The Gospel According to Thomas, translated by A. Guillaumont

That's French for "the ancient system," as in the ancient system of feudal privileges and the exercise of autocratic power over the peasants. The ancien regime never goes away, like vampires and dinosaur bones they are always hidden in the earth, exercising a mysterious influence. It is not paranoia to believe that the elites scheme against the common man. Inform yourself about their schemes here.

Re: The Gospel According to Thomas, translated by A. Guillau

Postby admin » Sat Jan 13, 2018 7:41 am

Log. 22


then () must watch for the world (), gird
12 up your loins with great strength ()
lest () the brigands () find (a) way to come
14 to you, because () they will find the advantage ()
which you expect. Let there be
16 among you a man of understanding ();
when the fruit () ripened, he came quickly
18 with his sickle in his hand, he reaped it.
Whoever has ears to hear let him hear.
20 (22) Jesus saw children who were being suckled. He said to
his disciples (): These children who are being suckled
22 are like those who enter the Kingdom.
They said to Him: Shall we then, being children,
24 enter the Kingdom? Jesus said to them:
When () you make the two one, and
26 when you make the inner as the outer
and the outer as the inner and the above
28 as the below, and when ()
you make the male and the female into a single one,
30 so that the male will not be male and
the female (not) be female, when () you make
32 eyes in the place of an eye, and a hand
in the place of a hand, and a foot in the place
34 of a foot, (and) an image () in the place of an image (),
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Re: The Gospel According to Thomas, translated by A. Guillau

Postby admin » Sat Jan 13, 2018 7:42 am

Log. 23-28


then () shall you enter [the Kingdom].


(23) Jesus said: I shall choose you, one out
2 of a thousand, and two out of ten thousand, and
they shall stand as a single one.
4 (24) His disciples () said: Show us the place ()
where Thou art, for () it is necessary () for us
6 to seek it. He said to them: Whoever has
ears let him hear. Within a man of light
8 there is light
and he lights the whole world (). When he
10 does not shine, there is darkness. (25) Jesus said: Love
thy brother as thy soul (), guard () him
12 as the apple of thine eye. (26) Jesus said: The mote
that is in thy brother's eye thou seest,
14 but () the beam that is in thine eye, thou seest not. When ()
thou castest the beam out of thine
16 eye, then () thou wilt see clearly to cast the mote
out of thy brother's eye. (27) <Jesus said:> If you fast () not
18 from the world (), you will not find the Kingdom;
if you keep not the Sabbath () as Sabbath (),
20 you will not see the Father.
(28) Jesus said: I took my stand in the midst of the world ()



3 "single one"; same sense as in p. 84, 4.
12 "apple"; lit. : "pupil".
19 "keep ... as Sabbath"; lit.: "make into Sabbath", translates: .
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Re: The Gospel According to Thomas, translated by A. Guillau

Postby admin » Sat Jan 13, 2018 7:42 am

Log. 29-33


22 and in flesh () I appeared to them;
I found them all drunk, I found none
24 among them athirst. And my soul ()was afflicted
for the sons of men, because they are blind
26 in their heart and do not see
that empty they have come into the world ()
28 (and that) empty they seek to go out of the world () again.
But () now they are drunk.
30 When () they have shaken off their wine, then () will they
repent (). (29) Jesus said: If the flesh ()
32 has come into existence because of <the> spirit (), it is a marvel;
but () if <the> spirit () (has come into existence) because of
34 it is a marvel of marvels. But () I marvel [the body (),


at how () this great wealth
2 has made its home in this poverty. (30) Jesus said:
Where there are three gods,
4 they are gods; where there are two or () one, I
am with him. (31) Jesus said: No prophet ()
6 is acceptable in his village, no physician heals ()
those who know him. (32) Jesus said:
8 A city () being built on a high mountain
(and) fortified can not fall
10 nor () can it (ever) be hidden. (33) Jesus said: What thou shalt
hear in thine ear (and) in the other ear,
12 that preach from your housetops;



27 "that", or "because".
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Re: The Gospel According to Thomas, translated by A. Guillau

Postby admin » Sat Jan 13, 2018 7:43 am

Log. 34-38


for () no one lights a lamp and
14 puts it under a bushel, nor () does he put it in a
hidden place, but () he sets it on the lampstand (),
16 so that all who come in
and go out may see its light.
18 (34) Jesus said: If a blind man leads
a blind man, both of them fall
20 into a pit. (35) Jesus said: It is not possible
for one to enter the house of the strong (man)
22 and take him (or: it) by force unless () he bind
his hands; then () will he ransack his house.
24 (36) Jesus said: Take no thought from
morning until evening and from evening
26 until morning for what you shall put on.
(37) His disciples () said: When
28 wilt Thou be revealed to us and when
will we see Thee? Jesus said: When ()
30 you take off your clothing without
being ashamed, and take your clothes
32 and put them under your feet
as the little children and
34 tread on them, then () [shall you behold]


the Son of the Living (One) and you shall not fear.
2 (38) Jesus said: Many times have you
desired ) to hear these words
4 which I say to you, and you have



30/31 Or: "when you take off your shame".
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Re: The Gospel According to Thomas, translated by A. Guillau

Postby admin » Sat Jan 13, 2018 7:44 am

Log. 39-44


no other from whom to hear them. There will be days
6 when you will seek Me (and)
you will not find Me. (39) Jesus said: The Pharisees ()
8 and the Scribes () have received the keys
of Knowledge (), they have hidden them. They did not ()
10 and they did not let those (enter) who wished. [enter,
But () you, become wise ()
12 as serpents and innocent () as
doves. (40) Jesus said: A vine has been
14 planted without the Father and, as it is not
established, it will be pulled up by its roots and be
16 destroyed. (41) Jesus said: Whoever has in his
hand, to him shall be given; and whoever does not have,
18 from him shall be taken even the little which he has.
(42) Jesus said: Become passers-by ().
20 (43) His disciples () said to Him:
Who art Thou that Thou should say these things to us. < Jesus said to
them>: From what I say
22 to you, you do not know who I am,
but () you have become as
24 the Jews (), for they love the tree, they hate
its fruit () and they love the fruit (),
26 they hate the tree. (44) Jesus said: Whoever
blasphemes against the Father, it shall be forgiven him, and
28 whoever blasphemes against the Son, it shall be forgiven him;
but () whoever blasphemes against the Holy Ghost (),
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Re: The Gospel According to Thomas, translated by A. Guillau

Postby admin » Sat Jan 13, 2018 7:44 am

Log. 45-47


30 it shall not be forgiven him, either () on earth
or () in heaven. (45) Jesus said: They do not harvest grapes
32 from thorns, nor () do they gather
figs from thistles; [for ()] they give no fruit ().
34 [A] good [()]) man brings forth


good () out of his treasure, an evil ([)]
2 man brings forth evil things () out
of his evil treasure, which is in his heart, and
4 speaks evil things (). For () out of
the abundance of the heart he brings forth evil things ().
6 (46) Jesus said: From Adam until John
the Baptist () there is among those who are born of women
8 none higher than John the Baptist (),
so that () his eyes will not be broken.
10 But () I have said that whoever among you
becomes as a child shall know the Kingdom,
12 and he shall become higher than John. (47) Jesus said:
It is impossible for a man to mount two horses
14 and to stretch two bows, and it is impossible
for a servant to serve two masters,
16 otherwise () he will honour () the one
and offend () the other. No man drinks old wine
18 and immediately desires () to drink new wine;
and they do not put new (wine into old wineskins (),
20 lest they burst, and they
do not put old wine into a new wineskin (), lest ()
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Re: The Gospel According to Thomas, translated by A. Guillau

Postby admin » Sat Jan 13, 2018 7:45 am

Log. 48-51


22 it spoil it. They do not sew an old patch on a new garment,
because () there would come a rent.
24 (48) Jesus said: If two make peace () with
each other in this one house, they shall say
26 to the mountain: "Be moved", and it shall be moved.
(49) Jesus said: Blessed () are the
28 solitary () and elect, for you shall
find the Kingdom; because you come from it,
30 (and) you shall go there again ().
(50) Jesus said: If they say to you:
32 "From where have you originated?", say to them:
"We have come from the Light,
34 where the Light has originated through
itself. It [stood]


and it revealed itself in their image ()".
2 If they say to you: "(Who) are you?", say:
"We are His sons and we are the elect
4 of the Living Father". If they ask you:
"What is the sign of your Father in
6 you?", say to them: "It is a movement and a
rest" (). (51) His disciples () said to Him:
8 When will the repose () of
the dead come about and when
10 will the new world () come? He said to them:
What you expect has come, but ( )
12 you know it not.



2 "(Who) are you?"; Ms.: "It is you".
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Re: The Gospel According to Thomas, translated by A. Guillau

Postby admin » Sat Jan 13, 2018 7:45 am

Log. 52-57


(52) His disciples () said to Him: Twenty-four
14 prophets () spoke in Israel
and they all spoke about (lit.: in) Thee.
16 He said to them: You have dismissed the Living (One)
who is before you and you have spoken about the
18 dead. (53) His disciples () said to Him:
Is circumcision profitable () or () not? He said
20 to them: If it were profitable (), their father
would beget them circumcised from their mother.
22 But () the true circumcision in Spirit () has
become profitable in every way. (54) Jesus said: Blessed () [are the poor,
24 for yours is the Kingdom of Heaven.
(55) Jesus said: Whoever does not hate his father
26 and his mother will not be able to be a disciple () to Me,
and (whoever does not) hate his brethren and
28 his sisters and (does not) take up his cross () in My way
will not be worthy () of Me.
30 (56) Jesus said: Whoever has known the world () has found
a corpse (), and whoever has found a corpse (),
32 of him the world () is not worthy.
(57) Jesus said: The Kingdom of the Father is like
34 a man who had [good] seed.
His enemy came by night,


he sowed a weed () among the good seed.
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Re: The Gospel According to Thomas, translated by A. Guillau

Postby admin » Sat Jan 13, 2018 7:46 am

Log. 58-61


2 The man did not permit them (the workers) to pull up
the weed (). He said to them: Lest perhaps ()
4 you go to pull up the weed ()
and pull up the wheat with it.
6 For () on the day of harvest the weeds () will appear,
they (will) pull them and burn them. (58) Jesus said:
8 Blessed () is the man who has suffered,
he has found the Life. (59) Jesus said: Look upon the
10 Living (One) as long as () you live, lest () you die
and seek to see Him and be unable
12 to see, (60) < They saw> a Samaritan carrying
a lamb on his way to Judea.
14 He said to His disciples (): (Why does) this man (carry) the
lamb with him? They said to Him: In order that he may
16 kill it and eat it. He said to them: As long as ()
it is alive, he will not eat it, but () (only) if he has
18 killed it and it has become a corpse (). They said:
Otherwise he will not be able to do it. He said to them:
20 You yourselves, seek a
place () for yourselves in Repose (),
22 lest you become a corpse () and be eaten.
(61) Jesus said: Two will rest



4 "to pull up"; lit.: "saying: "We will pull up".
13 "on his way": lit.: "going".
14-15 lit.: "He concerning (or: around) the lamb". The text must be corrupt.
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Re: The Gospel According to Thomas, translated by A. Guillau

Postby admin » Sat Jan 13, 2018 7:47 am

Log. 62-64


24 on a bed: the one will die, the one
will live. Salome said: Who art thou,
26 man, and () whose (son)? Thou didst take thy place upon
my bench and eat from my
28 table (). Jesus said to her: I am He
who is from the Same,
30 to Me was given from the things of My Father. <Salome said>: I
am Thy disciple (). <Jesus said to her>: Therefore I say,
32 if () he is the Same, he will be filled
with light, but () if () he is
34 divided, he will be filled with darkness. (62) Jesus said: I
tell My mysteries () to those [who are worthy


of my] mysteries (). What thy right (hand) will do,
2 let not thy left (hand) know what it does. (63) Jesus said:
There was a rich () man who had
4 much money (). He said: I will use ()
my money () that I may sow and reap
6 and plant and fill my storehouses with fruit (),
so that () I lack nothing. This was
8 what he thought in his heart. And
that night he died. Whoever has ears
10 let him hear. (64) Jesus said: A man
had guest-friends, and when he had prepared



26 Lit: as from whom (). Ms.: as from somebody ().
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