Project Day Lily: An American Biological Warfare Tragedy

Re: Project Day Lily: An American Biological Warfare Tragedy

Postby admin » Tue Oct 24, 2017 9:36 pm

Part 3 of 4

Marie McNichols goes to see Dr. Lon

Jared wasn't the only one to 'do his duty' and visit Washington. It was only a couple of days after Jared returned from Washington when Marie decided to call Dr. Lon. She had cooled down about the treatment that Jared received at the hands of the VA and DoD. Jared had not been treated that badly at VA Headquarters, and he had told her over and over that the Washington administrators were not important in the long run, only the truth was important, and they couldn't hide it forever. Deep inside Marie knew this, but she still resented the way the McNichols were being treated in Austin and Washington, just because they stumbled onto some chronic infections in the veterans and prison guards that a small number of people wanted to keep secret from the American people. Who would have thought that the authorities would not be pleased to have a reasonable explanation for a large group of the sick veterans, and a viable treatment protocol. The truth was that once egocentric people had made up their minds, they couldn't easily accept that their pre-conceived notions could possibly be wrong.

Jared told Marie that not everyone was an egomaniac and a jerk in Washington. Jared had mentioned to her that Dr. Lon had been polite and basically passive during his seminar at VA Headquarters, and he had no problems with Dr. Granite. He was not as hostile as the other VA administrators and epidemiologists. Marie felt that Dr. Lon might even be helpful to the McNichols, even if he was constrained by the politics of Washington and the Pentagon. After all, the McNichols were only confirming Dr. Lon's own theories about the role of Mfi in chronic illnesses. He couldn't be all that bad. He might even welcome support for his own theories from outside the beltway.

Jared had to remind Marie that the road to hell was paved with good intentions. He felt that Dr. Lon had not been completely forthright with them on the role of his Mfi mycoplasma in Gulf War Illnesses and other conditions. But the McNichols had no idea of the pressures that Dr. Lon might be under to protect the secrets about Mfi.

Marie finally decided to call Dr. Lon. She asked Jared what he thought about it, and he just shrugged his shoulders. He obviously thought that it was a waste of time, but Marie thought otherwise. Although Marie had quite a temper and blew quite easily, she actually had more faith in mankind than Jared, who was becoming more and more pessimistic as time went on. Although Jared had to spend more time fending off the barbarians at the gate who wanted to take everything from the McNichols that they had worked so hard to build over the years, he had not suffered as long as Marie. Marie had a temper, but she was also quick to reconsider her position. Jared was more true to his brooding Scottish heritage. Once he made up his mind, that was it. There was no turning back.

Marie found Dr. Ming Lon's telephone number that she saved from a few years ago, and the following morning she dialed Dr. Lon's number at the U. S. Army Institute of Pathology Research. She was amazed when Dr. Ming Lon picked up the phone after the third ring, "Hello, Pathology lab." She said, "This is Dr. Marie McNichols calling from Austin, Texas. I am trying to reach Dr. Ming Lon." Dr. Lon replied, "Dr. McNichols, how are you!" Dr. Lon was pleasantly surprised because he had been recruited to call Marie anyway, and this was much more natural. "Your husband just gave a seminar over at the VA a week ago." Marie said, "Yes. Actually the reason that I'm calling is that I was intrigued by an article you published recently on Mycoplasma fermentans." Dr. Lon replied, "Oh? Yes, the recent article where we isolated the mycoplasma." She continued, "The unusual mycoplasma, we call it Mfi, that you found associated with AIDS patients and also responsible for the deaths of some Armed Forces personnel." Dr. Lon continued, "Yes, Mycoplasma fermentans incognitus is a unique microorganism. It can be quite pathogenic. But the concept of a highly pathogenic mycoplasma has not been acknowledged by everyone in the medical and science communities." Marie continued, "I am not an infectious disease expert, but I am curious about this particular mycoplasma, because I think that I may have caught it somewhere, and as you know from Jared's lecture we have been finding it in the Gulf War veterans but more recently in some prison guards down here in Texas." Dr. Lon asked, "What?" He had not heard the prison guard story, because Jared left it out of his seminar so as to not stimulate the subsequent wrath of Dr. Masters. Marie repeated herself, "I said, I think I caught this mycoplasma in the late 80s. I became very sick after a trip to the Middle East. It seemed to infect every organ and tissue in my body, and some of my organs became inflamed and ultimately I developed meningitis and encephalitis. Initially, it started as a nu-like illness with aching joints, chronic fatigue, night sweats, gastrointestinal problems, skin rashes, vertigo, and then it progressed into a kind of thyroiditis, and finally it became meningitis. My thyroid was swollen and my thyroid hormones were all over the place. I was nauseated for thirteen months, my stomach felt like an inferno, and I was constantly dizzy. I had problems with my vision and hearing."

Marie continued her conversation with Dr. Lon. "At one point I thought I had gotten HIV from a blood transfusion I had during surgery in 1983, and my weight dropped to 70 pounds." Dr. Lon said, "From what you've described, it sounds like you could have had a severe infection like this mycoplasma can cause. How did you overcome the illness? Was it similar to the protocol you and your husband have been suggesting to the veterans?" Marie continued, "Well, at first I went on ampicillin, and I got worse. Then, by process of elimination my husband and I empirically tried the antibiotic doxycycline. Within several weeks of taking the antibiotic, my symptoms started to slowly subside. I went on four six-week courses of doxycycline, and then I began to be well enough to resume exercising with weights. All in all, though, it took about three years on and off again antibiotics for me to fully regain my health." Dr. Lon continued, "As I think I told you before, you are a very lucky young lady. Most people in the medical community are skeptical about a highly pathogenic mycoplasma and probably would not have prescribed doxycycline. You were extremely lucky to have hit upon doxycycline." Marie said, "You may laugh at me, but I am sure there was divine intervention in my healing." Dr. Lon responded, "I do not laugh at such things." Marie was secretly testing Dr. Lon's memory about their previous conversation to determine and gauge his attitude towards her. She still suspected that Dr. Lon might have been involved in her illness, which she now felt was deliberate. She said, "You know, Dr. Lon, you met my husband who is a department chairman here at the D. O. Madison Cancer Center, and we admire your work. I was wondering if perhaps you would be open to hearing about the Nucleoprotein Gene Tracking technique we have been developing over the last decade."

Dr. Lon couldn't believe what he was hearing from Marie. It was his chance to invite her to visit the Institute without the McNichols becoming suspicious about his motives. He said, "I heard your husband's seminar at the VA recently, and it sounds very interesting. Can you tell me more about it, say in person here in Washington?" Marie replied, "Actually that was the purpose of my calling you today. As it turns out I have to be in the area, and I thought that it might be possible to visit your Institute." Dr. Lon responded, "That's intriguing. I would really like to learn more about the technique that you have developed. I do not understand the approach that well, and your husband really spent more time explaining why the Gulf War veterans' illnesses were related to chronic infections than on the techniques that you two used to find them. I am interested in this problem, because to be frank with you Dr. McNichols, we have not found this particular mycoplasma in the veterans. Would you be willing to come here and show us your detailed data?" Marie replied, "I know it is difficult to grasp without the benefit of seeing the data. But since I have to give a seminar at Georgetown in December, perhaps I could come over to the Institute and present a seminar?" Dr. Lon said, "We would appreciate that. I'll tell my department staff, and I'm sure they'll welcome the opportunity to have you visit." Marie said, "Then it's settled .... By the way, I think I asked you this before, but where did you do your training?" Dr. Lon replied, "I did my undergraduate training at the National University in Taiwan." Marie was testing Dr. Lon when she asked, "I thought you were from Mainland China?" Dr. Lon continued, "I am, but it was arranged for me to study in Taiwan. I completed my Ph.D., and then I did an M.D. degree at Belford College of Medicine in your city." Marie said, "Gee, I didn't know you had been at Belford. I was on the faculty there for a few years." Dr. Lon said, "After I finished my M.D., I went to work temporarily at a small Belford biotech company called "Biox."

The word 'Biox' sent a jolt through Marie, but she tried to hide her response. Marie said without giving herself away, "I've heard of it. I believe it was started by the Lings, who were from my old Department. What kinds of products are being marketed by Biox?" Dr. Lon replied, "I don't know if they are actually selling anything yet. When I was at Biox, I was working on a variety of antibody-based tests against anthrax and related microorganisms." Marie asked, "Anthrax? Why on earth would Biox work on anthrax? It's so deadly that I recall that the government had to shut down a facility at Fort Detrick sometime in the seventies due to an anthrax accident." Dr. Lon said, "That's right! Moscow was heavily engaged in anthrax germ warfare during the Cold War, so we had no choice but to establish our own program. I was actually interested in some of the contaminants in the cultures." Marie asked, "Are you saying that scientists at Belford were actually engaging in anthrax experimentation?"

Dr. Lon did not answer Marie's question, and Marie could tell from his hesitation that he was becoming extremely uneasy about the direction of the conversation. She immediately changed the subject, "You know Dr. Lon, my department chairman at Belford asked me how I felt about germ warfare and if I would participate in experiments just before [ became sick in the late eighties. I told him how asinine such research would be, since we barely understand what makes us tick. He asked me if I would remain silent if I had heard about any germ warfare research going on in the department. I told him I wouldn't, and that such research was the height of scientific amorality. Of course, Dr. Lon, I meant no disrespect to you." Dr. Lon quickly replied, "I understand."

Marie changed the subject again-she was trying to get more information out of Dr. Lon, "Do you feel that the mycoplasma you found, Mfi, is a naturally-occurring microorganism or do you feel it was altered in some way?" Dr. Lon became very uneasy and hesitated, "I cannot say. It's too sensitive!" Marie asked again, "In other words, you don't know if it was altered?" Dr. Lon replied, "You're going to have to draw your own conclusions." Marie spoke abruptly, "Oh well, I meant no offense. You probably know that we found some unusual gene sequences in the Mfi in the soldiers and the prison guards, but we really haven't found the same sequences in some civilians with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome." Dr. Lon said, "I know you have looked at Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Fibromyalgia Syndrome from your husband's lecture." Marie finally said, "Well Dr. Lon, I look forward to meeting you and discussing this further." Dr. Lon had one more request, "Please send me your resume. I'll be in touch with you about your seminar." Marie added, "Nice talking to you Dr. Lon." He finally said, "It was a pleasure talking to you Dr. McNichols."

After the conversation, Marie thought about what Jared told her about Dr. Lon. Jared considered him a shifty character who wouldn't admit that he had also found Mycoplasma fermentans in the veterans and in some of the civilians with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, and he did not trust Dr. Lon. But Marie felt more comfortable about Dr. Lon, who she felt might have been trapped by circumstance into working on biological warfare agents, if that was what the Mfi strain of the mycoplasma was, and Dr. Lon could not admit it to Marie. She also thought that Dr. Lon couldn't admit that the veterans had mycoplasmal infections without endangering his himself or his family. Marie told Jared that Dr. Lon had probably been threatened, and he couldn't tell the truth about his results with the Gulf War Illness or Chronic Fatigue Syndrome patients. As usual, Marie would turn out to be correct.

Dr. Lon notified his department head of the intent to invite Dr. Marie McNichols to deliver a seminar the U. S. Army Institute of Pathology Research. The request was forwarded up to the administration. Dr. Lon was then notified he had to meet with General Armwhite and Dr. Deutschman. A few days later Dr. Lon was told when and where to meet with his superiors. As he entered a small conference room at the Institute, they were both standing in the room discussing something in hushed conversation. General Armwhite was obviously distracted. Without even saying hello, General Armwhite turned to Dr. Lon and said, "Ming, you were actually able to bring Marie McNichols here to give a seminar? Dr. Lon replied, "Yes." He added an afterthought, "I do not see why anyone would be trying to kill Dr. Marie McNichols. She is an excellent scientist and very personable." Dr. Deutschman trying to be more diplomatic said, "It isn't personal, Dr. Lon, it's just that she comes from a powerful family, and it is simply too dangerous to let one bleeding heart scientist inherit so much money and at the same time know so much about our programs." Dr. Lon who didn't know that Marie was an heiress asked, "Why is she considered an heiress? Why haven't I heard about this?" General Armwhite replied, "Goddamnit, Ming. Don't you get it? You would think a person of your intelligence who was thrown in a work camp in China because of questionable political loyalties would not want to see some little bitch with so much money." Dr. Lon said, "I was not thinking about her in terms of money, sir! I was only thinking of the science." Dr. Deutschman said, "I strongly urge you to wake up and see that our perspective is correct. People like Marie and Jarcd McNichols are a menace, and we certainly don't want to see them have any financial resources to continue their probing into our business."

The discussion of the McNichols was about to get worse. General Armwhite was growing impatient and asked, "Why did that Day Lily Russian Doll Cocktail fail?" Dr. Lon who didn't know that Marie's illness might have been induced asked, "You mean you people actually poisoned her with a Day Lily Cocktail?" Dr. Armwhite said, "What's wrong with you, Ming? Don't you remember?" He asked again, "Remember what sir?" Dr. Deutschman said, "You helped design the cocktail for the McNichols!" Ming looked dazed and confused at Armwhite's statement. He tried to answer, "But I ... " Dr. Deutschman interrupted and said to General Armwhite, "Never mind, General. Dr. Lon here spent some time at the Monarch Point Intelligence Center in New York for some mind rehabilitation." Dr. Armwhite nodded and then asked, "Very well! Where was I?" Dr. Lon said sheepishly, "You were telling us that you had an idea." General Armwhite said forcefully, "Oh, yes! I have decided that we can exploit the McNichols' visit. Is this clear, Dr. Lon? Can you get the both of them here?" Dr. Lon replied, "I don't know. Marie McNichols will come for sure, but I don't know about Professor McNichols, since he was just here at the VA. She did not indicate that he would be coming with her." Dr. Deutschman said, "Make sure that he comes along. This time we better do it right, but I don't like the idea of this being so close to home. We could arrange a dinner in honor of their visit after the seminar at some restaurant." General Armwhite was calming down, "I like that Romanian restaurant in Georgetown. The gypsy atmosphere with the violins is just about the right touch. Don't you agree?" Dr. Deutschman replied, "Yes, I like it! One of Marie's colleagues at the D. O. Madison Cancer Center, a Dr. Geldter, who has done some work for us, even if it turned out to be shit, refers to her as a gypsy." General Armwhite commented, "You are up on her profile." Dr. Deutschman continued, "I have to be! We can't let these things get out of hand."

Dr. Lon was very uneasy about the entire meeting, and while he watched the interchange between Deutschman and Armwhite, he started fidgeting with his glasses. General Armwhite picked up on Dr. Lon's uneasiness and said while he waved his arm, "Christ, Ming! Will you stop letting your sentimental emotions cloud your judgment. The McNichols are history, because that's an order. There's nothing we can do about it. Is that clear?" He then turned to Dr. Deutschman, "We should probably call that pompous ass Clement Masters at The Madison Cancer Center so that we can coordinate this better. I understand Masters is very frustrated about the McNichols. He's lost face with Washington and is trying to get rid of them. Dr. Deutschman replied, "He and Kenneth Able recruited some group in Moscow when the McNichols went there a month or so ago, but they completely blew it." General Armwhite sneered, "What goddamned amateurs! We just should have assumed that the Moscow operation would be a screw-up, and we should have had a decent backup plan. Oh well, what better way to whack someone, then after a professional seminar? It won't be expected. And we should get Ellen Martins involved. Marie will like her-just like two peas in a pod." Turning to Dr. Lon he said, "Ming, do you now understand the sensitivity of this issue?" Dr. Lon nodded sheepishly and asked, "Sir, may I be excused from this project?" General Armwhite became instantly angry, "Absolutely not!" Dr. Lon again, "Can I ask what you're going to do to them?" General Armwhite replied, "No!" Dr. Deutschman added, "You don't want to know."

Back in Austin Marie discussed the upcoming trip to Washington with Jared, who was against her going and couldn't go with her because Dr. Belcher would not approve his travel request. Since Jared was not the invited speaker at the Army Institute of Pathology Research, Dr. Belcher was not about to approve his travel and face the wrath of Dr. Masters. Besides, Dr. Masters was trying desperately to find anything that he could use to fire Jared, but he had to proceed very carefully since Jared was a tenured faculty member. Dr. Belcher just wanted to harass Jared to the point where he would throw in the towel and leave without having to go the administratively difficult process of removing him from his tenured position.

The removal of a tenured faculty member from the staff for their research directions would likely trigger a nasty lawsuit. It could cost them some bad PR if the truth came out that Jared was fired for his research on the Gulf War veterans' illnesses, and it could end up a messy case in court. Not that the threat of a lawsuit had ever stopped Dr. Masters before. The Madison was currently being sued by other former faculty members, including one that blew the whistle on the D. O. Madison Radiology Clinic for purposely damaging patients with radiation without their full informed consent in a government-sponsored research project on the effects of radiation on tissue damage. Dr. Masters had been trying desperately to buy off the Judge in that case. In Texas most of the judges went to the University Law School, so they were not at all sympathetic to any faculty member who actually had the gall to sue their alma mater.

No matter how much Dr. Masters claimed that he could handle the courts and the press, Dr. Belcher knew that Masters' ego wouldn't let him even be a devil's advocate and raise the issue that they were not in a favorable position with respect to Jared McNichols. He had actually gotten The D. O. Madison some good press over the last year or so, and he would have an extremely strong lawsuit if they tried to fire him. The whole spectacle of forcing out a senior faculty member because of his research direction was disturbing to Dr. Belcher, even though he would go along with the program if Masters ordered it. Dr. Belcher often spoke about academic freedom, especially when it came to himself. Dr. Belcher still feared Dr. Masters, however, and he would do what he was told, even if he didn't believe in it himself.

Due to a breakdown in communication the wishes of General Armwhite that Jared accompany Marie McNichols was not passed on through the proper channels to Austin, and so the administration at The Madison did not realize that Jared should accompany Marie on this particular trip. His request for participation in the visit to the U.S. Army Institute of Pathology Research was denied, and Marie must now travel alone to meet her fate. Jared tried to talk Marie out of going to Washington, but Marie was stubborn and would not listen to his arguments. She wanted to visit with Dr. Lon, and she felt that this was the only way to get more accurate information from him on Mfi.

A few weeks later it was time for Marie's trip to Washington DC, and Marie and Jared left Queenswood and drove to the airport. Jared parked the car in the short term parking area next to the terminal and recovered Marie's bag from the trunk. Marie wanted to wait in the airline club before her departure, so Jared took her to the Continental Airlines President's Club in the terminal. As they were about to enter the small Club, Marie had second thoughts about the trip, on the very day on which she was about to embark. After discussing the situation with Jared, she decided to go. She had to visit Georgetown as well as the Pathology Institute, and she did not want to miss her Georgetown seminar by canceling her trip at the last minute. Although she felt uneasy about going on her own to visit Dr. Lon, she decided that it was going to be O.K. But as the time grew nearer to departure, Marie was obviously nervous about the trip, and Jared was even more nervous about her safety.

As Marie and Jared entered the President's Club, they found that the attendants were wearing Texas accessories with their uniforms in honor of 'Go Texans Day.' Even the musak was gently playing Mitch Miller's rendition of 'The Yellow Rose of Texas.' Beautiful Yellow Roses were displayed in bouquet arrangements, and the McNichols received greetings from the Club's attendants, as they were frequent fliers who were known in the club. Marie handed her ticket to an attendant. "Drs. McNichols! Good to see you both again! Today's a proud to be a Texan day!" Jared said solemnly, "We're not natives." The attendant replied, "Neither am I, but I'll bet you have the Texas spirit!" Marie said, "We do, but we wish our colleagues did too." The receptionist then said "Well then, howdy to ya'all!" Marie said, "You too!" Jared didn't bother answering, and he certainly wasn't going to ya'll back. He no longer felt the Texas spirit; he felt that Texas and the real Texans who stood for truth and honesty, if they still existed, had let him and Marie down.

The receptionist checked Marie's ticket and pronounced, "You're all set, and I've upgraded you." The receptionist turned her attention to Jared and asked, "Not traveling today?" Jared answered, "That's right. I'm just going to play house husband for a change." Marie then looked at Jared and said, "You know, I always wanted to be like you, go on the lecture circuit and be recognized for my work." She continued, "But you know what? This isn't much fun."

As they walked away from the desk, Jared turned his attention to Marie and asked, "How about a coke?" Marie spoke to Jared as she nodded her head and they heard 'The Yellow Rose of Texas' playing in the background. "You know, when I was a little girl of about three years-old I loved that song. I couldn't pronounce the word yellow so I always sang it as 'lello.' I told my grandmother, "When I grow up, I'm going to be a cowgirl and live in Texas!" She continued, "And now look what happened! I made it to Texas only to be crucified." She continued, "I have never hated a place as much as The Madison!"

Trying to calm Marie down before her trip was proving to be difficult. Jared said, "There are lots of good people there. It's not as bad as you think." He was also trying to talk himself into feeling better about the situation that they found themselves in, but he really wasn't too convincing. Marie said, "As far as I'm concerned the good people here have no backbone. They didn't defend us-they jumped on the bandwagon. I thought there was some pioneer spirit down here, a good place to do innovative research, but what I found instead was a bunch of backward, prejudiced and evil people." Jared chided her, "Come on Marie, you are in a negative thought loop again!" Marie replied, "I don't care!" Jared tried to get Marie off the subject of the D. O. Madison, "You met and snared me here, didn't you?" She finally agreed, "I guess in a backwards way I actually owe my happiness to Dr. Masters. After all, didn't he personally recruit you?" Jared replied, "Yes, and it was probably the biggest mistake of my entire life to accept his offer. I would never have come to the Madison if I had known. But we will persist, and sooner or later the truth will come out. The truth is our best weapon." Marie said, "You always say that! But will it ever come out? You have more trust in your fellow man than I do."

Marie turned away from Jared and sat down. After several seconds, she continued, "Sometimes it's easier to believe a lie than the truth!" Jared asked her again, "Are you sure that you don't want a coke? Marie finally agreed, "O.K." Jared said as he went to get Marie a drink, "You've got to get a more positive attitude in preparation for your lectures." Marie was feeling very negative about the upcoming trip. Jared was too, but he didn't want to let Marie know. He returned with the coke and sat down with Marie. She was quite fidgety. He said, "Now, Marie don't go and get yourself paranoid just because of Dale's warning. It's probably some sort of a mind game. You know, psychological warfare." Marie stated, "Better paranoid and safe than dead." Jared was trying to calm Marie down, but he wasn't having any luck, "Look, I know you will do just fine, and your seminars will be a big hit." She asked, "Even at the Institute of Pathology Research? Remember, I will be going face-to-face with Ming Lon, Mr. Mfi himself!" She continued, "You know, I found out that he was also an anthrax expert. He sure acted odd when I talked to him about my illness. It was if he already knew of it." Jared said, "Look, we're having a rough time, and I know that there have been attempts on us, but we have to stay calm and somewhat collected. Remember, when we watch those B-rated horror flicks, and they play the victim game." Marie laughed slightly. It was a nervous laugh. He pointed to Marie and said, "Victim! Victim! As the heroine stupidly puts herself in harm's way and invites the perp to do her in .... " Jared stopped making jokes and became serious, "Marie, you're a survivor! Don't be a victim. But be very careful."

Jared remembered to tell Marie that she would have friends with her at the seminar. "Remember, Louis and Melinda will be with you for the seminar at Ming Lon's place." She added, "I can't understand why Lou with his busy schedule would cancel all his important meetings at NIH to hear my seminar." Jared said, "Because he respects your work." Marie said, "I tell you, there was something fishy about that Commander Ellen Martins' offer for me to stay at her place." Jared said, "Since you don't even know her, let me fill you in. I went on the website of the Institute, and she is the Director of Infectious Disease Research. Furthermore, remember the lecture notes from the medical school pathology block at the Naval Hospital that the Hamlins gave us. There was a Commander E. Martins that lectured on Mfi. I think that it's the same person, and I wouldn't trust her for a second. Why would she invite you to stay with her? She doesn't even know you." Marie said, "You're right! I have to be really leery of anyone who tries to worm their way into my life. She loved our research almost too much. It's as if she wanted to ingratiate herself to me intellectually for some reason. Compared to the constant criticism that I receive here in Austin, it just sounded fishy." Jared added, "Because it was fishy! Just be prudent, and you'll be all right. Don't give her anything and watch yourself, especially what you eat and drink."

Jared gave Marie some last minute instructions as her flight was called, and they stood up to get Marie in line with the other passengers. "Remember, I have faith in you-but please be careful. And give Larry my regards when you see him at Georgetown. We need his microbiology expertise and input with our Mycoplasma studies. And be sure to give a big hug to Lou and Melinda." Marie said, "I will. But I have never lectured at Georgetown, it has me a bit scared. Hopefully they won't throw spitballs at me like they did down here." Jared reassured her, "Forget about the D. O. Madison." After a few seconds he said, "Oh, I forgot to ask you if I should hire a limousine so that Lou and Melinda don't have to go out of their way to pick you up at the airport." Marie commented, "That's O.K. I already hired a car to take me to their home. They made plans to pick me up at the airport, but I didn't want to bother them with the airport traffic." Jared said, "Good. Lou is always so busy." Jared gave Marie a kiss, "You'll do great! I love you!" Marie said, "Me too!" She turned and disappeared in the crowd boarding the flight to Washington National.

The flight to Houston was short, and the connection to Washington was uneventful for Marie. Fortunately, she had plenty of room on the Washington National night, and she spent most of her time reading magazines and a book that Jared had bought for her. Three and one-half hours after she took off from Houston Marie arrived at Washington National Airport. She disembarked from the plane, picked up her bag from the crowded arrival area and headed for the exit to find her waiting limousine. Outside the terminal Marie noticed a black limo parked at the curb.

The driver immediately got out of the car and identified himself as Marie's ride and reached for her baggage. He said, "Dr. McNichols?" Marie answered, "The one and only!" He smiled and then opened the door for Marie. She sat down in the back seat and waited for the driver to finish loading her bag and situating himself in the driver's seat. Marie then said, "I hope your agency informed you that I need to be driven to Potomac." The driver turned around to face her and unexpectedly said, "You know, everyone in Washington wants you dead." Marie was startled, but she hid her expression and replied, "So are you going to kill me or drive me to my destination!" She paused, "Or do I get another driver?" The driver then said in a sheepish voice, "Oh, I'm sorry. I was just supposed to say that to scare you. But obviously you don't scare so easily." Marie said, "Don't tell me, are you another agent sent to warn me off or whatever!" He replied, "In a manner of speaking." Marie then said, "You and your fellow spooks, operatives and mechanics can play all the spy games you want, but sooner or later you will all have to realize that your spy games are only second on the idiocy scale to the politics behind the cover-up of the biological and chemical weapons used in Desert Storm."

The driver was completely caught off guard and actually embarrassed. "I was not expecting such a young lady .... " His voice trailed off. After exiting Washington National Airport, they drove by the Pentagon on the George Washington Parkway and made their way along the Potomac River. Marie stared for a moment at the massive structure along the Potomac. In a few seconds she said, "When will you spooks ever learn that you cannot contain a germ. Sooner or later you will all have to realize that everyone is at risk!" She paused and then said, "Oh, and by the way, your threats don't scare me; they only serve to make me feel more secure. It's when I can't see you that's actually more scary, because then I wouldn't have a chance. There would be a bullet coming from nowhere and my light would be turned out forever." The driver responded, "I am really sorry, Dr. McNichols. You seem like such a nice young lady, and may I say beautiful as well." Marie said, "Flattery gets you nowhere with me! Go tell your bosses to stop their idiotic psychological war games with me. Our only concern has been for the soldiers' health, and that should be the concern of Washington. It's ludicrous that all of us should have to pay for some amoral agenda of a few high officials." She continued, "It's as if we have some sort of fascist agenda in the heart of our government!"

As Marie was being driven to the Washington D.C. suburb of Potomac, Maryland, the D.C. skyline with the Washington Monument in the foreground flashed by to the right. Then they were driving in a forest high above the Potomac River. Marie remembered driving the same route with Jared, who loves driving the G.W., as he calls it. Marie looked pensive and said to her driver, "You know, looking at the majesty of Washington, I am reminded of ancient Rome. The driver asked in an abstract manner, "What do you mean?' Marie answered, "It's the grandeur of the facade .... Like Rome." She paused, "A magnificent facade that completely masks the amoral and barbaric corruption lurking beneath the grandeur." He said, "You're too philosophical for me, ma'am!" Marie answered a bit sarcastically, "No doubt considering that you were willing to play along with tactics to scare me." He answered, "I said I was sorry!" Marie continued, "Sorry is not good enough, sir! You should assess who the real enemy is! Remember germs do not discriminate! They attack everyone in their paths!" The driver said, "Paths? Germs?" Marie asked, "Don't you get it? By attacking my husband and me, you are in fact attacking yourself!" The driver said, "I don't understand!" Marie tried to tell him, "Well, let me summarize it for you! There are not many people out there who give a damn about the average G.I. Joe in the military or on the streets. Who do you think has the background scientifically to figure out how to stop the biological weapons that were released in the Gulf War?" The driver asked, "Why would these biologicals, if they were even released, affect me?"

Marie decided that the driver needed a brief history lesson. She somewhat impatiently said, "Look it's like the flu. There was the Spanish flu, the Russian flu, the Asian flu and then the Hong Kong flu. These bugs all made it to the U.S., and they killed millions of people. So why wouldn't biological agents from the Gulf War reach here? After all, the soldiers came back, and now their families are getting sick!" She continued, "And then there are always businessmen traveling in and out of the Middle East. The world has grown smaller, and airborne contagions are now a reality everywhere." The driver was finally beginning to understand, "Gee, I never thought of that!" Marie continued, "I know you didn't think about it. I don't think you and your spook friends think at all!" She paused, "Unfortunately for my husband and I, we happen to care about guys like you! You kill us, and who is going to bail you out? Although I have to tell you, it has been a really dangerous and thankless job. I ask myself why the hell should I risk myself for people when 99%, of the time, they just grow to resent our help. My husband is back in Austin right now fighting for his job, our livelihood, just because we helped people like you." The driver asked, "Why do you go on?" Marie said, "Because I was given a direct order from the divine to not let anyone suffer who can be helped." The driver said, "I never met anyone like you! Your husband is a very lucky guy." He continued, "You're like an angel on earth!" Marie laughed, "That's what a Dr. Luxembourg said in Moscow! And then he promptly poisoned us when we had dinner at his home. I lost our twin babies the next day, and now I don't think I can ever have children." Marie continued, "But believe me, I'm no angel!" She mused, "I'm just a fool!" The driver said, "I really feel awful about scaring you!" Marie told him, "Well, stop feeling awful! Do something constructive, like informing your fellow operatives and bosses that they too are at risk!"

The driver continued up the Potomac River on the G.W. Parkway until they reached 1-495. The driver took the Washington Beltway across the Potomac River, and he finally turned off the freeway and headed south to Potomac. The driver asked Marie, "Do you have a card?" Marie nodded her head and said, "I'll give one to you when I get there." The driver added, "We're almost there. According to the address, the house should be just up ahead." He then spotted the house, "There it is."

The car pulled into the driveway, the driver got out of the limo and ran around to open the door for Marie. At this point the door to the house opened and Lou and Melinda Leone came out to greet Marie. They all gave each other hugs. The driver waved as he got back into the limo. Marie shouted to him, "Wait, here's my card, and how do I pay you?" The driver said to Marie as she handed him her card, "Forget about the trip. It's on me. I'm real sorry for everything." Marie replied, "Apology accepted. Just get the word out." He answered, "Sure thing!" He then quickly drove off.

The Leone's were curious about the interaction with the limo driver. Lou asked, "What was that all about?" Marie said, "Just another spook sent to scare us off the Desert Storm project. He had a change of heart after I set him straight." Melinda asked, "Spook?" Marie said, "That's intelligence operative." Lou looked as if he didn't understand, and Marie wondered why Lou, who has been at NIH for many years, didn't know much about the DIA and the CIA.

Lou picked up Marie's bag and they all entered the Leone's house. It was a nice home in a nice neighborhood. Marie imagined that when it snowed, it must look beautiful with the woods and roofs covered in white snow. It was so different from Central Texas. Melinda asked, "Why were they trying to scare you and Jared?" Marie said, "They're hiding something about the release of biological agents during Operation Desert Storm. Some of our soldiers who fought in the war have been getting sick and so are their families. Jared and I are trying to help the vets and their families." Lou said, "We'll talk about this over dinner." He said, "I'll put Marie's bag in her room." Melinda mentioned, "I've made dinner for us, and you're just in time." Marie said, "Great! Am I hungry!" Melinda asked, "I hope you like Cornish hens?" Marie answered, "It's one of my favorites."

After Lou returned, it was time for dinner. Melinda motioned for Marie to sit to the right of Lou. Lou and Marie sat down as Melinda returned to the kitchen to get the appetizer. Once Melinda had left the room Lou asked, "What's going on with your work?" Marie said, 'Jared and I have been having a very rough time since we began our pilot study on the Desert Storm Illnesses after our step-daughter returned from the Gulf and became sick." Lou asked, "How is she doing?" Marie said, "She's recovered but she had to leave the Army, even though she was accepted for night training because she was too fatigued to keep up with the training." Lou asked, "What do you and Jared think is wrong with the veterans?" Marie said, "We feel that some of them, perhaps almost half, have an invasive mycoplasmal infection. The species that we found seems to have some genetic alteration. And Jared has been working with the Special Forces and has found that the antibiotic doxycycline is very effective against this microorganism. We feel that there are probably other biological and chemical agents involved in the illnesses, in keeping with Soviet Warfare Doctrine concept." Lou asked, "What's that?" Melinda had just entered the room as Marie said, "Soviet Warfare Doctrine is the use of multiple agents, both biological and chemical, in combination with conventional weapons.

Melinda asked, "I heard you talking about the Gulf War. Do you think germ warfare materials were released during the Gulf War?" Marie said, "I think so. How else can we explain the fact the veterans' families are getting sick as well as the veterans?" Melinda shook her head and said, "I tell you Marie, we have lost our country! The U.S. is gone!" Lou said, "Now honey, don't exaggerate!" Melinda said, "Lou, you of all people should know that something is very wrong in our government. Just look at all the hush-hush stuff at the NIH." Melinda turned to Marie, "Do you know that Lou was ordered not to do a project, because it was politically incorrect!" Marie commented, "Sounds familiar. Jared and I are having the same problem at The D. O. Madison, and to me political correctness is just another word for communism. If I was living in the Soviet Union of 10 years ago, we probably would have been thrown in the gulag system for what Jared and I have done at the lab bench." Lou chimed in, "It's ominous, but I have faith it will all work out." Marie and Melinda looked at each other skeptically, "You mean how it worked out for our neighbor, Vince Foster?" There was silence for over a minute.

The dinner conversation continued but with mainly small talk. Everyone was enjoying Melinda's cooking, so it was hard to be negative. At the end of the fine dinner Lou wanted to continue their earlier conversation but with a more positive focus, so he summarized the earlier comments. "Getting back to Marie's and Jared's studies .... Look at the positive side, the Desert Storm Illnesses project appears to be productive, and they will have a chance to present their case to the Institute of Pathology Research. I don't think that they can ignore the work." Marie added, "Thanks again for taking the time to come to my lecture tomorrow." He said, "The Pathology Institute is a funny place." Marie asked, "What do you mean?" He continued, "It is not exactly the friendliest atmosphere to give a seminar, so I thought I'd come and give you some moral support." Marie was thankful, "That would be great! Right after the Pathology Institute lecture, I have to lecture at Georgetown in Larry Rosen's Department." Lou said, "I don't think I can make that lecture. We'll have to make it another time. If you get a chance, please give my regards to Larry."

While Melinda was out of the room making the dessert, a souffle, Lou said to Marie. "I am so sorry that you and Jared are having so much trouble just because of your research. It isn't right." Marie said, "It's not just those asses Geldter and Krappner." Lou responded, "You know, everyone in the field has their number. They have been playing dirty tricks on everyone for years now. One of the pathology fellows that I trained claims that they are pure evil. In my almost thirty years in science, I have never seen such a vicious attack as the one Isaac and Amy have done on you and Jared. What have you and Jared done to deserve their venom?" Marie told Lou, 'Jared says that it is not just the mycoplasma and the Gulf War Illness work and the fact that Isaac has always wanted to take over Jared's department and merge it into his own and demote Jared in the process. Jared says that it has something to do with my true identity." Lou asked, "Do you agree?" Marie responded, "Yes, it has to be something like that. Why would this continue for so long?" Lou asked, "Who do you think you are?" She answered, 'Jared thinks that I must be from a European Illuminati family, because there appears to be a great deal of power and money involved. When I was 9 years old I was given a 65 ct pink sapphire, and I was told that it was the Cetta Dharma Sapphire from India or what is now Pakistan. Recently we found out, again from jared's digging, that this stone identifies me as the heiress of the Cetta Dharma Trust, one of the largest trusts in the world. Although from my standpoint, I have never benefited from my background. In fact, there were times when my adopted family could barely make ends meet. Jared thinks that the financial difficulties in my adolescence were all part of the cover for my real identity. I'm just beginning to find out about my real family." Lou said, "God, it's so complicated. You know, Marie, you will always have our moral support." Marie responded, "Thanks Lou! That means a great deal to me, especially now that we are under attack. It seems to come from everywhere. I respect you tremendously as a scientist, and people like you and Melinda are the best!" Lou broke out into a smile and continued. "Thank you! But I only wish I could do more. One thing I can try to do is neutralize those idiots in Austin. You know, they are not welcome at NIH. Amy Krappner in particular was told not to come back here after she showed some disgraceful behavior on a NIH review committee. Perhaps my fellow was right. They are just evil people."
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Re: Project Day Lily: An American Biological Warfare Tragedy

Postby admin » Tue Oct 24, 2017 9:36 pm

Part 4 of 4

At this moment Melinda entered the room with the souffle. Marie exclaimed, "It's a work of art! Just like your beautiful paintings." Marie then said after Melinda handed her a portion and she took a bite, "This is scrumptious! It makes me feel as if I have died and went to heaven." Melinda said, "I heard from the kitchen part of what Lou and you were discussing. Frankly, we would really rather have you here on earth." Marie said, "Sometimes I get so battle weary from the constant character assassinations that we have endured-all because we wanted to help people." Lou said supportively, "Don't give up the fight!" Marie replied, "We won't!" After Marie ate most of her souffle, she turned to Lou and asked, "Would you mind if I give Jared a call to say I arrived safely?" Melinda told Marie, "Why not use the phone in the kitchen so Lou could chat with Jared?" Lou added, "I need to ask Jared about the upcoming program for the Metastasis Research Society." Marie said, "Sure!"

Marie was led into the kitchen, which was visible to the dining room via a serving window. She dialed Jared who picked up the phone in Austin and stated, "Hello, McNichols residence." Marie answered, "It's me! I arrived in one piece and have just had the most divine home-cooked meal, Cornish hen and chocolate souffle." Jared answered, "Gees, I'm sorry I missed that. You remember Captain Hamlin? He called from Fort Meade. He wanted to know if he could attend your seminar at Georgetown?" Marie replied, "I'll have to ask Larry. You know Larry; he's petrified of any political controversy. I'll call you back and let you know sometime tomorrow." Jared continued, "Also a Cory Lovell, who was a member of an Army Graves Registration Unit during the war called, and she wants to attend. She's is in a wheel chair and requires oxygen but she wants to be there." Marie asked, "What's a Graves Registration Unit?" Jared told her, "It's a unit that recovers dead soldiers or buries enemy combatants." Marie asked, "She might have been exposed to chemicals and biologicals when she came in contact with the dead bodies." Jared answered, "Possibly. She is really sick. I don't know if they have the facilities if something goes wrong with her." Marie said, "I promised Larry I would stick to science, but I don't think he would mind if some of the veterans were there. At least he will see that there is a great need for this research, and maybe he will even be inspired to really help us with his expertise. Jared, I'm still scared about my talk at the Pathology Institute. I really respect Ming Lon, but I feel that he can't communicate to me in a free sense, and he has clammed up on me since the war." Jared said, "You'll do just fine, and Lou will be there to keep things in check should they get out of hand. But I don't trust Ming Lon. He has lied too much about the possible role of Mfi in chronic illnesses. I have heard now from two different people that he leaves his Gulf War blood samples sitting on the lab bench for weeks before examining them. You know what that means." Marie replied, "Yes, he lets them degrade on purpose so he can get negative results. Why do you think he does that? He didn't seem like a dishonest person over the phone." Jared said, "Neither does Mr. Rott from the Pentagon, but he's a lying bastard! You watch yourself, Marie, and be especially careful with those creeps, and don't eat or drink anything at the Pathology Institute." Marie said, "O.K. I promise." Lou then came into the kitchen while Marie said to Jared, "I love you!" Jared answered, "Me too!" Marie then added, "Lou wants to talk to you about the upcoming Society meeting." The two researchers who were long-time friends and colleagues continued the conversation while Marie slipped back into her own conversation with Melinda. Melinda told Marie that she would drive her to the U.S. Army Institute of Pathology Research, and Lou would meet them there. Marie was suddenly very tired from the prospect of going to the Pathology Institute in the morning. She asked Melinda if she could be excused to get some sleep.

The next morning Melinda was dressed and ready and was warming up the Land Rover while Marie was still finishing her hair. Marie was not a morning person, and it was good to have Melinda to move things along. Finally Marie was ready. She checked her slides again, wishing that Jared had been there to make sure they were in proper order, grabbed her purse and went out to the Land Rover. Melinda had been at the wheel waiting patiently for Marie. She then said to Marie as she climbed into the vehicle, "I feel like I am acting as your unofficial body guard." Marie quipped, "You probably are! Thanks for packing a lunch for us. I know this sounds paranoid, but I promised Jared that I would not eat or drink at the Institute. To be honest with you, I really do not like to eat at any scientific functions anymore. Jared and I have been sick one too many times at a variety of banquets that we have attended. And we did receive confirmation from an officer of Delta One that there have been attempts on our lives. He told us to watch our backs, vary our routines, be careful what we eat and never accept a drink unless we can have the can or bottle and open it ourselves." Melinda said as she drove, "This is horrible! But you know what, I am worried about Lou too!"

Melinda continued the conversation after a moment of driving. "Lately there has been a very negative atmosphere at the NIH, and there have been some suspicious incidents." Marie asked, "Like what?" Melinda said, "Several weeks ago, a young postdoctoral student came forward about her suspicions of having been poisoned in her lab." Marie added, "We know that there were poisoning incidents at one of the Rockefeller University labs." Melinda said, "You know Marie, the United States has changed!" Marie agreed, "I know. It's scary! But I have always sensed some underlying agenda from the time I was in college. I didn't really understand it then, and now I am just starting to put the pieces of the puzzle together. I have to be honest with you. It's not a pretty story. In fact, I wish that I was really just paranoid, and then I would not have to deal with the fact that all that I have experienced is true." Melinda added, "No one wants to deal with the idea of a conspiracy. Look at what the press does to anyone who even suggests that there is some kind of conspiracy going on. They are crucified." Marie said, "You have to be an idiot not to see the collusion of special interests in a global sense." Marie then became pensive. "You know what? Melinda, five years ago I watched a 20/20 show that dealt with the unexplained deaths of 12 physicists in Great Britain. I have always wondered what really happened to those scientists. Colleagues of mine in the physics community, one who was a Nobelist, were also poisoned."

Marie continued with her thoughts to Melinda. "You have to wonder. It's almost as if someone or something has targeted the scientists for elimination who happen to be humanitarians." Melinda asked, "How do you figure that? Why would anyone do such a thing?" Marie says, "It's only speculation at this point. But I do see a pattern, and so do others." Melinda said, "I guess time will tell."

After a few minutes of silence while Melinda was threading her Land Rover through heavy traffic, she exclaimed, "We're here!" Marie commented, "The Institute is sure not a welcoming looking place! It looks like it was built to withstand a nuclear blast." Melinda said, "That's one reason why Lou wanted to be here to support you during the seminar." Melinda turned the Land Rover into a guarded parking lot. She leaned out the window to tell the guard that Marie was here to give a seminar at the Institute. The guard asked their names and checked a list on a clipboard. He finally waved them through. Marie said, "This is making me nervous!" Melinda replied, "So am I!"

Melinda parked the SUV, and they entered a forbidding building that was actually encased by several thick walls. There were no windows anywhere. Melinda said, "Why is this building so ominous looking?" Marie replied, "Probably because it houses some of the most horrible chemical and biological weapons known to mankind, and its directors want the building to be completely contained." Melinda asked, "Why do you think they invited you to give a seminar here? You don't seem the type to come to a building like this?" Marie said as they walked through the building and approached a security desk, "I am sure they have some hidden agenda, but I'm just going to play it straight and be open-just like Jared told me to do." An officer was on the phone, and she motioned the women to wait for her to finish. Melinda turned to Marie and stated, "They probably can't handle a straightforward approach." Marie answered, "Exactly!" She added, "and we have a higher power on our side!" Melinda was not so sure, "I don't know if my faith can withstand this!" Marie said, "I know what you mean!" She then chuckled "Let's go! Remember, David slew Goliath! It's just a question of discerning their Achilles heel." Melinda asked, "Which is?" Marie answered, "Their overconfidence." Melinda said, "I don't know about this!!" Marie whispered to Melinda, "It's like guerrilla warfare!" Marie masked her discomfort better than Melinda, but both women were hesitant about the visit to the Institute of Pathology Research.

The officer manning the security desk, a middle aged black woman, was in charge. Marie said to the officer after she finished her phone conversation, "I am Dr, Marie McNichols, and I'm here to give a seminar in Dr. Ellen Martins' Department at the request of Dr. Ming Lon." She continued, "This is Mrs. Melinda Leone, who has graciously accompanied me to the seminar and provided my transportation." The black woman officer who was surprisingly friendly motioned as she looked at her clipboard, "Dr. Marie McNichols, yes, I have you right here. I don't have a Melinda Leone on my list, but I am sure that you can go in." She hesitated, "But just to the seminar room with the doctor here, You both have to sign in, and I have to issue you temporary visitor passes. These will only allow you to go directly to and from the seminar room. You can't visit any other parts of the building. Do you understand?" Marie responded, "Yes! Thank you." She was relieved that Melinda could accompany her to the seminar room, and she then said to the officer, "You know, you are a ray of sunshine in this almost dungeon-like atmosphere." The black woman responded, "I try to be, and I know what you mean-sometimes this place even gives me the spooks!" The black officer laughed, "But the pay and benefits are worth it." Melinda added, "I am sure they are."

The black officer then picked up a microphone for the building's paging system, and then spoke into it. "Dr. Ellen Martins, please come to the front desk." She turned back to Marie and smiled, and then repeated into the microphone, "Dr. Martins! Your seminar speaker is here." The black woman officer then told Marie and Melinda, "She should be here in a couple of minutes. Just make yourself comfortable," Marie said, "We'll try." The black officer chuckled and said as she waved her hand down, "Now girl, it's not that bad!"

While they were waiting for Dr. Martins, Marie turned around and noticed a plaque on the wall. She was glancing at the building's dedication plaque with Melinda as Dr. Ellen Martins appeared. Dr. Martins was about the same height as Marie and was surprisingly very pretty. In fact, she almost looked like she could be Marie's sister. She was in her Navy Commander's uniform and was wearing her long dark hair tied up in a severe chignon. She approached Marie holding her hand out to greet her, "I'm so glad you could make it. I'm Commander Ellen Martins, but you can call me Ellen." She continued, "We weren't sure that you would be able to make it." Marie asked, "Why not?" Dr. Martins replied, "We knew you had a tight schedule, and well, we heard about your bout of illness in Moscow." Marie asked, "You did? How, may I ask did you know about that?" Dr. Martins was a bit uncomfortable at the question. "You might know that Dr. Bane and Dr. Masters from your hospital called us after you returned and told me that your husband Jared had mentioned the episode to them." Marie said, "I didn't know The D. O. Madison kept such close tabs on my schedule. I am really only a consultant there." Commander Martins answered, "I see. It was just a passing comment. The Institute of Pathology Research tries to keep abreast of the major research exchange programs involving cancer centers, such as The D. O. Madison, particularly in view of the changing political climate of Russia. Besides, you yourself told me that you had just recovered from your trip to Moscow." Marie asked, "Did I?" Melinda said, "I don't mean to interrupt, but my husband Lou should be here from the NIH at any moment. I would like to make sure that he could join us." Dr. Martins said, "Don't worry, he'll be in time and will have no problem getting a pass. By the way, please call me Ellen." Marie said, "You know Ellen, for some reason, looking at us, we could be sisters." Ellen laughed, "We kind of look alike, don't we?" In fact, Melinda noticed that the two women did look like sisters. They were approximately the same height and weight, same coloring and same looks.

Dr. Martins continued the conversation as they walked through the building. "I was disappointed that you didn't take me up on my offer to stay with us at our new house." Marie said, "I'm terribly sorry, but I didn't want to offend the Leones." Melinda added, "We would have been hurt if Marie had not stayed with us! My husband Lou and Jared have been friends for years." Dr. Martins said, "I understand." Marie added, "Perhaps another time. I must say I am not accustomed to anyone in the scientific or medical communities being so positive towards my work, and I might add, as nice as you have been." Dr. Martins asked, "Why not?" Marie answered, "Quite frankly, my interactions with other professionals have been rather negative since college. Sometimes I wonder what it is about me that is such a turn-off. And I've come to the conclusion that something in my background threatens a lot of people." Dr. Martins said, "That doesn't really make sense." Marie responded in a sarcastic manner, "I know it doesn't seem to make sense, so it must be my ditsy coloratura personality." Dr. Martins looked puzzled and asked, "Do you sing Opera?" Marie responded, "I do, and perhaps I should switch to it as a profession. Life is too short." Dr. Martins said, "I am sorry you are having such a rough time." Marie asked, "Are you?" Dr. Martins answered, "Yes, I am truly sorry."

Melinda who had been quietly following the curious conversation looked at Marie. Marie winked back at Melinda as if to give her a signal that she knew that Commander Ellen Martins was insincere. Marie then said, "I think I will take you at face value." Dr. Martins asked, "What do you mean?" Marie answered, "You must know that everyone, particularly in your area, has a whole array of hidden agendas?" Dr. Martins answered quickly, almost too quickly, "I try not to think about that!" She then became surprisingly candid. "You know, Marie, my family was on Castro's hit list when we escaped to the U. S. from Cuba in 1959. I know what it feels like to be stalked and hunted for no apparent reason other than your background." Marie then said, "Please keep your own experience in mind when you are dealing with me, and perhaps you will appreciate that I definitely perceive a danger here similar to the one you probably experienced when you were a little girl." Marie paused and then continued, "Only in my case the danger has never departed." Commander Martins looked uncomfortable now. She hurriedly turned and said, "I'm going to find Dr. Lon. He's probably in his office."

They then turned to enter the administrative offices where the seminar room was located, and Dr. Martins introduced Marie to the Office Manager and said, "Clara, could you call audiovisual and make sure that the seminar room is ready?" Marie said, "I have my slides arranged in a standard carousel." Dr. Martins answered, "I'm sure it will be complimentary with our equipment." Commander Martins then indicated, "I'll be right back." Clara buzzed audiovisual, and Melinda looked at Marie in an uncomfortable manner. Marie then said, "It's only ten minutes until the seminar begins." Melinda asked, "Are you ready?" Marie answered, "As ready as I'll ever be!" They both laughed nervously as the audiovisual man came into the office and took Marie's carousel. Marie said to the man, "I made sure that the slides were in the correct orientation, but would you mind just checking them out for me again before the seminar." The man replied, "No problem, Ma'am." Marie said, "I have this innate fear of all my slides being upside down." The man chuckled as he turned away with the slide carousel.

Commander Martins then reappeared walking down the hall with Dr. Ming Lon, who was just as Jared described him. He was wearing a beaming smile, and he immediately told Marie how much he respected her and Jared's work. Marie told Dr. Lon that the feeling was mutual. Dr. Martins said, "You know Dr. Lon discovered Mycoplasma incognitus." Marie said, "Yes, and I'm so glad to finally meet you. My husband and I have been intrigued by your research, and in particular your data that showed that the mycoplasma penetrates into the nucleus." Dr. Lon answered, "I am happy to finally meet someone who understands the importance of this finding. But we are having a problem correlating good sound molecular biology to our confocal microscopy analyses. The microscopy clearly shows the mycoplasma penetrates into the nucleus, but the molecular biology using PCR was not able to confirm this result." Marie asked, "Have you considered that the chromatin structure of the nucleus in conjunction with the nucleoprotein of the mycoplasma itself might interfere with the PCR reaction because of complexing?" Dr. Lon looked puzzled. Marie continued, "If you cannot get at the mycoplasma DNA once it penetrates the nucleus, your PCR reaction might be a false-negative. Perhaps the mycoplasma ON A integrates and associates with the insoluble portion of the cell nucleus, just like we found for the HIV-l genes. We could design experiments to probe for it, and in fact, we have already found the mycoplasma gene sequences are associated with the insoluble chromatin fractions." Lon said, "It might certainly be worth a pilot study." Marie said, "Think about it after you have heard the particulars of the Gene Tracking technique. Dr. Lon asked, "Would you collaborate with me on such a project?" Marie responded, "I'd be delighted to, but wait until you see the rationale for the technique, and then you tell me if you think it's a worthwhile approach." Dr. Lon replied, "I must say we have not really explored the chromatin complexing angle."

It was now approaching the time scheduled for the seminar. Dr. Martins said, "They're ready for the seminar now." She paused as she noticed Dr. Leone, "Oh, Dr. Leone has arrived and is seated in the front row. Melinda, will you be attending the seminar?" Melinda said, "Yes, if it's O.K. with you? I am not a scientist, but I believe I will be able to grasp some of Marie's concepts." Dr. Martins asked, "Really?" Melinda added. "Marie gave me a special presentation tailored for a lay person, and I thought that the concepts were fairly clear." Dr. Martins said, "Then, come on in! We have to get seated, so we can stick to the schedule." Melinda sat down next to Lou, and Ellen and Marie went up on the stage. The audience was made up mainly of military scientists. It was a somber group. There was little of the usual scientific chatting that Marie was used to at the university lectures that she normally attended.

Commander Martins introduced Marie by saying, "We are happy to have Dr. Marie McNichols with us today. She is going to tell us about a new technique that she and her husband developed called Nucleoprotein Gene Tracking and its applications to understanding infections such as HIV-1 in terms of chromatin organization. We all hope that she will explain to us how the technique might be used to study Mycoplasma incognitus and other intracellular infections in an effort to reconcile the discrepancies between molecular biology and microscopy analyses." Dr. Martins then went into Marie's background, and then finally she said in a jesting manner, "The show is all yours!" Marie then took the podium and said, "I am very happy to be here today." She continued with the seminar, and the audience was quite polite, and they did not interrupt like the staff in Austin.

Marie's seminar went very smoothly, and after about 50 minutes, Marie's formal presentation was over, and she answered questions. Dr Lon stood up first and stated, "I think you may have hit upon a unique approach to understanding invasive infections. Dr. Martins asked, "So you think that we can use this Gene Tracking approach for Mycoplasma incognitus?" Marie answered, "I do, provided that your laboratories can assist me with the proper oligonucleotide probes."

There was another man in the audience, actually he was a general in the Army but he was not in uniform. General Armwhite stood up and identified himself. "I am Major General Armwhite, and I am in charge of some of the programs at fort Detrick." He continued, "Are you aware of the fact that you and your husband have opened up the worst political can of worms in the history of the United States?" Marie was completely flabbergasted at the comment. "I don't understand what you mean by your statement, sir? I have never paid much attention to politics." General Armwhite said, "It shows!" Marie continued, "Well sir, I have no idea of the politics of these issues, but I really think that we can help Dr. Lon reconcile some of the discrepancies he has found in locating his mycoplasma inside the cell nucleus." General Armwhite asked, "Why would you want to work on this particular mycoplasma?" Marie answered, "Well sir, I myself was very sick with a peculiar illness six years ago that resembled the illness of our stepdaughter who served in the Gulf War. We both responded to doxycycline, and we both slowly recovered. She had Gulf War Illness, and my husband has studied the signs and symptoms in over 650 veterans with Gulf War Illnesses and compared them to civilians with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. We have concluded that Chronic Fatigue Syndrome is the civilian counterpart of Gulf War Illness." General Armwhite said, "That does not prove anything!"

At this point Dr. Deutschman introduced himself. "I am Dr. Deutschman, and I am from the Department of Defense, but I was trained as a physical chemist." Marie suddenly remembered Dr. Deutschman, "Didn't I meet you at the Meyerhoff conference in Israel? I believe you sat next to me at a banquet where I passed out and subsequently had to be medically evacuated from Israel." Deutschman looked very uncomfortable at her statement but he coolly replied, "I can't remember if I was at that particular conference." Marie said, "Never mind about the conference, what point were you trying to make, sir?" He said, "I am trying to deduce why you are so interested in this particular mycoplasma? And why you are trying to connect this questionable Gulf War Syndrome to this mycoplasma?" Marie replied, "Sir, I believe that my husband, Professor Jared McNichols, just lectured recently at the VA here in Washington DC on a proposed link between the Mycoplasma fermentans and a subset of patients with Gulf War Illnesses. I suggest that you contact him for more information. The connection is just speculative, and is based upon an observation of ours, if you will, that started because of my illness and that of my stepdaughter. My husband has more detailed information on diagnosis and treatment of Gulf War Illnesses, the results of clinical testing for M. fermentans in these patients, and the possible role of Mycoplasma fermentans in chronic illnesses and their response to antibiotics. I have been more concerned with learning more about invasive, intracellular infections in general and how they might be tracked to the nucleus and why they seem to complex with the nuclear proteins.

Major General Black then stood up and identified himself. He stated, "I am the chief medical officer at Army Medical Center next door to the Institute of Pathology Research, and I would like to state for the record that we have excellent antibody-based tests for Mycoplasma fermentans, and our results using the sera of various soldiers from Desert Storm have all been negative. Would you care to comment on this?" Marie answered, "General Black and General Armwhite, sirs, I have the highest respect for the military and your expertise. With all due respect, sir, antibody-based tests are often poor indicators for infections that arise from poorly immunogenic intracellular microorganisms such as Mycoplasma fermentans incognitus. As Dr. Lon himself has stated in his own patent, this mycoplasma does not elicit antibiodies until near death. It stands to reason that a penetrating microorganism such as this mycoplasma may hide inside cells making it difficult for the host's immune system to see the invader. Furthermore, if one looks only at sera, the risk of false negative results are very high because, in general, this kind of mycoplasma tends to be sequestered in the white blood cells, not in the sera or plasma."

Dr. Lon stood up and actually supported the McNichols' findings when he stated, "Dr. Marie here and her husband's findings certainly compliment my own. I feel that they are worthy of further investigation." General Armwhite then turned to Dr. Lon, "Dr. Lon, all you ever think about is your own egotistical suppositions." Marie could see the question and answer session slipping away. Marie concluded, "I believe that further discussion of our studies may not be productive, and I would like to summarize by saying that our laboratory would welcome the opportunity to collaborate with Dr. Lon's laboratory. Thank you again for having me here today. The experience has truly been enlightening." There was a hint of sarcasm in Marie's voice.

After the seminar and question period were over, Lou walked up to Marie and said, "Great talk, Marie, but I have to get back to work." Marie replied, "Thanks for coming, Lou. I know you are very busy. I hope to see you later." Melinda said to Lou, "Bye, Honey. See you this evening. Don't forget that Marie and I are going out to dinner with Ellen Martins tonight! I've left a stew in the refrigerator for you!" Lou said as he was leaving, "Thanks! Love you!" Dr. Lon came up to Marie and said, "I really believe that your technique could help to reconcile some of our research problems." Marie replied, "I'm glad I if can be of help! Call me when you get a chance so we can coordinate any collaboration. Also, could you send me your reprints?" Dr. Lon answered, "I would be delighted." Marie said, "Thanks, I appreciate it." Almost all of the attendees had left the room when Dr. Martins then said to Marie as Melinda listened intently, "I can't talk now because of 'dust-to-dust' and 'ashes-to-ashes'." Marie and Melinda exchanged looks of puzzlement. Dr. Martins continued, "You will understand that it all hinges on the private island in the Caribbean." Marie then asked, "I take it you're talking in some kind of code that you expect me to crack?" Dr. Martins said, "Something like that."

Commander Martins' expression changed abruptly, and she then continued on a lighter note. "Don't forget, we are going to meet at Romanov's for dinner. It has a sort of gypsy atmosphere and fabulous Romanian and Hungarian cuisine." Marie asked, "Would it be all right if Melinda joins us? And I thought you might like to meet Larry Rosen; he's the microbiologist at Georgetown who invited me to give a lecture tomorrow. You probably have a lot of research interests in common, since you are both infectious disease experts." Dr. Martins replied, "That would be great. I have been concentrating principally on the study of leprosy, but it has occurred to me that Dr. Lon's Mycoplasma fermentans could act in a synergistic manner with the leprosy bacterium." Marie said, "I find that a very scary thought. Why don't you and Larry brainstorm on this tonight?" Dr. Martins replied, "I think that's an idea for a productive evening." Dr. Martins then looked at Melinda, "Are you sure that you won't be bored listening to us talk about our respective research interests." Melinda chuckled, "I'm married to a scientist, and he lectures to me all the time. I have sort of learned to understand some science by osmosis." Dr. Martins said, "Then I look forward to seeing you both and Dr. Rosen this evening around six. Marie, if you have a number for Larry, I can fax him directions." Marie rummaged through her briefcase and handed the number to Dr. Martins, who said, "Thanks. Melinda, do you know how to get to Romanov's?" Melinda replied, "Yes, it's right off Chevy Chase Avenue on the comer of Cherry Blossom Lane." Dr. Martins exclaimed, "Good! You won't need directions. I've really got to get back to the lab." Commander Martins smiled to Marie and Melinda, and quickly left the small group and walked smartly down the hall.

At this point the audiovisual man returned with Marie's slides and told her, "I'll help you find your way back out of this place." Everyone had set off in different directions, and as she was walking away Dr. Martins whispered to herself, "I'll be damned if I'm going to poison someone who looks so much like me! We could almost pass for sisters. I'll have to come up with some explanation as to why this won't work on Marie."

Marie and Melinda walked out of the U. S. Army Institute of Pathology Research and entered the parking lot next to the Institute. Marie said to Melinda, "Wasn't that a weird place for a seminar? And the bizarre behavior of everyone." Melinda responded, "I couldn't believe that General Armwhite with his 'political can of worms' that you and Jared supposedly opened up." Marie said, "And that Dr. Deutschman-I would say they were quite hostile in a friendly sort of way-don't you think?" Melinda said, "What an understatement!" Marie chuckled, "Believe me, they were absolute angels compared to the people at the D. O. Madison when I gave a seminar recently." Marie continued, "They actually threw spitballs at me!" Melinda said, "Lou told me about it and said that nothing surprises him when it comes to your institution."

As they stopped to get into Melinda's Land Rover, the discussion became more serious. Marie asked, "Tell me, I didn't imagine that Commander Martins talked to me in code about some 'dust-to-dust', 'ashes-to- ashes' nonsense." Melinda added, "Don't forget the private island in the Caribbean." Marie said. "Right! I wonder if the dust-to-dust refers to some kind of plague. I am surprised she did not sing Ring around the rosy, a pocket full of poesy, ashes, ashes, we all fall down!" Melinda said, "Pardon?" Marie continued. "The old nursery rhyme referring to the bubonic plague of the Middle Ages." Melinda said, "I didn't know that!" Marie thought out loud, "I'll bet Commander Martins was alluding to some sort of biological weapon. Only [ am not sure what the private island in the Caribbean means. Do you think it has something to do with organized crime? They often purchase islands for their drug shipments." Marie paused and then stated, "I am so sick of this spy bullshit!

Marie thought for a moment as Melinda navigated the Land Rover out of the parking lot and into the streets of Washington D.C. "During the last several years I have met several individuals who refer to 'the private island in the Caribbean.' It has gotten so that I feel like I am living in a grade B spy movie. The intelligence services must spend a fortune on these mind games and discrediting campaigns. They are experts at taking a perfectly honest and sane person and making them look dishonest and insane. I am sick and tired of all the agents and their code antics. Why don't they just come and ask me what it is they want to know, and tell me why they are so threatened that contracts have been taken out on my and Jared's lives?"

After about one-half hour driving North into Maryland, mostly on Wisconsin Boulevard until they crossed the Maryland border, and then along the Potomac River until they arrived in the small community of Potomac. Melinda finally said as she pulled into her street, "We're almost home! I am so drained from all of this that the only way that I will be able to make it to this evening's dinner is to take a nap." Marie agreed, "What a great idea!" Melinda turned into the driveway, and then they both got out of the Land Rover and entered the Leone home. Then Marie asked, "Do you think I could call Jared to tell him about the strange things at my seminar?" Melinda responded, "Go ahead!" Marie asked another question, "Would you mind if you got on the line to corroborate to Jared about the strange code spoken by that Commander Ellen Martins?" Melinda laughed, "I'd be glad to!" Marie said, "Thanks Melinda. At last I have a reliable eye witness for Jared to prove that I did not imagine these things."

Marie dialed the number for Jared's office and Jane answered, "Cancer Biology." Marie said, "It's me Jane." She answered, "Well, hi there! How goes it?" Marie replied, "Don't ask!" Jane said, "That bad huh? Marie continued, "Let us just say that I feel like I am living in a grade B spy movie." Jane laughed, "Why don't you tell me about it when you return." Marie said, "I will! Jane, could you get Jared on the line for me?" Jane said, "Sure thing. I'll transfer you to Jared. After a few moments Jared was on the phone line, "Hi, Babe! How did it go?" Marie said, "It went O.K., but I can't say if it was all that good." Jared asked. "Was it that bad?" Marie said, "It was after the seminar that things got really weird. Would you believe that Commander Martins, my host, began talking to me in code; something she couldn't talk about because of 'dust-to-dust' and 'ashes-to-ashes' and some ubiquitous 'private island in the Caribbean.' Melinda was there and heard it, so at last I have a witness to prove that I did not imagine these things." Jared replied, "I know you're not imagining these things. I have to tell you that Defense Intelligence is an oxymoron." Marie asked, "Meaning?" He said, "It's obvious that they are not as smart as they think they are. I am sure that the intelligence agencies are keeping close tabs on you. I know it's weird, but we will eventually sort all this out." Melinda picked up an extension and said, 'Jared this is Melinda, and I have to tell you that I am exhausted from the undertones and nonsensical code in the conversations after Marie's seminar." Jared asked, "Did Lou hear the code too?" Melinda said, "No, he had to get back to work, and besides, he does not like to think of anything that might implicate the government in, shall we say, peculiar dealings." Jared said, "I'm sorry I couldn't be there, but I appreciate that you and Lou are looking after my baby." Melinda said, "It has been a pleasure, and tonight I am her unofficial body guard for a dinner at the Romanov Restaurant with Ellen Martins and Larry Rosen." Jared exclaimed, "Thanks for the assistance! Remember to be cognizant of what you eat and drink." Melinda said, "Marie has filled me in on the precautions." She continued, "Look, I have got to lie down. I am simply drained. I'm signing off now and am looking forward to when you are both here for the Society meetings." Jared then replied, "Take care and give my best to Lou."

Jared then began speaking to Marie again. "Listen Babe, all these weird goings-on and your lecture schedule convinces me that you should put off your trip to Europe for at least six months. I am not telling you to cancel the trip, I just want you to reschedule the trip in conjunction with my visiting professorship in Egypt." Marie replied, "I guess you are right about Europe. I am sort of tired, and I still have to lecture at Georgetown before the Dallas meeting." Jared said, "I knew you'd see it my way. There is no sense in making yourself sick from too hectic a schedule."

Marie was tired, but she didn't want Jared to know. "You know what Jared? It isn't so much fun being like you after all." Jared chuckled, "Don't forget to ask Larry at dinner if the Hamlins and Cory Lovell can attend your talk tomorrow." Marie answered, "I won't, and I'll tell him that I promise to leave out the politics." Jared added, "That will help. But actually it's good for the veterans' morale to see us in action. They need to know that we do more then just pay lip service to their problems, but we don't want to get Larry in any trouble either, and I especially don't want to see you in trouble." Marie then said, "I love you!" Jared said, "Me, too! Come back soon, ya' hear!" Marie knew that he was being sarcastic and said, "I'll see you tomorrow evening! Don't forget to pick me up at the airport."

The dinner at the Romanian restaurant and the following day at Georgetown was a blur for Marie. Commander Martins decided that Marie could easily be her own sister by her looks and personality, so that night she actually watched what Marie ate and drank very closely. She didn't leave Cuba to come to the United States to grow up and become a Naval Officer to poison a young scientist who could have been her sister! This is not why she pledged her loyalty to the United States of America-to kill its citizens for trying to help Gulf War veterans that were exposed to weapons that she didn't even understand. Dr. Martins would have to take the Oak from General Armwhite and Dr. Deutschman for not going along with their plan, but she had an out. She told them in a telephone conversation later after the dinner that Marie was suspicious of the dinner and would not eat. Therefore, the plans could not be implemented as they designed. Commander Martins would find out just as Marie and Jared had learned the hard way. The system was not forgiving to young aspiring professionals who go against the orders of its criminal leadership who had a lot to hide. In fact, Commander Martins would be reassigned to a position in Africa, and she would have to give up on the thought of ever being promoted to a Navy Captain.

The following day at Georgetown Marie was scheduled to give a seminar in the Microbiology Department on the HIV-1 genes that are incorporated into nucleoprotein complexes in the nucleus of human cells of infected individuals. Marie was quite excited about the chance to speak at an academic department outside of Austin where the scientists and physicians were actually open-minded and fair.

That morning Professor Larry Rosen met Marie at the entrance to the Georgetown Medical School. After greeting Marie and leading her through a maze of hallways and buildings, they finally arrived at the Microbiology Department and the AIDS Research Institute. As the Director of the AIDS Research Institute, Larry had been very supportive of the McNichols' research efforts. As they continued down the hall of the Institute, Larry reminded Marie to be careful about what she said to the staff, "You know Marie, you're scaring everyone with your germ warfare comments." Marie asked, "What do you mean?" Larry responded quietly, "Well, we're all petrified for one thing. You just don't discuss these things in public."

For some reason Larry's comment set off an explosion in Marie's head. She had been under pressure ever since she had arrived in Washington, and the cab driver said that everyone wanted her dead. Marie replied in an impassioned voice, "Larry, if the scientific community does not stand up to the murderers within our ranks, who will make the world a better place for future generations? I am really sick and tired of the apathy and lack of responsibility for horrific experiments by the global scientific community! In my opinion they are nothing but a bunch of spineless wimps!" Larry then retorted, "Whoa there! That's not true'" Marie fired back, "Isn't it?" Marie was in one of her provocative states. She would not keep quiet, even though Larry had placed his finger over his lips indicating that she should be quiet. But Marie continued to speak, "We have never taken responsibility for our ill-advised Cold War experiments, releasing all sorts of biological agents in over 200 open air tests on the American people."

Larry was dumbfounded but Marie could not be stopped, "Don't tell me that you didn't know that Licio Gelli and his physician Dr. Leon Gauci stole funds from the Vatican Bank to fund the development of immunosuppressive agents in their amoral eugenics program. And they had help from the Mafia." Larry was speechless. There was nothing he could do to stop the passionate young scientist from venting her anger right in the middle of his Department. Marie continued, "Larry, isn't it obvious that organized crime is mixed up with the funding of biological warfare through their pharmaceutical investments?" Larry responded, "Actually, I've never heard of this, and I doubt if any of my colleagues have either. Are you sure that you're correct about this?" Marie answered, "The Mafia are not the jokers you see on TV shows. They're a sophisticated money laundering and financing organization that has penetrated into our science community. And to make matters worse for me, I think that my elusive father was one of them, and he was probably the boss." Marie was nearly crying when she spit out her last statement. Larry was still dumbfounded at Marie's tirade. He did not know exactly what to make of Marie's revelation that she was related to some Mafia boss. He tried to brush it off as some ridiculous comment made in a heated moment, but he changed his mind later that day when the black limos showed up in front of the building where Marie gave her seminar. He decided not to press her on the issue, and besides it was close to seminar time, and Larry did not want to make the afternoon any more complicated than it was at the moment.

Larry tried to calm down Marie so that she could go on and deliver her lecture to his department. He looked at Marie with a mixture of genuine concern and admiration and said, "Let's just concentrate on your seminar, O.K.?" Larry had heard that the McNichols were under tremendous pressure to abandon their research, and he had also heard that Jared McNichols was in danger of being fired for their work on Gulf War Illnesses. Isaac Geldter and others in the Austin Medical Center had gone all over the scientific community telling anyone who would listen that Jared was in the process of being fired for fabricating the McNichols' results on Gulf War veterans' infections. Personally Larry did not believe any of the rumors, but there were many, even at his own institution, that accepted what Geldter and others had been saying. After all, why would Geldter and the others go out of their way to make such outlandish statements if there wasn't some element of truth in what they were saying? Larry turned to the visibly upset Marie and asked her, "Is this going to be a normal day, Marie? Is this going to be just a routine seminar?"

Marie finally regained her composure and told Larry something that she had neglected to tell him last night. She said, "I think that it is going to be a normal day, but I did invite some soldiers at Fort Meade to attend my seminar. Is this going to be all right?" Larry thought for a moment and then answered, "Why not. After what you told me about the Army Institute of Pathology Research, I think that we can cut you a little slack." With that comment Marie relaxed a bit and told Larry, "I think I'm ready now. Please forgive me for lashing out in your department." Larry replied, "Don't give it a thought. I have some idea of the pressures that you and Jared are under at the moment. I want you to know that I am behind both of you in your efforts." Larry then took Marie to the seminar room for her lecture.

The seminar went smoothly but what happened after the seminar was anything but normal. After the seminar Larry decided to take Marie and some of the faculty members in his department to lunch at the faculty club. As they exited the Research Building, Marie pointed to the black limos. Larry said, "We sometimes have visiting dignitaries. It's probably some VIP." Just as he spoke a tall distinguished looking man in a dark suit got out of one of the limos and asked Marie, "Is everything O.K.?" Marie stared back at him and asked, "Who are you?" The man replied, "Come on Marie, you know that I'm always here to protect you." Marie turned away from the man standing by one of the limos and refused to acknowledge his question. As the group of faculty walked on, Larry asked Marie, "Who was that?" Marie replied, "I'm not sure. But now at least you have seen it too." Larry decided not to press Marie further about the limos and the strange tall man. Marie was trying to suppress some painful truth about her background.

As the group approached the Faculty Club where the dining hall was located, they noticed that there must have been some sort of meeting of Naval officers at the University. They noticed many officers in dress whites and some in more casual dress coming out of the building. Turning to one of the officers Larry asked, "What's going on here?" The officer replied, "Bomb scare. We were told to leave the building." Larry turned to the small group of faculty and just shrugged his shoulders and made a face to indicate that he didn't know what was going on in the building. The group decided to wait a few minutes before deciding on a change of plans, and some of the faculty got into a discussion with Marie about her seminar. No one seemed to be concerned about the bomb scare. After a few minutes the building was opened, and a man told the assembled group of faculty, friends and Navy personnel that everything was O.K., just a false alarm.

The groups of people began to line up to re-enter the building when two Naval officers came up to Marie and saluted to Marie. One was an admiral who patted Marie on her behind as he passed. He told the group as he passed, "We feel confident that you can now dine. You will find our calling card at your table. Carryon!" Larry smiled and asked the admiral, "Hey, that's sexual harassment." The officers smiled but did not reply. After they had entered the building, Marie suddenly remembered that she had seen one of the officers before. It was Commander Dale DeJon! What was he doing at the Georgetown Medical School?

The faculty group from the Microbiology Department found their table. It was the only one with two Navy officer dress white caps on the place settings. One of the caps contained extensive gold braiding indicating the rank of a Vice Admiral, and the other was for a Navy Commander. It must have been the Admiral who greeted Marie just before they entered the building. The faculty members with their visitor from Texas continued their lunch without incident. Marie would never learn whether she was at any risk that day at the Faculty Club in Washington. After she returned from the trip and related the story to Jared, he just smiled and told Marie that Commander DeJon and the admiral were probably just emphasizing to her that they were there to protect her. That was the kind of support that made the McNichols feel more secure and more positive about the trials and tribulations that they were going through. It meant a lot to know that the line officers in the Armed Forces were behind them, even if the Medical Corps had repeatedly tried to tear them down.
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Re: Project Day Lily: An American Biological Warfare Tragedy

Postby admin » Tue Oct 24, 2017 10:12 pm

Part 1 of 2

CHAPTER 13: Dr. Masters Becomes Impatient (1996)

Jared opened his internal mail one morning to find that he had received an invitation to speak in the internal seminar series of the Department of Laboratory Services on molecular biology and Gulf War Illnesses. Although he was somewhat surprised to receive the invitation from Dr. Jose Gonsalez, the head of the department and a world-renowned pathologist and expert on head and neck cancers, he shouldn't have, because Dr. Gonsalez was a friend and colleague of many of the younger department chairmen at the Cancer Center. But he was also a close friend of Dr. Belcher's, and unbeknownst to Jared, he had already been in heated discussions with Dr. Belcher at the way Jared and Marie were being treated by the D. O. Madison administration. Dr. Gonsalez was essentially out of the loop when it came to the administration's actions against the McNichols, and he didn't have any idea why Dr. Masters was acting so nasty against what he considered were good young academics. Dr. Gonsalez was from a noble Spanish family, and he could trace his roots back to the first Kings of Spain. He was also above all, a most polite and polished individual who was extremely well-liked by his faculty and colleagues. He was also held in very high regard among the other institutions in the Medical Center. Jared was lucky indeed to have a clinician of Dr. Gonsalez's stature on his side. When Marie went on a rampage against the faculty of the Cancer Center, which was happening more and more often, Dr. Gonsalez was one of the examples that Jared used to counter her argument that everyone of the chairmen at the D. O. Madison was corrupt and against them.

Dr. Gonsalez wasn't the only department chairman that supported the McNichols against the D. O. Madison administration, but he was probably the most influential, along with some of the other clinical department chairmen that supported Jared. This was especially true of various departments that covered medical oncology, surgical oncology, neurooncology and radiology. Without the support of other department chairmen, Jared would have been steam-rolled by the administration long ago. There were usually some checks and balances in any large organization, and the clinical department chairmen plus the few Vice Presidents who were not in Dr. Masters' pocket and the Legal Services Department were the only administrative checks against the overwhelming power of Dr. Masters. And of course, the State System administration that was just beginning to take a closer look at the D. O. Madison administrators. Unfortunately, with the untimely murder of Dr. Cannon, the State System would not be proceeding against Dr. Masters, so for the moment he had free reign over the Cancer Center as his personal fiefdom.

Since Jared had been ordered by Dr. Masters not to speak on Gulf War Illnesses, except for official testimony to U.S. Congressional and other government committees and panels, he arranged for Marie to receive the invitation instead to give the seminar in the Department of Laboratory Services. This department was responsible for all clinical laboratory testing at the D. O. Madison Cancer Center, and the deputy chairman, Dr. Richards, was interested in the data that Jared and Marie had been collecting on the Gulf War veterans. Since Marie was a consultant on Jared's grants and no longer on the staff as a paid employee of the Cancer Center, Dr. Masters couldn't order her not to give an invited seminar in one of the clinical departments. Since she was a consultant on an active Federal grant, he couldn't stop her from entering the facility, because she must have firsthand access to the research being conducted under the grant. Jared thought that he had all the bases covered when he suggested that Marie give the seminar the Department of Laboratory Services instead of himself but, in fact, he was testing the limits of power of a megalomaniac, and that was not a smart thing to do.

The important part was the timing. Marie was speaking as an invited guest of the department on short notice, and Jared hoped that Dr. Masters or even Drs. Belcher or Bane would not have time to intervene and prevent the lecture, or they might not even notice it. Even with the distinction of Marie not being officially on staff and immune to the orders of the Administration, Jared was concerned that Dr. Masters would place pressure on or retaliate against Laboratory Services or his own department for letting Marie lecture on Gulf War Illnesses at The D. O. Madison. Jared had always wondered why Dr. Masters had focused so much on Marie. Dr. Masters was obsessed with Marie and had given orders to his Administration that Marie was never to receive any salary or consultancy fees, even if she had been approved as a consultant on one of Jared's NIH grants.

Although Jared thought that the invitation to speak at an internal Madison seminar was under the radar screen of the administration, he didn't realize that Dr. Masters was closely shadowing his every move and had already tried to have the department withdraw its invitation to the McNichols to present their data. However, Dr. Gonsalez regarded Dr. Masters' order as only a 'suggestion' to his department, not an order. After carefully considering the administration's 'suggestion' to pull the invitation, the department decided to proceed anyway. They just didn't see the need to cancel the seminar because the topic might be politically embarrassing for the administration. After all, the seminar was an internal affair, even though it was advertised through the pathology community in the Medical Center. Dr. Gonsalez was a strong supporter of Jared and Marie, and he previously had urged them to continue their important work.

Usually Dr. Belcher would have stepped in to control the research information of the Cancer Center as its Vice President for Research, but since Dr. Belcher owed his appointment to the European Academy of Science to the political influence of Dr. Gonsalez with the Academy, he was hesitant to criticize Dr. Gonsalez and interfere in his department affairs. Dr. Bane was also hesitant to step in, because Dr. Gonsalez was not a man to cross swords with. He had an elegant manner about him, some would claim arrogant, and he could be very forceful with his polite but convincing European style. Jared very much liked and respected Dr. Gonsalez, and the feeling was mutual. Unfortunately, Dr. Gonsalez had just been diagnosed with prostate cancer, and his political effectiveness would in the future be limited because of the therapy he would now have to undergo. However, that did not stop Dr. Gonsalez from working on the McNichols' behalf behind the scenes at the Medical Center. Therefore, the seminar remained on the books as scheduled, and the preparations were made to have Marie speak in one of the larger conference rooms at the Cancer Center on the topics of molecular biology and Gulf War Illnesses.

On the day of the seminar Jared and Marie walked down a hallway in the hospital to the conference room where Marie would deliver a lecture on the research that she and Jared were conducting on Gulf War Illnesses and on her own molecular biology studies. The conference room was typical of any conference room at the Cancer Center, and it had capacity seating for approximately 200 people. They entered the conference room before most of the attendees had arrived, and Marie whispered to Jared, "Do you think I should mention how Suzanne is doing since her return from the Gulf?" Jared answered, "I just spoke to her early this morning, and she said she is feeling much better." Marie responded, "That's great! Can I mention it today?" Jared replied, "You should probably stay away from personal stories, and please don't editorialize or make any inflammatory comments. Just keep to the data that we have collected. They can't defame us about the data, but Masters' dupes will be here, and you don't want to give them any ammunition. I don't want to have us both up in Masters office for violating his orders, even if they are illegal."

Marie hesitated and then became very somber. "You know, I hate giving seminars here. I don't know why we even bother to continue at this place. I wonder if they'll heckle me again and throw spitballs?" Jared reassured her, "Don't worry, I will be here to control the situation, and you are talking in a department that is very supportive of our work. Dr. Gonsalez is one of our strongest supporters. He must know something about what's happening in the prisons. He's very close to Belcher, and Belcher needs him to prop up his international academic standing." Marie fired back, "What standing? Without people like Dr. Gonsalez, nobody would even give Belcher a second thought."

After a few seconds at most Marie turned around and looked at the growing audience. "I see that Dr. Domasovitch is here, and you know he really hates me. Look at that sneer on his face when he looks at me!" Jared said, "I doubt that he hates you or me; in fact, he probably likes us. Isn't he always smiling around us? He's just taking advantage of the situation. Masters or Belcher probably bribed him to give us a hard time. I expect him to move up the ladder and eventually receive some kind of 'reward' from Belcher. I wouldn't be surprised if they offered him a promotion in the Education Department as an Assistant Vice President if he can get us to leave, which he really can't do if we decide to stay. When he could no longer get any political help from me, he just jumped ship." She continued, "Yah, after you loyally supported him for the last ten years. I tell you, he hates me, and he would slit your throat to get ahead, and you know I'm right. Look at how quickly he turned on you." Marie continued, "I have instincts for these things. Look at Dr. Nosan, he is not the type to give presents, and yet he was always bringing presents to me. Don't you find that suspicious?" Jared just shrugged his shoulders and said, "Well, I guess we are going to have to start checking those presents for unusual properties, although I doubt that he would go that far." Marie continued, "It's certainly not a romantic gesture, so he must feel guilty, or he is trying to stay in my good graces-or your good graces." Jared said, "Basically he is just taking advantage of the situation. He probably thinks that Masters is going to make him the next chairman of the department. It's funny how Nosan, Domasovitch, Geldter and who knows who else thinks that they are going to be handed the department. I wonder how many people were promised my position by Masters?" Jared shook his head and tried to chuckle as they took their seats in front of the conference room. Marie whispered to Jared, "To me Masters is capable of murder. I just know that they are all in on it with him." Jared just shook his head. He knew in his heart that Marie was probably correct. He felt the same way, but there was nothing that either one of them could do about the situation.

Just before the McNichols sat down at the front of the lecture room, Marie asked Jared about her slides. "Will you set up my slides?" Jared replied as they sat down, "I am the highest paid slide-maker in the business, and I will gladly assist you." Marie said, "Stop teasing me!" She hesitated and whispered to Jared, "I really hate these lectures." Marie then stood to meet the department deputy chairman, Dr. Martin Richards, who came to the front of the room. Jared considered Dr. Richards a nice person and a quality faculty member. He wouldn't let the seminar degenerate into a free-for-all, especially if outsiders 'crash' the talk with the intent of trashing Marie. Jared warned Dr. Richards that some people might try to disrupt the seminar, recalling what happened in his own department, and Dr. Richards assured Jared that it couldn't happen today.

Jared was relieved that the seminar couldn't be easily disrupted by some of Masters' dupes. At that same time a bit of a commotion transpired outside the lecture hall, and all heads turned to the door as the Maitlands and Cassie Mayer with a cameraman walked into the conference room. All eyes seemed to follow Cassie Mayer and the cameraman, and in fact many in the audience immediately recognized Cassie because she did the local medical segments on Eyewitness News. Jared quietly said to Marie, "Oh, no! They actually came. I hope this is not going to turn into a circus!" Marie replied, "It's already a circus!" Jared assumed that Marie was just being polite when she invited Sandra Maitland and her reporter friend Cassie Mayer to her seminar, but here they were at the seminar, just as Sandy promised. Jared secretly prayed that Cassie checked in with the administration first and had permission to be at the seminar. If they hadn't, then Jared and even the Clinical Services Department could be in big trouble with Dr. Masters.

Marie noticed that Jared didn't look too well, but she knew why, as she too noticed the TV reporter and cameraman. She whispered quietly, "And like I said this morning, think of The D. O. Madison as Funeral Parlor City." Jared tried to make light of the situation, "Are you thinking of my untimely immediate future, or didn't you call your home in South Florida by that same name?" Marie continued, "I tell you the place is a giant front for something sinister." Jared tried to calm down Marie before her seminar, "Please get out of your negative thought loop and sarcastic mood." He said, "There are some very nice people here and top notch professionals too. You would have never been invited to this department if they were all jerks." Marie said, "See, I'm smiling!" As Jared frowned, she continued, "But in general the faculty here have no backbone, and even the best here do not measure up to the intellectual prowess of the Institute where I trained." Jared looked at Marie and said, "Now be professional, Marie." She answered, "Aren't I always?" Jared never answered her.

Sandy Maitland saw the McNichols and came immediately over to introduce Cassie Mayer to Marie and Jared. The McNichols stood to meet the TV reporter and her cameraman. Marie said, "I'm glad to see you all again." Sandy introduced the visitors, "Marie, Jared, this is Cassie. She's an investigative reporter with the Eyewitness News team, and she has been following our story of the Wallsville 'Mystery Illness'." Cassie said, "Pleased to finally meet you, Dr. and Dr. McNichols." Cassie turned to Marie and said, "Now that I recall, I believe I did an interview on your husband a few years back on his breast cancer research." Jared had not remembered but he went along. "That's right. I almost forgot, and I was impressed with the piece that you did on the subject." Cassie responded, "Well, thanks! We reporters rarely get any credit for what we do." Jared asked the reporter, "Cassie, I hope you cleared this with our Public Affairs Office?" Cassie replied, "Why, I always do that, Dr. McNichols. I know the rules around here." She briefly laughed, indicating that she thought that all the academic formalities were unnecessary. She was probably right, but not this time.

Actually Jared agreed with Cassie Mayer, but he couldn't take the chance that a reporter might come to Marie's seminar without clearing it first with the Madison administration. Cassie turned to Jared and became more serious and asked, "Tell me something, do you think there is a connection between the Gulf War Syndrome and the Wallsville 'Mystery Illness'?" Jared responded, "When you look carefully at their signs and symptoms, they are very, very similar, and when we used our laboratory tests we found the same chronic infections in both of these groups of patients." Marie added, "So far, in our preliminary investigation, which I'll explain during the lecture, the patterns that we are finding in the Wallsville 'Mystery Illness' victims and approximately 50oA, of the Gulf War veterans indicate exactly the same agent, and the results show the presence of an invasive mycoplasma, Mycoplasma fermentans incognitus, in both groups of patients. I'll explain what a mycoplasma is during the seminar, but basically it's a very primitive type of bacteria."

Marie continued the discussion with the reporter in an area that Jared did not want her to discuss. "Surprisingly, when we were conducting controls for the experiments, we found the presence of one of the HIV-1 viral genes. The HIV-1 virus is the virus that causes AIDS. In some of the patients from Wallsville and some of those who served in Operation Desert Storm we were able to find certain HIV-1 genes or parts of genes."

Marie tried to qualify her remarks, but it was too late. The cat was out of the bag, and Jared could only wonder about the consequences. "But I have to caution you, our results are only preliminary. In the end I think, as my husband will explain, we will find that multiple agents are involved in both instances." Jared stiffened and hoped that the reporter would forget about the mention of the HIV-1 gene. Cassie asked, "Agents?" She had focused on 'agents' instead of on the HIV-1 genes. Marie continued without thinking of the consequence of what she had just said to the reporter. "We hypothesize that the Persian Gulf War veterans were exposed to biological and chemical 'agents' in accordance with Soviet Warfare Doctrine." Marie continued, "And from what I gather from Sandy and her family, there is the possibility of exposure of the Wallsville residents to a variety of 'agents' in the prison system.

Jared tried to quickly repair the situation and play down the discussion of chemical and biological 'agents.' The use of this term suggested that the McNichols had found chemical or biological weapons in the veterans and in prison guards as well. Jared tried to casually extend what Marie had told Cassie. "In short, Cassie, the Wallsville situation may mimic some of the conditions that were found in the Gulf War, especially the exposure to certain chemicals and certain infections, such as the mycoplasma that we found in the veterans' blood." The problem was that Cassie could not discern the difference between a natural exposure and exposure to a war agent. Jared was very concerned that she would report that the McNichols had found biological weapons in the patients that they examined. That would certainly trigger a very negative response from the administration, even if it was likely to be the truth.

But it was entirely too late-the cat was out of the bag. Especially when Marie said, "Off the record, I am beginning to conclude that Operation Desert Storm was one gigantic Soviet War Doctrine experiment and that some of the same biological agents were tested well before the war on the Wallsville prisoners. Like the Tuskegee syphilis experiments where prisoners were exposed to syphilis and then just watched to see what would happen if the infection went untreated." Not to be stopped, Marie continued even as she was being gently kicked by Jared, "And I strongly suspect that some high level government officials might have profited from the sale of the biological weapons to Saddam Hussein, which means that the U. S. may have violated the 1972 Geneva Convention, the international treaty that banned the manufacture, sale, use and dissemination of biological agents." Jared was having a brief coronary while Cassie looked puzzled, so Jared gently added, "Marie sometimes becomes a bit too emotional about what we have found. There are a few gaps in the story, and this isn't the final. word, so please don't quote us on Marie's last few comments, We have some more work to do in the lab to put this on more solid ground. And please don't quote her on the comments about the treaty."

Marie, however, could not be stopped by Jared, who was trying to keep the local reporter from reporting on their preliminary laboratory results and bringing down the wrath of the administration. Marie however said, "How can I not get emotional? I am just stating the truth, Remember, just because I am passionate does not mean that I am not objective about my science," Jared said, "O.K., I know. But in your lecture, just stick to the facts, please!" Cassie was, unfortunately, beginning to understand the ramifications of what Marie had just told her. "I believe that this is an ugly story that needs to be told. When Sandy mentioned to me what you found and what has happened in the prison system, I decided that the people of Texas deserve to know what is going on in their communities, especially those with prison facilities. But I also understand that this could have very negative repercussions in certain places."

Jared's heart was beating very rapidly, but he, in fact, was being told by Cassie, the reporter out for a good story, that she would try to be careful and objective. This was reassuring, and then finally Marie began to respond to the worried look on Jared's face, which she knew meant that Jared was worried about the internal political consequences of her comments. So Marie changed her tone, "But if you can approach the story in a positive way .... " Cassie asked, "How?" Jared intervened, "We have a brief publication in the Journal of the American Medical Association that summarizes our work with the veterans who used the antibiotic doxycycline to overcome Gulf War Illness. And we have another publication in a British medical journal explaining the medical as well as the political aspects of our findings. I will make sure that you have copies of these articles. They should help explain what Marie has just summarized, and then you can quote the published work rather than quoting us directly." Cassie did not really know the significant difference between quoting a 'source' and quoting a peer-reviewed published paper. The former can be attacked directly but the latter invites criticism of the publication and perhaps the review and editorial process that resulted in the publication. Also, Jared knew he could defend his publications better than a direct quote, and Dr. Masters would have a hard time firing him for his comments taken from a peer-reviewed publication. After all, he would just be quoting published material that had passed the critical test of peer review.

Although Jared was trying desperately to have everyone sit down so he could start the seminar, Marie continued speaking to Cassie, the reporter. "We are tying to complete the circle of evidence. You know, the old Roger Bacon line of investigation of observation and experimentation. But in the case of the veterans and the prison employees, we had to do something or let them suffer or even die. So, we had to quietly tell some of the patients to try the antibiotic to see if it worked." Jared added, "We really need to get the seminar started here! I am sure that the Administration is very concerned with the safety of patients, and this is why they are being so cautious." Cassie responded, "I hope you're right about that, but I have to be candid with you Dr. McNichols, most of the time I have found that administrators are more interested in protecting their backsides than they are in protecting the public." Sandy said, "We sure feel a hell of a lot better since we began the antibiotics, and Julie's so-called Lou Gehrig's Disease symptoms are going away." Jared had to explain, so Cassie would not incorrectly conclude that infections solely cause neurodegenerative diseases. "Which means she likely did not have classical ALS, which is a rare neurodegenerative disease. She may have had an infection that caused the death of the same nerve cells that are affected in ALS." Sandy added, "Four people on our block alone who are not related were diagnosed with Lou Gehrig's disease, and our neurologist told us that it was impossible!" Clayman, who rarely interrupted anyone also got into the act, "And many of those diagnosed with MS are already responding to the doxycycline, just like the McNichols predicted!" Jared tried desperately to explain, "We feel that these infections can mimic a variety of autoimmune-like illnesses besides MS and neurodegenerative diseases like ALS." Marie added, "They're the great imposters because they can invade so many places in your body."

Jared tried to take control so the seminar could start. He faced the audience and waved his arms downward in an attempt to tell the audience to sit down. Dr. Richards, who had come to the front of the room finally said, "Please, everyone, the room is almost full, and we're ready to begin the seminar." Everyone finally took his or her seats. Even Marie sat down, and Jared who had been asked by Dr. Richards to give the introduction went to the podium. As he walked up to the podium, Jared wondered if he had been asked to deliver the introduction in order to keep the faculty from Laboratory Services from being in trouble with Dr. Masters, He decided that it was probably better for him to do it. After all, he was in trouble anyway, and this introduction was unlikely to make the situation any worse for him than it was already.

Jared said to the audience, "Good morning!" As the audience calmed down, he continued, "I am Jared McNichols, and Dr. Richards has asked me to give the introduction. I hope that you do not mind that Eyewitness News, which has been cleared by our Administration to record parts of the seminar, will be here today. The seminar will be given by my wife, Dr. Marie McNichols, who is a consultant to the Cancer Center. Marie will cover the topic of Nucleoprotein Gene Tracking and its use in an attempt to understand the role of invasive infections, such as viral and mycoplasmal infections, in chronic illnesses. In some cases, these illnesses are associated with Persian Gulf War Syndrome or what we call Gulf War Illnesses and the outbreaks in the Texas prison system at certain units that have even been reported on Eyewitness News." Jared continued, "We realize the topic is controversial, but let me remind you that here at The D. O. Madison cancer patients are often immunosuppressed, and they would be prime candidates to contract some of the invasive infections that will be discussed this morning. In fact, the issue of opportunistic infections in patients undergoing cytotoxic therapy is an important one that cannot be easily dismissed, because it is one of the most common problems facing us today in cancer therapy." Jared continued the introduction by introducing Marie's professional background and the research that they had done together in the Department of Cancer Biology.

Marie stood up, approached the front of the lecture hall and began her lecture by focusing on the use of the Nucleoprotein Gene Tracking technique to study various scientific problems. The lecture then moved forward with Marie showing many of the slides that Jared prepared for her on the data that they had gathered to support their hypothesis that chronic infections might be the cause or at least part of the cause of various unusual clinical conditions, such as those found after the Gulf War and in the Texas prison system.

After Marie presented the data that she and Jared had used to support their hypothesis, she began to summarize her seminar. Since some in the audience were not scientists or clinicians, she decided to add a few editorial comments. "To know the pattern of an enemy is to overcome the enemy, and the techniques described today have enabled us to locate DNA sequences from invasive microorganisms that have penetrated deeply into the cell and even into the cell nucleus." She continued, "I often tell soldiers when I lecture that the microorganisms are like guerilla warfare elements. They're insidious and invisible and almost impossible to detect." Marie was at the end of her lecture, and she decided to editorialize a bit, even though Jared had warned her not to provoke Dr. Masters, who presumably had many spies in the audience. Marie said, "I believe that we as American citizens have all been betrayed. There are over 120 universities in the U. S. alone that have been involved in chemical and biological warfare defense, and in some cases this has resulted in research that could be conceived as 'offensive' in nature. This was supposed to stop in 1972 with the signing of the Geneva Convention on Biological Weapons." She continued, "These weapons were even put together into mixtures called Russian doll or Metroushka doll cocktails, which are mixtures of various components that by themselves are relatively harmless or incapable of causing lethal illnesses, but when combined produce deadly combinations of components, which remain for the most part hidden. These cocktails are also designed to create immune suppression.

Finally, Marie ended her seminar with some political statements. "I didn't become a scientist to harm people. Nor am I standing in judgment of Cold War policies that may have resulted in a secret biological weapons race. But the onus for the waves of illnesses that we see affecting significant numbers in the general population could be the fault of the global science and medical communities who should have known better. For once the scientific community should be called on the carpet for concentrating on the dark side of their wonderful new discoveries. These horrible new weapons cannot be controlled. Think about it! Why did you become physicians and scientists? Didn't you want to help mankind? Or have you forgotten the teachings of Maimonides that state that it is our duty to care for our fellow human beings! Why should a few mediocrities that cannot make it on their talent alone benefit by performing amoral experiments? They're amongst you! Don't let them win!"

Marie received a rousing ovation from some members of the audience for her unusual lecture, but it was very clear that not all of the participants were pleased with the seminar. Only a consultant could have given such a talk, because an employee of the Cancer Center would have to face Dr. Masters and his henchmen for daring to buck the system. Jared looked around the audience and noticed that Drs. Nosan, Domasovitch and Auchenhower, among others were not applauding. In fact, they were leaving the room as quickly as possible. Jared thought that they must be headed for the nearest phone booth to report to the administration that Marie may have defamed over one hundred universities! He secretly laughed knowing that when they review the tapes of the seminar, they won't find a 'smoking' gun. The McNichols had survived to live another day. Marie did as Jared told her to do-she did not defame the D. O. Madison. Dr. Masters would not have his way on the basis of this seminar.

Carrie was quick to take advantage of the situation, and she had her cameraman set up outside the conference room. The first person that they interviewed was Dr. Richards. He would be badgered that night by the administration for letting Marie and Jared go astray and present some political points in their department seminar series. Jared was doing some damage control with the other faculty members of the department. Sandy Maitland went up to tell Marie, "Girl that took guts!" Marie asked, "For what? I was just trying to tell the truth." Clayman then added, "That's a rare commodity these days." The room finally cleared out and Jared returned and said, "Well Marie, your lecture was splendid, but I can predict that I will be receiving a great deal of harassment from the administration over your lecture today."

Finally, Carrie came back into the conference room to have a final word with the McNichols. Jared was concerned that Dr. Masters would use Marie's lecture against him and the department that sponsored her seminar, so he decided not to be interviewed by Eyewitness News. After all, Dr. Masters told him that he did not want to see any more publicity without the approval of the Public Affairs Department. Carrie again assured Jared that she had the approval of Department of Public Affairs before she could bring a cameraman into the Cancer Center. Jared was still concerned about repercussions, regardless of whether the Eyewitness News crew was approved or not to film the lecture and conduct interviews after the seminar. Jared was right. The segment appeared on the evening news, but Jared escaped any TV exposure. Not so with Marie. Even if the Eyewitness News crew had the approval of the administration, Jared felt uncomfortable. He had a feeling that they have not seen the last of The D. O. Madison administration when it came to the seminar. He was right.
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Re: Project Day Lily: An American Biological Warfare Tragedy

Postby admin » Tue Oct 24, 2017 10:12 pm

Part 2 of 2

Dr. Masters always gets his way

The next day after Marie's seminar in the Department of Laboratory Services, Jared was contacted by Dr. Belcher. Jared returned his call to find out what he had called about, but in reality he knew. He had a sickly feeling in the pit of his stomach. It must be about Marie's seminar. He reached Dr. Belcher in his office. Jared asked Dr. Belcher, "Francis, I think I know why you called me this morning." Dr. Belcher said, "I thought that you might. Jared, I thought that we had an agreement that you would not drag this Gulf War Syndrome thing out in the press." Jared responded, "Dr. Belcher, I did not publicly speak on that subject. I think you might be referring to Marie who gave an invited seminar yesterday in the Department of Laboratory Services. And if you are referring to the segment on Eyewitness News, I was not a part of that segment as you must know by now, and the TV crew was approved by the Public Affairs Department."

There was a moment of silence on the line. That in itself was quite unusual for Dr. Belcher. He then responded in a fatherly manner, 'Jared, let me give you some friendly advice. It doesn't matter if you were or were not on TV or in the newspapers. What matters is that Dr. Masters feels that the good name of the institution has been dragged through the mud by your direct actions. And I don't think that anyone can change his mind on that point." Jared asked, "How can he come to that conclusion? The segment on TV was very positive for our image in the community." Dr. Belcher who was not angry but sounded resigned said, "It doesn't matter what you or I think. Because that is the conclusion that he has come to, and there is nothing that I can do about it. You were warned not to speak in public about this, and you were told to shut down this research. You violated that trust, and I must now tell you that Dr. Masters will be taking some punitive action against you because of it." Jared asked, "What kind of action?" Dr. Belcher answered, "I believe that you will be removed from your chairmanship, effective immediately. You serve at his pleasure, and I must say, you have just about burned all your bridges with the administration here. And there may be more, but I am trying to get Dr. Masters to listen to some reason."

Jared thought about what he had built in the Department and what his laboratory had accomplished in the last decade, and he became angry at what he had just heard. "Dr. Belcher, you know that I have done nothing wrong, and you know that I have not broken any rules or regulations. You and Dr. Masters are acting like I am some criminal that needs to be punished. All that we have done is help the veterans and help the prison guards from an illness that is spreading in the military and in the communities where State prisons are located. We have been very careful about the science that we have done, and I believe that we are correct in our assessment of the chronic infections in these patients. The patients that we have helped have recovered or are beginning to recover from their illness, and we have published our results in peer-reviewed journals. I thought that is what we were hired to do at our institution-help those with illnesses recover from their health problems. I didn't think that we were here to turn our backs on problems when they arose in the community, especially if we could help them, just for political reasons. And if I am removed from my position because of that reporter yesterday, I must conclude that this is some sort of aberrant institution and I rue the day that I ever came here." He paused and stated, "Besides, Cassie Meyer had the approval of the Administration to be at that lecture."

Dr. Belcher was in no mood to listen to Jared. He said in his whiny voice, "Listen Jared, don't get self-righteous with me. It doesn't matter a damn that you've helped someone or what you've published your data or who had approval to be at the seminar yesterday. You were directed to shut down this line of investigation, and you chose not to. Now you have to pay the piper and face the consequences. Dr. Masters might have left you alone if you had just stopped throwing this whole thing back in his face. Now he won't stop until you are dismissed from the institution. Am I making myself clear, Jared. You have gone too far, and I don't think that anyone can help you, not even the Governor. My advice is to find a new position somewhere else, if you are dead set in continuing this line of research. I would be amazed, however, if you could find any place that will have you. I don't even know that if you stopped this entire mess right now that it would matter at this point. Once Clement has made up his mind to fire someone, he always gets his way."

Jared was stunned. He thought that he could survive until Masters retired in about eight months time. Now it looked like he might not make it to September. Jared said, "Thanks for your help, Dr. Belcher. I don't know exactly what I am going to do, but I will be looking for another position, I can promise you that. Hopefully someone here will support my applications. When a tenured faculty member is told that his research is politically incorrect and that he must shut down his laboratory just because of some bullshit secret programs that inadvertently were stumbled upon, it is a sad day for the University."

Dr. Belcher became irritated and told Jared, "You had better keep your opinions to yourself, Dr. McNichols, because what you just said could be considered slander by the administration. Dr. Masters could have your job for that one comment alone." Jared thought about what he had told Dr. Belcher and said, "O.K. Dr. Belcher, that's between you and me, even if it's the truth. But you know that I have served this institution with hard work and distinction, and you have stated that yourself in writing in my annual evaluations. All of my annual evaluations have been superlative at this institution, and that is a matter of record. I have done everything that has been asked of me, and more."

Dr. Belcher was becoming impatient with Jared, because he felt that Jared had not listened to him earlier when he advised him to stop the Gulf War veterans' research and the other research projects that could have political repercussions. Dr. Belcher responded, "You know that it all doesn't mean a thing when Dr. Masters has made up his mind. And he has made up his mind. I don't think that I can do anything for you. The only thing that might help you is that the University attorneys are holding Dr. Masters back for the moment, but you know that it is only a matter of time. Dr. Masters will get his way; he always does. I will be glad to help you find another position. I don't want you to leave us with a bad feeling." Jared sarcastically said, "I'm sure you don't, Dr. Belcher. Let me think carefully about your offer." Dr. Belcher replied, "Don't wait too long, or I may not be able to assist you. I am not even sure that I can even help you. You know Dr. Masters will find out where you have applied for positions, and he will make sure that it be difficult for you." Jared said, "That's what I have heard. Thanks again for your offer. Let me get back to you." Jared hung up the phone. He thought that Dr. Belcher was just trying to get him to over-react and resign his position and leave immediately. That would make it easier on him and the administration. He would just have to try to tough it out until Dr. Masters retires and hope that the next President would not be cut from the same mold. Jared did not feel good about the conversation with Dr. Belcher. His feeling was correct because the next day he received another letter from Dr. Masters.

January 11, 1996


Professor Jared McNichol
Chairman, Department of Cancer Biology
The D. O. Madison Cancer Center
Austin, Texas

Dear Professor McNichol;

Previously I discussed in a letter to you some deficiencies in your conduct and related activities and provided written guidelines regarding your future as a senior tenured faculty member at this institution. You responded in a memo dated December 10, 1994. Since that time, additional issues have surfaced that must be addressed or severe consequences will follow if they are not immediately addressed. Some senior faculty members have expressed serious concerns about your department leadership and administrative judgment in institutional matters, and others have made allegations about your research that can no longer be ignored. For example, I recently received a memo from the Faculty Executive Committee listing several allegations on your research into Gulf War Syndrome. I agree with the faculty that these allegations must be immediately addressed, and I have incorporated these into this formal letter of warning to you.

Because of the serious nature of the matter, I am compelled to take the extraordinary measure of communicating directly to you through our Legal Services Department about these allegations so that they are fully informed of the situation. In addition, I have provided you with specific directives that define my expectations of your conduct within the established framework of the Cancer Center and the University.

I want to make clear to you that the consequences of not complying completely and immediately with my directives which are extremely serious. You are required to abide completely by the Regents' Rules and Regulations and institutional Handbook of Operating Procedures. You must also abide by my directives or risk termination of your faculty tenure and position at our institution. Because of the concerns that follow, I directed the Vice President for Academic Affairs to withhold your annual faculty appointment contract, pending a thorough review of your response and actions.

It is regrettable that your actions have caused the following events to have reached the present state. I sincerely hope that by complying fully and immediately with all of my directives, you will allay some of the concerns of the administration and your peers, so that we can address this important matter in a way that is satisfactory for all concerned. Please provide me with all of the information requested in my directives within the next ten days. Failure to do so will constitute gross insubordination and result in my proceeding immediately with your termination.

1. You have discussed your research results in the public press that have not been published or passed by an appropriate peer review body. It is my understanding that your advocacy of antibiotics as a treatment for the Desert Storm Syndrome is based only on empiric observations, rather than on reproducible scientific evidence obtained in an appropriate, approved and controlled clinical trial. Furthermore, to my knowledge your work in this area has not been published in peer-reviewed journals that the senior faculty would deem appropriate for the subject matter. Directive: Provide me with the results of any peer reviewed research in the area of this subject matter. This will be evaluated by a institutional committee that has been assigned to oversee and direct your research in this area. You will abide by any and all of the decisions and directions of this committee; failure to do so will be considered insubordination and will result in your immediate termination. You will not make any public statements without prior approval of the institutional committee and my office.

2. You have advised medication in the absence of acceptable published research. We have information that you have advised patients with symptoms attributed to "Gulf War Syndrome" to take antibiotics on the basis of one of your publications that has not been evaluated by our senior faculty, which creates the perception that you are providing medical advice. I find no evidence that you are a board-certified infectious disease physician, and providing treatment advice could constitute practicing medicine without a license. I warn you that this constitutes violation of the Medical Practices Act, and penalties could be severe and include termination and criminal indictment. Directive: You will immediately cease making any medical statements, and you are prohibited from making recommendations directly or indirectly to patients on Gulf War Syndrome or related illnesses.

3. You have offered medical tests without necessary agency approval. You have made an unsolicited offer to one cancer patient to perform a new diagnostic test to determine if cancer has spread or metastasized. Your offer implies that the test is only available through your laboratory, and this might result in violations of our institution's certification or accreditation. Any test that could be performed must have the approval of the administration, or this could constitute misuse of State resources. Directive: You must immediately cease making unsolicited offers to perform any diagnostic test through your laboratory. Any tests that are developed must be evaluated by the institutional committee that I have assigned, and the interpretation of such tests must be made by a physician assigned by the committee for this purpose.

4. You have conducted laboratory research on recombinant DNA material without the required approval. You have apparently conducted research involving pathogenic DNA material; however, there is no administrative record with the Biosafety Department or Department of Research of such research. Directive: You must have the appropriate approvals in order to conduct such research. Failure to have such approvals constitutes a grave violation of institutional regulations. If you conduct any research without such approvals, you can be terminated.

5. You have used departmental resources to the detriment of other faculty members for purposes outside of the mission of the department and the institution. State law prohibits the use of State-funded support services, equipment, materials, personnel and facilities for private purposes that do not relate to the mission of the institution. In addition, you have identified yourself as a faculty member of the University and have used the institution's and University's name for what I consider to be a private purpose outside the mission of the institution. Directive: If I find that you are misusing or have misused State or University resources or facilities, you will be immediately recommended for termination.

6. You have expressed political views in the press. You have continued to appear on radio talk shows and have been interviewed by the press about the Gulf War Syndrome, even though you were warned by me not to do so. Directive: If you make any additional public statements about the Gulf War Syndrome, and if you identify yourself as a faculty member of this institution, you will be subject to termination for insubordination.

7. You have alleged that you are paying certain technicians from private funds or your endowed chair. This raises several concerns. All employees at our institution must be approved and processed through the Office of Academic Affairs or Office of Human Resources to insure that they meet the qualifications necessary to perform their duties. If any technicians are present on institutional grounds without going through the usual approval process, they will be immediately barred from institutional facilities. Directive: You must provide me with a list of all personnel that are being paid by non-institutional funds. Even if these individuals have gone though the appropriate institutional procedures and have been approved, the institutional committee will determine if these individuals are qualified and competent to perform the duties that you have assigned them. If the committee determines that they are not qualified for the tasks that have been assigned, they must be immediately barred from performing any work in your laboratory.

8. You have used volunteer labor in an unauthorized fashion for purposes other than the mission of the institution. Persons performing volunteer service must be authorized by the institution. Directive: You must provide me with the names of volunteers, their duties and their qualifications. The institutional committee will determine if these volunteers have the necessary qualifications to perform the duties that you have assigned to them. If the committee determines that they are not qualified for the tasks that have been assigned or they are conducting unauthorized work, they must be immediately barred from performing any work in your laboratory.

These directives must be remedied quickly or you will face termination. I remind you that you must respond to me in writing within ten (10) days. The institutional committee and I will review your response and determine if it is adequate.

Since it has become apparent that you have failed in your administrative responsibilities, I am removing you effectively immediately from your position as Chairman of the Department of Cancer Biology. An acting Chairman will be appointed to the department to insure that all of the rules and regulations of the University are closely followed.


Clement A. Masters, M.D.

Jared read the letter from Dr. Masters, and it made him extremely angry. It was a travesty of false allegations and misrepresentations of the truth. After all Jared had done to serve the institution, he had been removed from his chairmanship and warned that he would essentially be stripped of his endowed professorship and his tenure and banished from the institution on the basis of completely false information. Dr. Belcher had been absolutely correct about Legal Services restraining Dr. Masters, but he had warned Jared that Dr. Masters could take away his position just about any time he wanted "for a simple comment alone," and it was "only a matter of time" before Dr. Masters "would have his way."

The attorneys in the Department of Legal Services were at the institution mainly to protect the University and Dr. Masters from litigation and guide the administration by providing their legal advice. They were not in place to protect a faculty member who stumbled on illegal and immoral activities, fell out of grace with the administration and was now the target of a megalomaniac leader of the institution. Nor were the lawyers in Legal Services there to protect the public and the employees of the institution, although they claimed otherwise. Actually all that the university attorneys did was foster the criminal and amoral activities of Dr. Masters by protecting him and providing him with justification for just about anything that he wanted. After all, the attorneys were not independent counselors; they were administratively under Dr. Masters. They were his employees just like every faculty member and employee at the institution.

Dr. Masters had decided to terminate Jared and get rid of Marie in the process, and it was only a matter of time. It didn't matter that the so-called 'facts' were twisted or completely false, they were nonetheless used to support Dr. Masters' notion that Jared was unfit to continue in his position. It didn't matter that the allegations were untrue and not supportable by evidence. The Department of Legal Services could only restrain Masters for so long, and then he would "get his way." After all, didn't Dr. Belcher tell him that Dr. Masters always got his way when it came to firing staff members.

Jared thought about what had happened over the last few years at the D. O. Madison and said to himself in a matter of fact manner, "O.K., it looks like I need a new job." He was tired of fighting for his survival while at the same time struggling to maintain his cancer and chronic illness research programs, editorial positions, department administrative duties, teaching assignments, training responsibilities and trying to keep ahead on his grants and manuscripts. As it was, Jared was working an eighteen hour-per-day seven day-per-week schedule, with only a couple hours off for volleyball league each week and a few hours for his family life. Add to that the numerous detractors going all over the world defaming his and Marie's personal and professional reputations and circumventing every thing that they had tried to accomplish.

It would not be easy overcoming Dr. Masters' and his rats and at the same time finding a suitable position elsewhere. As soon as Jared applied for an academic position at another institution, the administration seemed to find out about it, and Jared felt that his applications suddenly were not taken seriously. In addition, Dr. Masters' henchmen had convinced many in the academic community that Jared had gone insane and flipped his lid over the veterans' illnesses. He was now thought to be unstable and incapable of holding an academic position. Jared was told that his applications had been placed on hold or that someone else was more likely to be appointed to the positions. Universities that tried to recruit Jared previously were suddenly not interested, and in some cases they did not even bother to return his phone calls or letters. Even when Jared knew someone at the universities where he applied, he was told that all of a sudden his status had changed from a desirable faculty recruit to a leper. It seemed that no one wanted to hire a 'whistle blower' or someone who had been painted as possibly insane by his own institution, and that was what Jared had become in the eyes of his colleagues at other institutions. Unbeknownst to Jared, many of the institutions that he applied to for a position also had their own secret classified research programs, and thus Jared was considered persona non grata. Within two short years Jared became an academic leper in the eyes of the science and academic community after 30 dedicated years of research, teaching and service.

Jared knew that he had to answer Dr. Masters' letter within the allowed ten days, because to not address the issues raised in the letter, no matter how ridiculous they were, would result in his immediate termination by Dr. Masters. Jared needed to keep working, not only to pay the bills, but to continue the research efforts on behalf of the veterans and the prison employees and their families. Jared wondered whether he would be thrown out of his office and his laboratories now that someone else was chairman of the Department. To think that the weasel Dr. Domasovitch might be appointed the new acting chairman of the department that Jared built from scratch in ]980 made Jared feel sick to his stomach. No wonder he was measuring Jared's office to see how much space he would have in his new surroundings. Some of the office personnel quietly told Jared that Dr. Domasovitch had been secretly going into Jared's office to sit in his chair and work on Jared's computer. Jared had shrugged it off as just another faculty chairman 'wantabe,' but Marie warned him that Domasovitch among others in his department were after Jared's job. There was blood in the water, and the sharks were gathering. Now Jared had begun to take the big hits on his career that had taken over 30 years to build. But he knew that he had to first answer Dr. Masters, if he were to even be employed at the Cancer Center and not out on the street within a few days.

January 19, 1996

Clement A. Masters, M.D.
The D. O. Madison Cancer Center
Austin, Texas

Dear Dr. Masters,

Concerning your recent letter of January 11, 1996 and the contents therein, I have the following responses and statements. I appreciate the chance to respond to the apparently confidential Faculty Executive Committee comments. If you had not contacted me about these allegations, I would not have known about the confidential memo that contains several unproven allegations from unknown sources. Since you mentioned it in your letter, I have made a formal request and to examine a copy of this memo. I have been informed that I cannot see the original memo or know the authors, nor can I request a copy of this memo. Since I have not been allowed to even see a copy of the allegations that have been made or know the identities of the individuals that have made them, I have not been allowed a minimum amount of fairness and due process expected for a faculty member at our institution. The undocumented allegations made by unknown person(s) are completely false, as I will detail below:

1. You have discussed your research results in the public press that have not been published or passed by an appropriate peer review body. We have published three peer-reviewed papers on the subject in internationally recognized academic medical and scientific journals. Furthermore, I have been invited to testify under oath to the President's Commission on Gulf War Veterans' Illnesses in Washington DC on this issue, and I previously furnished a copy of my sworn testimony to the Vice President of Research. I have also been formally asked to testify to a committee of the U.S. House of Representatives. Furthermore, I have given three formal lectures at U.S. Government institutions: The U. S. Army Institute of Pathology Research, the Army Medical Center and at the request of the Deputy Secretary of the Department of Veterans' Affairs, to the Central Headquarters of the Department of Veterans' Affairs in Washington DC. My travel for the purpose of delivering testimony or lectures at these institutions was approved by the Vice President of Research. Furthermore, with the approval of the Vice President of Research, I have contacted the U.S. Army to submit a grant application in the area of question, and this was approved for submission by the Office of the Surgeon General of the U.S. Army. The application was prepared along with all necessary institutional approvals, including Biohazard, Recombinant DNA, and other approvals, and the application was signed by the Vice President of Research as the authorized individual for approval at this institution. This constitutes the usual process of administrative approval at our institution. Furthermore, my co-investigator is a department chairman at Belford College of Medicine, and that institution has administratively approved the application for submission to the U.S. Army. The grant is currently in the review process. Any other process, such as prior approval by a local committee that I am not even allowed to know the membership, is not a part of the usual approval process at our institution that every other faculty member uses. As to my discussing any of my research without prior administrative approval, I know of no other faculty member who is required to submit requests from the press to a secret committee that I am not allowed to know the membership of for prior approval before being allowed to talk to the press. Thus I am not receiving fair and equal treatment expected for a faculty member at our institution. I am being singled out because of some research that we conducted on Gulf War veterans that apparently displeases the administration.

2. You have advised medication in the absence of acceptable published research. We have not recommended treatments to patients, nor have we made any medical care pronouncements. We have, however, discussed our peer-reviewed published research with primary care providers. It is their decision completely on how to use this information and solely to evaluate and decide on their patients' medical care. We certainly do not intervene in this process. We have never provided any medications to patients. We have received requests from physicians, such as those in the Joint Special Operations Units at Fort Bragg, and we have tried to provide information to these physicians at this as well as other bases that have requested our assistance.

3. You have offered medical tests without necessary agency approval. We have never provided any patient with unauthorized tests, nor have we ever offered to perform any test that was not a part of an approved clinical laboratory protocol. I challenge the secret informer to provide evidence of such an act. All physicians who request diagnostic testing must fill out a request form and an informed consent form, and any test request mu t fit one of our approved laboratory protocols.

4. You have conducted laboratory research on recombinant DNA material without the required approval. This is not correct. We have the necessary approvals from the Biosafety Office and the Committee on Recombinant DNA.

5. You have used departmental resources to the detriment of other faculty members for purposes outside of the mission of the department and the institution. I know of no misuse of State or other resources or funds in my department, nor am I utilizing resources to the detriment of other departmental faculty. In fact, analysis of the space allocations based on grant and contract funding shows that I have the most outside funding and lowest amount of space per dollar of funding or of state resources, such as technical assistance, of any faculty member in my department. My research grants and contracts actually subsidize research in my department conducted by other faculty. To my knowledge all of the research conducted in the department is within the missions of the institution.

6. You have expressed political views in the press. To my knowledge I have not expressed any political views in the press as an employee of this institution, and if I ever do express political views, this will be done as an individual not a member or representative of the faculty or institution. I have been asked to make comments to the press about our research, and in fact, our institution's Press Office has sent TV crews and members of the press over to my office for information that they could not provide. I agreed previously to have all press interviews approved by the Public Affairs Office, and I am amazed that the administration does not know of this arrangement, since the Office of Public Affairs is a part of the Administration.

7. You have alleged that you are paying certain technicians from private funds or your endowed chair. There is no secret about this, because all employees must receive approval before they can work in our department. As to whether a secret local committee can assess the credentials and work of technicians in our department and actually direct them without identifying themselves is unlikely, and I ask them to come forward, identify themselves and come to our department to see what each technician is doing on a daily basis. We have nothing to hide, nor do our technicians.

8. You have used volunteer labor in an unauthorized fashion for purposes other than the mission of the institution. I know of no unauthorized use of volunteer labor in our department. All employees must receive approval, volunteer or paid employee, before they can work in our department. I ask that the secret committee to come forward and visit our department to see firsthand what each member is doing.

Finally, I am appalled that for apparently the first time in the history of our institution a 'secret' committee has been appointed to oversee a senior faculty member, who is one of the most productive, internationally known and visible members of our faculty. Recommending severe and punitive administrative action without due process and even a chance to rebut unsubstantiated allegations or even receive copies of secret memos containing such allegations does not bode well for our institution. I remind each of you if you receive a copy of this memo that you could find yourself in exactly the same situation, and you should consider whether this is an appropriate precedent for our institution.


Jared McNichol, Ph.D.
Samual Burker Chair in Cancer Research

At this point Jared was not sure that his response would be adequate to buy him some time to find a new position elsewhere. Certainly he could not apply for a faculty position anywhere in the State of Texas, but he was unsure about other universities as well. After discussing the situation with Marie, who was very negative about Jared finding a job any time soon because of the blackball that Jared's colleagues had gone along with, Jared decided to contact the recently retired Executive Vice President of the institution, Dr. Richard Hicks. Dr. Hicks, a crusty old surgeon with a strong wit, had always been a strong supporter of Jared and Marie. In fact, it was probably Dr. Hicks that prevented Dr. Masters from firing Jared approximately one year ago when the issue of his research first surfaced. Jared called Dr. Hicks to make an appointment to see him in his office, which had been moved to a new administrative building away from the hospital. Dr. Hicks actually sounded pleased that Jared had called to make an appointment, and he told Jared to come right over. Jared decided to go immediately to Dr. Hicks' new office.

Jared made his way to Dr. Hicks' office by foot. He had been moved to a recently renovated building down the street from the Medical Center. As Jared walked to the building he thought about what had happened to him and Marie. His recent recurring nightmare and utmost fear was that Dr. Masters and his henchmen could show up at any moment in his Department, and in front of Jared's assembled faculty and staff Dr. Masters would rip off Jared's name badge and pin of excellence given to him earlier by Dr. Masters himself and drum him out of the institution under armed guard. In fact, Dr. Masters had done this before, at least the armed guard part, so it was not out of the question. Not withstanding the fact that both he and Marie had been made honorary full colonels in the U. S. Army Special Forces and the fact that they were made the only honorary Navy SEALs in the history of the U. S. Navy, Jared had the recurring dream that Dr. Masters would disgrace him in front of his assembled faculty for disobeying Dr. Masters' orders to shut down the Gulf War Illness research. Jared and Marie had been on a mission, and it was one that had become physically and economically dangerous.

Jared finally made his way into the office building, the newest addition to the Cancer Center. The building had been owned by a large insurance company, and its style was different from the other buildings in the Medical Center. After Jared found his way up the elevator to one of the floors near the top of the building and down a long hall to Dr. Hick's office, he noticed that the environment was a far cry from the fancy setting that Dr. Hicks had on the top floor of the busy Cancer Center hospital. The building looked sterile, almost empty, and Jared could not find a human being in the entire hallway. Jared found the office and knocked on the door. In his crusty voice Dr. Hicks called for Jared to come in.

Dr. Hicks' new office had rather average furnishings, although it was still large by the usual faculty standards. Dr. Hicks had journals and papers piled high on several tables, and he apologized to Jared for the state of his office, but Jared did not mind at all. He was not there on a social visit. He was visiting Dr. Hicks for advice on how he might be able to save his job, at least for enough time to find a new job. Jared did not consider that he had done anything wrong or broken any University rules or regulations, and it was as if he was being treated like a disgraced cavalry officer whose only crime was to challenge the wisdom of his commanding officer.

Dr. Hicks was an interesting contrast to Dr. Masters. Actually, the Board of Regents had unanimously chosen Dr. Hicks to become the president of the institution over Dr. Masters, but Dr. Masters' friends in the government and some Las Vegas interests intervened and the Board was overruled. The Board of Regents knew that Dr. Masters was unfit to serve as president of The D. O. Madison. He had previously been removed from an administrative position for gross misappropriation of funds, so Jared felt it was ironic that Dr. Masters was trying to remove him for exactly the same reason, only in Jared's case it was not justified by the facts, and Dr. Masters and his henchmen knew it They would have to find something else.

As it turned out Dr. Hicks knew Jared's and Marie's plight quite well, and in fact he had been trying behind the scenes to circumvent some of Dr. Masters attempts to fire Jared because he felt that it was not justified. The University attorneys also did not agree with Dr. Masters, and Dr. Hicks told Jared that he was trying to save Jared's job, but there was only so much that he could do now that he was retired. Jared explained to Dr. Hicks the situation that he had found himself in, and he showed him the letters that Dr. Masters had sent through Legal Services and the responses to Dr. Masters' letters. Jared immediately had the feeling that Dr. Hicks had seen these letters before. After a several minute wait while Dr. Hicks quickly scanned the letters, he finally turned and said in a fatherly tone to Jared, "I don't know if I can help you here, but I will try. Have you been applying for positions outside the Medical Center?" Jared responded, "Only outside of Texas." Dr. Hicks smiled and answered, "That would be prudent!" Jared said, "I don't know if it will make any difference in the long run, because it seems that every potential job offer has been withdrawn or tabled." Dr. Hicks said, "I know the routine quite well. You don't get to be my age without knowing something about people. No one wants any controversy these days. It seems that administrators will listen to anyone when it comes to something negative, but they will only accept positive information from only the most distinguished sources."

In addition to finding another job, Jared had another major concern. "I'm sure that I can find a job if I have enough time, but it seems that Dr. Masters wants to fire me before he retires this August. Maybe after he goes, the heat will be off somewhat." Dr. Hicks reminded him, "Don't hold your breath on that. And I mean for either of those possibilities. I know Dr. Masters extremely well, and he always gets his way, one way or another. Even after he retires, he will be pulling the strings for some time at this institution. Clement just likes to fire people, and he particularly likes doing it face-to-face. He really enjoys calling them in early in the morning and making them sit down in his office in front of his legal and administrative people and firing them on the spot and then having them taken away by the University Police and escorted from the institution. Sometimes they are allowed with a police escort to remove their personal effects, but usually they aren't even allowed to go back to their offices."

Jared was not feeling too well after hearing what his fate might be at the Madison. It was just as bad as his worse nightmare. Somehow the thought of being killed in one of Masters' hits did not strike as much fear in Jared as the humiliation that he might have to endure in front of the faculty and staff of the institution. Jared felt that Dr. Masters knew his fear. Dr. Masters usually tried to extract as much public pain as possible from his victims before cutting off their heads.

Dr. Hicks continued the conversation in a fatherly and friendly way. He told Jared, "I will do what I can for you, but you have to be realistic about your chances here. I suggest that you find another job as soon as possible." Jared said, "I know that your advice is right. I don't consider that I have much of a future here. I'm just trying to buy some time so that I can find a job without it blowing up in my face each and every time." Dr. Hicks confided, "That is going to be a problem that you will have to deal with. Remember, Clement takes great pride and joy in firing people publicly. Don't leave yourself exposed for too long. You might live to regret it." Jared responded, "I'm beginning to regret ever coming down here to the D. O. Madison. Things would have been different if you had been made President." Dr. Hicks smiled and said, "I seem to hear that comment just about every day. You know, there just might be something to it." Jared said, "Believe it, Dr. Hicks! If you had been made President of the institution, I don't think that we would be in the mess that we are in today with all of the State budget cuts, a building program that doesn't seem to end and the bad press." Dr. Hicks said, "Well, I don't know about that, but at least we would not have all of these secret committees and firing of our best staff, and I'm not just referring to your case. But I promise you that I will do what I can. I still know a few people around this place who might be of some help. But it is best that you don't ask about it. Just continue what you are doing with the veterans, and I will do what I can to help on the inside. There are enough veterans on our staff that will be willing to assist you behind the scenes."

Jared had not even considered that the veterans on the Madison staff might come to his aid. Most of these veterans were in the Cancer Center administration in various jobs from the men that worked in maintenance to the people that staffed the various white-collar positions required by a large institution. Jared had no idea that these veterans even knew about his struggles with Dr. Masters and the administration, but they did know because of the local publicity that Marie and Jared had received from reporters like Cassie Mayer for their work with the veterans and prison guards.

Jared thanked Dr. Hicks for his support and left to go back to his own office. During the walk back Jared wondered when he would be kicked out of his office, just like Dr. Hicks. The difference was that Dr. Hicks retired with honor. Jared was going to be run out of town or murdered by the maniac Dr. Clement Masters, and no one was going to do anything about it. Some of the staff members were petrified of Dr. Masters and would do whatever he wanted, at least to his face, so that Masters would not have them replaced or killed like Dr. Frank Cannon. Alternatively, some would like to see Jared and Marie eliminated because they were in the way of some administrative aspirations, such as Dr. Geldter or Dr. Domasovitch. The most insidious of all were the outside forces that wanted them dead because Marie could some day inherit a fortune that was currently controlled by her trustees, who were criminals in the defense industry or in Las Vegas organized crime circles, the secret financial backers of Dr. Masters and his massive building program.
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Re: Project Day Lily: An American Biological Warfare Tragedy

Postby admin » Wed Oct 25, 2017 1:48 am

Part 1 of 2

CHAPTER 14: The Attacks Continue (1996)

Jared had been invited over a year ago to be the first speaker at a small, prestigious scientific conference to be held in a small town in Germany. The topic of the conference was angiogenesis or the formation of new blood vessels, and its importance to cancer. Jared had been interested in this research area, and he actually held a research grant from the American Cancer Society on the topic. Some of Jared's graduate students had been among the first to isolate and grow endothelial cells, the cells that form the lining of each and every blood vessel in our bodies. Jared's group had learned to grow endothelial cells from various organs in tissue culture, and these organ-specific endothelial cells were being used in various experiments to understand why certain cancer cells metastasize or spread to certain organs and not others. For years now, Jared's laboratory had accumulated data supporting the theories of a British pathologist who proposed that metastatic cells spread non-randomly to certain sites because of their own properties and ability to recognize certain organ sites and because of the unique properties of the organ site. The theory was called the 'seed and soil' theory of cancer metastasis, and one of the important properties of the 'seeds' or cancer cells was how they recognized the endothelial cells in various organs and lodged at specific sites as they traveled in the bloodstream. This had been Jared's topic in his award lecture at the British Society of Medicine in London just as the Gulf War broke out in 1991.

Jared's students had collected data over the years indicating that specific cancer cell 'seeds' could recognize unique organ endothelial cells (from the specific 'soil') and bind to them. Once they bound to the endothelial cells through molecular receptors on their surfaces, they then stimulated the endothelial cells to retract or pull back and open a space so that the cancer cells could exit the bloodstream and invade into the organ. This was how the process of cancer cell invasion and metastasis to distant sites was accomplished after the cancer cells found their way to the organ site through the blood stream. The various steps in the entire process had been documented previously by Jared and his group using light and electron microscopy, and some of the molecules and enzymes involved in cancer cell attachment to endothelial cells and subsequent invasion had been isolated and identified. Jared's group had also found that the organ endothelial cells released certain invasion or motility factors that stimulated the movement of the cancer cells into the organ and specific growth factors that triggered the growth of the cancer cells in their new organ environment.

The topic of organ endothelial cells and the motility and growth factors that they made and released was why Jared was invited to be the first speaker at the conference, because the chairman of the conference thought that Jared's research would be a good introduction to the meeting. Because of his problems with the D. O. Madison administration, Jared decided to put off the request to attend this conference in Germany, because he was afraid that it would be denied, even though all expenses were being paid by the conference and the Cancer Center would not have to pay anything for Jared's attendance. Normally such invitations are considered prestigious, and it was usually considered an honor for a faculty member to represent his or her institution and bring back important new research information. However, in Jared's case, such invitations were considered in a negative not a positive way, because the administration did not want Jared or Marie to receive any invitations that might suggest that they were still first-rate scientists. This was especially true of international invitations.

Jared knew that attending the conference was going to be a problem, and he did not want to have to go to Dr. Domasovitch, his new boss in the department, for the first approval in a long chain of approvals in order to go to Germany. Dr. Domasovitch was at the moment basking in the glory of being the new acting chairman of the Department. He relished attending the various meetings that were usually attended by the department chairmen, such as the promotions committees, research committees and the other administrative meetings, and signing off on practically everything going out of the Department. Jared thought that as one of his first decisions Dr. Domasovitch would kick Jared out of his office. But Dr. Domasovitch did not immediately kick Jared out of his office and confiscate his laboratories asJared thought he might do if he was made acting chairman. Jared had to thank Dr. Belcher for allowing him to stay, at least temporarily, in his office and laboratories. If it were up to Dr. Domasovitch, Jared would have been moved to the building down the street where Dr. Hicks was sent after he retired. But the institution had made space commitments to the funding agencies that supported Jared's research. This meant that the institution had committed the use of Jared's laboratories for Jared's research projects not for other uses. It was Dr. Belcher who would restrain Dr. Domasovitch from abusing Jared and humiliating him further.

To obtain permission to attend the conference in Germany, however, required that Jared make an end run around Dr. Domasovitch and use Dr. Belcher's pride in having his faculty represented at important international meetings. Jared had warned Dr. Belcher that it would not look good for the D. O. Madison to deny Jared the chance to present his data because of political reasons, and Dr. Belcher eventually agreed to sign his travel requisition. He only did this after he realized that he couldn't get Dr. Geldtner to substitute for Jared, because Jared made a good case that Isaac didn't really know anything about this particular line of research and it would be an embarrassment to send a substitute who didn't know the subject or wasn't involved in the research. Besides, it wouldn't look good if the administration sent Dr. Geldtner instead of Dr. McNichols, who was the only one in the Medical Center that received an invitation. It would give some credibility to the complaints that Jared was making about his problems with the 'political correctness' of the D. O. Madison Cancer Center.

So Jared was cleared by Dr. Belcher to attend the conference. Jared was looking forward to going to the conference, which would take place at a small town in the Black Forest region of Germany. Dr. Belcher kept quiet about the conference so as to not incite Dr. Masters, who might fly into a rage if he knew that Belcher had actually approved the trip request. By the time the department rats notified Dr. Masters that Jared was traveling overseas to a scientific conference, it would be too late to call him back. That was the plan, anyway. What Jared did not know at the time, and not even Dr. Belcher knew, was that Dr. Masters had been informed through Dr. Geldter that Jared would be attending the meeting in Germany. Dr. Masters would have a little surprise for Jared.

The conference in the Black Forest of Germany

When Marie found out that Jared was attending a conference in the Black Forest, she wanted to go along, but that was out of the question considering the current circumstances and their tenuous situation with their research projects at the Madison. But Marie did not want Jared to fly to Germany alone, and Jared did not want to return and find his laboratory closed by Dr. Domasovitch. So it was decided that Marie must mind the store while Jared was in Germany. Marie was also afraid that Dr. Masters might try something in Jared's absence, especially since he was furious that Dr. Belcher approved Jared's travel request. They would just have to try to have some sort of normal scientific life, if that were ever possible.

Jared was excited about the program at the conference in Germany, but Marie was still not very happy to see Jared fly overseas when they were having such a difficult time in Austin. At home in Queenswood a few days before Jared was scheduled to leave, Marie was finally told that the trip was on and that Jared would be leaving in a few days. Actually, she knew about the trip when Jared first received the invitation about ten months prior, but she never considered that the administration would ever let him attend the conference. Marie was mad at Jared for not telling her sooner about the trip. She told him, "Why didn't you tell me your trip to Europe was approved?" Jared replied defensively, "I did. You just forgot about it." Marie said, "You can't go now! We are in a war here, and you are just running away!" Jared responded, "I'm not running away! I have an invitation to be the first speaker at a very prestigious meeting in Germany. If I don't go, then they will just send Isaac Geldter instead! And it's my work, not his! How would you like it if the Cancer Center sent Amy Krappner somewhere to give your invited lecture?" Marie replied, "I would hate it. You're right. But you can't leave now. We are just about to finish the project with the Special Forces samples. I need you here, not in Germany!" Jared said, "I know, Babe, but I have to do this. I can't let them bury me just because we decided to do some veterans' research project or help some prison guards and their families. If I am ever able to get another academic position, it will be because I have maintained my international reputation. If I sit at home and sulk, we will never be able to recover. They are burying us now, and we have to save our academic reputations." Marie answered, "They already buried mine, two-times over!" Jared replied, "Which is exactly why we can't let them ruin mine as well. We are going to have to find faculty positions somewhere, and to do that I have to somehow maintain my stature." Little did Jared know at the time, but his reputation and stature had already taken a big hit from the intense campaign of Masters' henchmen. Yang, Jared's favorite feline friend of all time, was again jumping onto Jared's briefcase and scratching it as if he knew that Jared would be leaving town again. He had an amazing knack of knowing when Jared was about to leave on a trip, and he always acted up when he thought that Jared was leaving town. As it turned out, Jared should have paid more attention to Yang's concerns about the conference in Germany.

The conference was held in Titisee in the middle of the Black Forest. Jared had to fly to Frankfurt, catch a train to Heidelberg and beyond. Finally, he had to travel by small bus to his final destination. Titisee was located in a remote region of the Black Forest, if one can find any remote region in Europe. Actually, even the legendary Black Forest was quite populated, and there were numerous resorts that catered mostly to Germans, but also some other visitors who found their way there as well. The little resort that Jared was going to was located in a hilly region of the forest by a lake. It was quite quaint, and the entire village was reminiscent of the old German style. The signs were all carved in wood, and the shops and houses looked as if they hadn't changed in the last few hundred years. The small hotel where the conference was to take place was also in the same quaint gingerbread style, as if it also hadn't changed in hundreds of years. But inside the hotel, it was modern and run with German efficiency.

After a long and tiring trip, Jared checked in and was taken to his room. The room was quite small by American standards, but he considered that the room size probably hadn't changed over the years. Only the addition of a bathroom, telephone, TV and other amenities made the room look different from what it was probably like over one hundred years ago. Although Jared was quite tired from the trip, he turned on the TV and thought back over the warning that he received when he stopped at the train station in Heidelberg. The U.S. Army has a major intelligence facility in Heidelberg, and while Jared was waiting for his connecting train he was approached by a young man who looked military and who told Jared in a very Southern accent, "Dr. McNichols. I have been told by your friends in the Special Forces to give you a warning. Be very careful while you are in Germany. Be especially careful about who you eat with." As soon as he appeared, the man was gone. Jared was a bit taken aback, but by now he and Marie have become used to the Special Forces warning them of dangers ahead. They usually sent someone or contacted them by phone when they least expected it. Jared decided to take the warning seriously. After all, who would bother sending someone to give such a stupid warning. But if he did heed the warning, there was likely no place to eat in the small village. The only other alternative to the hotel was to go to the small shops and stores in the little village. There was a small cafe, but it was only open for a few hours a day when the tourists were around. Jared was tired and hungry. He listened to the German TV for about an hour, and although he understood some Deutsch, it was tedious because of the rapid rate of delivery of the German commentators.

Jared decided to try the village for some food. Unfortunately, it was after the tourists had left for the day, and nothing was open. He was left with the small hotel. Although Jared received a tangible warning that he might be poisoned during his trip, he decided that he was too hungry to resist. He took a chance and ordered something in the small bar by the entrance to the hotel. Jared reasoned if anyone was interested in him, they would not know who he was until he actually paid for the meal. If he ordered a meal from his room, they would know immediately who ordered the food. Thankfully, the food finally came, a German cold plate with fresh bread and local beer, and Jared consumed it without a second thought. That was easy, Jared thought. But it would be more difficult the next day. Fortunately, he was the first speaker of the conference. So Jared retired to his room to go over his slides for his presentation the following morning.

A buffet breakfast was the usual European fare in the morning, and Jared grabbed everything that he could get his hands on from the buffet bar, knowing that it was unlikely that anyone could try anything using a buffet setting. After he had consumed his fill with some friends from Ghent, Belgium, the conference was about to start. Jared had been discussing their Gulf War Illness results with Dr. Marcus DeMerrel of Ghent. He was gratified to learn from Marcus that most European scientists did not believe the American military's explanation that Gulf War Illness was mostly caused by stress. To Europeans it did not make sense that stress was causing the complex signs and symptoms found in Gulf War Illness patients, and they were very supportive of McNichols' research. Their discussion was interrupted by the ring of a small bell carried into the breakfast room by one of the conference chairmen. As the conferees made their way into the conference room, Jared made sure that he found a seat near the front of the room.

Jared was delighted to be the first presenter at the conference. It was like speaking to his friends, since he knew practically everyone who had been invited to the conference, with the exception of some young German scientists. The chairman of the conference was from the German Cancer Center at the University of Heidelberg, and he introduced Jared and the conference. The only person that Jared felt he had to stay away from was Dr. Michael Klinger from Ottawa. Dr. Klinger was a very short, nasty piece of work, and he was a close friend of Isaac Geldter's. He had the appearance of a bulldog, but his demeanor in public was that of a friendly, jovial sort of person who tried to joke his way into a conversation. However, most professionals who knew him well stayed far away from Dr. Klinger, because he was known to be a real back-stabber who would stick it to anyone who was in his way.

When Dr. Klinger was at Western Ontario University, he had quite a reputation among his colleagues for being completely two-faced, a scientist to avoid whenever possible. Fortunately for Jared, Dr. Klinger was located in Ottawa not Austin. But Jared couldn't be worried about every friend of Isaac Geldter's, because they were probably just as untrustworthy as Isaac and would turn on anyone, even Isaac, to get ahead. Jared would learn the hard way not to ignore the little bulldog.

As the first speaker, Jared introduced the conference and presented his data that had been gathered over the last few years in his laboratory that showed that cancer cells that metastasize preferentially to certain organs had unique properties. The example that Jared liked to use for such lectures was a tumor model that Jared's laboratory had developed for studying brain metastasis. Jared considered this topic quite important, because few patients ever survived from brain metastases, and it would take some heavy-duty research on the subject to find new therapeutic approaches for brain metastases.

At the mid-morning break, Dr. Klinger came up to Jared and to Jared's amazement, he was actually quite nice and complimentary. Dr. Klinger, whose own colleagues in Canada reckoned that he had never had an original idea in his entire career, liked to schmooze his colleagues and then steal their ideas, repackage them as 'new' ideas and then present them as his own. Jared was not worried about the concepts from his own talk-they were already in the scientific literature. Jared just filed away the information that Klinger was acting suspicious, but he didn't think much else about it as he entered into an intense discussion with colleagues from The Netherlands who worked on similar topics to the one that Jared discussed in his lecture.

At the lunch break the audience filed into an adjoining room where the lunch was to be served. Unfortunately for Jared, there was little he could do to escape the ubiquitous conference meals. As Jared was involved in an intense discussion with the Dutch group, he did not notice that Dr. Klinger had sat down right next to him and had joined the discussion. Jared should have realized that although this was completely normal behavior for the affable Dr. Klinger, he was not to be trusted. But Jared was distracted and not always able to watch Dr. Klinger, who was sitting to his immediate right, but still mostly in his peripheral vision.

As the lunch proceeded and as each new course was delivered from salad to main meal to dessert, Jared decided to not eat or drink much, and it was lucky for him that he didn't eat much because he almost paid for his lack of attention to what he had eaten with his life. Although he never actually saw Dr. Klinger place anything in or onto his food, he did remember later that Dr. Klinger had been caught a few years back trying to shake something from an unusual container onto Marie's food at a restaurant in Milan. That was also at a conference meal for invited speakers, and Marie would never forget the incident. At the meeting in Milan Jared and Dr. Klinger were also on the same program, and as Jared's wife, Marie was invited to the dinner at a nearby Milanese restaurant. Dr. Klinger had been exceptionally charming that evening to Marie, and as he was being especially complimentary about her science he sat down right next to her and Jared at the dinner table. During the festivities Dr. Klinger had placed something onto Marie's meal while she was distracted, but one of the waiters was immediately behind Dr. Klinger, and he saw exactly what was happening. The waiter quickly removed Marie's dish from her place setting before she could take a bite. Thus as Marie was about to dig into her pasta, it was replaced with another dish.

The McNichols never found out what Dr. Klinger was up to at the restaurant in Milan, but they do remember vividly that the owner of the restaurant had two Dobermans, and they instinctively hated Dr. Klinger and tried to bite him, causing quite a stir. Jared always felt that these two dogs that bared their teeth at Dr. Klinger and lunged at him had excellent instincts, because they didn't trust the little bulldog from Ottawa with the red face.

Later that evening in his hotel room in Titisee Jared became deathly sick. In fact, he was so sick that he could barely call the front desk to tell them that he needed medical attention. He had been vomiting non-stop for three hours, and dehydration was now a problem. Jared could not take in enough fluids to replace the fluid he was losing. As soon as he tried to drink anything, he vomited. He was also running a high temperature, and sweat was pouring out onto the sheets in his bed. The paramedics were called by the hotel desk personnel, and when they arrived and saw Jared lying in a sweat-saturated bed with a very high temperature, they immediately started an i.v. They then decided to transport Jared to a nearby clinic. Jared tried to tell them in Deutsch that he didn't need to go to the clinic, but they wouldn't listen to him. So off he went.

The head of the conference came to Jared's hotel room just as he was being wheeled to the waiting ambulance in a wheel chair. He reassured Jared that he was to be taken to a good clinic where he could be checked out. So Jared was taken for what seemed like a rather long ride to an emergency room for observation. Jared didn't remember much about the night at the emergency room and later the clinic, but he remembered the attempt to check himself out of the clinic the next morning to return to his room in Titisee. That day Jared felt very weak but he was alive, and he was strong enough to argue for thirty minutes with the attending physician and then the clinic administrator to be returned to his hotel room. Eventually the clinic director became irritated with the feisty American who would not cooperate, so they returned him by taxi to the hotel.

For the next two days Jared was recovering from what he suspected was another attempt to poison the McNichols. Although he was still very weak and dehydrated from the non-stop vomiting, Jared insisted on going down to the meeting room to the final afternoon session to face Dr. Klinger, who was a bit taken aback to see Jared still at the meeting after being absent for two days. This was exactly what Jared wanted to see. He wanted to know if the little bulldog with the red face was upset to see him ambulatory. Jared tried to make the most out of the end of the conference, and he again was able to discuss the research of his laboratory with his colleagues from Ghent. Even with the episode of the 'food poisoning' Jared enjoyed meeting with his colleagues and the discussions of recent laboratory results.

At the end of the conference Jared had an interesting conversation with the conference chairman, who was from Heidelberg. Jared told him of the warning at the train station, and the German scientist did not seem surprised to hear that there was another attempt on Jared. He confided to Jared that some European scientists had known about the attempts on the lives of the McNichols, and they were very much appalled by the behavior. Such a thing could have only happened in Europe during the Cold War because of State secrets, but now there was no place for such activities among European academics.

Late that night, after the last day of the meeting, Jared called Marie in the hope that she was home. It was still early in the afternoon in Austin, but Marie happened to be home, and she answered the phone, "Hello!" Jared was relieved to hear Marie's voice, and he said trying to be upbeat, "Hay Babe, how are you doing?" Marie quickly answered, 'Jared, where were you? I was worried to death when I couldn't get you on the phone. I almost took the next flight to Germany to find you. Where did you go?" Jared tried to reassure Marie, "Well, I had a little problem .... but I'm much better now." Marie did not buy Jared's story-she knew him too well, 'Jared, you're lying to me. What happened to you?" Jared decided to come clean to Marie to keep her from flying to Europe on a ticket that they couldn't afford. He said, "Please don't get mad at me, Babe, but do you remember that little ugly spud Dr. Klinger from Ottawa?" Marie was still mad, "You mean the little ugly bastard who tried to poison me in Milan?" Jared replied, "Yep, the very same one-the little bulldog with the red face. Well, I think that he almost got me, but not to worry, I'm glad to report that he didn't succeed." Marie yelled into the phone, "I'm going to fly over tomorrow! Don't go anywhere! Will you wait for me?" Jared replied, "Now Marie, I'm on my way home tomorrow. Why would you want to fly over here-I won't even be around by the time you arrive!" Marie still mad at Jared yelled, "I hate you! Why did you go to that damned conference? You belong here! I need you! You could have been killed!" Jared tried to sound calm, "I know you want to be supportive and nice to me, and I am on my way home. Please wait for me. Don't go off and do something stupid." There was silence for some time on the phone, and then Marie said, "O.K. But I'm still mad at you! And you're a stupid idiot for not listening to me!" Jared replied, "I know, I screwed up Babe, but I'm still here, and I will be home before you know it. Are you going to wait for me?" Marie answered, "Damn you, Jared!" He replied, "I'll take that for a yes. You take care, and I will be home before you know it. I love you. Bye Babe!" Marie said, "Damn you, Jared!" Jared had hung up on Marie, and she was still mad but at the same time relieved to know that he would be flying home in the upper cabin and not shipped home in the cargo hold in a box.

The next morning Jared was still weak but he was better than the previous day. On the way out of the hotel at four AM he ran into one of the German organizers of the conference who was upset that Jared had taken sick at the conference. Unlike his colleague from Heidelberg, he didn't understand what happened, and the hotel was even more upset because this had never happened before in little Titisee in die Schwartzwald. Jared was offered a private car and driver from the hotel, which he gladly accepted. This time the car took him all the way to Frankfurt and to the airport. Although it was a long ride to Frankfurt, Jared was actually relieved. He was not looking forward to the train ride back to the airport. The thought of dragging his luggage around the train station and changing trains again in Heidelberg didn't appeal to him at this point. The trip to Frankfurt was uneventful but tiring for Jared. He slept most of the way.

Jared didn't remember much about the night home, but when he arrived at Houston Intercontinental from Frankfurt, Marie was waiting for him outside U. S. Customs. As Jared exited customs and looked around to get his bearings and find his plane to Austin, Marie ran up to him yelling, 'Jared, Jared! Look at you! I am so mad at you!" Jared smiled and hugged Marie, "It's nice to see you too, Marie."

They embraced and Marie started crying. She was elated and mad at the same time. She asked Jared, "What happened to you? I was so scared when they couldn't find you at the hotel and said that you went to a clinic. I couldn't get in touch with you. I thought you were dead!" Jared brushed her hair back and said, "I missed you, Marie." She asked, "Dammit Jared, what happened?" Jared said, "J just had a little problem. Do you remember that ugly little spud Dr. Klinger from Ottawa?" Marie replied, "You said something about him on the phone. What did he do to you?" Jared said, "You mean what did he try to do to me? Well, I really can't prove anything, but he is a close friend of Isaac Geldter." Marie said, "Don't get cute with me, Jared, I'm still mad at you!" Jared answered, "Well, I see you were mad enough to meet me in Houston. Now you're going to have to drive me home." Marie was mad but not that mad, "But you know I don't like to drive." Jared responded, "Does this mean that you're no longer mad at me?" Marie pouted and turned away. She was wiping tears from her face. Jared said, "I take it that you actually missed me?" Marie said to him, 'Jared, aren't you ever serious?" Jared replied, "Only when J have to be. Come on, I'll drive you home. Where did you park?" Marie said, "I don't know, someplace in the parking structure at Terminal C." Jared said, "You've got to be kidding. You parked in Terminal C?"

The international flights arrive in Houston at the International Terminal not Terminal C. Jared and Marie would have to make their way back to another terminal and find Marie's car. After a half-hour search, they found Marie's car, and Jared and Marie started the long drive back to Austin from Houston Intercontinental Airport. Although Jared was tired from the flight, he was also happy to be with Marie and safely on his way home to Queenswood and his feline friends who were waiting for him as usual in the window.

The laboratory freezers are Target Number One.

While Jared was in Germany, he learned that some of the equipment in his laboratory had been the target of sabotage. In particular, the freezer where they stored the Gulf War veterans' blood samples was being unplugged at night when no one was around the laboratory. Jared had ordered the locks changed on his laboratory to prevent someone from entering the lab while no one was there at night, but it apparently did not help. Dr. Domasovitch had a master key anyway. Fortunately, this particular freezer was well insulated, and it took almost a full day for it to come to temperatures above freezing. Since Bob Sonan came in very early in the morning, his job was now to first check out all the equipment before anything else. Not only had the freezer been unplugged, but the alarm was also defeated, which could be done by turning off the alarm switch. Thus it was not an accident. Since this sort of thing continued to happen, Jared ordered the freezers hardwired to their electrical outlets with flexible exterior electrical cable, and new locks were installed on the freezer door. This stopped the problem completely.

Other equipment in the lab was also sabotaged. Jared had the other equipment fixed, but he was getting tired of the silly pranks designed he reasoned to disrupt their research and send them a message. Since he was getting tired of the dirty tricks being played on them, he complained to the University Police Department that persons unknown were entering his lab and trying to destroy his equipment. Unfortunately, this was eventually reported to the Cancer Center administration, and ultimately to the President's Office. Dr. Masters' response was to accuse Jared of inappropriate use of State equipment. It took almost a month of letting Drs. Hicks, Belcher and other staff members talk some sense into Dr. Masters, but that was the last time that Jared ever complained to the police. He should have known that since they worked for Dr. Masters, they would do what they were told. As far as Jared knew, the police themselves were behind the problems, but that seemed extremely unlikely. Most of the University policemen were veterans, and they secretly supported Jared and Marie, in spite of Dr. Masters' opinions. They were probably also suspicious of Dr. Masters ever since the hit on Dr. Cannon. After all, Dr. Masters was probably still a suspect in that unsolved capital crime. Indeed, Dr. Masters was no stranger to the police. He was a prime suspect in the murder case of a colleague who was poisoned at his previous institution, but no one in Austin seemed to know about this incident.

At the same time as the freezer problems, the Texas Department of Corrections had begun an investigation of Jared's and Marie's activities with the prisons and the prison employees. They were very sensitive to the bad press that they had been receiving over the Wallsville 'Mystery Illness,' and some of the prison system administrators wanted to blame Jared and Marie for the problem. Notwithstanding that the prison administrators were the likely perpetrators who created the problem in the first place, the TOC sent an investigator to interview Jared about the allegations that some sort of 'illegal' clinical testing program was going on in the State prison facilities.

Jared had previously discussed on the phone what his laboratory had found with TDC investigators. He tried to reassure them that no one in his laboratory had any contact with TDC prisoners, nor had anyone from his laboratory ever been inside a TDC facility. He told them that he had no knowledge of what happened or what is happening in the prison units in Wallsville or other Texas cities. What he did tell the TOC was that they obviously had a problem, because the employees themselves came to his laboratory to ask for assistance with their health problems. It was the prison employees that told the McNichols stories about the testing programs in the prison system. Jared decided not to report this to the investigators.

Jared asked one of the investigators if he was ever a prison guard. His answer was that all of the current investigators started their careers as prison guards or police officers. Jared then told them what if they were still prison guards and were sick and no one would help them because the TOC wanted to keep something secret. Who would they turn to for assistance? Would they later crucify the only people who offered to help them?

The tactic apparently worked. Jared and Marie later guessed that the prison administrators would have killed the 'messengers' to keep the entire mess in the Texas prisons quiet, and they had to convince the TDC that they were not the messengers. They had never been to a TDC facility, in contrast to Dr. Lon and his colleagues who had spent considerable time in prison facilities with their experiments on prisoners.

A few weeks later Jared received a telephone call from one of the detectives who worked for the prison system. He told Jared that unless Jared agreed to a taped interview with TDC investigators, they would push to have Jared arrested. Jared agreed to be interviewed on tape, but he insisted that his attorney be present for the interview. The only problem was that Jared didn't have an attorney that could handle anything remotely related to criminal law. Although Jared was sure that he and Marie had not violated any criminal statutes, the last thing that he needed was to have the investigators tell the D. O. Madison administration that they are going to arrest Jared to force an interview with him. That would be all the ammunition that Dr. Masters needed to fire Jared on the spot, so this was something that Jared couldn't easily dismiss. Even if Jared was interviewed and nothing came of the interview, that might be sufficient to allow Dr. Masters to claim that Jared was a suspect in a criminal investigation and as such was persona non grata at the Cancer Center. Of course, Dr. Masters himself was a suspect in a murder investigation, the unsolved murder of Dr. Frank Cannon, but that did not count at the Madison where the rules were made by those in power.

Jared decided to delay the interview, claiming that he had a right to proper legal representation at the interview. The ploy bought some time, and the interview was put off until Jared could engage legal counsel. In the meantime, Jared and Marie used their influence with the veterans and especially with the Special Forces and SEALs to find out who was pushing for the interview and why? This tactic worked, and the interview was not scheduled until Jared had secured adequate counsel. Jared guessed that the only reason for this was that the detectives that worked for the TDC were probably veterans themselves, and they were probably former prison guards too. They probably didn't like some administrator covering his ass by going after the McNichols, claiming that the prison problem was all their fault.

Jared never heard from the TDC again. Perhaps they decided that it might be better to let the whole episode just fade into the sunset rather than drag it out into the public domain. Besides, an interview could go two ways. Jared wanted to ask the investigators about some incidents in the prisons that the prison guards had related to the McNichols. Jared also wanted to know about their private crematorium and the relationship between the prison system and the U. S. Army. Of course, they wouldn't be inclined to answer any of Jared's questions, but it would Jet them know that they were opening up Pandora's Box with their interview.

It was a relief to know that there might be some justice in the world. Actually, the TDC did not stop their harassment as Jared and Marie thought, but the maneuvering continued on behind the scenes and never made its way to the surface, and the McNichols would never have to face a formal investigation. The McNichols found out later that the TDC actually claimed at one point to the Wallsville newspaper that Jared was a former prison doctor who worked part-time in the Wallsville Unit. Thus he should have direct knowledge of the prison testing programs and was possibly involved in the programs. Jared thought that this was completely ludicrous. Marie would write a letter to the local Wallsville newspaper to debunk the misinformation spread by the TDC. Perhaps it was a set-up or at least a justification to come after the McNichols by claiming that they broke confidentiality by speaking about the medical programs and patient records. The TDC was obviously incompetent because Jared had never even been in a TDC facility, let alone ever was a prison doctor!

The driving 'accidents' and scary people became a problem

One of the ongoing problems that Marie and Jared had with commuting to the D. O. Madison Cancer Center from Queenswood was that at least once a week or so since the beginning of the year someone would try to get one or both of them into a car crash. At first this was directed at Marie who drove a small car. They usually used large pick-up trucks or heavy SUV type vehicles with blacked out windows. They would hit Marie's car from behind or try to force her into a ditch that usually lined the rural roads in Texas. On the major expressways or freeways this was usually not a problem, possibly because there were other vehicles around, but on secondary roads this was often a problem. It was if they knew exactly when and where to 'hit' Marie or Jared to cause maximum damage.

The problems on the highways became worse just as Jared was facing the most difficult time of his career at the Madison. Marie had been driven off the road on several occasions, and at one point she was chased by a large truck into the park just outside the Medical Center. She escaped by going off the road, and her front wheel drive vehicle was able to move on the park grass while the heavier vehicle behind her bogged down in the soft soil. She was lucky. The large truck probably didn't have four-wheel drive, or it would have kept on coming. Jared also had his problems, but it was not so easy to drive Jared off the road in his large Dodge truck with 4- wheel drive and five-speed overdrive transmission with the largest engine available. He could just leave the road at any time and leave them in the dust, which is exactly what he did on a few occasions. That, however, did not stop someone who really wanted to shoot Jared. At one point Jared had to have his windshield replaced, because a bullet hole in the front window on the driver's side caused so much noise at high speed that it was bothering him. This went on for about six months when finally whoever was involved gave up. Marie and Jared always thought that it was Dr. Masters who recruited people to stage these accidents. They did not have the flavor of professional hits, and it would be just like Dr. Masters to try to convince Marie and Jared to throw in the towel and leave the Cancer Center.

Early in 1996 when the harassment of Jared and Marie was at its maximum, there was one incident that stood out. Marie and Jared were working late on a Thursday evening when they noticed some strange men wearing sunglasses walking by in the hall outside their laboratory. Marie was the first to notice that they were walking by the lab and looking in to see who was present. It wasn't just a one-time event; they kept on doing it. ]n the evening the night cleaning crew was usually working the halls, offices and labs, so the McNichols didn't think much about the strange men until the janitors went on their break. Jared exited his laboratory and noticed that the cleaning crew had left their floor buffers in the hall, but the strange men were still down the hall waiting and now looking at him. He immediately went into his office, called Marie on the phone and told her to drop everything that she was doing and come immediately to the office. A few minutes later Marie entered the office, and Jared told her, "Did you notice those guys down the hall? What's that all about?" Marie answered, "] don't know. I didn't recognize any of them, and they are acting very nervous. Jared, I don't like this!" Jared replied, "I don't like it either. I think that we better get the hell out of here pronto!"

Jared went to the outer office door and looked down the hall. At that point he decided that it was time to be prudent about the situation and live another day. He grabbed Marie and they left his office, but as they turned the corner to head down the main hallway that they needed to take in order to leave the building, they noticed that instead of two men that they didn't know, there were now three men. They didn't recognize any of the men. They didn't belong in the Research Building, and they turned when they saw the McNichols. Without speaking to one another, they were now coming down the long hall directly towards the McNichols. Jared grabbed Marie's hand and told her, "Not that way!" He turned around and practically dragged Marie back towards his office. Jared knew that just before his office was a stairway that led down to the lower floors. As they reached the end of the hall, it made an abrupt turn to the right but then it ended in a conference room. Jared knew the floor plan well, because he helped design the layout for the building. As it turned out, Jared was the only faculty member at the Cancer Center that had a degree in engineering, his first degree as an undergraduate student. This proved useful when new research or other buildings were planned, and Jared had become a kind of unofficial advisor to Dr. Belcher on building planning and construction. It would prove useful tonight because Jared knew the entire floor plan of the research building.

After pulling Marie down the stairwell to the floor below, Jared and Marie ran down to the next available stairwell. Jared then checked it to make sure that the men had not split up and headed for all of the stairwells in the building and pulled Marie down another flight of stairs. They exited quickly with Marie complaining, 'Jared, what are you doing? I can't keep up with you. You're going too fast for me." Jared told her not so politely, "Marie, you're going to have to keep up. I don't trust those guys, and I don't think that we should be in this building alone at night." Marie said, "Since you put it that way, let's go!" Marie was now running down the hall with or even ahead of Jared. They took a turn to the left and down another hall to another elevator. Jared asked Marie, "Do you think we can trust this elevator?" Marie said, "What choice do we have?" Jared replied, "We could run down the six flights or take the elevator. I'll tell you what, if the elevator comes from a higher floor, we take the next stairway. If it comes from a lower floor, we take it." Marie said hesitantly, "O.K."

Marie and Jared were waiting for the elevator for what seemed like minutes, but in fact, it was just a few seconds. Jared looked up at the floor indicator above the elevator doorframe, "It looks like it's coming from below. Let's take it!" The elevator came from a lower floor, but Marie and Jared were nervous when the door opened. If one of the men was on the elevator, they were trapped. Fortunately, there was no one on the elevator. It was late, and there shouldn't be anyone on the elevator, but the hospital never slept, so it wasn't out of the question. Marie and Jared rushed into the elevator, and Jared punched the button for the first floor. The ground floor would not get them out of the building, because it was in the animal facility and required a special card to gain entry. So they had to get off on the first floor and find their way out by the library or through the library.

As the elevator stopped on the first floor, Marie and Jared held their breath as the elevator stopped. The door opened slowly, and it was very quiet. No strange men. Jared slowly stuck his head out of the elevator and looked around while he pushed the 'door open' button. Nothing. He reached back and grabbed for Marie's hand and pulled her out of the elevator. They then made a run for the library as the elevator started going up again. Jared stopped, turned and noticed that the elevator indicator indicated that the elevator was going to a higher floor, near the top of the building. Jared did not wait to find out which floor the elevator was going to. With Marie in tow, Jared ran to the library. He checked the door. It was usually locked at this time of night, but it wasn't locked. The cleaning crews were probably inside and they had left the door open. Jared and Marie decided to use the library as the exit point from the building.

They could exit the building from back of the library where the men wouldn't expect to see them, and then make their way across the street and into the parking structure where Jared had parked his truck. They made their way to the back of the library. No one seemed to be in the library, but it wasn't locked, so they couldn't be sure. The McNichols didn't wait around to determine why the library door was not locked. There must have been someone in the library after hours. Jared and Marie made their way through the library to the back stairwell. Jared tried the door. No one was on the other side. He leaned into the stairwell to see if he could spot anyone above or below the first floor. Nothing. He said to Marie, "Only one floor, let's go!" The McNichols ran down the stairs, and exited the building on its north side. There was no one around when they ran out of the building.

The cold night air was refreshing as they made their way across the street. They then had to back track to get to the parking structure, and Jared decided that they would take the open stairs instead of the elevator. They would be able to see if anyone entered the stairwell from below while they were climbing the stairs. His truck was parked on the forth floor, so it was not much of a hike up to the forth level. Fortunately, his truck was parked near the stairs, so it took only a few seconds to reach the safety of the truck. He quickly started the big Dodge engine, and they roared down the parking structure at speeds that Jared would never attempt during the day.

Outside of the structure, Jared turned back into the Medical Center instead of out of the Center and into the park to the West of the Medical Center. As they drove off Marie noticed one of the men in dark glasses with what appeared to be a gun in his hand. It was too late-the McNichols were moving too quickly. Marie asked Jared what was he thinking, but Jared was just trying to be unpredictable. He decided that they needed to have some dinner, so he drove to the other side of the Medical Center and exited there and onto a busy boulevard where they could find somewhere to eat. Jared finally explained to Marie that they needed to be less predictable in everything that they did from now on. They never found out whether the strange men in the Research Building were there to kill them or protect them.

Eventually Jared found an open Ihop restaurant where they could get a bite to eat. The place was full of medical and nursing students studying for their exams and having a late meal with their fellow students. Eventually Jared and Marie made their way home, the back way, after going on the freeway part of the way to Queenswood. Their cats, Yin and Yang, were waiting up for them in the window as usual, and Yang in particular was making himself known as they entered the house from the garage. Yin and Yang had been at the window all evening waiting for Jared and Marie. Now that they were all safe, Yang demanded to go out outside on cat patrol, but Marie would have nothing of it. She did not want to lose one of the family members to some strange people who had been shadowing the McNichols.
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Re: Project Day Lily: An American Biological Warfare Tragedy

Postby admin » Wed Oct 25, 2017 1:48 am

Part 2 of 2

The legal and criminal assaults continue

Dr. Masters was close to retirement, but not close enough for Jared and Marie to feel comfortable. One day Jared was again contacted by the Department of Legal Services. This time they wanted to interview Jared to make sure that no University rules or regulations had been violated. Jared was already the most scrutinized member of the Cancer Center's faculty. He had several financial audits of his department (at least when he was still the chairman), examination of his personnel file (unfortunately for Dr. Masters, Jared's file was exemplary), examination of his grants and contracts (to see if anything was amiss or if any funds were not used appropriately) and even his personal life (nothing there either). The Legal Services Department was apparently working with the Texas Department of Corrections, because the wording in the letter was suspiciously oriented toward the work with the prison guards and employees.

Jared began to tire of the many attempts to find something that could be used against him so that he could be brought up to Dr. Masters' office and fired by Dr. Masters in front of his staff before he retired. Jared began to feel that Dr. Belcher was right, and Dr. Masters would not give up until he had brought Jared in under armed guard and fired him in front of his assembled staff. To Jared and Marie Dr. Masters seemed obsessed with expelling them from the D. O. Madison and shutting down their research on chronic infections. Jared felt strongly that he must have competent legal advice, so he and Marie started looking for an attorney with a track record against the Cancer Center. Fortunately, they didn't have to look far. It seemed that the University, and the Cancer Center in particular, was being sued by a number of people: ex-patients, former employees, former faculty members and even organizations that were unknown to Jared and Marie.

After scanning the county court records on line, the McNichols noticed that one attorney stood out. His name was Melvin Neeman. This was the type of attorney that probably sent the anti-Semite Clement Masters up the wall. As it turned out, Mr. Neeman was a conservative Jewish attorney with an excellent record against Masters and the University, and so Jared and Marie considered that he must be the one. The only problem was that he was very, very expensive. The first meeting with Mr. Neeman was quite reasonable, as expected, and Mr. Neeman just listened to their story. But at the second meeting, he dropped the bomb. Jared and Marie had to turn over the deed to their home and any other assets to Mr. Neeman if the legal assault translated into major litigation with the University. Jared was not about to give up his home that he built in 1980 when he moved to Austin just for the privilege of suing Dr. Masters and the University. So Jared and Marie decided to delay the aggressive Mr. Neeman until they could determine whether a lawsuit was even necessary. Besides, Jared and Marie did not want to stay in Austin fighting the University for the next ten years in the courts, especially in front of judges that were mostly trained as attorneys in the University's law school. Jared just wanted to leave The D. O. Madison with dignity and not be thrown out for doing nothing more than helping the veterans and prison guards with their health problems, something that the Cancer Center should have been doing anyway.

It was during one of these meetings with the attorney that Jared received a page from the security company that monitored the McNichols' home in Queenswood. He immediately asked to use the phone to call the security company. It seemed that there had been a break-in at the McNichols' residence, and the meeting had to be aborted.

When Marie and Jared finally arrived home, they found one of the security company's trucks in their driveway but no one was in sight. After looking around the outside of the house, which was in a wooded area on about an acre of land, they found one of the security men looking at a ladder hidden in the brush near the house. After identifying themselves and showing the security man their drivers' licenses, they were asked about the ladder but Jared didn't identify it as one belonging to the McNichols. There was no evidence of a break-in around the perimeter of the house, so the security men eventually left after filling out a report. However, Jared was not convinced that the security people had covered everything, so he retrieved his own ladder from the garage and brought it around to the back of the house. In spite of Marie's protests, Jared decided to take a look on the roof.

Once Jared was on the roof, it took him about two seconds to find something interesting. There was a large hole that had been hacked into the McNichols' roof directly above the master bathroom. In this area there was a false ceiling and attic area that eventually led to a drop-down ladder in the hallway that was used to access the attic. There was even a black plastic tarp covering the hole to keep the rain out, and possibly to allow multiple entries. Without touching anything, Jared yelled to Marie to call the security people and the police. This was why the security system was triggered. The perps didn't know that Jared had installed motion detectors in all of the halls of their home as a back-up system. Jared hypothesized that when they tried to use the drop ladder in the hall, the motion sensor went off.

This would explain why none of the exterior windows or doors showed any evidence of tampering. The McNichols were fortunate. Nothing of any value was missing from their home, nor could they find any documents missing. Was this just a break-in by local burglars? Jared and Marie immediately dismissed this, because why would the perps place black plastic tarp over the hole they meticulously cut through the roof? It looked like someone wanted access into the McNichols' home, and they wanted access more than once. Was this like the disappearing mail and the suspicious people that the McNichols had noticed around their home? Who needed the possible documents that the McNichols kept at home to stage such an elaborate break-in?

Both Jared and Marie came to the same conclusion at almost the same time, Clement Masters. He probably heard that the McNichols were meeting with his old nemesis Melvin Neeman, and he just couldn't stand not knowing what was going on and whether the McNichols were going to sue him and the Cancer Center. Alternatively, since the McNichols were not leaving their data in the laboratory, someone might have been interested in looking at the McNichols' lab books and results from the tests they were conducting on the veterans and prison guards and their family members. Eventually Jared found unusual wiring in the attic that was attached to the telephone system and led to a small black box placed under the insulation in the attic. This was probably an electronic bugging system, and Jared reported it to the local police who didn't seem a bit concerned about the break-in or electronic monitoring equipment. The police also ignored a report by one of the McNihcols' neighbors who noticed that there were strange men on the McNichols' roof. All of this was very discouraging and disturbing to the McNichols.

Jared knows the new President of the D. O. Madison

During the spring before Dr. Masters was retiring a replacement was found for the President of the D. O. Madison Cancer Center. As it turned out, the next president of The D. O. Madison Cancer Center was an old friend of Jared's, or so he thought. When Jared was a beginning faculty member in San Diego at the Salk Institute, he met and even interacted with an oncologist, Dr. Kevin Morningstone, who was later to become one of the leading oncologists at the prestigious Mayo Clinic. Dr. Morningstone was a prime candidate to replace the retiring Clement Masters, and Jared had even met with him on one of his recruiting trips to Austin. The Administration and faculty were in unanimous agreement that Dr. Morningstone not Dr. Bane would be the best candidate to replace the soon-to-be retiring Dr. Clement Masters.

Dr. Bane had so alienated the faculty at The D. O. Madison Cancer Center that the faculty committee that had been organized to screen candidates for Dr. Masters' position eliminated Dr. Bane in the first cut of possible candidates. There were two surgeons on the committee, and this probably sunk Dr. Bane's candidacy. Although Dr. Bane was a well-known surgeon in academic circles, he was unanimously disliked by the other surgeons at the Cancer Center, and they were not about to recommend him as the next president. Dr. Morningstone had made several trips to Austin during the Spring to meet with the faculty committee that made recommendations on senior staff appointments. In fact, during one of these trips to Austin, Dr. Morningstone and Jared had lunch together at the same Italian restaurant that Marie, Jared and the Maitlands often ate when the Maitlands visited the Medical Center. The lunch was friendly, and Jared and Dr. Morningstone shared memories of their academic days in San Diego.

Jared felt good about contacting Dr. Morningstone concerning his own situation with Clement Masters and the Cancer Center. Because of a past relationship, Jared thought that he could negotiate with Dr. Morningstone. He turned out to be dead wrong. Dr. Morningstone had changed dramatically. He refused to even discuss Jared's situation with him or even take his telephone calls. This was a major set-back, because Jared felt that he had some sort of professional relationship with Dr. Morningstone, and they had a delightful lunch together just a few weeks prior to Jared making the phone calls. Someone must have gotten to Dr. Morningstone about the problems with the McNichols, and that someone was likely Clement Masters. So Jared could not expect much help from his so-called friend from long ago. He now expected absolutely no help from Dr. Morningstone. Marie often badgered Jared for expecting too much from his scientist and physician friends, who Marie felt were never sincere and completely driven by their own egotistical career goals.

Marie always felt strongly that academics like Dr. Morningstone and most of the faculty at the Madison would sell their mothers for the right price, and they would turn on Jared like hungry jackals. Although Jared had tried on many occasions to change Marie's mind on this subject, recent history unfortunately proved her correct. Jared defended his faculty as caught between a rock and a hard place where he was concerned, but he could not defend the actions of rats like Dr. Domasovitch, who seemed to go out of his way to undermine Jared at every opportunity. Between Drs. Domasovitch, Nosan and Costerman everything that Jared and Marie did in the Department was monitored for the administration: computer, mail, faxes, telephone calls and visitors to the Department, and especially their research was all carefully monitored and reports sent up to Dr. Masters office.

These department faculty members would also be used to gather any possible useful information that they found to present to the Faculty Senate and the secret committee that had been established to monitor Jared McNichols. The Faculty Senate at the D. O. Madison was originally constituted to be a buffer between the faculty and the Administration. Jared had no idea that the Faculty Senate could actually be used as a tool of the Administration to go after him. But the head of the Faculty Senate was none other than Dr. Reichsmann, who just happened to be the Clinical Director of the classified offsite patient testing programs in the five nursing homes outside of San Antonio that were used to test some of the lethal Russian Doll weapons developed by Virgil Rook at Belford and Isaac Geldter and his colleagues in the 'secret' M. K. Black Building facility. Using its Cancer Center Foundation as a cover The D. O. Madison purchased the five rest homes outside of San Antonio for the sole purpose of testing the lethal Russian Doll mixtures. In other words, the illegal testing of bioweapons on helpless civilians was very much a part of the D. O. Madison's classified collaboration with rogue scientists working at other facilities like Fort Detrick. The rest homes were also near U. S. Army facilities that were conducting the autopsies on the prisoners who died from other bioweapons experiments in TDC facilities. The subjects that died in the rest home experiments were probably also sent to the same Army base for autopsies.

To say that Dr. Reichsmann was an enemy of Jared and Marie would be a mild statement. In fact, after a chance encounter in an elevator with Jared and some of his graduate students Jared made the mistake of making a joke about Dr. Reichsmann's work in the nursing homes. Dr. Reichsmann himself then initiated disciplinary action against Jared through the Faculty Senate. Jared had no idea what the Faculty Senate was doing against him, because it was all done in secret. However, a member of the governing committee of the Senate approached Jared in the Faculty Dining Room to warn him that Dr. Reichsmann was trying to trump up some kind of charges against Jared and his research. Among other allegations, Dr. Reichsmann attempted to present to the Faculty Senate Executive Committee that Jared had been illegally advising patients about medications and had been conducting experiments in his laboratory without proper administrative and safety approvals. These were exactly the same bogus allegations that Dr. Masters had advanced in formal letters to Jared, and Jared just assumed that the administration had spoon fed the same allegations to the Faculty Senate to build up their case for firing Jared.

Dr. Bane was the main contact point for Dr. Reichsmann in the D. O. Madison Administration, and it was Dr, Bane who was Masters' right hand man when it came to faculty personnel problems. So Jared assumed that Dr. Bane was the person who urged Dr. Reichsmann to move against Jared. Dr. Bane probably recycled the same letter that Dr. Masters had sent through the Department of Legal Services to Jared, ignoring that fact that all of the items in the letter had been answered and debunked by Jared. This was a way to bypass the Department of Legal Services and have the secret Faculty Senate committee investigate the allegations. They might come to a completely different conclusion than the University's attorneys, and if they did, Dr. Masters could use that conclusion to become self-righteous and remove Jared from his position at the recommendation of the Faculty Senate, an elected body of the faculty.

The two players that Jared knew were serving on the secret Senate Faculty committee on the subject of Jared McNichols were, of course, its Chairman, Dr. Reichsmann, and the representative from Jared's department, Dr. Costerman. Jared had no idea who the rest of the committee members were because the membership was confidential. To find out what was transpiring in the committee Jared called Dr. Costerman to his office, but Dr. Costerman refused to discuss anything about the secret committee or the Faculty Senate Executive Committee. He coldly told Jared that the Faculty Senate disciplinary hearings were confidential and he could not tell Jared anything about them or even that he was the subject of disciplinary proceedings. Interestingly, Faculty Senate deliberations were not confidential, according to the bylaws of the Senate, and if he wanted Jared could show up at the meetings to defend himself against the unproven allegations. However, the Executive Committee meetings of the Faculty Senate were now confidential, at least in Jared's case, and they prevented Jared from attending any of the meetings to defend himself against the untrue allegations passed to the Executive Committee from the secret committee set up just to screw him. It was impossible under these conditions for Jared to receive due process and a fair hearing on the bogus allegations, so he directed the Faculty Senate to send all communications directly to his attorney. Jared now had nothing but disdain for the so-called Faculty Senate, whose members were apparently just lackeys for Dr. Masters, Dr. Bane and the classified programs of The Madison. Dr. Masters often told his subordinates "we must protect the good name of the Cancer Center. "Jared and Marie often reminded each other that the "good name of the Cancer Center" wouldn't be so 'good' if the general public actually knew what was really going on.

The University Police show up in Jared's office

One of the tools that Dr. Masters had available was his own police department. The chief of the University Police, Chief Costa, didn't technically answer directly to Dr. Masters, but you wouldn't know it from the way Dr. Masters used the police to do his dirty work. As Dr. Hicks once related to Jared, Clement Masters likes to use his Police Department to bring employees to his office so that he can fire them publicly and have the policemen immediately escort them out of the D. O. Madison. Jared joked to Marie that Clement probably told the policemen to bring their 'night sticks' just to show everyone who's the boss.

One morning a detective and a uniformed officer showed up in Jared's office without an appointment. Jared let them into his office fearing that this was his last hour at the D. O. Madison Cancer Center. But instead of bringing Jared up to Dr. Masters' office for his public firing, they were there to discuss other incidents that had taken place in front of the main entrance to the hospital that dominated the D. O. Madison Cancer Center. As it turned out, there had been demonstrations in front of the Cancer Center by Gulf War veterans, complete with veterans in their uniforms carrying signs and passing out leaflets stating that the Cancer Center was unfairly trying to prevent the Drs. McNichols from continuing their research on Gulf War Illnesses. Sometimes there were even TV cameras. Although Jared had heard about the possibility of demonstrations and had even talked to one of the organizers, he never thought that they would actually go through with it. Approximately one week before in the morning when he was walking from the parking lot to the hospital he actually saw the demonstrators and even a TV news crew, and there was Dr. Domasovitch taking notes from the side of the assembly. The University Police were there as well to maintain order, but it didn't appear to be a violent demonstration. Jared thought that it was curious that Domasovitch was there to take notes, possibly for Dr. Masters or Dr. Belcher, and he wondered at the time if this would also be used against him. Jared decided not to wander into the crowd, and it was a good thing that he decided not to go near the disturbance.

The detective and the policeman were now in his office asking some very direct questions about Jared's possible involvement in organizing the demonstration. Jared could rightfully claim that he knew nothing about the demonstration, and since no one had evidence that he was ever involved in the demonstration, there was nothing that the police could do about it. It was Dr. Hicks that eventually told Jared that Dr. Masters was furious about the demonstrations by the veterans in front of the Cancer Center. But since Jared was not involved in the demonstrations, Dr. Masters could not fire Jared for the incidents, even though he tried. Jared expected the detective and the policemen to be antagonistic, but they were just the opposite. Since Dr. Masters used the University Police as his personal Gestapo, Jared did not really expect them to be supportive of him and Marie, but as it turned out both the detective and the policeman were veterans, and they both thought that what Jared and Marie were doing for the veterans was wonderful. Although they could not officially support what Jared and Marie were doing, they did offer their assistance in finding out who was sabotaging Jared's laboratory. Jared ended the meeting by giving the police copies of his publications and reports on the infections in Gulf War veterans. They were actually well received by the Police Department, because Jared assumed that there were many veterans on the force, and as it turned out that they didn't like Clement Masters any more than Jared and Marie.

One of the tactics that Dr. Masters used against his faculty to keep them in line was to order a complete review of their activities. This was usually done under the guise of obtaining budgetary information for the State so that the Administration could decide whether to expand, contract or even eliminate certain units at the Cancer Center. It was completely within Dr. Masters' prerogative to order such reviews, and normally they were used judiciously but not in Jared's case. The review could be financial, scientific, medical, administrative, or it could cover resources, faculty and even future plans. When requested, the preparation of materials needed for the reviews usually fell on the shoulders of the relevant department chairman, but Jared had recently been removed from his chairmanship by Dr. Masters and replaced by Dr. Domasovitch. Thus Dr. Domasovitch would have to be the point person for any administrative review ordered by Dr. Masters.

All of the review areas were fair game when it came to Jared McNichols. The task of the actual reviews and who would do the reviewing for the science staff usually fell on Dr. Belcher, since he was the Vice President for Research. So Dr. Belcher delegated this task to subordinates in his office who began by contacting Jared for information on all sorts of things. Actually it required Jared to fill up an entire table with stacks of papers. In parallel with the Office of Research's review Dr. Bane also initiated a similar review by the Faculty Senate through Dr. Reichsmann using some of faculty in Jared's own department, presumably Dr. Costerman, to be part of the review process. Dr. Bane had even gone so far as to claim that it was the faculty in Jared's department who initiated the Faculty Senate review because of their complaints about Jared and Marie. With the exception of Drs. Nosan, Domasovitch, Costerman and perhaps one other faculty member, Jared didn't think that any of the remaining dozen faculty members had complained. At least they indicated to Jared that they were going to support him, not help the administration bury him. Unfortunately all it would take was for Dr. Domasovitch or Dr. Costerman to complain to Dr. Reichsmann that Jared had diverted valuable Department resources to his own use without consulting the Department faculty during his chairmanship, and it would be all over for Jared at the D. O. Madison.

Jared had to take valuable time away from his own research to assist in the reviews. He considered it curious that he had to be so intimately involved in the process, since he was no longer the chairman of the Department, and it was the chairman who usually defended the Department turf. Unfortunately, Jared could expect no such assistance from Dr. Domasovitch, and he began to despise his new acting chairman who always smiled at Jared as if he knew that Jared would be the next victim of Dr. Masters. Dr. Domasovitch was acting like a jerk towards Jared, and Jared considered it ridiculous since he always treated Dr. Domasovitch with respect when Jared was the chairman and Dr. Domasovitch was his deputy. On the other hand, Marie never liked him. She always considered him a complete hack who was incapable of doing any good science but was such a suck-up artist that he could always find something to do for the Administration to gain favor. At least Jared still had his office, thanks to Dr. Belcher.

During the review process, which was expanded to include the entire Department probably to head off any notion that Jared was being singled out for his research interests, rumors were going around that the department was being split-up, with one-half of the faculty and resources going to Dr. Geldter and the rest going to Dr. Krappner and their respective departments. No one ever seriously considered that Jared would survive the break-up of the Department and be assigned to either Geldter's or Krappner's department, and it was widely assumed that it was only a matter of time before Dr. Masters fired Jared. Actually, none of the faculty in Jared's department wanted to be under the thumb of either of the two blood-suckers Geldter or Krappner, and unbeknownst to the McNichols there was a concerted effort to convince Dr. Belcher and Dr. Masters that it would be a grave mistake to split-up the department and especially to merge it with Dr. Geldter's department. These were no longer concerns of Jared's, however, because he was fighting just to survive at the moment.

Jared's detractors, including Drs. Geldter and Krappner and most of the administration of the D. O. Madison, had been provided information on prospective faculty offers for Jared, possibly from the snooping of Dr. Domasovitch and some of the people in the Department office, and they had managed to block any possible offers for a faculty position at other institutions around the country. So Jared and Marie had to consider where they would move and what they would do for the rest of their careers. Marie wanted to move to Europe, but Jared would have nothing of the kind. They didn't have positions at any European institutions, and such offers even if they did eventually materialize were unlikely to come in time to save their home and possessions or academic careers. Jared had been telling Marie that European institutions favor Europeans not Americans, so the chance that they might receive an offer or two from European academic institutions was extremely unlikely, especially with the discrediting campaign that was underway against them. In this case Jared was right, and they did not receive any offers from Europe or elsewhere for that matter. Although Jared had applied for positions at other universities, his applications had been placed on hold, probably because other universities did not want what they considered whistle blowers like the McNichols.

The committee to oversee the McNichols' research

Dr. Masters warned Jared that he would establish a 'local' or 'institutional' committee to oversee Jared's research and decide what he could work on in his own laboratory. Such a committee was to be constituted from the Faculty Senate or some other source and might take some time to organize and go over the evidence, or so Jared thought. It might also be unpredictable and not give Dr. Masters what he wanted most, Jared's head. Instead, Dr. Masters ordered Jared to appear before his own administrative committee made up of the D. O. Madison Vice Presidents plus Dr. Reichsmann as the Faculty Senate representative. The committee was to be chaired by Dr. Masters, so it could be quite predictable. The role of the Vice Presidents was unclear, since Dr. Masters had the authority that he needed to do what he felt was necessary. After all, Dr. Masters was the President of the institution and had clear administrative authority to do just about anything he wanted at the Cancer Center, and he knew it. Jared just assumed that Dr. Masters had ordered his Vice Presidents to be at the meeting to spread the liability around if Jared ever sued the University. The President of the Cancer Center could self-righteously claim that the unanimous decisions of his Vice Presidents guided him in making his decisions.

One day Jared received a hand-delivered memo to attend a 'mandatory' meeting with Dr. Masters and his Vice Presidents to discuss various faculty complaints made against Jared. With only a day or two to decide what to do, Jared and Marie discussed Dr. Masters' meeting. Jared could demand that his attorney be present, but Jared and Marie did not have the funds to retain Mr. Neeman, who wanted a large retainer. Jared was worried about the large retainer required by Mr. Neeman, because he wanted only to proceed on a large lawsuit, and Jared only wanted to use Mr. Neeman sparingly. The last thing that Jared needed was to be locked into a multiyear lawsuit, because he needed to leave Texas and not return repeatedly to Austin to be present for depositions and courtroom proceedings. So Jared decided to attend the meeting without counsel. This was taking a chance, but Jared felt at the time that he had no choice.

The morning of the meeting as Jared made his way to the President's Conference Room where the meeting was to take place he ran into Dr. Bane. Dr. Bane was friendly enough, but when Jared casually asked Dr. Bane about the meeting, he became very evasive and didn't want to discuss it. Dr. Bane acted as if he really didn't know anything about the meeting, but Jared suspected that he was just acting and was sent to bring Jared into the meeting at the appropriate time after the members had been briefed by Dr. Masters. Like Dr. Masters, Dr. Bane thought that everyone liked him personally at the D. O. Madison, and he tried to use this to his own benefit. Of course, egomaniacs like Masters and Bane never realized that discerning individuals might be suspicious of their overly friendly manner and smiling faces. They thought that they could fool everyone, but in reality they fooled only themselves.

With a big smile on his face, Dr. Bane shook Jared's hand, produced some small talk as if to placate Jared and then brought him into the meeting at the appropriate time. Jared tried not to appear nervous in front of all of the D. O. Madison Vice Presidents. He wished that Dr. Hicks was still the Executive Vice President, but that was wishful thinking. The group was very somber except for a few jovial individuals who Jared suspected wanted his head on a platter to please Dr. Masters. There was, of course, Dr. Masters now with a sly smile on his face as he sat at the head of the conference table like a king presiding over his realm. To his left was Dr. Belcher, who didn't look like he really wanted to be present, then Dr. Reichsmann, who always seemed to have a large smile on his face. Jared thought that Dr. Reichsmann reminded him of Reichsmarshall Herman Goering, and finally there were the remainder of Dr. Masters' Vice Presidents who were the ones that were not smiling. Of course, there was also the smiling Dr. Bane, who led Jared to the chair facing down the conference table to Dr. Masters, and then he took his seat to the right of his boss.

Dr. Masters began the meeting by stating, "Dr. McNichols, I want to thank you for agreeing to attend this meeting without an attorney. I have had to call this meeting because of the unpleasant situation created by your activities in the Department of Cancer Biology. I must remind the committee that Dr. McNichols was removed as the Chairman of this Department because of reports from other faculty members in the Department that he was abusing his position and not conducting himself in a manner befitting a faculty member at our institution. In fact, reports have been received in my office but also in the offices of Dr. Bane and Dr. Belcher that Dr. McNichols has betrayed the trust of his faculty by favoring his wife over their resource needs and assigning her laboratory space, even though she is not on the faculty or even an employee of the Cancer Center. I will have the Department of Legal Services look into this aspect of the situation to see if any State laws against nepotism have been broken. I have also received reports that Dr. McNichols has been conducting research without the usual administrative and biosafety approvals, and other necessary approvals. Some of this so-called research has made its way into the press, and I find it necessary to protect the good name of the Cancer Center by preventing the premature disclosure of preliminary and unconfirmed research that, I believe, falsely raises the expectations of the general public and also falsely directs criticism at our Armed Forces. There are also serious issues that have been raised that Dr. McNichols has been advising patients on what drugs to take and has been offering unproven and unlicensed tests to veterans and the general public. These are just some of the points that have been raised by faculty at our institution, and I take these criticisms very seriously. In fact, I have asked all of you to be here to question Dr. McNichols about these and other events so that we can come to an understanding about exactly what has happened and how the administrative controls have failed to protect the good name of the institution."

As Dr. Masters droned on in his mono log, trying to be extremely serious about the situation, Jared thought to himself that this sounded just like the administrative letters that he had received from Masters' office. He was just repeating the same worn out allegations that Jared had carefully answered previously. Jared was waiting for the punch line-something new and startling that he hadn't heard before, but to his astonishment the only thing that was new was that allegation that Jared was actually organizing demonstrations against the Cancer Center, an unprecedented move for a tenured faculty member. Dr. Masters then allowed Jared to answer the charges that had been made against him by unknown accusers in his Department. Jared began by saying, "Dr. Masters, I take these proceedings very seriously, and I will try to answer each of the unproven allegations that you have brought before your committee. First, I would like to pass out my written responses to your last legal letter to me so that the committee can see that I addressed each and every one of the allegations that you have made today." Dr. Masters interrupted Jared to say, "That won't be necessary. I want you to answer my specific questions and those of the committee." Jared responded, "Yes sir, I will, but I believe that each of my responses has been documented in my letter of response to you, and I would like the committee to see my responses in writing."

Jared had already passed out copies of the letter while he responded to Dr. Masters, and this seemed to cause Dr. Masters tremendous irritation. He said, "Dr. McNichols, I just stated that I want you to answer the criticisms brought by the committee, not provide a copy of a letter that you sent to me previously." Jared repeated his statement, "Yes sir, I will respond to each of your allegations. First, I believe I documented in my letter that I actually have less research space allocated on a grant dollar basis than any other faculty in the Department, so I disagree that I allocated more space to myself than to other faculty based on need. This was actually the formula that Dr. Belcher had attempted to apply to our Center in order to determine space needs." Dr. Masters turned to Dr. Belcher and asked, "Is this true, Dr. Belcher?" Dr. Belcher responded, "Yes, Clement you approved of this approach yourself to evaluate research space at our institution, and according to the figures provided by Dr. McNichols, which my office has not yet confirmed, it appears that Dr. McNichols has the grant funds to justify the space allocation for his research. It also appears that he has not favored himself over his faculty in terms of space allocation."

Dr. Masters looked stunned. He wasn't expecting his own Vice President for Research to back Jared over his position. Dr. Masters said, "Dr. Belcher, I expect you to give me a written report on this later today. I want these figures confirmed by your office." Dr. Belcher replied, "I believe that we can furnish your office with a space evaluation of the Department later today." Dr. Masters replied, "Good! Now I would like to move on to the criticism that nepotism rules have been violated at our institution." Jared responded, "Sir, my wife is a highly qualified Ph.D. researcher who has been approved as a consultant on my grants. As a consultant, her role is to help in the evaluation of research, which she does on almost a daily basis. She does not perform the research herself. The actual laboratory research is performed by a technician who is an employee of the institution." Dr. Masters interrupted, "And how is this technician being paid? What account is this technician being paid from?" Jared responded, "The technicians under my direction are supported mainly from my grants and contracts. The only technical assistance that isn't supported by grants and contracts is for general laboratory assistance. I do have some technical help supported by my endowed chair." Dr. Masters turned again to Dr. Belcher, "Is this true, Francis?" Dr. Belcher replied, "According to the information provided to the Office of Research, this is correct, just as it is spelled out in Dr. McNichols' letter." Dr. Masters said, "We are not discussing this letter today, and I have asked Dr. McNichols to answer my questions. Do you think that Dr. McNichols has answered my question?" Dr. Belcher replied, "Clement, we have looked into this, and my office can't find any violations in personnel use, biosafety approvals or violations in the conduct of research by Dr. McNichols."

Dr. Masters again looked stunned. He didn't expect his own Vice President to contradict him on these important issues. He said, "Dr. Belcher, I expect you to be more respectful of my position and provide any information that you have on the subject." Dr. Belcher replied, "But Clement, I provided your office with a thorough analysis of these allegations. I just don't see any violations." Dr. Masters became angry and said, "Dr. Belcher, I want you to go back and re-analyze this again. Is that clear?" Dr. Belcher replied, "Yes, I believe that we can do that." Dr. Masters said, "And I want you to report back to the committee." Dr. Belcher again, "Yes, I understand." Dr. Masters then said, "Well, where were we?" Dr. Reichsmann piped up, "I believe that we were to discuss administrative approvals for Dr. McNichols' research." Dr. Masters said, "Yes, that's it! Dr. McNichols, I do not see where I have approved your research. Isn't it true that you have conducted your research on the veterans without my approval?" Jared responded, "Sir, I don't know of any instance where your approval is specifically required on any of the research conducted in the Department. As for approval of the veterans' research project, I obtained the approval of the Office of Research, and the signature of Dr. Belcher on my grant applications indicates the usual administrative approval required at our institution for research projects. Is there something else that I am not aware of?" Dr. Masters smugly said, "You didn't get my approval for your research, did you? Do you admit here in front of the Committee that you did not get my direct approval for this research?" Jared responded, "Dr. Masters, I obtained the proper signatures necessary according to the directives from the Office of Research. I know of no research projects at our institution that require your direct approval or signature. They do require the signature of Dr. Belcher, and I believe that we have his signature on the appropriate forms." Dr. Masters turned again to his Vice President for Research, "Is this true, Francis?" Dr. Belcher replied, "According to the written directives that you yourself approved two years ago, I believe that Dr. McNichols is compliant with our regulations on research."

That was not what Dr. Masters wanted to hear from his Vice President for Research. Dr. Masters' face began to redden. He had forgotten completely about the directives on research, which were implemented to save the President of the institution from having to go through hundreds of research projects that he knew nothing about. The authority for approving research was given to the Vice President for Research. He continued, "We will discuss this point again in conference. I don't think that you are correct in your assumptions, Dr. Belcher, and I will need more than your assumptions in this case. I think that we should move to the next item. Where were we?" Dr. Reichsmann replied, "Dr. Masters, I believe that an important criticism that we must address is that Dr. McNichols has been advising patients illegally on what drugs to take for their undiagnosed conditions, and my reports say that he has actually given patients certain antibiotics. This is a grave violation of State laws." Jared responded forcefully, "Dr. Reichsmann, I can assure you that I haven't ever given a patient any drug, and I would like to know the evidence that shows otherwise. I have advised physicians who have called me about what we have found in our studies, and I believe that it is our duty to respond to the community with information if we can provide it on health matters. It is presented to them as ongoing, preliminary research. In fact, I have done nothing more than relate what is printed in our peer-reviewed publications on the subject. And I might add, that this advice was published in some of the most widely read medical journals in the world, and it is just advice. It is the responsibility of individual physicians to evaluate the medical needs of their patients and act accordingly. We do not interfere in the physician-patient process, and we do not provide patients with anything other than information that they can take to their own physicians for evaluation. We do not see patients in our Department, and we do not perform any test that is not covered by our research protocol that was approved by the Office of Research and Biosafety Office."

Dr. Reichsmann was still smiling as he turned to Dr. Masters. After a few moments, Dr. Masters who had stopped smiling said, "Did you take part in a demonstration in front of the hospital?" Jared responded, "No sir. I did not. Nor did I know anything specific about any demonstration." Dr. Masters turned to Dr. Bane. Dr. Bane believing that he should respond said, "We are having Chief Costa and the Police Department look into this." Dr. Masters pulled a paper out of a file and said, "It says right here in this press clipping that you have tested veterans and have found an unusual mycoplasma that you claim has been modified. What do you say to that?"

Jared didn't know quite how to respond to Dr. Masters' question, so he just said, "We believe that part of the statement in the press account is correct, sir, but it is incomplete. And I did not make that particular statement to the press." Dr. Masters held up the newspaper article and said, "It says differently right here!" Jared responded, "Sir, if you will look carefully at the article, it attributes that quote to Dr. Marie McNichols not to me." Dr. Masters' face became red and he stated, "Frankly, I don't care if it's your mother. You have defamed the good name of the institution by your comments in this news article!" Jared responded, "Actually, the article that you're holding up was very complimentary of the Cancer Center. It was not critical. It actually shows the D. O. Madison helping patients, and I don't believe that you will find any quotes by me in that article that could be considered damaging to the institution." Dr. Masters replied, "I don't accept your explanation. I will be the judge of whether you have violated my directives. You say it does not defame the institution. Well, I believe that it does, I believe that any of our faculty here would conclude that such press reports are defaming the good name of the institution. Didn't you agree not to give any press releases without the strict approval of my office? Isn't that true?" Jared said, "Sir, I didn't hand out any press reports or releases. I have never handed out press reports without the approval of the Office of Public Affairs. In fact, I haven't made any press reports in the last two years, and the last report that I sent to the Public Affairs Office was on the new breast cancer gene that we discovered. These were reporters that contacted me after seeking approval through your Public Affairs Office. I have no control over what they actually write in their articles," Dr. Masters turned to his Vice Presidents and said, "We have got to have control over the press! We can't have our faculty going to some reporter over their preliminary research without our approval." Jared responded, "Dr. Masters, I did not go to any reporter. Some reporters have come to me after going through the Office of Public Affairs, It was your Public Affairs Office that sent them to me. I thought that this was the standard procedure at our institution?" Dr. Masters said, "I don't want you talking to any reporters without my personal approval. Is that clear?" Jared nodded his head, even though he knew that this was not the University's policy.

After a few more questions from Dr. Reichsmann, who seemed to be trying to find something, anything, to pin on Jared, the meeting ended abruptly. Dr. Masters spoke to Jared, "Thank you Dr. McNichols for appearing this morning. We will be going into executive session to discuss the matter more fully, and you will not be needed again this morning. However, I am going to ask you to be available to answer any other questions as they come up during our discussions." Jared asked, "Could that be by phone, sir?" Dr. Masters looked at Dr. Bane who nodded, "That will be sufficient for the time being, but I want you to be available all day today to come back to the committee, if necessary." Jared responded, "Dr. Masters, I will be available to answer any and all questions from your committee. Thank you gentlemen for your patience."

Jared stood up abruptly, spun on his heel and made a quick exit from the meeting. At the door to the outer office, Jared ran into one of Masters' Vice Presidents who was late for the meeting. He looked serious and asked Jared, "How did it go in there?" Jared responded, "Oh, you mean the witchhunt? I didn't exactly get burned at the stake, but they tried." Jared then added, "Good luck in finding anything. I'm innocent of all these bogus allegations, and they know it." The Vice President replied, "I certainly hope you're correct. It's not good for the institution." Jared decided not to ask whether he was referring to Dr. Masters. He waved his hand and bolted down the hallway. It was now less than four months until Clement Masters must retire. Jared wondered if he could make it, or would Dr. Masters have his scalp on his pole along side the other victims of this petty but very dangerous bureaucrat.
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Re: Project Day Lily: An American Biological Warfare Tragedy

Postby admin » Wed Oct 25, 2017 2:50 am

CHAPTER 15: The McNichols Decide to Leave (1996)

Jared and Marie finally decided on a move that would take them away from their Texas nightmare. Since they had been completely blocked in finding suitable faculty positions around the country by the concerted efforts of the administration and a few of the usual faculty 'suspects' at the D. O. Madison, the McNichols decided to form a small, non-profit research institute in California. Jared was from California, and he was previously a full professor at one of the University of California campuses. In addition, Jared and Marie had purchased a cozy condo overlooking the Pacific Ocean in Laguna Beach in 1986 as a vacation Oat. It was a location that the McNichols both loved, and it was near Jared's parents, making it especially convenient for Jared to monitor his parents' health problems. Thus they would not have to wait to sell their home in Queenswood before they moved, and in fact, they could move quickly to their condo, if necessary. Since the housing market in Queenswood was in free-fall in 1996, and there was no assurance that they could even sell their house in a reasonable period of time, it was a good choice.

The McNichols had much to do before they left Texas, and the move would be contingent on Jared managing to get his four active grants released by the D. O. Madison administration. Without the four grants, Jared and Marie would not have the resources to start even a small foundation. The D. O. Madison didn't have to release Jared's grants if they could assign a suitable Principal Investigator from the Madison faculty to replace Jared on the grants. Jared would find that moving his grants was not as easy as it first appeared, since it would require administrative approval. Jared reasoned that this would be difficult, if Dr. Masters found out what he was trying to do with his grants. The trick would be to move the grants while Masters was tied up with his retirement and training his replacement, Dr. Morningstone. Only Dr. Belcher was required to sign the administrative release of Jared's grants, so Jared felt that they had a fighting chance to keep and move the grants.

Jared hoped that Dr. Belcher was feeling just a bit guilty over what had happened during the last few years at the Madison, and he might be willing to help Jared since he too was near retirement. Jared was aware that the Administration could assign Dr. Geldter or Dr. Domasovitch to be the replacement Principal Investigator on his grants, so Jared was trying to find ways to warn them in advance not to cross him on moving his grants, or they would have an enemy forever. Academia was a small world, and Jared reminded them that he knew exactly what they had been doing to him and his career, and he would now make it widely known what they had done. Jared also set up a meeting with Dr. Belcher, who now did not want to be involved in taking Jared's grants. It was one thing for Dr. Belcher to secretly block Jared's grant applications when they were being reviewed, whereas it was entirely something else to arrange a take-over of an existing, active grant. In the latter case it would have been very apparent to the academic community that Dr. Belcher was tampering with Jared's grants, and Jared could easily prove in a court of law that he was discriminated against by the D. O. Madison and was denied due process because of the unpopularity of his research on veterans' illnesses.

Dr. Belcher decided that he didn't want any part of a discriminatory action requested by Dr. Masters. If Jared decided to seek legal remedies, Dr. Belcher would have been defendant number two on a long list of defendants. After some delay, probably because Dr. Masters was close to retirement, Dr. Belcher finally agreed that Jared could move his grants. Actually Dr. Belcher did not like and actually feared Clement Masters, who he considered a psychopath fully capable of killing anyone in his path. But he also knew that once Dr. Masters retired, his bite would be just about non-existent without access to the University accounts, or so he reasoned. Dr. Belcher would never do anything that might jeopardize his own retirement or his own physical health. Dr. Masters was removed from his previous University position for misallocation of funds, so Dr. Belcher knew that Masters would think nothing of contracting a hit on him and charging it to some University account. However, once Dr. Masters retired, it would be much less likely, if a possibility at all, that he would allocate any of his own money to go after one of his former Vice Presidents. He might need all of his tidy retirement funds to fight the numerous pending lawsuits that he elicited while President of The D. O. Madison Cancer Center.

In order to move Jared's grants, a new institution had to be established, so Jared and Marie formed the Molecular Medicine Institute and incorporated it in Nevada. It was easier to form a corporation in Nevada and then qualify it in California or any other state for that matter. Of course, it was not so easy to form a tax-exempt, non-profit corporation, but the McNichols were assisted by a former senior IRS attorney that they had attended church with in Austin. The Austin attorney was formally the director of litigation of the IRS district covering the Mid-Atlantic States, and he was still well-known and respected around the IRS. The McNichols were lucky to have found the attorney, and they were able to establish the Molecular Medicine Institute as a nonprofit organization under the tax laws in near record time.

Jared and Marie had no idea why they were being helped in establishing a new nonprofit research organization so quickly. As it turned out there were always some former soldiers and other veterans around to assist them, and the McNichols' reputation for helping veterans paved the way. With the approval of the new Molecular Medicine Institute as a nonprofit organization, Jared was able to initiate the transfer of his grants to the new Institute to be established in California. Before that could be done a physical presence had to be established in California, and so Jared and Marie decided to establish a small laboratory in Southern California for the new Molecular Medicine Institute.

Dr. Morningstone is in charge?

The day finally came for Dr. Masters to step down as the President of the D. O. Madison Cancer Center, and by some miracle Jared was still on the faculty, at least for the moment. On June 1st Dr. Morningstone was officially placed in charge of the Cancer Center, but Dr. Masters was still around for three months until he formally retired. Jared and Marie celebrated the end of the horror they had endured under the tyrannical psychopath Dr. Masters, but as it turned out their joyous observance was short lived.

The following morning Jared received a message from Dr. Masters' office indicating that the Cancer Center would be moving to terminate him from his position for 'insubordination.' Jared immediately called his attorney, Mr. Neeman, who had ample experience dealing with the ravings of Dr. Masters. According to Mr. Neeman, and also the published University Rules and Regulations, there was no provision for terminating an employee for insubordination, nor was insubordination even mentioned in any of the University handbooks or regulations. It was so typical of Dr. Masters to 'invent' a university rule so that he could do what he wanted-in this case have Jared terminated.

Jared decided immediately to contact Dr. Belcher's office. After all, Dr. Belcher actually supported Jared in a back-handed way during the 'interrogation' in Dr. Masters office with his Vice Presidents. Dr. Belcher was a tragic figure, torn between what he knew was right and the reality of dealing with a totally corrupt system, and Jared actually felt sorry for the position he was in because he actually liked Dr. Belcher and accepted all his faults. Dr. Belcher may have wanted to help Jared and Marie, but he probably feared Dr. Masters' wrath to the point where he felt paralyzed. Dr. Belcher agreed to see Jared on short notice.

As Jared entered Dr. Belcher's office, he was directed to sit down while Dr. Belcher talked to someone back East on the phone. Finally when Dr. Belcher was free, he hung up the phone and looked at Jared for a moment and stated, "Well, Dr. McNichols you have certainly done it now. Dr. Masters is on the warpath again, and as you know he usually gets what he wants ... and he wants your head." Jared asked, "What have I done now? I've been keeping a very low profile. I haven't talked to the press; I haven't been on TV; I haven't testified to Congress lately. I have been minding my own business and trying to find a job outside of Texas. I even turned in my resignation letter. He knows I'm leaving. Why doesn't he just let me leave the Cancer Center with some dignity? Why does he have to drag my bloody, decapitated body through the dirt. Hasn't he done enough to destroy my career .... my life?" Dr. Belcher said, "Now Jared, don't get emotional about this. You decided to work on the veterans' project against my better judgment. You could have stopped that project at any time, and you would have probably been brought back into the fold." Jared asked, "And let thousands of veterans die? What kind of a choice is that?"

Jared looked at Dr. Belcher and asked him without a hint of emotion, "What would you have done if your daughter had come back sick from a war, and no one would acknowledge it, or help in any way, and all that anyone would tell you was that it was all in her head?" Dr. Belcher responded, "I know that you think that you may have done the right thing, but everything in life is about choices and consequences." Jared asked, "And so for helping the veterans I lose my job? .... or my life?" Jared was angry and said, "Dr. Belcher, you know that this is pure bullshit. Marie told me to think of this entire nightmare as another agenda connected to her inheritance." Dr. Belcher shook his head and responded forcefully, "This is not about you losing your job for some frivolous reason or about you being targeted because Marie is some heiress, if that is what you believe, this is about throwing a gauntlet in Dr. Masters' face." Jared said, "I never threw a gauntlet in Dr. Masters' face. All that I was trying to do was my research, and Dr. Masters got this burr up his ass to shut down my laboratory because of what we found." Dr. Belcher responded, "You didn't exactly act in a professional manner with your results." Jared became angry and continued, "I submitted our results to professional, peer-reviewed journals. I was asked to testify to the President's Commission on Gulf War Illnesses in Washington. I communicated what we found to the Department of Defense and Department of Veterans' Affairs, and Marie and I lectured at their facilities in Washington on the subject. I was asked to testify to Congress under oath." Dr. Belcher countered, "And you threw the whole thing in Masters' face by going to the press and making him look like a fool." Jared said, "Frankly, he is a fool, and you know it, Dr. Belcher! And I didn't go to the press, they came to me!" Dr. Belcher shot back, "Now Jared, don't split hairs with me! You must have known the consequences of your actions." Jared said, "No I did not! We sincerely thought that we were helping people, and I mistakenly thought that this was what we should be doing at the D. O. Madison, helping people with undiagnosed illnesses!"

Dr. Belcher thought for a moment and then became fatherly. "Jared, one of the problems that you don't seem to grasp is that there are forces beyond our control that do not want this information widely known." Jared asked, "What do you mean? The fact that this bug might be from a U.S. Government laboratory?" Dr. Belcher responded, "That kind of thinking will get you no where. All it will do is get you in trouble .... real trouble!" Jared said, "You mean, like I am in now?" Jared continued, "You know, when Marie and I had lunch with Dr. Bowman before he retired, he told us that during World War II he worked on Biological Warfare for the Army. He said that what we found was consistent with what he knew about the programs that were underway in the Army after the war. You know, if Dr. Bowman had not retired, I probably wouldn't be in the fix that I'm in now."

Dr. Belcher's voice became whiny as he said in his New York accent, "That is supposition and guessing. It was a long time ago. It's better not to speculate about such things. It could get you in a lot of trouble." Jared said, "We as a nation are in a lot of trouble if we turn our backs on these problems just because it might embarrass someone or expose some stupid illegal program that should have never been done in the first place." Dr. Belcher cautioned Jared and said, "Let me say again .... that kind of thinking will get you in a lot of trouble. It's not our place to second-guess what happened during the Cold War. There were a lot of mistakes. We need to bury them and forget about it." Jared said, "Like we're burying veterans from the Gulf War .... by the thousands! Is that your idea of burying your mistakes?" Dr. Belcher admonished Jared, "Don't get sanctimonious with me, Dr. McNichols. I served in the Navy. I know the risks when you put on a uniform." Jared said, "You told me that you worked in a pathology lab at some stateside Navy hospital on a research project! You never were deployed overseas." Dr. Belcher became embarrassed and said, "Never mind, Dr. McNichols. No wonder Dr. Masters has such a problem with you. You're a smartass." Jared responded, "Well, at least I'm honest." Dr. Belcher pointed to Jared and said in a jovial manner, "You're an honest smartass! Now get out of here, so I can get some work done!" Jared stood up and smiled as he headed toward the door, "O.K., boss. Thanks for the support, anyway. I never did get to thank you for coming to my defense during my 'interrogation' by all of the Vice Presidents."

At over 6 feet tall, Jared towered over the very short Dr. Belcher when he finally stood up, which is why Dr. Belcher always had his visitors sit down while he stood and paced in front of them. Jared knew Dr. Belcher's weak points but he was able to overlook them because of some semblance of ethical support against Dr. Masters. With all his faults, Jared respected Dr. Belcher's intellect, and he did try to help Jared in his own way, just like Jared tried to help his own faculty. In the end Dr. Belcher turned out not to be such a bad person after all. He was weak for sure, but he also had his good points, and it was rare to find anyone of administrative rank at the Madison who had any semblance of ethics and honor. It seemed that the Vice Presidents that Jared respected the most had either retired, left or were murdered.

Jared and Marie were now complete outcasts in Jared's own department. In fact, Dr. Masters had issued an order that Marie was to be arrested on sight and escorted out of the D. O. Madison Cancer Center if she entered the complex. Although Marie and Jared knew that this was completely illegal, since Marie was an approved consultant on some of Jared's grants, and it was completely within her rights to visit the institution as an approved member of Jared's research team, they decided not to test the egomaniac Clement Masters and his phony order. Also, they remembered the vicious hate note sent to Marie that they thought was from Dr. Masters. It was quite obvious that whoever wrote the note was obsessed where she was concerned. Also, there was some question as to whether Dr. Masters still had the authority to order anyone around at the Cancer Center. Dr. Morningstone was now the President, and Dr. Masters had been relegated formally to President Emeritus status. Jared had thought that he was finally safe from the wrath of Dr. Masters, but again, he was wrong to underestimate the evil psychopath Dr. Clement Masters.

It was naive for Jared to think that with the formal changing of the guard at the Madison that anything had really changed. Dr. Masters was still around, and he had a lot more time on his hands to complete some unfinished business before he formally retired. Jared and Marie were not the only targets of Masters' wrath, but they certainly felt like it. Jared could not get any assistance from Dr. Morningstone, who had now long forgotten that he and Jared were once friends in California. Dr. Morningstone had much to do to learn the ropes in his new position, and he didn't want to be bothered by a faculty member who was soon to be an ex-faculty member, one way or another.

There was one rare bright spot, however, in Jared's academic life during the last year he was in Austin. Jared also had an appointment as Professor of Internal Medicine at the University Medical School in Austin, and the Department Chairman did not approve of the way that Jared and Marie had been treated at their sister institution, The D. O. Madison Cancer Center. Jared actually considered transferring to the Medical School faculty but after careful thought, he and Marie decided that the academic environment had been irreversibly poisoned for them in Austin by Dr. Masters and his henchmen. It would have been a very difficult move anyway, because Dr Masters had the authority to continue his bludgeoning of Jared, even if he were across the street at the Medical School. It was the same University, and Dr. Masters was a senior administrator at that university but at another branch.

After considering all of the alternatives, Jared and Marie decided to leave, and they wanted to leave Austin and never return as far as they were concerned. Jared and Marie also decided that she would remain at home until they had finally left Texas, both for her own safety and to keep the move low key. Around the Department Jared was hardly seen by the other faculty, but he was in daily contact with his own laboratory personnel. He stopped attending Department meetings because he couldn't stand the gloating of Dr. Domasovitch, the acting chairman, and he rarely went to the Faculty Club for lunch because he no longer wanted to explain to other faculty what happened to his once promising career that was now relegated to the toilet. Jared sometimes attended seminars but he avoided other faculty members, most of whom were uncomfortable around Jared anyway because of his leper status. He had to keep up certain appearances for the morale of his laboratory personnel, but it was clear that many of these technicians and post-doctoral fellows just wanted to now leave as soon as possible so their careers would not be tainted. Some actually thought that some bad stink might be transferred to them if they remained any longer in Jared's laboratory. The disinformation campaign of Isaac Geldter and Amy Krappner and now other Cancer Center faculty was bearing bountiful fruit, and Jared was no longer invited to speak at important meetings or nominated for any awards.

Jared found out the hard way about Dr. Masters' reach when he applied for faculty positions around the country. He could have ten supporters, but if one detractor came forward and vigorously attacked Jared, his chances of receiving a faculty offer were nil. As the faculty rats found out about Jared's applications, he found that he had little hope for a fair hearing to defend himself. Universities did not want any controversy, and they would try hard to avoid hiring a controversial faculty member. Dr. Masters had even sent Dr. Geldter to California to speak to administrators to poison Jared's chances of returning to any of the University of California campuses. Jared had mistakenly thought that his former university knew him well enough to withstand the disinformation. Even old friends from his former department in California now shunned or advised him to forget about coming back to his old position. His leper status was now national in addition to local. At least it still did not extend to Europe, Asia and other locations.

Jared decided that this was the price that they must pay for taking on the Pentagon and the State of Texas. It was a forgone conclusion that they would lose-it was no match. They had lost before they had even started. Now the price must be paid. Jared did not want Dr. Masters to find out about Dr. Belcher approving the transfer of his grants and equipment to the new Institute that he and Marie had formed in California, so he mislead his colleagues around the Department that the McNichols did not know exactly when they would be leaving the institution or where they would be going. In fact, the paperwork on his resignation and the transfer of his grants and equipment were in Dr. Belchers' office. As a last favor to Jared, Dr. Belcher kept the information to himself and forwarded the necessary paperwork through the usual administrative channels without Dr. Masters' knowledge. Jared felt that it was a passive aggressive act on Dr. Belcher's part, but in fact, Dr. Belcher did not agree with Dr. Masters' criminal assaults on the McNichols. He had decided that he would do what he could to help Jared and Marie without risking his own career or perhaps even his life. For that Jared was eternally grateful. It was rare indeed to find an administrator around the D. O. Madison who had any semblance of honor and a sense of fair play. All of the administrators who could have helped Jared and Marie had now retired or left the institution.

For the McNichols the summer of 1996 in Austin was probably the worst summer of their lives. Jared was treated like a leper in his own department that he founded and built from nothing in 1980, and Marie was not even allowed entry into the institution on threat of eviction and even arrest. Jared was fearful on every morning that he hesitantly entered the D. O. Madison Cancer Center that he would be immediately accosted by the University Police, dragged up to Dr. Masters' office and placed in front of the administrative 'firing squad' without a modicum of due process or any possibility of appeal. There was absolutely no pity for the plight that the McNichols were in, because most people thought exactly as Dr. Belcher related to Jared in his office that one morning-the McNichols had brought it entirely upon themselves.

The McNichols reflect on their future

At home in the evening Jared and Marie had a chance to reflect on how their professional and personal lives had taken a steep decline but at the same time they may have unlocked a key that could help millions of people with chronic illnesses. Because of their work on Gulf War Illnesses thousands of veterans lives have been saved, and now the follow-on to their research on the Gulf War veterans showed that other chronic conditions, most with unknown etiologies, such as chronic fatigue syndrome, fibromyalgia syndrome, autoimmune diseases like rheumatoid arthritis, ankylosing spondylitis, lupus and multiple sclerosis, irritable bowel syndrome, atypical heart and kidney infections, respiratory conditions like asthma, chronic bronchitis and atypical pneumonias, craniofacial and maxillofacial pain from chronic infections, among other illnesses and conditions. These all appeared to involve the types of intracellular chronic bacterial infections that Marie and Jared had found in the Gulf War Illness patients and their symptomatic family members. The infections that the McNichols and now other laboratories were also finding in chronic illnesses were not always related to the primitive mycoplasmas. They were also related to other intracellular bacterial infections like those caused by Chlamydia pneumoniae, often associated with chronic pain, arteriosclerosis and heart disease, and Borrelia burgdorferi, the bacteria that caused Lyme disease (along with mycoplasmas and other bacteria) and other infections. These bacterial infections were also found commonly with certain viral infections, such as Human Herpesvirus-6 (H HV-6), cytomegalovirus (CMV) and other viruses, and together the multiple bacterial and viral infections were found in most chronic illness patients. These bacterial and viral infections appeared to playa major role in determining the severity and types of signs and symptoms found in these patients, and in some cases they probably even caused many of these illnesses along with other toxic exposures and genetic susceptibilities. The stumbling of Jared and Marie onto a path that may open an avenue of treatment for millions of patients with chronic illnesses was exciting, and this was probably the only thing that kept them going and optimistic about their futures. Thus they made plans to pursue this new and exciting line of investigation in California at the new Institute. It was the one bright spot in their lives.

Another topic that Marie and Jared frequently discussed at home was Marie's inheritance. After all, this could be used to fund the new Institute, if she could just unlock it. Marie should have received part of her inheritance, but the trustees of the Cetta Dharma Trust and the other trusts had prevented her from accessing the information needed to claim her inheritance. They wanted to continue using the trusts for their own projects and personal needs, and they did not seem at all interested in following the terms of the Trusts that stated that Marie was the sole heir. Marie and Jared decided that it was the trustees of the Cetta Dharma Trust, Five Star Trust, Sterling Trust, Century Trust and the other trusts along with the Las Vegas criminals that had been at work against them in the background all along using institutions like the D. O. Madison Cancer Center, because this institution was hundreds of millions of dollars in debt to the trusts and Las Vegas for its massive building program. No wonder Dr. Masters focused on Marie the moment that she arrived in Austin. This also explained the efforts to ruin Marie's career and drive her to despair. If the trustees and Las Vegas interests could kill or permanently incapacitate Marie or drive her to insanity or suicide, then they could continue to use the trusts and Marie's Las Vegas assets for their own purposes, without the meddling of some heiress to interfere with their plans.

Interestingly, the more that Marie found out about her trusts and Las Vegas interests left by her notorious and wealthy father, the more that Marie and Jared came to the conclusion that at least one of the massive trusts, The Cetta Dharma Trust established in 1930 and held off-ledger by the Morgan-Chase Bank in Manhattan, New York, had been the major funding vehicle for Black Budget Operations by the Federal Government. In fact, it now appeared that the Cetta Dharma Trust, Century Trust and Sterling Trust were the principal instruments that funded the Manhattan Project that developed the atomic bomb during World War II. This was probably why the project was called the 'Manhattan Project.' More recently the Cetta Dharma Trust was used to fund the Manhattan II Project, a massive unconventional weapons of mass destruction development program started during the Cold War to counter the Soviet Union's large research and development programs in unconventional weapons. Thus the Cetta Dharma Trust was probably the main source of funds for the MKULTRA, MKNAOMI and other infamous programs that developed new weapons of mass destruction based on chemical, biological, radiological and electromagnetic weapons.

The McNichols also found out that the Cetta Dharma Trust and the other trusts had been used to advance population control measures like those expressed in National Security Memorandum 200 by funding the development of new biological agents that caused new lethal diseases after their release in the Third World. Marie and Jared discussed how ironic it was that Marie, who was the sole heiress to the Cetta Dharma and the other trusts, was involved in discovering one of the microorganisms that was likely an incapacitating Biological Weapon whose development and testing in the military and in the Texas prison system was funded by the very trusts that she would one day inherit! In fact, upon further investigation Marie and Jared found out that several very prominent American families and politicians, had used the trusts as collateral for loans on their own industrial projects, mainly defense and biomedical projects.

It was no accident that even small biotechnology companies like Biox, Inc. were directly or indirectly supported by Marie's trusts. Indeed, the same people who were trustees on the Cetta Dharma Trust and other trusts were listed as the primary owners of companies like Biox. The money that founded these companies either came from Marie's trusts or from loans backed by the trusts. By piecing together information from various sources, including information from officers in the Joint Special Operations Command, intelligence agencies and veterans of the Gulf War that Marie and Jared had assisted, the corporations and institutions that were funded and controlled by the trustees of the Cetta Dharma and other trusts became clearer. Some of the most prominent defense corporations and institutions in America had received funds from the trusts. It was actually a relief to Marie and Jared that they could finally learn the names of some of the companies funded by Marie's trusts, because the McNichols had no explanation as to why certain corporations and institutions had gone after them to ruin them professionally and drive them into bankruptcy. Now it was all becoming clear. The evil trustees of the Cetta Dharma Trust and the other trusts did not want Marie to survive to claim her inheritance, or at the very least they did not want her to be in any financial condition to make her rightful claim on any of the trusts, a process that could involve lengthy and expensive court battles.

No wonder Marie had so many near-death episodes during her lifetime where she almost died from various accidents, illnesses and other disasters that one hundred people would not have collectively experienced during their lifetimes. It was all traced back to the trusts and the greedy trustees and Las Vegas criminals who would have Marie killed in a heartbeat if they thought she would present a problem to their investments. Even Jared's and Marie's problems with the D. O. Madison Cancer Center were traced back to the trusts as well as Las Vegas crime interests. The massive building program of the Cancer Center was, in fact, funded by the trusts, or at least the loans required for the building program were collateralized by the trusts, and as it turned out many of the major universities in the United States had used the trusts to collateralize their loans or finance questionable programs. Dr. Masters knew this, and he was just doing the bidding for the trustees in destroying Marie. He was also doing the bidding of the Las Vegas organized crime interests that were trying to keep Marie from making any claims on her Las Vegas casinos and other properties that were rightfully hers.

Dr. Masters' replacement, Dr. Morningstone, was brought into the criminal conspiracy and now knew the truth about Marie's inheritance and the role of her trusts in funding the building and other programs in the Medical Center. Thus Dr. Morningside quickly replaced Dr. Masters as the source of major problems for Jared and Marie if they remained in Austin. This explained why Dr. Morningside shunned his old friend Jared and refused to meet with him or even return his telephone calls.

It was quite clear why the McNichols had to leave Austin, and leave as soon as possible. They had no choice. Marie could not fight her trustees from a position of financial weakness. She and Jared had to make new lives out from under the control of the trusts and the Las Vegas crime interests, if they could. Thus the thought of a small independent nonprofit research organization became more and more attractive, because most of the major universities were linked either directly or indirectly to the Cetta Dharma Trust and Marie's other trusts through their capital building programs or even their assets. This had to be the explanation that Marie and Jared were seeking. They felt all along that there must be something else besides the mycoplasma research that justified the treatment that they received from the D. O. Madison Cancer Center and now other academic institutions as well.

The financial influence of Marie's massive trusts and Las Vegas interests also explained why Jared had to watch everything in their personal finances for sabotage and dirty tricks. Along with all the professional problems and attempts on their lives, the McNichols had also been the victims of bank fraud, credit card fraud, mortgage fraud, insurance fraud, consumer fraud, and the list went on and on. Before the McNichols moved to California Jared was spending an increasing amount of time dealing with the financial problems related to various schemes directed at the McNichols from normally reliable institutions. It was a good thing that Jared and Marie had made a few loyal friends in Austin, among them their banker, Mike Trane, and their broker, John Portz. Trane and Portz would help them repeatedly though the difficult times in Austin, and even after they left Austin for Southern California.

One evening Jared had just about reached the end of his financial rope because of all the sabotage directed at them. He had always handled the financial duties for the family, and the stress of continual sabotage was taking its toll. Jared said to Marie, "I don't know whether I can take any more of this financial mess we always seem to be in! Why does everything always turn to shit for us! We've had nothing but problems with even the most trivial things. Yesterday I found out that our mortgage company purposely lost our mortgage payments by placing them into another account. Then they attempted to foreclose on us for not making our payments, even after I furnished the cancelled checks proving that we had made the payments. Meanwhile they contacted the credit bureaus and indicated to them that we didn't make our mortgage payments and were months behind and had defaulted on our mortgage. And that was just one creditor. The same thing is happening with several creditors simultaneously, and at the same time our credit cards have been used to run up thousands of dollars in debt that we didn't have anything to do with! We can't possibly pay for all this, fight the fraud and at the same time fight Masters, now Morningstone and their cretins at the D. O. Madison. Marie, I am just about finished. I'm completely spent fighting every day for our survival and at the same time keeping up with everything that I have to do in a normal day." Marie responded, 'Jared, you're going to have to be stronger to withstand the evil that we have found ourselves surrounded by here in Austin." Marie paused and then said, "When I first moved to Texas, I was so excited about going to such a dynamic place where just about anything could be done." Jared responded sarcastically, "Yes, you found out that just about anything could be done, only you found out that it was being done against you, and you couldn't do anything about it!" Marie responded, "Oh Jared, why do you always have a sarcastic answer for everything?" Jared replied, "Probably because that is the only way I can keep my sanity. It would be easy to go completely nuts around here with everyone coming at you day after day." Marie calmly related to Jared, "I have had this treatment in one way or another since 1962, the year my notorious father died. I am actually relieved that I did not imagine the unusual and cruel persecution that I have experienced. Jared, we will prevail! We are stronger than they think!"
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Re: Project Day Lily: An American Biological Warfare Tragedy

Postby admin » Wed Oct 25, 2017 2:52 am

CHAPTER 16: The Move to California (1996)

As the time drew near for the McNichols to leave Austin forever and never go back, the now ex-President of the D. O. Madison, Dr. Clement Masters, tried one more time to fire Jared for 'insubordination.' Even though Dr. Morningstone had assumed his duties as the new President of the Cancer Center, Dr. Masters still had considerable influence at the Cancer Center. In fact, it was hard to tell that Dr. Masters was no longer the President! He was still issuing orders from his office as if he was still the CEO. Jared reasoned that it must be very confusing to the executive staff of the D. O. Madison to receive two sets of orders each morning, one set from the new President and one set from the ex-President. It was not very funny, however, if you happened to be on the wrong end of the stick and Dr. Masters was trying his damndest to beat you to death with it.

Dr. Masters was giving it one last try to fire Jared, even though it was not clear at all if he even had the authority any longer to actually go through with terminating a tenured faculty member. Jared returned to his office one afternoon late in the summer of 1996 to find an administrator waiting for him. Jared had seen this tactic before. When Dr. Masters wanted to deliver what he felt was something very important, he had a runner from his office make sure that the document or envelope was hand delivered. Usually the document was stamped "hand delivered" on the top to stress its importance. Jared tore open the letter and excused the 'runner' from Dr. Masters' office so that Dr. Masters would not even learn of Jared's immediate response to his letter.

The letter was quite a bit shorter than the usual letters from Dr. Masters that detailed Jared's alleged deficiencies or articulated the failure in Dr. Masters' mind of Jared to follow the rules and regulations of the University. Those types of letters were actually quite laughable, because they were so easy to answer with simple facts. Since every administrator that surrounded the egomaniac Dr. Masters was a 'yes person' that would always agree with Dr. Masters or tell Dr. Masters exactly what he wanted to hear, Jared reasoned that Dr. Masters would rant and rave about something, and everyone would agree with him whether it was true or not. They were simply there to receive the wisdom of the President and translate it into a letter, fax or memo, which could then be signed by Dr. Masters. He even had a signature machine so he did not have to waste valuable time in proofreading the pontifications before they were sent out of his office.

The letter that Jared received was basically ridiculous. It claimed that Jared had been 'insubordinate' to the President of the D. O. Madison. The nature of this 'insubordination' was that Jared did not immediately stop his research on the Gulf War Illness patients and Texas prison guards at the whim of Dr. Masters and his henchmen. The letter basically went on to describe Jared's and Marie's research as violating the bounds of decency and trust that were expected of a tenured faculty member of the University. Jared had heard all this before, and it was nonsensical. The research that Jared and Marie were conducting had been approved by the Office of Research, which was the usual procedure at the University for obtaining approval for a research project. The Office of Research had the responsibility to make sure that all other required approvals had been obtained, such as biohazard, recombinate DNA, radioactivity use, etc. If everything was in order, then the project could be approved for outside funding, if an organization could be found to fund the project. Jared had this approval and a signature on the approval sheet. The signature was Dr. Belcher's, Clement Masters' hand-picked Vice President for Research. Therefore, Jared had not been 'insubordinate' when he determined that he had all of the necessary approvals to continue the research project.

After some thought Jared decided that he would respond with a letter answering Dr. Masters allegations to Dr. Morningstone not Dr. Masters, since Dr. Morningstone was the new President of the D. O. Madison Cancer Center, not Dr. Masters. Since Dr. Morningstone had not had the privilege of seeing the previous letters sent by Dr. Masters to Jared, he was planning to include a few of these and his written responses as well. Also, Jared thought that it might be important to have his attorney, Mr. Neeman, send the letter to Dr. Morningstone with a copy to the University attorneys. Thus Jared contacted Mr. Neeman with the letter from Dr. Masters and his responses to the allegations of 'insubordination.'

This time Jared's attorney made it very clear to the University Counsel and Dr. Morningstone that Dr. Masters did not have the authority to fire Jared, because he was no longer the President of the D. O. Madison Cancer Center. In addition, his allegations of 'insubordination' were not listed as justification for removal of tenured faculty members in the Regents Rules and Regulations for faculty at the University. As usual, Dr. Masters was trying to invent some new rule in an effort to fire Jared McNicols without due process or a chance to rebut his allegations. The response of Dr. Morningstone to the 'fight' between Dr. Masters and Jared McNichols was to ignore it completely. In fact, Jared never heard from Dr. Morningstone again.

Since the 'letter of termination' of Dr. Masters to Jared failed, Dr. Masters then attempted to make Jared appear in his office without his attorney, but Jared instead contacted his lawyer and he, in turn, contacted the University Counsel to stop the bogus proceedings. The attorneys for the University probably did not want another lawsuit, and they knew that Jared had many reasons for filing a massive lawsuit against the University and against Dr. Masters and other administrators and faculty members of the Cancer Center.

Just for the tampering of Jared's U.S. Mail alone, certain administrators and faculty could go to prison, and although it might be difficult to prove beyond a reasonable doubt in a criminal court that certain individuals were directly involved and following the orders of Dr. Masters, the same charges in civil court do not have to proved to the standards used in criminal court. The murder attempts on Marie and Jared were likely to be even more difficult to prove without a costly investigation. Several of Jared's colleagues died under mysterious circumstances after taking on Dr. Masters, and Marie and Jared believed strongly that Dr. Masters was a murderer and more, but it would be difficult to prove in a court of law, especially in Texas. Jared even thought about filing a discrimination case in Federal Court, because the State courts in Texas were populated by judges that could be easily manipulated by the University. Jared was constantly reminding Marie that most of the judges in Texas were graduates of the University, so filing a lawsuit in a Texas State court would be a costly mistake.

The McNichols begin the move from Texas

Instead of focusing on the negative experiences that Marie and Jared had lived through in Austin, including the murder attempts and academic and economic harassment that Marie and Jared had endured, Jared wanted them to look forward to their move, hopefully to a new life. They both realized that the Las Vegas organized crime interests and the trustees of the Cetta Dharma Trust and Marie's other trusts would never leave them alone, even after they moved to another state, but it could take them some time to get their fangs into the McNichols as deep as they had in Texas. For some reason the 'can do' and 'anything goes' attitude of the native and transplanted Texans made it easy for financial interests to penetrate into the highest offices in the University. Usually there were checks and balances that prevent such obvious misuse of University administrative structures, but in Texas everything and anything seemed to be fair game. Most 'real' Texans, such as the offspring of the original pioneer families that first colonized Texas would have been appalled to learn what had happened to the McNichols in Austin.

Since Jared was from California and had family and friends there, it would be more difficult for the trustees, many of them Texans, to attack the McNichols in their new environment. Also, Marie and Jared thought that the Las Vegas boys would find it harder to bribe local officials to harass them. Thus they felt that they had a few years to enjoy their freedom before the trustees and Las Vegas interests caught up with them. They were wrong to assume this, but it did keep their spirits up before their move from Austin.

There were still some important matters to deal with before the actual move from Austin, including Dr. Masters, who had found out that Jared had obtained permission to move his grants and equipment out of the Cancer Center. Fortunately for Jared, Dr. Masters placed the complete blame on Dr. Belcher for the oversight, but in reality there was now nothing that Dr. Masters could do. He no longer had the authority to stop Jared from leaving or to fire him in his office in front of his staff. Dr. Morningstone was apparently finally listening to the University attorneys, and he decided not to intervene to fire Jared on Dr. Masters' behalf.

The McNichols were finally allowed to leave Austin with some dignity and with Jared's grants and equipment. So during their last summer in Austin, Jared and Marie spent more time at home than at the Cancer Center completing the research reports that would eventually translate into several publications on Gulf War Illnesses, chronic infections, cancer and other topics. Along the way Marie and Jared had learned the techniques that spies used to avoid tampering with their mail, such as the dead drop where mail is taken to some random mailbox or Post Office and multiple mail pick-up points, including friends and neighbors. Any mail that came to their residence was re-routed to other locations, and Jared now picked up all his mail at the Post Office to avoid the Department rats that were still working for Dr. Masters. By routing most telephone calls, faxes and other communications to their home in Queenswood, the McNichols avoided most of the problems that they had at the Cancer Center. Marie seemed to enjoy having Jared at home more, even if he spent too much of his time playing with his favorite feline friend, Yang.

Jared and Marie even agreed to do some radio programs from their home, most of which were on the Gulf War Illnesses and other chronic illnesses that seemed to be taking an ever increasing toll on America. If the Cancer Center had found out about these radio interviews, they would have certainly attempted to block them, just as they had been attempting to block Jared's grant applications, publications and invitations to professional meetings.

The Molecular Medicine Institute

Jared and Marie were taking an increasing number of trips to California to set up the newly formed Molecular Medicine Institute, and they found a former Navy and American Airlines pilot that would become the first President and Business Manager. Mr. Beckham was hired mainly on a promise, since the only funds available to start the Institute were Jared's grants and personal funds of the McNichols. During the honeymoon period of the Molecular Medicine Institute the new President Mr. Charles Beckham proved to be capable and a good worker. Although Mr. Beckham would later succumb to the grasp of Marie's trustees and Las Vegas crime interests and turn on the McNichols, at this point in time he was an enthusiastic partner in the new venture. A building was found that was formally used by a large scientific instrument company as a small R & D facility, and this proved to be the ideal size for a small, new research institute. There was even a treasure trove of equipment left behind by the scientific instrument company, and some of the heavy, expensive items like chemical fume hoods, laminar flow biological cabinets and laboratory benches were purchased for a small fraction of their replacement costs. Jared often traveled back and forth between Austin and Southern California, and Marie was also spending more time in their ocean condo.

When the time came for the move from Austin, there would be a facility ready to receive the equipment and supplies that Jared had accumulated over the years. Some of Jared's post-doctoral fellows would also be making the move to California, so there would be some staff available to continue the progress made in Austin. Although any move can be disruptive, the McNichols looked forward to the time when they could actually conduct their research free of interference and harassment.

Since Jared was generally prevented from talking to the press while in Austin, there were numerous reporters who wanted interviews with the McNichols to learn about their progress with Gulf War Illnesses. Also, Marie and Jared testified to Congress, the House of Representatives Committee on Government Reform and Oversight, and Jared testified to the President's Commission on Gulf War Veterans' Illnesses, and they had lectured to the Department of Defense and Department of Veterans' Affairs. Thus various reporters had heard about or had seen some of these presentations and now wanted to write articles on the McNichols' research.

The new Institute welcomed the press, because it served as a vehicle to obtain donations to continue the research begun in Austin. In fact, the Institute received many small donations from veterans and their family members, prison employees and even ex-prisoners who wanted to help in the efforts to expose the questionable programs instituted by the U.S. Government to test weapons that were developed secretly and financed directly or indirectly by the Cetta Dharma Trust, the Sterling Trust, Five Star Trust and other trusts. But the Institute did not receive the major financial support that the McNichols expected.

Over the years a few individuals had contacted the McNichols with proposals for funding. Most of these proved to be completely bogus, and Jared and Marie thought that they just wanted to learn exactly what the McNichols had found out in their investigations on Gulf War Illnesses and other topics, such as the infections found in prison guards. However, some of these financial people seemed legitimate, and they indicated that once the nonprofit Molecular Medicine Institute was formed, its status would allow entry into the world of high-yield investment programs. Financial people who one way or another made contact with the McNichols stressed that the nature of what the McNichols were doing for the general public and the military and the nonprofit status of their Institute under the Federal Tax Laws would enable them to find partners who would put up the funds necessary to enter the high-yield investment programs controlled by the Federal Reserve and the Treasury Department. Such programs were very attractive to the McNichols and their Institute, and Marie and Jared spent an unbelievable amount of time trying to arrange for the Institute to be a part of the high-yield investment programs. However, in the end for one reason or another usually related to the Cetta Dharma Trust and the other trusts and their evil trustees, they were prevented at the last minute from any financial benefits from the investment programs. The Institute would have to survive on grants and contracts and some small donations. Stable funding for the Institute was at the moment out of the question, but the Institute did manage to survive and continue its important work.

At the Texas border

Jared barely survived in his position to see the end of Dr. Masters and his era of fear and brutality at the D. O. Madison Cancer Center, and Clement Masters was finally formally retired with much fan-fare and celebrations. However, the McNichols did not attend any of the festivities, nor did many of the other dozens of faculty members that had been ruined or even destroyed by Dr. Masters. The evil master had finally been deposed, but Jared and Marie did not plan to wait around in Austin to see if justice would finally be served. They were leaving Texas for good, finally to be rid of the horror that they were subjected to by the University and the Trusts that virtually owned the Cancer Center due to their loans to the University for Dr. Masters' obscene building program.

The McNichols' saga would not end with their departure from Texas, but it was the end of a very unpleasant chapter in their lives, one that they would rather forget than dwell upon. By giving up his endowed chair and tenured professorship, Jared lost millions of dollars in salary, retirement and other benefits from the incident, but at least they would be free, or so they thought. Lurking behind the scenes were Marie's trustees and the Las Vegas organized crime interests, and they would not rest until the McNichols were destroyed once and for all. But for the time being Marie and Jared were quite happy to be leaving Texas and the unpleasant memories of their struggles against a university that was bent on destroying them.

When the time came to pack up their belongings and head West, Marie and Jared left most of their move to the professionals who specialize in such things. They filled up Jared's truck with some of their personal effects and with Ying and Yang jumping around the cab of the pick-up, they took off for El Paso and the Texas border. It was early, well before sunrise when they reached I-10 and headed West. With the cover on the back of the pickup flapping in the wind, Jared and Marie continued through a dozen towns with names like Ozona, Fort Stockton, Van Horn and finally El Paso. As they passed through El Paso with the rail yards and finally the Rio Grande River to their left, they continued on to the New Mexico border. Then they saw it, the Texas border loomed just ahead. As Jared, Marie, Yin and Yang passed over the border, Jared let out a whoop. They had survived the last several years and lived to tell their tale. Jared pulled into the New Mexico tourist bureau center along I-10. Leaving Yin and Yang in the truck, Marie and Jared jumped and hugged each other and finally embraced in a long kiss. Jared swung Marie around just like the day he proposed to her in Queenswood some years back. They had survived their Texas ordeal to fight another day. And that day would come sooner than they thought, but at least for now they rejoiced in the little victory of survival that day at the Texas border.
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Re: Project Day Lily: An American Biological Warfare Tragedy

Postby admin » Wed Oct 25, 2017 2:52 am

EPILOGUE: The Struggle Continues

After the McNichols left the D. O. Madison Cancer Center at the end of August 1996, Jared's department was indeed split up and the faculty scattered. Instead of giving half of the department to Dr. Isaac Geldter and half to Dr. Amy Krappner, as was planned by Dr. Masters, Dr. Morningstone decided to elevate Dr. Krappner to Vice President for Academic Affairs and allow a few of Jared's former faculty to form a new department around the molecular biology of cancer. Dr. Hong, who refused to be assigned to a department under Dr. Geldter's control, would be the new chairman of this department, which would remain physically in the same location and have some the best and brightest young Madison faculty as its new members. Interestingly, the members of Jared's old department that worked so hard to see Jared removed from his chairmanship now had the tyrant Isaac Geldter as their new chairman, and they found themselves in a much worse political situation than they ever were in under Jared's departmental administration. Most of these faculty and staff would be forced to move to the M. K. Black Building away from the main Cancer Center facilities. Jared noted that these were just rewards for some of his former faculty.

As for Dr. Krappner becoming Vice President for Academic Affairs, Jared just laughed when he discussed the topic with Marie, but Marie did not laugh at all. Any institution that would elevate a mediocre scientist like Dr. Krappner to a Vice President in charge of evaluating academic credentials deserved to go down. Dr. Krappner, who was prevented by the prestigious NIH from serving on any of their committees because of improprieties while she was a reviewer for NIH, was exactly the wrong type of person to be the head academic at the largest cancer center in the world. Although Dr. Krappner had been agitating the State and the University for years to elevate more women to senior positions at The D. O. Madison, no one ever considered her academic credentials noteworthy or indicative of an appropriate candidate for Vice President for Academic Affairs. Dr. Krappner was just another example of the Peter Principal at work.

Other faculty members at the Madison also benefited from Dr. Masters' regime. Dr. Domasovitch received his reward from the institution and was made an Assistant Vice President for Education at a much higher salary. His dormant laboratory was closed, and he moved to the Administration Building. He now worked directly under Dr. Krappner, mainly shuffling paperwork and organizing educational courses and committees for the graduate school. Dr. Nosan received a promotion to Assistant Vice President for Cancer Prevention, a newly created position that apparently had little or no administrative responsibilities but came with a nice salary increase. Dr. Belcher decided to retire as did several other Vice Presidents at the Cancer Center, and they joined Dr. Clement Masters as emeritus members of the faculty with fat retirement packages.

With Dr. Masters' power and influence in rapid decline, he eventually left the Cancer Center and Austin to become a more normal retiree. Interestingly, he was rarely seen or heard of at the Medical Center after his retirement. When Dr. Masters was at his zenith of power, he was one of the most feared administers in Austin. Without his powerbase, Dr. Masters was nothing but a pathetic ex-President who rarely dared to show his face among the faculty that he had terrorized.

The murder of Dr. Fred Cannon was never solved. Nor were the deaths of other five colleagues of the McNichols that died under mysterious circumstances at the D. O. Madison Cancer Center. They were the casualties of a secret war waged against the American people by a small handful of dangerous scientists and bureaucrats who would stop at nothing, including cold-blooded murder, to hide their traitorous acts.

Marie and Jared continued their battle for veterans' health and benefit rights. However, they were thwarted at every turn by an unmovable government bureaucracy. Various Senators and Congressmen were sympathetic to their efforts, and they continued testifying to various Congressional Committees on veterans' health issues and Gulf War Illnesses, and they also continued publishing on the bacterial agents found in veterans' blood. However, they could not seem to move the Department of Defense or Department of Veterans' Affairs. The same people that started the problem in the first place were still in control in these huge bureaucracies, and they resisted any efforts to change or reform the system. In fact, some of the worst individuals who were involved in the illegal experimentation on military recruits and prisoners were placed in control of programs that were established to help the veterans. Although the DoD along with the VA actually conducted a clinical trial based on Jared's and Marie's work with the Gulf War veterans, they then sabotaged the clinical trial after the initial results looked too promising (and embarrassing). Marie and Jared decided that they could not work with the Government on these issues, at least for the time being, because they had too much to hide from the public, and they were prone to go after any scientist or physician that dared to disagree with them.

One small consolation was that the McNichols did receive the endorsement of many members of the U.S. Congress and the Commanding General of Allied forces in the Gulf War. Despite all the sabotage, the website of the Molecular Medicine Institute became the number one site in the world for inquiries about molecular medicine and chronic illnesses. Retired three star generals and active members of the Pentagon's Command and Control Center would join their advisory staff.

The main source of Marie's and Jared's problems remained the trustees of the Cetta Dharma Trust, the Sterling Trust, the Century Trust, the Five Star Trust and several other trusts that were being held off-ledger at major banks and illegally kept from Marie as well as the criminal elements in Las Vegas that also held onto Marie's assets. Even though they had moved to California, which removed the McNichols, so they thought, from the grip of the Texas trustees, the long hand of the trustees and the Las Vegas interests still plagued the McNichols. The trustees and especially the Las Vegas organized crime interests and their armaments and weapons companies had promised to kill Marie if she made a claim on her inheritance, but it was only a matter of time until Marie would learn to make use of U.S. Government agencies to confront the trustees and the crime bosses in Las Vegas. Even with the backing of the U.S. Government, the McNichols still found that the vicious scientists and bureaucrats that went after them and were still going after them were all financed by Marie's trusts or by the Las Vegas crime interests.

With the passage of the Patriot Act it was now possible to penetrate the trusts, because the assets could no longer be used without the consent of the true owner of the funds. The trusts were to have been turned over to Marie according to her father's will, and although Marie was still unable to access the trusts, the trustees and their legions of unethical attorneys had failed to break the terms of the trusts. Of course, none of these trustees thought that Marie would ever survive to actually claim her trusts. Until Marie with the assistance of the U.S. Government can claim her rightful inheritance in its entirety, the illegal and immoral programs that had been financed by Marie's trusts and by Las Vegas financial interests will continue to take their toll on the American people. The illegal use of Marie's assets also had inadvertently paved the way for terrorists' justifications in attacking the United States, and Marie and Jared would eventually find out that these terrorist groups had actually used some of Marie's trust funds and Las Vegas assets to finance global terrorism. Marie learned that she must work with the U.S. Government, at least the parts of the government that could not be bought off by her trustees, to insure that her massive empire would be used for humanitarian purposes and to the benefit of the people of the world and never again used to finance terrorism like the deeds of September 11th and unconventional weapons development and testing.
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Re: Project Day Lily: An American Biological Warfare Tragedy

Postby admin » Wed Oct 25, 2017 3:45 am


Garth L. Nicolson, Ph.D.

Professor Garth L. Nicolson is the President, Chief Scientific Officer and Research Professor at the Institute for Molecular Medicine in Huntington Beach, California. Born in 1943 in Los Angeles, Dr. Nicolson received his B.S. in Chemistry from University of California at Los Angeles in 1965 and his Ph.D. in Biochemistry and Cell Biology from the University of California at San Diego in 1970. He is currently Professor of Integrative Medicine at Capitol University of Integrative Medicine and a Conjoint Professor at the University of Newcastle (Australia). He was formally the David Bruton Jr. Chair in Cancer Research and Professor and Chairman of the Department of Tumor Biology at the University of Texas M. D. Anderson Cancer Center in Houston, and he was Professor of Internal Medicine and Professor of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine at the University of Texas Medical School at Houston. He was also Professor of Comparative Pathology at Texas A & M University. Among the most cited scientists in the world, Professor Nicolson has published over 550 medical and scientific papers (including 3 Current Contents Citation Classics), edited 14 books, served on the Editorial Boards of 20 medical and scientific journals and is currently serving as Editor of two (Clinical & Experimental Metastasis and the Journal of Cellular Biochemistry). Professor Nicolson has received peer-reviewed research grants from the U. S. Army, National Cancer Institute, National Institutes of Health, American Cancer Society and the National Foundation for Cancer Research. Dr. Garth Nicolson has won many awards, such as the Burroughs Wellcome Medal of the Royal Society of Medicine (United Kingdom), Stephen Paget Award of the Metastasis Research Society, the U. S. National Cancer Institute Outstanding Investigator Award, and the Innovative Medicine Award of Canada. He is also a Colonel (Honorary) of the U. S. Army Special Forces and a U.S. Navy SEAL (Honorary) for his work on Armed Forces and veterans' illnesses.

Nancy L. Nicolson, Ph.D.

Nancy L. Nicolson is the Chairman of the Board and Chief Executive Officer of The Institute for Molecular Medicine in Huntington Beach, California. She is also the President of the Rhodon Foundation for Biomedical Research, Inc. Dr. Nancy Nicolson was born in New York in 1953 and received her B.A. in Physics from Johns Hopkins University in 1975 and her Ph.D. in Molecular Biophysics from the Institute of Molecular Biophysics at Florida State University in 1982. She was formerly on the faculty at the Baylor College of Medicine in Houston, Texas and is currently a Conjoint Lecturer at the University of Newcastle (Australia). Dr. Nicolson has published over 50 medical and scientific papers, and she has delivered over 60 international and national scientific presentations. Dr. Nancy Nicolson won the Harold Lampart Award from the Biophysical Society and was the Who's Who in the World International Women of the Year for 1996-97. In 2000 she was named in the Wall Street Journal as Businesswomen of the Year, and in 2003 she was awarded the U.S. Congressional Business Medal of Honor. She was also named the Up and Coming CEO in Who's Who in American Executives, and she was chosen as among the 500 Most Notable Women of Twentieth Century. Recently Dr. Nicolson was appointed the Secretary General of the United Nations Cultural Convention. She is also a Colonel (Honorary) of the U.S. Army Special Forces and a U.S. Navy SEAL (Honorary) for her work on Armed Forces and veterans' illnesses. Dr. Nicolson is currently working with the U.S. Government to recover her assets and trusts that have been held and used illegally.
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