The Ynglinga Saga, or the Story of the Yngling Family From O

That's French for "the ancient system," as in the ancient system of feudal privileges and the exercise of autocratic power over the peasants. The ancien regime never goes away, like vampires and dinosaur bones they are always hidden in the earth, exercising a mysterious influence. It is not paranoia to believe that the elites scheme against the common man. Inform yourself about their schemes here.

Re: The Ynglinga Saga, or the Story of the Yngling Family Fr

Postby admin » Tue Jun 27, 2017 4:09 am


King Dygve's son, called Dag, succeeded to him, and was so wise a man that he understood the language of birds.  He had a sparrow which told him much news, and flew to different countries.  Once the sparrow flew to Reidgotaland, to a farm called Varva, where he flew into the peasant's corn-field and took his grain.  The peasant came up, took a stone, and killed the sparrow.  King Dag was ill-pleased that the sparrow did not come home; and as he, in a sacrifice of expiation, inquired after the sparrow, he got the answer that it was killed at Varva.  Thereupon he ordered a great army, and went to Gotland; and when he came to Varva he landed with his men and plundered, and the people fled away before him. King Dag returned in the evening to his ships, after having killed many people and taken many prisoners.  As they were going across a river at a place called Skjotan's [the Weapon's] Ford, a labouring thrall came running to the river-side, and threw a hay- fork into their troop.  It struck the king on the head, so that he fell instantly from his horse and died.  In those times the chief who ravaged a country was called Gram, and the men-at-arms under him Gramer.  Thjodolf sings of it thus: --

     "What news is this that the king's men,
     Flying eastward through the glen,
     Report?  That Dag the Brave, whose name
     Is sounded far and wide by Fame --
     That Dag, who knew so well to wield
     The battle-axe in bloody field,
     Where brave men meet, no more will head
     The brave -- that mighty Dag is dead!

     "Varva was wasted with the sword,
     And vengeance taken for the bird --
     The little bird that used to bring
     News to the ear of the great king.
     Varva was ravaged, and the strife
     Was ended, when the monarch's life
     Was ended too -- the great Dag fell
     By the hay-fork of a base thrall!"
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Re: The Ynglinga Saga, or the Story of the Yngling Family Fr

Postby admin » Tue Jun 27, 2017 4:09 am


Agne was the name of Dag's son, who was king after him -- a powerful and celebrated man, expert, and exercised in all feats. It happened one summer that King Agne went with his army to Finland, and landed and marauded.  The Finland people gathered a large army, and proceeded to the strife under a chief called Froste.  There was a great battle, in which King Agne gained the victory, and Froste fell there with a great many of his people. King Agne proceeded with armed hand through Finland, subdued it, and made enormous booty.  He took Froste's daughter Skjalv, and her brother Loge, and carried them along with him.  When he sailed from the east he came to land at Stoksund, and put up his tent on the flat side of the river, where then there was a wood. King Agne had at the time the gold ornament which had belonged to Visbur.  He now married Skjalv, and she begged him to make burial feast in honour of her father.  He invited a great many guests, and made a great feast.  He had become very celebrated by his expedition, and there was a great drinking match.  Now when King Agne had got drank, Skjalv bade him take care of his gold ornament which he had about his neck; therefore he took hold of the ornament, and bound it fast about his neck before he went to sleep.  The land-tent stood at the wood side, and a high tree over the tent protected it against the heat of the sun.  Now when King Agne was asleep, Skjalv took a noose, and fastened it under the ornament.  Thereupon her men threw down the tent-poles, cast the loop of the noose up in the branches of the tree, and hauled upon it, so that the king was hanged close under the branches and died; and Skjalv with her men ran down to their ships, and rowed away.  King Agne was buried upon the spot, which was afterwards called Agnefet; and it lies on the east side of the Tauren, and west of Stoksund.  Thjodolf speaks of it thus: --

     "How do ye like the high-souled maid,
     Who, with the grim Fate-goddess' aid,
     Avenged her sire? -- made Swithiod's king
     Through air in golden halter swing?
     How do ye like her, Agne's men?
     Think ye that any chief again
     Will court the fate your chief befell,
     To ride on wooden horse to hell?"
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Re: The Ynglinga Saga, or the Story of the Yngling Family Fr

Postby admin » Tue Jun 27, 2017 4:09 am


The sons of Agne were called Alric and Eric, and were kings together after him.  They were powerful men, great warriors, and expert at all feats of arms.  It was their custom to ride and break in horses both to walk and to gallop, which nobody understood so well as they; and they vied with each other who could ride best, and keep the best horses.  It happened one day that both the brothers rode out together alone, and at a distance from their followers, with their best horses, and rode on to a field; but never came back.  The people at last went out to look after them, and they were both found dead with their heads crushed.  As they had no weapons, except it might be their horses' bridles, people believed that they had killed each other with these.  So says Thjodolf: --

     "Alric fell, by Eric slain,
     Eric's life-blood dyed the plain,
     Brother fell by brother's hand;
     And they tell it in the land,
     That they worked the wicked deed
     With the sharp bits that guide the steed.
     Shall it be said of Frey's brave sons,
     The kingly race, the noble ones,
     That they have fought in deadly battle
     With the head-gear of their cattle?"
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Re: The Ynglinga Saga, or the Story of the Yngling Family Fr

Postby admin » Tue Jun 27, 2017 4:10 am


Alric's sons, Yngve and Ali, then succeeded to the kingly power in Sweden.  Yngve was a great warrior, always victorious; handsome, expert in all exercises, strong and very sharp in battle, generous and full of mirth; so that he was both renowned and beloved.  Alf was a silent, harsh, unfriendly man, and sat at home in the land, and never went out on war expeditions.  His mother was called Dageid, a daughter of King Dag the Great, from whom the Dagling family is descended.  King Alf had a wife named Bera, who was the most agreeable of women, very brisk and gay. One autumn Yngve, Alric's son, had arrived at Upsal from a viking cruise by which he was become very celebrated.  He often sat long in the evening at the drinking-table; but Alf went willingly to bed very early.  Queen Bera sat often till late in the evening, and she and Yngve conversed together for their amusement; but Alf soon told her that she should not sit up so late in the evening, but should go first to bed, so as not to waken him.  She replied, that happy would be the woman who had Yngve instead of Alf for her husband; and as she often repeated the same, he became very angry.  One evening Alf went into the hall, where Yngve and Bera sat on the high seat speaking to each other.  Yngve had a short sword upon his knees, and the guests were so drunk that they did not observe the king coming in.  King Alf went straight to the high seat, drew a sword from under his cloak, and pierced his brother Yngve through and through.  Yngve leaped up, drew his short sword, and gave Alf his death-wound; so that both fell dead on the floor.  Alf and Yngve were buried under mounds in Fyrisvold.  Thus tells Thjodolf of it: --

     "I tell you of a horrid thing,
     A deed of dreadful note I sing --
     How by false Bera, wicked queen,
     The murderous brother-hands were seen
     Each raised against a brother's life;
     How wretched Alf with bloody knife
     Gored Yngve's heart, and Yngve's blade
     Alf on the bloody threshold laid.
     Can men resist Fate's iron laws?
     They slew each other without cause."
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Re: The Ynglinga Saga, or the Story of the Yngling Family Fr

Postby admin » Tue Jun 27, 2017 4:10 am


Hugleik was the name of King Alf's son, who succeeded the two brothers in the kingdom of the Swedes, the sons of Yngve being still children.  King Hugleik was no warrior, but sat quietly at home in his country.  He was very rich, but had still more the reputation of being very greedy.  He had at his court all sorts of players, who played on harps, fiddles, and viols; and had with him magicians, and all sorts of witches.  Hake and Hagbard were two brothers, very celebrated as sea-kings, who had a great force of men-at-arms.  Sometimes they cruised in company, sometimes each for himself, and many warriors followed them both.  King Hake came with his troops to Sweden against King Hugleik, who, on his side, collected a great army to oppose him.  Two brothers came to his assistance, Svipdag and Geigad, both very celebrated men, and powerful combatants.  King Hake had about him twelve champions, and among them Starkad the Old; and King Hake himself was a murderous combatant.  They met on Fyrisvold, and there was a great battle, in which King Hugleik's army was soon defeated. Then the combatants, Svipdag and Geigad, pressed forward manfully; but Hake's champions went six against one, and they were both taken prisoners.  Then King Hake penetrated within the shield-circle around King Hugleik, and killed him and two of his sons within it.  After this the Swedes fled; and King Hake subdued the country, and became king of Sweden.  He then sat quietly at home for three years, but during that time his combatants went abroad on viking expeditions, and gathered property for themselves.
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Re: The Ynglinga Saga, or the Story of the Yngling Family Fr

Postby admin » Tue Jun 27, 2017 4:10 am


Jorund and Eric, the sons of Yngve Alricsson, lay all this time in their warships, and were great warriors.  One summer they marauded in Denmark, where they met a King Gudlog from Halogaland, and had a battle with him, which ended in their clearing Gudlog's ship and taking him prisoner.  They carried him to the land at Stromones, and hanged him there, and afterwards his men raised a mound over him.  So says Eyvind Skaldaspiller:  --

     "By the fierce East-kings' cruel pride,
     Gudlog must on the wild horse ride --
     The wildest horse you e'er did see:
     'Tis Sigur's steed -- the gallows tree.
     At Stromones the tree did grow,
     Where Gudlog's corpse waves on the bough.
     A high stone stands on Stromo's heath,
     To tell the gallant hero's death."
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Re: The Ynglinga Saga, or the Story of the Yngling Family Fr

Postby admin » Tue Jun 27, 2017 4:10 am


The brothers Eric and Jorund became more celebrated by this deed, and appeared to be much greater men than before.  When they heard that King Hake in Sweden had sent from him his champions, they steered towards Sweden, and gathered together a strong force.  As soon as the Swedes heard that the Yngling brothers were come to them, they flocked to them in multitudes.  The brothers proceeded up the Maelare lake, and advanced towards Upsal against King Hake, who came out against them on the Fyrisvoid with far fewer people.  There was a great battle, in which King Hake went forward so bravely that he killed all who were nearest to him, and at last killed King Eric, and cut down the banner of the two brothers.  King Jorund with all his men fled to their ships.  King Hake had been so grievously wounded that he saw his days could not be long; so he ordered a warship which he had to be loaded with his dead men and their weapons, and to be taken out to the sea; the tiller to be shipped, and the sails hoisted.  Then he set fire to some tar-wood, and ordered a pile to be made over it in the ship.  Hake was almost if not quite dead, when he was laid upon this pile of his.  The wind was blowing off the land -- the ship flew, burning in clear flame, out between the islets, and into the ocean.  Great was the fame of this deed in after times.
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Re: The Ynglinga Saga, or the Story of the Yngling Family Fr

Postby admin » Tue Jun 27, 2017 4:11 am


Jorund, King Yngve's son, remained king at Upsal.  He ruled the country; but was often in summer out on war expeditions.  One summer he went with his forces to Denmark; and having plundered all around in Jutland, he went into Lymfjord in autumn, and marauded there also.  While he was thus lying in Oddesund with his people, King Gylog of Halogaland, a son of King Gudlog, of whom mention is made before, came up with a great force, and gave battle to Jorund.  When the country people saw this they swarmed from all parts towards the battle, in great ships and small; and Jorund was overpowered by the multitude, and his ships cleared of their men.  He sprang overboard, but was made prisoner and carried to the land. Gylog ordered a gallows to be erected, led Jorund to it, and had him hanged there.  So ended his life. Thjodolf talks of this event thus: --

     "Jorund has travelled far and wide,
     But the same horse he must bestride
     On which he made brave Gudlog ride.
     He too must for a necklace wear
     Hagbert's fell noose in middle air.
     The army leader thus must ride
     On Horva's horse, at Lymfjord's side."
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Re: The Ynglinga Saga, or the Story of the Yngling Family Fr

Postby admin » Tue Jun 27, 2017 4:11 am


On or Ane was the name of Jorund's son, who became king of the Swedes after his father.  He was a wise man, who made great sacrifices to the gods; but being no warrior, he lived quietly at home.  In the time when the kings we have been speaking of were in Upsal, Denmark had been ruled over by Dan Mikellati, who lived to a very great age; then by his son, Frode Mikellati, or the Peace-loving, who was succeeded by his sons Halfdan and Fridleif, who were great warriors.  Halfdan was older than his brother, and above him in all things.  He went with his army against King On to Sweden, and was always victorious.  At last King On fled to Wester Gotland when he had been king in Upsal about twenty-five years, and was in Gotland twenty-five years, while Halfdan remained king in Upsal.  King Halfdan died in his bed at Upsal, and was buried there in a mound; and King On returned to Upsal when he was sixty years of age.  He made a great sacrifice, and in it offered up his son to Odin.  On got an answer from Odin, that he should live sixty years longer; and he was afterwards king in Upsal for twenty-five years.  Now came Ole the Bold, a son of King Fridleif, with his army to Sweden, against King On, and they had several battles with each other; but Ole was always the victor.  Then On fled a second time to Gotland; and for twenty-five years Ole reigned in Upsal, until he was killed by Starkad the Old.  After Ole's fall, On returned to Upsal, and ruled the kingdom for twenty-five years.  Then he made a great sacrifice again for long life, in which he sacrificed his second son, and received the answer from Odin, that he should live as long as he gave him one of his sons every tenth year, and also that he should name one of the districts of his country after the number of sons he should offer to Odin.  When he had sacrificed the seventh of his sons he continued to live; but so that he could not walk, but was carried on a chair.  Then he sacrificed his eighth son, and lived thereafter ten years, lying in his bed. Now he sacrificed his ninth son, and lived ten years more; but so that he drank out of a horn like a weaned infant.  He had now only one son remaining, whom he also wanted to sacrifice, and to give Odin Upsal and the domains thereunto belonging, under the name of the Ten Lands, but the Swedes would not allow it; so there was no sacrifice, and King On died, and was buried in a mound at Upsal.  Since that time it is called On's sickness when a man dies, without pain, of extreme old age. Thjodolf tell of this: --

     "In Upsal's town the cruel king
     Slaughtered his sons at Odin's shrine --
     Slaughtered his sons with cruel knife,
     To get from Odin length of life.
     He lived until he had to turn
     His toothless mouth to the deer's horn;
     And he who shed his children's blood
     Sucked through the ox's horn his food.
     At length fell Death has tracked him down,
     Slowly, but sure, in Upsal's town."
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Re: The Ynglinga Saga, or the Story of the Yngling Family Fr

Postby admin » Tue Jun 27, 2017 4:11 am


Egil was the name of On the Old's son, who succeeded as king in Sweden after his father's death.  He was no warrior, but sat quietly at home.  Tunne was the name of a slave who had been the counsellor and treasurer of On the Old; and when On died Tunne took much treasure and buried it in the earth.  Now when Egil became king he put Tunne among the other slaves, which he took very ill and ran away with others of the slaves.  They dug up the treasures which Tunne had concealed, and he gave them to his men, and was made their chief.  Afterwards many malefactors flocked to him; and they lay out in the woods, but sometimes fell upon the domains, pillaging and killing the people.  When King Egil heard this he went out with his forces to pursue them; but one night when he had taken up his night quarters, Tunne came there with his men, fell on the king's men unexpectedly, and killed many of them.  As soon as King Egil perceived the tumult, he prepared for defence, and set up his banner; but many people deserted him, because Tunne and his men attacked them so boldly, and King Egil saw that nothing was left but to fly.  Tunne pursued the fugitives into the forest, and then returned to the inhabited land, ravaging and plundering without resistance.  All the goods that fell into Tunne's hands he gave to his people, and thus became popular and strong in men.  King Egil assembled an army again, and hastened to give battle to Tunne.  But Tunne was again victorious, and King Egil fled with the loss of many people.  Egil and Tunne had eight battles with each other, and Tunne always gained the victory.  Then King Egil fled out of the country, and went to Sealand in Denmark, to Frode the Bold, and promised him a scatt from the Swedes to obtain help.  Frode gave him an army, and also his champions, with which force King Egil  repaired to Sweden.  When Tunne heard this he came out to meet him; and there was a great battle, in which Tunne fell, and King Egil recovered his kingdom, and the Danes returned home.  King Egil sent King Frode great and good presents every year, but he paid no scatt to the Danes; but notwithstanding, the friendship between Egil and Frode continued without interruption.  After Tunne's fall, Egil ruled the kingdom for three years.  It happened in Sweden that an old bull, which was destined for sacrifice, was fed so high that he became dangerous to people; and when they were going to lay hold of him he escaped into the woods, became furious, and was long in the forest committing great damage to the country.  King Egil was a great hunter, and often rode into the forest to chase wild animals.  Once he rode out with his men to hunt in the forest.  The king had traced an animal a long while, and followed it in the forest, separated from all his men.  He observed at last that it was the bull, and rode up to it to kill it.  The bull turned round suddenly, and the king struck him with his spear; but it tore itself out of the wound.  The bull now struck his horn in the side of the horse, so that he instantly fell flat on the earth with the king.  The king sprang up, and was drawing his sword, when the bull struck his horns right into the king's breast.  The king's men then came up and killed the bull.  The king lived but a short time, and was buried in a mound at Upsal.  Thjodolf sings of it thus: --

     "The fair-haired son of Odin's race,
     Who fled before fierce Tunne's face,
     Has perished by the demon-beast
     Who roams the forests of the East.
     The hero's breast met the full brunt
     Of the wild bull's shaggy front;
     The hero's heart's asunder torn
     By the fell Jotun's spear-like horn."
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