George Bush: The Company's Man, by Covert Action Information

Re: George Bush: The Company's Man, by Covert Action Informa

Postby admin » Wed Jun 28, 2017 8:37 am

by CovertAction Information Bulletin
Winter 1990

July 1986: Ceballos group infiltrated by DEA undercover agent. Ruben Ruiz buys Cessna aircraft later used in drug operations.

October 1986: Ceballos makes contact with Reinaldo Ruiz re arranging drug shipments from Colombia.

October or November 1986: Reinaldo Ruiz contacts Miguel Ruiz Poo, captain in Cuban Ministry of Interior, to discuss drug trafficking.

December 1986: Ruiz meets with Ruiz Poo and Amado Padron in Panama to discuss arrangements for drug transshipments through Cuba. Ruiz travels to Cuba to firm up deal on arrangements for transshipping drugs through Cuba. Meets with Tony de la Guardia and Amado Padron.

January 1987: Arrangements made for first shipment, but Ruiz never arrives in Cuba with drugs.

April 10, 1987: Ruben Ruiz, with co-pilot Richard Zzie, lands drugs at Varadero. Drugs loaded onto speedboats which are intercepted.

May 8, 1987: Ruben Ruiz, with co-pilot Hu Chang, who is a DEA agent, lands drugs at Varadero packed in computer boxes. Drugs transferred to speedboats.

February 1988: Reinaldo and Ruben Ruiz and two others indicted in Federal District Court in Miami. Ceballos and ten other co-participants are charged in separate indictment in Miami. All are arrested.

March 1988: Tape played at Ruiz pretrial detention hearing in which he and son Ruben Ruiz boast about having a Cuban connection but without naming specific Cuban officials.

July 1988: Hugo Ceballos and ten other defendants convicted on drug smuggling charges. Ceballos sentenced to 30 years. Cuban officials seek information from DEA on Ceballos and Ruiz cases. State Department turns down request to share information.

March 8, 1989: Reinaldo Ruiz and other co-defendants plead guilty.

March 1989: Cuba begins investigation to uncover drug operations in Cuba.

June 12-13, 1989: Fourteen Cuban officials arrested on charges of corruption and drug trafficking.

July 8, 1989: Cuban defendants found guilty and sentenced. Four sentenced to death.

July 13, 1989: Four Cuban officials who directed drug trafficking operations are executed in Havana.

August 1989: Reinaldo and Ruben Ruiz sentenced in Miami.
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Re: George Bush: The Company's Man, by Covert Action Informa

Postby admin » Wed Jun 28, 2017 8:43 am

5 for 10
by CovertAction Information Bulletin
Winter 1990

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The preface to this volume was written by the late Sean MacBride, the only person ever to win both the Nobel Peace Prize and the Lenin Peace Prize. The introduction to Dirty Work 2 was provided by Philip Agee, one of only a few CIA operations officers to ever leave the Agency and become openly critical of U.S. covert operations.

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Re: George Bush: The Company's Man, by Covert Action Informa

Postby admin » Wed Jun 28, 2017 8:56 am

U.S. Policy: Chile and the National Security Doctrine
by Carla Stea*
Winter 1990



United States Ambassador Harry Barnes had been in Santiago since October 1985, officially and stridently espousing the U.S. government's concern for human rights in Chile. Under these circumstances (and considering the enormity of U.S. involvement with, and influence upon Chile's government), how was it possible, ten months later, in July 1986, for an atrocity such as the murder of Rodrigo Rojas to occur publicly and with such impunity? Who signaled the armed forces to proceed? In which ultimate power source did the authorization for such an act originate?

The escalation of repression, torture, and murder committed by Chilean government forces since Ambassador Barnes's arrival presents a disturbing contradiction with avowed U.S. policy. Atrocities committed by the Chilean military culminated during the days of mass protest in early July 1986, with a most shocking crime: the death of Rodrigo Rojas and near-death of Carmen Gloria Quintana. Chilean soldiers forced two innocent and (according to the original testimony of 14 witnesses) unarmed teenagers to lie on the ground, beat them mercilessly, then drenched their bodies with gasoline and set them on fire.

U.S. citizens must confront the odious truth that their tax dollars are being used directly and indirectly to support, in Chile, a government which routinely utilizes the most brutal torture. [1]

Hector Salazar, the lawyer representing the families of Rojas and Quintana in the trial of the soldiers responsible for the atrocity, discussed the impact which news of that crime had upon the conscience and sensibilities of people worldwide. He noted that the event had been shocking to people outside Chile. "But for us in Chile, this was nothing new. For many years, the poorest people, those who have suffered most under this dictatorship, have protested their situation during days of nationwide mobilization, often by placing burning tires at entrances to their neighborhoods to keep police and military traffic out. The army, in punishment, has often used the people themselves to extinguish the flames. The burning alive of Rodrigo Rojas and Carmen Gloria Quintana was just the culmination of this process. The Army always acted with impunity."

Salazar has received countless death threats to himself, his family, and his children. "That is part of the job," he said, and he perseveres, while fully conscious that the possibility of "winning" the case under the Pinochet dictatorship is virtually nonexistent. Witnesses to the murder have also received death threats. One, imprisoned for several months, and kept in an isolated cell, was granted release after stating, contradicting his original testimony, that Rojas carried a Molotov cocktail.

The government, which had originally denied responsibility for the murder, was forced to admit that the crime had been perpetrated by its own soldiers after a western European journalist, in Santiago the day of the murder, had overheard on his walkie-talkie a conversation between the soldiers detaining Rojas and Quintana, and their superiors. The soldiers stated that they were holding two teenagers and asked military headquarters for orders. They were told, "silence them."

The journalist brought a recording of this conversation to his embassy; it was sent by diplomatic pouch to Europe, the details published in a Spanish newspaper, and the Pinochet government, confronted with the proof of its own military's involvement, was obliged to admit the crime. What has not yet, and will most likely never be revealed, is from how high a level, and by whom, the authorization for such a murder was given. Salazar suggests this is where the ultimate responsibility lies. (See sidebar.)

The Pattern of U.S. Support

"In Chile the Americans made a mistake .... They killed the revolution, but, as we can see from recent developments there, they didn't kill the dream. In Nicaragua they're trying to kill the dream." [2]

There is an ugly pattern to official U.S. "interest" in the rights of majorities in its National Security States. There is a consistency in history, motive, and tragic consequences for these majorities when the U.S. government expresses its concern for their "rights." (See sidebar.) The bitter lesson for the dispossessed majorities is evident: Any ostensible gestures of official U.S. or client state concern and support for the welfare of groups outside domestic or U.S. elites must be considered potential Trojan Horses, ploys whose objective is, perhaps inevitably, the detection, repression, and eradication of incipient popular movements.

It is against this background that it is urgent to examine the Reagan and Bush administrations' official concern for human rights in Chile, the more as Washington's ostentatious display of interest in human rights in Chile coincided with the emergence of a formidable popular mobilization against Pinochet, a mobilization which is expanding, encompasses a broad spectrum of socio-economic groups, and whose confidence and militancy is growing. [3]

The murder of Rojas, undoubtedly intended to intimidate the opposition, backfired and became a potent moral bomb in the arsenal of a Chilean opposition predominantly committed to non-violence, and difficult to label "terrorist." Rojas's death sent shock waves throughout the world, became an immense embarrassment for Pinochet, and a rallying cry for the opposition. It therefore became necessary for the regime to attempt to discredit Rojas posthumously. Senator Jesse Helms arrived in Santiago and denounced Rojas as a terrorist. The embarrassed U.S. Embassy officially disclaimed Helms as a "private citizen." Then death threats were made against the witnesses to Rojas's murder, [4] against the Commission lawyers investigating the murder, [5] and inevitably, three months after the murder, it was "discovered" that he had been carrying a firebomb. [6] An apparent assassination attempt, from which Pinochet emerged unscathed, was cynically utilized: The opposition was labelled terrorist and wholesale repression was instituted. [7]

Ambassador Barnes may be sincere in his concern for human rights, but the record of serious contradictions between his official pronouncements and the regular appearance of "private citizens," United States Senators and Generals espousing antithetical policies, is disturbing.8 Considering that the very survival of a National Security State depends on massive and sustained violations of human rights, official U.S. concern must be based on the Prosterman model (See sidebar).

The National Civil Assembly

The various opposition parties had not generally worked together during the first 13 years of Pinochet's dictatorship, and had posed no serious threat to his control. However, during the months immediately preceding the Rojas murder, a new popular organization had emerged, the National Civil Assembly, a broad coalition of large sectors of the population opposed to the regime, a federation of professional groups-doctors, lawyers, teachers, labor organizations, women's groups, student organizations, and artists.

The Civil Assembly began to create what the political parties had failed to: a coherent, unified organization of formidable mobilized resistance to the dictatorship, and organization devoted to non-violence, but encompassing so great a number of Chileans that for the first time the possibility of a major popular uprising existed. A huge and serious popular alternative and threat to Pinochet's control was rapidly developing. And it was under the auspices of the National Civil Assembly that mass protests occurred in early June 1986, pressuring for a prompt transition to democracy and restoration of civil, economic, and social rights.

The Assassination Attempt

The burnings of Rojas and Quintana added international outrage and pressure for change to mounting and effective internal resistance to the dictatorship. Indeed, by late August, many observers agreed that the killing of Rojas, a permanent resident of the U.S., actually threatened the viability of the regime, and that equal and opposing force was essential to restore any legitimacy to the Pinochet government. Perhaps, then, it was not a coincidence that an assassination attempt against Pinochet occurred on September 7, one week later. Pinochet imposed a state of siege which crushed the exposed and conspicuous opposition. The movement toward democracy was paralyzed. [9]

Several core members of the Frente Patriotico Manuel Rodriguez, a small, armed-resistance movement, claimed responsibility for the attempt, and were imprisoned, undergoing unimaginable torture. Other participants escaped arrest, and there are suggestions that members of the CNI, Pinochet's secret police (and an outgrowth of DINA), were also involved. In view of the total failure of the attempt and the devastating effect it had on the opposition, there is a serious question whether the FPMR was infiltrated and used to bolster the regime. [10]


Prospects for an early return of democracy to Chile remain dim. The visit of the Pope in April 1987 strengthened rightwing elements in the church, resulting in pressure to close the Vicariate of Solidarity which, for more than a decade, provided refuge and support for victims of government persecution. After the Pope's visit, a fierce campaign of harassment against foreign journalists occurred, as government supporters claimed that the foreign press exaggerated human rights violations and popular resistance in Chile. [11] Moreover, the United States continued to refrain from serious criticism of Chile. In December 1986 it voted against a United Nations resolution expressing "grave concern over human rights violations in Chile." In December 1988, it abstained from a similar resolution.

Pinochet lost his plebiscite on October 5, 1988, and elections for the presidency were scheduled for December 1989. Because of the continued repression and the many attacks the opposition has sustained, it is no surprise that Pinochet was simply replaced by a center-right candidate who will not affect the status quo. The armed forces (Pinochet will remain Chief of the Army for the next eight years) continue to be central to the stability of any new government and the fundamental structure of a National Security State remains intact.



* Carla Stea is a free-lance writer whose articles have appeared in the major international press.

1. In November 1986, for example, the U.S. government abstained on both World Bank and Inter-American Development Bank loans to the Pinochet government totaling half a billion dollars, thereby virtually guaranteeing that these human rights violations would continue. Had the U.S. opposed the loans, as the Harkin Amendment (Sec. 701 of the International Financial Institutions Act) would seem to have necessitated (requiring opposition of loans to countries which engage in gross violations of human rights), they could not have been made.

2. Statement by a Jesuit priest who had worked in Chile and then in Nicaragua; quoted by John Saul, Monthly Review, March 1985.

3. Moderate leader Gabriel Valdez was quoted in the New York Times (April 4, 1986): "He argued that the Communist Party and the Marxist-Leninist groups had a right to take part in civic life. 'We don't accept the exclusion of ideas.' "

4. New York Times, August 26, 1986.

5. Ibid., September 11, 1986.

6. Ibid., October 21, 1986.

7. "Chile's Democratic Transition is in Question: Attempt to Kill Pinochet May Signal Stronger Left," was the New York Times headline September 14. On September 19, the Times ran a story of the discovery of an enormous "Soviet and Cuban supplied" arms cache. And on November 11, an Op-Ed article in the Times noted that "The U.S. State Department appropriately condemned the attempt to assassinate General Pinochet that provoked the State of Siege. But for several weeks Washington has had nothing to say about the murders, torture, death threats, and mass arrests that General Pinochet is using to punish the non-violent democratic movement." Op-Ed article by Americas Watch.

8. In November 1985, U.S. General Schweitzer arrived in Santiago offering unconditional support to the Chilean armed forces. The U.S. Embassy disclaimed him as another "private citizen."

9. Major opposition leaders agreed that, had the assassination attempt succeeded, it would have resulted not in a restoration of democracy, but in a seizure of power by the military, a slaughter of the entire opposition leadership, and a bloodbath which they termed "another Jakarta." Sergio Bitar, editor of Fortin Mapocho and former Minister of Mines under Allende, said at least 60 leaders would have been immediately murdered in reprisal, "and a large part of the Chilean people thereafter."

10. Jorge Lavandero, publisher of Fortin Mapocho, noted, ''There are seven secret police organizations in Chile. It is virtually impossible that an organization such as FPMR was not infiltrated by agents provocateurs. "

11. The home of a top UPI official, Anthony E. Boadle, was broken into and his files and papers searched and destroyed. Rumors were fabricated that two European journalists were drug addicts.
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Re: George Bush: The Company's Man, by Covert Action Informa

Postby admin » Wed Jun 28, 2017 8:56 am

George Wald On the Prosterman Land Reform*
by CovertAction Information Bulletin
Winter 1990

Roy L. Prosterman, a law professor at the University of Washington, Seattle, designed the Land Reform Program the U.S. government promoted in the Philippines, Vietnam, and El Salvador. In each place the program was accompanied by a rural terror: In Vietnam, the Phoenix Program that killed 40,000 civilians between August 1968 and mid-1971; in the Philippines, Martial Law; in El Salvador, a "State of Siege."

The Prosterman program was used in each case to indicate rural leadership, and then dispose of it. In the Phoenix Program this process was described as "neutralizing the rural infrastructure." The purpose of the U .S.-client-state-sponsored concern with Land Reform was to identify the peasant leadership; "anyone whose head poked above the commonality was killed." In El Salvador the masses of landless peasants were told: "The great estates are now yours. You'd better hold a meeting and organize how to run them." When the peasants, thus encouraged, occupied the lands, they were immediately surrounded by the army, and whoever was up front was led out and disappeared. The remaining organizations or groups of peasants were decimated.

When confronted with the consistently horrendous consequences of his "Land Reform," Pros term an denied all responsibility. He stated that he had merely advised the governments involved in technical aspects of the program. There was, he claimed, no cause and effect relationship between his land reform policy and the slaughter which ensued when it was implemented.



* George Wald is a Nobel Prize Laureate in chemistry who, for several decades, has been active in the peace movement.
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Re: George Bush: The Company's Man, by Covert Action Informa

Postby admin » Wed Jun 28, 2017 8:56 am

Hector Salazar Speaks
by CovertAction Information Bulletin
Winter 1990

During the last 20 or 30 years the Latin American armed forces were indoctrinated with an ideology imported from Washington, the ideology of National Security, which maintains that Soviet imperialism is a permanent menace. Thus permanent war against it is non-conventional, because the enemy is any party inside the country or outside, and the enemy can attack at any moment, and that war has to be confronted in the same plane on which one is supposedly attacked.

In this way, all the movements of liberation in Latin America, everything that is revolutionary, especially those that have leftist or Marxist inspiration, are seen as Soviet aggression and confronted with war. In order to confront the enemy, information is necessary, and torture as a method for obtaining information becomes a habitual practice.

The enemy in this case is the Chilean population, which opposed the dictatorship, and is thus classified as part of an international communist movement destined to destroy the Christian, western, democratic system. This ideology comes from Washington, from the State Department and the Pentagon. The product of this indoctrination on this continent was the appearance of the military dictatorships, including Pinochet.

This ideological conception of National Security is taken to a point at which even the church is accused of being communist; everybody who expresses discomfort is considered communist or is falling into the game of the communists. The war is everywhere; so, in the church, in the universities, in the unions, everywhere, the government infiltrates in order to detect the enemy, the subversives, the agents of Soviet communism.

This is the logic under which the police and the military have been used to go into the streets and punish all those who were participating in protests. This is why on many occasions we have known of young people with no weapons who have been attacked by uniformed and heavily armed soldiers, and why, instead of being taken to court, they are directly punished. Often the prisoners have been forced to extinguish burning tires with their own bodies. There has been a spiral of brutality, sanctioned by official impunity.
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Re: George Bush: The Company's Man, by Covert Action Informa

Postby admin » Wed Jun 28, 2017 9:00 am

"Only a heartbeat away ..."
Back Cover Photo: J. Danforth Quayle, future President? Credit: Nancy Shia.


Back Issues:

No. 1 (July 1978): Agee on CIA; Cuban exile trial; consumer research in Jamaica. Photocopy only.

No. 2 (Oct. 1978): How CIA recruits diplomats; researching undercover officers; double agent in CIA. Photocopy only

No. 3 (Jan. 1979): CIA attacks CAIB, secret supp. to Army field manual; spying on host countries. Photocopy only.

No. 4 (Apr.-May 1979): U.S. spies in Italian services; CIA in Spain; CIA recruiting for Africa; subversive academics; Angola. Photocopy only.

No. 5 (July-Aug. 1979): U.S. intelligence in Southeast Asia; CIA in Denmark, Sweden, Grenada. Photocopy only.

No. 6 (Oct. 1979): U.S. in Caribbean; Cuban exile terrorists; CIA plans for Nicaragua; CIA's secret "Perspectives for Intelligence." Photocopy only.

No. 7 (Dec. 1979-Jan. 1980): Media destabilization in Jamaica; Robert Moss; CIA budget; media operations; UNITA; Iran. Photocopy only

No. 8 (Mar.-Apr. 1980): Attacks on Agee; U.S. intelligence legislation; CAIB statement to Congress; Zimbabwe; Northern Ireland.

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No. 11 (Dec. 1980): Rightwing terrorism; South Korea; KCIA; Portugal; Guyana; Caribbean; APIO; NSA interview.

No. 12 (Apr. 1981): U.S. in Salvador and Guatemala; new right; William Casey; CIA's Mozambique spy ring; mail surveillance. Photocopy only.

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No. 14-15 (Oct. 1981): Complete index to nos. 1-12; review of intelligence legislation; CAIB plans; extended Naming Names.

No. 16 (Mar. 1982): Green Beret torture in Salvador; Argentine death squads; CIA media operations; Seychelles; Angola; Mozambique; Klan; Nugan Hand. Photocopy only.

No. 17 (Summer 1982): History of CBW; current plans; Cuban dengue epidemic; Scott Barnes and yellow rain lies; mystery death in Bangkok.

No. 18 (Winter 1983): CIA and religion; "secret" war in Nicaragua; Opus Dei; Miskitos; evangelicals in Guatemala; Summer Institute of linguistics; World Medical Relief; CIA and BOSS; torture in South Africa; Vietnam defoliation. Photocopy only.

No. 19 (Spring-Summer 1983): CIA and media; history of disinformation; ''plot'' against Pope; Grenada airport; Georgie Anne Geyer.

No. 20 (Winter 1984): Invasion of Grenada; war in Nicaragua; Ft. Huachuca; Israel and South Korea in Central America; KAL flight 007.

No. 21 (Spring 1984): New York Times on Salvador election; manipulation in Time and Newsweek, Accuracy in Media; Nicaragua.

No. 22 (Fall 1984): Mercenaries and terrorism; Soldier of Fortune; "privatizing" the war in Nicaragua; U.S.-South African terrorism; Italian fascists.

No. 23 (Spring 1985): Special issue on "plot" to kill the Pope and the "Bulgarian Connection"; CIA ties to Turkish and Italian neofascists.

No. 24 (Summer 1985): State repression, infiltrators, provocateurs; sanctuary movement; attacks on American Indian Movement.

No. 25 (Winter 1986): U.S., Nazis, and the Vatican; Knights of Malta; Greek civil war and Elent, WACL and Nicaragua; torture.

No. 26 (Summer 1986): U.S. state terrorism; Vernon Walters; Libya bombing; Israel and South Africa; plus complete index to nos. 13-25.

No. 27 (Spring 1987): Religious Right; New York Times and Pope "Plot;" Carlucci; Southern Air Transport; Michael Ledeen. Photo copy only

No. 28 (Summer 1987): Special issue on CIA and drugs: Southeast Asia, Afghanistan, Central America; Nugan Hand; MKULTRA in Canada; Delta Force; special section on AIDS theories and CBW. Photocopy only.

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No. 30 (Summer 1988): Special issue on the Middle East. The intifada, Israeli arms sales; Israel in Africa; disinformation and Libya; CIA's William Buckley; the Afghan arms pipeline and contra lobby.

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No. 32 (Summer 1989): Tenth Year Anniversary Issue: The Best of CAIB. Includes articles from our earliest issues, Naming Names, CIA at home, abroad, and in the media. Ten year perspective by Phil Agee.

No. 33 (Winter 1990): The Bush Issue: CIA Agents for Bush; Terrorism Task Force; El Salvador and Nicaragua Intervention; Rep. Party and Nazis.


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