The Mysterious Collapse of World Trade Center 7: Why the Fin

"Science," the Greek word for knowledge, when appended to the word "political," creates what seems like an oxymoron. For who could claim to know politics? More complicated than any game, most people who play it become addicts and die without understanding what they were addicted to. The rest of us suffer under their malpractice as our "leaders." A truer case of the blind leading the blind could not be found. Plumb the depths of confusion here.

Re: The Mysterious Collapse of World Trade Center 7: Why the

Postby admin » Sat Jul 14, 2018 4:42 am

Chapter Six

1 NIST NCSTAR 1-9: 693

2 Ibid., 709.

3 Ibid., 694

4 Ibid., 357.

5 This video can be seen at Daily Newscaster ( newly-discovered-footage-of-building- seven-and-north-tower-collapse) and YouTube ( watch?v=G5UM9q7 cj7I).

6 Demarco's statement is quoted in Chris Bull and Sam Erman, eds., At Ground Zero: Young Reporters Who were There Tell Their Stories (New York: Thunder's Mouth Press, 2002), 97.

7 This unnamed medical student can be seen making this statement in the film 911 Eyewitness ( eyewitness&emb=0&aq=0&oq=911+eyew#), #2 of 3, at 31 :30.

8 NIST NCSTAR 1-9: 614.

9 James Gourley, "Public Comments on WTC 7 Draft Reports," September 15, 2008 (

10 Bartmer's statement is quoted in Paul Joseph Watson, "NYPD Officer Heard Building 7 Bombs," Prison Planet, February 10, 2007 ( articles/february2007/100207heardbombs.htm). Part of Bartmer's statement can be seen in the documentary Loose Change Final Cut.

11 This statement can be seen in the film 911 Eyewitness at 31:30.

12 "Seven Is Exploding" (

13 NIST NCSTAR 1A: 28.

14 Letter to NIST from Michael Smith (

15 Ibid. (quoting NIST NCSTAR 1-9: 615).

16 Ibid.

17 NIST NCSTAR 1-9: 694.

18 Ibid., 614-15.

19 Earl Staelin, Comments on NIST Draft Report on WTC 7, September 11, 2008 (

20 This incident is pointed our by Jim Hoffman in "Frequently Asked Questions: Controlled Demolition," 9-11 Research (911 faq/demolition.html#ref1).

21 Ibid.

22 NIST NCSTAR 1-9: 614.

23 "Questions and Answers about the NIST WTC 7 Investigation," NIST, updated April 21, 2009 ( factsheet/wtc_qa_082108.html). Sunder had given a longer version of this argument in "WTC 7 Technical Briefing," NIST, August 26, 2008 (event.on EventLobbyServlet?target=lobby.jsp&eventid=118145), at 2:28.

24 "Complex Question" (

25 Skeptosis (pseudonym), Letter to NIST, September 15, 2008 ( This comment can also be read in "Two Comments re: NIST's draft of NCSTAR 1A," which is posted at a blog by Skeptosis, "Missing Steel" (

26 Ibid.

27 "Questions and Answers about the NIST WTC 7 Investigation," updated April 21, 2009.

28 "Answers to Frequently Asked Questions," NIST, August 30, 2006 ( factsheets/faqs_8_2006.htm).

29 Email letter, December 30, 2008.

30 Ibid.

31 See Jan A. Puszynski, Christopher J. Bulian, and Jacek J. Swiatkiewicz, "Processing and Ignition Characteristics of Aluminum-Bismuth Trioxide Nanothermite System," Journal of Propulsion and Power 23.4 (July-August 2007) (, the abstract for which says: "During the past few years, significant progress has been made in the development of new nanoenergetic materials consisting of mixtures of metal and oxidizer nanopowders. It has been found that such reacting mixtures release energy by 2 to 3 orders of magnitude faster than similar systems consisting of micron-size reactants. In some cases, combustion-front velocities reach hundreds of meters per second."

32 For this section, I am heavily indebted to Kevin Ryan, "The Top Ten Connections between NIST and Nano-Thermites," Journal of 9/11 Studies 22 (July 2008) ( Ryan_NIST _and_Nano-l. pdf).

33 Battelle web page for Nanomaterials/Nanotechnology (under "Advanced Materials" under "Solutions") says: "Battelle specializes in nanocomposites solutions for every application-from electronics to health sciences, coatings to telecommunications, transportation to energy" ( _Area=Solution&Nav _SectionID=1&Nav _C atID=1_NanomaterialsNanotechnology).

34 "Special Issue: Nanotechnology," Amptiac Quarterly 6.1 (2002) ( Amptiac is published by the DOD Information Analysis Center. The ten essays in this special issue were intended to provide "a snapshot of what the DOD is doing to utilize nanotechnology and nanomaterials in practical terms."

35 "Biography: Dr. Arden L. Bement, Jr.," National Science Foundation ( jsp).

36 "Speech by Dr. Arden Bement, Director, National Institute of Standards & Technology, Technologies for the Warfighter and Industry," March 18, 2002 (

37 A list of Michael Zachariah's scientific publications, including the papers co-authored with Hratch Semerjian, is available on the internet (www.enme

38 "Hratch G. Semerjian, Chief Scientist," NIST, Office of the Director (

39 See "Remarks by Dr. Hratch Semerjian, Acting Director, National Institute of Standards and Technology, Technology Administration, U.S. Department of Commerce, World Trade Center Investigation Report Press Briefing, June 23, 2005 (

40 "The Journal Talks with NIST Director William Jeffrey," JOM: Journal of the Minerals, Metals, and Materials Society 57.10 (October 2005) (findarticles. com/p/articles/mi_qa5348/is_/ai_n21380892?tag=artBody;col1).

41 "William Jeffrey Leads Cutting-Edge Technologies at NIST, Garners ISA's Highest Honor," InTech, August 2006 ( InTechTemplate.cfm?Section=article_index1&template=/ContentManagement/ ContentDisplay.cfm&ContentID=63200).

42 "Testimony of Dr. James M. Turner, Acting Director, NIST, Before the Committee on Commerce, Science and Transportation, Subcommittee on Science, Technology and Innovation, United States Senate," March 11, 2008 ( urner%2520senate%2520cst%2520subc%2520sti%2520nist%2520fy09.pdf+ James+Turner,+NIST&hl=en&er=clnk&cd=2&gl=us&client=safari).

43 "NIST's Investigation of the Sept. 11 World Trade Center Disaster," NIST and the World Trade Center Fact Sheet ( faqs.htm).

44 See Alexander M. Telengator, Stephen B. Margolis, and Forman A. Williams, "Ignition Analysis of a Porous Energetic Material," Sandia National Laboratories, April 1998 ( 572 8-w2gJX0/webviewable/325728. pdf+Ignition+Analysis+of+a+Porous+Energetic+Material+- II.+Ignition+at+a+Closed+Heated+End,&hl=en &ct=clnk&cd= 1&gl=us&clien t=safari); S. B. Margolis and F. A. Williams, "Effect of Gas-phase Thermal Expansion on Stability of Deflagrations in Porous Energetic Materials," International Journal of Multiphase Flow 22 (1996): 69-91; Stephen B. Margolis and Forman A. Williams, "Structure and Stability of Deflagrations in Porous Energetic Materials," Sandia National Laboratories, March 1999 ( 013-HygMT7/webviewable/751013.pdf).

45 T. M. Tillotson et al., "Sol-Gel Processing of Energetic Materials," Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids 225.1 (1998), 358-63; preprint available at ... 653598.pdf (the acknowledgment says: "This work was performed under the auspices of the U.S. Department of Energy by the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory"); A. E. Gash et al., "Making Nanostructured Pyrotechnics in a Beaker," Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL), preprint, April 10, 2000 (; A. E. Gash et al., "Energetic Nanocomposites with Sol-Gel Chemistry: Synthesis, Safety, and Characterization," LLNL, June 5, 2002 (

46 T. M. Tillotson et al., "Nanostructure High Explosives Using Sol-gel Chemistry," Laboratory Directed Research and Development, Annual Report, LLNL, 1999 (, 8-11 (meaning page 11 of section 8).

47 "Nanotechnology How To Guide from NIST and NASA Shows Technique for Measuring Carbon Nanotubes," Azonanotechology (

48 "Memorandum of Understanding between the National Institute of Standatds and Technology and the University of Maryland, College Park for the Development of a Cooperative Program in Nano-Metrology and Nano- Manufacturing," NIST, 2003 ( releases/univmdnanomou.htm).

49 Co-Laboratory for Nanoparticle Based Manufacturing and Metrology, between the University of Maryland, College Park, and NIST (www.nanowerk. com/nanotechnology/labs/Co- Laboratory _for_NanoParticle_Based_Manuf acturing_and_Metrology.html).

50 "Center for Nano Manufacturing and Metrology," University of Maryland, 2005 (

51 "Nano at NIST: Recent Nanotechnology Accomplishments," NIST, 2008 ( ... shment0708. htm).

52 NIST Center for Nanoscale Science and Technology (

53 "Introducing the NIST Center for Nanoscale Science and Technology" ( ... tsheet.htm ).

54 See "911 Eyewitness: Huge Steel Sections Ejected More than 600 Feet" ( and the photo at The images are also contained in 9/11 Mysteries: Demolitions and Loose Change Final Cut (

55 Stated at Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth (

56 Dunbar and Reagan, eds., Debunking 9/11 Myths, 53.

57 Interim Report on WTC 7: L-18.

58 NIST NCSTAR 1A: 16.
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Re: The Mysterious Collapse of World Trade Center 7: Why the

Postby admin » Sat Jul 14, 2018 4:42 am


Chapter Seven

1 NIST NCSTAR 1A: xxxv (also at NIST NCSTAR 1-9: 617).

2 Sunder, "Opening Statement"; "WTC 7 Technical Briefing," at 1:18:20- 1:18:25, and 1:23:41-1:23:48.

3 NIST NCSTAR 1A: xxxvii.

4 Ibid., 25, 63.

5 Sunder, "Opening Statement."

6 Ibid.

7 John D. Wyndham, Letter to NIST, September 7, 2008 (

8 Richard Gage, "Undisputed Facts Point to the Controlled Demolition of WTC 7: Response to NIST's Invitation for Written Comments," December 18, 2007 ( Truth-NIST-Written-Submission 12-18- 07.pdf).

9 "WTC 7 Technical Briefing," NIST, August 26, 2008 ( id=118145), at 1:25:34.

10 NIST NCSTAR 1A: xxxvi.

11 Sunder, "Opening Statement."

12 NIST NCSTAR 1A: 51.

13 Sunder, "Opening Statement."

14 NIST NCSTAR 1A: xxxvi.

15 NIST NCSTAR 1-9: 341.

16 NIST NCSTAR 1A: xxxvi.

17 Ibid., 11.
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Re: The Mysterious Collapse of World Trade Center 7: Why the

Postby admin » Sat Jul 14, 2018 4:43 am

Chapter Eight

1 Sunder, "Opening Statement."

2 NIST NCSTAR 1-9: 377.


4 Eric Lipton, "Fire, Not Explosives, Felled 3rd Tower on 9/11, Report Says," New York Times, August 22, 2008 (

5 "Report: Fire, Not Bombs, Leveled WTC 7 Building," Associated Press, August 21, 200S ( htm).

6 NIST NCSTAR 1-9: 125.

7 Ibid., 47.

8 Ibid., 341.


10 F.R. Greening, "Comments on the Draft Report NIST NCSTAR 1-9: 'Structural Fire Response and Probable Collapse Sequence of World Trade Center Building 7,' issued by NIST August 21st, 200S," revised and extended version of comments issued September 11, 200S ( GreeningCommentsNCSTAR1-9.pdf). Although Greening submitted this revised version of his comments to NIST, his original version, which was submitted September 4, 200S, was still, at the time this book went to press, the one posted at NIST's website (wtc.niscgov/comments08/ frGreeningwtc7comments.pdf).

11 NIST NCSTAR 1-9: 87.

12 Ibid., 194.

13 Ibid., 196.

14 Ibid., 194. NIST states that an "early" fire was also observed on Floor 19, but that this fire was only "indirectly observed": there was "a single photograph showing smoke marks above two windows" (ibid., 78).

15 Ibid., 199-200, 244, 245.

16 Ibid., 243, 245.

17 Ibid., 204, 205.

18 Ibid., 243, 244, 247.

19 Ibid., 237.

20 NIST NCSTAR 1-9: 298-99. The note cites "WTC 7 Interviews 2041604 and 1041704, spring 2004." These were the interviews with Hess and Jennings, as can be seen at NIST NCSTAR 1-8: 109n380.

21 NIST NCSTAR 1-9: 299n 17. WTC 7 was also known as the Salomon Smith Barney building. On the question of the reality of this interview, see note 30, below.

22 NIST NCSTAR 1-8: 110n381.

23 NIST NCSTAR 1A: 51.

24 NIST NCSTAR 1-9: 119.

25 "Barry Jennings Uncut," Part 2, at 5: 18-5:26.

26 NIST NCSTAR 1-9: 197.

27 NIST NCSTAR 1-9: 377, 378. These statements occur in Chapter 9, "Fire Simulations," written by Kevin B. McGrattan, William L. Grosshandler, and Richard G. Gann.

28 Ibid., v.

29 Ibid., 304.

30 On February 20, 2009, a FOIA request was sent to NIST requesting "[t]he complete text of the interview referenced as 'SSB [Salomon Smith Barney] Interview 5, April, 2004' in NIST's November, 2008 'Final Report' on the collapse of World Trade Center 7 (NIST Final Report, Vol. 1, Nov. 2008, p. 299n17 [ 9%20Vol%201.pdf])." On April 16, 2009, the following answer was received: "While NIST has in its possession records which ate responsive to your request, these records are currently exempt from disclosure .... [A cited statute prohibits] the disclosure of any information received by NIST that is 'voluntarily provided safety information if that information is not directly related to the building failure being investigated and the Director finds that the disclosure of the information would inhibit the voluntary provision of that type of information.' The NIST Director has [so] determined .... Therefore, the information is exempt from disclosure under FOIA, and your request has been denied." NIST's claim, in other words, was that although NIST does have the text of the [alleged] interview, NIST's current director fears that revealing its content might prevent NIST from obtaining such information in the future-a completely implausible claim.

31 NIST NCSTAR 1-9: 380.

32 Ibid., 361.

33 Ibid., 242.

34 "Barry Jennings-9/11 WTC7 Full Uncut Interview," Part 1 ( 2:19-2:23.

35 Matthys Levy and Mario Salvadori, Why Buildings Fall Down: How Structures Fail (New York: Norton, 2002).

36 James Glanz and Eric Lipton, "Vast Detail on Towers' Collapse May Be Sealed in Court Filings," New York Times, September 30, 2002 ( A9649C8B63).

37 Quoted in Aidan Monaghan, "History Channel 'Expert' Claims WTC 7 Fires Began Before Either WTC Tower Collapsed" ( node/l1937). Monaghan actually quoted only the first half of this sentence, but the entire statement is in the video co which he refers the reader ( 1PJq8ESIA).

38 NIST NCSTAR 1A: 51.

39 NIST NCSTAR 1-9: 242.

40 Ibid., 197.

41 Ibid., 80.

42 Ibid., 78, 194, 197, 242; NIST NCSTAR 1A: 51.

43 Ibid., 78.

44 NIST NCSTAR 1A: 51.

45 NIST NCSTAR 1-9: 245.

46 Ibid., 245.

47 Ibid., 244.

48 Ibid., 244.

49 Ibid., 213.

50 Ibid., 380.

51 Ibid., 377.

52 "MW" stands for megawatt, which is a million watts (and a watt is one joule of energy per second).

53 NIST NCSTAR 1-9: 380.

54 Ibid.

55 "WTC 7 Technical Briefing," NIST, August 26, 2008 ( id=118145), at 1:24:55.

56 NIST NCSTAR 1-9: 47. This is the only mention of this possibility in the long (two-volume) version of NIST's WTC 7 report.

57 NIST NCSTAR 1 -9: 380.

58 NIST NCSTAR 1-9: 378.

59 NIST NCSTAR 1A: 51.

60 NIST NCSTAR 1-9: 361. This statement occurred on the first page of Chapter 9, "Fire Simulations," by McGrattan, Grosshandler, and Gann.

61 Ibid., 617.
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Re: The Mysterious Collapse of World Trade Center 7: Why the

Postby admin » Sat Jul 14, 2018 4:43 am

Chapter Nine


2 Ibid., 39.

3 NIST NCSTAR 1-9: 59. I made a correction in this passage, which occurs in Chapter 3 of NIST's long report on WTC 7. For some reason, this chapter, written by Richard Gann, has 20 kg/m[3] and 32 kg/m[3] (with meters cubed instead of squared), although other chapters have it written correctly (kg/m[2]). I brought this passage into line with the others.

4 NIST NCSTAR 1-9, Draft for Public Comment (August 2008): 56.

5 James Gourley, Letter to NIST ("Re: Public Comments on WTC 7 Draft Reports"), September 15, 2008 ( pdf). The other signatories of this letter included architect Richard Gage, chemists Kevin Ryan and Niels Harrit, engineers Tony Szamboti, Ron Brookman, Kamal Obeid, and Scott Grainger, and physicist Steven Jones.

6 NIST NCSTAR 1-9: 56. This issue is discussed in a video, "NIST Report on WTC7 Debunked and Exposed!" YouTube, December 28, 2008 ( 2:00-3:45; also available at, December 30, 2008 (

7 NIST NCSTAR 1-9: 52.

8 Ibid., 376.

9 Ibid., 55.

10 Ibid., 386.

11 Ibid., 56, 53. My thanks to Elizabeth Woodworth for this observation.

12 Ibid., 376.

13 Ibid., 56, 57. Although the letter by James Gourley (see note 5, above), which was written in response to NIST's Draft for Public Comment, pointed out this problem, NIST left the passages unchanged, except for adding the phrase "the central section of" and changing "east and west sides" to "east side." These modifications allow for only slightly more room where the density of combustibles might have been greater.

14 Gourley, Letter to NIST.

15 Ibid.

16 NIST NCSTAR 1-9: 382.

17 Ibid., 383.

18 Ibid., 382.

19 Ibid., 383.

20 Ibid., 382.

21 This contradiction was pointed out in James Gourley's letter. NIST did nothing in its Final Report, however, to overcome the problem, apparently being confident that it could get away with outright contradictions.

22 NIST NCSTAR 1-9: 384, Figure 9-11.

23 Interim Report on WTC 7: L-26. This contradiction is pointed out in the video, "NIST Report on WTC7 Debunked and Exposed!" at 0:45-1:57.

24 Richard Gage, "Re: Public Comments of NIST Report NCSTAR 1-9 Volume 2," September 15,2008 ( AE911Truthwtc7comments.pdf).

25 Gourley, Letter to NIST. This comment by Gourley, like that by Gage in the previous note, was based on documents prepared by Chris Sarns, who had discovered this contradiction between the 2004 and 2008 reports.

26 NIST NCSTAR 1-9: 384, Figure 9-11.

27 Ibid., 206, Figure 5-119.

28 Ibid., 212, Figure 127.

29 Ibid., 225, Figure 139. Although I refer to different photographs than he did, I am indebted to Chris Sarns, whose evidence contained in Gage's letter to NIST first alerted me to these discrepancies.

30 "WTC 7 Technical Briefing," NIST, August 26, 2008 ( id=118145), at 22:12.

31 NIST NCSTAR 1-9: 383.

32 Ibid., 387.

33 Ibid., 378.

34 Ibid., 387.

35 Gourley, Letter to NIST.

36 NIST NCSTAR 1-9: 383.

37 In the letter he wrote to NIST on behalf of a group of sixteen critics of NIST's Draft for Public Comment, Gourley pointed out this discrepancy, writing: "NIST must explain why the visual evidence was not relied upon for inputs on the 11th floor. ... The computer models should be re-run with the 11th floor fire delayed by 1.5 hours, not 1.0 hour." NIST, however, has done nothing to overcome or explain this discrepancy in its Final Report.

38 NIST NCSTAR 1-9: 384.

39 NIST NCSTAR 1-9: 383.

40 Ibid., 57, Figure 3-8.

41 Ibid., 384, Figure 9-11.

42 NIST NCSTAR 1-9: 383.

43 Interim Report on WTC 7: L-26.

44 My thanks to Elizabeth Woodworth for this observation.

45 This report even provided reason to doubt whether there were any significant fires on Floor 13 at all. It did have a sentence saying: "Some time later [after 3:00], fires were observed on Floors 8 and 13, with the fire on Floor 8 moving from west to east and the fire on Floor 13 moving from east to west" (L-24). But the photographs provided by NIST do not show any fire on the 13th floor (Interim Report on WTC 7: L-25, L-26). In fact, although there is a photograph showing the fire on Floor 8 moving from west to east on the north face (L-26), this photograph shows that there was no fire whatsoever visible on the 13th floor.

46 See Figures 9-11 and 9-12 of NIST NCSTAR 1-9: 384-85, in which the temperatures of various parts of Floor 12 are indicated with different colors. A scale shows that various shades of blue indicate temperatures up to 300°C, shades of green indicate temperatures from 350°C to 700°C, yellow and orange indicate 700°C to 900°C, and red indicates temperatures from 900°C to 1,000°C. The graphics for 3:00, 4:00, and 5:00 PM have big areas colored red, indicating fires that were somewhere between 900°C (1,650°F) and 1,000°C (1,832°F). In fact, Shyam Sunder said that "red is about 900 to 1,000 [degrees Celsius] and more" ("WTC 7 Technical Briefing," at 0:21 :44).

47 See the previous note, in which Sunder is quoted as saying that the red in NIST's graphics indicates temperatures of 900°C (1,650°F) to 1,000°C (1,832°F) "and more."

48 NIST NCSTAR 1-9: 455.

49 Thomas Eagar and Christopher Musso, "Why Did the World Trade Center Collapse? Science, Engineering, and Speculation," JOM: Journal of the Minerals, Metals &Materials Society 53.12 (2001): 8-11 ( journals/JOM/0112/Eagar/Eagar-0112.html).

50 "The Collapse: An Engineer's Perspective," Interview with Thomas Eagar, PBS Nova Online, May 2002 ( nova_collapse_p1.html and 911 nova_collapse_p2.html). My thanks to Jim Hoffman for posting this document, which had otherwise disappeared from the internet.

51 NIST NCSTAR 1-9: 81-85, 329, 340-41, 367, 391, 532-34.

52 For descriptions of the FDS, see "Fire Dynamics Simulator and Smokeview" (, and Michael J. Ferreira, "Fire Dynamics Simulator," NFPA Journal (January-February 2008) ( p/articles/mi_qa3737 /is_200801/ai_n21279893).

53 NIST NCSTAR 1-9: 4.

54 See "ANSYS," Wikipedia ( SYS) and ANSYS, Inc. Software Products (

55 NIST NCSTAR 1-9: 6.

56 Ibid., 415, 489.

57 NIST NCSTAR 1A: 53.

58 Ibid., 25-26.

59 Sunder, "Opening Statement."

60 NIST NCSTAR 1-9: 323.

61 Ibid., 629.

62 Ibid., 630.

63 Eagar and Musso, "Why Did the World Trade Center Collapse?"

64 NIST NCSTAR 1-9: 629.

65 "WTC 7 Technical Briefing," at 1:49:51.

66 NCSTAR 1A: 53.

67 NIST NCSTAR 1-9: 396.

68 Ibid., 395.

69 Ibid., 353.

70 Greening, "Comments on the Draft Report NIST NCSTAR 1-9."

71 Kevin R. Ryan, "The NIST WTC 7 Report: Bush Science Reaches Its Peak," 911, September 10, 2008 ( article.php?story=20080911073516447); reprinted (in slightly revised form) in Global Outlook, Issue 13 (Fall 2008).

72 Greening, "Comments on the Draft Report NIST NCSTAR 1-9."

73 Steel has somewhat low conductivity compared with many other metals. Compared with non-metallic substances, however, its conductivity is high: 46 W/m/K (see eFunda [ carbon_steels/ show_carbon.cfm?ID=AISI_1524&prop=all&Page_ Title=AISI% 201524]).

74 Dr. Vytenis Babrauskas, "Temperatures in Flames and Fires," Fire Science and Technology Inc., February 25, 2006 ( flametmp.html).

75 NIST NCSTAR 1A: 39.

76 NlST NCSTAR 1-9: 493.

77 Ibid., 589, 597.

78 Ibid., 617.

79 Ibid., 233.

80 "Minutes: Meeting of the National Construction Safety Team Advisory Committee," NIST, December 18,2007 ( pdf), 5.

81 Although the transcript says only that the responses to the various questions were made by "members of the Investigative Team," Kevin Ryan, who heard the discussion, reported that this response-like most of the others-was made by Sunder (email letter, February 15, 2009).

82 "Minutes: Meeting of the National Construction Safety Team Advisory Committee," 5.

83 NlST NCSTAR 1-9: 98.

84 NlST NCSTAR 1-9: 362.

85 Ibid., 363, 601.

86 Ibid., 55, 174-75, 177, 377, 378, 380, 493.

87 Ibid., 380.

88 "WTC 7 Technical Briefing," at 2:11:20-2:11:42.

89 Ibid, at 2: 11:43-2: 12:26

90 NlST NCSTAR 1-9: 617 (in the Draft version of NlST NCSTAR 1-9, this passage was on page 609).

91 Ibid., 378 (in the Draft version, page 377).

92 "WTC 7 Technical Briefing," at 2:12:26-2:12:51

93 NIST NCSTAR 1-9: 330.

94 "Answers to Frequently Asked Questions," NIST, August 30, 2006(, Question 7.

95 Final Report on the Collapse of the World Trade Center Towers, NIST, September 2005 (, 90.
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Re: The Mysterious Collapse of World Trade Center 7: Why the

Postby admin » Sat Jul 14, 2018 4:44 am

Chapter Ten

1 NIST NCSTAR 1A: 22-23.

2 NIST NCSTAR 1-9: 629. In his technical briefing of August 26, 2008, Shyam Sunder, after saying that temperatures at some places had gone "up to 600 and 700 degrees," added: "But the primary initial effects that caused damage, as we will show later, were really happening at much lower temperatures, on the order of less than 400."

3 Final Report on the Collapse of the World Trade Center Towers, NIST, September 2005 (, 90.

4 "Questions and Answers about the NIST WTC 7 Investigation," updated April 21, 2009 ( wtc_qa_082108.html).

5 NIST NCSTAR 1-9: 462.

6 Ibid., 346.

7 Ibid., 347-48.

8 "Questions and Answers about the NIST WTC 7 Investigation."

9 NIST NCSTAR 1-9, Draft for Public Comment (August 2008), 341.

10 Ibid.

11 Ibid., 525.

12 Ibid., 535 and 603.

13 Ibid., 615.

14 NIST NCSTAR 1-9 (November 2008): 341.

15 Interim Report on WTC 7, L-6-7.

16 NIST NCSTAR 1-9: 346, Figure 8-19.

17 This fact was highlighted in Kevin Ryan, "The NIST WTC 7 Report: Bush Science Reaches Its Peak," 911, September 11, 2008 ( A slightly revised version of Ryan's article has appeared in Global Outlook, Issue 13 (Fall 2008).

18 NIST NCSTAR 1-9, Draft for Public Comment, 15.

19 I first learned of th is contradiction from Kevin Ryan, "The NIST WTC 7 Report: Bush Science Reaches Its Peak." When I asked Ryan about the shear studs, he referred me to Chris Sarns as the person who had documented the contradiction. This documentation first appeared in Chris Sarns, "NIST Final Draft-Evidence of Fraud," 911, October 24, 2008 (; see also Judy Shelton and Chris Sarns's, "NIST Fraud-WTC 7 Shear Studs," OpEdNews, November 9, 2008 ( is Sarns' second discovery involving a discrepancy between NIST's 2004 Interim Report on WTC 7and its 2008 report: My previous chapter referred to his discovery that, whereas NIST's 2008 report has a raging fire on Floor 12 at 5:00PM, the 2004 report had said that the fire on that floor was burned out by 4:45.

20 NIST NCSTAR 1-9, Draft for Public Comment, 346. (The Final Report has the same statement, on the same page.)

21 NIST NCSTAR 1-9 (Final Report): 15.

22 Ibid., 347-48.

23 Kevin Ryan, "The NIST WTC 7 Report: Bush Science Reaches Its Peak." (I spelled our "inches" and "feet," which Ryan had abbreviated.) As the basis for his statement about the 28 studs per beam, Ryan referred to NIST's 2004 Interim Report on WTC 7, which said on page L-5: "On the north and east sides, the typical beam was a W24X55 with 28 shear studs, spanning 53 ft."

24 Ibid. The media presentation to which Ryan referred can be seen at NIST's website ( ... sionPoster. jpg).

25 David Proe and Ian Thomas, Comments on NIST WTC7 Report (wtc.

26 NIST NCSTAR 1-9: 473.

27 Ibid., 347-48.

28 See "223 Physics Lab: Linear Thermal Expansion," Clemson University, January 27, 2006 (, which shows the linear expansion coefficient of concrete to be (in the system of measurement used at this website) 1.20 and that of steel to be 1.24 (compared with, say, lead, at one extreme, which is 2.90, and glass, at the other, which is 0.09). My thanks to engineer Ron Brookman for help with this issue.

29 NIST NCSTAR 1-9: 490.

30 Ibid., 490.

31 Ibid., 525.

32 Ibid., 352.

33 David Proe, Comment on NIST WTC7 Report (

34 NIST NCSTAR 1-9: 352.

35 Ibid., 490.

36 Ibid., 396.

37 Proe and Thomas, Comments on NIST WTC7 Report.

38 NIST NCSTAR 1A: 22.

39 Ryan, "The NIST WTC 7 Report."

40 Email letter from Kevin Ryan of March 28,2008, referring to a diagram showing a beam at NIST NCSTAR 1-9: 346.

41 NIST NCSTAR 1-9: 482.

42 Ryan, "The NIST WTC 7 Report" (emphasis his).

43 Ibid. Ryan quoted NIST's brief report on WTC 7, which says: "The temperatures of some sections of the beams supporting Floors 8, 12, 13, and 14 exceeded 600°C" (NIST NCSTAR 1A: 53). He could also have quoted its long report, which says: "The temperatures of some sections of the floor beams supporting the 8th, 12th, 13th, and 14th floor exceeded 600°C" (NIST NCSTAR 1-9: 455).

44 Ibid.

45 NIST NCSTAR 1-9, Draft for Public Comment, 597. (The statement in the Final Report [on page 605] is only slightly different.)

46 FR. Greening, "Comments on the Draft Report NIST NCSTAR 1-9: 'Structural Fire Response and Probable Collapse Sequence of World Trade Center Building 7,' issued by NIST August 21st, 2008 (Revised and Extended Version of Comments Issued September 11th 2008)," Cool (www.coolplaces. This is not the version of Greenings' comments that is posted at NIST's website ( comments08). NIST instead has a combination of the first and third versions of Greening's comments. Here is what happened. On August 28,2008, Greening sent his first version, entitled "Comments on the Draft Report NIST NCSTAR 1-9: 'Structural Fire Response and Probable Collapse Sequence of World Trade Center Building 7,' issued by NIST August 21st, 2008." NIST posted it (, but without indicating its date (August 28). Then on September 11, Greening sent his "Revised and Extended Version," which included two new sections (6.0 & 7.0), asking NIST to replace the first version with it. But NIST did not. On September 14, Greening sent an Addendum, asking NIST to add it, assuming that NIST would add it to the Revised and Extended Version. NIST did add this Addendum. But, having not replaced the first version with the Revised and Extended Version, NIST added the Addendum to the first version-on which it inserted the wrong date "September 11, 2008" (which was the date of the Revised and Extended Version). So, Greening's earliest and latest comments can be read at the NIST website, bur his second version, which has some of his most important points, can only be read elsewhere, such as the site mentioned at the outset of this note.

47 NIST NCSTAR 1-9: 598.

48 Ibid., 599-600.

49 NIST NCSTAR 1A: 44. This statement in the brief version of the report is virtually identical to the statement in the long version (NIST NCSTAR 1-9: 600), except for the final sentence, which is not present in the long version.

50 Ibid.

51 Greening, "Comments on the Draft Report NIST NCSTAR 1-9," Revised and Extended Version (see note 46, above).

52 Greening was referring to Figures 12-66, 12-67, and 12-69 in NIST's Draft, which were identical to Figures 12-67, 12-68, and 12-70, respectively, in its Final Report (NIST NCSTAR 1-9: 592-94).

53 FR. Greening, "Comments on the Draft Report NIST NCSTAR 1-9: 'Structural Fire Response and Probable Collapse Sequence of World Trade Center Building 1,' issued by NIST August 21st, 2008" (, Addendum, September 14, 2008 (see note 46, above).

54 NIST NCSTAR 1A: xxxvi.

55 Ibid., 23.

56 "WTC 7 Technical Briefing," NIST, August 26, 2008 ( id=118145), at 2:14:00-2:15:44.

57 "Questions and Answers about the NIST WTC 7 Investigation."

58 Greening, "Comments on the Draft Report NIST NCSTAR 1-9," Addendum (see note 46, above).

59 Ibid.

60 Greening, "Comments on the Draft Report NIST NCSTAR 1-9," Revised and Extended Version (see note 46, above). The kink can be seen in "WTC 7 Collapse" (

61 Ibid. The images cited as showing the extensive buckling of the exterior columns are at NIST NCSTAR 1-9, Figure 12-70 (which was Figure 12-69 in the Draft, to which Greening was referring), and NIST NCSTAR 1-9A, "Global Structural Analysis of the Response of World Trade Center Building 7 to Fires and Debris Impact Damage" (, Figure E-4 (page xlii) and Figure 4-46 (page 99).

62 Ibid., referring to NIST NCSTAR 1-9A, Figures 4-53 and 4-54 (pages 103 and 104).

63 Ibid., quoting NIST NCSTAR 1-9: 600.

64 Philip J. Tompkins, Letter to NIST, September 7, 2008 ( I changed his "12-69" to "12-70" because, as I explained three notes above, Figure 12-69 in the Draft version of NIST NCSTAR 1-9, to which Tompkins referred, is Figure 12-70 in the Final Report.

65 NIST NCSTAR 1-9, Draft for Public Comment, 595-96.

66 "Questions and Answers about the NIST WTC 7 Investigation," NIST, August 2008 (originally at wtc_qa_082108.html). This version of this document, which was posted at NIST's website at the time its Draft version of its WTC 7 report was published, has been replaced by a version that was updated December 18, 2008, and then by a version updated April 21, 2009, in which NIST acknowledges a 2.25-second stage of "gravitational acceleration (free fall)" ( 08.html). The original version, however, can still be found in a few places on the internet (e.g., html).

67 See David Chandler, "WTC7 in Freefall- No Longer Controversial," September 4, 2008 (, 4:40-5:08.

68 "WTC 7 Technical Briefing," at 1:03:17-1:04:19

69 Ibid., at 1:01:45.

70 Chandler, "WTC7 in Freefall-No Longer Controversial," at 2:45.

71 Ibid., at 3:27.

72 Ibid., at 7:10.

73 Ibid., at 8:10.

74 Ibid., at 8:55.

75 David Chandler, "Comment" (to NIST's Draft for Public Comment), September 13, 2008 ( davidChandlerwtc7comments.pdf).

76 NIST NCSTAR 1A: 44-45.

77 NIST NCSTAR 1-9: 607.

78 David Chandler, "WTC7: NIST Finally Admits Freefall," Part I, December 7, 2008 (, at 9:07. My thanks to Elizabeth Woodworth for transcribing this and the other two parts of this video series.

79 "Questions and Answers about the NIST WTC 7 Investigation," NIST, updated April 21, 2009 (see note 66).

80 NIST NCSTAR 1-9, Draft for Public Comment, 596.

81 Ibid., 610.

82 NIST NCSTAR 1-9 (Final Report): 607.

83 Ibid., 603.

84 "Questions and Answers about the NIST WTC 7 Investigation," updated April 21, 2009.

85 Chandler, "WTC7in Freefall-No Longer Controversial," at 3:00.

86 "Questions and Answers about the NIST WTC 7 Investigation," updated April 21, 2009.

87 NIST NCSTAR 1-9: 602-03.

88 Chandler, "WTC7: NIST Finally Admits Freefall," Part II, December 31, 2008 (, at 3:20.

89 Ibid., at 4: 15.

90 Ibid., at 4:27.

91 Ibid., at 8:37. Chandler said: "Don't you find it interesting that the 5.4 seconds he [John Gross] measured for the collapse time just happens to exactly match the theoretical prediction of their model? That kind of precision is incredibly rare when modeling real world events. 'Incredible' is the right word. It's not credible. This measurement has all the characteristics of what we call 'dry labbing': manipulating the data to fit the predetermined outcome. It's an ethics violation in science on a par with plagiarism. Any engineers engaging in this kind of sleight of hand should lose their licenses. The larger implication of course is: Dry tabbing in this kind of investigation would constitute a criminal coverup."

92 Chandler, "WTC7: NIST Finally Admits Freefall," Part III, January 2, 2009 (, at1: 19.

93 Ibid., at 2:20.

94 Ibid., at 3:15.

95 Ibid., at 4:30.

96 Ibid., at 8:17.

97 Sunder, "Opening Statement."

98 Quoted in "Report: Fire, Not Bombs, Leveled WTC 7 Building," Associated Press, August 21, 2008 ( 21-wtc-nist_N.htm).

99 For an aerial phocograph, see; for an even more revealing side-view photograph, see ledgerupdates_impact/2008/08/large_ WTC7XX.jpg.

100 Philip J. Tompkins, Letter to NIST, September 7,2008 ( Tompkinswtc7comments.pdf).

101 James Glanz, "Engineers Suspect Diesel Fuel in Collapse of 7 World Trade Center," New York Times, November 29, 2001 ( 2001/11/29/nyregion/29TOWE.html).

102 David Ray Griffin, Debunking 9/11 Debunking: An Answer to Popular Mechanics and Other Defenders of the Official Conspiracy Theory (Northampton: Olive Branch Press, 2007), 198.

103 NIST NCSTAR 1-9: 98.

104 Ibid., 581, 586, 588, 607.

105 Ibid., 588; see similar statements on 606, 607, 609, 612, 618, 625, and 675.

106 Ibid., 98.

107 For the locations, see "WTC Site Map-from September 2001," Wired New York-World Trade Center Map ( wtc_map.htm).

108 "Interview with Stacey Loizeaux," PBS, NOVA Online, December 1996 (
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Re: The Mysterious Collapse of World Trade Center 7: Why the

Postby admin » Sat Jul 14, 2018 4:45 am


1 Richard C. Lewontin, "Dishonesty in Science," New York Review of Books, November 18, 2004 (

2 "WTC 7 Technical Briefing," NIST, August 26, 2008 ( id=118145),2:10:35.

3 NCSTAR 1-9: 330.

4 Dr. James Quintiere, "Questions on the WTC Investigations," Spotlight Session, June 5, 2007, National Fire Protection Association (www.fleetwoodon-site. com/product_info.php?cPath=21_22&products_id= 1634), quoted in Alan Miller, "Former Chief of NIST Fire Science Division Calls for Independent Review of World Trade Center Investigation," OpEdNews, August 21, 2007 ( 070820 _former_ chief_of_nist. htm).

5 "Facts against Facts/Theory against Theory: Five Years Later" (translation from the Norwegian of interviews with Dr. Steven Jones and Dr. James Quintiere), September 7, 2006 ( ar/t12263.htm).

6 Quoted in Miller, "Former Chief of NIST."

7 NIST's Draft for Public Comment was issued August 21; as a statement on its website reports, the "Comment Period Closed on September 15, 2008" (

8 Of the ten people with whom I checked, not one reported receiving a response.

9 David Ray Griffin, The New Pearl Harbor Revisited: 9/11, the Cover-Up, and the Expose (Northampton: Olive Branch, 2008).

10 David Ray Griffin, "21 Reasons to Question the Official Story about 9/11," Global Research, September 11, 2008 ( index.php?context=va&aid=10145).

11 Political Leaders for 9/11 Truth (

12 Firefighters for 9/11 Truth (; Intelligence Officers for 9/11 Truth (, Pilots for 9/11 Truth (; Scholars for 9/11 Truth (; Scholars for 9/11 Truth and justice (stj911.0rg); Scientific Panel Investigation Nine-Eleven (; Veterans for 9/11 Truth (; Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth (

13 Lawyers for 9/11 Truth (, Medical Professionals for 9/11 Truth (; Religious Leaders for 9/11 Truth (; Actors and Artists for 9/11 Truth (AA911
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Re: The Mysterious Collapse of World Trade Center 7: Why the

Postby admin » Sat Jul 14, 2018 4:45 am

Appendix A

1 For Rodriguez's account of what happened, see "William Rodriguez's Story" ( and "9/11 Survivor Questions Official Story on Local Fox News" ( ICOK14TKoU&feature=related).

2 As we saw in Chapter 5, Rodriguez reported that Felipe David, a coworker, was severely burned by fire coming out of a freight elevator on the first sub-level floor. A similar report was given by another North Tower janitor, Kenny Johannnemann. After going to the first sub-basement, he said, "I put my cart in front of the elevator. ... [A]ll of a sudden, Boom! There was a big explosion, the whole building shook .... [A]ll of a sudden, the whole elevator blew out. ... [A]t my feet there was one of the delivery guys .... I grabbed him .... [H]e was all burnt up .... [S]kin ended up in my hand." This account by Johannemann is in a film, "From the Rubble," which, as this book went to press, Rodriguez and his co-producer, ]. Kerr-Smith, were hoping to release late in 2009. This film also contains testimony of Anthony Saltalamacchia, who was Rodriguez's supervisor that day. Saltalamacchia's testimony is also available in "New William Rodriguez Suppon Story" ( watch?v=rzpaZE5Xsfg). Speaking of the explosion reported by Rodriguez, Saltalamacchia said: "I felt it also. It came from the mechanical room [right below us] .... [W]e felt that it was underneath us.... [M]y gut reaction: it was definitely a bomb." Also, just as Barry Jennings reported that the massive explosion in WTC 7 was followed by other explosions, Saltalamacchia reported that, after the major explosion in the Nonh Tower, there was a series of smaller ones-perhaps ten explosions. Additional testimony has been provided by Jose Sanchez, one of Rodriguez's coworkers. Sanchez reported that while he and another man were in the workshop on the fourth sub-level, they heard a big blast that "sounded like a bomb," after which "a huge ball of fire went through the freight elevator" ( Still another coworker, Salvatore Giambanco, said: "We heard the explosion and the smoke all of a sudden came from all over. There was an incredible force of wind that also swept everything away.... [I]t had to be a bomb. Later they told me it was an airplane that hit the towers, ... but it was just too incredible to believe if you heard and experienced what I did. It had to be a bomb" (patriotsquestion911. com/survivors.html#Giambanco).

3 "America Under Attack," CNN Breaking News, 11:00 AM ( This statement by Frank was quoted in Shoestring, "Was 10:45 AM the Originally Planned Demolition Time of WTC 7?" 9/11 Blogger, May 1, 2008 (911 "Shoestring" is the alias under which Matthew Everett wrote this article (a fact he gave me permission to reveal).

4 Shoestring (Matthew Everett-see previous note), "Was 10:45 AM the Originally Planned Demolition Time of WTC 7?"

5 Jeremy Baker, "Was WTC 7 a Dud?" Serendipity, July 2005 (

6 Jeremy Baker, "Last Building Standing," Serendipity, 2007 ( This is a revised and updated version of "Was WTC 7 a Dud?"

7 Jeremy Baker, "Stunning Video of WTC 7's Damaged South Face Discovered on a 9/11 Truth Debunking Website," Darkprints, July 15, 2008 (

8 For this ABC footage (in which the gash can be seen through the smoke), see "ABC 13:45 WTC7 Damage" ( watch?v=pAYHbI9CKpU&NR=1) and "ABC 13:54 WTY 7 Damage," YouTube (

9 Baker, "Stunning Video."

10 Quoted in ibid. Silverstein can be seen making this statement in "We Are Change Confronts Larry Silverstein," YouTube ( watch?v= EtPCOW 4HII8).

II Baker, "Stunning Video."

12 "Barry Jennings Uncut," Part 1, at 3:38.

13 Baker, "Last Building Standing."
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Re: The Mysterious Collapse of World Trade Center 7: Why the

Postby admin » Sat Jul 14, 2018 4:45 am

Appendix B

1 See FEMA, "Onterstate Bank Building Fire, Los Angeles, California," 1988 ( ... TecReport/ FEMA-report.htm), and FEMA, "High-Rise Office Building Fire, One Meridian Plaza, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania" ( 049.pdf).

2 "Fire Practically Destroys Venezuela's Tallest Building," VenezuelaAnalysis. com, October 18, 2004 (

3 "Fire Rages at Beijing Mandarin Hotel," Associated Press, February 9, 2009 ( ire-rages-beijing-mandarin-hotel).

4 Andrew Jacobs, "Fire Ravages Renowned Building in Beijing," New York Times, February 9, 2009 ( ... ml?_r=1&hp).

5 "Koolhaas Building in CCTV Complex Engulfed by Fire," NY Arts: New Media & Net-Art, February 11, 2009 ( engulfed-by-fire). Andrew Jacobs, "Fire Engulfs Beijing Hotel Complex," New York Times, February 9, 2009 ( ... ml?_r=1&hp).

6 Ben Blanchard, "Fire Claims Building at CCTV Beijing Headquarters," Reuters, February 9, 2009 ( ... 1020090209).

7 "CCTV/TVCC Fire in Beijing (HD version)," YouTube, February 9, 2009 (; "Beijing CCTV Annex Fire-Mandarin Oriental Hotel," YouTube, February 9, 2009 (

8 Jonathan Glancey, "Beijing's Newest Skyscraper Survives Blaze," February 11, 2009 ( ... ijing-fire).

9 "Aftermath-Beijing CCTV Annex Fire-Mandarin Oriental Hotel," iReport, February 2009 (

10 "2009 Beijing China Mandarin Luxury Hotel Fire Before & After Video Compared to WTC 7," February 20, 2009 ( watch?v=mHqRw7IEK5A&NR=1).
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Re: The Mysterious Collapse of World Trade Center 7: Why the

Postby admin » Sat Jul 14, 2018 5:16 am



Abel, Jennifer, 73
Actors and Artists for 9/11 Truth, 260
Afghanistan war, xi, 7, 259
Al-Qaeda, xi, 3, 4, 5, 8, 255-56, 257, 259
Altman, Lawrence, 278n23
Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth,
5, 8, 259
Arterburn, Tom, 36
Astaneh-Asl, Abolhassan, 47-48, 50, 51,
199, 246, 247
Atta, Mohamed, 256, 257
Avery, Dylan, 86-87, 89, 91, 94-95, 97-
99, 102, 110, 168, 292-93n39, 293-
94n52, 295nn67, 71, 296n83


Babrauskas, Vytenis, 193, 20 I
Bachmann, Hugo, 122
Baker, Jeremy, 263-65
Banaciski, Richard, 77
Barnett, Jonathan, 47-50, 51. See also
WPI professors.
Barnett-Biederman-Sisson Appendix to
FEMA Report, 48-54
"Barry Jennings Uncut, " 87, 292n38
Bartmer, Craig, 83, 130
"BBC Charter Compliance, " 299n133
BBC's premature announcement of WTC
7's collapse, 115-16
BBC's prior 9/11 documentary, 115-16
(The ConspiracyFiles:9/11: xix, 299n133)
BBC's WTC 7 documentary: first version,
87, 95-99, 293n47 (The Conspiracy
Files: 9/11- The Third Tower.
284n79, 293n47); second version,
99-104, 296n84 (The Conspiracy
Files: 9/11-The Truth behind the
Third Tower. 99, 196n84); its treatment
of the Hess-Jennings testimony,
95-104; its timeline distortion, 95-
96, 99-100, 123, 254
Bement, Arden, 50, 139, 260
Biederman, Ronald, 46
Bin Laden, Osama, xi, 3, 8, 256
Broad, William, 14, 277n4
Brookman, Ron, 314n28
Brown, Aaron, 115
Bukhari, Adnan and Ameer, 257
Burger, Dr. Ronald, 37
Burke, Timothy, 78
Burnett, Deena, 256
Burns, Margie, 275n33
Bush (Bush-Cheney) administration, xi,
3; its distortions of science, 9-10; its
order to EPA to lie about Ground
Zero air, 10
Bush, Marvin, 9, 133, 275n33
Bush, President George H. W, 7
Bush, President George W., 7, 133, 259,
Bussey, John, 290n7


Cachia, Edward, 78
Cahill, Thomas, 55, 61, 284n88
Cantor, Irwin G., 216
Case B Variables, 194-96
Cell phone calls from airliners, 256
Chandler, David, 232-34, 235, 236,
237-41, 253, 317n91
Cheney, Vice President Dick, 7, 257-58.
See also Bush-Cheney administration.
Citicorp Tower, 133, 134
Clinton, President Bill, 11
Coburn, Davin, xix
Coefficient of linear (thermal) expansion,
218-19, 221, 314n28
Collapse of WTC 7: as Achilles' heel of
official 9/11 theory, xi-xii, xv, 259,
262; as caused by fire alone, xi-xii,
xvii, xix, 147-49, 213-22, 267; as
caused by thermal expansion, 24,
148-49, 151, 152, 153, 197-98,
209, 210, 211, 212-13, 217, 218,
220, 222, 223, 224; as mystery, xi-xx,
33, 45-46, 47, 50, 54, 241, 242,
245; as (not) involving free fall, 231-
41; as progressive, 148, 149, 150,
154, 228-32, 240-4I, 249, 254;as
unprecedented, xi-xii, 24, 29, 250;
compared with collapse of Twin
Towers, xi; compared with implosions,
xiv, 27-28; foreknowledge of,
111-21; kink in, 209, 210, 226,
315n60; media coverage of, xii, I 14-
16; most likely explanation for, xii,
xx, 20, 27-31, 125; resulted in
compact debris pile, 241-43; role of
debris damage in, xvi-xix, 143, 147-
48; role of diesel fuel in, xv, xvii-xix,
151; roofline: simulated vs. real, 225-
31, 254; why it was not symmetrical
(Sunder), 228. See also Global collapse.
Column 79: and east penthouse kink,
209, 210; as crucial, 126-27, 198;
buckling of, 154, 209, 210, 224, 225,
227; disconnected from girder, 153,
209, 210, 213, 222, 223; failure in
floor system near, 202, 209, 210; hot,
long-lasting fires near, 153, 188, 206,
209; rapid descent of, 154, 210, 224-
25, 248
Concrete: its coefficient of linear expansion,
218-19, 221; reinforced, 219
Cor1110ck, Adrian, 299nl33
Cook, Louis, 118
Cruthers, Chief Frank, 76, 77
Curran, James, 34-35
Currid, Michael, 114


David, Felipe, 82, 319n2
Deets, Dwain, 142
Demarco, Peter, 83, 127
Demolition squibs, 34-35
Dennett, Daniel, 278n22
Dobbs, Lou, 271 n8
Douglas, Eric, 16
Draft for Public Comment (Draft Report,
Draft version), xvi, xviii, xix, xxi, 25,
43, 51, 52, 53, 98, 129-31, 154-55,
180, 187, 190, 205, 214, 215, 220,
225, 229, 230, 231-34, 236, 237,
240, 248-49, 252, 267, 272n33,
309n13, 310n37, 318n7
Dry labbing, 16, 317n91
Dust cloud from North lower collapse,
107-08, 164, 262


Eagar, Thomas, 37, 193-94
E-4B airplane, 258
Empirical dimension of science, 17-18,
43, 49, 73
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA):
lied about Ground Zero air, 10; on
particles in Ground Zero air, 55-56,
Eutectic reaction, 46-47, 66, 283n66
Evans, Stephen, 291 n24
Everett, Matthew, 263, 265, 320n3
Explosions: Barry Jennings on, 88-93,
104, 132, 150, 169, 261, 262,
292nn34, 38, 39; Michael Hess on,
84-85, 100, 102, 132, 261, 262; in
Twin Towers, 75-82; testimonies
from witnesses outside the building,
Explosives, xx-xxi; as cause of all prior
collapses of steel-framed high-rises,
23-25, 29-30; NIST's implicit
acknowledgment of their use in Twin
lowers, 142-43; physical evidence
for, 33-74; ruled out by NIST, xvi,
xviii, xix, 30; testimonial evidence for,


Fabrication, 14-17, 25, 166, 189, 223,
239, 243, 244, 245, 246-49, 257
False-flag operation, xi
Falsification, 14-18, 111, 246-49
Faulkner, Bonnie, 117
FDNY (Fire Department of New York):
its alleged 7th floor fire observation,
165; its advance knowledge of WTC
7's collapse, 112-14, 123; its test
monies about explosions in Twin
Towers, 75-81; its testimonies about
WTC 7 safety zone, 112-14; when it
evacuated the building, 119
Fellini, Chief Frank, 113
FEMA-ASCE report on WTC, xv, 5-6;
appendix to, 48-54
Fetzer, James, 39
Final Report, final report, xviii, xx, xxi,
272n33; brief and long versions of, xxi
Fire Dynamics Simulator (FDS), 194-95
Firefighters for 9/11 Truth, 259
Fire-induced progressive collapse, 148-50;
impossibility of, 30, 249
Fires: acknowledgment of possible late
origin by three NIST authors, 177-
78; all started at 10:28 (Sunder), 175;
beginning by 9:30AM, 168-70;
combustible material available for,
152, 180-85; duration "in anyone
location, " 201-06; durations of, 151-
52, 157-58, 170-80, 199-200;
ignition and spread of, 74, 140-51,
157-61; in Beijing's TVCC, 267-69;
in other steel-framed high-rises, 213,
267-69; early 7th and 8th floor
observations of, 161-67, 173; one
started at 12:30 PM, 174-75; role of
diesel fuel in spread of, xv, xvii-xix,
15; temperatures reached by, 151-52,
Floors 11, 12, & 13: durations of their
fires (simulations vs. evidence), 186-
93, 310n45; overestimated
combustibles on, 180-85
Frank, Alan Dodds, 262-63, 264
Fraud. See Scientific fraud.
Free fall, xiii, 25, 154, 231-41; and physical
principles, 236-37, 241, 255
Fuchek, Greg, 36, 55
Fulmer, Roger, 54


Gage, Richard, 72, 149
Gann, Richard, 106-07, 159, 162-65,
166, 173-77, 184-85, 308n3
Gearhart, Chester, xiii, xv
Geiger, Shane, 68-70, 282n49
Geyh, Dr. Alison, 37
Giambanco, Salvatore, 319n2
Girder connecting Columns 44 and 79:
disconnection of, 153, 210, 222; had
(no) shear studs, 153-54, 213-16, 267
Giuliani, Mayor Rudy, 86: his account of
Michael Hess's experience, 84-86; his
foreknowledge of collapse of Twin
Towers, 114; his Office of Emergency
Management, 84, 87, 102-03, 105,
114, 116, 123; on why Hess and
Jennings were trapped, 85, 90, 109,
Glanz, James, xii, 45-46, 48
Global collapse, 209-11, 224-44. See also
Collapse of WTC 7.
Goldbach, Ray, 112
Gourley, James, 52, 128-30, 131, 180-
81, 185, 187, 190, 252, 308n5,
309nn13, 21, 310n37
Greening, Frank, 160, 199-201, 224-25,
227-30, 253, 306n10, 314-15n46
Gregory, Stephen, 78
Griffin, David Ray, 278nn20, 22, 290n4,
298n127, 318n102
Gross, John, 38, 316n91
Grosshandler, William, 165, 166, 173-77


Hamilton, Lee, 6, 8, 275n29
Hanjour, Hani, 259
Harrit, Niels: on collapse of WTC 7, xiiixiv,
xv; on Draft Report, 181; on
gypsum and sulfur, 49; on Professor
Pileni's resignation, 186n 118; on redgray
chips and nanothermite, 62-66,
129, 285n97, 286nl18, 287n127,
287n 134, 289n162; on use of both
thermate and nanothermite, 136
Hess, Michael, 84-86, 88; interviewed by
BBC, 99-104, 293n42, 296n86;
interviewed by NIST, 293n40; interviewed
on 9/11 before noon, 84-86,
96, 167; on whether an explosion
occurred, 84-85, 100, 102, 158, 169,
261, 262, 292n34; trapped for hour
and a half, 84
Heylighen, Francis, 21
High-order damage, 28-29
Hoffman, Jim, 58, 133-34,
288nn136, 143, 302n20, 311n50
Hofnung, Daniel, xiii, xv


Implosions, xiii, 24, 243; seven features
of, xiv, 28, 33-34
Intelligence Officers for 9/11 Truth, 259
Interim Report on WTC 7, xvi, 299n65;
authorship of, 294n65, 297nl0l; on
beam shear studs, 313n23; on
burned-out floors, 187-89, 193,
252-53; on debris damage from
North Tower collapse, 143; on girder
shearstuds, 153-54, 215-16; its
contradictions of NIST's 2008 report,
Iron-rich particles, 41, 42-43, 44, 60,


Jeffrey, William Alan, 140
Jenkins, Dr. Cate, 10
Jennings, Barry, 82, 86-110; death of, 82,
86-110; interview by ABC News,
295-96n52; interview by BBC, 87;
interview by Dylan Avery (Loose
Change), 86-87, 89, 292n38, 294n52
(see also "Barry Jennings Uncut");
interview by NIST, 87, 293n40,
297n101; NIST's straw-man
argument about, 134; on destruction
of lobby, 90-92, 94, 97; on explosions,
88-93, 104, 132, 158, 169,
261, 262, 265, 319n2; on extensive
damage to 8th floor, 96, 110; rescue
of, 90, 92, 104-10, 294-95n67
Jennings, Peter, 114
Johannemann, Kenny, 319n2
Jones, Al, 270n8
Jones, Steven: knows former NIST
employee, 11; on demolition squibs,
34, 35, 279nn4, 5; on Draft Report,
181; on energetic materials in WTC
dust, 56-61; on impossibility of fire-induced
symmetrical collapse, 30; on
iron-rich spherules, 43; on long-lasting
fires and chemical emissions at
Ground Zero, 56, 60-62; on molten
metal, 37, 38-39; on red-gray chips,
62-65, 287n 127; on sulfur and
gypsum, 46, 72, 289n155; on
thermate reaction, 49-50


Kean, Thomas, 6, 8, 12, 275n29
Keane, Sue, 76
Keller, jack, 122
Killough-Miller, Joan, 46-47
Kleinberg, Mindy, 228


Lawrence Livermore National Laboratories,
Laws of nature (laws of physics, physical
principles), 24, 25, 231, 236-37,
239, 241, 251, 299n133. See also
Lawson, Anthony, 271 n 17
Lawson-Gann rescue account, 105-07,
108-09, 163-65
Lawson, J. Randall, 92-93, 105-09, 162-
65, 293n40, 297nn101, 102
Lawyers for 9/11 Truth, 260
Legge, Frank, 270n7, 271 n 16
Levy, Matthys, 168-69, 261
Lewontin, Richard, 15, 16, 18, 275n35,
Lipton, Eric, 45-46, 48, 157
Lipton, Peter, 277n4
Loizeaux, Mark, 26, 243
Loizeaux, Stacey, 243
Loose Change Final Cut, 86-87, 97-98,
100, 271nI4, 280n16, 292n38,
293n39, 294n52, 301n151, 305n54
Loose Change 9/11: An American Coup,
Lowers, Heather, 42


MacKinlay, Janette, 289n 155
MacQueen, Graham, 76
McAllister, Therese, 92, 111, 177,
294n65, 297n101
McCarthy, Chief Thomas, 113
McGovern, Kevin, 113
McGrattan, William, 165, 166, 173-77
McPadden, Kevin, 117-18
Medical Professionals for 9/1 1 Truth, 260
Meeker, Gregory, 42
Mineta, Norman, 257-58
Miracle: affirmed by NIST, xx, 25, 241,
251; not (Q be affirmed in scientific
reports, xx, 24-25
Molten metal (iron, steel), 36-39, 62, 66,
245, 280n16, 281n28, 299nl33
Molybdenum, 44-45, 48, 58, 60, 246
Monaghan, Aidan, 307n37
Moussaoui, Zacarias, 256
Muslim (al-Qaeda) hijackers (terrorists),
xi, 3, 4, 8, 255-56, 257, 258, 259,
Mystery: collapse of WTC 7 as, xi-xx, 33,
45-46, 47, 50, 54, 241, 242, 245;
"deepest, " 45-47, 50


Nanotechnology, 57-58, 64, 134,
303n34; NIST and, 138-42
Nanothermite(s), superthetmite(s), xii,
57-59, 60, 61, 62-66, 70-71, 74,
128-29, 132, 134, 136-38, 246,
250, 287n 127; as high explosive, 58,
137, 273n4; compared with ordinary
(macro-) thermite, 57-58, 63-64,
137-38, 273n40; compared with
RDX, 132, 137; NIST's knowledge
of, 138-42; sol-gel, 58-59, 60
National Fire Protection Association
(NPFA) Guide, 28-29, 73, 142,
278n3, 289n161
National Institute of Standards and
Technology. See NIST.
National Science Foundation (NSF), 14,
15, 16, 17, 139, 260
Newman, Michael, 73-74
New York University medical student, 83,
128, 130
Nigro, Chief Daniel, 112, 113
Nilsen, ala, 286nl27
9/11 attacks: official reports about, 3-8;
two main theories about, xi, 3
9/11 Commission Report, xiii, 6-8
9/11 Mysteries, 305n54
9/11 truth movement, xi, xiii, xv, 4-5, 9,
43, 68, 256, 259; its scientific and
professional organizations, 5
NIST (National Institute of Standards
and Technology), xvi; and National
Security Agency, 11, 252; and Office
of Management and Budget, 11, 252;
as agency of Bush-Cheney administration
(Commerce Department), 8-
12, 26, 27, 30, 31, 51, 149; as political,
not scientific, agency, 3-12, 13,
19, 26, 27, 30-31, 82, 121, 122,
149; avoided peer review, 25-26,
251-53; employs straw-man
arguments, 22, 29, 72, 125-44, 250;
failed (Q test for thermitic residue,
66-74; former employee of, 10-12,
19-20; ignores physical evidence for
explosives, 33-74; ignores question
about internal damage, 110-11;
ignores testimonial evidence for
explosives, 75-124; its "hired guns, "
11; its knowledge of nanotechnology,
138-42; its "mild overestimates, " 88-
89; its reports on Twin Towers, xv, 9,
12, 16, 24, 34, 37, 39, 42, 50, 55,
66-67, 75-82, 138, 148, 152, 180,
197, 206-07, 212, 295n68; on the
Hess-Jennings testimonies, 92-95,
123; on the rescue of Hess, Jennings,
and the security officer, 104-10;
rejects most likely hypothesis, xii, xx,
20, 25, 27-31, 71, 125, 249, 251. See
also Collapse of WTC 7; NIST's
WTC 7 report; "WTC 7 Technical
NIST's WTC 7 report: absurdity of, 39,
121, 135, 267-69; as based on sound
science (Sunder), xx, 18, 30-31, 70,
121, 241, 245; as false, xx, 28, 51-
52, 109, 127, 132, 155, 183-84,
211, 212, 216, 223, 231, 245, 253-
60, 262; as solving the WTC 7
mystery (Sunder), xix-xx, 50, 245; as
unscientific, xx, 15, 18, 19, 22, 23,
24, 25-26, 29, 30-31, 33, 38-39,
43, 49, 53, 54, 62, 66, 68, 70-71,
72, 73, 78, 79-81, 82, 120-21, 122,
129, 134-35, 149-50, 155, 189,
196, 201, 212, 216, 219-20, 234,
239, 241, 243, 245-53, 254, 261-
62, 270n7, 317n91; its theory of
progressive collapse, 148-50, 154.
228-32, 240-41, 254; scientific fraud
in, 15, 17, 43. 53, 78, 80, 153-54,
189, 216, 220-22, 237, 239, 245-
49, 252, 313n19, 317n91


Obama, President Barack, 13, 54, 259,
Obeid, Kamal, 30
Occam's razor, 21, 243, 250
Office of Emergency Management
(Giuliani's), 84, 87, 102-03, 105.
114, 116, 123
Official account (theory) of 9/11: xi, xv.
xvi, 3-5, 30, 34, 35, 37, 43, 46, 53-
54, 55, 86, 89, 91, 92, 95, 101, 102,
104, 119, 127.138, 142, 158-59.
168-69, 193, 231, 234, 241, 246,
254, 255, 256, 259, 260, 262, 264.
274n20, 299nl33
Olson, Barbara and Ted, 256-57
O'Toole, Joe, 36


Pauls, Jake, 110-11
Pecoraro, Mike, 76
Peer review, 25-26, 251-53
Pentagon, arrack on, 258. 274n20
Physical principles. See Laws of nature.
Pileni, Marie-Paule, 286n 118
Pilots for 9/11 Truth. 259
Pitts, William, 106, 107, 164, 165, 173
Political Leaders for 9/11 Truth, 259, 260
Polls (about 9/11). xiii, xv, 3-4
Popular Mechanics: on NIST's WTC 7
theory, xvii-xix, 143; on Silverstein's
statement, 119
Porter, Richard, I 15, 116
Proe, David, 218-21
Progressive collapse, 148-50, 154. 228-
32, 240-41, 254


Quintiere, James. 251-52, 253


Rather, Dan, 121-22, 270
RDX explosives. 126-32. 134, 137-38,
Red-gray chips, 62-66, 71, 287n 127. See
also Nanothermite(s).
Religious Leaders for 9/11 Truth, 260
"Request for Correction, " 67-68, 79-81.
Rice, Condoleezza, 7, 8. 12, 300n143
RJ Lee Report, 40-42, 60-61,
281 nn33, 34, 282n45
Robertson, Leslie, 36
Rodriguez, William, 81-82, 261, 265.
319nn1, 2
Rogers, Kenneth, 78
Rove, Karl. 8
Rudin, Mike, 99-100, 101, 293n42,
Rumsfeld, Donald, 258
Ruvolo, Philip, 36
Ryan. Kevin: on beam shearstuds, 217-
18, 313n23; on "Bush science,"
313n 17; on demolition squibs, 34,
35; on Draft Report, 181; on
evidence for energetic nanocomposites,
57-61 ; on girder shear studs,
313n 19; on NIST advisory meeting,
312n80; on NIST and nanothermites,
302n32; on red-gray chips,
62-65; on steel temperatures, 200-
01; on sulfidation of steel, 49; on
thermal expansion, 217-18, 222-23;
on thermate reaction, 51


Saltalamacchia, Anthony, 319n2
Sanchez, Jose, 82, 319n2
Sarns, Chris, 216, 309nn24, 25, 29, 313n 19
Schneider, Jorg, 122
Scholars for 9/11 Truth, 259
Scholars for 9/11 Truth and Justice, 259
Science: Bush administration's distortion
of, 9-10, 13; restoring its integrity. 9,
13, 54, 260, 275nn35, 36, 277n2
Scientific fraud, 13-15; in strict sense,
14-18; in broader sense, 18-26;
committed by NIST, 15, 17, 43, 53,
78, 80, 153-54, 189, 216, 220-22,
237, 239, 245-49, 252, 313nI9,
317n91; dry labbing, 16, 317n91;
fabrication, 14-17; falsification, 14-
18; ignoring (omitting) evidence, 17;
plagiarism, 14, 15
Scientific method, 13-26; and extrascientific
considerations, 18-20, 27;
and implausible claims, xx, 22-23,
25, 250; and inference to the best
explanation, 17; and laws of nature
(physics), 24-25; and miracles, 24-
25, 251; and most likely hypothesis,
xx, 20, 27-31, 125; and peer review,
25-26, 251-53; and straw-man
arguments, 22, 29, 72, 125-44, 250;
and unprecedented causes, 23, 29,
147-50, 250; as rational empiricism,
17; empirical dimension of, 17-18,
43, 49, 73-74; Whitehead on, 18,
33, 62, 74
Scientific Panel Investigating Nine-
Eleven, 259
Scott, Howie, 78
Secret Service, 258
Securacom, 9, 133
Security officer: his rescue, 104-07; his
observation of a 7th floor fire (at
10:30 or 12:15), 162-66; interview
with, 163, 166, 307n30
Semerjian, Hratch, 139-40, 141
"Seven Is Exploding, " 117, 130
Shear studs: for beams, 153, 154; for
girders, 153-54, 212-16, 254, 267
Shenon, Philip, 6-8, 274n23
Silverstein, Larry, 118-21, 123, 264
Simulations: visual evidence not "model
input" for, 189, 193; of Floor 12 used
to model 11th & 13th floor fires,
183, 190. See also Fire Dynamics
Singh, Indira, 117
Sisson, Richard D., 46, 53
Skeptosis, 51-52, 283-84n78, 302n25
Smith, Guy, 299n 133
Smith, Michael, 130-31
Sohmer, Robert, 113
Sol-gel, 58-59, 64
Staelin, Earl, 132-33
Stand-down order, 257
Steel (structural): conductivity of, 200-
01, 31 In73; its coefficient of linear
(thermal) expansion, 219, 314n28;
melting point of, 37, 280n22; recovered
(from WTC 7), 46-50, 51, 199;
sulfidation of, 45-54; temperatures
reached by, 152, 197-207, 211-12;
vaporized, 47-48
Stein, Ben, 68-69
Steven Jones Group, 44-45. See also
Jones, Steven.
Straw-man arguments, 22, 29, 72, 125-
44, 250
Sulfur, 46, 48, 51, 52, 55, 60, 61, 67,
120; gypsum as possible source of,
48-49, 71-72
Sunder, Shyam, xvii, xviii, xix; and
textbook descriptions, 28-29; his
interaction with Shane Geiger, 68-
70; his "Opening Statement, "
273n37; on fire as cause of collapse,
148-49; on fire durations "in any
given location, " 203-06; on fire
temperatures, 310nn46, 47, 312n2;
on no evidence for explosives, 72; on
not interviewing Silverstein, 120-21;
on out-of-control fires, 150, 157-58;
on question about interior damage,
110- 11; on recovered sulfidized steel,
52-53; on red-gray chips, 69, 70-71;
on single point of fire ignition on
each floor, 175; on solving WTC 7
mystery, xix-xx, 40, 245; on soundness
of science behind WTC 7 report,
xx, 30-31, 70, 121, 241, 245; on
symmetrical appearance of collapse,


Terrorists: domestic, 55, 255, 259;
Muslim (al-Qaeda), xi, 3, 4, 8, 255-
56, 257, 258, 259, 270n3
Thermal expansion: as cause of WTC 7s
collapse, 24, 148-50, 153-54, 197,
198; differential, 218-21; problems
in NIST's theory of, 211-13
Thermal weakening, 197-98, 212
Thermate, 49-50, 51, 54, 61
Thermite(s), 36, 49-50; military forms
of, 61; NIST's failure to rest for, 66-
74. See also Nanothermite(s).
"This is an Orange, " xiv, 271, 278n2
Thomas, Ian, 218, 221
Tinsley, Nikki, 10
Tompkins, Philip, 230, 241, 316n64
Trimpe, Herb, 55
Tully, Peter, 36
Turner, James M., 140


Ucciardo, Frank, 84
Unger, Craig, 275n33
Union of Concerned Scientists, 9,
275nn35, 36
UPN 9 News, 84, 100, 102, 130
USGS (US Geological Survey) Report,
42-43, 44-45
US State Department, 120, 300n143


Van Auken, Lorie, 120, 121, 205-06
Veterans for 9/11 Truth, 259
Vettori, Robert, 105, 163
Visconti, Nick, 113-14
Von Essen, Commissioner Thomas, 114


Wade, Nicholas, 14, 277n4
Walker, Wirt, III, 9, 133
War on Terror, xii, 4, 259
Wedge 1 (Pentagon), 258
Whitehead, Alfred North, 18, 33, 62, 74,
Williams, Forman, 140
Williams, James, 36
Windows: blown-our, 35-36; broken,
Woodworth, Elizabeth, 309n 11, 31 On44,
WPI (Worcester Polytechnic Institute),
46; professors, 46-50, 51, 62, 71,
199; report, 46-47, 50-54, 199
Wright, Decosta, 112, 113
WTC rubble and dust: iron-rich panicles
in, 41, 42-43, 44, 60, 282n47;
molten metal in, 36-39, 62, 66, 245,
280n 16, 281 n28, 299n 133; molybdenum
in, 44-45, 48, 58, 60, 246;
sulfur and sulfidized steel in, 45-46,
48-49, 50, 52-54, 71, 81, 135-36,
199, 243, 246, 250; unreacted
nanothermite in, 62-66; (no) steel
recovered from, 46-50, 51, 199
WTC 7: also called Salomon Brothers
(and Salomon Smith Barney) building,
115, 163, 306n21; expert testimony
that explosives brought it
down, 121-22; expressed intentions
to bring it down, 117-21; gash down
front of, 263-64; how its fires started,
74, 150-51
WTC site (Ground Zero): emissions of
volatile organic chemicals at, 55-57,
61; toxic air at, 10; panicles suggestive
of explosives in air and dust at,
40-45, 60, 62, 66, 254
Wyndham, John, 30, 149


Yli-Karjanmaa, Sami, 224n20


Zachariah, Michael, 139, 141
Zelikow, Philip, 6-8, 274n26
Zogby polls, xiii, xv, 3-4
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