Metamorphoses, by Ovid

That's French for "the ancient system," as in the ancient system of feudal privileges and the exercise of autocratic power over the peasants. The ancien regime never goes away, like vampires and dinosaur bones they are always hidden in the earth, exercising a mysterious influence. It is not paranoia to believe that the elites scheme against the common man. Inform yourself about their schemes here.

Re: Metamorphoses, by Ovid

Postby admin » Wed Jan 19, 2022 12:06 am

Part 3 of 9

Son of Lucifer, brother of Ceyx, father of Chione.
Bk 11:266-345. Mourning his daughter Chione he leaps from the summit of Parnassus but is turned by Apollo into a hawk (probably an eagle, genus: Accipiter, since Parnassus was famous for them. Note Byron’s letters Nov-Dec 1809. Seeing a flight of eagles on Parnassus he ‘seized the omen’ and wrote some stanzas for Childe Harold hoping ‘Apollo had accepted my homage’).

Bk 8:152-182. The mythical Athenian architect who built the Labyrinth for King Minos of Crete.
(See Michael Ayrton’s extended series of sculptures, bronzes, and artefacts celebrating Daedalus, Icarus and the Minotaur)
Bk 8:183-235. He makes wings of bee’s-wax and feathers to escape from Crete. Warning Icarus, his son, to follow him in a middle course, they fly towards Ionia. Between Samos and Lebinthos Icarus flies too high and the wax melts, and he drowns in the Icarian Sea and is buried on the island of Icaria.
Bk 8:236-259. He had previously caused the death of Talos, his nephew, the son of his sister Perdix, through jealousy throwing him from the Athenian citadel, but Pallas Athene changed the boy into the partridge, perdix perdix.
Bk 8:260-328. He finds sanctuary in Sicily (after reaching Cumae, where he built the temple of Apollo), at the court of King Cocalus who defends him from Minos. (He threaded the spiral shell for King Cocalus, a test devised by Minos, and made the golden honeycomb for the goddess at Eryx. See Vincent Cronin’s book on Sicily – The Golden Honeycomb.).
Bk 9:714-763. His name was synonymous with ingenuity, invention and technical skill.

Bk 6:204-266. One of Niobe’s seven sons killed by Apollo and Diana.

The mother of Perseus by Jupiter, and daughter of Acrisius, King of Argos.
Bk 4:604-662. She was raped by Jupiter in the form of a shower of gold, while imprisoned in a brazen tower by Acrisius, who had been warned by an oracle that he would have no sons but that his grandson would kill him. (See Titian’s painting, Museo del Prado, Madrid: See the pedestal of Benvenuto Cellini’s Perseus bronze, Loggia dei Lanzi, Florence, depicting Danae with the child Perseus: See Jan Gossaert called Mabuse’s panel – Danae - in the Alte Pinakothek, Munich))
Bk 6:103-128. Arachne depicts her rape by Jupiter.
Bk 11:85-145. She would have been deceived by Midas’s gold also.

Danaeius heros
Bk 5:1-29. Perseus, son of Danae.

Bk 12:1-38. Bk 12:64-145. The Greeks, the descendants of Danaus of Argos, the Pelasgians.

Danube, Hister
Bk 2:227-271. The Lower Danube running to the Black Sea.

Daphne, Peneis
Bk 1:438-472. Daughter of Peneus the river-god. Loved by Phoebus Apollo.
Bk 1:525-552. Turned into the laurel bough. (See Pollaiuolo’s painting – Apollo and Daphne – National Gallery, London)
Bk 1:553-567. She is honoured by Phoebus.

Bk 4:274-316. A shepherd boy of Mount Ida, the son of Mercury, and inventor of bucolic poetry. His mother was a nymph. Pan taught him to play the pipes and he was beloved by Apollo, and hunted with Artemis. A nymph named Nomia made him swear loyalty. Her rival Chimera seduced him, and Nomia (or Mercury) turned him to stone.

Dardanidae matres
Bk 13:399-428. Dardanian, that is Trojan women.

Bk 13:1-122. An epithet applied to the descendants of Dardanus, the son of Jupiter and Electra, who came from Italy to the Troad, and was one of the ancestors of the Trojan royal house.
Bk 15:418-452. The Romans, as descendants of Aeneas.
Bk 15:745-842. Iulus, as the son of Aeneas.

Bk 5:250-293. A city in Phocis seized by Pyreneus.

Bk 14:445-482. An ancient king of Apulia, Iapygia in southern Italy. Diomede founded Arpi in his kingdom.
Bk 14:483-511. Diomede’s father-in-law.

The daughter of Oeneus, king of Calydon, hence called Calydonis, and the sister of Meleager.
Bk 8:515-546. She is spared by Diana from being turned into a bird.
Bk 9:1-88. She is wooed by Hercules and Achelous.
Bk 9:89-158. She marries Hercules, and is raped by Nessus. Trying to revive Hercules love for her she unwittingly gives him the shirt of Nessus soaked in the poison of the Hydra. (See Pollaiuolo’s painting – The Rape of Deianira – Yale University Art Gallery)
Bk 9:273-323. Hyllus is her son by Hercules.

Deionides, Miletus
Miletus, son of Deione.

The son of Priam, a Trojan Hero.
Bk 12:536-579. Cited by Nestor as an enemy.

Bk 5:572-641. An epithet of Diana from her birthplace, Delos.

Delius, Apollo, Phoebus
An epithet of Apollo, from his birthplace, Delos.
Bk 5:294-331. The Emathides pretend that he fled to Egypt in the war between the giants and the gods, and there he hid in the form of a crow.
Bk 6:204-266. Apollo helps to punish Niobe.
Bk 11:172-193. He gives Midas the ears of an ass.
Bk 12:579-628. He helps Paris destroy Achilles.
Bk 13:640-674. He gave Andros the power of prophecy.

Bk 1:438-473. Bk 9:324-393. The Greek island in the Aegean, one of the Cyclades, birthplace of, and sacred to, Apollo (Phoebus) and Diana (Phoebe, Artemis), hence the adjective Delian. (Pausanias VIII xlvii, mentions the sacred palm-tree, noted there in Homer’s Odyssey 6, 162, and the ancient olive.)
Bk 5:572-641. Its ancient name was Ortygia.
Bk 6:146-203. Bk 6:313-381. A wandering island, that gave sanctuary to Latona (Leto). Having been hounded by jealous Juno (Hera), she gave birth there to the twins Apollo and Diana, between an olive tree and a date-palm on the north side of Mount Cynthus. Delos then became fixed in the sea. In a variant she gave birth to Artemis-Diana on the islet of Ortygia nearby.
Bk 8:183-235. Daedalus and Icarus fly past it after leaving Crete.
Bk 13:623-639. Aeneas arrives there. Anius is priest on Delos and they sacrifice to the Delian gods.
Bk 15:479-546. Sacred to Diana.

Delphi, Delphicus
Bk 1:504-524. Bk 9:324-393. Bk 11:266-345.
Bk 15:622-745. The site of the oracle of Apollo in Phocis.
Bk 2:531-565. Phoebus Apollo is called Delphicus.
Bk 2:676-701. Phoebus Apollo as lord of Delphi.
Bk 10:143-219. The navel stone in the precinct at Delphi was taken as the central point of the known world.
Bk 11:410-473. Delphi was sacked by the Phlegyans.
BkXV:143-175. Pythagoras is a devotee of the god.

Bk 12:290-326. A centaur.

Bk 6:103-128. A daughter of Deo, a name of Ceres, so Proserpina.

Bk VIII725-777. Of Ceres-Demeter, her oak trees.

Dercetis, Derceto, Atargatis
Bk 4:31-54. A Babylonian goddess worshipped in Syrian Palestine. She was the Syrian goddess Atar-ata, or Atargatis, consort of the Babylonian great god Adad. She was worshipped at Ascalon as half-woman and half-fish, and fish and doves were sacred to her. She was identified, by the Greeks, with Aphrodite. The mother of Semiramis.

Bk 1:313-347. King of Phthia. He and his wife Pyrrha, his cousin, and daughter of Epimetheus, were survivors of the flood. He was he son of Prometheus. (See Michelangelo’s scenes from the Great Flood, Sistine Chapel, Vatican, Rome)
Bk 7:350-403. Cerambus also escaped.

Bk 3:638-691. An old name for Naxos.
Bk 8:152-182. Ariadne is abandoned there by Theseus, but rescued by Bacchus to whom the island was sacred.

Diana, Phoebe, Artemis
Bk 2:401-416. Daughter of Jupiter and Latona (hence her epithet Latonia) and twin sister of Apollo. She was born on the island of Ortygia which is Delos (hence her epithet Ortygia). Goddess of the moon and the hunt. She carries a bow, quiver and arrows. She and her followers are virgins. See Phoebe. She is worshipped as the triple goddess, as Hecate in the underworld, Luna the moon, in the heavens, and Diana the huntress on earth. (Skelton’s ‘Diana in the leaves green, Luna who so bright doth sheen, Persephone in hell’) Callisto is one of her followers. (See Luca Penni’s – Diana Huntress – Louvre, Paris, and Jean Goujon’s sculpture (attributed) – Diana of Anet – Louvre, Paris.)
Bk 2:441-465. She expels Callisto from her band of virgins because Callisto is pregnant by Jupiter, having been raped by him.
Bk 3:165-205. She is seen by Actaeon while she is bathing and turns him into a stag.
Bk 3:232-252. Her anger is only sated when Actaeon is torn to pieces by his dogs.
Bk 5:294-331. The Emathides pretend that she fled to Egypt in the war between the giants and the gods, and there she hid in the form of a cat.
Bk 5:332-384. A virgin goddess.
Bk 5:572-641. She conceals her amour-bearer Arethusa in a cloud. Ortygia is an epithet for her.
Bk 7:661-758. She gives Procris a magic hound, Laelaps, and a spear, both of which Procris gives to her husband, Cephalus.
Bk 8:260-328. Slighted by King Oeneus, she sends a wild boar against Calydon.
Bk 8:329-375. She steals the point of Mopsus’s spear in flight rendering his shot ineffectual.
Bk 8:376-424. Ancaeus boasts in spite of her.
Bk 8:515-546. She turns the sisters of Meleager, the Meleagrides, into guinea-hens.
Bk 8:547-610. Achelous compares his anger to Diana’s.
Bk 9:89-158. The Naiades dress like her.
Bk 10:503-559. Venus dresses like her, and hunts with Adonis.
Bk 11:266-345. She kills Chione for slighting her beauty.
Bk 12:1-38. Bk 13:123-381. She is angered by some act of Agamemnon’s, and keeps the Greek fleet at Aulis until Iphigenia is sacrificed. She then snatches Iphigenia away in a mist, and leaves a hind for the sacrifice.
Bk 14:320-396. Orestes carried her image to Aricia in Italy where she was worshipped.
Bk 15:176-198. The moon-goddess.
Bk 15:479-546. She was worshipped at the sacred grove and lake of Nemi in Aricia, as Diana Nemorensis, and the rites practised there are the starting point for Frazer’s ‘The Golden Bough’ (see Chapter I et seq.) She hid Hippolytus, and set him down at Aricia (Nemi), as her consort Virbius.

Bk 8:1-80. Bk 9:714-763. Of Mount Dicte, in Crete, hence Cretan.

Bk 2:441-465. An epithet of Britomartis in Crete, ‘goddess of the net’, identified with Diana.

Bk 3:597-637. A seaman, companion of Acoetes.

Bk 12:290-326. A centaur.

The Phoenician Queen of Carthage, a manifestation of Astarte, the Great Goddess.
Bk 14:75-100. A Sidonian, she founded Carthage, loved Aeneas, and committed suicide when he deserted her. (See Virgil, The Aeneid, Book IV, and Marlowe’s The Tragedy of Dido, Queen of Carthage: See also Purcell’s operatic work ‘Dido and Aeneas’.)

Two small islands near Syros in the Aegean.
Bk 7:453-500. Not allied to Crete.

Dindyma, Dindymus
Bk 2:201-226. A mountain in Mysia in Asia Minor, sacred to Ceres.

Bk 12:579-628. The son of Tydeus king of Argos, a Greek hero in the war against Troy. See Homer’s Iliad. He dare not compete for the arms of Achilles.
Bk 13:1-122. He reproached his friend Ulysses for abandoing Nestor in the thick of the fighting.
Bk 13:1-122. He shared in Ulysses’s deeds.
Bk 13:123-381. Ulysses claims his friendship and support.
Bk 14:445-482. He founded Arpi in southern Italy (Iapygia). Turnus sends Venulus to seek his help in the war with Aeneas, but he pleads lack of resources and unacceptable risk.
Bk 14:483-511. He tells how his friends were changed into birds.
Bk 14:512-526. He completes his story, and Venulus leaves.
Bk 15:745-842. He wounded Venus at Troy, and Venus once saved Aeneas from his attack.

Bk 2:227-271. A famous spring near Thebes in Boeotia.

Bk 4:416-463. A name for Pluto, king of the Underworld, brother of Neptune and Jupiter. His kingdom in the Underworld described.
Bk 5:332-384. At Venus’s instigation Cupid strikes him with an arrow to make him fall in love with Prosperpine.
Bk 5:385-424. He rapes and abducts her, re-entering Hades through the pool of Cyane.
Bk 5:533-571. Jupiter decrees that she can only spend half the year with him and must spend the other half with Ceres.
Bk 10:1-85. Lord of the Underworld, visited by Orpheus to plead for the life of Eurydice.
Bk 15:479-546. He is angered when Aesculapius restores the life of Hippolytus.

The town in Epirus in north western Greece, site of the Oracle of Jupiter-Zeus, whose responses were delivered by the rustling of the oak trees in the sacred grove. (After 1200 BC the goddess Naia, worshipped there, who continued to be honoured as Dione, was joined by Zeus Naios. The sanctuary was destroyed in 391 AD.)
Bk 7:614-660. The oak at Aegina is seeded from it, and sacred to Jupiter.
Bk 13:705-737. Aeneas passes it.

Bk 7:614-660. Dodonis, of Dodona.

A Phrygian sent by the Trojans to spy on the Greek camp.
Bk 13:1-122. He was captured by Ulysses and Diomede and killed. Hector had promised him the horses and chariot of Achilles for his night’s spying.

Bk 12:290-326. A people of Thessaly. Amyntor is their king.

Don, Tanais
Bk 2:227-271. The River in Scythia.

Bk 2:1-30. The daughter of Oceanus and Tethys, wife of Nereus the old man of the sea who is a shape-changer, and mother of the fifty Nereids, the attendants on Thetis. The Nereids are mermaids.
Bk 2:227-271. Hid from the sun when Phaethon’s chariot scorched the earth.
Bk 13:738-788. The mother of Galatea.

Bk 5:107-148. A rich man from Nasamonia. A friend of Perseus, killed by Halcyoneus.

Bk 12:290-326. A centaur, killed by Peleus.

Draco, The Dragon ( ancient Serpens)
Bk 2:150-177. The constellation of the Dragon, once confusingly called Serpens. It is said to be the dragon Ladon killed by Hercules when stealing the golden apples of the Hesperides. It contains the north pole of the ecliptic (ninety degrees from the plane of earth’s orbit) and represents the icy north.

Dryades, Dryads
Bk 3:474-510. The wood-nymphs. They mourn for Narcissus.
Bk 8:725-776. They inhabit the oak trees in Ceres sacred grove and dance at her festivals. One of them prophesies the doom of Erysichthon who had violated the grove and destroyed her.
Bk 8:777-842. The Dryads mourn the oak and demand punishment for Erysichthon.
Bk 11:1-66. They mourn for Orpheus.
Bk 14:320-396. They are attracted to Picus.


The son of Mars, and brother of the Thracian Tereus.
Bk 8:260-328. He is present at the Calydonian Boar Hunt.
Bk 12:290-326. He is present at the battle of the Lapiths and Centaurs.

The daughter of Eurytus, king of Oechalia, mother of Amphissus by Apollo, wife of Andraemon.
Bk 9:324-393. She unwittingly offends the nymphs and is turned into a lotus-tree.

Bk 13:1-122. Bk 13:399-428. Bk 13:705-737.
Bk 14:223-319An epithet of Ulysses from Dulichium, an (unidentified) island near Ithaca.

Bk 11:749-795. Hecuba, the daughter of Dymas and the nymph Eunoe, and wife of Priam, king of Troy.

Bk 11:749-795. The father of Hecuba.

Bk 12:429-535. A centaur.

A monster half-woman, half-snake mother of Cerberus, Chimacra, the Hydra, and the Sphinx.
Bk 4:464-511. Her venom is part of Tisiphone’s poisonous brew.
Bk 7:404-424. Mother of Cerberus.

A group of islands off the mouth of the River Achelous, in Acarnania, opposite the island of Cephallenia.
Bk 8:547-610. They were nymphs turned into islands by the river-god.

Bk 3:115-137. One of the five surviving heroes sprung from the dragon’s teeth sown by Cadmus. He married Agave, the daughter of Cadmus.
Bk 3:511-527. Bk 3:692-733. He was the father of Pentheus.
Bk 10:681-707. He built a temple to Cybele.

Son of Mercury. The swiftest runner.
Bk 8:260-328. He is present at the Calydonian Boar Hunt.
Bk 8:329-375. He throws his spear ineffectually at the boar.

Bk 3:511-527. Bk 3:692-733. An epithet of Pentheus as son of Echion.

Bk 3:339-358. A nymph whose voice gave rise to the name for a reverberating sound.
Bk 3:359-401. Juno limits her powers of speech. She falls in love with Narcissus and is rejected. She dwindles to sound alone.
Bk 3:474-510. She pities Narcissus and echoes his farewells and mourns for him and echoes his sister’s lamentations.
(See John William Waterhouse’s painting – Echo and Narcissus – Walker Art Gallery, Merseyside, England)

Edoni, Edonians, Edonides
Bk 11:67-84. The Edonians were a Thracian people, ruled at one time by Lycurgus who was destroyed by Bacchus for opposing his worship. The Edonides, the women of the Edoni, and worshippers of Bacchus, murdered Orpheus, and were turned into oak trees.

Bk 12:64-145. The king of Thebes, in Mysia, and father of Andromache the wife of Hector.

Bk 15:479-546. An Italian nymph, wife of Numa. Unconsoled at his death she is turned into a fountain, and its attendant streams (at Le Mole, by Nemi in Aricia). She was worshipped as a minor deity of childbirth at Aricia, and later in Rome. (outside the Porta Capena: see Frazer’s ‘The Golden Bough’ Chapter I.)

Bk 12:146-209. Bk 12:429-535. A prince of the Lapithae, father of Caenis.

Bk 4:1-30. A name for Bacchus from the wild cries of the Bacchantes.

Eleusin, Eleusis
A city in Attica, famous for the worship of Ceres-Demeter.
Bk 5:642-678. Triptolemus is the son of the king there, though Eleusis is not mentioned by name at this point in the Latin text.
Bk 7:425-452. Sacred to Ceres, the Mother, and Persephone, the Maiden. The place where Theseus defeated Cercyon.

Bk 2:676-701. A city and country in the western Peloponnese.
Bk 5:487-532. The native country of Arethusa.
Bk 5:572-641. Land of the river-god Alpheus.
Bk 5:572-641. The city reached by Arethusa in her flight.
Bk 8:260-328. Sends Phyleus to the Calydonian Boar Hunt.
Bk 9:159-210. In the Fifth Labour Hercules cleanses the stables of King Augeas of Elis.
Bk 12:536-579. Hercules destroyed the city.
Bk 14:320-396. Site of the quinquennial games.

Bk 14:223-319. A comrade of Ulysses. The Odyssey describes his death when he tumbles from the roof of Circe’s house, the morning after a heavy bout of drinking. His ghost begs Ulysses for proper burial, and for the oar that he pulled with his comrades to be set up over his grave. His ashes were entombed on Mount Circeo.

Bk 12:429-535. A centaur.

Bk 14:101-153. The Paradise of the afterlife, home of the blessed spirits in the Underworld.

Bk 14:101-153. Of Elysium, the paradise of the Underworld.

Emathides, The Pierides
The daughters of Pierus, king of Emathia in Macedonia.
Bk 5:294-331. They challenge the Muses to a contest, and one sings of Typhoeus and the flight of the gods to Egypt.
Bk 5:642-678. They are defeated and turned into magpies for their insolence.

Bk 5:74-106. An old man killed by Chromis in the fight between Phineus and Perseus.

Bk 12:429-535. Bk 15:745-842. Of Emathia, a district of Macedonia.

Bk 8:260-328. Bk 8:329-375. Son of Hippocoön, killed at the Calydonian Boar Hunt.

Bk 1:568-587. A river in Thessaly.
Bk 6:103-128. Disguised as the river-god, Neptune rapes Iphimedia and begets the Aloidae.
Bk 7:179-233. Medea gathers magic herbs there.

Bk 13:123-381. A Lycian, killed by Ulysses.

Envy, Invidia
Bk 2:752-786. She is sent by Minerva to punish Aglauros.

Bk 2:150-177. One of the four horses of the Sun.

Bk 1:747-764. The son of Io and Jupiter, grandson of Inachus, worshipped as a god in Egypt alongside his mother. Io is therefore synonymous with Isis (or Hathor the cow-headed goddess with whom she was often confused), and Epaphus with Horus.

Ephyre, Corinth
Bk 2:227-271. Bk 7:350-403. The city north of Mycenae, on the Isthmus between Attica and the Argolis. Ephyre is an ancient name for the city.

Epidaurus, Epidaurius, Epidauros
Bk 3:273-315. A city in Argolis, sacred to Aesculapius. (The pre-Greek god Maleas was later equated with Apollo, and he and his son Aesculapius were worshipped there. There were games in honour of the god every four years, and from 395 BC a drama festival. The impressive ancient theatre has been restored and plays are performed there. From the end of the 5th c. BC the cult of Asklepios spread widely through the ancient world reaching Athens in 420 BC and Rome (as Aesculapius) in 293 BC.
Bk 7:425-452. The scene of Theseus’s defeat of Periphetes.
Bk 15:622-745. Bk 15:622-745. The home of Aesculapius.

Bk 1:381-415. A Titan, the brother of Prometheus. He was the father of Pyrrha, wife to Deucalion her cousin. He married Pandora who opened the box that Prometheus had warned them to keep closed, releasing illness, old age, work, passion, vice and madness into the world.

Bk 1:381-415. Pyrrha, the daughter of Epimetheus, brother of Prometheus.

A region in northern Greece containing Dodona.
Bk 8:260-328. Described as grassy. Noted for its massive bulls.
Bk 13:705-737. Contains the city of Buthrotos.

Bk 3:597-637. A seaman, companion of Acoetes.

Bk 14:609-622. One of the Alban kings.

Bk 15:259-306. A river in Argolis. The river Stymphelos, in Arcadia, that reappears in the Argolis, on Mount Chaon, after running underground. (See Pausanias II 24, and VIII 22)

Bk 5:533-571. Bk 10:1-85. Bk 14:397-434. A name for the underworld.

King of Athens, son of Pandion, father of Orithyia and Procris.
Book VI:675-721. He inherits the kingdom from Pandion, and is noted for his sound government and military effectiveness.
Bk 7:425-452. Used to signify Athens and the Athenians.
Bk 7:661-758. He married his daughter Procris to Cephalus.
Bk 8:547-610. His kingship of Athens remembered.

Bk 2:531-565. A son of Vulcan (Hephaestus), born without a mother (or born from the Earth after Hephaestus the victim of a deception had been repulsed by Athene). Legendary king of Athens and a skilled charioteer. He is represented by the constellation Auriga the charioteer, containing the star Capella. (Alternatively the constellation represents the she-goat Amaltheia that suckled the infant Jupiter, and the stars ζ (zeta) and η (eta) Aurigae are her Kids. It is a constellation visible in the winter months.)
Bk 9:418-438. His father Vulcan (Mulciber) wishes he might have a second life.

Bk 2:301-328. God of the River Po in northern Italy. His river receives the body of Phaethon after the destruction of the sun chariot.
He is represented by the constellation Eridanus, south of Taurus, which meanders across the sky.

Bk 12:429-535. A centaur.

Bk 6:103-128. The daughter of Icarius, loved by Bacchus, and depicted by Arachne on her web. Her country is Panchaia.
Bk 10:431-502. She was set in the sky as the constellation Virgo, after her suicide, by hanging, in despair at finding her father Icarius’s body. Icarius is identified with the constellation Boötes. Ovid is contrasting her piety and love for her father with Myrrha’s impiety and carnal desire for hers. In northern latitudes Boötes and Virgo, which are near to each other in the sky, would be declining from the zenith at midnight in late April. Virgo, the second largest constellation, is associated with the goddess of justice holding the scales, but she is also Ceres-Demeter and holds the ear of wheat, the star Spica. (See the Ceres entry). It would not make sense for Virgo to be in the sky at the time of the Greek harvest festival, the Thesmophoria, since that took place in autumn when the sun was in Virgo. However it does make sense for countries where the harvest time is different, as presumably in Panchaia. (The Egyptian harvest for example, geared to the Nile flood-cycle, was in March-April.)

Erinys, Erinnys, Eumenides
Bk 1:199-243. A Fury. The Furies, The Three Sisters, were Alecto, Tisiphone and Megaera, the daughters of Night and Uranus. They were the personified pangs of cruel conscience that pursued the guilty. (See Aeschylus – The Eumenides). Their abode is in Hades by the Styx.
Bk 4:416-463. Juno summons them at the gate of hell.
Bk 4:464-511. Tisiphone maddens Ino and Athamas.
Bk 6:401-438. They attend (invisibly) the wedding of Tereus and Procne.
Bk 6:653-674. Tereus calls on them in his grief and desire for revenge.
Bk 8:451-514. Althaea calls on them to aid her vengeance.
Bk 10:1-85. They weep for the first time at the sound of Orpheus’s song.
Bk 10:298-355. They pursued Myrrha.
Bk 11:1-66. A synonym for the madness of the Maenads.

The wife of Amphiaraus whom she betrayed to Polynices.
Bk 8:260-328. Her husband is present at the Calydonian Boar Hunt.
Bk 9:394-417. Themis prophesies her murder by her son Alcmaeon in vengeance for his father’s death.

An epithet of Venus from Eryx, a mountain in Sicily sacred to her.
Bk 5:332-384. She asks Cupid to make Dis fall in love with Proserpine.

Bk 2:227-271. A river and mountain in Arcadia.
Bk 2:496-507. Arcas meets his mother Callisto, who is transformed into a bear, while hunting in the woods of Erymanthus.
Bk 5:572-641. Passed by Arethusa in her flight.
Bk 9:159-210. In the Fourth Labour, Hercules captured a giant wild boar that lived there.

The son of the Thessalian king Triopas. His daughter is Mestra.
Bk 8:725-776. He violates the grove of Ceres.
Bk 8:777-842. In punishment Ceres torments him with Hunger.
Bk 8:843-884. After living off Mestra’s skills he ends by consuming himself.

Erytus, Eurytus(4)
Bk 5:74-106. The son of Actor, companion of Phineus. There is possibly confusion here with Eurytus(3).

Bk 2:201-226. A mountain on the north-western tip of Sicily sacred to Venus Aphrodite. Daedalus made a golden honeycomb for her shrine there, after fleeing from Crete via Cumae.

Bk 14:75-100. Acestes. A son of Venus (Eryx), half-brother of Aeneas.

Bk 5:149-199. An opponent of Perseus, petrified by the Gorgon’s head.

Bk 9:394-417. The son of Oedipus and Iocasta, brother of Polynices who fights against him in the war of the Seven against Thebes. The two brothers kill each other.

Bk 5:149-199. A Nabatean opponent of Perseus, killed by him.

Ethiopia, Aethiopia
Bk 1:765-779. The country in northeast Africa.
Bk 2:227-271. The people acquire black skins.
Bk 4:663-705. The country of Cepheus.

Etna, Aetna
Bk 2:201-226. The volcanic mountain in eastern Sicily.

Etruria, Etruscus
A country in Central Italy. Its people are the Etrurians or Etruscans. Hence Tuscany in modern Italy.
Bk 14:445-482. The Tyrrhenians. They go to war with Aeneas and his Trojans.
Bk 15:552-621. Noted for their seers’ ability to tell the future.

Bk 12:290-326. One of the Lapithae.

The son of Carmentis, emigrated from Pallantium in Arcadia before the Trojan War and founded the city of Pallanteum in Latium, on the future site of Rome (The Palatine Hill).
Bk 14:445-482. He gives help to Aeneas in the war.

Bk 7:179-233. Bk 13:898-968. The large island close to eastern Greece separated from it by the Euboean Gulf. It contains Eretria and Aegae. Anthedon is on the mainland across the Gulf from Euboea.
Bk 9:89-158. Hercules conquers King Eurytus at Oechalia and sacrifices to Jupiter at Cenaeum in the north-west of the island.
Bk 9:211-272. Lichas becomes an island of that name in the Euboean Gulf.
Bk 13:123-381. Aulis faces it.
Bk 13:640-674. Two of Anius’s daughters flee there from Delos.
Bk 14:1-74. Glaucus fishes it waters.
Bk 14:154-222. Euboean colonists founded Cumae in Italy.

Bk 8:515-546. A river of Aetolia near Calydon.
Bk 9:89-158. The scene of the rape of Deianira.

Bk 4:1-30. An epithet for Bacchus from the cries of his followers.

Bk 5:294-331. The wife of Pierus, and mother of the Pierides.

Bk 7:350-403. The father of Botres.

Eumenides, Erinyes, Furies
Bk 6:401-438. ‘The kindly Goddesses’, an ironic euphemism for the Furies or Erinyes.
Bk 8:451-514. Althaea calls on them to aid her vengeance.
Bk 9:394-417. Themis prophesies that they will pursue Alcmaeon.
Bk 10:1-85. They weep for the first time at the sound of Orpheus’s song.

A mythical Thracian singer, priest of Ceres-Demeter, who brought the Eleusinian mysteries to Attica.
Bk 11:85-145. He was taught the rites along with Midas by Orpheus.

Bk 8:329-375. One of the heroes in the Calydonian Boar Hunt. Knocked down by the boar’s charge.

The son of Panthous, a Trojan killed by Menelaus.
BkXV:143-175. A previous incarnation of Pythagoras.

Bk 2:227-271. The river of ancient Babylon in modern Iraq.

Bk 2:833-875. Daughter of Agenor, king of Phoenicia, abducted by Jupiter disguised as a white bull. ( See Paolo Veronese’s painting – The Rape of Europa – Palazzo Ducale, Venice)
Bk 6:103-128. Depicted by Arachne.
Bk 8:1-80. Minos is her son.

Bk 2:227-271. A river in Laconia in southern Greece.
Bk 10:143-219. Phoebus haunts it when in love with Hyacinthus.

Bk 1:52-68. Bk 8:1-80. The East Wind. Auster is the South Wind, Zephyrus the West Wind, and Boreas is the North Wind.

Bk 10:1-85. The wife of Orpheus, died after being bitten by a snake. Orpheus went to the Underworld to ask for her life, but lost her when he broke the injunction not to look back at her. (See Rilke’s poem, ‘Orpheus, Eurydice, Hermes’, and his ‘Sonnets to Orpheus’, and Gluck’s Opera ‘Orphée’).
Bk 11:1-66. Orpheus finds her again after his death.

Bk 14:223-319. A companion of Ulysses, who escapes Circe’s transformation of Ulysses’s crew.

Bk 13:738-788. Telemus, son of Eurymus.

Bk 4:190-213. The primal Goddess, mother of the Graces (Charites). A goddess, with Thetis, of the sea. Ovid makes her the mother of Leucothoe, by Orchamus of Babylon and Persia. In all her manifestations she is the Great Goddess.
Bk 4:214-255. Sol disguises himself as her to approach Leucothoe.

Bk 12:290-326. A centaur.

Bk 7:350-403.A king of Cos, slain by Hercules. His city was Astypalaea.

A Thessalian hero at Troy.
Bk 13:1-122. He does not compete for the arms of Achilles.

The king of Mycenae, son of Sthenelus.
Bk 9:159-210. Jupiter boasted that he had fathered a son who would be called Heracles (Hercules) the ‘glory of Hera (Juno)’ and rule the house of Perseus. Juno made him promise that any king born before nightfall would be High King. She then hastened the birth of Eurystheus to Nicippe wife of King Sthenelus. Eurystheus ruled Hercules and set him the Twelve Labours to perform. Hercules treates him and Juno as endlessly hostile to himself.
Bk 9:273-323. He pursues his hatred of Hercules through the generations.

Bk 8:329-375. Hippasus, son of Eurytus, one of the heroes in the Calydonian Boar Hunt. His thigh is ripped open but the boar’s tusk.

Bk 8:260-328. He is present at the Calydonian Boar Hunt.

Bk 9:394-417. Iole, daughter of Eurytus.

Bk 9:89-158. Bk 9:324-393.The father of Iole and Dryope. The king of Oechalia. He names his grandson, Dryope’s child, Amphissus.

Bk 12:210-244. The centaur. He precipitates the battle between the Lapithae and the Centaurs by attempting to carry off Hippodamia.

Bk 8:260-328. The son of Actor, and the father of Hippasus and brother of Cleatus. Possibly there is confusion here with Eurytus(4).

Eurytus(4), Erytus
Bk 5:74-106. The son of Actor. A companion of Phineus. He is killed by Perseus, with a heavy mixing bowl. Possibly there is confusion here with Eurytus(3).

Bk 12:245-289. One of the Lapithae. He killed Gryneus at the battle of the Lapiths and Centaurs.

Bk 9:89-158.Rumour, personified. She comes to Deianira.
Bk 12:39-63. The House of Rumour described.
Bk 15:1-59. The harbinger of glory.

Bk 8:777-842. Famine, a hag, the personification of hunger. Ceres sends her to torment Erysichthon.
Bk 8:843-884. She leaves him with an incurable and growing hunger.

Bk 14:320-396. A tributary of the Tiber.

Fates, The Three Goddesses, The Parcae
Bk 2:633-675. The three Fates were born of Erebus and Night. Clothed in white, they spin, measure out, and sever the thread of each human life. Clotho spins the thread. Lachesis measures it. Atropos wields the shears.
Bk 15:745-842. The gods cannot overrule them, and prevent Caesar’s assassination.

Bk 14:445-482. Latinus, son of Faunus.

Bk 1:177-198. The fauns. Demi-gods. Rural deities with horns and tails.

Bk 13:738-788. Father of Acis. An ancient king of Latium.
Bk 14:445-482. Father of Latinus.

Bk 6:313-381. A god of the fields and flocks, identified with Pan. Worshipped by country people.

Bk 1:177-198. Bk 6:382-400 . Fauni, Demi-gods, ranked with Satyrs.

Bk 9:595-665. The west wind, bringer of warmth and spring.

Bk 2:111-149. Bk 13:1-122. Goddess of fortune, chance, fate. Her attributes are the wheel, the globe, the ship’s rudder and prow, and the cornucopia. She is sometimes winged, and blindfolded. (See Leonardo’s drawings.)

See Erinys and Eumenides.
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Re: Metamorphoses, by Ovid

Postby admin » Wed Jan 19, 2022 12:06 am

Part 4 of 9

Bk 9:273-323. Handmaid to Alcmena. She deceives Lucina the goddess of childbirth, and is punished by being turned into a weasel, with the same tawny hair. (Weasels in England are reddish-brown. Ovid says ‘flava comus’ which suggests reddish-yellow. The birth of its young through its mouth has, of course, no biological validity, but Graves suggests it derives from the weasel’s habit of carrying its young in its mouth from place to place!)

A sea nymph, daughter of Nereus and Doris. ( See the fresco ‘Galatea’ by Raphael, Rome, Farnesina)
Bk 13:738-788. She tells her story to Scylla. Loving Acis, she is pursued by Polyphemus.
Bk 13:789-869. She hears Polyphemus’s complaint.
Bk 13:870-897. When Acis is crushed by the rock, thrown at him by Polyphemus, she changes Acis into his ancestral form of a river.
Bk 13:898-968. She ends her story to Scylla and departs.

Bk 2:227-271. Bk 4:1-30. Bk 5:30-73. The sacred river of northern India.
Bk 6:619-652. The area along its banks is inhabited by tigers.

The son of Tros, brother of Ilus and Assaracus, loved by Jupiter because of his great beauty.
Bk 10:143-219. Bk 11:749-795. Jupiter, in the form of an eagle, abducted him and made him his cup-bearer, against Juno’s will. Ganymede’s name was given to the largest moon of the planet Jupiter.

Bk 3:138-164. A valley and sacred spring in Boeotia sacred to Diana, where Actaeon sees her bathing.

Gaul, Gallicus
Bk 1:525-552. The Roman province, in the region of modern France.

Bk 9:159-210. The monster with three bodies, killed by Hercules. In the Tenth Labour, Hercules brought back Geryon’s famous herd of cattle after shooting three arrows through the three bodies. Geryon was the son of Chrysaor and Callirhoe, and King of Tartessus in Spain.

Gigantes, The Giants
Bk 1:151-176. Bk 1:177-198. Bk 10:143-219. Monsters, sons of Tartarus and Earth, with many arms and serpent feet, who made war on the gods by piling up the mountains, and overthrown by Jupiter. They were buried under Sicily.
Bk 10:143-219. Orpheus sang their war with the gods.

Bk 7:179-233. A fisherman of Anthedon in Boeotia.
Bk 13:898-968. He is transformed into a sea god, and tells the story of his transformation to Scylla who rejects him.
Bk 14:1-74. He asks Circe for a charm to make Scylla love him, but she transforms Scylla into a sea-monster instead.

The daughter of Oeneus, king of Calydon, sister of Meleager.
Bk 8:515-546. She is spared by Diana from being turned into a bird.

Gorgo, Medusa
The best known of the Three Gorgons, the daughters of Phorcys. A winged monster with snake locks, glaring eyes and brazen claws whose gaze turns men to stone. Her sisters were Stheino and Euryale.
Bk 4:604-662, Bk 4:663-705. Perseus has been helped by Athene and Hermes to overcome Medusa. He was not to look at her head directly but only in a brightly-polished shield. He cut off her head with an adamantine sickle, at which Pegasus the winged horse and the warrior Chrysaor sprang from her body. He now uses her head to petrify Atlas, and tells Cepheus and Cassiope of the exploit.
Bk 4:753-803. Perseus tells of how he took her severed head, and of how Minerva placed snakes on her head, because Medusa was violated by Neptune in Minerva’s temple.
Bk 5:149-199 . Perseus uses the head against his enemies.

Bk 7:759-795. From Gortyn in Crete, hence Cretan. Its bows noted for the swiftness of the arrow in flight.

Bk 6:401-438. Bk 14:805-828. An epithet of Mars.
Bk 15:843-870. Mars, the father of Romulus (Quirinus).

The three daughters of Ceto and Phorcys, sisters of the Gorgons, fair-faced and swanlike but with hair grey from birth and one eye and one tooth between them. Their names were Deino, Enyo and Pemphredo.
Bk 4:753-803. Perseus visits them in their cave under Mount Atlas and steals the single eye.

Graecia, Greece
Bk 13:123-381. The country in southern Europe, bordering on the Ionian, Cretan and Aegean Seas.

Bk 15:622-745 Grecian.

Bk 11:749-795. A river and river god of Asia Minor, father of Alexiroe. Site of a famous victory of Alexander the Great.

Gratiae, The Graces
The three sisters, daughters of Jupiter and Eurynome, attendants to Venus, used collectively, Gratia. Often depicted with arms entwined in dance (See Botticelli’s ‘Primavera’) their names were Aglaia, Euphrosyne, and Thalia. They signified giving, receiving, and thanking, later the Platonic triad, love, beauty, truth.
Bk 6:401-438. Attendant on wedding ceremonies.

Bk 12:245-289. A centaur. He kills Broteas, and Orios the son of Mycale. He is killed by Exadius at the battle of Lapiths and Centaurs.

Bk 5:250-293. An island of the Cyclades.
Bk 7:453-500. Not allied to Crete.

Bk 4:416-465. The underworld, the kingdom of Dis.

Bk 14:698-771. The Kids, two stars in Auriga the Charioteer, treated as a constellation by the ancients. See Erichthonius.

Bk 1: 568-587. Bk 5:294-331. The ancient name for Thessaly.
Bk 2:63-89. Used as an adjective for the constellation Sagittarius the Archer, the zodiacal sign formed when the Thessalian centaur Chiron was placed among the stars by Zeus.
Bk 7:159-178. The parents of the Argonauts are Haemonians.
Bk 8:777-842. The land of Erysichthon.
Bk 11:221-265. Thetis’s cave is on its shores.
Bk 11:346-409. The land of Acastus, king of Iolchos.
Bk 11:650-709. Trachin in Haemonia.
Bk 12:210-244. The country of Caeneus and Pirithous.

Thessalian, from Haemonia.
Bk 7:100-158. Used of Jason.
Bk 12:64-145. Used of Achilles.

Bk 2:201-226. A mountain in Thrace.
Bk 6:70-102. Supposed to be a mortal turned into a mountain for assuming the name of a great god.
Bk 10:1-85. Orpheus flees there after losing Eurydice a second time.

Bk 5:107-148. A companion of Phineus from Bactria, killed by Perseus.

Bk 12:429-535. One of the Lapithae.

Bk 13:123-381. A Lycian, killed by Ulysses.

Bk 1:689-722. A wood nymph.

See Ammon.

Harmonia, Harmony
Bk 3:115-137. The wife of Cadmus and daughter of Mars and Venus.
Bk 4:563-603. She is turned with him into a snake.
Bk 9:394-417. At her marriage to Cadmus, Venus gave her the fatal necklace that conferred irresistible beauty.

Bk 7:1-73. The ‘snatchers’, Aellopus and Ocypete, the fair-haired, loathsome, winged daughters of Thaumas and the ocean nymph Electra, who snatch up criminals for punishment by the Furies. They live in a cave in Cretan Dicte. They plagued Phineus of Salmydessus, the blind prophet, and were chased away by the winged sons of Boreas.
Bk 13:705-737. An alternative myth has Phineus drive them away to the Strophades where Ovid has Aeneas meet the harpy Aello, and Virgil, Celaeno. They are foul-bellied birds with girls’ faces, and clawed hands, and their faces are pale with hunger. (See Virgil Aeneid III:190-220)

Bk 9:666-713. The infant Horus, the son of Isis and Osiris. The Egyptian god, misinterpreted as a god of silence by the Greeks, as he is represented sitting on his mother’s lap with his thumb in his mouth.

The daughter of Iuno, born without a father.
Bk 9:394-417. She is the wife of Hercules after his deification, and has the power to renew life.

Bk 2:227-271. Bk 11:1-66.The river in Thrace down which Orpheus’s head was washed to the sea.

The daughter of the Titans Perses and Asterie, Latona’s sister. A Thracian goddess of witches, her name is a feminine form of Apollo’s title ‘the far-darter’ . She was a lunar goddess, with shining Titans for parents. In Hades she was Prytania of the dead, or the Invincible Queen. She gave riches, wisdom, and victory, and presided over flocks and navigation. She had three bodies and three heads, those of a lioness, a bitch, and a mare. Her ancient power was to give to or withhold from mortals any gift. She was sometimes merged with the lunar aspect of Diana-Artemis, and presided over purifications and expiations. She was the goddess of enchantments and magic charms, and sent demons to earth to torture mortals. At night she appeared with her retinue of infernal dogs, haunting crossroads (as Trivia), tombs and the scenes of crimes. At crossroads her columns or statues had three faces – the Triple Hecates – and offerings were made at the full moon to propitiate her.
Bk 6:129-145. Goddess of magical herbs, used by Minerva.
Bk 7:74-99. Medea the Thracian witch makes Jason promise to marry her, taking his oath on the altar of Hecate, and gives him magic herbs to carry out his tasks.
Bk 7:159-178. Medea invokes her aid in her attempt to renew Aeson’s life.
Bk 7:179-233. Goddess of witchcraft.
Bk 7:234-293. Medea sacrifices to her.
Bk 14:1-74. Bk 14:397-434. Circe invokes her spells and her presence.

Bk 11:749-795. The Trojan hero, son of Priam and Hecuba.
Bk 12:1-38. Sacrifices at the empty tomb of Aesacus his half-brother.
Bk 12:64-145. He killed Protesilaus, the first Greek to fall in the Trojan War. His own fate is delayed till the end of the war.
Bk 12:429-535. Nestor compares himself in his prime with Hector.
Bk 12:536-579.Nestor cites him as a famous enemy of the Greeks.
Bk 12:579-628. Neptune reminds Apollo of Hector’s body dragged around the walls of Troy.
Bk 13:1-122. He torched the Greek ships, and terrifies the Greeks in battle, bringing the gods with him to the battlefield.
Bk 13:123-381. He promised Dolon the horses of Achilles.
Bk 13:399-428. Hecuba takes his ashes with her from Troy. His son Astyanax is murdered as the city falls.
Bk 13:481-575. The agony of his mother Hecuba.
Bk 13:640-674. His presence had allowed Troy to hold out for so long.

The daughter of Dymas, and wife of Priam, king of Troy.
Bk 7:350-403. Bk 13:399-428. Changed to a black bitch of Hecate, Maera, and spreading terror with her barking.
Bk 11:749-795. The mother of Hector.
Bk 13:399-428. She gathers Hectors’s ashes as Ulysses takes her away from Troy.
Bk 13:429-480. She sees her daughter Polyxena sacrificed to appease the ghost of Achilles.
Bk 13:481-575. She laments Polyxena, finds and laments the body of Polydorus, kills Polymestor, and turns into the maddened dog, Maera. Here undeserved fate is pitied by the Trojan women, the Greeks, and all the gods, even Juno (who sought the downfall of Troy).
Bk 13:576-622. Only Aurora’s thoughts are elsewhere.

Helena, Helen
The daughter of Leda and Jupiter (Tyndareus was her putative father), sister of Clytemnaestra, and the Dioscuri. The wife of Menelaus.
Bk 13:123-381. She was taken, by Paris, to Troy, instigating the Trojan War. Ulysses and Menelaus demanded her return in front of the Trojan senate.
Bk 14:623-697. Noted for her many suitors.
Bk 15:199-236. She bemoans old age, and the ravages of time.

Bk 13:1-122. The son of Priam, an augur, captured by Ulysses and Diomede along with Pallas’s sacred image, the Palladium.
Bk 13:705-737. Aeneas visits him at Buthrotos in Epirus where he has built a second Troy, and Helenus foretells his future.
Bk 15:418-452. He prophesied Aeneas’s future, and that of Rome.

Heliades, The Heliads
Bk 2:329-343. The seven daughters of the Sun god and Clymene.
Bk II 344-346.They mourn their brother Phaethon. Two of them are named. Lampetia and the eldest Phaethusa. Turned into poplars as they mourn Phaethon their brother, their tears become drops of amber.
Bk 10:86-105. The trees are among those gathering to hear Orpheus’s song.
Bk 10:243-297. They shed amber tears, and amber adorns Pygmalion’s ivory statue.

Bk 15:259-306. A seaport of Achaea, near Aigion, on the Corinthian Gulf now submerged after an earthquake. Pausanias gives the background. (See Pausanias VII 24)

A name for the constellation of the Great Bear, Ursa Major.
Bk 8:183-235. Icarus is warned not to fly too near the constellation.

Bk 5:74-106. A companion of Phineus, killed by Perseus.

Bk 2:201-226. The mountain in Boeotia near the Gulf of Corinth where the Muses lived. The sacred springs of Helicon were Aganippe and Hippocrene, both giving poetic inspiration. The Muses’ other favourite haunt was Mount Parnassus in Phocis with its Castalian Spring. They also guarded the oracle at Delphi.
Bk 5:250-293. Minerva visits it to see the fountain of Hippocrene sprung from under the hoof of Pegasus, the winged horse.
Bk 5:642-678. A haunt of the Muses.
Bk 8:515-546. The domain of poetic genius.

Bk 11:194-220. The daughter of Athamas and Nephele, sister of Phrixus. Escaping from Ino on the golden ram, she fell into the sea and was drowned, giving her name to the Hellespont.

Hellespont, Hellespontus.
The straits that link the Propontis with the Aegean Sea.
Bk 11:194-220. Named after Helle, and close to the site of Troy.
Bk 13:399-428. The scene of Hecuba’s appearance as the black bitch Maera.

Bk 12:290-326. A centaur.

Bk 5:385-424. Of Henna (Enna) a town in Sicily. The plains around it.

Bk 15:622-745. The Roman town near Naples on the slopes of Vesuvius, destroyed with Pompeii by the eruption of 79 AD and rediscovered in 1709. It was a residential town surrounded by the villas of wealthy Romans, with a rich artistic life.

Hercules, Heracles
The Hero, son of Jupiter. He was set in the sky as the constellation Hercules between Lyra and Corona Borealis.
Bk 7:404-424. He drags the dog Cerberus out of the underworld.
Bk 9:1-88. The son of Jupiter and Alcmena, the wife of Amphitryon. Called Alcides from Amphitryon’s father Alceus. Called also Amphitryoniades. Called also Tyrinthius from Tiryns his home city in the Argolis. Jupiter predicted at his birth that a scion of Perseus would be born, greater than all other descendants. Juno delayed Hercules birth and hastened that of Eurystheus, grandson of Perseus, making Hercules subservient to him. Hercules was set twelve labours by Eurystheus at Juno’s instigation, Bk 9:159-210:
1. The killing of the Nemean lion.
2. The destruction of the Lernean Hydra. - Bk 9:1-88. He uses the poison from the Hydra for his arrows - Bk 9:89-158.
3. The capture of the stag with golden antlers.
4. The capture of the Erymanthian Boar.
5. The cleansing of the stables of Augeas king of Elis.
6. The killing of the birds of the Stymphalian Lake in Arcadia.
7. The capture of the Cretan wild bull.
8. The capture of the mares of Diomede of Thrace, that ate human flesh.
9. The taking of the girdle of Hippolyte, Queen of the Amazons.
10. The killing of Geryon and the capture of his oxen.
11. The securing of the apples from the Garden of the Hesperides. He held up the sky for Atlas in order to deceive him and obtain them.
12. The bringing of the dog Cerberus from Hades to the upper world.
Bk 9:1-88. He fights with Achelous for the hand of Deianira.
Bk 9:89-158. Bk 12:290-326. He marries Deianira, kills Nessus, falls in love with Iole, daughter of Eurytus who has cheated him, and receives the shirt of Nessus from the outraged Deianira. (See Cavalli’s opera with Lully’s dances – Ercole Amante)
Bk 9:159-210. He is tormented by the shirt of Nessus.
(See T.S. Eliot’s The Four Quartets – Little Gidding:
‘Who then devised the torment? Love.
Love is the unfamiliar Name
Behind the hands that wove
The intolerable shirt of flame
Which human power cannot remove.
We only live, only suspire
Consumed by either fire or fire’)
Bk 9:159-210. He also killed Busiris, King of Egypt brother of Antaeus, who sacrificed strangers at the altars, to fulfil a prophecy that an eight-year drought and famine would end if he did so.
Bk 9:159-210. He killed King Antaeus of Libya, brother of Busiris, who was a giant, child of mother Earth, by lifting him from the ground that gave him strength, and, cracking his ribs, held him up until he died.
Bk 9:159-210. He fought the Centaurs.
Bk 9:159-210. Tormented by the shirt of Nessus he rages among the mountains.
Bk 9:211-272. He kills the servant Lichas who brought the fatal shirt, then builds a funeral pyre, and becomes a constellation and is deified. (See Canova’s sculpture – Hercules and Lichas – Galleria d’Arte Moderna, Rome)
Bk 9:273-323. He had asked his son Hyllus, by Deianira to marry Iole. His birth is described when the sun is in the tenth sign, Capricorn, i.e. at midwinter, making him a solar god. His mother’s seven night labour would also make his birth at the new year, a week after the winter solstice.
Bk 9:394-417. His nephew and companion is Iolaus.
Bk 11:194-220. Bk 13:1-122. He captured Troy and rescued Hesione, with the help of Telamon, and gave her to Telamon in marriage.
Bk 11:573-649. He is hero of the city of Trachin.
Bk 12:536-579. Tlepolemus is his son. Hercules exploits are retold by Nestor.
Bk 13:1-122. Philoctetes received his bow and arrows after his death, destined to be needed at Troy.
Bk 13:399-428. Ulysses goes to fetch Philoctetes and the arrows.
Bk 15:199-236. He is a symbol of strength.
Bk 15:259-306. He shot the centaur Pylenor with a poisoned arrow.

Bk 4:274-316. The son of Mercury and Venus, loved by Salmacis.
Bk 4:346-388. Salmacis dives into the pool to pursue him, and is merged with him, and he prays for the waters of the pool to weaken anyone who bathes there.

Bk 2:531-565. One of the three daughters of King Cecrops.
Bk 2:708-736. The most beautiful of the Athenian virgins and admired by Mercury.

Bk 14:829-851. The wife of Romulus, deified as Hora.

A daughter of Laomedon, exposed to a sea monster at Neptune’s command.
Bk 9:211-272. Hercules rescued her when passing by Troy.
Bk 11:194-220. She was given in marriage to Telamon.

Bk 11:85-145. The three nymphs who tended the garden with the golden apples on a western island beyond Mount Atlas. Their names were Hespere, Aegle, and Erytheis, the daughters of Night, or of Atlas and Hesperis, the daughter of Hesperus.
Bk 4:604-662. The orchard of Atlas described.
Bk 9:159-210. In the Eleventh Labour, Hercules obtains the golden apples by deceiving Atlas.

Bk 11:749-795. A nymph, daughter of the river god Cebren, loved by Aesacus. She runs from him, and is killed by the bite of a snake.

Bk 2:111-149. Bk 4:604-662. Bk 5:425-486. The evening star (the planet Venus). It sets after he sun.

Bk 7:294-349. Hiberian, Spanish. Used to denote the oceans of the west, where the sun sets.
Bk 15:1-59. Hercules returns from there with the herds of Geryon.

The correct reading for Eupalamas.

Son of Eurytus.
Bk 8:260-328. He is present at the Calydonian Boar Hunt.
Bk 8:329-375. His thigh is ripped open by the boar’s tusk.

Bk 12:290-326. A centaur.

Bk 8:260-328. King of Amyclae, father of Enaesimus, and others of his sons who were at the Calydonian Boar Hunt.
Bk 8:329-375. Enaesimus is killed by the boar.

Bk 5:250-293. A famous spring on Mount Helicon, sacred to the Muses.

Bk 8:547-610. The father of Perimele.

Hippodame, Hippodamia
The daughter of Adrastus, and wife of Pirithous.
Bk 12:210-244. Bk 14:623-697. Eurytus attempts to carry her off at her wedding and precipitates the battle between Lapiths and Centaurs.

Queen of the Amazons, warrior maidens living near the Rivers Tanais and Thermodon in Scythia, based on Greek knowledge of the Scythian princesses of the Sarmatian people of the Black Sea region. Burials of warrior princesses have been excavated from the tumuli of the area around Rostov, and north west of the Sea of Azov. See Herodotus IV 110-117, for the Amazons and Scythians.
Bk 9:159-210. In the Ninth Labour, Hercules obtained the golden girdle of Hippolyte.

Bk 15:479-546. The son of Theseus and the Amazon Hippolyte. He was admired by Phaedra, his step-mother, and was killed at Troezen, after meeting ‘a bull from the sea’. He was brought to life again by Aesculapius, and hidden by Diana (Cynthia, the moon-goddess) who set him down in the sacred grove at Arician Nemi, where he became Virbius, the consort of the goddess (as Adonis was of Venus, and Attis of Cybele), and the King of the Wood (Rex Nemorensis). All this is retold and developed in Frazer’s monumental work, on magic and religion, ‘The Golden Bough’ (see Chapter I et seq.). (See also Euripides’s play ‘Hippolytos’, and Racine’s ‘Phaedra’.)

The son of Megareus. Great-grandson of Neptune.
Bk 10:560-637. Falling in love with Atalanta, he determines to race against her, on penalty of death for failure.
Bk 10:638-680. By means of the golden apples he wins the race and claims Atalanta.
Bk 10:681-707. He descrates Cybele’s sacred cave with the sexual act and is turned, with Atalanta, into a lion.

Bk 11:410-473. Bk 14:75-100. Bk 14:223-319.
Bk 15:622-745. Aeolus, as son of Hippotas.

Bk 8:260-328. He is present at the Calydonian Boar Hunt.

Hister, Danube
Bk 2:227-271. The Lower Danube running to the Black Sea.

Bk 5:74-106. An Ethiopian in the court of Cepheus, the most senior next to the king, killed by Clymenus a follower of Phineus.

Bk 12:429-535. A centaur.

Bk 14:829-851. The name given to Hersilia after her deification and reunion with Romulus.

Bk 2:1-30. The Hours, attendants of the Sun.
Bk 2:111-149. Yoke up the Sun-god’s horses to his chariot.

Bk 10:143-219. A festival in honour of Hyacinthus, at Amyclae.

Son of Amyclas, king of Amyclae, hence he is called Amyclides.
Bk 10:143-219. His home was Amyclae, in Taenarus, near Sparta. Loved by Phoebus, he was killed by a discus while they were competing. Phoebus turned him into a hyacinth (the blue larkspur, hyacinthos grapta) that has the marks AI AI (woe! woe!) of early Greek letters on the base of its petals, and was sacred to Cretan Hyacinthus. Later it was linked to Ajax. Sparta celebrated the Hyacinthia festival in his honour.
Bk 13:382-398. He shares the flower with Ajax whose name has similar markings, ΑΙΑΣ.

Bk 3:572-596. The daughters of Atlas and Aethra, half-sisters of the Pleiades. They lived on Mount Nysa and nurtured the infant Bacchus. The Hyades are the star-cluster forming the ‘face’ of the constellation Taurus the Bull. The cluster is used as the first step in the distance scale of the galaxy.
Bk 13:123-381. The stars are engraved on Achilles’s shield.

Bk 3:165-205. One of Diana’s nymphs.

Hyanteus, Hyantius
Bk 3:138-164. Boeotian, applied to Actaeon.
Bk 5:294-331. Applied to the Heliconian fountain of Aganippe.
Bk 8:260-328. Home of Iolaus, present at the Calydonian Boar Hunt.

Bk 2:633-675. The many-headed water-serpent, born of Typhon and Echidna, that lived at Lerna near Argos. Its destruction was the Second Labour of Hercules(Heracles).
Bk 9:159-210.Hercules used the Hydra’s venom to tip his poisoned arrows, and struck Chiron his old friend inadvertently while fighting the Centaurs (The Fourth Labour). Chiron was in agony but could not die. Prometheus offered to die in his place. Zeus approved and Chiron was able to choose death.
Bk 9:1-88. Hercules describes his fight with the Hydra while taunting Achelous. (See Gustave Moreau’s painting – Hercules and the Lernean Hydra – in the Art Institute of Chicago)
Bk 9:89-158. The shirt of Nessus is soaked with its venom.

Bk 12:290-326. A centaur.

Bk 8:260-328. He is present at the Calydonian Boar Hunt.

Bk 13:675-704. From Hyle, a town in Boeotia. The home town of Alcon the engraver.

Bk 9:273-323. The son of Hercules and Deianira. Hercules has him marry Iole.

Bk 12:393-428. A female centaur, loved by Cyllarus. Inseparable in life, they died together, she killing herself to join him.

Hymen, Hymenaeus
Bk 1: 473-503. Bk 4:753-803. Bk 6:401-438. God of marriage.
Bk 9:764-797. He attends the wedding with Venus, the goddess of love, and Juno, the goddess of brides.
Bk 10:1-85. He attends the wedding of Orpheus and Eurydice but fails to bring his usual blessings.

Hymettus, Hymettos
A mountain in Attica south of Athens. It was famous for its wild-flower pasture for bees (See Pausanias I 32 i.) and had a shrine and statue of Zeus of Rain and Far-seeing. (The long Hymettos ridge bounds the plain of Attica on the east, made up of bluish-grey Hymettian marble overlying Pentelic marble, which was worked in ancient times. The hills were then heavily forested.)
Bk 7:661-758. Aurora sees Cephalus from there.
Bk 10:243-297. Its bees’ wax is used for moulding casts for statues etc.

BkVI:1-25 A town in Lydia. The home of Arachne.
Bk 11:146-171. It is overlooked by Mount Tmolus.

Bk 15:259-306. A river in Sarmatia. A main tributary of the Dnieper. The waters are sweet in their higher reaches, but are joined by a bitter stream flowing out of Scythia. See Herodotus IV 52.

Hyperboreus, Hyperborean
Bk 15:307-360. Belonging to the extreme north. The Hyperboreans, a mythical people living beyond the north wind. They cover their bodies with feathers by plunging nine times in Minerva’s pool. Herodotus has some interesting chapters on the Hyperboreans in IV 32-36. In 31 he speculates on the confusion of feathers with snowflakes. (See also Robert Graves ‘The White Goddess’ p.284)

Bk 4:214-255. A Titan, the son of Coelus and Terra, and father of the sun-god.

The Sun god himself. Heliopolis in Egypt, Hyperion’s city.
Bk 8:547-610. The sun.
Bk 15:391-417. The sun-god at Heliopolis, to which the phoenix flies.

Bk 5:74-106. A companion of Phineus killed by Lyncides.

The daughter of Thoas, king of Lemnos.
Bk 13:399-428. Ulysses sails for the island to bring back the arrows of Hercules. Thoas was king there when the Lemnian women murdered their menfolk because of their adultery with Thracian girls. His life was spared because his daughter Hypsipyle set him adrift in an oarless boat.

Bk 7:350-403. A lake and the town near it in Boeotia, named from the mother of Cycnus(2) by Apollo. She turns into a lake weeping for her son, whom she thinks dead.

Bk 4:1-30. A name for Bacchus from the shouts of his worshippers.

Bk 7:350-403. Of Ialysos, a city on the north eastern coast of the island of Rhodes.

Bk 9:714-763.The daughter of Telestes of Dicte, who is loved by Iphis, a girl reared as a boy, and betrothed to her.
Bk 9:764-797. Iphis is transformed into a boy by Isis, and marries her.

The Roman two-headed god of doorways and beginnings, equivalent to the Hindu elephant god Ganesh. The Janus mask is often depicted with one melancholy and one smiling face.
Bk 14:320-396. The father of Canens.
Bk 14:772-804. The naiades have a spring by his (later) temple.

Bk 4:604-662. Atlas, the son of Iapetus.

Bk 1:68-88. Bk 4:604-662. A Titan, father of Prometheus, Atlas and Epimetheus.

Bk 14:445-482. Bk 14:483-511. Bk 15:1-59.
Bk 15:622-745. The region in the heel of Italy. Apulia. Its king was Daunus. Named after Iapyx.

Bk 15:1-59. A son of Daedalus, who ruled in Apulia in southern Italy.

Son of Jupiter and Corythus’s wife Electra.
Bk 9:418-438. Ceres fell in love with him and lay with him in the thrice-ploughed field. She wishes she could obtain a renewal of his youth.

Iason, Jason
The son of Aeson, leader of the Argonauts, and hero of the adventure of the Golden Fleece. The fleece is represented in the sky by the constellation and zodiacal sign of Aries, the Ram. In ancient times it contained the point of the vernal equinox (The First Point of Aries) that has since moved by precession into Pisces.
Bk 7:1-73. Reaches Colchis and the court of King Aeetes.
Bk 7:74-99. Accepts Medea’s help and promises her marriage.
Bk 7:100-158. Completes the tasks and wins the Golden Fleece, and marries Medea, before returning to Iolchos.
Bk 7:159-178. He asks Medea to lengthen his father’s life.
Bk 7:350-403. He acquires the throne of Corinth, and marries a new bride Glauce. Medea in revenge for his disloyalty to her sends Glauce a wedding gift of a golden crown and white robe, that burst into flames when she puts them on, and consume her and the palace. Medea then kills her own sons by Jason, and flees his wrath.
Bk 8:260-328. He is present at the Calydonian Boar Hunt.
Bk 8:329-375. He throws his spear at the boar, but overshoots.
Bk 8:376-424. He wounds a hound by accident.

Bk 8:183-235.The son of Daedalus for whom his father fashioned wings of wax and feathers like his own in order to escape from Crete. Flying too near the sun, despite being warned, the wax melts and he drowns in the Icarian Sea, and is buried on the island of Icaria. ( See W H Auden’s poem ‘Musée des Beaux Arts’ referring to Brueghel’s painting, Icarus, in Brussels)

Icarus(2), = Icarius
Bk 10:431-502. The father of Erigone.

The son of Somnus (Sleep), and a god of dreams.
Bk 11:573-649. He takes the shape of creatures.

Bk 2:201-226. One Mount Ida is near Troy. There is a second Mount Ida on Crete.
Bk 4:274-316. Hermaphroditus is raised there.
Bk 7:350-403. Liber hides his son’s theft of a bullock by changing the animal to a stag.
Bk 10:1-85. Olenus and Lethaea are turned to stones there.
Bk 11:749-795. Birthplace of Trojan Aesacus.
Bk 12:429-535. The scene of Nestor’s tale at Troy.
Bk 13:1-122. The mountain near Troy.
Bk 14:527-565. Trojan Ida is sacred to Cybele. Aeneas’s ship timbers were felled there.

Bk 14:623-697. An epithet of Venus from Mount Idalium, her sacred mountain in Cyprus.

Proles Aphareia. A son of Aphareus, king of Messene.
Bk 8:260-328. He is present at the Calydonian Boar Hunt.

Bk 5:74-106. A courtier of Cepheus, killed by Phineus, though a neutral in the fight with Perseus.

Bk 14:483-511. A companion of Diomede. Venus transforms him into a bird.

BkVI:1-25. Bk 6:129-145. Of Colophon, the father of Arachne.

King of Crete, leader of the Cretan contingent fighting against Troy.
Bk 13:1-122. He does not compete for the arms of Achilles.

Bk 10:143-219. An epithet of Ganymedes, son of Tros. Trojan.

Bk 14:772-804. Bk 14:805-828. An epithet of Romulus, as son of Ilia.

Ilion, Ilium, Troy
Bk 13:123-381. Bk 13:399-428. Bk 14:445-482. See Troia.
Bk 13:481-575. Hecuba mourns the end of Troy.

Bk 6:204-266. One of Niobe’s seven sons killed by Apollo and Diana.

Bk 9:273-323. The Greek goddess of childbirth, corresponding to Lucina who was an aspect of Juno, as the Great Goddess.

Of Illyria (Illyris), a country on the Adriatic, north of Epirus.
Bk 4:563-603. The country where Cadmus and Harmonia are turned into serpents.

Bk 11:749-795. The son of Tros, builder of Troy (Ilium). The father of Laomedon.

Bk 12:290-326. A centaur.

A male descendant of Inachus.
Bk 4:706-752. Perseus as deriving from the royal line of Argos.

Bk 9:666-713. Io, the daughter of Inachus, worshipped as a manifestation of Isis, the Egyptian goddess.

Bk 1:568-587. A river in Argolis. The river-god, father of Io (Inachis).

Bk 14:75-100. An island off the coast of Campania (Southern Italy).

Bk 14:566-580. The name under which the deified Aeneas was worshipped (the national deity).

Bk 15:843-870. Deified heroes, worshipped as deities of their native countries.

Bk 1:765-779. Bk 5:30-73. Bk 8:260-328.
Bk 11:146-171 Of India.

Bk 3:273-315. The daughter of Cadmus, wife of Athamas, and sister of Semele and Agave. She fosters the infant Bacchus.
Bk 3:692-733. She participates in the killing of Pentheus.
Bk 4:416-463. She incurs the hatred of Juno.
Bk 4:512-542. Maddened by Tisiphone, and the death of her son Learchus, at the hand of his father, she leaps into the sea, and is changed to the sea-goddess Leucothoe by Neptune, at Venus’s request.

Bk 1:587-600. Daughter of Inachus a river-god of Argolis, chased and raped by Jupiter.
Bk 1:601-621. Changed to a heifer by Jupiter and conceded as a gift to Juno.
Bk 1:622-641. Guarded by hundred-eyed Argus.
Bk 1:722-746. After Mercury kills Argus, and driven by Juno’s fury Io has reached the Nile, she is returned to human form.
Bk 1:747-764. With her son Epaphus she is worshipped in Egypt as a goddess. Io is therefore synonymous with Isis (or Hathor the cow-headed goddess with whom she was often confused), and Epaphus with Horus.
Bk 9:666-713. Worshipped in Crete as a manifestation of Isis.

The son of Iphicles, nephew and companion of Hercules.
Bk 8:260-328. He is present at the Calydonian Boar Hunt.
Bk 9:394-417. He is returned to life by Hebe. (He is the grandson of Alcmene, since his father Iphicles is her son by Amphitryon, and Hercules mortal half-brother, the twin or tanist of the sun-god. Iolaus’s renewal and appearance at the threshold may indicate his cult as a representative of the risen sun of the new year. His cult was celebrated in Sardinia where he was linked to Daedalus.)
Bk 9:418-438. Jupiter explains that this is through the power of fate as well.

Iolchos, Iolciacus
A seaport town in Thessaly from which the Argonauts sailed.
Bk 7:100-158. They return there with Medea and the Golden Fleece.

Bk 9:89-158. The daughter of Eurytus, king of Oechalia, whom Hercules was enamoured of.
Bk 9:273-323. Hercules asks his son Hyllus, by Deianira, to marry her.
Bk 9:324-393. She tells her mother-in-law Alcmena the story of her half-sister Dryope.
Bk 9:394-417. She weeps for Dryope and is comforted by Alcmena.

The region of ancient Greek territory bordering the Eastern Aegean, containing Lydia and Caria and the islands of Samos and Chios.

Ionium, aequor, mare
The Ionian Sea, west of the Greek mainland.
Bk 4:512-542. Ino leaps into its waters.
Bk 15:1-59. Myscelus sails it.
Bk 15:622-745. Aesculapius crosses it to Italy.

The daughter of Agamemnon, king of Mycenae, and Clytaemnestra. She is called Mycenis.
Bk 12:1-38. Bk 13:123-381. She is sacrificed by her father at Aulis, to gain favourable winds for the passage to Troy but snatched away by Diana. (to Tauris)

Bk 12:290-326. A centaur.

Bk 9:666-713. Daughter of Ligdus, a Cretan and his wife Telethusa. Her mother is visited by a prophetic dream of Isis before her birth. She is named after the grandfather, the father being deceived into believing she is a boy.
Bk 9:714-763. She laments her inability to consummate her passion for Ianthe whom she loves.
Bk 9:764-797. She is transformed into a boy, by Isis, and marries Ianthe.

A youth of Cyprus who loved Anaxarete.
Bk 14:698-771. He commits suicide when she disdains him.

Coeranus, the son of Iphitus.
Bk 13:123-381. A Lycian, killed by Ulysses.

Bk 1:244-273. Juno’s messenger, the Rainbow. (See Shakespeare’s Tempest – the masque).
Bk 4:464-511. Purifies Juno after her visit to Hades.
Bk 11:573-649. Goes to Somnus, god of Sleep, to command him to send a dream to Alcyone.
Bk 14:75-100. At Juno’s command she attempts to destroy Aeneas’s ships (see Virgil The Aeneid V 600)
Bk 14:829-851. Juno sends her to Hersilia.

Bk 9:666-713. The Egyptian Goddess, in Greek mythology the deified Io and identified also with Ceres-Demeter. The wife of Osiris. Goddess of the domestic arts. Her cult absorbed the other great goddesses and spread through the Graeco-Roman world as far as the Rhine. Isis was the star of the sea, and the goddess of travellers. She visits Telethusa in a dream. She is accompanied by Anubis, the jackal-headed god, associated with Mercury; Bubastis, or Bast (Bastet), the lion or cat-headed goddess, associated with Diana; Apis the sacred Bull; Harpocrates the child Horus; and Osiris her husband, whom she searches for, in the great vegetation myth of Egypt. She has the sacred rattle or sistrum; the serpent that she fashioned, that poisoned the sun-god Ra, whom she cured in exchange for his true name; and on her forehead she carries the horns, moon disc, and ears of corn symbolising her moon, fertility and cow attributes.
Bk 9:764-797. She protects Paraetonium, Pharos, the Nile and the Mareotic fields.


Bk 2:227-271. From Mount Ismarus in Thrace. Thracian.
Bk 9:595-665. The Bacchantes perform the rites there.
Bk 10:298-355. The Thracian race to which Orpheus belongs.
Bk 13:481-575. Polymestor is the king of Thrace.

Bk 3:165-206. Crocale, the daughter of Ismenus, the Boeotian river god.

Ismenus(1), Ismenides
Bk 2:227-271. The river and river-god of Boeotia, near Thebes. The women of Thebes, being near the river. Crocale one of Diana’s nymphs is the daughter of the river-god and therefore called Ismenis.
Bk 3:692-733. Bk 4:31-54. The women of Thebes, who now worship the new religion of Bacchus.
Bk 4:543-562. Followers of Ino who are turned to stone.
Bk 6:146-203. The women of Thebes exhorted to worship Latona, and her children, Apollo and Diana.
Bk 13:675-704. The country of Therses.

Bk 6:204-266. One of Niobe’s seven sons killed by Apollo and Diana.

The daughter of Macareus(1).
Bk 6:103-128. Raped by Phoebus, disguised as a shepherd, and depicted by Arachne.

Bk 6:401-438. The Isthmus of Corinth between the Gulf of Corinth and the Saronic Sea.
Bk 7:404-424. Cleansed of robbers by Theseus.
Bk 15:479-546. Crossed by Hippolytus at his death.

Bk 15:622-745. Italy.

The island off the coast of Greece, in the Ionian Sea (to the west of mainland Greece), home of Ulysses.
Bk 13:481-575. Home of Penelope.
Bk 13:705-737. Passed by Aeneas.
Bk 14:154-222. Dear to Macareus of Neritos.

Bk 13:1-122. A name for Ulysses, as king of Ithaca.

Bk 6:401-438. The son of Tereus and Procne. His birthday is named as a festival.
Bk 6:619-652. Bk 6:653-674. He is murdered by his mother in revenge for Tereus’s rape of Philomela, and his flesh is served to his father at a banquet.

Bk 15:745-842. King of Numidia. Aligned with Scipio and beaten by Caesar in North Africa where the remnants of the Pompeian party were being reorganised.

Bk 14:566-580. Ascanius, the son of Aeneas, from whom the Iulian clan claimed their origin.
Bk 15:418-452. Bk 15:745-842. The ancestor of Julius Caesar.

Iuno, Juno
Bk 1:244-273. The daughter of Rhea and Saturn, wife of Jupiter, and the queen of the gods. A representation of the pre-Hellenic Great Goddess. (See the Metope of Temple E at Selinus – The Marriage of Hera and Zeus – Palermo, National Museum.)
Bk 1: 601-621. Catching Jupiter deceiving her with Io, asks the girl, transformed into a heifer by Jupiter, as a gift.
Bk 1: 722-746. Relenting, she returns Io to human form.
Bk 2:466-495. Turns Callisto into a bear after her rape by Jupiter.
Bk 2:508-530. After Callisto is set in the heavens as the Great Bear by Jupiter, she requests Tethys and Oceanus not to allow the constellation to enter their waters (and fall below the horizon).
Bk 2:531-565. Her chariot is drawn by peacocks.
Bk 3:253-272. She sets out to punish Semele.
Bk 3:273-315. She deceives Semele.
Bk 3:316-338. She blinds Tiresias for his judgement.
Bk 3:359-401. She limits Echo’s powers of speech.
Bk 4:167-189. Vulcan is her son.
Bk 4:416-463. She is angered by Ino sister of Semele.
Bk 4:464-511. She asks Tisiphone, the Fury, to madden Ino and Athamas, her husband, and sees them come to grief.
Bk 4:543-562. She turns Ino’s protesting servants into stone.
Bk 6:70-102. Turned the Queen of the Pygmies into a crane and forced her to war against her own people, and turned Antigone of Troy into a stork.
Bk 6:313-381. She pursued Latona in jealousy.
Bk 6:401-438. She is the goddess who attends brides in the wedding ceremony.
Bk 7:501-613. Jealous of Aegina, because of her affair with Jupiter, Juno sends a plague to the island of Aegina named after her where, her son Aeacus is king.
Bk 8:183-235. The island of Samos is sacred to her.
Bk 9:1-88. Bk 9:159-210. The stepmother, and in some myths foster-mother of Hercules. She is inimical to him because of Jupiter’s adultery with Alcmena his mother. She instigates his Twelve Labours through Eurystheus.
Bk 9:211-272. She resents Hercules’s deification.
Bk 9:273-323. She had previously made Alcmena’s labour difficult in giving birth to Hercules.
Bk 9:394-417. Her daughter is Hebe.
Bk 9:439-516. She married her brother Jupiter.
Bk 9:764-797. She attends weddings with Venus and Hymen.
Bk 10:143-219. She objects to Ganymede becoming Jupiter’s cup-bearer.
Bk 11:573-649. She sends Iris goddess of the rainbow, her messenger, to Somnus, Sleep, ordering him to send a dream to Alcyone telling her of the death of Ceyx.
Bk 12:429-535. Ixion had attempted to seduce her.
Bk 13:481-575. She admits that Hecuba does not deserve the fate that befell her.
Bk 14:75-100. She sends Iris to destroy Aeneas’s ships.
Bk 14:101-153. Proserpina is ‘the Juno of Avernus’.
Bk 14:566-580. She accepts Aeneas’s deification.
Bk 14:772-804. She unbars the Roman citadel to the Sabines. (Pursuing her vendetta against the descendants of Aeneas.)
Bk 14:829-851. She sends Iris to Hersilia.
BkXV:143-175. She has a temple at Argos.
Bk 15:361-390. Her bird is the peacock.
Bk 15:622-745. She had a famous temple at Lacinium.
Bk 15:745-842. Venus says she was on Turnus’s side during the wars in Latium.

Bk 4:167-189. Vulcan, the son of Iuno.

Iuppiter, Jupiter, Jove
Bk 1:89-112. The sky-god, son of Saturn and Rhea, born on Mount Lycaeum in Arcadia and nurtured on Mount Ida in Crete. The oak is his sacred tree. His emblems of power are the sceptre and lightning-bolt. His wife and sister is Juno (Iuno). (See the sculpted bust(copy) by Brassides, the Jupiter of Otricoli, Vatican)
Bk 1:113-124. Creates the seasons.
Bk 1:587-600. Chases and rapes Io.
Bk 1:668-688. Father of Mercury by the Pleiad Maia.
Bk 1:722-746. After Juno transforms Io into a heifer, he employs Mercury to dispose of Argus, and though Juno sets Io wandering, he eventually prevails on her to return Io to human form, when she has reached the Nile.
Bk 1:747-764. Father of Epaphus, by Io.
Bk 2:301-328. Rescues the earth by destroying Phaethon and the runaway sun chariot.
Bk 2:401-416. Sees Callisto in the woods of Arcadia.
Bk 2:417-440. He rapes Callisto.
Bk 2:496-507. He sets Callisto and her son Arcas among the stars as the constellations of Ursa Major and Ursa Minor, the Great and Little Bear.
Bk 2:833-875. Jupiter abducts Europa.
Bk 3:273-315. He unwillingly destroys Semele who has been deceived by Juno but rescues their son Bacchus who is sewn into his thigh to come to full term.
Bk 3:316-338. He gives Tiresias the power of prophecy.
Bk 3:359-401. He often lies with the mountain nymphs.
Bk 4:274-316. He was guarded in his cradle by the Dactyls (‘fingers’), one of whom was Celmis, born when Rhea was bearing Jupiter and pressed her fingers into the earth.
Bk 4:663-705. As Jupiter Ammon his oracle sentenced Andromeda to be chained to the rock for her mother’s fault.
Bk 5:294-331. The Emathides pretend that he fled to Egypt in the war between the giants and the gods, and there as Libyan Ammon hid in the form of a ram.
Bk 5:332-384. He is subject to Cupid, as are the other gods.
Bk 5:487-532. Ceres asks him to restore their daughter Proserpine.
Bk 5:533-571. He decrees that Proserpine must spend half the year with Dis and half with Ceres.
Bk 6:26-69. Minerva ( Pallas Athene) is his daughter.
Bk 6:70-103. He is head of the court of the gods that judges between Neptune and Pallas regarding their right to the city of Athens.
Bk 6:103-128. Arachne depicts his rapes of Europa, Leda, Asterie, Antiope, Alcmena, Danae, Aegina, Mnemosyne, and Proserpine.
Bk 6:486-548. Bk 15:361-390. The eagle is his representative bird.
Bk 7:350-403. He sank the Telchines of Rhodes under the sea.
Bk 7:501-613. The sacrifices to him during the plague at Aegina have no effect.
Bk 7:614-660. He finally answers Aeacus’s prayer and repopulates the city by changing the ants into people, the Myrmidons.
Bk 7:796-865. Procris would prefer Cephalus’s bed to his.
Bk 8:81-151. Minos calls Crete the cradle of Jove. Minos is his son by Europa.
Bk 8:260-328. The Athenians pray to him, and the other gods.
Bk 8:611-678. Disguised as a mortal he visits Philemon and Baucis with Mercury, his son.
Bk 8:679-724. Jupiter is referred to as Saturnius, the son of Saturn. He transforms Philemon and Baucis into trees, an oak and a lime-tree.
Bk 9:1-88. Bk 9:89-158. Bk 9:211-272. Bk 9:273-323.
Bk 15:1-59. He is the father of Hercules by Alcmena. Hercules sacrifices to him at Cenaeum in Euboea.
Bk 9:211-272. He addresses the gods before setting Hercules in the sky as a new constellation.
Bk 9:394-417. Themis prophesies he will intervene in the war of the Seven against Thebes, destroying Capaneus, and aiding the subsequent chain of revenge.
Bk 9:418-438. Bk 9:439-516. He explains the power of fate to the other gods. He recognises the piety and love for him displayed by Aeacus, and the just nature of the lawgivers Minos and Rhadamanthus.
Bk 9:439-516. Bk 13:481-575. He married his sister Juno.
Bk 10:143-219. Bk 11:749-795. In the form of an eagle he abducted Ganymede.
Bk 11:194-220. Bk 11:266-345. The grandfather of Peleus (through Aegina) and his father-in-law (through Thetis). There was an altar of Panomphaean (‘source of all oracles’) Jupiter the Thunderer (Tonaus) near Troy.
Bk 11:221-265. He yields Thetis to Peleus because of a prophecy.
Bk 12:39-63. The creator of distant thunder.
Bk 13:1-122. The father of Aeacus, by Aegina. He aids the Trojans in attacking the Greek ships.
Bk 13:123-381. Ajax and Ulysses are both great-grandsons of Jupiter through the male line. Ajax through Telamon and Aeacus, Ulysses through Laertes and Arcesius.
Bk 13:123-381. Agamemnon dreamed that Jupiter ordered him to abandon the war.
Bk 13:399-428. Priam is murdered at his altar as Troy falls.
Bk 13:576-622. He grants Aurora’s request and creates the Memnonides, a flock of warring birds, to commemorate Memnon.
Bk 13:705-737. He plagues Aeneas’s people on Crete until they are forced to leave. (See Virgils’ Aeneid III:130-160)
Bk 13:705-737. He saves Munichus, the Molossian king, and his family changing them into birds.
Bk 13:789-869. Polyphemus compares himself in size to Jove.
Bk 14:75-100. Jupiter changes the Cercopes into monkeys.
Bk 14:566-580. He allows the deification of Aeneas.
Bk 14:805-828. He agrees to the deification of Romulus.
Bk 15:60-142. Pythagoras questioned as to whether thunder and lightning were merely natural phenomena, and not caused by Jupiter.
Bk 15:745-842. Jupiter grants Caesar deification, and prophesies Augustus’s achievements.
Bk 15:843-870. Jupiter surpasses his father Saturn, as Augustus surpasses Julius Caesar. He is worshipped on the Tarpeian citadel, the Capitoline Hill.
Bk 15:871-879. Ovid’s work is secure from Jupiter’s, and therefore also Augustus’s anger, he being Jupiter incarnate, implying perhaps that Ovid may have retouched the envoi after Augustus’s death in AD 14, and before his own death in AD 17, as his last word, never having been pardoned by Augustus, but claiming now his own immortality.

King of the Lapithae, father of Pirithous, and of the Centaurs.
Bk 4:416-463. Punished in Hades for attempting to seduce Juno. He was fastened to a continually turning wheel.
Bk 8:376-424. Bk 8:611-678. The father of Pirithous.
Bk 9:89-158. The father of Nessus and the other centaurs.
Bk 10:1-85. His punishment in the underworld ceases for a time at the sound of Orpheus’s song.
Bk 12:210-244. Bk 12:290-326. His son is Pirithous.
Bk 12:429-535. He had attempted to seduce Juno, but Jupiter created a false image of her, caught Ixion in the act with this simulacrum, and bound him to a fiery wheel that rolls through the sky (or turns in the Underworld).

Bk 8:547-610. Pirithous, as the son of Ixion.
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Re: Metamorphoses, by Ovid

Postby admin » Wed Jan 19, 2022 12:07 am

Part 5 of 9

Laconia, Laconis, Lacedaemonian, Lacedaemionius
Bk 2:227-271. The area around Sparta. Of Sparta, the chief city also called Lacedaemon.

Bk 15:1-59. Bk 15:622-745. Of Lacinium, a promontory near Crotona in Italy. (Near modern Capo Colonna on the ‘heel’ of Italy.) It had a famous temple of Juno.

Bk 3:206-231. Spartan, Lacedaemonian, Laconian.

Bk 1:689-721. A river in Arcadia. (Pausanias says, VIII xx, that its springs derive from the Phenean Lake and that it has the finest water of any river in Greece.)

The father of Ulysses, and son of Arcesius.
Bk 8:260-328. He is present at the Calydonian Boar Hunt. He is father-in-law to Penelope.
Bk 12:579-628. Bk 13:123-381. The father of Ulysses.

Bk 13:1-122. Ulysses, son of Laertes.

Laertius heros
Bk 13:123-381. Ulysses, son of Laertes.

Bk 14:223-319. An ancient people of Campania in Italy, fabled to be cannibals. See Lamus. They attack Ulysses and his comrades.

Laiades, Oedipus
Bk 7:759-795. Oedipus, son of Laius. He was exposed as an infant on Mount Cithaeron. Later, he unknowingly killed his father and married his mother, to become King of Thebes, and from that Sophocles’s great tragedies are developed. Oedipus guessed the answer to the Sphinx’s riddle, that it is Humankind that goes on four legs at dawn, two in the afternoon, and three at evening (a crawling child, an adult, an aged person with a staff). The Sphinx was the monstrous daughter of Typhon and Echidne, and came to Thebes from Ethiopia. She had a woman’s had, a lion’s body, a serpent’s tail, and eagle’s wings. The Sphinx leapt to her death from Mount Phicium. (See Sophocles plays, ‘The Theban cycle’, Ingres’s painting Oedipus and the Sphinx, Louvre, Paris, Gustave Moreau’s painting in the Metropolitan Gallery ,New York, and Charles Ricketts pen and ink drawing of the same subject, Carlisle Art Gallery, England)

Lampetia, Lampetie
Bk 2:344-366. One of the Heliads, daughters of Clymene and the Sun, who are turned into poplar trees while mourning Phaethon.

Bk 5:107-148. A musician at the court of Cepheus, killed by Pedasus.

Bk 14:223-319. Mythical king of the Laestrygonians, and founder of Formiae. (The Laestrygonian country has been placed in Sicily, here at Formia on the coast of Campania, or, as Ernle Bradford suggests in ‘Ulysses Found’ Ch.12, from the details of the natural harbour described by Homer in the Odyssey, at Bonafacio in Corsica, in the sea-gate between Corsica and Sardinia.)

Bk 11:749-795. The king of Troy, son of Ilus the younger, father of Priam, Hesione and Antigone.
Bk 6:70-102. Father of Antigone of Troy.
Bk 11:194-220. He reneges on his agreement to reward Apollo and Neptune for building the walls of Troy. His daughter Hesione is chained to a rock to be taken by a sea-monster. Hercules rescues her and is also denied his reward. He seizes Troy and marries Hesione to Telamon.

Bk 12:245-289. Bk 14:623-697. An ancient people of south western Thessaly. The marriage of Pirithous and Hippodamia was disrupted by Eurytus one of the centaurs invited to the feast, leading to the battle between the Lapiths and Centaurs. (See the sculpture from the west pediment of the Temple of Zeus at Olympia – e.g. the detail, Lapith Woman and Centaur)
Bk 12:536-579. Nestor finishes telling the story of the battle.

Larissaeus, Larissa
Bk 2:531-565. Of Larissa a town in Thessaly.

Latialis, Latinus
[Passim]. Of Latium, Latian, Latin, Roman.

Bk 14:445-482. The son of Faunus, grandson of Picus, king of Laurentum in Latium, and father of Lavinia. Aeneas marries his daughter and becomes king.

Bk 14:609-622. One of the Alban kings.

Bk 14:320-396. A country in Central Italy, containing Rome. (The modern Lazio region. It originally designated the small area between the mouth of the Tiber and the Alban Hills. With the Roman conquest it was extended south-east to the Gulf of Gaeta, and west to the mountains of Abruzzo, forming the so-called Latium novum or adiectum.)
Bk 14:445-482. At war with Etruria.
Bk 14:623-697. Pomona’s country.
Bk 15:622-745. Suffers the plague.

Latius, Latian, Latin
Bk 14:320-396 Bk 14:397-434. Bk 14:829-851. Of Latium. Roman.

Bk 8:260-328. Diana, the daughter of Latona.

Bk 11:194-220. Apollo, the son of Latona.

Latona, Leto
Bk 1:689-721. Daughter of the Titan Coeus, and mother of Apollo and Artemis (Diana) by Jupiter.
Bk 6:146-203. Worshipped at Thebes.
Bk 6:204-266. Offended by Niobe she asks her children to exact punishment.
Bk 6:267-312. They pursue vengeance on her behalf, killing all Niobe’s children. Niobe is turned to stone, and her husband Amphion commits suicide in his grief.
Bk 6:313-381. Bk 13:623-639. Pursued by a jealous Juno, she was given sanctuary by Delos, a floating island. There between an olive tree and a date-palm she gave birth to Apollo and Diana-Artemis, by Mount Cynthus. Delos became fixed. A variant has Artemis born on the nearby islet of Ortygia.
Ovid also tells how Latona turned the Lycian countrymen into frogs, for refusing to allow her to drink at their pool.
Bk 7:350-403. The island of Calaurea is sacred to her.

Bk 1:689-721. Bk 8:376-424. Bk 8:515-546. Diana, as the daughter of Latona.

Bk 6:146-203. Apollo and Diana, the twin children of Latona, worshipped at Thebes.

Of Latona, her altar. Also of her son Phoebus Apollo.
Bk 6:382-400. An epithet for Apollo.

Bk 12:429-535. A centaur.

Of Laurentum, an ancient city of Latium, seat of king Latinus. Possibly identified with ancient Lavinium between modern Ostia and Anzio.
Bk 14:320-396. Picus comes from there.
Bk 14:566-580. Venus descends there.

Bk 14:445-482. Bk 14:566-580. The daughter of Latinus. She married Aeneas, and the disappointed Turnus initiated the war in Latium.

Bk 15:622-745. A city of Latium founded by Aeneas.

The son of Athamas and Ino.
Bk 4:512-542. Killed by his father, maddened by Tisiphone.

An island in the eastern Aegean, one of the Sporades.
Bk 8:183-235. Daedalus and Icarus fly to the north of it after leaving Crete.

The daughter of Thestius and wife of the Spartan king Tyndareus. She had twin sons Castor and Polydeuces (Pollux), the Tyndaridae, following her rape by Jupiter in the form of a swan. Castor and Pollux are represented in the sky by the two bright stars in the constellation of Gemini, the Twins. They were the protectors of mariners appearing in the rigging as the electrical phenomenon now known as St Elmo’s fire. Gemini contains the radiant of the Geminid meteor shower. (See the painting Leda, by Gustave Moreau in the Gustave Moreau Museum Paris)
Bk 6:103-128. Depicted by Arachne.
Bk 8:260-328. The mother of the Tyndaridae.

A Pelasgic people of Greece and Asia Minor.
Bk 7:425-452. Builders of the walls of Megara.
Bk 9:595-665. Armed inhabitants of Caria.

Bk 8:260-328. He is present at the Calydonian Boar Hunt.
Bk 8:547-610. Descibed as a hero of Troezen, he is present when Achelous offers Theseus his hospitality.
Bk 8:611-678. He tells the story of Baucis and Philemon.
Bk 8:725-776.He completes his tale.

Bk 2:752-786. Vulcan, whose favourite dwelling-place was Lemnos.

Bk 2:752-786. Bk 13:1-122. The Greek island. The home of Vulcan the blacksmith of the gods.
Bk 4:167-189. Vulcan is called the Lemnian.
Bk 13:1-122. Philoctetes was bitten by a snake there, and on Ulysses advice was abandoned there. He had inherited the bow and arrows of Hercules.
Bk 13:399-428. Ulysses sails for the island to bring back the arrows of Hercules. Thoas was once king there when the Lemnian women murdered their menfolk because of their adultery with Thracian girls. His life was spared because his daughter Hypsipyle set him adrift in an oarless boat.

Bk 4:1-30. Bk 11:85-145. An epithet for Bacchus as god of the vineyards.

Bk 2:63-89. The constellation and zodiacal sign of the Lion. It contains the star Regulus ‘the heart of the lion’, one of the four guardians of the heavens in Babylonian astronomy, which lies nearly on the ecliptic. (The others are Aldebaran in Taurus, Antares in Scorpius, and Fomalhaut ‘the Fish’s Eye’ in Piscis Austrinus. All four are at roughly ninety degrees to one another). The constellation represents the lion killed by Hercules as the first of his twelve labours.

Bk 1:587-600. Bk 9:1-88. Bk 9:89-158.The marshland in Argolis, the home of the Hydra.

Bk 2:566-595. The island in the eastern Aegean. Among its cities were Mytilene and Methymna. Famous as the home of Sappho the poetess, whose love of women gave rise to the term lesbian. Here the home of Nyctimene.
Bk 11:1-66. Orpheus’s (prophetic) head is washed ashore there.
Bk 13:123-381. Captured by Achilles.

Bk 10:1-85. The wife of Olenus. She was punished for her pride in her beauty and he chose to share her guilt. They were turned into stones on Mount Ida.

A river of the Underworld, whose waters bring forgetfulness.
Bk 7:100-158. Used of the magic juice (juniper?) that Jason uses to subdue the dragon that guards the Golden Fleece.
Bk 11:573-649. Its stream flows from the depths of the House of Sleep, and induces drowsiness with its murmuring. (Hence the stream of forgetfulness)

Bk 7:350-403. Of Leto, or Latona, applied to Calaurea an island to the east of Argolis sacred to her.

Bk 8:1-80. Phoebus Apollo, as the son of Latona (Leto).

An island off the coast of Acarnania in western Greece, in the Ionian Sea north of Ithaca.
Bk 15:259-306. Once joined to the mainland. (The Corinthians bored a channel through the isthmus in the 7th century BC, see Ernle Bradford’s ‘Ulysses Found’ Appendix II)

The brother of Aphareus.
Bk 8:260-328. He is present at the Calydonian Boar Hunt.

Bk 4:31-54. One of the daughters of Minyas who rejected the worship of Bacchus and was changed into a bat.
Bk 4:167-189. She tells the story of Mars and Venus.

Bk 15:622-745. An island, near Paestum in Italy.

Bk 4:190-213. The daughter of Orchamus, king of Babylon loved by Sol.
Bk 4:214-255. Raped by Sol, and buried alive by her father, Sol changes her into a tree with incense-bearing resin (frankincense, genus Boswellia?)

The White Goddess, the sea-goddess into whom Ino was changed, who as a sea-mew helps Ulysses (See Homer’s Odyssey). She is a manifestation of the Great Goddess in her archetypal form. (See Robert Graves’s ‘The White Goddess’)
Bk 4:512-542. Venus intercedes for Ino, after she has leapt into the sea with her son, and Neptune changes them into sea-deities.

Bk 3:511-527. An ancient rural god of Italy who presided over planting and fructification. He became associated (as Liber Pater) with Bacchus-Dionysus.
Bk 3:597-637. An epithet of Bacchus in the story of Acoetes.
Bk 6:103-128. The ensnaring of Erigone is depicted by Arachne.
Bk 7:294-349. Medea restores the youth of the Nyseides for him.
Bk 7:350-403. He hides the bullock his son has stolen, concealing it in the form of a stag.
Bk 8:152-182. He rescues Ariadne.
Bk 13:640-674. He gave Anius’s daughters the power to change everything into corn, wine and olives.

Bk 2:227-271. The country in North Africa. Turned to desert when Phaethon loses control of the sun chariot.
Bk 4:604-662. The drops of blood falling from the Gorgon’s head as Perseus flies over its sands infest it with poisonous snakes.
Bk 5:74-106. Amphimedon’s native country.
Bk 14:75-100. Carthage is sited there, supposedly founded by Dido, originally a Phoenician trading post. Aeneas is driven there from Sicily by adverse winds.

Bk 3:597-637. A seaman, companion of Acoetes.

Bk 5:294-331. African, applied to Ammon.

Bk 9:89-158.A servant of Hercules entrusted with the shirt of Nessus which he unwittingly gives to his master.
Bk 9:211-272. He is thrown into the Euboean Gulf by Hercules and becomes a sacred island, called by his name.

Bk 9:666-713.A Cretan. His wife is Telethusa. She has a daughter who he wishes to be exposed, but he is deceived into believing the daughter is a male child and names it Iphis.

Ligures, Liguria
Bk 2:367-380. A people and country of northern Italy.

Lilybaeon, Lilybaeum
Bk 5:332-384. Bk 13:705-737. A promontory on the southern coast of Sicily.

Bk 5:30-73. A nymph of the River Ganges, daughter of the river god, and mother of Athis.

Bk 9:595-665. A city in Lycia.

Bk 3:339-358. Raped by the river-god Cephisus she gives birth to Narcissus.

Bk 15:622-745. A city in Campania in Italy. Famous for its mastic bearing lentisk trees. (The gum mastic from lentisk trees for which the island of Chios was also famous, formed the basis of ‘Turkish Delight’, the sweet of the Sultan’s harem.) (The modern Lago di Patria near Cumae was once the harbour of the Roman colony.)

Bk 9:324-393. A nymph, daughter of Neptune. Changed into a lotus tree while fleeing from Priapus.

Bk 2:111-149. Bk 15:176-198. The morning star (the planet Venus). It sets with the rising sun and vanishes as Phaethon begins his ride. (Lucifer the ‘Son of Morning’)
Bk 2:708-736. The brightest star, but outshone by the moon.
Bk 4:604-662 Wakes Aurora’s fires to begin the day.
Bk 8:1-80. Bk 11:85-145. He dispels the night.
Bk 11:266-345. His sons are Ceyx and Daedalion.
Bk 11:346-409. His son Ceyx tells the story of Daedalion.
Bk 11:474-572. Ceyx calls to him in extremis. He hides his face, when Ceyx is drowned, in mourning.
Bk 15:745-842. His face is darkened as an omen of Caesar’s assassination.

Bk 9:666-713. ‘The light bringer’, the Roman goddess of childbirth, a manifestation of Juno, but also applied to Diana, as the Great Goddess.
Bk 5:294-331. Appealed to, for help in childbirth, by Euippe.
Bk 9:273-323. Her Greek equivalent was Ilithyia.
Bk 9:273-323. Alcmena calls out to her in childbirth. Her companion gods, the guardians of women in labour, are the Nixi.
She squats on the altar and, using sympathetic magic, clasps her crossed knees to retard the childbirth at Juno’s orders.
Bk 10:503-559. She assists at the birth of Adonis.

Bk 2:201-226. The moon goddess. A manifestation of Artemis-Diana-Phoebe, sister of Apollo-Sol-Phoebus. Amazed at the sun chariot running amok with Phaethon.
Bk 7:179-233. At the eclipse, bronze weapons etc were clashed to ease the birth-pangs of the moon as she brought forth renewed light, in order to ensure a safe outcome to the eclipse.
Bk 7:501-613. A synonym for the moon.

Bk 4:1-30. An epithet of Bacchus meaning ‘the deliverer from care’.
Bk 8:260-328. King Oeneus pours libations of wine to him.
Bk 11:67-84. Bacchus turns the Maenads who killed Orpheus into oak trees.

Bk 3:597-637. A seaman, companion of Acoetes.

Bk 5:30-73. An Assyrian, companion of Phineus, killed by Perseus trying to avenge his friend and lover Athis.

Bk 12:290-326. A centaur.

Bk 1:689-721. A mountain in Arcadia. (Pausanias, VIII xxxviii, has a long section on this mountain, the Holy Peak, sacred to Zeus-Jupiter, and Pan. In the precinct of Zeus no shadow is cast.)
Bk 8:260-328. The home of Atalanta (1) who is present at the Calydonian Boar Hunt.

Bk 1:151-176. Son of Pelasgus. Lycaon was a king of primitive Arcadia who presided over barbarous cannibalistic practises. He was transformed into a wolf by Zeus, angered by human sacrifice. His sons offered Zeus, disguised as a traveller, a banquet containing human remains. They were also changed into wolves and Zeus then precipitated a great flood to cleanse the world.
Bk 2:466-495. The father of Callisto.

Bk 5:74-106. A native of the River Spercheos. A companion of Phineus, killed by Perseus.

Bk 2:708-736. The gymnasium at Athens amongst fountains and groves frequented by the philosophers.

Bk 4:274-316. A country in Asia Minor, south of Caria, bordering the Mediterranean.
Bk 6:313-381. Home of the Chimaera. Scene of Latona’s transformation of the farmers into frogs.
Bk 9:595-665. The country of Byblis’s final transformation on Mount Chimaera home of the monster. Landmarks are Mount Cragus and Limyre, and the plain of Xanthus.
Bk 12:64-145. The country of Menoetes.
Bk 13:123-381. The country of Sarpedon.

Bk 12:290-326. A centaur.

Bk 12:290-326. A centaur.

Bk 2:227-271. A river in Aetolia.

Bk 5:107-148. A follower of Perseus, kills Pedasus.

Bk 7:453-500. Of Lyctos, a city in Crete. Used of the Cretan fleet under Minos.

Bk 4:1-30. King of the Edonians (Edoni) of Thrace who opposed Bacchus’s entry into his kingdom at the River Strymon. Lycurgus was driven mad and killed his own son Dryas with an axe thinking he was a vine. He pruned the corpse, and the Edonians, horrified, instructed by Bacchus, tore Lycurgus to pieces with wild horses on Mount Pangaeum.

Bk 12:290-326. A centaur.

Bk 14:483-511. A companion of Diomede. Venus transforms him into a bird.

Bk 15:259-306. A river in Phrygia, a tributary of the Maeander. The Lycus plunges into a chasm, runs underground for some distance, and reappears before entering the Maeander. (See Herodotus VII 30, where it is visited by Xerxes, on the march.)

A country in Asia Minor, containing Ephesus, with its temple of Artemis-Diana, and Smyrna. Famous for its wealth.
BkVI:1-25. The country of Arachne.
Bk 6:146-203. The country of Niobe.
Bk 11:85-145. The country of Midas.

Bk 15:307-360. Of the Lyncestae, a people in Macedonia. Lyncestian.

The son of Aphareus.
Bk 8:260-328. He is present at the Calydonian Boar Hunt.

Bk 5:74-106. A descendant of Lynceus, father of Abas, whose great grandson was Perseus. A follower of Perseus (or Perseus himself?) in the fight against Phineus.
Bk 5:149-199. As an epithet of Perseus.

King of Scythia.
Bk 5:642-678. He attacks Triptolemus and is changed into a lynx.

Bk 1:587-600. The land near Mount Lyrceum between Argolis and Arcadia.

Of Lyrnessus, a town in the Troad, near Mount Ida.
Bk 12:64-145. Bk 13:123-381. Sacked by Achilles.

Bk 6:103-128. Isse, the daughter of Macareus(1).

An inhabitant of Lesbos.
Bk 6:103-128. His daughter is Isse.

Bk 12:429-535. A centaur.

Bk 14:154-222. Of Neritos. A companion of Ulysses who settled in Italy at Caieta, after their wanderings.
Bk 14:223-319. He tells the story of their wanderings, and warns Aeneas not to encounter Circe.
Bk 14:435-444. He ends his story.

Macedonia, Macedonius
Bk 12:429-535. The country bordering the northern Aegean.

Maeandrus, Maeandrius
Bk 2:227-271. The Maeander river in Lydia in Asia Minor famous for its wandering course, hence ‘meander’. Also its river-god. (Pausanias mentions, VIII vii, a boiling hot spring that comes out of the riverbed and out of a rock mid-stream. Also, V xiv, that it is famous for its many huge tamarisk trees.)
Bk 8:152-182. Its windings are compared to the Cretan maze.
Bk 9:439-516. Cyanee is his daughter.
Bk 9:517-594. Caunus is his grandson.

Maenades, Maenads, Bacchantes
The female followers of Bacchus-Dionysus, noted for their ecstatic worship of the god. Dionysus brought terror and joy. The Maenads’ secret female mysteries may indicate older rituals of ecstatic human sacrifice.
Bk 3:692-733. Led by Agave and Autonoe they destroy Pentheus.
Bk 11:1-66. They kill Orpheus.
Bk 11:67-84. They are turned into oak trees.

Maenalos, Maenala
Bk 1:199-243. A mountain range in Arcadia. (Pausanias, VIII xxxvi, says it is sacred to Pan, and the people living there hear him piping.)
Bk 2:401-416. Bk 2:441-465. The haunt of Diana the goddess of the hunt and her virgin companions.
Bk 5:572-641. Passed by Arethusa in her flight.

Maeonias, Maeonia
Bk 2:227-271. An ancient name for Lydia.
BkVI:1-25. The country of Arachne.
Bk 6:146-203. The country of Niobe, and Mount Sipylus.

Bk 6:103-128. An epithet of Arachne, as a native of Maeonia.

Bk 7:350-403. Hecuba, changed into a black bitch of Hecate, in Thrace, where she was taken by Ulysses after the fall of Troy. She murdered Polymestor her son-in-law, who had killed her son Polydorus. She terrified the Thracians who tried to kill her, by her howling.

Bk 11:346-409. The inhabitants of Magnesia in Thessaly.

Bk 2:676-701. The daughter of Atlas, a Pleiad, and mother of Mercury by Jupiter.
Bk 11:266-345. The mother of Mercury.

A Theban prophetess, the daughter of Tiresias.
Bk 6:146-203. Calls the women of Thebes to the worship of Latona and her children, Apollo and Diana.

A town and plain on the east coast of Attica. Site of the famous Greek victory in the war against Persia.
Bk 7:425-452. Theseus overcame a white bull of Poseidon there, brought by Hercules from Crete. He then sacrificed it at Athens on the Acropolis.

Bk 9:764-797. Of Mareota, a lake and city in Lower Egypt. (See Shelley ‘The Witch of Atlas) Protected by Isis.

From Marmarica, in Egypt.
Bk 5:107-148. Corythus comes from there.

Mars, Mavors
The war god, son of Jupiter and Juno. An old name for him is Mavors.
Bk 3:1-49. The snake killed by Cadmus is sacred to him.
Bk 4:167-189. Venus commits adultery with him and he is caught in a net with her by her husband Vulcan.
Bk 12:64-145. His armour is decorative only.
Bk 14:772-804. The father of Romulus.
Bk 14:805-828. He asks for Romulus’s deification.

A Satyr of Phrygia who challenged Apollo to a contest in musical skill, and was flayed alive by the God when he was defeated. (An analogue for the method of making primitive flutes, Minerva’s invention, by extracting the core from the outer sheath) (See Perugino’s painting – Apollo and Marsyas – The Louvre, Paris)
Bk 6:382-400. He repents, and the tears of all those who mourn for him become a river with his name in Phrygia.

Mavors, Mars
An old name for Mars, the war god, son of Jupiter and Juno.
Bk 3:528-571. Pentheus calls the Thebans the people of Mavors.
Bk 7:100-158. The field of Mars in Colchis.
Bk 8:1-80. A term for military might.
Bk 14:805-828. He asks for Romulus’s deification.

Of or descended from Mars, as applied to the Thebans descended from the Echionides, the dragon’s teeth of Mars sacred serpent. The proles Mavortia.
Bk 6:70-103. Applied to Ares’s Hill in Athens, seat of the court of the Aeropagus. (see Herodotus VIII 52). Here the Olympian gods judge the rights of Poseidon-Neptune and Pallas-Athene to own and name the city of Athens. Pallas depicts the scene on her web in the contest with Arachne.
Bk 8:425-450. Meleager as the great-grandson of Mars.

Bk 7:1-73. The daughter of Aeetes, king of Colchis and the Caucasian nymph Asterodeia. She is called Aeetias. A famous sorceress. She conceives a passion for Jason and agonises over the betrayal of her country for him.( See Gustave Moreau’s painting ‘Jason and Medea’, Louvre, Paris: Frederick Sandys painting ‘Medea’, Birmingham Museum and Art Gallery, England: and Castiglione’s painting, ‘Medea casting a spell’, Wadsworth Athanaeum, Hartford, Connecticut)
Bk 7:74-99. She determines to help Jason and makes him swear on the altar of Triple Hecate to marry her. She gives him magic herbs to facilitate his tasks (probably including the Colchian crocus, meadow saffron, colchicum autumnale, that sprang from the blood of the tortured Prometheus. The plant is highly toxic, and the seeds and corms were collected for the extraction of the narcotic drug colchicine, tinctura colchici, used as a specific against gout.)
Bk 7:100-158. Jason carries out his tasks using the magic herbs, including magic juice (juniper?) to subdue the dragon, and takes Medea back with him to Iolchos.
Bk 7:159-178. She offers to attempt to renew Aeson’s life at Jason’s request.
Bk 7:234-293. She makes a magic potion and restores Aeson’s youth.
Bk 7:294-349. She rejuvenates the nymphs of Mount Nysa. She then deceives Pelias’s daughters and employs them to help destroy him.
Bk 7:350-403. She flees through the air with her winged dragons, making a clockwise journey round the Aegean, the Cyclades, the Peloponnese, Aetolia, and Arcadia, to reach Corinth. There she kills Glauce her rival, and then sacrifices her own sons, before fleeing to Athens where she marries King Aegeus.
Bk 7:404-424. She attempts to poison Theseus using aconite, but Aegeus recognises Theseus’s sword as his own, and dashes the cup away in time. Medea vanishes in a mist conjured by her magic spells.

Bk 3:597-637. A seaman, companion of Acoetes.

Bk 12:290-326. A centaur.

Medusa, Phorcynis, Gorgo
One of the three Gorgons, daughter of Phorcys the wise old man of the sea. She is represented in the sky by part of the constellation Perseus, who holds her decapitated head.
Bk 4:604-662. Perseus turns Atlas to stone with her severed head.
Bk 4:706-752. He protects it from damage.
Bk 5:200-249. It turns Phineus and his followers, and Proetus, and Polydectes to stone.
Bk 6:103-128. Neptune lay with her in the form of a bird, and she produced Pegasus.

Bk 5:200-249. Of Medusa. Her severed head.
Bk 5:250-293. Bk 5:294-331. The winged horse Pegasus born from her blood.
Bk 10:1-85. Cerberus, as a putative child of Medusa.

Megareius heros
Bk 10:638-680. Hippomenes, son of Megareus.

Bk 10:560-637. The father of Hippomenes, and grandson of Neptune, called Onchestius from the town of Onchestus near Lake Copais in Boeotia.

Bk 5:107-148. A friend of Perseus, killed in the fight with Phineus.

Bk 12:290-326. A centaur.

Daughter of Deucalion.
Bk 6:103-128. Raped by Neptune as a dolphin. Depicted by Arachne.

Bk 3:597-637. A seaman, companion of Acoetes.

Bk 2:227-271. A Thracian river.

King of Calydon, the son of Oeneus, and Althaea, daughter of Thestius.
Bk 8:260-328. As prince, a hero of Calydon. He joins the Calydonian Boar hunt. He falls in love with Atalanta.
Bk 8:376-424. He kills the boar.
Bk 8:425-450. In an argument over the spoils he murders his uncles, Plexippus and Toxeus.
Bk 8:515-546. His mother Althaea punishes him, with death, by throwing the brand, that is linked to his life, into the fire.
Bk 9:89-158. Deianira is his sister.

Bk 8:515-546. The sisters of Meleager. They are turned into guinea hens by Diana, while mourning for their brother. The birds are the helmeted guinea fowl of Africa, numida meleagris, worshipped as icons of Artemis on Leros, probably the East African blue-wattled variety, not the red-wattled, tufted guinea fowl variants introduced into Italy, though wattle colour varies in Africa. The squeaky cackling of these noisy birds was taken to represent mourning, and the birds were prohibited from being eaten by devotees of Artemis or Isis.

The son of Athamas and Ino.
Bk 4:512-542. His mother Ino, maddened by Tisiphone and the sight of her son Learchus’s death, at the hands of his father, leaps into the sea with him. He is changed by Neptune, at Venus’s request, into the sea-god Palaemon.

The son of Tithonus and Aurora, fought for Troy in the Trojan War with Greece.
Bk 13:576-622. He was killed by Achilles, but his mother Aurora begged Jupiter for funeral honours, and he created the warring flock of birds, the Memnonides, from his ashes.

Bk 13:576-622. The birds that sprang from Memnon’s ashes, fated to appear annually and enact the Trojan War in a battle of the birds as a ritual ceremony in memory of Memnon.

Of Mendes, a city in Egypt.
Bk 5:107-148. An epithet of Celadon.

The younger son of Atreus, brother of Agamemnon, hence called Atrides minor. Paris’s theft of his wife Helen instigated the Trojan War.
Bk 12:579-628. Bk 13:1-122. He does not dare to compete for the arms of Achilles.
Bk 13:123-381. He is part of the embassy to the Trojan senate when Ulysses demands the return of Helen.
BkXV:143-175. He killed Euphorbus in the Trojan War, an incarnation of Pythagoras.

Bk 7:350-403. An Arcadian who committed incest with his mother on Mount Cyllene.

Bk 12:64-145. A Lycian, killed by Achilles.

Bk 10:708-739.A nymph loved by Proserpina who turned her into a herb, the mint.

Mercury, Mercurius, Hermes
Bk 1:689-721. The messenger god, Hermes, son of Jupiter and the Pleiad Maia, the daughter of Atlas. He is therefore called Atlantiades. His birthplace was Mount Cyllene, and he is therefore called Cyllenius. He has winged feet, and a winged cap, carries a scimitar, and has a magic wand, the caduceus, with twin snakes twined around it, that brings sleep and healing. The caduceus is the symbol of medicine. (See Botticelli’s painting Primavera.) He is summoned by Jupiter to lull Argus to sleep and kills him.
Bk 2:676-701. Called Atlantiades and son of Maia (Atlantis). He steals Apollo’s cattle and turns Battus the countryman into a touchstone ( flint, the ‘informer’).
Bk 1:689-721. Mercury lulls Argus to sleep and kills him.
Bk 2:708-736 . Sees Herse in the sacred procession.
Bk 2:737-751. Called the grandson of Atlas and Pleione. Elicits help from Aglauros to seduce Herse.
BkII:812-832. Mercury turns Aglauros to stone.
Bk 4:274-316. Hermaphroditus is his son by Venus-Aphrodite.
Bk 4:346-388. With Venus he grants Hermaphroditus’s prayer that the pool of Salmacis weaken anyone bathing there.
Bk 4:753-803. Perseus builds an altar to him.
Bk 5:149-199. Perseus employs the curved scimitar Mercury has given him.
Bk 8:611-678. Disguised as a mortal he visits Philemon and Baucis with Jupiter, his father.
Bk 11:266-345. He loves Chione, and she bears him Autolycus.
Bk 13:123-381. The divine father of Ulysses through Mercury’s seduction of Autolycus’s daughter, Anticleia, Ulysses’s mother, and wife of Laertes.
Bk 14:223-319. He gives his son Ulysses the plant moly to protect him from Circe’s spells.

A companion of Idomeneus, from Crete.
Bk 13:1-122. He does not compete for the arms of Achilles.

Bk 12:290-326. A centaur. Noted for his fleetness of foot.

Bk 1:747-764. King of Ethiopia, husband of Clymene. Putative father of Phaethon.
Bk 2:178-200. Phaethon regrets he is not merely Merops’s son.

Bk 14:1-100. Of Messana, a city in Sicily.

Bk 14:512-526. Of the Messapians, a people of lower Italy. Calabrian.

Messenia, Messene
Bk 2:676-701. The country and city in the western Peloponnese.
Bk 6:401-438. Its ruler goes to Thebes to show sympathy for the death of Amphion and his children. It is described as warlike.
Bk 12:536-579. Hercules razed its walls.

Bk 8:725-776. The daughter of Erysichthon, grand-daughter of Triopas, and wife of Autolycus who possessed the power of shape-changing.
Bk 8:843-884. Neptune took her virginity and in turn gave her the power to deceive. It saves her from becoming a slave, or prostituting herself.

Bk 11:1-66. Of Methymna, one of the cities of Lesbos.

Bk 5:74-106. The father of Phorbas, of Syene.

The king of Phrygia, son of Gordius and Cybele, called Berecyntius heros from Mount Berecyntus in Phrygia, sacred to Cybele.
Bk 11:85-145. In reward for returning Silenus to him, Bacchus grants Midas a gift. He chooses the golden touch, and when it plagues him Bacchus takes it away again. He is instructed to bathe in the waters of the Pactolus to cleanse himself. (Lines 131-141 suggest that Ovid was aware of early confession and baptism rites, from Christianity or some other religion, or, less likely, that there has been rewriting by a later Christian scribe)
Bk 11:146-171. Bk 11:172-193. Phoebus gives him the ears of an ass, and a servant gives away the secret

Bk 9:595-665.Byblis, the daughter of Miletus.

Miletus, Deionides
The son of Phoebus and the nymph Deione, founder of the city of Miletus in Caria in Asia Minor.
Bk 9:439-516. He flees from Minos and Crete to Asia Minor. There he loves Cyanee, who gives birth to Byblis and Caunus.

Bk 15:199-236. An athlete of Crotona. He bemoans old age.

Bk 2:201-226. A mountain range in Ionia.

Minerva, Pallas, Athene
Bk 2:531-565. The Roman name for Athene the goddess of the mind and women’s arts (also a goddess of war and the goddess of boundaries – see the Stele of Athena, bas-relief, Athens, Acropolis Museum)
Bk 2:566-595. Saves Cornix her servant from rape and turns her into the Crow.
Bk 2:708-736. Athens is her sacred city.
Bk 2:752-786 . She calls on Envy to punish Aglauros.
Bk 4:31-54. She is the goddess of weaving and working in wool.
Bk 4:753-803. Perseus builds an altar to her. He tells how she changed Medusa’s hair to snaky locks because Neptune had violated the girl in her temple.
Bk 5:250-293. She visits the Muses on Helicon to see the fountain of Hippocrene.
Bk 5:642-678. Her sacred city is Athens.
BkVI:1-25. She is offended by Arachne’s rejection of her.
Bk 6:382-400. She invented the flute.
Bk 8:236-259. She changes Talus, Daedalus’s nephew, into the partridge, perdix perdix.
Bk 8:260-328. The Athenians call on her as goddess of war. King Oeneus of Calydon offers libations of oil from the olive harvest to her.
Bk 8:611-678. Philemon and Baucis are visited by the gods, Jupiter and Mercury, disguised as mortals, and offer them the olives of pure Minerva as part of their meal.
Bk 13:1-122. Ulysses and Diomede stole her sacred image the Palladium from her sanctuary in Phrygia.
Bk 13:640-674. The olive is her gift.
Bk 14:445-482. She punished the Greeks on the way back from Troy because of Ajax’s rape of virgin Cassandra.
Bk 14:445-482. She rescues Diomede on his way back from Troy.
Bk 15:307-360. The Hyperboreans cover their bodies with plumage by plunging nine times in Minerva’s pool.
Bk 15:622-745. Her promontory near Capri.

Bk 7:159-178. Ariadne, the daughter of Minos.

Bk 7:453-500. The King of Crete, ruler of a hundred cities. Son of Jupiter and Europa. he prepares for war with Athens after his son Androgeos is killed by Aegeus. He obtains the allegiance of many of the islands of the Aegean, but fails to win over Aeacus at Aegina.
Bk 7:501-613. He is assumed to be seeking control of all Greece.
Bk 8:1-80. He attacks Megara.
Bk 8:81-151. Scylla, the daughter of King Nisus betrays the city to him out of love, but he rejects her and sails away. Scylla berates him and reminds him of his wife Pasiphae’s illicit love for the bull from the sea, and her bearing of his son Asterion, the Minotaur. He imposes laws on the conquered peoples. The Cretans said that Minos made their laws, and was divinely inspired, see Pausanias III ii.
Bk 8:152-182. He sacrifices to Jove on returning to Crete, and imprisons his shameful son, the Minotaur, in the labyrinth built by Daedalus.
Bk 8:183-235. He keeps Daedalus effectively a prisoner, but Daedalus plans his escape.
Bk 8:260-328. He makes war on King Cocalus of Sicily where Daedalus has taken refuge after his escape from Crete.
Bk 9:418-438. Jupiter, recognising his love of justice, wishes he could enjoy perpetual youth.
Bk 9:439-516. In old age he fears Miletus who flees of his own accord to Asia Minor.

Minotauros, Asterion
Bk 8:152-182. The son of Pasiphae, wife of Minos, and the white bull from the sea. A man-headed bull, imprisoned in the Labyrinth built by Daedalus at Cnossos and destroyed by Theseus. (See the sculpture and drawings of Michael Ayrton, and Picasso’s variations on the theme in the Vollard Suite)

Bk 15:622-745. A city of Latium on the border of Campania. The chief Tyrrhenian river-port of the Ausoni, becoming a Roman colony in 295 BC, crossed by the Appian Way. (Near modern Minturno, and built amidst malarial marshes formed by the overflowing River Garigliano, the ancient Liris. Here the proscribed Marius, taken prisoner in 88 BC, daunted the would-be assassin sent by Sulla. )

Minyas, Minyae, Minyeides, Minyeias (Alcithoe), Minyeias proles
Bk 4:1-30. The Minyae, a people named from their king Minyas who ruled Orchomenus in Boeotia.
Bk 4:31-54. His three daughters, the Minyeides, Alcithoe, Arsippe and Leuconoe, reject Bacchus.
Bk 4:389-415. They are changed into bats.
Book VI:675-721. Bk 7:1-73. Bk 7:100-158. A name for the Argonauts since they sailed from Iolchos in Minyan territory.

Bk 14:101-153. A mortal son of Aeolus, a trumpeter of Aeneas. He lost his life near Cumae and was buried there. (He gave his name to Cape Miseno between Naples and Ischia).

Bk 15:745-842. King of Pontus. Mithridates the Great, sixth king of Pontus of that name, defeated by Lucullus and Pompey. Caesar crushed his son Pharnaces in a swift battle at Zela in 47BC (So swift a victory that Caesar spoke the famous words ‘veni, vidi, vici ‘ = ‘I came, I saw, I conquered.’).

Bk 5:250-293. The nine Muses, the daughters of Mnemosyne, Memory.

The mother, by Jupiter, of the nine Muses.
Bk 6:103-128. Arachne depicts how Jupiter lay with her as a shepherd.

Bk 1:199-243. Belonging to the Molossi, a people of Epirus.
Bk 13:705-737. Munichus the king was attacked by robbers and his palace set on fire. To save his family Jupiter changed them into birds.

Bk 5:149-199. Of Chaonia, a friend of Phineus, wounded by Perseus.

Bk 12:429-535. A centaur.

Bk 5:642-678. Bk 6:401-438. Athenian. From Mopsopus an ancient king.

The son of Ampyx. Ampycides. A soothsayer among the Lapithae.
Bk 8:260-328. He is present at the Calydonian Boar Hunt.
Bk 8:329-375. He strikes the boar but Diana steals the point of his spear in flight.
Bk 12:429-535. He fights at the battle of the Lapiths and Centaurs, and sees Caeneus transformed into a bird with tawny wings.

The son of Somnus. A god of Dreams.
Bk 11:573-649. He is sent as a dream-messenger to Alcyone in the form of her husband Ceyx.
Bk 11:650-709. He reveals himself as Ceyx in a dream and tells her of his death.

Bk 2:1-30. A name for Vulcan, the smith, as a metal-worker.
(See Milton’s Paradise Lost Book I, as the architect of the towers of Heaven. ‘From Morn to Noon he fell...’)
Bk 9:211-272. A synonym for fire. He consumes the mortal part of Hercules.
Bk 9:418-438. He wishes a second life for his son Erichthonius.
Bk 14:527-565. A synonym for fire. His flames burn Aeneas’s fleet.

Bk 2:708-736 . Of Munychia, the Athenian port, hence Athenian.

Bk 2:201-226. The nine Muses are the virgin daughters of Jupiter and Mnemosyne (Memory). They are the patronesses of the arts. Clio(History), Melpomene(Tragedy), Thalia(Comedy), Enterpe(Lyric Poetry), Terpsichore(Dance), Calliope(Epic Poetry), Erato(Love Poetry),Urania(Astronomy), and Polyhymnia(Sacred Song). Mount Helicon is hence called Virgineus. Their epithets are Aonides, and Thespiades.
Bk 5:250-293. Mount Helicon is one of their haunts.
Bk 5:642-678. Calliope wins the singing contest with the Emathides (Pierides), and the Muses change the Emathides into magpies.
BkVI:1-25. Minerva approves their song.
Bk 10:143-219. Calliope is the mother of Orpheus, and inspires him.
Bk 15:622-745. Ovid invokes them.

Bk 15:745-842. A city in Cisalpine Gaul. Antony fought Decimus Brutus there, and was in turn defeated by Octavian in 43 BC.

Bk 2:201-226. A promontory in Ionia.

Bk 12:245-289. A Thessalian witch, the mother of Orios, who could draw down the moon with her incantations.

The city in the Argolis, near Argos and Tiryns. Excavated by Schliemann who opened the beehive tombs of the royal tomb circle. Famous for its Lion Gate once topped perhaps by a statue of the Cretan Great Goddess.
Bk 6:401-438. Its ruler goes to Thebes to show sympathy for the death of Amphion and his children.
Bk 15:418-452. A symbol of vanished power.

A woman of Mycenae.
Bk 12:1-38. Iphigenia.

An island in the Cyclades, near Delos. Described as low-lying.
Bk 7:453-500. Allied to Crete.

Mygdonis, Mygdonius
Bk 2:227-271. Of the Mygdonians, a Thracian people.
Bk 6:26-69. They emigrated to Phrygia in Asia Minor, near Lydia, hence = Phrygian.

The Myrmidons, a race of men created out of ants. Led by Achilles to the war against Troy.
Bk 7:614-660.Created from ants on the island of Aegina by Jupiter, and named after the Greek word for an ant, μύρμηξ.

The daughter of Cinyras, mother of Adonis, incestuously, by her father.
Bk 10:298-355. She conceives an incestuous passion for her father.
Bk 10:356-430. She attempts suicide, and is rescued by her nurse who promises to help her.
Bk 10:431-502. She sleeps with her father, is impregnated by him, and when discovered flees to Sabaea, and is turned into the myrrh-tree, weeping resin. Adonis is born from the tree.

The son of Alemon of Argos, and founder of Crotona.
Bk 15:1-59. The story of his founding of the city.

Mysus, Mysia, Mysian
Bk 2:227-271. Of the country of Mysia in Asia Minor containing the city of Pergamum.
Bk 12:64-145. Bk 13:123-381. Contains the city of Mysian Thebes.
Bk 15:259-306. The river there, that flows underground to appear as the Caicus.
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Re: Metamorphoses, by Ovid

Postby admin » Wed Jan 19, 2022 12:09 am

Part 6 of 9

Of Nabatea, a country in Arabia containing Petra.
Bk 5:149-199. Ethemon comes from there.

Naiades, Naides (singular Naias, Nais)
Bk 2:301-328. The water nymphs, demi-goddesses of the rivers, streams and fountains. The Italian nymphs of the River Po bury Phaethon’s body and compose his epitaph.
Bk 3:339-358. Liriope gives birth to Narcissus.
Bk 3:474-510. They mourn for Narcissus, as his sisters.
Bk 4:31-54. Ovid mentions a Naiad whose spells turned youths to fish until she herself was also changed.
Bk 4:274-316. The Naiads nurse Hermaphroditus.
Bk 6:313-381. Country people dedicate altars to them.
Bk 9:1-88. They consecrate the broken-off horn of Achelous.
Bk 9:89-158. A Naiad serves food to Achelous’s guests.
Bk 10:1-85. A crowd of Naiads accompany Eurydice.
Bk 10:503-559. They assist at the birth of Adonis.
Bk 11:1-66. They mourn for Orpheus.
Bk 13:576-622. River-fogs are exhaled by the naiads.
Bk 14:320-396. They are attracted by Picus.
Bk 14:527-565. Cybele turns Aeneas’s ships into naiads.
Bk 14:772-804. They inhabit the springs by the temple of Janus in Ausonia.

Bk 14:320-396. A river of Umbria.

Bk 3:339-358. The son of the Naiad Liriope and the river-god Cephisus.
Bk 3:359-401. He rejects Echo out of pride and self-love and she wastes away.
Bk 3:402-436.He falls in love with his own reflected image. (See the painting by Caravaggio- Palazzo Barberini, Rome).
Bk 3:437-473. He laments the pain of unrequited love.
Bk 3:474-510. He turns into the narcissus flower.

Of Naryx, a city of the Locrians of Central Greece.
Bk 8:260-328. Home of Lelex, present at the Calydonian Boar Hunt.
Bk 14:445-482. A city of Ajax.
Bk 15:622-745. The Italian city of Narycia, probably Locri (near modern Locri), at the toe of Italy, the famous Locri Epizephyrii, founded by Greek colonists in 710 BC or 683 BC. It was the first Greek city to possess a written code of laws, and was praised by Pindar as a model of good government. It contained a sanctuary of Persephone. Cicero mentions that Dionysius the Elder, Tyrant of Syracuse, pillaged the temple of Proserpina at Locri. (‘On the Nature of the Gods BkIII 82’)The Locrians conquered the Crotonians, allied themselves to Syracuse, and finally surrendered to Rome in 205 BC.

Of the Nasamones, a Libyan people living south west of Cyrenaica.
Bk 5:107-148. Dorylas, is their richest man. It is a spice country.

Bk 13:1-122. Palamades son of Nauplius.

Bk 13:1-122. A king of Euboea, father of Palamades. See Caphareus.

Bk 3:597-637. The largest island of the Cyclades, and the home of Bacchus.

Bk 12:290-326. A centaur.

Bk 12:536-578. Nestor, the son of Neleus.

Bk 2:676-701. King of Pylos, son of Neptune and the nymph Tyro. Father of Nestor and his eleven brothers including Periclymenus.
Bk 12:536-579. Neptune founded his bloodline.

Belonging to Neleus.
Bk 6:401-438. The city of Pylos, founded by him.

Bk 12:536-579. The twelve sons of Neleus. They were killed by Hercules, all except Nestor.

Of Nemea, a town in Argolis.
Bk 9:159-210. In the First Labour, Hercules destroys the Nemean Lion and takes its pelt that is proof against stone, bronze, and iron. He wrestled with it and choked it to death.
Bk 9:211-272. Hercules spreads the lion’s pelt, and lies down on it, on the summit of his funeral pyre.

Nemesis, Rhamnusia
Bk 3:402-436. Bk 14:623-697. The Goddess of retribution. She punishes mortal pride and arrogance (hubris) on behalf of the gods.

Pyrrhus, the son of Achilles.
Bk 13:429-480. He watches the sacrifice of Polyxena to appease his father’s ghost.

Bk 3:165-205. One of Diana’s nymphs.

Bk 11:194-220. The wife of Athamas, mother of Phrixus and Helle.

Bk 11:194-220. Helle, the daughter of Nephele.

Bk 9:1-88. An epithet of Theseus as the supposed son of Neptune.

Neptunus, Neptune, Poseidon
Bk 1:274-292. God of the sea, brother of Pluto and Jupiter. The trident is his emblem. He helps to initiate the Great Flood (see Leonardo Da Vinci’s notebooks for the influence of Book I on his descriptions of the deluge, and his drawing Neptune with four sea-horses, Royal Library, Windsor: See the Neptune Fountain by Bartolomeo Ammannati, Piazza della Signoria, Florence.)
Bk 2:227-271. Cannot lift his head or arms from the sea because of the heat of the sun chariot when Phaethon falls.
Bk 4:512-542. At the request of Venus, he changes Ino and her son into sea-deities.
Bk 4:753-803. He raped Medusa in the temple of Minerva, fathering Pegasus and Chrysaor, for which Minerva filled Medusa’s hair with snakes.
Bk 6:70-103. Pallas Athene depicts the ancient dispute between herself and Neptune-Poseidon as to their rights to Athens. Poseidon made a ‘sea’, a well of seawater on the Acropolis, but Athene planted an olive-tree and asked Cecrops to witness her claim to the land. She was judged by the Gods to have the right to the city. ( See Herodotus VIII 55, and Apollodorus III 14,1)
Bk 6:103-128. Arachne depicts his rapes of Canace, Iphimedia, Theophane, Ceres, Medusa, and Melantho.
Bk 8:547-610. He turns Perimele into an island.
Bk 8:843-884. He gives Mestra the power to change her shape.
Bk 10:560-637. Bk 10:638-680. Hippomenes is descended from him, through Megareus.
Bk 11:194-220. He and Apollo build the walls of Troy for Laomedon. He floods the land when Laomedon refuses to pay, and demands the sacrifice of Hesione to a sea-monster.
Bk 12:1-38. He is thought to be protecting Troy.
Bk 12:64-145. Cycnus(3) is his son, and is turned by him into a white swan, when Achilles defeats him.
Bk 12:536-579. He gave Periclymenus, his descendant the power to change shape.
Bk 13:789-869. The father of Polyphemus and the Cyclopes.

Bk 1:293-312. The fifty mermaids, attendants on Thetis. they are the daughters of Doris and Nereus. They are astonished by the Flood.
Bk 2:1-30 Depicted on the palace of the Sun.
Bk 5:1-29. Their ruler is Neptune.
Bk 11:346-409. They have a temple at Trachin in Thessaly. Psamathe is one of them.
Bk 13:898-968. Galatea swims off with them.
Bk 14:223-319. They are servants of Circe.

Bk 11:221-265. Bk 12:64-145. A sea nymph, a daughter of Nereus. Thetis.
Bk 13:738-788. Bk 13:789-869. Galatea.

Bk 7:661-759. Belonging to Nereus. Used of Phocus.
Bk 13:123-381. Thetis, genetrix Nereia.

Bk 15:1-59. A town in Calabria.

Bk 1:177-198. A sea-god. The husband of Doris, and, by her, the father of the fifty Nereids, the mermaids attendant on Thetis.
Bk 2:227-271. Hides from the sun chariot’s heat.
Bk 11:346-409. He has a temple near Trachin in Thessaly.
Bk 12:64-145. He is ruled by Neptune.
Bk 13:738-788. He is Galatea’s father.

Bk 13:705-737. Of Neritos, a mountain in Ithaca, and a small island nearby passed by Aeneas. = Ithacan.
Bk 14:154-222. Macareus comes from there.
Bk 14:527-565. Ulysses.

Bk 9:89-158. A centaur, the son of Ixion. He attempts to steal Hercules’s bride Deianira, and is killed by Hercules, who reminds him of his father Ixion’s punishment in Hades, tied to a wheel. Dying he soaks his shirt in blood mixed with the Hydra’s poison, from Hercules’s arrow that has killed him, and gives it to Deianira, telling her it will revive a dying love.
Bk 12:290-326. He is present at the battle of the Lapiths and Centaurs where Asbolus the augur foretells his fate.
Bk 12:429-535. He kills Cymelus in the battle.

King of Pylos, son of Neleus.
Bk 8:260-328. He is present at the Calydonian Boar Hunt.
Bk 8:329-375. He escapes the boar’s charge by vaulting into a tree.
Bk 12:146-209. He tells the story of Caeneus-Caenis. He is noted for his eloquence and wisdom.
Bk 12:536-579. He tells of the evil deeds of Hercules, and the death of his brother Periclymenus.
Bk 13:1-122. Abandoned by Ulysses on the battlefield but rescued.

Bk 5:149-199. An opponent of Perseus, who boasted of his descent from Nilus the river god of the Nile, turned to stone by the Gorgon’s head.

Bk 1:416-437. The river Nile and its god. The river was noted for its seasonal flooding in ancient times.(See the Hellenistic sculpture, ‘ The Nile’, in the Vatican, from the Temple of Isis in the Campus Martius, Rome)
Bk 1:722-746. Provides a sanctuary for Io.
Bk 2:227-271. Its mouths dried up by the sun chariot when Phaethon falls. Hides its head. (Its source unknown in ancient times).
Bk 5:149-199. Seven-mouthed, the source of Nileus’s people.
Bk 5:294-331. Seven-mouthed, a refuge for the gods.
Bk 9:764-797. Seven-mouthed, protected by Isis-Io.
Bk 15:745-842. Sailed by Caesar’s victorious fleet. He defeated Ptolemy XIII and placed Cleopatra on the throne of Egypt in 47 BC.

Bk 4:55-92. Shamshi-Adad V, King of Assyria. The husband of Semiramis, historically Sammuramat, Queen of Babylon. She reigned after him as regent from 810-805 BC.

The daughter of the Phrygian king Tantalus, and Dione one of the Pleiades, daughters of Atlas. The wife of Amphion, king of Thebes.
Bk 6:146-203. She rejects Latona and boasts of her children.
Bk 6:204-266. Her seven sons are killed by Apollo and Diana, the children of Latona(Leto), and her husband commits suicide.
Bk 6:267-312. Still unrepentant, her daughters are also killed, and she is turned to stone and set on top of a mountain in her native country of Lydia where she weeps eternally. (A natural stone feature exists above the valley of the Hermus, on Mount Sipylus, which weeps when the sun strikes its winter cap of snow – See Freya Stark ‘Rome on the Euphrates’ p9.)

Niseia virgo
Bk 8:1-80. Scylla, the daughter of Nisus.

Bk 8:1-80. The King of Megara, besieged by Minos. He had a purple lock of hair on his head, on which his life, and the safety of his kingdom, depended. His daughter was Scylla.
Bk 8:81-151. Scylla cuts off the sacred lock and betrays the city. He is turned into the white-tailed eagle or sea eagle, haliaeetus albicilla, while she becomes the rock dove, columba livia, which is the common prey of the sea eagle, and no doubt nested on the rocks of the citadel of Megara or its coastline. The sea eagle does not hover but has a flapping flight like a heron or vulture, and soars and dives from the air. See the entry on Scylla for further information.

Bk 9:273-323. The three guardian deities of women in labour. Their statues stood in the Capitol in Rome, representing the gods kneeling. They are companions of Lucina, goddess of childbirth, whom Alcmena calls out to in childbirth.

Nixus genu
Bk 8:152-182. The constellation of Hercules, ‘the one with knee bent’.

Bk 13:123-381. A Lycian, killed by Ulysses.

Nonacria, Nonacrinas, Nonacris
Bk 1:689-721. Mount Nonacris in Arcadia. Also a town in the same region.
Bk 2:401-416. Home of Callisto the Arcadian nymph and follower of Diana.
Bk 8:425-450. The home of Atalanta(1), the warrior girl.

Of Noricum, a country lying between the Danube and the Alps.
Bk 14:698-771. Known for its well-tempered steel.

Bk 1:244-273. The south wind, that brings rain.

Bk 4:416-464. Bk 11:573-649. Bk 15:1-59. The goddess of night, daughter of Chaos and mother of the Furies. She scatters the dew of sleep.
Bk 14:397-434. Circe summons her and the gods of Night.

Numa Pompilius
Bk 15:1-59. The second king of Rome. He searches for knowledge.
He hears the story of the founding of Crotona.
Bk 15:479-546. Having been instructed by Pythagoras, he returns to Latium, rules there, teaches the arts of peace, and dies. His wife is Egeria, the nymph.

Bk 14:320-396. A small river in Latium.
Bk 14:566-580. The river-god purges Aeneas of his mortality.

Bk 15:745-842. A people in North Africa, conquered by Caesar at the battle of Thaspus.

Bk 14:772-804. The king of Alba, driven from the throne by his brother Amulius and reinstated by Romulus.

Antiope, daughter of the Boeotian king Nycteus, mother by Jupiter of Zethus and Amphion.
Bk 6:103-128. Her rape by Jupiter as a satyr depicted by Arachne.

Bk 4:1-30. An epithet of Bacchus from the performance of his rituals at night.

Bk 14:483-511. A companion of Diomede. Venus transforms him into a bird. (Note: not the father of Antiope)

Bk 2:566-595. The daughter of Epopeus king of Lesbos who unknowingly slept with her father. She fled to the woods and was changed by Minerva to her sacred bird the Little Owl, often depicted on ancient Athenian coins.

Bk 1:177-198. The nymphs. Semi-divine maidens inhabiting rivers, springs, seas, hills, trees and woodlands, or attendants on greater deities.
Bk 3:359-380. The mountain nymphs often lie with Jupiter.
Bk 9:324-393. Lotis is a nymph changed to a lotus tree when pursued by Priapus.
Bk 13:675-704. They are depicted weeping on Alcon’s cup.
Bk 14:223-319. They are servants of Circe.
Bk 14:512-526. A shepherd is transformed into the wild olive tree for mocking their dance.

Nysa, Nyseides
Bk 3:273-315. Heliconian Mount Nysa. The Nyseids were the nymphs Macris, Erato, Bromie, Bacche and Nysa who hid Bacchus in their cave and nurtured him. They became the Hyades.
Bk 7:294-349. Medea restores their youth.

Bk 4:1-30. An epithet of Bacchus, from Mount Nysa.

Bk 2:508-530. Bk 15:1-59.The Ocean, personified as a sea-god, son of Earth and Air, and husband of Tethys his sister. Oceanus and Tethys are also the Titan and Titaness ruling the planet Venus. Some say from his waters all living things originated and Tethys produced all his children. Visited by Juno for help in punishing Callisto.
Bk 9:439-516.He married his sister, Tethys.
Bk 13:898-968. With Tethys, he purges Glaucus.

Bk 2:633-675. Daughter of Chiron the Centaur and the water-nymph Chariclo, and named after the river where she was born.
A prophetess of Apollo, she foretells Aesculapius’s fate and that of her father Chiron. She is turned into a horse by the gods for her pains.

Bk 6:486-548. An epithet from a tribe in Thrace, used for Thracian.
Bk 13:481-575. Polymestor, the Thracian king.

Oeagrius, Oeagrus
Bk 2:201-226. Of Oeagrus an ancient king of Thrace. Supposedly the father of Orpheus and of Linus his brother. Their mother was the Muse Calliope.

Oebalides, Oebalius
Bk 10:143-219. Bk 13:382-398. Spartan, from Oebalus, king of Sparta. See Hyacinthus.

A city in Euboea.
Bk 9:89-158. Ruled by King Eurytus who offered his daughter Iole to whoever won an archery contest, but he refused Hercules the prize. Hercules killed his eldest son Iphitus, and fell in love with Iole. He had to appease Jove for this breach of his role as a guest.
Bk 9:324-393. Bk 9:324-393. Iole’s city.

Bk 9:324-393: The women of Oechalia.

Amphiaraus as the son of Oecleus.
Bk 8:260-328. He is present at the Calydonian Boar Hunt.

Bk 15:418-452. An epithet of Thebes, as the city of Oedipus.

King of Calydon, son of Parthaon, husband of Althaea, father of Meleager, Tydeus, and Deianira.
Bk 8:260-328. He slights Diana, and she sends the wild boar against him.
Bk 8:451-514. Althaea ends the life of their son, Meleager.
Bk 9:1-88. Hears the suitors for Deianira’s hand.

A male descendant of Oeneus.
Bk 8:376-424. Meleager, son of Oeneus, brother of Tydeus.
Bk 14:512-526. Diomede, grandson of Oeneus, son of Tydeus.

Bk 7:453-500. Bk 7:453-500. An older name for the island of Aegina.

Bk 11:346-409. An epithet of king Ceyx, because Trachin his city was near Mount Oeta.

Oete, Oeta
Bk 1:313-347. A mountain range between Aetolia and Thessaly.
Bk 9:159-210. Bk 9:159-210. Hercules endures the torment of the shirt of Nessus there.
Bk 9:211-272. Hercules builds his own funeral pyre there.

Bk 12:579-628. The king of the Locrians and father of Ajax(2).

Bk 12:429-535. Tectaphus, the son of Olenus.

Bk 3:572-596. Of Olenus, whose daughter Aege is identified with Capella, the ‘she-goat’, the sixth brightest star in the sky (a binary yellow giant) in the constellation Auriga, the Charioteer. Auriga is now usually associated with Erichthonius, and Capella with Amaltheia who suckled the infant Zeus.

Bk 8:260-328. Of Olenos, a town in Aetolia, hence Aetolian. Scene of the Calydonian Boar Hunt.

Bk 10:1-85.The husband of Lethaea. She was punished for her pride in her beauty, and he chose to share her guilt. They were turned into stones on Mount Ida.
Bk 12:429-535. The father of Tectaphos?

An island of the Cyclades.
Bk 7:453-500. Not allied to Crete.

Bk 1:151-176. Bk 13:738-788. A mountain in northern Thessaly supposed to be the home of the gods.
Bk 6:486-548. The heavens, themselves.
Bk 7:179-233. Medea gathers magic herbs there.
Bk 9:439-516. Jupiter is the ruler of Olympus.

Bk 10:560-637. Of Onchestus, a city in Boeotia near Lake Copais, not far from Helicon. The home city of Megareus.

Bk 11:346-409. A Phocian herdsman, servant of Peleus.

Bk 3:597-637. A seaman, companion of Acoetes.

Bk 7:350-403. Combe, daughter of Ophius.

Bk 12:245-289. Amycus, a centaur, son of Ophion.

Bk 8:152-182. The constellation, ‘The Serpent Holder’. See Aesculapius.

Bk 10:220-242. Of Ophiusa, an old name for Cyprus.

Goddess of plenty, an old Italian deity, wife of Saturn and patroness of husbandry.
Bk 9:439-516. She married her brother Saturn.

Bk 4:190-213. King of Babylon, father of Leucothoe.
Bk 4:190-213. Ruled Achaemenian Persia in line from Belus.

A city in Boeotia.
Bk 5:572-641. Passed by Arethusa in her flight.
Bk 6:401-438. Its ruler goes to Thebes to show sympathy for the death of Amphion and his children. It is described as fertile.

Bk 14:101-153. The Underworld, the house of the dead, and a name for Pluto (Dis) as the god of the Underworld.

Bk 8:777-842. An Oread. One of the mountain nymphs. Sent by Ceres to relay her orders to Famine.

Bk 15:479-546. Of Orestes, son of Agamemnon, applied to Diana because Orestes took the image of Diana from Taurus to Aricia in Italy. The rites of the sanctuary there, at Nemi, are the starting point for Frazer’s ‘The Golden Bough’ (see Chapter I et seq.)

The mighty hunter, one of the giants, now a constellation with his two hunting dogs and his sword and glittering belt. The brightest constellation in the sky, it is an area of star formation in a nearby arm of the Galaxy centred on M42 the Orion Nebula, which marks Orion’s sword. He is depicted as brandishing a club and shield at Taurus the Bull. He was stung to death by a scorpion, and now rises when Scorpio sets and vice versa. His two dogs are Canis Major, which contains Sirius the brightest star in the sky after the sun, and Canis Minor, which contains the star Procyon, forming an equilateral triangle with Sirius and Betelgeuse the red giant in Orion.
Bk 8:183-235. Icarus is warned not to fly too near the constellation.
Bk 13:123-381. The stars are engraved on Achilles’s shield.
Bk 13:675-704. Orion’s daughters, Menippe and Metioche, killed themselves as an offering to the gods to relieve the city of Thebes from plague.

Bk 12:245-289. One of the Lapithae. The son of Mycale, killed by Gryneus at the battle of the Lapiths and Centaurs.

The daughter of the Athenian king Erectheus, and the sister of Procris.
Book VI:675-721. Stolen away by Boreas, and married to him. She becomes the mother of Calais and Zetes. (See Evelyn de Morgan’s painting–Boreas and Orithyia– Cragside, Northumberland)
Bk 7:661-758. Mentioned as Procris’s more famous sister.

Bk 12:290-326. A centaur.

Bk 2:227-271. A river in Syria.

The mythical musician of Thrace, son of Oeagrus and Calliope the Muse. His lyre, given to him by Apollo, and invented by Hermes-Mercury, is the constellation Lyra containing the star Vega.
(See John William Waterhouse’s painting – Nymphs finding the head of Orpheus – Private Collection, and Gustave Moreau’s painting – Orpheus – in the Gustave Moreau Museum, Paris: See Peter Vischer the Younger’s Bronze relief – Orpheus and Eurydice – Museum fur Kunst und Gewerbe, Hamburg: and the bas-relief – Hermes, Eurydice and Orpheus – a copy of a votive stele attributed to Callimachus or the school of Phidias, Naples, National Archaeological Museum: Note also Rilke’s - Sonnets to Orpheus – and his Poem - Orpheus, Eurydice and Hermes.)
Bk 10:1-85. He summons Hymen to his wedding with Eurydice. After she is stung by a snake and dies he travels to Hades, to ask for her life to be renewed. Granted it, on condition he does not look back at her till she reaches the upper world, he falters, and she is lost. He mourns her, and turns from the love of women to that of young men.
Bk 10:106-142. He sings the stories of: Ganymede, Hyacinthus, the Cerastae, the Propoetides, Pygmalion, Myrrha, Venus and Adonis, and through Venus’s ‘tale within a tale’ Atalanta and Hippomenes.
Bk 11:1-66. He is killed by the Maenads of Thrace and dismembered, his head and lyre floating down the river Hebrus to the sea, being washed to Lesbos. (This head had powers of prophetic utterance) His ghost sinks to the fields of the Blessed where he is reunited with Eurydice.
Bk 11:85-145. He taught Midas and Eumolpus the Bacchic rites.

Bk 5:533-571. A nymph of the Underworld, mother of Ascalaphus by Acheron.

Bk 1:689-721. An ancient name for the island of Delos, originally of an islet nearby (Quail Island), and an epithet of Diana, the Delian goddess.
Bk 15:307-360. Once a floating island.

Bk 5:487-532. Part of the city of Syracuse in Sicily on an island in the harbour.
Bk 5:572-641. Arethusa is pleased by its name, since it reflects that of her goddess Diana, from her birthplace on Delos.

The Egyptian god, Ousir, identified with Dis and Bacchus-Dionysus. A nature god, the son of Geb and Nut, born in Thebes in Upper Egypt. His consort was Isis. The story is of his death initiated by his brother Set, and his resurrection thanks to Isis, Thoth, Anubis and Horus.
Bk 9:666-713. He was searched for by Isis

Bk 1:151-176. Bk 2:201-227. A mountain in Thessaly in Northern Greece.
Bk 7:179-233. Medea gathers magic herbs there.
Bk 12:290-326. Aphidas is lying on the skin of a bear from Ossa.

Bk 2:201-226. A mountain in Thessaly in Northern Greece.
Bk 7:179-233. Medea gathers magic herbs there.
Bk 7:350-403. The region where Cerambus came from.
Bk 12:146-209. The region where Caeneus came from.
Bk 12:429-535. A haunt of the Centaurs.
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Re: Metamorphoses, by Ovid

Postby admin » Wed Jan 19, 2022 12:09 am

Part 7 of 9

Bk 5:332-384. Bk 13:705-737. The south eastern promontory of Sicily.

Bk 6:1-25. Nymphs of the River Pactolus.

BkVI:1-25. A river in northern Lydia, a tributary of the River Hermus.
Bk 11:85-145. The site of the royal capital of Lydia is at Sardis nearby, and both are near Mount Tmolus. Its waters become a gold-bearing stream at the touch of Midas.

Bk 2:227-271. The River Po in northern Italy.

Bk 1:553-567. Bk 15:479-546. A name for Apollo the Healer.
Bk 14:698-771. A religious hymn in his honour.

The Paeonians, a people of northern Macedonia.
Bk 5:294-331. The native country of Euippe.

Of Apollo as god of healing, and of Aescalapius his son.

Bk 15:622-745. A city of Lucania in Italy. The site is near modern Agropoli on the Bay of Salerno, a ruin in a wilderness, with Doric temples that surpassed those of Athens. Originally called Poseidonia, the city of Neptune, it was founded by Greeks from Sybaris in the 6th c. BC. It became Paestum when it passed into the hands of the Lucanians in the 4th century. It was taken by the Romans in 273 BC. In antiquity it was famous for its roses, which flowered twice a year, and its violets. Malaria eventually drove away its population.

Bk 7:1-73. Bk 13:1-122. Of Pagasae, a seaport of Thessaly, on the Pagasaean Gulf, where the Argo was built.
Bk 8:329-375. An epithet of Jason.
Bk 12:393-428. Hylonome bathed in a mountain stream nearby.

Bk 13:898-968. The sea god into whom Melicertes was changed.
Bk 4:512-542. Ino, his mother leaps with him into the waves, but Venus intercedes, and Neptune, at her request, changes him and his mother into sea-deities.

Bk 4:31-54. Bk 5:107-148. Of Palestine, identified as Syrian.

Bk 13:1-122. The son of Nauplius, Naupliades. He revealed Ulysses pretence of madness and drew him into the expedition against Troy. Ulysses subsequently hid gold in Palamades’s tent, and claimed it was a bribe from Priam. Palamedes died dishonoured. Ulysses defends his action.

Palatium, Palatine, Palatinus
BkI: 151-176. Bk 15:552-621. The Palatine Hill, one of the seven hills of Rome, the prestigious location where Augustus built his palace, the Palatia.
Bk 14:320-396. The hill where Venilia bore Canens.
Bk 14:609-622. The Romans.
Bk 14:805-828. The hill where Mars lands, and where Romulus is dispensing justice.

The sons of Jupiter and the nymph Thalia, worshipped in Sicily at Palica, where a temple and two lakes were sacred to them.
Bk 5:385-424. Dis passes through the sulphurous swamps there while abducting Proserpine.

Bk 14:772-804. The feast of Pales, the god of shepherds, celebrated on April 21st, the day on which Rome was founded. (753BC)

Bk 13:1-122. An image of Pallas, said to have fallen from the sky at Troy. The safety of Troy depended on its preservation according to an oracle. It was stolen by Ulysses and Diomede.

Of Pallas.

Pallantias, Pallantis
Bk 9:418-438. Bk 15:176-198. Aurora as daughter of the Titan, Pallas.
Bk 15:622-745.The dawn.

Pallas(1), Minerva, Athene
Bk 2:531-565. The goddess Athene, patron goddess of Athens. She is a representation of the Phoenician triple Goddess Astarte of Asia Minor. She was born beside lake Tritonis in Lybia and nurtured by the nymphs. She killed her playmate Pallas (‘youth’) when young and her name is a memorial to him. She carries the aegis, a magical goat-skin bag containing a snake and covered by a Gorgon mask. She is the goddess of the Mind and of women’s arts. She hides the infant Erichthonius in a box and gives it to the daughters of Cecrops to guard.
Bk 3:95-114. She instructs Cadmus to sow the dragon’s teeth.
Bk 3:115-137. And then ends the war of the earth-born warriors.
Bk 5:30-73. She protects Perseus with her shield, the aegis.
Bk 5:332-384. She asks the Muses to sing the song they sang to defeat the Emathides.
Bk 5:332-384. A virgin goddess.
BkVI:1-25. The goddess of wool-working, spinning, weaving etc. who taught Arachne.
Bk 6:26-69. Pallas takes up Arachne’s foolish challenge.
Bk 6:70-103. She weaves her web. Its main feature is the Aeropagus in Athens and the court where the twelve Olympians declared her right over Neptune to the city. ( see the Neptune entry)
Bk 6:129-145. She turns Arachne into a spider.
Bk 6:313-381. Latona has the help of her olive tree and a date palm, between which she gives birth at Delos to Apollo and Diana.
Bk 7:350-403. Bk 7:661-758. Athens is her city.
Bk 12:146-209. Achilles sacrifices to her.
Bk 12:290-326. She protects Theseus, according to himself.
Bk 13:1-122. Ulysses and Diomede stole her sacred image at Troy, the Palladium.

An Athenian prince, son of Pandion.
Bk 7:453-500. His sons Clytos and Butes go on an embassy to Aegina with Cephalus.

A Titan, the father of Aurora.

Bk 1:689-721. The god of woods and shepherds. He wears a wreath of pine needles. He pursues the nymph Syrinx and she is changed into marsh reeds. He makes the syrinx or pan-pipes from the reeds. He is represented by the constellation Capricorn, the sea-goat, a goat with a fish’s tail. Pan jumped into a river to escape the monster Typhon.
Bk 11:146-171. He competes with Apollo, but his reeds are inferior to the music of the lyre.
Bk 14:512-526. He inhabits caves.
Bk 14:623-697.Woodland deities (plural) who pursue Pomona.

Of Panchaia, an island east of Arabia.
Bk 10:298-355. The source of cinnamon, incense, myrrh etc.
Bk 10:431-502. The country of Myrrha.

Bk 6:401-438. Bk 6:619-652. A king of Athens, father of Procne and Philomela. He marries Procne to Tereus, king of Thrace.
Bk 6:486-548. He entrusts his daughter Philomela to Tereus, who violates her.
Book VI:675-721. The subsequent tragedy sends him to an early grave.

Bk 15:418-452. An epithet of Athens from its king, Pandion.

Bk 2:531-565. One of the three daughters of King Cecrops.

Bk 11:194-220. An epithet of Jupiter ‘as origin of all oracles’.

Bk 3:1-49. A city in Phocis passed by Cadmus as he follows the heifer on his way to found Thebes.

Bk 8:260-328. He is present at the Calydonian Boar Hunt.

BkXV:143-175. Euphorbus, son of Panthous, an incarnation of Pythagoras.

Bk 10:243-297. Of Paphos, a city on Cyprus sacred to Venus-Aphrodite. Paphius heros, Pygmalion.

A city on the island of Cyprus, scared to Venus-Aphrodite.
Bk 10:243-297. Pygmalion’s home city.
Bk 10:503-559. A haunt of Venus.

The son of Pygmalion, and Galatea, the ivory statue that changed into a woman.
Bk 10:243-297. He gave his name (‘foam’) to the island of Cyprus, sacred to foam-born Venus-Aphrodite.
Bk 10:298-355. The father of Cinyras.

Bk 9:764-797. A seaport on the coast of North Africa under the protection of Isis.

Parcae, Fates, Moerae
The Three Fates. The Three Sisters, the daughters of Night. Clotho, the spinner of the thread of life, Lachesis, chance or luck, and Atropos, inescapable destiny. Clotho spins, Lachesis draws out, and Atropos shears the thread. Their unalterable decrees may be revealed to Jupiter but he cannot change the outcome.
Bk 5:487-532. They have made a decree that Persephone can return to heaven so long as she has not eaten anything in the underworld, and Jupiter is subject to the decree.
Bk 8:451-514. They prophesy the span of Meleager’s life, linking it to the burning brand of wood in the fire.

Prince of Troy, son of Priam and Hecuba, brother of Hector. His theft of Menelaus’s wife Helen provoked the Trojan War.
Bk 7:350-403. He lies buried under a heap of sand near Mount Ida, having been shot by Philoctetes’s arrows and been refused help by the nymph Oenone whom he had deserted.
Bk 12:1-38. Absent from the mourning for Aesacus. The cause of the Trojan War because of his abduction of Helen.
Bk 12:579-628. Bk 13:481-575. With Apollo’s help he destroys Achilles (shooting him through the vulnerable heel).
Bk 13:123-381. Denounced by Ulysses in the senate-house of Troy.
Bk 15:745-842. He was once saved from death at the hands of Menelaus, when Venus veiled him in cloud.

Parnasus, Parnassus, Parnasius
Bk 1:313-347. A mountain in Phocis sacred to Apollo and the Muses. Delphi is at its foot where the oracle of Apollo and his temple were situated. Themis held the oracle in ancient times.
Bk 4:604-662. Site of the oracle of Themis.
Bk 5:250-293. Haunt of the Muses. (See Raphael’s fresco ‘Parnassus’ in the Vatican, Stanza della Segnatura, which includes the figure of Ovid among the poets.)
Bk 11:146-171. Its laurel crowns Phoebus’s hair.
Bk 11:266-345. It is the scene of Daedalion’s transformation.

Bk 3:402-436. One of the Cyclades. An island celebrated for its marble quarries.
Bk 7:453-500. Allied to Crete.
Bk 8:183-235. Daedalus and Icarus fly past it after leaving Crete.

Parrhasis, Parrharsius
Bk 2:441-465. Of the town in Arcadia, hence Arcadian.
Bk 8:260-328. Home of Ancaeus, present at the Calydonian Boar Hunt.

Bk 8:515-546. King of Calydon, father of Oeneus. His house was destroyed through Diana, and the actions of Meleager.
Bk 9:1-88. Oeneus is his son.

Bk 9:159-210.A mountain in Arcadia. In the Third Labour Hercules captures the Ceryneian Hind there, sacred to Diana, that had bronze hooves and golden antlers like a stag, so that some called it a stag.

Bk 14:101-153. Bk 15:622-745. An ancient name for the Italian city of Naples. Aeneas and Aesculapius pass it on their way north.

Bk 8:81-151. Bk 9:714-763.The daughter of the Sun and the nymph Crete (Perseis). She was the wife of King Minos of Crete and mother of Phaedra and Ariadne.
She was inspired, by Poseidon,with a mad passion for a white bull from the sea, and Daedalus built for her a wooden frame in the form of a cow, to entice it. From the union she produced the Minotaur, Asterion, with a bull’s head and a man’s body.

Bk 15:479-546. Phaedra, the daughter of Pasiphae.

Patara, Patareus
Bk 1:504-524. A town in Lydia.

An ancient city in Achaia.
Bk 6:401-438. Its ruler goes to Thebes to show sympathy for the death of Amphion and his children.

Achilles beloved friend whose death causes him to re-enter the fight against the Trojans.
Bk 13:123-381. He pushed the Trojans back from the Greek ships, dressed in Achilles’s armour.

Bk 5:107-148. See Pettalus.

Bk 4:753-803. The winged horse, sprung from the head of Medusa when Perseus decapitated her. At the same time his brother Chrysaor the warrior was created. He is represented in the sky by the constellation Pegasus.
Bk 5:250-293. The sacred fountain of Hippocrene on Mount Helicon, haunt of the Muses, springs from under his hoof.
Bk 6:103-128. Created by Neptune’s union with Medusa.

Bk 8:329-375. One of the Calydonian Boar hunters. He is knocked down by the boar’s charge.

Pelasgus, Pelasgian, Pelasgi
An ancient Greek people (Pelasgi) and their king Pelasgus, son of Phoroneus the brother of Io. He is the brother of Agenor and Iasus.
Bk 7:1-73. Used of Greece as a whole.
Bk 7:100-158. Used of the Argonauts.
Bk 12:1-38. Bk 12:579-628. Bk 13:1-122.
Bk 13:123-381. Bk 14:527-565. The Greeks who set sail for Troy.
Bk 13:481-575. They are moved by Hecuba’s fate.
Bk 15:418-452. They conquered Troy, but by doing so ensured that, through Aeneas, Rome would conquer them, and the world.

Bk 5:107-148. A companion of Phineus, struck by Corythus and killed by Abas.

Bk 12:245-289. One of the Lapithae. He kills Amycus.

Bk 12:429-535. Of the region in Thessaly inhabited by Lapiths and Centaurs.

Bk 7:453-500.The son of Aeacus, king of Aegina, brother of Telamon and Phocus He comes to meet Minos. As the son of Aeacus, called Aeacides. The husband of Thetis and father by her of Achilles. ( See Joachim Wttewael’s – The Wedding of Peleus and Thetis - Alte Pinakothek, Munich: see W.B Yeats poem ‘News for the Delphic Oracle, verse III)
Bk 8:260-328. He is present at the Calydonian Boar Hunt.
Bk 8:376-424. He steps in to help Telamon.
Bk 11:194-220. He is married to the goddess, Thetis.
Bk 11:221-265. He wins Thetis with the help of Proteus and they conceive the hero Achilles.
Bk 11:266-345. Bk 13:123-381. He killed his brother Phocus and fled to Trachin, where Ceyx gave him sanctuary.
Bk 11:346-409. He fights the wolf from the marshes.
Bk 12:146-209. The father of Achilles.
Bk 12:290-326. His armour bearer was Crantor, a gift from Amyntor as a peace-pledge.
Bk 13:1-122. He is Ajax’s uncle.
Bk 15:843-870. His son Achilles surpasses him in fame.

Bk 7:294-349. The half-brother of Aeson whom he drove from the throne of Iolchos in Thessaly. Medea pretends to rejuvenate him but instead employs his daughters to help destroy him.

Bk 12:579-628. Achilles, the son of Peleus.

Bk 1:151-176. A mountain in Thessaly in Northern Greece.
Bk 7:179-233. Medea gathers magic herbs there.
Bk 7:350-403. Medea passes its shadowy slopes, the home of Chiron the Centaur, when fleeing.
Bk 12:64-145. Achilles’s spear is made from an ash-tree of Pelion.
Bk 12:429-535. A haunt of the Centaurs.

Of Pella, a city in Macedonia.
Bk 5:294-331. The native place of Pierus.
Bk 12:245-289. The native city of Pelates the Lapith.

Pelopeias, Pelopeius
Bk 6:401-437. Bk 8:611-678. Of Pelops.

The region of Southern Greece containing Sparta.
Bk 6:401-438. Contains Mycenae.

Bk 6:401-438. The son of Tantalus, and brother of Niobe. He was cut in pieces and served to the gods at a banquet by his father to test their divinity. Ceres-Demeter, mourning for Persephone, did not perceive the wickedness and ate a piece of the shoulder. The gods gave him life again and an ivory shoulder. He gave his name to the Peloponnese.
Bk 8:611-678. The father of Pittheus, king of Troezen.

Bk 5:332-384. Bk 13:705-737. Bk 15:622-745. A promontory on the north east coast of Sicily.

Bk 3:528-571. The old Latin household gods, two in number, whose name derives from penus a larder, or storage room for food. They were closely linked to the family and shared its joys and sorrows. Their altar was the hearth, which they shared with Vesta. Their images were placed at the back of the atrium in front of the Genius, the anonymous deity that protected and was the creative force in all groups and families, and, as the Genius of the head of the house and represented as a serpent, was placed between the Lar (Etruscan guardian of the house) and Penates. At meals they were placed between the plates and offered the first food. The Penates moved with a family and became extinct if the family did.
Bk 5:149-199. Polluted by violence.
Bk 5:487-532. Arethusa’s household gods have moved with her to her new home in Sicily.
Bk 5:642-678. Triptolemus enters the palace: ‘regis subit ille penates’.
Bk 7:501-613. The people of Aegina afflicted with plague abandon their houses.
Bk 8:81-151. Scylla betrays her city and her gods.
Bk 8:611-678. Philemon and Baucis are visited by the gods, Jupiter and Mercury, disguised as mortals, so that heavenly gods meet the humblest of household gods.
Bk 9:439-516. The just Minos cannot deny Miletus access to his home (‘est patriis arcere penatibus ausus’)
Bk 9:595-665. Byblis flees her home.
Bk 12:536-579. Nestor’s household gods overthrown by Hercules.
Bk 15:418-452. Aeneas carried his gods away from Troy.
Bk 15:843-870. Vesta is worshipped amongst Caesar’s ancestral gods.

Peneis, Peneia
Of the river god Peneus.
Bk 1:438-473. Bk 1:525-552. Bk 2:496-508. Daphne his daughter.
Bk 1:525-552. His waters.
Bk 12:146-209. His fields.

Penelope, Arnea, Arnacia
The wife of Ulysses, and daughter of Icarius and the Naiad Periboa.
(See J R Spencer Stanhope’s painting- Penelope – The De Morgan Foundation)
Bk 8:260-328. Her father-in-law Laertes is present at the Calydonian Boar Hunt.
Bk 13:481-575. Hecuba imagines herself Penelope’s servant after Ulysses takes her as a prize at the fall of Troy.
Bk 14:623-697. She is pestered by many suitors (a hundred and eight, in Homer), while she waits faithfully for Ulysses to return from Troy.

Bk 1:438-473. A river in Thessaly flowing from Mount Pindus through the valley of Tempe, and its river-god, the father of Daphne.
Bk 1:553-567. Transforms his daughter Daphne into the laurel.
Bk 1: 568-587. Receives condolences from the other river-gods after the loss of Daphne.
Bk 2:227-271. Peneus scorched by the sun chariot when Phaethon loses control of it.
Bk 7:179-233. Medea gathers magic herbs there.

Bk 3:511-527. The son of Echion and Agave, the grandson of Cadmus through his mother. He is King of Thebes. Tiresias foretells his fate at the hands of the Maenads.
Bk 3:528-571. He rejects the worship of Bacchus-Dionysus and orders the capture of the god.
Bk 3:572-596. He interrogates Acoetes the priest of Bacchus.
Bk 3:692-733. He is torn to pieces by the Bacchantes.

An island north of Euboea in the north western Aegean.
Bk 7:453-500. Not allied to Crete. Rich in olives.

Bk 8:236-259. The sister of Daedalus. Her son Talus was killed by Daedalus in a fit of jealousy, thrown from the Athenian citadel, but Pallas turned him into the partridge, which takes its name from his mother, perdix perdix.

Bk 12:429-535. Bk 12:579-628. Bk 13:123-381.
Bk 14:445-482. Bk 15:418-452. Pergama, the citadel of Troy. Troy itself.
Bk 13:481-575. Hecuba mourns its end.

Bk 5:385-424 A lake in Sicily near the city of Enna.

The son of Neleus, brother of Nestor and grandson of Neptune.
Bk 12:536-579. Neptune granted him the power to change shape, but Hercules killed him, when he was in the form of an eagle.

Bk 8:547-610. The daughter of Hippodamas, loved by the river god Achelous. Her father threw her into the Ionian Sea, but she was rescued by Achelous, and changed by Neptune into an island.

Bk 7:350-403. An ancient Attic king. He was held in such high esteem by his people that Jupiter would have killed him, but changed him into an eagle and his wife Phene into an osprey at Apollo’s request.

Bk 12:429-535. One of the Lapithae.

Bk 7:425-452. A monstrous son of Vulcan who lived at Epidaurus killing travellers with a bronze club. He was killed by Theseus.

Bk 12:146-209. Of Perrhaebia, a district in Thessaly, hence Thessalian.

Bk 7:74-99. Hecate, daughter of the Titan Perses.

Bk 5:107-148. Of Perseus.

Bk 5:425-486. Proserpina, Proserpine, daughter of Ceres-Demeter.
Ceres searches for her after she is abducted by Dis.
Bk 10:1-85. The co-ruler of the Underworld with Dis.
Bk 10:708-739. She turned Menthe into a herb, the mint.

The son of Jupiter and Danae, grandson of Acrisius, King of Argos. He was conceived as a result of Jupiter’s rape of Danae, in the form of a shower of gold. He is represented by the constellation Perseus near Cassiopeia. He is depicted holding the head of the Medusa, whose evil eye is the winking star Algol. It contains the radiant of the Perseid meteor shower. His epithets are Abantiades, Acrisioniades, Agenorides, Danaeius, Inachides, Lyncides.
(See Burne-Jones’s oil paintings and gouaches in the Perseus series particularly The Arming of Perseus, The Escape of Perseus, The Rock of Doom, Perseus slaying the Sea-Serpent, and The Baleful Head.)( See Benvenuto Cellini’s bronze Perseus - the Loggia, Florence)
Bk 4:604-662. His divine origin is rejected by Acrisius, his grandfather. He returns from defeating the Gorgon, Medusa, carrying her snaky head, that turns people to stone on sight.
Bk 4:604-662. He turns Atlas to stone with the Gorgon’s head. He is equipped with the wings and curved sword (scimitar) of Mercury.
Bk 4:663-705. He offers to rescue Andromeda.
Bk 4:706-752. He defeats the sea serpent, wins Andromeda and is promised a kingdom as a dowry by Cepheus.
Bk 4:753-803. At his marriage feast he relates his adventures, the theft of the Graeae’s single eye, and the taking of Medusa’s head. He tells how Medusa acquired her snaky hair. He is aided by Minerva, and equipped with her bronze shield.
Bk 5:30-73. He is attacked by Phineus, who escapes him. He kills Athis and Lycabas, a pair of friends and lovers.
Bk 5:74-106. Bk 5:107-148. He kills many of Phineus’s followers.
Bk 5:149-199. He is forced to use the Gorgon’s head.
Bk 5:200-249. He petrifies Phineus, overcomes Proetus who has seized the kingdom of his grandfather Acrisius, and petrifies him, and turns Polydectes king of Seriphus to stone.

Bk 1:52-67. Persian.

Bk 12:290-326. A centaur.

Pettalus, correctly Pedasus
Bk 5:107-148. A companion of Phineus, killed by Lycormas.

Bk 14:512-526. Of Peucetia, a region in Apulia.

Bk 13:705-737The Phaeacians, the fabled inhabitants of the island of Scheria, where Ulysses lands. See Homer’s Odyssey. (Possibly identified with Corfu). Aeneas passes by.

Bk 6:204-266. One of Niobe’s seven sons killed by Apollo and Diana.

Bk 15:479-546. The daughter of King Minos of Crete and Pasiphae, sister of Ariadne. She loves Hippolytus her stepson, and brings him to his death. (See Racine’s play – Phaedra).

Bk 12:429-535. A centaur.

Bk 9:666-713. Bk 9:714-763. Phaestius, of Phaestos, a city on the southern coast of Crete.

Bk 1:747-764. Son of Clymene, daughter of Oceanus and Tethys whose husband was the Ethiopian king Merops. His true father is Sol, the sun-god ( Phoebus). Asks his mother for proof of his divine origin.
Bk 2:31-48. Goes to the courts of the Sun to see his father who grants him a favour. He asks to drive the Sun chariot.
Bk 2:178-200. He loses control of the chariot.
Bk 2:301-328. He is destroyed by Jupiter in order to save the earth from being consumed by fire.
Bk 4:214-255. His father remembers his death when Leucothoe dies.

Bk 4:416-463. Of Phaethon, his fires.

Bk 12:579-628. Of Phaethon. His bird, the swan.

Bk 2:344-366. The eldest of the Heliads, the daughters of Clymene and the Sun, sisters of Phaethon, who are turned into poplar trees as they mourn for him, their tears becoming drops of amber.

Son of Somnus. A god of sleep.
Bk 11:573-649. He takes the shape of inanimate things.

Bk 9:764-797. An island near Alexandria in Egypt, site of the lighthouse. Protected by Isis as goddess of the sea.
Bk 15:259-306. Subsequently silted up and linked to the mainland.

Bk 15:745-842. The region around Pharsalus, a city in Thessaly, where Julius Caesar defeated Pompey the Great. (9th August 48 BC)

Bk 7:294-349. An epithet of Medea, from the Phasis, a river of her native Colchis.

Bk 2:227-271. A river in Colchis, in Asia, east of the Black Sea.
Bk 7:1-73. Reached by the Argonauts.

Of Phegeus king of Psophis in Arcadia. Father of Alphesiboea, the first wife of Alcmaeon, who left her to marry Callirhoe and was killed by the brothers of Alphesiboea.
Bk 9:394-417. His sword in his son’s hands kills Alcmaeon and punishes him for the murder of Eriphyle.

Bk 2:227-271. Of the city of Phegia in Arcadia.

Bk 7:350-403. The wife of Periphas, changed into an osprey.

Bk 15:307-360. A place in Arcadia near Mount Cyllene. See Pausanias VIII 14.

Admetus, son of Pheres, king of Pherae in Thessaly.
Bk 8:260-328. He is present at the Calydonian Boar Hunt.

Bk 3:165-205. One of Diana’s nymphs.

Bk 11:266-345. The son of Apollo and Chione, famous for his voice and lyre.

Philemon (and Baucis)
A pious old man of Phrygia.
Bk 8:611-678. He is the husband of Baucis. They are visited by the gods, Jupiter and Mercury, disguised as mortals.
Bk 8:679-724. They are both turned into trees, he into an oak, and she into a lime tree.

Bk 15:745-842. A city in Macedonia where, during the Triumvirate in 42 BC, Octavian and Antony defeated Brutus and Cassius after the assassination of Julius Caesar.

Bk 9:211-272. The son of Poeas. He lights Hercules’s funeral pyre and receives from him the bow, quiver and arrows that will enable the Greeks to finally win at Troy, and that had been with Hercules when he rescued Hesione there.
Bk 13:1-122. Bitten by a snake on Lemnos, he is abandoned there on Ulysses advice. Ulysses accepts that Philoctetes and his weapons are essential for the defeat of Troy.
Bk 13:399-428. Ulysses brings Philoctetes and the weapons to Troy.

The daughter of Pandion, sister of Procne, raped by her sister’s husband Tereus.
Bk 6:438-485. Convinces her father to allow her to visit her sister Procne, unaware of Tereus’s lust for her.
Bk 6:486-548. Tereus violates her, and she vows to tell the world of his crime.
Bk 6:549-570. He severs her tongue and tells Procne she is dead.
Bk 6:571-619. Philomela communicates with Procne by means of a woven message, and is rescued by her during the Bacchic revels.
Bk 6:619-652. She helps Procne to murder Itys, the son of Tereus and Procne.
Bk 6:653-674. Pursued by Tereus she turns into a swallow, with a red throat. (pectus is translated here as throat, to correspond with the English swallow, hirundo rustica, though in Egypt and elsewhere this bird has a chestnut red underbody as well ). Having no tongue, the swallow merely screams and flies around in circles.

Bk 2:676-701. The mother of the centaur, Chiron. A nymph, the daughter of Oceanus whom Saturn loved. he changed himself into a stallion and her into a mare, and their son Chiron was half-horse, half-man, and a demi-god.
Bk 6:103-128. She is not referred to directly, but her union with Saturn is alluded to in Arachne’s weaving.

Philyreius heros
Bk 2:676-707: Chiron, the son of Philyra.

The brother of the Ethiopian king Cepheus, uncle of Andromeda.
Bk 5:1-29. He complains that Perseus has stolen Andromeda his promised bride.
Bk 5:30-73. He attacks Perseus and his own brother Cepheus, but escapes from Perseus by taking refuge behind the altars.
Bk 5:74-106. Many of his followers are killed by Perseus. He dares not fight Perseus but kills Idas a neutral by mistake.
Bk 5:107-148. He kills Broteas and Ammon, and Ampycus the priest.
Bk 5:149-199. He attempts to mob Perseus with his many followers.
Bk 5:200-249. He is finally turned to stone, a statue in the Palace of Cepheus.

Bk 7:1-73. King of Salmydessus in Thrace, a blind prophet, who had received the gift of prophecy from Apollo. He was blinded by the gods for prophesying the future too accurately, and was plagued by a pair of Harpies. Calais and Zetes, the sons of Boreas, rid him of their loathsome attentions, in return for advice on how to obtain the Golden Fleece. The two winged sons chased the Harpies to the Strophades islands, were some say their lives were spared.

Bk 5:533-571. Bk 15:479-546.One of the rivers of the Underworld.

Bk 2:150-177. One of the four horses of the Sun.

Bk 12:290-326. A centaur.

Of Phlegra, a region of Macedonia.
Bk 10:143-219. The site of Jupiter’s overthrow of the Giants.

Bk 11:410-473. A robber people of Thessaly who destroyed the temple at Delphi.

Bk 5:74-106. A companion of Phineus, killed by Perseus.

Phobetor, Icelos
A son of Somnus. A god of sleep.
Bk 11:573-649. He takes the shape of creatures.

Bk 1:313-347. The land between Aetolia and Boeotia in Greece.
Bk 2:566-595. Home of Corone, daughter of Coroneus.
Bk 5:250-293. Seized by Pyreneus.
BkVI:1-25. A source of murex shellfish for purple dye.
Bk 11:346-409. The country of Onetor, Peleus’s herdsman.

Bk 7:453-500.The son of Aeacus, king of Aegina. He comes to meet Minos.As the son of Aeacus by the Nereid Psamathe, he is half brother of Peleus and Telamon.
Bk 7:661-758. He is host to Cephalus.
Bk 7:759-795. He listens to Cephalus’s tale of Laelaps the hound and asks about Cephalus’s magic spear.
Bk 7:796-865. He hears the sad tale of Procris’s death.
Bk 11:266-345. He was killed by his brother Peleus.
Bk 11:346-409. His mother Psamathe pursues Peleus.

Bk 1:1-30. The Titaness who rules the moon. Her daughter Leto bore Phoebus Apollo and Artemis (Diana) to Zeus. Phoebe is therefore another name for Artemis, and for the moon itself.
Bk 1:473-503. As virgin huntress.
Bk 2:401-416. Callisto is one of her followers. She has the epithet Trivia, of the crossways, as she is worshipped where three ways meet.
Bk 6:204-266. Diana helps to punish Niobe for her rejection of her mother Latona (Leto).
Bk 12:1-38. Diana.

Phoebus, Apollo
Bk 1:313-347. Bk 5:385-424. Bk 6:486-548. Bk 7:294-349. Bk 15:176-198. Bk 15:418-452. A familiar name for Apollo as the sun-god, and so the sun itself.
Bk 1:438-473. Destroys the Python and founds the Pythian games. Falls in love with and pursues Daphne. Failing to catch her turns her into the laurel tree. Institutes the use of laurel for ceremonial crowns. (See Bernini’s sculpture – Apollo and Daphne – Galleria Borghese, Rome)
Bk 2:531-565. Loves Coronis of Larissa who is unfaithful to him.
Bk 2:612-632. Having killed her, he rescues their unborn son Aesculapius and entrusts him to Chiron the Centaur.
Bk 3:1-49. His oracle reveals to Cadmus how he will found Thebes in Boeotia.
Bk 6:103-128. His disguises and his rape of Isse are depicted by Arachne.
Bk 6:204-266. Helps to punish Niobe for her rejection of his mother Latona.
Bk 6:382-400. Defeats Marsyas in a contest of flute-playing and flays him alive.
Bk 7:350-403. Loves Rhodes, and Rhode the nymph of the island.
Bk 8:1-80. He built the walls of Megara, and where he rested his lyre the stones afterwards gave out a resonant, musical, note.
Bk 8:329-375. Mopsus prays to him for help against the Calydonian wild boar.
Bk 9:439-516. Fathered Miletus on the nymph Dione.
Bk 9:595-665. Byblis, Miletus’s daughter is his grandchild.
Bk 10:106-142. He turns Cyparissus into a cypress tree.
Bk 10:143-219. He turns Hyacinthus into the hyacinth (blue larkspur, hyacinthos grapta) with the marks AI on the base of its petals.
Bk 11:1-66. He rescues the head of Orpheus who was his poet.
Bk 11:146-171. He competes on the lyre with Pan on his reed-pipes.
Bk 11:266-345. He loves Chione and she bears him a son Philammon. He turns Daedalion into a hawk.
Bk 13:481-575. He aids Paris in killing Achilles.
Bk 13:623-639. Bk 13:640-674. Anius is his high priest on Delos.
Bk 13:675-704. Aeneas consults the oracle, and is told to seek out his ancient mother, and ancestral shore.
Bk 14:101-153. Phoebus grants the Sibyl of Cumae eternal life, but she forgets to ask for eternal youth, and is doomed to wither away, until she is merely a voice.
Bk 15:622-745. Bk 15:622-745. His oracle is at Delphi. Aesculapius is his son.
Bk 15:843-870. Vesta, as the Tauric Diana, is worshipped alongside himself.

Bk 3:1-49. Bk 15:259-306. Phoenix, of Phoenicia, hence Phoenician.

The son of Amyntor of Thessaly, and companion of Achilles.
Bk 8:260-328. He is present at the Calydonian Boar Hunt.

The mythical bird, symbol of continually renewed existence.

Bk 12:290-326. A centaur.

Bk 5:74-106. A companion of Phineus, killed by Perseus.

Bk 11:410-473. The leader of the Phlegyae who plundered Delphi.

Bk 12:290-326. A centaur.

Bk 4:753-803. The Graeae, the daughters of Phorcys, who had one eye between them.

Bk 4:706-752. Bk 5:200-249. Medusa as the daughter of Phorcys.

Bk 1:668-688. An epithet of Io, sister of Phoroneus the son of Inachus king of Argos.
Bk 2:508-530. Used by Juno in reference to Io, the Argive.

Phrixea vellera
Bk 7:1-73. The Golden Fleece of the winged ram on which Phrixus son of Athamas and Nephele and brother of Helle, escaped, with his sister, from his stepmother Ino, and fled to Colchis, in order to avoid being sacrificed. Helle fell into the sea and the Hellespont is named after her. Phrixus reached Colchis where Sol stables his horses, and sacrificed the ram to Zeus, or in other versions Ares (Mars), and it hung in the temple of Mars where it was guarded by a dragon. Its return was sought by Jason and the Argonauts.

Bk 11:85-145. The Phrygians, and more restrictedly the Trojans.

A region in Asia Minor, containing Dardania and Troy, and Mysia and Pergamum. Ovid uses the term for the whole of Asia Minor bordering the Aegean.
Bk 6:146-203. Used for Greek Asia Minor.
Bk 6:382-400. The river Marsyas, its clearest river, is formed there from the tears wept for him.
Bk 8:152-182. The Maeander river runs there.
Bk 8:611-678. The country of Baucis and Philemon.
Bk 10:143-219. The country of Trojan Ganymede.
Bk 11:194-220. Bk 12:1-38. Bk 13:576-622. The country of Laomedon and Troy.
Bk 12:64-145. Bk 12:146-209. Bk 12:579-628. The land of the Trojans.
Bk 13:123-381. The country of Dolon, the spy.
Bk 13:429-480. Thrace is across the Hellespont, and opposite Troy is the country of the Bistones.
Bk 14:75-100. Bk 14:527-565. Bk 15:418-452. The country of Aeneas.

Bk 13:123-381. A city in Thessaly, birthplace of Achilles, and ruled by his father Peleus.

Bk 8:260-328. He is present at the Calydonian Boar Hunt.

Bk 12:429-535.An epithet of Caeneus from the Thessalian town of Phyllos.

Bk 7:350-403. The friend of Cycnus(2), who brings him presents of tamed animals and birds, but when his love is spurned refuses a last gift. Cycnus attempts suicide but is turned into a swan.

The son of Saturn, and ancient king of Latium, husband of Canens.
Bk 14:320-396. He is loved by Circe, and turned by her into a woodpecker that bears his name. (Picus viridis is the green woodpecker, distinguished by its red nape and crown, and its golden-green back.)
Bk 14:397-434. His companions are turned into wild beasts, and Canens wastes away with grief.

Bk 5:294-331. King of Emathia. His nine daughters were the Emathides, or the Pierides, in fact the Muses, from the earliest place of their worship, in Pieria, in northern Greece (Macedonia).

Bk 2:201-226. Bk 11:474-572. A mountain in Thessaly. The Centaurs took refuge there after their battle with the Lapiths.
Bk 7:179-233. Medea gathers magic herbs there.

Bk 6:438-485. The harbour of Athens.

Pirene, Pirenis, Peirene
Bk 2:227-271. Bk 7:350-403. The Pirenian Spring. A famous fountain on the citadel of Corinth sacred to the Muses, where Bellerephon took Pegasus to drink. Pausanias says (II:iii, Corinth) that Peirene was a human being who became a spring, through weeping for her son Cenchrias, killed by accident by Artemis, and that the water is sweet to taste. (It has Byzantine columns, and was once the private garden of the Turkish Bey.). The spring was said never to fail. It was also the name of a fountain outside the city gates, towards Lechaeum, into whose waters the Corinthian bronzes were dipped red-hot on completion.

Son of Ixion. King of the Lapithae in Thessaly and friend of Theseus.
Bk 8:260-328. He is present at the Calydonian Boar Hunt.
Bk 8:376-424. He is warned away from the boar by his friend Theseus.
Bk 8:547-610. He is with Theseus when Achelous offers them hospitality.
Bk 8:611-678. He is scornful of the ability of the gods to alter human forms.
Bk 12:210-244. He marries Hippodamia, and invites the centaurs to the wedding. Eurytus attempts to carry her off, and starts a fight.
Bk 12:290-326. He fights in the battle with the centaurs.

Bk 5:385-424. A city in Elis, near Olympia.
Bk 5:487-532. Native city of Arethusa.

Pisces, Piscis
The constellation of the fishes, the twelfth sign of the Zodiac. An ancient constellation depicting two fishes with their tails tied together. It represents Venus and Cupid escaping from the monster Typhon. It contains the spring equinox, formerly in Aries. The vernal equinox has moved into Pisces since ancient times due to the effects of precession (the ‘wobble’ of the earth on its polar axis).
Bk 10:1-85. Bk 10:143-219. The last sign of the solar year, preceding the spring equinox in ancient times. A water sign.

Bk 12:290-326. A centaur.

Bk 7:350-403. A city on the Aeolic coast of Asia Minor, near Lesbos.

Bk 14:75-100. An island not far from Cumae in Italy. The modern Ischia. It was called Pithecusa by its Greek colonists, then Inarime by the Romans. It is the largest island in the Bay of Naples.

Bk 6:401-438. Bk 15:259-306. Bk 15:479-546. King of Troezen, son of Pelops, grandfather of Theseus.
Bk 8:611-678. He once sent Lelex to Phrygia.

Bk 1:668-688. The Seven Sisters, the daughters, with the Hyades and the Hesperides, of Atlas the Titan. Their mother was Pleione the naiad. They were chased by Orion rousing the anger of Artemis to whom they were dedicated and changed to stars by the gods. The Pleiades are the star cluster M45 in the constellation Taurus. Their names were Maia, the mother of Mercury by Jupiter, Taÿgeta, Electra, Merope, Asterope, Alcyone (the brightest star of the cluster), and Celaeno.
Bk 6:146-203. Niobe claims one of the Pleiads as her mother, Dione; or, in an alternative reading, Ovid would make Dione a sister of the Pleiades, but not one of them. (Traditionally she is a Pleiad: an alternative name for one of the seven sisters above?)
Bk 13:123-381. The stars are engraved on Achilles’s shield.

Bk 2:737-751. The daughter of Atlas and Oceanus, and mother of the Pleiades.

Bk 7:350-403. A city in Aetolia.
Bk 14:483-511. The home of Acmon.

The son of Thestius, brother of Althaea, uncle of Meleager.
Bk 8:260-328. He is present at the Calydonian Boar Hunt.
Bk 8:425-450. He is killed by Meleager, his nephew, in an argument over the spoils.

Plough, Ursa Major, The Great Bear, The Big Dipper
Bk 2:150-177. The constellation of Ursa Major. It represents Callisto turned into a bear by Jupiter. The two stars of the ‘bowl’ furthest from the ‘handle’, Merak and Dubhe, point to Polaris the pole star. The ‘handle’ points to Arcturus in Bootes, who is the Herdsman or Bear Herd (Arcturus means the Bearkeeper).

Pluto, Dis, Hades
The God of the Underworld, elder brother of Jupiter and Neptune, and like them the son of Saturn and Rhea.

Poeantiades, Poentia Proles
Bk 13:1-122. Philoctetes, son of Poeas.

Bk 9:211-272. Bk 13:1-122. The father of Philoctetes.

Bk 14:223-319. A companion of Ulysses.

An incorrect reading for Polygdemon in V:85.

A Trojan, son of Panthous, a friend of Hector.
Bk 12:536-579. Cited by Nestor as an enemy.

Bk 5:200-249. A ruler of the island of Seriphos, who rejects Perseus and is turned to stone.

Bk 5:74-106. A descendant of Queen Semiramis. A companion of Phineus, killed by Perseus.

Polydeuces, Pollux
The son of King Tyndareus of Sparta, and Leda, and one of the twin Dioscuri, brother of Castor.
Bk 8:260-328. He is present at the Calydonian Boar Hunt.
Bk 8:329-375. The brothers hurl their spears.

The son of Priam and Hecuba.
Bk 13:429-480. Sent by his father to the court of Polymestor king of Thrace who had married his sister Ilione, and murdered there by Polymestor for the sake of the treasure sent with him.
Bk 13:481-575. His body is thrown up on the beach where Hecuba is mourning Polyxena, and the event precipitates her madness.
Bk 13:623-639. Aeneas leaves the shores drenched by his blood.

King of Thrace, husband of Ilione daughter of Priam.
Bk 13:429-480. He murders his young foster child Polydorus, sent to him by Priam.
Bk 13:481-575. Hecuba in turn murders him, and tears out his eyes.

Bk 7:350-403. The father of Sciron, and by some lineage, presumably maternal, a grandfather of Alcyone (neptem Polypemonis). Sometimes claimed as the father of Sinis. He himself is identifed with Procrustes.

One of the Cyclopes, sons of Neptune, one-eyed giants living in Sicily.
Bk 13:738-788. He falls in love with Galatea.
Bk 13:789-869. He complains of her rejection of him.
Bk 13:870-897. He kills Acis with a rock.
Bk 14:154-222. He was feared by Achaemenides, and roamed Aetna, blinded by Ulysses, seeking revenge.

The daughter of Priam and Hecuba.
Bk 13:429-480. She is sacrificed to appease the ghost of Achilles.

Bk 14:623-697. A beautiful wood nymph (hamadryad) of Latium, devoted to horticulture. She is loved by Vertumnus who sets out to woo her, in disguise.
Bk 14:698-771. He reveals his true form and she loves him also.

Pompeius Sextus
Bk 15:745-842. The second son of Pompey the Great conquered in the sea battles, off Sicily, between Mylae and Naulochus, by Agrippa, Augustus’s admiral, in 36 BC.

Bk 15:745-842. The Black Sea, and the kingdom in Asia Minor bordering it. Ruled by Mithridates.

Priamaeia coniunx
Bk 13:399-428. Bk 13:481-575. Hecuba, the wife of Priam.

Bk 13:1-122. Bk 13:705-737. Bk 15:418-452. Helenus, son of Priam.
Bk 13:481-575. The Priamidae, the children of Priam.

Priamus, Priam
Bk 11:749-795. Bk 14:445-482. The King of Troy at the time of the Trojan War, the son of Laomedon, husband of Hecuba, by whom he had many children. In the Metamorphoses Ovid mentions Hector, Helenus, Paris, Polydorus, Deiphobus, Cassandra and Polyxena. Aesacus was his son by Alexiroe.
Bk 12:1-38. He mourns for Aesacus, thinking him dead.
Bk 12:579-628. Achilles’s death alone brings him pleasure after the death of Hector.
Bk 13:123-381. Heard Ulysses’s case for Helen’s return in front of the Trojan senate.
Bk 13:399-428. He is murdered at Jupiter’s altar as Troy falls.
Bk 13:429-480. He had sent his son Polydorus to be brought up in the court of Polymestor of Thrace who had married his daughter Ilione.
Bk 13:481-575. Hecuba counts him lucky to have died with Troy.
Bk 13:576-622. The uncle of Memnon, since Memnon’s father Tithonus is his brother.

The Pan of Mysia in Asia Minor, venerated as Lampsacus. God of gardens and vineyards. His phallic image was placed in orchards and gardens. He presided over the fecundity of fields, flocks, beehives, fishing and vineyards. He became part of the retinue of Dionysus.
Bk 9:324-393. Pursues Lotis who is changed into a lotus-tree.
Bk 14:623-697. He pursues Pomona.

Bk 14:609-622. An Alban king, father of Numitor and Amulius.

Bk 14:75-100. An island off the coast of Campania (Southern Italy).

Bk 6:401-438. The daughter of Pandion, king of Athens, married to Tereus, king of Thrace.
Bk 6:438-485. Persuades Tereus to bring her sister Philomela to stay with her.
Bk 6:549-570. Tereus rapes and mutilates her sister, and tells Procne that Philomela is dead.
Bk 6:571-619. Philomela communicates with her by means of a woven message, and she rescues her during the Bacchic rites.
Bk 6:619-652. She murders her son Itys and serves the flesh to Tereus.
Bk 6:653-674. Pursued by Tereus she turns into a nightingale. The bird’s call, mourning Itys, is said to be ‘Itu! Itu!’ which is something like the occasional ‘chooc, chooc’ among its wide range of notes.

The daughter of Erectheus king of Athens.
Book VI:675-721. Married happily to Cephalus, the grandson of Aeolus.
Bk 7:661-758. Cephalus is unfaithful and tempts her into unfaithfulness but they are reconciled. She gives him a magic hound and a magic javelin, gifts of Diana.
Bk 7:796-865. Through an error she is killed by Cephalus, with the spear that was her gift to him.

Bk 7:425-452. A famous robber who trimmed or stretched his guests’ bodies to the size of his bed. Theseus served him in the same way, destroying him. Possibly identical with Polpemon.

Bk 15:307-360. The daughters of Proetus king of Tiryns, Lysippe, Iphinoe, and Iphianassa, who were maddened by the gods, and whose madness Melampus purged. (Clitor, Nonacris and the Styx are in the Mount Chelmos area, described interestingly by Pausanias, VIII 18, where he also describes the purification of the Proetides at Lousoi, in the sanctuary of Artemis.)

Bk 5:200-249. The son of Abas, twin brother of Acrisius who drove the latter from his throne of Argos. He is turned to stone by Perseus.

Bk 1:68-88. The son of Iapetus by the nymph Cleomene, and father of Deucalion. Sometimes included among the seven Titans, he was the wisest of his race and gave human beings the useful arts and sciences. Jupiter first withheld fire and Prometheus stole it from the chariot of the Sun. Jupiter had Prometheus chained to the frozen rock in the Caucasus where a vulture tore at his liver night and day for eternity. (See Aeschylus’s ‘Prometheus Bound’, and Shelley’s ‘Prometheus Unbound’)

Bk 1:381-415. Deucalion, son of Prometheus.

Bk 10:220-242. Girls of Amathus who denied Venus’s divinity. They became public prostitutes, and turned to stone, as they lost their sense of shame. This is a tale based on the ritual public prostitution which was a feature of the worship of Diana (at Ephesus) and Astarte, etc. and at the Temple in Jerusalem during the deviations from the worship of Jehovah, by the Jews.

Bk 3:597-637. A seaman, companion of Acoetes.

Proserpina, Proserpine, Persephone
The daughter of Ceres-Demeter and Jupiter.
Bk 5:332-384. Aspires to be a virgin like Pallas and Diana, but Venus asks Cupid to make Dis fall in love with her.
Bk 5:385-424. She is raped and abducted by Dis. ( See Rembrandt’s painting The Rape of Proserpine – panel, Berlin-Dahlem)
Bk 5:487-532. Jupiter decrees she can return to heaven subject to her not having eaten anything in the underworld.
Bk 5:533-571. Having eaten seven pomegranate seeds, she is only allowed to return to the world for six months of each year, and Jupiter decrees she must spend the other six months with Dis.
Bk 6:103-128. Arachne depicts how Jupiter lay with her disguised as a spotted snake.
Bk 14:101-153. The queen of the underworld, called ‘the Juno of Avernus’.

Bk 12:64-145. A Thessalian chief killed by Hector, the first of the Greeks to be slain in the Trojan War.

Bk 2:1-30. Bk 13:898-968. The sea-god who can shift his form. His image is depicted on the palace of the Sun.
Bk 8:725-776. Achelous, the river-god, tells of his many transformations.
Bk 11:221-265. He helps Peleus to win Thetis.

Bk 5:74-106. A courtier of Cepheus, killed by Hypseus a follower of Phineus.

Bk 13:123-381. A Lycian, killed by Ulysses.

A Nereid, mother of Phocus by Aeacus, whom his half brother Peleus accidentally killed.
Bk 11:346-409. She pursues Peleus, and ultimately relents.

Bk 3:165-205. One of Diana’s nymphs.

A city in Arcadia.
Bk 5:572-641. Passed by Arethusa in her flight.

Bk 1: 601-621. Shame, opposes Amor (Love) in Jupiter’s mind, over the gift of Io to Juno.

Pygmaeus, Pygmies
A Pigmy, one of the dwarf peoples.
Bk 6:70-102. The Queen of the Pygmies turned into a crane by Juno and forced to war against her own people.

A Cyprian who fashioned an ivory statue of a beautiful girl that he brought to life, calling her Galatea. (See the sequence of four paintings by Burne-Jones, ‘Pygmalion and the Image’, Birmingham Museum and Art Gallery, England, titled: The Heart Desires, The Hand Refrains, The Godhead Fires, The Soul Attains: See also Rameau’s operatic work ‘Pygmalion’)
Bk 10:243-297. Venus brings her to life, and he marries her. She gives birth to a daughter, Paphos who gives her name to the island of Cyprus, sacred to Venus.

Bk 2:676-701. The city in Elis in the western Peloponnese, the home of Nestor the wise, in the Iliad and Odyssey.
Bk 6:401-438. Its ruler goes to Thebes to show sympathy for the death of Amphion and his children. It is described as Nelean, after its founder Neleus.
Bk 8:329-375. Nestor joins the Calydonian boar hunt.
Bk 12:536-579. The home of Nestor.
Bk 12:536-579. Hercules destroyed it and killed Nestor’s brothers.

Bk 12:429-535. A centaur.

Bk 12:429-535. A centaur.

Bk 4:55-92 . A fictional Babylonian boy. The story of Pyramus and Thisbe.
Bk 4:93-127. His death is described.

King of Thrace.
Bk 5:250-293. He offered the Muses shelter, and then attempted violence. They flew away: he tried to follow and was killed.

Bk 2:150-177. One of the four horses of the Sun.

Bk 1:348-380. Wife and cousin to Deucalion, and the only woman to survive the Great Flood. Daughter of the Titan Epimetheus, hence called Titania.

Bk 13:123-381. The son of Achilles and Deidamia, daughter of Lycomedes king of the Aegean island of Scyros.

The famous Greek philosopher of Samos, the Ionian island, who took up residence at Crotona in Italy, where Numa came to be his pupil. His school was later revived at Tarentum. He flourished in the second half of the 6th century BC.
Bk 15:60-142. He teaches the vegetarian ethic based on the sanctity of life.
BkXV:143-175. He teaches the doctrine of the transmigration of souls, metempsychosis, and was Euphorbus at the time of the Trojan War.
Bk 15:176-198. He teaches the doctrine of eternal flux. This is the panta rei (πάντα ρει), ‘all things flow’, taught by Heraclitus the Ephesian, (flourished c500 BC), but not apparently original with him: he also said ‘you cannot step in the same river twice’ as attested by Plato.
Bk 15:199-236. He teaches the four ages of man.
Bk 15:237-258. He teaches here a theory of the rarefaction and condensation of the four ‘elements’ that is attributed to Anaximenes of the Milesian school of philosophers. (Founded by Thales, and ended by the fall of Miletus in 494 BC.) Anaximenes also taught that air was the primary Urstoff . His theory introduced the idea of changes of quantity creating changes of quality. Like other Ionian philosophers the eternity of matter, and its transformations, is assumed.

Bk 1:438-473. The Pythian games were instituted at Delphi by Apollo. They were celebrated every four years.

Bk 1:438-473. The huge serpent created by earth after the Flood, destroyed by Apollo, giving its name to the Pythian games.
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Re: Metamorphoses, by Ovid

Postby admin » Wed Jan 19, 2022 12:10 am

Part 8 of 9

Bk 14:805-828. Bk 15:843-870. The name for the deified Romulus.
Bk 14:829-851. He receives his wife Hersilia in heaven, deified as Hora.
Bk 15:552-621. Bk 15:745-842. The Romans are his people.

Quirites, Quires
Bk 15:552-621. The Sabines, or Cures, the Romans after the union with the Sabines.
Bk 14:566-580. They worship the deified Aeneas as Indiges.

Bk 14:609-622. An Alban king, killed by a lightning bolt.

The son of Jupiter and Europa, brother of Minos, with his brother a judge of the dead in the Underworld.
Bk 9:418-438. Bk 9:439-516. Jupiter, recognising his love of justice, wishes he could enjoy perpetual youth.

Rhamnusia, Rhamnusis
Bk 3:402-436. A name for Nemesis from her temple at Rhamnus in Attica. She punishes Narcissus.
Bk 14:623-697. She is angered by those who are too proud and self-sufficient.

Bk 3:165-205. One of Diana’s nymphs.

Rhegion, Rhegium
Bk 14:1-74. A city (modern Reggio) in the southern part of Ausonia (modern Calabria), on the Sicilian Strait. (The Straits of Messina) It was founded c 723 BC by the Chalcidians, who were later joined by the Messenese, was sacked by Syracuse, and repopulated by the Romans.

Bk 2:227-271. The River Rhine in northern Europe.

A Thracian king of whom the oracle had said that if his horses drank of the Xanthus, Troy would not be taken.
Bk 13:1-122. He was killed by Ulysses and Diomede, and his horses captured before they could drink of Xanthus.

Bk 14:483-511. A companion of Diomede. Venus transforms him into a bird.

Bk 2:227-271. The River Rhone in Gaul, modern France.

Bk 2:201-226. A mountain in Thrace.
Bk 6:70-102. Supposed to be a mortal turned into a mountain for assuming the name of a great god.
Bk 6:571-619. The scene of the triennial festival of Bacchus, the trietericus.
Bk 10:1-85. Orpheus flees there after losing Eurydice a second time.

Bk 10:1-85.An epithet of Orpheus, from Mount Rhodope in his native Thrace.

Rhodos, Rhodes
Bk 4:190-213. The island in the Aegean off the coast of Asia Minor. Sol loved Rhode, the nymph of the island.
Bk 7:350-403. His love is of the island itself.
Bk 12:536-579. The leader of the Rhodian fleet is Tlepolemus.

Bk 11:194-220. Of Rhoeteum, a promontory in the Troad.

Bk 5:30-73. A companion of Phineus, killed by Perseus, who aimed at Phineus the spear which he had thrown at him.

Bk 12:245-289. A centaur. He killed Cometes and his friend Charaxus at the battle of the Lapiths and Centaurs.
Bk 12:290-326. He killed Euagrus and Corythus, a boy, but wounded by Dryas, he fled the battle.

Bk 12:290-326. A centaur.

Roma, Rome
Bk 1:199-243. The city on the Tiber, capital of the Empire.
Bk 14:772-804. Founded by Romulus in 753BC on the feast of Pales, the Palilia, April 21st.
Bk 15:418-452. Its future greatness prophesied.
Bk 15:552-621. Cipus puts its good before his own.
Bk 15:622-745. Aesculapius ends the plague.
Bk 15:871-879. Ovid claims immortality wherever Rome’s potentia, that is its power, but equally its authority, or its influence, extends, over the lands, terris domitis, that it has conquered, or equally tamed, that is civilised.

Bk 15:622-745. Bk 15:745-842. The Roman people.

Bk 15:622-745. A place in Italy between Scylaceum and Caulon.

Bk 14:829-851. Of Romulus. The Quirinal hill.

The son of Mars and Ilia, hence Iliades, the father of the Roman people (genitor).
Bk 14:772-804. He reinstates Numitor, and makes peace with the Sabines, sharing the rule of Rome with Tatius the Sabine king.
Bk 14:805-828. He is deified, as Quirinus.
Bk 14:829-851. His hill is the Quirinal. As Quirinus, he receives his deified wife Hersilia into heaven, as Hora.
Bk 15:552-621. His spear was magically transformed into a tree.
Bk 15:622-745. Rome is his city.

Bk 14:445-482. A people of Latium whose chief city was Ardea, and whose hero was Turnus. They fight Aeneas and the Trojans.
Bk 14:527-565. They set fire to the Trojan ships.
Bk 14:566-580. They persist with the war.

Bk 10:431-502. Of the Sabaeans, a people in Northern Arabia. Myrrha reaches their land.

The Sabines, a people of Central Italy who merged with the people of Romulus. ( See Giambologna’s sculpture – The Rape of the Sabines – Loggia dei Lanzi, Florence)
Bk 14:772-804. Their king is Tatius. They make peace.
Bk 14:829-851. They are absorbed into the Roman people.
Bk 15:1-59. Numa desires knowledge beyond theirs.

Bk 2:63-89. The constellation and zodiacal sun sign of the Archer, half man and half beast, formed when Chiron the centaur was placed by Jupiter among the stars. He aims his stellar arrow at the heart of Scorpio. The star-rich constellation contains the centre of the galaxy. It is full of star clusters and nebulae (Trifid, Lagoon, Horseshoe etc). The sun is in Sagittarius at the winter solstice.

A city on the island of Cyprus, founded by Teucer, who came from the island of Salamis in the Saronic Sea, site of the famous naval battle where the Greeks defeated the Persians.
Bk 14:698-771. It contains Anaxarete’s statue, and a temple to Venus Prospiciens – ‘she who looks out’.

Bk 15:1-59. Of the Sallentines, a people of Calabria.

Bk 4:274-316. A pool in Caria whose waters were enervating, and the nymph of the pool who loved Hermaphroditus.
Bk 4:346-388. Salmacis dives into the pool to pursue Hermaphroditus, and is merged with him. He prays that the pool will weaken anyone who bathes there.
Bk 15:307-360. Its waters have enervating powers.

Bk 15:60-142: An epithet of Pythagoras, the philosopher. from Samos.

An island off the coast of Asia Minor opposite Ephesus, sacred to Juno, and the birthplace of Pythagoras (at Pythagórion = Tigáni). Samos was famous for its Heraion, the great sanctuary of the goddess Hera-Juno.
Bk 8:183-235. Daedalus and Icarus fly towards it after leaving Crete.
Bk 15:60-142. Pythagoras flees from Samos and enters voluntary exile at Crotona.

Samos(2), Same
Bk 13:705-737. An island in the Ionian Sea under the dominion of Ulysses, passed by Aeneas.

Sardes, Sardis
Bk 11:85-145. The ancient capital of Lydia on the River Pactolus.
Bk 11:146-171. It is overlooked by Mount Tmolus.

A Lycian chief, the son of Jupiter and Europa, killed by Patroclus in the war with the Greeks.
Bk 13:123-381. His ranks decimated by Ulysses.

Saturn, Saturnus, Saturnius (Of Saturn)
Bk 1:151-176. Son of Earth and Heaven (Uranus) ruler of the universe in the Golden Age. Saturn was deposed by his three sons Jupiter, Neptune and Pluto who ruled Heaven, Ocean and the Underworld respectively. He was banished to Tarturus. He was the father also of Juno, Ceres and Vesta by Ops.
Bk 5:385-424. Dis (Pluto) as son of Saturn.
Bk 6:103-128. He fathers Chiron the Centaur on Philyra, while disguised as a horse, and is depicted by Arachne.
Bk 9:211-272. Jupiter as son of Saturn.
Bk 9:439-516. Saturn married his sister Ops, a personification of the Earth.
Bk 14:320-396. The father of Picus.
Bk 15:843-870. Jupiter his son, surpasses him.

Saturnia, Juno
Bk 1:601-621. Bk 14:772-804. An epithet for Juno, daughter of Saturn.
Bk 2:531-565. Her chariot is drawn by peacocks.
Bk 5:294-331. The Emathides pretend that she fled to Egypt in the war between the giants and the gods, and there she hid in the form of a white cow.
Bk 9:159-210. As Hercules stepmother she sets him onerous tasks, pursuing him as a punishment for Jupiter’s affair with his mother Alcmena.

Bk 1:177-198. The Satyrs. Demi-gods. Woodland deities of human form but with goats’ ears, tails, legs and budding horns. Sexually lustful.
Bk 4:1-30. Bk 11:85-145. They are followers of Bacchus-Dionysus.
Bk 6:382-400. Marsyas is one of them, and they weep when he is flayed by Phoebus-Apollo.
Bk 14:623-697. They pursue Pomona.

Bk 10:560-637. Bk 10:638-680. Atalanta, the daughter of Schoeneus, king of Boeotia.

Bk 7:425-452. A famous robber on the coast between Megaris and Attica who threw his victims into the sea. Theseus did the same to him, and his bones eventually became the sea cliffs near the Molurian Rocks.

Scorpio, Scorpius
Bk 2:63-89. The constellation and zodiacal sun sign of the Scorpion. It contains the red giant Antares (‘like Mars’), one of the four Babylonian guardian stars of the heavens, lying nearly on the ecliptic. (The others are Regulus in Leo, Aldebaran in Taurus, and Fomalhaut ‘the Fish’s Eye’ in Piscis Austrinus. All four are at roughly ninety degrees to one another). Scorpius, because of its position, is one of the two ‘gateways’ to the Milky Way, the other being the opposite constellation of Orion. The Scorpion men attacked Osiris in Egyptian legend, and the Scorpion’s sting killed Orion in Greek myth.
Bk 2:178-200. In ancient Greek times Scorpius was a larger constellation extending over two star signs, Scorpio and Libra.

Bk 15:622-745. Of Scylaceum, a place on the Bruttian coast. (This is the modern town of Squillace overlooking the Gulf of Squillace, between the ‘heel’ and ‘toe’ of Italy. The Greek city of Schilletion, it was renamed Solacium by the Romans.)

Bk 7:1-73. Bk 14:75-100. The daughter of Phorcys and the nymph Crataeis, remarkable for her beauty. Circe or Amphitrite, jealous of Neptune’s love for her changed her into a dog-like sea monster, ‘the Render’, with six heads and twelve feet. Each head had three rows of close-set teeth.Her cry was a muted yelping. She seized sailors and cracked their bones before slowly swallowing them.
Bk 13:705-737. She threatens Aeneas’s ships. She was once a nymph who rejected many suitors and spent time with the ocean nymphs who loved her.
Bk 13:738-788. She listens to Galatea’s story.
Bk 13:898-968. She meets Glaucus and hears his story.
Bk 14:1-74. She is changed by Circe’s poisons into a monster with a circle of yelping dogs around her waist. Finally she is turned into a rock. (The rock projects from the Calabrian coast near the village of Scilla, opposite Cape Peloro on Sicily. See Ernle Bradford ‘Ulysses Found’ Ch.20)

Bk 8:1-80. The daughter of Nisus of Megara, who loved Minos. She decides to betray the city to him.
Bk 8:81-151. She cuts off the purple lock of Nisus’s hair that guarantees the safety of his kingdom and his life. Minos rejects her and she is changed into the rock dove, columba livia, with its purple breast and red legs, while her father is changed into the sea eagle, haliaeetus albicilla. Her name Ciris, from κείρω, ‘I cut’, reflects her shearing of Nisus’s hair, as does the purple breast of the bird. But she is also an embodiment of the Cretan Great Goddess, Car, Ker or Q’re, to whom doves were sacred. Pausanias I xxxix says that Kar founded Megara, Nisus’s city and was king there. The acropolis was named Karia, and Kar built a great hall to Demeter (Ceres) there, Pausanias I xxxx. His tumulus was decorated with shell-stone sacred to the goddess at the command of an oracle, Pausanias I xxxxiii. The rock dove no doubt nested on the rocks of the citadel and coastline. Pausanias II xxxiv says that Cape Skyllaion (Skyli) was named after Scylla. Hair cutting reflects ancient ritual and the Curetes were the ‘young men with shaved hair’ the devotees of the moon-goddess Cer, whose weapon clashing drove off evil spirits at eclipses and during the rites.

Bk 13:123-381. An island in the central Aegean off the coast of Euboea, ruled by Pyrrhus.

A town in Asia Minor.
Bk 13:123-381. Captured by Achilles.

The country of the Scythians of northern Europe and Asia to the north of the Black Sea. Noted for the Sarmatian people, their warrior princesses, and burial mounds in the steppe (kurgans). They were initially horse-riding nomads. See (Herodotus, The Histories).
Bk 2:201-226. Scorched by the chariot of Phaethon.
Bk 5:642-678. Ruled by Lyncus, the barbarian king.
Bk 7:404-424. There is a dark cave there, a path to the underworld by which Hercules drags the dog Cerberus to the light.
Bk 8:777-842. The haunts of Famine.
Bk 10:560-637. The Scythians were famous bowmen, noted for the swiftness and surety of their arrows.
Bk 14:320-396. Scythian Diana was worshipped at Aricia in Italy, to which Orestes carried her image, from Taurus.
Bk 15:259-306. Contains the river Hypanis.
Bk 15:307-360. The Scythian women cover their bodies with plumage by sprinkling themselves with magic drugs. See Herodotus IV 31 where he suggests the feathers are snowflakes.

Bk 3:253-272. The daughter of Cadmus, loved by Jupiter. The mother of Bacchus (Dionysus). (See the painting by Gustave Moreau – Jupiter and Semele – in the Gustave Moreau Museum, Paris)
Bk 3:273-315. She is consumed by Jupiter’s fire having been deceived by Juno. Her unborn child Bacchus is rescued.

An epithet of Bacchus from his mother, Semele.
Bk 5:294-331. The Emathides pretend that he fled to Egypt in the war between the giants and the gods, and there he hid in the form of a goat.
Bk 9:595-665. The Thracian women perform his rites.

Bk 4:31-54. The daughter of Dercetis or Atargatis, the Syrian goddess. She was said to have been cast out at birth and tended by doves. Doves were sacred to her, as they were to Dercetis. Historically she is Sammuramat, Queen of Babylon, and wife of Shamshi-Adad V (Ninus). She reigned after him as regent from 810-805 BC.
Bk 5:74-106. Polydegmon is her descendant.

Bk 5:200-249. Bk 5:250-293. An island of the Cyclades, ruled by Polydectes.
Bk 7:453-500. Allied to Crete. Described as flat.

Serpens, The Dragon, Draco
Bk 2:150-177. The constellation of the Dragon, once confusingly called Serpens. It is said to be the dragon Ladon killed by Hercules when stealing the golden apples of the Hesperides. It contains the north pole of the ecliptic (ninety degrees from the plane of earth’s orbit) and represents the icy north.

Serpent, Anguem
Bk 2:111-149. Bk 8:152-182.The constellation of the Serpent, north of the ecliptic in the northern hemisphere. It is separated into two parts, Serpens Cauda, and Serpens Caput, the tail and the head. It contains M5 the finest globular star cluster in the northern sky, and M16 a cluster in the Eagle Nebula.

Bk 15:622-745. The priestess of Apollo in the temple at Cumae built by Daedalus. She prophesied perched on or over a tripod.
Bk 14:101-153. She guides Aeneas through the underworld and shows him the golden bough that he must pluck from the tree. She tells him how she was offered immortality by Phoebus, but forgot to ask also for lasting youth, dooming her to wither away until she is merely a voice.
Bk 14:154-222. She leads Aeneas back from the Underworld.

Sicania, Trinacris
A name for Sicily. The Mediterranean island, west of Italy.
Bk 8:260-328. Daedalus finds refuge there at the court of King Cocalus, noted for his peacableness. It is at war with Crete.
Bk 13:705-737. Aeneas passes it.
Bk 15:259-306. The river Amenanus flows there.

Sicelis, Siculus
Bk 7:1-73. Bk 13:738-788. Bk 15:745-842. Of Sicily. Sicilian.
Bk 8:260-328. Sicily noted for its large bulls.
Bk 14:1-74. Bk 15:622-745. The Straits of Messina (Zancle) divide Sicily from Ausonia in Italy.

Bk 3:206-231. Of the city of Sicyon in the Peloponnesus, near Corinth. (The home of the sculptor Lysippos. It is near modern Vasilikó.)

Bk 2:833-875. The city of the Phoenicians in the Lebanon. Home of Europa.
Bk 4:543-562. Ino’s closest servants come from there.
Bk 4:563-603. Cadmus recalls his homeland.

Bk 14:75-100. An epithet of Dido, from her native Phoenician city of Sidon.

Bk 3:115-137. An epithet of Cadmus who came from Phoenician Sidon and Tyre.
Bk 4:543-562. An epithet of the Theban companions of Ino because they were of Phoenician origin, followers of Cadmus.

Sigeius, Sigeus
Bk 11:194-220. Bk 12:64-145. A promontory in the Troad, near Troy, and by the mouth of the Scamander.
Bk 13:1-122. The scene of the debate over the arms of Achilles in front of the Greek ships.

Bk 4:1-30. Silenus and his sons the satyrs were originally primitive mountaineers of northern Greece who became stock comic characters in Attic drama. He was called an autochthon or son of Pan by one of the nymphs. He was Bacchus’s tutor, portrayed usually as a drunken old man with an old pack-ass, who is unable to tell truth from lies.( See the copy of the sculpture attributed to Lysippus, ‘Silenus holding the infant Bacchus’ in the Vatican)
Bk 11:85-145. He is captured by the Lydians and taken to King Midas. Bacchus grants Midas a gift (he chooses the golden touch) as a reward for returning Silenus to him.

Bk 1:177-198. Demi-gods. Offspring of Silvanus the deity of uncultivated land.

Bk 14:623-697. A god of the woodlands who pursues Pomona.

Bk 14:609-622. The son of Ascanius, king of Alba.

Bk 13:1-122. A river near Troy, often paired with the Scamander (Xanthus).

Bk 7:425-452. An Isthmian robber, the son of Polypemon, who killed his victims by tying them to pine trees bent with ropes, and releasing the ropes. Theseus served him in the same way.

Bk 15:622-745. A town in Campania, established as a Roman colony in 296 BC. (Its site was on the Via Appia, near the modern Mondragone on the Gulf of Gaeta.)

An island of the Cyclades, between Seriphos and Melos.
Bk 7:453-500. Allied to Crete. Betrayed to Minos by Arne.

One of the seven sons of Niobe, named after Mount Sipylus in his mother’s country.
Bk 6:146-203. The mountain, near Smyrna, is where Niobe lived before her marriage.
Bk 6:204-266. He is killed by Apollo’s and Diana’s assault on the seven sons.

Sirenes, Sirens
Bk 5:533-571. The daughters of Achelous, the Acheloides, companions of Proserpina, turned to woman-headed birds, or women with the legs of birds, and luring the sailors of passing ships with their sweet song. They searched for Proserpine on land, and were turned to birds so that they could search for her by sea. (There are various lists of their names, but Ernle Bradford suggests two triplets: Thelxinoe, the Enchantress; Aglaope, She of the Beautiful Face, and Peisinoe, the Seductress: and his preferred triplet Parthenope, the Virgin Face; Ligeia, the Bright Voice; and Leucosia, the White One – see ‘Ulysses Found’ Ch.17. Robert Graves in the index to the ‘The Greek Myths’ adds Aglaophonos, Molpe, Raidne, Teles, and Thelxepeia.)
(See Draper’s painting – Ulysses and the Sirens – Ferens Art Gallery, Hull, England, and Gustave Moreau’s watercolour in the Fogg Art Museum, Harvard)
Bk 14:75-100. Aeneas passes their island, between the Aeolian Islands and Cumae. (This was traditionally Capri, or more likely one of the five Galli islets, the Sirenusae, at the entrance to the Gulf of Salerno)

Bk 15:1-59. Of Siris, a town and river in Lucania.

The son of Aeolus, and brother of Athamas, famous for his cunning and thievery.
Bk 4:416-463. He was punished in Hades, continually having to push a stone to the top of a hill, and then pursuing it as it rolled down again.
Bk 10:1-85. His punishment in the underworld ceases for a time at the sound of Orpheus’s song.
Bk 13:1-122. The reputed father of Ulysses.

Bk 4:274-316. A person of indeterminate sex, mentioned briefly by Alcithoe.

Bk 6:571-619. Bk 13:481-575. Of the Sithonians, a Thracian people.

Bk 4:274-316. A nymph who was loved by Crocus, who pined away from hopeless love of her. She was changed into the flowering bindweed and he into the crocus flower.

Bk 12:579-628. An epithet of Apollo, ‘mouse-Apollo’. Sminthos is the ancient Cretan word for ‘mouse’, a scared creature at Cnossos, Philistia and Phocis.

Bk 1:747-764. Bk 13:789-869. Bk 15:1-59.The sun-god, son of Hyperion. Identified with Phoebus Apollo.
Bk 1:765-779. Clymene swears to Phaethon that he is Sol’s sun. Sol, appealed to as witness here in Egypt, and by Clymene, married to the king of Ethiopia, is synonymous with Ra, the Egyptian sun-god. He is worshipped with outstretched arms and his glittering rays are depicted in the heiroglyphs as having hands at the end to reach out to his worshippers. Hathor-Io is sometimes described as the daughter of Ra and wife of Horus, sometimes as the mother or ‘dwelling’ of Horus, who is himself an incarnation of the sun and identified with Phoebus Apollo, and the sun-god is enclosed by her each evening to be re-born at dawn.
Bk 2:1-30. His son Phaethon visits his palace and is granted a favour. He asks to drive the Sun’s chariot for a day.
Bk 2:49-62. Sol tries to dissuade Phaethon from driving the chariot.
Bk 2:63-89. The Sun progresses annually along the ecliptic through the zodiac in the opposite direction (anti-clockwise) to the daily (clockwise) rotation of the fixed stars.
Bk 2:111-149. Sol concedes the sun chariot to Phaethon with dire warnings.
Bk 2:381-400. He mourns Phaethon and is reluctantly persuaded to resume his daily driving of the sun chariot.
Bk 4:167-189. He sees the adultery of Venus with Mars and informs Vulcan her husband.
Bk 4:190-213. In revenge for his interference Venus makes him fall in love with Leucothoe.
Bk 4:214-255. She is killed by her father and Sol attempts to restore her, changing her into a tree, with incense bearing resin (frankincense, genus Boswellia?).
Bk 4:604-662. The western ocean receives his chariot and his weary horses at the end of each day.
Bk 7:74-99. The father of King Aeetes of Colchis, and of his sister Circe by the Oceanid Perse.
Bk 7:179-233. The grandfather of Medea.
Bk 9:714-763. The father of Pasiphae by the nymph Crete, or Perseis.
Bk 13:789-869. Bk 14:1-74. The father of Circe. In revenge for his tale-bearing, see above, Venus perhaps made Circe susceptible to passion.

Bk 11:573-649. The god of sleep. His cave is in Cimmeria. He has many sons, including Morpheus, Phobetor and Phantasos who take on the images of human beings, creatures, and inanimate things respectively. He sends Morpheus to Alcyone.

The chief city of Laconia on the River Eurotas, and also called Lacadaemon.
Bk 6:401-438. Its ruler goes to Thebes to show sympathy for the death of Amphion and his children.
Bk 10:143-219. Hyacinthus lives nearby at Amyclae.
Bk 15:1-59. Tarentum in Italy is a Spartan colony.
Bk 15:418-452. A symbol of vanished power.

Sperchios, Spercheus, Spercheos
Bk 1: 568-587. A river in Thessaly.
Bk 2:227-271. Scorched by the sun chariot when Phaethon fell.
Bk 5:74-106. The native place of Lycetus.
Bk 7:179-233. Medea gathers magic herbs there.

Bk 15:622-745. A city on the bay of Naples.

Of Sthenelus(2), king of Liguria, hence his son Cycnus(2).

Bk 9:273-323. King of Mycenae, hence his son Eurystheus.

Bk 2:367-380. King of Liguria, father of Cycnus.

Bk 13:705-737. Two small islands in the Ionian Sea, ‘the turning islands’, with a dangerous anchorage. Aeneas encounters the Harpies there, foul-bellied birds with girls’ faces, with clawed hands and pallid faces (See Virgil Aeneid III:190-220).

Bk 2:227-271. A river in Thrace and Macedonia.

Bk 5:572-641. Of Stymphalus, a district in Arcadia with a town, mountain and lake of the same name, near Mount Cyllene. It is a haunt of Diana and Arethusa. (Pausanias says, VIII xxii, that there were three temples of Juno-Hera, at ancient Stymphelos, as the Child, the Perfect One, and the Widow, the moon phases.)
Bk 9:159-210. In the Sixth Labour Hercules killed or dispersed the brazen beaked and clawed man-eating birds of the Stymphalian Lake that killed men and animals and blighted crops. According to some accounts they were bird-legged women sacred to Artemis-Diana.

Bk 12:429-535. A centaur.

Styx, Stygian
Bk 1:722-746. Bk 12:290-326. A river of the underworld, with its lakes and pools, used to mean the underworld or the state of death itself.
Bk 3:50-94. Its mouth exudes a poisonous black breath like the serpent that Cadmus destroys.
Bk 5:487-532. Arethusa passes its streams while journeying through the deep caverns from Elis to Sicily. This is the Arcadian river Styx near Nonacris. It forms the falls of Mavroneri, plunging six hundred feet down the cliffs of the Chelmos ridge. Pausanias says, VIII xvii, that Hesiod (Theogony 383) makes Styx the daughter of Ocean and the wife of the Titan Pallas. Their children were Victory and Strength. Epimenedes makes her the mother of Echidna. Pausanias says the waters of the river dissolve glass and stone etc.
Bk 6:653-674. Bk 10:298-355. Its valley is home to the Furies.
Bk 10:1-85. Orpheus visits it on his quest for Eurydice, and is prevented from crossing it for a second time by the ferryman, Charon.
Bk 10:681-707. Cybele considers plunging Hippomenes and Atalanta beneath its waters.
Bk 11:474-572. It waters are a dark colour.
Bk 14:154-222. Visited by Aeneas.
Bk 14:566-580. Aeneas’s visit entitles him to deification.
BkXV:143-175. Pythagoras believes it an invention of the poets.
Bk 15:745-842. The screech-owl, whose call is an omen, is said to be Stygian.

Bk 15:622-745. Of Surrentum, a town on the Bay of Naples. The modern Sorrento, La Gentile, perched on a tufa rock and bounded by ravines, in a district famed for its beauty, and its fruit. (Torquato Tasso the poet was born there.)

Bk 15:1-59. Bk 15:307-360. A town in Italy, on the Gulf of Taranto. It probably stood on the left bank of the Crathis (modern Crati) and was an Achaean colony whose luxury and corruption became a byword (hence sybaritic) and was destroyed by the men of Croton in 510 BC. The descendants of the survivors founded Thurii inland, with the help of Athenian colonists, including Lysias the orator and Herodotus who died there. Sybaris was Romanised after 290 BC and named Copiae.

The inhabitants of Syene in Upper Egypt.
Bk 5:74-106. Phorbas’s native place.

Bk 13:738-788. A daughter of the river god Symaethus in Sicily, the mother of Acis.

Bk 13:870-897. Of Symaethus, a town in Sicily. Acis.

Symphlegades, Symplegades
Bk 7:1-99. Two rocky islands in the Euxine Sea, clashing rocks according to the fable, crushing what attempted to pass between them.
Bk 15:307-360. The Argo had to avoid them.

Bk 1:689-721. An Arcadian nymph pursued by Pan and changed to marsh reeds by her sisters in order to escape him. She gave her name to the syrinx, or pan pipes, the reedy flute. (See Signorelli’s painting – Court of Pan – Staatliche Museum, Berlin)

An island of the Cyclades, near Delos. Described as flowering with thyme.
Bk 7:453-500. Allied to Crete.

Bk 8:81-151. A dangerous series of sandbanks on the north coast of Africa.
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Re: Metamorphoses, by Ovid

Postby admin » Wed Jan 19, 2022 12:11 am

Part 9 of 9

Bk 2:227-271. Laconian, of the river Eurotas.
Bk 10:143-219. The home of Hyacinthus.

Bk 10:1-85. Laconian, of the cave reputed to give entry to the Underworld.

Taenarus, Taenarides
Bk 2:227-271. The southern part of Laconia in southern Greece near the mouth of the Eurotas.
Bk 10:1-85. One of the traditional gateways to the Underworld.

Bk 15:552-621. An Etrurian deity, grandson of Jupiter. He sprang from a clod of earth in human form, and taught the Etruscans the art of divination.

Bk 2:227-271. The river in Spain and Portugal, reputedly gold bearing.

Bk 10:638-680. Of Tamasus, a city in Cyprus. Its sacred field is sacred to Venus and contains a tree with golden apples

Bk 2:227-271. The river and river-god of Scythia. The River Don.

Bk 12:579-628. Agamemnon, great grandson of Tantalus.

Bk 6:204-266. Niobe, the daughter of Tantalus.

The king of Phrygia, son of Jupiter, father of Pelops and Niobe.
Bk 4:416-463. He served his son Pelops to the gods at a banquet and is punished by eternal thirst in Hades.
Bk 6:146-203. Boasted of by Niobe.
Bk 10:1-85. His punishment in the underworld ceases for a time at the sound of Orpheus’s song.

Bk 6:204-266. One of Niobe’s seven sons killed by Apollo and Diana.

Bk 15:1-59. A city on the ‘heel’ of Italy founded by Lacedaemonians, the modern Taranto, and a commercial port. The Spartan colony of Taras, it was founded in 708 BC and became the greatest city of Magna Graecia, famous for its purple murex dyes, wool etc. It was a centre of Pythagorean philosophy. It became subject to Rome in 272 BC, and surrendered to Hannibal in 209 BC for which it was severely punished, on being retaken.

Bk 14:772-804. A Roman girl who treacherously opened the citadel to the Sabines, and was killed beneath the weight of the weapons, which were thrown on her.
Bk 15:843-870. The Tarpeian citadel was the Capitoline Hill with its temple of Jupiter.

Tartarus, Tartara
Bk 1:113-124. The underworld. The infernal regions ruled by Pluto (Dis).
Bk 2:227-271. Light penetrates there when Phaethon loses control of the sun chariot.
Bk 5:332-384. The third part of the universe.
Bk 5:385-424. Dis re-enters Tartarus through the pool of Cyane after raping and abducting Proserpine.
Bk 10:1-85. Mentioned by Orpheus.
Bk 11:650-709. Bk 12:245-289. Bk 12:429-535.
Bk 12:579-628. The void of the afterlife.

Bk 14:397-434. Of Tartessus, an old Phoenician colony in Spain.

Bk 14:772-804. A king of the Sabines who fought against Romulus, but afterwards made peace and ruled jointly with him.
Bk 14:805-828. He dies.

Bk 2:63-89. The constellation and zodiacal sun sign of the Bull. It represents the white ‘Bull from the Sea’, a disguise of Jupiter when he carried off Europa. Its glinting red eye is the star Aldebaran one of the four Babylonian guardians of the heavens, lying near the ecliptic. (The others are Regulus in Leo, Antares in Scorpius, and Fomalhaut ‘the Fish’s Eye’ in Piscis Austrinus. All four are at roughly ninety degrees to one another.)

Bk 2:201-226. A mountain in Asia Minor.

Taÿgeta, Taÿgete
Bk 3:572-596. One of the Pleiades, daughter of Atlas.

Bk 12:429-535. One of the Lapithae.

Arcadian, from Tegus an ancient town in Arcadia.
An epithet of Atalanta(1).
Bk 8:260-328. She is present at the Calydonian Boar Hunt.
Bk 8:376-424. She wounds the boar.

Bk 7:453-500. The son of Aeacus, king of Aegina, brother of Peleus and Phocus, and father of Ajax. He comes to meet Minos.
Bk 7:614-660. He brings his father news of the Myrmidons having been created.
Bk 8:260-328. He is present at the Calydonian Boar Hunt.
Bk 8:376-424. He trips over a tree-root and falls.
Bk 11:194-220. He helps Hercules rescue Hesione and is given her in marriage.
Bk 12:579-628. Bk 13:1-122.The father of Ajax, the great.
Bk 13:123-381. Ajax’s father, and Peleus’s brother, exiled with him for the murder of Phocus.

Telamoniades, Telamonius
Bk 13:123-381. Ajax as son of Telamon.

Bk 7:350-403. A fabled family of priests in Ialysus, an ancient city of Rhodes. Neptune fell in love with the nymph Halia, and her six sons committed outrages that led a disgusted Jupiter to sink them below the earth or under the waves.

Bk 12:429-535. A centaur.

Bk 13:738-788. The son of Eurymus, a seer, who prophesies that Ulysses will seize the single eye of Polyphemus.

King of Mysia, son of Hercules and the nymph Auge.
Bk 12:64-145. Bk 13:123-381. He was wounded and healed by the touch of Achilles’s spear at Troy.

Bk 9:714-763. A Cretan, father of Ianthe.

Bk 9:666-713. The wife of Ligdus, and mother of Iphis. her husband orders to have any female child killed, but she has a prophetic dream of Isis telling her to save the child in her womb, a daughter, and deceives him into believing her female infant is male.
Bk 9:764-797. She prays to Isis for help.

Bk 2:272-300. The Earth Mother, the Goddess of the Earth. She appeals to Jupiter to save the world after Phaethon has lost control of the sun chariot.

Bk 7:179-233. Bk 15:622-745. A town in Bruttium, possessing rich copper mines. Source of famous bronzes.

Bk 1:568-587. The valley in Thessaly between Ossa and Olympus through which the River Peneus flows. It was celebrated in antiquity for its abundance of water and luxurious vegetation, and as the place where Apollo came to purify himself after killing Python. It was the principal route into Greece from the north.)
Bk 7:179-233. Medea gathers magic herbs there.

Bk 1:504-524. An island in the Aegean near the Trojan coast. (See Homer’s Iliad).
Bk 12:64-145. Sacked by Achilles.
Bk 13:123-381. Captured by Achilles.

An island of the Cyclades, between Andros and Myconos.
Bk 7:453-500. Not allied to Crete.

Bk 6:401-438. The king of Thrace, husband of Procne.
Bk 6:438-485. Brings her sister, Philomela, to stay with her, while conceiving a frenzied desire for the sister.
Bk 6:486-548. He violates the girl.
Bk 6:549-570. He cuts out her tongue, and tells Procne she is dead.
Bk 6:619-652. Procne serves him the flesh of his murdered son Itys at a banquet.
Bk 6:653-674. Pursuing the sisters in his desire for revenge, he is turned into a bird, the hoopoe, upupa epops, with its distinctive feathered crest and elongated beak. Its rapid, far-carrying, ‘hoo-hoo-hoo’ call is interpreted as ‘pou-pou-pou’ meaning ‘where? where? where?’.
Book VI:675-721. His actions sour the relationship between Thrace and Attica.

Bk 1:151-176. The goddess of Earth, mother of the Giants, see Tellus.

Bk 2:63-89. A Titaness, co-ruler of the planet Venus with Oceanus. She reigns over the sea. The sister and wife of Oceanus, in whose waters some say all gods and living things originated, she is said to have produced all his children. Her waters receive the setting sun.
Bk 2:150-177. She lets loose the four horses of the Sun. As father of Phoebus the sun (see above), Phaethon the Sun’s child is her grandson.
Bk 2:508-530. Visited by Juno for help in punishing Callisto.
Bk 9:439-516. She married her brother Oceanus.
Bk 11:749-795. She turns Aesacus into a diving bird, probably the merganser, mergus serrator, from mergus, a diver.
Bk 13:898-968. With Oceanus she purges Glaucus.

Bk 13:705-737. A king of early Troy, originally from Crete. His people the Teucrians.

Bk 13:123-381. The son of Telamon and Hesione, half-brother of Ajax, cousin of Achilles.
Bk 14:698-771. He founded Salamis in Cyprus, having been born on the Greek island of Salamis that was the scene of the naval battle against the Persians.

Bk 13:705-737. The Trojans, from their king Teucer.

Bk 2:227-271. Of Teuthrania in Mysia in Asia Minor. Mysian. Of the river Caicus.

Thaumantea, Thaumantias, Thaumantis
Bk 4:464-511. Bk 11:573-649. Bk 14:829-851. Epithets of Iris, daughter of Thaumas.

Thaumas(1), Thaumus
The father of Iris. See Thaumentea.

Bk 12:290-326. A centaur.

Thebes(1), Thebae
Bk 3:1-49, The city in Boeotia founded by Cadmus. Phoebus instructs him how to find the site by following a heifer.
Bk 4:389-415. The Theban women follow Bacchus, but the daughters of Minyas reject him and are changed into bats.
Bk 5:250-293. It is near Mount Helicon, home of the Muses.
Bk 6:146-203. Amphion rules there with his wife Niobe.
Bk 6:401-438. Rulers of the cities of the Peloponnese, Boeotia and Attica, go to Thebes to show sympathy at the death of Amphion and his children.
Bk 7:759-795. The city of Oedipus, plagued by the Sphinx and the Teumessian vixen.
Bk 9:394-417. Themis prophesies concerning the war of the Seven against Thebes.
Bk 13:675-704. The city of seven gates on Alcon’s cup. It depicts the sacrifice of the daughters of Orion to save the city from plague.
Bk 15:418-452. A symbol of vanished power. (It was razed to the ground by Alexander, in 335 BC, with the exception of the house occupied by the poet Pindar.)

Bk 12:64-145. Bk 13:123-381.A city in Mysia sacked by Achilles.

Bk 6:146-203. The women of Thebes.

Bk 1:313-347. A Titaness, co- ruler of the planet Jupiter, daughter of heaven and earth. Her daughters are the Seasons and the Three Fates. She is the Triple-Goddess with prophetic powers.
Bk 4:604-662. She has prophesied the theft of the golden apples from Atlas’s orchard in the Hesperides.
Bk 7:759-795. Ovid suggests the Sphinx was sacred to Themis (as the moon-goddess of Thebes?) who then avenges her death.
Bk 9:394-417. Bk 9:418-438. She prophesies concerning the war of the Seven against Thebes and its aftermath.

Bk 12:290-326. A centaur.

Bk 2:227-271. Bk 9:159-210. Bk 12:579-628. A river of Pontus, the Black Sea region where the Amazons lived.

Bk 13:675-704. A friend of King Anius who sends him the gift of a drinking cup.

A Greek at Troy who used to hurl abuse at the Greek leaders.
Bk 13:123-381. Punished for his insolence by Ulysses.

Bk 5:149-199. A companion of Phineus, turned to stone by the Gorgon’s head.

Theseius heros
Bk 15:479-551. Hippolytus, son of Theseus.

Bk 7:404-424. King of Athens, son of Aegeus, hence Aegides. His mother was Aethra, daughter of Pittheus king of Troezen. Aegeus had lain with her in the temple. His father had hidden a sword , and a pair of sandals, under a stone (The Rock of Theseus) as a trial, which he lifted, and he made his way to Athens, cleansing the Isthmus of robbers along the way.
Bk 7:404-424. Medea attempts to poison Theseus but Aegeus recognises his sword, and his son, and prevents her.
Bk 7:425-452. Escaping the attempt by Medea to poison him, his deeds are celebrated by the Athenians: the killing of the Minotaur, and the wild sow of Cromyon, the defeat of Periphetes, Procrustes, Cercyon, Sinis, and Sciron.
Bk 8:152-182. He kills the Minotaur in the Cretan labyrinth, and abandons Ariadne on Dia (Naxos). (See Canova’s sculpture – Theseus and the Dead Minotaur – Victoria and Albert Museum, London)
Bk 8:260-328. Athens no longers pays tribute to Minos since he destroyed the Minotaur. The towns of Achaia beg his help in the Calydonian boar hunt, which he joins.
Bk 8:376-424. He warns off his friend Pirithous, and aims at the boar, but his spear is deflected.
Bk 8:547-610. He is delayed on his return from the Calydonian Boar Hunt, by the River Achelous, and the river-god tells the story of Perimele.
Bk 8:725-776. He wishes to hear more stories of the god’s actions.
Bk 9:1-88. He asks Achelous to explain how he lost one of his horns.
Bk 12:290-326. He is present at the battle of the Lapiths and Centaurs, with his oaken club.
Bk 15:479-546. Hippolytus is his son, loved by Theseus’s wife Phaedra.
Bk 15:843-870. He surpasses his father Aegeus.

Bk 5:294-331. A name given to the Muses from Thespiae a city near Mount Helicon their haunt in Boeotia.

Thessaly, Haemonia, Haemonius, Thessalis, Thessalus (of Thesssaly)
Bk 2:531-565. The region in northern Greece. Its old name was Haemonia, hence Haemonius, Thessalian.
Bk 7:179-233. Contains the vale of Tempe.
Bk 7:234-293. One of its valleys is a source of the magic roots used by Medea.
Bk 8:725-776. The country of Erysichthon.
Bk 12:146-209. The country of Caenis.
Bk 12:290-326. The mountains are the haunt of bears.

The two sons of Thestius, Toxeus and Plexippus, the brothers of Althaea, and uncles of Meleager.
Bk 8:260-328. They are present at the Calydonian Boar Hunt.
Bk 8:425-450. They are killed by Meleager in an argument.

Bk 8:451-514. Althaea, daughter of Thestius, mother of Meleager.

Bk 12:1-38. Calchas, the son of Thestor.

A sea goddess, daughter of Nereus and Doris.
Bk 11:194-220. She is the wife of Peleus.
Bk 11:221-265. She is a shape-changer, but Peleus overcomes her, and she bears him the hero Achilles.
Bk 11:346-409. She obtains forgiveness for him, for the murder of his half-brother Phocus, from Psamathe.
Bk 13:123-381. She hid Achilles among the women, foreseeing his early death.

Bk 11:266-345. Of Thisbe, a town in Boeotia in a region famous for doves.

Bk 4:55-92. A fictional Babylonian girl. The story of Pyramus and Thisbe.
Bk 4:128-166. Her death is described. The mulberry gets its dark-reddish colour

Bk 5:107-148. Armour bearer of Cepheus, killed in the fight between Perseus and Phineus.

The king of Lemnos, son of Andraemon, and father of Hypsipyle.
Bk 13:1-122. He does not compete for the arms of Achilles.
Bk 13:399-428. Ulysses sails for the island to bring back the arrows of Hercules. Thoas was king there when the Lemnian women murdered their menfolk because of their adultery with Thracian girls. His life was spared because his daughter Hypsipyle set him adrift in an oarless boat.

Bk 13:123-381. A Trojan, killed by Ulysses.

Thrace, and Thracius, Thrax, Threicius(of Thrace)
Bk 2:227-271. The country bordering the Black Sea, Propontis and the northeastern Aegean.
Bk 6:70-102. Mount Haemon (Haemus) and Mount Rhodope are sited there.
Bk 6:401-438. Tereus is its king and an ally of Athens.
Book VI:675-721. Boreas is associated with this northern region.
Bk 9:159-210. In the Eighth Labour, Hercules destroys Thracian King Diomede and his four savage mares that fed on human flesh.
Bk 10:1-85. The country of Orpheus, containing Mount Rhodope, and the territory of the Cicones. He introduces homosexual love of young boys into Thrace.
Bk 11:1-66. The country of Orpheus, where he is killed by the Maenads, his severed head floating down the river Hebrus to the sea.
Bk 11:85-145. The country of Orpheus.
Bk 13:429-480. Ruled by Polymestor of the Bistones. Agamemnon beaches the fleet there on the way back from Troy, and the ghost of Achilles appears.
Bk 13:481-575. Polydorus was murdered by the Thracians. They attack Hecuba after her murder of Polymestor.
Bk 13:623-639. Aeneas leaves its shores behind.

Of Thurii, a city on the Tarentine Gulf.

Thybris, Albula
Bk 2:227-271. Bk 15:418-452. Bk 15:622-745. A poetic form of the River Tiber the river of Rome.
Bk 14:397-434. Canens dies by its shore.
Bk 14:445-482. It is dark-shadowed and yellow with sand.
Bk 14:609-622. It is named after King Tiberinus who drowned there.

Thyestae mensae
Bk 15:453-478. A ‘Thyestean meal’, such as that of Thyestes, whose two sons were cooked and served to him, by his brother Atreus, as a revenge.

Of the Thyni, a people of Thrace who emigrated to Bithynia.
Bk 8:679-724. Thynia, the country of Baucis and Philemon, who are Phrygians. They are both turned into trees, she into a lime tree and he into an oak. It is the region north of the Hellespont opposite Dardania and Troy.

Bk 4:1-30. An epithet of Bacchus from Thyone, a name under which his mother Semele was worshipped as one of the Wild Women of the rites (at Athens, Delphi and Troezen).

Bk 7:350-403. A son of Bacchus.

Bk 14:609-622. Bk 15:622-745. An Alban king who drowned in and gave his name to the river Tiber.

See Tmolus.

Bk 3:316-338. The Theban sage who spent seven years as a woman and decides the dispute between Juno and Jupiter. He is blinded by Juno but given the power of prophecy by Jupiter.
Bk 6:146-203. His daughter is Manto, the prophetess.

Bk 7:100-158. Alcmena, the mother of Hercules, from Tiryns applied to Hercules as an epithet.

Bk 7:404-424. Bk 9:1-88. Bk 9:211-272. Bk 12:536-579.
Bk 13:399-428. Of Tiryns, a city in Argolis near Argos, commonly applied as an epithet to Hercules.

One of the Furies.
Bk 4:464-511. She is sent by Juno to madden Athamas and Ino.

Bk 1:1-30. Uranus fathered the Titans on Gaea (Mother Earth). The name Titan is applied to Sol the sun god, son of the Titan Hyperion, and to Phoebus Apollo, as a sun god and daughter of Leto (Latona) whose mother was Phoebe the Titaness.
Bk 2:111-149. Bk 6:438-485. Bk 10:1-85.Phoebus Apollo. The Sun god as Titan.
Bk 7:350-403. Medea’s winged dragons are born of the Titans.
Bk 10:143-219. Bk 11:221-265. The sun.

Titania, Titanis
An epithet for the descendant of a Titan.
Bk 1:381-415. Pyrrha the granddaughter of Iapetus.
Bk 3:165-205. Diana as granddaughter of Coeus.
Bk 6:146-203. Bk 6:313-381. Latona as a daughter of Coeus.
Bk 13:898-968. Bk 14:1-74. Bk 14:320-396.
Bk 14:435-444. Circe, daughter of Titan, the Sun.

The son of Laomedon, husband of Aurora, and father of Memnon.
Bk 9:418-438. Aurora, having obtained eternal life for him wishes she could obtain eternal youth for him also.

A giant, who attempted violence to Latona, and suffers in Hades.
Bk 4:416-463. Vultures feed on his liver, which is continually renewed.
Bk 10:1-85. His punishment in the underworld ceases for a time at the sound of Orpheus’s song.

Bk 12:536-579. A son of Hercules, leader of the Rhodians. He upbraids Nestor for neglecting to mention Hercules.

Tmolus, Timolus
Bk 2:201-226. A mountain in Lydia, near the source of the River Caÿster.
Bk 11:85-145. It is sacred to Bacchus.
Bk 11:146-171. Bk 11:194-220. The sea is visible from the mountain, which overlooks Sardis, and whose god judges the music contest between Pan and Apollo.

Bk 1:151-176. Bk 11:194-220. The Thunderer, an epithet for Jupiter.

The son of Thestius. Brother of Althaea, and uncle of Meleager.
Bk 8:260-328. He is present at the Calydonian Boar Hunt.
Bk 8:425-450. He is killed by his nephew Meleager in an argument over the spoils.

Bk 15:622-745. A town in Latium.

Bk 11:266-345. Bk 11:573-649. A city in Thessaly, ruled by Ceyx, where Peleus finds sanctuary after killing his brother. Hercules is its hero.

Bk 11:346-409. An epithet of Ceyx, king of Trachin.
Bk 11:474-572. Of Trachin.

Bk 8:547-610. An epithet of Neptune from his three-pronged trident.

Trinacria, Trinacris
Bk 5:332-384. An ancient name for Sicily. Typhoeus the giant is buried under it by the gods.
Bk 5:425-486. Ceres blights it because Persephone is abducted from its soil.
Bk 5:487-532. Arethusa loves the land, though a foreigner, and begs Ceres to preserve it from harm.

Bk 2:150-177. Bk 10:431-502. The constellations of the Great and Little Bear. See Ursa Major and Ursa Minor.

Bk 8:843-884. Mestra, the daughter of Erysichthon and granddaughter of Triopas, king of Thessaly.

Bk 8:725-776. Erysichthon, son of Triopas king of Thessaly.

The son of Celeus, king of Eleusis in Attica.
Bk 5:642-678. Ceres sends him to take the gift of her crops to Lyncus king of the Scythian barbarians. He is attacked, but saved by Ceres.

Bk 1:313-347. Bk 13:898-968. The sea and river god, son of Neptune and Amphitrite the Nereid. He is depicted as half man and half fish and the sound of his conch-shell calms the waves. (See Wordsworth’s sonnet ‘The world is too much with us; late and soon,’)
Bk 2:1-30. His image depicted on the palace of the Sun.

Tritonia, Tritonis
Bk 2:752-786. Bk 5:250-293. BkVI:1-25. An epithet of Minerva (Pallas Athene) from her original home near lake Triton in Libya.
Bk 5:642-678. Bk 8:547-610. Applied to her city of Athens.

Tritoniaca harundo
Bk 6:382-400. ‘Minerva’s reed’, the flute she invented.

Bk 2:401-416. An epithet of Diana, worshipped at the meeting of three ways, ‘Diana of the crossroads’.

Troezen, Troizen
A city in the southern Argolis.
Bk 6:401-438. Its ruler goes to Thebes to show sympathy for the death of Amphion and his children.
Bk 8:611-678. Bk 15:259-306. Its later ruler is Pittheus.
Bk 15:259-306. The earthquake described here by Ovid is sited by Strabo at Methone. Troizen was a sanctuary of Poseidon- Neptune, god of the sea, the bulls, and earthquakes as were Helice and Buris, according to Pausanias.
Bk 15:479-546. Hippolytus is killed near there, when the bull from the sea, rises from the waves.

Troezenius heros
Bk 8:547-610. Lelex, an inhabitant of Troezen.

Troy, Troia, and Troianus,Troicus (of Troy), Ilium
Troy in Dardania, the famous city of the Troad in Asia Minor near the northern Aegean Sea and the entrance to the Hellespont.
Bk 6:70-102. The home city of Antigone, daughter of Laomedon.
Bk 8:329-375. The future scene of the TrojanWar.
Bk 9:211-272. The place where Philoctetes will be needed, to make use of the bow of Hercules, on the Greek side, in the war.
Bk 11:194-220. Apollo and Neptune built its walls for Laomedon.
Bk 11:749-795. Priam was its last king.
Bk 12:1-38. The Greeks set sail from Aulis to make war over the abduction of Helen by Paris.
Bk 12:579-628. The ten-year war. The death of Achilles.
Bk 13:1-122. Captured by Hercules.
Bk 13:399-428. Troy falls to the Greeks and is burned.
Bk 13:429-480. It lies opposite the land of the Bistones.
Bk 13:481-575. The Trojan women, who aid Hecuba, and are moved by her fate.
Bk 13:576-622. Its cause was aided by Aurora.
Bk 13:623-639. Bk 14:101-153. Bk 15:745-842. Troy’s destiny lies with Aeneas.
Bk 13:640-674. Agamemnon is its ravager.
Bk 13:705-737. Helenus builds a replica of Troy at Buthrotos.
Bk 14:445-482. Aeneas and his Trojans wage war in Latium.
BkXV:143-175. Pythagoras fought in the Trojan war, as his incarnation Euphorbus.
Bk 15:418-452. A symbol of vanished glory, but as its descendant city, Rome, a symbol of glory to come.
Bk 15:622-745. An epithet of the goddess Vesta, a name for Tauric Diana at Nemi.

Bk 11:749-795. An epithet of Aesacus, son of Priam.
Bk 14:154-222. An epithet of Aeneas.

King of the Rutuli in Italy, who opposed Aeneas. His capital was at Ardea, south of Rome, near modern Anzio.
Bk 14:445-482. He goes to war when Aeneas steals his promised bride Lavinia. He sends Venulus to ask help from Diomede.
Bk 14:527-565. He burns Aeneas’s fleet.
Bk 14:566-580. Bk 15:745-842. He is defeated.

Bk 3:597-637. Tuscan or Etrurian, but also Tyrrhenian since Etruria was settled by immigrants from Mysia.
Bk 14:609-622. The Tiber is a Tuscan stream.

Bk 12:579-628. Bk 13:1-122. Diomede, son of Tydeus.

Bk 8:260-328. The twins, Castor and Pollux, the Dioscuri, the sons of Leda by the Spartan king Tyndareus, both present at the Calydonian Boar-Hunt.

Bk 15:199-236. An epithet of Helen, as the daughter of Tyndareus.

Bk 3:273-315. Bk 14:1-74. The hundred-handed giant, one of the sons of Earth, who fought the gods. Deposed by Jupiter he was buried under Sicily.
Bk 5:294-331. The Emathides pretend that he chased the gods into Egypt.
Bk 5:332-384. Calliope, the Muse, tells how Typhoeus was buried under Sicily by the gods.

Tyria paelex
Bk 3:253-272. An epithet of Europa.

Tyros, Tyre, Tyrius(=Tyrian)
Bk 2:833-875. The city of the Phoenicians in the Lebanon.
Bk 5:30-73. Bk 6:26-69. Bk 10:243-297.Famed for its purple dyes used on clothing, obtained from the murex shell-fish.
Bk 5:385-424. The violet flowers of Enna picked by Proserpine are compared to the purple dyes.
Bk 6:204-266. Amphion’s sons have Tyrian dyed horsecloths.
Bk 9:324-393. The flowers of the lotus tree are compared in colour to its dyes.
Bk 10:143-219. The colour of Hyacinthus’s flower.
Bk 11:146-171. Phoebus’s robes are of Tyrian purple.
Bk 15:259-306. Once an island harbour, subsequently linked to the mainland.

Tyrrhenia, Tyrrhenian
Bk 15:552-621. Inhabitants of Maeonia in Lydia. The Tyrrhenians migrated into Italy from Lydia (Tyrrha on the River Cayster) to form the rootstock of the Etrurians (Etruscans).
Bk 3:572-596. Acoetes the priest of Bacchus explains his Tyrrhenian origins.
Bk 14:1-74. Glaucus crosses the Tyrrhenian Sea to seek out Circe. (Possibly located at Cape Circeo, between Anzio and Gaeta)
Bk 14:445-482. The Etrurians who go to war with the Trojans under Aeneas.

Ulysses, Ulixes
The Greek hero, son of Laertes. See Homer’s Iliad and Odyssey.
(See Francesco Primaticcio’s painting – Ulysses and Penelope – The Toledo Museum of Art)
Bk 12:579-628. He competes for the arms of Achilles.
Bk 13:1-122. Ajax cites his deficiencies; his cunning; his reluctance to join the expedition against Troy; his desertion of Philoctetes; his desertion of Nestor; his desertion of the ships when Hector torched them; his unworthy victims; and his theft of the Palladium.
Bk 13:123-381. Ulysses replies by extolling intelligence and ability over ancestry and mere brawn and courage. He is nobler than Ajax; he discovered the concealed Achilles and sent him to Troy; influenced Agamemnon at Aulis and Troy; went as ambassador to Priam; uncovered a spy, Dolon; killed Rhesus and others; and made the destruction of Troy possible by obtaining the Palladium, its guarantee of safety. He claims Diomede as a true friend.
Bk 13:399-428. He sets sail for Lemnos to bring back the arrows of Hercules.
Bk 13:399-428. He finds Hecuba among the tombs of her sons at the fall of Troy.
Bk 13:481-575. Even Ulysses would not want Hecuba except as the mother of Hector.
Bk 13:705-737. Ithaca is his home.
Bk 13:738-788. Telemus prophesies that he will destroy the single eye of Polyphemus.
Bk 14:154-222. Macareus and Achaemenides were two of his companions. He blinded Polyphemus, and his ship was nearly wrecked by him.
Bk 14:223-319. Aeolus gave him the bag of winds, but opened by his men, he was blown back to Aeolus, then encountered the Laestrygonians and came to Circe’s isle where his men were transformed into beasts. He ‘married’ Circe, rescued them, and stayed there for a year.
Bk 14:527-565. The Trojan ships transformed into naiads rejoice to see the wreckage of his ship.
Bk 14:623-697. Penelope waits for him while he is delayed by the war.

One of the nine Muses, later Muse of Astronomy.
Bk 5:250-293. She welcomes Minerva to Helicon.

Ursa Major, The Great Bear, The Waggon (plaustra), The Wain, The Plough, The Big Dipper, Helice
Bk 2:150-177. The constellation of Ursa Major. It represents Callisto turned into a bear by Jupiter, or the plough or waggon or cart of Bootes. The two stars of the ‘bowl’ furthest from the ‘handle’, Merak and Dubhe, point to Polaris the pole star. The ‘handle’ points to the star Arcturus in the constellation Bootes, who is the Waggoner or Herdsman or Bear Herd (Arcturus means the Bearkeeper) or Ploughman.
Bk 2:496-507. Jupiter turns Callisto into the Great Bear and Arcas her son into the Little Bear, Ursa Minor.
Bk 2:508-530. The constellation is prevented, through Juno’s request to Tethys and Oceanus, from dipping below the horizon.
Bk 8:183-235. Icarus is warned not to fly too near the constellation.

Ursa Minor, Triones
Bk 2:150-177. The constellation of the Little Bear or Little Dipper, said to have been introduced by Thales in about 600BC. Close to Polaris the Pole Star it is a smaller version of the Great Bear, Ursa Major, and represents the far north.
Bk 2:496-507. Jupiter turns Arcas into the Little Bear and his mother Callisto into the Great Bear, Ursa Major.

Bk 14:320-396. The wife of Janus, and mother of Canens.

Bk 14:445-482. A messenger from Turnus to Diomede.
Bk 14:512-526. He returns having failed to win Diomede’s help.

Bk 1:438-472. The Goddess of Love. The daughter of Jupiter and Dione. She is Aphrodite, born from the waves, an incarnation of Astarte, Goddess of the Phoenicians. The mother of Cupid by Mars.
(See Botticelli’s painting – Venus and Mars – National Gallery, London)
Bk 4:167-189. Bk 14:1-74. She commits adultery with Mars and is caught in a net by her husband Vulcan after Sol has betrayed their affair.
Bk 4:190-213. She is called Cytherea, from the island of Cythera, and takes her revenge on Sol.
Bk 4:346-388. She is the mother of Hermaphroditus, by Mercury, and grants, with him, their son’s prayer that the pool of Salmacis weaken anyone who bathes there.
Bk 4:512-542. She asks Neptune her uncle to change Ino and her son into sea-deities.
Bk 5:294-331. The Emathides pretend that she fled to Egypt in the war between the giants and the gods, and there she hid in the form of a fish.
Bk 7:796-865. Cephalus would prefer Procris to her.
Bk 9:394-417. She gave Harmonia the fatal necklace made by Vulcan (Hephaestus), that was Jupiter’s love gift to Europa, and that conferred irresistible beauty.
Bk 9:418-438. She wishes to ward off old age from her mortal lover Anchises.
Bk 9:439-516. Bk 9:517-594. Byblis names her.
Bk 9:764-797. She attends weddings with Juno and Hymen.
Bk 10:220-242. She turned the Cerastae into wild bullocks, and forced the Propoetides to perform acts of public prostitution. This latter was a feature of the worship of the great goddess as Astarte and Diana(at Ephesus etc). Cyprus was one of her sacred islands.
Bk 10:243-297. She brings the ivory girl Pygmalion created to life.
Bk 10:503-559. She falls in love with Adonis. (He is a vegetation god, and as her consort, mirrors Attis with Cybele, Tammuz with Astarte etc See Frazer’s ‘The Golden Bough’.)
Bk 10:560-637 . Bk 10:638-680. She tells the story of Atalanta and Hippomenes.
Bk 10:681-707. She initiates her revenge on Hippomenes, and warns Adonis to avoid the wild beasts of the forest.
Bk 10:708-739. Adonis ignores her warning and is killed by a wild boar (sacred to her as the moon goddess) that gores his thigh. She initiates the annual re-enactment of his death (a vegetation ritual, of the death and resurrection of the Goddess’s consort), and turns his blood into the fragile anemone, the windflower. (See Frazer: The Golden Bough XXIX).
Bk 13:623-639. Aeneas is her son by Anchises.
Bk 13:640-674. She is Aeneas’s guardian goddess in his wanderings, and the white doves, into which the daughters of Anius are turned, are sacred to her.
Bk 13:738-788. Her influence is gentle but powerful, making Polyphemus change his nature after falling in love with Galatea.
Bk 14:1-74. She perhaps made Circe, Sol’s daughter, susceptible to passion, in revenge for her father’s tale-bearing, see above.
Bk 14:445-482. Bk 15:745-842. She punished Diomede for wounding her during the Trojan War.
Bk 14:483-511. She changes Diomede’s friends into birds.
Bk 14:566-580. She obtains deification for her son Aeneas.
Bk 14:623-697. She hates hard hearts.
Bk 14:698-771. Cyprian Salamis has a temple of Venus Prospiciens –‘she who looks out’.
Bk 14:772-804. She asks the naiades to help the Romans. (Pursuing her support for the descendants of her son Aeneas.)
Bk 15:745-842. She asks the gods to prevent the assassination of her descendant Julius Caesar. Jupiter, however, declares his deification, prophesies the glory of his ‘son’ Augustus, and allows Venus to snatch him up into heaven, as a comet.
Bk 15:843-870. She sets Julius Caesar among the stars.

An ancient Italian god, of the seasons and their produce.
Bk 14:623-697. He sets out to woo Pomona, in disguise.
Bk 14:698-771. He reveals his true form, and wins her.

The daughter of Saturn. The goddess of fire. The ‘shining one’. Every hearth had its Vesta, and she presided over the preparation of meals and was offered first food and drink. Her priestesses were the Vestal Virgins. Her chief festival was the Vestalia in June. The Virgins took a strict vow of chastity and served for thirty years. They enjoyed enormous prestige, and were preceded by a lictor when in public. Breaking of their vow resulted in whipping and death. There were twenty recorded instances in eleven centuries.
Bk 15:622-745. A name for the Tauric Diana at Nemi.
Bk 15:745-842. She ‘married’ her high priest the ‘king of Rome’, e.g. Julius Caesar. See Fraser’s ‘The Golden Bough’ Ch1 et seq.
Bk 15:843-870. She is worshipped with her brother Phoebus, and is set among Caesar’s ancestral gods.

Bk 15:479-546. The name for the deified Hippolytus in Italy. He was the King of the Wood (Rex Nemorensis) at Nemi, near Aricia.
He was Diana’s consort, and a minor deity with Egeria.

Bk 15:622-745. A river, the modern Volturno, in Campania that runs by the site of ancient Capua.

Vulcan, Mulciber
Bk 2:752-786. Son of Juno. The blacksmith of the gods, father of Erichthonius. His home is on Lemnos.
Bk 4:167-189. He catches his adulterous wife Venus in a net.
Bk 7:100-158. Creator of the bronze-footed bulls of King Aeetes.
Bk 7:425-452. Periphetes the cripple was his son by Anticleia. he owned a huge bronze club with which he killed passers by. Theseus defeated him.
Bk 9:211-272. The god of fire. Hercules on his funeral pyre is subject to it only in his mortal part, owed to his mother Alcmene.
Bk 12:579-628. He made for Thetis, the armour of Achilles, and his fire is the flame of Achilles’s funeral pyre.
Bk 13:1-122. Lemnos is his island.

Xanthus, Scamander
Bk 2:227-271. A river of Troy in Asia Minor and the river-god. His brother and companion river is the Simois. (See Homer’s Iliad). He is a son of Zeus. In the Iliad Achilles drives the Trojans into a bend of the river ‘as though a swarm of locusts driven into the river by a raging fire, clustered in the water to escape the flames’ and slaughters them till Scamander runs red with blood.

Zancle, Messene, Messana
An older name for the city of Messana (Messina) in Sicily.
Bk 13:705-737. Aeneas passes it.
Bk 14:1-74. Glaucus leaves it behind. Scylla is transformed there.
Bk 15:259-306. Once joined to Italy before the formation of the straits of Messina.

Bk 1:52-68. The West Wind. Eurus is the East Wind, Auster is the South Wind, and Boreas is the North Wind.

Book VI:675-721. One of the winged sons of Boreas and Orithyia. One of the Argonauts.
Bk 7:1-73. Drives away the Harpies.
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