Act & Punishment: The Pussy Riot Trials

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Re: Act & Punishment: The Pussy Riot Trials

Postby admin » Fri Aug 10, 2018 9:04 am

She’s in Pussy Riot. He’s on the Far Right: How Maria Alyokhina and Dmitry Enteo Fell in Love. Maria Alyokhina and Dmitry Enteo couldn’t seem more different: she a committed feminist activist, he the leader of a far right activist movement. She reveals how they got together.
by Lizzie Crocker
10.16.17 9:00 PM ET



“He’s kind of a homophobe,” Alyokhina says of Enteo ... “He’s against gay propaganda activists,” the friend tells me.… known for beating up gay people during Pride rallies ...
when Pussy Riot was on trial in 2013, Enteo and other members of “God’s Will” gathered outside Russia’s Ministry of Justice and called for Pussy Riot to be imprisoned…. [and] campaigned to criminalize “offending religious feelings” in response to Pussy Riot’s Punk Prayer.

-- She’s in Pussy Riot. He’s on the Far Right: How Maria Alyokhina and Dmitry Enteo Fell in Love, by Lizzie Crocker

Members of God’s Will, a Christian group led by self-proclaimed missionary Dmitry “Enteo” Tsorionov, vandalised the Sculptures We Don’t See exhibit at the Manezh, a vast exhibition space next to Red Square…. During the attack activists shouted that the works on display were offensive to people of faith and violated legislation introduced to deter protests such as that carried out by Pussy Riot in Moscow’s main cathedral in 2012.… one of the activists rips a linoleum engraving of a naked Christ made by Vadim Sidur, known as the Soviet Henry Moore, off its plinth. She then throws it on the floor and stamps on it....The group’s leader Enteo targeted a work by another artist, Megasoma Mars. This sculpture was titled Beheading of St John the Baptist #2 and comprised a series of heads displayed on plates. Enteo seized one of the heads and smashed the plate it had been on....“Jesus Christ and the Virgin Mary are being mocked. This is punishable under the criminal code.”... During the Franz Kafka and George Orwell Intellectual Forum, a group of activists rushed into the open-air venue shouting: “We are patriots of Russia and you have sold yourselves to the US State Department,” and threatened to burn everything there, a witness of the incident wrote on Facebook.

-- Rightwing Russian activists attack Moscow art exhibition: Conservative Christian group takes offence over sculpture show depicting naked Christ and heads of John the Baptist, The Moscow Times reports, by Ivan Nechepurenko and Michele Berdy

In front of the Moscow Art Theater, a severed pig's head sat in silent protest, the words "To Tabakov" scrawled in black ink across its clammy forehead. Around the shrine, on April 1, 2015, Dmitry Enteo and the members of God's Will, his Russian Orthodox activist group, shouted anti-blasphemy slogans and theatrically crossed themselves …in addition to throwing pig heads and interrupting theater performances, some of his more colorful transgressions include tossing eggs at members of Marilyn Manson's band before a 2014 performance in Moscow... With the law on their side, these young religious fanatics have made a habit of intimidating promoters, showing up to protest concerts, phoning in bomb threats, and threatening to call the Federal Migration Service to tamper with musicians' visas, all in service of their goal to rid Russia of these "satanic" elements.... in his bio, [Enteo] aligns himself with the "God's Will movement, orthodox christian, right-wing, conservative, pro-life, pro-family, pro-gun, creationism, anti-communism, fusionism" and broadcasts his views on religion and politics, his admiration for failed presidential candidate Ted Cruz, and his own exploits to more than 50,000 followers.... he's like an ultra pious Russian equivalent of Milo Yiannopoulos.

-- The Devil's Right Hand, by Kim Kelly

After the organizing team had left, a group of about ten people, among whom were the deputy of the Legislative Assembly of St. Petersburg Vitaly Milonov, radical Orthodox activists Anatoly Aryukh and Dmitry Enteo (Tsorionov) attempted to break into the art-space “Freedom.” Vitaly Milonov was making offensive statements. Approximately at 7:30 PM during the opening ceremony of “QueerFest,” a group of more than 10 people attempted to enter the new venue. Vitaly Milonov, Anatoliy Artyukh, Mihail Kuzmin, Dmitriy Enteo (Tsorionov) and Timur Isaev (Bulatov) were in that group. Security guards stopped these people from entering the venue, and the members of this group shouted out several insults. Then the doors were closed. Homophobic activists began to pour water on the security guards, as well as green antiseptic liquid on the attendants of the vent. The latter was poured through the holes between doors with syringes and hit people’s clothes and faces. Then the homophobic activists closed the doors from the outside, placing a metal hanging lock on them. After approximately half an hour, the same people attempted to enter the room through a different door. Guards prevented them from entering, and again they began to pour green dye on people through syringes. In addition they spread a pungently odorous substance through the cracks between doors. As a result, many participants of “QueerFest” began to feel unwell, but were unable to leave due to the fact that one of the doors was closed from the outside and aggressive homophobic activists were standing near the other. Some people who attempted to leave the venue were assaulted by homophobic activists; the aide of deputy Milonov punched one of the participants, Alexey Poskrebyshev, in the face.

-- Report on Monitoring of Incidents of Discrimination and Violence on Grounds of Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity in 2014, by Coming Out, LGBT Group

We’re at La MaMa Theatre in New York’s East Village, where the famous Russian dissident and activist Maria Alyokhina is rehearsing for her performance in Burning Doors, a touring protest play with the underground Belarus Free Theatre.

It’s nearly 11 a.m. when we meet.

But Masha, as she is known, is bleary-eyed and unfocused. She’d just woke to a media firestorm in Russia over her romantic relationship with Dmitry Enteo, founder of a far-right activist movement called “God’s Will.”

The ultra-religious Orthodox group had recently expelled Enteo because of his relationship with Alyokhina. But few details had emerged until Alyokhina arrived in New York, when one independent Russian publication ran a bombshell feature detailing the unlikely love affair between a culture-policing Christian extremist and a blasphemous Pussy Rioter.

“He’s kind of a homophobe,” Alyokhina says of Enteo, smiling nervously and dragging on a cigarette outside the theater. Then she takes it back—“Actually he’s not a homophobe, he’s OK with LGBT people”—and looks for affirmation from another touring performer in Burning Doors who’s joined us.

“He’s against gay propaganda activists,” the friend tells me.

The smile falls from Alyokhina’s face.

“What does this mean, ‘propaganda activists?’” she asks.

On July 26, 2014, during the Gay Pride on Mars Field, activist Yevgeny Pirozhkov pulled out a sign stating, “Sodomy is sweeter than honey.” A few minutes later police officers approached him and demanded that he remove the sign because the inscription on it was promoting non-traditional sexual relations. When Priozhkov refused to remove the sign, the police officers appealed to the activists responsible for safety of participants with the request to prevent provocation. Pirozhkov still did not remove the sign. The police detained Pirozhkov and took him to police department number 78, where a report accusing him of the administrative misconduct was made. According to the report, Pirozhkov had “committed an administrative offense under part 1 article 6.21 of the CoAO RF”, specifically by “propagating non-traditional sexual orientation among minors, expressed through the dissemination of information, intended to form non-traditional sexual attitudes and to generate interest in such relationships in minors.”

-- Report on Monitoring of Incidents of Discrimination and Violence on Grounds of Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity in 2014, by Coming Out, LGBT Group

“For example what he said about LGBT flags—” her friend starts to reply but Alyokhina interjects in Russian. They go back and forth for a minute or so.

“It’s complicated,” Alyokhina tells me, as if to translate, then heads inside for rehearsal.

I won’t realize just how complicated it is until late that night, when a Russian-speaking colleague sends me the article about Alyokhina’s controversial romance.

“It’s not easy to show this fight, to show what freedom means”

In 2012, 23-year-old Alyokhina and other members of feminist art collective Pussy Riot were arrested when they donned colorful balaclavas and shouted for the Virgin Mary to “drive away Putin!” inside Moscow’s biggest cathedral.

Their guerrilla Punk Prayer performance lasted roughly 40 seconds before security guards chased them from the church. Pussy Riot stressed that Punk Prayer was an anti-Kremlin political protest against the Patriarch Kirill of Moscow, the Russian Orthodox bishop campaigning for Putin in the presidential race.

But that didn’t stop a judge from convicting them of “hooliganism based on religious hatred,” arguing that they’d made “emphatically vulgar” gestures in the church and had “offended the feelings of religious believer[s].”

When Alyokhina and fellow Pussy Rioter Nadezhda “Nadya” Tolokonnikova were released from jail in a flurry of media attention, Tolokonnikova was often described as the pretty one.

But with her intense blue eyes, impish smile, and wry sense of humor, Alyokhina is bewitching and seductive, even when (or perhaps because) she’s defiant and aloof. It’s hard not to be intimidated by her candor, which can come off as blunt and frosty. But she’s mostly warm and is a good listener who’s genuinely interested in what other people have to say.

After our morning interview was cut short, Alyokhina suggested we chat again later that night (“I’m not a morning person”) over dinner at a Japanese restaurant near her East Village hotel.

Alyokhina is dressed in all black, as she was that morning, her wavy blond hair tucked under a black beret. She is petite and muscular, with a raspy voice and elf-like features.

During dinner we talk mostly about Burning Doors, which tells the stories of three political prisoners: Alyokhina, who appears as herself; Oleg Sentsov, a Ukrainian filmmaker who is serving a 20-year sentence in Russian prison, and Petr Pavlensky, whose 2015 protest performance—dousing the entrance to FSB headquarters in gasoline and setting it on fire—inspired the play’s title.

“All of our stories are about artistic resistance, but Oleg’s is hardest to watch because he was tortured during investigation,” Alyokhina tells me in her heavily-accented English. “It’s cruelty theater,” she adds, skeptically examining a few shriveled figs (“What is this?”) inside her seaweed-wrapped rice ball.

Alyokhina’s story draws on the two years she spent in a Russian penal colony, including five months in solitary confinement, and addresses the brutal realities of life in Russia’s modern gulag.

For Alyokhina, this included being routinely stripped naked and searched, forced to squat while guards in her all-women prison accused her of hiding something “up there.” She was also taunted by a cruel prison doctor during graphic gynecological exams.

“She was one of those people who think they have absolute power,” Alyokhina says of the doctor. “Fascism can have totally different forms. The problem is not that she or other prison workers are bad people, it’s that they’ve become a function of the system. When you delegate your right of choice to the system, you start to forget that you have freedom. Your only purpose for existing is to be a function.”

It’s a physically and psychologically exhausting performance for Alyokhina, but she is fearless—even when having her head repeatedly plunged under water as she recites poetry.

It’s hard not to feel anxious watching her be submerged for increasingly long periods: 15 seconds, 30 seconds, 45 seconds, and so on. I began wondering whether her head was fully under water. There had to be some sort of stage trickery that allowed her to breathe?

Alyokhina laughs when I mention this at dinner: There was no trickery. For her, this scene was one of the most important parts of her performance.

“We are showing freedom, and freedom does not exist if you’re not fighting for it,” she says. “But it’s not easy to show this fight, to show what freedom means. It’s not possible to dive into water in prison, because you are always in the ground.”

Much of the play’s Russian dialogue is subtitled in English and projected on stage, but this scene is an exception. “I’m talking about how hard it is for me to breathe,” Alyokhina explains.

It’s been a year since the Belarus Free Theatre company staged their first performance of Burning Doors in London. They’ve since taken the show to Germany, Australia, Finland, and now New York.

“I wanted to convey things to the audience about my experience that hadn’t been revealed in public before,” says Alyokhina. “But it’s not just about showing that experience. It’s about repeating it again and again, except I’m not reliving it on my own this time. I’m sharing it. This is the whole point of the show.”

She pauses.

“I learned in prison that a lot of people don’t believe in words. They only believe in the power of example.”

Alyokhina declines to talk much about her "friendship" with Enteo, as she prefers to call it, which hadn’t been revealed in English media at this point. She shakes her head emphatically.

“No, thank god! This will be…” she trails off, then mimics the sound of an exploding bomb. She promises to email me a link to the article and says good night.

“I wanted to understand the leader of a movement that wanted to put us in jail”

Alyokhina never sent me the story. But when I tell her the next day that I’ve read it, she asks to meet in person again, after the New York premiere of Burning Doors that night.

I remind her of what she’d said the night before about believing in the power of example. What are we to make of her relationship with Enteo, then, given his strong ties to an activist group known for beating up gay people during Pride rallies?

“He hasn’t been doing [homophobic] actions with that movement for a year now,” Alyokhina says. “I think he has problem with Gay Pride parades,” she allows, “but not with gays and lesbians.”

This reporter replied, “The first day we met you said he was a homophobe.”

“He’s not a homophobe,” says Alyokhina. “Ask Olga, who is quoted in the article. She has spent nine months together with us. He’s not about protecting the patriarchy at all. Totally not, and I’m sure of this.”

Alyokhina didn’t know about Enteo’s background when she first met him, briefly, at a party in October 2016, though her friend told her about his movement before introducing them.

“I shook his hand and that was it,” she says. Afterward, he began sending her messages on Twitter and asking her to hang out. Finally, in December 2016, she agreed to meet again and invited him to her apartment.

“I wanted to understand the leader of a movement that wanted to put us in jail,” she says.

Indeed, when Pussy Riot was on trial in 2013, Enteo and other members of “God’s Will” gathered outside Russia’s Ministry of Justice and called for Pussy Riot to be imprisoned. “God’s Will” was a little-known movement before 2013, when they campaigned to criminalize “offending religious feelings” in response to Pussy Riot’s Punk Prayer.

They successfully convinced Putin to sign their legislation into a law that carries up to a year in prison, though it doesn’t clearly specify what qualifies as offense.

The night Enteo went to Alyokhina’s, they spent five hours talking and watching videos of the activist work that he’d done.

“He was quite happy to talk about himself,” she says with a grin, admitting that she thought he was “quite funny.”

“There were some hard moments for me, because if someone is showing such videos with pride, well…”

She stubs her cigarette and goes on: “I believe that there is a reason for hatred, and if we want to push away hatred we should understand the reason why it’s happening and show that there’s another side. I’m from the other side, and I’ve showed the reality that things can be different.”

When he asked her to celebrate New Year’s Eve with him, she suggested they go to a bridge, steps from the Kremlin, where opposition leader Boris Nemtsov was shot to death in 2015.

Enteo accompanied her and brought flowers to leave on the bridge that night. Later in January, Alyokhina invited Enteo to an annual anti-fascist rally that he and other “God’s Will” members tried to break up in previous years. But with Alyokhina, he came as a protester himself. He also came to a presentation of her new book, Riot Days, and to see her perform in Burning Doors.

But Alyokhina rolls her eyes when asked about when they started dating and whether she was attracted to him from the beginning.

“I’m not going to talk about the first time we had sex,” she says firmly, trying not to smile. “Pure. No.”

She declines to answer if she’s in love with him (“I do not use this word because if you use it so much it becomes empty.”) Asked if she tells him that she loves him, she laughs: “I mean I’m speaking about him, so this means something.

“But it’s more interesting than that, the whole relationship—” she winces. “I hate that word ‘relationship.’ I don’t understand this need to mark and define everything.”

“I’m not interested in forcing him to change”

Whatever they are, how does she reconcile with the fact that Enteo is ideologically opposed to everything she’s fought for in the last five years? How does she expect Pussy Riot fans to reconcile with her lover’s opposition to feminism?

And even if Enteo is no longer destroying art that his movement deems Satanic or culturally deviant, does she really think he’s changed much in the nine months since they first connected?

“I’m not interested in forcing him to change,” Alyokhina says. “Inviting someone to an anti-fascist rally isn’t telling them to change how they think. It’s introducing them to another perspective. For me, it’s important to show, not tell. And then the person can choose.

“Because often people just don’t understand the mechanism of this revolution that the opposition wants, because they don’t know how to change. It’s important that I show how it’s possible. After that, everything else is his choice, not mine.”

She cares that fans of Pussy Riot know she's fighting for freedom of artistic expression. Her relationship with Enteo does not mitigate the years she's devoted to political activism and affecting change in Russia.

Does she see herself having children with Enteo? Does she envision a future together?

For the first time, Alyokhina looks incredulous, even horrified—and understandably so.

“What future can we talk about? What future? We are living in a country where one of our friends was just beaten in the head with a metal stick. There’s not a complicated construction of the future in my life. Pussy Riot exists when it’s doing protest art. You do, and you exist. That’s it.”

Burning Doors is at La MaMa, 66 East 4th Street, NYC, until Oct. 22. Book tickets here.

Additional Reporting by Katie Zavadski
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Re: Act & Punishment: The Pussy Riot Trials

Postby admin » Fri Aug 10, 2018 9:25 am

Pussy Riot's Masha Alyokhina on Putin, Trump and Brexit: 'It's useless to be afraid'. Set to headline Australia’s Dark Mofo in Hobart, the activist speaks about imprisonment, fear and discovering her son is ‘violating the regime’ of school
by Clarissa Sebag-Montefiore
Tue 9 May 2017 20.16 EDT Last modified on Thu 22 Feb 2018 06.04 EST



KING: Prince Bandar, do you know the bin Laden family?

PRINCE BANDAR: I do very well.

KING: What are they like?

PRINCE BANDAR: They're really lovely human beings. He is the only one. I never -- I don't know him well. I met him only once. The rest of them are well-educated, successful businessmen, involved in a lot of charities. It is -- it is tragic. I feel pain for them, because he's caused them a lot of pain.

KING: What was the circumstance under which you met him?

PRINCE BANDAR: This is ironic. In the mid-'80s, if you remember, we and the United -- Saudi Arabia and the United States were supporting the Mujahideen to liberate Afghanistan from the Soviets. He came to thank me for my efforts to bring the Americans, our friends, to help us against the atheists, he said the communists.

Isn't it ironic?

KING: How ironic. In other words, he came to thank you for helping bring America to help him.


KING: And now he may be responsible for bombing Americans.

PRINCE BANDAR: Absolutely.

KING: What did you make of him he when you met him?

PRINCE BANDAR: I was not impressed, to be honest with you.

KING: Not impressed?

PRINCE BANDAR: No, he was -- I thought he was simple and very quiet guy. But I don't think he has the capacity to do what he has done now. I think there are people around him who are the brains...

KING: Oh, really?

PRINCE BANDAR: Absolutely.

KING: He's just sort of the leader type?

PRINCE BANDAR: I think he's the charismatic leader, being used for that.

-- America's New War: Responding to Terrorism, by Larry King Live

Pussy Riot’s Masha Alyokhina, who was imprisoned in Russia for two years for protests against Putin, is coming to Dark Mofo in Tasmania. Photograph: Alexander Sofeev

“Are you able to keep calling her later today or late tonight?” Maria Alyokhina’s representative asks me, panicked. “Or could you try any other day? In fact,” he adds woefully, “any scheduled interview with Masha is a risky idea.”

I receive the harried message just before I am due to speak to Alyokhina, the balaclava-wearing, punk-spouting Pussy Riot activist. It’s well past mid-morning. But Masha, as she is known, is asleep.

When I finally get through it’s after midnight in Moscow. Alyokhina is all apologies. “I just have no idea how I didn’t hear these hundreds of alarms.”

I first met Alyokhina in London last summer for the premiere of her production Burning Doors. It’s hard not to like her. In person, she’s warm and candid, with a wry, wicked sense of humour and elfin looks. Yet talking to her again, it strikes me now, as it did then, that she is strung with steel. This is a woman who doesn’t change herself for anything or anyone. That includes sleeping habits.

As one of the most famous faces of the Russian activist movement, at least she has an excuse. Since Alyokhina was released from jail in a flurry of media attention in 2013, life has been busy. The punk-feminist singer now travels the world performing anti-Putin songs, acting in anti-Putin plays, and giving anti-Putin talks -– a job all the more pressing since Trump, stained with implications of Russian interference in the US election, came to power.

Now Alyokhina is travelling to Australia with Pussy Riot’s Alexandra Lukyanova, also known as Sasha Bogino, to appear at Hobart’s Dark Mofo festival in June for a Q&A with Alexander Cheparukhin, and a DJ set. She’s also releasing her debut book, Riot Days, in September: an account of her arrest and abuse at the hands of the Russian state.

Trump and Putin have much in common, but it is more important to remember what we have in common

-- Masha Alyokhina

“It’s Pussy Riot’s story, my story, Russia’s story,” she tells me. “It’s a story of choice. I wrote it because I think that I believe there are no heroes, and every person has a story to tell and I wanted to show that anyone can be Pussy Riot.”

Alyokhina, 28, is an advocate of standing up and being heard -– even at the cost of individual freedom. In her case, punishments in her near two-year stint in jail included brutal and humiliating gynaecological examinations (inmates called it “to be let through the chair”) and five months in solitary confinement.

“[In jail] how they keep the power? People work for 20 hours per day, the food is rotten, there is a thousand prisoners. How they stop the protesting?” she asks in accented English. “Very simple. They say if you will strike our regime, we will put you in solitary confinement. They call it prison inside prison. What they don’t realise is that it doesn’t matter what is around you. Where you keep your freedom is inside you.”

‘Anyone can be Pussy Riot’: Pussy Riot stage a protest at Red Square in Russia. Photograph: Alexander Sofeev

Still, imprisonment took its toll -– not least for Alyokhina’s son Filip, who was just five when she was arrested. (Alyokhina is close to Filip’s father, but won’t define their relationship, saying “we are not about marriage”). Originally she was barred from seeing Filip altogether. When he was allowed to visit, after four or five months, it was in a supervised room, with mother and child separated by a thick sheet of glass. The only way to talk was via telephone. “That was one of the hardest and painful moments I think during the whole sentence,” she says.

It isn’t only in Russia, though, where activists need to be counted. Trump and Brexit, she insists, are “a wake-up call. The main thing about my fight is to overcome the indifference of people.”

Recent movements across the world strike Alyokhina as dangerous. “It’s a very short way from democracy, where you have elections and a chance to choose –- [for] example like Russia, where you lose this opportunity very fast. It takes just several years to take everything away – destroying is always faster than building.”

“Trump -– it is not just a political leader, but a symptom,” she adds. “I am sure that Trump and Putin have much in common, but it is more important to remember what we have in common –- in the community of those who disagree with them.”

So does Alyokhina feel fear? For herself and her family in a country where anti-Kremlin journalists, members of the political opposition, and dissidents are routinely imprisoned or killed? “No, I’m not afraid,” she insists. “I think it’s useless to be afraid, actually … I believe that when you do things, when you decide an action, any fear goes away because action is stronger than fear.”

Back in Moscow there are more mundane problems to worry about. Alyokhina has to go and visit the school administration because her son, who turns 10 this month, has “built some kind of a gang. I receive call from school and they say he is violating the regime”. She laughs. Then sounds perplexed. “It’s really funny to hear these words but the reality [is] I don’t know what to do.”

At the very least, she reasons, she can lead by example. Growing up, Alyokhina, whose parents were mathematicians (her father was an academic), remembers asking what they did to fight repression in 1970s Russia. “They didn’t have an answer,” she says. “I know that my son will be 20 or 25 someday and he will ask me, as well, what I was doing. And I want to have an answer.”
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Re: Act & Punishment: The Pussy Riot Trials

Postby admin » Fri Aug 10, 2018 8:45 pm

by Bruce Sterling
July 31, 2001




It’s 1999, and in the Turkish half of Cyprus, the ever-enterprising Leggy Starlitz has alighted — pausing on his mission to storm the Third World with the G-7 girls, the cheapest, phoniest all-girl rock group ever to wear Wonderbras and spandex.

His market is staring him in the face: millions of teenagers trapped in a world of mullahs and mosques, all ready to blow their pocket change on G-7’s massive merchandising campaign — and to wildly anticipate music the band will never release.

Leggy’s brilliant plan means doing business with some of the world’s most dangerous people. Among these thieves, schemers, and killers, he must act quickly and decisively. Y2K is just around the corner — and the only rule to live by is that the whole scheme stops before the year 2000.

But Leggy’s G-7 Zeitgeist is in serious jeopardy, for in Istanbul his former partners are getting restless — and the G-7 girls are beginning to die....
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Re: Act & Punishment: The Pussy Riot Trials

Postby admin » Fri Aug 10, 2018 10:35 pm

Dmitri Prigov
by Wikipedia
Accessed: 8/10/18



Dmitri Aleksandrovich Prigov
Native name Дмитрий Александрович Пригов
Born 5 November 1940
Moscow, Soviet Union
Died 16 July 2007 (aged 66)
Moscow, Russian Federation
Occupation Writer, artist
Nationality Russian
Citizenship Soviet Union (1940–1991) → Russian Federation (1991–2007)

Dmitri Aleksandrovich Prigov (Russian: Дми́трий Алекса́ндрович При́гов, 5 November 1940 in Moscow – 16 July 2007 in Moscow[1]) was a Russian writer and artist. Prigov was a dissident during the era of the Soviet Union and was briefly sent to a psychiatric hospital in 1986.[2]

Early life and career

Born in Moscow, Russian SFSR, Prigov started writing poetry as a teenager. He was trained as a sculptor, however, at the Stroganov Art Institute in Moscow and later worked as an architect as well as designing sculptures for municipal parks.[2]

Artistic career

Prigov and his friend Lev Rubinstein were leaders of the conceptual art school started in the 1960s viewing performance as a form of art. He was also known for writing verse on tin cans.[2]

He was a prolific poet having written nearly 36,000 poems by 2005.[2] For most of the Soviet Era, his poetry was circulated underground as Samizdat. It was not officially published until the end of the Communist era.[1] His work was widely published in émigré publications and Slavic studies journals well before it was officially distributed.

from Internal Reckonings


Our time of crisis within the political and ideological systems, as well as within the grand western humanistic tradition, is, perhaps, only the outermost symptomaticological stratum of the deeper collapse of our outdated anthropology. This crisis (like a crisis in any structure) is revealed in the divisive hierarchy of interrelated elements and the preponderance of reflexo-dramaturgical origins of the informato-instructional.

Here are some real life examples:

My good leg
Having stuffed itself
In the morning
On curds
Whilst poorest me
Goes hungry
Healthful and full of youth
Goes out for a walk
Where the hell are you going
I can’t do a thing without you! —
Where are you going?
Today’s youth gives a damn about nothing

Not wind wailing from the heights
Of the peak of Kremlin chimes
But like the will of a necromancer —
My liver
I ask: Is it you
My sweet little one? —
It is I! — I never doubted it for a minute
It replies — And embracing
It on the spot
With the two-headed eagle
Wretched! My deceiver!

Next, a drawn out evening conversation with the shinbone, which, it turns out, is the only one that understands and even feels compassion, but there’s really nothing it can do on its own

Then something basically cellular — even on a molecular level


A senseless argument with the occipitalis about honor, dignity and all that is good and decent; especially as it appears before me in the guise of some oil-gas faction, in as much as it claims that it has much closer ties, and even an emotional attachment to its ancient proto-geologic relations.

Then the nerves — well, they, you understand, grew completely independent long ago, even with pretensions that they are a consummately self-separate anthropomorphousness, and generally, such immense pretensions.

A break during a performance of trabecular bone — air, quiet, music, the firmament’s luminescence

OK — let’s pull it all together —
Various Livers, heads, and teats
I appeal to them all:
— Let’s come together, brothers
We can make it at least till morning! —
— Come on! Lets go! It’s time
There are things to do

Tr. Chris Mattison

from Incredible Events


We all huddle around the table with incredible events of life saving, healing, and so on — Of countless miraculous sorcerers, shamans, yogis, and new-age healers who have turned the entire ruinous process of cause and effect on its head, who simply do not choose to believe in the banal and miserable natural course of events. But they remain, even though the incredible is, alas, much more frequent and convincing!

A completely random event — a child falls from the 14th floor and dies, does not survive, as one would rightly expect

And here’s an event no less strange — a man falls into a cage with a beast of prey and says a certain magic word, but against all expectations, is devoured to the bone

Or how, in spite of all comprehensible expectations, a man with amputated legs passed away without living to see prostheses, with which he ought to have learned to dance — everyone was quite distressed by this

Or a man, having fallen into the heart of battle, does not wait for everyone else, and perishes there in the most commonplace of ways, and does not return intact and unharmed, as is customary

And here’s something quite incredible — a man in a noose has the stool kicked out from under him, and he hangs lifelessly in the noose, and then does nothing else that one would quite naturally expect from him

Or, for example, a man is grabbed by the hair, plunged under water, held there without a breath for 20—25 minutes, is released, and everyone expects, with certainty, that he will appear living from the water; however, he slowly floats to the surface awkwardly, a clumsy corpse, by which everyone is deeply and most unpleasantly surprised

Tr. Chris Mattison

from Difficult Childhood or 20 Dreadful Tales


Anyone who has been through childhood is able to recall similar things. It is possible, of course, to begin explaining it in a Freudian manner; it is possible to understand everything in this way. It is that simple.

When I was young and played
violin amidst a great hall
a rat crept out from behind
and crawled up my pant leg
nibbling away at my trembling scrotum
until it had nibbled it completely away
and I played, played, played, and I played
in the midst of the enormous, dank

A merry old woman who lived nearby
Dropped everything and stopped in to visit
Sitting and laughing, forgetting everything
Her lower dentures flapping and flapping
The two of us laughing faintly and idiotically
I look — every tooth in her mouth
And mine — bare! And
bleeding incessantly as well

I remember, laying in bed sick
And a whitish light running to me
Cuddling up in my legs like it was playing
Like a thousand gentle squeezes
With such fervor
Passed through me and disappeared into my sole
I grasped it by the hair — ah!
But it had no hair
Everything fled through my sole

I sat behind a desk with one girl
She grasped a half-crushed flower
And tenderly took my hand
I see — she has three hands
Then she touched my legs
I see — she has three legs
And she ran off with all of them
So lightly running through
But I didn’t budge, didn’t rise — and
The story

Tr. Chris Mattison

from Dialogues

Apotheosis of the Policeman

Forewarned Conversation No. 1

1st man: What is oputheozis?
2nd man: How can I explain it? It is a kind of award.
1st man: An award? Like an Order?
2nd man: No, not exactly like an Order.
1st man: Then like what? Maybe a medal?
2nd man: No, not exactly a medal either.
1st man: Not exactly?
2nd man: Not exactly.
1st man: Then what is it?
2nd man: Well, oputheozis — It’s a sort of commendation
1st man: A-a-ah. Understood.

Forewarned Conversation No. 2

Man: Comrade major, what is oputheozis?
Major: Not oputheozis, apotheosis.
Man: But what is it?
Major: How can I explain it to you so that you will understand? It is the honest and conscientious fulfillment of a duty, the execution of a service that results in you becoming an example to others.
Man: Do you have to wait long for it?
Major: As long as it takes. Under certain circumstances zeal may be reached after five or so years.
Man: And what then?
Major: Then it will last and bring people joy.

Forewarned Conversation No. 3

Man: Citizen author, what is apotheosis?
Author: How can I explain it most understandably? It is the highest point, in this particular instance — life.
Man: It’s what, a high rank?
Author: But with every high rank you can always reach a higher.
Man: So then it is the highest rank?
Author: But for every highest rank you can manage national exploits and glory.
Man: Well then what is it?
Author: It is victory in the face of future impossibility.
Man: It’s what? How can you guess what’s going to be impossible? Not until you’re dead.
Author: That is apotheosis. It is the victory of life in the light of looming death.

Tr. Chris Mattison

Seven New Stories about Stalin

One day, in his youth, Stalin and a friend walked by a butcher shop. Stalin grabbed a piece of meat and took off. They caught him and asked him, “did you steal it?” “No,” he answered, “he did it.” And his friend was torn to pieces.

Life had gotten completely awful for the people. Riots were breaking out. The tsar summoned Stalin and said: “line up the people on Senate Square.” Stalin brought the people there, and gendarmes were waiting. They began to fire, and killed everyone. Over a million.

One day Trotsky, Zinov’ev and Bukharin came to Stalin and said, “you’re not right. Let’s talk about it.” Stalin whipped out a pistol from his desk and killed them right on the spot. And he ordered that the corpses be buried quickly.

One day Stalin came to Lenin in Gorky. He saw that no one was around, and he cut Lenin’s throat. And he buried the corpse without being seen. He returned to Moscow and said: “Lenin is dead. He bequeathed everything to me.”

One day Stalin’s wife came to him and said, “why did you rob that poor woman of all her money? That’s no good.” Stalin whipped out his pistol and shot her on the spot. And he buried the corpse without being seen.

One day Nikita Sergeevich Krushchev came to Stalin and said, “you’re wrong. Let’s talk about it.” Stalin whipped out his pistol from his desk, but Krushchev shot first and killed Stalin. And he buried the corpse without being seen.

One day Stalin walked along the street. The people recognized him and said, “there he is, there’s Stalin.” Stalin began to run, and the people went after him. They caught him, tore him to pieces, burned him, and threw his ashes into the Moscow River.

Dmitri Prigov (1940–2007) was one of the most influential and productive poets of the Soviet generation. He is recognized as principal Conceptualist in Russian poety, and continues to have a great influence on young Russian poets. See his obituary in the New York Times, and Silliman’s Blog. An English edition of his poems, Fifty Drops of Blood, was published in 2003.

-- Dmitri Prigov, translated by Chris Mattison and Philip Metres,, © Dmitri Prigov and Chris Mattison and Philip Metres and Jacket magazine 2008.

In 1986, the K.G.B arrested Prigov, who performed a street action by handing poetic texts to passers-by, and sent him to a psychiatric institution before he was freed after protests by poets such as Bella Akhmadulina.[2]

From 1987 he started to be published and exhibited officially, and in 1991 he joined the Writers' Union. He had been a member of the Artists' Union from 1975.

Prigov took part in an exhibition in the USSR in 1987: his works were presented in the framework of the Moscow projects "Unofficial Art" and "Modern Art". In 1988 his personal exhibition took place in the USA, in Struve's Gallery in Chicago. Afterwards his works were many times exhibited in Russia and abroad.

Prigov also wrote the novels Live in Moscow and Only My Japan, and was an artist with works at the Moscow Museum of Modern Art.[3] He had many strings to his bow writing plays and essays, creating drawings, video art and installations and even performing music.[2]

Prigov, together with philosopher Mikhail Epstein, is credited with introducing the concept of "new sincerity" (novaia iskrennost' ) as a response to the dominant sense of absurdity in late Soviet and post-Soviet culture.[4][5] Prigov referred to a "shimmering aesthetics" that (as explained by Epstein) "is defined not by the sincerity of the author or the quotedness of his style, but by the mutual interaction of the two."[4]

In 1993 Prigov was awarded Pushkin Prize of Alfred Toepfer Stiftung F.V.S. and in 2002 he won Boris Pasternak Prize.

Dmitri Prigov died from a heart attack in 2007, aged 66, in Moscow. He had been planning an event where he would sit in a wardrobe reading poetry while being carried up 22 flights of stairs at Moscow State University by members of Voina Group.[1]

In 2011 Hermitage Museum presented an important monographic exhibition of Prigov's art in Venice during 54th Biennale.

Spelling of his name

Prigov's name in his native Russian Cyrillic lettering, Дми́трий Алекса́ндрович При́гов, has been rendered in English in various ways, with variations in the spelling of his first and middle names:

• Dimitri Prigov – Associated Press,[6] The New York Times
• Dimitrii Aleksandrovich Prigov[7]
• Dimitrij Aleksandrovich Prikov, Russian Literature, a periodical[8]
• Dmitry Aleksandrovich Prigov – Encyclopædia Britannica[9]
• Dimitry Prigov – The St. Petersburg Times (English language, Russia)[10] The Moscow Times[11]

Selected filmography

• Khrustalyov, My Car! (1998)
• Taxi Blues (1990)


1. Dmitri Prigov, leader of conceptualist school, dies at age 66 news agency AP via International Herald Tribune, 16 July 2007
2. New York Times "Dmitri Prigov, 66, Poet Who Challenged Soviet Authority, Dies" 20 July 2007
3. Russian Culture Navigator Archived 17 August 2007 at the Wayback Machine.
4. Mikhail Epstein, "On the Place of Postmodernism in Postmodernity," in Mikhail Epstein, Aleksandr Genis, Slobodanka Vladiv-Glover, eds., Russian Postmodernism: New Perspectives on Post-Soviet Culture (Berghahn Books, 1999), ISBN 978-1-57181-098-4, p. 457, excerpt available at Google Books.
5. Alexei Yurchak, "Post-Post-Communist Sincerity: Pioneers, Cosmonauts, and Other Soviet Heroes Born Today," in Thomas Lahusen and Peter H. Solomon, eds., What Is Soviet Now?: Identities, Legacies, Memories (LIT Verlag Berlin-Hamburg-Münster, 2008), ISBN 978-3-8258-0640-8, p.258-59, excerpt available at Google Books.
6. "Obituaries in the News", USA Today, Associated Press wire stories, including "Dimitri Prigov" brief obituary; see also "Russian poet Dmitri Prigov dies, age 66", version of same AP article at The Free Online Library website; both retrieved 14 January 2009
7. Lipovetsky, Mark, and Eliot Borenstein, Russian Postmodernist Fiction: Dialogue with Chaos, p 302, published by M.E. Sharpe, 1999, ISBN 978-0-7656-0177-3
8. Was noted in a bibliographic listing in Reference Guide to Russian Literature, p 663, Neil Cornwell, Nicole Christian, editors, published by Taylor & Francis, 1998, ISBN 978-1-884964-10-7; the Reference Guide itself uses "Dimitrii Aleksandrovich Prigov"; retrieved 14 January 2009
9. "Russia" section of "Literature" article in Britannica Book of the Year 2007, published by Encyclopædia Britannica, 2008, online version retrieved 14 January 2009
10. Kishkovsky, Sophia, "Dmitry Prigov 1940–2007: A Russian poet and performance artist whose work was respected in the west", 27 July, 2007reprint of New York Times obituary; retrieved 14 January 2009
11. Peter, Thomas, "Artists Mock Establishment With Sense of Absurd", Reuters article as printed in The Moscow Times, 24 July 2008, retrieved 14 January 2009

External links

• The End(s) of Russian Poetry: An Interview with Dmitry Prigov by Philip Metres
• Dimitry Alexandrovich Prigov, Soviet-Era Avant-Garde Poet and Artist, Rest in Peace an overview that includes some Prigov poems
• Russia’s leading conceptualist poet has died poet Ron Silliman provides a useful memento to Prigov, with links to pieces on Prigov, including Silliman's own blog-essay from 22 March 2006
• Biography of Dmitri Prigov (in English)
• Prigov PennSound page with sound recording of "Alphabets"
• Prigov poems tr. into English at Jacket
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Re: Act & Punishment: The Pussy Riot Trials

Postby admin » Fri Aug 10, 2018 11:06 pm

Lev Rubinstein
(USSR, 1947)
by Poetry International Web
Accessed: 8/10/18



Lev Rubinstein Thursday 7 May 2015

Poet, performer and columnist Lev Rubinstein (Moscow, 1947) is one of the founders of Russian conceptualism. With his passionate social engagement and nuanced personal statements, he is a role model for the young avant-garde. Pussy Riot poses for snapshots on his side, and his blogs and Facebook posts unleash a flood of responses.

In interviews, he advocates equal rights for minorities, the release of political prisoners and the cessation of armed violence. In his own words, Rubinstein is resentful of the current regime, which seems to uphold the standards and values of the criminal circuit and the secret services, for 'aesthetic reasons': 'They regard any sign of goodwill, any concession, as a weakness . . . Words like generosity and mercy sound foreign to them'. Via social media, Rubinstein urges abstainers to attend protest meetings because of 'something that sometimes, and only by approximation, can be called conscience'.

The same unwillingness to play with empty concepts is characteristic of his poetry. In the 1970s, he resorted to writing with only punctuation, suggesting silences with various connotations. The punctuation marks were written on little cards, identical to those in library catalogues. Rubinstein's 'note-card library' was born.

Minimalistic stacks were followed by sets with texts such as, 'Attention! Message follows', or sentences on different topics:

Oysters vary in number. What, you didn't know that?

You should have taught him good manners earlier. It's too late now.

Ideally, by Wednesday. Thursday is the absolute deadline.
– The great chain of being (2006) (trans. Philip Metres and Tatiana Tulchinsky)*

Such poems, often named after a famous work of art or scientific concept are symphonies in cacophonous disguise, in which the disorderly choir of everyday life clashes with solemn interludes or demands for reflection:


Kind of a man. He kind of loves. He kind of suffers.
He kind of speaks. He kind of breathes. He kind of lives.
– The habit of dramatization (1986) (trans. Metres and Tulchinsky)

These platitudes are no match for individual expression, which, however ludicrous, manages to characterize a person without violating their privacy. Rubinstein's poems are therefore a fine place to inhabit.

Anyone searching in the clamour for the poet's personal revelations will notice the absence of certain registers, like violence or obscenity, favoured by many an underground artist, and is sporadically rewarded with a reminiscence:

...This I remember well: the sleepy kitchen,
and soapy water coming to a boil...

...And how the blue phonograph box
would be half-opened on occasion...

...And how those blessed years passed
against the records' hiss and crackle...

...And how the oil lamp's pallid fire
was covered by a murky glass...

...was covered by a murky glass."
– Regular writing (1994) (trans. Metres and Tulchinsky)

* All poems quoted here in English translation can be found in the Compleat Catalogue of Comedic Novelties (Ugly Duckling Presse, 2014).

© Nina Targan Mouravi (Translated by Michele Hutchison)


From The big note card library: A little night music, Mama washes the windows, The rise of a hero, Moscow, 1992
Farther and farther, Moscow, 1995
Regular writing, St. Petersburg, 1996
Incidents from the language, St. Petersburg, 1998
Domestic music-making, Moscow, 2000
Running after your hat and other texts, Moscow, 2004
Scents of time, Moscow, 2007
Vocabulary, Moscow, 2008
Attention symbols, Corpus, Moscow, 2012
Probably, Moscow, 2013

In English

Compleat Catalogue of Comedic Novelties, trans. Philip Metres and Tatiana Tulchinsky, Ugly Duckling Presse, New York, 2014

Rubinstein's work has been translated into English, French, German and Swedish.
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Re: Act & Punishment: The Pussy Riot Trials

Postby admin » Sat Aug 11, 2018 12:30 am

Venedikt Yerofeyev
by Wikipedia
Accessed: 8/10/18



Venedikt Vasilyevich Yerofeyev
Native name Венедикт Васильевич Ерофеев
Born October 24, 1938
Niva-3 settlement, suburb of Kandalaksha, Murmansk Oblast, Russian SFSR
Died May 11, 1990 (aged 51)
Moscow, Russian SFSR
Occupation prose writer, novelist
Subject Satire
Literary movement Postmodernism
Notable works Moscow-Petushki
Spouse Valentina Vasilevna Zimakova, Galina Pavlovna Nosova
Children Venedikt Venediktovich Yerofeyev

Venedikt Vasilyevich Yerofeyev, also Benedict Erofeev or Erofeyev (Russian: Венеди́кт Васи́льевич Ерофе́ев; 24 October 1938 in Niva-3 settlement, suburb of Kandalaksha – 11 May 1990 in Moscow) was a Russian writer and Soviet dissident.[1]


Yerofeyev was born in the maternity hospital of Niva-3 by Kandalaksha, Murmansk Oblast, a settlement of "special settlers" employed in the construction of a hydroelectric power station Niva GES-3 (ru) on the Niva River. The record made in his birth certificate declares his birthplace to be his parents' place of residence: Chupa railway station, Loukhsky District, Karelian ASSR.[2]

His father was imprisoned during Stalin's purges but survived 16 years in the gulags. Most of Yerofeyev's childhood was spent in Kirovsk, Murmansk Oblast. He managed to enter the philology department of the Moscow State University but was expelled from the university after a year and a half because he did not attend compulsory military training. Later he studied in several more institutes in different towns, including Kolomna and Vladimir, but he never managed to graduate from any, usually being expelled due to his "amoral behaviour".

Between 1958 and 1975, Yerofeyev lived without propiska [residency permit] in various towns in Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, and Lithuania, also spending some time in Uzbekistan and Tadjikistan, doing different low-level and underpaid jobs; for a time he lived and worked in the Muromtsev Dacha in Moscow. He started writing at the age of 17; in the 1960s he unsuccessfully submitted several articles on Ibsen and Hamsun to literary magazines.

Literary legacy

Yerofeyev is best known for his 1969 "poem in prose" (ironical assignment of the genre) Moscow-Petushki (several English translations exist, including Moscow to the End of the Line and Moscow Stations). It is an account of a journey from Moscow to Petushki (Vladimir Oblast) by electric train, one of many futile attempts to visit his small son: each time such a journey becomes soaked in alcohol and fails. During the trip, the hero becomes involved in philosophical discussions about drinking, recounts some of the fantastic escapades he participated in, including declaring war on Norway, charting the drinking statistics of his colleagues when leader of a cable-laying crew, and obsessing about the woman he loves.

Referred to by David Remnick as "the comic high-water mark of the Brezhnev era",[3] the poem was published for the first time in 1973 in a Russian-language magazine in Jerusalem. It was not published in the Soviet Union until 1989.

Of note is his smaller 1988 work My Little Leniniana (Моя маленькая лениниана, Moya malenkaya Leniniana), which is a collection of quotations from Lenin's works and letters, which shows the unpleasant parts of the character of the "leader of the proletariat". Alexander Bondarev tells the story of its origin.[4]

Yerofeyev also claimed to have written in 1972 a novel Shostakovich about the famous Russian composer Dmitri Shostakovich, but the manuscript was allegedly stolen in a train. The novel has never been found. Before his death of throat cancer Yerofeyev finished a play called Walpurgisnacht, or the Steps of the Commander ("Вальпургиева ночь или Шаги командора") and was working on another play about Fanny Kaplan.

Personal life and death

Venedikt Yerofeyev was married twice, to Valentina Vasilevna Zimakova and Galina Pavlovna Nosova. In 1966 Yerofeyev's wife, Valentina Zimakova gave birth to a son - Venedikt Venediktovich Yerofeyev.[5] Galina Nosova died three years after Yerofeyev - having thrown herself off the balcony of her 13th floor apartment in Moscow.[5]

In 1985 Yerofeyev was diagnosed with throat cancer. Doctors operated on him, after which he could only speak using an electro-larynx. A film was made about Moskva-Petushki in the last years of Yerofeyev's life and he can be seen speaking with the help of this apparatus.[6] Yerofeyev died five years after he was first diagnosed with the disease, on 11 May 1990, at the Russian Oncological Centre in Moscow.[7] He is buried in Kuntsevsky cemetery.[8]


1. "Писатели-диссиденты: биобиблиографические статьи (начало)" [Dissident writers: bibliographic articles (beginning)]. Новое литературное обозрение [New Literary Review] (in Russian) (66). 2004.
2. "Khibiny-Moscow-Petushki. Vevedikt Terofeyev (1938-1990)", a special issue of Live Arctics ("Живая Арктика") No.1, 2005
3. "Susan Orlean, David Remnick, Ethan Hawke, and Others Pick Their Favorite Obscure Books". Village Voice. 2008-12-02.
4. Alexander Bondarev,"И немедленно выпил", Booknik, 24 октября 2013
5. "ЖИВАЯ АРКТИКА №1 2005г". Archived from the original on 2016-03-04. Retrieved 2016-01-12.
6., retrieved 2016-01-12 Missing or empty |title= (help)
7. "Хибины — Москва — Петушки". Archived from the original on 2016-03-04.
8. "Ерофеев Венедикт | Театр на Юго-Западе". Retrieved 2016-01-12.

External links

• Москва—Петушки, Russian website dedicated to the work of Venedikt Yerofeyev
• Documentary on Venedikt Yerofeyev by Pawel Pawlikowski
• Walpurgis Night, or "The Steps of the Commander"
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Re: Act & Punishment: The Pussy Riot Trials

Postby admin » Sat Aug 11, 2018 12:37 am

Part 1 of 3

Walpurgis Night, or "Steps Commander"
by Venedikt Erofeev [Verofeyev]
[Google translated fro=m Russian]
Publishing House "Kh. G. S.", Moscow, 1997



The tragedy in five acts
Publishing House "Kh. G. S.", Moscow, 1997


The doctor of the receiving rest of the psychiatric hospital
Two of his assistant consultants. One - in glasses, frying and breaking. And more secretary than an assistant. Other - 3 and n a and d and H and a La Gana, purple and immense
Senior doctor And g of p s A s a of a and b R and n and n c o n
n p o xo r s - elder third Chamber and the dictator of 2nd
G from p e in and h
alex and named dissidents squire Prokhorov
in a in a - a melancholy old man from the village of
C e r e f a k l e m and n d e n s x - Tikhonov and schemer
B and t I
C t a c and k - reciter grower and
K o l i
Komsomol organizer 3rd chamber p and e and w to p e m and n
Rear Admiral M and x and l s h
Nurse A w c and
Nurse H and m and n and
Nurse orderly T and m and p of hours to and
Nurse B of p e n s to a, for mordovorotov stud
X of x I'm a sexual mystic and a satanist.
Thick hospital attendants with a stretcher, in the last act carrying away corpses.

Everything happens on April 30, then at night, then at the time of May Day dawn.


He's Prologue. Emergency room. To the left of the viewer is the jury: the senior doctor of the receiving quarters, which looks like a composer Georgy Sviridov, with almost square physique and in perfectly square points. On either side of it are two ladies in white coats: half-way upfront Zinaida Nicholas and a stooped, all-missing, with glasses and papers, Valentina. Behind them, the paramedic and the nurse, Medrat Boryenka, walk about the room, he is Mordovorot, and he's talking about it.
On the other side of the table - LI Gurevich Doktor, just delivered by the "chumfovoz" (ambulance)

Your name, sick?
Gurevichi Gurevich.
DOCTOR. Hence, Gurevich. And than you can confirm that you are Gurevich, not ... Do you have any documents with you?
GUREVICH: No documents, I do not like them. Rene Descartes said that ...
Docotor (correcting his glasses ). Name Patronymic name?
GUREVICH: Whom? Descartes? ..
DOCTOR. No, neg, patient, your name's patronymic!
GUREVICH, Lev Isakovich. Doktor
(from under the glasses, towards the bespectacled valentine ). Note.
Valentyna. What to note, forgive?
DOCTOR. All! All Parents are alive? .. And why should you lie, Gurevich? .. if you are not Gurevich ... So, I repeat: are your parents alive? .. Gurevich
Both are alive, and they both call ...
Doktor. I wonder how their name is.
Gurevich I. Isaak Gurevich. And my mother - Rosalia Pavlovna ...
Doktor. Is she also Gurevich?
GUREVICH Yes. But it is Russian.
DOCTOR. Well, what about your mother?
GUREVICH: You are tactless, doctor. What does it mean "how is the matter with the mother?" And with yours, if you are not an orphan, how is it?
DOCTOR. Pay attention, patient, I'm not annoyed. The same I ask from you ... And who do you love more, Mom or Dad? This is not unimportant for medicine.
GUREVICH. It's all the same to the pope. When we crossed the Hellespont with him ... Doktor
(bespectacled Volentyne). Mark at yourself. He loves the Jewish pope more than the Russian mother ... And why did you incur the Hellespont? After all, if I do not change my knowledge of geography, it's not our territory ...
GUREVICH. Well, that's how to say it. The whole territory is ours. Rather, it will be ours. But we are not allowed to take a walk there - apparently from peacekeeping considerations: that we are content with the sixth part of the inhabited land.
DOCTOR. And ... very wide, this Hellespont? ..
Gurevich. Several Bosphorus.
DOCTOR. Are you the same - do you measure distance in bosforors? You are lucky, sick, your neighbor in the ward is a man, he measures time by bedside tables and stools. You will have a swim with him. So what is the Bosphorus?
GUREVICH: There is nothing simpler. Even you will understand. When I go out in the mornings and go out for a chat, then my way to the store takes exactly 670 of my steps - and according to Brockhaus, this is the exact width of the Bosphorus.
DOCTOR. While all is clear. And do you often walk like this?
GUREVICH. When, how. Others - more often ... But I - unlike them - without any force and zabubennosti. I - only when I'm sad ...
DOCTOR. N-well, sadness is sad. And on what means did you ... cross this Bosporus every day? This is very important ...
GUREVICH. So after all, I do not care what kind of work, I'm ready for anything - the mass sowing of buckwheat and millet ... or vice versa ... Now I'm in the hosemagazine, in the position of a Tatar.
Zinadiya NIKOLAYEVANA. And how much do you get?
GUREVICH. I am paid exactly as much as my Motherland deems necessary. And if it seemed to me a little, well, I would have been puffed up, for example, and the Motherland would have overtaken me and asked: "Lyova, is this enough for you? Maybe you should add a little." - I would say: "It's all right, Motherland, get off, you do not even have a fucking cock." Doktor
(for reasons of adventure). I realized that you are a free navigator, and not a Tatar from the household. Stand up. Shift your legs. Close your eyes. Stretch your arms forward.
GUREVICH (does what is prescribed). Can I sit down?
DOCTOR. You can, you can. That's enough. We are already essentially all clear. Here is one more detail: whether you are married or not, I do not ask: but do you have a woman to whom your heart is located, the one that accompanies you in life?
GUREVICH: Of course there is. Rather, of course, was. When we sailed the Hindu Kush with her ... she smashed her beautiful head ... on the rocks of British Samoa. At this moment (Gurevich almost cries) ... and at this very moment - fate knocked the wand out of the hands of the maestro. I drowned, but swam out - are you glad that I swam out?
DOCTOR. From the Hindu Kush?
GUREVICH. From the Hindu Kush. And what is it worth to swim out of the Hindu Kush, if the Dardanelles were conquered before?
DOCTOR. Exactly. For us, such a patient is a rarity, I'm glad that you did not drown. But when you swam, did you take a bottle with you?
GUREVICH. Of course! And what armor-piercing! Ammonium acetate - sharks cannot stand it. As soon as the shark appears - you pour out a little bit of ammonium acetate on your head and to your friend - and all the sharks are kuchcheryazhatsya, completely lose their empty heads, well ... in the farewell lick my friend's caviar ... but it would be ridiculous in such a situation be jealous ... And when it came to the Karakoram ...
Doktor. And what number is today in the yard? year? month?
GUREVICH. What is the difference? .. And all this for Russia is shallow - days, millennia ...
Doktor. Clear. Tell me, patient: do you have any delusions, illusions, chimeras, otherworldly voices ..?
GUREVICH. Here I cannot please you, it did not happen. But ...
Oh, that's it. What does "but" ..?
Gurevich. Yes, here I am about chimeras ... Well, for the sake of what, for example, I traveled all the world, crossed all Kuenluni, climbed to the tops of Kon-Tiki, - and learned from all this only one thing - that in the city of Arkhangelsk, the best wine list is best to rent on the street Rosa Luxemburg!
DOCTOR. And what strange things?
GUREVICH: Very much. Let's say that the desire is for the sky to be in one Boots. To no other constellations. And that me - under these Boots - would be deprived of anything: something significant, but not the most expensive.

Doctors and nurses are nervous. Behind their backs, Mordovorot Boreanka walks serenely.

GUREVICH (continues). But what about me before Volopasov and Pleiades, when I began to notice in myself this strange thing: I found that raising my left leg, I cannot raise the right one at the same time. It has knocked me down. I shared my bewilderment with Prince Golitsyn ...

Doktor gives a sign with his left eye - so that Valtenin writes down. She lazily inclines her caulked head.

GUREVICH ... and here we with him drank, drank, drank ... to bring thoughts into clarity ... And I asked him in a whisper - not to disturb anyone, - and who, in fact, was disturbing, we were alone - except us, no one ... so, so I, in order not to disturb anyone, I asked him in a whisper: why do my hours go in the opposite direction? And he peered at me, at the clock, and then said: "Yes, you and unnoticed, and drank, like, a little ... but only I went to the opposite."
DOCTOR. Drinking is bad for you, Lev Isakitch ...
GUREVICH. As if I do not understand this. Telling me this now - anyway, let's say that to say to the Venetian Moor, just shocked by the deed, - to say that compression of the respiratory throat and trachea can cause paralysis of the respiratory center due to asphyxiation.

DOCTOR. Enough, in my opinion ... So, with Prince Golitsyn ... And with viscounts, counts, marquises - did not you have to sip vodka? ..
Even as it was. For example, Count Tolstoy calls me ...
Doktor. A lion?
GUREVICH. Why, of course, the Lion! If the earl is surely a Leo! I, too, am a Leo, and not a count at all. I get a call from the great-grandson of Leo - and says that he has two gingerbread on the table, and there is nothing to eat for snacks, except for two anecdotes about Chapa ... Doktor
And far away, this Count Tolstoy?
GUREVICH. Very close. Metro "Novokuznetskaya", and there very near. If you have not drunk ginger for a long time ...
Doct. And how do you like Joseph de Maistre? Viscount de Bragelonne? You would invite them to the fence, slap from the throat ... this ... as you call it ... mutterings ..?
Gurevich. Willingly. But that under this fence there were thickets of spindle ... And - it would be nice - anemones ... But, there are rumors, they have all emigrated ...
Doktor. Anemones?
GUREVICH. Kindly only anemones. And then, after all, and brazil, and joséphas, and crocuses. Everyone is running. And why are they running? And where are they running? I, for one, like it very much. If you do not like it, it's a ban on wandering. And ... disrespect for the Word. And in everything else ...
DOCTOR (his authorized tone goes into emergency ). Well, what if there is trouble with our homeland? After all, it's not a secret for anyone that our enemies live only one thought: to destabilize us, and only then finally ... Do you understand me? We are not talking about trifles. (Referring to Zinaida Nikolayeva.) How many nationalities, languages, tribes do we have in Russia ..?
Zinadiya NIKOLAYEVANA. And the devil knows ... There is a piece of land, for sure.

DOCTOR. You see: poltyschi. And do you think the patient, in case of circumstances - in the face of the enemy - which tribe will be the most reliable? You are a competent person, you know a lot about spindles and anemones - and you know that they are fleeing from us for some reason ... And now the storm broke out - in what you are building, Lev Isaakovich?
GUREVICH: Actually, I am opposed to any war. War spoils the soldiers, destroys the line and blurs the uniforms. Grand Prince Konstantin Pavlovich. But it does not mean anything. As soon as my Fatherland is on the verge of a catastrophe ...
Doktor (in the direction of Volentyny). Write it down, too.
GUREVICH: As soon as my Fatherland is on the verge of disaster, when She says: "Leva, quit drinking, get up and get out of nothing" - then ...

Revival in the hall. Knocking heels on the right - and into the receiving rest swiftly, but without fuss, Nurse Natalla comes in. Eyes occupy almost half of a smiling face. Dimple on the cheek. The hair on the back of the head, completely black, is fastened with an unthinkable barrette. Everything gives Slavic calm, meekness, but Andalusia - too.

DOCTOR. You are very welcome, Natalia Alekseevna (The usual exchange of greetings between the ladies, and all that.) Natalya settles down beside Zinaida).
Nathalie. Newbie ... Gurevich ?! How many years, how many ...
DOCTOR. We already, in essence, finish the conversation with the patient. Do not distract attention, Natalia Alekseevna, and no separations ... It remains to find out only a few circumstances - and in the ward ...
GUREVICH (animated by the presence of NATALA, continues). We talked about the Motherland and the catastrophe. So, I love Russia, it takes the sixth part of my soul. Now, probably, a little more ... (laughter in the hall). Every normal citizen should be a brave warrior, just like any normal urine should be light amber. (Inspiration quoted from Kheraskova).

We are ready to defend the fatherland graciously,
We are happy to fight with the whole universe.

But only here is what kind of consideration holds me back: for such a homeland, I, a morally floppy hmyr, are simply not worthy to fight.
DOCTOR. Well, why? We'll treat you here ... and ...
GUREVICH. Well, well, what's the cure? .. I still cannot figure out what kind of tank and where it goes. I am ready, of course, to rush under any tank, with a bunch of grenades or even without a bundle ...
Zinada Nikolayeva
Yes, without a bundle, why?
GUREVICH. The enemy takes off in the air, if even under him they throw at all without anything. My advice to you: read more ... Well, if there is not a single slipper nearby - then the embrasure will be exactly. Whose - it does not matter. I, not hesitating, fall on her breast - and lie on it, I lie, until our scarlet banner will rise above the Capitol.
DOCTOR. Clinker, in my opinion, is already enough. At us, you will be convinced today, them, buffoons, at us a pond-pond. How do you assess your overall condition? Or do you think - seriously - your brain is intact?
GUREVICH (as long as the doctor is cynical and deductively clicks his fingers on the table). And you - your own?
(bilious). I asked you, patient, to answer only my questions, I will answer your questions when you are completely cured. So what about your general condition, in your opinion?
GUREVICH. ... It's hard for me to say ... Such a strange feeling ... No-what-not-immersive, ... no-what-not-emotion, ... no-to-whom-not-disposition ... And as if you are engaged to someone ... but with whom, when and why - the mind is incomprehensible ... As if you were occupied, and occupied something on the case, in accordance with a treaty of mutual assistance and close friendship, but still occupied ... and such ... nothing-like-would-not-disturbance, but also no-on-something-crucifixion ... none-of-anything, undeflected. In short, you feel yourself inside of grace - and yet not at all there ... well ... as in the womb of a stepmother ... (applause).
DOCTOR. It seems to you, sick, that you express yourself unclear. You are mistaken. And this gaerstvo with you poshibut. I hope that, with all your inclinations to cynicism and fanfaronstvo, you respect our medicine and you will not become rampant in the chambers.
GUREVICH (glancing at Natale, adjusting his white robe ).

My dad used to say: "Lion,
You will grow up - and you will become a bon vivant!"
I did not become it. From my youth
I have the knack of mastering: to obey everyone,
Who of course, is worth it. Yes,
I was born in a straitjacket. -

And as for ...
(frowning, interrupting him). I, in my opinion, have already repeatedly asked you not to clown. You are not on the stage, but in the waiting room ... You can after all talk in human language, without these ... these ...
Zinaida NIKOLAYEVANA (prompts). Shakespeare's iambs ... Doktor
That's right, without iambic, we already have a lot of trouble ...
GUREVICH. Well, I will not do it again ... did you talk about our medicine, do I respect it? Wh-the word is too boring, in truth, and ... flat-footed ...

But I - but I'm in love with her - and this
Without any hypocrisy and grimaces. -
In all its ups and downs,
In all her attempts to heal
and infirm bodily, and spiritual,
In her firste consistency of the Universe in Mind
Unfading and - therefore - and in the eyes,
and her tail and mane, and the mouth
and in the ...

In the course of this tirade of B p e n s to a mordovorotov quietly, behind, goes to the declamator, waiting for the sign, when to take the scruff and drag.

DOCTOR. Well, well, well, well, enough, patient. In the madhouse do not be clever ... Can you accurately answer when you were brought here last time?
GUREVICH: Of course. But only - you see? - I measure time a little differently. Of course, not Fahrenheitami, not bedside tables, not Reamyurami. But still a little different ... For me it is important, for example, what distance separated this day from the autumnal equinox or ... there ... a summer solstice ... or some other muck. Wind direction, for example. We are - most of them - do not even know if the wind is north-west, where it actually blows: from the northeast or to the northeast, we do not care about everything ... And the Mycenaean king Agamemnon - he put it under the sacrificial knife of his beloved, younger daughter, Iphigenia - and only then, so that the wind was south-west, and not some other ...
Doktor (noticing the patient's agitation, gives a sign to everyone else). Yes ... but you strayed from the question asked, you were blown away by the northeast. (Everyone laughs except Nathal.) - so when was the last time you brought it here?
GUREVICH. I do not remember ... I do not remember exactly ... And even the winds ... I just remember that that day the Sheikh Kuwait Abdullah-as-Salem-as-Sabah approved a new government headed by the Crown Prince Prince Sabah-as-Salem-as-Sabah ... 84 days from the summer solstice ... Yes, yes, to be absolutely accurate: that day an event occurred that crashed into the memory of millions for five whole years: empty wine ware, which previously cost 12 or 17 kopecks - depending on what capacity - and so, on this day, it all began to cost 20.
Doktor (humbling the look of sprinkling ladies). So you think that in the history of Soviet Russia over the past five years there has been no more significant event?
GUREVICH: No, I suppose ... I do not remember ... It was not.
DOCTOR. So the memory begins to change, and not only memory. Last time your diagnosis was: bordering with polyneuritis, acute alcohol intoxication ... Now it will be more complicated. From half a year you'll have to lie down ...

GUREVICH (jumping up, and everyone else jumps up ). From six months?!

Borean and with trained hands omit Gurevich in the armchair.

DOCTOR. And why are you surprised, sick? You have a wonderful cash syndrome. To tell you a secret, we have recently started to hospitalize even those who, at a superficial glance, do not have a single symptom of a mental disorder. But we should not forget about the abilities of these patients to involuntary or well-considered dissimulation. These people, as a rule, do not commit an antisocial act, no criminal deed, or even the slightest hint of nervous imbalance until the end of their life. But that's it, they are both dangerous and should be treated. At least because of their inner unwillingness to social adaptation ...
GUREVICH ( enthusiastically ). Well, that's great! ..

No, I'm still in love.
And in the gait of medicine, and in the triumphs of
Her wide step - spittle
In the eyes of all the astonished continents.
In its self-sufficiency and in the impudence
And in the tail of it, again, and in ...

Doktor (titled voice goes to a nobleman ). About these ... iambs, we, it seems, have already agreed with you for a long time, the patient. I'm quite an experienced person, I promise you: all this will come down after the first week of our procedures. And along with all the sarcasms. And in two weeks you will speak normal language in human language. Are you a bit of a poet?
GUREVICH. Are they treating you from this?
DOCTOR. Well, why so? .. And under whom do you write? Who is your favorite?
GUREVICH Martynov, of course ...
Zinadiya Nikolayeva. Leonid Martynov?
GUREVICH Yes, no, Nikolai Martynov ...

Nikolai Solomonovich Martynov (Russian: Николай Соломонович Мартынов) (1815–1875) was the Russian army officer who fatally shot the poet Mikhail Lermontov in a cliff-edge duel on July 27, 1841, despite Lermontov's supposedly having made it known that he was going to shoot into the air.

-- Nikolai Martynov, by Wikipedia

When Alexander Pushkin was killed in a duel in 1837, Lermontov wrote a biting and bitter poem blaming the court aristocracy for letting Pushkin be killed.

-- Mikhail Yurievich Lermontov (1814-41), by University of Virginia

And Georges d'Anthes.

D'Anthès is mostly known for fatally wounding the eminent Russian poet Alexander Pushkin in a duel in 1837.

-- Georges-Charles de Heeckeren d'Anthès, by Wikipedia

Nathalie (taking advantage of the general revival ). So you, Lyova, are now scratching at Dantes?
GUREVICH: No, no, I used to write in my style, but it was exhausted. A month ago I scribbled a dozen poems a day - and, as a rule, nine of them were unforgettable, five or six epochal pieces, and two or three - immortal ... And now - no. Now I decided to improvise under Nicholas Nekrasov.[/b]

Nikolai Alekseyevich Nekrasov died on 8 January 1878. Four thousand people came to the funeral and the procession leading to the Novodevichy Cemetery turned into a political rally. Fyodor Dostoyevsky delivered a keynote eulogy, calling Nekrasov the greatest Russian poet since Alexander Pushkin and Mikhail Lermontov. One section of the crowd, the followers of Chernyshevsky (with Georgy Plekhanov as one of their leaders), chanted "No, he was greater!"...

According to one school of thought (formulated among others by Vasily Rosanov in his 1916 essay), Nekrasov in the context of the Russian history of literature was an "alien... who came from nowhere" and grew into a destructive 'anti-Pushkin' force to crash with his powerful, yet artless verse the tradition of "shining harmonies" set by the classic. Decades earlier Afanasy Fet described Nekrasov's verse as a 'tin-plate prose' next to Pushkin's 'golden poetry'.

-- Nikolay Nekrasov, by Wikipedia

Do you want to talk about social competition? ..
DOCTOR. Well, why not? Social competition - it's ...
GUREVICH. I'm very short. Seven peasants converge and argue: how many eggs can be squeezed out from each laying hen. People from the district center and roosters, of course, do not suspect anything. All around the green mass of silage, sows, pennants - and the men argued:

Roman said: one hundred and seventy,
Demyan said: one hundred and eighty,
Luke said: five hundred.
Two thousand one hundred and seventy, -
said the brothers Gubina,
Ivan and Mitrodor.
The old man groaned Pakhom
And said, looking at the ground:
One hundred and thirty-one thousand four hundred and fourteen,
And Proov said: Mulen.

Maybe continue? DOCTOR
( brushing away ). No, no, do not ... Boris Anatolyevich, Natalia Alekseevna, please, take the patient to the 4th ward. And immediately to the bathroom. ( Gurevich and Chu ). Before ... rabies, I hope you have not got it yet?
GUREVICH: I did not notice. Except that I have a lot of bloody associations with the bathroom. Here is the same Mycenaean king Agamemnon, which I mentioned to you, and so, on his return from Pergamum, they cut his sword in the bathroom. And the great rostrum of the revolution of Mar ...
Zinadiya Nikolayeva ( not listening to him, turning to Doktor ). And why all the same in the 4th? There are some stinking okhlomony ... There he withers, and he will have suicidal thoughts. In my opinion, it's better in the 3rd. There Prokhorov, Eremin, they'll pin him ... Doktor
. "Suicidal thoughts," you say ... (to Gurevich). And you, the last question. Someday, even in the deepest secrecy, was it not for you to destroy yourself ... or any of your neighbors? ... Because the 4th Chamber is not the 3rd, and we sometimes have to keep an ear ...
GUREVICH. Hand on my heart, I already sent one person there - I was then ... I do not remember how many years, very few, but it all happened three days before the new moon ... so to me was then most hostile to my bald uncle, a fan of Lazar Kaganovich, sebaceous anecdotes and chicken broth. And my blond friend Edik brought me poison, he said that the poison is flawless and delayed exposure. I poured it all into my uncle's chicken broth - and what do you think? - exactly 26 years later he died in a terrible torture ... Doktor
Mm-dda ... Fool with him, with your uncle ... And for himself - never had a desire to put his hands in his life? ..
GUREVICH. It happened, and only the day before yesterday, during the Flood ...
DOCTOR. World? ..
GUREVICH. Not at all world-wide. It all began with torrential rains in Orekhovo-Zuevo ... We recently began a series of strange, local disasters in Russia: under Kostroma, in broad daylight, baby boys, bulldozers, and all that soar. And nobody is surprised by these fox-blinkers. Approximately the same situation was in Orekhovo-Zuevo: the rains lashed seven days and seven nights, without waiting and without mercy, the earthly earth disappeared together with the heavenly heavens ... Doktor
And what devils brought you to Orekhovo-Zuevo? A Tatar from the Moscow hozma ..?

Oh, it's sad to be a Tatar to the grave!
I had to earn money in the wilderness:
And the conformist, and the non-conformist,
And the usurper. Anthropophagous,
On the position of a Japanese spy
at the Institute of Eternal Permafrost ...

In short, when the city collapsed, I had a canoe and twelve oarsmen. In addition to us, there was nothing and nothing above the surface of the waves ... And now - I do not remember on what day of sailing and for how many nights before the sun - the water began to subside, and the spire of the city committee of the Komsomol appeared from the water ... We moored ... But then - what a spectacle it seemed to us: the devastation of the hearts, the shrieks from the inside of the crushed buildings ... I decided to commit suicide by throwing myself at the Gorcomovian spire ... When I

covered my head, Borys and N and so on, so that the patient is quickly taken to the ward.

GUREVICH. Another moment, guys! .. And when my throat was already above Gorkomov's point, and Gorkomov's spearhead was under my throat, this is where my friend-rower came to amuse me and distract me from he asked a riddle: "Two pigs run for an hour eight miles How many pigs will run an hour a mile?" Here I realized that I was losing my mind. And here I am with you. ( Pantsuits from the chair he pointed politely helps mordovorotov .) And from that day - jumble in my head ... Nacht und nebel ... all confused, calf, pig, Mamayev Kurgan Malakhov Kurgan ...
n a t a l and. You do not feel dizzy, Leo? Go quietly, quietly. ( Nathal leads him to his left hand, Borean to the right.) Everything will pass now, you will be put in bed.
GUREVICH ( submissively goes ). But for some reason, everything gets mixed up, confused, pigs, mounds ... Henry Ford and Ernst Rutherford ... Rembrandt and Willy Brandt.
Doc ( after them ). In the 3rd chamber. Glucose, pyracetam.
GUREVICH ( leaves with his escorts, and his voice is all muffled ). Epton Sinclair and Sinclair Lewis, Sinclair Lewis and Lewis Carroll ... Vera Maretskaya and Maya Plisetskaya ... Jacques Offenbach and Ludwig Feuerbach ... ( already barely audible ) ... Victor Bokov and Vladimir Nabokov ... Enrico Caruso and Robinson Crusoe ...



He is preceded before the curtain is raised - five minutes of heavy and bad music. With the opening of the curtain, the viewer sees the 3rd chamber, with barred windows, and an arched entrance to the adjacent, 2nd chamber. To avoid inter-chamber diffusion, exchange of information, etc. - the arched passage is occupied by a cot, on it lies Vet, with an unbearable belly, which, licking something, does not cease to stroke, with a terrifying and shy smile. Strictly diagonally, curving the neck from the bottom to the left up and to the right, the enlightened Stasysk rushes through the ward. Sometimes he recites something, sometimes freezes in an unexpected pose - with a hand, for example, giving a pioneer salute - and then the recitation stops. But no one knows how long.
S ergezhka Kleinmikhle, still quite young, sits on his bunk almost immovable, sometimes slipping down, constantly holding his heart. In the hair and in the lichen, with a strange curvature of the lips. On the next cot, K'ol I and the meek little old Vova hold each other by the hands and while they are silent. K I'm now and then lets out a saliva, In about and he wipes it. He is still lying, covered with a sheet, waiting for the tribunal, the Komsomol of the Chamber Pashka Eremin. On the cot to the right is X oh hula, not raising the eyelids, the sexual mystic and the satanist.
But the most important thing is, of course, in the center: the indefatigable headman of the 3rd ward, the autocratic and pimply Prikhorov and his squire, Alekha, nicknamed the Dissident, - they are executing (or rather they are already completing) the judicial process in the case of Rear Admiral Mikhailchy.

P r ochorov. If you, Mihalych, were just a snake - then nothing, well, the snake is like a snake. But you are a black mamba, there is such a South African snake - a black mamba! - From her bite, a person is breathing 30 seconds before her bite! The

fat squire Alyeh towels his hands behind his back to the Rear Admiral. The one who is on his knees does not count on any mercy.

P r ochorov. How lucky you are, asshole, to attain such an unheard-of rank: Rear Admiral of the KGB? Maybe you're still a boatswain of the KGB, not a Rear Admiral?
A l e x a. He's a midshipman, midshipman, I can see by sight that the midshipman! ..
P r ochorov. So, midshipman, we here with Alekho counted all your actions. It would be enough and one ... The first of September last year, you were sitting at the steering wheel of a South Korean liner? .. The result is obvious - Chersonese and Coventry are in ruins ... What surprises is the sophistication of this action: only old men, women and children suffered from all its attacks! And all the rest ... - and all the rest - as if this kuy over them and did not fly! So, the boatswain: to you the gray hair of all these ci-ars, the tears of all the orphans, the guts of all widows, cry to you! Aleh!
A l e x a. Yes, I am here.
P r ochorov. So tell me and all the Russian people: when this murderer was caught red-handed for selling in the Preobrazhensky market of our Kuriles?
A l e x a. Day before yesterday.
MIHALYCH ( mooch ). It's not true, the day before yesterday I was here, I did not go out of the ward, all the witnesses, and the nurse Lusya fed me millet porridge with gravy ...
P r oh oh ov. This means nothing. And you, you asshole, the day before, without leaving the chamber, to carry out electronic espionage over the Arctic Ocean basin. Materials of the preliminary investigation can not lie. Suck yourself, you little bitch, imagine that you are not an admiral, but the page one hundred and seven materials of the preliminary investigation, - could you lie?
MIHALYAH: Neither ... ever.
P r ochorov. So, we are in the club of experts: what? Where? How much? So how much are the Kurile Islands today? Etorofu - for a bottle of andropovka and in installments? Kunashir - almost entirely for nothing ... And maybe these businessmen from politics - they just threw pussies for all of this? .. Misha Khy is

trying in vain to moo something in her defense.

P r ochorov. Moreover, this boatswain had the intention to ask the CIA for a map of the drinking shops of the Soviet Union. And incidentally - our blue-eyed sister Belorussia - dismember and surrender to the dictator of Cameroon Misha Sokolov ... Stasik
( flanking past, as usual ). Yes. For such things on such heads are not smooth. I propose to take off his pants and shoot him out of mortar ...
P r ochorov. Stop. I have not said everything yet. This dog-midshipman still had this intention, since he had nothing to sell-he managed to drench his mind and honor, and the conscience of our era in one week-he had the intention of bidding two unique national pearls that remained to us across the ocean: our ballet and our underground. Everything was already prepared for the deal, but only this one our double-dealer was a little mistaken in his clients from Manhattan. When he went down to the metro with one of them to put the right price on, the stupid Yankee merchant decided that he had ballet before him. And when he brought him to the ballet ... (The general hum of condemnation .) Grisha! Comsorg! ( Komsomg Pashka Eremin responds only when he is called Grisha.) Take off the sheet, do not be afraid, today they judge not you. Say your word, comrade! ..
Paschke Eremin. Yes, it's very simple: why should our Power have to treat this boa constrictor for free? You have to kill him with your head! ..
C ool. Yes, this was the way Eastern despots acted with all the Hagarins: they threw their heads back and gulped their molten lead ... or a cold vermouth.
Stasik: No, it's better to shoot him at all from a crossbow ...
Kolya. From the arquebus ... from a distance of two and a half fields ... Stasis
Yes, where do we get the arquebus from here? .. And mortar can be made of something to weave. At the nurses' soap you can get a business and some aiguilbons ...
A l e x a. Haha, you still have to ask for her chances ... In my opinion, to give this monster to Vitenka for eating! ..

Exclamations of approval. Everyone turns in the direction of B and t. However, B & T, without stopping smiling and stroking the belly, makes a rejection movement pink with its head.

P r ochorov. Pray, Mikhalych! Pray for the last time, Admiral! MIHALYCH
( dropping his head to the limits, begins to murmur something quickly, something like this ). For Moscow, the mother is not afraid to die, Moscow - all capitals head, in the Kremlin to visit - to get mad, from Lenin's science mind and hands get stronger, the USSR - the whole world example, Moscow - homeland decoration, enemies intimidation ...
PR oh oh r ov. So-so-so-so ...
MIHALYCH ( shaking, continues, and still inappropriately ). Who has not been to Moscow-you have not seen beauty, you'll go to the Communists-you will find a way in life, any feat in the hunt for the Soviet patriot, the ideological quenching of fighters gives rise to good fellows in battle ... PROXOROV
Enough, midshipman! .. brilliant prayer ... In my opinion, no crossbows are needed, but simply dissolve it in some chemical reagent, so that it by evening consisted of one protoplasm ... Only - why in our department is the extra protoplasm, you can not breathe from it already. Better - under the tribunal! .. Kolya, wipe your drooling. How do you think, Kolya, is there much in our department of protoplasm?
Kolya. A lot ... I can not ...
P r ochorov. Clear. The tribunal. Of course, now he is pitiful, this anti-Party leader, this anti-state figure, the antinational actor , the veteran of the three counter-revolutions, he is helpless and Sire, of course, the modest allocations of the FBI can not last long ... But all his murmurs and prayers are the habitual antipathy of our eternal enemies. This is the eternal grimacing of our habitual enemies. This is the unfriendly eternity of our crooks. ( Prokhorov paces his breath.) Such anti-Kremlin dreamers are counting on our condescension. But we live in such harsh times, when words like "leniency" are wiser to use less often. It's only in time of war that you can joke with death, and in peacetime you do not joke with death. The tribunal. In the name of the people, Boatswain Michalich, a vigorous maniac in Budyonovka and a Pentagon guard dog, is sentenced to life-long hanging. And to conditional imprisonment in all the fortresses of Russia - at once! ( Almost universal applause. ) In the meantime, if there is no inventory, tighten it to the bed. Let him think his last word.

Alekh and Pashka overturn the admiral into bed and - with sheets and towels - are screwed so that he can not stir any of his joint and member.

Lew s and ( rushes into the room, attracted by the groaning of the executioners and the deafening growl of the victim ). What is going on here with the boys? .. Leave him alone ... No matter what day you have, then the court and the massacre. Where is the extra bed? (He opens the cupboard and takes out a set of clean linen, flings him briskly on the empty mattress .) Soon - a detour. Ti-shi-na! ..
ALEX ( quietly takes a tiny Lys si by the shoulders, thrusting out the pooch and furuncles at the same time, makes languid, dance movements around her, and then sings her crown, pre-striking herself in the belly and shaking his head ).

For a long time I will dream
My cheerful hospital,
And more will dream
Your crazy little loin.

P r ochorov. Aleh! Chorus!
A l e x a.

Alya frying on the guitar, I
'm sure to marry at red-haired!
Al-leh-ha fries on the guitar,
Be sure to marry at red-haired!
Pum! pum! pum! pum! ( Belly )
I'm on the red-haired marry!
Pum! pum! pum! pum!
Unfastened all the fasteners,
Open all the clothes,
And hardly the breath of life
From the nostrils did not fly away.
In prison, the midshipman pissed about, the
boatswain's gnawing at the deck!

P r ochorov. Chorus, Aleh!
A l e x a.
Al-lehha fries on the guitar,
But he will not do anything!
Pum! pum! pum! pum!
Yes, and let him fry on the guitar -
After all, still will not do anything!
And I ... ( grinning ) And I ... -
Necessarily ...

Suddenly snorting, Lew and escapes to the door. And he encounters Gurevich, who enters the ward, wearing a yellow robe, like everyone else, and in wet hair. On the face there are no traces of beatings - but the general bruising is very noticeable, and everyone understands: Borean, sanproportion ...

Lew and s. Oh, new one ... Your bunk is the first on the left ... lay your bed, I can help you, if anything goes wrong ...
GUREVICH ( furiously ). Himself! Himself! Come on, girl! .. Lew

and disappears. Singing for a while is interrupted. Gurevich hammers all the linen and throws it into the corner of the bed, then looks to the right: pink In and t I look at him with an appetite, strokes my belly ever more lovingly and licking, sometimes turning away into a pillow to suppress a chuckle, he is only a wingman. Gurevich looks at him for a half-minute, he does not quite get tired. He looks at his neighbor on the left: braided from all sides, the rear admiral of her often whispers something, with a face that is scant and cursed. Over it is inclined Stasys.

Stasys. Now all the grave-diggers of socialism all over the world are all confessing and receiving Communion ... Why do not you, grandfather, want to? ..
Pr oohorov ( approaching. e x a-Dissident, like Elisha for Elijah.) To Stasiku ). Tsyts, my joy! Let's talk to a man ... Stasik
. No, no, he needs a minute of self-absorption ... You are new to the East ... You are immersed in the water, well ... or you are immersed, but you feel: sank into eternity those times when you did not exist - you are washed, therefore you are ... When the concubine of the Chinese emperor bathes in the Pool of Weaving Orchids - he is so called: the pool of interwoven orchids - so in pego add 12 essences and 17 fragrances ...
C ool ( approaching from behind ). ... But who then puts on a yellow blanket, not knowing the truth and self-restraint, is not worthy of a yellow blanket. Can you explain to me this dharma ?!
P r ochorov. You would go to fuck with your dharmas! .. Man just pissed in the bathroom pizdyuley! and here dharmas? Continue, Stas ... Stas and K.
And here. I pass from the bathroom with the orchids, bypassing the dharm halls (a look in the direction of the scab of K'ol and) - I pass from the pool to the hall of Incense, and from the Hall of Incense to the Hall of Songs. Those who meet me on the way tell me: "Blessed one, do not go into the mango grove." And I'm going, I'm told three girls, one is moon-lunar, and the other is a pastoral one, in a crown of dandelions, of course, and I'm not looking at the third one. I break all the bonds, comprehend all dharmas and do not aspire to any of the delights, I step over the third, pathetic, lady - and I leave the Hall of Songs - into the mango grove. 80 thousand Himalayan elephants follow me, they tell me about the futility of sadness ...
P r o h o r o v. You know what, Stas, you even for a few minutes - you can drop into your mango groves, let them talk to a Jew ... What is your business and how to call?
Gurevichi Gurevich.
P r ochorov. I thought that Gurevich ... A - by accident - not for this ..? ( He makes a well-known click on his throat .)
GUREVICH: Well ... including ...
P r ochorov. I thought so. Jews sometimes very much like to drink ... especially behind the backs of the Arab peoples. But that's not the point. As soon as a Jew appears, there is no peace, and a disastrous plot begins. My deceased grandfather told me: they had deer in the forest, apparently invisible. How are they there? roe deer is not a big deal. And the pond was all in white swans, and on the shores of the pond blossomed a geno-den-drone. And here in this village came the doctor, named Gustav ... Well, I do not know how he was Gustav, but the Jew - that's for sure. And what happened? - I'm not telling, says grandfather. Before the appearance of this Gustav - the hare there were so many in the district that you literally stumble over them, you slip and fall on them ... So all the rabbits disappeared, then the roe deer did not, they did not shoot, they disappeared by themselves.A l e x e ): Call Vova old man.

Va in a is suitable. Glancing first at B and T, then on the Rear Admiral, trembling, waiting for a dirty trick ...

P r o h o r o v. Vova, you are from the village. You can imagine that you are on the shore of a pond ... grow ... your name is Rhododendron. And on the other side of the pond - a Jew, sits and looks at you ..?
In the a. No, I can not ... that here I grow up and ...
P r oh oh rov. Well, fuck the dog radodendron. So, imagine yourself, Vova: you are a white swan and sit on the shore of a pond - and opposite you there is a Jew and very carefully at you ...
In o a. No, I can not do a white swan either, it's hard for me. I can ... I can imagine that I'm a flock of white swans ...
P r ochorov. Great, Vova, you are a flock of white swans, on the shore of the pond - and on the contrary ...
In the a. Well, I, of course, fly apart ... who's where ... it's scary ...
P r o h o r o v. Aleh, take Vovochka away ... Do you see, Gurevich?
GUREVICH ( with a hard smile ). Okay. ( He glances anxiously towards B and T, and then watches as the Admiral the neighbor makes a foolish attempt to break out of the bonds .) And what for?
P r ochorov. Delirium tremens. I changed my motherland and thought and intention. In short, does not drink or smoke. Everything would be okay, but we were standing there somehow in the toilet, talked about alcohol, about its terrible caloric content, - so this govnod blurted out something like this: alcohol, with all its high caloric content, is a very primitive chemical structure and very poor structural information. He even then paid for his boorish erudition: I opened the ventilator, squeezed it in there and hung it down his leg - and the floor was still the fourth - and kept it until he renounced his heretical doctrines ... Today, by the decision of God and the People, sentenced to the tower ... I do not really believe that in the beginning there was the Word, but at least some sort of hinny - it should be in the end, so let this pussyball lie and reflect ..
GUREVICH: And tell me, Prokhorov, you have been entrusted with authority ... um ... in this chamber alone or ..?
P r ochorov. Yes, of course not! Everything on the other side of Viti ( both look there, Gurievich turns away ) - these are all my mandated territories, but you were lucky: tomorrow's process will be in-house, and even criminal, besides. Grisha !!! Take off the sheet! This is Pashka Eremin, a komsorg, so it's like nothing, a scumbag like a scumbag, but serious business is self-mutilation in the Kleinmichel family!
C e p f g and K l C d m n, and x e n v (zaslysha his name, rises and creeps in the direction of x n p p o of a well). Write: my mother had only one leg left in place ... all the others were untwisted, and their arms too, all lay on the sideboard ... And the godmother at that time left behind the bagels ...
GUREVICH MDAA ... in fact ... Godmother went for bagels - what's the point of shouting?
Stas and K ( as always passing by ). At all of us, the godfathers behind the bagels were amazed: screaming-shouting - no one can shout to you ...
S erze . Yes, no ... And then bagels? .. Well, how do you not understand? After all, he first tore off her head, and only then ...
P r ochorov. Until tomorrow, until tomorrow all this. Until tomorrow, Seryozha, crawl away. Now, listen to me, Gurevich; as you can see, we have small everyday incongruities. And so - we can live. Two or three weeks you will be pounded, then pills, then a kick under the ass - and roll. We even have a color TV. Kenor with a canary. They only keep quiet today - because tomorrow is May Day. And so - they sing. Vitya decided not to touch them and taste them, - is not this the highest attestation for the vocalist, but Gurevich? And there, above, from the very top - a parrot, come from, say, from Hindustan ..... And maybe, indeed, from Hindustan, probably from there, because it is silent the whole day. Silent, silent. But as soon as it breaks through at six thirty in the morning, you'll see, he starts, not nasally, not metallic, but somehow even a thousand times more parrot: "Vladi-Mir Sergeyitch! ... Vladi-Mir Sergeyitch! to work - to work - to work - on the dick - on the dick - on the dick - on the dick." And then - then a bit silently, for courage, and again: "Vladimir Sergeyevich Sergey Vladimirovich! To work, to work, (more and more quickly ) to work, to work, to fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, dick ... "And it's all at 6.30, you can not even cope with the chimes and ruby ​​stars ... But from the checkers and Domino had nothing left - everything was dumped by Vitya, one after another, miraculously survived six or six, Hohuly hid it under the pillow and played with himself at six or six, and always won. And three days later - an unprecedented one: from under the pillow six or six disappeared, Hohulya does not know where to go from sobbing, Vitya smiles, everything ends with Hohulya falling into some kind of prostration, stooping and becoming a cousin mystic ... And Vitya, meanwhile, takes up chess ...

GUREVICH examines, on the nightstand in the center of the chamber is an empty chessboard, and on it - a white queen. Stasik

( jumping). And in fact all has crushed! why only regret till now the white queen? He's really so poor; and time out ate, and the queenside gambit, and the Sicilian defense ...
P r o h o r o v. Here's what, Victor ( sits down to B and te on the bed ), Victor. You've eaten all the board games. Tell me, did you just eat them out of moral considerations, huh? Did they seem too gambling to you? Here is a doctor from the center with me ( points to Gurevich ). ABOUT! This is such a doctor! ( thumb up ). He is curious: why do you eat so much? You do not have enough forage-provisions? ..
In and I ( I can not stand the starosta's eye, stops stroking the belly, shyly covers herself with a sleeve ). Delicious...
P r ochorov. Why did the white queen regret it? a?
In and t. I. It's a pity ... He's so lonely ...
P r o h o r o v. I understand ... Tell me, Vitenka, do you dream of nothing but a snack? ..
I and I. No, no ... The princess ...
Prorohorov. The princess? ... The dead?
In and t. I. No, the living princess ... And all of this is with a blue bow. As a Cinderella ... and around her, all the prince walks ... and everything hits her head with a crystal shoe ...
P r o h o r o v. Would you eat ... this crystal slipper? ( shows ). Av-Av!
Stasyuk. He does not have to be called Vitya. He should be called Nina. Chav-chav-adze ...
In and t. I. And he would have eaten his shoe ... so that he would not beat her.
GUREVICH: Well, if the princess is dead, well, that is, he finished it off? To death. Would you eat a dead princess?
In and t I ( smiles ). Yes ...
GUREVICH. And if seven heroes with her - then how?
In and t. I. And seven heroes too ...
GUREVICH. Well, thirty-three heroes ..?
In and t. I. Yes ... if the nurse did not hurry ... of course ...
GUREVICH. Ah ... listen ... And twenty-eight heroes-panfilovtsev?
B and T I ( with the same carefree and terrible smile ). Yes ... ( dreams ).
Gurevich (persistently ). And ... Twenty-six Baku commissars - is it really the same? ..
PROKHOROV ( breaks into a conversation ). Well, everything: tomorrow we are you and the comrade Pashka. Do you really care? You refused the admiral, I understand you. Admiral - they crunch on their teeth, but the real Komsomol - never crunch ... Seryozha! Kleinmichel! Come here ... tell ... Did you notice on the face of the perpetrator a trace of at least a small remorse?
S erzezh a. No, I did not notice ... And my dead mother that day blinked at me: watch, they say, for Pashka - whether he will be at least a little ashamed that he treated me like that - no, he was not ashamed, he was all night after that vodka was drunk and discipline was a hooligan... And he forbade me to ventilate the ventilator so that there was no smell in the house of his mother ... Stasis
( passing by, as always ). It's nice to live in the era of universal disintegration. Only one is not good. It was not necessary to deprive a man of lymph glands. The fact that he was deprived of bagels and pickled cucumbers - that's all right. And the fact that they deprived melons - nonsense, you can live without melons. And plebiscides we do not need. But leave us at least our lymphatic glands ...

As long as Sistani was acting, both doors of the 3rd ward were dissolved, and on the doorstep - Medbrat Borenka and nurse Tammar to a. Both of them do not look at the patients, but they spit in them with their eyes. Both understand that by their appearance they cause in all the chambers instant torpor and sorrow-which is a lot already.

P r ochorov. Stand up! Everyone get up! Bypass!

All slowly rise, except for X oughlu, the old man Vovy and Gurevich. Borya - Mordovorovt

(he has a well-groomed chocolate suit and, on top of a tight shirt, a tie on his thick neck, in the guise of which he was rarely seen: he is just a duty guard today The nurse on May Day night, jokingly approaches Stasys, who froze in a pose "with a hand under the visor" ). So to you, blyadina, means, there are not any glands there? .. Tammar
. Not vzdjumo, the guy, now at you all glands will be on a place.

B yor, playing, lightly strikes Stasik in the snake, he crouches down on the floor.

TAMARA ( pointing his finger at B ov v ). And this fucking morel - why not get up, contrary to the order ?
BORA. And this we ask him himself ... Vovochka, are there any complaints?
In the a. No ... I have no complaints about my health ... Only I really want to go home ... There are now blooms in bloom ... the end of April ... There I have, as you get off the threshold, a whole meadow of medinits, from end to end, and The bees are already above them ...
B o r r ( adjusting his tie ). Nnu ... I'm a city dweller, I saw all your lungworts in the coffin. And what color are they, Vovochka?
In the a. Well, how to say? .. they are blue, azure ... well, as in the end of April, the sky after sunset ...

B o r I laughed Tammar toch - nails into the tip of Vova's nose and does several rotational movements. Vovin's nose becomes the color of the April lungwort. She's crying.
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Re: Act & Punishment: The Pussy Riot Trials

Postby admin » Sat Aug 11, 2018 12:38 am

Part 2 of 3

Brough ( continues to bypass ). How do we breathe, Hohulya? Five minutes later, Igor Lvovich will come to see you, with a cheerful instrument, you'll have to submit a little bit ... And you, Kolenka?
Kolya. I have a complaint. I've been in this ward for a year now. Because they told me that I was an Estonian and that my head hurts ... But after all, I have long been no longer an Estonian, and my head has long ceased to hurt, but everyone keeps me and keeps ...
Tammarochka (In the meantime, attracted to the spectacle on the right: Sperezha Kleinmichael, turning away to the window, quietly prays ). A! You again for your own, pripizdnuty! ( Fanning his blue cheeks, he goes to him .) How many times can you be taught! First - to the right shoulder, and only then - to the left. Here look! (He grabs him by the collar and spat into his face, first hits him with his fist on the forehead, then - with a swing - in the right shoulder, then to the left, then under the ribs .) Repeat again? ( Repeats the same thing again, only with more power and cheerful disposition .) Shit on the shovel! Once again I will see that you are baptized - I will drown in a garbage can! ...
B o r r. Yes, give it up, Tomochka, your hands are dirty. Come here better. (He tossed out Koole, and moved towards the admiral, Viti and Gurevich. Behind him there is a retinue: the headman Prorokhorov, Alekha - Dissident and Temarochka .)
Pr ookhov. Comrade Rear Admiral, as you can see, can not become a fruit before you. Punished for the riot and corrupt agency. Rather, for the agent's corruption and violence.
BORA. It's understandable, it's understandable ... ( From the corner of his eye, gliding along Gurevsky's and chattering his nails thoughtfully, passes to V ete. Vet and I, with a pink smile, lie in a clamshell, scattered like a grand patience . )
Temarochka. Hello, Vitenka, hello, gilded ... (With a broad palm, smack, Vitya slaps her belly.) V and t and the smile disappears.) What about our digestion, Vitunchik?
In and t. I. It hurts ... BORA
( laughing with Tammarochka ). And the rest of our dear patients - is not it painful? For some reason they asked to go home in chorus - why, Vityusha? Very simply: you hurt them, you deprived them of intellectual entertainment. Look at their suffering hari. So here: let's agree, today ...
Tammarochka. ... today, when you go about shitting, - that all the board games are in place. Otherwise, we'll have to start an autopsy. And you yourself know, pigeon, that we do not open alive people, but only corpses ...

Meanwhile, anxiously, he is following Aloha - the Dissident. But this is a little lower.

BORA (with his legs in his chocolate trousers and his arms crossed, he freezes over the seated GUREVICH ). Stand up.
Temarochka. And why this little girl still has not been made to sleep? ..
B or I ( still quietly ). Stand up. ( R y p e h in and remains immersed in himself. The general silence .)
B p of I ( one finger raising himself in a chin r p e and h in a ). Stand up !!!

GUREVICH quietly rises and-unawares for everyone-with a short shout-he pierces his fist into the jaws of Boryanka. A few seconds of silence, if you do not take into account Tammar's squealing. BORENKA, without changing in anything, coolly grabs Gurevich, raises him into the air and with all his strength brings down on the floor. In such a way that he sits sideways on the edge of the iron bed. Then - two or three kicks in the liver region, just out of foppishness.

Borya ( to Tammarochka ). I'm going to make a shot myself.
P r ochorov. What can you do, Boris ... Newbie ... The delirium of truth-seeking, the sense of falsehood of honor and other atavisms ...
B or p. And you'd better be quiet. Ass.

People in white coats are removed.

P r ochorov. Aleh!
A l e x a. Yes, I am here.
P r ochorov. The first help to all the victims of the raid! .. Stasik, get up, it's okay, they upidyuhali. Nothing extraordinary. All the best is yet to come. First - to Gurevich ...

P r oh oh o v and Alekha, with a weak help Kool, drag him to the bed of almost not breathing Gurevich, cover it with blankets, plant it .

P r ochorov. All these people are good, Jews. But only here a trouble - they do not know how to live at all. After all, they are now completely ukaydakayut ... it's for sure. ( Whispering ). Gu-re-vis ...
GUREVICH ( moans a bit, and it's hard to say). Nothing ... not ukhaydakayut ... I, too ... are preparing for them ... a gift ...
P r oh o p o r v ( delighted that Gurevich is alive and mobile). May Day gift, it's nice. Only after all, first they will do it to you, in five minutes ... To make you laugh, Gurevich, in expectation of a little torture? For you will pay my faithful confidant, Aleh. Do you know how he became a dissident? Now I'll tell you. You know, every Russian village has an asshole ... What kind of a Russian village is it, if there's not a single jerk in it? They look at this village as if it were some kind of Britain, in which there is still no Constitution ... So: Alekh in Pavlovo-Posad went to such pushed ones. At the station square, something will sweep, help immerse ... but there was a fiery passion in him, and still remains ... Alekh because we have a giant in terms of physiognomy, - he just needs to look at the face - and he already knew for sure , where and in what capacity is this bastard serving. a tie . And what did he do? - he did nothing, he imperceptibly approached his victim, squeezing his nostril - from a distance - and - that's right, is already hanging on a tie. The whole city called him a dissident, they were stunned by the impunity and novelty of the struggle against the existing order of things and subordination ... Two months ago he was dragged here.
GUREVICH. It's wonderful ... How much I looked at the nation ... what did she want ... that's what she needed now ... without all the others ... she would manage ...
P r oh o r ov. And clarity! clarity, Gurevich! The great Leonardo, there are rumors, was not a fool about ballistics. But that he was against Alejo! Al-le-ha!
A l e x a. I'm here all the time.
P r ochorov. Well, that's great. And you do not find, Alekh, that your method of combating the world evil ... well, it's somewhat unappetizing, or something ... We all understand that we do not do white gloves ... But how did you decide that if the gloves not bloody, so they must necessarily be in shit, snot or vomit? You read less of the left ... Italians of all kinds ... Alhex
. God forbid, I read only Marshal Vasilevsky ... and then they say that the marshal was mistaken that he had to go not from the east to the west, but from the west to the east ...
P r ochorov ( trying even slightly -Just to cheer Gurevich before torture). Modern dissidence, in the person of Alekhi, overlooks the fact that in the first place it is necessary to tear out with a root - and only then it will be isolated with the same filthy root and everything else - we need to change our streets and squares: well, judge for yourself, they have a Bridge Love Sighs, the lane of Saint Genevieve, the Boulevard of Obscure Tomlenia and all that ... and here - well, list the streets of your district, - the soul will wither. To begin with it is necessary so: Stolichnaya - in the middle, of course, in parallel - Jubilee, in bustics and poplars. Everything crosses and everything is eclipsed by the Moscow Special. In fright from her beauty from her in all directions run up: Pepper, Ginger, Streletskaya, Donskaya Steppe, Starorusskaya, Sagebrush. Of course, they are joined by alleys: Dessert, Dry, Semidry, Sweet, Semi-sweet. And what bridges are thrown through all of this: White Solid, Pink Fortified - what's the difference? - and at their foot - hotels: "Benediktin", "Chartreuse" - stand out along the waterfront - and under them walk the gentlemen and ladies, the gentlemen will look at the ladies and the clouds, and the ladies - at the clouds and at the cavaliers. And all together will throw dust into the eyes of the peoples of Europe. And at this time the peoples of Europe, dusting off the dust ...

The doors of the ward open again. The senior physician of the hospital, IGOR Lovovich, Ranin Sons. Behind him is Nurse Boria, with a syringe in her hand. The syringe surprises no one - everyone is looking at a strange suitcase in the hands of Raninson.

BORA. Over there ( shows Raninson in the direction of Kh okhul.) Raninson is impenetrable. , laying out his box with electric cables, squeamishly examines the patient.The patient does not even look at the doctor at all, he has his own thoughts .)
Boris ( approaching Gurevich's bed ). Well ... Prokhorov, turn the patient over, bare his buttock.
GUREVICH: I ... the sss (with a moaning turns on his stomach, Alhexa and Porokhorov help him ).
Brough ( without any gloating, but not without a demonstration of the omnipotence, stands with a vertically raised syringe, slightly spraying them.) Then he bends over and jabs the injection ). Cover it.
P r ochorov. He would need a second blanket, the temperature would jump for the night above forty, I know ...
BORY. No blankets. Not allowed. And if it is too hot - let him walk, breathe ... If he can move even one left ... Gurevich! If you do not bend from sulfasin in the evening, - I ask you to pay me a dinner. Or rather, on May Day. Your weakness, Natalia Alekseevna, will itself serve the table ... Well, how?
Gurevich (with great difficulty ). I will ... be ...
B or I ( laughs, but completely overlooks that with one finger on his nostril a dissident Alyokha approaches ). And today we are - hospitable ... I - in particular. We'll treat you in a proper way, we enchant you with gems ...
GUREVICH. I ... I ... I said ... I will ... I'll come ... ALEX

really, with knowledge case, fires the right nostril. The chamber is deafened by a cry, nobody in the ward is as yet unprepared: the fact is that Dr. Raninson has done his high-voltage business with the poor Khokhlei. Borya

( grabbing the throat of a dissident Alyx y). And with you - with you afterwards ... You know that, Aleshenka, - Igor Lvovich is here ... As soon as he leaves - we'll be seen off, okay? ( Running his handkerchief with his handkerchief .) Raninson
( passing through the ward with his devil's trunks, looks around the patients: on all faces except Prokhorov and Alekhine, lies the seal of eternity - but not the eternity that we all expect ). With the coming holiday of international solidarity of the working people of all of you, comrades are sick. Come with me, Boris Anatolievich, I need you. ( They leave .) The priory
( as soon as the white robes are hiding, hangs on the neck of Alyx and - the Dissident). Aleh! yes you are hyperboreans! Alcibiades! emerald! yes you are Murat, on a white horse entering the Arbat! You're the Farabundo Marty! No, the Russian people do not lack ascetics, and will never be scanty! Judge for yourselves: the Count of Yasnaya Polyana did not have time to fumble - please, already in the diapers lies Comrade Kokinaki ... and already wailing behind him! In the 21st year, Alexander Blok gives the ends - nothing can be done, we are all mortal, even Blok - and what? Exactly in a year and a half Kosmodemyanskaya Zoe is born! .. Immortal! ..
GUREVICH ( approvingly rises on the elbow ). Quite right, elder. Alhexa
( winged ). It was necessary to palm a little in Igor Lvovich ...
P r ochorov. Well, you, knight, give ...! That would be too ... Let's not complicate suzhet ongoing drama ... small side intrigues ... Am I right, Gurevich? .. Humanity is no longer in need of dyudyuktivnostyah, humanity ill from acute storylines ...
r e y p in and h. Still as it is bad ... And still - what for to start these plot with them ? After all ... they are, in fact, not ... We are psychos ... and these, phantasmagoria, in white, are to us from time to time ... Nauseating, of course, but what should we do? Well, they are ... well, they are disappearing ... they are posing as full-blooded zhilyublyubtsev ...
P r o h o r o v. True, true, and Borya and Tamarochka laugh and crumple to assure us of their vsamdelishnosti... that they are not our chimeras and delusions at all - but in fact ...
GUREVICH. Come to me. Prokhorov ... to the question of chimeras ... Here it is ( showing the injection ) - this will be a long time ill?
P r ochorov. To be sick? haha. "To hurt" is not the word. It starts in an hour and a half. And in three or four days, perhaps you can move your legs. Nothing, Gurevich, will resolve ... I'll entertain you as best I can: I'll sing to you children's songs of Comrade Raukhverger ... or there Oscar Feltsman, Frenkel, Lev Knipper and Daniil Pokrass ... in short, everything that Simeon Lazarevich Shulman said , Inna Goff and Solomon Fogelson ...
GUREVICH. Prokhorov ... I beg you ...
P r ochorov. And do not beg, Gurevich ... Alekhi and I will take you to the color TV. Evgeny Iosifovich Gabrilovich, Alexei Yakovlevich Kapler, Kheifits and Romm, Ermler, Stolper and Faintsimmer. Sulamith Moiseevna Tsybulnik. In a word, the pain in the hip joint will be reduced. And if you do not lose it - at your service Volkenenshtein, Krieger, Grebner, Kreps - everyone is a good guy, but why did he start working with Gendelstein? ..
GUREVICH. And tell me, Prokhorov, from this injection of "sulfa", in fact, a facilitator? In addition to Faiyatsimmer and Sulamif Moiseyevna Tsibulnik?
P r ochorov. Nothing is easier ... A good stopwatchers. And pure alcohol - and even better ... ( whispers something to Gurevich ).
GUREVICH: And this is for sure?
P r ochorov. In any case, Natalie is now replacing the hostess on duty. All the keys to her, Gurevich. She does not trust them even with her bal-s, Borenka Mordovorot ...
GUREVICH ( stiffens, tries to get up ). That's it ... ( and again it's getting stuck with such unheard-of things ). I have an idea.
P r ochorov. I guess what a thought this is.
GUREVICH: No, no, much more daring than you think ... I'll blow them up tonight!

Behind the door, the voice of the nurse Lyusya and: "Boys, on ukolchiki!" "Boys, into the procedural room, to the ukolchiki!" In the 3rd ward nobody takes it. Only Gurevich makes trial steps.

Gurevich ( still whispering something about Porokhov, then ).

So I'll be back. Fifteen minutes later,
Crowned or crippled. Does not matter.

P r ochorov. Bravo! yes you are a poet, Gurevich!

Of course! wish good luck ... I'll be
on the shield and with a lantern under the eye of the
fio summer, but ... but all in all,
And with a shield. And - and without lanterns.



Lyrical intermezzo. Treatment room. Nathal, sitting in a plump armchair, scratches some papers. In the next, aminazinovom, office - it separates from the procedural some kind of screen - a silent line for injections. And the voice from there - exclusively Tammarochkin. And the voice is something like this: "Well, how much I gave you in the ass jabs! - and you're all a fool and a fool! .. Next !! Hurts?" So I believed you, so do not pussy mom! .. And you - what he came to me with his aspirin? He was a background baron! He needed aspirin! It's all very quiet and you'll die like that! Without any aspirin. Who needs you at all, fuck off? .. Next! .. "Nathal was
so used to this, that does not frown, and does not listen. She is all in her reporting scrolls. A knock at the door.

Gurevich (tired ). Natalie? ..
Nathal. I knew you would come, Gurevich. But - what's wrong with you? ..

little bit is broken.
But - again Tass at the feet of Eleanor! ..


And why is this Tass drowsy?

GUREVICH. Is it really

incomprehensible? .. Your dolt
did not forget at all ...
As soon as you entered the rest of the waiting room,
I immediately noticed that he immediately
noticed that ...

Nattal and.

What idiot? What's the raspberry?
What does Borka have to do with it? What did they tell you?
How much can you spank the moron
In just two hours! .. Gurevich, darling,
Come here, silly ...

And finally, hugs. With an eye on the front door.


How many years have not you been here, chatterbox?


You know how time measures
me. And I, and me are chum-like ... (gently): Natalia ...


Well, what, silly? .. You do not even know.
Confess, you drank in terrible strength ...


Yes, no ... so ... slightly ... at times ...


And the pens, Lyova, why are they trembling?


Oh, dear, how do you not understand ?!
The hand trembles - and let it tremble.
And here is the Vodara? Trembling in the arms
Happens from the homelessness of the soul,

( pokes itself into the chest )

From inspiration, malnutrition, anger
and fatigue of the heart,
Fatal premonitions.
From the disastrous passions, the alkane meeting

( Na tal and smiles a little )

And from the love of the fatherland, finally.
No, not "finally"! All the more important is the
Presence of such a deity,
Where a dimple, and a bust, and ...

Nathal ( closes his mouth with his palm). Well, it was borne, balabolka, carried ... Let me better give you a little glucose will ... You're all withered, blackened ...
GUREVICH. Not for you, Natalie?
Nathalie. Haha! So I believed you. (He gets up, pulls out a bunch of keys from the right pocket of his dressing-gown, opens the cupboard, takes a long time with ampoules, test tubes, syringes.) Gurveich, biting his nails as usual, does not take his eyes from the keys or from the witching movements. and l .)
Gurevich. Here they write: in a small marine amphiod, the eyes occupy almost one-third of its entire body. You have about the same thing ... But the other two thirds of me today are somehow more troubled. Yes, this victorious hairpin in her hair.

You are pure, like profit. Like dew
Something on the petals is there.
How ...

Nathal. I would not be silent ... ( comes to him with a syringe ) Do not be afraid, Leo, I will do absolutely, not at all, you will not even notice.

Begins the procedure, glucose is gradually poured in. She and he look at each other. Golos Tammarochka

(on the other side of the screen ). Well, why are you yelling, how to cut? Before you - pricked a man - so he at least dick in the village ... Next! What, what? What other pillowcase to replace? You're gonna swallow the dust, brother ... You! dick unwashed! Did you see a lot of waste at the kitchen? so tomorrow we are such clever people as you, we will dig it in there and take it out on trucks ... Next!
Nathalie. What are you thinking about, Gurevich? Do not listen to her, look at me.
GUREVICH: That's what I'm doing. Only I thought: how all the same, mankind falls headlong. From the brilliant Queen Tamar - to this Tamarochka. From Francisco Goya - to his fellow tribesman and namesake of General Franco. From Gaius Julius Caesar - to Caesar Cui - and from him really - to Caesar Solodar. From the humanist Korolenko - to the prosecutor Krylenko. And what about Korolenko? - if from Immanuel Kant - to the "Steppe musician". And from Vitus Bering to Hermann Goering. And from the psalmist David - to David Tukhmanov. And from ...
N a ta l and ( on the same needle winds some new crap and continues to pour in something else). And you, Lev, are you better than the old Lions? What do you think? ..
Gurevich. Not better, but otherwise the former Lviv. There was a story with me - that's what: we, slightly drunk, stood in the cold and waited - God knows what we expected, and that's not the point. The main thing: at all three of my casual friends the steam from a mouth was streamed - moreover, at such frost! And here I have - no. And they noticed it. They asked: "Why such a frost, but your steam does not come from anywhere? Well, once more, exhale!" I exhaled - again no pair. All three said: "There is something wrong here, we must tell where we should go."
N a ta l and ( sprinkles ). And reported?
Gurevich. As yet reported. I was immediately called to a health center or a dispensary. And they asked only one question: "For what reason do you have steam?" I tell them: "Why, just a couple, I do not have." And they: "No, no, answer the question: on what basis do you have pairs ..?" If such a question were posed, say, to Rene Descartes, he would simply fall into the Russian drifts and say nothing. And I said: take me to the 126th police station. I have something to tell them about Cornelia Sulla. And I was lucky ...
Na ta l. Did you just blur about Sulla? And they understood something? ..
GUREVICH. They did not understand anything, but they brought it back in the 126th. They asked: "Are you Gurevich?" "Yes," I say, "Gurevich.

You are right up to some degree:
Yes, yes. Superman I, and nothing
Superhuman to me is not alien.
Like Bonaparte, I do not know how to swim.
I do not comb, as Beethoven,
And I do not know languages ​​like Chapai.
I'm unproductive, like Vespucci
or Copernicus: forty-forty-eight
Pages for all my agmadic age.
I, like Saint Anthony of Padua,
For months do not wash my feet. And I do not cut my nails
, like Holderlin, a German poet.
For several weeks - yes, no - I
do not change shirts, like this
Archduchess Isabella, the mother of the child, the
wife of Albrecht of Austria. But
She then made a vow:
Until the complete East India triumph.
And I will not disguise myself.
I also take a vow: I will not put on any shirts
until the
last anti-Bolshevik to the West
Spills and cleans the air!
So, I'm akin to all the great. But,
in difference from Philip number two
Gishpanskogo, - scabies do not speak.
Yes it's true. ( With a sigh .) But I have lice,
Which in abundance was dressed
Cornelius Sulla, Lord of Rome.
Can I be free? .. "

"You can," they told me, "of course you can, we'll take you home on your own car ..." They brought us here.
Nathalie. And what about the steeple of the Komsomol city committee?
GUREVICH: Well ... I'm for a divorce ... and so that you there, in the waiting room, were not so sad.
Nathalie. Listen, Lev, do you want to drink a little? Only - shhh!

Oh, Natalie! All the essence vzyskuyu!
For resurrection. Not for courage.

While Nathal and something pours and dilutes with water from the tap, from behind the screen continues: "Perebzdi, buddy, nothing terrible! .. Be a man, pussy salted! .. Next! .. And trousers, how many you have put on your pants! After all, all the muzhya will fight and fall off! .. Come on, come on! And you - otebis, do not bother to work ... Next ... Nothing, old man, everything is going to get better, you go like this , in a raskoryachke a week or two more and - dick on us! - from us to the morgue only three hundred meters! .. Next! .. "Nathal and offers a
glass. GUREVICH slowly pulls - then gratefully lays his lips to Nathal's hand.

D at p e and h in.

She has a rough Psyche.
So Heraclitus of Ephesus spoke.

Nathalie. Who you talking about?
GUREVICH: Yes, I'm all about this Tamarochka, the sister of mercy. You have noticed how the moral prince and pi are becoming dumb in the Russian people . Even in jokes. Before, when there was a sudden silence in the middle of the conversation, the Russian peasant usually said: "A quiet angel flew" ... And now, in the same case: "Somewhere the policeman has died! .." "The thunder will not heal - the man will not cross himself" , that's how it was before. And now: "While the roasted cock in the ass will not bite ..." Or do you remember? - "Love for all ages". And now it's just that: "He does not seek the coevals". Ho-ho. Or, here's another: because it was touching: "For a sweet seven versts - not an outskirts." And listen, as now: ".) And here it is - even cleaner. The old Russian proverb: "Do not spit in the well - it will come in handy for drinking water" - it was transformed in this manner: "Do not pour into the compote - there the cook is washing his feet."

Nathal laughs already in such a way that the screen opens and the face of the sister of mercy Taramochka is pushed through through her.

Temarochka. Wow! Any day, a new gentleman in Natalia Alexeyevna! And today - the beauty of all the former. Both the zhidyar and the psycho have two grounds in it. Nathal
( humbling the rebellious Gurevich, strictly to Temarochka ). After the change, Tamara Makarovna, we'll talk. And now I have business ...

T s a r o h to a hiding and there is renewed all the old: "How can sleeping pills handed him - do you get from dick ears ... Come on shake and try to only piskni, razebay ..!" And so forth.

H a thal. Lyova, dear, calm down (he kisses him, kisses him ) - it will not be the same again, you'll see. And still do not be insane. Here, in this house, patients, and yet their majority, do not have the right to insult answering an insult. And really - God forbid - blow to blow. You can not even cry here, you know? They will be stabbed, strangled with antipsychotics, for crying alone ... Did you ever have to cry, Leo?
GUREVICH: Ho! I used to make time for it.
Nathalie. Tears earned a living? I do not understand a thing.
GUREVICH. And it's very simple. In my student years, for example ... - oh, I can not, again I'm starting to yamba.

Do you know, Natalie, how I roared?
Absolutely nothing. And by order.
Everyone knew that I could do this.
They will tell me, for example: "Revi, Gurevich!"
Among the Bacchic and other matters:
Revi, Gurevich, thirty-three streams. "
And I'm roaring. And beyond the creek is fifty kopecks.
And you - do you understand, Natalie? -
At any moment! By any order!
And tears are genuine! And with an anguish.
I, a loud boy, did not suspect that
there is a human, Jewish grief.
And the mountain is titanic. So that
On the other tears - I'm not saying ...

Nathal. And you know what else, Gurevich: avoiding the five-legged iambics - with the doctors especially - will be deemed to be a mockery of them. Start treatment with sulfasin or something else pohlesche ... Well, please ... for me ... do not ...
GUREVICH. God! So why am I here ?! - that's what I do not understand. And the rest of the patients - also - why?

They are all normal, your people,
cephalopod mollusks, children,
They fell into oblivion a little.
None of them imagines themselves
Neither a hundred-watt bulb, nor a sidewalk,
Not a thaw in the first days of March,
Neither muezzin, nor Leaning Tower of Pisa
And neither the Jackson-Fulbright amendment
to the decisions of Congress. And not even
Comet Schwassman-Wachmann is alone.
Why am I here, if I'm as healthy as a bull?


Listen, Fulbright, you're still alive,
For now , you're not sick, - and then? .. -
Why is it incomprehensible, Gurevich?
Bacillus, viruses - all look at you
And, wincing, turn away.


Wonderful nature is full of wonders.
As Comrade Berendey said.

But only I would do well without you. Besides you, of course, Natalie. After all, judge for yourself: I am my own luxurious infirmary, I am my own - a piracetam injection in the ass. I am to myself - a cop, and the whistle in his teeth - me too. I am a fire, but I am also a fire-master.
Nathalie. Gurevich, darling, you are still a little lowered ...
GUREVICH. What does this mean? Let us suppose. But in comparison with how much I have lived and how much have flowed , - how little I have descended! Our great national river Volga flows 3,700 km, to descend at the same time only 221 meters. Brockhaus. I'm all into it. Only I did not look a bit - and accidentally incinerated a bunch of different differences. And did not fall. Each body, even the celestial body ( significantly looks at all the Nathal and) - and so, even the heavenly body has its own vortexes. Rene Descartes. And I - how much have I destroyed in myself my own vortex, how many pure and meek impulses? How many burned in themselves the Orleans virgins, how many poddusil pale desdemon? And how many drowned in himself Mumu and Chapaev! ..
Nathal. What an emergency, however, balamut!
Gurevich. Not an emergency. I'm just - intense.

And I today ... yes almost now ...
Do not fall - I start to fall.
I'll tear this
tragedy into shreds tonight, where Iamba is banned.
In short, I blast this house !

Especially since I completely forgot. - Today at night from April 30 to May 1. Night of Walpurgy, sister of Saint Vedekind. And this night, from the end of the eighth century onwards, has always been marked with something awesome and miraculous. And with the participation of Satan. I do not know if the Sabbath will be held today, but something will happen! ..
Nathal. Do not frighten me, Levushka, I'm on duty all night.
GUREVICH: With a kind friend of Borenka for a couple? With the Mordovorot?

Yes, imagine.
With an amiable friend. And with the purest alcohol.
And with cakes - I did myself -
And with the songs of Joseph Kobzon.
So that's it, ex-sweet little ex-my!

GUREVICH. I do not remember exactly in which country, Natalie, for such jokes the lady is beating her bouquet of blue gillyflowers on the back ... But if you want, I'd rather sing to you - in the manner of Nikolai Nekrasov, of course.
Nathalie. Come on, chant, you silly.
GUREVICH. Under Nicholas Nekrasov!

The novel said: big-eyed!
Demyan said: the sibling!
Luke said: come down.
And the ass is good, -
said the brothers Gubina
Ivan and Mitrodor.
The old man groaned Pakhom
And said, to the ground, gazing: This
pussy has been given to you!
It would be good soul.
And Proov said: Ho-ho!

N attali applauds.

GUREVICH. And, by the way, do you know, Natalie, in what merry and precise way did Nekrasov determine the degree of attractiveness of a Russian woman? That's how he defined: the number of those who would not mind pinching it. And I would have you now - I would have pinched it so willingly ... Nathal
. Well, pluck it, please. Just do not talk vulgarity. And quietly, little fool.
GUREVICH. What kind of vulgarity? When a person wants to make sure that he does not sleep any more, but wakes up - he, a vulgar, should pinch ... Natal
. Of course, I need to pinch. But yourself. And not standing close to the lady ...
GUREVICH. What's the difference? .. Oh, you're standing right there ... The tormentor Natalie ... When you, just so, you can not waist, I can not, I want so much to cover you from behind, so you sparks sprang from the front ...
Nathal. Fi, dunce. So take-and embrace! ..
GUREVICH ( and does so.) With the head thrown back, the unending kiss . About Natalie! Let me translate the spirit! .. I very much remember - three years ago you were in such a topical dress ... And why did you just push me into these Kuen-Luni? ... I became a philosopher. I imagined that black lust had ceased to be, at last, my vital dominance ... Now I know for certain: there is no black lust! there is no black sin! Only the human lot is black!
Nathalie. Why is that, Gurevich, you drink so much, but do you know everything? ..
GUREVICH Natalie! ..
Nathal. I'm listening to you, silly ... Well, what else are you thinking of? ..
GUREVICH, Natalie ...

She hugs her fiercely and bites into her. In the meantime, his hands - from passions, of course - convulsively wander through Natalya's thighs and lank articulations. The viewer can see how a bunch of keys with a yellow chain - goes from the pocket of a white robe Natala - to the hospital robe Gurevicha. A kiss all lasts.

Nathal (a little later ). I missed you, Gurevich ... ( slyly ): And how is your Lucy?
GUREVICH. I escaped from her, Natalia. And what is it really, Lucy? I told her: "Do not be born grumpy." She told me: "Fail, poor triumvir!" Why "triumvir", still do not know. And then, already to me in dogonku and after: "Pagan will be your end, Gurevich, you'll get drunk with cool, like Kollontai in Stockholm! You'll die under the fence like Clim Voroshilov!"
Nathalie ( laughing ).

And what first?


Well, first what? And do not remember.
About Natalie! she teased me.
I reluctantly lay on her.
So on the autumn and mown field
lies a ray of a cool star.
So on heavy thought the brow
He lies down. Ugh! - meditation on his forehead ...
Throw about Lucy ... So, you say - missed?
And they talked about this bun,
To legalize Mordovorota?


Again! Well, are not you ashamed, Lion?


No, I'm well-read, you are convinced of this.
So, today, May Day at night,
I'll come to you ... skip 200 grams ...
Do not be a fool. And not without an invitation:
Your Borenka called me, and I
said that I will. He nodded his head.


But you in fact - represent ?!


Found with whom don-huangstvovat, stervets!
Mordovorot and you - unbearable.
Oh, this Hog today, by dawn,
Will hear the Commander's steps! .. Nathal

Gurevich, darling, you're out of your mind ...


Not yet. However, as you want:
As the sky, I will fade, pale,
If you ask ...

( thinking )

... If you ask -
I'll flame, like the sky!
So far, I'm not crazy yet, -
And in the fifth act - let's see ...
Natalia, my dear ...


What, fools?


If you had forty thousand dresses on you,
be only a cross between breasts
And nothing else, I still ... Nata-ta

( which once again clasps his mouth with his palm. ) Gently , . A! you also remember it, you disgusting! ..

Someone clears his throat outside the door.

GUREVICH. The Antilles pearl ... The Queen of both Sicilies ... Do you really have to sleep on this leaky couch? .. Nathal
What should I do, Leo? If it's night duty ...

And you ... you're sleeping on this ottoman here!
You, Natalie! Which from the ottoman
To music to shift it would be necessary! ..

Nathalie. Zastrestko again, zastrekotal ...

Behind the door again cough.

Gurevich. "Males of the majority of orthopterans are able to chatter, while females are deprived of this ability." A textbook of general entomology. ( They are stretching toward each other again .)
PROOKHOROV ( shown in the doorway with a bucket and a swab ). All the procedures ... Procedures ... (He exchanges glances with Gurevich . In the view of Prokhorov : "Well, how?" In Gurev's and ch a: "All the way through".) Natalia Alekseevna, our new patient, despite everything, grows stronger by the hour from hour to hour. And I just passed - at the door of the hosotdela linoleum we started - I will not save. A newcomer ... Well, so as not to forget where he got to, - let him chop there half an hour. And I - Observe ...
D p at e in and h Oh, well ... (. The last time looking at the N and T and L and with a bucket and mop removed strategically biting his lips .)
P r o x About.

All the honor of honor. I'm on it.
Take care of him, Alexeyevna.
He - with pripizdy. But it's nothing.



Again, the third chamber, but too weakly populated: some have not returned from dinner, others - with the aminazine injections. Komsomol Pashka Eremin all under the same sheet, waiting for the same tribunal. The old man, the X-ray, after electroshock, is immovable, and few take it, he breathes or is no longer there. In and out I'm asleep, Rear Admiral too. Stas was numb in the middle of the room with a hand thrown out in the SS greeting. Silence. Says only grandfather Vova with a crimson tip of the nose.

In the a. Foo you, but in the village now it's glorious! In the morning, as you wake up, ... first thing you take off your boots, the sun peeps into your eyes, and you do not look into his eyes ... ashamed ... and you go out on the porch. A birds-bird-nightingales and poured: firili-tu-tu-firili, chick-chirik, ku-ku, kukareku, kudah-tah-tah. Heaven is heavenly. And now, you put on a quilted jacket, take documents with you, and so, in what way your mother gave birth, you go to the steppe, shoot perch ... You go miserable, barefoot and with hair. And without hair you can not, it's easier to think with hair ... And when you go - kiss all the dandelions that you come across on the way. And dandelions kiss you in an unbuttoned tunic, such faded, seen kind, passed from you from Berlin to Texas ...

In the room quietly, quietly they come, holding hands, S erze and Kleimin and Kolya. They rub their pricks on their priests, they put Va in, listen.

In the a. And so you go ... the winds blow across ... From above-blue, from below - May dew-emeralds ... And ahead - something black is whitened ... Do you think: maybe just a hawthorn bush ...? Yes no . Can it be, an Armenian? .. No, where can an Armenian come from? But this, it turns out, is my granddaughter, Sergunchik, he is only four years old, hairs on his back have just begun to grow - and he already discerns everything; every blade of grass from every blade of grass, and examines every pussy on the insides ...
C ool . But I can not tell anything. I'm in the ward all the time. I will still be able to tell a lime from maple. But the maple from the lime tree ...
Stasik ( again blowing in the ward from corner to corner ). Yes! nothing in the world no more important! the salvation of trees ! The invader will come - and where is our intimate defense? Intimate protection of a learned partisan! And what is it? - and here is what: a partisan scientist sits and walks, smokes and whistles. And terrifies the beautiful Clara!
In the a. And my neighbor Nikolai Semenovich ... Stas
with ( uncontrollably ). The Lord created the light, yes, yes! And your Nikolai Semyonitch separated light from darkness. But no one can separate the darkness from anything else. And so we are not given anything authentic and intimate! pearl barley, for example, with cottage cheese, with raisins, with Hawaiian rum ... Kohl
. And with the vermouth ...
Stasis: No, without the vermouth. And here vermouth ?! And how long will they interrupt me? to make the wakeful paths of the wicked? When, finally, will the slide to a nuclear catastrophe end? Why is the Divine lingering with retribution? And in general - when these Poles will stop us from fucking the brain ?! After all, life is already so short ...
V o a. And you plant, Stas, some flower, it will be easier ...
Stasik: Ho-ho! found someone to advise! Come on, take a look at my greenhouse. Life is short - but as you look at my greenhouse - so it will be even shorter for you, your life! Your grass and buttercups, well, they are everywhere. And here I have something - he brought out this variety and watched the vegetation. He is called: "Puzanchik-samovzdutysh-parasite" with concave leaves. And how it blossoms! - at least shoot the air from the revolver. So blooming - that at least shoot a revolver in the first passing! .. And yet - and, if you want, "Sturgeon indelible" - this is because with the beginning of flowering walks in everything below! "Lahudra prigozhaya thoughtful" - her best terry sorts: "Mom, I can not anymore", "Sikhote-Alin" and "Fu-you-you-you." "The muffin is yellow!"
In the a. And you had all this in your garden, brother?
Stasys. How did you have it? I still have! What, Vova, do you need for your trousers? ..
In oh-a. I have no trousers ...
Stasik. Well, no, it will be so ... And you, of course, will want to trim the top of the pantaloon with something scarlet. Come to my garden - and all yours. "The presumption is cutesy," she's "Zinochka palpated mousse" - and how Zinochka is not to be palpated, if she's so cute! "Mudblocks are smart!" "OBX-ES is beloved!" "The golf course is Chechen-Ingush!" "Plenum is silly!" - he was so called for his smoky veils, accidentally and not at all witty. "Twice Orderless Father Superior", its best versions: "Kapellmeister Stutzman", "Ear-throat-nose", "Unfading Rosemary" and "Kiss me to death." "Secretary-General Bulbous!", His purple-colored varieties are called in every way: "
In the a. Do you have any blue ones? I, if I go out in the field on dew, on great holidays, - I look all: there are no blue ... Stasik
. Well, how not to be blue! So that I have - yes there were no blue! Here - nosopyrochki spiritualized, nosopyrochki rasquash, blue-crooked bibs "Guten-Morgen"! "Zanzibar befuddled" - choose varieties: "Losinoostrovskaya", "Yauza", "Northerner", "Rime of silver", "Howe do u do", "Go away without tears and for all" ...

With so well with and to, in words "without tears and forever", again rustles at the window of the chamber, with the fist "Mouth Front" thrown upright.

In the a. D-yes ... good flowers ... And I do remember the hard times ... when all the flowers disappeared from the reminder ... and the bad and good ... around our village, only the escarp and janissary, trenches, helmets, hands , the legs - over Moscow only the king-guns thundered, and the tsar-bells ... But the army general Andrey Vlasov rose, and after him the announcer of the all-Union radio Yuri Levitan - and they together drove away the hordes of brutal overseas hordes from the capital. And again the bloomers blossomed ...

Everyone is looking at Vovin's nose. At KOl and again something is flowing, Va in and carefully wipes. Almost no one notices how the headman Prorokorov then invades the room, looks at the clock - he alone is allowed to wear a watch in the whole room, then again disappears from the room. Music at the same time is more disturbing than all disturbing.

Kolya. So in the autumn it's good in the countryside ... Is not it true, Vova?
In the a. In the autumn, a little worse, dripping from the ceiling ... You sit on the bare floor, and on top of the drop-cap, cap-drip, and the mice and run around the floor: shur-mur, shur-mur, it happens, one of them you'll regret, grab and hide under your arm to dry up, warmed up. And on the contrary - two portraits hang, I love them both, only I do not know which of them has sadder eyes: Lermontov the hussar and Comrade Pel'she ... Lermontov - he's so young, he does not understand anything, he tells me: go, Vova, to the city of Cherepovets, there you will be given free shoes. And I tell him: Why do I need shoes? The Cherepovets - he's a-how-how far ... I'll get shoes in Cherepovets - where will I go next in my shoes? no, I'm better off without shoes ... And Comrade Pelce quietly tells me, under the drops, - "Maybe it's us who are to blame for your sadness, Vova?" - And I say: no, no one is guilty of my sadness. And with the calf still behind the septum - he curses and begs for something to start, - and I did not feed his age, and where he came from, this calf, I never had a cow. It would be necessary to ask the grandson of Sergunczyk - so he was blown away somewhere by the wind. And all of them are carried away somewhere by the wind ... I've already put a bowl of buckwheat porridge for the hedgehogs from the porch in the evening. Twilight falls. Now the bowl has rattled - it means that all the same hedgehogs came, with a search ... The leaves whirl in the air, they whirl and - sit down on the bench ... Some will still get up - and again sit down on the bench. And flowers for the winter - all crossed ... And the wind is driving clouds, everything drives - to the north, to the north-east, to the north, to the northeast. I do not know which of them is returning. And over the head more and more: cap-drip, and the wind is stronger: trees begin to squeak and fall apart, crumble and perish, without trial and effect. Now the birds flew, like the heads from the shoulders ...
Kolya. How good ... And in our village - in April, too, thirty days or three or four days?
In the a. Yes, not yet ...
K ola. Well, here and in vain ... We should throw a little ... We should all be larger than they have ... They play a five-stringed guitar, and we have our own, primordial, seven-stringed ... Baikal, TV Tower, Caspian lake ... And here it turns out insulting: they have thirty days in April, and we have thirty. (It starts saliva and wipes in .) And to be equal to Europe, it seems to me, it means hopelessly falling behind it ... Of course, we are not looking for one-sided advantages, but we will never allow ourselves to ...
Porokhorov ( bursts into the ward with illuminated faces ) Bypass! Bypass! ( But it's strange: instead of the usual "Everybody stand up!" - the headman gives the order to anything not like ). Immediately lie on the floor! Everyone! Face down! Who will move his eyes back and forth - I shoot from all Lepazhevyh trunks! Stas, stop your mouthfronts! ( Approaches Stasik , but his hand does not come out catastrophically from the state of the Rot Front .) Okay, turn your back on the wall, but the pasaran, the passionary! Wesrememus! Gurievich
( enters with a slop bucket, a canvas wet rag is put over the bucket.My mop leaves at the entrance.I go to his bedside table, take off a rag in a hurry, take out a bottle of almost bucket capacity from the bucket and install it with the rags covered. ). Well. Now it's like a Victoria!
ALEX ( from the threshold ). Everyone get up and shake! The crawl is over!
P r ochorov. All lie down on their beds. Notice, psyche: the rounds are getting shorter. So, soon they will completely stop. Get up, get up - and on the bed ... So, so ... What did you do here? - until the leap people of our planet have reached the impossible - what were you, the lethargic people at the time? ..
V ov a. Stasik told us about his flowers ... He himself grows them ...
P r o h o r o v. Eka importance! Flowers are inside us. You agree with me, Gurevich, well, what are the flowers that are outside?
GUREVICH. I should rather miss, Prokhorov, and only then ... And without this, we have a lot of flowers inside us: cystitis in the kidneys, cirrhosis in the liver, edge to edge influenza and ryumatism, myocardium in the heart, abstinence from head to toe ... In the eyes - protuberances ...
P r o h o r o v. Pour sixty-five grams, Gurevich, and topple over. Then we'll talk about flowers. Al-Leha!
A l e x a. I'm here ...
P r ochorov. Immediately: a glass of cold water. Hohuli in the suitcase - lemons, pull them all ... Alhex
P r ochorov. Everything , fuck your fuck!

Gurevich in essence, begins Walpurgis night. Pours a glass. Sniffs, frowns, swallows.

Prohorov ( in anticipation of their dose ). I thought about you worse, Gurevich. And he thought about all of you worse: you tortured us in the gas chambers, you rotted us in the scaffolds. It turns out nothing like this. I thought this is how: you have to keep distance with you! Distance pogrom-sized ... But you're in fact - Alcibiades! - ugh, Alkiviad already was, - you count Cagliostro! You - Canova, which sculptured Casanova, or vice versa, do not care! You - the Lion! True, Isaakovich, but still Leo! Gnaeus Pompey and Marshal Mannerheim! Above these praises, I do not yet find ... but if I were sixty-five ...
Alhex. Maybe check it out - it's burning?
GUREVICH. It's possible ... (On the edge of the nightstand sheds a little from his remnant, lights a match and brings it: silence, until the blue flame fades .) Porokhov
( he does not even breed his seventy grams; he keeps a lemon ready for hohulin. in a lemon, a pause of self-absorption ). So. The starless hours of mankind have ended! Tell me, Gurevich, from which marble are you best to carve? ..
GUREVICH. Is this how to "carve"?
P r ochorov. No no. I did not mean that. I wanted to say this: from this moment, if in chamber number three or in any of our vassal chambers some foolish psycho doubts the inspiration of this ( sticking a finger in Gurevich) of the people, it will be immediately produced by me in the rear admirals. With all the ensuing consequences ... They open everything to the world , we just have time to cover up. What to say about the Old World? .. From what tribe Christopher Colombo came - it is finally known universally. But very few people know that the first man, from the composition of the Colomb expedition, the first to set foot on the New Earth, was the Jew-Marran Luis de Torres! ( falling into a rage ) And Isaac Newton! And - Abraham Lincoln! .. And who first saw Niagara Falls? - David Livingston! ..
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Re: Act & Punishment: The Pussy Riot Trials

Postby admin » Sat Aug 11, 2018 12:38 am

Part 3 of 3

GUREVICH: Little by little, little by little, the headman. Otherwise, you will cause a stir in the weak souls ... And you did not think that Alcibiades is also craving? You are already a little porphyry. And look at Aleh ...
P r oh h o r o v. Al-Leha!
A l e x a. I'm here. ( While Gurievich is in control of alcohol and water, he can not stand it.) He makes a face, he taps his stomach, as if accompanying him on the guitar, and starts suddenly andante ).

And to me in the world - all the same.
I do not care that I'm shit,
I'm drinking a scrap of wine
without anything else.
I'm glad that I'm degenerate,
I'm glad I drink denatured,
I'm very glad that I have been
The buzzer did not hear the factory one ...

It poured all the poured into itself. A gigantic exhalation. He is trying to continue his traditional way:

I'm getting married to a redhead!
Pum-poo m-pum-pum!

( on its own puffin, of course )

Obobschitelno ...

GUREVICH. Stop, Aleh. Not before the chants. We are surrounded by small nations. And we, in the meantime, the superpower - tasting that generally speaking, does our soul autonomous, but can the same mind and in the "something doom To attach these orphaned.?
P r o s a r o Already, how to join in! Al-Leha! Alhexa:
I am here. (He mechanically inserts an empty glass .)
GUREVICH Bolvan. Do you understand what is anger?
A l e x a. I could not understand. Seryozha Kleinmichel, - before his eyes Pasha Eremin, a komsorg, tore off almost everything from Mom. And now he scribbles and writes, scratches and writes ... Call him?
GUREVICH. Call, call ... ( Pours half a cup .)
P r oh oh ov . Kleinmichel! On the carpet.
GUREVICH ( to the approached S ergezh ). So what did your mom blink before you died?
S ergea ( crying, of course). She knew everything. Moms - they always know everything. That they will not let me and do not let the authorities shoot a film about my mother and Semyon Mikhailovich Budyonny, and how they kissed each other firmly before the decisive battle. And his unclean hand was attached to this Pashka Eremin, a Jewish shapion ...
GUREVICH. Do not hurry. Have a drink. ( Seryozha, having drunk, presses his hand to the heart, either as a token of gratitude, or seriously wishing to leave this world .)
S erze. I know what a Jewish Chapion is . The first sign is to call him Pasha. And his name is Eremin. Other evidence and do not. He does not allow me to draw poems and plans for the whole future at night ...
GUREVICH. Do you have that in your hands, Budyonny? ..
S erzezh a. This is what I hide from the traitor Pavlik. That's all I'll build when I'm released. And if I build something, Pavlik, the villain, will set everything on fire. I'll read it to you right now, but I do not let Paschke Yeremin come in with matches ...
P r oh h o r v. Come on, I'll read it, bore. And then I have a baritone, and you do not have a baritone ... So-so ... The project of future triumphs. Number one: the house of the hospital for the broken cosmonauts. Number two: the house of love and health of sick astronauts. Number three: the house of Love for your mother is as good and good as possible. Number four: a house where they do not walk until twelve at night, but live with their relatives never and at all. Number five: the House of Communism. There they are taught not to run with an ax, and not to drink children and cosmonauts. Number six: The astronauts' cultural stadium to throw them at the target ...
GUREVICH. And how long will this tyagomotin last? .. Do not give Serezha any more ... PROXOROV
. Now and now ... ( continues ). Number seven: The book factory of cultural pilots, with a hypnotic effect. Number eight: A house and a cultural road for sports Tatars. Number nine: Aerodrome of culture for Tatars and cosmonauts. Tenth: Train Station. To girls in short skirts stood on the running board. And waving the incoming trains after the departing trains.

ALEXha snorts.

P rookhorov ( continues). Athletic Attentive Institute. A sportful attentive traffic light for Tatars and cosmonauts. Sports attentive Enternet for all aerodromes of Cosmos. Number fourteen and the penultimate: Children's World on a sports river. Where little spies sink, and big ones - float to give a big and false testimony. Number fifteen and the last: A space exhibition of cheerful love and secret joys of all the cheerful cosmonauts of the merry Cosmus ... GUREVICH. Hmmm
... You were still badly educated, Kleinmichel ... Maybe, and right, Comrade Eremin, dismembering your mother? ..
S erzezh a. No, he was deeply wrong. When she was intact, she was much more beautiful ... You only have to laugh, but there's nothing to laugh at ... I still have one project to make Russia less laugh; The pipeline from Frankfurt am Main, through Urengoy, Pomary, Uzhgorod, - to Smolensk and Novopolotsk. A pipeline to supply tear gas to Russia. On mutually beneficial grounds ...
GUREVICH. Bravo, Kleinmichel! .. Starosta, pour him a little more.

The Starosta pours. After patting S erze by the head, he brings it up.

S erezha ( touched by praise, skipping and grunting). And I love it when Lyudmila Zykina sings. When she sings, everything is torn apart, even her socks just bought-and those are torn. Even a shirt under his arms - torn. And the snot flows, and tears, and everything about the Motherland, the flowering of our unimaginable fields ...
GUREVICH. It's wonderful, Serge, be at least assured that your sworn enemy, the Komsomol, will not have a grammule. It, unfortunately, belongs to those who make up the population of the nation. An asshole, with a severe form of frivolity, all crowded with voids. There is no twilight, no dawn, or even full bastardity. In my opinion, it is better to give a full amnesty to the prisoners of conscience ... That is, after slapping, unleash the rear admiral?
P r ochorov. Well, of course. Moreover, he has long woken up, the Pentagon's nuclear hostage. (He rubs his hands, pours in turn GUREVICH, himself, ALEX .) Get up, naval commander. Unsinkable aircraft carrier of NATO. I'll untie you now, - confess, Nelson, still nice to live in a world of higher justice?
MIHALYAH ( it is gradually freed from the fetters ). I want to drink ...
P r o h o r o v. Yes this is absolutely our man! But first get on your knees and say your last word. ( Mizhlykh shudders .) No, you just apologize to the insulted great nation, and so that your old friends-buddies from the North Atlantic Pact hear you. Well, some kind of prayer ...
Mikhały h ( quickly-quickly, looking at the Porch, pouring in advance ). Moscow - a city of embarrassment: that neither a house, a drinking. A bad fast and sober prayer - do not reach God. Tea-coffee is not for drinking, there would be vodka in the morning. The first glass is a stake, the second is a falcon, and the rest are small birds. To drink is grief, and not to drink twice. Nepoi worse than drinking. Looking at the beer and want to dance ... Pr ohhorov
( much more animated than in the second act ). So-so-so ...
MIHALYA h. Without watering and cabbage dries. Something began to chill your hands, is not it time for us to fray? On the right, the Germans, on the left of the Turks, would have fucked polyture. Something began to get cold, is it not time ...
GUREVICH. It's time, my friend, it's time ... (The Admiral drinks - and goggles his eyes from the fortress of the drink and the changes in the earth's lot .) According to our Constitution, the admiral, every citizen has the right to bulge his eyes, but not to the point of failure ... Vova !!

Va in a comes humbly, but for some reason holding the hand of a pale Cologne.

GUREVICH. Children, Armenian cognac on the table, read a prayer. ( To Prokhorov ). And why are they, actually, here - and not there?
P r ochorov. Well, you yourself heard ... the Estonian ... the head hurts ... is not that enough? .. And as for Vova, - so he's just so ... suspected of being unique.
GUREVICH: Do not be sober, Vova, tomorrow you will be with me at large. Do you have a dream ? ..
In the a. Yes, yes, there is. I want to plant such a fish in my pond - it's called gambusia. So, this fish - gambusia - eats in its pond all the mosquito larvae, and at the same time all lamblia. Because it costs a person to swallow with lamblia alone, just like it, by itself, generates another lamblium, and the third lamblia, born from a combination of the first two lamblia ...
GUREVICH. And how many of these are the most lamblias can it swallow your fish gambusia?
In the a. She can shave at once seventy-five.
GUREVICH: And - do not choke?
In the a. And do not choke.
GUREVICH: Great. That's exactly so many grams to him and pour it. Only dilute with water. And Borenka the Mordovorot will pay tonight for what he did to you on the nose of this "modus-vivendi" ...
In oa in ( singing a single volley, - as the grass, green, then, like the sun, shines ). And most importantly, what is good about gambusia - so it does not have a single mosquito in the air. No one will bite you, safely go to the forest, my little radio listeners. And take a walk until Edik calls ...
P r oh h o r o v. And what is this Edward? ..
In the a. No one knows. But, as soon as Vesper ascends to heaven, we must go home, because Edik makes a sign: it's time to leave. There's nothing to be done ... Sergunchik, my grandson, did not listen - and here's the result: the winds blew him away unknown ... by the order of the Gosteleradio ...
GUREVICH. Surprising after all, the country is Russia! Well, why on earth was Edik? On what basis - Edik? .. ( Turns to Kolya ). Kolya! Do you know anything about this rubbish?
Kolya. Of course. I have long learned this dharma. ( Straining to the public's hand). Our fathers ate sour grapes, and the children on the table have only vermouth, and nothing more. With a dessert vermouth, Onegin hurries to the boy, looks, calls him - in vain, he is no more, the young singer found an untimely end. He asked for special vodka, and the gaze showed live flour - and someone put vermouth in his outstretched hand! ..
GUREVICH. Wow! .. Pour the poet Musketeerwein !
K ola ( drinking his share of Musketeerwein ). And where did the musketeers come from?
P r ochorov. Everything from the same place. And where did the inquisitive young men come from in our ward, with feeble inquiries? Took place, then took. And at the same time, except for honor, nothing is lost. If you have more questions, please contact Vita.
GUREVICH: Yes, yes. If anyone is unclear, let him turn to our unforgettable grandmaster. What an honor - even in life to be called unforgettable! W-ha! Korchnoi! What's new-schizophrenic?

Everyone looks at B and T yu. It is not quite clear whether he is awake or awake, because his smile, remaining on duty during sleep, becomes, on awakening, sardonic. Now on it there is nothing of this.

GUREVICH: Well, it's very simple to determine whether a person is sleeping or not. If he wants to join the company, then: woke up. And if he does not want to - therefore, he sleeps and does not wake up forever ...
V et t. I woke up. And while in this world the musketeers will not end. I'll never fall asleep.
P r ochorov (putting B and T e ). Now you understand, Grandmaster, that we live not so much in a world of higher justice, but in a world of such justice, which is even a little higher, compared to the highest? ..
B and T ( raising a large, pink head ). And I will not die?
GUREVICH. You, Vitya, are too high-minded about yourself ... In all the drama that has taken place - before you - no one has ever mentioned a word about death, even though they all yielded. The happiness of man is in himself, in the satisfaction of natural human needs. Pierre Bezukhov. And if death is so death. Death is just one unpleasant moment, and you should not take it seriously. Augusto Sandino.

In and out I drink and get up. All embracing with a smile - and not ashamed of his belly - for some reason goes to the exit.

P r ochorov. At last! The joy and horror of the universe - Vitya - wants to go to the side of the closet ... Stasik! Stop your mouth-fronts. Come here ...
GUREVICH ( remembering ). Yes Yes. No mouth-fronts and no-parasarans will pass. Over the whole of Hyspania is the clear sky. Francisco Franco. On this occasion - put down your stupid hand - and come. Your furious Dolores is in the next compartment. For the bravery, let's say a hundred and twenty, and we'll unite you, half-wits ... Stasik
. So she's not dead yet? ..
GUREVICH. It's been a long time ago. But, as soon as she heard about you, about the impending date, she shook the earth out of her eyes and said: "Let him come to me, I love the young and the corrupt." But before, "she said," but before that I have to put myself in order, I've been lying in the damp earth for so long
... Stas. I understand ... A woman is always a woman, even a passionary. We have something to talk about: massive pressure on Islamabad, submarines in the steppes of Ukraine! And - in addition to everything - rapist Uncle Vasya in the thickets of dill. And puppet Chon Doo Hwang, he all dreams of wiping Soviet Russia off the face of the earth. But is it possible to erase that, who has so much, lots of land - and no face? That's what the narrow-eyedness of these Chondukhvans brings to ...
GUREVICH. Pour him immediately! And in proportion to what he now nagorodil ... My God, Victor! ..
In and I ( with a smile, which was more charming than the Creation ). Here you go, chess piece, I washed it with running water ... ( puts on the table in the middle of the House - one white queen Two white queen near -.. It's too much to lose, and the remnants of his poor reason .)
P r o x a r ov. With chess, then we'll figure it out ... And the checkers - where? ... The world champion in Russian drafts Viktor Kuperman ... ( Smile - towards Gurevich, the question is addressed) ... So, there are no drafts. Now our Russian comrade Kuperman is perplexedly looking at the world. And here he is, young and healthy, spinning in his coffin. Not to be confused with Dolores Ibarruri ... He turns in his coffin, although he is young and healthy ...
K ola ( interrupts the headman, which has never happened to him ). And who is the author of the gastrointestinal tract? ..
GUREVICH. Really, and now you do not understand who ? .. ( sits down to B and t e ).

Tell me, Vitya, well, but if you ...
Well ... twenty-six Baku commissars ... It's
monstrous to think! .. What would then
bring the crowd from all its depths?
Spinosis? Gruppenfuhrer SS?
Shock finish jubilee watch?
Rene Descartes? ..

Heels are heard outside the door. This is Nathal and the last bypass. And, thank God, she's already slightly pervomaiski-poddata. Otherwise, she would have caught a spirit in the ward.

P r ochorov. Silence! .. All in their places! Cover yourself with your head!

Nathal enters, wishes everyone a quiet night. Corrects the blanket - for those on whom it is bad. Sits at the head of Gurevich. No one can hear - and maybe hear it all - whispers and tenderness. Nathalie

( half-whispered ). Do not think about anything, Leo, everything will be fine. ( Gurevich tries to say something.) Nathal applies his finger to his lips) Shh ... All sleep. There is not a soul in the corridor. Adieu. Good night, drunkards. ( Nathal walks to the exit, quietly quietly closes the door behind him .)

All patients at once throw off their blankets, rise in their beds and gaze at the two white queens in the middle of the room.



Between the fourth and fifth act - 5-7 minutes - music that does not resemble anything resembles anything: a cross between Georgian lezgins, cafe-dancing dances of the beginning of the century, a stupid entry to Varlaam's party in Mussorgsky's opera, cancans and cake-woks , Russian buffoonery dances and the most bravura motifs from the Magyar operettas of the times of the collapse of the Austro-Hungarian monarchy.
The curtain is rising.
The same third chamber, a few hours later: everything looks so different that it's stupid and talking about it.

P r ochorov. Ras-svetaet! .. Al-Leha!
A l e x a. Yes, I am here.
P r ochorov. Hit something on your guitar, a dissident! Hit the hearts of our enlightened prisoners!
A l e x a.

Pum puff-pum-pum.

The performance begins. Everyone participates in it, even Komsomol Pashka Eremin - from where only he managed to get drunk - it's unclear - after all he was denied even in grammulechke.

Pum-poo m-pum-pum!
I'll wear a white dress
And a spring coat.
I'm not afraid of anyone: the
chairman is my father.

In the a.

The chairman is hurrying to us,
"Do not be abused," he says. "
Do not twist, do not grind,
put fertilizer."


children were going to school.
They washed, shaved, and pohmelyalis.
Eh, in god-soul-mother.
Give the chicken!


He's 20 years old, -
And he's such a fool!
He's already 30 years old, -
And he's such a fool!
He's already 40 years old. -
And he's such a fool!
He really ...

Alhex ( interrupts him ).

Kolya is driving airplanes. -
That's very good.
Vova bursts with compotes -
This is very good!

P r ochorov.

And the agent from Minnesota -
Also very good.

( This, of course, is an attack in the direction of Mikhailchy, who at this very moment is trying, like the Saint-Svanovskaya Plisetskaya swan, to do with the pencil-focus pocuses.)

This agent, the agent is beautiful,
Tilting his glass,
At the breast of her satin
Tranquilly fell asleep.


The whole country lies in the darkness -
Ogonyok is burning in the Kremlin!
I love tenderness
In the perineum!

In and t I with all my belly dance, tied a pillowcase instead of a kerchief. ALEXHA

( dances to B and T e ).

Ai-ay! Oh oh!
All is ready. Bobik is dead.
What with.
Have you been hurt , Manechka?

In and t I ( not without coquetry).

Absolutely nothing. Nothing at
Nothing happened
with Manechka.
It's just that - it's turning too much,
Just - I really wanted to
go to
Pisa or Kathmandu next year !

P r ochorov.

Curls curl,
Curls curl,
Curls curl in whores,
Why do not they curl
At decent people?

In and t. I. Heh! Heh!

Because they do not curl -
There is no money for a runner! ALEX

( correcting B and T y ).

Because the whores
Money is on the runners,
And for decent people -
Money only for whores.

GUREVICH ( meanwhile, with anxiety, peers at the half-awake X o x u.) It is very noticeable that he, and having drunk something just a gram of 115, is leaning towards the sunset. comes to him, he's slowing down). Hohulya! To revive the psyche, do you still want to pull a little more? Do not you hear me? .. I do not hear ... I spell it, Khokhl ... pull ... D - the movement of non-alignment, Dwight Eisenhower, girlish dreams, marvelous hips, Remembrance Day ... D. Next - f. .. Only here is how to give him "e"? .. The scoundrel Karamzin - came up with the same letter "E". After all, Cyril and Methodius were already B, and X, and F ... So no. Estheta Karamzin it seemed a little ... Stop, children! - Hohulya - not breathing! ..

Some surround the dead man ; others continue a carefree riot.

P r ochorov. That's what the treatment leads to with electric shock! Here's to you a brilliant confirmation of the inconsistency of our medicine!

Stasys and becomes a corpse, pulling his chin,

GUREVICH: Nothing. Nothing unexpected. It is necessary to completely rely on fate and firmly believe that the worst is yet to come.
Prohorov ( adds ). Rene Descartes. And yes no one will be overshadowed! We celebrate today the Walpurgis celebration of power, beauty and grace! And let May Day be celebrated by normal people, that is, not normal people, but us serving staff! Haha! Everybody dance! White dance! Aleh!
A l e x a.

And I love everything,
And I love all of them:
Duduktivnye novels,
Albion fogs,
And Hawaiian guitars,
And the Havana cigars,
And the Zion wise men,
And the Siamese twins ...

( on the motif of Pyotr Tchaikovsky )

not go pinched , Do not go prosma-atrivat,
Do not go prosyu-pierce
Ikra our de-e-evichy-and ...

In and t I ( under Kalman, playing with puzyne ).

For what, for what, oh my God?
For what, for what, oh my God?
For what, for what, oh my God?
For what, for what, oh my God?

C ool ( under the Soviet children's song ).

I do not have vodka, I do not
even have a vermouth ...

Prorokov ( picks up ).

Only beer, only water!
Only water, only beer!
And no one is drunk!
Leite, pour, crazy.
A stupefying miracle
In a triumphant glass!
Bang Bang!

Approaches to the baklag with alcohol, pours, and overturns. The same things others would like to do. But Gurevich stops them.

GUREVICH: A little later. Kleinmichel, come here. I must tell you the joy: your mother is not dead! She is alive. Pashka did not kill her! (He pours it. )
S erze ( pressing the poured, to the heart ). Hooray! My mother is alive!
Paschke. Hooray! I did not kill her! ( Instantly he grabs the mug from Seryozha's hands and drinks it in a gulp .)

You're cute, Pasha, as I see.
But here you will not rip off applause.
But on the face of smear - it's for sure -
"privately and in a particular form."

P r ochorov. Rene Descartes? .. ( K Pashe ):

In short, dear friend, -
Go to the Mande on the morning dew!

After receiving a slap from the elder and hiccoughing, joins the dancing.

GUREVICH: No, look at the elder, this is the game and the vomit. Hence, everything was not all in vain, all the revolutions, religious strife, the ups and downs of the dynasties, the Crucifixion and Resurrection, the Bartholomew's Nights and Volochaev's days-all this, ultimately, only for the Komsomol Eremin to be able to dance the Cossack selflessly. .. No, there is something wrong ... Come here, Seryozha, I'll pour you a little more ...

S erze and crossed himself, drinks.

Gurevich. Well, how are your merry cosmonauts Cosmus?
S erze ( animated by five sips - dances to the beat to the others ).

Cosmonauts and Tatars,
Cosmonauts and Tatars -
It's not true. All shit.
Take out your guitars -
They will not care.

GUREVICH. That's it ... - And Vova? Where is Vova? What about Vova?

He is sitting in bed, leaning his head on the window sill, without moving, and for some reason with his mouth open completely open.

GUREVICH: Look, Prokhorov, what's wrong with him?
P r ochorov. Breathes! Vovochka is breathing! (He sings to him from Grieg ). "Let's go into the woods, my dear friend, where the violets are waiting for us." Let's go into the woods, into the green forest, where the violets are waiting for us ... "

They do not respond in a word to a sound. The mouth is still open. And the head is already blowing the Lord.

GUREVICH. However! .. There ( nods in the direction where the May Day medical staff is going on). They have fun differently. Well, well ... We are foundlings, and have not yet been found. But they are surrounded by gossip, and we are legends. We are game, they are documentary. They are efficient, but we are unlimited. They are a veteran people. We are an unprecedented people. They are barking, we are flaming. They have - the urge ...
P r oh h o r o v. And we - the gusts, of course ... You're right! They have - zhist - zhistyanka, and we have - life! We sing in how! and they have some Rotaru and Kobzony there ... And I would drown this beautiful Sofia Rotaru - I just do not know where it's better, in shit or hole. A beautiful Joseph Kobzon for a snail would sell to Egypt ... Ho-ho! only and business! ( Separately, they drink quite a little. The others, languishing licking, stand aside.)
PROOKHOROV. And in general - in Russia it's time to start a radical breakdown of all the most radical! .. I already renamed the streets, pop singers - drowned. Now it's time to ...
GUREVICH Yes, yes. Now it's time to change these cells. And then - well, what kind of presnyatina? Jubilee, Streletskaya, Stolichnaya ... When I see it, it drives me wild. Vodyara should be like a tear, and all her subspecies should be called teardrops. Let's admit, so: Maiden Flammable - 5 rubles 20 copecks. Men's Mean - 7 rubles. Stray Muddy - 4.20. Widow Bezuteshnaya - also not very expensive: 4.40. Orphan Bitter - 6 rubles. Krokodilovaia importnaia - chervonets. Well, and so on ... But only - before you break Russia, before the eyes of astonished humanity, you must first enlighten it ...
P r ochorov. Exactly. Enlighten. Our neglect in all branches of knowledge ... it's scary to think. For example, I asked a lot of people: how many still faces in a faceted glass? After all, every Soviet glass has the same number of faces. And imagine - no one knows. Of the 145 respondents, only one answered correctly, and then accidentally. Before it's too late, I think, is it not time to start the Enlightenment era in Russia?
GUREVICH: So we already started it. So far - within the 3 rd chamber. And there, you look ... Well, what was the Russian people before us? Sluggish demonism, dull folly. Recklessness, woven from yawns. In no one - no honor, no degree, not even the slightest excellency. And it's not necessary to talk about highness, especially about Majesty. When I, when I was free, looked at our Russians, I was sometimes so overwhelmed with sorrow that I could hardly fit into the bus ...
P r oh oh ov. ( pathetically ). So do I. I believe that we are a little unfinished and prematurely. But in us there is viciousness . I feel it on my own, and tonight - especially ...
GUREVICH: Nothing, nothing. We inform, we will split, we will finish. And if in whom there is still half-choked and underdressed - so it is also easily fixable ...

Meanwhile, Alekha, Vitya, Kola, Seryozha and Mikhail h slowly approaching two thinkers and looking at them with varying degrees of adoration.

P r ochorov. Aleh !?
A l e x a. We are all here.
P r ochorov. And it's good that everything.
GUREVICH: That's it. There, in the smelly West, there is also allOnly they do that they stand in lines for free soup. The Vatican gives them this soup or someone else - I do not know - but they are looking at Russia and thinking ... what they are thinking about, I do not know either ... but, anyway, we should be constantly on the alert and prepare yourself for a feat! And you - prepare yourself - to the feat?
In and t. I. Still as we prepare!
GUREVICH: Well, that's fine. ( Brings all drinks alternately.) Continues with this ). In fact, I feel sorry for them. You and I are now queuing in line - but after all, not for the pathetic Vatican soup, but for the subject of the highest category! This, too, must be understood! .. And then - they are divided: everyone has his own trembling, his rumbling in the abdomen. We have one trembling and one rumbling!
A l e x a. Hooray!
P r ochorov. It's you who, fool, shouted "Hooray!"?
A l e x a. And because they are divided. And we'll smother them like kittens!
P r ochorov. What do you think, Gurevich: we will overstrain?
GUREVICH: Yes, for now, why? So immediately, and - strangle! We are not more peaceful than the peoples. But if they continue to doubt this, then in the very near future they will indeed pay for their distrust of our peacefulness. After all, they, Crookshanks, not to what is not the case, but themselves. Well, here is Mozart's lullaby: "Sleep, my joy, fall asleep ..." Someone sighed behind the wall -What do we care, dear ? You need to close your eyes first. "And so on." They, Fritz, mean, do not care about someone else's trouble, not even the slightest sympathy for another's sigh. "Sleep, my joy" ... No, we are not. We deal there to any breath, and sleep to us once we have achieved this so vigilantly and Plenipotentiary that can deprive anyone, not only sigh, heavy sigh behind the wall -. but in general inhalation and exhalation we to close our eyes.!
P I realized that I still had to choke, but I do not know from whom to start. Probably, after all, with the Fritzes. "
GUREVICH. Pardon. To ensure that the Fritz does not breathe, we do not even need to swing our left foot! Yes, Fritz is already essentially not breathing!
In and t. I. I would punish the Dutch, for their volatility ... MIHALYAH
. Then, too, and the Jews, for their eternity ...
P r ochorov. Shh! ... I suggest, Gurevich, to deprive the admiral of the next portion of the drink. And at the same time demotivate him in the cabin. For vulgarism ...
GUREVICH. We, perhaps, will do so.
A l e x a. And I'm personally interested in the British Isles ...
GUREVICH. Well, there's nothing to talk about with Britain. Herodotus did not believe in her existence. And why should we be better or worse than Herodotus? It is necessary that all be reliably convinced that it really does not exist - and for this purpose, make one, the most insignificant effort ...
P r ochorov. And the Yankees at this time let a little patter. Let them have filthy, sleepless nights, there's nothing to gubain them with ...
K ola . But ... if I'm ordered to choke the Scandinavians ... so why should I choke them? They are such blond-blond, such nivchem-innocent-nivchhemnevinovatye ...
GUREVICH. You are mistaken, Kolya. They should be prosepochit, to begin with, because they consider their fetid Vikings and konungs to be the forefathers of our great princes. And then - for Quisling and generally for the fact that they are seafarers ...
P r ochorov ( picks up). ... and for the fact that they are loafing about both our, our native Russian poles. They are stinkers, and no seafarers ... To the nail! - I think so ...
MIHALY CH. See you soon, dear comrades sailors! And give the captain to Nastenka. All. ( Like a gunshot wound, falls at the curb of the bed and snores forever .)
GUREVICH. What's with him? Does he joke? ... or ..?
P r ochorov. Jung just rocked a bit with our storms. It's nothing ... With Italians, for example, we can manage without it. The Lord did not create a more vigorous tribe from the age. They would only hug all the time, and they have nothing else. Take these ... Sacco and Vanzetti. Actually, embrace let them embrace. Sacco is beautiful both in body and soul. At Ванцетти - soul and in помине is not present, but what forms! What's in front, what's behind! But the forms are somehow forms, but why throw our comrade Giordano Bruno into a fir-tree fire, like a firebrush? If I were Italian, how would I dare look into the Russian eyes after that! ..
Alhex. Oh, you roused me with these ... forms of the beautiful Vanzetti! A Pole would be to me! ..
P r o h o r o v. There will be no Polish!
In and t. I. And them for what? For Taras Bulba? ..
GUREVICH. Spit in your Bulba! .. For the fact that they were ahead of us and in geographical proximity to Europe, and ...
P r oh oh ov. And in the historical hatred of the Jews ... Alhex
( in imitation of his patron ). I have a suggestion: to demote Comrade Prokhorov to my orderlies, for vulgarism , and to deprive the upcoming ryuhaha ...
GUREVICH. Well, that's too much! The joker should just be given a little bit on the neck ... Pr oohorov comes to Alekhe

and slightly gives him "by the neck".

GUREVICH: God! They messed up everything again! .. Well, come on. Tell me, better, you, ready for a feat: and who among you loves the French?
In e. Everything!
GUREVICH ( sarcastically ). All?
In the c e ( coming to his senses ). No one!
GUREVICH: Well, that's the same. There is too much crime: the right side of Bagration, the belly of Alexander Pushkin, the left eye of Kutuzov, and ...
The Kola ( drunk ). But these are the Turks! .. Kutuzov's eyes ...
P r ochorov. And here are the Turks? What other Turks? All Turks have long shot from the gun our Bulgarian friend Antonov, in St. Peter's Square in Rome. And I personally saw a good picture: it depicts Kutuzov, and he drives on a horse I do not remember where, but with two eyes ...
GUREVICH. That's the whole point. Russian should not be one-eyed. Here they are - they can afford this luxury, all these Admiral Nelson-Rockefeller. And we - no, we can not. The alarming situation in the Universe obliges us to look at both . Yes. ( Applause .)
C ool. But ... Lisbon ... our such a beautiful Lisbon! ..
P r ochorov. And this is that for Lisbon? What is Lisbon? Pour it with water from all sides and not let anyone out! Like this. Or - set it on fire from all sides and do not let anyone out! ..
Gurevich. The only word "Lisbon" - it's disgusting to listen to me. I get bile when I'm told "Lisbon". And should bile flow from a person? No, it should not be bottled ... So, Lisbon should not be! ( Applause .) Do you need Lisbon, Kolya?
Kolya. Not-ah ...
GUREVICH. And you, Victor?
In and t. I. Not at all.
GUREVICH. You see: there are things in the world that are absolutely useless to anyone - they bloom, smell and exist. Then, as a person does not have the most vital. In short, Lisbon will not ... But at the same time - can I count on my strategic allies?
In the e ( inconsistent ). You can, you can, Gurevich! Let's slap on a little! ..
GUREVICH. It's about time! ( Slap on the little one ).
S erzezh a. Good afternoon, maybe evening, I know, of course, I can not, hello from a pure heart, I give you a hurry. Hello, the late mother, with the greetings to you your son Fedya. (And suddenly he burst out laughing-unusually-after all, no one even saw him smiling. Laughing and spinning a top, falls to the floor, beats in strange paroxysms .)

In the course of time they become numb. Music.

GUREVICH ( frowning ). Well, well ... Mom was alive - and he was dead from this ... In history, there have been cases of death from suddenly delivered joyous news. Michelle Montaigne. Stasik
( throws off the pose of the mausoleum sentry and again begins to pulsate from corner to corner of the ward). Those born under the sign of quality do not remember their own way. But we - the scum of humanity - can not forget! Relax, people, shake with brushes. And, please, do not kill each other - it will give me pain. God is wiser than men! Hold on to the robe of Christ! ( And again he is petrified: this time in a kneeling and prayerful pose .)
GUREVICH ( continues with inspiration ). And if there is no Lisbon - of course, the rest of the continents are falling by themselves ... Starting from the Asian East. This pernicious and sinister congestion of impurities - has no right to be! Here is the eastern inscription on the stone, the tombstone - and, after all, the Gospel times! "He was a universal favorite, he was full of charm, sparing no one, he exterminated everyone without a trace." (Laughter in the hall .) Well, what do you want to do with such peoples? And do not do anything! They will perish by themselves. Demographic explosions, furunculosis, hiroshima, napalm, Nagasaki are continually rattling, and in general there is nothing to eat. By themselves - quietly die, to cleanse the earth and heaven! And everything else will be completed by tick-borne encephalitis, the gnawing of Marxist dictatorships and the Manchurian fever. The deadline for Reward is approaching! Let's drink a little, dear colleagues, to bring these lines closer! .. Alhex
. I, for example, for the Manchurian fever! ( The first to drink, quack and tries to resume the performance .)

Here it is, here it is, the end of the world!
Tomorrow we'll get up in negligee,
Let's get up-let's jump: there's no light
There's no truth, There's no money,
There's nothing holy, -
Reagan in Syria already!

H o r ( already had time to drink and prokryakatsya ).

There is nothing in the world, -
Reagan in Vologda already!

P r ochorov ( zychno ).

This day of victory !!

Х о о р.

Prophet props-ah!
This happiness with bleached on the lips!
It's a joy with five-eyes in the eyes!
Victory Day! ..

Gurevich. Sha! Drunk confused! you, it turns out, did not understand anything from my inspirational insights! you've all redirected ...
P r ochorov. We all understood perfectly, Gurevich. But only you forgot about the fact that he is the UN and Perez de Cuéllar ... And when the continents begin to fail ...
GUREVICH. Haha! Perez de Cuellar, of course, clutching his Peruvian head. Have you ever seen people with Peruvian heads? But he has a Peruvian head, and he will grab for it. Well, let. All the same, after all, no one for us will not save the plague of the world! And you, everyone, - feasting, do not forget about the plague! A feast is good, but there are more important things than a feast. General Haig. And believe in the ultimate Russian triumph, because with them - the power of the cross, and nothing more. With us - everything else! ..

The sound at first incomprehensible. As if someone had closed the door to the heck with a swing. Everyone turns. And this is Va in. And this is Vovin's mouth, opened in the course of any act, - it closes forever. Almost at the same time the snores of the comrade Ermina are broken off under a white sheet. Behind the stage is the Lime Tree.

K ola ( staggering, coming to Vova and applying his ear to his heart ). Vova! Uncle Vova! Where are you going?!. Do not go. In the forest, it's now: how good! and the spirit is so windy ... ( crying like a child ) ... gambusia splashing in a pond ... bloomers have blossomed ...

They do not respond in oh-oh.

P r ochorov. Well, why not really let the person go to the village? .. After all, he asked for it, every day he asked for it - and every time they refused. So the man withered from longing for the forest spaces ...
GUREVICH. For the rest ...

Four of the remaining, under all lasting "Lipu age-old", drink for the rest.

( She looks at Gurevich in emphasis ). And what will it all end? .. All this series of our victories over the plague-stricken world?
GUREVICH: Oh! At first - of course - the Russian nation will feel happy and triumphant. Like the Antichrist in his bosom. But then ... Having picked up all their ailments from the vanquished, they will fail, and nothing will remain of their former giganticity, they will scatter by the dust on the face of the earth. Rather, they will be entered by monsoons from the side of Jaffa - they will be carried farther and farther north, towards the lifeless expanses ... farther north, where the days are still cloudier, even shorter and, therefore, where to die is still painless and easier . Francesca Petrarca. And so - while the Russians are flying into the abyss they have appointed - the people of Jehovah ...
P r ochorov. At last! The people of Jehovah! We with Alekh have already taken pro-Israel positions. That is the only reasonable. That is, even beforehand, knocking out the Israelis out of these positions! ..
Gurevich. Likho! .. Bahrain, Kuwait and the Emirates, a well-known case, will doom us to an oil famine ...
P r oh h o r o . But they will not be there by that time: neither Bahrain nor Kuwait ...
Gurevich. Well, well, that will not happen. You do not know the Arabs well. Even when they themselves are no more, their persistent fanaticism and stupidity still remain. So, they doom us to the oil famine. And we do not care. Why do we need this oil, in fact? Maybe you need it, Vitya?
In and t. I. I saw her in the coffin.
GUREVICH: Even Vita does not need it. We will replace it with something, this filthy oil. Vermouth, for example, is it true, Kolya? ..

I go on crying, all quieter, quieter, and does not answer anything. "Lime tree" continues.

GUREVICH. So, I will lead you by the path of thunder and dreams! and the six-pointed star of David will be our guide and fateful! .. They say that the star of his dissolute son Solomon was already five-pointed. This is no good for us, Solomon Davydich, having eight hundred concubines and ...
P r ochorov . That's how much you can let go: a five-pointed star!
GUREVICH ( animating ever more ). Long live Eretz Israel to the Euphrates itself.
P r ochorov.

Why narrow down? From the Nile to the Euphrates!


What to mellow: From the Nile to the Euphrates -
All this is good, but small,
And from the Euphrates - to the east, east ... -
And right up to the Nile! ..

ALEX. From the Sinai peninsula - to Kola! ..
Gurevich. And if someone looks askance at us - if there is anyone else to look at us obliquely - will be like in the Talmud: Ben Zama looked - and lost his mind. Ben-Azay looked and died. And may their Providence incinerate them! And let the Lord place them Lordly with His Broom! .. So, let us drink to the union of hearts submissive to the higher lot!
P r ochorov. For the union of hearts, connecting Russia and Israel! ..
GUREVICH. For the health of Romain Rolland! .. now, I'll remember why it occurred to me to drink to this bald-headed trait ... Yes, yes, I remembered. "And be in all Israel, at least one righteous one, I tell you, you would not have the right to condemn all Israel!" Rolland, a letter to Verharn. And the capital of the world will be - what would you think? Jerusalem? Nothing like this! Canal of Galilee - that's what will be the capital of the world! Ha!
A l e x a ( basset ). And you'll be the capital of mi-u-and-u ... ( Not finishing, settles on the cot .)
GUREVICH. The spreading of our wings will be in the whole width of your land, Emmanuel! Do not deprive yourself of pre-dawn feelings! Where is your trumpet, the best trumpeter of the Soviet Union, Timofey Dokshitzer ?! All hands on deck! Another glass! For the solar plexus of circumstances! .. ALEX
(to the voices hoarse and fallen ). Hurray ..

In and t I having drunk, also settles on a bed, next to Alekha. It begins to tear irresistibly, to tear even chess pawns and dominoes. Shaking with vomiting, he makes several convulsive movements with his feet - falls on the bed, lifeless. GUREVICH and POROKHOROV look mysteriously at each other. The light in the ward - for some unknown reason - begins to fade.

Stasis (rising from his knees. I ran for the last time ). What's wrong with you people? Who is the first and who is the last in line for the Toktogul hydroelectric station? Why is it deserted on the Golden beaches of Absheron? For whom did I plant flowers? Why? .. Why in 1970 UNESCO did not celebrate 2 thousand years from the day of the death of the Egyptian queen Cleopatra ?! ( And again he stops, this time with his head bent and folded his arms over his chest, a la Buonaparte on the eve of his last Waterloo.) And so it remains until the invasion of the medical staff coming in a few minutes .)
Prоhоrоv. Alexa! ..
A l e x a (heavy breathing ). Yes ... I'm here ...
P r ochorov ( bothers ). Aleh!
A l e x a. Yes ... I'm here ... goodbye, Mom ... your daughter Lyubka ... goes ... to the damp earth ... ( She turns and wheezes ) ... my ashes ... scatter over the Ganges ... (The wheezing breaks off .)
P r ochorov . So what is this ... Listen, Gurevich, I'm starting to see bad ... And you - nothing? .. ( already underfoot ).
GUREVICH: Yes, I see something. It was just dark in the ward. And it's getting harder to breathe ... You understand: I immediately noticed that we are whipping something wrong ... PROXOROV
. I too - almost immediately noticed ... And you, if you noticed right away - why did not you say so? forced why? ..
Gurevich. But who forced? I just thought ...
P r ochorov. What did you think? .. And when half of the chamber was already half dead, did it still seem to you ? .. ( Angrily ). Um-we-sat you had. Um-Thought. You can not ... without mind-myshla ...
GUREVICH. Yes, the intention was: to separate the disunited ones. Evildoers - to pacify ... to attach them to a little joy ... to bring in the dawn in the twilight of these souls, barred here until the end of days ... There was no other intention ...
P r oh oh o v. You're lying, creeping a creature ... You're lying ... I know what you're up to ... Everyone - to the other world, everyone - under the root ... I've seen through you ... Renedekart ... Ssuchara ... (He tries to get out of bed and, with his arms already stretched out, approaches the quietly seated Gurevich. But it is no longer able to do anything, it is something that throws him back into bed ). Ssuchenok ...
GUREVICH. Express more worthy, elder ... What's the use of talking about this now? Late. I already after Vova death - realized that it was too late. It remained only to continue. I noticed immediately . But I was convinced - when it's too late ...
P r oh oh ro v. You just tell me - a lethal dose ... we have already passed? ..
GUREVICH. In my opinion, yes. And for a long time already.

They exchange views full of bottomless meaning. It continues to darken.

P r ochorov. The fucker means ... Well, then ... There's still a little splashing in the bottom ... You listen: forgive me for hurting you in my heart ... You have no fault ... Pour in, Gurevich, the remainder is in half. Are you ready?
GUREVICH ( completely calm ). Ready. But only here to die is antinatural. Between steep banks - please. Between high loaves - at least now ... But here! ... ( They are clapping glasses, breathing even heavier than before .) And then - I have a great deal to do first ... one promised visit ... ( Prokhorov , clutching at the throat and heart, - it slopes and tends to the pillow .)
GUREVICH ( mechanically continues to hollow). They are there mewing ... They champagne is pouring with sterlets ... They have a heavenly life, we have a samurai ... They are .. ballroom, we are funerary ... But we are people of long distance ... Now we will get up. .. Natural monster ... is it really with her? For several hours - with her? .. And I: about Cana of Galilee. ... "Gurevich, darling, everything will be fine ..." - so she said. Now we'll see to what extent everything will be fine ... Now, now ... (He jumps up and again falls on a chair .)

Behind the stage - or from within the walls - the decadent song of Nadezhda Obukhova: "Oh, you, the night, an ohm ... "etc.

GUREVICH: You called me for dinner, Mordovorot, so I'm for breakfast ... Miraculous girl! Natalie! .. While I'm sitting here and acquire modal shades, they are at this time ... God, do not torment them ... at this time ... ( drops his head on the nightstand, and clings to the hair .)
R a l C s v erhy (a voice in which it is not so much an imperative as a fossil metal ). Vladimir Sergeich! Vladimir Sergeich! At work, at work, at work, on the dick, on the dick, on the dick, on the dick.
GUREVICH ( raises his head and looks at the bird with perplexity immeasurable ). Good God! itwhat else? And almost nothing I see ... Bible to me and a staff - and a small guide ... For a small gift I'll go around the world - to preach. Now I know what and what to tell
about ... Golos svere x. Vladi-and-world Sergeyitch! Vladimir Sergeich! At work, at work, at work ( speedily ) on the dick - on the dick - on the dick - on the dick ...
GUREVICH ( with a heavy work lifts from a chair, clutching the nightstand with all his soul - just do not fall , only would not fall ). For the present, I have a little vision left - I'll get to you, I'll come for breakfast ... Ssskot ... ( breaks away from the bedside table, swings, takes the first step, the second ).
GUREVICH: Nothing, I'll get to it. (The third step. Fourth. Stumbling in the darkness about the corpse of the Rear Admiral - falls. Slowly, grabbing the back of someone's bed - gets up .) I'll get there. Feeling, groping, quietly. All the same I shall reach this throat ... After all, there can not be, Natalie, that all and remained . (It's almost completely dark, the fifth step, the sixth, the seventh .)
GUREVICH God, do not let the blindness go blind ... Before the execution of retribution. ( And again falls, cutting his head against the edge of the next bed.) Two minutes of helpless and shaking, loud sobs .)
GUREVICH. The crawl ... (How does he manage it? - again stands up in full growth. Hands rummaging in front of him, makes five more steps - and he is already at the door jamb ): Now ... I'll take a rest - and along the corridor, along the wall, along the wall ...

Porokhorov, who had been lying calm before, raised his head-and makes a scream-that aroused all the chambers, all the sleeping and sleepless nurses and nurses in the distant ordinarian and doctor's office. So in this world they do not cry. The agitated, half-sleepy, retreating guardsmen, with Raninson at their head, are approaching the Third Chamber by the tread of Fortinbras. The first thing that appears to them is the hardly breathing Gurevich, already completely blind, with a blue and bloody face. BORENK - Mordovorot kicks him away from the entrance to the ward. Everybody breaks in. Raninson

(overlapping the discord and hubbub ). Urgently to the phone !! On the central and in the morgue !!
P os t e m e m e s e c t e rs). "And one!" One died standing, arms crossed, and still does not fall, fell to the wall "-" All the stock of methyl is clean! " - "No, one, in my opinion, still breathing ..." - "Who so shouted?" And so forth. And so forth. Kuchasanitarov
( thick with a stretcher ). As I recall, never such a crop has ever happened. (The beginning of the removal of the corpses, in turn, the end of the final of the second symphony of Sibelius .)
BORENK. Natasha, where are your keys?!. Nathalie
( pale, not even crying ). Oh, I do not know ... I do not know anything ...
Oh, d m a n d m d e s s e. And Kolya, Kolya, why did they carry it? It's like he's breathing a little ...
). Nothing! Too - in the morgue! An autopsy will show whether we are dealing with a clinical death or clinical dementia! .. BORENKA
(by hitting the wounded head of Gurevich with his foot ). And with this - what to do?
Raninson. Watch him. And I - to the phone. Trezvon today can not be achieved.
B on p e n s to a ( legs pulls from T pe and in the hours and in the middle of the chamber. Blind man and the viewer almost can not see anything. B on p e n s e to see everything ). Well, how are we doing, nit? .. Do we miss the crematorium? .. Smelly your tribe! .. ( A series of blows in the side or to the head with a heavy boot .) You did not have enough crematoriums! .. He made you sick, you know, the Jewish one. All of them!
GUREVICH ( hoarsely). I did not know anything ... ( Another blow ) ... I'm blind ... I do not see anything ... ( Strike ). Nathalie
(from the semi-darkness ). What will happen now? What will happen now? Mom! ... ( Sobbing like a girl .) BORENK
(every time he retorts, Sibelius retreats for a while, and the music invades, which, if you shift it into the language of smell, gives rancid pigs, pussy and burnt hair ). Blind, are you talking? ssuchie udder! .. Earlier you lived as in Paradise: who in the face will pull-all to see. And now - what the fuck will you see! ( Sticking in more, then again in the head .)
N a ta l (hysterically). Borka! Peresta-anh! Stop! After all, it's crazy! .. Peresta-a-ahn! ( Rests in bubbling sobs .) BORENKA
(with ever increasing frenzy ). You need to build soul-mouters, beastly your tribe! ( A series of blows to the kidneys, the growling of the blind man and the sniffling of the Nurse .) The fester is purulent! The creature of fucking! Ssskotobaza! ..

The curtain is already closed, and you can, in essence, diverge. But there - on the other side of the curtain - continues all the same, and without mercy. Ryuk Gurevich becomes more and more fatal. From there - from the chamber - through the curtain - a cullet with linens flies out to the audience; followed by a nightstand, and crumbles to smithereens. Then - a cage with a parrot already dead from all this .
No applause.
Early spring 85 g.


"For music is only a matter", without this it is impossible. In addition to the author's instructions already posted in the text, it is possible to use (quite quietly) Russian folk songs: like "Stepped up the track stitches", "On the Murom track", better orchestral variations on these themes - (in Act III). Russian song "At dawn at the zorenki" (in the 1st half of the 4th act). The first part of the third symphony of Mahler, quite zasridinnenno, in the 1st act. One of the most measured and cheerless Andante Bruckner in the 5th. Well, and so on.
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Re: Act & Punishment: The Pussy Riot Trials

Postby admin » Sat Aug 11, 2018 10:44 pm

Social media tips lead to arrest of woman accused of spitting on mother during Yorktown road rage incident
by Fox 59
June 25, 2018

Kinsey Robinson. Social media tips lead to arrest of woman accused of spitting on mother during Yorktown road rage incident

The Ouroboros or uroborus (/ˌjʊərəˈbɒrəs/[2]) is an ancient symbol depicting a serpent or dragon eating its own tail.

-- Ouroboros, by Wikipedia

YORKTOWN, Ind. – Outrage on social media led to the arrest of a woman who spit in the face of a mother last week in a road rage case, police say.

According to Yorktown police, the mother was driving with her newborn infant in the car around 2:30 p.m. Wednesday when she noticed a car tailgating her near Nebo Road and Kilgore Avenue.

While they were stopped at the intersection, a passenger got out of the vehicle and spit in the mother’s face. That woman—identified as 26-year-old Kinsey Robinson—also had a knife, police said.

The baby was not injured during the incident. The mother was driving to a medical appointment and was being extra careful since she had her baby in the car.

The incident sparked outrage on social media after the baby’s grandmother posted about it, appealing for help from neighbors in finding the woman and the white Chevy Cavalier involved.

“My daughter told her she has a baby in the backseat and the girl even looked back at her then spit on my daughter,” Stacey Marlow wrote on Facebook.

After learning about the arrest, Marlow wrote she was “beyond livid but happy this person [will] be dealt with.”

Her post about the incident was shared more than 1,800 times on Facebook. Police said the post led to numerous tips, including the one that helped them find Robinson, who was arrested Friday on preliminary charges of battery by bodily waste and intimidation with a deadly weapon.
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