli, financed by his friend, Lionel Rothschild, acquired nearly half the total shares in the Suez Canal Company, and though not a majority interest, it was for practical purposes a controlling interest. A commission of inquiry into the failing finances of Ismail in 1878, led by Evelyn Baring, First Earl of Cromer, and others, had compelled the viceroy into ceding his estates to the nation, to remain under British and French supervision, and accepting the position of a constitutional sovereign. The angered Egyptians united around Ahmed Urabi, a revolt that ultimately provided a pretext for the British to move in an “protect” the Suez Canal, followed by a formal invasion and occupation that made Egypt a colony.

The agent provocateur revolt against Ismail was organized by movement of Jamal ud Din al Afghani, the founder of the so-called Salafi “reform” movement in Islam. Aghani was the person through which the British mission acted to, not only subvert Egyptian rule, but to spread its occult influence throughout the Middle East.

Throughout his forty-year career as a British intelligence agent, Jamal ud al Afghani was guided by two British Islamic and cult specialists, Wilfred Scawen Blunt and Edward G. Browne. [4] E. G. Browne was Britain’s’ leading Orientalist of the nineteenth century, and numbered among his protégés at Cambridge University’s Orientalist department Harry “Abdullah” St. John B. Philby, a British intelligence specialist behind the Wahhabi movement. Wilfred S. Blunt, another member of the British Orientalist school, was given the responsibility by the Scottish Rite Masons to organize the Persian and the Middle East lodges. Al Afghani was their primary agent. [5]

Very little is known of Jamal ud Din al Afghani’s origins. Despite the appellation “Afghani”, which he adopted and by which he is known, there are some reports that he was a Jew. [6] On the other hand, some scholars believe that he was not an Afghan but a Iranian Shiah. And, despite posing as a reformer of orthodox Islam, al Afghani also acted as proselytizer of the Bahai faith, the first recorded project of the Oxford Movement, a creed that would become the heart of the Illuminati’s one-world-religion agenda.

In 1845, Afghani’s family had enrolled him in a madrassa (Islamic school) in the holy city of Najaf, in what is now Iraq. There, Afghani was initiated into “the mysteries” by followers of Sheikh Ahmad Ahsai. Sheikh Zeyn ud Din Ahmad Ahsai was the founder of the Shaikhi school. Ahsai was succeeded after his death by Seyyed Mohammad Rashti, who introduced the idea of a “perfect Shiah, called Bab, meaning “gate”, who is to come. In 1844, Mirza Mohammad Ali claimed to be this promised Bab, and founded Babism, among whose followers Afghani also may have had certain family connections. [7]

One of the Bab’s followers, Mirza Hoseyn Ali Nuri, announced that he was the manifestation the “One greater than Himself”, predicted by the Bab, assuming the title of Baha Ullah, meaning in Arabic “Glory of God”. Baha Ullah was descended from the rulers of Mazandaran, a province in northern Iran, bordering the Caspian Sea in the north. These were an Ismaili dynasty, who had intermarried with descendants of Bostanai, Exilarch of the seventh century AD. [8] Referring to himself, Baha Ullah stated, “The Most Great Law is come, and the Ancient Beauty ruleth upon the throne of David. Thus hath My Pen spoken that which the histories of bygone ages have related.” [9]

Baha Ullah founded the Bahai faith, which drew on a mix of Islam, Christianity, Zoroastrianism and Judaism, but claimed to supercede all other religions in a “one world faith”. The principal Bahai tenets are the essential unity of all religions and the unity of humanity. Bahais believe that all the founders of the world’s great religions have been manifestations of God and agents of a progressive divine plan for the education of the human race. Therefore, according to the Bahais, despite their differences, the world’s great religions teach an identical truth.

However, the Bahais quickly found themselves disliked in Persia for their extremism. In 1852, a Bahai leader was arrested for the attempted assassination of the Shah of Persia, after which the movement was suppressed, and many members were exiled to Baghdad and Istanbul. Throughout this time, as reports Robert Dreyfuss, the Bahai leaders maintained close ties to both Scottish Rite Freemasonry and various movements that began to proliferate throughout India, the Ottoman Empire, Russia and even Africa. [10]

Al Afghani is thought to be from Asadabad, a town in Persia, near Hamadan, an area of Ismaili settlement. Like the Ismailis before him, Afghani believed in the need of religion for the masses, while reserving the subtler truth of atheism for the elite. According to Nikki R. Keddie, in her study of Afghani, “much as esoteric Ismaili doctrines had in earlier centuries provided different levels of interpretation of the same texts, binding masses and elite in a common program, so Jamal ud Din’s practice of different levels of teaching could weld the rationalist elite and the more religious masses into a common political movement.” [11]

Several of those who witnessed Afghani’s teachings confirm his deviation from orthodoxy. Among them was Lutfi Juma, who recounted, “his beliefs were not true Islam although he used to present they were, and I cannot judge about the beliefs of his followers.” And again, Dr. Shibli Shumayyil, a Syrian admirer of his, writes that, when he heard that Afghani had written a treatise against the “materialists”, he commented, “I was amazed, because I knew that he was not a religious man. It is difficult for me after my personal experience of the man to pass definite judgment regarding what I heard about him afterwards, but I am far more inclined to think that he was not a believer.” [12]

In addition, Afghani had acquired considerable knowledge of Islamic philosophy, particularly of the Persians, including Avicenna, Nasir ud Din Tusi, and others, and of Sufism. Evidence also proves that he possessed such works, but also that he showed interest in occult subjects, such as mystical alphabets, numerical combinations, alchemy and other Kabbalistic subjects. Also demonstrating Afghani’s interest in mysticism, of a Neoplatonic type, is a twelve-page treatise on Gnosticism copied in his handwriting.

There is much controversy as to Afghani’s activities during the period of 1858-1865. However, according to one biographer, Salim al Anhuri, a Syrian writer who later knew him in Egypt, Afghani’s first travels outside of Iran were to India. It was there, he maintains, that Afghani acquired his heretical bent. His studies in religion, relates Anhuri, led into atheism and pantheism. Essentially, Afghani believed in a philosophy akin to Lurianic Kabbalah, of a natural evolution of the universe, of which the intellectual progress of man was a part. As Anhuri described, Afghani believed:

Man began by saying that he would pass on after his death to an eternal life, and that the wood or the stone were what would lead him to his highest place if he showed reverence to it and showered devotion upon it, and there arose from this worship liberation from the bitterness of thought about a death with no life after it. Then it occurred to him that fire was more powerful and greater in benefit and harm, so he turned to it. Then he saw that the clouds were better than fire and stronger, so he adhered to and depended on them. The links of this chain, wrought by the two tools of delusion and desire together with the instinct and nature of man, continued to increase until man culminated at the highest state. The result of natural laws was a reaction leading to the conviction that all the above is idle talk which originates in desires, and that it has no truth and no definition. [13]

In 1866, Afghani appeared in Qandahar, Afghanistan, less than two decades after the unsuccessful attempts of the British, in league with the Aga Khan. And, according to a report, from a man who must have been an Afghan with the local government, Afghani was:

...well versed in geography and history, speaks Arabic and Turkish fluently, talks Persian like an Irani. Apparently, follows no particular religion. His style of living resembles more that of an European than of a Muslim. [14]

At the end of 1866, Afghani became confidential counselor to Azam, the ruler in Afghanistan. That a foreigner should have attained such a position so quickly was remarked upon in contemporary accounts. Some scholars have speculated that Afghani, then calling himself “Istanbuli”, was, or represented himself to be, a Russian agent able to obtain for Azam Russian money and political support against the British, with whom Azam was on bad terms. When Azam lost the throne to one of his rival, Shir Ali, he was suspicious of Afghani, and had him expelled from his territory in November 1868.

Throughout his stay in Afghanistan, Afghani had maintained ties to the Bahais, British Freemasons, and certain Sufis based in India, where he also met with Nizari Muslims. According to British intelligence reports of the time, during his repeated travels to India, Afghani went by the name of Jamal ud Din Effendi. It is then that he would visit the Aga Khan, the leader of the Ismailis. And, despite posing as a Sufi Sheikh of the Mawlavi order, or Mevlevi, who follow the very influential Iranian mystic and poet of the thirteenth century, Jalal ud Din ar Rumi, he was also proselytizing for the Bahai faith, purportedly having been sent on such a mission by Baha Ullah himself.

One such report, dated 1891, is from an unnamed Indian Muslim, acting as a British agent, who pretended to become a Bahai in order to gather more information, and reads:

The following is the substance of a statement made by an apparently well informed person, as to the real objects of the presence in India of Saiyid Jamal-ud-din, who is described by the informant as a Persian, but who calls himself a Turk of Constantinople:-

In the city of Akka (? Acre) shore now lives one Husen Ali, a Turk, who calls himself Baha-ullah Effendi alias Jamal Mubarik [the Blessed Beauty]. This man declares all religions to be bad, and says that he himself is God. He converted a number of people and collected them at Baghdad. About four years ago they rebelled against the Shah, but they were suppressed and gradually withdrew from Persia to Turkey in Asia. Baha-ullah is now under surveillance at Akka, which is called “Az Maksud” [Ar Maqud, a common term among Iranian Bahais for the Holy Land] by the converts. Balla-ullah’s agents go about to all countries and endeavour to persuade people that he is visited by messengers of God, and that his converts will become rulers of the earth. Baha-ullah’s son, Muhammad Ali, came to Bombay on this mission, and then returned to Akka. Agents are appointed everywhere, Saiyid Jamalud-din is one of these agents. He came to Kailaspur and stayed 10 days with me. He told me all about Baha-ullah and his own mission, and proposed to appoint me as his agent, and asked me to go with him to Bombay to see Muhammad Ali. I agreed to become a disciple of Baha-ullah in order to discover why Saiyid Jamal-ud-din had come to India. I agreed to become his agent for the same reason, and he now often writes to me. I have not got his letters with me, but can produce them if wanted. He is now in Farukhabad, and I believe that he has obtained a number of converts in India. He has plenty of money and spends it freely, and goes first class by railway. There is in Bombay a man named Agha Saiyid Mirza [Afnan], a merchant of Shiraz, who supplies him plentifully with money. [15]

...On the 21st September 1891, the same informant wrote direct to the General Supdt., T. and D. Department [General Superintendent, Thagi and Dakaiti Department, responsible for monitoring criminals and trouble-makers], as follows:– “The man Saiyid Jamal-ud-din Shah is no ‘Rumi,’ he is a man from Astrabad Mazinderan in Persia, and his name is Mirza Muhammad Ali. He is no Muhammadan [Muslim] but a “Babi,” and his head-quarters are at Akka in Palestine. [16]

Afghani then appeared in Istanbul in 1870, brought there by Ali Pasha, himself a Freemason, and Grand Vizier five times during the reign of Sultan Abdul Majid and Sultan Abdul Aziz. Afghani was severely disliked by the clergy for his heretical views, however. Hasan Fahmi, a leading scholar of his time, and the Shaikh al-Islam of the Ottoman Empire, pronounced a Fatwa declaring Afghani a disbeliever, and he was expelled.

In 1871, Afghani went to Cairo, sponsored by Prime Minister Mustafa Riad Pasha, who had met him in Istanbul, and who then placed him on a generous salary, and had him appointed to the prestigious Muslim university of Al Azhar. Initially, Afghani remained strictly orthodox, but in 1878, he moved into the Jewish quarter of Cairo, where he began open political organizing. Afghani then announced the formation of the Arab Masonic Society. And, despite their public profession of orthodox Islam, the members of Afghanis inner-circle evinced their adherence to the Gnosticism of the Ismailis. Afghani would refer to his Masonic brethren as ikhwan al saffa wa khullan al wafa, in deliberate reference to the tenth century Ismaili brotherhood by the same name. [17]

With the help of Riad Pasha and the British embassy, Afghani reorganized the Scottish Rite and Grand Orient lodges of Freemasonry, and began to organize around him a network of several Muslim countries, particularly Syria, Turkey, and Persia. [18] For the next few years he attracted a following of young writers and activists, among them Mohammed Abduh, who was to become the leader of what is often regarded as the “modernist” movement in Islam, otherwise known as the Salafi, and Sad Pasha Zaghlul, self-professed Freemason, and founder of Wafd, the Egyptian nationalist party. [19]

The Hermetic Brotherhood of Luxor

Afghani would have purportedly been a representative of a mysterious Egyptian quasi-Masonic secret society, which supposedly represented a survival of the Sabian teachings of the Grand Lodge of the Ismailis of Cairo, which became known among Western occultists as the Hermetic Brotherhood of Luxor (H.B. of L.), also thought to have had originally been the influence behind the creation of Samuel Honis’ Rite of Mizraim.

One of Afghani’s closest associates was James Sanua. Sanua was born in Cairo to a well-connected Italian Jewish family of Sephardic origin. Sanua was raised as a Jew by his father, who had been born in Italy, and went on to become a valued advisor to the Egyptian royal family. In addition to his Jewish upbringing, and fluency in eight languages, Sanua became so well-versed in the Koran and Islamic lore that he earned himself the title “sheikh”, a factor which led to rumors of his conversion to Islam.

As a youngster, Sanua had studied in Italy, where he was introduced to the ideas of Giuseppe Mazzini. When he returned to Cairo, he was wholeheartedly devoted to the teachings of Mazzini. Sanua was also responsible for establishing the foundation of the modern Egyptian theater, a forerunner to its well-known film industry. However, his plays became suspect in the eyes of the Egyptian authorities. And, when he learned of a plot to poison him, he fled to France, where he preferred to be known as Abu Naddara. In Paris, Sanua founded a journal dedicated to the principle, much like that of the Bahai, of a one-world-religion, often featuring articles by Afghani.

Sanua’s girlfriend Lydia Pashkov, was a woman of Russian origin and correspondent for Le Figaro in Paris. Through their circles, Afghani became friendly with the directors of the Illuminati regional headquarters in southern Lebanon, like Sheik Medjuel el-Mezrab, who married British dilettante, Jane Digby, and Lydia Pashkov. Between 1870 and 1875, the Illuminati apparently began a project to replicate the Italian Carbonari in all the countries of the Middle East. [20]

Both Sanua and Lydia Pashkov were also friends and traveling companions of Helena P. Blavatksy, who in 1856, Mazzini had initiated into the Carbonari. Helena P. Blavatsky, the famous medium and mystic, was the godmother of the occult revival of the late nineteenth century. After writing monumental works such as Isis Unveiled, and The Secret Doctrine, the Theosophical Society was formed in 1875, to spread her teachings worldwide. The Theosophical Society had Freemasons Henry Steel Olcott and George H. Felt appointed president and vice-president respectfully. Among the early members was also Albert Pike. According to Manly P. Hall, a leading Masonic historian:

The Secret Doctrine and Isis Unveiled are Madame Blavatsky’s gifts to humanity, and to those whose vision can pierce the menacing clouds of imminent disaster it is no exaggeration to affirm that these writings are the most vital literary contribution to the modern world. No more can they be compared with other books than can the light of the sun be compared with the lamp of the glowworm. The Secret Doctrine assumes the dignity of a scripture. [21]

Blavatsky claimed to receive her revelations from “Secret Chiefs”, or disembodied “Ascended Masters”, who were aiding humanity to evolve into a race of supermen. At first, Blavatsky attributed names to these Masters, like “Tuitit Bey”, “Serapis Bey”, and “Hilarion”, who purportedly belonged to the “Brotherhood of Luxor”. According to Joscelyn Godwin, in The Theosophical Enlightenment, if we interpret the “Brotherhood of Luxor” to be the coterie of occultists with which Blavatsky was associated in Egypt, then we ought to assume Jamal ad-Din al Afghani to have been one of its members. [22]

Although there is no direct evidence of Blavatsky having met with Afghani, according to K. Paul Johnson, in The Masters Revealed, circumstances would suggest such contact. Not only was Afghani familiar with her associates Sanua and Pashkov, but he and Blavatsky were both in India in 1857 and 1858, both in Tbilisi in the mid-sixties, and both in Cairo in 1871. Again, Afghani left Egypt for India in late 1879, the same year that Blavatsky and Olcott arrived there. After leaving India in late 1882, he resided in Paris throughout 1884, the year in which Blavatsky spent the summer there.

Through Jamal ud Din al Afghani, Blavatsky acquired her central doctrines, derived from Ismailism, which she would then communicate to the Western occult community. As Johnson points out, in Blavatsky’s article, The Eastern Gupta Vidy and the Kabbalah, she claims the “real Kabbalah” is to be found in the Chaldean Book of Numbers. Although it is unknown to scholars, Blavatsky cites this book frequently in her tomes, Isis Unveiled and The Secret Doctrine. She claims to have received it from a “Persian Sufi”, and as K. Paul Johnson points out, Afghani is its most likely source.

According to Johnson, a fundamental structure in Blavatsky’s doctrines can only be attributed to one source, which is also related to the ideas of another occultist, Gurdjieff: Ismaili Gnosticism. The Chaldean Book of Numbers teaches a sevenfold cosmology similar to the eclectic Ismaili mysticism. “The centrality of the number seven”, notes Johnson:

...is a major clue which points to Ismaili gnosis as an important source for both Blavatsky and Gurdjieff. Henri Corbin’s Cyclical Time and Ismaili Gnosis describes the doctrine of a sevenfold cosmic evolutionary process, repeated in a sevenfold historical scheme, paralleled by a sevenfold initiatory path for the individual adept. This corresponds exactly to the Mahatma letters [of Blavatsky] teaching that “the degrees of an Adept’s initiation mark the seven stages at which he discovers the secret of the sevenfold principles in nature and man and awakens his dormant powers.” The doctrine of the Resurrection acquires a specific meaning in Ismaili gnosis which relates it to Blavatsky’s teachings. Each of the seven principles of the individual is “resurrected” by the influence of the next higher principle. HPB’s sevenfold breakdown of human principles was presented variously as Chaldean, Tibetan, and Chaldeo-Tibetan. But in fact its closest historical analogue is Ismaili. [23]

Blavatsky’s teachings also influenced the establishment of a prominent secret society known as the Golden Dawn, which would emerge out of Afghani’s contacts with the leaders of Egyptian Rite Freemasonry. Having gone underground for some time, until 1848, the “Year of Revolutions”, the Egyptian Rite of Freemasonry then revived its activity in Paris, and by 1856 had also established itself in Egypt, America, Romania, and other countries. In 1872, when the Egyptian Rite came to be known as the Ancient and Primitive Rite, the Grand Mastership of the order was assumed by John Yarker, having been handed to him by Marconis de Negre. Yarker was also familiar with Blavatsky, having met her in England in 1878, and appears to have conferred on her a Masonic initiation, though there have been attempts to refute her involvement in Freemasonry.

In Paris, Yarker met Pascal Beverly Randolph, an African-American occultist who had traveled to Egypt, where he was supposedly initiated by a secret priestess of the Ismaili Muslims. Paschal Randolph was a noted medium, healer, occultist and author of his day, and also counted among his personal friends Bulwer-Lytton. Randolph’s Brotherhood of Eulis claimed descent from the Rosicrucian Order, by charter of the “Supreme Grand Lodge of France”, and taught spiritual healing, western occultism and principals of race regeneration through forms of sex magic. Through Randolph, Yarker passed on the tradition of the Hermetic Brotherhood of Luxor, that was reborn as the Hermetic Brotherhood of Light, a continuation of the Frates Lucis, or Asiatic Brethren.

In 1873, Carl Kellner, an associate of Randolph, was another of the many occultists associated with Egyptian Freemasonry, who had traveled to Cairo in the time of al Afghani’s activity. There he met, for the first time, a mysterious young man, then going by the name of Aia Aziz, also known as Max Theon. Actually, this Max Theon was the son of the last leader of the Frankist sect, Rabbi Bimstein of Warsaw, Poland.

Max Theon traveled widely, and in Cairo worked with Blavatsky, and also became a student of Paulos Metamon, a “Coptic magician”. Paulos Metamon was also Blavatsky’s first “Master”, whom she had met in Asia Minor in 1848, and again in Cairo in 1870, and it was he who introduced her to the Hermetic Brotherhood of Light. Interestingly, the sevenfold cosmology of Ismailism was common to both Theon and Blavatsky. In 1873, Metamon passed the Grand Mastership to Aziz, who, adopting the name of Max Theon, moved to England to propagate the same order.

It was Carl Kellner and Thoedore Reuss, another member of Bulwer-Lyttons’ Societas Rosicruciana in Anglia, who would put together the ritual of Egyptian Rite Freemasonry, chartered to Reuss by John Yarker, to convey the inner secret of the Hermetic Brotherhood of Luxor. Regarding Kellner, Reuss wrote:

In the course of his many and extensive travels in Europe, America and the Near East, Bro. Kellner came into contact with an organisation which called itself The Hermetic Brotherhood of Light. The stimulus which he received through his association with this body, as well as other circumstances which cannot be mentioned here, gave rise to Bro. Kellner’s wish to found a sort of Academia Masonica which would make it possible for questing brethren to become acquainted with all the existing Masonic degrees and systems. In the year 1895 Bro. Kellner had long discussions with Bro. Reuss in Berlin about how this idea of his could be realised. In the course of talks with Bro. Reuss he abandoned the proposed title Academia Masonica and produced reasons and documents for the adoption of the name Oriental Templars. At that time in 1895 these deliberations did not lead to any positive result because Bro. Reuss was then busy with his revived Order of the Illuminati and Bro. Kellner had no sympathy for this organisation or for the people who were active in it with Bro. Kellner. [24]

It was John Yarker who supposedly provided a charter for the founding of the Ordo Templi Orientis, or O.T.O., effected by Reuss, which attempted to revive the traditions of the Ancient Mysteries, the Knights Templars, the Freemasons, Rosicrucians and the Illuminati. Ordo Templi Orientis meant “Order of Eastern Templars”, in reference to the Johannite myth of Sabian or Ismaili influence. The occult inner circle of the O.T.O. would be organized parallel to the highest degrees of Egyptian Rite Masonry, and the esoteric Rosicrucian doctrines of the H.B. of L.

Reuss was succeeded as head of the O.T.O. by the notorious Aleister Crowley. Aleister Crowley, a thirty-third degree Mason of the Scottish Rite, had also been a member of the Isis-Urania Temple of Hermetic Students of the Golden Dawn. Known simply as The Golden Dawn, the order was founded in 1888, by Masons and members of the Societas Rosicruciana in Anglia of Bulwer-Lytton. This Isis Cult was organized around the 1877 manuscript Isis Unveiled by Helena Blavatsky. The Order of the Golden Dawn included, among others, William Butler Yeats, Maude Gonne, wife of Oscar Wilde, and Arthur Edward Waite. The Golden Dawn was led at the time by McGreggor Mathers, who traced the spiritual ancestry of the order to the Rosicrucians, and from there, through to the Kabbalah and to Ancient Egypt. And, it was while in Egypt, in 1904, that Crowley made contact with an entity by the name of Aiwass, which dictated to him the content of his Book of the Law, containing the famous dictum of modern occultism, “Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.”

The Salafi

After Afghani’s departure from Egypt, his pupil, Mohammed Abduh, was inexplicably named the chief editor of the official British-controlled publication of the Egyptian government, the Journal Officiel. Working under him was fellow-freemason, Saad Zaghul, later to be founder of the Wafd nationalist party. In 1883, Abduh joined Afghani in Paris, and then went to London, where he lectured at Oxford and Cambridge, and consulted with British officials about the crisis in Sudan against the Mahdi.

In Paris and London, Abduh assisted Afghani in administering both a French-language and Arabic journal in Paris, called Al Urwah al Wuthkah, or the “Indissoluble Bond”, also the name of a secret organization he founded in 1883. Among the members of Afghani’s circle in Paris were Egyptians, Indians, Turks, Syrians, North Africans, as well as many Christians and Jews, and Persian Bahais expelled from the Middle East.

When the French suppressed the Al-Murwah al-Wuthkah, Abduh traveled for several years, throughout the Arab world, under various disguises, particularly to Tunis, Beiruk, and Syria. In each city, he would recruit members into the secret society of Afghani’s fundamentalism. [25]

Like his teacher, Abduh was associated with the Bahai movement, which had made deliberate efforts to spread the faith to Egypt. Bahais began establishing themselves in Alexandria and Cairo beginning in the late 1860. Abduh had met Abdul Baha when he was teaching in Beirut, and the two struck up a very warm friendship, and agreed with his one-world- religion philosophy. [26] Remarking on Abdul Baha’s excellence in religious science and diplomacy, Abduh said of him that, “[he] is more than that. Indeed, he is a great man; he is the man who deserves to have the epithet applied to him.” [27]

Abduh was known for his reformist views about Islam. But, in How We Defended Orabi, A.M. Broadbent declared that, “Sheikh Abdu was no dangerous fanatic or religious enthusiast, for he belonged to the broadest school of Moslem thought, held a political creed akin to pure republicanism, and was a zealous Master of a Masonic Lodge.” [28] Like the Ismailis before him, he would advance his students progressively into deeper levels of heresy. To the higher initiates, he would reveal the doctrines of the Scottish Rite and the philosophy of one-world government. However, for those Abduh deemed were much more disposed, he would introduce to an officer of British intelligence from London. [29]

From 1888, until his death in 1905, Abduh regularly visited the home and office of Lord Cromer. In 1892, he was named to run the administrative Committee for the Al Azhar mosque and university, the most prestigious educational institution in Islam, and the oldest university in the world. From that post, he reorganized the entire Muslim system in Egypt, and because of Al Azhar’s reputation, much of the Islamic world as well.

In 1899, Lord Cromer, made Abduh the Grand Mufti of Egypt. He was now the chief legal authority in Islam, as well as the Masonic Grand Master of the United Lodge of Egypt. Lord Cromer was an important member of England’s Baring banking family, that had grown rich off of the opium trade in India and China. His motive in making Abduh the most powerful figure in all of Islam was to change the law forbidding interest banking. Abduh then offered a contrived interpretation of the Koran, to create the requisite loophole, giving British banks free reign in Egypt. Of Abduh, Lord Cromer related, “I suspect my friend Abduh was in reality an agnostic,” and he said of Abduh’s Salafi reform movement that, “They are the natural allies of the European reformer.” [30]

The Salafi movement then became allied with the Wahhabis of Saudi Arabia, through another Freemason, Mohammed Rashid Rida, who, after the death of Afghani in 1897, and Abduh in 1905, assumed the leadership of the Salafis, Rida had become a member of the Indissoluble Bond at a young age. He was promoted through Afghani’s Masonic society through his reading of Al-Urwah al Wuthkah, which he later confessed was the greatest influence in his life. Rida had never met Afghani, but in 1897, he had gone to Egypt to study with Mohammed Abduh. Though Rida did not share his master’s opinions about the Bahai movement, it was through his influence that the Salafi movement became firmly aligned with the State of Saudi Arabia.
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Re: Terrorism and the Illuminati: A Three Thousand Year Hist

Postby admin » Tue Jun 27, 2017 2:23 am

Chapter Eighteen: World War One


As executed by the Round Table organizations, the brunt of the Illuminati’s plan for the twentieth century depended significantly on the assistance of the Salafi intriguers, beginning with the destruction of the Ottoman Empire. More important still was the role played by the puppet-state of Saudi Arabia, which became the sponsor of Salafi terrorism. The Saudis would become an important linchpin in the Illuminati strategy to make the world dependent on Rockefeller- controlled oil, thus not only increasing demand and profits, but enhancing their strangle-hold over the world’s governments and economies.

The primary agent in this agenda was Winston Churchill. Winston Churchill was a descendant of the first famous member of the Churchill family, John Churchill, 1st Duke of Marlborough. Churchill’s legal surname was Spencer- Churchill, as he was related to the Spencer family, though, starting with his father, Lord Randolph Churchill, his branch of the family used the name Churchill in his public life. Randolph Churchill’s mother, like his grandfather’s wife, and his great-grandfather’s wife, was a Stewart, also descended from James Douglas. Winston Churchill’s mother was Jennie Jerome, daughter of American Jewish millionaire Leonard Jerome. [1]

Winston Churchill, a Scottish Rite Freemason, was eventually invested as Knight of the Order of the Garter. He was also a member of the Ancient Order of Druids, created by Wentworth Little, founder of the SRIA. [2] The famous “V for Victory” sign used by Churchill has been attributed to Aleister Crowley. At the request of his friend, naval intelligence officer Ian Fleming, creator of James Bond 007, Crowley provided Winston Churchill with valuable insights into the superstitions of the Nazis. Crowley suggested that Churchill exploit the Nazis’ magical paranoia by being photographed as much as possible giving the two-fingered “V for Victory” gesture, a powerful symbol of destruction and annihilation that, according to magical tradition, is capable of defeating the perverted solar energies represented by the Nazi swastika. [3]

As indicated in “The Rothchilds, Winston Churchill and the Final Solution”, by Clifford Shack, no naval issue would affect Britain’s foreign policy more than the crucial debate whether or not the Royal Navy should be converted from coal propulsion to oil. [4] Oil was not only superior to coal, but the French branch of the Rothschilds were, together with the Rockefellers, supreme rulers of the oil business, having entered into a world cartel with Standard Oil.

Lord Nathaniel Mayer Rothschild was a keen proponent of increases in the strength of the Royal Navy, for in 1888, the London house of Rothschild had issued shares worth £225,000 for the Naval Construction and Armaments Company. However, in order to provide the pretext to legitimize Britain’s increased spending for naval construction, the Rothschilds fabricated the threat of Germany’s naval build-up in the late nineteenth century. On July 1, 1911, Kaiser Wilhelm, a Rothschild front-man, sent a gunboat, called the Panther, steaming into the harbor at Agadir, on the Atlantic coast of Morocco, which was perceived as a direct challenge to British global positions.

Nathaniel Rothschild was an intimate friend of Lord Randolph Churchill, the father of Winston Churchill, who immediately after the Agadir crisis, was appointed First Lord of the Admiralty. [5] Churchill vowed to do everything he could to prepare Britain militarily for the “inescapable day of reckoning”. His charge was to ensure that the Royal Navy, the symbol of Britain’s imperial power, was to meet the German “challenge” on the high seas. According to Daniel Yergin’s Pulitzer prize winning book, The Prize: The Epic Quest for Oil, Money and Power:

One of the most important and contentious questions he faced was seemingly technical in nature, but would in fact have vast implications for the twentieth century. The issue was whether to convert the British Navy to oil for its power source, in place of coal, which was the traditional fuel. Many thought that such a conversion was pure folly, for it meant that the Navy could no longer rely on safe, secure Welsh coal, but rather would have to depend on distant and insecure oil supplies from Persia, as Iran was then known. [6]

The importance of guaranteeing a supply of oil for Britain’s navy had assumed centre stage, as oil had not yet been discovered in its Arab possessions in the Gulf. On June 17, 1914, Churchill introduced a bill proposing that the British government invest in an oil company, after which it acquired 51 percent of Anglo-Persian, which in actuality was already partially-owned by the British government, and was financed in part by the Rothschilds bank. Britain had acquired its first oil concession, and kept its involvement secret. By the summer of 1914, the British Navy was fully committed to oil and the British government had assumed the role of majority stockholder in Anglo-Persian. The company grew rapidly, first into Anglo-Iranian, and then finally into British Petroleum, or BP.

Anglo-Persian was not to be Britain’s sole supplier of oil, as Churchill stated to Parliament in 1913, “On no one quality, on no one process, on no one country, on no one route and on no one field must we be dependent. Safety and certainty in oil lie in variety, and variety alone.” [7] Germany had already expanded toward Turkey and South into Africa.

But Germany’s move eastward was restricted by Britain’s control of important sea lanes. Therefore, Germany struck a deal with the Ottoman Empire to build a railway from Berlin to Baghdad. The Round Table was especially alarmed about this agreement, as it would provide direct German access to the Middle East oil, bypassing the Suez Canal controlled by the British. Britain had earlier precluded extension of the railway to the Persian Gulf by secretly concluding an agreement with the Sabah clan, of Kuwait, another family of secret Jews, related to the Saudis through the Anza tribe, to establish Kuwait as a “British protectorate”, thus effectively sealing it off from the Ottoman Empire.

The last northern link of the railway was in Serbia. History books record that World War I started when the nations went to war to avenge the assassination of the Archduke Francis Ferdinand, the heir-apparent to the Habsburg throne of the Austro-Hungarian Empire. However, top-level officials of European Freemasonry met in Switzerland in 1912, during which it was decided to assassinate the Archduke Ferdinand, in order to bring about World War I. [8]
The actual date on which the murder was to be committed was postponed, as the time was not yet considered appropriate. The act was finally committed on June 28, 1914, in Sarajevo, by members of a Serbian terrorist organization called the Black Hand, with ties to Freemasonry. The Austro-Hungarian Empire then declared war on Serbia, and WWI officially began.

The Federal Reserve

The further purpose of WWI was to create the preconditions for the Russian revolution of 1918, which was financed and orchestrated by Jacob Schiff, through Kuhn, Loeb & Company of New York, to overthrow the aristocracy. The result was to exact the Rothschilds’ revenge against Russian Czar Alexander I, for having thwarted their first attempt at world government at the Congress of Vienna in 1815. According to Albert Pike, the further aim was to transform Russia into a bastion of their atheistic communist creed, “to be built up and used to destroy other governments and weaken religion.” [9]

When WWI was eventually mired in a stalemate at the fronts of Europe, the Illuminati used their agent President Woodrow Wilson to gain America’s entry into the war. Wilson’s friend and “alter ego” was Rothschild agent Col. Edward Mandell House. Col. House was a member of the Round Table, whose projects for the US included a graduated income tax, a central bank, creation of a Central Intelligence Agency, and the League of Nations. According to the Col. E.M. House Report, a ten-page “progress report”, addressed to British Prime Minister David Lloyd George, Col. House details progress in preparing “for the peaceful return of the American colonies to the dominion of the Crown.” “Crown” refers, not to the Queen, but to the owners of the Bank of England. Col. House writes: “We have wrapped this plan in the peace treaty so that the world must accept from us the League or a continuance of the war. The League is in substance the Empire with America admitted on the same basis as our other colonies.” [10]

In 1911, prior to Wilson’s taking office as President, House had returned to his home in Texas and completed a book called Philip Dru, Administrator. Ostensibly a novel, it was actually a detailed plan for the future government of the United States, “which would establish Socialism as dreamed by Karl Marx”, according to House. It was published anonymously by B. W. Huebsch of New York, and widely circulated among government officials, who were left in no doubt as to its authorship. The novel predicted the enactment of the graduated income tax, excess profits tax, unemployment insurance, social security, and a flexible currency system. In short, it was the blueprint which was later followed by the Woodrow Wilson and Franklin D. Roosevelt administrations.

One of the institutions outlined in Philip Dru was the Federal Reserve System. The bankers had not been in a position to gain control of the issuance of money from the government of the United States, to whom it was designated through its Congress by the Constitution, until the Congress granted them their monopoly for a central bank. Therefore, much of the influence exerted to have the Federal Reserve Act passed was done behind the scenes, principally by two non-elected persons, Col. House and Paul Warburg, a Shabbatean, and representative of the Rothschild dynasty in France and England. [11] Effectively, the Federal System ceded the right to print money to what was merely a legalized cartel of private banks, affiliated with the Rothschilds in London, through the agency of the Warburgs, Rockefellers, Kuhn-Loeb, and J.P Morgan.

House was responsible for Wilson’s campaign that promised to keep the US out of the war. However, when Wilson was presented with incriminating evidence of his illicit relationship with a former colleague, he was forced to comply with appointing Louis Dembitz Brandeis, to the Supreme Court. [12] Brandeis, a leading Frankist, was head of world Zionism, when the war forced the movement to move its headquarters to New York from Berlin. [13] Then, Wilson, Mandel House, J .P. Morgan and Winston Churchill conspired together to ensure that the passenger ship, the Lusitania, would be sunk by a German U-boat. [14] Finally, relying to a great extent upon the legal opinion of Justice Brandeis, President Wilson addressed both houses of Congress on April 2, 1917. He appealed to Congress to declare war against Germany and they did on April 7, 1917.

The League of Nations

At the Paris conference, in January 1919, which culminated in the Treaty of Versailles, the American delegation was headed by Paul Warburg. Paul Warburg was the original Daddy Warbucks. His brother Max, of the Warburg banking consortium in Germany and the Netherlands, headed the German delegation. The Warburgs had reached their financial eminence during the years of the nineteenth century, with the growth of Kuhn, Loeb Company, with whom they stood in a personal union and family relationship.

Also in the American delegation were Walter Lippman, and brothers Allen and John Foster Dulles. Lloyd George was accompanied by Sir Philip Sassoon, a member of the British Privy Council, and direct descendant of Amschel Rothschild. The advisor to Georges Clemenceau, the French Prime Minister, was Georges Mandel, also known as Jeroboam Rothschild. [15]

Late in 1920, Churchill told Lloyd George that he wanted to move to another cabinet post. On February 14, 1921, Churchill was appointed Colonial Secretary. When he took over the Colonial Office, the Balfour declaration was part of his legacy. The text was prepared by Leo Amery, assistant secretary to the War Cabinet. Amery worked under the Rothschild front-man, Lord Milner, who was a member of the inner War Cabinet. The declaration was addressed to Nathan Mayer Rothschild’s son, Walter. The declaration proclaimed that the British government favored:

The establishment of a national home for the Jewish people and will use their best endeavors to facilitate the achievement of that object, it being clearly understood that nothing shall be done which may prejudice the civil and religious rights of existing non-Jewish communities in Palestine.

When negotiations at the Paris conference had been deviating from Illuminati designs for the Middle East, Jacob Schiff sent President Wilson a cable, that “instructed” him what to defend with regard to the Palestine Mandate, German reparations and other issues, in the name of the Association of the League of Free Nations. [16] The creation of the League of Nations became a centrepiece of Wilson’s “Fourteen Points” that he believed would, if made the basis of a postwar peace, prevent future wars, and was eventually accepted by the Paris conference. However, the intention of the Illuminati was also to prepare the preconditions leading to WWII, by making German acceptance of the terms intolerable. [17] Therefore, despite Wilson’s best efforts, the Treaty of Versailles, signed in June 1919, departed significantly from the Fourteen Points of Wilson, leaving both the Germans and many Americans bitterly disillusioned.

Nevertheless, the League of Nations, headquartered in Geneva, Switzerland, did achieve one important Illuminati objective when it officially recognized the Soviet regime of their agents the Bolsheviks. It was Churchill who divulged:

From the days of Spartacus Weishaupt, Karl Marx, Trotsky, Bela Kun, Rosa Luxemburg, and Ema Goldman, this world conspiracy has been steadily growing. This conspiracy played a definite recognizable role in the tragedy of the French revolution. It has been the mainspring of every subversive movement during the 19th Century. And now at last this band of extraordinary personalities from the underworld of the great cities of Europe and America have gripped the Russian people by the hair of their head and have become the undisputed masters of that enormous empire. [18]

Largely because of the efforts of Sen. Henry Cabot Lodge, who saw through Wilson’s plan, the United States didn’t join the League, and in 1921, made a separate peace treaty with Germany and Austria. Weakened by the failure of the United States to join, and the dissatisfaction of nations such as Japan, Italy and Germany, the League failed. The League had little impact on international affairs, and ceased to exist when the United Nations was established.

The Illuminati then realized that America would not join any scheme for world government without a change in public opinion. Therefore, Round Table members Lionel Curtis, Balfour, Milner and others, formed the Royal Institute for International Affairs (RIIA), for the purpose of coordinating British and American efforts. Arnold Toynbee later became director. They also formed an American branch, known as the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), founded by Col. House, with Rockefeller family funding, and including members like J.P. Morgan, Paul Warburg, and Jacob Schiff.

In Tragedy & Hope, late CFR member Carroll Quigley, stated, “The CFR is the American Branch of a society which originated in England, and which believes that national boundaries should be obliterated, and a one-world rule established.” Rear Admiral Chester Ward, for sixteen years a member of the CFR, warned of the organization’s ultimate intentions:

The most powerful clique in these elitist groups have one objective in common — they want to bring about the surrender of the sovereignty of the national independence of the United States. A second clique of international members in the CFR comprises the Wall Street international bankers and their key agents. Primarily, they want the world banking monopoly from whatever power ends up in the control of global government. [19]

Fall of the Ottoman Empire

A further purpose of the WWI was to cause the destruction of the Ottoman Empire, in order to free the land of Palestine from its grasp, leading to the creation of the Zionist state of Israel. After Prime Minister of England, Lord Asquith, was deposed in 1916, because he had opposed Zionist interests, David Lloyd George, whose career was made as a lawyer for the World Zionist Organization, as well as Winston Churchill and Arthur Balfour of the Round Table, were placed in power. Present at the first official meeting of the Political Committee were Lord Rothschild, James de Rothschild, the son of Edmund de Rothschild of Paris, former owner of Rothschild colonies in Palestine, and Sir Mark Sykes. There, the future mandates of Palestine, Armenia, Mesopotamia, and Arabia, then still forming parts of the Ottoman Empire, were discussed in detail. [20]

The Illuminati had also been agitating to undermine the Ottoman Empire from within. In Turkey, Jamal ud Din Al Afghani was part of the creation of a Masonic political party, modeled on the Carbonari, named the Committee of Union and Progress, or the Young Turks. From the middle of the nineteenth century, the British had worked to develop an alliance between several leading Sufi orders in Turkey, such as the Beqtashi and the Naqshabandi, and the Scottish Rite Freemasons of Afghani and his followers. It was this alliance, sponsored by the British, that became the Young Turks. [21] The Young Turks led a revolutionary movement against the crumbling regime of the Ottoman sultan, Abdul Hamid II, which culminated in the establishment of a constitutional government in 1908, and ruled the Ottoman Empire until the end of World War I, in November 1918.

The preliminary, though unsuccessful military attack against the Ottoman Empire, was undertaken by Churchill, known as the Dardanelle campaign, aimed at taking Istanbul, the capital of the Empire. As Clifford Shack describes, however:

For a variety of reasons, history views his campaign as a failure. In reality, however it was a crowning success for the war planners. For not only did the Dardanelle campaign spell the beginning for the end of the Ottoman empire, but the feigned bungling of the operation set in motion a series of orchestrated events that would empower the Turks to execute the Armenian genocide. Eliminating the Armenian presence in the Baku oil region eliminated the ethnic conflict between the region’s Moslem majority which actually interrupted the oil production in 1905, when the oil fields were set ablaze. [22]

To further aggravate the situation against the Ottomans, Britain deceptively employed the assistance of Sharif Hussayn of Mecca, who belonged to the Hashimite dynasty, descendants of the Prophet, who had traditionally administered the Haramayn, or two holy precincts of Mecca and Medina. Sharif Hussayn was initially allied with the Ottomans and the Germans, but he was dismayed by the increasing discrimination against non-Turks of the Ottoman Empire by the Young Turks. He was finally convinced by the British that his assistance would be rewarded instead by the creation of an Arab empire, encompassing the entire span between Egypt and Persia, with the exception of imperial possessions and interests in Kuwait, Aden, and the Syrian coast.

However, in accordance with the cunning duplicity that has always characterized their foreign policy, the British offered him assurances in contradiction to the designs they had in mind. The British also renewed their special relationship with the Wahhabi sect, and its leader, Abdul Aziz ibn Saud. Following the collapse of the first Saudi insurgency at the hand of Mohammed Ali Pasha, the Wahhabi movement was largely reconstituted, but internal disputes over succession had brought about its demise in 1891 Ibn Saud’s father, Abdul-Rahman, fled with his family to Kuwait, leaving Riyadh under the occupation of the Ottomans. In January 1902, Ibn Saud led a raid to regain control of Riyadh.

The British sought the support of Ibn Saud through the diplomatic aid of “Abdullah” St. John Philby, who supposedly converted to Wahhabi Islam, though he also doubled as a Nazi intelligence agent. In 1915, the British had signed with Ibn Saud a “treatise of friendship and cooperation”, to be supported with British financing. By 1917, the Saudi ruler was receiving five thousand pounds per month.

Through the instigation of Lawrence of Arabia, Hussayn’s son Faisal led the Arab Revolt against the Ottomans. Faisal seized Damascus in 1918. Five days after the conquest of Damascus by Faisal’s forces, an armistice with the Ottoman Empire came into effect. The Ottoman government effectively collapsed, and the empire was divided amongst the victorious powers. France and Britain got control of most of the Middle East while Italy and Greece were given much of Anatolia.

The Turkish people refused to accept this arrangement, however, and under Mustafa Kemal Ataturk, the remnants of the Young Turk movement formed a government in Ankara, and created an army that forced the Greeks and Italians out of Anatolia, while the British and French refused to intervene.

In Salonika in Greece, the heartland of Turkish Freemasonry, and the Young Turk movement, many Jews claimed that Ataturk was a “Doenmeh”, of the community of secret Jews descended from the followers of false messiah Shabbetai Zevi who converted to Islam. [23] And in 1923, when the Republic of Turkey was founded, it was Ataturk who was elected the republic’s first president. Then, in 1924, the Islamic Caliphate was formally abolished, bringing to an end thirteen centuries of consolidated Islamic rule.

The victory of the Allied forces against the Ottoman Turks marked the beginning of the end of WWI, and the central powers one by one surrendered, signing an armistice on November 11, 1918. At the end of the war, Faisal continued his advance, and eventually took what is today Jordan, large parts of the Arabian peninsula and parts of southern Syria. However, unbeknownst to Hussayn, the British had secretly negotiated the Sykes-Picot agreement, to divide up the Middle East according to terms drawn up by Rothschild parties. Arbitrary divisions were created, which largely exist to the present, including the creation of Syria, and Lebanon as French “protectorates”. Hussayn was betrayed, and granted rule only over Iraq, which, along with Trans-Jordan, and Kuwait, were effectively British entities, as was Palestine, which was accorded to the Zionists.

The mandate for Palestine was drafted by Felix Frankfurter, the prominent American Zionist, who afterwards became Chief Advisor in the White House to President Roosevelt, and also United States Supreme Court Justice, and helped found the ACLU. Frankfurter is reported to have received a copy of Eva Frank’s portrait from his mother, a descendent of the Prague Frankist family. [24] According to Frankfurter, “The real rulers in Washington are invisible and exercise their power from behind the scenes.” [25]

Saudi Arabia

By providing the excuse that Hussayn lacked disciplined fighting forces to be able to maintain the region, the British lent support to their agent Ibn Saud. Therefore, after WWI, with the collapse of the Ottoman Empire, and with British assistance, Ibn Saud and his Ikhwan, or “brotherhood”, the shock troops of Wahhabism, set out to conquer the entirety of the Peninsula. As described by Algar, in Wahhabism: A Critical Essay:

Far from being spontaneous or autonomous development, the extension of Saudi control across the peninsula should therefore be placed in the context of the general reconfiguration of the Middle East that was then underway, largely under the charitable auspices of the British, ever generous with lands that were not theirs. It formed part of the same pattern as the division of the Arab lands of the Fertile Crescent into artificial units; the implantation of Zionism in Palestine under the protection of the British mandate; the establishment of the “secularist” Turkish Republic; and the rise of the Pahlavi dynasty in Iran. [26]

This Wahhabi conquest of the Arabian peninsula, however, came at the cost of 400,000 killed and wounded. Cities such as Ta’if, Burayda, and al Hufa suffered all out massacres carried out by the Ikhwan. The governors of the various provinces appointed by Ibn Saud are said to have carried out 40,000 public executions and 350,000 amputations. Ibn Saud’s cousin, Abdullah ibn Musallim ibn Jilawi, the most brutal among the family, set about subjugating the Shiah population, by executing thousands.

Nevertheless, after a visit to the newly conquered Arabian peninsula, Rashid Rida published a work praising Ibn Saud as the saviour of the Holy sites, a practitioner of authentic Islamic rule and, two years later, produced an anthology of Wahhabi treatises. Ultimately, the Salafi and Wahhabism shared common fundamentals. Primarily, a disdain for all developments in Islam subsequent to the first two generations of Muslims, or the Salaf as Salih, the repudiation of Sufism, and the abandonment of adherence to one of the Madhhabs, or four legal schools otherwise followed by all of Sunni Islam. [27]

By 1924, the Wahhabis, through the instigation of “Abdullah” Philby, reconquered Mecca, and expelled the Hashimites. Ensuing protests to Wahhabi vandalism and cruelty rang out throughout the Muslim world, but in 1926, Ibn Saud called an international conference to ratify his control of the Haramayn. And, finally, in 1932, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia was officially created, with British sanction. Even long before he had become King, the English monarch knighted Ibn Saud, and bestowed upon him the Order of the Bath, an order of chivalry founded by George I, the grandson of Frederick Elector of the Palatinate, and the highest honor accorded to nonroyalty.

Through the assistance of Jack Philby, Allen Dulles, a former president of the CFR, who would later head the CIA, then working for the firm of Sullivan & Cromwell, helped the Rockefeller oil companies gain Saudi Arabia, which would be the world’s single greatest oil resource, accounting for nearly half of total oil production. [28] In 1933, the Saudis granted oil concessions to California Arabian Standard Oil Company (CASOC), affiliate of Standard Oil of California, (Socal, today’s Chevron), headed by John D. Rockefeller Jr., of the Round Table, and a founding members of the CFR.

In 1936, Socal and the Texas Oil Company had created a partnership, which would later be named Aramco, or the Arabian-American Oil Company. To Socal and Texaco were added the Standard of New Jersey and Socony-Vacuum, the predecessors of Exxon Mobil. The Aramco partners, along with British Petroleum (BP), Royal Dutch Shell, and Gulf Oil combined as a cartel to control the price of oil, known collectively as the Seven Sisters. With the Saudi royal family, they controlled the world’s largest source of petroleum.

In 1945, Roosevelt met with Ibn Saud aboard the USS Quincy in Egypt, to forge an important US-Saudi economic alliance. Roosevelt had acted on the advice of Harold Ickes, then Petroleum Coordinator for National Defense, and a State Department which in December 1942 had noted, “It is our strong belief that the development of Saudi Arabian petroleum resources should be viewed in the light of the broad national interest.” [29] The Saudis, however, would be unable to concede to Roosevelt’s request to approve increased Jewish settlement in Palestine, due to the precarious task the Saudis had adopted for themselves, of pretending to defend Islam, though also supporting American interests in the region, and refraining the rest of the Arab world from aggressive action against Israel. Under the stipulated conditions, American military and technical personnel would be admitted to Saudi Arabia.

A US Air Force base was built at Dharan in 1946. Britain however, retained the major responsibility of maintaining Western security interests for another decade. In return, the Saudis declared war on the Axis powers, doing so within a month of the meeting with Roosevelt, and were allowed to be included in the founding conference of the U.N.
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